======================================================================== [S] [2016_01_02 18:24:57] 87432849607763: BWUtil.monkeyPatchOpen: Patching open() [S] [2016_01_02 18:24:57] Default encoding set to utf-8 [S] [2016_01_02 18:25:02] ['_c_isPreBattleType', '_c_isSavePoints', '_c_isMyShip', '_c_isModuleHits', '_c_isKillPlanes', '_c_isTopXP', '_c_isKillShips', '_c_isDone', '_c_isDamage', '_c_isAccLevel', '_c_isBattleResult', '_c_isTopGun', '_c_isRibbons', '_c_isAlive', '_c_isBasePoints', '_c_isWeaponHits', '_c_isStartFire', '_c_isLogin', '_c_isBattleType', '_c_isAlways'] [S] [2016_01_02 18:25:02] ['_r_RewardResAdd', '_r_RewardCrew', '_r_RewardResMul', '_r_RewardReward', '_r_RewardNext', '_r_RewardToken', '_r_RewardItem', '_r_RewardShip', '_r_RewardAdd'] [S] [2016_01_02 18:25:02] AccountLevelingProxyClient.__init__ [S] [2016_01_02 18:25:02] AccountLevelingProxy.__init__ [S] [2016_01_02 18:25:07] [INFO] realm_dependent_constants set CURRENT_REALM RU [S] [2016_01_02 18:25:07] GameParams: loading pack ... [S] [2016_01_02 18:25:08] GameParams: numof entries = 2355 [S] [2016_01_02 18:25:08] Ships list: lookup ... [S] [2016_01_02 18:25:08] Ships list: numof ships = 144 [S] [2016_01_02 18:25:08] Ships list: numof buildings = 6 [S] [2016_01_02 18:25:46] precache list ['particles/animated/Block_01.tga', 'particles/animated/Explosion_4X5_cartoon.tga', 'particles/deform/water_spray_wave.tga', 'particles/deform/water_spray_5_defo.tga', 'particles/deform/water_spray_3_defo.tga', 'particles/animated/9_explosion_v19_test.tga', 'particles/animated/Explosion_7X7.tga', 'particles/animated/7_map_8x8_cartoon.tga', 'particles/deform/water_spray_disturbance.tga', 'particles/animated/smoke16x16_cartoon.tga', 'particles/animated/Foam3X3.tga', 'particles/deform/9_gun_wd_v18_foam_test.tga', 'particles/animated/7_map_8x8_v03_test_cartoon.tga', 'particles/animated/9_explosion_v20_test_cartoon.tga', 'particles/animated/fire_explosion_4x4_cartoon.tga', 'particles/animated/flame_8X8.tga', 'particles/animated/Sahara_4x4.tga', 'particles/deform/water_spray_round.tga', 'particles/textures/noise.tga', 'particles/animated/Smoke10X9_cartoon.tga', 'particles/animated/explosion_02.tga', 'particles/animated/Explosion_5X4.tga', 'particles/animated/7_map_8x8_g_v02_test.tga', 'particles/animated/9_explosion_g_v20_test.tga', 'particles/deform/water_ring3.tga', 'particles/animated/aCartoon5_8x8.tga', 'particles/animated/tail_longX20.tga', 'particles/animated/9_smoke_wide_v01_test.tga', 'particles/animated/9_smoke_wide_v01_test_cartoon.tga', 'particles/animated/Clode11x11.tga', 'particles/textures/particles2.dds', 'particles/deform/water_ring1.tga', 'particles/trails/firefly01.tga', 'particles/animated/9_fire_v15_test.tga', 'particles/animated/smoke8X8.tga', 'particles/animated/Wave6x6.tga', 'particles/animated/Explosion4X4.tga', 'particles/animated/7_map_8x8.tga', 'particles/animated/explosion_02_cartoon.tga', 'particles/animated/Smoke3X2.tga', 'particles/animated/9_explosion_v20_test.tga', 'particles/animated/Explosion_5X4_cartoon.tga', 'particles/animated/Explosion_7X7_cartoon.tga', 'particles/animated/Mashine5X5.tga', 'particles/deform/water_spray_4_defo.tga', 'particles/animated/misks5X5.tga', 'particles/animated/Tail6X1.tga', 'particles/animated/Caustic_big5x5.tga', 'particles/deform/water_spray_1_defo.tga', 'particles/animated/aCartoon3_pyro_8x8.tga', 'particles/deform/water_spray_1_defo_inv.tga', 'particles/animated/Explosion3X4.tga', 'particles/animated/9_fire_g_v15_test.tga', 'particles/animated/Clode_6X10.tga', 'particles/animated/9_explosion_g_v19_test.tga', 'particles/animated/7_map_8x8_v03_test.tga', 'particles/animated/Explosion_4X5.tga', 'particles/animated/smoke16x16.tga', 'particles/animated/Drop3X3.tga', 'particles/animated/smoke_8x6.tga', 'particles/deform/9_gun_wd_ss_03_test.tga', 'particles/animated/9_sparkles_v09_test.tga', 'particles/textures/Blood_pink.tga', 'particles/animated/fire_explosion_4x4.tga', 'particles/animated/Foam3X3_1.tga', 'particles/animated/Smoke10X9.tga', 'particles/trails/Trail_Gk.tga', 'particles/trails/Trail_Gk_Enemy.tga', 'particles/trails/Trail_Shell_Hat.tga', 'particles/trails/Trail_Shell_Hat_Enemy.tga', 'particles/trails/Trail_smoke.tga', 'sfx/onGroundExplosion127mm.xml', 'sfx/onWaterExplosion127mm.xml', 'particles/trails/Trail_Gk_HE.tga', 'particles/trails/Trail_Gk_HE_Enemy.tga', 'particles/trails/Trail_Shell_Hat_HE.tga', 'particles/trails/Trail_Shell_Hat_HE_Enemy.tga', 'sfx/onGroundExplosion360mm.xml', 'sfx/onWaterExplosion360mm.xml', 'particles/trails/Trail_Pmk.tga', 'particles/trails/Trail_Pmk_Enemy.tga', 'sfx/onGroundExplosionTorpedo.xml', 'sfx/onShipHitTorpedo.xml', 'sfx/airBomb_ground.xml', 'sfx/airBomb_water.xml', 'sfx/onGroundExplosion200.xml', 'sfx/onWaterExplosion200mm.xml', 'sfx/tracerOwn.xml', '/', '', 'particles/trails/Trail_Plane_Storm_Enemy.tga', 'particles/trails/Trail_Plane_Enemy.tga'] [E] [2016_01_02 18:25:46] Can't open file particles/textures/noise.dds [E] [2016_01_02 18:25:46] Moo::ManagedTexture::load: Can't read texture file 'particles/textures/noise.dds'. [E] [2016_01_02 18:25:47] Can't open file particles/deform/water_ring1.dds [E] [2016_01_02 18:25:47] Moo::ManagedTexture::load: Can't read texture file 'particles/deform/water_ring1.dds'. [E] [2016_01_02 18:25:47] Can't open file particles/textures/Blood_pink.dds [E] [2016_01_02 18:25:47] Moo::ManagedTexture::load: Can't read texture file 'particles/textures/Blood_pink.dds'. [S] [2016_01_02 18:25:48] GlobalClientPriceList.__init__: getHashInfo: 0.0209999084473 [S] [2016_01_02 18:25:48] ['ea16c58f35cebcd4e428ba77372b3086', '5021236c994beb3571735643e5852aae', '74dfe36de791e8406ef2e5945a2725d3', '4b833f6334c25e838c7786808a6ebee9', 'f6eb944d5b06b9f7114b93ac4a847a27'] [S] [2016_01_02 18:25:48] PriceListClient.init [S] [2016_01_02 18:25:48] PriceListClient.__init__ [S] [2016_01_02 18:25:48] CommonClientPriceList.__init__: [S] [2016_01_02 18:25:48] PersonalPriceList.clear: [S] [2016_01_02 18:25:48] SSEProcessorClient.init [S] [2016_01_02 18:25:48] SSECommonProcessor __init__ [S] [2016_01_02 18:25:48] DailyListClient.init [S] [2016_01_02 18:25:48] DailyListClient.__init__ [S] [2016_01_02 18:25:48] CommonDailyList.__cleanup [S] [2016_01_02 18:25:48] Camera.init [S] [2016_01_02 18:25:48] Set QuickCommands Volume 1.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:25:48] Set UI Volume 1.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:25:48] Set Music Volume 1.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:25:48] Set World Volume 1.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:25:48] Set Master Volume 1.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:25:48] Set Engines Volume 1.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:25:48] Set Sound Volume 1.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:25:48] Set Voice Volume 1.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:25:48] self.__listUserFields ['window', 'notUnique', 'context', 'child', 'data', 'artillerGunsLocked', 'torpedoGunsLocked', 'squadronSelected'] [S] [2016_01_02 18:25:49] INIT RLD [S] [2016_01_02 18:25:49] CommandMapping: invalid command name CMD_SWITCH_GKAI [S] [2016_01_02 18:25:49] Warning [CommandMapping]: userPrefs hasn't got keyboardControl [S] [2016_01_02 18:25:49] CommandMapping: duplicated commads: MAP_RECT_ATTENTION MAP_PLANE_ORDER_MOVE True [S] [2016_01_02 18:25:49] CommandMapping: duplicated commads: CMD_QUICK_THANK_YOU CMD_ANTI_TORPEDO_CALIBER True [S] [2016_01_02 18:25:49] CommandMapping: duplicated commads: CMD_ORDER_AIRPLANES CMD_SELECT_AIRPLANES True [S] [2016_01_02 18:25:49] CommandMapping: duplicated commads: MAP_RECT_ATTENTION MAP_PLANE_ORDER_MOVE False [S] [2016_01_02 18:25:49] CommandMapping: duplicated commads: CMD_QUICK_THANK_YOU CMD_ANTI_TORPEDO_CALIBER False [S] [2016_01_02 18:25:49] CommandMapping: duplicated commads: CMD_ORDER_AIRPLANES CMD_SELECT_AIRPLANES False [S] [2016_01_02 18:25:49] AccountLevelingCommon.init [S] [2016_01_02 18:25:55] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: LoginWindow gui.Scaleform.LoginWindow [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:43] ON LOGIN BUTTON [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:46] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: WaitingDialog gui.Scaleform.WaitingDialog [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:46] loginConnectionCallback positive {"security_msg":"old_pass","token2":"5719344:9007779110096255104:129706043490393406829339366119963289721"} LOGGED_ON [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:46] loginConnectionCallback: setting gIsConnected to True [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:47] Account.__init__() [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:47] __init__() Cherep_N [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:47] getHashInfo: 0.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:47] [TRACE] (24343278503595337, 106): PersonalPriceList.getHashInfo: (['d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e'], ['ea16c58f35cebcd4e428ba77372b3086', '5021236c994beb3571735643e5852aae', '74dfe36de791e8406ef2e5945a2725d3', '4b833f6334c25e838c7786808a6ebee9', 'f6eb944d5b06b9f7114b93ac4a847a27']) [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:47] setServerTime -12.9830000401 1451752140 1451752127.02 [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:47] CommonDailyList.onUpdate 1 14 [None, None, None] [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:47] Daily.update: {'rewards': {'addResCR': {'value': '20000'}}, 'pdata': {'isSeen': False, 'timeToChange': 0, 'reward': 'addResCR'}, 'condition': ('torpHits', {'count': '5', 'division': '0', 'countBattle': '0', 'weaponType': 'bomb'}), 'desc': (14, 1, 8, 140, 1)} [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:47] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {3: '20000'}, 'title': 140, 'iconId': 8, 'timeToChange': 0, 'isSeen': False, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 14, 'condition': (6, '0', ('5', 0))} [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:47] [DEBUG] (24343278503594646, 226): onRewardsRestored ('21 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:47] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:47] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:47] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 0. Boxes contents: [{}] [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:47] CommonDailyList.onUpdate 0 32 [None, dailyId 14 type 1 desc {'rewards': {3: '20000'}, 'title': 140, 'iconId': 8, 'timeToChange': 0, 'isSeen': False, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 14, 'condition': (6, '0', ('5', 0))} , None] [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:47] Daily.update: {'rewards': {'addResCR': {'value': '50000'}}, 'pdata': {'count': 2.0, 'isSeen': True, 'timeToChange': 0, 'reward': 'addResCR'}, 'condition': ('killPlanes', {'count': '8', 'division': '0', 'countBattle': '1'}), 'desc': (32, 1, 7, 320, 0)} [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:47] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {3: '50000'}, 'title': 320, 'iconId': 7, 'timeToChange': 0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 32, 'condition': (5, '1', ('8', 2.0))} [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:47] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {3: '20000'}, 'title': 140, 'iconId': 8, 'timeToChange': 0, 'isSeen': False, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 14, 'condition': (6, '0', ('5', 0))} [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:47] CommonDailyList.onUpdate 1 14 [dailyId 32 type 1 desc {'rewards': {3: '50000'}, 'title': 320, 'iconId': 7, 'timeToChange': 0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 32, 'condition': (5, '1', ('8', 2.0))} , dailyId 14 type 1 desc {'rewards': {3: '20000'}, 'title': 140, 'iconId': 8, 'timeToChange': 0, 'isSeen': False, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 14, 'condition': (6, '0', ('5', 0))} , None] [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:47] Daily.update: {'rewards': {'addResCR': {'value': '20000'}}, 'pdata': {'isSeen': False, 'timeToChange': 0, 'reward': 'addResCR'}, 'condition': ('torpHits', {'count': '5', 'division': '0', 'countBattle': '0', 'weaponType': 'bomb'}), 'desc': (14, 1, 8, 140, 1)} [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:47] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {3: '50000'}, 'title': 320, 'iconId': 7, 'timeToChange': 0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 32, 'condition': (5, '1', ('8', 2.0))} [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:47] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {3: '20000'}, 'title': 140, 'iconId': 8, 'timeToChange': 0, 'isSeen': False, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 14, 'condition': (6, '0', ('5', 0))} [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:47] CommonDailyList.onUpdate 2 31 [dailyId 32 type 1 desc {'rewards': {3: '50000'}, 'title': 320, 'iconId': 7, 'timeToChange': 0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 32, 'condition': (5, '1', ('8', 2.0))} , dailyId 14 type 1 desc {'rewards': {3: '20000'}, 'title': 140, 'iconId': 8, 'timeToChange': 0, 'isSeen': False, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 14, 'condition': (6, '0', ('5', 0))} , None] [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:47] Daily.update: {'rewards': {'addResCR': {'value': '50000'}}, 'pdata': {'count': 1.0, 'isSeen': True, 'timeToChange': 0, 'reward': 'addResCR'}, 'condition': ('torpHits', {'count': '4', 'division': '0', 'countBattle': '1'}), 'desc': (31, 1, 6, 310, 2)} [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:47] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {3: '50000'}, 'title': 320, 'iconId': 7, 'timeToChange': 0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 32, 'condition': (5, '1', ('8', 2.0))} [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:47] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {3: '20000'}, 'title': 140, 'iconId': 8, 'timeToChange': 0, 'isSeen': False, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 14, 'condition': (6, '0', ('5', 0))} [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:47] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {3: '50000'}, 'title': 310, 'iconId': 6, 'timeToChange': 0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 2, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 31, 'condition': (6, '1', ('4', 1.0))} [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:47] Available Maps: spaces/i01_tutorial spaces/00_CO_ocean spaces/01_solomon_islands spaces/08_NE_passage spaces/13_OC_new_dawn spaces/10_NE_big_race spaces/14_Atlantic spaces/15_NE_north spaces/17_NA_fault_line spaces/18_NE_ice_islands spaces/34_OC_islands spaces/16_OC_bees_to_honey spaces/19_OC_prey spaces/20_NE_two_brothers spaces/22_tierra_del_fuego spaces/35_NE_north_winter spaces/38_CanadaAvailable Scenarios: MapSetting: mapId=0, mapName='spaces/i01_tutorial', logic='Offline', gameMode='Tutorial', scenario='Default_test', scenarioConfigId=0, matchGroup=tutorial MapSetting: mapId=1, mapName='spaces/00_CO_ocean', logic='Default', gameMode='MegaBase', scenario='MegaBase', scenarioConfigId=1, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=1, mapName='spaces/00_CO_ocean', logic='Default', gameMode='MegaBase', scenario='Skirmish_MegaBase', scenarioConfigId=2, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=1, mapName='spaces/00_CO_ocean', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=3, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=1, mapName='spaces/00_CO_ocean', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Ranked Domination', scenarioConfigId=4, matchGroup=ranked MapSetting: mapId=1, mapName='spaces/00_CO_ocean', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ0', scenarioConfigId=5, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=1, mapName='spaces/00_CO_ocean', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ2', scenarioConfigId=6, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=1, mapName='spaces/00_CO_ocean', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ4', scenarioConfigId=7, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=1, mapName='spaces/00_CO_ocean', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish_Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=8, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=2, mapName='spaces/01_solomon_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination', scenarioConfigId=9, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=2, mapName='spaces/01_solomon_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish Domination', scenarioConfigId=10, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=2, mapName='spaces/01_solomon_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=11, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=2, mapName='spaces/01_solomon_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish_Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=12, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=2, mapName='spaces/01_solomon_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Ranked Domination', scenarioConfigId=13, matchGroup=ranked MapSetting: mapId=2, mapName='spaces/01_solomon_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ0', scenarioConfigId=14, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=2, mapName='spaces/01_solomon_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ2', scenarioConfigId=15, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=2, mapName='spaces/01_solomon_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ4', scenarioConfigId=16, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=3, mapName='spaces/08_NE_passage', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination', scenarioConfigId=17, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=3, mapName='spaces/08_NE_passage', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=18, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=3, mapName='spaces/08_NE_passage', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Ranked Domination', scenarioConfigId=19, matchGroup=ranked MapSetting: mapId=3, mapName='spaces/08_NE_passage', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ4', scenarioConfigId=20, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=3, mapName='spaces/08_NE_passage', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ2', scenarioConfigId=21, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=3, mapName='spaces/08_NE_passage', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ0', scenarioConfigId=22, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=3, mapName='spaces/08_NE_passage', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish Domination', scenarioConfigId=23, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=3, mapName='spaces/08_NE_passage', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish_Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=24, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=4, mapName='spaces/13_OC_new_dawn', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination', scenarioConfigId=25, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=4, mapName='spaces/13_OC_new_dawn', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Ranked Domination', scenarioConfigId=26, matchGroup=ranked MapSetting: mapId=4, mapName='spaces/13_OC_new_dawn', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ0', scenarioConfigId=27, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=4, mapName='spaces/13_OC_new_dawn', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ2', scenarioConfigId=28, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=4, mapName='spaces/13_OC_new_dawn', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ4', scenarioConfigId=29, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=4, mapName='spaces/13_OC_new_dawn', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=30, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=4, mapName='spaces/13_OC_new_dawn', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish Domination', scenarioConfigId=31, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=4, mapName='spaces/13_OC_new_dawn', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish_Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=32, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=5, mapName='spaces/10_NE_big_race', logic='Default', gameMode='SingleBase', scenario='Single Base', scenarioConfigId=33, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=5, mapName='spaces/10_NE_big_race', logic='Default', gameMode='SingleBase', scenario='Skirmish Single Base', scenarioConfigId=34, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=5, mapName='spaces/10_NE_big_race', logic='Default', gameMode='MegaBase', scenario='MegaBase', scenarioConfigId=35, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=5, mapName='spaces/10_NE_big_race', logic='Default', gameMode='MegaBase', scenario='Skirmish_MegaBase', scenarioConfigId=36, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=5, mapName='spaces/10_NE_big_race', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=37, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=5, mapName='spaces/10_NE_big_race', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish_Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=38, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=5, mapName='spaces/10_NE_big_race', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Ranked Domination', scenarioConfigId=39, matchGroup=ranked MapSetting: mapId=5, mapName='spaces/10_NE_big_race', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ0', scenarioConfigId=40, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=5, mapName='spaces/10_NE_big_race', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ2', scenarioConfigId=41, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=5, mapName='spaces/10_NE_big_race', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ4', scenarioConfigId=42, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=6, mapName='spaces/14_Atlantic', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination', scenarioConfigId=43, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=6, mapName='spaces/14_Atlantic', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=44, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=6, mapName='spaces/14_Atlantic', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Ranked Domination', scenarioConfigId=45, matchGroup=ranked MapSetting: mapId=6, mapName='spaces/14_Atlantic', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ0', scenarioConfigId=46, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=6, mapName='spaces/14_Atlantic', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ2', scenarioConfigId=47, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=6, mapName='spaces/14_Atlantic', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ4', scenarioConfigId=48, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=6, mapName='spaces/14_Atlantic', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish Domination', scenarioConfigId=49, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=6, mapName='spaces/14_Atlantic', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish_Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=50, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=7, mapName='spaces/15_NE_north', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination', scenarioConfigId=51, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=7, mapName='spaces/15_NE_north', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=52, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=7, mapName='spaces/15_NE_north', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Ranked Domination', scenarioConfigId=53, matchGroup=ranked MapSetting: mapId=7, mapName='spaces/15_NE_north', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ0', scenarioConfigId=54, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=7, mapName='spaces/15_NE_north', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ2', scenarioConfigId=55, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=7, mapName='spaces/15_NE_north', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ4', scenarioConfigId=56, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=7, mapName='spaces/15_NE_north', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish Domination', scenarioConfigId=57, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=7, mapName='spaces/15_NE_north', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish_Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=58, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=8, mapName='spaces/17_NA_fault_line', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination', scenarioConfigId=59, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=8, mapName='spaces/17_NA_fault_line', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=60, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=8, mapName='spaces/17_NA_fault_line', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Ranked Domination', scenarioConfigId=61, matchGroup=ranked MapSetting: mapId=8, mapName='spaces/17_NA_fault_line', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ4', scenarioConfigId=62, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=8, mapName='spaces/17_NA_fault_line', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ2', scenarioConfigId=63, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=8, mapName='spaces/17_NA_fault_line', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ0', scenarioConfigId=64, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=8, mapName='spaces/17_NA_fault_line', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish Domination', scenarioConfigId=65, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=8, mapName='spaces/17_NA_fault_line', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish_Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=66, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=9, mapName='spaces/18_NE_ice_islands', logic='Default', gameMode='SingleBase', scenario='Single Base', scenarioConfigId=67, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=9, mapName='spaces/18_NE_ice_islands', logic='Default', gameMode='MegaBase', scenario='MegaBase', scenarioConfigId=68, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=9, mapName='spaces/18_NE_ice_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination', scenarioConfigId=69, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=9, mapName='spaces/18_NE_ice_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=70, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=9, mapName='spaces/18_NE_ice_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Ranked Domination', scenarioConfigId=71, matchGroup=ranked MapSetting: mapId=9, mapName='spaces/18_NE_ice_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ0', scenarioConfigId=72, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=9, mapName='spaces/18_NE_ice_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ2', scenarioConfigId=73, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=9, mapName='spaces/18_NE_ice_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ4', scenarioConfigId=74, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=9, mapName='spaces/18_NE_ice_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish Domination', scenarioConfigId=75, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=9, mapName='spaces/18_NE_ice_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish_Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=76, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=9, mapName='spaces/18_NE_ice_islands', logic='Default', gameMode='SingleBase', scenario='Skirmish Single Base', scenarioConfigId=77, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=9, mapName='spaces/18_NE_ice_islands', logic='Default', gameMode='MegaBase', scenario='Skirmish_MegaBase', scenarioConfigId=78, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=10, mapName='spaces/34_OC_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=79, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=10, mapName='spaces/34_OC_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination', scenarioConfigId=80, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=10, mapName='spaces/34_OC_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish Domination', scenarioConfigId=81, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=10, mapName='spaces/34_OC_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish_Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=82, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=11, mapName='spaces/16_OC_bees_to_honey', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination', scenarioConfigId=83, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=11, mapName='spaces/16_OC_bees_to_honey', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=84, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=11, mapName='spaces/16_OC_bees_to_honey', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Ranked Domination', scenarioConfigId=85, matchGroup=ranked MapSetting: mapId=11, mapName='spaces/16_OC_bees_to_honey', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ0', scenarioConfigId=86, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=11, mapName='spaces/16_OC_bees_to_honey', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ2', scenarioConfigId=87, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=11, mapName='spaces/16_OC_bees_to_honey', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ4', scenarioConfigId=88, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=11, mapName='spaces/16_OC_bees_to_honey', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish Domination', scenarioConfigId=89, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=11, mapName='spaces/16_OC_bees_to_honey', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish_Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=90, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=12, mapName='spaces/19_OC_prey', logic='Default', gameMode='MegaBase', scenario='MegaBase', scenarioConfigId=91, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=12, mapName='spaces/19_OC_prey', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination', scenarioConfigId=92, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=12, mapName='spaces/19_OC_prey', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Ranked Domination', scenarioConfigId=93, matchGroup=ranked MapSetting: mapId=12, mapName='spaces/19_OC_prey', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ0', scenarioConfigId=94, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=12, mapName='spaces/19_OC_prey', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ2', scenarioConfigId=95, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=12, mapName='spaces/19_OC_prey', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ4', scenarioConfigId=96, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=12, mapName='spaces/19_OC_prey', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish Domination', scenarioConfigId=97, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=12, mapName='spaces/19_OC_prey', logic='Default', gameMode='MegaBase', scenario='Skirmish_MegaBase', scenarioConfigId=98, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=13, mapName='spaces/20_NE_two_brothers', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination', scenarioConfigId=99, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=13, mapName='spaces/20_NE_two_brothers', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=100, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=13, mapName='spaces/20_NE_two_brothers', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish Domination', scenarioConfigId=101, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=13, mapName='spaces/20_NE_two_brothers', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish_Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=102, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=14, mapName='spaces/22_tierra_del_fuego', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination', scenarioConfigId=103, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=14, mapName='spaces/22_tierra_del_fuego', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=104, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=14, mapName='spaces/22_tierra_del_fuego', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Ranked Domination', scenarioConfigId=105, matchGroup=ranked MapSetting: mapId=14, mapName='spaces/22_tierra_del_fuego', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ0', scenarioConfigId=106, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=14, mapName='spaces/22_tierra_del_fuego', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ2', scenarioConfigId=107, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=14, mapName='spaces/22_tierra_del_fuego', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ4', scenarioConfigId=108, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=14, mapName='spaces/22_tierra_del_fuego', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish Domination', scenarioConfigId=109, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=14, mapName='spaces/22_tierra_del_fuego', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish_Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=110, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=15, mapName='spaces/35_NE_north_winter', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination', scenarioConfigId=111, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=15, mapName='spaces/35_NE_north_winter', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=112, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=15, mapName='spaces/35_NE_north_winter', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Ranked Domination', scenarioConfigId=113, matchGroup=ranked MapSetting: mapId=15, mapName='spaces/35_NE_north_winter', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ0', scenarioConfigId=114, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=15, mapName='spaces/35_NE_north_winter', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ2', scenarioConfigId=115, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=15, mapName='spaces/35_NE_north_winter', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ4', scenarioConfigId=116, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=15, mapName='spaces/35_NE_north_winter', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish Domination', scenarioConfigId=117, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=15, mapName='spaces/35_NE_north_winter', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish_Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=118, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=16, mapName='spaces/38_Canada', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination', scenarioConfigId=119, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=16, mapName='spaces/38_Canada', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=120, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=16, mapName='spaces/38_Canada', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Ranked Domination', scenarioConfigId=121, matchGroup=ranked MapSetting: mapId=16, mapName='spaces/38_Canada', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ0', scenarioConfigId=122, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=16, mapName='spaces/38_Canada', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ2', scenarioConfigId=123, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=16, mapName='spaces/38_Canada', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ4', scenarioConfigId=124, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=16, mapName='spaces/38_Canada', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish Domination', scenarioConfigId=125, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=16, mapName='spaces/38_Canada', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish_Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=126, matchGroup=pve [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:47] initBattleTypes called [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:47] Disabled maps: [] [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:47] DockProxy.onGetRankBattlesPlayerInfo season 2 playerInfo = None starsReasons = [] [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:47] getNationForTutorial() CanBeStarted: False [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:47] [DEBUG] (24343278503594646, 226): onGetAchievements ('266 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:47] [DEBUG] (24343278503594646, 226): onGetSystemMessage ('124 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:47] [DEBUG] (24343278503594646, 226): onGetPrices ('64 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:47] [DEBUG] (24343278503594646, 19): onGetPrices ('num = 4',) [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:47] [DEBUG] (24343278503594646, 226): onGetAccountStats ('616 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:47] __processDossierStats() client dossier: ['pvp', 'pve_diag', 'pvp_diag', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'max_pve', 'rank_diag', 'pve', 'max_pvp', 'total'] [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:47] AccountLevelingProxy.onGetAccountStats(): (-1, -1) (11, 218223) [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:47] StatsProxy.onGetAccountStats() {'accSeen': 11, 'dossier': 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'denunciationsLeft': 5, 'tkillIsSuspected': False, 'accTier': 11, 'accSeenFeat': 246058, 'praisesLeft': 5, 'accPoints': 218223, 'karma': 0} [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] [DEBUG] (24343278503594646, 226): receiveActionsAdd ('1674 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] actionsAdd {'tasks': {'15122001': {'rewards': {('_r_RewardResAdd', 0): {'count': 1000000, 'total': False, 'type': 0}, ('_r_RewardNext', 1): {'nextId': '15122002', 'total': False}}, 'stop': 1456725600.0, 'start': 1451628000.0, 'limit': 1, 'conditions': {('_c_isKillShips', 2): {'count': 30, 'shipInfo': {'class': ['Cruiser']}}, ('_c_isMyShip', 1): {'shipInfo': {'level': [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]}}, ('_c_isBattleType', 0): {'battleType': [0]}}, 'desc': {'isSingle': 0, 'name': {'ru': u'\u0412\u044b\u0437\u043e\u0432: Kong\u014d'}, 'iconId': 34, 'until': 1456876800.0, 'limit': 1, 'hidden': 0, 'id': '15122001', 'stepped': 0}}, '15122003': {'rewards': {('_r_RewardItem', 0): {'count': 1, 'total': False, 'idx': 4285714352L}, ('_r_RewardShip', 1): {'total': True, 'shipId': 3555669712L, 'level': 1}}, 'stop': 1456725600.0, 'start': 1451628000.0, 'limit': 1, 'conditions': {('_c_isDamage', 3): {'count': 1000000, 'shipInfo': None}, ('_c_isBattleType', 1): {'battleType': [0]}, ('_c_isDone', 0): {'id': '15122002'}, ('_c_isMyShip', 2): {'shipInfo': {'level': [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]}}}, 'desc': {'isSingle': 0, 'name': {'ru': u'\u0412\u044b\u0437\u043e\u0432: Kong\u014d'}, 'iconId': 34, 'until': 1456876800.0, 'limit': 1, 'hidden': 0, 'id': '15122003', 'stepped': 1}}, '15122002': {'rewards': {('_r_RewardResAdd', 0): {'count': 5000, 'total': False, 'type': 16}, ('_r_RewardNext', 1): {'nextId': '15122003', 'total': False}}, 'stop': 1456725600.0, 'start': 1451628000.0, 'limit': 1, 'conditions': {('_c_isKillPlanes', 3): {'count': 150}, ('_c_isDone', 0): {'id': '15122001'}, ('_c_isBattleType', 1): {'battleType': [0]}, ('_c_isMyShip', 2): {'shipInfo': {'level': [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]}}}, 'desc': {'isSingle': 0, 'name': {'ru': u'\u0412\u044b\u0437\u043e\u0432: Kong\u014d'}, 'iconId': 34, 'until': 1456876800.0, 'limit': 1, 'hidden': 0, 'id': '15122002', 'stepped': 1}}, '15122005': {'rewards': {('_r_RewardItem', 0): {'count': 25, 'total': False, 'idx': 4289556400L}, ('_r_RewardItem', 2): {'count': 25, 'total': False, 'idx': 4292800432L}, ('_r_RewardItem', 1): {'count': 25, 'total': False, 'idx': 4287459248L}, ('_r_RewardNext', 3): {'nextId': '15122006', 'total': False}}, 'stop': 1456725600.0, 'start': 1451628000.0, 'limit': 1, 'conditions': {('_c_isStartFire', 3): {'count': 300, 'shipInfo': None}, ('_c_isBattleType', 1): {'battleType': [0]}, ('_c_isDone', 0): {'id': '15122004'}, ('_c_isMyShip', 2): {'shipInfo': {'level': [6, 7, 8, 9, 10]}}}, 'desc': {'isSingle': 0, 'name': {'ru': u'\u0412\u044b\u0437\u043e\u0432: Myoko'}, 'iconId': 35, 'until': 1456876800.0, 'limit': 1, 'hidden': 0, 'id': '15122005', 'stepped': 1}}, '15122004': {'rewards': {('_r_RewardItem', 0): {'count': 25, 'total': False, 'idx': 4293750704L}, ('_r_RewardItem', 2): {'count': 25, 'total': False, 'idx': 4293849008L}, ('_r_RewardItem', 1): {'count': 25, 'total': False, 'idx': 4291653552L}, ('_r_RewardNext', 3): {'nextId': '15122005', 'total': False}}, 'stop': 1456725600.0, 'start': 1451628000.0, 'limit': 1, 'conditions': {('_c_isKillShips', 2): {'count': 30, 'shipInfo': {'class': ['Destroyer']}}, ('_c_isMyShip', 1): {'shipInfo': {'level': [6, 7, 8, 9, 10]}}, ('_c_isBattleType', 0): {'battleType': [0]}}, 'desc': {'isSingle': 0, 'name': {'ru': u'\u0412\u044b\u0437\u043e\u0432: Myoko'}, 'iconId': 35, 'until': 1456876800.0, 'limit': 1, 'hidden': 0, 'id': '15122004', 'stepped': 0}}, '15122006': {'rewards': {('_r_RewardItem', 0): {'count': 1, 'total': False, 'idx': 4285714352L}, ('_r_RewardShip', 1): {'total': True, 'shipId': 3555636944L, 'level': 1}}, 'stop': 1456725600.0, 'start': 1451628000.0, 'limit': 1, 'conditions': {('_c_isDamage', 3): {'count': 1000000, 'shipInfo': None}, ('_c_isBattleType', 1): {'battleType': 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8, 9, 10]}}}, 'desc': {'isSingle': 0, 'name': {'ru': u'\u0420\u0435\u0448\u0430\u044e\u0449\u0430\u044f \u0441\u0445\u0432\u0430\u0442\u043a\u0430'}, 'iconId': 24, 'until': 1452643200.0, 'limit': 1, 'hidden': 0, 'id': '15121803', 'stepped': 1}}, '15121804': {'rewards': {('_r_RewardResMul', 0): {'total': False, 'type': 21, 'coef': 3.0}}, 'stop': 1452490200.0, 'start': 1451025000.0, 'limit': 0, 'conditions': {('_c_isBattleResult', 2): {'battleResult': 'win'}, ('_c_isMyShip', 1): {'shipInfo': {'ids': ['PGSC502_Emden_1908']}}, ('_c_isBattleType', 0): {'battleType': [2]}}, 'desc': {'isSingle': 1, 'name': {'ru': u'\u0411\u043e\u0435\u0432\u044b\u0435 \u0443\u0447\u0435\u043d\u0438\u044f'}, 'iconId': 3, 'until': 1452643200.0, 'limit': 0, 'hidden': 0, 'id': '15121804', 'stepped': 0}}}, 'events': {}} [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] isDone id 15122001 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] SSETask init id 15122001 task rewards {} [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] _c_isBattleType: [0] [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] _c_isMyShip: _IsShip: {'level': [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]} [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] None [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] _c_isKillShips: 30 _IsShip: {'class': ['Cruiser']} [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] None [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] _c_isDone: 15122002 [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] _c_isBattleType: [0] [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] _c_isMyShip: _IsShip: {'level': [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]} [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] None [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] _c_isDamage: 1000000 _IsShip: None [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] None [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] _c_isDone: 15122001 [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] _c_isBattleType: [0] [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] _c_isMyShip: _IsShip: {'level': [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]} [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] None [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] _c_isKillPlanes: 150 [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] isDone id 15122004 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] SSETask init id 15122004 task rewards {} [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] _c_isDone: 15122004 [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] _c_isBattleType: [0] [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] _c_isMyShip: _IsShip: {'level': [6, 7, 8, 9, 10]} [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] None [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] _c_isStartFire: 300 _IsShip: None [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] None [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] _c_isBattleType: [0] [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] _c_isMyShip: _IsShip: {'level': [6, 7, 8, 9, 10]} [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] None [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] _c_isKillShips: 30 _IsShip: {'class': ['Destroyer']} [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] None [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] _c_isDone: 15122005 [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] _c_isBattleType: [0] [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] _c_isMyShip: _IsShip: {'level': [6, 7, 8, 9, 10]} [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] None [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] _c_isDamage: 1000000 _IsShip: None [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] None [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] isDone id 15121801 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] SSETask init id 15121801 task rewards {} [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] _c_isBattleType: [0] [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] _c_isMyShip: _IsShip: {'level': [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]} [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] None [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] _c_isKillShips: 10 _IsShip: None [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] None [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] _c_isDone: 15121801 [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] _c_isBattleType: [0] [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] _c_isMyShip: _IsShip: {'level': [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]} [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] None [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] _c_isDamage: 300000 _IsShip: None [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] None [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] _c_isDone: 15121802 [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] _c_isBattleType: [0] [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] _c_isMyShip: _IsShip: {'level': [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]} [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] None [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] _c_isStartFire: 20 _IsShip: None [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] None [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] _r_RewardResMul.getContainerData {'total': False, 'type': 21, 'coef': 3.0} [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] isDone id 15121804 count 0 limit 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] SSETask init id 15121804 task rewards {} [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] _c_isBattleType: [2] [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] _c_isMyShip: _IsShip: {'ids': ['PGSC502_Emden_1908']} [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] None [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] _c_isBattleResult: win [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] [DEBUG] (24343278503594646, 226): receiveActionsProgress ('152 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] __updateTaskProgress start: {'15122001': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '15122003': {'count': 0, 3: {'count': 0}}, '15122002': {'count': 0, 3: {'count': 0}}, '15122005': {'count': 0, 3: {'count': 0}}, '15122004': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '15122006': {'count': 0, 3: {'count': 0}}, '15121801': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '15121802': {'count': 0, 3: {'count': 0}}, '15121803': {'count': 0, 3: {'count': 0}}, '15121804': {'count': 0}} [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] step id: 15122001 progress {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}} [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] isDone id 15122001 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] isDone id 15122001 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] isDone id 15122001 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] isDone id 15122003 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] isDone id 15122002 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] step id: 15122003 progress {'count': 0, 3: {'count': 0}} [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] isDone id 15122003 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] isDone id 15122001 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] isDone id 15122001 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] isDone id 15122003 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] isDone id 15122002 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] step id: 15122002 progress {'count': 0, 3: {'count': 0}} [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] isDone id 15122002 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] isDone id 15122001 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] isDone id 15122001 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] isDone id 15122003 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] isDone id 15122002 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] step id: 15122005 progress {'count': 0, 3: {'count': 0}} [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] isDone id 15122005 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] isDone id 15122004 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] isDone id 15122005 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] isDone id 15122004 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] isDone id 15122006 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] step id: 15122004 progress {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}} [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] isDone id 15122004 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] isDone id 15122004 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] isDone id 15122005 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] isDone id 15122004 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] isDone id 15122006 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] step id: 15122006 progress {'count': 0, 3: {'count': 0}} [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] isDone id 15122006 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] isDone id 15122004 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] isDone id 15122005 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] isDone id 15122004 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] isDone id 15122006 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] step id: 15121801 progress {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}} [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] isDone id 15121801 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] isDone id 15121801 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] isDone id 15121801 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] isDone id 15121802 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] isDone id 15121803 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] step id: 15121802 progress {'count': 0, 3: {'count': 0}} [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] isDone id 15121802 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] isDone id 15121801 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] isDone id 15121801 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] isDone id 15121802 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] isDone id 15121803 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] step id: 15121803 progress {'count': 0, 3: {'count': 0}} [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] isDone id 15121803 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] isDone id 15121801 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] isDone id 15121801 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] isDone id 15121802 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] isDone id 15121803 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] step id: 15121804 progress {'count': 0} [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] isDone id 15121804 count 0 limit 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] isDone id 15121804 count 0 limit 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] isDone id 15121804 count 0 limit 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] [DEBUG] (24343278503594646, 226): onGetRankBattlesInfo ('843 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] onGetRankBattlesInfo currentSeason: 2, PlayerInfo: None [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] onGetRankDossier() seasonId = 2 Empty [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:48] [DEBUG] (24343278503594646, 226): onGetClientSettings ('332 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:49] [DEBUG] (24343278503594646, 226): receiveState ('4422 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:49] >>> DockProxy.receiveState [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:49] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:49] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:49] DockProxy.updateShips(): 33 ships: [('PASB001_Michigan_1916', True), ('PASB013_Arkansas_1912', True), ('PASC001_Erie_1936', False), ('PASC002_Chester_1908', False), ('PASC003_Albany_1898', True), ('PASC004_St_Louis_1906', False), ('PASC005_Omaha_1923', False), ('PASC006_Atlanta_1942', False), ('PASC024_Phoenix_1917', True), ('PASD002_Sampson_1917', False), ('PASD019_Clemson_1920', True), ('PASD027_Wickes_1918', False), ('PBSB002_Warspite_1941', False), ('PGSC001_Hermelin_1940', False), ('PGSC002_Drezden_1908', False), ('PGSC103_Kolberg', False), ('PGSC104_Karlsruhe', True), ('PGSC502_Emden_1908', False), ('PJSB001_Kawachi_1912', True), ('PJSB008_Ishizuchi_1921', False), ('PJSC013_Kuma_1938', True), ('PJSC015_Tatsuta_1919', False), ('PJSC035_Chikuma_1912', False), ('PJSC037_Hashidate_1940', False), ('PJSC038_Atago_1944', False), ('PJSD002_Umikaze_1925', False), ('PJSD003_Isokaze_1917', True), ('PJSD024_Wakatake_1923', False), ('PRSC001_Avrora_1917', False), ('PRSC003_Murmansk_1944', False), ('PRSC101_Orlan', False), ('PRSD102_SM_Storojevoy', False), ('PRSD103_Derzky', True)] [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:49] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:49] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:49] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:49] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:49] [DEBUG] (24343278503594646, 18): onGetSystemMessage (1, [{'importance': 2L, 'typeId': 9L, 'dt': 1451752140.0, 'postponed': True, 'data': {'assetType': 4, 'data': {'credits': 304500}}}]) [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:49] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:49] >>> receiveChanges {'premium': 86400} [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:49] setServerTime -13.5650000572 1451752143 1451752129.43 [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:49] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:49] [DEBUG] (24343278503594717, 19): ClientLobbySpace is creating [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:49] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:50] Can't send FPS data: it's empty [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:50] GameServerMessenger().getInitParams() called [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:50] [TRACE] (24343278503595215, 30): Xmpp chat params received: ({'xmpp_std_rooms_svc': 'standard.wowsru.loc', 'account_id': 5719344, 'xmpp_host': 'wowsru.loc', 'xmpp_user_rooms_svc': 'user-rooms.wowsru.loc', 'xmpp_connections': [('xmpp-wows-ru.wargaming.net', 5222)], 'xmpp_resource': 'wows', 'xmpp_alt_connections': [('xmpp-wows-ru.wargaming.net', 5333)], 'xmpp_specific_rooms_svc': 'user-special.wowsru.loc'},) [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:50] [TRACE] (24343278503595215, 79): Xmpp chat: token requested [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:50] ping&FPS: 0.32185199431 0.001 0 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:50] ping&FPS: 0.296598370586 203.932280007 0 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:50] ping&FPS: 0.271905745779 132.932281319 0 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:50] ping&FPS: 0.249574627195 145.932283829 0 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:50] [DEBUG] (24343278503594646, 22): Xmpp chat token received: (5719344L, 87354906) [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:51] ping&FPS: 0.229575152908 156.932285349 0 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:51] ping&FPS: 0.209377761398 349.932296153 0 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:52] ping&FPS: 0.196390773569 750.932283278 0 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:52] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: Dock gui.Scaleform.Dock [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:52] isDone id 15122001 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:52] isDone id 15121801 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:52] isDone id 15121804 count 0 limit 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:52] isDone id 15122005 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:52] ('[WWSD-43797] Dock.py updateShipSelection. shipId: ', 4291704528L, ', shipIdForModuleInset: ', 4291704528L) [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:52] [DBUG WWSD-40746] self.__requestedShipId 4291704528 [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:52] isDone id 15122001 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:52] isDone id 15121801 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:52] isDone id 15121804 count 0 limit 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:52] isDone id 15122005 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:52] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:52] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:52] ping&FPS: 0.18560060433 680.932277556 0 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:54] ping&FPS: 0.177599679146 1226.93224585 0 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:54] [DEBUG] (24343278503595215, 61): XmppChatHandler.onConnect [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:54] [DEBUG] (24343278503595215, 9): XmppChatHandler.handleRoster() ([],) [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:54] groups: {} [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:54] users: {} [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:54] [DEBUG] (24343278503595215, 9): handleBanInfo: ({'banId': '', 'reason': '', 'expiry': -1L},) [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:54] [DEBUG] (24343278503595215, 15): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence() ('5719344@wowsru.loc/wows', 'Cherep_N', 0) [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:54] [DEBUG] (24343278503595215, 12): XmppChatHandler.handleChannelList(): group (5, []) [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:54] [DEBUG] (24343278503595215, 12): XmppChatHandler.handleChannelList(): group (2, []) [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:54] [DEBUG] (24343278503595215, 12): XmppChatHandler.handleChannelList(): group (3, []) [S] [2016_01_02 18:28:54] [DEBUG] (24343278503595215, 12): XmppChatHandler.handleChannelList(): group (1, [('ids_chat_channel_offtop@standard.wowsru.loc', 'IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_OFFTOP', 4), ('ids_chat_channel_questions@standard.wowsru.loc', 'IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_QUESTIONS', 4), ('ids_chat_channel_search_div@standard.wowsru.loc', 'IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_SEARCH_DIV', 4), ('wargamingfm@standard.wowsru.loc', 'WargamingFM \xd0\x9a\xd0\xbe\xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb1\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb8', 4)]) [S] [2016_01_02 18:29:10] ping&FPS: 0.0591517346246 217.932607617 0 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:29:10] ping&FPS: 0.0661027835948 225.932612996 0 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:29:11] start check ATBA [S] [2016_01_02 18:29:11] end check ATBA [S] [2016_01_02 18:29:11] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2016_01_02 18:29:20] ping&FPS: 0.051654319678 230.932840216 0 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:29:24] ping&FPS: 0.0616134362561 272.932911757 0 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:29:24] ping&FPS: 0.0679623889072 321.932916108 0 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:29:24] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: GameMenu gui.Scaleform.GameMenu [S] [2016_01_02 18:29:27] ping&FPS: 0.0566222327096 399.932970333 0 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:29:27] [DEBUG] (24343278503595055, 251): max resolution : 1280 / 1024 [S] [2016_01_02 18:29:27] [DEBUG] (24343278503595055, 318): aspect ratio : 1.250000 [S] [2016_01_02 18:29:27] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: OptionsWindow gui.Scaleform.OptionsWindow [S] [2016_01_02 18:29:27] Set UI Volume 5.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:29:27] Set Engines Volume 5.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:29:27] Set Voice Volume 5.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:29:27] Set Sound Volume 5.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:29:27] Set Music Volume 5.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:29:27] Set Master Volume 5.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:29:27] Set World Volume 5.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:29:27] Set QuickCommands Volume 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:29:27] Set UI Volume 1.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:29:27] Set Music Volume 1.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:29:27] Set World Volume 1.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:29:27] Set Master Volume 1.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:29:27] Set Engines Volume 1.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:29:27] Set Sound Volume 1.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:29:27] Set Voice Volume 1.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:29:27] ping&FPS: 0.0463957520468 475.9329633 0 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:29:28] ping&FPS: 0.0501311974866 281.932968545 0 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:29:37] ping&FPS: 0.0483704241259 845.933150026 0 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:29:38] ping&FPS: 0.050665270005 234.93314943 0 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:29:40] ping&FPS: 0.0487902121884 286.933185566 0 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:29:40] ping&FPS: 0.0450845765216 277.933182705 0 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:29:40] ping&FPS: 0.0535720246179 262.933194149 0 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:29:41] ping&FPS: 0.0509788425905 478.933196295 0 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:29:41] ping&FPS: 0.0593901085002 433.933181751 0 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:29:43] ping&FPS: 0.0521521004183 279.933220449 0 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:29:44] ping&FPS: 0.0511519642813 449.93322343 0 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:29:47] ping&FPS: 0.0560606377465 313.933305118 0 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:29:47] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: ModalWindowSelectPort gui.Scaleform.lobby.ModalWindowSelectPort [S] [2016_01_02 18:29:56] ping&FPS: 0.0652015911681 452.933513361 0 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:30:04] ping&FPS: 0.0501137482268 208.933661188 0 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:30:04] ping&FPS: 0.0584924327476 222.933666076 0 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:30:04] ping&FPS: 0.056705560003 326.933671738 0 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:30:12] ping&FPS: 0.054330806647 244.933823566 0 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:30:12] ping&FPS: 0.0560689823968 257.933809976 0 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:30:13] ping&FPS: 0.0515156122191 249.933832462 0 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:30:24] ping&FPS: 0.0513967903597 528.934056531 0 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:30:24] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_01_02 18:30:24] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_01_02 18:30:28] ping&FPS: 0.0636915521962 398.934128601 0 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:30:52] ping&FPS: 0.0512143479926 451.934677671 0 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:30:52] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_01_02 18:30:52] ping&FPS: 0.055697660361 243.934674825 0 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:30:54] ping&FPS: 0.061639125858 212.934706438 0 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:31:00] ping&FPS: 0.0587715911014 226.934858936 0 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:31:00] ping&FPS: 0.0698298918349 266.934865448 0 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:31:03] ping&FPS: 0.0654445844037 425.934926461 0 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:31:06] ping&FPS: 0.0666291373117 279.935002218 0 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:31:07] ping&FPS: 0.0621572392327 209.9350322 0 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:31:16] ping&FPS: 0.0524721326573 213.935234304 0 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:31:21] ping&FPS: 0.0596879529102 239.935356508 0 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:31:27] ping&FPS: 0.0525695266468 288.935470592 0 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:31:32] ('[WWSD-43797] Dock.py updateShipSelection. shipId: ', 4185831216L, ', shipIdForModuleInset: ', 4185831216L) [S] [2016_01_02 18:31:32] [DBUG WWSD-40746] self.__requestedShipId 4185831216 [S] [2016_01_02 18:31:32] isDone id 15122001 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:31:32] isDone id 15121801 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:31:32] isDone id 15121804 count 0 limit 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:31:32] isDone id 15122005 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:31:32] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_01_02 18:31:32] ping&FPS: 0.0464015262468 205.935573879 0 0 [E] [2016_01_02 18:31:32] CollisionModel::load: Error loading collision model content/gameplay/germany/ship/cruiser/GSC005_Karlsruhe_1916/GSC005_Karlsruhe_1916_MidBack! [S] [2016_01_02 18:31:32] ping&FPS: 0.0424190121038 351.935571972 0 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:31:32] ping&FPS: 0.0424076648695 220.935579601 0 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:31:33] start check ATBA [S] [2016_01_02 18:31:33] end check ATBA [S] [2016_01_02 18:31:33] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2016_01_02 18:31:35] ('[WWSD-43797] Dock.py updateShipSelection. shipId: ', 4185831216L, ', shipIdForModuleInset: ', 4185831216L) [S] [2016_01_02 18:31:35] isDone id 15122001 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:31:35] isDone id 15121801 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:31:35] isDone id 15121804 count 0 limit 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:31:35] isDone id 15122005 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:31:35] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_01_02 18:31:36] ping&FPS: 0.0454185189945 581.935663249 0 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:31:36] [DEBUG] (24343278503594945, 183): ExternalInterfaceCallback "ControllerResearchModuleInset.ready" not found ((0,),) [S] [2016_01_02 18:31:36] [DEBUG] (24343278503594945, 193): [S] [2016_01_02 18:31:38] ping&FPS: 0.0510476710541 2000.93567273 0 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:31:43] ping&FPS: 0.0565646844251 212.935781072 0 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:31:54] ping&FPS: 0.0535279469831 276.936022747 0 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:31:55] ('[WWSD-43797] Dock.py updateShipSelection. shipId: ', 4185831216L, ', shipIdForModuleInset: ', 4185831216L) [S] [2016_01_02 18:31:55] isDone id 15122001 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:31:55] isDone id 15121801 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:31:55] isDone id 15121804 count 0 limit 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:31:55] isDone id 15122005 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:31:55] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_01_02 18:31:55] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2016_01_02 18:31:56] ping&FPS: 0.0543346660478 404.936033476 0 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:31:58] ping&FPS: 0.0468524353845 349.936075817 0 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:31:58] ping&FPS: 0.0549837606294 257.936073403 0 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:31:59] ping&FPS: 0.0536019461496 202.936100345 0 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:32:03] isDone id 15122001 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:32:03] isDone id 15121801 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:32:03] isDone id 15121804 count 0 limit 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:32:03] isDone id 15122005 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:32:03] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_01_02 18:32:03] isDone id 15122001 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:32:03] isDone id 15121801 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:32:03] isDone id 15121804 count 0 limit 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:32:03] isDone id 15122005 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:32:03] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_01_02 18:32:09] ping&FPS: 0.0621081399066 426.936313185 0 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:32:13] enqueue(): [S] [2016_01_02 18:32:13] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4185831216 4 [S] [2016_01_02 18:32:13] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_01_02 18:32:13] onEnqueued() QueueType: 1 ShipId: 4185831216 [S] [2016_01_02 18:32:13] ping&FPS: 0.0492675112826 415.936401832 0 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:32:15] ping&FPS: 0.0532254757626 1851.93645208 0 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:32:15] onPrepareingForBattle() [S] [2016_01_02 18:32:15] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4185831216 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:32:15] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_01_02 18:32:15] onGameRoomStateInit mapIdx = 3 battleType = 98 gameMode = Domination duration=1200 [S] [2016_01_02 18:32:15] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: RandomBattle gui.Scaleform.RandomBattle [S] [2016_01_02 18:32:19] ping&FPS: 0.0614676134927 239.936532746 0 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:32:22] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2016_01_02 18:32:22] [DEBUG] (24343278503594717, 6): Lobby destroy started. [S] [2016_01_02 18:32:23] [DEBUG] (24343278503594717, 285): Lobby successfully destroyed. [S] [2016_01_02 18:32:23] Thresholds for team 0: Win: 910 Lose: 130 [S] [2016_01_02 18:32:23] Thresholds for team 1: Win: 910 Lose: 130 [S] [2016_01_02 18:32:23] MissionsComponent: #0 ControlPointHoldMission; reward = 0; penalty = 0; controlPoints = [1, 5]; delay = 0; repeat = 6; repeatReward = 2; repeatPenalty = 0 #1 CaptureControlPointMission; reward = 1000; penalty = 0; controlPoints = [1, 5] #2 KillEnemyOfSpecificShipTypeMission; reward = 30; penalty = 45; shipType = Destroyer; rewardPerType = 0; penaltyPerType = 0 #3 KillEnemyOfSpecificShipTypeMission; reward = 35; penalty = 50; shipType = Cruiser; rewardPerType = 0; penaltyPerType = 0 #4 KillEnemyOfSpecificShipTypeMission; reward = 40; penalty = 60; shipType = Battleship; rewardPerType = 0; penaltyPerType = 0 #5 KillEnemyOfSpecificShipTypeMission; reward = 45; penalty = 65; shipType = AirCarrier; rewardPerType = 0; penaltyPerType = 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:32:23] Mission tasks available! [S] [2016_01_02 18:32:23] Battle waiting start: 5.0 / 393.085008055 [S] [2016_01_02 18:32:23] Avatar.receiveAvatarInfo: {'evaluationsLeft': {0: 5, 1: 5}} [S] [2016_01_02 18:32:23] Avatar.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:32:23] name Cherep_N [S] [2016_01_02 18:32:23] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:32:23] Avatar onControlled False [S] [2016_01_02 18:32:23] onControlled->False: not implemented [S] [2016_01_02 18:32:24] onGeometryMapped() MapName: 08_NE_passage [S] [2016_01_02 18:32:24] teamBuildType: 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:32:24] player: Id: 12823040 Name: AsmusvonNashorn TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB004_Arkansas_1912' [S] [2016_01_02 18:32:24] player: Id: 12225420 Name: DmitryMihailov TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASC005_Omaha_1923' [S] [2016_01_02 18:32:24] player: Id: 12819341 Name: Novoros14 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASA002_Bogue_1942' [S] [2016_01_02 18:32:24] player: Id: 12633366 Name: kerch_forever TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB004_Arkansas_1912' [S] [2016_01_02 18:32:24] player: Id: 11902488 Name: oO_Gang_Oo TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSA006_Zuiho_1944' [S] [2016_01_02 18:32:24] player: Id: 12974751 Name: kozlov_ivan89 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSC104_Karlsruhe' [S] [2016_01_02 18:32:24] player: Id: 12590373 Name: vlad_10_0_0 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASC024_Phoenix_1917' [S] [2016_01_02 18:32:24] player: Id: 13103654 Name: __SteelHeart__ TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSC015_Tatsuta_1919' [S] [2016_01_02 18:32:24] player: Id: 11343919 Name: 2man54 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSD104_Izyaslav' [S] [2016_01_02 18:32:24] player: Id: 10946738 Name: igorek696 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSC105_Konigsberg' [S] [2016_01_02 18:32:24] player: Id: 12699447 Name: koka61 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASC004_St_Louis_1906' [S] [2016_01_02 18:32:24] player: Id: 12334266 Name: _uralmash__ TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSA006_Zuiho_1944' [S] [2016_01_02 18:32:24] player: Id: 13831366 Name: Cherep_N TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSC104_Karlsruhe' [S] [2016_01_02 18:32:24] player: Id: 9509578 Name: PanzerOlegan75 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSB007_Kongo_1942' [S] [2016_01_02 18:32:24] player: Id: 12888525 Name: Vervolt TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASA002_Bogue_1942' [S] [2016_01_02 18:32:24] player: Id: 12487288 Name: zmey6322 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSD004_Minekadze_1920' [S] [2016_01_02 18:32:24] player: Id: 12422074 Name: PKmu TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSD004_Minekadze_1920' [S] [2016_01_02 18:32:24] player: Id: 11906784 Name: Parteigenosse TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSD004_Minekadze_1920' [S] [2016_01_02 18:32:24] player: Id: 12305379 Name: egik73 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSC005_Furutaka_1926' [S] [2016_01_02 18:32:24] player: Id: 12471012 Name: Nikolay_6244 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB004_Arkansas_1912' [S] [2016_01_02 18:32:24] player: Id: 11843822 Name: sergey07241 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASD019_Clemson_1920' [S] [2016_01_02 18:32:24] player: Id: 12836982 Name: Blyka87 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSC105_Konigsberg' [S] [2016_01_02 18:32:24] player: Id: 12643192 Name: ferdinand81 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSC005_Furutaka_1926' [S] [2016_01_02 18:32:24] player: Id: 12858621 Name: a77 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSD104_Izyaslav' [S] [2016_01_02 18:32:24] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:32:24] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:32:24] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:32:24] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:32:24] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:32:24] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:32:24] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:32:24] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:32:24] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:32:24] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:32:24] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:32:26] [Scaleform] Warning: instance2899.setImageSubstitutions() failed for #86 element - length of subString should not exceed 15 characters [S] [2016_01_02 18:32:26] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: BattleLoading gui.Scaleform.BattleLoading [S] [2016_01_02 18:32:26] ping&FPS: 0.0957739161594 426.936687681 0.001 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:32:26] ping&FPS: 0.0957739161594 426.936687681 426.936687681 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:32:26] ping&FPS: 0.0864646988256 145.936689261 426.936687681 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:32:27] Battle countdown start: 60.0 / 397.741008134 [E] [2016_01_02 18:32:28] CollisionModel::load: Error loading collision model content/gameplay/russia/ship/destroyer/RSD017_Izyaslav_1930/RSD017_Izyaslav_1930_MidFront! [E] [2016_01_02 18:32:28] CollisionModel::load: Error loading collision model content/gameplay/russia/ship/destroyer/RSD017_Izyaslav_1930/RSD017_Izyaslav_1930_MidFront! [E] [2016_01_02 18:32:36] CollisionModel::load: Error loading collision model content/gameplay/japan/ship/cruiser/JSC023_Furutaka_1941/JSC023_Furutaka_1941_MidFront! [E] [2016_01_02 18:32:40] CollisionModel::load: Error loading collision model content/gameplay/usa/ship/cruiser/ASC034_St_Louis_1916/ASC034_St_Louis_1916_MidBack! [E] [2016_01_02 18:32:41] CollisionModel::load: Error loading collision model content/gameplay/japan/ship/cruiser/JSC023_Furutaka_1941/JSC023_Furutaka_1941_MidBack! [E] [2016_01_02 18:32:44] CollisionModel::load: Error loading collision model content/gameplay/japan/ship/cruiser/JSC023_Furutaka_1941/JSC023_Furutaka_1941_Stern! [E] [2016_01_02 18:32:46] CollisionModel::load: Error loading collision model content/gameplay/japan/ship/aircarrier/JSA006_Zuiho_1944/JSA006_Zuiho_1944_MidFront! [E] [2016_01_02 18:32:48] CollisionModel::load: Error loading collision model content/gameplay/japan/ship/aircarrier/JSA006_Zuiho_1944/JSA006_Zuiho_1944_Stern! [E] [2016_01_02 18:32:50] CollisionModel::load: Error loading collision model content/location/nature/rock/LNR02_passage/LNR02_passage! [E] [2016_01_02 18:32:58] Model::readDyes: In model content/location/vechicle/automobile/LVA041_dock/LVA041_dock.model, for dye matter PBS tint PBS_cl1, there was a problem loading the section. [E] [2016_01_02 18:32:58] Model::readDyes: In model content/location/vechicle/automobile/LVA041_dock/LVA041_dock.model, for dye matter PBS tint PBS_cl2, there was a problem loading the section. [E] [2016_01_02 18:32:58] Model::readDyes: In model content/location/vechicle/automobile/LVA041_dock/lods/LVA041_dock_lod1.model, for dye matter PBS tint PBS_cl1, there was a problem loading the section. [E] [2016_01_02 18:32:58] Model::readDyes: In model content/location/vechicle/automobile/LVA041_dock/lods/LVA041_dock_lod1.model, for dye matter PBS tint PBS_cl2, there was a problem loading the section. [E] [2016_01_02 18:32:58] Model::readDyes: In model content/location/vechicle/automobile/LVA041_dock/lods/LVA041_dock_lod2.model, for dye matter PBS tint PBS_cl1, there was a problem loading the section. [E] [2016_01_02 18:32:58] Model::readDyes: In model content/location/vechicle/automobile/LVA041_dock/lods/LVA041_dock_lod2.model, for dye matter PBS tint PBS_cl2, there was a problem loading the section. [E] [2016_01_02 18:32:58] Model::readDyes: In model content/location/vechicle/automobile/LVA041_dock/lods/LVA041_dock_lod3.model, for dye matter PBS tint PBS_cl1, there was a problem loading the section. [E] [2016_01_02 18:32:58] Model::readDyes: In model content/location/vechicle/automobile/LVA041_dock/lods/LVA041_dock_lod3.model, for dye matter PBS tint PBS_cl2, there was a problem loading the section. [S] [2016_01_02 18:33:07] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:33:07] id 13214821 [S] [2016_01_02 18:33:07] name Parteigenosse [S] [2016_01_02 18:33:07] team id 0 [E] [2016_01_02 18:33:08] CollisionModel::load: Error loading collision model content/gameplay/germany/ship/cruiser/GSC005_Karlsruhe_1916/GSC005_Karlsruhe_1916_MidBack! [S] [2016_01_02 18:33:09] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:33:09] id 13035197 [S] [2016_01_02 18:33:09] name kozlov_ivan89 [S] [2016_01_02 18:33:09] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:33:10] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:33:10] id 13214809 [S] [2016_01_02 18:33:10] name _uralmash__ [S] [2016_01_02 18:33:10] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:33:10] @ launchpadAppeared 13214809 [S] [2016_01_02 18:33:13] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:33:13] id 13035189 [S] [2016_01_02 18:33:13] name DmitryMihailov [S] [2016_01_02 18:33:13] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:33:13] @ launchpadAppeared 13035189 [E] [2016_01_02 18:33:15] CollisionModel::load: Error loading collision model content/gameplay/japan/ship/cruiser/JSC016_Tatsuta_1937/JSC016_Tatsuta_1937_Bow! [S] [2016_01_02 18:33:16] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:33:16] id 13214801 [S] [2016_01_02 18:33:16] name __SteelHeart__ [S] [2016_01_02 18:33:16] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:33:16] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:33:16] id 13214811 [S] [2016_01_02 18:33:16] name Cherep_N [S] [2016_01_02 18:33:16] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:33:16] client.Vehicle.setAmmoArtilleryGun [S] [2016_01_02 18:33:16] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2016_01_02 18:33:16] Avatar.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2016_01_02 18:33:16] ! A.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2016_01_02 18:33:16] -- GUNS ----------------------------------------- [S] [2016_01_02 18:33:16] {0: {'position': {'y': 2.0, 'x': 0.0}, 'rotation': 1.570796251296997, 'gunPositionId': 0}, 1: {'position': {'y': 0.0, 'x': 0.0}, 'rotation': 1.570796251296997, 'gunPositionId': 1}, 2: {'position': {'y': 2.0, 'x': 1.0}, 'rotation': 1.570796251296997, 'gunPositionId': 2}, 3: {'position': {'y': 0.0, 'x': 1.0}, 'rotation': 1.570796251296997, 'gunPositionId': 3}, 4: {'position': {'y': 2.0, 'x': 4.0}, 'rotation': -1.5707963705062866, 'gunPositionId': 4}, 5: {'position': {'y': 0.0, 'x': 4.0}, 'rotation': -1.5707963705062866, 'gunPositionId': 5}, 6: {'position': {'y': 1.0, 'x': 5.0}, 'rotation': -1.5707963705062866, 'gunPositionId': 6}, 7: {'position': {'y': 1.0, 'x': 6.0}, 'rotation': -1.5707963705062866, 'gunPositionId': 7}} [S] [2016_01_02 18:33:16] -- GUNS ----------------------------------------- [S] [2016_01_02 18:33:16] {0: {'position': {'y': 2.0, 'x': 2.0}, 'rotation': -1.5707963705062866, 'gunPositionId': 0}, 1: {'position': {'y': 0.0, 'x': 2.0}, 'rotation': -1.5707963705062866, 'gunPositionId': 1}} [S] [2016_01_02 18:33:16] ping&FPS: 0.0908470111234 414.937609191 141.937602635 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:33:16] ping&FPS: 0.0908470111234 414.937609191 414.937609191 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:33:16] Avatar.onWorldStateReceived [S] [2016_01_02 18:33:16] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:33:16] id 13214803 [S] [2016_01_02 18:33:16] name 2man54 [S] [2016_01_02 18:33:16] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:33:16] ping&FPS: 0.0776988076312 152.937613781 414.937609191 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:33:17] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:33:17] id 13214815 [S] [2016_01_02 18:33:17] name Vervolt [S] [2016_01_02 18:33:17] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:33:17] @ launchpadAppeared 13214815 [S] [2016_01_02 18:33:17] ping&FPS: 0.0810489164931 432.937636893 124.937627386 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:33:17] ping&FPS: 0.0810489164931 432.937636893 432.937636893 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:33:18] ping&FPS: 0.101189355765 441.93764415 432.937636893 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:33:18] ping&FPS: 0.101189355765 441.93764415 441.93764415 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:33:18] ping&FPS: 0.0936266886336 142.9376471 441.93764415 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:33:20] ping&FPS: 0.0719402836902 290.937689717 135.93768486 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:33:20] ping&FPS: 0.0719402836902 290.937689717 290.937689717 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:33:21] [Scaleform] Error: Missing font "$Arial" in "". Search log: Searching for font: "$Arial" Movie resource: "$Arial" not found. Imports : "$Arial" not found. Exported : "$Arial" not found. Registered fonts: "$Arial" not found. Searching FontLib: "$Arial" not found. Searching FontProvider: "$Arial" not found. Font not found. [S] [2016_01_02 18:33:21] ping&FPS: 0.0708031909806 627.937710698 290.937689717 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:33:21] ping&FPS: 0.0708031909806 627.937710698 627.937710698 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:33:21] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:33:21] id 13214813 [S] [2016_01_02 18:33:21] name PanzerOlegan75 [S] [2016_01_02 18:33:21] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:33:21] @ launchpadAppeared 13214813 [S] [2016_01_02 18:33:21] [DEBUG] (24343278503594945, 183): ExternalInterfaceCallback "battle.setGuiState" not found ((0, True, True, False),) [S] [2016_01_02 18:33:21] [DEBUG] (24343278503594945, 193): [S] [2016_01_02 18:33:21] [DEBUG] (24343278503594945, 183): ExternalInterfaceCallback "battle.setGuiState" not found ((0, True, True, False),) [S] [2016_01_02 18:33:21] [DEBUG] (24343278503594945, 193): [S] [2016_01_02 18:33:21] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: Battle gui.Scaleform.Battle [S] [2016_01_02 18:33:21] ("[ERROR] FeedbackController: config {event: 'Sound', container: 'screenplay_trigger'} must set 'type'",) [S] [2016_01_02 18:33:23] ping&FPS: 0.0839477436883 2256.93768018 627.937710698 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:33:23] ping&FPS: 0.0839477436883 2256.93768018 2256.93768018 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:33:23] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:33:23] id 13035187 [S] [2016_01_02 18:33:23] name AsmusvonNashorn [S] [2016_01_02 18:33:23] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:33:25] ping&FPS: 0.0632114665849 1864.93768972 2256.93768018 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:33:25] ping&FPS: 0.0632114665849 1864.93768972 1864.93768972 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:33:25] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:33:25] id 13214827 [S] [2016_01_02 18:33:25] name sergey07241 [S] [2016_01_02 18:33:25] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:33:25] ping&FPS: 0.0574627625091 146.937689598 1864.93768972 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:33:27] -= BATTLE STARTED =- [S] [2016_01_02 18:33:32] ping&FPS: 0.0518542634589 209.93781482 143.937812995 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:33:32] ping&FPS: 0.0518542634589 209.93781482 209.93781482 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:33:32] ping&FPS: 0.0428218724472 71.9378173085 209.93781482 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:33:32] ping&FPS: 0.0496747153146 170.937820192 209.93781482 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:33:32] ping&FPS: 0.0496747153146 170.937820192 242.937820192 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:33:32] ping&FPS: 0.0474670486791 118.937822002 242.937820192 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:33:48] ping&FPS: 0.0567668335778 218.938087929 128.938084628 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:33:48] ping&FPS: 0.0567668335778 218.938087929 218.938087929 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:33:48] ping&FPS: 0.0447819935424 77.9380895378 218.938087929 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:33:48] ping&FPS: 0.0518770175321 167.938092861 218.938087929 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:33:48] ping&FPS: 0.0518770175321 167.938092861 245.938092861 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:33:48] ping&FPS: 0.0434921862824 93.9380952301 245.938092861 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:33:49] ping&FPS: 0.0351562308414 301.93811443 160.938111495 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:33:49] ping&FPS: 0.0351562308414 301.93811443 301.93811443 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:33:49] ping&FPS: 0.035797472511 116.938116844 301.93811443 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:03] ping&FPS: 0.0494475098593 131.938406314 259.938406314 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:04] ping&FPS: 0.0605456339461 155.938409533 259.938406314 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:06] ping&FPS: 0.0734897064311 239.938452508 131.938446696 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:06] ping&FPS: 0.0734897064311 239.938452508 239.938452508 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:06] ping&FPS: 0.0652427779777 191.938456039 239.938452508 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:15] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: GameMenu gui.Scaleform.GameMenu [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:16] id 13214813 [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:16] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:16] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:16] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:16] id 13214833 [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:16] name a77 [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:16] team id 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:16] ping&FPS: 0.0638330685241 231.938667651 117.938663151 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:17] ping&FPS: 0.0638330685241 231.938667651 231.938667651 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:17] ping&FPS: 0.0822417097432 431.938678856 231.938667651 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:17] ping&FPS: 0.0822417097432 431.938678856 431.938678856 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:17] Set UI Volume 5.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:17] Set Engines Volume 5.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:17] Set Voice Volume 5.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:17] Set Sound Volume 5.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:17] Set Music Volume 5.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:17] Set Master Volume 5.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:17] Set World Volume 5.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:17] ping&FPS: 0.0841764467103 555.938673134 431.938678856 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:17] ping&FPS: 0.0841764467103 555.938673134 555.938673134 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:17] Set QuickCommands Volume 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:17] Set UI Volume 1.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:18] Set Music Volume 1.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:18] Set World Volume 1.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:18] Set Master Volume 1.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:18] Set Engines Volume 1.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:18] Set Sound Volume 1.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:18] Set Voice Volume 1.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:18] ping&FPS: 0.0762027310474 202.938671018 555.938673134 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:18] ping&FPS: 0.0762027310474 202.938671018 202.938671018 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:18] ping&FPS: 0.0774069683892 186.938672799 202.938671018 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:19] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:20] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:20] id 13035199 [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:20] name vlad_10_0_0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:20] team id 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:20] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:20] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:20] id 13035193 [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:20] name kerch_forever [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:20] team id 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:22] Set Music Volume 0.32 [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:23] Set Master Volume 1.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:23] Set Music Volume 0.32 [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:23] Set Sound Volume 1.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:23] Set Voice Volume 1.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:23] Set Engines Volume 1.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:23] Set UI Volume 1.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:23] Set World Volume 1.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:24] ping&FPS: 0.061116825257 207.938730467 135.938726175 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:24] ping&FPS: 0.061116825257 207.938730467 207.938730467 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:24] ping&FPS: 0.0504350992186 216.938730645 207.938730467 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:24] ping&FPS: 0.0504350992186 216.938730645 216.938730645 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:25] ping&FPS: 0.0826064305646 778.938720498 216.938730645 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:25] ping&FPS: 0.0826064305646 778.938720498 778.938720498 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:25] ping&FPS: 0.087407286678 342.938715252 778.938720498 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:25] ping&FPS: 0.087407286678 342.938715252 342.938715252 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:26] ping&FPS: 0.084964673434 202.938719656 342.938715252 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:26] ping&FPS: 0.084964673434 202.938719656 202.938719656 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:26] ping&FPS: 0.0823764907462 327.938721265 202.938719656 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:26] ping&FPS: 0.0823764907462 327.938721265 327.938721265 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:26] id 13035189 [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:26] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:26] ping&FPS: 0.0741390692336 252.938727345 327.938721265 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:26] ping&FPS: 0.0741390692336 252.938727345 252.938727345 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:26] ping&FPS: 0.0645827459438 92.9387295502 252.938727345 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:37] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:37] id 13214833 [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:40] SmokeScreen.onEnterWorld( 3144944 ) [(138.375, 244.208)] [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:48] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:49] ping&FPS: 0.0476813571794 152.939094487 245.939094487 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:49] ping&FPS: 0.0512279154999 154.939094748 245.939094487 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:49] ping&FPS: 0.0532529237015 102.939096923 285.939096923 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:49] ping&FPS: 0.0480512412531 130.93909977 285.939096923 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:50] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:50] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:50] id 13214833 [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:50] name a77 [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:50] team id 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:51] ping&FPS: 0.0518156545503 142.93911891 285.93911891 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:51] ping&FPS: 0.0595349030835 157.939118731 285.93911891 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:51] ping&FPS: 0.0456912549479 158.939122397 260.939122397 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:51] ping&FPS: 0.0438475193722 122.939123 260.939122397 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:52] id 13214833 [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:53] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:53] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:53] id 13214833 [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:53] name a77 [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:53] team id 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:55] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:56] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:56] id 13214813 [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:56] name PanzerOlegan75 [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:56] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:56] @ launchpadAppeared 13214813 [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:56] ping&FPS: 0.0637806015355 201.939173947 151.939172502 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:56] ping&FPS: 0.0637806015355 201.939173947 201.939173947 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:56] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:56] id 13214833 [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:56] ping&FPS: 0.0517434137208 91.939173195 201.939173947 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:56] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:56] ping&FPS: 0.0543449627502 136.939171437 201.939173947 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:56] ping&FPS: 0.0543449627502 136.939171437 228.939171437 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:56] ping&FPS: 0.0533252092344 148.939173508 228.939171437 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:57] ping&FPS: 0.0691733466727 201.939175959 141.939175445 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:57] ping&FPS: 0.0691733466727 201.939175959 201.939175959 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:57] ping&FPS: 0.0589215265853 207.939177457 201.939175959 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:57] ping&FPS: 0.0589215265853 207.939177457 207.939177457 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:57] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:57] id 13214833 [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:57] name a77 [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:57] team id 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:57] ping&FPS: 0.0568495648248 136.939182218 207.939177457 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:58] ping&FPS: 0.0586298810584 173.939188133 278.939188133 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:58] ping&FPS: 0.0540907936437 123.939184244 278.939188133 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:59] ping&FPS: 0.0413856091244 142.939175765 265.939175765 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:34:59] ping&FPS: 0.045243564461 142.939174991 265.939175765 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:00] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:00] id 13214833 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:02] ping&FPS: 0.0518098952515 128.939176227 265.939176227 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:02] ping&FPS: 0.0471379639847 115.939178477 265.939176227 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:02] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:02] ping&FPS: 0.0421412395579 143.939177226 232.939177226 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:03] ping&FPS: 0.0444390805704 151.939176063 232.939177226 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:03] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:03] ping&FPS: 0.0474300714476 135.939179222 240.939179222 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:03] ping&FPS: 0.0534953655941 158.93918107 240.939179222 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:04] ping&FPS: 0.0460286991937 138.939197566 243.939197566 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:04] ping&FPS: 0.0384607346995 146.939203035 243.939197566 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:05] ping&FPS: 0.0467424201114 178.939208809 276.939208809 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:05] ping&FPS: 0.0478905471308 146.939213346 276.939208809 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:05] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:05] ping&FPS: 0.0462313326342 111.939220298 263.939220298 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:05] ping&FPS: 0.0463396715266 142.939222317 263.939220298 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:06] ping&FPS: 0.0544434296233 162.93923844 276.93923844 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:06] ping&FPS: 0.0486465202911 111.939241897 276.93923844 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:06] ping&FPS: 0.0477592455489 212.939248871 111.939241897 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:06] ping&FPS: 0.0477592455489 212.939248871 212.939248871 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:06] ping&FPS: 0.0384166570646 78.9392506438 212.939248871 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:06] ping&FPS: 0.0370012851698 128.939252231 212.939248871 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:06] ping&FPS: 0.0370012851698 128.939252231 207.939252231 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:06] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:06] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:07] ping&FPS: 0.0426122950656 158.939252216 207.939252231 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:07] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:07] id 13035189 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:07] name DmitryMihailov [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:07] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:07] @ launchpadAppeared 13035189 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:07] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:07] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:07] id 13214833 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:07] name a77 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:07] team id 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:07] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:08] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:08] id 13214829 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:08] name Blyka87 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:08] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:09] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:09] id 13214807 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:09] name koka61 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:09] team id 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:13] ping&FPS: 0.0488454582436 118.939283166 241.939281906 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:13] ping&FPS: 0.0488454582436 122.939281906 241.939281906 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:13] ping&FPS: 0.0587210761649 189.939286041 241.939281906 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:13] ping&FPS: 0.059227670942 168.939285803 245.939289111 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:13] ping&FPS: 0.0618897186858 232.939288604 245.939289111 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:13] ping&FPS: 0.0618897186858 232.939288604 155.939288604 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:14] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:14] id 13214833 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:14] ping&FPS: 0.0601095216615 175.939302939 289.939302939 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:15] ping&FPS: 0.0566431092364 115.939303327 289.939302939 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:15] ping&FPS: 0.0658389585359 174.939302209 289.939302939 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:15] ping&FPS: 0.0658389585359 174.939302209 290.939302209 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:15] ping&FPS: 0.0599805372102 122.939302813 290.939302209 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:15] ping&FPS: 0.058421845947 155.939306031 290.939302209 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:15] ping&FPS: 0.058421845947 155.939306031 278.939306031 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:15] ping&FPS: 0.0545491086585 126.939308222 278.939306031 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:15] ping&FPS: 0.0580995487315 158.939311932 278.939306031 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:15] ping&FPS: 0.0580995487315 158.939311932 285.939311932 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:15] ping&FPS: 0.0464324089033 128.939317245 285.939311932 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:16] ping&FPS: 0.0467023210866 144.939320523 285.939311932 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:16] ping&FPS: 0.0467023210866 144.939320523 273.939320523 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:16] ping&FPS: 0.0446845026953 127.939321946 273.939320523 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:16] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:17] ping&FPS: 0.0506944613797 122.939347218 228.939347218 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:17] ping&FPS: 0.0633927839143 179.939353439 228.939347218 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:17] ping&FPS: 0.0460193636162 124.939358737 253.939358737 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:17] ping&FPS: 0.0520363630993 159.939363542 253.939358737 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:18] ping&FPS: 0.050007495497 149.939388308 242.939388308 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:19] ping&FPS: 0.0553783433778 173.939388889 242.939388308 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:21] ping&FPS: 0.0729088144643 203.939331095 151.939331185 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:21] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:21] ping&FPS: 0.0606827842338 203.939331095 247.939330857 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:21] ping&FPS: 0.0654949652297 194.939325805 247.939330857 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:22] ping&FPS: 0.056795965348 120.939317401 232.939317401 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:22] ping&FPS: 0.0546789722783 159.939313825 232.939317401 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:22] SmokeScreen.onEnterWorld( 3144945 ) [(21.6612, -340.176)] [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:23] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:23] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:24] ping&FPS: 0.0475105451686 117.939255755 278.939255755 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:24] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:24] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:24] id 13214831 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:24] name zmey6322 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:24] team id 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:24] ping&FPS: 0.0493530886514 150.939254429 278.939255755 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:24] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:25] ping&FPS: 0.0577661948545 173.939262192 244.939262192 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:25] ping&FPS: 0.0560401337487 122.939261864 244.939262192 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:26] ping&FPS: 0.051225106631 133.939260359 237.939260359 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:26] ping&FPS: 0.0489035876734 134.939261998 237.939260359 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:26] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:26] id 13214831 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:26] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:27] ping&FPS: 0.0530505510313 134.939266484 258.939266484 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:27] ping&FPS: 0.0495776417 124.939264621 258.939266484 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:27] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:27] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:27] id 13214833 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:27] name a77 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:27] team id 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:27] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:27] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:27] id 13214831 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:27] name zmey6322 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:27] team id 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:28] ping&FPS: 0.0586758511407 157.939259346 279.939259346 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:28] ping&FPS: 0.0576782183988 127.939256112 279.939259346 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:28] ping&FPS: 0.0567432599408 137.939252655 279.939259346 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:28] ping&FPS: 0.0567432599408 137.939252655 265.939252655 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:29] ping&FPS: 0.0526147367699 127.939249422 265.939252655 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:29] ping&FPS: 0.0531726213438 130.939239632 276.939239632 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:29] ping&FPS: 0.04667143843 135.93923771 276.939239632 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:29] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:30] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:30] id 13214831 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:31] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:32] ping&FPS: 0.055108334337 142.939235996 262.939235996 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:32] ping&FPS: 0.0524785997612 139.939238455 262.939235996 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:32] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:32] ping&FPS: 0.0460594328386 139.939239915 226.939239915 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:32] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:32] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:32] id 13214831 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:32] name zmey6322 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:32] team id 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:32] ping&FPS: 0.0464627402169 134.939239691 226.939239915 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:33] ping&FPS: 0.0468936966998 144.939240809 250.939240809 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:33] ping&FPS: 0.047441061054 159.939239095 250.939240809 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:33] ping&FPS: 0.0386081071837 156.939240615 250.939242985 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:33] ping&FPS: 0.0386081071837 93.9392429846 250.939242985 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:33] ping&FPS: 0.0478529365999 168.939242746 250.939242985 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:34] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:34] id 13214831 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:35] ping&FPS: 0.0512253599507 135.93924221 238.93924221 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:35] ping&FPS: 0.0615487503154 173.939242791 238.93924221 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:36] ping&FPS: 0.0553239839418 143.939243551 265.939243551 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:36] ping&FPS: 0.0466573046786 121.939243059 265.939243551 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:36] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:36] id 13214807 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:36] ping&FPS: 0.0513799222452 146.939246099 253.939246099 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:36] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:36] ping&FPS: 0.0398702876908 124.939244236 253.939246099 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:36] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:36] id 13214825 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:36] name Nikolay_6244 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:36] team id 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:37] SmokeScreen.onEnterWorld( 3144946 ) [(30.272, 176.619)] [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:38] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:38] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:38] id 13214807 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:38] name koka61 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:38] team id 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:40] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:41] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:41] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:41] id 13214819 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:41] name PKmu [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:41] team id 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:42] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:44] ping&FPS: 0.0583420353276 210.939108174 121.939107116 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:44] ping&FPS: 0.0583420353276 210.939108174 210.939108174 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:45] ping&FPS: 0.0563472317798 234.93910944 210.939108174 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:45] ping&FPS: 0.0563472317798 234.93910944 234.93910944 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:45] ping&FPS: 0.0605143564088 161.939109917 234.93910944 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:45] ping&FPS: 0.0543123888118 124.93910728 267.93910728 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:45] ping&FPS: 0.0543807702405 129.939106237 267.93910728 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:48] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:48] id 13035191 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:48] name Novoros14 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:48] team id 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:48] @ launchpadAppeared 13035191 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:49] ping&FPS: 0.0380973400814 149.93907031 270.93907031 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:49] ping&FPS: 0.0408186646444 148.939066793 270.93907031 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:49] ping&FPS: 0.0398435252053 124.939065095 250.939065095 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:49] ping&FPS: 0.0424479799611 179.939061071 250.939065095 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:50] ping&FPS: 0.0552819030625 177.939046677 295.939046677 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:50] ping&FPS: 0.0498150619013 119.939043994 295.939046677 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:51] ping&FPS: 0.048459086035 118.939032953 235.939032953 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:51] ping&FPS: 0.0542393284185 161.939029704 235.939032953 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:52] ping&FPS: 0.0540687697274 154.939020972 268.939020972 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:52] ping&FPS: 0.0564059870584 128.939019765 268.939020972 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:52] ping&FPS: 0.0764078008277 200.939015459 128.939019765 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:52] ping&FPS: 0.0764078008277 200.939015459 200.939015459 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:52] ping&FPS: 0.0616137193782 79.9390136706 200.939015459 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:52] ping&FPS: 0.0648244427783 172.9390085 200.939015459 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:52] ping&FPS: 0.0648244427783 172.9390085 252.9390085 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:52] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:52] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:52] id 13214805 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:52] name igorek696 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:52] team id 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:52] ping&FPS: 0.0494739966733 109.939007904 252.9390085 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:52] ping&FPS: 0.0702200787408 225.939005833 109.939007904 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:52] ping&FPS: 0.0702200787408 225.939005833 225.939005833 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:53] ping&FPS: 0.06596515647 229.939002554 225.939005833 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:53] ping&FPS: 0.06596515647 229.939002554 229.939002554 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:53] ping&FPS: 0.0674284803016 191.938998635 229.939002554 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:53] ping&FPS: 0.0472464965922 129.938992511 223.938992511 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:53] ping&FPS: 0.052010680948 165.938989918 223.938992511 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:54] ping&FPS: 0.0465852203114 141.938980337 268.938980337 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:54] ping&FPS: 0.0521933468325 164.938979443 268.938980337 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:55] ping&FPS: 0.0580144631011 166.938975643 294.938975643 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:55] ping&FPS: 0.0591961251838 144.938973333 294.938975643 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:55] ping&FPS: 0.0441539692027 88.9389704423 220.938970442 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:55] ping&FPS: 0.0607814001186 192.938970413 220.938970442 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:57] ping&FPS: 0.0529374214155 146.93895569 271.93895569 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:57] ping&FPS: 0.0514927538378 126.938954155 271.93895569 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:57] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:57] id 13214831 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:57] name zmey6322 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:57] team id 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:59] ping&FPS: 0.0549695747239 181.938910197 301.938910197 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:59] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 18:35:59] ping&FPS: 0.0437123360378 104.938908781 301.938910197 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:00] ping&FPS: 0.0522334607584 166.938906352 301.938910197 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:00] ping&FPS: 0.0522334607584 166.938906352 271.938906352 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:00] ping&FPS: 0.0483971270067 115.938903015 271.938906352 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:00] ping&FPS: 0.0526584865791 154.938893403 233.938893403 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:00] ping&FPS: 0.0588934229953 156.938889335 233.938893403 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:01] ping&FPS: 0.0555985080344 131.938874762 259.938874762 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:01] ping&FPS: 0.0577366309507 143.938874151 259.938874762 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:02] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:02] id 13035189 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:02] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:05] ping&FPS: 0.0565417962415 93.9388353335 248.938835334 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:05] ping&FPS: 0.0517407389624 157.938835155 248.938835334 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:05] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:09] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:09] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:09] id 13214831 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:10] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:11] ping&FPS: 0.0452177929027 118.938734706 238.938734706 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:11] ping&FPS: 0.0485753895981 145.93873256 238.938734706 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:11] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:12] ping&FPS: 0.045063446675 87.9387262719 233.938726272 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:12] ping&FPS: 0.050945240472 175.938721593 233.938726272 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:12] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:12] id 13214813 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:12] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:13] ping&FPS: 0.062089409147 174.938710492 289.938710492 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:13] ping&FPS: 0.0628659831626 150.938707303 289.938710492 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:13] ping&FPS: 0.0558192538364 169.938707228 243.938706319 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:13] ping&FPS: 0.0662716733558 238.938705425 243.938706319 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:13] ping&FPS: 0.0662716733558 238.938705425 164.938705425 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:13] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:13] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:13] id 13214831 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:13] name zmey6322 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:13] team id 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:14] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:15] ping&FPS: 0.0549714969737 146.938683714 275.938683714 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:15] ping&FPS: 0.0607708202941 151.938682552 275.938683714 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:15] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:15] id 13214831 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:16] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:16] ping&FPS: 0.0621561365468 229.938653286 187.93866029 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:16] ping&FPS: 0.0621561365468 229.938653286 229.938653286 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:16] ping&FPS: 0.0593718545777 140.938650321 229.938653286 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:17] ping&FPS: 0.0561445610864 166.938640814 263.938640814 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:17] ping&FPS: 0.0570803689105 144.938638504 263.938640814 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:19] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:19] id 13214821 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:20] ping&FPS: 0.05435779265 228.938626002 193.938627582 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:20] ping&FPS: 0.05435779265 228.938626002 228.938626002 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:20] ping&FPS: 0.0564472036702 143.938625391 228.938626002 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:21] ping&FPS: 0.0582103537662 160.938622903 257.938622903 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:21] ping&FPS: 0.0511635275824 124.93862104 257.938622903 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:21] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:21] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:21] id 13214831 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:21] name zmey6322 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:21] team id 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:24] ping&FPS: 0.0436744870884 169.93859544 293.93859544 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:24] ping&FPS: 0.0463793086154 169.938597228 293.93859544 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:24] ping&FPS: 0.0414015012128 169.938597228 241.938594128 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:24] ping&FPS: 0.0509936766965 233.938594605 241.938594128 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:24] ping&FPS: 0.0481026577098 116.938593294 241.938594128 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:24] ping&FPS: 0.0481026577098 116.938593294 278.938593294 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:24] ping&FPS: 0.0538804488523 168.938593056 278.938593294 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:27] ping&FPS: 0.0649105118854 293.938586171 133.938590135 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:27] ping&FPS: 0.0649105118854 293.938586171 293.938586171 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:27] ping&FPS: 0.0732469069106 176.938583519 293.938586171 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:28] ping&FPS: 0.0607599871499 131.938579197 234.938579197 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:28] ping&FPS: 0.0622958647353 139.938579793 234.938579197 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:29] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:29] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:29] id 13035191 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:29] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:30] ping&FPS: 0.0565844731671 121.938566531 286.938566531 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:30] ping&FPS: 0.0565508561475 124.938564669 286.938566531 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:30] ping&FPS: 0.0638328450067 265.938559707 180.938562672 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:30] ping&FPS: 0.0638328450067 265.938559707 265.938559707 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:30] ping&FPS: 0.0583368795259 118.938558723 265.938559707 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:32] ping&FPS: 0.0542393135173 145.938531558 249.938531558 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:32] ping&FPS: 0.0504077183349 132.938529144 249.938531558 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:33] ping&FPS: 0.0481194364173 115.938522215 234.938522215 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:33] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:33] ping&FPS: 0.0492135094745 147.93852226 234.938522215 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:33] ping&FPS: 0.0538132595164 140.938522901 287.938522901 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:33] ping&FPS: 0.051270495568 140.938521798 287.938522901 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:34] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:35] ping&FPS: 0.0477615552289 116.93852077 261.93852077 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:35] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:35] ping&FPS: 0.0522954197867 136.938520874 261.93852077 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:35] ping&FPS: 0.0412607075913 105.93851697 282.93851697 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:36] ping&FPS: 0.0416873203857 149.938517343 282.93851697 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:36] SmokeScreen.onEnterWorld( 3144947 ) [(-35.7916, 38.4558)] [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:37] ping&FPS: 0.0444491761071 156.938514601 264.938514601 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:37] ping&FPS: 0.041252042566 115.938513126 264.938514601 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:37] ping&FPS: 0.0498998346073 126.938503559 259.938503559 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:37] ping&FPS: 0.04825562558 124.938501697 259.938503559 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:38] ping&FPS: 0.0675771044833 205.938490506 118.93849213 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:38] ping&FPS: 0.0675771044833 205.938490506 205.938490506 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:38] ping&FPS: 0.0596865820033 109.93848991 205.938490506 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:38] ping&FPS: 0.058713595782 136.938488151 205.938490506 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:38] ping&FPS: 0.058713595782 136.938488151 246.938488151 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:39] ping&FPS: 0.0616680192096 142.938487376 246.938488151 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:39] ping&FPS: 0.053596537028 131.938483472 231.938483472 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:39] ping&FPS: 0.0504690291626 170.938479836 231.938483472 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:40] ping&FPS: 0.0488810943706 125.938472803 256.938472803 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:40] ping&FPS: 0.0480998190386 163.938471745 256.938472803 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:41] ping&FPS: 0.0721858548267 407.938450243 143.938461597 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:41] ping&FPS: 0.0721858548267 407.938450243 407.938450243 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:41] ping&FPS: 0.0742160933358 176.938449453 407.938450243 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:41] ping&FPS: 0.0431740464909 120.938440438 253.938440438 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:42] ping&FPS: 0.0488652916891 173.938439156 253.938440438 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:42] ping&FPS: 0.0454741375787 160.938440512 280.938440512 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:42] ping&FPS: 0.0382480429752 118.938441392 280.938440512 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:43] ping&FPS: 0.0434154154999 139.938437845 273.938437845 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:43] ping&FPS: 0.04692218772 159.938436131 273.938437845 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:45] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:45] ping&FPS: 0.0545636521918 124.938411574 282.938411574 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:45] ping&FPS: 0.0503876986248 121.938414808 282.938411574 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:47] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:47] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:47] ping&FPS: 0.0658984439714 168.938407596 344.938407596 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:48] ping&FPS: 0.0527723538024 79.9384095328 344.938407596 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:48] ping&FPS: 0.0581098752362 216.938409712 344.938407596 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:48] ping&FPS: 0.0581098752362 216.938409712 296.938409712 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:48] id 13035189 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:48] name DmitryMihailov [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:48] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:48] @ launchpadAppeared 13035189 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:48] ping&FPS: 0.047097827707 109.938409116 296.938409712 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:48] ping&FPS: 0.0400413828237 104.938411425 296.938409712 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:48] ping&FPS: 0.0400413828237 104.938411425 214.938411425 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:48] ping&FPS: 0.0435837762696 147.938413333 214.938411425 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:49] ping&FPS: 0.0359621452434 130.938411232 241.938411232 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:49] ping&FPS: 0.031926858638 138.938407938 241.938411232 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:50] ping&FPS: 0.0302765550358 143.938404541 236.938404541 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:50] ping&FPS: 0.0328874843461 180.938402544 236.938404541 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:50] ping&FPS: 0.033266815756 206.938399549 126.938402872 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:50] ping&FPS: 0.0338072957737 206.938399549 299.938401754 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:50] ping&FPS: 0.0338349299771 211.938400771 299.938401754 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:51] ping&FPS: 0.0397229524595 162.938403274 299.938401754 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:51] ping&FPS: 0.0397229524595 162.938403274 281.938403274 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:51] ping&FPS: 0.0418673711164 143.938404526 281.938403274 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:51] ping&FPS: 0.0462258788092 141.938407313 281.938403274 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:51] ping&FPS: 0.0462258788092 141.938407313 285.938407313 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:51] ping&FPS: 0.0411064060671 136.938409279 285.938407313 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:51] ping&FPS: 0.0400270255549 109.938408683 285.938407313 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:51] ping&FPS: 0.0400270255549 109.938408683 246.938408683 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:51] ping&FPS: 0.0477041410548 190.938408326 246.938408683 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:52] ping&FPS: 0.041203047548 126.938407119 253.938407119 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:52] ping&FPS: 0.0433789002044 140.938407879 253.938407119 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:52] ping&FPS: 0.0386529447777 206.938406418 140.938407879 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:52] ping&FPS: 0.0386529447777 206.938406418 206.938406418 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:52] ping&FPS: 0.0423167081816 216.938404735 206.938406418 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:52] ping&FPS: 0.0423167081816 216.938404735 216.938404735 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:52] ping&FPS: 0.0427792774779 167.938406195 216.938404735 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:52] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:53] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:53] ping&FPS: 0.0598547416074 284.938405822 189.938407536 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:53] ping&FPS: 0.0598547416074 284.938405822 284.938405822 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:53] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:53] ping&FPS: 0.0473161446197 83.9384046899 284.938405822 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:53] ping&FPS: 0.0441282274468 137.938403096 284.938405822 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:53] ping&FPS: 0.0441282274468 137.938403096 221.938403096 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:53] ping&FPS: 0.0441503631217 126.938401561 221.938403096 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:54] Two time score difference detected. Max Score(0): 458 Min Score(1): 198 User Team Id: 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:54] ping&FPS: 0.0654707210405 305.938394855 177.938396852 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:54] ping&FPS: 0.0654707210405 305.938394855 305.938394855 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:54] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:54] ping&FPS: 0.0595693247659 243.938395734 305.938394855 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:54] ping&FPS: 0.0595693247659 243.938395734 243.938395734 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:54] ping&FPS: 0.0487546133144 91.9383959132 243.938395734 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:55] ping&FPS: 0.054348926459 134.938392411 257.938392411 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:55] ping&FPS: 0.0603968458516 147.938396181 257.938392411 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:55] ping&FPS: 0.0418774517519 132.938395079 265.938395079 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:55] ping&FPS: 0.0423265802009 144.938396494 265.938395079 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:56] ping&FPS: 0.0695675717933 237.938399147 186.938395526 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:56] ping&FPS: 0.0695675717933 237.938399147 237.938399147 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:56] ping&FPS: 0.0813993023975 201.938395004 237.938399147 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:56] ping&FPS: 0.0813993023975 201.938395004 201.938395004 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:56] ping&FPS: 0.0671829240663 90.9383950191 201.938395004 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:57] ping&FPS: 0.0627145575626 160.938393469 201.938395004 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:57] ping&FPS: 0.0627145575626 160.938393469 251.938393469 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:57] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:57] ping&FPS: 0.0592987792833 175.938392516 251.938393469 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:57] ping&FPS: 0.0556455062968 132.938390102 251.938393469 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:57] ping&FPS: 0.0556455062968 132.938390102 308.938390102 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:57] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:57] ping&FPS: 0.0533415483577 153.938389267 308.938390102 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:57] ping&FPS: 0.048164333616 106.938390042 308.938390102 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:57] ping&FPS: 0.048164333616 106.938390042 260.938390042 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:57] ping&FPS: 0.0443049477679 113.938391964 260.938390042 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:57] ping&FPS: 0.0550214605672 203.93838815 113.938391964 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:57] ping&FPS: 0.0550214605672 203.93838815 203.93838815 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:58] ping&FPS: 0.0506990881903 101.938386242 203.93838815 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:58] ping&FPS: 0.0472412662847 177.938383754 203.93838815 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:58] ping&FPS: 0.0472412662847 177.938383754 279.938383754 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:58] ping&FPS: 0.0480130793793 153.938381057 279.938383754 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:58] ping&FPS: 0.0450458484037 113.938379254 279.938383754 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:58] ping&FPS: 0.0450458484037 113.938379254 267.938379254 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:58] ping&FPS: 0.0482846232397 142.938380341 267.938379254 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:58] ping&FPS: 0.0465064900262 172.938383337 290.938383337 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:59] ping&FPS: 0.0451585011823 106.938385974 290.938383337 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:59] ping&FPS: 0.0470110880477 162.93838289 290.938383337 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:59] ping&FPS: 0.0470110880477 162.93838289 269.93838289 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:59] ping&FPS: 0.0453069912536 104.938385199 269.93838289 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:36:59] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:00] ping&FPS: 0.0536169963224 121.938390906 250.938390906 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:00] ping&FPS: 0.0525612565024 156.938390564 250.938390906 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:00] ping&FPS: 0.0534445302827 160.938384961 250.938384961 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:00] ping&FPS: 0.0512514444334 132.938384409 250.938384961 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:01] ping&FPS: 0.052424635206 149.938385914 249.938385914 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:01] ping&FPS: 0.0576519476516 164.938387814 249.938385914 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:02] ping&FPS: 0.0530939655645 149.938395719 234.938395719 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:02] ping&FPS: 0.0542563008411 146.938393738 234.938395719 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:03] ping&FPS: 0.0580873297794 169.938398074 410.938394736 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:03] ping&FPS: 0.0727722602231 454.938396286 410.938394736 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:03] ping&FPS: 0.0727722602231 454.938396286 213.938396286 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:03] ping&FPS: 0.0612916009767 108.938395526 213.938396286 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:03] ping&FPS: 0.0604935245855 145.938397105 213.938396286 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:03] ping&FPS: 0.0604935245855 145.938397105 254.938397105 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:04] ping&FPS: 0.0553423272712 140.938397865 254.938397105 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:04] ping&FPS: 0.051955077265 145.938403684 257.938403684 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:04] ping&FPS: 0.0594072448356 199.938406664 257.938403684 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:05] ping&FPS: 0.0610886769635 211.938408818 199.938406664 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:05] ping&FPS: 0.0610886769635 211.938408818 211.938408818 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:05] ping&FPS: 0.062468241368 166.938409183 211.938408818 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:06] setFpsGathererActive(False) [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:06] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:06] id 13035187 [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:06] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:06] id 13035189 [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:06] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:06] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:06] id 13035193 [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:06] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:06] id 13035197 [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:06] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:06] id 13035199 [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:06] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:06] id 13214801 [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:06] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:06] id 13214803 [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:06] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:06] id 13214805 [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:06] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:06] id 13214807 [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:06] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:06] id 13214809 [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:06] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:06] Avatar.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:06] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:06] id 13214811 [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:06] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:06] id 13214815 [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:06] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:06] id 13214819 [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:06] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:06] id 13214825 [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:06] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:06] id 13214827 [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:06] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:06] id 13214829 [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:06] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:06] id 13214831 [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:06] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:06] id 13214833 [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:06] Account.__init__() [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:06] __init__() Cherep_N [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:06] [DEBUG] (24343278503594968, 57): Deleted: [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:06] [DEBUG] (24343278503594968, 57): Deleted: [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:06] [DEBUG] (24343278503594717, 19): ClientLobbySpace is creating [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:06] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:06] setServerTime -13.0350000858 1451752640 1451752626.96 [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:06] leaveBattleSession() Reason: 0 Info: None [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:06] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:06] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:07] Can't send FPS data: it's empty [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:07] [DEBUG] (24343278503595215, 80): XmppChatHandler.onEnterLobbyEvent(): (['ids_chat_channel_questions@standard.wowsru.loc', 'wargamingfm@standard.wowsru.loc', 'ids_chat_channel_offtop@standard.wowsru.loc', 'ids_chat_channel_search_div@standard.wowsru.loc'],) [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:07] [DEBUG] (24343278503594646, 226): onRewardsRestored ('21 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:07] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:07] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:07] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 0. Boxes contents: [{}] [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:07] [DEBUG] (24343278503594646, 226): onGetAchievements ('266 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:10] setServerTime -10.513999939 1451752641 1451752630.49 [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:10] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:10] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:10] Can't send FPS data: it's empty [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:10] [DEBUG] (24343278503595215, 80): XmppChatHandler.onEnterLobbyEvent(): (['ids_chat_channel_questions@standard.wowsru.loc', 'wargamingfm@standard.wowsru.loc', 'ids_chat_channel_offtop@standard.wowsru.loc', 'ids_chat_channel_search_div@standard.wowsru.loc'],) [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:10] [DEBUG] (24343278503595215, 15): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence() ('', '', 0) [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:10] ping&FPS: 0.612672354494 0.001 122.938411612 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:10] isDone id 15122001 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:10] isDone id 15121801 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:10] isDone id 15121804 count 0 limit 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:10] isDone id 15122005 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:10] ('[WWSD-43797] Dock.py updateShipSelection. shipId: ', 4185831216L, ', shipIdForModuleInset: ', 4185831216L) [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:10] [DBUG WWSD-40746] self.__requestedShipId 4185831216 [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:10] isDone id 15122001 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:10] isDone id 15121801 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:10] isDone id 15121804 count 0 limit 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:10] isDone id 15122005 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:10] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:10] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:10] found some error [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:11] ping&FPS: 0.569537426744 1114.9384385 122.938411612 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:12] ping&FPS: 0.520923342024 1247.93846425 122.938411612 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:13] ping&FPS: 0.472232844148 200.938469257 122.938411612 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:13] ping&FPS: 0.428664411817 113.938469316 122.938411612 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:13] ping&FPS: 0.392205055271 160.938471492 122.938411612 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:13] ping&FPS: 0.361441369568 174.938475962 122.938411612 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:13] ping&FPS: 0.326533402715 103.938478108 122.938411612 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:13] ping&FPS: 0.299238766943 142.938481058 122.938411612 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:13] ping&FPS: 0.274141128574 142.938484009 122.938411612 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:14] ping&FPS: 0.251639987741 144.938487287 122.938411612 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:14] ping&FPS: 0.231335367475 132.938490461 122.938411612 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:14] ping&FPS: 0.213060672794 145.938493903 122.938411612 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:15] ping&FPS: 0.139008815799 214.938509497 122.938411612 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:15] ping&FPS: 0.133678044592 226.938516903 122.938411612 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:17] ping&FPS: 0.0763794588191 259.93855242 122.938411612 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:17] Set UI Volume 5.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:17] Set Engines Volume 5.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:17] Set Voice Volume 5.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:17] Set Sound Volume 5.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:17] Set Music Volume 5.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:17] Set Master Volume 5.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:17] Set World Volume 5.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:17] Set QuickCommands Volume 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:17] Set UI Volume 1.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:17] Set Music Volume 0.32 [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:17] Set World Volume 1.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:17] Set Master Volume 1.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:17] Set Engines Volume 1.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:17] Set Sound Volume 1.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:17] Set Voice Volume 1.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:17] ping&FPS: 0.0787310408694 296.938543718 122.938411612 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:37] Set Master Volume 0.34 [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:42] Set Sound Volume 0.33 [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:57] Set Voice Volume 0.03 [S] [2016_01_02 18:37:59] Set Voice Volume 0.38 [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:01] Set Master Volume 0.34 [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:01] Set Music Volume 0.32 [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:01] Set Sound Volume 0.33 [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:01] Set Voice Volume 0.38 [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:01] Set Engines Volume 1.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:01] Set UI Volume 1.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:01] Set World Volume 1.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:03] ping&FPS: 0.0564939933164 706.939586635 122.938411612 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:05] Set UI Volume 5.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:05] Set Engines Volume 5.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:05] Set Voice Volume 5.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:05] Set Sound Volume 5.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:05] Set Music Volume 5.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:05] Set Master Volume 5.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:05] Set World Volume 5.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:05] Set QuickCommands Volume 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:05] Set UI Volume 1.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:05] Set Music Volume 0.32 [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:05] Set World Volume 1.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:05] Set Master Volume 0.34 [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:05] Set Engines Volume 1.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:05] Set Sound Volume 0.33 [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:05] Set Voice Volume 0.38 [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:05] ping&FPS: 0.0563680785043 281.939607117 122.938411612 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:05] ping&FPS: 0.0581422405584 344.939601268 122.938411612 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:06] ping&FPS: 0.0633636074407 232.93960407 122.938411612 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:06] ping&FPS: 0.0619362103088 218.939616244 122.938411612 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:09] Set QuickCommands Volume 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:10] Set Master Volume 0.34 [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:10] Set Music Volume 0.32 [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:10] Set Sound Volume 0.33 [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:10] Set Voice Volume 0.38 [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:10] Set Engines Volume 1.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:10] Set UI Volume 1.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:10] Set World Volume 1.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:12] ping&FPS: 0.057648103152 237.939735893 122.938411612 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:12] ping&FPS: 0.0607425676925 660.939756695 122.938411612 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:14] ping&FPS: 0.0535325365407 372.939781691 122.938411612 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:14] ping&FPS: 0.0595715897424 279.939782883 122.938411612 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:15] ('[WWSD-43797] Dock.py updateShipSelection. shipId: ', 4281251536L, ', shipIdForModuleInset: ', 4281251536L) [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:15] [DBUG WWSD-40746] self.__requestedShipId 4281251536 [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:15] isDone id 15122001 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:15] isDone id 15121801 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:15] isDone id 15121804 count 0 limit 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:15] isDone id 15122005 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:15] ping&FPS: 0.0618513630969 386.939790438 122.938411612 0 [E] [2016_01_02 18:38:15] CollisionModel::load: Error loading collision model content/gameplay/japan/ship/cruiser/JSC013_Kuma_1938/JSC013_Kuma_1938_Bow! [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:15] ping&FPS: 0.0654277311904 282.939782809 122.938411612 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:16] ping&FPS: 0.061260755573 378.939796674 122.938411612 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:16] ping&FPS: 0.0646490710122 200.939799819 122.938411612 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:16] start check ATBA [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:16] end check ATBA [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:16] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:17] enqueue(): [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:18] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4281251536 4 [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:18] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:18] onEnqueued() QueueType: 1 ShipId: 4281251536 [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:18] ping&FPS: 0.0659941988332 417.939849283 122.938411612 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:19] ping&FPS: 0.0606740521533 1054.93979683 122.938411612 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:19] onPrepareingForBattle() [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:19] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4281251536 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:19] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:19] onGameRoomStateInit mapIdx = 5 battleType = 98 gameMode = Domination duration=1200 [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:19] ping&FPS: 0.065388868962 227.939798813 122.938411612 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:26] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:26] [DEBUG] (24343278503594717, 6): Lobby destroy started. [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:26] [DEBUG] (24343278503594717, 285): Lobby successfully destroyed. [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:26] Thresholds for team 0: Win: 910 Lose: 130 [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:26] Thresholds for team 1: Win: 910 Lose: 130 [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:26] MissionsComponent: #0 ControlPointHoldMission; reward = 0; penalty = 0; controlPoints = [5, 1]; delay = 0; repeat = 6; repeatReward = 2; repeatPenalty = 0 #1 CaptureControlPointMission; reward = 1000; penalty = 0; controlPoints = [5, 1] #2 KillEnemyOfSpecificShipTypeMission; reward = 30; penalty = 45; shipType = Destroyer; rewardPerType = 0; penaltyPerType = 0 #3 KillEnemyOfSpecificShipTypeMission; reward = 35; penalty = 50; shipType = Cruiser; rewardPerType = 0; penaltyPerType = 0 #4 KillEnemyOfSpecificShipTypeMission; reward = 40; penalty = 60; shipType = Battleship; rewardPerType = 0; penaltyPerType = 0 #5 KillEnemyOfSpecificShipTypeMission; reward = 45; penalty = 65; shipType = AirCarrier; rewardPerType = 0; penaltyPerType = 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:26] Mission tasks available! [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:26] Battle waiting start: 5.0 / 756.916011387 [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:26] Avatar.receiveAvatarInfo: {'evaluationsLeft': {0: 5, 1: 5}} [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:26] Avatar.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:26] name Cherep_N [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:26] team id 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:26] Avatar onControlled False [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:26] onControlled->False: not implemented [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:27] onGeometryMapped() MapName: 10_NE_big_race [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:27] teamBuildType: 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:27] player: Id: 12399235 Name: ole86598078 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASA004_Langley_1929' [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:27] player: Id: 11423237 Name: vitaliy358 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSC104_Karlsruhe' [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:27] player: Id: 12782089 Name: passat1997 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSB001_Nikolay_I' [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:27] player: Id: 11747083 Name: atoman2232 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASA004_Langley_1929' [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:27] player: Id: 12970770 Name: bosonogy TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB004_Arkansas_1912' [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:27] player: Id: 13190037 Name: Mclaren9000_2015 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB001_Michigan_1916' [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:27] player: Id: 12313372 Name: MIXAILVI TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSA002_Hosho_1939' [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:27] player: Id: 12717853 Name: Dr_Gruzoff TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB001_Michigan_1916' [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:27] player: Id: 12129698 Name: ajnMgn TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB004_Arkansas_1912' [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:27] player: Id: 12722118 Name: OLEGT44 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSD103_Derzky' [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:27] player: Id: 13862831 Name: ShoorikStaff TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSD103_Derzky' [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:27] player: Id: 12255539 Name: Vitaliy_Pukas TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSB003_Myogi_1912' [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:27] player: Id: 12819896 Name: Acex TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASC004_St_Louis_1906' [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:27] player: Id: 12908730 Name: pofigist4000 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSC103_Kolberg' [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:27] player: Id: 12665156 Name: jeka58 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASC004_St_Louis_1906' [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:27] player: Id: 13723589 Name: PREDATEL86 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSB003_Myogi_1912' [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:27] player: Id: 13831366 Name: Cherep_N TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSC013_Kuma_1938' [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:27] player: Id: 10769223 Name: Udaviks TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSC104_Karlsruhe' [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:27] player: Id: 12476618 Name: AbeTakakazu TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASC004_St_Louis_1906' [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:27] player: Id: 13056933 Name: proKartoshka TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSC103_Kolberg' [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:27] player: Id: 11564005 Name: MitchScar TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSC103_Kolberg' [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:27] player: Id: 12478326 Name: sasha57 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSC015_Tatsuta_1919' [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:27] player: Id: 12817015 Name: 2501syva TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSA002_Hosho_1939' [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:27] player: Id: 13332735 Name: suonic TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB004_Arkansas_1912' [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:28] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:28] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:28] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:28] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:28] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:28] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:28] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:28] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:28] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:28] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:28] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:28] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [E] [2016_01_02 18:38:30] CollisionModel::load: Error loading collision model content/gameplay/germany/ship/cruiser/GSC003_Kolberg_1910/GSC003_Kolberg_1910_Stern! [E] [2016_01_02 18:38:35] CollisionModel::load: Error loading collision model content/gameplay/usa/ship/cruiser/ASC034_St_Louis_1916/ASC034_St_Louis_1916_MidBack! [E] [2016_01_02 18:38:35] CollisionModel::load: Error loading collision model content/gameplay/germany/ship/cruiser/GSC005_Karlsruhe_1916/GSC005_Karlsruhe_1916_MidBack! [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:35] Battle countdown start: 60.0 / 765.624011239 [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:36] [Scaleform] Warning: instance4812.setImageSubstitutions() failed for #86 element - length of subString should not exceed 15 characters [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:36] ping&FPS: 0.0348489688975 942.939801122 0.001 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:36] ping&FPS: 0.0348489688975 942.939801122 942.939801122 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:36] ping&FPS: 0.0338171081884 196.939798023 942.939801122 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:36] ping&FPS: 0.0295726763351 96.9397990214 942.939801122 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:36] ping&FPS: 0.0295726763351 96.9397990214 293.939799021 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:36] ping&FPS: 0.0426789554102 178.939802285 293.939799021 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:37] ping&FPS: 0.041741247688 148.93980607 238.93980607 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:37] ping&FPS: 0.0464970128877 144.939808417 238.93980607 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:38] ping&FPS: 0.0586235480649 171.939821351 275.939821351 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:38] ping&FPS: 0.0518504860146 90.9398232283 275.939821351 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:49] ping&FPS: 0.0596686708076 231.940032411 116.940031636 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:49] ping&FPS: 0.0596686708076 231.940032411 231.940032411 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:49] ping&FPS: 0.0593919115407 200.940035555 231.940032411 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:49] ping&FPS: 0.0593919115407 200.940035555 200.940035555 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:49] ping&FPS: 0.0629426943404 148.940037626 200.940035555 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:56] ping&FPS: 0.0578605937106 147.940146874 251.940146874 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:56] ping&FPS: 0.0569323258741 129.940149556 251.940146874 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:56] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:56] id 13169892 [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:56] name ShoorikStaff [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:56] team id 1 [E] [2016_01_02 18:38:56] CollisionModel::load: Error loading collision model content/gameplay/japan/ship/cruiser/JSC013_Kuma_1938/JSC013_Kuma_1938_Bow! [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:57] id 13169904 [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:57] name Cherep_N [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:57] team id 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:57] @ launchpadAppeared 13169904 [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:57] client.Vehicle.setAmmoArtilleryGun [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:57] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:57] Avatar.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:57] ! A.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:57] BoardService.init [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:57] @ launchpadAppeared 13169904 [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:57] -- GUNS ----------------------------------------- [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:57] {0: {'position': {'y': 1.0, 'x': 0.0}, 'rotation': 2.199728488922119, 'gunPositionId': 0}, 1: {'position': {'y': 1.0, 'x': 1.0}, 'rotation': -0.9418641924858093, 'gunPositionId': 1}, 2: {'position': {'y': 2.0, 'x': 1.0}, 'rotation': 2.199728488922119, 'gunPositionId': 2}, 3: {'position': {'y': 0.0, 'x': 1.0}, 'rotation': 2.199728488922119, 'gunPositionId': 3}, 4: {'position': {'y': 1.0, 'x': 4.0}, 'rotation': 2.199728488922119, 'gunPositionId': 4}, 5: {'position': {'y': 1.0, 'x': 5.0}, 'rotation': 2.199728488922119, 'gunPositionId': 5}, 6: {'position': {'y': 1.0, 'x': 6.0}, 'rotation': -0.9418641924858093, 'gunPositionId': 6}} [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:57] -- GUNS ----------------------------------------- [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:57] {0: {'position': {'y': 2.0, 'x': 2.0}, 'rotation': 2.199728488922119, 'gunPositionId': 0}, 1: {'position': {'y': 0.0, 'x': 2.0}, 'rotation': 2.199728488922119, 'gunPositionId': 1}, 2: {'position': {'y': 2.0, 'x': 4.0}, 'rotation': 2.199728488922119, 'gunPositionId': 2}, 3: {'position': {'y': 0.0, 'x': 4.0}, 'rotation': 2.199728488922119, 'gunPositionId': 3}} [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:57] ! PM.refreshAirArmament [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:57] BoardService.restore [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:57] Avatar.onWorldStateReceived [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:57] id 13169898 [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:57] name pofigist4000 [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:57] team id 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:57] ping&FPS: 0.0397841589791 145.940178338 249.940178338 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:57] ping&FPS: 0.0419685350997 124.940182063 249.940178338 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:59] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:59] id 13169888 [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:59] name ajnMgn [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:59] team id 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:59] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:59] id 13169900 [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:59] name jeka58 [S] [2016_01_02 18:38:59] team id 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:00] [Scaleform] Error: Missing font "$Arial" in "". Search log: Searching for font: "$Arial" Movie resource: "$Arial" not found. Imports : "$Arial" not found. Exported : "$Arial" not found. Registered fonts: "$Arial" not found. Searching FontLib: "$Arial" not found. Searching FontProvider: "$Arial" not found. Font not found. [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:00] ping&FPS: 0.0584380882127 673.940202038 154.940218221 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:00] ping&FPS: 0.0584380882127 673.940202038 673.940202038 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:00] ("[ERROR] FeedbackController: config {event: 'Sound', container: 'screenplay_trigger'} must set 'type'",) [E] [2016_01_02 18:39:01] CollisionModel::load: Error loading collision model content/gameplay/japan/ship/cruiser/JSC015_Tatsuta_1919/JSC015_Tatsuta_1919_Bow! [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:02] ping&FPS: 0.0734504865749 2108.94016961 673.940202038 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:02] ping&FPS: 0.0734504865749 2108.94016961 2108.94016961 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:02] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:02] id 13169912 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:02] name MitchScar [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:02] team id 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:02] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:02] id 13169918 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:02] name suonic [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:02] team id 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:02] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:02] id 13169914 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:02] name sasha57 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:02] team id 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:04] ping&FPS: 0.064659129296 1602.94021444 2108.94016961 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:04] ping&FPS: 0.064659129296 1602.94021444 1602.94021444 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:04] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:04] id 13169878 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:04] name atoman2232 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:04] team id 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:04] @ launchpadAppeared 13169878 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:04] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:04] id 13169872 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:04] name ole86598078 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:04] team id 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:04] @ launchpadAppeared 13169872 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:04] ping&FPS: 0.0628151105983 194.940207283 1602.94021444 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:05] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:05] id 13169876 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:05] name passat1997 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:05] team id 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:06] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:06] id 13169886 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:06] name Dr_Gruzoff [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:06] team id 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:07] ping&FPS: 0.0578975783927 290.940246347 157.940250802 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:07] ping&FPS: 0.0578975783927 290.940246347 290.940246347 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:07] ping&FPS: 0.0570447849376 147.940244529 290.940246347 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:09] ping&FPS: 0.0553104089839 273.940279815 177.940272156 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:09] ping&FPS: 0.0553104089839 273.940279815 273.940279815 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:10] ping&FPS: 0.0808965819223 481.940273139 273.940279815 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:10] ping&FPS: 0.0808965819223 481.940273139 481.940273139 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:10] Set UI Volume 5.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:10] Set Engines Volume 5.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:10] Set Voice Volume 5.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:10] Set Sound Volume 5.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:10] Set Music Volume 5.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:10] Set Master Volume 5.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:10] Set World Volume 5.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:10] ping&FPS: 0.0778043078525 624.940273139 481.940273139 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:10] ping&FPS: 0.0778043078525 624.940273139 624.940273139 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:10] Set UI Volume 1.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:10] Set Music Volume 0.32 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:10] Set World Volume 1.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:10] Set Master Volume 0.34 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:10] Set Engines Volume 1.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:10] Set Sound Volume 0.33 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:10] Set Voice Volume 0.38 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:10] ping&FPS: 0.0689199971301 198.940274093 624.940273139 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:10] ping&FPS: 0.067023064409 156.940276544 624.940273139 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:10] ping&FPS: 0.067023064409 156.940276544 355.940276544 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:11] ping&FPS: 0.0570845114333 97.9402777063 355.940276544 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:11] ping&FPS: 0.0582428680999 147.940281476 355.940276544 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:11] ping&FPS: 0.0582428680999 147.940281476 245.940281476 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:11] ping&FPS: 0.0566753106458 142.940284427 245.940281476 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:13] Set Master Volume 0.71 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:15] Set Master Volume 0.87 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:15] ping&FPS: 0.0541116999728 132.940360177 225.940360177 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:15] ping&FPS: 0.0585191356284 159.940364051 225.940360177 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:17] Set Master Volume 0.87 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:17] Set Music Volume 0.32 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:17] Set Sound Volume 0.33 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:17] Set Voice Volume 0.38 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:17] Set Engines Volume 1.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:17] Set UI Volume 1.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:17] Set World Volume 1.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:18] ping&FPS: 0.0651169227702 208.940393973 122.940395105 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:18] ping&FPS: 0.0651169227702 208.940393973 208.940393973 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:19] ping&FPS: 0.138000871454 1170.94042014 208.940393973 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:19] ping&FPS: 0.138000871454 1170.94042014 1170.94042014 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:20] ping&FPS: 0.107432301555 406.940410483 1170.94042014 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:20] ping&FPS: 0.107432301555 406.940410483 406.940410483 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:20] ping&FPS: 0.0989863233907 239.940412569 406.940410483 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:20] ping&FPS: 0.0989863233907 239.940412569 239.940412569 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:20] ping&FPS: 0.0905365603311 138.940414864 239.940412569 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:20] ping&FPS: 0.0874191032989 353.94041701 138.940414864 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:20] ping&FPS: 0.0874191032989 353.94041701 353.94041701 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:21] ping&FPS: 0.0801325397832 303.940422136 353.94041701 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:21] ping&FPS: 0.0801325397832 303.940422136 303.940422136 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:21] ping&FPS: 0.0788512932403 188.940423313 303.940422136 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:31] -= BATTLE STARTED =- [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:32] ping&FPS: 0.0494301574571 103.940675761 256.940675761 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:32] ping&FPS: 0.0537173407418 155.94067898 256.940675761 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:36] ping&FPS: 0.0488009261233 149.940781559 242.940781559 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:37] ping&FPS: 0.0513594629509 149.940784726 242.940781559 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:38] ping&FPS: 0.055246170078 117.940806526 244.940806526 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:38] ping&FPS: 0.0612169908626 172.940808806 244.940806526 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:39] ping&FPS: 0.0648625301463 146.940842907 266.940842907 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:40] ping&FPS: 0.0707069592816 159.94084585 266.940842907 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:40] ping&FPS: 0.0559082137687 147.940852094 253.940852094 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:40] ping&FPS: 0.0567363159997 171.940856073 253.940852094 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:40] ping&FPS: 0.0740128116948 401.940864223 171.940856073 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:40] ping&FPS: 0.0740128116948 401.940864223 401.940864223 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:41] ping&FPS: 0.0652098166091 145.940867666 401.940864223 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:41] ping&FPS: 0.0623606847865 132.940876956 239.940876956 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:41] ping&FPS: 0.056140642081 146.940880563 239.940876956 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:43] ping&FPS: 0.038646134947 131.940927181 238.940927181 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:43] ping&FPS: 0.0449901255114 156.940930563 238.940927181 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:48] ping&FPS: 0.0519447507603 111.941030781 244.941030781 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:48] ping&FPS: 0.0522609534008 170.941034596 244.941030781 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:49] ping&FPS: 0.0611454205854 143.941055241 300.941055241 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:50] ping&FPS: 0.0513780372483 124.941057104 300.941055241 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:50] ping&FPS: 0.041036877249 122.94105957 300.941055241 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:50] ping&FPS: 0.041036877249 122.94105957 247.94105957 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:50] ping&FPS: 0.0443234475596 143.941062685 247.94105957 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:52] ping&FPS: 0.0452866586191 138.94111656 252.94111656 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:53] ping&FPS: 0.0378899606211 131.94111957 252.94111656 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:53] ping&FPS: 0.0534172090037 116.94113541 235.94113541 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:54] ping&FPS: 0.0528206186635 144.941138688 235.94113541 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:57] ping&FPS: 0.0521084027631 144.941215116 250.941215116 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:39:58] ping&FPS: 0.051110896681 144.941218394 250.941215116 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:40:16] ping&FPS: 0.0529842557652 144.941558938 248.941558938 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:40:17] ping&FPS: 0.0540437953813 144.941562216 248.941558938 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:40:28] ping&FPS: 0.0504693271858 145.941770788 250.941770788 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:40:29] ping&FPS: 0.0518156470997 132.941773962 250.941770788 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:40:43] ping&FPS: 0.0507850604398 143.942066181 282.942066181 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:40:44] ping&FPS: 0.0447433473808 148.942068252 282.942066181 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:00] ping&FPS: 0.0572829054935 139.942325692 239.942325692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:01] ping&FPS: 0.0570082025869 151.942328255 239.942325692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:01] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:02] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:02] id 13169894 [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:02] name Vitaliy_Pukas [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:02] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:08] ping&FPS: 0.0635609286172 207.942425172 133.942422743 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:08] ping&FPS: 0.0635609286172 207.942425172 207.942425172 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:08] ping&FPS: 0.0508081497891 80.942426342 207.942425172 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:08] ping&FPS: 0.0522484587772 144.942427758 207.942425172 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:08] ping&FPS: 0.0522484587772 144.942427758 225.942427758 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:09] ping&FPS: 0.0510096879942 137.94243082 225.942427758 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:11] ping&FPS: 0.046556803797 129.942477066 250.942477066 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:12] ping&FPS: 0.0474103646619 177.942481096 250.942477066 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:14] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:14] id 13169914 [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:16] ping&FPS: 0.0493880169732 142.942562144 227.942562144 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:17] ping&FPS: 0.0544489728553 142.942563232 227.942562144 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:18] ping&FPS: 0.0535999940974 211.942593473 109.942588526 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:18] ping&FPS: 0.0535999940974 211.942593473 211.942593473 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:18] ping&FPS: 0.0463821025831 99.9425958948 211.942593473 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:18] ping&FPS: 0.0643563227994 191.942598495 211.942593473 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:18] ping&FPS: 0.0643563227994 191.942598495 291.942598495 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:19] ping&FPS: 0.0555346267564 104.942600805 291.942598495 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:19] ping&FPS: 0.0569907831294 152.942604463 291.942598495 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:19] ping&FPS: 0.0569907831294 152.942604463 257.942604463 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:19] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:19] ping&FPS: 0.0533300968153 127.942606817 257.942604463 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:19] ping&FPS: 0.045351448868 135.942610349 269.942610349 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:20] ping&FPS: 0.0476002352578 140.94261204 269.942610349 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:20] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:20] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:20] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:20] id 13169890 [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:20] name OLEGT44 [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:20] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:21] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:21] id 13169900 [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:22] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:22] ping&FPS: 0.0449071111424 143.942662168 269.942662168 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:23] ping&FPS: 0.0331583576543 122.94266184 269.942662168 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:25] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:25] id 13169890 [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:26] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:26] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:29] ping&FPS: 0.0382773386581 106.94275109 260.94275109 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:30] ping&FPS: 0.0449648233397 151.942753653 260.94275109 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:33] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:33] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:34] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:34] id 13169880 [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:34] name bosonogy [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:34] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:34] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:34] id 13169908 [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:34] name AbeTakakazu [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:34] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:34] ping&FPS: 0.0475538553936 183.94281562 292.94281562 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:34] ping&FPS: 0.039902332638 111.94281442 292.94281562 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:36] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:36] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:36] id 13169896 [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:36] name Acex [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:36] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:39] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:39] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:39] id 13169890 [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:39] name OLEGT44 [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:39] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:40] ping&FPS: 0.0614563780172 220.942926492 145.942921001 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:40] ping&FPS: 0.0614563780172 220.942926492 220.942926492 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:40] ping&FPS: 0.0504092904074 80.9429304557 220.942926492 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:40] ping&FPS: 0.0489654200418 131.942934397 220.942926492 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:40] ping&FPS: 0.0489654200418 131.942934397 212.942934397 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:41] ping&FPS: 0.0518944742424 152.942938987 212.942934397 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:41] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:41] id 13169888 [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:41] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:41] id 13169894 [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:42] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:42] id 13169908 [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:43] ping&FPS: 0.0520672830088 138.942970875 260.942970875 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:44] ping&FPS: 0.0443145888192 140.942974429 260.942970875 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:44] ping&FPS: 0.0680064516408 200.942975249 127.942976761 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:44] ping&FPS: 0.0680064516408 200.942975249 200.942975249 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:44] ping&FPS: 0.0526203098042 78.9429751592 200.942975249 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:44] ping&FPS: 0.0547163592918 144.942973781 200.942975249 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:44] ping&FPS: 0.0547163592918 144.942973781 223.942973781 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:44] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:44] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:44] id 13169908 [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:44] name AbeTakakazu [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:44] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:45] ping&FPS: 0.0468923034413 137.942978706 223.942973781 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:46] ping&FPS: 0.0541771309716 143.942987415 257.942987415 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:46] ping&FPS: 0.0574584411723 133.942992616 257.942987415 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:46] ping&FPS: 0.0491802873356 144.943004015 275.943004015 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:47] ping&FPS: 0.0480271311743 130.943006861 275.943004015 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:47] ping&FPS: 0.0560097502811 137.943011525 278.943011525 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:48] ping&FPS: 0.0586848067386 160.943009976 278.943011525 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:48] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:48] id 13169916 [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:48] name 2501syva [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:48] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:48] @ launchpadAppeared 13169916 [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:48] ping&FPS: 0.0597980128867 165.943000841 297.943000841 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:48] ping&FPS: 0.0517907547099 114.942999202 297.943000841 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:48] ping&FPS: 0.0515321972115 113.942997399 297.943000841 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:48] ping&FPS: 0.0515321972115 113.942997399 228.942997399 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:49] ping&FPS: 0.0477068679673 137.94299953 228.942997399 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:49] ping&FPS: 0.0579015421016 120.942999374 240.942999374 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:50] ping&FPS: 0.0637397276504 168.943003792 240.942999374 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:50] id 13169898 [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:51] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:51] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:51] id 13169910 [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:51] name proKartoshka [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:51] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:52] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:52] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:52] id 13169882 [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:52] name Mclaren9000_2015 [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:52] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:56] ping&FPS: 0.0384481432182 120.943069171 226.943069171 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:57] ping&FPS: 0.0474359127028 167.943071562 226.943069171 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:59] ping&FPS: 0.057406734143 151.943076211 246.943076211 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:41:59] ping&FPS: 0.0547545360667 131.943079221 246.943076211 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:00] ping&FPS: 0.0739378886563 237.94309714 101.943099107 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:00] ping&FPS: 0.0739378886563 237.94309714 237.94309714 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:00] ping&FPS: 0.0656330393893 206.943100336 237.94309714 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:00] ping&FPS: 0.0656330393893 206.943100336 206.943100336 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:01] ping&FPS: 0.0641371863229 160.943098787 206.943100336 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:01] ping&FPS: 0.0606321798904 132.943101841 218.943101841 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:01] ping&FPS: 0.0649725901229 171.943103957 218.943101841 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:05] ping&FPS: 0.0564535515649 148.943180609 254.943180609 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:05] ping&FPS: 0.05342191032 150.943183939 254.943180609 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:06] ping&FPS: 0.0516702117664 130.943188305 260.943188305 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:06] ping&FPS: 0.0500934081418 132.943189617 260.943188305 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:07] ping&FPS: 0.0671986745937 268.943195264 137.9431996 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:07] ping&FPS: 0.0671986745937 268.943195264 268.943195264 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:07] ping&FPS: 0.0688854711396 152.943192403 268.943195264 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:07] ping&FPS: 0.0493041383369 133.943191442 251.943191442 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:08] ping&FPS: 0.0539938913924 155.943191867 251.943191442 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:08] ping&FPS: 0.0482838036759 144.943203654 242.943203654 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:09] ping&FPS: 0.053441274379 163.943208184 242.943203654 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:09] ping&FPS: 0.04601222596 113.943211842 277.943211842 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:09] ping&FPS: 0.039560343538 144.943208601 277.943211842 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:09] ping&FPS: 0.0376786472542 101.943206068 225.943206068 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:09] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:09] id 13169890 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:10] ping&FPS: 0.0490080746157 159.943207148 225.943206068 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:10] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:10] ping&FPS: 0.066671411906 265.943211156 194.943208534 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:10] ping&FPS: 0.066671411906 265.943211156 265.943211156 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:10] ping&FPS: 0.0553303765399 108.943212259 265.943211156 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:10] ping&FPS: 0.0584569828851 173.943210978 265.943211156 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:10] ping&FPS: 0.0584569828851 173.943210978 282.943210978 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:11] ping&FPS: 0.0506854834301 106.943211752 282.943210978 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:11] ping&FPS: 0.0432906406266 131.943213831 282.943210978 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:11] ping&FPS: 0.0432906406266 131.943213831 238.943213831 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:11] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:11] ping&FPS: 0.0487962620599 158.943211954 238.943213831 0 [E] [2016_01_02 18:42:11] CollisionModel::load: Error loading collision model content/gameplay/japan/ship/cruiser/JSC015_Tatsuta_1919/JSC015_Tatsuta_1919_Bow! [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:11] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:11] id 13169914 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:11] name sasha57 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:11] team id 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:12] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:12] id 13169878 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:12] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:12] ping&FPS: 0.051934044276 127.943215649 225.943215649 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:13] ping&FPS: 0.0476122008903 131.943215865 225.943215649 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:13] ping&FPS: 0.0534209789974 159.943215284 258.943215284 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:13] ping&FPS: 0.0602149026734 167.943215813 258.943215284 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:13] ping&FPS: 0.0522231566054 102.94321702 245.94321702 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:14] ping&FPS: 0.0528193893177 132.943215537 245.94321702 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:15] ping&FPS: 0.044602345143 131.943220581 257.943220581 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:16] ping&FPS: 0.0477465572102 150.943219255 257.943220581 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:16] id 13169876 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:16] ping&FPS: 0.0387120576841 106.943225134 220.943225134 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:17] ping&FPS: 0.0408199461443 156.943227585 220.943225134 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:19] ping&FPS: 0.0527192311628 146.943253207 257.943253207 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:19] ping&FPS: 0.0513738723738 136.943249586 257.943253207 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:19] ping&FPS: 0.0558025496347 125.943248745 264.943248745 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:19] ping&FPS: 0.0495734768254 143.943248134 264.943248745 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:20] ping&FPS: 0.0403826045138 143.943245377 257.943245377 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:20] ping&FPS: 0.0379730792982 136.943249206 257.943245377 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:21] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:21] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:21] id 13169884 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:21] name MIXAILVI [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:21] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:21] @ launchpadAppeared 13169884 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:23] id 13169896 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:23] ping&FPS: 0.054991583739 160.943283621 259.943283621 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:23] ping&FPS: 0.0517770232899 127.943285975 259.943283621 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:24] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:24] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:24] id 13169910 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:24] ping&FPS: 0.0480365263564 126.943316485 258.943316485 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:24] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:24] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:24] id 13169890 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:24] name OLEGT44 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:24] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:24] ping&FPS: 0.0470359953386 129.943319167 258.943316485 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:24] ping&FPS: 0.057268347059 202.943325433 129.943319167 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:24] ping&FPS: 0.057268347059 202.943325433 202.943325433 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:24] ping&FPS: 0.0490753310067 111.943327028 202.943325433 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:24] ping&FPS: 0.0468443589551 114.943330045 202.943325433 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:24] ping&FPS: 0.0468443589551 114.943330045 226.943330045 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:25] ping&FPS: 0.0531262638313 160.943333152 226.943330045 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:25] ping&FPS: 0.0550657617194 159.943342659 255.943342659 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:25] ping&FPS: 0.0575391458614 143.943343911 255.943342659 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:25] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:26] ping&FPS: 0.0464689167483 112.943369533 255.943369533 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:27] ping&FPS: 0.0577929126365 284.943369682 255.943369533 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:27] ping&FPS: 0.0577929126365 284.943369682 284.943369682 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:27] ping&FPS: 0.059000443135 147.943368796 284.943369682 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:27] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:27] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:27] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:27] id 13169900 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:27] name jeka58 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:27] team id 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:27] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:27] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:27] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:30] ping&FPS: 0.0611598151071 173.94337308 297.94337308 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:31] ping&FPS: 0.057220097099 120.943372424 297.94337308 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:32] ping&FPS: 0.0512645500047 171.943375479 273.943375479 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:32] ping&FPS: 0.0548651473863 131.94337197 273.943375479 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:33] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:33] ping&FPS: 0.0414788605911 111.943389203 254.943389203 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:34] ping&FPS: 0.0405251415712 135.943391937 254.943389203 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:35] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:35] ping&FPS: 0.0499211432678 138.943431448 249.943431448 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:35] ping&FPS: 0.0440622376544 114.943435396 249.943431448 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:36] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:36] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:36] id 13169896 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:36] name Acex [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:36] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:36] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:36] id 13169916 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:36] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:36] ping&FPS: 0.0530920433147 207.943455267 129.943451907 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:36] ping&FPS: 0.0530920433147 207.943455267 207.943455267 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:36] ping&FPS: 0.0462281810386 97.9434564295 207.943455267 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:36] ping&FPS: 0.0461998315794 133.943458836 207.943455267 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:36] ping&FPS: 0.0461998315794 133.943458836 231.943458836 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:37] ping&FPS: 0.0481827067477 144.943462114 231.943458836 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:37] ping&FPS: 0.0576547937734 168.943478163 301.943478163 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:37] ping&FPS: 0.0480196358902 93.9434796008 301.943478163 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:38] ping&FPS: 0.0480986194951 136.943480636 301.943478163 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:38] ping&FPS: 0.0480986194951 136.943480636 230.943480636 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:38] ping&FPS: 0.0529861705644 155.943482924 230.943480636 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:39] ping&FPS: 0.0386000605566 135.943490382 238.943490382 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:39] ping&FPS: 0.0457872109754 152.943490315 238.943490382 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:40] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:40] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:40] id 13169910 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:40] name proKartoshka [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:40] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:42] ping&FPS: 0.0483984383089 135.943481076 236.943481076 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:42] ping&FPS: 0.0571669148547 154.943483199 236.943481076 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:43] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:43] id 13169872 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:43] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:43] ping&FPS: 0.0575174497707 112.943495426 277.943495426 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:44] ping&FPS: 0.0585540788514 146.943499032 277.943495426 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:44] ping&FPS: 0.0630008982761 136.943504352 265.943504352 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:45] ping&FPS: 0.0614167558295 133.943506758 265.943504352 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:45] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:45] ping&FPS: 0.0411457600338 146.943522926 266.943522926 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:46] ping&FPS: 0.0433876397354 129.943525608 266.943522926 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:47] ping&FPS: 0.0512281762702 160.943544883 255.943544883 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:47] ping&FPS: 0.0480327414615 123.943546581 255.943544883 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:48] ping&FPS: 0.0402223723275 143.943515423 252.943515423 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:49] ping&FPS: 0.0380486281855 120.943514768 252.943515423 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:49] ping&FPS: 0.0480122821672 111.943525079 234.943525079 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:50] ping&FPS: 0.0561267840011 176.943528946 234.943525079 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:52] ping&FPS: 0.059981908117 207.943546209 137.943542849 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:52] ping&FPS: 0.059981908117 207.943546209 207.943546209 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:52] ping&FPS: 0.0481897102935 87.9435475948 207.943546209 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:52] ping&FPS: 0.0481881084187 142.943550545 207.943546209 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:52] ping&FPS: 0.0481881084187 142.943550545 230.943550545 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:53] ping&FPS: 0.0506031619651 148.94355541 230.943550545 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:54] ping&FPS: 0.0462267728789 148.943552788 247.943552788 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:55] ping&FPS: 0.0467598619206 153.943548228 247.943552788 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:55] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:55] id 13169884 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:55] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:56] ping&FPS: 0.0586080359561 140.943509835 245.943509835 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:57] ping&FPS: 0.0659586446626 147.943515468 245.943509835 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:58] ping&FPS: 0.0465460749609 147.943547364 228.943547364 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:58] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:58] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:58] id 13169916 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:58] name 2501syva [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:58] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:58] @ launchpadAppeared 13169916 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:58] ping&FPS: 0.0463469060404 165.943548496 228.943547364 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:59] ping&FPS: 0.0475451754672 119.943546336 248.943546336 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:42:59] ping&FPS: 0.0515074687345 162.943543251 248.943546336 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:01] ping&FPS: 0.0450678425176 112.943591464 272.943591464 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:02] ping&FPS: 0.0457776295287 131.943596336 272.943591464 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:02] ping&FPS: 0.0400369571788 145.943611804 254.943611804 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:02] ping&FPS: 0.0457332985742 144.943609494 254.943611804 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:07] ping&FPS: 0.0414550038321 143.943650465 274.943650465 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:08] ping&FPS: 0.048004272793 166.943644311 274.943650465 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:08] ping&FPS: 0.0445464657886 127.943646725 241.943646725 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:08] ping&FPS: 0.0412588598473 142.943644087 241.943646725 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:08] ping&FPS: 0.0458072157843 128.943639617 266.943639617 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:08] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:09] ping&FPS: 0.0428436057908 125.943639781 266.943639617 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:09] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:09] id 13169872 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:09] name ole86598078 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:09] team id 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:09] @ launchpadAppeared 13169872 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:09] ping&FPS: 0.0564057933433 153.943643417 255.943643417 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:09] ping&FPS: 0.0527099253876 114.94364364 255.943643417 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:10] ping&FPS: 0.0577357070787 154.943643342 239.943643342 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:10] ping&FPS: 0.0528363393886 131.943642627 239.943643342 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:11] ping&FPS: 0.0503806056721 136.943664442 261.943664442 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:11] ping&FPS: 0.0553557830197 142.943667393 261.943664442 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:12] ping&FPS: 0.0561285274369 122.943673018 245.943673018 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:12] ping&FPS: 0.0545992659671 151.94367465 245.943673018 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:12] ping&FPS: 0.0494770961148 172.943677905 247.943677905 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:12] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:12] id 13169908 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:13] ping&FPS: 0.0373515742166 108.943676214 247.943677905 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:13] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:13] id 13169882 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:16] ping&FPS: 0.0673637347562 169.943696845 297.943696845 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:16] ping&FPS: 0.0532197984202 111.943694714 297.943696845 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:17] ping&FPS: 0.0373268159372 83.9437316092 226.943731609 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:18] ping&FPS: 0.0403560059411 141.94373719 226.943731609 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:18] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:18] ping&FPS: 0.0574572341783 157.94376232 297.94376232 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:18] id 13169890 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:19] ping&FPS: 0.0483570354325 98.9437627154 297.94376232 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:19] ping&FPS: 0.0503698544843 145.94376802 297.94376232 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:19] ping&FPS: 0.0503698544843 145.94376802 244.94376802 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:19] ping&FPS: 0.0405154707176 137.94376922 244.94376802 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:19] ping&FPS: 0.0531642319901 132.94377439 270.94377439 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:19] ping&FPS: 0.046784404133 107.943774398 270.94377439 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:19] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:20] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:20] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:20] id 13169882 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:20] name Mclaren9000_2015 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:20] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:22] ping&FPS: 0.0479565890772 141.943805944 259.943805944 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:23] ping&FPS: 0.0424459236009 133.94380835 259.943805944 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:24] ping&FPS: 0.0416584568364 124.943821813 232.943821813 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:24] ping&FPS: 0.0455293314798 152.943823609 232.943821813 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:24] ping&FPS: 0.0434826122863 122.943823534 231.943823534 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:25] ping&FPS: 0.0478318812592 154.943826589 231.943823534 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:25] ping&FPS: 0.0367124336106 109.943828847 248.943828847 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:25] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:26] ping&FPS: 0.0406154351575 147.943832617 248.943828847 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:27] ping&FPS: 0.0458838375551 159.943853255 252.943853255 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:27] ping&FPS: 0.0445477398379 126.943858239 252.943853255 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:28] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:28] ping&FPS: 0.0567756401641 135.943878423 245.943878423 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:29] ping&FPS: 0.0552825587136 145.943879071 245.943878423 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:31] ping&FPS: 0.0532215269549 126.943934354 254.943934354 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:32] ping&FPS: 0.0653632687671 178.943938549 254.943934354 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:32] ping&FPS: 0.0520221622927 140.943946059 238.943946059 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:32] ping&FPS: 0.0534542234881 140.943946819 238.943946059 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:32] ping&FPS: 0.0738767342908 230.943955812 140.943946819 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:32] ping&FPS: 0.0738767342908 230.943955812 230.943955812 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:32] ping&FPS: 0.0584694700582 79.9439577492 230.943955812 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:32] ping&FPS: 0.050437543009 142.943961631 230.943955812 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:32] ping&FPS: 0.050437543009 142.943961631 222.943961631 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:33] ping&FPS: 0.0420506404979 113.943963553 222.943961631 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:33] ping&FPS: 0.0473182754857 78.9439917239 238.943991724 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:34] ping&FPS: 0.0516345905406 186.943995367 238.943991724 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:35] ping&FPS: 0.0465322466833 175.944020178 272.944020178 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:35] ping&FPS: 0.0422453018171 112.944023799 272.944020178 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:36] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:37] ping&FPS: 0.0588714288814 150.94405819 247.94405819 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:37] ping&FPS: 0.0656195687396 168.94406354 247.94405819 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:37] ping&FPS: 0.0591952907188 149.944062489 271.944062489 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:38] ping&FPS: 0.0638685779912 131.944062706 271.944062489 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:39] ping&FPS: 0.0540446447475 134.944061871 253.944061871 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:39] ping&FPS: 0.0499340625746 112.944063629 253.944061871 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:40] ping&FPS: 0.0603162305696 182.94407257 311.94407257 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:40] ping&FPS: 0.0547558175666 112.94407526 311.94407257 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:40] ping&FPS: 0.0524058150394 113.944079045 311.94407257 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:40] ping&FPS: 0.0524058150394 113.944079045 226.944079045 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:41] ping&FPS: 0.0580610739333 146.944083582 226.944079045 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:41] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:42] ping&FPS: 0.0492981778724 111.944080132 245.944080132 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:42] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:42] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:42] id 13169890 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:42] name OLEGT44 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:42] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:42] ping&FPS: 0.0448634656412 131.944079417 245.944080132 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:42] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:43] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:43] id 13169876 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:43] name passat1997 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:43] team id 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:44] ping&FPS: 0.0730019020183 277.944079395 193.944076668 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:44] ping&FPS: 0.0730019020183 277.944079395 277.944079395 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:44] ping&FPS: 0.0637690531356 105.944080006 277.944079395 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:44] ping&FPS: 0.0565051691873 109.944081272 277.944079395 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:44] ping&FPS: 0.0565051691873 109.944081272 215.944081272 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:44] ping&FPS: 0.0591134684426 151.944087561 215.944081272 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:44] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:44] id 13169916 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:44] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:48] ping&FPS: 0.0395652087671 142.944142024 266.944142024 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:48] ping&FPS: 0.0372612433774 140.944142784 266.944142024 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:48] ping&FPS: 0.0519180776817 138.944141272 260.944141272 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:49] ping&FPS: 0.0529380919678 138.944140773 260.944141272 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:49] ping&FPS: 0.048430520509 293.944135207 160.944138292 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:49] ping&FPS: 0.048430520509 293.944135207 412.944135207 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:49] ping&FPS: 0.052135478173 158.944137055 412.944135207 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:52] ping&FPS: 0.0470725627882 150.944177467 254.944177467 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:52] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:52] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:52] id 13169908 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:52] name AbeTakakazu [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:52] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:52] ping&FPS: 0.0555109935147 169.944179255 254.944177467 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:52] ping&FPS: 0.0533102559192 138.944183845 277.944183845 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:52] ping&FPS: 0.0558859365327 153.944188598 277.944183845 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:53] ping&FPS: 0.0519505994661 137.944197285 256.944197285 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:53] ping&FPS: 0.0546870934112 159.944197434 256.944197285 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:54] ping&FPS: 0.0486493217094 123.944195616 235.944195616 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:54] ping&FPS: 0.0448025273425 126.944194082 235.944195616 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:54] ping&FPS: 0.0530693488462 220.944191191 126.944194082 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:54] ping&FPS: 0.0530693488462 220.944191191 220.944191191 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:54] ping&FPS: 0.0413515525205 77.9441890748 220.944191191 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:54] ping&FPS: 0.0416837068541 155.944184843 220.944191191 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:54] ping&FPS: 0.0416837068541 155.944184843 233.944184843 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:54] ping&FPS: 0.0482006849987 170.944181207 233.944184843 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:55] ping&FPS: 0.0529304253204 142.944169599 280.944169599 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:55] ping&FPS: 0.0520991565926 116.944175738 280.944169599 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:56] ping&FPS: 0.0679952012641 211.944172102 151.944174606 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:56] ping&FPS: 0.0679952012641 211.944172102 211.944172102 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:56] ping&FPS: 0.0529487388475 77.9441699865 211.944172102 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:56] ping&FPS: 0.0482118906719 131.944165546 211.944172102 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:56] ping&FPS: 0.0482118906719 131.944165546 209.944165546 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:56] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:57] ping&FPS: 0.0484725939376 132.944164995 209.944165546 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:57] id 13169874 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:57] name vitaliy358 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:57] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:58] ping&FPS: 0.0462162824614 161.944173041 259.944173041 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:58] ping&FPS: 0.044571186815 125.944175999 259.944173041 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:43:59] SmokeScreen.onEnterWorld( 125858 ) [(-51.9162, -171.043)] [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:00] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:00] id 13169908 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:00] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:00] id 13169882 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:00] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:00] id 13169880 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:00] ping&FPS: 0.0542153524501 117.94412906 219.94412906 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:00] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:00] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:00] id 13169898 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:00] name pofigist4000 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:00] team id 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:01] ping&FPS: 0.0490244137389 139.944126863 219.94412906 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:01] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:01] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:01] id 13169878 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:01] name atoman2232 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:01] team id 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:01] @ launchpadAppeared 13169878 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:01] ping&FPS: 0.0519404070718 87.9441273095 243.94412731 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:02] ping&FPS: 0.0543432789189 152.944130036 243.94412731 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:02] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:03] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:06] ping&FPS: 0.0557870375259 135.94417091 233.94417091 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:06] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:06] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:06] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:06] id 13169882 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:06] name Mclaren9000_2015 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:06] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:06] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:06] id 13169880 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:06] name bosonogy [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:06] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:06] ping&FPS: 0.0530505733831 148.944171119 233.94417091 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:06] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:06] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:06] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:06] id 13169882 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:06] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:06] id 13169880 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:07] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:07] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:07] id 13169908 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:07] name AbeTakakazu [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:07] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:07] ping&FPS: 0.0421137618167 171.944179747 267.944179747 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:07] ping&FPS: 0.0440422030432 145.944182258 267.944179747 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:07] ping&FPS: 0.0392640264971 117.944183845 253.944183845 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:08] ping&FPS: 0.0499159949166 182.944184038 253.944183845 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:08] ping&FPS: 0.0448496820671 156.944185245 245.944185245 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:08] ping&FPS: 0.0524401473148 151.944186877 245.944185245 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:08] ping&FPS: 0.0553512083633 134.94419277 230.94419277 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:08] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:08] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:08] id 13169906 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:08] name Udaviks [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:08] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:09] ping&FPS: 0.0494918333633 143.944195885 230.94419277 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:09] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:10] ping&FPS: 0.0415087895734 141.944215338 248.944215338 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:10] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:10] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:10] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:10] id 13169882 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:10] name Mclaren9000_2015 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:10] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:10] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:10] id 13169880 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:10] name bosonogy [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:10] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:10] ping&FPS: 0.038821491812 143.944214727 248.944215338 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:10] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:10] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:10] id 13169882 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:10] id 13169880 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:12] ping&FPS: 0.0521745043142 146.944222774 288.944222774 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:13] ping&FPS: 0.0476721482618 108.944222014 288.944222774 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:13] ping&FPS: 0.0503888832671 148.944225016 288.944222774 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:13] ping&FPS: 0.0503888832671 148.944225016 257.944225016 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:13] ping&FPS: 0.0460420953376 117.944225732 257.944225016 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:15] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:16] id 13169908 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:16] ping&FPS: 0.0395360024912 120.944231014 245.944231014 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:17] ping&FPS: 0.0505787985665 184.944238055 245.944231014 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:17] ping&FPS: 0.0445226313812 129.944246929 252.944246929 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:17] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:17] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:17] id 13169888 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:17] name ajnMgn [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:17] team id 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:17] ping&FPS: 0.0525251658899 171.944248113 252.944246929 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:17] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:17] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:17] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:17] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:17] ping&FPS: 0.0574978100402 147.944248635 284.944248635 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:18] ping&FPS: 0.0536587344749 109.944246176 284.944248635 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:18] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:18] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:18] id 13169880 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:18] name bosonogy [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:18] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:18] ping&FPS: 0.0539248841149 155.944247532 284.944248635 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:18] ping&FPS: 0.0539248841149 155.944247532 265.944247532 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:18] ping&FPS: 0.0626428680761 162.944248173 265.944247532 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:18] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:18] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:18] ping&FPS: 0.0626492308719 169.944247666 280.944247666 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:18] ping&FPS: 0.0570772396667 114.944244164 280.944247666 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:20] ping&FPS: 0.0661662327392 198.944241989 320.944241989 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:20] ping&FPS: 0.0641871201141 229.944236848 320.944241989 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:20] ping&FPS: 0.0641871201141 229.944236848 229.944236848 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:20] ping&FPS: 0.0612575667245 138.944235417 229.944236848 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:20] ping&FPS: 0.060582410012 107.944230515 254.944230515 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:21] ping&FPS: 0.0593513356788 154.944229844 254.944230515 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:22] ping&FPS: 0.064230929528 165.944222796 279.944222796 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:22] ping&FPS: 0.0570236401899 109.944224063 279.944222796 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:23] ping&FPS: 0.0526972444994 162.944220539 269.944220539 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:23] ping&FPS: 0.0460776793105 103.944220822 269.944220539 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:24] ping&FPS: 0.0614161299808 180.944219756 269.944220539 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:24] ping&FPS: 0.0614161299808 180.944219756 284.944219756 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:24] ping&FPS: 0.0528422998531 104.944217409 284.944219756 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:24] ping&FPS: 0.0552528308971 140.944216307 284.944219756 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:24] ping&FPS: 0.0552528308971 140.944216307 245.944216307 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:24] ping&FPS: 0.0590424346072 143.944212902 245.944216307 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:25] ping&FPS: 0.05906210414 159.944212097 263.944212097 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:25] ping&FPS: 0.0615191417081 145.944211814 263.944212097 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:25] ping&FPS: 0.0501668634159 109.944208335 260.944208335 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:26] ping&FPS: 0.0481153087957 147.944208379 260.944208335 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:26] Two time score difference detected. Max Score(0): 503 Min Score(1): 248 User Team Id: 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:26] ping&FPS: 0.0534523608429 168.944211017 269.944211017 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:26] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:26] ping&FPS: 0.051973428045 129.944211836 269.944211017 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:27] ping&FPS: 0.0516344340784 132.944206546 259.944206546 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:27] ping&FPS: 0.0559757458312 155.944202315 259.944206546 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:28] ping&FPS: 0.0535388248307 164.944195758 272.944195758 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:28] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:28] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:28] id 13169908 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:28] name AbeTakakazu [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:28] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:28] ping&FPS: 0.046607929681 129.944196578 272.944195758 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:28] ping&FPS: 0.0559680270297 235.944196443 194.944195013 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:28] ping&FPS: 0.0559680270297 235.944196443 235.944196443 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:29] ping&FPS: 0.0589601205928 160.944196756 235.944196443 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:30] ping&FPS: 0.0544976698501 160.944181915 241.944181915 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:30] ping&FPS: 0.0491361202938 134.944177966 241.944181915 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:31] ping&FPS: 0.0449158208711 127.944173749 265.944174017 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:31] ping&FPS: 0.0449158208711 137.944174017 265.944174017 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:31] ping&FPS: 0.0468423472983 125.944174181 265.944174017 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:31] ping&FPS: 0.0459543647511 132.94416571 270.94416571 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:32] ping&FPS: 0.0540680097682 170.944162074 270.94416571 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:32] ping&FPS: 0.0593301611287 176.944162551 286.944162551 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:32] ping&FPS: 0.0475664096219 106.944161463 286.944162551 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:33] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:34] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:34] id 13169910 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:34] ping&FPS: 0.0559831517083 172.944131877 278.944131877 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:34] ping&FPS: 0.0546612100942 129.944130834 278.944131877 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:35] ping&FPS: 0.0685653196914 410.944150384 150.944144483 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:35] ping&FPS: 0.0685653196914 410.944150384 410.944150384 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:35] ping&FPS: 0.070973228131 171.9441525 410.944150384 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:36] ping&FPS: 0.0693418788058 147.944161798 283.944161798 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:36] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:36] id 13169878 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:36] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:36] ping&FPS: 0.0535237672074 108.944161038 283.944161798 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:37] ping&FPS: 0.0564417051417 136.944183733 238.944183733 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:38] ping&FPS: 0.0522174345595 137.944184001 238.944183733 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:39] ping&FPS: 0.0515387835247 136.94419096 273.94419096 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:39] ping&FPS: 0.0441642286522 100.944191683 273.94419096 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:40] ping&FPS: 0.0605204807861 141.944191921 268.944191921 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:40] ping&FPS: 0.0507258059723 154.944193113 268.944191921 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:40] ping&FPS: 0.0551215665681 148.944210786 257.944210786 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:40] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:41] ping&FPS: 0.0545472311122 132.944215822 257.944210786 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:41] ping&FPS: 0.0571918295962 153.944223027 262.944223027 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:41] ping&FPS: 0.0601718979222 154.944222357 262.944223027 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:41] ping&FPS: 0.0524538712842 119.944226015 277.944226015 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:42] ping&FPS: 0.0508618312223 117.944230455 277.944226015 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:43] ping&FPS: 0.0519139202578 153.944258708 255.944258708 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:43] ping&FPS: 0.0496799679739 134.94426221 255.944258708 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:43] ping&FPS: 0.0543858664376 155.944274995 267.944274995 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:43] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:44] ping&FPS: 0.0581678705556 165.94427799 267.944274995 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:44] ping&FPS: 0.0503460945828 135.944297183 275.944297183 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:45] ping&FPS: 0.0555430161101 136.94429915 275.944297183 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:45] ping&FPS: 0.060434873615 139.944303128 261.944303128 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:45] ping&FPS: 0.0669708209378 160.944303441 261.944303128 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:46] ping&FPS: 0.0548426168306 130.944299761 235.944299761 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:46] ping&FPS: 0.0553298997028 165.944297168 235.944299761 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:46] ping&FPS: 0.063851456557 176.944295752 273.944295752 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:47] ping&FPS: 0.0508500891072 106.944296527 273.944295752 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:47] ping&FPS: 0.0604969369514 128.94430809 286.94430809 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:47] ping&FPS: 0.0506741138441 125.944310117 286.94430809 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:49] ping&FPS: 0.0408575641257 138.944334957 264.944334957 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:49] ping&FPS: 0.0450939195497 138.944339115 264.944334957 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:49] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:49] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:49] id 13169910 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:49] name proKartoshka [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:49] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:50] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:50] ping&FPS: 0.0500905471189 174.94433828 275.94433828 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:50] ping&FPS: 0.0551885174853 141.944337341 275.94433828 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:50] ping&FPS: 0.0537859158857 143.944334868 275.94433828 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:50] ping&FPS: 0.0537859158857 143.944334868 285.944334868 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:51] ping&FPS: 0.0526527049286 123.944336567 285.944334868 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:51] ping&FPS: 0.0487705203039 126.944336894 285.944334868 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:51] ping&FPS: 0.0487705203039 126.944336894 250.944336894 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:51] ping&FPS: 0.049217905317 159.944335181 250.944336894 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:51] ping&FPS: 0.0408556716783 156.944328848 287.944328848 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:51] ping&FPS: 0.0327964308006 108.944328088 287.944328848 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:52] ping&FPS: 0.0460149007184 146.94432028 255.94432028 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:52] ping&FPS: 0.0474313976509 143.944319669 255.94432028 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:52] ping&FPS: 0.0415790709002 149.944313231 246.944313231 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:53] ping&FPS: 0.0408835815532 123.94431493 246.944313231 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:54] ping&FPS: 0.0440216468913 146.944287601 262.944287601 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:55] ping&FPS: 0.0462720202548 147.944283921 262.944287601 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:55] ping&FPS: 0.0414138766272 128.944275055 268.944275055 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:56] ping&FPS: 0.0495772393686 171.944273445 268.944275055 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:56] SmokeScreen.onEnterWorld( 125860 ) [(40.8639, 120.031)] [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:56] ping&FPS: 0.0468252854688 134.944269303 244.944269303 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:57] ping&FPS: 0.0437866928322 133.944268915 244.944269303 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:58] ping&FPS: 0.0486547010286 166.944254849 267.944254849 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:44:58] ping&FPS: 0.047232929085 144.944252539 267.944254849 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:00] ping&FPS: 0.0484706269843 277.944239977 145.944235388 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:00] ping&FPS: 0.0484706269843 277.944239977 277.944239977 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:00] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:00] id 13169890 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:00] ping&FPS: 0.0477938087923 124.94424184 277.944239977 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:00] ping&FPS: 0.0613426076514 211.944247011 199.944245789 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:00] ping&FPS: 0.0613426076514 211.944247011 211.944247011 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:01] ping&FPS: 0.0622751372201 155.944248367 211.944247011 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:01] ping&FPS: 0.0605383025748 200.944255527 173.944251451 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:01] ping&FPS: 0.0484180333359 74.9442547815 275.944254782 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:02] ping&FPS: 0.0416471990091 130.944250177 275.944254782 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:02] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:03] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:03] ping&FPS: 0.0477366181357 126.944237146 250.944237146 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:04] ping&FPS: 0.047157499407 134.944237854 250.944237146 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:04] ping&FPS: 0.0540059762342 145.944231722 236.944231722 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:05] ping&FPS: 0.0521903591497 138.944234017 236.944231722 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:05] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:05] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:05] id 13169890 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:05] name OLEGT44 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:05] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:06] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:06] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:07] ping&FPS: 0.0361582668764 115.944188389 254.944188389 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:08] ping&FPS: 0.0438529657466 179.944188091 254.944188389 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:08] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:08] id 13169890 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:08] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:08] ping&FPS: 0.0387883814318 151.944187987 237.944187987 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:08] ping&FPS: 0.0435227336628 143.944185513 237.944187987 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:09] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:09] id 13169888 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:11] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:11] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:11] id 13169890 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:11] name OLEGT44 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:11] team id 0 [E] [2016_01_02 18:45:22] ServerConnection::onTimeOut(13169903): Disconnecting due to channel timing out. [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:22] loginConnectionCallback: setting gIsConnected to False [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:26] connection problem!!! [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:26] clearAll 0 True [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:26] [DEBUG] (24343278503594968, 57): Deleted: [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:26] [DEBUG] (24343278503594968, 57): Deleted: [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:26] [DEBUG] (24343278503595215, 36): XmppChatHandler.__onDisconnected() (0,) [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:26] CommonDailyList.__cleanup [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:26] StatsProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:26] StatsProxy.cleanup() [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:26] AccountLevelingProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:26] id 13169872 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:26] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:26] id 13169874 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:26] id 13169876 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:26] id 13169880 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:26] id 13169886 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:26] id 13169890 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:26] id 13169892 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:26] id 13169896 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:26] id 13169898 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:26] id 13169900 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:26] Avatar.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:26] id 13169904 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:26] id 13169906 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:26] id 13169908 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:26] id 13169910 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:26] id 13169912 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:26] id 13169914 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:26] id 13169918 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:26] PersonalPriceList.clear: [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:32] ON LOGIN BUTTON [E] [2016_01_02 18:45:44] ServerConnection::logOnBegin: Could not find server 'login.worldofwarships.ru' [E] [2016_01_02 18:45:44] ServerConnection::logOnComplete: Logon failed: DNS lookup failed [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:44] loginConnectionCallback negative DNS lookup failed DNS_LOOKUP_FAILED [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:44] [DEBUG] (24343278503595213, 28): WindowsManager.__onNodeReadyForData: invalid windowId 4 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:44] [DEBUG] (24343278503595213, 28): WindowsManager.__onNodeReadyForStage: invalid windowId 4 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:46] ON LOGIN BUTTON [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:55] loginConnectionCallback positive {"security_msg":"old_pass","token2":"5719344:9007779110096255104:267512703992192134910342828583046466165"} LOGGED_ON [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:55] loginConnectionCallback: setting gIsConnected to True [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:55] Account.__init__() [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:55] __init__() Cherep_N [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:55] getHashInfo: 0.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:55] [TRACE] (24343278503595337, 106): PersonalPriceList.getHashInfo: (['d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e'], ['ea16c58f35cebcd4e428ba77372b3086', '5021236c994beb3571735643e5852aae', '74dfe36de791e8406ef2e5945a2725d3', '4b833f6334c25e838c7786808a6ebee9', 'f6eb944d5b06b9f7114b93ac4a847a27']) [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:55] setServerTime -14.0499999523 1451753170 1451753155.95 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:56] CommonDailyList.onUpdate 0 32 [None, None, None] [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:56] Daily.update: {'rewards': {'addResCR': {'value': '50000'}}, 'pdata': {'count': 2.0, 'isSeen': True, 'timeToChange': 0, 'reward': 'addResCR'}, 'condition': ('killPlanes', {'count': '8', 'division': '0', 'countBattle': '1'}), 'desc': (32, 1, 7, 320, 0)} [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:56] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {3: '50000'}, 'title': 320, 'iconId': 7, 'timeToChange': 0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 32, 'condition': (5, '1', ('8', 2.0))} [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:56] CommonDailyList.onUpdate 1 14 [dailyId 32 type 1 desc {'rewards': {3: '50000'}, 'title': 320, 'iconId': 7, 'timeToChange': 0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 32, 'condition': (5, '1', ('8', 2.0))} , None, None] [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:56] Daily.update: {'rewards': {'addResCR': {'value': '20000'}}, 'pdata': {'count': 0, 'isSeen': True, 'timeToChange': 0, 'reward': 'addResCR'}, 'condition': ('torpHits', {'count': '5', 'division': '0', 'countBattle': '0', 'weaponType': 'bomb'}), 'desc': (14, 1, 8, 140, 1)} [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:56] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {3: '50000'}, 'title': 320, 'iconId': 7, 'timeToChange': 0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 32, 'condition': (5, '1', ('8', 2.0))} [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:56] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {3: '20000'}, 'title': 140, 'iconId': 8, 'timeToChange': 0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 14, 'condition': (6, '0', ('5', 0))} [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:56] CommonDailyList.onUpdate 2 31 [dailyId 32 type 1 desc {'rewards': {3: '50000'}, 'title': 320, 'iconId': 7, 'timeToChange': 0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 32, 'condition': (5, '1', ('8', 2.0))} , dailyId 14 type 1 desc {'rewards': {3: '20000'}, 'title': 140, 'iconId': 8, 'timeToChange': 0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 14, 'condition': (6, '0', ('5', 0))} , None] [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:56] Daily.update: {'rewards': {'addResCR': {'value': '50000'}}, 'pdata': {'count': 1.0, 'isSeen': True, 'timeToChange': 0, 'reward': 'addResCR'}, 'condition': ('torpHits', {'count': '4', 'division': '0', 'countBattle': '1'}), 'desc': (31, 1, 6, 310, 2)} [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:56] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {3: '50000'}, 'title': 320, 'iconId': 7, 'timeToChange': 0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 32, 'condition': (5, '1', ('8', 2.0))} [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:56] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {3: '20000'}, 'title': 140, 'iconId': 8, 'timeToChange': 0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 14, 'condition': (6, '0', ('5', 0))} [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:56] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {3: '50000'}, 'title': 310, 'iconId': 6, 'timeToChange': 0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 2, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 31, 'condition': (6, '1', ('4', 1.0))} [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:56] Available Maps: spaces/i01_tutorial spaces/00_CO_ocean spaces/01_solomon_islands spaces/08_NE_passage spaces/13_OC_new_dawn spaces/10_NE_big_race spaces/14_Atlantic spaces/15_NE_north spaces/17_NA_fault_line spaces/18_NE_ice_islands spaces/34_OC_islands spaces/16_OC_bees_to_honey spaces/19_OC_prey spaces/20_NE_two_brothers spaces/22_tierra_del_fuego spaces/35_NE_north_winter spaces/38_CanadaAvailable Scenarios: MapSetting: mapId=0, mapName='spaces/i01_tutorial', logic='Offline', gameMode='Tutorial', scenario='Default_test', scenarioConfigId=0, matchGroup=tutorial MapSetting: mapId=1, mapName='spaces/00_CO_ocean', logic='Default', gameMode='MegaBase', scenario='MegaBase', scenarioConfigId=1, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=1, mapName='spaces/00_CO_ocean', logic='Default', gameMode='MegaBase', scenario='Skirmish_MegaBase', scenarioConfigId=2, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=1, mapName='spaces/00_CO_ocean', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=3, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=1, mapName='spaces/00_CO_ocean', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Ranked Domination', scenarioConfigId=4, matchGroup=ranked MapSetting: mapId=1, mapName='spaces/00_CO_ocean', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ0', scenarioConfigId=5, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=1, mapName='spaces/00_CO_ocean', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ2', scenarioConfigId=6, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=1, mapName='spaces/00_CO_ocean', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ4', scenarioConfigId=7, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=1, mapName='spaces/00_CO_ocean', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish_Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=8, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=2, mapName='spaces/01_solomon_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination', scenarioConfigId=9, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=2, mapName='spaces/01_solomon_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish Domination', scenarioConfigId=10, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=2, mapName='spaces/01_solomon_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=11, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=2, mapName='spaces/01_solomon_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish_Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=12, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=2, mapName='spaces/01_solomon_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Ranked Domination', scenarioConfigId=13, matchGroup=ranked MapSetting: mapId=2, mapName='spaces/01_solomon_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ0', scenarioConfigId=14, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=2, mapName='spaces/01_solomon_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ2', scenarioConfigId=15, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=2, mapName='spaces/01_solomon_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ4', scenarioConfigId=16, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=3, mapName='spaces/08_NE_passage', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination', scenarioConfigId=17, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=3, mapName='spaces/08_NE_passage', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=18, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=3, mapName='spaces/08_NE_passage', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Ranked Domination', scenarioConfigId=19, matchGroup=ranked MapSetting: mapId=3, mapName='spaces/08_NE_passage', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ4', scenarioConfigId=20, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=3, mapName='spaces/08_NE_passage', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ2', scenarioConfigId=21, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=3, mapName='spaces/08_NE_passage', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ0', scenarioConfigId=22, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=3, mapName='spaces/08_NE_passage', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish Domination', scenarioConfigId=23, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=3, mapName='spaces/08_NE_passage', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish_Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=24, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=4, mapName='spaces/13_OC_new_dawn', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination', scenarioConfigId=25, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=4, mapName='spaces/13_OC_new_dawn', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Ranked Domination', scenarioConfigId=26, matchGroup=ranked MapSetting: mapId=4, mapName='spaces/13_OC_new_dawn', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ0', scenarioConfigId=27, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=4, mapName='spaces/13_OC_new_dawn', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ2', scenarioConfigId=28, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=4, mapName='spaces/13_OC_new_dawn', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ4', scenarioConfigId=29, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=4, mapName='spaces/13_OC_new_dawn', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=30, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=4, mapName='spaces/13_OC_new_dawn', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish Domination', scenarioConfigId=31, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=4, mapName='spaces/13_OC_new_dawn', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish_Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=32, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=5, mapName='spaces/10_NE_big_race', logic='Default', gameMode='SingleBase', scenario='Single Base', scenarioConfigId=33, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=5, mapName='spaces/10_NE_big_race', logic='Default', gameMode='SingleBase', scenario='Skirmish Single Base', scenarioConfigId=34, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=5, mapName='spaces/10_NE_big_race', logic='Default', gameMode='MegaBase', scenario='MegaBase', scenarioConfigId=35, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=5, mapName='spaces/10_NE_big_race', logic='Default', gameMode='MegaBase', scenario='Skirmish_MegaBase', scenarioConfigId=36, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=5, mapName='spaces/10_NE_big_race', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=37, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=5, mapName='spaces/10_NE_big_race', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish_Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=38, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=5, mapName='spaces/10_NE_big_race', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Ranked Domination', scenarioConfigId=39, matchGroup=ranked MapSetting: mapId=5, mapName='spaces/10_NE_big_race', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ0', scenarioConfigId=40, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=5, mapName='spaces/10_NE_big_race', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ2', scenarioConfigId=41, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=5, mapName='spaces/10_NE_big_race', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ4', scenarioConfigId=42, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=6, mapName='spaces/14_Atlantic', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination', scenarioConfigId=43, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=6, mapName='spaces/14_Atlantic', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=44, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=6, mapName='spaces/14_Atlantic', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Ranked Domination', scenarioConfigId=45, matchGroup=ranked MapSetting: mapId=6, mapName='spaces/14_Atlantic', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ0', scenarioConfigId=46, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=6, mapName='spaces/14_Atlantic', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ2', scenarioConfigId=47, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=6, mapName='spaces/14_Atlantic', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ4', scenarioConfigId=48, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=6, mapName='spaces/14_Atlantic', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish Domination', scenarioConfigId=49, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=6, mapName='spaces/14_Atlantic', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish_Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=50, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=7, mapName='spaces/15_NE_north', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination', scenarioConfigId=51, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=7, mapName='spaces/15_NE_north', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=52, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=7, mapName='spaces/15_NE_north', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Ranked Domination', scenarioConfigId=53, matchGroup=ranked MapSetting: mapId=7, mapName='spaces/15_NE_north', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ0', scenarioConfigId=54, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=7, mapName='spaces/15_NE_north', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ2', scenarioConfigId=55, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=7, mapName='spaces/15_NE_north', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ4', scenarioConfigId=56, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=7, mapName='spaces/15_NE_north', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish Domination', scenarioConfigId=57, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=7, mapName='spaces/15_NE_north', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish_Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=58, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=8, mapName='spaces/17_NA_fault_line', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination', scenarioConfigId=59, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=8, mapName='spaces/17_NA_fault_line', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=60, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=8, mapName='spaces/17_NA_fault_line', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Ranked Domination', scenarioConfigId=61, matchGroup=ranked MapSetting: mapId=8, mapName='spaces/17_NA_fault_line', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ4', scenarioConfigId=62, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=8, mapName='spaces/17_NA_fault_line', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ2', scenarioConfigId=63, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=8, mapName='spaces/17_NA_fault_line', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ0', scenarioConfigId=64, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=8, mapName='spaces/17_NA_fault_line', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish Domination', scenarioConfigId=65, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=8, mapName='spaces/17_NA_fault_line', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish_Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=66, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=9, mapName='spaces/18_NE_ice_islands', logic='Default', gameMode='SingleBase', scenario='Single Base', scenarioConfigId=67, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=9, mapName='spaces/18_NE_ice_islands', logic='Default', gameMode='MegaBase', scenario='MegaBase', scenarioConfigId=68, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=9, mapName='spaces/18_NE_ice_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination', scenarioConfigId=69, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=9, mapName='spaces/18_NE_ice_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=70, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=9, mapName='spaces/18_NE_ice_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Ranked Domination', scenarioConfigId=71, matchGroup=ranked MapSetting: mapId=9, mapName='spaces/18_NE_ice_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ0', scenarioConfigId=72, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=9, mapName='spaces/18_NE_ice_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ2', scenarioConfigId=73, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=9, mapName='spaces/18_NE_ice_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ4', scenarioConfigId=74, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=9, mapName='spaces/18_NE_ice_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish Domination', scenarioConfigId=75, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=9, mapName='spaces/18_NE_ice_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish_Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=76, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=9, mapName='spaces/18_NE_ice_islands', logic='Default', gameMode='SingleBase', scenario='Skirmish Single Base', scenarioConfigId=77, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=9, mapName='spaces/18_NE_ice_islands', logic='Default', gameMode='MegaBase', scenario='Skirmish_MegaBase', scenarioConfigId=78, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=10, mapName='spaces/34_OC_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=79, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=10, mapName='spaces/34_OC_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination', scenarioConfigId=80, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=10, mapName='spaces/34_OC_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish Domination', scenarioConfigId=81, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=10, mapName='spaces/34_OC_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish_Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=82, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=11, mapName='spaces/16_OC_bees_to_honey', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination', scenarioConfigId=83, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=11, mapName='spaces/16_OC_bees_to_honey', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=84, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=11, mapName='spaces/16_OC_bees_to_honey', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Ranked Domination', scenarioConfigId=85, matchGroup=ranked MapSetting: mapId=11, mapName='spaces/16_OC_bees_to_honey', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ0', scenarioConfigId=86, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=11, mapName='spaces/16_OC_bees_to_honey', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ2', scenarioConfigId=87, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=11, mapName='spaces/16_OC_bees_to_honey', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ4', scenarioConfigId=88, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=11, mapName='spaces/16_OC_bees_to_honey', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish Domination', scenarioConfigId=89, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=11, mapName='spaces/16_OC_bees_to_honey', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish_Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=90, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=12, mapName='spaces/19_OC_prey', logic='Default', gameMode='MegaBase', scenario='MegaBase', scenarioConfigId=91, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=12, mapName='spaces/19_OC_prey', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination', scenarioConfigId=92, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=12, mapName='spaces/19_OC_prey', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Ranked Domination', scenarioConfigId=93, matchGroup=ranked MapSetting: mapId=12, mapName='spaces/19_OC_prey', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ0', scenarioConfigId=94, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=12, mapName='spaces/19_OC_prey', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ2', scenarioConfigId=95, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=12, mapName='spaces/19_OC_prey', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ4', scenarioConfigId=96, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=12, mapName='spaces/19_OC_prey', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish Domination', scenarioConfigId=97, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=12, mapName='spaces/19_OC_prey', logic='Default', gameMode='MegaBase', scenario='Skirmish_MegaBase', scenarioConfigId=98, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=13, mapName='spaces/20_NE_two_brothers', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination', scenarioConfigId=99, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=13, mapName='spaces/20_NE_two_brothers', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=100, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=13, mapName='spaces/20_NE_two_brothers', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish Domination', scenarioConfigId=101, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=13, mapName='spaces/20_NE_two_brothers', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish_Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=102, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=14, mapName='spaces/22_tierra_del_fuego', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination', scenarioConfigId=103, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=14, mapName='spaces/22_tierra_del_fuego', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=104, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=14, mapName='spaces/22_tierra_del_fuego', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Ranked Domination', scenarioConfigId=105, matchGroup=ranked MapSetting: mapId=14, mapName='spaces/22_tierra_del_fuego', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ0', scenarioConfigId=106, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=14, mapName='spaces/22_tierra_del_fuego', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ2', scenarioConfigId=107, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=14, mapName='spaces/22_tierra_del_fuego', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ4', scenarioConfigId=108, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=14, mapName='spaces/22_tierra_del_fuego', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish Domination', scenarioConfigId=109, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=14, mapName='spaces/22_tierra_del_fuego', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish_Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=110, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=15, mapName='spaces/35_NE_north_winter', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination', scenarioConfigId=111, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=15, mapName='spaces/35_NE_north_winter', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=112, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=15, mapName='spaces/35_NE_north_winter', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Ranked Domination', scenarioConfigId=113, matchGroup=ranked MapSetting: mapId=15, mapName='spaces/35_NE_north_winter', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ0', scenarioConfigId=114, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=15, mapName='spaces/35_NE_north_winter', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ2', scenarioConfigId=115, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=15, mapName='spaces/35_NE_north_winter', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ4', scenarioConfigId=116, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=15, mapName='spaces/35_NE_north_winter', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish Domination', scenarioConfigId=117, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=15, mapName='spaces/35_NE_north_winter', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish_Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=118, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=16, mapName='spaces/38_Canada', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination', scenarioConfigId=119, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=16, mapName='spaces/38_Canada', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=120, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=16, mapName='spaces/38_Canada', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Ranked Domination', scenarioConfigId=121, matchGroup=ranked MapSetting: mapId=16, mapName='spaces/38_Canada', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ0', scenarioConfigId=122, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=16, mapName='spaces/38_Canada', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ2', scenarioConfigId=123, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=16, mapName='spaces/38_Canada', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ4', scenarioConfigId=124, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=16, mapName='spaces/38_Canada', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish Domination', scenarioConfigId=125, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=16, mapName='spaces/38_Canada', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish_Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=126, matchGroup=pve [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:56] initBattleTypes called [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:56] Disabled maps: [] [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:56] getNationForTutorial() CanBeStarted: False [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:56] [DEBUG] (24343278503594646, 226): onGetSystemMessage ('544 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:56] [DEBUG] (24343278503594646, 226): onRewardsRestored ('21 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:56] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:56] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:56] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 0. Boxes contents: [{}] [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:56] [DEBUG] (24343278503594646, 226): onGetAchievements ('266 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:56] [DEBUG] (24343278503594646, 226): onGetPrices ('64 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:56] [DEBUG] (24343278503594646, 19): onGetPrices ('num = 4',) [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:56] [DEBUG] (24343278503594646, 226): onGetAccountStats ('613 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:56] __processDossierStats() client dossier: ['pvp', 'pve_diag', 'pvp_diag', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'max_pve', 'rank_diag', 'pve', 'max_pvp', 'total'] [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:56] AccountLevelingProxy.onGetAccountStats(): (-1, -1) (11, 219254) [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:56] StatsProxy.onGetAccountStats() {'accSeen': 11, 'dossier': 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'denunciationsLeft': 5, 'tkillIsSuspected': False, 'accTier': 11, 'accSeenFeat': 246058, 'praisesLeft': 5, 'accPoints': 219254, 'karma': 0} [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] [DEBUG] (24343278503594646, 226): receiveActionsAdd ('1674 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] actionsAdd {'tasks': {'15122001': {'rewards': {('_r_RewardResAdd', 0): {'count': 1000000, 'total': False, 'type': 0}, ('_r_RewardNext', 1): {'nextId': '15122002', 'total': False}}, 'stop': 1456725600.0, 'start': 1451628000.0, 'limit': 1, 'conditions': {('_c_isKillShips', 2): {'count': 30, 'shipInfo': {'class': ['Cruiser']}}, ('_c_isMyShip', 1): {'shipInfo': {'level': [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]}}, ('_c_isBattleType', 0): {'battleType': [0]}}, 'desc': {'isSingle': 0, 'name': {'ru': u'\u0412\u044b\u0437\u043e\u0432: Kong\u014d'}, 'iconId': 34, 'until': 1456876800.0, 'limit': 1, 'hidden': 0, 'id': '15122001', 'stepped': 0}}, '15122003': {'rewards': {('_r_RewardItem', 0): {'count': 1, 'total': False, 'idx': 4285714352L}, ('_r_RewardShip', 1): {'total': True, 'shipId': 3555669712L, 'level': 1}}, 'stop': 1456725600.0, 'start': 1451628000.0, 'limit': 1, 'conditions': {('_c_isDamage', 3): {'count': 1000000, 'shipInfo': None}, ('_c_isBattleType', 1): {'battleType': [0]}, ('_c_isDone', 0): {'id': '15122002'}, ('_c_isMyShip', 2): {'shipInfo': {'level': [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]}}}, 'desc': {'isSingle': 0, 'name': {'ru': u'\u0412\u044b\u0437\u043e\u0432: Kong\u014d'}, 'iconId': 34, 'until': 1456876800.0, 'limit': 1, 'hidden': 0, 'id': '15122003', 'stepped': 1}}, '15122002': {'rewards': {('_r_RewardResAdd', 0): {'count': 5000, 'total': False, 'type': 16}, ('_r_RewardNext', 1): {'nextId': '15122003', 'total': False}}, 'stop': 1456725600.0, 'start': 1451628000.0, 'limit': 1, 'conditions': {('_c_isKillPlanes', 3): {'count': 150}, ('_c_isDone', 0): {'id': '15122001'}, ('_c_isBattleType', 1): {'battleType': [0]}, ('_c_isMyShip', 2): {'shipInfo': {'level': [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]}}}, 'desc': {'isSingle': 0, 'name': {'ru': u'\u0412\u044b\u0437\u043e\u0432: Kong\u014d'}, 'iconId': 34, 'until': 1456876800.0, 'limit': 1, 'hidden': 0, 'id': '15122002', 'stepped': 1}}, '15122005': {'rewards': {('_r_RewardItem', 0): {'count': 25, 'total': False, 'idx': 4289556400L}, ('_r_RewardItem', 2): {'count': 25, 'total': False, 'idx': 4292800432L}, ('_r_RewardItem', 1): {'count': 25, 'total': False, 'idx': 4287459248L}, ('_r_RewardNext', 3): {'nextId': '15122006', 'total': False}}, 'stop': 1456725600.0, 'start': 1451628000.0, 'limit': 1, 'conditions': {('_c_isStartFire', 3): {'count': 300, 'shipInfo': None}, ('_c_isBattleType', 1): {'battleType': [0]}, ('_c_isDone', 0): {'id': '15122004'}, ('_c_isMyShip', 2): {'shipInfo': {'level': [6, 7, 8, 9, 10]}}}, 'desc': {'isSingle': 0, 'name': {'ru': u'\u0412\u044b\u0437\u043e\u0432: Myoko'}, 'iconId': 35, 'until': 1456876800.0, 'limit': 1, 'hidden': 0, 'id': '15122005', 'stepped': 1}}, '15122004': {'rewards': {('_r_RewardItem', 0): {'count': 25, 'total': False, 'idx': 4293750704L}, ('_r_RewardItem', 2): {'count': 25, 'total': False, 'idx': 4293849008L}, ('_r_RewardItem', 1): {'count': 25, 'total': False, 'idx': 4291653552L}, ('_r_RewardNext', 3): {'nextId': '15122005', 'total': False}}, 'stop': 1456725600.0, 'start': 1451628000.0, 'limit': 1, 'conditions': {('_c_isKillShips', 2): {'count': 30, 'shipInfo': {'class': ['Destroyer']}}, ('_c_isMyShip', 1): {'shipInfo': {'level': [6, 7, 8, 9, 10]}}, ('_c_isBattleType', 0): {'battleType': [0]}}, 'desc': {'isSingle': 0, 'name': {'ru': u'\u0412\u044b\u0437\u043e\u0432: Myoko'}, 'iconId': 35, 'until': 1456876800.0, 'limit': 1, 'hidden': 0, 'id': '15122004', 'stepped': 0}}, '15122006': {'rewards': {('_r_RewardItem', 0): {'count': 1, 'total': False, 'idx': 4285714352L}, ('_r_RewardShip', 1): {'total': True, 'shipId': 3555636944L, 'level': 1}}, 'stop': 1456725600.0, 'start': 1451628000.0, 'limit': 1, 'conditions': {('_c_isDamage', 3): {'count': 1000000, 'shipInfo': None}, ('_c_isBattleType', 1): {'battleType': 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8, 9, 10]}}}, 'desc': {'isSingle': 0, 'name': {'ru': u'\u0420\u0435\u0448\u0430\u044e\u0449\u0430\u044f \u0441\u0445\u0432\u0430\u0442\u043a\u0430'}, 'iconId': 24, 'until': 1452643200.0, 'limit': 1, 'hidden': 0, 'id': '15121803', 'stepped': 1}}, '15121804': {'rewards': {('_r_RewardResMul', 0): {'total': False, 'type': 21, 'coef': 3.0}}, 'stop': 1452490200.0, 'start': 1451025000.0, 'limit': 0, 'conditions': {('_c_isBattleResult', 2): {'battleResult': 'win'}, ('_c_isMyShip', 1): {'shipInfo': {'ids': ['PGSC502_Emden_1908']}}, ('_c_isBattleType', 0): {'battleType': [2]}}, 'desc': {'isSingle': 1, 'name': {'ru': u'\u0411\u043e\u0435\u0432\u044b\u0435 \u0443\u0447\u0435\u043d\u0438\u044f'}, 'iconId': 3, 'until': 1452643200.0, 'limit': 0, 'hidden': 0, 'id': '15121804', 'stepped': 0}}}, 'events': {}} [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] isDone id 15122001 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] SSETask init id 15122001 task rewards {} [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] _c_isBattleType: [0] [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] _c_isMyShip: _IsShip: {'level': [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]} [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] None [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] _c_isKillShips: 30 _IsShip: {'class': ['Cruiser']} [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] None [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] _c_isDone: 15122002 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] _c_isBattleType: [0] [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] _c_isMyShip: _IsShip: {'level': [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]} [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] None [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] _c_isDamage: 1000000 _IsShip: None [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] None [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] _c_isDone: 15122001 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] _c_isBattleType: [0] [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] _c_isMyShip: _IsShip: {'level': [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]} [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] None [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] _c_isKillPlanes: 150 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] isDone id 15122004 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] SSETask init id 15122004 task rewards {} [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] _c_isDone: 15122004 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] _c_isBattleType: [0] [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] _c_isMyShip: _IsShip: {'level': [6, 7, 8, 9, 10]} [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] None [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] _c_isStartFire: 300 _IsShip: None [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] None [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] _c_isBattleType: [0] [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] _c_isMyShip: _IsShip: {'level': [6, 7, 8, 9, 10]} [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] None [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] _c_isKillShips: 30 _IsShip: {'class': ['Destroyer']} [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] None [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] _c_isDone: 15122005 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] _c_isBattleType: [0] [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] _c_isMyShip: _IsShip: {'level': [6, 7, 8, 9, 10]} [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] None [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] _c_isDamage: 1000000 _IsShip: None [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] None [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] isDone id 15121801 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] SSETask init id 15121801 task rewards {} [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] _c_isBattleType: [0] [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] _c_isMyShip: _IsShip: {'level': [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]} [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] None [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] _c_isKillShips: 10 _IsShip: None [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] None [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] _c_isDone: 15121801 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] _c_isBattleType: [0] [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] _c_isMyShip: _IsShip: {'level': [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]} [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] None [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] _c_isDamage: 300000 _IsShip: None [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] None [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] _c_isDone: 15121802 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] _c_isBattleType: [0] [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] _c_isMyShip: _IsShip: {'level': [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]} [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] None [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] _c_isStartFire: 20 _IsShip: None [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] None [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] _r_RewardResMul.getContainerData {'total': False, 'type': 21, 'coef': 3.0} [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] isDone id 15121804 count 0 limit 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] SSETask init id 15121804 task rewards {} [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] _c_isBattleType: [2] [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] _c_isMyShip: _IsShip: {'ids': ['PGSC502_Emden_1908']} [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] None [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] _c_isBattleResult: win [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] __updateTaskProgress start: {'15122001': {2: {'count': 0}}, '15122003': {3: {'count': 0}}, '15122002': {3: {'count': 0}}, '15122005': {3: {'count': 0}}, '15122004': {2: {'count': 0}}, '15122006': {3: {'count': 0}}, '15121801': {2: {'count': 0}}, '15121802': {3: {'count': 0}}, '15121803': {3: {'count': 0}}, '15121804': {}} [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] step id: 15122001 progress {2: {'count': 0}} [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] isDone id 15122001 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] isDone id 15122001 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] isDone id 15122001 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] isDone id 15122003 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] isDone id 15122002 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] step id: 15122003 progress {3: {'count': 0}} [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] isDone id 15122003 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] isDone id 15122001 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] isDone id 15122001 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] isDone id 15122003 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] isDone id 15122002 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] step id: 15122002 progress {3: {'count': 0}} [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] isDone id 15122002 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] isDone id 15122001 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] isDone id 15122001 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] isDone id 15122003 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] isDone id 15122002 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] step id: 15122005 progress {3: {'count': 0}} [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] isDone id 15122005 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] isDone id 15122004 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] isDone id 15122005 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] isDone id 15122004 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] isDone id 15122006 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] step id: 15122004 progress {2: {'count': 0}} [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] isDone id 15122004 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] isDone id 15122004 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] isDone id 15122005 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] isDone id 15122004 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] isDone id 15122006 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] step id: 15122006 progress {3: {'count': 0}} [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] isDone id 15122006 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] isDone id 15122004 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] isDone id 15122005 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] isDone id 15122004 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] isDone id 15122006 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] step id: 15121801 progress {2: {'count': 0}} [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] isDone id 15121801 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] isDone id 15121801 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] isDone id 15121801 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] isDone id 15121802 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] isDone id 15121803 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] step id: 15121802 progress {3: {'count': 0}} [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] isDone id 15121802 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] isDone id 15121801 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] isDone id 15121801 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] isDone id 15121802 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] isDone id 15121803 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] step id: 15121803 progress {3: {'count': 0}} [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] isDone id 15121803 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] isDone id 15121801 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] isDone id 15121801 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] isDone id 15121802 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] isDone id 15121803 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] step id: 15121804 progress {} [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] isDone id 15121804 count 0 limit 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] isDone id 15121804 count 0 limit 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] isDone id 15121804 count 0 limit 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] [DEBUG] (24343278503594646, 226): receiveActionsProgress ('170 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] __updateTaskProgress start: {'15122001': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '15122003': {'count': 0, 3: {'count': 0}}, '15122002': {'count': 0, 3: {'count': 0}}, '15122005': {'count': 0, 3: {'count': 0}}, '15122004': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '15122006': {'count': 0, 3: {'count': 0}}, '15121801': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 1}}, '15121802': {'count': 0, 3: {'count': 0}}, '15121803': {'count': 0, 3: {'count': 0}}, '15121804': {'count': 0}} [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] step id: 15122001 progress {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}} [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] isDone id 15122001 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] isDone id 15122001 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] isDone id 15122001 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] isDone id 15122003 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] isDone id 15122002 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] step id: 15122003 progress {'count': 0, 3: {'count': 0}} [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] isDone id 15122003 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] isDone id 15122001 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] isDone id 15122001 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] isDone id 15122003 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] isDone id 15122002 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] step id: 15122002 progress {'count': 0, 3: {'count': 0}} [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] isDone id 15122002 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] isDone id 15122001 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] isDone id 15122001 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] isDone id 15122003 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] isDone id 15122002 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] step id: 15122005 progress {'count': 0, 3: {'count': 0}} [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] isDone id 15122005 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] isDone id 15122004 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] isDone id 15122005 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] isDone id 15122004 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] isDone id 15122006 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] step id: 15122004 progress {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}} [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] isDone id 15122004 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] isDone id 15122004 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] isDone id 15122005 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] isDone id 15122004 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] isDone id 15122006 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] step id: 15122006 progress {'count': 0, 3: {'count': 0}} [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] isDone id 15122006 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] isDone id 15122004 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] isDone id 15122005 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] isDone id 15122004 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] isDone id 15122006 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] step id: 15121801 progress {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 1}} [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] isDone id 15121801 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] isDone id 15121801 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] isDone id 15121801 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] isDone id 15121802 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] isDone id 15121803 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] step id: 15121802 progress {'count': 0, 3: {'count': 0}} [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] isDone id 15121802 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] isDone id 15121801 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] isDone id 15121801 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] isDone id 15121802 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] isDone id 15121803 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] step id: 15121803 progress {'count': 0, 3: {'count': 0}} [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] isDone id 15121803 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] isDone id 15121801 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] isDone id 15121801 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] isDone id 15121802 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] isDone id 15121803 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] step id: 15121804 progress {'count': 0} [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] isDone id 15121804 count 0 limit 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] isDone id 15121804 count 0 limit 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] isDone id 15121804 count 0 limit 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] [DEBUG] (24343278503594646, 226): onGetRankBattlesInfo ('843 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] onGetRankBattlesInfo currentSeason: 2, PlayerInfo: None [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] onGetRankDossier() seasonId = 2 Empty [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:57] [DEBUG] (24343278503594646, 226): onGetClientSettings ('332 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:58] [DEBUG] (24343278503594646, 226): receiveState ('4436 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:58] >>> DockProxy.receiveState [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:58] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:58] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:58] DockProxy.updateShips(): 33 ships: [('PASB001_Michigan_1916', True), ('PASB013_Arkansas_1912', True), ('PASC001_Erie_1936', False), ('PASC002_Chester_1908', False), ('PASC003_Albany_1898', True), ('PASC004_St_Louis_1906', False), ('PASC005_Omaha_1923', False), ('PASC006_Atlanta_1942', False), ('PASC024_Phoenix_1917', True), ('PASD002_Sampson_1917', False), ('PASD019_Clemson_1920', True), ('PASD027_Wickes_1918', False), ('PBSB002_Warspite_1941', False), ('PGSC001_Hermelin_1940', False), ('PGSC002_Drezden_1908', False), ('PGSC103_Kolberg', False), ('PGSC104_Karlsruhe', True), ('PGSC502_Emden_1908', False), ('PJSB001_Kawachi_1912', True), ('PJSB008_Ishizuchi_1921', False), ('PJSC013_Kuma_1938', True), ('PJSC015_Tatsuta_1919', False), ('PJSC035_Chikuma_1912', False), ('PJSC037_Hashidate_1940', False), ('PJSC038_Atago_1944', False), ('PJSD002_Umikaze_1925', False), ('PJSD003_Isokaze_1917', True), ('PJSD024_Wakatake_1923', False), ('PRSC001_Avrora_1917', False), ('PRSC003_Murmansk_1944', False), ('PRSC101_Orlan', False), ('PRSD102_SM_Storojevoy', False), ('PRSD103_Derzky', True)] [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:58] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:58] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:58] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:58] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:58] [DEBUG] (24343278503594646, 18): onGetSystemMessage (2, [{'importance': 2, 'typeId': 4, 'dt': 1451752939, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'costShell': 1024, 'shipId': 4185831216L, 'result': 0, 'costRepair': 6500}}, {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 5, 'dt': 1451752939, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'achievements': (), 'expPenalty': 0, 'tasks': {'15121801': {'count': (0, 0), 'progress': (0.1, 0.1), 2: {'count': (1, 1)}, 'name': u'\u0411\u043e\u0435\u0432\u043e\u0435 \u043a\u0440\u0435\u0449\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'}}, 'shipsKilled': 1.0, 'arenaUniqueID': 42223111974157212L, 'battleTypeId': 5, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'creditsCompensation': 0.0, 'mapTypeId': 3, 'credits': 55849, 'result': 1, 'CRFactor': 1.0, 'dailics_info': {}, 'exp': 1031, 'shipId': 4185831216L, 'XPFactor': 1.5, 'battleCreateTime': 1451752348, 'accLeveling': (11, 219254, 11, 1031), 'aogasFactor': 1.0}}]) [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:58] SYS_MESSAGE_TYPE.BATTLE_RESULTS [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:58] key achievements value () [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:58] key expPenalty value 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:58] key tasks value {'15121801': {'count': (0, 0), 'progress': (0.1, 0.1), 2: {'count': (1, 1)}, 'name': u'\u0411\u043e\u0435\u0432\u043e\u0435 \u043a\u0440\u0435\u0449\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'}} [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:58] key shipsKilled value 1.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:58] key arenaUniqueID value 42223111974157212 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:58] key battleTypeId value 5 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:58] key teamBuildTypeId value 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:58] key creditsPenalty value 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:58] key creditsCompensation value 0.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:58] key mapTypeId value 3 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:58] key credits value 55849 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:58] key result value 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:58] key CRFactor value 1.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:58] key dailics_info value {} [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:58] key exp value 1031 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:58] key shipId value 4185831216 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:58] key XPFactor value 1.5 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:58] key battleCreateTime value 1451752348 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:58] key accLeveling value (11, 219254, 11, 1031) [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:58] key aogasFactor value 1.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:58] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:58] [DEBUG] (24343278503594646, 226): onGetSystemMessage ('124 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:58] [DEBUG] (24343278503594646, 18): onGetSystemMessage (1, [{'importance': 2L, 'typeId': 9L, 'dt': 1451752140.0, 'postponed': True, 'data': {'assetType': 4, 'data': {'credits': 304500}}}]) [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:58] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4185831216 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:58] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:58] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4185831216L: {'exp': 5627}}, 'changedCrews': {9: {'exp': 6378}}, 'moneyXP': 52} [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:58] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:58] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:58] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': 55849.0} [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:58] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:58] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -7524.0} [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:58] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:58] setServerTime -14.4930000305 1451753173 1451753158.51 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:58] onGameRoomStateInit mapIdx = 5 battleType = 98 gameMode = Domination duration=1200 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:58] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:58] Thresholds for team 0: Win: 910 Lose: 130 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:58] Thresholds for team 1: Win: 910 Lose: 130 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:58] MissionsComponent: #0 ControlPointHoldMission; reward = 0; penalty = 0; controlPoints = [5, 1]; delay = 0; repeat = 6; repeatReward = 2; repeatPenalty = 0 #1 CaptureControlPointMission; reward = 1000; penalty = 0; controlPoints = [5, 1] #2 KillEnemyOfSpecificShipTypeMission; reward = 30; penalty = 45; shipType = Destroyer; rewardPerType = 0; penaltyPerType = 0 #3 KillEnemyOfSpecificShipTypeMission; reward = 35; penalty = 50; shipType = Cruiser; rewardPerType = 0; penaltyPerType = 0 #4 KillEnemyOfSpecificShipTypeMission; reward = 40; penalty = 60; shipType = Battleship; rewardPerType = 0; penaltyPerType = 0 #5 KillEnemyOfSpecificShipTypeMission; reward = 45; penalty = 65; shipType = AirCarrier; rewardPerType = 0; penaltyPerType = 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:58] Mission tasks available! [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:58] -= BATTLE STARTED =- [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:58] Avatar.receiveAvatarInfo: {'evaluationsLeft': {0: 5, 1: 5}} [E] [2016_01_02 18:45:58] Entity::enterWorld: Got entity 13169903 before carrying vehicle 13169904 (going into limbo) [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:58] Avatar.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:58] name Cherep_N [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:58] team id 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:58] Avatar onControlled False [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:58] onControlled->False: not implemented [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:58] onGeometryMapped() MapName: 10_NE_big_race [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:58] teamBuildType: 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:58] player: Id: 12399235 Name: ole86598078 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASA004_Langley_1929' [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:58] player: Id: 11423237 Name: vitaliy358 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSC104_Karlsruhe' [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:58] player: Id: 12782089 Name: passat1997 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSB001_Nikolay_I' [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:58] player: Id: 11747083 Name: atoman2232 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASA004_Langley_1929' [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:58] player: Id: 12970770 Name: bosonogy TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB004_Arkansas_1912' [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:58] player: Id: 13190037 Name: Mclaren9000_2015 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB001_Michigan_1916' [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:58] player: Id: 12313372 Name: MIXAILVI TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSA002_Hosho_1939' [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:58] player: Id: 12717853 Name: Dr_Gruzoff TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB001_Michigan_1916' [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:58] player: Id: 12129698 Name: ajnMgn TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB004_Arkansas_1912' [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:58] player: Id: 12722118 Name: OLEGT44 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSD103_Derzky' [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:58] player: Id: 13862831 Name: ShoorikStaff TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSD103_Derzky' [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:58] player: Id: 12255539 Name: Vitaliy_Pukas TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSB003_Myogi_1912' [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:58] player: Id: 12819896 Name: Acex TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASC004_St_Louis_1906' [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:58] player: Id: 12908730 Name: pofigist4000 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSC103_Kolberg' [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:58] player: Id: 12665156 Name: jeka58 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASC004_St_Louis_1906' [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:58] player: Id: 13723589 Name: PREDATEL86 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSB003_Myogi_1912' [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:58] player: Id: 13831366 Name: Cherep_N TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSC013_Kuma_1938' [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:58] player: Id: 10769223 Name: Udaviks TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSC104_Karlsruhe' [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:58] player: Id: 12476618 Name: AbeTakakazu TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASC004_St_Louis_1906' [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:58] player: Id: 13056933 Name: proKartoshka TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSC103_Kolberg' [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:58] player: Id: 11564005 Name: MitchScar TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSC103_Kolberg' [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:58] player: Id: 12478326 Name: sasha57 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSC015_Tatsuta_1919' [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:58] player: Id: 12817015 Name: 2501syva TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSA002_Hosho_1939' [S] [2016_01_02 18:45:58] player: Id: 13332735 Name: suonic TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB004_Arkansas_1912' [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:00] Two time score difference detected. Max Score(0): 563 Min Score(1): 198 User Team Id: 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:00] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:00] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:00] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:00] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:00] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:00] SmokeScreen.onEnterWorld( 125860 ) [(40.8639, 120.031), (52.3942, 116.915), (64.4034, 112.675), (73.2428, 105.699)] [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:00] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:00] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:00] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:00] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:00] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:00] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:00] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:00] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:00] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:00] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:00] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:00] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:00] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:00] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [E] [2016_01_02 18:46:00] CollisionModel::load: Error loading collision model content/gameplay/germany/ship/cruiser/GSC003_Kolberg_1910/GSC003_Kolberg_1910_Stern! [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:00] [Scaleform] Warning: instance6018.setImageSubstitutions() failed for #86 element - length of subString should not exceed 15 characters [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:00] ping&FPS: 0.280339564596 0.001 0.001 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:00] ping&FPS: 0.280339564596 0.001 0.001 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:01] ping&FPS: 0.225759233747 331.943984862 0.001 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:01] ping&FPS: 0.225759233747 331.943984862 331.943984862 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:01] ping&FPS: 0.19028657249 129.943987544 331.943984862 0 [E] [2016_01_02 18:46:01] CollisionModel::load: Error loading collision model content/gameplay/usa/ship/cruiser/ASC034_St_Louis_1916/ASC034_St_Louis_1916_MidBack! [E] [2016_01_02 18:46:02] CollisionModel::load: Error loading collision model content/gameplay/germany/ship/cruiser/GSC005_Karlsruhe_1916/GSC005_Karlsruhe_1916_MidBack! [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:02] ping&FPS: 0.105091522847 154.944000158 227.944000158 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:02] ping&FPS: 0.0995697038514 152.944001022 227.944000158 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:02] ping&FPS: 0.0783271895988 142.94400971 255.94400971 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:02] ping&FPS: 0.0790419386966 155.944011997 255.94400971 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:05] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:09] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:09] id 13169880 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:09] name bosonogy [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:09] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:09] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:09] id 13169906 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:09] name Udaviks [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:09] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:09] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:09] id 13169874 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:09] name vitaliy358 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:09] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:09] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:09] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:09] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:09] id 13169890 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:09] name OLEGT44 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:09] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:09] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:09] id 13169908 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:09] name AbeTakakazu [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:09] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:09] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:09] id 13169896 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:09] name Acex [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:09] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:09] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:09] id 13169900 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:09] name jeka58 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:09] team id 1 [E] [2016_01_02 18:46:09] CollisionModel::load: Error loading collision model content/gameplay/japan/ship/cruiser/JSC013_Kuma_1938/JSC013_Kuma_1938_Bow! [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:09] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:09] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:09] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:09] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:09] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:09] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:09] ping&FPS: 0.0614600437028 168.944147255 270.944147255 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:09] ping&FPS: 0.0582436429603 118.944149065 270.944147255 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:10] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:10] id 13169904 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:10] name Cherep_N [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:10] team id 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:10] @ launchpadAppeared 13169904 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:10] client.Vehicle.setAmmoArtilleryGun [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:10] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:10] Avatar.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:10] ! A.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:10] BoardService.init [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:10] @ launchpadAppeared 13169904 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:10] -- GUNS ----------------------------------------- [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:10] {0: {'position': {'y': 1.0, 'x': 0.0}, 'rotation': 2.512660503387451, 'gunPositionId': 0}, 1: {'position': {'y': 1.0, 'x': 1.0}, 'rotation': -0.6289321184158325, 'gunPositionId': 1}, 2: {'position': {'y': 2.0, 'x': 1.0}, 'rotation': 2.512660503387451, 'gunPositionId': 2}, 3: {'position': {'y': 0.0, 'x': 1.0}, 'rotation': 2.512660503387451, 'gunPositionId': 3}, 4: {'position': {'y': 1.0, 'x': 4.0}, 'rotation': 2.512660503387451, 'gunPositionId': 4}, 5: {'position': {'y': 1.0, 'x': 5.0}, 'rotation': 2.512660503387451, 'gunPositionId': 5}, 6: {'position': {'y': 1.0, 'x': 6.0}, 'rotation': -0.6289321184158325, 'gunPositionId': 6}} [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:10] -- GUNS ----------------------------------------- [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:10] {0: {'position': {'y': 2.0, 'x': 2.0}, 'rotation': 2.512660503387451, 'gunPositionId': 0}, 1: {'position': {'y': 0.0, 'x': 2.0}, 'rotation': 2.512660503387451, 'gunPositionId': 1}, 2: {'position': {'y': 2.0, 'x': 4.0}, 'rotation': 2.512660503387451, 'gunPositionId': 2}, 3: {'position': {'y': 0.0, 'x': 4.0}, 'rotation': 2.512660503387451, 'gunPositionId': 3}} [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:10] ! PM.refreshAirArmament [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:10] BoardService.restore [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:10] Avatar.onWorldStateReceived [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:10] [Scaleform] Error: Missing font "$Arial" in "". Search log: Searching for font: "$Arial" Movie resource: "$Arial" not found. Imports : "$Arial" not found. Exported : "$Arial" not found. Registered fonts: "$Arial" not found. Searching FontLib: "$Arial" not found. Searching FontProvider: "$Arial" not found. Font not found. [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:10] ping&FPS: 0.0480362655861 737.944183293 149.944155458 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:10] ping&FPS: 0.0480362655861 737.944183293 737.944183293 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:10] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:10] id 13169918 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:10] name suonic [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:10] team id 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:10] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:10] id 13169910 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:10] name proKartoshka [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:10] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:11] ("[ERROR] FeedbackController: config {event: 'Sound', container: 'screenplay_trigger'} must set 'type'",) [E] [2016_01_02 18:46:12] CollisionModel::load: Error loading collision model content/gameplay/japan/ship/cruiser/JSC015_Tatsuta_1919/JSC015_Tatsuta_1919_Bow! [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:14] ping&FPS: 0.0660927849157 3105.94412989 737.944183293 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:14] ping&FPS: 0.0660927849157 3105.94412989 3105.94412989 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:14] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:14] id 13169882 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:14] name Mclaren9000_2015 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:14] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:14] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:14] id 13169872 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:14] name ole86598078 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:14] team id 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:14] @ launchpadAppeared 13169872 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:14] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:14] id 13169876 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:14] name passat1997 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:14] team id 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:14] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:14] id 13169886 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:14] name Dr_Gruzoff [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:14] team id 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:14] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:14] id 13169912 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:14] name MitchScar [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:14] team id 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:14] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:14] id 13169898 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:14] name pofigist4000 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:14] team id 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:14] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:14] id 13169888 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:14] name ajnMgn [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:14] team id 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:14] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:14] id 13169892 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:14] name ShoorikStaff [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:14] team id 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:14] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:14] id 13169914 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:14] name sasha57 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:14] team id 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:15] ping&FPS: 0.0815136837108 1811.94416613 3105.94412989 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:15] ping&FPS: 0.0815136837108 1811.94416613 1811.94416613 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:15] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:15] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:15] id 13169916 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:15] name 2501syva [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:15] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:15] @ launchpadAppeared 13169916 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:15] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:15] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:15] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:15] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:15] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:15] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:16] ping&FPS: 0.0949175762279 492.944181743 1811.94416613 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:16] ping&FPS: 0.0949175762279 492.944181743 492.944181743 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:16] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:16] ping&FPS: 0.075252483998 291.944177452 492.944181743 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:16] ping&FPS: 0.075252483998 291.944177452 291.944177452 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:16] ping&FPS: 0.0718521135194 175.944180224 291.944177452 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:17] ping&FPS: 0.0510905193431 105.944180283 238.944180283 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:17] ping&FPS: 0.0524910720331 146.944180164 238.944180283 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:17] ping&FPS: 0.0588182764394 456.944183845 144.94418158 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:17] ping&FPS: 0.0588182764394 456.944183845 456.944183845 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:18] ping&FPS: 0.0566608416183 245.944181326 456.944183845 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:18] ping&FPS: 0.0566608416183 245.944181326 245.944181326 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:18] ping&FPS: 0.0581524925573 146.944177482 245.944181326 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:18] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:19] ping&FPS: 0.0707945036037 418.94418 115.944178376 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:19] ping&FPS: 0.0707945036037 418.94418 418.94418 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:19] ping&FPS: 0.0703371124608 170.944180089 418.94418 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:20] ping&FPS: 0.124896730695 886.944174278 132.944179762 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:20] ping&FPS: 0.124896730695 886.944174278 886.944174278 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:20] ping&FPS: 0.108233745609 130.944177124 886.944174278 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:21] ping&FPS: 0.150442715202 1122.94418518 130.944177124 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:21] ping&FPS: 0.150442715202 1122.94418518 1122.94418518 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:22] ping&FPS: 0.131418864642 133.944184791 1122.94418518 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:22] ping&FPS: 0.11612236074 416.94419023 172.944186139 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:22] ping&FPS: 0.11612236074 416.94419023 416.94419023 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:22] ping&FPS: 0.111877928887 184.944190751 416.94419023 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:23] ping&FPS: 0.081809427057 131.944191183 263.944191183 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:23] ping&FPS: 0.0677307056529 128.944188114 263.944191183 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:23] ping&FPS: 0.0488972099764 127.944198053 267.944198053 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:23] ping&FPS: 0.0469776274902 118.944200795 267.944198053 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:24] ping&FPS: 0.0559375690562 151.944228615 284.944228615 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:24] ping&FPS: 0.0479159834129 120.944231685 284.944228615 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:25] ping&FPS: 0.0508544327957 152.944238137 284.944228615 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:25] ping&FPS: 0.0508544327957 152.944238137 273.944238137 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:25] ping&FPS: 0.044813248728 136.944241967 273.944238137 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:25] ping&FPS: 0.0510130035026 118.944254752 254.944254752 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:26] ping&FPS: 0.0558663117034 155.944259833 254.944254752 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:26] id 13169882 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:27] ping&FPS: 0.0850729452712 414.944290127 153.944279845 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:27] ping&FPS: 0.0850729452712 414.944290127 414.944290127 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:27] ping&FPS: 0.0674463467939 118.944291938 414.944290127 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:28] ping&FPS: 0.109109293137 730.944293301 157.944287102 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:28] ping&FPS: 0.109109293137 730.944293301 730.944293301 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:28] Two time score difference is reset. Max Score(0): 463 Min Score(1): 283 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:28] ping&FPS: 0.0788214462144 722.94429912 730.944293301 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:28] ping&FPS: 0.0788214462144 722.94429912 722.94429912 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:28] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:28] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:28] ping&FPS: 0.0678722964866 116.944299671 722.94429912 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:29] ping&FPS: 0.0684825288398 156.944297466 722.94429912 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:29] ping&FPS: 0.0684825288398 156.944297466 273.944297466 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:29] ping&FPS: 0.0649981754167 151.944296304 273.944297466 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:29] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:29] id 13169902 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:29] name PREDATEL86 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:29] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:29] @ launchpadAppeared 13169902 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:29] ping&FPS: 0.0768912242992 417.944299627 151.944296304 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:29] ping&FPS: 0.0768912242992 417.944299627 417.944299627 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:29] ping&FPS: 0.0728880869491 154.944300819 417.944299627 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:30] ping&FPS: 0.113709505115 600.944288168 148.944297689 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:30] ping&FPS: 0.113709505115 600.944288168 600.944288168 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:30] ping&FPS: 0.095465029989 145.944286022 600.944288168 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:31] ping&FPS: 0.0967492567641 449.944281209 155.944280091 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:31] ping&FPS: 0.0967492567641 449.944281209 449.944281209 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:31] ping&FPS: 0.0850373761994 267.944280434 449.944281209 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:31] ping&FPS: 0.0850373761994 267.944280434 267.944280434 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:32] ping&FPS: 0.0619241105659 118.944277588 267.944280434 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:32] ping&FPS: 0.0711750941617 432.944273266 151.944276798 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:32] ping&FPS: 0.0711750941617 432.944273266 432.944273266 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:33] ping&FPS: 0.0645169573171 144.944272819 432.944273266 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:33] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:33] ping&FPS: 0.0817058341844 450.944268006 146.944268587 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:33] ping&FPS: 0.0817058341844 450.944268006 450.944268006 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:33] ping&FPS: 0.0662023680551 124.944268006 450.944268006 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:33] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:33] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:33] id 13169894 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:33] name Vitaliy_Pukas [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:33] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:34] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:35] ping&FPS: 0.146455447589 852.944284211 142.944270122 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:35] ping&FPS: 0.146455447589 852.944284211 852.944284211 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:36] ping&FPS: 0.144165496741 1011.94428897 852.944284211 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:36] ping&FPS: 0.144165496741 1011.94428897 1011.94428897 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:36] ping&FPS: 0.109039123569 137.94428924 1011.94428897 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:36] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:36] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:36] id 13169882 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:36] name Mclaren9000_2015 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:36] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:36] ping&FPS: 0.115706379925 440.944285158 137.94428924 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:36] ping&FPS: 0.115706379925 440.944285158 440.944285158 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:36] ping&FPS: 0.0926877515657 145.944286737 440.944285158 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:37] ping&FPS: 0.0967931406839 448.944272328 148.94428255 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:37] ping&FPS: 0.0967931406839 448.944272328 448.944272328 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:37] ping&FPS: 0.0877508180482 139.944276649 448.944272328 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:38] ping&FPS: 0.0801054047687 402.944270063 448.944272328 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:38] ping&FPS: 0.0801054047687 402.944270063 542.944270063 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:38] ping&FPS: 0.077718015228 151.944267038 542.944270063 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:39] ping&FPS: 0.139619003449 568.944265309 151.944267038 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:39] ping&FPS: 0.139619003449 568.944265309 568.944265309 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:39] ping&FPS: 0.122308145676 130.944262567 568.944265309 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:39] ping&FPS: 0.0936067806823 401.94425458 167.944262165 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:39] ping&FPS: 0.0936067806823 401.94425458 555.94425458 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:40] ping&FPS: 0.0967220025403 716.944241721 555.94425458 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:40] ping&FPS: 0.0967220025403 716.944241721 716.944241721 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:40] ping&FPS: 0.0832606362445 154.944237325 716.944241721 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:41] ping&FPS: 0.0865982877357 405.944224629 160.944230724 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:41] ping&FPS: 0.0865982877357 405.944224629 405.944224629 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:41] ping&FPS: 0.0929039972169 197.944227281 405.944224629 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:42] ping&FPS: 0.0576190458877 145.944225493 204.944225493 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:42] ping&FPS: 0.0583848016603 143.94422302 204.944225493 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:42] ping&FPS: 0.0766484694821 423.944211367 163.944220099 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:42] ping&FPS: 0.0766484694821 423.944211367 423.944211367 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:42] ping&FPS: 0.0743077056749 145.944209221 423.944211367 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:43] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:43] ping&FPS: 0.0445263045175 116.944196242 256.944196242 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:44] ping&FPS: 0.0469004096729 146.944196123 256.944196242 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:45] ping&FPS: 0.0644448058946 416.944179747 155.944187764 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:45] ping&FPS: 0.0644448058946 416.944179747 416.944179747 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:45] ping&FPS: 0.0683451848371 151.944174859 416.944179747 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:46] ping&FPS: 0.0847606765372 412.944157112 141.944165784 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:46] ping&FPS: 0.0847606765372 412.944157112 412.944157112 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:46] ping&FPS: 0.073397349034 143.944154638 412.944157112 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:46] ping&FPS: 0.0993506865842 442.944144848 144.944152329 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:46] ping&FPS: 0.0993506865842 442.944144848 442.944144848 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:47] ping&FPS: 0.0875222193343 129.944143805 442.944144848 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:47] ping&FPS: 0.106487374221 451.944132972 140.94414084 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:47] ping&FPS: 0.106487374221 451.944132972 451.944132972 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:47] ping&FPS: 0.0952480541808 131.944132257 451.944132972 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:48] ping&FPS: 0.0801384853465 422.944127086 131.944132257 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:48] ping&FPS: 0.0801384853465 422.944127086 422.944127086 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:48] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:48] ping&FPS: 0.0644989120109 122.944124896 422.944127086 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:50] ping&FPS: 0.0660903858287 409.944093111 145.944100413 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:50] ping&FPS: 0.0660903858287 409.944093111 409.944093111 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:50] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:50] ping&FPS: 0.0584958600146 129.944092068 409.944093111 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:51] ping&FPS: 0.0881863938911 416.944084588 150.944090742 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:51] ping&FPS: 0.0881863938911 416.944084588 416.944084588 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:51] ping&FPS: 0.083147998367 143.944082114 416.944084588 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:51] ping&FPS: 0.0956584023578 462.944073412 142.944079477 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:51] ping&FPS: 0.0956584023578 462.944073412 462.944073412 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:51] ping&FPS: 0.0841098236186 124.944071549 462.944073412 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:52] ping&FPS: 0.102736439024 418.944065723 124.944071549 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:52] ping&FPS: 0.102736439024 418.944065723 418.944065723 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:52] ping&FPS: 0.0969665902002 155.944063354 418.944065723 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:53] ping&FPS: 0.085189591561 421.944050017 132.944059077 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:53] ping&FPS: 0.085189591561 421.944050017 421.944050017 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:53] ping&FPS: 0.0858043240649 416.944043863 421.944050017 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:53] ping&FPS: 0.0858043240649 416.944043863 416.944043863 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:53] ping&FPS: 0.101585413728 432.944036606 416.944043863 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:53] ping&FPS: 0.101585413728 432.944036606 432.944036606 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:53] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:54] ping&FPS: 0.094280566488 147.944034788 432.944036606 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:55] ping&FPS: 0.0699400263173 421.944017503 147.944022837 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:55] ping&FPS: 0.0699400263173 421.944017503 421.944017503 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:55] ping&FPS: 0.0686110513551 145.94401722 421.944017503 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:56] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:57] ping&FPS: 0.0771640198571 418.943991426 144.943997252 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:57] ping&FPS: 0.0771640198571 418.943991426 418.943991426 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:57] ping&FPS: 0.07838277093 167.943989161 418.943991426 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:58] ping&FPS: 0.0854897158487 411.94398405 167.943989161 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:58] ping&FPS: 0.0854897158487 411.94398405 411.94398405 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:58] ping&FPS: 0.0788927333696 134.943987552 411.94398405 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:59] ping&FPS: 0.0914938705308 430.944010082 139.944002766 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:46:59] ping&FPS: 0.0914938705308 430.944010082 430.944010082 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:00] ping&FPS: 0.0804298328502 138.944010514 430.944010082 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:00] ping&FPS: 0.113614361201 578.944026257 138.944010514 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:00] ping&FPS: 0.113614361201 578.944026257 578.944026257 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:01] ping&FPS: 0.0909804957254 421.944015335 578.944026257 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:01] ping&FPS: 0.0909804957254 421.944015335 421.944015335 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:01] ping&FPS: 0.0751658188445 144.944013025 421.944015335 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:02] ping&FPS: 0.0806497739894 429.944001313 123.944009061 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:02] ping&FPS: 0.0806497739894 429.944001313 429.944001313 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:02] ping&FPS: 0.10084910265 425.943994771 429.944001313 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:02] ping&FPS: 0.10084910265 425.943994771 425.943994771 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:02] ping&FPS: 0.0966559307916 164.94399574 425.943994771 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:02] id 13169882 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:03] ping&FPS: 0.0957179473979 438.943994361 145.943991322 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:03] ping&FPS: 0.0957179473979 438.943994361 438.943994361 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:03] ping&FPS: 0.0837487237794 123.943993266 438.943994361 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:05] ping&FPS: 0.0486116515739 83.9439876857 264.943987686 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:06] ping&FPS: 0.0482114957912 144.943985376 264.943987686 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:06] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:06] id 13169916 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:06] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:06] ping&FPS: 0.0756171154124 427.9439773 144.943985376 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:06] ping&FPS: 0.0756171154124 427.9439773 427.9439773 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:06] ping&FPS: 0.0773465143783 181.943973604 427.9439773 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:07] ping&FPS: 0.05439680389 347.943963263 122.943971414 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:07] ping&FPS: 0.05439680389 347.943963263 347.943963263 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:07] ping&FPS: 0.0487757878644 209.943964157 347.943963263 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:07] ping&FPS: 0.0487757878644 209.943964157 209.943964157 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:07] ping&FPS: 0.0538894491536 164.943972576 209.943964157 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:07] ping&FPS: 0.0860951202256 439.943978574 164.943972576 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:07] ping&FPS: 0.0860951202256 439.943978574 439.943978574 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:08] ping&FPS: 0.0814908104283 395.943974565 439.943978574 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:08] ping&FPS: 0.0814908104283 395.943974565 395.943974565 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:08] ping&FPS: 0.0779928522451 163.94397537 395.943974565 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:08] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:08] id 13169906 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:09] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:09] ping&FPS: 0.0711196916444 428.943993214 141.943989019 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:09] ping&FPS: 0.0711196916444 428.943993214 428.943993214 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:10] ping&FPS: 0.0850418465478 401.944001365 428.943993214 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:10] ping&FPS: 0.0850418465478 401.944001365 401.944001365 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:10] ping&FPS: 0.0797064857824 171.944004412 401.944001365 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:10] ping&FPS: 0.104595120464 438.944004658 171.944004412 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:10] ping&FPS: 0.104595120464 438.944004658 438.944004658 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:10] ping&FPS: 0.0899717169149 107.944004666 438.944004658 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:11] ping&FPS: 0.128471623574 545.944015633 149.94400623 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:11] ping&FPS: 0.128471623574 545.944015633 545.944015633 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:11] ping&FPS: 0.114646922265 143.944017816 545.944015633 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:12] ping&FPS: 0.0918140070779 419.944025885 168.94401944 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:12] ping&FPS: 0.0918140070779 419.944025885 419.944025885 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:12] ping&FPS: 0.0840068565948 160.94402806 419.944025885 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:13] ping&FPS: 0.0726323234183 430.944014374 144.944021958 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:13] ping&FPS: 0.0726323234183 430.944014374 430.944014374 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:14] ping&FPS: 0.0892832087619 434.944007445 430.944014374 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:14] ping&FPS: 0.0892832087619 434.944007445 434.944007445 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:14] ping&FPS: 0.0764650063855 147.944005627 434.944007445 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:14] ping&FPS: 0.0874231415136 694.943996611 147.944005627 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:14] ping&FPS: 0.0874231415136 694.943996611 694.943996611 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:15] ping&FPS: 0.0694352196796 149.943996053 694.943996611 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:15] ping&FPS: 0.0557741629226 144.944006357 280.944006357 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:16] ping&FPS: 0.102306033884 557.944011207 280.944006357 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:16] ping&FPS: 0.102306033884 557.944011207 557.944011207 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:16] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:16] ping&FPS: 0.0937358098371 139.944013666 557.944011207 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:17] ping&FPS: 0.0997076588018 714.944017242 139.944013666 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:17] ping&FPS: 0.0997076588018 714.944017242 714.944017242 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:17] ping&FPS: 0.0883170323712 133.944016855 714.944017242 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:19] ping&FPS: 0.116517628942 594.944013658 124.944013919 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:19] ping&FPS: 0.116517628942 594.944013658 594.944013658 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:19] ping&FPS: 0.087032433067 129.944010753 594.944013658 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:20] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:20] ping&FPS: 0.0799605952842 418.944005656 151.94400962 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:20] ping&FPS: 0.0799605952842 418.944005656 418.944005656 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:20] ping&FPS: 0.0687535511596 154.944001261 418.944005656 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:21] ping&FPS: 0.0843758689506 429.943979684 137.943987432 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:21] ping&FPS: 0.0843758689506 429.943979684 429.943979684 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:22] ping&FPS: 0.0737135516746 139.943976554 429.943979684 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:22] ping&FPS: 0.111967887197 859.943972233 139.943976554 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:22] ping&FPS: 0.111967887197 859.943972233 859.943972233 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:23] ping&FPS: 0.100377406393 172.943970788 859.943972233 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:23] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:23] ping&FPS: 0.0774040924651 428.943974483 138.943973083 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:23] ping&FPS: 0.0774040924651 428.943974483 428.943974483 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:23] ping&FPS: 0.0712478118283 133.943975958 428.943974483 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:24] ping&FPS: 0.08168139628 421.943979937 133.943975958 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:24] ping&FPS: 0.08168139628 421.943979937 421.943979937 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:24] ping&FPS: 0.0763309704406 148.943980146 421.943979937 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:24] ping&FPS: 0.107179592763 436.943981926 148.943980146 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:24] ping&FPS: 0.107179592763 436.943981926 436.943981926 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:24] ping&FPS: 0.0906695978982 121.943984229 436.943981926 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:25] ping&FPS: 0.126535873328 587.943994086 143.943989906 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:25] ping&FPS: 0.126535873328 587.943994086 587.943994086 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:26] Two time score difference detected. Max Score(0): 553 Min Score(1): 198 User Team Id: 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:26] ping&FPS: 0.135336305414 835.943993281 587.943994086 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:26] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:26] ping&FPS: 0.135336305414 835.943993281 835.943993281 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:26] ping&FPS: 0.121386702572 169.943991344 835.943993281 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:27] ping&FPS: 0.12293172947 416.943996418 169.943991344 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:27] ping&FPS: 0.12293172947 416.943996418 547.943996418 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:27] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:27] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:27] id 13169906 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:27] name Udaviks [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:27] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:27] ping&FPS: 0.105772580419 164.94400018 547.943996418 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:27] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:28] ping&FPS: 0.104531388198 441.94400924 122.944004777 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:28] ping&FPS: 0.104531388198 441.94400924 441.94400924 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:28] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:28] id 13169908 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:28] ping&FPS: 0.0979048865182 151.944010872 441.94400924 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:29] ping&FPS: 0.102848048721 414.944021422 141.944013003 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:29] ping&FPS: 0.102848048721 414.944021422 414.944021422 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:29] ping&FPS: 0.0922525035483 173.944023866 414.944021422 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:29] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:29] ping&FPS: 0.107607852135 421.944029968 154.944025058 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:29] ping&FPS: 0.107607852135 421.944029968 421.944029968 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:29] ping&FPS: 0.0941906081779 119.944031942 421.944029968 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:30] ping&FPS: 0.0697878854615 137.944035913 239.944035913 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:30] ping&FPS: 0.0718291359288 173.944039288 239.944035913 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:31] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:31] ping&FPS: 0.091151292835 734.944047655 137.94404732 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:31] ping&FPS: 0.091151292835 734.944047655 734.944047655 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:32] ping&FPS: 0.0793114709003 108.944048758 734.944047655 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:33] ping&FPS: 0.108013119016 560.944078076 126.944075528 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:33] ping&FPS: 0.108013119016 560.944078076 560.944078076 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:34] ping&FPS: 0.122248198305 439.944075692 560.944078076 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:34] ping&FPS: 0.122248198305 439.944075692 439.944075692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:34] ping&FPS: 0.110428105508 142.944074917 439.944075692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:35] ping&FPS: 0.106119658266 418.944080579 160.944074299 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:35] ping&FPS: 0.106119658266 418.944080579 418.944080579 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:35] ping&FPS: 0.0985960023744 160.944080892 418.944080579 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:35] ping&FPS: 0.074336837445 151.944077495 251.944077495 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:35] ping&FPS: 0.066164459501 173.944078076 251.944077495 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:37] ping&FPS: 0.0698938327176 424.944075237 144.944077286 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:37] ping&FPS: 0.0698938327176 424.944075237 424.944075237 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:37] ping&FPS: 0.0666020768029 166.944072809 424.944075237 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:38] ping&FPS: 0.0810867058379 419.944064985 150.944065991 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:38] ping&FPS: 0.0810867058379 419.944064985 419.944064985 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:38] ping&FPS: 0.0699585186584 151.944066617 419.944064985 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:39] ping&FPS: 0.0479204388601 115.944068383 263.944068383 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:39] ping&FPS: 0.0398312093956 140.94406728 263.944068383 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:40] ping&FPS: 0.0758455055101 418.944072615 158.944069128 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:40] ping&FPS: 0.0758455055101 418.944072615 418.944072615 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:40] ping&FPS: 0.0693495082004 165.944070022 418.944072615 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:40] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:41] ping&FPS: 0.117522965584 590.944086465 132.944074343 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:41] ping&FPS: 0.117522965584 590.944086465 590.944086465 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:41] ping&FPS: 0.0916548030717 132.944086845 590.944086465 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:42] ping&FPS: 0.094223718558 432.944082867 144.944084536 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:42] ping&FPS: 0.094223718558 432.944082867 432.944082867 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:42] ping&FPS: 0.0935284154756 425.944081913 432.944082867 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:42] ping&FPS: 0.0935284154756 425.944081913 425.944081913 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:42] ping&FPS: 0.0761528866632 142.944080207 425.944081913 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:43] ping&FPS: 0.0469061317188 157.944070678 258.944070678 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:44] ping&FPS: 0.0540958004338 166.944070111 258.944070678 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:45] ping&FPS: 0.0795687692506 427.944063004 140.944068286 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:45] ping&FPS: 0.0795687692506 427.944063004 427.944063004 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:45] ping&FPS: 0.0650662290198 139.944061737 427.944063004 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:46] ping&FPS: 0.0974279450519 420.944050613 185.944056112 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:46] ping&FPS: 0.0974279450519 420.944050613 420.944050613 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:46] ping&FPS: 0.081814508353 145.944048467 420.944050613 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:46] ping&FPS: 0.106069828783 446.94403873 118.944045554 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:46] ping&FPS: 0.106069828783 446.94403873 446.94403873 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:47] ping&FPS: 0.0970271634204 138.94403823 446.94403873 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:47] ping&FPS: 0.0903346793992 407.944034326 138.94403823 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:47] ping&FPS: 0.0903346793992 407.944034326 407.944034326 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:47] ping&FPS: 0.0835008727653 146.944037932 407.944034326 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:48] ping&FPS: 0.0993407922132 433.944022614 142.944033432 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:48] ping&FPS: 0.0993407922132 433.944022614 433.944022614 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:48] ping&FPS: 0.0839664893491 150.944017562 433.944022614 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:49] ping&FPS: 0.0879929321153 538.944010067 164.94401485 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:49] ping&FPS: 0.0879929321153 538.944010067 538.944010067 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:49] ping&FPS: 0.081330667649 161.944006819 538.944010067 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:50] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:50] ping&FPS: 0.0642115133149 123.944001112 274.944001112 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:51] ping&FPS: 0.0898667084319 423.943986792 274.944001112 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:51] ping&FPS: 0.0898667084319 423.943986792 423.943986792 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:51] ping&FPS: 0.110739286457 449.943978596 423.943986792 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:51] ping&FPS: 0.110739286457 449.943978596 449.943978596 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:51] ping&FPS: 0.0977101134402 149.943978968 449.943978596 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:51] ping&FPS: 0.085687111531 119.943976286 449.943978596 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:51] ping&FPS: 0.085687111531 119.943976286 269.943976286 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:52] ping&FPS: 0.079549397741 136.943972665 269.943976286 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:52] ping&FPS: 0.123520399843 557.943958763 163.943969745 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:52] ping&FPS: 0.123520399843 557.943958763 557.943958763 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:52] ping&FPS: 0.11413034371 139.943959359 557.943958763 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:54] ping&FPS: 0.165449063693 875.943933416 142.943940702 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:54] ping&FPS: 0.165449063693 875.943933416 875.943933416 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:54] ping&FPS: 0.1213934826 125.943931717 875.943933416 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:55] ping&FPS: 0.103951271091 447.943914893 120.943927142 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:55] ping&FPS: 0.103951271091 447.943914893 447.943914893 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:55] ping&FPS: 0.112893472825 425.943908352 447.943914893 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:55] ping&FPS: 0.112893472825 425.943908352 425.943908352 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:56] ping&FPS: 0.095623667751 164.943905595 425.943908352 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:57] ping&FPS: 0.0998782174928 502.943890873 118.943897832 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:57] ping&FPS: 0.0998782174928 502.943890873 502.943890873 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:57] ping&FPS: 0.0783716993673 232.943891812 502.943890873 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:57] ping&FPS: 0.0783716993673 232.943891812 232.943891812 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:57] ping&FPS: 0.0744172888143 145.943889666 232.943891812 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:58] ping&FPS: 0.0999279426677 440.94387922 142.943885166 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:58] ping&FPS: 0.0999279426677 440.94387922 440.94387922 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:58] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:58] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:58] ping&FPS: 0.0845590638263 128.943872425 440.94387922 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:59] ping&FPS: 0.121530379568 535.943882051 440.94387922 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:59] ping&FPS: 0.121530379568 535.943882051 664.943882051 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:47:59] ping&FPS: 0.108713354383 141.943881113 664.943882051 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:00] ping&FPS: 0.127695898925 580.943893868 134.943885248 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:00] ping&FPS: 0.127695898925 580.943893868 580.943893868 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:00] ping&FPS: 0.135455291186 437.943894881 580.943893868 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:00] ping&FPS: 0.135455291186 437.943894881 437.943894881 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:00] ping&FPS: 0.117753844176 120.943894226 437.943894881 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:01] ping&FPS: 0.116649057184 412.94390406 146.943895969 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:01] ping&FPS: 0.116649057184 412.94390406 412.94390406 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:01] ping&FPS: 0.108468260084 207.943902764 412.94390406 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:01] ping&FPS: 0.108468260084 207.943902764 207.943902764 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:01] ping&FPS: 0.093530769859 91.9439029428 207.943902764 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:02] ping&FPS: 0.108645062361 415.943910594 207.943902764 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:02] ping&FPS: 0.108645062361 415.943910594 507.943910594 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:02] ping&FPS: 0.100876714502 148.943911734 507.943910594 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:03] ping&FPS: 0.0968292312963 460.943929132 159.943921554 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:03] ping&FPS: 0.0968292312963 460.943929132 460.943929132 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:03] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:03] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:03] id 13169916 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:03] name 2501syva [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:03] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:03] @ launchpadAppeared 13169916 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:03] ping&FPS: 0.0839544343097 92.9439294743 460.943929132 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:03] ping&FPS: 0.0782221662147 158.943929459 460.943929132 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:03] ping&FPS: 0.0782221662147 158.943929459 251.943929459 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:03] ping&FPS: 0.0734229939325 131.943931538 251.943929459 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:05] ping&FPS: 0.0971801685435 714.94396032 160.943944636 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:05] ping&FPS: 0.0971801685435 714.94396032 714.94396032 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:05] ping&FPS: 0.111027191792 412.94396748 714.94396032 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:05] ping&FPS: 0.111027191792 412.94396748 412.94396748 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:06] ping&FPS: 0.119743015085 426.943973209 412.94396748 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:06] ping&FPS: 0.119743015085 426.943973209 426.943973209 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:06] ping&FPS: 0.114403973733 172.943974558 426.943973209 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:07] ping&FPS: 0.133178349052 558.943983677 132.943977732 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:07] ping&FPS: 0.133178349052 558.943983677 558.943983677 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:07] ping&FPS: 0.121753241335 159.943985689 558.943983677 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:07] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:07] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:07] id 13169908 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:07] name AbeTakakazu [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:07] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:07] ping&FPS: 0.127818714295 406.943990934 159.943985689 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:07] ping&FPS: 0.127818714295 406.943990934 406.943990934 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:07] ping&FPS: 0.115609298859 155.943996015 406.943990934 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:09] ping&FPS: 0.0899883615119 422.944014187 127.944009114 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:09] ping&FPS: 0.0899883615119 422.944014187 422.944014187 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:09] ping&FPS: 0.0842177974326 139.944013852 422.944014187 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:09] ping&FPS: 0.105365316783 445.944023627 139.944013852 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:09] ping&FPS: 0.105365316783 445.944023627 445.944023627 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:09] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:10] ping&FPS: 0.14199779502 565.944038171 445.944023627 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:10] ping&FPS: 0.14199779502 565.944038171 565.944038171 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:10] ping&FPS: 0.122904281531 126.944042224 565.944038171 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:11] ping&FPS: 0.114045109068 423.944057356 145.944047462 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:11] ping&FPS: 0.114045109068 423.944057356 423.944057356 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:12] ping&FPS: 0.157615120922 1140.94407954 423.944057356 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:12] ping&FPS: 0.157615120922 1140.94407954 1140.94407954 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:12] ping&FPS: 0.138551663075 143.944080788 1140.94407954 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:13] ping&FPS: 0.118944998298 421.944086391 126.944082412 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:13] ping&FPS: 0.118944998298 421.944086391 421.944086391 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:13] ping&FPS: 0.106069873486 138.944087754 421.944086391 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:15] ping&FPS: 0.151606466089 1994.94412791 138.944087754 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:15] ping&FPS: 0.151606466089 1994.94412791 1994.94412791 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:15] ping&FPS: 0.177469279085 572.944138947 1994.94412791 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:15] ping&FPS: 0.177469279085 572.944138947 572.944138947 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:16] ping&FPS: 0.155850257192 147.944142717 572.944138947 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:17] ping&FPS: 0.166198368583 996.94417325 168.94415139 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:17] ping&FPS: 0.166198368583 996.94417325 996.94417325 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:17] ping&FPS: 0.148239504014 151.944175813 996.94417325 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:18] ping&FPS: 0.109664197479 415.944190565 143.944183845 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:18] ping&FPS: 0.109664197479 415.944190565 415.944190565 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:18] ping&FPS: 0.0976067738874 132.944190014 415.944190565 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:19] ping&FPS: 0.112536753927 465.944201085 146.944192688 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:19] ping&FPS: 0.112536753927 465.944201085 465.944201085 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:19] ping&FPS: 0.0965108828885 122.94420262 465.944201085 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:19] ping&FPS: 0.0863452958209 129.94420344 465.944201085 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:19] ping&FPS: 0.0863452958209 129.94420344 252.94420344 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:19] ping&FPS: 0.0780736463411 133.944205846 252.94420344 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:20] ping&FPS: 0.0976479904992 425.944216068 133.944205846 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:20] ping&FPS: 0.0976479904992 425.944216068 425.944216068 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:20] ping&FPS: 0.0892686056239 139.944218527 425.944216068 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:22] ping&FPS: 0.0838775294168 422.944258127 143.944248396 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:22] ping&FPS: 0.0838775294168 422.944258127 422.944258127 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:22] ping&FPS: 0.077745567475 142.944256421 422.944258127 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:23] ping&FPS: 0.102931480323 457.9442663 142.944256421 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:23] ping&FPS: 0.102931480323 457.9442663 457.9442663 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:23] ping&FPS: 0.0894817071302 117.944268878 457.9442663 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:23] ping&FPS: 0.10681870154 439.944279532 117.944268878 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:23] ping&FPS: 0.10681870154 439.944279532 439.944279532 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:24] ping&FPS: 0.116038347994 408.944286968 439.944279532 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:24] ping&FPS: 0.116038347994 408.944286968 408.944286968 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:24] ping&FPS: 0.104794691716 142.944289918 408.944286968 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:24] ping&FPS: 0.111367906843 438.944301228 129.944292601 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:24] ping&FPS: 0.111367906843 438.944301228 438.944301228 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:24] ping&FPS: 0.100860338126 141.944302152 438.944301228 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:27] ping&FPS: 0.0588023470981 287.944345299 155.94433907 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:27] ping&FPS: 0.0588023470981 287.944345299 287.944345299 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:27] ping&FPS: 0.064406107579 272.944347206 287.944345299 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:27] ping&FPS: 0.064406107579 272.944347206 272.944347206 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:27] ping&FPS: 0.0887002902372 416.944351296 272.944347206 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:27] ping&FPS: 0.0887002902372 416.944351296 416.944351296 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:28] ping&FPS: 0.0814579235656 143.944353479 416.944351296 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:29] ping&FPS: 0.0573279368026 150.944362897 242.944362897 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:29] ping&FPS: 0.0580456214292 146.944366503 242.944362897 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:30] setFpsGathererActive(False) [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:30] ping&FPS: 0.001 356.944392692 159.944385398 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:30] ping&FPS: 0.001 356.944392692 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:30] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:30] id 13169872 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:30] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:30] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:30] id 13169874 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:30] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:30] id 13169876 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:30] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:30] id 13169880 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:30] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:30] id 13169886 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:30] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:30] id 13169888 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:30] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:30] id 13169890 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:30] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:30] id 13169892 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:30] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:30] id 13169894 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:30] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:30] id 13169896 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:30] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:30] id 13169898 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:30] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:30] id 13169900 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:30] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:30] id 13169902 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:30] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:30] Avatar.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:30] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:30] id 13169904 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:30] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:30] id 13169906 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:30] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:30] id 13169908 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:30] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:30] id 13169910 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:30] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:30] id 13169912 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:30] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:30] id 13169914 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:30] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:30] id 13169916 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:30] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:30] id 13169918 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:31] Account.__init__() [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:31] __init__() Cherep_N [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:31] [DEBUG] (24343278503594968, 57): Deleted: [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:31] [DEBUG] (24343278503594968, 57): Deleted: [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:31] [DEBUG] (24343278503594717, 19): ClientLobbySpace is creating [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:31] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:31] setServerTime -13.625 1451753325 1451753311.38 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:31] leaveBattleSession() Reason: 0 Info: None [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:31] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:31] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:31] Can't send FPS data: it's empty [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:31] GameServerMessenger().getInitParams() called [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:31] [DEBUG] (24343278503594646, 226): onRewardsRestored ('21 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:31] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:31] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:31] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 0. Boxes contents: [{}] [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:31] [DEBUG] (24343278503594646, 226): onGetAchievements ('266 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:32] setServerTime -13.8599998951 1451753326 1451753312.14 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:32] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:32] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:32] Can't send FPS data: it's empty [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:32] GameServerMessenger().getInitParams() called [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:32] [TRACE] (24343278503595215, 30): Xmpp chat params received: ({'xmpp_std_rooms_svc': 'standard.wowsru.loc', 'account_id': 5719344, 'xmpp_host': 'wowsru.loc', 'xmpp_user_rooms_svc': 'user-rooms.wowsru.loc', 'xmpp_connections': [('xmpp-wows-ru.wargaming.net', 5222)], 'xmpp_resource': 'wows', 'xmpp_alt_connections': [('xmpp-wows-ru.wargaming.net', 5333)], 'xmpp_specific_rooms_svc': 'user-special.wowsru.loc'},) [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:32] [TRACE] (24343278503595215, 79): Xmpp chat: token requested [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:34] [TRACE] (24343278503595215, 30): Xmpp chat params received: ({'xmpp_std_rooms_svc': 'standard.wowsru.loc', 'account_id': 5719344, 'xmpp_host': 'wowsru.loc', 'xmpp_user_rooms_svc': 'user-rooms.wowsru.loc', 'xmpp_connections': [('xmpp-wows-ru.wargaming.net', 5222)], 'xmpp_resource': 'wows', 'xmpp_alt_connections': [('xmpp-wows-ru.wargaming.net', 5333)], 'xmpp_specific_rooms_svc': 'user-special.wowsru.loc'},) [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:34] [TRACE] (24343278503595215, 79): Xmpp chat: token requested [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:34] [DEBUG] (24343278503594646, 22): Xmpp chat token received: (5719344L, 53764078) [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:34] isDone id 15122001 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:34] isDone id 15121801 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:34] isDone id 15121804 count 0 limit 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:34] isDone id 15122005 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:34] ('[WWSD-43797] Dock.py updateShipSelection. shipId: ', 4281251536L, ', shipIdForModuleInset: ', 4281251536L) [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:34] [DBUG WWSD-40746] self.__requestedShipId 4281251536 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:34] isDone id 15122001 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:34] isDone id 15121801 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:34] isDone id 15121804 count 0 limit 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:34] isDone id 15122005 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:34] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:34] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:35] [DEBUG] (24343278503594646, 22): Xmpp chat token received: (5719344L, 5445438) [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:37] ping&FPS: 0.537113990102 0.001 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:37] ping&FPS: 0.488464023386 279.94443662 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:37] ping&FPS: 0.444019998823 135.944435629 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:37] ping&FPS: 0.400892819677 142.944436717 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:37] [DEBUG] (24343278503595215, 61): XmppChatHandler.onConnect [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:37] [DEBUG] (24343278503595215, 9): XmppChatHandler.handleRoster() ([],) [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:37] groups: {} [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:37] users: {} [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:37] [DEBUG] (24343278503595215, 9): handleBanInfo: ({'banId': '', 'reason': '', 'expiry': -1L},) [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:37] [DEBUG] (24343278503595215, 15): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence() ('5719344@wowsru.loc/wows', 'Cherep_N', 0) [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:37] [DEBUG] (24343278503595215, 15): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence() ('5719344@wowsru.loc/wows', 'Cherep_N', 5) [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:37] ping&FPS: 0.36676039866 147.944439556 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:37] [DEBUG] (24343278503595215, 15): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence() ('5719344@wowsru.loc/wows', 'Cherep_N', 5) [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:37] [DEBUG] (24343278503595215, 12): XmppChatHandler.handleChannelList(): group (5, []) [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:37] [DEBUG] (24343278503595215, 12): XmppChatHandler.handleChannelList(): group (2, []) [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:37] [DEBUG] (24343278503595215, 12): XmppChatHandler.handleChannelList(): group (3, []) [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:37] [DEBUG] (24343278503595215, 12): XmppChatHandler.handleChannelList(): group (1, [('ids_chat_channel_offtop@standard.wowsru.loc', 'IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_OFFTOP', 4), ('ids_chat_channel_questions@standard.wowsru.loc', 'IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_QUESTIONS', 4), ('ids_chat_channel_search_div@standard.wowsru.loc', 'IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_SEARCH_DIV', 4), ('wargamingfm@standard.wowsru.loc', 'WargamingFM \xd0\x9a\xd0\xbe\xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb1\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb8', 4)]) [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:38] ping&FPS: 0.349443729435 425.944449778 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:38] ping&FPS: 0.333359475647 412.944459732 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:39] ping&FPS: 0.320884134088 776.944479059 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:39] Set UI Volume 5.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:39] Set Engines Volume 5.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:39] Set Voice Volume 5.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:39] Set Sound Volume 5.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:39] Set Music Volume 5.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:39] Set Master Volume 5.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:39] Set World Volume 5.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:39] Set UI Volume 1.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:39] Set Music Volume 0.32 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:39] Set World Volume 1.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:39] Set Master Volume 0.87 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:39] Set Engines Volume 1.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:39] Set Sound Volume 0.33 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:39] Set Voice Volume 0.38 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:39] ping&FPS: 0.304030682359 511.94446985 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:40] ping&FPS: 0.277569647346 201.944469433 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:40] ping&FPS: 0.251413519893 101.944471251 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:40] ping&FPS: 0.22913053206 125.944473277 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:40] ping&FPS: 0.215077127729 186.944477852 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:40] ping&FPS: 0.193387235914 108.944478955 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:40] ping&FPS: 0.179803277765 145.944482397 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:40] ping&FPS: 0.165555756007 135.944483268 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:41] ping&FPS: 0.154158990298 138.944484632 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:41] ping&FPS: 0.143601681505 133.94448797 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:41] ping&FPS: 0.134702246104 145.944491412 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:41] ping&FPS: 0.126718844686 146.944493155 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:41] ping&FPS: 0.119682114039 145.944496598 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:41] ping&FPS: 0.111658002649 146.944498341 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:42] ping&FPS: 0.105349730168 145.944501783 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:42] ping&FPS: 0.0996736841542 133.944505121 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:42] ping&FPS: 0.0945658939225 145.944508563 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:42] ping&FPS: 0.0899677383048 132.944511737 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:42] Set Master Volume 0.89 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:42] Set Master Volume 0.91 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:42] ping&FPS: 0.0866989450795 147.944514576 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:42] Set Master Volume 0.96 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:42] Set Master Volume 0.98 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:42] Set Master Volume 0.99 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:42] Set Master Volume 1.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:42] ping&FPS: 0.0817876266582 131.944516655 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:42] ping&FPS: 0.0804655807359 158.944520365 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:43] ping&FPS: 0.0773805933339 158.944524075 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:43] ping&FPS: 0.0730775403125 133.944527413 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:43] ping&FPS: 0.0689282076699 116.944528896 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:43] ping&FPS: 0.0688744293792 159.94453277 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:43] ping&FPS: 0.0668558137757 159.944536644 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:43] ping&FPS: 0.0631014811141 118.944539386 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:43] ping&FPS: 0.0616737561566 146.944542992 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:43] ping&FPS: 0.0603650020702 146.944546598 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:44] ping&FPS: 0.0591876613242 132.944549772 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:44] ping&FPS: 0.0581280993564 132.944552946 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:44] ping&FPS: 0.0591736095292 159.944556821 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:44] ping&FPS: 0.0561158167464 119.944559726 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:44] ping&FPS: 0.0573654579265 159.944563601 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:44] Set Voice Volume 0.39 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:45] Set Voice Volume 0.41 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:45] Set Voice Volume 0.47 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:45] Set Voice Volume 0.54 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:45] Set Voice Volume 0.57 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:45] Set Voice Volume 0.58 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:45] Set Voice Volume 0.59 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:45] Set Voice Volume 0.6 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:45] Set Voice Volume 0.65 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:45] Set Voice Volume 0.73 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:45] Set Voice Volume 0.77 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:45] Set Voice Volume 0.78 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:45] Set Voice Volume 0.79 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:45] Set Voice Volume 0.8 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:45] Set Voice Volume 0.87 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:45] Set Voice Volume 0.91 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:45] Set Voice Volume 0.95 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:45] Set Voice Volume 0.96 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:45] ping&FPS: 0.0767093705279 719.944579172 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:45] Set Voice Volume 0.97 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:45] Set Voice Volume 0.98 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:45] Set Voice Volume 1.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:45] ping&FPS: 0.087227668081 421.944587808 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:46] ping&FPS: 0.0973658966167 439.944598462 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:46] ping&FPS: 0.0904897855861 119.944601368 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:46] ping&FPS: 0.0862998770816 159.944605242 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:46] ping&FPS: 0.0805289404733 119.944608148 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:46] ping&FPS: 0.0795343922717 159.944612022 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:46] ping&FPS: 0.0764384972198 146.944615628 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:47] ping&FPS: 0.073653321181 145.94461907 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:47] ping&FPS: 0.0714622246368 132.944622244 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:47] ping&FPS: 0.0691747026784 146.94462585 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:47] ping&FPS: 0.095117356096 559.94463941 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:48] ping&FPS: 0.0926652657134 159.944643285 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:48] ping&FPS: 0.0882576661451 132.944646459 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:48] ping&FPS: 0.0848278211696 149.944650556 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:48] ping&FPS: 0.0800039427621 129.944653239 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:48] ping&FPS: 0.0848616617067 239.94465905 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:48] ping&FPS: 0.0859868781907 182.944661106 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:49] ping&FPS: 0.0822467463357 146.944664712 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:49] ping&FPS: 0.0928825246436 552.944671537 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:49] ping&FPS: 0.0925015913589 178.944674801 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:49] Set Music Volume 0.31 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:49] Set Music Volume 0.28 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:49] Set Music Volume 0.26 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:49] Set Music Volume 0.08 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:49] Set Music Volume 0.04 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:49] Set Music Volume 0.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:50] ping&FPS: 0.100910704051 411.944684591 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:50] ping&FPS: 0.0956787126405 132.944687765 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:50] ping&FPS: 0.0929434703929 159.944691639 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:50] Set Music Volume 0.01 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:50] Set Music Volume 0.02 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:50] Set Music Volume 0.06 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:50] Set Music Volume 0.08 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:50] Set Music Volume 0.09 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:50] Set Music Volume 0.1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:50] Set Music Volume 0.12 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:50] Set Music Volume 0.13 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:51] ping&FPS: 0.1301414775 709.944707434 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:51] Set Music Volume 0.12 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:51] Set Music Volume 0.11 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:51] ping&FPS: 0.122958268438 142.944710385 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:51] Set Music Volume 0.1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:51] Set Music Volume 0.09 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:51] ping&FPS: 0.115537147437 143.944713499 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:51] ping&FPS: 0.108841727887 145.944716941 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:51] ping&FPS: 0.103217731629 142.944718029 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:51] ping&FPS: 0.097230132137 126.944718357 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:52] ping&FPS: 0.0926079856498 139.944720815 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:52] ping&FPS: 0.0882503645761 143.94472393 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:52] Set Music Volume 0.08 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:52] Set Music Volume 0.01 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:52] Set Music Volume 0.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:53] ping&FPS: 0.0988867538316 851.944742511 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:53] ping&FPS: 0.109154875789 412.944750603 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:53] ping&FPS: 0.105199660574 168.94475409 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:54] ping&FPS: 0.113539453064 412.944764044 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:54] ping&FPS: 0.121143262301 719.944781478 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:54] ping&FPS: 0.11388831905 158.944785188 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:55] ping&FPS: 0.105357419167 119.944788094 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:55] Set Master Volume 1.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:55] Set Music Volume 0.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:55] Set Sound Volume 0.33 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:55] Set Voice Volume 1.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:55] Set Engines Volume 1.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:55] Set UI Volume 1.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:55] Set World Volume 1.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:55] ping&FPS: 0.0994785832507 146.944789838 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:55] ping&FPS: 0.0943893598659 147.944793608 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:55] ping&FPS: 0.104071821485 409.94480307 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:55] ping&FPS: 0.0985233890159 159.944806944 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:56] ping&FPS: 0.0945324408157 163.944811474 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:56] ping&FPS: 0.0837531792266 122.944811146 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:57] ping&FPS: 0.103053580437 910.944831948 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:57] ping&FPS: 0.10372475854 221.944834809 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:57] ping&FPS: 0.0985122876508 136.944836776 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:58] ping&FPS: 0.109479914818 1020.94484394 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:58] ping&FPS: 0.108512799655 266.944843936 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:58] ping&FPS: 0.102821956788 142.944846887 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:59] ping&FPS: 0.0977985220296 141.94484781 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:59] ping&FPS: 0.0947097348315 156.944853056 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:59] ping&FPS: 0.090463708554 142.944856006 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:59] ping&FPS: 0.0845763044698 129.944858688 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:59] ping&FPS: 0.0812779175384 142.944861639 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:48:59] ping&FPS: 0.0785176115377 144.944864917 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:00] ping&FPS: 0.0915771382196 990.944883931 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:01] ping&FPS: 0.101477618728 429.944898534 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:01] ping&FPS: 0.0965262310846 295.944901417 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:02] ping&FPS: 0.120834227119 569.944905441 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:02] ping&FPS: 0.113909225379 141.944908227 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:02] ping&FPS: 0.107876743589 137.944908495 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:02] ping&FPS: 0.102648939405 146.944912102 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:02] ping&FPS: 0.097240115915 146.944915708 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:03] ping&FPS: 0.106376002942 426.944926094 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:03] ping&FPS: 0.100617672716 132.944929268 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:03] ping&FPS: 0.111416484628 439.944939922 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:03] ping&FPS: 0.105134006057 132.944943096 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:04] ping&FPS: 0.113479967628 425.944953318 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:04] ping&FPS: 0.136993240033 572.944967146 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:04] ping&FPS: 0.128167401467 146.944970753 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:05] ping&FPS: 0.120210896645 132.944973926 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:05] ping&FPS: 0.113050829087 146.944977533 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:05] ping&FPS: 0.106604750667 132.944980706 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:06] ping&FPS: 0.131805370961 1287.94501022 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:06] ping&FPS: 0.123483608876 146.945013824 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:06] ping&FPS: 0.115141134177 132.945015136 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:07] ping&FPS: 0.110484357391 159.94501901 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:07] ping&FPS: 0.104294295822 145.945022452 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:07] ping&FPS: 0.0987239288432 133.94502579 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:07] ping&FPS: 0.0937102841479 145.945029232 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:07] ping&FPS: 0.0891976760966 133.94503257 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:07] ping&FPS: 0.0851366626365 145.945036012 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:07] ping&FPS: 0.0834818588836 159.945039886 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:08] ping&FPS: 0.0799910383565 132.94504306 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:08] ping&FPS: 0.0768478917224 146.945046666 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:08] ping&FPS: 0.0740217523915 132.94504984 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:08] ping&FPS: 0.071480642472 146.945053447 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:08] ping&FPS: 0.0831922399146 425.945063669 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:09] ping&FPS: 0.0817324476583 146.945067275 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:09] ping&FPS: 0.0770037727697 131.945070285 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:09] ping&FPS: 0.0741613017661 132.945073459 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:10] ping&FPS: 0.115608345185 718.945090729 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:10] ping&FPS: 0.109188850437 149.945094827 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:10] ping&FPS: 0.103429447327 142.945097777 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:10] ping&FPS: 0.0979460584266 132.945100951 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:11] ping&FPS: 0.109012137566 877.94512007 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:11] ping&FPS: 0.102968912039 133.945123407 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:11] ping&FPS: 0.0975306736571 145.94512685 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:12] ping&FPS: 0.106636624251 413.945136968 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:12] ping&FPS: 0.101262743984 145.945138547 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:12] ping&FPS: 0.0959936337812 146.945142153 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:12] ping&FPS: 0.0918802874429 145.945144664 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:12] ping&FPS: 0.0875512914998 145.945148106 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:13] ping&FPS: 0.11365644208 572.945161934 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:13] ping&FPS: 0.107150654708 132.945165108 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:13] ping&FPS: 0.115296180759 426.945175494 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:14] ping&FPS: 0.124626542841 452.945186417 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:14] ping&FPS: 0.115020971213 119.945189323 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:14] ping&FPS: 0.108377392803 146.945192929 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:14] ping&FPS: 0.102398301874 132.945196103 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:14] ping&FPS: 0.0973727213485 145.945199545 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:14] ping&FPS: 0.0935521083219 169.945201333 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:15] ping&FPS: 0.100754465376 402.945209648 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:16] ping&FPS: 0.110206659351 876.945230465 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:16] ping&FPS: 0.102045010243 119.945233371 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:16] ping&FPS: 0.0966991143567 132.945236545 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:16] ping&FPS: 0.0927815096719 153.94523571 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:17] ping&FPS: 0.116912643824 631.945249896 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:17] ping&FPS: 0.13044997624 507.94526052 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:17] ping&FPS: 0.122983555709 156.945263903 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:18] ping&FPS: 0.113599191819 132.945267077 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:18] ping&FPS: 0.121798749481 426.945277463 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:18] ping&FPS: 0.114577244435 132.945280637 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:18] ping&FPS: 0.108578871403 146.945284243 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:18] ping&FPS: 0.102680485163 146.945287849 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:19] ping&FPS: 0.11347268096 425.945298071 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:19] ping&FPS: 0.110010396157 161.945301342 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:19] ping&FPS: 0.10203624836 130.945304188 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:19] ping&FPS: 0.0966918723924 132.945307362 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:20] ping&FPS: 0.121880273734 911.945330191 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:20] ping&FPS: 0.11082428268 98.9453315171 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:20] ping&FPS: 0.105507265244 141.945332441 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:21] ping&FPS: 0.0979510354144 145.945333089 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:21] ping&FPS: 0.0919283883912 129.945335771 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:21] ping&FPS: 0.102995600019 436.945344071 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:21] ping&FPS: 0.09781880251 152.945346798 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:21] ping&FPS: 0.0932957338435 142.945349749 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:22] ('[WWSD-43797] Dock.py updateShipSelection. shipId: ', 4185831216L, ', shipIdForModuleInset: ', 4185831216L) [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:22] [DBUG WWSD-40746] self.__requestedShipId 4185831216 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:22] isDone id 15122001 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:22] isDone id 15121801 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:22] isDone id 15121804 count 0 limit 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:22] isDone id 15122005 count 0 limit 1 [E] [2016_01_02 18:49:22] CollisionModel::load: Error loading collision model content/gameplay/germany/ship/cruiser/GSC005_Karlsruhe_1916/GSC005_Karlsruhe_1916_MidBack! [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:22] ping&FPS: 0.0976562308414 638.945372533 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:22] start check ATBA [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:22] end check ATBA [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:22] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:23] ping&FPS: 0.117747853909 484.945369143 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:23] ping&FPS: 0.111541669284 152.945371869 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:23] ping&FPS: 0.105246882354 146.945375476 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:24] ping&FPS: 0.113618146096 891.945395026 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:25] ping&FPS: 0.117657955204 983.945405442 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:25] ping&FPS: 0.108800019537 119.945408347 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:25] ('[WWSD-43797] Dock.py updateShipSelection. shipId: ', 4291704528L, ', shipIdForModuleInset: ', 4291704528L) [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:25] [DBUG WWSD-40746] self.__requestedShipId 4291704528 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:25] isDone id 15122001 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:25] isDone id 15121801 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:25] isDone id 15121804 count 0 limit 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:25] isDone id 15122005 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:25] ping&FPS: 0.103072415505 238.945404682 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:25] start check ATBA [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:25] end check ATBA [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:25] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:26] ping&FPS: 0.104417409216 746.945415366 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:26] ping&FPS: 0.112463142191 424.945425424 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:26] ping&FPS: 0.106167640005 146.94542903 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:27] ping&FPS: 0.102443705712 158.945432741 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:27] ping&FPS: 0.0950576024396 119.945435646 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:27] ping&FPS: 0.0904101090772 159.945439521 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:27] ping&FPS: 0.0845302747829 130.945442367 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:27] ping&FPS: 0.096936251436 439.945453021 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:28] ping&FPS: 0.106105070029 426.945463407 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:28] ping&FPS: 0.100348140512 132.945466581 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:28] ping&FPS: 0.0957732009036 173.945469025 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:29] ping&FPS: 0.118008445416 543.945477168 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:29] ping&FPS: 0.124141241823 410.945486795 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:30] ping&FPS: 0.146658803735 585.945500891 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:30] ping&FPS: 0.136851127659 132.945504065 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:30] ping&FPS: 0.128622527633 144.945507343 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:30] ping&FPS: 0.120618845735 145.945510785 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:30] ping&FPS: 0.113416280065 132.945513959 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:30] ping&FPS: 0.106934006725 145.945517402 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:31] ping&FPS: 0.117101590548 439.945528056 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:31] ping&FPS: 0.124251555119 413.945538174 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:31] ping&FPS: 0.118173997317 159.945540185 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:32] ping&FPS: 0.110605041896 284.94554406 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:32] AccountLevelingProxy.setFeatureSeen: 8192 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:32] ping&FPS: 0.102310951267 285.945538785 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:32] [DEBUG] (24343278503594646, 226): onGetAccountStats ('0 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:32] AccountLevelingProxy.onGetAccountStats(): (11, 219254) (11, 219254) [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:32] ping&FPS: 0.0972211914403 141.945537846 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:32] ping&FPS: 0.0927757280213 142.945540796 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:32] ping&FPS: 0.0887571083648 142.945543747 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:33] ('[WWSD-43797] Dock.py updateShipSelection. shipId: ', 4185831216L, ', shipIdForModuleInset: ', 4185831216L) [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:33] [DBUG WWSD-40746] self.__requestedShipId 4185831216 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:33] isDone id 15122001 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:33] isDone id 15121801 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:33] isDone id 15121804 count 0 limit 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:33] isDone id 15122005 count 0 limit 1 [E] [2016_01_02 18:49:33] CollisionModel::load: Error loading collision model content/gameplay/germany/ship/cruiser/GSC005_Karlsruhe_1916/GSC005_Karlsruhe_1916_MidBack! [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:34] ping&FPS: 0.0981411444289 1200.94556086 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:34] start check ATBA [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:34] end check ATBA [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:34] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:34] ping&FPS: 0.0866686063153 353.945549968 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:34] ping&FPS: 0.083205218826 151.9455516 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:34] ping&FPS: 0.0797993498189 145.945555042 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:34] ping&FPS: 0.0773781197412 145.945558484 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:35] ping&FPS: 0.0885630505426 495.945569004 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:35] ('[WWSD-43797] Dock.py updateShipSelection. shipId: ', 4281251536L, ', shipIdForModuleInset: ', 4281251536L) [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:35] [DBUG WWSD-40746] self.__requestedShipId 4281251536 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:35] isDone id 15122001 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:35] isDone id 15121801 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:35] isDone id 15121804 count 0 limit 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:35] isDone id 15122005 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:35] ping&FPS: 0.107038806592 551.945580322 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:36] ping&FPS: 0.111271138702 267.945586997 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:36] ping&FPS: 0.121983225857 390.945597071 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:37] ping&FPS: 0.141505803381 586.945611331 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:37] ping&FPS: 0.132214273725 132.945614505 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:37] ('[WWSD-43797] Dock.py updateShipSelection. shipId: ', 4291704528L, ', shipIdForModuleInset: ', 4291704528L) [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:37] [DBUG WWSD-40746] self.__requestedShipId 4291704528 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:37] isDone id 15122001 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:37] isDone id 15121801 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:37] isDone id 15121804 count 0 limit 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:37] isDone id 15122005 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:37] ping&FPS: 0.138302172933 582.945615071 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:38] start check ATBA [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:38] end check ATBA [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:38] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:38] ping&FPS: 0.128674979721 337.94561832 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:38] ping&FPS: 0.142618011151 504.945625659 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:39] ping&FPS: 0.148870493684 426.945636045 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:39] ping&FPS: 0.14340053073 606.945607017 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:39] ping&FPS: 0.130313153778 97.9456081795 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:40] ping&FPS: 0.122540991221 146.945611786 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:40] ping&FPS: 0.115169565592 146.945615392 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:40] ping&FPS: 0.11053105763 159.945619266 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:40] [Scaleform] Warning: instance8921.setImageSubstitutions() failed for #86 element - length of subString should not exceed 15 characters [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:40] [Scaleform] Warning: instance8922.setImageSubstitutions() failed for #86 element - length of subString should not exceed 15 characters [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:40] [Scaleform] Warning: instance8923.setImageSubstitutions() failed for #86 element - length of subString should not exceed 15 characters [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:40] [Scaleform] Warning: instance8924.setImageSubstitutions() failed for #86 element - length of subString should not exceed 15 characters [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:40] ping&FPS: 0.117994185005 405.945624347 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:41] ping&FPS: 0.126075770174 497.945633333 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:41] ping&FPS: 0.112326006804 79.9456352698 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:41] ping&FPS: 0.105952452336 133.945638608 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:42] ping&FPS: 0.130217682038 585.945652704 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:42] ping&FPS: 0.122055123959 132.945655878 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:42] ping&FPS: 0.114708210741 159.945659752 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:42] ping&FPS: 0.106095190559 119.945662658 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:42] ping&FPS: 0.10034426621 146.945666264 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:42] ping&FPS: 0.0971692757947 159.945670139 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:43] ping&FPS: 0.120312015925 998.945694189 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:43] ping&FPS: 0.113142053996 133.945697527 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:44] ping&FPS: 0.108633603368 145.945700969 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:44] ping&FPS: 0.102688710604 146.945704575 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:44] ping&FPS: 0.0972783671958 132.945707749 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:44] ping&FPS: 0.0923821436507 159.945711623 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:44] ping&FPS: 0.0859950738294 119.945714529 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:44] ping&FPS: 0.0822452562196 146.945718135 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:44] ping&FPS: 0.0808982955558 158.945721846 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:45] [Scaleform] Warning: instance9039.setImageSubstitutions() failed for #86 element - length of subString should not exceed 15 characters [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:45] ping&FPS: 0.092118706022 424.945726316 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:45] [Scaleform] Warning: instance9040.setImageSubstitutions() failed for #86 element - length of subString should not exceed 15 characters [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:45] [Scaleform] Warning: instance9041.setImageSubstitutions() failed for #86 element - length of subString should not exceed 15 characters [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:45] ping&FPS: 0.101064543639 441.945734504 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:45] ping&FPS: 0.0938176321132 119.94573741 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:46] ping&FPS: 0.0877069192273 154.945742327 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:46] ping&FPS: 0.082293729697 124.94574419 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:46] ping&FPS: 0.079788725291 144.945747468 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:46] ping&FPS: 0.0766688095672 143.945750582 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:46] ping&FPS: 0.0742608862264 132.945753756 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:46] ping&FPS: 0.0716889756066 146.9457555 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:46] ping&FPS: 0.0693790721042 145.945758942 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:47] ping&FPS: 0.0672993319375 146.945762548 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:47] ping&FPS: 0.0654285060508 132.945765722 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:47] ping&FPS: 0.0642469035728 159.945769596 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:47] ping&FPS: 0.060648228441 119.945772502 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:47] ping&FPS: 0.075443934117 439.945783156 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:48] ping&FPS: 0.0867580430848 425.945793379 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:48] ping&FPS: 0.0844407933099 146.945796053 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:48] ping&FPS: 0.0813557463033 144.945799332 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:48] ping&FPS: 0.0780786680324 145.945802774 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:49] ping&FPS: 0.0891299801213 412.945812728 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:49] ping&FPS: 0.0850655989988 146.945816334 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:49] ping&FPS: 0.0814178096397 146.94581994 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:49] ping&FPS: 0.0801372634513 145.945823382 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:49] ping&FPS: 0.0754915880305 146.945826988 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:50] ping&FPS: 0.086773316775 425.94583721 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:50] ping&FPS: 0.0829554604633 133.945840548 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:50] ping&FPS: 0.0855222301824 184.945843864 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:50] ping&FPS: 0.0939064728362 385.945851255 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:51] ping&FPS: 0.0893738227231 145.945854697 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:51] ping&FPS: 0.0852956282241 133.945858035 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:51] ping&FPS: 0.0976625936372 425.945868257 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:51] [Scaleform] Warning: instance9218.setImageSubstitutions() failed for #86 element - length of subString should not exceed 15 characters [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:51] ping&FPS: 0.0932268904788 190.945871625 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:51] [Scaleform] Warning: instance9331.setImageSubstitutions() failed for #86 element - length of subString should not exceed 15 characters [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:51] ping&FPS: 0.0901105510337 158.94587161 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:52] ping&FPS: 0.0944302635533 810.945889059 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:52] ping&FPS: 0.08985821477 145.945892501 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:53] ping&FPS: 0.0857721971614 133.945895839 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:53] ping&FPS: 0.0820634769542 132.945899013 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:53] ping&FPS: 0.0787213700158 145.945902455 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:53] ping&FPS: 0.0777010726077 173.945906762 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:53] ping&FPS: 0.0727945225579 119.945909667 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:53] ping&FPS: 0.070379744683 145.945913109 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:54] ping&FPS: 0.0828013675553 424.945921305 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:55] ping&FPS: 0.0933810280902 877.945942286 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:55] ping&FPS: 0.0875560747726 119.945945192 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:55] ping&FPS: 0.0836597787482 133.945948529 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:56] ping&FPS: 0.109587992941 859.945964697 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:56] ping&FPS: 0.103485729013 146.945968303 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:56] ping&FPS: 0.0979963200433 145.945971745 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:56] ping&FPS: 0.093065227781 133.945975083 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:56] ping&FPS: 0.0891189532621 158.945976931 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:56] ping&FPS: 0.0830648647887 119.945979837 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:57] ping&FPS: 0.0796755509717 146.945983443 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:57] ping&FPS: 0.0925658898694 408.945989947 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:57] ping&FPS: 0.10331566206 464.94599818 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:58] ping&FPS: 0.0958989220006 118.946000922 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:58] ping&FPS: 0.0911675052983 146.946004528 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:58] ping&FPS: 0.0869076656444 132.946007702 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:58] ping&FPS: 0.0841950582606 155.946008127 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:58] ping&FPS: 0.0787323074681 119.946011032 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:58] ping&FPS: 0.0757182495935 146.946014638 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:58] ping&FPS: 0.0750073598964 159.946018513 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:59] ping&FPS: 0.0723663525922 132.946021687 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:59] ping&FPS: 0.069988991533 146.946025293 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:59] ping&FPS: 0.0818500774247 412.946035247 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:59] ping&FPS: 0.0785241084439 145.946038689 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:49:59] ping&FPS: 0.0761205511434 146.946042295 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:00] ping&FPS: 0.0733678894384 132.946045469 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:00] ping&FPS: 0.0717766838414 182.946047525 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:00] ping&FPS: 0.0675487624747 123.946051087 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:00] ping&FPS: 0.0656517999513 132.946054261 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:01] ping&FPS: 0.0924466507775 575.946068581 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:01] ping&FPS: 0.0888604926211 137.94606978 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:01] ping&FPS: 0.0850337850196 139.946072239 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:01] ping&FPS: 0.0813886778695 133.946075577 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:01] ping&FPS: 0.0781086044652 145.946079019 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:01] ping&FPS: 0.0756275313241 146.946082625 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:01] ping&FPS: 0.0737579422338 135.946084428 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:02] ping&FPS: 0.0753350513322 180.946087088 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:02] ping&FPS: 0.0706844287259 119.946089994 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:02] ping&FPS: 0.0684749143464 132.946093168 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:02] ping&FPS: 0.0668523716075 148.946095239 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:03] ping&FPS: 0.093336265002 567.946108248 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:03] ping&FPS: 0.0888449209077 132.946111421 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:03] ping&FPS: 0.0848194616182 132.946114595 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:03] ping&FPS: 0.0831933724029 159.94611847 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:03] ping&FPS: 0.077731694494 119.946121375 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:03] ping&FPS: 0.0768031286342 159.94612525 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:03] ping&FPS: 0.0739776747567 146.946128856 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:04] ping&FPS: 0.0714556532247 145.946132298 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:04] ping&FPS: 0.0691690998418 133.946135636 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:04] ping&FPS: 0.0668138521058 137.946137767 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:04] ping&FPS: 0.0656308489186 154.946140821 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:04] ping&FPS: 0.0639270352466 132.946143995 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:04] ping&FPS: 0.0623936610562 146.946147602 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:04] ping&FPS: 0.061013008867 132.946150775 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:05] ping&FPS: 0.0737716811044 863.946169462 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:06] ping&FPS: 0.0858499365194 421.946178097 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:06] ping&FPS: 0.0820968406541 132.946181271 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:06] ping&FPS: 0.109347562705 652.946197036 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:07] ping&FPS: 0.0976707296712 77.9461986454 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:07] ping&FPS: 0.0929629611117 134.946202147 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:07] ping&FPS: 0.0885229813201 146.946205753 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:07] ping&FPS: 0.0845300214631 132.946208927 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:07] ping&FPS: 0.0809338795287 143.946210179 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:08] ping&FPS: 0.0916994916541 439.946220833 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:08] ping&FPS: 0.0873885410173 132.946224007 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:08] ping&FPS: 0.0835090833051 146.946227613 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:08] ping&FPS: 0.0940177845103 478.946239072 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:08] ping&FPS: 0.0854725050075 93.9462414416 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:09] ping&FPS: 0.0957846002919 425.946251664 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:09] ping&FPS: 0.0910653578384 132.946254838 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:09] ping&FPS: 0.0868175285203 146.946258444 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:09] ping&FPS: 0.0849951612098 159.946262318 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:10] ping&FPS: 0.0953571008784 413.946272436 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:10] ping&FPS: 0.0906794922692 146.946276042 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:10] ping&FPS: 0.0864706145866 145.946279484 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:10] ping&FPS: 0.096682499562 413.946289602 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:11] ping&FPS: 0.0923731731517 144.94629288 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:11] ping&FPS: 0.0939960437162 199.946297723 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:11] ping&FPS: 0.0854553090675 92.9462999286 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:11] ping&FPS: 0.0957685070378 426.946310315 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:11] ping&FPS: 0.0896090077502 132.946313489 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:12] ping&FPS: 0.0855284439666 162.946315992 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:12] ping&FPS: 0.0802346127374 128.94631851 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:12] ping&FPS: 0.0790709363563 159.946322385 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:12] ping&FPS: 0.088321264301 398.946331907 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:12] ping&FPS: 0.0863473223788 159.946335781 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:13] ping&FPS: 0.0969721930368 423.946343813 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:13] ping&FPS: 0.0921202557428 159.946347687 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:13] ping&FPS: 0.0998115496976 438.946358177 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:14] ping&FPS: 0.102688084756 239.946363989 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:14] ping&FPS: 0.0992661373956 159.946367863 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:14] ping&FPS: 0.0941998767001 146.946371469 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:14] ping&FPS: 0.0896374987704 132.946374643 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:14] ping&FPS: 0.0855324374778 146.946378249 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:14] ping&FPS: 0.0818378733737 132.946381423 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:15] ping&FPS: 0.0805111931903 159.946384366 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:15] ping&FPS: 0.0753188090665 119.946387272 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:15] ping&FPS: 0.0746465431792 172.946391414 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:15] ping&FPS: 0.0720411794526 132.946394588 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:15] ping&FPS: 0.0696938144309 146.946398194 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:15] ping&FPS: 0.0815876083715 412.946408148 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:16] ping&FPS: 0.0783274131162 146.946411754 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:16] ping&FPS: 0.0753536628825 132.946414928 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:16] ping&FPS: 0.0746761219842 159.946418803 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:16] ping&FPS: 0.0720664071185 146.946422409 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:16] ping&FPS: 0.0681180017335 132.94642372 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:16] ping&FPS: 0.0668107079608 143.946424972 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:16] ping&FPS: 0.0649891602142 133.94642831 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:17] ping&FPS: 0.0633485572679 145.946431752 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:17] ping&FPS: 0.0638737039907 159.946435626 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:17] ping&FPS: 0.0623452173812 133.946438964 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:17] ping&FPS: 0.0749668883426 425.946449186 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:17] ping&FPS: 0.0723269688232 132.94645236 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:18] ping&FPS: 0.0699533479554 146.946455966 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:18] ping&FPS: 0.0685169207198 146.946459572 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:18] ping&FPS: 0.0805262135608 412.946469526 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:18] ping&FPS: 0.0793335842235 159.946473401 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:19] ping&FPS: 0.0762596832854 145.946476843 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:19] ping&FPS: 0.0734928207738 133.946480181 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:19] ping&FPS: 0.0730079369886 158.946483891 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:19] ping&FPS: 0.0706372367484 133.946487229 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:20] ping&FPS: 0.0969160752637 572.946501057 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:20] ping&FPS: 0.0921405064208 132.946504231 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:20] ping&FPS: 0.0877852993352 132.946507405 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:20] ping&FPS: 0.0850711273296 158.946511115 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:20] ping&FPS: 0.0815238612039 133.946514453 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:21] ping&FPS: 0.094232405935 452.946523513 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:21] ping&FPS: 0.0896834390504 132.946526687 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:21] ping&FPS: 0.0855767833335 146.946530293 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:21] ping&FPS: 0.0818773167474 132.946533467 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:21] ping&FPS: 0.0769559251411 122.946535002 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:21] ping&FPS: 0.0762267666204 168.946537557 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:22] ping&FPS: 0.0873649226768 412.946547511 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:22] ping&FPS: 0.0981888579471 424.94655757 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:22] ping&FPS: 0.0931868212564 159.946561444 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:22] ping&FPS: 0.0867244409663 119.94656435 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:23] ping&FPS: 0.0849121468408 159.946568224 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:23] ping&FPS: 0.109305705343 558.94658162 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:23] ping&FPS: 0.10323224536 146.946585226 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:23] ping&FPS: 0.0977808045489 132.9465884 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:23] ping&FPS: 0.092849280153 146.946592006 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:24] ping&FPS: 0.0904199140412 159.946595881 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:24] ping&FPS: 0.0862114237888 132.946599055 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:24] ping&FPS: 0.0824474351747 159.946602929 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:24] ping&FPS: 0.0770792173488 119.946605835 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:24] ping&FPS: 0.0756567077977 146.946609441 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:24] ping&FPS: 0.0738240884883 145.94661102 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:24] ping&FPS: 0.0721432226045 144.946614298 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:25] ping&FPS: 0.0697799282415 143.946617413 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:25] ping&FPS: 0.0809426414115 412.946627367 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:25] ping&FPS: 0.0779590564115 144.946630645 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:26] ping&FPS: 0.0889704929931 439.946641299 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:26] ping&FPS: 0.0839853095157 130.946644145 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:26] ping&FPS: 0.0809083091361 142.946647096 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:26] ping&FPS: 0.0843629794461 212.946646619 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:26] ping&FPS: 0.0879454272134 359.946653474 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:27] ping&FPS: 0.0839549856527 146.94665708 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:27] ping&FPS: 0.0804180311305 132.946660254 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:27] ping&FPS: 0.0771928238017 159.946664128 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:27] ping&FPS: 0.07429699174 146.946667734 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:27] ping&FPS: 0.0697277741773 119.94667064 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:27] ping&FPS: 0.067613955055 133.946673978 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:28] ping&FPS: 0.0823110746486 450.94668271 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:28] ping&FPS: 0.0789396720273 132.946685884 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:28] ping&FPS: 0.0759762035949 146.94668949 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:28] ping&FPS: 0.0733394282205 131.9466925 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:28] ping&FPS: 0.0708645539624 146.946696106 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:28] ping&FPS: 0.0686379032476 132.94669928 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:29] ping&FPS: 0.0826335208757 443.946708727 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:29] ping&FPS: 0.0779284941299 127.946711081 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:29] ping&FPS: 0.0769915687186 159.946714956 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:29] ping&FPS: 0.0741252558572 146.946718562 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:30] ping&FPS: 0.113575126444 692.946735296 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:30] ping&FPS: 0.109071429287 159.94673917 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:30] ping&FPS: 0.103022586022 145.946742612 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:30] ping&FPS: 0.097579653774 132.946745786 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:31] ping&FPS: 0.0913814263684 133.946748193 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:31] ping&FPS: 0.103644292269 436.946758355 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:31] ping&FPS: 0.0964832114322 127.94676071 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:31] ping&FPS: 0.0921946870429 151.946763273 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:32] ping&FPS: 0.103834326778 439.946773927 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:32] ping&FPS: 0.0983104961259 132.946777101 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:32] ping&FPS: 0.0933405863387 146.946780707 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:32] ping&FPS: 0.0888651119811 132.946783881 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:33] ping&FPS: 0.0988381313426 1291.94681312 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:34] ping&FPS: 0.093813176666 146.946816723 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:34] ping&FPS: 0.0892899291856 132.946819897 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:34] ping&FPS: 0.0852199601276 146.946823503 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:34] ping&FPS: 0.0955566870315 438.946833994 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:34] ping&FPS: 0.0908599006278 133.946837332 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:35] ping&FPS: 0.0866355108363 145.946840774 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:35] ping&FPS: 0.0828299330814 133.946844112 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:35] ping&FPS: 0.0794056611402 159.946847986 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:35] ping&FPS: 0.074323247586 119.946850892 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:35] ping&FPS: 0.0737478392465 158.946854602 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:35] ping&FPS: 0.0712321060044 146.946858208 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:35] ping&FPS: 0.0689655201776 132.946861382 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:36] ping&FPS: 0.0669297682387 146.946864988 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:36] ping&FPS: 0.0650825457914 132.946868162 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:36] ping&FPS: 0.0634335385902 146.946871768 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:36] ping&FPS: 0.061949725662 132.946874942 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:36] ping&FPS: 0.0630136089666 172.946877222 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:36] ping&FPS: 0.0596728431327 119.946880128 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:37] ping&FPS: 0.0745646761996 426.946890514 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:37] ping&FPS: 0.0740677820785 159.946894388 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:37] ping&FPS: 0.0715215610606 132.946897562 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:37] ping&FPS: 0.0692276614053 146.946901168 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:37] ping&FPS: 0.0672638969762 133.946904506 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:37] ping&FPS: 0.065397004996 157.946908052 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:38] ping&FPS: 0.06172731093 119.946910958 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:38] ping&FPS: 0.0604146378381 145.9469144 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:38] ping&FPS: 0.0592335270984 133.946917738 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:38] ping&FPS: 0.0741699444396 452.946928661 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:38] ping&FPS: 0.0717121767146 132.946931835 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:39] ping&FPS: 0.0693969683988 146.946935441 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:39] ping&FPS: 0.0813176440341 412.946945395 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:39] ping&FPS: 0.0800439374787 159.946949269 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:39] ping&FPS: 0.0768989132983 145.946952711 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:39] ping&FPS: 0.0740683930261 146.946956317 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:40] ping&FPS: 0.0715234088046 132.946959491 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:40] ping&FPS: 0.06922938994 133.946962829 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:40] ping&FPS: 0.0671657728297 145.946966271 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:40] ping&FPS: 0.0653088199241 146.946969877 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:40] ping&FPS: 0.0796386705978 425.9469801 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:41] ping&FPS: 0.0911554204566 426.946990486 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:41] ping&FPS: 0.0868988143546 145.946993928 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:41] ping&FPS: 0.0843289302928 146.946995671 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:41] ping&FPS: 0.0807521449668 146.946999277 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:41] ping&FPS: 0.0775365786893 145.94700272 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:42] ping&FPS: 0.0747343259198 133.947006057 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:42] ping&FPS: 0.0781201081617 199.9470109 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:42] ping&FPS: 0.0690715866429 77.9470125096 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:42] ping&FPS: 0.0670220809323 133.947015847 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:42] ping&FPS: 0.0671783047063 159.947019722 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:42] ping&FPS: 0.0653195785625 145.947023164 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:42] ping&FPS: 0.063546027456 132.947026338 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:43] ping&FPS: 0.106052454029 719.947043772 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:43] ping&FPS: 0.100305940424 146.947047378 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:44] ping&FPS: 0.123134832297 852.947067987 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:44] ping&FPS: 0.115678887282 146.947071593 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:44] ping&FPS: 0.108968909298 132.947074767 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:45] ping&FPS: 0.102930869375 147.947077605 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:45] ping&FPS: 0.097496639405 132.947080779 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:45] ping&FPS: 0.0926052736385 145.947084221 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:45] ping&FPS: 0.118205319558 572.94709805 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:46] ping&FPS: 0.111243064914 146.947101656 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:46] ping&FPS: 0.104977901493 131.947104666 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:46] ping&FPS: 0.0992660330875 146.947108272 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:46] ping&FPS: 0.124200771962 572.9471221 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:47] ping&FPS: 0.116641845022 146.947125706 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:47] ping&FPS: 0.12584037653 438.947136197 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:48] ping&FPS: 0.160515974675 706.947152432 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:48] ping&FPS: 0.149322490607 132.947155605 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:48] ping&FPS: 0.140147577439 144.947158884 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:48] ping&FPS: 0.132562543665 145.947162326 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:48] ping&FPS: 0.124137635742 146.947165932 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:48] ping&FPS: 0.116683121238 145.947169374 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:49] ping&FPS: 0.109844501529 133.947172712 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:49] ping&FPS: 0.133720423494 572.94718654 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:49] ping&FPS: 0.125207166587 145.947189982 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:49] ping&FPS: 0.11754574946 133.94719332 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:50] ping&FPS: 0.11265036038 159.947197195 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:50] ping&FPS: 0.10425076953 119.9472001 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:50] ping&FPS: 0.114685277854 438.947210591 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:51] ping&FPS: 0.122075523649 426.947220977 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:51] ping&FPS: 0.131826068674 476.947229314 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:51] ping&FPS: 0.117438252483 87.9472306999 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:51] ping&FPS: 0.110497440611 137.947232831 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:51] ping&FPS: 0.104306365762 146.947236437 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:52] ping&FPS: 0.113335649882 438.947246927 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:52] ping&FPS: 0.106859038983 145.947250369 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:52] ping&FPS: 0.101031910096 133.947253707 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:53] ping&FPS: 0.109785582338 425.947263929 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:53] ping&FPS: 0.133668761168 572.947277758 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:53] ping&FPS: 0.125158216272 146.947281364 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:53] ping&FPS: 0.117501701627 132.947284538 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:54] ping&FPS: 0.11061036161 159.947288412 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:54] ping&FPS: 0.102407957826 119.947291318 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:54] ping&FPS: 0.0990240084273 159.947295192 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:55] ping&FPS: 0.107978056584 705.947312194 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:55] ping&FPS: 0.118039871965 439.947322849 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:55] ping&FPS: 0.111094932471 132.947326023 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:55] ping&FPS: 0.104844759618 146.947329629 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:55] ping&FPS: 0.099219303046 146.947333235 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:56] ping&FPS: 0.094156231199 132.947336409 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:56] ping&FPS: 0.0895992623908 132.947339583 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:56] ping&FPS: 0.0874988692147 159.947343457 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:56] ping&FPS: 0.0853598075254 150.947345856 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:56] ping&FPS: 0.0818362789495 141.947348643 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:56] ping&FPS: 0.0785124855382 133.94735198 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:56] ping&FPS: 0.0755264865501 145.947355423 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:57] ping&FPS: 0.0728327589376 132.947358597 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:57] ping&FPS: 0.0707053499562 145.947362039 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:57] ping&FPS: 0.0685908602817 145.947365481 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:57] ping&FPS: 0.0665908562286 132.947368655 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:57] ping&FPS: 0.064889307533 146.947372261 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:57] ping&FPS: 0.0652599292142 158.947375971 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:57] ping&FPS: 0.0615938859326 119.947378877 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:58] ping&FPS: 0.0622935401542 159.947382751 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:58] ping&FPS: 0.0609223800046 133.947386089 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:58] ping&FPS: 0.0614940332515 145.947389531 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:58] ping&FPS: 0.0686027663095 226.947395075 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:58] ping&FPS: 0.0726047860725 199.947399917 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:58] ping&FPS: 0.0702017503125 132.947403091 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:50:59] ping&FPS: 0.0740394102676 199.947407934 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:00] ping&FPS: 0.0954981850726 945.947430748 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:00] ping&FPS: 0.0928073929889 159.947434622 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:00] ping&FPS: 0.0883862035615 132.947437796 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:00] ping&FPS: 0.0844064014299 146.947441402 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:00] ping&FPS: 0.0828241216285 159.947445277 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:01] ping&FPS: 0.121403391872 692.947462011 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:01] ping&FPS: 0.12876133195 425.947472233 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:01] ping&FPS: 0.121188964163 145.947473812 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:02] ping&FPS: 0.113926376615 146.947477418 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:02] ping&FPS: 0.107693176184 133.947479825 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:02] ping&FPS: 0.102343376194 142.947482775 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:02] ping&FPS: 0.0987730579717 146.947486381 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:03] ping&FPS: 0.112253989492 839.947506722 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:03] ping&FPS: 0.105887468372 146.947510328 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:03] ping&FPS: 0.102157856737 158.947514038 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:03] ping&FPS: 0.096801291619 133.947517376 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:04] ping&FPS: 0.105881746326 439.94752803 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:04] ping&FPS: 0.11415190569 425.947538252 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:04] ping&FPS: 0.113595719848 199.947543095 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:04] ping&FPS: 0.101095731769 79.9475450324 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:05] ping&FPS: 0.137946735535 719.947562467 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:05] ping&FPS: 0.129010464464 132.947565641 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:05] ping&FPS: 0.120967965041 146.947569247 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:06] ping&FPS: 0.113730009113 132.947572421 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:06] ping&FPS: 0.109219844852 159.947576295 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:06] ping&FPS: 0.101157184158 119.947579201 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:06] ping&FPS: 0.0958994733436 147.947582039 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:06] ping&FPS: 0.0914714591844 142.94758499 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:06] ping&FPS: 0.0868170963866 158.9475887 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:07] ping&FPS: 0.110995765243 556.947601769 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:07] ping&FPS: 0.104735891734 145.947605211 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:07] ping&FPS: 0.0991188990218 132.947608385 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:07] ping&FPS: 0.0940340416772 146.947611991 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:07] ping&FPS: 0.0894888596875 132.947615165 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:08] ping&FPS: 0.101380612169 453.947626251 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:08] ping&FPS: 0.0961134093148 132.947629425 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:08] ping&FPS: 0.0913610415799 132.947632599 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:08] ping&FPS: 0.0870840208871 146.947636205 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:09] ping&FPS: 0.0992362456662 998.947660256 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:10] ping&FPS: 0.110172744308 852.947680864 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:10] ping&FPS: 0.104013170515 146.94768447 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:10] ping&FPS: 0.100470628057 159.947688344 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:11] ping&FPS: 0.0952831613166 132.947691518 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:11] ping&FPS: 0.0906138526542 146.947695124 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:11] ping&FPS: 0.114512752209 557.947707425 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:11] ping&FPS: 0.108240421329 145.947709005 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:12] ping&FPS: 0.116255845342 426.947719391 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:12] ping&FPS: 0.13819074205 558.947732787 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:13] ping&FPS: 0.14523239008 439.947743441 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:13] ping&FPS: 0.135567586337 146.947747047 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:13] ping&FPS: 0.126869793449 132.947750221 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:14] ping&FPS: 0.149038966213 586.947764482 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:14] ping&FPS: 0.138993855034 132.947767656 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:14] ping&FPS: 0.129953842078 145.947771098 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:15] ping&FPS: 0.151820327554 572.947784926 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:15] ping&FPS: 0.141496311341 146.947788532 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:15] ping&FPS: 0.132205690656 132.947791706 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:15] ping&FPS: 0.123843725239 146.947795312 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:15] ping&FPS: 0.130818735276 439.947805967 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:16] ping&FPS: 0.122595693384 145.947809409 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:16] ping&FPS: 0.14319559506 842.947827447 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:17] ping&FPS: 0.13409842125 142.947829466 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:17] ping&FPS: 0.127548183714 159.94783334 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:17] ping&FPS: 0.132258694087 424.947842467 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:17] ping&FPS: 0.121895666633 119.947845373 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:17] ping&FPS: 0.116551260863 159.947849247 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:18] ping&FPS: 0.109754781638 132.947852421 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:18] ping&FPS: 0.103727470551 146.947856027 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:18] ping&FPS: 0.112214650427 412.947865981 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:19] ping&FPS: 0.121843691383 439.947876635 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:19] ping&FPS: 0.11451583675 145.947880078 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:19] ping&FPS: 0.107911761318 133.947883415 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:19] ping&FPS: 0.12997902504 586.947897676 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:20] ping&FPS: 0.135830770646 412.94790763 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:20] ping&FPS: 0.127105932151 146.947911236 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:20] ping&FPS: 0.123251955424 172.947915378 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:21] ping&FPS: 0.126281197582 692.947932112 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:21] ping&FPS: 0.118512730513 133.94793545 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:21] ping&FPS: 0.111521940146 145.947938892 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:21] ping&FPS: 0.105847220336 146.947941567 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:21] ping&FPS: 0.100121300135 132.947944741 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:22] ping&FPS: 0.0950430738074 147.94794758 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:22] ping&FPS: 0.104898165379 422.94795731 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:22] ping&FPS: 0.0992679553373 132.947960484 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:22] ping&FPS: 0.0961978392942 159.947964359 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:23] ping&FPS: 0.0954867707832 186.947968933 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:23] ping&FPS: 0.0867971884353 93.9479713025 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:23] ping&FPS: 0.082974384938 145.947974745 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:23] ping&FPS: 0.093637998615 412.947984699 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:23] ping&FPS: 0.0891339289291 146.947988305 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:25] ping&FPS: 0.101081888591 1305.94801984 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:25] ping&FPS: 0.0958303319556 132.94802301 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:25] ping&FPS: 0.091051455055 146.948026616 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:25] ping&FPS: 0.114806618009 572.948040444 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:26] ping&FPS: 0.106183375631 119.94804335 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:26] ping&FPS: 0.102422724877 159.948047224 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:26] ping&FPS: 0.0970428543431 145.948050666 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:26] ping&FPS: 0.0921980100019 133.948054004 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:26] ping&FPS: 0.0882159130914 158.948056783 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:27] ping&FPS: 0.0983571218593 704.948073621 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:27] ping&FPS: 0.0935804503305 130.948076467 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:27] ping&FPS: 0.0890812980277 146.948080074 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:27] ping&FPS: 0.0850319968803 132.948083247 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:28] ping&FPS: 0.0953864412648 452.94809417 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:28] ping&FPS: 0.0907076405627 132.948097344 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:28] ping&FPS: 0.0924941556794 199.948102187 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:28] ping&FPS: 0.0981046514852 373.948111336 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:29] ping&FPS: 0.0931537555797 145.948114778 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:29] ping&FPS: 0.0886971758945 132.948117952 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:29] ping&FPS: 0.0846871393067 146.948121558 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:29] ping&FPS: 0.081076170717 146.948125164 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:29] ping&FPS: 0.0778273003442 132.948128338 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:29] ping&FPS: 0.0749040799482 132.948131512 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:29] ping&FPS: 0.0722730713231 146.948135118 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:30] ping&FPS: 0.0719046550138 159.948138993 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:30] ping&FPS: 0.0695740090949 132.948142167 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:30] ping&FPS: 0.0674765365464 146.948145773 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:30] ping&FPS: 0.0935887502772 572.948159601 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:31] ping&FPS: 0.0909945624215 145.948163043 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:31] ping&FPS: 0.0867525743587 133.948166381 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:31] ping&FPS: 0.08455949596 145.948169823 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:31] ping&FPS: 0.0809368448598 146.948173429 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:31] ping&FPS: 0.0773018108947 127.948175784 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:31] ping&FPS: 0.0748291420085 151.948178347 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:31] ping&FPS: 0.0715168671949 132.948181521 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:32] ping&FPS: 0.0692227887256 147.948184359 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:32] ping&FPS: 0.0673591153962 141.948187146 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:32] ping&FPS: 0.0855836229665 439.9481978 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:32] ping&FPS: 0.0818847524268 132.948200974 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:32] ping&FPS: 0.0785639243467 159.948204848 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:33] ping&FPS: 0.0875479536397 399.948214534 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:33] ping&FPS: 0.113646070872 585.948228631 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:34] ping&FPS: 0.121139879738 439.948239285 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:34] ping&FPS: 0.119887750064 213.94824456 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:34] ping&FPS: 0.118757899318 198.948249239 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:34] ping&FPS: 0.111740495477 146.948252845 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:35] ping&FPS: 0.105424593602 132.948256019 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:35] ping&FPS: 0.115742038403 452.948266942 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:35] ping&FPS: 0.109026651297 133.948270279 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:35] ping&FPS: 0.102983395968 132.948273453 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:35] ping&FPS: 0.0975439952953 146.948277059 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:36] ping&FPS: 0.0926469372852 132.948280233 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:36] ping&FPS: 0.0882405149085 146.948283839 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:36] ping&FPS: 0.098276297961 438.94829433 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:36] ping&FPS: 0.0923076825483 130.948297176 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:36] ping&FPS: 0.0881354617221 135.948300842 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:37] ping&FPS: 0.0841793673379 146.948304448 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:37] ping&FPS: 0.0966204958303 719.948320951 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:37] ping&FPS: 0.0918173896415 133.948324289 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:38] ping&FPS: 0.102795760546 436.948334451 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:38] ping&FPS: 0.0973744945867 133.948337789 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:39] ping&FPS: 0.120497118149 1000.9483603 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:39] ping&FPS: 0.114206324731 141.948363091 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:39] ping&FPS: 0.107646267329 145.948366533 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:39] ping&FPS: 0.101740624223 133.948369871 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:40] ping&FPS: 0.0964249627931 145.948373313 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:40] ping&FPS: 0.091640870486 133.948376651 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:40] ping&FPS: 0.0893357055528 159.948380526 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:40] ping&FPS: 0.085263262902 158.948384236 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:40] ping&FPS: 0.0795927005155 119.948387142 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:41] ping&FPS: 0.0924929188831 439.948397796 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:41] ping&FPS: 0.0881018447024 146.948401402 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:41] ping&FPS: 0.0841503100736 132.948404576 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:41] ping&FPS: 0.0945935355765 426.948414962 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:42] ping&FPS: 0.105193670307 425.948425184 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:42] ping&FPS: 0.0995315121753 146.94842879 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:42] ping&FPS: 0.094437445913 132.948431964 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:42] ping&FPS: 0.0898538785321 146.948435571 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:42] ping&FPS: 0.0877299415214 159.948439445 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:42] ping&FPS: 0.0838164346559 132.948442619 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:43] ping&FPS: 0.0802929656846 145.948446061 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:43] ping&FPS: 0.0771230714662 133.948449399 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:43] ping&FPS: 0.0742731349809 145.948452841 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:43] ping&FPS: 0.0717048304422 133.948456179 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:43] ping&FPS: 0.0833949404103 438.948466669 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:44] ping&FPS: 0.09391486219 706.948483835 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:44] ping&FPS: 0.0893822716815 132.948487009 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:44] ping&FPS: 0.0873009966952 159.948490884 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:45] ping&FPS: 0.0967698799712 423.948500778 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:45] ping&FPS: 0.0919516193015 132.948503952 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:45] ping&FPS: 0.0896765696151 159.948507826 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:45] ping&FPS: 0.0836228089673 119.948510732 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:45] ping&FPS: 0.0821570413453 159.948514606 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:46] ping&FPS: 0.0787799613816 145.948518048 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:46] ping&FPS: 0.0756615208728 133.948521386 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:46] ping&FPS: 0.0729447858674 158.948525097 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:46] ping&FPS: 0.0825076805694 426.948535483 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:47] ping&FPS: 0.0932164894683 412.948542643 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:47] ping&FPS: 0.0887529211385 146.948546249 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:47] ping&FPS: 0.084735597883 132.948549423 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:47] ping&FPS: 0.0811207847936 146.948553029 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:47] ping&FPS: 0.0783563362701 147.948554936 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:47] ping&FPS: 0.0753792630775 128.948557455 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:48] ping&FPS: 0.0746697442872 159.948561329 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:48] ping&FPS: 0.0860603707177 426.948571715 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:48] ping&FPS: 0.0823141740901 132.948574889 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:48] ping&FPS: 0.0789422648294 146.948578495 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:48] ping&FPS: 0.0759071516139 132.948581669 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:49] ping&FPS: 0.0731763946159 146.948585275 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:49] ping&FPS: 0.0727180199964 159.948589149 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:49] ping&FPS: 0.0843074577195 412.948599103 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:49] ping&FPS: 0.0807356493814 145.948602545 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:49] ping&FPS: 0.0795213090522 159.94860642 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:50] ping&FPS: 0.0764278279884 133.948609758 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:50] ping&FPS: 0.073643799339 145.9486132 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:50] ping&FPS: 0.0991401629789 559.94862676 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:50] ping&FPS: 0.0940846162183 132.948629934 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:51] ping&FPS: 0.0915352808578 159.948633808 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:51] ping&FPS: 0.101241703544 426.948644194 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:51] ping&FPS: 0.10997719637 439.948654849 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:52] ping&FPS: 0.102235625897 124.948658574 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:52] ping&FPS: 0.0995735185487 167.948661897 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:52] ping&FPS: 0.0924754249198 119.948664803 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:52] ping&FPS: 0.0880861984832 145.948668245 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:52] ping&FPS: 0.0861315535648 146.948671851 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:53] ping&FPS: 0.0957787441356 718.948687259 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:53] ping&FPS: 0.105059723769 412.948697213 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:53] ping&FPS: 0.099412138973 145.948700655 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:54] ping&FPS: 0.0943292485816 133.948703993 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:54] ping&FPS: 0.0912222521646 145.948707435 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:54] ping&FPS: 0.0929582821471 199.948712278 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:54] ping&FPS: 0.0825395541532 79.9487142148 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:54] ping&FPS: 0.0811438964946 172.948718357 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:54] ping&FPS: 0.0778895126922 133.948721695 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:55] ping&FPS: 0.0889530437333 413.948731813 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:55] ping&FPS: 0.0849042939288 145.948735255 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:55] ping&FPS: 0.0812728660447 133.948738593 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:55] ping&FPS: 0.080001066838 159.948742467 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:55] ping&FPS: 0.0768583225352 145.94874591 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:55] ping&FPS: 0.0740321385009 133.948749247 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:56] ping&FPS: 0.0714887636048 145.94875269 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:56] ping&FPS: 0.0831999289138 412.948762644 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:56] ping&FPS: 0.0802448647363 153.948765534 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:56] ping&FPS: 0.077081735645 139.948767993 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:56] ping&FPS: 0.0762343215091 158.948771703 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:57] ping&FPS: 0.073861773525 133.948775041 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:57] ping&FPS: 0.0696345525129 130.948777887 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:57] ping&FPS: 0.0695316450936 159.948781762 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:57] ping&FPS: 0.0682524698121 147.948785532 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:57] ping&FPS: 0.0662857698543 130.948788378 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:58] ping&FPS: 0.0785171347005 425.9487986 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:58] ping&FPS: 0.0755235063178 133.948801938 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:58] ping&FPS: 0.0892285065992 425.94881216 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:58] ping&FPS: 0.0871627437217 159.948816034 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:59] ping&FPS: 0.0973018514259 426.948826421 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:59] ping&FPS: 0.092430795942 132.948829594 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:59] ping&FPS: 0.094030510102 199.948834437 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:59] ping&FPS: 0.0854865568025 105.948836911 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:51:59] ping&FPS: 0.0817947643144 133.948840249 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:00] ping&FPS: 0.0924717741353 425.948850471 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:00] ping&FPS: 0.10208564571 439.948861125 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:00] ping&FPS: 0.0947373019797 119.948864031 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:01] ping&FPS: 0.106123249446 999.948888245 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:01] ping&FPS: 0.10090928844 145.948891688 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:02] ping&FPS: 0.0956774758441 132.948894862 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:02] ping&FPS: 0.0930600719793 159.948898736 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:02] ping&FPS: 0.104030083333 706.948915902 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:03] ping&FPS: 0.0984855698688 132.948919076 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:03] ping&FPS: 0.0934955137117 146.948922682 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:03] ping&FPS: 0.0910061704261 159.948926556 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:03] ping&FPS: 0.10076568595 412.94893651 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:03] ping&FPS: 0.0967501955373 157.948940057 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:04] ping&FPS: 0.0919343637569 132.948943231 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:04] ping&FPS: 0.0876452433211 146.948946837 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:04] ping&FPS: 0.0837403344257 132.948950011 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:04] ping&FPS: 0.0802667247398 145.948953453 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:04] ping&FPS: 0.0931003051145 439.948964107 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:05] ping&FPS: 0.0886503713472 133.948967445 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:05] ping&FPS: 0.0846447753055 145.948970887 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:05] ping&FPS: 0.0950402425868 439.948981542 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:05] ping&FPS: 0.0903955357415 132.948984716 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:05] ping&FPS: 0.0862150596721 146.948988322 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:06] ping&FPS: 0.0824505048139 145.948991764 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:06] ping&FPS: 0.0930646168334 706.94900893 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:07] ping&FPS: 0.102817486439 564.949010271 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:07] ping&FPS: 0.0976946460349 142.949013221 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:07] ping&FPS: 0.0927838938577 131.949016232 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:08] ping&FPS: 0.118365939174 585.949030328 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:08] ping&FPS: 0.111387412463 146.949033934 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:08] ping&FPS: 0.105107422386 132.949037108 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:08] ping&FPS: 0.100357856069 149.949041206 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:08] ping&FPS: 0.102073024426 209.949045825 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:08] ping&FPS: 0.0908254491431 79.9490477624 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:09] ping&FPS: 0.100802909051 423.949057657 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:09] ping&FPS: 0.0955820488078 132.949060831 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:09] ping&FPS: 0.0908821629626 133.949064169 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:10] ping&FPS: 0.102653975998 452.949075091 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:10] ping&FPS: 0.1112492936 412.949085045 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:10] ping&FPS: 0.104984085475 146.949088651 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:10] ping&FPS: 0.0993445771081 132.949091825 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:10] ping&FPS: 0.0942663060767 146.949095431 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:11] ping&FPS: 0.0956992911441 199.949100274 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:11] ping&FPS: 0.0869999187333 92.9491024794 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:11] ping&FPS: 0.0991637813193 425.949112702 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:11] ping&FPS: 0.0948059814317 140.949115324 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:11] ping&FPS: 0.0901853846652 138.949117619 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:12] ping&FPS: 0.0860257702214 146.949121225 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:12] ping&FPS: 0.0822802739484 132.949124399 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:12] ping&FPS: 0.0809113936765 159.949128273 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:12] ping&FPS: 0.0776788698775 147.949131112 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:12] ping&FPS: 0.0747815327985 132.949134286 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:12] ping&FPS: 0.0721628772361 145.949137728 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:12] ping&FPS: 0.0698015796287 133.949141066 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:13] ping&FPS: 0.0816824989659 425.949151288 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:13] ping&FPS: 0.0783977614982 146.949154894 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:13] ping&FPS: 0.0774170862777 159.949158769 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:13] ping&FPS: 0.0756337302072 142.949161719 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:13] ping&FPS: 0.0709179299218 119.949164625 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:14] ping&FPS: 0.0686840819461 146.949168231 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:14] ping&FPS: 0.0826749610049 719.949185665 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:14] ping&FPS: 0.0792668121202 145.949189107 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:15] ping&FPS: 0.0761993782861 132.949192281 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:15] ping&FPS: 0.07343746296 133.949195619 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:15] ping&FPS: 0.0869539337499 718.94921289 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:16] ping&FPS: 0.0831168102367 146.949216496 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:16] ping&FPS: 0.0796640472753 132.94921967 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:16] ping&FPS: 0.0785564141614 159.949223544 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:16] ping&FPS: 0.089559163366 426.94923393 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:16] ping&FPS: 0.0858666556222 145.94923551 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:17] ping&FPS: 0.0842398958547 159.949239384 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:17] ping&FPS: 0.0786904799087 119.94924229 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:17] ping&FPS: 0.0756780611617 133.949245627 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:17] ping&FPS: 0.0749691980226 172.94924977 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:17] ping&FPS: 0.074331845556 145.949253212 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:18] ping&FPS: 0.0837573366506 679.949269678 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:18] ping&FPS: 0.0822407262666 159.949273552 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:18] ping&FPS: 0.0788972037179 146.949277158 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:18] ping&FPS: 0.0758643256766 132.949280332 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:18] ping&FPS: 0.0731366383178 146.949283938 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:19] ping&FPS: 0.0706822084529 132.949287112 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:19] ping&FPS: 0.0704721169812 159.949290987 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:19] ping&FPS: 0.0662835048778 119.949293892 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:19] ping&FPS: 0.066514443074 172.949297103 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:19] ping&FPS: 0.064722265516 132.949300277 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:19] ping&FPS: 0.0631079035146 133.949303615 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:19] ping&FPS: 0.0616559641702 145.949307057 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:20] ping&FPS: 0.0603499071939 146.949310664 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:20] ping&FPS: 0.0595724987132 129.949313346 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:20] ping&FPS: 0.0585053520543 146.949316952 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:20] ping&FPS: 0.0575133966548 132.949320126 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:20] ping&FPS: 0.0586212234838 159.949324 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:20] ping&FPS: 0.0556175219161 119.949326906 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:21] ping&FPS: 0.0709154265268 426.949336361 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:21] ping&FPS: 0.0696837263448 155.949339579 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:21] ping&FPS: 0.067573379193 133.949342917 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:21] ping&FPS: 0.0641086655004 145.949344497 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:22] ping&FPS: 0.0765524165971 425.949354719 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:22] ping&FPS: 0.0897540109498 438.949365209 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:22] ping&FPS: 0.0848960982902 130.949368055 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:22] ping&FPS: 0.0832654940231 159.94937193 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:22] ping&FPS: 0.0797978448016 132.949375104 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:23] ping&FPS: 0.0766762154443 146.94937871 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:23] ping&FPS: 0.0738674657685 132.949381884 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:23] ping&FPS: 0.0853408532483 425.949392106 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:23] ping&FPS: 0.0836666183812 173.949396412 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:23] ping&FPS: 0.0781573312623 119.949399318 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:24] ping&FPS: 0.0752024607999 145.94940276 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:24] ping&FPS: 0.0725408600909 132.949405934 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:24] ping&FPS: 0.0701461689813 146.94940954 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:24] ping&FPS: 0.0679906415088 132.949412714 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:24] ping&FPS: 0.0660498695714 146.94941632 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:24] ping&FPS: 0.0663049327476 159.949420195 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:24] ping&FPS: 0.0645336317165 145.949423637 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:25] ping&FPS: 0.0629388945443 133.949426975 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:25] ping&FPS: 0.0615039574248 132.949430149 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:25] ping&FPS: 0.0602128910167 146.949433755 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:25] ping&FPS: 0.0590500491006 145.949437197 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:25] ping&FPS: 0.074004973684 426.949447583 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:26] ping&FPS: 0.0714634912355 145.949451025 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:26] ping&FPS: 0.0691773252828 133.949454363 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:26] ping&FPS: 0.0685725467546 145.949457805 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:26] ping&FPS: 0.0665964292628 146.949461411 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:26] ping&FPS: 0.064117412482 133.949462886 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:26] ping&FPS: 0.0645652668817 171.949466865 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:26] ping&FPS: 0.0600207405431 118.949468675 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:27] ping&FPS: 0.0588735746486 132.949471849 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:27] ping&FPS: 0.087853963886 585.949485946 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:27] ping&FPS: 0.0839125471456 132.94948912 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:27] ping&FPS: 0.0803812252624 146.949492726 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:28] ping&FPS: 0.0771871464593 146.949496332 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:28] ping&FPS: 0.0743260043008 132.949499506 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:28] ping&FPS: 0.0875393258674 437.94950797 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:29] ping&FPS: 0.0976965533836 452.949518892 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:29] ping&FPS: 0.104760329638 679.949535358 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:30] ping&FPS: 0.113109062825 426.949545744 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:30] ping&FPS: 0.108657802854 159.949549619 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:30] ping&FPS: 0.102650936161 132.949552793 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:30] ping&FPS: 0.0992448883397 159.949556667 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:31] ping&FPS: 0.11018046311 519.949569258 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:31] ping&FPS: 0.108022000108 186.949573833 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:32] ping&FPS: 0.116079266582 692.949590567 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:32] ping&FPS: 0.109260525022 159.949594441 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:32] ping&FPS: 0.117794092212 423.949604336 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:32] ping&FPS: 0.110873307501 132.94960751 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:32] ping&FPS: 0.104645858918 146.949611116 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:33] ping&FPS: 0.0990405636174 132.94961429 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:33] ping&FPS: 0.109295602356 449.94962472 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:33] ping&FPS: 0.10122341982 119.949627626 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:33] ping&FPS: 0.0979592906577 159.9496315 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:33] ping&FPS: 0.0930222677333 146.949635107 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:34] ping&FPS: 0.116579885994 559.949648667 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:34] ping&FPS: 0.109780456339 132.949651841 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:34] ping&FPS: 0.103661994849 145.949655283 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:34] ping&FPS: 0.10015511087 159.949659157 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:35] ping&FPS: 0.0950076984508 146.949662763 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:35] ping&FPS: 0.0903649436576 132.949665937 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:35] ping&FPS: 0.10031641594 466.949677292 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:36] ping&FPS: 0.107144977365 372.949686277 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:36] ping&FPS: 0.103288482342 159.949690151 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:36] ping&FPS: 0.0978178637368 145.949693594 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:36] ping&FPS: 0.120893891369 559.949707154 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:37] ping&FPS: 0.114573280726 150.949709553 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:37] ping&FPS: 0.108236174498 141.949712339 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:37] ping&FPS: 0.116273980056 706.949727643 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:38] ping&FPS: 0.109727393304 140.949730265 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:38] ping&FPS: 0.117594520961 426.949740651 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:38] ping&FPS: 0.110694225345 132.949743825 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:38] ping&FPS: 0.106461386595 159.9497477 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:38] ping&FPS: 0.100691299353 146.949751306 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:39] ping&FPS: 0.0954810189349 132.94975448 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:39] ping&FPS: 0.0907913552863 146.949758086 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:39] ping&FPS: 0.0865707652909 132.94976126 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:39] ping&FPS: 0.0827804165227 146.949764866 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:39] ping&FPS: 0.0794608252389 132.94976804 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:39] ping&FPS: 0.0763742136104 145.949771482 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:39] ping&FPS: 0.075595255409 159.949775356 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:40] ping&FPS: 0.0728958057506 133.949778694 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:40] ping&FPS: 0.0704635786159 159.949782568 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:40] ping&FPS: 0.0662748622043 119.949785474 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:40] ping&FPS: 0.0685062067849 185.949789885 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:40] ping&FPS: 0.0625139432294 92.9497920903 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:41] ping&FPS: 0.0771219389779 439.949802745 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:41] ping&FPS: 0.0742687689407 146.949806351 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:41] ping&FPS: 0.085701714669 412.949816305 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:41] ping&FPS: 0.0819369660957 146.949818048 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:41] ping&FPS: 0.0809596883399 163.949820715 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:42] ping&FPS: 0.0761608438832 127.94982307 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:42] ping&FPS: 0.0738029139382 132.949826244 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:42] ping&FPS: 0.101283218179 586.949840504 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:42] ping&FPS: 0.0960149126393 145.949843946 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:43] ping&FPS: 0.119671996151 558.949857342 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:44] ping&FPS: 0.128564696227 719.949874777 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:44] ping&FPS: 0.120567228113 132.949877951 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:44] ping&FPS: 0.113368998681 146.949881557 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:44] ping&FPS: 0.108891155039 158.949885267 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:45] ping&FPS: 0.116861160312 999.949909482 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:46] ping&FPS: 0.138036157404 559.949923042 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:46] ping&FPS: 0.159093241606 572.94993687 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:46] ping&FPS: 0.154470245753 212.949940118 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:47] ping&FPS: 0.152322839413 652.949955884 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:47] ping&FPS: 0.141949410949 144.949959162 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:47] ping&FPS: 0.131294797574 119.949962068 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:48] ping&FPS: 0.125024537955 159.949965942 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:48] ping&FPS: 0.117380808507 132.949969116 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:48] ping&FPS: 0.111162866865 150.949971515 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:48] ping&FPS: 0.10340509883 126.949973706 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:48] ping&FPS: 0.100124220763 159.94997758 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:48] ping&FPS: 0.0949713247163 132.949980754 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:48] ping&FPS: 0.0902398335082 146.94998436 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:49] ping&FPS: 0.0860749589545 132.949987534 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:49] ping&FPS: 0.0824228631599 146.94999114 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:49] ping&FPS: 0.0790394502027 132.949994314 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:49] ping&FPS: 0.0759937124593 145.949997756 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:49] ping&FPS: 0.0892544197185 439.95000841 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:50] ping&FPS: 0.0851890104158 133.950011748 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:50] ping&FPS: 0.0815257983548 145.95001519 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:50] ping&FPS: 0.0782318519694 133.950018528 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:50] ping&FPS: 0.0752671467406 145.95002197 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:50] ping&FPS: 0.0745994108064 172.950026113 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:51] ping&FPS: 0.0839966940028 399.950035799 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:51] ping&FPS: 0.0804559098823 159.950039673 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:51] ping&FPS: 0.0892674880368 426.950050059 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:51] ping&FPS: 0.0826098578317 120.950051266 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:52] ping&FPS: 0.10770813695 584.950065199 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:52] ping&FPS: 0.103795419846 159.950069073 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:52] ping&FPS: 0.0962751763208 119.950071979 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:52] ping&FPS: 0.0995075511081 226.950077522 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:53] ping&FPS: 0.0998306380851 198.950080338 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:53] ping&FPS: 0.108655940209 426.950090724 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:53] ping&FPS: 0.104675720845 159.950094599 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:53] ping&FPS: 0.0990671025855 132.950097773 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:53] ping&FPS: 0.0940042691571 159.950101647 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:54] ping&FPS: 0.0875368671758 129.950104329 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:54] ping&FPS: 0.0836411522967 133.950107667 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:54] ping&FPS: 0.0802376823766 145.950110178 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:54] ping&FPS: 0.0771022843463 145.95011362 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:54] ping&FPS: 0.0742508428437 132.950116794 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:54] ping&FPS: 0.0716856377465 146.9501204 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:54] ping&FPS: 0.0693766134126 132.950123574 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:55] ping&FPS: 0.0672974692924 146.95012718 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:55] ping&FPS: 0.0674277352435 159.950131054 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:55] ping&FPS: 0.0655418144805 132.950134228 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:56] ping&FPS: 0.0778459864003 705.950151231 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:57] ping&FPS: 0.104923810278 1132.95017862 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:57] ping&FPS: 0.101391042982 166.950181778 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:57] ping&FPS: 0.110218028937 418.950190853 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:57] ping&FPS: 0.104151512895 148.950193855 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:58] ping&FPS: 0.0979977654559 130.950196702 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:58] ping&FPS: 0.0930574493749 146.950200308 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:58] ping&FPS: 0.132811676179 719.950215879 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:59] ping&FPS: 0.124385754977 145.950219321 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:59] ping&FPS: 0.116803746138 133.950222659 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:59] ping&FPS: 0.123982291136 425.950232882 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:59] ping&FPS: 0.116440932666 132.950236055 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:52:59] ping&FPS: 0.111657540713 159.95023993 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:00] ping&FPS: 0.105352099453 146.950243536 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:00] ping&FPS: 0.0996758299214 132.95024671 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:00] ping&FPS: 0.0945668326957 146.950250316 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:00] ping&FPS: 0.0899686472757 145.950253758 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:00] ping&FPS: 0.085831041847 133.950257096 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:00] ping&FPS: 0.0821068244321 132.95026027 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:00] ping&FPS: 0.0807554977281 159.950264144 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:01] ping&FPS: 0.0775387542588 146.95026775 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:01] ping&FPS: 0.0746442782027 132.950270924 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:01] ping&FPS: 0.0720387654645 145.950274366 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:01] ping&FPS: 0.0696931438787 133.950277704 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:01] ping&FPS: 0.069148685251 145.950281146 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:01] ping&FPS: 0.0682290302856 146.95028289 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:01] ping&FPS: 0.0663295941693 146.950286496 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:02] ping&FPS: 0.0645539121968 132.95028967 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:02] ping&FPS: 0.0770558970315 451.950300428 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:02] ping&FPS: 0.0742093729121 132.950303602 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:02] ping&FPS: 0.0716225611312 146.950307209 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:03] ping&FPS: 0.0840178089482 838.950327385 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:03] ping&FPS: 0.0804730015142 146.950330991 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:03] ping&FPS: 0.0772848980767 132.950334165 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:04] ping&FPS: 0.0744164543492 146.950337771 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:04] ping&FPS: 0.0740596758468 162.950342137 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:04] ping&FPS: 0.0719152795417 143.950345251 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:04] ping&FPS: 0.0835883723838 412.950355205 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:05] ping&FPS: 0.108089800392 559.950368765 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:05] ping&FPS: 0.1041361796 159.95037264 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:06] ping&FPS: 0.11258042923 999.950396854 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:06] ping&FPS: 0.103045504008 132.950400028 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:07] ping&FPS: 0.113601114069 718.950417298 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:08] ping&FPS: 0.121089692627 705.950434301 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:08] ping&FPS: 0.115840311561 159.950438175 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:08] ping&FPS: 0.109115790044 133.950441513 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:08] ping&FPS: 0.117062936936 425.950451735 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:09] ping&FPS: 0.124915982996 425.950461957 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:09] ping&FPS: 0.119283403669 172.9504661 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:09] ping&FPS: 0.110214720879 119.950469005 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:10] ping&FPS: 0.132652114545 852.950489614 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:10] ping&FPS: 0.124791603003 145.950493056 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:10] ping&FPS: 0.133272271071 439.95050371 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:11] ping&FPS: 0.138805534158 412.950513664 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:11] ping&FPS: 0.129783775125 146.95051727 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:11] ping&FPS: 0.121664087687 132.950520444 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:11] ping&FPS: 0.114355530058 146.95052405 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:11] ping&FPS: 0.109779994403 172.950528193 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:12] ping&FPS: 0.101660143052 119.950531098 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:12] ping&FPS: 0.0963526325566 146.950534705 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:12] ping&FPS: 0.0915762292487 132.950537878 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:12] ping&FPS: 0.101278405104 425.950548101 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:12] ping&FPS: 0.0960096823318 133.950551439 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:13] ping&FPS: 0.0932687925441 159.950555313 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:13] ping&FPS: 0.0906514333827 145.950558755 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:13] ping&FPS: 0.0864295618875 146.950562361 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:13] ping&FPS: 0.083540047918 136.950566191 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:13] ping&FPS: 0.079986180578 139.950568649 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:14] ping&FPS: 0.094787891422 425.950578872 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:14] ping&FPS: 0.0901681440217 132.950582046 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:14] ping&FPS: 0.102021064077 439.9505927 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:14] ping&FPS: 0.0967802213771 146.950596306 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:14] ping&FPS: 0.0919610815389 132.95059948 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:15] ping&FPS: 0.101623515998 426.950609866 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:15] ping&FPS: 0.0963263320071 132.95061304 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:15] ping&FPS: 0.107554222856 439.950623694 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:16] ping&FPS: 0.101657952581 145.950627136 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:16] ping&FPS: 0.0963505761964 133.950630474 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:16] ping&FPS: 0.0915736364467 159.950634349 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:16] ping&FPS: 0.0852761226041 120.950636487 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:16] ping&FPS: 0.0805863099439 144.950639765 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:16] ping&FPS: 0.0793328987701 146.950643371 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:16] ping&FPS: 0.0762697862727 146.950646977 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:17] ping&FPS: 0.0883030103786 865.950666923 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:17] ping&FPS: 0.08433171681 132.950670096 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:18] ping&FPS: 0.080757434879 146.950673703 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:18] ping&FPS: 0.0920411901815 423.950683597 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:18] ping&FPS: 0.0875949817044 143.950686711 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:18] ping&FPS: 0.0836950050933 132.950689885 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:18] ping&FPS: 0.0801846491439 146.950693491 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:19] ping&FPS: 0.0770247238023 132.950696665 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:19] ping&FPS: 0.0901800500495 439.95070732 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:19] ping&FPS: 0.0860218959195 145.950710762 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:19] ping&FPS: 0.0822764294488 133.9507141 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:21] ping&FPS: 0.0929079013211 1438.9507488 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:21] ping&FPS: 0.0884760277612 146.950752411 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:21] ping&FPS: 0.0844874190433 132.950755584 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:21] ping&FPS: 0.0808974461896 145.950759027 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:21] ping&FPS: 0.0770709621055 145.950760606 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:21] ping&FPS: 0.0743378358228 146.950764212 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:22] ping&FPS: 0.071763883744 132.950767386 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:22] ping&FPS: 0.0740464585168 190.950769823 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:22] ping&FPS: 0.0731957810266 155.950773041 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:22] ping&FPS: 0.0788336055619 371.950781863 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:23] ping&FPS: 0.090309421931 422.95078973 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:23] ping&FPS: 0.100139181529 424.950799789 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:23] ping&FPS: 0.0969832795007 159.950803663 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:23] ping&FPS: 0.0921433376414 132.950806837 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:24] ping&FPS: 0.0877876388175 146.950810443 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:24] ping&FPS: 0.0838672625167 132.950813617 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:24] ping&FPS: 0.0803389208657 145.950817059 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:24] ping&FPS: 0.0771608459098 133.950820397 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:24] ping&FPS: 0.0743055152042 145.950823839 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:24] ping&FPS: 0.0717326062066 133.950827177 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:24] ping&FPS: 0.0714169549091 158.950830887 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:25] ping&FPS: 0.0691348718745 146.950834494 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:25] ping&FPS: 0.0950811909778 559.950848054 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:25] ping&FPS: 0.0904311048133 132.950851228 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:26] ping&FPS: 0.102247710739 719.950868662 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:26] ping&FPS: 0.109635021005 425.950877021 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:27] ping&FPS: 0.103531803404 146.950880628 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:27] ping&FPS: 0.1000399994 159.950884502 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:27] ping&FPS: 0.0948958056314 132.950887676 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:27] ping&FPS: 0.0902646588428 146.950891282 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:27] ping&FPS: 0.086097370301 132.950894456 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:27] ping&FPS: 0.0823450939996 146.950898062 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:27] ping&FPS: 0.0789698468787 132.950901236 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:28] ping&FPS: 0.0759316938264 146.950904842 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:28] ping&FPS: 0.0731982993228 132.950908016 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:28] ping&FPS: 0.0727386283023 159.95091189 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:28] ping&FPS: 0.0856865750892 425.950922112 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:28] ping&FPS: 0.0819773631436 133.95092545 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:29] ping&FPS: 0.0786396371467 145.950928892 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:29] ping&FPS: 0.07563556305 132.950932066 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:29] ping&FPS: 0.087533007775 452.950942989 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:29] ping&FPS: 0.0836400943143 132.950946163 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:29] ping&FPS: 0.0801357137305 145.950949605 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:30] ping&FPS: 0.0769814806325 133.950952943 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:30] ping&FPS: 0.078242714916 185.950957354 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:30] ping&FPS: 0.0712784337146 93.9509597229 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:30] ping&FPS: 0.0706095503909 145.950963165 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:30] ping&FPS: 0.0728025393827 186.95096774 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:30] ping&FPS: 0.0683813946588 119.950970645 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:31] ping&FPS: 0.080380822931 761.950989376 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:31] ping&FPS: 0.0837670969112 223.950993496 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:31] ping&FPS: 0.0802312897784 146.950997102 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:32] ping&FPS: 0.0770663278443 132.951000276 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:32] ping&FPS: 0.103218208466 575.951009009 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:33] ping&FPS: 0.126554797803 563.951019499 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:33] ping&FPS: 0.132858093296 478.951029095 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:33] ping&FPS: 0.12042885593 106.951031733 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:33] ping&FPS: 0.11324515513 132.951034907 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:34] ping&FPS: 0.106778289591 145.951038349 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:34] ping&FPS: 0.100996862565 133.951041687 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:34] ping&FPS: 0.0997564452035 185.951046097 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:34] ping&FPS: 0.104640792523 373.951055247 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:34] ping&FPS: 0.0990361230714 145.951058689 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:35] ping&FPS: 0.0959909962756 159.951062563 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:35] ping&FPS: 0.105251725231 412.951072517 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:35] ping&FPS: 0.113586943064 439.951083172 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:36] ping&FPS: 0.107084523354 146.951086778 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:36] ping&FPS: 0.101236786161 132.951089952 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:36] ping&FPS: 0.0978620456798 159.951093826 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:36] ping&FPS: 0.093158225928 129.951096508 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:36] ping&FPS: 0.0887391375644 145.95109995 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:36] ping&FPS: 0.0847243624074 132.951103124 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:36] ping&FPS: 0.0811242120607 146.95110673 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:36] ping&FPS: 0.0778704392059 132.951109904 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:37] ping&FPS: 0.0749470697982 146.95111351 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:37] ping&FPS: 0.0723124103887 132.951116684 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:37] ping&FPS: 0.0719387339694 159.951120559 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:37] ping&FPS: 0.0696222143514 145.951124001 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:37] ping&FPS: 0.0675191240651 133.951127339 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:38] ping&FPS: 0.0797258721931 425.951137561 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:38] ping&FPS: 0.0766312139375 132.951140735 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:38] ping&FPS: 0.0758267598493 159.951144609 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:39] ping&FPS: 0.0886068003518 839.951164949 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:39] ping&FPS: 0.100588824068 439.951175603 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:39] ping&FPS: 0.0953895407064 146.951178278 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:39] ping&FPS: 0.0907050179584 133.951181616 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:40] ping&FPS: 0.100496600781 452.951192539 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:40] ping&FPS: 0.10941615275 412.951202493 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:41] ping&FPS: 0.103333841477 146.951206099 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:41] ping&FPS: 0.10405943862 197.951209682 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:41] ping&FPS: 0.106513004218 652.951225448 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:42] ping&FPS: 0.102188940559 145.951227027 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:42] ping&FPS: 0.0968291865928 132.951230201 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:42] ping&FPS: 0.0920055764062 146.951233807 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:43] ping&FPS: 0.101664956127 852.951254416 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:43] ping&FPS: 0.0963571625096 146.951258022 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:43] ping&FPS: 0.121582325016 586.95127042 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:44] ping&FPS: 0.11428112856 131.95127343 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:44] ping&FPS: 0.10771236888 146.951277036 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:44] ping&FPS: 0.101799796735 132.95128021 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:44] ping&FPS: 0.0964787261827 146.951283816 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:44] ping&FPS: 0.107691283737 412.95129377 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:45] ping&FPS: 0.119781862412 439.951304424 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:45] ping&FPS: 0.112662713443 145.951307866 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:45] ping&FPS: 0.108255560909 159.95131174 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:45] ping&FPS: 0.100290070687 119.951314646 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:46] ping&FPS: 0.111122231398 439.951325301 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:46] ping&FPS: 0.104868675981 132.951328474 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:46] ping&FPS: 0.0992405968053 146.951332081 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:46] ping&FPS: 0.0950156556708 145.951335523 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:46] ping&FPS: 0.0903993057353 145.951338965 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:46] ping&FPS: 0.0862186657531 133.951342303 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:46] ping&FPS: 0.0825554089887 144.951343718 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:47] ping&FPS: 0.0791583167655 132.951346892 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:47] ping&FPS: 0.0762929724795 148.951350826 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:47] ping&FPS: 0.0880231814725 423.951360721 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:48] ping&FPS: 0.100090722953 438.951371211 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:48] ping&FPS: 0.0949426101787 133.951374549 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:48] ping&FPS: 0.0903078722102 145.951377991 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:48] ping&FPS: 0.100735615407 425.951388213 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:48] ping&FPS: 0.0963267343385 147.951391983 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:49] ping&FPS: 0.0919201480491 142.951394934 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:49] ping&FPS: 0.0875869052751 132.951398108 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:49] ping&FPS: 0.0836868541581 146.951401714 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:49] ping&FPS: 0.0824760007007 264.951396722 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:49] ping&FPS: 0.081971015249 169.951400373 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:49] ping&FPS: 0.0770545112235 123.951403934 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:50] ping&FPS: 0.0762573885066 159.951407808 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:50] ping&FPS: 0.0735456602914 145.95141125 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:50] ping&FPS: 0.0851505058152 412.951421204 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:50] ping&FPS: 0.0834945397718 159.951425079 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:50] ping&FPS: 0.078004862581 133.951428417 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:51] ping&FPS: 0.075063894902 132.951431591 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:51] ping&FPS: 0.0744166033609 159.951435465 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:51] ping&FPS: 0.0718337105853 132.951438639 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:51] ping&FPS: 0.0699531691415 159.95144065 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:51] ping&FPS: 0.0658182906253 119.951443556 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:51] ping&FPS: 0.0660967486245 159.95144743 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:51] ping&FPS: 0.0643461751086 132.951450604 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:52] ping&FPS: 0.0627676056964 146.95145421 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:52] ping&FPS: 0.0752579229219 412.951464164 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:52] ping&FPS: 0.0745901720864 159.951468039 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:52] ping&FPS: 0.0719883846385 146.951471645 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:52] ping&FPS: 0.0696485149009 132.951474819 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:53] ping&FPS: 0.0675438152892 145.951478261 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:53] ping&FPS: 0.0656483726842 133.951481599 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:53] ping&FPS: 0.0639363037688 145.951485041 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:53] ping&FPS: 0.0624045985086 133.951488379 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:53] ping&FPS: 0.061022620116 145.951491821 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:53] ping&FPS: 0.0617849486215 159.951495695 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:53] ping&FPS: 0.060465838228 132.951498869 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:54] ping&FPS: 0.0592788862331 159.951502744 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:54] ping&FPS: 0.0702331768615 402.951511058 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:54] ping&FPS: 0.0683687584741 143.951514173 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:55] ping&FPS: 0.0963908540351 865.951535049 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:55] ping&FPS: 0.0916107254369 132.951538223 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:55] ping&FPS: 0.0893081235034 159.951542098 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:56] ping&FPS: 0.0992358880384 426.951552484 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:56] ping&FPS: 0.108171741877 412.951562438 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:56] ping&FPS: 0.104731004153 164.951565269 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:57] ping&FPS: 0.112402717982 1071.95159011 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:58] ping&FPS: 0.126021559749 479.951601732 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:58] ping&FPS: 0.118278961096 146.951605338 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:58] ping&FPS: 0.11131012014 146.951608944 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:58] ping&FPS: 0.107033799802 145.951612386 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:59] ping&FPS: 0.101190488253 146.951615992 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:59] ping&FPS: 0.0959293203694 132.951619166 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:59] ping&FPS: 0.105196754847 439.951629821 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:53:59] ping&FPS: 0.09753648511 119.951632726 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:00] ping&FPS: 0.121343086873 571.951644528 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:00] ping&FPS: 0.144069488559 572.951658356 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:00] ping&FPS: 0.134521852647 146.951661962 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:01] ping&FPS: 0.125936414514 132.951665136 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:01] ping&FPS: 0.118202935372 145.951668579 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:01] ping&FPS: 0.113239194666 159.951672453 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:01] ping&FPS: 0.120773743306 426.951682839 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:01] ping&FPS: 0.111500467573 119.951683882 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:02] ping&FPS: 0.10721137694 159.951687756 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:02] ping&FPS: 0.101347233568 145.951691199 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:02] ping&FPS: 0.0960712241275 133.951694536 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:02] ping&FPS: 0.0928994821651 145.951697979 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:03] ping&FPS: 0.10333990625 718.951715249 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:03] ping&FPS: 0.0979638653142 132.951718423 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:03] ping&FPS: 0.0930273937328 146.951722029 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:03] ping&FPS: 0.0885836886508 132.951725203 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:04] ping&FPS: 0.100583891783 848.951745156 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:04] ping&FPS: 0.0973846571786 159.95174903 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:04] ping&FPS: 0.092503543411 146.951752636 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:05] ping&FPS: 0.101210932646 421.951762203 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:05] ping&FPS: 0.095952759896 146.951765809 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:05] ping&FPS: 0.119217734252 559.951779369 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:06] ping&FPS: 0.128154362951 438.951789859 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:06] ping&FPS: 0.119279559169 140.951792482 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:07] ping&FPS: 0.14031210116 578.951805431 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:07] ping&FPS: 0.143544803773 411.951813358 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:07] ping&FPS: 0.134049247418 133.951816696 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:08] ping&FPS: 0.141504864608 518.951829124 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:08] ping&FPS: 0.138813670192 213.951834399 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:08] ping&FPS: 0.129793311868 132.951837573 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:08] ping&FPS: 0.121673847948 145.951841015 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:08] ping&FPS: 0.114362950836 133.951844353 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:08] ping&FPS: 0.107800777469 145.951847795 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:09] ping&FPS: 0.104325111423 160.951851833 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:09] ping&FPS: 0.09703100792 114.951853919 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:09] ping&FPS: 0.108190189515 439.951864574 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:09] ping&FPS: 0.102230634008 146.95186818 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:09] ping&FPS: 0.0968655305249 132.951871354 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:10] ping&FPS: 0.0920388059957 145.951874796 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:10] ping&FPS: 0.0896939145667 159.95187867 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:10] ping&FPS: 0.0835830824716 119.951881576 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:10] ping&FPS: 0.110085810934 572.951895404 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:11] ping&FPS: 0.117936994348 439.951906058 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:11] ping&FPS: 0.10901590756 146.951909664 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:12] ping&FPS: 0.130974363003 559.951923225 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:12] ping&FPS: 0.137369822179 423.951933119 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:13] ping&FPS: 0.158481444631 572.951946947 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:13] ping&FPS: 0.175490628396 865.951967824 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:14] ping&FPS: 0.176800962005 425.951978046 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:15] ping&FPS: 0.178380634104 718.951992522 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:15] ping&FPS: 0.179396148239 705.952009525 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:16] ping&FPS: 0.196318651949 879.952030833 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:17] ping&FPS: 0.194049026285 398.952040355 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:17] ping&FPS: 0.193502928529 425.952050577 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:17] ping&FPS: 0.179911847625 146.952054183 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:17] ping&FPS: 0.166760887418 144.952057462 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:17] ping&FPS: 0.15694318286 159.952061336 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:18] ping&FPS: 0.144108201776 119.952064242 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:18] ping&FPS: 0.134757231389 133.95206758 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:18] ping&FPS: 0.12807465664 145.952071022 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:18] ping&FPS: 0.120128642235 159.952074896 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:18] ping&FPS: 0.112974699054 146.952078502 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:18] ping&FPS: 0.106536473547 132.952081676 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:18] ping&FPS: 0.100807185684 146.952085282 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:19] ping&FPS: 0.0955826895578 132.952088456 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:19] ping&FPS: 0.0908814924104 159.95209233 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:19] ping&FPS: 0.084937404309 129.952095013 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:19] ping&FPS: 0.0813025491578 132.952098187 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:19] ping&FPS: 0.0800249086959 159.952102061 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:19] ping&FPS: 0.0788811849696 159.952105935 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:19] ping&FPS: 0.0738505082471 119.952108841 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:20] ping&FPS: 0.0713245677097 146.952112447 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:20] ping&FPS: 0.0750511693103 199.95211729 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:20] ping&FPS: 0.0664050983531 79.952119227 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:20] ping&FPS: 0.0786244081599 412.952129181 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:20] ping&FPS: 0.0776216494186 159.952133055 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:21] ping&FPS: 0.0747182773692 145.952136497 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:21] ping&FPS: 0.0721058802945 133.952139835 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:21] ping&FPS: 0.0697536127908 145.952143277 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:21] ping&FPS: 0.0683371829135 146.952145021 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:21] ping&FPS: 0.0805619614465 439.952153813 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:22] ping&FPS: 0.0893658058984 399.952163498 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:22] ping&FPS: 0.0872869747026 172.952167641 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:22] ping&FPS: 0.0834167557103 132.952170815 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:22] ping&FPS: 0.0799336688859 132.952173989 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:23] ping&FPS: 0.0907997148378 426.952184375 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:23] ping&FPS: 0.08657909504 132.952187549 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:23] ping&FPS: 0.0847805546863 159.952191423 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:23] ping&FPS: 0.0811605857951 146.952195029 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:23] ping&FPS: 0.0779032813651 132.952198203 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:23] ping&FPS: 0.0749726997955 146.952201809 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:24] ping&FPS: 0.0864346729858 423.952211704 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:24] ping&FPS: 0.0966505961759 412.952221658 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:24] ping&FPS: 0.093843962465 159.952225532 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:25] ping&FPS: 0.089317332421 146.952229138 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:25] ping&FPS: 0.0992433833224 412.952239092 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:25] ping&FPS: 0.0941781508071 145.952242534 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:25] ping&FPS: 0.0916220056159 160.952246572 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:25] ping&FPS: 0.0873193400247 132.952249746 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:26] ping&FPS: 0.0834504770381 145.952253188 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:26] ping&FPS: 0.107963319336 559.952266748 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:26] ping&FPS: 0.102529998337 146.952268492 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:26] ping&FPS: 0.0971359567983 145.952271934 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:27] ping&FPS: 0.094330485378 146.95227554 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:27] ping&FPS: 0.089756618653 146.952279146 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:27] ping&FPS: 0.0856407838208 132.95228232 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:27] ping&FPS: 0.0823993193252 149.952286418 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:27] ping&FPS: 0.0795173602445 140.952289041 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:27] ping&FPS: 0.0764473783118 146.952292647 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:27] ping&FPS: 0.0736622469766 132.952295821 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:28] ping&FPS: 0.0712184863431 146.952299427 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:28] ping&FPS: 0.0690649258239 132.952302601 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:28] ping&FPS: 0.067016597305 145.952306043 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:28] ping&FPS: 0.0651719378574 133.952309381 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:28] ping&FPS: 0.0670686917646 159.952313255 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:28] ping&FPS: 0.0649248468024 119.952316161 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:28] ping&FPS: 0.0675092594964 172.952320303 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:29] ping&FPS: 0.0798187660319 692.952337037 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:29] ping&FPS: 0.0786948012454 172.95234118 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:29] ping&FPS: 0.0736855076892 106.952343817 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:30] ping&FPS: 0.0715778725488 149.952347915 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:30] ping&FPS: 0.069579284106 141.952350702 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:30] ping&FPS: 0.0674803661449 146.952354308 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:30] ping&FPS: 0.0675910221679 159.952358182 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:30] ping&FPS: 0.0656889634473 132.952361356 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:30] ping&FPS: 0.063977267061 145.952364798 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:31] ping&FPS: 0.0764400320394 413.952374916 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:31] ping&FPS: 0.117657090936 718.952392186 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:32] ping&FPS: 0.109135623489 145.952395629 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:32] ping&FPS: 0.10317873529 146.952398303 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:32] ping&FPS: 0.111820425306 693.952415201 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:33] ping&FPS: 0.107580255185 145.952418643 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:33] ping&FPS: 0.115756209408 439.952429298 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:33] ping&FPS: 0.109038304005 146.952432904 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:33] ping&FPS: 0.102993841682 132.952436078 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:34] ping&FPS: 0.111554379974 426.952445533 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:34] ping&FPS: 0.107256572161 158.952449243 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:34] ping&FPS: 0.101390849267 134.952452745 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:34] ping&FPS: 0.096605684076 144.952456023 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:34] ping&FPS: 0.0919074671609 146.952459629 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:34] ping&FPS: 0.0915759014232 172.952463772 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:35] ping&FPS: 0.0972773241145 386.952472258 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:35] ping&FPS: 0.0944090293986 159.952476132 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:35] ping&FPS: 0.0898270415408 132.952479306 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:35] ping&FPS: 0.0857067512614 145.952482748 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:35] ping&FPS: 0.0819948273046 133.952486086 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:36] ping&FPS: 0.0786523925407 145.952489528 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:36] ping&FPS: 0.0896469461066 412.952499482 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:37] ping&FPS: 0.14261582068 1158.95252461 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:37] ping&FPS: 0.133221651827 159.952528487 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:37] ping&FPS: 0.122758428965 119.952531393 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:38] ping&FPS: 0.115342851196 146.952534999 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:38] ping&FPS: 0.122668425952 412.952544953 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:38] ping&FPS: 0.131261478577 477.952556248 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:39] ping&FPS: 0.11899442545 119.952559154 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:39] ping&FPS: 0.109953503524 119.95256206 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:39] ping&FPS: 0.118416603122 424.952572118 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:39] ping&FPS: 0.111433561359 159.952575992 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:39] ping&FPS: 0.105148996626 145.952579434 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:40] ping&FPS: 0.0994934695108 133.952582772 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:40] ping&FPS: 0.0944032924516 145.952586214 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:40] ping&FPS: 0.0898197697742 133.952589552 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:41] ping&FPS: 0.0996969448669 718.952606823 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:41] ping&FPS: 0.0945860998971 146.952610429 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:41] ping&FPS: 0.0899860816342 132.952613603 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:41] ping&FPS: 0.0861828433616 146.952615346 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:41] ping&FPS: 0.0824223565204 145.952618788 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:41] ping&FPS: 0.0795401888234 145.952620368 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:41] ping&FPS: 0.076544638191 132.952623542 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:42] ping&FPS: 0.0737491952521 146.952627148 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:42] ping&FPS: 0.085248838578 439.952637802 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:42] ping&FPS: 0.0815831231219 132.952640976 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:42] ping&FPS: 0.0782846765859 146.952644582 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:42] ping&FPS: 0.0753153668983 132.952647756 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:43] ping&FPS: 0.0726425605161 145.952651198 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:43] ping&FPS: 0.0702378111226 133.952654536 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:43] ping&FPS: 0.068073208843 145.952657978 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:44] ping&FPS: 0.0821266280753 852.952678587 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:44] ping&FPS: 0.0787718253476 146.952682193 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:44] ping&FPS: 0.0777549999101 159.952686067 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:44] ping&FPS: 0.074838246618 132.952689241 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:44] ping&FPS: 0.0722122447831 146.952692847 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:44] ping&FPS: 0.0698501127107 132.952696021 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:45] ping&FPS: 0.0697229014976 172.952700164 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:45] ping&FPS: 0.0698090451104 158.952703874 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:45] ping&FPS: 0.0700866835458 159.952707748 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:45] ping&FPS: 0.063936691199 92.9527099537 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:45] ping&FPS: 0.0604991870267 119.952712859 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:45] ping&FPS: 0.0613045202834 159.952716734 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:45] ping&FPS: 0.0600352691753 146.95272034 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:46] ping&FPS: 0.0588904427631 132.952723514 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:47] ping&FPS: 0.0718614565475 999.952747728 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:47] ping&FPS: 0.0695513295276 145.95275117 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:47] ping&FPS: 0.0674560325486 146.952754776 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:47] ping&FPS: 0.0657691018922 133.952758114 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:47] ping&FPS: 0.0644498275859 156.952761497 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:47] ping&FPS: 0.0628641056163 133.952764835 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:47] ping&FPS: 0.061436768089 132.952768009 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:48] ping&FPS: 0.0601534651858 145.952771451 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:48] ping&FPS: 0.0589951830251 133.952774789 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:48] ping&FPS: 0.0579571681363 145.952778231 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:48] ping&FPS: 0.0730198877198 439.952788885 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:49] ping&FPS: 0.0845777796847 412.952798839 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:49] ping&FPS: 0.0810817735536 146.952802445 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:49] ping&FPS: 0.0798322366817 159.95280632 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:49] ping&FPS: 0.0767066138131 145.952809762 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:49] ping&FPS: 0.0738967614514 134.952812332 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:50] ping&FPS: 0.085368003164 412.952822286 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:50] ping&FPS: 0.0836894171579 172.952826429 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:50] ping&FPS: 0.0801787482841 132.952829603 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:50] ping&FPS: 0.0770180033786 133.95283294 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:51] ping&FPS: 0.0881740557296 852.952853549 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:51] ping&FPS: 0.0847167181117 145.952856991 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:52] ping&FPS: 0.111205603395 572.952870819 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:52] ping&FPS: 0.119022827063 719.952888254 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:53] ping&FPS: 0.111980970417 146.95289186 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:53] ping&FPS: 0.104267458831 144.952895138 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:53] ping&FPS: 0.0986901479108 133.952898476 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:54] ping&FPS: 0.107680778418 718.952915746 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:54] ping&FPS: 0.101772229586 133.952919084 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:54] ping&FPS: 0.0964826302869 145.952922526 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:54] ping&FPS: 0.0911470758063 132.9529257 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:54] ping&FPS: 0.0888927834375 159.952929574 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:54] ping&FPS: 0.0828635650022 119.95293248 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:54] ping&FPS: 0.0797427105052 148.952936414 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:55] ping&FPS: 0.0771271841867 141.952939201 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:55] ping&FPS: 0.0742995398385 145.952942643 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:55] ping&FPS: 0.071727927242 132.952945817 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:55] ping&FPS: 0.069487031017 146.952949423 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:55] ping&FPS: 0.0832984404905 439.952960077 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:56] ping&FPS: 0.0798272596938 132.952963251 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:56] ping&FPS: 0.0767057197435 146.952966857 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:56] ping&FPS: 0.0738937961204 132.952970031 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:56] ping&FPS: 0.071429889117 145.952971611 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:56] ping&FPS: 0.0711458431823 172.952975753 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:56] ping&FPS: 0.0668908464057 119.952978659 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:56] ping&FPS: 0.0655603664262 143.952981773 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:57] ping&FPS: 0.063864495073 145.952985215 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:57] ping&FPS: 0.0803382205112 412.952995169 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:57] ping&FPS: 0.0771639602525 146.952998775 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:57] ping&FPS: 0.0743060218436 145.953002218 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:57] ping&FPS: 0.0717343198402 133.953005555 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:58] ping&FPS: 0.0714189516647 159.95300943 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:58] ping&FPS: 0.069135467921 132.953012604 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:58] ping&FPS: 0.0670811491353 146.95301621 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:58] ping&FPS: 0.0652318405254 132.953019384 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:58] ping&FPS: 0.0635672020061 145.953022826 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:58] ping&FPS: 0.0660697775228 173.953027132 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:58] ping&FPS: 0.0603215502841 105.953029606 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:59] ping&FPS: 0.0611490415675 159.95303348 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:59] ping&FPS: 0.0598931269986 133.953036818 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:59] ping&FPS: 0.0587627696139 145.95304026 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:59] ping&FPS: 0.0582499908549 146.953043866 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:54:59] ping&FPS: 0.0712876277311 412.95305382 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:00] ping&FPS: 0.0704796271665 159.953057695 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:00] ping&FPS: 0.066927667175 127.953058186 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:00] ping&FPS: 0.065059776817 137.953060317 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:00] ping&FPS: 0.0668118851525 179.953061882 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:00] ping&FPS: 0.0769886629922 386.953071299 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:01] ping&FPS: 0.0901473420007 438.95308179 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:01] ping&FPS: 0.0993409114225 423.953089822 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:02] ping&FPS: 0.108957852636 423.953099716 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:02] ping&FPS: 0.102930362735 159.95310359 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:02] ping&FPS: 0.123517687832 559.95311715 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:03] ping&FPS: 0.116024802838 146.953120756 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:03] ping&FPS: 0.10928089491 132.95312393 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:03] ping&FPS: 0.117211680327 425.953134153 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:03] ping&FPS: 0.11034524015 133.95313749 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:03] ping&FPS: 0.106171499406 159.953141365 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:04] ping&FPS: 0.130413557802 851.953161809 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:04] ping&FPS: 0.122230436121 144.953165087 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:05] ping&FPS: 0.115370343838 146.953168693 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:05] ping&FPS: 0.136791224991 572.953182522 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:05] ping&FPS: 0.127971823726 146.953186128 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:06] ping&FPS: 0.148036937628 558.953199524 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:06] ping&FPS: 0.152092422758 439.953210178 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:06] ping&FPS: 0.13893465272 125.953212205 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:07] ping&FPS: 0.144701044474 436.953219573 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:07] ping&FPS: 0.149376492415 415.953228156 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:07] ping&FPS: 0.139297466193 159.953232031 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:08] ping&FPS: 0.128227766071 119.953234937 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:08] ping&FPS: 0.134264613901 452.953245859 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:08] ping&FPS: 0.129701729332 186.953250434 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:09] ping&FPS: 0.12959006003 372.953259419 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:09] ping&FPS: 0.121489311968 133.953262757 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:09] ping&FPS: 0.114199872528 132.953265931 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:09] ping&FPS: 0.109640161906 159.953269805 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:09] ping&FPS: 0.102024491344 131.953272815 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:09] ping&FPS: 0.0986818181617 159.95327669 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:10] ping&FPS: 0.108072634254 422.95328642 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:10] ping&FPS: 0.102122198258 133.953289758 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:10] ping&FPS: 0.110769133483 425.95329998 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:10] ping&FPS: 0.104549537812 132.953303154 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:11] ping&FPS: 0.100954081331 159.953307028 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:11] ping&FPS: 0.0957180964095 146.953310634 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:11] ping&FPS: 0.0910047697169 132.953313808 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:11] ping&FPS: 0.100798930441 426.953324194 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:11] ping&FPS: 0.0964780854327 147.953327964 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:12] ping&FPS: 0.0916921900851 144.953331243 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:12] ping&FPS: 0.103382314954 412.953341197 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:12] ping&FPS: 0.0999027597053 159.953345071 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:12] ping&FPS: 0.0947717385633 146.953348677 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:13] ping&FPS: 0.10415349475 705.953365679 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:13] ping&FPS: 0.100599344288 146.953369285 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:14] ping&FPS: 0.109400014792 425.953379508 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:14] ping&FPS: 0.103317092572 133.953382845 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:14] ping&FPS: 0.111846442733 425.953393068 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:14] ping&FPS: 0.107556130205 159.953396942 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:15] ping&FPS: 0.115586067949 425.953406233 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:15] ping&FPS: 0.108886669789 133.953409571 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:15] ping&FPS: 0.132858868156 585.953421805 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:16] ping&FPS: 0.138338725482 412.953431758 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:16] ping&FPS: 0.129366080676 146.953435365 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:16] enqueue(): [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:16] ping&FPS: 0.131599466716 412.953443456 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:16] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4291704528 4 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:16] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:16] onEnqueued() QueueType: 1 ShipId: 4291704528 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:18] ping&FPS: 0.157333831702 2051.95348551 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:18] onPrepareingForBattle() [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:18] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4291704528 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:18] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:18] onGameRoomStateInit mapIdx = 2 battleType = 98 gameMode = Domination duration=1200 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:19] ping&FPS: 0.139764125858 244.953492138 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:19] ping&FPS: 0.158848370825 584.953504208 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:19] ping&FPS: 0.146222527538 116.953506622 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:20] ping&FPS: 0.138438816581 155.953509841 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:20] ping&FPS: 0.129553820406 142.953512791 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:20] ping&FPS: 0.121457423483 144.953515138 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:20] ping&FPS: 0.114271070276 142.953518088 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:21] ping&FPS: 0.135832156454 549.953530009 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:21] ping&FPS: 0.129115100418 159.953533884 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:21] ping&FPS: 0.123080904995 146.953536558 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:21] ping&FPS: 0.115631665502 145.953540001 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:21] ping&FPS: 0.122929628406 412.953549955 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:22] ping&FPS: 0.115495722209 146.953553561 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:22] ping&FPS: 0.108805592571 132.953556735 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:22] ping&FPS: 0.104884366904 161.953560937 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:22] ping&FPS: 0.0992548721177 144.953564215 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:23] ping&FPS: 0.122189994369 559.953577775 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:23] ping&FPS: 0.114829834018 132.953580949 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:23] ping&FPS: 0.10943629912 160.953584987 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:23] ping&FPS: 0.103351901684 131.953587997 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:23] ping&FPS: 0.0978760080678 146.953591603 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:23] ping&FPS: 0.0929474937064 132.953594777 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:24] ping&FPS: 0.104512240205 439.953605432 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:24] ping&FPS: 0.0990197913987 146.953609038 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:24] ping&FPS: 0.0939775215728 132.953612212 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:24] ping&FPS: 0.0894388811929 145.953615654 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:24] ping&FPS: 0.0853520291192 134.953619156 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:24] ping&FPS: 0.0807538138969 144.953621502 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:25] ping&FPS: 0.0935385631663 439.953632157 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:25] ping&FPS: 0.089044253741 131.953635167 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:25] ping&FPS: 0.0849988417966 146.953638773 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:26] ping&FPS: 0.111357386623 572.953652601 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:26] ping&FPS: 0.105281542454 148.953656535 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:26] ping&FPS: 0.0997075991971 142.953659485 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:26] ping&FPS: 0.0945959495647 131.953662496 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:26] ping&FPS: 0.089995305453 146.953666102 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:26] ping&FPS: 0.0898545043809 172.953670244 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:27] ping&FPS: 0.097728948508 400.953680094 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:27] ping&FPS: 0.0928148435695 131.953683104 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:27] ping&FPS: 0.088392253433 146.95368671 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:27] ping&FPS: 0.0844118999583 132.953689884 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:27] ping&FPS: 0.082829903279 159.953693758 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:28] ping&FPS: 0.0794057803495 146.953697364 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:28] ping&FPS: 0.0763244139297 132.953700538 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:28] ping&FPS: 0.0735508607967 146.953703213 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:28] ping&FPS: 0.0710549013955 132.953706387 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:28] ping&FPS: 0.0688084023339 146.953709993 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:28] ping&FPS: 0.0667866127832 132.953713167 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:28] ping&FPS: 0.0669666486127 159.953717041 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:29] ping&FPS: 0.0651292758329 145.953720483 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:29] ping&FPS: 0.0634752767427 133.953723821 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:29] ping&FPS: 0.0620866971357 146.953726496 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:29] ping&FPS: 0.060737158571 131.953729506 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:29] ping&FPS: 0.0595225500209 146.953733112 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:29] ping&FPS: 0.0584290283067 132.953736286 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:29] ping&FPS: 0.0594453173024 159.95374016 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:30] ping&FPS: 0.0583597528083 146.953743766 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:33] ping&FPS: 0.001 0.001 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:38] ping&FPS: 0.001 0.001 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:40] loginConnectionCallback: setting gIsConnected to False [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:43] ping&FPS: 0.001 0.001 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:44] connection problem!!! [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:44] clearAll 0 True [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:44] [DEBUG] (24343278503594717, 6): Lobby destroy started. [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:44] [DEBUG] (24343278503594717, 285): Lobby successfully destroyed. [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:44] [DEBUG] (24343278503595215, 36): XmppChatHandler.__onDisconnected() (0,) [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:44] CommonDailyList.__cleanup [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:44] StatsProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:44] StatsProxy.cleanup() [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:44] AccountLevelingProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:44] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:44] PersonalPriceList.clear: [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:49] ON LOGIN BUTTON [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:49] loginConnectionCallback positive {"security_msg":"old_pass","token2":"5719344:9007779110096255104:9160824503892120348013800050385410004"} LOGGED_ON [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:49] loginConnectionCallback: setting gIsConnected to True [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:50] Account.__init__() [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:50] __init__() Cherep_N [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:50] getHashInfo: 0.0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:50] [TRACE] (24343278503595337, 106): PersonalPriceList.getHashInfo: (['d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e'], ['ea16c58f35cebcd4e428ba77372b3086', '5021236c994beb3571735643e5852aae', '74dfe36de791e8406ef2e5945a2725d3', '4b833f6334c25e838c7786808a6ebee9', 'f6eb944d5b06b9f7114b93ac4a847a27']) [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:50] setServerTime -14.4030001163 1451753765 1451753750.6 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:50] [DEBUG] (24343278503594646, 226): onRewardsRestored ('21 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:50] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:50] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:50] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 0. Boxes contents: [{}] [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:50] CommonDailyList.onUpdate 0 32 [None, None, None] [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:50] Daily.update: {'rewards': {'addResCR': {'value': '50000'}}, 'pdata': {'count': 2.0, 'isSeen': True, 'timeToChange': 0, 'reward': 'addResCR'}, 'condition': ('killPlanes', {'count': '8', 'division': '0', 'countBattle': '1'}), 'desc': (32, 1, 7, 320, 0)} [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:50] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {3: '50000'}, 'title': 320, 'iconId': 7, 'timeToChange': 0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 32, 'condition': (5, '1', ('8', 2.0))} [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:50] CommonDailyList.onUpdate 1 14 [dailyId 32 type 1 desc {'rewards': {3: '50000'}, 'title': 320, 'iconId': 7, 'timeToChange': 0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 32, 'condition': (5, '1', ('8', 2.0))} , None, None] [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:50] Daily.update: {'rewards': {'addResCR': {'value': '20000'}}, 'pdata': {'count': 0, 'isSeen': True, 'timeToChange': 0, 'reward': 'addResCR'}, 'condition': ('torpHits', {'count': '5', 'division': '0', 'countBattle': '0', 'weaponType': 'bomb'}), 'desc': (14, 1, 8, 140, 1)} [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:50] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {3: '50000'}, 'title': 320, 'iconId': 7, 'timeToChange': 0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 32, 'condition': (5, '1', ('8', 2.0))} [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:50] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {3: '20000'}, 'title': 140, 'iconId': 8, 'timeToChange': 0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 14, 'condition': (6, '0', ('5', 0))} [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:50] CommonDailyList.onUpdate 2 31 [dailyId 32 type 1 desc {'rewards': {3: '50000'}, 'title': 320, 'iconId': 7, 'timeToChange': 0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 32, 'condition': (5, '1', ('8', 2.0))} , dailyId 14 type 1 desc {'rewards': {3: '20000'}, 'title': 140, 'iconId': 8, 'timeToChange': 0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 14, 'condition': (6, '0', ('5', 0))} , None] [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:50] Daily.update: {'rewards': {'addResCR': {'value': '50000'}}, 'pdata': {'count': 1.0, 'isSeen': True, 'timeToChange': 0, 'reward': 'addResCR'}, 'condition': ('torpHits', {'count': '4', 'division': '0', 'countBattle': '1'}), 'desc': (31, 1, 6, 310, 2)} [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:50] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {3: '50000'}, 'title': 320, 'iconId': 7, 'timeToChange': 0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 32, 'condition': (5, '1', ('8', 2.0))} [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:50] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {3: '20000'}, 'title': 140, 'iconId': 8, 'timeToChange': 0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 14, 'condition': (6, '0', ('5', 0))} [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:50] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {3: '50000'}, 'title': 310, 'iconId': 6, 'timeToChange': 0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 2, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 31, 'condition': (6, '1', ('4', 1.0))} [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:50] Available Maps: spaces/i01_tutorial spaces/00_CO_ocean spaces/01_solomon_islands spaces/08_NE_passage spaces/13_OC_new_dawn spaces/10_NE_big_race spaces/14_Atlantic spaces/15_NE_north spaces/17_NA_fault_line spaces/18_NE_ice_islands spaces/34_OC_islands spaces/16_OC_bees_to_honey spaces/19_OC_prey spaces/20_NE_two_brothers spaces/22_tierra_del_fuego spaces/35_NE_north_winter spaces/38_CanadaAvailable Scenarios: MapSetting: mapId=0, mapName='spaces/i01_tutorial', logic='Offline', gameMode='Tutorial', scenario='Default_test', scenarioConfigId=0, matchGroup=tutorial MapSetting: mapId=1, mapName='spaces/00_CO_ocean', logic='Default', gameMode='MegaBase', scenario='MegaBase', scenarioConfigId=1, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=1, mapName='spaces/00_CO_ocean', logic='Default', gameMode='MegaBase', scenario='Skirmish_MegaBase', scenarioConfigId=2, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=1, mapName='spaces/00_CO_ocean', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=3, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=1, mapName='spaces/00_CO_ocean', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Ranked Domination', scenarioConfigId=4, matchGroup=ranked MapSetting: mapId=1, mapName='spaces/00_CO_ocean', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ0', scenarioConfigId=5, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=1, mapName='spaces/00_CO_ocean', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ2', scenarioConfigId=6, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=1, mapName='spaces/00_CO_ocean', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ4', scenarioConfigId=7, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=1, mapName='spaces/00_CO_ocean', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish_Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=8, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=2, mapName='spaces/01_solomon_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination', scenarioConfigId=9, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=2, mapName='spaces/01_solomon_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish Domination', scenarioConfigId=10, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=2, mapName='spaces/01_solomon_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=11, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=2, mapName='spaces/01_solomon_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish_Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=12, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=2, mapName='spaces/01_solomon_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Ranked Domination', scenarioConfigId=13, matchGroup=ranked MapSetting: mapId=2, mapName='spaces/01_solomon_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ0', scenarioConfigId=14, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=2, mapName='spaces/01_solomon_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ2', scenarioConfigId=15, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=2, mapName='spaces/01_solomon_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ4', scenarioConfigId=16, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=3, mapName='spaces/08_NE_passage', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination', scenarioConfigId=17, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=3, mapName='spaces/08_NE_passage', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=18, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=3, mapName='spaces/08_NE_passage', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Ranked Domination', scenarioConfigId=19, matchGroup=ranked MapSetting: mapId=3, mapName='spaces/08_NE_passage', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ4', scenarioConfigId=20, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=3, mapName='spaces/08_NE_passage', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ2', scenarioConfigId=21, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=3, mapName='spaces/08_NE_passage', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ0', scenarioConfigId=22, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=3, mapName='spaces/08_NE_passage', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish Domination', scenarioConfigId=23, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=3, mapName='spaces/08_NE_passage', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish_Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=24, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=4, mapName='spaces/13_OC_new_dawn', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination', scenarioConfigId=25, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=4, mapName='spaces/13_OC_new_dawn', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Ranked Domination', scenarioConfigId=26, matchGroup=ranked MapSetting: mapId=4, mapName='spaces/13_OC_new_dawn', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ0', scenarioConfigId=27, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=4, mapName='spaces/13_OC_new_dawn', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ2', scenarioConfigId=28, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=4, mapName='spaces/13_OC_new_dawn', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ4', scenarioConfigId=29, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=4, mapName='spaces/13_OC_new_dawn', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=30, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=4, mapName='spaces/13_OC_new_dawn', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish Domination', scenarioConfigId=31, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=4, mapName='spaces/13_OC_new_dawn', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish_Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=32, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=5, mapName='spaces/10_NE_big_race', logic='Default', gameMode='SingleBase', scenario='Single Base', scenarioConfigId=33, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=5, mapName='spaces/10_NE_big_race', logic='Default', gameMode='SingleBase', scenario='Skirmish Single Base', scenarioConfigId=34, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=5, mapName='spaces/10_NE_big_race', logic='Default', gameMode='MegaBase', scenario='MegaBase', scenarioConfigId=35, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=5, mapName='spaces/10_NE_big_race', logic='Default', gameMode='MegaBase', scenario='Skirmish_MegaBase', scenarioConfigId=36, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=5, mapName='spaces/10_NE_big_race', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=37, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=5, mapName='spaces/10_NE_big_race', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish_Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=38, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=5, mapName='spaces/10_NE_big_race', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Ranked Domination', scenarioConfigId=39, matchGroup=ranked MapSetting: mapId=5, mapName='spaces/10_NE_big_race', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ0', scenarioConfigId=40, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=5, mapName='spaces/10_NE_big_race', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ2', scenarioConfigId=41, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=5, mapName='spaces/10_NE_big_race', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ4', scenarioConfigId=42, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=6, mapName='spaces/14_Atlantic', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination', scenarioConfigId=43, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=6, mapName='spaces/14_Atlantic', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=44, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=6, mapName='spaces/14_Atlantic', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Ranked Domination', scenarioConfigId=45, matchGroup=ranked MapSetting: mapId=6, mapName='spaces/14_Atlantic', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ0', scenarioConfigId=46, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=6, mapName='spaces/14_Atlantic', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ2', scenarioConfigId=47, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=6, mapName='spaces/14_Atlantic', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ4', scenarioConfigId=48, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=6, mapName='spaces/14_Atlantic', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish Domination', scenarioConfigId=49, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=6, mapName='spaces/14_Atlantic', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish_Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=50, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=7, mapName='spaces/15_NE_north', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination', scenarioConfigId=51, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=7, mapName='spaces/15_NE_north', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=52, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=7, mapName='spaces/15_NE_north', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Ranked Domination', scenarioConfigId=53, matchGroup=ranked MapSetting: mapId=7, mapName='spaces/15_NE_north', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ0', scenarioConfigId=54, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=7, mapName='spaces/15_NE_north', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ2', scenarioConfigId=55, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=7, mapName='spaces/15_NE_north', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ4', scenarioConfigId=56, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=7, mapName='spaces/15_NE_north', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish Domination', scenarioConfigId=57, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=7, mapName='spaces/15_NE_north', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish_Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=58, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=8, mapName='spaces/17_NA_fault_line', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination', scenarioConfigId=59, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=8, mapName='spaces/17_NA_fault_line', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=60, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=8, mapName='spaces/17_NA_fault_line', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Ranked Domination', scenarioConfigId=61, matchGroup=ranked MapSetting: mapId=8, mapName='spaces/17_NA_fault_line', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ4', scenarioConfigId=62, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=8, mapName='spaces/17_NA_fault_line', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ2', scenarioConfigId=63, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=8, mapName='spaces/17_NA_fault_line', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ0', scenarioConfigId=64, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=8, mapName='spaces/17_NA_fault_line', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish Domination', scenarioConfigId=65, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=8, mapName='spaces/17_NA_fault_line', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish_Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=66, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=9, mapName='spaces/18_NE_ice_islands', logic='Default', gameMode='SingleBase', scenario='Single Base', scenarioConfigId=67, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=9, mapName='spaces/18_NE_ice_islands', logic='Default', gameMode='MegaBase', scenario='MegaBase', scenarioConfigId=68, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=9, mapName='spaces/18_NE_ice_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination', scenarioConfigId=69, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=9, mapName='spaces/18_NE_ice_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=70, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=9, mapName='spaces/18_NE_ice_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Ranked Domination', scenarioConfigId=71, matchGroup=ranked MapSetting: mapId=9, mapName='spaces/18_NE_ice_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ0', scenarioConfigId=72, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=9, mapName='spaces/18_NE_ice_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ2', scenarioConfigId=73, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=9, mapName='spaces/18_NE_ice_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ4', scenarioConfigId=74, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=9, mapName='spaces/18_NE_ice_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish Domination', scenarioConfigId=75, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=9, mapName='spaces/18_NE_ice_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish_Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=76, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=9, mapName='spaces/18_NE_ice_islands', logic='Default', gameMode='SingleBase', scenario='Skirmish Single Base', scenarioConfigId=77, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=9, mapName='spaces/18_NE_ice_islands', logic='Default', gameMode='MegaBase', scenario='Skirmish_MegaBase', scenarioConfigId=78, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=10, mapName='spaces/34_OC_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=79, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=10, mapName='spaces/34_OC_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination', scenarioConfigId=80, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=10, mapName='spaces/34_OC_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish Domination', scenarioConfigId=81, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=10, mapName='spaces/34_OC_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish_Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=82, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=11, mapName='spaces/16_OC_bees_to_honey', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination', scenarioConfigId=83, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=11, mapName='spaces/16_OC_bees_to_honey', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=84, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=11, mapName='spaces/16_OC_bees_to_honey', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Ranked Domination', scenarioConfigId=85, matchGroup=ranked MapSetting: mapId=11, mapName='spaces/16_OC_bees_to_honey', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ0', scenarioConfigId=86, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=11, mapName='spaces/16_OC_bees_to_honey', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ2', scenarioConfigId=87, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=11, mapName='spaces/16_OC_bees_to_honey', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ4', scenarioConfigId=88, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=11, mapName='spaces/16_OC_bees_to_honey', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish Domination', scenarioConfigId=89, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=11, mapName='spaces/16_OC_bees_to_honey', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish_Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=90, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=12, mapName='spaces/19_OC_prey', logic='Default', gameMode='MegaBase', scenario='MegaBase', scenarioConfigId=91, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=12, mapName='spaces/19_OC_prey', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination', scenarioConfigId=92, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=12, mapName='spaces/19_OC_prey', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Ranked Domination', scenarioConfigId=93, matchGroup=ranked MapSetting: mapId=12, mapName='spaces/19_OC_prey', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ0', scenarioConfigId=94, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=12, mapName='spaces/19_OC_prey', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ2', scenarioConfigId=95, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=12, mapName='spaces/19_OC_prey', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ4', scenarioConfigId=96, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=12, mapName='spaces/19_OC_prey', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish Domination', scenarioConfigId=97, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=12, mapName='spaces/19_OC_prey', logic='Default', gameMode='MegaBase', scenario='Skirmish_MegaBase', scenarioConfigId=98, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=13, mapName='spaces/20_NE_two_brothers', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination', scenarioConfigId=99, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=13, mapName='spaces/20_NE_two_brothers', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=100, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=13, mapName='spaces/20_NE_two_brothers', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish Domination', scenarioConfigId=101, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=13, mapName='spaces/20_NE_two_brothers', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish_Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=102, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=14, mapName='spaces/22_tierra_del_fuego', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination', scenarioConfigId=103, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=14, mapName='spaces/22_tierra_del_fuego', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=104, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=14, mapName='spaces/22_tierra_del_fuego', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Ranked Domination', scenarioConfigId=105, matchGroup=ranked MapSetting: mapId=14, mapName='spaces/22_tierra_del_fuego', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ0', scenarioConfigId=106, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=14, mapName='spaces/22_tierra_del_fuego', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ2', scenarioConfigId=107, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=14, mapName='spaces/22_tierra_del_fuego', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ4', scenarioConfigId=108, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=14, mapName='spaces/22_tierra_del_fuego', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish Domination', scenarioConfigId=109, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=14, mapName='spaces/22_tierra_del_fuego', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish_Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=110, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=15, mapName='spaces/35_NE_north_winter', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination', scenarioConfigId=111, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=15, mapName='spaces/35_NE_north_winter', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=112, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=15, mapName='spaces/35_NE_north_winter', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Ranked Domination', scenarioConfigId=113, matchGroup=ranked MapSetting: mapId=15, mapName='spaces/35_NE_north_winter', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ0', scenarioConfigId=114, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=15, mapName='spaces/35_NE_north_winter', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ2', scenarioConfigId=115, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=15, mapName='spaces/35_NE_north_winter', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ4', scenarioConfigId=116, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=15, mapName='spaces/35_NE_north_winter', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish Domination', scenarioConfigId=117, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=15, mapName='spaces/35_NE_north_winter', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish_Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=118, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=16, mapName='spaces/38_Canada', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination', scenarioConfigId=119, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=16, mapName='spaces/38_Canada', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=120, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=16, mapName='spaces/38_Canada', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Ranked Domination', scenarioConfigId=121, matchGroup=ranked MapSetting: mapId=16, mapName='spaces/38_Canada', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ0', scenarioConfigId=122, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=16, mapName='spaces/38_Canada', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ2', scenarioConfigId=123, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=16, mapName='spaces/38_Canada', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ4', scenarioConfigId=124, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=16, mapName='spaces/38_Canada', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish Domination', scenarioConfigId=125, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=16, mapName='spaces/38_Canada', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish_Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=126, matchGroup=pve [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:50] initBattleTypes called [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:50] Disabled maps: [] [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:50] getNationForTutorial() CanBeStarted: False [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:50] [DEBUG] (24343278503594646, 226): onGetAchievements ('266 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:50] [DEBUG] (24343278503594646, 226): onGetSystemMessage ('124 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:50] [DEBUG] (24343278503594646, 226): onGetPrices ('64 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:50] [DEBUG] (24343278503594646, 19): onGetPrices ('num = 4',) [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:50] [DEBUG] (24343278503594646, 226): onGetAccountStats ('614 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:50] __processDossierStats() client dossier: ['pvp', 'pve_diag', 'pvp_diag', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'max_pve', 'rank_diag', 'pve', 'max_pvp', 'total'] [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:50] AccountLevelingProxy.onGetAccountStats(): (-1, -1) (11, 219254) [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:50] StatsProxy.onGetAccountStats() {'accSeen': 11, 'dossier': '\x06\x00\x18\x00`\x00,\x018\x00`\x00<\x008\x00`\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00`\x00\x00\x00\x00\x008\x00\x00\x00\x00\x008\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00`\x00`\x00`\x008\x008\x008\x00\x00\x00Jy\x96U\x9c\xfb\x87Vt:\x02\x00\x17#\x00\x00"\x01\x00\x00\x80d\x88Vw\x16\x02\x00\x97\x0b\x03\x00\x1b\x01\x00\x00\x90\x00\x00\x00A\x00\x00\x00\x85\x00\x00\x00G\x00\x00\x00\xbb\x00\x00\x00\x0c\x00\x00\x00\xbe\xe8E\x00\x1b\x00\x00\x00h\x01\x00\x00\x8b\x00\x00\x00\x03\x00\x00\x00\x07\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00#^\x00\x009\x05\x00\x00\xc2\x01\x00\x00\xa0 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'denunciationsLeft': 5, 'tkillIsSuspected': False, 'accTier': 11, 'accSeenFeat': 254250, 'praisesLeft': 5, 'accPoints': 219254, 'karma': 0} [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] [DEBUG] (24343278503594646, 226): receiveActionsAdd ('1674 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] actionsAdd {'tasks': {'15122001': {'rewards': {('_r_RewardResAdd', 0): {'count': 1000000, 'total': False, 'type': 0}, ('_r_RewardNext', 1): {'nextId': '15122002', 'total': False}}, 'stop': 1456725600.0, 'start': 1451628000.0, 'limit': 1, 'conditions': {('_c_isKillShips', 2): {'count': 30, 'shipInfo': {'class': ['Cruiser']}}, ('_c_isMyShip', 1): {'shipInfo': {'level': [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]}}, ('_c_isBattleType', 0): {'battleType': [0]}}, 'desc': {'isSingle': 0, 'name': {'ru': u'\u0412\u044b\u0437\u043e\u0432: Kong\u014d'}, 'iconId': 34, 'until': 1456876800.0, 'limit': 1, 'hidden': 0, 'id': '15122001', 'stepped': 0}}, '15122003': {'rewards': {('_r_RewardItem', 0): {'count': 1, 'total': False, 'idx': 4285714352L}, ('_r_RewardShip', 1): {'total': True, 'shipId': 3555669712L, 'level': 1}}, 'stop': 1456725600.0, 'start': 1451628000.0, 'limit': 1, 'conditions': {('_c_isDamage', 3): {'count': 1000000, 'shipInfo': None}, ('_c_isBattleType', 1): {'battleType': [0]}, ('_c_isDone', 0): {'id': '15122002'}, ('_c_isMyShip', 2): {'shipInfo': {'level': [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]}}}, 'desc': {'isSingle': 0, 'name': {'ru': u'\u0412\u044b\u0437\u043e\u0432: Kong\u014d'}, 'iconId': 34, 'until': 1456876800.0, 'limit': 1, 'hidden': 0, 'id': '15122003', 'stepped': 1}}, '15122002': {'rewards': {('_r_RewardResAdd', 0): {'count': 5000, 'total': False, 'type': 16}, ('_r_RewardNext', 1): {'nextId': '15122003', 'total': False}}, 'stop': 1456725600.0, 'start': 1451628000.0, 'limit': 1, 'conditions': {('_c_isKillPlanes', 3): {'count': 150}, ('_c_isDone', 0): {'id': '15122001'}, ('_c_isBattleType', 1): {'battleType': [0]}, ('_c_isMyShip', 2): {'shipInfo': {'level': [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]}}}, 'desc': {'isSingle': 0, 'name': {'ru': u'\u0412\u044b\u0437\u043e\u0432: Kong\u014d'}, 'iconId': 34, 'until': 1456876800.0, 'limit': 1, 'hidden': 0, 'id': '15122002', 'stepped': 1}}, '15122005': {'rewards': {('_r_RewardItem', 0): {'count': 25, 'total': False, 'idx': 4289556400L}, ('_r_RewardItem', 2): {'count': 25, 'total': False, 'idx': 4292800432L}, ('_r_RewardItem', 1): {'count': 25, 'total': False, 'idx': 4287459248L}, ('_r_RewardNext', 3): {'nextId': '15122006', 'total': False}}, 'stop': 1456725600.0, 'start': 1451628000.0, 'limit': 1, 'conditions': {('_c_isStartFire', 3): {'count': 300, 'shipInfo': None}, ('_c_isBattleType', 1): {'battleType': [0]}, ('_c_isDone', 0): {'id': '15122004'}, ('_c_isMyShip', 2): {'shipInfo': {'level': [6, 7, 8, 9, 10]}}}, 'desc': {'isSingle': 0, 'name': {'ru': u'\u0412\u044b\u0437\u043e\u0432: Myoko'}, 'iconId': 35, 'until': 1456876800.0, 'limit': 1, 'hidden': 0, 'id': '15122005', 'stepped': 1}}, '15122004': {'rewards': {('_r_RewardItem', 0): {'count': 25, 'total': False, 'idx': 4293750704L}, ('_r_RewardItem', 2): {'count': 25, 'total': False, 'idx': 4293849008L}, ('_r_RewardItem', 1): {'count': 25, 'total': False, 'idx': 4291653552L}, ('_r_RewardNext', 3): {'nextId': '15122005', 'total': False}}, 'stop': 1456725600.0, 'start': 1451628000.0, 'limit': 1, 'conditions': {('_c_isKillShips', 2): {'count': 30, 'shipInfo': {'class': ['Destroyer']}}, ('_c_isMyShip', 1): {'shipInfo': {'level': [6, 7, 8, 9, 10]}}, ('_c_isBattleType', 0): {'battleType': [0]}}, 'desc': {'isSingle': 0, 'name': {'ru': u'\u0412\u044b\u0437\u043e\u0432: Myoko'}, 'iconId': 35, 'until': 1456876800.0, 'limit': 1, 'hidden': 0, 'id': '15122004', 'stepped': 0}}, '15122006': {'rewards': {('_r_RewardItem', 0): {'count': 1, 'total': False, 'idx': 4285714352L}, ('_r_RewardShip', 1): {'total': True, 'shipId': 3555636944L, 'level': 1}}, 'stop': 1456725600.0, 'start': 1451628000.0, 'limit': 1, 'conditions': {('_c_isDamage', 3): {'count': 1000000, 'shipInfo': None}, ('_c_isBattleType', 1): {'battleType': [0]}, ('_c_isDone', 0): {'id': '15122005'}, ('_c_isMyShip', 2): {'shipInfo': {'level': [6, 7, 8, 9, 10]}}}, 'desc': {'isSingle': 0, 'name': {'ru': u'\u0412\u044b\u0437\u043e\u0432: Myoko'}, 'iconId': 35, 'until': 1456876800.0, 'limit': 1, 'hidden': 0, 'id': '15122006', 'stepped': 1}}, '15121801': {'rewards': {('_r_RewardNext', 0): {'nextId': '15121802', 'total': False}, ('_r_RewardResAdd', 1): {'count': 500000, 'total': False, 'type': 0}}, 'stop': 1452490200.0, 'start': 1451025000.0, 'limit': 1, 'conditions': {('_c_isKillShips', 2): {'count': 10, 'shipInfo': None}, ('_c_isMyShip', 1): {'shipInfo': {'level': [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]}}, ('_c_isBattleType', 0): {'battleType': [0]}}, 'desc': {'isSingle': 0, 'name': {'ru': u'\u0411\u043e\u0435\u0432\u043e\u0435 \u043a\u0440\u0435\u0449\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'}, 'iconId': 24, 'until': 1452643200.0, 'limit': 1, 'hidden': 0, 'id': '15121801', 'stepped': 0}}, '15121802': {'rewards': {('_r_RewardNext', 0): {'nextId': '15121803', 'total': False}, ('_r_RewardItem', 1): {'count': 5, 'total': False, 'idx': 4289556400L}}, 'stop': 1452490200.0, 'start': 1451025000.0, 'limit': 1, 'conditions': {('_c_isDamage', 3): {'count': 300000, 'shipInfo': None}, ('_c_isBattleType', 1): {'battleType': [0]}, ('_c_isDone', 0): {'id': '15121801'}, ('_c_isMyShip', 2): {'shipInfo': {'level': [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]}}}, 'desc': {'isSingle': 0, 'name': {'ru': u'\u0422\u044f\u0436\u0451\u043b\u044b\u0439 \u0443\u0440\u043e\u043d'}, 'iconId': 24, 'until': 1452643200.0, 'limit': 1, 'hidden': 0, 'id': '15121802', 'stepped': 1}}, '15121803': {'rewards': {('_r_RewardResAdd', 0): {'count': 2000, 'total': False, 'type': 16}, ('_r_RewardShip', 1): {'total': True, 'shipId': 3768497968L, 'level': 1}}, 'stop': 1452490200.0, 'start': 1451025000.0, 'limit': 1, 'conditions': {('_c_isStartFire', 3): {'count': 20, 'shipInfo': None}, ('_c_isBattleType', 1): {'battleType': [0]}, ('_c_isDone', 0): {'id': '15121802'}, ('_c_isMyShip', 2): {'shipInfo': {'level': [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]}}}, 'desc': {'isSingle': 0, 'name': {'ru': u'\u0420\u0435\u0448\u0430\u044e\u0449\u0430\u044f \u0441\u0445\u0432\u0430\u0442\u043a\u0430'}, 'iconId': 24, 'until': 1452643200.0, 'limit': 1, 'hidden': 0, 'id': '15121803', 'stepped': 1}}, '15121804': {'rewards': {('_r_RewardResMul', 0): {'total': False, 'type': 21, 'coef': 3.0}}, 'stop': 1452490200.0, 'start': 1451025000.0, 'limit': 0, 'conditions': {('_c_isBattleResult', 2): {'battleResult': 'win'}, ('_c_isMyShip', 1): {'shipInfo': {'ids': ['PGSC502_Emden_1908']}}, ('_c_isBattleType', 0): {'battleType': [2]}}, 'desc': {'isSingle': 1, 'name': {'ru': u'\u0411\u043e\u0435\u0432\u044b\u0435 \u0443\u0447\u0435\u043d\u0438\u044f'}, 'iconId': 3, 'until': 1452643200.0, 'limit': 0, 'hidden': 0, 'id': '15121804', 'stepped': 0}}}, 'events': {}} [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] isDone id 15122001 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] SSETask init id 15122001 task rewards {} [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] _c_isBattleType: [0] [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] _c_isMyShip: _IsShip: {'level': [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]} [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] None [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] _c_isKillShips: 30 _IsShip: {'class': ['Cruiser']} [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] None [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] _c_isDone: 15122002 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] _c_isBattleType: [0] [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] _c_isMyShip: _IsShip: {'level': [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]} [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] None [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] _c_isDamage: 1000000 _IsShip: None [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] None [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] _c_isDone: 15122001 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] _c_isBattleType: [0] [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] _c_isMyShip: _IsShip: {'level': [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]} [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] None [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] _c_isKillPlanes: 150 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] isDone id 15122004 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] SSETask init id 15122004 task rewards {} [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] _c_isDone: 15122004 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] _c_isBattleType: [0] [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] _c_isMyShip: _IsShip: {'level': [6, 7, 8, 9, 10]} [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] None [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] _c_isStartFire: 300 _IsShip: None [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] None [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] _c_isBattleType: [0] [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] _c_isMyShip: _IsShip: {'level': [6, 7, 8, 9, 10]} [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] None [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] _c_isKillShips: 30 _IsShip: {'class': ['Destroyer']} [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] None [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] _c_isDone: 15122005 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] _c_isBattleType: [0] [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] _c_isMyShip: _IsShip: {'level': [6, 7, 8, 9, 10]} [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] None [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] _c_isDamage: 1000000 _IsShip: None [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] None [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] isDone id 15121801 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] SSETask init id 15121801 task rewards {} [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] _c_isBattleType: [0] [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] _c_isMyShip: _IsShip: {'level': [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]} [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] None [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] _c_isKillShips: 10 _IsShip: None [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] None [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] _c_isDone: 15121801 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] _c_isBattleType: [0] [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] _c_isMyShip: _IsShip: {'level': [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]} [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] None [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] _c_isDamage: 300000 _IsShip: None [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] None [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] _c_isDone: 15121802 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] _c_isBattleType: [0] [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] _c_isMyShip: _IsShip: {'level': [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]} [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] None [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] _c_isStartFire: 20 _IsShip: None [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] None [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] _r_RewardResMul.getContainerData {'total': False, 'type': 21, 'coef': 3.0} [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] isDone id 15121804 count 0 limit 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] SSETask init id 15121804 task rewards {} [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] _c_isBattleType: [2] [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] _c_isMyShip: _IsShip: {'ids': ['PGSC502_Emden_1908']} [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] None [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] _c_isBattleResult: win [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] __updateTaskProgress start: {'15122001': {2: {'count': 0}}, '15122003': {3: {'count': 0}}, '15122002': {3: {'count': 0}}, '15122005': {3: {'count': 0}}, '15122004': {2: {'count': 0}}, '15122006': {3: {'count': 0}}, '15121801': {2: {'count': 1}}, '15121802': {3: {'count': 0}}, '15121803': {3: {'count': 0}}, '15121804': {}} [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] step id: 15122001 progress {2: {'count': 0}} [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] isDone id 15122001 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] isDone id 15122001 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] isDone id 15122001 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] isDone id 15122003 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] isDone id 15122002 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] step id: 15122003 progress {3: {'count': 0}} [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] isDone id 15122003 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] isDone id 15122001 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] isDone id 15122001 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] isDone id 15122003 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] isDone id 15122002 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] step id: 15122002 progress {3: {'count': 0}} [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] isDone id 15122002 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] isDone id 15122001 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] isDone id 15122001 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] isDone id 15122003 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] isDone id 15122002 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] step id: 15122005 progress {3: {'count': 0}} [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] isDone id 15122005 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] isDone id 15122004 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] isDone id 15122005 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] isDone id 15122004 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] isDone id 15122006 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] step id: 15122004 progress {2: {'count': 0}} [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] isDone id 15122004 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] isDone id 15122004 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] isDone id 15122005 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] isDone id 15122004 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] isDone id 15122006 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] step id: 15122006 progress {3: {'count': 0}} [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] isDone id 15122006 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] isDone id 15122004 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] isDone id 15122005 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] isDone id 15122004 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] isDone id 15122006 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] step id: 15121801 progress {2: {'count': 1}} [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] isDone id 15121801 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] isDone id 15121801 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] isDone id 15121801 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] isDone id 15121802 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] isDone id 15121803 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] step id: 15121802 progress {3: {'count': 0}} [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] isDone id 15121802 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] isDone id 15121801 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] isDone id 15121801 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] isDone id 15121802 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] isDone id 15121803 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] step id: 15121803 progress {3: {'count': 0}} [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] isDone id 15121803 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] isDone id 15121801 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] isDone id 15121801 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] isDone id 15121802 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] isDone id 15121803 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] step id: 15121804 progress {} [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] isDone id 15121804 count 0 limit 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] isDone id 15121804 count 0 limit 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] isDone id 15121804 count 0 limit 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] [DEBUG] (24343278503594646, 226): receiveActionsProgress ('170 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] __updateTaskProgress start: {'15122001': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '15122003': {'count': 0, 3: {'count': 0}}, '15122002': {'count': 0, 3: {'count': 0}}, '15122005': {'count': 0, 3: {'count': 0}}, '15122004': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '15122006': {'count': 0, 3: {'count': 0}}, '15121801': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 1}}, '15121802': {'count': 0, 3: {'count': 0}}, '15121803': {'count': 0, 3: {'count': 0}}, '15121804': {'count': 0}} [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] step id: 15122001 progress {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}} [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] isDone id 15122001 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] isDone id 15122001 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] isDone id 15122001 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] isDone id 15122003 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] isDone id 15122002 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] step id: 15122003 progress {'count': 0, 3: {'count': 0}} [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] isDone id 15122003 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] isDone id 15122001 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] isDone id 15122001 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] isDone id 15122003 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] isDone id 15122002 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] step id: 15122002 progress {'count': 0, 3: {'count': 0}} [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] isDone id 15122002 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] isDone id 15122001 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] isDone id 15122001 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] isDone id 15122003 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] isDone id 15122002 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] step id: 15122005 progress {'count': 0, 3: {'count': 0}} [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] isDone id 15122005 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] isDone id 15122004 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] isDone id 15122005 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] isDone id 15122004 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] isDone id 15122006 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] step id: 15122004 progress {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}} [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] isDone id 15122004 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] isDone id 15122004 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] isDone id 15122005 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] isDone id 15122004 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] isDone id 15122006 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] step id: 15122006 progress {'count': 0, 3: {'count': 0}} [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] isDone id 15122006 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] isDone id 15122004 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] isDone id 15122005 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] isDone id 15122004 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] isDone id 15122006 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] step id: 15121801 progress {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 1}} [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] isDone id 15121801 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] isDone id 15121801 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] isDone id 15121801 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] isDone id 15121802 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] isDone id 15121803 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] step id: 15121802 progress {'count': 0, 3: {'count': 0}} [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] isDone id 15121802 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] isDone id 15121801 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] isDone id 15121801 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] isDone id 15121802 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] isDone id 15121803 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] step id: 15121803 progress {'count': 0, 3: {'count': 0}} [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] isDone id 15121803 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] isDone id 15121801 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] isDone id 15121801 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] isDone id 15121802 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] isDone id 15121803 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] step id: 15121804 progress {'count': 0} [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] isDone id 15121804 count 0 limit 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] isDone id 15121804 count 0 limit 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] isDone id 15121804 count 0 limit 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] [DEBUG] (24343278503594646, 226): onGetRankBattlesInfo ('843 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] onGetRankBattlesInfo currentSeason: 2, PlayerInfo: None [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] onGetRankDossier() seasonId = 2 Empty [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:51] [DEBUG] (24343278503594646, 226): onGetClientSettings ('332 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:52] [DEBUG] (24343278503594646, 226): receiveState ('4439 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:52] >>> DockProxy.receiveState [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:52] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:52] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:52] DockProxy.updateShips(): 33 ships: [('PASB001_Michigan_1916', True), ('PASB013_Arkansas_1912', True), ('PASC001_Erie_1936', False), ('PASC002_Chester_1908', False), ('PASC003_Albany_1898', True), ('PASC004_St_Louis_1906', False), ('PASC005_Omaha_1923', False), ('PASC006_Atlanta_1942', False), ('PASC024_Phoenix_1917', True), ('PASD002_Sampson_1917', False), ('PASD019_Clemson_1920', True), ('PASD027_Wickes_1918', False), ('PBSB002_Warspite_1941', False), ('PGSC001_Hermelin_1940', False), ('PGSC002_Drezden_1908', False), ('PGSC103_Kolberg', False), ('PGSC104_Karlsruhe', True), ('PGSC502_Emden_1908', False), ('PJSB001_Kawachi_1912', True), ('PJSB008_Ishizuchi_1921', False), ('PJSC013_Kuma_1938', True), ('PJSC015_Tatsuta_1919', False), ('PJSC035_Chikuma_1912', False), ('PJSC037_Hashidate_1940', False), ('PJSC038_Atago_1944', False), ('PJSD002_Umikaze_1925', False), ('PJSD003_Isokaze_1917', True), ('PJSD024_Wakatake_1923', False), ('PRSC001_Avrora_1917', False), ('PRSC003_Murmansk_1944', False), ('PRSC101_Orlan', False), ('PRSD102_SM_Storojevoy', False), ('PRSD103_Derzky', True)] [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:52] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:52] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:52] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:52] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:52] [DEBUG] (24343278503594646, 18): onGetSystemMessage (1, [{'importance': 2L, 'typeId': 9L, 'dt': 1451752140.0, 'postponed': True, 'data': {'assetType': 4, 'data': {'credits': 304500}}}]) [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:52] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:52] setServerTime -14.5799999237 1451753767 1451753752.42 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:52] onGameRoomStateInit mapIdx = 2 battleType = 98 gameMode = Domination duration=1200 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:52] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:53] Thresholds for team 0: Win: 920 Lose: 120 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:53] Thresholds for team 1: Win: 920 Lose: 120 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:53] MissionsComponent: #0 ControlPointHoldMission; reward = 0; penalty = 0; controlPoints = [4, 2]; delay = 0; repeat = 6; repeatReward = 2; repeatPenalty = 0 #1 CaptureControlPointMission; reward = 1000; penalty = 0; controlPoints = [4, 2] #2 KillEnemyOfSpecificShipTypeMission; reward = 30; penalty = 45; shipType = Destroyer; rewardPerType = 0; penaltyPerType = 0 #3 KillEnemyOfSpecificShipTypeMission; reward = 35; penalty = 50; shipType = Cruiser; rewardPerType = 0; penaltyPerType = 0 #4 KillEnemyOfSpecificShipTypeMission; reward = 40; penalty = 60; shipType = Battleship; rewardPerType = 0; penaltyPerType = 0 #5 KillEnemyOfSpecificShipTypeMission; reward = 45; penalty = 65; shipType = AirCarrier; rewardPerType = 0; penaltyPerType = 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:53] Mission tasks available! [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:53] Battle countdown start: 43.0 / 1803.44302565 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:53] Avatar.receiveAvatarInfo: {'evaluationsLeft': {0: 5, 1: 5}} [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:53] Avatar.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:53] name Cherep_N [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:53] team id 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:53] Avatar onControlled False [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:53] onControlled->False: not implemented [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:53] onGeometryMapped() MapName: 01_solomon_islands [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:53] teamBuildType: 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:53] player: Id: 11709888 Name: SiBtank TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSD104_Izyaslav' [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:53] player: Id: 13243436 Name: _serega_84_ TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASC004_St_Louis_1906' [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:53] player: Id: 12619530 Name: kubancom TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSB003_Myogi_1912' [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:53] player: Id: 13321614 Name: SKVO11 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASC024_Phoenix_1917' [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:53] player: Id: 12471312 Name: TKTHK TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSC103_Kolberg' [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:53] player: Id: 12884625 Name: reyd78 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSD003_Isokaze_1917' [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:53] player: Id: 12414742 Name: DimoT TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSB003_Myogi_1912' [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:53] player: Id: 13029210 Name: SilverDen TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSC104_Karlsruhe' [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:53] player: Id: 11517985 Name: WADYAN29 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSB001_Kawachi_1912' [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:53] player: Id: 13024684 Name: Brooc95 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSC001_Avrora_1917' [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:53] player: Id: 10097693 Name: 13valery75 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSD104_Izyaslav' [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:53] player: Id: 12330432 Name: Sibiryak62 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSB003_Myogi_1912' [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:53] player: Id: 12470210 Name: _den_max_ TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASC024_Phoenix_1917' [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:53] player: Id: 13831366 Name: Cherep_N TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSD003_Isokaze_1917' [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:53] player: Id: 10965194 Name: Vitalis_2015 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASD027_Wickes_1918' [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:53] player: Id: 13027792 Name: serverov TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASC024_Phoenix_1917' [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:53] player: Id: 11664338 Name: trol14 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSC013_Kuma_1938' [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:53] player: Id: 12186713 Name: PVNSH TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSC013_Kuma_1938' [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:53] player: Id: 12680922 Name: ltybcrf1 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB001_Michigan_1916' [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:53] player: Id: 13444444 Name: Dmitriy_Bog TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB004_Arkansas_1912' [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:53] player: Id: 10416992 Name: _DrAgOn_89 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSC104_Karlsruhe' [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:53] player: Id: 13098210 Name: xxxRebelxxx TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSD104_Izyaslav' [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:53] player: Id: 13145073 Name: Whateg TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB001_Michigan_1916' [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:53] player: Id: 13164410 Name: www93 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB001_Michigan_1916' [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:54] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:54] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:54] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:54] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:54] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:54] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:54] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:54] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:54] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:54] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:54] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:54] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:54] ping&FPS: 0.44012179545 0.001 356.944392692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:54] ping&FPS: 0.44012179545 0.001 0.001 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:54] ping&FPS: 0.366579736982 248.954208526 0.001 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:55] [Scaleform] Warning: instance9665.setImageSubstitutions() failed for #86 element - length of subString should not exceed 15 characters [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:55] ping&FPS: 0.252778108631 248.954208526 793.95421404 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:55] ping&FPS: 0.252778108631 544.95421404 793.95421404 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:55] ping&FPS: 0.200078036104 247.954213712 793.95421404 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:55] ping&FPS: 0.200078036104 247.954213712 247.954213712 0 [E] [2016_01_02 18:55:55] CollisionModel::load: Error loading collision model content/gameplay/germany/ship/cruiser/GSC003_Kolberg_1910/GSC003_Kolberg_1910_Stern! [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:56] ping&FPS: 0.184335614954 401.954221863 247.954213712 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:56] ping&FPS: 0.184335614954 401.954221863 401.954221863 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:56] ping&FPS: 0.176231022392 446.954228077 401.954221863 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:56] ping&FPS: 0.176231022392 446.954228077 446.954228077 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:56] ping&FPS: 0.155848722373 145.954229656 446.954228077 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:57] ping&FPS: 0.110834683691 166.954238343 245.954238343 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:57] ping&FPS: 0.0975250708205 116.954240757 245.954238343 0 [E] [2016_01_02 18:55:57] CollisionModel::load: Error loading collision model content/gameplay/japan/ship/battleship/JSB001_Kawachi_1912/JSB001_Kawachi_1912_MidFront! [E] [2016_01_02 18:55:58] CollisionModel::load: Error loading collision model content/gameplay/usa/ship/cruiser/ASC034_St_Louis_1916/ASC034_St_Louis_1916_MidBack! [E] [2016_01_02 18:55:58] CollisionModel::load: Error loading collision model content/gameplay/japan/ship/cruiser/JSC013_Kuma_1938/JSC013_Kuma_1938_Bow! [E] [2016_01_02 18:55:58] CollisionModel::load: Error loading collision model content/gameplay/germany/ship/cruiser/GSC005_Karlsruhe_1916/GSC005_Karlsruhe_1916_MidBack! [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:58] ping&FPS: 0.155513267432 1185.95426379 116.954240757 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:58] ping&FPS: 0.155513267432 1185.95426379 1185.95426379 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:58] ping&FPS: 0.142711515938 165.95426679 1185.95426379 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:58] ping&FPS: 0.106405939375 142.954269755 233.954269755 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:58] ping&FPS: 0.0974880265338 142.954272706 233.954269755 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:59] ping&FPS: 0.0781932877643 116.954276863 263.954276863 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:59] ping&FPS: 0.126501168524 601.954286131 263.954276863 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:59] ping&FPS: 0.126501168524 601.954286131 601.954286131 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:55:59] ping&FPS: 0.11212499014 121.954288434 601.954286131 0 [E] [2016_01_02 18:56:00] CollisionModel::load: Error loading collision model content/gameplay/russia/ship/destroyer/RSD017_Izyaslav_1930/RSD017_Izyaslav_1930_MidFront! [E] [2016_01_02 18:56:00] CollisionModel::load: Error loading collision model content/gameplay/russia/ship/destroyer/RSD017_Izyaslav_1930/RSD017_Izyaslav_1930_MidFront! [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:01] ping&FPS: 0.134729679142 993.954310771 164.954291265 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:01] ping&FPS: 0.134729679142 993.954310771 993.954310771 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:01] ping&FPS: 0.117699171816 132.954312082 993.954310771 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:01] ping&FPS: 0.108262028013 155.9543153 993.954310771 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:01] ping&FPS: 0.108262028013 155.9543153 288.9543153 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:01] ping&FPS: 0.0951159553868 121.954316671 288.9543153 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:01] ping&FPS: 0.0822833137853 155.954322006 297.954322006 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:03] ping&FPS: 0.137793074761 1390.95434698 297.954322006 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:03] ping&FPS: 0.137793074761 1390.95434698 1390.95434698 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:03] ping&FPS: 0.122660006796 143.954350095 1390.95434698 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:04] ping&FPS: 0.132198448692 533.954369012 169.954357851 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:04] ping&FPS: 0.132198448692 533.954369012 533.954369012 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:04] ping&FPS: 0.122670050178 168.954371567 533.954369012 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:05] ping&FPS: 0.102435197149 420.954394903 155.9543855 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:05] ping&FPS: 0.102435197149 420.954394903 420.954394903 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:05] ping&FPS: 0.0950617002589 159.954396914 420.954394903 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:06] ping&FPS: 0.111010278974 419.954406153 420.954394903 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:06] ping&FPS: 0.111010278974 419.954406153 579.954406153 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:06] ping&FPS: 0.101280312453 149.954408388 579.954406153 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:06] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:06] id 13446133 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:06] name trol14 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:06] team id 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:06] @ launchpadAppeared 13446133 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:06] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:06] id 13446137 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:06] name ltybcrf1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:06] team id 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:06] ping&FPS: 0.0942363398416 394.954415392 149.954408388 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:06] ping&FPS: 0.0942363398416 394.954415392 394.954415392 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:07] ping&FPS: 0.112921948944 442.954422812 394.954415392 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:07] ping&FPS: 0.112921948944 442.954422812 442.954422812 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:07] ping&FPS: 0.102449949299 129.954425495 442.954422812 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:07] ping&FPS: 0.0821463572127 172.95443445 271.95443445 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:07] ping&FPS: 0.0738700436694 116.954436864 271.95443445 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:08] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:08] id 13446125 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:08] name _den_max_ [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:08] team id 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:08] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:08] id 13446131 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:08] name serverov [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:08] team id 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:08] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:08] id 13446113 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:08] name DimoT [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:08] team id 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:08] ping&FPS: 0.118449847613 860.954452265 116.954436864 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:08] ping&FPS: 0.118449847613 860.954452265 860.954452265 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:09] ping&FPS: 0.109860833202 166.954453561 860.954452265 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:09] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:09] id 13446127 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:09] name Cherep_N [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:09] team id 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:09] client.Vehicle.setAmmoArtilleryGun [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:09] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:09] Avatar.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:09] ! A.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:09] -- GUNS ----------------------------------------- [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:09] {0: {'position': {'y': 1.0, 'x': 0.0}, 'rotation': 2.325515031814575, 'gunPositionId': 0}, 1: {'position': {'y': 1.0, 'x': 2.0}, 'rotation': 2.325515031814575, 'gunPositionId': 1}, 2: {'position': {'y': 1.0, 'x': 5.0}, 'rotation': 2.325515031814575, 'gunPositionId': 2}, 3: {'position': {'y': 1.0, 'x': 6.0}, 'rotation': -0.8160776495933533, 'gunPositionId': 3}} [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:09] -- GUNS ----------------------------------------- [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:09] {0: {'position': {'y': 1.0, 'x': 1.0}, 'rotation': 2.325515031814575, 'gunPositionId': 0}, 1: {'position': {'y': 1.0, 'x': 3.0}, 'rotation': -0.8160776495933533, 'gunPositionId': 1}, 2: {'position': {'y': 1.0, 'x': 4.0}, 'rotation': 2.325515031814575, 'gunPositionId': 2}} [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:09] Avatar.onWorldStateReceived [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:09] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:09] id 13446145 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:09] name Whateg [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:09] team id 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:09] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:09] id 13446121 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:09] name 13valery75 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:09] team id 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:09] ping&FPS: 0.0689460890634 145.954466242 256.954466242 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:09] ping&FPS: 0.0641902046544 119.954467285 256.954466242 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:10] ping&FPS: 0.080164502774 401.954465601 116.954474214 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:10] ping&FPS: 0.080164502774 401.954465601 401.954465601 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:10] [Scaleform] Error: Missing font "$Arial" in "". Search log: Searching for font: "$Arial" Movie resource: "$Arial" not found. Imports : "$Arial" not found. Exported : "$Arial" not found. Registered fonts: "$Arial" not found. Searching FontLib: "$Arial" not found. Searching FontProvider: "$Arial" not found. Font not found. [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:11] ping&FPS: 0.0950058209045 535.954478953 401.954465601 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:11] ping&FPS: 0.0950058209045 535.954478953 535.954478953 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:11] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:11] id 13446105 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:11] name kubancom [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:11] team id 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:11] @ launchpadAppeared 13446105 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:11] ("[ERROR] FeedbackController: config {event: 'Sound', container: 'screenplay_trigger'} must set 'type'",) [E] [2016_01_02 18:56:11] CollisionModel::load: Error loading collision model content/gameplay/usa/ship/destroyer/ASD027_Wickes_1918/ASD027_Wickes_1918_MidFront! [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:13] ping&FPS: 0.107543687735 2172.95457623 535.954478953 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:13] ping&FPS: 0.107543687735 2172.95457623 2172.95457623 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:13] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:13] id 13446129 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:13] name Vitalis_2015 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:13] team id 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:15] ping&FPS: 0.0938805895192 1862.95461151 2172.95457623 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:15] ping&FPS: 0.0938805895192 1862.95461151 1862.95461151 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:15] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:15] id 13446107 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:15] name SKVO11 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:15] team id 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:15] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:15] id 13446119 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:15] name Brooc95 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:15] team id 1 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:15] ping&FPS: 0.100022982274 482.954618971 1862.95461151 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:15] ping&FPS: 0.100022982274 482.954618971 482.954618971 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:15] ping&FPS: 0.0876509206636 127.954619463 482.954618971 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:17] ping&FPS: 0.129479687129 853.954646129 144.954629082 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:17] ping&FPS: 0.129479687129 853.954646129 853.954646129 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:17] ping&FPS: 0.102490063225 129.954648811 853.954646129 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:17] ping&FPS: 0.106483678733 441.954664815 184.954653058 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:17] ping&FPS: 0.106483678733 441.954664815 548.954664815 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:19] ping&FPS: 0.168295006667 1556.95469744 548.954664815 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:19] ping&FPS: 0.168295006667 1556.95469744 1556.95469744 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:19] ping&FPS: 0.155652891312 186.954702015 1556.95469744 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:19] ping&FPS: 0.117020081197 145.954707164 252.954707164 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:19] ping&FPS: 0.101973663483 119.954709138 252.954707164 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:20] ping&FPS: 0.112371827875 424.954722572 173.954713445 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:20] ping&FPS: 0.112371827875 424.954722572 424.954722572 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:20] ping&FPS: 0.097286518131 119.954725477 424.954722572 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:21] ping&FPS: 0.111961062465 426.954733069 119.954725477 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:21] ping&FPS: 0.111961062465 426.954733069 426.954733069 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:21] ping&FPS: 0.105566422854 163.954735737 426.954733069 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:22] ping&FPS: 0.0962325739009 405.954758916 159.954749178 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:22] ping&FPS: 0.0962325739009 405.954758916 405.954758916 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:22] ping&FPS: 0.0917847560985 160.954761091 405.954758916 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:22] ping&FPS: 0.103405665074 408.954769458 160.954761091 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:22] ping&FPS: 0.103405665074 408.954769458 408.954769458 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:23] ping&FPS: 0.0967107670648 144.954772736 408.954769458 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:23] ping&FPS: 0.100861396108 452.954789284 104.954780224 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:23] ping&FPS: 0.100861396108 452.954789284 452.954789284 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:23] ping&FPS: 0.0871810125453 117.954791862 452.954789284 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:24] ping&FPS: 0.107326965247 442.954801145 117.954791862 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:24] ping&FPS: 0.107326965247 442.954801145 442.954801145 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:24] ping&FPS: 0.0968410479171 134.954804647 442.954801145 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:25] ping&FPS: 0.169179152165 1421.9548347 134.954804647 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:25] ping&FPS: 0.169179152165 1421.9548347 1421.9548347 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:26] ping&FPS: 0.149283360158 144.954837981 1421.9548347 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:26] ping&FPS: 0.138477321182 399.954849947 172.954841192 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:26] ping&FPS: 0.138477321182 399.954849947 399.954849947 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:26] ping&FPS: 0.127144362245 173.954854253 399.954849947 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:27] ping&FPS: 0.136165003691 451.954865012 173.954854253 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:27] ping&FPS: 0.136165003691 451.954865012 451.954865012 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:27] ping&FPS: 0.111423652087 93.9548673811 451.954865012 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:27] ping&FPS: 0.10740965179 174.954871851 451.954865012 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:27] ping&FPS: 0.10740965179 174.954871851 268.954871851 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:27] ping&FPS: 0.0918664889676 117.954874429 268.954871851 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:27] ping&FPS: 0.084681521569 132.954877603 268.954871851 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:27] ping&FPS: 0.084681521569 132.954877603 250.954877603 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:28] ping&FPS: 0.0792983131749 147.954881373 250.954877603 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:29] ping&FPS: 0.0904119121177 436.954903829 131.954895529 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:29] ping&FPS: 0.0904119121177 436.954903829 436.954903829 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:29] ping&FPS: 0.104724879776 386.954912316 436.954903829 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:29] ping&FPS: 0.104724879776 386.954912316 386.954912316 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:29] ping&FPS: 0.104153211628 185.954915795 386.954912316 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:29] ping&FPS: 0.115356157933 412.954925749 185.954915795 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:29] ping&FPS: 0.115356157933 412.954925749 412.954925749 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:30] ping&FPS: 0.102939810072 132.954928923 412.954925749 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:30] ping&FPS: 0.144855644022 586.954943183 132.954928923 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:30] ping&FPS: 0.144855644022 586.954943183 586.954943183 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:30] ping&FPS: 0.127859081541 141.95494597 586.954943183 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:31] ping&FPS: 0.145462255393 990.954968709 141.95494597 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:31] ping&FPS: 0.145462255393 990.954968709 990.954968709 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:31] ping&FPS: 0.126789431487 132.954971883 990.954968709 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:32] ping&FPS: 0.108579258834 386.954992491 145.954983074 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:32] ping&FPS: 0.108579258834 386.954992491 386.954992491 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:33] ping&FPS: 0.103593851839 172.954996634 386.954992491 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:34] ping&FPS: 0.0935365217073 413.955027628 159.95501751 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:34] ping&FPS: 0.0935365217073 413.955027628 413.955027628 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:35] ping&FPS: 0.138720925365 852.955048236 413.955027628 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:35] ping&FPS: 0.138720925365 852.955048236 852.955048236 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:35] -= BATTLE STARTED =- [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:35] ping&FPS: 0.128218974386 173.955052543 852.955048236 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:36] ping&FPS: 0.134944211159 1297.9550769 173.955052543 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:36] ping&FPS: 0.134944211159 1297.9550769 1426.9550769 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:36] ping&FPS: 0.117978181158 131.955079909 1426.9550769 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:37] ping&FPS: 0.0934098171336 147.955082748 1426.9550769 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:37] ping&FPS: 0.0934098171336 147.955082748 279.955082748 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:37] ping&FPS: 0.0977959888322 398.955092269 279.955082748 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:37] ping&FPS: 0.0977959888322 398.955092269 398.955092269 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:37] ping&FPS: 0.0983411627156 185.95509668 398.955092269 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:37] ping&FPS: 0.0834130155189 172.95510346 279.95510346 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:38] ping&FPS: 0.120169694935 599.955117989 279.95510346 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:38] ping&FPS: 0.120169694935 599.955117989 599.955117989 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:38] ping&FPS: 0.117058019553 372.955126974 599.955117989 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:38] ping&FPS: 0.117058019553 372.955126974 372.955126974 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:39] ping&FPS: 0.099828686033 172.955131117 372.955126974 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:39] ping&FPS: 0.118749182139 692.955148894 172.955131117 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:39] ping&FPS: 0.118749182139 692.955148894 812.955148894 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:40] ping&FPS: 0.0912820505244 159.955152768 812.955148894 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:40] ping&FPS: 0.063529665981 132.955162655 280.955162655 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:41] ping&FPS: 0.111741106425 744.955179531 280.955162655 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:41] ping&FPS: 0.111741106425 744.955179531 744.955179531 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:41] ping&FPS: 0.099236782108 135.955181334 744.955179531 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:41] ping&FPS: 0.111235122596 403.955189812 744.955179531 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:41] ping&FPS: 0.111235122596 403.955189812 539.955189812 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:41] ping&FPS: 0.100066776787 168.955193299 539.955189812 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:42] ping&FPS: 0.0816318946225 100.955194022 256.955197241 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:42] ping&FPS: 0.0816318946225 155.955197241 256.955197241 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:42] ping&FPS: 0.0703168170793 155.955200459 256.955197241 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:42] ping&FPS: 0.103355105434 530.955212991 155.955200459 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:42] ping&FPS: 0.103355105434 530.955212991 530.955212991 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:43] ping&FPS: 0.0968027072293 186.955217566 530.955212991 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:43] ping&FPS: 0.0692413555724 199.955231662 305.955231662 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:44] ping&FPS: 0.0637104915721 399.955241348 305.955231662 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:44] ping&FPS: 0.0637104915721 399.955241348 399.955241348 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:44] ping&FPS: 0.0609231101615 156.955244731 399.955241348 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:44] ping&FPS: 0.0509571688516 116.955250095 259.955250095 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:44] ping&FPS: 0.0493773030383 142.955253045 259.955250095 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:45] ping&FPS: 0.119455974017 998.955277096 142.955253045 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:45] ping&FPS: 0.119455974017 998.955277096 998.955277096 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:45] ping&FPS: 0.101908530508 159.95528097 998.955277096 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:46] ping&FPS: 0.106554414545 432.955294799 130.955287154 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:46] ping&FPS: 0.106554414545 432.955294799 432.955294799 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:46] ping&FPS: 0.0927805261953 155.955298017 432.955294799 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:47] ping&FPS: 0.0794928031308 426.955315019 185.955302428 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:47] ping&FPS: 0.0794928031308 426.955315019 519.955315019 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:47] ping&FPS: 0.0691314744098 144.955316435 519.955315019 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:48] ping&FPS: 0.124384279762 562.95533118 168.955319922 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:48] ping&FPS: 0.124384279762 562.95533118 562.95533118 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:48] ping&FPS: 0.116590570126 168.955334667 562.95533118 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:48] ping&FPS: 0.109053443585 432.955344174 562.95533118 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:48] ping&FPS: 0.109053443585 432.955344174 601.955344174 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:48] ping&FPS: 0.0888585703714 92.9553463789 601.955344174 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:49] ping&FPS: 0.0881041841848 173.955350685 601.955344174 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:49] ping&FPS: 0.0881041841848 173.955350685 266.955350685 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:49] ping&FPS: 0.0735994534833 145.955354128 266.955350685 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:49] ping&FPS: 0.0670153605086 159.955358002 266.955350685 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:49] ping&FPS: 0.0670153605086 159.955358002 305.955358002 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:49] ping&FPS: 0.0570569591863 92.9553602072 305.955358002 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:49] ping&FPS: 0.0553773599012 133.955363545 305.955358002 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:49] ping&FPS: 0.0553773599012 133.955363545 226.955363545 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:50] ping&FPS: 0.0801494973046 439.955373268 226.955363545 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:50] ping&FPS: 0.0801494973046 439.955373268 439.955373268 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:50] ping&FPS: 0.0711348610265 158.955376978 439.955373268 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:50] ping&FPS: 0.0658896671874 405.955387975 158.955376978 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:50] ping&FPS: 0.0658896671874 405.955387975 532.955387975 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:50] ping&FPS: 0.0671452837331 159.95539185 532.955387975 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:51] ping&FPS: 0.0854748444898 412.955404911 160.955395888 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:51] ping&FPS: 0.0854748444898 412.955404911 412.955404911 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:51] ping&FPS: 0.0860858815057 172.955409053 412.955404911 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:51] ping&FPS: 0.0548033820731 119.955414865 239.955414865 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:52] ping&FPS: 0.058051611696 160.955418903 239.955414865 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:52] ping&FPS: 0.0547458337886 119.955428194 265.955428194 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:52] ping&FPS: 0.0561742740018 146.9554318 265.955428194 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:52] ping&FPS: 0.0564876156194 119.955441486 239.955441486 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:54] ping&FPS: 0.162496651922 1025.95546624 239.955441486 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:54] ping&FPS: 0.162496651922 1025.95546624 1025.95546624 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:54] ping&FPS: 0.123453478728 139.955468695 1025.95546624 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:54] ping&FPS: 0.100770290409 142.955471646 1025.95546624 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:54] ping&FPS: 0.100770290409 142.955471646 282.955471646 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:54] ping&FPS: 0.0950811015708 155.955474864 282.955471646 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:54] ping&FPS: 0.0623449342591 129.955480229 259.955480229 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:54] ping&FPS: 0.0594730483634 162.955484595 259.955480229 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:55] ping&FPS: 0.0493844257934 130.955493342 273.955493342 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:55] ping&FPS: 0.0478281783206 133.955496679 273.955493342 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:55] ping&FPS: 0.0623325215919 225.955501127 133.955496679 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:55] ping&FPS: 0.0623325215919 225.955501127 225.955501127 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:55] ping&FPS: 0.0536967026336 106.955503765 225.955501127 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:56] ping&FPS: 0.0784243302686 425.955513056 225.955501127 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:56] ping&FPS: 0.0784243302686 425.955513056 532.955513056 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:56] ping&FPS: 0.0690192388637 119.955515962 532.955513056 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:56] ping&FPS: 0.0615830229861 106.955518599 532.955513056 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:56] ping&FPS: 0.0615830229861 106.955518599 226.955518599 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:56] ping&FPS: 0.0675875650985 186.955523174 226.955518599 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:56] ping&FPS: 0.0566323356969 92.9555292534 252.955529253 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:57] ping&FPS: 0.0637213396175 164.955532085 252.955529253 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:57] ping&FPS: 0.0514542790396 106.955541487 264.955541487 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:57] ping&FPS: 0.0557959335191 159.955545362 264.955541487 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:57] ping&FPS: 0.0578762697322 146.955552142 279.955552142 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:58] ping&FPS: 0.0560340093715 132.955555316 279.955552142 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:58] ping&FPS: 0.087072919522 426.955565702 132.955555316 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:58] ping&FPS: 0.087072919522 426.955565702 426.955565702 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:58] ping&FPS: 0.0741796599967 159.955569576 426.955565702 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:59] ping&FPS: 0.131792168532 559.95558631 159.955569576 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:59] ping&FPS: 0.131792168532 559.95558631 692.95558631 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:59] ping&FPS: 0.106199096356 424.955594506 692.95558631 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:59] ping&FPS: 0.106199096356 424.955594506 424.955594506 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:56:59] ping&FPS: 0.0913193332297 155.955597724 424.955594506 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:00] ping&FPS: 0.0957899349076 415.955611761 157.955600496 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:00] ping&FPS: 0.0957899349076 415.955611761 545.955611761 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:00] ping&FPS: 0.0846238838775 157.955615308 545.955611761 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:01] ping&FPS: 0.0657560037715 159.955621156 279.955621156 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:01] ping&FPS: 0.0627292203052 159.955623168 279.955621156 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:02] ping&FPS: 0.092402230416 732.955643776 159.955623168 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:02] ping&FPS: 0.092402230416 732.955643776 852.955643776 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:02] ping&FPS: 0.0861938255174 137.955645907 852.955643776 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:02] ping&FPS: 0.0709502207381 118.955652136 287.955652136 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:02] ping&FPS: 0.0652437763555 119.955655042 287.955652136 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:03] ping&FPS: 0.112923945699 838.955682698 173.955662522 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:03] ping&FPS: 0.112923945699 838.955682698 838.955682698 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:03] ping&FPS: 0.0982639896018 119.955685604 838.955682698 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:04] ping&FPS: 0.0708493249757 105.955696526 265.955696526 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:04] ping&FPS: 0.0692777293069 159.955700401 265.955696526 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:05] ping&FPS: 0.0897178756339 413.955710519 159.955700401 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:05] ping&FPS: 0.0897178756339 413.955710519 413.955710519 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:05] ping&FPS: 0.0869004981858 158.955714229 413.955710519 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:05] ping&FPS: 0.0901605742318 415.95572691 158.955714229 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:05] ping&FPS: 0.0901605742318 415.95572691 565.95572691 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:05] ping&FPS: 0.0845260428531 155.955730129 565.95572691 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:06] ping&FPS: 0.102473239814 690.955742809 565.95572691 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:06] ping&FPS: 0.102473239814 690.955742809 846.955742809 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:06] ping&FPS: 0.0824330555541 132.955745983 846.955742809 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:08] ping&FPS: 0.105655069862 1132.95576394 146.955749589 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:08] ping&FPS: 0.105655069862 1132.95576394 1132.95576394 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:08] ping&FPS: 0.0996075975043 202.955767411 1132.95576394 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:08] ping&FPS: 0.0996075975043 202.955767411 202.955767411 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:08] ping&FPS: 0.0880099045379 129.955770093 202.955767411 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:08] ping&FPS: 0.0750477569444 106.9557718 202.955767411 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:08] ping&FPS: 0.0750477569444 106.9557718 236.9557718 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:08] ping&FPS: 0.0953724788768 443.955781247 236.9557718 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:08] ping&FPS: 0.0953724788768 443.955781247 443.955781247 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:09] ping&FPS: 0.0855807023389 129.955783929 443.955781247 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:09] ping&FPS: 0.0738942729575 144.955787207 443.955781247 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:09] ping&FPS: 0.0738942729575 144.955787207 274.955787207 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:09] ping&FPS: 0.0719129102571 159.955791082 274.955787207 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:09] ping&FPS: 0.0938401477677 427.955804537 159.955791082 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:09] ping&FPS: 0.0938401477677 427.955804537 547.955804537 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:10] ping&FPS: 0.128070543919 740.955817963 547.955804537 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:10] ping&FPS: 0.128070543919 740.955817963 740.955817963 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:11] ping&FPS: 0.146054174219 577.955830749 740.955817963 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:11] ping&FPS: 0.146054174219 577.955830749 577.955830749 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:11] ping&FPS: 0.125489767109 128.955831404 577.955830749 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:11] ping&FPS: 0.10651008359 129.955834086 577.955830749 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:11] ping&FPS: 0.10651008359 129.955834086 258.955834086 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:11] ping&FPS: 0.123541633998 428.955842938 258.955834086 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:11] ping&FPS: 0.123541633998 428.955842938 428.955842938 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:12] ping&FPS: 0.126916031752 455.955852489 428.955842938 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:12] ping&FPS: 0.126916031752 455.955852489 455.955852489 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:12] ping&FPS: 0.106208931123 103.955854635 455.955852489 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:12] ping&FPS: 0.087635617171 155.955857854 455.955852489 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:12] ping&FPS: 0.087635617171 155.955857854 259.955857854 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:12] ping&FPS: 0.0726734357221 129.955860536 259.955857854 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:13] ping&FPS: 0.0919607090099 719.955881681 158.955864246 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:13] ping&FPS: 0.0919607090099 719.955881681 719.955881681 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:13] ping&FPS: 0.083320583616 132.955884855 719.955881681 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:14] ping&FPS: 0.0635936515672 206.95589533 119.955891203 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:14] ping&FPS: 0.0635936515672 206.95589533 206.95589533 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:14] ping&FPS: 0.0550276892526 103.955897476 206.95589533 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:14] ping&FPS: 0.0580254303558 155.955900695 206.95589533 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:14] ping&FPS: 0.0580254303558 155.955900695 259.955900695 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:14] ping&FPS: 0.0761818694217 399.955909449 259.955900695 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:14] ping&FPS: 0.0761818694217 399.955909449 399.955909449 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:15] ping&FPS: 0.0738636063678 145.955912891 399.955909449 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:15] ping&FPS: 0.0634111421449 132.955921415 226.955921415 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:15] ping&FPS: 0.0958554553134 425.955931637 226.955921415 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:15] ping&FPS: 0.0958554553134 425.955931637 425.955931637 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:16] ping&FPS: 0.0822155880077 146.955935243 425.955931637 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:16] ping&FPS: 0.12809878162 865.95595612 146.955935243 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:16] ping&FPS: 0.12809878162 865.95595612 865.95595612 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:17] ping&FPS: 0.101094688688 132.955959293 865.95595612 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:17] ping&FPS: 0.0474989073617 194.9559719 298.9559719 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:18] ping&FPS: 0.0737311499459 403.955978516 298.9559719 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:18] ping&FPS: 0.0737311499459 403.955978516 403.955978516 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:18] ping&FPS: 0.098390008722 467.955988172 403.955978516 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:18] ping&FPS: 0.098390008722 467.955988172 467.955988172 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:18] ping&FPS: 0.0835911439998 104.955990482 467.955988172 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:18] ping&FPS: 0.0766527610166 131.955993492 467.955988172 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:18] ping&FPS: 0.0766527610166 131.955993492 236.955993492 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:18] ping&FPS: 0.0761320548398 159.955997366 236.955993492 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:19] ping&FPS: 0.0998964118106 706.956017974 159.955997366 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:19] ping&FPS: 0.0998964118106 706.956017974 852.956017974 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:19] ping&FPS: 0.0810436116798 132.956021148 852.956017974 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:20] ping&FPS: 0.0605642156942 132.956024322 852.956017974 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:20] ping&FPS: 0.0605642156942 132.956024322 265.956024322 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:20] ping&FPS: 0.0590568738324 166.956028412 265.956024322 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:20] ping&FPS: 0.124796669398 520.95604306 166.956028412 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:20] ping&FPS: 0.124796669398 520.95604306 702.95604306 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:21] ping&FPS: 0.112854461585 142.956046011 702.95604306 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:21] ping&FPS: 0.0853535937411 186.956053759 319.956053759 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:21] ping&FPS: 0.0732140647514 108.956056725 319.956053759 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:21] ping&FPS: 0.0653966771705 143.956059839 319.956053759 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:21] ping&FPS: 0.0653966771705 143.956059839 252.956059839 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:21] ping&FPS: 0.0601243483169 146.956063445 252.956059839 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:22] ping&FPS: 0.0725900041206 439.956090833 186.956077974 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:22] ping&FPS: 0.0725900041206 439.956090833 532.956090833 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:23] ping&FPS: 0.0680583225829 132.956094007 532.956090833 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:23] ping&FPS: 0.114685292755 732.956110779 132.956094007 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:23] ping&FPS: 0.114685292755 732.956110779 732.956110779 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:24] ping&FPS: 0.101489822779 432.956119354 732.956110779 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:24] ping&FPS: 0.101489822779 432.956119354 432.956119354 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:24] ping&FPS: 0.0992517130716 162.956119995 432.956119354 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:24] ping&FPS: 0.0823454814298 158.956124152 263.956124152 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:24] ping&FPS: 0.0777471618993 142.956127103 263.956124152 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:25] ping&FPS: 0.14810753933 585.956139337 142.956127103 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:25] ping&FPS: 0.14810753933 585.956139337 585.956139337 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:25] ping&FPS: 0.109468679343 104.956141646 585.956139337 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:26] ping&FPS: 0.235304768596 862.956159237 585.956139337 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:26] ping&FPS: 0.235304768596 862.956159237 967.956159237 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:26] ping&FPS: 0.206430013691 167.95616256 967.956159237 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:26] ping&FPS: 0.206430013691 167.95616256 167.95616256 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:26] ping&FPS: 0.143015007888 135.9561637 273.9561637 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:26] ping&FPS: 0.119292776499 103.956165846 273.9561637 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:27] ping&FPS: 0.104614044939 182.956169765 273.9561637 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:27] ping&FPS: 0.104614044939 182.956169765 286.956169765 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:27] ping&FPS: 0.0915960924966 157.956173311 286.956169765 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:28] ping&FPS: 0.196547563587 1394.9562036 286.956169765 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:28] ping&FPS: 0.196547563587 1394.9562036 1552.9562036 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:29] ping&FPS: 0.170931752239 439.956213321 1552.9562036 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:29] ping&FPS: 0.170931752239 439.956213321 439.956213321 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:29] ping&FPS: 0.135368298207 159.956217195 439.956213321 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:29] ping&FPS: 0.153299208198 547.956229988 159.956217195 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:29] ping&FPS: 0.153299208198 547.956229988 685.956229988 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:30] ping&FPS: 0.123769800578 161.956232327 685.956229988 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:30] ping&FPS: 0.0964053081615 129.956237692 259.956237692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:30] ping&FPS: 0.082951735173 157.956241238 259.956237692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:31] ping&FPS: 0.056431557451 146.956262659 277.956262659 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:31] ping&FPS: 0.062249149595 159.956266533 277.956262659 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:32] ping&FPS: 0.0769872324807 412.956274624 159.956266533 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:32] ping&FPS: 0.0769872324807 412.956274624 412.956274624 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:32] ping&FPS: 0.0764682250363 161.956277895 412.956274624 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:32] ping&FPS: 0.0532032730324 78.9562822836 236.956282284 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:32] ping&FPS: 0.058032106076 173.956285659 236.956282284 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:33] ping&FPS: 0.0953788267715 425.956309709 159.956299487 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:33] ping&FPS: 0.0953788267715 425.956309709 425.956309709 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:33] ping&FPS: 0.0903211342437 146.956312384 425.956309709 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:34] ping&FPS: 0.0965942399842 426.956328887 172.956316526 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:34] ping&FPS: 0.0965942399842 426.956328887 546.956328887 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:34] ping&FPS: 0.112110312496 412.956338841 546.956328887 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:34] ping&FPS: 0.112110312496 412.956338841 412.956338841 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:35] ping&FPS: 0.0947806047542 159.956342715 412.956338841 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:35] ping&FPS: 0.0736922877175 120.956349227 266.956349227 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:35] ping&FPS: 0.06047240964 131.956352237 266.956349227 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:36] ping&FPS: 0.0782296167953 710.956371683 168.956355724 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:36] ping&FPS: 0.0782296167953 710.956371683 710.956371683 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:36] ping&FPS: 0.0724385189159 133.956375021 710.956371683 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:37] ping&FPS: 0.0607427465064 119.956386554 250.956386554 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:37] ping&FPS: 0.0688950823886 173.956390861 250.956386554 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:37] ping&FPS: 0.109953920756 705.956406 173.956390861 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:37] ping&FPS: 0.109953920756 705.956406 705.956406 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:38] ping&FPS: 0.089305217777 132.956408243 705.956406 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:38] ping&FPS: 0.0859528737409 155.956411462 705.956406 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:38] ping&FPS: 0.0859528737409 155.956411462 288.956411462 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:38] ping&FPS: 0.0685975658042 129.956414144 288.956411462 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:38] ping&FPS: 0.0651387678725 155.956417363 288.956411462 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:38] ping&FPS: 0.0651387678725 155.956417363 285.956417363 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:39] ping&FPS: 0.113127331649 850.956437643 285.956417363 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:39] ping&FPS: 0.113127331649 850.956437643 850.956437643 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:39] ping&FPS: 0.101075928126 132.956440817 850.956437643 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:39] ping&FPS: 0.0746937351567 132.956451203 252.956451203 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:40] ping&FPS: 0.0620415466172 132.956454377 252.956451203 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:40] ping&FPS: 0.0467047425253 106.956464763 239.956464763 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:40] ping&FPS: 0.0508854123099 158.956468474 239.956464763 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:41] ping&FPS: 0.0710609661681 438.956486176 159.956475686 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:41] ping&FPS: 0.0710609661681 438.956486176 438.956486176 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:41] ping&FPS: 0.0646824347121 134.956487815 438.956486176 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:41] ping&FPS: 0.0677919643266 142.956490766 438.956486176 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:41] ping&FPS: 0.0677919643266 142.956490766 277.956490766 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:41] ping&FPS: 0.0614080535514 130.956493612 277.956490766 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:42] ping&FPS: 0.0462897526366 132.956501316 262.956501316 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:42] ping&FPS: 0.0492673175676 142.956504266 262.956501316 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:42] ping&FPS: 0.0529080288751 132.956514757 279.956514757 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:42] ping&FPS: 0.049248087619 133.956518094 279.956514757 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:44] ping&FPS: 0.182868714843 1309.95656088 145.956531491 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:44] ping&FPS: 0.182868714843 1309.95656088 1309.95656088 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:44] ping&FPS: 0.157632599984 133.956564221 1309.95656088 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:45] ping&FPS: 0.141110252057 156.956567604 1309.95656088 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:45] ping&FPS: 0.141110252057 156.956567604 290.956567604 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:45] ping&FPS: 0.106072138463 119.956570509 290.956567604 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:45] ping&FPS: 0.0942349540336 185.95657492 290.956567604 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:45] ping&FPS: 0.0942349540336 185.95657492 305.95657492 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:45] ping&FPS: 0.0857083605868 132.956578094 305.95657492 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:45] ping&FPS: 0.0784980165107 133.956581432 305.95657492 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:45] ping&FPS: 0.0784980165107 133.956581432 266.956581432 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:45] ping&FPS: 0.0668311225516 105.956583905 266.956581432 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:47] ping&FPS: 0.0710385399205 443.956615593 132.956605214 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:47] ping&FPS: 0.0710385399205 443.956615593 443.956615593 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:47] ping&FPS: 0.0679777520044 156.956618975 443.956615593 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:47] ping&FPS: 0.0619072722537 144.956624012 257.956624012 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:47] ping&FPS: 0.0687104122979 156.956627394 257.956624012 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:48] ping&FPS: 0.0584256010396 157.956639032 282.956639032 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:48] ping&FPS: 0.0499741541488 129.956641714 282.956639032 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:48] ping&FPS: 0.0475359889013 129.956644397 282.956639032 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:48] ping&FPS: 0.0475359889013 129.956644397 259.956644397 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:48] ping&FPS: 0.0515413688762 155.956647615 259.956644397 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:49] ping&FPS: 0.088906701122 728.956664662 155.956647615 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:49] ping&FPS: 0.088906701122 728.956664662 728.956664662 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:49] ping&FPS: 0.0797818707568 119.956666637 728.956664662 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:49] ping&FPS: 0.0660534458501 161.956676956 294.956676956 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:49] ping&FPS: 0.0565454768283 104.956679265 294.956676956 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:50] ping&FPS: 0.0615620868547 162.956683631 294.956676956 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:50] ping&FPS: 0.0615620868547 162.956683631 267.956683631 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:50] ping&FPS: 0.0579942869289 129.956686314 267.956683631 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:51] ping&FPS: 0.101185928498 678.956718888 173.956702586 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:51] ping&FPS: 0.101185928498 678.956718888 678.956718888 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:51] ping&FPS: 0.082878063832 133.956722225 678.956718888 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:52] ping&FPS: 0.0606603579862 159.956738334 279.956738334 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:52] ping&FPS: 0.0584537940366 132.956741508 279.956738334 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:53] ping&FPS: 0.0711432354791 439.95675588 161.956744778 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:53] ping&FPS: 0.0711432354791 439.95675588 544.95675588 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:53] ping&FPS: 0.0656394170863 159.956757891 544.95675588 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:54] ping&FPS: 0.132973234568 558.956769425 159.956757891 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:54] ping&FPS: 0.132973234568 558.956769425 558.956769425 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:54] ping&FPS: 0.106670032654 155.956770781 558.956769425 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:54] ping&FPS: 0.0819968538625 129.956776682 285.956776682 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:55] ping&FPS: 0.0775878237826 410.956786308 285.956776682 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:55] ping&FPS: 0.0775878237826 410.956786308 410.956786308 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:55] ping&FPS: 0.0950903402908 439.956796031 410.956786308 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:55] ping&FPS: 0.0950903402908 439.956796031 439.956796031 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:55] ping&FPS: 0.0808073090655 159.956799905 439.956796031 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:55] ping&FPS: 0.0677235530955 132.956803079 439.956796031 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:55] ping&FPS: 0.0677235530955 132.956803079 292.956803079 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:55] ping&FPS: 0.0619125770671 119.956805985 292.956803079 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:56] ping&FPS: 0.0607538180692 138.956818934 258.956818934 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:56] ping&FPS: 0.0562358008964 156.956822317 258.956818934 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:56] ping&FPS: 0.0537600474698 146.956828337 263.956828337 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:57] ping&FPS: 0.0516717167837 148.956831339 263.956828337 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:57] ping&FPS: 0.0489403637392 132.956844177 279.956844177 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:57] ping&FPS: 0.0476350071175 132.956847351 279.956844177 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:57] ping&FPS: 0.0529229449374 159.956851225 279.956844177 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:57] ping&FPS: 0.0529229449374 159.956851225 292.956851225 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:58] ping&FPS: 0.0524971219046 132.956854399 292.956851225 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:58] ping&FPS: 0.0790326850755 439.956864122 132.956854399 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:58] ping&FPS: 0.0790326850755 439.956864122 439.956864122 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:58] ping&FPS: 0.0748046444995 146.956867728 439.956864122 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:58] ping&FPS: 0.0633992212159 105.956870201 439.956864122 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:58] ping&FPS: 0.0633992212159 105.956870201 252.956870201 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:58] ping&FPS: 0.0599496023996 146.956873808 252.956870201 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:59] ping&FPS: 0.0788418906076 425.956886973 159.956877682 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:59] ping&FPS: 0.0788418906076 425.956886973 425.956886973 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:57:59] ping&FPS: 0.0648209410054 147.956890743 425.956886973 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:00] ping&FPS: 0.108675177608 712.956905167 425.956886973 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:00] ping&FPS: 0.108675177608 712.956905167 860.956905167 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:00] ping&FPS: 0.0946649121387 129.956907849 860.956905167 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:00] ping&FPS: 0.108650933419 435.956917848 129.956907849 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:00] ping&FPS: 0.108650933419 435.956917848 435.956917848 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:01] ping&FPS: 0.0889481859548 132.956921022 435.956917848 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:01] ping&FPS: 0.0609072702272 132.956931944 292.956931944 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:02] ping&FPS: 0.118773798857 840.956951517 292.956931944 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:02] ping&FPS: 0.118773798857 840.956951517 840.956951517 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:02] ping&FPS: 0.103032852922 151.95695408 840.956951517 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:03] ping&FPS: 0.097547765289 716.95697638 133.956960368 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:03] ping&FPS: 0.097547765289 716.95697638 716.95697638 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:03] ping&FPS: 0.0903496699674 159.956980254 716.95697638 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:03] ping&FPS: 0.0712121533496 119.956986334 252.956986334 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:04] ping&FPS: 0.0664355563266 146.95698994 252.956986334 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:04] ping&FPS: 0.0893021779401 398.957004036 186.956994514 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:04] ping&FPS: 0.0893021779401 398.957004036 398.957004036 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:04] ping&FPS: 0.0896412389619 159.957007911 398.957004036 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:05] ping&FPS: 0.076558138643 145.95701399 252.95701399 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:05] ping&FPS: 0.103269259845 852.957034599 252.95701399 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:05] ping&FPS: 0.103269259845 852.957034599 852.957034599 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:06] ping&FPS: 0.0996101008994 172.957038741 852.957034599 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:06] ping&FPS: 0.0714839952333 129.957044105 259.957044105 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:06] ping&FPS: 0.0704579608781 168.957047592 259.957044105 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:06] ping&FPS: 0.0562348174197 122.957052905 253.957052905 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:06] ping&FPS: 0.0570274548871 156.957056287 253.957052905 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:07] ping&FPS: 0.0621791141374 399.957083407 159.957073722 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:07] ping&FPS: 0.0621791141374 399.957083407 399.957083407 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:08] ping&FPS: 0.0772036867482 425.957093629 399.957083407 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:08] ping&FPS: 0.0772036867482 425.957093629 425.957093629 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:08] ping&FPS: 0.0729984300477 159.957097504 425.957093629 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:09] ping&FPS: 0.0866625713451 439.957111101 159.957101378 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:09] ping&FPS: 0.0866625713451 439.957111101 439.957111101 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:09] ping&FPS: 0.11426047555 545.957124229 439.957111101 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:09] ping&FPS: 0.11426047555 545.957124229 545.957124229 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:10] ping&FPS: 0.0993246244533 719.957141663 545.957124229 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:10] ping&FPS: 0.0993246244533 719.957141663 719.957141663 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:10] ping&FPS: 0.08746736816 146.957145269 719.957141663 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:11] ping&FPS: 0.111987973963 545.957165446 186.957152318 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:11] ping&FPS: 0.111987973963 545.957165446 545.957165446 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:11] ping&FPS: 0.0966667341334 186.957168158 545.957165446 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:11] ping&FPS: 0.0694058792932 130.957173418 247.957173418 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:12] ping&FPS: 0.0680195348603 143.957176532 247.957173418 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:12] ping&FPS: 0.058758433376 103.957184184 231.957184184 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:12] ping&FPS: 0.0643617617232 168.957187671 231.957184184 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:13] ping&FPS: 0.0880173253162 466.957203786 182.95719159 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:13] ping&FPS: 0.0880173253162 466.957203786 545.957203786 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:13] ping&FPS: 0.0717842387302 119.957206692 545.957203786 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:13] ping&FPS: 0.0718709783895 159.957210566 545.957203786 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:13] ping&FPS: 0.0718709783895 159.957210566 279.957210566 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:13] ping&FPS: 0.0643914001329 132.95721374 279.957210566 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:14] ping&FPS: 0.0816078441484 439.957234118 172.957224395 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:14] ping&FPS: 0.0816078441484 439.957234118 439.957234118 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:14] ping&FPS: 0.0784386800868 132.957237292 439.957234118 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:14] ping&FPS: 0.0635958420379 119.957240197 439.957234118 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:14] ping&FPS: 0.0635958420379 119.957240197 252.957240197 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:15] ping&FPS: 0.0661086397512 159.957244072 252.957240197 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:15] ping&FPS: 0.0849791275603 426.957257632 159.957244072 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:15] ping&FPS: 0.0849791275603 426.957257632 559.957257632 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:15] ping&FPS: 0.0769733594997 132.957260806 559.957257632 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:16] ping&FPS: 0.0842166202409 426.957274634 145.957264248 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:16] ping&FPS: 0.0842166202409 426.957274634 426.957274634 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:16] ping&FPS: 0.0704281734569 132.957277808 426.957274634 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:17] ping&FPS: 0.0611075120313 146.957292068 266.957292068 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:17] ping&FPS: 0.0558649109943 145.95729551 266.957292068 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:17] ping&FPS: 0.0536550091846 155.957304794 285.957304794 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:18] ping&FPS: 0.0815771328551 422.957314524 285.957304794 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:18] ping&FPS: 0.0815771328551 422.957314524 422.957314524 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:18] ping&FPS: 0.0789858805282 155.957317743 422.957314524 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:18] ping&FPS: 0.0727804558618 129.957320425 422.957314524 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:18] ping&FPS: 0.0727804558618 129.957320425 285.957320425 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:18] ping&FPS: 0.0683840917689 142.957323376 285.957320425 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:18] ping&FPS: 0.061741273318 117.957325953 285.957320425 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:18] ping&FPS: 0.061741273318 117.957325953 260.957325953 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:18] ping&FPS: 0.0611353474004 146.95732956 260.957325953 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:19] ping&FPS: 0.0932684200151 692.957346294 146.95732956 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:19] ping&FPS: 0.0932684200151 692.957346294 692.957346294 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:19] ping&FPS: 0.0849475370986 200.957350369 692.957346294 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:19] ping&FPS: 0.0849475370986 200.957350369 200.957350369 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:19] ping&FPS: 0.0755677925689 119.957353275 200.957350369 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:20] ping&FPS: 0.0902711259467 440.957363162 200.957350369 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:20] ping&FPS: 0.0902711259467 440.957363162 560.957363162 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:20] ping&FPS: 0.081329192434 131.957366172 560.957363162 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:20] ping&FPS: 0.0660783307893 132.957369346 560.957363162 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:20] ping&FPS: 0.0660783307893 132.957369346 264.957369346 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:20] ping&FPS: 0.0575153040034 159.95737322 264.957369346 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:20] ping&FPS: 0.0582785116775 159.957380268 292.957380268 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:21] ping&FPS: 0.0873328553779 426.957390654 292.957380268 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:21] ping&FPS: 0.0873328553779 426.957390654 426.957390654 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:21] ping&FPS: 0.0763374971492 119.95739356 426.957390654 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:22] ping&FPS: 0.109143521105 586.957414437 132.957400176 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:22] ping&FPS: 0.109143521105 586.957414437 586.957414437 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:22] ping&FPS: 0.0943456696612 146.957418043 586.957414437 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:22] ping&FPS: 0.0854933815343 412.957427997 146.957418043 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:22] ping&FPS: 0.0854933815343 412.957427997 412.957427997 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:23] ping&FPS: 0.0790009754045 139.957427661 412.957427997 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:23] ping&FPS: 0.100182976042 415.957443337 181.957431416 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:23] ping&FPS: 0.100182976042 415.957443337 549.957443337 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:23] ping&FPS: 0.0884199248893 129.95744602 549.957443337 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:24] ping&FPS: 0.0555485295398 119.957458425 251.957458425 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:24] ping&FPS: 0.0535161154611 133.957461763 251.957458425 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:25] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:25] id 13446137 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:25] ping&FPS: 0.0510684060199 159.957485582 279.957485582 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:25] ping&FPS: 0.0515689062221 132.957487825 279.957485582 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:26] ping&FPS: 0.0531955393297 136.957498703 269.957498703 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:26] ping&FPS: 0.0473444568259 130.957501549 269.957498703 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:27] ping&FPS: 0.118558790003 884.957519952 130.957501549 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:27] ping&FPS: 0.118558790003 884.957519952 884.957519952 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:27] ping&FPS: 0.104410256658 129.957522634 884.957519952 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:27] ping&FPS: 0.0943296807153 141.957522626 884.957519952 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:27] ping&FPS: 0.0943296807153 141.957522626 271.957522626 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:27] ping&FPS: 0.0891368644578 157.957525242 271.957522626 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:27] ping&FPS: 0.0775002347572 130.957528088 271.957522626 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:27] ping&FPS: 0.0775002347572 130.957528088 288.957528088 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:27] ping&FPS: 0.0717744784696 129.95753077 288.957528088 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:28] ping&FPS: 0.0694497185094 205.957536485 129.957533452 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:28] ping&FPS: 0.0694497185094 205.957536485 205.957536485 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:28] ping&FPS: 0.0634198593242 118.957538295 205.957536485 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:28] ping&FPS: 0.0548745947225 103.957540441 205.957536485 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:28] ping&FPS: 0.0548745947225 103.957540441 222.957540441 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:28] ping&FPS: 0.0468472423298 142.957543391 222.957540441 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:29] ping&FPS: 0.07511288992 398.957557488 186.957547966 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:29] ping&FPS: 0.07511288992 398.957557488 398.957557488 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:29] ping&FPS: 0.0654319780213 156.957559008 398.957557488 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:29] ping&FPS: 0.0668467836721 159.957563426 293.957563426 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:29] ping&FPS: 0.0570865528924 103.957565572 293.957563426 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:29] ping&FPS: 0.0541758792741 142.957568522 293.957563426 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:29] ping&FPS: 0.0541758792741 142.957568522 246.957568522 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:30] ping&FPS: 0.0820366250617 433.957577262 246.957568522 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:30] ping&FPS: 0.0820366250617 433.957577262 433.957577262 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:30] ping&FPS: 0.0803335713489 155.95758048 433.957577262 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:31] ping&FPS: 0.0377049478037 332.9575993 157.957593429 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:31] ping&FPS: 0.0377049478037 332.9575993 478.9575993 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:31] ping&FPS: 0.0316323222859 93.9576016696 478.9575993 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:31] ping&FPS: 0.0344100104911 129.957604352 478.9575993 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:31] ping&FPS: 0.0344100104911 129.957604352 223.957604352 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:32] ping&FPS: 0.0819715069873 456.957612205 223.957604352 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:32] ping&FPS: 0.0819715069873 456.957612205 456.957612205 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:32] ping&FPS: 0.0750165837152 139.957614663 456.957612205 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:32] ping&FPS: 0.0563160883529 103.957616809 456.957612205 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:32] ping&FPS: 0.0563160883529 103.957616809 243.957616809 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:32] ping&FPS: 0.0564658450229 157.957620356 243.957616809 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:32] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:32] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:32] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:32] id 13446101 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:32] name Sibiryak62 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:32] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:32] @ launchpadAppeared 13446101 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:32] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:32] id 13446133 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:32] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:32] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:32] id 13446115 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:32] name SilverDen [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:32] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:33] ping&FPS: 0.0477281319244 151.957626793 280.957626793 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:33] ping&FPS: 0.0497663127525 143.95763177 280.957626793 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:33] ping&FPS: 0.0501257883651 141.957636076 281.957636076 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:33] ping&FPS: 0.0512478309018 117.957636792 281.957636076 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:34] ping&FPS: 0.124443899308 850.957662526 156.957644108 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:34] ping&FPS: 0.124443899308 850.957662526 850.957662526 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:35] ping&FPS: 0.104830767427 161.957666728 850.957662526 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:35] ping&FPS: 0.101079161678 429.957676451 161.957666728 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:35] ping&FPS: 0.101079161678 429.957676451 564.957676451 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:35] ping&FPS: 0.0862342970712 118.957679193 564.957676451 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:35] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:35] id 13446101 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:35] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:35] ping&FPS: 0.0711771058185 137.957681324 564.957676451 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:35] ping&FPS: 0.0711771058185 137.957681324 256.957681324 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:36] ping&FPS: 0.0684750037534 156.957682844 256.957681324 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:37] ping&FPS: 0.123189683471 853.957704428 146.957685518 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:37] ping&FPS: 0.123189683471 853.957704428 853.957704428 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:37] ping&FPS: 0.0978090720517 148.957706499 853.957704428 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:37] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:37] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:37] id 13446101 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:37] name Sibiryak62 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:37] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:37] @ launchpadAppeared 13446101 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:37] ping&FPS: 0.0883230077369 427.957718674 144.95771278 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:37] ping&FPS: 0.0883230077369 427.957718674 427.957718674 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:38] ping&FPS: 0.081014241491 129.957720424 427.957718674 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:38] ping&FPS: 0.0850961463792 433.957733746 169.957724075 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:38] ping&FPS: 0.0850961463792 433.957733746 433.957733746 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:38] ping&FPS: 0.0768511401755 125.957736704 433.957733746 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:38] ping&FPS: 0.0720072197063 135.95774037 433.957733746 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:38] ping&FPS: 0.0720072197063 135.95774037 261.95774037 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:39] ping&FPS: 0.176176484142 726.957753363 261.95774037 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:39] ping&FPS: 0.176176484142 726.957753363 726.957753363 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:39] ping&FPS: 0.146743248616 105.957755837 726.957753363 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:39] ping&FPS: 0.122172440801 166.957758065 726.957753363 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:39] ping&FPS: 0.122172440801 166.957758065 272.957758065 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:40] ping&FPS: 0.0857794987304 981.957779329 272.957758065 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:40] ping&FPS: 0.0857794987304 981.957779329 981.957779329 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:41] ping&FPS: 0.0832770275218 161.9577826 981.957779329 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:41] ping&FPS: 0.0807429062469 442.957790788 123.957783367 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:41] ping&FPS: 0.0807429062469 442.957790788 442.957790788 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:41] ping&FPS: 0.0746285723788 134.957792427 442.957790788 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:42] ping&FPS: 0.048341590379 159.957803014 282.957803014 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:42] ping&FPS: 0.0801329570157 414.957811433 282.957803014 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:42] ping&FPS: 0.0801329570157 414.957811433 414.957811433 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:43] ping&FPS: 0.109217326556 447.957819674 414.957811433 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:43] ping&FPS: 0.109217326556 447.957819674 447.957819674 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:43] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:43] id 13446121 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:43] ping&FPS: 0.161352272545 556.957828085 447.957819674 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:43] ping&FPS: 0.161352272545 556.957828085 556.957828085 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:44] ping&FPS: 0.139654930149 446.95783523 556.957828085 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:44] ping&FPS: 0.139654930149 446.95783523 446.95783523 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:44] ping&FPS: 0.115998293672 120.957837369 446.95783523 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:44] ping&FPS: 0.151867534433 563.957850653 446.95783523 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:44] ping&FPS: 0.151867534433 563.957850653 684.957850653 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:45] ping&FPS: 0.132458473955 135.957853388 684.957850653 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:46] ping&FPS: 0.142940695797 544.957872506 148.957857962 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:46] ping&FPS: 0.142940695797 544.957872506 690.957872506 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:46] ping&FPS: 0.112722958837 147.957875344 690.957872506 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:47] ping&FPS: 0.0942905949695 452.957894246 119.957885187 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:47] ping&FPS: 0.0942905949695 452.957894246 452.957894246 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:47] ping&FPS: 0.102185379182 412.957897681 452.957894246 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:47] ping&FPS: 0.102185379182 412.957897681 412.957897681 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:48] ping&FPS: 0.163921158229 877.957909349 412.957897681 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:48] ping&FPS: 0.163921158229 877.957909349 877.957909349 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:48] ping&FPS: 0.135641168271 127.957910772 877.957909349 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:48] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:48] id 13446103 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:48] name _serega_84_ [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:48] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:49] ping&FPS: 0.0958895938737 418.957908172 138.957910273 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:49] ping&FPS: 0.0958895938737 418.957908172 418.957908172 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:49] ping&FPS: 0.0896914260728 164.957904484 418.957908172 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:49] ping&FPS: 0.0642803268773 241.9579047 134.95790508 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:49] ping&FPS: 0.0642803268773 241.9579047 241.9579047 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:49] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:49] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:49] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:49] id 13446147 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:49] name www93 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:49] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:49] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:49] id 13446109 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:49] name TKTHK [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:49] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:50] ping&FPS: 0.0834899651153 493.957903716 241.9579047 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:50] ping&FPS: 0.0834899651153 493.957903716 493.957903716 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:50] ping&FPS: 0.0714911179883 141.957907434 493.957903716 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:50] ping&FPS: 0.0618043499334 160.957910705 286.957910705 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:50] ping&FPS: 0.0599967049701 133.957910317 286.957910705 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:50] ping&FPS: 0.0550755517823 135.957911189 286.957910705 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:50] ping&FPS: 0.0550755517823 135.957911189 269.957911189 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:51] ping&FPS: 0.0575880961759 146.957910139 269.957911189 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:51] ping&FPS: 0.0529755907399 137.957908507 237.957908507 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:52] ping&FPS: 0.0524687351925 144.957910854 237.957908507 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:52] ping&FPS: 0.0480421738965 150.957915145 285.957915145 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:52] ping&FPS: 0.0505276801331 144.957916561 285.957915145 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:53] ping&FPS: 0.0502044366939 132.957917261 276.957917261 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:53] ping&FPS: 0.0495340707047 151.957920756 276.957917261 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:53] ping&FPS: 0.0475695388658 134.957924079 292.957924079 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:53] ping&FPS: 0.0483552025897 118.957924026 292.957924079 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:54] ping&FPS: 0.0426818760378 152.957930203 256.957930203 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:55] ping&FPS: 0.0554117964847 166.957932431 256.957930203 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:55] ping&FPS: 0.0466050612075 91.9579304489 271.957930449 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:55] ping&FPS: 0.0463247480137 148.957929726 271.957930449 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:55] ping&FPS: 0.0513715030892 135.957927357 240.957927357 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:55] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:55] id 13446119 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:55] ping&FPS: 0.051114912544 133.957928832 240.957927357 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:56] ping&FPS: 0.0499153690679 141.957934107 266.957934107 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:56] ping&FPS: 0.0489357890827 150.957933712 266.957934107 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:56] ping&FPS: 0.0477466764195 126.957934912 262.957934912 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:57] ping&FPS: 0.0470526026828 155.957939062 262.957934912 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:57] ping&FPS: 0.050398762737 122.957941453 292.957941453 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:57] ping&FPS: 0.0528065817697 145.957943964 292.957941453 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:57] ping&FPS: 0.0503951939089 119.95794687 292.957941453 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:57] ping&FPS: 0.0503951939089 119.95794687 265.95794687 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:57] ping&FPS: 0.0486010792 134.957947578 265.95794687 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:58] ping&FPS: 0.0581250446183 164.957956086 284.957956086 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:58] ping&FPS: 0.0531529369099 117.957957733 284.957956086 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:58] ping&FPS: 0.0536988036973 196.957960221 284.957956086 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:58] ping&FPS: 0.0536988036973 196.957960221 314.957960221 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:58] ping&FPS: 0.0416556554181 110.957960721 314.957960221 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:58] ping&FPS: 0.039995882128 143.957962904 314.957960221 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:58] ping&FPS: 0.039995882128 143.957962904 254.957962904 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:58] ping&FPS: 0.0370233910424 121.957964275 254.957962904 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:59] ping&FPS: 0.0428588645799 158.957966122 254.957962904 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:59] ping&FPS: 0.0428588645799 158.957966122 280.957966122 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:59] ping&FPS: 0.0567984985454 165.957967255 280.957966122 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:59] ping&FPS: 0.0469566541059 141.957968737 241.957968737 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:59] ping&FPS: 0.0484744491322 171.957967128 241.957968737 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:59] ping&FPS: 0.047249663089 148.95797139 275.95797139 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:58:59] ping&FPS: 0.0356921958072 107.957972329 275.95797139 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:00] ping&FPS: 0.0472023593528 193.957977119 275.95797139 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:00] ping&FPS: 0.0472023593528 193.957977119 301.957977119 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:00] ping&FPS: 0.0493415253503 138.957981277 301.957977119 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:00] ping&FPS: 0.0470615657313 107.957982215 301.957977119 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:00] ping&FPS: 0.0470615657313 107.957982215 246.957982215 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:00] ping&FPS: 0.0439062448485 140.957982975 246.957982215 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:01] ping&FPS: 0.0513096781714 132.957993138 265.957993138 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:01] ping&FPS: 0.0574556993587 194.95799623 265.957993138 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:01] ping&FPS: 0.0470403986318 138.958000238 228.958000238 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:01] ping&FPS: 0.0432008015258 127.958006318 228.958000238 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:02] ping&FPS: 0.0549137549741 149.958022575 289.958022575 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:02] ping&FPS: 0.0542118506772 134.958023283 289.958022575 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:02] ping&FPS: 0.0540047990424 132.958024594 289.958022575 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:02] ping&FPS: 0.0540047990424 132.958024594 267.958024594 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:02] ping&FPS: 0.0498476581914 118.958027336 267.958024594 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:03] ping&FPS: 0.0592850404126 188.958027582 267.958024594 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:03] ping&FPS: 0.0592850404126 188.958027582 307.958027582 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:03] ping&FPS: 0.0555347012622 137.958028782 307.958027582 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:03] ping&FPS: 0.0549047397716 141.958029705 307.958027582 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:03] ping&FPS: 0.0549047397716 141.958029705 279.958029705 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:03] ping&FPS: 0.0530490907175 115.958031956 279.958029705 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:03] ping&FPS: 0.0597750352962 171.95803314 279.958029705 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:03] ping&FPS: 0.0597750352962 171.95803314 287.95803314 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:03] ping&FPS: 0.0543692367417 110.958035502 287.95803314 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:03] ping&FPS: 0.0543412821633 145.958038944 287.95803314 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:03] ping&FPS: 0.0543412821633 145.958038944 256.958038944 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:03] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:03] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:03] id 13446135 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:03] name PVNSH [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:03] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:04] @ launchpadAppeared 13446135 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:04] ping&FPS: 0.0512264477355 159.958039093 256.958038944 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:04] ping&FPS: 0.0549922691924 121.958036173 240.958036173 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:04] ping&FPS: 0.0639505194766 164.958037141 240.958036173 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:04] ping&FPS: 0.0589231359107 144.958038557 269.958038557 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:04] ping&FPS: 0.0444734873516 99.9580400469 269.958038557 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:05] ping&FPS: 0.0537598984582 208.95804264 99.9580400469 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:05] ping&FPS: 0.0537598984582 208.95804264 208.95804264 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:05] ping&FPS: 0.0481679322464 116.958043191 208.95804264 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:05] ping&FPS: 0.0488345580442 152.958047781 208.95804264 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:05] ping&FPS: 0.0488345580442 152.958047781 269.958047781 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:05] ping&FPS: 0.0488748731358 135.958051446 269.958047781 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:05] ping&FPS: 0.0466541232807 137.958052646 269.958047781 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:05] ping&FPS: 0.0466541232807 137.958052646 273.958052646 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:05] ping&FPS: 0.0460902558906 134.958053354 273.958052646 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:06] ping&FPS: 0.052865821336 144.958054136 279.958054136 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:06] ping&FPS: 0.0594553159816 139.958055663 279.958054136 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:06] ping&FPS: 0.0517926471574 144.958064202 267.958064202 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:07] ping&FPS: 0.0512910368187 152.958066929 267.958064202 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:07] ping&FPS: 0.0625885384423 119.958087924 244.958087924 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:08] ping&FPS: 0.0627719270332 145.958089504 244.958087924 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:08] ping&FPS: 0.0590269970042 158.95810518 287.95810518 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:08] ping&FPS: 0.0633548902614 151.95810588 287.95810518 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:09] ping&FPS: 0.0520402821047 110.958109173 287.95810518 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:09] ping&FPS: 0.0520402821047 110.958109173 262.958109173 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:09] ping&FPS: 0.0586833315236 179.958113532 262.958109173 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:09] ping&FPS: 0.0525751592857 124.958116318 266.958116318 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:09] ping&FPS: 0.0553577052695 145.958115104 266.958116318 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:09] ping&FPS: 0.061193268214 150.958120893 290.958120893 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:09] ping&FPS: 0.0550585942609 108.958123858 290.958120893 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:10] ping&FPS: 0.0633292304618 172.958128001 290.958120893 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:10] ping&FPS: 0.0633292304618 172.958128001 281.958128001 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:10] ping&FPS: 0.062532390867 129.958128821 281.958128001 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:11] ping&FPS: 0.046999375735 155.95815045 274.95815045 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:11] ping&FPS: 0.0481008099658 141.958155099 274.95815045 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:11] ping&FPS: 0.0489097791059 126.958157289 274.95815045 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:11] ping&FPS: 0.0489097791059 126.958157289 268.958157289 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:11] ping&FPS: 0.0471594961626 135.958160955 268.958157289 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:12] ping&FPS: 0.049414846514 157.958173949 267.958173949 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:12] ping&FPS: 0.0484934704644 110.958175379 267.958173949 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:13] ping&FPS: 0.0421170177204 142.958192679 273.958192679 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:13] ping&FPS: 0.0460006924612 142.958196561 273.958192679 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:14] ping&FPS: 0.0523844765765 113.958205748 288.958205748 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:14] ping&FPS: 0.052158358906 139.958210069 288.958205748 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:14] ping&FPS: 0.0649522947414 167.958211529 288.958205748 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:14] ping&FPS: 0.0649522947414 167.958211529 307.958211529 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:14] ping&FPS: 0.0588513123138 126.958211857 307.958211529 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:14] ping&FPS: 0.0595949696643 144.958209548 307.958211529 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:14] ping&FPS: 0.0595949696643 144.958209548 271.958209548 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:14] ping&FPS: 0.0505681218846 95.9582085194 271.958209548 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:14] ping&FPS: 0.0550200151546 163.958205599 271.958209548 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:14] ping&FPS: 0.0550200151546 163.958205599 259.958205599 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:15] ping&FPS: 0.0659186648471 174.958206344 259.958205599 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:15] ping&FPS: 0.0542437540633 143.95820387 259.958204258 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:15] ping&FPS: 0.0618558781488 271.958201888 259.958204258 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:15] ping&FPS: 0.0652245240552 142.958199251 259.958204258 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:15] ping&FPS: 0.0652245240552 142.958199251 298.958199251 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:15] ping&FPS: 0.0650762873037 160.958199564 298.958199251 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:15] ping&FPS: 0.0456398682935 97.9582007261 298.958199251 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:15] ping&FPS: 0.0456398682935 97.9582007261 258.958200726 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:16] ping&FPS: 0.0520688923342 178.958198402 258.958200726 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:16] ping&FPS: 0.0512874903423 132.958193231 297.958193231 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:16] ping&FPS: 0.0451861428363 102.95819335 297.958193231 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:16] ping&FPS: 0.0527044939143 146.958189506 297.958193231 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:16] ping&FPS: 0.0527044939143 146.958189506 249.958189506 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:16] ping&FPS: 0.0549374180181 139.958188239 249.958189506 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:16] id 13446103 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:17] ping&FPS: 0.0594467180116 200.958189565 125.958190146 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:17] ping&FPS: 0.0594467180116 200.958189565 200.958189565 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:17] ping&FPS: 0.0542040871722 130.958188686 200.958189565 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:17] ping&FPS: 0.0507506536586 145.958188403 200.958189565 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:17] ping&FPS: 0.0507506536586 145.958188403 276.958188403 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:17] ping&FPS: 0.0473902555449 107.958185616 276.958188403 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:17] ping&FPS: 0.0534434573991 170.958189431 276.958188403 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:17] ping&FPS: 0.0534434573991 170.958189431 278.958189431 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:17] ping&FPS: 0.0511499377234 148.958191502 278.958189431 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:17] ping&FPS: 0.0429372819407 96.9581943633 278.958189431 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:17] ping&FPS: 0.0429372819407 96.9581943633 245.958194363 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:18] ping&FPS: 0.0471073793513 147.958194408 245.958194363 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:18] ping&FPS: 0.0605077402932 137.9581963 303.958201158 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:18] ping&FPS: 0.0557922678334 248.958202656 303.958201158 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:18] ping&FPS: 0.0579615043742 153.958207409 303.958201158 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:18] ping&FPS: 0.0579615043742 153.958207409 236.958207409 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:19] ping&FPS: 0.0629943864686 164.958213034 236.958207409 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:19] ping&FPS: 0.054198707853 124.958222169 256.958222169 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:19] ping&FPS: 0.059111188565 168.958225656 256.958222169 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:19] ping&FPS: 0.0512485238058 134.958232987 271.958232987 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:19] ping&FPS: 0.0486120837075 116.95823447 271.958232987 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:20] ping&FPS: 0.0543499844415 155.958249878 261.958249878 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:20] ping&FPS: 0.054890077029 145.958256114 261.958249878 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:21] ping&FPS: 0.0521385105593 137.958273816 261.958273816 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:21] ping&FPS: 0.0512965129954 127.958277102 261.958273816 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:22] ping&FPS: 0.0463422866804 126.958294574 281.958294574 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:22] ping&FPS: 0.0437652798636 109.958296772 281.958294574 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:22] ping&FPS: 0.0417837457997 136.95829967 281.958294574 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:22] ping&FPS: 0.0417837457997 136.95829967 246.95829967 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:23] ping&FPS: 0.0477870362146 158.958301518 246.95829967 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:23] ping&FPS: 0.0501331048352 140.958302695 246.958302695 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:23] ping&FPS: 0.0634116487844 171.958309467 246.958302695 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:23] ping&FPS: 0.0554266082389 129.958312813 241.958312813 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:24] ping&FPS: 0.0639555113656 166.958315972 241.958312813 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:24] SmokeScreen.onEnterWorld( 154693 ) [(223.854, 275.955)] [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:24] ping&FPS: 0.0543588804347 140.958323512 295.958323512 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:24] ping&FPS: 0.042946692024 109.95832571 295.958323512 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:24] ping&FPS: 0.0478711532695 153.958330463 295.958323512 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:24] ping&FPS: 0.0478711532695 153.958330463 263.958330463 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:24] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:24] id 13446135 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:24] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:24] ping&FPS: 0.0503404693944 135.958334129 263.958330463 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:25] ping&FPS: 0.0540157960994 140.958348598 250.958348598 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:25] ping&FPS: 0.0563346551997 149.958353627 250.958348598 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:26] ping&FPS: 0.0474421935422 133.958369132 274.958369132 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:26] ping&FPS: 0.0449456902487 132.958374168 274.958369132 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:27] ping&FPS: 0.0443788873298 89.9583795177 244.958379518 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:27] ping&FPS: 0.0426588239414 164.95838328 244.958379518 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:28] ping&FPS: 0.0455838846309 114.958396103 254.958396103 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:28] ping&FPS: 0.0395060809595 142.958399984 254.958396103 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:28] ping&FPS: 0.0437919529421 118.958404246 236.958404246 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:29] ping&FPS: 0.0498966457588 193.958407174 236.958404246 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:29] ping&FPS: 0.040456752692 147.958413083 268.958413083 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:29] ping&FPS: 0.0360118257148 120.958416152 268.958413083 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:29] ping&FPS: 0.0375035213573 155.958419371 268.958413083 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:29] ping&FPS: 0.0375035213573 155.958419371 276.958419371 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:29] ping&FPS: 0.0375709714634 169.958423022 276.958419371 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:30] ping&FPS: 0.0381773891194 140.958424713 265.958424713 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:30] ping&FPS: 0.0494051086051 158.958428423 265.958424713 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:30] ping&FPS: 0.0489655019982 126.958438541 288.958438541 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:30] ping&FPS: 0.0457345055682 117.958440188 288.958438541 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:32] ping&FPS: 0.0518780904157 154.958464521 244.958464521 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:32] ping&FPS: 0.0530502157552 146.95846999 244.958464521 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:33] ping&FPS: 0.0576075123889 126.958485942 238.958485942 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:33] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:33] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:33] id 13446135 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:33] name PVNSH [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:33] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:33] @ launchpadAppeared 13446135 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:33] ping&FPS: 0.0586360650403 179.958485644 238.958485942 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:35] ping&FPS: 0.059387962733 108.95849264 271.95849264 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:35] ping&FPS: 0.0625281738383 142.958496522 271.95849264 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:35] ping&FPS: 0.0566586362464 111.958509925 256.958509925 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:36] ping&FPS: 0.0607816981418 167.95851418 256.958509925 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:36] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:36] id 13446135 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:36] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:36] ping&FPS: 0.0562269496066 147.9585152 267.9585152 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:36] ping&FPS: 0.0548428850515 127.958515692 267.9585152 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:37] ping&FPS: 0.058361108814 178.958526004 275.958526004 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:37] ping&FPS: 0.0593720780952 137.958529997 275.958526004 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:38] ping&FPS: 0.0561092900378 151.95855711 270.95855711 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:38] ping&FPS: 0.0541525887591 139.958559568 270.95855711 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:39] ping&FPS: 0.0485602723701 146.958568353 294.958568353 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:39] ping&FPS: 0.0436522992594 109.958570551 294.958568353 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:39] ping&FPS: 0.0463512422783 144.958573829 294.958568353 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:39] ping&FPS: 0.0463512422783 144.958573829 254.958573829 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:39] ping&FPS: 0.0569190042359 163.958578359 254.958573829 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:40] ping&FPS: 0.0413519399507 128.958596009 255.958596009 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:40] ping&FPS: 0.0398420201881 126.958597268 255.958596009 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:41] ping&FPS: 0.0385606171829 110.958616774 277.958616774 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:41] ping&FPS: 0.0416242214186 144.958620052 277.958616774 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:42] ping&FPS: 0.0506005021078 149.958642449 242.958642449 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:42] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:42] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:42] id 13446135 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:42] name PVNSH [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:42] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:42] @ launchpadAppeared 13446135 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:43] ping&FPS: 0.0491939069969 148.958640795 242.958642449 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:44] ping&FPS: 0.0465896310551 142.958648215 230.958648215 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:44] ping&FPS: 0.0519544216139 159.958650227 230.958648215 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:45] ping&FPS: 0.0590580659253 157.958655666 309.958655666 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:45] ping&FPS: 0.0480479853494 94.9586563366 309.958655666 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:45] ping&FPS: 0.0484173478825 145.958658847 309.958655666 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:45] ping&FPS: 0.0484173478825 145.958658847 240.958658847 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:45] ping&FPS: 0.0461381705744 134.958664212 240.958658847 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:46] ping&FPS: 0.047008204673 118.958671528 262.958671528 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:46] ping&FPS: 0.053172636245 171.95867737 262.958671528 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:46] ping&FPS: 0.0514725627644 148.958687927 281.958687927 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:46] ping&FPS: 0.0495970728142 128.95868672 281.958687927 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:47] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:47] ping&FPS: 0.0538660245282 111.958697196 256.958697196 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:47] ping&FPS: 0.0493176834924 146.958700802 256.958697196 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:47] ping&FPS: 0.0519482823355 166.958704892 256.958697196 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:47] ping&FPS: 0.0519482823355 166.958704892 313.958704892 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:47] ping&FPS: 0.045658636306 98.9587071495 313.958704892 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:47] ping&FPS: 0.0477210166199 144.958706703 313.958704892 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:47] ping&FPS: 0.0477210166199 144.958706703 243.958706703 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:48] ping&FPS: 0.0541901396854 174.958710242 243.958706703 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:48] ping&FPS: 0.051892544542 133.958720248 243.958720248 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:48] ping&FPS: 0.0556002365691 160.958722423 243.958720248 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:49] ping&FPS: 0.0545680927379 113.958728495 269.958728495 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:49] ping&FPS: 0.0614654379232 142.958731446 269.958728495 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:49] ping&FPS: 0.0595356481416 137.958731714 269.958728495 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:49] ping&FPS: 0.0595356481416 137.958731714 280.958731714 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:49] ping&FPS: 0.0632191555841 146.958732526 280.958731714 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:49] ping&FPS: 0.0504849734051 178.95873459 290.95873459 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:49] ping&FPS: 0.0481882872326 125.958735685 290.95873459 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:51] ping&FPS: 0.0505466120584 140.958758119 274.958758119 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:51] ping&FPS: 0.0457052918417 128.958757843 274.958758119 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:51] ping&FPS: 0.0475629823548 120.958769161 226.958769161 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:52] ping&FPS: 0.0548089253051 174.958769906 226.958769161 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:52] ping&FPS: 0.0514115052564 154.95877033 251.95877033 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:52] ping&FPS: 0.0547918485744 167.958770859 251.95877033 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:53] ping&FPS: 0.0502201052649 129.958775918 283.958775918 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:53] ping&FPS: 0.0502725051982 144.958778265 283.958775918 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:54] ping&FPS: 0.0515603157026 128.95878208 254.95878208 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:54] ping&FPS: 0.0530879231436 140.958780046 254.95878208 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:55] ping&FPS: 0.043480503772 141.958789851 272.958789851 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:55] ping&FPS: 0.047804776047 166.95879301 272.958789851 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:55] ping&FPS: 0.0523533778531 136.958793435 280.958793435 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:55] ping&FPS: 0.0502867432577 130.958797212 280.958793435 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:55] ping&FPS: 0.0463279592139 118.958799954 280.958793435 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:55] ping&FPS: 0.0463279592139 118.958799954 249.958799954 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:56] ping&FPS: 0.0461233811719 163.958800759 249.958799954 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:56] ping&FPS: 0.0931183653218 450.958805311 167.95879909 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:56] ping&FPS: 0.0931183653218 450.958805311 554.958805311 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:57] ping&FPS: 0.0784649657352 147.958804424 554.958805311 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:57] ping&FPS: 0.0715517210109 155.958809506 554.958805311 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:57] ping&FPS: 0.0715517210109 155.958809506 303.958809506 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:57] ping&FPS: 0.0662488447768 131.958809722 303.958809506 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:57] ping&FPS: 0.0628366278751 137.958811853 303.958809506 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:57] ping&FPS: 0.0628366278751 137.958811853 269.958811853 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:57] ping&FPS: 0.058899681483 129.958812672 269.958811853 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:57] ping&FPS: 0.0571881490094 145.95881332 269.958811853 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:57] ping&FPS: 0.0571881490094 145.95881332 275.95881332 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:57] ping&FPS: 0.0659224050386 152.958815116 275.95881332 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:58] ping&FPS: 0.0657659279449 415.95881984 174.958815354 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:58] ping&FPS: 0.0657659279449 415.95881984 515.95881984 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:58] ping&FPS: 0.0544409113271 128.958820495 515.95881984 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:59] ping&FPS: 0.0589345651014 120.958831038 250.958831038 0 [S] [2016_01_02 18:59:59] ping&FPS: 0.0597603874547 155.958831462 250.958831038 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:00:00] ping&FPS: 0.0598140167339 150.958837669 274.958837669 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:00:00] ping&FPS: 0.0621890979154 136.958837773 274.958837669 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:00:01] ping&FPS: 0.0478234472019 132.958854559 264.958854559 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:00:01] ping&FPS: 0.049268286143 156.958857011 264.958854559 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:00:01] ping&FPS: 0.0443088667733 138.958856772 262.958856772 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:00:01] ping&FPS: 0.0454642506582 137.958857972 262.958856772 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:00:03] ping&FPS: 0.0460980268461 138.958868134 229.958868134 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:00:03] ping&FPS: 0.048524673496 154.958870258 229.958868134 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:00:04] ping&FPS: 0.0581873314721 210.958879295 194.958876375 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:00:04] ping&FPS: 0.0581873314721 210.958879295 210.958879295 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:00:04] ping&FPS: 0.0562553363187 165.958883222 210.958879295 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:00:05] ping&FPS: 0.0524136530502 152.958891306 277.958891306 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:00:05] ping&FPS: 0.0503515186054 130.958888564 277.958891306 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:00:06] ping&FPS: 0.0498133408172 123.958901602 261.958901602 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:00:06] ping&FPS: 0.0494655328138 135.958903405 261.958901602 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:00:07] ping&FPS: 0.0440608369453 135.95890877 288.95890877 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:00:07] ping&FPS: 0.0465454938156 120.958909045 288.95890877 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:00:09] ping&FPS: 0.0530238332493 138.958937253 261.958937253 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:00:09] ping&FPS: 0.0489851864321 119.958939228 261.958937253 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:00:10] ping&FPS: 0.0570142375571 131.958957675 270.958957675 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:00:10] ping&FPS: 0.0493872868163 96.9589586737 270.958957675 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:00:13] ping&FPS: 0.0539753692491 147.958996381 259.958996381 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:00:13] ping&FPS: 0.053846131478 150.959001574 259.958996381 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:00:16] ping&FPS: 0.0574496196849 150.959071692 246.959071692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:00:16] ping&FPS: 0.055050651942 146.95907716 246.959071692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:00:17] SmokeScreen.onEnterWorld( 154695 ) [(214.221, 319.379)] [S] [2016_01_02 19:00:17] SmokeScreen.onEnterWorld( 154696 ) [(-386.487, -251.63)] [S] [2016_01_02 19:00:20] ping&FPS: 0.0877204643829 452.9591319 165.959123503 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:00:20] ping&FPS: 0.0877204643829 452.9591319 590.9591319 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:00:20] ping&FPS: 0.0721343266112 94.9591316389 590.9591319 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:00:20] ping&FPS: 0.0649461256606 120.959133777 590.9591319 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:00:20] ping&FPS: 0.0649461256606 120.959133777 215.959133777 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:00:20] ping&FPS: 0.0675419973476 169.959137428 215.959133777 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:00:20] ping&FPS: 0.0614425795419 138.95914245 261.95914245 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:00:21] ping&FPS: 0.0692359017474 172.95914473 261.95914245 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:00:21] ping&FPS: 0.0613917665822 152.959145929 262.959145929 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:00:21] ping&FPS: 0.0523603143437 127.959150146 262.959145929 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:00:22] ping&FPS: 0.0415195035083 114.959160659 228.959160659 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:00:22] ping&FPS: 0.0470860930426 166.959160093 228.959160659 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:00:23] ping&FPS: 0.0408194395048 113.959163192 272.959163192 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:00:23] ping&FPS: 0.0430761160595 136.959163296 272.959163192 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:00:25] ping&FPS: 0.0512567790491 127.959186959 252.959186959 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:00:25] ping&FPS: 0.0537777053458 139.959187556 252.959186959 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:00:28] ping&FPS: 0.0531513275845 103.959228713 235.959228713 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:00:28] ping&FPS: 0.0480853798134 132.959230955 235.959228713 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:00:34] ping&FPS: 0.0567165868623 130.959334056 256.959334056 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:00:34] ping&FPS: 0.0528481485588 151.959336619 256.959334056 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:00:35] ping&FPS: 0.0519287618143 137.959354054 254.959354054 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:00:35] ping&FPS: 0.0597185449941 159.959353271 254.959354054 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:00:36] ping&FPS: 0.0413641141994 105.959367316 245.959367316 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:00:36] ping&FPS: 0.0449674161417 146.959368128 245.959367316 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:00:37] ping&FPS: 0.0614079939468 154.959389161 283.959389161 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:00:37] ping&FPS: 0.0605372296912 121.959390532 283.959389161 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:00:37] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 19:00:37] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:00:37] id 13446111 [S] [2016_01_02 19:00:37] name reyd78 [S] [2016_01_02 19:00:37] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:00:38] ping&FPS: 0.0446661146624 77.9593987646 227.959398765 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:00:38] ping&FPS: 0.0443164216621 141.959399688 227.959398765 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:00:39] ping&FPS: 0.0521421985967 125.959409173 251.959409173 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:00:39] ping&FPS: 0.0524587290628 153.959410201 251.959409173 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:00:39] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:00:39] id 13446111 [S] [2016_01_02 19:00:40] ping&FPS: 0.0533561738474 138.959428559 237.959428559 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:00:40] ping&FPS: 0.059227849756 171.959432538 237.959428559 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:00:42] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 19:00:42] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:00:42] id 13446111 [S] [2016_01_02 19:00:42] name reyd78 [S] [2016_01_02 19:00:42] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:00:45] ping&FPS: 0.0488861533148 120.959518704 259.959518704 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:00:46] ping&FPS: 0.0552792953593 167.95952389 259.959518704 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:00:47] ping&FPS: 0.0472135799272 135.95954087 256.95954087 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:00:47] ping&FPS: 0.053087170635 162.959546167 256.95954087 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:00:48] ping&FPS: 0.0396191360695 126.959561798 233.959561798 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:00:48] ping&FPS: 0.042524653886 142.959566611 233.959561798 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:00:51] ping&FPS: 0.0565597968442 226.95963886 149.95963611 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:00:51] ping&FPS: 0.0565597968442 226.95963886 226.95963886 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:00:51] ping&FPS: 0.043992679034 78.9596406328 226.95963886 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:00:51] ping&FPS: 0.040272335921 124.959642495 226.95963886 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:00:51] ping&FPS: 0.040272335921 124.959642495 203.959642495 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:00:51] ping&FPS: 0.0493718268616 146.959641445 203.959642495 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:00:52] ping&FPS: 0.0462158652289 106.959641892 245.959641892 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:00:52] ping&FPS: 0.0476267593248 136.959642928 245.959641892 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:00:53] ping&FPS: 0.0493703963501 142.959648895 269.959648895 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:00:53] SmokeScreen.onEnterWorld( 154698 ) [(-221.069, -308.625)] [S] [2016_01_02 19:00:53] ping&FPS: 0.0410551311714 122.959651362 269.959648895 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:00:54] ping&FPS: 0.0503825353725 139.959657665 259.959657665 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:00:54] ping&FPS: 0.0564763205392 162.959653649 259.959657665 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:00:55] ping&FPS: 0.0474969851119 141.959663752 235.959663752 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:00:55] ping&FPS: 0.0572302447898 176.959667619 235.959663752 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:00:56] ping&FPS: 0.0539538519723 141.959680896 273.959680896 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:00:56] ping&FPS: 0.0423677148564 109.959684025 273.959680896 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:00:57] ping&FPS: 0.0508979441864 108.959697764 250.959697764 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:00:57] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 19:00:57] ping&FPS: 0.053497392152 151.959694739 250.959697764 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:00:58] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:00:58] id 13446119 [S] [2016_01_02 19:00:58] name Brooc95 [S] [2016_01_02 19:00:58] team id 1 [S] [2016_01_02 19:00:58] SmokeScreen.onEnterWorld( 154699 ) [(243.363, 145.814)] [S] [2016_01_02 19:00:59] ping&FPS: 0.0517600285155 124.959704015 242.959704015 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:00:59] ping&FPS: 0.0545685546739 164.95970964 242.959704015 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:01] id 13446111 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:03] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:03] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:03] id 13446111 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:03] name reyd78 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:03] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:04] ping&FPS: 0.0493172737105 157.959800977 290.959800977 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:04] ping&FPS: 0.0486277746303 121.959802348 290.959800977 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:04] ping&FPS: 0.0472809033734 125.959800649 290.959800977 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:04] ping&FPS: 0.0472809033734 125.959800649 247.959800649 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:04] ping&FPS: 0.0483124511583 142.959799874 247.959800649 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:05] ping&FPS: 0.0488163488252 185.959811944 277.959811944 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:05] ping&FPS: 0.0441469507558 127.959814298 277.959811944 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:05] ping&FPS: 0.0498183699591 165.9598145 277.959811944 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:05] ping&FPS: 0.0498183699591 165.9598145 293.9598145 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:05] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:05] id 13446111 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:05] ping&FPS: 0.0480730416519 110.95981593 293.9598145 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:07] ping&FPS: 0.0538971828563 116.959839936 250.959839936 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:07] ping&FPS: 0.0479064988238 131.959841083 250.959839936 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:08] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:08] ping&FPS: 0.0441023515803 96.959857549 240.959857549 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:09] ping&FPS: 0.0504807340247 173.959860924 240.959857549 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:09] ping&FPS: 0.0576196866376 158.959866646 256.959866646 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:09] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:09] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:09] id 13446111 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:09] name reyd78 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:09] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:09] ping&FPS: 0.05792089871 150.95986532 256.959866646 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:10] id 13446111 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:10] ping&FPS: 0.0440026106579 134.959872122 271.959872122 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:10] ping&FPS: 0.0423494907362 116.959873605 271.959872122 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:11] ping&FPS: 0.0532440947635 93.9598828884 263.959882888 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:11] ping&FPS: 0.0558846252305 156.95988534 263.959882888 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:11] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:16] ping&FPS: 0.0473978402359 120.959993597 285.959993597 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:16] ping&FPS: 0.0415723355753 104.959994975 285.959993597 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:16] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:16] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:16] id 13446103 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:16] name _serega_84_ [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:16] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:16] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:17] ping&FPS: 0.0623407172305 176.95998663 295.95998663 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:17] ping&FPS: 0.0506114097578 115.959987949 295.95998663 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:17] ping&FPS: 0.047568078552 124.95998888 295.95998663 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:17] ping&FPS: 0.047568078552 124.95998888 240.95998888 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:17] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:17] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:17] id 13446139 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:17] name Dmitriy_Bog [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:17] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:17] ping&FPS: 0.0538381444556 161.959985632 240.95998888 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:18] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:18] ping&FPS: 0.0605150567634 146.959979634 259.959979634 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:18] ping&FPS: 0.0589253263814 126.959978099 259.959979634 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:19] ping&FPS: 0.0543438451631 144.959993597 262.959993597 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:19] ping&FPS: 0.0547946350915 136.959998358 262.959993597 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:21] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:21] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:21] id 13446143 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:21] name xxxRebelxxx [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:21] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:24] ping&FPS: 0.0491254808647 110.960070084 250.960070084 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:24] ping&FPS: 0.0474973352892 138.960072379 250.960070084 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:25] ping&FPS: 0.0469590084893 148.960087116 288.960087116 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:25] ping&FPS: 0.0496784182531 140.960089739 288.960087116 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:25] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:25] id 13446135 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:25] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:26] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:27] ping&FPS: 0.0522670479757 158.960121903 248.960121903 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:27] ping&FPS: 0.0547694670303 163.960123639 248.960121903 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:28] ping&FPS: 0.051207076226 140.960141409 283.960141409 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:28] ping&FPS: 0.0469581889255 114.960144426 283.960141409 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:30] ping&FPS: 0.049270223294 164.960178907 248.960178907 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:30] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:30] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:30] id 13446141 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:30] name _DrAgOn_89 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:30] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:30] ping&FPS: 0.0433452980859 137.96018197 248.960178907 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:34] ping&FPS: 0.0624749766929 442.960243094 141.960232879 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:34] ping&FPS: 0.0624749766929 442.960243094 442.960243094 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:34] ping&FPS: 0.0626136021955 150.960241768 442.960243094 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:35] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:35] id 13446133 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:35] name trol14 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:35] team id 1 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:35] @ launchpadAppeared 13446133 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:36] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:36] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:36] id 13446137 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:36] name ltybcrf1 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:36] team id 1 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:37] ping&FPS: 0.0466532068593 120.960278581 269.960278581 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:37] ping&FPS: 0.0415960656745 130.960279565 269.960278581 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:37] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:37] SmokeScreen.onEnterWorld( 154700 ) [(-89.3349, -305.996)] [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:38] ping&FPS: 0.0502774896366 136.960298676 243.960298676 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:39] ping&FPS: 0.0575836854322 174.960303146 243.960298676 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:39] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:39] id 13446109 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:40] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:40] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:40] ping&FPS: 0.047989244972 132.960339423 247.960339423 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:41] ping&FPS: 0.0608320342643 179.960340987 247.960339423 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:41] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:41] ping&FPS: 0.0534578519208 138.960345085 274.960345085 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:41] ping&FPS: 0.0499145271523 131.96034437 274.960345085 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:41] ping&FPS: 0.0562730687005 147.960349071 274.960345085 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:41] ping&FPS: 0.0562730687005 147.960349071 279.960349071 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:41] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:41] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:41] id 13446121 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:41] name 13valery75 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:41] team id 1 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:41] ping&FPS: 0.0544868665082 131.960353944 279.960349071 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:42] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:42] ping&FPS: 0.0535861062152 128.960362572 273.960362572 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:42] ping&FPS: 0.0484929563744 125.960362736 273.960362572 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:42] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:42] id 13446143 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:42] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:42] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:42] id 13446135 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:42] name PVNSH [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:42] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:42] @ launchpadAppeared 13446135 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:42] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:42] id 13446101 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:42] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:42] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:46] ping&FPS: 0.0453777196152 153.960447814 264.960447814 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:46] ping&FPS: 0.046552646373 146.96045142 264.960447814 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:46] ping&FPS: 0.0442876475198 125.960455466 268.960455466 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:46] ping&FPS: 0.048818412636 159.960460271 268.960455466 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:47] ping&FPS: 0.0504897343261 131.960474003 244.960474003 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:47] ping&FPS: 0.0503798680646 142.96047509 244.960474003 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:49] ping&FPS: 0.0516526134951 132.960509773 277.960509773 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:49] ping&FPS: 0.0466634365065 117.960511419 277.960509773 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:50] ping&FPS: 0.0470523940665 122.960537765 268.960537765 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:50] ping&FPS: 0.0533653678639 169.960541415 268.960537765 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:50] ping&FPS: 0.0474367397172 148.960546012 260.960546012 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:51] ping&FPS: 0.049387026046 145.960550386 260.960546012 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:53] ping&FPS: 0.0637744026525 137.960605252 267.960605252 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:53] ping&FPS: 0.0610035466296 137.960610177 267.960605252 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:53] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:53] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:53] id 13446111 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:53] name reyd78 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:53] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:54] ping&FPS: 0.0447401361806 133.960615571 252.960615571 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:54] ping&FPS: 0.0488176973803 156.960618954 252.960615571 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:54] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:55] ping&FPS: 0.0573579924447 153.960643712 259.960643712 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:55] ping&FPS: 0.0929426061256 408.960650216 259.960643712 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:55] ping&FPS: 0.0929426061256 408.960650216 408.960650216 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:56] ping&FPS: 0.0827298270805 179.960653644 408.960650216 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:56] ping&FPS: 0.0626202481134 139.960654068 280.960654068 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:56] ping&FPS: 0.0492599861962 115.960654456 280.960654068 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:56] ping&FPS: 0.0447426172239 138.960654888 280.960654068 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:56] ping&FPS: 0.0447426172239 138.960654888 254.960654888 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:56] ping&FPS: 0.0549427079303 186.960661325 254.960654888 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:57] ping&FPS: 0.0550882475717 151.960667293 257.960667293 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:57] ping&FPS: 0.0550321148975 143.960665751 257.960667293 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:58] ping&FPS: 0.0417376937611 110.960687886 239.960687886 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:58] ping&FPS: 0.044362220381 163.960692416 239.960687886 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:58] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:58] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:58] id 13446109 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:58] name TKTHK [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:58] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:59] ping&FPS: 0.0454953568322 142.960696365 263.960696365 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:01:59] ping&FPS: 0.0503946202142 156.960696954 263.960696365 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:02:00] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:02:00] id 13446139 [S] [2016_01_02 19:02:01] ping&FPS: 0.0491560505969 131.960727419 261.960727419 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:02:01] ping&FPS: 0.0492938416345 128.960729937 261.960727419 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:02:05] ping&FPS: 0.0525619494064 140.960771139 275.960771139 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:02:05] ping&FPS: 0.0482246833188 114.960776019 275.960771139 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:02:05] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_01_02 19:02:07] ping&FPS: 0.0476183103664 267.96079785 141.960801418 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:02:07] ping&FPS: 0.0476183103664 267.96079785 267.96079785 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:02:07] ping&FPS: 0.0478418352348 162.960800353 267.96079785 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:02:08] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_01_02 19:02:08] ping&FPS: 0.0499471606953 134.960827294 242.960827294 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:02:08] ping&FPS: 0.0537286507232 150.960828762 242.960827294 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:02:08] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:02:08] id 13446111 [S] [2016_01_02 19:02:10] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_01_02 19:02:12] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 19:02:12] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:02:12] id 13446111 [S] [2016_01_02 19:02:12] name reyd78 [S] [2016_01_02 19:02:12] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:02:15] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 19:02:15] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:02:15] id 13446101 [S] [2016_01_02 19:02:15] name Sibiryak62 [S] [2016_01_02 19:02:15] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:02:16] @ launchpadAppeared 13446101 [S] [2016_01_02 19:02:17] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_01_02 19:02:18] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 19:02:18] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:02:18] id 13446139 [S] [2016_01_02 19:02:18] name Dmitriy_Bog [S] [2016_01_02 19:02:18] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:02:18] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_01_02 19:02:19] ping&FPS: 0.0498782055719 139.961001295 232.961001295 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:02:19] ping&FPS: 0.0505839096648 141.961005944 232.961001295 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:02:23] ping&FPS: 0.0461245062096 131.961078379 245.961078379 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:02:23] ping&FPS: 0.0483904810888 144.961082588 245.961078379 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:02:23] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 19:02:23] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:02:23] id 13446123 [S] [2016_01_02 19:02:23] name SiBtank [S] [2016_01_02 19:02:23] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:02:25] ping&FPS: 0.0498461680753 242.961121525 175.961118016 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:02:25] ping&FPS: 0.0498461680753 242.961121525 242.961121525 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:02:25] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:02:25] id 13446141 [S] [2016_01_02 19:02:26] ping&FPS: 0.0510249765856 173.961123038 242.961121525 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:02:29] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:02:29] id 13446111 [S] [2016_01_02 19:02:31] ping&FPS: 0.05168398789 130.961238127 242.961238127 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:02:31] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_01_02 19:02:31] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_01_02 19:02:31] ping&FPS: 0.0433200182659 141.961241845 242.961238127 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:02:31] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:02:31] id 13446133 [S] [2016_01_02 19:02:31] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_01_02 19:02:31] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 19:02:31] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:02:31] id 13446111 [S] [2016_01_02 19:02:31] name reyd78 [S] [2016_01_02 19:02:31] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:02:34] ping&FPS: 0.0613082008702 207.96128622 145.96128286 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:02:34] ping&FPS: 0.0613082008702 207.96128622 207.96128622 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:02:34] ping&FPS: 0.0506161036236 89.9612879338 207.96128622 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:02:34] ping&FPS: 0.0439166309578 118.961287882 207.96128622 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:02:34] ping&FPS: 0.0439166309578 118.961287882 208.961287882 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:02:34] ping&FPS: 0.0445011662585 134.961291383 208.961287882 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:02:34] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:02:34] id 13446137 [S] [2016_01_02 19:02:35] ping&FPS: 0.0455696614725 118.961308311 230.961308311 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:02:35] ping&FPS: 0.0537235247237 175.961312014 230.961308311 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:02:37] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:02:37] id 13446123 [S] [2016_01_02 19:02:38] ping&FPS: 0.0491943465812 133.961359199 236.961359199 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:02:38] ping&FPS: 0.0497150453074 151.961361762 236.961359199 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:02:38] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_01_02 19:02:41] ping&FPS: 0.060432653342 208.961421187 186.961414035 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:02:41] ping&FPS: 0.060432653342 208.961421187 304.961421187 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:02:41] ping&FPS: 0.0650845574481 234.961426179 304.961421187 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:02:41] ping&FPS: 0.0650845574481 234.961426179 234.961426179 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:02:41] ping&FPS: 0.0597662585122 119.961428154 234.961426179 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:02:47] ping&FPS: 0.0494499014957 128.961529742 253.961529742 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:02:47] ping&FPS: 0.0525848450405 163.961531478 253.961529742 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:02:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:02:48] id 13446119 [S] [2016_01_02 19:02:59] ping&FPS: 0.0676152961595 228.961748469 137.961746323 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:02:59] ping&FPS: 0.0676152961595 228.961748469 228.961748469 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:02:59] ping&FPS: 0.0595275270087 206.961752597 228.961748469 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:02:59] ping&FPS: 0.0595275270087 206.961752597 206.961752597 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:02:59] ping&FPS: 0.0594670729978 151.96175516 206.961752597 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:03:02] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_01_02 19:03:05] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_01_02 19:03:07] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:03:07] id 13446111 [S] [2016_01_02 19:03:12] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 19:03:12] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:03:12] id 13446143 [S] [2016_01_02 19:03:12] name xxxRebelxxx [S] [2016_01_02 19:03:12] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:03:20] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 19:03:20] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 19:03:20] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:03:20] id 13446119 [S] [2016_01_02 19:03:20] name Brooc95 [S] [2016_01_02 19:03:20] team id 1 [S] [2016_01_02 19:03:20] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:03:20] id 13446111 [S] [2016_01_02 19:03:20] name reyd78 [S] [2016_01_02 19:03:20] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:03:23] ping&FPS: 0.0498760747058 163.962167691 265.962167691 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:03:23] ping&FPS: 0.0777812259538 419.962175067 265.962167691 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:03:23] ping&FPS: 0.0777812259538 419.962175067 419.962175067 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:03:23] ping&FPS: 0.0685901301248 143.962176319 419.962175067 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:03:25] ping&FPS: 0.053394499634 129.962211292 239.962211292 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:03:25] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:03:25] id 13446143 [S] [2016_01_02 19:03:25] ping&FPS: 0.0547738181693 148.962216157 239.962211292 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:03:26] ping&FPS: 0.0504464986069 106.962224405 229.962224405 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:03:26] ping&FPS: 0.0619449870927 184.962228652 229.962224405 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:03:27] ping&FPS: 0.0763981299741 446.962241653 125.962232645 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:03:27] ping&FPS: 0.0763981299741 446.962241653 446.962241653 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:03:27] ping&FPS: 0.0726814823491 137.962242852 446.962241653 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:03:31] ping&FPS: 0.0755224930389 466.962304297 106.962301325 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:03:31] ping&FPS: 0.0755224930389 466.962304297 466.962304297 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:03:31] ping&FPS: 0.0632897274835 100.962305951 466.962304297 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:03:31] ping&FPS: 0.0577970998628 160.962307196 466.962304297 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:03:31] ping&FPS: 0.0577970998628 160.962307196 261.962307196 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:03:32] ping&FPS: 0.0586346196277 157.962312605 261.962307196 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:03:42] ping&FPS: 0.0546271907432 136.962493117 229.962493117 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:03:42] ping&FPS: 0.0563732343061 142.962496999 229.962493117 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:03:44] ping&FPS: 0.089090939079 411.962554078 111.962541494 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:03:44] ping&FPS: 0.089090939079 411.962554078 411.962554078 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:03:44] ping&FPS: 0.0765279935939 164.962557841 411.962554078 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:03:46] ping&FPS: 0.0588597165687 136.962599407 241.962599407 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:03:46] ping&FPS: 0.0562555896384 154.962604325 241.962599407 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:03:47] ping&FPS: 0.0490278559072 152.962632041 248.962632041 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:03:47] ping&FPS: 0.0464893983943 132.962633352 248.962632041 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:03:48] ping&FPS: 0.0843059079988 220.962644461 146.962639901 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:03:48] ping&FPS: 0.0843059079988 220.962644461 220.962644461 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:03:48] ping&FPS: 0.0633558588369 73.962646346 220.962644461 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:03:48] ping&FPS: 0.0536544578416 136.962650176 220.962644461 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:03:48] ping&FPS: 0.0536544578416 136.962650176 210.962650176 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:03:48] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 19:03:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:03:48] id 13446141 [S] [2016_01_02 19:03:48] name _DrAgOn_89 [S] [2016_01_02 19:03:48] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:03:48] ping&FPS: 0.0506677510483 145.962652686 210.962650176 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:03:48] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_01_02 19:03:49] ping&FPS: 0.0528532000525 180.962659601 259.962659601 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:03:49] ping&FPS: 0.0509106697781 123.962663162 259.962659601 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:03:49] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:03:49] id 13446111 [S] [2016_01_02 19:03:49] ping&FPS: 0.0487763094051 266.962665449 138.962667319 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:03:49] ping&FPS: 0.0487763094051 266.962665449 266.962665449 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:03:49] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:03:49] id 13446109 [S] [2016_01_02 19:03:49] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:03:49] id 13446135 [S] [2016_01_02 19:03:49] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_01_02 19:03:49] ping&FPS: 0.0477315517409 155.962665874 266.962665449 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:03:54] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 19:03:54] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:03:54] id 13446133 [S] [2016_01_02 19:03:54] name trol14 [S] [2016_01_02 19:03:54] team id 1 [S] [2016_01_02 19:03:54] @ launchpadAppeared 13446133 [S] [2016_01_02 19:03:57] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 19:03:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:03:57] id 13446143 [S] [2016_01_02 19:03:57] name xxxRebelxxx [S] [2016_01_02 19:03:57] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:03:58] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 19:03:58] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:03:58] id 13446123 [S] [2016_01_02 19:03:58] name SiBtank [S] [2016_01_02 19:03:58] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:03:59] ping&FPS: 0.0419265659792 131.96281645 236.96281645 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:03:59] ping&FPS: 0.049270506416 167.962820704 236.96281645 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:04:05] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 19:04:05] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:04:05] id 13446109 [S] [2016_01_02 19:04:05] name TKTHK [S] [2016_01_02 19:04:05] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:04:09] ping&FPS: 0.0912647949798 452.962985459 135.962975468 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:04:09] ping&FPS: 0.0912647949798 452.962985459 452.962985459 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:04:09] ping&FPS: 0.0716092990977 121.962983105 452.962985459 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:04:10] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 19:04:10] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:04:10] id 13446135 [S] [2016_01_02 19:04:10] name PVNSH [S] [2016_01_02 19:04:10] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:04:10] @ launchpadAppeared 13446135 [S] [2016_01_02 19:04:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:04:11] id 13446109 [S] [2016_01_02 19:04:15] ping&FPS: 0.0784226613385 210.963087115 139.9630814 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:04:15] ping&FPS: 0.0784226613385 210.963087115 210.963087115 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:04:15] ping&FPS: 0.0702020632369 218.963093209 210.963087115 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:04:15] ping&FPS: 0.0702020632369 218.963093209 218.963093209 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:04:15] ping&FPS: 0.0600926237447 124.963096003 218.963093209 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:04:19] ping&FPS: 0.0521588282926 145.963145915 238.963145915 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:04:19] ping&FPS: 0.0515067758305 150.963148314 238.963145915 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:04:20] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 19:04:20] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:04:20] id 13446109 [S] [2016_01_02 19:04:20] name TKTHK [S] [2016_01_02 19:04:20] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:04:21] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:04:21] id 13446123 [S] [2016_01_02 19:04:21] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 19:04:21] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:04:21] id 13446117 [S] [2016_01_02 19:04:21] name WADYAN29 [S] [2016_01_02 19:04:21] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:04:23] ping&FPS: 0.0483305188162 131.963191654 239.963191654 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:04:23] ping&FPS: 0.0433692293508 148.963193725 239.963191654 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:04:23] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 19:04:23] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:04:23] id 13446123 [S] [2016_01_02 19:04:23] name SiBtank [S] [2016_01_02 19:04:23] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:04:28] ping&FPS: 0.0864316927535 450.963290821 166.963281158 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:04:28] ping&FPS: 0.0864316927535 450.963290821 450.963290821 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:04:28] ping&FPS: 0.0826447712524 153.963294643 450.963290821 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:04:28] ping&FPS: 0.066884125982 169.963303234 273.963303234 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:04:28] ping&FPS: 0.0612752395017 124.963305097 273.963303234 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:04:31] ping&FPS: 0.0524176316602 156.963383447 225.963383447 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:04:31] ping&FPS: 0.0598641889436 179.963392462 225.963383447 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:04:31] ping&FPS: 0.0447536291821 148.96340331 247.96340331 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:04:32] ping&FPS: 0.0486975716693 156.96340483 247.96340331 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:04:34] ping&FPS: 0.045532311712 172.963455963 283.963455963 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:04:34] ping&FPS: 0.0393786238773 105.963454712 283.963455963 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:04:35] ping&FPS: 0.0538063006742 211.963460747 112.963455799 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:04:35] ping&FPS: 0.0538063006742 211.963460747 211.963460747 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:04:35] ping&FPS: 0.0460026594145 93.9634612533 211.963460747 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:04:39] ping&FPS: 0.0661055999143 224.963540885 161.96353567 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:04:39] ping&FPS: 0.0661055999143 224.963540885 224.963540885 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:04:39] ping&FPS: 0.0549723612411 193.963542882 224.963540885 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:04:42] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:04:42] id 13446145 [S] [2016_01_02 19:04:43] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:04:43] id 13446135 [S] [2016_01_02 19:04:43] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_01_02 19:04:44] SmokeScreen.onEnterWorld( 154701 ) [(27.1286, -73.9726)] [S] [2016_01_02 19:04:44] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:04:44] id 13446123 [S] [2016_01_02 19:04:46] ping&FPS: 0.0504069658262 138.963722381 255.963722381 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:04:46] ping&FPS: 0.0467473002417 134.963726814 255.963722381 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:04:47] ping&FPS: 0.050095732723 203.963735651 133.963731083 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:04:47] ping&FPS: 0.050095732723 203.963735651 203.963735651 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:04:47] ping&FPS: 0.0501568572862 216.963739555 203.963735651 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:04:47] ping&FPS: 0.0501568572862 216.963739555 216.963739555 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:04:47] ping&FPS: 0.0529039608581 151.963744912 216.963739555 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:04:51] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 19:04:51] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:04:51] id 13446137 [S] [2016_01_02 19:04:51] name ltybcrf1 [S] [2016_01_02 19:04:51] team id 1 [S] [2016_01_02 19:04:57] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:04:57] id 13446143 [S] [2016_01_02 19:04:59] ping&FPS: 0.0712164001805 209.963893134 175.963888559 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:04:59] ping&FPS: 0.0712164001805 209.963893134 311.963893134 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:04:59] ping&FPS: 0.0593256013734 98.9638953911 311.963893134 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:04:59] ping&FPS: 0.0548839228494 146.963897135 311.963893134 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:04:59] ping&FPS: 0.0548839228494 146.963897135 245.963897135 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:04:59] ping&FPS: 0.0468769850475 118.963899876 245.963897135 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:05:00] ping&FPS: 0.0527946086867 245.963897351 141.963899869 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:05:00] ping&FPS: 0.0527946086867 245.963897351 245.963897351 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:05:00] ping&FPS: 0.050405974899 187.963898364 245.963897351 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:05:01] ping&FPS: 0.0542651372296 150.963920053 267.963920053 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:05:01] ping&FPS: 0.0569262462003 136.96392202 267.963920053 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:05:02] ping&FPS: 0.0575845496995 158.963950712 258.963950712 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:05:02] ping&FPS: 0.0552232371909 138.963953006 258.963950712 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:05:03] ping&FPS: 0.0510298492653 129.96396153 242.96396153 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:05:03] ping&FPS: 0.0456958966596 152.963964257 242.96396153 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:05:06] ping&FPS: 0.0590684669358 232.96401159 139.96400972 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:05:06] ping&FPS: 0.0590684669358 232.96401159 232.96401159 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:05:06] ping&FPS: 0.0508094461901 88.9640140714 232.96401159 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:05:06] ping&FPS: 0.0456813307745 108.964016105 232.96401159 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:05:11] ping&FPS: 0.052401806627 148.964123245 260.964123245 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:05:11] ping&FPS: 0.0514732631189 134.964125815 260.964123245 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:05:12] ping&FPS: 0.052528913532 115.964158181 252.964158181 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:05:12] ping&FPS: 0.0522178592426 149.964160416 252.964158181 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:05:14] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 19:05:14] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:05:14] id 13446135 [S] [2016_01_02 19:05:14] name PVNSH [S] [2016_01_02 19:05:14] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:05:14] @ launchpadAppeared 13446135 [S] [2016_01_02 19:05:17] ping&FPS: 0.0478519009692 134.964244764 243.964244764 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:05:17] ping&FPS: 0.0514254974467 167.964249018 243.964244764 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:05:18] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 19:05:18] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:05:18] id 13446123 [S] [2016_01_02 19:05:18] name SiBtank [S] [2016_01_02 19:05:18] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:05:22] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 19:05:22] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:05:22] id 13446145 [S] [2016_01_02 19:05:22] name Whateg [S] [2016_01_02 19:05:22] team id 1 [S] [2016_01_02 19:05:22] ping&FPS: 0.0575145738465 170.964357528 261.964357528 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:05:23] ping&FPS: 0.0570537107331 141.964360315 261.964357528 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:05:23] ping&FPS: 0.0506311761481 148.964366156 261.964366156 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:05:23] ping&FPS: 0.0502211632473 139.964371409 261.964366156 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:05:25] ping&FPS: 0.0507223489029 153.964386489 255.964386489 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:05:25] ping&FPS: 0.04405050299 124.964385557 255.964386489 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:05:27] ping&FPS: 0.0526816876871 134.964389223 256.964389223 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:05:27] ping&FPS: 0.0579490470035 169.964391011 256.964389223 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:05:27] ping&FPS: 0.0458545046193 135.964390125 272.964390125 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:05:28] ping&FPS: 0.0462056057794 136.964390229 272.964390125 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:05:28] ping&FPS: 0.0517873274429 141.96438593 251.96438593 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:05:28] ping&FPS: 0.0470234411103 132.964384447 251.96438593 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:05:30] ping&FPS: 0.0514836492283 137.964390989 253.964390989 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:05:30] ping&FPS: 0.0525192054255 145.964394431 253.964390989 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:05:31] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_01_02 19:05:32] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 19:05:32] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:05:32] id 13446143 [S] [2016_01_02 19:05:32] name xxxRebelxxx [S] [2016_01_02 19:05:32] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:05:32] ping&FPS: 0.0511098685009 134.964410405 255.964410405 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:05:33] ping&FPS: 0.053823943649 165.964416194 255.964410405 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:05:33] ping&FPS: 0.0504563333733 125.964419957 240.964419957 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:05:33] ping&FPS: 0.0535749303443 156.964419614 240.964419957 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:05:34] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_01_02 19:05:34] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_01_02 19:05:35] ping&FPS: 0.0606080996139 213.964437153 146.964434672 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:05:35] ping&FPS: 0.0606080996139 213.964437153 213.964437153 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:05:35] ping&FPS: 0.0459975185139 66.9644388216 213.964437153 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:05:35] ping&FPS: 0.053158405636 164.964440721 213.964437153 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:05:35] ping&FPS: 0.053158405636 164.964440721 231.964440721 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:05:35] ping&FPS: 0.0535452844841 151.964440491 231.964440721 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:05:37] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_01_02 19:05:39] ping&FPS: 0.0532875540001 161.9644869 259.9644869 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:05:39] ping&FPS: 0.0536503153188 150.964485574 259.9644869 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:05:40] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_01_02 19:05:40] ping&FPS: 0.0560542153461 111.964511919 245.964511919 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:05:41] ping&FPS: 0.0550901549203 163.964515518 245.964511919 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:05:42] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_01_02 19:05:47] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_01_02 19:05:47] ping&FPS: 0.0549004184348 164.964619804 260.964619804 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:05:47] ping&FPS: 0.0531165855271 142.964621823 260.964619804 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:05:49] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:05:49] id 13446135 [S] [2016_01_02 19:05:49] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_01_02 19:05:50] ping&FPS: 0.0480890156967 158.964664291 250.964664291 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:05:50] ping&FPS: 0.048499252115 148.9646645 250.964664291 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:05:51] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_01_02 19:05:51] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_01_02 19:05:52] ping&FPS: 0.0576593237264 159.964705567 280.964705567 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:05:52] ping&FPS: 0.0507570909602 108.964708533 280.964705567 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:05:54] ping&FPS: 0.0535183580858 113.96472511 264.96472511 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:05:54] ping&FPS: 0.0541034149272 144.964726526 264.96472511 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:05:55] ping&FPS: 0.0527491899473 155.964753787 264.964753787 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:05:55] ping&FPS: 0.050396311496 126.964758772 264.964753787 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:05:56] ping&FPS: 0.0507770361645 124.964769918 245.964769918 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:05:56] ping&FPS: 0.0542714106185 157.964776258 245.964769918 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:05:58] ping&FPS: 0.0402772607548 142.964806597 256.964806597 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:05:59] ping&FPS: 0.0390284242375 145.964808177 256.964806597 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:05:59] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:00] ping&FPS: 0.0497236730797 116.964824754 248.964824754 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:00] ping&FPS: 0.0614370363099 171.964828733 248.964824754 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:00] ping&FPS: 0.0541638838393 143.964832831 274.964832831 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:00] ping&FPS: 0.0485624479396 112.964833658 274.964832831 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:01] id 13446123 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:01] id 13446117 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:01] id 13446143 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:02] ping&FPS: 0.045332032655 130.964863378 256.964863378 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:02] ping&FPS: 0.0556557582957 179.964864011 256.964863378 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:02] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:02] id 13446141 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:02] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:02] id 13446117 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:02] name WADYAN29 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:02] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:03] ping&FPS: 0.0388480605824 111.964874427 238.964874427 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:03] ping&FPS: 0.0392735259874 142.964872721 238.964874427 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:05] ping&FPS: 0.0494074108345 205.96490002 143.964895125 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:05] ping&FPS: 0.0494074108345 205.96490002 205.96490002 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:05] ping&FPS: 0.0547824161393 236.964901614 205.96490002 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:05] ping&FPS: 0.0547824161393 236.964901614 236.964901614 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:05] ping&FPS: 0.0538835929973 137.964906539 236.964901614 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:08] ping&FPS: 0.0518834399326 110.964972998 251.964972998 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:08] ping&FPS: 0.0476202698691 142.964977811 251.964972998 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:10] ping&FPS: 0.0430538686258 123.965024258 228.965024258 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:10] ping&FPS: 0.051884266947 147.965028028 228.965024258 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:11] ping&FPS: 0.0422786431653 112.965041946 268.965041946 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:12] ping&FPS: 0.0446938382728 152.965044673 268.965041946 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:12] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:12] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:12] id 13446141 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:12] name _DrAgOn_89 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:12] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:13] ping&FPS: 0.0542732583625 180.965070519 281.965070519 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:13] ping&FPS: 0.0575409190995 130.965076159 281.965070519 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:13] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:13] Two time score difference detected. Max Score(0): 602 Min Score(1): 252 User Team Id: 1 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:17] SmokeScreen.onEnterWorld( 154703 ) [(-402.684, -348.021)] [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:18] ping&FPS: 0.0547239141805 153.965195868 266.965195868 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:18] ping&FPS: 0.0530876400215 135.965201396 266.965195868 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:18] ping&FPS: 0.0750147955758 201.965217951 148.965209055 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:18] ping&FPS: 0.0750147955758 201.965217951 201.965217951 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:18] ping&FPS: 0.0683333831174 218.965224046 201.965217951 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:18] ping&FPS: 0.0683333831174 218.965224046 218.965224046 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:18] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:18] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:18] id 13446135 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:18] name PVNSH [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:18] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:18] @ launchpadAppeared 13446135 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:18] ping&FPS: 0.0626674847943 134.965227548 218.965224046 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:19] ping&FPS: 0.0518721597535 104.965228844 244.965228844 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:19] ping&FPS: 0.0571607010705 169.965234357 244.965228844 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:19] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:21] ping&FPS: 0.0573550718171 201.965257193 122.965252023 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:21] ping&FPS: 0.0573550718171 201.965257193 201.965257193 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:21] ping&FPS: 0.0483902128679 96.9652600544 201.965257193 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:21] ping&FPS: 0.0497044058783 131.96526679 201.965257193 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:21] ping&FPS: 0.0497044058783 131.96526679 228.96526679 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:21] ping&FPS: 0.0524807157261 151.965270284 228.96526679 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:22] ping&FPS: 0.060378115092 201.96527918 151.965270284 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:22] ping&FPS: 0.060378115092 201.96527918 201.96527918 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:22] ping&FPS: 0.0592471169574 213.965290043 201.96527918 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:22] ping&FPS: 0.0592471169574 213.965290043 213.965290043 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:22] ping&FPS: 0.0589038985116 145.965296279 213.965290043 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:23] ping&FPS: 0.0505963819368 148.965327721 245.965327721 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:23] ping&FPS: 0.054946105395 180.965335968 245.965327721 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:23] ping&FPS: 0.0451499404652 112.96534403 230.96534403 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:23] ping&FPS: 0.0474063338978 145.965347472 230.96534403 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:24] ping&FPS: 0.0550271975143 129.965363223 247.965363223 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:24] ping&FPS: 0.0536479907376 166.965370107 247.965363223 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:25] ping&FPS: 0.057663630162 139.965401541 264.965401541 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:26] ping&FPS: 0.0595629172666 157.965405087 264.965401541 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:26] ping&FPS: 0.0505659016115 140.96541864 253.96541864 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:27] ping&FPS: 0.0478282453758 144.965421918 253.96541864 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:27] ping&FPS: 0.0477354707462 114.965446915 243.965446915 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:27] ping&FPS: 0.0517272385103 150.965448383 243.965446915 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:28] ping&FPS: 0.0545802967889 146.965484481 279.965484481 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:28] ping&FPS: 0.0461270543081 98.9654895323 279.965484481 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:29] ping&FPS: 0.0465990858419 167.965500939 291.965500939 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:29] ping&FPS: 0.0451443376286 147.96550564 291.965500939 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:29] ping&FPS: 0.0383029165012 115.965509753 291.965500939 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:29] ping&FPS: 0.0383029165012 115.965509753 263.965509753 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:29] ping&FPS: 0.0436881514532 154.965514671 263.965509753 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:30] ping&FPS: 0.0491400914533 130.965529601 274.965529601 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:30] ping&FPS: 0.045413057719 129.965533215 274.965529601 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:31] ping&FPS: 0.0437721269471 163.965559776 284.965559776 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:31] ping&FPS: 0.0414095999939 134.965559553 284.965559776 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:31] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:31] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:31] ping&FPS: 0.0489210294826 146.96556409 284.965559776 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:31] ping&FPS: 0.0489210294826 146.96556409 281.96556409 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:31] ping&FPS: 0.0488802897079 129.965567704 281.96556409 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:33] ping&FPS: 0.047220173691 168.965589161 266.965589161 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:33] ping&FPS: 0.0493209468467 132.965594198 266.965589161 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:33] ping&FPS: 0.049876551543 132.965609949 249.965609949 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:34] ping&FPS: 0.0491228210075 167.965615134 249.965609949 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:34] ping&FPS: 0.0459517272455 101.965618904 242.965618904 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:34] ping&FPS: 0.0598834263427 182.965619098 242.965618904 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:34] ping&FPS: 0.0487271877272 161.965625446 265.965625446 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:34] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:34] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:34] id 13446111 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:34] name reyd78 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:34] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:34] ping&FPS: 0.0306075098259 125.965623747 265.965625446 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:34] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:35] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:35] ping&FPS: 0.0547052430255 171.965635921 275.965635921 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:35] ping&FPS: 0.0500944661243 135.965639587 275.965635921 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:36] ping&FPS: 0.0494205983622 149.965659882 268.965659882 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:36] ping&FPS: 0.0484381424529 132.965664919 268.965659882 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:37] ping&FPS: 0.0470682563526 133.965693075 265.965693075 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:37] ping&FPS: 0.0468016671283 165.965701658 265.965693075 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:38] ping&FPS: 0.061592067991 151.965753961 268.965753961 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:38] ping&FPS: 0.0544660197837 107.9657549 268.965753961 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:40] id 13446133 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:40] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:40] ping&FPS: 0.0602848934276 143.965801987 257.965801987 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:40] ping&FPS: 0.0703685837133 178.965804319 257.965801987 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:40] ping&FPS: 0.054628099714 146.965815272 259.965815272 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:41] ping&FPS: 0.0526353525264 145.96581592 259.965815272 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:41] ping&FPS: 0.0537139283759 148.965825203 273.965825203 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:41] ping&FPS: 0.0453535722835 119.965828109 273.965825203 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:42] ping&FPS: 0.0527671532972 137.96584418 239.96584418 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:42] ping&FPS: 0.0556207852704 169.965845968 239.96584418 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:42] ping&FPS: 0.0600620018584 128.965850997 232.965850997 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:42] ping&FPS: 0.0572563218219 143.965849455 232.965850997 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:43] ping&FPS: 0.0576140688998 137.965852718 254.965852718 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:43] ping&FPS: 0.0608845757587 163.965852592 254.965852718 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:43] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:43] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:45] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:47] ping&FPS: 0.0455277594072 132.965924348 286.965924348 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:47] ping&FPS: 0.0479344310505 146.96593168 286.965924348 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:47] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:47] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:47] id 13446133 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:47] name trol14 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:47] team id 1 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:47] @ launchpadAppeared 13446133 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:48] ping&FPS: 0.045263070081 113.965943496 231.965943496 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:48] ping&FPS: 0.0480173262102 149.965951319 231.965943496 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:48] id 13446141 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:49] ping&FPS: 0.0578045057399 159.965979363 287.965979363 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:49] ping&FPS: 0.0530078592045 131.965979579 287.965979363 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:50] ping&FPS: 0.0544862704618 155.966003973 251.966003973 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:50] ping&FPS: 0.0660579161985 179.9660074 251.966003973 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:50] ping&FPS: 0.0554296927793 144.966016333 241.966016333 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:50] ping&FPS: 0.0575702892882 141.966020051 241.966016333 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:54] ping&FPS: 0.0459156366331 136.966105055 242.966105055 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:54] ping&FPS: 0.0465986239059 138.966107349 242.966105055 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:55] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:55] id 13446139 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:56] ping&FPS: 0.0486761288983 120.966148111 253.966148111 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:56] ping&FPS: 0.0446976976735 146.966150786 253.966148111 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:58] ping&FPS: 0.0512466835124 177.966186333 241.966188441 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:58] ping&FPS: 0.062915663634 231.966193627 241.966188441 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:58] ping&FPS: 0.062915663634 231.966193627 167.966193627 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:59] ping&FPS: 0.0571347283466 142.966220695 257.966220695 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:59] ping&FPS: 0.0678722517831 162.966225061 257.966220695 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:59] ping&FPS: 0.0710596101625 189.966230731 312.966230731 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:06:59] ping&FPS: 0.0568402665002 85.9662308576 312.966230731 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:00] ping&FPS: 0.0605884151799 156.966231446 312.966230731 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:00] ping&FPS: 0.0605884151799 156.966231446 242.966231446 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:00] ping&FPS: 0.065225894962 155.966235596 242.966231446 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:00] ping&FPS: 0.0439048292381 109.966244999 220.966244999 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:01] ping&FPS: 0.0487910764558 157.966245751 220.966244999 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:01] id 13446117 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:02] ping&FPS: 0.0546409892184 424.966274972 173.966264914 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:02] ping&FPS: 0.0546409892184 424.966274972 424.966274972 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:02] ping&FPS: 0.0490247415645 140.966280389 424.966274972 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:02] ping&FPS: 0.0411200927837 95.9662821548 424.966274972 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:02] ping&FPS: 0.0411200927837 95.9662821548 236.966282155 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:02] ping&FPS: 0.0496014314038 183.966287169 236.966282155 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:03] ping&FPS: 0.0529718356473 137.966302599 244.966302599 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:03] ping&FPS: 0.055768008743 151.966307025 244.966302599 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:04] ping&FPS: 0.0591991203172 111.966338951 256.966338951 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:04] ping&FPS: 0.0579921560628 140.966340642 256.966338951 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:05] ping&FPS: 0.0611379849059 160.966356698 242.966356698 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:05] ping&FPS: 0.0586630808456 135.966358501 242.966356698 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:06] ping&FPS: 0.0595643328769 165.966377627 262.966377627 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:07] ping&FPS: 0.0587924676282 265.96637373 262.966377627 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:07] ping&FPS: 0.0587924676282 265.96637373 265.96637373 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:07] ping&FPS: 0.0513354422791 154.966372128 265.96637373 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:08] ping&FPS: 0.0597800569875 158.966411147 272.966411147 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:09] ping&FPS: 0.0574769186122 124.966416735 272.966411147 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:10] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:10] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:11] ping&FPS: 0.0636590378625 278.966443236 154.966440346 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:11] ping&FPS: 0.0636590378625 278.966443236 278.966443236 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:11] ping&FPS: 0.0561614739043 113.966444227 278.966443236 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:11] ping&FPS: 0.0543862538678 124.966452624 257.966452624 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:12] ping&FPS: 0.0547895090921 149.966452997 257.966452624 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:12] ping&FPS: 0.0501394452793 140.966455545 247.966455545 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:12] ping&FPS: 0.0497142778976 137.966456744 247.966455545 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:13] ping&FPS: 0.0455450075013 137.966480251 228.966480251 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:13] ping&FPS: 0.0518973501665 170.966484997 228.966480251 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:15] ping&FPS: 0.0609823124749 148.966535564 267.966535564 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:16] ping&FPS: 0.0610493975026 143.966536816 267.966535564 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:16] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:16] ping&FPS: 0.0483380662543 160.966539036 270.966539036 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:16] ping&FPS: 0.0433356123311 120.966540243 270.966539036 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:17] ping&FPS: 0.0530375274164 160.966553907 279.966553907 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:17] ping&FPS: 0.0514883356435 133.966559108 279.966553907 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:20] ping&FPS: 0.053646917854 132.966646503 260.966646503 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:21] ping&FPS: 0.0558966057641 138.966648798 260.966646503 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:22] ping&FPS: 0.0512275876743 146.966682035 264.966682035 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:22] ping&FPS: 0.0499224620206 118.966686639 264.966682035 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:22] ping&FPS: 0.0489181163056 135.966699365 280.966699365 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:23] ping&FPS: 0.0556172685964 170.966705042 280.966699365 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:23] ping&FPS: 0.0483981849892 136.966708768 249.966708768 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:23] ping&FPS: 0.0455304267151 160.966710943 249.966708768 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:25] ping&FPS: 0.0542134600026 148.966732811 255.966732811 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:25] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:25] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:25] ping&FPS: 0.0502668651087 141.966730941 255.966732811 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:26] ping&FPS: 0.0509177031262 128.966753121 246.966753121 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:26] ping&FPS: 0.0513013409717 150.966757383 246.966753121 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:27] ping&FPS: 0.0485412435872 113.966760572 243.966760572 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:27] ping&FPS: 0.0460132764918 134.966763142 243.966760572 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:27] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:29] ping&FPS: 0.05918375722 142.966772388 287.966772388 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:30] ping&FPS: 0.0640658097608 140.966773148 287.966772388 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:30] ping&FPS: 0.0501927467329 106.966773923 287.966772388 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:30] ping&FPS: 0.0501927467329 106.966773923 247.966773923 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:30] ping&FPS: 0.0449885981424 157.966780263 247.966773923 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:30] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:30] ping&FPS: 0.0509239839656 146.966784615 286.966784615 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:30] ping&FPS: 0.0500412317259 138.966784115 286.966784615 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:31] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:31] ping&FPS: 0.0471137421472 144.966790672 250.966790672 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:31] ping&FPS: 0.0542288081987 170.966791693 250.966790672 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:33] ping&FPS: 0.0539399640901 119.966830145 239.966830145 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:33] ping&FPS: 0.0551064120872 146.96683282 239.966830145 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:34] ping&FPS: 0.0824258135898 439.966841611 146.96683282 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:34] ping&FPS: 0.0824258135898 439.966841611 439.966841611 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:34] ping&FPS: 0.0836976425988 173.966845918 439.966841611 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:34] ping&FPS: 0.0731397824628 175.966850895 268.966850895 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:35] ping&FPS: 0.069184462939 123.966854456 268.966850895 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:37] ping&FPS: 0.0538020836455 93.9668979826 234.966897983 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:37] ping&FPS: 0.053889389549 147.966900821 234.966897983 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:41] ping&FPS: 0.0566098349435 215.966968256 142.966962654 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:41] ping&FPS: 0.0566098349435 215.966968256 215.966968256 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:41] ping&FPS: 0.0665071564061 267.966963756 215.966968256 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:41] ping&FPS: 0.0665071564061 267.966963756 267.966963756 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:41] ping&FPS: 0.0613901125533 123.966965455 267.966963756 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:41] ping&FPS: 0.0596364246947 129.966968137 267.966963756 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:41] ping&FPS: 0.0596364246947 129.966968137 253.966968137 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:41] ping&FPS: 0.0554279344422 121.966970439 253.966968137 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:42] Lose kill threshold is passed for team 1. Score: 117 Threshold: 120 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:42] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:43] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:47] setFpsGathererActive(False) [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:47] id 13446101 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:47] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:47] id 13446103 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:47] id 13446105 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:47] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:47] id 13446107 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:47] id 13446109 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:47] id 13446111 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:47] id 13446113 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:47] id 13446115 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:47] id 13446119 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:47] id 13446121 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:47] id 13446125 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:47] Avatar.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:47] id 13446127 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:47] id 13446129 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:47] id 13446131 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:47] id 13446133 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:47] id 13446135 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:47] id 13446137 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:47] id 13446145 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:47] id 13446147 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:47] Account.__init__() [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:47] __init__() Cherep_N [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:47] [DEBUG] (24343278503594968, 57): Deleted: [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:47] [DEBUG] (24343278503594968, 57): Deleted: [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:47] [DEBUG] (24343278503594717, 19): ClientLobbySpace is creating [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:47] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:47] >>> receiveChanges {'storage': {4283264944L: 80}} [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:47] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:47] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:47] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:47] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4281251536 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:47] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:47] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4281251536L: {'exp': 10007}}, 'changedCrews': {6: {'exp': 12012}}, 'moneyXP': 20} [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:47] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:47] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:47] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': 51123.0} [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:48] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:48] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -7656.0} [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:48] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:48] setServerTime -13.9530000687 1451754482 1451754468.05 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:48] updateActionsProgress: {'15121801': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 2}}} [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:48] __updateTaskProgress start: {'15121801': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 2}}} [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:48] step id: 15121801 progress {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 2}} [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:48] isDone id 15121801 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:48] isDone id 15121801 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:48] isDone id 15121801 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:48] isDone id 15121802 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:48] isDone id 15121803 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:48] CommonDailyList.onUpdate 0 32 [dailyId 32 type 1 desc {'rewards': {3: '50000'}, 'title': 320, 'iconId': 7, 'timeToChange': 0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 32, 'condition': (5, '1', ('8', 2.0))} , dailyId 14 type 1 desc {'rewards': {3: '20000'}, 'title': 140, 'iconId': 8, 'timeToChange': 0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 14, 'condition': (6, '0', ('5', 0))} , dailyId 31 type 1 desc {'rewards': {3: '50000'}, 'title': 310, 'iconId': 6, 'timeToChange': 0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 2, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 31, 'condition': (6, '1', ('4', 1.0))} ] [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:48] Daily.update: {'rewards': {'addResCR': {'value': '50000'}}, 'pdata': {'count': 1.0, 'isSeen': True, 'timeToChange': 0, 'reward': 'addResCR'}, 'condition': ('killPlanes', {'count': '8', 'division': '0', 'countBattle': '1'}), 'desc': (32, 1, 7, 320, 0)} [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:48] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {3: '50000'}, 'title': 320, 'iconId': 7, 'timeToChange': 0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 32, 'condition': (5, '1', ('8', 1.0))} [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:48] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {3: '20000'}, 'title': 140, 'iconId': 8, 'timeToChange': 0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 14, 'condition': (6, '0', ('5', 0))} [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:48] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {3: '50000'}, 'title': 310, 'iconId': 6, 'timeToChange': 0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 2, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 31, 'condition': (6, '1', ('4', 1.0))} [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:48] CommonDailyList.onUpdate 1 14 [dailyId 32 type 1 desc {'rewards': {3: '50000'}, 'title': 320, 'iconId': 7, 'timeToChange': 0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 32, 'condition': (5, '1', ('8', 1.0))} , dailyId 14 type 1 desc {'rewards': {3: '20000'}, 'title': 140, 'iconId': 8, 'timeToChange': 0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 14, 'condition': (6, '0', ('5', 0))} , dailyId 31 type 1 desc {'rewards': {3: '50000'}, 'title': 310, 'iconId': 6, 'timeToChange': 0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 2, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 31, 'condition': (6, '1', ('4', 1.0))} ] [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:48] Daily.update: {'rewards': {'addResCR': {'value': '20000'}}, 'pdata': {'count': 0, 'isSeen': True, 'timeToChange': 0, 'reward': 'addResCR'}, 'condition': ('torpHits', {'count': '5', 'division': '0', 'countBattle': '0', 'weaponType': 'bomb'}), 'desc': (14, 1, 8, 140, 1)} [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:48] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {3: '50000'}, 'title': 320, 'iconId': 7, 'timeToChange': 0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 32, 'condition': (5, '1', ('8', 1.0))} [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:48] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {3: '20000'}, 'title': 140, 'iconId': 8, 'timeToChange': 0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 14, 'condition': (6, '0', ('5', 0))} [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:48] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {3: '50000'}, 'title': 310, 'iconId': 6, 'timeToChange': 0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 2, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 31, 'condition': (6, '1', ('4', 1.0))} [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:48] CommonDailyList.onUpdate 2 31 [dailyId 32 type 1 desc {'rewards': {3: '50000'}, 'title': 320, 'iconId': 7, 'timeToChange': 0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 32, 'condition': (5, '1', ('8', 1.0))} , dailyId 14 type 1 desc {'rewards': {3: '20000'}, 'title': 140, 'iconId': 8, 'timeToChange': 0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 14, 'condition': (6, '0', ('5', 0))} , dailyId 31 type 1 desc {'rewards': {3: '50000'}, 'title': 310, 'iconId': 6, 'timeToChange': 0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 2, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 31, 'condition': (6, '1', ('4', 1.0))} ] [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:48] Daily.update: {'rewards': {'addResCR': {'value': '50000'}}, 'pdata': {'count': 1.0, 'isSeen': True, 'timeToChange': 0, 'reward': 'addResCR'}, 'condition': ('torpHits', {'count': '4', 'division': '0', 'countBattle': '1'}), 'desc': (31, 1, 6, 310, 2)} [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:48] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {3: '50000'}, 'title': 320, 'iconId': 7, 'timeToChange': 0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 32, 'condition': (5, '1', ('8', 1.0))} [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:48] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {3: '20000'}, 'title': 140, 'iconId': 8, 'timeToChange': 0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 14, 'condition': (6, '0', ('5', 0))} [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:48] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {3: '50000'}, 'title': 310, 'iconId': 6, 'timeToChange': 0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 2, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 31, 'condition': (6, '1', ('4', 1.0))} [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:48] leaveBattleSession() Reason: 0 Info: None [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:48] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:48] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:48] Can't send FPS data: it's empty [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:48] GameServerMessenger().getInitParams() called [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:48] [DEBUG] (24343278503594646, 226): onGetAccountStats ('0 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:48] StatsProxy.applyStatsDiff(): {'dossier': '\x06\x00\x18\x00`\x00,\x018\x00`\x00<\x008\x00`\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00`\x00\x00\x00\x00\x008\x00\x00\x00\x00\x008\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00`\x00`\x00`\x008\x008\x008\x00\x00\x00Jy\x96U\t\xfd\x87Vn<\x02\x008#\x00\x00#\x01\x00\x00\x80d\x88V\x02\x18\x02\x00"\r\x03\x00\x1c\x01\x00\x00\x90\x00\x00\x00A\x00\x00\x00\x86\x00\x00\x00G\x00\x00\x00\xbc\x00\x00\x00\r\x00\x00\x00\xdbbF\x00\x1b\x00\x00\x00h\x01\x00\x00\x8b\x00\x00\x00\x03\x00\x00\x00\x07\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x98^\x00\x009\x05\x00\x00\xc2\x01\x00\x00\xd2 \x00\x00\xd5\x00\x00\x00(\x00\x00\x00%,\x02\x00\xf07/\xff\x12\x00\x00\x00\x08\x00\x00\x00\xf0\xb7\xee\xff\x05\x00\x00\x00\x03\x00\x00\x00\xd0\xb6\xae\xfd\n\x00\x00\x00\x06\x00\x00\x00\xf0\xb7\xde\xff\x05\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\xf07\xde\xff\x08\x00\x00\x00\x06\x00\x00\x00\xf0\xb7\xce\xff\x0b\x00\x00\x00\x05\x00\x00\x00\xf07N\xfe\x0e\x00\x00\x00\t\x00\x00\x00\xf0\xb7\xbe\xff\x16\x00\x00\x00\x0b\x00\x00\x00\xd0\xb6\xce\xfd\x06\x00\x00\x00\x04\x00\x00\x00\xd06\xde\xff\x06\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\xd0\xb6\x0e\xff\r\x00\x00\x00\x06\x00\x00\x00\xd06~\xfe\x0e\x00\x00\x00\t\x00\x00\x00\xd0\xb5\xae\xf9\x02\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x000\xb7\xee\xff\x03\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\xd05\x9e\xf9\x08\x00\x00\x00\x05\x00\x00\x00\xf07\xef\xff\x10\x00\x00\x00\x06\x00\x00\x000\xb7\xde\xff\x06\x00\x00\x00\x05\x00\x00\x000\xb7\x8e\xf9\x10\x00\x00\x00\x06\x00\x00\x00\xf07\xce\xfe\n\x00\x00\x00\x07\x00\x00\x00\xd05\x8e\xf9\x0c\x00\x00\x00\x06\x00\x00\x00\xf0\xb7~\xfe\x1d\x00\x00\x00\x0e\x00\x00\x000\xb7~\xf9\x12\x00\x00\x00\x08\x00\x00\x00\xd06\xef\xff\x0c\x00\x00\x00\x04\x00\x00\x00\xd0\xb6.\xff\x0e\x00\x00\x00\x06\x00\x00\x00\xd06\xce\xff\x06\x00\x00\x00\x04\x00\x00\x00m\x06m\x06\x05\x02\x00vO\x01\x00\x05\x01\x01\x00\x00\xf0\xb7~\xfe\xf0\xb7~\xfe\xd0\xb6\xae\xfd\xf0\xb7~\xfe\xf0\xb7~\xfe\xd0\xb6\xae\xfd0\xb7~\xf9\xd06~\xfe\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00g\x06\x00\x00\x83\x08\x00\x00\x07\x00\x00\x00\x07\x00\x00\x00\x06\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x06\x00\x00\x00\x07\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00Ke\x02\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x16\x00\x00\x00\x04\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00s\x02\x00\x00_\x00\x00\x00\x08\x00\x00\x00-\x01\x00\x00\x10\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00g\x06\x00\x00\xf0\xb7\xce\xff\x01\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\xd0\xb6\xce\xfd\x01\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\xf0\xb7~\xfe\x01\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x000\xb7~\xf9\x02\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\xd06\xce\xff\x02\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x004\x014\x01\x03\x00\x00\x13\x9a\x00\x00\x02\x01\x02\x00\x00\xf0\xb7~\xfe\xf0\xb7~\xfe\xf0\xb7~\xfe\x00\x00\x00\x00\xf0\xb7~\xfe\xd0\xb6\xce\xfd0\xb7~\xf9\xf0\xb7~\xfe\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x02\x18\x02\x00"\r\x03\x00\x1c\x01\x00\x00\x90\x00\x00\x00A\x00\x00\x00\x86\x00\x00\x00G\x00\x00\x00\xbc\x00\x00\x00\r\x00\x00\x00\xdbbF\x00\x1b\x00\x00\x00h\x01\x00\x00\x8b\x00\x00\x00\x03\x00\x00\x00\x07\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x98^\x00\x009\x05\x00\x00\xc2\x01\x00\x00\xd2 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'accPoints': 219649} [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:48] __processDossierStats() client dossier: ['pvp', 'pve_diag', 'pvp_diag', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'max_pve', 'rank_diag', 'pve', 'max_pvp', 'total'] [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:48] AccountLevelingProxy.onGetAccountStats(): (11, 219254) (11, 219649) [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:51] setServerTime -11.5050001144 1451754483 1451754471.49 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:51] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:51] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:51] Can't send FPS data: it's empty [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:51] GameServerMessenger().getInitParams() called [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:51] [TRACE] (24343278503595215, 30): Xmpp chat params received: ({'xmpp_std_rooms_svc': 'standard.wowsru.loc', 'account_id': 5719344, 'xmpp_host': 'wowsru.loc', 'xmpp_user_rooms_svc': 'user-rooms.wowsru.loc', 'xmpp_connections': [('xmpp-wows-ru.wargaming.net', 5222)], 'xmpp_resource': 'wows', 'xmpp_alt_connections': [('xmpp-wows-ru.wargaming.net', 5333)], 'xmpp_specific_rooms_svc': 'user-special.wowsru.loc'},) [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:51] [TRACE] (24343278503595215, 79): Xmpp chat: token requested [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:51] [DEBUG] (24343278503594646, 226): receiveBattleResults ('5584 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:51] BR: ['account_new_tier', 'killer_db_id', 'account_points_gained', 'rank_battles_season_id', 'init_economics', 'rank_stars_old', 'subtotal_economics', 'rank_stars_new', 'survey_id', 'is_premium', 'rank_stars_gained', 'team_id', 'tasks', 'common_economics', 'rank_new', 'dailics_info', 'rank_old', 'account_points_total', 'account_prev_tier'] [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:51] BR: {'credits': 51123, 'credits_penalty': 0, 'exp_penalty': 0, 'exp': 395, 'credits_compensation': 0} [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:51] BR: {'credits': {'adds': {'sse': 0, 'base': 0, 'mod': 0}, 'factors': {'sse': 0, 'base': 0, 'mod': 0.0}}, 'ship_exp': {'adds': {'sse': 0, 'base': 0, 'mod': 0}, 'factors': {'sse': 0, 'base': 0, 'mod': 0.0}}, 'crew_exp': {'adds': {'sse': 0, 'base': 0, 'mod': 0}, 'factors': {'sse': 0, 'base': 0, 'mod': 0.0}}, 'free_exp': {'adds': {'sse': 0, 'base': 0, 'mod': 0}, 'factors': {'sse': 0, 'base': 0, 'mod': 0.0}}, 'acc_level': {'adds': {'sse': 0, 'base': 0, 'mod': 0}, 'factors': {'sse': 0, 'base': 0, 'mod': 0.0}}} [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:51] BR: {'auto_abilities_gold': 0, 'premium_exp_factor': 1.5, 'auto_load_credits': 1156, 'auto_repair_credits': 6500, 'free_exp_factor': 0.05, 'auto_exterior_credits': 0.0, 'aogas_factor': 1.0, 'auto_exterior_gold': 0, 'auto_abilities_credits': 0.0, 'premium_credits_factor': 1.5} [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:51] BR: {'account_new_tier': 11, 'killer_db_id': 42632291, 'account_points_gained': 395, 'rank_battles_season_id': 0, 'init_economics': {'credits': 51123, 'credits_penalty': 0, 'exp_penalty': 0, 'exp': 395, 'credits_compensation': 0}, 'rank_stars_old': 0, 'subtotal_economics': {'credits': {'adds': {'sse': 0, 'base': 0, 'mod': 0}, 'factors': {'sse': 0, 'base': 0, 'mod': 0.0}}, 'ship_exp': {'adds': {'sse': 0, 'base': 0, 'mod': 0}, 'factors': {'sse': 0, 'base': 0, 'mod': 0.0}}, 'crew_exp': {'adds': {'sse': 0, 'base': 0, 'mod': 0}, 'factors': {'sse': 0, 'base': 0, 'mod': 0.0}}, 'free_exp': {'adds': {'sse': 0, 'base': 0, 'mod': 0}, 'factors': {'sse': 0, 'base': 0, 'mod': 0.0}}, 'acc_level': {'adds': {'sse': 0, 'base': 0, 'mod': 0}, 'factors': {'sse': 0, 'base': 0, 'mod': 0.0}}}, 'rank_stars_new': 0, 'survey_id': 0, 'is_premium': False, 'rank_stars_gained': 0, 'team_id': 1, 'tasks': {'15121801': {'count': (0, 0), 'progress': (0.2, 0.1), 2: {'count': (2, 1)}, 'name': u'\u0411\u043e\u0435\u0432\u043e\u0435 \u043a\u0440\u0435\u0449\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'}}, 'common_economics': {'auto_abilities_gold': 0, 'premium_exp_factor': 1.5, 'auto_load_credits': 1156, 'auto_repair_credits': 6500, 'free_exp_factor': 0.05, 'auto_exterior_credits': 0.0, 'aogas_factor': 1.0, 'auto_exterior_gold': 0, 'auto_abilities_credits': 0.0, 'premium_credits_factor': 1.5}, 'rank_new': 0, 'dailics_info': {}, 'rank_old': 0, 'account_points_total': 219649, 'account_prev_tier': 11} [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:51] BR2:i {'credits': 51123, 'credits_penalty': 0, 'exp_penalty': 0, 'exp': 395, 'credits_compensation': 0} [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:51] BR2:s {'credits': {'adds': {'sse': 0, 'base': 0, 'mod': 0}, 'factors': {'sse': 0, 'base': 0, 'mod': 0.0}}, 'ship_exp': {'adds': {'sse': 0, 'base': 0, 'mod': 0}, 'factors': {'sse': 0, 'base': 0, 'mod': 0.0}}, 'crew_exp': {'adds': {'sse': 0, 'base': 0, 'mod': 0}, 'factors': {'sse': 0, 'base': 0, 'mod': 0.0}}, 'free_exp': {'adds': {'sse': 0, 'base': 0, 'mod': 0}, 'factors': {'sse': 0, 'base': 0, 'mod': 0.0}}, 'acc_level': {'adds': {'sse': 0, 'base': 0, 'mod': 0}, 'factors': {'sse': 0, 'base': 0, 'mod': 0.0}}} [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:51] BR2:c {'auto_abilities_gold': 0, 'premium_exp_factor': 1.5, 'auto_load_credits': 1156, 'auto_repair_credits': 6500, 'free_exp_factor': 0.05, 'auto_exterior_credits': 0.0, 'aogas_factor': 1.0, 'auto_exterior_gold': 0, 'auto_abilities_credits': 0.0, 'premium_credits_factor': 1.5} [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:51] gAfterBattleStatsReceived: privateData: 6500 1156 {} 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:51] [DEBUG] (24343278503594646, 226): onGetSystemMessage ('149 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:51] [DEBUG] (24343278503594646, 18): onGetSystemMessage (1, [{'importance': 2, 'typeId': 4, 'dt': 1451753794, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'costShell': 1156, 'shipId': 4281251536L, 'result': 0, 'costRepair': 6500}}]) [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:51] [DEBUG] (24343278503594646, 226): onRewardsRestored ('55 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:51] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:51] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 1 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:51] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 1. Boxes contents: [{4288852912L: {(0, 4283622320L): 1}}] [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:51] [DEBUG] (24343278503594646, 226): onGetAchievements ('280 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:51] isDone id 15122001 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:51] isDone id 15121801 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:51] isDone id 15121804 count 0 limit 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:51] isDone id 15122005 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:51] ('[WWSD-43797] Dock.py updateShipSelection. shipId: ', 4291704528L, ', shipIdForModuleInset: ', 4291704528L) [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:51] [DBUG WWSD-40746] self.__requestedShipId 4291704528 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:51] isDone id 15122001 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:51] isDone id 15121801 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:51] isDone id 15121804 count 0 limit 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:51] isDone id 15122005 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:51] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:51] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:52] [TRACE] (24343278503595215, 30): Xmpp chat params received: ({'xmpp_std_rooms_svc': 'standard.wowsru.loc', 'account_id': 5719344, 'xmpp_host': 'wowsru.loc', 'xmpp_user_rooms_svc': 'user-rooms.wowsru.loc', 'xmpp_connections': [('xmpp-wows-ru.wargaming.net', 5222)], 'xmpp_resource': 'wows', 'xmpp_alt_connections': [('xmpp-wows-ru.wargaming.net', 5333)], 'xmpp_specific_rooms_svc': 'user-special.wowsru.loc'},) [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:52] [TRACE] (24343278503595215, 79): Xmpp chat: token requested [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:52] [DEBUG] (24343278503594646, 22): Xmpp chat token received: (5719344L, 82522656) [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:52] [DEBUG] (24343278503594646, 226): onGetSystemMessage ('503 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:52] [DEBUG] (24343278503594646, 18): onGetSystemMessage (1, [{'importance': 2, 'typeId': 5, 'dt': 1451753794, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'achievements': ((4283622320L, 1),), 'expPenalty': 0, 'tasks': {'15121801': {'count': (0, 0), 'progress': (0.2, 0.1), 2: {'count': (2, 1)}, 'name': u'\u0411\u043e\u0435\u0432\u043e\u0435 \u043a\u0440\u0435\u0449\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'}}, 'shipsKilled': 1.0, 'arenaUniqueID': 52734748078374153L, 'battleTypeId': 5, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'creditsCompensation': 0.0, 'mapTypeId': 5, 'credits': 51123, 'result': 2, 'CRFactor': 1.0, 'dailics_info': {}, 'exp': 395, 'shipId': 4281251536L, 'XPFactor': 1.0, 'battleCreateTime': 1451752713, 'accLeveling': (11, 219649, 11, 395), 'aogasFactor': 1.0}}]) [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:52] SYS_MESSAGE_TYPE.BATTLE_RESULTS [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:52] key achievements value ((4283622320L, 1),) [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:52] key expPenalty value 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:52] key tasks value {'15121801': {'count': (0, 0), 'progress': (0.2, 0.1), 2: {'count': (2, 1)}, 'name': u'\u0411\u043e\u0435\u0432\u043e\u0435 \u043a\u0440\u0435\u0449\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'}} [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:52] key shipsKilled value 1.0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:52] key arenaUniqueID value 52734748078374153 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:52] key battleTypeId value 5 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:52] key teamBuildTypeId value 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:52] key creditsPenalty value 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:52] key creditsCompensation value 0.0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:52] key mapTypeId value 5 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:52] key credits value 51123 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:52] key result value 2 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:52] key CRFactor value 1.0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:52] key dailics_info value {} [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:52] key exp value 395 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:52] key shipId value 4281251536 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:52] key XPFactor value 1.0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:52] key battleCreateTime value 1451752713 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:52] key accLeveling value (11, 219649, 11, 395) [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:52] key aogasFactor value 1.0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:52] isDone id 15121801 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:52] ping&FPS: 0.564767207418 0.001 137.967045742 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:52] found some error [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:53] [DEBUG] (24343278503594646, 22): Xmpp chat token received: (5719344L, 52305843) [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:53] ping&FPS: 0.475607003484 396.967204201 137.967045742 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:54] ping&FPS: 0.444746817861 1079.96724712 137.967045742 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:54] ping&FPS: 0.412734742676 214.967252556 137.967045742 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:54] ping&FPS: 0.375722553049 134.967254195 137.967045742 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:54] [DEBUG] (24343278503595215, 61): XmppChatHandler.onConnect [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:54] [DEBUG] (24343278503595215, 9): XmppChatHandler.handleRoster() ([],) [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:54] groups: {} [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:54] users: {} [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:54] ping&FPS: 0.347610260759 185.967257674 137.967045742 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:54] ping&FPS: 0.313708688532 92.9672598796 137.967045742 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:55] [DEBUG] (24343278503595215, 9): handleBanInfo: ({'banId': '', 'reason': '', 'expiry': -1L},) [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:55] [DEBUG] (24343278503595215, 15): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence() ('5719344@wowsru.loc/wows', 'Cherep_N', 0) [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:55] ping&FPS: 0.289338435446 159.967263754 137.967045742 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:55] [DEBUG] (24343278503595215, 12): XmppChatHandler.handleChannelList(): group (5, []) [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:55] [DEBUG] (24343278503595215, 12): XmppChatHandler.handleChannelList(): group (2, []) [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:55] [DEBUG] (24343278503595215, 12): XmppChatHandler.handleChannelList(): group (3, []) [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:55] [DEBUG] (24343278503595215, 12): XmppChatHandler.handleChannelList(): group (1, [('ids_chat_channel_offtop@standard.wowsru.loc', 'IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_OFFTOP', 4), ('ids_chat_channel_questions@standard.wowsru.loc', 'IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_QUESTIONS', 4), ('ids_chat_channel_search_div@standard.wowsru.loc', 'IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_SEARCH_DIV', 4), ('wargamingfm@standard.wowsru.loc', 'WargamingFM \xd0\x9a\xd0\xbe\xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb1\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb8', 4)]) [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:55] ping&FPS: 0.265862937484 146.96726736 137.967045742 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:55] ping&FPS: 0.242736096893 132.967270534 137.967045742 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:55] ping&FPS: 0.223321046148 132.967273708 137.967045742 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:55] ping&FPS: 0.206640298877 146.967277314 137.967045742 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:07:59] ping&FPS: 0.0613497155053 257.967359553 137.967045742 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:08:05] ping&FPS: 0.0556482630117 686.967471841 137.967045742 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:08:09] ping&FPS: 0.0507438289268 220.967576894 137.967045742 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:08:10] ping&FPS: 0.0591058390481 302.967581856 137.967045742 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:08:10] ping&FPS: 0.0627179550273 232.967588577 137.967045742 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:08:10] ping&FPS: 0.0682775782687 206.967592705 137.967045742 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:08:11] ping&FPS: 0.0596757935626 290.967614877 137.967045742 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:08:12] ping&FPS: 0.048246103738 218.967626277 137.967045742 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:08:12] ('[WWSD-43797] Dock.py updateShipSelection. shipId: ', 4281251536L, ', shipIdForModuleInset: ', 4281251536L) [S] [2016_01_02 19:08:12] [DBUG WWSD-40746] self.__requestedShipId 4281251536 [S] [2016_01_02 19:08:12] isDone id 15122001 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 19:08:12] isDone id 15121801 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 19:08:12] isDone id 15121804 count 0 limit 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:08:12] isDone id 15122005 count 0 limit 1 [E] [2016_01_02 19:08:12] CollisionModel::load: Error loading collision model content/gameplay/japan/ship/cruiser/JSC013_Kuma_1938/JSC013_Kuma_1938_Bow! [S] [2016_01_02 19:08:13] ping&FPS: 0.0462751494987 266.967622492 137.967045742 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:08:13] start check ATBA [S] [2016_01_02 19:08:13] end check ATBA [S] [2016_01_02 19:08:13] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2016_01_02 19:08:13] ping&FPS: 0.0577003913266 264.967619676 137.967045742 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:08:19] ('[WWSD-43797] Dock.py updateShipSelection. shipId: ', 4281251536L, ', shipIdForModuleInset: ', 4281251536L) [S] [2016_01_02 19:08:20] isDone id 15122001 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 19:08:20] isDone id 15121801 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 19:08:20] isDone id 15121804 count 0 limit 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:08:20] isDone id 15122005 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 19:08:20] ping&FPS: 0.0521985026343 567.967780802 137.967045742 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:08:20] [DEBUG] (24343278503594945, 183): ExternalInterfaceCallback "ControllerResearchModuleInset.ready" not found ((0,),) [S] [2016_01_02 19:08:20] [DEBUG] (24343278503594945, 193): [S] [2016_01_02 19:08:20] ping&FPS: 0.0475022750241 362.967786285 137.967045742 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:08:22] ping&FPS: 0.0533815579755 1238.96774909 137.967045742 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:08:22] ping&FPS: 0.0607059108359 269.967757958 137.967045742 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:08:25] ('[WWSD-43797] Dock.py updateShipSelection. shipId: ', 4281251536L, ', shipIdForModuleInset: ', 4281251536L) [S] [2016_01_02 19:08:25] isDone id 15122001 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 19:08:25] isDone id 15121801 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 19:08:25] isDone id 15121804 count 0 limit 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:08:25] isDone id 15122005 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 19:08:25] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2016_01_02 19:08:25] ping&FPS: 0.0528834717614 350.967814404 137.967045742 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:08:31] ping&FPS: 0.0519471572978 314.967951599 137.967045742 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:08:33] ping&FPS: 0.0568050103528 615.968002948 137.967045742 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:08:33] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_01_02 19:08:33] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_01_02 19:08:33] ping&FPS: 0.0617111282689 464.968013975 137.967045742 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:08:33] ping&FPS: 0.066786135946 224.968019191 137.967045742 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:08:42] ping&FPS: 0.0533049958093 212.968210194 137.967045742 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:08:44] ping&FPS: 0.0624916808946 439.96827105 137.967045742 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:08:47] ping&FPS: 0.0583497541291 229.968325551 137.967045742 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:08:49] ping&FPS: 0.0457156108958 222.968379054 137.967045742 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:08:49] ping&FPS: 0.0525579633457 203.96838269 137.967045742 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:08:50] enqueue(): [S] [2016_01_02 19:08:50] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4281251536 4 [S] [2016_01_02 19:08:50] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_01_02 19:08:50] onEnqueued() QueueType: 1 ShipId: 4281251536 [S] [2016_01_02 19:08:51] ping&FPS: 0.058780710612 531.96840592 137.967045742 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:08:53] ping&FPS: 0.0734757738454 1746.96838494 137.967045742 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:08:54] onPrepareingForBattle() [S] [2016_01_02 19:08:54] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4281251536 1 [S] [2016_01_02 19:08:54] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_01_02 19:08:54] onGameRoomStateInit mapIdx = 3 battleType = 98 gameMode = Domination duration=1200 [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:01] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:02] [DEBUG] (24343278503594717, 6): Lobby destroy started. [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:02] [DEBUG] (24343278503594717, 285): Lobby successfully destroyed. [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:02] Thresholds for team 0: Win: 910 Lose: 130 [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:02] Thresholds for team 1: Win: 910 Lose: 130 [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:02] MissionsComponent: #0 ControlPointHoldMission; reward = 0; penalty = 0; controlPoints = [1, 5]; delay = 0; repeat = 6; repeatReward = 2; repeatPenalty = 0 #1 CaptureControlPointMission; reward = 1000; penalty = 0; controlPoints = [1, 5] #2 KillEnemyOfSpecificShipTypeMission; reward = 30; penalty = 45; shipType = Destroyer; rewardPerType = 0; penaltyPerType = 0 #3 KillEnemyOfSpecificShipTypeMission; reward = 35; penalty = 50; shipType = Cruiser; rewardPerType = 0; penaltyPerType = 0 #4 KillEnemyOfSpecificShipTypeMission; reward = 40; penalty = 60; shipType = Battleship; rewardPerType = 0; penaltyPerType = 0 #5 KillEnemyOfSpecificShipTypeMission; reward = 45; penalty = 65; shipType = AirCarrier; rewardPerType = 0; penaltyPerType = 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:02] Mission tasks available! [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:02] Battle waiting start: 5.0 / 2592.16604001 [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:02] Avatar.receiveAvatarInfo: {'evaluationsLeft': {0: 5, 1: 5}} [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:02] Avatar.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:02] name Cherep_N [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:02] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:02] Avatar onControlled False [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:02] onControlled->False: not implemented [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:02] onGeometryMapped() MapName: 08_NE_passage [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:02] teamBuildType: 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:02] player: Id: 13274496 Name: Suxor TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSA006_Zuiho_1944' [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:02] player: Id: 13490307 Name: BOYPASAD TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSD003_Isokaze_1917' [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:02] player: Id: 13395208 Name: Sturmowik_ TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSC105_Konigsberg' [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:02] player: Id: 12670736 Name: Igor_ek904 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASD014_Leader_1919' [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:02] player: Id: 12865943 Name: Sachsa_STALKER TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASC005_Omaha_1923' [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:02] player: Id: 10169632 Name: veter62rus TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSC005_Furutaka_1926' [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:02] player: Id: 12675377 Name: neketbos TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB004_Arkansas_1912' [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:02] player: Id: 12159925 Name: Nacio1945 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSC105_Konigsberg' [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:02] player: Id: 13019702 Name: Zlodei1977 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB004_Arkansas_1912' [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:02] player: Id: 6880574 Name: R__Z__S TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSA006_Zuiho_1944' [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:02] player: Id: 13831366 Name: Cherep_N TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSC013_Kuma_1938' [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:02] player: Id: 13136585 Name: Sergio_nv TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASA002_Bogue_1942' [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:02] player: Id: 11587787 Name: dron_9999 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSD104_Izyaslav' [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:02] player: Id: 11059408 Name: nikoss146 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB006_New_York_1934' [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:02] player: Id: 12875857 Name: vitd750 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSD104_Izyaslav' [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:02] player: Id: 12346979 Name: Yevg_138 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB006_New_York_1934' [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:02] player: Id: 12131427 Name: orin24 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASA002_Bogue_1942' [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:02] player: Id: 12458981 Name: Firstcat TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASC005_Omaha_1923' [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:02] player: Id: 11895917 Name: KILLER733 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASC005_Omaha_1923' [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:02] player: Id: 13173999 Name: Rusfan116 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASC024_Phoenix_1917' [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:02] player: Id: 12549360 Name: PanzerGuns TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB006_New_York_1934' [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:02] player: Id: 13132913 Name: RenamedUser_23975083 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSC105_Konigsberg' [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:02] player: Id: 12636786 Name: storonkins_1 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSC005_Furutaka_1926' [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:02] player: Id: 13332858 Name: igoryk_69 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSB007_Kongo_1942' [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:03] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:03] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:03] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:03] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:03] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:03] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:03] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:03] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:03] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:03] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:03] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:03] [Scaleform] Warning: instance12041.setImageSubstitutions() failed for #86 element - length of subString should not exceed 15 characters [E] [2016_01_02 19:09:04] CollisionModel::load: Error loading collision model content/gameplay/japan/ship/cruiser/JSC005_Furutaka_1926/JSC005_Furutaka_1926_MidBack! [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:06] Battle countdown start: 60.0 / 2596.93704011 [E] [2016_01_02 19:09:10] CollisionModel::load: Error loading collision model content/gameplay/japan/ship/cruiser/JSC005_Furutaka_1926/JSC005_Furutaka_1926_MidFront! [E] [2016_01_02 19:09:12] CollisionModel::load: Error loading collision model content/gameplay/japan/ship/cruiser/JSC023_Furutaka_1941/JSC023_Furutaka_1941_MidFront! [E] [2016_01_02 19:09:12] CollisionModel::load: Error loading collision model content/gameplay/japan/ship/cruiser/JSC005_Furutaka_1926/JSC005_Furutaka_1926_Stern! [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:13] ping&FPS: 0.0543720381601 116.968808446 207.968808446 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:13] ping&FPS: 0.0560123281819 152.96880931 207.968808446 0 [E] [2016_01_02 19:09:14] CollisionModel::load: Error loading collision model content/gameplay/japan/ship/cruiser/JSC023_Furutaka_1941/JSC023_Furutaka_1941_MidBack! [E] [2016_01_02 19:09:16] CollisionModel::load: Error loading collision model content/gameplay/japan/ship/cruiser/JSC023_Furutaka_1941/JSC023_Furutaka_1941_Stern! [E] [2016_01_02 19:09:17] CollisionModel::load: Error loading collision model content/gameplay/russia/ship/destroyer/RSD017_Izyaslav_1930/RSD017_Izyaslav_1930_MidFront! [E] [2016_01_02 19:09:17] CollisionModel::load: Error loading collision model content/gameplay/russia/ship/destroyer/RSD017_Izyaslav_1930/RSD017_Izyaslav_1930_MidFront! [E] [2016_01_02 19:09:17] CollisionModel::load: Error loading collision model content/gameplay/japan/ship/aircarrier/JSA006_Zuiho_1944/JSA006_Zuiho_1944_MidFront! [E] [2016_01_02 19:09:18] CollisionModel::load: Error loading collision model content/gameplay/usa/ship/battleship/ASB022_New_York_1942/ASB022_New_York_1942_Stern! [E] [2016_01_02 19:09:18] CollisionModel::load: Error loading collision model content/gameplay/japan/ship/aircarrier/JSA006_Zuiho_1944/JSA006_Zuiho_1944_Stern! [E] [2016_01_02 19:09:20] CollisionModel::load: Error loading collision model content/location/nature/rock/LNR02_passage/LNR02_passage! [E] [2016_01_02 19:09:26] Model::readDyes: In model content/location/vechicle/automobile/LVA041_dock/LVA041_dock.model, for dye matter PBS tint PBS_cl1, there was a problem loading the section. [E] [2016_01_02 19:09:26] Model::readDyes: In model content/location/vechicle/automobile/LVA041_dock/LVA041_dock.model, for dye matter PBS tint PBS_cl2, there was a problem loading the section. [E] [2016_01_02 19:09:26] Model::readDyes: In model content/location/vechicle/automobile/LVA041_dock/lods/LVA041_dock_lod1.model, for dye matter PBS tint PBS_cl1, there was a problem loading the section. [E] [2016_01_02 19:09:26] Model::readDyes: In model content/location/vechicle/automobile/LVA041_dock/lods/LVA041_dock_lod1.model, for dye matter PBS tint PBS_cl2, there was a problem loading the section. [E] [2016_01_02 19:09:26] Model::readDyes: In model content/location/vechicle/automobile/LVA041_dock/lods/LVA041_dock_lod2.model, for dye matter PBS tint PBS_cl1, there was a problem loading the section. [E] [2016_01_02 19:09:26] Model::readDyes: In model content/location/vechicle/automobile/LVA041_dock/lods/LVA041_dock_lod2.model, for dye matter PBS tint PBS_cl2, there was a problem loading the section. [E] [2016_01_02 19:09:26] Model::readDyes: In model content/location/vechicle/automobile/LVA041_dock/lods/LVA041_dock_lod3.model, for dye matter PBS tint PBS_cl1, there was a problem loading the section. [E] [2016_01_02 19:09:26] Model::readDyes: In model content/location/vechicle/automobile/LVA041_dock/lods/LVA041_dock_lod3.model, for dye matter PBS tint PBS_cl2, there was a problem loading the section. [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:32] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:32] id 13392505 [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:32] name vitd750 [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:32] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:33] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:33] id 13392513 [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:33] name KILLER733 [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:33] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:33] @ launchpadAppeared 13392513 [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:34] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:34] id 13392495 [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:34] name R__Z__S [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:34] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:34] @ launchpadAppeared 13392495 [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:36] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:36] id 13392511 [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:36] name Firstcat [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:36] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:36] @ launchpadAppeared 13392511 [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:37] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:37] id 13392489 [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:37] name neketbos [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:37] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:37] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:37] id 13392517 [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:37] name PanzerGuns [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:37] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:37] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:37] id 13392499 [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:37] name Sergio_nv [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:37] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:37] @ launchpadAppeared 13392499 [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:38] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:38] id 13392479 [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:38] name BOYPASAD [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:38] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:38] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:38] id 13392519 [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:38] name RenamedUser_23975083 [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:38] team id 0 [E] [2016_01_02 19:09:39] CollisionModel::load: Error loading collision model content/gameplay/japan/ship/cruiser/JSC013_Kuma_1938/JSC013_Kuma_1938_Bow! [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:39] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:39] id 13392497 [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:39] name Cherep_N [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:39] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:39] @ launchpadAppeared 13392497 [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:39] client.Vehicle.setAmmoArtilleryGun [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:39] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:39] Avatar.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:39] ! A.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:39] BoardService.init [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:39] @ launchpadAppeared 13392497 [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:39] -- GUNS ----------------------------------------- [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:39] {0: {'position': {'y': 1.0, 'x': 0.0}, 'rotation': 1.570796251296997, 'gunPositionId': 0}, 1: {'position': {'y': 1.0, 'x': 1.0}, 'rotation': -1.5707963705062866, 'gunPositionId': 1}, 2: {'position': {'y': 2.0, 'x': 1.0}, 'rotation': 1.570796251296997, 'gunPositionId': 2}, 3: {'position': {'y': 0.0, 'x': 1.0}, 'rotation': 1.570796251296997, 'gunPositionId': 3}, 4: {'position': {'y': 1.0, 'x': 4.0}, 'rotation': 1.570796251296997, 'gunPositionId': 4}, 5: {'position': {'y': 1.0, 'x': 5.0}, 'rotation': 1.570796251296997, 'gunPositionId': 5}, 6: {'position': {'y': 1.0, 'x': 6.0}, 'rotation': -1.5707963705062866, 'gunPositionId': 6}} [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:39] -- GUNS ----------------------------------------- [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:39] {0: {'position': {'y': 2.0, 'x': 2.0}, 'rotation': 1.570796251296997, 'gunPositionId': 0}, 1: {'position': {'y': 0.0, 'x': 2.0}, 'rotation': 1.570796251296997, 'gunPositionId': 1}, 2: {'position': {'y': 2.0, 'x': 4.0}, 'rotation': 1.570796251296997, 'gunPositionId': 2}, 3: {'position': {'y': 0.0, 'x': 4.0}, 'rotation': 1.570796251296997, 'gunPositionId': 3}} [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:39] ! PM.refreshAirArmament [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:39] BoardService.restore [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:39] Avatar.onWorldStateReceived [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:39] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:39] id 13392491 [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:39] name Nacio1945 [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:39] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:41] [Scaleform] Error: Missing font "$Arial" in "". Search log: Searching for font: "$Arial" Movie resource: "$Arial" not found. Imports : "$Arial" not found. Exported : "$Arial" not found. Registered fonts: "$Arial" not found. Searching FontLib: "$Arial" not found. Searching FontProvider: "$Arial" not found. Font not found. [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:41] ping&FPS: 0.0604471074683 483.969311971 127.969314593 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:41] ping&FPS: 0.0604471074683 483.969311971 483.969311971 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:42] ("[ERROR] FeedbackController: config {event: 'Sound', container: 'screenplay_trigger'} must set 'type'",) [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:43] ping&FPS: 0.0973005401237 2056.96923377 483.969311971 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:43] ping&FPS: 0.0973005401237 2056.96923377 2056.96923377 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:45] ping&FPS: 0.0888852732522 1652.96923091 2056.96923377 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:45] ping&FPS: 0.0888852732522 1652.96923091 1652.96923091 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:45] ping&FPS: 0.0751410829169 127.969227675 1652.96923091 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:45] ping&FPS: 0.0662917154176 106.969224724 1652.96923091 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:45] ping&FPS: 0.0662917154176 106.969224724 234.969224724 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:45] ping&FPS: 0.0658154743058 146.96922833 234.969224724 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:48] ping&FPS: 0.0688179390771 209.969282124 129.969279367 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:48] ping&FPS: 0.0688179390771 209.969282124 209.969282124 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:48] ping&FPS: 0.0557043658836 83.9692837851 209.969282124 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:48] ping&FPS: 0.0549640612943 142.969286736 209.969282124 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:48] ping&FPS: 0.0549640612943 142.969286736 226.969286736 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:48] ping&FPS: 0.057340543185 154.96928979 226.969286736 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:49] ping&FPS: 0.0710493879659 204.969303961 168.969300162 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:49] ping&FPS: 0.0710493879659 204.969303961 204.969303961 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:09:50] ping&FPS: 0.0667681800468 197.969308476 204.969303961 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:02] ping&FPS: 0.0612638252122 185.969585675 279.969585675 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:02] ping&FPS: 0.0535944657666 106.969588313 279.969585675 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:05] ping&FPS: 0.0580795662744 145.969642963 238.969642963 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:05] ping&FPS: 0.0537951695068 119.969645868 238.969642963 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:06] -= BATTLE STARTED =- [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:06] ping&FPS: 0.0570151167256 145.969680454 252.969680454 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:07] ping&FPS: 0.0578203903777 146.96968406 252.969680454 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:09] ping&FPS: 0.0493286134941 146.969734828 226.969734828 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:09] ping&FPS: 0.0540901081903 159.969737771 226.969734828 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:10] ping&FPS: 0.0541233824832 145.969755854 265.969755854 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:10] ping&FPS: 0.0519021781428 120.969758924 265.969755854 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:11] ping&FPS: 0.043009969805 116.969778705 249.969778705 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:11] ping&FPS: 0.046742338155 161.969781044 249.969778705 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:12] ping&FPS: 0.0499266641481 132.969793405 238.969793405 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:12] ping&FPS: 0.0530979590757 158.969797115 238.969793405 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:15] ping&FPS: 0.0409447210176 120.969849344 252.969849344 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:15] ping&FPS: 0.0478446962578 145.969852786 252.969849344 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:15] ping&FPS: 0.0524568366153 91.9698589104 226.969860549 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:15] ping&FPS: 0.0524568366153 134.969860549 226.969860549 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:15] ping&FPS: 0.0601362543447 173.969863925 226.969860549 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:16] ping&FPS: 0.0525732817394 135.969873387 241.969873387 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:16] ping&FPS: 0.0528667750103 131.969876397 241.969873387 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:17] ping&FPS: 0.0513503061874 145.969897154 252.969897154 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:17] ping&FPS: 0.0508719714625 133.969899561 252.969897154 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:17] ping&FPS: 0.0506562250001 171.969909664 254.969909664 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:18] ping&FPS: 0.0449601965291 132.969911906 254.969909664 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:19] ping&FPS: 0.0465107890112 122.969933327 255.969933327 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:19] ping&FPS: 0.0491789164288 144.969936605 255.969933327 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:21] ping&FPS: 0.0497819440705 134.969981577 254.969981577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:21] ping&FPS: 0.0532806175096 133.969983983 254.969981577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:23] ping&FPS: 0.0537263410432 145.970020528 254.970020528 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:23] ping&FPS: 0.054034437452 132.970022771 254.970020528 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:24] ping&FPS: 0.0563719975097 156.970039043 274.970039043 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:24] ping&FPS: 0.0509465666754 108.970042008 274.970039043 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:24] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:24] id 13392517 [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:25] ping&FPS: 0.0515235992415 152.970068048 253.970068048 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:26] ping&FPS: 0.0563302146537 161.970070388 253.970068048 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:29] ping&FPS: 0.0539438532931 132.970134038 254.970134038 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:29] ping&FPS: 0.0538698243243 142.970136988 254.970134038 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:32] ping&FPS: 0.0495818289263 132.970191653 242.970191653 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:32] ping&FPS: 0.0523336487157 149.970195751 242.970191653 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:33] ping&FPS: 0.0593998538596 195.97021177 306.97021177 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:34] ping&FPS: 0.0705851273877 257.970217738 306.97021177 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:34] ping&FPS: 0.0705851273877 257.970217738 257.970217738 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:34] ping&FPS: 0.0567427533013 83.9702184679 257.970217738 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:34] ping&FPS: 0.056441824351 141.970221254 257.970217738 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:34] ping&FPS: 0.056441824351 141.970221254 225.970221254 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:34] ping&FPS: 0.0562044786555 140.970224808 225.970221254 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:35] ping&FPS: 0.0591282056911 224.970252308 154.97024523 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:35] ping&FPS: 0.0591282056911 224.970252308 224.970252308 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:36] ping&FPS: 0.0558230983359 186.970256883 224.970252308 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:36] ping&FPS: 0.0515146883471 200.97026484 99.9702626275 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:36] ping&FPS: 0.0515146883471 200.97026484 200.97026484 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:36] ping&FPS: 0.0470969485385 113.970267694 200.97026484 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:36] ping&FPS: 0.0465658264501 130.970271471 200.97026484 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:36] ping&FPS: 0.0465658264501 130.970271471 244.970271471 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:36] ping&FPS: 0.0456818970186 144.97027475 244.970271471 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:38] ping&FPS: 0.0500077041132 133.970296908 245.970296908 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:38] ping&FPS: 0.0523193808539 147.970298815 245.970296908 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:39] ping&FPS: 0.0544126885278 106.97030526 240.970308598 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:39] ping&FPS: 0.0544126885278 133.970308598 240.970308598 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:39] ping&FPS: 0.0541092561824 137.970309797 240.970308598 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:41] ping&FPS: 0.0428619118673 120.970351126 242.970351126 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:41] ping&FPS: 0.0506992595536 176.970354061 242.970351126 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:42] ping&FPS: 0.0481451781733 159.970365818 265.970365818 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:42] ping&FPS: 0.0443045081837 131.970368828 265.970365818 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:43] ping&FPS: 0.0545526253326 142.970377456 262.970377456 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:43] ping&FPS: 0.0666611599071 163.970380123 262.970377456 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:43] ping&FPS: 0.0620766239507 156.970379505 244.970379505 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:43] ping&FPS: 0.053279917155 120.970380712 244.970379505 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:43] ping&FPS: 0.0712395416839 215.970382589 120.970380712 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:43] ping&FPS: 0.0712395416839 215.970382589 215.970382589 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:44] ping&FPS: 0.0635987328632 105.970384132 215.970382589 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:44] ping&FPS: 0.0588010357959 136.970385167 215.970382589 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:44] ping&FPS: 0.0588010357959 136.970385167 242.970385167 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:44] ping&FPS: 0.0601673828704 148.970387238 242.970385167 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:44] ping&FPS: 0.0509065049035 133.970392201 267.970392201 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:44] ping&FPS: 0.0531029137118 146.970394875 267.970392201 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:45] ping&FPS: 0.0468653248889 107.970398481 271.970398481 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:45] ping&FPS: 0.049147966717 149.970402579 271.970398481 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:46] ping&FPS: 0.0545032875878 135.97042055 287.97042055 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:46] ping&FPS: 0.0521269547088 133.970423888 287.97042055 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:47] ping&FPS: 0.0994822042329 452.970435794 130.970424871 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:47] ping&FPS: 0.0994822042329 452.970435794 452.970435794 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:47] ping&FPS: 0.0741579937083 123.970438424 452.970435794 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:48] ping&FPS: 0.0486670019371 149.970457967 279.970457967 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:48] ping&FPS: 0.0488312052829 134.970460537 279.970457967 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:48] ping&FPS: 0.0455210389835 135.970464203 279.970457967 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:48] ping&FPS: 0.0455210389835 135.970464203 270.970464203 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:48] ping&FPS: 0.0406945305211 132.970466446 270.970464203 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:49] ping&FPS: 0.0487194167716 108.970477309 278.970477309 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:49] ping&FPS: 0.0462336944682 120.970479447 278.970477309 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:50] ping&FPS: 0.0468224095447 132.970497738 253.970497738 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:50] ping&FPS: 0.0469593288643 132.970499981 253.970497738 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:51] ping&FPS: 0.0441815959556 132.970506865 229.970506865 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:51] ping&FPS: 0.0465342359883 135.970508668 229.970506865 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:52] ping&FPS: 0.0567210721118 148.970523562 233.970523562 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:52] ping&FPS: 0.0493691297514 132.970525804 233.970523562 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:53] ping&FPS: 0.0505325826151 120.970544379 233.970544379 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:53] ping&FPS: 0.0540941166026 172.970546659 233.970544379 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:54] ping&FPS: 0.0463851349694 135.970565784 241.970565784 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:54] ping&FPS: 0.0456244157893 127.970566276 241.970565784 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:55] ping&FPS: 0.0466001289231 170.970577243 253.970577243 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:55] ping&FPS: 0.0540329175336 175.970580015 253.970577243 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:55] ping&FPS: 0.0508779095752 166.970585327 253.970585327 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:10:55] ping&FPS: 0.0520867960794 161.970585804 253.970585327 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:00] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:00] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:00] id 13392485 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:00] name Sachsa_STALKER [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:00] team id 1 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:00] @ launchpadAppeared 13392485 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:02] ping&FPS: 0.0571859138353 181.970688383 267.970688383 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:02] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:02] ping&FPS: 0.0503016220672 108.970691349 267.970688383 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:03] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:03] id 13392487 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:03] name veter62rus [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:03] team id 1 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:03] @ launchpadAppeared 13392487 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:04] ping&FPS: 0.0584008204085 182.970712993 254.970712993 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:04] ping&FPS: 0.051712002073 125.970710363 254.970712993 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:04] ping&FPS: 0.0371952088816 154.970721732 264.970721732 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:04] ping&FPS: 0.0365603598101 127.970726881 264.970721732 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:06] ping&FPS: 0.0641588526113 237.970764595 176.970757249 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:06] ping&FPS: 0.0641588526113 237.970764595 237.970764595 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:06] ping&FPS: 0.0633097546441 146.970766339 237.970764595 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:07] ping&FPS: 0.0551285552127 271.970770802 139.97076999 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:07] ping&FPS: 0.0551285552127 271.970770802 271.970770802 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:07] ping&FPS: 0.0549693810088 142.970775615 271.970770802 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:09] ping&FPS: 0.058882768665 137.970841381 237.970841381 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:10] ping&FPS: 0.0594395952565 151.970840219 237.970841381 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:10] ping&FPS: 0.0778172420604 205.97084232 151.970840219 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:10] ping&FPS: 0.0778172420604 205.97084232 205.97084232 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:10] ping&FPS: 0.0696807163102 202.970847655 205.97084232 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:10] ping&FPS: 0.0696807163102 202.970847655 202.970847655 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:10] ping&FPS: 0.0644316183669 150.970842603 202.970847655 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:12] ping&FPS: 0.0521891819579 149.970859933 250.970859933 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:12] ping&FPS: 0.0534545662148 160.970857452 250.970859933 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:12] ping&FPS: 0.0594429033143 188.970863502 277.970863502 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:12] ping&FPS: 0.0505659165127 121.97086301 277.970863502 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:13] ping&FPS: 0.0453905197127 145.970862727 277.970863502 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:13] ping&FPS: 0.0453905197127 145.970862727 267.970862727 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:13] ping&FPS: 0.0478722112519 137.970864858 267.970862727 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:13] ping&FPS: 0.0554402577026 149.970873136 260.970873136 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:14] ping&FPS: 0.0532913314445 131.970878008 260.970873136 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:14] ping&FPS: 0.048120330487 167.970884125 260.970873136 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:14] ping&FPS: 0.048120330487 167.970884125 299.970884125 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:14] ping&FPS: 0.0396122666342 83.9708848553 299.970884125 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:14] ping&FPS: 0.0529876308782 166.970893602 299.970884125 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:14] ping&FPS: 0.0529876308782 166.970893602 250.970893602 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:14] ping&FPS: 0.0482294069869 128.970899846 250.970893602 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:15] ping&FPS: 0.0492999585611 126.970917295 242.970917295 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:15] ping&FPS: 0.0555904912097 161.970921497 242.970917295 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:15] ping&FPS: 0.0496679129345 158.970936495 238.970936495 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:15] ping&FPS: 0.0555340903146 160.970942396 238.970936495 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:16] ping&FPS: 0.0717920171363 256.970956612 181.970947083 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:16] ping&FPS: 0.0717920171363 256.970956612 256.970956612 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:16] ping&FPS: 0.0645423339946 112.970961164 256.970956612 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:16] ping&FPS: 0.0636737900121 149.970975544 262.970975544 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:16] ping&FPS: 0.0591445671661 136.970979373 262.970975544 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:17] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:17] id 13392511 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:17] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:18] ping&FPS: 0.0626148389918 169.970990467 273.970990467 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:18] ping&FPS: 0.0536130624158 104.970989052 273.970990467 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:18] ping&FPS: 0.0546308266265 147.970986302 273.970990467 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:18] ping&FPS: 0.0546308266265 147.970986302 252.970986302 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:18] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:18] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:18] id 13392481 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:18] name Sturmowik_ [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:18] team id 1 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:18] ping&FPS: 0.0489075215799 120.970985647 252.970986302 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:19] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:19] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:19] id 13392521 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:19] name storonkins_1 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:19] team id 1 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:19] @ launchpadAppeared 13392521 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:20] ping&FPS: 0.055488835488 113.970971722 230.970971722 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:20] ping&FPS: 0.0566094773156 167.970971319 230.970971722 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:21] ping&FPS: 0.0574786918504 137.970973316 269.970973316 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:21] ping&FPS: 0.0576859670026 192.970975149 269.970973316 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:21] ping&FPS: 0.0507253514869 124.970976192 244.970976192 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:22] ping&FPS: 0.0466510014875 118.970977071 244.970976192 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:22] ping&FPS: 0.0538853513343 140.97097874 246.97097874 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:22] ping&FPS: 0.0503256278379 128.970981258 246.97097874 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:23] ping&FPS: 0.0483774053199 129.970995578 275.970995295 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:23] ping&FPS: 0.0483774053199 145.970995295 275.970995295 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:23] ping&FPS: 0.0536999510867 153.970998186 275.970995295 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:23] ping&FPS: 0.0514288576586 131.971004534 265.971004534 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:23] ping&FPS: 0.0505659090621 121.971005905 265.971004534 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:25] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:25] id 13392499 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:25] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:25] ping&FPS: 0.0403512599213 111.971047077 250.971047077 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:25] ping&FPS: 0.0406815665109 138.971047509 250.971047077 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:25] SmokeScreen.onEnterWorld( 1750679 ) [(118.003, 156.8)] [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:25] ping&FPS: 0.0587656753404 140.971059624 274.971059624 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:26] ping&FPS: 0.0515771093113 127.97105639 274.971059624 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:26] ping&FPS: 0.0607840525252 183.971053022 274.971059624 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:26] ping&FPS: 0.0607840525252 183.971053022 311.971053022 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:26] ping&FPS: 0.0507555337889 92.9710533651 311.971053022 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:26] ping&FPS: 0.0493664922459 146.971047658 311.971053022 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:26] ping&FPS: 0.0493664922459 146.971047658 239.971047658 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:26] ping&FPS: 0.052071649049 137.971046064 239.971047658 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:28] ping&FPS: 0.0655513214214 189.971016485 288.971016485 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:28] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:28] ping&FPS: 0.0562909053905 95.9710135939 288.971016485 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:28] ping&FPS: 0.0551999764783 153.971010897 288.971016485 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:28] ping&FPS: 0.0551999764783 153.971010897 249.971010897 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:28] ping&FPS: 0.0451575922115 117.971009749 249.971010897 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:29] ping&FPS: 0.0528391929609 132.971007067 286.971007067 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:29] ping&FPS: 0.0429239081485 91.9710053833 286.971007067 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:29] ping&FPS: 0.0461676301701 177.971001032 286.971007067 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:29] ping&FPS: 0.0461676301701 177.971001032 269.971001032 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:29] ping&FPS: 0.0424510272486 142.970998395 269.971001032 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:30] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:30] ping&FPS: 0.0511952521546 136.970981139 285.970981139 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:30] ping&FPS: 0.0500635760171 112.970979172 285.970981139 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:30] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:31] ping&FPS: 0.0401401775224 93.9709735545 248.970973554 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:31] ping&FPS: 0.0429393830044 167.970969427 248.970973554 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:31] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:33] ping&FPS: 0.0451952176435 150.970942486 264.97093882 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:33] ping&FPS: 0.0451952176435 113.97093882 264.97093882 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:33] ping&FPS: 0.0460318880422 132.970938269 264.97093882 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:34] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:35] ping&FPS: 0.0492833959205 173.970879513 272.970879513 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:35] ping&FPS: 0.04256730846 116.970876339 272.970879513 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:36] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:37] ping&FPS: 0.0567185389144 198.970845553 287.970847103 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:37] ping&FPS: 0.058647777353 211.970848638 287.970847103 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:37] ping&FPS: 0.058647777353 211.970848638 122.970848638 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:38] ping&FPS: 0.0572026925428 154.970821727 251.970821727 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:38] ping&FPS: 0.0547354327781 120.970819208 251.970821727 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:39] ping&FPS: 0.056948687349 120.970813859 278.970813859 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:39] ping&FPS: 0.0580502705915 174.970809016 278.970813859 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:40] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:40] ping&FPS: 0.048161472593 116.970784578 269.970784578 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:40] ping&FPS: 0.0535641195519 153.970780018 269.970784578 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:41] ping&FPS: 0.0478290351374 150.970764104 246.970764104 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:41] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:41] ping&FPS: 0.0484494971378 135.970764044 246.970764104 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:41] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:41] id 13392483 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:41] name Igor_ek904 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:41] team id 1 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:41] ping&FPS: 0.0422458382589 163.970759469 255.970759469 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:42] ping&FPS: 0.0479307728154 162.970758248 255.970759469 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:42] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:42] id 13392483 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:42] ping&FPS: 0.0536556797368 136.970750946 257.970750946 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:42] ping&FPS: 0.053606148277 138.970747653 257.970750946 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:43] ping&FPS: 0.0447014304144 136.970740187 253.970740187 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:43] ping&FPS: 0.0544458436114 195.970735061 253.970740187 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:43] ping&FPS: 0.0455678137285 158.970731321 237.970729369 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:43] ping&FPS: 0.0455678137285 78.9707293691 237.970729369 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:43] ping&FPS: 0.047093387161 172.970727924 237.970729369 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:44] ping&FPS: 0.0615735756499 164.970732275 264.970732275 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:44] ping&FPS: 0.0562394814832 119.970732387 264.970732275 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:44] ping&FPS: 0.0543331312282 150.970736134 272.970736134 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:44] ping&FPS: 0.0535035314304 146.970736946 272.970736134 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:45] ping&FPS: 0.0455831172211 115.970739517 259.970739517 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:45] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:45] ping&FPS: 0.0466230171067 130.970744226 259.970739517 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:45] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:45] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:45] id 13392483 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:45] name Igor_ek904 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:45] team id 1 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:46] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:47] ping&FPS: 0.0667417155845 138.970726314 265.970730368 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:47] ping&FPS: 0.0687290238483 260.970726255 265.970730368 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:47] ping&FPS: 0.0687290238483 260.970726255 133.970726255 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:48] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:48] id 13392483 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:48] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:49] ping&FPS: 0.0515521722181 269.97069909 137.9707014 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:49] ping&FPS: 0.0515521722181 269.97069909 269.97069909 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:49] ping&FPS: 0.0547403501613 147.970697272 269.97069909 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:49] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:49] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:49] id 13392483 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:49] name Igor_ek904 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:49] team id 1 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:49] ping&FPS: 0.0541126536472 182.970702487 268.970702487 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:49] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:50] ping&FPS: 0.0440138312323 102.970704469 268.970702487 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:50] id 13392499 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:50] name Sergio_nv [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:50] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:50] @ launchpadAppeared 13392499 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:50] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:50] ping&FPS: 0.0472074033959 151.97071183 262.97071183 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:50] ping&FPS: 0.0504108326776 142.970711056 262.97071183 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:50] ping&FPS: 0.0491078974945 163.970709998 262.97071183 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:50] ping&FPS: 0.0491078974945 163.970709998 306.970709998 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:50] ping&FPS: 0.044731672321 128.970708791 306.970709998 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:52] ping&FPS: 0.0475187110049 170.970697823 255.970697823 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:52] ping&FPS: 0.0436436789376 126.970696289 255.970697823 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:53] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:53] id 13392483 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:53] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:54] ping&FPS: 0.062770153795 277.970676008 185.970678869 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:54] ping&FPS: 0.062770153795 277.970676008 277.970676008 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:54] ping&FPS: 0.0553865837199 107.970675084 277.970676008 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:54] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:54] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:54] id 13392483 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:54] name Igor_ek904 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:54] team id 1 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:55] ping&FPS: 0.0550815867526 278.970675799 124.970678497 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:55] ping&FPS: 0.0550815867526 278.970675799 278.970675799 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:55] ping&FPS: 0.0547632830484 151.970674637 278.970675799 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:56] ping&FPS: 0.0503411175949 139.97067498 241.97067498 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:56] ping&FPS: 0.0499451639397 130.970674101 241.97067498 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:56] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:58] ping&FPS: 0.0534659208996 151.970649603 274.970649603 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:58] ping&FPS: 0.045455727194 93.9706463846 274.970649603 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:58] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:59] ping&FPS: 0.0526961194617 134.970626447 244.970623988 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:59] ping&FPS: 0.0526961194617 109.970623988 244.970623988 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:59] ping&FPS: 0.0585396694286 165.97061767 244.970623988 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:11:59] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:00] ping&FPS: 0.0489811035139 155.970590505 231.970590505 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:00] ping&FPS: 0.0547079252345 170.970585007 231.970590505 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:01] ping&FPS: 0.0416935043676 105.970563996 229.970563996 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:01] ping&FPS: 0.0480931954724 174.970564741 229.970563996 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:02] ping&FPS: 0.063191230808 180.970559429 288.970559429 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:02] ping&FPS: 0.0558301018817 118.970559377 288.970559429 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:02] ping&FPS: 0.058702688132 156.970558103 288.970559429 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:02] ping&FPS: 0.058702688132 156.970558103 275.970558103 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:02] ping&FPS: 0.0502181904657 102.970558222 275.970558103 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:03] ping&FPS: 0.0833481209619 421.970542777 193.970555562 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:03] ping&FPS: 0.0833481209619 421.970542777 421.970542777 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:03] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:03] ping&FPS: 0.0747935729367 147.970540959 421.970542777 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:04] ping&FPS: 0.0558576094253 121.970527831 272.970524642 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:04] ping&FPS: 0.0558576094253 150.970524642 272.970524642 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:04] ping&FPS: 0.0532704623682 131.970522064 272.970524642 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:04] ping&FPS: 0.0539428996188 150.970507699 253.970507699 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:04] ping&FPS: 0.0581630425794 167.970501709 253.970507699 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:05] ping&FPS: 0.0619189249618 132.970487941 263.970487941 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:05] ping&FPS: 0.0597476320607 132.970483664 263.970487941 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:05] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:05] ping&FPS: 0.0548162417752 163.970472235 259.970472235 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:06] ping&FPS: 0.052571761821 156.970468167 259.970472235 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:06] ping&FPS: 0.0523098813636 136.970457632 251.970457632 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:06] ping&FPS: 0.0528632359845 137.970454174 251.970457632 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:07] ping&FPS: 0.0678431498153 307.970445577 184.970450971 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:07] ping&FPS: 0.0678431498153 307.970445577 307.970445577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:07] ping&FPS: 0.0610888706786 102.970445696 307.970445577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:07] ping&FPS: 0.0620192991836 148.970447767 307.970445577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:07] ping&FPS: 0.0620192991836 148.970447767 251.970447767 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:07] ping&FPS: 0.0496651189668 88.9704474541 251.970447767 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:07] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:07] ping&FPS: 0.0459050344569 156.970447111 251.970447767 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:07] ping&FPS: 0.0459050344569 156.970447111 245.970447111 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:07] ping&FPS: 0.0416643353445 142.970446336 245.970447111 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:08] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:08] ping&FPS: 0.0496210562331 170.970441762 255.970441762 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:08] ping&FPS: 0.0481886746628 125.970440063 255.970441762 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:08] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:08] id 13392487 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:08] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:11] id 13392499 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:11] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:12] ping&FPS: 0.0512618007404 112.970427963 232.970427963 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:12] ping&FPS: 0.0474141048534 135.970427904 232.970427963 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:13] ping&FPS: 0.0556322591645 130.970428127 272.970428127 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:13] ping&FPS: 0.0543285118682 151.970426965 272.970428127 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:14] ping&FPS: 0.0799762713058 401.970426265 131.970425564 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:14] ping&FPS: 0.0799762713058 401.970426265 401.970426265 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:14] ping&FPS: 0.0842163222177 177.970425639 401.970426265 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:15] ping&FPS: 0.0465624066336 113.970423374 241.970423374 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:15] ping&FPS: 0.0475384326918 155.970422867 241.970423374 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:15] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:15] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:16] ping&FPS: 0.056580211435 162.970409665 245.970409665 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:16] ping&FPS: 0.0550882028682 141.970406863 245.970409665 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:18] ping&FPS: 0.0485105173928 153.970392722 245.970392722 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:18] ping&FPS: 0.052692580436 153.970391888 245.970392722 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:19] ping&FPS: 0.0566567288978 150.970388848 260.970388848 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:19] ping&FPS: 0.0520369665963 130.970387969 260.970388848 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:19] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:19] id 13392479 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:20] ping&FPS: 0.0609699892146 162.970381934 268.970381934 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:20] ping&FPS: 0.0552226262433 112.970379967 268.970381934 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:21] ping&FPS: 0.0597500907523 176.970347542 271.970347542 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:22] ping&FPS: 0.0509705575449 98.9703451427 271.970347542 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:22] ping&FPS: 0.050249237035 209.970340449 98.9703451427 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:22] ping&FPS: 0.050249237035 209.970340449 209.970340449 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:22] ping&FPS: 0.0393875571234 115.970344562 209.970340449 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:22] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:22] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:22] ping&FPS: 0.0365982162101 114.970342922 209.970340449 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:22] ping&FPS: 0.0365982162101 114.970342922 230.970342922 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:22] ping&FPS: 0.0436299326164 151.970338035 230.970342922 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:23] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:23] ping&FPS: 0.0554558145148 209.970305506 134.970308337 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:23] ping&FPS: 0.0554558145148 209.970305506 209.970305506 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:24] ping&FPS: 0.0443160267813 79.9703037175 209.970305506 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:24] ping&FPS: 0.0512210013611 168.970305342 209.970305506 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:24] ping&FPS: 0.0512210013611 168.970305342 248.970305342 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:24] ping&FPS: 0.0461811827762 113.970303539 248.970305342 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:24] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:24] ping&FPS: 0.0526096778257 183.970302034 248.970305342 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:24] ping&FPS: 0.0526096778257 183.970302034 297.970302034 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:24] ping&FPS: 0.0449758427484 94.9703008415 297.970302034 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:24] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:24] ping&FPS: 0.0518224345786 165.970298249 297.970302034 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:24] ping&FPS: 0.0518224345786 165.970298249 260.970298249 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:24] ping&FPS: 0.0496333720429 141.970295447 260.970298249 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:25] ping&FPS: 0.0618139909846 274.970297682 141.970295447 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:25] ping&FPS: 0.0618139909846 274.970297682 274.970297682 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:25] ping&FPS: 0.0563583778484 134.970297459 274.970297682 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:25] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:25] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:25] id 13392499 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:25] name Sergio_nv [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:25] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:25] @ launchpadAppeared 13392499 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:25] ping&FPS: 0.0558412330491 163.970294509 282.970294509 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:26] ping&FPS: 0.0445030885083 108.970293749 282.970294509 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:26] ping&FPS: 0.0502624320132 161.970292363 282.970294509 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:26] ping&FPS: 0.0502624320132 161.970292363 270.970292363 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:26] ping&FPS: 0.0484356018049 125.970290664 270.970292363 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:27] ping&FPS: 0.0546105759484 164.970277834 257.97028004 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:27] ping&FPS: 0.0574079709394 237.970281455 257.97028004 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:27] ping&FPS: 0.0574079709394 237.970281455 144.970281455 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:27] ping&FPS: 0.0822092252118 206.970278773 134.970280233 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:27] ping&FPS: 0.0822092252118 206.970278773 206.970278773 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:28] ping&FPS: 0.0631402390344 80.970280874 206.970278773 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:28] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:28] ping&FPS: 0.0670638786895 149.970279384 206.970278773 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:28] ping&FPS: 0.0670638786895 149.970279384 230.970279384 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:28] ping&FPS: 0.0622883098466 122.970277193 230.970279384 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:28] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:28] ping&FPS: 0.0609258817775 153.970265764 253.970265764 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:28] ping&FPS: 0.0622107045991 169.970260102 253.970265764 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:29] ping&FPS: 0.0590698825462 119.970254454 260.970254454 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:29] ping&FPS: 0.05786469153 147.970252636 260.970254454 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:29] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:29] id 13392521 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:29] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:29] ping&FPS: 0.046106699322 154.970240447 259.970240447 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:30] ping&FPS: 0.045172754143 122.970238257 259.970240447 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:30] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:31] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:36] ping&FPS: 0.0602939384324 194.970078561 275.970078561 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:36] ping&FPS: 0.056435625468 116.970075387 275.970078561 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:37] ping&FPS: 0.0565644758088 140.970067474 260.970067474 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:37] ping&FPS: 0.0540119068963 133.970063362 260.970067474 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:39] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:40] ping&FPS: 0.067398663078 434.96999507 142.970003861 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:40] ping&FPS: 0.067398663078 434.96999507 434.96999507 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:40] ping&FPS: 0.0708896922214 172.969989899 434.96999507 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:40] ping&FPS: 0.0571062820298 138.969998706 241.969998706 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:40] SmokeScreen.onEnterWorld( 1750680 ) [(-66.305, 46.1065)] [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:40] ping&FPS: 0.0531416418297 157.970002252 241.969998706 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:44] ping&FPS: 0.0587861942393 170.970012221 270.970012221 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:44] ping&FPS: 0.0430591436369 140.970009256 270.970012221 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:44] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:45] ping&FPS: 0.0490795033319 160.97000863 267.97000863 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:45] ping&FPS: 0.0489476057036 122.970008302 267.97000863 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:45] ping&FPS: 0.0552581357104 140.970007199 267.97000863 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:45] ping&FPS: 0.0552581357104 140.970007199 263.970007199 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:45] ping&FPS: 0.0547734009368 138.970011357 263.970007199 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:46] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:47] ping&FPS: 0.049456681524 151.970034453 257.970034453 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:47] ping&FPS: 0.0490473242743 135.970038119 257.970034453 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:47] ping&FPS: 0.0624320613486 306.970046449 137.970046419 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:47] ping&FPS: 0.0624320613486 306.970046449 306.970046449 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:48] ping&FPS: 0.0508116441114 112.970047276 306.970046449 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:48] ping&FPS: 0.0525057645781 139.970049735 306.970046449 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:48] ping&FPS: 0.0525057645781 139.970049735 252.970049735 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:48] ping&FPS: 0.0498451175434 120.970050942 252.970049735 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:49] ping&FPS: 0.0602942513568 130.970061067 311.970061067 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:49] ping&FPS: 0.0560751812799 150.970064397 311.970061067 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:49] ping&FPS: 0.0513173224671 109.970065664 311.970061067 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:49] ping&FPS: 0.0513173224671 109.970065664 260.970065664 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:49] ping&FPS: 0.0528528573258 147.970070365 260.970065664 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:50] ping&FPS: 0.0627323793513 253.970078971 182.970072727 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:50] ping&FPS: 0.0627323793513 253.970078971 253.970078971 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:50] ping&FPS: 0.0522382663829 122.970078643 253.970078971 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:50] id 13392499 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:50] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:51] ping&FPS: 0.0597152369363 247.970091197 169.970091458 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:51] ping&FPS: 0.0597152369363 247.970091197 344.970091197 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:51] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:51] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:51] id 13392521 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:51] name storonkins_1 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:51] team id 1 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:51] @ launchpadAppeared 13392521 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:51] ping&FPS: 0.0757205294711 221.970089402 344.970091197 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:51] ping&FPS: 0.0757205294711 221.970089402 221.970089402 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:52] ping&FPS: 0.0700231151921 122.970089074 221.970089402 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:53] ping&FPS: 0.0598984467132 175.970108192 278.970108192 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:54] ping&FPS: 0.0424673663718 99.970109682 278.970108192 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:54] ping&FPS: 0.0541231142623 199.970112662 278.970108192 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:54] ping&FPS: 0.0541231142623 199.970112662 299.970112662 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:54] ping&FPS: 0.0455352844937 96.9701173859 299.970112662 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:54] ping&FPS: 0.0515600325806 168.970118079 299.970112662 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:54] ping&FPS: 0.0515600325806 168.970118079 265.970118079 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:54] ping&FPS: 0.0431079821927 109.970120277 265.970118079 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:55] ping&FPS: 0.0541842537267 137.97012386 253.97012386 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:55] ping&FPS: 0.0555496024234 131.970125939 253.97012386 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:55] ping&FPS: 0.0553631143911 143.970131885 261.970131885 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:55] ping&FPS: 0.0552657055003 143.970132205 261.970131885 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:57] ping&FPS: 0.0545225547893 129.970153231 258.970153231 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:57] ping&FPS: 0.0578782962901 160.970160063 258.970153231 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:57] ping&FPS: 0.0637741344316 159.970165062 275.970165062 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:58] ping&FPS: 0.0513037102563 110.97016463 275.970165062 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:58] ping&FPS: 0.0517224552376 145.970171947 244.970171947 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:12:58] ping&FPS: 0.0529797705156 149.970170456 244.970171947 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:00] ping&FPS: 0.0584996300084 157.970201794 272.970201794 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:00] ping&FPS: 0.0547129171235 129.970206338 272.970201794 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:01] ping&FPS: 0.0550900208099 110.970215115 253.970215115 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:01] ping&FPS: 0.050325590585 116.970214735 253.970215115 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:02] ping&FPS: 0.0580174433334 174.970223393 273.970223393 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:02] ping&FPS: 0.0534224840147 121.970224764 273.970223393 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:02] id 13392521 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:02] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:03] ping&FPS: 0.0572995798928 164.970262188 293.970262188 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:04] ping&FPS: 0.0516107188804 119.970261368 293.970262188 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:04] ping&FPS: 0.0436374129994 128.970262955 293.970262188 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:04] ping&FPS: 0.0436374129994 128.970262955 248.970262955 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:04] ping&FPS: 0.0428114118321 126.970266077 248.970262955 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:04] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:04] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:04] id 13392521 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:04] name storonkins_1 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:04] team id 1 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:04] @ launchpadAppeared 13392521 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:05] ping&FPS: 0.0503430100424 167.970268744 246.970268744 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:05] ping&FPS: 0.0538005041225 141.970267806 246.970268744 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:07] ping&FPS: 0.0595028953893 143.97028229 279.970285955 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:07] ping&FPS: 0.059169154082 255.970285136 279.970285955 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:07] ping&FPS: 0.0586799191577 141.970284197 279.970285955 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:07] ping&FPS: 0.0586799191577 141.970284197 261.970284197 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:07] ping&FPS: 0.0608016060931 133.970288466 261.970284197 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:08] ping&FPS: 0.0574570702655 154.970305185 272.970305185 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:08] ping&FPS: 0.0889788823468 391.97032101 272.970305185 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:08] ping&FPS: 0.0889788823468 391.97032101 391.97032101 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:08] ping&FPS: 0.074549178992 151.970325436 391.97032101 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:09] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:09] id 13392521 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:09] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:09] ping&FPS: 0.0592934148652 149.970347966 258.970347966 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:09] ping&FPS: 0.0555395590408 119.970352735 258.970347966 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:09] ping&FPS: 0.0600502001388 156.970372203 271.970372203 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:10] ping&FPS: 0.0605902480228 133.970376472 271.970372203 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:10] ping&FPS: 0.0577387171132 147.970391344 277.970391344 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:10] ping&FPS: 0.0520635204656 117.970395784 277.970391344 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:11] ping&FPS: 0.0600956933839 151.970410544 267.970410544 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:11] ping&FPS: 0.0605037318809 151.97041497 267.970410544 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:11] ping&FPS: 0.0502503322703 138.970423389 260.970423389 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:11] ping&FPS: 0.0498155834419 121.97042476 260.970423389 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:12] ping&FPS: 0.052153687392 156.970420997 270.970420997 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:12] ping&FPS: 0.0540540473802 126.970423188 270.970420997 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:12] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:12] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:12] id 13392499 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:12] name Sergio_nv [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:12] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:12] @ launchpadAppeared 13392499 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:13] ping&FPS: 0.0533584760768 132.970420058 256.970420058 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:13] ping&FPS: 0.0471576484186 117.970420774 256.970420058 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:14] ping&FPS: 0.0626871692283 203.970419611 134.970420632 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:14] ping&FPS: 0.0626871692283 203.970419611 203.970419611 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:14] ping&FPS: 0.050056773637 81.9704181509 203.970419611 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:14] ping&FPS: 0.0531458663089 154.970418412 203.970419611 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:14] ping&FPS: 0.0531458663089 154.970418412 236.970418412 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:14] ping&FPS: 0.0500384377582 138.970417913 236.970418412 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:16] ping&FPS: 0.0595262455089 166.970409389 267.970409389 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:16] ping&FPS: 0.0591480391366 139.97040626 267.970409389 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:17] ping&FPS: 0.0526496501906 122.970405336 245.970405336 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:17] ping&FPS: 0.0470043527228 141.970408122 245.970405336 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:18] ping&FPS: 0.057289059673 151.970427121 267.970427121 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:18] ping&FPS: 0.0552184986217 135.970430787 267.970427121 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:19] ping&FPS: 0.044490713094 143.970444064 278.970444064 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:19] ping&FPS: 0.0441546695573 134.970440115 278.970444064 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:22] ping&FPS: 0.058516781245 169.97046509 289.97046509 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:22] ping&FPS: 0.0490703838212 89.9704668032 289.97046509 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:23] ping&FPS: 0.0557248847825 145.970454957 273.970454957 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:23] ping&FPS: 0.0580861376865 143.970452483 273.970454957 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:24] ping&FPS: 0.0641853766782 179.970431949 272.970431949 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:24] ping&FPS: 0.0552311795098 106.970428999 272.970431949 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:24] ping&FPS: 0.0523595171315 161.970427613 272.970431949 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:24] ping&FPS: 0.0523595171315 161.970427613 268.970427613 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:24] ping&FPS: 0.0490782143814 125.970425914 268.970427613 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:25] ping&FPS: 0.0550194787128 140.970418419 277.970418419 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:25] ping&FPS: 0.0474479602916 125.970414858 277.970418419 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:25] ping&FPS: 0.0405763121588 124.970412995 277.970418419 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:25] ping&FPS: 0.0405763121588 124.970412995 250.970412995 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:25] ping&FPS: 0.046630899821 158.97041298 250.970412995 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:26] ping&FPS: 0.0534662636263 175.970415499 228.970416735 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:26] ping&FPS: 0.0632470803601 227.970419343 228.970416735 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:26] ping&FPS: 0.0632470803601 227.970419343 174.970419343 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:27] ping&FPS: 0.0531312035663 102.970414664 246.970414664 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:27] ping&FPS: 0.0591557877404 148.97041301 246.970414664 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:27] ping&FPS: 0.0564868258578 127.970407944 261.970407944 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:27] ping&FPS: 0.0570678519351 146.970407824 261.970407944 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:28] ping&FPS: 0.0574033217771 122.970404561 214.970404561 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:28] ping&FPS: 0.0596175598247 158.970402684 214.970404561 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:29] ping&FPS: 0.0517248692257 111.970397006 254.970397006 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:29] ping&FPS: 0.0555848436696 161.970397483 254.970397006 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:29] ping&FPS: 0.0569050716502 165.97040772 266.97040772 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:29] ping&FPS: 0.0584590392453 134.970413085 266.97040772 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:30] ping&FPS: 0.0633913534028 182.970422904 300.970422904 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:30] ping&FPS: 0.0549335884196 118.970425646 300.970422904 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:31] ping&FPS: 0.0494922133429 337.970445897 136.970444511 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:31] ping&FPS: 0.0494922133429 337.970445897 337.970445897 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:31] ping&FPS: 0.0458507867796 107.970446836 337.970445897 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:31] ping&FPS: 0.051348145519 123.970448534 337.970445897 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:31] ping&FPS: 0.051348145519 123.970448534 231.970448534 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:31] ping&FPS: 0.0639696376664 180.970451194 231.970448534 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:33] ping&FPS: 0.0536600755794 125.970431957 237.970431957 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:33] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:33] ping&FPS: 0.0524109186871 137.970432225 237.970431957 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:33] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:33] id 13392521 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:33] name storonkins_1 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:33] team id 1 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:33] @ launchpadAppeared 13392521 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:33] ping&FPS: 0.0563519405467 143.970433611 267.970433611 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:34] ping&FPS: 0.0607034074409 161.970430362 267.970433611 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:34] ping&FPS: 0.0542891728027 91.9704228523 260.970422852 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:34] ping&FPS: 0.0557328122003 142.970420215 260.970422852 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:35] ping&FPS: 0.0595240550382 265.970418263 155.970417503 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:35] ping&FPS: 0.0595240550382 265.970418263 265.970418263 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:35] SmokeScreen.onEnterWorld( 1750681 ) [(59.0716, -596.184), (46.5432, -598.634), (33.6535, -599.468)] [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:35] ping&FPS: 0.0558050381286 142.97041935 265.970418263 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:36] ping&FPS: 0.0483924182398 125.970391888 254.970391888 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:36] ping&FPS: 0.0455567272646 155.970392312 254.970391888 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:37] ping&FPS: 0.0637215631349 203.970380697 132.970383901 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:37] ping&FPS: 0.0637215631349 203.970380697 309.970380697 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:37] ping&FPS: 0.052924479757 87.97038022 309.970380697 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:37] ping&FPS: 0.0533611284835 184.970375154 309.970380697 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:37] ping&FPS: 0.0533611284835 184.970375154 272.970375154 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:38] ping&FPS: 0.0429211663348 112.970373187 272.970375154 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:38] ping&FPS: 0.0480974423034 149.970367629 262.970367629 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:38] ping&FPS: 0.0508494632585 141.97036669 262.970367629 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:40] ping&FPS: 0.0563171761377 141.970351505 262.970351505 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:40] ping&FPS: 0.0524350138647 153.970348808 262.970351505 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:41] ping&FPS: 0.0496248485787 145.970348406 234.970348406 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:41] ping&FPS: 0.0414485292775 122.970349941 234.970348406 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:42] ping&FPS: 0.0508987562997 139.970349509 271.970349509 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:42] ping&FPS: 0.0480360271675 126.970349837 271.970349509 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:42] Two time score difference detected. Max Score(0): 465 Min Score(1): 230 User Team Id: 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:43] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:43] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:43] id 13392501 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:43] name dron_9999 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:43] team id 1 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:44] ping&FPS: 0.0559887396438 152.970308739 272.970308739 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:44] ping&FPS: 0.0490916328771 111.970308471 272.970308739 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:44] ping&FPS: 0.0551090346915 157.970304567 272.970308739 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:44] ping&FPS: 0.0551090346915 157.970304567 269.970304567 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:44] ping&FPS: 0.0499702053411 120.970302049 269.970304567 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:45] ping&FPS: 0.0584800796849 160.970286328 276.970286328 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:45] ping&FPS: 0.0511980759246 112.970282498 276.970286328 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:45] ping&FPS: 0.0580153124673 167.970278371 276.970286328 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:45] ping&FPS: 0.0580153124673 167.970278371 280.970278371 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:45] ping&FPS: 0.0538566218955 117.970275361 280.970278371 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:46] ping&FPS: 0.0614495830876 152.970266882 247.970266882 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:46] ping&FPS: 0.0637710945947 153.970266047 247.970266882 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:48] ping&FPS: 0.0605712192399 139.970230851 242.970230851 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:48] ping&FPS: 0.0575998531921 141.970228049 242.970230851 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:48] ping&FPS: 0.0747198121888 201.970225769 141.970228049 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:48] ping&FPS: 0.0747198121888 201.970225769 201.970225769 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:48] ping&FPS: 0.0694776134832 227.970227751 201.970225769 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:48] ping&FPS: 0.0694776134832 227.970227751 227.970227751 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:48] ping&FPS: 0.0708515452487 165.970223296 227.970227751 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:48] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:48] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:49] Two time score difference is reset. Max Score(0): 419 Min Score(1): 269 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:49] ping&FPS: 0.0592637764556 106.970222193 265.970222193 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:49] ping&FPS: 0.0559159921748 162.970220971 265.970222193 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:49] ping&FPS: 0.0599622534854 331.970217648 162.970220971 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:49] ping&FPS: 0.0599622534854 331.970217648 331.970217648 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:49] ping&FPS: 0.0576665507896 217.970212403 331.970217648 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:49] ping&FPS: 0.0576665507896 217.970212403 217.970212403 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:50] ping&FPS: 0.0539971398456 126.970209006 217.970212403 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:51] ping&FPS: 0.0490454094751 168.970182795 266.970182795 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:51] ping&FPS: 0.047207366143 130.970180053 266.970182795 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:52] ping&FPS: 0.0642459946019 186.970162678 281.970162678 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:52] ping&FPS: 0.0510947587235 91.9701609941 281.970162678 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:52] ping&FPS: 0.0568818258388 161.970155883 281.970162678 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:52] ping&FPS: 0.0568818258388 161.970155883 253.970155883 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:52] ping&FPS: 0.0527551280601 119.970153201 253.970155883 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:53] ping&FPS: 0.0593561338527 147.970125947 277.970125947 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:54] ping&FPS: 0.0596098112209 131.970121506 277.970125947 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:54] ping&FPS: 0.0566010134561 166.97011182 280.97011182 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:54] ping&FPS: 0.0564758138997 148.970110166 280.97011182 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:55] ping&FPS: 0.0526077779276 148.970105934 280.970105934 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:55] ping&FPS: 0.0510703133685 125.970102373 280.970105934 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:55] ping&FPS: 0.0689039336784 203.970092464 119.970094416 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:55] ping&FPS: 0.0689039336784 203.970092464 203.970092464 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:56] ping&FPS: 0.0576503979308 91.9700907799 203.970092464 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:56] ping&FPS: 0.0593625562532 161.970089394 203.970092464 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:56] ping&FPS: 0.0593625562532 161.970089394 253.970089394 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:56] ping&FPS: 0.0532706560833 108.970088634 253.970089394 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:56] ping&FPS: 0.0664070206029 217.970085252 108.970088634 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:56] ping&FPS: 0.0664070206029 217.970085252 217.970085252 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:56] ping&FPS: 0.0575789915664 91.9700854304 217.970085252 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:56] ping&FPS: 0.0602415906531 163.970084372 217.970085252 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:56] ping&FPS: 0.0602415906531 163.970084372 255.970084372 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:56] ping&FPS: 0.0597775684936 146.970080528 255.970084372 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:57] ping&FPS: 0.0624031679971 155.970080021 255.970084372 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:57] ping&FPS: 0.0624031679971 155.970080021 302.970080021 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:57] ping&FPS: 0.0551849561078 128.970076952 302.970080021 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:57] ping&FPS: 0.0532468067748 125.970075253 302.970080021 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:57] ping&FPS: 0.0532468067748 125.970075253 254.970075253 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:57] ping&FPS: 0.0549200581653 127.970075745 254.970075253 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:57] ping&FPS: 0.0572236435754 157.970067221 269.970067221 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:58] ping&FPS: 0.0533679085118 134.970063272 269.970067221 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:58] ping&FPS: 0.0592647450311 209.970058578 134.970063272 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:58] ping&FPS: 0.0592647450311 209.970058578 209.970058578 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:58] ping&FPS: 0.0466343717916 74.9700578334 209.970058578 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:58] ping&FPS: 0.0533694582326 149.970058206 209.970058578 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:58] ping&FPS: 0.0533694582326 149.970058206 224.970058206 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:58] ping&FPS: 0.0541214006288 138.970054913 224.970058206 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:59] ping&FPS: 0.0572992520673 111.970045793 252.970045793 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:59] ping&FPS: 0.061549823199 169.970041993 252.970045793 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:59] ping&FPS: 0.0513761522514 110.970037389 255.970037389 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:13:59] ping&FPS: 0.050714086209 129.970034483 255.970037389 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:00] ping&FPS: 0.0601676808936 186.970020402 297.970020402 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:00] ping&FPS: 0.0446710022432 99.9700200292 297.970020402 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:00] ping&FPS: 0.0407415958388 152.970019031 297.970020402 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:00] ping&FPS: 0.0407415958388 152.970019031 252.970019031 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:00] ping&FPS: 0.0434093283755 122.97001684 252.970019031 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:01] ping&FPS: 0.0862349974258 429.970002565 141.970014039 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:01] ping&FPS: 0.0862349974258 429.970002565 429.970002565 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:01] ping&FPS: 0.0782488690955 132.970002014 429.970002565 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:01] ping&FPS: 0.0634611057384 142.969999376 429.970002565 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:01] ping&FPS: 0.0634611057384 142.969999376 275.969999376 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:01] ping&FPS: 0.0626334952457 155.969995144 275.969999376 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:01] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:02] ping&FPS: 0.0579809205873 172.969983089 273.969983089 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:02] ping&FPS: 0.0499749811632 97.9699805262 273.969983089 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:03] ping&FPS: 0.0578833179814 203.969962183 137.969964135 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:03] ping&FPS: 0.0578833179814 203.969962183 203.969962183 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:04] ping&FPS: 0.0538136320455 106.969962958 203.969962183 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:04] ping&FPS: 0.0593409644706 160.969963271 203.969962183 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:04] ping&FPS: 0.0593409644706 160.969963271 267.969963271 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:04] ping&FPS: 0.0551977562053 122.969962943 267.969963271 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:04] ping&FPS: 0.0505809815867 166.969960514 267.969963271 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:04] ping&FPS: 0.0505809815867 166.969960514 289.969960514 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:04] ping&FPS: 0.0512282656772 136.969956893 289.969960514 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:04] ping&FPS: 0.048446792577 120.969954375 289.969960514 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:04] ping&FPS: 0.048446792577 120.969954375 257.969954375 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:04] ping&FPS: 0.0507963778717 153.96995354 257.969954375 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:06] SmokeScreen.onEnterWorld( 1750683 ) [(-3.48951, -270.471)] [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:06] ping&FPS: 0.0452905701739 157.969921413 253.969921413 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:06] ping&FPS: 0.0410004141075 126.969919878 253.969921413 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:07] ping&FPS: 0.0511661352856 141.969912443 283.969912443 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:07] ping&FPS: 0.0444534229381 141.969909641 283.969912443 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:08] ping&FPS: 0.0533361317856 143.969897214 242.969897214 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:08] ping&FPS: 0.0521681713206 120.969894695 242.969897214 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:08] ping&FPS: 0.0728895472629 218.969889614 120.969894695 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:08] ping&FPS: 0.0728895472629 218.969889614 218.969889614 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:08] ping&FPS: 0.0558094041688 78.9698876621 218.969889614 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:08] ping&FPS: 0.0507285850389 134.969883713 218.969889614 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:08] ping&FPS: 0.0507285850389 134.969883713 213.969883713 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:08] ping&FPS: 0.0551547514541 155.969879481 213.969883713 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:09] ping&FPS: 0.0539211290223 156.969869811 257.969869811 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:09] ping&FPS: 0.0544302420957 137.969866353 257.969869811 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:12] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:12] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:12] id 13392479 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:12] name BOYPASAD [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:12] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:12] ping&FPS: 0.0484297754509 178.969837564 281.969837564 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:12] ping&FPS: 0.0479176746947 124.969839427 281.969837564 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:13] ping&FPS: 0.046479526375 124.969839427 286.969836179 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:13] ping&FPS: 0.046479526375 161.969836179 286.969836179 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:13] ping&FPS: 0.0427720504148 111.96983591 286.969836179 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:13] ping&FPS: 0.0437362524016 131.969835195 286.969836179 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:13] ping&FPS: 0.0437362524016 131.969835195 243.969835195 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:13] ping&FPS: 0.0300938220961 133.969834808 243.969835195 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:13] ping&FPS: 0.0511179225785 131.969831932 244.969831932 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:13] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:14] ping&FPS: 0.0543970721109 134.969831708 244.969831932 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:14] ping&FPS: 0.0575432436807 148.969826418 253.969826418 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:14] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:14] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:14] id 13392503 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:14] name nikoss146 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:14] team id 1 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:14] ping&FPS: 0.0531107815249 154.96982761 253.969826418 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:14] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:15] ping&FPS: 0.0596513854606 147.969825748 253.969825748 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:15] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:15] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:15] id 13392477 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:15] name Suxor [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:15] team id 1 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:15] @ launchpadAppeared 13392477 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:15] ping&FPS: 0.0544701623065 129.969826567 253.969825748 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:15] ping&FPS: 0.0494892927153 154.969825897 253.969825748 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:15] ping&FPS: 0.0494892927153 154.969825897 284.969825897 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:16] ping&FPS: 0.0424671726567 127.969824526 284.969825897 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:17] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:17] id 13392477 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:17] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:17] ping&FPS: 0.0586449014289 162.969799268 265.969799268 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:18] ping&FPS: 0.0511415036661 123.969797242 265.969799268 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:18] ping&FPS: 0.0473401950938 127.969792846 214.969792846 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:18] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:18] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:18] id 13392477 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:18] name Suxor [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:18] team id 1 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:18] @ launchpadAppeared 13392477 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:18] ping&FPS: 0.054898034249 163.969793651 214.969792846 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:19] ping&FPS: 0.0489271464092 124.969792697 250.969792697 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:19] ping&FPS: 0.0564545648439 161.969791311 250.969792697 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:21] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:21] id 13392481 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:24] ping&FPS: 0.0524062620742 150.969760257 237.969760257 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:24] ping&FPS: 0.0466132717473 125.969758558 237.969760257 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:25] ping&FPS: 0.0510084139449 127.96974847 242.96974847 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:25] ping&FPS: 0.0526740880949 154.9697478 242.96974847 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:25] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:25] ping&FPS: 0.0547753529889 160.969748485 256.969748485 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:26] ping&FPS: 0.0501204835517 132.969747934 256.969748485 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:26] ping&FPS: 0.044186811362 112.969747979 204.969747979 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:26] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:26] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:26] id 13392481 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:26] name Sturmowik_ [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:26] team id 1 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:26] ping&FPS: 0.0482314707977 157.9697478 204.969747979 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:26] ping&FPS: 0.0669138686998 296.969749916 157.9697478 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:26] ping&FPS: 0.0669138686998 296.969749916 296.969749916 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:27] ping&FPS: 0.0610721813781 137.969750184 296.969749916 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:27] ping&FPS: 0.0570578681571 214.969753671 143.96975382 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:27] ping&FPS: 0.0570578681571 214.969753671 214.969753671 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:28] ping&FPS: 0.0488108950002 92.9697540136 214.969753671 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:28] ping&FPS: 0.0539039479835 140.969754774 214.969753671 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:28] ping&FPS: 0.0539039479835 140.969754774 233.969754774 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:28] ping&FPS: 0.0546424495322 145.969756353 233.969754774 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:29] ping&FPS: 0.0589439975364 119.969761181 236.969761181 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:29] ping&FPS: 0.0570390479905 136.969761285 236.969761181 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:30] ping&FPS: 0.0470240297062 150.969755921 259.969755921 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:30] ping&FPS: 0.0471587809069 130.969755042 259.969755921 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:31] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:31] id 13392481 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:34] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:35] ping&FPS: 0.0388620155198 105.969726774 234.969726774 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:35] ping&FPS: 0.0436611281974 151.969725612 234.969726774 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:36] ping&FPS: 0.0517612504108 133.969723556 251.969723556 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:36] ping&FPS: 0.0544010507209 147.969721738 251.969723556 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:38] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:38] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:38] id 13392487 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:38] name veter62rus [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:38] team id 1 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:38] @ launchpadAppeared 13392487 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:39] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:39] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:39] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:40] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:41] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:41] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:41] id 13392515 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:41] name Rusfan116 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:41] team id 1 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:42] ping&FPS: 0.0839052157743 207.969698924 132.969698358 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:42] ping&FPS: 0.0839052157743 207.969698924 207.969698924 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:42] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:42] ping&FPS: 0.0763890700681 237.969700682 207.969698924 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:42] ping&FPS: 0.0763890700681 237.969700682 237.969700682 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:42] ping&FPS: 0.0683466302497 104.969699267 237.969700682 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:42] Two time score difference detected. Max Score(0): 472 Min Score(1): 235 User Team Id: 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:43] ping&FPS: 0.0601573990924 129.969696376 277.969696376 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:43] ping&FPS: 0.0532752158386 128.969695169 277.969696376 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:43] ping&FPS: 0.0674292998655 206.969694454 138.969694051 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:43] ping&FPS: 0.0674292998655 206.969694454 206.969694454 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:44] ping&FPS: 0.0558048593146 87.9696939769 206.969694454 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:44] ping&FPS: 0.0577696817262 161.969694454 206.969694454 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:44] ping&FPS: 0.0577696817262 161.969694454 249.969694454 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:44] ping&FPS: 0.0443834023816 101.969692546 249.969694454 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:45] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:46] ping&FPS: 0.065793211971 200.969667199 128.969671506 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:46] ping&FPS: 0.065793211971 200.969667199 200.969667199 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:46] ping&FPS: 0.0566754000528 99.9696649643 200.969667199 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:46] ping&FPS: 0.0576878296477 143.969662491 200.969667199 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:46] ping&FPS: 0.0576878296477 143.969662491 243.969662491 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:46] ping&FPS: 0.0552221941096 138.969662923 243.969662491 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:49] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:49] ping&FPS: 0.0636452095849 162.969625476 294.969625476 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:49] ping&FPS: 0.055888827358 109.96962488 294.969625476 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:49] ping&FPS: 0.0565056609256 138.969621587 294.969625476 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:49] ping&FPS: 0.0565056609256 138.969621587 248.969621587 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:49] ping&FPS: 0.066902886544 184.969618383 248.969621587 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:49] ping&FPS: 0.0577696817262 143.969617072 241.969617072 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:50] ping&FPS: 0.059631090079 154.969616401 241.969617072 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:51] ping&FPS: 0.055366526757 148.969599936 256.969599936 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:51] ping&FPS: 0.0551379727466 143.969599325 256.969599936 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:54] ping&FPS: 0.0567119973046 151.969541925 267.969541925 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:54] ping&FPS: 0.0535323204739 122.969539735 267.969541925 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:54] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:55] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:56] ping&FPS: 0.0597287522895 205.969521898 106.969523522 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:56] ping&FPS: 0.0597287522895 205.969521898 205.969521898 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:56] ping&FPS: 0.0529074402792 102.96952388 205.969521898 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:57] ping&FPS: 0.0546169387443 150.969527211 205.969521898 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:57] ping&FPS: 0.0546169387443 150.969527211 253.969527211 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:57] ping&FPS: 0.0531333344323 135.969527151 253.969527211 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:58] ping&FPS: 0.0493505703551 190.969533491 297.969533491 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:58] ping&FPS: 0.0400060819728 106.969534266 297.969533491 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:58] ping&FPS: 0.0367743330342 119.969535309 297.969533491 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:58] ping&FPS: 0.0367743330342 119.969535309 226.969535309 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:58] ping&FPS: 0.0444299014551 158.969535294 226.969535309 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:59] ping&FPS: 0.0536415236337 160.969524908 277.969524908 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:59] ping&FPS: 0.0506864520056 128.969521839 277.969524908 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:59] ping&FPS: 0.0480792181832 145.969518754 244.969518754 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:14:59] ping&FPS: 0.0498766707523 142.969517979 244.969518754 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:15:03] ping&FPS: 0.0527251767261 126.969460654 254.969460654 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:15:03] ping&FPS: 0.0538841890437 149.969457302 254.969460654 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:15:08] ping&FPS: 0.0581617610795 190.969358462 287.969358462 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:15:08] ping&FPS: 0.0504528241498 85.9693576576 287.969358462 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:15:08] ping&FPS: 0.0658610122544 203.969345707 150.969349522 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:15:08] ping&FPS: 0.0658610122544 203.969345707 203.969345707 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:15:09] ping&FPS: 0.0553374247892 101.9693438 203.969345707 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:15:09] ping&FPS: 0.0573790775878 134.969339851 203.969345707 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:15:09] ping&FPS: 0.0573790775878 134.969339851 236.969339851 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:15:09] ping&FPS: 0.0539441066129 137.969336394 236.969339851 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:15:11] ping&FPS: 0.0362841965897 149.96930978 245.96930978 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:15:11] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 19:15:11] ping&FPS: 0.0434395255787 155.969309274 245.96930978 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:15:12] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 19:15:14] ping&FPS: 0.0443351598723 147.969245497 258.969245497 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:15:14] ping&FPS: 0.048318620239 146.969245377 258.969245497 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:15:15] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 19:15:17] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 19:15:18] ping&FPS: 0.0556548195226 139.969196308 264.969196308 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:15:18] ping&FPS: 0.0504734250052 109.969193849 264.969196308 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:15:23] ping&FPS: 0.0582723276956 141.969208616 265.969208616 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:15:23] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 19:15:23] ping&FPS: 0.0568069326026 134.969210255 265.969208616 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:15:24] ping&FPS: 0.135171826397 589.96920235 135.969210881 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:15:24] ping&FPS: 0.135171826397 589.96920235 589.96920235 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:15:24] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 19:15:25] ping&FPS: 0.119885246669 132.969203662 589.96920235 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:15:25] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:15:25] id 13392523 [S] [2016_01_02 19:15:25] name igoryk_69 [S] [2016_01_02 19:15:25] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:15:25] @ launchpadAppeared 13392523 [S] [2016_01_02 19:15:25] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_01_02 19:15:25] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_01_02 19:15:25] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_01_02 19:15:25] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_01_02 19:15:25] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_01_02 19:15:26] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 19:15:27] ping&FPS: 0.0510337161166 200.969200041 123.969200622 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:15:27] ping&FPS: 0.0510337161166 200.969200041 200.969200041 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:15:28] ping&FPS: 0.0467391567571 109.969197582 200.969200041 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:15:30] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_01_02 19:15:30] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_01_02 19:15:31] Two time score difference is reset. Max Score(0): 428 Min Score(1): 293 [S] [2016_01_02 19:15:31] ping&FPS: 0.0433719562633 148.969178732 263.969178732 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:15:31] ping&FPS: 0.0481896059854 163.969175811 263.969178732 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:15:33] ping&FPS: 0.0739476638181 437.969146575 155.969154875 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:15:33] ping&FPS: 0.0739476638181 437.969146575 437.969146575 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:15:33] ping&FPS: 0.066729928766 118.969147454 437.969146575 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:15:34] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 19:15:34] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:15:34] id 13392481 [S] [2016_01_02 19:15:34] name Sturmowik_ [S] [2016_01_02 19:15:34] team id 1 [S] [2016_01_02 19:15:37] ping&FPS: 0.0551707553012 131.969081219 257.969081219 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:15:37] ping&FPS: 0.0546078043325 144.969078909 257.969081219 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:15:37] ping&FPS: 0.0627380119903 201.969072084 119.969076227 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:15:37] ping&FPS: 0.0627380119903 201.969072084 201.969072084 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:15:37] ping&FPS: 0.052562843476 92.9690724271 201.969072084 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:15:40] ping&FPS: 0.0512540223343 121.969037618 238.969037618 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:15:40] ping&FPS: 0.0463622020824 153.969033058 238.969037618 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:15:41] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_01_02 19:15:41] ping&FPS: 0.0477876173598 125.96901315 247.96901315 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:15:41] ping&FPS: 0.0489455865962 139.969010021 247.96901315 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:15:42] Two time score difference detected. Max Score(0): 472 Min Score(1): 235 User Team Id: 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:15:48] ping&FPS: 0.0491412239415 120.968888442 219.968888442 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:15:48] ping&FPS: 0.0595695929868 182.968884911 219.968888442 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:15:49] ping&FPS: 0.0528178172452 123.968868609 261.968868609 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:15:49] ping&FPS: 0.0502128483994 141.968865808 261.968868609 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:15:50] Two time score difference is reset. Max Score(0): 429 Min Score(1): 269 [S] [2016_01_02 19:15:51] ping&FPS: 0.0580266671521 130.968842532 238.968842532 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:15:51] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_01_02 19:15:51] ping&FPS: 0.0624390648944 151.968839507 238.968842532 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:15:54] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 19:15:55] ping&FPS: 0.0543585824115 119.968783806 261.968783806 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:15:55] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 19:15:55] ping&FPS: 0.0483021842582 129.968782763 261.968783806 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:15:55] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:15:55] id 13392511 [S] [2016_01_02 19:15:55] name Firstcat [S] [2016_01_02 19:15:55] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:15:55] @ launchpadAppeared 13392511 [S] [2016_01_02 19:16:00] ping&FPS: 0.0578253673656 179.968749057 272.968749057 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:16:00] ping&FPS: 0.057054902826 136.968747299 272.968749057 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:16:08] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 19:16:08] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:16:08] id 13392509 [S] [2016_01_02 19:16:08] name orin24 [S] [2016_01_02 19:16:08] team id 1 [S] [2016_01_02 19:16:08] @ launchpadAppeared 13392509 [S] [2016_01_02 19:16:08] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_01_02 19:16:09] ping&FPS: 0.0565233933074 144.968559723 275.968559723 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:16:09] ping&FPS: 0.0600371020181 161.968556474 275.968559723 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:16:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:16:10] id 13392477 [S] [2016_01_02 19:16:10] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_01_02 19:16:11] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 19:16:11] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:16:11] id 13392477 [S] [2016_01_02 19:16:11] name Suxor [S] [2016_01_02 19:16:11] team id 1 [S] [2016_01_02 19:16:11] @ launchpadAppeared 13392477 [S] [2016_01_02 19:16:12] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:16:12] id 13392487 [S] [2016_01_02 19:16:12] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_01_02 19:16:14] ping&FPS: 0.147689531956 624.968460034 164.968473073 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:16:14] ping&FPS: 0.147689531956 624.968460034 624.968460034 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:16:14] ping&FPS: 0.155606548701 212.968459557 624.968460034 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:16:14] ping&FPS: 0.155606548701 212.968459557 212.968459557 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:16:14] ping&FPS: 0.137022699629 139.968456428 212.968459557 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:16:15] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 19:16:15] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:16:15] id 13392487 [S] [2016_01_02 19:16:15] name veter62rus [S] [2016_01_02 19:16:15] team id 1 [S] [2016_01_02 19:16:15] @ launchpadAppeared 13392487 [S] [2016_01_02 19:16:21] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 19:16:26] ping&FPS: 0.0475287916405 119.968236084 267.968236084 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:16:26] ping&FPS: 0.0520293372018 159.968232508 267.968236084 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:16:33] ping&FPS: 0.0487532051546 134.968118946 267.968118946 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:16:33] ping&FPS: 0.0407469975097 140.968115981 267.968118946 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:16:34] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 19:16:34] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:16:34] id 13392507 [S] [2016_01_02 19:16:34] name Yevg_138 [S] [2016_01_02 19:16:34] team id 1 [S] [2016_01_02 19:16:34] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_01_02 19:16:34] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_01_02 19:16:39] ping&FPS: 0.0507349552853 143.968040104 288.968040104 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:16:39] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_01_02 19:16:39] ping&FPS: 0.0453375311834 111.968037974 288.968040104 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:16:39] ping&FPS: 0.0479581462485 158.968039821 288.968040104 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:16:39] ping&FPS: 0.0479581462485 158.968039821 270.968039821 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:16:39] ping&FPS: 0.0434401737792 140.968038719 270.968039821 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:16:40] ping&FPS: 0.0644810157163 237.968040194 150.968036573 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:16:40] ping&FPS: 0.0644810157163 237.968040194 237.968040194 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:16:40] ping&FPS: 0.0538700776441 185.968039017 237.968040194 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:16:41] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:16:41] id 13392509 [S] [2016_01_02 19:16:41] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_01_02 19:16:42] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 19:16:44] ping&FPS: 0.0755982058389 221.967991393 153.967994119 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:16:44] ping&FPS: 0.0755982058389 221.967991393 221.967991393 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:16:45] ping&FPS: 0.0762117909534 206.967989932 221.967991393 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:16:45] ping&FPS: 0.0762117909534 206.967989932 206.967989932 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:16:45] ping&FPS: 0.0771596091134 175.967987116 206.967989932 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:16:46] ping&FPS: 0.0601860093219 150.967973332 276.967973332 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:16:46] ping&FPS: 0.0584039645536 131.967970754 276.967973332 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:16:47] ping&FPS: 0.0540521400315 166.967958789 246.967958789 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:16:47] ping&FPS: 0.0368906589491 111.967958521 246.967958789 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:16:55] ping&FPS: 0.0579779105527 142.96787576 263.96787576 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:16:55] ping&FPS: 0.0555540131671 133.967875372 263.96787576 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:16:55] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 19:16:57] ping&FPS: 0.0445861550314 135.967844765 258.967844765 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:16:57] ping&FPS: 0.0476941125734 151.967839878 258.967844765 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:16:59] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 19:16:59] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:00] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:00] id 13392515 [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:01] ping&FPS: 0.0544486003263 144.96776716 237.96776716 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:01] ping&FPS: 0.0555375175817 150.967763971 237.96776716 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:02] ping&FPS: 0.0570152210338 171.967757206 276.967757206 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:02] ping&FPS: 0.0519161926849 110.967756774 276.967757206 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:02] id 13392499 [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:02] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:02] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:02] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:02] id 13392515 [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:02] name Rusfan116 [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:02] team id 1 [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:03] ping&FPS: 0.0513683514936 137.96774834 268.96774834 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:03] ping&FPS: 0.049013930772 149.967750575 268.96774834 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:05] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:05] id 13392487 [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:05] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:06] ping&FPS: 0.0498715224011 127.967718865 266.967718865 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:06] ping&FPS: 0.0440332027418 123.967718701 266.967718865 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:07] ping&FPS: 0.0504073458058 264.967723365 135.967719044 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:07] ping&FPS: 0.0504073458058 264.967723365 264.967723365 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:07] ping&FPS: 0.0515126245362 165.96772636 264.967723365 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:10] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:11] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:14] ping&FPS: 0.0581712978227 151.967704292 261.967704292 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:14] ping&FPS: 0.0565537767751 155.967701923 261.967704292 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:14] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:15] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:15] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:15] id 13392517 [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:15] name PanzerGuns [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:15] team id 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:15] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:15] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:15] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:15] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:15] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:15] id 13392507 [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:15] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:15] id 13392509 [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:15] name orin24 [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:15] team id 1 [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:15] @ launchpadAppeared 13392509 [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:16] id 13392515 [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:18] id 13392495 [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:18] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:20] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:20] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:20] id 13392515 [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:20] name Rusfan116 [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:20] team id 1 [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:21] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:21] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:21] id 13392507 [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:21] name Yevg_138 [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:21] team id 1 [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:21] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:21] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:22] ping&FPS: 0.0458582448108 116.967687096 256.967687096 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:22] ping&FPS: 0.0472488882286 168.967684995 256.967687096 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:27] ping&FPS: 0.0562582718475 132.967622335 275.967622335 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:27] ping&FPS: 0.0482792588217 122.967620145 275.967622335 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:28] ping&FPS: 0.0944766508681 453.967595335 147.967599149 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:28] ping&FPS: 0.0944766508681 453.967595335 453.967595335 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:28] ping&FPS: 0.0793400215251 110.967594902 453.967595335 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:29] ping&FPS: 0.0748313622815 146.967594783 453.967595335 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:29] ping&FPS: 0.0748313622815 146.967594783 257.967594783 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:29] ping&FPS: 0.0669007854802 147.967596691 257.967594783 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:29] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:29] id 13392507 [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:31] ping&FPS: 0.0501231061561 136.967571776 262.967571776 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:31] ping&FPS: 0.0558840589864 153.967567216 262.967571776 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:32] ping&FPS: 0.0588649170739 438.967532556 136.967540692 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:32] ping&FPS: 0.0588649170739 438.967532556 438.967532556 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:33] ping&FPS: 0.0617217080934 165.967531826 438.967532556 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:33] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:33] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:33] id 13392493 [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:33] name Zlodei1977 [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:33] team id 1 [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:33] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:34] ping&FPS: 0.051359656666 133.967532601 279.967532601 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:34] ping&FPS: 0.0486109288675 133.967528488 279.967532601 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:37] ping&FPS: 0.0557109819991 151.967476557 260.967476557 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:37] ping&FPS: 0.0485883461578 130.967475678 260.967476557 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:38] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:38] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:38] id 13392507 [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:38] name Yevg_138 [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:38] team id 1 [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:38] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:38] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:40] ping&FPS: 0.0528929190976 156.96743327 292.96743327 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:40] ping&FPS: 0.049003805433 99.9674310344 292.96743327 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:40] ping&FPS: 0.0685227768762 232.967424999 161.967427786 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:40] ping&FPS: 0.0685227768762 232.967424999 232.967424999 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:40] ping&FPS: 0.0641709076507 214.967419262 232.967424999 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:40] ping&FPS: 0.0641709076507 214.967419262 214.967419262 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:41] ping&FPS: 0.0597140299422 268.967420514 214.967419262 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:41] ping&FPS: 0.0597140299422 268.967420514 268.967420514 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:41] client.Vehicle.setAmmoArtilleryGun [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:41] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:41] id 13392489 [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:41] ping&FPS: 0.0679425405604 263.967419084 268.967420514 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:41] ping&FPS: 0.0679425405604 263.967419084 263.967419084 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:41] ping&FPS: 0.0609848754747 145.967416938 263.967419084 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:42] ping&FPS: 0.0558777855975 166.967408295 282.967408295 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:42] ping&FPS: 0.0581589000566 158.967404555 282.967408295 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:42] ping&FPS: 0.0543384956462 253.967403765 187.967399384 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:42] ping&FPS: 0.0543384956462 253.967403765 253.967403765 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:42] ping&FPS: 0.0510340141399 138.967402335 253.967403765 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:44] ping&FPS: 0.0984449940068 431.967384707 125.967390265 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:44] ping&FPS: 0.0984449940068 431.967384707 431.967384707 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:44] ping&FPS: 0.0846155988319 126.967383172 431.967384707 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:44] ping&FPS: 0.0854609864099 205.967390861 126.967383172 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:44] ping&FPS: 0.0854609864099 205.967390861 205.967390861 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:45] ping&FPS: 0.0717549728496 114.967392947 205.967390861 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:45] ping&FPS: 0.0659521328551 126.967391412 205.967390861 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:45] ping&FPS: 0.0659521328551 126.967391412 241.967391412 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:45] ping&FPS: 0.0619494574411 129.967390369 241.967391412 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:47] ping&FPS: 0.0619922386748 158.967370923 302.967370923 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:47] ping&FPS: 0.0537486778838 100.967370714 302.967370923 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:48] ping&FPS: 0.0484200822456 275.9673624 127.967369314 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:48] ping&FPS: 0.0484200822456 275.9673624 275.9673624 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:48] ping&FPS: 0.0473266648395 164.967365231 275.9673624 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:49] ping&FPS: 0.0567370759589 166.967359196 286.967358376 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:49] ping&FPS: 0.0579014377935 253.967354264 286.967358376 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:49] ping&FPS: 0.0579014377935 253.967354264 133.967354264 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:51] ping&FPS: 0.0615313904626 261.967325653 156.967323686 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:51] ping&FPS: 0.0615313904626 261.967325653 261.967325653 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:51] ping&FPS: 0.0640623675925 157.967327337 261.967325653 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:55] ping&FPS: 0.0507149728281 143.967287164 291.967287164 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:55] ping&FPS: 0.0452180164201 125.967285465 291.967287164 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:57] ping&FPS: 0.0609492766006 225.967253413 143.967255484 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:57] ping&FPS: 0.0609492766006 225.967253413 225.967253413 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:57] ping&FPS: 0.0425731944186 59.9672520714 225.967253413 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:17:57] ping&FPS: 0.0384795474155 119.967249389 225.967253413 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:00] ping&FPS: 0.0520845087511 171.967209573 263.967209573 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:00] ping&FPS: 0.0486326026065 124.967209573 263.967209573 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:00] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:00] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:00] id 13392487 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:00] name veter62rus [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:00] team id 1 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:00] @ launchpadAppeared 13392487 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:04] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:05] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:06] ping&FPS: 0.0443560960037 163.967141937 290.967141937 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:06] ping&FPS: 0.0467323096735 147.967138256 290.967141937 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:07] ping&FPS: 0.0707001792533 221.967117976 132.967115115 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:07] ping&FPS: 0.0707001792533 221.967117976 221.967117976 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:08] ping&FPS: 0.0571910994393 76.967115696 221.967117976 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:08] ping&FPS: 0.0603747325284 155.967111464 221.967117976 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:08] ping&FPS: 0.0603747325284 155.967111464 232.967111464 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:08] ping&FPS: 0.0595580296857 137.967108007 232.967111464 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:09] ping&FPS: 0.0517050804836 207.967093195 188.967100989 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:09] ping&FPS: 0.0517050804836 207.967093195 281.967093195 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:09] ping&FPS: 0.0352477686746 75.9670907514 281.967093195 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:10] ping&FPS: 0.0904108392341 570.967056821 138.967074986 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:10] ping&FPS: 0.0904108392341 570.967056821 570.967056821 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:10] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:10] ping&FPS: 0.081486250673 167.967058282 570.967056821 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:11] ping&FPS: 0.0726243065936 112.967058178 570.967056821 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:11] ping&FPS: 0.0726243065936 112.967058178 280.967058178 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:11] ping&FPS: 0.078103687082 160.967054765 280.967058178 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:11] client.Vehicle.setAmmoArtilleryGun [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:12] ping&FPS: 0.0566830145461 121.967037212 282.967037212 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:12] ping&FPS: 0.062530364309 164.967036318 282.967037212 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:15] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:15] id 13392487 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:15] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:17] ping&FPS: 0.0447010727865 148.966974776 242.966974776 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:17] ping&FPS: 0.0441340761525 129.966973733 242.966974776 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:22] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:23] ping&FPS: 0.0572256105287 128.96688592 266.96688592 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:23] ping&FPS: 0.0521322967751 113.966882254 266.96688592 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:24] ping&FPS: 0.0458001228315 125.966851491 252.966851491 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:24] ping&FPS: 0.0472913714392 145.966847483 252.966851491 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:25] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:29] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:29] ping&FPS: 0.0470258774502 145.966779079 258.966775249 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:29] ping&FPS: 0.0470258774502 112.966775249 258.966775249 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:29] ping&FPS: 0.0439707966787 135.966771464 258.966775249 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:29] ping&FPS: 0.049560907696 131.966757532 245.966757532 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:30] ping&FPS: 0.0583728062255 148.966752152 245.966757532 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:30] ping&FPS: 0.0595249938113 129.966739144 242.966739144 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:30] ping&FPS: 0.052593808089 133.966735031 242.966739144 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:31] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:31] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:31] ping&FPS: 0.0616684662444 146.966720756 318.966722872 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:31] ping&FPS: 0.0616684662444 171.966722872 318.966722872 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:31] ping&FPS: 0.0756922023637 329.966728534 318.966722872 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:31] ping&FPS: 0.0756922023637 329.966728534 329.966728534 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:31] ping&FPS: 0.0651869135244 189.966723356 329.966728534 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:32] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:32] id 13392509 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:32] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:33] ping&FPS: 0.0734665351255 226.966757003 169.966751459 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:33] ping&FPS: 0.0734665351255 226.966757003 226.966757003 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:34] ping&FPS: 0.0711299883468 212.966761182 226.966757003 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:34] ping&FPS: 0.0711299883468 212.966761182 212.966761182 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:34] ping&FPS: 0.070754508887 146.966762926 212.966761182 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:34] ping&FPS: 0.0625723110778 147.966773856 238.966773856 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:34] ping&FPS: 0.060456226979 137.966775987 238.966773856 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:36] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:36] id 13392507 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:40] ping&FPS: 0.0678232269628 230.96688326 133.966877061 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:40] ping&FPS: 0.0678232269628 230.96688326 230.96688326 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:40] ping&FPS: 0.0619108038289 217.966885466 230.96688326 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:40] ping&FPS: 0.0619108038289 217.966885466 217.966885466 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:40] ping&FPS: 0.0587136255843 129.966888148 217.966885466 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:46] ping&FPS: 0.0682739125831 211.967005614 110.967000666 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:46] ping&FPS: 0.0682739125831 211.967005614 211.967005614 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:46] ping&FPS: 0.0628915088517 125.96700764 211.967005614 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:46] ping&FPS: 0.0544968651874 103.967009786 211.967005614 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:46] ping&FPS: 0.0544968651874 103.967009786 229.967009786 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:46] ping&FPS: 0.0622280346496 250.967015538 229.967009786 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:46] ping&FPS: 0.0622280346496 250.967015538 250.967015538 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:46] ping&FPS: 0.0634099202497 319.967012111 250.967015538 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:46] ping&FPS: 0.0634099202497 319.967012111 319.967012111 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:47] ping&FPS: 0.0624500172479 142.967015061 319.967012111 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:48] ping&FPS: 0.053249593292 128.967035431 248.967035431 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:48] ping&FPS: 0.0500573920352 141.967036355 248.967035431 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:49] ping&FPS: 0.0489090638501 139.967051479 277.967051479 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:49] ping&FPS: 0.0502775790436 142.96705443 277.967051479 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:49] ping&FPS: 0.0587407755 223.967050168 142.96705443 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:49] ping&FPS: 0.0512887792928 223.967050168 274.967049214 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:49] ping&FPS: 0.0599294858319 206.967052433 274.967049214 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:49] ping&FPS: 0.0599294858319 206.967052433 155.967052433 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:50] setFpsGathererActive(False) [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:50] id 13392477 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:50] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:50] id 13392479 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:50] id 13392481 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:50] id 13392483 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:50] id 13392485 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:50] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:50] id 13392491 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:50] id 13392493 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:50] Avatar.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:50] id 13392497 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:50] id 13392501 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:50] id 13392503 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:50] id 13392505 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:50] id 13392511 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:50] id 13392513 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:50] id 13392515 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:50] id 13392517 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:50] id 13392519 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:50] id 13392521 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:50] id 13392523 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:51] Account.__init__() [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:51] __init__() Cherep_N [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:51] [DEBUG] (24343278503594968, 57): Deleted: [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:51] [DEBUG] (24343278503594968, 57): Deleted: [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:51] [DEBUG] (24343278503594717, 19): ClientLobbySpace is creating [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:51] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:51] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4291704528 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:51] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:51] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4291704528L: {'exp': 2788}}, 'changedCrews': {8: {'exp': 987}}, 'moneyXP': 18} [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:51] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:51] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:51] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': 43714.0} [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:51] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:51] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -7401.0} [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:51] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:51] setServerTime -14.4200000763 1451755146 1451755131.58 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:51] updateActionsProgress: {'15121801': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 3}}} [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:51] __updateTaskProgress start: {'15121801': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 3}}} [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:51] step id: 15121801 progress {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 3}} [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:51] isDone id 15121801 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:51] isDone id 15121801 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:51] isDone id 15121801 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:51] isDone id 15121802 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:51] isDone id 15121803 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:51] CommonDailyList.onUpdate 0 32 [dailyId 32 type 1 desc {'rewards': {3: '50000'}, 'title': 320, 'iconId': 7, 'timeToChange': 0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 32, 'condition': (5, '1', ('8', 1.0))} , dailyId 14 type 1 desc {'rewards': {3: '20000'}, 'title': 140, 'iconId': 8, 'timeToChange': 0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 14, 'condition': (6, '0', ('5', 0))} , dailyId 31 type 1 desc {'rewards': {3: '50000'}, 'title': 310, 'iconId': 6, 'timeToChange': 0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 2, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 31, 'condition': (6, '1', ('4', 1.0))} ] [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:51] Daily.update: {'rewards': {'addResCR': {'value': '50000'}}, 'pdata': {'count': 1.0, 'isSeen': True, 'timeToChange': 0, 'reward': 'addResCR'}, 'condition': ('killPlanes', {'count': '8', 'division': '0', 'countBattle': '1'}), 'desc': (32, 1, 7, 320, 0)} [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:51] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {3: '50000'}, 'title': 320, 'iconId': 7, 'timeToChange': 0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 32, 'condition': (5, '1', ('8', 1.0))} [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:51] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {3: '20000'}, 'title': 140, 'iconId': 8, 'timeToChange': 0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 14, 'condition': (6, '0', ('5', 0))} [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:51] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {3: '50000'}, 'title': 310, 'iconId': 6, 'timeToChange': 0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 2, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 31, 'condition': (6, '1', ('4', 1.0))} [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:51] CommonDailyList.onUpdate 1 14 [dailyId 32 type 1 desc {'rewards': {3: '50000'}, 'title': 320, 'iconId': 7, 'timeToChange': 0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 32, 'condition': (5, '1', ('8', 1.0))} , dailyId 14 type 1 desc {'rewards': {3: '20000'}, 'title': 140, 'iconId': 8, 'timeToChange': 0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 14, 'condition': (6, '0', ('5', 0))} , dailyId 31 type 1 desc {'rewards': {3: '50000'}, 'title': 310, 'iconId': 6, 'timeToChange': 0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 2, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 31, 'condition': (6, '1', ('4', 1.0))} ] [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:51] Daily.update: {'rewards': {'addResCR': {'value': '20000'}}, 'pdata': {'count': 3.0, 'isSeen': True, 'timeToChange': 0, 'reward': 'addResCR'}, 'condition': ('torpHits', {'count': '5', 'division': '0', 'countBattle': '0', 'weaponType': 'bomb'}), 'desc': (14, 1, 8, 140, 1)} [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:51] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {3: '50000'}, 'title': 320, 'iconId': 7, 'timeToChange': 0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 32, 'condition': (5, '1', ('8', 1.0))} [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:51] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {3: '20000'}, 'title': 140, 'iconId': 8, 'timeToChange': 0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 14, 'condition': (6, '0', ('5', 3.0))} [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:51] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {3: '50000'}, 'title': 310, 'iconId': 6, 'timeToChange': 0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 2, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 31, 'condition': (6, '1', ('4', 1.0))} [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:51] CommonDailyList.onUpdate 2 31 [dailyId 32 type 1 desc {'rewards': {3: '50000'}, 'title': 320, 'iconId': 7, 'timeToChange': 0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 32, 'condition': (5, '1', ('8', 1.0))} , dailyId 14 type 1 desc {'rewards': {3: '20000'}, 'title': 140, 'iconId': 8, 'timeToChange': 0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 14, 'condition': (6, '0', ('5', 3.0))} , dailyId 31 type 1 desc {'rewards': {3: '50000'}, 'title': 310, 'iconId': 6, 'timeToChange': 0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 2, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 31, 'condition': (6, '1', ('4', 1.0))} ] [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:51] Daily.update: {'rewards': {'addResCR': {'value': '50000'}}, 'pdata': {'count': 3.0, 'isSeen': True, 'timeToChange': 0, 'reward': 'addResCR'}, 'condition': ('torpHits', {'count': '4', 'division': '0', 'countBattle': '1'}), 'desc': (31, 1, 6, 310, 2)} [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:51] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {3: '50000'}, 'title': 320, 'iconId': 7, 'timeToChange': 0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 32, 'condition': (5, '1', ('8', 1.0))} [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:51] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {3: '20000'}, 'title': 140, 'iconId': 8, 'timeToChange': 0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 14, 'condition': (6, '0', ('5', 3.0))} [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:51] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {3: '50000'}, 'title': 310, 'iconId': 6, 'timeToChange': 0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 2, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 31, 'condition': (6, '1', ('4', 3.0))} [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:51] leaveBattleSession() Reason: 0 Info: None [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:51] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:51] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:51] Can't send FPS data: it's empty [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:51] [DEBUG] (24343278503595215, 80): XmppChatHandler.onEnterLobbyEvent(): (['ids_chat_channel_questions@standard.wowsru.loc', 'wargamingfm@standard.wowsru.loc', 'ids_chat_channel_offtop@standard.wowsru.loc', 'ids_chat_channel_search_div@standard.wowsru.loc'],) [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:51] [DEBUG] (24343278503594646, 226): onGetAccountStats ('0 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:51] StatsProxy.applyStatsDiff(): {'dossier': '\x06\x00\x18\x00`\x00,\x018\x00`\x00<\x008\x00`\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00`\x00\x00\x00\x00\x008\x00\x00\x00\x00\x008\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00`\x00`\x00`\x008\x008\x008\x00\x00\x00Jy\x96U\x05\x01\x88V\xfe>\x02\x00o#\x00\x00$\x01\x00\x00\x80d\x88V_\x19\x02\x00\x7f\x0e\x03\x00\x1d\x01\x00\x00\x90\x00\x00\x00A\x00\x00\x00\x87\x00\x00\x00G\x00\x00\x00\xbd\x00\x00\x00\r\x00\x00\x00\xab\xccF\x00\x1b\x00\x00\x00h\x01\x00\x00\x8b\x00\x00\x00\x03\x00\x00\x00\x08\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xc3^\x00\x009\x05\x00\x00\xce\x01\x00\x00\xdd 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'accPoints': 219998} [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:51] __processDossierStats() client dossier: ['pvp', 'pve_diag', 'pvp_diag', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'max_pve', 'rank_diag', 'pve', 'max_pvp', 'total'] [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:51] AccountLevelingProxy.onGetAccountStats(): (11, 219649) (11, 219998) [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:55] setServerTime -11.9400000572 1451755147 1451755135.06 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:55] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:55] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:55] Can't send FPS data: it's empty [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:55] [DEBUG] (24343278503595215, 80): XmppChatHandler.onEnterLobbyEvent(): (['ids_chat_channel_questions@standard.wowsru.loc', 'wargamingfm@standard.wowsru.loc', 'ids_chat_channel_offtop@standard.wowsru.loc', 'ids_chat_channel_search_div@standard.wowsru.loc'],) [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:55] [DEBUG] (24343278503595215, 15): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence() ('', '', 0) [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:55] [DEBUG] (24343278503594646, 226): receiveBattleResults ('5615 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:55] BR: ['account_new_tier', 'killer_db_id', 'account_points_gained', 'rank_battles_season_id', 'init_economics', 'rank_stars_old', 'subtotal_economics', 'rank_stars_new', 'survey_id', 'is_premium', 'rank_stars_gained', 'team_id', 'tasks', 'common_economics', 'rank_new', 'dailics_info', 'rank_old', 'account_points_total', 'account_prev_tier'] [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:55] BR: {'credits': 43703, 'credits_penalty': 4, 'exp_penalty': 1, 'exp': 350, 'credits_compensation': 15} [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:55] BR: {'credits': {'adds': {'sse': 0, 'base': 0, 'mod': 0}, 'factors': {'sse': 0, 'base': 0, 'mod': 0.0}}, 'ship_exp': {'adds': {'sse': 0, 'base': 0, 'mod': 0}, 'factors': {'sse': 0, 'base': 0, 'mod': 0.0}}, 'crew_exp': {'adds': {'sse': 0, 'base': 0, 'mod': 0}, 'factors': {'sse': 0, 'base': 0, 'mod': 0.0}}, 'free_exp': {'adds': {'sse': 0, 'base': 0, 'mod': 0}, 'factors': {'sse': 0, 'base': 0, 'mod': 0.0}}, 'acc_level': {'adds': {'sse': 0, 'base': 0, 'mod': 0}, 'factors': {'sse': 0, 'base': 0, 'mod': 0.0}}} [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:55] BR: {'auto_abilities_gold': 0, 'premium_exp_factor': 1.5, 'auto_load_credits': 901, 'auto_repair_credits': 6500, 'free_exp_factor': 0.05, 'auto_exterior_credits': 0.0, 'aogas_factor': 1.0, 'auto_exterior_gold': 0, 'auto_abilities_credits': 0.0, 'premium_credits_factor': 1.5} [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:55] BR: {'account_new_tier': 11, 'killer_db_id': 469785, 'account_points_gained': 349, 'rank_battles_season_id': 0, 'init_economics': {'credits': 43703, 'credits_penalty': 4, 'exp_penalty': 1, 'exp': 350, 'credits_compensation': 15}, 'rank_stars_old': 0, 'subtotal_economics': {'credits': {'adds': {'sse': 0, 'base': 0, 'mod': 0}, 'factors': {'sse': 0, 'base': 0, 'mod': 0.0}}, 'ship_exp': {'adds': {'sse': 0, 'base': 0, 'mod': 0}, 'factors': {'sse': 0, 'base': 0, 'mod': 0.0}}, 'crew_exp': {'adds': {'sse': 0, 'base': 0, 'mod': 0}, 'factors': {'sse': 0, 'base': 0, 'mod': 0.0}}, 'free_exp': {'adds': {'sse': 0, 'base': 0, 'mod': 0}, 'factors': {'sse': 0, 'base': 0, 'mod': 0.0}}, 'acc_level': {'adds': {'sse': 0, 'base': 0, 'mod': 0}, 'factors': {'sse': 0, 'base': 0, 'mod': 0.0}}}, 'rank_stars_new': 0, 'survey_id': 0, 'is_premium': False, 'rank_stars_gained': 0, 'team_id': 1, 'tasks': {'15121801': {'count': (0, 0), 'progress': (0.3, 0.1), 2: {'count': (3, 1)}, 'name': u'\u0411\u043e\u0435\u0432\u043e\u0435 \u043a\u0440\u0435\u0449\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'}}, 'common_economics': {'auto_abilities_gold': 0, 'premium_exp_factor': 1.5, 'auto_load_credits': 901, 'auto_repair_credits': 6500, 'free_exp_factor': 0.05, 'auto_exterior_credits': 0.0, 'aogas_factor': 1.0, 'auto_exterior_gold': 0, 'auto_abilities_credits': 0.0, 'premium_credits_factor': 1.5}, 'rank_new': 0, 'dailics_info': {14: (140, 5, 3.0, 3.0)}, 'rank_old': 0, 'account_points_total': 219998, 'account_prev_tier': 11} [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:55] BR2:i {'credits': 43703, 'credits_penalty': 4, 'exp_penalty': 1, 'exp': 350, 'credits_compensation': 15} [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:55] BR2:s {'credits': {'adds': {'sse': 0, 'base': 0, 'mod': 0}, 'factors': {'sse': 0, 'base': 0, 'mod': 0.0}}, 'ship_exp': {'adds': {'sse': 0, 'base': 0, 'mod': 0}, 'factors': {'sse': 0, 'base': 0, 'mod': 0.0}}, 'crew_exp': {'adds': {'sse': 0, 'base': 0, 'mod': 0}, 'factors': {'sse': 0, 'base': 0, 'mod': 0.0}}, 'free_exp': {'adds': {'sse': 0, 'base': 0, 'mod': 0}, 'factors': {'sse': 0, 'base': 0, 'mod': 0.0}}, 'acc_level': {'adds': {'sse': 0, 'base': 0, 'mod': 0}, 'factors': {'sse': 0, 'base': 0, 'mod': 0.0}}} [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:55] BR2:c {'auto_abilities_gold': 0, 'premium_exp_factor': 1.5, 'auto_load_credits': 901, 'auto_repair_credits': 6500, 'free_exp_factor': 0.05, 'auto_exterior_credits': 0.0, 'aogas_factor': 1.0, 'auto_exterior_gold': 0, 'auto_abilities_credits': 0.0, 'premium_credits_factor': 1.5} [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:55] gAfterBattleStatsReceived: privateData: 6500 901 {14: (140, 5, 3.0, 3.0)} 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:55] [DEBUG] (24343278503594646, 226): onGetSystemMessage ('149 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:55] [DEBUG] (24343278503594646, 18): onGetSystemMessage (1, [{'importance': 2, 'typeId': 4, 'dt': 1451754656, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'costShell': 901, 'shipId': 4291704528L, 'result': 0, 'costRepair': 6500}}]) [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:55] [DEBUG] (24343278503594646, 226): onRewardsRestored ('55 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:55] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:55] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:55] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 1. Boxes contents: [{4288852912L: {(0, 4283622320L): 1}}] [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:55] [DEBUG] (24343278503594646, 226): onGetAchievements ('280 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:55] isDone id 15122001 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:55] isDone id 15121801 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:55] isDone id 15121804 count 0 limit 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:55] isDone id 15122005 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:55] ('[WWSD-43797] Dock.py updateShipSelection. shipId: ', 4281251536L, ', shipIdForModuleInset: ', 4281251536L) [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:55] [DBUG WWSD-40746] self.__requestedShipId 4281251536 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:55] isDone id 15122001 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:55] isDone id 15121801 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:55] isDone id 15121804 count 0 limit 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:55] isDone id 15122005 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:55] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:55] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:56] [DEBUG] (24343278503594646, 226): onGetSystemMessage ('511 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:56] [DEBUG] (24343278503594646, 18): onGetSystemMessage (1, [{'importance': 2, 'typeId': 5, 'dt': 1451754656, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'achievements': (), 'expPenalty': 1, 'tasks': {'15121801': {'count': (0, 0), 'progress': (0.3, 0.1), 2: {'count': (3, 1)}, 'name': u'\u0411\u043e\u0435\u0432\u043e\u0435 \u043a\u0440\u0435\u0449\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'}}, 'shipsKilled': 1.0, 'arenaUniqueID': 21736946900926725L, 'battleTypeId': 5, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 4, 'creditsCompensation': 15.0, 'mapTypeId': 2, 'credits': 43714, 'result': 2, 'CRFactor': 1.0, 'dailics_info': {14: (140, 5, 3.0, 3.0)}, 'exp': 349, 'shipId': 4291704528L, 'XPFactor': 1.0, 'battleCreateTime': 1451753733, 'accLeveling': (11, 219998, 11, 349), 'aogasFactor': 1.0}}]) [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:56] SYS_MESSAGE_TYPE.BATTLE_RESULTS [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:56] key achievements value () [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:56] key expPenalty value 1 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:56] key tasks value {'15121801': {'count': (0, 0), 'progress': (0.3, 0.1), 2: {'count': (3, 1)}, 'name': u'\u0411\u043e\u0435\u0432\u043e\u0435 \u043a\u0440\u0435\u0449\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'}} [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:56] key shipsKilled value 1.0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:56] key arenaUniqueID value 21736946900926725 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:56] key battleTypeId value 5 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:56] key teamBuildTypeId value 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:56] key creditsPenalty value 4 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:56] key creditsCompensation value 15.0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:56] key mapTypeId value 2 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:56] key credits value 43714 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:56] key result value 2 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:56] key CRFactor value 1.0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:56] key dailics_info value {14: (140, 5, 3.0, 3.0)} [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:56] key exp value 349 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:56] key shipId value 4291704528 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:56] key XPFactor value 1.0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:56] key battleCreateTime value 1451753733 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:56] key accLeveling value (11, 219998, 11, 349) [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:56] key aogasFactor value 1.0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:56] isDone id 15121801 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:56] ping&FPS: 0.64988383225 0.001 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:57] ping&FPS: 0.601350869451 1462.96725426 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:57] ping&FPS: 0.543676640306 164.967260818 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:58] ping&FPS: 0.48903217486 98.967260282 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:58] ping&FPS: 0.445553685938 143.967263396 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:58] ping&FPS: 0.41905808023 404.967272039 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:58] ping&FPS: 0.382111634527 146.967275645 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:58] ping&FPS: 0.348760093961 132.967278819 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:59] ping&FPS: 0.320741559778 159.967282693 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:59] ping&FPS: 0.295223172222 271.967282574 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:59] ping&FPS: 0.27145161799 155.967285793 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:59] ping&FPS: 0.249965693269 144.96728814 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:18:59] ping&FPS: 0.227332647358 140.967290762 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:19:00] ping&FPS: 0.224747295891 444.967300374 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:19:00] ping&FPS: 0.207131530557 133.967303711 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:19:02] ping&FPS: 0.0810199933393 200.967349048 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:19:02] ping&FPS: 0.0712664829833 248.967348631 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:19:03] ping&FPS: 0.0731011139495 257.967357154 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:19:03] ('[WWSD-43797] Dock.py updateShipSelection. shipId: ', 4291704528L, ', shipIdForModuleInset: ', 4291704528L) [S] [2016_01_02 19:19:03] [DBUG WWSD-40746] self.__requestedShipId 4291704528 [S] [2016_01_02 19:19:04] isDone id 15122001 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 19:19:04] isDone id 15121801 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 19:19:04] isDone id 15121804 count 0 limit 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:19:04] isDone id 15122005 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 19:19:04] ping&FPS: 0.0830244081361 434.967372577 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:19:04] start check ATBA [S] [2016_01_02 19:19:04] end check ATBA [S] [2016_01_02 19:19:04] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2016_01_02 19:19:04] ping&FPS: 0.0929118203265 490.967367377 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:19:09] ('[WWSD-43797] Dock.py updateShipSelection. shipId: ', 4291704528L, ', shipIdForModuleInset: ', 4291704528L) [S] [2016_01_02 19:19:09] isDone id 15122001 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 19:19:09] isDone id 15121801 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 19:19:09] isDone id 15121804 count 0 limit 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:19:09] isDone id 15122005 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 19:19:10] ping&FPS: 0.0582126038415 691.967494267 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:19:11] ping&FPS: 0.0589245664222 1073.96746914 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:19:11] ping&FPS: 0.0648838835103 214.967471789 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:19:13] ping&FPS: 0.0568466590984 234.967518683 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:19:14] ping&FPS: 0.0585004495723 391.967508431 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:19:14] ping&FPS: 0.0646359132869 229.967505153 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:19:21] ping&FPS: 0.0645214723689 431.967665988 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:19:29] ping&FPS: 0.0615706401212 239.967845994 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:19:42] ping&FPS: 0.0657885628087 412.968145262 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:19:52] ping&FPS: 0.0532290594918 219.968362946 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:19:52] ping&FPS: 0.0593703197581 227.968368653 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:20:05] ping&FPS: 0.0572372185332 238.96867771 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:20:11] Unable to find camera param -- camouNode [S] [2016_01_02 19:20:11] ping&FPS: 0.0502808647496 281.968786861 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:20:12] ping&FPS: 0.0517668532474 269.968789022 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:20:15] ('[WWSD-43797] Dock.py updateShipSelection. shipId: ', 4291704528L, ', shipIdForModuleInset: ', 4291704528L) [S] [2016_01_02 19:20:15] isDone id 15122001 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 19:20:15] isDone id 15121801 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 19:20:15] isDone id 15121804 count 0 limit 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:20:15] isDone id 15122005 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 19:20:15] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2016_01_02 19:20:16] ping&FPS: 0.0637408154351 284.968863252 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:20:19] ping&FPS: 0.0525836902005 214.968949142 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:20:20] ping&FPS: 0.0568514721734 458.968940559 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:20:21] ping&FPS: 0.0593654470784 213.968960847 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:20:21] ping&FPS: 0.0637909429414 212.968964096 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:20:23] ping&FPS: 0.0686487810952 426.969012241 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:20:33] ping&FPS: 0.0562399732215 217.969195861 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:20:33] ping&FPS: 0.0629707383258 218.969195436 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:20:52] ping&FPS: 0.0535623090608 207.969461712 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:21:03] ping&FPS: 0.0555615680558 211.969622272 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:21:13] ping&FPS: 0.0562485860927 212.9697734 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:21:14] ping&FPS: 0.0553844975574 214.969782452 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:21:20] ping&FPS: 0.0569197194917 213.969884801 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:21:20] ping&FPS: 0.0621611582381 202.969889204 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:21:48] ping&FPS: 0.063653166805 410.970324713 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:21:55] ping&FPS: 0.0548092382295 214.970440205 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:21:57] ping&FPS: 0.05881879798 417.970458071 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:22:02] ping&FPS: 0.0636270003659 431.970539387 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:22:05] ping&FPS: 0.0638329195125 252.970593567 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:22:07] ping&FPS: 0.0605611162526 290.970613311 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:22:21] ping&FPS: 0.0570806967361 230.970846485 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:22:22] ping&FPS: 0.0554757820708 211.970854785 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:22:22] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4281251536 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:22:22] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_01_02 19:22:22] updateActionsProgress: {'15121801': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 4}}} [S] [2016_01_02 19:22:22] __updateTaskProgress start: {'15121801': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 4}}} [S] [2016_01_02 19:22:22] step id: 15121801 progress {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 4}} [S] [2016_01_02 19:22:22] isDone id 15121801 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 19:22:22] isDone id 15121801 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 19:22:22] isDone id 15121801 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 19:22:22] isDone id 15121802 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 19:22:22] isDone id 15121803 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 19:22:22] isDone id 15122001 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 19:22:22] isDone id 15121801 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 19:22:22] isDone id 15121804 count 0 limit 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:22:22] isDone id 15122005 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 19:22:22] CommonDailyList.onUpdate 0 32 [dailyId 32 type 1 desc {'rewards': {3: '50000'}, 'title': 320, 'iconId': 7, 'timeToChange': 0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 32, 'condition': (5, '1', ('8', 1.0))} , dailyId 14 type 1 desc {'rewards': {3: '20000'}, 'title': 140, 'iconId': 8, 'timeToChange': 0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 14, 'condition': (6, '0', ('5', 3.0))} , dailyId 31 type 1 desc {'rewards': {3: '50000'}, 'title': 310, 'iconId': 6, 'timeToChange': 0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 2, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 31, 'condition': (6, '1', ('4', 3.0))} ] [S] [2016_01_02 19:22:22] Daily.update: {'rewards': {'addResCR': {'value': '50000'}}, 'pdata': {'count': 1.0, 'isSeen': True, 'timeToChange': 0, 'reward': 'addResCR'}, 'condition': ('killPlanes', {'count': '8', 'division': '0', 'countBattle': '1'}), 'desc': (32, 1, 7, 320, 0)} [S] [2016_01_02 19:22:22] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {3: '50000'}, 'title': 320, 'iconId': 7, 'timeToChange': 0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 32, 'condition': (5, '1', ('8', 1.0))} [S] [2016_01_02 19:22:22] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {3: '20000'}, 'title': 140, 'iconId': 8, 'timeToChange': 0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 14, 'condition': (6, '0', ('5', 3.0))} [S] [2016_01_02 19:22:22] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {3: '50000'}, 'title': 310, 'iconId': 6, 'timeToChange': 0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 2, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 31, 'condition': (6, '1', ('4', 3.0))} [S] [2016_01_02 19:22:22] CommonDailyList.onUpdate 1 14 [dailyId 32 type 1 desc {'rewards': {3: '50000'}, 'title': 320, 'iconId': 7, 'timeToChange': 0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 32, 'condition': (5, '1', ('8', 1.0))} , dailyId 14 type 1 desc {'rewards': {3: '20000'}, 'title': 140, 'iconId': 8, 'timeToChange': 0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 14, 'condition': (6, '0', ('5', 3.0))} , dailyId 31 type 1 desc {'rewards': {3: '50000'}, 'title': 310, 'iconId': 6, 'timeToChange': 0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 2, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 31, 'condition': (6, '1', ('4', 3.0))} ] [S] [2016_01_02 19:22:22] Daily.update: {'rewards': {'addResCR': {'value': '20000'}}, 'pdata': {'count': 3.0, 'isSeen': True, 'timeToChange': 0, 'reward': 'addResCR'}, 'condition': ('torpHits', {'count': '5', 'division': '0', 'countBattle': '0', 'weaponType': 'bomb'}), 'desc': (14, 1, 8, 140, 1)} [S] [2016_01_02 19:22:22] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {3: '50000'}, 'title': 320, 'iconId': 7, 'timeToChange': 0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 32, 'condition': (5, '1', ('8', 1.0))} [S] [2016_01_02 19:22:22] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {3: '20000'}, 'title': 140, 'iconId': 8, 'timeToChange': 0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 14, 'condition': (6, '0', ('5', 3.0))} [S] [2016_01_02 19:22:22] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {3: '50000'}, 'title': 310, 'iconId': 6, 'timeToChange': 0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 2, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 31, 'condition': (6, '1', ('4', 3.0))} [S] [2016_01_02 19:22:22] CommonDailyList.onUpdate 2 31 [dailyId 32 type 1 desc {'rewards': {3: '50000'}, 'title': 320, 'iconId': 7, 'timeToChange': 0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 32, 'condition': (5, '1', ('8', 1.0))} , dailyId 14 type 1 desc {'rewards': {3: '20000'}, 'title': 140, 'iconId': 8, 'timeToChange': 0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 14, 'condition': (6, '0', ('5', 3.0))} , dailyId 31 type 1 desc {'rewards': {3: '50000'}, 'title': 310, 'iconId': 6, 'timeToChange': 0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 2, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 31, 'condition': (6, '1', ('4', 3.0))} ] [S] [2016_01_02 19:22:22] Daily.update: {'rewards': {'addResCR': {'value': '50000'}}, 'pdata': {'count': 3.0, 'isSeen': True, 'timeToChange': 0, 'reward': 'addResCR'}, 'condition': ('torpHits', {'count': '4', 'division': '0', 'countBattle': '1'}), 'desc': (31, 1, 6, 310, 2)} [S] [2016_01_02 19:22:22] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {3: '50000'}, 'title': 320, 'iconId': 7, 'timeToChange': 0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 32, 'condition': (5, '1', ('8', 1.0))} [S] [2016_01_02 19:22:22] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {3: '20000'}, 'title': 140, 'iconId': 8, 'timeToChange': 0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 14, 'condition': (6, '0', ('5', 3.0))} [S] [2016_01_02 19:22:22] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {3: '50000'}, 'title': 310, 'iconId': 6, 'timeToChange': 0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 2, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 31, 'condition': (6, '1', ('4', 3.0))} [S] [2016_01_02 19:22:22] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4281251536L: {'exp': 10427}}, 'changedCrews': {6: {'exp': 12432}}, 'moneyXP': 21} [S] [2016_01_02 19:22:22] [DBUG WWSD-40746] self.__requestedShipId 4291704528 [S] [2016_01_02 19:22:22] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_01_02 19:22:22] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_01_02 19:22:22] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': 51030.0} [S] [2016_01_02 19:22:22] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_01_02 19:22:22] [DBUG WWSD-40746] self.__requestedShipId 4291704528 [S] [2016_01_02 19:22:22] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -7476.0} [S] [2016_01_02 19:22:22] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_01_02 19:22:22] [DBUG WWSD-40746] self.__requestedShipId 4291704528 [S] [2016_01_02 19:22:22] [DEBUG] (24343278503594646, 226): onGetAccountStats ('0 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_01_02 19:22:22] StatsProxy.applyStatsDiff(): {'dossier': '\x06\x00\x18\x00`\x00,\x018\x00`\x00<\x008\x00`\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00`\x00\x00\x00\x00\x008\x00\x00\x00\x00\x008\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00`\x00`\x00`\x008\x008\x008\x00\x00\x00Jy\x96U5\x04\x88V\xf6@\x02\x00\x98#\x00\x00%\x01\x00\x00\x80d\x88V\x03\x1b\x02\x00#\x10\x03\x00\x1e\x01\x00\x00\x90\x00\x00\x00A\x00\x00\x00\x88\x00\x00\x00G\x00\x00\x00\xbe\x00\x00\x00\r\x00\x00\x00\x083G\x00\x1b\x00\x00\x00h\x01\x00\x00\x8c\x00\x00\x00\x03\x00\x00\x00\x08\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00=_\x00\x009\x05\x00\x00\xce\x01\x00\x00\x04!\x00\x00\xd5\x00\x00\x00+\x00\x00\x00&/\x02\x00\xf07/\xff\x12\x00\x00\x00\x08\x00\x00\x00\xf0\xb7\xee\xff\x05\x00\x00\x00\x03\x00\x00\x00\xd0\xb6\xae\xfd\n\x00\x00\x00\x06\x00\x00\x00\xf0\xb7\xde\xff\x05\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\xf07\xde\xff\x08\x00\x00\x00\x06\x00\x00\x00\xf0\xb7\xce\xff\x0b\x00\x00\x00\x05\x00\x00\x00\xf07N\xfe\x0e\x00\x00\x00\t\x00\x00\x00\xf0\xb7\xbe\xff\x16\x00\x00\x00\x0b\x00\x00\x00\xd0\xb6\xce\xfd\x06\x00\x00\x00\x04\x00\x00\x00\xd06\xde\xff\x06\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\xd0\xb6\x0e\xff\r\x00\x00\x00\x06\x00\x00\x00\xd06~\xfe\x0e\x00\x00\x00\t\x00\x00\x00\xd0\xb5\xae\xf9\x02\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x000\xb7\xee\xff\x03\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\xd05\x9e\xf9\x08\x00\x00\x00\x05\x00\x00\x00\xf07\xef\xff\x10\x00\x00\x00\x06\x00\x00\x000\xb7\xde\xff\x06\x00\x00\x00\x05\x00\x00\x000\xb7\x8e\xf9\x10\x00\x00\x00\x06\x00\x00\x00\xf07\xce\xfe\n\x00\x00\x00\x07\x00\x00\x00\xd05\x8e\xf9\x0c\x00\x00\x00\x06\x00\x00\x00\xf0\xb7~\xfe\x1d\x00\x00\x00\x0e\x00\x00\x000\xb7~\xf9\x12\x00\x00\x00\x08\x00\x00\x00\xd06\xef\xff\x0c\x00\x00\x00\x04\x00\x00\x00\xd0\xb6.\xff\x0f\x00\x00\x00\x06\x00\x00\x00\xd06\xce\xff\x07\x00\x00\x00\x04\x00\x00\x00m\x06m\x06\x05\x02\x00vO\x01\x00\x05\x01\x01\x00\x00\xf0\xb7~\xfe\xf0\xb7~\xfe\xd0\xb6\xae\xfd\xf0\xb7~\xfe\xf0\xb7~\xfe\xd0\xb6\xae\xfd0\xb7~\xf9\xd06\xce\xff\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00g\x06\x00\x00\x83\x08\x00\x00\x07\x00\x00\x00\x07\x00\x00\x00\x06\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x06\x00\x00\x00\x07\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00Ke\x02\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x16\x00\x00\x00\x04\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00s\x02\x00\x00_\x00\x00\x00\x08\x00\x00\x00-\x01\x00\x00\x10\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00g\x06\x00\x00\xf0\xb7\xce\xff\x01\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\xd0\xb6\xce\xfd\x01\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\xf0\xb7~\xfe\x01\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x000\xb7~\xf9\x02\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\xd06\xce\xff\x02\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x004\x014\x01\x03\x00\x00\x13\x9a\x00\x00\x02\x01\x02\x00\x00\xf0\xb7~\xfe\xf0\xb7~\xfe\xf0\xb7~\xfe\x00\x00\x00\x00\xf0\xb7~\xfe\xd0\xb6\xce\xfd0\xb7~\xf9\xf0\xb7~\xfe\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x03\x1b\x02\x00#\x10\x03\x00\x1e\x01\x00\x00\x90\x00\x00\x00A\x00\x00\x00\x88\x00\x00\x00G\x00\x00\x00\xbe\x00\x00\x00\r\x00\x00\x00\x083G\x00\x1b\x00\x00\x00h\x01\x00\x00\x8c\x00\x00\x00\x03\x00\x00\x00\x08\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00=_\x00\x009\x05\x00\x00\xce\x01\x00\x00\x04!\x00\x00\xd5\x00\x00\x00+\x00\x00\x00&/\x02\x00g\x06\x00\x00\x83\x08\x00\x00\x07\x00\x00\x00\x07\x00\x00\x00\x06\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x06\x00\x00\x00\x07\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00Ke\x02\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x16\x00\x00\x00\x04\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00s\x02\x00\x00_\x00\x00\x00\x08\x00\x00\x00-\x01\x00\x00\x10\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00g\x06\x00\x00m\x06m\x06\x05\x02\x00vO\x01\x00\x05\x01\x01\x00\x00\xf0\xb7~\xfe\xf0\xb7~\xfe\xd0\xb6\xae\xfd\xf0\xb7~\xfe\xf0\xb7~\xfe\xd0\xb6\xae\xfd0\xb7~\xf9\xd06\xce\xff\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x004\x014\x01\x03\x00\x00\x13\x9a\x00\x00\x02\x01\x02\x00\x00\xf0\xb7~\xfe\xf0\xb7~\xfe\xf0\xb7~\xfe\x00\x00\x00\x00\xf0\xb7~\xfe\xd0\xb6\xce\xfd0\xb7~\xf9\xf0\xb7~\xfe\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00', 'accPoints': 220418} [S] [2016_01_02 19:22:22] __processDossierStats() client dossier: ['pvp', 'pve_diag', 'pvp_diag', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'max_pve', 'rank_diag', 'pve', 'max_pvp', 'total'] [S] [2016_01_02 19:22:22] AccountLevelingProxy.onGetAccountStats(): (11, 219998) (11, 220418) [S] [2016_01_02 19:22:22] isDone id 15122001 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 19:22:22] isDone id 15121801 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 19:22:22] isDone id 15121804 count 0 limit 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:22:22] isDone id 15122005 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 19:22:22] isDone id 15122001 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 19:22:22] isDone id 15121801 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 19:22:22] isDone id 15121804 count 0 limit 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:22:22] isDone id 15122005 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 19:22:22] [DBUG WWSD-40746] self.__requestedShipId 4291704528 [S] [2016_01_02 19:22:22] [DEBUG] (24343278503594646, 226): onGetSystemMessage ('149 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_01_02 19:22:22] [DEBUG] (24343278503594646, 18): onGetSystemMessage (1, [{'importance': 2, 'typeId': 4, 'dt': 1451755357, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'costShell': 976, 'shipId': 4281251536L, 'result': 0, 'costRepair': 6500}}]) [S] [2016_01_02 19:22:22] ping&FPS: 0.0588982360704 393.970848586 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:22:22] ping&FPS: 0.0567454355104 392.970855262 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:22:23] [DEBUG] (24343278503594646, 226): receiveBattleResults ('5850 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_01_02 19:22:23] BR: ['account_new_tier', 'killer_db_id', 'account_points_gained', 'rank_battles_season_id', 'init_economics', 'rank_stars_old', 'subtotal_economics', 'rank_stars_new', 'survey_id', 'is_premium', 'rank_stars_gained', 'team_id', 'tasks', 'common_economics', 'rank_new', 'dailics_info', 'rank_old', 'account_points_total', 'account_prev_tier'] [S] [2016_01_02 19:22:23] BR: {'credits': 51030, 'credits_penalty': 0, 'exp_penalty': 0, 'exp': 420, 'credits_compensation': 0} [S] [2016_01_02 19:22:23] BR: {'credits': {'adds': {'sse': 0, 'base': 0, 'mod': 0}, 'factors': {'sse': 0, 'base': 0, 'mod': 0.0}}, 'ship_exp': {'adds': {'sse': 0, 'base': 0, 'mod': 0}, 'factors': {'sse': 0, 'base': 0, 'mod': 0.0}}, 'crew_exp': {'adds': {'sse': 0, 'base': 0, 'mod': 0}, 'factors': {'sse': 0, 'base': 0, 'mod': 0.0}}, 'free_exp': {'adds': {'sse': 0, 'base': 0, 'mod': 0}, 'factors': {'sse': 0, 'base': 0, 'mod': 0.0}}, 'acc_level': {'adds': {'sse': 0, 'base': 0, 'mod': 0}, 'factors': {'sse': 0, 'base': 0, 'mod': 0.0}}} [S] [2016_01_02 19:22:23] BR: {'auto_abilities_gold': 0, 'premium_exp_factor': 1.5, 'auto_load_credits': 976, 'auto_repair_credits': 6500, 'free_exp_factor': 0.05, 'auto_exterior_credits': 0.0, 'aogas_factor': 1.0, 'auto_exterior_gold': 0, 'auto_abilities_credits': 0.0, 'premium_credits_factor': 1.5} [S] [2016_01_02 19:22:23] BR: {'account_new_tier': 11, 'killer_db_id': 16952599, 'account_points_gained': 420, 'rank_battles_season_id': 0, 'init_economics': {'credits': 51030, 'credits_penalty': 0, 'exp_penalty': 0, 'exp': 420, 'credits_compensation': 0}, 'rank_stars_old': 0, 'subtotal_economics': {'credits': {'adds': {'sse': 0, 'base': 0, 'mod': 0}, 'factors': {'sse': 0, 'base': 0, 'mod': 0.0}}, 'ship_exp': {'adds': {'sse': 0, 'base': 0, 'mod': 0}, 'factors': {'sse': 0, 'base': 0, 'mod': 0.0}}, 'crew_exp': {'adds': {'sse': 0, 'base': 0, 'mod': 0}, 'factors': {'sse': 0, 'base': 0, 'mod': 0.0}}, 'free_exp': {'adds': {'sse': 0, 'base': 0, 'mod': 0}, 'factors': {'sse': 0, 'base': 0, 'mod': 0.0}}, 'acc_level': {'adds': {'sse': 0, 'base': 0, 'mod': 0}, 'factors': {'sse': 0, 'base': 0, 'mod': 0.0}}}, 'rank_stars_new': 0, 'survey_id': 0, 'is_premium': False, 'rank_stars_gained': 0, 'team_id': 0, 'tasks': {'15121801': {'count': (0, 0), 'progress': (0.4, 0.1), 2: {'count': (4, 1)}, 'name': u'\u0411\u043e\u0435\u0432\u043e\u0435 \u043a\u0440\u0435\u0449\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'}}, 'common_economics': {'auto_abilities_gold': 0, 'premium_exp_factor': 1.5, 'auto_load_credits': 976, 'auto_repair_credits': 6500, 'free_exp_factor': 0.05, 'auto_exterior_credits': 0.0, 'aogas_factor': 1.0, 'auto_exterior_gold': 0, 'auto_abilities_credits': 0.0, 'premium_credits_factor': 1.5}, 'rank_new': 0, 'dailics_info': {}, 'rank_old': 0, 'account_points_total': 220418, 'account_prev_tier': 11} [S] [2016_01_02 19:22:23] BR2:i {'credits': 51030, 'credits_penalty': 0, 'exp_penalty': 0, 'exp': 420, 'credits_compensation': 0} [S] [2016_01_02 19:22:23] BR2:s {'credits': {'adds': {'sse': 0, 'base': 0, 'mod': 0}, 'factors': {'sse': 0, 'base': 0, 'mod': 0.0}}, 'ship_exp': {'adds': {'sse': 0, 'base': 0, 'mod': 0}, 'factors': {'sse': 0, 'base': 0, 'mod': 0.0}}, 'crew_exp': {'adds': {'sse': 0, 'base': 0, 'mod': 0}, 'factors': {'sse': 0, 'base': 0, 'mod': 0.0}}, 'free_exp': {'adds': {'sse': 0, 'base': 0, 'mod': 0}, 'factors': {'sse': 0, 'base': 0, 'mod': 0.0}}, 'acc_level': {'adds': {'sse': 0, 'base': 0, 'mod': 0}, 'factors': {'sse': 0, 'base': 0, 'mod': 0.0}}} [S] [2016_01_02 19:22:23] BR2:c {'auto_abilities_gold': 0, 'premium_exp_factor': 1.5, 'auto_load_credits': 976, 'auto_repair_credits': 6500, 'free_exp_factor': 0.05, 'auto_exterior_credits': 0.0, 'aogas_factor': 1.0, 'auto_exterior_gold': 0, 'auto_abilities_credits': 0.0, 'premium_credits_factor': 1.5} [S] [2016_01_02 19:22:23] gAfterBattleStatsReceived: privateData: 6500 976 {} 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:22:23] [DEBUG] (24343278503594646, 226): onGetSystemMessage ('491 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_01_02 19:22:23] [DEBUG] (24343278503594646, 18): onGetSystemMessage (1, [{'importance': 2, 'typeId': 5, 'dt': 1451755357, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'achievements': (), 'expPenalty': 0, 'tasks': {'15121801': {'count': (0, 0), 'progress': (0.4, 0.1), 2: {'count': (4, 1)}, 'name': u'\u0411\u043e\u0435\u0432\u043e\u0435 \u043a\u0440\u0435\u0449\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'}}, 'shipsKilled': 1.0, 'arenaUniqueID': 46362545619469365L, 'battleTypeId': 5, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'creditsCompensation': 0.0, 'mapTypeId': 3, 'credits': 51030, 'result': 2, 'CRFactor': 1.0, 'dailics_info': {}, 'exp': 420, 'shipId': 4281251536L, 'XPFactor': 1.0, 'battleCreateTime': 1451754549, 'accLeveling': (11, 220418, 11, 420), 'aogasFactor': 1.0}}]) [S] [2016_01_02 19:22:23] SYS_MESSAGE_TYPE.BATTLE_RESULTS [S] [2016_01_02 19:22:23] key achievements value () [S] [2016_01_02 19:22:23] key expPenalty value 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:22:23] key tasks value {'15121801': {'count': (0, 0), 'progress': (0.4, 0.1), 2: {'count': (4, 1)}, 'name': u'\u0411\u043e\u0435\u0432\u043e\u0435 \u043a\u0440\u0435\u0449\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'}} [S] [2016_01_02 19:22:23] key shipsKilled value 1.0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:22:23] key arenaUniqueID value 46362545619469365 [S] [2016_01_02 19:22:23] key battleTypeId value 5 [S] [2016_01_02 19:22:23] key teamBuildTypeId value 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:22:23] key creditsPenalty value 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:22:23] key creditsCompensation value 0.0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:22:23] key mapTypeId value 3 [S] [2016_01_02 19:22:23] key credits value 51030 [S] [2016_01_02 19:22:23] key result value 2 [S] [2016_01_02 19:22:23] key CRFactor value 1.0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:22:23] key dailics_info value {} [S] [2016_01_02 19:22:23] key exp value 420 [S] [2016_01_02 19:22:23] key shipId value 4281251536 [S] [2016_01_02 19:22:23] key XPFactor value 1.0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:22:23] key battleCreateTime value 1451754549 [S] [2016_01_02 19:22:23] key accLeveling value (11, 220418, 11, 420) [S] [2016_01_02 19:22:23] key aogasFactor value 1.0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:22:23] isDone id 15121801 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2016_01_02 19:22:23] ping&FPS: 0.0540720628841 202.970878954 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:22:24] ping&FPS: 0.055701817785 207.970893319 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:22:34] ping&FPS: 0.0568556146962 210.971070695 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:22:47] ping&FPS: 0.0567219363792 213.971265424 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:22:47] ping&FPS: 0.0507608013494 244.971270475 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:22:51] ping&FPS: 0.0493960561497 307.971338558 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:22:56] ping&FPS: 0.0566502915961 211.971422936 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:23:20] ping&FPS: 0.0609717475516 428.971795286 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:23:26] ping&FPS: 0.0554573791368 205.971875656 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:23:31] ping&FPS: 0.0482633518321 413.971926074 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:23:36] ping&FPS: 0.0510990055544 219.971986193 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:23:37] ping&FPS: 0.0511642055852 232.971991624 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:23:37] ping&FPS: 0.0563335525138 203.971997123 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:23:39] ping&FPS: 0.058703701411 215.972017075 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:23:47] ping&FPS: 0.0479045467717 230.97213428 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:23:48] ping&FPS: 0.0512468101723 228.972153875 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:23:49] ping&FPS: 0.0454789432032 300.972165357 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:23:51] ping&FPS: 0.0499641852719 302.972199711 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:23:55] ping&FPS: 0.0474782916052 303.972262512 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:24:04] ping&FPS: 0.0519085111363 279.972367379 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:24:04] ping&FPS: 0.0598222421748 298.97236796 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:24:04] ping&FPS: 0.0649078296764 254.972366917 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:24:04] ping&FPS: 0.0763169931514 333.97236206 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:24:05] ping&FPS: 0.0789332496268 251.972366113 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:24:05] ping&FPS: 0.0780944930656 254.972368795 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:24:06] ping&FPS: 0.0630601005895 320.972370762 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:24:06] ping&FPS: 0.0685567664249 261.972365278 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:24:07] ping&FPS: 0.0501961367471 257.972358379 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:24:13] ping&FPS: 0.0570908891303 235.972467582 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:24:17] ping&FPS: 0.0558807807309 213.972514953 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:24:23] ping&FPS: 0.0489018442375 203.972595374 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:24:37] ping&FPS: 0.0507605703814 201.972808089 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:24:46] ping&FPS: 0.0577471958739 218.972912702 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:24:46] ping&FPS: 0.0634784059865 216.972914744 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:24:48] ping&FPS: 0.061470504318 210.972940858 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:24:48] ping&FPS: 0.0663777398212 201.972944166 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:24:57] ping&FPS: 0.0564968543393 203.973040316 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:24:58] ping&FPS: 0.056063081537 203.973056528 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:25:19] ping&FPS: 0.0579942273242 239.973310623 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:25:20] ping&FPS: 0.0638846116407 208.973315078 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:25:42] ping&FPS: 0.0573439853532 202.973569009 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:25:43] ping&FPS: 0.0554845290525 203.973575223 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:25:45] ping&FPS: 0.0600527631385 226.973600376 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:25:46] ping&FPS: 0.0668585108859 230.973607841 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:25:49] ping&FPS: 0.0578161584479 217.973633225 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:25:52] ping&FPS: 0.0648865061147 425.973662909 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:25:57] ping&FPS: 0.0589604633195 412.973721284 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:26:05] ping&FPS: 0.0576943414552 215.973853643 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:26:06] ping&FPS: 0.0664272116763 236.973858032 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:26:48] ping&FPS: 0.0604834663016 247.97443467 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:26:55] ping&FPS: 0.0567174064262 200.97452997 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:26:56] ping&FPS: 0.0578596698386 242.974537212 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:27:07] ping&FPS: 0.0505734565003 331.974691841 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:27:16] ping&FPS: 0.0545949297292 220.974835064 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:27:16] ping&FPS: 0.0603942232473 204.974837001 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:27:23] ping&FPS: 0.058335970555 238.974938172 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:27:31] ping&FPS: 0.0564152704818 211.975056584 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:27:47] ping&FPS: 0.0475904228432 257.975310604 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:27:51] ping&FPS: 0.0495098488671 312.975373867 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:27:53] ping&FPS: 0.0549615877015 204.975412961 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:28:04] ping&FPS: 0.063321303044 440.975553426 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:28:04] ping&FPS: 0.0640805023057 211.975560549 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:28:09] ping&FPS: 0.0641152816159 414.975619953 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:28:19] ping&FPS: 0.0558782177312 211.975779648 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:28:23] ping&FPS: 0.0547172384603 211.975832965 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:28:25] ping&FPS: 0.0572422551257 237.975870069 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:28:31] ping&FPS: 0.0478294896228 290.975940402 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:28:45] ping&FPS: 0.0506894396884 212.976147729 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:28:49] ping&FPS: 0.048733781491 272.976214099 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:28:51] ping&FPS: 0.05183374456 279.976245339 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:28:55] ping&FPS: 0.0523660959942 277.97630326 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:29:18] ping&FPS: 0.0651833372457 424.976651173 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:29:24] ping&FPS: 0.0571285145623 208.976732853 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:29:31] ping&FPS: 0.0637906449182 433.976835641 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:29:41] ping&FPS: 0.056115131293 200.976986106 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:30:05] ping&FPS: 0.0458787339074 202.977232914 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:30:12] ping&FPS: 0.058872412358 226.977333579 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:30:12] ping&FPS: 0.064245726381 201.977336887 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:30:20] ping&FPS: 0.0585571037871 229.977459449 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:30:37] ping&FPS: 0.0607426421983 252.977725032 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:30:49] ping&FPS: 0.055625643049 212.977903727 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:31:02] ping&FPS: 0.0614659594638 264.978116024 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:31:05] ping&FPS: 0.0606702970607 213.978148896 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:31:08] ping&FPS: 0.058662663613 202.978213559 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:31:20] ping&FPS: 0.0621459292514 286.978384133 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:31:21] ping&FPS: 0.0589307504041 207.978397596 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:31:23] ping&FPS: 0.0505551355226 210.978427004 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:31:41] ping&FPS: 0.0535774039371 210.978684078 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:31:45] ping&FPS: 0.0624977605683 438.978765699 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:31:51] ping&FPS: 0.0766801940543 552.978862564 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:32:07] ping&FPS: 0.0497166173799 296.979097548 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:32:11] ping&FPS: 0.0560750322683 205.979174155 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:32:47] ping&FPS: 0.0500137241823 261.979760672 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:32:51] ping&FPS: 0.0487145440919 302.979820441 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:33:07] ping&FPS: 0.0561599688871 214.980072792 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:33:22] ping&FPS: 0.0544579284532 207.980323549 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:33:31] ping&FPS: 0.0486918123705 285.980455454 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:33:41] ping&FPS: 0.0574695872409 204.980615351 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:33:45] ping&FPS: 0.0559308635337 202.980668786 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:33:46] ping&FPS: 0.0588452624423 226.980681326 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:33:46] ping&FPS: 0.0634291129453 202.980682935 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:33:49] ping&FPS: 0.0523798646671 291.980734739 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:33:51] ping&FPS: 0.0494937854154 268.980764169 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:33:52] ping&FPS: 0.0627541797502 447.980774272 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:33:52] ping&FPS: 0.0631068455321 207.980793479 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:33:55] ping&FPS: 0.0511513533337 273.980825815 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:34:15] ping&FPS: 0.0551248597247 212.981133606 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:34:18] ping&FPS: 0.0521780209882 203.981183957 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:34:21] ping&FPS: 0.064108173762 422.981234859 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:34:29] ping&FPS: 0.0562546359641 211.981355424 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:34:30] ping&FPS: 0.0650848107679 427.981373909 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:34:53] ping&FPS: 0.0554782556636 212.981734503 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:35:00] ping&FPS: 0.0547024863107 205.981834229 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:35:01] ping&FPS: 0.0545968221767 217.981839183 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:35:16] ping&FPS: 0.0551826911313 228.982082117 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:35:21] ping&FPS: 0.0636800186975 424.982149768 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:35:21] ping&FPS: 0.0646984385593 202.982158642 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:35:27] ping&FPS: 0.0649884002549 438.982238952 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:35:28] ping&FPS: 0.0707980649812 424.982263956 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:35:40] ping&FPS: 0.057828645621 214.982445236 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:35:40] ping&FPS: 0.0638513820512 209.982449855 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:35:41] ping&FPS: 0.0655197607619 213.982458349 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:35:53] ping&FPS: 0.0562711464507 202.98266061 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:36:04] ping&FPS: 0.0639641391379 425.982856441 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:36:22] ping&FPS: 0.0567453759057 215.983135264 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:36:38] ping&FPS: 0.0639053838594 416.983380179 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:36:40] ping&FPS: 0.0629611717803 213.983403172 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:36:56] ping&FPS: 0.0490417288882 229.983616072 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:37:02] ping&FPS: 0.0534370498998 201.983716521 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:37:07] ping&FPS: 0.0509917618973 327.983787793 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:37:25] ping&FPS: 0.0649311946971 420.984058041 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:37:32] ping&FPS: 0.0552662419421 200.984177339 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:37:41] ping&FPS: 0.0573193835361 209.984318088 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:37:43] ping&FPS: 0.0599446105106 210.984345156 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:37:45] ping&FPS: 0.0626296358449 424.984375197 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:37:46] ping&FPS: 0.0632372008903 242.984394434 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:37:48] ping&FPS: 0.0577172892434 311.984412129 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:37:51] ping&FPS: 0.0510705666883 336.984477218 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:37:54] ping&FPS: 0.0626375632627 412.984524052 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:37:58] ping&FPS: 0.0591548638684 227.984593767 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:38:13] ping&FPS: 0.056051160608 214.984788905 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:38:27] ping&FPS: 0.0652233319623 423.984963152 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:38:28] ping&FPS: 0.0665336208684 231.984974767 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:38:28] ping&FPS: 0.0700085567577 200.984978843 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:38:31] ping&FPS: 0.0515774967415 324.985010605 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:38:33] ping&FPS: 0.0562444286687 218.985041338 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:38:43] ping&FPS: 0.0544588225228 213.985152732 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:38:46] ping&FPS: 0.0568577753646 233.985208075 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:38:49] ping&FPS: 0.0522844599826 308.985251653 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:38:51] ping&FPS: 0.0489451395614 298.985289681 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:38:55] ping&FPS: 0.0513903828604 306.985355596 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:38:57] ping&FPS: 0.0557190584285 206.985394161 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:38:59] ping&FPS: 0.0546692567212 239.985417243 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:39:02] ping&FPS: 0.0651938723666 420.985466401 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:39:06] ping&FPS: 0.0525061520083 1141.98552239 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:39:12] ping&FPS: 0.0540986912591 212.985635761 152.967069577 0 [S] [2016_01_02 19:39:13] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2016_01_02 19:39:13] [DEBUG] (24343278503594717, 6): Lobby destroy started. [S] [2016_01_02 19:39:13] [DEBUG] (24343278503594717, 285): Lobby successfully destroyed. [S] [2016_01_02 19:39:13] clearAll 0 True [S] [2016_01_02 19:39:13] [DEBUG] (24343278503595215, 36): XmppChatHandler.__onDisconnected() (0,) [S] [2016_01_02 19:39:13] CommonDailyList.__cleanup [S] [2016_01_02 19:39:13] StatsProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2016_01_02 19:39:13] StatsProxy.cleanup() [S] [2016_01_02 19:39:13] AccountLevelingProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2016_01_02 19:39:14] PersonalPriceList.clear: [S] [2016_01_02 19:39:14] [DEBUG] (24343278503594945, 183): ExternalInterfaceCallback "windowsManager.allNodesAddedToState" not found ((0,),) [S] [2016_01_02 19:39:14] [DEBUG] (24343278503594945, 193): [S] [2016_01_02 19:39:14] [DEBUG] (24343278503594968, 57): Deleted: [S] [2016_01_02 19:39:14] DailyListClient.__del__ None [S] [2016_01_02 19:39:14] Camera.fini [S] [2016_01_02 19:39:14] Removing tree nodes [S] [2016_01_02 19:39:14] PersonalPriceList.clear: [S] [2016_01_02 19:39:14] GlobalPriceList.kill: [S] [2016_01_02 19:39:14] loginConnectionCallback: setting gIsConnected to False ========================================================================