======================================================================== [S] [2016_05_28 11:59:10] 77764850938185: BWUtil.monkeyPatchOpen: Patching open() [S] [2016_05_28 11:59:11] Default encoding set to utf-8 [S] [2016_05_28 11:59:15] newValue 0 [S] [2016_05_28 11:59:23] me7f453e.__init__ [S] [2016_05_28 11:59:23] mc0c471c.__init__ [S] [2016_05_28 11:59:24] ['_c_isPreBattleType', '_c_isSavePoints', '_c_isMyShip', '_c_isModuleHits', '_c_isKillPlanes', '_c_isTopXP', '_c_isKillShips', '_c_isDone', '_c_isDamage', '_c_isAccLevel', '_c_isBattleResult', '_c_isTopGun', '_c_isRibbons', '_c_isAlive', '_c_isBasePoints', '_c_isWeaponHits', '_c_isStartFire', '_c_isLogin', '_c_isBattleType', '_c_isAlways'] [S] [2016_05_28 11:59:24] ['_r_RewardItem', '_r_RewardCrew', '_r_RewardResMul', '_r_RewardReward', '_r_RewardNext', '_r_RewardToken', '_r_RewardResAdd', '_r_RewardShip', '_r_RewardAdd'] [S] [2016_05_28 11:59:25] templater engine startup time 0.00399994850159 [S] [2016_05_28 11:59:42] [INFO] realm_dependent_constants set CURRENT_REALM RU [S] [2016_05_28 11:59:42] (, 35387075733015, 58): GameParams: loading pack ... [S] [2016_05_28 11:59:43] (, 35387075733015, 116): GameParams: numof entries =, (2773,) [S] [2016_05_28 11:59:43] (, 57761716450, 9): Ships list: lookup ... [S] [2016_05_28 11:59:43] (, 57761716450, 708): Ships list: numof ships = , (163,) [S] [2016_05_28 11:59:43] (, 57761716450, 730): Ships list: numof buildings = , (9,) [A] [2016_05_28 11:59:44] content/location/gameplay/building/LYB011/LYB011_dead.model: can't load model prototype: file not found [A] [2016_05_28 11:59:44] content/location/gameplay/building/LYB013/LYB013_dead.model: can't load model prototype: file not found [A] [2016_05_28 11:59:44] content/location/gameplay/building/LYB010/LYB010_dead.model: can't load model prototype: file not found [A] [2016_05_28 11:59:44] content/location/gameplay/building/LYB003/LYB003_dead.model: can't load model prototype: file not found [A] [2016_05_28 11:59:44] content/location/gameplay/building/LYB001/LYB001_dead.model: can't load model prototype: file not found [A] [2016_05_28 11:59:44] content/location/gameplay/building/LYB002/LYB002_dead.model: can't load model prototype: file not found [S] [2016_05_28 11:59:45] precache list ['particles/animated/Explosion4X4.tga', 'particles/animated/Explosion_4X5_cartoon.tga', 'particles/animated/9_smoke_wide_v01_test.tga', 'particles/animated/9_explosion_v19_test_cartoon.tga', 'particles/animated/9_explosion_v19_test.tga', 'particles/animated/Explosion_7X7.tga', 'particles/animated/7_map_8x8_cartoon.tga', 'particles/animated/aCartoon_Smoke_6x6.tga', 'particles/deform16f/water_spray_disturbance.dds', 'particles/animated/misks5X5.tga', 'particles/animated/smoke16x16_cartoon.tga', 'particles/animated/Foam3X3.tga', 'particles/animated/smoke_7x7_3.tga', 'particles/animated/smoke16x16.tga', 'particles/animated/7_map_8x8_v03_test_cartoon.tga', 'particles/animated/9_explosion_v20_test_cartoon.tga', 'particles/animated/ScreenFire_4_8x8.tga', 'particles/deform16f/water_spray_4_defo.dds', 'particles/deform16f/water_spray_1_defo.dds', 'particles/animated/fire_explosion_4x4_cartoon.tga', 'particles/animated/Foam_death_7x7.tga', 'particles/animated/Sahara_4x4.tga', 'particles/deform16f/water_spray_wave.dds', 'particles/animated/snowflakes.tga', 'particles/animated/explosion_02.tga', 'particles/animated/Explosion_5X4.tga', 'particles/animated/7_map_8x8_g_v02_test.tga', 'particles/animated/9_explosion_g_v20_test.tga', 'particles/deform16f/9_gun_wd_ss_03_test.dds', 'particles/animated/smoke_8x8.tga', 'particles/animated/aCartoon5_8x8.tga', 'particles/animated/tail_longX20.tga', 'particles/deform16f/water_spray_5_defo.dds', 'particles/animated/9_smoke_wide_v01_test_cartoon.tga', 'particles/animated/arpeggio1x3_cartoon.tga', 'particles/animated/Clode11x11.tga', 'particles/animated/arp2x2_cartoon.tga', 'particles/deform16f/water_spray_3_defo.dds', 'particles/animated/9_fire_g_v15_test.tga', 'particles/trails/firefly01.tga', 'particles/animated/9_fire_v15_test.tga', 'particles/animated/smoke8X8.tga', 'particles/animated/Wave6x6.tga', 'particles/animated/aPena4_2k_5x5.tga', 'particles/animated/7_map_8x8.tga', 'particles/animated/explosion_02_cartoon.tga', 'particles/animated/Smoke3X2.tga', 'particles/animated/9_explosion_v20_test.tga', 'particles/animated/9_explosion_v20_test_Default_Fire.tga', 'particles/deform16f/water_spray_1_defo_inv.dds', 'particles/animated/metal_parts4X4.tga', 'particles/animated/Explosion_5X4_cartoon.tga', 'particles/animated/Explosion_7X7_cartoon.tga', 'particles/textures/particles.dds', 'particles/animated/Smoke10X9.tga', 'particles/animated/smoke_8x8_3.tga', 'particles/animated/Tail6X1.tga', 'particles/animated/Caustic_big5x5.tga', 'particles/animated/aCartoon3_pyro_8x8.tga', 'particles/animated/drops_shimmer.tga', 'particles/animated/9_sparkles_v09_test.tga', 'particles/deform16f/water_spray_round.dds', 'particles/animated/Smoke10X9_cartoon.tga', 'particles/animated/Explosion3X4.tga', 'particles/animated/Clode_6X10.tga', 'particles/animated/9_explosion_g_v19_test.tga', 'particles/animated/7_map_8x8_v03_test.tga', 'particles/animated/Foam3X3_1.tga', 'particles/animated/raindrops.tga', 'particles/animated/Explosion_4X5.tga', 'particles/deform16f/water_ring3.dds', 'particles/animated/Drop3X3.tga', 'particles/animated/smoke_8x6.tga', 'particles/animated/smoke_7x7.tga', 'particles/deform16f/9_gun_wd_v18_foam_test.dds', 'particles/animated/Mashine5X5.tga', 'particles/animated/fire_explosion_4x4.tga', 'particles/animated/smoke_7x7_cartoon.tga', 'particles/trails/Trail_Gk.tga', 'particles/trails/Trail_Gk_Enemy.tga', 'particles/trails/Trail_Shell_Hat.tga', 'particles/trails/Trail_Shell_Hat_Enemy.tga', 'particles/trails/Trail_smoke.tga', 'sfx/onGroundExplosion127mm.xml', 'sfx/onWaterExplosion127mm.xml', 'particles/trails/Trail_Gk_HE.tga', 'particles/trails/Trail_Gk_HE_Enemy.tga', 'particles/trails/Trail_Shell_Hat_HE.tga', 'particles/trails/Trail_Shell_Hat_HE_Enemy.tga', 'sfx/onGroundExplosion360mm.xml', 'sfx/onWaterExplosion360mm.xml', 'particles/trails/Trail_Pmk.tga', 'particles/trails/Trail_Pmk_Enemy.tga', 'sfx/onGroundExplosionTorpedo.xml', 'sfx/onShipHitTorpedo.xml', 'sfx/onGroundExplosion200.xml', 'sfx/onWaterExplosion200mm.xml', 'sfx/airBomb_ground.xml', 'sfx/airBomb_water.xml', 'particles/trails/Trail_Gk_HE_Fort.tga', 'particles/trails/Trail_Gk_HE_Enemy_Fort.tga', 'particles/trails/Trail_Shell_Hat_HE_Fort.tga', 'particles/trails/Trail_Shell_Hat_HE_Enemy_Fort.tga', 'particles/trails/Trail_smoke_Fort.tga', '/', '', 'particles/trails/Trail_Gk_Fort.tga', 'particles/trails/Trail_Gk_Enemy_Fort.tga', 'particles/trails/Trail_Shell_Hat_Fort.tga', 'particles/trails/Trail_Shell_Hat_Enemy_Fort.tga', 'particles/trails/Trail_Plane_Storm_Enemy.tga', 'particles/trails/Trail_Plane_Enemy.tga'] [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:05] GlobalClientPriceList.__init__: ['20ad1b5107665f539062b9c2e229f2fc', '53a4b6063d372d96dbe92450558163f8', '8d4f62568fe731730087d2d6d9f4fc3a', '3a09f69f2fe8b2997bfe245feb29102a', '13d37cb15dd8c66487452f2ebbcc8edf'] [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:05] m61c661b.init [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:05] m61c661b.__init__ [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:05] CommonClientPriceList.__init__: [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:05] (, 70686798305077, 25): PersonalPriceList.clear: [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:05] me25a579.init [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:05] SSECommonProcessor __init__ [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:05] m16bdb8c.init [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:05] m16bdb8c.__init__ [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:05] md3ce6e8.__cleanup [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:05] Camera.init [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:06] Set QuickCommands Volume 1.0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:06] Set DynamicRange Volume 1.0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:06] Set UI Volume 1.0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:06] Set Shoot Volume 1.0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:06] Set Music Volume 1.0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:06] Set World Volume 1.0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:06] Set Master Volume 1.0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:06] Set Engines Volume 0.579999983311 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:06] Set Sound Volume 1.0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:06] Set Voice Volume 1.0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:07] (, 70665289920581, 61): max resolution : 1600 / 900 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:07] (, 70665289920581, 61): aspect ratio : 1.777778 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:08] self.__listUserFields ['window', 'notUnique', 'context', 'child', 'data', 'artillerGunsLocked', 'torpedoGunsLocked', 'squadronSelected'] [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:10] INIT RLD [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:10] Warning [CommandMapping]: userPrefs hasn't got keyboardControl [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:10] allPrefs {'premiumInfoExpanded': True, 'chatBoxHeight': {'ids_chat_channel_offtop@standard.wowsru.loc': 632.0, '1559899_1454784666@user-rooms.wows.wowsru.loc': 582.0, 'prebattle': 351.0, '11003328_1452950029@user-rooms.wows.wowsru.loc': 494.0, 'ids_chat_channel_questions@standard.wowsru.loc': 600.0, '1270333_1443347595@user-rooms.wowsru.loc': 465.0, '3398733@wowsru.loc': 300.0, '4719392_1447787513@user-rooms.wows.wowsru.loc': 438.0}, 'PBSEconomicsExpand': {'creditsSpentPerBattle': True, 'expModifiers': False, 'expTakenTillDamage': False, 'crewPoints': False}, 'isSmallCarouselView': True, 'notificationsInboxHeight': 363.0, 'elementsGroupExpand': {'channels4d594348414e4e454c53': False, 'NotificationsStats{{__}}arenaIDs{{::}}[12194891086420228L,857057893276542L,10341273395781789L,290624721380466L,10073400580499548L,9991117597043341L,9991353820245356L,671944802824053L,7270895765156413L,1044640589935981L,9312216411535541L,12807950423293195L,384783289418101L,8209440608617976L,9107299226880816L,12200899745681187L,8256577874694979L,800695037466296L,5626365672429969L,5792705460837338L,10147054974672719L,13694027946271814L]{{||}}lastSaved{{::}}1464343388732{{||}}visible{{::}}true{{||}}battlesWin{{::}}15{{||}}averageDamage{{::}}NaN{{||}}damage{{::}}NaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaN{{||}}xp{{::}}41664{{||}}averageXP{{::}}1894{{||}}averageShipsKilled{{::}}1.55{{||}}shipsKilled{{::}}34{{||}}freeXP{{::}}2081{{||}}credits{{::}}3165134{{||}}battlesRate{{::}}68{{||}}battlesTotal{{::}}22': True, 'contacts4944535f434841545f47524f55505f465249454e4453': True, 'channels534841524544': True, 'channels4641564f5249544553': True, 'channels484953544f5259': False}, 'PRMPPositionY': {'PRMP': 192.0}, 'PRMPPositionX': {'PRMP': 341.5}, 'crosshairIndexStatic': 6, 'sseBattleTasksLayout': 0, 'chatBoxWidth': {'ids_chat_channel_offtop@standard.wowsru.loc': 462.0, '1559899_1454784666@user-rooms.wows.wowsru.loc': 628.0, 'prebattle': 550.0, '11003328_1452950029@user-rooms.wows.wowsru.loc': 462.0, 'ids_chat_channel_questions@standard.wowsru.loc': 536.0, '1270333_1443347595@user-rooms.wowsru.loc': 462.0, '3398733@wowsru.loc': 460.0, '4719392_1447787513@user-rooms.wows.wowsru.loc': 468.0}, 'exteriorInset': 1, 'profileInset': 0, 'modernizationInset': 0, 'crosshairIndexDynamic': 0, 'summaryInset': 1, 'showCursorInBattleStats': True, 'chatBoxPositionX': {'48155074@wowsru.loc': 308.0, 'ids_chat_channel_offtop@standard.wows.wowsru.loc': 96.0, '47041@wowsru.loc': 377.0, '48558324_1453236509@user-rooms.wows.wowsru.loc': 6.0, '1559899_1454784666@user-rooms.wows.wowsru.loc': 256.0, 'ids_chat_channel_questions@standard.wows.wowsru.loc': 575.0, 'ids_chat_channel_questions@standard.wowsru.loc': 723.0, '47761865@wowsru.loc': 20.0, '671987@wowsru.loc': 171.0, '927213@wowsru.loc': 228.0, '4719392_1447787513@user-rooms.wows.wowsru.loc': 434.0, 'ids_chat_channel_offtop@standard.wowsru.loc': 800.0, '756279@wowsru.loc': 329.0, '17121185@wowsru.loc': 263.0, '1270333_1443347595@user-rooms.wowsru.loc': 67.0, '4364734@wowsru.loc': 383.0, '63192949_1453554846@user-rooms.wows.wowsru.loc': 6.0, '11003328_1452950029@user-rooms.wows.wowsru.loc': 645.0, 'wargamingfm@standard.wows.wowsru.loc': 320.0, '62346392@wowsru.loc': 213.0, '427140@wowsru.loc': 132.0, 'team-151@teams.wows.wowsru.loc': 228.0, '2115378@wowsru.loc': 383.0, '3398733@wowsru.loc': 325.0, '34411633@wowsru.loc': 197.0, '8009484@wowsru.loc': 347.0, 'prebattle': 490.0, '871071@wowsru.loc': 408.0, '48007201@wowsru.loc': 457.0}, 'chatBoxPositionY': {'48155074@wowsru.loc': 175.0, 'ids_chat_channel_offtop@standard.wows.wowsru.loc': 134.0, '47041@wowsru.loc': 166.0, '48558324_1453236509@user-rooms.wows.wowsru.loc': 129.0, '1559899_1454784666@user-rooms.wows.wowsru.loc': 84.0, 'ids_chat_channel_questions@standard.wows.wowsru.loc': 124.0, 'ids_chat_channel_questions@standard.wowsru.loc': 27.0, '47761865@wowsru.loc': 200.0, '671987@wowsru.loc': 193.0, '927213@wowsru.loc': 243.0, '4719392_1447787513@user-rooms.wows.wowsru.loc': 84.0, 'ids_chat_channel_offtop@standard.wowsru.loc': 9.0, '756279@wowsru.loc': 193.0, '17121185@wowsru.loc': 219.0, '1270333_1443347595@user-rooms.wowsru.loc': 70.0, '4364734@wowsru.loc': 156.0, '63192949_1453554846@user-rooms.wows.wowsru.loc': 232.0, '11003328_1452950029@user-rooms.wows.wowsru.loc': 44.0, 'wargamingfm@standard.wows.wowsru.loc': 256.0, '62346392@wowsru.loc': 255.0, '427140@wowsru.loc': 147.0, 'team-151@teams.wows.wowsru.loc': 138.0, '2115378@wowsru.loc': 257.0, '3398733@wowsru.loc': 132.0, '34411633@wowsru.loc': 82.0, '8009484@wowsru.loc': 277.0, 'prebattle': 76.0, '871071@wowsru.loc': 256.0, '48007201@wowsru.loc': 332.0}, 'crosshairIsDynamic': False, 'commentWantTo_division': '', 'showOwnShipInCompare': False, 'sseChallengesLayout': 0, 'curRowCountIndex': 0, 'contactsInset': 1, 'commentWantTo_party': '', 'shipCarouselSortIndex': 0, 'IMPositionX': {'IM': 907.0}, 'IMPositionY': {'IM': 72.0}} [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:10] [NUT] PlayersAccountsSystem.inContext [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:10] [WARNING] Allowing file IO from main thread [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:16] ma3b8627.__instanceWindow: mb3d6a3e [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:25] ON LOGIN BUTTON [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:26] ma3b8627.__instanceWindow: mae98053 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:26] [LOGIN] Positive, serverMsg: {"security_msg":"old_pass","token2":"8752339:3876816155254116260:180639631092389023677666383140571749875"}, status: LOGGED_ON [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:26] [LOGIN] Setting gIsConnected to True [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:27] Account.__init__() [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:27] [Account debuG]: __init__() ONE___VP [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:27] (, 70686798305077, 25): PersonalPriceList.getHashInfo: (['d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e'], ['20ad1b5107665f539062b9c2e229f2fc', '53a4b6063d372d96dbe92450558163f8', '8d4f62568fe731730087d2d6d9f4fc3a', '3a09f69f2fe8b2997bfe245feb29102a', '13d37cb15dd8c66487452f2ebbcc8edf']) [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:27] (, 70665289920581, 61): _getAccountData, ('lang: %s; clientType: %s; installationID: %s', 'ru', 1, 'B5CD9768E18665232A2123AE2A2123AEAA578B54') [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:27] setServerTime -3106.79500008 1464425534 1464422427.2 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:27] md3ce6e8.onUpdate 2 39 [None, None, None] [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:27] Daily.update: {'rewards': {'addResFreeXP': {'value': '500'}}, 'pdata': {'isSeen': False, 'timeToChange': 1464393600.0, 'reward': 'addResFreeXP'}, 'condition': ('torpHits', {'count': '4', 'division': '0', 'countBattle': '1'}), 'desc': (39, 1, 6, 390, 2)} [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:27] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {5: '500'}, 'title': 390, 'iconId': 6, 'timeToChange': 1464393600.0, 'isSeen': False, 'slotNum': 2, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 39, 'condition': (6, '1', ('4', 0))} [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:27] (, 70665289920581, 61): onRewardsRestored, ('21 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:27] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:27] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:27] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 0. Boxes contents: [{}] [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:27] md3ce6e8.onUpdate 0 0 [None, None, dailyId 39 type 1 desc {'rewards': {5: '500'}, 'title': 390, 'iconId': 6, 'timeToChange': 1464393600.0, 'isSeen': False, 'slotNum': 2, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 39, 'condition': (6, '1', ('4', 0))} ] [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:27] Daily.update: {'rewards': {}, 'pdata': {'isSeen': True, 'timeToChange': 1464566400.0}, 'condition': ('empty', {}), 'desc': (0, 0, 0, 0, 0)} [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:27] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464566400.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 0, 'condition': ()} [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:27] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {5: '500'}, 'title': 390, 'iconId': 6, 'timeToChange': 1464393600.0, 'isSeen': False, 'slotNum': 2, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 39, 'condition': (6, '1', ('4', 0))} [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:27] md3ce6e8.onUpdate 1 1 [dailyId 0 type 0 desc {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464566400.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 0, 'condition': ()} , None, dailyId 39 type 1 desc {'rewards': {5: '500'}, 'title': 390, 'iconId': 6, 'timeToChange': 1464393600.0, 'isSeen': False, 'slotNum': 2, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 39, 'condition': (6, '1', ('4', 0))} ] [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:27] Daily.update: {'rewards': {}, 'pdata': {'isSeen': True, 'timeToChange': 1464480000.0}, 'condition': ('empty', {}), 'desc': (1, 0, 0, 0, 1)} [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:27] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464566400.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 0, 'condition': ()} [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:27] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464480000.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 1, 'condition': ()} [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:27] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {5: '500'}, 'title': 390, 'iconId': 6, 'timeToChange': 1464393600.0, 'isSeen': False, 'slotNum': 2, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 39, 'condition': (6, '1', ('4', 0))} [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:27] md3ce6e8.onUpdate 2 39 [dailyId 0 type 0 desc {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464566400.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 0, 'condition': ()} , dailyId 1 type 0 desc {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464480000.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 1, 'condition': ()} , dailyId 39 type 1 desc {'rewards': {5: '500'}, 'title': 390, 'iconId': 6, 'timeToChange': 1464393600.0, 'isSeen': False, 'slotNum': 2, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 39, 'condition': (6, '1', ('4', 0))} ] [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:27] Daily.update: {'rewards': {'addResFreeXP': {'value': '500'}}, 'pdata': {'isSeen': False, 'timeToChange': 1464393600.0, 'reward': 'addResFreeXP'}, 'condition': ('torpHits', {'count': '4', 'division': '0', 'countBattle': '1'}), 'desc': (39, 1, 6, 390, 2)} [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:27] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464566400.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 0, 'condition': ()} [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:27] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464480000.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 1, 'condition': ()} [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:27] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {5: '500'}, 'title': 390, 'iconId': 6, 'timeToChange': 1464393600.0, 'isSeen': False, 'slotNum': 2, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 39, 'condition': (6, '1', ('4', 0))} [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:27] Available Maps: spaces/i01_tutorial spaces/00_CO_ocean spaces/01_solomon_islands spaces/08_NE_passage spaces/13_OC_new_dawn spaces/10_NE_big_race spaces/14_Atlantic spaces/15_NE_north spaces/17_NA_fault_line spaces/18_NE_ice_islands spaces/34_OC_islands spaces/16_OC_bees_to_honey spaces/19_OC_prey spaces/20_NE_two_brothers spaces/22_tierra_del_fuego spaces/35_NE_north_winter spaces/38_Canada spaces/28_naval_mission spaces/37_Ridge spaces/40_Okinawa spaces/41_Conquest spaces/46_Estuary spaces/42_Neighbors spaces/33_new_tierraAvailable Scenarios: MapSetting: mapId=0, mapName='spaces/i01_tutorial', logic='Offline', gameMode='Tutorial', scenario='Default_test', scenarioConfigId=0, matchGroup=tutorial MapSetting: mapId=1, mapName='spaces/00_CO_ocean', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination', scenarioConfigId=1, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=1, mapName='spaces/00_CO_ocean', logic='Domination', gameMode='StandDom', scenario='Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=2, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=1, mapName='spaces/00_CO_ocean', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Ranked Domination', scenarioConfigId=3, matchGroup=ranked MapSetting: mapId=1, mapName='spaces/00_CO_ocean', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ0', scenarioConfigId=4, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=1, mapName='spaces/00_CO_ocean', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ2', scenarioConfigId=5, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=1, mapName='spaces/00_CO_ocean', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ4', scenarioConfigId=6, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=1, mapName='spaces/00_CO_ocean', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish_Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=7, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=1, mapName='spaces/00_CO_ocean', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish Domination', scenarioConfigId=8, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=2, mapName='spaces/01_solomon_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination', scenarioConfigId=9, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=2, mapName='spaces/01_solomon_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish Domination', scenarioConfigId=10, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=2, mapName='spaces/01_solomon_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='StandDom', scenario='Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=11, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=2, mapName='spaces/01_solomon_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish_Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=12, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=2, mapName='spaces/01_solomon_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Ranked Domination', scenarioConfigId=13, matchGroup=ranked MapSetting: mapId=2, mapName='spaces/01_solomon_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ0', scenarioConfigId=14, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=2, mapName='spaces/01_solomon_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ2', scenarioConfigId=15, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=2, mapName='spaces/01_solomon_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ4', scenarioConfigId=16, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=3, mapName='spaces/08_NE_passage', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination', scenarioConfigId=17, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=3, mapName='spaces/08_NE_passage', logic='Domination', gameMode='StandDom', scenario='Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=18, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=3, mapName='spaces/08_NE_passage', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Ranked Domination', scenarioConfigId=19, matchGroup=ranked MapSetting: mapId=3, mapName='spaces/08_NE_passage', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ0', scenarioConfigId=20, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=3, mapName='spaces/08_NE_passage', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ2', scenarioConfigId=21, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=3, mapName='spaces/08_NE_passage', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ4', scenarioConfigId=22, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=3, mapName='spaces/08_NE_passage', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish Domination', scenarioConfigId=23, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=3, mapName='spaces/08_NE_passage', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish_Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=24, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=4, mapName='spaces/13_OC_new_dawn', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination', scenarioConfigId=25, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=4, mapName='spaces/13_OC_new_dawn', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Ranked Domination', scenarioConfigId=26, matchGroup=ranked MapSetting: mapId=4, mapName='spaces/13_OC_new_dawn', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ0', scenarioConfigId=27, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=4, mapName='spaces/13_OC_new_dawn', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ2', scenarioConfigId=28, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=4, mapName='spaces/13_OC_new_dawn', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ4', scenarioConfigId=29, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=4, mapName='spaces/13_OC_new_dawn', logic='Domination', gameMode='StandDom', scenario='Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=30, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=4, mapName='spaces/13_OC_new_dawn', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish Domination', scenarioConfigId=31, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=4, mapName='spaces/13_OC_new_dawn', logic='Domination', gameMode='StandDom', scenario='Skirmish_Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=32, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=5, mapName='spaces/10_NE_big_race', logic='Default', gameMode='MegaBase', scenario='MegaBase', scenarioConfigId=33, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=5, mapName='spaces/10_NE_big_race', logic='Default', gameMode='MegaBase', scenario='Skirmish_MegaBase', scenarioConfigId=34, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=5, mapName='spaces/10_NE_big_race', logic='Domination', gameMode='StandDom', scenario='Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=35, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=5, mapName='spaces/10_NE_big_race', logic='Domination', gameMode='StandDom', scenario='Skirmish_Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=36, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=5, mapName='spaces/10_NE_big_race', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Ranked Domination', scenarioConfigId=37, matchGroup=ranked MapSetting: mapId=5, mapName='spaces/10_NE_big_race', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ0', scenarioConfigId=38, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=5, mapName='spaces/10_NE_big_race', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ2', scenarioConfigId=39, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=5, mapName='spaces/10_NE_big_race', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ4', scenarioConfigId=40, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=6, mapName='spaces/14_Atlantic', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination', scenarioConfigId=41, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=6, mapName='spaces/14_Atlantic', logic='Domination', gameMode='StandDom', scenario='Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=42, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=6, mapName='spaces/14_Atlantic', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Ranked Domination', scenarioConfigId=43, matchGroup=ranked MapSetting: mapId=6, mapName='spaces/14_Atlantic', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ0', scenarioConfigId=44, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=6, mapName='spaces/14_Atlantic', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ2', scenarioConfigId=45, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=6, mapName='spaces/14_Atlantic', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ4', scenarioConfigId=46, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=6, mapName='spaces/14_Atlantic', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish Domination', scenarioConfigId=47, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=6, mapName='spaces/14_Atlantic', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish_Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=48, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=7, mapName='spaces/15_NE_north', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination', scenarioConfigId=49, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=7, mapName='spaces/15_NE_north', logic='Domination', gameMode='StandDom', scenario='Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=50, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=7, mapName='spaces/15_NE_north', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Ranked Domination', scenarioConfigId=51, matchGroup=ranked MapSetting: mapId=7, mapName='spaces/15_NE_north', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ0', scenarioConfigId=52, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=7, mapName='spaces/15_NE_north', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ2', scenarioConfigId=53, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=7, mapName='spaces/15_NE_north', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ4', scenarioConfigId=54, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=7, mapName='spaces/15_NE_north', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish Domination', scenarioConfigId=55, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=7, mapName='spaces/15_NE_north', logic='Domination', gameMode='StandDom', scenario='Skirmish_Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=56, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=8, mapName='spaces/17_NA_fault_line', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination', scenarioConfigId=57, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=8, mapName='spaces/17_NA_fault_line', logic='Domination', gameMode='StandDom', scenario='Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=58, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=8, mapName='spaces/17_NA_fault_line', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Ranked Domination', scenarioConfigId=59, matchGroup=ranked MapSetting: mapId=8, mapName='spaces/17_NA_fault_line', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ4', scenarioConfigId=60, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=8, mapName='spaces/17_NA_fault_line', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ2', scenarioConfigId=61, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=8, mapName='spaces/17_NA_fault_line', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ0', scenarioConfigId=62, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=8, mapName='spaces/17_NA_fault_line', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish Domination', scenarioConfigId=63, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=8, mapName='spaces/17_NA_fault_line', logic='Domination', gameMode='StandDom', scenario='Skirmish_Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=64, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=9, mapName='spaces/18_NE_ice_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination', scenarioConfigId=65, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=9, mapName='spaces/18_NE_ice_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='StandDom', scenario='Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=66, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=9, mapName='spaces/18_NE_ice_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Ranked Domination', scenarioConfigId=67, matchGroup=ranked MapSetting: mapId=9, mapName='spaces/18_NE_ice_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ0', scenarioConfigId=68, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=9, mapName='spaces/18_NE_ice_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ2', scenarioConfigId=69, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=9, mapName='spaces/18_NE_ice_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ4', scenarioConfigId=70, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=9, mapName='spaces/18_NE_ice_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish Domination', scenarioConfigId=71, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=9, mapName='spaces/18_NE_ice_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish_Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=72, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=10, mapName='spaces/34_OC_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='StandDom', scenario='Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=73, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=10, mapName='spaces/34_OC_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination', scenarioConfigId=74, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=10, mapName='spaces/34_OC_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish Domination', scenarioConfigId=75, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=10, mapName='spaces/34_OC_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='StandDom', scenario='Skirmish_Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=76, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=11, mapName='spaces/16_OC_bees_to_honey', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination', scenarioConfigId=77, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=11, mapName='spaces/16_OC_bees_to_honey', logic='Domination', gameMode='StandDom', scenario='Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=78, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=11, mapName='spaces/16_OC_bees_to_honey', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Ranked Domination', scenarioConfigId=79, matchGroup=ranked MapSetting: mapId=11, mapName='spaces/16_OC_bees_to_honey', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ0', scenarioConfigId=80, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=11, mapName='spaces/16_OC_bees_to_honey', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ2', scenarioConfigId=81, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=11, mapName='spaces/16_OC_bees_to_honey', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ4', scenarioConfigId=82, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=11, mapName='spaces/16_OC_bees_to_honey', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish Domination', scenarioConfigId=83, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=11, mapName='spaces/16_OC_bees_to_honey', logic='Domination', gameMode='StandDom', scenario='Skirmish_Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=84, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=12, mapName='spaces/19_OC_prey', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination', scenarioConfigId=85, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=12, mapName='spaces/19_OC_prey', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=86, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=12, mapName='spaces/19_OC_prey', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Ranked Domination', scenarioConfigId=87, matchGroup=ranked MapSetting: mapId=12, mapName='spaces/19_OC_prey', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ0', scenarioConfigId=88, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=12, mapName='spaces/19_OC_prey', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ2', scenarioConfigId=89, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=12, mapName='spaces/19_OC_prey', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ4', scenarioConfigId=90, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=12, mapName='spaces/19_OC_prey', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish Domination', scenarioConfigId=91, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=13, mapName='spaces/20_NE_two_brothers', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination', scenarioConfigId=92, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=13, mapName='spaces/20_NE_two_brothers', logic='Domination', gameMode='StandDom', scenario='Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=93, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=13, mapName='spaces/20_NE_two_brothers', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish Domination', scenarioConfigId=94, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=13, mapName='spaces/20_NE_two_brothers', logic='Domination', gameMode='StandDom', scenario='Skirmish_Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=95, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=14, mapName='spaces/22_tierra_del_fuego', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination', scenarioConfigId=96, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=14, mapName='spaces/22_tierra_del_fuego', logic='Domination', gameMode='StandDom', scenario='Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=97, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=14, mapName='spaces/22_tierra_del_fuego', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Ranked Domination', scenarioConfigId=98, matchGroup=ranked MapSetting: mapId=14, mapName='spaces/22_tierra_del_fuego', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ0', scenarioConfigId=99, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=14, mapName='spaces/22_tierra_del_fuego', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ2', scenarioConfigId=100, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=14, mapName='spaces/22_tierra_del_fuego', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ4', scenarioConfigId=101, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=14, mapName='spaces/22_tierra_del_fuego', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish Domination', scenarioConfigId=102, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=14, mapName='spaces/22_tierra_del_fuego', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish_Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=103, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=15, mapName='spaces/35_NE_north_winter', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination', scenarioConfigId=104, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=15, mapName='spaces/35_NE_north_winter', logic='Domination', gameMode='StandDom', scenario='Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=105, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=15, mapName='spaces/35_NE_north_winter', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Ranked Domination', scenarioConfigId=106, matchGroup=ranked MapSetting: mapId=15, mapName='spaces/35_NE_north_winter', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ0', scenarioConfigId=107, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=15, mapName='spaces/35_NE_north_winter', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ2', scenarioConfigId=108, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=15, mapName='spaces/35_NE_north_winter', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ4', scenarioConfigId=109, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=15, mapName='spaces/35_NE_north_winter', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish Domination', scenarioConfigId=110, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=15, mapName='spaces/35_NE_north_winter', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish_Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=111, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=16, mapName='spaces/38_Canada', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination', scenarioConfigId=112, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=16, mapName='spaces/38_Canada', logic='Domination', gameMode='StandDom', scenario='Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=113, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=16, mapName='spaces/38_Canada', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Ranked Domination', scenarioConfigId=114, matchGroup=ranked MapSetting: mapId=16, mapName='spaces/38_Canada', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ0', scenarioConfigId=115, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=16, mapName='spaces/38_Canada', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ2', scenarioConfigId=116, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=16, mapName='spaces/38_Canada', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ4', scenarioConfigId=117, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=16, mapName='spaces/38_Canada', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish Domination', scenarioConfigId=118, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=16, mapName='spaces/38_Canada', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish_Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=119, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=17, mapName='spaces/28_naval_mission', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination', scenarioConfigId=120, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=17, mapName='spaces/28_naval_mission', logic='Domination', gameMode='StandDom', scenario='Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=121, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=17, mapName='spaces/28_naval_mission', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Ranked Domination', scenarioConfigId=122, matchGroup=ranked MapSetting: mapId=17, mapName='spaces/28_naval_mission', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ0', scenarioConfigId=123, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=17, mapName='spaces/28_naval_mission', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ2', scenarioConfigId=124, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=17, mapName='spaces/28_naval_mission', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ4', scenarioConfigId=125, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=17, mapName='spaces/28_naval_mission', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish Domination', scenarioConfigId=126, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=17, mapName='spaces/28_naval_mission', logic='Domination', gameMode='StandDom', scenario='Skirmish_Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=127, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=18, mapName='spaces/37_Ridge', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination', scenarioConfigId=128, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=18, mapName='spaces/37_Ridge', logic='Domination', gameMode='StandDom', scenario='Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=129, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=18, mapName='spaces/37_Ridge', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish Domination', scenarioConfigId=130, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=18, mapName='spaces/37_Ridge', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish_Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=131, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=19, mapName='spaces/40_Okinawa', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination', scenarioConfigId=132, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=19, mapName='spaces/40_Okinawa', logic='Domination', gameMode='StandDom', scenario='Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=133, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=19, mapName='spaces/40_Okinawa', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish Domination', scenarioConfigId=134, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=19, mapName='spaces/40_Okinawa', logic='Domination', gameMode='StandDom', scenario='Skirmish_Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=135, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=20, mapName='spaces/41_Conquest', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination', scenarioConfigId=136, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=20, mapName='spaces/41_Conquest', logic='Domination', gameMode='StandDom', scenario='Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=137, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=20, mapName='spaces/41_Conquest', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish Domination', scenarioConfigId=138, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=20, mapName='spaces/41_Conquest', logic='Domination', gameMode='StandDom', scenario='Skirmish_Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=139, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=21, mapName='spaces/46_Estuary', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination', scenarioConfigId=140, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=21, mapName='spaces/46_Estuary', logic='Domination', gameMode='StandDom', scenario='Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=141, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=21, mapName='spaces/46_Estuary', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish Domination', scenarioConfigId=142, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=21, mapName='spaces/46_Estuary', logic='Domination', gameMode='StandDom', scenario='Skirmish_Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=143, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=22, mapName='spaces/42_Neighbors', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination', scenarioConfigId=144, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=22, mapName='spaces/42_Neighbors', logic='Domination', gameMode='StandDom', scenario='Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=145, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=22, mapName='spaces/42_Neighbors', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish Domination', scenarioConfigId=146, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=22, mapName='spaces/42_Neighbors', logic='Domination', gameMode='StandDom', scenario='Skirmish_Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=147, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=23, mapName='spaces/33_new_tierra', logic='Domination', gameMode='StandDom', scenario='Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=148, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=23, mapName='spaces/33_new_tierra', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination', scenarioConfigId=149, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=23, mapName='spaces/33_new_tierra', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish Domination', scenarioConfigId=150, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=23, mapName='spaces/33_new_tierra', logic='Domination', gameMode='StandDom', scenario='Skirmish_Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=151, matchGroup=pve [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:27] initBattleTypes called [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:27] Disabled maps: [] [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:27] getNationForTutorial() CanBeStarted: False [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:27] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetAchievements, ('989 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:27] (, 70665289920581, 61): onClubResponse, ('19 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:27] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetPrices, ('1838 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:27] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetPrices, ('num = 4',) [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:27] onUpdatePrice: PRICE[4280203248:3]: None/63750/None [85000 -21250] {0: {}, 1: {}, 2: {}, 3: {}, 10: {}} [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:27] onUpdatePrice: PRICE[4284364496:3]: None/97500/None [130000 -32500] {0: {}, 1: {}, 2: {}, 3: {}, 10: {}} [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:27] onUpdatePrice: PRICE[4281284304:3]: None/69000/None [92000 -23000] {0: {}, 1: {}, 2: {}, 3: {}, 10: {}} [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:27] onUpdatePrice: PRICE[4276041712:3]: None/105000/None [140000 -35000] {0: {}, 1: {}, 2: {}, 3: {}, 10: {}} [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:27] onUpdatePrice: PRICE[4285445840:3]: None/64125/None [85500 -21375] {0: {}, 1: {}, 2: {}, 3: {}, 10: {}} [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:27] onUpdatePrice: PRICE[4277090288:3]: None/168750/None [225000 -56250] {0: {}, 1: {}, 2: {}, 3: {}, 10: {}} [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:27] onUpdatePrice: PRICE[4182652368:3]: None/97500/None [130000 -32500] {0: {}, 1: {}, 2: {}, 3: {}, 10: {}} [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:27] onUpdatePrice: PRICE[4279219920:3]: None/123750/None [165000 -41250] {0: {}, 1: {}, 2: {}, 3: {}, 10: {}} [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:27] onUpdatePrice: PRICE[4179539408:3]: None/165000/None [220000 -55000] {0: {}, 1: {}, 2: {}, 3: {}, 10: {}} [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:27] onUpdatePrice: PRICE[4286461936:3]: None/58500/None [78000 -19500] {0: {}, 1: {}, 2: {}, 3: {}, 10: {}} [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:27] onUpdatePrice: PRICE[4180587984:3]: None/105000/None [140000 -35000] {0: {}, 1: {}, 2: {}, 3: {}, 10: {}} [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:27] onUpdatePrice: PRICE[4259231440:3]: None/165000/None [220000 -55000] {0: {}, 1: {}, 2: {}, 3: {}, 10: {}} [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:27] onUpdatePrice: PRICE[4282365648:3]: None/75000/None [100000 -25000] {0: {}, 1: {}, 2: {}, 3: {}, 10: {}} [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:27] onUpdatePrice: PRICE[4277057520:3]: None/97500/None [130000 -32500] {0: {}, 1: {}, 2: {}, 3: {}, 10: {}} [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:27] onUpdatePrice: PRICE[4282267344:3]: None/142500/None [190000 -47500] {0: {}, 1: {}, 2: {}, 3: {}, 10: {}} [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:27] onUpdatePrice: PRICE[4179539760:3]: None/165000/None [220000 -55000] {0: {}, 1: {}, 2: {}, 3: {}, 10: {}} [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:27] onUpdatePrice: PRICE[4279220208:3]: None/195000/None [260000 -65000] {0: {}, 1: {}, 2: {}, 3: {}, 10: {}} [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:27] onUpdatePrice: PRICE[4181636912:3]: None/63750/None [85000 -21250] {0: {}, 1: {}, 2: {}, 3: {}, 10: {}} [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:27] onUpdatePrice: PRICE[4180588336:3]: None/105000/None [140000 -35000] {0: {}, 1: {}, 2: {}, 3: {}, 10: {}} [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:27] onUpdatePrice: PRICE[4277122768:3]: None/195000/None [260000 -65000] {0: {}, 1: {}, 2: {}, 3: {}, 10: {}} [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:27] onUpdatePrice: PRICE[4273911792:3]: None/165000/None [220000 -55000] {0: {}, 1: {}, 2: {}, 3: {}, 10: {}} [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:27] onUpdatePrice: PRICE[4282333168:3]: None/69000/None [92000 -23000] {0: {}, 1: {}, 2: {}, 3: {}, 10: {}} [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:27] onUpdatePrice: PRICE[4281317360:3]: None/123750/None [165000 -41250] {0: {}, 1: {}, 2: {}, 3: {}, 10: {}} [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:27] onUpdatePrice: PRICE[4276041424:3]: None/168750/None [225000 -56250] {0: {}, 1: {}, 2: {}, 3: {}, 10: {}} [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:27] onUpdatePrice: PRICE[FIRST_WIN_XP_Coef:3]: None/2/5 [2 0] {0: {}, 1: {}, 2: {}, 3: {}, 10: {}} [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:27] onUpdatePrice: PRICE[4282365936:3]: None/75000/None [100000 -25000] {0: {}, 1: {}, 2: {}, 3: {}, 10: {}} [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:27] onUpdatePrice: PRICE[4272895696:3]: None/105000/None [140000 -35000] {0: {}, 1: {}, 2: {}, 3: {}, 10: {}} [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:27] onUpdatePrice: PRICE[4287510224:3]: None/58500/None [78000 -19500] {0: {}, 1: {}, 2: {}, 3: {}, 10: {}} [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:27] onUpdatePrice: PRICE[4282300112:3]: None/105000/None [140000 -35000] {0: {}, 1: {}, 2: {}, 3: {}, 10: {}} [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:27] onUpdatePrice: PRICE[4281219056:3]: None/142500/None [190000 -47500] {0: {}, 1: {}, 2: {}, 3: {}, 10: {}} [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:27] onUpdatePrice: PRICE[4181636560:3]: None/64125/None [85500 -21375] {0: {}, 1: {}, 2: {}, 3: {}, 10: {}} [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:27] onUpdatePrice: PRICE[4272830448:3]: None/97500/None [130000 -32500] {0: {}, 1: {}, 2: {}, 3: {}, 10: {}} [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:27] onUpdatePrice: PRICE[4181603792:3]: None/60000/None [80000 -20000] {0: {}, 1: {}, 2: {}, 3: {}, 10: {}} [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:27] onUpdatePrice: PRICE[4179506640:3]: None/150000/None [200000 -50000] {0: {}, 1: {}, 2: {}, 3: {}, 10: {}} [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:28] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetAccountStats, ('1673 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:28] __processDossierStats() client dossier: ['pvp', 'pve_diag', 'rank_diag', 'club', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'max_pve', 'pvp_diag', 'pve', 'max_club', 'max_pvp', 'total', 'club_diag'] [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:28] mc0c471c.onGetAccountStats(): (-1, -1) (12, 13281722) [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:28] md79a786.onGetAccountStats() {'accSeen': 12, 'clanInfo': None, 'denunciationsLeft': 7, 'tkillIsSuspected': False, 'accTier': 12, 'dossier': '\x07\x00\x18\x00`\x00P\x048\x00`\x00<\x008\x00`\x00`\x00`\x00`\x00\x00\x00\x00\x008\x008\x008\x008\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00`\x00`\x00`\x008\x008\x008\x00\xc0\x00`\x008\x00\x18\x00 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'clubsCreated': 0, 'praisesLeft': 7, 'karma': 170, 'accPoints': 13281722, 'accSeenFeat': 778538} [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:28] (, 70665289920581, 61): receiveActionsAdd, ('825 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:28] actionsAdd {'tasks': {'10688_q02': {'rewards': {('_r_RewardItem', 0): {'count': 5, 'total': False, 'idx': 4291653552L}, ('_r_RewardItem', 1): {'count': 5, 'total': False, 'idx': 4289556400L}}, 'stop': 1464587400.0, 'start': 1464328200.0, 'limit': 0, 'conditions': {('_c_isKillShips', 2): {'count': 5, 'shipInfo': {'class': ['Destroyer']}}, ('_c_isMyShip', 1): {'shipInfo': {'level': [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]}}, ('_c_isKillShips', 3): {'count': 2, 'shipInfo': {'class': ['AirCarrier']}}, ('_c_isBattleType', 0): {'battleType': [0, 5, 4]}}, 'desc': {'isSingle': 0, 'name': {'ru': u'\u0411\u0435\u0433\u043b\u044b\u0439 \u043e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c'}, 'iconId': 29, 'id': '10688_q02', 'peculiarity': '', 'limit': 0, 'hidden': 0, 'until': 1467244800.0, 'stepped': 0}}, '10688_q03': {'rewards': {('_r_RewardItem', 0): {'count': 3, 'total': False, 'idx': 4284653488L}}, 'stop': 1464587400.0, 'start': 1464328200.0, 'limit': 0, 'conditions': {('_c_isKillShips', 2): {'count': 3, 'shipInfo': None}, ('_c_isMyShip', 1): {'shipInfo': {'level': [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]}}, ('_c_isBattleType', 0): {'battleType': [0, 5, 4]}}, 'desc': {'isSingle': 1, 'name': {'ru': u'\u0411\u043e\u0435\u0432\u0430\u044f \u044d\u0444\u0444\u0435\u043a\u0442\u0438\u0432\u043d\u043e\u0441\u0442\u044c'}, 'iconId': 30, 'id': '10688_q03', 'peculiarity': '', 'limit': 0, 'hidden': 0, 'until': 1467244800.0, 'stepped': 0}}, '10688_q01': {'rewards': {('_r_RewardResAdd', 0): {'count': 250000, 'total': False, 'type': 0}, ('_r_RewardItem', 1): {'count': 10, 'total': False, 'idx': 4283264944L}}, 'stop': 1464587400.0, 'start': 1464328200.0, 'limit': 0, 'conditions': {('_c_isKillShips', 2): {'count': 5, 'shipInfo': {'class': ['Battleship']}}, ('_c_isMyShip', 1): {'shipInfo': {'level': [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]}}, ('_c_isKillShips', 3): {'count': 5, 'shipInfo': {'class': ['Cruiser']}}, ('_c_isBattleType', 0): {'battleType': [0, 5, 4]}}, 'desc': {'isSingle': 0, 'name': {'ru': u'\u0422\u044f\u0436\u0451\u043b\u043e\u0435 \u0432\u043e\u043e\u0440\u0443\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'}, 'iconId': 27, 'id': '10688_q01', 'peculiarity': '', 'limit': 0, 'hidden': 0, 'until': 1467244800.0, 'stepped': 0}}}, 'events': {}} [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:28] isDone id 10688_q02 count 0 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:28] SSETask init id 10688_q02 task rewards {} [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:28] _c_isBattleType: [0, 5, 4] [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:28] _c_isMyShip: _IsShip: {'level': [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]} [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:28] None [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:28] _c_isKillShips: 5 _IsShip: {'class': ['Destroyer']} [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:28] None [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:28] _c_isKillShips: 2 _IsShip: {'class': ['AirCarrier']} [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:28] None [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:28] isDone id 10688_q03 count 0 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:28] SSETask init id 10688_q03 task rewards {} [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:28] _c_isBattleType: [0, 5, 4] [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:28] _c_isMyShip: _IsShip: {'level': [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]} [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:28] None [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:28] _c_isKillShips: 3 _IsShip: None [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:28] None [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:28] isDone id 10688_q01 count 0 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:28] SSETask init id 10688_q01 task rewards {} [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:28] _c_isBattleType: [0, 5, 4] [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:28] _c_isMyShip: _IsShip: {'level': [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]} [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:28] None [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:28] _c_isKillShips: 5 _IsShip: {'class': ['Battleship']} [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:28] None [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:28] _c_isKillShips: 5 _IsShip: {'class': ['Cruiser']} [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:28] None [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:28] (, 70665289920581, 61): receiveActionsProgress, ('97 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:28] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:28] __updateTaskProgress start: {'10688_q02': {'count': 2, 2: {'count': 0}, 3: {'count': 0}}, '10688_q03': {'count': 8}, '10688_q01': {'count': 2, 2: {'count': 4}, 3: {'count': 8}}} [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:28] step id: 10688_q02 progress {'count': 2, 2: {'count': 0}, 3: {'count': 0}} [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:28] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:28] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:28] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:28] step id: 10688_q03 progress {'count': 8} [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:28] isDone id 10688_q03 count 8 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:28] isDone id 10688_q03 count 8 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:28] isDone id 10688_q03 count 8 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:28] step id: 10688_q01 progress {'count': 2, 2: {'count': 4}, 3: {'count': 8}} [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:28] isDone id 10688_q01 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:28] isDone id 10688_q01 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:28] isDone id 10688_q01 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:28] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetRankBattlesInfo, ('151 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:28] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:28] onGetRankBattlesInfo currentSeason: 0, PlayerInfo: None [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:28] onGetRankDossier() seasonId = 0 Empty [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:28] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetClientSettings, ('346 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:28] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:28] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetClubBattlesInfo, ('138 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:28] ClubsProxy.onGetClubBattlesInfo currentSeason: 1 {1: {'seasonId': 1, 'shipLevelMin': 7, 'leagues': [5100, 4600, 4100, 3600], 'primeTimes': [(36000, 43200), (61200, 75600)], 'shipLevelMax': 8, 'stage': 2}} [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:29] _onChangeTimeOut [(4280203248L, 2), (4284364496L, 2), (4281284304L, 2), (4276041712L, 2), (4285445840L, 2), (4277090288L, 2), (4182652368L, 2), (4279219920L, 2), (4179539408L, 2), (4286461936L, 2), (4180587984L, 2), (4259231440L, 2), (4282365648L, 2), (4277057520L, 2), (4282267344L, 2), (4179539760L, 2), (4279220208L, 2), (4181636912L, 2), (4180588336L, 2), (4277122768L, 2), (4273911792L, 2), (4282333168L, 2), (4281317360L, 2), (4276041424L, 2), ('FIRST_WIN_XP_Coef', 2), (4282365936L, 2), (4272895696L, 2), (4287510224L, 2), (4282300112L, 2), (4281219056L, 2), (4181636560L, 2), (4272830448L, 2), (4181603792L, 2), (4179506640L, 2)] [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:29] __onUpdatePrices: 4280203248 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:29] __onUpdatePrices: 4284364496 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:29] __onUpdatePrices: 4281284304 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:29] __onUpdatePrices: 4276041712 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:29] __onUpdatePrices: 4285445840 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:29] __onUpdatePrices: 4277090288 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:29] __onUpdatePrices: 4182652368 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:29] __onUpdatePrices: 4279219920 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:29] __onUpdatePrices: 4179539408 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:29] __onUpdatePrices: 4286461936 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:29] __onUpdatePrices: 4180587984 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:29] __onUpdatePrices: 4259231440 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:29] __onUpdatePrices: 4282365648 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:29] __onUpdatePrices: 4277057520 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:29] __onUpdatePrices: 4282267344 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:29] __onUpdatePrices: 4179539760 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:29] __onUpdatePrices: 4279220208 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:29] __onUpdatePrices: 4181636912 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:29] __onUpdatePrices: 4180588336 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:29] __onUpdatePrices: 4277122768 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:29] __onUpdatePrices: 4273911792 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:29] __onUpdatePrices: 4282333168 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:29] __onUpdatePrices: 4281317360 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:29] __onUpdatePrices: 4276041424 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:29] __onUpdatePrices: FIRST_WIN_XP_Coef [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:29] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:30] ping&FPS: True 0.377478029047 0.001 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:31] (, 70665289920581, 61): receiveState, ('14860 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:31] >>> DockProxy.receiveState [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:31] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:31] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:31] mc5685e1.updateShips(): 114 ships: [('PASA002_Bogue_1942', True), ('PASA004_Langley_1929', True), ('PASA006_Independence_1945', False), ('PASA010_Ranger_1944', False), ('PASA012_Lexington_1944', False), ('PASA013_Essex_1945', True), ('PASB001_Michigan_1916', False), ('PASB004_Arkansas_1912', False), ('PASB006_New_York_1934', False), ('PASB008_Colorado_1945', False), ('PASB012_North_Carolina_1945', False), ('PASB013_Arkansas_1912', True), ('PASB017_Montana_1945', True), ('PASB018_Iowa_1944', False), ('PASB034_New_Mexico_1941', False), ('PASC001_Erie_1936', False), ('PASC002_Chester_1908', False), ('PASC004_St_Louis_1906', False), ('PASC005_Omaha_1923', False), ('PASC006_Atlanta_1942', False), ('PASC007_Cleveland_1945', False), ('PASC012_Pensacola_1944', False), ('PASC014_New_Orlean_1944', False), ('PASC017_Baltimore_1944', False), ('PASC020_Des_Moines_1948', True), ('PASC024_Phoenix_1917', False), ('PASC044_Marblehead_1924', True), ('PASD002_Sampson_1917', False), ('PASD005_Farragut_1944', False), ('PASD006_Mahan_1936', False), ('PASD008_Benson_1945', False), ('PASD013_Gearing_1945', True), ('PASD014_Leader_1919', False), ('PASD019_Clemson_1920', False), ('PASD021_Fletcher_1943', False), ('PASD027_Wickes_1918', False), ('PBSB002_Warspite_1941', False), ('PBSD503_Campbeltown_1941', False), ('PGSB002_Tirpiz_1942', False), ('PGSC001_Hermelin_1940', False), ('PGSC002_Drezden_1908', False), ('PGSC103_Kolberg', False), ('PGSC104_Karlsruhe', False), ('PGSC105_Konigsberg', False), ('PGSC106_Nurnberg', False), ('PGSC107_Yorck', False), ('PGSC108_Hipper', False), ('PGSC109_Roon', False), ('PGSC110_Hindenburg', True), ('PGSC502_Emden_1908', False), ('PJSA002_Hosho_1939', True), ('PJSA006_Zuiho_1944', False), ('PJSA009_Ryujo_1933', False), ('PJSA011_Hiryu_1942', False), ('PJSA012_Zuikaku_1944', False), ('PJSA015_Taiho_1944', True), ('PJSB001_Kawachi_1912', False), ('PJSB003_Myogi_1912', False), ('PJSB006_Fuso_1943', False), ('PJSB007_Kongo_1942', False), ('PJSB008_Ishizuchi_1921', False), ('PJSB010_Nagato_1944', False), ('PJSB013_Amagi_1942', False), ('PJSB018_Yamato_1944', True), ('PJSB021_Izumo_1938', False), ('PJSB705_Kongou', True), ('PJSC005_Furutaka_1926', True), ('PJSC007_Aoba_1943', False), ('PJSC008_Myoko_1945', False), ('PJSC009_Mogami_1935', False), ('PJSC012_Ibuki_1944', False), ('PJSC013_Kuma_1938', False), ('PJSC015_Tatsuta_1919', False), ('PJSC026_Iwaki_1944', True), ('PJSC034_Zao_1944', True), ('PJSC035_Chikuma_1912', False), ('PJSC037_Hashidate_1940', False), ('PJSC038_Atago_1944', True), ('PJSC705_Myoko', True), ('PJSD001_Tachibana_1912', False), ('PJSD002_Umikaze_1925', False), ('PJSD003_Isokaze_1917', False), ('PJSD004_Minekadze_1920', True), ('PJSD005_Mutsuki_1926', False), ('PJSD006_Hatsuharu_1945', False), ('PJSD007_Fubuki_1944', False), ('PJSD010_Kagero_1943', False), ('PJSD012_Shimakaze_1943', True), ('PJSD024_Wakatake_1923', False), ('PRSC001_Avrora_1917', False), ('PRSC002_Diana_1905', False), ('PRSC003_Murmansk_1944', True), ('PRSC101_Orlan', False), ('PRSC102_Novik', False), ('PRSC103_Bogatyr', False), ('PRSC104_Svetlana', False), ('PRSC105_Kirov', False), ('PRSC106_Pr_94_Budeny', False), ('PRSC107_Schors', False), ('PRSC108_Pr_68_Chapaev', True), ('PRSC506_Molotov_1943', False), ('PRSC508_Kutuzov_1952', False), ('PRSD102_SM_Storojevoy', False), ('PRSD103_Derzky', False), ('PRSD104_Izyaslav', False), ('PRSD105_Pr_7_Gnevny', False), ('PRSD106_Pr_30_Ognevoy', False), ('PRSD107_Pr_35_Udaloy', False), ('PRSD108_Pr_20i_Tashkent', False), ('PRSD109_Pr_48_Kiev', False), ('PRSD110_Pr_24_Khabarovsk', True), ('PWSD501_Blyskawica', False), ('PZSD506_Anshan', True), ('PZSD508_LoYang', True)] [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:31] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:31] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:31] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:32] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:32] ClubsProxy.onClubResponse(): 2 [] [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:32] ClubsProxy.__onGetMyClubs(): False [] [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:32] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:32] (, 70665289920581, 61): onClubResponse, ('19 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:32] ClubsProxy.onClubResponse(): 7 () [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:32] setServerTime -3106.66199994 1464425539 1464422432.34 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:32] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:32] [NUT] ClubSystem::inContext [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:32] [NUT] ClubSystem::inContext -> initClubs [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:32] [NUT] ClubSystem::initClubs {} [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:32] [NUT] onClubBattlesChanged {'seasonId': 1, 'shipLevelMin': 7, 'leagues': [5100, 4600, 4100, 3600], 'primeTimes': [(36000, 43200), (61200, 75600)], 'shipLevelMax': 8, 'stage': 2} [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:32] [NUT] ClubsCommonSystem::__changeCurrentRules, dt 4060.99100018 1464425539.01 1464429600.0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:32] [NUT] __changeCurrentRules 31939.0089998 -1 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:32] [NUT] clubsvoted [] [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:32] [NUT] ClubmanSystem::inContext [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:32] [NUT] PartySystem::inContext [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:32] [NUT] InteractiveMessageSystem::inContext [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:32] [NUT] PlayersAccountsSystem add, 8752339 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:32] [NUT] ClubmanSystem::onClubmenAccountAdded dbid 8752339 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:32] Account.setPreBattleSeeker(): None 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:32] Account.setPreBattleSeeker() failed: incorrect preBattleType None [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:32] Account.setPreBattleSeeker(): 4 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:32] Account.setPreBattleSeeker() failed: not in seekers [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:32] Account.setPreBattleSeeker(): 5 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:32] Account.setPreBattleSeeker() failed: not in seekers [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:32] (, 70665289920581, 61): ClientLobbySpace is creating [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:36] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:36] Can't send FPS data: it's empty [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:36] GameServerMessenger().getInitParams() called [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:36] ping&FPS: True 0.133833329592 4133.92834899 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:36] (, 70686798305077, 25): Xmpp chat params received: , ({'xmpp_clubs_rooms_svc': 'teams.wows.wowsru.loc', 'xmpp_std_rooms_svc': 'standard.wows.wowsru.loc', 'account_id': 8752339, 'xmpp_host': 'wowsru.loc', 'xmpp_user_rooms_svc': 'user-rooms.wows.wowsru.loc', 'xmpp_alt_connections': [('xmpp-wows-ru.wargaming.net', 5333)], 'xmpp_resource': 'wows', 'xmpp_connections': [('xmpp-wows-ru.wargaming.net', 5222)], 'xmpp_specific_rooms_svc': 'user-special.wows.wowsru.loc'},) [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:36] (, 70686798305077, 25): Xmpp chat: token requested [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:36] ping&FPS: False 0.115307028805 35.9283491349 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:37] [NUT] ChatPlayersAccountsUpdater::_updatePlayersAccounts {} [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:37] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.onConnect [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:37] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleRoster(), ('length', 18) [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:37] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleRoster(), ('users number', 17) [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:37] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleRoster(), ('groups', {}) [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:37] [NUT] PlayersAccountsSystem add, 47041 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:37] [NUT] ClubmanSystem::onClubmenAccountAdded dbid 47041 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:37] [NUT] PlayersAccountsSystem add, 6332290 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:37] [NUT] ClubmanSystem::onClubmenAccountAdded dbid 6332290 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:37] [NUT] PlayersAccountsSystem add, 427140 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:37] [NUT] ClubmanSystem::onClubmenAccountAdded dbid 427140 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:37] [NUT] PlayersAccountsSystem add, 8804682 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:37] [NUT] ClubmanSystem::onClubmenAccountAdded dbid 8804682 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:37] [NUT] PlayersAccountsSystem add, 8009484 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:37] [NUT] ClubmanSystem::onClubmenAccountAdded dbid 8009484 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:37] [NUT] PlayersAccountsSystem add, 46719994 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:37] [NUT] ClubmanSystem::onClubmenAccountAdded dbid 46719994 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:37] [NUT] PlayersAccountsSystem add, 6878512 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:37] [NUT] ClubmanSystem::onClubmenAccountAdded dbid 6878512 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:37] [NUT] PlayersAccountsSystem add, 34411633 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:37] [NUT] ClubmanSystem::onClubmenAccountAdded dbid 34411633 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:37] [NUT] PlayersAccountsSystem add, 2115378 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:37] [NUT] ClubmanSystem::onClubmenAccountAdded dbid 2115378 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:37] [NUT] PlayersAccountsSystem add, 671987 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:37] [NUT] ClubmanSystem::onClubmenAccountAdded dbid 671987 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:37] [NUT] PlayersAccountsSystem add, 5651230 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:37] [NUT] ClubmanSystem::onClubmenAccountAdded dbid 5651230 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:37] [NUT] PlayersAccountsSystem add, 242294 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:37] [NUT] ClubmanSystem::onClubmenAccountAdded dbid 242294 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:37] [NUT] PlayersAccountsSystem add, 756279 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:37] [NUT] ClubmanSystem::onClubmenAccountAdded dbid 756279 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:37] [NUT] PlayersAccountsSystem add, 2715866 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:37] [NUT] ClubmanSystem::onClubmenAccountAdded dbid 2715866 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:37] [NUT] PlayersAccountsSystem add, 448253 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:37] [NUT] ClubmanSystem::onClubmenAccountAdded dbid 448253 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:37] [NUT] PlayersAccountsSystem add, 22102814 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:37] [NUT] ClubmanSystem::onClubmenAccountAdded dbid 22102814 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:37] [NUT] PlayersAccountsSystem add, 3480927 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:37] [NUT] ClubmanSystem::onClubmenAccountAdded dbid 3480927 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:37] [NUT] ChatPlayersAccountsUpdater::_updatePlayersAccounts {47041: {'league': 0, 'jid': '47041@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'WONDERFUL_SHOT', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 47041, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 4}, 6332290: {'league': 0, 'jid': '6332290@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'zloy_nyb', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 6332290, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 4}, 427140: {'league': 0, 'jid': '427140@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Kapitan_Slip', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 427140, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 8}, 8804682: {'league': 0, 'jid': '8804682@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'mishania1235', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 8804682, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 8}, 8009484: {'league': 0, 'jid': '8009484@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'SD_D', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 8009484, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 8}, 46719994: {'league': 0, 'jid': '46719994@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'yushkov8249', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 46719994, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 4}, 6878512: {'league': 0, 'jid': '6878512@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Tylendor', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 6878512, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 8}, 34411633: {'league': 0, 'jid': '34411633@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'cblH_BouHa', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 34411633, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 8}, 2115378: {'league': 0, 'jid': '2115378@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'longxvost', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 2115378, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 4}, 671987: {'league': 0, 'jid': '671987@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Skunner', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 671987, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 4}, 5651230: {'league': 0, 'jid': '5651230@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Shkiper2222', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 5651230, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 4}, 242294: {'league': 0, 'jid': '242294@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'PANZER_DIKLONIUS', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 242294, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 4}, 756279: {'league': 0, 'jid': '756279@wowsru.loc', 'name': '11Paul11', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 756279, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 4}, 2715866: {'league': 0, 'jid': '2715866@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'BCEM_PPC', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 2715866, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 4}, 448253: {'league': 0, 'jid': '448253@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'AndRyu_47', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 448253, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 4}, 22102814: {'league': 0, 'jid': '22102814@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'bagfrag1', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 22102814, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 8}, 3480927: {'league': 0, 'jid': '3480927@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Doc_Maximov', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 3480927, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 8}} [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:37] (, 70665289920581, 61): handleBanInfo:, ({'banId': '14643763953', 'reason': '"\xd0\x98\xd1\x81\xd0\xbf\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbb\xd1\x8c\xd0\xb7\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd1\x80\xd0\xbc\xd0\xb0\xd1\x82\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb9 \xd0\xbb\xd0\xb5\xd0\xba\xd1\x81\xd0\xb8\xd0\xba\xd0\xb8/ \xd0\xbe\xd1\x81\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd1\x80\xd0\xb1\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd1\x8f" \xe2\x80\x93 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd1\x80\xd1\x83\xd1\x88\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xbf\xd1\x83\xd0\xbd\xd0\xba\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0 1 \xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb7\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb0 1 \xd0\x9f\xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb8\xd0\xbb \xd0\xb8\xd0\xb3\xd1\x80\xd1\x8b (R)', 'expiry': 1464635520L},) [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:37] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence(), ('8752339@wowsru.loc/wows', 'ONE___VP', 0) [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:37] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleChannelList(): group, (5, [('8009484@wowsru.loc', 'SD_D', 5), ('4719392_1447787513@user-rooms.wows.wowsru.loc', 'Freedom of Choice (by qmaniakp)', 1), ('34411633@wowsru.loc', 'ONE___VP', 5), ('1559899_1454784666@user-rooms.wows.wowsru.loc', 'ACES (by AIRBORNE_161)', 1)]) [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:37] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 35, 'reason': '"\xd0\x98\xd1\x81\xd0\xbf\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbb\xd1\x8c\xd0\xb7\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd1\x80\xd0\xbc\xd0\xb0\xd1\x82\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb9 \xd0\xbb\xd0\xb5\xd0\xba\xd1\x81\xd0\xb8\xd0\xba\xd0\xb8/ \xd0\xbe\xd1\x81\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd1\x80\xd0\xb1\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd1\x8f" \xe2\x80\x93 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd1\x80\xd1\x83\xd1\x88\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xbf\xd1\x83\xd0\xbd\xd0\xba\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0 1 \xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb7\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb0 1 \xd0\x9f\xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb8\xd0\xbb \xd0\xb8\xd0\xb3\xd1\x80\xd1\x8b (R)', 'groupId': 3, 'header': '\xd0\x9e\xd1\x82\xd0\xbf\xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb2\xd0\xba\xd0\xb0 \xd1\x81\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb1\xd1\x89\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb9 \xd0\xb2 \xd1\x87\xd0\xb0\xd1\x82\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xb7\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb1\xd0\xbb\xd0\xbe\xd0\xba\xd0\xb8\xd1\x80\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0 \xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe 30.05.2016 23:12. \xd0\x9f\xd1\x80\xd0\xb8\xd1\x87\xd0\xb8\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0: "\xd0\x98\xd1\x81\xd0\xbf\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbb\xd1\x8c\xd0\xb7\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd1\x80\xd0\xbc\xd0\xb0\xd1\x82\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb9 \xd0\xbb\xd0\xb5\xd0\xba\xd1\x81\xd0\xb8\xd0\xba\xd0\xb8/ \xd0\xbe\xd1\x81\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd1\x80\xd0\xb1\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd1\x8f" \xe2\x80\x93 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd1\x80\xd1\x83\xd1\x88\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xbf\xd1\x83\xd0\xbd\xd0\xba\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0 1 \xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb7\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb0 1 \xd0\x9f\xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb8\xd0\xbb \xd0\xb8\xd0\xb3\xd1\x80\xd1\x8b (R).', 'sourceId': 0, 'banId': '14643763953', 'idInGroup': 12, 'type': 0, 'strTime': '30.05.2016 23:12', 'expiry': 1464635520L} [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:37] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:37] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:37] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:37] [NUT] ChatPlayersAccountsUpdater::_updatePlayersAccounts {47041: {'league': 0, 'jid': '47041@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'WONDERFUL_SHOT', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 47041, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 4}, 6332290: {'league': 0, 'jid': '6332290@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'zloy_nyb', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 6332290, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 4}, 427140: {'league': 0, 'jid': '427140@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Kapitan_Slip', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 427140, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 8}, 8804682: {'league': 0, 'jid': '8804682@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'mishania1235', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 8804682, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 8}, 8009484: {'league': 0, 'jid': '8009484@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'SD_D', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 8009484, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 8}, 46719994: {'league': 0, 'jid': '46719994@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'yushkov8249', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 46719994, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 4}, 6878512: {'league': 0, 'jid': '6878512@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Tylendor', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 6878512, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 8}, 34411633: {'league': 0, 'jid': '34411633@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'cblH_BouHa', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 34411633, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 8}, 2115378: {'league': 0, 'jid': '2115378@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'longxvost', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 2115378, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 4}, 671987: {'league': 0, 'jid': '671987@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Skunner', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 671987, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 4}, 5651230: {'league': 0, 'jid': '5651230@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Shkiper2222', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 5651230, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 4}, 242294: {'league': 0, 'jid': '242294@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'PANZER_DIKLONIUS', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 242294, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 4}, 756279: {'league': 0, 'jid': '756279@wowsru.loc', 'name': '11Paul11', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 756279, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 4}, 2715866: {'league': 0, 'jid': '2715866@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'BCEM_PPC', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 2715866, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 4}, 448253: {'league': 0, 'jid': '448253@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'AndRyu_47', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 448253, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 4}, 22102814: {'league': 0, 'jid': '22102814@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'bagfrag1', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 22102814, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 8}, 3480927: {'league': 0, 'jid': '3480927@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Doc_Maximov', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 3480927, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 8}} [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:37] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleChannelList(): group, (2, []) [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:37] [NUT] ChatPlayersAccountsUpdater::_updatePlayersAccounts {47041: {'league': 0, 'jid': '47041@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'WONDERFUL_SHOT', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 47041, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 4}, 6332290: {'league': 0, 'jid': '6332290@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'zloy_nyb', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 6332290, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 4}, 427140: {'league': 0, 'jid': '427140@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Kapitan_Slip', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 427140, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 8}, 8804682: {'league': 0, 'jid': '8804682@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'mishania1235', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 8804682, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 8}, 8009484: {'league': 0, 'jid': '8009484@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'SD_D', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 8009484, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 8}, 46719994: {'league': 0, 'jid': '46719994@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'yushkov8249', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 46719994, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 4}, 6878512: {'league': 0, 'jid': '6878512@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Tylendor', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 6878512, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 8}, 34411633: {'league': 0, 'jid': '34411633@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'cblH_BouHa', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 34411633, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 8}, 2115378: {'league': 0, 'jid': '2115378@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'longxvost', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 2115378, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 4}, 671987: {'league': 0, 'jid': '671987@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Skunner', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 671987, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 4}, 5651230: {'league': 0, 'jid': '5651230@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Shkiper2222', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 5651230, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 4}, 242294: {'league': 0, 'jid': '242294@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'PANZER_DIKLONIUS', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 242294, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 4}, 756279: {'league': 0, 'jid': '756279@wowsru.loc', 'name': '11Paul11', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 756279, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 4}, 2715866: {'league': 0, 'jid': '2715866@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'BCEM_PPC', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 2715866, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 4}, 448253: {'league': 0, 'jid': '448253@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'AndRyu_47', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 448253, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 4}, 22102814: {'league': 0, 'jid': '22102814@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'bagfrag1', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 22102814, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 8}, 3480927: {'league': 0, 'jid': '3480927@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Doc_Maximov', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 3480927, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 8}} [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:37] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleChannelList(): group, (3, [('6878512@wowsru.loc', 'ONE___VP', 5), ('1559899@wowsru.loc', 'ONE___VP', 5), ('58574566@wowsru.loc', 'ONE___VP', 5), ('48007201@wowsru.loc', 'CRIMEA_Haru6aLLIka', 5), ('63671710@wowsru.loc', '6aToH4uK_', 5), ('64052394@wowsru.loc', 'Lady_Diana_Diversantka', 5), ('5651230@wowsru.loc', 'Shkiper2222', 5), ('4679742@wowsru.loc', 'alex30279', 5), ('12414124@wowsru.loc', 'M_a_n_t_i_s', 5), ('1559899_1454784666@user-rooms.wows.wowsru.loc', 'ACES (by AIRBORNE_161)', 1), ('4719392_1447787513@user-rooms.wows.wowsru.loc', 'Freedom of Choice (by qmaniakp)', 1), ('wargamingfm@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', 'WargamingFM \xd0\x9a\xd0\xbe\xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb1\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb8', 4), ('ids_chat_channel_offtop@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', 'IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_OFFTOP', 4), ('ids_chat_channel_offtop@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', 'IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_OFFTOP', 4), ('ids_chat_channel_questions@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', 'IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_QUESTIONS', 4)]) [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:37] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:37] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:37] [NUT] PlayersAccountsSystem add, 1559899 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:37] [NUT] ClubmanSystem::onClubmenAccountAdded dbid 1559899 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:37] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:37] [NUT] PlayersAccountsSystem add, 58574566 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:37] [NUT] ClubmanSystem::onClubmenAccountAdded dbid 58574566 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:37] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:37] [NUT] PlayersAccountsSystem add, 48007201 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:37] [NUT] ClubmanSystem::onClubmenAccountAdded dbid 48007201 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:37] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:37] [NUT] PlayersAccountsSystem add, 63671710 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:37] [NUT] ClubmanSystem::onClubmenAccountAdded dbid 63671710 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:37] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:37] [NUT] PlayersAccountsSystem add, 64052394 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:37] [NUT] ClubmanSystem::onClubmenAccountAdded dbid 64052394 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:37] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:37] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:37] [NUT] PlayersAccountsSystem add, 4679742 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:37] [NUT] ClubmanSystem::onClubmenAccountAdded dbid 4679742 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:37] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:37] [NUT] PlayersAccountsSystem add, 12414124 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:37] [NUT] ClubmanSystem::onClubmenAccountAdded dbid 12414124 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:37] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:37] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:37] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:37] [NUT] ChatPlayersAccountsUpdater::_updatePlayersAccounts {47041: {'league': 0, 'jid': '47041@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'WONDERFUL_SHOT', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 47041, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 4}, 6332290: {'league': 0, 'jid': '6332290@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'zloy_nyb', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 6332290, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 4}, 427140: {'league': 0, 'jid': '427140@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Kapitan_Slip', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 427140, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 8}, 8804682: {'league': 0, 'jid': '8804682@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'mishania1235', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 8804682, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 8}, 8009484: {'league': 0, 'jid': '8009484@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'SD_D', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 8009484, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 8}, 46719994: {'league': 0, 'jid': '46719994@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'yushkov8249', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 46719994, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 4}, 6878512: {'league': 0, 'jid': '6878512@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Tylendor', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 6878512, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 8}, 34411633: {'league': 0, 'jid': '34411633@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'cblH_BouHa', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 34411633, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 8}, 2115378: {'league': 0, 'jid': '2115378@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'longxvost', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 2115378, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 4}, 671987: {'league': 0, 'jid': '671987@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Skunner', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 671987, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 4}, 5651230: {'league': 0, 'jid': '5651230@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Shkiper2222', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 5651230, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 4}, 242294: {'league': 0, 'jid': '242294@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'PANZER_DIKLONIUS', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 242294, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 4}, 756279: {'league': 0, 'jid': '756279@wowsru.loc', 'name': '11Paul11', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 756279, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 4}, 2715866: {'league': 0, 'jid': '2715866@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'BCEM_PPC', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 2715866, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 4}, 448253: {'league': 0, 'jid': '448253@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'AndRyu_47', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 448253, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 4}, 22102814: {'league': 0, 'jid': '22102814@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'bagfrag1', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 22102814, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 8}, 3480927: {'league': 0, 'jid': '3480927@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Doc_Maximov', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 3480927, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 8}} [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:37] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleChannelList(): group, (1, [('ids_chat_channel_offtop@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', 'IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_OFFTOP', 4), ('ids_chat_channel_questions@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', 'IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_QUESTIONS', 4), ('ids_chat_channel_search_div@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', 'IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_SEARCH_DIV', 4), ('wargamingfm@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', 'WargamingFM \xd0\x9a\xd0\xbe\xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb1\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb8', 4)]) [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:37] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:37] [NUT] ChatPlayersAccountsUpdater::_updatePlayersAccounts {47041: {'league': 0, 'jid': '47041@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'WONDERFUL_SHOT', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 47041, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 4}, 6332290: {'league': 0, 'jid': '6332290@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'zloy_nyb', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 6332290, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 4}, 427140: {'league': 0, 'jid': '427140@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Kapitan_Slip', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 427140, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 8}, 8804682: {'league': 0, 'jid': '8804682@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'mishania1235', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 8804682, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 8}, 8009484: {'league': 0, 'jid': '8009484@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'SD_D', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 8009484, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 8}, 46719994: {'league': 0, 'jid': '46719994@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'yushkov8249', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 46719994, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 4}, 6878512: {'league': 0, 'jid': '6878512@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Tylendor', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 6878512, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 8}, 34411633: {'league': 0, 'jid': '34411633@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'cblH_BouHa', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 34411633, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 8}, 2115378: {'league': 0, 'jid': '2115378@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'longxvost', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 2115378, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 4}, 671987: {'league': 0, 'jid': '671987@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Skunner', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 671987, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 4}, 5651230: {'league': 0, 'jid': '5651230@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Shkiper2222', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 5651230, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 4}, 242294: {'league': 0, 'jid': '242294@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'PANZER_DIKLONIUS', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 242294, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 4}, 756279: {'league': 0, 'jid': '756279@wowsru.loc', 'name': '11Paul11', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 756279, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 4}, 2715866: {'league': 0, 'jid': '2715866@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'BCEM_PPC', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 2715866, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 4}, 448253: {'league': 0, 'jid': '448253@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'AndRyu_47', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 448253, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 4}, 22102814: {'league': 0, 'jid': '22102814@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'bagfrag1', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 22102814, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 8}, 3480927: {'league': 0, 'jid': '3480927@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Doc_Maximov', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 3480927, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 8}} [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:37] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence(), ('3480927@wowsru.loc/wows', 'Doc_Maximov', 0) [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:37] [NUT] __updateUserPresence contacts 3480927 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:37] [NUT] __updateUserPresence online contacts 3480927 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:37] [NUT] PartySystem::__onClubmansOnlineChanged [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:37] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence(), ('6332290@wowsru.loc/wows', 'zloy_nyb', 2) [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:37] [NUT] __updateUserPresence contacts 6332290 2 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:37] [NUT] __updateUserPresence online contacts 6332290 2 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:37] [NUT] PartySystem::__onClubmansOnlineChanged [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:37] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence(), ('2715866@wowsru.loc/wows', 'BCEM_PPC', 0) [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:37] [NUT] __updateUserPresence contacts 2715866 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:37] [NUT] __updateUserPresence online contacts 2715866 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:37] [NUT] PartySystem::__onClubmansOnlineChanged [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:38] [NUT] PlayersAccountsSystem __request, set([6332290, 427140, 8009484, 63671710, 48007201, 64052394, 12414124, 6878512, 2115378, 22102814, 756279, 4679742, 47041, 8804682, 2715866, 1559899, 3480927, 5651230, 58574566, 34411633, 671987, 242294, 46719994, 448253]) [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:38] [NUT] AccountsRequest __response, [(47041, 'WONDERFUL_SHOT', 12, 0, 1463997729), (6332290, 'zloy_nyb', 12, 0, 1464421725), (427140, 'Kapitan_Slip', 12, 0, 1464285451), (8804682, 'mishania1235', 12, 0, 1463925150), (8009484, 'SD_D', 12, 0, 1464117201), (2715866, 'BCEM_PPC', 12, 0, 1464418481), (1559899, 'AIRBORNE_161', 12, 0, 1460114623), (63671710, '6aToH4uK_', 12, 0, 1464380706), (3480927, 'Doc_Maximov', 12, 0, 1464422515), (48007201, 'CRIMEA_Haru6aLLIka', 12, 0, 1463780747), (5651230, 'Shkiper2222', 12, 0, 1464375996), (58574566, '1tim1_2015', 12, 0, 1464293769), (64052394, 'Lady_Diana_Diversantka', 12, 0, 1464421049), (12414124, 'M_a_n_t_i_s', 12, 0, 1464199836), (6878512, 'Tylendor', 12, 0, 1464024410), (34411633, 'cblH_BouHa', 12, 0, 1463541667), (2115378, 'longxvost', 12, 0, 1461160136), (671987, 'Skunner', 12, 0, 1464285824), (22102814, 'bagfrag1', 12, 0, 1460487063), (242294, 'PANZER_DIKLONIUS', 12, 0, 1463333213), (756279, '11Paul11', 12, 0, 1464322496), (46719994, 'yushkov8249', 12, 0, 1463790981), (448253, 'AndRyu_47', 12, 0, 1464425279), (4679742, 'alex30279', 12, 0, 1464276886)] 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:40] ping&FPS: True 0.0621105687959 1757.92841617 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:40] (, 70665289920581, 61): ExternalInterfaceCallback "GuiFilters.saveValue" not found, ((0, Scaleform::PyStructureAPIGfxObject at 0xFFA9C458),) [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:40] (, 70665289920581, 61): [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:40] (, 70665289920581, 61): ExternalInterfaceCallback "GuiFilters.saveValue" not found, ((0, Scaleform::PyStructureAPIGfxObject at 0xFFA9C458),) [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:40] (, 70665289920581, 61): [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:40] (, 70665289920581, 61): ExternalInterfaceCallback "GuiFilters.saveValue" not found, ((0, Scaleform::PyStructureAPIGfxObject at 0xFFA9C458),) [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:40] (, 70665289920581, 61): [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:40] ma3b8627.__instanceWindow: Dock [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:40] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:40] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:40] isDone id 10688_q03 count 8 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:40] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:40] isDone id 10688_q01 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:40] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:40] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:40] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:40] isDone id 10688_q03 count 8 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:40] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:40] isDone id 10688_q01 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:40] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:40] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:40] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:40] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': 0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:40] [NUT] InteractiveMessageSystem: __onSelectedMessageChanged selectedEntityId None [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:40] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': -1.0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:40] [NUT] InteractiveMessageSystem: __onSelectedMessageChanged selectedEntityId None [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:42] ping&FPS: False 0.0519684585077 150.928405914 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:42] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence(), ('3480927@wowsru.loc/wows', 'Doc_Maximov', 2) [S] [2016_05_28 12:00:42] [NUT] __updateUserPresence contacts 3480927 2 [S] [2016_05_28 12:01:03] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2016_05_28 12:01:39] ping&FPS: True 0.0589325087411 220.928805634 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:01:39] ping&FPS: False 0.0520897241575 79.9288066397 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:02:05] ping&FPS: True 0.0497612240059 1016.92901377 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:02:06] ping&FPS: False 0.0535287888987 181.929008759 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:02:11] ping&FPS: True 0.0553441303117 300.929095305 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:02:11] ping&FPS: False 0.0527811156852 121.929096676 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:02:14] ping&FPS: True 0.0514371948583 1239.92910986 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:02:14] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 12:02:14] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 12:02:14] ping&FPS: False 0.0455662342055 148.929130002 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:02:22] ping&FPS: True 0.0476539613945 213.929231852 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:02:22] ping&FPS: False 0.0397453787071 63.929233029 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:02:22] ping&FPS: True 0.0422436999423 297.929238036 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:02:23] ping&FPS: False 0.0412658782942 136.929239071 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:02:23] ping&FPS: True 0.0427063064916 241.929236717 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:02:23] ping&FPS: False 0.035491208945 70.9292390416 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:02:24] ping&FPS: True 0.0416359858853 231.929238893 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:02:25] ping&FPS: False 0.0320522146566 132.929243154 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:02:28] ping&FPS: True 0.0484076472265 308.929271616 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:02:29] ping&FPS: False 0.0487404423101 142.929272703 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:02:29] ping&FPS: True 0.0487085761768 253.929276153 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:02:29] ping&FPS: False 0.0507657857878 165.929279148 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:02:37] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 12:02:37] ping&FPS: True 0.050839434777 362.929314523 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:02:37] ping&FPS: False 0.0426163854344 55.9293162519 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:02:38] ping&FPS: True 0.0465436386211 251.929320707 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:02:38] ping&FPS: False 0.0487390788538 165.929322771 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:02:39] ping&FPS: True 0.0522403003914 353.929333053 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:02:39] ping&FPS: False 0.0458739655358 77.9293346623 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:02:41] ping&FPS: True 0.0522780301315 421.929339639 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:02:41] ping&FPS: False 0.0519108133657 164.929341539 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:02:42] ping&FPS: True 0.0495665477855 237.929347023 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:02:42] ping&FPS: False 0.0414646895868 152.929340437 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:02:42] ping&FPS: True 0.0461578177554 246.929334357 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:02:42] ping&FPS: False 0.0413416581494 85.9293372775 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:02:43] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 12:02:44] ping&FPS: True 0.047692875777 385.929355509 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:02:44] ping&FPS: False 0.0506925987346 160.929356753 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:02:44] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 12:02:44] ping&FPS: True 0.051435831402 381.929369769 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:02:44] ping&FPS: False 0.0535363363368 170.929372653 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:02:47] ping&FPS: True 0.0501535715801 260.929382778 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:02:47] ping&FPS: False 0.0519839706165 157.929385393 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:02:47] ping&FPS: True 0.0519455405218 328.929375059 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:02:47] ping&FPS: False 0.0476164179189 97.9293762217 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:02:48] ping&FPS: True 0.0498064937336 277.929383605 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:02:48] ping&FPS: False 0.0517938467009 166.929386764 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:02:48] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:02:48] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 12:02:48] isDone id 10688_q03 count 8 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:02:48] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 12:02:48] isDone id 10688_q01 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:02:48] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 12:02:48] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 12:02:48] ping&FPS: True 0.0512034179909 223.929393783 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:02:49] ping&FPS: False 0.0378858628018 193.929359018 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:02:54] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2016_05_28 12:02:56] ping&FPS: True 0.0521519365055 200.929423719 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:02:56] ping&FPS: False 0.0478284837944 98.929424114 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:02:58] ping&FPS: True 0.0461979763848 476.929443754 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:02:58] ping&FPS: False 0.0407892870052 102.929443873 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:03:02] ping&FPS: True 0.0453048603875 1845.92941262 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:03:02] [Scaleform] Warning: instance3147.setImageSubstitutions() failed for #86 element - length of subString should not exceed 15 characters [S] [2016_05_28 12:03:02] ping&FPS: False 0.0311626972897 55.929413035 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:03:05] [Scaleform] Warning: instance3271.setImageSubstitutions() failed for #86 element - length of subString should not exceed 15 characters [S] [2016_05_28 12:03:05] [Scaleform] Warning: instance3272.setImageSubstitutions() failed for #86 element - length of subString should not exceed 15 characters [S] [2016_05_28 12:03:05] ping&FPS: True 0.0446191983564 202.92947258 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:03:05] ping&FPS: False 0.0369235979659 50.929473489 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:03:06] [Scaleform] Warning: instance3273.setImageSubstitutions() failed for #86 element - length of subString should not exceed 15 characters [S] [2016_05_28 12:03:08] [Scaleform] Warning: instance3516.setImageSubstitutions() failed for #86 element - length of subString should not exceed 15 characters [S] [2016_05_28 12:03:10] [Scaleform] Warning: instance3672.setImageSubstitutions() failed for #86 element - length of subString should not exceed 15 characters [S] [2016_05_28 12:03:10] ping&FPS: True 0.0491554396493 208.929585643 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:03:10] ping&FPS: False 0.0411473097546 67.9295856128 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:03:11] [Scaleform] Warning: instance3673.setImageSubstitutions() failed for #86 element - length of subString should not exceed 15 characters [S] [2016_05_28 12:03:11] [Scaleform] Warning: instance3674.setImageSubstitutions() failed for #86 element - length of subString should not exceed 15 characters [S] [2016_05_28 12:03:11] [Scaleform] Warning: instance3675.setImageSubstitutions() failed for #86 element - length of subString should not exceed 15 characters [S] [2016_05_28 12:03:11] [Scaleform] Warning: instance3676.setImageSubstitutions() failed for #86 element - length of subString should not exceed 15 characters [S] [2016_05_28 12:03:11] ping&FPS: True 0.0460215317351 238.929598532 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:03:11] ping&FPS: False 0.0382766457541 64.9295998732 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:03:14] [Scaleform] Warning: instance3866.setImageSubstitutions() failed for #86 element - length of subString should not exceed 15 characters [S] [2016_05_28 12:03:14] ping&FPS: True 0.0489094438297 219.92969691 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:03:14] [Scaleform] Warning: instance3867.setImageSubstitutions() failed for #86 element - length of subString should not exceed 15 characters [S] [2016_05_28 12:03:14] ping&FPS: False 0.0408748718245 162.929699413 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:03:15] ping&FPS: True 0.0349900232894 527.929712735 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:03:15] ping&FPS: False 0.0383679973228 183.929714955 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:03:16] ping&FPS: True 0.0432420181377 210.929732426 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:03:16] ping&FPS: False 0.0377700211746 98.92973189 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:03:16] ping&FPS: True 0.0368423791868 225.929727956 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:03:16] ping&FPS: False 0.0400059851153 170.929733633 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:03:22] ping&FPS: True 0.0470512615783 260.929826229 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:03:22] ping&FPS: False 0.0491778807981 161.929822981 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:03:25] ping&FPS: True 0.0553895788533 201.929860345 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:03:25] ping&FPS: False 0.0488212513072 103.929862491 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:03:28] [NUT] PlayersAccountsSystem __request, set([47041, 6332290, 427140, 8804682, 8009484, 2715866, 1559899, 63671710, 3480927, 48007201, 5651230, 58574566, 64052394, 12414124, 6878512, 34411633, 2115378, 671987, 22102814, 242294, 756279, 46719994, 448253, 4679742]) [S] [2016_05_28 12:03:28] [NUT] AccountsRequest __response, [(47041, 'WONDERFUL_SHOT', 12, 0, 1463997729), (6332290, 'zloy_nyb', 12, 0, 1464421725), (427140, 'Kapitan_Slip', 12, 0, 1464285451), (8804682, 'mishania1235', 12, 0, 1463925150), (8009484, 'SD_D', 12, 0, 1464117201), (2715866, 'BCEM_PPC', 12, 0, 1464418481), (1559899, 'AIRBORNE_161', 12, 0, 1460114623), (63671710, '6aToH4uK_', 12, 0, 1464380706), (3480927, 'Doc_Maximov', 12, 0, 1464422515), (48007201, 'CRIMEA_Haru6aLLIka', 12, 0, 1463780747), (22102814, 'bagfrag1', 12, 0, 1460487063), (58574566, '1tim1_2015', 12, 0, 1464293769), (64052394, 'Lady_Diana_Diversantka', 12, 0, 1464421049), (12414124, 'M_a_n_t_i_s', 12, 0, 1464199836), (6878512, 'Tylendor', 12, 0, 1464024410), (34411633, 'cblH_BouHa', 12, 0, 1463541667), (2115378, 'longxvost', 12, 0, 1461160136), (671987, 'Skunner', 12, 0, 1464285824), (5651230, 'Shkiper2222', 12, 0, 1464375996), (242294, 'PANZER_DIKLONIUS', 12, 0, 1463333213), (756279, '11Paul11', 12, 0, 1464322496), (46719994, 'yushkov8249', 12, 0, 1463790981), (448253, 'AndRyu_47', 12, 0, 1464425279), (4679742, 'alex30279', 12, 0, 1464276886)] 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:03:30] ping&FPS: True 0.0495431380613 349.929934225 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:03:30] ping&FPS: False 0.0434486450894 64.9299355665 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:03:31] [Scaleform] Warning: instance4420.setImageSubstitutions() failed for #86 element - length of subString should not exceed 15 characters [S] [2016_05_28 12:03:31] [Scaleform] Warning: instance4421.setImageSubstitutions() failed for #86 element - length of subString should not exceed 15 characters [S] [2016_05_28 12:03:33] [Scaleform] Warning: instance4422.setImageSubstitutions() failed for #86 element - length of subString should not exceed 15 characters [S] [2016_05_28 12:03:33] [Scaleform] Warning: instance4423.setImageSubstitutions() failed for #86 element - length of subString should not exceed 15 characters [S] [2016_05_28 12:03:34] ping&FPS: True 0.0479117142303 352.930052265 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:03:34] ping&FPS: False 0.0521140652043 188.930054374 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:03:37] ping&FPS: True 0.0485719176275 201.930090002 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:03:37] ping&FPS: False 0.0425841467721 83.9300907323 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:03:40] ping&FPS: True 0.0461165117366 1688.93006636 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:03:40] ping&FPS: False 0.0465493159635 154.930069416 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:03:54] ping&FPS: True 0.0504322828991 1854.93034245 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:03:54] ping&FPS: False 0.0482480632407 189.930340066 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:03:55] ping&FPS: True 0.0436600925667 230.930350154 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:03:55] ping&FPS: False 0.0381510811193 72.9303528065 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:03:57] ping&FPS: True 0.0490002515061 248.930384099 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:03:57] ping&FPS: False 0.0531562822206 177.93038813 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:04:01] [Scaleform] Warning: instance4917.setImageSubstitutions() failed for #86 element - length of subString should not exceed 15 characters [S] [2016_05_28 12:04:03] ping&FPS: True 0.0614342944963 435.930498421 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:04:03] ping&FPS: False 0.0608822213752 133.930505484 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:04:06] ping&FPS: True 0.0572309451444 646.930518344 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:04:06] ping&FPS: False 0.0573184149606 112.930524118 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:04:15] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:04:15] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 12:04:15] isDone id 10688_q03 count 8 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:04:15] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 12:04:15] isDone id 10688_q01 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:04:15] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 12:04:15] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 12:04:16] ping&FPS: True 0.0516924890024 1386.93067144 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:04:16] (, 70665289920581, 61): ExternalInterfaceCallback "ControllerResearchModuleInset.ready" not found, ((0,),) [S] [2016_05_28 12:04:16] (, 70665289920581, 61): [S] [2016_05_28 12:04:20] ping&FPS: False 0.0413655298097 178.930566504 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:04:23] ping&FPS: True 0.0481282728059 455.930584385 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:04:23] ping&FPS: False 0.0401494907481 59.9305974389 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:04:24] ping&FPS: True 0.03921581379 299.930596321 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:04:24] ping&FPS: False 0.038389700864 119.930597364 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:04:27] ping&FPS: True 0.0467357890947 375.930644348 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:04:27] ping&FPS: False 0.0368855925543 59.9306467319 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:04:30] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:04:30] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 12:04:30] isDone id 10688_q03 count 8 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:04:30] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 12:04:30] isDone id 10688_q01 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:04:30] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 12:04:30] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 12:04:30] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2016_05_28 12:04:30] ping&FPS: True 0.048059503947 302.930723309 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:04:31] ping&FPS: False 0.0519588919623 167.930726155 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:04:42] ping&FPS: True 0.0488932611687 230.93088223 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:04:42] ping&FPS: False 0.0388251723988 35.9308825428 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:04:42] Account.enqueue(): 1 [S] [2016_05_28 12:04:42] ping&FPS: True 0.039974759732 292.930879346 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:04:42] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4181636560 4 [S] [2016_05_28 12:04:42] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 12:04:42] onEnqueued() QueueType: 1 ShipId: 4181636560 [S] [2016_05_28 12:04:46] onPrepareingForBattle() [S] [2016_05_28 12:04:46] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4181636560 1 [S] [2016_05_28 12:04:46] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 12:04:46] ma3b8627.__instanceWindow: RandomBattle [S] [2016_05_28 12:04:46] ping&FPS: False 0.0508568244321 164.930746756 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:04:46] (, 70665289920581, 61): handleBanInfo:, ({'banId': '14643763953', 'reason': '"\xd0\x98\xd1\x81\xd0\xbf\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbb\xd1\x8c\xd0\xb7\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd1\x80\xd0\xbc\xd0\xb0\xd1\x82\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb9 \xd0\xbb\xd0\xb5\xd0\xba\xd1\x81\xd0\xb8\xd0\xba\xd0\xb8/ \xd0\xbe\xd1\x81\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd1\x80\xd0\xb1\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd1\x8f" \xe2\x80\x93 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd1\x80\xd1\x83\xd1\x88\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xbf\xd1\x83\xd0\xbd\xd0\xba\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0 1 \xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb7\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb0 1 \xd0\x9f\xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb8\xd0\xbb \xd0\xb8\xd0\xb3\xd1\x80\xd1\x8b (R)', 'expiry': 1464635520L},) [S] [2016_05_28 12:04:46] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence(), ('8752339@wowsru.loc/wows', 'ONE___VP', 2) [S] [2016_05_28 12:04:51] onGameRoomStateInit mapIdx = 14 battleType = 80 gameMode = Domination duration=1200 [S] [2016_05_28 12:04:59] ping&FPS: True 0.928571428571 150.930789232 0 0 [E] [2016_05_28 12:04:59] Can only call base methods on the connected entity [S] [2016_05_28 12:04:59] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2016_05_28 12:04:59] (, 70665289920581, 61): Lobby destroy started. [S] [2016_05_28 12:04:59] (, 70665289920581, 61): Lobby successfully destroyed. [S] [2016_05_28 12:04:59] onArenaStateReceived: teams info: [None, None] [S] [2016_05_28 12:04:59] (, 51820444204590, 546): Thresholds for team 0: Win: 910 Lose: 130 [S] [2016_05_28 12:04:59] (, 51820444204590, 546): Thresholds for team 1: Win: 910 Lose: 130 [S] [2016_05_28 12:04:59] MissionsComponent: #0 ControlPointHoldMission; reward = 4; penalty = 0; controlPoints = [3, 5, 2]; delay = 0; repeat = 6; repeatReward = 4; repeatPenalty = 0 #1 KillEnemyOfSpecificShipTypeMission; reward = 30; penalty = 45; shipType = Destroyer; rewardPerType = 0; penaltyPerType = 0 #2 KillEnemyOfSpecificShipTypeMission; reward = 35; penalty = 50; shipType = Cruiser; rewardPerType = 0; penaltyPerType = 0 #3 KillEnemyOfSpecificShipTypeMission; reward = 40; penalty = 60; shipType = Battleship; rewardPerType = 0; penaltyPerType = 0 #4 KillEnemyOfSpecificShipTypeMission; reward = 45; penalty = 65; shipType = AirCarrier; rewardPerType = 0; penaltyPerType = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:04:59] Mission tasks available! [S] [2016_05_28 12:04:59] Battle waiting start: 5.0 / 289.306002228 [S] [2016_05_28 12:04:59] Avatar.receiveAvatarInfo: {'evaluationsLeft': {0: 7, 1: 7}} [S] [2016_05_28 12:04:59] Avatar.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:04:59] name ONE___VP [S] [2016_05_28 12:04:59] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:04:59] Avatar onControlled False [S] [2016_05_28 12:04:59] onControlled->False: not implemented [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:00] onGeometryMapped() MapName: %s 22_tierra_del_fuego [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:00] teamBuildType: 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:00] player: Id: 6477313 Name: Pastortank TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASA013_Essex_1945' [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:00] player: Id: 6584459 Name: _Daitengu_ TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASC017_Baltimore_1944' [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:00] player: Id: 6419468 Name: Krisvels TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSC110_Pr_66_Moskva' [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:00] player: Id: 6195984 Name: DeD_B_OkHe TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSB021_Izumo_1938' [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:00] player: Id: 6379992 Name: xINGIBITORx TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB018_Iowa_1944' [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:00] player: Id: 5932698 Name: Ant1958 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASA013_Essex_1945' [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:00] player: Id: 6591266 Name: ONE___VP TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSC108_Pr_68_Chapaev' [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:00] player: Id: 6377643 Name: Yusupdag TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB017_Montana_1945' [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:00] player: Id: 6551085 Name: Pavel_GREY TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB012_North_Carolina_1945' [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:00] player: Id: 6188976 Name: oldzub TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSC038_Atago_1944' [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:00] player: Id: 6550882 Name: griiiib TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASC014_New_Orlean_1944' [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:00] player: Id: 6506835 Name: JFlint TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSD012_Shimakaze_1943' [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:00] player: Id: 6451160 Name: Skifyyy TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSD012_Shimakaze_1943' [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:00] player: Id: 6469468 Name: Miki_31_rus TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSC009_Mogami_1935' [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:00] player: Id: 6550111 Name: troncchaud TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB018_Iowa_1944' [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:00] player: Id: 6683362 Name: Hades31rus TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSA017_Hakuryu_1942' [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:00] player: Id: 6093032 Name: vz607az TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSC009_Mogami_1935' [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:00] player: Id: 6620521 Name: bujhml TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSC108_Pr_68_Chapaev' [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:00] player: Id: 6482154 Name: BuchaLeon TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSC108_Hipper' [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:00] player: Id: 5919085 Name: Fazamen123 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSC034_Zao_1944' [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:00] player: Id: 6447983 Name: LEXYS91 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASC017_Baltimore_1944' [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:00] player: Id: 6239991 Name: unagai_2015 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSC012_Ibuki_1944' [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:00] player: Id: 5980921 Name: 16regeon16 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASA015_Midway_1945' [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:00] player: Id: 6457215 Name: 777_Omen TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSC034_Zao_1944' [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:00] BattleDataContext.__onEnterSpace [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:00] [DEBUG] BattleLoadingContext: geometry mapped [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:00] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:00] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:00] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:00] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:00] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:00] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:00] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:00] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:00] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:00] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:04] Battle countdown start: 60.0 / 293.559002208 [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:06] ping&FPS: False 0.0740289198501 0.001 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:08] [BAT] __initBasePoints points [, , ] [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:08] [BAT] x 0.169942550659 y 0.495507000089 VISIBLE True [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:08] [BAT] x 0.473125 y 0.5 VISIBLE True [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:08] [BAT] x 0.739180316925 y 0.500000500625 VISIBLE True [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:09] ping&FPS: True 0.060221891318 300.930761307 149.930762261 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:09] ping&FPS: False 0.0558996008975 103.930763453 103.930763453 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:10] [Scaleform] Warning: instance6759.setImageSubstitutions() failed for #86 element - length of subString should not exceed 15 characters [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:11] ping&FPS: True 0.0658208685262 1713.93073781 134.930762335 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:11] ma3b8627.__instanceWindow: m5e8cfdc [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:12] ping&FPS: False 0.0593212353332 183.930750086 183.930750086 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:12] ping&FPS: True 0.0512490155441 200.930755093 183.930750086 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:12] ping&FPS: False 0.0449239345534 51.930756166 51.930756166 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:13] ping&FPS: True 0.0514022143824 244.930760934 51.930756166 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:13] ping&FPS: False 0.0446977945311 50.9307618434 50.9307618434 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:14] ping&FPS: True 0.0578789072377 230.93075798 116.930761095 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:14] ping&FPS: False 0.0519107463104 64.9307593214 64.9307593214 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:17] ping&FPS: True 0.0551452892167 203.930756978 195.93075148 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:17] ping&FPS: False 0.0579005735261 181.930758871 181.930758871 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:18] ping&FPS: True 0.0568356918437 213.930760838 107.93076115 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:18] ping&FPS: False 0.0510599719627 64.9307621787 64.9307621787 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:19] ping&FPS: True 0.0536106931312 230.93076045 103.930763564 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:19] ping&FPS: False 0.0597620861871 167.93076191 167.93076191 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:20] ping&FPS: True 0.0496142389519 221.930760357 118.930767275 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:20] ping&FPS: False 0.0557810323579 169.930762145 169.930762145 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:20] ping&FPS: True 0.0574135290725 203.930756825 147.93076064 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:20] ping&FPS: False 0.0533293294055 77.9307584347 77.9307584347 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:21] ping&FPS: True 0.0504320221288 213.930761847 77.9307584347 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:21] ping&FPS: False 0.047771591161 64.9307631882 64.9307631882 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:21] ping&FPS: True 0.0651939617736 247.930769521 133.930766124 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:21] ping&FPS: False 0.0484366448862 38.9307703259 38.9307703259 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:22] ping&FPS: True 0.0561654972179 226.930774513 159.930772695 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:22] ping&FPS: False 0.0484625133021 65.9307760181 65.9307760181 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:26] ping&FPS: True 0.0588246243341 217.930789444 147.930787239 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:26] ping&FPS: False 0.0506753208382 51.9307905169 51.9307905169 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:27] ping&FPS: True 0.061553801809 231.930801272 134.930800497 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:28] ping&FPS: False 0.0512460576636 51.9308023447 51.9308023447 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:29] ping&FPS: True 0.0637696044786 226.930816035 133.930819805 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:30] ping&FPS: False 0.0511153297765 51.9308171081 51.9308171081 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:32] ping&FPS: True 0.0630469577653 221.930803844 160.930808434 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:32] ping&FPS: False 0.0484911756856 38.9308046488 38.9308046488 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:32] ping&FPS: True 0.0540981697185 248.930810073 38.9308046488 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:32] ping&FPS: False 0.0600009965045 144.930813098 144.930813098 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:34] ping&FPS: True 0.0601999270064 308.930800685 77.9308003275 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:34] ping&FPS: False 0.054806049381 189.930805752 189.930805752 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:36] ping&FPS: True 0.0592204140765 235.930818522 146.930820817 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:36] ping&FPS: False 0.0509897353394 151.93081736 151.93081736 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:37] ping&FPS: True 0.0570178436381 232.930823111 133.930824035 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:37] ping&FPS: False 0.0493976505739 51.9308241843 51.9308241843 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:40] ping&FPS: True 0.0698771881206 200.930840218 134.930840799 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:40] ping&FPS: False 0.0600159423692 116.930838907 116.930838907 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:41] ping&FPS: True 0.0626999395234 234.930843705 133.930844301 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:41] ping&FPS: False 0.0520177739007 51.9308447777 51.9308447777 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:43] ping&FPS: True 0.0632576750857 238.930844699 140.930848365 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:44] ping&FPS: False 0.0526740359409 64.9308460405 64.9308460405 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:45] ping&FPS: True 0.0590081023318 260.930847721 139.930845918 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:45] ping&FPS: False 0.0589389609439 154.930850775 154.930850775 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:46] ping&FPS: True 0.0530322747571 203.930851923 172.930848287 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:46] ping&FPS: False 0.046025033508 115.930848585 115.930848585 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:47] ping&FPS: True 0.0538292782647 209.930846499 133.930845605 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:47] ping&FPS: False 0.0488125341279 78.930848272 78.930848272 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:48] ping&FPS: True 0.0565376686198 235.930844129 154.930846424 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:48] ping&FPS: False 0.0478331255061 171.930849971 171.930849971 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:49] ping&FPS: True 0.0577262001378 228.930852116 171.930849971 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:49] ping&FPS: False 0.0465772630913 51.9308531894 51.9308531894 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:50] ping&FPS: True 0.0597742902381 210.930854426 116.930858956 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:50] ping&FPS: False 0.0518336328013 78.9308561994 78.9308561994 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:52] ping&FPS: True 0.0698571013553 213.930860692 129.930859142 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:52] ping&FPS: False 0.0523427831275 65.9308621971 65.9308621971 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:54] ping&FPS: True 0.056866686259 238.93086267 129.930858885 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:55] ping&FPS: False 0.0492605002863 64.9308640113 64.9308640113 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:55] ping&FPS: True 0.0509280817849 207.930867372 64.9308640113 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:55] ping&FPS: False 0.0463039161904 64.9308687127 64.9308687127 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:58] ping&FPS: True 0.0573324518544 226.930888486 133.930888531 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:05:59] ping&FPS: False 0.0626441793782 153.930889261 153.930889261 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:00] ping&FPS: True 0.0605742590768 247.930892819 153.930889422 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:00] ping&FPS: False 0.0646861302001 182.930894875 182.930894875 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:01] ping&FPS: True 0.0624111401183 235.930888613 134.930892771 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:01] ping&FPS: False 0.0513693722231 127.93089204 179.93089204 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:03] ping&FPS: True 0.0577503102166 221.930903648 154.93090265 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:04] ping&FPS: False 0.0479998024447 134.930909013 134.930909013 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:04] -= BATTLE STARTED =- [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:04] ping&FPS: True 0.0526093574507 208.930912123 133.930909531 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:05] ping&FPS: False 0.0476366238935 161.930916326 161.930916326 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:05] ping&FPS: True 0.0552983390433 209.930918859 136.930919827 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:06] ping&FPS: False 0.0499140279634 151.930921422 151.930921422 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:06] ping&FPS: True 0.0535962092025 216.930922688 122.930920647 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:07] ping&FPS: False 0.0447096484048 154.930922018 154.930922018 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:08] ping&FPS: True 0.0596525775535 232.930919887 146.930917086 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:08] ping&FPS: False 0.0446801664574 51.9309273077 192.930927308 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:10] ping&FPS: True 0.0565814035279 254.930921209 150.930929703 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:10] ping&FPS: False 0.0617628501994 180.930921075 180.930921075 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:10] ping&FPS: True 0.0655810492379 220.930920047 180.930921075 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:10] ping&FPS: False 0.0543427126748 56.930920077 56.930920077 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:11] ping&FPS: True 0.0612071709973 242.930922789 134.930925799 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:11] ping&FPS: False 0.0552629338843 133.930924529 133.930924529 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:12] ping&FPS: True 0.0571864800794 260.930927911 145.930927971 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:12] ping&FPS: False 0.0497594656689 142.930933797 181.930933797 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:13] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence(), ('2715866@wowsru.loc/wows', 'BCEM_PPC', 2) [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:13] [NUT] __updateUserPresence contacts 2715866 2 [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:15] ping&FPS: True 0.0596657352788 235.930947938 129.930946508 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:15] ping&FPS: False 0.0533376442535 134.930953303 134.930953303 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:16] ping&FPS: True 0.0640273796661 253.930950665 136.930953735 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:16] ping&FPS: False 0.0443086656077 51.9309531091 173.930953109 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:17] ping&FPS: True 0.059047590409 790.93096196 137.930953377 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:18] ping&FPS: False 0.0461611705167 77.9309539436 77.9309539436 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:20] ping&FPS: True 0.058765273009 218.930958876 135.930962095 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:20] ping&FPS: False 0.0507110538227 94.9309576838 94.9309576838 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:21] ping&FPS: True 0.0590618061168 203.930953977 160.930959654 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:21] ping&FPS: False 0.0490276547415 133.93095359 133.93095359 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:22] ping&FPS: True 0.056459750448 268.930954171 144.930952919 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:22] ping&FPS: False 0.0571671383721 170.930957986 170.930957986 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:23] ping&FPS: True 0.0639653312308 856.930928958 170.930957986 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:25] ping&FPS: False 0.0675364541156 142.930938674 142.930938674 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:25] ping&FPS: True 0.0663296239717 240.930934665 154.930938003 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:26] ping&FPS: False 0.0667958217008 192.93093091 192.93093091 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:26] ping&FPS: True 0.0618110554559 226.930940745 158.930937064 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:27] ping&FPS: False 0.0515268923981 51.9309418177 51.9309418177 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:27] SmokeScreen.onEnterWorld( 2750702 ) [(-251.092, 392.631)] [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:28] ping&FPS: True 0.059012557779 244.930950818 127.930951638 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:29] ping&FPS: False 0.0615436690194 196.930953307 196.930953307 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:31] ping&FPS: True 0.0584044413907 223.930956227 120.930956764 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:31] ping&FPS: False 0.052897389446 77.9309578365 77.9309578365 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:32] ping&FPS: True 0.0579551713807 253.930957334 137.930957609 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:32] [Weather][40172] onEnterWorld (map spaces/22_tierra_del_fuego, scheme 0, weather 0) [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:32] ping&FPS: False 0.0539334075791 144.930948616 144.930948616 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:34] ping&FPS: True 0.0610325740916 1060.93094552 135.930956007 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:35] ping&FPS: False 0.0592782454831 123.930966669 123.930966669 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:35] ping&FPS: True 0.070289980088 386.930961186 123.930966669 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:35] ping&FPS: False 0.0564621793372 134.930958295 134.930958295 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:36] ping&FPS: True 0.0571144925697 233.930962735 133.930957907 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:36] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:36] id 6556785 [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:36] name troncchaud [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:36] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:36] @ launchpadAppeared 6556785 [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:36] ping&FPS: False 0.0431174071772 166.930962169 166.930962169 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:36] ping&FPS: True 0.0498438583953 218.93095895 166.930962169 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:36] ping&FPS: False 0.0606867926461 193.930964672 193.930964672 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:37] ping&FPS: True 0.0632445918662 244.930969962 133.930965194 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:37] ping&FPS: False 0.0515553983194 65.9309891997 65.9309891997 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:38] ping&FPS: True 0.0544732766492 285.93098616 149.930989572 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:38] ping&FPS: False 0.0454896869404 51.9309799908 51.9309799908 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:39] ping&FPS: True 0.0531848849995 291.930977115 144.930979544 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:39] ping&FPS: False 0.0454775052411 51.9309743731 51.9309743731 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:39] ping&FPS: True 0.0503879593951 247.930974045 51.9309743731 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:40] ping&FPS: False 0.0630761640412 168.93097336 168.93097336 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:41] ping&FPS: True 0.0624490337712 348.930972823 168.93097336 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:41] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:41] id 6556763 [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:41] name DeD_B_OkHe [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:41] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:41] @ launchpadAppeared 6556763 [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:42] ping&FPS: False 0.0611875312669 169.930977905 169.930977905 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:42] ping&FPS: True 0.0576431261642 219.930976325 133.930977517 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:42] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:42] id 6556757 [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:42] name Pastortank [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:42] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:42] @ launchpadAppeared 6556757 [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:42] ping&FPS: False 0.0469871269805 117.930970186 117.930970186 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:43] ping&FPS: True 0.0532481106264 227.930972048 146.930970067 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:43] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:43] id 6556769 [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:43] name ONE___VP [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:43] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:43] client.Vehicle.setAmmoArtilleryGun [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:43] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:43] Avatar.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:43] ! A.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:43] BattleDataContext.__onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:43] -- GUNS ----------------------------------------- [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:43] {0: {'position': {'y': 1.0, 'x': 1.0}, 'rotation': -3.1231849193573, 'gunPositionId': 0}, 1: {'position': {'y': 1.0, 'x': 2.0}, 'rotation': -3.1231849193573, 'gunPositionId': 1}, 2: {'position': {'y': 1.0, 'x': 4.0}, 'rotation': 0.018407734110951424, 'gunPositionId': 2}, 3: {'position': {'y': 1.0, 'x': 5.0}, 'rotation': 0.018407734110951424, 'gunPositionId': 3}} [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:43] -- GUNS ----------------------------------------- [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:43] {0: {'position': {'y': 2.0, 'x': 2.0}, 'rotation': -3.1231849193573, 'gunPositionId': 0}, 1: {'position': {'y': 0.0, 'x': 2.0}, 'rotation': -3.1231849193573, 'gunPositionId': 1}} [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:43] ping&FPS: False 0.0368963735444 146.930972048 146.930972048 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:43] Avatar.onWorldStateReceived [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:44] ping&FPS: True 0.0423872130258 512.930983493 146.930972048 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:44] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:44] id 6556779 [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:44] name JFlint [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:44] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:44] ma3b8627.__instanceWindow: Battle [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:46] ("[ERROR] FeedbackController: config {event: 'Sound', container: 'screenplay_trigger'} must set 'type'",) [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:46] ("[ERROR] FeedbackController: config {event: 'Sound', container: 'five_minutes_left'} must set 'type'",) [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:46] ('[ERROR] FeedbackController: empty config for event five_minutes_left',) [A] [2016_05_28 12:06:46] CollisionModel::load: Error loading collision model content/gameplay/usa/ship/battleship/ASB037_North_Carolina_1942/ASB037_North_Carolina_1942_MidFront! [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:49] client.Vehicle.setAmmoArtilleryGun [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:49] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:49] id 6556773 [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:49] name Pavel_GREY [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:49] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:49] @ launchpadAppeared 6556773 [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:49] ping&FPS: True 0.0581522392375 363.931002804 4946.9310102 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:50] id 6556783 [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:50] name Miki_31_rus [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:50] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:50] @ launchpadAppeared 6556783 [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:50] id 6556795 [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:50] name Fazamen123 [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:50] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:50] @ launchpadAppeared 6556795 [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:51] ping&FPS: False 0.0547027694327 158.93096202 158.93096202 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:54] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:54] id 6556787 [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:54] name Hades31rus [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:54] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:54] @ launchpadAppeared 6556787 [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:56] ping&FPS: True 0.0398121284587 415.931098187 133.931084016 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:56] ping&FPS: False 0.0434679122908 140.931100809 140.931100809 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:58] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:58] id 6556775 [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:58] name oldzub [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:58] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:06:58] @ launchpadAppeared 6556775 [S] [2016_05_28 12:07:00] ping&FPS: True 0.0830271201474 417.931124376 146.93111919 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:07:00] ping&FPS: False 0.0784707473857 148.931127378 148.931127378 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:07:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:07:01] id 6556779 [S] [2016_05_28 12:07:08] DEBUG: onChatMessage args ('', '', {'reason': '"\xd0\x98\xd1\x81\xd0\xbf\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbb\xd1\x8c\xd0\xb7\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd1\x80\xd0\xbc\xd0\xb0\xd1\x82\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb9 \xd0\xbb\xd0\xb5\xd0\xba\xd1\x81\xd0\xb8\xd0\xba\xd0\xb8/ \xd0\xbe\xd1\x81\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd1\x80\xd0\xb1\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd1\x8f" \xe2\x80\x93 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd1\x80\xd1\x83\xd1\x88\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xbf\xd1\x83\xd0\xbd\xd0\xba\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0 1 \xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb7\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb0 1 \xd0\x9f\xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb8\xd0\xbb \xd0\xb8\xd0\xb3\xd1\x80\xd1\x8b (R)', 'type': 0, 'expiry': 1464635520}) [S] [2016_05_28 12:07:32] client.Vehicle.setAmmoArtilleryGun [S] [2016_05_28 12:07:40] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:07:42] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:07:45] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:07:45] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 12:07:46] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:07:46] id 6556777 [S] [2016_05_28 12:07:46] name griiiib [S] [2016_05_28 12:07:46] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 12:07:46] @ launchpadAppeared 6556777 [S] [2016_05_28 12:07:49] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:07:49] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:07:50] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:07:51] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:07:52] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 12:07:54] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:07:54] id 6556777 [S] [2016_05_28 12:07:54] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 12:07:54] ping&FPS: True 0.0608069854123 211.932852068 106.932854572 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:07:54] ping&FPS: False 0.0508595811469 93.932852575 93.932852575 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:07:54] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:07:55] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:07:55] id 6556799 [S] [2016_05_28 12:07:55] name unagai_2015 [S] [2016_05_28 12:07:55] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:07:55] @ launchpadAppeared 6556799 [S] [2016_05_28 12:07:55] ping&FPS: True 0.059093068753 202.932838791 144.932839045 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:07:55] ping&FPS: False 0.0500014158232 88.9328366159 88.9328366159 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:07:56] ping&FPS: True 0.0549048887832 298.932836258 141.932833814 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:07:56] ping&FPS: False 0.0539354937417 131.932835543 131.932835543 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:07:58] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 12:07:58] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 12:07:58] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:07:58] id 6556797 [S] [2016_05_28 12:07:58] name LEXYS91 [S] [2016_05_28 12:07:58] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 12:07:58] @ launchpadAppeared 6556797 [S] [2016_05_28 12:07:58] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:07:58] id 6556777 [S] [2016_05_28 12:07:58] name griiiib [S] [2016_05_28 12:07:58] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 12:07:59] @ launchpadAppeared 6556777 [S] [2016_05_28 12:07:59] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 12:08:00] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:08:00] id 6556791 [S] [2016_05_28 12:08:00] name bujhml [S] [2016_05_28 12:08:00] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 12:08:00] @ launchpadAppeared 6556791 [S] [2016_05_28 12:08:08] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:08:08] id 6556777 [S] [2016_05_28 12:08:08] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 12:08:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:08:10] id 6556791 [S] [2016_05_28 12:08:10] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 12:08:10] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 12:08:10] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:08:10] id 6556759 [S] [2016_05_28 12:08:10] name _Daitengu_ [S] [2016_05_28 12:08:10] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:08:11] @ launchpadAppeared 6556759 [S] [2016_05_28 12:08:18] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:08:19] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:08:19] id 6556797 [S] [2016_05_28 12:08:19] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 12:08:21] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:08:21] id 6556785 [S] [2016_05_28 12:08:21] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 12:08:35] ping&FPS: True 0.0359193342073 205.932581672 115.932585159 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:08:35] ping&FPS: False 0.0287530454142 99.9325794367 99.9325794367 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:08:39] ping&FPS: True 0.0474892812116 132.932585904 254.932585904 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:08:39] ping&FPS: False 0.0474130841238 124.932587766 124.932587766 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:08:39] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:08:39] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:08:40] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:08:43] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 12:08:43] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:08:43] id 6556797 [S] [2016_05_28 12:08:43] name LEXYS91 [S] [2016_05_28 12:08:43] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 12:08:43] @ launchpadAppeared 6556797 [S] [2016_05_28 12:08:45] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:08:49] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:08:51] ping&FPS: True 0.0416556330664 222.932473802 151.93247264 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:08:51] ping&FPS: False 0.0261144669993 82.9324706434 82.9324706434 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:08:52] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:08:52] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:08:55] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:08:56] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:08:56] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:08:56] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:08:56] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:08:57] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:08:57] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:08:57] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:08:57] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:08:57] id 6556773 [S] [2016_05_28 12:08:57] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 12:08:58] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 12:08:58] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:08:58] id 6556765 [S] [2016_05_28 12:08:58] name xINGIBITORx [S] [2016_05_28 12:08:58] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 12:08:58] @ launchpadAppeared 6556765 [S] [2016_05_28 12:08:59] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:08:59] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:00] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:00] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:02] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:02] id 6556793 [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:02] name BuchaLeon [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:02] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:02] @ launchpadAppeared 6556793 [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:02] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:02] id 6556777 [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:02] name griiiib [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:02] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:02] @ launchpadAppeared 6556777 [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:04] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:10] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:11] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:12] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:14] ping&FPS: True 0.0370401697499 165.932230109 241.932230109 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:14] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:14] ping&FPS: False 0.0331288608057 96.9322292445 96.9322292445 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:16] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:17] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:17] id 6556793 [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:17] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:18] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:18] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:19] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:19] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:19] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:20] ping&FPS: True 0.0407432051642 160.9322005 227.9322005 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:20] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:20] id 6556761 [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:20] name Krisvels [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:20] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:20] ping&FPS: False 0.0270922588451 115.932182619 115.932182619 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:22] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:22] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:22] id 6556791 [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:22] name bujhml [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:22] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:22] @ launchpadAppeared 6556791 [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:22] ping&FPS: True 0.0446605043752 208.932192394 97.9321860759 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:22] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:22] ping&FPS: False 0.0322437690837 106.932193169 106.932193169 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:23] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:24] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:24] id 6556777 [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:24] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:24] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:25] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:25] ping&FPS: True 0.0355942877276 146.932188639 208.932188639 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:26] ping&FPS: False 0.0492489965899 187.932189652 187.932189652 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:27] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:28] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:28] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:28] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:29] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:29] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:30] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:30] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:32] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:33] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [A] [2016_05_28 12:09:34] CollisionModel::load: Error loading collision model content/gameplay/usa/ship/battleship/ASB037_North_Carolina_1942/ASB037_North_Carolina_1942_MidFront! [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:34] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:34] id 6556773 [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:34] name Pavel_GREY [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:34] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:34] @ launchpadAppeared 6556773 [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:34] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:35] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:37] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:39] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:39] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:39] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:39] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:39] id 6556773 [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:39] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:39] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:39] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:39] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:39] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:40] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:40] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:41] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:42] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence(), ('6332290@wowsru.loc/wows', 'zloy_nyb', 0) [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:42] [NUT] __updateUserPresence contacts 6332290 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:42] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:42] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:42] id 6556777 [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:42] name griiiib [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:42] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:42] @ launchpadAppeared 6556777 [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:43] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:45] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:45] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:47] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence(), ('3480927@wowsru.loc/wows', 'Doc_Maximov', 0) [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:47] [NUT] __updateUserPresence contacts 3480927 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:47] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:48] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:51] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:52] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:52] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:52] id 6556793 [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:52] name BuchaLeon [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:52] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:52] @ launchpadAppeared 6556793 [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:54] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:54] id 6556797 [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:54] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:54] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:54] id 6556765 [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:54] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:55] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:55] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:55] id 6556791 [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:55] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:56] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:56] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:58] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:58] id 6556793 [S] [2016_05_28 12:09:58] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 12:10:02] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 12:10:02] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:10:02] id 6556765 [S] [2016_05_28 12:10:02] name xINGIBITORx [S] [2016_05_28 12:10:02] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 12:10:02] @ launchpadAppeared 6556765 [S] [2016_05_28 12:10:04] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:10:10] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:10:11] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence(), ('6332290@wowsru.loc/wows', 'zloy_nyb', 2) [S] [2016_05_28 12:10:11] [NUT] __updateUserPresence contacts 6332290 2 [S] [2016_05_28 12:10:11] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 12:10:11] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:10:11] id 6556797 [S] [2016_05_28 12:10:11] name LEXYS91 [S] [2016_05_28 12:10:11] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 12:10:11] @ launchpadAppeared 6556797 [S] [2016_05_28 12:10:18] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:10:19] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:10:19] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:10:24] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:10:24] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence(), ('3480927@wowsru.loc/wows', 'Doc_Maximov', 2) [S] [2016_05_28 12:10:24] [NUT] __updateUserPresence contacts 3480927 2 [S] [2016_05_28 12:10:26] ping&FPS: True 0.0437351646168 256.931922534 141.931915799 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:10:26] ping&FPS: False 0.0355794387204 118.931925842 118.931925842 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:10:26] ping&FPS: True 0.0361417936427 200.931930849 118.931925842 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:10:27] ping&FPS: False 0.0318094598395 87.931930372 87.931930372 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:10:30] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 12:10:30] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:10:30] id 6556793 [S] [2016_05_28 12:10:30] name BuchaLeon [S] [2016_05_28 12:10:30] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 12:10:30] @ launchpadAppeared 6556793 [S] [2016_05_28 12:10:32] ping&FPS: True 0.0372689919812 304.931895548 122.931899571 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:10:32] ping&FPS: False 0.0304955499513 117.931896263 117.931896263 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:10:41] ping&FPS: True 0.0384105624897 239.931835601 174.931833514 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:10:41] ping&FPS: False 0.0467301564557 173.931834319 173.931834319 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:10:43] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:10:43] id 6556777 [S] [2016_05_28 12:10:43] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 12:10:44] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 12:10:44] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [A] [2016_05_28 12:10:44] CollisionModel::load: Error loading collision model content/gameplay/usa/ship/battleship/ASB037_North_Carolina_1942/ASB037_North_Carolina_1942_MidFront! [S] [2016_05_28 12:10:45] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:10:45] id 6556773 [S] [2016_05_28 12:10:45] name Pavel_GREY [S] [2016_05_28 12:10:45] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:10:45] @ launchpadAppeared 6556773 [S] [2016_05_28 12:10:45] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:10:45] id 6556777 [S] [2016_05_28 12:10:45] name griiiib [S] [2016_05_28 12:10:45] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 12:10:45] @ launchpadAppeared 6556777 [S] [2016_05_28 12:10:45] ping&FPS: True 0.0451126950128 215.931801149 113.931795546 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:10:45] ping&FPS: False 0.0377058120711 94.931799957 94.931799957 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:10:49] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:10:49] id 6556797 [S] [2016_05_28 12:10:49] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 12:10:53] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:10:53] id 6556793 [S] [2016_05_28 12:10:53] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 12:11:09] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:11:09] id 6556777 [S] [2016_05_28 12:11:09] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 12:11:17] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 12:11:17] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:11:17] id 6556779 [S] [2016_05_28 12:11:17] name JFlint [S] [2016_05_28 12:11:17] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:11:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:11:18] id 6556765 [S] [2016_05_28 12:11:18] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 12:11:19] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 12:11:19] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:11:19] id 6556765 [S] [2016_05_28 12:11:19] name xINGIBITORx [S] [2016_05_28 12:11:19] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 12:11:19] @ launchpadAppeared 6556765 [S] [2016_05_28 12:11:20] ping&FPS: True 0.0425494568689 171.931566478 301.931566478 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:11:20] ping&FPS: False 0.036818358515 130.931571187 130.931571187 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:11:30] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 12:11:30] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:11:30] id 6556797 [S] [2016_05_28 12:11:30] name LEXYS91 [S] [2016_05_28 12:11:30] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 12:11:30] @ launchpadAppeared 6556797 [S] [2016_05_28 12:11:33] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 12:11:33] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:11:33] id 6729203 [S] [2016_05_28 12:11:33] name 777_Omen [S] [2016_05_28 12:11:33] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 12:11:33] @ launchpadAppeared 6729203 [S] [2016_05_28 12:11:34] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:11:34] id 6729203 [S] [2016_05_28 12:11:34] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 12:11:35] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 12:11:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:11:35] id 6556777 [S] [2016_05_28 12:11:35] name griiiib [S] [2016_05_28 12:11:35] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 12:11:35] @ launchpadAppeared 6556777 [S] [2016_05_28 12:11:42] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:11:42] id 6556765 [S] [2016_05_28 12:11:42] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 12:11:45] ping&FPS: True 0.0662272827966 216.931312205 139.931313889 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:11:45] ping&FPS: False 0.0436270343406 43.9313119663 43.9313119663 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:11:47] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 12:11:47] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:11:47] id 6556765 [S] [2016_05_28 12:11:47] name xINGIBITORx [S] [2016_05_28 12:11:47] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 12:11:47] @ launchpadAppeared 6556765 [S] [2016_05_28 12:11:53] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:11:53] id 6556761 [S] [2016_05_28 12:11:54] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 12:11:54] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:11:54] id 6556761 [S] [2016_05_28 12:11:54] name Krisvels [S] [2016_05_28 12:11:54] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 12:11:54] SmokeScreen.onEnterWorld( 2750703 ) [(-522.755, 177.188)] [S] [2016_05_28 12:11:57] ping&FPS: True 0.0444669308407 212.931376771 107.931373523 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:11:57] ping&FPS: False 0.0323739307267 54.9313764734 54.9313764734 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:11:58] ping&FPS: True 0.0798345463617 436.931382553 190.931376116 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:11:58] ping&FPS: False 0.0722570078714 105.931381301 105.931381301 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:12:00] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 12:12:00] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 12:12:01] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:12:01] id 6556793 [S] [2016_05_28 12:12:01] name BuchaLeon [S] [2016_05_28 12:12:01] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 12:12:01] @ launchpadAppeared 6556793 [S] [2016_05_28 12:12:01] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:12:01] id 6556791 [S] [2016_05_28 12:12:01] name bujhml [S] [2016_05_28 12:12:01] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 12:12:01] @ launchpadAppeared 6556791 [S] [2016_05_28 12:12:01] ping&FPS: True 0.0463781537754 277.931347014 122.931349875 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:12:01] ping&FPS: False 0.0412153782589 165.931348146 165.931348146 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:12:10] ping&FPS: True 0.0491757871849 218.93130915 154.931306781 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:12:10] ping&FPS: False 0.02646198443 120.931301163 120.931301163 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:12:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:12:11] id 6556765 [S] [2016_05_28 12:12:11] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 12:12:14] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 12:12:14] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:12:14] id 6729203 [S] [2016_05_28 12:12:14] name 777_Omen [S] [2016_05_28 12:12:14] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 12:12:14] @ launchpadAppeared 6729203 [S] [2016_05_28 12:12:17] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 12:12:17] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:12:17] id 6556765 [S] [2016_05_28 12:12:17] name xINGIBITORx [S] [2016_05_28 12:12:17] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 12:12:17] @ launchpadAppeared 6556765 [S] [2016_05_28 12:12:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:12:18] id 6556793 [S] [2016_05_28 12:12:18] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 12:12:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:12:18] id 6556761 [S] [2016_05_28 12:12:19] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:12:19] id 6729203 [S] [2016_05_28 12:12:19] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 12:12:20] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 12:12:20] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:12:20] id 6556761 [S] [2016_05_28 12:12:20] name Krisvels [S] [2016_05_28 12:12:20] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 12:12:22] ping&FPS: True 0.0446677239878 231.931183801 63.9311867519 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:12:22] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:12:22] id 6556765 [S] [2016_05_28 12:12:22] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 12:12:22] ping&FPS: False 0.0231630461557 126.931182997 126.931182997 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:12:24] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 12:12:24] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:12:24] id 6556777 [S] [2016_05_28 12:12:24] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 12:12:24] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:12:24] id 6556793 [S] [2016_05_28 12:12:24] name BuchaLeon [S] [2016_05_28 12:12:24] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 12:12:24] @ launchpadAppeared 6556793 [S] [2016_05_28 12:12:27] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:12:27] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 12:12:27] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:12:27] id 6729203 [S] [2016_05_28 12:12:27] name 777_Omen [S] [2016_05_28 12:12:27] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 12:12:27] @ launchpadAppeared 6729203 [S] [2016_05_28 12:12:27] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 12:12:27] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:12:27] id 6556777 [S] [2016_05_28 12:12:27] name griiiib [S] [2016_05_28 12:12:27] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 12:12:27] @ launchpadAppeared 6556777 [S] [2016_05_28 12:12:36] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:12:37] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:12:37] id 6556793 [S] [2016_05_28 12:12:37] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 12:12:40] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 12:12:40] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:12:40] id 6556793 [S] [2016_05_28 12:12:40] name BuchaLeon [S] [2016_05_28 12:12:40] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 12:12:40] @ launchpadAppeared 6556793 [S] [2016_05_28 12:12:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:12:40] id 6556777 [S] [2016_05_28 12:12:40] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 12:12:44] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:12:44] id 6556761 [S] [2016_05_28 12:12:52] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:12:54] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:12:55] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 12:12:55] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:12:55] id 6556761 [S] [2016_05_28 12:12:55] name Krisvels [S] [2016_05_28 12:12:55] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 12:12:57] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:12:58] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:12:59] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:12:59] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:12:59] id 6729203 [S] [2016_05_28 12:12:59] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:00] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:00] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:00] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:00] id 6556791 [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:00] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:01] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:01] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:01] id 6556777 [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:01] name griiiib [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:01] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:01] @ launchpadAppeared 6556777 [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:02] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:03] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:03] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:03] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:04] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:05] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:05] id 6556777 [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:05] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:07] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:10] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:10] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:10] id 6729203 [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:10] name 777_Omen [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:10] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:10] @ launchpadAppeared 6729203 [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:10] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:10] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:11] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:11] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:11] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:12] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:12] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:12] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:13] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:14] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:14] id 6556793 [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:14] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:15] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:15] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:15] id 6556793 [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:15] name BuchaLeon [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:15] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:15] @ launchpadAppeared 6556793 [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:16] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:16] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:16] id 6556777 [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:16] name griiiib [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:16] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:16] @ launchpadAppeared 6556777 [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:18] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:19] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:19] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:21] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:21] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:23] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:24] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:24] id 6556773 [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:24] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:25] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:25] id 6556759 [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:25] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:25] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:26] id 6556799 [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:26] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:27] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:28] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:29] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:29] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:34] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:34] id 6556793 [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:34] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:34] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:34] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:34] id 6556779 [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:35] ping&FPS: True 0.0352514045579 145.931610556 230.931610556 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:35] ping&FPS: False 0.0398996727807 139.931614877 139.931614877 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:38] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:39] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:45] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:46] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:46] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:47] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:47] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:48] id 6729203 [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:48] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:50] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:52] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:54] ping&FPS: True 0.0373074146254 227.931703554 112.931703435 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:55] ping&FPS: False 0.0317337619407 116.931705968 116.931705968 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:56] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:56] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:56] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:56] id 6556793 [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:56] name BuchaLeon [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:56] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:56] @ launchpadAppeared 6556793 [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:56] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:56] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:56] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#4329: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:56] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:57] (, 51832695439976, 238): Two time score difference detected. Max Score(1): 555 Min Score(0): 250 User Team Id: 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:57] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Atago_foam_post_death.xml#4332: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:57] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Atago_foam_post_death.xml#4333: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:57] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Atago_foam_post_death.xml#4334: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:59] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:59] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:59] id 6556791 [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:59] name bujhml [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:59] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 12:13:59] @ launchpadAppeared 6556791 [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:00] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:00] id 6556793 [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:00] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:01] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:01] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:01] id 6556789 [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:01] name vz607az [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:01] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:01] @ launchpadAppeared 6556789 [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:04] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:08] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:08] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:08] id 6556793 [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:08] name BuchaLeon [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:08] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:08] @ launchpadAppeared 6556793 [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:10] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:10] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:10] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#4600: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:10] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:10] (, 51832695439976, 326): Two time score difference is reset. Max Score(1): 471 Min Score(0): 320 [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:10] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Baltimore_foam_post_death.xml#4610: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:10] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Baltimore_foam_post_death.xml#4611: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:10] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Baltimore_foam_post_death.xml#4612: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:11] ping&FPS: True 0.0500046195728 201.931829543 138.93182996 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:11] ping&FPS: False 0.0456214355571 95.9318303777 95.9318303777 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:14] ping&FPS: True 0.0432316692812 204.931838156 120.931839944 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:15] ping&FPS: False 0.0400791423661 76.9318377389 76.9318377389 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:15] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:17] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:17] ping&FPS: True 0.0315453665597 210.931819545 139.931816624 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:17] ping&FPS: False 0.0286076026303 123.931821243 123.931821243 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:17] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:17] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:17] id 6729203 [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:17] name 777_Omen [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:17] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:17] @ launchpadAppeared 6729203 [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:18] ping&FPS: True 0.0373073922736 201.931828277 123.931821243 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:18] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:18] ping&FPS: False 0.0374255286796 105.931848274 105.931848274 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:22] ping&FPS: True 0.0497095169766 216.931892814 149.931888909 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:22] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:22] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:22] id 6556791 [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:22] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:22] ping&FPS: False 0.0398290859801 73.9318937673 73.9318937673 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:22] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:22] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:22] id 6556791 [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:22] name bujhml [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:22] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:22] @ launchpadAppeared 6556791 [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:32] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:32] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:32] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:33] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:33] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:33] id 6556771 [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:33] name Yusupdag [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:33] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:33] @ launchpadAppeared 6556771 [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:33] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:34] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:34] id 6556791 [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:34] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:37] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:37] id 6729203 [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:37] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:38] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:40] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#5090: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:42] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Baltimore_foam_post_death.xml#5099: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:42] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Baltimore_foam_post_death.xml#5100: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:42] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Baltimore_foam_post_death.xml#5101: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:42] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#5102: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:42] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Baltimore_foam_post_death.xml#5103: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:42] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Baltimore_foam_post_death.xml#5104: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:42] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Baltimore_foam_post_death.xml#5105: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:42] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#5106: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:43] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:43] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:43] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:43] id 6729203 [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:43] name 777_Omen [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:43] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:43] @ launchpadAppeared 6729203 [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:45] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:45] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:45] id 6556791 [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:45] name bujhml [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:45] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:45] @ launchpadAppeared 6556791 [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:48] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:49] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:49] id 6556793 [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:49] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:49] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:49] id 6556799 [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:49] name unagai_2015 [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:49] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:49] @ launchpadAppeared 6556799 [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:49] ping&FPS: True 0.0395685913307 240.931963937 176.931967275 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:49] ping&FPS: False 0.0422901021583 82.9319669767 82.9319669767 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:51] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#5255: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:53] ping&FPS: True 0.0415305750711 245.931976886 102.931970091 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:53] ping&FPS: False 0.0352840157492 96.9319834424 164.931983442 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:54] ping&FPS: True 0.0299246268613 202.931983889 151.93198228 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:54] ping&FPS: False 0.0270619498832 93.9319843961 93.9319843961 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:59] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#5383: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 12:14:59] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#5384: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 12:15:02] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#5412: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 12:15:04] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 12:15:04] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#5478: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 12:15:06] ping&FPS: True 0.034468654011 223.931906687 124.931907223 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:15:06] ping&FPS: False 0.0285353543503 86.9319041832 86.9319041832 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:15:06] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 12:15:06] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:15:06] id 6556793 [S] [2016_05_28 12:15:06] name BuchaLeon [S] [2016_05_28 12:15:06] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 12:15:06] @ launchpadAppeared 6556793 [S] [2016_05_28 12:15:06] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#5529: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 12:15:06] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#5530: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 12:15:07] ping&FPS: True 0.0411080526454 204.931903498 141.931903423 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:15:07] ping&FPS: False 0.0297236176474 110.931901203 110.931901203 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:15:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:15:10] id 6729203 [S] [2016_05_28 12:15:10] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 12:15:11] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_water_fountains_post_death.xml#5585: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 12:15:11] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_water_fountains_post_death.xml#5586: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 12:15:17] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#5718: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 12:15:18] client.Vehicle.setAmmoArtilleryGun [S] [2016_05_28 12:15:19] ping&FPS: True 0.0472523080451 221.931975172 155.931972311 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:15:19] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:15:19] client.Vehicle.setAmmoArtilleryGun [S] [2016_05_28 12:15:19] ping&FPS: False 0.0300226466996 80.9319754107 80.9319754107 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:15:19] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:15:20] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_water_fountains_post_death.xml#5776: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 12:15:21] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:15:24] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:15:24] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 12:15:24] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 12:15:24] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_post_fire.xml#5843: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 12:15:24] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 12:15:24] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Zao_foam_post_death.xml#5846: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 12:15:24] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Zao_foam_post_death.xml#5847: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 12:15:24] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Zao_foam_post_death.xml#5848: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 12:15:24] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:15:25] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 12:15:25] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:15:25] id 6729203 [S] [2016_05_28 12:15:25] name 777_Omen [S] [2016_05_28 12:15:25] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 12:15:25] @ launchpadAppeared 6729203 [S] [2016_05_28 12:15:27] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:15:27] id 6556791 [S] [2016_05_28 12:15:27] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 12:15:30] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:15:32] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:15:32] ping&FPS: True 0.0352872865541 322.931897075 128.93189256 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:15:32] ping&FPS: False 0.0334674449904 76.9318966581 76.9318966581 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:15:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:15:47] id 6556777 [S] [2016_05_28 12:15:47] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 12:15:48] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 12:15:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:15:48] id 6556777 [S] [2016_05_28 12:15:48] name griiiib [S] [2016_05_28 12:15:48] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 12:15:48] @ launchpadAppeared 6556777 [S] [2016_05_28 12:15:50] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:15:57] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 12:15:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:15:57] id 6556785 [S] [2016_05_28 12:15:57] name troncchaud [S] [2016_05_28 12:15:57] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:15:57] @ launchpadAppeared 6556785 [S] [2016_05_28 12:15:57] ping&FPS: True 0.0323458271367 257.931569965 169.931572379 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:15:58] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 12:15:58] ping&FPS: False 0.0383109631283 110.931580992 110.931580992 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:16:01] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:16:04] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:16:04] id 6556761 [S] [2016_05_28 12:16:10] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:16:15] ping&FPS: True 0.0405451389296 210.93155043 136.931553097 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:16:15] ping&FPS: False 0.0362621577723 96.9315477027 96.9315477027 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:16:16] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:16:18] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 12:16:18] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:16:18] id 6556761 [S] [2016_05_28 12:16:18] name Krisvels [S] [2016_05_28 12:16:18] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 12:16:18] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:16:18] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 12:16:19] ping&FPS: True 0.0324255707008 178.931530864 280.931530864 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:16:19] ping&FPS: False 0.0185377555234 101.931524308 101.931524308 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:16:19] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#6633: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 12:16:22] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 12:16:22] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 12:16:22] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#6726: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 12:16:22] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 12:16:22] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Hipper_foam_post_death.xml#6733: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 12:16:22] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Hipper_foam_post_death.xml#6734: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 12:16:22] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Hipper_foam_post_death.xml#6735: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 12:16:27] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:16:32] client.Vehicle.setAmmoArtilleryGun [S] [2016_05_28 12:16:33] ping&FPS: True 0.0400721388204 207.931602315 94.9315998866 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:16:33] ping&FPS: False 0.0399851011378 113.931602375 113.931602375 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:16:36] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:16:38] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:16:44] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_post_fire.xml#6946: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 12:16:47] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#6959: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 12:16:49] ping&FPS: True 0.0422108503325 201.931534754 152.931529583 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:16:49] ping&FPS: False 0.0356806399567 111.931534485 111.931534485 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:16:50] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:16:51] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#6982: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 12:16:53] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Hipper_foam_post_death.xml#7000: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 12:16:53] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Hipper_foam_post_death.xml#7001: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 12:16:53] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#7002: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 12:16:53] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Hipper_foam_post_death.xml#7003: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 12:16:53] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Hipper_foam_post_death.xml#7004: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 12:16:53] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#7005: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 12:16:54] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Hipper_foam_post_death.xml#7038: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 12:16:54] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Hipper_foam_post_death.xml#7039: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 12:16:56] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#7073: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 12:16:57] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:16:58] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 12:16:58] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:16:58] id 6556791 [S] [2016_05_28 12:16:58] name bujhml [S] [2016_05_28 12:16:58] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 12:16:58] @ launchpadAppeared 6556791 [S] [2016_05_28 12:16:58] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:17:00] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:17:02] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:17:03] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#7191: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 12:17:03] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#7192: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 12:17:03] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#7193: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 12:17:04] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:17:05] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_water_fountains_post_death.xml#7213: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 12:17:06] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:17:06] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:17:06] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:17:07] ping&FPS: True 0.0351621242506 143.931641863 213.931641863 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:17:07] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:17:07] ping&FPS: False 0.0373740526182 129.931644545 129.931644545 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:17:07] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:17:08] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:17:08] id 6729203 [S] [2016_05_28 12:17:08] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 12:17:09] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 12:17:11] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:17:12] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:17:17] (, 51832695439976, 238): Two time score difference detected. Max Score(1): 624 Min Score(0): 285 User Team Id: 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:17:17] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 12:17:17] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 12:17:17] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#7405: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 12:17:17] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 12:17:17] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Izumo_foam_post_death.xml#7406: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 12:17:17] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Izumo_foam_post_death.xml#7407: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 12:17:17] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Izumo_foam_post_death.xml#7408: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 12:17:17] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:17:18] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:17:19] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#7434: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 12:17:19] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#7435: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 12:17:22] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:17:22] id 6556761 [S] [2016_05_28 12:17:22] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:17:23] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_water_fountains_post_death.xml#7480: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 12:17:23] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_water_fountains_post_death.xml#7481: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 12:17:23] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:17:29] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:17:29] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:17:30] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:17:30] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:17:31] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:17:32] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:17:32] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 12:17:32] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:17:32] id 6556781 [S] [2016_05_28 12:17:32] name Skifyyy [S] [2016_05_28 12:17:32] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 12:17:33] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 12:17:33] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:17:33] id 6556761 [S] [2016_05_28 12:17:33] name Krisvels [S] [2016_05_28 12:17:33] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 12:17:34] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 12:17:34] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:17:34] ping&FPS: True 0.0531496512038 253.931736262 111.931735606 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:17:34] ping&FPS: False 0.0508288102491 189.931733878 189.931733878 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:17:36] ping&FPS: True 0.0539412902934 238.931737201 114.931733416 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:17:36] ping&FPS: False 0.0497178541762 118.931739943 118.931739943 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:17:39] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:17:39] ping&FPS: True 0.031177792166 200.931748168 128.931743161 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:17:39] ping&FPS: False 0.0290690170867 120.931747512 120.931747512 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:17:40] ping&FPS: True 0.0410662325365 217.931751416 123.931749211 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:17:40] ping&FPS: False 0.0242952587349 89.9317549927 89.9317549927 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:17:41] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:17:47] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 12:17:47] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 12:17:47] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#7775: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 12:17:47] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Chapaev_foam_post_death.xml#7783: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 12:17:47] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Chapaev_foam_post_death.xml#7784: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 12:17:47] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Chapaev_foam_post_death.xml#7785: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 12:17:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:17:48] id 6556787 [S] [2016_05_28 12:17:48] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 12:17:49] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 12:17:49] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 12:17:49] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#7828: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 12:17:49] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 12:17:49] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_New_Orlean_foam_post_death.xml#7836: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 12:17:49] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_New_Orlean_foam_post_death.xml#7837: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 12:17:49] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_New_Orlean_foam_post_death.xml#7838: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 12:17:50] SmokeScreen.onEnterWorld( 2750704 ) [(-123.271, -86.6345)] [S] [2016_05_28 12:17:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:17:52] id 6556761 [S] [2016_05_28 12:17:52] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#7859: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 12:17:53] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#7862: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 12:17:54] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 12:17:54] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:17:54] id 6556761 [S] [2016_05_28 12:17:54] name Krisvels [S] [2016_05_28 12:17:54] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 12:17:54] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 12:17:54] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 12:17:55] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#7872: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 12:17:56] ping&FPS: True 0.0556096243007 616.931753726 185.931769939 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:17:57] ma3b8627.__instanceWindow: m8adc296 [S] [2016_05_28 12:17:57] ping&FPS: False 0.0509163173182 124.931756423 184.931756423 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:17:58] ping&FPS: True 0.0563175933702 374.931752087 108.931740911 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:17:59] ping&FPS: False 0.0567467468125 170.931746842 170.931746842 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:17:59] ping&FPS: True 0.0569915132863 200.931751849 170.931746842 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:17:59] ping&FPS: False 0.055717165981 104.931752296 104.931752296 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:00] setFpsGathererActive(False) [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:04] ping&FPS: True 0.742357339178 4265.93154244 147.931748436 0 [E] [2016_05_28 12:18:04] Can only call base methods on the connected entity [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:04] [Weather][40172] onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:04] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:04] id 6556757 [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:04] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:04] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:04] id 6556761 [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:04] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:04] id 6556763 [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:04] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:04] Avatar.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:04] (, 70665289920581, 61): Deleted: [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:04] (, 70665289920581, 61): Deleted: [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:04] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:04] id 6556769 [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:04] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:04] id 6556771 [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:04] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:04] id 6556775 [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:04] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:04] id 6556777 [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:04] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:04] id 6556781 [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:04] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:04] id 6556783 [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:04] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:04] id 6556785 [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:04] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:04] id 6556789 [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:04] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:04] id 6556791 [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:04] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:04] id 6556793 [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:04] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:04] id 6556795 [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:04] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:04] id 6556797 [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:04] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:04] id 6556799 [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:04] Account.__init__() [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:04] [Account debuG]: __init__() ONE___VP [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:04] (, 70665289920581, 61): ClientLobbySpace is creating [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:05] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:05] setServerTime -3101.75099993 1464426587 1464423485.25 [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:05] leaveBattleSession() Reason: 0 Info: None [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:05] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:05] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:05] Can't send FPS data: it's empty [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:05] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.onEnterLobbyEvent():, (['34411633@wowsru.loc', '8009484@wowsru.loc', '12414124@wowsru.loc', '4679742@wowsru.loc', 'ids_chat_channel_offtop@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', 'wargamingfm@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', '1559899_1454784666@user-rooms.wows.wowsru.loc', 'ids_chat_channel_questions@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', '63671710@wowsru.loc', '5651230@wowsru.loc', '1559899@wowsru.loc', '48007201@wowsru.loc', '6878512@wowsru.loc', '64052394@wowsru.loc', 'ids_chat_channel_search_div@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', '58574566@wowsru.loc', '4719392_1447787513@user-rooms.wows.wowsru.loc'],) [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:05] (, 70665289920581, 61): onRewardsRestored, ('21 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:05] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:05] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:05] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 0. Boxes contents: [{}] [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:05] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetAchievements, ('989 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:05] [NUT] PlayersAccountsSystem __request, set([47041, 6332290, 427140, 8804682, 8009484, 2715866, 1559899, 63671710, 3480927, 48007201, 5651230, 58574566, 64052394, 12414124, 6878512, 34411633, 2115378, 671987, 22102814, 242294, 756279, 46719994, 448253, 4679742]) [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:07] setServerTime -3104.83699989 1464426592 1464423487.16 [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:07] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:07] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:07] Can't send FPS data: it's empty [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:07] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.onEnterLobbyEvent():, (['34411633@wowsru.loc', '8009484@wowsru.loc', '12414124@wowsru.loc', '4679742@wowsru.loc', 'ids_chat_channel_offtop@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', 'wargamingfm@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', '1559899_1454784666@user-rooms.wows.wowsru.loc', 'ids_chat_channel_questions@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', '63671710@wowsru.loc', '5651230@wowsru.loc', '1559899@wowsru.loc', '48007201@wowsru.loc', '6878512@wowsru.loc', '64052394@wowsru.loc', 'ids_chat_channel_search_div@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', '58574566@wowsru.loc', '4719392_1447787513@user-rooms.wows.wowsru.loc'],) [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:07] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence(), ('', '', 0) [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:07] [NUT] AccountsRequest __response, [(47041, 'WONDERFUL_SHOT', 12, 0, 1463997729), (6332290, 'zloy_nyb', 12, 0, 1464421725), (427140, 'Kapitan_Slip', 12, 0, 1464285451), (8804682, 'mishania1235', 12, 0, 1463925150), (8009484, 'SD_D', 12, 0, 1464117201), (2715866, 'BCEM_PPC', 12, 0, 1464418481), (1559899, 'AIRBORNE_161', 12, 0, 1460114623), (63671710, '6aToH4uK_', 12, 0, 1464380706), (3480927, 'Doc_Maximov', 12, 0, 1464422515), (48007201, 'CRIMEA_Haru6aLLIka', 12, 0, 1463780747), (22102814, 'bagfrag1', 12, 0, 1460487063), (58574566, '1tim1_2015', 12, 0, 1464293769), (64052394, 'Lady_Diana_Diversantka', 12, 0, 1464426499), (12414124, 'M_a_n_t_i_s', 12, 0, 1464199836), (6878512, 'Tylendor', 12, 0, 1464024410), (34411633, 'cblH_BouHa', 12, 0, 1463541667), (2115378, 'longxvost', 12, 0, 1461160136), (671987, 'Skunner', 12, 0, 1464285824), (5651230, 'Shkiper2222', 12, 0, 1464375996), (242294, 'PANZER_DIKLONIUS', 12, 0, 1463333213), (756279, '11Paul11', 12, 0, 1464322496), (46719994, 'yushkov8249', 12, 0, 1463790981), (448253, 'AndRyu_47', 12, 0, 1464425279), (4679742, 'alex30279', 12, 0, 1464276886)] 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:07] (, 70665289920581, 61): ma3b8627.__onNodeReadyForData: invalid windowId 6 [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:07] (, 70665289920581, 61): ma3b8627.__onNodeReadyForStage: invalid windowId 6 [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:09] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:09] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:09] isDone id 10688_q03 count 8 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:09] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:09] isDone id 10688_q01 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:09] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:09] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:09] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:09] isDone id 10688_q03 count 8 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:09] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:09] isDone id 10688_q01 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:09] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:09] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:09] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:09] ping&FPS: True 0.261421855007 0.001 147.931748436 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:09] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': 0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:09] [NUT] InteractiveMessageSystem: __onSelectedMessageChanged selectedEntityId None [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:09] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': -1.0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:09] [NUT] InteractiveMessageSystem: __onSelectedMessageChanged selectedEntityId None [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:11] (, 70665289920581, 61): handleBanInfo:, ({'banId': '14643763953', 'reason': '"\xd0\x98\xd1\x81\xd0\xbf\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbb\xd1\x8c\xd0\xb7\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd1\x80\xd0\xbc\xd0\xb0\xd1\x82\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb9 \xd0\xbb\xd0\xb5\xd0\xba\xd1\x81\xd0\xb8\xd0\xba\xd0\xb8/ \xd0\xbe\xd1\x81\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd1\x80\xd0\xb1\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd1\x8f" \xe2\x80\x93 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd1\x80\xd1\x83\xd1\x88\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xbf\xd1\x83\xd0\xbd\xd0\xba\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0 1 \xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb7\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb0 1 \xd0\x9f\xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb8\xd0\xbb \xd0\xb8\xd0\xb3\xd1\x80\xd1\x8b (R)', 'expiry': 1464635520L},) [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:11] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence(), ('8752339@wowsru.loc/wows', 'ONE___VP', 0) [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:11] ping&FPS: False 0.186504240547 132.931564601 147.931748436 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:23] ping&FPS: True 0.0469383107764 249.932077528 147.931748436 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:23] ping&FPS: False 0.0391019093139 84.9320802851 147.931748436 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:23] ma3b8627.__instanceWindow: m8adc296 [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:25] ping&FPS: True 0.0448639275772 380.932128766 147.931748436 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:25] ping&FPS: False 0.0352359520538 127.932134846 147.931748436 0 [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:26] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:26] (, 70665289920581, 61): Lobby destroy started. [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:26] (, 70665289920581, 61): Lobby successfully destroyed. [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:26] [NUT] InteractiveMessageSystem::outContext [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:26] [NUT] PartySystem::outContext [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:26] clearAll 0 True [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:26] ClubsProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:26] ClubsProxy.cleanup() [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:26] md79a786.onLostConnection [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:26] md79a786.cleanup() [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:26] md3ce6e8.__cleanup [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:26] me7f453e.onLostConnection [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:26] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.__onDisconnected(), (0,) [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:26] (, 70686798305077, 25): PersonalPriceList.clear: [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:26] [NUT] PlayersAccountsSystem.outContext [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:26] [NUT] PartySystem::fini [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:26] [NUT] InteractiveMessageSystem::fini [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:26] (, 70665289920581, 61): ExternalInterfaceCallback "windowsManager.allNodesAddedToState" not found, ((0,),) [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:26] (, 70665289920581, 61): [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:26] (, 70665289920581, 61): ExternalInterfaceCallback "sound.playSetSound" not found, (('default_scrollbar', 'show'),) [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:26] (, 70665289920581, 61): [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:26] (, 70665289920581, 61): ExternalInterfaceCallback "sound.playSetSound" not found, (('default_scrollbar', 'hide'),) [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:26] (, 70665289920581, 61): [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:26] (, 70665289920581, 61): ExternalInterfaceCallback "sound.playSetSound" not found, (('default_button', 'hide'),) [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:26] (, 70665289920581, 61): [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:26] (, 70665289920581, 61): Deleted: [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:26] m16bdb8c.__del__ None [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:26] Camera.fini [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:26] (, 12228058202177, 9): Removing tree nodes [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:26] (, 70686798305077, 25): PersonalPriceList.clear: [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:26] (, 70686798305077, 25): GlobalPriceList.kill: [S] [2016_05_28 12:18:26] [LOGIN] Setting gIsConnected to False ======================================================================== ======================================================================== [S] [2016_05_28 13:11:14] 77764850938185: BWUtil.monkeyPatchOpen: Patching open() [S] [2016_05_28 13:11:15] Default encoding set to utf-8 [S] [2016_05_28 13:11:19] newValue 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:11:26] me7f453e.__init__ [S] [2016_05_28 13:11:26] mc0c471c.__init__ [S] [2016_05_28 13:11:26] ['_c_isPreBattleType', '_c_isSavePoints', '_c_isMyShip', '_c_isModuleHits', '_c_isKillPlanes', '_c_isTopXP', '_c_isKillShips', '_c_isDone', '_c_isDamage', '_c_isAccLevel', '_c_isBattleResult', '_c_isTopGun', '_c_isRibbons', '_c_isAlive', '_c_isBasePoints', '_c_isWeaponHits', '_c_isStartFire', '_c_isLogin', '_c_isBattleType', '_c_isAlways'] [S] [2016_05_28 13:11:26] ['_r_RewardItem', '_r_RewardCrew', '_r_RewardResMul', '_r_RewardReward', '_r_RewardNext', '_r_RewardToken', '_r_RewardResAdd', '_r_RewardShip', '_r_RewardAdd'] [S] [2016_05_28 13:11:28] templater engine startup time 0.00400018692017 [S] [2016_05_28 13:11:40] [INFO] realm_dependent_constants set CURRENT_REALM RU [S] [2016_05_28 13:11:40] (, 35387075733015, 58): GameParams: loading pack ... [S] [2016_05_28 13:11:41] (, 35387075733015, 116): GameParams: numof entries =, (2773,) [S] [2016_05_28 13:11:41] (, 57761716450, 9): Ships list: lookup ... [S] [2016_05_28 13:11:41] (, 57761716450, 708): Ships list: numof ships = , (163,) [S] [2016_05_28 13:11:41] (, 57761716450, 730): Ships list: numof buildings = , (9,) [A] [2016_05_28 13:11:41] content/location/gameplay/building/LYB011/LYB011_dead.model: can't load model prototype: file not found [A] [2016_05_28 13:11:42] content/location/gameplay/building/LYB013/LYB013_dead.model: can't load model prototype: file not found [A] [2016_05_28 13:11:42] content/location/gameplay/building/LYB010/LYB010_dead.model: can't load model prototype: file not found [A] [2016_05_28 13:11:42] content/location/gameplay/building/LYB003/LYB003_dead.model: can't load model prototype: file not found [A] [2016_05_28 13:11:42] content/location/gameplay/building/LYB001/LYB001_dead.model: can't load model prototype: file not found [A] [2016_05_28 13:11:42] content/location/gameplay/building/LYB002/LYB002_dead.model: can't load model prototype: file not found [S] [2016_05_28 13:11:42] precache list ['particles/animated/Explosion4X4.tga', 'particles/animated/Explosion_4X5_cartoon.tga', 'particles/animated/9_smoke_wide_v01_test.tga', 'particles/animated/9_explosion_v19_test_cartoon.tga', 'particles/animated/9_explosion_v19_test.tga', 'particles/animated/Explosion_7X7.tga', 'particles/animated/7_map_8x8_cartoon.tga', 'particles/animated/aCartoon_Smoke_6x6.tga', 'particles/deform16f/water_spray_disturbance.dds', 'particles/animated/misks5X5.tga', 'particles/animated/smoke16x16_cartoon.tga', 'particles/animated/Foam3X3.tga', 'particles/animated/smoke_7x7_3.tga', 'particles/animated/smoke16x16.tga', 'particles/animated/7_map_8x8_v03_test_cartoon.tga', 'particles/animated/9_explosion_v20_test_cartoon.tga', 'particles/animated/ScreenFire_4_8x8.tga', 'particles/deform16f/water_spray_4_defo.dds', 'particles/deform16f/water_spray_1_defo.dds', 'particles/animated/fire_explosion_4x4_cartoon.tga', 'particles/animated/Foam_death_7x7.tga', 'particles/animated/Sahara_4x4.tga', 'particles/deform16f/water_spray_wave.dds', 'particles/animated/snowflakes.tga', 'particles/animated/explosion_02.tga', 'particles/animated/Explosion_5X4.tga', 'particles/animated/7_map_8x8_g_v02_test.tga', 'particles/animated/9_explosion_g_v20_test.tga', 'particles/deform16f/9_gun_wd_ss_03_test.dds', 'particles/animated/smoke_8x8.tga', 'particles/animated/aCartoon5_8x8.tga', 'particles/animated/tail_longX20.tga', 'particles/deform16f/water_spray_5_defo.dds', 'particles/animated/9_smoke_wide_v01_test_cartoon.tga', 'particles/animated/arpeggio1x3_cartoon.tga', 'particles/animated/Clode11x11.tga', 'particles/animated/arp2x2_cartoon.tga', 'particles/deform16f/water_spray_3_defo.dds', 'particles/animated/9_fire_g_v15_test.tga', 'particles/trails/firefly01.tga', 'particles/animated/9_fire_v15_test.tga', 'particles/animated/smoke8X8.tga', 'particles/animated/Wave6x6.tga', 'particles/animated/aPena4_2k_5x5.tga', 'particles/animated/7_map_8x8.tga', 'particles/animated/explosion_02_cartoon.tga', 'particles/animated/Smoke3X2.tga', 'particles/animated/9_explosion_v20_test.tga', 'particles/animated/9_explosion_v20_test_Default_Fire.tga', 'particles/deform16f/water_spray_1_defo_inv.dds', 'particles/animated/metal_parts4X4.tga', 'particles/animated/Explosion_5X4_cartoon.tga', 'particles/animated/Explosion_7X7_cartoon.tga', 'particles/textures/particles.dds', 'particles/animated/Smoke10X9.tga', 'particles/animated/smoke_8x8_3.tga', 'particles/animated/Tail6X1.tga', 'particles/animated/Caustic_big5x5.tga', 'particles/animated/aCartoon3_pyro_8x8.tga', 'particles/animated/drops_shimmer.tga', 'particles/animated/9_sparkles_v09_test.tga', 'particles/deform16f/water_spray_round.dds', 'particles/animated/Smoke10X9_cartoon.tga', 'particles/animated/Explosion3X4.tga', 'particles/animated/Clode_6X10.tga', 'particles/animated/9_explosion_g_v19_test.tga', 'particles/animated/7_map_8x8_v03_test.tga', 'particles/animated/Foam3X3_1.tga', 'particles/animated/raindrops.tga', 'particles/animated/Explosion_4X5.tga', 'particles/deform16f/water_ring3.dds', 'particles/animated/Drop3X3.tga', 'particles/animated/smoke_8x6.tga', 'particles/animated/smoke_7x7.tga', 'particles/deform16f/9_gun_wd_v18_foam_test.dds', 'particles/animated/Mashine5X5.tga', 'particles/animated/fire_explosion_4x4.tga', 'particles/animated/smoke_7x7_cartoon.tga', 'particles/trails/Trail_Gk.tga', 'particles/trails/Trail_Gk_Enemy.tga', 'particles/trails/Trail_Shell_Hat.tga', 'particles/trails/Trail_Shell_Hat_Enemy.tga', 'particles/trails/Trail_smoke.tga', 'sfx/onGroundExplosion127mm.xml', 'sfx/onWaterExplosion127mm.xml', 'particles/trails/Trail_Gk_HE.tga', 'particles/trails/Trail_Gk_HE_Enemy.tga', 'particles/trails/Trail_Shell_Hat_HE.tga', 'particles/trails/Trail_Shell_Hat_HE_Enemy.tga', 'sfx/onGroundExplosion360mm.xml', 'sfx/onWaterExplosion360mm.xml', 'particles/trails/Trail_Pmk.tga', 'particles/trails/Trail_Pmk_Enemy.tga', 'sfx/onGroundExplosionTorpedo.xml', 'sfx/onShipHitTorpedo.xml', 'sfx/onGroundExplosion200.xml', 'sfx/onWaterExplosion200mm.xml', 'sfx/airBomb_ground.xml', 'sfx/airBomb_water.xml', 'particles/trails/Trail_Gk_HE_Fort.tga', 'particles/trails/Trail_Gk_HE_Enemy_Fort.tga', 'particles/trails/Trail_Shell_Hat_HE_Fort.tga', 'particles/trails/Trail_Shell_Hat_HE_Enemy_Fort.tga', 'particles/trails/Trail_smoke_Fort.tga', '/', '', 'particles/trails/Trail_Gk_Fort.tga', 'particles/trails/Trail_Gk_Enemy_Fort.tga', 'particles/trails/Trail_Shell_Hat_Fort.tga', 'particles/trails/Trail_Shell_Hat_Enemy_Fort.tga', 'particles/trails/Trail_Plane_Storm_Enemy.tga', 'particles/trails/Trail_Plane_Enemy.tga'] [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:00] GlobalClientPriceList.__init__: ['20ad1b5107665f539062b9c2e229f2fc', '53a4b6063d372d96dbe92450558163f8', '8d4f62568fe731730087d2d6d9f4fc3a', '3a09f69f2fe8b2997bfe245feb29102a', '13d37cb15dd8c66487452f2ebbcc8edf'] [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:00] m61c661b.init [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:00] m61c661b.__init__ [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:00] CommonClientPriceList.__init__: [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:00] (, 70686798305077, 25): PersonalPriceList.clear: [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:00] me25a579.init [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:00] SSECommonProcessor __init__ [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:00] m16bdb8c.init [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:00] m16bdb8c.__init__ [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:00] md3ce6e8.__cleanup [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:00] Camera.init [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:00] Set QuickCommands Volume 1.0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:00] Set DynamicRange Volume 1.0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:00] Set UI Volume 1.0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:00] Set Shoot Volume 1.0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:00] Set Music Volume 1.0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:00] Set World Volume 1.0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:00] Set Master Volume 1.0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:00] Set Engines Volume 0.579999983311 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:00] Set Sound Volume 1.0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:00] Set Voice Volume 1.0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:02] (, 70665289920581, 61): max resolution : 1600 / 900 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:02] (, 70665289920581, 61): aspect ratio : 1.777778 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:02] self.__listUserFields ['window', 'notUnique', 'context', 'child', 'data', 'artillerGunsLocked', 'torpedoGunsLocked', 'squadronSelected'] [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:03] INIT RLD [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:04] Warning [CommandMapping]: userPrefs hasn't got keyboardControl [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:04] allPrefs {'premiumInfoExpanded': True, 'chatBoxHeight': {'ids_chat_channel_offtop@standard.wowsru.loc': 632.0, '1559899_1454784666@user-rooms.wows.wowsru.loc': 582.0, 'prebattle': 351.0, '11003328_1452950029@user-rooms.wows.wowsru.loc': 494.0, 'ids_chat_channel_questions@standard.wowsru.loc': 600.0, '1270333_1443347595@user-rooms.wowsru.loc': 465.0, '3398733@wowsru.loc': 300.0, '4719392_1447787513@user-rooms.wows.wowsru.loc': 438.0}, 'PBSEconomicsExpand': {'creditsSpentPerBattle': True, 'expModifiers': False, 'expTakenTillDamage': False, 'crewPoints': False}, 'isSmallCarouselView': True, 'notificationsInboxHeight': 363.0, 'elementsGroupExpand': {'channels4d594348414e4e454c53': False, 'NotificationsStats{{__}}arenaIDs{{::}}[12194891086420228L,857057893276542L,10341273395781789L,290624721380466L,10073400580499548L,9991117597043341L,9991353820245356L,671944802824053L,7270895765156413L,1044640589935981L,9312216411535541L,12807950423293195L,384783289418101L,8209440608617976L,9107299226880816L,12200899745681187L,8256577874694979L,800695037466296L,5626365672429969L,5792705460837338L,10147054974672719L,13694027946271814L]{{||}}lastSaved{{::}}1464343388732{{||}}visible{{::}}true{{||}}battlesWin{{::}}15{{||}}averageDamage{{::}}NaN{{||}}damage{{::}}NaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaN{{||}}xp{{::}}41664{{||}}averageXP{{::}}1894{{||}}averageShipsKilled{{::}}1.55{{||}}shipsKilled{{::}}34{{||}}freeXP{{::}}2081{{||}}credits{{::}}3165134{{||}}battlesRate{{::}}68{{||}}battlesTotal{{::}}22': True, 'contacts4944535f434841545f47524f55505f465249454e4453': True, 'channels534841524544': True, 'channels4641564f5249544553': True, 'channels484953544f5259': False}, 'PRMPPositionY': {'PRMP': 192.0}, 'PRMPPositionX': {'PRMP': 341.5}, 'crosshairIndexStatic': 6, 'sseBattleTasksLayout': 0, 'chatBoxWidth': {'ids_chat_channel_offtop@standard.wowsru.loc': 462.0, '1559899_1454784666@user-rooms.wows.wowsru.loc': 628.0, 'prebattle': 550.0, '11003328_1452950029@user-rooms.wows.wowsru.loc': 462.0, 'ids_chat_channel_questions@standard.wowsru.loc': 536.0, '1270333_1443347595@user-rooms.wowsru.loc': 462.0, '3398733@wowsru.loc': 460.0, '4719392_1447787513@user-rooms.wows.wowsru.loc': 468.0}, 'exteriorInset': 1, 'profileInset': 0, 'modernizationInset': 0, 'crosshairIndexDynamic': 0, 'summaryInset': 1, 'showCursorInBattleStats': True, 'chatBoxPositionX': {'48155074@wowsru.loc': 308.0, 'ids_chat_channel_offtop@standard.wows.wowsru.loc': 96.0, '47041@wowsru.loc': 377.0, '48558324_1453236509@user-rooms.wows.wowsru.loc': 6.0, '1559899_1454784666@user-rooms.wows.wowsru.loc': 256.0, 'ids_chat_channel_questions@standard.wows.wowsru.loc': 575.0, 'ids_chat_channel_questions@standard.wowsru.loc': 723.0, '47761865@wowsru.loc': 20.0, '671987@wowsru.loc': 171.0, '927213@wowsru.loc': 228.0, '4719392_1447787513@user-rooms.wows.wowsru.loc': 434.0, 'ids_chat_channel_offtop@standard.wowsru.loc': 800.0, '756279@wowsru.loc': 329.0, '17121185@wowsru.loc': 263.0, '1270333_1443347595@user-rooms.wowsru.loc': 67.0, '4364734@wowsru.loc': 383.0, '63192949_1453554846@user-rooms.wows.wowsru.loc': 6.0, '11003328_1452950029@user-rooms.wows.wowsru.loc': 645.0, 'wargamingfm@standard.wows.wowsru.loc': 320.0, '62346392@wowsru.loc': 213.0, '427140@wowsru.loc': 132.0, 'team-151@teams.wows.wowsru.loc': 228.0, '2115378@wowsru.loc': 383.0, '3398733@wowsru.loc': 325.0, '34411633@wowsru.loc': 197.0, '8009484@wowsru.loc': 347.0, 'prebattle': 490.0, '871071@wowsru.loc': 408.0, '48007201@wowsru.loc': 457.0}, 'chatBoxPositionY': {'48155074@wowsru.loc': 175.0, 'ids_chat_channel_offtop@standard.wows.wowsru.loc': 134.0, '47041@wowsru.loc': 166.0, '48558324_1453236509@user-rooms.wows.wowsru.loc': 129.0, '1559899_1454784666@user-rooms.wows.wowsru.loc': 84.0, 'ids_chat_channel_questions@standard.wows.wowsru.loc': 124.0, 'ids_chat_channel_questions@standard.wowsru.loc': 27.0, '47761865@wowsru.loc': 200.0, '671987@wowsru.loc': 193.0, '927213@wowsru.loc': 243.0, '4719392_1447787513@user-rooms.wows.wowsru.loc': 84.0, 'ids_chat_channel_offtop@standard.wowsru.loc': 9.0, '756279@wowsru.loc': 193.0, '17121185@wowsru.loc': 219.0, '1270333_1443347595@user-rooms.wowsru.loc': 70.0, '4364734@wowsru.loc': 156.0, '63192949_1453554846@user-rooms.wows.wowsru.loc': 232.0, '11003328_1452950029@user-rooms.wows.wowsru.loc': 44.0, 'wargamingfm@standard.wows.wowsru.loc': 256.0, '62346392@wowsru.loc': 255.0, '427140@wowsru.loc': 147.0, 'team-151@teams.wows.wowsru.loc': 138.0, '2115378@wowsru.loc': 257.0, '3398733@wowsru.loc': 132.0, '34411633@wowsru.loc': 82.0, '8009484@wowsru.loc': 277.0, 'prebattle': 76.0, '871071@wowsru.loc': 256.0, '48007201@wowsru.loc': 332.0}, 'crosshairIsDynamic': False, 'commentWantTo_division': '', 'showOwnShipInCompare': False, 'sseChallengesLayout': 0, 'curRowCountIndex': 0, 'contactsInset': 1, 'commentWantTo_party': '', 'shipCarouselSortIndex': 0, 'IMPositionX': {'IM': 907.0}, 'IMPositionY': {'IM': 72.0}} [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:04] [NUT] PlayersAccountsSystem.inContext [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:04] [WARNING] Allowing file IO from main thread [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:09] ma3b8627.__instanceWindow: mb3d6a3e [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:11] ON LOGIN BUTTON [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:12] ma3b8627.__instanceWindow: mae98053 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:12] [LOGIN] Positive, serverMsg: {"security_msg":"old_pass","token2":"8752339:3876816155254116260:268214149044852630499234358278730839008"}, status: LOGGED_ON [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:12] [LOGIN] Setting gIsConnected to True [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:12] Account.__init__() [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:12] [Account debuG]: __init__() ONE___VP [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:12] (, 70686798305077, 25): PersonalPriceList.getHashInfo: (['d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e'], ['20ad1b5107665f539062b9c2e229f2fc', '53a4b6063d372d96dbe92450558163f8', '8d4f62568fe731730087d2d6d9f4fc3a', '3a09f69f2fe8b2997bfe245feb29102a', '13d37cb15dd8c66487452f2ebbcc8edf']) [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:12] (, 70665289920581, 61): _getAccountData, ('lang: %s; clientType: %s; installationID: %s', 'ru', 1, 'B5CD9768E18665232A2123AE2A2123AEAA578B54') [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:13] setServerTime -3107.977 1464429841 1464426733.02 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:13] (, 70665289920581, 61): onRewardsRestored, ('21 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:13] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:13] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:13] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 0. Boxes contents: [{}] [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:13] md3ce6e8.onUpdate 0 0 [None, None, None] [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:13] Daily.update: {'rewards': {}, 'pdata': {'isSeen': True, 'timeToChange': 1464566400.0}, 'condition': ('empty', {}), 'desc': (0, 0, 0, 0, 0)} [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:13] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464566400.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 0, 'condition': ()} [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:13] md3ce6e8.onUpdate 1 1 [dailyId 0 type 0 desc {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464566400.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 0, 'condition': ()} , None, None] [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:13] Daily.update: {'rewards': {}, 'pdata': {'isSeen': True, 'timeToChange': 1464480000.0}, 'condition': ('empty', {}), 'desc': (1, 0, 0, 0, 1)} [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:13] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464566400.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 0, 'condition': ()} [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:13] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464480000.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 1, 'condition': ()} [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:13] md3ce6e8.onUpdate 2 39 [dailyId 0 type 0 desc {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464566400.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 0, 'condition': ()} , dailyId 1 type 0 desc {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464480000.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 1, 'condition': ()} , None] [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:13] Daily.update: {'rewards': {'addResFreeXP': {'value': '500'}}, 'pdata': {'count': 0, 'isSeen': True, 'timeToChange': 1464393600.0, 'reward': 'addResFreeXP'}, 'condition': ('torpHits', {'count': '4', 'division': '0', 'countBattle': '1'}), 'desc': (39, 1, 6, 390, 2)} [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:13] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464566400.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 0, 'condition': ()} [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:13] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464480000.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 1, 'condition': ()} [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:13] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {5: '500'}, 'title': 390, 'iconId': 6, 'timeToChange': 1464393600.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 2, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 39, 'condition': (6, '1', ('4', 0))} [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:13] Available Maps: spaces/i01_tutorial spaces/00_CO_ocean spaces/01_solomon_islands spaces/08_NE_passage spaces/13_OC_new_dawn spaces/10_NE_big_race spaces/14_Atlantic spaces/15_NE_north spaces/17_NA_fault_line spaces/18_NE_ice_islands spaces/34_OC_islands spaces/16_OC_bees_to_honey spaces/19_OC_prey spaces/20_NE_two_brothers spaces/22_tierra_del_fuego spaces/35_NE_north_winter spaces/38_Canada spaces/28_naval_mission spaces/37_Ridge spaces/40_Okinawa spaces/41_Conquest spaces/46_Estuary spaces/42_Neighbors spaces/33_new_tierraAvailable Scenarios: MapSetting: mapId=0, mapName='spaces/i01_tutorial', logic='Offline', gameMode='Tutorial', scenario='Default_test', scenarioConfigId=0, matchGroup=tutorial MapSetting: mapId=1, mapName='spaces/00_CO_ocean', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination', scenarioConfigId=1, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=1, mapName='spaces/00_CO_ocean', logic='Domination', gameMode='StandDom', scenario='Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=2, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=1, mapName='spaces/00_CO_ocean', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Ranked Domination', scenarioConfigId=3, matchGroup=ranked MapSetting: mapId=1, mapName='spaces/00_CO_ocean', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ0', scenarioConfigId=4, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=1, mapName='spaces/00_CO_ocean', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ2', scenarioConfigId=5, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=1, mapName='spaces/00_CO_ocean', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ4', scenarioConfigId=6, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=1, mapName='spaces/00_CO_ocean', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish_Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=7, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=1, mapName='spaces/00_CO_ocean', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish Domination', scenarioConfigId=8, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=2, mapName='spaces/01_solomon_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination', scenarioConfigId=9, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=2, mapName='spaces/01_solomon_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish Domination', scenarioConfigId=10, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=2, mapName='spaces/01_solomon_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='StandDom', scenario='Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=11, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=2, mapName='spaces/01_solomon_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish_Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=12, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=2, mapName='spaces/01_solomon_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Ranked Domination', scenarioConfigId=13, matchGroup=ranked MapSetting: mapId=2, mapName='spaces/01_solomon_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ0', scenarioConfigId=14, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=2, mapName='spaces/01_solomon_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ2', scenarioConfigId=15, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=2, mapName='spaces/01_solomon_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ4', scenarioConfigId=16, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=3, mapName='spaces/08_NE_passage', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination', scenarioConfigId=17, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=3, mapName='spaces/08_NE_passage', logic='Domination', gameMode='StandDom', scenario='Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=18, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=3, mapName='spaces/08_NE_passage', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Ranked Domination', scenarioConfigId=19, matchGroup=ranked MapSetting: mapId=3, mapName='spaces/08_NE_passage', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ0', scenarioConfigId=20, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=3, mapName='spaces/08_NE_passage', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ2', scenarioConfigId=21, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=3, mapName='spaces/08_NE_passage', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ4', scenarioConfigId=22, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=3, mapName='spaces/08_NE_passage', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish Domination', scenarioConfigId=23, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=3, mapName='spaces/08_NE_passage', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish_Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=24, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=4, mapName='spaces/13_OC_new_dawn', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination', scenarioConfigId=25, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=4, mapName='spaces/13_OC_new_dawn', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Ranked Domination', scenarioConfigId=26, matchGroup=ranked MapSetting: mapId=4, mapName='spaces/13_OC_new_dawn', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ0', scenarioConfigId=27, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=4, mapName='spaces/13_OC_new_dawn', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ2', scenarioConfigId=28, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=4, mapName='spaces/13_OC_new_dawn', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ4', scenarioConfigId=29, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=4, mapName='spaces/13_OC_new_dawn', logic='Domination', gameMode='StandDom', scenario='Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=30, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=4, mapName='spaces/13_OC_new_dawn', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish Domination', scenarioConfigId=31, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=4, mapName='spaces/13_OC_new_dawn', logic='Domination', gameMode='StandDom', scenario='Skirmish_Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=32, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=5, mapName='spaces/10_NE_big_race', logic='Default', gameMode='MegaBase', scenario='MegaBase', scenarioConfigId=33, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=5, mapName='spaces/10_NE_big_race', logic='Default', gameMode='MegaBase', scenario='Skirmish_MegaBase', scenarioConfigId=34, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=5, mapName='spaces/10_NE_big_race', logic='Domination', gameMode='StandDom', scenario='Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=35, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=5, mapName='spaces/10_NE_big_race', logic='Domination', gameMode='StandDom', scenario='Skirmish_Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=36, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=5, mapName='spaces/10_NE_big_race', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Ranked Domination', scenarioConfigId=37, matchGroup=ranked MapSetting: mapId=5, mapName='spaces/10_NE_big_race', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ0', scenarioConfigId=38, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=5, mapName='spaces/10_NE_big_race', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ2', scenarioConfigId=39, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=5, mapName='spaces/10_NE_big_race', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ4', scenarioConfigId=40, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=6, mapName='spaces/14_Atlantic', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination', scenarioConfigId=41, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=6, mapName='spaces/14_Atlantic', logic='Domination', gameMode='StandDom', scenario='Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=42, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=6, mapName='spaces/14_Atlantic', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Ranked Domination', scenarioConfigId=43, matchGroup=ranked MapSetting: mapId=6, mapName='spaces/14_Atlantic', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ0', scenarioConfigId=44, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=6, mapName='spaces/14_Atlantic', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ2', scenarioConfigId=45, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=6, mapName='spaces/14_Atlantic', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ4', scenarioConfigId=46, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=6, mapName='spaces/14_Atlantic', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish Domination', scenarioConfigId=47, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=6, mapName='spaces/14_Atlantic', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish_Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=48, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=7, mapName='spaces/15_NE_north', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination', scenarioConfigId=49, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=7, mapName='spaces/15_NE_north', logic='Domination', gameMode='StandDom', scenario='Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=50, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=7, mapName='spaces/15_NE_north', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Ranked Domination', scenarioConfigId=51, matchGroup=ranked MapSetting: mapId=7, mapName='spaces/15_NE_north', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ0', scenarioConfigId=52, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=7, mapName='spaces/15_NE_north', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ2', scenarioConfigId=53, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=7, mapName='spaces/15_NE_north', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ4', scenarioConfigId=54, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=7, mapName='spaces/15_NE_north', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish Domination', scenarioConfigId=55, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=7, mapName='spaces/15_NE_north', logic='Domination', gameMode='StandDom', scenario='Skirmish_Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=56, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=8, mapName='spaces/17_NA_fault_line', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination', scenarioConfigId=57, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=8, mapName='spaces/17_NA_fault_line', logic='Domination', gameMode='StandDom', scenario='Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=58, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=8, mapName='spaces/17_NA_fault_line', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Ranked Domination', scenarioConfigId=59, matchGroup=ranked MapSetting: mapId=8, mapName='spaces/17_NA_fault_line', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ4', scenarioConfigId=60, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=8, mapName='spaces/17_NA_fault_line', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ2', scenarioConfigId=61, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=8, mapName='spaces/17_NA_fault_line', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ0', scenarioConfigId=62, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=8, mapName='spaces/17_NA_fault_line', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish Domination', scenarioConfigId=63, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=8, mapName='spaces/17_NA_fault_line', logic='Domination', gameMode='StandDom', scenario='Skirmish_Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=64, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=9, mapName='spaces/18_NE_ice_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination', scenarioConfigId=65, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=9, mapName='spaces/18_NE_ice_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='StandDom', scenario='Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=66, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=9, mapName='spaces/18_NE_ice_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Ranked Domination', scenarioConfigId=67, matchGroup=ranked MapSetting: mapId=9, mapName='spaces/18_NE_ice_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ0', scenarioConfigId=68, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=9, mapName='spaces/18_NE_ice_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ2', scenarioConfigId=69, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=9, mapName='spaces/18_NE_ice_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ4', scenarioConfigId=70, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=9, mapName='spaces/18_NE_ice_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish Domination', scenarioConfigId=71, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=9, mapName='spaces/18_NE_ice_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish_Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=72, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=10, mapName='spaces/34_OC_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='StandDom', scenario='Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=73, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=10, mapName='spaces/34_OC_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination', scenarioConfigId=74, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=10, mapName='spaces/34_OC_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish Domination', scenarioConfigId=75, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=10, mapName='spaces/34_OC_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='StandDom', scenario='Skirmish_Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=76, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=11, mapName='spaces/16_OC_bees_to_honey', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination', scenarioConfigId=77, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=11, mapName='spaces/16_OC_bees_to_honey', logic='Domination', gameMode='StandDom', scenario='Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=78, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=11, mapName='spaces/16_OC_bees_to_honey', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Ranked Domination', scenarioConfigId=79, matchGroup=ranked MapSetting: mapId=11, mapName='spaces/16_OC_bees_to_honey', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ0', scenarioConfigId=80, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=11, mapName='spaces/16_OC_bees_to_honey', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ2', scenarioConfigId=81, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=11, mapName='spaces/16_OC_bees_to_honey', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ4', scenarioConfigId=82, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=11, mapName='spaces/16_OC_bees_to_honey', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish Domination', scenarioConfigId=83, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=11, mapName='spaces/16_OC_bees_to_honey', logic='Domination', gameMode='StandDom', scenario='Skirmish_Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=84, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=12, mapName='spaces/19_OC_prey', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination', scenarioConfigId=85, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=12, mapName='spaces/19_OC_prey', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=86, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=12, mapName='spaces/19_OC_prey', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Ranked Domination', scenarioConfigId=87, matchGroup=ranked MapSetting: mapId=12, mapName='spaces/19_OC_prey', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ0', scenarioConfigId=88, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=12, mapName='spaces/19_OC_prey', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ2', scenarioConfigId=89, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=12, mapName='spaces/19_OC_prey', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ4', scenarioConfigId=90, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=12, mapName='spaces/19_OC_prey', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish Domination', scenarioConfigId=91, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=13, mapName='spaces/20_NE_two_brothers', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination', scenarioConfigId=92, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=13, mapName='spaces/20_NE_two_brothers', logic='Domination', gameMode='StandDom', scenario='Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=93, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=13, mapName='spaces/20_NE_two_brothers', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish Domination', scenarioConfigId=94, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=13, mapName='spaces/20_NE_two_brothers', logic='Domination', gameMode='StandDom', scenario='Skirmish_Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=95, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=14, mapName='spaces/22_tierra_del_fuego', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination', scenarioConfigId=96, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=14, mapName='spaces/22_tierra_del_fuego', logic='Domination', gameMode='StandDom', scenario='Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=97, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=14, mapName='spaces/22_tierra_del_fuego', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Ranked Domination', scenarioConfigId=98, matchGroup=ranked MapSetting: mapId=14, mapName='spaces/22_tierra_del_fuego', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ0', scenarioConfigId=99, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=14, mapName='spaces/22_tierra_del_fuego', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ2', scenarioConfigId=100, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=14, mapName='spaces/22_tierra_del_fuego', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ4', scenarioConfigId=101, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=14, mapName='spaces/22_tierra_del_fuego', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish Domination', scenarioConfigId=102, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=14, mapName='spaces/22_tierra_del_fuego', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish_Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=103, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=15, mapName='spaces/35_NE_north_winter', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination', scenarioConfigId=104, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=15, mapName='spaces/35_NE_north_winter', logic='Domination', gameMode='StandDom', scenario='Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=105, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=15, mapName='spaces/35_NE_north_winter', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Ranked Domination', scenarioConfigId=106, matchGroup=ranked MapSetting: mapId=15, mapName='spaces/35_NE_north_winter', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ0', scenarioConfigId=107, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=15, mapName='spaces/35_NE_north_winter', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ2', scenarioConfigId=108, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=15, mapName='spaces/35_NE_north_winter', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ4', scenarioConfigId=109, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=15, mapName='spaces/35_NE_north_winter', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish Domination', scenarioConfigId=110, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=15, mapName='spaces/35_NE_north_winter', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish_Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=111, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=16, mapName='spaces/38_Canada', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination', scenarioConfigId=112, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=16, mapName='spaces/38_Canada', logic='Domination', gameMode='StandDom', scenario='Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=113, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=16, mapName='spaces/38_Canada', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Ranked Domination', scenarioConfigId=114, matchGroup=ranked MapSetting: mapId=16, mapName='spaces/38_Canada', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ0', scenarioConfigId=115, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=16, mapName='spaces/38_Canada', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ2', scenarioConfigId=116, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=16, mapName='spaces/38_Canada', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ4', scenarioConfigId=117, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=16, mapName='spaces/38_Canada', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish Domination', scenarioConfigId=118, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=16, mapName='spaces/38_Canada', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish_Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=119, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=17, mapName='spaces/28_naval_mission', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination', scenarioConfigId=120, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=17, mapName='spaces/28_naval_mission', logic='Domination', gameMode='StandDom', scenario='Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=121, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=17, mapName='spaces/28_naval_mission', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Ranked Domination', scenarioConfigId=122, matchGroup=ranked MapSetting: mapId=17, mapName='spaces/28_naval_mission', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ0', scenarioConfigId=123, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=17, mapName='spaces/28_naval_mission', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ2', scenarioConfigId=124, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=17, mapName='spaces/28_naval_mission', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ4', scenarioConfigId=125, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=17, mapName='spaces/28_naval_mission', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish Domination', scenarioConfigId=126, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=17, mapName='spaces/28_naval_mission', logic='Domination', gameMode='StandDom', scenario='Skirmish_Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=127, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=18, mapName='spaces/37_Ridge', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination', scenarioConfigId=128, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=18, mapName='spaces/37_Ridge', logic='Domination', gameMode='StandDom', scenario='Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=129, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=18, mapName='spaces/37_Ridge', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish Domination', scenarioConfigId=130, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=18, mapName='spaces/37_Ridge', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish_Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=131, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=19, mapName='spaces/40_Okinawa', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination', scenarioConfigId=132, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=19, mapName='spaces/40_Okinawa', logic='Domination', gameMode='StandDom', scenario='Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=133, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=19, mapName='spaces/40_Okinawa', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish Domination', scenarioConfigId=134, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=19, mapName='spaces/40_Okinawa', logic='Domination', gameMode='StandDom', scenario='Skirmish_Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=135, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=20, mapName='spaces/41_Conquest', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination', scenarioConfigId=136, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=20, mapName='spaces/41_Conquest', logic='Domination', gameMode='StandDom', scenario='Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=137, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=20, mapName='spaces/41_Conquest', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish Domination', scenarioConfigId=138, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=20, mapName='spaces/41_Conquest', logic='Domination', gameMode='StandDom', scenario='Skirmish_Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=139, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=21, mapName='spaces/46_Estuary', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination', scenarioConfigId=140, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=21, mapName='spaces/46_Estuary', logic='Domination', gameMode='StandDom', scenario='Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=141, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=21, mapName='spaces/46_Estuary', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish Domination', scenarioConfigId=142, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=21, mapName='spaces/46_Estuary', logic='Domination', gameMode='StandDom', scenario='Skirmish_Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=143, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=22, mapName='spaces/42_Neighbors', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination', scenarioConfigId=144, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=22, mapName='spaces/42_Neighbors', logic='Domination', gameMode='StandDom', scenario='Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=145, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=22, mapName='spaces/42_Neighbors', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish Domination', scenarioConfigId=146, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=22, mapName='spaces/42_Neighbors', logic='Domination', gameMode='StandDom', scenario='Skirmish_Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=147, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=23, mapName='spaces/33_new_tierra', logic='Domination', gameMode='StandDom', scenario='Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=148, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=23, mapName='spaces/33_new_tierra', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination', scenarioConfigId=149, matchGroup=pvp MapSetting: mapId=23, mapName='spaces/33_new_tierra', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish Domination', scenarioConfigId=150, matchGroup=pve MapSetting: mapId=23, mapName='spaces/33_new_tierra', logic='Domination', gameMode='StandDom', scenario='Skirmish_Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=151, matchGroup=pve [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:13] initBattleTypes called [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:13] Disabled maps: [] [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:13] getNationForTutorial() CanBeStarted: False [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:13] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetAchievements, ('996 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:13] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, ('770 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:13] (, 70665289920581, 61): onClubResponse, ('19 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:13] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetPrices, ('1838 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:13] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetPrices, ('num = 4',) [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:13] onUpdatePrice: PRICE[4280203248:3]: None/63750/None [85000 -21250] {0: {}, 1: {}, 2: {}, 3: {}, 10: {}} [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:13] onUpdatePrice: PRICE[4284364496:3]: None/97500/None [130000 -32500] {0: {}, 1: {}, 2: {}, 3: {}, 10: {}} [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:13] onUpdatePrice: PRICE[4281284304:3]: None/69000/None [92000 -23000] {0: {}, 1: {}, 2: {}, 3: {}, 10: {}} [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:13] onUpdatePrice: PRICE[4276041712:3]: None/105000/None [140000 -35000] {0: {}, 1: {}, 2: {}, 3: {}, 10: {}} [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:13] onUpdatePrice: PRICE[4285445840:3]: None/64125/None [85500 -21375] {0: {}, 1: {}, 2: {}, 3: {}, 10: {}} [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:13] onUpdatePrice: PRICE[4277090288:3]: None/168750/None [225000 -56250] {0: {}, 1: {}, 2: {}, 3: {}, 10: {}} [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:13] onUpdatePrice: PRICE[4182652368:3]: None/97500/None [130000 -32500] {0: {}, 1: {}, 2: {}, 3: {}, 10: {}} [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:13] onUpdatePrice: PRICE[4279219920:3]: None/123750/None [165000 -41250] {0: {}, 1: {}, 2: {}, 3: {}, 10: {}} [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:13] onUpdatePrice: PRICE[4179539408:3]: None/165000/None [220000 -55000] {0: {}, 1: {}, 2: {}, 3: {}, 10: {}} [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:13] onUpdatePrice: PRICE[4286461936:3]: None/58500/None [78000 -19500] {0: {}, 1: {}, 2: {}, 3: {}, 10: {}} [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:13] onUpdatePrice: PRICE[4180587984:3]: None/105000/None [140000 -35000] {0: {}, 1: {}, 2: {}, 3: {}, 10: {}} [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:13] onUpdatePrice: PRICE[4259231440:3]: None/165000/None [220000 -55000] {0: {}, 1: {}, 2: {}, 3: {}, 10: {}} [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:13] onUpdatePrice: PRICE[4282365648:3]: None/75000/None [100000 -25000] {0: {}, 1: {}, 2: {}, 3: {}, 10: {}} [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:13] onUpdatePrice: PRICE[4277057520:3]: None/97500/None [130000 -32500] {0: {}, 1: {}, 2: {}, 3: {}, 10: {}} [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:13] onUpdatePrice: PRICE[4282267344:3]: None/142500/None [190000 -47500] {0: {}, 1: {}, 2: {}, 3: {}, 10: {}} [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:13] onUpdatePrice: PRICE[4179539760:3]: None/165000/None [220000 -55000] {0: {}, 1: {}, 2: {}, 3: {}, 10: {}} [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:13] onUpdatePrice: PRICE[4279220208:3]: None/195000/None [260000 -65000] {0: {}, 1: {}, 2: {}, 3: {}, 10: {}} [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:13] onUpdatePrice: PRICE[4181636912:3]: None/63750/None [85000 -21250] {0: {}, 1: {}, 2: {}, 3: {}, 10: {}} [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:13] onUpdatePrice: PRICE[4180588336:3]: None/105000/None [140000 -35000] {0: {}, 1: {}, 2: {}, 3: {}, 10: {}} [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:13] onUpdatePrice: PRICE[4277122768:3]: None/195000/None [260000 -65000] {0: {}, 1: {}, 2: {}, 3: {}, 10: {}} [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:13] onUpdatePrice: PRICE[4273911792:3]: None/165000/None [220000 -55000] {0: {}, 1: {}, 2: {}, 3: {}, 10: {}} [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:13] onUpdatePrice: PRICE[4282333168:3]: None/69000/None [92000 -23000] {0: {}, 1: {}, 2: {}, 3: {}, 10: {}} [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:13] onUpdatePrice: PRICE[4281317360:3]: None/123750/None [165000 -41250] {0: {}, 1: {}, 2: {}, 3: {}, 10: {}} [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:13] onUpdatePrice: PRICE[4276041424:3]: None/168750/None [225000 -56250] {0: {}, 1: {}, 2: {}, 3: {}, 10: {}} [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:13] onUpdatePrice: PRICE[FIRST_WIN_XP_Coef:3]: None/2/5 [2 0] {0: {}, 1: {}, 2: {}, 3: {}, 10: {}} [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:13] onUpdatePrice: PRICE[4282365936:3]: None/75000/None [100000 -25000] {0: {}, 1: {}, 2: {}, 3: {}, 10: {}} [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:13] onUpdatePrice: PRICE[4272895696:3]: None/105000/None [140000 -35000] {0: {}, 1: {}, 2: {}, 3: {}, 10: {}} [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:13] onUpdatePrice: PRICE[4287510224:3]: None/58500/None [78000 -19500] {0: {}, 1: {}, 2: {}, 3: {}, 10: {}} [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:13] onUpdatePrice: PRICE[4282300112:3]: None/105000/None [140000 -35000] {0: {}, 1: {}, 2: {}, 3: {}, 10: {}} [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:13] onUpdatePrice: PRICE[4281219056:3]: None/142500/None [190000 -47500] {0: {}, 1: {}, 2: {}, 3: {}, 10: {}} [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:13] onUpdatePrice: PRICE[4181636560:3]: None/64125/None [85500 -21375] {0: {}, 1: {}, 2: {}, 3: {}, 10: {}} [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:13] onUpdatePrice: PRICE[4272830448:3]: None/97500/None [130000 -32500] {0: {}, 1: {}, 2: {}, 3: {}, 10: {}} [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:13] onUpdatePrice: PRICE[4181603792:3]: None/60000/None [80000 -20000] {0: {}, 1: {}, 2: {}, 3: {}, 10: {}} [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:13] onUpdatePrice: PRICE[4179506640:3]: None/150000/None [200000 -50000] {0: {}, 1: {}, 2: {}, 3: {}, 10: {}} [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:14] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetAccountStats, ('1674 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:14] __processDossierStats() client dossier: ['pvp', 'pve_diag', 'rank_diag', 'club', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'max_pve', 'pvp_diag', 'pve', 'max_club', 'max_pvp', 'total', 'club_diag'] [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:14] mc0c471c.onGetAccountStats(): (-1, -1) (12, 13285529) [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:14] md79a786.onGetAccountStats() {'accSeen': 12, 'clanInfo': None, 'denunciationsLeft': 7, 'tkillIsSuspected': False, 'accTier': 12, 'dossier': '\x07\x00\x18\x00`\x00P\x048\x00`\x00<\x008\x00`\x00`\x00`\x00`\x00\x00\x00\x00\x008\x008\x008\x008\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00`\x00`\x00`\x008\x008\x008\x00\xc0\x00`\x008\x00\x18\x00 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'clubsCreated': 0, 'praisesLeft': 7, 'karma': 170, 'accPoints': 13285529, 'accSeenFeat': 778538} [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:14] (, 70665289920581, 61): receiveActionsAdd, ('825 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:14] actionsAdd {'tasks': {'10688_q02': {'rewards': {('_r_RewardItem', 0): {'count': 5, 'total': False, 'idx': 4291653552L}, ('_r_RewardItem', 1): {'count': 5, 'total': False, 'idx': 4289556400L}}, 'stop': 1464587400.0, 'start': 1464328200.0, 'limit': 0, 'conditions': {('_c_isKillShips', 2): {'count': 5, 'shipInfo': {'class': ['Destroyer']}}, ('_c_isMyShip', 1): {'shipInfo': {'level': [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]}}, ('_c_isKillShips', 3): {'count': 2, 'shipInfo': {'class': ['AirCarrier']}}, ('_c_isBattleType', 0): {'battleType': [0, 5, 4]}}, 'desc': {'isSingle': 0, 'name': {'ru': u'\u0411\u0435\u0433\u043b\u044b\u0439 \u043e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c'}, 'iconId': 29, 'id': '10688_q02', 'peculiarity': '', 'limit': 0, 'hidden': 0, 'until': 1467244800.0, 'stepped': 0}}, '10688_q03': {'rewards': {('_r_RewardItem', 0): {'count': 3, 'total': False, 'idx': 4284653488L}}, 'stop': 1464587400.0, 'start': 1464328200.0, 'limit': 0, 'conditions': {('_c_isKillShips', 2): {'count': 3, 'shipInfo': None}, ('_c_isMyShip', 1): {'shipInfo': {'level': [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]}}, ('_c_isBattleType', 0): {'battleType': [0, 5, 4]}}, 'desc': {'isSingle': 1, 'name': {'ru': u'\u0411\u043e\u0435\u0432\u0430\u044f \u044d\u0444\u0444\u0435\u043a\u0442\u0438\u0432\u043d\u043e\u0441\u0442\u044c'}, 'iconId': 30, 'id': '10688_q03', 'peculiarity': '', 'limit': 0, 'hidden': 0, 'until': 1467244800.0, 'stepped': 0}}, '10688_q01': {'rewards': {('_r_RewardResAdd', 0): {'count': 250000, 'total': False, 'type': 0}, ('_r_RewardItem', 1): {'count': 10, 'total': False, 'idx': 4283264944L}}, 'stop': 1464587400.0, 'start': 1464328200.0, 'limit': 0, 'conditions': {('_c_isKillShips', 2): {'count': 5, 'shipInfo': {'class': ['Battleship']}}, ('_c_isMyShip', 1): {'shipInfo': {'level': [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]}}, ('_c_isKillShips', 3): {'count': 5, 'shipInfo': {'class': ['Cruiser']}}, ('_c_isBattleType', 0): {'battleType': [0, 5, 4]}}, 'desc': {'isSingle': 0, 'name': {'ru': u'\u0422\u044f\u0436\u0451\u043b\u043e\u0435 \u0432\u043e\u043e\u0440\u0443\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'}, 'iconId': 27, 'id': '10688_q01', 'peculiarity': '', 'limit': 0, 'hidden': 0, 'until': 1467244800.0, 'stepped': 0}}}, 'events': {}} [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:14] isDone id 10688_q02 count 0 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:14] SSETask init id 10688_q02 task rewards {} [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:14] _c_isBattleType: [0, 5, 4] [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:14] _c_isMyShip: _IsShip: {'level': [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]} [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:14] None [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:14] _c_isKillShips: 5 _IsShip: {'class': ['Destroyer']} [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:14] None [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:14] _c_isKillShips: 2 _IsShip: {'class': ['AirCarrier']} [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:14] None [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:14] isDone id 10688_q03 count 0 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:14] SSETask init id 10688_q03 task rewards {} [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:14] _c_isBattleType: [0, 5, 4] [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:14] _c_isMyShip: _IsShip: {'level': [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]} [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:14] None [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:14] _c_isKillShips: 3 _IsShip: None [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:14] None [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:14] isDone id 10688_q01 count 0 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:14] SSETask init id 10688_q01 task rewards {} [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:14] _c_isBattleType: [0, 5, 4] [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:14] _c_isMyShip: _IsShip: {'level': [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]} [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:14] None [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:14] _c_isKillShips: 5 _IsShip: {'class': ['Battleship']} [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:14] None [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:14] _c_isKillShips: 5 _IsShip: {'class': ['Cruiser']} [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:14] None [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:14] (, 70665289920581, 61): receiveActionsProgress, ('112 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:14] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:14] __updateTaskProgress start: {'10688_q02': {'count': 2, 2: {'count': 0}, 3: {'count': 0}}, '10688_q03': {'count': 8}, '10688_q01': {'count': 2, 2: {'count': 4}, 3: {'count': 8}}} [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:14] step id: 10688_q02 progress {'count': 2, 2: {'count': 0}, 3: {'count': 0}} [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:14] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:14] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:14] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:14] step id: 10688_q03 progress {'count': 8} [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:14] isDone id 10688_q03 count 8 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:14] isDone id 10688_q03 count 8 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:14] isDone id 10688_q03 count 8 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:14] step id: 10688_q01 progress {'count': 2, 2: {'count': 4}, 3: {'count': 8}} [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:14] isDone id 10688_q01 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:14] isDone id 10688_q01 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:14] isDone id 10688_q01 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:14] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetRankBattlesInfo, ('151 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:14] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:14] onGetRankBattlesInfo currentSeason: 0, PlayerInfo: None [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:14] onGetRankDossier() seasonId = 0 Empty [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:14] ping&FPS: True 0.414472963129 0.001 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:14] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetClientSettings, ('346 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:14] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:14] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetClubBattlesInfo, ('138 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:14] ClubsProxy.onGetClubBattlesInfo currentSeason: 1 {1: {'seasonId': 1, 'shipLevelMin': 7, 'leagues': [5100, 4600, 4100, 3600], 'primeTimes': [(36000, 43200), (61200, 75600)], 'shipLevelMax': 8, 'stage': 2}} [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:15] _onChangeTimeOut [(4280203248L, 2), (4284364496L, 2), (4281284304L, 2), (4276041712L, 2), (4285445840L, 2), (4277090288L, 2), (4182652368L, 2), (4279219920L, 2), (4179539408L, 2), (4286461936L, 2), (4180587984L, 2), (4259231440L, 2), (4282365648L, 2), (4277057520L, 2), (4282267344L, 2), (4179539760L, 2), (4279220208L, 2), (4181636912L, 2), (4180588336L, 2), (4277122768L, 2), (4273911792L, 2), (4282333168L, 2), (4281317360L, 2), (4276041424L, 2), ('FIRST_WIN_XP_Coef', 2), (4282365936L, 2), (4272895696L, 2), (4287510224L, 2), (4282300112L, 2), (4281219056L, 2), (4181636560L, 2), (4272830448L, 2), (4181603792L, 2), (4179506640L, 2)] [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:15] __onUpdatePrices: 4280203248 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:15] __onUpdatePrices: 4284364496 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:15] __onUpdatePrices: 4281284304 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:15] __onUpdatePrices: 4276041712 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:15] __onUpdatePrices: 4285445840 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:15] __onUpdatePrices: 4277090288 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:15] __onUpdatePrices: 4182652368 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:15] __onUpdatePrices: 4279219920 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:15] __onUpdatePrices: 4179539408 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:15] __onUpdatePrices: 4286461936 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:15] __onUpdatePrices: 4180587984 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:15] __onUpdatePrices: 4259231440 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:15] __onUpdatePrices: 4282365648 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:15] __onUpdatePrices: 4277057520 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:15] __onUpdatePrices: 4282267344 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:15] __onUpdatePrices: 4179539760 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:15] __onUpdatePrices: 4279220208 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:15] __onUpdatePrices: 4181636912 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:15] __onUpdatePrices: 4180588336 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:15] __onUpdatePrices: 4277122768 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:15] __onUpdatePrices: 4273911792 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:15] __onUpdatePrices: 4282333168 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:15] __onUpdatePrices: 4281317360 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:15] __onUpdatePrices: 4276041424 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:15] __onUpdatePrices: FIRST_WIN_XP_Coef [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:15] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:15] ping&FPS: False 0.190055157457 136.928518654 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:17] (, 70665289920581, 61): receiveState, ('14871 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:17] >>> DockProxy.receiveState [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:17] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:17] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:17] mc5685e1.updateShips(): 114 ships: [('PASA002_Bogue_1942', True), ('PASA004_Langley_1929', True), ('PASA006_Independence_1945', False), ('PASA010_Ranger_1944', False), ('PASA012_Lexington_1944', False), ('PASA013_Essex_1945', True), ('PASB001_Michigan_1916', False), ('PASB004_Arkansas_1912', False), ('PASB006_New_York_1934', False), ('PASB008_Colorado_1945', False), ('PASB012_North_Carolina_1945', False), ('PASB013_Arkansas_1912', True), ('PASB017_Montana_1945', True), ('PASB018_Iowa_1944', False), ('PASB034_New_Mexico_1941', False), ('PASC001_Erie_1936', False), ('PASC002_Chester_1908', False), ('PASC004_St_Louis_1906', False), ('PASC005_Omaha_1923', False), ('PASC006_Atlanta_1942', False), ('PASC007_Cleveland_1945', False), ('PASC012_Pensacola_1944', False), ('PASC014_New_Orlean_1944', False), ('PASC017_Baltimore_1944', False), ('PASC020_Des_Moines_1948', True), ('PASC024_Phoenix_1917', False), ('PASC044_Marblehead_1924', True), ('PASD002_Sampson_1917', False), ('PASD005_Farragut_1944', False), ('PASD006_Mahan_1936', False), ('PASD008_Benson_1945', False), ('PASD013_Gearing_1945', True), ('PASD014_Leader_1919', False), ('PASD019_Clemson_1920', False), ('PASD021_Fletcher_1943', False), ('PASD027_Wickes_1918', False), ('PBSB002_Warspite_1941', False), ('PBSD503_Campbeltown_1941', False), ('PGSB002_Tirpiz_1942', False), ('PGSC001_Hermelin_1940', False), ('PGSC002_Drezden_1908', False), ('PGSC103_Kolberg', False), ('PGSC104_Karlsruhe', False), ('PGSC105_Konigsberg', False), ('PGSC106_Nurnberg', False), ('PGSC107_Yorck', False), ('PGSC108_Hipper', False), ('PGSC109_Roon', False), ('PGSC110_Hindenburg', True), ('PGSC502_Emden_1908', False), ('PJSA002_Hosho_1939', True), ('PJSA006_Zuiho_1944', False), ('PJSA009_Ryujo_1933', False), ('PJSA011_Hiryu_1942', False), ('PJSA012_Zuikaku_1944', False), ('PJSA015_Taiho_1944', True), ('PJSB001_Kawachi_1912', False), ('PJSB003_Myogi_1912', False), ('PJSB006_Fuso_1943', False), ('PJSB007_Kongo_1942', False), ('PJSB008_Ishizuchi_1921', False), ('PJSB010_Nagato_1944', False), ('PJSB013_Amagi_1942', False), ('PJSB018_Yamato_1944', True), ('PJSB021_Izumo_1938', False), ('PJSB705_Kongou', True), ('PJSC005_Furutaka_1926', True), ('PJSC007_Aoba_1943', False), ('PJSC008_Myoko_1945', False), ('PJSC009_Mogami_1935', False), ('PJSC012_Ibuki_1944', False), ('PJSC013_Kuma_1938', False), ('PJSC015_Tatsuta_1919', False), ('PJSC026_Iwaki_1944', True), ('PJSC034_Zao_1944', True), ('PJSC035_Chikuma_1912', False), ('PJSC037_Hashidate_1940', False), ('PJSC038_Atago_1944', True), ('PJSC705_Myoko', True), ('PJSD001_Tachibana_1912', False), ('PJSD002_Umikaze_1925', False), ('PJSD003_Isokaze_1917', False), ('PJSD004_Minekadze_1920', True), ('PJSD005_Mutsuki_1926', False), ('PJSD006_Hatsuharu_1945', False), ('PJSD007_Fubuki_1944', False), ('PJSD010_Kagero_1943', False), ('PJSD012_Shimakaze_1943', True), ('PJSD024_Wakatake_1923', False), ('PRSC001_Avrora_1917', False), ('PRSC002_Diana_1905', False), ('PRSC003_Murmansk_1944', True), ('PRSC101_Orlan', False), ('PRSC102_Novik', False), ('PRSC103_Bogatyr', False), ('PRSC104_Svetlana', False), ('PRSC105_Kirov', False), ('PRSC106_Pr_94_Budeny', False), ('PRSC107_Schors', False), ('PRSC108_Pr_68_Chapaev', True), ('PRSC506_Molotov_1943', False), ('PRSC508_Kutuzov_1952', False), ('PRSD102_SM_Storojevoy', False), ('PRSD103_Derzky', False), ('PRSD104_Izyaslav', False), ('PRSD105_Pr_7_Gnevny', False), ('PRSD106_Pr_30_Ognevoy', False), ('PRSD107_Pr_35_Udaloy', False), ('PRSD108_Pr_20i_Tashkent', False), ('PRSD109_Pr_48_Kiev', False), ('PRSD110_Pr_24_Khabarovsk', True), ('PWSD501_Blyskawica', False), ('PZSD506_Anshan', True), ('PZSD508_LoYang', True)] [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:17] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:17] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:17] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:17] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:18] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, (5, [{'importance': 2L, 'typeId': 4L, 'dt': 1464427072.0, 'postponed': True, 'data': {'costShell': 6480, 'shipId': 4181636560L, 'result': 0, 'costRepair': 80625}}, {'importance': 2L, 'typeId': 42L, 'dt': 1464427072.0, 'postponed': True, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (22500, 0), 'camoStor': False, 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4181636560L, 'flagsBuyFail': False}}, {'importance': 2L, 'typeId': 17476L, 'dt': 1464427072.0, 'postponed': True, 'data': {'item': ('consumable', 4284653488L), 'shipID': 4181636560L, 'numItems': 1, 'partnerID': 28161041167375686L}}, {'importance': 2L, 'typeId': 55L, 'dt': 1464427072.0, 'postponed': True, 'data': {'fail': False, 'shipId': 4181636560L, 'cost': (0, 0)}}, {'importance': 2L, 'typeId': 5L, 'dt': 1464427072.0, 'postponed': True, 'data': {'achievements': (), 'expPenalty': -1, 'tasks': {'10688_q02': {'count': (2, 0), 'progress': (0.0, 0.0), 2: {'count': (0, 0)}, 3: {'count': (0, 0)}, 'name': u'\u0411\u0435\u0433\u043b\u044b\u0439 \u043e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c'}, '10688_q03': {'count': (8, 0), 'progress': (0, 0), 2: {'count': (0, 0)}, 'name': u'\u0411\u043e\u0435\u0432\u0430\u044f \u044d\u0444\u0444\u0435\u043a\u0442\u0438\u0432\u043d\u043e\u0441\u0442\u044c'}, '10688_q01': {'count': (2, 0), 'progress': (0.9, 0.0), 2: {'count': (4, 0)}, 3: {'count': (8, 0)}, 'name': u'\u0422\u044f\u0436\u0451\u043b\u043e\u0435 \u0432\u043e\u043e\u0440\u0443\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'}}, 'shipsKilled': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 28161041167375686L, 'credits': 103373, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': -10, 'creditsCompensation': 13, 'mapTypeId': 14, 'battleTypeId': 5, 'result': 1, 'exp': 3807, 'dailics_info': {}, 'shipId': 4181636560L, 'battleCreateTime': 1464425798, 'accLeveling': (12, 12, 13281722, 3807), 'aogasFactor': 1.0}}]) [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:18] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 4L, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SHIP_SERVE', 'costShell': 6480, 'result': 0, 'shipId': 4181636560L, 'uiSpecial': False, 'shipLevelRome': 'VIII', 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PRSC108', 'shipType': 'Cruiser', 'importance': 2L, 'idInGroup': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_CRUISER', 'isElite': False, 'dt': 1464427072.0, 'groupId': 5, 'costTotal': 87105, 'sourceId': 0, 'costRepair': 80625, 'stypeIdent': 'Cruiser', 'postponed': True} __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 42L, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PRSC108', 'flagsAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'isElite': False, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_EXTERIOR_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2L, 'camouflageAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'idInGroup': 1, 'groupId': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_CRUISER', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'VIII', 'shipType': 'Cruiser', 'stypeIdent': 'Cruiser', 'dt': 1464427072.0, 'postponed': True, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (22500, 0), 'camoStor': False, 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4181636560L, 'flagsBuyFail': False}, 'uiSpecial': False} __addInfoToMessage {'sourceId': 0, 'typeId': 52, 'data': {'slot': 28161041167375686L, 'shipId': 4181636560L, 'abilId': 4284653488L}} __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 55L, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PRSC108', 'groupId': 1, 'isElite': False, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_ABILITY_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2L, 'idInGroup': 8, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_CRUISER', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'VIII', 'cost': (0, 0), 'shipType': 'Cruiser', 'costNeed': (0, 0), 'stypeIdent': 'Cruiser', 'dt': 1464427072.0, 'postponed': True, 'data': {'fail': False, 'shipId': 4181636560L, 'cost': (0, 0)}, 'uiSpecial': False} SYS_MESSAGE_TYPE.BATTLE_RESULTS [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:18] key achievements value () [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:18] key expPenalty value -1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:18] key tasks value {'10688_q02': {'count': (2, 0), 'progress': (0.0, 0.0), 2: {'count': (0, 0)}, 3: {'count': (0, 0)}, 'name': u'\u0411\u0435\u0433\u043b\u044b\u0439 \u043e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c'}, '10688_q03': {'count': (8, 0), 'progress': (0, 0), 2: {'count': (0, 0)}, 'name': u'\u0411\u043e\u0435\u0432\u0430\u044f \u044d\u0444\u0444\u0435\u043a\u0442\u0438\u0432\u043d\u043e\u0441\u0442\u044c'}, '10688_q01': {'count': (2, 0), 'progress': (0.9, 0.0), 2: {'count': (4, 0)}, 3: {'count': (8, 0)}, 'name': u'\u0422\u044f\u0436\u0451\u043b\u043e\u0435 \u0432\u043e\u043e\u0440\u0443\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'}} [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:18] key shipsKilled value 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:18] key arenaUniqueID value 28161041167375686 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:18] key credits value 103373 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:18] key teamBuildTypeId value 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:18] key creditsPenalty value -10 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:18] key creditsCompensation value 13 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:18] key mapTypeId value 14 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:18] key battleTypeId value 5 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:18] key result value 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:18] key exp value 3807 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:18] key dailics_info value {} [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:18] key shipId value 4181636560 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:18] key battleCreateTime value 1464425798 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:18] key accLeveling value (12, 12, 13281722, 3807) [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:18] key aogasFactor value 1.0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:18] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 5L, 'exp': 3807, 'tasks': {'10688_q02': {2: {'count': (0, 0)}, 3: {'count': (0, 0)}, 'name': u'\u0411\u0435\u0433\u043b\u044b\u0439 \u043e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c'}, '10688_q03': {2: {'count': (0, 0)}, 'name': u'\u0411\u043e\u0435\u0432\u0430\u044f \u044d\u0444\u0444\u0435\u043a\u0442\u0438\u0432\u043d\u043e\u0441\u0442\u044c'}, '10688_q01': {2: {'count': (4, 0)}, 3: {'count': (8, 0)}, 'name': u'\u0422\u044f\u0436\u0451\u043b\u043e\u0435 \u0432\u043e\u043e\u0440\u0443\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'}}, 'aogasFactor': 1.0, 'mapBGPath': '../maps_bg/22_tierra_del_fuego.png', 'earnedAchievements': [], 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_BATTLE_RESULTS_1', 'result': 1, 'shipId': 4181636560L, 'uiSpecial': False, 'mapTypeId': 14, 'accountLeveling': {'expGained': 3807, 'currLevel': 12, 'prevLevel': 12, 'currLevelExp': 167500, 'expTotal': 13285529, 'nextLevelExp': 167500}, 'mapName': 'IDS_SPACES/22_TIERRA_DEL_FUEGO', 'battleTypeId': 5, 'shipLevelRome': 'VIII', 'achievements': (), 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PRSC108', 'shipsKilled': 0, 'importance': 2L, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_CRUISER', 'credits': 103373, 'isElite': False, 'date': '28.05.2016 12:56', 'dt': 1464427072.0, 'groupId': 3, 'accLeveling': (12, 12, 13281722, 3807), 'expPenalty': -1, 'arenaUniqueID': 28161041167375686L, 'sourceId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': -10, 'creditsCompensation': 13, 'shipType': 'Cruiser', 'quests': [], 'dailics_info': {}, 'stypeIdent': 'Cruiser', 'postponed': True, 'battleCreateTime': 1464425798} ClubsProxy.onClubResponse(): 2 [] [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:18] ClubsProxy.__onGetMyClubs(): False [] [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:18] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:18] (, 70665289920581, 61): onClubResponse, ('19 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:18] ClubsProxy.onClubResponse(): 7 () [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:18] ping&FPS: True 0.0687993275268 796.928522417 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:18] setServerTime -3107.5940001 1464429846 1464426738.41 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:18] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:18] [NUT] ClubSystem::inContext [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:18] [NUT] ClubSystem::inContext -> initClubs [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:18] [NUT] ClubSystem::initClubs {} [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:18] [NUT] onClubBattlesChanged {'seasonId': 1, 'shipLevelMin': 7, 'leagues': [5100, 4600, 4100, 3600], 'primeTimes': [(36000, 43200), (61200, 75600)], 'shipLevelMax': 8, 'stage': 2} [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:18] [NUT] __changeCurrentRules 36246.0090001 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:18] [NUT] clubsvoted [] [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:18] [NUT] ClubmanSystem::inContext [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:18] [NUT] PartySystem::inContext [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:18] [NUT] InteractiveMessageSystem::inContext [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:18] [NUT] PlayersAccountsSystem add, 8752339 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:18] [NUT] ClubmanSystem::onClubmenAccountAdded dbid 8752339 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:18] Account.setPreBattleSeeker(): None 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:18] Account.setPreBattleSeeker() failed: incorrect preBattleType None [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:18] Account.setPreBattleSeeker(): 4 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:18] Account.setPreBattleSeeker() failed: not in seekers [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:18] Account.setPreBattleSeeker(): 5 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:18] Account.setPreBattleSeeker() failed: not in seekers [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:18] (, 70665289920581, 61): ClientLobbySpace is creating [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:21] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:21] Can't send FPS data: it's empty [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:21] GameServerMessenger().getInitParams() called [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:21] (, 70686798305077, 25): Xmpp chat params received: , ({'xmpp_clubs_rooms_svc': 'teams.wows.wowsru.loc', 'xmpp_std_rooms_svc': 'standard.wows.wowsru.loc', 'account_id': 8752339, 'xmpp_host': 'wowsru.loc', 'xmpp_user_rooms_svc': 'user-rooms.wows.wowsru.loc', 'xmpp_alt_connections': [('xmpp-wows-ru.wargaming.net', 5333)], 'xmpp_resource': 'wows', 'xmpp_connections': [('xmpp-wows-ru.wargaming.net', 5222)], 'xmpp_specific_rooms_svc': 'user-special.wows.wowsru.loc'},) [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:21] (, 70686798305077, 25): Xmpp chat: token requested [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:22] ping&FPS: False 0.0551533656461 178.928604857 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:22] ping&FPS: True 0.0544946598155 257.928591268 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:22] ping&FPS: False 0.0558884697301 160.928596237 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:23] [NUT] ChatPlayersAccountsUpdater::_updatePlayersAccounts {} [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:23] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.onConnect [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:23] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleRoster(), ('length', 18) [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:23] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleRoster(), ('users number', 17) [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:23] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleRoster(), ('groups', {}) [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:23] [NUT] PlayersAccountsSystem add, 47041 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:23] [NUT] ClubmanSystem::onClubmenAccountAdded dbid 47041 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:23] [NUT] PlayersAccountsSystem add, 6332290 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:23] [NUT] ClubmanSystem::onClubmenAccountAdded dbid 6332290 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:23] [NUT] PlayersAccountsSystem add, 427140 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:23] [NUT] ClubmanSystem::onClubmenAccountAdded dbid 427140 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:23] [NUT] PlayersAccountsSystem add, 8804682 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:23] [NUT] ClubmanSystem::onClubmenAccountAdded dbid 8804682 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:23] [NUT] PlayersAccountsSystem add, 8009484 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:23] [NUT] ClubmanSystem::onClubmenAccountAdded dbid 8009484 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:23] [NUT] PlayersAccountsSystem add, 46719994 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:23] [NUT] ClubmanSystem::onClubmenAccountAdded dbid 46719994 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:23] [NUT] PlayersAccountsSystem add, 6878512 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:23] [NUT] ClubmanSystem::onClubmenAccountAdded dbid 6878512 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:23] [NUT] PlayersAccountsSystem add, 34411633 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:23] [NUT] ClubmanSystem::onClubmenAccountAdded dbid 34411633 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:23] [NUT] PlayersAccountsSystem add, 2115378 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:23] [NUT] ClubmanSystem::onClubmenAccountAdded dbid 2115378 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:23] [NUT] PlayersAccountsSystem add, 671987 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:23] [NUT] ClubmanSystem::onClubmenAccountAdded dbid 671987 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:23] [NUT] PlayersAccountsSystem add, 5651230 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:23] [NUT] ClubmanSystem::onClubmenAccountAdded dbid 5651230 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:23] [NUT] PlayersAccountsSystem add, 242294 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:23] [NUT] ClubmanSystem::onClubmenAccountAdded dbid 242294 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:23] [NUT] PlayersAccountsSystem add, 756279 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:23] [NUT] ClubmanSystem::onClubmenAccountAdded dbid 756279 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:23] [NUT] PlayersAccountsSystem add, 2715866 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:23] [NUT] ClubmanSystem::onClubmenAccountAdded dbid 2715866 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:23] [NUT] PlayersAccountsSystem add, 448253 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:23] [NUT] ClubmanSystem::onClubmenAccountAdded dbid 448253 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:23] [NUT] PlayersAccountsSystem add, 22102814 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:23] [NUT] ClubmanSystem::onClubmenAccountAdded dbid 22102814 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:23] [NUT] PlayersAccountsSystem add, 3480927 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:23] [NUT] ClubmanSystem::onClubmenAccountAdded dbid 3480927 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:23] [NUT] ChatPlayersAccountsUpdater::_updatePlayersAccounts {47041: {'league': 0, 'jid': '47041@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'WONDERFUL_SHOT', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 47041, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 4}, 6332290: {'league': 0, 'jid': '6332290@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'zloy_nyb', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 6332290, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 4}, 427140: {'league': 0, 'jid': '427140@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Kapitan_Slip', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 427140, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 8}, 8804682: {'league': 0, 'jid': '8804682@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'mishania1235', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 8804682, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 8}, 8009484: {'league': 0, 'jid': '8009484@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'SD_D', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 8009484, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 8}, 46719994: {'league': 0, 'jid': '46719994@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'yushkov8249', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 46719994, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 4}, 6878512: {'league': 0, 'jid': '6878512@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Tylendor', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 6878512, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 8}, 34411633: {'league': 0, 'jid': '34411633@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'cblH_BouHa', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 34411633, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 8}, 2115378: {'league': 0, 'jid': '2115378@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'longxvost', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 2115378, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 4}, 671987: {'league': 0, 'jid': '671987@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Skunner', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 671987, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 4}, 5651230: {'league': 0, 'jid': '5651230@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Shkiper2222', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 5651230, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 4}, 242294: {'league': 0, 'jid': '242294@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'PANZER_DIKLONIUS', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 242294, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 4}, 756279: {'league': 0, 'jid': '756279@wowsru.loc', 'name': '11Paul11', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 756279, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 4}, 2715866: {'league': 0, 'jid': '2715866@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'BCEM_PPC', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 2715866, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 4}, 448253: {'league': 0, 'jid': '448253@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'AndRyu_47', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 448253, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 4}, 22102814: {'league': 0, 'jid': '22102814@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'bagfrag1', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 22102814, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 8}, 3480927: {'league': 0, 'jid': '3480927@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Doc_Maximov', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 3480927, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 8}} [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:23] (, 70665289920581, 61): handleBanInfo:, ({'banId': '14643763953', 'reason': '"\xd0\x98\xd1\x81\xd0\xbf\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbb\xd1\x8c\xd0\xb7\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd1\x80\xd0\xbc\xd0\xb0\xd1\x82\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb9 \xd0\xbb\xd0\xb5\xd0\xba\xd1\x81\xd0\xb8\xd0\xba\xd0\xb8/ \xd0\xbe\xd1\x81\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd1\x80\xd0\xb1\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd1\x8f" \xe2\x80\x93 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd1\x80\xd1\x83\xd1\x88\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xbf\xd1\x83\xd0\xbd\xd0\xba\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0 1 \xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb7\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb0 1 \xd0\x9f\xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb8\xd0\xbb \xd0\xb8\xd0\xb3\xd1\x80\xd1\x8b (R)', 'expiry': 1464635520L},) [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:23] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence(), ('8752339@wowsru.loc/wows', 'ONE___VP', 0) [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:23] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleChannelList(): group, (5, [('8009484@wowsru.loc', 'SD_D', 5), ('4719392_1447787513@user-rooms.wows.wowsru.loc', 'Freedom of Choice (by qmaniakp)', 1), ('34411633@wowsru.loc', 'ONE___VP', 5), ('1559899_1454784666@user-rooms.wows.wowsru.loc', 'ACES (by AIRBORNE_161)', 1)]) [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:23] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 35, 'reason': '"\xd0\x98\xd1\x81\xd0\xbf\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbb\xd1\x8c\xd0\xb7\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd1\x80\xd0\xbc\xd0\xb0\xd1\x82\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb9 \xd0\xbb\xd0\xb5\xd0\xba\xd1\x81\xd0\xb8\xd0\xba\xd0\xb8/ \xd0\xbe\xd1\x81\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd1\x80\xd0\xb1\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd1\x8f" \xe2\x80\x93 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd1\x80\xd1\x83\xd1\x88\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xbf\xd1\x83\xd0\xbd\xd0\xba\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0 1 \xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb7\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb0 1 \xd0\x9f\xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb8\xd0\xbb \xd0\xb8\xd0\xb3\xd1\x80\xd1\x8b (R)', 'groupId': 3, 'header': '\xd0\x9e\xd1\x82\xd0\xbf\xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb2\xd0\xba\xd0\xb0 \xd1\x81\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb1\xd1\x89\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb9 \xd0\xb2 \xd1\x87\xd0\xb0\xd1\x82\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xb7\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb1\xd0\xbb\xd0\xbe\xd0\xba\xd0\xb8\xd1\x80\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0 \xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe 30.05.2016 23:12. \xd0\x9f\xd1\x80\xd0\xb8\xd1\x87\xd0\xb8\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0: "\xd0\x98\xd1\x81\xd0\xbf\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbb\xd1\x8c\xd0\xb7\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd1\x80\xd0\xbc\xd0\xb0\xd1\x82\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb9 \xd0\xbb\xd0\xb5\xd0\xba\xd1\x81\xd0\xb8\xd0\xba\xd0\xb8/ \xd0\xbe\xd1\x81\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd1\x80\xd0\xb1\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd1\x8f" \xe2\x80\x93 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd1\x80\xd1\x83\xd1\x88\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xbf\xd1\x83\xd0\xbd\xd0\xba\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0 1 \xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb7\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb0 1 \xd0\x9f\xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb8\xd0\xbb \xd0\xb8\xd0\xb3\xd1\x80\xd1\x8b (R).', 'sourceId': 0, 'banId': '14643763953', 'idInGroup': 12, 'type': 0, 'strTime': '30.05.2016 23:12', 'expiry': 1464635520L} [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:23] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:23] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:23] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:23] [NUT] ChatPlayersAccountsUpdater::_updatePlayersAccounts {47041: {'league': 0, 'jid': '47041@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'WONDERFUL_SHOT', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 47041, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 4}, 6332290: {'league': 0, 'jid': '6332290@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'zloy_nyb', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 6332290, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 4}, 427140: {'league': 0, 'jid': '427140@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Kapitan_Slip', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 427140, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 8}, 8804682: {'league': 0, 'jid': '8804682@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'mishania1235', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 8804682, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 8}, 8009484: {'league': 0, 'jid': '8009484@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'SD_D', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 8009484, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 8}, 46719994: {'league': 0, 'jid': '46719994@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'yushkov8249', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 46719994, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 4}, 6878512: {'league': 0, 'jid': '6878512@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Tylendor', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 6878512, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 8}, 34411633: {'league': 0, 'jid': '34411633@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'cblH_BouHa', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 34411633, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 8}, 2115378: {'league': 0, 'jid': '2115378@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'longxvost', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 2115378, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 4}, 671987: {'league': 0, 'jid': '671987@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Skunner', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 671987, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 4}, 5651230: {'league': 0, 'jid': '5651230@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Shkiper2222', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 5651230, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 4}, 242294: {'league': 0, 'jid': '242294@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'PANZER_DIKLONIUS', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 242294, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 4}, 756279: {'league': 0, 'jid': '756279@wowsru.loc', 'name': '11Paul11', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 756279, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 4}, 2715866: {'league': 0, 'jid': '2715866@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'BCEM_PPC', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 2715866, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 4}, 448253: {'league': 0, 'jid': '448253@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'AndRyu_47', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 448253, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 4}, 22102814: {'league': 0, 'jid': '22102814@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'bagfrag1', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 22102814, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 8}, 3480927: {'league': 0, 'jid': '3480927@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Doc_Maximov', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 3480927, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 8}} [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:23] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleChannelList(): group, (2, []) [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:23] [NUT] ChatPlayersAccountsUpdater::_updatePlayersAccounts {47041: {'league': 0, 'jid': '47041@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'WONDERFUL_SHOT', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 47041, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 4}, 6332290: {'league': 0, 'jid': '6332290@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'zloy_nyb', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 6332290, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 4}, 427140: {'league': 0, 'jid': '427140@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Kapitan_Slip', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 427140, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 8}, 8804682: {'league': 0, 'jid': '8804682@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'mishania1235', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 8804682, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 8}, 8009484: {'league': 0, 'jid': '8009484@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'SD_D', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 8009484, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 8}, 46719994: {'league': 0, 'jid': '46719994@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'yushkov8249', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 46719994, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 4}, 6878512: {'league': 0, 'jid': '6878512@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Tylendor', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 6878512, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 8}, 34411633: {'league': 0, 'jid': '34411633@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'cblH_BouHa', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 34411633, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 8}, 2115378: {'league': 0, 'jid': '2115378@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'longxvost', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 2115378, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 4}, 671987: {'league': 0, 'jid': '671987@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Skunner', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 671987, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 4}, 5651230: {'league': 0, 'jid': '5651230@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Shkiper2222', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 5651230, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 4}, 242294: {'league': 0, 'jid': '242294@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'PANZER_DIKLONIUS', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 242294, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 4}, 756279: {'league': 0, 'jid': '756279@wowsru.loc', 'name': '11Paul11', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 756279, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 4}, 2715866: {'league': 0, 'jid': '2715866@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'BCEM_PPC', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 2715866, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 4}, 448253: {'league': 0, 'jid': '448253@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'AndRyu_47', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 448253, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 4}, 22102814: {'league': 0, 'jid': '22102814@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'bagfrag1', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 22102814, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 8}, 3480927: {'league': 0, 'jid': '3480927@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Doc_Maximov', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 3480927, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 8}} [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:23] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleChannelList(): group, (3, [('6878512@wowsru.loc', 'ONE___VP', 5), ('1559899@wowsru.loc', 'ONE___VP', 5), ('58574566@wowsru.loc', 'ONE___VP', 5), ('48007201@wowsru.loc', 'CRIMEA_Haru6aLLIka', 5), ('63671710@wowsru.loc', '6aToH4uK_', 5), ('64052394@wowsru.loc', 'Lady_Diana_Diversantka', 5), ('5651230@wowsru.loc', 'Shkiper2222', 5), ('4679742@wowsru.loc', 'alex30279', 5), ('12414124@wowsru.loc', 'M_a_n_t_i_s', 5), ('1559899_1454784666@user-rooms.wows.wowsru.loc', 'ACES (by AIRBORNE_161)', 1), ('4719392_1447787513@user-rooms.wows.wowsru.loc', 'Freedom of Choice (by qmaniakp)', 1), ('wargamingfm@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', 'WargamingFM \xd0\x9a\xd0\xbe\xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb1\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb8', 4), ('ids_chat_channel_offtop@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', 'IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_OFFTOP', 4), ('ids_chat_channel_offtop@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', 'IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_OFFTOP', 4), ('ids_chat_channel_questions@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', 'IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_QUESTIONS', 4)]) [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:23] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:23] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:23] [NUT] PlayersAccountsSystem add, 1559899 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:23] [NUT] ClubmanSystem::onClubmenAccountAdded dbid 1559899 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:23] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:23] [NUT] PlayersAccountsSystem add, 58574566 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:23] [NUT] ClubmanSystem::onClubmenAccountAdded dbid 58574566 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:23] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:23] [NUT] PlayersAccountsSystem add, 48007201 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:23] [NUT] ClubmanSystem::onClubmenAccountAdded dbid 48007201 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:23] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:23] [NUT] PlayersAccountsSystem add, 63671710 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:23] [NUT] ClubmanSystem::onClubmenAccountAdded dbid 63671710 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:23] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:23] [NUT] PlayersAccountsSystem add, 64052394 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:23] [NUT] ClubmanSystem::onClubmenAccountAdded dbid 64052394 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:23] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:23] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:23] [NUT] PlayersAccountsSystem add, 4679742 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:23] [NUT] ClubmanSystem::onClubmenAccountAdded dbid 4679742 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:23] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:23] [NUT] PlayersAccountsSystem add, 12414124 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:23] [NUT] ClubmanSystem::onClubmenAccountAdded dbid 12414124 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:23] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:23] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:23] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:23] [NUT] ChatPlayersAccountsUpdater::_updatePlayersAccounts {47041: {'league': 0, 'jid': '47041@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'WONDERFUL_SHOT', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 47041, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 4}, 6332290: {'league': 0, 'jid': '6332290@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'zloy_nyb', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 6332290, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 4}, 427140: {'league': 0, 'jid': '427140@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Kapitan_Slip', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 427140, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 8}, 8804682: {'league': 0, 'jid': '8804682@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'mishania1235', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 8804682, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 8}, 8009484: {'league': 0, 'jid': '8009484@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'SD_D', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 8009484, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 8}, 46719994: {'league': 0, 'jid': '46719994@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'yushkov8249', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 46719994, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 4}, 6878512: {'league': 0, 'jid': '6878512@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Tylendor', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 6878512, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 8}, 34411633: {'league': 0, 'jid': '34411633@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'cblH_BouHa', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 34411633, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 8}, 2115378: {'league': 0, 'jid': '2115378@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'longxvost', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 2115378, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 4}, 671987: {'league': 0, 'jid': '671987@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Skunner', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 671987, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 4}, 5651230: {'league': 0, 'jid': '5651230@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Shkiper2222', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 5651230, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 4}, 242294: {'league': 0, 'jid': '242294@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'PANZER_DIKLONIUS', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 242294, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 4}, 756279: {'league': 0, 'jid': '756279@wowsru.loc', 'name': '11Paul11', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 756279, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 4}, 2715866: {'league': 0, 'jid': '2715866@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'BCEM_PPC', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 2715866, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 4}, 448253: {'league': 0, 'jid': '448253@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'AndRyu_47', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 448253, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 4}, 22102814: {'league': 0, 'jid': '22102814@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'bagfrag1', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 22102814, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 8}, 3480927: {'league': 0, 'jid': '3480927@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Doc_Maximov', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 3480927, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 8}} [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:23] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleChannelList(): group, (1, [('ids_chat_channel_offtop@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', 'IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_OFFTOP', 4), ('ids_chat_channel_questions@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', 'IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_QUESTIONS', 4), ('ids_chat_channel_search_div@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', 'IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_SEARCH_DIV', 4), ('wargamingfm@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', 'WargamingFM \xd0\x9a\xd0\xbe\xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb1\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb8', 4)]) [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:23] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:23] [NUT] ChatPlayersAccountsUpdater::_updatePlayersAccounts {47041: {'league': 0, 'jid': '47041@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'WONDERFUL_SHOT', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 47041, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 4}, 6332290: {'league': 0, 'jid': '6332290@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'zloy_nyb', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 6332290, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 4}, 427140: {'league': 0, 'jid': '427140@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Kapitan_Slip', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 427140, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 8}, 8804682: {'league': 0, 'jid': '8804682@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'mishania1235', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 8804682, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 8}, 8009484: {'league': 0, 'jid': '8009484@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'SD_D', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 8009484, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 8}, 46719994: {'league': 0, 'jid': '46719994@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'yushkov8249', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 46719994, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 4}, 6878512: {'league': 0, 'jid': '6878512@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Tylendor', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 6878512, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 8}, 34411633: {'league': 0, 'jid': '34411633@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'cblH_BouHa', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 34411633, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 8}, 2115378: {'league': 0, 'jid': '2115378@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'longxvost', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 2115378, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 4}, 671987: {'league': 0, 'jid': '671987@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Skunner', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 671987, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 4}, 5651230: {'league': 0, 'jid': '5651230@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Shkiper2222', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 5651230, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 4}, 242294: {'league': 0, 'jid': '242294@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'PANZER_DIKLONIUS', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 242294, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 4}, 756279: {'league': 0, 'jid': '756279@wowsru.loc', 'name': '11Paul11', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 756279, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 4}, 2715866: {'league': 0, 'jid': '2715866@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'BCEM_PPC', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 2715866, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 4}, 448253: {'league': 0, 'jid': '448253@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'AndRyu_47', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 448253, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 4}, 22102814: {'league': 0, 'jid': '22102814@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'bagfrag1', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 22102814, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 8}, 3480927: {'league': 0, 'jid': '3480927@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Doc_Maximov', 'level': -1, 'dbid': 3480927, 'isIgnored': False, 'isInBattle': False, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'rank': 0, 'groups': (), 'isOnline': False, 'subscription': 8}} [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:23] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence(), ('3480927@wowsru.loc/wows', 'Doc_Maximov', 2) [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:23] [NUT] __updateUserPresence contacts 3480927 2 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:23] [NUT] __updateUserPresence online contacts 3480927 2 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:23] [NUT] PartySystem::__onClubmansOnlineChanged [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:23] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence(), ('6332290@wowsru.loc/wows', 'zloy_nyb', 0) [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:23] [NUT] __updateUserPresence contacts 6332290 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:23] [NUT] __updateUserPresence online contacts 6332290 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:23] [NUT] PartySystem::__onClubmansOnlineChanged [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:23] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence(), ('2715866@wowsru.loc/wows', 'BCEM_PPC', 2) [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:23] [NUT] __updateUserPresence contacts 2715866 2 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:23] [NUT] __updateUserPresence online contacts 2715866 2 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:23] [NUT] PartySystem::__onClubmansOnlineChanged [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:23] [NUT] PlayersAccountsSystem __request, set([6332290, 427140, 8009484, 63671710, 48007201, 64052394, 12414124, 6878512, 2115378, 22102814, 756279, 4679742, 47041, 8804682, 2715866, 1559899, 3480927, 5651230, 58574566, 34411633, 671987, 242294, 46719994, 448253]) [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:24] [NUT] AccountsRequest __response, [(47041, 'WONDERFUL_SHOT', 12, 0, 1463997729), (6332290, 'zloy_nyb', 12, 0, 1464421725), (427140, 'Kapitan_Slip', 12, 0, 1464285451), (8804682, 'mishania1235', 12, 0, 1463925150), (8009484, 'SD_D', 12, 0, 1464117201), (2715866, 'BCEM_PPC', 12, 0, 1464418481), (1559899, 'AIRBORNE_161', 12, 0, 1460114623), (63671710, '6aToH4uK_', 12, 0, 1464380706), (3480927, 'Doc_Maximov', 12, 0, 1464422515), (48007201, 'CRIMEA_Haru6aLLIka', 12, 0, 1463780747), (5651230, 'Shkiper2222', 12, 0, 1464375996), (58574566, '1tim1_2015', 12, 0, 1464293769), (64052394, 'Lady_Diana_Diversantka', 12, 0, 1464426838), (12414124, 'M_a_n_t_i_s', 12, 0, 1464199836), (6878512, 'Tylendor', 12, 0, 1464024410), (34411633, 'cblH_BouHa', 12, 0, 1463541667), (2115378, 'longxvost', 12, 0, 1461160136), (671987, 'Skunner', 12, 0, 1464285824), (22102814, 'bagfrag1', 12, 0, 1460487063), (242294, 'PANZER_DIKLONIUS', 12, 0, 1463333213), (756279, '11Paul11', 12, 0, 1464322496), (46719994, 'yushkov8249', 12, 0, 1463790981), (448253, 'AndRyu_47', 12, 0, 1464425279), (4679742, 'alex30279', 12, 0, 1464276886)] 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:25] ping&FPS: True 0.0534442248089 1405.92860033 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:25] (, 70665289920581, 61): ExternalInterfaceCallback "GuiFilters.saveValue" not found, ((0, Scaleform::PyStructureAPIGfxObject at 0xFFE83308),) [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:25] (, 70665289920581, 61): [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:25] (, 70665289920581, 61): ExternalInterfaceCallback "GuiFilters.saveValue" not found, ((0, Scaleform::PyStructureAPIGfxObject at 0xFFE83308),) [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:25] (, 70665289920581, 61): [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:25] (, 70665289920581, 61): ExternalInterfaceCallback "GuiFilters.saveValue" not found, ((0, Scaleform::PyStructureAPIGfxObject at 0xFFE83308),) [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:25] (, 70665289920581, 61): [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:25] ma3b8627.__instanceWindow: Dock [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:25] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:25] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:25] isDone id 10688_q03 count 8 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:25] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:25] isDone id 10688_q01 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:25] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:25] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:25] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:25] isDone id 10688_q03 count 8 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:25] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:25] isDone id 10688_q01 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:25] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:25] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:25] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 90, 'clubBattlesStage': 'started', 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'timeToPrimeTime': 6947.536000013351, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_CLUB_PRIMETIME_CHANGED', 'groupId': 8} [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:26] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': 0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:26] [NUT] InteractiveMessageSystem: __onSelectedMessageChanged selectedEntityId None [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:26] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': -1.0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:26] [NUT] InteractiveMessageSystem: __onSelectedMessageChanged selectedEntityId None [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:28] ping&FPS: False 0.0491664888603 145.928527886 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:28] ping&FPS: True 0.0487455459578 204.928527796 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:28] ping&FPS: False 0.0427481638534 68.9285277663 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:31] ping&FPS: True 0.0506997140391 339.928513573 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:32] ping&FPS: False 0.0424945684416 96.9285144074 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:33] ping&FPS: True 0.0456528770072 628.928492838 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:34] ping&FPS: False 0.0388959901673 137.928481871 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:35] ping&FPS: True 0.0453339251024 237.9284838 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:35] ping&FPS: False 0.0496577726943 189.92848684 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:35] ping&FPS: True 0.0502444984657 354.928490323 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:36] ping&FPS: False 0.0440824138267 80.9284903979 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:39] ping&FPS: True 0.0447456272585 270.928488476 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:39] ping&FPS: False 0.0471166255219 160.928488625 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:40] ping&FPS: True 0.0514515595777 343.928486665 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:40] ping&FPS: False 0.0451605724437 84.9284873953 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:42] ping&FPS: True 0.0356616409762 214.928500017 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:43] ping&FPS: False 0.031113128577 67.9285016855 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:44] ping&FPS: True 0.040708567415 220.928508175 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:44] ping&FPS: False 0.0355781572206 91.9285100526 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:44] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:44] ping&FPS: True 0.0380411105497 246.928516296 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:44] ping&FPS: False 0.029100100909 34.9285162812 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:47] ping&FPS: True 0.0443866657359 1003.92851779 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:47] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:47] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:48] ping&FPS: False 0.0478523182017 160.92849039 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:51] ping&FPS: True 0.055998932038 226.928549183 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:12:51] ping&FPS: False 0.0472426967961 52.9285502559 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:02] ping&FPS: True 0.0462551819427 225.928747175 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:02] ping&FPS: False 0.0364862786872 35.9287465563 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:07] ping&FPS: True 0.0560328172786 217.928811309 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:07] ping&FPS: False 0.0452950330717 51.9288105196 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:09] ping&FPS: True 0.0447423937065 720.928793607 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:09] ping&FPS: False 0.0452251689775 153.928792772 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:10] ping&FPS: True 0.0374895291669 206.928820235 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:10] ping&FPS: False 0.0306444200022 68.9288222319 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:12] Account.enqueue(): 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:12] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4181636560 4 [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:12] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:12] onEnqueued() QueueType: 1 ShipId: 4181636560 [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:12] ping&FPS: True 0.0397551985724 604.928859693 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:13] ma3b8627.__instanceWindow: RandomBattle [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:13] (, 70665289920581, 61): handleBanInfo:, ({'banId': '14643763953', 'reason': '"\xd0\x98\xd1\x81\xd0\xbf\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbb\xd1\x8c\xd0\xb7\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd1\x80\xd0\xbc\xd0\xb0\xd1\x82\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb9 \xd0\xbb\xd0\xb5\xd0\xba\xd1\x81\xd0\xb8\xd0\xba\xd0\xb8/ \xd0\xbe\xd1\x81\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd1\x80\xd0\xb1\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd1\x8f" \xe2\x80\x93 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd1\x80\xd1\x83\xd1\x88\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xbf\xd1\x83\xd0\xbd\xd0\xba\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0 1 \xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb7\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb0 1 \xd0\x9f\xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb8\xd0\xbb \xd0\xb8\xd0\xb3\xd1\x80\xd1\x8b (R)', 'expiry': 1464635520L},) [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:13] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence(), ('8752339@wowsru.loc/wows', 'ONE___VP', 2) [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:13] ping&FPS: False 0.0298312934382 67.9288014671 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:19] onPrepareingForBattle() [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:19] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4181636560 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:19] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:19] onGameRoomStateInit mapIdx = 21 battleType = 62 gameMode = StandDom duration=1200 [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:26] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:27] (, 70665289920581, 61): Lobby destroy started. [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:27] (, 70665289920581, 61): Lobby successfully destroyed. [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:27] onArenaStateReceived: teams info: [None, None] [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:27] (, 51820444204590, 546): Thresholds for team 0: Win: 910 Lose: 130 [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:27] (, 51820444204590, 546): Thresholds for team 1: Win: 910 Lose: 130 [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:27] MissionsComponent: #0 ControlPointHoldMission; reward = 0; penalty = 0; controlPoints = [5, 0]; delay = 0; repeat = 6; repeatReward = 2; repeatPenalty = 0 #1 CaptureControlPointMission; reward = 1000; penalty = 0; controlPoints = [5, 0] #2 KillEnemyOfSpecificShipTypeMission; reward = 30; penalty = 45; shipType = Destroyer; rewardPerType = 0; penaltyPerType = 0 #3 KillEnemyOfSpecificShipTypeMission; reward = 35; penalty = 50; shipType = Cruiser; rewardPerType = 0; penaltyPerType = 0 #4 KillEnemyOfSpecificShipTypeMission; reward = 40; penalty = 60; shipType = Battleship; rewardPerType = 0; penaltyPerType = 0 #5 KillEnemyOfSpecificShipTypeMission; reward = 45; penalty = 65; shipType = AirCarrier; rewardPerType = 0; penaltyPerType = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:27] Mission tasks available! [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:27] Battle waiting start: 5.0 / 83.0980000959 [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:27] Avatar.receiveAvatarInfo: {'evaluationsLeft': {0: 7, 1: 7}} [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:27] Avatar.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:27] name ONE___VP [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:27] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:27] Avatar onControlled False [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:27] onControlled->False: not implemented [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:29] onGeometryMapped() MapName: %s 46_Estuary [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:29] teamBuildType: 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:29] player: Id: 6733579 Name: topotun4ik TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASC014_New_Orlean_1944' [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:29] player: Id: 6608781 Name: aleks211178 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSC508_Kutuzov_1952' [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:29] player: Id: 6738576 Name: dimchicov TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASA006_Independence_1945' [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:29] player: Id: 6808082 Name: mutabor_962 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSD007_Fubuki_1944' [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:29] player: Id: 6599060 Name: agentakb TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASA006_Independence_1945' [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:29] player: Id: 6839598 Name: CONSTantius TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSD006_Hatsuharu_1945' [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:29] player: Id: 6797340 Name: vad00 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSD007_Fubuki_1944' [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:29] player: Id: 6103588 Name: dimmonn1963 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSD007_Fubuki_1944' [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:29] player: Id: 6271403 Name: Ultimate1 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSD007_Fubuki_1944' [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:29] player: Id: 6917806 Name: sokol_109 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSC009_Mogami_1935' [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:29] player: Id: 6317116 Name: oleeeg67 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB034_New_Mexico_1941' [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:29] player: Id: 6405569 Name: Misurenko TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB012_North_Carolina_1945' [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:29] player: Id: 6548429 Name: Mess001 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASD008_Benson_1945' [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:29] player: Id: 6555470 Name: SlavaBSV TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASA006_Independence_1945' [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:29] player: Id: 6602451 Name: zagor_den TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASC012_Pensacola_1944' [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:29] player: Id: 6767060 Name: petxxx_1 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSC009_Mogami_1935' [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:29] player: Id: 6306647 Name: xxx_Jove_2003_pro_xxx TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSB006_Fuso_1943' [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:29] player: Id: 6485859 Name: vit81 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSC009_Mogami_1935' [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:29] player: Id: 6772073 Name: Ot_vinta_razrushitel TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSC108_Pr_68_Chapaev' [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:29] player: Id: 6989399 Name: _VARVAR__ TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASC014_New_Orlean_1944' [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:29] player: Id: 6833298 Name: ONE___VP TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSC108_Pr_68_Chapaev' [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:29] player: Id: 3845367 Name: ZLOI_TANK_93ru TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSD007_Fubuki_1944' [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:29] player: Id: 6747642 Name: ProPovedNik_NFS TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSC038_Atago_1944' [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:29] player: Id: 6832508 Name: Vampire4 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSA009_Ryujo_1933' [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:29] BattleDataContext.__onEnterSpace [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:29] [DEBUG] BattleLoadingContext: geometry mapped [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:29] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (6245247, 0, 0, 6834902, 1464429907280L, False, True) [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:29] m418a81c.updatePreBattles (6245247, 0, 0, 6834902, 1464429907280L, False, True) [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:29] m418a81c.updatePreBattles1 {6245247: PreBattleInfo: id: 6245247, inPortPlayers: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 6834902, creationTime 1464429907280, hidden False, locked True } [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:29] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:29] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:29] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:29] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:29] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:29] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:29] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:29] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:29] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:29] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:29] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:29] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:30] ping&FPS: True 0.0916301863534 709.928716739 134.928718639 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:30] ping&FPS: False 0.0870452629668 142.928712239 142.928712239 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:31] Battle countdown start: 60.0 / 87.5240001215 [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:37] ping&FPS: True 0.0616209166391 232.928553638 134.928553795 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:38] [BAT] __initBasePoints points [, ] [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:38] [BAT] x 0.5 y 0.335714285714 VISIBLE True [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:38] [BAT] x 0.499999569286 y 0.664285932268 VISIBLE True [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:38] ping&FPS: False 0.0529371457441 52.9285547113 52.9285547113 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:39] ping&FPS: True 0.0604935841901 354.928538273 151.928539853 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:39] ping&FPS: False 0.0520234512431 65.9285396146 65.9285396146 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:39] [Scaleform] Warning: instance1406.setImageSubstitutions() failed for #86 element - length of subString should not exceed 15 characters [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:41] ping&FPS: True 0.0658761220319 1592.92854995 149.928535805 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:41] ma3b8627.__instanceWindow: m5e8cfdc [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:41] ping&FPS: False 0.0578034179551 164.928561398 164.928561398 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:42] ping&FPS: True 0.0524142565472 228.92855799 152.928565321 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:42] ping&FPS: False 0.0454980092389 55.9285595542 55.9285595542 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:44] ping&FPS: True 0.0555917876107 219.928561529 142.928564747 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:44] ping&FPS: False 0.0500606628401 81.9285636297 81.9285636297 0 [A] [2016_05_28 13:13:44] CollisionModel::load: Error loading collision model content/gameplay/japan/ship/destroyer/JSD013_Fubuki_1942/JSD013_Fubuki_1942_Bow! [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:45] ping&FPS: True 0.0580417471273 219.928565444 136.928564006 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:45] ping&FPS: False 0.0513235437019 79.9285672171 79.9285672171 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:45] ping&FPS: True 0.0639520691974 172.92856718 309.92856718 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:45] ping&FPS: False 0.0570331322295 110.928569378 110.928569378 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:46] ping&FPS: True 0.0611970978124 206.928572321 128.92857022 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:46] ping&FPS: False 0.0565999852759 93.9285746901 93.9285746901 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:47] ping&FPS: True 0.0512602957232 242.928572924 143.928566785 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:47] ping&FPS: False 0.0426640169961 38.9285737289 38.9285737289 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:48] ping&FPS: True 0.063276927386 207.928566122 141.928567582 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:48] ping&FPS: False 0.0405212598188 181.9285604 181.9285604 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:50] ping&FPS: True 0.0602844463927 203.928555497 135.928558545 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:50] ping&FPS: False 0.0520660909159 80.9285574345 80.9285574345 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:51] ping&FPS: True 0.0588481532676 228.9285546 153.928555412 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:51] ping&FPS: False 0.0506925838334 89.9285561493 89.9285561493 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:51] ping&FPS: True 0.0767761873347 388.928557349 89.9285561493 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:52] ping&FPS: False 0.0732032465083 148.928558325 148.928558325 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:52] ping&FPS: True 0.0665192114455 203.928561402 142.928556067 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:52] ping&FPS: False 0.0590945141656 78.9285630113 78.9285630113 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:52] ping&FPS: True 0.0590732055051 207.928556894 78.9285630113 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:52] ping&FPS: False 0.0528805064304 78.928559435 78.928559435 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:53] ping&FPS: True 0.0585003154618 211.928564215 148.928560363 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:53] ping&FPS: False 0.0526037546141 65.928566487 65.928566487 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:53] ping&FPS: True 0.0536343263728 241.928562218 65.928566487 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:53] ping&FPS: False 0.0444584669811 39.9285630225 39.9285630225 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:54] ping&FPS: True 0.0541856395347 226.928560843 151.928555464 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:54] ping&FPS: False 0.0469331698758 59.9285630634 59.9285630634 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:54] ping&FPS: True 0.0532688083393 226.928560527 59.9285630634 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:54] ping&FPS: False 0.0445107700569 59.9285627468 59.9285627468 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:56] ping&FPS: True 0.059736471091 211.928565787 170.928564263 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:13:56] ping&FPS: False 0.052743937288 65.9285671277 65.9285671277 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:01] ping&FPS: True 0.059983845268 204.928583459 152.928582454 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:01] ping&FPS: False 0.0555065231664 96.9285863204 96.9285863204 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:02] ping&FPS: True 0.0576727645738 206.928585072 151.928589327 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:02] ping&FPS: False 0.0497253345592 64.9285864136 64.9285864136 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:03] ping&FPS: True 0.0596688645227 218.928591428 133.928594646 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:03] ping&FPS: False 0.0515519188983 82.9285938567 82.9285938567 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:04] ping&FPS: True 0.0588359343154 201.928601646 133.928600201 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:04] ping&FPS: False 0.0546324210508 141.928606295 141.928606295 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:07] ping&FPS: True 0.0581847982747 219.928607761 132.928607091 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:07] ping&FPS: False 0.0483294608338 143.928605288 143.928605288 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:08] ping&FPS: True 0.057659472738 202.928597707 148.928600754 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:08] ping&FPS: False 0.0479212882263 137.9286017 137.9286017 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:09] ping&FPS: True 0.0541603224618 209.928596828 133.928599659 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:09] ping&FPS: False 0.0462806107742 139.928597424 139.928597424 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:10] ping&FPS: True 0.0518793570144 226.92861317 134.928607627 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:10] ping&FPS: False 0.0450617851956 54.9286147351 54.9286147351 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:13] ping&FPS: True 0.056881661926 210.928593918 141.928597517 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:13] ping&FPS: False 0.0482126282794 56.9285958106 56.9285958106 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:15] ping&FPS: True 0.0601512747152 244.928595118 142.928598731 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:15] ping&FPS: False 0.0468731256468 38.9285959224 38.9285959224 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:20] ping&FPS: True 0.0615827100618 205.928566655 133.928572935 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:20] ping&FPS: False 0.0530964242561 102.928568473 102.928568473 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:21] ping&FPS: True 0.0560264544828 213.928564695 91.9285661033 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:21] ping&FPS: False 0.0525993438704 91.928567504 91.928567504 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:21] ping&FPS: True 0.0539725976331 202.928567087 91.928567504 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:21] ping&FPS: False 0.0487557160003 79.92856886 79.92856886 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:22] ping&FPS: True 0.0567996459348 217.928567374 166.928567195 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:22] ping&FPS: False 0.0452284472329 38.9285680143 38.9285680143 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:25] ping&FPS: True 0.060415919338 202.92856788 150.928567366 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:25] ping&FPS: False 0.0559673713786 102.928565973 102.928565973 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:27] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:27] id 6834895 [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:27] name dimmonn1963 [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:27] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:27] [Weather][40922] onEnterWorld (map spaces/46_Estuary, scheme 1, weather 0) [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:27] ping&FPS: True 0.0453650610788 201.928559912 92.9285586303 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:27] ping&FPS: False 0.0418631540877 140.928564233 140.928564233 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:28] ping&FPS: True 0.0581730114562 226.928556619 134.928560553 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:28] ping&FPS: False 0.0502886580569 111.928554324 111.928554324 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:29] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:29] id 6834911 [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:29] name petxxx_1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:29] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:29] @ launchpadAppeared 6834911 [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:29] ping&FPS: True 0.0546095477683 210.928545581 134.928547481 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:30] ping&FPS: False 0.0512563171131 91.9285483895 91.9285483895 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:30] ping&FPS: True 0.0556902544839 226.928534882 134.928532296 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:31] ping&FPS: False 0.0481377946479 59.9285371019 59.9285371019 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:32] -= BATTLE STARTED =- [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:32] [Weather][40922] prepare transition for Sunny [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:32] [Weather][40922] start transition (from weather 0, to weather 1) [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:32] ping&FPS: True 0.0579395102603 217.928527304 140.928530385 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:32] ping&FPS: False 0.051953691457 78.9285289137 78.9285289137 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:34] ping&FPS: True 0.0603261100394 212.928523028 137.9285246 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:34] ping&FPS: False 0.0521951275212 65.9285234375 65.9285234375 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:35] ping&FPS: True 0.0583554016692 245.928519019 121.928527289 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:35] id 6834905 [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:35] name Mess001 [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:35] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:35] ping&FPS: False 0.0564276831491 175.928518833 175.928518833 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:35] id 6834921 [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:35] name ZLOI_TANK_93ru [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:35] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:36] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:36] id 6834881 [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:36] name topotun4ik [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:36] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:36] @ launchpadAppeared 6834881 [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:37] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:37] id 6834885 [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:37] name dimchicov [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:37] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:37] @ launchpadAppeared 6834885 [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:39] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:39] id 6834899 [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:39] name CONSTantius [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:39] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:39] ping&FPS: True 0.0598957198007 206.92849992 117.928499681 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:40] ping&FPS: False 0.0555035131318 115.928502006 115.928502006 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:40] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:40] id 6834891 [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:40] name sokol_109 [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:40] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:40] @ launchpadAppeared 6834891 [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:40] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:40] id 6834887 [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:40] name ONE___VP [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:40] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:40] client.Vehicle.setAmmoArtilleryGun [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:40] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:40] Avatar.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:40] ! A.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:40] BattleDataContext.__onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:40] -- GUNS ----------------------------------------- [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:40] {0: {'position': {'y': 1.0, 'x': 1.0}, 'rotation': 3.141592502593994, 'gunPositionId': 0}, 1: {'position': {'y': 1.0, 'x': 2.0}, 'rotation': 3.141592502593994, 'gunPositionId': 1}, 2: {'position': {'y': 1.0, 'x': 4.0}, 'rotation': -8.742277657347586e-08, 'gunPositionId': 2}, 3: {'position': {'y': 1.0, 'x': 5.0}, 'rotation': -8.742277657347586e-08, 'gunPositionId': 3}} [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:40] -- GUNS ----------------------------------------- [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:40] {0: {'position': {'y': 2.0, 'x': 2.0}, 'rotation': 3.141592502593994, 'gunPositionId': 0}, 1: {'position': {'y': 0.0, 'x': 2.0}, 'rotation': 3.141592502593994, 'gunPositionId': 1}} [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:40] ping&FPS: True 0.0565553861005 253.928490532 151.928499354 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:40] Avatar.onWorldStateReceived [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:41] ping&FPS: False 0.0324010508401 108.9284894 108.9284894 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:41] ma3b8627.__instanceWindow: Battle [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:43] ("[ERROR] FeedbackController: config {event: 'Sound', container: 'screenplay_trigger'} must set 'type'",) [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:43] ("[ERROR] FeedbackController: config {event: 'Sound', container: 'five_minutes_left'} must set 'type'",) [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:43] ('[ERROR] FeedbackController: empty config for event five_minutes_left',) [A] [2016_05_28 13:14:45] CollisionModel::load: Error loading collision model content/gameplay/japan/ship/aircarrier/JSA032_Ryujo_1944/JSA032_Ryujo_1944_MidFront! [A] [2016_05_28 13:14:45] CollisionModel::load: Error loading collision model content/gameplay/japan/ship/aircarrier/JSA032_Ryujo_1944/JSA032_Ryujo_1944_Stern! [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:45] ping&FPS: True 0.0698957549674 4077.92832543 171.928489757 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:45] client.Vehicle.setAmmoArtilleryGun [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:45] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:45] id 6834925 [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:45] name Vampire4 [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:45] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:45] @ launchpadAppeared 6834925 [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:46] ping&FPS: False 0.06502593628 162.928319944 162.928319944 0 [A] [2016_05_28 13:14:47] CollisionModel::load: Error loading collision model content/gameplay/usa/ship/cruiser/ASC012_Pensacola_1944/ASC012_Pensacola_1944_Bow! [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:47] ping&FPS: True 0.0688250767333 1117.92835589 162.928319944 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:48] ping&FPS: False 0.055580537234 139.928359469 191.928359469 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:49] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:49] id 6834909 [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:49] name zagor_den [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:49] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:49] @ launchpadAppeared 6834909 [A] [2016_05_28 13:14:52] CollisionModel::load: Error loading collision model content/gameplay/usa/ship/battleship/ASB037_North_Carolina_1942/ASB037_North_Carolina_1942_MidFront! [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:54] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:54] id 6834903 [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:54] name Misurenko [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:54] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:14:54] @ launchpadAppeared 6834903 [S] [2016_05_28 13:15:24] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:15:25] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:15:25] id 6834917 [S] [2016_05_28 13:15:25] name xxx_Jove_2003_pro_xxx [S] [2016_05_28 13:15:25] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:15:25] @ launchpadAppeared 6834917 [S] [2016_05_28 13:15:25] ping&FPS: True 0.0601787077529 242.929469084 133.929463712 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:15:26] ping&FPS: False 0.0381503807647 147.929470209 182.929470209 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:15:45] client.Vehicle.setAmmoArtilleryGun [S] [2016_05_28 13:16:02] [Weather][40922] finish transition [S] [2016_05_28 13:16:08] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:16:08] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:16:08] id 6834923 [S] [2016_05_28 13:16:08] name ProPovedNik_NFS [S] [2016_05_28 13:16:08] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:16:08] @ launchpadAppeared 6834923 [S] [2016_05_28 13:16:18] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:16:18] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:16:18] id 6834927 [S] [2016_05_28 13:16:18] name Ot_vinta_razrushitel [S] [2016_05_28 13:16:18] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:16:19] @ launchpadAppeared 6834927 [S] [2016_05_28 13:16:19] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:16:19] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:16:19] id 6834913 [S] [2016_05_28 13:16:19] name _VARVAR__ [S] [2016_05_28 13:16:19] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:16:19] @ launchpadAppeared 6834913 [S] [2016_05_28 13:16:20] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:16:21] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:16:21] id 6834915 [S] [2016_05_28 13:16:21] name vit81 [S] [2016_05_28 13:16:21] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:16:21] @ launchpadAppeared 6834915 [S] [2016_05_28 13:16:22] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:16:22] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:16:22] id 6834901 [S] [2016_05_28 13:16:22] name oleeeg67 [S] [2016_05_28 13:16:22] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:16:23] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:16:23] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:16:23] id 6834883 [S] [2016_05_28 13:16:23] name aleks211178 [S] [2016_05_28 13:16:23] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:16:41] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:16:41] id 6834917 [S] [2016_05_28 13:16:41] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:16:42] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:16:42] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:16:42] id 6834893 [S] [2016_05_28 13:16:42] name vad00 [S] [2016_05_28 13:16:42] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:16:47] SmokeScreen.onEnterWorld( 2090674 ) [(352.459, -210.129)] [S] [2016_05_28 13:16:48] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:16:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:16:48] id 6834917 [S] [2016_05_28 13:16:48] name xxx_Jove_2003_pro_xxx [S] [2016_05_28 13:16:48] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:16:48] @ launchpadAppeared 6834917 [S] [2016_05_28 13:16:50] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:16:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:16:50] id 6834897 [S] [2016_05_28 13:16:50] name Ultimate1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:16:50] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:16:53] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:16:53] id 6834893 [S] [2016_05_28 13:16:54] SmokeScreen.onEnterWorld( 2090675 ) [(59.0762, -22.0556)] [S] [2016_05_28 13:16:55] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:16:55] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:16:55] id 6834893 [S] [2016_05_28 13:16:55] name vad00 [S] [2016_05_28 13:16:55] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:16:55] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:00] SmokeScreen.onEnterWorld( 2090676 ) [(157.198, -158.618)] [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:00] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:01] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:03] SmokeScreen.onEnterWorld( 2090677 ) [(461.219, -46.6256)] [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:04] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:05] ping&FPS: True 0.0514337899429 423.930902158 159.930916478 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:05] ping&FPS: False 0.047347422157 128.930899089 128.930899089 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:05] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:05] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:05] id 6834901 [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:08] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:09] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:10] SmokeScreen.onEnterWorld( 2090678 ) [(86.0892, -220.595)] [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:12] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:12] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:12] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:12] id 6834907 [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:12] name SlavaBSV [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:12] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:12] @ launchpadAppeared 6834907 [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:12] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:12] id 6834901 [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:12] name oleeeg67 [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:12] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:13] ping&FPS: True 0.0380258070571 205.93082506 147.930822959 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:13] ping&FPS: False 0.0384458707912 95.9308258942 95.9308258942 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:14] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:14] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:14] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#1073: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:14] ping&FPS: True 0.0447967829449 213.930831408 188.930829858 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:14] ping&FPS: False 0.0416433023555 82.9308318248 82.9308318248 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:14] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Fubuki_foam_post_death.xml#1083: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:14] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Fubuki_foam_post_death.xml#1084: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:14] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Fubuki_foam_post_death.xml#1085: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:16] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:17] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:17] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:17] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:18] ping&FPS: True 0.0410729455096 345.930834596 110.93083935 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:18] ping&FPS: False 0.0385812478406 85.9308356544 85.9308356544 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:18] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:18] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:19] SmokeScreen.onEnterWorld( 2090679 ) [(-563.513, -85.2165)] [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:19] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:19] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:19] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:20] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:20] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:20] id 6834923 [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:20] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:21] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:21] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:21] id 6834893 [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:22] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:22] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:23] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:24] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:24] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:24] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#1217: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:24] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Kutuzov_foam_post_death.xml#1222: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:24] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Kutuzov_foam_post_death.xml#1223: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:24] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Kutuzov_foam_post_death.xml#1224: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:25] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:25] id 6834897 [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:25] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:25] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:26] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:26] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:26] id 6834923 [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:26] name ProPovedNik_NFS [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:26] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:26] @ launchpadAppeared 6834923 [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:27] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:28] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:28] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:29] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:29] id 6834917 [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:29] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:29] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:29] id 6834913 [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:29] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:31] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:31] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:31] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:31] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:32] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:32] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:32] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:32] id 6834897 [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:32] name Ultimate1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:32] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:32] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:32] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:32] id 6834917 [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:32] name xxx_Jove_2003_pro_xxx [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:32] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:32] @ launchpadAppeared 6834917 [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:32] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:32] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:33] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:33] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:33] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:33] id 6834919 [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:33] name mutabor_962 [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:33] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:34] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:35] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:38] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:38] id 6834897 [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:38] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:38] id 6834907 [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:38] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:40] id 6834927 [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:40] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:40] id 6834919 [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:40] id 6834901 [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:42] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:42] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:42] id 6834923 [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:42] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:42] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:42] id 6834927 [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:42] name Ot_vinta_razrushitel [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:42] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:42] @ launchpadAppeared 6834927 [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:43] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:43] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:43] id 6834923 [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:43] name ProPovedNik_NFS [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:43] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:43] @ launchpadAppeared 6834923 [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:47] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:47] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:47] id 6834913 [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:47] name _VARVAR__ [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:47] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:47] @ launchpadAppeared 6834913 [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:49] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:49] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:49] id 6834901 [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:49] name oleeeg67 [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:49] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:49] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:51] ping&FPS: True 0.0426773684365 193.930477445 355.930477445 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:52] ping&FPS: False 0.0311793940408 98.9304750463 98.9304750463 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:55] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:56] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#1548: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:57] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#1568: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:59] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:17:59] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:18:00] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:18:02] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:18:03] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#1640: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:18:03] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:18:04] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#1647: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:18:04] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:18:04] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:18:04] id 6834889 [S] [2016_05_28 13:18:04] name agentakb [S] [2016_05_28 13:18:04] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:18:04] @ launchpadAppeared 6834889 [S] [2016_05_28 13:18:08] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:18:08] id 6834913 [S] [2016_05_28 13:18:08] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:18:08] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:18:08] id 6834889 [S] [2016_05_28 13:18:08] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:18:10] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:18:10] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:18:10] id 6834913 [S] [2016_05_28 13:18:10] name _VARVAR__ [S] [2016_05_28 13:18:10] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:18:10] @ launchpadAppeared 6834913 [S] [2016_05_28 13:18:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:18:10] id 6834917 [S] [2016_05_28 13:18:10] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:18:11] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#1725: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:18:14] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:18:14] id 6834901 [S] [2016_05_28 13:18:15] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:18:15] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:18:15] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:18:15] id 6834919 [S] [2016_05_28 13:18:15] name mutabor_962 [S] [2016_05_28 13:18:15] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:18:15] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:18:15] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:18:15] id 6834901 [S] [2016_05_28 13:18:15] name oleeeg67 [S] [2016_05_28 13:18:15] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:18:15] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:18:15] id 6834917 [S] [2016_05_28 13:18:15] name xxx_Jove_2003_pro_xxx [S] [2016_05_28 13:18:15] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:18:15] @ launchpadAppeared 6834917 [S] [2016_05_28 13:18:15] ping&FPS: True 0.0371922062976 204.930231919 145.930226257 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:18:15] ping&FPS: False 0.0344904171569 89.9302354953 89.9302354953 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:18:16] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_water_fountains_post_death.xml#1774: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:18:20] ping&FPS: True 0.0465983854873 201.930194145 128.930198287 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:18:20] ping&FPS: False 0.0449950056417 110.930195575 110.930195575 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:18:21] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:18:22] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 13:18:22] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 13:18:22] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#1874: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:18:22] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Hatsuharu_foam_post_death.xml#1891: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:18:22] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Hatsuharu_foam_post_death.xml#1892: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:18:22] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Hatsuharu_foam_post_death.xml#1893: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:18:23] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:18:24] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#1909: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:18:26] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:18:26] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#1951: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:18:26] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:18:27] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:18:31] client.Vehicle.setAmmoArtilleryGun [S] [2016_05_28 13:18:32] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#2004: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:18:32] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:18:32] id 6834901 [S] [2016_05_28 13:18:32] client.Vehicle.setAmmoArtilleryGun [S] [2016_05_28 13:18:35] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:18:35] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_water_fountains_post_death.xml#2030: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:18:37] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:18:38] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:18:38] id 6834919 [S] [2016_05_28 13:18:41] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:18:41] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:18:41] id 6834901 [S] [2016_05_28 13:18:41] name oleeeg67 [S] [2016_05_28 13:18:41] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:18:43] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:18:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:18:50] id 6834901 [S] [2016_05_28 13:18:52] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:18:53] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:18:54] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:18:59] ping&FPS: True 0.0443933340056 219.929810402 141.92981532 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:19:00] ping&FPS: False 0.0445445435388 129.929803131 129.929803131 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:19:00] ping&FPS: True 0.0400437372071 212.929798973 102.929801313 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:19:00] ping&FPS: False 0.0416942196233 100.929800627 100.929800627 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:19:02] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:19:02] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:19:02] id 6834897 [S] [2016_05_28 13:19:02] name Ultimate1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:19:02] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:19:15] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#2526: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:19:19] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#2562: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:19:22] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:19:24] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:19:24] id 6834915 [S] [2016_05_28 13:19:24] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:19:26] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#2707: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:19:26] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:19:27] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 13:19:27] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 13:19:27] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#2725: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:19:27] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:19:27] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Fuso_foam_post_death.xml#2727: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:19:27] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Fuso_foam_post_death.xml#2728: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:19:27] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Fuso_foam_post_death.xml#2729: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:19:28] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:19:29] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:19:29] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:19:29] id 6834915 [S] [2016_05_28 13:19:29] name vit81 [S] [2016_05_28 13:19:29] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:19:29] @ launchpadAppeared 6834915 [S] [2016_05_28 13:19:30] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#2767: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:19:31] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:19:31] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:19:31] id 6834919 [S] [2016_05_28 13:19:31] name mutabor_962 [S] [2016_05_28 13:19:31] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:19:31] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:19:33] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:19:34] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:19:38] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#2865: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:19:38] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:19:40] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:19:40] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:19:40] ping&FPS: True 0.0429579424007 214.929444132 64.9294442809 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:19:40] ping&FPS: False 0.0329578252775 69.9294444299 69.9294444299 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:19:41] ping&FPS: True 0.0482835950596 229.929439423 120.929442701 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:19:41] ping&FPS: False 0.0449360789997 179.929440988 179.929440988 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:19:43] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_water_fountains_post_death.xml#2932: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:19:43] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:19:43] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:19:44] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:19:48] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:19:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:19:50] id 6834919 [S] [2016_05_28 13:19:52] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:19:54] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:19:54] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:19:54] id 6834919 [S] [2016_05_28 13:19:54] name mutabor_962 [S] [2016_05_28 13:19:54] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:19:56] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:19:57] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#3090: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:19:59] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:19:59] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:19:59] id 6834901 [S] [2016_05_28 13:19:59] name oleeeg67 [S] [2016_05_28 13:19:59] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:19:59] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:20:00] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#3150: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:20:00] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#3151: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:20:01] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:20:03] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:20:04] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:20:04] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 13:20:04] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 13:20:04] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#3215: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:20:04] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:20:04] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Mogami_foam_post_death.xml#3218: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:20:04] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Mogami_foam_post_death.xml#3219: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:20:04] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Mogami_foam_post_death.xml#3220: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:20:04] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:20:06] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:20:10] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:20:13] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:20:13] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:20:13] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:20:13] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:20:13] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:20:13] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:20:17] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:20:17] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:20:19] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:20:20] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:20:22] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:20:22] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:20:22] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:20:23] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:20:27] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:20:27] id 6834905 [S] [2016_05_28 13:20:29] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#3535: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:20:30] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_water_fountains_post_death.xml#3539: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:20:31] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 13:20:31] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 13:20:31] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#3564: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:20:31] (, 51832695439976, 238): Two time score difference detected. Max Score(0): 498 Min Score(1): 228 User Team Id: 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:20:31] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Fubuki_foam_post_death.xml#3575: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:20:31] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Fubuki_foam_post_death.xml#3576: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:20:31] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Fubuki_foam_post_death.xml#3577: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:20:32] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:20:32] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:20:38] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:20:41] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:20:41] id 6834901 [S] [2016_05_28 13:20:41] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 13:20:41] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 13:20:41] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#3678: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:20:41] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:20:42] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Mogami_foam_post_death.xml#3684: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:20:42] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Mogami_foam_post_death.xml#3685: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:20:42] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Mogami_foam_post_death.xml#3686: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:20:43] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:20:43] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:20:44] ping&FPS: True 0.028151001249 216.929383752 118.929389161 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:20:44] ping&FPS: False 0.023147921477 78.9293836629 78.9293836629 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:20:55] (, 51832695439976, 326): Two time score difference is reset. Max Score(0): 406 Min Score(1): 306 [S] [2016_05_28 13:20:55] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 13:20:55] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 13:20:55] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#3835: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:20:55] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:20:55] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Mogami_foam_post_death.xml#3837: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:20:55] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Mogami_foam_post_death.xml#3838: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:20:55] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Mogami_foam_post_death.xml#3839: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:20:55] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:20:55] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:20:55] id 6834901 [S] [2016_05_28 13:20:55] name oleeeg67 [S] [2016_05_28 13:20:55] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:20:56] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:20:56] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:20:56] id 6834893 [S] [2016_05_28 13:20:56] name vad00 [S] [2016_05_28 13:20:56] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:20:56] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 13:21:06] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#3889: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:21:13] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#3962: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:21:13] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#3963: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:21:15] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#3969: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:21:15] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#3970: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:21:22] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#4020: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:21:25] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#4043: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:21:26] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_water_fountains_post_death.xml#4046: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:21:28] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#4052: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:21:34] client.Vehicle.setAmmoArtilleryGun [S] [2016_05_28 13:21:35] client.Vehicle.setAmmoArtilleryGun [S] [2016_05_28 13:21:38] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#4186: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:21:42] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#4206: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:21:43] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_water_fountains_post_death.xml#4217: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:21:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:21:48] id 6834885 [S] [2016_05_28 13:21:48] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:21:49] ping&FPS: True 0.0335776614291 203.928578747 133.928582562 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:21:49] ping&FPS: False 0.0270754950387 189.928580088 189.928580088 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:21:49] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 13:21:49] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 13:21:50] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#4327: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:21:52] client.Vehicle.setAmmoArtilleryGun [S] [2016_05_28 13:21:53] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_water_fountains_post_death.xml#4389: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:21:54] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 13:21:54] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#4392: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:21:57] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#4430: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:22:02] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 13:22:04] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#4537: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:22:06] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#4582: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:22:06] ping&FPS: True 0.0338761912925 209.928376061 103.928377194 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:22:06] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 13:22:06] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 13:22:06] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#4587: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:22:06] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:22:06] ping&FPS: False 0.0348479109151 102.928374154 102.928374154 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:22:06] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Pensacola_foam_post_death.xml#4589: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:22:06] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Pensacola_foam_post_death.xml#4590: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:22:06] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Pensacola_foam_post_death.xml#4591: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:22:07] ping&FPS: True 0.0422260569675 206.928374392 102.928374154 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:22:07] ping&FPS: False 0.0378809007151 111.928372098 111.928372098 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:22:08] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence(), ('3480927@wowsru.loc/wows', 'Doc_Maximov', 0) [S] [2016_05_28 13:22:08] [NUT] __updateUserPresence contacts 3480927 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:22:10] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:22:10] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:22:10] id 6834889 [S] [2016_05_28 13:22:10] name agentakb [S] [2016_05_28 13:22:10] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:22:10] @ launchpadAppeared 6834889 [S] [2016_05_28 13:22:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:22:10] id 6834893 [S] [2016_05_28 13:22:13] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#4663: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:22:16] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:22:17] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_water_fountains_post_death.xml#4685: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:22:18] ping&FPS: True 0.0378463747246 470.928294492 132.928295684 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:22:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:22:18] id 6834881 [S] [2016_05_28 13:22:18] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:22:18] ping&FPS: False 0.0263510303838 106.928293241 106.928293241 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:22:21] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:22:24] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:22:24] id 6834913 [S] [2016_05_28 13:22:24] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:22:26] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 13:22:27] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:22:28] client.Vehicle.setAmmoArtilleryGun [S] [2016_05_28 13:22:28] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:22:29] ping&FPS: True 0.0341882663114 208.928148446 188.928151605 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:22:29] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:22:29] id 6834889 [S] [2016_05_28 13:22:29] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:22:29] ping&FPS: False 0.0403503956539 134.928153989 134.928153989 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:22:30] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:22:30] id 6834923 [S] [2016_05_28 13:22:30] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:22:30] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:22:30] id 6834927 [S] [2016_05_28 13:22:30] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:22:31] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:22:31] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:22:31] id 6834927 [S] [2016_05_28 13:22:31] name Ot_vinta_razrushitel [S] [2016_05_28 13:22:31] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:22:31] @ launchpadAppeared 6834927 [S] [2016_05_28 13:22:31] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 13:22:35] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:22:35] id 6834901 [S] [2016_05_28 13:22:36] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:22:37] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence(), ('2715866@wowsru.loc/wows', 'BCEM_PPC', 0) [S] [2016_05_28 13:22:37] [NUT] __updateUserPresence contacts 2715866 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:22:38] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:22:42] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:22:42] id 6834927 [S] [2016_05_28 13:22:42] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:22:44] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:22:44] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:22:44] id 6834901 [S] [2016_05_28 13:22:44] name oleeeg67 [S] [2016_05_28 13:22:44] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:22:44] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 13:22:45] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:22:45] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:22:45] id 6834927 [S] [2016_05_28 13:22:45] name Ot_vinta_razrushitel [S] [2016_05_28 13:22:45] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:22:45] @ launchpadAppeared 6834927 [S] [2016_05_28 13:22:46] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 13:22:47] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:22:52] ping&FPS: True 0.052306036864 200.927947809 154.92795228 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:22:52] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:22:53] ping&FPS: False 0.0438693421228 84.9279485395 84.9279485395 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:22:54] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:22:54] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:22:54] id 6834913 [S] [2016_05_28 13:22:54] name _VARVAR__ [S] [2016_05_28 13:22:54] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:22:54] @ launchpadAppeared 6834913 [S] [2016_05_28 13:22:57] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:22:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:22:57] id 6834923 [S] [2016_05_28 13:22:57] name ProPovedNik_NFS [S] [2016_05_28 13:22:57] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:22:57] @ launchpadAppeared 6834923 [S] [2016_05_28 13:22:57] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 13:22:57] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 13:22:58] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:23:01] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:23:01] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:23:01] id 6834881 [S] [2016_05_28 13:23:01] name topotun4ik [S] [2016_05_28 13:23:01] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:23:01] @ launchpadAppeared 6834881 [S] [2016_05_28 13:23:04] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:23:04] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:23:05] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#5096: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:23:07] ("[ERROR] FeedbackController: invalid key '2' for map {1: 'SCOUT', 3: 'SPEED_BOOSTER', 4: 'TA_BOOSTER', 5: 'MB_BOOSTER', 6: 'HANGAR_BOOSTER', 7: 'SMOKE_GENERATOR'} data - {'state': 2, 'type': 2}",) [S] [2016_05_28 13:23:07] ("[ERROR] FeedbackController: invalid key '2' for map {1: 'SCOUT', 3: 'SPEED_BOOSTER', 4: 'TA_BOOSTER', 5: 'MB_BOOSTER', 6: 'HANGAR_BOOSTER', 7: 'SMOKE_GENERATOR'} data - {'state': 2, 'type': 2}",) [S] [2016_05_28 13:23:07] ping&FPS: True 0.0406067552311 203.927843322 127.927841713 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:23:07] ping&FPS: False 0.0401018815381 119.927846064 119.927846064 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:23:08] ping&FPS: True 0.0642225550754 431.927833346 146.927836274 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:23:08] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:23:08] ping&FPS: False 0.0632402407272 142.92783427 142.92783427 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:23:11] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:23:11] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:23:13] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:23:13] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:23:15] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:23:16] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#5190: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:23:18] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:23:23] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:23:25] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#5257: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:23:29] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_water_fountains_post_death.xml#5293: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:23:30] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence(), ('3480927@wowsru.loc/wows', 'Doc_Maximov', 2) [S] [2016_05_28 13:23:30] [NUT] __updateUserPresence contacts 3480927 2 [S] [2016_05_28 13:23:48] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:23:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:23:48] id 6834889 [S] [2016_05_28 13:23:48] name agentakb [S] [2016_05_28 13:23:48] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:23:48] @ launchpadAppeared 6834889 [S] [2016_05_28 13:24:00] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:24:00] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:24:00] id 6834893 [S] [2016_05_28 13:24:00] name vad00 [S] [2016_05_28 13:24:00] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:24:00] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 13:24:04] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 13:24:04] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 13:24:04] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_post_fire.xml#5585: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:24:04] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:24:04] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_New_Orlean_foam_post_death.xml#5592: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:24:04] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_New_Orlean_foam_post_death.xml#5593: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:24:04] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_New_Orlean_foam_post_death.xml#5594: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:24:05] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:24:05] id 6834893 [S] [2016_05_28 13:24:07] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:24:07] id 6834927 [S] [2016_05_28 13:24:07] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:24:11] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:24:11] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:24:11] id 6834927 [S] [2016_05_28 13:24:11] name Ot_vinta_razrushitel [S] [2016_05_28 13:24:11] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:24:11] @ launchpadAppeared 6834927 [S] [2016_05_28 13:24:11] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 13:24:20] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:24:21] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:24:21] id 6834913 [S] [2016_05_28 13:24:21] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:24:23] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:24:23] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:24:23] id 6834913 [S] [2016_05_28 13:24:23] name _VARVAR__ [S] [2016_05_28 13:24:23] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:24:23] @ launchpadAppeared 6834913 [S] [2016_05_28 13:24:25] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:24:26] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:24:26] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:24:26] id 6834893 [S] [2016_05_28 13:24:26] name vad00 [S] [2016_05_28 13:24:26] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:24:27] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 13:24:32] SmokeScreen.onEnterWorld( 2090680 ) [(-57.3373, -599.002)] [S] [2016_05_28 13:24:32] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:24:37] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:24:37] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:24:37] id 6834885 [S] [2016_05_28 13:24:37] name dimchicov [S] [2016_05_28 13:24:37] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:24:37] @ launchpadAppeared 6834885 [S] [2016_05_28 13:24:45] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:24:45] ping&FPS: True 0.0460772769792 249.926994999 165.926995163 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:24:45] ping&FPS: False 0.0334210576756 131.926990708 167.926990708 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:24:46] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:24:47] ping&FPS: True 0.0413109915597 366.926986044 180.926989382 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:24:47] ping&FPS: False 0.0385012733085 162.926986521 162.926986521 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:24:48] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:24:49] ping&FPS: True 0.0325485276324 212.926960682 139.92695946 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:24:49] ping&FPS: False 0.0234981136663 105.926961129 105.926961129 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:24:57] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:24:57] id 6834927 [S] [2016_05_28 13:24:57] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:24:59] ping&FPS: True 0.0470445635063 218.926885796 153.926891041 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:24:59] ping&FPS: False 0.0339299770338 60.9268844551 60.9268844551 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:25:03] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:25:03] id 6834923 [S] [2016_05_28 13:25:03] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:25:11] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#5905: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:25:18] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:25:18] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:25:18] id 6834905 [S] [2016_05_28 13:25:18] name Mess001 [S] [2016_05_28 13:25:18] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:25:24] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_post_fire.xml#5944: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:25:27] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#5954: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:25:28] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:25:34] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:25:37] ping&FPS: True 0.0638363765819 212.927473595 125.927472373 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:25:37] ping&FPS: False 0.058119099055 128.927472224 128.927472224 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:25:38] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:25:38] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:25:38] id 6834927 [S] [2016_05_28 13:25:38] name Ot_vinta_razrushitel [S] [2016_05_28 13:25:38] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:25:38] @ launchpadAppeared 6834927 [S] [2016_05_28 13:25:38] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 13:25:38] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:25:41] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#5977: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:25:42] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:25:42] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:25:42] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:25:42] id 6834923 [S] [2016_05_28 13:25:42] name ProPovedNik_NFS [S] [2016_05_28 13:25:42] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:25:42] @ launchpadAppeared 6834923 [S] [2016_05_28 13:25:42] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 13:25:42] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 13:25:43] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:25:46] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:25:47] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_water_fountains_post_death.xml#6002: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:25:49] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:26:02] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:26:09] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 13:26:09] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 13:26:09] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#6158: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:26:09] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:26:09] (, 51832695439976, 238): Two time score difference detected. Max Score(0): 562 Min Score(1): 262 User Team Id: 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:26:09] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Chapaev_foam_post_death.xml#6165: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:26:09] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Chapaev_foam_post_death.xml#6166: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:26:09] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Chapaev_foam_post_death.xml#6167: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:26:10] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 13:26:10] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 13:26:10] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#6173: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:26:10] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 13:26:10] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#6174: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:26:10] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Benson_foam_post_death.xml#6179: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:26:10] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Benson_foam_post_death.xml#6180: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:26:10] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Benson_foam_post_death.xml#6181: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:26:10] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Benson_foam_post_death.xml#6182: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:26:10] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Benson_foam_post_death.xml#6183: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:26:10] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Benson_foam_post_death.xml#6184: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:26:14] ping&FPS: True 0.0442766951663 513.927231913 143.927222331 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:26:14] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence(), ('6332290@wowsru.loc/wows', 'zloy_nyb', 2) [S] [2016_05_28 13:26:14] [NUT] __updateUserPresence contacts 6332290 2 [S] [2016_05_28 13:26:14] ping&FPS: False 0.0376464905483 146.927228575 146.927228575 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:26:16] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:26:16] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:26:16] id 6834907 [S] [2016_05_28 13:26:16] name SlavaBSV [S] [2016_05_28 13:26:16] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:26:16] @ launchpadAppeared 6834907 [S] [2016_05_28 13:26:16] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 13:26:16] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 13:26:16] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#6209: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:26:16] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:26:17] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Atago_foam_post_death.xml#6213: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:26:17] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Atago_foam_post_death.xml#6214: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:26:17] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Atago_foam_post_death.xml#6215: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:26:17] ping&FPS: True 0.0413836421711 222.927196284 118.927200874 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:26:18] ping&FPS: False 0.0313253062112 118.927197625 190.927197625 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:26:19] Avatar.makeEvaluation 1 6834904 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:26:19] Avatar.onEvaluationAccepted 1 6 [S] [2016_05_28 13:26:22] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:26:24] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#6223: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:26:24] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#6224: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:26:25] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#6225: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:26:25] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#6226: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:26:30] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:26:31] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:26:32] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:26:35] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#6279: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:26:35] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#6280: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:26:36] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#6286: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:26:36] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#6287: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:26:43] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#6315: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:26:43] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#6316: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:26:44] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#6321: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:26:45] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:26:46] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#6327: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:26:47] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_water_fountains_post_death.xml#6329: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:26:47] ClientSquadron.outOfFuel [S] [2016_05_28 13:26:49] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:26:50] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#6338: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:26:51] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#6339: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:26:53] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:26:55] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:26:56] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#6366: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:26:56] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:26:56] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#6370: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:26:59] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#6372: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:27:00] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:27:01] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_water_fountains_post_death.xml#6378: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:27:02] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:27:02] ping&FPS: True 0.0532146351678 211.927072009 140.927070951 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:27:02] ping&FPS: False 0.0427210735423 76.9270695647 76.9270695647 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:27:03] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:27:16] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#6443: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:27:18] ping&FPS: True 0.0419096457107 227.927291845 134.927293753 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:27:18] ping&FPS: False 0.0410420181496 86.9272938347 86.9272938347 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:27:19] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_water_fountains_post_death.xml#6455: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:27:41] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:27:45] ping&FPS: True 0.035174268697 200.927699414 146.927698297 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:27:45] ping&FPS: False 0.0339504139764 87.9277006364 87.9277006364 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:27:46] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:27:49] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:27:52] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:27:54] ping&FPS: True 0.0445187719805 202.9278554 136.927859542 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:27:54] ping&FPS: False 0.0392996924264 90.9278589761 90.9278589761 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:28:02] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:28:08] ping&FPS: True 0.0375349479062 200.927852435 140.92785318 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:28:09] ping&FPS: False 0.0325645612819 90.9278560108 90.9278560108 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:28:11] ping&FPS: True 0.0511397900326 218.927889434 132.927887229 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:28:11] ping&FPS: False 0.0354183720691 65.9278898439 65.9278898439 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:28:15] ping&FPS: True 0.044007885669 228.927965311 89.9279651916 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:28:15] ping&FPS: False 0.0321249844772 91.9279634631 91.9279634631 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:28:17] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:28:29] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:28:38] client.Vehicle.setAmmoArtilleryGun [S] [2016_05_28 13:28:47] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 13:28:48] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 13:28:48] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 13:28:48] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_AA_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#6897: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:28:48] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:28:48] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Independence_foam_post_death.xml#6902: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:28:48] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Independence_foam_post_death.xml#6903: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:28:48] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Independence_foam_post_death.xml#6904: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:28:51] ping&FPS: True 0.0408683823688 202.928489891 108.928490309 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:28:51] ping&FPS: False 0.0351252811296 79.9284898019 79.9284898019 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:28:55] client.Vehicle.setAmmoArtilleryGun [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:19] ping&FPS: True 0.0354574950678 223.928917458 100.928914269 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:19] ping&FPS: False 0.0225494759423 48.9289161762 48.9289161762 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:19] ping&FPS: True 0.0245076151831 200.928917458 48.9289161762 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:19] ping&FPS: False 0.0210537420852 105.928919 105.928919 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:19] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:19] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:19] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#7081: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:19] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:20] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_New_Orlean_foam_post_death.xml#7089: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:20] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_New_Orlean_foam_post_death.xml#7090: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:20] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_New_Orlean_foam_post_death.xml#7091: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:20] battle finish - Victory [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:20] (, 70665289920581, 61): Deleted: [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:20] (, 70665289920581, 61): Deleted: [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:21] ping&FPS: True 0.0488556357367 1087.92898205 179.928922926 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:21] setFpsGathererActive(False) [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:28] ping&FPS: True 0.742361153875 6363.92882565 1087.92898205 0 [E] [2016_05_28 13:29:28] Can only call base methods on the connected entity [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:28] [Weather][40922] onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:28] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:28] id 6834881 [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:28] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:28] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:28] id 6834883 [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:28] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:28] id 6834885 [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:28] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:28] Avatar.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:28] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:28] id 6834887 [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:28] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:28] id 6834889 [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:28] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:28] id 6834891 [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:28] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:28] id 6834893 [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:28] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:28] id 6834895 [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:28] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:28] id 6834897 [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:28] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:28] id 6834899 [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:28] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:28] id 6834901 [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:28] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:28] id 6834903 [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:28] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:28] id 6834905 [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:28] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:28] id 6834907 [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:28] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:28] id 6834909 [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:28] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:28] id 6834911 [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:28] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:28] id 6834913 [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:28] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:28] id 6834915 [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:28] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:28] id 6834917 [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:28] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:28] id 6834919 [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:28] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:28] id 6834921 [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:28] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:28] id 6834923 [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:28] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:28] id 6834925 [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:28] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:28] id 6834927 [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:28] Account.__init__() [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:28] [Account debuG]: __init__() ONE___VP [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:29] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:29] >>> receiveChanges {'storage': {4282216368L: 43}} [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:29] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:29] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4181636560 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:29] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:29] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4181636560L: {'exp': 49697}}, 'changedCrews': {28: {'exp': 136242}}, 'moneyXP': 98} [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:29] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:29] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': 115505} [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:29] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:29] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -52242} [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:29] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:29] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4181636560L: {'slots': {1: {'del_slots': 6}}}}} [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:29] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:29] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4181636560L: {'slots': {1: {'add_slots': (((), 4291653552L), ((), 4278022064L), ((), 4275924912L), ((), 4276973488L), ((), 4289556400L))}}}}, 'storage': {4278022064L: 62, 4291653552L: 12, 4276973488L: 15, 4289556400L: 55, 4275924912L: 44}} [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:30] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:30] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -22500, 'changedShips': {4181636560L: {'slots': {1: {'add_slots': (((), 4287557552L),)}}}}} [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:30] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:30] >>> receiveChanges {'storage': {4284653488L: 13}} [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:30] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:30] setServerTime -3099.84800005 1464430870 1464427770.15 [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:30] leaveBattleSession() Reason: 0 Info: {} [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:30] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:30] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:30] Can't send FPS data: it's empty [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:30] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.onEnterLobbyEvent():, (['34411633@wowsru.loc', '8009484@wowsru.loc', '12414124@wowsru.loc', '4679742@wowsru.loc', 'ids_chat_channel_offtop@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', 'wargamingfm@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', '1559899_1454784666@user-rooms.wows.wowsru.loc', 'ids_chat_channel_questions@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', '63671710@wowsru.loc', '5651230@wowsru.loc', '1559899@wowsru.loc', '48007201@wowsru.loc', '6878512@wowsru.loc', '64052394@wowsru.loc', 'ids_chat_channel_search_div@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', '58574566@wowsru.loc', '4719392_1447787513@user-rooms.wows.wowsru.loc'],) [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:30] updateActionsProgress: {'10688_q02': {'count': 2, 2: {'count': 0}, 3: {'count': 0}}, '10688_q03': {'count': 8}, '10688_q01': {'count': 2, 2: {'count': 4}, 3: {'count': 9}}} [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:30] __updateTaskProgress start: {'10688_q02': {'count': 2, 2: {'count': 0}, 3: {'count': 0}}, '10688_q03': {'count': 8}, '10688_q01': {'count': 2, 2: {'count': 4}, 3: {'count': 9}}} [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:30] step id: 10688_q02 progress {'count': 2, 2: {'count': 0}, 3: {'count': 0}} [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:30] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:30] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:30] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:30] step id: 10688_q03 progress {'count': 8} [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:30] isDone id 10688_q03 count 8 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:30] isDone id 10688_q03 count 8 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:30] isDone id 10688_q03 count 8 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:30] step id: 10688_q01 progress {'count': 2, 2: {'count': 4}, 3: {'count': 9}} [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:30] isDone id 10688_q01 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:30] isDone id 10688_q01 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:30] isDone id 10688_q01 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:30] md3ce6e8.onUpdate 0 0 [dailyId 0 type 0 desc {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464566400.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 0, 'condition': ()} , dailyId 1 type 0 desc {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464480000.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 1, 'condition': ()} , dailyId 39 type 1 desc {'rewards': {5: '500'}, 'title': 390, 'iconId': 6, 'timeToChange': 1464393600.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 2, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 39, 'condition': (6, '1', ('4', 0))} ] [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:30] Daily.update: {'rewards': {}, 'pdata': {'isSeen': True, 'timeToChange': 1464566400.0}, 'condition': ('empty', {}), 'desc': (0, 0, 0, 0, 0)} [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:30] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464566400.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 0, 'condition': ()} [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:30] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464480000.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 1, 'condition': ()} [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:30] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {5: '500'}, 'title': 390, 'iconId': 6, 'timeToChange': 1464393600.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 2, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 39, 'condition': (6, '1', ('4', 0))} [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:30] md3ce6e8.onUpdate 1 1 [dailyId 0 type 0 desc {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464566400.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 0, 'condition': ()} , dailyId 1 type 0 desc {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464480000.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 1, 'condition': ()} , dailyId 39 type 1 desc {'rewards': {5: '500'}, 'title': 390, 'iconId': 6, 'timeToChange': 1464393600.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 2, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 39, 'condition': (6, '1', ('4', 0))} ] [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:30] Daily.update: {'rewards': {}, 'pdata': {'isSeen': True, 'timeToChange': 1464480000.0}, 'condition': ('empty', {}), 'desc': (1, 0, 0, 0, 1)} [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:30] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464566400.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 0, 'condition': ()} [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:30] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464480000.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 1, 'condition': ()} [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:30] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {5: '500'}, 'title': 390, 'iconId': 6, 'timeToChange': 1464393600.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 2, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 39, 'condition': (6, '1', ('4', 0))} [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:30] md3ce6e8.onUpdate 2 39 [dailyId 0 type 0 desc {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464566400.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 0, 'condition': ()} , dailyId 1 type 0 desc {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464480000.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 1, 'condition': ()} , dailyId 39 type 1 desc {'rewards': {5: '500'}, 'title': 390, 'iconId': 6, 'timeToChange': 1464393600.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 2, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 39, 'condition': (6, '1', ('4', 0))} ] [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:30] Daily.update: {'rewards': {'addResFreeXP': {'value': '500'}}, 'pdata': {'count': 0, 'isSeen': True, 'timeToChange': 1464393600.0, 'reward': 'addResFreeXP'}, 'condition': ('torpHits', {'count': '4', 'division': '0', 'countBattle': '1'}), 'desc': (39, 1, 6, 390, 2)} [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:30] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464566400.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 0, 'condition': ()} [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:30] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464480000.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 1, 'condition': ()} [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:30] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {5: '500'}, 'title': 390, 'iconId': 6, 'timeToChange': 1464393600.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 2, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 39, 'condition': (6, '1', ('4', 0))} [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:30] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetAccountStats, ('0 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:30] md79a786.applyStatsDiff(): {'dossier': '\x07\x00\x18\x00`\x00P\x048\x00`\x00<\x008\x00`\x00`\x00`\x00`\x00\x00\x00\x00\x008\x008\x008\x008\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00`\x00`\x00`\x008\x008\x008\x00\xc0\x00`\x008\x00\x18\x00 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\x00\xcb\xcb\x02\x00\x04\x01\x02\x01\x00\xd0\xb6\x9e\xfd\xd0\xb6\x9e\xfd\xd05.\xf9\xd0\xb6~\xff\xf07?\xff\xd0\xb6\x9e\xfd\xf07?\xff\xd04>\xe0\xd06_\xff\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xf07\x9e\xff\x1f\x00\x00\x00\x0e\x00\x00\x00\xd0\xb6~\xff(\x00\x00\x00\x18\x00\x00\x00\xf0\xb7>\xff\r\x00\x00\x00\x05\x00\x00\x00\xd06\x9f\xff\x1c\x00\x00\x00\x14\x00\x00\x00\xd06_\xff!\x00\x00\x00\x11\x00\x00\x00\xd05^\xf9\x02\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x000\xb7^\xf9\x13\x00\x00\x00\x0b\x00\x00\x00\xd0\xb5\xce\xff\x04\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\xd05.\xf9\x19\x00\x00\x00\x14\x00\x00\x00\xd0\xb6\x9e\xfdE\x00\x00\x00)\x00\x00\x00\xf07?\xff\x19\x00\x00\x00\x0c\x00\x00\x00\xf0\xb7\x1e\xff\x03\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\xd06\xbe\xff\x06\x00\x00\x00\x04\x00\x00\x00\xd06\xef\xd3\x04\x00\x00\x00\x03\x00\x00\x00\xd06/\xff\x07\x00\x00\x00\x06\x00\x00\x00\xd04>\xe0\x11\x00\x00\x00\x0b\x00\x00\x00\xd6>\x00\x00\xd0\x92\x00\x00\n\x00\x00\x00\n\x00\x00\x00\t\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\t\x00\x00\x00\t\x00\x00\x00\x17\x00\x00\x00\xd6\xf3\x04\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x06\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00}\x03\x00\x00\x12\x00\x00\x00%\x01\x00\x00\xd6\x01\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\x0c\x00\x00\x00D^\x00\x00.\t\xc5\r\x03\x07\x00\x9b\x0c\x01\x00\x02\x00\x01\x00\x00\xd04>\xe0\xd04>\xe0\xd04>\xe0\xd04>\xe0\xd0\xb6\x9e\xfd\xd04>\xe0\x00\x00\x00\x00\xd04>\xe0\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xd0\xb6\x9e\xfd\x01\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\xd04>\xe0\t\x00\x00\x00\t\x00\x00\x00', 'praisesLeft': 6, 'accPoints': 13287473} [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:30] __processDossierStats() client dossier: ['pvp', 'pve_diag', 'rank_diag', 'club', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'max_pve', 'pvp_diag', 'pve', 'max_club', 'max_pvp', 'total', 'club_diag'] [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:30] mc0c471c.onGetAccountStats(): (12, 13285529) (12, 13287473) [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:30] (, 70665289920581, 61): receiveBattleResults, ('8212 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:30] BR: {'credits': 115505, 'credits_penalty': 0, 'exp_penalty': 0, 'exp': 1254, 'credits_compensation': 0} [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:30] BR: {'credits': {'sse': [], 'dq': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'ship_exp': {'sse': [], 'dq': [], 'base': [], 'mod': [[4291653552L, 0.5, True, 0], [4274909104L, 0.05, True, 0]]}, 'crew_exp': {'sse': [], 'dq': [], 'base': [], 'mod': [[4274909104L, 0.05, True, 0]]}, 'free_exp': {'sse': [], 'dq': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'acc_level': {'sse': [], 'dq': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}} [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:30] BR: {'auto_repair_list': [], 'auto_exterior_list': [], 'auto_exterior_credits': 0, 'auto_camo_credits': 22500, 'exterior_applied': True, 'exp_enabled': True, 'abilities_applied': True, 'auto_repair_factor': 1.0, 'auto_load_credits': 5625, 'acc_points_enabled': True, 'free_exp_enabled': True, 'free_exp_factor': 0.05, 'aogas_factor': 1.0, 'auto_exterior_gold': 0, 'premium_credits_factor': 1.5, 'premium_exp_factor': 1.5, 'auto_abilities_list': [], 'auto_camo_list': [4287557552L], 'camo_applied': True, 'auto_repair_credits': 46617, 'auto_load_list': [[375, 5625], [0, 0], [0, 0]], 'serve_applied': True, 'auto_camo_gold': 0, 'crew_exp_enabled': True, 'auto_abilities_gold': 0, 'auto_abilities_credits': 0, 'credits_enabled': True, 'aogas_online': 0} [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:30] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, ('149 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:30] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, (1, [{'importance': 2, 'typeId': 4, 'dt': 1464430869, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'costShell': 5625, 'shipId': 4181636560L, 'result': 0, 'costRepair': 46617}}]) [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:30] (, 70665289920581, 61): onRewardsRestored, ('56 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:30] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:30] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:30] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 1. Boxes contents: [{4283610032L: {(0, 4273136560L): 1}}] [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:30] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetAchievements, ('1001 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:30] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 4, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SHIP_SERVE', 'costShell': 5625, 'result': 0, 'shipId': 4181636560L, 'uiSpecial': False, 'shipLevelRome': 'VIII', 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PRSC108', 'shipType': 'Cruiser', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_CRUISER', 'isElite': False, 'dt': 1464430869, 'groupId': 5, 'costTotal': 52242, 'sourceId': 0, 'costRepair': 46617, 'stypeIdent': 'Cruiser', 'postponed': False} [NUT] PlayersAccountsSystem __request, set([47041, 6332290, 427140, 8804682, 8009484, 2715866, 1559899, 63671710, 3480927, 48007201, 5651230, 58574566, 64052394, 12414124, 6878512, 34411633, 2115378, 671987, 22102814, 242294, 756279, 46719994, 448253, 4679742]) [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:30] ma3b8627.__instanceWindow: m763297b [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:30] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:30] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:30] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:30] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:30] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_bomb default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:30] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_bomb default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:30] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:30] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:30] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:30] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:30] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:30] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:30] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:30] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:30] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:30] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:30] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:30] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:30] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:30] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:30] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:30] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:30] isDone id 10688_q01 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:30] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:30] BuildData: Invalid path player.planes_lost default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:30] setServerTime -3106.12899995 1464430877 1464427770.87 [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:30] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:30] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:31] Can't send FPS data: it's empty [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:31] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.onEnterLobbyEvent():, (['34411633@wowsru.loc', '8009484@wowsru.loc', '12414124@wowsru.loc', '4679742@wowsru.loc', 'ids_chat_channel_offtop@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', 'wargamingfm@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', '1559899_1454784666@user-rooms.wows.wowsru.loc', 'ids_chat_channel_questions@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', '63671710@wowsru.loc', '5651230@wowsru.loc', '1559899@wowsru.loc', '48007201@wowsru.loc', '6878512@wowsru.loc', '64052394@wowsru.loc', 'ids_chat_channel_search_div@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', '58574566@wowsru.loc', '4719392_1447787513@user-rooms.wows.wowsru.loc'],) [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:31] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence(), ('', '', 0) [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:31] [NUT] AccountsRequest __response, [(47041, 'WONDERFUL_SHOT', 12, 0, 1463997729), (6332290, 'zloy_nyb', 12, 0, 1464421725), (427140, 'Kapitan_Slip', 12, 0, 1464285451), (8804682, 'mishania1235', 12, 0, 1463925150), (8009484, 'SD_D', 12, 0, 1464117201), (2715866, 'BCEM_PPC', 12, 0, 1464418481), (1559899, 'AIRBORNE_161', 12, 0, 1460114623), (63671710, '6aToH4uK_', 12, 0, 1464380706), (3480927, 'Doc_Maximov', 12, 0, 1464422515), (48007201, 'CRIMEA_Haru6aLLIka', 12, 0, 1463780747), (22102814, 'bagfrag1', 12, 0, 1460487063), (58574566, '1tim1_2015', 12, 0, 1464293769), (64052394, 'Lady_Diana_Diversantka', 12, 0, 1464426838), (12414124, 'M_a_n_t_i_s', 12, 0, 1464199836), (6878512, 'Tylendor', 12, 0, 1464024410), (34411633, 'cblH_BouHa', 12, 0, 1463541667), (2115378, 'longxvost', 12, 0, 1461160136), (671987, 'Skunner', 12, 0, 1464285824), (5651230, 'Shkiper2222', 12, 0, 1464375996), (242294, 'PANZER_DIKLONIUS', 12, 0, 1463333213), (756279, '11Paul11', 12, 0, 1464322496), (46719994, 'yushkov8249', 12, 0, 1463790981), (448253, 'AndRyu_47', 12, 0, 1464425279), (4679742, 'alex30279', 12, 0, 1464276886)] 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:31] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, ('174 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:31] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, (1, [{'importance': 2, 'typeId': 42, 'dt': 1464430869, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (22500, 0), 'camoStor': False, 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4181636560L, 'flagsBuyFail': False}}]) [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:31] (, 70665289920581, 61): handleBanInfo:, ({'banId': '14643763953', 'reason': '"\xd0\x98\xd1\x81\xd0\xbf\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbb\xd1\x8c\xd0\xb7\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd1\x80\xd0\xbc\xd0\xb0\xd1\x82\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb9 \xd0\xbb\xd0\xb5\xd0\xba\xd1\x81\xd0\xb8\xd0\xba\xd0\xb8/ \xd0\xbe\xd1\x81\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd1\x80\xd0\xb1\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd1\x8f" \xe2\x80\x93 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd1\x80\xd1\x83\xd1\x88\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xbf\xd1\x83\xd0\xbd\xd0\xba\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0 1 \xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb7\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb0 1 \xd0\x9f\xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb8\xd0\xbb \xd0\xb8\xd0\xb3\xd1\x80\xd1\x8b (R)', 'expiry': 1464635520L},) [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:31] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence(), ('8752339@wowsru.loc/wows', 'ONE___VP', 0) [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:31] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, ('174 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:31] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, (1, [{'importance': 2, 'typeId': 17476, 'dt': 1464430869, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'item': ('consumable', 4284653488L), 'shipID': 4181636560L, 'numItems': 1, 'partnerID': 28631000783875411L}}]) [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:31] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, ('128 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:31] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, (1, [{'importance': 2, 'typeId': 55, 'dt': 1464430869, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'fail': False, 'shipId': 4181636560L, 'cost': (0, 0)}}]) [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:32] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, ('622 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:32] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, (1, [{'importance': 2, 'typeId': 5, 'dt': 1464430869, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'achievements': ((4273136560L, 1),), 'expPenalty': 0, 'tasks': {'10688_q02': {'count': (2, 0), 'progress': (0.0, 0.0), 2: {'count': (0, 0)}, 3: {'count': (0, 0)}, 'name': u'\u0411\u0435\u0433\u043b\u044b\u0439 \u043e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c'}, '10688_q03': {'count': (8, 0), 'progress': (0, 0), 2: {'count': (0, 1)}, 'name': u'\u0411\u043e\u0435\u0432\u0430\u044f \u044d\u0444\u0444\u0435\u043a\u0442\u0438\u0432\u043d\u043e\u0441\u0442\u044c'}, '10688_q01': {'count': (2, 0), 'progress': (0.9, 0.1), 2: {'count': (4, 0)}, 3: {'count': (9, 1)}, 'name': u'\u0422\u044f\u0436\u0451\u043b\u043e\u0435 \u0432\u043e\u043e\u0440\u0443\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'}}, 'shipsKilled': 1.0, 'arenaUniqueID': 28631000783875411L, 'battleTypeId': 5, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'mapTypeId': 21, 'credits': 115505, 'result': 1, 'exp': 1944, 'dailics_info': {}, 'shipId': 4181636560L, 'battleCreateTime': 1464429907, 'accLeveling': (12, 12, 13285529, 1944), 'aogasFactor': 1.0}}]) [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:32] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 42, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PRSC108', 'flagsAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'isElite': False, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_EXTERIOR_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2, 'camouflageAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'idInGroup': 1, 'groupId': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_CRUISER', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'VIII', 'shipType': 'Cruiser', 'stypeIdent': 'Cruiser', 'dt': 1464430869, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (22500, 0), 'camoStor': False, 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4181636560L, 'flagsBuyFail': False}, 'uiSpecial': False} __addInfoToMessage {'sourceId': 0, 'typeId': 52, 'data': {'slot': 28631000783875411L, 'shipId': 4181636560L, 'abilId': 4284653488L}} __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 55, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PRSC108', 'groupId': 1, 'isElite': False, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_ABILITY_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 8, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_CRUISER', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'VIII', 'cost': (0, 0), 'shipType': 'Cruiser', 'costNeed': (0, 0), 'stypeIdent': 'Cruiser', 'dt': 1464430869, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'fail': False, 'shipId': 4181636560L, 'cost': (0, 0)}, 'uiSpecial': False} SYS_MESSAGE_TYPE.BATTLE_RESULTS [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:32] key achievements value ((4273136560L, 1),) [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:32] key expPenalty value 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:32] key tasks value {'10688_q02': {'count': (2, 0), 'progress': (0.0, 0.0), 2: {'count': (0, 0)}, 3: {'count': (0, 0)}, 'name': u'\u0411\u0435\u0433\u043b\u044b\u0439 \u043e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c'}, '10688_q03': {'count': (8, 0), 'progress': (0, 0), 2: {'count': (0, 1)}, 'name': u'\u0411\u043e\u0435\u0432\u0430\u044f \u044d\u0444\u0444\u0435\u043a\u0442\u0438\u0432\u043d\u043e\u0441\u0442\u044c'}, '10688_q01': {'count': (2, 0), 'progress': (0.9, 0.1), 2: {'count': (4, 0)}, 3: {'count': (9, 1)}, 'name': u'\u0422\u044f\u0436\u0451\u043b\u043e\u0435 \u0432\u043e\u043e\u0440\u0443\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'}} [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:32] key shipsKilled value 1.0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:32] key arenaUniqueID value 28631000783875411 [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:32] key battleTypeId value 5 [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:32] key teamBuildTypeId value 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:32] key creditsPenalty value 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:32] key creditsCompensation value 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:32] key mapTypeId value 21 [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:32] key credits value 115505 [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:32] key result value 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:32] key exp value 1944 [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:32] key dailics_info value {} [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:32] key shipId value 4181636560 [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:32] key battleCreateTime value 1464429907 [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:32] key accLeveling value (12, 12, 13285529, 1944) [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:32] key aogasFactor value 1.0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:32] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 5, 'exp': 1944, 'tasks': {'10688_q02': {2: {'count': (0, 0)}, 3: {'count': (0, 0)}, 'name': u'\u0411\u0435\u0433\u043b\u044b\u0439 \u043e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c'}, '10688_q03': {2: {'count': (0, 1)}, 'name': u'\u0411\u043e\u0435\u0432\u0430\u044f \u044d\u0444\u0444\u0435\u043a\u0442\u0438\u0432\u043d\u043e\u0441\u0442\u044c'}, '10688_q01': {2: {'count': (4, 0)}, 3: {'count': (9, 1)}}}, 'aogasFactor': 1.0, 'mapBGPath': '../maps_bg/46_Estuary.png', 'earnedAchievements': [{'amount': 1, 'id': 4273136560L}], 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_BATTLE_RESULTS_1', 'result': 1, 'shipId': 4181636560L, 'uiSpecial': False, 'mapTypeId': 21, 'accountLeveling': {'expGained': 1944, 'currLevel': 12, 'prevLevel': 12, 'currLevelExp': 167500, 'expTotal': 13287473, 'nextLevelExp': 167500}, 'mapName': 'IDS_SPACES/46_ESTUARY', 'battleTypeId': 5, 'shipLevelRome': 'VIII', 'achievements': ((4273136560L, 1),), 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PRSC108', 'shipsKilled': 1.0, 'importance': 2, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_CRUISER', 'credits': 115505, 'isElite': False, 'date': '28.05.2016 14:05', 'dt': 1464430869, 'groupId': 3, 'accLeveling': (12, 12, 13285529, 1944), 'expPenalty': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 28631000783875411L, 'sourceId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'shipType': 'Cruiser', 'quests': [{'maxProgress': 100, 'day': 28, 'monthIDS': 'IDS_MONTH_5', 'battleProgress': 10.0, 'type': 'challenge', 'id': '10688_q01', 'titleText': u'\u0422\u044f\u0436\u0451\u043b\u043e\u0435 \u0432\u043e\u043e\u0440\u0443\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435', 'currentProgress': 90.0}], 'dailics_info': {}, 'stypeIdent': 'Cruiser', 'postponed': False, 'battleCreateTime': 1464429907} BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:32] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:32] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:32] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:32] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_bomb default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:32] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_bomb default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:32] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:32] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:32] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:32] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:32] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:32] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:32] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:32] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:32] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:32] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:32] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:32] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:32] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:32] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:32] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:32] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:32] isDone id 10688_q01 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:32] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:32] BuildData: Invalid path player.planes_lost default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:33] ping&FPS: True 0.196233149086 0.001 1087.92898205 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:38] ping&FPS: True 0.053769956742 133.928767777 1087.92898205 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:43] ping&FPS: True 0.0513159813625 133.928768813 1087.92898205 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:46] !!! PostBattleWindow: Results Receive Timeout, going to Dock! [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:48] ping&FPS: True 0.0488702537758 151.928689135 1087.92898205 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:51] (, 70665289920581, 61): ClientLobbySpace is creating [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:53] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:53] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:53] isDone id 10688_q03 count 8 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:53] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:53] isDone id 10688_q01 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:53] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:53] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:53] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:53] isDone id 10688_q03 count 8 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:53] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:53] isDone id 10688_q01 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:53] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:53] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:53] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:54] ping&FPS: True 0.0447716819389 1032.92860883 1087.92898205 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:54] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': 0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:54] [NUT] InteractiveMessageSystem: __onSelectedMessageChanged selectedEntityId None [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:54] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': -1.0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:54] [NUT] InteractiveMessageSystem: __onSelectedMessageChanged selectedEntityId None [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:56] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2016_05_28 13:29:59] ping&FPS: True 0.048288899873 257.928528437 1087.92898205 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:04] ping&FPS: True 0.0470961811287 158.928558776 1087.92898205 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:07] (, 70665289920581, 61): onRewardBoxesOpened, ('12 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:07] Account.onBoxesOpened(), len = 0 bytes [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:09] ping&FPS: True 0.0496567147119 136.928640784 1087.92898205 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:14] ping&FPS: True 0.0476615013821 116.928706521 1087.92898205 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:19] ping&FPS: True 0.0474211083991 154.928793834 1087.92898205 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:24] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:24] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:24] isDone id 10688_q03 count 8 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:24] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:24] isDone id 10688_q01 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:24] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:24] ping&FPS: True 0.0372268067939 372.928830387 1087.92898205 0 [A] [2016_05_28 13:30:27] CollisionModel::load: Error loading collision model content/gameplay/japan/ship/aircarrier/JSA036_Taiho_1945/JSA036_Taiho_1945_MidBack! [A] [2016_05_28 13:30:28] CollisionModel::load: Error loading collision model content/gameplay/japan/ship/aircarrier/JSA036_Taiho_1945/JSA036_Taiho_1945_Stern! [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:29] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:29] ping&FPS: True 0.0481726559145 143.928905153 1087.92898205 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:36] ping&FPS: True 0.0491879241807 1624.92899862 1087.92898205 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:37] [Scaleform] Warning: instance5088.setImageSubstitutions() failed for #86 element - length of subString should not exceed 15 characters [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:37] [Scaleform] Warning: instance5089.setImageSubstitutions() failed for #86 element - length of subString should not exceed 15 characters [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:40] [Scaleform] Warning: instance5206.setImageSubstitutions() failed for #86 element - length of subString should not exceed 15 characters [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:41] [Scaleform] Warning: instance5207.setImageSubstitutions() failed for #86 element - length of subString should not exceed 15 characters [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:41] [Scaleform] Warning: instance5208.setImageSubstitutions() failed for #86 element - length of subString should not exceed 15 characters [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:41] ping&FPS: True 0.0427537145359 143.929110245 1087.92898205 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:43] [Scaleform] Warning: instance5389.setImageSubstitutions() failed for #86 element - length of subString should not exceed 15 characters [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:45] Account.enqueue(): 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:45] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4279219920 4 [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:45] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:45] onEnqueued() QueueType: 1 ShipId: 4279219920 [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:46] onPrepareingForBattle() [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:46] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4279219920 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:46] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:46] onGameRoomStateInit mapIdx = 22 battleType = 80 gameMode = Domination duration=1200 [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:47] ping&FPS: True 0.0394380124552 1043.92926436 1087.92898205 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:47] (, 70665289920581, 61): handleBanInfo:, ({'banId': '14643763953', 'reason': '"\xd0\x98\xd1\x81\xd0\xbf\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbb\xd1\x8c\xd0\xb7\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd1\x80\xd0\xbc\xd0\xb0\xd1\x82\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb9 \xd0\xbb\xd0\xb5\xd0\xba\xd1\x81\xd0\xb8\xd0\xba\xd0\xb8/ \xd0\xbe\xd1\x81\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd1\x80\xd0\xb1\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd1\x8f" \xe2\x80\x93 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd1\x80\xd1\x83\xd1\x88\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xbf\xd1\x83\xd0\xbd\xd0\xba\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0 1 \xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb7\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb0 1 \xd0\x9f\xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb8\xd0\xbb \xd0\xb8\xd0\xb3\xd1\x80\xd1\x8b (R)', 'expiry': 1464635520L},) [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:47] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence(), ('8752339@wowsru.loc/wows', 'ONE___VP', 2) [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:52] ping&FPS: True 0.0513507830245 133.929351491 1087.92898205 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:53] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:53] (, 70665289920581, 61): Lobby destroy started. [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:54] (, 70665289920581, 61): Lobby successfully destroyed. [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:54] onArenaStateReceived: teams info: [None, None] [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:54] (, 51820444204590, 546): Thresholds for team 0: Win: 910 Lose: 130 [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:54] (, 51820444204590, 546): Thresholds for team 1: Win: 910 Lose: 130 [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:54] MissionsComponent: #0 ControlPointHoldMission; reward = 4; penalty = 0; controlPoints = [1, 2, 3]; delay = 0; repeat = 6; repeatReward = 4; repeatPenalty = 0 #1 KillEnemyOfSpecificShipTypeMission; reward = 30; penalty = 45; shipType = Destroyer; rewardPerType = 0; penaltyPerType = 0 #2 KillEnemyOfSpecificShipTypeMission; reward = 35; penalty = 50; shipType = Cruiser; rewardPerType = 0; penaltyPerType = 0 #3 KillEnemyOfSpecificShipTypeMission; reward = 40; penalty = 60; shipType = Battleship; rewardPerType = 0; penaltyPerType = 0 #4 KillEnemyOfSpecificShipTypeMission; reward = 45; penalty = 65; shipType = AirCarrier; rewardPerType = 0; penaltyPerType = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:54] Mission tasks available! [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:54] Battle waiting start: 5.0 / 1129.6920008 [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:54] Avatar.receiveAvatarInfo: {'evaluationsLeft': {0: 7, 1: 6}} [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:54] Avatar.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:54] name ONE___VP [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:54] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:54] Avatar onControlled False [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:54] onControlled->False: not implemented [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:56] onGeometryMapped() MapName: %s 42_Neighbors [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:56] teamBuildType: 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:56] player: Id: 6733575 Name: Benya_1988 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB008_Colorado_1945' [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:56] player: Id: 6879624 Name: ykar TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSD109_Pr_48_Kiev' [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:56] player: Id: 6782476 Name: SnaIpeRtm TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASC017_Baltimore_1944' [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:56] player: Id: 6736782 Name: ANVAR_421 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASD006_Mahan_1936' [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:56] player: Id: 6833298 Name: ONE___VP TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSA015_Taiho_1944' [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:56] player: Id: 6916883 Name: Graf_fon_Zeppelin TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSD010_Kagero_1943' [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:56] player: Id: 6640152 Name: Roman1_75 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PWSD501_Blyskawica' [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:56] player: Id: 6519838 Name: exit70 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSD006_Hatsuharu_1945' [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:56] player: Id: 6746786 Name: 45rfv TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASA010_Ranger_1944' [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:56] player: Id: 6822953 Name: dima1430 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSC107_Schors' [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:56] player: Id: 6752180 Name: IIIfrancuzIII TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSC009_Mogami_1935' [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:56] player: Id: 6648777 Name: __mangu_st__ TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSC038_Atago_1944' [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:56] player: Id: 6732604 Name: kanclager TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSD109_Pr_48_Kiev' [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:56] player: Id: 6843328 Name: koshak47 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSB021_Izumo_1938' [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:56] player: Id: 6244033 Name: Lytui_Prapor_ TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSD007_Fubuki_1944' [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:56] player: Id: 6461769 Name: AL_Lexx_ TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASA010_Ranger_1944' [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:56] player: Id: 6867276 Name: GuViAn TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSB010_Nagato_1944' [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:56] player: Id: 6570579 Name: alexkarona TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB008_Colorado_1945' [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:56] player: Id: 6705748 Name: radioman261 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSD007_Fubuki_1944' [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:56] player: Id: 6709590 Name: michhh2808 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB018_Iowa_1944' [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:56] player: Id: 6890071 Name: KPECT_174 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASC014_New_Orlean_1944' [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:56] player: Id: 6790898 Name: krays05 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSC107_Yorck' [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:56] player: Id: 6937619 Name: umora46 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSC108_Hipper' [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:56] player: Id: 6631289 Name: DeadVehicle TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSA015_Taiho_1944' [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:56] [DEBUG] BattleLoadingContext: geometry mapped [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:56] BattleDataContext.__onEnterSpace [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:56] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (6367682, 0, 0, 6896230, 1464430954146L, False, True) [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:56] m418a81c.updatePreBattles (6367682, 0, 0, 6896230, 1464430954146L, False, True) [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:56] m418a81c.updatePreBattles1 {6367682: PreBattleInfo: id: 6367682, inPortPlayers: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 6896230, creationTime 1464430954146, hidden False, locked True } [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:56] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (6367682, 0, 0, 6896230, 1464430954146L, False, True) [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:56] m418a81c.updatePreBattles (6367682, 0, 0, 6896230, 1464430954146L, False, True) [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:56] m418a81c.updatePreBattles1 {6367682: PreBattleInfo: id: 6367682, inPortPlayers: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 6896230, creationTime 1464430954146, hidden False, locked True } [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:56] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (6367682, 0, 0, 6896230, 1464430954146L, False, True) [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:56] m418a81c.updatePreBattles (6367682, 0, 0, 6896230, 1464430954146L, False, True) [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:56] m418a81c.updatePreBattles1 {6367682: PreBattleInfo: id: 6367682, inPortPlayers: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 6896230, creationTime 1464430954146, hidden False, locked True } [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:56] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (6367682, 0, 0, 6896230, 1464430954146L, False, True) [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:56] m418a81c.updatePreBattles (6367682, 0, 0, 6896230, 1464430954146L, False, True) [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:56] m418a81c.updatePreBattles1 {6367682: PreBattleInfo: id: 6367682, inPortPlayers: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 6896230, creationTime 1464430954146, hidden False, locked True } [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:56] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (6367682, 0, 0, 6896208, 1464430954146L, False, True) [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:56] m418a81c.updatePreBattles (6367682, 0, 0, 6896208, 1464430954146L, False, True) [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:56] m418a81c.updatePreBattles1 {6367682: PreBattleInfo: id: 6367682, inPortPlayers: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 6896208, creationTime 1464430954146, hidden False, locked True } [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:56] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (6367682, 0, 0, 6896208, 1464430954146L, False, True) [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:56] m418a81c.updatePreBattles (6367682, 0, 0, 6896208, 1464430954146L, False, True) [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:56] m418a81c.updatePreBattles1 {6367682: PreBattleInfo: id: 6367682, inPortPlayers: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 6896208, creationTime 1464430954146, hidden False, locked True } [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:56] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (6367682, 0, 0, 6896208, 1464430954146L, False, True) [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:56] m418a81c.updatePreBattles (6367682, 0, 0, 6896208, 1464430954146L, False, True) [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:56] m418a81c.updatePreBattles1 {6367682: PreBattleInfo: id: 6367682, inPortPlayers: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 6896208, creationTime 1464430954146, hidden False, locked True } [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:56] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:56] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:56] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:56] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:56] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:56] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:56] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:56] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:56] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:56] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:56] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:56] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:58] ping&FPS: True 0.0857362555606 0.001 1087.92898205 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:58] ping&FPS: False 0.0857362555606 0.001 0.001 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:30:58] Battle countdown start: 60.0 / 1134.34600075 [S] [2016_05_28 13:31:04] ping&FPS: True 0.0722463386399 5583.92931642 82.9293259358 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:31:04] [BAT] __initBasePoints points [, , ] [S] [2016_05_28 13:31:04] [BAT] x 0.307142857143 y 0.692857077462 VISIBLE True [S] [2016_05_28 13:31:04] [BAT] x 0.5 y 0.5 VISIBLE True [S] [2016_05_28 13:31:04] [BAT] x 0.692857077462 y 0.307142922538 VISIBLE True [S] [2016_05_28 13:31:04] [Scaleform] Warning: instance5552.setImageSubstitutions() failed for #86 element - length of subString should not exceed 15 characters [S] [2016_05_28 13:31:06] ping&FPS: False 0.0696548478944 161.929331367 161.929331367 0 [A] [2016_05_28 13:31:07] CollisionModel::load: Error loading collision model content/gameplay/japan/ship/battleship/JSB002_Nagato_1933/JSB002_Nagato_1933_Bow! [S] [2016_05_28 13:31:07] ping&FPS: True 0.0600271182401 208.929323172 133.92932151 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:31:07] ping&FPS: False 0.0527568193419 77.929324781 77.929324781 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:31:08] ping&FPS: True 0.05795760027 220.929310126 133.929316742 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:31:08] ping&FPS: False 0.0499746011836 64.9293114668 64.9293114668 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:31:09] ping&FPS: True 0.0610564010484 205.929300872 133.929307153 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:31:09] ping&FPS: False 0.0526659222586 78.9293026453 78.9293026453 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:31:11] ping&FPS: True 0.0614034341914 205.929306426 166.929304325 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:31:11] ping&FPS: False 0.0547854857785 64.9293077676 64.9293077676 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:31:16] ping&FPS: True 0.0573729681117 203.929277038 133.929280852 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:31:16] ping&FPS: False 0.0514863537891 78.9292788109 78.9292788109 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:31:16] ping&FPS: True 0.0571813093764 204.929276155 167.929277943 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:31:16] ping&FPS: False 0.0551290618522 114.929278241 114.929278241 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:31:17] ping&FPS: True 0.0551419066531 232.929280417 133.929277615 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:31:17] ping&FPS: False 0.0475403698427 51.9292814894 51.9292814894 0 [A] [2016_05_28 13:31:19] CollisionModel::load: Error loading collision model content/gameplay/japan/ship/aircarrier/JSA015_Taiho_1944/JSA015_Taiho_1944_MidBack! [S] [2016_05_28 13:31:20] ping&FPS: True 0.0632916050298 211.929276125 133.929274903 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:31:20] ping&FPS: False 0.0564971523626 90.9292780025 90.9292780025 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:31:21] ping&FPS: True 0.0584880071027 205.929273297 150.929278647 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:31:21] ping&FPS: False 0.0525942923767 64.9292746386 64.9292746386 0 [A] [2016_05_28 13:31:21] CollisionModel::load: Error loading collision model content/gameplay/japan/ship/aircarrier/JSA015_Taiho_1944/JSA015_Taiho_1944_Stern! [S] [2016_05_28 13:31:23] ping&FPS: True 0.0601554321391 231.929274411 134.92927643 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:31:23] ping&FPS: False 0.0479917185647 38.929275216 38.929275216 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:31:33] ping&FPS: True 0.0574400829417 247.929296201 148.929294666 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:31:33] ping&FPS: False 0.0475113125784 38.9292970052 38.9292970052 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:31:36] ping&FPS: True 0.0612119542701 243.929268 152.92927364 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:31:36] ping&FPS: False 0.0649583446128 172.929267486 172.929267486 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:31:40] ping&FPS: True 0.0628486978156 218.929278911 151.929277474 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:31:40] ping&FPS: False 0.050333778773 51.9292799844 51.9292799844 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:31:43] ping&FPS: True 0.0550700085504 219.92927532 150.929273718 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:31:43] ping&FPS: False 0.0360990347607 90.9292745156 90.9292745156 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:31:45] ping&FPS: True 0.0576857136829 226.929274527 133.929277365 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:31:45] ping&FPS: False 0.0479345502598 58.9292767471 58.9292767471 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:31:45] ping&FPS: True 0.049839119826 206.92927389 58.9292767471 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:31:45] ping&FPS: False 0.0472131999476 77.9292754991 77.9292754991 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:31:46] ping&FPS: True 0.0543497907264 228.929280133 136.92927985 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:31:46] ping&FPS: False 0.0490743922336 77.9292817427 77.9292817427 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:31:47] ping&FPS: True 0.0462084295494 235.92928774 107.929282585 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:31:47] ping&FPS: False 0.0409039588911 51.9292888133 51.9292888133 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:31:48] ping&FPS: True 0.0441630291087 201.929288862 51.9292888133 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:31:48] ping&FPS: False 0.0407853232963 78.9292915663 78.9292915663 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:31:49] ping&FPS: True 0.0485685723169 249.929300351 38.9292975566 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:31:49] ping&FPS: False 0.0424549835069 51.9293014234 51.9293014234 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:31:49] ping&FPS: True 0.0494484337313 204.929301002 160.929296271 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:31:49] ping&FPS: False 0.0468832211835 84.9293037592 84.9293037592 0 [A] [2016_05_28 13:31:50] content/gameplay/common/textures/LC021_fence_alpha.mfm: file not found [S] [2016_05_28 13:31:50] ping&FPS: True 0.048987443958 209.92930605 84.9293037592 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:31:50] ping&FPS: False 0.0390076222164 39.9293070188 39.9293070188 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:31:50] ping&FPS: True 0.0500315981252 212.929309437 155.929306188 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:31:50] ping&FPS: False 0.044650364135 66.9293101741 66.9293101741 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:31:51] ping&FPS: True 0.0475699560983 204.929310249 66.9293101741 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:31:51] ping&FPS: False 0.0435375975711 79.9293112545 79.9293112545 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:31:56] ping&FPS: True 0.0593552844865 207.92933662 120.929332328 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:31:56] ping&FPS: False 0.0551327275378 90.9293384975 90.9293384975 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:31:56] ping&FPS: True 0.0557526158435 206.929339366 90.9293384975 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:31:56] ping&FPS: False 0.050181056772 77.9293409748 77.9293409748 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:31:58] ping&FPS: True 0.0670300977571 201.929338192 152.929344197 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:31:58] -= BATTLE STARTED =- [S] [2016_05_28 13:31:58] ping&FPS: False 0.0557288484914 80.9293402931 80.9293402931 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:00] ping&FPS: True 0.0637323813779 207.929355086 152.929356383 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:00] ping&FPS: False 0.0546133475644 77.9293566956 77.9293566956 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:01] ping&FPS: True 0.0618267463786 236.929354613 118.929359538 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:01] ping&FPS: False 0.045905086611 64.9293559542 64.9293559542 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:02] ping&FPS: True 0.0567822115762 217.929364753 108.929364411 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:02] ping&FPS: False 0.0418165507061 64.9293660945 64.9293660945 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:03] ping&FPS: True 0.0614547835929 241.929367618 144.929368929 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:03] ping&FPS: False 0.0492532732231 133.929371485 176.929371485 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:04] ping&FPS: True 0.0543658988816 229.929370196 162.929373474 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:04] ping&FPS: False 0.0470696496112 55.9293719245 55.9293719245 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:05] ping&FPS: True 0.0503960507257 225.929364448 136.929368382 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:05] ping&FPS: False 0.0477477344019 77.9293660572 77.9293660572 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:06] ping&FPS: True 0.0542625444276 212.929362172 151.929362649 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:06] ping&FPS: False 0.0465421336038 157.929361993 157.929361993 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:10] ping&FPS: True 0.0586561518056 210.929361099 168.929357247 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:10] ping&FPS: False 0.0505665051086 64.9293624399 64.9293624399 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:11] ping&FPS: True 0.0605099158628 286.929367428 143.929362295 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:11] ping&FPS: False 0.0601197289569 143.929371474 143.929371474 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:11] ping&FPS: True 0.0608789729221 204.929366031 150.929367819 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:11] ping&FPS: False 0.0505480127675 51.929367104 51.929367104 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:12] ping&FPS: True 0.0565684544189 214.929372852 150.929373001 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:12] ping&FPS: False 0.0416623236878 51.929373925 51.929373925 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:16] ping&FPS: True 0.0590976434095 209.929381875 133.929381912 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:16] ping&FPS: False 0.0529714705689 124.929381875 124.929381875 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:17] ping&FPS: True 0.054771568094 218.929385075 138.929388293 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:17] ping&FPS: False 0.0457713486893 125.929383376 125.929383376 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:18] ping&FPS: True 0.0556812094791 221.929376641 120.92938123 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:18] ping&FPS: False 0.0447478102786 64.9293779819 64.9293779819 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:18] ping&FPS: True 0.0510603072388 309.929380366 64.9293779819 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:18] ping&FPS: False 0.0530033441527 122.929382832 122.929382832 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:19] ping&FPS: True 0.062862511192 783.929401205 168.929384456 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:21] ping&FPS: False 0.0519445719463 51.9293858273 51.9293858273 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:21] ping&FPS: True 0.0587475853307 224.929385455 51.9293858273 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:21] ping&FPS: False 0.0507573889835 64.9293877272 64.9293877272 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:21] ping&FPS: True 0.0562935130937 295.92938813 160.929384315 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:22] ping&FPS: False 0.0566409187657 122.929388733 122.929388733 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:22] ping&FPS: True 0.0552667783839 232.929375911 148.929384285 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:22] ping&FPS: False 0.0495461406452 51.9293769835 51.9293769835 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:22] ping&FPS: True 0.0539538519723 314.929368486 135.929378321 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:23] ping&FPS: False 0.0527383791549 118.929371228 118.929371228 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:23] ping&FPS: True 0.0547139602048 227.92936507 134.929367745 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:23] ping&FPS: False 0.0477113979203 55.9293667985 55.9293667985 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:24] ping&FPS: True 0.0538960801704 267.929361565 161.929361408 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:24] ping&FPS: False 0.0587189005954 150.929363964 150.929363964 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:28] ping&FPS: True 0.0634252237422 896.929342234 181.92936098 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:28] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:28] id 6896241 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:28] name umora46 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:28] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:28] @ launchpadAppeared 6896241 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:28] [Weather][40201] onEnterWorld (map spaces/42_Neighbors, scheme 1, weather 0) [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:28] [Weather][40201] prepare transition for Sunny [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:28] [Weather][40201] start transition (from weather 0, to weather 1) [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:28] ping&FPS: False 0.0400972845299 72.9293375848 72.9293375848 0 [A] [2016_05_28 13:32:28] CollisionModel::load: Error loading collision model content/gameplay/japan/ship/destroyer/JSD019_Fubuki_1943/JSD019_Fubuki_1943_Bow! [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:29] ping&FPS: True 0.0501762585981 473.929337048 72.9293375848 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:29] ping&FPS: False 0.0517169790609 124.929335454 124.929335454 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:30] ping&FPS: True 0.0573495881898 201.929333547 149.929335826 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:30] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:30] id 6896225 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:30] name Lytui_Prapor_ [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:30] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:30] ping&FPS: False 0.041583354984 65.9293341203 65.9293341203 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:31] ping&FPS: True 0.0572428213699 792.929312238 135.929332198 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:31] ping&FPS: False 0.0561278270824 163.929319629 163.929319629 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:32] ping&FPS: True 0.0565157192094 304.929322818 127.929326841 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:32] ping&FPS: False 0.0548925059182 130.92932287 130.92932287 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:32] ping&FPS: True 0.0599953787667 229.929315144 148.929321216 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:32] ping&FPS: False 0.051588449095 55.9293168722 55.9293168722 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:33] ping&FPS: True 0.0566109525306 308.9293198 134.92931758 0 [A] [2016_05_28 13:32:33] CollisionModel::load: Error loading collision model content/gameplay/japan/ship/aircarrier/JSA036_Taiho_1945/JSA036_Taiho_1945_MidBack! [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:34] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:34] id 6896213 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:34] name 45rfv [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:34] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:34] @ launchpadAppeared 6896213 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:34] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:34] id 6896233 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:34] name radioman261 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:34] team id 1 [A] [2016_05_28 13:32:34] CollisionModel::load: Error loading collision model content/gameplay/japan/ship/aircarrier/JSA036_Taiho_1945/JSA036_Taiho_1945_Stern! [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:34] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:34] id 6896205 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:34] name ONE___VP [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:34] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:34] @ launchpadAppeared 6896205 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:34] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:34] Avatar.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:34] ! A.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:34] m7ae8a4d.init [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:34] @ launchpadAppeared 6896205 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:34] m8fd8523.init [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:34] Unable to find camera param -- firstTimeSwitchToAviationInRtsKey [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:34] BattleDataContext.__onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:34] -- GUNS ----------------------------------------- [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:34] {} [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:34] -- GUNS ----------------------------------------- [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:34] {} [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:34] ping&FPS: False 0.0367966549737 87.9293312444 87.9293312444 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:34] ! PM.refreshAirArmament [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:34] m7ae8a4d.restore [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:34] Avatar.onWorldStateReceived [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:35] ping&FPS: True 0.038254174803 618.929348887 87.9293312444 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:36] ("[ERROR] FeedbackController: config {event: 'Sound', container: 'screenplay_trigger'} must set 'type'",) [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:36] ("[ERROR] FeedbackController: config {event: 'Sound', container: 'five_minutes_left'} must set 'type'",) [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:36] ('[ERROR] FeedbackController: empty config for event five_minutes_left',) [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:39] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:39] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:39] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:39] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:39] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:39] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:39] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:40] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:40] id 6896235 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:40] name michhh2808 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:40] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:40] @ launchpadAppeared 6896235 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:40] ping&FPS: True 0.0562512384994 169.929569782 237.929567994 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:40] ping&FPS: False 0.0562512384994 169.929569782 169.929569782 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:40] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:40] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:40] ping&FPS: True 0.056149150644 282.929562153 169.929569782 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:40] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:40] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:40] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:40] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:42] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:42] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:42] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:42] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:42] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:42] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:42] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:42] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:42] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:42] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:42] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:42] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:42] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:42] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:42] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:42] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:42] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:42] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:42] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:42] id 6896217 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:42] name IIIfrancuzIII [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:42] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:42] @ launchpadAppeared 6896217 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:42] ping&FPS: False 0.0482095139367 106.929613353 186.929613353 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:42] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:42] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:42] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:42] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:44] ping&FPS: True 0.0488873081548 412.929606625 164.929619023 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:44] ping&FPS: False 0.0347279416663 145.929608205 145.929608205 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:45] ping&FPS: True 0.0587122844798 382.92963423 133.929618017 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:45] ping&FPS: False 0.0483683305127 69.9296353026 176.929635303 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:47] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:47] id 6896215 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:47] name dima1430 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:47] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:47] @ launchpadAppeared 6896215 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:51] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:51] id 6896223 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:51] name koshak47 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:51] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:51] @ launchpadAppeared 6896223 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:51] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:51] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:51] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:51] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:51] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:51] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:51] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:51] ping&FPS: True 0.0551590280873 249.929687293 145.929681705 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:52] ping&FPS: False 0.0418903785092 171.929684752 171.929684752 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:52] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:52] id 6896221 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:52] name kanclager [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:52] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:52] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:52] id 6896237 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:52] name KPECT_174 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:52] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:52] @ launchpadAppeared 6896237 [A] [2016_05_28 13:32:54] CollisionModel::load: Error loading collision model content/gameplay/japan/ship/destroyer/JSD010_Kagero_1943/JSD010_Kagero_1943_Stern! [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:54] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:54] id 6896207 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:54] name Graf_fon_Zeppelin [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:54] team id 1 [A] [2016_05_28 13:32:54] Failed to read binary resource: content/location/ship/sailboat/LSS020/LSS020.primitives/LSS020Shape.vertices [A] [2016_05_28 13:32:54] No vertex information in "content/location/ship/sailboat/LSS020/LSS020.primitives/LSS020Shape.vertices". Unable to load "ho". [A] [2016_05_28 13:32:54] Failed to read binary resource: content/location/ship/sailboat/LSS020/LSS020.primitives/LSS020Shape.indices [A] [2016_05_28 13:32:54] Failed to read binary resource: content/location/ship/sailboat/LSS020/LSS020.primitives/LSS020_sailShape.vertices [A] [2016_05_28 13:32:54] Failed to read binary resource: content/location/ship/sailboat/LSS020/LSS020.primitives/LSS020_sailShape.indices [A] [2016_05_28 13:32:54] Failed to read binary resource: content/location/ship/sailboat/LSS020/lods/LSS020_lod1.primitives/LSS020_lod1Shape.vertices [A] [2016_05_28 13:32:54] No vertex information in "content/location/ship/sailboat/LSS020/lods/LSS020_lod1.primitives/LSS020_lod1Shape.vertices". Unable to load "ho". [A] [2016_05_28 13:32:54] Failed to read binary resource: content/location/ship/sailboat/LSS020/lods/LSS020_lod1.primitives/LSS020_lod1Shape.indices [A] [2016_05_28 13:32:54] Failed to read binary resource: content/location/ship/sailboat/LSS020/lods/LSS020_lod1.primitives/LSS020_sail_lod1Shape.vertices [A] [2016_05_28 13:32:54] Failed to read binary resource: content/location/ship/sailboat/LSS020/lods/LSS020_lod1.primitives/LSS020_sail_lod1Shape.indices [A] [2016_05_28 13:32:54] Failed to read binary resource: content/location/ship/sailboat/LSS020/lods/LSS020_lod2.primitives/LSS020_lodShape2.vertices [A] [2016_05_28 13:32:54] No vertex information in "content/location/ship/sailboat/LSS020/lods/LSS020_lod2.primitives/LSS020_lodShape2.vertices". Unable to load "ho". [A] [2016_05_28 13:32:54] Failed to read binary resource: content/location/ship/sailboat/LSS020/lods/LSS020_lod2.primitives/LSS020_lodShape2.indices [A] [2016_05_28 13:32:54] Failed to read binary resource: content/location/ship/sailboat/LSS020/lods/LSS020_lod2.primitives/LSS020_sail_lod2Shape.vertices [A] [2016_05_28 13:32:54] Failed to read binary resource: content/location/ship/sailboat/LSS020/lods/LSS020_lod2.primitives/LSS020_sail_lod2Shape.indices [A] [2016_05_28 13:32:54] Failed to read binary resource: content/location/ship/sailboat/LSS020/lods/LSS020_lod3.primitives/LSS020_lodShape3.vertices [A] [2016_05_28 13:32:54] No vertex information in "content/location/ship/sailboat/LSS020/lods/LSS020_lod3.primitives/LSS020_lodShape3.vertices". Unable to load "ho". [A] [2016_05_28 13:32:54] Failed to read binary resource: content/location/ship/sailboat/LSS020/lods/LSS020_lod3.primitives/LSS020_lodShape3.indices [A] [2016_05_28 13:32:54] Failed to read binary resource: content/location/ship/sailboat/LSS020/lods/LSS020_lod3.primitives/LSS020_sail_lod3Shape.vertices [A] [2016_05_28 13:32:54] Failed to read binary resource: content/location/ship/sailboat/LSS020/lods/LSS020_lod3.primitives/LSS020_sail_lod3Shape.indices [A] [2016_05_28 13:32:54] Could not load model: 'content/location/ship/sailboat/LSS020/LSS020.model' [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:59] ping&FPS: True 0.0620562540633 209.929755145 130.929757976 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:32:59] ping&FPS: False 0.0496886031968 87.9297546683 87.9297546683 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:21] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:21] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:21] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:21] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:21] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:21] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:21] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:21] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:21] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:27] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:31] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:31] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:31] id 6896229 [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:31] name GuViAn [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:31] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:31] @ launchpadAppeared 6896229 [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:37] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:37] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:37] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:37] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:37] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:37] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:37] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:37] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:37] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:37] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:38] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:38] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:39] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:40] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:41] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:42] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:42] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:42] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:42] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:42] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:42] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:43] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:43] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:44] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:44] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:44] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:44] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:44] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:44] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:44] id 6896199 [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:44] name ykar [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:44] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:45] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:45] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:45] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:48] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:48] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:48] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:48] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:48] id 6896199 [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:49] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:50] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:51] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:52] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:53] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:53] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:53] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:53] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:54] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:54] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:54] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:54] id 6896199 [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:54] name ykar [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:54] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:54] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:54] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:54] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:54] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:55] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:55] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:55] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:55] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:55] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:56] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:56] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:56] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:56] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:57] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:58] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:33:58] [Weather][40201] finish transition [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:00] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:00] id 6896199 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:01] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:01] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:01] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:02] SmokeScreen.onEnterWorld( 1982726 ) [(94.5357, 9.96745)] [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:06] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:06] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:06] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:06] id 6896201 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:06] name SnaIpeRtm [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:06] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:06] @ launchpadAppeared 6896201 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:06] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:06] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:06] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:06] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:06] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:07] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:07] id 6896239 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:07] name krays05 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:07] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:07] @ launchpadAppeared 6896239 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:07] ping&FPS: True 0.05300818703 285.929971406 147.929976681 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:07] ping&FPS: False 0.0499544399125 174.929968425 174.929968425 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:07] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:07] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:08] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:08] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:08] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:08] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:08] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:08] ping&FPS: True 0.0421492936356 240.929962167 166.929965505 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:08] ping&FPS: False 0.0324560212237 143.929961556 143.929961556 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:08] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:08] id 6896203 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:08] name ANVAR_421 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:08] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:08] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:08] id 6896209 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:08] name Roman1_75 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:08] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:09] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:09] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:10] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:10] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:10] id 6896211 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:10] name exit70 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:10] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:10] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:11] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:11] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:11] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:11] id 6896197 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:11] name Benya_1988 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:11] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:12] @ launchpadAppeared 6896197 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:12] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:12] id 6896231 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:12] name alexkarona [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:12] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:12] @ launchpadAppeared 6896231 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:12] ping&FPS: True 0.0434290873153 365.929976219 116.929979557 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:12] ping&FPS: False 0.036750371967 104.929978871 197.929978871 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:12] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:12] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:12] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:14] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:14] id 6896239 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:14] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:15] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:15] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:15] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:15] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:15] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:15] id 6896239 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:15] name krays05 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:15] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:15] @ launchpadAppeared 6896239 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:16] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:18] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:18] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:20] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:20] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:20] id 6896243 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:20] name DeadVehicle [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:20] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:20] @ launchpadAppeared 6896243 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:21] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:21] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence(), ('3480927@wowsru.loc/wows', 'Doc_Maximov', 0) [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:21] [NUT] __updateUserPresence contacts 3480927 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:23] SmokeScreen.onEnterWorld( 1982727 ) [(299.014, 220.602)] [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:24] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:24] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:24] id 6896199 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:24] name ykar [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:24] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:25] SmokeScreen.onEnterWorld( 1982728 ) [(-170.627, -260.193)] [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:26] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:26] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:26] id 6896219 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:26] name AL_Lexx_ [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:26] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:26] @ launchpadAppeared 6896219 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:26] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:26] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:27] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:27] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:28] ping&FPS: True 0.053538109575 349.92993609 159.929938325 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:28] ping&FPS: False 0.0466630565269 75.9299355088 75.9299355088 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:29] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:29] id 6896211 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:31] ping&FPS: True 0.0625326441867 294.929924467 145.929918954 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:31] ping&FPS: False 0.0575528549297 125.929922768 125.929922768 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:31] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:31] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:31] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:32] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:32] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:32] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:32] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:33] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:33] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:33] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:33] id 6896199 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:34] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:34] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:34] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:34] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:34] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:34] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:34] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:34] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:35] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:35] id 6896199 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:35] name ykar [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:35] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:35] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:35] id 6896203 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:37] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:37] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:37] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:39] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:39] id 6896197 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:39] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:39] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:39] id 6896209 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:39] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:39] id 6896199 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:39] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:39] id 6896231 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:39] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:39] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:39] id 6896219 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:39] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:39] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:39] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:39] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:39] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:39] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:39] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:39] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:40] id 6896243 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:40] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:40] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:40] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:40] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:40] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:41] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:41] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:42] ping&FPS: True 0.0694060730083 202.929941179 117.929942363 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:43] ping&FPS: False 0.0619096564395 98.9299406423 98.9299406423 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:43] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:43] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:43] id 6896197 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:43] name Benya_1988 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:43] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:43] @ launchpadAppeared 6896197 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:44] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:44] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:44] id 6896231 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:44] name alexkarona [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:44] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:44] @ launchpadAppeared 6896231 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:49] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:49] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:49] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:49] id 6896239 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:49] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:49] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:49] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:49] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:49] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:49] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:50] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:50] id 6896209 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:50] name Roman1_75 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:50] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:52] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:52] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:52] id 6896239 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:52] name krays05 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:52] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:52] @ launchpadAppeared 6896239 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:53] ping&FPS: True 0.0699702905757 237.929868826 148.929869862 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:53] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:53] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:53] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:53] ping&FPS: False 0.0487674357636 85.9298688559 181.929868856 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:54] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:54] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:54] id 6896243 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:54] name DeadVehicle [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:54] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:54] @ launchpadAppeared 6896243 [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:55] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:55] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:55] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:56] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:56] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:56] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:59] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:59] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:59] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#7872: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:59] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:59] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#7873: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:59] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Fubuki_foam_post_death.xml#7878: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:59] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Fubuki_foam_post_death.xml#7879: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:59] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Fubuki_foam_post_death.xml#7880: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:59] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Fubuki_foam_post_death.xml#7881: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:59] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Fubuki_foam_post_death.xml#7882: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:34:59] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Fubuki_foam_post_death.xml#7883: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:00] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:00] id 6896239 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:00] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:02] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:02] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:02] id 6896219 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:02] name AL_Lexx_ [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:02] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:02] @ launchpadAppeared 6896219 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:03] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:03] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:03] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:03] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:03] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:03] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:06] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:06] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:06] id 6896239 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:06] name krays05 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:06] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:06] @ launchpadAppeared 6896239 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:08] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:08] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:08] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:08] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:08] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:08] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:10] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:12] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:12] id 6896209 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:12] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:12] id 6896239 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:12] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:13] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:16] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#8082: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:16] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#8083: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:17] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:18] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:18] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:18] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:18] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:18] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:18] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:18] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:18] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:18] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:18] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:18] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:18] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:19] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#8124: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:19] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#8125: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:19] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#8126: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:19] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#8127: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:20] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:20] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:20] id 6896227 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:20] name __mangu_st__ [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:20] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:20] @ launchpadAppeared 6896227 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:21] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:22] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:22] id 6896219 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:22] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:22] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:23] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:23] SmokeScreen.onEnterWorld( 1982729 ) [(-271.103, -327.252)] [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:23] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:23] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:23] id 6896239 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:23] name krays05 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:23] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:23] @ launchpadAppeared 6896239 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:27] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:27] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:27] id 6896219 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:27] name AL_Lexx_ [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:27] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:27] @ launchpadAppeared 6896219 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:27] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:27] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:27] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:27] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:27] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:28] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:28] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:28] id 6896203 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:28] name ANVAR_421 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:28] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:28] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:28] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:28] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:28] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:29] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#8231: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:29] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#8232: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:30] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:31] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:31] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:31] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:31] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:32] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:32] id 6896203 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:32] SmokeScreen.onEnterWorld( 1982730 ) [(240.427, 286.052)] [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:34] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:34] id 6896201 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:34] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:34] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence(), ('3480927@wowsru.loc/wows', 'Doc_Maximov', 2) [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:34] [NUT] __updateUserPresence contacts 3480927 2 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:34] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:34] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:36] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:36] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:36] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:37] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:37] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_water_fountains_post_death.xml#8332: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:38] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:40] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:42] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:48] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:48] id 6896199 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:48] name ykar [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:48] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:50] id 6896243 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:50] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:51] id 6896219 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:51] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:52] ping&FPS: True 0.0465394141419 207.929720597 145.929716305 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:52] ping&FPS: False 0.0445651667459 86.9297199561 86.9297199561 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:54] ping&FPS: True 0.0460021080715 170.92972243 277.92972243 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:55] ping&FPS: False 0.0442827524883 156.929727675 156.929727675 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:55] ping&FPS: True 0.0242321597678 104.929722981 209.929722981 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:55] ping&FPS: False 0.0286844926221 156.929722638 156.929722638 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:57] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:57] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:57] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:58] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:58] id 6896199 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:59] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:59] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:59] id 6896209 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:59] name Roman1_75 [S] [2016_05_28 13:35:59] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:01] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:01] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:01] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:01] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:02] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:02] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:02] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:02] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:02] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:02] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:03] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:03] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:03] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:04] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:04] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:05] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:06] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:06] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:06] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:06] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:06] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:06] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:09] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:09] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:13] SmokeScreen.onEnterWorld( 1982731 ) [(323.592, 309.985)] [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:15] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:15] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:15] id 6896201 [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:15] name SnaIpeRtm [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:15] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:15] @ launchpadAppeared 6896201 [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:21] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:21] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:23] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:23] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:23] id 6896199 [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:23] name ykar [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:23] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:25] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:25] id 6896209 [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:25] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:25] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:25] id 6896209 [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:25] name Roman1_75 [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:25] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:27] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:27] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:27] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:27] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:27] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:28] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:28] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:28] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:29] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:29] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:29] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:29] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:29] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:29] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:29] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:29] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:29] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:31] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:31] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:34] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:34] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:34] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:34] id 6896239 [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:34] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:35] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:35] id 6896239 [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:35] name krays05 [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:35] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:35] @ launchpadAppeared 6896239 [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:39] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:39] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:39] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#9389: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:39] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Kiev_foam_post_death.xml#9394: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:39] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Kiev_foam_post_death.xml#9395: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:39] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Kiev_foam_post_death.xml#9396: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:41] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:41] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:41] id 6896227 [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:41] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:43] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:44] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:47] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:47] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:47] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:47] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:47] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:47] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:47] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:47] id 6896227 [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:47] name __mangu_st__ [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:47] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:47] @ launchpadAppeared 6896227 [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:48] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:49] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:50] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:51] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:51] id 6896239 [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:51] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:52] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:52] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:52] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:52] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:52] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:53] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:53] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:53] ping&FPS: True 0.0584455834968 205.929356584 117.929356345 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:53] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:54] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:54] ping&FPS: False 0.0550045626504 118.9293556 118.9293556 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:54] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:54] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:54] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:54] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:55] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:56] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:56] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:56] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:56] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:56] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:56] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:57] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:59] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:59] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:59] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:36:59] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:00] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:00] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:01] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:01] id 6896239 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:01] name krays05 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:01] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:01] @ launchpadAppeared 6896239 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:01] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:01] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:01] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:01] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:01] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:01] ping&FPS: True 0.0237068789346 205.929316984 116.929320471 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:01] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:01] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:01] ping&FPS: False 0.0226916032178 78.9293168946 78.9293168946 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:02] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:02] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:02] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:02] id 6896211 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:02] name exit70 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:02] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:03] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:03] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:04] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:04] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:04] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:04] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:04] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:04] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:04] ping&FPS: True 0.0611656563623 214.929316261 155.929312685 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:04] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:04] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:04] ping&FPS: False 0.0565281765802 86.9293174831 86.9293174831 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:05] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:05] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:05] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:09] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:10] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:10] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:10] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:10] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:10] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:10] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:10] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:10] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:10] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:10] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:10] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:10] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:10] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:11] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:14] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:15] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:15] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:15] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:15] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:17] ping&FPS: True 0.0591281758887 229.929300406 113.929299959 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:17] ping&FPS: False 0.0544928865773 136.92929762 136.92929762 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:17] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:18] ping&FPS: True 0.0626497673137 231.929286951 130.929293626 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:18] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:18] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:18] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_post_fire.xml#9967: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:18] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Kiev_foam_post_death.xml#9972: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:18] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Kiev_foam_post_death.xml#9973: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:18] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Kiev_foam_post_death.xml#9974: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:18] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:18] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:19] ping&FPS: False 0.0477228122098 131.929283568 131.929283568 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:20] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:20] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:23] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:23] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:23] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:23] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:25] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#10101: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:30] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:30] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:30] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:32] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:32] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:32] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:32] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:32] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:32] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:32] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:32] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:32] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:32] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:33] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#10210: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:34] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:40] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:40] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:40] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:40] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:44] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:44] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:44] id 6896219 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:44] name AL_Lexx_ [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:44] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:44] @ launchpadAppeared 6896219 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:45] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:45] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:45] ping&FPS: True 0.034562203501 211.929196411 170.929198915 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:45] ping&FPS: False 0.0221752928836 114.929195398 186.929195398 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:48] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:48] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:48] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:48] id 6896227 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:48] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:49] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#10445: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:49] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:51] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#10475: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:52] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:52] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:52] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:52] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:52] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:52] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:52] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:52] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:52] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:52] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:52] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:52] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:52] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#10486: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:52] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:53] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Izumo_foam_post_death.xml#10492: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:53] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Izumo_foam_post_death.xml#10493: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:53] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Izumo_foam_post_death.xml#10494: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:56] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:56] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:56] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:56] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:57] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:57] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:57] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:57] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:57] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:57] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:57] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#10540: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:58] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:58] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:58] id 6896243 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:58] name DeadVehicle [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:58] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:58] @ launchpadAppeared 6896243 [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:58] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:58] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:37:59] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:01] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_water_fountains_post_death.xml#10598: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:02] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:05] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:05] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:05] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:05] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:05] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:06] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:06] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:06] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:06] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:06] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:06] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:07] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:07] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:09] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:09] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:09] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:09] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:10] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:10] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:10] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:11] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:13] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:13] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:14] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:16] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:16] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:22] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:23] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#10830: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:23] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:23] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:26] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:28] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:29] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#10930: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:30] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:30] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:30] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:30] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:30] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#10936: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:30] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:31] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Nagato_foam_post_death.xml#10940: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:31] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Nagato_foam_post_death.xml#10941: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:31] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Nagato_foam_post_death.xml#10942: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:31] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_post_fire.xml#10961: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:31] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:31] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:31] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#10981: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:31] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:31] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Yorck_foam_post_death.xml#10984: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:31] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Yorck_foam_post_death.xml#10985: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:31] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Yorck_foam_post_death.xml#10986: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:34] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:34] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:34] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:34] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:34] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:34] ping&FPS: True 0.0553912477834 285.929032662 133.929019311 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:35] ping&FPS: False 0.0558934318168 135.929032603 135.929032603 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:37] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:37] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#11039: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:38] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#11040: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:38] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:38] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:38] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:38] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:38] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:38] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:38] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:38] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:38] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:39] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:39] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:39] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:39] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:40] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:41] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_water_fountains_post_death.xml#11050: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:41] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#11054: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:44] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:46] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#11079: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:47] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:47] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:47] id 6896203 [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:47] name ANVAR_421 [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:47] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:48] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:48] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:48] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:48] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:48] id 6896211 [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:48] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:48] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:48] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:48] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:48] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:49] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:49] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:49] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:49] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:50] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:51] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:53] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:54] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:54] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:54] ping&FPS: True 0.0484932618482 208.928979353 135.928973035 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:54] ping&FPS: False 0.0470527814967 134.928975032 134.928975032 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:57] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:57] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:38:58] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:01] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:02] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:04] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:07] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:07] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:08] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#11239: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:08] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#11244: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:08] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:08] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:08] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#11258: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:08] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Kagero_foam_post_death.xml#11260: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:08] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Kagero_foam_post_death.xml#11261: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:08] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Kagero_foam_post_death.xml#11262: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:10] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:12] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:12] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:12] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:12] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:12] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:12] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:12] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:12] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:12] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:13] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_water_fountains_post_death.xml#11319: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:15] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:15] id 6896243 [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:15] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:15] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:15] id 6896219 [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:15] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:16] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:16] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:16] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:16] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:16] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:16] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:16] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:19] ping&FPS: True 0.0599214988095 212.928937131 140.928937608 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:19] ping&FPS: False 0.0483875381095 81.9289356707 81.9289356707 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:19] SmokeScreen.onEnterWorld( 1982732 ) [(241.512, 349.111)] [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:20] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#11341: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:20] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:20] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:20] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:20] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:20] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:22] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:22] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#11348: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:23] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:26] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#11359: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:26] ping&FPS: True 0.0589829789741 205.928919294 150.928919056 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:26] ping&FPS: False 0.0511810736997 53.928920695 53.928920695 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:27] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:27] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:27] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#11367: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:28] ping&FPS: True 0.0549904363496 235.928913826 132.928912395 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:28] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:28] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:28] ping&FPS: False 0.0379000487072 60.9289117692 191.928911769 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:29] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:29] id 6896203 [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:30] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:30] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:31] ping&FPS: True 0.0502124982221 335.928925806 143.928921023 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:31] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:31] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:31] ping&FPS: False 0.045845504318 98.9289252697 98.9289252697 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:40] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:40] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:40] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:40] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:40] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:40] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:41] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:42] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:42] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:42] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:42] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:42] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:42] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:42] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#11462: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:42] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:42] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:42] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:43] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Hipper_foam_post_death.xml#11466: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:43] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Hipper_foam_post_death.xml#11467: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:43] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Hipper_foam_post_death.xml#11468: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:43] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:44] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:44] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:44] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:44] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:45] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#11495: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:45] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:45] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:45] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:45] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:45] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:46] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:46] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:46] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_fuming_post_fire.xml#11513: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:46] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:47] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Colorado_foam_post_death.xml#11516: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:47] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Colorado_foam_post_death.xml#11517: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:47] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Colorado_foam_post_death.xml#11518: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:47] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:47] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:48] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#11520: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:48] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_water_fountains_post_death.xml#11521: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:48] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:48] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:48] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:48] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:48] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:49] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:50] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:50] id 6896227 [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:50] name __mangu_st__ [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:50] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:50] @ launchpadAppeared 6896227 [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:51] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:52] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:52] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#11567: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:55] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:55] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:56] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:56] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:57] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:59] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:59] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:39:59] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:00] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:00] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:00] SmokeScreen.onEnterWorld( 1982733 ) [(13.0665, -127.304)] [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:01] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:01] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:01] ping&FPS: True 0.0556437479598 243.928867081 135.928864339 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:01] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:01] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:01] ping&FPS: False 0.0442988904459 86.9288645773 86.9288645773 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:05] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:07] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:07] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:07] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:07] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:08] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:08] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:09] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#11653: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:09] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:09] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:09] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:09] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:09] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:09] ping&FPS: True 0.0478411348803 202.928826549 134.928823078 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:09] ping&FPS: False 0.0424748691065 87.9288297979 87.9288297979 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:11] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:11] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:11] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:11] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:11] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:12] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:12] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:12] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:12] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:12] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:13] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:14] ping&FPS: True 0.0603131758315 343.928830521 124.928818838 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:14] ping&FPS: False 0.0487661170108 96.928831519 96.928831519 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:15] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_water_fountains_post_death.xml#11687: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:18] ping&FPS: True 0.0355683224542 231.928821558 137.928828233 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:18] ping&FPS: False 0.0331737356527 134.92882202 195.92882202 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:20] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:20] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:20] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:20] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:20] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:20] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:20] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:20] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:20] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:20] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:20] ping&FPS: True 0.0431752087814 202.928811917 166.928810307 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:20] ping&FPS: False 0.0380013169987 65.9288115589 65.9288115589 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:21] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:21] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:21] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:23] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#11748: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:27] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:28] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#11804: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:31] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#11814: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:31] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:31] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:31] id 6896203 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:31] name ANVAR_421 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:31] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:31] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#11815: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:34] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#11831: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:34] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#11832: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:36] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:36] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:36] id 6896219 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:36] name AL_Lexx_ [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:36] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:36] @ launchpadAppeared 6896219 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:39] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:39] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:39] id 6896243 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:39] name DeadVehicle [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:39] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:39] @ launchpadAppeared 6896243 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:40] ping&FPS: True 0.0389204727752 202.928754771 157.928760612 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:40] ping&FPS: False 0.0403489129884 88.9287563203 88.9287563203 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:42] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:42] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:42] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:42] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:42] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:42] ping&FPS: True 0.0471892612321 238.928750658 119.928748736 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:42] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:42] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:42] ping&FPS: False 0.0423791738493 66.9287523268 66.9287523268 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:45] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#11865: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:46] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:46] id 6896203 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:50] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_fuming_post_fire.xml#11893: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:50] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_water_fountains_post_death.xml#11894: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:51] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:51] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:51] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:51] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#11917: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:54] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#11928: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:54] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#11929: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:56] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:56] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:56] id 6896203 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:56] name ANVAR_421 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:56] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:57] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:57] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:57] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:40:59] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:00] ping&FPS: True 0.0579687463386 252.928645143 145.928653964 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:01] ping&FPS: False 0.0603941785438 163.928642222 163.928642222 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:01] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:01] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:01] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:01] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:01] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:01] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:01] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:01] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:01] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:01] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:01] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:01] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:01] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#11974: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:02] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:02] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:02] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:02] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:02] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:03] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:03] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:03] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:04] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:05] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_water_fountains_post_death.xml#12013: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:05] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:06] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#12028: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:06] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:07] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:07] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:07] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:08] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:08] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:08] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:09] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_water_fountains_post_death.xml#12031: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:12] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:12] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:18] ping&FPS: True 0.0602973806007 282.928567232 137.928561987 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:18] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:18] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:19] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:19] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:19] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:19] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:19] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:19] ping&FPS: False 0.0446398960693 152.928564162 152.928564162 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:19] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:19] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:19] ping&FPS: True 0.0504710259182 408.928556533 152.928564162 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:19] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:20] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:20] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#12149: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:20] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:20] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:20] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:20] ping&FPS: False 0.0524265500052 179.928561659 179.928561659 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:20] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Atago_foam_post_death.xml#12154: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:20] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Atago_foam_post_death.xml#12155: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:20] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Atago_foam_post_death.xml#12156: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:20] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:21] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:22] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:23] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:24] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:24] ping&FPS: True 0.0550185101373 207.928549127 149.928550587 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:24] ping&FPS: False 0.0457739414913 54.9285505278 54.9285505278 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:25] ping&FPS: True 0.0755297499044 433.92854979 54.9285505278 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:25] ping&FPS: False 0.0722720878465 156.928551146 156.928551146 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:28] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:28] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:28] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:30] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:32] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:32] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:32] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:32] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:32] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:33] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:34] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:34] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:34] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:34] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:35] ping&FPS: True 0.0505790071828 201.928503157 121.92849815 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:35] ping&FPS: False 0.0441900374634 82.928505422 82.928505422 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:35] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:35] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:36] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:36] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:38] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:38] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:40] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:40] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:40] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:40] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:40] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:41] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (6367682, 0, 0, 6896208, 1464430954146L, False, True) [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:41] m418a81c.updatePreBattles (6367682, 0, 0, 6896208, 1464430954146L, False, True) [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:41] m418a81c.updatePreBattles1 {6367682: PreBattleInfo: id: 6367682, inPortPlayers: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 6896208, creationTime 1464430954146, hidden False, locked True } [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:41] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (6367682, 0, 0, 6896208, 1464430954146L, False, True) [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:41] m418a81c.updatePreBattles (6367682, 0, 0, 6896208, 1464430954146L, False, True) [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:41] m418a81c.updatePreBattles1 {6367682: PreBattleInfo: id: 6367682, inPortPlayers: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 6896208, creationTime 1464430954146, hidden False, locked True } [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:41] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (6367682, 0, 0, 6896230, 1464430954146L, False, True) [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:41] m418a81c.updatePreBattles (6367682, 0, 0, 6896230, 1464430954146L, False, True) [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:41] m418a81c.updatePreBattles1 {6367682: PreBattleInfo: id: 6367682, inPortPlayers: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 6896230, creationTime 1464430954146, hidden False, locked True } [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:43] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:43] id 6896243 [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:43] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:45] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:47] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:51] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:51] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:51] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:51] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:51] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:52] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:52] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:52] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:52] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:52] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#12565: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:52] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:52] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Colorado_foam_post_death.xml#12566: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:52] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Colorado_foam_post_death.xml#12567: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:52] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Colorado_foam_post_death.xml#12568: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:52] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:52] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:52] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:52] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:52] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:54] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:54] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:54] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:54] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#12597: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:54] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:54] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Baltimore_foam_post_death.xml#12599: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:54] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Baltimore_foam_post_death.xml#12600: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:54] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Baltimore_foam_post_death.xml#12601: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:54] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:54] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:54] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:54] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:54] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:54] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:55] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:55] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:55] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:55] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:56] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:56] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:57] ping&FPS: True 0.0545209752662 205.928473176 155.928474964 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:57] ping&FPS: False 0.0471932323916 51.9284740849 51.9284740849 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:59] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:59] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:41:59] ping&FPS: True 0.0419969367129 203.928478123 113.928478376 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:00] ping&FPS: False 0.0356405111296 92.9284783019 92.9284783019 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:00] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:00] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:05] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:05] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:05] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#12654: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:06] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:06] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:06] id 6896243 [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:06] name DeadVehicle [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:06] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:06] @ launchpadAppeared 6896243 [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:06] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:07] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:09] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#12671: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:09] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:09] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:09] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:09] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:09] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:09] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:10] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:12] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:12] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:12] id 6896243 [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:12] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:13] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:14] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#12696: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:14] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:16] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:16] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#12699: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:16] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:18] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:18] ping&FPS: True 0.0508836539728 277.928459094 137.928449081 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:18] ping&FPS: False 0.052812899862 149.928459303 149.928459303 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:19] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:19] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:19] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:19] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:19] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:20] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:25] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#12738: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:26] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:27] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:27] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:28] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:29] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#12751: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:29] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:29] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:29] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:29] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#12761: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:29] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Mahan_foam_post_death.xml#12768: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:29] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Mahan_foam_post_death.xml#12769: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:29] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Mahan_foam_post_death.xml#12770: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:30] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#12776: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:31] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:32] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_water_fountains_post_death.xml#12777: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:32] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:33] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:33] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:36] ping&FPS: True 0.0466017531497 451.928385877 100.928380871 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:36] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:36] ping&FPS: False 0.0403413804514 165.928392434 165.928392434 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:37] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:37] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:37] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:37] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:37] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:42] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:42] ping&FPS: True 0.0619271056993 211.928438859 111.928439663 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:42] ping&FPS: False 0.0497892456395 88.9284383817 88.9284383817 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:43] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:43] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:43] id 6896243 [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:43] name DeadVehicle [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:43] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:43] @ launchpadAppeared 6896243 [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:43] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:44] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:45] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:45] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:45] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:45] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:45] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:46] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:48] ping&FPS: True 0.0519781368119 210.928426722 95.9284258275 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:48] ping&FPS: False 0.0529257463557 105.928423443 105.928423443 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:48] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#12791: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:50] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:50] id 6896243 [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:50] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:51] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:51] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:51] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:51] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:51] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:52] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#12793: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:53] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:53] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:54] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:54] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#12796: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:55] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:55] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:55] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:55] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:55] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:55] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:55] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:55] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:55] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:58] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:58] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#12803: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:42:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:00] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:00] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:00] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:00] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#12808: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:00] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:01] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_New_Orlean_foam_post_death.xml#12812: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:01] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_New_Orlean_foam_post_death.xml#12813: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:01] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_New_Orlean_foam_post_death.xml#12814: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:02] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#12815: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:02] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:02] ping&FPS: True 0.0506235914571 201.928498851 132.928493844 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:02] ping&FPS: False 0.0421483995659 83.9284975542 83.9284975542 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:04] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#12817: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:04] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:05] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:05] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:05] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:05] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#12825: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:05] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:05] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Iowa_foam_post_death.xml#12829: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:05] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Iowa_foam_post_death.xml#12830: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:05] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Iowa_foam_post_death.xml#12831: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:06] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:06] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:06] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:06] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:06] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:08] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:09] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:09] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:09] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:09] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:09] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:10] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:10] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:10] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:10] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:11] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:11] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:11] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:11] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:11] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:11] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:11] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:11] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:11] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:11] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:11] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:11] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:11] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:12] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#12838: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:12] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#12839: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:13] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:13] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:13] ping&FPS: True 0.0580629067762 391.92843079 164.928428167 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:13] ping&FPS: False 0.0649991737945 196.928429389 196.928429389 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:14] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:14] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:14] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#12846: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:14] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:14] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Schors_foam_post_death.xml#12847: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:14] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Schors_foam_post_death.xml#12848: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:14] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Schors_foam_post_death.xml#12849: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:14] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_water_fountains_post_death.xml#12850: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:14] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:14] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:14] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:14] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:14] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:14] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:14] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:14] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:14] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:14] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:15] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:16] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:16] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:16] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_water_fountains_post_death.xml#12855: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:16] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:16] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:16] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:18] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:20] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:20] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:20] id 6896243 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:20] name DeadVehicle [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:20] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:20] @ launchpadAppeared 6896243 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:22] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:28] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:28] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:30] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:30] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:30] id 6896211 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:30] name exit70 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:30] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:30] ping&FPS: True 0.0629563587052 201.928397903 141.928400346 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:30] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:30] ping&FPS: False 0.0460297199232 121.928400704 121.928400704 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:31] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:31] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:32] ping&FPS: True 0.054977904473 224.928393626 145.928386712 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:32] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:32] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:32] ping&FPS: False 0.0532149927957 142.928392106 142.928392106 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:32] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:33] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:34] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:35] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#12875: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:36] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:37] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:37] id 6896211 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:39] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:41] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:41] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:41] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#12884: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:41] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:41] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Mogami_foam_post_death.xml#12887: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:41] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Mogami_foam_post_death.xml#12888: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:41] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Mogami_foam_post_death.xml#12889: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:44] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#12890: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:45] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:45] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:45] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:45] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:45] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:45] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:45] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:45] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:45] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:46] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:47] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:47] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:47] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:48] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#12902: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:48] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:48] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:48] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:48] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:48] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:48] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:48] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:49] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:49] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:51] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#12908: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:52] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#12911: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:54] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:54] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:54] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:54] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:54] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:54] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:55] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:55] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:55] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:55] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:55] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:55] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:55] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:55] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:55] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:55] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#12922: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:56] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#12923: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:57] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:57] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:57] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:57] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:57] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:57] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:57] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:58] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#12930: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:59] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#12931: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:43:59] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:01] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:01] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:01] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:01] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:01] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:01] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:02] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:02] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:02] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#12933: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:04] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#12934: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:05] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_water_fountains_post_death.xml#12935: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:06] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#12937: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:07] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#12938: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:07] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#12942: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:08] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#12944: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:09] ping&FPS: True 0.0468007507069 221.928422728 122.928421894 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:09] ping&FPS: False 0.0427272202713 63.9284218787 63.9284218787 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:09] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:09] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:09] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:09] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:09] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:12] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_water_fountains_post_death.xml#12945: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:13] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:13] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:14] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#12957: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:15] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:16] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:17] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:17] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#12959: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:17] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_water_fountains_post_death.xml#12960: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:20] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:23] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_water_fountains_post_death.xml#12962: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:23] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:23] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:24] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:24] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:26] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:27] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#12968: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:27] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:28] ping&FPS: True 0.0360432373626 228.928313398 153.928313279 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:28] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:28] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:28] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:28] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:28] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:28] ping&FPS: False 0.0340608017785 153.928311916 153.928311916 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:29] ping&FPS: True 0.0332193257553 143.928317161 224.928317161 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:29] ping&FPS: False 0.0321324276073 140.928317757 140.928317757 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:30] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:31] ping&FPS: True 0.0564676033599 353.928312497 156.92830679 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:31] ping&FPS: False 0.0527472080929 86.928311692 86.928311692 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:31] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#12973: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:32] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:34] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#12981: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:35] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:35] id 6896211 [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:35] name exit70 [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:35] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:36] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:36] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:36] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:36] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:36] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:36] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:36] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:37] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:37] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:38] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:38] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:40] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:40] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:40] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:40] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:40] ping&FPS: True 0.0470899151904 228.928293058 174.928294802 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:40] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:40] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:41] ping&FPS: False 0.0497885154826 166.928294191 166.928294191 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:43] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:43] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:43] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:44] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:44] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:45] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:45] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:45] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:45] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:45] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:47] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:48] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:48] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#13002: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:48] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:48] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:48] ping&FPS: True 0.0518687324865 206.928281689 172.928285175 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:49] ping&FPS: False 0.051029588495 117.928280377 117.928280377 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:50] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:51] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_water_fountains_post_death.xml#13003: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:53] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:53] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:53] ping&FPS: True 0.0630838232381 247.928279632 119.928285712 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:54] ping&FPS: False 0.053181696151 135.928280139 135.928280139 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:57] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:57] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:59] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:59] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:59] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:44:59] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:02] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:02] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:02] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:03] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:03] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:03] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:03] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:06] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:07] ping&FPS: True 0.0603661047561 207.928342061 112.928343521 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:07] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:07] ping&FPS: False 0.0501084955675 65.9283396764 65.9283396764 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:09] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:10] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:10] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:10] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:10] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:10] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:11] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:11] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:11] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:11] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:11] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:11] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:12] ping&FPS: True 0.0512212248785 259.928335683 185.928332345 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:12] ping&FPS: False 0.0489218266947 76.9283332391 76.9283332391 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:14] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:16] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:19] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:19] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:21] ping&FPS: True 0.0597729342324 239.928362654 140.928370045 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:21] ping&FPS: False 0.0511825563652 152.928362624 193.928362624 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:23] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:23] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:23] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#13111: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:23] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:23] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#13112: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:23] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Fubuki_foam_post_death.xml#13116: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:23] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Fubuki_foam_post_death.xml#13117: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:23] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Fubuki_foam_post_death.xml#13118: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:23] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Fubuki_foam_post_death.xml#13119: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:23] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Fubuki_foam_post_death.xml#13120: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:23] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Fubuki_foam_post_death.xml#13121: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:27] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:27] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:27] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:27] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:27] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:27] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:28] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:32] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:32] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#13163: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:32] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#13164: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:33] ping&FPS: True 0.0233555617077 227.928306305 145.92830635 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:33] ping&FPS: False 0.0185087504131 71.9283067672 71.9283067672 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:33] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#13169: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:33] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#13170: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:33] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:33] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:33] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_AA_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#13175: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:33] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:34] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Ranger_foam_post_death.xml#13179: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:34] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Ranger_foam_post_death.xml#13180: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:34] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Ranger_foam_post_death.xml#13181: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:37] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:37] id 6896211 [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:43] ping&FPS: True 0.0541349308831 228.928187789 144.92818767 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:43] ping&FPS: False 0.0468923332436 43.9281873865 43.9281873865 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:44] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:44] id 6896219 [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:44] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:47] id 6896243 [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:47] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:48] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:48] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:48] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:48] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:48] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:48] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:48] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:49] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:49] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#13197: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:49] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#13198: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:50] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_AA_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#13199: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:51] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#13200: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:51] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#13201: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:51] ping&FPS: True 0.0421740593655 143.928122239 208.928122239 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:51] ping&FPS: False 0.0468647511942 149.928122447 149.928122447 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:54] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_AA_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#13202: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:56] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:56] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:56] id 6896243 [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:56] name DeadVehicle [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:56] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:56] @ launchpadAppeared 6896243 [S] [2016_05_28 13:45:56] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#13203: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:00] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_water_fountains_post_death.xml#13207: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:01] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:01] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:01] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:01] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:03] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:03] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:03] id 6896219 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:03] name AL_Lexx_ [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:03] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:03] @ launchpadAppeared 6896219 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:03] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence(), ('2715866@wowsru.loc/wows', 'BCEM_PPC', 2) [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:03] [NUT] __updateUserPresence contacts 2715866 2 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:04] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:08] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:08] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:09] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:11] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:11] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:11] id 6896211 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:11] name exit70 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:11] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:12] ping&FPS: True 0.0582047360284 207.92788452 133.927889706 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:12] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:12] ping&FPS: False 0.0515463756663 92.9278828366 92.9278828366 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:13] ClientSquadron.outOfFuel [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:15] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:15] ping&FPS: True 0.0583080308778 202.927854286 134.927850978 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:15] ping&FPS: False 0.0522610577089 99.9278537495 99.9278537495 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:15] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:18] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:19] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:19] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:19] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:19] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:19] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:20] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:20] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:20] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:20] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:20] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:21] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:23] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:23] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:23] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:28] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_AA_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#13243: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:30] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:30] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:30] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_AA_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#13248: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:30] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:30] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Taiho_foam_post_death.xml#13251: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:30] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Taiho_foam_post_death.xml#13252: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:30] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Taiho_foam_post_death.xml#13253: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:35] ping&FPS: True 0.0505321057779 299.927731567 186.927736574 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:35] ping&FPS: False 0.0459556238992 69.9277298389 69.9277298389 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:36] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:36] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:36] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:36] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:38] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:38] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:38] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_AA_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#13256: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:41] ClientSquadron.outOfFuel [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:41] ping&FPS: True 0.0471563743693 204.927702376 122.927702465 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:41] ping&FPS: False 0.0417474316699 75.9277034937 75.9277034937 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:45] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:45] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:45] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:45] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:45] ping&FPS: True 0.058044310127 211.927641833 139.927646363 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:45] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:45] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:45] ping&FPS: False 0.052754703377 91.9276399849 91.9276399849 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:45] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:45] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:45] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:45] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:51] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:51] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:51] ping&FPS: True 0.0573192345245 208.927590357 135.927587928 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:51] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:51] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:51] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:51] ping&FPS: False 0.0670923548085 171.92760037 171.92760037 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:51] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:51] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:51] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:51] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:51] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:51] ping&FPS: True 0.0556269990546 313.927594976 120.927601413 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:52] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:52] ping&FPS: False 0.0538833098752 166.927588658 166.927588658 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:53] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_AA_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#13278: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:54] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:54] ping&FPS: True 0.0483216302735 246.927589291 174.927582496 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:55] ping&FPS: False 0.0461600827319 129.927582496 129.927582496 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:55] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:56] ping&FPS: True 0.0546821313245 244.927579903 128.927577162 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:56] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:56] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:56] ping&FPS: False 0.0508142145617 166.927579173 166.927579173 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:56] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:56] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:57] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:57] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:46:59] ("[ERROR] FeedbackController: container 'Root' doesn't have config for event 'five_minutes_left'",) [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:03] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:04] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:05] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:05] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_AA_water_fountains_post_death.xml#13319: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:07] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:10] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:10] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:12] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:12] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:13] SmokeScreen.onEnterWorld( 1982734 ) [(468.09, -47.0658)] [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:14] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:14] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_AA_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#13352: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:16] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:16] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:18] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:18] ping&FPS: True 0.0611965762717 261.927523786 136.927527571 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:18] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:18] ping&FPS: False 0.0447018774492 150.927526021 150.927526021 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:18] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:19] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:20] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:20] id 6896211 [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:21] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:22] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:23] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:23] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:23] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:23] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:23] (, 51836981029009, 161): Rewards speed (1) for team 1 is enough to win in 180 seconds [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:24] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:24] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:28] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:28] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:28] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:28] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:28] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:29] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:29] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:29] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:29] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:29] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:29] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:29] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:32] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:34] ping&FPS: True 0.0343926357371 221.927452022 159.927451187 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:35] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:35] ping&FPS: False 0.0416857036097 195.927450457 195.927450457 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:36] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:36] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:36] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:36] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:36] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:36] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:36] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:36] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:36] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:36] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:37] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:37] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:37] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:37] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:37] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:38] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:39] ping&FPS: True 0.0565756665809 310.927432196 151.927429811 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:39] ping&FPS: False 0.0503440605743 103.927432315 103.927432315 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:40] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:40] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:40] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:40] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:40] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:40] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:43] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_AA_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#13401: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:43] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:44] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:44] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:44] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_AA_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#13406: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:44] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:44] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:44] id 6896211 [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:44] name exit70 [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:44] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:47] ping&FPS: True 0.0426425220711 225.927288742 131.927294703 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:47] ping&FPS: False 0.0376144605024 80.9272906794 80.9272906794 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:49] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:49] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:50] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_AA_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#13427: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:47:53] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_AA_water_fountains_post_death.xml#13439: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:00] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence(), ('6332290@wowsru.loc/wows', 'zloy_nyb', 0) [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:00] [NUT] __updateUserPresence contacts 6332290 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:01] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:01] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:01] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:01] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:02] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:02] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:02] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:02] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:02] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:02] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:02] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:02] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:02] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:04] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:04] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:04] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:04] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:04] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:04] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:04] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:04] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:04] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:04] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:06] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:09] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:10] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:10] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:10] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_AA_fuming_post_fire.xml#13507: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:10] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:11] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Ranger_foam_post_death.xml#13508: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:11] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Ranger_foam_post_death.xml#13509: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:11] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Ranger_foam_post_death.xml#13510: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:11] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:11] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:11] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:14] ping&FPS: True 0.0681351380689 216.927147412 131.92714926 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:14] ping&FPS: False 0.0453915031893 90.9271472631 90.9271472631 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:16] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:17] ping&FPS: True 0.0287703009588 261.927144261 153.92714432 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:17] ping&FPS: False 0.0383707838399 172.927142651 172.927142651 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:27] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:27] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:27] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:27] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:28] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:29] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:30] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:31] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:32] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:33] ping&FPS: True 0.0521073522312 202.927055718 144.927048684 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:33] ClientSquadron.outOfFuel [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:33] ClientSquadron.outOfFuel [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:34] ping&FPS: False 0.043427582298 54.9270571186 54.9270571186 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:34] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:34] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_AA_fuming_post_fire.xml#13561: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:37] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:38] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:38] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:38] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:38] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:38] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:38] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:38] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:40] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:42] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:43] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:44] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:44] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:44] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_AA_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#13584: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:44] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:45] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:45] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Taiho_foam_post_death.xml#13586: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:45] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Taiho_foam_post_death.xml#13587: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:45] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Taiho_foam_post_death.xml#13588: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:45] battle finish - Defeat [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:45] (, 70665289920581, 61): Deleted: [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:45] (, 70665289920581, 61): Deleted: [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:46] ping&FPS: True 0.0390578614814 548.927008638 138.927030572 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:46] setFpsGathererActive(False) [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:52] ping&FPS: True 0.742360855852 5548.92686845 699.927009591 0 [E] [2016_05_28 13:48:52] Can only call base methods on the connected entity [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:52] [Weather][40201] onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:52] id 6896197 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:52] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:52] id 6896199 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:52] id 6896201 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:52] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:52] id 6896203 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:52] Avatar.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:52] id 6896205 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:52] id 6896207 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:52] id 6896209 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:52] id 6896211 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:52] id 6896213 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:52] id 6896215 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:52] id 6896217 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:52] id 6896219 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:52] id 6896221 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:52] id 6896223 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:52] id 6896225 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:52] id 6896227 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:52] id 6896229 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:52] id 6896231 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:52] id 6896233 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:52] id 6896235 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:52] id 6896237 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:52] id 6896239 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:52] id 6896241 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:52] id 6896243 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:53] Account.__init__() [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:53] [Account debuG]: __init__() ONE___VP [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:53] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:53] >>> receiveChanges {'storage': {4291653552L: 22}} [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:53] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:53] >>> receiveChanges {'storage': {4280119216L: 74}} [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:53] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:53] >>> receiveChanges {'storage': {4279070640L: 38}} [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:53] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:53] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4279219920 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:53] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:53] >>> receiveChanges {'storage': {4284653488L: 16}} [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:53] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:53] >>> receiveChanges {'storage': {4283264944L: 109}} [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:53] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:53] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4279219920L: {'exp': 30286}}, 'changedCrews': {18: {'exp': 133962}}, 'moneyXP': 80} [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:53] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:53] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': 516889} [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:53] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:53] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -198950} [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:53] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:53] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4279219920L: {'slots': {1: {'del_slots': 1}}}}} [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:53] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:53] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -8000, 'changedShips': {4279219920L: {'slots': {1: {'add_slots': (((), 4293849008L),)}}}}} [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:53] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:53] >>> receiveChanges {'storage': {4284653488L: 15}} [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:53] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:53] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -22500, 'storage': {4282556336L: 1}} [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:54] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:54] >>> receiveChanges {'storage': {4282556336L: 0}} [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:54] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:54] setServerTime -3100.92199993 1464432035 1464428934.08 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:54] leaveBattleSession() Reason: 0 Info: {} [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:54] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:54] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:54] Can't send FPS data: it's empty [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:54] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.onEnterLobbyEvent():, (['34411633@wowsru.loc', '8009484@wowsru.loc', '12414124@wowsru.loc', '4679742@wowsru.loc', 'ids_chat_channel_offtop@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', 'wargamingfm@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', '1559899_1454784666@user-rooms.wows.wowsru.loc', 'ids_chat_channel_questions@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', '63671710@wowsru.loc', '5651230@wowsru.loc', '1559899@wowsru.loc', '48007201@wowsru.loc', '6878512@wowsru.loc', '64052394@wowsru.loc', 'ids_chat_channel_search_div@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', '58574566@wowsru.loc', '4719392_1447787513@user-rooms.wows.wowsru.loc'],) [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:54] updateActionsProgress: {'10688_q02': {'count': 2, 2: {'count': 0}, 3: {'count': 2}}, '10688_q03': {'count': 9}, '10688_q01': {'count': 3, 2: {'count': 0}, 3: {'count': 0}}} [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:54] __updateTaskProgress start: {'10688_q02': {'count': 2, 2: {'count': 0}, 3: {'count': 2}}, '10688_q03': {'count': 9}, '10688_q01': {'count': 3, 2: {'count': 0}, 3: {'count': 0}}} [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:54] step id: 10688_q02 progress {'count': 2, 2: {'count': 0}, 3: {'count': 2}} [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:54] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:54] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:54] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:54] step id: 10688_q03 progress {'count': 9} [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:54] isDone id 10688_q03 count 9 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:54] isDone id 10688_q03 count 9 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:54] isDone id 10688_q03 count 9 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:54] step id: 10688_q01 progress {'count': 3, 2: {'count': 0}, 3: {'count': 0}} [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:54] isDone id 10688_q01 count 3 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:54] isDone id 10688_q01 count 3 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:54] isDone id 10688_q01 count 3 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:54] md3ce6e8.onUpdate 0 0 [dailyId 0 type 0 desc {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464566400.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 0, 'condition': ()} , dailyId 1 type 0 desc {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464480000.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 1, 'condition': ()} , dailyId 39 type 1 desc {'rewards': {5: '500'}, 'title': 390, 'iconId': 6, 'timeToChange': 1464393600.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 2, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 39, 'condition': (6, '1', ('4', 0))} ] [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:54] Daily.update: {'rewards': {}, 'pdata': {'isSeen': True, 'timeToChange': 1464566400.0}, 'condition': ('empty', {}), 'desc': (0, 0, 0, 0, 0)} [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:54] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464566400.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 0, 'condition': ()} [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:54] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464480000.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 1, 'condition': ()} [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:54] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {5: '500'}, 'title': 390, 'iconId': 6, 'timeToChange': 1464393600.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 2, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 39, 'condition': (6, '1', ('4', 0))} [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:54] md3ce6e8.onUpdate 1 1 [dailyId 0 type 0 desc {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464566400.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 0, 'condition': ()} , dailyId 1 type 0 desc {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464480000.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 1, 'condition': ()} , dailyId 39 type 1 desc {'rewards': {5: '500'}, 'title': 390, 'iconId': 6, 'timeToChange': 1464393600.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 2, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 39, 'condition': (6, '1', ('4', 0))} ] [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:54] Daily.update: {'rewards': {}, 'pdata': {'isSeen': True, 'timeToChange': 1464480000.0}, 'condition': ('empty', {}), 'desc': (1, 0, 0, 0, 1)} [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:54] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464566400.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 0, 'condition': ()} [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:54] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464480000.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 1, 'condition': ()} [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:54] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {5: '500'}, 'title': 390, 'iconId': 6, 'timeToChange': 1464393600.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 2, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 39, 'condition': (6, '1', ('4', 0))} [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:54] md3ce6e8.onUpdate 2 39 [dailyId 0 type 0 desc {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464566400.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 0, 'condition': ()} , dailyId 1 type 0 desc {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464480000.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 1, 'condition': ()} , dailyId 39 type 1 desc {'rewards': {5: '500'}, 'title': 390, 'iconId': 6, 'timeToChange': 1464393600.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 2, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 39, 'condition': (6, '1', ('4', 0))} ] [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:54] Daily.update: {'rewards': {'addResFreeXP': {'value': '500'}}, 'pdata': {'count': 0, 'isSeen': True, 'timeToChange': 1464393600.0, 'reward': 'addResFreeXP'}, 'condition': ('torpHits', {'count': '4', 'division': '0', 'countBattle': '1'}), 'desc': (39, 1, 6, 390, 2)} [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:54] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464566400.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 0, 'condition': ()} [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:54] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464480000.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 1, 'condition': ()} [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:54] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {5: '500'}, 'title': 390, 'iconId': 6, 'timeToChange': 1464393600.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 2, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 39, 'condition': (6, '1', ('4', 0))} [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:54] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetAccountStats, ('0 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:54] md79a786.applyStatsDiff(): {'dossier': '\x07\x00\x18\x00`\x00P\x048\x00`\x00<\x008\x00`\x00`\x00`\x00`\x00\x00\x00\x00\x008\x008\x008\x008\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00`\x00`\x00`\x008\x008\x008\x00\xc0\x00`\x008\x00\x18\x00 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\x00\xcb\xcb\x02\x00\x04\x01\x02\x01\x00\xd0\xb6\x9e\xfd\xd0\xb6\x9e\xfd\xd05.\xf9\xd0\xb6~\xff\xf07?\xff\xd0\xb6\x9e\xfd\xf07?\xff\xd04>\xe0\xd06_\xff\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xf07\x9e\xff\x1f\x00\x00\x00\x0e\x00\x00\x00\xd0\xb6~\xff(\x00\x00\x00\x18\x00\x00\x00\xf0\xb7>\xff\r\x00\x00\x00\x05\x00\x00\x00\xd06\x9f\xff\x1c\x00\x00\x00\x14\x00\x00\x00\xd06_\xff!\x00\x00\x00\x11\x00\x00\x00\xd05^\xf9\x02\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x000\xb7^\xf9\x13\x00\x00\x00\x0b\x00\x00\x00\xd0\xb5\xce\xff\x04\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\xd05.\xf9\x19\x00\x00\x00\x14\x00\x00\x00\xd0\xb6\x9e\xfdE\x00\x00\x00)\x00\x00\x00\xf07?\xff\x19\x00\x00\x00\x0c\x00\x00\x00\xf0\xb7\x1e\xff\x03\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\xd06\xbe\xff\x06\x00\x00\x00\x04\x00\x00\x00\xd06\xef\xd3\x04\x00\x00\x00\x03\x00\x00\x00\xd06/\xff\x07\x00\x00\x00\x06\x00\x00\x00\xd04>\xe0\x11\x00\x00\x00\x0b\x00\x00\x00\xd6>\x00\x00\xd0\x92\x00\x00\n\x00\x00\x00\n\x00\x00\x00\t\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\t\x00\x00\x00\t\x00\x00\x00\x17\x00\x00\x00\xd6\xf3\x04\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x06\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00}\x03\x00\x00\x12\x00\x00\x00%\x01\x00\x00\xd6\x01\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\x0c\x00\x00\x00D^\x00\x00.\t\xc5\r\x03\x07\x00\x9b\x0c\x01\x00\x02\x00\x01\x00\x00\xd04>\xe0\xd04>\xe0\xd04>\xe0\xd04>\xe0\xd0\xb6\x9e\xfd\xd04>\xe0\x00\x00\x00\x00\xd04>\xe0\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xd0\xb6\x9e\xfd\x01\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\xd04>\xe0\t\x00\x00\x00\t\x00\x00\x00', 'karma': 172, 'accPoints': 13289065} [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:54] __processDossierStats() client dossier: ['pvp', 'pve_diag', 'rank_diag', 'club', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'max_pve', 'pvp_diag', 'pve', 'max_club', 'max_pvp', 'total', 'club_diag'] [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:54] mc0c471c.onGetAccountStats(): (12, 13287473) (12, 13289065) [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:54] (, 70665289920581, 61): receiveBattleResults, ('8570 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:54] BR: {'credits': 266889, 'credits_penalty': 0, 'exp_penalty': 0, 'exp': 1516, 'credits_compensation': 0} [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:54] BR: {'credits': {'sse': [['10688_q01', 0, True, 250000]], 'dq': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'ship_exp': {'sse': [], 'dq': [], 'base': [], 'mod': [[4274909104L, 0.05, True, 0]]}, 'crew_exp': {'sse': [], 'dq': [], 'base': [], 'mod': [[4274909104L, 0.05, True, 0]]}, 'free_exp': {'sse': [], 'dq': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'acc_level': {'sse': [], 'dq': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}} [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:54] BR: {'auto_repair_list': [], 'auto_exterior_list': [], 'auto_exterior_credits': 0, 'auto_camo_credits': 8000, 'exterior_applied': True, 'exp_enabled': True, 'abilities_applied': True, 'auto_repair_factor': 1.0, 'auto_load_credits': 5200, 'acc_points_enabled': True, 'free_exp_enabled': True, 'free_exp_factor': 0.05, 'aogas_factor': 1.0, 'auto_exterior_gold': 0, 'premium_credits_factor': 1.5, 'premium_exp_factor': 1.5, 'auto_abilities_list': [(4282556336L, False, 22500)], 'auto_camo_list': [4293849008L], 'camo_applied': True, 'auto_repair_credits': 193750, 'auto_load_list': [[0, 0], [0, 0], [5, 5200]], 'serve_applied': True, 'auto_camo_gold': 0, 'crew_exp_enabled': True, 'auto_abilities_gold': 0, 'auto_abilities_credits': 22500, 'credits_enabled': True, 'aogas_online': 0} [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:54] isDone id 10688_q01 count 3 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:54] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:54] isDone id 10688_q01 count 3 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:54] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:54] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_main_ap default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:54] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_main_ap default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:54] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_main_he default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:54] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_main_he default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:54] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:54] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:54] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:54] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:54] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tpd default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:54] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tpd default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:54] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_tpd default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:54] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:54] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:54] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:54] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:54] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:54] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:54] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:54] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:54] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:54] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:54] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:54] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:54] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:54] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:54] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:54] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:54] isDone id 10688_q03 count 9 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:54] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:54] isDone id 10688_q01 count 3 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:54] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:54] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, ('96 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:54] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, (1, [{'importance': 2, 'typeId': 57, 'dt': 1464432034, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'count': 2}}]) [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:54] (, 70665289920581, 61): onRewardsRestored, ('310 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:54] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:54] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:54] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 57, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_PRAISES_RECEIVED', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 18, 'groupId': 3, 'sourceId': 0, 'dt': 1464432034, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'count': 2}, 'message': '\xd0\x92\xd0\xb0\xd1\x81 \xd0\xbf\xd0\xbe\xd1\x85\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb8\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb8 2 \xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb7\xd0\xb0.'} reason, taskId, data 3 10688_q01 {'desc': ({'ru': u'\u0422\u044f\u0436\u0451\u043b\u043e\u0435 \u0432\u043e\u043e\u0440\u0443\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'}, 0), ('Default', 4283264944L, 0): 10, ('Resource', 0, 0): 250000} [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:54] type, subtype, addData Default 4283264944 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:54] type, subtype, addData Resource 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:54] reason, taskId, data 3 10688_q03 {('Default', 4284653488L, 0): 3, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u0411\u043e\u0435\u0432\u0430\u044f \u044d\u0444\u0444\u0435\u043a\u0442\u0438\u0432\u043d\u043e\u0441\u0442\u044c'}, 0)} [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:54] type, subtype, addData Default 4284653488 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:54] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 5. Boxes contents: [{4240618416L: {(0, 4269990832L): 1}, 4245861296L: {(0, 4290962352L): 1}, 4290950064L: {(0, 4288865200L): 1}}] [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:54] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetAchievements, ('992 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:54] [NUT] PlayersAccountsSystem __request, set([47041, 6332290, 427140, 8804682, 8009484, 2715866, 1559899, 63671710, 3480927, 48007201, 5651230, 58574566, 64052394, 12414124, 6878512, 34411633, 2115378, 671987, 22102814, 242294, 756279, 46719994, 448253, 4679742]) [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:55] setServerTime -3105.73300004 1464432041 1464428935.27 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:55] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:55] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:55] Can't send FPS data: it's empty [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:55] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.onEnterLobbyEvent():, (['34411633@wowsru.loc', '8009484@wowsru.loc', '12414124@wowsru.loc', '4679742@wowsru.loc', 'ids_chat_channel_offtop@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', 'wargamingfm@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', '1559899_1454784666@user-rooms.wows.wowsru.loc', 'ids_chat_channel_questions@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', '63671710@wowsru.loc', '5651230@wowsru.loc', '1559899@wowsru.loc', '48007201@wowsru.loc', '6878512@wowsru.loc', '64052394@wowsru.loc', 'ids_chat_channel_search_div@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', '58574566@wowsru.loc', '4719392_1447787513@user-rooms.wows.wowsru.loc'],) [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:55] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence(), ('', '', 0) [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:55] [NUT] AccountsRequest __response, [(47041, 'WONDERFUL_SHOT', 12, 0, 1463997729), (6332290, 'zloy_nyb', 12, 0, 1464421725), (427140, 'Kapitan_Slip', 12, 0, 1464285451), (8804682, 'mishania1235', 12, 0, 1463925150), (8009484, 'SD_D', 12, 0, 1464117201), (2715866, 'BCEM_PPC', 12, 0, 1464418481), (1559899, 'AIRBORNE_161', 12, 0, 1460114623), (63671710, '6aToH4uK_', 12, 0, 1464380706), (3480927, 'Doc_Maximov', 12, 0, 1464422515), (48007201, 'CRIMEA_Haru6aLLIka', 12, 0, 1463780747), (22102814, 'bagfrag1', 12, 0, 1460487063), (58574566, '1tim1_2015', 12, 0, 1464293769), (64052394, 'Lady_Diana_Diversantka', 12, 0, 1464426838), (12414124, 'M_a_n_t_i_s', 12, 0, 1464199836), (6878512, 'Tylendor', 12, 0, 1464024410), (34411633, 'cblH_BouHa', 12, 0, 1463541667), (2115378, 'longxvost', 12, 0, 1461160136), (671987, 'Skunner', 12, 0, 1464285824), (5651230, 'Shkiper2222', 12, 0, 1464375996), (242294, 'PANZER_DIKLONIUS', 12, 0, 1463333213), (756279, '11Paul11', 12, 0, 1464322496), (46719994, 'yushkov8249', 12, 0, 1463790981), (448253, 'AndRyu_47', 12, 0, 1464425279), (4679742, 'alex30279', 12, 0, 1464276886)] 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:55] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, ('151 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:55] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, (1, [{'importance': 2, 'typeId': 4, 'dt': 1464432034, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'costShell': 5200, 'shipId': 4279219920L, 'result': 0, 'costRepair': 193750}}]) [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:55] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, ('174 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:55] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, (1, [{'importance': 2, 'typeId': 42, 'dt': 1464432034, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': False, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (8000, 0), 'camoStor': False, 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4279219920L, 'flagsBuyFail': False}}]) [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:55] (, 70665289920581, 61): handleBanInfo:, ({'banId': '14643763953', 'reason': '"\xd0\x98\xd1\x81\xd0\xbf\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbb\xd1\x8c\xd0\xb7\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd1\x80\xd0\xbc\xd0\xb0\xd1\x82\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb9 \xd0\xbb\xd0\xb5\xd0\xba\xd1\x81\xd0\xb8\xd0\xba\xd0\xb8/ \xd0\xbe\xd1\x81\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd1\x80\xd0\xb1\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd1\x8f" \xe2\x80\x93 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd1\x80\xd1\x83\xd1\x88\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xbf\xd1\x83\xd0\xbd\xd0\xba\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0 1 \xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb7\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb0 1 \xd0\x9f\xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb8\xd0\xbb \xd0\xb8\xd0\xb3\xd1\x80\xd1\x8b (R)', 'expiry': 1464635520L},) [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:55] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence(), ('8752339@wowsru.loc/wows', 'ONE___VP', 0) [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:56] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, ('175 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:56] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, (1, [{'importance': 2, 'typeId': 17476, 'dt': 1464432034, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'item': ('consumable', 4284653488L), 'shipID': 4279219920L, 'numItems': 1, 'partnerID': 28097321032577386L}}]) [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:56] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, ('175 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:56] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, (1, [{'importance': 2, 'typeId': 17476, 'dt': 1464432034, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'item': ('consumable', 4282556336L), 'shipID': 4279219920L, 'numItems': 1, 'partnerID': 28097321032577386L}}]) [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:56] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, ('129 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:56] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, (1, [{'importance': 2, 'typeId': 55, 'dt': 1464432034, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'fail': False, 'shipId': 4279219920L, 'cost': (22500, 0)}}]) [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:56] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, ('641 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:56] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, (1, [{'importance': 2, 'typeId': 5, 'dt': 1464432034, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'achievements': ((4269990832L, 1), (4290962352L, 1), (4288865200L, 1)), 'expPenalty': 0, 'tasks': {'10688_q02': {'count': (2, 0), 'progress': (0.5, 0.5), 2: {'count': (0, 0)}, 3: {'count': (2, 2)}, 'name': u'\u0411\u0435\u0433\u043b\u044b\u0439 \u043e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c'}, '10688_q03': {'count': (9, 1), 'progress': (1.0, 1.0), 2: {'count': (0, 5)}, 'name': u'\u0411\u043e\u0435\u0432\u0430\u044f \u044d\u0444\u0444\u0435\u043a\u0442\u0438\u0432\u043d\u043e\u0441\u0442\u044c'}, '10688_q01': {'count': (3, 1), 'progress': (1.0, 0.3), 2: {'count': (7, 3)}, 3: {'count': (9, 0)}, 'name': u'\u0422\u044f\u0436\u0451\u043b\u043e\u0435 \u0432\u043e\u043e\u0440\u0443\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'}}, 'shipsKilled': 5.0, 'arenaUniqueID': 28097321032577386L, 'battleTypeId': 5, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'mapTypeId': 22, 'credits': 516889, 'result': 2, 'exp': 1592, 'dailics_info': {}, 'shipId': 4279219920L, 'battleCreateTime': 1464430954, 'accLeveling': (12, 12, 13287473, 1592), 'aogasFactor': 1.0}}]) [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:56] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 4, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SHIP_SERVE', 'costShell': 5200, 'result': 0, 'shipId': 4279219920L, 'uiSpecial': False, 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PJSA015', 'shipType': 'AirCarrier', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_AIRCARRIER', 'isElite': False, 'dt': 1464432034, 'groupId': 5, 'costTotal': 198950, 'sourceId': 0, 'costRepair': 193750, 'stypeIdent': 'AirCarrier', 'postponed': False} __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 42, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PJSA015', 'flagsAutorechargeCompleted': 0, 'isElite': False, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_EXTERIOR_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2, 'camouflageAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'idInGroup': 1, 'groupId': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_AIRCARRIER', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'shipType': 'AirCarrier', 'stypeIdent': 'AirCarrier', 'dt': 1464432034, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': False, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (8000, 0), 'camoStor': False, 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4279219920L, 'flagsBuyFail': False}, 'uiSpecial': False} __addInfoToMessage {'sourceId': 0, 'typeId': 52, 'data': {'slot': 28097321032577386L, 'shipId': 4279219920L, 'abilId': 4284653488L}} __addInfoToMessage {'sourceId': 0, 'typeId': 52, 'data': {'slot': 28097321032577386L, 'shipId': 4279219920L, 'abilId': 4282556336L}} __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 55, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PJSA015', 'groupId': 1, 'isElite': False, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_ABILITY_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 8, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_AIRCARRIER', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'cost': (22500, 0), 'shipType': 'AirCarrier', 'costNeed': (0, 0), 'stypeIdent': 'AirCarrier', 'dt': 1464432034, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'fail': False, 'shipId': 4279219920L, 'cost': (22500, 0)}, 'uiSpecial': False} SYS_MESSAGE_TYPE.BATTLE_RESULTS [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:56] key achievements value ((4269990832L, 1), (4290962352L, 1), (4288865200L, 1)) [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:56] key expPenalty value 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:56] key tasks value {'10688_q02': {'count': (2, 0), 'progress': (0.5, 0.5), 2: {'count': (0, 0)}, 3: {'count': (2, 2)}, 'name': u'\u0411\u0435\u0433\u043b\u044b\u0439 \u043e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c'}, '10688_q03': {'count': (9, 1), 'progress': (1.0, 1.0), 2: {'count': (0, 5)}, 'name': u'\u0411\u043e\u0435\u0432\u0430\u044f \u044d\u0444\u0444\u0435\u043a\u0442\u0438\u0432\u043d\u043e\u0441\u0442\u044c'}, '10688_q01': {'count': (3, 1), 'progress': (1.0, 0.3), 2: {'count': (7, 3)}, 3: {'count': (9, 0)}, 'name': u'\u0422\u044f\u0436\u0451\u043b\u043e\u0435 \u0432\u043e\u043e\u0440\u0443\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'}} [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:56] key shipsKilled value 5.0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:56] key arenaUniqueID value 28097321032577386 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:56] key battleTypeId value 5 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:56] key teamBuildTypeId value 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:56] key creditsPenalty value 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:56] key creditsCompensation value 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:56] key mapTypeId value 22 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:56] key credits value 516889 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:56] key result value 2 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:56] key exp value 1592 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:56] key dailics_info value {} [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:56] key shipId value 4279219920 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:56] key battleCreateTime value 1464430954 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:56] key accLeveling value (12, 12, 13287473, 1592) [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:56] key aogasFactor value 1.0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:56] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 5, 'exp': 1592, 'tasks': {'10688_q02': {2: {'count': (0, 0)}, 3: {'count': (2, 2)}}, '10688_q03': {2: {'count': (0, 5)}}, '10688_q01': {2: {'count': (7, 3)}, 3: {'count': (9, 0)}}}, 'aogasFactor': 1.0, 'mapBGPath': '../maps_bg/42_Neighbors.png', 'earnedAchievements': [{'amount': 1, 'id': 4269990832L}, {'amount': 1, 'id': 4290962352L}, {'amount': 1, 'id': 4288865200L}], 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_BATTLE_RESULTS_2', 'result': 2, 'shipId': 4279219920L, 'uiSpecial': False, 'mapTypeId': 22, 'accountLeveling': {'expGained': 1592, 'currLevel': 12, 'prevLevel': 12, 'currLevelExp': 167500, 'expTotal': 13289065, 'nextLevelExp': 167500}, 'mapName': 'IDS_SPACES/42_NEIGHBORS', 'battleTypeId': 5, 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'achievements': ((4269990832L, 1), (4290962352L, 1), (4288865200L, 1)), 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PJSA015', 'shipsKilled': 5.0, 'importance': 2, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_AIRCARRIER', 'credits': 516889, 'isElite': False, 'date': '28.05.2016 14:22', 'dt': 1464432034, 'groupId': 3, 'accLeveling': (12, 12, 13287473, 1592), 'expPenalty': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 28097321032577386L, 'sourceId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'shipType': 'AirCarrier', 'quests': [{'maxProgress': 100, 'day': 28, 'monthIDS': 'IDS_MONTH_5', 'battleProgress': 50.0, 'type': 'challenge', 'id': '10688_q02', 'titleText': u'\u0411\u0435\u0433\u043b\u044b\u0439 \u043e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c', 'currentProgress': 50.0}, {'maxProgress': 100, 'day': 28, 'monthIDS': 'IDS_MONTH_5', 'battleProgress': 100.0, 'type': 'challenge', 'id': '10688_q03', 'titleText': u'\u0411\u043e\u0435\u0432\u0430\u044f \u044d\u0444\u0444\u0435\u043a\u0442\u0438\u0432\u043d\u043e\u0441\u0442\u044c', 'currentProgress': 100.0}, {'maxProgress': 100, 'day': 28, 'monthIDS': 'IDS_MONTH_5', 'battleProgress': 30.0, 'type': 'challenge', 'id': '10688_q01', 'titleText': u'\u0422\u044f\u0436\u0451\u043b\u043e\u0435 \u0432\u043e\u043e\u0440\u0443\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435', 'currentProgress': 100.0}], 'dailics_info': {}, 'stypeIdent': 'AirCarrier', 'postponed': False, 'battleCreateTime': 1464430954} BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_main_ap default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:56] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_main_ap default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:56] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_main_he default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:56] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_main_he default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:56] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:56] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:56] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:56] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:56] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tpd default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:56] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tpd default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:56] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_tpd default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:56] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:56] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:56] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:56] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:56] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:56] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:56] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:56] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:56] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:56] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:56] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:56] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:56] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:56] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:56] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:56] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:56] isDone id 10688_q03 count 9 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:56] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:56] isDone id 10688_q01 count 3 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:56] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 13:48:57] ping&FPS: True 0.128184060965 0.001 699.927009591 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:49:02] ping&FPS: True 0.0477676200015 134.926851015 699.927009591 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:49:07] ping&FPS: True 0.0517974900348 152.926729582 699.927009591 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:49:12] ping&FPS: True 0.0505085544927 135.926601722 699.927009591 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:49:17] ping&FPS: True 0.0498051079256 134.926504339 699.927009591 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:49:18] md79a786.makeEvaluation 0 28097321032577386 217651 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:49:18] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetAccountStats, ('0 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 13:49:18] md79a786.applyStatsDiff(): {'denunciationsLeft': 6} [S] [2016_05_28 13:49:18] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, ('104 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 13:49:18] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, (1, [{'importance': 2, 'typeId': 50, 'dt': 1464432067, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'evaluationType': 0}}]) [S] [2016_05_28 13:49:22] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 50, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_EVALUATION_ACCEPTED', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 15, 'sourceId': 0, 'dt': 1464432067, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'evaluationType': 0}, 'groupId': 3, 'evaluationType': 0} ping&FPS: True 0.0508992703898 153.926375525 699.927009591 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:49:27] ping&FPS: True 0.0520519646151 167.926257023 699.927009591 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:49:29] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence(), ('3480927@wowsru.loc/wows', 'Doc_Maximov', 0) [S] [2016_05_28 13:49:29] [NUT] __updateUserPresence contacts 3480927 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:49:32] ping&FPS: True 0.0517675312502 152.926150275 699.927009591 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:49:35] md79a786.makeEvaluation 0 28097321032577386 727483 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:49:35] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetAccountStats, ('0 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 13:49:35] md79a786.applyStatsDiff(): {'denunciationsLeft': 5} [S] [2016_05_28 13:49:35] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, ('104 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 13:49:35] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, (1, [{'importance': 2, 'typeId': 50, 'dt': 1464432083, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'evaluationType': 0}}]) [S] [2016_05_28 13:49:37] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 50, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_EVALUATION_ACCEPTED', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 15, 'sourceId': 0, 'dt': 1464432083, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'evaluationType': 0}, 'groupId': 3, 'evaluationType': 0} md79a786.makeEvaluation 1 28097321032577386 3615724 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:49:37] ping&FPS: True 0.0451024802668 170.926033163 699.927009591 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:49:37] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetAccountStats, ('0 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 13:49:37] md79a786.applyStatsDiff(): {'praisesLeft': 5} [S] [2016_05_28 13:49:37] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, ('104 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 13:49:37] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, (1, [{'importance': 2, 'typeId': 50, 'dt': 1464432086, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'evaluationType': 1}}]) [S] [2016_05_28 13:49:38] (, 70665289920581, 61): ClientLobbySpace is creating [S] [2016_05_28 13:49:40] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 50, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_EVALUATION_ACCEPTED', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 15, 'sourceId': 0, 'dt': 1464432086, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'evaluationType': 1}, 'groupId': 3, 'evaluationType': 1} isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:49:40] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 13:49:40] isDone id 10688_q03 count 9 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:49:40] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 13:49:40] isDone id 10688_q01 count 3 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:49:40] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 13:49:40] reason, taskId, data 3 10688_q01 {'desc': ({'ru': u'\u0422\u044f\u0436\u0451\u043b\u043e\u0435 \u0432\u043e\u043e\u0440\u0443\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'}, 0), ('Default', 4283264944L, 0): 10, ('Resource', 0, 0): 250000} [S] [2016_05_28 13:49:40] type, subtype, addData Default 4283264944 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:49:40] type, subtype, addData Resource 0 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:49:40] reason, taskId, data 3 10688_q03 {('Default', 4284653488L, 0): 3, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u0411\u043e\u0435\u0432\u0430\u044f \u044d\u0444\u0444\u0435\u043a\u0442\u0438\u0432\u043d\u043e\u0441\u0442\u044c'}, 0)} [S] [2016_05_28 13:49:40] type, subtype, addData Default 4284653488 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:49:40] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:49:40] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 13:49:40] isDone id 10688_q03 count 9 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:49:40] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 13:49:40] isDone id 10688_q01 count 3 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:49:40] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 13:49:40] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2016_05_28 13:49:40] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 13:49:41] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': 0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2016_05_28 13:49:41] [NUT] InteractiveMessageSystem: __onSelectedMessageChanged selectedEntityId None [S] [2016_05_28 13:49:41] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': -1.0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2016_05_28 13:49:41] [NUT] InteractiveMessageSystem: __onSelectedMessageChanged selectedEntityId None [A] [2016_05_28 13:49:41] CollisionModel::load: Error loading collision model content/gameplay/japan/ship/aircarrier/JSA036_Taiho_1945/JSA036_Taiho_1945_MidBack! [A] [2016_05_28 13:49:42] CollisionModel::load: Error loading collision model content/gameplay/japan/ship/aircarrier/JSA036_Taiho_1945/JSA036_Taiho_1945_Stern! [S] [2016_05_28 13:49:43] ping&FPS: True 0.0300582604749 1734.92599348 699.927009591 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:49:44] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2016_05_28 13:49:48] ping&FPS: True 0.0439893486244 130.926051052 699.927009591 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:49:53] ping&FPS: True 0.0492436396224 145.926112079 699.927009591 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:49:58] ping&FPS: True 0.0484522165997 160.926184052 699.927009591 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:50:00] (, 70665289920581, 61): onRewardBoxesOpened, ('12 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 13:50:00] Account.onBoxesOpened(), len = 0 bytes [S] [2016_05_28 13:50:03] ping&FPS: True 0.0489386948092 118.926262455 699.927009591 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:50:08] ping&FPS: True 0.048069718693 154.92633284 699.927009591 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:50:11] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 13:50:11] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 13:50:13] ping&FPS: True 0.0454253362758 155.926394851 699.927009591 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:50:18] ping&FPS: True 0.049420352493 154.926544683 699.927009591 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:50:23] Account.enqueue(): 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:50:23] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4279219920 4 [S] [2016_05_28 13:50:23] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 13:50:23] onEnqueued() QueueType: 1 ShipId: 4279219920 [S] [2016_05_28 13:50:25] ping&FPS: True 0.0363279911024 1970.92659924 699.927009591 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:50:26] (, 70665289920581, 61): handleBanInfo:, ({'banId': '14643763953', 'reason': '"\xd0\x98\xd1\x81\xd0\xbf\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbb\xd1\x8c\xd0\xb7\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd1\x80\xd0\xbc\xd0\xb0\xd1\x82\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb9 \xd0\xbb\xd0\xb5\xd0\xba\xd1\x81\xd0\xb8\xd0\xba\xd0\xb8/ \xd0\xbe\xd1\x81\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd1\x80\xd0\xb1\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd1\x8f" \xe2\x80\x93 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd1\x80\xd1\x83\xd1\x88\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xbf\xd1\x83\xd0\xbd\xd0\xba\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0 1 \xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb7\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb0 1 \xd0\x9f\xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb8\xd0\xbb \xd0\xb8\xd0\xb3\xd1\x80\xd1\x8b (R)', 'expiry': 1464635520L},) [S] [2016_05_28 13:50:26] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence(), ('8752339@wowsru.loc/wows', 'ONE___VP', 2) [S] [2016_05_28 13:50:28] onPrepareingForBattle() [S] [2016_05_28 13:50:28] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4279219920 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:50:28] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 13:50:30] ping&FPS: True 0.0478730755193 135.926705978 699.927009591 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:50:36] ping&FPS: True 0.0504970060928 1590.92663897 699.927009591 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:50:38] onGameRoomStateInit mapIdx = 18 battleType = 62 gameMode = StandDom duration=1200 [S] [2016_05_28 13:50:41] ping&FPS: True 0.0510388123138 143.926743715 699.927009591 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:50:46] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2016_05_28 13:50:46] (, 70665289920581, 61): Lobby destroy started. [S] [2016_05_28 13:50:46] (, 70665289920581, 61): Lobby successfully destroyed. [S] [2016_05_28 13:50:46] onArenaStateReceived: teams info: [None, None] [S] [2016_05_28 13:50:46] (, 51820444204590, 546): Thresholds for team 0: Win: 915 Lose: 125 [S] [2016_05_28 13:50:46] (, 51820444204590, 546): Thresholds for team 1: Win: 915 Lose: 125 [S] [2016_05_28 13:50:46] MissionsComponent: #0 ControlPointHoldMission; reward = 0; penalty = 0; controlPoints = [4, 0]; delay = 0; repeat = 6; repeatReward = 2; repeatPenalty = 0 #1 CaptureControlPointMission; reward = 1000; penalty = 0; controlPoints = [4, 0] #2 KillEnemyOfSpecificShipTypeMission; reward = 30; penalty = 45; shipType = Destroyer; rewardPerType = 0; penaltyPerType = 0 #3 KillEnemyOfSpecificShipTypeMission; reward = 35; penalty = 50; shipType = Cruiser; rewardPerType = 0; penaltyPerType = 0 #4 KillEnemyOfSpecificShipTypeMission; reward = 40; penalty = 60; shipType = Battleship; rewardPerType = 0; penaltyPerType = 0 #5 KillEnemyOfSpecificShipTypeMission; reward = 45; penalty = 65; shipType = AirCarrier; rewardPerType = 0; penaltyPerType = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:50:46] Mission tasks available! [S] [2016_05_28 13:50:46] Battle waiting start: 5.0 / 2322.08999826 [S] [2016_05_28 13:50:46] Avatar.receiveAvatarInfo: {'evaluationsLeft': {0: 5, 1: 5}} [S] [2016_05_28 13:50:46] Avatar.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:50:46] name ONE___VP [S] [2016_05_28 13:50:46] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:50:46] Avatar onControlled False [S] [2016_05_28 13:50:46] onControlled->False: not implemented [S] [2016_05_28 13:50:47] onGeometryMapped() MapName: %s 37_Ridge [S] [2016_05_28 13:50:47] teamBuildType: 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:50:47] player: Id: 6803328 Name: KILLERTAHK TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSC107_Yorck' [S] [2016_05_28 13:50:47] player: Id: 6101385 Name: misha63m TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSC107_Schors' [S] [2016_05_28 13:50:47] player: Id: 6443531 Name: NE_OCHEN_OPASEN TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASA013_Essex_1945' [S] [2016_05_28 13:50:47] player: Id: 6820366 Name: Ranulf TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB012_North_Carolina_1945' [S] [2016_05_28 13:50:47] player: Id: 6559377 Name: Krupp_Steell_UA76 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSD010_Kagero_1943' [S] [2016_05_28 13:50:47] player: Id: 6833298 Name: ONE___VP TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSA015_Taiho_1944' [S] [2016_05_28 13:50:47] player: Id: 7009050 Name: Amway_258 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB018_Iowa_1944' [S] [2016_05_28 13:50:47] player: Id: 5906075 Name: PreparateDnepr TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSC106_Nurnberg' [S] [2016_05_28 13:50:47] player: Id: 6737438 Name: Admiral_Vlad_21 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSB002_Tirpiz_1942' [S] [2016_05_28 13:50:47] player: Id: 6496930 Name: Rafio TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSD108_Pr_20i_Tashkent' [S] [2016_05_28 13:50:47] player: Id: 6840228 Name: dostoiNstvo TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSC012_Ibuki_1944' [S] [2016_05_28 13:50:47] player: Id: 6896936 Name: yorv TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSB002_Tirpiz_1942' [S] [2016_05_28 13:50:47] player: Id: 6637998 Name: A7tris TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASD021_Fletcher_1943' [S] [2016_05_28 13:50:47] player: Id: 7008049 Name: tigraden TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSC108_Pr_68_Chapaev' [S] [2016_05_28 13:50:47] player: Id: 6031668 Name: DED_ZAPADLO__61 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB018_Iowa_1944' [S] [2016_05_28 13:50:47] player: Id: 6280630 Name: borovik50 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB008_Colorado_1945' [S] [2016_05_28 13:50:47] player: Id: 7070522 Name: mmmoloko TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASD008_Benson_1945' [S] [2016_05_28 13:50:47] player: Id: 6836927 Name: unlegsofter TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB008_Colorado_1945' [S] [2016_05_28 13:50:47] player: Id: 6384079 Name: FurynOK TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSC109_Dmitry_Donskoy' [S] [2016_05_28 13:50:47] player: Id: 6990043 Name: truehappy TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSD010_Kagero_1943' [S] [2016_05_28 13:50:47] player: Id: 6834618 Name: Lexreg TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSD109_Pr_48_Kiev' [S] [2016_05_28 13:50:47] player: Id: 6792292 Name: Svarog25 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASD008_Benson_1945' [S] [2016_05_28 13:50:47] player: Id: 6835561 Name: tank312 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSD006_Hatsuharu_1945' [S] [2016_05_28 13:50:47] player: Id: 6735733 Name: Meceba TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSC009_Mogami_1935' [S] [2016_05_28 13:50:47] [DEBUG] BattleLoadingContext: geometry mapped [S] [2016_05_28 13:50:47] BattleDataContext.__onEnterSpace [S] [2016_05_28 13:50:47] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (6245531, 0, 0, 7092080, 1464432136997L, False, True) [S] [2016_05_28 13:50:47] m418a81c.updatePreBattles (6245531, 0, 0, 7092080, 1464432136997L, False, True) [S] [2016_05_28 13:50:47] m418a81c.updatePreBattles1 {6245531: PreBattleInfo: id: 6245531, inPortPlayers: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 7092080, creationTime 1464432136997, hidden False, locked True } [S] [2016_05_28 13:50:47] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (6245531, 0, 0, 7092080, 1464432136997L, False, True) [S] [2016_05_28 13:50:47] m418a81c.updatePreBattles (6245531, 0, 0, 7092080, 1464432136997L, False, True) [S] [2016_05_28 13:50:47] m418a81c.updatePreBattles1 {6245531: PreBattleInfo: id: 6245531, inPortPlayers: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 7092080, creationTime 1464432136997, hidden False, locked True } [S] [2016_05_28 13:50:47] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (6245531, 0, 0, 7092080, 1464432136997L, False, True) [S] [2016_05_28 13:50:47] m418a81c.updatePreBattles (6245531, 0, 0, 7092080, 1464432136997L, False, True) [S] [2016_05_28 13:50:47] m418a81c.updatePreBattles1 {6245531: PreBattleInfo: id: 6245531, inPortPlayers: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 7092080, creationTime 1464432136997, hidden False, locked True } [S] [2016_05_28 13:50:47] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (6245531, 0, 0, 7092080, 1464432136997L, False, True) [S] [2016_05_28 13:50:47] m418a81c.updatePreBattles (6245531, 0, 0, 7092080, 1464432136997L, False, True) [S] [2016_05_28 13:50:47] m418a81c.updatePreBattles1 {6245531: PreBattleInfo: id: 6245531, inPortPlayers: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 7092080, creationTime 1464432136997, hidden False, locked True } [S] [2016_05_28 13:50:47] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:50:47] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:50:47] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:50:47] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:50:47] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:50:47] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:50:47] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:50:47] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:50:47] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:50:47] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:50:47] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:50:47] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:50:51] Battle countdown start: 60.0 / 2326.80499832 [S] [2016_05_28 13:50:52] ping&FPS: True 0.0765964197261 0.001 699.927009591 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:50:52] ping&FPS: False 0.0765964197261 0.001 0.001 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:51:03] ping&FPS: True 0.0616367714746 396.927133254 162.927137263 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:51:03] [BAT] __initBasePoints points [, ] [S] [2016_05_28 13:51:03] [BAT] x 0.562499814034 y 0.250000190735 VISIBLE True [S] [2016_05_28 13:51:03] [BAT] x 0.562499814034 y 0.749999752045 VISIBLE True [S] [2016_05_28 13:51:03] ping&FPS: False 0.0652670221669 159.927136965 159.927136965 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:51:03] [Scaleform] Warning: instance15301.setImageSubstitutions() failed for #86 element - length of subString should not exceed 15 characters [S] [2016_05_28 13:51:05] ping&FPS: True 0.0672642844064 1812.92715397 144.927140079 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:51:05] ping&FPS: False 0.0513753177864 65.9271653215 65.9271653215 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:51:06] ping&FPS: True 0.0538831459624 216.927174024 143.927172146 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:51:06] ping&FPS: False 0.0466146203024 65.9271753649 65.9271753649 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:51:07] ping&FPS: True 0.0567937152726 234.927197404 143.927192576 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:51:07] ping&FPS: False 0.0470305266125 39.9271982083 39.9271982083 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:51:08] ping&FPS: True 0.0548030542476 244.92720995 117.927207209 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:51:08] ping&FPS: False 0.0474148722632 110.927209354 110.927209354 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:51:09] ping&FPS: True 0.0565971689565 222.927221514 156.927218653 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:51:09] ping&FPS: False 0.0502686606986 121.927220858 121.927220858 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:51:10] ping&FPS: True 0.0526855843408 221.927234388 130.927233554 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:51:10] ping&FPS: False 0.04838074318 147.927234269 147.927234269 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:51:11] ping&FPS: True 0.0502404155476 236.92724622 91.9272447894 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:51:11] ping&FPS: False 0.0455227973206 65.927247561 65.927247561 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:51:14] ping&FPS: True 0.0556578593595 211.927294857 145.927288211 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:51:15] ping&FPS: False 0.0487121897084 197.927291758 197.927291758 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:51:15] ping&FPS: True 0.055366988693 214.927302874 132.927297599 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:51:15] ping&FPS: False 0.0498587893588 100.927304364 100.927304364 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:51:16] ping&FPS: True 0.0631912606103 208.927320517 117.927319951 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:51:16] ping&FPS: False 0.0589218544109 178.927319891 178.927319891 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:51:17] ping&FPS: True 0.0542646454913 217.927329607 117.927325703 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:51:17] ping&FPS: False 0.0513743939144 178.927332706 178.927332706 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:51:18] ping&FPS: True 0.0571505980832 201.927352018 143.927347011 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:51:18] ping&FPS: False 0.0534437777741 190.927357085 190.927357085 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:51:19] ping&FPS: True 0.0538742946727 221.927371837 104.927371002 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:51:19] ping&FPS: False 0.0467668505652 65.9273731778 65.9273731778 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:51:20] ping&FPS: True 0.0551382558686 204.927388884 104.927385248 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:51:20] ping&FPS: False 0.0488077285034 91.9273907611 91.9273907611 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:51:21] ping&FPS: True 0.0543645279748 267.927399285 91.9273946354 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:51:21] ping&FPS: False 0.0483610289437 78.9274076889 78.9274076889 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:51:22] ping&FPS: True 0.0566302048309 218.927415735 143.92741353 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:51:22] ping&FPS: False 0.0472893597824 65.9274170766 65.9274170766 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:51:22] ping&FPS: True 0.0557658927781 217.927420981 65.9274170766 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:51:22] ping&FPS: False 0.0487522589309 78.92742259 78.92742259 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:51:23] ping&FPS: True 0.064633707915 208.92743016 130.927425868 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:51:23] ping&FPS: False 0.0451990919454 169.927429921 169.927429921 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:51:25] ping&FPS: True 0.0540332006557 216.92746476 143.927459157 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:51:25] ping&FPS: False 0.0468069048865 65.9274661014 65.9274661014 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:51:26] ping&FPS: True 0.0568773405893 214.927484758 143.927483208 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:51:26] ping&FPS: False 0.0491197960717 65.9274860988 65.9274860988 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:51:27] ping&FPS: True 0.057461928044 201.927493162 169.927488155 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:51:27] ping&FPS: False 0.0514877321465 78.9274947712 78.9274947712 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:51:28] ping&FPS: True 0.056498672281 214.927512995 143.92750772 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:51:28] ping&FPS: False 0.0488518061382 67.9275146643 67.9275146643 0 [A] [2016_05_28 13:51:28] CollisionModel::load: Error loading collision model content/gameplay/japan/ship/destroyer/JSD010_Kagero_1943/JSD010_Kagero_1943_Stern! [S] [2016_05_28 13:51:31] ping&FPS: True 0.0594408767564 205.927558965 143.927557028 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:51:31] ping&FPS: False 0.0449126096708 135.92756433 135.92756433 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:51:32] ping&FPS: True 0.0529638635261 292.927571482 117.927568323 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:51:32] ping&FPS: False 0.0549494134528 143.927574433 143.927574433 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:51:34] ping&FPS: True 0.0560129093272 210.92761404 157.927613146 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:51:34] ping&FPS: False 0.0486266346914 102.927612133 102.927612133 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:51:35] ping&FPS: True 0.0559484618051 264.927630409 117.927622526 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:51:35] ping&FPS: False 0.0463874744517 124.927628383 124.927628383 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:51:38] ping&FPS: True 0.0659878360374 1686.92766561 143.927638843 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:51:38] ping&FPS: False 0.0496651785714 38.9276526565 38.9276526565 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:51:38] ping&FPS: True 0.0531692462308 217.927651181 149.927654728 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:51:38] ping&FPS: False 0.0460941674454 52.9276522542 52.9276522542 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:51:39] ping&FPS: True 0.0557712869985 905.927629023 194.927657633 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:51:41] ping&FPS: False 0.0539713012321 53.9276686454 53.9276686454 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:51:41] ping&FPS: True 0.0598869430167 271.927668362 53.9276686454 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:51:41] ping&FPS: False 0.0619161086423 174.927668943 174.927668943 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:51:42] ping&FPS: True 0.0612837033612 223.927665889 122.927668452 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:51:42] ping&FPS: False 0.0546688245875 69.9276678855 69.9276678855 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:51:42] ping&FPS: True 0.0578923182828 329.927665159 143.927667111 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:51:42] ping&FPS: False 0.0543165909392 91.9276670361 91.9276670361 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:51:43] ping&FPS: True 0.059379916106 233.927664622 150.927665546 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:51:43] ping&FPS: False 0.0513950916273 65.9276659632 65.9276659632 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:51:45] ping&FPS: True 0.0588252948863 205.927675776 151.927670113 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:51:45] ping&FPS: False 0.0513222547514 78.927677385 78.927677385 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:51:47] ping&FPS: True 0.0570483761174 218.927677199 134.927674993 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:51:47] ping&FPS: False 0.0493380533797 65.9276785398 65.9276785398 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:51:51] -= BATTLE STARTED =- [S] [2016_05_28 13:51:52] ping&FPS: True 0.0603792773826 211.927685052 164.927682131 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:51:52] ping&FPS: False 0.0501175927264 65.9276863927 65.9276863927 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:51:54] ping&FPS: True 0.0582856195314 217.92769885 163.927696809 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:51:54] ping&FPS: False 0.0502562405808 52.927699923 52.927699923 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:51:57] ping&FPS: True 0.0611921804292 208.927724964 133.927722535 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:51:58] ping&FPS: False 0.0531223448259 79.9277267376 79.9277267376 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:51:58] ping&FPS: True 0.0540444957358 208.927725441 79.9277267376 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:51:58] ping&FPS: False 0.0488341035587 65.9277267823 65.9277267823 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:00] ping&FPS: True 0.0551228927714 239.927740164 140.927740104 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:00] ping&FPS: False 0.0502065154059 152.927741669 191.927741669 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:00] ping&FPS: True 0.0518689113004 201.92774295 191.927741669 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:00] ping&FPS: False 0.047222766493 91.9277448276 91.9277448276 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:03] ping&FPS: True 0.0681459265096 229.927746616 141.927748195 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:03] ping&FPS: False 0.0527640687568 52.9277476887 52.9277476887 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:04] ping&FPS: True 0.0643416153533 874.927762515 171.927749641 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:06] ping&FPS: False 0.0531938554985 141.927784822 141.927784822 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:07] ping&FPS: True 0.0602319943053 377.927775837 141.927784822 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:07] ping&FPS: False 0.0519476937396 52.9277769098 52.9277769098 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:07] ping&FPS: True 0.0557337062699 269.927783302 145.927776463 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:07] ping&FPS: False 0.0584239172084 163.927785806 163.927785806 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:09] ping&FPS: True 0.0578727232558 254.927780769 113.927783839 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:09] ping&FPS: False 0.0502432467682 52.9277818421 52.9277818421 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:11] ping&FPS: True 0.0551740484578 208.927780412 155.927781708 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:11] ping&FPS: False 0.0514375599367 78.9277820209 78.9277820209 0 [A] [2016_05_28 13:52:14] CollisionModel::load: Error loading collision model content/gameplay/usa/ship/battleship/ASB037_North_Carolina_1942/ASB037_North_Carolina_1942_MidFront! [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:14] ping&FPS: True 0.0596600877387 270.927793294 139.927790015 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:14] ping&FPS: False 0.0625388281686 182.927795186 182.927795186 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:15] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:15] id 7092041 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:15] name Ranulf [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:15] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:15] @ launchpadAppeared 7092041 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:15] [Weather][43205] onEnterWorld (map spaces/37_Ridge, scheme 0, weather 0) [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:15] ping&FPS: True 0.0543833630426 220.927798788 121.927796255 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:16] ping&FPS: False 0.0491758467896 158.927801404 158.927801404 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:16] ping&FPS: True 0.0582064496619 245.927799973 150.927800793 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:17] ping&FPS: False 0.052886481796 65.9278070661 65.9278070661 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:17] ping&FPS: True 0.0600622253759 251.92780644 150.927808139 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:18] ping&FPS: False 0.0533629762275 52.9278088691 52.9278088691 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:18] ping&FPS: True 0.0555478738887 330.927808273 155.927810061 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:18] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:18] id 7092055 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:18] name dostoiNstvo [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:18] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:18] @ launchpadAppeared 7092055 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:19] ping&FPS: False 0.0510530429227 120.927802968 120.927802968 0 [A] [2016_05_28 13:52:19] CollisionModel::load: Error loading collision model content/gameplay/japan/ship/destroyer/JSD020_Kagero_1944/JSD020_Kagero_1944_Stern! [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:19] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:19] id 7092073 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:19] name truehappy [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:19] team id 0 [A] [2016_05_28 13:52:19] CollisionModel::load: Error loading collision model content/gameplay/japan/ship/aircarrier/JSA036_Taiho_1945/JSA036_Taiho_1945_MidBack! [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:19] ping&FPS: True 0.053444791053 254.927801582 137.927806515 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:19] ping&FPS: False 0.0593313979251 182.927803475 182.927803475 0 [A] [2016_05_28 13:52:19] CollisionModel::load: Error loading collision model content/gameplay/japan/ship/aircarrier/JSA036_Taiho_1945/JSA036_Taiho_1945_Stern! [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:20] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:20] id 7092045 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:20] name ONE___VP [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:20] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:20] @ launchpadAppeared 7092045 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:20] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:20] Avatar.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:20] ! A.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:20] m7ae8a4d.init [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:20] @ launchpadAppeared 7092045 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:20] m8fd8523.init [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:20] Unable to find camera param -- firstTimeSwitchToAviationInRtsKey [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:20] BattleDataContext.__onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:20] -- GUNS ----------------------------------------- [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:20] {} [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:20] -- GUNS ----------------------------------------- [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:20] {} [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:20] ping&FPS: True 0.0636600958449 216.927808959 147.927803356 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:20] ! PM.refreshAirArmament [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:20] m7ae8a4d.restore [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:20] Avatar.onWorldStateReceived [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:20] ping&FPS: False 0.0376976462347 108.92781176 108.92781176 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:20] ping&FPS: True 0.0381588446242 295.927798647 108.92781176 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:21] ("[ERROR] FeedbackController: config {event: 'Sound', container: 'screenplay_trigger'} must set 'type'",) [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:21] ("[ERROR] FeedbackController: config {event: 'Sound', container: 'five_minutes_left'} must set 'type'",) [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:21] ('[ERROR] FeedbackController: empty config for event five_minutes_left',) [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:23] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:23] id 7092053 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:23] name Rafio [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:23] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:23] ping&FPS: False 0.0573817597968 187.927739191 187.927739191 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:23] ping&FPS: True 0.0546482311828 249.927737165 187.927739191 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:23] ping&FPS: False 0.0472927050931 62.9277380141 62.9277380141 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:26] ping&FPS: True 0.0648593263967 1147.92772717 151.927747782 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:26] ping&FPS: False 0.0709580289466 194.92772917 194.92772917 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:27] ping&FPS: True 0.0617002802236 278.927744265 135.927747126 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:27] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:27] id 7092049 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:27] name PreparateDnepr [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:27] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:27] ping&FPS: False 0.0540384011609 150.927744638 150.927744638 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:29] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:29] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:29] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:29] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:29] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:29] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:29] id 7092051 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:29] name Admiral_Vlad_21 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:29] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:29] @ launchpadAppeared 7092051 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:32] ping&FPS: True 0.0554721461875 336.927885893 134.927886698 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:32] ping&FPS: False 0.0501387598259 96.9278867277 96.9278867277 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:32] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:32] id 7092063 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:32] name DED_ZAPADLO__61 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:32] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:32] @ launchpadAppeared 7092063 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:32] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:32] id 7092077 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:32] name Svarog25 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:32] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:33] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:33] id 7092067 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:33] name Lexreg [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:33] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:38] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:38] id 7092081 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:38] name Meceba [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:38] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:38] @ launchpadAppeared 7092081 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:38] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:38] id 7092035 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:38] name KILLERTAHK [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:38] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:38] @ launchpadAppeared 7092035 [E] [2016_05_28 13:52:45] [DECAL] decal's texture 'maps/decals/37_Ridge/37_Ridge_LA_04_alpha_a.dds' has the wrong size, it should be a power of two size texture. [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:47] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:47] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:51] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:51] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:51] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:51] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:51] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:51] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:51] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:51] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:54] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:54] ping&FPS: True 0.0585980372769 220.928554374 151.928548116 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:54] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:54] id 7092061 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:54] name tigraden [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:54] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:52:54] ping&FPS: False 0.0544736044747 94.9285530182 94.9285530182 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:01] id 7092061 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:03] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:03] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:03] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:03] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:03] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:03] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:03] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:03] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:03] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:04] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:04] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:04] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:04] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:04] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:04] id 7092075 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:04] name mmmoloko [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:04] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:04] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:04] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:04] id 7092071 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:04] name FurynOK [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:04] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:05] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:05] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:05] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:05] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:06] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:06] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:06] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:06] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:06] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:06] id 7092061 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:06] name tigraden [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:06] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:06] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:06] id 7092079 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:06] name tank312 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:06] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:07] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:07] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:08] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:08] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:11] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:11] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:11] id 7092059 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:11] name A7tris [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:11] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:12] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:13] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:13] id 7092037 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:13] name misha63m [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:13] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:13] @ launchpadAppeared 7092037 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:15] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:15] id 7092059 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:16] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:16] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:19] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:19] id 7092037 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:19] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:19] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:19] id 7092061 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:19] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:19] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:22] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:22] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:22] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:22] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:22] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:22] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:22] id 7092037 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:22] name misha63m [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:22] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:22] @ launchpadAppeared 7092037 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:23] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:23] id 7092065 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:23] name borovik50 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:23] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:23] @ launchpadAppeared 7092065 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:25] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:25] id 7092071 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:28] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:28] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:28] id 7092059 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:28] name A7tris [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:28] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:29] SmokeScreen.onEnterWorld( 1915550 ) [(-580.735, -77.1259)] [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:30] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:30] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:30] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:31] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:31] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:31] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:31] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:31] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:31] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:31] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:31] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:31] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:31] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:32] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:32] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:32] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:32] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:32] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:32] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:32] id 7092057 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:32] name yorv [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:32] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:32] @ launchpadAppeared 7092057 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:33] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:33] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:33] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:33] id 7092037 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:33] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:34] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:34] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:35] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:35] id 7092061 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:35] name tigraden [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:35] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:37] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:42] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:42] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:42] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:42] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:43] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:43] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:43] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:44] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:44] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:44] id 7092071 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:44] name FurynOK [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:44] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:44] SmokeScreen.onEnterWorld( 1915551 ) [(514.131, 178.797)] [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:45] id 7092065 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:45] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:49] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:49] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:50] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:51] id 7092059 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:51] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:51] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:51] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#14418: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:51] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Benson_foam_post_death.xml#14422: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:51] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Benson_foam_post_death.xml#14423: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:51] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Benson_foam_post_death.xml#14424: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:51] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:52] ping&FPS: True 0.0584723012788 238.928815472 149.928822863 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:52] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:52] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:52] ping&FPS: False 0.0615356968982 179.928815174 179.928815174 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:54] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:54] id 7092071 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:55] ping&FPS: True 0.0502742337329 234.928794603 148.928795199 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:55] ping&FPS: False 0.0550858335836 173.928793322 173.928793322 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:57] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:57] id 7092057 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:57] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:59] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:59] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:59] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:59] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:59] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:59] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:59] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:59] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:59] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:59] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:59] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:59] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:59] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:59] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:53:59] id 7092061 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:01] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:01] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:01] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:02] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:02] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:02] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:02] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:02] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:02] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:02] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:02] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:02] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:03] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:03] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:03] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:03] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:03] id 7092061 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:03] name tigraden [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:03] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:04] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:04] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:04] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:04] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:04] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:04] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:04] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:04] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:04] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:04] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:04] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:05] ping&FPS: True 0.0452834176166 201.928714264 151.928714681 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:05] ping&FPS: False 0.0382607611162 76.9287138464 76.9287138464 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:05] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:06] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:06] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:06] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:06] id 7092057 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:06] name yorv [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:06] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:06] @ launchpadAppeared 7092057 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:06] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:06] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:06] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#14574: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:06] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Kiev_foam_post_death.xml#14576: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:06] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Kiev_foam_post_death.xml#14577: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:06] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Kiev_foam_post_death.xml#14578: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:09] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:09] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:10] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:10] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:11] ping&FPS: True 0.0456913518054 208.928720239 146.928723234 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:11] ping&FPS: False 0.0357913332326 90.9287202539 90.9287202539 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:11] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:11] id 7092047 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:11] name Amway_258 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:11] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:11] @ launchpadAppeared 7092047 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:11] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:11] id 7092065 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:11] name borovik50 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:11] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:11] @ launchpadAppeared 7092065 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:11] SmokeScreen.onEnterWorld( 1915552 ) [(583.762, -26.8587)] [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:12] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:12] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:12] id 7092071 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:12] name FurynOK [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:12] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:12] ping&FPS: True 0.017334576164 201.928725544 125.92871851 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:12] ping&FPS: False 0.0127107383949 107.92872462 107.92872462 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:12] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:13] ping&FPS: True 0.049838516329 201.928726818 128.928727235 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:13] ping&FPS: False 0.0437945382936 94.9287256258 94.9287256258 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:14] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:14] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:14] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:14] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:14] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:14] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:14] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:14] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:14] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:14] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:14] id 7092069 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:14] name unlegsofter [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:14] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:14] @ launchpadAppeared 7092069 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:15] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:18] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:18] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:18] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:18] id 7092079 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:18] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:18] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:19] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:19] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:19] id 7092079 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:19] name tank312 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:19] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:19] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:20] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:20] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:20] id 7092061 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:21] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:23] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:23] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:23] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:23] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:23] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:23] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:23] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:23] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:24] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:24] id 7092079 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:24] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:25] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:25] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:25] id 7092079 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:25] name tank312 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:25] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:26] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:27] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:27] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:27] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:27] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:27] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:27] SmokeScreen.onEnterWorld( 1915553 ) [(720.424, -120.039)] [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:28] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:28] ping&FPS: True 0.0597155349595 336.928658317 140.928664546 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:28] ping&FPS: False 0.057305883084 108.92865942 108.92865942 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:29] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:29] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:30] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:31] ping&FPS: True 0.0645156013114 309.928651776 137.928653117 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:31] ping&FPS: False 0.0598606573684 116.928652327 116.928652327 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:31] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:31] id 7092071 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:31] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:31] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:31] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:32] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:32] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:32] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:33] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:33] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:34] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:35] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:35] id 7092065 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:35] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:36] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:36] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:39] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#14997: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:39] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:40] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:40] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:40] id 7092071 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:40] name FurynOK [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:40] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:41] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:41] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:41] id 7092065 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:41] name borovik50 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:41] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:41] @ launchpadAppeared 7092065 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:42] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:43] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:43] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:43] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#15086: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:44] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Hatsuharu_foam_post_death.xml#15089: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:44] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Hatsuharu_foam_post_death.xml#15090: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:44] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Hatsuharu_foam_post_death.xml#15091: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:44] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#15092: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:44] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:46] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:47] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:47] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:47] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:48] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:52] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:52] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:52] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:52] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:52] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:52] id 7092065 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:52] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:54] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#15171: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:57] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#15193: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:57] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:58] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:58] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:58] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:59] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:59] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:59] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:54:59] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:04] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:04] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:04] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:04] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:04] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:04] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:04] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:04] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:04] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:06] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#15257: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:08] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:08] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:08] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:08] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:10] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:10] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:10] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:10] id 7092037 [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:10] name misha63m [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:10] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:10] @ launchpadAppeared 7092037 [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:10] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:10] id 7092061 [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:10] name tigraden [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:10] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:14] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#15329: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:14] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:14] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:16] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#15335: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:17] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#15336: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:18] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:18] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:19] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:19] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:21] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:21] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:21] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#15384: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:21] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:22] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Mogami_foam_post_death.xml#15386: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:22] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Mogami_foam_post_death.xml#15387: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:22] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Mogami_foam_post_death.xml#15388: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:27] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:27] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:27] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#15423: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:27] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_water_fountains_post_death.xml#15424: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:28] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:31] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:31] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:31] id 7092059 [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:31] name A7tris [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:31] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:33] ping&FPS: True 0.0374452205641 227.928364042 146.928362224 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:33] ping&FPS: False 0.033524173711 66.928363684 66.928363684 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:33] ping&FPS: True 0.0494764032108 438.928360465 139.928363177 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:33] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:33] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_water_fountains_post_death.xml#15509: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:34] ping&FPS: False 0.0554147022111 145.928346756 145.928346756 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:37] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:37] id 7092071 [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:38] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:38] id 7092059 [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:39] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:39] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:39] id 7092065 [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:39] name borovik50 [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:39] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:39] @ launchpadAppeared 7092065 [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:42] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:42] id 7092037 [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:42] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:43] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:43] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:43] id 7092037 [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:43] name misha63m [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:43] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:43] @ launchpadAppeared 7092037 [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:48] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:48] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:48] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:48] id 7092071 [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:48] name FurynOK [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:48] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:50] id 7092065 [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:50] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:51] id 7092057 [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:51] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:52] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#15674: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:58] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#15734: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:59] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:59] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:59] id 7092065 [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:59] name borovik50 [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:59] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:59] @ launchpadAppeared 7092065 [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:59] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:55:59] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:01] id 7092047 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:01] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:01] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:01] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:02] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:02] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:04] ping&FPS: True 0.0635496037347 202.928127106 134.928131248 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:04] ping&FPS: False 0.0548114734037 99.9281265693 99.9281265693 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:05] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:05] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:05] id 7092047 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:05] name Amway_258 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:05] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:05] @ launchpadAppeared 7092047 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:07] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#15814: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:07] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:07] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:07] id 7092059 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:07] name A7tris [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:07] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:09] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#15824: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:12] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence(), ('2715866@wowsru.loc/wows', 'BCEM_PPC', 0) [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:12] [NUT] __updateUserPresence contacts 2715866 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:12] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:12] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:12] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:12] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:12] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:12] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:12] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:14] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:14] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:14] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:14] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:14] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:14] id 7092037 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:14] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:15] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:15] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:15] id 7092057 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:15] name yorv [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:15] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:15] @ launchpadAppeared 7092057 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:17] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:17] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:17] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#15961: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:17] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Tashkent_foam_post_death.xml#15970: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:17] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Tashkent_foam_post_death.xml#15971: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:17] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Tashkent_foam_post_death.xml#15972: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:18] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#15973: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:22] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:22] id 7092059 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:23] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#16047: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:25] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_water_fountains_post_death.xml#16056: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:26] ping&FPS: True 0.0696892099721 205.92803337 127.928030502 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:26] ping&FPS: False 0.0562160419566 117.928032059 117.928032059 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:27] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:27] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:30] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:30] id 7092061 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:30] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#16095: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:31] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:31] id 7092065 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:31] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:32] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#16158: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:34] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:34] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:39] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:39] id 7092057 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:39] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:40] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#16171: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:40] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:40] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:40] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:40] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:40] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:40] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:40] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:40] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:40] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:40] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:40] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:40] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:40] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:40] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:41] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:41] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:41] id 7092037 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:41] name misha63m [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:41] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:41] @ launchpadAppeared 7092037 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:44] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_water_fountains_post_death.xml#16196: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:45] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:45] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:45] id 7092065 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:45] name borovik50 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:45] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:45] @ launchpadAppeared 7092065 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:48] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:48] id 7092061 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:48] name tigraden [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:48] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:48] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:48] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:48] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:48] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:50] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:51] id 7092065 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:51] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:52] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:52] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:52] id 7092057 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:52] name yorv [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:52] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:52] @ launchpadAppeared 7092057 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:57] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:57] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:57] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:57] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:58] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:58] id 7092057 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:58] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:59] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:59] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:59] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:59] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:59] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:56:59] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:00] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:00] id 7092069 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:00] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:01] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:01] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:01] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:01] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:01] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:02] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:05] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:05] id 7092047 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:05] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:06] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:06] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:06] id 7092065 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:06] name borovik50 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:06] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:06] @ launchpadAppeared 7092065 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:07] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:08] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:09] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:09] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:09] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:09] id 7092057 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:09] name yorv [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:09] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:09] @ launchpadAppeared 7092057 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:10] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:10] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:10] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:10] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:10] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:11] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:12] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#16468: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:12] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:12] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:12] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:12] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:12] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:13] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:13] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:13] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:13] id 7092047 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:13] name Amway_258 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:13] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:13] @ launchpadAppeared 7092047 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:13] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:14] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:15] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:15] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:16] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#16498: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:16] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#16499: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:16] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:16] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:16] id 7092069 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:16] name unlegsofter [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:16] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:16] @ launchpadAppeared 7092069 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:17] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:18] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence(), ('2715866@wowsru.loc/wows', 'BCEM_PPC', 2) [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:18] [NUT] __updateUserPresence contacts 2715866 2 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:18] ping&FPS: True 0.0587847041232 347.92767423 151.927680682 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:18] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:18] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:18] id 7092059 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:18] name A7tris [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:18] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:18] ping&FPS: False 0.0422502862556 70.9276745277 70.9276745277 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:19] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:19] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:19] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:19] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:19] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:19] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#16551: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:19] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:21] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:21] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:21] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:21] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:21] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:21] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:21] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:21] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:21] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:22] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:22] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:22] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:25] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:25] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:25] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:27] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:27] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:27] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:27] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:27] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:28] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:28] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:28] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:28] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:28] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:28] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:28] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:28] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:28] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:29] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:29] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:29] id 7092065 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:29] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:31] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:31] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:31] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:31] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:31] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:31] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:31] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:31] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:31] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:31] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:31] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:31] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:32] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:32] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:33] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:33] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:35] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:35] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:35] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:36] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#16723: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:36] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:36] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:36] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:36] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:36] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:36] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:36] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:36] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:36] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:36] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:36] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:36] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:36] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:37] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:37] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:37] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:37] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:39] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_water_fountains_post_death.xml#16764: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:40] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:40] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:40] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:45] id 7092037 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:45] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:47] id 7092059 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:48] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:48] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:48] id 7092065 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:48] name borovik50 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:48] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:48] @ launchpadAppeared 7092065 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:48] id 7092037 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:48] name misha63m [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:48] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:48] @ launchpadAppeared 7092037 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:49] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:49] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:49] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#16866: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:49] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:49] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Tirpiz_foam_post_death.xml#16886: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:49] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Tirpiz_foam_post_death.xml#16887: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:49] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Tirpiz_foam_post_death.xml#16888: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:51] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:51] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:52] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:52] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:52] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:52] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:52] id 7092043 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:52] name Krupp_Steell_UA76 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:52] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:53] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:53] id 7092057 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:53] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:53] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:53] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:53] id 7092057 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:53] name yorv [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:53] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:53] @ launchpadAppeared 7092057 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:54] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:54] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:54] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:54] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:54] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:54] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:55] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:55] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:55] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:55] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:55] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:55] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:55] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:55] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:55] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:55] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:55] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:55] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:55] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:57] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:57] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:57] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:59] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:57:59] id 7092043 [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:00] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:00] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:00] id 7092059 [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:00] name A7tris [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:00] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:02] SmokeScreen.onEnterWorld( 1915554 ) [(-88.6168, 121.435)] [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:06] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:06] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:06] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:10] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:10] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:10] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:10] id 7092039 [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:10] name NE_OCHEN_OPASEN [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:10] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:10] @ launchpadAppeared 7092039 [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:11] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:11] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:11] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:13] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:13] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:13] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:16] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:16] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:16] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:16] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:16] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:16] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:17] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:17] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:17] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:17] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:21] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:21] SmokeScreen.onEnterWorld( 1915555 ) [(-651.351, 532.725)] [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:23] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#17188: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:27] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:27] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:28] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:28] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:29] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:29] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:29] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:29] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:29] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:29] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:29] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:29] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:29] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:29] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:29] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:30] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:32] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:32] id 7092039 [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:32] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:36] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:36] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:36] id 7092039 [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:36] name NE_OCHEN_OPASEN [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:36] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:36] @ launchpadAppeared 7092039 [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:37] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:37] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:37] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:37] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:37] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:37] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:38] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:38] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:38] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:38] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:38] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:38] id 7092047 [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:38] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:38] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:38] id 7092065 [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:38] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:40] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:40] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:40] id 7092057 [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:40] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:41] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:41] id 7092039 [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:41] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:42] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:42] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:43] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:43] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:43] id 7092057 [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:43] name yorv [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:43] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:43] @ launchpadAppeared 7092057 [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:44] SmokeScreen.onEnterWorld( 1915556 ) [(470.06, -311.607)] [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:45] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:45] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:45] id 7092047 [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:45] name Amway_258 [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:45] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:45] @ launchpadAppeared 7092047 [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:46] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#17482: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:46] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:46] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:46] id 7092065 [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:46] name borovik50 [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:46] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:46] @ launchpadAppeared 7092065 [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:47] id 7092071 [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:48] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:48] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:50] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#17548: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:52] ping&FPS: True 0.0598091887576 255.927193988 150.927200619 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:52] ping&FPS: False 0.0620621698243 171.927192214 171.927192214 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:53] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:54] SmokeScreen.onEnterWorld( 1915557 ) [(262.939, 95.5695)] [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:55] ping&FPS: True 0.0592962907893 268.927188176 147.927187088 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:55] ping&FPS: False 0.0602996008737 139.927188608 139.927188608 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:56] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:56] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:56] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#17627: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:56] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:56] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Schors_foam_post_death.xml#17631: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:56] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Schors_foam_post_death.xml#17632: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:56] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Schors_foam_post_death.xml#17633: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:56] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:56] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:56] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:56] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:56] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:56] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:57] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:57] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:57] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:57] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:57] id 7092059 [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:57] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:57] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:57] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:57] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:58] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:58] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:58:58] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:01] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:01] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:02] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:02] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:02] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:02] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:02] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:02] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:02] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:02] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:03] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:03] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:03] id 7092059 [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:03] name A7tris [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:03] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:04] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:04] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:06] SmokeScreen.onEnterWorld( 1915555 ) [(-651.351, 532.725), (-646.354, 544.935), (-651.11, 555.861), (-663.005, 560.93), (-674.387, 558.402), (-685.439, 551.573)] [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:06] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:06] id 7092065 [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:06] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:08] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#17718: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:09] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:09] id 7092059 [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:09] SmokeScreen.onEnterWorld( 1915556 ) [(470.06, -311.607), (458.736, -307.261), (447.351, -308.723), (438.104, -315.416), (433.291, -325.666)] [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:09] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:09] id 7092047 [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:09] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:09] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:09] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:10] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:10] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:10] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:10] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:10] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:10] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:10] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:10] id 7092057 [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:10] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:10] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:10] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:11] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_water_fountains_post_death.xml#17756: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:12] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:12] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:13] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:13] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:13] id 7092065 [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:13] name borovik50 [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:13] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:13] @ launchpadAppeared 7092065 [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:17] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:17] id 7092065 [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:17] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:18] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:18] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:18] id 7092047 [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:18] name Amway_258 [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:18] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:18] @ launchpadAppeared 7092047 [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:27] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#17840: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:28] ping&FPS: True 0.0559153961284 232.926968123 133.926974799 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:28] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:28] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:28] ping&FPS: False 0.0465326117618 97.9269722658 173.926972266 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:28] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:28] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:29] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:29] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:29] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:29] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:30] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#17870: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:31] ping&FPS: True 0.0574064212186 344.926978077 145.926971051 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:31] ping&FPS: False 0.0526726873858 118.926978792 118.926978792 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:32] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:32] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:33] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#17887: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:34] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:34] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:34] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:34] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#17903: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:34] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:34] id 7092039 [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:34] name NE_OCHEN_OPASEN [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:34] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:34] @ launchpadAppeared 7092039 [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:34] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Chapaev_foam_post_death.xml#17910: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:34] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Chapaev_foam_post_death.xml#17911: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:34] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Chapaev_foam_post_death.xml#17912: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:37] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:37] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:38] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:38] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:38] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:38] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:38] id 7092065 [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:38] name borovik50 [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:38] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:38] @ launchpadAppeared 7092065 [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:41] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:41] id 7092047 [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:41] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:42] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:42] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:43] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:43] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:43] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:43] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:43] id 7092071 [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:43] name FurynOK [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:43] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:44] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#17955: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:46] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:46] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:48] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:48] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:48] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:48] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:48] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:48] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:48] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:48] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:48] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_water_fountains_post_death.xml#17968: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:48] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:48] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:48] id 7092039 [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:48] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:48] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:48] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:48] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:48] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:49] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:49] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:49] ping&FPS: True 0.0481485830886 228.926852311 147.926852192 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:49] ping&FPS: False 0.0547988074166 177.926851522 177.926851522 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:52] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:52] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:52] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:52] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:52] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:52] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:52] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:52] ping&FPS: True 0.0514459343893 230.926820177 142.92681973 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:52] ping&FPS: False 0.0410956697805 72.9268170776 72.9268170776 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:52] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:52] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:52] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:52] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:53] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:53] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:55] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:55] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:55] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:55] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:56] SmokeScreen.onEnterWorld( 1915556 ) [(470.06, -311.607), (458.736, -307.261), (447.351, -308.723), (438.104, -315.416), (433.291, -325.666)] [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:57] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:57] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:57] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:57] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:57] id 7092057 [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:57] name yorv [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:57] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:57] @ launchpadAppeared 7092057 [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:58] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:58] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:58] id 7092047 [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:58] name Amway_258 [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:58] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 13:59:58] @ launchpadAppeared 7092047 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:00] SmokeScreen.onEnterWorld( 1915556 ) [(470.06, -311.607), (458.736, -307.261), (447.351, -308.723), (438.104, -315.416), (433.291, -325.666)] [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:05] SmokeScreen.onEnterWorld( 1915556 ) [(470.06, -311.607), (458.736, -307.261), (447.351, -308.723), (438.104, -315.416), (433.291, -325.666)] [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:06] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence(), ('756279@wowsru.loc/wows', '11Paul11', 0) [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:06] [NUT] __updateUserPresence contacts 756279 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:06] [NUT] __updateUserPresence online contacts 756279 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:06] [NUT] PartySystem::__onClubmansOnlineChanged [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:08] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:08] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:08] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:08] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:09] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:10] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:10] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:10] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:10] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:10] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:10] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:12] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:12] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:12] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:12] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:12] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:13] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:13] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:13] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:14] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:14] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:14] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:14] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:14] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:14] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:16] id 7092057 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:16] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:16] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:16] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:17] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:18] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:18] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:18] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:19] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:19] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:19] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:20] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:20] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:20] id 7092059 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:20] name A7tris [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:20] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:21] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:21] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:21] id 7092057 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:21] name yorv [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:21] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:21] @ launchpadAppeared 7092057 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:23] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:24] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:24] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:24] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:24] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#18294: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:24] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:24] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Yorck_foam_post_death.xml#18298: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:24] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Yorck_foam_post_death.xml#18299: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:24] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Yorck_foam_post_death.xml#18300: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:24] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:25] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:25] id 7092065 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:25] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:25] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:25] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:26] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:28] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:30] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:33] ping&FPS: True 0.0580085026366 216.926595341 143.926593463 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:33] ping&FPS: False 0.0498779299004 58.926593672 58.926593672 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:34] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:34] ping&FPS: True 0.0597216742379 207.926583375 139.92658111 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:34] ping&FPS: False 0.0534740345819 88.9265828984 88.9265828984 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:35] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:35] id 7092059 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:36] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:36] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:36] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:36] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#18451: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:37] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:37] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:37] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:37] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:37] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:37] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:37] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:37] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:38] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:38] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:38] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:38] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:38] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:38] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:39] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:39] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:39] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#18490: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:42] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#18497: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:45] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:45] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:45] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:46] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:46] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:46] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:46] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:49] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:49] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:49] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:49] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:49] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:49] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:49] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:49] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:49] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:51] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:52] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:52] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:52] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:52] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:52] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:52] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:52] id 7092057 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:52] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:53] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#18559: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:57] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:57] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_water_fountains_post_death.xml#18584: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:57] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:57] id 7092057 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:57] name yorv [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:57] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:57] @ launchpadAppeared 7092057 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:58] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:00:59] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:00] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:05] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:08] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:10] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:10] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:12] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:12] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:12] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:12] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:12] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:12] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:12] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#18780: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:13] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:13] ping&FPS: True 0.057964439903 269.926442142 168.926448341 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:13] ping&FPS: False 0.0600289063794 151.926442678 151.926442678 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:14] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:14] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:14] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:14] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:15] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:15] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:17] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:18] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#18840: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:19] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:19] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:19] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:19] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:20] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:21] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#18867: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:23] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:26] ping&FPS: True 0.0743933277471 227.926377702 124.926377747 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:26] ping&FPS: False 0.0600696014506 81.9263779404 81.9263779404 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:29] ping&FPS: True 0.0619054245097 293.926367212 132.926354575 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:29] ping&FPS: False 0.0592511402709 136.926367152 136.926367152 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:29] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:29] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#18925: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:31] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:33] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:33] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:33] id 7092065 [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:33] name borovik50 [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:33] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:33] @ launchpadAppeared 7092065 [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:33] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:33] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_water_fountains_post_death.xml#18964: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:35] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:37] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:37] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:37] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:37] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:37] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:37] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:37] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:37] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:38] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:38] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:38] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:38] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:39] ping&FPS: True 0.0675170230014 209.926329869 145.926329139 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:39] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:39] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:39] ping&FPS: False 0.0523142474038 136.92633726 136.92633726 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:40] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:40] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:40] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:40] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:40] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:40] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:40] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:40] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:40] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:42] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:42] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:42] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:42] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:42] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:43] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:44] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:45] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:47] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:47] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:50] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:50] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:51] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:51] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:51] id 7092059 [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:51] name A7tris [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:51] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:52] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:53] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:53] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:55] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:56] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:56] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:56] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:56] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:56] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:57] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:57] id 7092065 [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:57] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:58] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:59] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:59] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:59] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:01:59] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:04] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:04] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:04] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:04] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:05] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:05] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:05] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:06] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:10] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:11] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:12] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:12] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:12] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:12] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:12] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:12] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:14] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:14] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:14] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:14] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:14] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:14] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:16] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:16] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:16] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:16] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:16] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:16] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:16] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:17] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:17] id 7092059 [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:18] ping&FPS: True 0.0316359805209 207.926224198 165.926221933 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:18] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:18] ping&FPS: False 0.0286368908627 78.9262220817 78.9262220817 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:18] ping&FPS: True 0.030333008085 346.926225971 131.926223274 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:18] ping&FPS: False 0.0284294368965 82.9262245106 82.9262245106 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:19] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:19] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:21] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:23] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:23] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:28] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:28] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:28] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:28] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:28] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:29] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:29] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:29] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:29] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:29] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:29] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:29] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:29] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:29] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:29] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:29] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:30] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:31] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:32] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:32] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:32] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:32] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:32] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:36] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:36] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:36] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:36] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:36] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:36] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:36] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:36] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:36] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:36] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:36] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:36] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:37] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:37] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:37] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:37] id 7092065 [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:37] name borovik50 [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:37] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:37] @ launchpadAppeared 7092065 [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:37] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:37] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:40] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:40] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:43] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:43] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:49] ping&FPS: True 0.0437269615276 149.925982933 204.925982933 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:49] ping&FPS: False 0.0468696164233 162.925981547 162.925981547 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:49] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:49] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:49] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#19613: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:49] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:50] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Tirpiz_foam_post_death.xml#19618: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:50] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Tirpiz_foam_post_death.xml#19619: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:50] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Tirpiz_foam_post_death.xml#19620: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:52] id 7092047 [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:52] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:55] ping&FPS: True 0.0563818024737 221.925917331 97.9259202214 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:55] ping&FPS: False 0.051547359143 80.9259155425 80.9259155425 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:59] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:59] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:59] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:59] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:59] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:59] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:59] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 14:02:59] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_post_fire.xml#19736: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:00] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Benson_foam_post_death.xml#19745: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:00] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Benson_foam_post_death.xml#19746: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:00] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Benson_foam_post_death.xml#19747: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:00] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:01] id 7092065 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:01] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:02] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:02] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:02] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:02] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:03] ping&FPS: True 0.0605376171214 263.925922471 143.925911027 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:03] ping&FPS: False 0.0606258021934 167.925920043 167.925920043 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:03] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:03] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:03] id 7092047 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:03] name Amway_258 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:03] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:03] @ launchpadAppeared 7092047 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:06] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:06] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:06] id 7092065 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:06] name borovik50 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:06] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:06] @ launchpadAppeared 7092065 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:07] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:07] id 7092047 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:07] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:08] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:08] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:08] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:08] ping&FPS: True 0.0528408320887 211.925951238 126.92595018 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:08] ping&FPS: False 0.0459154503686 59.9259515958 59.9259515958 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:11] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:11] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:11] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:11] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:11] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:11] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:11] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:11] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:11] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:11] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:11] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:11] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:17] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:17] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:17] id 7092059 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:17] name A7tris [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:17] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:19] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:19] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:19] id 7092047 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:19] name Amway_258 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:19] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:19] @ launchpadAppeared 7092047 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:20] ping&FPS: True 0.0499644087894 223.925928022 118.92592686 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:20] ping&FPS: False 0.0440732123596 69.9259281563 69.9259281563 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:23] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#19957: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:24] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:24] ClientSquadron.outOfFuel [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:24] ping&FPS: True 0.0604093479259 235.92591736 142.925917956 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:24] ping&FPS: False 0.06441831163 192.925917167 192.925917167 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:27] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:27] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:29] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:29] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:29] id 7092043 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:29] name Krupp_Steell_UA76 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:29] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:33] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:33] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:34] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:34] id 7092043 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:37] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:37] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:42] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:42] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:42] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:42] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:42] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:42] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:42] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:42] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:42] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:42] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:42] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:42] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:42] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:42] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:45] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:45] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:45] id 7092043 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:45] name Krupp_Steell_UA76 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:45] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:46] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:46] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:46] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:47] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence(), ('3480927@wowsru.loc/wows', 'Doc_Maximov', 5) [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:47] [NUT] __updateUserPresence contacts 3480927 5 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:47] [NUT] __updateUserPresence offline contacts 3480927 5 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:47] [NUT] PartySystem::__onClubmansOnlineChanged [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:48] ping&FPS: True 0.0643119322402 203.925837907 128.925836298 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:48] ping&FPS: False 0.0555178033454 94.925838414 94.925838414 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:49] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:50] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#20275: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:52] ping&FPS: True 0.0365685032947 268.92584126 148.925836447 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:52] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:52] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:52] ping&FPS: False 0.0431700455291 191.925845559 191.925845559 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:52] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:52] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:52] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:54] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:54] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:54] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#20330: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:54] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Nurnberg_foam_post_death.xml#20333: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:54] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Nurnberg_foam_post_death.xml#20334: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:54] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Nurnberg_foam_post_death.xml#20335: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:54] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#20360: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:55] ping&FPS: True 0.0323619650943 315.925837304 134.925832238 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:55] ping&FPS: False 0.0333827393396 114.925835501 114.925835501 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:56] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:56] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:56] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:56] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:56] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:56] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:56] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:59] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:59] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:59] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#20452: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:03:59] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:00] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Colorado_foam_post_death.xml#20466: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:00] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Colorado_foam_post_death.xml#20467: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:00] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Colorado_foam_post_death.xml#20468: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:00] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:00] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:02] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:02] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:04] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:04] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:06] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:06] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:08] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#20516: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:08] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:08] id 7092043 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:10] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:10] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:11] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:11] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:11] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_water_fountains_post_death.xml#20555: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:12] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:12] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:13] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#20566: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:17] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:17] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:18] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:18] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:18] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:18] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:18] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:18] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:18] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:18] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:19] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:19] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:19] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:19] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:19] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:19] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:19] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:19] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:19] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#20624: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:20] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Fletcher_foam_post_death.xml#20628: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:20] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Fletcher_foam_post_death.xml#20629: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:20] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Fletcher_foam_post_death.xml#20630: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:21] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:21] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:21] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:22] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:22] ping&FPS: True 0.0314458193524 240.925712909 115.925718273 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:22] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#20657: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:22] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Nurnberg_foam_post_death.xml#20658: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:22] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Nurnberg_foam_post_death.xml#20659: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:22] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Nurnberg_foam_post_death.xml#20660: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:22] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Nurnberg_foam_post_death.xml#20661: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:22] ping&FPS: False 0.0292670162661 79.9257129388 182.925712939 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:23] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#20662: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:23] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Nurnberg_foam_post_death.xml#20663: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:23] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#20664: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:23] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Nurnberg_foam_post_death.xml#20665: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:23] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#20666: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:24] ping&FPS: True 0.0438480781657 252.925703268 133.925704803 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:24] ping&FPS: False 0.0391116844756 64.9257063078 64.9257063078 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:24] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_post_fire.xml#20671: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:25] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence(), ('3480927@wowsru.loc/web', 'Doc_Maximov', 0) [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:25] [NUT] __updateUserPresence contacts 3480927 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:25] [NUT] __updateUserPresence online contacts 3480927 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:25] [NUT] PartySystem::__onClubmansOnlineChanged [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:25] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:25] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:25] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:26] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (6245531, 0, 0, 7092080, 1464432136997L, True, True) [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:26] m418a81c.updatePreBattles (6245531, 0, 0, 7092080, 1464432136997L, True, True) [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:26] m418a81c.updatePreBattles1 {6245531: PreBattleInfo: id: 6245531, inPortPlayers: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 7092080, creationTime 1464432136997, hidden True, locked True } [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:27] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:27] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:28] ping&FPS: True 0.0282612400396 260.925682727 134.925677362 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:28] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:28] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:28] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:28] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:28] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:28] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:28] ping&FPS: False 0.0392766552312 171.925682816 171.925682816 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:28] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:28] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:28] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:28] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:29] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:29] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:29] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:29] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:31] ping&FPS: True 0.0507012861116 342.925696957 153.925693053 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:31] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:31] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:31] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:31] ping&FPS: False 0.0461854594094 135.925694871 135.925694871 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:31] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#20735: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:31] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:31] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:31] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:32] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#20738: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:32] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#20739: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:32] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#20740: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:33] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:35] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#20748: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:35] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#20749: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:36] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:37] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:39] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:40] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:40] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:40] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:40] ping&FPS: True 0.0667704897267 440.925632584 117.925638694 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:40] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:40] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:40] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:40] ping&FPS: False 0.0601101475103 130.925633404 130.925633404 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:41] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_water_fountains_post_death.xml#20797: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:42] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:42] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:44] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:44] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:44] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#20820: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:44] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:44] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_North_Carolina_foam_post_death.xml#20824: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:44] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_North_Carolina_foam_post_death.xml#20825: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:44] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_North_Carolina_foam_post_death.xml#20826: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:45] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:45] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:45] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:45] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:45] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:45] id 7092043 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:45] name Krupp_Steell_UA76 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:45] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:46] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:47] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:47] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:48] id 7092047 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:48] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:49] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:49] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:49] id 7092047 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:49] name Amway_258 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:49] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:49] @ launchpadAppeared 7092047 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:50] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#20865: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:50] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#20866: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:51] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:51] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:51] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:51] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:51] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:51] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:51] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:51] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:51] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:52] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:53] ping&FPS: True 0.0635152267558 235.925579275 153.925579871 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:53] ping&FPS: False 0.0513556855065 127.925581436 195.925581436 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:53] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_water_fountains_post_death.xml#20868: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:53] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_water_fountains_post_death.xml#20869: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:54] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:54] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:54] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:54] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:54] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:54] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:54] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:54] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:54] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:54] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:54] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:54] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:55] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:55] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:55] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:55] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:58] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#20882: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:58] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:58] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:59] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:59] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:59] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:04:59] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:00] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:01] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:01] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:01] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#20884: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:02] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:03] SmokeScreen.onEnterWorld( 1915558 ) [(329.219, -85.8441)] [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:05] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:05] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:05] id 7092071 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:06] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:09] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:11] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:11] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:11] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:11] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:11] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:11] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:11] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:11] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:11] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:14] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#20943: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:14] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:14] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:14] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:14] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:16] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_water_fountains_post_death.xml#20961: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:18] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:18] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:18] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:18] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:18] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:18] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:18] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:18] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:18] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:19] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:19] id 7092043 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:20] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#20971: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:20] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:20] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:20] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:20] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:20] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:20] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:20] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:20] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:23] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:23] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:23] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:23] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:23] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:24] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#20974: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:25] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#20975: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:27] ping&FPS: True 0.0222124042256 202.925371762 162.925364728 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:27] ping&FPS: False 0.0210323142154 85.9253726559 85.9253726559 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:28] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:28] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:28] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:28] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:28] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:28] id 7092071 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:28] name FurynOK [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:28] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:28] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:30] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#21006: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:30] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:32] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#21007: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:33] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#21017: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:36] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#21064: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:38] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:38] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:38] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#21067: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:38] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:39] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:40] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#21082: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:42] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_water_fountains_post_death.xml#21094: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:43] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:43] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:43] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:43] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:43] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:44] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:45] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:48] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:48] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:48] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:48] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:48] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:48] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:48] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:48] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:48] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:48] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:48] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:48] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:49] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:49] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:50] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:51] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:52] ping&FPS: True 0.0615203188998 287.92524797 177.925253082 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:52] ping&FPS: False 0.060857798372 129.925246763 129.925246763 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:52] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:52] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:52] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#21149: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:52] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:52] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Iowa_foam_post_death.xml#21156: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:52] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Iowa_foam_post_death.xml#21157: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:52] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Iowa_foam_post_death.xml#21158: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:52] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#21160: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:52] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:52] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:52] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:52] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:52] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:52] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:52] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:52] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:54] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:56] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:56] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:56] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:56] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:56] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:57] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:58] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:05:58] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_water_fountains_post_death.xml#21178: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:00] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:00] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:03] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:03] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:05] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:05] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:05] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:05] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:05] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:05] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:05] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:05] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:05] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:05] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:05] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:05] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:05] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:07] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:08] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:08] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:08] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:10] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:19] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:22] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:23] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:23] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:23] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:24] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:25] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:27] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:27] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:27] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_fuming_post_fire.xml#21384: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:27] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:27] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#21390: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:27] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Colorado_foam_post_death.xml#21391: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:27] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Colorado_foam_post_death.xml#21392: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:27] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Colorado_foam_post_death.xml#21393: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:28] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:28] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:28] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:28] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:28] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:28] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:28] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:28] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:30] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:30] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:30] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#21439: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:30] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Kagero_foam_post_death.xml#21440: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:30] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Kagero_foam_post_death.xml#21441: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:30] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Kagero_foam_post_death.xml#21442: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:31] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#21449: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:32] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:32] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:32] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:32] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:32] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:34] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#21450: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:37] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:37] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:37] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:38] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#21464: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:49] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:49] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:49] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:49] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:49] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:49] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:49] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:49] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:49] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:51] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:51] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:51] id 7092043 [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:51] name Krupp_Steell_UA76 [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:51] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:51] ("[ERROR] FeedbackController: container 'Root' doesn't have config for event 'five_minutes_left'",) [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:52] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:52] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:53] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:53] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:54] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:54] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:54] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:54] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:54] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:54] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:54] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:55] SmokeScreen.onEnterWorld( 1915559 ) [(-8.76804, -9.59533)] [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:56] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:56] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:56] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:56] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:56] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:57] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:57] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:59] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:59] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:59] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:59] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:06:59] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:01] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#21555: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:01] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#21556: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:03] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:03] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:03] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:03] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:03] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:04] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:04] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:04] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:04] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:04] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:04] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:04] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:04] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:04] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:04] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:04] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:05] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:05] id 7092043 [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:06] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:06] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:06] id 7092043 [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:06] name Krupp_Steell_UA76 [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:06] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:06] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_water_fountains_post_death.xml#21599: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:07] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:09] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:09] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:09] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:09] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:09] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:10] id 7092043 [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:10] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:11] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:11] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:11] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:11] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:11] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:12] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:12] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:12] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:12] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:12] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:13] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:14] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:14] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:14] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:14] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:14] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:15] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:17] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:18] ping&FPS: True 0.0579640226705 256.924598012 121.924598891 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:18] ping&FPS: False 0.0613834666354 177.924595359 177.924595359 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:19] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:20] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:22] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:22] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:26] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:26] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:26] id 7092043 [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:26] name Krupp_Steell_UA76 [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:26] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:29] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_fuming_post_fire.xml#21717: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:29] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:29] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:29] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:31] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:31] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:32] ping&FPS: True 0.0559356766088 201.924458701 158.924453694 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:32] ping&FPS: False 0.0506034674389 83.9244611295 83.9244611295 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:33] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#21728: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:34] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:38] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:39] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#21768: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:40] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:43] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:43] id 7092043 [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:44] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:46] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#21798: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:49] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_water_fountains_post_death.xml#21800: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:54] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:54] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:54] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:54] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:56] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:56] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:56] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:56] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:56] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:56] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:58] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:58] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:58] id 7092043 [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:58] name Krupp_Steell_UA76 [S] [2016_05_28 14:07:58] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:00] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#21852: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:02] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#21861: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:03] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:06] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:06] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:06] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:06] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:06] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:07] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#21889: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:12] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_water_fountains_post_death.xml#21900: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:14] ping&FPS: True 0.0734606938703 210.92392065 154.923920687 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:14] ping&FPS: False 0.0590987311942 68.9239187571 68.9239187571 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:17] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:17] id 7092043 [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:18] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:18] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:18] id 7092043 [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:18] name Krupp_Steell_UA76 [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:18] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:31] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:31] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:34] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:34] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:34] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:34] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:34] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:34] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:34] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:34] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:36] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:36] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:37] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:37] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:37] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#22044: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:37] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DmitryDonskoy_foam_post_death.xml#22052: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:37] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DmitryDonskoy_foam_post_death.xml#22053: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:37] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DmitryDonskoy_foam_post_death.xml#22054: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:37] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:38] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:38] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:38] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:40] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:40] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:41] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:45] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:45] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:46] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:46] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:46] id 7092043 [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:47] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:47] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:48] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:48] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:48] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:49] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:50] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:50] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:51] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:51] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:51] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:51] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:51] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:51] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:51] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:52] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:52] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:52] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:52] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:52] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:52] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:52] ping&FPS: True 0.0591570841415 294.923613037 131.923618864 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:52] ping&FPS: False 0.0564676331622 123.92361271 123.92361271 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:52] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:54] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:55] ping&FPS: True 0.06029454938 344.923577036 123.923574667 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:55] ping&FPS: False 0.0534632833941 80.923575248 80.923575248 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:56] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:56] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:56] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:56] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:56] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:56] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:56] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:08:56] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:00] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:00] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:02] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:03] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:03] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:03] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:03] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:03] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:03] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:03] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:03] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:03] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:03] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:04] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:04] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:06] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:08] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:08] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:10] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:10] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:10] id 7092043 [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:10] name Krupp_Steell_UA76 [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:10] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:16] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:17] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:18] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:18] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:18] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:18] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:18] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:18] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:18] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:20] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:20] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:20] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:20] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:22] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:22] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:23] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:23] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:23] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:23] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:23] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:23] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:25] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:28] ping&FPS: True 0.0599635796888 253.923219982 155.923225078 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:28] ping&FPS: False 0.0548921631915 135.923221621 135.923221621 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:29] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:29] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:29] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:31] ping&FPS: True 0.0549406962735 238.923218209 147.923212725 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:31] ping&FPS: False 0.0482129337532 150.923216212 181.923216212 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:31] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:34] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#22145: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:34] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:34] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:35] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:37] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:37] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:37] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:37] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:37] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:37] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:38] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:41] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#22167: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:42] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:43] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:43] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:44] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#22168: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:44] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:46] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:47] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:47] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:47] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:47] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:47] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:48] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:50] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:50] ping&FPS: True 0.0376892717821 213.923040162 145.923040639 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:50] ping&FPS: False 0.0332039105041 67.9230399685 67.9230399685 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:50] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:52] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:52] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:54] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:55] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:57] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:57] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:57] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:58] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#22176: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:58] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence(), ('756279@wowsru.loc/wows', '11Paul11', 2) [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:58] [NUT] __updateUserPresence contacts 756279 2 [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:59] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:09:59] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:00] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:01] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_water_fountains_post_death.xml#22178: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:01] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:02] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:02] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:02] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:02] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:02] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:03] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:03] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:03] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:03] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:04] ping&FPS: True 0.0589580493314 268.922893244 173.922886569 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:04] ping&FPS: False 0.0469313444836 112.922892976 112.922892976 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:04] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:04] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:04] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:04] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:04] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:04] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:07] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:09] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:12] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:12] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:13] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:15] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:16] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:23] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:23] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:23] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#22214: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:23] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Kagero_foam_post_death.xml#22217: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:23] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Kagero_foam_post_death.xml#22218: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:23] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Kagero_foam_post_death.xml#22219: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:27] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:27] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:27] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:27] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:27] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:27] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:31] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:31] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:31] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:31] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:31] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:31] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:31] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:31] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:31] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:31] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:32] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:32] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:32] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:32] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:34] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:36] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:36] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:36] ping&FPS: True 0.0609613465411 208.922836724 135.922832433 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:37] ping&FPS: False 0.0566483246429 98.9228378864 98.9228378864 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:45] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:45] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:45] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:45] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:45] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:45] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:45] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:45] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:45] ping&FPS: True 0.0439861672265 218.922870311 131.922864381 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:45] ping&FPS: False 0.0302696036441 75.9228677037 75.9228677037 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:46] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:48] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:50] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:50] id 7092039 [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:50] name NE_OCHEN_OPASEN [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:50] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:50] @ launchpadAppeared 7092039 [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:51] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:52] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:53] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:53] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:56] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:56] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:56] id 7092039 [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:56] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:57] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:57] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:58] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:58] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:10:58] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:00] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:01] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:01] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:01] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:01] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:01] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:01] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:02] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:03] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:03] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:03] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:03] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:03] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:04] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:04] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:04] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:04] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:05] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:06] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:09] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:09] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:09] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:09] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:09] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:09] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:10] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:11] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:12] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:12] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:13] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:13] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:13] id 7092039 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:13] name NE_OCHEN_OPASEN [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:13] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:13] @ launchpadAppeared 7092039 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:13] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:13] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:15] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:15] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:18] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:18] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:18] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:18] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:18] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:20] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:23] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:25] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:25] id 7092039 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:25] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:25] ping&FPS: True 0.0557188200099 200.92272811 123.922725129 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:25] ping&FPS: False 0.0501909660442 89.9227277966 89.9227277966 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:27] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:27] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:27] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:29] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:29] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:29] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:32] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:32] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:32] id 7092039 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:32] name NE_OCHEN_OPASEN [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:32] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:32] @ launchpadAppeared 7092039 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:34] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:34] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:35] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#22308: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:37] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#22309: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:39] ping&FPS: True 0.0597650813205 214.922954644 136.922953095 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:39] ping&FPS: False 0.051431621824 73.9229535716 73.9229535716 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:40] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#22310: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:40] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:40] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:40] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:40] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:40] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:40] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:40] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:40] (, 70656607686688, 24): Arguments do not match string read by key '%s': %s, (('IDS_INFO_VP_ALLY_CAPTURED_BASEWITHPOINTS', ('A',)),) [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:40] battle finish - Victory [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:40] (, 70665289920581, 61): Deleted: [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:40] (, 70665289920581, 61): Deleted: [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:41] ping&FPS: True 0.0571891920907 767.922990728 156.922971177 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:42] setFpsGathererActive(False) [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:48] ping&FPS: True 0.742519225393 5774.9231395 520.922971654 0 [E] [2016_05_28 14:11:48] Can only call base methods on the connected entity [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:48] [Weather][43205] onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:48] id 7092035 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:48] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:48] id 7092037 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:48] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:48] id 7092039 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:48] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:48] id 7092041 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:48] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:48] id 7092043 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:48] Avatar.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:48] id 7092045 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:48] id 7092047 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:48] id 7092049 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:48] id 7092051 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:48] id 7092053 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:48] id 7092055 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:48] id 7092057 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:48] id 7092059 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:48] id 7092061 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:48] id 7092063 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:48] id 7092065 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:48] id 7092067 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:48] id 7092069 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:48] id 7092071 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:48] id 7092073 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:48] id 7092075 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:48] id 7092077 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:48] id 7092079 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:48] id 7092081 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:48] Account.__init__() [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:48] [Account debuG]: __init__() ONE___VP [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:48] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:48] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4279219920 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:48] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:48] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4279219920L: {'exp': 34179}}, 'changedCrews': {18: {'exp': 137950}}, 'moneyXP': 195} [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:48] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:48] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': 212903} [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:48] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:48] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -82400} [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:48] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:48] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4279219920L: {'slots': {1: {'del_slots': 1}}}}} [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:49] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:49] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -8000, 'changedShips': {4279219920L: {'slots': {1: {'add_slots': (((), 4293849008L),)}}}}} [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:49] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:49] >>> receiveChanges {'storage': {4284653488L: 14}} [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:49] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:49] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -22500, 'storage': {4282556336L: 1}} [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:49] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:49] >>> receiveChanges {'storage': {4282556336L: 0}} [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:49] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:49] setServerTime -3100.72600007 1464433410 1464430309.27 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:49] leaveBattleSession() Reason: 0 Info: None [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:49] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:49] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:49] Can't send FPS data: it's empty [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:49] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.onEnterLobbyEvent():, (['34411633@wowsru.loc', '8009484@wowsru.loc', '12414124@wowsru.loc', '4679742@wowsru.loc', 'ids_chat_channel_offtop@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', 'wargamingfm@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', '1559899_1454784666@user-rooms.wows.wowsru.loc', 'ids_chat_channel_questions@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', '63671710@wowsru.loc', '5651230@wowsru.loc', '1559899@wowsru.loc', '48007201@wowsru.loc', '6878512@wowsru.loc', '64052394@wowsru.loc', 'ids_chat_channel_search_div@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', '58574566@wowsru.loc', '4719392_1447787513@user-rooms.wows.wowsru.loc'],) [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:49] updateActionsProgress: {0: [4279219920L]} [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:49] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:49] __updateTaskProgress start: {} [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:49] updateActionsProgress: {'10688_q02': {'count': 2, 2: {'count': 0}, 3: {'count': 2}}, '10688_q03': {'count': 9}, '10688_q01': {'count': 3, 2: {'count': 1}, 3: {'count': 0}}} [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:49] __updateTaskProgress start: {'10688_q02': {'count': 2, 2: {'count': 0}, 3: {'count': 2}}, '10688_q03': {'count': 9}, '10688_q01': {'count': 3, 2: {'count': 1}, 3: {'count': 0}}} [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:49] step id: 10688_q02 progress {'count': 2, 2: {'count': 0}, 3: {'count': 2}} [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:49] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:49] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:49] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:49] step id: 10688_q03 progress {'count': 9} [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:49] isDone id 10688_q03 count 9 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:49] isDone id 10688_q03 count 9 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:49] isDone id 10688_q03 count 9 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:49] step id: 10688_q01 progress {'count': 3, 2: {'count': 1}, 3: {'count': 0}} [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:49] isDone id 10688_q01 count 3 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:49] isDone id 10688_q01 count 3 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:49] isDone id 10688_q01 count 3 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:49] md3ce6e8.onUpdate 0 0 [dailyId 0 type 0 desc {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464566400.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 0, 'condition': ()} , dailyId 1 type 0 desc {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464480000.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 1, 'condition': ()} , dailyId 39 type 1 desc {'rewards': {5: '500'}, 'title': 390, 'iconId': 6, 'timeToChange': 1464393600.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 2, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 39, 'condition': (6, '1', ('4', 0))} ] [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:49] Daily.update: {'rewards': {}, 'pdata': {'isSeen': True, 'timeToChange': 1464566400.0}, 'condition': ('empty', {}), 'desc': (0, 0, 0, 0, 0)} [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:49] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464566400.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 0, 'condition': ()} [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:49] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464480000.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 1, 'condition': ()} [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:49] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {5: '500'}, 'title': 390, 'iconId': 6, 'timeToChange': 1464393600.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 2, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 39, 'condition': (6, '1', ('4', 0))} [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:49] md3ce6e8.onUpdate 1 1 [dailyId 0 type 0 desc {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464566400.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 0, 'condition': ()} , dailyId 1 type 0 desc {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464480000.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 1, 'condition': ()} , dailyId 39 type 1 desc {'rewards': {5: '500'}, 'title': 390, 'iconId': 6, 'timeToChange': 1464393600.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 2, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 39, 'condition': (6, '1', ('4', 0))} ] [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:49] Daily.update: {'rewards': {}, 'pdata': {'isSeen': True, 'timeToChange': 1464480000.0}, 'condition': ('empty', {}), 'desc': (1, 0, 0, 0, 1)} [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:49] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464566400.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 0, 'condition': ()} [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:49] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464480000.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 1, 'condition': ()} [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:49] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {5: '500'}, 'title': 390, 'iconId': 6, 'timeToChange': 1464393600.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 2, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 39, 'condition': (6, '1', ('4', 0))} [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:49] md3ce6e8.onUpdate 2 39 [dailyId 0 type 0 desc {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464566400.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 0, 'condition': ()} , dailyId 1 type 0 desc {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464480000.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 1, 'condition': ()} , dailyId 39 type 1 desc {'rewards': {5: '500'}, 'title': 390, 'iconId': 6, 'timeToChange': 1464393600.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 2, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 39, 'condition': (6, '1', ('4', 0))} ] [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:49] Daily.update: {'rewards': {'addResFreeXP': {'value': '500'}}, 'pdata': {'count': 0, 'isSeen': True, 'timeToChange': 1464393600.0, 'reward': 'addResFreeXP'}, 'condition': ('torpHits', {'count': '4', 'division': '0', 'countBattle': '1'}), 'desc': (39, 1, 6, 390, 2)} [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:49] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464566400.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 0, 'condition': ()} [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:49] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464480000.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 1, 'condition': ()} [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:49] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {5: '500'}, 'title': 390, 'iconId': 6, 'timeToChange': 1464393600.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 2, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 39, 'condition': (6, '1', ('4', 0))} [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:49] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetAccountStats, ('0 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:49] md79a786.applyStatsDiff(): {'dossier': '\x07\x00\x18\x00`\x00P\x048\x00`\x00<\x008\x00`\x00`\x00`\x00`\x00\x00\x00\x00\x008\x008\x008\x008\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00`\x00`\x00`\x008\x008\x008\x00\xc0\x00`\x008\x00\x18\x00 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'accPoints': 13292958} [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:49] __processDossierStats() client dossier: ['pvp', 'pve_diag', 'rank_diag', 'club', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'max_pve', 'pvp_diag', 'pve', 'max_club', 'max_pvp', 'total', 'club_diag'] [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:49] mc0c471c.onGetAccountStats(): (12, 13289065) (12, 13292958) [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:49] (, 70665289920581, 61): receiveBattleResults, ('7848 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:49] BR: {'credits': 212903, 'credits_penalty': 0, 'exp_penalty': 0, 'exp': 1899, 'credits_compensation': 0} [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:49] BR: {'credits': {'sse': [], 'dq': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'ship_exp': {'sse': [], 'dq': [], 'base': [['FIRST_WIN', 1.0, True, 0]], 'mod': [[4274909104L, 0.05, True, 0]]}, 'crew_exp': {'sse': [], 'dq': [], 'base': [], 'mod': [[4274909104L, 0.05, True, 0]]}, 'free_exp': {'sse': [], 'dq': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'acc_level': {'sse': [], 'dq': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}} [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:49] BR: {'auto_repair_list': [], 'auto_exterior_list': [], 'auto_exterior_credits': 0, 'auto_camo_credits': 8000, 'exterior_applied': True, 'exp_enabled': True, 'abilities_applied': True, 'auto_repair_factor': 1.0, 'auto_load_credits': 12400, 'acc_points_enabled': True, 'free_exp_enabled': True, 'free_exp_factor': 0.05, 'aogas_factor': 1.0, 'auto_exterior_gold': 0, 'premium_credits_factor': 1.5, 'premium_exp_factor': 1.5, 'auto_abilities_list': [(4282556336L, False, 22500)], 'auto_camo_list': [4293849008L], 'camo_applied': True, 'auto_repair_credits': 70000, 'auto_load_list': [[0, 0], [0, 0], [11, 12400]], 'serve_applied': True, 'auto_camo_gold': 0, 'crew_exp_enabled': True, 'auto_abilities_gold': 0, 'auto_abilities_credits': 22500, 'credits_enabled': True, 'aogas_online': 0} [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:49] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_main_ap default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:49] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_main_ap default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:49] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_main_he default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:49] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_main_he default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:49] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:49] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:49] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:49] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:49] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tpd default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:49] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tpd default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:49] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_tpd default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:49] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:49] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:49] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:49] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:49] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:49] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:49] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:49] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:49] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:49] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:49] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:49] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:49] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:49] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:49] isDone id 10688_q01 count 3 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:49] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:49] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, ('149 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:49] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, (1, [{'importance': 2, 'typeId': 4, 'dt': 1464433409, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'costShell': 12400, 'shipId': 4279219920L, 'result': 0, 'costRepair': 70000}}]) [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:49] (, 70665289920581, 61): onRewardsRestored, ('21 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:49] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:49] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:49] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 0. Boxes contents: [{}] [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:49] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetAchievements, ('993 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:49] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 4, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SHIP_SERVE', 'costShell': 12400, 'result': 0, 'shipId': 4279219920L, 'uiSpecial': False, 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PJSA015', 'shipType': 'AirCarrier', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_AIRCARRIER', 'isElite': False, 'dt': 1464433409, 'groupId': 5, 'costTotal': 82400, 'sourceId': 0, 'costRepair': 70000, 'stypeIdent': 'AirCarrier', 'postponed': False} [NUT] PlayersAccountsSystem __request, set([47041, 6332290, 427140, 8804682, 8009484, 2715866, 1559899, 63671710, 3480927, 48007201, 5651230, 58574566, 64052394, 12414124, 6878512, 34411633, 2115378, 671987, 22102814, 242294, 756279, 46719994, 448253, 4679742]) [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:50] setServerTime -3106.75099993 1464433417 1464430310.25 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:50] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:50] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:50] Can't send FPS data: it's empty [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:50] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.onEnterLobbyEvent():, (['34411633@wowsru.loc', '8009484@wowsru.loc', '12414124@wowsru.loc', '4679742@wowsru.loc', 'ids_chat_channel_offtop@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', 'wargamingfm@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', '1559899_1454784666@user-rooms.wows.wowsru.loc', 'ids_chat_channel_questions@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', '63671710@wowsru.loc', '5651230@wowsru.loc', '1559899@wowsru.loc', '48007201@wowsru.loc', '6878512@wowsru.loc', '64052394@wowsru.loc', 'ids_chat_channel_search_div@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', '58574566@wowsru.loc', '4719392_1447787513@user-rooms.wows.wowsru.loc'],) [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:50] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence(), ('', '', 0) [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:50] [NUT] AccountsRequest __response, [(47041, 'WONDERFUL_SHOT', 12, 0, 1463997729), (6332290, 'zloy_nyb', 12, 0, 1464421725), (427140, 'Kapitan_Slip', 12, 0, 1464285451), (8804682, 'mishania1235', 12, 0, 1463925150), (8009484, 'SD_D', 12, 0, 1464117201), (2715866, 'BCEM_PPC', 12, 0, 1464418481), (1559899, 'AIRBORNE_161', 12, 0, 1460114623), (63671710, '6aToH4uK_', 12, 0, 1464380706), (3480927, 'Doc_Maximov', 12, 0, 1464432937), (48007201, 'CRIMEA_Haru6aLLIka', 12, 0, 1463780747), (22102814, 'bagfrag1', 12, 0, 1460487063), (58574566, '1tim1_2015', 12, 0, 1464293769), (64052394, 'Lady_Diana_Diversantka', 12, 0, 1464426838), (12414124, 'M_a_n_t_i_s', 12, 0, 1464199836), (6878512, 'Tylendor', 12, 0, 1464024410), (34411633, 'cblH_BouHa', 12, 0, 1463541667), (2115378, 'longxvost', 12, 0, 1461160136), (671987, 'Skunner', 12, 0, 1464285824), (5651230, 'Shkiper2222', 12, 0, 1464375996), (242294, 'PANZER_DIKLONIUS', 12, 0, 1463333213), (756279, '11Paul11', 12, 0, 1464432703), (46719994, 'yushkov8249', 12, 0, 1463790981), (448253, 'AndRyu_47', 12, 0, 1464425279), (4679742, 'alex30279', 12, 0, 1464276886)] 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:50] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, ('173 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:50] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, (1, [{'importance': 2, 'typeId': 42, 'dt': 1464433409, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': False, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (8000, 0), 'camoStor': False, 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4279219920L, 'flagsBuyFail': False}}]) [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:50] (, 70665289920581, 61): handleBanInfo:, ({'banId': '14643763953', 'reason': '"\xd0\x98\xd1\x81\xd0\xbf\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbb\xd1\x8c\xd0\xb7\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd1\x80\xd0\xbc\xd0\xb0\xd1\x82\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb9 \xd0\xbb\xd0\xb5\xd0\xba\xd1\x81\xd0\xb8\xd0\xba\xd0\xb8/ \xd0\xbe\xd1\x81\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd1\x80\xd0\xb1\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd1\x8f" \xe2\x80\x93 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd1\x80\xd1\x83\xd1\x88\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xbf\xd1\x83\xd0\xbd\xd0\xba\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0 1 \xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb7\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb0 1 \xd0\x9f\xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb8\xd0\xbb \xd0\xb8\xd0\xb3\xd1\x80\xd1\x8b (R)', 'expiry': 1464635520L},) [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:50] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence(), ('8752339@wowsru.loc/wows', 'ONE___VP', 0) [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:50] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, ('174 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:50] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, (1, [{'importance': 2, 'typeId': 17476, 'dt': 1464433409, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'item': ('consumable', 4284653488L), 'shipID': 4279219920L, 'numItems': 1, 'partnerID': 30460046966617618L}}]) [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:50] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, ('174 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:50] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, (1, [{'importance': 2, 'typeId': 17476, 'dt': 1464433409, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'item': ('consumable', 4282556336L), 'shipID': 4279219920L, 'numItems': 1, 'partnerID': 30460046966617618L}}]) [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:51] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, ('129 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:51] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, (1, [{'importance': 2, 'typeId': 55, 'dt': 1464433409, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'fail': False, 'shipId': 4279219920L, 'cost': (22500, 0)}}]) [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:51] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, ('628 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:51] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, (1, [{'importance': 2, 'typeId': 5, 'dt': 1464433409, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'achievements': ((4290962352L, 1),), 'expPenalty': 0, 'tasks': {'10688_q02': {'count': (2, 0), 'progress': (0.5, 0.0), 2: {'count': (0, 0)}, 3: {'count': (2, 0)}, 'name': u'\u0411\u0435\u0433\u043b\u044b\u0439 \u043e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c'}, '10688_q03': {'count': (9, 0), 'progress': (0, 0), 2: {'count': (0, 1)}, 'name': u'\u0411\u043e\u0435\u0432\u0430\u044f \u044d\u0444\u0444\u0435\u043a\u0442\u0438\u0432\u043d\u043e\u0441\u0442\u044c'}, '10688_q01': {'count': (3, 0), 'progress': (0.1, 0.1), 2: {'count': (1, 1)}, 3: {'count': (0, 0)}, 'name': u'\u0422\u044f\u0436\u0451\u043b\u043e\u0435 \u0432\u043e\u043e\u0440\u0443\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'}}, 'shipsKilled': 1.0, 'arenaUniqueID': 30460046966617618L, 'battleTypeId': 5, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'mapTypeId': 18, 'credits': 212903, 'result': 1, 'exp': 3893, 'dailics_info': {}, 'shipId': 4279219920L, 'battleCreateTime': 1464432146, 'accLeveling': (12, 12, 13289065, 3893), 'aogasFactor': 1.0}}]) [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:51] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 42, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PJSA015', 'flagsAutorechargeCompleted': 0, 'isElite': False, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_EXTERIOR_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2, 'camouflageAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'idInGroup': 1, 'groupId': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_AIRCARRIER', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'shipType': 'AirCarrier', 'stypeIdent': 'AirCarrier', 'dt': 1464433409, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': False, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (8000, 0), 'camoStor': False, 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4279219920L, 'flagsBuyFail': False}, 'uiSpecial': False} __addInfoToMessage {'sourceId': 0, 'typeId': 52, 'data': {'slot': 30460046966617618L, 'shipId': 4279219920L, 'abilId': 4284653488L}} __addInfoToMessage {'sourceId': 0, 'typeId': 52, 'data': {'slot': 30460046966617618L, 'shipId': 4279219920L, 'abilId': 4282556336L}} __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 55, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PJSA015', 'groupId': 1, 'isElite': False, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_ABILITY_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 8, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_AIRCARRIER', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'cost': (22500, 0), 'shipType': 'AirCarrier', 'costNeed': (0, 0), 'stypeIdent': 'AirCarrier', 'dt': 1464433409, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'fail': False, 'shipId': 4279219920L, 'cost': (22500, 0)}, 'uiSpecial': False} SYS_MESSAGE_TYPE.BATTLE_RESULTS [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:51] key achievements value ((4290962352L, 1),) [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:51] key expPenalty value 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:51] key tasks value {'10688_q02': {'count': (2, 0), 'progress': (0.5, 0.0), 2: {'count': (0, 0)}, 3: {'count': (2, 0)}, 'name': u'\u0411\u0435\u0433\u043b\u044b\u0439 \u043e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c'}, '10688_q03': {'count': (9, 0), 'progress': (0, 0), 2: {'count': (0, 1)}, 'name': u'\u0411\u043e\u0435\u0432\u0430\u044f \u044d\u0444\u0444\u0435\u043a\u0442\u0438\u0432\u043d\u043e\u0441\u0442\u044c'}, '10688_q01': {'count': (3, 0), 'progress': (0.1, 0.1), 2: {'count': (1, 1)}, 3: {'count': (0, 0)}, 'name': u'\u0422\u044f\u0436\u0451\u043b\u043e\u0435 \u0432\u043e\u043e\u0440\u0443\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'}} [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:51] key shipsKilled value 1.0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:51] key arenaUniqueID value 30460046966617618 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:51] key battleTypeId value 5 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:51] key teamBuildTypeId value 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:51] key creditsPenalty value 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:51] key creditsCompensation value 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:51] key mapTypeId value 18 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:51] key credits value 212903 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:51] key result value 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:51] key exp value 3893 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:51] key dailics_info value {} [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:51] key shipId value 4279219920 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:51] key battleCreateTime value 1464432146 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:51] key accLeveling value (12, 12, 13289065, 3893) [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:51] key aogasFactor value 1.0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:51] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 5, 'exp': 3893, 'tasks': {'10688_q02': {2: {'count': (0, 0)}, 3: {'count': (2, 0)}, 'name': u'\u0411\u0435\u0433\u043b\u044b\u0439 \u043e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c'}, '10688_q03': {2: {'count': (0, 1)}, 'name': u'\u0411\u043e\u0435\u0432\u0430\u044f \u044d\u0444\u0444\u0435\u043a\u0442\u0438\u0432\u043d\u043e\u0441\u0442\u044c'}, '10688_q01': {2: {'count': (1, 1)}, 3: {'count': (0, 0)}}}, 'aogasFactor': 1.0, 'mapBGPath': '../maps_bg/37_Ridge.png', 'earnedAchievements': [{'amount': 1, 'id': 4290962352L}], 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_BATTLE_RESULTS_1', 'result': 1, 'shipId': 4279219920L, 'uiSpecial': False, 'mapTypeId': 18, 'accountLeveling': {'expGained': 3893, 'currLevel': 12, 'prevLevel': 12, 'currLevelExp': 167500, 'expTotal': 13292958, 'nextLevelExp': 167500}, 'mapName': 'IDS_SPACES/37_RIDGE', 'battleTypeId': 5, 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'achievements': ((4290962352L, 1),), 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PJSA015', 'shipsKilled': 1.0, 'importance': 2, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_AIRCARRIER', 'credits': 212903, 'isElite': False, 'date': '28.05.2016 14:42', 'dt': 1464433409, 'groupId': 3, 'accLeveling': (12, 12, 13289065, 3893), 'expPenalty': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 30460046966617618L, 'sourceId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'shipType': 'AirCarrier', 'quests': [{'maxProgress': 100, 'day': 28, 'monthIDS': 'IDS_MONTH_5', 'battleProgress': 10.0, 'type': 'challenge', 'id': '10688_q01', 'titleText': u'\u0422\u044f\u0436\u0451\u043b\u043e\u0435 \u0432\u043e\u043e\u0440\u0443\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435', 'currentProgress': 10.0}], 'dailics_info': {}, 'stypeIdent': 'AirCarrier', 'postponed': False, 'battleCreateTime': 1464432146} BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_main_ap default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:51] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_main_ap default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:51] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_main_he default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:51] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_main_he default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:51] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:51] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:51] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:51] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:51] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tpd default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:51] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tpd default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:51] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_tpd default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:51] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:51] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:51] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:51] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:51] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:51] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:51] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:51] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:51] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:51] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:51] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:51] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:51] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:51] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:51] isDone id 10688_q01 count 3 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:51] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:53] ping&FPS: True 0.121174927269 0.001 520.922971654 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:11:58] ping&FPS: True 0.0562896983964 164.923181097 520.922971654 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:12:03] ping&FPS: True 0.0510217951877 134.92318828 520.922971654 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:12:05] (, 70665289920581, 61): ClientLobbySpace is creating [S] [2016_05_28 14:12:07] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:12:07] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 14:12:07] isDone id 10688_q03 count 9 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:12:07] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 14:12:07] isDone id 10688_q01 count 3 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:12:07] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 14:12:07] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:12:07] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 14:12:07] isDone id 10688_q03 count 9 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:12:07] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 14:12:07] isDone id 10688_q01 count 3 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:12:07] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 14:12:07] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2016_05_28 14:12:07] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 14:12:08] ping&FPS: True 0.0569719927652 967.923234309 520.922971654 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:12:08] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': 0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2016_05_28 14:12:08] [NUT] InteractiveMessageSystem: __onSelectedMessageChanged selectedEntityId None [S] [2016_05_28 14:12:08] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': -1.0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2016_05_28 14:12:08] [NUT] InteractiveMessageSystem: __onSelectedMessageChanged selectedEntityId None [A] [2016_05_28 14:12:08] CollisionModel::load: Error loading collision model content/gameplay/japan/ship/aircarrier/JSA036_Taiho_1945/JSA036_Taiho_1945_MidBack! [A] [2016_05_28 14:12:08] CollisionModel::load: Error loading collision model content/gameplay/japan/ship/aircarrier/JSA036_Taiho_1945/JSA036_Taiho_1945_Stern! [S] [2016_05_28 14:12:11] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2016_05_28 14:12:13] ping&FPS: True 0.0485768722636 134.923270229 520.922971654 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:12:15] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:12:15] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 14:12:15] isDone id 10688_q03 count 9 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:12:15] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 14:12:15] isDone id 10688_q01 count 3 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:12:15] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 14:12:16] (, 70665289920581, 61): ExternalInterfaceCallback "ControllerResearchModuleInset.ready" not found, ((0,),) [S] [2016_05_28 14:12:16] (, 70665289920581, 61): [S] [2016_05_28 14:12:18] ping&FPS: True 0.040700662349 221.923373628 520.922971654 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:12:23] ping&FPS: True 0.0420076729996 135.923468809 520.922971654 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:12:28] ping&FPS: True 0.0498329060418 147.923531252 520.922971654 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:12:32] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:12:32] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 14:12:32] isDone id 10688_q03 count 9 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:12:32] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 14:12:32] isDone id 10688_q01 count 3 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:12:32] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 14:12:32] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2016_05_28 14:12:33] ping&FPS: True 0.0439026834709 151.92355119 520.922971654 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:12:39] ping&FPS: True 0.0486484723432 889.923593867 520.922971654 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:12:39] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 14:12:44] ping&FPS: True 0.0501332240445 135.923676606 520.922971654 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:12:49] ping&FPS: True 0.0411435397608 138.923706572 520.922971654 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:12:49] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 14:12:54] ping&FPS: True 0.0454162689192 134.923769351 520.922971654 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:12:58] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:12:58] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 14:12:58] isDone id 10688_q03 count 9 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:12:58] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 14:12:58] isDone id 10688_q01 count 3 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:12:58] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 14:12:58] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 14:12:59] ping&FPS: True 0.0451236324651 158.92377099 520.922971654 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:13:01] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:13:01] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 14:13:01] isDone id 10688_q03 count 9 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:13:01] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 14:13:01] isDone id 10688_q01 count 3 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:13:01] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 14:13:01] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 14:13:04] ping&FPS: True 0.0458598243339 134.923862751 520.922971654 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:13:05] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2016_05_28 14:13:09] ping&FPS: True 0.0500089632613 151.923953194 520.922971654 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:13:14] ping&FPS: True 0.0508728878839 151.924016077 520.922971654 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:13:20] ping&FPS: True 0.0515492292387 149.924085754 520.922971654 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:13:25] ping&FPS: True 0.0513928788049 134.924178007 520.922971654 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:13:30] ping&FPS: True 0.0508959399802 153.924248505 520.922971654 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:13:35] ping&FPS: True 0.0543947475297 151.924282733 520.922971654 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:13:40] ping&FPS: True 0.0513178812606 147.924347754 520.922971654 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:13:45] ping&FPS: True 0.0507342623813 155.924431953 520.922971654 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:13:50] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:13:50] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 14:13:50] isDone id 10688_q03 count 9 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:13:50] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 14:13:50] isDone id 10688_q01 count 3 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:13:50] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 14:13:50] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 14:13:51] ping&FPS: True 0.0485402452094 795.924495648 520.922971654 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:13:55] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2016_05_28 14:13:56] ping&FPS: True 0.0501525657518 117.924542028 520.922971654 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:14:00] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:14:00] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 14:14:00] isDone id 10688_q03 count 9 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:14:00] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 14:14:00] isDone id 10688_q01 count 3 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:14:00] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 14:14:00] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 14:14:01] ping&FPS: True 0.0488683166248 592.924653921 520.922971654 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:14:04] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:14:04] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 14:14:04] isDone id 10688_q03 count 9 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:14:04] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 14:14:04] isDone id 10688_q01 count 3 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:14:04] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 14:14:04] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 14:14:04] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2016_05_28 14:14:06] ping&FPS: True 0.0512900235397 163.924715559 520.922971654 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:14:09] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetAccountStats, ('0 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 14:14:09] md79a786.applyStatsDiff(): {'karma': 173} [S] [2016_05_28 14:14:11] ping&FPS: True 0.0390828656299 309.92480814 520.922971654 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:14:12] [Scaleform] Warning: instance26229.setImageSubstitutions() failed for #86 element - length of subString should not exceed 15 characters [S] [2016_05_28 14:14:12] [Scaleform] Warning: instance26232.setImageSubstitutions() failed for #86 element - length of subString should not exceed 15 characters [S] [2016_05_28 14:14:14] [Scaleform] Warning: instance26354.setImageSubstitutions() failed for #86 element - length of subString should not exceed 15 characters [S] [2016_05_28 14:14:16] Account.enqueue(): 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:14:16] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4276041424 4 [S] [2016_05_28 14:14:16] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 14:14:16] onEnqueued() QueueType: 1 ShipId: 4276041424 [S] [2016_05_28 14:14:18] ping&FPS: True 0.038444328521 2020.92488545 520.922971654 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:14:18] (, 70665289920581, 61): handleBanInfo:, ({'banId': '14643763953', 'reason': '"\xd0\x98\xd1\x81\xd0\xbf\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbb\xd1\x8c\xd0\xb7\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd1\x80\xd0\xbc\xd0\xb0\xd1\x82\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb9 \xd0\xbb\xd0\xb5\xd0\xba\xd1\x81\xd0\xb8\xd0\xba\xd0\xb8/ \xd0\xbe\xd1\x81\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd1\x80\xd0\xb1\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd1\x8f" \xe2\x80\x93 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd1\x80\xd1\x83\xd1\x88\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xbf\xd1\x83\xd0\xbd\xd0\xba\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0 1 \xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb7\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb0 1 \xd0\x9f\xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb8\xd0\xbb \xd0\xb8\xd0\xb3\xd1\x80\xd1\x8b (R)', 'expiry': 1464635520L},) [S] [2016_05_28 14:14:18] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence(), ('8752339@wowsru.loc/wows', 'ONE___VP', 2) [S] [2016_05_28 14:14:23] ping&FPS: True 0.0504389809711 130.925067858 520.922971654 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:14:29] ping&FPS: True 0.0522354053599 172.925068991 520.922971654 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:14:34] ping&FPS: True 0.050104241286 151.925058143 520.922971654 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:14:39] ping&FPS: True 0.0494068743927 134.925042035 520.922971654 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:14:44] ping&FPS: True 0.0514102312071 168.925027074 520.922971654 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:14:49] ping&FPS: True 0.0485217826707 113.925013156 520.922971654 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:14:50] [NUT] PlayersAccountsSystem __request, set([47041, 6332290, 427140, 8804682, 8009484, 2715866, 1559899, 63671710, 3480927, 48007201, 5651230, 58574566, 64052394, 12414124, 6878512, 34411633, 2115378, 671987, 22102814, 242294, 756279, 46719994, 448253, 4679742]) [S] [2016_05_28 14:14:50] [NUT] AccountsRequest __response, [(47041, 'WONDERFUL_SHOT', 12, 0, 1463997729), (6332290, 'zloy_nyb', 12, 0, 1464421725), (427140, 'Kapitan_Slip', 12, 0, 1464285451), (8804682, 'mishania1235', 12, 0, 1463925150), (8009484, 'SD_D', 12, 0, 1464117201), (2715866, 'BCEM_PPC', 12, 0, 1464418481), (1559899, 'AIRBORNE_161', 12, 0, 1460114623), (63671710, '6aToH4uK_', 12, 0, 1464380706), (3480927, 'Doc_Maximov', 12, 0, 1464432937), (48007201, 'CRIMEA_Haru6aLLIka', 12, 0, 1463780747), (22102814, 'bagfrag1', 12, 0, 1460487063), (58574566, '1tim1_2015', 12, 0, 1464293769), (64052394, 'Lady_Diana_Diversantka', 12, 0, 1464426838), (12414124, 'M_a_n_t_i_s', 12, 0, 1464199836), (6878512, 'Tylendor', 12, 0, 1464024410), (34411633, 'cblH_BouHa', 12, 0, 1463541667), (2115378, 'longxvost', 12, 0, 1461160136), (671987, 'Skunner', 12, 0, 1464285824), (5651230, 'Shkiper2222', 12, 0, 1464375996), (242294, 'PANZER_DIKLONIUS', 12, 0, 1463333213), (756279, '11Paul11', 12, 0, 1464432703), (46719994, 'yushkov8249', 12, 0, 1463790981), (448253, 'AndRyu_47', 12, 0, 1464425279), (4679742, 'alex30279', 12, 0, 1464276886)] 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:14:54] ping&FPS: True 0.0508406939251 134.924998911 520.922971654 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:14:59] ping&FPS: True 0.0522045078022 168.924982743 520.922971654 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:15:04] ping&FPS: True 0.0481083201511 134.924967678 520.922971654 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:15:09] ping&FPS: True 0.0497533487422 134.924953268 520.922971654 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:15:14] ping&FPS: True 0.0507144512875 134.924938963 520.922971654 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:15:15] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence(), ('2715866@wowsru.loc/wows', 'BCEM_PPC', 0) [S] [2016_05_28 14:15:15] [NUT] __updateUserPresence contacts 2715866 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:15:19] ping&FPS: True 0.0518440487129 168.924923883 520.922971654 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:15:25] ping&FPS: True 0.0501103507621 133.924905309 520.922971654 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:15:30] ping&FPS: True 0.0520702855928 151.924886787 520.922971654 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:15:35] ping&FPS: True 0.049287791763 168.924866238 520.922971654 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:15:40] ping&FPS: True 0.0505773009998 135.924848103 520.922971654 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:15:45] ping&FPS: True 0.0501581238849 134.924826735 520.922971654 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:15:50] ping&FPS: True 0.0509382443769 147.92480736 520.922971654 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:15:54] onPrepareingForBattle() [S] [2016_05_28 14:15:54] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4276041424 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:15:54] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 14:15:55] ping&FPS: True 0.0516127454383 147.924791779 520.922971654 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:00] ping&FPS: True 0.0509739475591 134.924772273 520.922971654 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:02] onGameRoomStateInit mapIdx = 18 battleType = 62 gameMode = StandDom duration=1200 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:05] ping&FPS: True 0.0501726823194 147.924756433 520.922971654 0 [E] [2016_05_28 14:16:09] Can only call base methods on the connected entity [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:09] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:10] (, 70665289920581, 61): Lobby destroy started. [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:10] (, 70665289920581, 61): Lobby successfully destroyed. [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:10] onArenaStateReceived: teams info: [None, None] [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:10] (, 51820444204590, 546): Thresholds for team 0: Win: 910 Lose: 130 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:10] (, 51820444204590, 546): Thresholds for team 1: Win: 910 Lose: 130 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:10] MissionsComponent: #0 ControlPointHoldMission; reward = 0; penalty = 0; controlPoints = [4, 0]; delay = 0; repeat = 6; repeatReward = 2; repeatPenalty = 0 #1 CaptureControlPointMission; reward = 1000; penalty = 0; controlPoints = [4, 0] #2 KillEnemyOfSpecificShipTypeMission; reward = 30; penalty = 45; shipType = Destroyer; rewardPerType = 0; penaltyPerType = 0 #3 KillEnemyOfSpecificShipTypeMission; reward = 35; penalty = 50; shipType = Cruiser; rewardPerType = 0; penaltyPerType = 0 #4 KillEnemyOfSpecificShipTypeMission; reward = 40; penalty = 60; shipType = Battleship; rewardPerType = 0; penaltyPerType = 0 #5 KillEnemyOfSpecificShipTypeMission; reward = 45; penalty = 65; shipType = AirCarrier; rewardPerType = 0; penaltyPerType = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:10] Mission tasks available! [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:10] Battle waiting start: 5.0 / 3846.01099617 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:10] Avatar.receiveAvatarInfo: {'evaluationsLeft': {0: 5, 1: 5}} [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:10] Avatar.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:10] name ONE___VP [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:10] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:10] Avatar onControlled False [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:10] onControlled->False: not implemented [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:13] onGeometryMapped() MapName: %s 37_Ridge [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:13] teamBuildType: 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:13] player: Id: 6981252 Name: Largeo TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASA012_Lexington_1944' [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:13] player: Id: 6391685 Name: Leviafant TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSC034_Zao_1944' [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:13] player: Id: 6954249 Name: vitfrans TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSB013_Amagi_1942' [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:13] player: Id: 6472716 Name: BoSS_Pancer TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSA017_Hakuryu_1942' [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:13] player: Id: 6941069 Name: Fofan72 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSD012_Shimakaze_1943' [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:13] player: Id: 6562577 Name: Anatolievic TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASD008_Benson_1945' [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:13] player: Id: 6833298 Name: ONE___VP TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSB018_Yamato_1944' [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:13] player: Id: 6279958 Name: Kurs747 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSB002_Tirpiz_1942' [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:13] player: Id: 6386583 Name: NIPTUN666 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSD007_Fubuki_1944' [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:13] player: Id: 6693020 Name: nanuk TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSC110_Hindenburg' [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:13] player: Id: 6909730 Name: serjantBB TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASD021_Fletcher_1943' [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:13] player: Id: 6456631 Name: bogda7 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSC109_Roon' [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:13] player: Id: 6941068 Name: Givati21 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB018_Iowa_1944' [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:13] player: Id: 7060416 Name: nkv_bin TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSB021_Izumo_1938' [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:13] player: Id: 6657732 Name: Temker TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSB021_Izumo_1938' [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:13] player: Id: 7019788 Name: RenamedUser_7581041 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSC009_Mogami_1935' [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:13] player: Id: 6665170 Name: vadim_2611 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSC110_Hindenburg' [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:13] player: Id: 6927827 Name: vasya858_1 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSC034_Zao_1944' [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:13] player: Id: 7194453 Name: __Mop9I4oK__ TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSD007_Fubuki_1944' [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:13] player: Id: 6897110 Name: WoWS_Eldo_4 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSC110_Pr_66_Moskva' [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:13] player: Id: 6952537 Name: RbbT TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSB018_Yamato_1944' [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:13] player: Id: 6833771 Name: ANDRO_83 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSA017_Hakuryu_1942' [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:13] player: Id: 6825981 Name: Draugr22 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASA012_Lexington_1944' [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:13] player: Id: 6815049 Name: Sharopat TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSD012_Shimakaze_1943' [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:13] [DEBUG] BattleLoadingContext: geometry mapped [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:13] BattleDataContext.__onEnterSpace [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:13] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (6721246, 0, 0, 6954648, 1464433662742L, False, False) [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:13] m418a81c.updatePreBattles (6721246, 0, 0, 6954648, 1464433662742L, False, False) [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:13] m418a81c.updatePreBattles1 {6721246: PreBattleInfo: id: 6721246, inPortPlayers: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 6954648, creationTime 1464433662742, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:13] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (6721246, 0, 0, 6954648, 1464433662742L, False, False) [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:13] m418a81c.updatePreBattles (6721246, 0, 0, 6954648, 1464433662742L, False, False) [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:13] m418a81c.updatePreBattles1 {6721246: PreBattleInfo: id: 6721246, inPortPlayers: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 6954648, creationTime 1464433662742, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:13] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (6721246, 0, 0, 6954648, 1464433662742L, False, True) [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:13] m418a81c.updatePreBattles (6721246, 0, 0, 6954648, 1464433662742L, False, True) [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:13] m418a81c.updatePreBattles1 {6721246: PreBattleInfo: id: 6721246, inPortPlayers: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 6954648, creationTime 1464433662742, hidden False, locked True } [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:13] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (6721246, 0, 0, 6954634, 1464433662742L, False, True) [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:13] m418a81c.updatePreBattles (6721246, 0, 0, 6954634, 1464433662742L, False, True) [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:13] m418a81c.updatePreBattles1 {6721246: PreBattleInfo: id: 6721246, inPortPlayers: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 6954634, creationTime 1464433662742, hidden False, locked True } [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:13] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (6721246, 0, 0, 6954634, 1464433662742L, False, True) [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:13] m418a81c.updatePreBattles (6721246, 0, 0, 6954634, 1464433662742L, False, True) [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:13] m418a81c.updatePreBattles1 {6721246: PreBattleInfo: id: 6721246, inPortPlayers: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 6954634, creationTime 1464433662742, hidden False, locked True } [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:13] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (6721246, 0, 0, 6954634, 1464433662742L, False, True) [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:13] m418a81c.updatePreBattles (6721246, 0, 0, 6954634, 1464433662742L, False, True) [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:13] m418a81c.updatePreBattles1 {6721246: PreBattleInfo: id: 6721246, inPortPlayers: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 6954634, creationTime 1464433662742, hidden False, locked True } [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:14] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:14] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:14] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:14] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:14] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:14] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:14] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:14] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:14] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:14] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:14] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:14] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:14] ping&FPS: True 0.0972344385726 0.001 520.922971654 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:14] ping&FPS: False 0.0972344385726 0.001 0.001 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:14] Battle countdown start: 60.0 / 3850.5819962 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:16] [BAT] __initBasePoints points [, ] [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:16] [BAT] x 0.562499814034 y 0.250000190735 VISIBLE True [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:16] [BAT] x 0.562499814034 y 0.749999752045 VISIBLE True [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:16] [Scaleform] Warning: instance26517.setImageSubstitutions() failed for #86 element - length of subString should not exceed 15 characters [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:18] ping&FPS: True 0.0679830121143 1969.92476513 155.924757171 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:18] ping&FPS: False 0.059962581311 53.9247575434 53.9247575434 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:19] ping&FPS: True 0.0613310443504 235.924760144 151.92476074 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:19] ping&FPS: False 0.0489520238979 27.924760844 27.924760844 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:22] ping&FPS: True 0.059685628329 213.92477985 133.924776602 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:22] ping&FPS: False 0.053360994373 65.9247811916 65.9247811916 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:23] ping&FPS: True 0.0556658314807 216.92478371 147.924783695 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:23] ping&FPS: False 0.0520079391343 78.9247853192 78.9247853192 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:24] ping&FPS: True 0.0584914492709 252.924790155 150.924787964 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:24] ping&FPS: False 0.0499634774668 142.924791615 168.924791615 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:26] ping&FPS: True 0.0600648777825 205.924798037 131.9247961 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:27] ping&FPS: False 0.0560610549791 91.9247999149 91.9247999149 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:28] ping&FPS: True 0.0527595611555 244.92480364 91.924802761 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:28] ping&FPS: False 0.04374239168 121.924802985 121.924802985 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:29] ping&FPS: True 0.0588420437915 249.924805443 136.924805607 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:29] ping&FPS: False 0.0432811560375 112.9248089 112.9248089 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:30] ping&FPS: True 0.0551569568259 226.924808718 129.924807064 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:30] ping&FPS: False 0.0498022841556 143.924807943 143.924807943 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:34] ping&FPS: True 0.0491029726607 224.924803249 147.924803785 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:34] ping&FPS: False 0.0429712193353 65.9248045901 65.9248045901 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:35] ping&FPS: True 0.049964840923 203.924817748 168.924812413 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:35] ping&FPS: False 0.041672195707 120.924815066 120.924815066 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:36] ping&FPS: True 0.0554065661771 240.924813039 122.924816541 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:36] ping&FPS: False 0.0489684971316 120.924813151 120.924813151 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:37] ping&FPS: True 0.0574632989509 212.924816876 156.924815654 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:37] ping&FPS: False 0.0477874907 142.924814075 142.924814075 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:41] ping&FPS: True 0.0576820181949 271.924825206 138.924827352 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:41] ping&FPS: False 0.0627709435565 182.924827098 182.924827098 0 [A] [2016_05_28 14:16:41] CollisionModel::load: Error loading collision model content/gameplay/japan/ship/destroyer/JSD019_Fubuki_1943/JSD019_Fubuki_1943_Bow! [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:42] ping&FPS: True 0.0541158126933 250.924837857 133.924830406 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:43] ping&FPS: False 0.052123877619 66.9248518342 66.9248518342 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:43] ping&FPS: True 0.0527206095202 233.924859635 78.9248596275 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:44] ping&FPS: False 0.0457054483039 53.9248608718 53.9248608718 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:44] ping&FPS: True 0.0532769741757 241.924865893 147.924869231 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:44] ping&FPS: False 0.0441788615925 28.9248658264 28.9248658264 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:44] [Weather][43944] onEnterWorld (map spaces/37_Ridge, scheme 0, weather 0) [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:44] ping&FPS: True 0.0518496515495 219.924871921 28.9248658264 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:45] ping&FPS: False 0.0453077288611 78.9248735303 78.9248735303 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:45] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:45] id 6954609 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:45] name Largeo [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:45] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:45] @ launchpadAppeared 6954609 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:45] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:45] id 6954631 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:45] name serjantBB [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:45] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:45] ping&FPS: True 0.0547161506755 205.924887202 166.924879677 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:45] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:45] id 6954611 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:45] name Leviafant [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:45] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:46] @ launchpadAppeared 6954611 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:46] ping&FPS: False 0.0493909376008 76.9248884836 76.9248884836 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:46] ping&FPS: True 0.0487493234021 205.924899481 161.924897544 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:46] ping&FPS: False 0.0425964700324 52.9249005536 52.9249005536 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:47] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:47] id 6954619 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:47] name BoSS_Pancer [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:47] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:47] @ launchpadAppeared 6954619 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:47] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:47] id 6954655 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:47] name Sharopat [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:47] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:47] ping&FPS: True 0.0541580723865 209.924909204 124.924904748 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:47] ping&FPS: False 0.0509038748486 91.9249110813 91.9249110813 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:47] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:47] id 6954637 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:47] name Temker [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:47] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:47] @ launchpadAppeared 6954637 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:48] ping&FPS: True 0.0553093211991 356.924928769 136.924918845 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:48] ping&FPS: False 0.0500045525176 133.92493008 133.92493008 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:49] ping&FPS: True 0.052197370146 211.924946725 134.924945667 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:49] ping&FPS: False 0.048035006438 192.924948394 192.924948394 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:50] ping&FPS: True 0.058131392513 287.924964114 146.924961775 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:50] id 6954639 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:50] name Givati21 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:50] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:50] @ launchpadAppeared 6954639 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:50] ping&FPS: False 0.0550182270152 130.924959346 130.924959346 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:50] id 6954623 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:50] name ONE___VP [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:50] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:50] @ launchpadAppeared 6954623 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:50] client.Vehicle.setAmmoArtilleryGun [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:50] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:50] Avatar.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:50] ! A.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:50] m7ae8a4d.init [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:50] @ launchpadAppeared 6954623 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:50] BattleDataContext.__onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:50] -- GUNS ----------------------------------------- [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:50] {0: {'position': {'y': 1.0, 'x': 1.0}, 'rotation': 0.0, 'gunPositionId': 0}, 1: {'position': {'y': 1.0, 'x': 2.0}, 'rotation': 0.0, 'gunPositionId': 1}, 2: {'position': {'y': 1.0, 'x': 5.0}, 'rotation': 3.1415927410125732, 'gunPositionId': 2}} [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:50] -- GUNS ----------------------------------------- [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:50] {} [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:50] ping&FPS: True 0.0562728749854 223.924966856 141.924961969 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:51] ! PM.refreshAirArmament [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:51] m7ae8a4d.restore [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:51] Avatar.onWorldStateReceived [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:51] ping&FPS: False 0.0418810801847 162.924974784 162.924974784 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:51] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:51] id 6954615 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:51] name RenamedUser_7581041 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:51] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:51] @ launchpadAppeared 6954615 [A] [2016_05_28 14:16:51] CollisionModel::load: Error loading collision model content/gameplay/japan/ship/destroyer/JSD013_Fubuki_1942/JSD013_Fubuki_1942_Bow! [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:51] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:51] id 6954645 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:51] name __Mop9I4oK__ [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:51] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:52] ping&FPS: True 0.0502270268542 209.924993038 143.92498672 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:52] ping&FPS: False 0.0459935771567 65.9249943787 65.9249943787 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:53] ping&FPS: True 0.0654312776668 208.925015285 146.925010994 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:53] ping&FPS: False 0.0544327305896 78.9250168944 78.9250168944 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:55] ping&FPS: True 0.0546832638127 241.925068594 152.925064481 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:55] ping&FPS: False 0.0454221325261 136.925075985 136.925075985 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:56] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:56] id 6954633 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:56] name bogda7 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:56] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:56] @ launchpadAppeared 6954633 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:56] ping&FPS: True 0.0438605057342 220.925086416 162.925087608 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:56] ping&FPS: False 0.0556154357535 187.925091922 187.925091922 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:56] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:56] id 6954641 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:56] name vadim_2611 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:56] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:56] @ launchpadAppeared 6954641 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:57] ping&FPS: True 0.0600214557988 208.925108082 97.9251056532 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:57] ping&FPS: False 0.0453161703689 147.925107963 147.925107963 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:57] ping&FPS: True 0.0470863761646 222.925112865 92.9251100043 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:16:57] ping&FPS: False 0.0411679180605 52.9251139382 52.9251139382 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:17:01] ping&FPS: True 0.055238957916 225.925196878 125.925193525 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:17:01] ping&FPS: False 0.0478515433414 53.9251981149 53.9251981149 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:17:02] ping&FPS: True 0.0558052318437 235.925225242 140.925216525 0 [E] [2016_05_28 14:17:02] [DECAL] decal's texture 'maps/decals/37_Ridge/37_Ridge_LA_04_alpha_a.dds' has the wrong size, it should be a power of two size texture. [S] [2016_05_28 14:17:02] ping&FPS: False 0.0614108996732 185.925229489 185.925229489 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:17:07] ping&FPS: True 0.0634340005262 214.925351507 137.925349958 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:17:07] ping&FPS: False 0.0546156125409 82.9253528411 82.9253528411 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:17:10] ping&FPS: True 0.0595526205642 333.925367705 153.925366207 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:17:10] ("[ERROR] FeedbackController: config {event: 'Sound', container: 'screenplay_trigger'} must set 'type'",) [S] [2016_05_28 14:17:10] ("[ERROR] FeedbackController: config {event: 'Sound', container: 'five_minutes_left'} must set 'type'",) [S] [2016_05_28 14:17:10] ('[ERROR] FeedbackController: empty config for event five_minutes_left',) [S] [2016_05_28 14:17:12] client.Vehicle.setAmmoArtilleryGun [S] [2016_05_28 14:17:12] ping&FPS: False 0.0578284966094 121.925360403 121.925360403 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:17:13] ping&FPS: True 0.0623700278146 939.925370894 121.925360403 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:17:13] ping&FPS: False 0.0584815250976 195.925367467 195.925367467 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:17:14] -= BATTLE STARTED =- [S] [2016_05_28 14:17:15] ping&FPS: True 0.0414038853986 264.925395436 134.925400592 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:17:15] ping&FPS: False 0.0467635872109 159.925401009 159.925401009 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:17:18] ping&FPS: True 0.0406482996685 315.925463989 139.925459854 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:17:18] ping&FPS: False 0.0390781568629 111.925466351 111.925466351 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:17:34] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence(), ('6332290@wowsru.loc/wows', 'zloy_nyb', 2) [S] [2016_05_28 14:17:34] [NUT] __updateUserPresence contacts 6332290 2 [S] [2016_05_28 14:18:15] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:18:15] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:18:15] id 6954647 [S] [2016_05_28 14:18:15] name WoWS_Eldo_4 [S] [2016_05_28 14:18:15] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:18:23] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:18:23] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:18:23] id 6954629 [S] [2016_05_28 14:18:23] name nanuk [S] [2016_05_28 14:18:23] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:18:23] @ launchpadAppeared 6954629 [S] [2016_05_28 14:18:38] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:18:39] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:18:39] id 6954629 [S] [2016_05_28 14:18:39] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 14:18:39] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:18:44] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:18:45] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:18:52] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:18:52] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:18:52] id 6954649 [S] [2016_05_28 14:18:52] name RbbT [S] [2016_05_28 14:18:52] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:18:52] @ launchpadAppeared 6954649 [S] [2016_05_28 14:18:52] ping&FPS: True 0.0445987018091 389.926360659 127.926367677 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:18:53] ping&FPS: False 0.0460096331579 120.926353387 120.926353387 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:18:53] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:18:55] ping&FPS: True 0.036961417113 257.926319412 145.92631454 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:18:55] ping&FPS: False 0.0360159682376 169.926317311 169.926317311 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:18:57] ping&FPS: True 0.0354490759117 236.926314569 156.926305688 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:18:57] ping&FPS: False 0.0313348951084 95.9263161341 180.926316134 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:18:58] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:01] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:03] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:04] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:04] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:04] id 6954635 [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:04] name nkv_bin [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:04] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:04] @ launchpadAppeared 6954635 [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:06] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:07] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:08] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:08] id 6954613 [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:08] name vitfrans [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:08] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:08] @ launchpadAppeared 6954613 [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:08] ping&FPS: True 0.0414136903627 265.926152728 143.926161445 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:08] ping&FPS: False 0.0285021843655 166.926150135 166.926150135 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:11] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:11] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:11] id 6954625 [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:11] name Kurs747 [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:11] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:11] @ launchpadAppeared 6954625 [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:13] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:15] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:15] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:15] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:15] id 6954629 [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:15] name nanuk [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:15] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:15] @ launchpadAppeared 6954629 [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:16] id 6954649 [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:16] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:20] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:21] ping&FPS: True 0.0426881643278 214.926062993 169.926061443 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:21] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:21] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:21] id 6954651 [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:21] name ANDRO_83 [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:21] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:21] @ launchpadAppeared 6954651 [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:21] ping&FPS: False 0.0429368274552 185.926061175 185.926061175 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:28] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:28] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:28] id 6954635 [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:28] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:28] ping&FPS: True 0.0376751231296 397.926153145 111.926142089 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:28] ping&FPS: False 0.0420284824712 187.926155857 187.926155857 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:31] ping&FPS: True 0.0495134698493 346.92618934 132.92618478 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:31] ping&FPS: False 0.041800405298 126.926191367 126.926191367 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:31] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:31] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:31] id 6954649 [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:31] name RbbT [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:31] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:31] @ launchpadAppeared 6954649 [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:31] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:31] id 6954651 [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:31] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:32] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:32] id 6954629 [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:32] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:35] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:35] id 6954625 [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:35] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:35] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:35] id 6954651 [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:35] name ANDRO_83 [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:35] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:35] @ launchpadAppeared 6954651 [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:35] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:35] id 6954629 [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:35] name nanuk [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:35] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:35] @ launchpadAppeared 6954629 [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:37] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:37] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:37] id 6954643 [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:37] name vasya858_1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:37] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:37] @ launchpadAppeared 6954643 [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:42] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:42] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:42] id 6954627 [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:42] name NIPTUN666 [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:42] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:43] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:43] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:43] id 6954635 [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:43] name nkv_bin [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:43] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:43] @ launchpadAppeared 6954635 [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:43] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:44] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:46] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:46] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:48] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:49] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:51] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:52] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:53] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:53] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:55] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:56] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:59] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:19:59] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:02] ping&FPS: True 0.046029280339 234.926246307 68.9262489299 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:02] ping&FPS: False 0.0327988745911 146.926246039 146.926246039 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:02] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:03] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:03] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:04] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:06] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:06] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:06] id 6954625 [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:06] name Kurs747 [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:06] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:06] @ launchpadAppeared 6954625 [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:06] ping&FPS: True 0.0404353397233 202.926287867 138.926288284 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:06] ping&FPS: False 0.0368267702205 76.9262891481 76.9262891481 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:07] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:08] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:09] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:10] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:10] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:11] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:12] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:14] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:16] ping&FPS: True 0.0407579498632 179.92635972 254.92635972 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:16] ping&FPS: False 0.0413474845035 97.926362581 97.926362581 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:16] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:16] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:16] id 6954621 [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:16] name Anatolievic [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:16] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:16] ping&FPS: True 0.0428878175361 249.926360554 97.926362581 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:16] ping&FPS: False 0.045932497297 197.92636118 197.92636118 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:16] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:17] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:17] id 6954625 [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:17] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:17] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:17] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:17] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_post_fire.xml#23203: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:17] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Moskva_foam_post_death.xml#23204: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:17] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Moskva_foam_post_death.xml#23205: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:17] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Moskva_foam_post_death.xml#23206: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:18] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:18] SmokeScreen.onEnterWorld( 165968 ) [(211.077, -10.5973)] [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:19] ping&FPS: True 0.0290451752288 210.926372103 76.9263712088 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:19] ping&FPS: False 0.0243836822254 147.926371984 147.926371984 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:19] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:19] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:20] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:22] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:23] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:23] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:24] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:24] id 6954649 [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:24] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:25] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:25] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:27] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:28] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:28] id 6954627 [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:30] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:30] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:31] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:33] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:33] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:33] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:35] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:37] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:37] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:39] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:40] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:40] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:41] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:41] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:41] id 6954625 [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:41] name Kurs747 [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:41] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:41] @ launchpadAppeared 6954625 [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:42] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:43] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:43] id 6954643 [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:43] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:43] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:43] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:47] id 6954635 [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:47] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:48] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:48] id 6954621 [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:48] id 6954651 [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:48] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:50] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:54] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:54] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:54] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:54] id 6954635 [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:54] name nkv_bin [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:54] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:54] @ launchpadAppeared 6954635 [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:54] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:54] id 6954643 [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:54] name vasya858_1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:54] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:54] @ launchpadAppeared 6954643 [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:54] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:54] id 6954629 [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:54] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:55] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:55] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:58] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:58] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:58] id 6954627 [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:58] name NIPTUN666 [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:58] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:58] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:58] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:58] id 6954643 [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:58] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:59] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:59] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:59] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:59] id 6954649 [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:59] name RbbT [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:59] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:20:59] @ launchpadAppeared 6954649 [S] [2016_05_28 14:21:01] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:21:01] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:21:01] id 6954643 [S] [2016_05_28 14:21:01] name vasya858_1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:21:01] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:21:01] @ launchpadAppeared 6954643 [S] [2016_05_28 14:21:03] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#23711: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:21:05] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:21:05] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:21:06] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:21:09] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_post_fire.xml#23760: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:21:13] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#23797: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:21:13] SmokeScreen.onEnterWorld( 165969 ) [(202.424, 75.5556)] [S] [2016_05_28 14:21:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:21:23] id 6954649 [S] [2016_05_28 14:21:23] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 14:21:23] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:21:23] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:21:23] id 6954649 [S] [2016_05_28 14:21:23] name RbbT [S] [2016_05_28 14:21:23] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:21:23] @ launchpadAppeared 6954649 [S] [2016_05_28 14:21:24] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 14:21:27] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 14:21:27] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 14:21:27] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#24003: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:21:27] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Fubuki_foam_post_death.xml#24005: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:21:27] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Fubuki_foam_post_death.xml#24006: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:21:27] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Fubuki_foam_post_death.xml#24007: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:21:28] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:21:28] id 6954635 [S] [2016_05_28 14:21:28] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 14:21:29] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:21:29] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:21:29] id 6954629 [S] [2016_05_28 14:21:29] name nanuk [S] [2016_05_28 14:21:29] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:21:29] @ launchpadAppeared 6954629 [S] [2016_05_28 14:21:30] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:21:30] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:21:30] id 6954635 [S] [2016_05_28 14:21:30] name nkv_bin [S] [2016_05_28 14:21:30] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:21:30] @ launchpadAppeared 6954635 [S] [2016_05_28 14:21:33] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#24074: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:21:38] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_water_fountains_post_death.xml#24108: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:21:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:21:47] id 6954629 [S] [2016_05_28 14:21:47] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 14:21:48] ping&FPS: True 0.0398141028626 372.926978923 142.926970101 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:21:48] ping&FPS: False 0.0316573487861 154.926979385 196.926979385 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:21:50] ping&FPS: True 0.0352657245738 339.926967419 131.92697332 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:21:50] ping&FPS: False 0.0319840418441 80.926965631 80.926965631 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:21:59] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:21:59] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:21:59] id 6954629 [S] [2016_05_28 14:21:59] name nanuk [S] [2016_05_28 14:21:59] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:21:59] @ launchpadAppeared 6954629 [S] [2016_05_28 14:22:00] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:22:00] id 6954643 [S] [2016_05_28 14:22:00] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 14:22:03] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:22:03] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:22:03] id 6954643 [S] [2016_05_28 14:22:03] name vasya858_1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:22:03] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:22:03] @ launchpadAppeared 6954643 [S] [2016_05_28 14:22:14] ping&FPS: True 0.0384565474732 200.926917977 132.926918722 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:22:15] ping&FPS: False 0.0385913433773 113.92691601 113.92691601 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:22:17] ping&FPS: True 0.0310419010265 216.926917545 130.926915667 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:22:17] ping&FPS: False 0.0224713640554 135.926915459 135.926915459 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:22:18] ping&FPS: True 0.0309338750584 135.926921687 222.926921687 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:22:18] SmokeScreen.onEnterWorld( 165970 ) [(-392.893, 8.62978)] [S] [2016_05_28 14:22:18] ping&FPS: False 0.0341050358755 121.926921032 121.926921032 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:22:18] ping&FPS: True 0.0407733278615 353.926921151 121.926921032 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:22:19] ping&FPS: False 0.0367959695203 103.92692127 103.92692127 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:22:23] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#24590: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:22:24] ping&FPS: True 0.050829912935 210.926982499 122.926981605 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:22:24] ping&FPS: False 0.0425909268005 85.9269833932 85.9269833932 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:22:24] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:22:24] id 6954629 [S] [2016_05_28 14:22:24] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 14:22:24] ping&FPS: True 0.0375841515405 200.926983572 142.926980592 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:22:24] ping&FPS: False 0.0324827613575 74.9269845257 74.9269845257 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:22:27] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#24700: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:22:27] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:22:27] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:22:32] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:22:32] id 6954635 [S] [2016_05_28 14:22:32] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 14:22:33] ping&FPS: True 0.0312161924584 202.927062876 118.927061431 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:22:33] ping&FPS: False 0.0261515932424 107.927063651 107.927063651 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:22:36] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:22:36] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:22:36] id 6954635 [S] [2016_05_28 14:22:36] name nkv_bin [S] [2016_05_28 14:22:36] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:22:36] @ launchpadAppeared 6954635 [S] [2016_05_28 14:22:38] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#24936: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:22:39] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 14:22:39] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 14:22:39] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#24964: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:22:39] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 14:22:39] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:22:39] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Izumo_foam_post_death.xml#24975: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:22:39] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Izumo_foam_post_death.xml#24976: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:22:39] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Izumo_foam_post_death.xml#24977: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:22:40] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:22:40] ping&FPS: True 0.0347041817648 208.927110291 139.927106 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:22:40] ping&FPS: False 0.022879283343 87.9271077881 87.9271077881 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:22:43] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:22:43] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_water_fountains_post_death.xml#25015: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:22:43] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:22:43] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:22:44] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:22:44] id 6954643 [S] [2016_05_28 14:22:44] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 14:22:44] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:22:44] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:22:47] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:22:47] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:22:47] id 6954629 [S] [2016_05_28 14:22:47] name nanuk [S] [2016_05_28 14:22:47] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:22:47] @ launchpadAppeared 6954629 [S] [2016_05_28 14:22:47] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:22:47] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:22:47] id 6954643 [S] [2016_05_28 14:22:47] name vasya858_1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:22:47] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:22:47] @ launchpadAppeared 6954643 [S] [2016_05_28 14:22:48] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:22:50] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:22:50] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:22:52] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 14:22:55] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:22:55] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:22:55] ping&FPS: True 0.0433938982231 217.92719946 129.927191831 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:22:55] ping&FPS: False 0.0350010426981 63.9272004733 63.9272004733 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:22:56] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:22:56] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:22:58] ping&FPS: True 0.0379059346659 218.927217788 76.9272155831 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:22:58] ping&FPS: False 0.0364140006048 138.927221782 138.927221782 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:23:02] ping&FPS: True 0.0452312859041 200.927280522 148.927277542 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:23:02] ping&FPS: False 0.0382351683719 82.9272827873 82.9272827873 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:23:02] ping&FPS: True 0.0396287994725 230.927282132 141.92728541 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:23:03] ping&FPS: False 0.0327512802822 128.927282519 128.927282519 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:23:03] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:23:07] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:23:08] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:23:08] ping&FPS: True 0.0433048712356 210.927337609 152.927336715 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:23:09] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#25497: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:23:09] ping&FPS: False 0.0274370940668 111.927339218 111.927339218 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:23:10] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#25530: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:23:10] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:23:11] ping&FPS: True 0.0313094588263 212.927359737 127.92735479 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:23:11] ping&FPS: False 0.0331557574017 90.9273633132 90.9273633132 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:23:11] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:23:14] ping&FPS: True 0.0469865830881 201.927383221 120.927378214 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:23:14] ping&FPS: False 0.0401676329119 115.927385307 115.927385307 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:23:15] ping&FPS: True 0.0294573711497 118.927379645 227.927379645 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:23:15] ping&FPS: False 0.0307068111641 150.927378155 150.927378155 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:23:17] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:23:18] ping&FPS: True 0.0512600722057 252.927409626 104.927405573 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:23:18] ping&FPS: False 0.0560874598367 176.92741426 176.92741426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:23:22] ping&FPS: True 0.047293524657 108.927459962 237.927459962 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:23:22] ping&FPS: False 0.0418968083603 184.92746032 184.92746032 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:23:22] ping&FPS: True 0.0311869712813 141.927456654 208.927456654 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:23:22] ping&FPS: False 0.0334801780326 139.927457086 139.927457086 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:23:23] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Izumo_foam_post_death.xml#25733: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:23:23] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Izumo_foam_post_death.xml#25734: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:23:23] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#25735: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:23:23] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Izumo_foam_post_death.xml#25736: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:23:23] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Izumo_foam_post_death.xml#25737: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:23:23] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#25738: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:23:24] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Izumo_foam_post_death.xml#25758: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:23:24] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Izumo_foam_post_death.xml#25759: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:23:30] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 14:23:30] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 14:23:30] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#25864: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:23:30] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 14:23:31] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Tirpiz_foam_post_death.xml#25881: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:23:31] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Tirpiz_foam_post_death.xml#25882: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:23:31] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Tirpiz_foam_post_death.xml#25883: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:23:31] ping&FPS: True 0.0452192457659 217.927552916 175.927552737 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:23:31] ping&FPS: False 0.0509309502585 172.927558757 172.927558757 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:23:33] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#25908: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:23:33] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#25909: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:23:33] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#25910: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:23:46] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#25998: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:23:46] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#25999: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:23:47] Failed chat message: empty message [S] [2016_05_28 14:23:48] ping&FPS: True 0.0486160176141 327.927654243 115.927660249 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:23:48] ping&FPS: False 0.0484009044511 165.9276608 165.9276608 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:23:49] ping&FPS: True 0.0470405997975 302.927646972 165.9276608 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:23:49] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 14:23:49] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 14:23:49] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#26035: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:23:49] ma3b8627.__instanceWindow: m8adc296 [S] [2016_05_28 14:23:49] ping&FPS: False 0.043278056596 176.927646018 176.927646018 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:23:49] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Fletcher_foam_post_death.xml#26049: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:23:49] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Fletcher_foam_post_death.xml#26050: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:23:49] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Fletcher_foam_post_death.xml#26051: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:23:50] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_water_fountains_post_death.xml#26053: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:23:50] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_water_fountains_post_death.xml#26054: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:23:51] ping&FPS: True 0.0532933729036 599.927676878 146.927651338 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:23:52] ping&FPS: False 0.0522058414561 161.927699126 161.927699126 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:23:52] ping&FPS: True 0.0527507620198 372.927696771 161.927699126 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:23:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:23:52] id 6954643 [S] [2016_05_28 14:23:52] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 14:23:53] ping&FPS: False 0.0484574618084 196.927695371 196.927695371 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:23:54] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:23:55] ping&FPS: True 0.028558346842 242.927692837 143.927694149 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:23:55] ping&FPS: False 0.0231675910098 129.927695058 184.927695058 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:23:56] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:23:59] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:23:59] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:23:59] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:23:59] id 6954643 [S] [2016_05_28 14:23:59] name vasya858_1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:23:59] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:23:59] @ launchpadAppeared 6954643 [S] [2016_05_28 14:24:01] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:24:03] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:24:03] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:24:04] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:24:04] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:24:04] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:24:05] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#26168: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:24:05] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:24:06] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:24:06] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:24:07] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:24:07] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:24:08] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:24:08] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:24:08] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:24:09] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#26199: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:24:12] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:24:12] id 6954643 [S] [2016_05_28 14:24:12] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 14:24:12] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:24:13] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:24:13] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:24:13] id 6954617 [S] [2016_05_28 14:24:13] name Fofan72 [S] [2016_05_28 14:24:13] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:24:14] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#26248: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:24:20] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:24:20] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:24:20] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:24:22] ping&FPS: True 0.047617215131 205.927944727 127.92794279 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:24:22] ping&FPS: False 0.0367369832737 101.927946381 101.927946381 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:24:22] ping&FPS: True 0.0403243484242 221.927948571 159.927947737 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:24:23] ping&FPS: False 0.0301569434149 102.927946723 102.927946723 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:24:23] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:24:28] ping&FPS: True 0.0401365937931 360.927976302 117.927975036 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:24:28] ping&FPS: False 0.0307096721871 77.9279777477 77.9279777477 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:24:31] ping&FPS: True 0.040715407048 292.927983961 153.92798639 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:24:31] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:24:31] ping&FPS: False 0.0424528079373 136.927985765 136.927985765 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:24:32] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:24:33] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:24:35] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:24:35] id 6954649 [S] [2016_05_28 14:24:35] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 14:24:37] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#26529: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:24:37] SmokeScreen.onEnterWorld( 165971 ) [(285.126, -732.478)] [S] [2016_05_28 14:24:40] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_water_fountains_post_death.xml#26569: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:24:43] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:24:43] id 6954617 [S] [2016_05_28 14:24:46] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#26683: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:24:48] ping&FPS: True 0.0327138932688 206.928201086 172.928193397 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:24:48] ping&FPS: False 0.0359997706754 164.92819906 164.92819906 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:24:53] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 14:24:53] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 14:24:53] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_fuming_post_fire.xml#26850: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:24:53] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 14:24:53] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Amagi_foam_post_death.xml#26852: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:24:53] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Amagi_foam_post_death.xml#26853: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:24:53] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Amagi_foam_post_death.xml#26854: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:24:54] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:24:54] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:24:54] id 6954649 [S] [2016_05_28 14:24:54] name RbbT [S] [2016_05_28 14:24:54] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:24:54] @ launchpadAppeared 6954649 [S] [2016_05_28 14:24:54] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 14:24:54] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 14:24:54] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#26872: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:24:54] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Shimakaze_foam_post_death.xml#26875: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:24:54] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Shimakaze_foam_post_death.xml#26876: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:24:54] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Shimakaze_foam_post_death.xml#26877: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:25:02] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:25:04] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:25:05] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:25:08] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:25:08] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:25:09] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#26941: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:25:12] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:25:12] id 6954649 [S] [2016_05_28 14:25:12] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 14:25:12] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:25:12] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#26959: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:25:13] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:25:13] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:25:13] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:25:14] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:25:14] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:25:14] id 6954649 [S] [2016_05_28 14:25:14] name RbbT [S] [2016_05_28 14:25:14] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:25:14] @ launchpadAppeared 6954649 [S] [2016_05_28 14:25:15] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:25:16] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:25:16] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:25:18] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:25:18] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:25:20] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:25:20] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:25:20] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:25:20] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:25:21] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:25:22] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:25:23] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#27037: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:25:26] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:25:26] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#27058: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:25:26] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:25:28] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:25:28] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:25:29] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:25:29] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_water_fountains_post_death.xml#27074: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:25:30] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_fuming_post_fire.xml#27075: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:25:31] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:25:31] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:25:31] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:25:33] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:25:37] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:25:38] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:25:38] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:25:38] id 6954643 [S] [2016_05_28 14:25:38] name vasya858_1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:25:38] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:25:38] @ launchpadAppeared 6954643 [S] [2016_05_28 14:25:39] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:25:41] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:25:41] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:25:41] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:25:42] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:25:42] id 6954643 [S] [2016_05_28 14:25:42] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 14:25:42] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:25:43] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:25:44] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:25:44] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:25:44] id 6954643 [S] [2016_05_28 14:25:44] name vasya858_1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:25:44] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:25:44] @ launchpadAppeared 6954643 [S] [2016_05_28 14:25:46] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:25:46] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:25:46] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:25:46] id 6954617 [S] [2016_05_28 14:25:46] name Fofan72 [S] [2016_05_28 14:25:46] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:25:47] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:25:49] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:25:53] ping&FPS: True 0.0463198008282 206.928698055 120.928697653 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:25:53] ping&FPS: False 0.0363864707095 92.9286983976 92.9286983976 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:25:53] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#27292: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:25:54] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:25:54] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 14:25:55] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#27309: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:25:56] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:25:58] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:25:58] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence(), ('756279@wowsru.loc/wows', '11Paul11', 0) [S] [2016_05_28 14:25:58] [NUT] __updateUserPresence contacts 756279 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:25:59] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:25:59] id 6954629 [S] [2016_05_28 14:25:59] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 14:26:00] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:26:00] ping&FPS: True 0.0435384394867 210.928729809 120.928726889 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:26:00] ping&FPS: False 0.0371217014534 64.9287274251 64.9287274251 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:26:01] ping&FPS: True 0.0431216689093 132.928727962 247.928727962 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:26:01] ping&FPS: False 0.0291813941939 111.928727693 111.928727693 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:26:04] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:26:04] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:26:04] id 6954629 [S] [2016_05_28 14:26:04] name nanuk [S] [2016_05_28 14:26:04] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:26:04] @ launchpadAppeared 6954629 [S] [2016_05_28 14:26:07] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#27421: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:26:08] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#27428: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:26:10] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#27435: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:26:10] ping&FPS: True 0.0630566882236 206.928643889 150.92864535 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:26:10] ping&FPS: False 0.0458671780569 115.928640551 115.928640551 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:26:12] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#27480: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:26:15] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_water_fountains_post_death.xml#27501: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:26:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:26:16] id 6954629 [S] [2016_05_28 14:26:16] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 14:26:16] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_water_fountains_post_death.xml#27528: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:26:17] ping&FPS: True 0.049962568496 210.928626991 139.928624071 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:26:17] ping&FPS: False 0.0364127861602 125.928629018 125.928629018 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:26:28] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:26:28] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:26:28] id 6954629 [S] [2016_05_28 14:26:28] name nanuk [S] [2016_05_28 14:26:28] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:26:28] @ launchpadAppeared 6954629 [S] [2016_05_28 14:26:28] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 14:26:28] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 14:26:28] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#27777: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:26:29] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Shimakaze_foam_post_death.xml#27788: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:26:29] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Shimakaze_foam_post_death.xml#27789: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:26:29] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Shimakaze_foam_post_death.xml#27790: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:26:34] ping&FPS: True 0.024357575391 206.928776271 98.9287665556 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:26:34] ping&FPS: False 0.0303446235401 142.928774185 142.928774185 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:26:42] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:26:42] id 6954643 [S] [2016_05_28 14:26:42] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 14:26:49] ping&FPS: True 0.0490370648248 819.928947947 149.928917847 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:26:49] ping&FPS: False 0.0485627161605 164.928947053 164.928947053 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:26:50] ping&FPS: True 0.0422481926424 339.928949885 120.928953759 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:26:50] ping&FPS: False 0.0397916095597 111.928949616 111.928949616 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:26:54] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:26:56] ping&FPS: True 0.0488437744124 223.928990222 128.928990758 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:26:57] ping&FPS: False 0.0359491812331 111.928998492 111.928998492 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:26:58] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:26:59] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:26:59] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:26:59] id 6954643 [S] [2016_05_28 14:26:59] name vasya858_1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:26:59] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:26:59] @ launchpadAppeared 6954643 [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:05] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:05] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:05] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#28347: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:05] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:05] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Iowa_foam_post_death.xml#28349: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:05] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Iowa_foam_post_death.xml#28350: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:05] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Iowa_foam_post_death.xml#28351: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:06] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:08] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:09] ping&FPS: True 0.0301001029355 144.929083473 226.929083473 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:09] ping&FPS: False 0.0417294534189 166.929079182 166.929079182 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:09] ping&FPS: True 0.0244310008628 141.929080165 255.929080165 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:09] ping&FPS: False 0.0211749481303 112.929080061 112.929080061 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:13] ping&FPS: True 0.0452723013503 212.9290938 91.9290942768 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:13] ping&FPS: False 0.031841907118 119.929088391 119.929088391 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:14] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:14] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:14] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#28604: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:14] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:14] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Hindenburg_foam_post_death.xml#28607: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:14] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Hindenburg_foam_post_death.xml#28608: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:14] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Hindenburg_foam_post_death.xml#28609: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:18] ping&FPS: True 0.0370295303208 326.929100178 152.929089419 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:19] ping&FPS: False 0.033219668482 127.929098807 127.929098807 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:19] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:19] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:19] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#28708: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:19] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:19] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Yamato_foam_post_death.xml#28721: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:19] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Yamato_foam_post_death.xml#28722: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:19] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Yamato_foam_post_death.xml#28723: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:26] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:29] ping&FPS: True 0.0596026884658 209.929177574 159.929180406 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:29] ping&FPS: False 0.0533393280847 70.9291780362 70.9291780362 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:30] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:31] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence(), ('756279@wowsru.loc/wows', '11Paul11', 2) [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:31] [NUT] __updateUserPresence contacts 756279 2 [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:32] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:34] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:35] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:36] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:38] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:38] id 6954641 [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:38] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:38] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:38] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:38] id 6954645 [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:38] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#28842: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:39] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:39] id 6954643 [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:39] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:40] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:40] ping&FPS: True 0.0456057222826 207.929172031 115.929171465 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:40] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:40] id 6954633 [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:40] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:40] id 6954609 [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:40] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:40] id 6954619 [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:40] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:40] ping&FPS: False 0.0460303681237 132.929175205 132.929175205 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:40] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:40] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:40] id 6954643 [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:40] name vasya858_1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:40] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:40] @ launchpadAppeared 6954643 [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:40] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:40] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:40] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:40] id 6954641 [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:40] name vadim_2611 [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:40] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:40] @ launchpadAppeared 6954641 [A] [2016_05_28 14:27:40] CollisionModel::load: Error loading collision model content/gameplay/japan/ship/destroyer/JSD013_Fubuki_1942/JSD013_Fubuki_1942_Bow! [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:40] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:40] id 6954645 [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:40] name __Mop9I4oK__ [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:40] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:41] SmokeScreen.onEnterWorld( 165979 ) [(145.348, 247.231)] [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:42] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:43] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:43] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:43] id 6954633 [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:43] name bogda7 [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:43] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:43] @ launchpadAppeared 6954633 [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:43] ping&FPS: True 0.0520638706429 219.929169632 174.929170824 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:44] ping&FPS: False 0.0485760676009 79.9291672478 79.9291672478 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:44] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:45] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#28898: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:45] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:45] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:46] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:46] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:46] id 6954653 [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:46] name Draugr22 [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:46] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:46] @ launchpadAppeared 6954653 [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:46] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:47] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:48] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#28954: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:51] ping&FPS: True 0.0558576690299 217.929173238 90.9291710327 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:51] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#28980: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:51] ping&FPS: False 0.0554548906428 199.929170317 199.929170317 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:53] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#29012: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:53] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#29019: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:54] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:54] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#29037: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:55] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#29050: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:56] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#29069: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:58] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:58] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:59] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#29091: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:59] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:27:59] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:28:00] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:28:04] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:28:05] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:28:05] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#29175: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:28:05] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:28:07] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:28:08] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#29206: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:28:08] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:28:09] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:28:10] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:28:10] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 14:28:10] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 14:28:10] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#29230: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:28:10] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 14:28:10] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Yamato_foam_post_death.xml#29232: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:28:10] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Yamato_foam_post_death.xml#29233: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:28:10] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Yamato_foam_post_death.xml#29234: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:28:10] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:28:11] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_water_fountains_post_death.xml#29247: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:28:11] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#29254: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:28:16] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#29280: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:28:18] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#29304: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:28:19] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:28:19] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:28:20] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:28:20] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#29326: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:28:21] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:28:25] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_water_fountains_post_death.xml#29363: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:28:27] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:28:28] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:28:31] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:28:31] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#29393: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:28:32] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:28:32] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:28:32] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:28:33] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#29407: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:28:34] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:28:34] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:28:36] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:28:36] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_water_fountains_post_death.xml#29469: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:28:38] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_water_fountains_post_death.xml#29487: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:28:39] ping&FPS: True 0.0594712751252 205.929175257 148.929169431 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:28:39] ping&FPS: False 0.0581724750144 103.92917554 103.92917554 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:28:41] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:28:42] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 14:28:44] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#29551: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:28:48] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:28:48] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#29617: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:28:52] ping&FPS: True 0.0608677374465 395.929018482 164.929024353 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:28:53] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#29648: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:28:53] ping&FPS: False 0.0655379848821 181.929018512 181.929018512 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:28:54] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:28:54] id 6954653 [S] [2016_05_28 14:28:54] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 14:28:54] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:28:55] (, 51832695439976, 238): Two time score difference detected. Max Score(0): 547 Min Score(1): 250 User Team Id: 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:28:55] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 14:28:55] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 14:28:55] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#29686: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:28:55] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 14:28:55] ping&FPS: True 0.0571140902383 281.928983807 127.92898415 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:28:55] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Zao_foam_post_death.xml#29693: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:28:55] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Zao_foam_post_death.xml#29694: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:28:55] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Zao_foam_post_death.xml#29695: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:28:55] ping&FPS: False 0.0592501120908 127.928982436 127.928982436 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:28:56] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#29712: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:04] ping&FPS: True 0.0559938656432 215.928812205 112.92881219 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:04] ping&FPS: False 0.0522990333182 96.9288132036 96.9288132036 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:09] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:17] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:17] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:17] id 6954653 [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:17] name Draugr22 [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:17] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:17] @ launchpadAppeared 6954653 [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:17] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#29893: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:20] ping&FPS: True 0.0602561937911 202.928657725 125.928656116 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:20] ping&FPS: False 0.0521074788911 110.92865543 110.92865543 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:21] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:21] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:22] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:22] id 6954653 [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:22] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:22] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:22] id 6954633 [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:22] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:23] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:23] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:23] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#29960: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:23] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:23] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Zao_foam_post_death.xml#29964: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:23] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Zao_foam_post_death.xml#29965: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:23] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Zao_foam_post_death.xml#29966: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:24] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:25] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:26] ping&FPS: True 0.0537239121539 232.928650945 80.9286490748 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:27] ping&FPS: False 0.049354534064 142.928650751 191.928650751 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:27] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_water_fountains_post_death.xml#29990: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:28] ping&FPS: True 0.0617918478591 379.928639233 128.928649589 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:29] ping&FPS: False 0.0561512368066 149.928635463 149.928635463 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:31] ping&FPS: True 0.0570528017623 338.928626179 143.928630217 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:31] ping&FPS: False 0.0510512100799 74.9286254341 74.9286254341 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:31] ping&FPS: True 0.0559920775039 225.928619608 179.928619816 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:32] ping&FPS: False 0.0576535867793 94.9286217088 94.9286217088 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:33] ping&FPS: True 0.0611930595977 400.92860879 155.928623154 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:34] ping&FPS: False 0.0620488183839 120.92859295 120.92859295 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:34] setFpsGathererActive(False) [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:39] ping&FPS: True 0.742361690317 4796.92836018 149.928587168 0 [E] [2016_05_28 14:29:39] Can only call base methods on the connected entity [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:39] [Weather][43944] onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:39] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:39] id 6954611 [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:39] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:39] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:39] id 6954613 [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:39] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:39] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:39] id 6954615 [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:39] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:39] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:39] id 6954617 [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:39] Avatar.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:39] (, 70665289920581, 61): Deleted: [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:39] (, 70665289920581, 61): Deleted: [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:39] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:39] id 6954623 [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:39] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:39] id 6954625 [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:39] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:39] id 6954627 [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:39] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:39] id 6954629 [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:39] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:39] id 6954631 [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:39] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:39] id 6954635 [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:39] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:39] id 6954637 [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:39] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:39] id 6954639 [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:39] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:39] id 6954641 [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:39] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:39] id 6954643 [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:39] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:39] id 6954645 [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:39] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:39] id 6954647 [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:39] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:39] id 6954649 [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:39] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:39] id 6954655 [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:39] Account.__init__() [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:39] [Account debuG]: __init__() ONE___VP [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:39] (, 70665289920581, 61): ClientLobbySpace is creating [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:40] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:40] setServerTime -3102.67499995 1464434483 1464431380.33 [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:40] leaveBattleSession() Reason: 0 Info: None [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:40] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:40] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:41] Can't send FPS data: it's empty [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:41] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.onEnterLobbyEvent():, (['34411633@wowsru.loc', '8009484@wowsru.loc', '12414124@wowsru.loc', '4679742@wowsru.loc', 'ids_chat_channel_offtop@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', 'wargamingfm@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', '1559899_1454784666@user-rooms.wows.wowsru.loc', 'ids_chat_channel_questions@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', '63671710@wowsru.loc', '5651230@wowsru.loc', '1559899@wowsru.loc', '48007201@wowsru.loc', '6878512@wowsru.loc', '64052394@wowsru.loc', 'ids_chat_channel_search_div@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', '58574566@wowsru.loc', '4719392_1447787513@user-rooms.wows.wowsru.loc'],) [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:41] (, 70665289920581, 61): onRewardsRestored, ('21 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:41] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:41] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:41] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 0. Boxes contents: [{}] [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:41] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetAchievements, ('993 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:41] [NUT] PlayersAccountsSystem __request, set([47041, 6332290, 427140, 8804682, 8009484, 2715866, 1559899, 63671710, 3480927, 48007201, 5651230, 58574566, 64052394, 12414124, 6878512, 34411633, 2115378, 671987, 22102814, 242294, 756279, 46719994, 448253, 4679742]) [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:44] setServerTime -3104.47000003 1464434489 1464431384.53 [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:44] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:44] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:44] Can't send FPS data: it's empty [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:44] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.onEnterLobbyEvent():, (['34411633@wowsru.loc', '8009484@wowsru.loc', '12414124@wowsru.loc', '4679742@wowsru.loc', 'ids_chat_channel_offtop@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', 'wargamingfm@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', '1559899_1454784666@user-rooms.wows.wowsru.loc', 'ids_chat_channel_questions@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', '63671710@wowsru.loc', '5651230@wowsru.loc', '1559899@wowsru.loc', '48007201@wowsru.loc', '6878512@wowsru.loc', '64052394@wowsru.loc', 'ids_chat_channel_search_div@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', '58574566@wowsru.loc', '4719392_1447787513@user-rooms.wows.wowsru.loc'],) [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:44] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence(), ('', '', 0) [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:44] [NUT] AccountsRequest __response, [(47041, 'WONDERFUL_SHOT', 12, 0, 1463997729), (6332290, 'zloy_nyb', 12, 0, 1464421725), (427140, 'Kapitan_Slip', 12, 0, 1464285451), (8804682, 'mishania1235', 12, 0, 1463925150), (8009484, 'SD_D', 12, 0, 1464117201), (2715866, 'BCEM_PPC', 12, 0, 1464418481), (1559899, 'AIRBORNE_161', 12, 0, 1460114623), (63671710, '6aToH4uK_', 12, 0, 1464380706), (3480927, 'Doc_Maximov', 12, 0, 1464432937), (48007201, 'CRIMEA_Haru6aLLIka', 12, 0, 1463780747), (22102814, 'bagfrag1', 12, 0, 1460487063), (58574566, '1tim1_2015', 12, 0, 1464293769), (64052394, 'Lady_Diana_Diversantka', 12, 0, 1464426838), (12414124, 'M_a_n_t_i_s', 12, 0, 1464199836), (6878512, 'Tylendor', 12, 0, 1464024410), (34411633, 'cblH_BouHa', 12, 0, 1463541667), (2115378, 'longxvost', 12, 0, 1461160136), (671987, 'Skunner', 12, 0, 1464285824), (5651230, 'Shkiper2222', 12, 0, 1464375996), (242294, 'PANZER_DIKLONIUS', 12, 0, 1463333213), (756279, '11Paul11', 12, 0, 1464432703), (46719994, 'yushkov8249', 12, 0, 1463790981), (448253, 'AndRyu_47', 12, 0, 1464425279), (4679742, 'alex30279', 12, 0, 1464276886)] 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:44] ping&FPS: True 0.235294814621 0.001 149.928587168 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:44] (, 70665289920581, 61): ma3b8627.__onNodeReadyForData: invalid windowId 6 [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:44] (, 70665289920581, 61): ma3b8627.__onNodeReadyForStage: invalid windowId 6 [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:44] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:44] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:44] isDone id 10688_q03 count 9 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:44] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:44] isDone id 10688_q01 count 3 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:44] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:44] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:44] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:44] isDone id 10688_q03 count 9 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:44] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:44] isDone id 10688_q01 count 3 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:44] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:44] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:44] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:45] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': 0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:45] [NUT] InteractiveMessageSystem: __onSelectedMessageChanged selectedEntityId None [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:45] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': -1.0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:45] [NUT] InteractiveMessageSystem: __onSelectedMessageChanged selectedEntityId None [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:47] (, 70665289920581, 61): handleBanInfo:, ({'banId': '14643763953', 'reason': '"\xd0\x98\xd1\x81\xd0\xbf\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbb\xd1\x8c\xd0\xb7\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd1\x80\xd0\xbc\xd0\xb0\xd1\x82\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb9 \xd0\xbb\xd0\xb5\xd0\xba\xd1\x81\xd0\xb8\xd0\xba\xd0\xb8/ \xd0\xbe\xd1\x81\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd1\x80\xd0\xb1\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd1\x8f" \xe2\x80\x93 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd1\x80\xd1\x83\xd1\x88\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xbf\xd1\x83\xd0\xbd\xd0\xba\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0 1 \xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb7\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb0 1 \xd0\x9f\xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb8\xd0\xbb \xd0\xb8\xd0\xb3\xd1\x80\xd1\x8b (R)', 'expiry': 1464635520L},) [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:47] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence(), ('8752339@wowsru.loc/wows', 'ONE___VP', 0) [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:48] ping&FPS: False 0.17594816855 143.928255483 149.928587168 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:49] ping&FPS: True 0.111616026078 338.928284555 149.928587168 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:49] ping&FPS: False 0.0993139850242 96.9282872523 149.928587168 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:53] ping&FPS: True 0.0533934043986 318.928366295 149.928587168 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:53] ping&FPS: False 0.0470039503915 80.9283673013 149.928587168 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:54] ping&FPS: True 0.0586707847459 512.928398542 149.928587168 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:54] ping&FPS: False 0.0556630747659 182.928412072 149.928587168 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:55] ping&FPS: True 0.0609566377742 723.928402058 149.928587168 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:55] ping&FPS: False 0.0557103114469 197.928398959 149.928587168 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:57] ping&FPS: True 0.0493476124746 253.92844402 149.928587168 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:57] ping&FPS: False 0.0578298824174 167.928443975 149.928587168 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:57] ping&FPS: True 0.0559021042926 210.928454183 149.928587168 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:57] ping&FPS: False 0.0491626518113 75.9284553001 149.928587168 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:58] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:58] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:58] isDone id 10688_q03 count 9 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:58] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:58] isDone id 10688_q01 count 3 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:58] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:58] ping&FPS: True 0.0475452946765 221.928467459 149.928587168 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:58] ping&FPS: False 0.0307540254933 75.9284676234 149.928587168 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:59] ping&FPS: True 0.0345016675336 398.928458355 149.928587168 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:59] ping&FPS: False 0.0379542293293 162.928462557 149.928587168 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:29:59] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:00] ping&FPS: True 0.0402216123683 314.928466998 149.928587168 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:00] ping&FPS: False 0.0370043771608 113.928470618 149.928587168 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:02] ping&FPS: True 0.0443157213075 1962.9285318 149.928587168 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:02] ping&FPS: False 0.0347253339631 52.9285328755 149.928587168 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:03] [Scaleform] Warning: instance30427.setImageSubstitutions() failed for #86 element - length of subString should not exceed 15 characters [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:04] [Scaleform] Warning: instance30428.setImageSubstitutions() failed for #86 element - length of subString should not exceed 15 characters [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:04] [Scaleform] Warning: instance30429.setImageSubstitutions() failed for #86 element - length of subString should not exceed 15 characters [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:04] [Scaleform] Warning: instance30430.setImageSubstitutions() failed for #86 element - length of subString should not exceed 15 characters [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:06] [Scaleform] Warning: instance30554.setImageSubstitutions() failed for #86 element - length of subString should not exceed 15 characters [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:06] [Scaleform] Warning: instance30555.setImageSubstitutions() failed for #86 element - length of subString should not exceed 15 characters [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:09] ping&FPS: True 0.0476230861885 368.928662247 149.928587168 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:09] ping&FPS: False 0.039270813976 60.9286647955 149.928587168 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:11] ping&FPS: True 0.0449833082301 208.928692474 149.928587168 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:11] ping&FPS: False 0.0374253573162 102.928692594 149.928587168 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:12] ping&FPS: True 0.0430002542479 221.92872484 149.928587168 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:12] ping&FPS: False 0.0355313377721 87.9287243629 149.928587168 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:15] ping&FPS: True 0.0463733332498 1050.92874445 149.928587168 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:15] [DivisionEntranceContext] requestDivisionSeekerList: Account.requestPreBattleSeekerList(): [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:15] ping&FPS: False 0.041054445718 126.928742915 149.928587168 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:15] (, 70665289920581, 61): receivePreBattles, ('209 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:15] receivePreBattles() PreBattleType: 4 Num: 1 Free: 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:15] [NUT] PlayersAccountsSystem add, 30047148 [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:15] [NUT] ClubmanSystem::onClubmenAccountAdded dbid 30047148 [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:16] Account.enqueue(): 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:16] ping&FPS: True 0.047847534929 458.928747549 149.928587168 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:16] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4281219056 4 [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:16] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:16] onEnqueued() QueueType: 1 ShipId: 4281219056 [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:16] (, 70665289920581, 61): ma3b8627.__onNodeReadyForData: invalid windowId 6 [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:16] (, 70665289920581, 61): ma3b8627.__onNodeReadyForStage: invalid windowId 6 [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:18] (, 70665289920581, 61): handleBanInfo:, ({'banId': '14643763953', 'reason': '"\xd0\x98\xd1\x81\xd0\xbf\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbb\xd1\x8c\xd0\xb7\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd1\x80\xd0\xbc\xd0\xb0\xd1\x82\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb9 \xd0\xbb\xd0\xb5\xd0\xba\xd1\x81\xd0\xb8\xd0\xba\xd0\xb8/ \xd0\xbe\xd1\x81\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd1\x80\xd0\xb1\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd1\x8f" \xe2\x80\x93 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd1\x80\xd1\x83\xd1\x88\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xbf\xd1\x83\xd0\xbd\xd0\xba\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0 1 \xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb7\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb0 1 \xd0\x9f\xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb8\xd0\xbb \xd0\xb8\xd0\xb3\xd1\x80\xd1\x8b (R)', 'expiry': 1464635520L},) [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:18] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence(), ('8752339@wowsru.loc/wows', 'ONE___VP', 2) [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:19] ping&FPS: False 0.0367910223348 88.9287777538 149.928587168 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:35] onPrepareingForBattle() [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:35] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4281219056 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:35] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:41] onGameRoomStateInit mapIdx = 14 battleType = 62 gameMode = StandDom duration=1200 [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:48] ping&FPS: True 0.928571428571 146.929307244 149.928587168 0 [E] [2016_05_28 14:30:48] Can only call base methods on the connected entity [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:48] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:49] (, 70665289920581, 61): Lobby destroy started. [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:49] (, 70665289920581, 61): Lobby successfully destroyed. [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:49] onArenaStateReceived: teams info: [None, None] [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:49] (, 51820444204590, 546): Thresholds for team 0: Win: 915 Lose: 125 [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:49] (, 51820444204590, 546): Thresholds for team 1: Win: 915 Lose: 125 [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:49] MissionsComponent: #0 ControlPointHoldMission; reward = 0; penalty = 0; controlPoints = [9, 1]; delay = 0; repeat = 6; repeatReward = 2; repeatPenalty = 0 #1 CaptureControlPointMission; reward = 1000; penalty = 0; controlPoints = [9, 1] #2 KillEnemyOfSpecificShipTypeMission; reward = 30; penalty = 45; shipType = Destroyer; rewardPerType = 0; penaltyPerType = 0 #3 KillEnemyOfSpecificShipTypeMission; reward = 35; penalty = 50; shipType = Cruiser; rewardPerType = 0; penaltyPerType = 0 #4 KillEnemyOfSpecificShipTypeMission; reward = 40; penalty = 60; shipType = Battleship; rewardPerType = 0; penaltyPerType = 0 #5 KillEnemyOfSpecificShipTypeMission; reward = 45; penalty = 65; shipType = AirCarrier; rewardPerType = 0; penaltyPerType = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:49] Mission tasks available! [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:49] Battle waiting start: 5.0 / 4724.70000073 [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:49] Avatar.receiveAvatarInfo: {'evaluationsLeft': {0: 5, 1: 5}} [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:49] Avatar.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:49] name ONE___VP [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:49] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:49] Avatar onControlled False [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:49] onControlled->False: not implemented [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:49] onGeometryMapped() MapName: %s 22_tierra_del_fuego [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:49] teamBuildType: 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:49] player: Id: 6764422 Name: Fstwiz TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSC012_Ibuki_1944' [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:49] player: Id: 6967431 Name: VadimCom1 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB017_Montana_1945' [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:49] player: Id: 6351625 Name: Federal1777 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSD010_Kagero_1943' [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:49] player: Id: 6978700 Name: bossuniversal TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSC110_Hindenburg' [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:49] player: Id: 6905871 Name: vmp_VP TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASD021_Fletcher_1943' [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:49] player: Id: 6833298 Name: ONE___VP TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASD013_Gearing_1945' [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:49] player: Id: 6701976 Name: Maxer TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSC008_Myoko_1945' [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:49] player: Id: 6889153 Name: Htuek TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSC108_Hipper' [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:49] player: Id: 6965152 Name: TOPMA3_31RUS TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB017_Montana_1945' [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:49] player: Id: 6381730 Name: Rizla TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSB018_Yamato_1944' [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:49] player: Id: 6941063 Name: Geriko TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB012_North_Carolina_1945' [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:49] player: Id: 6891568 Name: Alfist_na_Brere TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSD108_Pr_20i_Tashkent' [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:49] player: Id: 6968126 Name: Tigerpisces TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSD010_Kagero_1943' [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:49] player: Id: 6881857 Name: zai1000 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSC009_Mogami_1935' [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:49] player: Id: 6116291 Name: msa2ua TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSC012_Ibuki_1944' [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:49] player: Id: 6030409 Name: retvizan28 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSC034_Zao_1944' [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:49] player: Id: 6935375 Name: supermegaspec TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSC109_Roon' [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:49] player: Id: 7026522 Name: SilentDestroyer TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB018_Iowa_1944' [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:49] player: Id: 7029851 Name: kokins TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSD007_Fubuki_1944' [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:49] player: Id: 6998880 Name: kononser TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSD007_Fubuki_1944' [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:49] player: Id: 6870370 Name: Drovar TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSC009_Mogami_1935' [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:49] player: Id: 6308580 Name: zveroboy121 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASA012_Lexington_1944' [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:49] player: Id: 6788346 Name: Ataman781 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSC109_Roon' [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:49] player: Id: 6918654 Name: LLlkolnuk TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASA012_Lexington_1944' [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:49] BattleDataContext.__onEnterSpace [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:49] [DEBUG] BattleLoadingContext: geometry mapped [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:49] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (6721225, 0, 0, 7083759, 1464434543872L, False, True) [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:49] m418a81c.updatePreBattles (6721225, 0, 0, 7083759, 1464434543872L, False, True) [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:49] m418a81c.updatePreBattles1 {6721225: PreBattleInfo: id: 6721225, inPortPlayers: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 7083759, creationTime 1464434543872, hidden False, locked True } [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:49] [BAT] __initBasePoints points [, ] [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:49] [BAT] x 0.5 y 0.1875 VISIBLE True [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:49] [BAT] x 0.49999981375 y 0.8125 VISIBLE True [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:50] [Scaleform] Warning: instance30989.setImageSubstitutions() failed for #86 element - length of subString should not exceed 15 characters [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:51] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:51] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:51] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:51] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:51] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:51] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:51] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:51] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:51] ping&FPS: False 0.142505775605 0.001 149.928587168 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:52] ping&FPS: True 0.105839173709 846.929182104 0.001 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:52] ping&FPS: False 0.0994687782867 146.929181985 146.929181985 0 [A] [2016_05_28 14:30:53] CollisionModel::load: Error loading collision model content/gameplay/japan/ship/destroyer/JSD010_Kagero_1943/JSD010_Kagero_1943_Stern! [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:54] Battle countdown start: 60.0 / 4729.71700062 [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:54] ping&FPS: True 0.0736272143466 235.929194197 128.929187178 0 [A] [2016_05_28 14:30:54] CollisionModel::load: Error loading collision model content/gameplay/japan/ship/destroyer/JSD019_Fubuki_1943/JSD019_Fubuki_1943_Bow! [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:54] ping&FPS: False 0.0596527861697 168.92919892 142.92919892 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:55] ping&FPS: True 0.0627258228404 213.929204776 151.929205089 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:55] ping&FPS: False 0.0558233218534 77.9292063857 77.9292063857 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:57] ping&FPS: True 0.0565909253699 222.929224774 77.9292291994 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:57] ping&FPS: False 0.0492851840598 64.9292261148 64.9292261148 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:59] ping&FPS: True 0.0595187800271 272.929230585 133.929232403 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:30:59] ping&FPS: False 0.0600853072745 154.929224327 154.929224327 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:00] ping&FPS: True 0.0615830527885 225.929226323 163.929226532 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:00] ping&FPS: False 0.0533356549484 175.92922537 175.92922537 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:01] ping&FPS: True 0.0579383032663 202.92922578 136.92922417 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:01] ping&FPS: False 0.0521120908005 110.92922721 110.92922721 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:03] ping&FPS: True 0.055419127856 212.929230794 115.929231271 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:03] ping&FPS: False 0.0517115103347 79.9292317996 79.9292317996 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:04] ping&FPS: True 0.0584914194686 203.929228849 132.929230801 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:04] ping&FPS: False 0.0545747088534 148.929229058 148.929229058 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:05] ping&FPS: True 0.0611188071115 206.929228488 152.929231811 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:05] ping&FPS: False 0.0529383452875 129.92923117 129.92923117 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:08] ping&FPS: True 0.0597967164857 320.929234966 144.929240092 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:08] ping&FPS: False 0.0593029963119 122.929236501 122.929236501 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:09] ping&FPS: True 0.0649123000247 875.929221644 137.929234519 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:12] ping&FPS: False 0.0557287739856 52.9292260254 52.9292260254 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:13] ping&FPS: True 0.0573823856456 263.929221525 128.929226681 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:13] ping&FPS: False 0.0517326997859 64.9292215551 64.9292215551 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:14] ping&FPS: True 0.0526987346155 247.929218869 77.9292252505 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:14] ping&FPS: False 0.0446388455374 91.9292173641 91.9292173641 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:14] ping&FPS: True 0.0533658223493 299.929214488 136.929217468 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:15] ping&FPS: False 0.0503375562174 51.9292073952 51.9292073952 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:15] ping&FPS: True 0.060386161719 284.929212521 143.929208647 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:16] ping&FPS: False 0.0580062972648 103.929210778 103.929210778 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:17] ping&FPS: True 0.0589972542865 242.929208468 151.929209616 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:17] ping&FPS: False 0.0413535790784 38.9292198079 38.9292198079 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:18] ping&FPS: True 0.054435725723 253.929221395 38.9292198079 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:18] ping&FPS: False 0.0550361978156 110.929218295 110.929218295 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:19] ping&FPS: True 0.0559270190341 263.929221276 155.929224569 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:19] ping&FPS: False 0.0502904312951 65.9292262377 65.9292262377 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:20] ping&FPS: True 0.0515422629459 253.929226044 163.929232839 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:20] ping&FPS: False 0.0512917967779 96.9292261781 96.9292261781 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:21] ping&FPS: True 0.0537895070655 311.929223339 137.929229941 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:21] ping&FPS: False 0.0525831388576 194.929216187 194.929216187 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:22] ping&FPS: True 0.0457988264305 230.929218497 150.929212298 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:22] ping&FPS: False 0.0405493336064 189.929214563 189.929214563 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:23] ping&FPS: True 0.0472053991897 288.929213147 138.929216068 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:23] ping&FPS: False 0.0413921581847 51.9292129087 51.9292129087 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:23] ping&FPS: True 0.0445420252425 241.929207872 51.9292129087 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:23] ping&FPS: False 0.0371072696788 39.9292088406 39.9292088406 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:24] ping&FPS: True 0.0511024924261 256.929210778 169.929211493 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:25] ping&FPS: False 0.0555346118552 148.929209332 148.929209332 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:25] ping&FPS: True 0.0588386314256 221.929214592 150.929208006 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:26] ping&FPS: False 0.0561969237668 135.929214678 135.929214678 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:26] ping&FPS: True 0.0596195863826 201.929220817 164.929213784 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:27] ping&FPS: False 0.0554437594754 123.929224587 123.929224587 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:27] ping&FPS: True 0.0569654809577 215.92922049 133.9292242 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:28] ping&FPS: False 0.0570865081889 147.929238282 147.929238282 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:28] ping&FPS: True 0.0562452333314 259.929237671 133.929237894 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:29] ping&FPS: False 0.0508432494743 111.929242663 111.929242663 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:29] ping&FPS: True 0.053370143686 268.929249115 133.929242275 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:29] ping&FPS: False 0.0488489227636 53.9292499194 53.9292499194 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:30] ping&FPS: True 0.053994219218 282.929244019 120.92924606 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:30] ping&FPS: False 0.0494152860982 53.9292380283 53.9292380283 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:31] ping&FPS: True 0.0510285975678 221.929233439 53.9292380283 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:31] ping&FPS: False 0.0444581913097 51.9292345116 51.9292345116 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:31] ping&FPS: True 0.0528352888567 343.929239444 151.929235212 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:32] ping&FPS: False 0.0462629827006 64.9292343328 64.9292343328 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:32] ping&FPS: True 0.0520537751062 245.92922943 189.929231949 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:33] ping&FPS: False 0.0568244712693 167.929238222 167.929238222 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:33] ping&FPS: True 0.0587673442704 310.929235182 167.929238222 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:34] ping&FPS: False 0.047400023256 39.9292267332 39.9292267332 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:34] ping&FPS: True 0.0536104547126 279.929234184 191.929231129 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:35] ping&FPS: False 0.0628033386809 161.929235808 161.929235808 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:35] [Weather][44379] onEnterWorld (map spaces/22_tierra_del_fuego, scheme 1, weather 0) [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:35] ping&FPS: True 0.0626547592027 290.929237492 116.929234497 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:35] ping&FPS: False 0.0658517139299 197.929236419 197.929236419 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:35] id 7083758 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:35] name ONE___VP [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:35] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:36] client.Vehicle.setAmmoArtilleryGun [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:36] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:36] Avatar.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:36] ! A.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:36] -- GUNS ----------------------------------------- [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:36] {0: {'position': {'y': 1.0, 'x': 1.0}, 'rotation': 0.0, 'gunPositionId': 0}, 1: {'position': {'y': 1.0, 'x': 2.0}, 'rotation': 0.0, 'gunPositionId': 1}, 2: {'position': {'y': 1.0, 'x': 5.0}, 'rotation': 3.1415927410125732, 'gunPositionId': 2}} [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:36] -- GUNS ----------------------------------------- [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:36] {0: {'position': {'y': 1.0, 'x': 3.0}, 'rotation': 0.0, 'gunPositionId': 0}, 1: {'position': {'y': 1.0, 'x': 4.0}, 'rotation': 0.0, 'gunPositionId': 1}} [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:36] BattleDataContext.__onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:36] ping&FPS: True 0.0428051980478 263.929242379 135.92924381 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:36] Avatar.onWorldStateReceived [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:38] ping&FPS: False 0.0408646049244 26.929268531 26.929268531 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:38] ping&FPS: True 0.0497907581074 286.929278291 146.929275952 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:39] ping&FPS: False 0.0443693207843 53.9292738507 53.9292738507 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:39] ping&FPS: True 0.0506788822157 207.929274417 53.9292738507 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:39] ping&FPS: False 0.048260565315 91.9292764584 91.9292764584 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:39] ping&FPS: True 0.0547105478389 284.929275505 140.929277218 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:40] ping&FPS: False 0.0623371409518 197.929286591 197.929286591 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:40] ping&FPS: True 0.0594546007259 214.929290167 197.929286591 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:40] ping&FPS: False 0.0513815390212 51.9292912403 51.9292912403 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:40] ping&FPS: True 0.062843094979 232.929287619 153.929292269 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:41] ping&FPS: False 0.0606114672763 118.929297275 118.929297275 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:41] ping&FPS: True 0.0616542207343 238.92930106 118.929297275 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:41] ping&FPS: False 0.0510785537107 51.9293021331 51.9293021331 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:42] ping&FPS: True 0.0562616246087 284.929301999 145.92930185 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:42] ping&FPS: False 0.0517678292734 191.929290793 191.929290793 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:43] ping&FPS: True 0.0488446610315 237.929298616 153.929293133 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:43] ping&FPS: False 0.0422284188015 92.9292976031 92.9292976031 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:44] ping&FPS: True 0.048345941518 220.929292537 143.929291702 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:44] ping&FPS: False 0.0471425535423 126.929291509 126.929291509 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:45] ping&FPS: True 0.0540937440736 225.929294638 133.929291121 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:45] ping&FPS: False 0.049030009125 64.9292959789 64.9292959789 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:45] ping&FPS: True 0.056105147515 291.92929431 140.929294876 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:45] ping&FPS: False 0.0565152572734 144.929297588 144.929297588 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:46] ping&FPS: True 0.0572827117784 211.929298751 135.929295666 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:46] ping&FPS: False 0.0517042087657 64.9293000916 64.9293000916 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:46] ping&FPS: True 0.0593789177282 295.929305754 158.929300077 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:46] ping&FPS: False 0.0553136425359 190.929305396 190.929305396 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:47] ("[ERROR] FeedbackController: config {event: 'Sound', container: 'screenplay_trigger'} must set 'type'",) [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:47] ("[ERROR] FeedbackController: config {event: 'Sound', container: 'five_minutes_left'} must set 'type'",) [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:47] ('[ERROR] FeedbackController: empty config for event five_minutes_left',) [A] [2016_05_28 14:31:48] CollisionModel::load: Error loading collision model content/gameplay/usa/ship/battleship/ASB037_North_Carolina_1942/ASB037_North_Carolina_1942_MidFront! [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:49] ping&FPS: True 0.0677136885268 2748.92936388 175.92930258 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:49] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:49] id 7083774 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:49] name Htuek [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:49] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:49] @ launchpadAppeared 7083774 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:49] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:49] id 7083750 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:49] name VadimCom1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:49] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:49] @ launchpadAppeared 7083750 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:49] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:49] id 7083772 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:49] name Tigerpisces [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:49] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:49] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:49] id 7083766 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:49] name Geriko [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:49] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:49] @ launchpadAppeared 7083766 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:50] id 7083782 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:50] name SilentDestroyer [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:50] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:50] @ launchpadAppeared 7083782 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:52] ping&FPS: False 0.036197374974 110.929385818 110.929385818 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:53] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:53] id 7083760 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:53] name Maxer [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:53] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:53] @ launchpadAppeared 7083760 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:53] -= BATTLE STARTED =- [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:54] [Weather][44379] prepare transition for Sunny [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:54] [Weather][44379] start transition (from weather 0, to weather 1) [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:54] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:54] id 7083790 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:54] name zveroboy121 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:54] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:31:54] @ launchpadAppeared 7083790 [S] [2016_05_28 14:32:18] ping&FPS: True 0.0634676622493 314.930482104 133.93047145 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:32:19] ping&FPS: False 0.0594003455979 115.930485285 115.930485285 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:32:36] ping&FPS: True 0.0621654348714 331.93120706 133.931219696 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:32:36] ping&FPS: False 0.0618981825454 104.931205645 104.931205645 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:32:42] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:32:42] id 7083790 [S] [2016_05_28 14:32:42] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 14:32:54] ping&FPS: True 0.0426970305187 200.931959509 117.931951709 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:32:55] ping&FPS: False 0.0333925443036 100.931962095 100.931962095 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:33:24] [Weather][44379] finish transition [S] [2016_05_28 14:33:39] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence(), ('6332290@wowsru.loc/wows', 'zloy_nyb', 0) [S] [2016_05_28 14:33:39] [NUT] __updateUserPresence contacts 6332290 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:33:40] ping&FPS: True 0.0482371704919 211.933330394 133.933330103 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:33:40] ping&FPS: False 0.0387092190129 68.9333305279 68.9333305279 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:33:40] ping&FPS: True 0.0511583717806 200.933368153 133.933357559 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:33:41] ping&FPS: False 0.0417460682137 83.9333726088 83.9333726088 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:33:41] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:33:41] id 7083750 [S] [2016_05_28 14:33:41] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 14:33:47] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:33:47] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:33:47] id 7083776 [S] [2016_05_28 14:33:47] name msa2ua [S] [2016_05_28 14:33:47] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:33:47] @ launchpadAppeared 7083776 [S] [2016_05_28 14:33:52] ping&FPS: True 0.0471746059401 369.933760613 166.933752119 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:33:52] ping&FPS: False 0.0435814740402 60.9337594355 60.9337594355 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:33:56] ping&FPS: True 0.0534464897854 723.933812171 143.933835059 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:33:56] ping&FPS: False 0.0444901766522 112.933810204 112.933810204 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:33:56] ping&FPS: True 0.050491902445 204.93381159 121.933813378 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:33:56] ping&FPS: False 0.0443322466952 91.9338145623 91.9338145623 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:34:05] ping&FPS: True 0.0422431262476 335.933959685 119.933960489 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:34:05] ping&FPS: False 0.0367341818554 185.933964095 185.933964095 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:34:11] ping&FPS: True 0.0443352045757 204.933986946 144.933988735 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:34:11] ping&FPS: False 0.0332054304225 161.933987423 161.933987423 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:34:11] ping&FPS: True 0.0333495842559 151.933981582 202.933981582 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:34:12] ping&FPS: False 0.0286988498909 136.933979824 136.933979824 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:34:12] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:34:12] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:34:12] id 7083762 [S] [2016_05_28 14:34:12] name TOPMA3_31RUS [S] [2016_05_28 14:34:12] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:34:12] @ launchpadAppeared 7083762 [S] [2016_05_28 14:34:17] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:34:17] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:34:17] id 7083764 [S] [2016_05_28 14:34:17] name Rizla [S] [2016_05_28 14:34:17] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:34:17] @ launchpadAppeared 7083764 [S] [2016_05_28 14:34:18] ping&FPS: True 0.0428058015449 238.933894246 127.933894187 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:34:18] ping&FPS: False 0.0290171088917 45.9338943357 45.9338943357 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:34:21] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:34:23] ping&FPS: True 0.0209276633603 205.933838069 97.9338341052 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:34:23] ping&FPS: False 0.0219928430659 94.9338368768 94.9338368768 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:34:24] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:34:25] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:34:27] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:34:27] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:34:27] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:34:28] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:34:28] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:34:28] id 7083752 [S] [2016_05_28 14:34:28] name Federal1777 [S] [2016_05_28 14:34:28] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:34:28] ping&FPS: True 0.0391473802073 352.933769509 140.933780565 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:34:28] ping&FPS: False 0.0352282854063 77.9337673927 77.9337673927 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:34:31] ping&FPS: True 0.0405260356409 295.933744728 179.933737188 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:34:31] ping&FPS: False 0.0380519511444 102.933744847 102.933744847 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:34:32] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:34:32] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:34:32] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:34:33] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:34:33] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:34:33] SmokeScreen.onEnterWorld( 974731 ) [(-67.7741, -104.94)] [S] [2016_05_28 14:34:38] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:34:39] ping&FPS: True 0.0457955779774 355.933666855 131.933664381 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:34:39] ping&FPS: False 0.0446211355073 102.933665111 102.933665111 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:34:39] SmokeScreen.onEnterWorld( 974732 ) [(-130.458, 68.266)] [S] [2016_05_28 14:34:41] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:34:43] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:34:43] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:34:44] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:34:44] id 7083752 [S] [2016_05_28 14:34:45] ping&FPS: True 0.0281837167484 324.933602839 142.93361476 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:34:45] ping&FPS: False 0.0166999431593 71.933603465 71.933603465 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:34:45] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:34:45] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:34:45] id 7083752 [S] [2016_05_28 14:34:45] name Federal1777 [S] [2016_05_28 14:34:45] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:34:47] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:34:48] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:34:50] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:34:50] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:34:53] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 14:34:53] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 14:34:53] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#30603: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:34:53] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 14:34:53] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:34:53] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Ibuki_foam_post_death.xml#30628: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:34:53] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Ibuki_foam_post_death.xml#30629: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:34:53] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Ibuki_foam_post_death.xml#30630: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:34:53] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:34:53] id 7083780 [S] [2016_05_28 14:34:53] name supermegaspec [S] [2016_05_28 14:34:53] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:34:53] @ launchpadAppeared 7083780 [S] [2016_05_28 14:35:03] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:35:03] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:35:03] id 7083756 [S] [2016_05_28 14:35:03] name vmp_VP [S] [2016_05_28 14:35:03] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:35:03] ping&FPS: True 0.0258174198014 238.933560252 119.933552741 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:35:03] ping&FPS: False 0.038358825658 143.933556139 143.933556139 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:35:17] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:35:17] id 7083752 [S] [2016_05_28 14:35:20] SmokeScreen.onEnterWorld( 974733 ) [(-345.969, 123.324)] [S] [2016_05_28 14:35:22] ping&FPS: True 0.0473528089268 205.933442041 127.933441802 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:35:22] ping&FPS: False 0.0362258138401 73.9334429944 73.9334429944 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:35:25] ping&FPS: True 0.0341854574425 206.933395579 137.933397039 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:35:25] ping&FPS: False 0.0268081905586 125.93339388 125.93339388 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:35:31] ping&FPS: True 0.0455999629838 255.933342441 175.933345183 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:35:31] ping&FPS: False 0.0535560282213 199.933345422 199.933345422 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:35:34] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:35:34] id 7083756 [S] [2016_05_28 14:35:39] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#31306: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:35:42] ping&FPS: True 0.0489888372166 214.933386221 143.933390095 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:35:42] ping&FPS: False 0.0379252465708 79.9333881581 79.9333881581 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:35:43] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#31325: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:35:46] ping&FPS: True 0.032260942672 207.933332502 121.933331936 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:35:46] ping&FPS: False 0.0216344775898 99.9333302671 99.9333302671 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:35:47] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#31392: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:35:51] SmokeScreen.onEnterWorld( 974734 ) [(388.91, -125.221)] [S] [2016_05_28 14:36:01] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:36:01] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:36:01] id 7083770 [S] [2016_05_28 14:36:01] name zai1000 [S] [2016_05_28 14:36:01] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:36:02] @ launchpadAppeared 7083770 [S] [2016_05_28 14:36:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:36:02] id 7083780 [S] [2016_05_28 14:36:02] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 14:36:14] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#31824: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:36:17] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_water_fountains_post_death.xml#31865: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:36:18] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 14:36:18] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 14:36:18] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#31888: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:36:18] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 14:36:18] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:36:18] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:36:18] id 7083778 [S] [2016_05_28 14:36:18] name retvizan28 [S] [2016_05_28 14:36:18] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:36:18] @ launchpadAppeared 7083778 [S] [2016_05_28 14:36:18] ping&FPS: True 0.0316948773605 264.933161094 109.933167949 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:36:18] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Hipper_foam_post_death.xml#31895: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:36:18] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Hipper_foam_post_death.xml#31896: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:36:18] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Hipper_foam_post_death.xml#31897: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:36:19] ping&FPS: False 0.035456817065 154.933162286 154.933162286 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:36:22] ping&FPS: True 0.0388426440103 206.933133527 67.9331349874 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:36:22] ping&FPS: False 0.0372366937143 133.933136865 133.933136865 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:36:40] ping&FPS: True 0.0287478896124 215.933125361 69.933127209 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:36:40] ping&FPS: False 0.0212111132486 64.9331229771 64.9331229771 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:36:49] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#32401: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:36:49] ping&FPS: True 0.0378754245383 262.93310517 138.933099314 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:36:50] ping&FPS: False 0.0354291605098 159.933107182 159.933107182 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:36:51] ping&FPS: True 0.0520725431187 685.933098182 171.933108672 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:36:51] ping&FPS: False 0.0411056386573 112.933096215 112.933096215 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:36:53] ping&FPS: True 0.0413259374244 342.933099731 142.933097526 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:36:53] ping&FPS: False 0.0369426192982 145.933097586 145.933097586 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:36:54] ping&FPS: True 0.0450918557388 224.933103784 142.933102294 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:36:54] ping&FPS: False 0.0505944373352 198.933104738 198.933104738 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:36:55] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 14:36:55] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 14:36:55] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#32495: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:36:55] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 14:36:55] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#32496: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:36:56] ping&FPS: True 0.0410760822041 74.9330976153 247.933097615 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:36:56] ping&FPS: False 0.0409452351076 97.9330950523 97.9330950523 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:36:56] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Gearing_foam_post_death.xml#32514: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:36:56] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Gearing_foam_post_death.xml#32515: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:36:56] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Gearing_foam_post_death.xml#32516: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:36:56] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Gearing_foam_post_death.xml#32517: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:36:56] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Gearing_foam_post_death.xml#32518: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:36:56] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Gearing_foam_post_death.xml#32519: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:00] ping&FPS: True 0.0639764623983 523.933027707 120.933018185 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:00] ping&FPS: False 0.0548451351268 128.933020912 128.933020912 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:00] ping&FPS: True 0.0541361527784 268.933033131 147.933024428 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:00] ping&FPS: False 0.0554324047906 137.933031536 137.933031536 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:02] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#32593: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:02] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#32594: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:03] ping&FPS: True 0.0568578051669 233.933022089 137.933024711 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:03] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:03] ping&FPS: False 0.0490218879921 76.9330216715 76.9330216715 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:04] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:04] id 7083768 [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:04] name Alfist_na_Brere [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:04] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:05] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#32647: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:05] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#32648: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:06] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:06] ping&FPS: True 0.0601134257657 220.932993933 135.932994961 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:07] ping&FPS: False 0.0493581624968 100.932995483 100.932995483 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:07] ping&FPS: True 0.0568855064256 236.93299894 100.932995483 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:07] ping&FPS: False 0.0457970308406 92.9330156887 92.9330156887 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:08] ping&FPS: True 0.0485887261374 362.933021172 92.9330156887 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:08] ping&FPS: False 0.044446248029 126.933023646 178.933023318 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:09] setFpsGathererActive(False) [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:11] ping&FPS: True 0.742351617132 1532.93301231 130.933019936 0 [E] [2016_05_28 14:37:11] Can only call base methods on the connected entity [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:11] [Weather][44379] onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:11] Avatar.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:11] (, 70665289920581, 61): Deleted: [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:11] (, 70665289920581, 61): Deleted: [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:11] id 7083758 [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:11] id 7083760 [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:11] id 7083762 [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:11] id 7083764 [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:11] id 7083766 [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:11] id 7083768 [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:11] id 7083770 [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:11] id 7083772 [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:11] id 7083774 [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:11] id 7083776 [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:11] id 7083778 [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:11] id 7083782 [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:11] Account.__init__() [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:11] [Account debuG]: __init__() ONE___VP [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:11] (, 70665289920581, 61): ClientLobbySpace is creating [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:12] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:12] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4276041424 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:12] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:12] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4276041424L: {'exp': 58594}}, 'changedCrews': {14: {'exp': 234214}}, 'moneyXP': 159} [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:13] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:13] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': 151548} [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:13] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:13] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -237675} [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:13] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:13] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4276041424L: {'slots': {1: {'del_slots': 7}}}}} [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:13] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:13] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4276041424L: {'slots': {1: {'add_slots': (((), 4278022064L), ((), 4282216368L), ((), 4280119216L), ((), 4287459248L), ((), 4286410672L), ((), 4283264944L))}}}}, 'storage': {4282216368L: 42, 4278022064L: 61, 4283264944L: 108, 4280119216L: 73, 4286410672L: 45, 4287459248L: 46}} [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:13] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:13] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -22500, 'changedShips': {4276041424L: {'slots': {1: {'add_slots': (((), 4287557552L),)}}}}} [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:13] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:13] >>> receiveChanges {'storage': {4284653488L: 13}} [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:13] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:13] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -22500, 'storage': {4283604912L: 1}} [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:13] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:13] >>> receiveChanges {'storage': {4283604912L: 0}} [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:13] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:13] setServerTime -3104.2980001 1464434938 1464431833.7 [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:13] updateActionsProgress: {0: [4276041424L]} [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:13] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:13] __updateTaskProgress start: {} [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:13] updateActionsProgress: {'10688_q02': {'count': 2, 2: {'count': 0}, 3: {'count': 2}}, '10688_q03': {'count': 9}, '10688_q01': {'count': 3, 2: {'count': 1}, 3: {'count': 0}}} [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:13] __updateTaskProgress start: {'10688_q02': {'count': 2, 2: {'count': 0}, 3: {'count': 2}}, '10688_q03': {'count': 9}, '10688_q01': {'count': 3, 2: {'count': 1}, 3: {'count': 0}}} [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:13] step id: 10688_q02 progress {'count': 2, 2: {'count': 0}, 3: {'count': 2}} [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:13] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:13] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:13] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:13] step id: 10688_q03 progress {'count': 9} [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:13] isDone id 10688_q03 count 9 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:13] isDone id 10688_q03 count 9 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:13] isDone id 10688_q03 count 9 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:13] step id: 10688_q01 progress {'count': 3, 2: {'count': 1}, 3: {'count': 0}} [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:13] isDone id 10688_q01 count 3 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:13] isDone id 10688_q01 count 3 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:13] isDone id 10688_q01 count 3 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:13] md3ce6e8.onUpdate 0 0 [dailyId 0 type 0 desc {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464566400.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 0, 'condition': ()} , dailyId 1 type 0 desc {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464480000.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 1, 'condition': ()} , dailyId 39 type 1 desc {'rewards': {5: '500'}, 'title': 390, 'iconId': 6, 'timeToChange': 1464393600.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 2, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 39, 'condition': (6, '1', ('4', 0))} ] [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:13] Daily.update: {'rewards': {}, 'pdata': {'isSeen': True, 'timeToChange': 1464566400.0}, 'condition': ('empty', {}), 'desc': (0, 0, 0, 0, 0)} [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:13] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464566400.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 0, 'condition': ()} [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:13] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464480000.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 1, 'condition': ()} [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:13] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {5: '500'}, 'title': 390, 'iconId': 6, 'timeToChange': 1464393600.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 2, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 39, 'condition': (6, '1', ('4', 0))} [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:13] md3ce6e8.onUpdate 1 1 [dailyId 0 type 0 desc {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464566400.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 0, 'condition': ()} , dailyId 1 type 0 desc {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464480000.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 1, 'condition': ()} , dailyId 39 type 1 desc {'rewards': {5: '500'}, 'title': 390, 'iconId': 6, 'timeToChange': 1464393600.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 2, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 39, 'condition': (6, '1', ('4', 0))} ] [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:13] Daily.update: {'rewards': {}, 'pdata': {'isSeen': True, 'timeToChange': 1464480000.0}, 'condition': ('empty', {}), 'desc': (1, 0, 0, 0, 1)} [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:13] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464566400.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 0, 'condition': ()} [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:13] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464480000.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 1, 'condition': ()} [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:13] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {5: '500'}, 'title': 390, 'iconId': 6, 'timeToChange': 1464393600.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 2, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 39, 'condition': (6, '1', ('4', 0))} [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:13] md3ce6e8.onUpdate 2 39 [dailyId 0 type 0 desc {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464566400.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 0, 'condition': ()} , dailyId 1 type 0 desc {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464480000.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 1, 'condition': ()} , dailyId 39 type 1 desc {'rewards': {5: '500'}, 'title': 390, 'iconId': 6, 'timeToChange': 1464393600.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 2, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 39, 'condition': (6, '1', ('4', 0))} ] [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:13] Daily.update: {'rewards': {'addResFreeXP': {'value': '500'}}, 'pdata': {'count': 0, 'isSeen': True, 'timeToChange': 1464393600.0, 'reward': 'addResFreeXP'}, 'condition': ('torpHits', {'count': '4', 'division': '0', 'countBattle': '1'}), 'desc': (39, 1, 6, 390, 2)} [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:13] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464566400.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 0, 'condition': ()} [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:13] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464480000.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 1, 'condition': ()} [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:13] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {5: '500'}, 'title': 390, 'iconId': 6, 'timeToChange': 1464393600.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 2, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 39, 'condition': (6, '1', ('4', 0))} [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:13] leaveBattleSession() Reason: 0 Info: None [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:13] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:13] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:13] Can't send FPS data: it's empty [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:13] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.onEnterLobbyEvent():, (['34411633@wowsru.loc', '8009484@wowsru.loc', '12414124@wowsru.loc', '4679742@wowsru.loc', 'ids_chat_channel_offtop@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', 'wargamingfm@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', '1559899_1454784666@user-rooms.wows.wowsru.loc', 'ids_chat_channel_questions@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', '63671710@wowsru.loc', '5651230@wowsru.loc', '1559899@wowsru.loc', '48007201@wowsru.loc', '6878512@wowsru.loc', '64052394@wowsru.loc', 'ids_chat_channel_search_div@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', '58574566@wowsru.loc', '4719392_1447787513@user-rooms.wows.wowsru.loc'],) [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:13] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetAccountStats, ('0 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:13] md79a786.applyStatsDiff(): {'dossier': '\x07\x00\x18\x00`\x00P\x048\x00`\x00<\x008\x00`\x00`\x00`\x00`\x00\x00\x00\x00\x008\x008\x008\x008\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00`\x00`\x00`\x008\x008\x008\x00\xc0\x00`\x008\x00\x18\x00 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'accPoints': 13296138} [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:13] __processDossierStats() client dossier: ['pvp', 'pve_diag', 'rank_diag', 'club', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'max_pve', 'pvp_diag', 'pve', 'max_club', 'max_pvp', 'total', 'club_diag'] [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:13] mc0c471c.onGetAccountStats(): (12, 13292958) (12, 13296138) [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:13] [NUT] PlayersAccountsSystem __request, set([47041, 6332290, 427140, 8804682, 8009484, 2715866, 1559899, 63671710, 3480927, 48007201, 5651230, 58574566, 64052394, 12414124, 6878512, 34411633, 2115378, 671987, 22102814, 242294, 756279, 46719994, 448253, 4679742]) [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:16] (, 70665289920581, 61): receiveBattleResults, ('8286 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:16] BR: {'credits': 151548, 'credits_penalty': 0, 'exp_penalty': 0, 'exp': 1551, 'credits_compensation': 0} [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:16] BR: {'credits': {'sse': [], 'dq': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'ship_exp': {'sse': [], 'dq': [], 'base': [['FIRST_WIN', 1.0, True, 0]], 'mod': [[4274909104L, 0.05, True, 0]]}, 'crew_exp': {'sse': [], 'dq': [], 'base': [], 'mod': [[4274909104L, 0.05, True, 0]]}, 'free_exp': {'sse': [], 'dq': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'acc_level': {'sse': [], 'dq': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}} [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:16] BR: {'auto_repair_list': [4283264944L], 'auto_exterior_list': [], 'auto_exterior_credits': 0, 'auto_camo_credits': 22500, 'exterior_applied': True, 'exp_enabled': True, 'abilities_applied': True, 'auto_repair_factor': 0.9, 'auto_load_credits': 44400, 'acc_points_enabled': True, 'free_exp_enabled': True, 'free_exp_factor': 0.05, 'aogas_factor': 1.0, 'auto_exterior_gold': 0, 'premium_credits_factor': 1.5, 'premium_exp_factor': 1.5, 'auto_abilities_list': [(4283604912L, False, 22500)], 'auto_camo_list': [4287557552L], 'camo_applied': True, 'auto_repair_credits': 193275, 'auto_load_list': [[111, 44400], [0, 0], [0, 0]], 'serve_applied': True, 'auto_camo_gold': 0, 'crew_exp_enabled': True, 'auto_abilities_gold': 0, 'auto_abilities_credits': 22500, 'credits_enabled': True, 'aogas_online': 0} [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:16] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, ('151 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:16] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, (1, [{'importance': 2, 'typeId': 4, 'dt': 1464434621, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'costShell': 44400, 'shipId': 4276041424L, 'result': 0, 'costRepair': 193275}}]) [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:16] (, 70665289920581, 61): onRewardsRestored, ('21 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:16] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:16] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:16] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 0. Boxes contents: [{}] [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:16] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetAchievements, ('993 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:16] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 4, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SHIP_SERVE', 'costShell': 44400, 'result': 0, 'shipId': 4276041424L, 'uiSpecial': False, 'shipLevelRome': 'X', 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PJSB018', 'shipType': 'Battleship', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_BATTLESHIP', 'isElite': True, 'dt': 1464434621, 'groupId': 5, 'costTotal': 237675, 'sourceId': 0, 'costRepair': 193275, 'stypeIdent': 'Battleship', 'postponed': False} setServerTime -3104.15799999 1464434941 1464431836.84 [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:16] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:16] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:17] Can't send FPS data: it's empty [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:17] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.onEnterLobbyEvent():, (['34411633@wowsru.loc', '8009484@wowsru.loc', '12414124@wowsru.loc', '4679742@wowsru.loc', 'ids_chat_channel_offtop@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', 'wargamingfm@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', '1559899_1454784666@user-rooms.wows.wowsru.loc', 'ids_chat_channel_questions@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', '63671710@wowsru.loc', '5651230@wowsru.loc', '1559899@wowsru.loc', '48007201@wowsru.loc', '6878512@wowsru.loc', '64052394@wowsru.loc', 'ids_chat_channel_search_div@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', '58574566@wowsru.loc', '4719392_1447787513@user-rooms.wows.wowsru.loc'],) [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:17] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence(), ('', '', 0) [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:17] [NUT] AccountsRequest __response, [(47041, 'WONDERFUL_SHOT', 12, 0, 1463997729), (6332290, 'zloy_nyb', 12, 0, 1464421725), (427140, 'Kapitan_Slip', 12, 0, 1464285451), (8804682, 'mishania1235', 12, 0, 1463925150), (8009484, 'SD_D', 12, 0, 1464117201), (2715866, 'BCEM_PPC', 12, 0, 1464418481), (1559899, 'AIRBORNE_161', 12, 0, 1460114623), (63671710, '6aToH4uK_', 12, 0, 1464380706), (3480927, 'Doc_Maximov', 12, 0, 1464432937), (48007201, 'CRIMEA_Haru6aLLIka', 12, 0, 1463780747), (22102814, 'bagfrag1', 12, 0, 1460487063), (58574566, '1tim1_2015', 12, 0, 1464293769), (64052394, 'Lady_Diana_Diversantka', 12, 0, 1464426838), (12414124, 'M_a_n_t_i_s', 12, 0, 1464199836), (6878512, 'Tylendor', 12, 0, 1464024410), (34411633, 'cblH_BouHa', 12, 0, 1463541667), (2115378, 'longxvost', 12, 0, 1461160136), (671987, 'Skunner', 12, 0, 1464285824), (5651230, 'Shkiper2222', 12, 0, 1464375996), (242294, 'PANZER_DIKLONIUS', 12, 0, 1463333213), (756279, '11Paul11', 12, 0, 1464432703), (46719994, 'yushkov8249', 12, 0, 1463790981), (448253, 'AndRyu_47', 12, 0, 1464425279), (4679742, 'alex30279', 12, 0, 1464276886)] 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:17] ping&FPS: True 0.262528951679 0.001 130.933019936 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:17] (, 70665289920581, 61): ma3b8627.__onNodeReadyForData: invalid windowId 6 [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:17] (, 70665289920581, 61): ma3b8627.__onNodeReadyForStage: invalid windowId 6 [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:17] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:17] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:17] isDone id 10688_q03 count 9 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:17] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:17] isDone id 10688_q01 count 3 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:17] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:17] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:17] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:17] isDone id 10688_q03 count 9 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:17] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:17] isDone id 10688_q01 count 3 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:17] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:17] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:17] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:17] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, ('174 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:17] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, (1, [{'importance': 2, 'typeId': 42, 'dt': 1464434621, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (22500, 0), 'camoStor': False, 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4276041424L, 'flagsBuyFail': False}}]) [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:17] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 42, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PJSB018', 'flagsAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'isElite': True, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_EXTERIOR_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2, 'camouflageAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'idInGroup': 1, 'groupId': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_BATTLESHIP', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'X', 'shipType': 'Battleship', 'stypeIdent': 'Battleship', 'dt': 1464434621, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (22500, 0), 'camoStor': False, 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4276041424L, 'flagsBuyFail': False}, 'uiSpecial': False} action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': 0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:17] [NUT] InteractiveMessageSystem: __onSelectedMessageChanged selectedEntityId None [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:17] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': -1.0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:17] [NUT] InteractiveMessageSystem: __onSelectedMessageChanged selectedEntityId None [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:19] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, ('174 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:19] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, (1, [{'importance': 2, 'typeId': 17476, 'dt': 1464434621, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'item': ('consumable', 4284653488L), 'shipID': 4276041424L, 'numItems': 1, 'partnerID': 29869806790999046L}}]) [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:19] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, ('174 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:19] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, (1, [{'importance': 2, 'typeId': 17476, 'dt': 1464434621, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'item': ('consumable', 4283604912L), 'shipID': 4276041424L, 'numItems': 1, 'partnerID': 29869806790999046L}}]) [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:19] (, 70665289920581, 61): handleBanInfo:, ({'banId': '14643763953', 'reason': '"\xd0\x98\xd1\x81\xd0\xbf\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbb\xd1\x8c\xd0\xb7\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd1\x80\xd0\xbc\xd0\xb0\xd1\x82\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb9 \xd0\xbb\xd0\xb5\xd0\xba\xd1\x81\xd0\xb8\xd0\xba\xd0\xb8/ \xd0\xbe\xd1\x81\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd1\x80\xd0\xb1\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd1\x8f" \xe2\x80\x93 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd1\x80\xd1\x83\xd1\x88\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xbf\xd1\x83\xd0\xbd\xd0\xba\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0 1 \xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb7\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb0 1 \xd0\x9f\xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb8\xd0\xbb \xd0\xb8\xd0\xb3\xd1\x80\xd1\x8b (R)', 'expiry': 1464635520L},) [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:19] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence(), ('8752339@wowsru.loc/wows', 'ONE___VP', 0) [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:20] __addInfoToMessage {'sourceId': 0, 'typeId': 52, 'data': {'slot': 29869806790999046L, 'shipId': 4276041424L, 'abilId': 4284653488L}} __addInfoToMessage {'sourceId': 0, 'typeId': 52, 'data': {'slot': 29869806790999046L, 'shipId': 4276041424L, 'abilId': 4283604912L}} ping&FPS: False 0.178380917226 79.9331773663 130.933019936 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:20] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, ('129 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:20] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, (1, [{'importance': 2, 'typeId': 55, 'dt': 1464434621, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'fail': False, 'shipId': 4276041424L, 'cost': (22500, 0)}}]) [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:20] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, ('609 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:20] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, (1, [{'importance': 2, 'typeId': 5, 'dt': 1464434621, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'achievements': (), 'expPenalty': 0, 'tasks': {'10688_q02': {'count': (2, 0), 'progress': (0.5, 0.0), 2: {'count': (0, 0)}, 3: {'count': (2, 0)}, 'name': u'\u0411\u0435\u0433\u043b\u044b\u0439 \u043e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c'}, '10688_q03': {'count': (9, 0), 'progress': (0, 0), 2: {'count': (0, 0)}, 'name': u'\u0411\u043e\u0435\u0432\u0430\u044f \u044d\u0444\u0444\u0435\u043a\u0442\u0438\u0432\u043d\u043e\u0441\u0442\u044c'}, '10688_q01': {'count': (3, 0), 'progress': (0.1, 0.0), 2: {'count': (1, 0)}, 3: {'count': (0, 0)}, 'name': u'\u0422\u044f\u0436\u0451\u043b\u043e\u0435 \u0432\u043e\u043e\u0440\u0443\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'}}, 'shipsKilled': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 29869806790999046L, 'battleTypeId': 5, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'mapTypeId': 18, 'credits': 151548, 'result': 1, 'exp': 3180, 'dailics_info': {}, 'shipId': 4276041424L, 'battleCreateTime': 1464433670, 'accLeveling': (12, 12, 13292958, 3180), 'aogasFactor': 1.0}}]) [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:20] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 55, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PJSB018', 'groupId': 1, 'isElite': True, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_ABILITY_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 8, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_BATTLESHIP', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'X', 'cost': (22500, 0), 'shipType': 'Battleship', 'costNeed': (0, 0), 'stypeIdent': 'Battleship', 'dt': 1464434621, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'fail': False, 'shipId': 4276041424L, 'cost': (22500, 0)}, 'uiSpecial': False} SYS_MESSAGE_TYPE.BATTLE_RESULTS [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:20] key achievements value () [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:20] key expPenalty value 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:20] key tasks value {'10688_q02': {'count': (2, 0), 'progress': (0.5, 0.0), 2: {'count': (0, 0)}, 3: {'count': (2, 0)}, 'name': u'\u0411\u0435\u0433\u043b\u044b\u0439 \u043e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c'}, '10688_q03': {'count': (9, 0), 'progress': (0, 0), 2: {'count': (0, 0)}, 'name': u'\u0411\u043e\u0435\u0432\u0430\u044f \u044d\u0444\u0444\u0435\u043a\u0442\u0438\u0432\u043d\u043e\u0441\u0442\u044c'}, '10688_q01': {'count': (3, 0), 'progress': (0.1, 0.0), 2: {'count': (1, 0)}, 3: {'count': (0, 0)}, 'name': u'\u0422\u044f\u0436\u0451\u043b\u043e\u0435 \u0432\u043e\u043e\u0440\u0443\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'}} [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:20] key shipsKilled value 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:20] key arenaUniqueID value 29869806790999046 [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:20] key battleTypeId value 5 [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:20] key teamBuildTypeId value 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:20] key creditsPenalty value 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:20] key creditsCompensation value 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:20] key mapTypeId value 18 [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:20] key credits value 151548 [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:20] key result value 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:20] key exp value 3180 [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:20] key dailics_info value {} [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:20] key shipId value 4276041424 [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:20] key battleCreateTime value 1464433670 [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:20] key accLeveling value (12, 12, 13292958, 3180) [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:20] key aogasFactor value 1.0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:20] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 5, 'exp': 3180, 'tasks': {'10688_q02': {2: {'count': (0, 0)}, 3: {'count': (2, 0)}, 'name': u'\u0411\u0435\u0433\u043b\u044b\u0439 \u043e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c'}, '10688_q03': {2: {'count': (0, 0)}, 'name': u'\u0411\u043e\u0435\u0432\u0430\u044f \u044d\u0444\u0444\u0435\u043a\u0442\u0438\u0432\u043d\u043e\u0441\u0442\u044c'}, '10688_q01': {2: {'count': (1, 0)}, 3: {'count': (0, 0)}, 'name': u'\u0422\u044f\u0436\u0451\u043b\u043e\u0435 \u0432\u043e\u043e\u0440\u0443\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'}}, 'aogasFactor': 1.0, 'mapBGPath': '../maps_bg/37_Ridge.png', 'earnedAchievements': [], 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_BATTLE_RESULTS_1', 'result': 1, 'shipId': 4276041424L, 'uiSpecial': False, 'mapTypeId': 18, 'accountLeveling': {'expGained': 3180, 'currLevel': 12, 'prevLevel': 12, 'currLevelExp': 167500, 'expTotal': 13296138, 'nextLevelExp': 167500}, 'mapName': 'IDS_SPACES/37_RIDGE', 'battleTypeId': 5, 'shipLevelRome': 'X', 'achievements': (), 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PJSB018', 'shipsKilled': 0, 'importance': 2, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_BATTLESHIP', 'credits': 151548, 'isElite': True, 'date': '28.05.2016 15:07', 'dt': 1464434621, 'groupId': 3, 'accLeveling': (12, 12, 13292958, 3180), 'expPenalty': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 29869806790999046L, 'sourceId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'shipType': 'Battleship', 'quests': [], 'dailics_info': {}, 'stypeIdent': 'Battleship', 'postponed': False, 'battleCreateTime': 1464433670} BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:20] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:20] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tpd default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:20] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tpd default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:20] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_tpd default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:20] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_bomb default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:20] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_bomb default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:20] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:20] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:20] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:20] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:20] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:20] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:20] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:20] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:20] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:20] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:20] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:20] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:20] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:20] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:20] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:20] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:20] BuildData: Invalid path player.planes_lost default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:21] ping&FPS: True 0.0937281208379 332.933238066 130.933019936 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:21] ping&FPS: False 0.0887944506747 136.933240033 130.933019936 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:28] ping&FPS: True 0.0499345915658 263.933559782 130.933019936 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:28] ping&FPS: False 0.0517930792911 172.933563925 130.933019936 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:37] ping&FPS: True 0.0469940336687 227.93392343 130.933019936 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:37] ping&FPS: False 0.0390558647258 59.9339239517 130.933019936 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:38] ping&FPS: True 0.0468258219106 236.933939576 130.933019936 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:38] ping&FPS: False 0.038951049958 47.9339399928 130.933019936 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:38] ping&FPS: True 0.0410494761808 200.933948226 130.933019936 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:38] ping&FPS: False 0.0378064917667 100.93394988 130.933019936 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:39] ping&FPS: True 0.0390497254474 278.933951996 130.933019936 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:39] ping&FPS: False 0.0420036422355 156.933955378 130.933019936 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:43] ping&FPS: True 0.0491362171514 864.934061147 130.933019936 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:43] ping&FPS: False 0.049137662564 143.934064261 130.933019936 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:46] ping&FPS: True 0.0497214155538 1103.93403079 130.933019936 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:37:46] ping&FPS: False 0.0540916728122 193.93403279 130.933019936 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:38:26] ping&FPS: True 0.0501354517681 227.934596873 130.933019936 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:38:26] ping&FPS: False 0.0400516795261 40.9345961431 130.933019936 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:38:27] ping&FPS: True 0.0453156860811 404.934614442 130.933019936 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:38:27] ping&FPS: False 0.0430927308542 125.934619285 130.933019936 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:38:29] ping&FPS: True 0.0489601971848 301.934640347 130.933019936 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:38:30] ping&FPS: False 0.0412905844195 122.934624716 130.933019936 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:38:35] ping&FPS: True 0.0505019532783 397.934744551 130.933019936 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:38:35] ping&FPS: False 0.0438816430313 54.9347365791 130.933019936 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:38:36] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:38:36] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 14:38:36] isDone id 10688_q03 count 9 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:38:36] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 14:38:36] isDone id 10688_q01 count 3 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:38:36] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 14:38:37] ping&FPS: True 0.0418834271176 517.934749662 130.933019936 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:38:37] ping&FPS: False 0.0351562978966 158.934754252 130.933019936 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:38:37] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2016_05_28 14:38:38] ping&FPS: True 0.0281770782811 279.934766672 130.933019936 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:38:38] ping&FPS: False 0.028199482177 129.934769354 130.933019936 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:38:45] ping&FPS: True 0.047752778445 1263.93494642 130.933019936 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:38:45] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 14:38:45] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 14:38:46] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence(), ('6332290@wowsru.loc/wows', 'zloy_nyb', 2) [S] [2016_05_28 14:38:46] [NUT] __updateUserPresence contacts 6332290 2 [S] [2016_05_28 14:38:46] ping&FPS: False 0.048082705055 164.934998758 130.933019936 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:38:51] ping&FPS: True 0.051228109215 336.934968017 130.933019936 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:38:51] ping&FPS: False 0.0429643722517 74.9349672715 130.933019936 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:38:52] ping&FPS: True 0.0455258818609 293.934981934 130.933019936 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:38:54] ping&FPS: False 0.0432144509895 77.9349592993 130.933019936 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:38:55] ping&FPS: True 0.0460938694222 287.934980951 130.933019936 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:38:56] ping&FPS: False 0.0411777751786 138.934956394 130.933019936 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:38:56] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:38:56] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 14:38:56] isDone id 10688_q03 count 9 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:38:56] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 14:38:56] isDone id 10688_q01 count 3 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:38:56] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 14:38:56] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 14:38:56] ping&FPS: True 0.0379176618797 674.934968315 130.933019936 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:38:57] ping&FPS: False 0.0365646513445 143.934975452 130.933019936 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:38:57] ping&FPS: True 0.03942241839 381.934979617 130.933019936 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:38:57] ping&FPS: False 0.0303422766072 37.9349802578 130.933019936 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:38:58] ping&FPS: True 0.0392572837217 216.934996567 130.933019936 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:38:58] ping&FPS: False 0.036191138838 83.9349972973 130.933019936 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:38:59] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:00] Account.enqueue(): 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:00] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4290754544 4 [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:00] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:00] onEnqueued() QueueType: 1 ShipId: 4290754544 [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:02] ping&FPS: True 0.0382511424167 1177.93501902 130.933019936 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:03] onPrepareingForBattle() [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:03] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4290754544 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:03] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:03] onGameRoomStateInit mapIdx = 4 battleType = 80 gameMode = Domination duration=1200 [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:03] (, 70665289920581, 61): handleBanInfo:, ({'banId': '14643763953', 'reason': '"\xd0\x98\xd1\x81\xd0\xbf\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbb\xd1\x8c\xd0\xb7\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd1\x80\xd0\xbc\xd0\xb0\xd1\x82\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb9 \xd0\xbb\xd0\xb5\xd0\xba\xd1\x81\xd0\xb8\xd0\xba\xd0\xb8/ \xd0\xbe\xd1\x81\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd1\x80\xd0\xb1\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd1\x8f" \xe2\x80\x93 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd1\x80\xd1\x83\xd1\x88\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xbf\xd1\x83\xd0\xbd\xd0\xba\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0 1 \xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb7\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb0 1 \xd0\x9f\xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb8\xd0\xbb \xd0\xb8\xd0\xb3\xd1\x80\xd1\x8b (R)', 'expiry': 1464635520L},) [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:03] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence(), ('8752339@wowsru.loc/wows', 'ONE___VP', 2) [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:03] ping&FPS: False 0.044214773391 167.934980332 130.933019936 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:11] ping&FPS: True 0.928571428571 154.935127824 130.933019936 0 [E] [2016_05_28 14:39:11] Can only call base methods on the connected entity [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:11] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:11] (, 70665289920581, 61): Lobby destroy started. [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:11] (, 70665289920581, 61): Lobby successfully destroyed. [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:11] onArenaStateReceived: teams info: [None, None] [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:11] (, 51820444204590, 546): Thresholds for team 0: Win: 910 Lose: 130 [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:11] (, 51820444204590, 546): Thresholds for team 1: Win: 910 Lose: 130 [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:11] MissionsComponent: #0 ControlPointHoldMission; reward = 4; penalty = 0; controlPoints = [5, 3, 1]; delay = 0; repeat = 6; repeatReward = 4; repeatPenalty = 0 #1 KillEnemyOfSpecificShipTypeMission; reward = 30; penalty = 45; shipType = Destroyer; rewardPerType = 0; penaltyPerType = 0 #2 KillEnemyOfSpecificShipTypeMission; reward = 35; penalty = 50; shipType = Cruiser; rewardPerType = 0; penaltyPerType = 0 #3 KillEnemyOfSpecificShipTypeMission; reward = 40; penalty = 60; shipType = Battleship; rewardPerType = 0; penaltyPerType = 0 #4 KillEnemyOfSpecificShipTypeMission; reward = 45; penalty = 65; shipType = AirCarrier; rewardPerType = 0; penaltyPerType = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:11] Mission tasks available! [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:11] Battle waiting start: 5.0 / 5227.02800655 [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:11] Avatar.receiveAvatarInfo: {'evaluationsLeft': {0: 5, 1: 5}} [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:11] Avatar.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:11] name ONE___VP [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:11] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:11] Avatar onControlled False [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:11] onControlled->False: not implemented [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:11] onGeometryMapped() MapName: %s 13_OC_new_dawn [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:11] teamBuildType: 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:11] player: Id: 6863362 Name: ArefinSAN TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB004_Arkansas_1912' [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:11] player: Id: 6833298 Name: ONE___VP TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASA004_Langley_1929' [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:11] player: Id: 6862995 Name: elfh12 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB004_Arkansas_1912' [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:11] player: Id: 7032983 Name: re5pect TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSC013_Kuma_1938' [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:11] player: Id: 7032989 Name: Nikolaus56 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSC013_Kuma_1938' [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:11] player: Id: 6813087 Name: mitpedat TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSC104_Karlsruhe' [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:11] player: Id: 6829553 Name: Targhaor TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASC024_Phoenix_1917' [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:11] player: Id: 6560680 Name: H0rrigan TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASA004_Langley_1929' [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:11] player: Id: 6901168 Name: GreenNewSoul TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSB003_Myogi_1912' [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:11] player: Id: 7036593 Name: LoCos TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB004_Arkansas_1912' [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:11] player: Id: 6960306 Name: zver_1000_96 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSC104_Karlsruhe' [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:11] player: Id: 7098419 Name: den7485 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSD104_Izyaslav' [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:11] player: Id: 6906166 Name: _Victorija_T34 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSC104_Svetlana' [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:11] player: Id: 7023932 Name: stanley59r TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASC004_St_Louis_1906' [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:11] player: Id: 7009718 Name: vladlabutin TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB004_Arkansas_1912' [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:11] player: Id: 7004358 Name: vadik614 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASA004_Langley_1929' [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:11] player: Id: 6954316 Name: Izmena1980 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB004_Arkansas_1912' [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:11] player: Id: 6533076 Name: SaDream_1 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSD104_Izyaslav' [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:11] player: Id: 6830046 Name: ALKACH_310 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASC004_St_Louis_1906' [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:11] player: Id: 6959969 Name: power68 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSC103_Bogatyr' [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:11] player: Id: 7048034 Name: Lambard0 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSC103_Kolberg' [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:11] player: Id: 6853608 Name: kalakay66 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSC104_Karlsruhe' [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:11] player: Id: 6825068 Name: ALEKS_LEKSUS_2016 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSC104_Svetlana' [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:11] player: Id: 6360872 Name: MIROHA_Pilot TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSA002_Hosho_1939' [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:11] BattleDataContext.__onEnterSpace [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:12] [DEBUG] BattleLoadingContext: geometry mapped [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:12] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (6509718, 0, 0, 7074212, 1464435051855L, False, True) [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:12] m418a81c.updatePreBattles (6509718, 0, 0, 7074212, 1464435051855L, False, True) [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:12] m418a81c.updatePreBattles1 {6509718: PreBattleInfo: id: 6509718, inPortPlayers: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 7074212, creationTime 1464435051855, hidden False, locked True } [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:12] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (6509718, 0, 0, 7074212, 1464435051855L, False, True) [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:12] m418a81c.updatePreBattles (6509718, 0, 0, 7074212, 1464435051855L, False, True) [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:12] m418a81c.updatePreBattles1 {6509718: PreBattleInfo: id: 6509718, inPortPlayers: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 7074212, creationTime 1464435051855, hidden False, locked True } [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:12] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (6509718, 0, 0, 7074212, 1464435051855L, False, True) [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:12] m418a81c.updatePreBattles (6509718, 0, 0, 7074212, 1464435051855L, False, True) [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:12] m418a81c.updatePreBattles1 {6509718: PreBattleInfo: id: 6509718, inPortPlayers: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 7074212, creationTime 1464435051855, hidden False, locked True } [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:12] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (6509718, 0, 0, 7074212, 1464435051855L, False, True) [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:12] m418a81c.updatePreBattles (6509718, 0, 0, 7074212, 1464435051855L, False, True) [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:12] m418a81c.updatePreBattles1 {6509718: PreBattleInfo: id: 6509718, inPortPlayers: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 7074212, creationTime 1464435051855, hidden False, locked True } [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:12] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:12] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:12] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:12] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:12] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:12] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:12] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:12] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:12] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:12] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:12] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:12] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:13] ping&FPS: False 0.164155315076 0.001 130.933019936 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:15] ping&FPS: True 0.0683382855994 251.935182064 133.935174286 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:15] [BAT] __initBasePoints points [, , ] [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:15] [BAT] x 0.250000076294 y 0.250000076294 VISIBLE True [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:15] [BAT] x 0.5 y 0.499999993333 VISIBLE True [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:15] [BAT] x 0.749999847412 y 0.749999949137 VISIBLE True [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:15] ping&FPS: False 0.0701232807977 166.935185223 166.935185223 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:16] Battle countdown start: 60.0 / 5231.67400662 [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:17] [Scaleform] Warning: instance39310.setImageSubstitutions() failed for #86 element - length of subString should not exceed 15 characters [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:19] ping&FPS: True 0.0713362651212 2037.93532775 167.935220934 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:19] ping&FPS: False 0.053969632302 64.9353281329 64.9353281329 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:20] ping&FPS: True 0.0685366945607 216.935326151 129.935329697 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:20] ping&FPS: False 0.0553848253829 77.9353277603 77.9353277603 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:22] ping&FPS: True 0.0676695959909 210.935333378 145.93533232 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:22] ping&FPS: False 0.0506285907967 101.935331471 101.935331471 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:23] ping&FPS: True 0.0675527261836 204.935328565 141.93532849 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:23] ping&FPS: False 0.0543562131269 152.935333155 152.935333155 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:24] ping&FPS: True 0.0684729622943 207.935338698 138.935336269 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:24] ping&FPS: False 0.0553186344249 151.935337536 151.935337536 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:25] ping&FPS: True 0.0673692332847 205.935339294 138.935337193 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:25] ping&FPS: False 0.0504041644079 51.9353403667 51.9353403667 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:26] ping&FPS: True 0.0549526917083 208.935355894 147.935349576 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:26] ping&FPS: False 0.0497857215149 64.9353572348 64.9353572348 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:28] ping&FPS: True 0.06215476564 309.935363955 136.935361571 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:28] ping&FPS: False 0.0575590091092 115.935366205 115.935366205 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:29] ping&FPS: True 0.0647462265832 230.935369543 133.93536707 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:29] ping&FPS: False 0.0556646989925 125.93537157 125.93537157 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:30] ping&FPS: True 0.0587928848607 202.93537601 166.935378126 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:30] ping&FPS: False 0.0489332484347 64.9353773514 64.9353773514 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:31] ping&FPS: True 0.0565603630883 293.935369186 162.935373149 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:31] ping&FPS: False 0.0528351100428 184.935369707 184.935369707 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:35] ping&FPS: True 0.057927187 239.935396756 136.935398396 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:36] ping&FPS: False 0.0517397778375 64.9353980975 64.9353980975 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:37] ping&FPS: True 0.0556687521083 240.935399793 138.93539568 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:37] ping&FPS: False 0.0462047787649 51.9354008654 51.9354008654 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:39] ping&FPS: True 0.0559345590217 228.93541903 175.935416884 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:39] ping&FPS: False 0.0612548547132 178.935420431 178.935420431 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:40] ping&FPS: True 0.0567349152906 212.93542046 154.935417212 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:40] ping&FPS: False 0.0489714177591 51.9354215334 51.9354215334 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:41] ping&FPS: True 0.0573247628553 224.935425393 141.935427628 0 [A] [2016_05_28 14:39:41] CollisionModel::load: Error loading collision model content/gameplay/russia/ship/destroyer/RSD017_Izyaslav_1930/RSD017_Izyaslav_1930_MidFront! [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:41] ping&FPS: False 0.0476831155164 107.935428194 107.935428194 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:43] ping&FPS: True 0.0561471985919 246.935439668 150.935438297 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:43] ping&FPS: False 0.0586852984769 169.935441456 169.935441456 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:43] ping&FPS: True 0.0601316051824 243.935443349 99.9354424695 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:44] ping&FPS: False 0.0648360805852 179.935446776 179.935446776 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:44] ping&FPS: True 0.0529214548213 265.935438178 125.935446731 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:45] ping&FPS: False 0.0555799858911 195.935440503 195.935440503 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:45] ping&FPS: True 0.0525026800377 231.935451943 136.935443717 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:45] ping&FPS: False 0.0455657126648 51.9354530158 51.9354530158 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:47] ping&FPS: True 0.0602357941014 241.935455504 130.935458678 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:47] ping&FPS: False 0.0518137173993 63.9354566815 63.9354566815 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:49] ping&FPS: True 0.0574544923646 203.935468506 77.9354667323 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:49] ping&FPS: False 0.0497712077839 78.9354702788 78.9354702788 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:53] ping&FPS: True 0.0554417031152 212.935488402 122.935488879 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:53] ping&FPS: False 0.0499881761415 77.9354900116 77.9354900116 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:55] ping&FPS: True 0.0515862511737 212.935510203 133.93551068 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:55] ping&FPS: False 0.0469477134092 65.9355117077 65.9355117077 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:58] ping&FPS: True 0.0555685268981 217.935521528 132.935515597 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:58] ping&FPS: False 0.0501432301743 64.9355228687 64.9355228687 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:58] ping&FPS: True 0.0591927128179 219.935525402 64.9355228687 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:58] ping&FPS: False 0.0473687233669 64.935526743 64.935526743 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:59] ping&FPS: True 0.0491655053837 224.935524538 128.93552491 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:39:59] ping&FPS: False 0.0428567709667 51.9355256105 51.9355256105 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:01] ping&FPS: True 0.0548389064414 201.935531608 147.935534819 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:01] ping&FPS: False 0.049841429506 77.9355332176 77.9355332176 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:02] ping&FPS: True 0.0584053354604 204.935549862 150.935549788 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:03] ping&FPS: False 0.0423349919064 130.93554712 130.93554712 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:04] ping&FPS: True 0.0585370617253 308.935559652 159.935557432 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:04] ping&FPS: False 0.0582634019 117.93556223 117.93556223 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:04] ping&FPS: True 0.0621478216989 215.935560263 146.935562111 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:05] ping&FPS: False 0.0553547697408 77.9355618725 77.9355618725 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:06] ping&FPS: True 0.0563318537814 227.93557053 103.935568548 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:06] ping&FPS: False 0.0490297036512 64.9355718712 64.9355718712 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:07] ping&FPS: True 0.0555057334048 202.935573734 128.935568399 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:07] ping&FPS: False 0.0496370526297 78.935575507 78.935575507 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:09] ping&FPS: True 0.0666763441903 228.935586772 134.935588352 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:09] ping&FPS: False 0.0534813063485 132.935588084 132.935588084 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:12] ping&FPS: True 0.0599320041282 224.935597501 151.935597874 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:12] ping&FPS: False 0.0515789645059 95.9355983356 95.9355983356 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:13] ping&FPS: True 0.0565678881747 212.935594268 133.93559847 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:13] ping&FPS: False 0.0508515568716 77.9355958769 77.9355958769 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:14] ping&FPS: True 0.0661693321807 214.935595981 90.9355961303 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:14] ping&FPS: False 0.0534954326493 78.9355977545 78.9355977545 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:14] ping&FPS: True 0.0543441729886 227.935597874 78.9355977545 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:14] ping&FPS: False 0.0476927267654 51.9355989466 51.9355989466 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:15] ping&FPS: True 0.0578388678176 231.93560826 104.935605622 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:15] ping&FPS: False 0.0499482782824 64.9356096009 64.9356096009 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:16] -= BATTLE STARTED =- [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:16] ping&FPS: True 0.0540891545159 222.935606144 171.935608707 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:16] ping&FPS: False 0.046789857958 117.935606859 117.935606859 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:18] ping&FPS: True 0.0708038466317 220.935603871 129.935603037 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:19] ping&FPS: False 0.0570476310594 77.9356054807 77.9356054807 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:20] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:20] id 7074183 [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:20] name GreenNewSoul [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:20] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:20] @ launchpadAppeared 7074183 [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:20] [Weather][43475] onEnterWorld (map spaces/13_OC_new_dawn, scheme 0, weather 0) [E] [2016_05_28 14:40:23] resolveEffectPathFromSfx: Environment effect must be loaded from SFX effect file (in sfx/* directory) [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:23] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:23] id 7074179 [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:23] name H0rrigan [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:23] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:23] @ launchpadAppeared 7074179 [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:23] ping&FPS: True 0.0615818308932 227.935619924 113.935619804 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:23] ping&FPS: False 0.053095075701 153.93562654 153.93562654 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:24] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:24] id 7074173 [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:24] name re5pect [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:24] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:24] @ launchpadAppeared 7074173 [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:24] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:24] id 7074211 [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:24] name ALEKS_LEKSUS_2016 [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:24] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:25] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:25] id 7074167 [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:25] name ArefinSAN [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:25] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:25] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:25] id 7074169 [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:25] name ONE___VP [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:25] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:25] @ launchpadAppeared 7074169 [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:25] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:25] Avatar.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:25] ! A.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:25] m7ae8a4d.init [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:25] @ launchpadAppeared 7074169 [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:25] m8fd8523.init [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:25] Unable to find camera param -- firstTimeSwitchToAviationInRtsKey [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:25] -- GUNS ----------------------------------------- [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:25] {} [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:25] -- GUNS ----------------------------------------- [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:25] {} [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:25] BattleDataContext.__onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:25] ! PM.refreshAirArmament [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:25] m7ae8a4d.restore [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:25] Avatar.onWorldStateReceived [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:25] ping&FPS: True 0.0215065287692 476.935638759 123.935633216 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:25] ping&FPS: False 0.0170548292143 120.935638103 120.935638103 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:27] ("[ERROR] FeedbackController: config {event: 'Sound', container: 'screenplay_trigger'} must set 'type'",) [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:27] ("[ERROR] FeedbackController: config {event: 'Sound', container: 'five_minutes_left'} must set 'type'",) [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:27] ('[ERROR] FeedbackController: empty config for event five_minutes_left',) [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:28] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:28] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:28] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:29] ping&FPS: True 0.0683704423053 3437.93560186 120.935638103 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:29] ping&FPS: False 0.0589680182082 194.935594711 194.935594711 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:29] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:29] id 7074185 [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:29] name LoCos [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:29] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:29] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:29] id 7074213 [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:29] name Targhaor [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:29] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:30] ping&FPS: True 0.0677786426885 1158.93560401 194.935594711 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:30] ping&FPS: False 0.0657334881169 135.935605812 135.935605812 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:31] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:31] id 7074207 [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:31] name Lambard0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:31] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:32] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:32] id 7074201 [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:32] name SaDream_1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:32] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:32] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:32] id 7074193 [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:32] name stanley59r [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:32] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:35] ping&FPS: True 0.0405696066363 253.935726474 167.935718368 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:35] ping&FPS: False 0.0425562816007 78.9357228833 78.9357228833 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:36] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:36] id 7074209 [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:36] name kalakay66 [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:36] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:36] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:36] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:36] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:54] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:54] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:54] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:56] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:40:59] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:41:04] ping&FPS: True 0.072857107435 234.936693724 116.936681281 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:41:05] ping&FPS: False 0.0586549001081 66.9366972553 66.9366972553 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:41:29] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:41:29] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:41:29] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:41:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:41:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:41:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:41:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:41:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:41:32] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:41:32] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:41:32] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:41:32] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:41:32] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:41:32] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:41:35] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:41:37] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:41:37] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:41:37] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:41:39] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:41:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:41:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:41:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:41:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:41:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:41:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:41:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:41:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:41:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:41:42] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:41:42] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:41:42] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:41:42] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:41:43] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:41:43] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:41:43] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:41:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:41:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:41:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:41:45] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:41:45] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:41:47] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:41:47] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:41:47] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:41:47] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:41:47] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:41:47] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:41:49] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:41:49] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:41:49] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:41:49] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:41:49] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:41:49] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:41:49] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:41:49] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:41:49] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:41:49] ping&FPS: True 0.0563556807382 309.938426662 138.938433591 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:41:50] ping&FPS: False 0.0528735475881 127.938429016 127.938429016 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:41:50] ping&FPS: True 0.0586457805974 309.938451651 116.938451129 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:41:50] ping&FPS: False 0.0522476988179 143.938453834 143.938453834 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:41:51] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:41:51] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:41:52] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:41:52] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:41:52] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:41:52] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:41:52] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:41:52] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:41:52] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:41:52] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:41:52] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:41:54] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:41:54] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:41:54] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:41:54] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:41:54] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:41:54] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:41:55] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:41:55] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:41:55] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:41:55] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:41:55] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:41:55] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:41:57] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:41:57] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:41:57] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:41:58] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:41:58] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:41:58] id 7074203 [S] [2016_05_28 14:41:58] name ALKACH_310 [S] [2016_05_28 14:41:58] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:41:59] ping&FPS: True 0.0819531934602 434.938749227 134.938730079 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:41:59] ping&FPS: False 0.0782427745206 141.938746426 141.938746426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:01] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:01] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:01] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:01] ping&FPS: True 0.0425874548299 221.938784163 133.938789684 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:01] ping&FPS: False 0.0379048468811 76.938784677 76.938784677 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:02] ping&FPS: True 0.0522437425596 254.938798788 133.938797969 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:02] ping&FPS: False 0.059020410691 193.938798923 193.938798923 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:03] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:04] ping&FPS: True 0.073624383126 418.938861001 150.938842613 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:04] ping&FPS: False 0.0708696203572 149.93886603 149.93886603 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:05] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:05] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:05] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:08] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:08] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:08] id 7074171 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:08] name elfh12 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:08] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:10] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:10] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:10] id 7074199 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:10] name Izmena1980 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:10] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:10] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:10] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:10] id 7074191 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:10] name vladlabutin [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:10] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:11] ping&FPS: True 0.0462724374873 342.939070869 158.939072389 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:11] ping&FPS: False 0.0437377946717 76.9390723141 76.9390723141 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:11] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:11] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:11] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:11] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:11] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:11] id 7074187 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:11] name zver_1000_96 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:11] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:11] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:11] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:12] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:13] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:13] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:15] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:16] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:16] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:16] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:16] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:16] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:16] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:16] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:16] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:16] id 7074189 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:16] name den7485 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:16] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:17] ping&FPS: True 0.0595117168767 309.939141694 115.939137447 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:17] ping&FPS: False 0.0629994230611 154.939139161 154.939139161 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:17] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:17] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:17] id 7074197 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:17] name vadik614 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:17] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:17] @ launchpadAppeared 7074197 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:18] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:19] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:19] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:19] ping&FPS: True 0.0337568776948 270.939156066 157.939150761 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:19] ping&FPS: False 0.0384194361312 133.93915661 133.93915661 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:20] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:20] id 7074199 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:21] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:22] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:23] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:23] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:23] id 7074195 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:23] name _Victorija_T34 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:23] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:24] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:26] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:27] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:27] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:27] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:27] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:27] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:27] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:27] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:27] id 7074199 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:27] name Izmena1980 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:27] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:28] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:28] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:28] id 7074197 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:28] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:30] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:30] id 7074195 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:32] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:32] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:32] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:32] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:32] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:32] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:33] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:34] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:34] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:34] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:34] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:34] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:36] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:36] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:36] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:36] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:37] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:37] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:40] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:40] id 7074191 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:43] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:43] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:43] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:43] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:43] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:43] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:44] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:44] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:44] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:44] id 7074177 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:44] name mitpedat [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:44] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:45] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:45] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:45] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:46] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:47] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:47] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:51] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:51] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:51] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:51] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:52] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:52] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:54] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:54] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:54] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:54] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:56] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:56] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:56] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:42:57] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:02] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:04] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:04] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:04] id 7074197 [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:04] name vadik614 [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:04] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:04] @ launchpadAppeared 7074197 [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:06] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:07] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:09] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:09] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:12] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:14] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:15] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:20] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:20] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:20] id 7074191 [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:20] name vladlabutin [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:20] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:21] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:21] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:21] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:21] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:21] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:21] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:21] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:21] id 7074175 [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:21] name Nikolaus56 [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:21] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:21] @ launchpadAppeared 7074175 [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:21] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:21] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:21] id 7074195 [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:21] name _Victorija_T34 [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:21] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:22] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence(), ('756279@wowsru.loc/wows', '11Paul11', 0) [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:22] [NUT] __updateUserPresence contacts 756279 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:23] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:23] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:23] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:24] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:27] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:27] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:27] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:27] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:27] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:37] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:37] id 7074199 [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:39] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:39] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:39] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:39] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:39] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:42] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:42] id 7074191 [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:43] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:45] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:45] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:45] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#33716: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:45] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Izyaslav_foam_post_death.xml#33734: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:45] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Izyaslav_foam_post_death.xml#33735: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:45] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Izyaslav_foam_post_death.xml#33736: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:45] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:45] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:45] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:46] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:47] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:47] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:47] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:47] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:47] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:48] id 7074189 [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:52] ping&FPS: True 0.0590393947703 293.939922038 129.939924139 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:53] ping&FPS: False 0.0550295220954 123.939920011 123.939920011 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:54] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:54] id 7074177 [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:54] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:54] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:54] id 7074181 [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:54] name MIROHA_Pilot [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:54] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:54] @ launchpadAppeared 7074181 [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:55] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence(), ('756279@wowsru.loc/wows', '11Paul11', 2) [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:55] [NUT] __updateUserPresence contacts 756279 2 [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:55] ping&FPS: True 0.0600568609578 359.939964432 133.93995944 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:55] ping&FPS: False 0.0549227999789 83.9399632992 83.9399632992 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:55] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:55] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:55] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:55] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:55] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:55] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:56] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:56] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:57] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:57] id 7074177 [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:57] name mitpedat [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:57] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:43:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:00] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:00] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:00] id 7074191 [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:00] name vladlabutin [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:00] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:02] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:05] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:06] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:06] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:08] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:08] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:08] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_AA_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#33974: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:08] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:08] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Langley_foam_post_death.xml#33975: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:08] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Langley_foam_post_death.xml#33976: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:08] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Langley_foam_post_death.xml#33977: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:09] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:09] id 7074177 [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:10] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:10] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:10] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:10] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:10] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:10] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:10] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:10] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:10] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:10] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:10] id 7074177 [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:10] name mitpedat [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:10] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:10] id 7074181 [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:10] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:12] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:12] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:12] id 7074187 [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:13] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:13] id 7074191 [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:16] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:17] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:17] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:17] id 7074191 [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:17] name vladlabutin [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:17] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:18] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:18] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:18] id 7074205 [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:18] name power68 [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:18] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:19] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:19] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:19] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:19] id 7074199 [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:19] name Izmena1980 [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:19] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:19] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:19] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:20] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:21] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:21] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:21] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:22] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:25] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:26] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:26] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:28] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:28] ping&FPS: True 0.0605707424028 314.940010238 140.940009828 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:28] ping&FPS: False 0.059003035937 125.940012264 125.940012264 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:30] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:31] ping&FPS: True 0.0471351178629 339.93999179 152.93999939 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:31] ping&FPS: False 0.0415839733822 66.9399934592 66.9399934592 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:33] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:33] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:34] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:34] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:34] id 7074189 [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:34] name den7485 [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:34] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:34] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:35] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:36] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:37] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:37] id 7074205 [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:38] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:38] id 7074191 [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:38] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:39] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:39] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:39] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:39] ping&FPS: True 0.0552913503987 306.939994689 158.939994659 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:39] ping&FPS: False 0.0455315890057 120.93999217 120.93999217 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:40] id 7074199 [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:40] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:40] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:40] id 7074199 [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:40] name Izmena1980 [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:40] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:40] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:40] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:40] id 7074191 [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:40] name vladlabutin [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:40] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:44] ping&FPS: True 0.054136584912 308.939964707 172.939968075 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:45] ping&FPS: False 0.050880576883 104.939965154 104.939965154 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:45] id 7074175 [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:45] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:46] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:46] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:46] id 7074191 [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:47] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:47] id 7074199 [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:49] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:49] id 7074195 [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:49] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:49] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:50] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#34739: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:52] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:52] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:52] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_AA_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#34750: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:53] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#34751: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:53] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:53] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:53] id 7074175 [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:53] name Nikolaus56 [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:53] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:53] @ launchpadAppeared 7074175 [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:57] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:57] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:44:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:00] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:00] id 7074203 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:00] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#34798: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:01] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:01] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:01] id 7074203 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:01] name ALKACH_310 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:01] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:02] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#34818: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:02] id 7074189 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:03] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:03] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:03] id 7074205 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:03] name power68 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:03] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:03] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:03] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:03] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:04] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:04] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:04] id 7074195 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:04] name _Victorija_T34 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:04] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:06] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:06] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:06] id 7074191 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:06] name vladlabutin [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:06] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:07] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:07] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:07] id 7074199 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:07] name Izmena1980 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:07] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:08] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:08] id 7074203 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:08] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:09] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#34902: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:11] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:11] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:11] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:12] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:12] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:12] id 7074203 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:12] name ALKACH_310 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:12] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:13] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:13] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_water_fountains_post_death.xml#34953: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:14] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:15] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:15] id 7074199 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:15] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:15] id 7074191 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:15] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:19] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:20] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:20] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:20] id 7074199 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:20] name Izmena1980 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:20] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:20] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:20] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:20] id 7074191 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:20] name vladlabutin [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:20] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:23] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:23] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:23] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:23] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:23] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:24] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:24] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_AA_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#35153: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:25] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_AA_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#35178: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:25] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:25] id 7074203 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:26] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_AA_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#35198: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:27] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:27] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:27] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:27] id 7074203 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:27] name ALKACH_310 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:27] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:27] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:27] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:27] id 7074187 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:27] name zver_1000_96 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:27] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:29] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:29] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:29] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:29] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_AA_water_fountains_post_death.xml#35257: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:29] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:29] id 7074195 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:29] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:31] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:31] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:33] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:33] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:33] id 7074189 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:33] name den7485 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:33] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:34] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:34] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:34] id 7074195 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:34] name _Victorija_T34 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:34] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:34] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:35] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:36] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:38] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:38] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:38] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:38] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:39] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:39] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:40] ping&FPS: True 0.0558332460267 209.940109875 76.9401089805 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:41] ping&FPS: False 0.0494639011366 75.9401074307 75.9401074307 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:41] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:41] id 7074175 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:41] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:41] ping&FPS: True 0.0550574766738 226.940105523 75.9401074307 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:41] ping&FPS: False 0.0445350067956 141.940099444 141.940099444 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:42] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:42] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:42] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:43] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:47] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:47] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:50] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:53] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:54] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:54] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:54] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#35771: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:54] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Karlsruhe_foam_post_death.xml#35783: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:54] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Karlsruhe_foam_post_death.xml#35784: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:54] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Karlsruhe_foam_post_death.xml#35785: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:54] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:54] id 7074199 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:55] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:55] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:56] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:56] id 7074191 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:58] ping&FPS: True 0.0682100462062 213.940046433 122.940048608 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:45:59] ping&FPS: False 0.0566338854177 74.9400494131 74.9400494131 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:00] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:02] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:02] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:02] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:02] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:02] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:02] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:05] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:05] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:05] id 7074191 [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:05] name vladlabutin [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:05] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:06] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:07] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:07] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:07] id 7074199 [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:07] name Izmena1980 [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:07] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:08] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:08] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:13] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:14] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:15] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:15] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:16] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:18] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:18] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:18] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:23] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:23] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:23] id 7074175 [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:23] name Nikolaus56 [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:23] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:23] @ launchpadAppeared 7074175 [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:26] SmokeScreen.onEnterWorld( 2712447 ) [(50.9919, -42.1976)] [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:27] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:27] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:27] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:27] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:27] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:27] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:27] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:27] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:29] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:29] id 7074189 [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:32] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:32] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:33] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:33] id 7074199 [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:33] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:33] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:34] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:36] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:38] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:38] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:38] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:38] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:38] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:38] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:38] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:38] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:38] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:38] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:39] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:39] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:39] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:39] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:39] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:39] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:39] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:40] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:40] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:40] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:40] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:40] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:40] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:40] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:40] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:41] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:43] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:43] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:43] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:43] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:43] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:43] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:43] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:43] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:43] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:44] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:44] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:44] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:44] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:45] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:48] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:48] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:49] ping&FPS: True 0.0329149471862 328.939795423 156.9398011 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:50] ping&FPS: False 0.0340490000589 118.939794439 118.939794439 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:50] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:50] id 7074199 [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:50] name Izmena1980 [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:50] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:50] ping&FPS: True 0.0340079473598 361.939785841 112.93979356 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:50] ping&FPS: False 0.0317433806402 116.93978453 116.93978453 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:51] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:51] id 7074191 [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:54] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:54] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:54] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:54] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:54] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:54] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:54] id 7074191 [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:54] name vladlabutin [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:54] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:57] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:57] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:57] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:59] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#36727: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:46:59] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:47:01] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:47:01] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:47:01] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:47:01] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:47:01] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:47:01] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:47:01] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:47:01] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:47:02] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:47:02] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:47:02] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:47:03] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:47:10] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:47:10] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:47:10] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:47:10] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:47:11] ping&FPS: True 0.0558833437307 256.939626473 151.939629051 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:47:11] ping&FPS: False 0.0582671718938 183.939624968 183.939624968 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:47:13] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:47:13] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:47:13] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 14:47:14] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:47:15] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#37009: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:47:16] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:47:17] ping&FPS: True 0.0599909531219 304.939593773 133.939601521 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:47:17] ping&FPS: False 0.0623889671905 161.939592387 161.939592387 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:47:18] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#37058: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:47:18] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:47:18] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:47:18] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:47:18] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:47:18] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:47:18] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:47:19] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:47:19] ping&FPS: True 0.0513347642762 315.939581226 150.939583446 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:47:19] ping&FPS: False 0.0445999013526 74.939580481 74.939580481 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:47:22] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 14:47:22] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 14:47:22] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#37163: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:47:22] (, 51832695439976, 238): Two time score difference detected. Max Score(0): 538 Min Score(1): 229 User Team Id: 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:47:22] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Karlsruhe_foam_post_death.xml#37168: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:47:22] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Karlsruhe_foam_post_death.xml#37169: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:47:22] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Karlsruhe_foam_post_death.xml#37170: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:47:26] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 14:47:27] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:47:28] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:47:29] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 14:47:33] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:47:34] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:47:34] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:47:34] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:47:34] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:47:35] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:47:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:47:35] id 7074189 [S] [2016_05_28 14:47:35] name den7485 [S] [2016_05_28 14:47:35] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:47:35] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#37378: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:47:38] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 14:47:39] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_water_fountains_post_death.xml#37461: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:47:40] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 14:47:40] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 14:47:40] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#37497: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:47:41] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Arkansas_foam_post_death.xml#37502: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:47:41] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Arkansas_foam_post_death.xml#37503: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:47:41] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Arkansas_foam_post_death.xml#37504: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:47:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:47:51] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 14:47:51] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:47:54] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:47:54] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:47:54] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:47:54] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:47:56] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:47:56] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:47:56] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:47:56] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 14:47:56] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 14:47:56] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_post_fire.xml#37869: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:47:56] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_St_Louis_foam_post_death.xml#37879: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:47:56] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_St_Louis_foam_post_death.xml#37880: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:47:56] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_St_Louis_foam_post_death.xml#37881: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:47:57] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:47:57] ping&FPS: True 0.0468431594116 205.939471233 111.939472857 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:47:57] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:47:57] ping&FPS: False 0.0450287269694 105.939471844 105.939471844 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:47:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:47:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:47:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:47:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:00] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:00] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:00] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#37955: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:00] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:00] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Izyaslav_foam_post_death.xml#37964: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:00] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Izyaslav_foam_post_death.xml#37965: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:00] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Izyaslav_foam_post_death.xml#37966: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:05] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:05] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:05] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#38059: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:05] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Karlsruhe_foam_post_death.xml#38063: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:05] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Karlsruhe_foam_post_death.xml#38064: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:05] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Karlsruhe_foam_post_death.xml#38065: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:07] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#38073: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:15] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:15] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:15] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:15] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#38207: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:17] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:17] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:17] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#38266: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:17] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Svetlana_foam_post_death.xml#38268: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:17] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Svetlana_foam_post_death.xml#38269: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:17] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Svetlana_foam_post_death.xml#38270: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:20] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#38288: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:21] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:21] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:21] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:21] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:21] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:22] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#38322: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:23] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#38343: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:27] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:31] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#38416: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:33] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:33] id 7074205 [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:33] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:33] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_water_fountains_post_death.xml#38438: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:34] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:34] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:34] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:34] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:36] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:36] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:36] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:36] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:36] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:38] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:38] id 7074199 [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:39] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:39] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:39] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:43] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#38509: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:43] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#38512: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:43] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#38514: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:47] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:48] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence(), ('2715866@wowsru.loc/wows', 'BCEM_PPC', 2) [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:48] [NUT] __updateUserPresence contacts 2715866 2 [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:48] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#38578: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:48] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:51] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:51] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:51] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:51] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:51] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#38601: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:52] ping&FPS: True 0.0642816083772 337.939543802 134.939537759 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:53] ping&FPS: False 0.0552920954568 78.9395437124 78.9395437124 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:53] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:53] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#38615: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:54] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:54] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:54] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:54] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:54] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_post_fire.xml#38622: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:54] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Kolberg_foam_post_death.xml#38624: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:54] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Kolberg_foam_post_death.xml#38625: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:54] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Kolberg_foam_post_death.xml#38626: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:55] ping&FPS: True 0.0214557530625 242.939533162 162.939532447 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:55] ping&FPS: False 0.032558287893 169.939533088 169.939533088 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:56] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#38646: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:56] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:57] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:57] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:57] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:57] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:57] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:58] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#38661: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:48:59] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:00] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_post_fire.xml#38667: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:00] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_water_fountains_post_death.xml#38675: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:01] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:01] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:01] id 7074199 [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:01] name Izmena1980 [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:01] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:05] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#38717: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:07] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#38718: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:08] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_water_fountains_post_death.xml#38719: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:11] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:11] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:11] id 7074205 [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:11] name power68 [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:11] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:12] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#38728: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:12] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:12] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:15] (, 51836981029009, 161): Rewards speed (2) for team 0 is enough to win in 180 seconds [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:15] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#38763: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:16] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#38764: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:17] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_water_fountains_post_death.xml#38765: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:20] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:20] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:20] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:20] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:20] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:20] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:20] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#38779: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:20] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:20] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:21] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:21] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:21] id 7074175 [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:21] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:23] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_water_fountains_post_death.xml#38796: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:23] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#38797: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:23] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:26] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:26] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:28] ping&FPS: True 0.0392528729779 353.939464811 130.939464528 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:28] ping&FPS: False 0.0354498358709 81.939465213 81.939465213 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:30] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#38869: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:31] ping&FPS: True 0.0282188611371 234.939461205 154.939461801 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:31] ping&FPS: False 0.0420959325773 184.939458932 184.939458932 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:32] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:33] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:34] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:34] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:34] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:34] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:36] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:36] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:36] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:36] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:37] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:37] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:37] id 7074175 [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:37] name Nikolaus56 [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:37] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:37] @ launchpadAppeared 7074175 [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:39] ping&FPS: True 0.0630843447787 497.939404968 152.939409021 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:39] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:40] ping&FPS: False 0.0541093753917 98.9394044312 98.9394044312 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:40] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:40] id 7074181 [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:40] name MIROHA_Pilot [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:40] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:40] @ launchpadAppeared 7074181 [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:40] ping&FPS: True 0.0492061483009 261.939398948 98.9394044312 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:40] ping&FPS: False 0.0481948213918 123.939396921 123.939396921 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:40] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:40] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:40] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:40] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:41] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#39024: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:43] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#39054: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:44] ping&FPS: True 0.0243421079857 364.939386341 144.93938053 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:45] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:45] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:45] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:45] ping&FPS: False 0.0403755339129 166.939385291 166.939385291 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:47] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:47] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:47] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:47] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:47] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:47] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:47] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:48] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:48] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:49] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:49] id 7074205 [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:52] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:52] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:52] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:52] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:53] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:53] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:53] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:53] id 7074205 [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:53] name power68 [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:53] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:54] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:54] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:54] id 7074181 [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:54] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:55] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:55] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:55] id 7074181 [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:55] name MIROHA_Pilot [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:55] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:55] @ launchpadAppeared 7074181 [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:55] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#39143: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:57] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:57] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:57] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:57] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:57] id 7074205 [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:57] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:57] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:49:58] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#39161: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:50:02] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_water_fountains_post_death.xml#39194: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:50:03] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:50:04] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:50:04] id 7074181 [S] [2016_05_28 14:50:04] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 14:50:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:50:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:50:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:50:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:50:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:50:08] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:50:09] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:50:09] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:50:09] id 7074205 [S] [2016_05_28 14:50:09] name power68 [S] [2016_05_28 14:50:09] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:50:09] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:50:15] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:50:15] id 7074205 [S] [2016_05_28 14:50:17] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#39360: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:50:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:50:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:50:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:50:18] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:50:19] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_post_fire.xml#39368: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:50:19] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:50:20] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:50:20] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:50:20] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:50:20] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:50:20] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:50:20] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:50:20] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:50:20] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:50:21] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:50:22] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:50:23] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:50:23] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:50:23] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:50:23] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:50:23] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:50:23] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:50:23] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:50:23] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:50:24] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:50:24] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:50:24] id 7074205 [S] [2016_05_28 14:50:24] name power68 [S] [2016_05_28 14:50:24] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:50:25] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:50:26] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:50:27] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:50:29] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:50:31] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:50:31] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:50:31] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:50:31] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:50:31] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:50:33] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:50:34] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:50:34] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:50:34] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:50:34] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:50:34] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:50:34] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:50:35] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:50:35] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#39435: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:50:39] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_water_fountains_post_death.xml#39450: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:50:42] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 14:50:45] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:50:48] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:50:48] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:50:48] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:50:48] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:50:48] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:50:48] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:50:48] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:50:51] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 14:50:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:50:51] id 7074205 [S] [2016_05_28 14:50:57] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:50:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:50:57] id 7074205 [S] [2016_05_28 14:50:57] name power68 [S] [2016_05_28 14:50:57] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:50:59] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:50:59] id 7074199 [S] [2016_05_28 14:51:05] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:51:05] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:51:05] id 7074199 [S] [2016_05_28 14:51:05] name Izmena1980 [S] [2016_05_28 14:51:05] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:51:08] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:51:08] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:51:08] id 7074181 [S] [2016_05_28 14:51:08] name MIROHA_Pilot [S] [2016_05_28 14:51:08] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:51:08] @ launchpadAppeared 7074181 [S] [2016_05_28 14:51:09] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 14:51:09] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 14:51:09] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#39822: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:51:09] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 14:51:09] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Kuma_foam_post_death.xml#39828: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:51:09] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Kuma_foam_post_death.xml#39829: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:51:09] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Kuma_foam_post_death.xml#39830: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:51:10] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 14:51:10] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 14:51:10] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_post_fire.xml#39856: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:51:10] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:51:10] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:51:10] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:51:10] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:51:10] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Svetlana_foam_post_death.xml#39860: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:51:10] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Svetlana_foam_post_death.xml#39861: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:51:10] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Svetlana_foam_post_death.xml#39862: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:51:10] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:51:10] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:51:12] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:51:13] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:51:13] id 7074205 [S] [2016_05_28 14:51:14] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:51:16] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:51:16] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:51:16] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:51:16] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:51:18] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:51:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:51:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:51:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:51:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:51:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:51:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:51:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:51:26] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:51:26] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:51:26] id 7074205 [S] [2016_05_28 14:51:26] name power68 [S] [2016_05_28 14:51:26] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:51:28] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:51:28] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:51:28] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:51:35] ping&FPS: True 0.073962073241 200.940075013 150.940070006 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:51:35] ping&FPS: False 0.0599388735635 83.9400776061 83.9400776061 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:51:39] (, 51829198875059, 207): Win kill threshold is passed for team 0. Score: 915 Threshold: 915 [S] [2016_05_28 14:51:39] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:51:39] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:51:39] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:51:39] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:51:39] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:51:39] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:51:39] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:51:40] ping&FPS: True 0.0568791585309 300.940162997 137.940163951 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:51:40] ping&FPS: False 0.0569678353412 156.940160792 156.940160792 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:51:47] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:51:47] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:51:47] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:51:47] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:51:47] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:51:47] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:51:47] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:51:47] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:51:47] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:51:48] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 14:51:48] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:51:49] ping&FPS: True 0.053341257785 341.940192107 151.940184477 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:51:50] ping&FPS: False 0.0500327902181 102.940192226 102.940192226 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:51:50] ping&FPS: True 0.0516988890512 338.940190035 132.940188486 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:51:50] ping&FPS: False 0.0474958749754 89.9401880237 89.9401880237 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:51:51] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:51:51] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:51:51] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:51:52] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:51:54] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:51:55] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:51:55] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:51:55] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:51:55] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:51:55] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:51:55] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:51:55] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:51:55] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:51:55] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:51:55] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:51:55] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:51:55] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:51:56] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:51:56] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:51:57] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#40318: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:07] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:11] ping&FPS: True 0.0495552974088 242.940107915 145.940110925 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:11] ping&FPS: False 0.0394322159035 140.940112169 167.940112169 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:14] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#40488: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:17] ping&FPS: True 0.0579929607255 304.940157111 135.940149027 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:17] ping&FPS: False 0.057985614453 139.940157707 139.940157707 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:18] id 7074199 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:19] ping&FPS: True 0.0605207192046 321.940190155 133.940183941 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:19] ping&FPS: False 0.0566091792924 105.940191697 105.940191697 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:20] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:20] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:20] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#40543: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:20] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Arkansas_foam_post_death.xml#40546: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:20] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Arkansas_foam_post_death.xml#40547: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:20] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Arkansas_foam_post_death.xml#40548: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:20] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:20] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:20] id 7074199 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:20] name Izmena1980 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:20] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:21] battle finish - Victory [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:21] (, 70665289920581, 61): Deleted: [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:21] (, 70665289920581, 61): Deleted: [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:21] ping&FPS: True 0.0576821523053 553.940221849 137.940201822 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:22] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (6509718, 0, 0, 7074212, 1464435051855L, True, True) [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:22] m418a81c.updatePreBattles (6509718, 0, 0, 7074212, 1464435051855L, True, True) [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:22] m418a81c.updatePreBattles1 {6509718: PreBattleInfo: id: 6509718, inPortPlayers: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 7074212, creationTime 1464435051855, hidden True, locked True } [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:22] ping&FPS: False 0.0586434262139 183.940194126 183.940194126 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:22] setFpsGathererActive(False) [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:26] ping&FPS: True 0.742347265993 4161.94038832 183.940194126 0 [E] [2016_05_28 14:52:26] Can only call base methods on the connected entity [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:26] [Weather][43475] onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:26] id 7074167 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:26] Avatar.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:26] id 7074169 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:26] id 7074171 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:26] id 7074173 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:26] id 7074175 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:26] id 7074177 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:26] id 7074179 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:26] id 7074181 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:26] id 7074183 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:26] id 7074185 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:26] id 7074187 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:26] id 7074189 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:26] id 7074191 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:26] id 7074193 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:26] id 7074195 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:26] id 7074197 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:26] id 7074199 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:26] id 7074201 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:26] id 7074203 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:26] id 7074205 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:26] id 7074207 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:26] id 7074209 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:26] id 7074211 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:26] id 7074213 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:27] Account.__init__() [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:27] [Account debuG]: __init__() ONE___VP [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:27] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:27] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4281219056 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:27] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:27] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4281219056L: {'exp': 197598}}, 'changedCrews': {9: {'exp': 49622}}, 'moneyXP': 40} [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:27] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:27] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': 89318} [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:27] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:27] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -181150} [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:27] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:27] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4281219056L: {'slots': {1: {'del_slots': 2}}}}} [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:27] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:27] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4281219056L: {'slots': {1: {'add_slots': (((), 4283264944L),)}}}}, 'storage': {4283264944L: 107}} [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:27] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:27] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -8000, 'changedShips': {4281219056L: {'slots': {1: {'add_slots': (((), 4293849008L),)}}}}} [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:27] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:27] >>> receiveChanges {'storage': {4284653488L: 12}} [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:27] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:27] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -22500, 'storage': {4279410608L: 1}} [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:27] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:27] >>> receiveChanges {'storage': {4279410608L: 0}} [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:28] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:28] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4290754544 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:28] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:28] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4290754544L: {'exp': 116828}}, 'changedCrews': {20: {'exp': 29543}}, 'moneyXP': 111} [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:28] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:28] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': 93028} [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:28] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:28] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -2640} [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:28] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:28] setServerTime -3102.67499995 1464435851 1464432748.33 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:28] updateActionsProgress: {'10688_q02': {'count': 2, 2: {'count': 0}, 3: {'count': 2}}, '10688_q03': {'count': 9}, '10688_q01': {'count': 3, 2: {'count': 1}, 3: {'count': 0}}} [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:28] __updateTaskProgress start: {'10688_q02': {'count': 2, 2: {'count': 0}, 3: {'count': 2}}, '10688_q03': {'count': 9}, '10688_q01': {'count': 3, 2: {'count': 1}, 3: {'count': 0}}} [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:28] step id: 10688_q02 progress {'count': 2, 2: {'count': 0}, 3: {'count': 2}} [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:28] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:28] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:28] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:28] step id: 10688_q03 progress {'count': 9} [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:28] isDone id 10688_q03 count 9 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:28] isDone id 10688_q03 count 9 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:28] isDone id 10688_q03 count 9 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:28] step id: 10688_q01 progress {'count': 3, 2: {'count': 1}, 3: {'count': 0}} [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:28] isDone id 10688_q01 count 3 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:28] isDone id 10688_q01 count 3 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:28] isDone id 10688_q01 count 3 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:28] md3ce6e8.onUpdate 0 0 [dailyId 0 type 0 desc {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464566400.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 0, 'condition': ()} , dailyId 1 type 0 desc {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464480000.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 1, 'condition': ()} , dailyId 39 type 1 desc {'rewards': {5: '500'}, 'title': 390, 'iconId': 6, 'timeToChange': 1464393600.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 2, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 39, 'condition': (6, '1', ('4', 0))} ] [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:28] Daily.update: {'rewards': {}, 'pdata': {'isSeen': True, 'timeToChange': 1464566400.0}, 'condition': ('empty', {}), 'desc': (0, 0, 0, 0, 0)} [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:28] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464566400.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 0, 'condition': ()} [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:28] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464480000.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 1, 'condition': ()} [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:28] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {5: '500'}, 'title': 390, 'iconId': 6, 'timeToChange': 1464393600.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 2, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 39, 'condition': (6, '1', ('4', 0))} [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:28] md3ce6e8.onUpdate 1 1 [dailyId 0 type 0 desc {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464566400.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 0, 'condition': ()} , dailyId 1 type 0 desc {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464480000.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 1, 'condition': ()} , dailyId 39 type 1 desc {'rewards': {5: '500'}, 'title': 390, 'iconId': 6, 'timeToChange': 1464393600.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 2, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 39, 'condition': (6, '1', ('4', 0))} ] [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:28] Daily.update: {'rewards': {}, 'pdata': {'isSeen': True, 'timeToChange': 1464480000.0}, 'condition': ('empty', {}), 'desc': (1, 0, 0, 0, 1)} [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:28] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464566400.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 0, 'condition': ()} [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:28] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464480000.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 1, 'condition': ()} [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:28] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {5: '500'}, 'title': 390, 'iconId': 6, 'timeToChange': 1464393600.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 2, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 39, 'condition': (6, '1', ('4', 0))} [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:28] md3ce6e8.onUpdate 2 39 [dailyId 0 type 0 desc {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464566400.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 0, 'condition': ()} , dailyId 1 type 0 desc {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464480000.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 1, 'condition': ()} , dailyId 39 type 1 desc {'rewards': {5: '500'}, 'title': 390, 'iconId': 6, 'timeToChange': 1464393600.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 2, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 39, 'condition': (6, '1', ('4', 0))} ] [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:28] Daily.update: {'rewards': {'addResFreeXP': {'value': '500'}}, 'pdata': {'count': 0, 'isSeen': True, 'timeToChange': 1464393600.0, 'reward': 'addResFreeXP'}, 'condition': ('torpHits', {'count': '4', 'division': '0', 'countBattle': '1'}), 'desc': (39, 1, 6, 390, 2)} [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:28] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464566400.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 0, 'condition': ()} [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:28] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464480000.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 1, 'condition': ()} [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:28] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {5: '500'}, 'title': 390, 'iconId': 6, 'timeToChange': 1464393600.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 2, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 39, 'condition': (6, '1', ('4', 0))} [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:28] leaveBattleSession() Reason: 0 Info: None [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:28] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:28] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:28] Can't send FPS data: it's empty [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:28] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.onEnterLobbyEvent():, (['34411633@wowsru.loc', '8009484@wowsru.loc', '12414124@wowsru.loc', '4679742@wowsru.loc', 'ids_chat_channel_offtop@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', 'wargamingfm@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', '1559899_1454784666@user-rooms.wows.wowsru.loc', 'ids_chat_channel_questions@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', '63671710@wowsru.loc', '5651230@wowsru.loc', '1559899@wowsru.loc', '48007201@wowsru.loc', '6878512@wowsru.loc', '64052394@wowsru.loc', 'ids_chat_channel_search_div@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', '58574566@wowsru.loc', '4719392_1447787513@user-rooms.wows.wowsru.loc'],) [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:28] updateActionsProgress: {0: [4290754544L]} [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:28] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:28] __updateTaskProgress start: {} [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:28] updateActionsProgress: {'10688_q02': {'count': 2, 2: {'count': 0}, 3: {'count': 3}}, '10688_q03': {'count': 9}, '10688_q01': {'count': 3, 2: {'count': 1}, 3: {'count': 1}}} [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:28] __updateTaskProgress start: {'10688_q02': {'count': 2, 2: {'count': 0}, 3: {'count': 3}}, '10688_q03': {'count': 9}, '10688_q01': {'count': 3, 2: {'count': 1}, 3: {'count': 1}}} [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:28] step id: 10688_q02 progress {'count': 2, 2: {'count': 0}, 3: {'count': 3}} [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:28] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:28] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:28] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:28] step id: 10688_q03 progress {'count': 9} [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:28] isDone id 10688_q03 count 9 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:28] isDone id 10688_q03 count 9 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:28] isDone id 10688_q03 count 9 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:28] step id: 10688_q01 progress {'count': 3, 2: {'count': 1}, 3: {'count': 1}} [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:28] isDone id 10688_q01 count 3 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:28] isDone id 10688_q01 count 3 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:28] isDone id 10688_q01 count 3 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:28] md3ce6e8.onUpdate 0 0 [dailyId 0 type 0 desc {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464566400.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 0, 'condition': ()} , dailyId 1 type 0 desc {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464480000.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 1, 'condition': ()} , dailyId 39 type 1 desc {'rewards': {5: '500'}, 'title': 390, 'iconId': 6, 'timeToChange': 1464393600.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 2, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 39, 'condition': (6, '1', ('4', 0))} ] [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:28] Daily.update: {'rewards': {}, 'pdata': {'isSeen': True, 'timeToChange': 1464566400.0}, 'condition': ('empty', {}), 'desc': (0, 0, 0, 0, 0)} [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:28] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464566400.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 0, 'condition': ()} [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:28] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464480000.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 1, 'condition': ()} [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:28] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {5: '500'}, 'title': 390, 'iconId': 6, 'timeToChange': 1464393600.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 2, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 39, 'condition': (6, '1', ('4', 0))} [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:28] md3ce6e8.onUpdate 1 1 [dailyId 0 type 0 desc {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464566400.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 0, 'condition': ()} , dailyId 1 type 0 desc {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464480000.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 1, 'condition': ()} , dailyId 39 type 1 desc {'rewards': {5: '500'}, 'title': 390, 'iconId': 6, 'timeToChange': 1464393600.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 2, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 39, 'condition': (6, '1', ('4', 0))} ] [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:28] Daily.update: {'rewards': {}, 'pdata': {'isSeen': True, 'timeToChange': 1464480000.0}, 'condition': ('empty', {}), 'desc': (1, 0, 0, 0, 1)} [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:28] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464566400.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 0, 'condition': ()} [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:28] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464480000.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 1, 'condition': ()} [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:28] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {5: '500'}, 'title': 390, 'iconId': 6, 'timeToChange': 1464393600.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 2, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 39, 'condition': (6, '1', ('4', 0))} [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:28] md3ce6e8.onUpdate 2 39 [dailyId 0 type 0 desc {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464566400.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 0, 'condition': ()} , dailyId 1 type 0 desc {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464480000.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 1, 'condition': ()} , dailyId 39 type 1 desc {'rewards': {5: '500'}, 'title': 390, 'iconId': 6, 'timeToChange': 1464393600.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 2, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 39, 'condition': (6, '1', ('4', 0))} ] [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:28] Daily.update: {'rewards': {'addResFreeXP': {'value': '500'}}, 'pdata': {'count': 0, 'isSeen': True, 'timeToChange': 1464393600.0, 'reward': 'addResFreeXP'}, 'condition': ('torpHits', {'count': '4', 'division': '0', 'countBattle': '1'}), 'desc': (39, 1, 6, 390, 2)} [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:28] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464566400.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 0, 'condition': ()} [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:28] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464480000.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 1, 'condition': ()} [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:28] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {5: '500'}, 'title': 390, 'iconId': 6, 'timeToChange': 1464393600.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 2, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 39, 'condition': (6, '1', ('4', 0))} [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:28] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetAccountStats, ('0 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:28] md79a786.applyStatsDiff(): {'dossier': '\x07\x00\x18\x00`\x00P\x048\x00`\x00<\x008\x00`\x00`\x00`\x00`\x00\x00\x00\x00\x008\x008\x008\x008\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00`\x00`\x00`\x008\x008\x008\x00\xc0\x00`\x008\x00\x18\x00 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'accPoints': 13299153} [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:28] __processDossierStats() client dossier: ['pvp', 'pve_diag', 'rank_diag', 'club', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'max_pve', 'pvp_diag', 'pve', 'max_club', 'max_pvp', 'total', 'club_diag'] [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:28] mc0c471c.onGetAccountStats(): (12, 13296138) (12, 13299153) [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:28] (, 70665289920581, 61): receiveBattleResults, ('7744 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:28] BR: {'credits': 89318, 'credits_penalty': 0, 'exp_penalty': 0, 'exp': 760, 'credits_compensation': 0} [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:28] BR: {'credits': {'sse': [], 'dq': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'ship_exp': {'sse': [], 'dq': [], 'base': [], 'mod': [[4274909104L, 0.05, True, 0]]}, 'crew_exp': {'sse': [], 'dq': [], 'base': [], 'mod': [[4274909104L, 0.05, True, 0]]}, 'free_exp': {'sse': [], 'dq': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'acc_level': {'sse': [], 'dq': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}} [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:28] BR: {'auto_repair_list': [4283264944L], 'auto_exterior_list': [], 'auto_exterior_credits': 0, 'auto_camo_credits': 8000, 'exterior_applied': True, 'exp_enabled': True, 'abilities_applied': True, 'auto_repair_factor': 0.9, 'auto_load_credits': 25900, 'acc_points_enabled': True, 'free_exp_enabled': True, 'free_exp_factor': 0.05, 'aogas_factor': 1.0, 'auto_exterior_gold': 0, 'premium_credits_factor': 1.5, 'premium_exp_factor': 1.5, 'auto_abilities_list': [(4279410608L, False, 22500)], 'auto_camo_list': [4293849008L], 'camo_applied': True, 'auto_repair_credits': 155250, 'auto_load_list': [[190, 1900], [20, 24000], [0, 0]], 'serve_applied': True, 'auto_camo_gold': 0, 'crew_exp_enabled': True, 'auto_abilities_gold': 0, 'auto_abilities_credits': 22500, 'credits_enabled': True, 'aogas_online': 0} [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:28] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, ('150 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:28] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, (1, [{'importance': 2, 'typeId': 4, 'dt': 1464435823, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'costShell': 25900, 'shipId': 4281219056L, 'result': 0, 'costRepair': 155250}}]) [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:28] (, 70665289920581, 61): onRewardsRestored, ('21 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:28] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:28] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:28] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 0. Boxes contents: [{}] [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:28] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetAchievements, ('993 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:28] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 4, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SHIP_SERVE', 'costShell': 25900, 'result': 0, 'shipId': 4281219056L, 'uiSpecial': False, 'shipLevelRome': 'X', 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD013', 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'isElite': True, 'dt': 1464435823, 'groupId': 5, 'costTotal': 181150, 'sourceId': 0, 'costRepair': 155250, 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'postponed': False} [NUT] PlayersAccountsSystem __request, set([47041, 6332290, 427140, 8804682, 8009484, 2715866, 1559899, 63671710, 3480927, 48007201, 5651230, 58574566, 64052394, 12414124, 6878512, 34411633, 2115378, 671987, 22102814, 242294, 756279, 46719994, 448253, 4679742]) [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:28] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/add() [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:29] setServerTime -3106.83200002 1464435856 1464432749.17 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:29] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:29] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:29] Can't send FPS data: it's empty [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:29] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.onEnterLobbyEvent():, (['34411633@wowsru.loc', '8009484@wowsru.loc', '12414124@wowsru.loc', '4679742@wowsru.loc', 'ids_chat_channel_offtop@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', 'wargamingfm@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', '1559899_1454784666@user-rooms.wows.wowsru.loc', 'ids_chat_channel_questions@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', '63671710@wowsru.loc', '5651230@wowsru.loc', '1559899@wowsru.loc', '48007201@wowsru.loc', '6878512@wowsru.loc', '64052394@wowsru.loc', 'ids_chat_channel_search_div@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', '58574566@wowsru.loc', '4719392_1447787513@user-rooms.wows.wowsru.loc'],) [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:29] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence(), ('', '', 0) [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:29] [NUT] AccountsRequest __response, [(47041, 'WONDERFUL_SHOT', 12, 0, 1463997729), (6332290, 'zloy_nyb', 12, 0, 1464421725), (427140, 'Kapitan_Slip', 12, 0, 1464285451), (8804682, 'mishania1235', 12, 0, 1463925150), (8009484, 'SD_D', 12, 0, 1464117201), (2715866, 'BCEM_PPC', 12, 0, 1464418481), (1559899, 'AIRBORNE_161', 12, 0, 1460114623), (63671710, '6aToH4uK_', 12, 0, 1464380706), (3480927, 'Doc_Maximov', 12, 0, 1464432937), (48007201, 'CRIMEA_Haru6aLLIka', 12, 0, 1463780747), (22102814, 'bagfrag1', 12, 0, 1460487063), (58574566, '1tim1_2015', 12, 0, 1464293769), (64052394, 'Lady_Diana_Diversantka', 12, 0, 1464426838), (12414124, 'M_a_n_t_i_s', 12, 0, 1464199836), (6878512, 'Tylendor', 12, 0, 1464024410), (34411633, 'cblH_BouHa', 12, 0, 1463541667), (2115378, 'longxvost', 12, 0, 1461160136), (671987, 'Skunner', 12, 0, 1464285824), (5651230, 'Shkiper2222', 12, 0, 1464375996), (242294, 'PANZER_DIKLONIUS', 12, 0, 1463333213), (756279, '11Paul11', 12, 0, 1464432703), (46719994, 'yushkov8249', 12, 0, 1463790981), (448253, 'AndRyu_47', 12, 0, 1464425279), (4679742, 'alex30279', 12, 0, 1464276886)] 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:29] (, 70665289920581, 61): handleBanInfo:, ({'banId': '14643763953', 'reason': '"\xd0\x98\xd1\x81\xd0\xbf\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbb\xd1\x8c\xd0\xb7\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd1\x80\xd0\xbc\xd0\xb0\xd1\x82\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb9 \xd0\xbb\xd0\xb5\xd0\xba\xd1\x81\xd0\xb8\xd0\xba\xd0\xb8/ \xd0\xbe\xd1\x81\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd1\x80\xd0\xb1\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd1\x8f" \xe2\x80\x93 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd1\x80\xd1\x83\xd1\x88\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xbf\xd1\x83\xd0\xbd\xd0\xba\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0 1 \xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb7\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb0 1 \xd0\x9f\xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb8\xd0\xbb \xd0\xb8\xd0\xb3\xd1\x80\xd1\x8b (R)', 'expiry': 1464635520L},) [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:29] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence(), ('8752339@wowsru.loc/wows', 'ONE___VP', 0) [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:30] (, 70665289920581, 61): receiveBattleResults, ('7711 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:30] BR: {'credits': 93028, 'credits_penalty': 0, 'exp_penalty': 0, 'exp': 1081, 'credits_compensation': 0} [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:30] BR: {'credits': {'sse': [], 'dq': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'ship_exp': {'sse': [], 'dq': [], 'base': [['FIRST_WIN', 1.0, True, 0]], 'mod': [[4274909104L, 0.05, True, 0]]}, 'crew_exp': {'sse': [], 'dq': [], 'base': [], 'mod': [[4274909104L, 0.05, True, 0]]}, 'free_exp': {'sse': [], 'dq': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'acc_level': {'sse': [], 'dq': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}} [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:30] BR: {'auto_repair_list': [], 'auto_exterior_list': [], 'auto_exterior_credits': 0, 'auto_camo_credits': 0, 'exterior_applied': True, 'exp_enabled': True, 'abilities_applied': True, 'auto_repair_factor': 1.0, 'auto_load_credits': 2140, 'acc_points_enabled': True, 'free_exp_enabled': True, 'free_exp_factor': 0.05, 'aogas_factor': 1.0, 'auto_exterior_gold': 0, 'premium_credits_factor': 1.5, 'premium_exp_factor': 1.5, 'auto_abilities_list': [], 'auto_camo_list': [], 'camo_applied': True, 'auto_repair_credits': 500, 'auto_load_list': [[0, 0], [0, 0], [7, 2140]], 'serve_applied': True, 'auto_camo_gold': 0, 'crew_exp_enabled': True, 'auto_abilities_gold': 0, 'auto_abilities_credits': 0, 'credits_enabled': True, 'aogas_online': 0} [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:30] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_main_ap default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:30] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_main_ap default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:30] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_main_he default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:30] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_main_he default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:30] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:30] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:30] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:30] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:30] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tpd default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:30] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tpd default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:30] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_tpd default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:30] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:30] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:30] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:30] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:30] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:30] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:30] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:30] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:30] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:30] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:30] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:30] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:30] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:30] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:30] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:30] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:30] isDone id 10688_q01 count 3 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:30] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:30] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, ('173 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:30] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, (1, [{'importance': 2, 'typeId': 42, 'dt': 1464435823, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (8000, 0), 'camoStor': False, 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4281219056L, 'flagsBuyFail': False}}]) [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:30] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/add() [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:30] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, ('174 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:30] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, (1, [{'importance': 2, 'typeId': 17476, 'dt': 1464435823, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'item': ('consumable', 4284653488L), 'shipID': 4281219056L, 'numItems': 1, 'partnerID': 30424454572638069L}}]) [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:30] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/add() [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:31] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, ('174 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:31] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, (1, [{'importance': 2, 'typeId': 17476, 'dt': 1464435823, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'item': ('consumable', 4279410608L), 'shipID': 4281219056L, 'numItems': 1, 'partnerID': 30424454572638069L}}]) [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:31] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/add() [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:31] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, ('129 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:31] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, (1, [{'importance': 2, 'typeId': 55, 'dt': 1464435823, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'fail': False, 'shipId': 4281219056L, 'cost': (22500, 0)}}]) [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:31] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/add() [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:31] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, ('607 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:31] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, (1, [{'importance': 2, 'typeId': 5, 'dt': 1464435823, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'achievements': (), 'expPenalty': 0, 'tasks': {'10688_q02': {'count': (2, 0), 'progress': (0.5, 0.0), 2: {'count': (0, 0)}, 3: {'count': (2, 0)}, 'name': u'\u0411\u0435\u0433\u043b\u044b\u0439 \u043e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c'}, '10688_q03': {'count': (9, 0), 'progress': (0, 0), 2: {'count': (0, 0)}, 'name': u'\u0411\u043e\u0435\u0432\u0430\u044f \u044d\u0444\u0444\u0435\u043a\u0442\u0438\u0432\u043d\u043e\u0441\u0442\u044c'}, '10688_q01': {'count': (3, 0), 'progress': (0.1, 0.0), 2: {'count': (1, 0)}, 3: {'count': (0, 0)}, 'name': u'\u0422\u044f\u0436\u0451\u043b\u043e\u0435 \u0432\u043e\u043e\u0440\u0443\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'}}, 'shipsKilled': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 30424454572638069L, 'battleTypeId': 5, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'mapTypeId': 14, 'credits': 89318, 'result': 2, 'exp': 798, 'dailics_info': {}, 'shipId': 4281219056L, 'battleCreateTime': 1464434549, 'accLeveling': (12, 12, 13296138, 798), 'aogasFactor': 1.0}}]) [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:31] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 42, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD013', 'flagsAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'isElite': True, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_EXTERIOR_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2, 'camouflageAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'idInGroup': 1, 'groupId': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'X', 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'dt': 1464435823, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (8000, 0), 'camoStor': False, 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4281219056L, 'flagsBuyFail': False}, 'uiSpecial': False} __addInfoToMessage {'sourceId': 0, 'typeId': 52, 'data': {'slot': 30424454572638069L, 'shipId': 4281219056L, 'abilId': 4284653488L}} __addInfoToMessage {'sourceId': 0, 'typeId': 52, 'data': {'slot': 30424454572638069L, 'shipId': 4281219056L, 'abilId': 4279410608L}} __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 55, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD013', 'groupId': 1, 'isElite': True, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_ABILITY_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 8, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'X', 'cost': (22500, 0), 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'costNeed': (0, 0), 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'dt': 1464435823, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'fail': False, 'shipId': 4281219056L, 'cost': (22500, 0)}, 'uiSpecial': False} SYS_MESSAGE_TYPE.BATTLE_RESULTS [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:31] key achievements value () [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:31] key expPenalty value 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:31] key tasks value {'10688_q02': {'count': (2, 0), 'progress': (0.5, 0.0), 2: {'count': (0, 0)}, 3: {'count': (2, 0)}, 'name': u'\u0411\u0435\u0433\u043b\u044b\u0439 \u043e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c'}, '10688_q03': {'count': (9, 0), 'progress': (0, 0), 2: {'count': (0, 0)}, 'name': u'\u0411\u043e\u0435\u0432\u0430\u044f \u044d\u0444\u0444\u0435\u043a\u0442\u0438\u0432\u043d\u043e\u0441\u0442\u044c'}, '10688_q01': {'count': (3, 0), 'progress': (0.1, 0.0), 2: {'count': (1, 0)}, 3: {'count': (0, 0)}, 'name': u'\u0422\u044f\u0436\u0451\u043b\u043e\u0435 \u0432\u043e\u043e\u0440\u0443\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'}} [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:31] key shipsKilled value 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:31] key arenaUniqueID value 30424454572638069 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:31] key battleTypeId value 5 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:31] key teamBuildTypeId value 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:31] key creditsPenalty value 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:31] key creditsCompensation value 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:31] key mapTypeId value 14 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:31] key credits value 89318 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:31] key result value 2 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:31] key exp value 798 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:31] key dailics_info value {} [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:31] key shipId value 4281219056 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:31] key battleCreateTime value 1464434549 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:31] key accLeveling value (12, 12, 13296138, 798) [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:31] key aogasFactor value 1.0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:31] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 5, 'exp': 798, 'tasks': {'10688_q02': {2: {'count': (0, 0)}, 3: {'count': (2, 0)}, 'name': u'\u0411\u0435\u0433\u043b\u044b\u0439 \u043e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c'}, '10688_q03': {2: {'count': (0, 0)}, 'name': u'\u0411\u043e\u0435\u0432\u0430\u044f \u044d\u0444\u0444\u0435\u043a\u0442\u0438\u0432\u043d\u043e\u0441\u0442\u044c'}, '10688_q01': {2: {'count': (1, 0)}, 3: {'count': (0, 0)}, 'name': u'\u0422\u044f\u0436\u0451\u043b\u043e\u0435 \u0432\u043e\u043e\u0440\u0443\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'}}, 'aogasFactor': 1.0, 'mapBGPath': '../maps_bg/22_tierra_del_fuego.png', 'earnedAchievements': [], 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_BATTLE_RESULTS_2', 'result': 2, 'shipId': 4281219056L, 'uiSpecial': False, 'mapTypeId': 14, 'accountLeveling': {'expGained': 798, 'currLevel': 12, 'prevLevel': 12, 'currLevelExp': 167500, 'expTotal': 13296936, 'nextLevelExp': 167500}, 'mapName': 'IDS_SPACES/22_TIERRA_DEL_FUEGO', 'battleTypeId': 5, 'shipLevelRome': 'X', 'achievements': (), 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD013', 'shipsKilled': 0, 'importance': 2, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'credits': 89318, 'isElite': True, 'date': '28.05.2016 15:22', 'dt': 1464435823, 'groupId': 3, 'accLeveling': (12, 12, 13296138, 798), 'expPenalty': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 30424454572638069L, 'sourceId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'quests': [], 'dailics_info': {}, 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'postponed': False, 'battleCreateTime': 1464434549} BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:31] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:31] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:31] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:31] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:31] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:31] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_bomb default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:31] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_bomb default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:31] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:31] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:31] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:31] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:31] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:31] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:31] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:31] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:31] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:31] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:31] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:31] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:31] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:31] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:31] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:31] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:31] BuildData: Invalid path player.planes_lost default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:31] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/add() [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:31] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, ('149 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:31] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, (1, [{'importance': 2, 'typeId': 4, 'dt': 1464435850, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'costShell': 2140, 'shipId': 4290754544L, 'result': 0, 'costRepair': 500}}]) [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:31] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/add() [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:32] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, ('619 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:32] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, (1, [{'importance': 2, 'typeId': 5, 'dt': 1464435850, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'achievements': (), 'expPenalty': 0, 'tasks': {'10688_q02': {'count': (2, 0), 'progress': (0.5, 0.25), 2: {'count': (0, 0)}, 3: {'count': (3, 1)}, 'name': u'\u0411\u0435\u0433\u043b\u044b\u0439 \u043e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c'}, '10688_q03': {'count': (9, 0), 'progress': (0, 0), 2: {'count': (0, 2)}, 'name': u'\u0411\u043e\u0435\u0432\u0430\u044f \u044d\u0444\u0444\u0435\u043a\u0442\u0438\u0432\u043d\u043e\u0441\u0442\u044c'}, '10688_q01': {'count': (3, 0), 'progress': (0.2, 0.1), 2: {'count': (1, 0)}, 3: {'count': (1, 1)}, 'name': u'\u0422\u044f\u0436\u0451\u043b\u043e\u0435 \u0432\u043e\u043e\u0440\u0443\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'}}, 'shipsKilled': 2.0, 'arenaUniqueID': 29892213635383659L, 'battleTypeId': 5, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'mapTypeId': 4, 'credits': 93028, 'result': 1, 'exp': 2217, 'dailics_info': {}, 'shipId': 4290754544L, 'battleCreateTime': 1464435051, 'accLeveling': (12, 12, 13296936, 2217), 'aogasFactor': 1.0}}]) [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:32] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 4, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SHIP_SERVE', 'costShell': 2140, 'result': 0, 'shipId': 4290754544L, 'uiSpecial': False, 'shipLevelRome': 'IV', 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASA004', 'shipType': 'AirCarrier', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_AIRCARRIER', 'isElite': True, 'dt': 1464435850, 'groupId': 5, 'costTotal': 2640, 'sourceId': 0, 'costRepair': 500, 'stypeIdent': 'AirCarrier', 'postponed': False} SYS_MESSAGE_TYPE.BATTLE_RESULTS [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:32] key achievements value () [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:32] key expPenalty value 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:32] key tasks value {'10688_q02': {'count': (2, 0), 'progress': (0.5, 0.25), 2: {'count': (0, 0)}, 3: {'count': (3, 1)}, 'name': u'\u0411\u0435\u0433\u043b\u044b\u0439 \u043e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c'}, '10688_q03': {'count': (9, 0), 'progress': (0, 0), 2: {'count': (0, 2)}, 'name': u'\u0411\u043e\u0435\u0432\u0430\u044f \u044d\u0444\u0444\u0435\u043a\u0442\u0438\u0432\u043d\u043e\u0441\u0442\u044c'}, '10688_q01': {'count': (3, 0), 'progress': (0.2, 0.1), 2: {'count': (1, 0)}, 3: {'count': (1, 1)}, 'name': u'\u0422\u044f\u0436\u0451\u043b\u043e\u0435 \u0432\u043e\u043e\u0440\u0443\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'}} [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:32] key shipsKilled value 2.0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:32] key arenaUniqueID value 29892213635383659 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:32] key battleTypeId value 5 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:32] key teamBuildTypeId value 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:32] key creditsPenalty value 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:32] key creditsCompensation value 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:32] key mapTypeId value 4 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:32] key credits value 93028 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:32] key result value 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:32] key exp value 2217 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:32] key dailics_info value {} [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:32] key shipId value 4290754544 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:32] key battleCreateTime value 1464435051 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:32] key accLeveling value (12, 12, 13296936, 2217) [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:32] key aogasFactor value 1.0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:32] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 5, 'exp': 2217, 'tasks': {'10688_q02': {2: {'count': (0, 0)}, 3: {'count': (3, 1)}}, '10688_q03': {2: {'count': (0, 2)}, 'name': u'\u0411\u043e\u0435\u0432\u0430\u044f \u044d\u0444\u0444\u0435\u043a\u0442\u0438\u0432\u043d\u043e\u0441\u0442\u044c'}, '10688_q01': {2: {'count': (1, 0)}, 3: {'count': (1, 1)}}}, 'aogasFactor': 1.0, 'mapBGPath': '../maps_bg/13_OC_new_dawn.png', 'earnedAchievements': [], 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_BATTLE_RESULTS_1', 'result': 1, 'shipId': 4290754544L, 'uiSpecial': False, 'mapTypeId': 4, 'accountLeveling': {'expGained': 2217, 'currLevel': 12, 'prevLevel': 12, 'currLevelExp': 167500, 'expTotal': 13299153, 'nextLevelExp': 167500}, 'mapName': 'IDS_SPACES/13_OC_NEW_DAWN', 'battleTypeId': 5, 'shipLevelRome': 'IV', 'achievements': (), 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASA004', 'shipsKilled': 2.0, 'importance': 2, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_AIRCARRIER', 'credits': 93028, 'isElite': True, 'date': '28.05.2016 15:30', 'dt': 1464435850, 'groupId': 3, 'accLeveling': (12, 12, 13296936, 2217), 'expPenalty': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 29892213635383659L, 'sourceId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'shipType': 'AirCarrier', 'quests': [{'maxProgress': 100, 'day': 28, 'monthIDS': 'IDS_MONTH_5', 'battleProgress': 25.0, 'type': 'challenge', 'id': '10688_q02', 'titleText': u'\u0411\u0435\u0433\u043b\u044b\u0439 \u043e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c', 'currentProgress': 50.0}, {'maxProgress': 100, 'day': 28, 'monthIDS': 'IDS_MONTH_5', 'battleProgress': 10.0, 'type': 'challenge', 'id': '10688_q01', 'titleText': u'\u0422\u044f\u0436\u0451\u043b\u043e\u0435 \u0432\u043e\u043e\u0440\u0443\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435', 'currentProgress': 20.0}], 'dailics_info': {}, 'stypeIdent': 'AirCarrier', 'postponed': False, 'battleCreateTime': 1464435051} BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_main_ap default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:32] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_main_ap default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:32] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_main_he default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:32] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_main_he default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:32] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:32] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:32] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:32] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:32] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tpd default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:32] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tpd default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:32] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_tpd default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:32] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:32] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:32] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:32] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:32] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:32] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:32] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:32] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:32] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:32] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:32] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:32] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:32] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:32] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:32] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:32] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:32] isDone id 10688_q01 count 3 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:32] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:32] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/add() [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:34] ping&FPS: False 0.143116246377 0.001 183.940194126 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:36] ping&FPS: True 0.0781470792634 785.940362852 183.940194126 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:36] ping&FPS: False 0.0757616864783 135.940364118 183.940194126 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:41] ping&FPS: True 0.05792256764 200.940351415 183.940194126 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:41] ping&FPS: False 0.0510200890047 86.9403507741 183.940194126 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:41] (, 70665289920581, 61): ClientLobbySpace is creating [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:41] ping&FPS: True 0.053346018706 212.940355885 183.940194126 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:43] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:43] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:43] isDone id 10688_q03 count 9 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:43] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:43] isDone id 10688_q01 count 3 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:43] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:43] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:43] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:43] isDone id 10688_q03 count 9 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:43] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:43] isDone id 10688_q01 count 3 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:43] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:43] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:43] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:44] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': 0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:44] [NUT] InteractiveMessageSystem: __onSelectedMessageChanged selectedEntityId None [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:44] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': -1.0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:44] [NUT] InteractiveMessageSystem: __onSelectedMessageChanged selectedEntityId None [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:47] ping&FPS: True 0.0350196169955 1071.94036542 183.940194126 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:47] ping&FPS: False 0.0283747868879 103.940367568 183.940194126 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:47] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:48] ping&FPS: True 0.0434396820409 205.94037861 183.940194126 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:48] ping&FPS: False 0.0400103362543 94.9403802114 183.940194126 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:50] ping&FPS: True 0.0453241350395 1127.94041994 183.940194126 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:50] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:50] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 14:52:51] ping&FPS: False 0.051960069154 183.940424974 183.940194126 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:53:01] ping&FPS: True 0.052793856178 253.940603319 183.940194126 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:53:01] ping&FPS: False 0.0565391885383 171.940603572 183.940194126 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:53:02] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at lesta.unbound.style::UbScrollingControllerTouch/handleMouseUp() [S] [2016_05_28 14:53:03] ping&FPS: True 0.0520574854953 351.940623346 183.940194126 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:53:03] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at lesta.unbound.style::UbScrollingControllerTouch/handleMouseUp() [S] [2016_05_28 14:53:03] ping&FPS: False 0.0437097506864 94.9406221541 183.940194126 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:53:03] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at lesta.unbound.style::UbScrollingControllerTouch/handleMouseUp() [S] [2016_05_28 14:53:03] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at lesta.unbound.style::UbScrollingControllerTouch/handleMouseUp() [S] [2016_05_28 14:53:05] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at lesta.unbound.style::UbScrollingControllerTouch/handleMouseUp() [S] [2016_05_28 14:53:07] ping&FPS: True 0.0513510512454 270.940666016 183.940194126 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:53:07] ping&FPS: False 0.0488308104021 68.9406695472 183.940194126 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:53:07] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at lesta.unbound.style::UbScrollingControllerTouch/handleMouseUp() [S] [2016_05_28 14:53:07] ping&FPS: True 0.0490089090807 234.940669927 183.940194126 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:53:08] ping&FPS: False 0.0389613243086 75.9406674834 183.940194126 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:53:08] ping&FPS: True 0.0398192810161 222.940675113 183.940194126 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:53:08] ping&FPS: False 0.0326949836952 98.9406745764 183.940194126 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:53:09] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at lesta.unbound.style::UbScrollingControllerTouch/handleMouseUp() [S] [2016_05_28 14:53:09] ping&FPS: True 0.0409693600876 257.940686535 183.940194126 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:53:09] ping&FPS: False 0.0439932750804 169.940688323 183.940194126 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:53:14] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at lesta.unbound.style::UbScrollingControllerTouch/handleMouseUp() [S] [2016_05_28 14:53:16] ping&FPS: True 0.051371629749 1042.94084256 183.940194126 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:53:16] ping&FPS: False 0.0471990214927 104.940844867 183.940194126 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:53:18] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at lesta.unbound.style::UbScrollingControllerTouch/handleMouseUp() [S] [2016_05_28 14:53:18] ping&FPS: True 0.0497517096145 208.940878923 183.940194126 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:53:18] ping&FPS: False 0.0437301131231 74.940880041 183.940194126 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:53:19] ping&FPS: True 0.0435144411666 335.940910231 183.940194126 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:53:19] ping&FPS: False 0.0380163969738 85.9409112888 183.940194126 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:53:21] ping&FPS: True 0.0472572999341 255.94094358 183.940194126 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:53:21] ping&FPS: False 0.0513926329357 168.940947066 183.940194126 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:53:22] ping&FPS: True 0.0511095183236 270.940952371 183.940194126 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:53:22] ping&FPS: False 0.0426334547145 66.9409547555 183.940194126 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:53:25] ping&FPS: True 0.0460031586034 345.940986406 183.940194126 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:53:25] ping&FPS: False 0.0404607611043 79.94098648 183.940194126 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:53:27] ping&FPS: True 0.0466602774603 255.941048797 183.940194126 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:53:28] ping&FPS: False 0.0469521688563 161.941052999 183.940194126 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:53:31] ping&FPS: True 0.0490516307099 294.941089089 183.940194126 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:53:31] ping&FPS: False 0.0510832848293 149.941091325 183.940194126 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:53:31] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at lesta.unbound.style::UbScrollingControllerTouch/handleMouseUp() [S] [2016_05_28 14:53:32] ping&FPS: True 0.0547555344445 315.941091123 183.940194126 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:53:32] ping&FPS: False 0.0501867192132 102.941093105 183.940194126 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:53:33] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at lesta.unbound.style::UbScrollingControllerTouch/handleMouseUp() [S] [2016_05_28 14:53:33] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 14:53:33] ping&FPS: True 0.0482422890408 287.941089417 183.940194126 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:53:33] ping&FPS: False 0.0482767330749 136.941090453 183.940194126 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:53:33] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at lesta.unbound.style::UbScrollingControllerTouch/handleMouseUp() [S] [2016_05_28 14:53:33] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 14:53:34] ping&FPS: True 0.0503069268806 579.941076558 183.940194126 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:53:34] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at lesta.unbound.style::UbScrollingControllerTouch/handleMouseUp() [S] [2016_05_28 14:53:34] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 14:53:35] ping&FPS: False 0.0470625864608 105.941073801 183.940194126 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:53:35] ping&FPS: True 0.048142518316 368.941080268 183.940194126 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:53:36] ping&FPS: False 0.0441518085343 94.9411185937 183.940194126 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:53:39] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:53:39] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 14:53:39] isDone id 10688_q03 count 9 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:53:39] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 14:53:39] isDone id 10688_q01 count 3 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:53:39] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 14:53:39] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 14:53:39] ping&FPS: True 0.0501721533281 631.941162172 183.940194126 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:53:41] ping&FPS: False 0.0424996124847 195.941186506 183.940194126 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:53:43] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2016_05_28 14:53:49] ping&FPS: True 0.0457350643618 1079.94129808 183.940194126 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:53:49] [DivisionEntranceContext] requestDivisionSeekerList: Account.requestPreBattleSeekerList(): [S] [2016_05_28 14:53:49] ping&FPS: False 0.0459032314164 178.941299479 183.940194126 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:53:50] (, 70665289920581, 61): receivePreBattles, ('257 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 14:53:50] receivePreBattles() PreBattleType: 4 Num: 3 Free: 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:53:50] [NUT] PlayersAccountsSystem add, 685169 [S] [2016_05_28 14:53:50] [NUT] ClubmanSystem::onClubmenAccountAdded dbid 685169 [S] [2016_05_28 14:53:50] [NUT] PlayersAccountsSystem add, 415348 [S] [2016_05_28 14:53:50] [NUT] ClubmanSystem::onClubmenAccountAdded dbid 415348 [S] [2016_05_28 14:53:50] [NUT] PlayersAccountsSystem add, 1058919 [S] [2016_05_28 14:53:50] [NUT] ClubmanSystem::onClubmenAccountAdded dbid 1058919 [S] [2016_05_28 14:53:52] ping&FPS: True 0.0520283313734 628.941290017 183.940194126 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:53:52] ping&FPS: False 0.0456835510475 134.941295381 183.940194126 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:53:54] ping&FPS: True 0.0351879032595 1436.94134067 183.940194126 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:53:54] ping&FPS: False 0.0346002834184 137.941339071 183.940194126 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:53:55] ping&FPS: True 0.0442168819053 260.941353578 183.940194126 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:53:56] ping&FPS: False 0.0466538476092 125.941347021 183.940194126 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:03] Account.enqueue(): 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:03] ping&FPS: True 0.0421724574906 226.941506344 183.940194126 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:03] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4289640144 4 [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:03] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:03] onEnqueued() QueueType: 1 ShipId: 4289640144 [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:05] onPrepareingForBattle() [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:05] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4289640144 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:06] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:06] onGameRoomStateInit mapIdx = 4 battleType = 62 gameMode = StandDom duration=1200 [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:06] (, 70665289920581, 61): handleBanInfo:, ({'banId': '14643763953', 'reason': '"\xd0\x98\xd1\x81\xd0\xbf\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbb\xd1\x8c\xd0\xb7\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd1\x80\xd0\xbc\xd0\xb0\xd1\x82\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb9 \xd0\xbb\xd0\xb5\xd0\xba\xd1\x81\xd0\xb8\xd0\xba\xd0\xb8/ \xd0\xbe\xd1\x81\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd1\x80\xd0\xb1\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd1\x8f" \xe2\x80\x93 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd1\x80\xd1\x83\xd1\x88\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xbf\xd1\x83\xd0\xbd\xd0\xba\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0 1 \xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb7\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb0 1 \xd0\x9f\xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb8\xd0\xbb \xd0\xb8\xd0\xb3\xd1\x80\xd1\x8b (R)', 'expiry': 1464635520L},) [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:06] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence(), ('8752339@wowsru.loc/wows', 'ONE___VP', 2) [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:06] ping&FPS: False 0.0171202304108 60.941564131 183.940194126 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:12] ping&FPS: True 0.928571428571 134.941726256 183.940194126 0 [E] [2016_05_28 14:54:12] Can only call base methods on the connected entity [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:12] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:12] (, 70665289920581, 61): Lobby destroy started. [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:13] (, 70665289920581, 61): Lobby successfully destroyed. [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:13] onArenaStateReceived: teams info: [None, None] [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:13] (, 51820444204590, 546): Thresholds for team 0: Win: 920 Lose: 120 [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:13] (, 51820444204590, 546): Thresholds for team 1: Win: 920 Lose: 120 [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:13] MissionsComponent: #0 ControlPointHoldMission; reward = 0; penalty = 0; controlPoints = [0, 6]; delay = 0; repeat = 6; repeatReward = 2; repeatPenalty = 0 #1 CaptureControlPointMission; reward = 1000; penalty = 0; controlPoints = [0, 6] #2 KillEnemyOfSpecificShipTypeMission; reward = 30; penalty = 45; shipType = Destroyer; rewardPerType = 0; penaltyPerType = 0 #3 KillEnemyOfSpecificShipTypeMission; reward = 35; penalty = 50; shipType = Cruiser; rewardPerType = 0; penaltyPerType = 0 #4 KillEnemyOfSpecificShipTypeMission; reward = 40; penalty = 60; shipType = Battleship; rewardPerType = 0; penaltyPerType = 0 #5 KillEnemyOfSpecificShipTypeMission; reward = 45; penalty = 65; shipType = AirCarrier; rewardPerType = 0; penaltyPerType = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:13] Mission tasks available! [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:13] Battle waiting start: 5.0 / 6128.73001315 [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:13] Avatar.receiveAvatarInfo: {'evaluationsLeft': {0: 5, 1: 5}} [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:13] Avatar.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:13] name ONE___VP [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:13] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:13] Avatar onControlled False [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:13] onControlled->False: not implemented [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:13] onGeometryMapped() MapName: %s 13_OC_new_dawn [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:13] teamBuildType: 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:13] player: Id: 6916993 Name: ACErX TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSC106_Nurnberg' [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:13] player: Id: 6651563 Name: vlad613 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSC007_Aoba_1943' [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:13] player: Id: 7068679 Name: DIiMMONN TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSC105_Konigsberg' [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:13] player: Id: 6940430 Name: Tasadan TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSC106_Nurnberg' [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:13] player: Id: 6833298 Name: ONE___VP TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSC005_Furutaka_1926' [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:13] player: Id: 6639251 Name: kallessin TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASD014_Leader_1919' [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:13] player: Id: 7126811 Name: Diman2002_64rus TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB034_New_Mexico_1941' [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:13] player: Id: 7097630 Name: CrazyHalk TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASD019_Clemson_1920' [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:13] player: Id: 7237797 Name: Raduet TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASD005_Farragut_1944' [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:13] player: Id: 6659497 Name: akarnaud TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB034_New_Mexico_1941' [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:13] player: Id: 7062827 Name: Geimers_111 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSD104_Izyaslav' [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:13] player: Id: 6525868 Name: Coners TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB034_New_Mexico_1941' [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:13] player: Id: 7093424 Name: kylik TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASD014_Leader_1919' [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:13] player: Id: 7158582 Name: lin1971 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSC104_Svetlana' [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:13] player: Id: 6912312 Name: vikvjik TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB006_New_York_1934' [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:13] player: Id: 7085505 Name: Griga1979 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSC105_Kirov' [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:13] player: Id: 6948934 Name: AlpinaM6 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSD105_Pr_7_Gnevny' [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:13] player: Id: 6761546 Name: Sinoby_ TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSC104_Svetlana' [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:13] player: Id: 7035090 Name: tagai41 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSC104_Karlsruhe' [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:13] player: Id: 6980307 Name: ochkoder78 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSC007_Aoba_1943' [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:13] player: Id: 6436182 Name: warlok_500 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSC106_Nurnberg' [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:13] player: Id: 6986986 Name: looOool123 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB034_New_Mexico_1941' [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:13] player: Id: 7004397 Name: Fast123123 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASC007_Cleveland_1945' [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:13] player: Id: 6098557 Name: AlexKortes TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSC105_Konigsberg' [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:13] [DEBUG] BattleLoadingContext: geometry mapped [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:13] BattleDataContext.__onEnterSpace [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:14] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:14] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:14] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:14] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:14] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:14] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:14] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:14] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:14] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:14] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:14] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:14] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:15] [BAT] __initBasePoints points [, ] [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:15] [BAT] x 0.423333358765 y 0.70000008901 VISIBLE True [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:15] [BAT] x 0.576666577657 y 0.300000050863 VISIBLE True [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:16] ping&FPS: False 0.121085401092 0.001 183.940194126 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:17] ping&FPS: True 0.0663949059589 266.941696304 153.941702831 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:17] [Scaleform] Warning: instance45233.setImageSubstitutions() failed for #86 element - length of subString should not exceed 15 characters [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:19] Battle countdown start: 60.0 / 6135.02001316 [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:19] ping&FPS: False 0.0515880914671 39.9417203995 39.9417203995 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:21] ping&FPS: True 0.062623824392 202.941727232 154.941727485 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:21] ping&FPS: False 0.0539503203971 77.941728841 77.941728841 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:24] ping&FPS: True 0.0474758552653 228.941718805 108.941716659 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:24] ping&FPS: False 0.0414939331157 51.9417198779 51.9417198779 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:27] ping&FPS: True 0.063295687948 206.941717449 129.941715184 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:27] ping&FPS: False 0.0564722227199 90.9417193266 90.9417193266 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:28] ping&FPS: True 0.0615708338363 200.941718865 165.941717583 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:28] ping&FPS: False 0.0439969929201 180.941716719 180.941716719 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:28] ping&FPS: True 0.0466501670224 232.94171207 180.941716719 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:28] ping&FPS: False 0.0509875597698 157.941710028 157.941710028 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:29] ping&FPS: True 0.0579850333078 239.941719803 64.9417177173 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:29] ping&FPS: False 0.0445047872407 38.9417206081 38.9417206081 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:31] ping&FPS: True 0.0500833275063 257.941712383 138.941716659 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:31] ping&FPS: False 0.0465947049005 51.9417151543 51.9417151543 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:32] ping&FPS: True 0.0593900041921 225.941714737 132.941718671 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:32] ping&FPS: False 0.0495008113129 52.9417159738 52.9417159738 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:34] ping&FPS: True 0.0621015684945 204.941712602 137.941718116 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:34] ping&FPS: False 0.0573380397899 92.9417138765 92.9417138765 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:37] ping&FPS: True 0.0708268838269 268.941737044 104.941730204 0 [A] [2016_05_28 14:54:37] CollisionModel::load: Error loading collision model content/gameplay/usa/ship/destroyer/ASD026_Clemson_1930/ASD026_Clemson_1930_Stern! [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:37] ping&FPS: False 0.0634549068553 168.941741462 168.941741462 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:39] ping&FPS: True 0.0591917293412 208.941746164 128.941747296 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:39] ping&FPS: False 0.0553176360471 91.941748205 91.941748205 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:39] ping&FPS: True 0.0555715816362 239.941744569 153.941749934 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:39] ping&FPS: False 0.0582673954112 162.941743347 162.941743347 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:40] ping&FPS: True 0.055734540735 243.941737968 129.941742677 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:40] ping&FPS: False 0.0481686698539 52.9417392047 52.9417392047 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:40] ping&FPS: True 0.0575474756105 218.94173628 140.941739499 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:41] ping&FPS: False 0.0488675268633 103.941738426 103.941738426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:43] ping&FPS: True 0.0557612138135 210.94174556 153.941746365 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:43] ping&FPS: False 0.0519828753812 77.9417471694 77.9417471694 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:44] ping&FPS: True 0.0521096768124 218.941746924 133.941744554 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:44] ping&FPS: False 0.0452401893479 64.9417482646 64.9417482646 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:44] ping&FPS: True 0.0540187018258 218.941749535 148.941752754 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:45] ping&FPS: False 0.0470839845283 114.941751621 114.941751621 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:47] ping&FPS: True 0.0562427150352 205.941758442 134.941758204 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:47] ping&FPS: False 0.0505815478308 142.941757667 142.941757667 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:49] ping&FPS: True 0.0673388051135 221.941761005 148.941763732 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:49] ping&FPS: False 0.0436831670148 77.9417597534 77.9417597534 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:50] ping&FPS: True 0.0495555209262 232.941775832 77.9417730304 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:50] ping&FPS: False 0.0433025839073 52.9417770686 52.9417770686 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:51] ping&FPS: True 0.0582631634814 247.941786844 139.941784378 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:51] ping&FPS: False 0.0502089740975 52.9417871492 52.9417871492 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:52] ping&FPS: True 0.0556210087878 223.941783029 131.941784497 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:52] ping&FPS: False 0.0482293026788 64.9417843702 64.9417843702 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:52] ping&FPS: True 0.0593850123031 223.941789422 64.9417843702 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:52] ping&FPS: False 0.046078275357 65.9417909267 65.9417909267 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:54] ping&FPS: True 0.0579589413745 234.941810209 133.941805217 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:54] ping&FPS: False 0.0501051428063 53.9418116095 53.9418116095 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:55] ping&FPS: True 0.0589682119233 258.941798198 150.941806036 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:56] ping&FPS: False 0.0641437726361 172.941802341 172.941802341 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:56] ping&FPS: True 0.0681333350284 243.941813323 143.941810581 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:57] ping&FPS: False 0.0640063094241 178.941818449 178.941818449 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:57] ping&FPS: True 0.0636313664062 280.941821549 146.94181833 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:57] id 7006755 [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:57] name ochkoder78 [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:57] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:57] @ launchpadAppeared 7006755 [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:57] [Weather][43150] onEnterWorld (map spaces/13_OC_new_dawn, scheme 1, weather 0) [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:57] ping&FPS: False 0.0647257970912 145.941824991 145.941824991 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:58] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:58] id 7006721 [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:58] name DIiMMONN [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:58] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:58] @ launchpadAppeared 7006721 [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:59] ping&FPS: True 0.0563080417258 214.94183341 137.941835422 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:54:59] ping&FPS: False 0.0506266983492 90.9418352874 90.9418352874 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:55:00] ping&FPS: True 0.0567811535937 205.941833551 129.941835176 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:55:00] ping&FPS: False 0.0427369954331 181.941829856 181.941829856 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:55:00] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:55:00] id 7006753 [S] [2016_05_28 14:55:00] name tagai41 [S] [2016_05_28 14:55:00] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:55:01] ping&FPS: True 0.0500556485994 200.941829379 153.941826235 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:55:01] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:55:01] id 7006725 [S] [2016_05_28 14:55:01] name ONE___VP [S] [2016_05_28 14:55:01] team id 1 [A] [2016_05_28 14:55:01] CollisionModel::load: Error loading collision model content/gameplay/russia/ship/destroyer/RSD017_Izyaslav_1930/RSD017_Izyaslav_1930_MidFront! [S] [2016_05_28 14:55:01] @ launchpadAppeared 7006725 [S] [2016_05_28 14:55:01] client.Vehicle.setAmmoArtilleryGun [S] [2016_05_28 14:55:01] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2016_05_28 14:55:01] Avatar.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2016_05_28 14:55:01] ! A.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2016_05_28 14:55:01] m7ae8a4d.init [S] [2016_05_28 14:55:01] @ launchpadAppeared 7006725 [S] [2016_05_28 14:55:01] -- GUNS ----------------------------------------- [S] [2016_05_28 14:55:01] {0: {'position': {'y': 1.0, 'x': 1.0}, 'rotation': -2.356194496154785, 'gunPositionId': 0}, 1: {'position': {'y': 1.0, 'x': 2.0}, 'rotation': -2.356194496154785, 'gunPositionId': 1}, 2: {'position': {'y': 1.0, 'x': 5.0}, 'rotation': 0.7853981852531433, 'gunPositionId': 2}} [S] [2016_05_28 14:55:01] -- GUNS ----------------------------------------- [S] [2016_05_28 14:55:01] {0: {'position': {'y': 2.0, 'x': 3.0}, 'rotation': 0.7853981852531433, 'gunPositionId': 0}, 1: {'position': {'y': 0.0, 'x': 3.0}, 'rotation': 0.7853981852531433, 'gunPositionId': 1}} [S] [2016_05_28 14:55:01] BattleDataContext.__onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2016_05_28 14:55:01] ping&FPS: False 0.0289865317089 78.941833015 78.941833015 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:55:01] ! PM.refreshAirArmament [S] [2016_05_28 14:55:01] m7ae8a4d.restore [S] [2016_05_28 14:55:01] Avatar.onWorldStateReceived [S] [2016_05_28 14:55:01] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:55:01] id 7006737 [S] [2016_05_28 14:55:01] name Geimers_111 [S] [2016_05_28 14:55:01] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:55:02] ping&FPS: True 0.0523857282741 207.941826965 122.941830124 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:55:02] ping&FPS: False 0.0476179601891 78.9418287384 78.9418287384 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:55:02] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:55:02] id 7006729 [S] [2016_05_28 14:55:02] name Diman2002_64rus [S] [2016_05_28 14:55:02] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:55:02] @ launchpadAppeared 7006729 [S] [2016_05_28 14:55:04] ping&FPS: True 0.0576215939862 203.941834371 92.9418363231 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:55:04] ping&FPS: False 0.0499124037368 78.9418361442 78.9418361442 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:55:04] ping&FPS: True 0.0610999869449 206.941842984 133.941840719 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:55:04] ping&FPS: False 0.0532618643982 77.9418445932 77.9418445932 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:55:06] ping&FPS: True 0.0575033532722 205.941856991 149.94185489 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:55:06] ping&FPS: False 0.0519002335412 77.9418586003 77.9418586003 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:55:07] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:55:07] id 7006723 [S] [2016_05_28 14:55:07] name Tasadan [S] [2016_05_28 14:55:07] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:55:08] ping&FPS: True 0.0620785611016 202.941872496 168.941871818 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:55:08] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:55:08] id 7006743 [S] [2016_05_28 14:55:08] name lin1971 [S] [2016_05_28 14:55:08] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:55:08] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:55:08] id 7006727 [S] [2016_05_28 14:55:08] name kallessin [S] [2016_05_28 14:55:08] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:55:08] ping&FPS: False 0.057255219136 152.941882517 152.941882517 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:55:09] ping&FPS: True 0.0605501638991 243.941889855 133.941885251 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:55:09] ping&FPS: False 0.0482653113348 39.9418908241 39.9418908241 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:55:09] ping&FPS: True 0.0503139602286 228.941889245 39.9418908241 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:55:09] ping&FPS: False 0.0437103690846 53.9418906452 53.9418906452 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:55:10] ping&FPS: True 0.0563890295369 214.941889475 173.941891487 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:55:10] ping&FPS: False 0.0472974958164 52.9418976562 52.9418976562 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:55:11] ping&FPS: True 0.0566047387464 233.941912908 142.941909011 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:55:11] ping&FPS: False 0.0488816606147 53.941913377 53.941913377 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:55:12] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:55:12] id 7006739 [S] [2016_05_28 14:55:12] name Coners [S] [2016_05_28 14:55:12] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:55:12] @ launchpadAppeared 7006739 [S] [2016_05_28 14:55:12] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:55:12] id 7006761 [S] [2016_05_28 14:55:12] name Fast123123 [S] [2016_05_28 14:55:12] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:55:12] @ launchpadAppeared 7006761 [S] [2016_05_28 14:55:14] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:55:14] id 7006733 [S] [2016_05_28 14:55:14] name Raduet [S] [2016_05_28 14:55:14] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:55:14] ping&FPS: True 0.0575503664357 210.941948782 150.941946793 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:55:14] ping&FPS: False 0.0501969786627 66.9419495197 66.9419495197 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:55:15] ping&FPS: True 0.0582895981414 323.941967096 132.941962417 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:55:15] ("[ERROR] FeedbackController: config {event: 'Sound', container: 'screenplay_trigger'} must set 'type'",) [S] [2016_05_28 14:55:15] ("[ERROR] FeedbackController: config {event: 'Sound', container: 'five_minutes_left'} must set 'type'",) [S] [2016_05_28 14:55:15] ('[ERROR] FeedbackController: empty config for event five_minutes_left',) [S] [2016_05_28 14:55:17] -= BATTLE STARTED =- [S] [2016_05_28 14:55:18] [Weather][43150] start transition (from weather 0, to weather 1) [S] [2016_05_28 14:55:18] [Weather][43150] prepare transition for Sunny [E] [2016_05_28 14:55:18] resolveEffectPathFromSfx: Environment effect must be loaded from SFX effect file (in sfx/* directory) [S] [2016_05_28 14:55:19] ping&FPS: False 0.0701397018773 138.941904608 138.941904608 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:55:21] ping&FPS: True 0.0565210985286 290.941959116 116.941957984 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:55:21] ping&FPS: False 0.056802343045 150.94196524 150.94196524 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:55:23] ping&FPS: True 0.0441026570542 235.942024867 116.942019712 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:55:23] ping&FPS: False 0.0432806941015 82.9420254337 82.9420254337 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:56:37] client.Vehicle.setAmmoArtilleryGun [S] [2016_05_28 14:56:38] client.Vehicle.setAmmoArtilleryGun [S] [2016_05_28 14:56:48] [Weather][43150] finish transition [S] [2016_05_28 14:56:49] ping&FPS: True 0.0422666700823 249.945552635 167.945554498 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:56:50] ping&FPS: False 0.0366526799543 150.945553172 150.945553172 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:56:51] ping&FPS: True 0.0458306031568 498.945560377 150.945567991 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:56:51] ping&FPS: False 0.0350607367499 107.945563178 107.945563178 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:57:07] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:57:07] id 7006727 [S] [2016_05_28 14:57:08] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:57:08] id 7006753 [S] [2016_05_28 14:57:09] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:57:10] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:57:10] id 7006747 [S] [2016_05_28 14:57:10] name Griga1979 [S] [2016_05_28 14:57:10] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:57:10] @ launchpadAppeared 7006747 [S] [2016_05_28 14:57:11] ping&FPS: True 0.0502197923405 674.946253221 82.9462375747 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:57:12] ping&FPS: False 0.03927779517 150.946251716 183.946251716 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:57:17] ping&FPS: True 0.0510328891022 244.946394111 150.946389343 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:57:17] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:57:17] id 7006723 [S] [2016_05_28 14:57:17] ping&FPS: False 0.041974480663 139.946394409 194.946394409 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:57:19] ping&FPS: True 0.0392381953342 264.946459647 133.946455325 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:57:19] ping&FPS: False 0.0440918686134 184.946463894 184.946463894 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:57:22] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:57:22] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:57:22] id 7006763 [S] [2016_05_28 14:57:22] name AlexKortes [S] [2016_05_28 14:57:22] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:57:22] @ launchpadAppeared 7006763 [S] [2016_05_28 14:57:26] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:57:26] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:57:26] id 7006719 [S] [2016_05_28 14:57:26] name vlad613 [S] [2016_05_28 14:57:26] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:57:26] @ launchpadAppeared 7006719 [S] [2016_05_28 14:57:27] ping&FPS: True 0.0349209042532 305.94647609 167.946465048 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:57:27] ping&FPS: False 0.0357535215361 104.946474675 104.946474675 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:57:29] ping&FPS: True 0.0449241729719 337.946421284 148.946436662 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:57:29] ping&FPS: False 0.0302262487156 71.9464200469 71.9464200469 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:57:29] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:57:29] id 7006755 [S] [2016_05_28 14:57:29] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 14:57:33] ping&FPS: True 0.0440750079496 214.946394015 124.946397889 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:57:33] ping&FPS: False 0.032029326473 88.9463955643 88.9463955643 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:57:34] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:57:34] id 7006763 [S] [2016_05_28 14:57:34] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 14:57:37] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:57:37] id 7006733 [S] [2016_05_28 14:57:49] SmokeScreen.onEnterWorld( 1305945 ) [(89.4311, 207.617)] [S] [2016_05_28 14:57:49] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:57:49] id 7006743 [S] [2016_05_28 14:57:51] ping&FPS: True 0.0698192822082 452.946355033 130.946331072 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:57:52] ping&FPS: False 0.052202593003 121.94635361 121.94635361 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:57:52] client.Vehicle.setAmmoArtilleryGun [S] [2016_05_28 14:57:54] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:57:54] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:57:54] id 7006763 [S] [2016_05_28 14:57:54] name AlexKortes [S] [2016_05_28 14:57:54] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:57:54] @ launchpadAppeared 7006763 [S] [2016_05_28 14:57:57] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:57:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:57:57] id 7006731 [S] [2016_05_28 14:57:57] name CrazyHalk [S] [2016_05_28 14:57:57] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:57:59] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:57:59] id 7006747 [S] [2016_05_28 14:57:59] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 14:58:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:58:02] id 7006763 [S] [2016_05_28 14:58:02] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 14:58:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:58:02] id 7006731 [S] [2016_05_28 14:58:03] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:58:03] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:58:03] id 7006741 [S] [2016_05_28 14:58:03] name kylik [S] [2016_05_28 14:58:03] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:58:10] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 14:58:10] client.Vehicle.setAmmoArtilleryGun [S] [2016_05_28 14:58:13] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:58:13] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:58:13] id 7006731 [S] [2016_05_28 14:58:13] name CrazyHalk [S] [2016_05_28 14:58:13] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:58:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:58:18] id 7006739 [S] [2016_05_28 14:58:18] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 14:58:19] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:58:19] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:58:19] id 7006749 [S] [2016_05_28 14:58:19] name AlpinaM6 [S] [2016_05_28 14:58:19] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:58:22] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:58:22] id 7006731 [S] [2016_05_28 14:58:28] SmokeScreen.onEnterWorld( 1305946 ) [(-281.041, 148.282)] [S] [2016_05_28 14:58:37] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:58:37] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:58:37] id 7006731 [S] [2016_05_28 14:58:37] name CrazyHalk [S] [2016_05_28 14:58:37] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:58:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:58:50] id 7006737 [S] [2016_05_28 14:58:51] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:58:51] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:58:51] id 7006751 [S] [2016_05_28 14:58:51] name Sinoby_ [S] [2016_05_28 14:58:51] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:58:52] ping&FPS: True 0.0474300267441 275.945739332 132.945731345 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:58:53] ping&FPS: False 0.0507363932473 167.945737067 167.945737067 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:58:55] ping&FPS: True 0.0388552205903 315.945723328 149.945719961 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:58:55] ping&FPS: False 0.0390844079001 110.945722896 110.945722896 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:58:56] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:58:56] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:58:56] id 7006733 [S] [2016_05_28 14:58:56] name Raduet [S] [2016_05_28 14:58:56] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:58:57] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:58:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:58:57] id 7006747 [S] [2016_05_28 14:58:57] name Griga1979 [S] [2016_05_28 14:58:57] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:58:57] @ launchpadAppeared 7006747 [S] [2016_05_28 14:58:59] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:58:59] id 7006731 [S] [2016_05_28 14:59:01] client.Vehicle.setAmmoArtilleryGun [S] [2016_05_28 14:59:01] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 14:59:02] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 14:59:02] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_post_fire.xml#42063: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:59:02] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 14:59:02] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Aoba_foam_post_death.xml#42066: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:59:02] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Aoba_foam_post_death.xml#42067: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:59:02] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Aoba_foam_post_death.xml#42068: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:59:05] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:59:05] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:59:05] id 7006727 [S] [2016_05_28 14:59:05] name kallessin [S] [2016_05_28 14:59:05] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:59:06] ping&FPS: True 0.0362476067884 201.945684689 149.945688832 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:59:06] ping&FPS: False 0.0362941058619 95.945685524 95.945685524 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:59:13] SmokeScreen.onEnterWorld( 1305947 ) [(-18.764, 98.7888)] [S] [2016_05_28 14:59:19] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 14:59:20] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 14:59:20] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#42574: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:59:20] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Leader_foam_post_death.xml#42591: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:59:20] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Leader_foam_post_death.xml#42592: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:59:20] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Leader_foam_post_death.xml#42593: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:59:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:59:23] id 7006749 [S] [2016_05_28 14:59:28] ping&FPS: True 0.0469796763999 299.945669639 147.945668894 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:59:28] ping&FPS: False 0.0417059691889 109.945669043 109.945669043 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:59:31] ping&FPS: True 0.046571831618 403.945668671 168.945654604 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:59:31] ping&FPS: False 0.052633653794 142.945667896 142.945667896 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:59:32] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:59:32] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:59:32] id 7006731 [S] [2016_05_28 14:59:32] name CrazyHalk [S] [2016_05_28 14:59:32] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:59:32] (, 51832695439976, 238): Two time score difference detected. Max Score(1): 469 Min Score(0): 224 User Team Id: 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:59:32] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 14:59:32] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 14:59:32] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#42870: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:59:32] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 14:59:33] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Kirov_foam_post_death.xml#42892: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:59:33] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Kirov_foam_post_death.xml#42893: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:59:33] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Kirov_foam_post_death.xml#42894: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 14:59:34] client.Vehicle.setAmmoArtilleryGun [S] [2016_05_28 14:59:39] ping&FPS: True 0.0353600191219 336.945749554 122.945744607 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:59:39] ping&FPS: False 0.0353953050716 105.945750165 105.945750165 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:59:40] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:59:40] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:59:40] id 7006749 [S] [2016_05_28 14:59:40] name AlpinaM6 [S] [2016_05_28 14:59:40] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:59:44] ping&FPS: True 0.04354323021 262.945717144 133.945715013 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:59:45] (, 51832695439976, 326): Two time score difference is reset. Max Score(1): 423 Min Score(0): 263 [S] [2016_05_28 14:59:45] ping&FPS: False 0.0403915973646 177.945718381 177.945718381 0 [S] [2016_05_28 14:59:45] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 14:59:45] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 14:59:45] id 7006743 [S] [2016_05_28 14:59:45] name lin1971 [S] [2016_05_28 14:59:45] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 14:59:52] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#43156: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:00:01] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_post_fire.xml#43256: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:00:04] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#43303: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:00:04] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence(), ('756279@wowsru.loc/wows', '11Paul11', 0) [S] [2016_05_28 15:00:04] [NUT] __updateUserPresence contacts 756279 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:00:15] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:00:15] id 7006749 [S] [2016_05_28 15:00:16] SmokeScreen.onEnterWorld( 1305948 ) [(-133.602, -388.322)] [S] [2016_05_28 15:00:17] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:00:17] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:00:17] id 7006753 [S] [2016_05_28 15:00:17] name tagai41 [S] [2016_05_28 15:00:17] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 15:00:21] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#43519: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:00:24] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#43548: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:00:25] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_water_fountains_post_death.xml#43551: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:00:33] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#43641: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:00:39] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#43709: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:00:40] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:00:40] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:00:40] id 7006749 [S] [2016_05_28 15:00:40] name AlpinaM6 [S] [2016_05_28 15:00:40] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:00:41] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#43747: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:00:45] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#43782: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:00:46] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence(), ('6332290@wowsru.loc/wows', 'zloy_nyb', 0) [S] [2016_05_28 15:00:46] [NUT] __updateUserPresence contacts 6332290 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:00:48] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#43802: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:00:52] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#43866: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:00:52] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 15:00:52] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 15:00:52] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#43873: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:00:53] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Svetlana_foam_post_death.xml#43878: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:00:53] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Svetlana_foam_post_death.xml#43879: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:00:53] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Svetlana_foam_post_death.xml#43880: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:00:54] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#43891: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:00:54] ping&FPS: True 0.0447046416146 216.94490249 105.944906037 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:00:54] ping&FPS: False 0.0364371123058 100.944902282 100.944902282 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:00:55] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_water_fountains_post_death.xml#43907: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:01:00] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_water_fountains_post_death.xml#43954: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:01:04] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [A] [2016_05_28 15:01:04] CollisionModel::load: Error loading collision model content/gameplay/russia/ship/destroyer/RSD017_Izyaslav_1930/RSD017_Izyaslav_1930_MidFront! [S] [2016_05_28 15:01:04] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:01:04] id 7006737 [S] [2016_05_28 15:01:04] name Geimers_111 [S] [2016_05_28 15:01:04] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 15:01:10] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:01:10] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:01:10] id 7006735 [S] [2016_05_28 15:01:10] name akarnaud [S] [2016_05_28 15:01:10] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:01:10] @ launchpadAppeared 7006735 [S] [2016_05_28 15:01:16] ping&FPS: True 0.0571833210332 430.94461489 136.94461875 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:01:16] ping&FPS: False 0.0524082662804 130.944614011 130.944614011 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:01:16] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:01:20] (, 51832695439976, 238): Two time score difference detected. Max Score(1): 475 Min Score(0): 230 User Team Id: 1 [S] [2016_05_28 15:01:20] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:01:20] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:01:20] id 7006717 [S] [2016_05_28 15:01:20] name ACErX [S] [2016_05_28 15:01:20] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:01:20] @ launchpadAppeared 7006717 [S] [2016_05_28 15:01:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:01:23] id 7006749 [S] [2016_05_28 15:01:31] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:01:31] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:01:31] id 7006749 [S] [2016_05_28 15:01:31] name AlpinaM6 [S] [2016_05_28 15:01:31] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:01:36] ping&FPS: True 0.0349360065801 200.944316584 134.944317165 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:01:36] ping&FPS: False 0.0356142329318 105.944315332 105.944315332 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:01:49] ping&FPS: True 0.0571313010795 271.944102991 166.944116149 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:01:50] ping&FPS: False 0.0591770218951 142.944102216 142.944102216 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:01:50] ping&FPS: True 0.0507653983576 280.944092813 148.944091457 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:01:50] ping&FPS: False 0.0428348811609 137.944091219 137.944091219 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:02:02] ping&FPS: True 0.0592665331704 412.943979073 150.943985883 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:02:03] ping&FPS: False 0.0576561944825 144.943976763 144.943976763 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:02:05] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:02:05] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:02:05] id 7006757 [S] [2016_05_28 15:02:05] name warlok_500 [S] [2016_05_28 15:02:05] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:02:05] @ launchpadAppeared 7006757 [S] [2016_05_28 15:02:06] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#44695: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:02:11] ping&FPS: True 0.0460519599063 292.943861637 110.943856451 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:02:11] ping&FPS: False 0.0487306671483 138.943862069 138.943862069 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:02:16] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#44839: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:02:17] ping&FPS: True 0.0400260346276 247.943827379 132.943831432 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:02:17] ping&FPS: False 0.0406005265457 184.943826038 184.943826038 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:02:18] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#44882: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:02:19] ping&FPS: True 0.0345722617848 291.943804431 118.943814311 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:02:19] ping&FPS: False 0.0310097741229 147.943802613 147.943802613 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:02:24] ping&FPS: True 0.0467250900609 210.943771291 75.9437683704 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:02:24] ping&FPS: False 0.0447749005897 141.94376849 141.94376849 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:02:27] ping&FPS: True 0.0432324441416 304.943729076 149.943733099 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:02:27] ping&FPS: False 0.0440449821098 118.943728093 118.943728093 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:02:29] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence(), ('2715866@wowsru.loc/wows', 'BCEM_PPC', 0) [S] [2016_05_28 15:02:29] [NUT] __updateUserPresence contacts 2715866 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:02:29] ping&FPS: True 0.0392314600093 288.943715307 155.94371264 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:02:29] ping&FPS: False 0.031961801861 113.943713504 113.943713504 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:02:34] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#45138: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:02:34] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:02:34] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:02:34] id 7006763 [S] [2016_05_28 15:02:34] name AlexKortes [S] [2016_05_28 15:02:34] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:02:34] @ launchpadAppeared 7006763 [S] [2016_05_28 15:02:34] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 15:02:38] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_water_fountains_post_death.xml#45230: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:02:40] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 15:02:40] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 15:02:40] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#45277: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:02:40] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 15:02:40] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#45278: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:02:41] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Izyaslav_foam_post_death.xml#45283: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:02:41] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Izyaslav_foam_post_death.xml#45284: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:02:41] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Izyaslav_foam_post_death.xml#45285: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:02:41] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Izyaslav_foam_post_death.xml#45286: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:02:41] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Izyaslav_foam_post_death.xml#45287: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:02:41] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Izyaslav_foam_post_death.xml#45288: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:02:47] client.Vehicle.setAmmoArtilleryGun [S] [2016_05_28 15:02:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:02:51] id 7006749 [S] [2016_05_28 15:02:53] ping&FPS: True 0.0393059434635 212.943592954 123.943593431 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:02:53] ping&FPS: False 0.0376246826989 68.9435912254 68.9435912254 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:02:54] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#45435: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:02:54] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#45436: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:02:56] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#45465: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:02:56] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#45466: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:03:04] ping&FPS: True 0.0221840696675 200.94348203 133.943480748 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:03:04] ping&FPS: False 0.0213508265359 119.943483073 119.943483073 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:03:06] ping&FPS: True 0.0381429450853 201.943464372 125.943468514 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:03:06] ping&FPS: False 0.0307430731399 86.9434618684 86.9434618684 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:03:07] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#45604: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:03:07] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#45605: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:03:07] ping&FPS: True 0.0437987553222 204.94345336 111.943455148 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:03:07] ping&FPS: False 0.0406769024474 92.9434555652 92.9434555652 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:03:08] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#45625: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:03:08] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#45626: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:03:15] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#45717: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:03:18] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_water_fountains_post_death.xml#45775: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:03:19] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 15:03:19] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 15:03:19] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#45792: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:03:19] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 15:03:20] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_NewMexico_foam_post_death.xml#45794: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:03:20] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_NewMexico_foam_post_death.xml#45795: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:03:20] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_NewMexico_foam_post_death.xml#45796: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:03:22] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 15:03:26] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:03:26] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:03:26] id 7006745 [S] [2016_05_28 15:03:26] name vikvjik [S] [2016_05_28 15:03:26] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:03:30] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:03:30] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:03:30] id 7006749 [S] [2016_05_28 15:03:30] name AlpinaM6 [S] [2016_05_28 15:03:30] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:03:34] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 15:03:34] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 15:03:34] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#45981: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:03:34] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 15:03:34] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Nurnberg_foam_post_death.xml#45994: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:03:34] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Nurnberg_foam_post_death.xml#45995: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:03:34] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Nurnberg_foam_post_death.xml#45996: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:03:35] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:03:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:03:35] id 7006759 [S] [2016_05_28 15:03:35] name looOool123 [S] [2016_05_28 15:03:35] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:03:35] @ launchpadAppeared 7006759 [S] [2016_05_28 15:03:35] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 15:03:35] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 15:03:35] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 15:03:35] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 15:03:35] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 15:03:35] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 15:03:35] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 15:03:35] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 15:03:35] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 15:03:35] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 15:03:35] client.Vehicle.setAmmoArtilleryGun [S] [2016_05_28 15:03:37] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:03:45] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence(), ('756279@wowsru.loc/wows', '11Paul11', 2) [S] [2016_05_28 15:03:45] [NUT] __updateUserPresence contacts 756279 2 [S] [2016_05_28 15:03:52] ping&FPS: True 0.0444086896522 302.943036783 151.943026233 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:03:53] ping&FPS: False 0.0364230530603 110.943036351 110.943036351 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:03:55] ping&FPS: True 0.043000216995 322.942991811 163.942996609 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:03:55] ping&FPS: False 0.036048825298 96.9429928096 96.9429928096 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:04:00] ping&FPS: True 0.0411196979029 253.942933905 149.942925799 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:04:01] ping&FPS: False 0.0367382051689 135.942935708 135.942935708 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:04:02] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:04:03] ping&FPS: True 0.0453680487616 204.942913282 137.94291507 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:04:03] ping&FPS: False 0.0292885260923 74.9429162624 74.9429162624 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:04:03] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:04:03] id 7006723 [S] [2016_05_28 15:04:03] name Tasadan [S] [2016_05_28 15:04:03] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 15:04:07] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:04:07] id 7006759 [S] [2016_05_28 15:04:07] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 15:04:08] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:04:08] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:04:08] id 7006759 [S] [2016_05_28 15:04:08] name looOool123 [S] [2016_05_28 15:04:08] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:04:08] @ launchpadAppeared 7006759 [S] [2016_05_28 15:04:08] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 15:04:08] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 15:04:08] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 15:04:08] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 15:04:08] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 15:04:08] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 15:04:08] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 15:04:08] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 15:04:08] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 15:04:08] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 15:04:12] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence(), ('6332290@wowsru.loc/wows', 'zloy_nyb', 2) [S] [2016_05_28 15:04:12] [NUT] __updateUserPresence contacts 6332290 2 [S] [2016_05_28 15:04:12] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#46236: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:04:21] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#46321: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:04:25] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#46345: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:04:27] (, 51829198875059, 490): Lose kill threshold is passed for team 0. Score: 91 Threshold: 120 [S] [2016_05_28 15:04:28] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 15:04:28] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 15:04:28] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_post_fire.xml#46378: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:04:28] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Gnevny_foam_post_death.xml#46379: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:04:28] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Gnevny_foam_post_death.xml#46380: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:04:28] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Gnevny_foam_post_death.xml#46381: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:04:28] ping&FPS: True 0.0362827362759 351.942745599 138.942740056 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:04:28] ping&FPS: False 0.0348753737552 80.9427477004 80.9427477004 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:04:30] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#46411: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:04:31] ping&FPS: True 0.0432110237224 305.942735064 157.942740786 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:04:31] ping&FPS: False 0.0349614279611 114.942735288 114.942735288 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:04:36] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#46446: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:04:39] ping&FPS: True 0.0616719978196 307.942736472 152.94273721 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:04:39] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#46465: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:04:39] ping&FPS: False 0.0589647846563 122.942737076 122.942737076 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:04:40] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_water_fountains_post_death.xml#46467: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:04:41] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#46482: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:04:44] ping&FPS: True 0.0349523978574 318.942643385 145.942646976 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:04:45] ping&FPS: False 0.0376949044211 116.942640211 116.942640211 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:04:54] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 15:04:54] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 15:04:54] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 15:04:55] ping&FPS: True 0.0531602459294 259.942445676 157.9424459 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:04:55] ping&FPS: False 0.058081011687 181.942447569 181.942447569 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:04:55] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#46573: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:04:58] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_water_fountains_post_death.xml#46579: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:05:00] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 15:05:22] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 15:05:22] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 15:05:22] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#46760: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:05:22] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 15:05:22] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_NewMexico_foam_post_death.xml#46762: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:05:22] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_NewMexico_foam_post_death.xml#46763: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:05:22] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_NewMexico_foam_post_death.xml#46764: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:05:27] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#46804: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:05:32] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#46835: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:05:32] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:05:34] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_post_fire.xml#46838: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:05:46] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#46914: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:05:50] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_water_fountains_post_death.xml#46932: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:05:57] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:05:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:05:57] id 7006755 [S] [2016_05_28 15:05:57] name ochkoder78 [S] [2016_05_28 15:05:57] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 15:05:57] @ launchpadAppeared 7006755 [S] [2016_05_28 15:05:58] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 15:05:58] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 15:05:58] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#47036: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:05:59] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Nurnberg_foam_post_death.xml#47042: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:05:59] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Nurnberg_foam_post_death.xml#47043: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:05:59] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Nurnberg_foam_post_death.xml#47044: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:05:59] (, 51829198875059, 652): Lose kill threshold notification is reset for team 0. Score: 66 Threshold: 60 [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:00] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#47055: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:01] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#47062: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:03] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:22] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#47212: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:35] (, 70656607686688, 24): Arguments do not match string read by key '%s': %s, (('IDS_INFO_VP_ALLY_CAPTURED_BASEWITHPOINTS', ('A',)),) [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:35] battle finish - Victory [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:35] (, 70665289920581, 61): Deleted: [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:35] (, 70665289920581, 61): Deleted: [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:36] ping&FPS: True 0.0525928246123 638.941656645 155.941658075 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:36] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:36] id 7006745 [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:37] ping&FPS: False 0.0514662297709 95.9416479426 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:37] setFpsGathererActive(False) [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:40] ping&FPS: True 0.742510701929 3377.94166892 95.9416479426 0 [E] [2016_05_28 15:06:40] Can only call base methods on the connected entity [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:40] [Weather][43150] onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:40] id 7006717 [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:40] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:40] id 7006719 [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:40] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:40] id 7006721 [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:40] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:40] id 7006723 [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:40] Avatar.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:40] id 7006725 [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:40] id 7006727 [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:40] id 7006729 [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:40] id 7006731 [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:40] id 7006733 [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:40] id 7006735 [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:40] id 7006737 [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:40] id 7006741 [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:40] id 7006743 [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:40] id 7006747 [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:40] id 7006749 [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:40] id 7006751 [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:40] id 7006753 [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:40] id 7006755 [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:40] id 7006757 [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:40] id 7006759 [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:40] id 7006761 [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:40] id 7006763 [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:41] Account.__init__() [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:41] [Account debuG]: __init__() ONE___VP [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:41] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:41] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4289640144 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:41] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:41] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4289640144L: {'exp': 44874}}, 'changedCrews': {30: {'exp': 20800}}, 'moneyXP': 168} [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:41] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:41] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': 168628} [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:41] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:41] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -8899} [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:41] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:41] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4289640144L: {'slots': {1: {'del_slots': 2}}}}} [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:41] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:41] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4289640144L: {'slots': {1: {'add_slots': (((), 4279070640L),)}}}}, 'storage': {4279070640L: 37}} [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:41] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:41] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -22500, 'changedShips': {4289640144L: {'slots': {1: {'add_slots': (((), 4287557552L),)}}}}} [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:41] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:41] >>> receiveChanges {'storage': {4284653488L: 11}} [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:42] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:42] setServerTime -3103.9690001 1464436706 1464433602.03 [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:42] leaveBattleSession() Reason: 0 Info: None [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:42] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:42] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:42] Can't send FPS data: it's empty [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:42] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.onEnterLobbyEvent():, (['34411633@wowsru.loc', '8009484@wowsru.loc', '12414124@wowsru.loc', '4679742@wowsru.loc', 'ids_chat_channel_offtop@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', 'wargamingfm@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', '1559899_1454784666@user-rooms.wows.wowsru.loc', 'ids_chat_channel_questions@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', '63671710@wowsru.loc', '5651230@wowsru.loc', '1559899@wowsru.loc', '48007201@wowsru.loc', '6878512@wowsru.loc', '64052394@wowsru.loc', 'ids_chat_channel_search_div@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', '58574566@wowsru.loc', '4719392_1447787513@user-rooms.wows.wowsru.loc'],) [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:42] updateActionsProgress: {0: [4289640144L]} [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:42] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:42] __updateTaskProgress start: {} [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:42] updateActionsProgress: {'10688_q02': {'count': 2, 2: {'count': 1}, 3: {'count': 3}}, '10688_q03': {'count': 9}, '10688_q01': {'count': 3, 2: {'count': 2}, 3: {'count': 1}}} [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:42] __updateTaskProgress start: {'10688_q02': {'count': 2, 2: {'count': 1}, 3: {'count': 3}}, '10688_q03': {'count': 9}, '10688_q01': {'count': 3, 2: {'count': 2}, 3: {'count': 1}}} [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:42] step id: 10688_q02 progress {'count': 2, 2: {'count': 1}, 3: {'count': 3}} [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:42] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:42] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:42] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:42] step id: 10688_q03 progress {'count': 9} [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:42] isDone id 10688_q03 count 9 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:42] isDone id 10688_q03 count 9 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:42] isDone id 10688_q03 count 9 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:42] step id: 10688_q01 progress {'count': 3, 2: {'count': 2}, 3: {'count': 1}} [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:42] isDone id 10688_q01 count 3 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:42] isDone id 10688_q01 count 3 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:42] isDone id 10688_q01 count 3 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:42] md3ce6e8.onUpdate 0 0 [dailyId 0 type 0 desc {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464566400.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 0, 'condition': ()} , dailyId 1 type 0 desc {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464480000.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 1, 'condition': ()} , dailyId 39 type 1 desc {'rewards': {5: '500'}, 'title': 390, 'iconId': 6, 'timeToChange': 1464393600.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 2, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 39, 'condition': (6, '1', ('4', 0))} ] [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:42] Daily.update: {'rewards': {}, 'pdata': {'isSeen': True, 'timeToChange': 1464566400.0}, 'condition': ('empty', {}), 'desc': (0, 0, 0, 0, 0)} [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:42] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464566400.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 0, 'condition': ()} [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:42] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464480000.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 1, 'condition': ()} [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:42] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {5: '500'}, 'title': 390, 'iconId': 6, 'timeToChange': 1464393600.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 2, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 39, 'condition': (6, '1', ('4', 0))} [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:42] md3ce6e8.onUpdate 1 1 [dailyId 0 type 0 desc {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464566400.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 0, 'condition': ()} , dailyId 1 type 0 desc {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464480000.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 1, 'condition': ()} , dailyId 39 type 1 desc {'rewards': {5: '500'}, 'title': 390, 'iconId': 6, 'timeToChange': 1464393600.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 2, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 39, 'condition': (6, '1', ('4', 0))} ] [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:42] Daily.update: {'rewards': {}, 'pdata': {'isSeen': True, 'timeToChange': 1464480000.0}, 'condition': ('empty', {}), 'desc': (1, 0, 0, 0, 1)} [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:42] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464566400.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 0, 'condition': ()} [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:42] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464480000.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 1, 'condition': ()} [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:42] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {5: '500'}, 'title': 390, 'iconId': 6, 'timeToChange': 1464393600.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 2, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 39, 'condition': (6, '1', ('4', 0))} [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:42] md3ce6e8.onUpdate 2 39 [dailyId 0 type 0 desc {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464566400.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 0, 'condition': ()} , dailyId 1 type 0 desc {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464480000.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 1, 'condition': ()} , dailyId 39 type 1 desc {'rewards': {5: '500'}, 'title': 390, 'iconId': 6, 'timeToChange': 1464393600.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 2, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 39, 'condition': (6, '1', ('4', 0))} ] [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:42] Daily.update: {'rewards': {'addResFreeXP': {'value': '500'}}, 'pdata': {'count': 2.0, 'isSeen': True, 'timeToChange': 1464393600.0, 'reward': 'addResFreeXP'}, 'condition': ('torpHits', {'count': '4', 'division': '0', 'countBattle': '1'}), 'desc': (39, 1, 6, 390, 2)} [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:42] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464566400.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 0, 'condition': ()} [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:42] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464480000.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 1, 'condition': ()} [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:42] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {5: '500'}, 'title': 390, 'iconId': 6, 'timeToChange': 1464393600.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 2, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 39, 'condition': (6, '1', ('4', 2.0))} [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:42] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetAccountStats, ('0 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:42] md79a786.applyStatsDiff(): {'dossier': '\x07\x00\x18\x00`\x00P\x048\x00`\x00<\x008\x00`\x00`\x00`\x00`\x00\x00\x00\x00\x008\x008\x008\x008\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00`\x00`\x00`\x008\x008\x008\x00\xc0\x00`\x008\x00\x18\x00 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\x00\xcb\xcb\x02\x00\x04\x01\x02\x01\x00\xd0\xb6\x9e\xfd\xd0\xb6\x9e\xfd\xd05.\xf9\xd0\xb6~\xff\xf07?\xff\xd0\xb6\x9e\xfd\xf07?\xff\xd04>\xe0\xd06_\xff\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xf07\x9e\xff\x1f\x00\x00\x00\x0e\x00\x00\x00\xd0\xb6~\xff(\x00\x00\x00\x18\x00\x00\x00\xf0\xb7>\xff\r\x00\x00\x00\x05\x00\x00\x00\xd06\x9f\xff\x1c\x00\x00\x00\x14\x00\x00\x00\xd06_\xff!\x00\x00\x00\x11\x00\x00\x00\xd05^\xf9\x02\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x000\xb7^\xf9\x13\x00\x00\x00\x0b\x00\x00\x00\xd0\xb5\xce\xff\x04\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\xd05.\xf9\x19\x00\x00\x00\x14\x00\x00\x00\xd0\xb6\x9e\xfdE\x00\x00\x00)\x00\x00\x00\xf07?\xff\x19\x00\x00\x00\x0c\x00\x00\x00\xf0\xb7\x1e\xff\x03\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\xd06\xbe\xff\x06\x00\x00\x00\x04\x00\x00\x00\xd06\xef\xd3\x04\x00\x00\x00\x03\x00\x00\x00\xd06/\xff\x07\x00\x00\x00\x06\x00\x00\x00\xd04>\xe0\x11\x00\x00\x00\x0b\x00\x00\x00\xd6>\x00\x00\xd0\x92\x00\x00\n\x00\x00\x00\n\x00\x00\x00\t\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\t\x00\x00\x00\t\x00\x00\x00\x17\x00\x00\x00\xd6\xf3\x04\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x06\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00}\x03\x00\x00\x12\x00\x00\x00%\x01\x00\x00\xd6\x01\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\x0c\x00\x00\x00D^\x00\x00.\t\xc5\r\x03\x07\x00\x9b\x0c\x01\x00\x02\x00\x01\x00\x00\xd04>\xe0\xd04>\xe0\xd04>\xe0\xd04>\xe0\xd0\xb6\x9e\xfd\xd04>\xe0\x00\x00\x00\x00\xd04>\xe0\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xd0\xb6\x9e\xfd\x01\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\xd04>\xe0\t\x00\x00\x00\t\x00\x00\x00', 'accPoints': 13302507} [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:42] __processDossierStats() client dossier: ['pvp', 'pve_diag', 'rank_diag', 'club', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'max_pve', 'pvp_diag', 'pve', 'max_club', 'max_pvp', 'total', 'club_diag'] [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:42] mc0c471c.onGetAccountStats(): (12, 13299153) (12, 13302507) [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:42] (, 70665289920581, 61): receiveBattleResults, ('7127 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:42] BR: {'credits': 168628, 'credits_penalty': 0, 'exp_penalty': 0, 'exp': 1636, 'credits_compensation': 0} [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:42] BR: {'credits': {'sse': [], 'dq': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'ship_exp': {'sse': [], 'dq': [], 'base': [['FIRST_WIN', 1.0, True, 0]], 'mod': [[4274909104L, 0.05, True, 0]]}, 'crew_exp': {'sse': [], 'dq': [], 'base': [], 'mod': [[4279070640L, 0.5, True, 0], [4274909104L, 0.05, True, 0]]}, 'free_exp': {'sse': [], 'dq': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'acc_level': {'sse': [], 'dq': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}} [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:42] BR: {'auto_repair_list': [], 'auto_exterior_list': [], 'auto_exterior_credits': 0, 'auto_camo_credits': 22500, 'exterior_applied': True, 'exp_enabled': True, 'abilities_applied': True, 'auto_repair_factor': 1.0, 'auto_load_credits': 5600, 'acc_points_enabled': True, 'free_exp_enabled': True, 'free_exp_factor': 0.05, 'aogas_factor': 1.0, 'auto_exterior_gold': 0, 'premium_credits_factor': 1.5, 'premium_exp_factor': 1.5, 'auto_abilities_list': [], 'auto_camo_list': [4287557552L], 'camo_applied': True, 'auto_repair_credits': 3299, 'auto_load_list': [[100, 2400], [16, 3200], [0, 0]], 'serve_applied': True, 'auto_camo_gold': 0, 'crew_exp_enabled': True, 'auto_abilities_gold': 0, 'auto_abilities_credits': 0, 'credits_enabled': True, 'aogas_online': 0} [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:42] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:42] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:42] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:42] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:42] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_bomb default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:42] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_bomb default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:42] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:42] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:42] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:42] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:42] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:42] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:42] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:42] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:42] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:42] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:42] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:42] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:42] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:42] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:42] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:42] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:42] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:42] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:42] isDone id 10688_q01 count 3 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:42] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:42] BuildData: Invalid path player.planes_lost default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:42] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, ('149 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:42] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, (1, [{'importance': 2, 'typeId': 4, 'dt': 1464436704, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'costShell': 5600, 'shipId': 4289640144L, 'result': 0, 'costRepair': 3299}}]) [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:42] (, 70665289920581, 61): onRewardsRestored, ('21 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:42] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:42] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:42] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 0. Boxes contents: [{}] [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:42] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetAchievements, ('993 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:42] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 4, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SHIP_SERVE', 'costShell': 5600, 'result': 0, 'shipId': 4289640144L, 'uiSpecial': False, 'shipLevelRome': 'V', 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PJSC005', 'shipType': 'Cruiser', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_CRUISER', 'isElite': True, 'dt': 1464436704, 'groupId': 5, 'costTotal': 8899, 'sourceId': 0, 'costRepair': 3299, 'stypeIdent': 'Cruiser', 'postponed': False} [NUT] PlayersAccountsSystem __request, set([47041, 6332290, 427140, 8804682, 8009484, 2715866, 1559899, 63671710, 3480927, 48007201, 5651230, 58574566, 64052394, 12414124, 6878512, 34411633, 2115378, 671987, 22102814, 242294, 756279, 46719994, 448253, 4679742]) [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:42] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/add() [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:43] setServerTime -3106.87299991 1464436710 1464433603.13 [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:43] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:43] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:43] Can't send FPS data: it's empty [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:43] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.onEnterLobbyEvent():, (['34411633@wowsru.loc', '8009484@wowsru.loc', '12414124@wowsru.loc', '4679742@wowsru.loc', 'ids_chat_channel_offtop@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', 'wargamingfm@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', '1559899_1454784666@user-rooms.wows.wowsru.loc', 'ids_chat_channel_questions@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', '63671710@wowsru.loc', '5651230@wowsru.loc', '1559899@wowsru.loc', '48007201@wowsru.loc', '6878512@wowsru.loc', '64052394@wowsru.loc', 'ids_chat_channel_search_div@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', '58574566@wowsru.loc', '4719392_1447787513@user-rooms.wows.wowsru.loc'],) [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:43] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence(), ('', '', 0) [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:43] [NUT] AccountsRequest __response, [(47041, 'WONDERFUL_SHOT', 12, 0, 1463997729), (6332290, 'zloy_nyb', 12, 0, 1464421725), (427140, 'Kapitan_Slip', 12, 0, 1464285451), (8804682, 'mishania1235', 12, 0, 1463925150), (8009484, 'SD_D', 12, 0, 1464117201), (2715866, 'BCEM_PPC', 12, 0, 1464418481), (1559899, 'AIRBORNE_161', 12, 0, 1460114623), (63671710, '6aToH4uK_', 12, 0, 1464380706), (3480927, 'Doc_Maximov', 12, 0, 1464432937), (48007201, 'CRIMEA_Haru6aLLIka', 12, 0, 1463780747), (22102814, 'bagfrag1', 12, 0, 1460487063), (58574566, '1tim1_2015', 12, 0, 1464293769), (64052394, 'Lady_Diana_Diversantka', 12, 0, 1464426838), (12414124, 'M_a_n_t_i_s', 12, 0, 1464199836), (6878512, 'Tylendor', 12, 0, 1464024410), (34411633, 'cblH_BouHa', 12, 0, 1463541667), (2115378, 'longxvost', 12, 0, 1461160136), (671987, 'Skunner', 12, 0, 1464285824), (5651230, 'Shkiper2222', 12, 0, 1464375996), (242294, 'PANZER_DIKLONIUS', 12, 0, 1463333213), (756279, '11Paul11', 12, 0, 1464432703), (46719994, 'yushkov8249', 12, 0, 1463790981), (448253, 'AndRyu_47', 12, 0, 1464425279), (4679742, 'alex30279', 12, 0, 1464276886)] 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:43] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, ('174 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:43] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, (1, [{'importance': 2, 'typeId': 42, 'dt': 1464436704, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (22500, 0), 'camoStor': False, 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4289640144L, 'flagsBuyFail': False}}]) [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:43] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/add() [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:43] (, 70665289920581, 61): handleBanInfo:, ({'banId': '14643763953', 'reason': '"\xd0\x98\xd1\x81\xd0\xbf\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbb\xd1\x8c\xd0\xb7\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd1\x80\xd0\xbc\xd0\xb0\xd1\x82\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb9 \xd0\xbb\xd0\xb5\xd0\xba\xd1\x81\xd0\xb8\xd0\xba\xd0\xb8/ \xd0\xbe\xd1\x81\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd1\x80\xd0\xb1\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd1\x8f" \xe2\x80\x93 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd1\x80\xd1\x83\xd1\x88\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xbf\xd1\x83\xd0\xbd\xd0\xba\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0 1 \xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb7\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb0 1 \xd0\x9f\xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb8\xd0\xbb \xd0\xb8\xd0\xb3\xd1\x80\xd1\x8b (R)', 'expiry': 1464635520L},) [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:43] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence(), ('8752339@wowsru.loc/wows', 'ONE___VP', 0) [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:43] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, ('173 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:43] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, (1, [{'importance': 2, 'typeId': 17476, 'dt': 1464436704, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'item': ('consumable', 4284653488L), 'shipID': 4289640144L, 'numItems': 1, 'partnerID': 29483264029328625L}}]) [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:43] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/add() [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:43] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, ('128 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:43] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, (1, [{'importance': 2, 'typeId': 55, 'dt': 1464436704, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'fail': False, 'shipId': 4289640144L, 'cost': (0, 0)}}]) [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:43] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/add() [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:44] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, ('623 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:44] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, (1, [{'importance': 2, 'typeId': 5, 'dt': 1464436704, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'achievements': (), 'expPenalty': 0, 'tasks': {'10688_q02': {'count': (2, 0), 'progress': (0.6, 0.1), 2: {'count': (1, 1)}, 3: {'count': (3, 0)}, 'name': u'\u0411\u0435\u0433\u043b\u044b\u0439 \u043e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c'}, '10688_q03': {'count': (9, 0), 'progress': (0, 0), 2: {'count': (0, 2)}, 'name': u'\u0411\u043e\u0435\u0432\u0430\u044f \u044d\u0444\u0444\u0435\u043a\u0442\u0438\u0432\u043d\u043e\u0441\u0442\u044c'}, '10688_q01': {'count': (3, 0), 'progress': (0.30000000000000004, 0.1), 2: {'count': (2, 1)}, 3: {'count': (1, 0)}, 'name': u'\u0422\u044f\u0436\u0451\u043b\u043e\u0435 \u0432\u043e\u043e\u0440\u0443\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'}}, 'shipsKilled': 2.0, 'arenaUniqueID': 29483264029328625L, 'battleTypeId': 5, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'mapTypeId': 4, 'credits': 168628, 'result': 1, 'exp': 3354, 'dailics_info': {}, 'shipId': 4289640144L, 'battleCreateTime': 1464435953, 'accLeveling': (12, 12, 13299153, 3354), 'aogasFactor': 1.0}}]) [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:44] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 42, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PJSC005', 'flagsAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'isElite': True, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_EXTERIOR_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2, 'camouflageAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'idInGroup': 1, 'groupId': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_CRUISER', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'V', 'shipType': 'Cruiser', 'stypeIdent': 'Cruiser', 'dt': 1464436704, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (22500, 0), 'camoStor': False, 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4289640144L, 'flagsBuyFail': False}, 'uiSpecial': False} __addInfoToMessage {'sourceId': 0, 'typeId': 52, 'data': {'slot': 29483264029328625L, 'shipId': 4289640144L, 'abilId': 4284653488L}} __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 55, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PJSC005', 'groupId': 1, 'isElite': True, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_ABILITY_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 8, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_CRUISER', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'V', 'cost': (0, 0), 'shipType': 'Cruiser', 'costNeed': (0, 0), 'stypeIdent': 'Cruiser', 'dt': 1464436704, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'fail': False, 'shipId': 4289640144L, 'cost': (0, 0)}, 'uiSpecial': False} SYS_MESSAGE_TYPE.BATTLE_RESULTS [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:44] key achievements value () [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:44] key expPenalty value 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:44] key tasks value {'10688_q02': {'count': (2, 0), 'progress': (0.6, 0.1), 2: {'count': (1, 1)}, 3: {'count': (3, 0)}, 'name': u'\u0411\u0435\u0433\u043b\u044b\u0439 \u043e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c'}, '10688_q03': {'count': (9, 0), 'progress': (0, 0), 2: {'count': (0, 2)}, 'name': u'\u0411\u043e\u0435\u0432\u0430\u044f \u044d\u0444\u0444\u0435\u043a\u0442\u0438\u0432\u043d\u043e\u0441\u0442\u044c'}, '10688_q01': {'count': (3, 0), 'progress': (0.30000000000000004, 0.1), 2: {'count': (2, 1)}, 3: {'count': (1, 0)}, 'name': u'\u0422\u044f\u0436\u0451\u043b\u043e\u0435 \u0432\u043e\u043e\u0440\u0443\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'}} [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:44] key shipsKilled value 2.0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:44] key arenaUniqueID value 29483264029328625 [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:44] key battleTypeId value 5 [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:44] key teamBuildTypeId value 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:44] key creditsPenalty value 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:44] key creditsCompensation value 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:44] key mapTypeId value 4 [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:44] key credits value 168628 [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:44] key result value 1 [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:44] key exp value 3354 [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:44] key dailics_info value {} [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:44] key shipId value 4289640144 [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:44] key battleCreateTime value 1464435953 [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:44] key accLeveling value (12, 12, 13299153, 3354) [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:44] key aogasFactor value 1.0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:44] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 5, 'exp': 3354, 'tasks': {'10688_q02': {2: {'count': (1, 1)}, 3: {'count': (3, 0)}}, '10688_q03': {2: {'count': (0, 2)}, 'name': u'\u0411\u043e\u0435\u0432\u0430\u044f \u044d\u0444\u0444\u0435\u043a\u0442\u0438\u0432\u043d\u043e\u0441\u0442\u044c'}, '10688_q01': {2: {'count': (2, 1)}, 3: {'count': (1, 0)}}}, 'aogasFactor': 1.0, 'mapBGPath': '../maps_bg/13_OC_new_dawn.png', 'earnedAchievements': [], 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_BATTLE_RESULTS_1', 'result': 1, 'shipId': 4289640144L, 'uiSpecial': False, 'mapTypeId': 4, 'accountLeveling': {'expGained': 3354, 'currLevel': 12, 'prevLevel': 12, 'currLevelExp': 167500, 'expTotal': 13302507, 'nextLevelExp': 167500}, 'mapName': 'IDS_SPACES/13_OC_NEW_DAWN', 'battleTypeId': 5, 'shipLevelRome': 'V', 'achievements': (), 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PJSC005', 'shipsKilled': 2.0, 'importance': 2, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_CRUISER', 'credits': 168628, 'isElite': True, 'date': '28.05.2016 15:45', 'dt': 1464436704, 'groupId': 3, 'accLeveling': (12, 12, 13299153, 3354), 'expPenalty': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 29483264029328625L, 'sourceId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'shipType': 'Cruiser', 'quests': [{'maxProgress': 100, 'day': 28, 'monthIDS': 'IDS_MONTH_5', 'battleProgress': 10.0, 'type': 'challenge', 'id': '10688_q02', 'titleText': u'\u0411\u0435\u0433\u043b\u044b\u0439 \u043e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c', 'currentProgress': 60.0}, {'maxProgress': 100, 'day': 28, 'monthIDS': 'IDS_MONTH_5', 'battleProgress': 10.0, 'type': 'challenge', 'id': '10688_q01', 'titleText': u'\u0422\u044f\u0436\u0451\u043b\u043e\u0435 \u0432\u043e\u043e\u0440\u0443\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435', 'currentProgress': 30.0}], 'dailics_info': {}, 'stypeIdent': 'Cruiser', 'postponed': False, 'battleCreateTime': 1464435953} BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:44] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:44] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:44] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:44] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_bomb default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:44] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_bomb default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:44] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:44] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:44] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:44] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:44] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:44] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:44] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:44] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:44] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:44] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:44] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:44] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:44] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:44] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:44] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:44] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:44] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:44] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:44] isDone id 10688_q01 count 3 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:44] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:44] BuildData: Invalid path player.planes_lost default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:44] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/add() [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:48] ping&FPS: False 0.154204200421 0.001 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:49] ping&FPS: True 0.0805630790336 306.941554959 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:50] ping&FPS: False 0.0753336953265 117.941557537 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:50] ping&FPS: True 0.068149666701 315.941555779 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:50] ping&FPS: False 0.0622948067529 102.941557761 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:52] ping&FPS: True 0.0597511636359 769.941555213 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:52] ping&FPS: False 0.0548403965575 92.941557418 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:55] (, 70665289920581, 61): ClientLobbySpace is creating [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:55] ping&FPS: True 0.0505110504372 226.941547233 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:58] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:58] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:58] isDone id 10688_q03 count 9 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:58] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:58] isDone id 10688_q01 count 3 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:58] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:58] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:58] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:58] isDone id 10688_q03 count 9 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:58] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:58] isDone id 10688_q01 count 3 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:58] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:58] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:58] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:59] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': 0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:59] [NUT] InteractiveMessageSystem: __onSelectedMessageChanged selectedEntityId None [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:59] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': -1.0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2016_05_28 15:06:59] [NUT] InteractiveMessageSystem: __onSelectedMessageChanged selectedEntityId None [S] [2016_05_28 15:07:01] ping&FPS: True 0.0280577497823 2142.94155677 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:07:02] ping&FPS: False 0.0347330006106 188.941579539 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:07:02] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2016_05_28 15:07:05] ping&FPS: True 0.0478016989572 246.941613215 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:07:05] ping&FPS: False 0.0520195173366 182.941615465 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:07:06] ping&FPS: True 0.0540747599942 292.941645298 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:07:07] ping&FPS: False 0.0538146155221 141.941649947 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:07:11] ping&FPS: True 0.0505156921489 302.941754993 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:07:11] ping&FPS: False 0.0483185680849 148.941758926 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:07:17] ping&FPS: True 0.0517537998302 426.941904086 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:07:17] ping&FPS: False 0.0514215113861 144.941905502 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:07:19] ping&FPS: True 0.051187160824 266.941937465 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:07:21] ping&FPS: False 0.0484500112278 118.941928047 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:07:22] ping&FPS: True 0.0453864442451 285.941939789 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:07:22] ping&FPS: False 0.0439327093107 134.941941428 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:07:23] ping&FPS: True 0.048173997019 343.941964503 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:07:24] ping&FPS: False 0.0455253007157 105.941963251 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:07:26] ping&FPS: True 0.0494480313999 231.942015703 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:07:26] ping&FPS: False 0.0402940022094 61.9420165526 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:07:27] ping&FPS: True 0.0446103098137 405.942032944 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:07:27] ping&FPS: False 0.0353631036622 46.9420193913 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:07:27] ping&FPS: True 0.043570126806 216.942019786 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:07:27] ping&FPS: False 0.0380719187004 83.942022379 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:07:29] ping&FPS: True 0.0449366675956 374.942028891 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:07:29] ping&FPS: False 0.0352959664805 109.942028295 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:07:30] ping&FPS: True 0.0387468593461 330.942042227 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:07:30] ping&FPS: False 0.0379379423601 112.942043986 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:07:33] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:07:33] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 15:07:33] isDone id 10688_q03 count 9 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:07:33] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 15:07:33] isDone id 10688_q01 count 3 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:07:33] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 15:07:33] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:07:33] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 15:07:33] isDone id 10688_q03 count 9 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:07:33] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 15:07:33] isDone id 10688_q01 count 3 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:07:33] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 15:07:33] ping&FPS: True 0.0482634337885 242.942089769 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:07:34] (, 70665289920581, 61): ExternalInterfaceCallback "ControllerResearchModuleInset.ready" not found, ((0,),) [S] [2016_05_28 15:07:34] (, 70665289920581, 61): [S] [2016_05_28 15:07:37] ping&FPS: False 0.0460473703487 191.942029353 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:07:40] ping&FPS: True 0.0523058580501 361.9420964 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:07:40] ping&FPS: False 0.0439290957791 62.9420974138 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:07:40] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:07:40] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 15:07:40] isDone id 10688_q03 count 9 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:07:40] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 15:07:40] isDone id 10688_q01 count 3 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:07:40] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 15:07:40] ping&FPS: True 0.0449741142137 487.942102897 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:07:42] ping&FPS: False 0.0287815066321 128.942106816 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:07:45] ping&FPS: True 0.0459710838539 234.942149478 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:07:45] ping&FPS: False 0.0382329331977 56.9421495082 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:07:45] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:07:45] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 15:07:45] isDone id 10688_q03 count 9 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:07:45] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 15:07:45] isDone id 10688_q01 count 3 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:07:45] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 15:07:46] ping&FPS: True 0.0416800560696 501.942168999 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:07:47] ping&FPS: False 0.0300480829818 114.942141462 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:07:49] ping&FPS: True 0.0393128054483 535.942161794 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:07:49] ping&FPS: False 0.027716103409 74.9421862321 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:07:50] ping&FPS: True 0.0338128986103 351.942198555 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:07:50] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:07:50] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 15:07:50] isDone id 10688_q03 count 9 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:07:50] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 15:07:50] isDone id 10688_q01 count 3 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:07:50] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 15:07:51] ping&FPS: False 0.0234565617783 88.9421994346 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:07:52] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:07:52] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 15:07:52] isDone id 10688_q03 count 9 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:07:52] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 15:07:52] isDone id 10688_q01 count 3 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:07:52] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 15:07:52] ping&FPS: True 0.0291585432632 589.942218903 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:07:53] ping&FPS: False 0.033718484853 121.942221436 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:08:02] ping&FPS: True 0.0513692455632 602.942418608 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:08:02] ping&FPS: False 0.0467012556536 132.942417126 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:08:02] ping&FPS: True 0.0462446691734 288.942422416 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:08:02] ping&FPS: False 0.0484735029084 148.942426349 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:08:13] [NUT] onClubBattlesChanged {'seasonId': 1, 'shipLevelMin': 7, 'leagues': [5100, 4600, 4100, 3600], 'primeTimes': [(36000, 43200), (61200, 75600)], 'shipLevelMax': 8, 'stage': 2} [S] [2016_05_28 15:08:13] [NUT] ClubsCommonSystem::__changeCurrentRules, dt 17999.7280002 1464436800.27 1464454800.0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:08:13] [NUT] __changeCurrentRules 43200.2719998 -1 [S] [2016_05_28 15:08:13] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/add() [S] [2016_05_28 15:08:22] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 90, 'clubBattlesStage': 'finished', 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'timeToPrimeTime': 0, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_CLUB_PRIMETIME_CHANGED', 'groupId': 8} ping&FPS: True 0.0524630131466 372.942778896 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:08:22] ping&FPS: False 0.0441672088844 69.942779194 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:08:23] ping&FPS: True 0.0456999870283 356.942808907 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:08:23] ping&FPS: False 0.0400665285332 79.9428108441 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:08:26] ping&FPS: True 0.0496309208018 229.94288456 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:08:26] ping&FPS: False 0.0415221335632 56.9428845899 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:08:27] ping&FPS: True 0.0450161354882 261.942899789 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:08:27] ping&FPS: False 0.0456943841917 157.942903336 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:08:27] ping&FPS: True 0.0460803391678 232.942909862 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:08:27] ping&FPS: False 0.0383279057486 43.9429096239 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:08:30] ping&FPS: True 0.0505557390196 288.942940857 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:08:30] ping&FPS: False 0.0507838683469 153.942943748 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:08:30] ping&FPS: True 0.050649281059 233.94294485 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:08:30] ping&FPS: False 0.0404443847282 42.9429463106 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:08:31] ping&FPS: True 0.0412579806788 377.942954253 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:08:31] ping&FPS: False 0.0340637149555 59.9429547744 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:08:31] ping&FPS: True 0.0339632662279 360.942962724 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:08:33] ping&FPS: False 0.0340882944209 133.942947912 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:08:43] ping&FPS: True 0.0497448625309 483.943150889 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:08:43] ping&FPS: False 0.045629377876 107.943150896 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:08:47] (, 70686798305077, 25): PersonalPriceList.getHashInfo: (['d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e'], ['20ad1b5107665f539062b9c2e229f2fc', '53a4b6063d372d96dbe92450558163f8', '8d4f62568fe731730087d2d6d9f4fc3a', 'b6914b195d24c6c2a86a399521521127', '13d37cb15dd8c66487452f2ebbcc8edf']) [S] [2016_05_28 15:08:47] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -1600000, 'changedShips': {4184782640L: {'own': True}}, 'freeShipSlots': -1} [S] [2016_05_28 15:08:47] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:08:47] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 15:08:47] isDone id 10688_q03 count 9 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:08:47] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 15:08:47] isDone id 10688_q01 count 3 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:08:47] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 15:08:47] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 15:08:47] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, ('166 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 15:08:47] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, (1, [{'importance': 2, 'typeId': 16962, 'dt': 1464436836, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'item': ('ship', 4184782640L), 'numItems': 1, 'moneyChange': {'CR': -1600000, 'GL': 0}}}]) [S] [2016_05_28 15:08:47] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 0, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PGSC105', 'isElite': True, 'costCR': 1600000, 'sourceId': 0, 'costGold': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_CRUISER', 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SHIP_BUY', 'shipLevelRome': 'V', 'cost': (1600000, 0), 'shipType': 'Cruiser', 'stypeIdent': 'Cruiser', 'uiSpecial': False, 'shipId': 4184782640L, 'groupId': 5} ping&FPS: True 0.045235160206 584.94318236 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:08:47] (, 70665289920581, 61): ma3b8627.__onNodeReadyForData: invalid windowId 6 [S] [2016_05_28 15:08:47] (, 70665289920581, 61): ma3b8627.__onNodeReadyForStage: invalid windowId 6 [S] [2016_05_28 15:08:47] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/add() [S] [2016_05_28 15:08:49] ping&FPS: False 0.0395631300552 125.943177562 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:08:51] ping&FPS: True 0.0482780220253 230.943177994 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:08:51] ping&FPS: False 0.0403135897858 52.9431792306 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:08:51] ping&FPS: True 0.047492507313 313.943188223 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:08:52] ping&FPS: False 0.0491770910365 133.943192463 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:08:53] ping&FPS: True 0.0491121145231 644.943182703 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:08:53] ping&FPS: False 0.0478505226118 132.943185295 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:08:54] ping&FPS: True 0.0487799676401 669.94321401 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:08:54] (, 70665289920581, 61): ExternalInterfaceCallback "ControllerResearchModuleInset.ready" not found, ((0,),) [S] [2016_05_28 15:08:54] (, 70665289920581, 61): [S] [2016_05_28 15:08:54] ping&FPS: False 0.0510005237801 168.943213771 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:08:55] ping&FPS: True 0.0502769829971 269.943245168 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:08:56] (, 70686798305077, 25): PersonalPriceList.getHashInfo: (['d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e'], ['20ad1b5107665f539062b9c2e229f2fc', '53a4b6063d372d96dbe92450558163f8', '8d4f62568fe731730087d2d6d9f4fc3a', 'b6914b195d24c6c2a86a399521521127', '13d37cb15dd8c66487452f2ebbcc8edf']) [S] [2016_05_28 15:08:56] ping&FPS: False 0.0559426056487 199.943235035 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:08:56] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -380000, 'changedShips': {4184782640L: {'ucs': 'PGUA401_150_60_DRH_TR_C25,PGUT401_533_G7AT1,PGUS402_SUO,PGUE401_ENGINE_68200,PGUH401_KONIGSBERG_A'}}, 'storage': {3873877808L: 1}} [S] [2016_05_28 15:08:56] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 15:08:57] ping&FPS: True 0.0512074636562 1033.94327414 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:08:57] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, ('163 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 15:08:57] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, (1, [{'importance': 2, 'typeId': 16962, 'dt': 1464436844, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'item': ('uc', 3872829232L), 'numItems': 1, 'moneyChange': {'CR': -380000, 'GL': 0}}}]) [S] [2016_05_28 15:08:57] (, 70665289920581, 61): ma3b8627.__onNodeReadyForData: invalid windowId 6 [S] [2016_05_28 15:08:57] (, 70665289920581, 61): ma3b8627.__onNodeReadyForStage: invalid windowId 6 [S] [2016_05_28 15:08:57] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/add() [S] [2016_05_28 15:08:57] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 2, 'typeIDS': 'IDS_SUO', 'sourceId': 0, 'type': '_Suo', 'idInGroup': 2, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_USER_COMPONENT_BUY', 'cost': 380000, 'nameIDS': 'IDS_PGUS402_SUO', 'data': {'cost': 380000, 'ucId': 3872829232L}, 'groupId': 5} ping&FPS: False 0.0488715203745 151.943269249 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:08:58] ping&FPS: True 0.031933698271 287.943267736 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:08:58] ping&FPS: False 0.0279692890389 147.943292487 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:09:00] ping&FPS: True 0.0398585381252 274.943321462 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:09:00] (, 70665289920581, 61): ExternalInterfaceCallback "ControllerResearchModuleInset.ready" not found, ((0,),) [S] [2016_05_28 15:09:00] (, 70665289920581, 61): [S] [2016_05_28 15:09:00] ping&FPS: False 0.0316035853965 87.9433052497 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:09:01] (, 70686798305077, 25): PersonalPriceList.getHashInfo: (['d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e'], ['20ad1b5107665f539062b9c2e229f2fc', '53a4b6063d372d96dbe92450558163f8', '8d4f62568fe731730087d2d6d9f4fc3a', 'b6914b195d24c6c2a86a399521521127', '13d37cb15dd8c66487452f2ebbcc8edf']) [S] [2016_05_28 15:09:01] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -600000, 'changedShips': {4184782640L: {'slots': {2: {'slots': (((), None), ((), None), ((), 4289896368L), ((), None))}}, 'ucs': 'PGUA401_150_60_DRH_TR_C25,PGUT401_533_G7AT1,PGUS402_SUO,PGUE401_ENGINE_68200,PGUH402_KONIGSBERG_B'}}, 'storage': {3874238256L: 1}} [S] [2016_05_28 15:09:01] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 15:09:03] ping&FPS: True 0.040613080774 1681.9433598 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:09:03] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, ('164 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 15:09:03] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, (1, [{'importance': 2, 'typeId': 16962, 'dt': 1464436850, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'item': ('uc', 3873189680L), 'numItems': 1, 'moneyChange': {'CR': -600000, 'GL': 0}}}]) [S] [2016_05_28 15:09:03] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/add() [S] [2016_05_28 15:09:03] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 2, 'typeIDS': 'IDS_HULL', 'sourceId': 0, 'type': '_Hull', 'idInGroup': 2, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_USER_COMPONENT_BUY', 'cost': 600000, 'nameIDS': 'IDS_PGUH402_KONIGSBERG_B', 'data': {'cost': 600000, 'ucId': 3873189680L}, 'groupId': 5} ping&FPS: False 0.0442174183471 153.943374182 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:09:06] ping&FPS: True 0.0499324457986 278.943399194 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:09:06] ping&FPS: False 0.0500095965607 152.943400058 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:09:06] ping&FPS: True 0.0499673070652 205.943398434 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:09:06] ping&FPS: False 0.0438296454293 70.9433988961 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:09:07] ping&FPS: True 0.0473161818726 314.943403448 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:09:07] ping&FPS: False 0.0456413286073 122.943406846 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:09:08] (, 70686798305077, 25): PersonalPriceList.getHashInfo: (['d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e'], ['20ad1b5107665f539062b9c2e229f2fc', '53a4b6063d372d96dbe92450558163f8', '8d4f62568fe731730087d2d6d9f4fc3a', 'b6914b195d24c6c2a86a399521521127', '13d37cb15dd8c66487452f2ebbcc8edf']) [S] [2016_05_28 15:09:08] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4184782640L: {'slots': {2: {'slots': ((None, 4284653488L), (None, None), (None, None), (None, None))}}}}, 'storage': {4284653488L: 10}} [S] [2016_05_28 15:09:09] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 15:09:09] ping&FPS: True 0.0481683718307 253.943440232 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:09:09] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, ('150 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 15:09:09] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, (1, [{'importance': 2, 'typeId': 17733, 'dt': 1464436857, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'item': ('consumable', 4293042096L), 'shipID': 4184782640L, 'numItems': 1}}]) [S] [2016_05_28 15:09:09] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/add() [S] [2016_05_28 15:09:09] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, ('150 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 15:09:09] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, (1, [{'importance': 2, 'typeId': 17476, 'dt': 1464436857, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'item': ('consumable', 4284653488L), 'shipID': 4184782640L, 'numItems': 1}}]) [S] [2016_05_28 15:09:09] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/add() [S] [2016_05_28 15:09:09] __addInfoToMessage {'sourceId': 0, 'typeId': 54, 'data': {'slot': None, 'shipId': 4184782640L, 'abilId': 4293042096L}} __addInfoToMessage {'sourceId': 0, 'typeId': 52, 'data': {'slot': None, 'shipId': 4184782640L, 'abilId': 4284653488L}} ping&FPS: False 0.0499732228262 175.943427745 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:09:10] ping&FPS: True 0.0514302509172 204.943430919 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:09:10] ping&FPS: False 0.0431335674865 145.943428773 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:09:11] (, 70686798305077, 25): PersonalPriceList.getHashInfo: (['d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e'], ['20ad1b5107665f539062b9c2e229f2fc', '53a4b6063d372d96dbe92450558163f8', '8d4f62568fe731730087d2d6d9f4fc3a', 'b6914b195d24c6c2a86a399521521127', '13d37cb15dd8c66487452f2ebbcc8edf']) [S] [2016_05_28 15:09:11] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4184782640L: {'slots': {2: {'autobuy': 1}}}}} [S] [2016_05_28 15:09:11] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 15:09:13] ping&FPS: True 0.0484253125531 1334.94348589 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:09:13] ping&FPS: False 0.0384384351117 99.9434873792 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:09:21] ping&FPS: True 0.0498825492603 1631.94354832 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:09:22] ping&FPS: False 0.0445107849581 156.94353931 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:09:23] ping&FPS: True 0.059204186712 419.943557273 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:09:23] ping&FPS: False 0.0601813601596 161.943558681 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:09:24] ping&FPS: True 0.0514889987452 254.943567674 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:09:25] ping&FPS: False 0.046816292618 49.9435548293 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:09:25] ping&FPS: True 0.0472281905157 261.943553071 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:09:25] ping&FPS: False 0.0481696160776 155.943554427 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:09:27] ping&FPS: True 0.0515291797263 633.943558458 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:09:27] ping&FPS: False 0.0457343193037 70.9435589196 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:09:28] (, 70686798305077, 25): PersonalPriceList.getHashInfo: (['d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e'], ['20ad1b5107665f539062b9c2e229f2fc', '53a4b6063d372d96dbe92450558163f8', '8d4f62568fe731730087d2d6d9f4fc3a', 'b6914b195d24c6c2a86a399521521127', '13d37cb15dd8c66487452f2ebbcc8edf']) [S] [2016_05_28 15:09:28] ping&FPS: True 0.0432161050183 226.943587858 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:09:28] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -125000, 'changedShips': {4184782640L: {'slots': {0: {'slots': ((None, 4293054384L), (None, None), (None, None))}}}}} [S] [2016_05_28 15:09:28] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 15:09:30] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, ('173 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 15:09:30] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, (1, [{'importance': 2, 'typeId': 16962, 'dt': 1464436877, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'item': ('modernization', 4293054384L), 'numItems': 1, 'moneyChange': {'CR': -125000, 'GL': 0}}}]) [S] [2016_05_28 15:09:30] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/add() [S] [2016_05_28 15:09:30] __addInfoToMessage {'sourceId': 0, 'typeId': 21, 'data': {'cost': 125000, 'useGold': False, 'modId': 4293054384L}} ping&FPS: False 0.0409457864506 183.943535651 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:09:30] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, ('164 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 15:09:30] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, (1, [{'importance': 2, 'typeId': 17476, 'dt': 1464436877, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'item': ('modernization', 4293054384L), 'shipID': 4184782640L, 'numItems': 1, 'partnerID': 0}}]) [S] [2016_05_28 15:09:30] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/add() [S] [2016_05_28 15:09:31] __addInfoToMessage {'sourceId': 0, 'typeId': 19, 'data': {'slot': 0, 'shipId': 4184782640L, 'modId': 4293054384L}} ping&FPS: True 0.0432131769402 772.943559978 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:09:32] ping&FPS: False 0.0426268684013 152.943565349 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:09:38] ping&FPS: True 0.051090236221 326.943617809 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:09:38] ping&FPS: False 0.0498544456703 118.943620551 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:09:40] ping&FPS: True 0.0500314863665 572.943633604 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:09:40] ping&FPS: False 0.0498851644141 131.943636614 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:09:40] ping&FPS: True 0.0508455219013 279.943632218 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:09:40] ping&FPS: False 0.05061849526 145.943633798 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:09:42] ping&FPS: True 0.050804029618 351.94364934 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:09:42] ping&FPS: False 0.042753163193 69.9436515006 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:09:43] [NUT] PlayersAccountsSystem __request, set([47041, 6332290, 427140, 8804682, 8009484, 2715866, 1559899, 63671710, 3480927, 48007201, 5651230, 58574566, 64052394, 12414124, 6878512, 34411633, 2115378, 671987, 22102814, 242294, 756279, 46719994, 448253, 4679742]) [S] [2016_05_28 15:09:43] [NUT] AccountsRequest __response, [(47041, 'WONDERFUL_SHOT', 12, 0, 1463997729), (6332290, 'zloy_nyb', 12, 0, 1464421725), (427140, 'Kapitan_Slip', 12, 0, 1464285451), (8804682, 'mishania1235', 12, 0, 1463925150), (8009484, 'SD_D', 12, 0, 1464117201), (2715866, 'BCEM_PPC', 12, 0, 1464418481), (1559899, 'AIRBORNE_161', 12, 0, 1460114623), (63671710, '6aToH4uK_', 12, 0, 1464380706), (3480927, 'Doc_Maximov', 12, 0, 1464432937), (48007201, 'CRIMEA_Haru6aLLIka', 12, 0, 1463780747), (22102814, 'bagfrag1', 12, 0, 1460487063), (58574566, '1tim1_2015', 12, 0, 1464293769), (64052394, 'Lady_Diana_Diversantka', 12, 0, 1464426838), (12414124, 'M_a_n_t_i_s', 12, 0, 1464199836), (6878512, 'Tylendor', 12, 0, 1464024410), (34411633, 'cblH_BouHa', 12, 0, 1463541667), (2115378, 'longxvost', 12, 0, 1461160136), (671987, 'Skunner', 12, 0, 1464285824), (5651230, 'Shkiper2222', 12, 0, 1464375996), (242294, 'PANZER_DIKLONIUS', 12, 0, 1463333213), (756279, '11Paul11', 12, 0, 1464432703), (46719994, 'yushkov8249', 12, 0, 1463790981), (448253, 'AndRyu_47', 12, 0, 1464425279), (4679742, 'alex30279', 12, 0, 1464276886)] 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:09:44] ping&FPS: True 0.0465918587787 298.943670038 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:09:45] ping&FPS: False 0.0435232552035 121.943685475 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:09:49] ping&FPS: True 0.0495580913765 591.94373079 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:09:49] ping&FPS: False 0.0482950764043 121.943734023 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:09:50] (, 70686798305077, 25): PersonalPriceList.getHashInfo: (['d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e'], ['20ad1b5107665f539062b9c2e229f2fc', '53a4b6063d372d96dbe92450558163f8', '8d4f62568fe731730087d2d6d9f4fc3a', 'b6914b195d24c6c2a86a399521521127', '13d37cb15dd8c66487452f2ebbcc8edf']) [S] [2016_05_28 15:09:50] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4184782640L: {'slots': {0: {'slots': ((None, None), (None, 4285714352L), (None, None))}}}}, 'storage': {4285714352L: 0}} [S] [2016_05_28 15:09:50] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 15:09:51] ping&FPS: True 0.048610601042 884.943749222 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:09:51] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, ('165 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 15:09:51] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, (1, [{'importance': 2, 'typeId': 17476, 'dt': 1464436899, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'item': ('modernization', 4285714352L), 'shipID': 4184782640L, 'numItems': 1, 'partnerID': 1}}]) [S] [2016_05_28 15:09:51] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/add() [S] [2016_05_28 15:09:51] __addInfoToMessage {'sourceId': 0, 'typeId': 19, 'data': {'slot': 1, 'shipId': 4184782640L, 'modId': 4285714352L}} ping&FPS: False 0.0448116766555 114.943751309 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:09:52] ping&FPS: True 0.0431986706597 1234.94376561 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:09:53] ping&FPS: False 0.0412368731839 116.943755481 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:09:55] ping&FPS: True 0.0465098204357 352.943784732 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:09:55] ping&FPS: False 0.0407560350639 80.9437849703 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:09:56] ping&FPS: True 0.0454410420997 405.943795289 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:09:57] ping&FPS: False 0.0498217897756 191.943800684 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:09:58] ping&FPS: True 0.0532081457121 362.943801823 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:09:58] ping&FPS: False 0.0447435634477 68.9438019576 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:10:15] ping&FPS: True 0.0526323722942 703.9440247 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:10:15] ping&FPS: False 0.0525503414018 138.944026995 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:10:16] (, 70686798305077, 25): PersonalPriceList.getHashInfo: (['d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e'], ['20ad1b5107665f539062b9c2e229f2fc', '53a4b6063d372d96dbe92450558163f8', '8d4f62568fe731730087d2d6d9f4fc3a', 'b6914b195d24c6c2a86a399521521127', '13d37cb15dd8c66487452f2ebbcc8edf']) [S] [2016_05_28 15:10:16] ping&FPS: True 0.0516313942415 281.944047983 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:10:16] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -250000, 'changedShips': {4184782640L: {'slots': {0: {'slots': ((None, None), (None, None), (None, 4272082864L))}}}}} [S] [2016_05_28 15:10:16] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 15:10:17] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, ('171 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 15:10:17] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, (1, [{'importance': 2, 'typeId': 16962, 'dt': 1464436925, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'item': ('modernization', 4272082864L), 'numItems': 1, 'moneyChange': {'CR': -250000, 'GL': 0}}}]) [S] [2016_05_28 15:10:17] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/add() [S] [2016_05_28 15:10:17] __addInfoToMessage {'sourceId': 0, 'typeId': 21, 'data': {'cost': 250000, 'useGold': False, 'modId': 4272082864L}} ping&FPS: False 0.0444710063083 60.9440400856 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:10:17] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, ('165 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 15:10:17] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, (1, [{'importance': 2, 'typeId': 17476, 'dt': 1464436925, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'item': ('modernization', 4272082864L), 'shipID': 4184782640L, 'numItems': 1, 'partnerID': 2}}]) [S] [2016_05_28 15:10:17] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/add() [S] [2016_05_28 15:10:19] __addInfoToMessage {'sourceId': 0, 'typeId': 19, 'data': {'slot': 2, 'shipId': 4184782640L, 'modId': 4272082864L}} ping&FPS: True 0.0489141898496 211.944078523 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:10:19] ping&FPS: False 0.042876716171 99.9440800132 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:10:22] ping&FPS: True 0.044132593487 2392.94404739 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:10:22] ping&FPS: False 0.0420361863715 167.944049786 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:10:23] ping&FPS: True 0.0461557166917 500.944070953 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:10:25] ping&FPS: False 0.0369102763278 143.944032091 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:10:27] ping&FPS: True 0.0433772238238 516.944026198 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:10:27] ping&FPS: False 0.03293591312 120.944025527 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:10:33] ping&FPS: True 0.0407290863139 200.944085154 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:10:33] ping&FPS: False 0.0355099173529 82.9440819951 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:10:34] ping&FPS: True 0.0432691084487 915.944066662 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:10:34] ping&FPS: False 0.0357965262873 57.9440649929 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:10:35] ping&FPS: True 0.0464298161013 210.94406538 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:10:35] ping&FPS: False 0.0406403349979 107.944068182 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:10:38] ping&FPS: True 0.0479878442628 516.944088634 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:10:38] ping&FPS: False 0.0400475668056 106.944089408 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:10:40] (, 70686798305077, 25): PersonalPriceList.getHashInfo: (['d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e'], ['20ad1b5107665f539062b9c2e229f2fc', '53a4b6063d372d96dbe92450558163f8', '8d4f62568fe731730087d2d6d9f4fc3a', 'b6914b195d24c6c2a86a399521521127', '13d37cb15dd8c66487452f2ebbcc8edf']) [S] [2016_05_28 15:10:41] >>> receiveChanges {'crewsAssignments': ({41: 4184782640L}, {}), 'moneyGL': -25, 'addedCrews': {41: {'specialization': 4184782640L, 'level': 4, 'experience': 0, 'learnedSkillIDs': (), 'paramsId': 4293044016L, 'id': 41, 'guiAppearance': 2, 'name': '\x014\x031'}}} [S] [2016_05_28 15:10:41] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 15:10:44] ping&FPS: True 0.0422100456698 3282.94412374 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:10:44] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, ('176 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 15:10:44] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, (1, [{'importance': 2, 'typeId': 16962, 'dt': 1464436949, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'item': ('crew', 41), 'shipID': 4184782640L, 'numItems': 1, 'moneyChange': {'CR': 0, 'GL': -25}}}]) [S] [2016_05_28 15:10:44] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/add() [S] [2016_05_28 15:10:44] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 26, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PGSC105', 'groupId': 0, 'specialization': 4184782640L, 'trainingType': 2, 'sourceId': 0, 'price': 25, 'idInGroup': 0, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_CRUISER', 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_CREW_HIRE', 'shipLevelRome': 'V', 'isElite': True, 'shipType': 'Cruiser', 'stypeIdent': 'Cruiser', 'crewId': 41, 'shipId': 4184782640L, 'data': {'price': 25, 'crewId': 41, 'specialization': 4184782640L, 'trainingType': 2}, 'uiSpecial': False} ping&FPS: False 0.0407316418631 110.944123309 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:10:45] [Scaleform] Warning: instance60305.setImageSubstitutions() failed for #86 element - length of subString should not exceed 15 characters [S] [2016_05_28 15:10:45] [Scaleform] Warning: instance60306.setImageSubstitutions() failed for #86 element - length of subString should not exceed 15 characters [S] [2016_05_28 15:10:45] [Scaleform] Warning: instance60311.setImageSubstitutions() failed for #86 element - length of subString should not exceed 15 characters [S] [2016_05_28 15:10:46] ping&FPS: True 0.0357952298863 221.944132152 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:10:46] ping&FPS: False 0.0290745156152 61.9441311391 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:10:47] [Scaleform] Warning: instance60444.setImageSubstitutions() failed for #86 element - length of subString should not exceed 15 characters [S] [2016_05_28 15:10:47] (, 70686798305077, 25): PersonalPriceList.getHashInfo: (['d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e'], ['20ad1b5107665f539062b9c2e229f2fc', '53a4b6063d372d96dbe92450558163f8', '8d4f62568fe731730087d2d6d9f4fc3a', 'b6914b195d24c6c2a86a399521521127', '13d37cb15dd8c66487452f2ebbcc8edf']) [S] [2016_05_28 15:10:47] >>> receiveChanges {'changedCrews': {41: {'skills': (6,)}}} [S] [2016_05_28 15:10:47] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 15:10:48] ping&FPS: True 0.0385526376111 755.944127943 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:10:48] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, ('126 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 15:10:48] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, (1, [{'importance': 2, 'typeId': 17476, 'dt': 1464436956, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'item': ('crew_skill', 6), 'partnerID': 41}}]) [S] [2016_05_28 15:10:48] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/add() [S] [2016_05_28 15:10:48] [Scaleform] Warning: instance60446.setImageSubstitutions() failed for #86 element - length of subString should not exceed 15 characters [S] [2016_05_28 15:10:48] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 30, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PGSC105', 'groupId': 0, 'isElite': True, 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 2, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_CRUISER', 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_CREW_LEARN_SKILL', 'shipLevelRome': 'V', 'shipType': 'Cruiser', 'stypeIdent': 'Cruiser', 'crewId': 41, 'shipId': 4184782640L, 'data': {'crewId': 41, 'skillId': 6}, 'uiSpecial': False, 'skillId': '41_6'} ping&FPS: False 0.0424644457442 144.94413248 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:10:49] ping&FPS: True 0.0436423825366 416.944126326 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:10:50] [Scaleform] Warning: instance60632.setImageSubstitutions() failed for #86 element - length of subString should not exceed 15 characters [S] [2016_05_28 15:10:50] [Scaleform] Warning: instance60633.setImageSubstitutions() failed for #86 element - length of subString should not exceed 15 characters [S] [2016_05_28 15:10:50] [Scaleform] Warning: instance60634.setImageSubstitutions() failed for #86 element - length of subString should not exceed 15 characters [S] [2016_05_28 15:10:50] ping&FPS: False 0.0448572295053 147.94412684 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:10:52] [Scaleform] Warning: instance60758.setImageSubstitutions() failed for #86 element - length of subString should not exceed 15 characters [S] [2016_05_28 15:10:52] ping&FPS: True 0.0485304849488 269.944141004 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:10:52] [Scaleform] Warning: instance60759.setImageSubstitutions() failed for #86 element - length of subString should not exceed 15 characters [S] [2016_05_28 15:10:52] ping&FPS: False 0.0485366391284 183.944145087 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:03] (, 70686798305077, 25): PersonalPriceList.getHashInfo: (['d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e'], ['20ad1b5107665f539062b9c2e229f2fc', '53a4b6063d372d96dbe92450558163f8', '8d4f62568fe731730087d2d6d9f4fc3a', 'b6914b195d24c6c2a86a399521521127', '13d37cb15dd8c66487452f2ebbcc8edf']) [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:03] >>> receiveChanges {'changedCrews': {41: {'skills': (6, 3)}}} [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:03] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:04] ping&FPS: True 0.0404923888189 1005.94434551 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:04] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, ('126 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:04] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, (1, [{'importance': 2, 'typeId': 17476, 'dt': 1464436971, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'item': ('crew_skill', 3), 'partnerID': 41}}]) [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:04] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/add() [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:04] [Scaleform] Warning: instance61319.setImageSubstitutions() failed for #86 element - length of subString should not exceed 15 characters [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:04] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 30, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PGSC105', 'groupId': 0, 'isElite': True, 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 2, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_CRUISER', 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_CREW_LEARN_SKILL', 'shipLevelRome': 'V', 'shipType': 'Cruiser', 'stypeIdent': 'Cruiser', 'crewId': 41, 'shipId': 4184782640L, 'data': {'crewId': 41, 'skillId': 3}, 'uiSpecial': False, 'skillId': '41_3'} ping&FPS: False 0.0417287381632 130.944351207 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:05] ping&FPS: True 0.0426917480571 203.944356899 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:05] ping&FPS: False 0.0393804641707 85.9443579572 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:05] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:05] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:05] isDone id 10688_q03 count 9 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:05] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:05] isDone id 10688_q01 count 3 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:05] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:05] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:05] ping&FPS: True 0.0412247361881 519.944353546 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:07] ping&FPS: False 0.0452943327171 157.944321524 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:07] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:07] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:07] isDone id 10688_q03 count 9 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:07] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:07] isDone id 10688_q01 count 3 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:07] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:08] ping&FPS: True 0.04695029131 576.944346953 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:08] ping&FPS: False 0.0471147330744 155.944350171 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:09] ping&FPS: True 0.0453031169517 226.944364417 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:09] ping&FPS: False 0.0356961893184 53.9443658175 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:09] ping&FPS: True 0.0370849402887 227.944365937 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:10] ping&FPS: False 0.0234275790198 121.944375414 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:10] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:10] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:10] isDone id 10688_q03 count 9 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:10] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:10] isDone id 10688_q01 count 3 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:10] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:13] ping&FPS: True 0.0291384788496 2491.9443392 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:18] ping&FPS: True 0.0228703575475 940.944402616 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:18] ping&FPS: False 0.0274342032416 181.94439892 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:19] ping&FPS: True 0.0387086378677 315.944438602 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:19] ping&FPS: False 0.0338398995144 91.9444425063 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:20] (, 70686798305077, 25): PersonalPriceList.getHashInfo: (['d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e'], ['20ad1b5107665f539062b9c2e229f2fc', '53a4b6063d372d96dbe92450558163f8', '8d4f62568fe731730087d2d6d9f4fc3a', 'b6914b195d24c6c2a86a399521521127', '13d37cb15dd8c66487452f2ebbcc8edf']) [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:21] ping&FPS: True 0.0390580328447 711.944451097 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:21] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4184782640L: {'slots': {1: {'add_slots': (((), 4279070640L),)}}}}, 'storage': {4279070640L: 36}} [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:21] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:21] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, ('148 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:21] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, (1, [{'importance': 2, 'typeId': 17476, 'dt': 1464436989, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'item': ('flags', 4279070640L), 'shipID': 4184782640L, 'numItems': 1}}]) [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:21] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/add() [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:22] (, 70665289920581, 61): ma3b8627.__onNodeReadyForData: invalid windowId 6 [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:22] (, 70665289920581, 61): ma3b8627.__onNodeReadyForStage: invalid windowId 6 [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:23] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 38, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PGSC105', 'isElite': True, 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'exteriorType': 'Flags', 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_CRUISER', 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SET_EXTERIOR_ACTIVITY_FLAGS_29', 'shipLevelRome': 'V', 'result': 29, 'shipType': 'Cruiser', 'stypeIdent': 'Cruiser', 'uiSpecial': False, 'data': {'shipId': 4184782640L, 'result': 29, 'exteriorId': 4279070640L}, 'groupId': 4} ping&FPS: False 0.0400169523699 116.944417748 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:25] ping&FPS: True 0.0441154944045 564.944445986 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:25] ping&FPS: False 0.0405641230089 139.944446582 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:26] ping&FPS: True 0.0402860077364 566.944455873 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:26] ping&FPS: False 0.0337881924851 43.9444508659 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:26] ping&FPS: True 0.0347710060222 229.944455575 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:27] ping&FPS: False 0.029249216829 32.9444599258 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:31] ping&FPS: True 0.0414906548602 264.94452982 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:31] ping&FPS: False 0.0462440284235 178.944534946 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:33] ping&FPS: True 0.0477795334799 618.944537665 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:33] ping&FPS: False 0.042536112879 139.944538269 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:33] Unable to find camera param -- camouNode [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:35] ping&FPS: True 0.0451387049896 1487.94457169 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:37] ping&FPS: False 0.0352257596595 71.9445513966 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:38] ping&FPS: True 0.0408405022962 683.944531951 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:38] ping&FPS: False 0.0381145062191 50.9445421579 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:40] ping&FPS: True 0.044890205775 501.944593805 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:43] ping&FPS: False 0.0328773366553 122.944614078 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:43] ping&FPS: True 0.0344472633941 322.944599967 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:44] ping&FPS: False 0.0267176362021 66.9446392315 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:45] ----- Camouflage [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:45] (, 70686798305077, 25): PersonalPriceList.getHashInfo: (['d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e'], ['20ad1b5107665f539062b9c2e229f2fc', '53a4b6063d372d96dbe92450558163f8', '8d4f62568fe731730087d2d6d9f4fc3a', 'b6914b195d24c6c2a86a399521521127', '13d37cb15dd8c66487452f2ebbcc8edf']) [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:45] ping&FPS: True 0.0387777941568 290.944668043 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:45] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -22500, 'changedShips': {4184782640L: {'slots': {1: {'add_slots': (((), 4287557552L),)}}}}} [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:46] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:46] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, ('170 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:46] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, (1, [{'importance': 2, 'typeId': 16962, 'dt': 1464437014, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'item': ('camouflage', 4287557552L), 'numItems': 1, 'moneyChange': {'CR': -22500, 'GL': 0}}}]) [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:46] (, 70665289920581, 61): ma3b8627.__onNodeReadyForData: invalid windowId 6 [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:46] (, 70665289920581, 61): ma3b8627.__onNodeReadyForStage: invalid windowId 6 [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:46] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/add() [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:46] __addInfoToMessage {'sourceId': 0, 'typeId': 37, 'data': {'useGold': False, 'exteriorId': 4287557552L}} Unable to find camera param -- camouNode [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:46] ping&FPS: False 0.0439251469714 117.944675091 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:47] (, 70686798305077, 25): PersonalPriceList.getHashInfo: (['d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e'], ['20ad1b5107665f539062b9c2e229f2fc', '53a4b6063d372d96dbe92450558163f8', '8d4f62568fe731730087d2d6d9f4fc3a', 'b6914b195d24c6c2a86a399521521127', '13d37cb15dd8c66487452f2ebbcc8edf']) [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:48] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4184782640L: {'slots': {1: {'autobuy': 3}}}}} [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:48] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:48] ping&FPS: True 0.0399739178164 820.944672752 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:48] (, 70665289920581, 61): ma3b8627.__onNodeReadyForData: invalid windowId 6 [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:48] (, 70665289920581, 61): ma3b8627.__onNodeReadyForStage: invalid windowId 6 [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:49] ping&FPS: False 0.0375711502773 121.944674123 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:49] Unable to find camera param -- camouNode [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:50] ping&FPS: True 0.0551788019282 891.944691959 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:50] ping&FPS: False 0.0468236761434 118.944690976 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:50] ping&FPS: True 0.0471990140421 333.944697122 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:51] ping&FPS: False 0.0368610130889 188.944698583 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:52] (, 70686798305077, 25): PersonalPriceList.getHashInfo: (['d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e'], ['20ad1b5107665f539062b9c2e229f2fc', '53a4b6063d372d96dbe92450558163f8', '8d4f62568fe731730087d2d6d9f4fc3a', 'b6914b195d24c6c2a86a399521521127', '13d37cb15dd8c66487452f2ebbcc8edf']) [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:52] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4184782640L: {'slots': {3: {'slots': ((None, 4274909104L),)}}}}} [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:52] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:53] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, ('147 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:53] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, (1, [{'importance': 2, 'typeId': 17476, 'dt': 1464437021, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'item': ('ensign', 4274909104L), 'shipID': 4184782640L, 'numItems': 1}}]) [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:53] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 38, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PGSC105', 'isElite': True, 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'exteriorType': 'Ensign', 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_CRUISER', 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SET_EXTERIOR_ACTIVITY_ENSIGN_29', 'shipLevelRome': 'V', 'result': 29, 'shipType': 'Cruiser', 'stypeIdent': 'Cruiser', 'uiSpecial': False, 'data': {'shipId': 4184782640L, 'result': 29, 'exteriorId': 4274909104L}, 'groupId': 4} ping&FPS: True 0.0338924782617 771.944713693 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:53] (, 70665289920581, 61): ma3b8627.__onNodeReadyForData: invalid windowId 6 [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:53] (, 70665289920581, 61): ma3b8627.__onNodeReadyForStage: invalid windowId 6 [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:53] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/add() [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:53] ping&FPS: False 0.029345999871 110.944715123 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:53] ping&FPS: True 0.0307379322393 207.944721709 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:53] ping&FPS: False 0.0245126145227 69.9447238701 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:54] Unable to find camera param -- camouNode [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:54] ping&FPS: True 0.0369337829096 201.944718155 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:54] ping&FPS: False 0.0320928203208 77.9447197648 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:57] ping&FPS: True 0.0423957290394 247.944754373 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:11:57] ping&FPS: False 0.0450039686901 193.944760095 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:12:00] ping&FPS: True 0.0454561742289 592.944794755 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:12:07] ping&FPS: True 0.0417641880257 6411.94470955 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:12:07] [Scaleform] Warning: instance64148.setImageSubstitutions() failed for #86 element - length of subString should not exceed 15 characters [S] [2016_05_28 15:12:07] ping&FPS: False 0.0415232436998 133.944717142 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:12:08] [Scaleform] Warning: instance64151.setImageSubstitutions() failed for #86 element - length of subString should not exceed 15 characters [S] [2016_05_28 15:12:08] ping&FPS: True 0.045357826565 298.944719586 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:12:08] ping&FPS: False 0.0436599212033 138.944721881 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:12:09] [Scaleform] Warning: instance64152.setImageSubstitutions() failed for #86 element - length of subString should not exceed 15 characters [S] [2016_05_28 15:12:09] ping&FPS: True 0.048969413553 352.944721367 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:12:09] ping&FPS: False 0.0408637406571 69.9447216647 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:12:11] ping&FPS: True 0.0471231298787 359.944737721 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:12:12] [Scaleform] Warning: instance64274.setImageSubstitutions() failed for #86 element - length of subString should not exceed 15 characters [S] [2016_05_28 15:12:12] ping&FPS: False 0.0382921131594 112.944730419 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:12:15] ping&FPS: True 0.0490662263972 218.944802399 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:12:15] [Scaleform] Warning: instance64517.setImageSubstitutions() failed for #86 element - length of subString should not exceed 15 characters [S] [2016_05_28 15:12:15] ping&FPS: False 0.0430152895195 107.944805201 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:12:17] ping&FPS: True 0.0422375532133 518.944806527 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:12:17] ping&FPS: False 0.0469833942396 186.944807376 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:12:20] ping&FPS: True 0.0488792838795 200.944853153 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:12:20] ping&FPS: False 0.0431022228939 84.9448559093 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:12:21] ping&FPS: True 0.0447491066796 556.944843161 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:12:21] ping&FPS: False 0.0410832198603 161.944843638 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:12:23] ping&FPS: True 0.0586281972272 399.944855127 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:12:23] ping&FPS: False 0.0597076671464 160.94485544 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:12:27] ping&FPS: True 0.0515180336578 424.944939922 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:12:27] ping&FPS: False 0.0459201218826 75.9449371504 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:12:29] ping&FPS: True 0.0482995691044 404.944991793 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:12:30] ping&FPS: False 0.0521005647523 193.945006165 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:12:30] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:12:30] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 15:12:30] isDone id 10688_q03 count 9 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:12:30] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 15:12:30] isDone id 10688_q01 count 3 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:12:30] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 15:12:30] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2016_05_28 15:12:31] ping&FPS: True 0.0504136266453 543.945038322 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:12:31] ping&FPS: False 0.0542274670941 175.945037368 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:12:33] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:12:33] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 15:12:33] isDone id 10688_q03 count 9 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:12:33] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 15:12:33] isDone id 10688_q01 count 3 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:12:33] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 15:12:33] ping&FPS: True 0.0467288973076 774.945041272 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:12:33] ping&FPS: False 0.0412033232195 192.945044968 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:12:37] ping&FPS: True 0.0643359976155 432.945089224 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:12:38] ping&FPS: False 0.0627613025052 137.945091355 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:12:44] [NUT] PlayersAccountsSystem __request, set([47041, 6332290, 427140, 8804682, 8009484, 2715866, 1559899, 63671710, 3480927, 48007201, 5651230, 58574566, 64052394, 12414124, 6878512, 34411633, 2115378, 671987, 22102814, 242294, 756279, 46719994, 448253, 4679742]) [S] [2016_05_28 15:12:44] [NUT] AccountsRequest __response, [(47041, 'WONDERFUL_SHOT', 12, 0, 1463997729), (6332290, 'zloy_nyb', 12, 0, 1464421725), (427140, 'Kapitan_Slip', 12, 0, 1464285451), (8804682, 'mishania1235', 12, 0, 1463925150), (8009484, 'SD_D', 12, 0, 1464117201), (2715866, 'BCEM_PPC', 12, 0, 1464418481), (1559899, 'AIRBORNE_161', 12, 0, 1460114623), (63671710, '6aToH4uK_', 12, 0, 1464380706), (3480927, 'Doc_Maximov', 12, 0, 1464432937), (48007201, 'CRIMEA_Haru6aLLIka', 12, 0, 1463780747), (22102814, 'bagfrag1', 12, 0, 1460487063), (58574566, '1tim1_2015', 12, 0, 1464293769), (64052394, 'Lady_Diana_Diversantka', 12, 0, 1464426838), (12414124, 'M_a_n_t_i_s', 12, 0, 1464199836), (6878512, 'Tylendor', 12, 0, 1464024410), (34411633, 'cblH_BouHa', 12, 0, 1463541667), (2115378, 'longxvost', 12, 0, 1461160136), (671987, 'Skunner', 12, 0, 1464285824), (5651230, 'Shkiper2222', 12, 0, 1464375996), (242294, 'PANZER_DIKLONIUS', 12, 0, 1463333213), (756279, '11Paul11', 12, 0, 1464432703), (46719994, 'yushkov8249', 12, 0, 1463790981), (448253, 'AndRyu_47', 12, 0, 1464425279), (4679742, 'alex30279', 12, 0, 1464276886)] 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:12:45] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:12:45] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 15:12:45] isDone id 10688_q03 count 9 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:12:45] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 15:12:45] isDone id 10688_q01 count 3 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:12:45] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 15:12:45] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2016_05_28 15:12:46] ping&FPS: True 0.0478109004242 1154.9452285 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:12:46] ping&FPS: False 0.0438809650285 134.945233862 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:12:50] Account.enqueue(): 1 [S] [2016_05_28 15:12:50] ping&FPS: True 0.0389834301812 282.945266585 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:12:50] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4184782640 4 [S] [2016_05_28 15:12:50] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 15:12:50] onEnqueued() QueueType: 1 ShipId: 4184782640 [S] [2016_05_28 15:12:50] (, 70665289920581, 61): ma3b8627.__onNodeReadyForData: invalid windowId 6 [S] [2016_05_28 15:12:50] (, 70665289920581, 61): ma3b8627.__onNodeReadyForStage: invalid windowId 6 [S] [2016_05_28 15:12:56] ping&FPS: True 0.0419384422047 6099.94517122 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:12:56] onPrepareingForBattle() [S] [2016_05_28 15:12:56] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4184782640 1 [S] [2016_05_28 15:12:56] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 15:12:56] onGameRoomStateInit mapIdx = 20 battleType = 62 gameMode = StandDom duration=1200 [S] [2016_05_28 15:12:56] ping&FPS: False 0.0326025294406 128.945164423 95.9416479426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:12:56] (, 70665289920581, 61): handleBanInfo:, ({'banId': '14643763953', 'reason': '"\xd0\x98\xd1\x81\xd0\xbf\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbb\xd1\x8c\xd0\xb7\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd1\x80\xd0\xbc\xd0\xb0\xd1\x82\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb9 \xd0\xbb\xd0\xb5\xd0\xba\xd1\x81\xd0\xb8\xd0\xba\xd0\xb8/ \xd0\xbe\xd1\x81\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd1\x80\xd0\xb1\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd1\x8f" \xe2\x80\x93 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd1\x80\xd1\x83\xd1\x88\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xbf\xd1\x83\xd0\xbd\xd0\xba\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0 1 \xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb7\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb0 1 \xd0\x9f\xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb8\xd0\xbb \xd0\xb8\xd0\xb3\xd1\x80\xd1\x8b (R)', 'expiry': 1464635520L},) [S] [2016_05_28 15:12:56] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence(), ('8752339@wowsru.loc/wows', 'ONE___VP', 2) [S] [2016_05_28 15:12:58] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence(), ('756279@wowsru.loc/wows', '11Paul11', 0) [S] [2016_05_28 15:12:58] [NUT] __updateUserPresence contacts 756279 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:12:59] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2016_05_28 15:12:59] (, 70665289920581, 61): Lobby destroy started. [S] [2016_05_28 15:12:59] (, 70665289920581, 61): Lobby successfully destroyed. [S] [2016_05_28 15:12:59] onArenaStateReceived: teams info: [None, None] [S] [2016_05_28 15:12:59] (, 51820444204590, 546): Thresholds for team 0: Win: 915 Lose: 125 [S] [2016_05_28 15:12:59] (, 51820444204590, 546): Thresholds for team 1: Win: 915 Lose: 125 [S] [2016_05_28 15:12:59] MissionsComponent: #0 ControlPointHoldMission; reward = 0; penalty = 0; controlPoints = [4, 0]; delay = 0; repeat = 6; repeatReward = 2; repeatPenalty = 0 #1 CaptureControlPointMission; reward = 1000; penalty = 0; controlPoints = [4, 0] #2 KillEnemyOfSpecificShipTypeMission; reward = 30; penalty = 45; shipType = Destroyer; rewardPerType = 0; penaltyPerType = 0 #3 KillEnemyOfSpecificShipTypeMission; reward = 35; penalty = 50; shipType = Cruiser; rewardPerType = 0; penaltyPerType = 0 #4 KillEnemyOfSpecificShipTypeMission; reward = 40; penalty = 60; shipType = Battleship; rewardPerType = 0; penaltyPerType = 0 #5 KillEnemyOfSpecificShipTypeMission; reward = 45; penalty = 65; shipType = AirCarrier; rewardPerType = 0; penaltyPerType = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:12:59] Mission tasks available! [S] [2016_05_28 15:12:59] Battle waiting start: 5.0 / 7255.55601667 [S] [2016_05_28 15:12:59] Avatar.receiveAvatarInfo: {'evaluationsLeft': {0: 5, 1: 5}} [S] [2016_05_28 15:12:59] Avatar.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:12:59] name ONE___VP [S] [2016_05_28 15:12:59] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 15:12:59] Avatar onControlled False [S] [2016_05_28 15:12:59] onControlled->False: not implemented [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:02] onGeometryMapped() MapName: %s 41_Conquest [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:02] teamBuildType: 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:02] player: Id: 7006466 Name: Harrier_pilot TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB034_New_Mexico_1941' [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:02] player: Id: 6717323 Name: sire_Voland TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSC106_Nurnberg' [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:02] player: Id: 7034127 Name: awerts TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSD106_Pr_30_Ognevoy' [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:02] player: Id: 6833298 Name: ONE___VP TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSC105_Konigsberg' [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:02] player: Id: 7173529 Name: avtokredit TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB008_Colorado_1945' [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:02] player: Id: 7198881 Name: bazilioua TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSD006_Hatsuharu_1945' [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:02] player: Id: 7187761 Name: Vol4ik42 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSA009_Ryujo_1933' [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:02] player: Id: 7231537 Name: evgenufa_2013 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSD005_Mutsuki_1926' [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:02] player: Id: 6997811 Name: baratrider TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB006_New_York_1934' [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:02] player: Id: 7111867 Name: DNRMaksim TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSB705_Kongou' [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:02] player: Id: 7074109 Name: opasnost001 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB004_Arkansas_1912' [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:02] player: Id: 6368063 Name: billtt TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASD014_Leader_1919' [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:02] player: Id: 6867276 Name: GuViAn TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSC106_Pr_94_Budeny' [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:02] player: Id: 6793175 Name: robson12345 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSD004_Minekadze_1920' [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:02] player: Id: 7226715 Name: TOD_von_SHIM TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSA009_Ryujo_1933' [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:02] player: Id: 6557788 Name: fedor0506 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSC007_Aoba_1943' [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:02] player: Id: 7166054 Name: Delta_Archer TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSB006_Fuso_1943' [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:02] player: Id: 7205350 Name: Fokyc_pokyc TeamId: 1 ShipName: PZSD506_Anshan' [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:02] player: Id: 7215338 Name: Andreu_AFGAN TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSD105_Pr_7_Gnevny' [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:02] player: Id: 7080301 Name: Admiral1980 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSB010_Nagato_1944' [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:02] player: Id: 6934766 Name: 19SVEN53 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSC106_Nurnberg' [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:02] player: Id: 6851058 Name: _inock_ TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB008_Colorado_1945' [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:02] player: Id: 7287027 Name: Leshko_93 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASC012_Pensacola_1944' [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:02] player: Id: 7225464 Name: ZioNpro100 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSC005_Furutaka_1926' [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:02] [DEBUG] BattleLoadingContext: geometry mapped [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:02] BattleDataContext.__onEnterSpace [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:02] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (6721600, 0, 0, 7237273, 1464437080436L, False, False) [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:02] m418a81c.updatePreBattles (6721600, 0, 0, 7237273, 1464437080436L, False, False) [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:02] m418a81c.updatePreBattles1 {6721600: PreBattleInfo: id: 6721600, inPortPlayers: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 7237273, creationTime 1464437080436, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:02] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (6721600, 0, 0, 7237273, 1464437080436L, False, False) [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:02] m418a81c.updatePreBattles (6721600, 0, 0, 7237273, 1464437080436L, False, False) [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:02] m418a81c.updatePreBattles1 {6721600: PreBattleInfo: id: 6721600, inPortPlayers: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 7237273, creationTime 1464437080436, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:02] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (6721600, 0, 0, 7237273, 1464437080436L, False, True) [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:02] m418a81c.updatePreBattles (6721600, 0, 0, 7237273, 1464437080436L, False, True) [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:02] m418a81c.updatePreBattles1 {6721600: PreBattleInfo: id: 6721600, inPortPlayers: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 7237273, creationTime 1464437080436, hidden False, locked True } [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:02] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (6721600, 0, 0, 7237247, 1464437080436L, False, True) [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:02] m418a81c.updatePreBattles (6721600, 0, 0, 7237247, 1464437080436L, False, True) [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:02] m418a81c.updatePreBattles1 {6721600: PreBattleInfo: id: 6721600, inPortPlayers: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 7237247, creationTime 1464437080436, hidden False, locked True } [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:02] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (6721600, 0, 0, 7237247, 1464437080436L, False, True) [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:02] m418a81c.updatePreBattles (6721600, 0, 0, 7237247, 1464437080436L, False, True) [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:02] m418a81c.updatePreBattles1 {6721600: PreBattleInfo: id: 6721600, inPortPlayers: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 7237247, creationTime 1464437080436, hidden False, locked True } [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:02] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (6721600, 0, 0, 7237247, 1464437080436L, False, True) [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:02] m418a81c.updatePreBattles (6721600, 0, 0, 7237247, 1464437080436L, False, True) [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:02] m418a81c.updatePreBattles1 {6721600: PreBattleInfo: id: 6721600, inPortPlayers: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 7237247, creationTime 1464437080436, hidden False, locked True } [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:02] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (6509750, 0, 0, 7237253, 1464437080437L, False, False) [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:02] m418a81c.updatePreBattles (6509750, 0, 0, 7237253, 1464437080437L, False, False) [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:02] m418a81c.updatePreBattles1 {6721600: PreBattleInfo: id: 6721600, inPortPlayers: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 7237247, creationTime 1464437080436, hidden False, locked True , 6509750: PreBattleInfo: id: 6509750, inPortPlayers: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 7237253, creationTime 1464437080437, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:02] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (6509750, 0, 0, 7237253, 1464437080437L, False, False) [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:02] m418a81c.updatePreBattles (6509750, 0, 0, 7237253, 1464437080437L, False, False) [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:02] m418a81c.updatePreBattles1 {6721600: PreBattleInfo: id: 6721600, inPortPlayers: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 7237247, creationTime 1464437080436, hidden False, locked True , 6509750: PreBattleInfo: id: 6509750, inPortPlayers: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 7237253, creationTime 1464437080437, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:02] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (6509750, 0, 0, 7237253, 1464437080437L, False, True) [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:02] m418a81c.updatePreBattles (6509750, 0, 0, 7237253, 1464437080437L, False, True) [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:02] m418a81c.updatePreBattles1 {6721600: PreBattleInfo: id: 6721600, inPortPlayers: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 7237247, creationTime 1464437080436, hidden False, locked True , 6509750: PreBattleInfo: id: 6509750, inPortPlayers: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 7237253, creationTime 1464437080437, hidden False, locked True } [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:02] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (6509750, 0, 0, 7237251, 1464437080437L, False, True) [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:02] m418a81c.updatePreBattles (6509750, 0, 0, 7237251, 1464437080437L, False, True) [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:02] m418a81c.updatePreBattles1 {6721600: PreBattleInfo: id: 6721600, inPortPlayers: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 7237247, creationTime 1464437080436, hidden False, locked True , 6509750: PreBattleInfo: id: 6509750, inPortPlayers: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 7237251, creationTime 1464437080437, hidden False, locked True } [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:02] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (6509750, 0, 0, 7237251, 1464437080437L, False, True) [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:02] m418a81c.updatePreBattles (6509750, 0, 0, 7237251, 1464437080437L, False, True) [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:02] m418a81c.updatePreBattles1 {6721600: PreBattleInfo: id: 6721600, inPortPlayers: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 7237247, creationTime 1464437080436, hidden False, locked True , 6509750: PreBattleInfo: id: 6509750, inPortPlayers: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 7237251, creationTime 1464437080437, hidden False, locked True } [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:02] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (6509750, 0, 0, 7237251, 1464437080437L, False, True) [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:02] m418a81c.updatePreBattles (6509750, 0, 0, 7237251, 1464437080437L, False, True) [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:02] m418a81c.updatePreBattles1 {6721600: PreBattleInfo: id: 6721600, inPortPlayers: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 7237247, creationTime 1464437080436, hidden False, locked True , 6509750: PreBattleInfo: id: 6509750, inPortPlayers: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 7237251, creationTime 1464437080437, hidden False, locked True } [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:02] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:02] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:02] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:02] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:02] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:02] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:02] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:03] ping&FPS: True 0.0928342448814 999.945207294 123.945207294 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:03] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:03] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:03] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:03] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:03] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:03] ping&FPS: False 0.0864806132657 138.945209588 138.945209588 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:04] ping&FPS: True 0.105612780367 418.945226114 138.945209588 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:04] ping&FPS: False 0.100385020886 167.945227574 167.945227574 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:04] Battle countdown start: 60.0 / 7260.14201666 [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:06] ping&FPS: True 0.0614840494735 263.9452422 146.945249218 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:06] [BAT] __initBasePoints points [, ] [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:06] [BAT] x 0.499999929286 y 0.249285779681 VISIBLE True [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:06] [BAT] x 0.499999929286 y 0.750714067732 VISIBLE True [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:06] ping&FPS: False 0.0629045622689 153.945243228 153.945243228 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:07] ping&FPS: True 0.0726224439485 229.945243675 153.945243228 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:07] [Scaleform] Warning: instance64804.setImageSubstitutions() failed for #86 element - length of subString should not exceed 15 characters [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:09] ping&FPS: False 0.0510781439287 53.9451871621 53.9451871621 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:12] ping&FPS: True 0.0642847823245 224.945200186 134.945200558 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:13] ping&FPS: False 0.055485691343 77.945201795 77.945201795 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:14] ping&FPS: True 0.0614910828216 233.945196893 137.945199515 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:14] ping&FPS: False 0.0510071995003 117.945197608 117.945197608 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:15] ping&FPS: True 0.0555943357093 229.945200946 136.945200499 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:15] ping&FPS: False 0.0464051397783 144.945202361 144.945202361 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:15] ping&FPS: True 0.0551880704505 330.9452026 144.945202361 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:15] ping&FPS: False 0.0597799377782 178.945205863 178.945205863 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:16] ping&FPS: True 0.0581096517188 236.945209648 133.945208054 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:16] ping&FPS: False 0.0578742431743 90.9452115255 90.9452115255 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:19] ping&FPS: True 0.0564195322139 217.945215906 103.945213701 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:19] ping&FPS: False 0.0487175913794 110.945217337 110.945217337 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:21] ping&FPS: True 0.0562825607402 210.94524319 120.94524027 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:21] ping&FPS: False 0.0526129560811 138.94524176 138.94524176 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:22] ping&FPS: True 0.0573396491153 237.945249367 144.945243883 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:22] ping&FPS: False 0.0646727042539 131.945250514 131.945250514 0 [A] [2016_05_28 15:13:23] CollisionModel::load: Error loading collision model content/gameplay/japan/ship/aircarrier/JSA032_Ryujo_1944/JSA032_Ryujo_1944_MidFront! [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:23] ping&FPS: True 0.0609204577548 208.94525491 136.94525418 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:23] ping&FPS: False 0.0526809947831 65.9452564152 65.9452564152 0 [A] [2016_05_28 15:13:23] CollisionModel::load: Error loading collision model content/gameplay/japan/ship/aircarrier/JSA032_Ryujo_1944/JSA032_Ryujo_1944_Stern! [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:23] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence(), ('756279@wowsru.loc/wows', '11Paul11', 2) [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:23] [NUT] __updateUserPresence contacts 756279 2 [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:25] ping&FPS: True 0.0671221869332 220.945268932 120.945266235 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:25] ping&FPS: False 0.0539649235351 64.9452702733 64.9452702733 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:26] ping&FPS: True 0.0552599089486 221.945275653 160.945272792 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:26] ping&FPS: False 0.0462462561471 117.945277709 182.945277709 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:28] ping&FPS: True 0.0722430305822 229.945279467 121.94527902 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:28] ping&FPS: False 0.0542604731662 128.945283848 128.945283848 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:29] ping&FPS: True 0.0638950424535 225.945289868 136.945293802 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:30] ping&FPS: False 0.044225271259 140.945291701 192.945291701 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:32] ping&FPS: True 0.0578203158719 207.945299781 160.945297818 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:32] ping&FPS: False 0.0518797891481 78.9453015546 78.9453015546 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:39] ping&FPS: True 0.0574694382293 217.945341687 156.945343207 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:39] ping&FPS: False 0.0533761935575 120.945341031 120.945341031 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:40] ping&FPS: True 0.0576779799802 218.945345241 133.945344734 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:40] ping&FPS: False 0.0497252153499 64.9453465821 64.9453465821 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:41] ping&FPS: True 0.0586629914386 204.945347133 130.945348922 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:41] ping&FPS: False 0.056420649801 104.945349443 104.945349443 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:42] ping&FPS: True 0.0585995422942 232.945346299 104.945349086 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:42] ping&FPS: False 0.0525125446064 64.9453476401 64.9453476401 0 [E] [2016_05_28 15:13:45] ForestImporter::LoadTree: Failed to load trees data content/location/speedtree/dock_MemDay/Dock_MD_Mangrove/Dock_MD_Mangrove.srt [E] [2016_05_28 15:13:45] ForestImporter: failed to load tree prototype. File: content/location/speedtree/dock_MemDay/Dock_MD_Mangrove/Dock_MD_Mangrove.srt [E] [2016_05_28 15:13:45] ForestImporter::LoadTree: Failed to load trees data content/location/speedtree/dock_MemDay/Dock_MD_Honey_Tree/Dock_MD_Honey_Tree.srt [E] [2016_05_28 15:13:45] ForestImporter: failed to load tree prototype. File: content/location/speedtree/dock_MemDay/Dock_MD_Honey_Tree/Dock_MD_Honey_Tree.srt [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:45] ping&FPS: True 0.0616118120296 230.945357363 116.945356752 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:46] ping&FPS: False 0.0673694866044 139.945363815 139.945363815 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:46] ping&FPS: True 0.0669221388442 242.94536082 90.9453656929 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:46] ping&FPS: False 0.0553804295404 64.9453621613 64.9453621613 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:48] ping&FPS: True 0.0557066159589 206.945365782 151.945363517 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:48] ping&FPS: False 0.0523265781147 140.945368405 140.945368405 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:49] ping&FPS: True 0.0511048840625 223.945369239 165.945369776 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:49] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:49] id 7237262 [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:49] name Fokyc_pokyc [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:49] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:49] [Weather][43737] onEnterWorld (map spaces/41_Conquest, scheme 0, weather 0) [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:49] ping&FPS: False 0.0364975216133 51.9453703122 51.9453703122 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:49] ping&FPS: True 0.0405794861061 221.945375036 51.9453703122 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:49] ping&FPS: False 0.0359559985144 130.945376019 130.945376019 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:49] ping&FPS: True 0.0333389150245 146.9453804 200.9453804 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:49] ping&FPS: False 0.0360119151218 116.945382814 116.945382814 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:50] ping&FPS: True 0.0595593707902 205.945381503 160.945381265 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:50] ping&FPS: False 0.048732768212 159.945381652 159.945381652 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:51] ping&FPS: True 0.0548694538219 251.945388551 146.945386361 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:51] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:51] id 7237228 [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:51] name Harrier_pilot [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:51] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:51] @ launchpadAppeared 7237228 [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:51] ping&FPS: False 0.0436664330108 43.9453883129 43.9453883129 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:51] ping&FPS: True 0.0545791195972 200.945388983 143.945389565 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:51] ping&FPS: False 0.0474475207073 77.9453905927 77.9453905927 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:52] ping&FPS: True 0.0521920504315 260.945397254 154.945389863 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:52] ping&FPS: False 0.0466491537435 143.945399042 169.945399042 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:53] ping&FPS: True 0.0489468531949 221.945402499 139.945399638 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:53] ping&FPS: False 0.0426732557161 89.945406075 89.945406075 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:54] ping&FPS: True 0.0697096096618 213.945407975 137.945406425 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:54] ping&FPS: False 0.0560887711389 77.9454095843 77.9454095843 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:55] ping&FPS: True 0.0547910886151 251.945417184 138.945413131 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:55] ping&FPS: False 0.0576795595033 179.945420611 179.945420611 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:56] ping&FPS: True 0.0535178365452 266.945431578 117.945425067 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:56] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:56] id 7237244 [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:56] name baratrider [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:56] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:57] ping&FPS: False 0.0598092036588 177.945432815 177.945432815 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:57] id 7237234 [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:57] name ONE___VP [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:57] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:57] @ launchpadAppeared 7237234 [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:57] client.Vehicle.setAmmoArtilleryGun [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:57] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:57] Avatar.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:57] ! A.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:57] m7ae8a4d.init [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:57] @ launchpadAppeared 7237234 [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:57] BattleDataContext.__onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:57] -- GUNS ----------------------------------------- [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:57] {0: {'position': {'y': 1.0, 'x': 1.0}, 'rotation': 0.0, 'gunPositionId': 0}, 1: {'position': {'y': 1.25, 'x': 4.0}, 'rotation': 3.1415927410125732, 'gunPositionId': 1}, 2: {'position': {'y': 0.75, 'x': 5.0}, 'rotation': 3.1415927410125732, 'gunPositionId': 2}} [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:57] -- GUNS ----------------------------------------- [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:57] {0: {'position': {'y': 2.0, 'x': 2.0}, 'rotation': 0.0, 'gunPositionId': 0}, 1: {'position': {'y': 0.0, 'x': 2.0}, 'rotation': 0.0, 'gunPositionId': 1}, 2: {'position': {'y': 2.0, 'x': 3.0}, 'rotation': 0.0, 'gunPositionId': 2}, 3: {'position': {'y': 0.0, 'x': 3.0}, 'rotation': 0.0, 'gunPositionId': 3}} [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:57] ! PM.refreshAirArmament [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:57] m7ae8a4d.restore [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:57] Avatar.onWorldStateReceived [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:58] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:58] id 7237254 [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:58] name robson12345 [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:58] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:59] ping&FPS: True 0.0465861739857 280.945451285 92.9454480665 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:59] ping&FPS: False 0.0511813642723 188.9454506 188.9454506 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:59] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:59] id 7237236 [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:59] name avtokredit [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:59] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:59] @ launchpadAppeared 7237236 [S] [2016_05_28 15:13:59] ping&FPS: True 0.0450900303466 305.94545244 80.9454516428 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:14:01] ("[ERROR] FeedbackController: config {event: 'Sound', container: 'screenplay_trigger'} must set 'type'",) [S] [2016_05_28 15:14:01] ("[ERROR] FeedbackController: config {event: 'Sound', container: 'five_minutes_left'} must set 'type'",) [S] [2016_05_28 15:14:01] ('[ERROR] FeedbackController: empty config for event five_minutes_left',) [S] [2016_05_28 15:14:03] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:14:03] id 7237232 [S] [2016_05_28 15:14:03] name awerts [S] [2016_05_28 15:14:03] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 15:14:03] ping&FPS: False 0.0689464019878 142.945374239 142.945374239 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:14:04] ping&FPS: True 0.0707575934274 1019.94535517 142.945374239 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:14:04] -= BATTLE STARTED =- [S] [2016_05_28 15:14:04] ping&FPS: False 0.0600411998374 179.945354867 179.945354867 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:14:05] [Weather][43737] prepare transition for Evening [S] [2016_05_28 15:14:05] [Weather][43737] start transition (from weather 0, to weather 1) [S] [2016_05_28 15:14:06] ping&FPS: True 0.0476769464357 466.945363227 128.945363979 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:14:06] ping&FPS: False 0.0423309387905 114.945364382 114.945364382 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:14:06] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:14:06] id 7237260 [S] [2016_05_28 15:14:06] name Delta_Archer [S] [2016_05_28 15:14:06] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 15:14:06] @ launchpadAppeared 7237260 [S] [2016_05_28 15:14:07] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:14:07] id 7237256 [S] [2016_05_28 15:14:07] name TOD_von_SHIM [S] [2016_05_28 15:14:07] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 15:14:07] @ launchpadAppeared 7237256 [A] [2016_05_28 15:14:10] CollisionModel::load: Error loading collision model content/gameplay/usa/ship/cruiser/ASC043_Pensacola_1942/ASC043_Pensacola_1942_Bow! [S] [2016_05_28 15:14:11] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:14:11] id 7237272 [S] [2016_05_28 15:14:11] name Leshko_93 [S] [2016_05_28 15:14:11] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 15:14:11] @ launchpadAppeared 7237272 [S] [2016_05_28 15:14:12] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:14:12] id 7237230 [S] [2016_05_28 15:14:12] name sire_Voland [S] [2016_05_28 15:14:12] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 15:14:16] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:14:16] id 7237252 [S] [2016_05_28 15:14:16] name GuViAn [S] [2016_05_28 15:14:16] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 15:14:16] @ launchpadAppeared 7237252 [S] [2016_05_28 15:14:28] ping&FPS: True 0.038889903043 324.945715118 132.945719588 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:14:29] ping&FPS: False 0.0389034109456 101.945717867 101.945717867 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:14:31] ping&FPS: True 0.0526495756848 232.945776928 131.945781577 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:14:31] ping&FPS: False 0.0362021731479 55.9457786562 55.9457786562 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:14:39] ping&FPS: True 0.0514578553183 225.946070436 150.94607437 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:14:40] ping&FPS: False 0.0514077650649 133.946082118 133.946082118 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:14:44] ping&FPS: True 0.0587576734168 350.946278069 134.946274552 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:14:45] ping&FPS: False 0.0544933783157 85.9462781953 85.9462781953 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:14:57] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:14:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:14:57] id 7237270 [S] [2016_05_28 15:14:57] name _inock_ [S] [2016_05_28 15:14:57] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:14:57] @ launchpadAppeared 7237270 [S] [2016_05_28 15:15:06] ping&FPS: True 0.0353582533342 200.946914132 139.946912851 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:15:06] ping&FPS: False 0.0366280855877 153.946913298 153.946913298 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:15:08] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:15:08] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:15:08] id 7237258 [S] [2016_05_28 15:15:08] name fedor0506 [S] [2016_05_28 15:15:08] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:15:08] @ launchpadAppeared 7237258 [S] [2016_05_28 15:15:14] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:15:15] client.Vehicle.setAmmoArtilleryGun [S] [2016_05_28 15:15:15] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:15:15] id 7237274 [S] [2016_05_28 15:15:15] name ZioNpro100 [S] [2016_05_28 15:15:15] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:15:15] @ launchpadAppeared 7237274 [S] [2016_05_28 15:15:15] ping&FPS: True 0.0319710703833 220.947048556 97.9470514464 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:15:15] ping&FPS: False 0.0281251626355 67.9470503884 67.9470503884 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:15:18] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:15:18] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:15:18] id 7237238 [S] [2016_05_28 15:15:18] name bazilioua [S] [2016_05_28 15:15:18] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:15:22] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:15:22] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:15:22] id 7237264 [S] [2016_05_28 15:15:22] name Andreu_AFGAN [S] [2016_05_28 15:15:22] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:15:24] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:15:25] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:15:25] id 7237266 [S] [2016_05_28 15:15:25] name Admiral1980 [S] [2016_05_28 15:15:25] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:15:25] @ launchpadAppeared 7237266 [S] [2016_05_28 15:15:29] ping&FPS: True 0.0426742019398 228.946872156 135.946871872 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:15:29] ping&FPS: False 0.0410431804402 85.9468750762 85.9468750762 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:15:30] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:15:31] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:15:31] id 7237246 [S] [2016_05_28 15:15:31] name DNRMaksim [S] [2016_05_28 15:15:31] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:15:31] @ launchpadAppeared 7237246 [S] [2016_05_28 15:15:31] ping&FPS: True 0.0482463868601 218.946869354 156.946865122 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:15:31] ping&FPS: False 0.0372653560979 53.9468688922 53.9468688922 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:15:36] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:15:36] id 7237238 [S] [2016_05_28 15:15:36] ping&FPS: True 0.0458354013307 216.946856837 195.946864109 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:15:36] ping&FPS: False 0.0414463760597 148.946860771 148.946860771 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:15:39] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:15:39] id 7237246 [S] [2016_05_28 15:15:39] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 15:15:39] client.Vehicle.setAmmoArtilleryGun [S] [2016_05_28 15:15:46] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:15:46] id 7237266 [S] [2016_05_28 15:15:46] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 15:15:47] ping&FPS: True 0.0424990760429 209.946889396 129.946888502 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:15:48] ping&FPS: False 0.0432464065296 108.946890499 108.946890499 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:15:54] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:15:54] id 7237274 [S] [2016_05_28 15:15:54] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 15:15:58] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:15:59] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:15:59] id 7237266 [S] [2016_05_28 15:15:59] name Admiral1980 [S] [2016_05_28 15:15:59] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:15:59] @ launchpadAppeared 7237266 [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:01] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:01] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:01] id 7237238 [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:01] name bazilioua [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:01] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:01] ping&FPS: True 0.0367360072477 205.946870516 112.946866553 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:01] SmokeScreen.onEnterWorld( 1032327 ) [(39.7552, 113.956)] [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:01] ping&FPS: False 0.0287225501878 84.9468714105 84.9468714105 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:02] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:02] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:02] id 7237246 [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:02] name DNRMaksim [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:02] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:02] @ launchpadAppeared 7237246 [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:02] ping&FPS: True 0.0404112668974 221.946871932 147.946876522 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:02] ping&FPS: False 0.032748620425 113.946874793 113.946874793 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:07] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:07] id 7237264 [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:07] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:07] id 7237246 [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:07] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:09] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:09] id 7237258 [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:09] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:10] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:10] id 7237266 [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:10] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:10] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:10] id 7237268 [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:10] name 19SVEN53 [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:10] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:10] @ launchpadAppeared 7237268 [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:13] ping&FPS: True 0.0379949020488 207.946843322 119.946846481 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:13] ping&FPS: False 0.0380544396383 98.9468427854 98.9468427854 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:14] SmokeScreen.onEnterWorld( 1032328 ) [(-290.657, -67.0627)] [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:16] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:16] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:16] id 7237246 [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:16] name DNRMaksim [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:16] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:16] @ launchpadAppeared 7237246 [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:16] ping&FPS: True 0.0380252110107 200.94682474 113.946817871 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:16] ping&FPS: False 0.0404441239578 123.946826439 123.946826439 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:18] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:18] id 7237238 [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:19] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:22] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:22] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:25] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:26] id 7237246 [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:26] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:28] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:31] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:33] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:33] id 7237268 [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:33] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:33] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:35] ping&FPS: True 0.0556047069175 283.946782167 191.946772869 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:35] ping&FPS: False 0.0480529325349 55.946783896 55.946783896 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:38] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:38] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:38] id 7237266 [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:38] name Admiral1980 [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:38] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:39] @ launchpadAppeared 7237266 [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:39] ping&FPS: True 0.0409541907055 206.946690242 111.94668984 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:39] ping&FPS: False 0.029724459563 76.9466916876 76.9466916876 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:39] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:40] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:41] ping&FPS: True 0.0487917991621 767.946658398 106.946674074 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:41] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:41] ping&FPS: False 0.0435147317392 140.946657296 140.946657296 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:43] ping&FPS: True 0.0440325545413 337.946641098 159.946641575 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:43] ping&FPS: False 0.0325029971344 91.946641277 91.946641277 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:46] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:47] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:47] id 7237250 [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:47] name billtt [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:47] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:48] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:48] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:48] ping&FPS: True 0.0247791366918 203.94658808 116.946584444 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:48] id 7237246 [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:48] name DNRMaksim [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:48] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:48] @ launchpadAppeared 7237246 [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:48] ping&FPS: False 0.0275560276849 178.946583848 178.946583848 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:49] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:49] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:49] id 7237258 [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:49] name fedor0506 [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:49] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:49] @ launchpadAppeared 7237258 [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:49] ping&FPS: True 0.0386476325137 348.946564089 167.946570213 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:50] ping&FPS: False 0.0341673376305 75.9465635078 75.9465635078 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:51] ping&FPS: True 0.0465906890375 657.946587722 99.9465655493 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:51] id 7237250 [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:51] ping&FPS: False 0.0369557099683 96.9465887206 96.9465887206 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:55] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:56] ping&FPS: True 0.0441752406103 205.946519877 151.946519639 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:57] ping&FPS: False 0.0444681452853 100.946519669 100.946519669 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:59] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:59] id 7237270 [S] [2016_05_28 15:16:59] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:00] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:00] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:00] id 7237270 [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:00] name _inock_ [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:00] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:00] @ launchpadAppeared 7237270 [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:00] ping&FPS: True 0.0360285075647 255.946499999 147.946491565 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:00] ping&FPS: False 0.0403806971652 146.94649988 146.94649988 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:03] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:03] id 7237258 [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:03] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:09] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:09] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:09] id 7237242 [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:09] name evgenufa_2013 [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:09] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:10] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:11] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:11] id 7237258 [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:11] name fedor0506 [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:11] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:11] @ launchpadAppeared 7237258 [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:11] ping&FPS: True 0.0376836465938 419.946380834 75.9463771837 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:11] ping&FPS: False 0.0437280865652 164.94637994 164.94637994 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:12] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:12] id 7237246 [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:12] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:16] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:16] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:16] id 7237268 [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:16] name 19SVEN53 [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:16] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:16] @ launchpadAppeared 7237268 [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:17] ping&FPS: True 0.0444328146321 346.946368899 119.9463679 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:17] ping&FPS: False 0.0379406469209 84.9463679301 84.9463679301 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:17] client.Vehicle.setAmmoArtilleryGun [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:18] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:18] id 7237270 [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:18] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:18] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:18] id 7237250 [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:18] name billtt [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:18] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:18] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:18] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:19] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:19] id 7237246 [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:19] name DNRMaksim [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:19] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:19] @ launchpadAppeared 7237246 [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:19] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:19] id 7237270 [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:19] name _inock_ [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:19] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:19] @ launchpadAppeared 7237270 [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:21] ping&FPS: True 0.0397881822927 349.946335624 144.946328546 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:21] ping&FPS: False 0.0360361369593 87.9463351475 87.9463351475 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:22] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:23] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:23] id 7237264 [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:23] name Andreu_AFGAN [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:23] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:24] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:24] id 7237242 [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:27] ping&FPS: True 0.0427940817816 306.9463454 129.946343507 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:27] ping&FPS: False 0.0387155222041 137.94634753 137.94634753 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:29] ping&FPS: True 0.0460686119539 293.946365606 128.946365844 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:29] ping&FPS: False 0.0408756466849 160.946365918 160.946365918 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:30] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:30] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:30] id 7237242 [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:30] name evgenufa_2013 [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:30] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:34] SmokeScreen.onEnterWorld( 1032330 ) [(439.315, 68.7124)] [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:37] ping&FPS: True 0.041209283684 215.946442421 135.946436818 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:37] ping&FPS: False 0.0346017735345 65.9464420634 65.9464420634 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:40] SmokeScreen.onEnterWorld( 1032331 ) [(-21.8584, 34.0934)] [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:42] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:42] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:42] id 7237274 [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:42] name ZioNpro100 [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:42] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:42] @ launchpadAppeared 7237274 [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:42] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:42] id 7237246 [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:42] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:43] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:43] id 7237250 [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:44] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:44] id 7237242 [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:45] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:45] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:45] id 7237242 [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:45] name evgenufa_2013 [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:45] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:47] ping&FPS: True 0.025868590389 123.946496155 255.946496155 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:47] ping&FPS: False 0.0297696324331 116.946494843 116.946494843 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:48] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:48] id 7237250 [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:48] name billtt [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:48] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:49] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:49] id 7237242 [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:50] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:50] id 7237242 [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:50] name evgenufa_2013 [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:50] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:50] id 7237258 [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:50] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:51] id 7237250 [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:52] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:52] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:52] id 7237258 [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:52] name fedor0506 [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:52] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:52] @ launchpadAppeared 7237258 [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:56] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:56] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:56] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#49152: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:56] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Mutsuki_foam_post_death.xml#49153: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:56] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Mutsuki_foam_post_death.xml#49154: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:56] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Mutsuki_foam_post_death.xml#49155: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:58] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:58] id 7237258 [S] [2016_05_28 15:17:58] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 15:18:00] ping&FPS: True 0.042475748275 213.946628775 153.946627225 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:18:00] ping&FPS: False 0.0530103625996 175.946635272 175.946635272 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:18:00] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:18:00] ping&FPS: True 0.0461425440652 200.946632828 175.946635272 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:18:00] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:18:00] id 7237246 [S] [2016_05_28 15:18:00] name DNRMaksim [S] [2016_05_28 15:18:00] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:18:00] @ launchpadAppeared 7237246 [S] [2016_05_28 15:18:01] ping&FPS: False 0.0338367181165 151.946634393 151.946634393 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:18:04] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:18:04] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:18:04] id 7237250 [S] [2016_05_28 15:18:04] name billtt [S] [2016_05_28 15:18:04] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:18:05] ping&FPS: True 0.0330034526331 162.946666907 233.946666907 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:18:05] ping&FPS: False 0.0382817866547 139.946671228 139.946671228 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:18:06] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:18:06] id 7237274 [S] [2016_05_28 15:18:06] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 15:18:06] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:18:06] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:18:06] id 7237274 [S] [2016_05_28 15:18:06] name ZioNpro100 [S] [2016_05_28 15:18:06] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:18:06] @ launchpadAppeared 7237274 [S] [2016_05_28 15:18:08] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:18:08] id 7237250 [S] [2016_05_28 15:18:08] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:18:09] ping&FPS: True 0.0402833404286 212.946684908 104.946683522 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:18:09] ping&FPS: False 0.0339652406318 69.9466852056 69.9466852056 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:18:09] ping&FPS: True 0.0430222036583 203.946688841 69.9466852056 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:18:10] ping&FPS: False 0.0429262997849 130.94669355 130.94669355 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:18:12] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:18:12] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence(), ('6332290@wowsru.loc/wows', 'zloy_nyb', 0) [S] [2016_05_28 15:18:12] [NUT] __updateUserPresence contacts 6332290 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:18:13] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:18:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:18:16] id 7237246 [S] [2016_05_28 15:18:16] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 15:18:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:18:18] id 7237264 [S] [2016_05_28 15:18:18] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:18:20] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 15:18:20] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:18:20] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:18:20] id 7237264 [S] [2016_05_28 15:18:20] name Andreu_AFGAN [S] [2016_05_28 15:18:20] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:18:20] ping&FPS: True 0.0281040551407 142.946632157 206.946632157 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:18:21] ping&FPS: False 0.0257368566734 144.946629848 144.946629848 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:18:22] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:18:22] id 7237266 [S] [2016_05_28 15:18:22] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 15:18:23] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:18:25] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 15:18:25] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 15:18:25] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#49554: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:18:25] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 15:18:26] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Nurnberg_foam_post_death.xml#49563: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:18:26] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Nurnberg_foam_post_death.xml#49564: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:18:26] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Nurnberg_foam_post_death.xml#49565: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:18:30] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:18:31] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#49586: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:18:32] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:18:32] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:18:32] id 7237246 [S] [2016_05_28 15:18:32] name DNRMaksim [S] [2016_05_28 15:18:32] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:18:32] @ launchpadAppeared 7237246 [S] [2016_05_28 15:18:32] ping&FPS: True 0.0307104172451 333.946640815 156.946645673 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:18:32] ping&FPS: False 0.0264897899968 94.946639623 94.946639623 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:18:33] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#49594: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:18:35] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#49603: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:18:42] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:18:47] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#49658: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:18:49] ping&FPS: True 0.0554206179721 234.946554135 126.946551006 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:18:49] ping&FPS: False 0.0461085247142 112.946552168 112.946552168 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:18:53] ping&FPS: True 0.0403642164809 270.946535419 136.946531977 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:18:53] ping&FPS: False 0.0355066838009 158.946535404 158.946535404 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:18:55] ping&FPS: True 0.0500089409096 274.946521516 125.946524869 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:18:55] ping&FPS: False 0.0466678174479 168.946519415 168.946519415 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:18:55] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:18:55] id 7237246 [S] [2016_05_28 15:18:55] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 15:19:05] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:19:05] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:19:05] id 7237248 [S] [2016_05_28 15:19:05] name opasnost001 [S] [2016_05_28 15:19:05] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:19:06] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_water_fountains_post_death.xml#49701: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:19:06] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:19:06] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:19:06] id 7237246 [S] [2016_05_28 15:19:06] name DNRMaksim [S] [2016_05_28 15:19:06] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:19:06] @ launchpadAppeared 7237246 [S] [2016_05_28 15:19:06] ping&FPS: True 0.0622301357133 222.946447696 122.946450259 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:19:06] ping&FPS: False 0.0523515226586 86.9464489179 86.9464489179 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:19:11] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:19:11] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:19:12] client.Vehicle.setAmmoArtilleryGun [S] [2016_05_28 15:19:13] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:19:17] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:19:17] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:19:17] id 7237238 [S] [2016_05_28 15:19:17] name bazilioua [S] [2016_05_28 15:19:17] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:19:18] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:19:19] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:19:20] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:19:20] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#49805: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:19:21] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:19:21] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:19:21] id 7237250 [S] [2016_05_28 15:19:21] name billtt [S] [2016_05_28 15:19:21] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:19:22] ping&FPS: True 0.0370090188725 223.946383219 80.9463800298 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:19:22] ping&FPS: False 0.0329926790936 52.9463825928 52.9463825928 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:19:24] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:19:24] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:19:24] id 7237258 [S] [2016_05_28 15:19:24] name fedor0506 [S] [2016_05_28 15:19:24] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:19:24] @ launchpadAppeared 7237258 [S] [2016_05_28 15:19:24] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 15:19:24] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 15:19:24] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#49848: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:19:24] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 15:19:24] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Pensacola_foam_post_death.xml#49850: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:19:24] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Pensacola_foam_post_death.xml#49851: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:19:24] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Pensacola_foam_post_death.xml#49852: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:19:25] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:19:25] id 7237246 [S] [2016_05_28 15:19:25] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 15:19:28] ping&FPS: True 0.0435883136732 248.946403812 144.946405839 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:19:28] ping&FPS: False 0.0460868509752 146.946403693 146.946403693 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:19:28] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:19:28] ping&FPS: True 0.040530066405 231.946402203 144.946408878 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:19:29] ping&FPS: False 0.0375066133482 74.9464033203 74.9464033203 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:19:30] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#49910: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:19:31] ping&FPS: True 0.0477383690221 260.946416627 145.946424137 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:19:31] ping&FPS: False 0.0387249322874 123.94641615 123.94641615 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:19:32] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#49930: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:19:33] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:19:33] id 7237250 [S] [2016_05_28 15:19:34] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:19:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:19:35] id 7237246 [S] [2016_05_28 15:19:35] name DNRMaksim [S] [2016_05_28 15:19:35] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:19:35] @ launchpadAppeared 7237246 [S] [2016_05_28 15:19:35] ping&FPS: True 0.0459132375462 220.946433912 139.946436803 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:19:35] ping&FPS: False 0.0404325830085 66.9464318561 66.9464318561 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:19:36] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:19:36] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:19:36] id 7237266 [S] [2016_05_28 15:19:36] name Admiral1980 [S] [2016_05_28 15:19:36] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:19:36] @ launchpadAppeared 7237266 [S] [2016_05_28 15:19:39] ping&FPS: True 0.0398458497865 290.946423929 149.946426521 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:19:40] ping&FPS: False 0.0323284896357 146.946423809 146.946423809 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:19:44] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:19:44] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:19:44] id 7237250 [S] [2016_05_28 15:19:44] name billtt [S] [2016_05_28 15:19:44] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:19:44] ping&FPS: True 0.0291901784284 236.946454461 112.946451004 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:19:45] ping&FPS: False 0.0324731873614 133.94645683 133.94645683 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:19:46] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#50159: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:19:48] client.Vehicle.setAmmoArtilleryGun [S] [2016_05_28 15:19:49] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_water_fountains_post_death.xml#50215: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:19:51] ping&FPS: True 0.0631194668157 422.946471687 173.946467544 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:19:51] ping&FPS: False 0.0548728065831 121.946473058 121.946473058 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:19:53] ping&FPS: True 0.0656577455146 440.946493204 153.946487974 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:19:53] ping&FPS: False 0.0536183374269 136.946495171 136.946495171 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:19:57] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 15:19:57] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 15:19:57] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#50375: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:19:57] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Hatsuharu_foam_post_death.xml#50382: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:19:57] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Hatsuharu_foam_post_death.xml#50383: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:19:57] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Hatsuharu_foam_post_death.xml#50384: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:19:59] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 15:19:59] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 15:19:59] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#50456: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:19:59] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Minekadze_foam_post_death.xml#50457: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:19:59] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Minekadze_foam_post_death.xml#50458: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:19:59] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Minekadze_foam_post_death.xml#50459: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:20:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:20:02] id 7237250 [S] [2016_05_28 15:20:03] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:20:03] id 7237248 [S] [2016_05_28 15:20:06] ping&FPS: True 0.0705019044025 492.946596901 119.946592461 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:20:06] ping&FPS: False 0.0633046286447 130.94659416 130.94659416 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:20:21] client.Vehicle.setAmmoArtilleryGun [S] [2016_05_28 15:20:22] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:20:22] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:20:22] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:20:22] id 7237248 [S] [2016_05_28 15:20:22] name opasnost001 [S] [2016_05_28 15:20:22] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:20:22] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:20:22] id 7237250 [S] [2016_05_28 15:20:22] name billtt [S] [2016_05_28 15:20:22] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:20:22] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 15:20:22] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#50710: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:20:23] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 15:20:23] ping&FPS: True 0.0396401914103 218.946591641 161.94659486 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:20:24] ping&FPS: False 0.0296098994357 181.946584489 82.9465844887 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:20:29] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#50823: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:20:31] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#50831: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:20:31] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:20:31] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:20:31] id 7237246 [S] [2016_05_28 15:20:31] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 15:20:33] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#50903: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:20:33] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:20:33] id 7237266 [S] [2016_05_28 15:20:33] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 15:20:34] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:20:34] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 15:20:34] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 15:20:34] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#50930: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:20:34] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 15:20:34] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:20:34] id 7237266 [S] [2016_05_28 15:20:34] name Admiral1980 [S] [2016_05_28 15:20:34] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:20:34] @ launchpadAppeared 7237266 [S] [2016_05_28 15:20:34] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Budeny_foam_post_death.xml#50939: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:20:34] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Budeny_foam_post_death.xml#50940: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:20:34] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Budeny_foam_post_death.xml#50941: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:20:35] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#50958: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:20:37] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#50988: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:20:38] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#50989: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:20:38] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#50990: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:20:38] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:20:38] id 7237250 [S] [2016_05_28 15:20:38] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:20:39] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:20:39] id 7237246 [S] [2016_05_28 15:20:39] name DNRMaksim [S] [2016_05_28 15:20:39] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:20:39] @ launchpadAppeared 7237246 [S] [2016_05_28 15:20:40] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#51019: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:20:41] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#51040: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:20:42] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_water_fountains_post_death.xml#51044: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:20:46] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:20:46] id 7237266 [S] [2016_05_28 15:20:46] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 15:20:50] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 15:20:50] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 15:20:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:20:51] id 7237258 [S] [2016_05_28 15:20:51] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 15:20:52] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#51148: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:20:53] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (6509750, 0, 0, 7237251, 1464437080437L, True, True) [S] [2016_05_28 15:20:53] m418a81c.updatePreBattles (6509750, 0, 0, 7237251, 1464437080437L, True, True) [S] [2016_05_28 15:20:53] m418a81c.updatePreBattles1 {6721600: PreBattleInfo: id: 6721600, inPortPlayers: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 7237247, creationTime 1464437080436, hidden False, locked True , 6509750: PreBattleInfo: id: 6509750, inPortPlayers: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 7237251, creationTime 1464437080437, hidden True, locked True } [S] [2016_05_28 15:20:55] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#51196: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:20:59] SmokeScreen.onEnterWorld( 1032332 ) [(-437.592, 163.578)] [S] [2016_05_28 15:21:03] ping&FPS: True 0.0312465014202 202.946693997 119.946692388 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:21:04] ping&FPS: False 0.0279391439898 155.946697216 155.946697216 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:21:08] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 15:21:08] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 15:21:08] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#51397: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:21:08] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Arkansas_foam_post_death.xml#51398: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:21:08] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Arkansas_foam_post_death.xml#51399: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:21:08] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Arkansas_foam_post_death.xml#51400: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:21:09] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_water_fountains_post_death.xml#51410: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:21:11] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_water_fountains_post_death.xml#51412: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:21:19] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:21:23] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#51525: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:21:25] ping&FPS: True 0.0457567902548 206.946743082 96.9467408167 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:21:26] ping&FPS: False 0.0387053894145 119.946744125 119.946744125 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:21:27] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#51549: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:21:27] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:21:27] id 7237256 [S] [2016_05_28 15:21:27] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 15:21:28] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:21:28] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:21:28] id 7237246 [S] [2016_05_28 15:21:28] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 15:21:29] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:21:29] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#51574: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:21:32] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#51592: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:21:32] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:21:34] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:21:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:21:35] id 7237266 [S] [2016_05_28 15:21:35] name Admiral1980 [S] [2016_05_28 15:21:35] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:21:35] @ launchpadAppeared 7237266 [S] [2016_05_28 15:21:35] ping&FPS: True 0.0266073601586 213.946786668 151.946788843 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:21:35] ping&FPS: False 0.0243748756392 66.9467883365 66.9467883365 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:21:36] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 15:21:36] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#51654: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:21:38] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#51676: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:21:41] ping&FPS: True 0.0405284421785 349.946851264 109.946857225 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:21:41] ping&FPS: False 0.0387309374554 105.946850012 105.946850012 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:21:41] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:21:43] ping&FPS: True 0.0418529020888 254.946844603 141.946849372 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:21:43] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_water_fountains_post_death.xml#51693: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:21:43] ping&FPS: False 0.0448937969548 194.946846764 194.946846764 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:21:49] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#51761: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:21:50] ping&FPS: True 0.0445070820195 257.946817558 140.946831148 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:21:50] ping&FPS: False 0.0490719931466 153.946814861 153.946814861 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:21:51] ping&FPS: True 0.0380014436586 376.946798872 117.946813445 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:21:51] ping&FPS: False 0.0237545030458 71.9467957722 71.9467957722 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:21:51] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#51776: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:21:52] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:21:52] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:21:52] id 7237258 [S] [2016_05_28 15:21:52] name fedor0506 [S] [2016_05_28 15:21:52] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:21:52] @ launchpadAppeared 7237258 [S] [2016_05_28 15:21:53] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:21:53] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:21:53] id 7237246 [S] [2016_05_28 15:21:53] name DNRMaksim [S] [2016_05_28 15:21:53] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:21:53] @ launchpadAppeared 7237246 [S] [2016_05_28 15:21:53] ping&FPS: True 0.0302702518446 206.946789231 136.946792554 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:21:53] ping&FPS: False 0.0251667158944 76.9467925387 76.9467925387 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:22:00] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#51861: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:22:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:22:02] id 7237270 [S] [2016_05_28 15:22:02] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 15:22:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:22:02] id 7237266 [S] [2016_05_28 15:22:02] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 15:22:03] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_water_fountains_post_death.xml#51884: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:22:05] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:22:05] id 7237274 [S] [2016_05_28 15:22:05] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 15:22:10] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:22:11] ping&FPS: True 0.0347576918347 239.946774851 157.946780215 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:22:11] ping&FPS: False 0.0244901584727 129.946774225 177.946774225 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:22:14] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:22:14] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:22:14] id 7237266 [S] [2016_05_28 15:22:14] name Admiral1980 [S] [2016_05_28 15:22:14] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:22:14] @ launchpadAppeared 7237266 [S] [2016_05_28 15:22:15] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:22:15] id 7237258 [S] [2016_05_28 15:22:15] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 15:22:17] ping&FPS: True 0.0245588304741 368.946728374 132.94673122 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:22:17] ping&FPS: False 0.0202855797751 153.946725767 199.946725767 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:22:21] ping&FPS: True 0.0452315392239 366.946675565 106.946680601 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:22:21] ping&FPS: False 0.025792095278 80.946675803 80.946675803 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:22:26] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:22:26] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:22:26] id 7237250 [S] [2016_05_28 15:22:26] name billtt [S] [2016_05_28 15:22:26] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:22:27] ping&FPS: True 0.0361694725496 298.946582023 124.946588892 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:22:27] ping&FPS: False 0.0354908736689 136.946580264 136.946580264 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:22:29] ping&FPS: True 0.0308741512043 258.946550358 141.946545157 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:22:29] ping&FPS: False 0.0275953518493 193.946548629 193.946548629 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:22:41] ping&FPS: True 0.03404041699 202.946426648 140.946428764 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:22:41] ping&FPS: False 0.0301462965352 102.946426767 102.946426767 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:22:41] ping&FPS: True 0.0395393254501 204.946433294 113.946427632 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:22:41] ping&FPS: False 0.0302806230528 101.946431387 101.946431387 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:22:44] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:22:44] id 7237266 [S] [2016_05_28 15:22:44] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 15:22:57] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:22:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:22:57] id 7237258 [S] [2016_05_28 15:22:57] name fedor0506 [S] [2016_05_28 15:22:57] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:22:57] @ launchpadAppeared 7237258 [S] [2016_05_28 15:22:58] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:22:58] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:22:58] id 7237266 [S] [2016_05_28 15:22:58] name Admiral1980 [S] [2016_05_28 15:22:58] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:22:58] @ launchpadAppeared 7237266 [S] [2016_05_28 15:22:58] ping&FPS: True 0.0377344073994 200.946286264 140.946288708 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:22:58] ping&FPS: False 0.0296206506235 99.9462877544 99.9462877544 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:22:59] ping&FPS: True 0.0352921145303 207.946294698 128.946290407 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:22:59] ping&FPS: False 0.0345008032663 112.946292731 112.946292731 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:23:00] ping&FPS: True 0.0339951845152 214.946286115 180.94628999 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:23:00] ping&FPS: False 0.0365588771445 117.946286831 117.946286831 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:23:01] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:23:01] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:23:01] id 7237270 [S] [2016_05_28 15:23:01] name _inock_ [S] [2016_05_28 15:23:01] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:23:01] @ launchpadAppeared 7237270 [S] [2016_05_28 15:23:01] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 15:23:01] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 15:23:04] ping&FPS: True 0.0255393492324 221.946297172 128.946294311 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:23:04] ping&FPS: False 0.0369121985776 172.946297589 172.946297589 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:23:10] ping&FPS: True 0.0438148858292 200.946254346 103.94625679 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:23:10] ping&FPS: False 0.0357518824083 102.946254465 102.946254465 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:23:19] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:23:21] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 15:23:21] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 15:23:21] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#52558: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:23:21] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Leader_foam_post_death.xml#52560: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:23:21] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Leader_foam_post_death.xml#52561: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:23:21] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Leader_foam_post_death.xml#52562: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:23:22] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:23:22] id 7237258 [S] [2016_05_28 15:23:22] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 15:23:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:23:26] id 7237246 [S] [2016_05_28 15:23:26] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 15:23:28] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:23:30] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:23:30] ping&FPS: True 0.0366020756108 202.946169201 104.946171317 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:23:30] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:23:30] id 7237258 [S] [2016_05_28 15:23:30] name fedor0506 [S] [2016_05_28 15:23:30] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:23:30] @ launchpadAppeared 7237258 [S] [2016_05_28 15:23:30] ping&FPS: False 0.050285335098 173.946164194 173.946164194 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:23:33] (, 51832695439976, 238): Two time score difference detected. Max Score(1): 573 Min Score(0): 248 User Team Id: 1 [S] [2016_05_28 15:23:33] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:23:33] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:23:33] id 7237274 [S] [2016_05_28 15:23:33] name ZioNpro100 [S] [2016_05_28 15:23:33] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:23:33] @ launchpadAppeared 7237274 [S] [2016_05_28 15:23:33] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 15:23:33] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 15:23:36] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:23:36] ping&FPS: True 0.0311449723584 200.946137968 78.9461366864 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:23:36] ping&FPS: False 0.0368853243334 159.946138117 159.946138117 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:23:39] ping&FPS: True 0.0335190104587 204.946093846 111.946095634 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:23:39] ping&FPS: False 0.0291792186243 110.946095276 110.946095276 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:23:45] ping&FPS: True 0.0440666185958 202.946079943 119.946085784 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:23:45] ping&FPS: False 0.0436101140721 120.946083012 120.946083012 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:23:47] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 15:23:47] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 15:23:47] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#52784: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:23:47] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 15:23:47] ping&FPS: True 0.0605809645993 203.946062285 128.946062374 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:23:48] ping&FPS: False 0.0561676429851 141.946059484 141.946059484 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:23:48] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Nagato_foam_post_death.xml#52794: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:23:48] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Nagato_foam_post_death.xml#52795: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:23:48] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Nagato_foam_post_death.xml#52796: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:23:53] ping&FPS: True 0.0501570659024 270.946046236 180.946048382 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:23:53] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:23:53] id 7237232 [S] [2016_05_28 15:23:53] ping&FPS: False 0.0457062529666 131.946049246 131.946049246 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:23:55] ping&FPS: True 0.0421169506652 323.946076486 138.946066219 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:23:55] ping&FPS: False 0.0411397399647 114.946074847 114.946074847 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:24:02] ping&FPS: True 0.0542888002736 419.946088377 149.946094039 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:24:02] ping&FPS: False 0.0491259353501 147.946086559 147.946086559 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:24:02] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:24:02] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:24:02] id 7237240 [S] [2016_05_28 15:24:02] name Vol4ik42 [S] [2016_05_28 15:24:02] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:24:02] @ launchpadAppeared 7237240 [S] [2016_05_28 15:24:03] ping&FPS: True 0.0378646211965 201.946093458 107.946093875 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:24:04] ping&FPS: False 0.0375308649881 106.946094233 106.946094233 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:24:06] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:24:07] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:24:07] id 7237232 [S] [2016_05_28 15:24:07] name awerts [S] [2016_05_28 15:24:07] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 15:24:09] ping&FPS: True 0.0532080265028 207.946047935 149.946047369 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:24:09] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (6721600, 0, 0, 7237247, 1464437080436L, True, True) [S] [2016_05_28 15:24:09] m418a81c.updatePreBattles (6721600, 0, 0, 7237247, 1464437080436L, True, True) [S] [2016_05_28 15:24:09] m418a81c.updatePreBattles1 {6721600: PreBattleInfo: id: 6721600, inPortPlayers: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 7237247, creationTime 1464437080436, hidden True, locked True , 6509750: PreBattleInfo: id: 6509750, inPortPlayers: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 7237251, creationTime 1464437080437, hidden True, locked True } [S] [2016_05_28 15:24:09] ping&FPS: False 0.0311753707273 51.946049008 51.946049008 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:24:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:24:10] id 7237258 [S] [2016_05_28 15:24:10] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 15:24:12] ping&FPS: True 0.0587233560426 436.946030888 163.946033764 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:24:12] ping&FPS: False 0.0495861949665 122.946028698 122.946028698 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:24:15] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:24:15] id 7237240 [S] [2016_05_28 15:24:15] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 15:24:19] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:24:19] ping&FPS: True 0.0381942199809 209.945966247 156.945965353 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:24:19] ping&FPS: False 0.0283827143056 57.945964578 57.945964578 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:24:20] ping&FPS: True 0.0401437388999 541.945956561 57.945964578 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:24:20] ping&FPS: False 0.0438246907932 152.945959288 152.945959288 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:24:23] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#52973: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:24:23] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#52974: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:24:27] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#52980: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:24:27] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 15:24:28] ping&FPS: True 0.0363272087915 255.945904541 129.945903558 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:24:29] ping&FPS: False 0.0325672509415 135.945902157 189.945902157 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:24:31] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:24:31] ping&FPS: True 0.0364681216223 269.945892889 154.945891473 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:24:31] ping&FPS: False 0.0391184347016 189.94589423 189.94589423 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:24:34] ping&FPS: True 0.066137100969 431.945899743 132.945899713 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:24:34] ping&FPS: False 0.0601145135505 158.945899728 158.945899728 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:24:34] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:24:34] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:24:34] id 7237256 [S] [2016_05_28 15:24:34] name TOD_von_SHIM [S] [2016_05_28 15:24:34] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 15:24:34] @ launchpadAppeared 7237256 [S] [2016_05_28 15:24:35] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 15:24:35] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 15:24:35] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_AA_fuming_post_fire.xml#53047: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:24:35] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 15:24:35] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Ryujo_foam_post_death.xml#53048: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:24:35] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Ryujo_foam_post_death.xml#53049: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:24:35] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Ryujo_foam_post_death.xml#53050: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:24:39] ping&FPS: True 0.029961991523 347.945915568 142.945912543 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:24:40] ping&FPS: False 0.0263490336282 67.9459174009 67.9459174009 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:24:43] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:24:45] ping&FPS: True 0.0352358626468 269.945917028 107.945911888 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:24:45] ping&FPS: False 0.0324501352651 159.945917177 159.945917177 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:24:46] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#53132: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:24:46] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:24:47] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:24:47] id 7237258 [S] [2016_05_28 15:24:47] name fedor0506 [S] [2016_05_28 15:24:47] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:24:47] @ launchpadAppeared 7237258 [S] [2016_05_28 15:24:49] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#53147: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:24:52] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#53167: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:24:55] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#53195: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:25:02] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_water_fountains_post_death.xml#53263: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:25:03] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:25:04] ping&FPS: True 0.0469666229827 217.945814806 102.945816326 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:25:04] ping&FPS: False 0.0362623514874 82.9458153727 82.9458153727 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:25:07] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#53333: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:25:10] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_AA_fuming_post_fire.xml#53343: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:25:10] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_water_fountains_post_death.xml#53344: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:25:18] ping&FPS: True 0.0423140930278 202.945813421 128.945815537 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:25:18] ping&FPS: False 0.0476357670767 159.94581357 159.94581357 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:25:22] ping&FPS: True 0.0362364905221 208.94579916 170.945800293 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:25:22] ping&FPS: False 0.0333287524326 61.9457981469 61.9457981469 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:25:24] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:25:30] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:25:30] id 7237258 [S] [2016_05_28 15:25:30] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 15:25:34] ping&FPS: True 0.0467590349061 207.945698339 128.945701498 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:25:34] ping&FPS: False 0.0377106922013 53.9456997397 53.9456997397 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:25:42] ping&FPS: True 0.0529893668635 224.945680607 168.945675391 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:25:42] ping&FPS: False 0.0437225954873 97.9456817689 97.9456817689 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:25:44] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:25:47] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_AA_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#53576: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:25:49] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_AA_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#53584: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:25:58] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_AA_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#53652: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:25:58] ping&FPS: True 0.0261123584849 205.94569512 147.945694882 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:25:58] ping&FPS: False 0.0252844872219 62.9456961336 62.9456961336 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:26:00] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_AA_water_fountains_post_death.xml#53668: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:26:29] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:26:29] id 7237260 [S] [2016_05_28 15:26:29] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 15:26:30] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:26:30] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:26:30] id 7237258 [S] [2016_05_28 15:26:30] name fedor0506 [S] [2016_05_28 15:26:30] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:26:31] @ launchpadAppeared 7237258 [S] [2016_05_28 15:26:36] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:26:41] ping&FPS: True 0.0414770128472 381.945441994 137.945435259 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:26:41] ping&FPS: False 0.030551585768 131.945440325 182.945440325 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:26:43] ping&FPS: True 0.045317891453 317.94541243 145.945410598 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:26:43] ping&FPS: False 0.0456999199731 134.945412207 134.945412207 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:26:46] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:26:46] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:26:46] id 7237240 [S] [2016_05_28 15:26:46] name Vol4ik42 [S] [2016_05_28 15:26:46] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:26:46] @ launchpadAppeared 7237240 [S] [2016_05_28 15:26:50] ping&FPS: True 0.0436042728169 295.945389125 109.945381585 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:26:50] ping&FPS: False 0.0420433240277 167.945384997 167.945384997 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:26:51] ping&FPS: True 0.0491661163313 756.945367146 150.945382762 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:26:51] ping&FPS: False 0.0446398066623 86.9453646424 86.9453646424 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:27:04] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 15:27:11] ping&FPS: True 0.0433062570436 329.945340041 141.945347417 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:27:11] ping&FPS: False 0.0236023100359 75.9453375967 75.9453375967 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:27:11] client.Vehicle.setAmmoArtilleryGun [S] [2016_05_28 15:27:16] (, 51832695439976, 326): Two time score difference is reset. Max Score(1): 577 Min Score(0): 339 [S] [2016_05_28 15:27:16] ping&FPS: True 0.0426548825843 222.945317495 108.945312608 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:27:17] ping&FPS: False 0.0396137865526 67.9453211906 67.9453211906 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:27:17] ping&FPS: True 0.0394457014544 491.945335764 130.945322174 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:27:17] ping&FPS: False 0.0383416595204 88.9453335883 88.9453335883 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:27:19] ping&FPS: True 0.0439222859485 221.945330206 139.945327345 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:27:20] ping&FPS: False 0.0416023241622 74.945333186 74.945333186 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:27:21] ping&FPS: True 0.0393340843064 231.945321697 126.945328373 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:27:21] ping&FPS: False 0.0357147710664 72.945322487 72.945322487 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:27:24] (, 51832695439976, 238): Two time score difference detected. Max Score(1): 626 Min Score(0): 276 User Team Id: 1 [S] [2016_05_28 15:27:24] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 15:27:24] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 15:27:24] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_AA_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#54457: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:27:24] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 15:27:24] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Ryujo_foam_post_death.xml#54459: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:27:24] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Ryujo_foam_post_death.xml#54460: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:27:24] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Ryujo_foam_post_death.xml#54461: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:27:25] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:27:25] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:27:25] id 7237246 [S] [2016_05_28 15:27:25] name DNRMaksim [S] [2016_05_28 15:27:25] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:27:25] @ launchpadAppeared 7237246 [S] [2016_05_28 15:27:27] ping&FPS: True 0.037584427212 335.945339191 122.945334408 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:27:27] ping&FPS: False 0.0376945989473 99.9453388186 99.9453388186 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:27:29] ping&FPS: True 0.0455119194729 313.945365313 129.945356685 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:27:29] ping&FPS: False 0.042353491698 113.945365373 113.945365373 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:27:33] client.Vehicle.setAmmoArtilleryGun [S] [2016_05_28 15:27:34] ClientSquadron.outOfFuel [S] [2016_05_28 15:27:34] ClientSquadron.outOfFuel [S] [2016_05_28 15:27:37] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_AA_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#54537: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:27:40] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:27:41] ping&FPS: True 0.0340624260051 201.94528729 148.945287708 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:27:41] ping&FPS: False 0.0427275704486 97.9452847274 97.9452847274 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:27:45] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_AA_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#54626: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:27:48] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:27:49] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:27:56] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_AA_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#54712: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:27:59] ping&FPS: True 0.0348079907043 201.945219609 132.945220027 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:27:59] ping&FPS: False 0.0238648833973 71.9452165099 71.9452165099 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:28:02] ping&FPS: True 0.0564645486219 227.945183698 121.945187304 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:28:02] ping&FPS: False 0.0451583596213 100.945183489 100.945183489 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:28:08] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_AA_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#54808: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:28:09] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:28:27] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 15:28:29] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 15:28:29] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 15:28:29] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#54979: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:28:29] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 15:28:29] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Aoba_foam_post_death.xml#54986: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:28:29] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Aoba_foam_post_death.xml#54987: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:28:29] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Aoba_foam_post_death.xml#54988: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:28:29] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_AA_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#54989: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:28:37] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_AA_water_fountains_post_death.xml#55036: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:28:43] ping&FPS: True 0.0300007568938 221.945078495 98.9450756343 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:28:43] ping&FPS: False 0.0216851340873 123.945076469 123.945076469 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:28:44] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence(), ('756279@wowsru.loc/wows', '11Paul11', 0) [S] [2016_05_28 15:28:44] [NUT] __updateUserPresence contacts 756279 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:28:44] client.Vehicle.setAmmoArtilleryGun [S] [2016_05_28 15:28:53] ping&FPS: True 0.0433766203267 343.945115897 124.945126567 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:28:53] ping&FPS: False 0.0316909360034 91.9451142134 91.9451142134 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:28:55] ping&FPS: True 0.0411335857851 314.945104304 142.945106688 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:28:55] ping&FPS: False 0.0389558704836 119.945101622 119.945101622 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:28:59] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:29:00] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:29:00] id 7237260 [S] [2016_05_28 15:29:00] name Delta_Archer [S] [2016_05_28 15:29:00] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 15:29:00] @ launchpadAppeared 7237260 [S] [2016_05_28 15:29:00] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 15:29:01] ping&FPS: True 0.027366529618 221.945071924 109.945072788 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:29:01] ping&FPS: False 0.0323488222701 107.945071 107.945071 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:29:05] ("[ERROR] FeedbackController: container 'Root' doesn't have config for event 'five_minutes_left'",) [S] [2016_05_28 15:29:12] client.Vehicle.setAmmoArtilleryGun [S] [2016_05_28 15:29:14] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:29:29] ping&FPS: True 0.0521779688341 267.944921601 136.944914925 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:29:29] ping&FPS: False 0.0391231881721 136.944919843 136.944919843 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:29:30] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 15:29:30] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#55341: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:29:31] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 15:29:31] ping&FPS: True 0.048470455621 527.944922286 143.944917697 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:29:32] ping&FPS: False 0.0420365439994 103.94491947 175.94491947 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:29:32] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence(), ('756279@wowsru.loc/wows', '11Paul11', 2) [S] [2016_05_28 15:29:32] [NUT] __updateUserPresence contacts 756279 2 [S] [2016_05_28 15:29:37] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#55410: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:29:37] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 15:29:39] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#55422: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:29:40] ping&FPS: True 0.0460355462773 395.944970089 135.944977823 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:29:40] ping&FPS: False 0.0402392702443 171.944972205 171.944972205 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:29:45] ping&FPS: True 0.062521855746 776.944979015 128.944983903 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:29:45] ping&FPS: False 0.0566621976239 141.944983664 141.944983664 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:29:49] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#55480: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:29:53] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_water_fountains_post_death.xml#55536: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:29:55] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:01] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:01] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:01] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#55618: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:01] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:01] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Colorado_foam_post_death.xml#55623: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:01] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Colorado_foam_post_death.xml#55624: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:01] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Colorado_foam_post_death.xml#55625: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:02] battle finish - Victory [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:02] (, 70665289920581, 61): Deleted: [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:02] (, 70665289920581, 61): Deleted: [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:03] ping&FPS: True 0.0465060280902 676.944998744 133.945012573 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:03] setFpsGathererActive(False) [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:09] ping&FPS: True 0.74228307179 5477.94515705 805.944993022 0 [E] [2016_05_28 15:30:09] Can only call base methods on the connected entity [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:09] [Weather][43737] onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:09] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:09] id 7237228 [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:09] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:09] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:09] id 7237230 [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:09] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:09] id 7237232 [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:09] Avatar.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:09] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:09] id 7237234 [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:09] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:09] id 7237236 [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:09] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:09] id 7237238 [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:09] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:09] id 7237240 [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:09] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:09] id 7237242 [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:09] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:09] id 7237244 [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:09] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:09] id 7237246 [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:09] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:09] id 7237248 [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:09] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:09] id 7237250 [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:09] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:09] id 7237252 [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:09] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:09] id 7237254 [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:09] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:09] id 7237256 [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:09] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:09] id 7237258 [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:09] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:09] id 7237260 [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:09] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:09] id 7237262 [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:09] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:09] id 7237264 [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:09] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:09] id 7237266 [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:09] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:09] id 7237268 [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:09] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:09] id 7237270 [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:09] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:09] id 7237272 [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:09] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:09] id 7237274 [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:09] Account.__init__() [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:09] [Account debuG]: __init__() ONE___VP [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:10] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:10] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4184782640 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:10] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:10] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4184782640L: {'exp': 3838}}, 'changedCrews': {41: {'exp': 504, 'level': 5}}, 'moneyXP': 103} [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:10] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:10] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': 86808} [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:10] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:10] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -13970} [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:10] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:10] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4184782640L: {'slots': {1: {'del_slots': 2}}}}} [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:10] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:10] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4184782640L: {'slots': {1: {'add_slots': (((), 4279070640L),)}}}}, 'storage': {4279070640L: 35}} [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:10] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:10] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -22500, 'changedShips': {4184782640L: {'slots': {1: {'add_slots': (((), 4287557552L),)}}}}} [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:10] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:10] >>> receiveChanges {'storage': {4284653488L: 9}} [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:10] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:10] setServerTime -3102.41799998 1464438113 1464435010.58 [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:10] leaveBattleSession() Reason: 0 Info: None [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:10] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:10] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:10] Can't send FPS data: it's empty [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:10] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.onEnterLobbyEvent():, (['34411633@wowsru.loc', '8009484@wowsru.loc', '12414124@wowsru.loc', '4679742@wowsru.loc', 'ids_chat_channel_offtop@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', 'wargamingfm@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', '1559899_1454784666@user-rooms.wows.wowsru.loc', 'ids_chat_channel_questions@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', '63671710@wowsru.loc', '5651230@wowsru.loc', '1559899@wowsru.loc', '48007201@wowsru.loc', '6878512@wowsru.loc', '64052394@wowsru.loc', 'ids_chat_channel_search_div@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', '58574566@wowsru.loc', '4719392_1447787513@user-rooms.wows.wowsru.loc'],) [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:10] updateActionsProgress: {0: [4184782640L]} [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:10] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:10] __updateTaskProgress start: {} [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:10] updateActionsProgress: {'10688_q02': {'count': 2, 2: {'count': 1}, 3: {'count': 3}}, '10688_q03': {'count': 9}, '10688_q01': {'count': 3, 2: {'count': 2}, 3: {'count': 1}}} [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:10] __updateTaskProgress start: {'10688_q02': {'count': 2, 2: {'count': 1}, 3: {'count': 3}}, '10688_q03': {'count': 9}, '10688_q01': {'count': 3, 2: {'count': 2}, 3: {'count': 1}}} [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:10] step id: 10688_q02 progress {'count': 2, 2: {'count': 1}, 3: {'count': 3}} [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:10] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:10] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:10] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:10] step id: 10688_q03 progress {'count': 9} [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:10] isDone id 10688_q03 count 9 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:10] isDone id 10688_q03 count 9 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:10] isDone id 10688_q03 count 9 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:10] step id: 10688_q01 progress {'count': 3, 2: {'count': 2}, 3: {'count': 1}} [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:10] isDone id 10688_q01 count 3 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:10] isDone id 10688_q01 count 3 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:10] isDone id 10688_q01 count 3 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:10] md3ce6e8.onUpdate 0 0 [dailyId 0 type 0 desc {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464566400.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 0, 'condition': ()} , dailyId 1 type 0 desc {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464480000.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 1, 'condition': ()} , dailyId 39 type 1 desc {'rewards': {5: '500'}, 'title': 390, 'iconId': 6, 'timeToChange': 1464393600.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 2, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 39, 'condition': (6, '1', ('4', 2.0))} ] [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:10] Daily.update: {'rewards': {}, 'pdata': {'isSeen': True, 'timeToChange': 1464566400.0}, 'condition': ('empty', {}), 'desc': (0, 0, 0, 0, 0)} [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:10] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464566400.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 0, 'condition': ()} [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:10] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464480000.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 1, 'condition': ()} [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:10] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {5: '500'}, 'title': 390, 'iconId': 6, 'timeToChange': 1464393600.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 2, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 39, 'condition': (6, '1', ('4', 2.0))} [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:10] md3ce6e8.onUpdate 1 1 [dailyId 0 type 0 desc {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464566400.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 0, 'condition': ()} , dailyId 1 type 0 desc {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464480000.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 1, 'condition': ()} , dailyId 39 type 1 desc {'rewards': {5: '500'}, 'title': 390, 'iconId': 6, 'timeToChange': 1464393600.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 2, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 39, 'condition': (6, '1', ('4', 2.0))} ] [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:10] Daily.update: {'rewards': {}, 'pdata': {'isSeen': True, 'timeToChange': 1464480000.0}, 'condition': ('empty', {}), 'desc': (1, 0, 0, 0, 1)} [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:10] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464566400.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 0, 'condition': ()} [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:10] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464480000.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 1, 'condition': ()} [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:10] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {5: '500'}, 'title': 390, 'iconId': 6, 'timeToChange': 1464393600.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 2, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 39, 'condition': (6, '1', ('4', 2.0))} [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:10] md3ce6e8.onUpdate 2 39 [dailyId 0 type 0 desc {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464566400.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 0, 'condition': ()} , dailyId 1 type 0 desc {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464480000.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 1, 'condition': ()} , dailyId 39 type 1 desc {'rewards': {5: '500'}, 'title': 390, 'iconId': 6, 'timeToChange': 1464393600.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 2, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 39, 'condition': (6, '1', ('4', 2.0))} ] [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:10] Daily.update: {'rewards': {'addResFreeXP': {'value': '500'}}, 'pdata': {'count': 2.0, 'isSeen': True, 'timeToChange': 1464393600.0, 'reward': 'addResFreeXP'}, 'condition': ('torpHits', {'count': '4', 'division': '0', 'countBattle': '1'}), 'desc': (39, 1, 6, 390, 2)} [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:10] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464566400.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 0, 'condition': ()} [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:10] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464480000.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 1, 'condition': ()} [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:10] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {5: '500'}, 'title': 390, 'iconId': 6, 'timeToChange': 1464393600.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 2, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 39, 'condition': (6, '1', ('4', 2.0))} [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:10] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetAccountStats, ('0 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:10] md79a786.applyStatsDiff(): {'dossier': 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'accPoints': 13304559} [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:10] __processDossierStats() client dossier: ['pvp', 'pve_diag', 'rank_diag', 'club', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'max_pve', 'pvp_diag', 'pve', 'max_club', 'max_pvp', 'total', 'club_diag'] [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:10] mc0c471c.onGetAccountStats(): (12, 13302507) (12, 13304559) [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:10] (, 70665289920581, 61): receiveBattleResults, ('7634 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:10] BR: {'credits': 86802, 'credits_penalty': 4, 'exp_penalty': 1, 'exp': 1001, 'credits_compensation': 10} [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:10] BR: {'credits': {'sse': [], 'dq': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'ship_exp': {'sse': [], 'dq': [], 'base': [['FIRST_WIN', 1.0, True, 0]], 'mod': [[4274909104L, 0.05, True, 0]]}, 'crew_exp': {'sse': [], 'dq': [], 'base': [], 'mod': [[4279070640L, 0.5, True, 0], [4274909104L, 0.05, True, 0]]}, 'free_exp': {'sse': [], 'dq': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'acc_level': {'sse': [], 'dq': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}} [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:10] BR: {'auto_repair_list': [], 'auto_exterior_list': [], 'auto_exterior_credits': 0, 'auto_camo_credits': 22500, 'exterior_applied': True, 'exp_enabled': True, 'abilities_applied': True, 'auto_repair_factor': 1.0, 'auto_load_credits': 10185, 'acc_points_enabled': True, 'free_exp_enabled': True, 'free_exp_factor': 0.05, 'aogas_factor': 1.0, 'auto_exterior_gold': 0, 'premium_credits_factor': 1.5, 'premium_exp_factor': 1.5, 'auto_abilities_list': [], 'auto_camo_list': [4287557552L], 'camo_applied': True, 'auto_repair_credits': 3785, 'auto_load_list': [[579, 8685], [6, 1500], [0, 0]], 'serve_applied': True, 'auto_camo_gold': 0, 'crew_exp_enabled': True, 'auto_abilities_gold': 0, 'auto_abilities_credits': 0, 'credits_enabled': True, 'aogas_online': 0} [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:10] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:10] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:10] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:10] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:10] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_bomb default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:10] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_bomb default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:10] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:10] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:10] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:10] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:10] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:10] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:10] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:10] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:10] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:10] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:10] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:10] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:10] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:10] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:10] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:10] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:10] BuildData: Invalid path player.planes_lost default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:10] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, ('149 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:10] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, (1, [{'importance': 2, 'typeId': 4, 'dt': 1464438111, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'costShell': 10185, 'shipId': 4184782640L, 'result': 0, 'costRepair': 3785}}]) [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:10] (, 70665289920581, 61): onRewardsRestored, ('21 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:10] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:10] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:10] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 0. Boxes contents: [{}] [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:10] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetAchievements, ('993 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:10] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 4, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SHIP_SERVE', 'costShell': 10185, 'result': 0, 'shipId': 4184782640L, 'uiSpecial': False, 'shipLevelRome': 'V', 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PGSC105', 'shipType': 'Cruiser', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_CRUISER', 'isElite': True, 'dt': 1464438111, 'groupId': 5, 'costTotal': 13970, 'sourceId': 0, 'costRepair': 3785, 'stypeIdent': 'Cruiser', 'postponed': False} [NUT] PlayersAccountsSystem __request, set([47041, 6332290, 427140, 8804682, 8009484, 2715866, 1559899, 63671710, 3480927, 48007201, 5651230, 58574566, 64052394, 12414124, 6878512, 34411633, 2115378, 671987, 22102814, 242294, 756279, 46719994, 448253, 4679742]) [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:11] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/add() [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:11] setServerTime -3107.28200006 1464438119 1464435011.72 [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:11] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:11] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:11] Can't send FPS data: it's empty [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:11] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.onEnterLobbyEvent():, (['34411633@wowsru.loc', '8009484@wowsru.loc', '12414124@wowsru.loc', '4679742@wowsru.loc', 'ids_chat_channel_offtop@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', 'wargamingfm@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', '1559899_1454784666@user-rooms.wows.wowsru.loc', 'ids_chat_channel_questions@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', '63671710@wowsru.loc', '5651230@wowsru.loc', '1559899@wowsru.loc', '48007201@wowsru.loc', '6878512@wowsru.loc', '64052394@wowsru.loc', 'ids_chat_channel_search_div@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', '58574566@wowsru.loc', '4719392_1447787513@user-rooms.wows.wowsru.loc'],) [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:11] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence(), ('', '', 0) [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:11] [NUT] AccountsRequest __response, [(47041, 'WONDERFUL_SHOT', 12, 0, 1463997729), (6332290, 'zloy_nyb', 12, 0, 1464421725), (427140, 'Kapitan_Slip', 12, 0, 1464285451), (8804682, 'mishania1235', 12, 0, 1463925150), (8009484, 'SD_D', 12, 0, 1464117201), (2715866, 'BCEM_PPC', 12, 0, 1464418481), (1559899, 'AIRBORNE_161', 12, 0, 1460114623), (63671710, '6aToH4uK_', 12, 0, 1464380706), (3480927, 'Doc_Maximov', 12, 0, 1464432937), (48007201, 'CRIMEA_Haru6aLLIka', 12, 0, 1463780747), (22102814, 'bagfrag1', 12, 0, 1460487063), (58574566, '1tim1_2015', 12, 0, 1464293769), (64052394, 'Lady_Diana_Diversantka', 12, 0, 1464426838), (12414124, 'M_a_n_t_i_s', 12, 0, 1464199836), (6878512, 'Tylendor', 12, 0, 1464024410), (34411633, 'cblH_BouHa', 12, 0, 1463541667), (2115378, 'longxvost', 12, 0, 1461160136), (671987, 'Skunner', 12, 0, 1464285824), (5651230, 'Shkiper2222', 12, 0, 1464375996), (242294, 'PANZER_DIKLONIUS', 12, 0, 1463333213), (756279, '11Paul11', 12, 0, 1464432703), (46719994, 'yushkov8249', 12, 0, 1463790981), (448253, 'AndRyu_47', 12, 0, 1464425279), (4679742, 'alex30279', 12, 0, 1464276886)] 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:11] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, ('174 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:11] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, (1, [{'importance': 2, 'typeId': 42, 'dt': 1464438111, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (22500, 0), 'camoStor': False, 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4184782640L, 'flagsBuyFail': False}}]) [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:11] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/add() [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:12] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, ('176 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:12] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, (1, [{'importance': 2, 'typeId': 17476, 'dt': 1464438111, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'item': ('consumable', 4284653488L), 'shipID': 4184782640L, 'numItems': 1, 'partnerID': 29569309404137816L}}]) [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:12] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/add() [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:12] (, 70665289920581, 61): handleBanInfo:, ({'banId': '14643763953', 'reason': '"\xd0\x98\xd1\x81\xd0\xbf\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbb\xd1\x8c\xd0\xb7\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd1\x80\xd0\xbc\xd0\xb0\xd1\x82\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb9 \xd0\xbb\xd0\xb5\xd0\xba\xd1\x81\xd0\xb8\xd0\xba\xd0\xb8/ \xd0\xbe\xd1\x81\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd1\x80\xd0\xb1\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd1\x8f" \xe2\x80\x93 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd1\x80\xd1\x83\xd1\x88\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xbf\xd1\x83\xd0\xbd\xd0\xba\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0 1 \xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb7\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb0 1 \xd0\x9f\xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb8\xd0\xbb \xd0\xb8\xd0\xb3\xd1\x80\xd1\x8b (R)', 'expiry': 1464635520L},) [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:12] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence(), ('8752339@wowsru.loc/wows', 'ONE___VP', 0) [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:12] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, ('128 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:12] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, (1, [{'importance': 2, 'typeId': 55, 'dt': 1464438111, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'fail': False, 'shipId': 4184782640L, 'cost': (0, 0)}}]) [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:12] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/add() [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:13] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, ('617 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:13] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, (1, [{'importance': 2, 'typeId': 5, 'dt': 1464438111, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'achievements': (), 'expPenalty': -1, 'tasks': {'10688_q02': {'count': (2, 0), 'progress': (0.6, 0.0), 2: {'count': (1, 0)}, 3: {'count': (3, 0)}, 'name': u'\u0411\u0435\u0433\u043b\u044b\u0439 \u043e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c'}, '10688_q03': {'count': (9, 0), 'progress': (0, 0), 2: {'count': (0, 0)}, 'name': u'\u0411\u043e\u0435\u0432\u0430\u044f \u044d\u0444\u0444\u0435\u043a\u0442\u0438\u0432\u043d\u043e\u0441\u0442\u044c'}, '10688_q01': {'count': (3, 0), 'progress': (0.30000000000000004, 0.0), 2: {'count': (2, 0)}, 3: {'count': (1, 0)}, 'name': u'\u0422\u044f\u0436\u0451\u043b\u043e\u0435 \u0432\u043e\u043e\u0440\u0443\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'}}, 'shipsKilled': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 29569309404137816L, 'battleTypeId': 5, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': -4, 'creditsCompensation': 10, 'mapTypeId': 20, 'credits': 86808, 'result': 1, 'exp': 2052, 'dailics_info': {}, 'shipId': 4184782640L, 'battleCreateTime': 1464437080, 'accLeveling': (12, 12, 13302507, 2052), 'aogasFactor': 1.0}}]) [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:13] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 42, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PGSC105', 'flagsAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'isElite': True, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_EXTERIOR_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2, 'camouflageAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'idInGroup': 1, 'groupId': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_CRUISER', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'V', 'shipType': 'Cruiser', 'stypeIdent': 'Cruiser', 'dt': 1464438111, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (22500, 0), 'camoStor': False, 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4184782640L, 'flagsBuyFail': False}, 'uiSpecial': False} __addInfoToMessage {'sourceId': 0, 'typeId': 52, 'data': {'slot': 29569309404137816L, 'shipId': 4184782640L, 'abilId': 4284653488L}} __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 55, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PGSC105', 'groupId': 1, 'isElite': True, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_ABILITY_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 8, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_CRUISER', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'V', 'cost': (0, 0), 'shipType': 'Cruiser', 'costNeed': (0, 0), 'stypeIdent': 'Cruiser', 'dt': 1464438111, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'fail': False, 'shipId': 4184782640L, 'cost': (0, 0)}, 'uiSpecial': False} SYS_MESSAGE_TYPE.BATTLE_RESULTS [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:13] key achievements value () [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:13] key expPenalty value -1 [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:13] key tasks value {'10688_q02': {'count': (2, 0), 'progress': (0.6, 0.0), 2: {'count': (1, 0)}, 3: {'count': (3, 0)}, 'name': u'\u0411\u0435\u0433\u043b\u044b\u0439 \u043e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c'}, '10688_q03': {'count': (9, 0), 'progress': (0, 0), 2: {'count': (0, 0)}, 'name': u'\u0411\u043e\u0435\u0432\u0430\u044f \u044d\u0444\u0444\u0435\u043a\u0442\u0438\u0432\u043d\u043e\u0441\u0442\u044c'}, '10688_q01': {'count': (3, 0), 'progress': (0.30000000000000004, 0.0), 2: {'count': (2, 0)}, 3: {'count': (1, 0)}, 'name': u'\u0422\u044f\u0436\u0451\u043b\u043e\u0435 \u0432\u043e\u043e\u0440\u0443\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'}} [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:13] key shipsKilled value 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:13] key arenaUniqueID value 29569309404137816 [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:13] key battleTypeId value 5 [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:13] key teamBuildTypeId value 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:13] key creditsPenalty value -4 [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:13] key creditsCompensation value 10 [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:13] key mapTypeId value 20 [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:13] key credits value 86808 [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:13] key result value 1 [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:13] key exp value 2052 [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:13] key dailics_info value {} [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:13] key shipId value 4184782640 [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:13] key battleCreateTime value 1464437080 [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:13] key accLeveling value (12, 12, 13302507, 2052) [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:13] key aogasFactor value 1.0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:13] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 5, 'exp': 2052, 'tasks': {'10688_q02': {2: {'count': (1, 0)}, 3: {'count': (3, 0)}, 'name': u'\u0411\u0435\u0433\u043b\u044b\u0439 \u043e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c'}, '10688_q03': {2: {'count': (0, 0)}, 'name': u'\u0411\u043e\u0435\u0432\u0430\u044f \u044d\u0444\u0444\u0435\u043a\u0442\u0438\u0432\u043d\u043e\u0441\u0442\u044c'}, '10688_q01': {2: {'count': (2, 0)}, 3: {'count': (1, 0)}, 'name': u'\u0422\u044f\u0436\u0451\u043b\u043e\u0435 \u0432\u043e\u043e\u0440\u0443\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'}}, 'aogasFactor': 1.0, 'mapBGPath': '../maps_bg/41_Conquest.png', 'earnedAchievements': [], 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_BATTLE_RESULTS_1', 'result': 1, 'shipId': 4184782640L, 'uiSpecial': False, 'mapTypeId': 20, 'accountLeveling': {'expGained': 2052, 'currLevel': 12, 'prevLevel': 12, 'currLevelExp': 167500, 'expTotal': 13304559, 'nextLevelExp': 167500}, 'mapName': 'IDS_SPACES/41_CONQUEST', 'battleTypeId': 5, 'shipLevelRome': 'V', 'achievements': (), 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PGSC105', 'shipsKilled': 0, 'importance': 2, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_CRUISER', 'credits': 86808, 'isElite': True, 'date': '28.05.2016 16:04', 'dt': 1464438111, 'groupId': 3, 'accLeveling': (12, 12, 13302507, 2052), 'expPenalty': -1, 'arenaUniqueID': 29569309404137816L, 'sourceId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': -4, 'creditsCompensation': 10, 'shipType': 'Cruiser', 'quests': [], 'dailics_info': {}, 'stypeIdent': 'Cruiser', 'postponed': False, 'battleCreateTime': 1464437080} BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:13] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:13] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:13] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:13] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_bomb default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:13] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_bomb default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:13] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:13] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:13] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:13] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:13] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:13] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:13] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:13] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:13] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:13] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:13] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:13] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:13] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:13] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:13] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:13] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:13] BuildData: Invalid path player.planes_lost default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:13] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/add() [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:14] ping&FPS: True 0.136200125728 0.001 805.944993022 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:19] ping&FPS: True 0.0512894274933 133.945146346 805.944993022 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:24] ping&FPS: True 0.0515165137393 154.945132473 805.944993022 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:29] ping&FPS: True 0.0492031010134 166.945116961 805.944993022 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:34] ping&FPS: True 0.0497373895986 113.945099273 805.944993022 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:39] ping&FPS: True 0.051699336086 146.945084312 805.944993022 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:44] ping&FPS: True 0.0508973108871 133.945066833 805.944993022 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:47] (, 70665289920581, 61): ClientLobbySpace is creating [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:49] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:49] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:49] isDone id 10688_q03 count 9 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:49] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:49] isDone id 10688_q01 count 3 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:49] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:49] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:49] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:49] isDone id 10688_q03 count 9 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:49] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:49] isDone id 10688_q01 count 3 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:49] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:49] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:49] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:50] ping&FPS: True 0.0438491584999 1087.94507837 805.944993022 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:50] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': 0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:50] [NUT] InteractiveMessageSystem: __onSelectedMessageChanged selectedEntityId None [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:50] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': -1.0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:50] [NUT] InteractiveMessageSystem: __onSelectedMessageChanged selectedEntityId None [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:53] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:56] ping&FPS: True 0.0476109864456 137.945108132 805.944993022 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:58] [Scaleform] Warning: instance67914.setImageSubstitutions() failed for #86 element - length of subString should not exceed 15 characters [S] [2016_05_28 15:30:58] [Scaleform] Warning: instance67915.setImageSubstitutions() failed for #86 element - length of subString should not exceed 15 characters [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:01] ping&FPS: True 0.0393716203315 149.945117929 805.944993022 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:05] Account.enqueue(): 1 [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:05] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4184782640 4 [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:05] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:05] onEnqueued() QueueType: 1 ShipId: 4184782640 [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:06] ping&FPS: True 0.0402766423566 1043.94521466 805.944993022 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:08] onPrepareingForBattle() [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:08] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4184782640 1 [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:08] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:08] onGameRoomStateInit mapIdx = 4 battleType = 62 gameMode = StandDom duration=1200 [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:08] (, 70665289920581, 61): handleBanInfo:, ({'banId': '14643763953', 'reason': '"\xd0\x98\xd1\x81\xd0\xbf\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbb\xd1\x8c\xd0\xb7\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd1\x80\xd0\xbc\xd0\xb0\xd1\x82\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb9 \xd0\xbb\xd0\xb5\xd0\xba\xd1\x81\xd0\xb8\xd0\xba\xd0\xb8/ \xd0\xbe\xd1\x81\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd1\x80\xd0\xb1\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd1\x8f" \xe2\x80\x93 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd1\x80\xd1\x83\xd1\x88\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xbf\xd1\x83\xd0\xbd\xd0\xba\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0 1 \xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb7\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb0 1 \xd0\x9f\xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb8\xd0\xbb \xd0\xb8\xd0\xb3\xd1\x80\xd1\x8b (R)', 'expiry': 1464635520L},) [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:08] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence(), ('8752339@wowsru.loc/wows', 'ONE___VP', 2) [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:11] ping&FPS: True 0.0498870941145 151.945361355 805.944993022 0 [E] [2016_05_28 15:31:15] Can only call base methods on the connected entity [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:15] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:15] (, 70665289920581, 61): Lobby destroy started. [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:15] (, 70665289920581, 61): Lobby successfully destroyed. [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:15] onArenaStateReceived: teams info: [None, None] [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:15] (, 51820444204590, 546): Thresholds for team 0: Win: 910 Lose: 130 [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:15] (, 51820444204590, 546): Thresholds for team 1: Win: 910 Lose: 130 [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:15] MissionsComponent: #0 ControlPointHoldMission; reward = 0; penalty = 0; controlPoints = [0, 6]; delay = 0; repeat = 6; repeatReward = 2; repeatPenalty = 0 #1 CaptureControlPointMission; reward = 1000; penalty = 0; controlPoints = [0, 6] #2 KillEnemyOfSpecificShipTypeMission; reward = 30; penalty = 45; shipType = Destroyer; rewardPerType = 0; penaltyPerType = 0 #3 KillEnemyOfSpecificShipTypeMission; reward = 35; penalty = 50; shipType = Cruiser; rewardPerType = 0; penaltyPerType = 0 #4 KillEnemyOfSpecificShipTypeMission; reward = 40; penalty = 60; shipType = Battleship; rewardPerType = 0; penaltyPerType = 0 #5 KillEnemyOfSpecificShipTypeMission; reward = 45; penalty = 65; shipType = AirCarrier; rewardPerType = 0; penaltyPerType = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:15] Mission tasks available! [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:15] Battle waiting start: 5.0 / 8351.44801693 [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:15] Avatar.receiveAvatarInfo: {'evaluationsLeft': {0: 5, 1: 5}} [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:15] Avatar.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:15] name ONE___VP [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:15] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:15] Avatar onControlled False [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:15] onControlled->False: not implemented [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:16] onGeometryMapped() MapName: %s 13_OC_new_dawn [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:16] teamBuildType: 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:16] player: Id: 7156610 Name: 55_KOPCAP_55 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSB007_Kongo_1942' [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:16] player: Id: 6933262 Name: VitebskBy TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSC105_Kirov' [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:16] player: Id: 7046161 Name: seregaserega94 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASC004_St_Louis_1906' [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:16] player: Id: 6833298 Name: ONE___VP TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSC105_Konigsberg' [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:16] player: Id: 7054358 Name: Lesnoychel TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB705_Texas_1944' [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:16] player: Id: 6713253 Name: STRONGKID TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSA002_Hosho_1939' [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:16] player: Id: 7153319 Name: ben_breeg TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSD004_Minekadze_1920' [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:16] player: Id: 7103796 Name: pirate11 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSA002_Hosho_1939' [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:16] player: Id: 6646074 Name: asen_2016 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSC104_Karlsruhe' [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:16] player: Id: 6709951 Name: MixailMs TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSD105_Pr_7_Gnevny' [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:16] player: Id: 7145291 Name: Tkachik8 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSD104_Izyaslav' [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:16] player: Id: 7084879 Name: 24tornado82 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSC005_Furutaka_1926' [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:16] player: Id: 7245009 Name: ovpank TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB006_New_York_1934' [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:16] player: Id: 7312467 Name: Alex_Paladin_voin TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSB003_Myogi_1912' [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:16] player: Id: 6654298 Name: casstell TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSC105_Kirov' [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:16] player: Id: 7024355 Name: Kappa79 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSD004_Minekadze_1920' [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:16] player: Id: 6967396 Name: lev04rus TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSB705_Kongou' [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:16] player: Id: 7147367 Name: _4poker2028_ TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSC103_Kolberg' [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:16] player: Id: 7116015 Name: 13baks13 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSC005_Furutaka_1926' [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:16] player: Id: 6482932 Name: sashavtanke87 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASD019_Clemson_1920' [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:16] player: Id: 7184889 Name: WookieRS TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSB003_Myogi_1912' [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:16] player: Id: 7163135 Name: ParanoikKiber TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSA006_Zuiho_1944' [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:16] player: Id: 7016572 Name: Rus5153 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASA002_Bogue_1942' [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:16] player: Id: 6987135 Name: Alex_bleack_eagle TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSC103_Bogatyr' [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:16] BattleDataContext.__onEnterSpace [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:16] [DEBUG] BattleLoadingContext: geometry mapped [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:17] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:17] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:17] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:17] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:17] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:17] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:17] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:17] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:17] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:17] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:17] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:17] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:17] [BAT] __initBasePoints points [, ] [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:17] [BAT] x 0.423333358765 y 0.70000008901 VISIBLE True [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:17] [BAT] x 0.576666577657 y 0.300000050863 VISIBLE True [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:17] [Scaleform] Warning: instance68271.setImageSubstitutions() failed for #86 element - length of subString should not exceed 15 characters [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:20] ping&FPS: True 0.0907382922513 0.001 805.944993022 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:20] ping&FPS: False 0.0907382922513 0.001 0.001 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:20] Battle countdown start: 60.0 / 8356.08401694 [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:23] ping&FPS: True 0.0619090007884 219.945553274 119.945545153 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:23] ping&FPS: False 0.0533818410976 77.9455548836 77.9455548836 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:25] ping&FPS: True 0.0533572318298 209.945602321 130.945601427 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:25] ping&FPS: False 0.0462474109871 64.9456036626 64.9456036626 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:26] ping&FPS: True 0.0531769203288 207.945613713 164.945616872 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:26] ping&FPS: False 0.0461020501597 52.9456149502 52.9456149502 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:27] ping&FPS: True 0.0581705229623 225.945630418 133.945634352 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:27] ping&FPS: False 0.0462616862995 39.9456313862 39.9456313862 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:29] ping&FPS: True 0.07194220594 204.945664415 150.945660615 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:29] ping&FPS: False 0.0543199287994 64.9456657557 64.9456657557 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:33] ping&FPS: True 0.056589733277 210.945760445 150.945759387 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:33] ping&FPS: False 0.0493042500956 64.9457617862 64.9457617862 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:35] ping&FPS: True 0.0567447649581 231.945806676 150.945802176 0 [A] [2016_05_28 15:31:35] CollisionModel::load: Error loading collision model content/gameplay/japan/ship/aircarrier/JSA006_Zuiho_1944/JSA006_Zuiho_1944_Stern! [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:35] ping&FPS: False 0.0531586887581 77.9458082853 77.9458082853 0 [A] [2016_05_28 15:31:39] CollisionModel::load: Error loading collision model content/gameplay/russia/ship/destroyer/RSD017_Izyaslav_1930/RSD017_Izyaslav_1930_MidFront! [A] [2016_05_28 15:31:39] CollisionModel::load: Error loading collision model content/gameplay/japan/ship/aircarrier/JSA006_Zuiho_1944/JSA006_Zuiho_1944_MidFront! [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:40] ping&FPS: True 0.0609358357532 223.945878932 144.945878537 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:40] ping&FPS: False 0.0505805569036 66.9458806007 66.9458806007 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:41] ping&FPS: True 0.0477399038417 295.945874238 137.945870423 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:41] ping&FPS: False 0.0510404588921 162.945873031 162.945873031 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:41] ping&FPS: True 0.0523724215371 202.945869052 162.945873031 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:42] ping&FPS: False 0.0474441604955 125.945871079 125.945871079 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:43] ping&FPS: True 0.0485653164131 296.945883179 73.9458773373 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:43] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:43] id 7235666 [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:43] name 24tornado82 [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:43] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:43] @ launchpadAppeared 7235666 [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:43] [Weather][40101] onEnterWorld (map spaces/13_OC_new_dawn, scheme 0, weather 0) [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:43] ping&FPS: False 0.0487212272627 128.945876384 128.945876384 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:43] ping&FPS: True 0.0518950106842 242.945878954 141.945880101 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:44] ping&FPS: False 0.0430662812931 111.945882411 111.945882411 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:45] ping&FPS: True 0.0686960624797 207.945875475 165.945876771 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:45] ping&FPS: False 0.0552547382457 64.9458768158 64.9458768158 0 [E] [2016_05_28 15:31:46] resolveEffectPathFromSfx: Environment effect must be loaded from SFX effect file (in sfx/* directory) [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:46] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:46] id 7235688 [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:46] name Rus5153 [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:46] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:46] @ launchpadAppeared 7235688 [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:46] ping&FPS: True 0.0560896503074 237.945880839 132.945875355 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:46] ping&FPS: False 0.0399391161544 51.9458879916 179.945887992 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:47] ping&FPS: True 0.0592497842652 214.945891583 133.945895457 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:47] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:47] id 7235658 [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:47] name pirate11 [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:47] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:47] @ launchpadAppeared 7235658 [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:47] ping&FPS: False 0.0429572718484 68.9458935796 68.9458935796 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:48] ping&FPS: True 0.0421777325017 217.945893252 144.945891046 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:48] ping&FPS: False 0.0373223381383 65.9458947568 65.9458947568 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:49] ping&FPS: True 0.0511190625174 229.945896582 148.94589986 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:49] ping&FPS: False 0.044437329684 51.945897655 51.945897655 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:49] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:49] id 7235648 [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:49] name seregaserega94 [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:49] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:50] ping&FPS: True 0.0420548575265 227.945908414 181.945908294 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:50] ping&FPS: False 0.0456289233906 159.945904837 159.945904837 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:50] ping&FPS: True 0.0465547548873 220.945909926 91.9459109543 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:50] ping&FPS: False 0.0369318457586 155.945913145 155.945913145 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:51] ping&FPS: True 0.0415532993419 315.94591003 39.9459141134 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:51] ping&FPS: False 0.0409002037985 110.945911461 110.945911461 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:51] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:51] id 7235678 [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:51] name _4poker2028_ [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:51] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:52] ping&FPS: True 0.051977637623 218.945918159 146.94591579 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:52] ping&FPS: False 0.045131254409 51.9459192319 51.9459192319 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:54] ping&FPS: True 0.0596018092973 227.945924373 154.945916803 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:54] ping&FPS: False 0.0516198830945 65.9459258778 65.9459258778 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:56] ping&FPS: True 0.0608648019178 207.945936778 161.945934349 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:56] ping&FPS: False 0.0513387279851 64.9459381191 64.9459381191 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:57] id 7235652 [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:57] name Lesnoychel [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:57] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:57] ping&FPS: True 0.0397984640939 214.945933813 160.945933962 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:57] ping&FPS: False 0.0439999806029 91.9459284185 91.9459284185 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:57] id 7235650 [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:57] name ONE___VP [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:57] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:57] @ launchpadAppeared 7235650 [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:57] client.Vehicle.setAmmoArtilleryGun [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:57] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:57] Avatar.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:57] ! A.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:57] m7ae8a4d.init [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:57] @ launchpadAppeared 7235650 [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:57] BattleDataContext.__onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:57] -- GUNS ----------------------------------------- [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:57] {0: {'position': {'y': 1.0, 'x': 1.0}, 'rotation': -2.356194496154785, 'gunPositionId': 0}, 1: {'position': {'y': 1.25, 'x': 4.0}, 'rotation': 0.7853981852531433, 'gunPositionId': 1}, 2: {'position': {'y': 0.75, 'x': 5.0}, 'rotation': 0.7853981852531433, 'gunPositionId': 2}} [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:57] -- GUNS ----------------------------------------- [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:57] {0: {'position': {'y': 2.0, 'x': 2.0}, 'rotation': -2.356194496154785, 'gunPositionId': 0}, 1: {'position': {'y': 0.0, 'x': 2.0}, 'rotation': -2.356194496154785, 'gunPositionId': 1}, 2: {'position': {'y': 2.0, 'x': 3.0}, 'rotation': -2.356194496154785, 'gunPositionId': 2}, 3: {'position': {'y': 0.0, 'x': 3.0}, 'rotation': -2.356194496154785, 'gunPositionId': 3}} [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:57] ! PM.refreshAirArmament [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:57] m7ae8a4d.restore [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:57] Avatar.onWorldStateReceived [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:58] ping&FPS: True 0.0392138766391 227.945929849 132.94592973 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:58] ping&FPS: False 0.0311863826854 51.9459299905 51.9459299905 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:58] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:58] id 7235672 [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:58] name casstell [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:58] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:58] ping&FPS: True 0.041489291404 220.945928962 51.9459299905 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:58] ping&FPS: False 0.0389806436641 92.9459311677 92.9459311677 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:59] ping&FPS: True 0.0538362967116 208.94593379 153.94593306 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:59] ping&FPS: False 0.0451640816672 52.9459350271 52.9459350271 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:59] ping&FPS: True 0.047647308026 231.945939527 52.9459350271 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:31:59] ping&FPS: False 0.0417346166713 124.945939527 124.945939527 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:32:00] ping&FPS: True 0.0546274291618 254.945954421 132.945950807 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:32:00] ping&FPS: False 0.0474815847618 53.9459558217 53.9459558217 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:32:01] ping&FPS: True 0.0549895273788 242.945971297 134.945968719 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:32:01] ping&FPS: False 0.0460892873151 39.9459722651 39.9459722651 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:32:01] ping&FPS: True 0.0485412137849 219.94597573 39.9459722651 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:32:01] ping&FPS: False 0.0445267590029 64.9459770708 64.9459770708 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:32:02] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:32:02] id 7235644 [S] [2016_05_28 15:32:02] name 55_KOPCAP_55 [S] [2016_05_28 15:32:02] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 15:32:02] @ launchpadAppeared 7235644 [S] [2016_05_28 15:32:02] ping&FPS: True 0.057066451226 230.945987442 136.945984968 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:32:02] ping&FPS: False 0.0459275352103 52.9459886788 52.9459886788 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:32:05] ping&FPS: True 0.0615811305387 201.946029724 133.946030141 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:32:05] ping&FPS: False 0.0576501297099 91.9460317655 91.9460317655 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:32:08] ping&FPS: True 0.064234446202 213.946054967 133.946051554 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:32:08] ping&FPS: False 0.0553667502744 65.9460564716 65.9460564716 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:32:09] ping&FPS: True 0.0576853113515 225.946056062 133.94605627 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:32:09] ping&FPS: False 0.0503068076713 64.9460574029 64.9460574029 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:32:10] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:32:10] id 7235684 [S] [2016_05_28 15:32:10] name WookieRS [S] [2016_05_28 15:32:10] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 15:32:10] @ launchpadAppeared 7235684 [S] [2016_05_28 15:32:10] ping&FPS: True 0.0478583382709 200.946072878 133.946067871 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:32:10] ping&FPS: False 0.0437262686236 133.946076216 133.946076216 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:32:10] ping&FPS: True 0.0503355818135 232.946081289 64.9460775567 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:32:10] ping&FPS: False 0.0441734822733 66.9460820271 66.9460820271 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:32:11] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:32:11] id 7235662 [S] [2016_05_28 15:32:11] name MixailMs [S] [2016_05_28 15:32:11] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 15:32:11] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:32:11] id 7235674 [S] [2016_05_28 15:32:11] name Kappa79 [S] [2016_05_28 15:32:11] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 15:32:11] ping&FPS: True 0.0486210914595 381.946089239 126.946088092 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:32:11] ping&FPS: False 0.0405810432775 142.946095915 142.946095915 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:32:12] ping&FPS: True 0.052569079612 209.946116642 105.946113886 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:32:12] ping&FPS: False 0.0644269543035 175.946119414 175.946119414 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:32:13] ping&FPS: True 0.0560292260987 241.946132184 91.9461279078 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:32:13] ping&FPS: False 0.0411819400532 64.9461335255 64.9461335255 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:32:14] ping&FPS: True 0.0521439047796 222.946145744 120.94614272 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:32:14] ping&FPS: False 0.0474551352007 79.9461467503 79.9461467503 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:32:14] ping&FPS: True 0.049465279494 242.946152122 79.9461467503 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:32:14] ping&FPS: False 0.0410905065281 38.9461529268 38.9461529268 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:32:15] ping&FPS: True 0.053622882281 254.946156466 138.946153784 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:32:15] ping&FPS: False 0.046261358474 51.9461575387 51.9461575387 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:32:15] ping&FPS: True 0.0507132144911 245.946166405 148.94615961 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:32:16] ("[ERROR] FeedbackController: config {event: 'Sound', container: 'screenplay_trigger'} must set 'type'",) [S] [2016_05_28 15:32:16] ("[ERROR] FeedbackController: config {event: 'Sound', container: 'five_minutes_left'} must set 'type'",) [S] [2016_05_28 15:32:16] ('[ERROR] FeedbackController: empty config for event five_minutes_left',) [S] [2016_05_28 15:32:20] ping&FPS: False 0.0697661446674 192.946025805 192.946025805 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:32:20] -= BATTLE STARTED =- [S] [2016_05_28 15:32:21] ping&FPS: True 0.0536102609975 238.946057597 166.946053812 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:32:21] ping&FPS: False 0.0540251838309 179.946062887 179.946062887 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:32:24] ping&FPS: True 0.0491045521838 350.946194717 134.9461912 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:32:24] ping&FPS: False 0.0349538805229 80.9461968182 80.9461968182 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:32:27] ping&FPS: True 0.0459868716342 358.946250015 140.946242393 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:32:27] ping&FPS: False 0.0433557810528 102.94625386 102.94625386 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:32:29] ping&FPS: True 0.0502558680517 311.946328023 149.946323448 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:32:29] ping&FPS: False 0.0471385227782 107.946328962 107.946328962 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:33:14] ping&FPS: True 0.0459766643388 200.948286505 116.948285223 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:33:14] ping&FPS: False 0.0354650723083 108.948287608 108.948287608 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:33:31] client.Vehicle.setAmmoArtilleryGun [S] [2016_05_28 15:33:33] client.Vehicle.setAmmoArtilleryGun [S] [2016_05_28 15:33:38] ping&FPS: True 0.0439364495022 203.948963606 135.948963696 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:33:38] ping&FPS: False 0.0457188742501 138.948962176 138.948962176 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:33:41] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:33:41] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:33:41] id 7235668 [S] [2016_05_28 15:33:41] name ovpank [S] [2016_05_28 15:33:41] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:33:42] ping&FPS: True 0.0411963196737 268.948982873 164.948981622 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:33:42] ping&FPS: False 0.0423891427261 128.948983529 128.948983529 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:33:51] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:33:51] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:33:52] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:33:52] id 7235660 [S] [2016_05_28 15:33:52] name asen_2016 [S] [2016_05_28 15:33:52] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:33:52] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:33:52] id 7235682 [S] [2016_05_28 15:33:52] name sashavtanke87 [S] [2016_05_28 15:33:52] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:33:53] ping&FPS: True 0.0380508335573 361.949220227 129.949233533 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:33:53] ping&FPS: False 0.0322223486645 63.9492195411 63.9492195411 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:33:53] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:33:53] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:33:53] id 7235676 [S] [2016_05_28 15:33:53] name lev04rus [S] [2016_05_28 15:33:53] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:33:53] @ launchpadAppeared 7235676 [S] [2016_05_28 15:33:54] ping&FPS: True 0.0317258792264 205.949217693 194.949217455 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:33:54] ping&FPS: False 0.0301627697689 113.949219362 191.949219362 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:33:55] ping&FPS: True 0.0349635811789 341.949198113 147.949199797 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:33:55] ping&FPS: False 0.0278792785747 75.9491975321 75.9491975321 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:34:03] ping&FPS: True 0.0453268694026 201.949142323 124.949142741 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:34:03] ping&FPS: False 0.0459065022213 145.949143903 145.949143903 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:34:03] client.Vehicle.setAmmoArtilleryGun [S] [2016_05_28 15:34:07] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:34:07] id 7235682 [S] [2016_05_28 15:34:17] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:34:17] id 7235660 [S] [2016_05_28 15:34:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:34:18] id 7235676 [S] [2016_05_28 15:34:18] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 15:34:21] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:34:28] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:34:29] ping&FPS: True 0.0463908942682 336.948879318 118.94889486 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:34:29] ping&FPS: False 0.043469596122 84.9488783492 84.9488783492 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:34:29] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:34:31] ping&FPS: True 0.0490686403854 252.948825018 155.948833839 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:34:31] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:34:31] ping&FPS: False 0.045971046601 169.948823081 169.948823081 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:34:32] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:34:32] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:34:34] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:34:36] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:34:36] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:34:38] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:34:39] ping&FPS: True 0.0508384363992 304.948714556 120.948714854 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:34:39] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:34:40] ping&FPS: False 0.0543282287461 140.94871159 140.94871159 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:34:41] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:34:42] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:34:42] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:34:42] id 7235668 [S] [2016_05_28 15:34:43] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:34:45] ping&FPS: True 0.042551870857 325.948637234 141.94864154 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:34:45] ping&FPS: False 0.0396679373724 79.948637308 79.948637308 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:34:45] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:34:45] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:34:45] id 7235646 [S] [2016_05_28 15:34:45] name VitebskBy [S] [2016_05_28 15:34:45] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:34:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:34:47] id 7235646 [S] [2016_05_28 15:34:49] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:34:49] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:34:49] id 7235668 [S] [2016_05_28 15:34:49] name ovpank [S] [2016_05_28 15:34:49] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:34:55] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:34:59] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:35:00] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:35:00] id 7235660 [S] [2016_05_28 15:35:00] name asen_2016 [S] [2016_05_28 15:35:00] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:35:03] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:35:05] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:35:06] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:35:06] id 7235686 [S] [2016_05_28 15:35:06] name Alex_bleack_eagle [S] [2016_05_28 15:35:06] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:35:09] ping&FPS: True 0.0445982994778 272.948270501 146.948274182 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:35:09] ping&FPS: False 0.0374662013991 160.948268951 160.948268951 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:35:11] ping&FPS: True 0.0461700441582 284.948258759 114.948262335 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:35:12] ping&FPS: False 0.0461815627558 169.948258684 169.948258684 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:35:15] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:35:16] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:35:17] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:35:19] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:35:19] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:35:22] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:35:23] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:35:23] id 7235680 [S] [2016_05_28 15:35:23] name 13baks13 [S] [2016_05_28 15:35:23] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:35:23] @ launchpadAppeared 7235680 [S] [2016_05_28 15:35:23] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:35:25] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:35:25] id 7235668 [S] [2016_05_28 15:35:26] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:35:27] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:35:28] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:35:28] id 7235682 [S] [2016_05_28 15:35:28] name sashavtanke87 [S] [2016_05_28 15:35:28] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:35:30] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:35:30] id 7235686 [S] [2016_05_28 15:35:30] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:35:30] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:35:30] id 7235676 [S] [2016_05_28 15:35:30] name lev04rus [S] [2016_05_28 15:35:30] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:35:30] @ launchpadAppeared 7235676 [S] [2016_05_28 15:35:31] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:35:31] id 7235682 [S] [2016_05_28 15:35:33] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 15:35:33] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 15:35:33] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#56362: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:35:34] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Karlsruhe_foam_post_death.xml#56364: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:35:34] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Karlsruhe_foam_post_death.xml#56365: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:35:34] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Karlsruhe_foam_post_death.xml#56366: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:35:34] ping&FPS: True 0.027281064008 201.948074253 110.94807467 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:35:34] ping&FPS: False 0.0250554787261 114.948076339 114.948076339 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:35:36] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:35:36] id 7235676 [S] [2016_05_28 15:35:36] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 15:35:36] ping&FPS: True 0.0625124531133 203.948064805 146.948066757 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:35:36] ping&FPS: False 0.042096916054 67.9480647756 67.9480647756 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:35:41] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:35:41] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:35:41] id 7235682 [S] [2016_05_28 15:35:41] name sashavtanke87 [S] [2016_05_28 15:35:41] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:35:42] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:35:42] id 7235680 [S] [2016_05_28 15:35:42] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 15:35:43] client.Vehicle.setAmmoArtilleryGun [S] [2016_05_28 15:35:43] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:35:44] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:35:44] id 7235680 [S] [2016_05_28 15:35:44] name 13baks13 [S] [2016_05_28 15:35:44] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:35:44] @ launchpadAppeared 7235680 [S] [2016_05_28 15:35:45] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:35:45] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:35:45] id 7235668 [S] [2016_05_28 15:35:45] name ovpank [S] [2016_05_28 15:35:45] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:35:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:35:50] id 7235680 [S] [2016_05_28 15:35:50] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 15:35:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:35:52] id 7235682 [S] [2016_05_28 15:35:57] ping&FPS: True 0.0378255727036 230.947836251 128.947831915 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:35:57] ping&FPS: False 0.0288991885526 65.9478358938 65.9478358938 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:35:58] ping&FPS: True 0.0486408876521 222.947828056 135.947834344 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:35:58] ping&FPS: False 0.0539070772273 176.947818281 176.947818281 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:36:01] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:36:01] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:36:01] id 7235676 [S] [2016_05_28 15:36:01] name lev04rus [S] [2016_05_28 15:36:01] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:36:01] @ launchpadAppeared 7235676 [S] [2016_05_28 15:36:02] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:36:02] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:36:02] id 7235682 [S] [2016_05_28 15:36:02] name sashavtanke87 [S] [2016_05_28 15:36:02] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:36:04] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#56568: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:36:12] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#56617: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:36:17] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:36:17] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:36:18] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:36:18] id 7235664 [S] [2016_05_28 15:36:18] name Tkachik8 [S] [2016_05_28 15:36:18] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:36:18] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:36:18] id 7235686 [S] [2016_05_28 15:36:18] name Alex_bleack_eagle [S] [2016_05_28 15:36:18] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:36:21] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:36:21] id 7235686 [S] [2016_05_28 15:36:22] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:36:23] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:36:23] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#56738: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:36:25] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:36:26] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:36:26] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:36:26] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:36:26] id 7235686 [S] [2016_05_28 15:36:26] name Alex_bleack_eagle [S] [2016_05_28 15:36:26] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:36:27] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#56788: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:36:27] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:36:30] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:36:30] id 7235686 [S] [2016_05_28 15:36:36] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#56910: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:36:38] SmokeScreen.onEnterWorld( 933898 ) [(173.597, -191.605)] [S] [2016_05_28 15:36:38] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:36:38] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:36:38] id 7235686 [S] [2016_05_28 15:36:38] name Alex_bleack_eagle [S] [2016_05_28 15:36:38] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:36:39] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_water_fountains_post_death.xml#56929: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:36:41] ping&FPS: True 0.0258331479771 325.947570355 182.947563486 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:36:41] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:36:41] ping&FPS: False 0.0297908665878 93.9475708617 93.9475708617 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:36:41] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:36:41] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:36:41] id 7235656 [S] [2016_05_28 15:36:41] name ben_breeg [S] [2016_05_28 15:36:41] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:36:43] ping&FPS: True 0.0306850182159 323.947594078 138.947587536 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:36:43] ping&FPS: False 0.0301578747375 100.947593869 100.947593869 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:36:43] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:36:43] id 7235682 [S] [2016_05_28 15:36:46] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:36:46] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:36:46] id 7235682 [S] [2016_05_28 15:36:46] name sashavtanke87 [S] [2016_05_28 15:36:46] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:36:48] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:36:49] client.Vehicle.setAmmoArtilleryGun [S] [2016_05_28 15:36:49] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:36:50] ping&FPS: True 0.0421508061034 352.947573708 141.947573589 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:36:50] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:36:50] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:36:50] ping&FPS: False 0.0266868429525 67.947573678 67.947573678 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:36:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:36:50] id 7235656 [S] [2016_05_28 15:36:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:36:51] id 7235664 [S] [2016_05_28 15:36:51] ping&FPS: True 0.0459545286638 263.947573946 137.947575377 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:36:51] ping&FPS: False 0.0503301056368 154.947573276 154.947573276 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:36:54] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:36:54] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:36:54] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:36:54] id 7235664 [S] [2016_05_28 15:36:54] name Tkachik8 [S] [2016_05_28 15:36:54] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:36:55] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:36:56] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:36:59] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:36:59] id 7235664 [S] [2016_05_28 15:37:01] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:37:01] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:37:01] id 7235664 [S] [2016_05_28 15:37:01] name Tkachik8 [S] [2016_05_28 15:37:01] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:37:01] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:37:06] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:37:06] id 7235676 [S] [2016_05_28 15:37:06] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 15:37:11] ping&FPS: True 0.0385225670678 254.947386192 133.947389097 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:37:11] ping&FPS: False 0.0416923122747 193.947384463 193.947384463 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:37:14] SmokeScreen.onEnterWorld( 933899 ) [(384.701, -379.198)] [S] [2016_05_28 15:37:18] ping&FPS: True 0.0500189693911 325.947393672 141.947397978 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:37:18] ping&FPS: False 0.0496303396566 95.9473907812 95.9473907812 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:37:18] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:37:19] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:37:19] id 7235676 [S] [2016_05_28 15:37:19] name lev04rus [S] [2016_05_28 15:37:19] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:37:19] @ launchpadAppeared 7235676 [S] [2016_05_28 15:37:19] ping&FPS: True 0.0418098824365 296.947388218 99.9473861022 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:37:19] ping&FPS: False 0.0340395750744 104.94738494 104.94738494 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:37:21] ping&FPS: True 0.0523037644369 305.947389813 136.947391809 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:37:21] ping&FPS: False 0.0471119540078 113.947391735 113.947391735 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:37:25] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:37:25] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:37:25] id 7235680 [S] [2016_05_28 15:37:25] name 13baks13 [S] [2016_05_28 15:37:25] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:37:25] @ launchpadAppeared 7235680 [S] [2016_05_28 15:37:27] ping&FPS: True 0.0423499526722 236.947381677 101.94737822 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:37:27] ping&FPS: False 0.0441452445728 114.947382347 114.947382347 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:37:29] ping&FPS: True 0.0388577910406 339.947379263 138.947381274 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:37:29] ping&FPS: False 0.0351420449359 92.9473796053 92.9473796053 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:37:32] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:37:32] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:37:32] id 7235670 [S] [2016_05_28 15:37:32] name Alex_Paladin_voin [S] [2016_05_28 15:37:32] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:37:32] @ launchpadAppeared 7235670 [S] [2016_05_28 15:37:33] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:37:33] id 7235664 [S] [2016_05_28 15:37:34] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:37:34] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:37:34] id 7235664 [S] [2016_05_28 15:37:34] name Tkachik8 [S] [2016_05_28 15:37:34] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:37:36] ping&FPS: True 0.0644398587091 424.947386281 157.947385536 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:37:36] ping&FPS: False 0.0634022908551 143.947387533 143.947387533 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:37:38] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:37:38] id 7235664 [S] [2016_05_28 15:37:39] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:37:40] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:37:40] id 7235664 [S] [2016_05_28 15:37:40] name Tkachik8 [S] [2016_05_28 15:37:40] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:37:45] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:37:45] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:37:45] id 7235656 [S] [2016_05_28 15:37:45] name ben_breeg [S] [2016_05_28 15:37:45] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:37:45] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:37:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:37:45] id 7235676 [S] [2016_05_28 15:37:45] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 15:37:49] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:37:49] id 7235680 [S] [2016_05_28 15:37:49] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 15:37:51] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:37:52] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:37:52] id 7235676 [S] [2016_05_28 15:37:52] name lev04rus [S] [2016_05_28 15:37:52] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:37:52] @ launchpadAppeared 7235676 [S] [2016_05_28 15:37:52] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:37:53] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:37:59] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:38:00] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 15:38:00] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 15:38:00] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#58155: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:38:01] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Izyaslav_foam_post_death.xml#58170: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:38:01] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Izyaslav_foam_post_death.xml#58171: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:38:01] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Izyaslav_foam_post_death.xml#58172: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:38:01] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:38:01] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:38:01] id 7235646 [S] [2016_05_28 15:38:01] name VitebskBy [S] [2016_05_28 15:38:01] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:38:05] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 15:38:05] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 15:38:05] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#58219: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:38:05] (, 51832695439976, 238): Two time score difference detected. Max Score(1): 544 Min Score(0): 224 User Team Id: 1 [S] [2016_05_28 15:38:06] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Bogatyr_foam_post_death.xml#58225: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:38:06] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Bogatyr_foam_post_death.xml#58226: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:38:06] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Bogatyr_foam_post_death.xml#58227: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:38:07] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:38:07] id 7235668 [S] [2016_05_28 15:38:13] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:38:13] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:38:13] id 7235668 [S] [2016_05_28 15:38:13] name ovpank [S] [2016_05_28 15:38:13] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:38:15] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 15:38:16] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 15:38:16] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#58350: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:38:16] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Kirov_foam_post_death.xml#58352: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:38:16] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Kirov_foam_post_death.xml#58353: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:38:16] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Kirov_foam_post_death.xml#58354: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:38:16] ping&FPS: True 0.0611618714673 223.94746785 117.947468386 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:38:16] ping&FPS: False 0.0493979411466 94.9474685205 94.9474685205 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:38:21] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 15:38:21] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 15:38:21] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#58403: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:38:21] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 15:38:21] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Myogi_foam_post_death.xml#58406: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:38:21] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Myogi_foam_post_death.xml#58407: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:38:21] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Myogi_foam_post_death.xml#58408: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:38:29] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 15:38:30] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:38:30] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:38:30] id 7235690 [S] [2016_05_28 15:38:30] name ParanoikKiber [S] [2016_05_28 15:38:30] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:38:30] @ launchpadAppeared 7235690 [S] [2016_05_28 15:38:31] SmokeScreen.onEnterWorld( 933900 ) [(-232.895, 356.695)] [S] [2016_05_28 15:38:34] ping&FPS: True 0.0418967040522 211.947499902 139.947502406 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:38:34] ping&FPS: False 0.0389619501574 69.9475002004 69.9475002004 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:38:35] ping&FPS: True 0.0354140879852 231.947503792 148.947503017 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:38:35] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:38:35] id 7235656 [S] [2016_05_28 15:38:35] ping&FPS: False 0.0315284239394 154.947506116 195.947506116 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:38:36] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:38:36] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:38:41] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:38:43] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Kirov_foam_post_death.xml#58571: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:38:43] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Kirov_foam_post_death.xml#58572: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:38:43] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Kirov_foam_post_death.xml#58573: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:38:43] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Kirov_foam_post_death.xml#58574: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:38:43] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Kirov_foam_post_death.xml#58575: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:38:43] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Kirov_foam_post_death.xml#58576: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:38:45] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:38:46] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#58592: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:38:46] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#58593: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:38:46] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#58594: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:38:48] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:38:49] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:38:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:38:52] id 7235670 [S] [2016_05_28 15:38:52] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 15:38:53] ping&FPS: True 0.0229012104017 349.947447599 136.947444247 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:38:53] ping&FPS: False 0.0143556328756 73.9474466903 73.9474466903 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:38:54] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#58629: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:38:54] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#58630: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:38:54] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#58631: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:38:54] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:38:55] ping&FPS: True 0.0456688137991 242.947434397 135.947433682 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:38:55] ping&FPS: False 0.0356875466449 106.947431968 166.947431968 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:38:56] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#58659: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:38:56] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#58660: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:38:57] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#58669: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:38:59] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 15:38:59] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 15:38:59] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#58703: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:38:59] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 15:38:59] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#58704: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:38:59] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_St_Louis_foam_post_death.xml#58706: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:38:59] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_St_Louis_foam_post_death.xml#58707: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:38:59] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_St_Louis_foam_post_death.xml#58708: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:38:59] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_St_Louis_foam_post_death.xml#58709: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:38:59] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_St_Louis_foam_post_death.xml#58710: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:38:59] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_St_Louis_foam_post_death.xml#58711: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:39:00] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:39:00] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:39:00] ping&FPS: True 0.0295127662165 202.94740823 137.947408484 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:39:00] ping&FPS: False 0.0254078762872 95.9474090649 95.9474090649 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:39:01] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:39:01] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#58727: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:39:05] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#58732: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:39:05] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#58733: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:39:05] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:39:08] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#58757: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:39:08] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#58758: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:39:08] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#58759: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:39:08] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#58760: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:39:11] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#58765: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:39:12] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_water_fountains_post_death.xml#58766: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:39:12] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_water_fountains_post_death.xml#58767: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:39:12] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#58768: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:39:13] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:39:13] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:39:13] id 7235670 [S] [2016_05_28 15:39:13] name Alex_Paladin_voin [S] [2016_05_28 15:39:13] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:39:13] @ launchpadAppeared 7235670 [S] [2016_05_28 15:39:14] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#58769: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:39:14] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:39:14] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:39:14] id 7235654 [S] [2016_05_28 15:39:14] name STRONGKID [S] [2016_05_28 15:39:14] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:39:14] @ launchpadAppeared 7235654 [S] [2016_05_28 15:39:15] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:39:17] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:39:17] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:39:17] id 7235680 [S] [2016_05_28 15:39:17] name 13baks13 [S] [2016_05_28 15:39:17] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:39:17] @ launchpadAppeared 7235680 [S] [2016_05_28 15:39:17] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#58779: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:39:17] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#58780: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:39:17] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:39:17] id 7235668 [S] [2016_05_28 15:39:19] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:39:19] id 7235670 [S] [2016_05_28 15:39:19] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 15:39:19] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:39:19] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:39:19] id 7235670 [S] [2016_05_28 15:39:19] name Alex_Paladin_voin [S] [2016_05_28 15:39:19] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:39:20] @ launchpadAppeared 7235670 [S] [2016_05_28 15:39:20] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#58791: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:39:20] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:39:20] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#58793: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:39:20] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#58794: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:39:21] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:39:21] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:39:21] id 7235668 [S] [2016_05_28 15:39:21] name ovpank [S] [2016_05_28 15:39:21] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:39:21] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:39:21] id 7235654 [S] [2016_05_28 15:39:21] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 15:39:24] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#58805: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:39:27] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_water_fountains_post_death.xml#58810: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:39:28] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:39:29] ping&FPS: True 0.0388146074755 354.947164537 121.947158502 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:39:29] ping&FPS: False 0.0375526877386 73.9471636279 73.9471636279 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:39:29] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#58838: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:39:31] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#58850: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:39:31] ping&FPS: True 0.0385463046176 277.947146611 134.947145746 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:39:31] ping&FPS: False 0.0408846395356 137.947145016 137.947145016 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:39:32] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#58851: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:39:33] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#58856: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:39:34] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#58877: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:39:36] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:39:36] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_water_fountains_post_death.xml#58888: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:39:39] ping&FPS: True 0.0414957808597 300.947071643 130.947078185 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:39:40] ping&FPS: False 0.0405702399356 113.947071703 113.947071703 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:39:40] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#58898: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:39:41] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#58903: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:39:44] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_water_fountains_post_death.xml#58939: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:39:44] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_water_fountains_post_death.xml#58940: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:39:45] ping&FPS: True 0.0275491135461 344.947038101 107.947041155 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:39:45] ping&FPS: False 0.02614129654 91.9470364167 91.9470364167 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:39:49] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:39:49] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:39:49] id 7235654 [S] [2016_05_28 15:39:49] name STRONGKID [S] [2016_05_28 15:39:49] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:39:49] @ launchpadAppeared 7235654 [S] [2016_05_28 15:39:49] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:39:49] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:39:49] id 7235656 [S] [2016_05_28 15:39:49] name ben_breeg [S] [2016_05_28 15:39:49] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:40:00] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 15:40:09] ping&FPS: True 0.042917858277 258.947077752 139.947076277 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:40:09] ping&FPS: False 0.0458302455289 156.94707741 156.94707741 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:40:11] ping&FPS: True 0.040506582175 287.947069348 110.94707057 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:40:12] ping&FPS: False 0.0327105330569 147.947071256 147.947071256 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:40:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:40:18] id 7235654 [S] [2016_05_28 15:40:18] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 15:40:19] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:40:19] client.Vehicle.setAmmoArtilleryGun [S] [2016_05_28 15:40:21] ("[ERROR] FeedbackController: invalid key '0' for map {1: 'SCOUT', 3: 'SPEED_BOOSTER', 4: 'TA_BOOSTER', 5: 'MB_BOOSTER', 6: 'HANGAR_BOOSTER', 7: 'SMOKE_GENERATOR'} data - {'state': 2, 'type': 0}",) [S] [2016_05_28 15:40:24] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:40:27] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:40:28] client.Vehicle.setAmmoArtilleryGun [S] [2016_05_28 15:40:28] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:40:29] ping&FPS: True 0.0341778578503 200.947127969 121.947124825 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:40:29] ping&FPS: False 0.0367657350642 132.947127418 132.947127418 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:40:29] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:40:32] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:40:37] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:40:37] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:40:37] id 7235668 [S] [2016_05_28 15:40:39] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:40:39] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:40:39] id 7235668 [S] [2016_05_28 15:40:39] name ovpank [S] [2016_05_28 15:40:39] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:40:42] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:40:42] id 7235656 [S] [2016_05_28 15:40:47] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:40:47] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:40:47] id 7235656 [S] [2016_05_28 15:40:47] name ben_breeg [S] [2016_05_28 15:40:47] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:40:50] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence(), ('6332290@wowsru.loc/wows', 'zloy_nyb', 2) [S] [2016_05_28 15:40:50] [NUT] __updateUserPresence contacts 6332290 2 [S] [2016_05_28 15:40:58] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:40:58] id 7235656 [S] [2016_05_28 15:40:59] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:40:59] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:40:59] id 7235656 [S] [2016_05_28 15:40:59] name ben_breeg [S] [2016_05_28 15:40:59] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:41:02] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:41:15] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:41:16] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:41:16] id 7235654 [S] [2016_05_28 15:41:16] name STRONGKID [S] [2016_05_28 15:41:16] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:41:16] @ launchpadAppeared 7235654 [S] [2016_05_28 15:41:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:41:18] id 7235680 [S] [2016_05_28 15:41:18] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 15:41:23] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:41:24] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:41:24] id 7235654 [S] [2016_05_28 15:41:24] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 15:41:24] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 15:41:24] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 15:41:24] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_post_fire.xml#59876: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:41:24] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 15:41:24] (, 51832695439976, 326): Two time score difference is reset. Max Score(1): 485 Min Score(0): 334 [S] [2016_05_28 15:41:24] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Konigsberg_foam_post_death.xml#59882: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:41:24] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Konigsberg_foam_post_death.xml#59883: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:41:24] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Konigsberg_foam_post_death.xml#59884: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:41:25] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:41:25] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:41:25] id 7235680 [S] [2016_05_28 15:41:25] name 13baks13 [S] [2016_05_28 15:41:25] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:41:25] @ launchpadAppeared 7235680 [S] [2016_05_28 15:41:41] ping&FPS: True 0.0495769636972 339.946664402 143.946673864 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:41:41] ping&FPS: False 0.0440796571118 74.9466636567 74.9466636567 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:41:43] ping&FPS: True 0.0558894383056 357.946647847 131.946646908 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:41:43] ping&FPS: False 0.0546396779163 104.946646431 104.946646431 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:41:45] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:41:45] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:41:45] id 7235654 [S] [2016_05_28 15:41:45] name STRONGKID [S] [2016_05_28 15:41:45] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:41:45] @ launchpadAppeared 7235654 [S] [2016_05_28 15:41:49] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:41:49] id 7235690 [S] [2016_05_28 15:41:49] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 15:41:50] ping&FPS: True 0.0372473033411 357.946513319 53.9465086548 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:41:50] ping&FPS: False 0.0274211051209 83.9465121864 83.9465121864 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:41:51] ping&FPS: True 0.0548391001565 257.946495259 130.946492085 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:41:51] ping&FPS: False 0.0587213890893 168.946493158 168.946493158 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:41:51] SmokeScreen.onEnterWorld( 933901 ) [(-16.0086, 166.487)] [S] [2016_05_28 15:41:52] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2016_05_28 15:41:53] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:41:53] id 7235658 [S] [2016_05_28 15:41:53] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 15:41:54] ping&FPS: True 0.0620352434261 254.946429679 130.946428859 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:41:54] ping&FPS: False 0.0464382874114 79.9464323906 186.946432391 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:41:55] ping&FPS: True 0.051830138479 237.94644002 151.946434536 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:41:56] ping&FPS: False 0.0526802944286 159.946427712 159.946427712 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:41:56] ping&FPS: True 0.0462204249842 201.946434745 159.946427712 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:41:56] ping&FPS: False 0.0464738266809 114.946438694 114.946438694 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:41:57] setFpsGathererActive(False) [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:01] ping&FPS: True 0.74236365727 3830.94636861 150.946439156 0 [E] [2016_05_28 15:42:01] Can only call base methods on the connected entity [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:01] [Weather][40101] onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:01] id 7235644 [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:01] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:01] id 7235646 [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:01] id 7235648 [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:01] Avatar.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:01] (, 70665289920581, 61): Deleted: [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:01] (, 70665289920581, 61): Deleted: [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:01] id 7235650 [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:01] id 7235652 [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:01] id 7235654 [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:01] id 7235656 [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:01] id 7235660 [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:01] id 7235662 [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:01] id 7235664 [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:01] id 7235666 [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:01] id 7235668 [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:01] id 7235670 [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:01] id 7235672 [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:01] id 7235674 [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:01] id 7235676 [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:01] id 7235678 [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:01] id 7235680 [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:01] id 7235682 [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:01] id 7235684 [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:01] id 7235686 [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:01] id 7235688 [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:01] Account.__init__() [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:01] [Account debuG]: __init__() ONE___VP [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:01] (, 70665289920581, 61): ClientLobbySpace is creating [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:02] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:02] setServerTime -3103.91000009 1464438826 1464435722.09 [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:02] leaveBattleSession() Reason: 0 Info: None [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:02] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:02] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:02] Can't send FPS data: it's empty [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:02] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.onEnterLobbyEvent():, (['34411633@wowsru.loc', '8009484@wowsru.loc', '12414124@wowsru.loc', '4679742@wowsru.loc', 'ids_chat_channel_offtop@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', 'wargamingfm@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', '1559899_1454784666@user-rooms.wows.wowsru.loc', 'ids_chat_channel_questions@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', '63671710@wowsru.loc', '5651230@wowsru.loc', '1559899@wowsru.loc', '48007201@wowsru.loc', '6878512@wowsru.loc', '64052394@wowsru.loc', 'ids_chat_channel_search_div@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', '58574566@wowsru.loc', '4719392_1447787513@user-rooms.wows.wowsru.loc'],) [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:02] (, 70665289920581, 61): onRewardsRestored, ('21 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:02] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:02] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:02] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 0. Boxes contents: [{}] [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:02] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetAchievements, ('993 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:02] [NUT] PlayersAccountsSystem __request, set([47041, 6332290, 427140, 8804682, 8009484, 2715866, 1559899, 63671710, 3480927, 48007201, 5651230, 58574566, 64052394, 12414124, 6878512, 34411633, 2115378, 671987, 22102814, 242294, 756279, 46719994, 448253, 4679742]) [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:05] setServerTime -3105.8670001 1464438831 1464435725.13 [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:05] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:05] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:05] Can't send FPS data: it's empty [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:05] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.onEnterLobbyEvent():, (['34411633@wowsru.loc', '8009484@wowsru.loc', '12414124@wowsru.loc', '4679742@wowsru.loc', 'ids_chat_channel_offtop@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', 'wargamingfm@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', '1559899_1454784666@user-rooms.wows.wowsru.loc', 'ids_chat_channel_questions@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', '63671710@wowsru.loc', '5651230@wowsru.loc', '1559899@wowsru.loc', '48007201@wowsru.loc', '6878512@wowsru.loc', '64052394@wowsru.loc', 'ids_chat_channel_search_div@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', '58574566@wowsru.loc', '4719392_1447787513@user-rooms.wows.wowsru.loc'],) [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:05] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence(), ('', '', 0) [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:05] [NUT] AccountsRequest __response, [(47041, 'WONDERFUL_SHOT', 12, 0, 1463997729), (6332290, 'zloy_nyb', 12, 0, 1464421725), (427140, 'Kapitan_Slip', 12, 0, 1464285451), (8804682, 'mishania1235', 12, 0, 1463925150), (8009484, 'SD_D', 12, 0, 1464117201), (2715866, 'BCEM_PPC', 12, 0, 1464418481), (1559899, 'AIRBORNE_161', 12, 0, 1460114623), (63671710, '6aToH4uK_', 12, 0, 1464380706), (3480927, 'Doc_Maximov', 12, 0, 1464432937), (48007201, 'CRIMEA_Haru6aLLIka', 12, 0, 1463780747), (22102814, 'bagfrag1', 12, 0, 1460487063), (58574566, '1tim1_2015', 12, 0, 1464293769), (64052394, 'Lady_Diana_Diversantka', 12, 0, 1464426838), (12414124, 'M_a_n_t_i_s', 12, 0, 1464199836), (6878512, 'Tylendor', 12, 0, 1464024410), (34411633, 'cblH_BouHa', 12, 0, 1463541667), (2115378, 'longxvost', 12, 0, 1461160136), (671987, 'Skunner', 12, 0, 1464285824), (5651230, 'Shkiper2222', 12, 0, 1464375996), (242294, 'PANZER_DIKLONIUS', 12, 0, 1463333213), (756279, '11Paul11', 12, 0, 1464432703), (46719994, 'yushkov8249', 12, 0, 1463790981), (448253, 'AndRyu_47', 12, 0, 1464425279), (4679742, 'alex30279', 12, 0, 1464276886)] 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:05] (, 70665289920581, 61): ma3b8627.__onNodeReadyForData: invalid windowId 6 [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:05] (, 70665289920581, 61): ma3b8627.__onNodeReadyForStage: invalid windowId 6 [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:05] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:05] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:05] isDone id 10688_q03 count 9 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:05] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:05] isDone id 10688_q01 count 3 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:05] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:05] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:05] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:05] isDone id 10688_q03 count 9 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:05] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:05] isDone id 10688_q01 count 3 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:05] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:05] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:05] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:05] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': 0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:05] [NUT] InteractiveMessageSystem: __onSelectedMessageChanged selectedEntityId None [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:05] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': -1.0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:05] [NUT] InteractiveMessageSystem: __onSelectedMessageChanged selectedEntityId None [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:08] ping&FPS: True 0.196049268757 2499.9464287 150.946439156 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:08] (, 70665289920581, 61): handleBanInfo:, ({'banId': '14643763953', 'reason': '"\xd0\x98\xd1\x81\xd0\xbf\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbb\xd1\x8c\xd0\xb7\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd1\x80\xd0\xbc\xd0\xb0\xd1\x82\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb9 \xd0\xbb\xd0\xb5\xd0\xba\xd1\x81\xd0\xb8\xd0\xba\xd0\xb8/ \xd0\xbe\xd1\x81\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd1\x80\xd0\xb1\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd1\x8f" \xe2\x80\x93 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd1\x80\xd1\x83\xd1\x88\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xbf\xd1\x83\xd0\xbd\xd0\xba\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0 1 \xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb7\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb0 1 \xd0\x9f\xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb8\xd0\xbb \xd0\xb8\xd0\xb3\xd1\x80\xd1\x8b (R)', 'expiry': 1464635520L},) [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:08] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence(), ('8752339@wowsru.loc/wows', 'ONE___VP', 0) [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:08] ping&FPS: False 0.175643857036 157.946430379 150.946439156 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:11] ping&FPS: True 0.064388270889 254.94655277 150.946439156 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:11] ping&FPS: False 0.0647761183126 158.946551823 150.946439156 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:18] ping&FPS: True 0.0522367613656 326.946864912 150.946439156 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:18] ping&FPS: False 0.0498570161206 111.946866506 150.946439156 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:21] ping&FPS: True 0.0491184326155 431.946976968 150.946439156 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:21] ping&FPS: False 0.0512828262789 153.946978928 150.946439156 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:27] ping&FPS: True 0.0510613950236 351.947266364 150.946439156 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:27] ping&FPS: False 0.0449990811093 85.9472664906 150.946439156 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:29] ping&FPS: True 0.0479312794549 330.947346838 150.946439156 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:42:29] ping&FPS: False 0.0441430839045 87.9473482235 150.946439156 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:43:20] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence(), ('5651230@wowsru.loc/wows', 'Shkiper2222', 0) [S] [2016_05_28 15:43:20] [NUT] __updateUserPresence contacts 5651230 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:43:20] [NUT] __updateUserPresence online contacts 5651230 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:43:20] [NUT] PartySystem::__onClubmansOnlineChanged [S] [2016_05_28 15:43:46] ping&FPS: True 0.0515213715179 261.951059708 150.946439156 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:43:46] ping&FPS: False 0.0516399698598 152.951062435 150.946439156 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:43:47] ping&FPS: True 0.0510242538793 330.951078617 150.946439156 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:43:48] ping&FPS: False 0.0413601206882 118.951078185 150.946439156 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:43:50] ping&FPS: True 0.0446961330516 342.951123179 150.946439156 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:43:50] ping&FPS: False 0.0413045989616 95.9511249451 150.946439156 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:43:53] ping&FPS: True 0.0498961167676 422.951215902 150.946439156 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:43:53] ping&FPS: False 0.0477683278067 109.951217168 150.946439156 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:43:54] ping&FPS: True 0.0485461237175 259.951234118 150.946439156 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:43:54] ping&FPS: False 0.0607575731618 152.951247813 150.946439156 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:43:55] ping&FPS: True 0.0552060263497 447.95125729 150.946439156 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:43:56] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:43:56] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 15:43:56] isDone id 10688_q03 count 9 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:43:56] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 15:43:56] isDone id 10688_q01 count 3 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:43:56] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 15:43:56] ping&FPS: False 0.0461790668113 48.9512728168 150.946439156 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:43:56] ping&FPS: True 0.0508930342538 303.951263042 150.946439156 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:43:57] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2016_05_28 15:43:57] ping&FPS: False 0.0508589552982 151.951265605 150.946439156 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:44:02] ping&FPS: True 0.0490010114653 1373.95129722 150.946439156 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:44:02] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 15:44:02] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 15:44:03] ping&FPS: False 0.0449144276125 150.951330365 150.946439156 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:44:09] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at lesta.unbound.style::UbScrollingControllerTouch/handleMouseUp() [S] [2016_05_28 15:44:10] ping&FPS: True 0.0448733525617 364.951436171 150.946439156 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:44:10] ping&FPS: False 0.037369545017 59.9514366923 150.946439156 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:44:11] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at lesta.unbound.style::UbScrollingControllerTouch/handleMouseUp() [S] [2016_05_28 15:44:12] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at lesta.unbound.style::UbScrollingControllerTouch/handleMouseUp() [S] [2016_05_28 15:44:12] ping&FPS: True 0.0489989476545 333.9514578 150.946439156 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:44:12] ping&FPS: False 0.0452903615577 175.951456846 150.946439156 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:44:12] ma3b8627.__instanceWindow: m8adc296 [S] [2016_05_28 15:44:15] ping&FPS: True 0.0479201408369 509.951508143 150.946439156 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:44:17] ping&FPS: False 0.0422124894602 122.951547803 150.946439156 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:44:17] ping&FPS: True 0.0470196860177 292.951549189 150.946439156 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:44:17] ping&FPS: False 0.0470563950283 146.951550932 150.946439156 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:44:18] ping&FPS: True 0.0472034620387 235.951544912 150.946439156 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:44:18] ping&FPS: False 0.0518553661449 193.95154784 150.946439156 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:44:20] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:44:20] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 15:44:20] isDone id 10688_q03 count 9 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:44:20] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 15:44:20] isDone id 10688_q01 count 3 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:44:20] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 15:44:20] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 15:44:21] ping&FPS: True 0.0526417078716 794.951628448 150.946439156 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:44:21] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2016_05_28 15:44:21] ping&FPS: False 0.0484455557806 160.951626585 150.946439156 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:44:29] ping&FPS: True 0.0515936346991 221.95191949 150.946439156 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:44:29] ping&FPS: False 0.0452908458454 150.951912576 150.946439156 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:44:31] ping&FPS: True 0.0488647999508 266.952009985 150.946439156 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:44:31] ping&FPS: False 0.0508126126868 152.952007124 150.946439156 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:44:40] ping&FPS: True 0.0505225168807 449.952359529 150.946439156 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:44:40] ping&FPS: False 0.0485187279327 116.952361943 150.946439156 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:44:41] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence(), ('5651230@wowsru.loc/wows', 'Shkiper2222', 2) [S] [2016_05_28 15:44:41] [NUT] __updateUserPresence contacts 5651230 2 [S] [2016_05_28 15:44:45] ping&FPS: True 0.0562044339521 358.952573666 150.946439156 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:44:45] ping&FPS: False 0.0474011110408 157.952580938 150.946439156 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:44:50] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence(), ('756279@wowsru.loc/wows', '11Paul11', 0) [S] [2016_05_28 15:44:50] [NUT] __updateUserPresence contacts 756279 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:03] [NUT] PlayersAccountsSystem __request, set([47041, 6332290, 427140, 8804682, 8009484, 2715866, 1559899, 63671710, 3480927, 48007201, 5651230, 58574566, 64052394, 12414124, 6878512, 34411633, 2115378, 671987, 22102814, 242294, 756279, 46719994, 448253, 4679742]) [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:03] [NUT] AccountsRequest __response, [(47041, 'WONDERFUL_SHOT', 12, 0, 1463997729), (6332290, 'zloy_nyb', 12, 0, 1464421725), (427140, 'Kapitan_Slip', 12, 0, 1464285451), (8804682, 'mishania1235', 12, 0, 1463925150), (8009484, 'SD_D', 12, 0, 1464117201), (2715866, 'BCEM_PPC', 12, 0, 1464418481), (1559899, 'AIRBORNE_161', 12, 0, 1460114623), (63671710, '6aToH4uK_', 12, 0, 1464380706), (3480927, 'Doc_Maximov', 12, 0, 1464432937), (48007201, 'CRIMEA_Haru6aLLIka', 12, 0, 1463780747), (22102814, 'bagfrag1', 12, 0, 1460487063), (58574566, '1tim1_2015', 12, 0, 1464293769), (64052394, 'Lady_Diana_Diversantka', 12, 0, 1464426838), (12414124, 'M_a_n_t_i_s', 12, 0, 1464199836), (6878512, 'Tylendor', 12, 0, 1464024410), (34411633, 'cblH_BouHa', 12, 0, 1463541667), (2115378, 'longxvost', 12, 0, 1461160136), (671987, 'Skunner', 12, 0, 1464285824), (5651230, 'Shkiper2222', 12, 0, 1464438899), (242294, 'PANZER_DIKLONIUS', 12, 0, 1463333213), (756279, '11Paul11', 12, 0, 1464432703), (46719994, 'yushkov8249', 12, 0, 1463790981), (448253, 'AndRyu_47', 12, 0, 1464425279), (4679742, 'alex30279', 12, 0, 1464276886)] 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:09] ping&FPS: True 0.0510722803218 415.953644292 150.946439156 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:09] ping&FPS: False 0.0508145796401 147.953646199 150.946439156 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:11] ping&FPS: True 0.0522246467216 282.953724095 150.946439156 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:12] ping&FPS: False 0.0518007310373 158.953718492 150.946439156 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:19] Account.enqueue(): 1 [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:19] ping&FPS: True 0.0523185016853 234.954038972 150.946439156 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:19] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4290655952 4 [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:19] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:19] onEnqueued() QueueType: 1 ShipId: 4290655952 [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:19] ping&FPS: False 0.0418126689536 44.954038897 150.946439156 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:21] ping&FPS: True 0.0364863606436 1485.95398072 150.946439156 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:22] ping&FPS: False 0.0389492692692 139.954008975 150.946439156 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:22] (, 70665289920581, 61): handleBanInfo:, ({'banId': '14643763953', 'reason': '"\xd0\x98\xd1\x81\xd0\xbf\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbb\xd1\x8c\xd0\xb7\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd1\x80\xd0\xbc\xd0\xb0\xd1\x82\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb9 \xd0\xbb\xd0\xb5\xd0\xba\xd1\x81\xd0\xb8\xd0\xba\xd0\xb8/ \xd0\xbe\xd1\x81\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd1\x80\xd0\xb1\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd1\x8f" \xe2\x80\x93 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd1\x80\xd1\x83\xd1\x88\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xbf\xd1\x83\xd0\xbd\xd0\xba\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0 1 \xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb7\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb0 1 \xd0\x9f\xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb8\xd0\xbb \xd0\xb8\xd0\xb3\xd1\x80\xd1\x8b (R)', 'expiry': 1464635520L},) [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:22] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence(), ('8752339@wowsru.loc/wows', 'ONE___VP', 2) [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:23] onPrepareingForBattle() [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:23] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4290655952 1 [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:23] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:23] onGameRoomStateInit mapIdx = 8 battleType = 80 gameMode = Domination duration=1200 [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:28] ping&FPS: True 0.0567592041833 201.95418092 150.946439156 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:28] ping&FPS: False 0.0499341594321 79.9541809945 150.946439156 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:31] ping&FPS: True 0.928571428571 147.954169684 150.946439156 0 [E] [2016_05_28 15:45:31] Can only call base methods on the connected entity [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:31] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:31] (, 70665289920581, 61): Lobby destroy started. [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:31] (, 70665289920581, 61): Lobby successfully destroyed. [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:31] onArenaStateReceived: teams info: [None, None] [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:31] (, 51820444204590, 546): Thresholds for team 0: Win: 920 Lose: 120 [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:31] (, 51820444204590, 546): Thresholds for team 1: Win: 920 Lose: 120 [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:31] MissionsComponent: #0 ControlPointHoldMission; reward = 4; penalty = 0; controlPoints = [2, 4, 5]; delay = 0; repeat = 6; repeatReward = 4; repeatPenalty = 0 #1 KillEnemyOfSpecificShipTypeMission; reward = 30; penalty = 45; shipType = Destroyer; rewardPerType = 0; penaltyPerType = 0 #2 KillEnemyOfSpecificShipTypeMission; reward = 35; penalty = 50; shipType = Cruiser; rewardPerType = 0; penaltyPerType = 0 #3 KillEnemyOfSpecificShipTypeMission; reward = 40; penalty = 60; shipType = Battleship; rewardPerType = 0; penaltyPerType = 0 #4 KillEnemyOfSpecificShipTypeMission; reward = 45; penalty = 65; shipType = AirCarrier; rewardPerType = 0; penaltyPerType = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:31] Mission tasks available! [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:31] Battle waiting start: 5.0 / 9207.39402559 [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:31] Avatar.receiveAvatarInfo: {'evaluationsLeft': {0: 5, 1: 5}} [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:31] Avatar.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:31] name ONE___VP [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:31] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:31] Avatar onControlled False [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:31] onControlled->False: not implemented [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:32] onGeometryMapped() MapName: %s 17_NA_fault_line [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:32] teamBuildType: 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:32] player: Id: 7125892 Name: DEAVERON_2016 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB004_Arkansas_1912' [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:32] player: Id: 6103816 Name: mister_kobo TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB004_Arkansas_1912' [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:32] player: Id: 6827915 Name: GerGold TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSD025_True_Kamikaze' [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:32] player: Id: 6833298 Name: ONE___VP TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSD004_Minekadze_1920' [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:32] player: Id: 7178777 Name: DSV14 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB004_Arkansas_1912' [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:32] player: Id: 6886172 Name: shurichelo TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASD019_Clemson_1920' [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:32] player: Id: 7181346 Name: werqwolf68 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB004_Arkansas_1912' [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:32] player: Id: 7010984 Name: den322 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSD104_Izyaslav' [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:32] player: Id: 7113331 Name: HeinkelS TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB006_New_York_1934' [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:32] player: Id: 7264952 Name: dark_cloud_Russia TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSC015_Tatsuta_1919' [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:32] player: Id: 7277626 Name: Hiller_14 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSD003_Isokaze_1917' [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:32] player: Id: 7219394 Name: pbkjr TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSC104_Karlsruhe' [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:32] player: Id: 7130251 Name: asamat2001 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSC104_Svetlana' [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:32] player: Id: 7139154 Name: stary78 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASC044_Marblehead_1924' [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:32] player: Id: 7398613 Name: maksimys_83_1 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSC015_Tatsuta_1919' [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:32] player: Id: 6869593 Name: vamp_115 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB004_Arkansas_1912' [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:32] player: Id: 7087964 Name: de098 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSC104_Karlsruhe' [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:32] player: Id: 7242465 Name: ded_dada TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSC015_Tatsuta_1919' [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:32] player: Id: 7076710 Name: RenamedUser_7873565 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSC105_Konigsberg' [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:32] player: Id: 7207271 Name: arci79 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSD004_Minekadze_1920' [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:32] player: Id: 7228396 Name: Bogavan___Parashuram TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSB003_Myogi_1912' [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:32] player: Id: 7454451 Name: paltinics TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSC005_Furutaka_1926' [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:32] player: Id: 7346424 Name: vovan7910 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB004_Arkansas_1912' [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:32] player: Id: 7405563 Name: P419XO TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASD014_Leader_1919' [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:32] BattleDataContext.__onEnterSpace [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:32] [DEBUG] BattleLoadingContext: geometry mapped [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:32] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:32] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:32] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:32] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:32] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:32] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:32] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:32] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:36] ping&FPS: False 0.0868634986026 0.001 150.946439156 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:36] Battle countdown start: 60.0 / 9212.16602561 [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:39] [BAT] __initBasePoints points [, , ] [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:39] [BAT] x 0.159285779681 y 0.5 VISIBLE True [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:39] [BAT] x 0.5 y 0.5 VISIBLE True [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:39] [BAT] x 0.857142857143 y 0.5 VISIBLE True [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:39] [Scaleform] Warning: instance73175.setImageSubstitutions() failed for #86 element - length of subString should not exceed 15 characters [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:41] ping&FPS: True 0.0690385656697 1828.95418975 137.954160034 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:41] ping&FPS: False 0.0571507917983 39.9541764105 39.9541764105 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:42] ping&FPS: True 0.060059185539 208.954185485 150.954186618 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:42] ping&FPS: False 0.0529870571835 65.9541869903 65.9541869903 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:43] ping&FPS: True 0.0582802849157 212.954187706 133.954191908 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:43] ping&FPS: False 0.0524932401521 77.9541893149 77.9541893149 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:45] ping&FPS: True 0.0555899100644 218.95419123 150.954186998 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:45] ping&FPS: False 0.0462498398764 50.9541921387 50.9541921387 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:45] ping&FPS: True 0.0530552896006 214.954197399 137.954193823 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:45] ping&FPS: False 0.0482093872769 78.954199172 78.954199172 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:46] ping&FPS: True 0.0598890291793 201.954203478 146.95420017 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:46] ping&FPS: False 0.0539103703839 90.954205356 90.954205356 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:47] ping&FPS: True 0.0591821329934 217.95421826 146.954216055 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:47] ping&FPS: False 0.0510766016585 65.9542197654 65.9542197654 0 [A] [2016_05_28 15:45:48] CollisionModel::load: Error loading collision model content/gameplay/russia/ship/destroyer/RSD017_Izyaslav_1930/RSD017_Izyaslav_1930_MidFront! [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:49] ping&FPS: True 0.0526447998626 245.954223945 116.954226464 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:50] ping&FPS: False 0.0587388979537 185.954226493 185.954226493 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:51] ping&FPS: True 0.0567703502519 200.954225987 153.954224705 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:51] ping&FPS: False 0.0511546613915 77.954227596 77.954227596 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:51] ping&FPS: True 0.0524484323604 207.954231888 77.954227596 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:51] ping&FPS: False 0.051526005779 90.9542337651 90.9542337651 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:52] ping&FPS: True 0.0563810276134 218.954234853 163.954238072 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:52] ping&FPS: False 0.0484722586615 64.954236194 64.954236194 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:52] ping&FPS: True 0.0506589072091 213.954234018 64.954236194 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:52] ping&FPS: False 0.0440710293395 65.9542355234 65.9542355234 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:53] ping&FPS: True 0.0588211523635 232.95423834 156.954233676 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:53] ping&FPS: False 0.047157268439 38.9542391444 38.9542391444 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:53] ping&FPS: True 0.0530548947198 206.954237684 38.9542391444 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:53] ping&FPS: False 0.05010775796 90.9542395616 90.9542395616 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:54] ping&FPS: True 0.0556784974677 243.954247429 134.954240962 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:54] ping&FPS: False 0.0461415382368 38.9542482341 38.9542482341 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:55] ping&FPS: True 0.0558291780097 233.954251389 149.954248424 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:55] ping&FPS: False 0.04625091276 38.9542521941 38.9542521941 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:56] ping&FPS: True 0.0566558199269 244.954254191 168.954253148 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:56] ping&FPS: False 0.0523536758763 64.9542600768 64.9542600768 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:58] ping&FPS: True 0.0605078744037 240.954266764 157.954264514 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:45:58] ping&FPS: False 0.0518106254084 148.954269174 187.954269174 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:02] ping&FPS: True 0.0599863933665 212.954265415 132.954265892 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:02] ping&FPS: False 0.0535535248263 105.954264163 105.954264163 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:03] ping&FPS: True 0.0629722880466 220.954265087 137.954267978 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:03] ping&FPS: False 0.0542284505708 127.954263716 127.954263716 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:04] ping&FPS: True 0.0610370146377 216.954268485 129.954268306 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:04] ping&FPS: False 0.0565512584788 129.954271167 129.954271167 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:05] ping&FPS: True 0.0592114584787 211.954267106 153.95426961 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:05] ping&FPS: False 0.0531327905399 151.954269669 151.954269669 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:06] ping&FPS: True 0.0806102561099 485.954278342 146.954273186 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:06] ping&FPS: False 0.0684862243278 138.954276911 138.954276911 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:07] ping&FPS: True 0.0631732600076 240.954278938 129.954276688 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:07] ping&FPS: False 0.0600804643972 146.954278819 146.954278819 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:08] ping&FPS: True 0.0585139798267 242.954278491 120.954277776 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:08] ping&FPS: False 0.0504058035357 64.954279832 64.954279832 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:08] ping&FPS: True 0.0494908349855 241.954278849 126.95428016 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:08] ping&FPS: False 0.0414858343346 38.9542796532 38.9542796532 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:11] ping&FPS: True 0.0548200713737 203.954285673 161.954285763 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:11] ping&FPS: False 0.0494272442801 119.954282991 119.954282991 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:13] ping&FPS: True 0.0579578386886 209.954297676 133.954296782 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:13] ping&FPS: False 0.0501789482577 78.9542994494 78.9542994494 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:16] ping&FPS: True 0.0612025665385 232.954331751 143.954327087 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:16] ping&FPS: False 0.0474977152688 38.954332556 38.954332556 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:16] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:16] id 7482859 [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:16] name werqwolf68 [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:16] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:17] ping&FPS: True 0.0496002169592 226.954341825 38.954332556 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:17] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:17] id 7482853 [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:17] name ONE___VP [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:17] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:17] client.Vehicle.setAmmoArtilleryGun [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:17] [Weather][45310] onEnterWorld (map spaces/17_NA_fault_line, scheme 0, weather 0) [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:17] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:17] Avatar.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:17] ! A.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:17] -- GUNS ----------------------------------------- [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:17] {0: {'position': {'y': 1.0, 'x': 0.0}, 'rotation': 0.0, 'gunPositionId': 0}, 1: {'position': {'y': 1.0, 'x': 2.0}, 'rotation': 0.0, 'gunPositionId': 1}, 2: {'position': {'y': 1.0, 'x': 3.0}, 'rotation': 3.1415927410125732, 'gunPositionId': 2}, 3: {'position': {'y': 1.0, 'x': 6.0}, 'rotation': 3.1415927410125732, 'gunPositionId': 3}} [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:17] -- GUNS ----------------------------------------- [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:17] {0: {'position': {'y': 1.0, 'x': 1.0}, 'rotation': 0.0, 'gunPositionId': 0}, 1: {'position': {'y': 1.0, 'x': 4.0}, 'rotation': 0.0, 'gunPositionId': 1}, 2: {'position': {'y': 1.0, 'x': 5.0}, 'rotation': 0.0, 'gunPositionId': 2}} [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:17] BattleDataContext.__onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:17] ping&FPS: False 0.0392742561443 97.9543392616 97.9543392616 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:17] Avatar.onWorldStateReceived [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:18] ping&FPS: True 0.0430127116186 216.954335745 79.9543420853 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:18] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:18] id 7482871 [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:18] name GerGold [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:18] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:18] ping&FPS: False 0.0386689560754 88.9543372946 88.9543372946 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:18] ping&FPS: True 0.0490941809756 213.954339813 151.954341988 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:18] ping&FPS: False 0.0428187208516 64.954341154 64.954341154 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:18] ping&FPS: True 0.0457044573767 202.954342763 64.954341154 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:19] ping&FPS: False 0.0420366334064 78.9543445366 78.9543445366 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:19] ping&FPS: True 0.0539609896285 224.954340796 137.954341169 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:19] ping&FPS: False 0.0467355804784 64.9543421375 64.9543421375 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:20] ping&FPS: True 0.0533771993858 222.954345162 64.9543421375 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:20] ping&FPS: False 0.0444663273437 52.9543463992 52.9543463992 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:21] ping&FPS: True 0.0527824418885 234.954355556 141.954356152 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:21] ping&FPS: False 0.0461870314819 65.954357061 65.954357061 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:23] ping&FPS: True 0.0532982977373 212.954361502 141.954361978 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:23] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:23] id 7482847 [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:23] name DEAVERON_2016 [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:23] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:23] ping&FPS: False 0.0461957188589 65.9543611439 65.9543611439 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:23] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence(), ('756279@wowsru.loc/wows', '11Paul11', 2) [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:23] [NUT] __updateUserPresence contacts 756279 2 [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:24] ping&FPS: True 0.0531516628606 201.954367566 143.954364258 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:24] ping&FPS: False 0.0482963579042 90.9543694439 90.9543694439 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:26] ping&FPS: True 0.0580858247621 221.954384926 135.954382065 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:26] ping&FPS: False 0.0493585052235 64.9543862673 64.9543862673 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:27] ping&FPS: True 0.0591949479921 204.954385776 133.954383838 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:27] ping&FPS: False 0.0529385166509 119.954383093 119.954383093 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:28] ping&FPS: True 0.0597145216806 221.954386863 133.954385865 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:28] ping&FPS: False 0.049539554332 124.954386863 124.954386863 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:29] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:29] id 7482851 [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:29] name asamat2001 [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:29] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:29] ping&FPS: True 0.0530441211803 206.954394478 131.954392213 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:30] ping&FPS: False 0.0481778787715 77.9543960871 77.9543960871 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:31] ping&FPS: True 0.0570715623243 247.954392272 133.9543926 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:31] ping&FPS: False 0.0491946893079 52.9543935092 52.9543935092 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:31] ping&FPS: True 0.0544938551528 204.954396378 52.9543935092 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:31] ping&FPS: False 0.0473685147507 137.954398509 137.954398509 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:32] ping&FPS: True 0.0539618091924 262.954407658 150.954401802 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:35] ("[ERROR] FeedbackController: config {event: 'Sound', container: 'screenplay_trigger'} must set 'type'",) [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:35] ("[ERROR] FeedbackController: config {event: 'Sound', container: 'five_minutes_left'} must set 'type'",) [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:35] ('[ERROR] FeedbackController: empty config for event five_minutes_left',) [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:37] ping&FPS: True 0.0692476289613 5068.95424947 262.954407658 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:37] -= BATTLE STARTED =- [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:37] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:37] id 7482881 [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:37] name ded_dada [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:37] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:37] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:37] id 7482887 [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:37] name Bogavan___Parashuram [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:37] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:37] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:37] id 7482877 [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:37] name vamp_115 [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:37] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:37] ping&FPS: False 0.058548490916 156.95425662 156.95425662 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:38] ping&FPS: True 0.0615455018623 1005.95429858 156.95425662 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:38] ping&FPS: False 0.0553108858211 150.954291667 150.954291667 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:41] ping&FPS: True 0.0416748704655 333.954310212 141.954318795 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:41] ping&FPS: False 0.0443141641361 101.954296622 101.954296622 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:43] ping&FPS: True 0.0500324996454 264.954339709 150.9543447 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:43] ping&FPS: False 0.0549798565251 158.954339694 158.954339694 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:50] ping&FPS: True 0.0410677971584 276.954624 133.9546233 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:50] ping&FPS: False 0.0370172070605 146.954625744 146.954625744 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:51] ping&FPS: True 0.0444342078907 327.954673383 133.954669911 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:46:51] ping&FPS: False 0.0453109922154 128.954676832 128.954676832 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:47:01] ping&FPS: True 0.0495593952281 260.955142077 150.955140273 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:47:01] ping&FPS: False 0.046586576317 160.955143321 160.955143321 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:47:05] ping&FPS: True 0.0437540816409 312.955327447 150.955320846 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:47:05] ping&FPS: False 0.0428345533354 118.955328326 118.955328326 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:47:11] ping&FPS: True 0.0353925334556 335.955619912 133.955615129 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:47:11] ping&FPS: False 0.0380088718874 108.955622877 108.955622877 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:47:18] ping&FPS: True 0.0515343802316 278.95591649 116.955911736 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:47:18] ping&FPS: False 0.0468405815107 170.955921236 170.955921236 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:47:21] ping&FPS: True 0.0409413757069 246.95604575 116.956040654 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:47:21] ping&FPS: False 0.0363538893206 62.9560449006 62.9560449006 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:47:27] ping&FPS: True 0.0390190663082 297.956329997 150.956320267 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:47:27] ping&FPS: False 0.0389114650232 113.956330988 113.956330988 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:47:29] ping&FPS: True 0.037351425205 266.956410687 167.956417214 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:47:29] ping&FPS: False 0.0330103444202 139.956413146 139.956413146 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:47:51] ping&FPS: True 0.0600656377418 212.957475583 138.957465816 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:47:51] ping&FPS: False 0.046692791794 83.9574800389 83.9574800389 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:47:54] ping&FPS: True 0.0432064490659 215.957596834 137.957591231 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:47:54] ping&FPS: False 0.0328751163823 75.9575943904 75.9575943904 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:48:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:48:10] id 7482877 [S] [2016_05_28 15:48:30] ping&FPS: True 0.0603197621448 229.958959538 138.958962816 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:48:30] ping&FPS: False 0.0519019471748 84.958960432 84.958960432 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:48:30] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:48:30] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:48:30] id 7482889 [S] [2016_05_28 15:48:30] name paltinics [S] [2016_05_28 15:48:30] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:48:30] @ launchpadAppeared 7482889 [S] [2016_05_28 15:48:30] ping&FPS: True 0.0568534838302 240.958965141 136.958961028 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:48:30] ping&FPS: False 0.0485617401344 140.958965007 180.958965007 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:48:34] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:48:34] id 7482889 [S] [2016_05_28 15:48:34] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 15:48:38] ping&FPS: True 0.0434750350458 241.959076147 133.95907187 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:48:38] ping&FPS: False 0.0335899548871 120.959076125 175.959076125 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:48:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:48:50] id 7482847 [S] [2016_05_28 15:48:50] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:48:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:48:50] id 7482855 [S] [2016_05_28 15:48:50] name DSV14 [S] [2016_05_28 15:48:50] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:48:53] ping&FPS: True 0.0450124772532 405.959462005 148.959460649 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:48:53] ping&FPS: False 0.0366634385926 156.959464061 182.959464061 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:48:54] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:48:54] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:48:54] id 7482891 [S] [2016_05_28 15:48:54] name vovan7910 [S] [2016_05_28 15:48:54] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:48:54] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:48:55] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:48:55] id 7482893 [S] [2016_05_28 15:48:55] name P419XO [S] [2016_05_28 15:48:55] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:48:55] ping&FPS: True 0.0459413560373 420.959483314 153.959479499 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:48:56] ping&FPS: False 0.0423975991351 141.959482375 141.959482375 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:48:59] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:48:59] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:48:59] id 7482875 [S] [2016_05_28 15:48:59] name maksimys_83_1 [S] [2016_05_28 15:48:59] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:02] ping&FPS: True 0.0310397627098 274.959407258 126.959401298 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:02] ping&FPS: False 0.039859767471 192.959407228 192.959407228 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:03] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:04] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:04] id 7482879 [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:04] name de098 [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:04] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:04] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:04] id 7482891 [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:05] ping&FPS: True 0.0306954192264 213.959391716 97.9593938919 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:05] ping&FPS: False 0.0264786588294 72.9593906435 72.9593906435 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:09] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:09] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:09] id 7482889 [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:09] name paltinics [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:09] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:09] @ launchpadAppeared 7482889 [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:09] ping&FPS: True 0.0412303464753 253.959369298 83.9593686419 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:09] ping&FPS: False 0.0330788152558 166.959367897 116.959367897 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:18] ping&FPS: True 0.0418513821704 217.959277715 162.95927551 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:18] ping&FPS: False 0.0362310441477 151.959277387 151.959277387 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:19] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:19] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:19] id 7482891 [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:19] name vovan7910 [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:19] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:21] ping&FPS: True 0.0432755308492 209.959259744 142.95925885 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:21] ping&FPS: False 0.0382681520922 117.959260459 117.959260459 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:23] SmokeScreen.onEnterWorld( 3269137 ) [(-486.321, 12.5172)] [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:24] ping&FPS: True 0.0263366954667 210.959244918 116.959249447 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:24] ping&FPS: False 0.0298901232226 141.959249567 141.959249567 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:24] ping&FPS: True 0.0321414949639 253.959257673 141.959249567 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:25] ping&FPS: False 0.0306169273598 138.95926116 138.95926116 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:28] ping&FPS: True 0.0451334448797 211.959254663 139.959249716 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:28] ping&FPS: False 0.0356788965208 91.9592548417 91.9592548417 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:28] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:28] id 7482889 [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:28] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:28] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:28] id 7482891 [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:29] ping&FPS: True 0.0434364335878 279.959256868 163.959255676 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:29] ping&FPS: False 0.0380998211248 120.959256213 120.959256213 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:31] ping&FPS: True 0.0419512199504 387.959214415 122.95922346 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:31] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:31] id 7482871 [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:31] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:31] id 7482893 [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:31] ping&FPS: False 0.0446991803391 122.959214877 195.959214877 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:33] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:33] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:33] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#60527: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:33] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Minekadze_foam_post_death.xml#60532: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:33] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Minekadze_foam_post_death.xml#60533: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:33] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Minekadze_foam_post_death.xml#60534: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:34] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:34] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:34] id 7482893 [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:34] name P419XO [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:34] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:37] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:37] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:37] id 7482889 [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:37] name paltinics [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:37] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:37] @ launchpadAppeared 7482889 [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:39] ping&FPS: True 0.0583462225539 347.959330651 118.959322039 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:40] ping&FPS: False 0.0538082825286 72.9593314411 72.9593314411 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:45] ping&FPS: True 0.0659617739064 251.959352496 138.959357757 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:45] ping&FPS: False 0.0538457291467 129.959354776 172.959354776 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:47] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:47] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:47] id 7482891 [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:47] name vovan7910 [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:47] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:52] id 7482889 [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:52] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:53] ping&FPS: True 0.0633426713092 200.959525916 83.9595246347 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:53] ping&FPS: False 0.0569016443832 116.95952833 116.95952833 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:54] ping&FPS: True 0.0536499874932 202.959523532 119.959529373 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:54] ping&FPS: False 0.0484850513084 172.959516499 172.959516499 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:54] ping&FPS: True 0.0481141539557 143.959514711 204.959514711 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:54] ping&FPS: False 0.0461441161377 129.959514599 129.959514599 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:55] ping&FPS: True 0.0586831974132 470.959506902 134.959522832 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:56] ping&FPS: False 0.0485935690148 145.959504757 145.959504757 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:56] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:56] ping&FPS: True 0.0466364207012 235.959506187 145.959504757 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:56] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:56] id 7482883 [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:56] name RenamedUser_7873565 [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:56] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:56] ping&FPS: False 0.0447131576283 99.9595062467 99.9595062467 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:56] setFpsGathererActive(False) [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:57] ping&FPS: True 0.742348100458 928.959526274 99.9595062467 0 [E] [2016_05_28 15:49:57] Can only call base methods on the connected entity [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:57] [Weather][45310] onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:57] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:57] id 7482851 [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:57] Avatar.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:57] (, 70665289920581, 61): Deleted: [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:57] (, 70665289920581, 61): Deleted: [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:57] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:57] id 7482853 [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:57] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:57] id 7482855 [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:57] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:57] id 7482859 [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:57] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:57] id 7482875 [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:57] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:57] id 7482879 [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:57] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:57] id 7482881 [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:57] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:57] id 7482883 [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:57] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:57] id 7482887 [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:57] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:57] id 7482891 [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:57] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:57] id 7482893 [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:58] Account.__init__() [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:58] [Account debuG]: __init__() ONE___VP [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:58] (, 70665289920581, 61): ClientLobbySpace is creating [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:58] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:58] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4184782640 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:58] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:58] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4184782640L: {'exp': 4842}}, 'changedCrews': {41: {'exp': 2034}}, 'moneyXP': 51} [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:59] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:59] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': 89242} [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:59] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:59] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -20225} [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:59] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:59] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4184782640L: {'slots': {1: {'del_slots': 2}}}}} [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:59] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:59] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4184782640L: {'slots': {1: {'add_slots': (((), 4279070640L),)}}}}, 'storage': {4279070640L: 34}} [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:59] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:59] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -22500, 'changedShips': {4184782640L: {'slots': {1: {'add_slots': (((), 4287557552L),)}}}}} [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:59] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:59] >>> receiveChanges {'storage': {4284653488L: 8}} [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:59] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:59] setServerTime -3106.10800004 1464439306 1464436199.89 [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:59] updateActionsProgress: {'10688_q02': {'count': 2, 2: {'count': 1}, 3: {'count': 3}}, '10688_q03': {'count': 9}, '10688_q01': {'count': 3, 2: {'count': 2}, 3: {'count': 1}}} [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:59] __updateTaskProgress start: {'10688_q02': {'count': 2, 2: {'count': 1}, 3: {'count': 3}}, '10688_q03': {'count': 9}, '10688_q01': {'count': 3, 2: {'count': 2}, 3: {'count': 1}}} [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:59] step id: 10688_q02 progress {'count': 2, 2: {'count': 1}, 3: {'count': 3}} [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:59] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:59] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:59] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:59] step id: 10688_q03 progress {'count': 9} [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:59] isDone id 10688_q03 count 9 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:59] isDone id 10688_q03 count 9 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:59] isDone id 10688_q03 count 9 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:59] step id: 10688_q01 progress {'count': 3, 2: {'count': 2}, 3: {'count': 1}} [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:59] isDone id 10688_q01 count 3 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:59] isDone id 10688_q01 count 3 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:59] isDone id 10688_q01 count 3 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:59] md3ce6e8.onUpdate 0 0 [dailyId 0 type 0 desc {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464566400.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 0, 'condition': ()} , dailyId 1 type 0 desc {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464480000.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 1, 'condition': ()} , dailyId 39 type 1 desc {'rewards': {5: '500'}, 'title': 390, 'iconId': 6, 'timeToChange': 1464393600.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 2, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 39, 'condition': (6, '1', ('4', 2.0))} ] [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:59] Daily.update: {'rewards': {}, 'pdata': {'isSeen': True, 'timeToChange': 1464566400.0}, 'condition': ('empty', {}), 'desc': (0, 0, 0, 0, 0)} [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:59] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464566400.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 0, 'condition': ()} [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:59] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464480000.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 1, 'condition': ()} [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:59] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {5: '500'}, 'title': 390, 'iconId': 6, 'timeToChange': 1464393600.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 2, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 39, 'condition': (6, '1', ('4', 2.0))} [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:59] md3ce6e8.onUpdate 1 1 [dailyId 0 type 0 desc {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464566400.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 0, 'condition': ()} , dailyId 1 type 0 desc {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464480000.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 1, 'condition': ()} , dailyId 39 type 1 desc {'rewards': {5: '500'}, 'title': 390, 'iconId': 6, 'timeToChange': 1464393600.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 2, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 39, 'condition': (6, '1', ('4', 2.0))} ] [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:59] Daily.update: {'rewards': {}, 'pdata': {'isSeen': True, 'timeToChange': 1464480000.0}, 'condition': ('empty', {}), 'desc': (1, 0, 0, 0, 1)} [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:59] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464566400.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 0, 'condition': ()} [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:59] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464480000.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 1, 'condition': ()} [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:59] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {5: '500'}, 'title': 390, 'iconId': 6, 'timeToChange': 1464393600.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 2, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 39, 'condition': (6, '1', ('4', 2.0))} [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:59] md3ce6e8.onUpdate 2 39 [dailyId 0 type 0 desc {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464566400.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 0, 'condition': ()} , dailyId 1 type 0 desc {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464480000.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 1, 'condition': ()} , dailyId 39 type 1 desc {'rewards': {5: '500'}, 'title': 390, 'iconId': 6, 'timeToChange': 1464393600.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 2, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 39, 'condition': (6, '1', ('4', 2.0))} ] [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:59] Daily.update: {'rewards': {'addResFreeXP': {'value': '500'}}, 'pdata': {'count': 2.0, 'isSeen': True, 'timeToChange': 1464393600.0, 'reward': 'addResFreeXP'}, 'condition': ('torpHits', {'count': '4', 'division': '0', 'countBattle': '1'}), 'desc': (39, 1, 6, 390, 2)} [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:59] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464566400.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 0, 'condition': ()} [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:59] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464480000.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 1, 'condition': ()} [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:59] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {5: '500'}, 'title': 390, 'iconId': 6, 'timeToChange': 1464393600.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 2, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 39, 'condition': (6, '1', ('4', 2.0))} [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:59] leaveBattleSession() Reason: 0 Info: None [S] [2016_05_28 15:49:59] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:00] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:00] Can't send FPS data: it's empty [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:00] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.onEnterLobbyEvent():, (['34411633@wowsru.loc', '8009484@wowsru.loc', '12414124@wowsru.loc', '4679742@wowsru.loc', 'ids_chat_channel_offtop@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', 'wargamingfm@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', '1559899_1454784666@user-rooms.wows.wowsru.loc', 'ids_chat_channel_questions@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', '63671710@wowsru.loc', '5651230@wowsru.loc', '1559899@wowsru.loc', '48007201@wowsru.loc', '6878512@wowsru.loc', '64052394@wowsru.loc', 'ids_chat_channel_search_div@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', '58574566@wowsru.loc', '4719392_1447787513@user-rooms.wows.wowsru.loc'],) [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:00] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetAccountStats, ('0 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:00] md79a786.applyStatsDiff(): {'dossier': '\x07\x00\x18\x00`\x00P\x048\x00`\x00<\x008\x00`\x00`\x00`\x00`\x00\x00\x00\x00\x008\x008\x008\x008\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00`\x00`\x00`\x008\x008\x008\x00\xc0\x00`\x008\x00\x18\x00 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'accPoints': 13305563} [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:00] __processDossierStats() client dossier: ['pvp', 'pve_diag', 'rank_diag', 'club', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'max_pve', 'pvp_diag', 'pve', 'max_club', 'max_pvp', 'total', 'club_diag'] [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:00] mc0c471c.onGetAccountStats(): (12, 13304559) (12, 13305563) [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:03] setServerTime -3103.31800008 1464439307 1464436203.68 [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:03] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:03] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:03] Can't send FPS data: it's empty [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:03] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.onEnterLobbyEvent():, (['34411633@wowsru.loc', '8009484@wowsru.loc', '12414124@wowsru.loc', '4679742@wowsru.loc', 'ids_chat_channel_offtop@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', 'wargamingfm@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', '1559899_1454784666@user-rooms.wows.wowsru.loc', 'ids_chat_channel_questions@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', '63671710@wowsru.loc', '5651230@wowsru.loc', '1559899@wowsru.loc', '48007201@wowsru.loc', '6878512@wowsru.loc', '64052394@wowsru.loc', 'ids_chat_channel_search_div@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', '58574566@wowsru.loc', '4719392_1447787513@user-rooms.wows.wowsru.loc'],) [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:03] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence(), ('', '', 0) [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:03] (, 70665289920581, 61): receiveBattleResults, ('7500 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:03] BR: {'credits': 89242, 'credits_penalty': 0, 'exp_penalty': 0, 'exp': 956, 'credits_compensation': 0} [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:03] BR: {'credits': {'sse': [], 'dq': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'ship_exp': {'sse': [], 'dq': [], 'base': [], 'mod': [[4274909104L, 0.05, True, 0]]}, 'crew_exp': {'sse': [], 'dq': [], 'base': [], 'mod': [[4279070640L, 0.5, True, 0], [4274909104L, 0.05, True, 0]]}, 'free_exp': {'sse': [], 'dq': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'acc_level': {'sse': [], 'dq': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}} [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:03] BR: {'auto_repair_list': [], 'auto_exterior_list': [], 'auto_exterior_credits': 0, 'auto_camo_credits': 22500, 'exterior_applied': True, 'exp_enabled': True, 'abilities_applied': True, 'auto_repair_factor': 1.0, 'auto_load_credits': 5925, 'acc_points_enabled': True, 'free_exp_enabled': True, 'free_exp_factor': 0.05, 'aogas_factor': 1.0, 'auto_exterior_gold': 0, 'premium_credits_factor': 1.5, 'premium_exp_factor': 1.5, 'auto_abilities_list': [], 'auto_camo_list': [4287557552L], 'camo_applied': True, 'auto_repair_credits': 14300, 'auto_load_list': [[195, 2925], [12, 3000], [0, 0]], 'serve_applied': True, 'auto_camo_gold': 0, 'crew_exp_enabled': True, 'auto_abilities_gold': 0, 'auto_abilities_credits': 0, 'credits_enabled': True, 'aogas_online': 0} [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:03] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, ('149 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:03] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, (1, [{'importance': 2, 'typeId': 4, 'dt': 1464439269, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'costShell': 5925, 'shipId': 4184782640L, 'result': 0, 'costRepair': 14300}}]) [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:03] (, 70665289920581, 61): onRewardsRestored, ('21 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:03] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:03] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:03] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 0. Boxes contents: [{}] [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:03] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetAchievements, ('1000 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:03] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 4, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SHIP_SERVE', 'costShell': 5925, 'result': 0, 'shipId': 4184782640L, 'uiSpecial': False, 'shipLevelRome': 'V', 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PGSC105', 'shipType': 'Cruiser', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_CRUISER', 'isElite': True, 'dt': 1464439269, 'groupId': 5, 'costTotal': 20225, 'sourceId': 0, 'costRepair': 14300, 'stypeIdent': 'Cruiser', 'postponed': False} [NUT] PlayersAccountsSystem __request, set([47041, 6332290, 427140, 8804682, 8009484, 2715866, 1559899, 63671710, 3480927, 48007201, 5651230, 58574566, 64052394, 12414124, 6878512, 34411633, 2115378, 671987, 22102814, 242294, 756279, 46719994, 448253, 4679742]) [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:03] ping&FPS: True 0.395180042301 0.001 99.9595062467 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:03] (, 70665289920581, 61): ma3b8627.__onNodeReadyForData: invalid windowId 6 [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:03] (, 70665289920581, 61): ma3b8627.__onNodeReadyForStage: invalid windowId 6 [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:03] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:03] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:03] isDone id 10688_q03 count 9 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:03] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:03] isDone id 10688_q01 count 3 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:03] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:03] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:03] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:03] isDone id 10688_q03 count 9 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:03] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:03] isDone id 10688_q01 count 3 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:03] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:03] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:04] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:04] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/add() [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:04] [NUT] AccountsRequest __response, [(47041, 'WONDERFUL_SHOT', 12, 0, 1463997729), (6332290, 'zloy_nyb', 12, 0, 1464421725), (427140, 'Kapitan_Slip', 12, 0, 1464285451), (8804682, 'mishania1235', 12, 0, 1463925150), (8009484, 'SD_D', 12, 0, 1464117201), (2715866, 'BCEM_PPC', 12, 0, 1464418481), (1559899, 'AIRBORNE_161', 12, 0, 1460114623), (63671710, '6aToH4uK_', 12, 0, 1464380706), (3480927, 'Doc_Maximov', 12, 0, 1464432937), (48007201, 'CRIMEA_Haru6aLLIka', 12, 0, 1463780747), (22102814, 'bagfrag1', 12, 0, 1460487063), (58574566, '1tim1_2015', 12, 0, 1464293769), (64052394, 'Lady_Diana_Diversantka', 12, 0, 1464426838), (12414124, 'M_a_n_t_i_s', 12, 0, 1464199836), (6878512, 'Tylendor', 12, 0, 1464024410), (34411633, 'cblH_BouHa', 12, 0, 1463541667), (2115378, 'longxvost', 12, 0, 1461160136), (671987, 'Skunner', 12, 0, 1464285824), (5651230, 'Shkiper2222', 12, 0, 1464438899), (242294, 'PANZER_DIKLONIUS', 12, 0, 1463333213), (756279, '11Paul11', 12, 0, 1464432703), (46719994, 'yushkov8249', 12, 0, 1463790981), (448253, 'AndRyu_47', 12, 0, 1464425279), (4679742, 'alex30279', 12, 0, 1464276886)] 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:04] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, ('174 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:04] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, (1, [{'importance': 2, 'typeId': 42, 'dt': 1464439269, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (22500, 0), 'camoStor': False, 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4184782640L, 'flagsBuyFail': False}}]) [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:04] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 42, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PGSC105', 'flagsAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'isElite': True, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_EXTERIOR_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2, 'camouflageAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'idInGroup': 1, 'groupId': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_CRUISER', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'V', 'shipType': 'Cruiser', 'stypeIdent': 'Cruiser', 'dt': 1464439269, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (22500, 0), 'camoStor': False, 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4184782640L, 'flagsBuyFail': False}, 'uiSpecial': False} action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': 0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:04] [NUT] InteractiveMessageSystem: __onSelectedMessageChanged selectedEntityId None [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:04] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': -1.0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:04] [NUT] InteractiveMessageSystem: __onSelectedMessageChanged selectedEntityId None [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:04] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/add() [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:08] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, ('175 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:08] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, (1, [{'importance': 2, 'typeId': 17476, 'dt': 1464439269, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'item': ('consumable', 4284653488L), 'shipID': 4184782640L, 'numItems': 1, 'partnerID': 28192480327994784L}}]) [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:08] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/add() [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:08] (, 70665289920581, 61): handleBanInfo:, ({'banId': '14643763953', 'reason': '"\xd0\x98\xd1\x81\xd0\xbf\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbb\xd1\x8c\xd0\xb7\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd1\x80\xd0\xbc\xd0\xb0\xd1\x82\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb9 \xd0\xbb\xd0\xb5\xd0\xba\xd1\x81\xd0\xb8\xd0\xba\xd0\xb8/ \xd0\xbe\xd1\x81\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd1\x80\xd0\xb1\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd1\x8f" \xe2\x80\x93 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd1\x80\xd1\x83\xd1\x88\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xbf\xd1\x83\xd0\xbd\xd0\xba\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0 1 \xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb7\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb0 1 \xd0\x9f\xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb8\xd0\xbb \xd0\xb8\xd0\xb3\xd1\x80\xd1\x8b (R)', 'expiry': 1464635520L},) [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:08] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence(), ('8752339@wowsru.loc/wows', 'ONE___VP', 0) [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:08] __addInfoToMessage {'sourceId': 0, 'typeId': 52, 'data': {'slot': 28192480327994784L, 'shipId': 4184782640L, 'abilId': 4284653488L}} ping&FPS: True 0.281912173544 244.959601771 99.9595062467 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:08] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, ('128 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:08] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, (1, [{'importance': 2, 'typeId': 55, 'dt': 1464439269, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'fail': False, 'shipId': 4184782640L, 'cost': (0, 0)}}]) [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:08] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/add() [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:09] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, ('625 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:09] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, (1, [{'importance': 2, 'typeId': 5, 'dt': 1464439269, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'achievements': ((4288865200L, 1),), 'expPenalty': 0, 'tasks': {'10688_q02': {'count': (2, 0), 'progress': (0.6, 0.0), 2: {'count': (1, 0)}, 3: {'count': (3, 0)}, 'name': u'\u0411\u0435\u0433\u043b\u044b\u0439 \u043e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c'}, '10688_q03': {'count': (9, 0), 'progress': (0, 0), 2: {'count': (0, 0)}, 'name': u'\u0411\u043e\u0435\u0432\u0430\u044f \u044d\u0444\u0444\u0435\u043a\u0442\u0438\u0432\u043d\u043e\u0441\u0442\u044c'}, '10688_q01': {'count': (3, 0), 'progress': (0.30000000000000004, 0.0), 2: {'count': (2, 0)}, 3: {'count': (1, 0)}, 'name': u'\u0422\u044f\u0436\u0451\u043b\u043e\u0435 \u0432\u043e\u043e\u0440\u0443\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'}}, 'shipsKilled': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 28192480327994784L, 'battleTypeId': 5, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'mapTypeId': 4, 'credits': 89242, 'result': 1, 'exp': 1004, 'dailics_info': {}, 'shipId': 4184782640L, 'battleCreateTime': 1464438176, 'accLeveling': (12, 12, 13304559, 1004), 'aogasFactor': 1.0}}]) [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:09] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 55, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PGSC105', 'groupId': 1, 'isElite': True, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_ABILITY_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 8, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_CRUISER', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'V', 'cost': (0, 0), 'shipType': 'Cruiser', 'costNeed': (0, 0), 'stypeIdent': 'Cruiser', 'dt': 1464439269, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'fail': False, 'shipId': 4184782640L, 'cost': (0, 0)}, 'uiSpecial': False} SYS_MESSAGE_TYPE.BATTLE_RESULTS [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:09] key achievements value ((4288865200L, 1),) [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:09] key expPenalty value 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:09] key tasks value {'10688_q02': {'count': (2, 0), 'progress': (0.6, 0.0), 2: {'count': (1, 0)}, 3: {'count': (3, 0)}, 'name': u'\u0411\u0435\u0433\u043b\u044b\u0439 \u043e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c'}, '10688_q03': {'count': (9, 0), 'progress': (0, 0), 2: {'count': (0, 0)}, 'name': u'\u0411\u043e\u0435\u0432\u0430\u044f \u044d\u0444\u0444\u0435\u043a\u0442\u0438\u0432\u043d\u043e\u0441\u0442\u044c'}, '10688_q01': {'count': (3, 0), 'progress': (0.30000000000000004, 0.0), 2: {'count': (2, 0)}, 3: {'count': (1, 0)}, 'name': u'\u0422\u044f\u0436\u0451\u043b\u043e\u0435 \u0432\u043e\u043e\u0440\u0443\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'}} [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:09] key shipsKilled value 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:09] key arenaUniqueID value 28192480327994784 [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:09] key battleTypeId value 5 [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:09] key teamBuildTypeId value 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:09] key creditsPenalty value 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:09] key creditsCompensation value 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:09] key mapTypeId value 4 [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:09] key credits value 89242 [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:09] key result value 1 [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:09] key exp value 1004 [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:09] key dailics_info value {} [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:09] key shipId value 4184782640 [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:09] key battleCreateTime value 1464438176 [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:09] key accLeveling value (12, 12, 13304559, 1004) [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:09] key aogasFactor value 1.0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:09] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 5, 'exp': 1004, 'tasks': {'10688_q02': {2: {'count': (1, 0)}, 3: {'count': (3, 0)}, 'name': u'\u0411\u0435\u0433\u043b\u044b\u0439 \u043e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c'}, '10688_q03': {2: {'count': (0, 0)}, 'name': u'\u0411\u043e\u0435\u0432\u0430\u044f \u044d\u0444\u0444\u0435\u043a\u0442\u0438\u0432\u043d\u043e\u0441\u0442\u044c'}, '10688_q01': {2: {'count': (2, 0)}, 3: {'count': (1, 0)}, 'name': u'\u0422\u044f\u0436\u0451\u043b\u043e\u0435 \u0432\u043e\u043e\u0440\u0443\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'}}, 'aogasFactor': 1.0, 'mapBGPath': '../maps_bg/13_OC_new_dawn.png', 'earnedAchievements': [{'amount': 1, 'id': 4288865200L}], 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_BATTLE_RESULTS_1', 'result': 1, 'shipId': 4184782640L, 'uiSpecial': False, 'mapTypeId': 4, 'accountLeveling': {'expGained': 1004, 'currLevel': 12, 'prevLevel': 12, 'currLevelExp': 167500, 'expTotal': 13305563, 'nextLevelExp': 167500}, 'mapName': 'IDS_SPACES/13_OC_NEW_DAWN', 'battleTypeId': 5, 'shipLevelRome': 'V', 'achievements': ((4288865200L, 1),), 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PGSC105', 'shipsKilled': 0, 'importance': 2, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_CRUISER', 'credits': 89242, 'isElite': True, 'date': '28.05.2016 16:22', 'dt': 1464439269, 'groupId': 3, 'accLeveling': (12, 12, 13304559, 1004), 'expPenalty': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 28192480327994784L, 'sourceId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'shipType': 'Cruiser', 'quests': [], 'dailics_info': {}, 'stypeIdent': 'Cruiser', 'postponed': False, 'battleCreateTime': 1464438176} BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:09] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:09] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:09] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:09] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_bomb default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:09] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_bomb default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:09] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:09] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:09] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:09] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:09] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:09] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:09] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:09] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:09] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:09] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:09] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:09] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:09] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:09] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:09] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:09] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:09] BuildData: Invalid path player.planes_lost default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:09] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/add() [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:09] ping&FPS: False 0.175086508904 149.959622081 99.9595062467 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:10] ping&FPS: True 0.149297233139 515.959601964 99.9595062467 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:10] ping&FPS: False 0.131161685501 61.959600951 99.9595062467 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:11] ping&FPS: True 0.0863084750516 331.959655042 99.9595062467 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:12] ping&FPS: False 0.0785038279636 147.95965695 99.9595062467 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:15] ping&FPS: True 0.0589494662625 200.959825869 99.9595062467 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:15] ping&FPS: False 0.052004996155 83.9598303246 99.9595062467 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:17] ping&FPS: True 0.0483144181115 315.959895845 99.9595062467 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:50:17] ping&FPS: False 0.0447509544236 93.9598963516 99.9595062467 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:03] ping&FPS: True 0.0553758250816 471.961867507 99.9595062467 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:03] ping&FPS: False 0.0487972529871 87.9618670302 99.9595062467 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:05] ping&FPS: True 0.0477853300316 434.961874123 99.9595062467 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:05] ping&FPS: False 0.0459477635367 132.961877297 99.9595062467 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:05] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:05] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:05] isDone id 10688_q03 count 9 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:05] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:05] isDone id 10688_q01 count 3 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:05] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:06] ping&FPS: True 0.0447107063872 854.961879607 99.9595062467 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:06] ping&FPS: False 0.0412982734186 188.961875196 99.9595062467 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:06] ping&FPS: True 0.0360120492322 636.961899515 99.9595062467 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:07] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:07] ping&FPS: False 0.0411092894418 162.961910385 99.9595062467 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:10] Account.enqueue(): 1 [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:10] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4184782640 4 [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:10] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:10] onEnqueued() QueueType: 1 ShipId: 4184782640 [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:11] ping&FPS: True 0.0493157761438 792.961937811 99.9595062467 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:12] ping&FPS: False 0.0359922306878 127.961949791 99.9595062467 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:12] (, 70665289920581, 61): handleBanInfo:, ({'banId': '14643763953', 'reason': '"\xd0\x98\xd1\x81\xd0\xbf\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbb\xd1\x8c\xd0\xb7\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd1\x80\xd0\xbc\xd0\xb0\xd1\x82\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb9 \xd0\xbb\xd0\xb5\xd0\xba\xd1\x81\xd0\xb8\xd0\xba\xd0\xb8/ \xd0\xbe\xd1\x81\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd1\x80\xd0\xb1\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd1\x8f" \xe2\x80\x93 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd1\x80\xd1\x83\xd1\x88\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xbf\xd1\x83\xd0\xbd\xd0\xba\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0 1 \xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb7\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb0 1 \xd0\x9f\xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb8\xd0\xbb \xd0\xb8\xd0\xb3\xd1\x80\xd1\x8b (R)', 'expiry': 1464635520L},) [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:12] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence(), ('8752339@wowsru.loc/wows', 'ONE___VP', 2) [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:13] onPrepareingForBattle() [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:13] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4184782640 1 [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:13] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:13] onGameRoomStateInit mapIdx = 3 battleType = 80 gameMode = Domination duration=1200 [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:21] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:21] (, 70665289920581, 61): Lobby destroy started. [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:21] (, 70665289920581, 61): Lobby successfully destroyed. [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:21] onArenaStateReceived: teams info: [None, None] [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:21] (, 51820444204590, 546): Thresholds for team 0: Win: 910 Lose: 130 [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:21] (, 51820444204590, 546): Thresholds for team 1: Win: 910 Lose: 130 [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:21] MissionsComponent: #0 ControlPointHoldMission; reward = 4; penalty = 0; controlPoints = [6, 3, 0]; delay = 0; repeat = 6; repeatReward = 4; repeatPenalty = 0 #1 KillEnemyOfSpecificShipTypeMission; reward = 30; penalty = 45; shipType = Destroyer; rewardPerType = 0; penaltyPerType = 0 #2 KillEnemyOfSpecificShipTypeMission; reward = 35; penalty = 50; shipType = Cruiser; rewardPerType = 0; penaltyPerType = 0 #3 KillEnemyOfSpecificShipTypeMission; reward = 40; penalty = 60; shipType = Battleship; rewardPerType = 0; penaltyPerType = 0 #4 KillEnemyOfSpecificShipTypeMission; reward = 45; penalty = 65; shipType = AirCarrier; rewardPerType = 0; penaltyPerType = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:21] Mission tasks available! [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:21] Battle waiting start: 5.0 / 9557.61303355 [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:21] Avatar.receiveAvatarInfo: {'evaluationsLeft': {0: 5, 1: 5}} [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:21] Avatar.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:21] name ONE___VP [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:21] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:21] Avatar onControlled False [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:21] onControlled->False: not implemented [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:22] onGeometryMapped() MapName: %s 08_NE_passage [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:22] teamBuildType: 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:22] player: Id: 7257731 Name: maCHOLI TeamId: 1 ShipName: PZSD506_Anshan' [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:22] player: Id: 7473672 Name: DeDpoLL_2014 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASA002_Bogue_1942' [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:22] player: Id: 7174929 Name: zmeelov12 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSD105_Pr_7_Gnevny' [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:22] player: Id: 6833298 Name: ONE___VP TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSC105_Konigsberg' [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:22] player: Id: 6533274 Name: Kyzma075 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSC106_Pr_94_Budeny' [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:22] player: Id: 6735515 Name: Flint___11 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSD003_Isokaze_1917' [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:22] player: Id: 7005594 Name: _Alexandr_S TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSC007_Aoba_1943' [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:22] player: Id: 7336736 Name: Tintar TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSC105_Konigsberg' [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:22] player: Id: 7173030 Name: MementoVivere TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSC105_Kirov' [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:22] player: Id: 7282603 Name: kalian3 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSD004_Minekadze_1920' [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:22] player: Id: 7206713 Name: mihei9891 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSC105_Konigsberg' [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:22] player: Id: 7241146 Name: Swen86Pinkamena TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASA006_Independence_1945' [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:22] player: Id: 6909535 Name: sergeybelaruss TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSC007_Aoba_1943' [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:22] player: Id: 7259336 Name: stariy10 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASA006_Independence_1945' [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:22] player: Id: 6568009 Name: Titus777 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASD005_Farragut_1944' [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:22] player: Id: 7199568 Name: Garich TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSC105_Kirov' [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:22] player: Id: 6737498 Name: nightwolf_br TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASD005_Farragut_1944' [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:22] player: Id: 7284063 Name: TUZ1984 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASC007_Cleveland_1945' [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:22] player: Id: 6967058 Name: Herep2014 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSC106_Pr_94_Budeny' [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:22] player: Id: 7215224 Name: bbc78 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSC506_Molotov_1943' [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:22] player: Id: 7295227 Name: andre111322 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASA002_Bogue_1942' [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:22] player: Id: 7212284 Name: smittwo TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSC105_Kirov' [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:22] player: Id: 7237035 Name: Ajigel TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSC106_Pr_94_Budeny' [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:22] player: Id: 6635390 Name: Kompot TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSD104_Izyaslav' [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:22] BattleDataContext.__onEnterSpace [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:22] [DEBUG] BattleLoadingContext: geometry mapped [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:22] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (7314858, 0, 0, 7305521, 1464439382715L, False, True) [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:22] m418a81c.updatePreBattles (7314858, 0, 0, 7305521, 1464439382715L, False, True) [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:22] m418a81c.updatePreBattles1 {7314858: PreBattleInfo: id: 7314858, inPortPlayers: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 7305521, creationTime 1464439382715, hidden False, locked True } [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:22] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (7314858, 0, 0, 7305521, 1464439382715L, False, True) [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:22] m418a81c.updatePreBattles (7314858, 0, 0, 7305521, 1464439382715L, False, True) [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:22] m418a81c.updatePreBattles1 {7314858: PreBattleInfo: id: 7314858, inPortPlayers: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 7305521, creationTime 1464439382715, hidden False, locked True } [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:22] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (7314858, 0, 0, 7305521, 1464439382715L, False, True) [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:22] m418a81c.updatePreBattles (7314858, 0, 0, 7305521, 1464439382715L, False, True) [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:22] m418a81c.updatePreBattles1 {7314858: PreBattleInfo: id: 7314858, inPortPlayers: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 7305521, creationTime 1464439382715, hidden False, locked True } [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:22] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (7314858, 0, 0, 7305521, 1464439382715L, False, True) [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:22] m418a81c.updatePreBattles (7314858, 0, 0, 7305521, 1464439382715L, False, True) [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:22] m418a81c.updatePreBattles1 {7314858: PreBattleInfo: id: 7314858, inPortPlayers: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 7305521, creationTime 1464439382715, hidden False, locked True } [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:22] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (7314859, 0, 0, 7305509, 1464439382714L, False, False) [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:22] m418a81c.updatePreBattles (7314859, 0, 0, 7305509, 1464439382714L, False, False) [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:22] m418a81c.updatePreBattles1 {7314858: PreBattleInfo: id: 7314858, inPortPlayers: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 7305521, creationTime 1464439382715, hidden False, locked True , 7314859: PreBattleInfo: id: 7314859, inPortPlayers: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 7305509, creationTime 1464439382714, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:22] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (7314859, 0, 0, 7305509, 1464439382714L, False, False) [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:22] m418a81c.updatePreBattles (7314859, 0, 0, 7305509, 1464439382714L, False, False) [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:22] m418a81c.updatePreBattles1 {7314858: PreBattleInfo: id: 7314858, inPortPlayers: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 7305521, creationTime 1464439382715, hidden False, locked True , 7314859: PreBattleInfo: id: 7314859, inPortPlayers: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 7305509, creationTime 1464439382714, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:22] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (7314859, 0, 0, 7305509, 1464439382714L, False, True) [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:22] m418a81c.updatePreBattles (7314859, 0, 0, 7305509, 1464439382714L, False, True) [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:22] m418a81c.updatePreBattles1 {7314858: PreBattleInfo: id: 7314858, inPortPlayers: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 7305521, creationTime 1464439382715, hidden False, locked True , 7314859: PreBattleInfo: id: 7314859, inPortPlayers: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 7305509, creationTime 1464439382714, hidden False, locked True } [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:22] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:22] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:22] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:22] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:22] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:22] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:22] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:22] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:22] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:22] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:22] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:22] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:23] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (7314859, 0, 0, 7305509, 1464439382714L, False, True) [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:23] m418a81c.updatePreBattles (7314859, 0, 0, 7305509, 1464439382714L, False, True) [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:23] m418a81c.updatePreBattles1 {7314858: PreBattleInfo: id: 7314858, inPortPlayers: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 7305521, creationTime 1464439382715, hidden False, locked True , 7314859: PreBattleInfo: id: 7314859, inPortPlayers: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 7305509, creationTime 1464439382714, hidden False, locked True } [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:23] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (7314859, 0, 0, 7305509, 1464439382714L, False, True) [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:23] m418a81c.updatePreBattles (7314859, 0, 0, 7305509, 1464439382714L, False, True) [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:23] m418a81c.updatePreBattles1 {7314858: PreBattleInfo: id: 7314858, inPortPlayers: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 7305521, creationTime 1464439382715, hidden False, locked True , 7314859: PreBattleInfo: id: 7314859, inPortPlayers: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 7305509, creationTime 1464439382714, hidden False, locked True } [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:23] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (7314859, 0, 0, 7305509, 1464439382714L, False, True) [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:23] m418a81c.updatePreBattles (7314859, 0, 0, 7305509, 1464439382714L, False, True) [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:23] m418a81c.updatePreBattles1 {7314858: PreBattleInfo: id: 7314858, inPortPlayers: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 7305521, creationTime 1464439382715, hidden False, locked True , 7314859: PreBattleInfo: id: 7314859, inPortPlayers: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 7305509, creationTime 1464439382714, hidden False, locked True } [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:26] Battle countdown start: 60.0 / 9562.39803352 [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:29] [BAT] __initBasePoints points [, , ] [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:29] [BAT] x 0.5 y 0.20833346049 VISIBLE True [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:29] [BAT] x 0.5 y 0.5 VISIBLE True [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:29] [BAT] x 0.5 y 0.791666514079 VISIBLE True [A] [2016_05_28 15:51:29] CollisionModel::load: Error loading collision model content/gameplay/russia/ship/destroyer/RSD008_Izyaslav_1917/RSD008_Izyaslav_1917_MidFront! [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:29] [Scaleform] Warning: instance76055.setImageSubstitutions() failed for #86 element - length of subString should not exceed 15 characters [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:31] ping&FPS: True 0.0707830297095 1997.96208019 131.962074927 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:31] ping&FPS: False 0.0660079824073 136.962089806 136.962089806 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:32] ping&FPS: True 0.0655338274581 242.962085708 135.962088718 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:33] ping&FPS: False 0.0543190049274 51.9620867813 51.9620867813 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:33] ping&FPS: True 0.0562846469028 216.962083548 131.962085232 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:33] ping&FPS: False 0.0487880142672 64.9620848889 64.9620848889 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:35] ping&FPS: True 0.0516899334533 247.962082982 131.962087035 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:35] ping&FPS: False 0.042838256274 96.9620858426 96.9620858426 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:36] ping&FPS: True 0.0592877226216 262.962086595 142.962088189 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:36] ping&FPS: False 0.0619905399425 176.962087668 176.962087668 0 [A] [2016_05_28 15:51:38] CollisionModel::load: Error loading collision model content/gameplay/usa/ship/destroyer/ASD024_Farragut_1934/ASD024_Farragut_1934_MidBack! [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:39] ping&FPS: True 0.0581486629588 205.962101153 116.96210464 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:39] ping&FPS: False 0.0523724885924 77.9621027628 77.9621027628 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:40] ping&FPS: True 0.0595268862588 223.962116099 152.962114773 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:40] ping&FPS: False 0.0532177718622 64.9621174405 64.9621174405 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:41] ping&FPS: True 0.0585955636842 379.962135352 154.962132669 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:41] ping&FPS: False 0.0484960856182 115.962132014 115.962132014 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:42] ping&FPS: True 0.0591492461307 206.962139766 164.962141226 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:42] ping&FPS: False 0.0511476280434 64.9621411072 64.9621411072 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:43] ping&FPS: True 0.058386813317 408.962151762 133.962142463 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:43] ping&FPS: False 0.0546919511897 97.9621420162 97.9621420162 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:45] ping&FPS: True 0.06268372706 251.962158206 147.962159741 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:46] ping&FPS: False 0.0644690947873 182.962160263 182.962160263 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:47] ping&FPS: True 0.085492055331 429.962161049 139.96215995 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:47] ping&FPS: False 0.0814513372523 135.96216844 135.96216844 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:50] ping&FPS: True 0.0575699316604 304.962186358 141.962179206 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:50] ping&FPS: False 0.0557706760509 119.962187401 119.962187401 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:50] ping&FPS: True 0.0689425723893 219.962188057 146.962189249 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:50] ping&FPS: False 0.0534280123455 64.9621893982 64.9621893982 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:51] ping&FPS: True 0.0593930589301 335.962189648 156.962187193 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:51] ping&FPS: False 0.0524419950587 102.962189767 102.962189767 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:52] ping&FPS: True 0.0540091352803 240.962185267 138.962188605 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:52] ping&FPS: False 0.0485804783446 64.9621866079 64.9621866079 0 [A] [2016_05_28 15:51:52] CollisionModel::load: Error loading collision model content/location/nature/rock/LNR02_passage/LNR02_passage! [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:54] ping&FPS: True 0.0595034467322 235.962195787 113.962199944 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:54] ping&FPS: False 0.0474986316902 38.9621965917 38.9621965917 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:56] ping&FPS: True 0.0600353138787 222.962204012 146.962200988 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:56] ping&FPS: False 0.0498426215989 105.962202761 105.962202761 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:58] ping&FPS: True 0.0546598540885 203.962211817 137.962208181 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:51:58] ping&FPS: False 0.0490646245224 77.9622134263 77.9622134263 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:00] ping&FPS: True 0.0597435193402 210.962221752 152.962220694 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:00] ping&FPS: False 0.049627009247 113.962221812 113.962221812 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:01] ping&FPS: True 0.0594817655427 307.962223086 146.962222892 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:01] ping&FPS: False 0.046035889004 39.9622262599 39.9622262599 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:02] ping&FPS: True 0.0590162830693 246.962223786 137.962226141 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:03] ping&FPS: False 0.0508403735501 51.9622248592 51.9622248592 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:03] ping&FPS: True 0.0560703384025 218.962227705 153.962225336 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:03] ping&FPS: False 0.0486440839512 64.9622290464 64.9622290464 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:04] ping&FPS: True 0.0660104410989 204.962227079 151.962228868 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:04] ping&FPS: False 0.0531641127808 82.9622295084 82.9622295084 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:05] ping&FPS: True 0.0558020578963 294.962235946 187.962241608 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:05] ping&FPS: False 0.0502118574721 95.9622367801 95.9622367801 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:07] ping&FPS: True 0.0631704138858 215.962254658 152.96225278 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:07] ping&FPS: False 0.0528418975217 65.9622561628 65.9622561628 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:11] ping&FPS: True 0.0559298353536 221.962264522 169.962261661 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:11] ping&FPS: False 0.0585147993905 173.962263241 173.962263241 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:12] ping&FPS: True 0.0640967445714 241.96227011 96.9622676963 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:12] ping&FPS: False 0.0440747546298 38.962270915 38.962270915 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:13] ping&FPS: True 0.0539667414767 209.96227169 133.962270796 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:13] ping&FPS: False 0.0507315056665 155.962274908 155.962274908 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:14] ping&FPS: True 0.060737903629 211.962271898 166.962274402 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:14] ping&FPS: False 0.0504018025739 127.962270528 127.962270528 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:16] ping&FPS: True 0.0554511653525 202.962268643 140.962270759 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:17] ping&FPS: False 0.051783415888 90.9622705201 90.9622705201 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:17] ping&FPS: True 0.0621133255107 220.962267272 141.962270162 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:18] ping&FPS: False 0.0535213681204 77.962268881 77.962268881 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:18] ping&FPS: True 0.0565323638065 300.962273947 138.962269313 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:18] ping&FPS: False 0.0550097333533 122.962277345 122.962277345 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:21] ping&FPS: True 0.0557098942144 204.962282389 144.962276726 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:21] ping&FPS: False 0.0503100784762 116.962284803 116.962284803 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:21] ping&FPS: True 0.0598161923034 263.962286591 155.962284296 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:22] ping&FPS: False 0.0495689170701 90.962293304 90.962293304 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:22] ping&FPS: True 0.0591570841415 259.962288029 133.962290115 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:22] ping&FPS: False 0.0619569229228 178.962287567 178.962287567 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:23] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:23] id 7305516 [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:23] name bbc78 [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:23] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:23] @ launchpadAppeared 7305516 [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:23] [Weather][40565] onEnterWorld (map spaces/08_NE_passage, scheme 0, weather 0) [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:24] ping&FPS: True 0.0704751866204 400.9622868 158.962285332 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:24] ping&FPS: False 0.0588378714664 53.962286673 53.962286673 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:24] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:24] id 7305490 [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:24] name _Alexandr_S [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:24] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:24] @ launchpadAppeared 7305490 [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:24] ping&FPS: True 0.0507018598063 200.962289206 143.962286062 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:24] ping&FPS: False 0.0443836557014 126.962293259 126.962293259 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:26] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:26] id 7305500 [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:26] name Swen86Pinkamena [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:26] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:26] @ launchpadAppeared 7305500 [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:26] -= BATTLE STARTED =- [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:27] ping&FPS: True 0.0523335518582 234.962308339 137.962308935 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:27] ping&FPS: False 0.0505477967007 102.962308458 102.962308458 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:27] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:27] id 7305488 [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:27] name Flint___11 [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:27] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:29] ping&FPS: True 0.0605274545295 334.962320394 133.962317638 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:29] ping&FPS: False 0.0487365233047 147.962326846 187.962326846 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:30] ping&FPS: True 0.0577145474298 216.962330751 187.962326846 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:30] ping&FPS: False 0.0461580785257 51.9623318235 51.9623318235 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:31] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:31] id 7305486 [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:31] name Kyzma075 [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:31] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:31] @ launchpadAppeared 7305486 [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:31] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:31] id 7305522 [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:31] name Ajigel [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:31] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:31] @ launchpadAppeared 7305522 [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:31] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:31] id 7305518 [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:31] name andre111322 [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:31] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:31] @ launchpadAppeared 7305518 [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:31] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:31] id 7305498 [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:31] name mihei9891 [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:31] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:31] @ launchpadAppeared 7305498 [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:31] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:31] id 7305514 [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:31] name ONE___VP [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:31] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:31] @ launchpadAppeared 7305514 [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:31] client.Vehicle.setAmmoArtilleryGun [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:31] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:31] id 7305506 [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:31] name Titus777 [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:31] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:31] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:31] id 7305494 [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:31] name MementoVivere [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:31] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:31] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:31] Avatar.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:31] ! A.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:31] m7ae8a4d.init [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:31] @ launchpadAppeared 7305514 [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:31] BattleDataContext.__onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:31] -- GUNS ----------------------------------------- [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:31] {0: {'position': {'y': 1.0, 'x': 1.0}, 'rotation': 1.570796251296997, 'gunPositionId': 0}, 1: {'position': {'y': 1.25, 'x': 4.0}, 'rotation': -1.5707963705062866, 'gunPositionId': 1}, 2: {'position': {'y': 0.75, 'x': 5.0}, 'rotation': -1.5707963705062866, 'gunPositionId': 2}} [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:31] -- GUNS ----------------------------------------- [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:31] {0: {'position': {'y': 2.0, 'x': 2.0}, 'rotation': 1.570796251296997, 'gunPositionId': 0}, 1: {'position': {'y': 0.0, 'x': 2.0}, 'rotation': 1.570796251296997, 'gunPositionId': 1}, 2: {'position': {'y': 2.0, 'x': 3.0}, 'rotation': 1.570796251296997, 'gunPositionId': 2}, 3: {'position': {'y': 0.0, 'x': 3.0}, 'rotation': 1.570796251296997, 'gunPositionId': 3}} [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:32] ! PM.refreshAirArmament [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:32] m7ae8a4d.restore [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:32] Avatar.onWorldStateReceived [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:32] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:32] id 7305482 [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:32] name zmeelov12 [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:32] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:32] ping&FPS: True 0.0342583762748 333.962318457 151.96232704 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:32] ("[ERROR] FeedbackController: config {event: 'Sound', container: 'screenplay_trigger'} must set 'type'",) [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:32] ("[ERROR] FeedbackController: config {event: 'Sound', container: 'five_minutes_left'} must set 'type'",) [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:32] ('[ERROR] FeedbackController: empty config for event five_minutes_left',) [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:34] client.Vehicle.setAmmoArtilleryGun [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:36] ping&FPS: False 0.0638581620795 49.962262846 49.962262846 0 [A] [2016_05_28 15:52:37] Failed to read binary resource: content/gameplay/russia/misc/RM209/RM209.primitives/StarShape.vertices [A] [2016_05_28 15:52:37] No vertex information in "content/gameplay/russia/misc/RM209/RM209.primitives/StarShape.vertices". Unable to load "ho". [A] [2016_05_28 15:52:37] Failed to read binary resource: content/gameplay/russia/misc/RM209/RM209.primitives/StarShape.indices [A] [2016_05_28 15:52:37] Failed to read binary resource: content/gameplay/russia/misc/RM209/lods/RM209_lod1.primitives/Star_lod1Shape.vertices [A] [2016_05_28 15:52:37] No vertex information in "content/gameplay/russia/misc/RM209/lods/RM209_lod1.primitives/Star_lod1Shape.vertices". Unable to load "ho". [A] [2016_05_28 15:52:37] Failed to read binary resource: content/gameplay/russia/misc/RM209/lods/RM209_lod1.primitives/Star_lod1Shape.indices [A] [2016_05_28 15:52:37] Could not load model: 'content/gameplay/russia/misc/RM209/RM209.model' [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:37] ERROR: createMiscsBG - can't load misc models ['content/gameplay/russia/misc/RM209/RM209.model'] [A] [2016_05_28 15:52:37] Failed to read binary resource: content/gameplay/russia/misc/RM209/RM209.primitives/StarShape.vertices [A] [2016_05_28 15:52:37] No vertex information in "content/gameplay/russia/misc/RM209/RM209.primitives/StarShape.vertices". Unable to load "ho". [A] [2016_05_28 15:52:37] Failed to read binary resource: content/gameplay/russia/misc/RM209/RM209.primitives/StarShape.indices [A] [2016_05_28 15:52:37] Failed to read binary resource: content/gameplay/russia/misc/RM209/lods/RM209_lod1.primitives/Star_lod1Shape.vertices [A] [2016_05_28 15:52:37] No vertex information in "content/gameplay/russia/misc/RM209/lods/RM209_lod1.primitives/Star_lod1Shape.vertices". Unable to load "ho". [A] [2016_05_28 15:52:37] Failed to read binary resource: content/gameplay/russia/misc/RM209/lods/RM209_lod1.primitives/Star_lod1Shape.indices [A] [2016_05_28 15:52:37] Could not load model: 'content/gameplay/russia/misc/RM209/RM209.model' [S] [2016_05_28 15:52:37] ERROR: createMiscsBG - can't load misc models ['content/gameplay/russia/misc/RM209/RM209.model'] [S] [2016_05_28 15:53:37] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:53:37] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:53:37] id 7305508 [S] [2016_05_28 15:53:37] name Garich [S] [2016_05_28 15:53:37] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 15:53:39] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:53:40] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:53:40] id 7305524 [S] [2016_05_28 15:53:40] name Kompot [S] [2016_05_28 15:53:40] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 15:53:43] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:53:44] ping&FPS: True 0.0325423734529 208.964004225 120.964001633 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:53:44] ping&FPS: False 0.0315639036042 111.964003957 111.964003957 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:53:44] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:53:44] id 7305512 [S] [2016_05_28 15:53:44] name TUZ1984 [S] [2016_05_28 15:53:44] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 15:53:44] @ launchpadAppeared 7305512 [S] [2016_05_28 15:53:44] ping&FPS: True 0.038064997111 273.964007891 111.964003957 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:53:45] ping&FPS: False 0.0403518410666 185.964012302 185.964012302 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:53:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:53:45] id 7305524 [S] [2016_05_28 15:53:51] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:53:52] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:53:52] id 7305478 [S] [2016_05_28 15:53:52] name maCHOLI [S] [2016_05_28 15:53:52] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 15:53:53] ping&FPS: True 0.036917592798 253.963931076 142.963922969 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:53:53] ping&FPS: False 0.0420012058956 150.963929749 150.963929749 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:53:53] SmokeScreen.onEnterWorld( 2517949 ) [(119.863, -313.139)] [S] [2016_05_28 15:53:54] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:53:54] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:53:54] id 7305520 [S] [2016_05_28 15:53:54] name smittwo [S] [2016_05_28 15:53:54] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 15:53:55] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:53:55] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:53:55] id 7305510 [S] [2016_05_28 15:53:55] name nightwolf_br [S] [2016_05_28 15:53:55] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 15:53:55] ping&FPS: True 0.0421185823424 260.963927812 136.963931597 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:53:56] ping&FPS: False 0.0325464489205 147.96392516 176.96392516 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:53:57] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:53:59] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:53:59] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:53:59] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:53:59] id 7305524 [S] [2016_05_28 15:53:59] name Kompot [S] [2016_05_28 15:53:59] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 15:54:02] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:54:02] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:54:02] id 7305484 [S] [2016_05_28 15:54:02] name Herep2014 [S] [2016_05_28 15:54:02] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 15:54:02] @ launchpadAppeared 7305484 [S] [2016_05_28 15:54:02] SmokeScreen.onEnterWorld( 2517950 ) [(-78.5797, -317.988)] [S] [2016_05_28 15:54:03] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:54:03] id 7305478 [S] [2016_05_28 15:54:03] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:54:03] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:54:03] id 7305478 [S] [2016_05_28 15:54:03] name maCHOLI [S] [2016_05_28 15:54:03] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 15:54:05] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:54:06] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:54:07] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:54:07] id 7305478 [S] [2016_05_28 15:54:08] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:54:08] id 7305510 [S] [2016_05_28 15:54:10] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:54:10] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:54:10] id 7305510 [S] [2016_05_28 15:54:10] name nightwolf_br [S] [2016_05_28 15:54:10] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 15:54:10] SmokeScreen.onEnterWorld( 2517951 ) [(96.5564, 356.43)] [S] [2016_05_28 15:54:11] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:54:13] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:54:14] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:54:14] id 7305510 [S] [2016_05_28 15:54:14] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:54:17] ping&FPS: True 0.0452397944672 204.96405179 128.964046128 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:54:17] ping&FPS: False 0.0473195569856 152.96405638 152.96405638 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:54:17] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:54:17] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:54:21] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:54:21] id 7305508 [S] [2016_05_28 15:54:23] ping&FPS: True 0.0480509879334 207.964119307 107.964116878 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:54:23] ping&FPS: False 0.0414717899902 82.9641198734 82.9641198734 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:54:24] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:54:26] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:54:27] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:54:27] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:54:27] id 7305508 [S] [2016_05_28 15:54:27] name Garich [S] [2016_05_28 15:54:27] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 15:54:29] ping&FPS: True 0.0461534740669 304.964160762 138.964164786 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:54:29] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:54:29] ping&FPS: False 0.0355834992869 104.964163072 104.964163072 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:54:29] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:54:30] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:54:30] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:54:30] id 7305510 [S] [2016_05_28 15:54:30] name nightwolf_br [S] [2016_05_28 15:54:30] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 15:54:30] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:54:31] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:54:31] ping&FPS: True 0.0475666405899 264.964188687 144.964191816 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:54:31] ping&FPS: False 0.0475761996848 140.964189447 140.964189447 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:54:31] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:54:32] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:54:33] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:54:35] ping&FPS: True 0.0481282951576 298.964210368 139.964215375 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:54:36] ping&FPS: False 0.0447064968092 159.964206792 159.964206792 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:54:36] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:54:36] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:54:36] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:54:37] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:54:39] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:54:40] ping&FPS: True 0.0457017230136 296.96423193 184.964242853 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:54:40] ping&FPS: False 0.0305705996496 106.964232705 106.964232705 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:54:42] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:54:42] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:54:42] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:54:42] id 7305496 [S] [2016_05_28 15:54:42] name kalian3 [S] [2016_05_28 15:54:42] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 15:54:43] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:54:45] ping&FPS: True 0.0337744014604 379.964264668 134.964271299 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:54:45] ping&FPS: False 0.0298185305936 150.964263655 186.964263655 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:54:46] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 15:54:46] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 15:54:46] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#62429: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:54:47] ping&FPS: True 0.0371667849166 202.96427115 118.964271403 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:54:47] ping&FPS: False 0.0285971047623 95.9642719845 95.9642719845 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:54:47] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Izyaslav_foam_post_death.xml#62454: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:54:47] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Izyaslav_foam_post_death.xml#62455: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:54:47] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Izyaslav_foam_post_death.xml#62456: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:54:47] client.Vehicle.setAmmoArtilleryGun [S] [2016_05_28 15:54:49] ping&FPS: True 0.0498207019908 166.96428249 241.96428249 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:54:49] ping&FPS: False 0.0478090154273 169.964284278 169.964284278 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:54:49] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:54:50] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:54:54] SmokeScreen.onEnterWorld( 2517952 ) [(-32.7826, 504.947)] [S] [2016_05_28 15:54:58] ping&FPS: True 0.0405469866736 321.964319534 106.964326359 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:54:58] ping&FPS: False 0.0436640190227 124.964321397 124.964321397 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:54:58] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:54:59] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:00] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:01] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:03] SmokeScreen.onEnterWorld( 2517953 ) [(63.535, -187.006)] [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:03] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:03] ping&FPS: True 0.0399744021041 392.964380003 135.96437519 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:04] ping&FPS: False 0.0372046115143 195.964378602 195.964378602 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:04] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:04] id 7305508 [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:06] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:06] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:06] id 7305508 [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:06] name Garich [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:06] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:08] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:08] id 7305510 [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:09] ping&FPS: True 0.0408901082618 260.964393861 168.964388333 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:09] ping&FPS: False 0.0359306590898 135.964395664 135.964395664 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:11] ping&FPS: True 0.0540902423007 215.964395694 134.964397542 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:11] ping&FPS: False 0.0415471973164 75.9643951128 75.9643951128 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:11] ping&FPS: True 0.0438471393926 257.964392699 75.9643951128 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:12] ping&FPS: False 0.0371677236898 185.964393384 185.964393384 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:13] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:17] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:17] client.Vehicle.setAmmoArtilleryGun [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:18] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:23] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:23] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:23] id 7305478 [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:23] name maCHOLI [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:23] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:24] ping&FPS: True 0.0609763669116 417.964367262 138.964367665 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:24] ping&FPS: False 0.0653972136123 162.964367903 162.964367903 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:24] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:26] id 7305512 [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:26] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:26] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:27] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:27] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:27] id 7305510 [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:27] name nightwolf_br [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:27] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:27] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:27] id 7305508 [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:31] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:31] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:32] client.Vehicle.setAmmoArtilleryGun [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:32] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:32] id 7305510 [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:34] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:34] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:34] id 7305508 [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:34] name Garich [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:34] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:35] ping&FPS: True 0.041810389076 214.964313156 132.964317031 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:35] ping&FPS: False 0.0302277462823 120.964312501 120.964312501 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:35] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:35] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:35] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#63399: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:35] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:36] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:36] id 7305512 [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:36] name TUZ1984 [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:36] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:36] @ launchpadAppeared 7305512 [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:36] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Gnevny_foam_post_death.xml#63426: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:36] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Gnevny_foam_post_death.xml#63427: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:36] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Gnevny_foam_post_death.xml#63428: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:37] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:39] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:39] id 7305512 [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:39] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:39] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:39] id 7305508 [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:41] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:41] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:41] id 7305512 [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:41] name TUZ1984 [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:41] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:41] @ launchpadAppeared 7305512 [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:41] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:46] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:46] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:46] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#63625: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:46] ping&FPS: True 0.0351865323527 214.964310072 151.964306496 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:46] ping&FPS: False 0.0310498731477 61.9643090586 61.9643090586 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:46] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:46] id 7305512 [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:46] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:46] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Kirov_foam_post_death.xml#63640: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:46] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Kirov_foam_post_death.xml#63641: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:46] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Kirov_foam_post_death.xml#63642: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:49] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:49] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:49] id 7305502 [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:49] name sergeybelaruss [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:49] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:49] @ launchpadAppeared 7305502 [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:51] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:51] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:51] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#63729: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:51] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:51] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#63731: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:51] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Konigsberg_foam_post_death.xml#63732: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:51] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Konigsberg_foam_post_death.xml#63733: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:51] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Konigsberg_foam_post_death.xml#63734: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:59] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:59] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:59] id 7305510 [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:59] name nightwolf_br [S] [2016_05_28 15:55:59] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:01] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#63853: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:02] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:02] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:02] id 7305512 [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:02] name TUZ1984 [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:02] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:02] @ launchpadAppeared 7305512 [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:02] id 7305484 [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:02] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:03] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#63862: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:07] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#63933: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:09] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:09] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:09] id 7305484 [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:09] name Herep2014 [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:09] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:09] @ launchpadAppeared 7305484 [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:09] ping&FPS: True 0.0445084529264 238.964323006 126.964330397 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:09] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_water_fountains_post_death.xml#63984: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:09] ping&FPS: False 0.0352091821177 115.964322902 115.964322902 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:11] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#64005: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:11] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:13] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#64077: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:15] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#64114: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:16] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:17] ping&FPS: True 0.0773039417607 466.96439176 142.964385993 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:17] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:17] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:17] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#64167: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:17] ping&FPS: False 0.0749206053359 158.964391745 158.964391745 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:18] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Farragut_foam_post_death.xml#64180: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:18] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Farragut_foam_post_death.xml#64181: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:18] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Farragut_foam_post_death.xml#64182: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:18] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:18] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:18] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_post_fire.xml#64202: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:18] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Anshan_foam_post_death.xml#64203: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:18] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Anshan_foam_post_death.xml#64204: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:18] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Anshan_foam_post_death.xml#64205: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:19] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:19] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:19] id 7305508 [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:19] name Garich [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:19] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:19] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:19] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:19] id 7305492 [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:19] name Tintar [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:19] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:19] @ launchpadAppeared 7305492 [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:20] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:21] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:21] id 7305484 [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:21] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:25] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:30] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#64421: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:30] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:34] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:34] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:34] id 7305504 [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:34] name stariy10 [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:34] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:34] @ launchpadAppeared 7305504 [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:35] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:35] id 7305512 [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:35] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:38] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:38] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:38] id 7305512 [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:38] name TUZ1984 [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:38] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:38] @ launchpadAppeared 7305512 [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:39] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:39] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:39] id 7305510 [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:41] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#64604: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:41] ping&FPS: True 0.044672462557 248.964555807 147.964557833 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:41] ping&FPS: False 0.0383280920131 152.964552946 152.964552946 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:42] ping&FPS: True 0.0591109054429 205.964560814 135.96455685 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:42] ping&FPS: False 0.0452433185918 89.9645625273 89.9645625273 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:42] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:43] ping&FPS: True 0.0211550252778 347.964569918 130.964565031 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:43] ping&FPS: False 0.0131742315633 60.9645706037 60.9645706037 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:44] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:44] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#64675: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:44] client.Vehicle.setAmmoArtilleryGun [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:46] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:47] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:47] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:47] id 7305484 [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:47] name Herep2014 [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:47] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:47] @ launchpadAppeared 7305484 [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:49] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#64801: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:50] ping&FPS: True 0.0330535279853 288.964605025 99.9646116713 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:50] ping&FPS: False 0.0368497776134 152.964604027 152.964604027 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:50] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:50] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:51] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:51] ping&FPS: True 0.0442616375429 246.964599706 136.964605785 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:51] ping&FPS: False 0.0410520168287 159.964601717 159.964601717 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:51] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_water_fountains_post_death.xml#64858: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:53] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#64897: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:55] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#64919: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:55] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:55] ping&FPS: True 0.0475947218282 202.96465329 128.964649818 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:55] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:55] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:55] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#64943: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:55] ping&FPS: False 0.0420252414686 90.9646514425 90.9646514425 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:56] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Minekadze_foam_post_death.xml#64956: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:56] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Minekadze_foam_post_death.xml#64957: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:56] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Minekadze_foam_post_death.xml#64958: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:56] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_water_fountains_post_death.xml#64959: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:56:57] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#64974: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:57:01] ping&FPS: True 0.0309456171734 329.964712314 155.964715965 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:57:01] ping&FPS: False 0.0308492364628 82.96471288 82.96471288 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:57:01] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:57:04] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 15:57:04] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 15:57:04] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#65123: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:57:04] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 15:57:04] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Budeny_foam_post_death.xml#65125: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:57:04] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Budeny_foam_post_death.xml#65126: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:57:04] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Budeny_foam_post_death.xml#65127: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:57:05] ping&FPS: True 0.0421120109303 253.964748941 145.964742697 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:57:05] ping&FPS: False 0.0291423382504 115.964751385 173.964751385 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:57:07] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#65157: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:57:09] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#65200: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:57:09] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 15:57:09] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 15:57:09] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#65207: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:57:10] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_water_fountains_post_death.xml#65213: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:57:10] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Kirov_foam_post_death.xml#65214: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:57:10] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Kirov_foam_post_death.xml#65215: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:57:10] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Kirov_foam_post_death.xml#65216: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:57:11] ping&FPS: True 0.0300450729472 312.964790038 162.96479275 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:57:11] ping&FPS: False 0.0320782469852 119.964789219 119.964789219 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:57:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:57:16] id 7305518 [S] [2016_05_28 15:57:16] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 15:57:17] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:57:18] ping&FPS: True 0.0275012510163 360.964810527 121.964812822 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:57:18] ping&FPS: False 0.0299431937081 96.9648096631 96.9648096631 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:57:20] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#65310: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:57:21] ping&FPS: True 0.0245995329959 342.964820183 139.964827291 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:57:21] ping&FPS: False 0.0174315901739 100.964821837 100.964821837 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:57:22] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:57:22] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:57:22] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#65346: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:57:27] ping&FPS: True 0.0422609033329 284.964849241 154.964845366 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:57:27] ping&FPS: False 0.0461391316993 140.964848138 140.964848138 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:57:28] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:57:29] ping&FPS: True 0.0362592594964 241.964854232 116.964855544 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:57:29] ping&FPS: False 0.023122216974 107.964856333 107.964856333 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:57:32] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#65483: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:57:32] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:57:33] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_post_fire.xml#65496: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:57:35] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:57:37] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#65518: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:57:40] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_water_fountains_post_death.xml#65538: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:57:42] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:57:46] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:57:48] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#65587: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:57:49] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#65588: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:57:50] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:57:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:57:50] id 7305510 [S] [2016_05_28 15:57:50] name nightwolf_br [S] [2016_05_28 15:57:50] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 15:57:51] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#65601: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:57:53] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#65636: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:57:55] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#65646: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:57:57] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#65660: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:57:57] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#65662: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:58:01] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_water_fountains_post_death.xml#65697: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:58:03] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#65718: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:58:04] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#65730: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:58:05] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#65738: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:58:07] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#65764: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:58:12] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 15:58:12] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 15:58:12] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#65821: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:58:12] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Farragut_foam_post_death.xml#65833: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:58:12] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Farragut_foam_post_death.xml#65834: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:58:12] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Farragut_foam_post_death.xml#65835: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:58:12] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#65836: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:58:18] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#65905: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:58:19] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#65910: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:58:21] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#65927: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:58:21] ping&FPS: True 0.0481384577496 204.965090461 163.965090386 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:58:21] ping&FPS: False 0.04284385166 101.965090416 101.965090416 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:58:21] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#65939: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:58:23] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_water_fountains_post_death.xml#65971: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:58:25] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_water_fountains_post_death.xml#66008: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:58:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:58:26] id 7305502 [S] [2016_05_28 15:58:26] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 15:58:27] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 15:58:27] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 15:58:27] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#66017: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:58:27] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Isokaze_foam_post_death.xml#66020: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:58:27] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Isokaze_foam_post_death.xml#66021: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:58:27] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Isokaze_foam_post_death.xml#66022: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:58:27] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:58:27] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:58:27] id 7305502 [S] [2016_05_28 15:58:27] name sergeybelaruss [S] [2016_05_28 15:58:27] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 15:58:27] @ launchpadAppeared 7305502 [S] [2016_05_28 15:58:29] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#66048: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:58:31] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:58:31] id 7305504 [S] [2016_05_28 15:58:31] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 15:58:31] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:58:31] id 7305492 [S] [2016_05_28 15:58:31] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 15:58:34] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 15:58:34] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 15:58:34] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#66106: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:58:34] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 15:58:34] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:58:34] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Budeny_foam_post_death.xml#66122: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:58:34] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Budeny_foam_post_death.xml#66123: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:58:34] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Budeny_foam_post_death.xml#66124: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:58:36] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:58:37] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_water_fountains_post_death.xml#66135: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:58:38] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:58:39] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:58:39] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:58:39] id 7305504 [S] [2016_05_28 15:58:39] name stariy10 [S] [2016_05_28 15:58:39] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 15:58:39] @ launchpadAppeared 7305504 [S] [2016_05_28 15:58:39] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:58:40] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:58:41] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence(), ('5651230@wowsru.loc/wows', 'Shkiper2222', 0) [S] [2016_05_28 15:58:41] [NUT] __updateUserPresence contacts 5651230 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:58:42] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 15:58:42] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:58:42] id 7305480 [S] [2016_05_28 15:58:42] name DeDpoLL_2014 [S] [2016_05_28 15:58:42] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 15:58:42] @ launchpadAppeared 7305480 [S] [2016_05_28 15:58:43] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:58:44] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:58:46] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:58:46] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:58:46] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#66206: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:58:46] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 15:58:46] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 15:58:46] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#66213: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:58:46] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 15:58:46] (, 51832695439976, 238): Two time score difference detected. Max Score(1): 314 Min Score(0): 155 User Team Id: 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:58:47] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Konigsberg_foam_post_death.xml#66223: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:58:47] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Konigsberg_foam_post_death.xml#66224: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:58:47] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Konigsberg_foam_post_death.xml#66225: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:58:48] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#66249: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:58:49] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#66252: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:58:50] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:58:51] ClientSquadron.outOfFuel [S] [2016_05_28 15:58:53] ping&FPS: True 0.0581352221114 284.965209729 142.96520958 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:58:53] ping&FPS: False 0.0599363552673 131.965209014 131.965209014 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:58:55] ping&FPS: True 0.0587407456977 273.965199939 146.965201593 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:58:55] ping&FPS: False 0.062809448157 148.965198285 148.965198285 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:00] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:01] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (7314859, 0, 0, 7305509, 1464439382714L, True, True) [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:01] m418a81c.updatePreBattles (7314859, 0, 0, 7305509, 1464439382714L, True, True) [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:01] m418a81c.updatePreBattles1 {7314858: PreBattleInfo: id: 7314858, inPortPlayers: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 7305521, creationTime 1464439382715, hidden False, locked True , 7314859: PreBattleInfo: id: 7314859, inPortPlayers: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 7305509, creationTime 1464439382714, hidden True, locked True } [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:05] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:08] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#66350: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:12] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:12] id 7305480 [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:12] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:13] ping&FPS: True 0.0619536744697 302.964966423 125.9649745 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:13] ping&FPS: False 0.0638828235013 117.96497593 117.96497593 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:14] ping&FPS: True 0.060048650418 220.964974768 129.964973933 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:14] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#66365: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:15] ping&FPS: False 0.0519382911069 168.964977391 168.964977391 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:15] setFpsGathererActive(False) [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:18] ping&FPS: True 0.742360855852 2980.9650332 125.964978568 0 [E] [2016_05_28 15:59:18] Can only call base methods on the connected entity [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:18] [Weather][40565] onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:18] id 7305478 [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:18] id 7305482 [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:18] id 7305484 [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:18] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:18] id 7305486 [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:18] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:18] id 7305488 [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:18] id 7305490 [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:18] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:18] id 7305494 [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:18] id 7305496 [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:18] id 7305498 [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:18] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:18] id 7305500 [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:18] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:18] id 7305502 [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:18] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:18] id 7305504 [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:18] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:18] id 7305506 [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:18] id 7305508 [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:18] id 7305510 [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:18] id 7305512 [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:18] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:18] Avatar.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:18] (, 70665289920581, 61): Deleted: [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:18] (, 70665289920581, 61): Deleted: [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:18] id 7305514 [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:18] id 7305516 [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:18] id 7305520 [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:18] id 7305522 [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:18] id 7305524 [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:19] Account.__init__() [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:19] [Account debuG]: __init__() ONE___VP [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:19] (, 70665289920581, 61): ClientLobbySpace is creating [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:19] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:19] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4290655952 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:19] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:19] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4290655952L: {'exp': 246057}}, 'changedCrews': {16: {'exp': 58127}}, 'moneyXP': 86} [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:20] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:20] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': 53052} [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:20] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:20] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -14656} [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:20] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:20] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4290655952L: {'slots': {1: {'del_slots': 2}}}}} [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:20] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:20] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4290655952L: {'slots': {1: {'add_slots': (((), 4279070640L),)}}}}, 'storage': {4279070640L: 33}} [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:20] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:20] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4290655952L: {'slots': {1: {'add_slots': (((), 3765989072L),)}}}}} [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:20] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:20] setServerTime -3103.50099993 1464439864 1464436760.5 [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:20] updateActionsProgress: {0: [4290655952L]} [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:20] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:20] __updateTaskProgress start: {} [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:20] updateActionsProgress: {'10688_q02': {'count': 2, 2: {'count': 1}, 3: {'count': 3}}, '10688_q03': {'count': 9}, '10688_q01': {'count': 3, 2: {'count': 2}, 3: {'count': 1}}} [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:20] __updateTaskProgress start: {'10688_q02': {'count': 2, 2: {'count': 1}, 3: {'count': 3}}, '10688_q03': {'count': 9}, '10688_q01': {'count': 3, 2: {'count': 2}, 3: {'count': 1}}} [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:20] step id: 10688_q02 progress {'count': 2, 2: {'count': 1}, 3: {'count': 3}} [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:20] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:20] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:20] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:20] step id: 10688_q03 progress {'count': 9} [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:20] isDone id 10688_q03 count 9 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:20] isDone id 10688_q03 count 9 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:20] isDone id 10688_q03 count 9 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:20] step id: 10688_q01 progress {'count': 3, 2: {'count': 2}, 3: {'count': 1}} [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:20] isDone id 10688_q01 count 3 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:20] isDone id 10688_q01 count 3 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:20] isDone id 10688_q01 count 3 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:20] md3ce6e8.onUpdate 0 0 [dailyId 0 type 0 desc {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464566400.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 0, 'condition': ()} , dailyId 1 type 0 desc {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464480000.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 1, 'condition': ()} , dailyId 39 type 1 desc {'rewards': {5: '500'}, 'title': 390, 'iconId': 6, 'timeToChange': 1464393600.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 2, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 39, 'condition': (6, '1', ('4', 2.0))} ] [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:20] Daily.update: {'rewards': {}, 'pdata': {'isSeen': True, 'timeToChange': 1464566400.0}, 'condition': ('empty', {}), 'desc': (0, 0, 0, 0, 0)} [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:20] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464566400.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 0, 'condition': ()} [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:20] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464480000.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 1, 'condition': ()} [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:20] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {5: '500'}, 'title': 390, 'iconId': 6, 'timeToChange': 1464393600.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 2, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 39, 'condition': (6, '1', ('4', 2.0))} [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:20] md3ce6e8.onUpdate 1 1 [dailyId 0 type 0 desc {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464566400.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 0, 'condition': ()} , dailyId 1 type 0 desc {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464480000.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 1, 'condition': ()} , dailyId 39 type 1 desc {'rewards': {5: '500'}, 'title': 390, 'iconId': 6, 'timeToChange': 1464393600.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 2, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 39, 'condition': (6, '1', ('4', 2.0))} ] [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:20] Daily.update: {'rewards': {}, 'pdata': {'isSeen': True, 'timeToChange': 1464480000.0}, 'condition': ('empty', {}), 'desc': (1, 0, 0, 0, 1)} [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:20] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464566400.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 0, 'condition': ()} [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:20] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464480000.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 1, 'condition': ()} [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:20] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {5: '500'}, 'title': 390, 'iconId': 6, 'timeToChange': 1464393600.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 2, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 39, 'condition': (6, '1', ('4', 2.0))} [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:20] md3ce6e8.onUpdate 2 39 [dailyId 0 type 0 desc {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464566400.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 0, 'condition': ()} , dailyId 1 type 0 desc {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464480000.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 1, 'condition': ()} , dailyId 39 type 1 desc {'rewards': {5: '500'}, 'title': 390, 'iconId': 6, 'timeToChange': 1464393600.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 2, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 39, 'condition': (6, '1', ('4', 2.0))} ] [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:20] Daily.update: {'rewards': {'addResFreeXP': {'value': '500'}}, 'pdata': {'count': 1.0, 'isSeen': True, 'timeToChange': 1464393600.0, 'reward': 'addResFreeXP'}, 'condition': ('torpHits', {'count': '4', 'division': '0', 'countBattle': '1'}), 'desc': (39, 1, 6, 390, 2)} [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:20] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464566400.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 0, 'condition': ()} [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:20] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464480000.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 1, 'condition': ()} [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:20] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {5: '500'}, 'title': 390, 'iconId': 6, 'timeToChange': 1464393600.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 2, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 39, 'condition': (6, '1', ('4', 1.0))} [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:20] leaveBattleSession() Reason: 0 Info: None [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:20] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:20] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:20] Can't send FPS data: it's empty [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:20] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.onEnterLobbyEvent():, (['34411633@wowsru.loc', '8009484@wowsru.loc', '12414124@wowsru.loc', '4679742@wowsru.loc', 'ids_chat_channel_offtop@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', 'wargamingfm@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', '1559899_1454784666@user-rooms.wows.wowsru.loc', 'ids_chat_channel_questions@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', '63671710@wowsru.loc', '5651230@wowsru.loc', '1559899@wowsru.loc', '48007201@wowsru.loc', '6878512@wowsru.loc', '64052394@wowsru.loc', 'ids_chat_channel_search_div@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', '58574566@wowsru.loc', '4719392_1447787513@user-rooms.wows.wowsru.loc'],) [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:20] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetAccountStats, ('0 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:20] md79a786.applyStatsDiff(): {'dossier': 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\x00\xcb\xcb\x02\x00\x04\x01\x02\x01\x00\xd0\xb6\x9e\xfd\xd0\xb6\x9e\xfd\xd05.\xf9\xd0\xb6~\xff\xf07?\xff\xd0\xb6\x9e\xfd\xf07?\xff\xd04>\xe0\xd06_\xff\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xf07\x9e\xff\x1f\x00\x00\x00\x0e\x00\x00\x00\xd0\xb6~\xff(\x00\x00\x00\x18\x00\x00\x00\xf0\xb7>\xff\r\x00\x00\x00\x05\x00\x00\x00\xd06\x9f\xff\x1c\x00\x00\x00\x14\x00\x00\x00\xd06_\xff!\x00\x00\x00\x11\x00\x00\x00\xd05^\xf9\x02\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x000\xb7^\xf9\x13\x00\x00\x00\x0b\x00\x00\x00\xd0\xb5\xce\xff\x04\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\xd05.\xf9\x19\x00\x00\x00\x14\x00\x00\x00\xd0\xb6\x9e\xfdE\x00\x00\x00)\x00\x00\x00\xf07?\xff\x19\x00\x00\x00\x0c\x00\x00\x00\xf0\xb7\x1e\xff\x03\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\xd06\xbe\xff\x06\x00\x00\x00\x04\x00\x00\x00\xd06\xef\xd3\x04\x00\x00\x00\x03\x00\x00\x00\xd06/\xff\x07\x00\x00\x00\x06\x00\x00\x00\xd04>\xe0\x11\x00\x00\x00\x0b\x00\x00\x00\xd6>\x00\x00\xd0\x92\x00\x00\n\x00\x00\x00\n\x00\x00\x00\t\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\t\x00\x00\x00\t\x00\x00\x00\x17\x00\x00\x00\xd6\xf3\x04\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x06\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00}\x03\x00\x00\x12\x00\x00\x00%\x01\x00\x00\xd6\x01\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\x0c\x00\x00\x00D^\x00\x00.\t\xc5\r\x03\x07\x00\x9b\x0c\x01\x00\x02\x00\x01\x00\x00\xd04>\xe0\xd04>\xe0\xd04>\xe0\xd04>\xe0\xd0\xb6\x9e\xfd\xd04>\xe0\x00\x00\x00\x00\xd04>\xe0\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xd0\xb6\x9e\xfd\x01\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\xd04>\xe0\t\x00\x00\x00\t\x00\x00\x00', 'accPoints': 13307273} [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:20] __processDossierStats() client dossier: ['pvp', 'pve_diag', 'rank_diag', 'club', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'max_pve', 'pvp_diag', 'pve', 'max_club', 'max_pvp', 'total', 'club_diag'] [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:20] mc0c471c.onGetAccountStats(): (12, 13305563) (12, 13307273) [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:20] (, 70665289920581, 61): receiveBattleResults, ('6158 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:20] BR: {'credits': 53052, 'credits_penalty': 0, 'exp_penalty': 0, 'exp': 727, 'credits_compensation': 0} [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:20] BR: {'credits': {'sse': [], 'dq': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'ship_exp': {'sse': [], 'dq': [], 'base': [['FIRST_WIN', 1.0, True, 0]], 'mod': [[3765989072L, 0.3, True, 0], [4274909104L, 0.05, True, 0]]}, 'crew_exp': {'sse': [], 'dq': [], 'base': [], 'mod': [[4279070640L, 0.5, True, 0], [4274909104L, 0.05, True, 0]]}, 'free_exp': {'sse': [], 'dq': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'acc_level': {'sse': [], 'dq': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}} [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:20] BR: {'auto_repair_list': [], 'auto_exterior_list': [], 'auto_exterior_credits': 0, 'auto_camo_credits': 0, 'exterior_applied': True, 'exp_enabled': True, 'abilities_applied': True, 'auto_repair_factor': 1.0, 'auto_load_credits': 356, 'acc_points_enabled': True, 'free_exp_enabled': True, 'free_exp_factor': 0.05, 'aogas_factor': 1.0, 'auto_exterior_gold': 0, 'premium_credits_factor': 1.5, 'premium_exp_factor': 1.5, 'auto_abilities_list': [], 'auto_camo_list': [], 'camo_applied': True, 'auto_repair_credits': 14300, 'auto_load_list': [[8, 56], [6, 300], [0, 0]], 'serve_applied': True, 'auto_camo_gold': 0, 'crew_exp_enabled': True, 'auto_abilities_gold': 0, 'auto_abilities_credits': 0, 'credits_enabled': True, 'aogas_online': 0} [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:20] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, ('149 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:20] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, (1, [{'importance': 2, 'typeId': 4, 'dt': 1464439833, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'costShell': 356, 'shipId': 4290655952L, 'result': 0, 'costRepair': 14300}}]) [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:20] (, 70665289920581, 61): onRewardsRestored, ('21 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:20] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:20] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:20] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 0. Boxes contents: [{}] [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:20] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetAchievements, ('1000 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:20] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 4, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SHIP_SERVE', 'costShell': 356, 'result': 0, 'shipId': 4290655952L, 'uiSpecial': False, 'shipLevelRome': 'V', 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PJSD004', 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'isElite': True, 'dt': 1464439833, 'groupId': 5, 'costTotal': 14656, 'sourceId': 0, 'costRepair': 14300, 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'postponed': False} [NUT] PlayersAccountsSystem __request, set([47041, 6332290, 427140, 8804682, 8009484, 2715866, 1559899, 63671710, 3480927, 48007201, 5651230, 58574566, 64052394, 12414124, 6878512, 34411633, 2115378, 671987, 22102814, 242294, 756279, 46719994, 448253, 4679742]) [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:21] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/add() [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:25] setServerTime -3102.99699998 1464439868 1464436765.0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:25] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:25] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:25] Can't send FPS data: it's empty [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:25] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.onEnterLobbyEvent():, (['34411633@wowsru.loc', '8009484@wowsru.loc', '12414124@wowsru.loc', '4679742@wowsru.loc', 'ids_chat_channel_offtop@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', 'wargamingfm@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', '1559899_1454784666@user-rooms.wows.wowsru.loc', 'ids_chat_channel_questions@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', '63671710@wowsru.loc', '5651230@wowsru.loc', '1559899@wowsru.loc', '48007201@wowsru.loc', '6878512@wowsru.loc', '64052394@wowsru.loc', 'ids_chat_channel_search_div@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', '58574566@wowsru.loc', '4719392_1447787513@user-rooms.wows.wowsru.loc'],) [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:25] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence(), ('', '', 0) [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:25] [NUT] AccountsRequest __response, [(47041, 'WONDERFUL_SHOT', 12, 0, 1463997729), (6332290, 'zloy_nyb', 12, 0, 1464421725), (427140, 'Kapitan_Slip', 12, 0, 1464285451), (8804682, 'mishania1235', 12, 0, 1463925150), (8009484, 'SD_D', 12, 0, 1464117201), (2715866, 'BCEM_PPC', 12, 0, 1464418481), (1559899, 'AIRBORNE_161', 12, 0, 1460114623), (63671710, '6aToH4uK_', 12, 0, 1464380706), (3480927, 'Doc_Maximov', 12, 0, 1464432937), (48007201, 'CRIMEA_Haru6aLLIka', 12, 0, 1463780747), (22102814, 'bagfrag1', 12, 0, 1460487063), (58574566, '1tim1_2015', 12, 0, 1464293769), (64052394, 'Lady_Diana_Diversantka', 12, 0, 1464426838), (12414124, 'M_a_n_t_i_s', 12, 0, 1464199836), (6878512, 'Tylendor', 12, 0, 1464024410), (34411633, 'cblH_BouHa', 12, 0, 1463541667), (2115378, 'longxvost', 12, 0, 1461160136), (671987, 'Skunner', 12, 0, 1464285824), (5651230, 'Shkiper2222', 12, 0, 1464438899), (242294, 'PANZER_DIKLONIUS', 12, 0, 1463333213), (756279, '11Paul11', 12, 0, 1464432703), (46719994, 'yushkov8249', 12, 0, 1463790981), (448253, 'AndRyu_47', 12, 0, 1464425279), (4679742, 'alex30279', 12, 0, 1464276886)] 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:25] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, ('171 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:25] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, (1, [{'importance': 2, 'typeId': 42, 'dt': 1464439833, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'camoStor': False, 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4290655952L, 'flagsBuyFail': False}}]) [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:25] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 42, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PJSD004', 'flagsAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'isElite': True, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_EXTERIOR_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2, 'camouflageAutorechargeCompleted': 0, 'idInGroup': 1, 'groupId': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'V', 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'dt': 1464439833, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'camoStor': False, 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4290655952L, 'flagsBuyFail': False}, 'uiSpecial': False} ping&FPS: True 0.279650743519 0.001 125.964978568 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:25] (, 70665289920581, 61): ma3b8627.__onNodeReadyForData: invalid windowId 6 [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:25] (, 70665289920581, 61): ma3b8627.__onNodeReadyForStage: invalid windowId 6 [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:25] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:25] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:25] isDone id 10688_q03 count 9 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:25] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:25] isDone id 10688_q01 count 3 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:25] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:25] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:25] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:25] isDone id 10688_q03 count 9 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:25] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:25] isDone id 10688_q01 count 3 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:25] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:25] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:25] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:25] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/add() [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:25] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, ('612 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:25] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, (1, [{'importance': 2, 'typeId': 5, 'dt': 1464439833, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'achievements': (), 'expPenalty': 0, 'tasks': {'10688_q02': {'count': (2, 0), 'progress': (0.6, 0.0), 2: {'count': (1, 0)}, 3: {'count': (3, 0)}, 'name': u'\u0411\u0435\u0433\u043b\u044b\u0439 \u043e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c'}, '10688_q03': {'count': (9, 0), 'progress': (0, 0), 2: {'count': (0, 0)}, 'name': u'\u0411\u043e\u0435\u0432\u0430\u044f \u044d\u0444\u0444\u0435\u043a\u0442\u0438\u0432\u043d\u043e\u0441\u0442\u044c'}, '10688_q01': {'count': (3, 0), 'progress': (0.30000000000000004, 0.0), 2: {'count': (2, 0)}, 3: {'count': (1, 0)}, 'name': u'\u0422\u044f\u0436\u0451\u043b\u043e\u0435 \u0432\u043e\u043e\u0440\u0443\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'}}, 'shipsKilled': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 31676643697856760L, 'battleTypeId': 5, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'mapTypeId': 8, 'credits': 53052, 'result': 1, 'exp': 1710, 'dailics_info': {}, 'shipId': 4290655952L, 'battleCreateTime': 1464439032, 'accLeveling': (12, 12, 13305563, 1710), 'aogasFactor': 1.0}}]) [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:25] SYS_MESSAGE_TYPE.BATTLE_RESULTS [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:25] key achievements value () [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:25] key expPenalty value 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:25] key tasks value {'10688_q02': {'count': (2, 0), 'progress': (0.6, 0.0), 2: {'count': (1, 0)}, 3: {'count': (3, 0)}, 'name': u'\u0411\u0435\u0433\u043b\u044b\u0439 \u043e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c'}, '10688_q03': {'count': (9, 0), 'progress': (0, 0), 2: {'count': (0, 0)}, 'name': u'\u0411\u043e\u0435\u0432\u0430\u044f \u044d\u0444\u0444\u0435\u043a\u0442\u0438\u0432\u043d\u043e\u0441\u0442\u044c'}, '10688_q01': {'count': (3, 0), 'progress': (0.30000000000000004, 0.0), 2: {'count': (2, 0)}, 3: {'count': (1, 0)}, 'name': u'\u0422\u044f\u0436\u0451\u043b\u043e\u0435 \u0432\u043e\u043e\u0440\u0443\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'}} [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:25] key shipsKilled value 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:25] key arenaUniqueID value 31676643697856760 [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:25] key battleTypeId value 5 [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:25] key teamBuildTypeId value 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:25] key creditsPenalty value 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:25] key creditsCompensation value 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:25] key mapTypeId value 8 [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:25] key credits value 53052 [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:25] key result value 1 [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:25] key exp value 1710 [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:25] key dailics_info value {} [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:25] key shipId value 4290655952 [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:25] key battleCreateTime value 1464439032 [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:25] key accLeveling value (12, 12, 13305563, 1710) [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:25] key aogasFactor value 1.0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:25] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 5, 'exp': 1710, 'tasks': {'10688_q02': {2: {'count': (1, 0)}, 3: {'count': (3, 0)}, 'name': u'\u0411\u0435\u0433\u043b\u044b\u0439 \u043e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c'}, '10688_q03': {2: {'count': (0, 0)}, 'name': u'\u0411\u043e\u0435\u0432\u0430\u044f \u044d\u0444\u0444\u0435\u043a\u0442\u0438\u0432\u043d\u043e\u0441\u0442\u044c'}, '10688_q01': {2: {'count': (2, 0)}, 3: {'count': (1, 0)}, 'name': u'\u0422\u044f\u0436\u0451\u043b\u043e\u0435 \u0432\u043e\u043e\u0440\u0443\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'}}, 'aogasFactor': 1.0, 'mapBGPath': '../maps_bg/17_NA_fault_line.png', 'earnedAchievements': [], 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_BATTLE_RESULTS_1', 'result': 1, 'shipId': 4290655952L, 'uiSpecial': False, 'mapTypeId': 8, 'accountLeveling': {'expGained': 1710, 'currLevel': 12, 'prevLevel': 12, 'currLevelExp': 167500, 'expTotal': 13307273, 'nextLevelExp': 167500}, 'mapName': 'IDS_SPACES/17_NA_FAULT_LINE', 'battleTypeId': 5, 'shipLevelRome': 'V', 'achievements': (), 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PJSD004', 'shipsKilled': 0, 'importance': 2, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'credits': 53052, 'isElite': True, 'date': '28.05.2016 16:37', 'dt': 1464439833, 'groupId': 3, 'accLeveling': (12, 12, 13305563, 1710), 'expPenalty': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 31676643697856760L, 'sourceId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'quests': [], 'dailics_info': {}, 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'postponed': False, 'battleCreateTime': 1464439032} BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:25] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:25] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:25] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:25] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:25] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:25] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_bomb default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:25] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_bomb default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:25] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:25] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:25] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:25] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:25] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:25] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:25] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:25] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:25] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:25] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:25] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:25] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:25] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:25] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:25] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:25] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:25] BuildData: Invalid path player.planes_lost default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:25] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': 0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:25] [NUT] InteractiveMessageSystem: __onSelectedMessageChanged selectedEntityId None [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:25] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': -1.0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:25] [NUT] InteractiveMessageSystem: __onSelectedMessageChanged selectedEntityId None [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:25] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/add() [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:29] (, 70665289920581, 61): handleBanInfo:, ({'banId': '14643763953', 'reason': '"\xd0\x98\xd1\x81\xd0\xbf\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbb\xd1\x8c\xd0\xb7\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd1\x80\xd0\xbc\xd0\xb0\xd1\x82\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb9 \xd0\xbb\xd0\xb5\xd0\xba\xd1\x81\xd0\xb8\xd0\xba\xd0\xb8/ \xd0\xbe\xd1\x81\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd1\x80\xd0\xb1\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd1\x8f" \xe2\x80\x93 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd1\x80\xd1\x83\xd1\x88\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xbf\xd1\x83\xd0\xbd\xd0\xba\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0 1 \xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb7\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb0 1 \xd0\x9f\xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb8\xd0\xbb \xd0\xb8\xd0\xb3\xd1\x80\xd1\x8b (R)', 'expiry': 1464635520L},) [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:29] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence(), ('8752339@wowsru.loc/wows', 'ONE___VP', 0) [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:29] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence(), ('6332290@wowsru.loc/wows', 'zloy_nyb', 0) [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:29] [NUT] __updateUserPresence contacts 6332290 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:30] ping&FPS: True 0.188721294914 1102.96498217 125.964978568 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:30] ping&FPS: False 0.173304866467 127.964988253 125.964978568 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:31] ping&FPS: True 0.128807778869 535.965002901 125.964978568 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:31] ping&FPS: False 0.112786050354 50.9650038103 125.964978568 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:39] ping&FPS: True 0.0647926884038 418.96531327 125.964978568 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:39] ping&FPS: False 0.0637759970767 150.965321257 125.964978568 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:40] ping&FPS: True 0.0590823399169 343.965338289 125.964978568 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:40] ping&FPS: False 0.0540279554469 134.965343654 125.964978568 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:43] ping&FPS: True 0.0656208353383 435.965492509 125.964978568 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:43] ping&FPS: False 0.0624181585652 116.965498648 125.964978568 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:43] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence(), ('6332290@wowsru.loc/wows', 'zloy_nyb', 2) [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:43] [NUT] __updateUserPresence contacts 6332290 2 [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:45] ping&FPS: True 0.0553573178394 448.965560339 125.964978568 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:45] ping&FPS: False 0.0548343764884 137.96556247 125.964978568 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:51] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence(), ('2715866@wowsru.loc/wows', 'BCEM_PPC', 2) [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:51] [NUT] __updateUserPresence contacts 2715866 2 [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:58] ping&FPS: True 0.0501747461302 421.966187946 125.964978568 0 [S] [2016_05_28 15:59:58] ping&FPS: False 0.0519835086805 162.966187655 125.964978568 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:00:03] ping&FPS: True 0.0506620662553 218.966408051 125.964978568 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:00:04] ping&FPS: False 0.0424123438341 131.966407336 125.964978568 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:00:09] ping&FPS: True 0.05079571477 253.966652981 125.964978568 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:00:09] ping&FPS: False 0.0526157127959 169.966652907 125.964978568 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:00:11] ping&FPS: True 0.0497111412031 274.966734267 125.964978568 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:00:12] ping&FPS: False 0.0535951363189 172.96673841 125.964978568 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:00:29] ping&FPS: True 0.0503628211362 439.967475503 125.964978568 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:00:29] ping&FPS: False 0.048094730292 134.967477142 125.964978568 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:00:31] ping&FPS: True 0.0527488695724 508.967530839 125.964978568 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:00:33] ping&FPS: False 0.0278199496014 49.9675683001 125.964978568 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:00:36] ping&FPS: True 0.041327382837 1593.96762796 125.964978568 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:00:36] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 16:00:36] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 16:00:37] ping&FPS: False 0.0377592923386 116.96763762 125.964978568 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:00:44] ping&FPS: True 0.0488395499332 429.967746123 125.964978568 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:00:45] ping&FPS: False 0.0468154358012 181.967742428 125.964978568 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:00:45] ping&FPS: True 0.0453146206481 434.967744037 125.964978568 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:00:45] ping&FPS: False 0.0421938183052 107.967744976 125.964978568 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:00:47] ping&FPS: True 0.046909521733 216.967786356 125.964978568 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:00:47] ping&FPS: False 0.0410730125649 70.9677868182 125.964978568 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:00:48] ping&FPS: True 0.04757344297 497.967814221 125.964978568 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:00:48] ping&FPS: False 0.0416980194194 88.9678148398 125.964978568 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:00:53] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 16:00:53] ping&FPS: True 0.0512254493577 314.967939369 125.964978568 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:00:53] ping&FPS: False 0.0489386724574 122.967941835 125.964978568 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:00:53] ping&FPS: True 0.0491304951055 324.96794629 125.964978568 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:00:53] ping&FPS: False 0.0450805830104 96.9679472888 125.964978568 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:00:56] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 16:00:56] ping&FPS: True 0.0468419077141 400.967977374 125.964978568 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:00:57] ping&FPS: False 0.0492218094213 168.967978998 125.964978568 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:00:58] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 16:00:58] ping&FPS: True 0.0503755467279 319.968006506 125.964978568 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:00:58] ping&FPS: False 0.0461942659957 102.968008488 125.964978568 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:00:59] ping&FPS: True 0.0490306200726 589.968020908 125.964978568 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:01] ping&FPS: False 0.0412270607693 153.968004815 125.964978568 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:02] ping&FPS: True 0.0362259852035 208.968011565 125.964978568 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:02] ping&FPS: False 0.0337638514382 95.9680105368 125.964978568 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:02] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:02] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:02] isDone id 10688_q03 count 9 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:02] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:02] isDone id 10688_q01 count 3 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:02] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:02] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:03] ping&FPS: True 0.0354724334819 454.968022294 125.964978568 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:04] ping&FPS: False 0.0283739971263 61.9680130551 125.964978568 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:05] ping&FPS: True 0.0339674907071 337.968012817 125.964978568 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:05] ping&FPS: False 0.0254267709596 51.9680138896 125.964978568 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:09] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:16] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:16] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:16] isDone id 10688_q03 count 9 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:16] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:16] isDone id 10688_q01 count 3 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:16] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:16] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:17] ping&FPS: True 0.056503291641 1128.9683163 125.964978568 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:17] Unable to find camera param -- camouNode [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:21] ping&FPS: False 0.0559791581971 142.968221992 125.964978568 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:22] ping&FPS: True 0.0542629914624 738.968251787 125.964978568 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:22] ping&FPS: False 0.0516992168767 112.968251682 125.964978568 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:24] ping&FPS: True 0.0488932686193 850.968275934 125.964978568 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:25] ping&FPS: False 0.0319884972913 132.968245297 125.964978568 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:26] ping&FPS: True 0.0380938532097 381.968262836 125.964978568 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:26] ping&FPS: False 0.0438842656357 159.96825689 125.964978568 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:26] (, 70686798305077, 25): PersonalPriceList.getHashInfo: (['d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e'], ['20ad1b5107665f539062b9c2e229f2fc', '53a4b6063d372d96dbe92450558163f8', '8d4f62568fe731730087d2d6d9f4fc3a', 'b6914b195d24c6c2a86a399521521127', '13d37cb15dd8c66487452f2ebbcc8edf']) [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:27] ping&FPS: True 0.0409464346511 477.968270696 125.964978568 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:27] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4290754544L: {'slots': {1: {'add_slots': (((), 4279070640L),)}}}}, 'storage': {4279070640L: 32}} [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:27] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:27] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, ('149 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:27] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, (1, [{'importance': 2, 'typeId': 17476, 'dt': 1464439995, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'item': ('flags', 4279070640L), 'shipID': 4290754544L, 'numItems': 1}}]) [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:27] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/add() [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:28] (, 70665289920581, 61): ma3b8627.__onNodeReadyForData: invalid windowId 6 [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:28] (, 70665289920581, 61): ma3b8627.__onNodeReadyForStage: invalid windowId 6 [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:28] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 38, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASA004', 'isElite': True, 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'exteriorType': 'Flags', 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_AIRCARRIER', 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SET_EXTERIOR_ACTIVITY_FLAGS_29', 'shipLevelRome': 'IV', 'result': 29, 'shipType': 'AirCarrier', 'stypeIdent': 'AirCarrier', 'uiSpecial': False, 'data': {'shipId': 4290754544L, 'result': 29, 'exteriorId': 4279070640L}, 'groupId': 4} ping&FPS: False 0.0352144049747 115.96830108 125.964978568 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:29] ping&FPS: True 0.0477678137166 375.968304499 125.964978568 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:30] ping&FPS: False 0.0516819315297 133.968311525 125.964978568 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:30] Account.enqueue(): 1 [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:30] ping&FPS: True 0.0496804671628 213.968312077 125.964978568 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:30] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4290754544 4 [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:30] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:30] onEnqueued() QueueType: 1 ShipId: 4290754544 [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:30] (, 70665289920581, 61): ma3b8627.__onNodeReadyForData: invalid windowId 6 [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:30] (, 70665289920581, 61): ma3b8627.__onNodeReadyForStage: invalid windowId 6 [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:33] ping&FPS: False 0.0324273290379 28.968320779 125.964978568 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:33] (, 70665289920581, 61): handleBanInfo:, ({'banId': '14643763953', 'reason': '"\xd0\x98\xd1\x81\xd0\xbf\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbb\xd1\x8c\xd0\xb7\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd1\x80\xd0\xbc\xd0\xb0\xd1\x82\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb9 \xd0\xbb\xd0\xb5\xd0\xba\xd1\x81\xd0\xb8\xd0\xba\xd0\xb8/ \xd0\xbe\xd1\x81\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd1\x80\xd0\xb1\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd1\x8f" \xe2\x80\x93 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd1\x80\xd1\x83\xd1\x88\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xbf\xd1\x83\xd0\xbd\xd0\xba\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0 1 \xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb7\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb0 1 \xd0\x9f\xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb8\xd0\xbb \xd0\xb8\xd0\xb3\xd1\x80\xd1\x8b (R)', 'expiry': 1464635520L},) [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:33] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence(), ('8752339@wowsru.loc/wows', 'ONE___VP', 2) [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:37] ping&FPS: True 0.063679139529 431.96848949 125.964978568 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:37] ping&FPS: False 0.0622795330627 137.968491621 125.964978568 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:41] ping&FPS: True 0.0526702957494 249.968490816 125.964978568 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:41] ping&FPS: False 0.054301034127 164.968493647 125.964978568 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:43] ping&FPS: True 0.0529068144304 337.968481264 125.964978568 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:43] ping&FPS: False 0.0464824246509 77.9684828738 125.964978568 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:45] onPrepareingForBattle() [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:45] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4290754544 1 [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:45] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:45] onGameRoomStateInit mapIdx = 5 battleType = 8 gameMode = MegaBase duration=1200 [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:50] ping&FPS: True 0.0517245861036 281.96848037 125.964978568 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:50] ping&FPS: False 0.0514141651137 135.968482173 125.964978568 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:51] ping&FPS: True 0.0519285233957 228.968484483 125.964978568 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:51] ping&FPS: False 0.0436000110848 51.968485556 125.964978568 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:53] ping&FPS: True 0.928571428571 154.96848081 125.964978568 0 [E] [2016_05_28 16:01:53] Can only call base methods on the connected entity [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:53] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:53] (, 70665289920581, 61): Lobby destroy started. [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:53] (, 70665289920581, 61): Lobby successfully destroyed. [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:53] onArenaStateReceived: teams info: [None, None] [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:53] Timer::Timer() BaseEnablingTimer 120 120 0 0 False [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:53] Mission tasks available! [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:53] Battle waiting start: 5.0 / 10188.9870399 [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:53] Avatar.receiveAvatarInfo: {'evaluationsLeft': {0: 5, 1: 5}} [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:53] Avatar.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:53] name ONE___VP [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:53] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:53] Avatar onControlled False [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:53] onControlled->False: not implemented [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:53] onGeometryMapped() MapName: %s 10_NE_big_race [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:53] teamBuildType: 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:53] player: Id: 7291661 Name: RenamedUser_20310200 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSD003_Isokaze_1917' [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:53] player: Id: 7003409 Name: kuba_12 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSC013_Kuma_1938' [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:53] player: Id: 6833298 Name: ONE___VP TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASA004_Langley_1929' [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:53] player: Id: 7247125 Name: student523 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSC105_Konigsberg' [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:53] player: Id: 6941207 Name: medvedi_1975 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASC004_St_Louis_1906' [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:53] player: Id: 7120280 Name: ShiAV TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASA004_Langley_1929' [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:53] player: Id: 6800794 Name: Colonel_2D TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSC105_Konigsberg' [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:53] player: Id: 6823836 Name: mayor_777_1998 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB006_New_York_1934' [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:53] player: Id: 7278683 Name: Stiffler_one TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASC004_St_Louis_1906' [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:53] player: Id: 7211313 Name: KATANAPANZER TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSA006_Zuiho_1944' [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:53] player: Id: 7263413 Name: Leliktrack TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSC005_Furutaka_1926' [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:53] player: Id: 6844727 Name: Snow__69 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSC105_Kirov' [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:53] player: Id: 7264952 Name: dark_cloud_Russia TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSC015_Tatsuta_1919' [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:53] player: Id: 7214517 Name: Admiral_Eberhardt TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSB705_Kongou' [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:53] player: Id: 7382849 Name: Flint_496 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSC105_Kirov' [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:53] player: Id: 7184708 Name: toxa_925 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASC004_St_Louis_1906' [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:53] player: Id: 7147594 Name: ani_99 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSB008_Ishizuchi_1921' [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:53] player: Id: 5869965 Name: WIKING_GeneralMotors TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSD003_Isokaze_1917' [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:53] player: Id: 7065563 Name: RobinGreen TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSC105_Kirov' [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:53] player: Id: 7368931 Name: XAMEP_TPAKTOP TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSA006_Zuiho_1944' [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:53] player: Id: 6999141 Name: sereban2577 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASD014_Leader_1919' [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:53] player: Id: 6902892 Name: Archontx TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSC015_Tatsuta_1919' [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:53] player: Id: 6568176 Name: denberry TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSC105_Kirov' [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:53] player: Id: 7577969 Name: _G7__ TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSC105_Kirov' [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:53] BattleDataContext.__onEnterSpace [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:53] [DEBUG] BattleLoadingContext: geometry mapped [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:53] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (6509990, 0, 0, 7367276, 1464440014156L, False, False) [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:53] m418a81c.updatePreBattles (6509990, 0, 0, 7367276, 1464440014156L, False, False) [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:53] m418a81c.updatePreBattles1 {6509990: PreBattleInfo: id: 6509990, inPortPlayers: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 7367276, creationTime 1464440014156, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:53] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (6509990, 0, 0, 7367276, 1464440014156L, False, False) [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:53] m418a81c.updatePreBattles (6509990, 0, 0, 7367276, 1464440014156L, False, False) [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:53] m418a81c.updatePreBattles1 {6509990: PreBattleInfo: id: 6509990, inPortPlayers: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 7367276, creationTime 1464440014156, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:53] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (6509990, 0, 0, 7367276, 1464440014156L, False, True) [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:53] m418a81c.updatePreBattles (6509990, 0, 0, 7367276, 1464440014156L, False, True) [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:53] m418a81c.updatePreBattles1 {6509990: PreBattleInfo: id: 6509990, inPortPlayers: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 7367276, creationTime 1464440014156, hidden False, locked True } [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:53] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (7314897, 0, 0, 7367284, 1464440014156L, False, False) [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:53] m418a81c.updatePreBattles (7314897, 0, 0, 7367284, 1464440014156L, False, False) [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:53] m418a81c.updatePreBattles1 {7314897: PreBattleInfo: id: 7314897, inPortPlayers: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 7367284, creationTime 1464440014156, hidden False, locked False , 6509990: PreBattleInfo: id: 6509990, inPortPlayers: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 7367276, creationTime 1464440014156, hidden False, locked True } [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:53] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (7314897, 0, 0, 7367284, 1464440014156L, False, False) [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:53] m418a81c.updatePreBattles (7314897, 0, 0, 7367284, 1464440014156L, False, False) [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:53] m418a81c.updatePreBattles1 {7314897: PreBattleInfo: id: 7314897, inPortPlayers: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 7367284, creationTime 1464440014156, hidden False, locked False , 6509990: PreBattleInfo: id: 6509990, inPortPlayers: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 7367276, creationTime 1464440014156, hidden False, locked True } [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:53] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (7314897, 0, 0, 7367284, 1464440014156L, False, True) [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:53] m418a81c.updatePreBattles (7314897, 0, 0, 7367284, 1464440014156L, False, True) [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:53] m418a81c.updatePreBattles1 {7314897: PreBattleInfo: id: 7314897, inPortPlayers: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 7367284, creationTime 1464440014156, hidden False, locked True , 6509990: PreBattleInfo: id: 6509990, inPortPlayers: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 7367276, creationTime 1464440014156, hidden False, locked True } [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:53] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (7314897, 0, 0, 7367282, 1464440014156L, False, True) [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:53] m418a81c.updatePreBattles (7314897, 0, 0, 7367282, 1464440014156L, False, True) [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:53] m418a81c.updatePreBattles1 {7314897: PreBattleInfo: id: 7314897, inPortPlayers: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 7367282, creationTime 1464440014156, hidden False, locked True , 6509990: PreBattleInfo: id: 6509990, inPortPlayers: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 7367276, creationTime 1464440014156, hidden False, locked True } [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:53] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (7314897, 0, 0, 7367282, 1464440014156L, False, True) [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:53] m418a81c.updatePreBattles (7314897, 0, 0, 7367282, 1464440014156L, False, True) [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:53] m418a81c.updatePreBattles1 {7314897: PreBattleInfo: id: 7314897, inPortPlayers: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 7367282, creationTime 1464440014156, hidden False, locked True , 6509990: PreBattleInfo: id: 6509990, inPortPlayers: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 7367276, creationTime 1464440014156, hidden False, locked True } [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:53] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (7314897, 0, 0, 7367282, 1464440014156L, False, True) [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:53] m418a81c.updatePreBattles (7314897, 0, 0, 7367282, 1464440014156L, False, True) [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:53] m418a81c.updatePreBattles1 {7314897: PreBattleInfo: id: 7314897, inPortPlayers: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 7367282, creationTime 1464440014156, hidden False, locked True , 6509990: PreBattleInfo: id: 6509990, inPortPlayers: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 7367276, creationTime 1464440014156, hidden False, locked True } [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:53] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (6509990, 0, 0, 7367276, 1464440014156L, False, True) [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:53] m418a81c.updatePreBattles (6509990, 0, 0, 7367276, 1464440014156L, False, True) [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:53] m418a81c.updatePreBattles1 {7314897: PreBattleInfo: id: 7314897, inPortPlayers: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 7367282, creationTime 1464440014156, hidden False, locked True , 6509990: PreBattleInfo: id: 6509990, inPortPlayers: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 7367276, creationTime 1464440014156, hidden False, locked True } [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:53] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (6509990, 0, 0, 7367276, 1464440014156L, False, True) [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:53] m418a81c.updatePreBattles (6509990, 0, 0, 7367276, 1464440014156L, False, True) [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:53] m418a81c.updatePreBattles1 {7314897: PreBattleInfo: id: 7314897, inPortPlayers: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 7367282, creationTime 1464440014156, hidden False, locked True , 6509990: PreBattleInfo: id: 6509990, inPortPlayers: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 7367276, creationTime 1464440014156, hidden False, locked True } [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:53] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (6509990, 0, 0, 7367276, 1464440014156L, False, True) [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:53] m418a81c.updatePreBattles (6509990, 0, 0, 7367276, 1464440014156L, False, True) [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:53] m418a81c.updatePreBattles1 {7314897: PreBattleInfo: id: 7314897, inPortPlayers: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 7367282, creationTime 1464440014156, hidden False, locked True , 6509990: PreBattleInfo: id: 6509990, inPortPlayers: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 7367276, creationTime 1464440014156, hidden False, locked True } [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:54] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:54] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:54] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:54] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:54] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:54] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:54] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:54] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:54] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:54] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:54] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:54] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:57] Battle countdown start: 60.0 / 10193.6210399 [S] [2016_05_28 16:01:58] ping&FPS: False 0.0793012338025 0.001 125.964978568 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:02:01] ping&FPS: True 0.0613515036447 358.968505522 136.968498831 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:02:01] ping&FPS: False 0.0549053209169 64.9685068628 64.9685068628 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:02:04] ping&FPS: True 0.0621126400573 325.968496169 138.968493025 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:02:04] [BAT] __initBasePoints points [] [S] [2016_05_28 16:02:04] [BAT] x 0.619999992371 y 0.379999992371 VISIBLE True [S] [2016_05_28 16:02:04] ping&FPS: False 0.0613339649779 121.96849754 121.96849754 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:02:04] [Scaleform] Warning: instance82733.setImageSubstitutions() failed for #86 element - length of subString should not exceed 15 characters [S] [2016_05_28 16:02:06] ping&FPS: True 0.0680920141084 1901.96848893 121.96849754 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:02:06] ping&FPS: False 0.0583298014743 90.9685040372 90.9685040372 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:02:07] ping&FPS: True 0.0626237200839 226.9684976 130.968499507 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:02:07] ping&FPS: False 0.0519322933895 108.968494977 108.968494977 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:02:08] ping&FPS: True 0.0565915214164 262.968495141 129.968498598 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:02:08] ping&FPS: False 0.0451393159372 25.9684956776 25.9684956776 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:02:08] ping&FPS: True 0.0517611163003 256.968498688 25.9684956776 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:02:08] ping&FPS: False 0.0528622897608 96.9685015487 96.9685015487 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:02:09] ping&FPS: True 0.0533806639058 212.968508724 133.968507338 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:02:09] ping&FPS: False 0.0484339552266 137.968512717 137.968512717 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:02:10] ping&FPS: True 0.0521369757397 221.968519512 116.968520376 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:02:10] ping&FPS: False 0.0550691293819 154.968518841 154.968518841 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:02:11] ping&FPS: True 0.0509653793914 326.968523237 137.96852738 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:02:11] ping&FPS: False 0.0463952677591 133.968526575 133.968526575 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:02:13] ping&FPS: True 0.0566789912326 213.968526426 133.968524876 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:02:13] ping&FPS: False 0.0527404653175 185.968530837 185.968530837 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:02:14] ping&FPS: True 0.0574077921254 258.968534175 185.968530837 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:02:14] ping&FPS: False 0.0565839814288 114.968536261 114.968536261 0 [A] [2016_05_28 16:02:14] CollisionModel::load: Error loading collision model content/gameplay/japan/ship/aircarrier/JSA007_Zuiho_1940/JSA007_Zuiho_1940_Stern! [S] [2016_05_28 16:02:16] ping&FPS: True 0.063632275377 219.968566611 134.968560352 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:02:16] ping&FPS: False 0.0547587828977 161.968572676 161.968572676 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:02:17] ping&FPS: True 0.0545933651073 227.96858178 137.968576073 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:02:18] ping&FPS: False 0.0449297460062 94.9685770715 120.968578264 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:02:18] ping&FPS: True 0.0478633897645 234.968582883 129.968579754 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:02:18] ping&FPS: False 0.0517391519887 181.968588158 90.968588158 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:02:19] ping&FPS: True 0.0568619178874 212.968589544 90.968588158 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:02:19] ping&FPS: False 0.0492738144738 127.968595623 127.968595623 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:02:19] ping&FPS: True 0.0516556384308 231.968600124 150.968595623 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:02:19] ping&FPS: False 0.0448826136334 51.9686011965 51.9686011965 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:02:20] ping&FPS: True 0.0513551490647 214.968604773 51.9686011965 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:02:20] ping&FPS: False 0.0429451870067 120.968604117 120.968604117 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:02:21] ping&FPS: True 0.0622174697263 208.968612834 129.968608379 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:02:21] ping&FPS: False 0.045823741172 135.968620225 135.968620225 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:02:21] ping&FPS: True 0.0441386433584 226.968618318 135.968620225 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:02:21] ping&FPS: False 0.049210089658 157.968621864 157.968621864 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:02:24] ping&FPS: True 0.0624736802919 224.968632679 150.968631189 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:02:24] ping&FPS: False 0.0498385982854 120.968632023 120.968632023 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:02:25] ping&FPS: True 0.0585488485438 205.968633513 134.968633275 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:02:25] ping&FPS: False 0.0508279087288 132.96863855 132.96863855 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:02:26] ping&FPS: True 0.061889361058 234.968636136 132.968636732 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:02:26] ping&FPS: False 0.0495652737362 50.9686370449 50.9686370449 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:02:26] ping&FPS: True 0.0549649851663 213.968638595 50.9686370449 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:02:26] ping&FPS: False 0.0517685072763 90.9686404722 90.9686404722 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:02:27] ping&FPS: True 0.0592222320182 452.968633513 133.96864308 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:02:27] ping&FPS: False 0.0556398289544 77.968638699 77.968638699 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:02:28] ping&FPS: True 0.0611367481095 206.968639228 154.968636963 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:02:28] ping&FPS: False 0.0503600122673 51.9686403008 51.9686403008 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:02:29] ping&FPS: True 0.0521861346705 259.968636307 118.968638393 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:02:29] ping&FPS: False 0.0557696180684 152.968635309 152.968635309 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:02:30] ping&FPS: True 0.0587620245559 238.96863358 116.968635383 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:02:30] ping&FPS: False 0.0506513523204 64.9686349215 64.9686349215 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:02:33] ping&FPS: True 0.0572165059192 207.968634542 137.96863025 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:02:33] ping&FPS: False 0.0513841318233 77.9686361509 77.9686361509 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:02:34] ping&FPS: True 0.0535999642951 222.968635871 144.968630984 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:02:34] ping&FPS: False 0.0468181031091 64.9686372126 64.9686372126 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:02:35] ping&FPS: True 0.0549225466592 251.968636855 147.968636527 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:02:35] ping&FPS: False 0.0603990214212 182.968638911 182.968638911 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:02:35] ping&FPS: True 0.0622684018953 209.968639805 182.968638911 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:02:35] ping&FPS: False 0.055577944432 78.9686415786 78.9686415786 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:02:36] ping&FPS: True 0.0607715802533 222.968647308 142.968648008 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:02:36] ping&FPS: False 0.0545550393207 77.9686489174 77.9686489174 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:02:39] ping&FPS: True 0.052905436073 233.968669123 133.968668021 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:02:39] ping&FPS: False 0.0477099376065 64.9686704645 64.9686704645 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:02:39] ping&FPS: True 0.052932101701 201.968670763 117.96867118 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:02:39] ping&FPS: False 0.0499004008515 104.968673072 104.968673072 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:02:40] ping&FPS: True 0.0576360630138 230.968676902 134.968678154 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:02:40] ping&FPS: False 0.0459100263459 51.9686779747 51.9686779747 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:02:40] ping&FPS: True 0.0411057057125 257.968680433 131.968679122 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:02:40] ping&FPS: False 0.0343140991671 37.9686810741 37.9686810741 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:02:44] ping&FPS: True 0.0613821404321 225.968697398 137.968693882 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:02:44] ping&FPS: False 0.0548205184085 110.968698829 110.968698829 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:02:45] ping&FPS: True 0.059739063893 214.968708049 153.968704473 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:02:45] ping&FPS: False 0.053963716541 144.968703877 144.968703877 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:02:46] ping&FPS: True 0.0657465117318 224.968708809 124.968707319 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:02:46] ping&FPS: False 0.0508855091674 51.9687098818 51.9687098818 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:02:48] ping&FPS: True 0.058914105807 218.968712355 130.968713711 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:02:48] ping&FPS: False 0.0527492122991 91.9687143969 91.9687143969 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:02:49] ping&FPS: True 0.0626530902726 751.968734096 143.968705829 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:02:51] ping&FPS: False 0.0541473137481 65.9687201636 65.9687201636 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:02:53] ping&FPS: True 0.0623839454991 1005.96873599 135.968723829 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:02:53] ping&FPS: False 0.057476531182 91.9687403845 91.9687403845 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:02:54] ping&FPS: True 0.0597424464566 256.96873654 139.968740981 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:02:54] ping&FPS: False 0.0643211411578 178.968737941 178.968737941 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:02:54] ping&FPS: True 0.0648111509425 315.968743171 178.968737941 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:02:54] ping&FPS: False 0.0615861820323 111.968744765 111.968744765 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:02:55] ping&FPS: True 0.0675131486995 230.968747097 145.968748349 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:02:55] ping&FPS: False 0.0558906303985 65.9687486025 65.9687486025 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:02:56] ping&FPS: True 0.0584934460265 291.968743149 133.96874744 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:02:56] ping&FPS: False 0.0584078388555 125.968745175 125.968745175 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:02:57] -= BATTLE STARTED =- [S] [2016_05_28 16:02:58] ping&FPS: True 0.060145716582 297.968762587 148.968756582 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:02:58] ping&FPS: False 0.0597556339843 137.968764718 137.968764718 0 [A] [2016_05_28 16:03:00] CollisionModel::load: Error loading collision model content/gameplay/japan/ship/aircarrier/JSA006_Zuiho_1944/JSA006_Zuiho_1944_MidFront! [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:01] ping&FPS: True 0.0539365964276 226.968770582 159.968770626 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:01] ping&FPS: False 0.0473501416189 65.9687720867 65.9687720867 0 [A] [2016_05_28 16:03:01] CollisionModel::load: Error loading collision model content/gameplay/japan/ship/aircarrier/JSA006_Zuiho_1944/JSA006_Zuiho_1944_Stern! [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:01] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:01] id 7367293 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:01] name XAMEP_TPAKTOP [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:01] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:01] @ launchpadAppeared 7367293 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:01] [Weather][38815] onEnterWorld (map spaces/10_NE_big_race, scheme 1, weather 0) [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:01] [Weather][38815] prepare transition for Sunny [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:01] [Weather][38815] start transition (from weather 0, to weather 1) [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:06] ping&FPS: True 0.063059132014 245.968814428 134.968807633 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:06] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:06] id 7367275 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:06] name Admiral_Eberhardt [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:06] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:06] @ launchpadAppeared 7367275 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:06] ping&FPS: False 0.0553953903062 198.968815382 198.968815382 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:07] ping&FPS: True 0.0601674126727 218.968822102 138.968819733 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:07] ping&FPS: False 0.0499391066177 64.9688234436 64.9688234436 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:10] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:10] id 7367295 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:10] name sereban2577 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:10] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:10] ping&FPS: True 0.0541854309184 203.96883637 146.968842048 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:10] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:10] id 7367261 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:10] name student523 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:10] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:10] @ launchpadAppeared 7367261 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:10] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:10] id 7367283 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:10] name Flint_496 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:10] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:10] ping&FPS: False 0.0415113823754 78.9688362809 78.9688362809 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:11] ping&FPS: True 0.0525699811322 207.968852039 154.96884961 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:11] ping&FPS: False 0.0457713784916 52.9688532757 52.9688532757 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:11] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:11] id 7367279 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:11] name dark_cloud_Russia [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:11] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:12] ping&FPS: True 0.0532939316971 227.968872744 152.9688689 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:12] ping&FPS: False 0.0462056057794 54.9688733774 54.9688733774 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:12] ping&FPS: True 0.0530690582735 211.968881268 92.9688744577 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:12] ping&FPS: False 0.0462062986834 80.9688824373 80.9688824373 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:12] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:12] id 7367291 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:12] name RobinGreen [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:12] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:13] @ launchpadAppeared 7367291 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:13] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:13] id 7367301 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:13] name _G7__ [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:13] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:13] @ launchpadAppeared 7367301 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:13] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:13] id 7367289 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:13] name WIKING_GeneralMotors [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:13] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:14] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:14] id 7367271 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:14] name Stiffler_one [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:14] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:14] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:14] id 7367285 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:14] name toxa_925 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:14] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:14] ping&FPS: True 0.0449830400092 204.968909371 84.96890464 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:14] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:14] id 7367259 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:14] name ONE___VP [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:14] team id 1 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:14] @ launchpadAppeared 7367259 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:14] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:14] Avatar.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:14] ! A.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:14] m7ae8a4d.init [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:14] @ launchpadAppeared 7367259 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:14] m8fd8523.init [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:14] Unable to find camera param -- firstTimeSwitchToAviationInRtsKey [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:14] BattleDataContext.__onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:14] -- GUNS ----------------------------------------- [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:14] {} [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:14] -- GUNS ----------------------------------------- [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:14] {} [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:14] ping&FPS: False 0.0271379756076 69.9689096691 69.9689096691 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:14] ! PM.refreshAirArmament [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:14] m7ae8a4d.restore [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:14] Avatar.onWorldStateReceived [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:15] ping&FPS: True 0.0392932700259 346.96891253 69.9689096691 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:15] ("[ERROR] FeedbackController: config {event: 'Sound', container: 'screenplay_trigger'} must set 'type'",) [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:15] ("[ERROR] FeedbackController: config {event: 'Sound', container: 'five_minutes_left'} must set 'type'",) [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:15] ('[ERROR] FeedbackController: empty config for event five_minutes_left',) [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:18] ping&FPS: False 0.0541114317519 117.968973834 117.968973834 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:19] ping&FPS: True 0.0621310727937 1043.9690034 117.968973834 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:19] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:19] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:19] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:19] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:19] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:19] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:19] ping&FPS: False 0.0651137637241 194.969003695 194.969003695 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:19] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:19] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:19] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:19] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:19] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:19] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:26] ping&FPS: True 0.0574654149158 222.969205211 154.969204049 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:26] ping&FPS: False 0.0555830555303 107.969208013 107.969208013 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:36] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:36] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:40] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:41] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:41] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:41] id 7367287 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:41] name ani_99 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:41] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:43] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:43] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:43] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:43] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:43] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:43] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:43] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:45] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:45] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:46] ping&FPS: True 0.0612062620265 234.969919506 141.969912651 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:46] ping&FPS: False 0.0507365348084 139.969921123 185.969921123 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:51] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:51] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:51] id 7367257 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:51] name kuba_12 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:51] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:53] ping&FPS: True 0.0600638347013 237.970163676 130.970158193 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:53] ping&FPS: False 0.0518593298537 139.970166932 195.970166932 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:55] ping&FPS: True 0.0600525992257 227.970258746 150.970258627 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:55] ping&FPS: False 0.0521113680942 53.9702582838 53.9702582838 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:56] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:56] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:56] id 7367277 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:56] name Snow__69 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:56] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:56] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:56] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:56] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:03:58] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:01] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:01] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:01] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:01] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:02] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:02] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:02] id 7367269 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:02] name mayor_777_1998 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:02] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:04] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:09] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:09] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:09] id 7367267 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:09] name Colonel_2D [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:09] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:09] @ launchpadAppeared 7367267 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:09] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:11] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:13] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:13] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:13] id 7367269 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:14] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:14] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:14] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:14] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:14] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:14] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:14] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:14] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:15] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:15] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:15] id 7367269 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:15] name mayor_777_1998 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:15] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:19] ping&FPS: True 0.0535165401442 783.970611091 117.970586892 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:19] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:19] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:19] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:19] ping&FPS: False 0.0414592804653 142.970605563 142.970605563 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:20] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:20] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:20] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:20] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:20] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:20] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:21] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:21] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:21] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:21] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:21] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:21] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:21] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:21] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:21] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:22] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:24] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:25] ping&FPS: True 0.0561477499349 354.970571052 130.970570605 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:25] ping&FPS: False 0.0505042033536 79.9705692636 79.9705692636 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:27] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:28] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:28] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:28] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:28] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:28] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:29] ping&FPS: True 0.058136756931 267.970533769 121.970538269 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:29] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:29] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:29] ping&FPS: False 0.0485600712044 156.970540624 156.970540624 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:31] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:31] ping&FPS: True 0.0378865855081 255.970525097 126.970527838 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:31] [Weather][38815] finish transition [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:31] ping&FPS: False 0.0274198683245 177.970522608 177.970522608 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:32] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:32] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:32] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:32] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:32] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:34] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:34] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:34] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:34] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:34] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:34] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#66827: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:34] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Kuma_foam_post_death.xml#66829: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:34] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Kuma_foam_post_death.xml#66830: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:34] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Kuma_foam_post_death.xml#66831: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:34] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:35] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:35] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:35] id 7367281 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:35] name Leliktrack [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:35] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:35] @ launchpadAppeared 7367281 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:38] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:40] ping&FPS: True 0.0626194285495 297.970510173 140.970506031 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:40] ping&FPS: False 0.0581340449197 134.970507156 134.970507156 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:40] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:40] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:41] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:43] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:43] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:44] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:44] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:44] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:45] ping&FPS: True 0.0526531519634 270.970506828 156.970508974 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:45] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:45] ping&FPS: False 0.0401228698237 69.9705065595 111.97050656 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:45] id 7367269 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:45] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:47] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:47] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:47] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:48] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:48] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:48] id 7367255 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:48] name RenamedUser_20310200 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:48] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:49] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:52] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:55] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:55] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:55] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:55] id 7367297 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:55] name Archontx [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:55] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:55] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:55] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:55] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:55] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:55] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:55] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:55] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:56] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:56] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:57] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:57] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:57] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:57] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:57] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:57] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:57] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:57] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:58] ping&FPS: True 0.0600143479449 280.970377366 155.970383461 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:58] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:58] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:58] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_post_fire.xml#67105: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:58] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:58] ping&FPS: False 0.0580766605479 135.970377307 135.970377307 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:58] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Konigsberg_foam_post_death.xml#67107: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:58] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Konigsberg_foam_post_death.xml#67108: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:58] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Konigsberg_foam_post_death.xml#67109: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:59] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:59] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:59] id 7367269 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:59] name mayor_777_1998 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:59] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:59] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 16:04:59] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:01] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:02] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:02] id 7367281 [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:02] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:02] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:02] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:03] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:03] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:03] ping&FPS: True 0.060509290014 335.970356602 125.970362994 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:04] ping&FPS: False 0.0578346209867 107.970359403 107.970359403 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:04] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:04] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:04] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:05] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:05] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:05] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:05] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:06] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:06] id 7367269 [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:07] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:07] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:09] ping&FPS: True 0.018994103585 250.97034898 147.970345091 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:10] ping&FPS: False 0.0404176296932 135.970344614 135.970344614 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:10] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:10] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:11] ping&FPS: True 0.024315650974 235.970332261 119.97033083 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:12] ping&FPS: False 0.00999048671552 132.970331411 187.970331411 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:12] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:12] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:12] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:12] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:12] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:12] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:12] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:12] id 7367297 [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:13] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:13] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:13] id 7367297 [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:13] name Archontx [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:13] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:13] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:14] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:16] SmokeScreen.onEnterWorld( 2630695 ) [(196.774, 334.708)] [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:17] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:17] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:17] id 7367297 [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:19] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:19] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:19] id 7367269 [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:19] name mayor_777_1998 [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:19] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:19] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:19] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:19] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:19] id 7367299 [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:19] name denberry [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:19] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:20] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:21] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:21] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:21] id 7367265 [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:21] name ShiAV [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:21] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:21] @ launchpadAppeared 7367265 [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:21] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:22] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:23] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:23] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:23] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:23] id 7367297 [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:23] name Archontx [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:23] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:23] id 7367269 [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:23] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:23] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#67469: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:24] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:24] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:24] id 7367263 [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:24] name medvedi_1975 [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:24] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:25] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:27] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:28] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:28] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:28] id 7367269 [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:28] name mayor_777_1998 [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:28] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:28] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:28] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:28] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:28] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:28] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:28] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:29] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:29] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:29] id 7367281 [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:29] name Leliktrack [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:29] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:29] @ launchpadAppeared 7367281 [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:31] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:31] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:31] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:31] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:31] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:31] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:32] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:32] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:32] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:32] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:32] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:33] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:33] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:34] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:35] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:36] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:38] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:38] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:38] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:38] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:38] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:39] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:39] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:40] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#67764: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:41] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:41] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:41] id 7367273 [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:41] name KATANAPANZER [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:41] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:41] @ launchpadAppeared 7367273 [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:42] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:43] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:43] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:44] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:45] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:47] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:47] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:47] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:47] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:47] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:48] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:49] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:53] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:53] SmokeScreen.onEnterWorld( 2630696 ) [(-249.516, -250.542)] [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:54] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:54] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#68073: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:57] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:58] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_water_fountains_post_death.xml#68154: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:59] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:59] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 16:05:59] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#68189: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 16:06:00] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Isokaze_foam_post_death.xml#68192: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 16:06:00] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Isokaze_foam_post_death.xml#68193: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 16:06:00] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Isokaze_foam_post_death.xml#68194: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 16:06:01] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 16:06:01] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 16:06:01] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#68231: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 16:06:01] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:06:01] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Kirov_foam_post_death.xml#68237: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 16:06:01] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Kirov_foam_post_death.xml#68238: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 16:06:01] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Kirov_foam_post_death.xml#68239: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 16:06:01] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:06:01] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:06:03] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:06:03] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#68259: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 16:06:03] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:06:03] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:06:03] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 16:06:03] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 16:06:03] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#68267: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 16:06:03] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 16:06:03] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Kirov_foam_post_death.xml#68274: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 16:06:03] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Kirov_foam_post_death.xml#68275: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 16:06:03] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Kirov_foam_post_death.xml#68276: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 16:06:03] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 16:06:04] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 16:06:04] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 16:06:10] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_post_fire.xml#68369: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 16:06:11] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#68430: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 16:06:13] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 16:06:15] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:06:15] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:06:15] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:06:18] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#68537: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 16:06:18] ping&FPS: True 0.073309894119 212.969919111 128.969921451 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:06:18] ping&FPS: False 0.0552473025663 61.9699180978 61.9699180978 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:06:21] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_water_fountains_post_death.xml#68591: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 16:06:23] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 16:06:24] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 16:06:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:06:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:06:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:06:24] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 16:06:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:06:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:06:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:06:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:06:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:06:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:06:29] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 16:06:29] id 7367299 [S] [2016_05_28 16:06:29] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 16:06:29] id 7367265 [S] [2016_05_28 16:06:29] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 16:06:30] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 16:06:30] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 16:06:30] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#68756: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 16:06:30] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Tatsuta_foam_post_death.xml#68766: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 16:06:30] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Tatsuta_foam_post_death.xml#68767: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 16:06:30] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Tatsuta_foam_post_death.xml#68768: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 16:06:31] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:06:34] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#68837: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 16:06:37] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 16:06:37] id 7367263 [S] [2016_05_28 16:06:39] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#68864: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 16:06:41] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#68886: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 16:06:41] ping&FPS: True 0.0644833700997 369.969781812 153.969777043 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:06:41] ping&FPS: False 0.0534599157316 45.9697819012 45.9697819012 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:06:43] ping&FPS: True 0.0521726118667 340.969786602 115.969782862 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:06:43] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 16:06:43] id 7367273 [S] [2016_05_28 16:06:43] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 16:06:43] ping&FPS: False 0.0512759940965 102.969788584 102.969788584 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:06:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:06:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:06:47] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:06:47] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:06:47] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:06:47] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:06:47] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:06:47] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:06:49] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:06:49] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:06:50] ping&FPS: True 0.0567891555173 283.969797428 144.969784405 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:06:50] ping&FPS: False 0.0455720233066 134.969797205 134.969797205 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:06:51] ping&FPS: True 0.0584681736571 361.969789173 153.969785716 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:06:51] ping&FPS: False 0.050467635904 64.9697886514 64.9697886514 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:06:53] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#68993: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 16:06:54] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 16:06:54] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 16:06:54] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#69000: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 16:06:54] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 16:06:55] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Konigsberg_foam_post_death.xml#69011: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 16:06:55] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Konigsberg_foam_post_death.xml#69012: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 16:06:55] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Konigsberg_foam_post_death.xml#69013: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 16:06:56] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 16:06:57] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_water_fountains_post_death.xml#69028: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:01] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:01] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:01] ping&FPS: True 0.0528579609735 371.969691436 145.96970031 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:01] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:01] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:01] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:01] ping&FPS: False 0.0489697115762 125.969691012 125.969691012 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:03] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#69066: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:04] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:05] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:05] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:06] ping&FPS: True 0.0550859229905 227.969658289 166.969658169 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:06] ping&FPS: False 0.0650575118405 189.969657767 189.969657767 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:10] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#69116: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:11] ping&FPS: True 0.0587852703673 313.969609323 141.969606284 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:11] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#69133: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:11] ping&FPS: False 0.0566383855683 123.969607297 123.969607297 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:12] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#69134: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:13] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:14] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:14] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:14] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:14] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:14] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:14] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:14] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:14] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:14] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:15] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:16] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:16] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:16] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:16] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:16] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:17] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:17] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:17] id 7367299 [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:17] name denberry [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:17] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:18] ping&FPS: True 0.0574172692639 330.969572346 147.969570245 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:18] ping&FPS: False 0.0535351442439 98.9695718097 98.9695718097 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:19] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:19] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:19] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:19] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:19] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:21] ping&FPS: True 0.0424463035805 353.969563137 152.969568442 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:21] ping&FPS: False 0.0378535719854 75.9695606934 75.9695606934 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:21] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:22] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:22] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:22] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:22] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#69232: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:24] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:25] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_water_fountains_post_death.xml#69263: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:26] ping&FPS: True 0.0559545414788 229.969565335 106.969568613 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:26] ping&FPS: False 0.0399219202144 132.969564799 132.969564799 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:27] ping&FPS: True 0.052215117429 318.969557616 147.969568658 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:27] ping&FPS: False 0.0476503776652 152.969554755 152.969554755 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:29] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#69293: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:29] ping&FPS: True 0.0568690257413 389.969521153 141.969533596 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:29] ping&FPS: False 0.0560445295913 176.969520363 176.969520363 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:29] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:30] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#69308: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:31] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:32] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:32] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:32] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#69320: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:33] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:34] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:35] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:35] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:38] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#69375: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:39] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#69384: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:41] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:43] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:43] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:43] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:43] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_water_fountains_post_death.xml#69428: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:45] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#69431: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:45] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:46] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:46] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:46] id 7367263 [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:46] name medvedi_1975 [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:46] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:46] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:47] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:49] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:49] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:49] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:49] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:49] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:49] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:49] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:49] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:49] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:49] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:49] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:49] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:49] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:49] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:49] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:50] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_water_fountains_post_death.xml#69508: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:51] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:53] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:53] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:53] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:53] id 7367273 [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:53] name KATANAPANZER [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:53] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:53] @ launchpadAppeared 7367273 [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:53] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:53] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:53] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:53] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:54] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:54] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#69549: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:54] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:54] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:55] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence(), ('756279@wowsru.loc/wows', '11Paul11', 0) [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:55] [NUT] __updateUserPresence contacts 756279 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:56] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:56] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:56] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:56] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:56] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:57] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:57] id 7367277 [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:57] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 16:07:59] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:00] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:03] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:03] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:03] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:03] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:03] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:03] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:04] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:04] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:04] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:04] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:04] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:08] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#69644: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:08] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:10] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:11] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:11] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:11] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:11] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:11] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:11] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:11] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:11] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:12] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:13] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:14] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:14] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:14] id 7367277 [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:14] name Snow__69 [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:14] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:14] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#69692: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:15] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:15] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:15] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:16] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:17] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_water_fountains_post_death.xml#69714: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:17] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:18] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:18] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:19] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:20] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:20] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:20] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:20] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:21] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:21] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:22] ping&FPS: True 0.0609661745174 207.969396855 117.969396289 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:22] ping&FPS: False 0.0528580801828 122.969396527 122.969396527 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:24] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:24] id 7367277 [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:24] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:25] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:25] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:27] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:29] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:32] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:32] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:34] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:34] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:34] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#69941: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:34] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:34] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Furutaka_foam_post_death.xml#69945: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:34] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Furutaka_foam_post_death.xml#69946: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:34] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Furutaka_foam_post_death.xml#69947: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:34] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:34] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:34] id 7367277 [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:34] name Snow__69 [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:34] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:36] ping&FPS: True 0.0566128449781 218.969463784 144.969459552 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:36] ping&FPS: False 0.0556896882398 110.969465214 110.969465214 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:37] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:38] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:38] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:38] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:38] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:38] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:38] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:38] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:40] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:43] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:44] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:45] ping&FPS: True 0.0498435156686 403.969435829 136.969421762 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:46] ping&FPS: False 0.0369483189923 101.969432134 181.969432134 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:46] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:48] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:48] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:48] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:48] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:52] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:52] ping&FPS: True 0.06327184609 234.969410289 94.9694108846 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:52] ping&FPS: False 0.0528334783656 166.969405997 166.969405997 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:53] ping&FPS: True 0.0509788723929 288.969400424 176.969405207 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:53] ping&FPS: False 0.0332188638193 151.969399262 151.969399262 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:55] ping&FPS: True 0.0604279594762 365.969402972 153.969393271 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:56] ping&FPS: False 0.0549986766917 86.9694004687 86.9694004687 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:57] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:57] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:57] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_AA_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#70222: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:57] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:57] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:57] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Zuiho_foam_post_death.xml#70235: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:57] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Zuiho_foam_post_death.xml#70236: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 16:08:57] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Zuiho_foam_post_death.xml#70237: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:02] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence(), ('756279@wowsru.loc/wows', '11Paul11', 2) [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:02] [NUT] __updateUserPresence contacts 756279 2 [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:06] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:06] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:06] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#70344: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:06] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Ishizuchi_foam_post_death.xml#70349: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:06] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Ishizuchi_foam_post_death.xml#70350: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:06] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Ishizuchi_foam_post_death.xml#70351: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:12] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:12] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:12] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:12] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:13] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#70420: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:17] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:18] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#70472: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:18] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:18] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:18] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:18] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:19] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:19] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:19] ping&FPS: True 0.0209708767278 263.969210263 188.969211693 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:19] ping&FPS: False 0.0244307698948 121.969207908 121.969207908 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:19] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:19] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:19] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:19] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:20] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:20] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:24] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#70535: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:25] ping&FPS: True 0.0578228639705 229.969160702 142.969156529 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:25] ping&FPS: False 0.0546007709844 73.9691616552 73.9691616552 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:27] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_water_fountains_post_death.xml#70591: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:28] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:28] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:28] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_CC_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#70600: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:28] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Kirov_foam_post_death.xml#70602: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:28] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Kirov_foam_post_death.xml#70603: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:28] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Kirov_foam_post_death.xml#70604: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:28] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence(), ('5651230@wowsru.loc/wows', 'Shkiper2222', 2) [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:28] [NUT] __updateUserPresence contacts 5651230 2 [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:29] ping&FPS: True 0.0578350829227 270.969126816 154.96913455 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:29] ping&FPS: False 0.0584363000734 144.969124507 144.969124507 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:29] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:31] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:31] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:31] id 7367265 [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:31] name ShiAV [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:31] team id 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:31] @ launchpadAppeared 7367265 [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:31] ping&FPS: True 0.0587467657668 286.969109263 148.969114374 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:31] ping&FPS: False 0.056613485728 132.969110574 132.969110574 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:31] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:32] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:32] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:32] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:32] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:32] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:35] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:38] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:38] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:39] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:40] ping&FPS: True 0.0566650437457 303.96912096 81.9691176968 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:40] ping&FPS: False 0.0366113366825 137.969121228 137.969121228 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:41] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:43] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_AA_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#70716: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:44] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_BB_seething_bubbles_post_death.xml#70722: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:45] ping&FPS: True 0.0603049652917 310.969070058 129.969073098 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:45] ping&FPS: False 0.0516840102417 105.969068806 105.969068806 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:47] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:47] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:47] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:47] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:47] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:48] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:48] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:48] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:48] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:48] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:49] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:49] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:49] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:49] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:50] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:50] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:50] Vehicle.kill [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:50] [ERROR] (24562196149175036:75): FX: Effect not found: [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:50] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_DD_fuming_at_flooding_post_death.xml#70824: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:50] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Isokaze_foam_post_death.xml#70826: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:50] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Isokaze_foam_post_death.xml#70827: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:50] [WARNING] FX: sfx/NF_Isokaze_foam_post_death.xml#70828: A non-persistent effect expected, but we havean infinite duration [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:52] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:52] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:55] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:55] Result Undefined [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:55] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:55] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:56] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:56] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:56] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:56] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:57] battle finish - Victory [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:57] (, 70665289920581, 61): Deleted: [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:57] (, 70665289920581, 61): Deleted: [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:58] ping&FPS: True 0.0341420652611 598.968988839 159.969011727 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:59] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (7314897, 0, 0, 7367282, 1464440014156L, True, True) [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:59] m418a81c.updatePreBattles (7314897, 0, 0, 7367282, 1464440014156L, True, True) [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:59] m418a81c.updatePreBattles1 {7314897: PreBattleInfo: id: 7314897, inPortPlayers: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 7367282, creationTime 1464440014156, hidden True, locked True , 6509990: PreBattleInfo: id: 6509990, inPortPlayers: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 7367276, creationTime 1464440014156, hidden False, locked True } [S] [2016_05_28 16:09:59] setFpsGathererActive(False) [E] [2016_05_28 16:10:03] Can only call base methods on the connected entity [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:03] [Weather][38815] onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:03] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:03] id 7367255 [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:03] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:03] id 7367257 [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:03] Avatar.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:03] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:03] id 7367259 [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:03] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:03] id 7367261 [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:03] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:03] id 7367263 [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:03] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:03] id 7367265 [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:03] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:03] id 7367267 [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:03] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:03] id 7367269 [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:03] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:03] id 7367271 [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:03] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:03] id 7367273 [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:03] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:03] id 7367275 [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:03] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:03] id 7367277 [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:03] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:03] id 7367279 [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:03] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:03] id 7367281 [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:03] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:03] id 7367283 [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:03] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:03] id 7367285 [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:03] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:03] id 7367287 [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:03] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:03] id 7367289 [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:03] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:03] id 7367291 [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:03] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:03] id 7367293 [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:03] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:03] id 7367295 [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:03] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:03] id 7367297 [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:03] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:03] id 7367299 [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:03] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:03] id 7367301 [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:03] Account.__init__() [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:03] [Account debuG]: __init__() ONE___VP [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:03] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:03] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4184782640 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:03] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:03] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4184782640L: {'exp': 5931}}, 'changedCrews': {41: {'exp': 294, 'level': 6}}, 'moneyXP': 55} [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:03] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:03] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': 86990} [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:04] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:04] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -19340} [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:04] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:04] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4184782640L: {'slots': {1: {'del_slots': 2}}}}} [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:04] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:04] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4184782640L: {'slots': {1: {'add_slots': (((), 4279070640L),)}}}}, 'storage': {4279070640L: 31}} [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:04] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:04] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -22500, 'changedShips': {4184782640L: {'slots': {1: {'add_slots': (((), 4287557552L),)}}}}} [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:04] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:04] >>> receiveChanges {'storage': {4284653488L: 7}} [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:04] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:04] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4290754544 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:04] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:04] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4290754544L: {'exp': 118037}}, 'changedCrews': {20: {'exp': 31386}}, 'moneyXP': 61} [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:04] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:04] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': 100889} [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:04] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:04] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -2220} [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:04] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:04] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4290754544L: {'slots': {1: {'del_slots': 1}}}}} [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:04] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:04] setServerTime -3104.20799994 1464440509 1464437404.79 [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:04] updateActionsProgress: {'10688_q02': {'count': 2, 2: {'count': 1}, 3: {'count': 3}}, '10688_q03': {'count': 9}, '10688_q01': {'count': 3, 2: {'count': 2}, 3: {'count': 1}}} [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:04] __updateTaskProgress start: {'10688_q02': {'count': 2, 2: {'count': 1}, 3: {'count': 3}}, '10688_q03': {'count': 9}, '10688_q01': {'count': 3, 2: {'count': 2}, 3: {'count': 1}}} [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:04] step id: 10688_q02 progress {'count': 2, 2: {'count': 1}, 3: {'count': 3}} [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:04] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:04] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:04] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:04] step id: 10688_q03 progress {'count': 9} [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:04] isDone id 10688_q03 count 9 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:04] isDone id 10688_q03 count 9 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:04] isDone id 10688_q03 count 9 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:04] step id: 10688_q01 progress {'count': 3, 2: {'count': 2}, 3: {'count': 1}} [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:04] isDone id 10688_q01 count 3 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:04] isDone id 10688_q01 count 3 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:04] isDone id 10688_q01 count 3 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:04] md3ce6e8.onUpdate 0 0 [dailyId 0 type 0 desc {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464566400.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 0, 'condition': ()} , dailyId 1 type 0 desc {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464480000.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 1, 'condition': ()} , dailyId 39 type 1 desc {'rewards': {5: '500'}, 'title': 390, 'iconId': 6, 'timeToChange': 1464393600.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 2, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 39, 'condition': (6, '1', ('4', 1.0))} ] [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:04] Daily.update: {'rewards': {}, 'pdata': {'isSeen': True, 'timeToChange': 1464566400.0}, 'condition': ('empty', {}), 'desc': (0, 0, 0, 0, 0)} [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:04] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464566400.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 0, 'condition': ()} [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:04] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464480000.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 1, 'condition': ()} [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:04] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {5: '500'}, 'title': 390, 'iconId': 6, 'timeToChange': 1464393600.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 2, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 39, 'condition': (6, '1', ('4', 1.0))} [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:04] md3ce6e8.onUpdate 1 1 [dailyId 0 type 0 desc {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464566400.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 0, 'condition': ()} , dailyId 1 type 0 desc {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464480000.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 1, 'condition': ()} , dailyId 39 type 1 desc {'rewards': {5: '500'}, 'title': 390, 'iconId': 6, 'timeToChange': 1464393600.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 2, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 39, 'condition': (6, '1', ('4', 1.0))} ] [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:04] Daily.update: {'rewards': {}, 'pdata': {'isSeen': True, 'timeToChange': 1464480000.0}, 'condition': ('empty', {}), 'desc': (1, 0, 0, 0, 1)} [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:04] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464566400.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 0, 'condition': ()} [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:04] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464480000.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 1, 'condition': ()} [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:04] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {5: '500'}, 'title': 390, 'iconId': 6, 'timeToChange': 1464393600.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 2, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 39, 'condition': (6, '1', ('4', 1.0))} [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:04] md3ce6e8.onUpdate 2 39 [dailyId 0 type 0 desc {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464566400.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 0, 'condition': ()} , dailyId 1 type 0 desc {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464480000.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 1, 'condition': ()} , dailyId 39 type 1 desc {'rewards': {5: '500'}, 'title': 390, 'iconId': 6, 'timeToChange': 1464393600.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 2, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 39, 'condition': (6, '1', ('4', 1.0))} ] [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:04] Daily.update: {'rewards': {'addResFreeXP': {'value': '500'}}, 'pdata': {'count': 1.0, 'isSeen': True, 'timeToChange': 1464393600.0, 'reward': 'addResFreeXP'}, 'condition': ('torpHits', {'count': '4', 'division': '0', 'countBattle': '1'}), 'desc': (39, 1, 6, 390, 2)} [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:04] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464566400.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 0, 'condition': ()} [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:04] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464480000.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 1, 'condition': ()} [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:04] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {5: '500'}, 'title': 390, 'iconId': 6, 'timeToChange': 1464393600.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 2, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 39, 'condition': (6, '1', ('4', 1.0))} [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:04] leaveBattleSession() Reason: 0 Info: None [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:04] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:04] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:05] Can't send FPS data: it's empty [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:05] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.onEnterLobbyEvent():, (['34411633@wowsru.loc', '8009484@wowsru.loc', '12414124@wowsru.loc', '4679742@wowsru.loc', 'ids_chat_channel_offtop@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', 'wargamingfm@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', '1559899_1454784666@user-rooms.wows.wowsru.loc', 'ids_chat_channel_questions@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', '63671710@wowsru.loc', '5651230@wowsru.loc', '1559899@wowsru.loc', '48007201@wowsru.loc', '6878512@wowsru.loc', '64052394@wowsru.loc', 'ids_chat_channel_search_div@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', '58574566@wowsru.loc', '4719392_1447787513@user-rooms.wows.wowsru.loc'],) [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:05] updateActionsProgress: {'10688_q02': {'count': 2, 2: {'count': 1}, 3: {'count': 3}}, '10688_q03': {'count': 9}, '10688_q01': {'count': 3, 2: {'count': 2}, 3: {'count': 2}}} [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:05] __updateTaskProgress start: {'10688_q02': {'count': 2, 2: {'count': 1}, 3: {'count': 3}}, '10688_q03': {'count': 9}, '10688_q01': {'count': 3, 2: {'count': 2}, 3: {'count': 2}}} [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:05] step id: 10688_q02 progress {'count': 2, 2: {'count': 1}, 3: {'count': 3}} [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:05] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:05] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:05] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:05] step id: 10688_q03 progress {'count': 9} [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:05] isDone id 10688_q03 count 9 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:05] isDone id 10688_q03 count 9 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:05] isDone id 10688_q03 count 9 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:05] step id: 10688_q01 progress {'count': 3, 2: {'count': 2}, 3: {'count': 2}} [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:05] isDone id 10688_q01 count 3 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:05] isDone id 10688_q01 count 3 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:05] isDone id 10688_q01 count 3 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:05] md3ce6e8.onUpdate 0 0 [dailyId 0 type 0 desc {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464566400.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 0, 'condition': ()} , dailyId 1 type 0 desc {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464480000.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 1, 'condition': ()} , dailyId 39 type 1 desc {'rewards': {5: '500'}, 'title': 390, 'iconId': 6, 'timeToChange': 1464393600.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 2, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 39, 'condition': (6, '1', ('4', 1.0))} ] [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:05] Daily.update: {'rewards': {}, 'pdata': {'isSeen': True, 'timeToChange': 1464566400.0}, 'condition': ('empty', {}), 'desc': (0, 0, 0, 0, 0)} [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:05] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464566400.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 0, 'condition': ()} [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:05] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464480000.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 1, 'condition': ()} [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:05] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {5: '500'}, 'title': 390, 'iconId': 6, 'timeToChange': 1464393600.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 2, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 39, 'condition': (6, '1', ('4', 1.0))} [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:05] md3ce6e8.onUpdate 1 1 [dailyId 0 type 0 desc {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464566400.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 0, 'condition': ()} , dailyId 1 type 0 desc {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464480000.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 1, 'condition': ()} , dailyId 39 type 1 desc {'rewards': {5: '500'}, 'title': 390, 'iconId': 6, 'timeToChange': 1464393600.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 2, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 39, 'condition': (6, '1', ('4', 1.0))} ] [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:05] Daily.update: {'rewards': {}, 'pdata': {'isSeen': True, 'timeToChange': 1464480000.0}, 'condition': ('empty', {}), 'desc': (1, 0, 0, 0, 1)} [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:05] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464566400.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 0, 'condition': ()} [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:05] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464480000.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 1, 'condition': ()} [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:05] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {5: '500'}, 'title': 390, 'iconId': 6, 'timeToChange': 1464393600.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 2, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 39, 'condition': (6, '1', ('4', 1.0))} [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:05] md3ce6e8.onUpdate 2 39 [dailyId 0 type 0 desc {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464566400.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 0, 'condition': ()} , dailyId 1 type 0 desc {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464480000.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 1, 'condition': ()} , dailyId 39 type 1 desc {'rewards': {5: '500'}, 'title': 390, 'iconId': 6, 'timeToChange': 1464393600.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 2, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 39, 'condition': (6, '1', ('4', 1.0))} ] [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:05] Daily.update: {'rewards': {'addResFreeXP': {'value': '500'}}, 'pdata': {'count': 1.0, 'isSeen': True, 'timeToChange': 1464393600.0, 'reward': 'addResFreeXP'}, 'condition': ('torpHits', {'count': '4', 'division': '0', 'countBattle': '1'}), 'desc': (39, 1, 6, 390, 2)} [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:05] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464566400.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 0, 'condition': ()} [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:05] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {}, 'title': 0, 'iconId': 0, 'timeToChange': 1464480000.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 0, 'id': 1, 'condition': ()} [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:05] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {5: '500'}, 'title': 390, 'iconId': 6, 'timeToChange': 1464393600.0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 2, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 39, 'condition': (6, '1', ('4', 1.0))} [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:05] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetAccountStats, ('0 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:05] md79a786.applyStatsDiff(): {'dossier': '\x07\x00\x18\x00`\x00P\x048\x00`\x00<\x008\x00`\x00`\x00`\x00`\x00\x00\x00\x00\x008\x008\x008\x008\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00`\x00`\x00`\x008\x008\x008\x00\xc0\x00`\x008\x00\x18\x00 \xf7\x8cU\xce\x94IW\xe5\x133\x00\xd4A\x03\x00\r\x13\x00\x00\x001JWZ\xd6S\x00\x9e\xc5\xbd\x00\xb6\x11\x00\x00\xe5\n\x00\x00Z\x07\x00\x00\x83\x06\x00\x00\xbe\x08\x00\x00\xd7\x18\x00\x00\rY\x00\x00\x07\xb0P\x0f\xef\t\x00\x00C\'\x00\x00R\r\x00\x00;\x00\x00\x00=\x04\x00\x00\x0b\x00\x00\x006\x03\x00\x00\xb2E\t\x00n\xa9\x00\x00%\x17\x01\x00ns\x03\x00\x96\x17\x00\x00,\x10\x00\x00\xe1#x\x00\xd0\xb6^\xfe\xc5\x00\x00\x00\x95\x00\x00\x00\xd06\xde\xff(\x00\x00\x00\x1d\x00\x00\x00\xf0\xb7\xee\xff\x02\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\xf07\xde\xff\x03\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\xd06\xce\xff\x12\x00\x00\x00\n\x00\x00\x00\xd06\xbe\xffq\x00\x00\x00C\x00\x00\x00\xf0\xb7\xbe\xff\r\x00\x00\x00\x07\x00\x00\x00\xf07\xef\xff\n\x00\x00\x00\x04\x00\x00\x00\xf0\xb7~\xfe\x0b\x00\x00\x00\x05\x00\x00\x00\xd0\xb6\x0e\xff\x08\x00\x00\x00\x06\x00\x00\x00\xd06\xef\xff\x07\x00\x00\x00\x05\x00\x00\x00\xd0\xb6.\xff\x12\x00\x00\x00\x07\x00\x00\x00\xf0\xb7\xae\xffD\x00\x00\x00,\x00\x00\x00\xf07\xbf\xff\x1a\x00\x00\x00\x0e\x00\x00\x00\xd06\xae\xff-\x00\x00\x00\x16\x00\x00\x00\xf0\xb7\xbf\xffH\x00\x00\x00.\x00\x00\x00\xd06\xcf\xff#\x00\x00\x00\x0e\x00\x00\x00\xf0\xb7\xdf\xfff\x00\x00\x004\x00\x00\x00\xd0\xb6\xdf\xfff\x00\x00\x00F\x00\x00\x00\xd0\xb6\x9f\xffQ\x00\x00\x004\x00\x00\x00\xf07N\xfe\x17\x00\x00\x00\r\x00\x00\x00\xd0\xb6\xae\xff1\x00\x00\x00\x1a\x00\x00\x00\xd0\xb6o\xffY\x00\x00\x00:\x00\x00\x00\xf07\xce\xfe\x10\x00\x00\x00\x08\x00\x00\x00\xd0\xb6O\xff7\x00\x00\x00$\x00\x00\x00\xf0\xb7\x8e\xff+\x00\x00\x00\x16\x00\x00\x00\xf07\x1e\xff!\x00\x00\x00\x14\x00\x00\x00\xd0\xb6\x8e\xff(\x00\x00\x00\x17\x00\x00\x00\xf07\x9f\xff\x1c\x00\x00\x00\x14\x00\x00\x00\xf07\xae\xff+\x00\x00\x00\x17\x00\x00\x00\xd06\x9e\xff<\x00\x00\x00\x1f\x00\x00\x00\xf0\xb7\x9f\xff$\x00\x00\x00\x14\x00\x00\x00\xd06\x8f\xff"\x00\x00\x00\x19\x00\x00\x00\xf07\x9e\xff(\x00\x00\x00\x15\x00\x00\x00\xf07\xdf\xfd-\x00\x00\x00\x15\x00\x00\x00\xd0\xb6~\xff"\x00\x00\x00\x11\x00\x00\x00\xf0\xb7>\xff/\x00\x00\x00\x14\x00\x00\x00\xf0\xb7_\xff/\x00\x00\x00\x15\x00\x00\x00\xd06\x9f\xff\x1e\x00\x00\x00\x14\x00\x00\x00\xd0\xb6?\xff;\x00\x00\x00$\x00\x00\x00\xf07/\xffP\x00\x00\x002\x00\x00\x00\xd06\x8e\xffS\x00\x00\x00:\x00\x00\x00\xd06_\xff\x1d\x00\x00\x00\x12\x00\x00\x00\xf07~\xffQ\x00\x00\x00.\x00\x00\x00\xd0\xb6n\xff2\x00\x00\x00!\x00\x00\x00\xf07\x7f\xff<\x00\x00\x00\x19\x00\x00\x00\xd06^\xff_\x00\x00\x001\x00\x00\x000\xb7\x8e\xf9\x06\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\xd05\x8e\xf9\x11\x00\x00\x00\r\x00\x00\x000\xb7~\xf9\x13\x00\x00\x00\t\x00\x00\x00\xd05~\xf9\x16\x00\x00\x00\r\x00\x00\x000\xb7n\xf9\x1f\x00\x00\x00\x15\x00\x00\x00\xd05n\xf9$\x00\x00\x00\x16\x00\x00\x00\xd05^\xf9&\x00\x00\x00\x18\x00\x00\x000\xb7^\xf9\x12\x00\x00\x00\x0b\x00\x00\x00\xf07\xae\xfe`\x00\x00\x00>\x00\x00\x00\xd0\xb5\xce\xffu\x00\x00\x00P\x00\x00\x00\xf07?\xff.\x00\x00\x00 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'accPoints': 13309571} [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:05] __processDossierStats() client dossier: ['pvp', 'pve_diag', 'rank_diag', 'club', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'max_pve', 'pvp_diag', 'pve', 'max_club', 'max_pvp', 'total', 'club_diag'] [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:05] mc0c471c.onGetAccountStats(): (12, 13307273) (12, 13309571) [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:05] (, 70665289920581, 61): receiveBattleResults, ('7575 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:05] BR: {'credits': 86990, 'credits_penalty': 0, 'exp_penalty': 0, 'exp': 1037, 'credits_compensation': 0} [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:05] BR: {'credits': {'sse': [], 'dq': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'ship_exp': {'sse': [], 'dq': [], 'base': [], 'mod': [[4274909104L, 0.05, True, 0]]}, 'crew_exp': {'sse': [], 'dq': [], 'base': [], 'mod': [[4279070640L, 0.5, True, 0], [4274909104L, 0.05, True, 0]]}, 'free_exp': {'sse': [], 'dq': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'acc_level': {'sse': [], 'dq': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}} [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:05] BR: {'auto_repair_list': [], 'auto_exterior_list': [], 'auto_exterior_credits': 0, 'auto_camo_credits': 22500, 'exterior_applied': True, 'exp_enabled': True, 'abilities_applied': True, 'auto_repair_factor': 1.0, 'auto_load_credits': 5040, 'acc_points_enabled': True, 'free_exp_enabled': True, 'free_exp_factor': 0.05, 'aogas_factor': 1.0, 'auto_exterior_gold': 0, 'premium_credits_factor': 1.5, 'premium_exp_factor': 1.5, 'auto_abilities_list': [], 'auto_camo_list': [4287557552L], 'camo_applied': True, 'auto_repair_credits': 14300, 'auto_load_list': [[186, 2790], [9, 2250], [0, 0]], 'serve_applied': True, 'auto_camo_gold': 0, 'crew_exp_enabled': True, 'auto_abilities_gold': 0, 'auto_abilities_credits': 0, 'credits_enabled': True, 'aogas_online': 0} [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:05] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, ('149 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:05] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, (1, [{'importance': 2, 'typeId': 4, 'dt': 1464440111, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'costShell': 5040, 'shipId': 4184782640L, 'result': 0, 'costRepair': 14300}}]) [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:05] (, 70665289920581, 61): onRewardsRestored, ('21 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:05] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:05] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:05] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 0. Boxes contents: [{}] [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:05] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetAchievements, ('1006 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:05] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 4, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SHIP_SERVE', 'costShell': 5040, 'result': 0, 'shipId': 4184782640L, 'uiSpecial': False, 'shipLevelRome': 'V', 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PGSC105', 'shipType': 'Cruiser', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_CRUISER', 'isElite': True, 'dt': 1464440111, 'groupId': 5, 'costTotal': 19340, 'sourceId': 0, 'costRepair': 14300, 'stypeIdent': 'Cruiser', 'postponed': False} [NUT] PlayersAccountsSystem __request, set([47041, 6332290, 427140, 8804682, 8009484, 2715866, 1559899, 63671710, 3480927, 48007201, 5651230, 58574566, 64052394, 12414124, 6878512, 34411633, 2115378, 671987, 22102814, 242294, 756279, 46719994, 448253, 4679742]) [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:05] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/add() [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:05] setServerTime -3107.30500007 1464440513 1464437405.69 [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:05] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:05] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:06] Can't send FPS data: it's empty [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:06] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.onEnterLobbyEvent():, (['34411633@wowsru.loc', '8009484@wowsru.loc', '12414124@wowsru.loc', '4679742@wowsru.loc', 'ids_chat_channel_offtop@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', 'wargamingfm@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', '1559899_1454784666@user-rooms.wows.wowsru.loc', 'ids_chat_channel_questions@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', '63671710@wowsru.loc', '5651230@wowsru.loc', '1559899@wowsru.loc', '48007201@wowsru.loc', '6878512@wowsru.loc', '64052394@wowsru.loc', 'ids_chat_channel_search_div@standard.wows.wowsru.loc', '58574566@wowsru.loc', '4719392_1447787513@user-rooms.wows.wowsru.loc'],) [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:06] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence(), ('', '', 0) [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:06] [NUT] AccountsRequest __response, [(47041, 'WONDERFUL_SHOT', 12, 0, 1463997729), (6332290, 'zloy_nyb', 12, 0, 1464421725), (427140, 'Kapitan_Slip', 12, 0, 1464285451), (8804682, 'mishania1235', 12, 0, 1463925150), (8009484, 'SD_D', 12, 0, 1464117201), (2715866, 'BCEM_PPC', 12, 0, 1464418481), (1559899, 'AIRBORNE_161', 12, 0, 1460114623), (63671710, '6aToH4uK_', 12, 0, 1464380706), (3480927, 'Doc_Maximov', 12, 0, 1464432937), (48007201, 'CRIMEA_Haru6aLLIka', 12, 0, 1463780747), (22102814, 'bagfrag1', 12, 0, 1460487063), (58574566, '1tim1_2015', 12, 0, 1464293769), (64052394, 'Lady_Diana_Diversantka', 12, 0, 1464426838), (12414124, 'M_a_n_t_i_s', 12, 0, 1464199836), (6878512, 'Tylendor', 12, 0, 1464024410), (34411633, 'cblH_BouHa', 12, 0, 1463541667), (2115378, 'longxvost', 12, 0, 1461160136), (671987, 'Skunner', 12, 0, 1464285824), (5651230, 'Shkiper2222', 12, 0, 1464438899), (242294, 'PANZER_DIKLONIUS', 12, 0, 1463333213), (756279, '11Paul11', 12, 0, 1464432703), (46719994, 'yushkov8249', 12, 0, 1463790981), (448253, 'AndRyu_47', 12, 0, 1464425279), (4679742, 'alex30279', 12, 0, 1464276886)] 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:06] (, 70665289920581, 61): handleBanInfo:, ({'banId': '14643763953', 'reason': '"\xd0\x98\xd1\x81\xd0\xbf\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbb\xd1\x8c\xd0\xb7\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd1\x80\xd0\xbc\xd0\xb0\xd1\x82\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb9 \xd0\xbb\xd0\xb5\xd0\xba\xd1\x81\xd0\xb8\xd0\xba\xd0\xb8/ \xd0\xbe\xd1\x81\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd1\x80\xd0\xb1\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd1\x8f" \xe2\x80\x93 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd1\x80\xd1\x83\xd1\x88\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xbf\xd1\x83\xd0\xbd\xd0\xba\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0 1 \xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb7\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb0 1 \xd0\x9f\xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb8\xd0\xbb \xd0\xb8\xd0\xb3\xd1\x80\xd1\x8b (R)', 'expiry': 1464635520L},) [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:06] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.handleFriendPresence(), ('8752339@wowsru.loc/wows', 'ONE___VP', 0) [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:07] (, 70665289920581, 61): receiveBattleResults, ('6746 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:07] BR: {'credits': 100889, 'credits_penalty': 0, 'exp_penalty': 0, 'exp': 1151, 'credits_compensation': 0} [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:07] BR: {'credits': {'sse': [], 'dq': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'ship_exp': {'sse': [], 'dq': [], 'base': [], 'mod': [[4274909104L, 0.05, True, 0]]}, 'crew_exp': {'sse': [], 'dq': [], 'base': [], 'mod': [[4279070640L, 0.5, True, 0], [4274909104L, 0.05, True, 0]]}, 'free_exp': {'sse': [], 'dq': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'acc_level': {'sse': [], 'dq': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}} [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:07] BR: {'auto_repair_list': [], 'auto_exterior_list': [], 'auto_exterior_credits': 0, 'auto_camo_credits': 0, 'exterior_applied': True, 'exp_enabled': True, 'abilities_applied': True, 'auto_repair_factor': 1.0, 'auto_load_credits': 1720, 'acc_points_enabled': True, 'free_exp_enabled': True, 'free_exp_factor': 0.05, 'aogas_factor': 1.0, 'auto_exterior_gold': 0, 'premium_credits_factor': 1.5, 'premium_exp_factor': 1.5, 'auto_abilities_list': [], 'auto_camo_list': [], 'camo_applied': True, 'auto_repair_credits': 500, 'auto_load_list': [[0, 0], [0, 0], [6, 1720]], 'serve_applied': True, 'auto_camo_gold': 0, 'crew_exp_enabled': True, 'auto_abilities_gold': 0, 'auto_abilities_credits': 0, 'credits_enabled': True, 'aogas_online': 0} [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:07] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_main_ap default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:07] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_main_ap default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:07] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_main_he default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:07] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_main_he default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:07] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:07] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:07] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:07] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:07] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tpd default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:07] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tpd default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:07] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_tpd default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:07] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:07] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:07] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:07] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:07] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:07] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:07] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:07] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:07] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:07] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:07] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:07] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:07] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:07] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:07] isDone id 10688_q01 count 3 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:07] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:07] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, ('174 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:07] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, (1, [{'importance': 2, 'typeId': 42, 'dt': 1464440111, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (22500, 0), 'camoStor': False, 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4184782640L, 'flagsBuyFail': False}}]) [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:07] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/add() [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:07] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, ('175 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:07] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, (1, [{'importance': 2, 'typeId': 17476, 'dt': 1464440111, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'item': ('consumable', 4284653488L), 'shipID': 4184782640L, 'numItems': 1, 'partnerID': 28563595567141462L}}]) [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:07] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/add() [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:07] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, ('128 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:07] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, (1, [{'importance': 2, 'typeId': 55, 'dt': 1464440111, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'fail': False, 'shipId': 4184782640L, 'cost': (0, 0)}}]) [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:07] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/add() [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:08] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, ('611 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:08] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, (1, [{'importance': 2, 'typeId': 5, 'dt': 1464440111, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'achievements': (), 'expPenalty': 0, 'tasks': {'10688_q02': {'count': (2, 0), 'progress': (0.6, 0.0), 2: {'count': (1, 0)}, 3: {'count': (3, 0)}, 'name': u'\u0411\u0435\u0433\u043b\u044b\u0439 \u043e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c'}, '10688_q03': {'count': (9, 0), 'progress': (0, 0), 2: {'count': (0, 0)}, 'name': u'\u0411\u043e\u0435\u0432\u0430\u044f \u044d\u0444\u0444\u0435\u043a\u0442\u0438\u0432\u043d\u043e\u0441\u0442\u044c'}, '10688_q01': {'count': (3, 0), 'progress': (0.30000000000000004, 0.0), 2: {'count': (2, 0)}, 3: {'count': (1, 0)}, 'name': u'\u0422\u044f\u0436\u0451\u043b\u043e\u0435 \u0432\u043e\u043e\u0440\u0443\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'}}, 'shipsKilled': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 28563595567141462L, 'battleTypeId': 5, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'mapTypeId': 3, 'credits': 86990, 'result': 1, 'exp': 1089, 'dailics_info': {}, 'shipId': 4184782640L, 'battleCreateTime': 1464439382, 'accLeveling': (12, 12, 13307273, 1089), 'aogasFactor': 1.0}}]) [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:08] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 42, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PGSC105', 'flagsAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'isElite': True, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_EXTERIOR_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2, 'camouflageAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'idInGroup': 1, 'groupId': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_CRUISER', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'V', 'shipType': 'Cruiser', 'stypeIdent': 'Cruiser', 'dt': 1464440111, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (22500, 0), 'camoStor': False, 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4184782640L, 'flagsBuyFail': False}, 'uiSpecial': False} __addInfoToMessage {'sourceId': 0, 'typeId': 52, 'data': {'slot': 28563595567141462L, 'shipId': 4184782640L, 'abilId': 4284653488L}} __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 55, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PGSC105', 'groupId': 1, 'isElite': True, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_ABILITY_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 8, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_CRUISER', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'V', 'cost': (0, 0), 'shipType': 'Cruiser', 'costNeed': (0, 0), 'stypeIdent': 'Cruiser', 'dt': 1464440111, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'fail': False, 'shipId': 4184782640L, 'cost': (0, 0)}, 'uiSpecial': False} SYS_MESSAGE_TYPE.BATTLE_RESULTS [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:08] key achievements value () [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:08] key expPenalty value 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:08] key tasks value {'10688_q02': {'count': (2, 0), 'progress': (0.6, 0.0), 2: {'count': (1, 0)}, 3: {'count': (3, 0)}, 'name': u'\u0411\u0435\u0433\u043b\u044b\u0439 \u043e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c'}, '10688_q03': {'count': (9, 0), 'progress': (0, 0), 2: {'count': (0, 0)}, 'name': u'\u0411\u043e\u0435\u0432\u0430\u044f \u044d\u0444\u0444\u0435\u043a\u0442\u0438\u0432\u043d\u043e\u0441\u0442\u044c'}, '10688_q01': {'count': (3, 0), 'progress': (0.30000000000000004, 0.0), 2: {'count': (2, 0)}, 3: {'count': (1, 0)}, 'name': u'\u0422\u044f\u0436\u0451\u043b\u043e\u0435 \u0432\u043e\u043e\u0440\u0443\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'}} [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:08] key shipsKilled value 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:08] key arenaUniqueID value 28563595567141462 [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:08] key battleTypeId value 5 [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:08] key teamBuildTypeId value 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:08] key creditsPenalty value 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:08] key creditsCompensation value 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:08] key mapTypeId value 3 [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:08] key credits value 86990 [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:08] key result value 1 [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:08] key exp value 1089 [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:08] key dailics_info value {} [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:08] key shipId value 4184782640 [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:08] key battleCreateTime value 1464439382 [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:08] key accLeveling value (12, 12, 13307273, 1089) [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:08] key aogasFactor value 1.0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:08] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 5, 'exp': 1089, 'tasks': {'10688_q02': {2: {'count': (1, 0)}, 3: {'count': (3, 0)}, 'name': u'\u0411\u0435\u0433\u043b\u044b\u0439 \u043e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c'}, '10688_q03': {2: {'count': (0, 0)}, 'name': u'\u0411\u043e\u0435\u0432\u0430\u044f \u044d\u0444\u0444\u0435\u043a\u0442\u0438\u0432\u043d\u043e\u0441\u0442\u044c'}, '10688_q01': {2: {'count': (2, 0)}, 3: {'count': (1, 0)}, 'name': u'\u0422\u044f\u0436\u0451\u043b\u043e\u0435 \u0432\u043e\u043e\u0440\u0443\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'}}, 'aogasFactor': 1.0, 'mapBGPath': '../maps_bg/08_NE_passage.png', 'earnedAchievements': [], 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_BATTLE_RESULTS_1', 'result': 1, 'shipId': 4184782640L, 'uiSpecial': False, 'mapTypeId': 3, 'accountLeveling': {'expGained': 1089, 'currLevel': 12, 'prevLevel': 12, 'currLevelExp': 167500, 'expTotal': 13308362, 'nextLevelExp': 167500}, 'mapName': 'IDS_SPACES/08_NE_PASSAGE', 'battleTypeId': 5, 'shipLevelRome': 'V', 'achievements': (), 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PGSC105', 'shipsKilled': 0, 'importance': 2, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_CRUISER', 'credits': 86990, 'isElite': True, 'date': '28.05.2016 16:43', 'dt': 1464440111, 'groupId': 3, 'accLeveling': (12, 12, 13307273, 1089), 'expPenalty': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 28563595567141462L, 'sourceId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'shipType': 'Cruiser', 'quests': [], 'dailics_info': {}, 'stypeIdent': 'Cruiser', 'postponed': False, 'battleCreateTime': 1464439382} BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:08] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:08] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:08] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:08] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_bomb default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:08] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_bomb default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:08] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:08] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:08] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:08] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:08] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:08] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:08] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:08] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:08] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:08] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:08] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:08] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:08] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:08] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:08] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:08] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:08] BuildData: Invalid path player.planes_lost default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:08] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/add() [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:08] ping&FPS: True 0.156205620084 0.001 1219.96901745 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:08] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, ('149 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:08] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, (1, [{'importance': 2, 'typeId': 4, 'dt': 1464440507, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'costShell': 1720, 'shipId': 4290754544L, 'result': 0, 'costRepair': 500}}]) [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:08] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/add() [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:08] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, ('628 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:08] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, (1, [{'importance': 2, 'typeId': 5, 'dt': 1464440507, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'achievements': ((4282573744L, 1),), 'expPenalty': 0, 'tasks': {'10688_q02': {'count': (2, 0), 'progress': (0.6, 0.0), 2: {'count': (1, 0)}, 3: {'count': (3, 0)}, 'name': u'\u0411\u0435\u0433\u043b\u044b\u0439 \u043e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c'}, '10688_q03': {'count': (9, 0), 'progress': (0, 0), 2: {'count': (0, 1)}, 'name': u'\u0411\u043e\u0435\u0432\u0430\u044f \u044d\u0444\u0444\u0435\u043a\u0442\u0438\u0432\u043d\u043e\u0441\u0442\u044c'}, '10688_q01': {'count': (3, 0), 'progress': (0.4, 0.1), 2: {'count': (2, 0)}, 3: {'count': (2, 1)}, 'name': u'\u0422\u044f\u0436\u0451\u043b\u043e\u0435 \u0432\u043e\u043e\u0440\u0443\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'}}, 'shipsKilled': 1.0, 'arenaUniqueID': 27076652119463118L, 'battleTypeId': 1, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'mapTypeId': 5, 'credits': 100889, 'result': 1, 'exp': 1209, 'dailics_info': {}, 'shipId': 4290754544L, 'battleCreateTime': 1464440014, 'accLeveling': (12, 12, 13308362, 1209), 'aogasFactor': 1.0}}]) [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:08] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 4, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SHIP_SERVE', 'costShell': 1720, 'result': 0, 'shipId': 4290754544L, 'uiSpecial': False, 'shipLevelRome': 'IV', 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASA004', 'shipType': 'AirCarrier', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_AIRCARRIER', 'isElite': True, 'dt': 1464440507, 'groupId': 5, 'costTotal': 2220, 'sourceId': 0, 'costRepair': 500, 'stypeIdent': 'AirCarrier', 'postponed': False} SYS_MESSAGE_TYPE.BATTLE_RESULTS [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:08] key achievements value ((4282573744L, 1),) [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:08] key expPenalty value 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:08] key tasks value {'10688_q02': {'count': (2, 0), 'progress': (0.6, 0.0), 2: {'count': (1, 0)}, 3: {'count': (3, 0)}, 'name': u'\u0411\u0435\u0433\u043b\u044b\u0439 \u043e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c'}, '10688_q03': {'count': (9, 0), 'progress': (0, 0), 2: {'count': (0, 1)}, 'name': u'\u0411\u043e\u0435\u0432\u0430\u044f \u044d\u0444\u0444\u0435\u043a\u0442\u0438\u0432\u043d\u043e\u0441\u0442\u044c'}, '10688_q01': {'count': (3, 0), 'progress': (0.4, 0.1), 2: {'count': (2, 0)}, 3: {'count': (2, 1)}, 'name': u'\u0422\u044f\u0436\u0451\u043b\u043e\u0435 \u0432\u043e\u043e\u0440\u0443\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'}} [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:08] key shipsKilled value 1.0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:08] key arenaUniqueID value 27076652119463118 [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:08] key battleTypeId value 1 [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:08] key teamBuildTypeId value 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:08] key creditsPenalty value 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:08] key creditsCompensation value 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:08] key mapTypeId value 5 [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:08] key credits value 100889 [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:08] key result value 1 [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:08] key exp value 1209 [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:08] key dailics_info value {} [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:08] key shipId value 4290754544 [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:08] key battleCreateTime value 1464440014 [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:08] key accLeveling value (12, 12, 13308362, 1209) [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:08] key aogasFactor value 1.0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:08] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 5, 'exp': 1209, 'tasks': {'10688_q02': {2: {'count': (1, 0)}, 3: {'count': (3, 0)}, 'name': u'\u0411\u0435\u0433\u043b\u044b\u0439 \u043e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c'}, '10688_q03': {2: {'count': (0, 1)}, 'name': u'\u0411\u043e\u0435\u0432\u0430\u044f \u044d\u0444\u0444\u0435\u043a\u0442\u0438\u0432\u043d\u043e\u0441\u0442\u044c'}, '10688_q01': {2: {'count': (2, 0)}, 3: {'count': (2, 1)}}}, 'aogasFactor': 1.0, 'mapBGPath': '../maps_bg/10_NE_big_race.png', 'earnedAchievements': [{'amount': 1, 'id': 4282573744L}], 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_BATTLE_RESULTS_1', 'result': 1, 'shipId': 4290754544L, 'uiSpecial': False, 'mapTypeId': 5, 'accountLeveling': {'expGained': 1209, 'currLevel': 12, 'prevLevel': 12, 'currLevelExp': 167500, 'expTotal': 13309571, 'nextLevelExp': 167500}, 'mapName': 'IDS_SPACES/10_NE_BIG_RACE', 'battleTypeId': 1, 'shipLevelRome': 'IV', 'achievements': ((4282573744L, 1),), 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASA004', 'shipsKilled': 1.0, 'importance': 2, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_AIRCARRIER', 'credits': 100889, 'isElite': True, 'date': '28.05.2016 16:53', 'dt': 1464440507, 'groupId': 3, 'accLeveling': (12, 12, 13308362, 1209), 'expPenalty': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 27076652119463118L, 'sourceId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'shipType': 'AirCarrier', 'quests': [{'maxProgress': 100, 'day': 28, 'monthIDS': 'IDS_MONTH_5', 'battleProgress': 10.0, 'type': 'challenge', 'id': '10688_q01', 'titleText': u'\u0422\u044f\u0436\u0451\u043b\u043e\u0435 \u0432\u043e\u043e\u0440\u0443\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435', 'currentProgress': 40.0}], 'dailics_info': {}, 'stypeIdent': 'AirCarrier', 'postponed': False, 'battleCreateTime': 1464440014} BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_main_ap default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:08] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_main_ap default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:08] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_main_he default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:08] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_main_he default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:08] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:08] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:08] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:08] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:08] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tpd default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:08] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tpd default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:08] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_tpd default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:08] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:08] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:08] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:08] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:08] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:08] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:08] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:08] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:08] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:08] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:08] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:08] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:08] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:08] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:08] isDone id 10688_q01 count 3 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:08] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:08] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/add() [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:13] ping&FPS: True 0.0489688920123 1136.96883023 1219.96901745 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:14] (, 70665289920581, 61): ClientLobbySpace is creating [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:17] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetAccountStats, ('0 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:17] md79a786.applyStatsDiff(): {'karma': 174} [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:17] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:17] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:17] isDone id 10688_q03 count 9 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:17] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:17] isDone id 10688_q01 count 3 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:17] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:17] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:17] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:17] isDone id 10688_q03 count 9 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:17] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:17] isDone id 10688_q01 count 3 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:17] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:17] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:17] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:18] ping&FPS: True 0.0406509967787 1349.96892988 1219.96901745 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:18] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': 0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:18] [NUT] InteractiveMessageSystem: __onSelectedMessageChanged selectedEntityId None [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:18] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': -1.0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:18] [NUT] InteractiveMessageSystem: __onSelectedMessageChanged selectedEntityId None [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:22] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:23] ping&FPS: True 0.0498991566045 150.96884085 1219.96901745 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:28] ping&FPS: True 0.0463419365031 119.968961043 1219.96901745 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:33] ping&FPS: True 0.0490246745093 132.969074724 1219.96901745 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:38] ping&FPS: True 0.0489556523306 146.969145556 1219.96901745 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:42] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:42] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:42] isDone id 10688_q03 count 9 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:42] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:42] isDone id 10688_q01 count 3 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:42] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:46] ping&FPS: True 0.0431205289704 3149.96924787 1219.96901745 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:49] (, 70686798305077, 25): PersonalPriceList.getHashInfo: (['d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e'], ['20ad1b5107665f539062b9c2e229f2fc', '53a4b6063d372d96dbe92450558163f8', '8d4f62568fe731730087d2d6d9f4fc3a', 'b6914b195d24c6c2a86a399521521127', '13d37cb15dd8c66487452f2ebbcc8edf']) [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:49] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4290754544L: {'slots': {1: {'add_slots': (((), 4279070640L),)}}}}, 'storage': {4279070640L: 30}} [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:49] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:49] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, ('149 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:49] (, 70665289920581, 61): onGetSystemMessage, (1, [{'importance': 2, 'typeId': 17476, 'dt': 1464440558, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'item': ('flags', 4279070640L), 'shipID': 4290754544L, 'numItems': 1}}]) [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:50] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/add() [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:50] (, 70665289920581, 61): ma3b8627.__onNodeReadyForData: invalid windowId 6 [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:50] (, 70665289920581, 61): ma3b8627.__onNodeReadyForStage: invalid windowId 6 [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:51] (, 70686798305077, 25): PersonalPriceList.getHashInfo: (['d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e'], ['20ad1b5107665f539062b9c2e229f2fc', '53a4b6063d372d96dbe92450558163f8', '8d4f62568fe731730087d2d6d9f4fc3a', 'b6914b195d24c6c2a86a399521521127', '13d37cb15dd8c66487452f2ebbcc8edf']) [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:51] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 38, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASA004', 'isElite': True, 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'exteriorType': 'Flags', 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_AIRCARRIER', 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SET_EXTERIOR_ACTIVITY_FLAGS_29', 'shipLevelRome': 'IV', 'result': 29, 'shipType': 'AirCarrier', 'stypeIdent': 'AirCarrier', 'uiSpecial': False, 'data': {'shipId': 4290754544L, 'result': 29, 'exteriorId': 4279070640L}, 'groupId': 4} >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4290754544L: {'slots': {1: {'autobuy': 1}}}}} [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:51] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:52] ping&FPS: True 0.0339740770204 776.969285858 1219.96901745 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:52] (, 70665289920581, 61): ma3b8627.__onNodeReadyForData: invalid windowId 6 [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:52] (, 70665289920581, 61): ma3b8627.__onNodeReadyForStage: invalid windowId 6 [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:54] isDone id 10688_q02 count 2 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:54] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:54] isDone id 10688_q03 count 9 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:54] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:54] isDone id 10688_q01 count 3 limit 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:54] RuleBasedTemplater ParamData is array, could not match it ['IDS_RANDOM_BATTLE', 'IDS_CLUB_BATTLE', 'IDS_RANK_BATTLE'] {u'battle_cond.battle_type': set([u'IDS_INTRO_BATTLE'])} [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:54] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2016_05_28 16:10:57] ping&FPS: True 0.0491743939263 166.969350798 1219.96901745 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:01] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:01] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:02] ping&FPS: True 0.0436217369778 151.969260944 1219.96901745 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:07] ping&FPS: True 0.0501064392073 228.969346208 1219.96901745 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:12] ping&FPS: True 0.0460582109434 144.969409784 1219.96901745 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:17] ping&FPS: True 0.0490223648293 157.969478858 1219.96901745 0 [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:22] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:22] (, 70665289920581, 61): Lobby destroy started. [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:22] (, 70665289920581, 61): Lobby successfully destroyed. [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:22] [NUT] InteractiveMessageSystem::outContext [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:22] [NUT] PartySystem::outContext [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:22] clearAll 0 True [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:22] ClubsProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:22] ClubsProxy.cleanup() [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:22] md79a786.onLostConnection [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:22] md79a786.cleanup() [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:22] md3ce6e8.__cleanup [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:22] me7f453e.onLostConnection [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:22] (, 70665289920581, 61): XmppChatHandler.__onDisconnected(), (0,) [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:23] (, 70686798305077, 25): PersonalPriceList.clear: [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:23] [NUT] PlayersAccountsSystem.outContext [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:23] [NUT] PartySystem::fini [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:23] [NUT] InteractiveMessageSystem::fini [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:23] (, 70665289920581, 61): ExternalInterfaceCallback "windowsManager.allNodesAddedToState" not found, ((0,),) [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:23] (, 70665289920581, 61): [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:23] (, 70665289920581, 61): ExternalInterfaceCallback "sound.playSetSound" not found, (('default_scrollbar', 'show'),) [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:23] (, 70665289920581, 61): [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:23] (, 70665289920581, 61): ExternalInterfaceCallback "sound.playSetSound" not found, (('default_scrollbar', 'hide'),) [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:23] (, 70665289920581, 61): [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:23] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/remove() [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:23] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/remove() [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:23] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/remove() [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:23] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/remove() [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:23] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/remove() [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:23] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/remove() [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:23] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/remove() [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:23] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/remove() [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:23] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/remove() [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:23] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/remove() [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:23] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/remove() [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:23] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/remove() [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:23] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/remove() [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:23] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/remove() [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:23] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/remove() [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:23] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/remove() [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:23] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/remove() [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:23] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/remove() [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:23] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/remove() [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:23] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/remove() [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:23] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/remove() [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:23] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/remove() [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:23] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/remove() [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:23] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/remove() [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:23] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/remove() [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:23] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/remove() [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:23] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/remove() [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:23] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/remove() [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:23] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/remove() [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:23] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/remove() [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:23] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/remove() [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:23] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/remove() [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:23] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/remove() [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:23] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/remove() [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:23] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/remove() [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:23] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/remove() [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:23] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/remove() [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:23] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/remove() [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:23] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/remove() [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:23] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/remove() [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:23] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/remove() [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:23] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/remove() [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:23] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/remove() [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:23] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/remove() [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:23] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/remove() [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:23] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/remove() [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:23] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/remove() [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:23] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/remove() [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:23] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/remove() [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:23] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/remove() [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:23] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/remove() [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:23] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/remove() [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:23] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/remove() [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:23] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/remove() [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:23] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/remove() [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:23] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/remove() [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:23] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/remove() [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:23] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/remove() [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:23] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/remove() [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:23] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/remove() [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:23] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/remove() [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:23] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/remove() [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:23] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/remove() [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:23] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/remove() [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:23] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/remove() [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:23] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/remove() [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:23] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/remove() [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:23] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/remove() [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:23] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/remove() [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:23] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/remove() [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:23] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/remove() [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:23] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/remove() [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:23] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/remove() [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:23] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/remove() [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:23] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/remove() [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:23] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/remove() [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:23] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/remove() [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:23] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/remove() [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:23] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/remove() [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:23] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/remove() [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:23] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/remove() [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:23] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/remove() [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:23] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/remove() [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:23] [Scaleform] Error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/processBattleMessages() at com.stl1te.NotificationsStats::ControllerNotificationsStats/onSystemMessagesUpdate() at lesta.datahub::Collection/update() at lesta.datahub::Collection/remove() [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:23] (, 70665289920581, 61): Deleted: [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:23] m16bdb8c.__del__ None [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:23] Camera.fini [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:23] (, 12228058202177, 9): Removing tree nodes [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:23] (, 70686798305077, 25): PersonalPriceList.clear: [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:23] (, 70686798305077, 25): GlobalPriceList.kill: [S] [2016_05_28 16:11:23] [LOGIN] Setting gIsConnected to False ========================================================================