======================================================================== [S] [2017_11_11 16:42:33] 97654900083785: BWUtil.monkeyPatchOpen: Patching open() [S] [2017_11_11 16:42:33] Default encoding set to utf-8 [S] [2017_11_11 16:42:43] ClanProxy.__init__ None [S] [2017_11_11 16:42:43] AccountLevelingProxyClient.__init__ [S] [2017_11_11 16:42:43] AccountLevelingProxy.__init__ [S] [2017_11_11 16:42:52] [WWSD-73160] Debug: False [S] [2017_11_11 16:42:53] [INFO] realm_dependent_constants set CURRENT_REALM RU [S] [2017_11_11 16:42:53] (, 40417046671786, 275): GameParams: loading pack ... [S] [2017_11_11 16:42:56] (, 40417046671786, 226): GameParams: numof entries =, (6042,) [S] [2017_11_11 16:42:56] (, 74470294989, 248): Ships list: lookup ... [S] [2017_11_11 16:42:56] (, 74470294989, 132): Ships list: numof ships = , (326,) [S] [2017_11_11 16:42:56] (, 74470294989, 328): Ships list: numof buildings = , (42,) [S] [2017_11_11 16:43:01] ERROR: "PBPM001_SeaMine" has no "ground" parameter [S] [2017_11_11 16:43:06] (, 59116471091134, 143): USER_PREFERENCES: update from 1 [S] [2017_11_11 16:43:06] (, 59116471091134, 143): USER_PREFERENCES: update from 2 [S] [2017_11_11 16:43:06] (, 59116471091134, 143): USER_PREFERENCES: update from 3 [S] [2017_11_11 16:43:07] GlobalClientPriceList.__init__: ['036c75afe3788a4b4f511cda3ed7beb7', '59d9cc3c8d40ba0f763e0113288c6dc6', '3f79dd6c0ee733ff3ad854b651474d09', '0316f25153d69187926e26db70c3ea23', '1f287d558a036de58812427e6990b128', '778ac799de45ab6f3451309ec35d7ca1'] [S] [2017_11_11 16:43:07] PriceListClient.init [S] [2017_11_11 16:43:07] CommonClientPersonalPriceList.__init__: [S] [2017_11_11 16:43:07] PriceListClient.__init__ [S] [2017_11_11 16:43:07] SSEProcessorClient.init [S] [2017_11_11 16:43:07] SSECommonProcessor __init__ [S] [2017_11_11 16:43:08] Camera.init [S] [2017_11_11 16:43:09] [DataHub] synchronize [S] [2017_11_11 16:43:12] self.__listUserFields ['window', 'notUnique', 'context', 'child', 'data', 'artillerGunsLocked', 'torpedoGunsLocked', 'squadronSelected', 'inputHandler'] [S] [2017_11_11 16:43:12] [Warning][CommandMapping]: userPrefs hasn't got keyboardControls [S] [2017_11_11 16:43:16] INIT RLD [S] [2017_11_11 16:43:16] [Prefs] prefsBattle.enableEars False [S] [2017_11_11 16:43:16] [Prefs] prefsBattle.evUpdate Event(0):[] [S] [2017_11_11 16:43:17] [Filters] loadFilters {} [S] [2017_11_11 16:43:17] [LOGIN] Setting wgnr url to "https://ru.wargaming.net" [S] [2017_11_11 16:43:17] allPrefs {'enableLanguageBar': False} [S] [2017_11_11 16:43:19] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Login, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 16:43:19] [ModsAPI] 'PnFModsLoader.py' was not found at './res_mods/' [S] [2017_11_11 16:43:19] Checking ./res_mods/: nothing was found [S] [2017_11_11 16:43:31] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: LoginWindow [S] [2017_11_11 16:43:31] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Login, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 16:43:31] __realRemoveExternalCallback: mainScene.progressOfInit [S] [2017_11_11 16:43:56] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: EULAConfirmation, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 16:43:58] (, 66259644693353, 191): H:; A:; C:http://csis.worldoftanks.ru/csis/wowsru/?periphery=login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020&periphery=login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020; M:['login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020', 'login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020'] [S] [2017_11_11 16:43:58] BaseLoginRequest.doLogin(): login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020 basic ([BaseLoginCredentials] ) [S] [2017_11_11 16:43:59] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 16:43:59] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: WaitingDialog [S] [2017_11_11 16:43:59] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 16:43:59] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 1 LOGIN_REJECTED_INVALID_PASSWORD Unelaborated error. [S] [2017_11_11 16:43:59] [LOGIN] Negative, serverMsg: {'msg': 'Unelaborated error.'}, status: LOGIN_REJECTED_INVALID_PASSWORD, time: 1510407839.28, localtime: 2017-11-11 16:43:59 +0300 [S] [2017_11_11 16:43:59] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Login, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 16:44:13] (, 66259644693353, 191): H:; A:; C:http://csis.worldoftanks.ru/csis/wowsru/?periphery=login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020&periphery=login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020; M:['login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020', 'login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020'] [S] [2017_11_11 16:44:13] BaseLoginRequest.doLogin(): login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020 basic ([BaseLoginCredentials] ) [S] [2017_11_11 16:44:13] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 16:44:13] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 16:44:13] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 1 LOGIN_REJECTED_INVALID_PASSWORD Unelaborated error. [S] [2017_11_11 16:44:13] [LOGIN] Negative, serverMsg: {'msg': 'Unelaborated error.'}, status: LOGIN_REJECTED_INVALID_PASSWORD, time: 1510407853.99, localtime: 2017-11-11 16:44:13 +0300 [S] [2017_11_11 16:44:13] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Login, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 16:44:20] (, 66259644693353, 191): H:; A:; C:http://csis.worldoftanks.ru/csis/wowsru/?periphery=login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020&periphery=login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020; M:['login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020', 'login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020'] [S] [2017_11_11 16:44:20] BaseLoginRequest.doLogin(): login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020 basic ([BaseLoginCredentials] ) [S] [2017_11_11 16:44:20] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 16:44:20] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 16:44:20] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 1 LOGIN_REJECTED_INVALID_PASSWORD Unelaborated error. [S] [2017_11_11 16:44:20] [LOGIN] Negative, serverMsg: {'msg': 'Unelaborated error.'}, status: LOGIN_REJECTED_INVALID_PASSWORD, time: 1510407860.27, localtime: 2017-11-11 16:44:20 +0300 [S] [2017_11_11 16:44:20] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Login, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 16:44:35] (, 66259644693353, 191): H:; A:; C:http://csis.worldoftanks.ru/csis/wowsru/?periphery=login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020&periphery=login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020; M:['login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020', 'login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020'] [S] [2017_11_11 16:44:35] BaseLoginRequest.doLogin(): login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020 basic ([BaseLoginCredentials] ) [S] [2017_11_11 16:44:35] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 16:44:35] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 16:44:35] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 1 LOGIN_REJECTED_INVALID_PASSWORD Unelaborated error. [S] [2017_11_11 16:44:35] [LOGIN] Negative, serverMsg: {'msg': 'Unelaborated error.'}, status: LOGIN_REJECTED_INVALID_PASSWORD, time: 1510407875.79, localtime: 2017-11-11 16:44:35 +0300 [S] [2017_11_11 16:44:35] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Login, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:06] (, 66259644693353, 191): H:; A:; C:http://csis.worldoftanks.ru/csis/wowsru/?periphery=login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020&periphery=login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020; M:['login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020', 'login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020'] [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:06] BaseLoginRequest.doLogin(): login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020 basic ([BaseLoginCredentials] ) [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:06] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:06] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:06] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 1 LOGGED_ON {"token2":"5595999:5600238760764888903:199983509972769836945118174550072038629","wgnr":"ru.wargaming.net"} [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:06] LOGGED_ON {u'token2': u'5595999:5600238760764888903:199983509972769836945118174550072038629', u'wgnr': u'ru.wargaming.net'} [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:07] [LOGIN] Positive, serverMsg: {u'token2': u'5595999:5600238760764888903:199983509972769836945118174550072038629', u'wgnr': u'ru.wargaming.net'}, status: LOGGED_ON [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:07] [LOGIN] Setting wgnr url to "https://ru.wargaming.net" [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:07] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 2 NOT_SET [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:08] Account.__init__() [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:08] [Account debuG]: __init__() Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:08] ClanProxy.setChatHandler [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:08] ClanProxy.setInteractiveMessageData [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:08] (, 571883079382, 162): init [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:08] (, 574705753692, 103): Url config for realm ru as string is ResMgr.DataSection at 0x211725D0 [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:08] (, 51003525417967, 75): in context [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:08] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 0 [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:08] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 0 [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:08] onBecomePlayer() [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:08] UserDataGate.onGetConnection [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:08] UserDataGate.onGetConnection(): 5595999 [Entity: id:2044 ['accountSimple', 'accountName']] Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:08] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAccount [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:08] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() True 0 0 0 [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:08] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:08] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:08] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4154867632 {('Default', 4284313520L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 13, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:08] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4160110512 {'desc': (), ('Resource', 0, 0): 100000} {'taskNumber': 8, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:08] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q04 {('Default', 4271730608L, 0): 5, ('Default', 4269633456L, 0): 5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u041e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c \u043d\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u041e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c \u043d\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'} [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:08] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4162207664 {('Default', 4279410608L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 6, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:08] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22468_q03 {('Default', 4263440304L, 0): 5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'} [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:08] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4163256240 {('Default', 4282556336L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 5, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:08] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4161159088 {('Default', 4283604912L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 7, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:08] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q01 {('ResourceCoeff', 21, 17): 3.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 30): 3.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 9): 12.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 32): 3.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 10): 1.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 28): 3.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 14): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 11): 1.5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'}, 0, 0)} {'type': 'challenge', 'titleText': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'} [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:08] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4167450544 {('Resource', 16, 0): 500, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 1, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:08] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4156964784 {('Resource', 0, 0): 100000, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 11, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:08] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 14 [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:08] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 1 [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:08] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 14. Boxes contents: [{4288852912L: {(0, 4283622320L): 1}, 4284658608L: {(0, 4274185136L): 1}, 4283610032L: {(0, 4273136560L): 1}, 4289901488L: {(0, 4289913776L): 1}}] [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:08] setServerTime: serverTime=1510407970 time.time()=1510407968.71 gInitialClientTime=169.199003887 [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:08] initBattleTypes called [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:08] Disabled maps: [] [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:08] getNationForTutorial() CanBeStarted: False [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:08] StatsProxy.receiveAbuseStatus(): {'battlesToClean': 6, 'statuses': {'tkill': 1}, 'warnings': ()} [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:09] _onChangeTimeOut 156 [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:18] _onChangeTimeOut 6 [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:20] __processDossierStats() client dossier: ['oper', 'pvp', 'oper_mm_tasks_diag', 'pve_diag', 'pvp_diag', 'oper_normal', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'pve', 'oper_mm', 'total', 'oper_normal_tasks_diag', 'max_pve', 'rank_diag', 'max_pvp', 'oper_diag', 'club_diag', 'club', 'max_club', 'clan', 'oper_hard', 'oper_hard_tasks_diag', 'max_clan'] [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:20] AccountLevelingProxy.onGetAccountStats(): (-1, -1) (15, 732408) [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:20] __updateTaskProgress start: {'22468_q03': {'count': 1, 3: {'count': 10.0}}, '22468_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 3}}, '22469_q01': {'count': 0}, '21856_q00': {'count': 0}, '22468_q05': {'count': 0}, '22468_q02': {'count': 1, 3: {'count': 549416}}, '22470_q01': {'count': 21}, '22470_q02': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 4}}, '22470_q03': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 292414}, 3: {'count': 15080}, 4: {'count': 82600}}, '22470_q04': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 10}}, '22160_q01': {'count': 0}, '22468_q04': {'count': 0, 3: {'count': 5934}}} [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:21] onGetRankBattlesInfo currentSeason: 7, PlayerInfo: None [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:21] onGetRankDossier() seasonId = 7 Empty [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:21] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onGetSeasonRules: config False, {'seasonId': 1, 'operations': {4291341232L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 3, 'unlockTime': 1500429600, 'caps': 3}, 4292389808L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1499824800, 'caps': 3}, 4290292656L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1501034400, 'caps': 3}, 4293438384L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1501639200, 'caps': 3}}, 'currentOperationIdx': 1, 'roster': [4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L, 4293438384L], 'startTime': 1499824800, 'seasons': {1: {'operations': [4293438384L, 4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}, 2: {'operations': [], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}}, 'currentRotationTime': 1510106400, 'nextRotationTime': 1510711200, 'stage': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:21] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onLoadProgress: config False, season False, {'operations': {'hard': [], 'normal': [(4287146928L, [1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 0]), (4288195504L, [1509007262, 1509007262, 1509007262, 0, 0, 0]), (4290292656L, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])]}, 'seasons': {'hard': [], 'normal': [(2, 1509007262)]}} [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:21] onClanResponse: response=(1, 0, (430246, (430246, u'FLY', u'FLY', 16777215, u'executive_officer', u'\u0417\u0434\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0443\u0439\u0442\u0435 \u0442\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0449\u0438, \u0443 \u043a\u043e\u0433\u043e \u0435\u0441\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0431\u043b\u0438 10-\u0433\u043e \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u043d\u044f, \u0438 \u0433\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0441\u043e\u0432\u0430\u044f \u0432\u0441\u044f\u0437\u044c \u043d\u0443\u0436\u043d\u043e \u0441\u044b\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d\u043e\u0432\u044b\u0435 \u0431\u043e\u0438 - \u0441\u0442\u0430\u0432\u0442\u0435 + \u043c\u043d\u0435 \u0432 \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443 \u043a\u0442\u043e \u0433\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432', {47518727: {'role': u'private'}, 162314: {'role': u'private'}, 2835342: {'role': u'private'}, 58161041: {'role': u'private'}, 19410835: {'role': u'private'}, 2557718: {'role': u'private'}, 27883543: {'role': u'private'}, 73537307: {'role': u'private'}, 17222686: {'role': u'private'}, 310434: {'role': u'private'}, 11428651: {'role': u'private'}, 2445100: {'role': u'private'}, 7715120: {'role': u'private'}, 69118514: {'role': u'commander'}, 71811251: {'role': u'private'}, 59694238: {'role': u'private'}, 62222528: {'role': u'private'}, 47245249: {'role': u'private'}, 59103429: {'role': u'private'}, 35853511: {'role': u'private'}, 69416610: {'role': u'private'}, 65031124: {'role': u'private'}, 33301518: {'role': u'private'}, 5595999: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 8706534: {'role': u'private'}, 37230: {'role': u'private'}, 1515506: {'role': u'private'}, 71303028: {'role': u'private'}, 5426549: {'role': u'private'}, 22453883: {'role': u'private'}}, {75100162: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3925161}, 75104791: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1901451}, 75104792: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12037438}, 75104793: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47518727}, 75100186: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4688253}, 75100187: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26497012}, 75100188: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 872384}, 75100189: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 16896550}, 75104799: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2557718}, 75100217: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58161041}, 75100219: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36672236}, 75100220: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12445172}, 75100221: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11262324}, 75100086: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71777625}, 75099916: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5426549}, 75088485: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11437327}, 75088488: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86912728}, 75099930: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35480962}, 75099931: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 64096589}, 75104796: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24059614}, 75104797: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5326927}, 75105224: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5163046}, 75115804: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3700101}, 75100858: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65353479}, 75100859: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4549361}, 75100860: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19163627}, 75100862: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 15486060}, 75100864: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24960589}, 75104795: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26571092}, 75101403: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13829345}, 75101405: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2774140}, 75101406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19410835}, 75105005: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2514322}, 75105006: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 6071074}, 75105007: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21765943}, 75105008: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13351014}, 75105009: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10744094}, 75105010: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8213596}, 75105533: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 32758788}, 75105534: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35843415}, 75105535: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19416306}, 75099910: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 22471163}, 75099912: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47356661}, 75099913: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20821811}, 75099914: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 38322742}, 75099915: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 57543888}, 75100940: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1550733}, 75100941: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1431883}, 75100942: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 744012}, 75100943: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 69416610}, 75100944: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36933861}, 75100946: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4337469}, 75115800: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47245249}, 75115801: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2723422}, 75115802: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19050869}, 75115803: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65031124}, 75099932: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5239563}, 75099933: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5564244}, 75105068: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 27883543}, 75099952: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11428651}, 75115830: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 62222528}, 75115831: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8664152}, 75115833: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59103429}, 75115837: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4858560}, 75115840: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 7424262}, 75099461: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 33301518}, 75104134: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 225652}, 75101613: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 162314}, 75101614: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 75991473}, 75100081: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71303028}, 75100082: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79542157}, 75100083: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 76103}, 75100084: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80535214}, 75100085: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5965559}, 75092406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86780640}, 75092407: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 72132668}, 75092409: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65107864}, 75092412: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58685850}, 75104707: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13658244}, 75104708: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 77607300}, 75104710: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79957325}, 75104712: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2809573}, 75105225: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 61831778}, 75105226: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 48512704}, 75105227: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82400346}, 75105229: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59694238}, 75105230: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24318025}, 75105232: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35446652}, 75100114: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21297715}, 75100115: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2636501}, 75100116: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 23508047}, 75100117: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4104445}, 75100156: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65362617}, 75113469: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 17222686}, 75100158: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20158906}, 75113467: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1207353}, 75113468: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80938462}, 75100157: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82347121}, 75113470: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8706534}, 75113471: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4261263}}, 30, 30, None))) [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:21] ClanProxy.onClanResponse(): 1 (430246, (430246, u'FLY', u'FLY', 16777215, u'executive_officer', u'\u0417\u0434\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0443\u0439\u0442\u0435 \u0442\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0449\u0438, \u0443 \u043a\u043e\u0433\u043e \u0435\u0441\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0431\u043b\u0438 10-\u0433\u043e \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u043d\u044f, \u0438 \u0433\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0441\u043e\u0432\u0430\u044f \u0432\u0441\u044f\u0437\u044c \u043d\u0443\u0436\u043d\u043e \u0441\u044b\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d\u043e\u0432\u044b\u0435 \u0431\u043e\u0438 - \u0441\u0442\u0430\u0432\u0442\u0435 + \u043c\u043d\u0435 \u0432 \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443 \u043a\u0442\u043e \u0433\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432', {47518727: {'role': u'private'}, 162314: {'role': u'private'}, 2835342: {'role': u'private'}, 58161041: {'role': u'private'}, 19410835: {'role': u'private'}, 2557718: {'role': u'private'}, 27883543: {'role': u'private'}, 73537307: {'role': u'private'}, 17222686: {'role': u'private'}, 310434: {'role': u'private'}, 11428651: {'role': u'private'}, 2445100: {'role': u'private'}, 7715120: {'role': u'private'}, 69118514: {'role': u'commander'}, 71811251: {'role': u'private'}, 59694238: {'role': u'private'}, 62222528: {'role': u'private'}, 47245249: {'role': u'private'}, 59103429: {'role': u'private'}, 35853511: {'role': u'private'}, 69416610: {'role': u'private'}, 65031124: {'role': u'private'}, 33301518: {'role': u'private'}, 5595999: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 8706534: {'role': u'private'}, 37230: {'role': u'private'}, 1515506: {'role': u'private'}, 71303028: {'role': u'private'}, 5426549: {'role': u'private'}, 22453883: {'role': u'private'}}, {75100162: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3925161}, 75104791: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1901451}, 75104792: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12037438}, 75104793: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47518727}, 75100186: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4688253}, 75100187: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26497012}, 75100188: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 872384}, 75100189: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 16896550}, 75104799: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2557718}, 75100217: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58161041}, 75100219: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36672236}, 75100220: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12445172}, 75100221: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11262324}, 75100086: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71777625}, 75099916: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5426549}, 75088485: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11437327}, 75088488: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86912728}, 75099930: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35480962}, 75099931: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 64096589}, 75104796: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24059614}, 75104797: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5326927}, 75105224: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5163046}, 75115804: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3700101}, 75100858: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65353479}, 75100859: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4549361}, 75100860: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19163627}, 75100862: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 15486060}, 75100864: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24960589}, 75104795: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26571092}, 75101403: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13829345}, 75101405: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2774140}, 75101406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19410835}, 75105005: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2514322}, 75105006: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 6071074}, 75105007: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21765943}, 75105008: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13351014}, 75105009: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10744094}, 75105010: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8213596}, 75105533: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 32758788}, 75105534: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35843415}, 75105535: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19416306}, 75099910: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 22471163}, 75099912: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47356661}, 75099913: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20821811}, 75099914: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 38322742}, 75099915: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 57543888}, 75100940: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1550733}, 75100941: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1431883}, 75100942: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 744012}, 75100943: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 69416610}, 75100944: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36933861}, 75100946: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4337469}, 75115800: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47245249}, 75115801: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2723422}, 75115802: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19050869}, 75115803: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65031124}, 75099932: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5239563}, 75099933: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5564244}, 75105068: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 27883543}, 75099952: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11428651}, 75115830: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 62222528}, 75115831: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8664152}, 75115833: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59103429}, 75115837: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4858560}, 75115840: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 7424262}, 75099461: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 33301518}, 75104134: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 225652}, 75101613: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 162314}, 75101614: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 75991473}, 75100081: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71303028}, 75100082: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79542157}, 75100083: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 76103}, 75100084: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80535214}, 75100085: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5965559}, 75092406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86780640}, 75092407: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 72132668}, 75092409: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65107864}, 75092412: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58685850}, 75104707: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13658244}, 75104708: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 77607300}, 75104710: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79957325}, 75104712: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2809573}, 75105225: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 61831778}, 75105226: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 48512704}, 75105227: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82400346}, 75105229: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59694238}, 75105230: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24318025}, 75105232: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35446652}, 75100114: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21297715}, 75100115: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2636501}, 75100116: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 23508047}, 75100117: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4104445}, 75100156: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65362617}, 75113469: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 17222686}, 75100158: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20158906}, 75113467: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1207353}, 75113468: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80938462}, 75100157: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82347121}, 75113470: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8706534}, 75113471: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4261263}}, 30, 30, None)) [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:21] ClanProxy.__onGetMyClan: False (430246, (430246, u'FLY', u'FLY', 16777215, u'executive_officer', u'\u0417\u0434\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0443\u0439\u0442\u0435 \u0442\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0449\u0438, \u0443 \u043a\u043e\u0433\u043e \u0435\u0441\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0431\u043b\u0438 10-\u0433\u043e \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u043d\u044f, \u0438 \u0433\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0441\u043e\u0432\u0430\u044f \u0432\u0441\u044f\u0437\u044c \u043d\u0443\u0436\u043d\u043e \u0441\u044b\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d\u043e\u0432\u044b\u0435 \u0431\u043e\u0438 - \u0441\u0442\u0430\u0432\u0442\u0435 + \u043c\u043d\u0435 \u0432 \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443 \u043a\u0442\u043e \u0433\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432', {47518727: {'role': u'private'}, 162314: {'role': u'private'}, 2835342: {'role': u'private'}, 58161041: {'role': u'private'}, 19410835: {'role': u'private'}, 2557718: {'role': u'private'}, 27883543: {'role': u'private'}, 73537307: {'role': u'private'}, 17222686: {'role': u'private'}, 310434: {'role': u'private'}, 11428651: {'role': u'private'}, 2445100: {'role': u'private'}, 7715120: {'role': u'private'}, 69118514: {'role': u'commander'}, 71811251: {'role': u'private'}, 59694238: {'role': u'private'}, 62222528: {'role': u'private'}, 47245249: {'role': u'private'}, 59103429: {'role': u'private'}, 35853511: {'role': u'private'}, 69416610: {'role': u'private'}, 65031124: {'role': u'private'}, 33301518: {'role': u'private'}, 5595999: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 8706534: {'role': u'private'}, 37230: {'role': u'private'}, 1515506: {'role': u'private'}, 71303028: {'role': u'private'}, 5426549: {'role': u'private'}, 22453883: {'role': u'private'}}, {75100162: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3925161}, 75104791: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1901451}, 75104792: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12037438}, 75104793: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47518727}, 75100186: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4688253}, 75100187: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26497012}, 75100188: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 872384}, 75100189: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 16896550}, 75104799: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2557718}, 75100217: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58161041}, 75100219: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36672236}, 75100220: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12445172}, 75100221: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11262324}, 75100086: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71777625}, 75099916: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5426549}, 75088485: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11437327}, 75088488: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86912728}, 75099930: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35480962}, 75099931: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 64096589}, 75104796: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24059614}, 75104797: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5326927}, 75105224: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5163046}, 75115804: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3700101}, 75100858: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65353479}, 75100859: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4549361}, 75100860: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19163627}, 75100862: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 15486060}, 75100864: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24960589}, 75104795: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26571092}, 75101403: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13829345}, 75101405: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2774140}, 75101406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19410835}, 75105005: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2514322}, 75105006: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 6071074}, 75105007: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21765943}, 75105008: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13351014}, 75105009: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10744094}, 75105010: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8213596}, 75105533: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 32758788}, 75105534: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35843415}, 75105535: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19416306}, 75099910: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 22471163}, 75099912: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47356661}, 75099913: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20821811}, 75099914: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 38322742}, 75099915: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 57543888}, 75100940: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1550733}, 75100941: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1431883}, 75100942: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 744012}, 75100943: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 69416610}, 75100944: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36933861}, 75100946: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4337469}, 75115800: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47245249}, 75115801: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2723422}, 75115802: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19050869}, 75115803: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65031124}, 75099932: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5239563}, 75099933: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5564244}, 75105068: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 27883543}, 75099952: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11428651}, 75115830: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 62222528}, 75115831: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8664152}, 75115833: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59103429}, 75115837: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4858560}, 75115840: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 7424262}, 75099461: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 33301518}, 75104134: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 225652}, 75101613: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 162314}, 75101614: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 75991473}, 75100081: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71303028}, 75100082: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79542157}, 75100083: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 76103}, 75100084: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80535214}, 75100085: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5965559}, 75092406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86780640}, 75092407: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 72132668}, 75092409: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65107864}, 75092412: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58685850}, 75104707: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13658244}, 75104708: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 77607300}, 75104710: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79957325}, 75104712: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2809573}, 75105225: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 61831778}, 75105226: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 48512704}, 75105227: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82400346}, 75105229: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59694238}, 75105230: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24318025}, 75105232: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35446652}, 75100114: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21297715}, 75100115: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2636501}, 75100116: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 23508047}, 75100117: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4104445}, 75100156: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65362617}, 75113469: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 17222686}, 75100158: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20158906}, 75113467: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1207353}, 75113468: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80938462}, 75100157: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82347121}, 75113470: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8706534}, 75113471: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4261263}}, 30, 30, None)) [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:22] [CampaignsCommon] onLoadedDump: loaded campaign params and player; countActiveTasks 1; data ({4290690992L: (False, True, False), 4293836720L: (True, 0, True), 4291739568L: (False, True, False), 4288593840L: (True, 0, True), 4289642416L: (False, True, False), 4292788144L: (True, 0, True)}, {4293836720L: [1, 1], 4289642416L: [1, 0], 4291739568L: [1, 0], 4288593840L: [1, 0], 4290690992L: [1, 0], 4292788144L: [1, 0]}, {4285120432L: [4, 15, 7], 4251566000L: [2, 0, 0], 4287217584L: [4, 12, 7], 4288266160L: [4, 10, 7], 4290363312L: [4, 10, 5], 4292460464L: [4, 6, 8], 4293509040L: [5, 5, 9], 4286169008L: [4, 15, 8], 4263100336L: [2, 0, 0], 4289314736L: [4, 10, 6], 4283023280L: [2, 0, 0], 4272537520L: [2, 0, 0], 4241080240L: [2, 0, 0], 4291411888L: [4, 7, 7]}, {4153819056L: (1, False, 0), 4193664944L: (5, True, 0), 4163256240L: (5, True, 0), 4280696752L: (5, True, 0), 4190519216L: (1, False, 0), 4187373488L: (1, False, 0), 4224073648L: (5, True, 0), 4164304816L: (1, False, 0), 4130750384L: (1, False, 0), 4167450544L: (5, True, 0), 4204150704L: (5, True, 0), 4240850864L: (1, False, 0), 4277551024L: (5, True, 0), 4220927920L: (5, True, 0), 4257628080L: (5, True, 0), 4081467312L: (0, False, 0), 4237705136L: (5, True, 0), 3904257968L: (1, False, 0), 4274405296L: (1, False, 0), 3977658288L: (1, False, 0), 4181082032L: (5, True, 0), 4254482352L: (1, False, 0), 4291182512L: (5, True, 0), 3897966512L: (1, False, 0), 4161159088L: (5, True, 0), 4197859248L: (1, False, 0), 3901112240L: (1, False, 0), 3974512560L: (1, False, 0), 4177936304L: (1, False, 0), 4214636464L: (1, False, 0), 4251336624L: (5, True, 0), 4288036784L: (5, True, 0), 4133896112L: (1, False, 0), 4194713520L: (5, True, 0), 4284891056L: (5, True, 0), 4158013360L: (1, False, 0), 4191567792L: (5, True, 0), 4252385200L: (5, True, 0), 4228267952L: (1, False, 0), 4134944688L: (1, False, 0), 4208345008L: (1, False, 0), 4245045168L: (5, True, 0), 4281745328L: (5, True, 0), 4184227760L: (1, False, 0), 4188422064L: (1, False, 0), 4225122224L: (1, False, 0), 4203102128L: (5, True, 0), 4261822384L: (1, False, 0), 4131798960L: (1, False, 0), 4205199280L: (5, True, 0), 4241899440L: (5, True, 0), 4278599600L: (5, True, 0), 4192616368L: (5, True, 0), 4221976496L: (5, True, 0), 4258676656L: (1, False, 0), 3902160816L: (1, False, 0), 4128653232L: (0, False, 0), 4165353392L: (2, False, 2.0), 4238753712L: (1, False, 0), 3905306544L: (1, False, 0), 4275453872L: (1, False, 0), 3978706864L: (1, False, 0), 4182130608L: (5, True, 0), 4292231088L: (5, True, 0), 4171644848L: (5, True, 0), 4162207664L: (5, True, 0), 4198907824L: (5, True, 0), 3975561136L: (1, False, 0), 4215685040L: (5, True, 0), 4289085360L: (5, True, 0), 4159061936L: (1, False, 0), 3971366832L: (1, False, 0), 4195762096L: (5, True, 0), 3899015088L: (1, False, 0), 3972415408L: (1, False, 0), 4212539312L: (1, False, 0), 4082515888L: (1, False, 0), 4285939632L: (5, True, 0), 4227219376L: (1, False, 0), 4155916208L: (1, False, 0), 4260773808L: (5, True, 0), 4207296432L: (1, False, 0), 4229316528L: (5, True, 0), 3895869360L: (0, False, 0), 4135993264L: (1, False, 0), 4172693424L: (5, True, 0), 4209393584L: (5, True, 0), 4246093744L: (1, False, 0), 4282793904L: (5, True, 0), 4160110512L: (5, True, 0), 4226170800L: (1, False, 0), 4174790576L: (5, True, 0), 4132847536L: (1, False, 0), 4189470640L: (1, False, 0), 4206247856L: (5, True, 0), 4242948016L: (1, False, 0), 4279648176L: (5, True, 0), 4186324912L: (5, True, 0), 4223025072L: (1, False, 0), 4259725232L: (1, False, 0), 4175839152L: (1, False, 0), 4129701808L: (1, False, 0), 4166401968L: (1, False, 0), 4239802288L: (1, False, 0), 4276502448L: (5, True, 0), 4183179184L: (1, False, 0), 4219879344L: (5, True, 0), 4256579504L: (5, True, 0), 4293279664L: (5, True, 0), 4243996592L: (1, False, 0), 4154867632L: (5, True, 0), 4255530928L: (5, True, 0), 4236656560L: (5, True, 0), 3903209392L: (1, False, 0), 4273356720L: (5, True, 0), 3976609712L: (1, False, 0), 4180033456L: (5, True, 0), 4253433776L: (5, True, 0), 4290133936L: (5, True, 0), 4211490736L: (1, False, 0), 4196810672L: (1, False, 0), 3900063664L: (1, False, 0), 3973463984L: (1, False, 0), 4176887728L: (5, True, 0), 4213587888L: (5, True, 0), 4083564464L: (1, False, 0), 4286988208L: (5, True, 0), 4156964784L: (5, True, 0), 4178984880L: (1, False, 0), 4230365104L: (5, True, 0), 4063641520L: (0, False, 0), 3896917936L: (1, False, 0), 3970318256L: (0, False, 0), 4173742000L: (5, True, 0), 4210442160L: (1, False, 0), 4247142320L: (5, True, 0)}) [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:22] ClanProxy.onGetClanBattles {'seasonId': 1, 'finishTime': 1513713600.0, 'primeTimes': {2: (57600, 68400), 3: (57600, 68400), 5: (57600, 68400), 6: (57600, 68400)}, 'shipLevelMax': 10, 'shipLevelMin': 10, 'startTime': 1508310000.0, 'promoTime': 1508310000.0, 'stage': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:23] >>> DockProxy.receiveState [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:23] Unlocks.receiveState [] [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:25] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 5934, 'boughtToday': 0, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1510444800.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:25] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2L, 'typeId': 5L, 'dt': 1510403387.0, 'postponed': True, 'data': {'achievements': (), 'expPenalty': -1, 'tasks': {'22470_q01': {'count': (21, 1), 'progress': (1.0, 1.0), 2: {'count': (0, 1)}, 'name': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'}, '22468_q04': {'count': (0, 0), 'progress': (0.1978, 0.025733333333333334), 3: {'count': (5934, 772)}, 'name': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'}}, 'shipsKilled': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 3017529568454720L, 'credits': 62140, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': -16, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'mapTypeId': 2, 'battleTypeId': 5, 'result': 2, 'exp': 772, 'shipId': 4280170480L, 'battleCreateTime': 1510402112, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 731636, 772), 'aogasFactor': 1.0}} [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:25] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 5L, 'exp': 772, 'tasks': {'22470_q01': {2: {'count': (0, 1)}}, '22468_q04': {3: {'count': (5934, 772)}}}, 'aogasFactor': 1.0, 'mapBGPath': '../maps_bg/01_solomon_islands.png', 'operationName': '', 'rankStarsDeltaChange': 0, 'earnedAchievements': [], 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_BATTLE_RESULTS_2', 'result': 2, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'uiSpecial': False, 'mapTypeId': 2, 'shipId': 4280170480L, 'accountLeveling': {'expGained': 772, 'currLevel': 15, 'prevLevel': 15, 'currLevelExp': 122000, 'expTotal': 732408, 'nextLevelExp': 122000}, 'curTasksCompleted': 0, 'mapName': 'IDS_SPACES/01_SOLOMON_ISLANDS', 'battleTypeId': 5, 'shipLevelRome': 'V', 'achievements': (), 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD014', 'shipsKilled': 0, 'importance': 2L, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'difficulty': '', 'prevTasksCompleted': 0, 'isElite': False, 'date': '11.11.2017 15:08', 'dt': 1510403387.0, 'groupId': 3, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 731636, 772), 'expPenalty': -1, 'arenaUniqueID': 3017529568454720L, 'credits': 62140, 'sourceId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': -16, 'viaMM': False, 'rankBattlesSeasonId': 0, 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'quests': [{'maxProgress': 100, 'day': 11, 'monthIDS': 'IDS_MONTH_11', 'battleProgress': 100.0, 'type': 'challenge', 'id': '22470_q01', 'titleText': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!', 'currentProgress': 100.0}, {'maxProgress': 100, 'day': 11, 'monthIDS': 'IDS_MONTH_11', 'battleProgress': 2.0, 'type': 'task', 'id': '22468_q04', 'titleText': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b', 'currentProgress': 63.0}], 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'postponed': True, 'battleCreateTime': 1510402112, 'rankDeltaChange': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:25] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2L, 'typeId': 4L, 'dt': 1510403387.0, 'postponed': True, 'data': {'costShell': 560, 'shipId': 4280170480L, 'result': False, 'costRepair': 11500}} [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:25] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 4L, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SHIP_SERVE', 'costShell': 560, 'result': False, 'shipId': 4280170480L, 'uiSpecial': False, 'shipLevelRome': 'V', 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD014', 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'importance': 2L, 'idInGroup': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'isElite': False, 'dt': 1510403387.0, 'groupId': 5, 'costTotal': 12060, 'sourceId': 0, 'costRepair': 11500, 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'postponed': True} [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:25] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2L, 'typeId': 42L, 'dt': 1510403387.0, 'postponed': True, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4280170480L, 'camoRecharged': False, 'flagsBuyFail': False}} [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:25] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 42L, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD014', 'flagsAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'isElite': False, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_EXTERIOR_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2L, 'camouflageAutorechargeCompleted': 0, 'idInGroup': 1, 'groupId': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'V', 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'dt': 1510403387.0, 'postponed': True, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4280170480L, 'camoRecharged': False, 'flagsBuyFail': False}, 'uiSpecial': False} [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:25] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 5934, 'boughtToday': 0, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1510444800.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:25] PVEScriptsProxyCommon.createPVEState() [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:25] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onGetSeasonRules: config True, {'seasonId': 1, 'operations': {4291341232L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 3, 'unlockTime': 1500429600, 'caps': 3}, 4292389808L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1499824800, 'caps': 3}, 4290292656L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1501034400, 'caps': 3}, 4293438384L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1501639200, 'caps': 3}}, 'currentOperationIdx': 1, 'roster': [4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L, 4293438384L], 'startTime': 1499824800, 'seasons': {1: {'operations': [4293438384L, 4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}, 2: {'operations': [], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}}, 'currentRotationTime': 1510106400, 'nextRotationTime': 1510711200, 'stage': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:25] [4181898160L, 4180849584L] [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:25] [4181898160L, 4180849584L] [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:25] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onLoadProgress: config True, season True, {'operations': {'hard': [], 'normal': [(4287146928L, [1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 0]), (4288195504L, [1509007262, 1509007262, 1509007262, 0, 0, 0]), (4290292656L, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])]}, 'seasons': {'hard': [], 'normal': [(2, 1509007262)]}} [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:25] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] _updateOperationCompleted: 4287146928 normal [1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 0] [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:25] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] _updateOperationCompleted: 4288195504 normal [1509007262, 1509007262, 1509007262, 0, 0, 0] [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:25] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] _updateOperationCompleted: 4290292656 normal [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:25] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] _updateSeasonCompleted: 2 normal 1509007262 [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:25] onClanResponse: response=(6, 0, {'league': 4, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 430246, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division_rating': 0, 'stage': 'league'}) [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:25] ClanProxy.onClanResponse(): 6 {'league': 4, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 430246, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division_rating': 0, 'stage': 'league'} [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:25] ClanDataHubUtils.addLadderInfo: {'league': 4, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 430246, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division_rating': 0, 'stage': 'league'} [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:25] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:25] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:26] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] chooseOperation: 4291341232 normal True [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:26] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onOperationChosen: 4291341232 normal True [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:26] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] chooseOperation: 0 normal False [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:26] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onOperationChosen: 0 normal False [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:26] (, 51003611475748, 141): is in context [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:26] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}, interval: (1510412400.0, 1510415980.0)",) [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:26] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 4413 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510412400.0, 1510415980.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:26] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'start'}, interval: (1510416000.0, 1510416000.0)",) [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:26] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 4413 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510412400.0, 1510415980.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:26] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'end'}, interval: (1510426800.0, 1510426800.0)",) [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:26] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 4413 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510412400.0, 1510415980.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:26] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}, interval: (1510498800.0, 1510502380.0)",) [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:26] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 4413 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510412400.0, 1510415980.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:26] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'start'}, interval: (1510502400.0, 1510502400.0)",) [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:26] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 4413 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510412400.0, 1510415980.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:26] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'end'}, interval: (1510513200.0, 1510513200.0)",) [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:26] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 4413 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510412400.0, 1510415980.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:26] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:27] Can't send FPS data: it's empty [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:27] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:34] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: Dock [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:34] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:34] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:34] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:34] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:34] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:34] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:34] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:34] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:34] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:34] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:34] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:34] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:34] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:34] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:34] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:34] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:34] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:34] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:34] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:34] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:34] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:34] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:34] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:34] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:34] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:34] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:34] [Filters] saveFilters [] [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:34] [Filters] saveFilters [] [E] [2017_11_11 16:46:37] ServerConnection::onTimeOut(537128661): Disconnecting due to channel timing out. [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:39] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': 0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:39] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': -1.0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:40] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 6 NOT_SET [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:40] [LOGIN] Setting gIsConnected to False [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:43] getModelPaths [] [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:45] connection problem!!! [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:45] clearAll 0 True [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:45] ClanProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:45] ClanProxy.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:45] AccountLevelingProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:45] PreBattleInfoHolder.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:45] ShutDownProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:45] ShutDownProxy.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:45] StatsProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:45] StatsProxy.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:45] CampaignsProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:45] GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:45] IngamePortalProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:45] IngameNewsProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:45] LootboxProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:45] LootboxProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:45] PVEScriptsProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:45] PVEDatahubUtils.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:45] PVEScriptsProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:45] UserDataGate.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:45] UserDataGate.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:45] [LootboxProxyClient.destroy] [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:45] (, 51007757488877, 12): is out of context [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:45] (, 13182166089733, 190): fini [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:45] (, 51007922117933, 263): out of context [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:45] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Login, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:45] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:45] GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:49] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Login, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:52] (, 66259644693353, 191): H:; A:; C:http://csis.worldoftanks.ru/csis/wowsru/?periphery=login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020&periphery=login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020; M:['login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020', 'login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020'] [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:52] BaseLoginRequest.doLogin(): login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020 token2 ([BaseLoginCredentials] Tier099) [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:52] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:52] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:53] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 1 LOGGED_ON {"token2":"5595999:5600238760764888903:240509386302665090181322738172676093172","wgnr":"ru.wargaming.net"} [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:53] LOGGED_ON {u'token2': u'5595999:5600238760764888903:240509386302665090181322738172676093172', u'wgnr': u'ru.wargaming.net'} [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:53] [LOGIN] Positive, serverMsg: {u'token2': u'5595999:5600238760764888903:240509386302665090181322738172676093172', u'wgnr': u'ru.wargaming.net'}, status: LOGGED_ON [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:53] [LOGIN] Setting wgnr url to "https://ru.wargaming.net" [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:53] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 2 NOT_SET [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:53] Account.__init__() [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:53] [Account debuG]: __init__() Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:53] ClanProxy.setChatHandler [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:53] ClanProxy.setInteractiveMessageData [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:53] Exception BigWorld.EntityIsDestroyedException: 'Account 537128661 has been destroyed' in ignored [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:53] (, 571883079382, 162): init [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:53] (, 574705753692, 103): Url config for realm ru as string is ResMgr.DataSection at 0x4C1DCBB0 [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:54] (, 51003525417967, 75): in context [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:54] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 0 [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:54] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 0 [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:54] onBecomePlayer() [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:54] UserDataGate.onGetConnection [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:54] UserDataGate.onGetConnection(): 5595999 [Entity: id:2895 ['accountSimple', 'accountName']] Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:54] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAccount [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:54] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() True 0 0 0 [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:54] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:54] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:54] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4154867632 {('Default', 4284313520L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 13, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:54] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4160110512 {'desc': (), ('Resource', 0, 0): 100000} {'taskNumber': 8, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:54] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q04 {('Default', 4271730608L, 0): 5, ('Default', 4269633456L, 0): 5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u041e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c \u043d\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u041e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c \u043d\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'} [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:54] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4162207664 {('Default', 4279410608L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 6, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:54] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22468_q03 {('Default', 4263440304L, 0): 5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'} [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:54] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4163256240 {('Default', 4282556336L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 5, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:54] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4161159088 {('Default', 4283604912L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 7, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:54] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q01 {('ResourceCoeff', 21, 17): 3.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 30): 3.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 9): 12.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 32): 3.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 10): 1.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 28): 3.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 14): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 11): 1.5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'}, 0, 0)} {'type': 'challenge', 'titleText': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'} [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:54] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4167450544 {('Resource', 16, 0): 500, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 1, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:54] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4156964784 {('Resource', 0, 0): 100000, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 11, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:54] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 14 [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:54] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 1 [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:54] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 14. Boxes contents: [{4288852912L: {(0, 4283622320L): 1}, 4284658608L: {(0, 4274185136L): 1}, 4283610032L: {(0, 4273136560L): 1}, 4289901488L: {(0, 4289913776L): 1}}] [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:54] setServerTime: serverTime=1510408015 time.time()=1510408014.38 gInitialClientTime=214.880004039 [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:54] initBattleTypes called [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:54] Disabled maps: [] [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:54] getNationForTutorial() CanBeStarted: False [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:54] StatsProxy.receiveAbuseStatus(): {'battlesToClean': 6, 'statuses': {'tkill': 1}, 'warnings': ()} [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:54] _onChangeTimeOut 156 [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:57] __processDossierStats() client dossier: ['oper', 'pvp', 'oper_mm_tasks_diag', 'pve_diag', 'pvp_diag', 'oper_normal', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'pve', 'oper_mm', 'total', 'oper_normal_tasks_diag', 'max_pve', 'rank_diag', 'max_pvp', 'oper_diag', 'club_diag', 'club', 'max_club', 'clan', 'oper_hard', 'oper_hard_tasks_diag', 'max_clan'] [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:57] AccountLevelingProxy.onGetAccountStats(): (-1, -1) (15, 732408) [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:57] __updateTaskProgress start: {'22468_q03': {3: {'count': 10.0}}, '22468_q01': {2: {'count': 3}}, '22469_q01': {}, '21856_q00': {}, '22468_q05': {}, '22468_q02': {3: {'count': 549416}}, '22470_q01': {}, '22470_q02': {2: {'count': 4}}, '22470_q03': {2: {'count': 292414}, 3: {'count': 15080}, 4: {'count': 82600}}, '22470_q04': {2: {'count': 10}}, '22160_q01': {}, '22468_q04': {3: {'count': 5934}}} [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:57] __updateTaskProgress start: {'22468_q03': {'count': 1, 3: {'count': 10.0}}, '22468_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 3}}, '22469_q01': {'count': 0}, '21856_q00': {'count': 0}, '22468_q05': {'count': 0}, '22468_q02': {'count': 1, 3: {'count': 549416}}, '22470_q01': {'count': 21}, '22470_q02': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 4}}, '22470_q03': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 292414}, 3: {'count': 15080}, 4: {'count': 82600}}, '22470_q04': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 10}}, '22160_q01': {'count': 0}, '22468_q04': {'count': 0, 3: {'count': 5934}}} [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:58] onGetRankBattlesInfo currentSeason: 7, PlayerInfo: None [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:58] onGetRankDossier() seasonId = 7 Empty [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:58] ---- no data for seasonId: 7 [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:58] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onGetSeasonRules: config False, {'seasonId': 1, 'operations': {4291341232L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 3, 'unlockTime': 1500429600, 'caps': 3}, 4292389808L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1499824800, 'caps': 3}, 4290292656L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1501034400, 'caps': 3}, 4293438384L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1501639200, 'caps': 3}}, 'currentOperationIdx': 1, 'roster': [4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L, 4293438384L], 'startTime': 1499824800, 'seasons': {1: {'operations': [4293438384L, 4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}, 2: {'operations': [], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}}, 'currentRotationTime': 1510106400, 'nextRotationTime': 1510711200, 'stage': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:58] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onLoadProgress: config False, season False, {'operations': {'hard': [], 'normal': [(4287146928L, [1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 0]), (4288195504L, [1509007262, 1509007262, 1509007262, 0, 0, 0]), (4290292656L, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])]}, 'seasons': {'hard': [], 'normal': [(2, 1509007262)]}} [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:58] onClanResponse: response=(1, 0, (430246, (430246, u'FLY', u'FLY', 16777215, u'executive_officer', u'\u0417\u0434\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0443\u0439\u0442\u0435 \u0442\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0449\u0438, \u0443 \u043a\u043e\u0433\u043e \u0435\u0441\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0431\u043b\u0438 10-\u0433\u043e \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u043d\u044f, \u0438 \u0433\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0441\u043e\u0432\u0430\u044f \u0432\u0441\u044f\u0437\u044c \u043d\u0443\u0436\u043d\u043e \u0441\u044b\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d\u043e\u0432\u044b\u0435 \u0431\u043e\u0438 - \u0441\u0442\u0430\u0432\u0442\u0435 + \u043c\u043d\u0435 \u0432 \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443 \u043a\u0442\u043e \u0433\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432', {47518727: {'role': u'private'}, 162314: {'role': u'private'}, 2835342: {'role': u'private'}, 58161041: {'role': u'private'}, 19410835: {'role': u'private'}, 2557718: {'role': u'private'}, 27883543: {'role': u'private'}, 73537307: {'role': u'private'}, 17222686: {'role': u'private'}, 310434: {'role': u'private'}, 11428651: {'role': u'private'}, 2445100: {'role': u'private'}, 7715120: {'role': u'private'}, 69118514: {'role': u'commander'}, 71811251: {'role': u'private'}, 59694238: {'role': u'private'}, 62222528: {'role': u'private'}, 47245249: {'role': u'private'}, 59103429: {'role': u'private'}, 35853511: {'role': u'private'}, 69416610: {'role': u'private'}, 65031124: {'role': u'private'}, 33301518: {'role': u'private'}, 5595999: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 8706534: {'role': u'private'}, 37230: {'role': u'private'}, 1515506: {'role': u'private'}, 71303028: {'role': u'private'}, 5426549: {'role': u'private'}, 22453883: {'role': u'private'}}, {75100162: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3925161}, 75104791: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1901451}, 75104792: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12037438}, 75104793: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47518727}, 75100186: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4688253}, 75100187: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26497012}, 75100188: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 872384}, 75100189: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 16896550}, 75104799: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2557718}, 75100217: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58161041}, 75100219: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36672236}, 75100220: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12445172}, 75100221: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11262324}, 75100086: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71777625}, 75099916: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5426549}, 75088485: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11437327}, 75088488: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86912728}, 75099930: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35480962}, 75099931: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 64096589}, 75104796: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24059614}, 75104797: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5326927}, 75105224: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5163046}, 75115804: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3700101}, 75100858: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65353479}, 75100859: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4549361}, 75100860: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19163627}, 75100862: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 15486060}, 75100864: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24960589}, 75104795: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26571092}, 75101403: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13829345}, 75101405: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2774140}, 75101406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19410835}, 75105005: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2514322}, 75105006: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 6071074}, 75105007: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21765943}, 75105008: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13351014}, 75105009: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10744094}, 75105010: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8213596}, 75105533: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 32758788}, 75105534: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35843415}, 75105535: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19416306}, 75099910: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 22471163}, 75099912: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47356661}, 75099913: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20821811}, 75099914: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 38322742}, 75099915: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 57543888}, 75100940: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1550733}, 75100941: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1431883}, 75100942: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 744012}, 75100943: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 69416610}, 75100944: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36933861}, 75100946: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4337469}, 75115800: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47245249}, 75115801: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2723422}, 75115802: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19050869}, 75115803: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65031124}, 75099932: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5239563}, 75099933: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5564244}, 75105068: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 27883543}, 75099952: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11428651}, 75115830: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 62222528}, 75115831: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8664152}, 75115833: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59103429}, 75115837: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4858560}, 75115840: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 7424262}, 75099461: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 33301518}, 75104134: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 225652}, 75101613: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 162314}, 75101614: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 75991473}, 75100081: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71303028}, 75100082: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79542157}, 75100083: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 76103}, 75100084: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80535214}, 75100085: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5965559}, 75092406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86780640}, 75092407: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 72132668}, 75092409: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65107864}, 75092412: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58685850}, 75104707: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13658244}, 75104708: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 77607300}, 75104710: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79957325}, 75104712: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2809573}, 75105225: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 61831778}, 75105226: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 48512704}, 75105227: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82400346}, 75105229: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59694238}, 75105230: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24318025}, 75105232: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35446652}, 75100114: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21297715}, 75100115: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2636501}, 75100116: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 23508047}, 75100117: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4104445}, 75100156: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65362617}, 75113469: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 17222686}, 75100158: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20158906}, 75113467: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1207353}, 75113468: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80938462}, 75100157: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82347121}, 75113470: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8706534}, 75113471: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4261263}}, 30, 30, None))) [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:58] ClanProxy.onClanResponse(): 1 (430246, (430246, u'FLY', u'FLY', 16777215, u'executive_officer', u'\u0417\u0434\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0443\u0439\u0442\u0435 \u0442\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0449\u0438, \u0443 \u043a\u043e\u0433\u043e \u0435\u0441\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0431\u043b\u0438 10-\u0433\u043e \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u043d\u044f, \u0438 \u0433\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0441\u043e\u0432\u0430\u044f \u0432\u0441\u044f\u0437\u044c \u043d\u0443\u0436\u043d\u043e \u0441\u044b\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d\u043e\u0432\u044b\u0435 \u0431\u043e\u0438 - \u0441\u0442\u0430\u0432\u0442\u0435 + \u043c\u043d\u0435 \u0432 \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443 \u043a\u0442\u043e \u0433\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432', {47518727: {'role': u'private'}, 162314: {'role': u'private'}, 2835342: {'role': u'private'}, 58161041: {'role': u'private'}, 19410835: {'role': u'private'}, 2557718: {'role': u'private'}, 27883543: {'role': u'private'}, 73537307: {'role': u'private'}, 17222686: {'role': u'private'}, 310434: {'role': u'private'}, 11428651: {'role': u'private'}, 2445100: {'role': u'private'}, 7715120: {'role': u'private'}, 69118514: {'role': u'commander'}, 71811251: {'role': u'private'}, 59694238: {'role': u'private'}, 62222528: {'role': u'private'}, 47245249: {'role': u'private'}, 59103429: {'role': u'private'}, 35853511: {'role': u'private'}, 69416610: {'role': u'private'}, 65031124: {'role': u'private'}, 33301518: {'role': u'private'}, 5595999: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 8706534: {'role': u'private'}, 37230: {'role': u'private'}, 1515506: {'role': u'private'}, 71303028: {'role': u'private'}, 5426549: {'role': u'private'}, 22453883: {'role': u'private'}}, {75100162: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3925161}, 75104791: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1901451}, 75104792: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12037438}, 75104793: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47518727}, 75100186: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4688253}, 75100187: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26497012}, 75100188: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 872384}, 75100189: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 16896550}, 75104799: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2557718}, 75100217: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58161041}, 75100219: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36672236}, 75100220: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12445172}, 75100221: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11262324}, 75100086: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71777625}, 75099916: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5426549}, 75088485: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11437327}, 75088488: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86912728}, 75099930: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35480962}, 75099931: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 64096589}, 75104796: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24059614}, 75104797: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5326927}, 75105224: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5163046}, 75115804: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3700101}, 75100858: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65353479}, 75100859: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4549361}, 75100860: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19163627}, 75100862: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 15486060}, 75100864: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24960589}, 75104795: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26571092}, 75101403: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13829345}, 75101405: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2774140}, 75101406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19410835}, 75105005: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2514322}, 75105006: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 6071074}, 75105007: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21765943}, 75105008: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13351014}, 75105009: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10744094}, 75105010: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8213596}, 75105533: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 32758788}, 75105534: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35843415}, 75105535: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19416306}, 75099910: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 22471163}, 75099912: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47356661}, 75099913: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20821811}, 75099914: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 38322742}, 75099915: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 57543888}, 75100940: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1550733}, 75100941: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1431883}, 75100942: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 744012}, 75100943: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 69416610}, 75100944: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36933861}, 75100946: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4337469}, 75115800: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47245249}, 75115801: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2723422}, 75115802: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19050869}, 75115803: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65031124}, 75099932: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5239563}, 75099933: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5564244}, 75105068: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 27883543}, 75099952: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11428651}, 75115830: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 62222528}, 75115831: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8664152}, 75115833: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59103429}, 75115837: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4858560}, 75115840: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 7424262}, 75099461: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 33301518}, 75104134: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 225652}, 75101613: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 162314}, 75101614: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 75991473}, 75100081: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71303028}, 75100082: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79542157}, 75100083: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 76103}, 75100084: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80535214}, 75100085: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5965559}, 75092406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86780640}, 75092407: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 72132668}, 75092409: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65107864}, 75092412: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58685850}, 75104707: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13658244}, 75104708: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 77607300}, 75104710: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79957325}, 75104712: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2809573}, 75105225: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 61831778}, 75105226: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 48512704}, 75105227: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82400346}, 75105229: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59694238}, 75105230: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24318025}, 75105232: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35446652}, 75100114: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21297715}, 75100115: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2636501}, 75100116: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 23508047}, 75100117: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4104445}, 75100156: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65362617}, 75113469: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 17222686}, 75100158: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20158906}, 75113467: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1207353}, 75113468: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80938462}, 75100157: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82347121}, 75113470: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8706534}, 75113471: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4261263}}, 30, 30, None)) [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:58] ClanProxy.__onGetMyClan: False (430246, (430246, u'FLY', u'FLY', 16777215, u'executive_officer', u'\u0417\u0434\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0443\u0439\u0442\u0435 \u0442\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0449\u0438, \u0443 \u043a\u043e\u0433\u043e \u0435\u0441\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0431\u043b\u0438 10-\u0433\u043e \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u043d\u044f, \u0438 \u0433\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0441\u043e\u0432\u0430\u044f \u0432\u0441\u044f\u0437\u044c \u043d\u0443\u0436\u043d\u043e \u0441\u044b\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d\u043e\u0432\u044b\u0435 \u0431\u043e\u0438 - \u0441\u0442\u0430\u0432\u0442\u0435 + \u043c\u043d\u0435 \u0432 \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443 \u043a\u0442\u043e \u0433\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432', {47518727: {'role': u'private'}, 162314: {'role': u'private'}, 2835342: {'role': u'private'}, 58161041: {'role': u'private'}, 19410835: {'role': u'private'}, 2557718: {'role': u'private'}, 27883543: {'role': u'private'}, 73537307: {'role': u'private'}, 17222686: {'role': u'private'}, 310434: {'role': u'private'}, 11428651: {'role': u'private'}, 2445100: {'role': u'private'}, 7715120: {'role': u'private'}, 69118514: {'role': u'commander'}, 71811251: {'role': u'private'}, 59694238: {'role': u'private'}, 62222528: {'role': u'private'}, 47245249: {'role': u'private'}, 59103429: {'role': u'private'}, 35853511: {'role': u'private'}, 69416610: {'role': u'private'}, 65031124: {'role': u'private'}, 33301518: {'role': u'private'}, 5595999: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 8706534: {'role': u'private'}, 37230: {'role': u'private'}, 1515506: {'role': u'private'}, 71303028: {'role': u'private'}, 5426549: {'role': u'private'}, 22453883: {'role': u'private'}}, {75100162: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3925161}, 75104791: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1901451}, 75104792: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12037438}, 75104793: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47518727}, 75100186: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4688253}, 75100187: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26497012}, 75100188: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 872384}, 75100189: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 16896550}, 75104799: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2557718}, 75100217: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58161041}, 75100219: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36672236}, 75100220: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12445172}, 75100221: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11262324}, 75100086: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71777625}, 75099916: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5426549}, 75088485: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11437327}, 75088488: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86912728}, 75099930: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35480962}, 75099931: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 64096589}, 75104796: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24059614}, 75104797: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5326927}, 75105224: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5163046}, 75115804: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3700101}, 75100858: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65353479}, 75100859: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4549361}, 75100860: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19163627}, 75100862: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 15486060}, 75100864: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24960589}, 75104795: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26571092}, 75101403: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13829345}, 75101405: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2774140}, 75101406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19410835}, 75105005: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2514322}, 75105006: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 6071074}, 75105007: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21765943}, 75105008: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13351014}, 75105009: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10744094}, 75105010: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8213596}, 75105533: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 32758788}, 75105534: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35843415}, 75105535: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19416306}, 75099910: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 22471163}, 75099912: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47356661}, 75099913: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20821811}, 75099914: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 38322742}, 75099915: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 57543888}, 75100940: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1550733}, 75100941: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1431883}, 75100942: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 744012}, 75100943: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 69416610}, 75100944: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36933861}, 75100946: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4337469}, 75115800: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47245249}, 75115801: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2723422}, 75115802: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19050869}, 75115803: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65031124}, 75099932: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5239563}, 75099933: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5564244}, 75105068: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 27883543}, 75099952: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11428651}, 75115830: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 62222528}, 75115831: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8664152}, 75115833: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59103429}, 75115837: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4858560}, 75115840: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 7424262}, 75099461: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 33301518}, 75104134: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 225652}, 75101613: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 162314}, 75101614: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 75991473}, 75100081: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71303028}, 75100082: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79542157}, 75100083: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 76103}, 75100084: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80535214}, 75100085: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5965559}, 75092406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86780640}, 75092407: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 72132668}, 75092409: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65107864}, 75092412: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58685850}, 75104707: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13658244}, 75104708: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 77607300}, 75104710: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79957325}, 75104712: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2809573}, 75105225: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 61831778}, 75105226: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 48512704}, 75105227: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82400346}, 75105229: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59694238}, 75105230: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24318025}, 75105232: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35446652}, 75100114: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21297715}, 75100115: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2636501}, 75100116: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 23508047}, 75100117: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4104445}, 75100156: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65362617}, 75113469: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 17222686}, 75100158: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20158906}, 75113467: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1207353}, 75113468: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80938462}, 75100157: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82347121}, 75113470: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8706534}, 75113471: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4261263}}, 30, 30, None)) [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:59] [CampaignsCommon] onLoadedDump: loaded campaign params and player; countActiveTasks 1; data ({4290690992L: (False, True, False), 4293836720L: (True, 0, True), 4291739568L: (False, True, False), 4288593840L: (True, 0, True), 4289642416L: (False, True, False), 4292788144L: (True, 0, True)}, {4293836720L: [1, 1], 4289642416L: [1, 0], 4291739568L: [1, 0], 4288593840L: [1, 0], 4290690992L: [1, 0], 4292788144L: [1, 0]}, {4285120432L: [4, 15, 7], 4251566000L: [2, 0, 0], 4287217584L: [4, 12, 7], 4288266160L: [4, 10, 7], 4290363312L: [4, 10, 5], 4292460464L: [4, 6, 8], 4293509040L: [5, 5, 9], 4286169008L: [4, 15, 8], 4263100336L: [2, 0, 0], 4289314736L: [4, 10, 6], 4283023280L: [2, 0, 0], 4272537520L: [2, 0, 0], 4241080240L: [2, 0, 0], 4291411888L: [4, 7, 7]}, {4153819056L: (1, False, 0), 4193664944L: (5, True, 0), 4163256240L: (5, True, 0), 4280696752L: (5, True, 0), 4190519216L: (1, False, 0), 4187373488L: (1, False, 0), 4224073648L: (5, True, 0), 4164304816L: (1, False, 0), 4130750384L: (1, False, 0), 4167450544L: (5, True, 0), 4204150704L: (5, True, 0), 4240850864L: (1, False, 0), 4277551024L: (5, True, 0), 4220927920L: (5, True, 0), 4257628080L: (5, True, 0), 4081467312L: (0, False, 0), 4237705136L: (5, True, 0), 3904257968L: (1, False, 0), 4274405296L: (1, False, 0), 3977658288L: (1, False, 0), 4181082032L: (5, True, 0), 4254482352L: (1, False, 0), 4291182512L: (5, True, 0), 3897966512L: (1, False, 0), 4161159088L: (5, True, 0), 4197859248L: (1, False, 0), 3901112240L: (1, False, 0), 3974512560L: (1, False, 0), 4177936304L: (1, False, 0), 4214636464L: (1, False, 0), 4251336624L: (5, True, 0), 4288036784L: (5, True, 0), 4133896112L: (1, False, 0), 4194713520L: (5, True, 0), 4284891056L: (5, True, 0), 4158013360L: (1, False, 0), 4191567792L: (5, True, 0), 4252385200L: (5, True, 0), 4228267952L: (1, False, 0), 4134944688L: (1, False, 0), 4208345008L: (1, False, 0), 4245045168L: (5, True, 0), 4281745328L: (5, True, 0), 4184227760L: (1, False, 0), 4188422064L: (1, False, 0), 4225122224L: (1, False, 0), 4203102128L: (5, True, 0), 4261822384L: (1, False, 0), 4131798960L: (1, False, 0), 4205199280L: (5, True, 0), 4241899440L: (5, True, 0), 4278599600L: (5, True, 0), 4192616368L: (5, True, 0), 4221976496L: (5, True, 0), 4258676656L: (1, False, 0), 3902160816L: (1, False, 0), 4128653232L: (0, False, 0), 4165353392L: (2, False, 2.0), 4238753712L: (1, False, 0), 3905306544L: (1, False, 0), 4275453872L: (1, False, 0), 3978706864L: (1, False, 0), 4182130608L: (5, True, 0), 4292231088L: (5, True, 0), 4171644848L: (5, True, 0), 4162207664L: (5, True, 0), 4198907824L: (5, True, 0), 3975561136L: (1, False, 0), 4215685040L: (5, True, 0), 4289085360L: (5, True, 0), 4159061936L: (1, False, 0), 3971366832L: (1, False, 0), 4195762096L: (5, True, 0), 3899015088L: (1, False, 0), 3972415408L: (1, False, 0), 4212539312L: (1, False, 0), 4082515888L: (1, False, 0), 4285939632L: (5, True, 0), 4227219376L: (1, False, 0), 4155916208L: (1, False, 0), 4260773808L: (5, True, 0), 4207296432L: (1, False, 0), 4229316528L: (5, True, 0), 3895869360L: (0, False, 0), 4135993264L: (1, False, 0), 4172693424L: (5, True, 0), 4209393584L: (5, True, 0), 4246093744L: (1, False, 0), 4282793904L: (5, True, 0), 4160110512L: (5, True, 0), 4226170800L: (1, False, 0), 4174790576L: (5, True, 0), 4132847536L: (1, False, 0), 4189470640L: (1, False, 0), 4206247856L: (5, True, 0), 4242948016L: (1, False, 0), 4279648176L: (5, True, 0), 4186324912L: (5, True, 0), 4223025072L: (1, False, 0), 4259725232L: (1, False, 0), 4175839152L: (1, False, 0), 4129701808L: (1, False, 0), 4166401968L: (1, False, 0), 4239802288L: (1, False, 0), 4276502448L: (5, True, 0), 4183179184L: (1, False, 0), 4219879344L: (5, True, 0), 4256579504L: (5, True, 0), 4293279664L: (5, True, 0), 4243996592L: (1, False, 0), 4154867632L: (5, True, 0), 4255530928L: (5, True, 0), 4236656560L: (5, True, 0), 3903209392L: (1, False, 0), 4273356720L: (5, True, 0), 3976609712L: (1, False, 0), 4180033456L: (5, True, 0), 4253433776L: (5, True, 0), 4290133936L: (5, True, 0), 4211490736L: (1, False, 0), 4196810672L: (1, False, 0), 3900063664L: (1, False, 0), 3973463984L: (1, False, 0), 4176887728L: (5, True, 0), 4213587888L: (5, True, 0), 4083564464L: (1, False, 0), 4286988208L: (5, True, 0), 4156964784L: (5, True, 0), 4178984880L: (1, False, 0), 4230365104L: (5, True, 0), 4063641520L: (0, False, 0), 3896917936L: (1, False, 0), 3970318256L: (0, False, 0), 4173742000L: (5, True, 0), 4210442160L: (1, False, 0), 4247142320L: (5, True, 0)}) [S] [2017_11_11 16:46:59] ClanProxy.onGetClanBattles {'seasonId': 1, 'finishTime': 1513713600.0, 'primeTimes': {2: (57600, 68400), 3: (57600, 68400), 5: (57600, 68400), 6: (57600, 68400)}, 'shipLevelMax': 10, 'shipLevelMin': 10, 'startTime': 1508310000.0, 'promoTime': 1508310000.0, 'stage': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:00] >>> DockProxy.receiveState [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:00] Unlocks.receiveState [] [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:01] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 5934, 'boughtToday': 0, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1510444800.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:01] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 5934, 'boughtToday': 0, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1510444800.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:01] PVEScriptsProxyCommon.createPVEState() [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:01] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onGetSeasonRules: config True, {'seasonId': 1, 'operations': {4291341232L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 3, 'unlockTime': 1500429600, 'caps': 3}, 4292389808L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1499824800, 'caps': 3}, 4290292656L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1501034400, 'caps': 3}, 4293438384L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1501639200, 'caps': 3}}, 'currentOperationIdx': 1, 'roster': [4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L, 4293438384L], 'startTime': 1499824800, 'seasons': {1: {'operations': [4293438384L, 4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}, 2: {'operations': [], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}}, 'currentRotationTime': 1510106400, 'nextRotationTime': 1510711200, 'stage': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:01] [4181898160L, 4180849584L] [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:01] [4181898160L, 4180849584L] [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:01] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onLoadProgress: config True, season True, {'operations': {'hard': [], 'normal': [(4287146928L, [1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 0]), (4288195504L, [1509007262, 1509007262, 1509007262, 0, 0, 0]), (4290292656L, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])]}, 'seasons': {'hard': [], 'normal': [(2, 1509007262)]}} [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:01] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] _updateOperationCompleted: 4287146928 normal [1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 0] [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:01] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] _updateOperationCompleted: 4288195504 normal [1509007262, 1509007262, 1509007262, 0, 0, 0] [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:01] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] _updateOperationCompleted: 4290292656 normal [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:01] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] _updateSeasonCompleted: 2 normal 1509007262 [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:01] onClanResponse: response=(6, 0, {'league': 4, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 430246, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division_rating': 0, 'stage': 'league'}) [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:01] ClanProxy.onClanResponse(): 6 {'league': 4, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 430246, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division_rating': 0, 'stage': 'league'} [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:01] ClanDataHubUtils.addLadderInfo: {'league': 4, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 430246, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division_rating': 0, 'stage': 'league'} [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:01] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:01] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:02] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] chooseOperation: 4291341232 normal True [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:02] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onOperationChosen: 4291341232 normal True [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:02] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] chooseOperation: 0 normal False [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:02] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onOperationChosen: 0 normal False [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:02] (, 51003611475748, 141): is in context [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:02] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}, interval: (1510412400.0, 1510415980.0)",) [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:02] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 4377 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510412400.0, 1510415980.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:02] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'start'}, interval: (1510416000.0, 1510416000.0)",) [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:02] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 4377 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510412400.0, 1510415980.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:02] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'end'}, interval: (1510426800.0, 1510426800.0)",) [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:02] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 4377 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510412400.0, 1510415980.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:02] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}, interval: (1510498800.0, 1510502380.0)",) [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:02] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 4377 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510412400.0, 1510415980.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:02] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'start'}, interval: (1510502400.0, 1510502400.0)",) [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:02] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 4377 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510412400.0, 1510415980.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:02] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'end'}, interval: (1510513200.0, 1510513200.0)",) [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:02] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 4377 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510412400.0, 1510415980.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:02] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:03] Can't send FPS data: it's empty [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:03] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:08] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:08] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:08] [Filters] saveFilters [] [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:08] [Filters] saveFilters [] [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:08] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 4370 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510412400.0, 1510415980.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:08] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': 0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:08] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': -1.0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:08] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:12] ClanProxy.onChatInitialized [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:12] XmppChatHandler.joinClanChannel() 430246 [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:12] UserDataGate.__onRosterUpdated [('17915186@wowsru.loc', 'egy5', False, 4, ()), ('2557718@wowsru.loc', 'NSDRP', False, 4, ()), ('26288674@wowsru.loc', '_EmperoR_WOW_', False, 4, ()), ('2893852@wowsru.loc', 'klimstonn', False, 4, ()), ('30937387@wowsru.loc', 'monster__622', False, 4, ()), ('327255@wowsru.loc', 'Migri', False, 4, ()), ('5471194@wowsru.loc', 'loki1982', False, 4, ()), ('62222528@wowsru.loc', 'HEGNI_1', False, 4, ()), ('6896454@wowsru.loc', 'Vie92', False, 4, ()), ('69118514@wowsru.loc', 'RenamedUser_69118514', False, 4, ()), ('69416610@wowsru.loc', 'Player_3185411451', False, 4, ())] [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:12] getModelPaths [] [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:12] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 69118514@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:12] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: channelsGroupsIds: [] [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:12] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored True [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:12] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True XMPPCHAT: ChannelHandler.updateInfo : new name: RenamedUser_69118514 [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:12] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'fromJid': '69118514@wowsru.loc/wows', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510403021L, 'isDelayed': False, 'toJid': '69118514@wowsru.loc/wows', 'text': '\xd0\x9f\xd1\x83\xd1\x81\xd0\xba--\xd0\xb2\xd1\x8b\xd0\xbf\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbb\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd1\x82\xd1\x8c (\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb1\xd0\xbe \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb6\xd0\xbc\xd0\xb8\xd1\x82\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xba\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb8\xd1\x88\xd0\xb8 Win+ R ), \xd0\xb2\xd0\xb2\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb8\xd1\x82\xd0\xb5 CMD, \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb6\xd0\xb8\xd0\xbc\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82\xd0\xb5 "Enter" \xd0\xb2 \xd0\xbf\xd0\xbe\xd1\x8f\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd1\x88\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbc\xd1\x81\xd1\x8f \xd0\xbe\xd0\xba\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb5 \xd0\x92\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb5\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb8\xd1\x82\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xb2 \xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbc\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb4\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb9 \xd1\x81\xd1\x82\xd1\x80\xd0\xbe\xd0\xba\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbc\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb4\xd1\x83 \xc2\xabipconfig /flushdns\xc2\xbb \xd0\xb8 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb6\xd0\xbc\xd0\xb8\xd1\x82\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xba\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb8\xd1\x88\xd1\x83 \xc2\xab\xd0\x92\xd0\xb2\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb4\xc2\xbb. \xd0\x92\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb5\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb8\xd1\x82\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xb2 \xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbc\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb4\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb9 \xd1\x81\xd1\x82\xd1\x80\xd0\xbe\xd0\xba\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbc\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb4\xd1\x83 \xc2\xabipconfig /registerdns\xc2\xbb \xd0\xb8 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb6\xd0\xbc\xd0\xb8\xd1\x82\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xba\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb8\xd1\x88\xd1\x83 \xc2\xab\xd0\x92\xd0\xb2\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb4\xc2\xbb. \xd0\x92\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb5\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb8\xd1\x82\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xb2 \xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbc\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb4\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb9 \xd1\x81\xd1\x82\xd1\x80\xd0\xbe\xd0\xba\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbc\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb4\xd1\x83 \xc2\xabnetsh winsock reset\xc2\xbb \xd0\xb8 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb6\xd0\xbc\xd0\xb8\xd1\x82\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xba\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb8\xd1\x88\xd1\x83 \xc2\xab\xd0\x92\xd0\xb2\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb4\xc2\xbb. \xd0\x9f\xd0\xb5\xd1\x80\xd0\xb5\xd0\xb7\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb3\xd1\x80\xd1\x83\xd0\xb7\xd0\xb8\xd1\x82\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbc\xd0\xbf\xd1\x8c\xd1\x8e\xd1\x82\xd0\xb5\xd1\x80.', 'isPrivate': True, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:12] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'fromJid': '69118514@wowsru.loc/wows', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510403102L, 'isDelayed': False, 'toJid': '69118514@wowsru.loc/wows', 'text': '\xd0\xbf\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbd\xd1\x8f\xd0\xbb?', 'isPrivate': True, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:12] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'fromJid': '69118514@wowsru.loc/wows', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510403115L, 'isDelayed': False, 'toJid': '69118514@wowsru.loc/wows', 'text': '\xd1\x82\xd0\xb5\xd0\xb1\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xbf\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbd\xd1\x8f\xd1\x82\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe \xd1\x87\xd1\x82\xd0\xbe \xd0\xbd\xd1\x83\xd0\xb6\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe \xd1\x81\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb0\xd1\x82\xd1\x8c \xd0\x96\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd1\x8c', 'isPrivate': True, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:12] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {62222528: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 69416610: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 6896454: None, 30937387: None, 26288674: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'GUAPS', 'id': 430164, 'name': u'\u0413\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0434\u0435\u0439\u0446\u044b \u041f\u043e\u0441\u0435\u0439\u0434\u043e\u043d\u0430'}, 17915186: None, 69118514: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 2557718: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 327255: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'ENYO', 'id': 415095, 'name': u'\u042d\u041d\u0418\u041e'}, 5471194: None, 2893852: None} [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:12] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 30937387@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:12] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 2893852@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:12] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 59124891@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:12] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 11274288@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:12] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 21696974@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:12] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 14596986@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:12] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 58053848@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:12] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 310434@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:12] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 19410835@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:12] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 35853511@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:12] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 59103429@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:12] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 22453883@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:12] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 2557718@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:12] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 62222528@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:12] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:12] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:12] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:12] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:12] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: KARSAK_1968 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:12] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:12] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:12] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:12] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:12] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:12] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:12] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:12] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:12] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:12] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:12] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:12] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:12] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:12] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: toshidzu channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:12] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:12] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Samum1989_geroj channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:12] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:12] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:12] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:12] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: NSDRP channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:12] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:12] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:12] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:12] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived clansearch@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:12] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived ids_chat_channel_offtop@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:12] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived ids_chat_channel_questions@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:12] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived wargamingfm@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:12] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_SEARCH_CLAN_DIV channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:12] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:12] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_OFFTOP channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:12] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:12] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_QUESTIONS channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:12] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:12] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: WargamingFM Корабли channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:12] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:14] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc 6 [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:14] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: channelsGroupsIds: [] [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:14] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored True [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:14] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 58161041 {'jid': '58161041@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Y_O_R_K_2015', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:14] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 5426549 {'jid': '5426549@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'SANTEY5TRUE', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:14] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 71811251 {'jid': '71811251@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Leogon_1', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:14] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 69118514 {'jid': '69118514@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:14] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 17222686 {'jid': '17222686@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'bob7771', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:14] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 2557718 {'jid': '2557718@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'NSDRP', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:14] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 5595999 {'jid': '5595999@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Tier099', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:14] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Tier099', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/5595999', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510394839L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd1\x80\xd0\xb5\xd0\xb1\xd1\x8f\xd1\x82 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb3\xd0\xbe \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xb2\xd1\x8b\xd0\xba\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb4\xd1\x8b\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82 \xd0\xb2\xd0\xbe \xd0\xb2\xd1\x80\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbc\xd1\x8f \xd0\xb1\xd0\xbe\xd1\x8f???', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:14] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Tier099', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/5595999', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510396421L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbf\xd1\x8f\xd1\x82\xd1\x8c \xd0\xb2\xd1\x8b\xd0\xba\xd0\xb8\xd0\xbd\xd1\x83\xd0\xbb\xd0\xbe 2 \xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb7\xd0\xb0 \xd0\xb7\xd0\xb0 1 \xd0\xb1\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb9', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:14] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/69118514', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510401726L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb1\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb8 \xd0\xba\xd0\xb5\xd1\x88', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:14] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'NSDRP', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/2557718', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510404247L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb5\xd1\x87\xd0\xb5\xd1\x80 \xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb1\xd1\x80\xd1\x8b\xd0\xb9. \xd0\xb5\xd1\x81\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb8 9 \xd0\xbe\xd1\x87\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2 \xd0\xbe\xd0\xbf\xd1\x8b\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0 \xd0\xba\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbf\xd0\xb8\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe 54 000 \xd0\xbe\xd0\xbf\xd1\x8b\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0 \xd1\x82\xd0\xbe \xd1\x81\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbb\xd1\x8c\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe \xd0\xb7\xd0\xb0 15 ?', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:19] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:19] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:22] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {69118514: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 2557718: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}} [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:43] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Tier099', 'fromJid': '5595999@wowsru.loc/wows', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510408063L, 'isDelayed': False, 'toJid': '69118514@wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd1\x8f \xd0\xb2\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb1\xd1\x89\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xbf\xd0\xb5\xd1\x80\xd0\xb5\xd1\x83\xd1\x81\xd1\x82\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb8\xd0\xbb \xd0\xb7\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb0 \xd0\xb8\xd0\xb3\xd1\x80\xd1\x83', 'isPrivate': True, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 16:47:52] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Tier099', 'fromJid': '5595999@wowsru.loc/wows', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510408072L, 'isDelayed': False, 'toJid': '69118514@wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xb2\xd1\x8b\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb8\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82 \xd1\x87\xd0\xb5\xd1\x80\xd0\xb5\xd0\xb7 \xd0\xba\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb6\xd0\xb4\xd1\x8b\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xbf\xd1\x8f\xd1\x82\xd1\x8c \xd0\xbc\xd0\xb8\xd0\xbd\xd1\x83\xd1\x82', 'isPrivate': True, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 16:48:00] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Tier099', 'fromJid': '5595999@wowsru.loc/wows', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510408080L, 'isDelayed': False, 'toJid': '69118514@wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xbf\xd0\xbe\xd1\x81\xd0\xbc\xd0\xbe\xd1\x82\xd1\x80\xd1\x8e \xd1\x87\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xb4\xd0\xb0 \xd0\xba\xd0\xb0\xd0\xba \xd1\x81\xd0\xb5\xd0\xb9\xd1\x87\xd0\xb0\xd1\x81 \xd0\xb1\xd1\x83\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82', 'isPrivate': True, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 16:49:05] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened False [isChatBoxOpened] __updateChannelInfo channel.isChatBoxOpened False False [S] [2017_11_11 16:49:10] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {62222528: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 26288674: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'GUAPS', 'id': 430164, 'name': u'\u0413\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0434\u0435\u0439\u0446\u044b \u041f\u043e\u0441\u0435\u0439\u0434\u043e\u043d\u0430'}, 6896454: None, 30937387: None, 69416610: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 17915186: None, 58161041: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 69118514: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 71811251: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 5426549: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 2557718: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 327255: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'ENYO', 'id': 415095, 'name': u'\u042d\u041d\u0418\u041e'}, 5471194: None, 2893852: None, 17222686: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}} [S] [2017_11_11 16:49:27] [Scaleform] Error: Unknown file format at URL "gui/flash/../nation_flags/big/flag_undefined.png" [S] [2017_11_11 16:49:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:49:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:49:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:49:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:49:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:49:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:49:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:49:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:49:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:49:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:49:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:49:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:49:32] Unable to find camera param -- camouNode [S] [2017_11_11 16:49:45] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4280170480L: {'slots': {1: {'autobuy': 17}}}}} [S] [2017_11_11 16:49:46] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2017_11_11 16:49:50] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4280170480L: {'slots': {1: {'autobuy': 33, 'add_slots': (((), 4284313520L),)}}}}, 'storage': {4284313520L: 15}} [S] [2017_11_11 16:49:51] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 38, 'data': {'shipId': 4280170480L, 'result': 29, 'exteriorId': 4284313520L}} [S] [2017_11_11 16:49:51] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 38, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD014', 'isElite': False, 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'exteriorType': 'Flags', 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SET_EXTERIOR_ACTIVITY_FLAGS_29', 'shipLevelRome': 'V', 'result': 29, 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'uiSpecial': False, 'data': {'shipId': 4280170480L, 'result': 29, 'exteriorId': 4284313520L}, 'groupId': 4} [S] [2017_11_11 16:49:52] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2017_11_11 16:49:55] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4280170480L: {'slots': {1: {'del_slots': 1, 'autobuy': 17, 'slots': ((None, 4284313520L),)}}}}, 'storage': {4281167792L: 6}} [S] [2017_11_11 16:49:55] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 38, 'data': {'shipId': 4280170480L, 'result': 30, 'exteriorId': 4281167792L}} [S] [2017_11_11 16:49:55] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 38, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD014', 'isElite': False, 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'exteriorType': 'Flags', 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SET_EXTERIOR_ACTIVITY_FLAGS_30', 'shipLevelRome': 'V', 'result': 30, 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'uiSpecial': False, 'data': {'shipId': 4280170480L, 'result': 30, 'exteriorId': 4281167792L}, 'groupId': 4} [S] [2017_11_11 16:49:56] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2017_11_11 16:49:56] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 5426549 {'jid': '5426549@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'SANTEY5TRUE', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 16:50:04] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4280170480L: {'slots': {1: {'autobuy': 33, 'add_slots': (((), 4291653552L),)}}}}, 'storage': {4291653552L: 6}} [S] [2017_11_11 16:50:04] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 38, 'data': {'shipId': 4280170480L, 'result': 29, 'exteriorId': 4291653552L}} [S] [2017_11_11 16:50:04] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 38, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD014', 'isElite': False, 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'exteriorType': 'Flags', 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SET_EXTERIOR_ACTIVITY_FLAGS_29', 'shipLevelRome': 'V', 'result': 29, 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'uiSpecial': False, 'data': {'shipId': 4280170480L, 'result': 29, 'exteriorId': 4291653552L}, 'groupId': 4} [S] [2017_11_11 16:50:05] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2017_11_11 16:50:07] Account.enqueue(): 2 [S] [2017_11_11 16:50:07] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 16:50:07] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4280170480 4 [S] [2017_11_11 16:50:08] onEnqueued() QueueType: 2 ShipId: 4280170480 mmDescription: {'useBots': True, 'onlyFullBattles': False, 'maxWait': 30} [S] [2017_11_11 16:50:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:50:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:50:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:50:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:50:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:50:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:50:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:50:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:50:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:50:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:50:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:50:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:50:08] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_11 16:50:08] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 16:50:12] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: RandomBattle [S] [2017_11_11 16:50:12] onPrepareingForBattle() [S] [2017_11_11 16:50:12] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4280170480 1 [S] [2017_11_11 16:50:12] onGameRoomStateInit mapIdx = 25 battleType = 277 gameMode = StandDom duration=1200 [S] [2017_11_11 16:50:12] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 5595999 {'jid': '5595999@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Tier099', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 16:50:13] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2017_11_11 16:50:13] GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 16:50:14] [LootboxProxyClient.destroy] [S] [2017_11_11 16:50:14] Avatar.receiveAvatarInfo: {'evaluationsLeft': {0: 7, 1: 7}} [S] [2017_11_11 16:50:14] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAvatar [S] [2017_11_11 16:50:14] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() False 0 0 0 [S] [2017_11_11 16:50:14] Avatar.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 16:50:14] name Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 16:50:14] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 16:50:14] Avatar onControlled False [S] [2017_11_11 16:50:14] onControlled->False: not implemented [S] [2017_11_11 16:50:15] onGeometryMapped() MapName: 41_Conquest [S] [2017_11_11 16:50:15] teamBuildType: 2 [S] [2017_11_11 16:50:15] player: Id: 537107649 Name: Zork TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSD106_Fubuki avatarId: 988809 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 16:50:15] player: Id: 184683 Name: Kuvaldometr_80 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSD205_Podvoisky_pr_1929 avatarId: 988817 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 16:50:15] player: Id: 340489 Name: zirokul78 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASA002_Bogue_1942 avatarId: 988813 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 16:50:15] player: Id: 268741674 Name: :Beatty: TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASA002_Bogue_1942 avatarId: 988815 isBot: True [S] [2017_11_11 16:50:15] player: Id: 268741675 Name: :Pratt: TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSB006_Fuso_1943 avatarId: 988811 isBot: True [S] [2017_11_11 16:50:15] player: Id: 268741676 Name: :Spee: TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB034_New_Mexico_1941 avatarId: 988819 isBot: True [S] [2017_11_11 16:50:15] player: Id: 268741677 Name: :Koester: TeamId: 1 ShipName: PBSB105_Iron_Duke avatarId: 988821 isBot: True [S] [2017_11_11 16:50:15] player: Id: 268741678 Name: :Zavoyko: TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSD106_Fubuki avatarId: 988823 isBot: True [S] [2017_11_11 16:50:15] player: Id: 268741679 Name: :Tsamados: TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSD106_Fubuki avatarId: 988825 isBot: True [S] [2017_11_11 16:50:15] player: Id: 268741680 Name: :Tianpei: TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSD205_Podvoisky_pr_1929 avatarId: 988827 isBot: True [S] [2017_11_11 16:50:15] player: Id: 268741681 Name: :Warrender: TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASD014_Leader_1919 avatarId: 988829 isBot: True [S] [2017_11_11 16:50:15] player: Id: 537128661 Name: Tier099 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASD014_Leader_1919 avatarId: 988831 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 16:50:15] player: Id: 318871 Name: Anclav12 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSB006_Fuso_1943 avatarId: 988833 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 16:50:15] player: Id: 537177177 Name: angei83 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB034_New_Mexico_1941 avatarId: 988835 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 16:50:15] player: Id: 261402 Name: schout_bij_nacht TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSD106_Fubuki avatarId: 988837 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 16:50:15] player: Id: 537043385 Name: Dashunka_K_2009 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PBSB105_Iron_Duke avatarId: 988839 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 16:50:15] (, 39965384947628, 149): 988807; BattleLogic() [S] [2017_11_11 16:50:15] (, 39965384947628, 149): 988807; onEnterWorld() State: {attentionMarkers: [], clientAnimations: None, controlPoints: [{position: [-9.899999713525176e-05, 350.9999084472656], radius: 140.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 5, timerName: '', teamId: 0, progress: [0.0, 180.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [-9.899999713525176e-05, -350.99969482421875], radius: 140.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 5, timerName: '', teamId: 1, progress: [0.0, 180.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}], entityStates: [], expectedActions: None, interactiveZones: [], weather: {globalWeatherId: 988808, localWeather: [], entityLogicParams: []}, keyObjects: [], missions: {hold: [{reward: 2, penalty: 0, cpIndices: [0, 1], period: 6}], capture: [{reward: 1000, penalty: 0, cpIndices: [0, 1]}], destroy: [], suppress: [], kill: [{reward: 30, penalty: 45, shipType: 'Destroyer'}, {reward: 35, penalty: 50, shipType: 'Cruiser'}, {reward: 40, penalty: 60, shipType: 'Battleship'}, {reward: 45, penalty: 65, shipType: 'AirCarrier'}], teamsScore: [300, 300], teamWinScore: 1000, teamLoseScore: 0}, resources: [], successStoryProgress: [], screenplayMessage: '', tasks: [], minefields: [], entities: [], effects: []} [S] [2017_11_11 16:50:15] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 16:50:15] BattleDataContext.__onEnterSpace [S] [2017_11_11 16:50:20] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 5426549 {'jid': '5426549@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'SANTEY5TRUE', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 16:50:22] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 16:50:25] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: BattleLoading [S] [2017_11_11 16:50:25] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 16:50:56] [Weather][3586] onEnterWorld (map spaces/41_Conquest/weathers.xml, scheme 0, weather 0) [S] [2017_11_11 16:50:56] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 16:50:56] id 988838 [S] [2017_11_11 16:50:56] name schout_bij_nacht [S] [2017_11_11 16:50:56] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 16:50:56] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 16:50:56] id 988810 [S] [2017_11_11 16:50:56] name Zork [S] [2017_11_11 16:50:56] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 16:50:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 16:50:57] id 988834 [S] [2017_11_11 16:50:57] name Anclav12 [S] [2017_11_11 16:50:57] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 16:50:57] @ launchpadAppeared 988834 [S] [2017_11_11 16:50:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 16:50:57] id 988814 [S] [2017_11_11 16:50:57] name zirokul78 [S] [2017_11_11 16:50:57] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 16:50:57] @ launchpadAppeared 988814 [S] [2017_11_11 16:50:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 16:50:57] id 988832 [S] [2017_11_11 16:50:57] name Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 16:50:57] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 16:50:57] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 16:50:57] Avatar.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 16:50:57] ! A.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 16:50:57] BattleDataContext.__onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 16:50:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 16:50:57] id 988840 [S] [2017_11_11 16:50:57] name Dashunka_K_2009 [S] [2017_11_11 16:50:57] team id 0 [A] [2017_11_11 16:50:57] content/gameplay/uk/ship/battleship/BSB005_Iron_Duke_1936/BSB005_Iron_Duke_1936_Bow_ports_Hull_B.model: can't load model prototype: file not found [A] [2017_11_11 16:50:57] content/gameplay/uk/ship/battleship/BSB005_Iron_Duke_1936/BSB005_Iron_Duke_1936_Stern_ports_Hull_B.model: can't load model prototype: file not found [A] [2017_11_11 16:50:57] content/gameplay/uk/ship/battleship/BSB005_Iron_Duke_1936/BSB005_Iron_Duke_1936_MidBack_ports_Hull_B.model: can't load model prototype: file not found [S] [2017_11_11 16:50:57] Avatar.onWorldStateReceived [S] [2017_11_11 16:50:57] BattleChatSystem IN Context [S] [2017_11_11 16:51:12] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 16:51:13] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: Battle [S] [2017_11_11 16:51:13] ('[ERROR] FeedbackController: empty config for event repair_finished',) [S] [2017_11_11 16:51:13] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 16:51:20] -= BATTLE STARTED =- [S] [2017_11_11 16:52:02] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 16:52:02] id 988836 [S] [2017_11_11 16:52:02] name angei83 [S] [2017_11_11 16:52:02] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 16:52:02] @ launchpadAppeared 988836 [S] [2017_11_11 16:52:26] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 16:52:26] id 988818 [S] [2017_11_11 16:52:26] name Kuvaldometr_80 [S] [2017_11_11 16:52:26] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 16:52:32] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 16:52:32] id 988830 [S] [2017_11_11 16:52:32] name :Warrender: [S] [2017_11_11 16:52:32] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 16:52:33] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 16:52:33] id 988824 [S] [2017_11_11 16:52:33] name :Zavoyko: [S] [2017_11_11 16:52:33] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 16:52:38] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 16:52:38] id 988828 [S] [2017_11_11 16:52:38] name :Tianpei: [S] [2017_11_11 16:52:38] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 16:52:38] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 16:52:38] id 988826 [S] [2017_11_11 16:52:38] name :Tsamados: [S] [2017_11_11 16:52:38] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 16:52:42] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 16:52:42] id 988822 [S] [2017_11_11 16:52:42] name :Koester: [S] [2017_11_11 16:52:42] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 16:52:43] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 16:52:43] id 988824 [S] [2017_11_11 16:52:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 16:52:50] id 988830 [S] [2017_11_11 16:52:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 16:52:51] id 988822 [S] [2017_11_11 16:52:52] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 16:52:52] id 988830 [S] [2017_11_11 16:52:52] name :Warrender: [S] [2017_11_11 16:52:52] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 16:52:56] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 16:52:56] id 988822 [S] [2017_11_11 16:52:56] name :Koester: [S] [2017_11_11 16:52:56] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 16:52:58] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 16:52:58] id 988822 [S] [2017_11_11 16:53:00] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 16:53:00] id 988822 [S] [2017_11_11 16:53:00] name :Koester: [S] [2017_11_11 16:53:00] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 16:53:06] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 16:53:06] id 988826 [S] [2017_11_11 16:53:13] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 16:53:14] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 16:53:14] id 988824 [S] [2017_11_11 16:53:14] name :Zavoyko: [S] [2017_11_11 16:53:14] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 16:53:18] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 16:53:18] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 16:53:21] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 16:53:21] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 16:53:23] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 16:53:24] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 16:53:24] id 988826 [S] [2017_11_11 16:53:24] name :Tsamados: [S] [2017_11_11 16:53:24] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 16:53:25] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 16:53:27] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 16:53:27] id 988812 [S] [2017_11_11 16:53:27] name :Pratt: [S] [2017_11_11 16:53:27] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 16:53:27] @ launchpadAppeared 988812 [S] [2017_11_11 16:53:30] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 16:53:32] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/69118514', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510408412L, 'isDelayed': False, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0 13 \xd0\xbe\xd1\x87\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe 108 000', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 16:53:33] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 16:53:35] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 16:53:43] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 16:53:55] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 69118514 {'jid': '69118514@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 16:54:00] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 16:54:00] id 988812 [S] [2017_11_11 16:54:00] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 16:54:02] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 16:54:04] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 16:54:04] id 988818 [S] [2017_11_11 16:54:04] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 16:54:04] id 988820 [S] [2017_11_11 16:54:04] name :Spee: [S] [2017_11_11 16:54:04] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 16:54:04] @ launchpadAppeared 988820 [S] [2017_11_11 16:54:13] DEBUG: onChatMessage args ('', '', {'avatarId': 988835, 'targetId': 988809, 'type': -7}) [S] [2017_11_11 16:54:19] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 16:54:33] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 16:54:33] id 988812 [S] [2017_11_11 16:54:33] name :Pratt: [S] [2017_11_11 16:54:33] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 16:54:33] @ launchpadAppeared 988812 [S] [2017_11_11 16:54:42] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 16:54:42] id 988818 [S] [2017_11_11 16:54:42] name Kuvaldometr_80 [S] [2017_11_11 16:54:42] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 16:54:58] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 17222686 {'jid': '17222686@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'bob7771', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 16:55:05] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 16:55:28] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 16:55:28] id 988818 [S] [2017_11_11 16:55:33] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 16:55:33] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 16:55:41] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 16:55:41] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 16:55:41] id 988840 [S] [2017_11_11 16:55:47] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 16:55:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 16:55:50] id 988814 [S] [2017_11_11 16:55:50] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 16:56:03] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 16:56:03] id 988818 [S] [2017_11_11 16:56:03] name Kuvaldometr_80 [S] [2017_11_11 16:56:03] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 16:56:05] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 16:56:06] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 16:56:12] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 16:56:13] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 16:56:14] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 16:56:16] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 16:56:16] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 16:56:17] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 16:56:17] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 16:56:18] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 16:56:25] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 71811251 {'jid': '71811251@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Leogon_1', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 16:56:25] ("[ERROR] FeedbackController: invalid key '0' for map {1: 'SCOUT', 3: 'SPEED_BOOSTER', 4: 'TA_BOOSTER', 5: 'MB_BOOSTER', 6: 'HANGAR_BOOSTER', 7: 'SMOKE_GENERATOR'} data - {'state': 2, 'type': 0}",) [S] [2017_11_11 16:56:29] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 16:56:29] id 988816 [S] [2017_11_11 16:56:29] name :Beatty: [S] [2017_11_11 16:56:29] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 16:56:29] @ launchpadAppeared 988816 [S] [2017_11_11 16:57:11] ("[ERROR] FeedbackController: invalid key '0' for map {1: 'SCOUT', 3: 'SPEED_BOOSTER', 4: 'TA_BOOSTER', 5: 'MB_BOOSTER', 6: 'HANGAR_BOOSTER', 7: 'SMOKE_GENERATOR'} data - {'state': 2, 'type': 0}",) [S] [2017_11_11 16:57:13] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 16:57:19] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 16:57:20] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 16:57:20] id 988840 [S] [2017_11_11 16:57:20] name Dashunka_K_2009 [S] [2017_11_11 16:57:20] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 16:57:22] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 16:57:38] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 16:57:39] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 16:57:44] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 16:57:44] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 16:57:44] id 988814 [S] [2017_11_11 16:57:44] name zirokul78 [S] [2017_11_11 16:57:44] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 16:57:44] @ launchpadAppeared 988814 [S] [2017_11_11 16:57:46] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 16:57:49] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 16:57:56] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 16:57:56] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:01] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:03] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: GameMenu, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:03] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: GameMenu [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:03] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: GameMenu, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:04] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Options, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:06] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: OptionsWindow [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:06] OPT operateOption QUICK_COMMANDS_SOUND 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:06] OPT operateOption NARROW_DYNAMIC_RANGE 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:06] OPT operateOption SND_UI_VOLUME 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:06] OPT operateOption ENABLE_USER_MUSIC 0.0 [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:06] OPT operateOption VOICE_MOD 0 [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:06] OPT operateOption SND_MUSIC_VOLUME 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:06] OPT operateOption ENABLE_VOICECHAT False [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:06] OPT operateOption SND_SOUND_VOLUME 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:06] OPT operateOption SND_ENGINES_VOLUME 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:06] OPT operateOption SND_SHOOT_VOLUME 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:06] OPT operateOption PLAY_MUSIC_BATTLE 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:06] OPT operateOption SND_VOICE_VOLUME 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:06] OPT operateOption VOICE_OVER_EFFECT 0.0 [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:06] OPT operateOption MUSIC_MOD 0 [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:06] OPT operateOption VOICE_PACKAGE 5 [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:06] OPT operateOption PLAY_MUSIC_PORT 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:06] OPT operateOption USER_MUSIC_PATH no path [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:06] OPT operateOption SND_MASTER_VOLUME 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:06] OPT operateOption SND_WORLD_VOLUME 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:06] OPT operateOption QUICK_COMMANDS_SOUND 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:06] OPT operateOption NARROW_DYNAMIC_RANGE 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:06] OPT operateOption SND_UI_VOLUME 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:06] OPT operateOption ENABLE_USER_MUSIC 0.0 [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:06] OPT operateOption VOICE_MOD 0 [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:06] OPT operateOption SND_MUSIC_VOLUME 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:06] OPT operateOption ENABLE_VOICECHAT False [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:06] OPT operateOption SND_SOUND_VOLUME 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:06] OPT operateOption SND_ENGINES_VOLUME 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:06] OPT operateOption SND_SHOOT_VOLUME 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:06] OPT operateOption PLAY_MUSIC_BATTLE 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:06] OPT operateOption SND_VOICE_VOLUME 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:06] OPT operateOption VOICE_OVER_EFFECT 0.0 [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:06] OPT operateOption MUSIC_MOD 0 [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:06] OPT operateOption VOICE_PACKAGE 5 [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:06] OPT operateOption PLAY_MUSIC_PORT 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:06] OPT operateOption USER_MUSIC_PATH no path [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:06] OPT operateOption SND_MASTER_VOLUME 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:06] OPT operateOption SND_WORLD_VOLUME 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:06] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Options, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:10] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:13] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: GameMenu, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:13] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: GameMenu, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:16] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: SimpleModalWindow, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:19] setFpsGathererActive(False) [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:19] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:19] (, 39965384947628, 149): 988807; onLeaveWorld() [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:19] [Weather][3586] onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:19] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:19] id 988810 [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:19] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:19] id 988812 [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:19] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:19] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:19] id 988814 [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:19] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:19] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:19] id 988816 [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:19] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:19] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:19] id 988818 [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:19] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:19] id 988820 [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:19] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:19] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:19] id 988822 [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:19] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:19] id 988824 [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:19] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:19] id 988826 [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:19] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:19] id 988828 [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:19] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:19] id 988830 [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:19] Avatar.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:19] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOver [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:19] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOut [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:19] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:19] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:19] id 988832 [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:19] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:19] id 988834 [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:19] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:19] id 988836 [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:19] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:19] id 988838 [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:19] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:19] id 988840 [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:20] Account.__init__() [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:20] [Account debuG]: __init__() Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:20] ClanProxy.setChatHandler [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:20] XmppChatHandler.joinClanChannel() 430246 [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:20] ClanProxy.setInteractiveMessageData [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:20] Exception BigWorld.EntityIsDestroyedException: 'Account 537128661 has been destroyed' in ignored [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:20] onBecomePlayer() [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:20] UserDataGate.onGetConnection [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:20] UserDataGate.onGetConnection(): 5595999 [Entity: id:2895 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'teamKiller', 'accountLevel', 'clanman', 'accountSelf', 'incompleteAccount', 'channelParticipant', 'accountStatus', 'accountRank']] Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:20] leaveBattleSession() Reason: 0 Info: {'survey_id': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:20] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:20] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:21] BattleChatSystem OUT OF Context [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:21] Exception BigWorld.EntityIsDestroyedException: 'Avatar 988831 has been destroyed' in ignored [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:21] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:21] Sent FPS data [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:21] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAccount [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:21] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() True 0 0 0 [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:21] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:21] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:21] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4154867632 {('Default', 4284313520L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 13, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:21] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4160110512 {'desc': (), ('Resource', 0, 0): 100000} {'taskNumber': 8, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:21] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q04 {('Default', 4271730608L, 0): 5, ('Default', 4269633456L, 0): 5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u041e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c \u043d\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u041e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c \u043d\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'} [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:21] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4162207664 {('Default', 4279410608L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 6, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:21] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22468_q03 {('Default', 4263440304L, 0): 5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'} [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:21] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4163256240 {('Default', 4282556336L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 5, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:21] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4161159088 {('Default', 4283604912L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 7, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:21] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q01 {('ResourceCoeff', 21, 17): 3.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 30): 3.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 9): 12.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 32): 3.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 10): 1.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 28): 3.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 14): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 11): 1.5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'}, 0, 0)} {'type': 'challenge', 'titleText': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'} [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:21] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4167450544 {('Resource', 16, 0): 500, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 1, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:21] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4156964784 {('Resource', 0, 0): 100000, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 11, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:21] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 14 [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:22] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 1 [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:22] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 14. Boxes contents: [{4288852912L: {(0, 4283622320L): 1}, 4284658608L: {(0, 4274185136L): 1}, 4283610032L: {(0, 4273136560L): 1}, 4289901488L: {(0, 4289913776L): 1}}] [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:22] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:22] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:23] Sent FPS data [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:23] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:32] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:32] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:32] [Filters] saveFilters [] [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:32] [Filters] saveFilters [] [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:32] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:32] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {1073412: None, 58161041: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 10769075: None, 2557718: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 2893852: None, 17222686: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 69416610: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 30937387: None, 69118514: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 17915186: None, 71811251: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 20981563: None, 62222528: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 6896454: None, 26288674: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'GUAPS', 'id': 430164, 'name': u'\u0413\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0434\u0435\u0439\u0446\u044b \u041f\u043e\u0441\u0435\u0439\u0434\u043e\u043d\u0430'}, -268741681: None, -268741680: None, -268741679: None, -268741678: None, -268741677: None, -268741676: None, -268741675: None, -268741674: None, 327255: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'ENYO', 'id': 415095, 'name': u'\u042d\u041d\u0418\u041e'}, 5471194: None, 2476475: None, 70096491: {'color': 13434828, 'league': None, 'tag': u'LEGIO', 'id': 411673, 'name': u'Immortal Legion'}, 60957555: None, 61433588: None, 5426549: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}} [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:32] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 5595999 {'jid': '5595999@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Tier099', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:32] (, 86904481544477, 21): joinChannel, ('already joined', 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc') [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:32] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 2557718 NSDRP 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:32] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 5426549 SANTEY5TRUE 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:32] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 5595999 Tier099 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:32] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 58161041 Y_O_R_K_2015 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:32] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 69118514 RenamedUser_69118514 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:32] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 71811251 Leogon_1 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:32] getModelPaths [] [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:33] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': 0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:33] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': -1.0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [E] [2017_11_11 16:58:42] ServerConnection::onTimeOut(537128661): Disconnecting due to channel timing out. [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:42] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 6 NOT_SET [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:42] [LOGIN] Setting gIsConnected to False [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:42] connection problem!!! [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:42] clearAll 0 True [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:42] AccountLevelingProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:42] StatsProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:42] StatsProxy.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:42] ShutDownProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:42] ShutDownProxy.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:42] LootboxProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:42] LootboxProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:42] CampaignsProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:42] PVEScriptsProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:42] PVEDatahubUtils.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:42] PVEScriptsProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:42] IngamePortalProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:42] IngameNewsProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:42] UserDataGate.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:42] UserDataGate.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:42] ClanProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:42] ClanProxy.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:42] [LootboxProxyClient.destroy] [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:43] (, 51007757488877, 12): is out of context [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:43] (, 13182166089733, 190): fini [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:43] (, 51007922117933, 263): out of context [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:43] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Login, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:43] PreBattleInfoHolder.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:43] GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:43] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:43] GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 16:58:46] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Login, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:14] (, 66259644693353, 191): H:; A:; C:http://csis.worldoftanks.ru/csis/wowsru/?periphery=login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020&periphery=login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020; M:['login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020', 'login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020'] [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:14] BaseLoginRequest.doLogin(): login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020 token2 ([BaseLoginCredentials] Tier099) [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:15] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:15] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:15] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 1 LOGGED_ON {"token2":"5595999:5600238760764888903:193533860626205866286316247459738881791","wgnr":"ru.wargaming.net"} [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:15] LOGGED_ON {u'token2': u'5595999:5600238760764888903:193533860626205866286316247459738881791', u'wgnr': u'ru.wargaming.net'} [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:15] [LOGIN] Positive, serverMsg: {u'token2': u'5595999:5600238760764888903:193533860626205866286316247459738881791', u'wgnr': u'ru.wargaming.net'}, status: LOGGED_ON [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:15] [LOGIN] Setting wgnr url to "https://ru.wargaming.net" [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:15] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 2 NOT_SET [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:16] Account.__init__() [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:16] [Account debuG]: __init__() Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:16] ClanProxy.setChatHandler [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:16] ClanProxy.setInteractiveMessageData [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:16] Exception BigWorld.EntityIsDestroyedException: 'Account 537128661 has been destroyed' in ignored [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:16] (, 571883079382, 162): init [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:16] (, 574705753692, 103): Url config for realm ru as string is ResMgr.DataSection at 0x4F1DD3E0 [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:16] (, 51003525417967, 75): in context [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:16] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 0 [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:16] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 0 [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:16] onBecomePlayer() [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:16] UserDataGate.onGetConnection [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:16] UserDataGate.onGetConnection(): 5595999 [Entity: id:1596 ['accountSimple', 'accountName']] Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:16] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAccount [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:16] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() True 0 0 0 [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:16] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:16] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:16] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4161159088 {('Default', 4283604912L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 7, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:16] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4160110512 {('Resource', 0, 0): 100000, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 8, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:16] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q04 {('Default', 4271730608L, 0): 5, ('Default', 4269633456L, 0): 5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u041e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c \u043d\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u041e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c \u043d\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'} [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:16] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4162207664 {('Default', 4279410608L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 6, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:16] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22468_q03 {('Default', 4263440304L, 0): 5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'} [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:16] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4156964784 {'desc': (), ('Resource', 0, 0): 100000} {'taskNumber': 11, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:16] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4154867632 {('Default', 4284313520L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 13, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:16] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q01 {('ResourceCoeff', 21, 17): 3.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 30): 3.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 9): 12.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 32): 3.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 10): 1.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 28): 3.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 14): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 11): 1.5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'}, 0, 0)} {'type': 'challenge', 'titleText': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'} [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:16] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4167450544 {'desc': (), ('Resource', 16, 0): 500} {'taskNumber': 1, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:16] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4163256240 {('Default', 4282556336L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 5, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:16] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 14 [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:16] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 1 [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:16] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 14. Boxes contents: [{4288852912L: {(0, 4283622320L): 1}, 4284658608L: {(0, 4274185136L): 1}, 4283610032L: {(0, 4273136560L): 1}, 4289901488L: {(0, 4289913776L): 1}}] [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:16] setServerTime: serverTime=1510408758 time.time()=1510408756.68 gInitialClientTime=957.181009033 [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:16] initBattleTypes called [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:16] Disabled maps: [] [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:16] getNationForTutorial() CanBeStarted: False [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:16] StatsProxy.receiveAbuseStatus(): {'battlesToClean': 5, 'statuses': {'tkill': 1}, 'warnings': ()} [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:16] _onChangeTimeOut 156 [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:19] __processDossierStats() client dossier: ['oper', 'pvp', 'oper_mm_tasks_diag', 'pve_diag', 'pvp_diag', 'oper_normal', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'pve', 'oper_mm', 'total', 'oper_normal_tasks_diag', 'max_pve', 'rank_diag', 'max_pvp', 'oper_diag', 'club_diag', 'club', 'max_club', 'clan', 'oper_hard', 'oper_hard_tasks_diag', 'max_clan'] [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:19] AccountLevelingProxy.onGetAccountStats(): (-1, -1) (15, 733195) [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:19] __updateTaskProgress start: {'22468_q03': {3: {'count': 10.0}}, '22468_q01': {2: {'count': 3}}, '22469_q01': {}, '21856_q00': {}, '22468_q05': {}, '22468_q02': {3: {'count': 549416}}, '22470_q01': {}, '22470_q02': {2: {'count': 4}}, '22470_q03': {2: {'count': 292414}, 3: {'count': 15080}, 4: {'count': 82600}}, '22470_q04': {2: {'count': 10}}, '22160_q01': {}, '22468_q04': {3: {'count': 5934}}} [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:19] __updateTaskProgress start: {'22468_q03': {'count': 1, 3: {'count': 10.0}}, '22468_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 3}}, '22469_q01': {'count': 0}, '21856_q00': {'count': 0}, '22468_q05': {'count': 0}, '22468_q02': {'count': 1, 3: {'count': 549416}}, '22470_q01': {'count': 21}, '22470_q02': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 4}}, '22470_q03': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 292414}, 3: {'count': 15080}, 4: {'count': 82600}}, '22470_q04': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 10}}, '22160_q01': {'count': 0}, '22468_q04': {'count': 0, 3: {'count': 5934}}} [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:20] onGetRankBattlesInfo currentSeason: 7, PlayerInfo: None [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:20] onGetRankDossier() seasonId = 7 Empty [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:20] ---- no data for seasonId: 7 [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:20] ---- no data for seasonId: 7 [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:20] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onGetSeasonRules: config False, {'seasonId': 1, 'operations': {4291341232L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 3, 'unlockTime': 1500429600, 'caps': 3}, 4292389808L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1499824800, 'caps': 3}, 4290292656L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1501034400, 'caps': 3}, 4293438384L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1501639200, 'caps': 3}}, 'currentOperationIdx': 1, 'roster': [4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L, 4293438384L], 'startTime': 1499824800, 'seasons': {1: {'operations': [4293438384L, 4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}, 2: {'operations': [], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}}, 'currentRotationTime': 1510106400, 'nextRotationTime': 1510711200, 'stage': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:20] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onLoadProgress: config False, season False, {'operations': {'hard': [], 'normal': [(4287146928L, [1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 0]), (4288195504L, [1509007262, 1509007262, 1509007262, 0, 0, 0]), (4290292656L, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])]}, 'seasons': {'hard': [], 'normal': [(2, 1509007262)]}} [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:20] onClanResponse: response=(1, 0, (430246, (430246, u'FLY', u'FLY', 16777215, u'executive_officer', u'\u0417\u0434\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0443\u0439\u0442\u0435 \u0442\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0449\u0438, \u0443 \u043a\u043e\u0433\u043e \u0435\u0441\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0431\u043b\u0438 10-\u0433\u043e \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u043d\u044f, \u0438 \u0433\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0441\u043e\u0432\u0430\u044f \u0432\u0441\u044f\u0437\u044c \u043d\u0443\u0436\u043d\u043e \u0441\u044b\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d\u043e\u0432\u044b\u0435 \u0431\u043e\u0438 - \u0441\u0442\u0430\u0432\u0442\u0435 + \u043c\u043d\u0435 \u0432 \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443 \u043a\u0442\u043e \u0433\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432', {47518727: {'role': u'private'}, 162314: {'role': u'private'}, 2835342: {'role': u'private'}, 58161041: {'role': u'private'}, 19410835: {'role': u'private'}, 2557718: {'role': u'private'}, 27883543: {'role': u'private'}, 73537307: {'role': u'private'}, 17222686: {'role': u'private'}, 310434: {'role': u'private'}, 11428651: {'role': u'private'}, 2445100: {'role': u'private'}, 7715120: {'role': u'private'}, 69118514: {'role': u'commander'}, 71811251: {'role': u'private'}, 59694238: {'role': u'private'}, 62222528: {'role': u'private'}, 47245249: {'role': u'private'}, 59103429: {'role': u'private'}, 35853511: {'role': u'private'}, 69416610: {'role': u'private'}, 65031124: {'role': u'private'}, 33301518: {'role': u'private'}, 5595999: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 8706534: {'role': u'private'}, 37230: {'role': u'private'}, 1515506: {'role': u'private'}, 71303028: {'role': u'private'}, 5426549: {'role': u'private'}, 22453883: {'role': u'private'}}, {75100162: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3925161}, 75104791: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1901451}, 75104792: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12037438}, 75104793: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47518727}, 75100186: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4688253}, 75100187: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26497012}, 75100188: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 872384}, 75100189: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 16896550}, 75104799: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2557718}, 75100217: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58161041}, 75100219: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36672236}, 75100220: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12445172}, 75100221: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11262324}, 75100086: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71777625}, 75099916: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5426549}, 75088485: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11437327}, 75088488: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86912728}, 75099930: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35480962}, 75099931: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 64096589}, 75104796: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24059614}, 75104797: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5326927}, 75105224: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5163046}, 75115804: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3700101}, 75100858: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65353479}, 75100859: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4549361}, 75100860: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19163627}, 75100862: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 15486060}, 75100864: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24960589}, 75104795: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26571092}, 75101403: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13829345}, 75101405: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2774140}, 75101406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19410835}, 75105005: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2514322}, 75105006: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 6071074}, 75105007: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21765943}, 75105008: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13351014}, 75105009: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10744094}, 75105010: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8213596}, 75105533: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 32758788}, 75105534: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35843415}, 75105535: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19416306}, 75099910: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 22471163}, 75099912: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47356661}, 75099913: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20821811}, 75099914: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 38322742}, 75099915: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 57543888}, 75100940: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1550733}, 75100941: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1431883}, 75100942: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 744012}, 75100943: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 69416610}, 75100944: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36933861}, 75100946: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4337469}, 75115800: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47245249}, 75115801: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2723422}, 75115802: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19050869}, 75115803: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65031124}, 75099932: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5239563}, 75099933: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5564244}, 75105068: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 27883543}, 75099952: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11428651}, 75115830: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 62222528}, 75115831: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8664152}, 75115833: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59103429}, 75115837: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4858560}, 75115840: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 7424262}, 75099461: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 33301518}, 75104134: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 225652}, 75101613: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 162314}, 75101614: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 75991473}, 75100081: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71303028}, 75100082: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79542157}, 75100083: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 76103}, 75100084: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80535214}, 75100085: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5965559}, 75092406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86780640}, 75092407: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 72132668}, 75092409: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65107864}, 75092412: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58685850}, 75104707: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13658244}, 75104708: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 77607300}, 75104710: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79957325}, 75104712: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2809573}, 75105225: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 61831778}, 75105226: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 48512704}, 75105227: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82400346}, 75105229: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59694238}, 75105230: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24318025}, 75105232: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35446652}, 75100114: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21297715}, 75100115: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2636501}, 75100116: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 23508047}, 75100117: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4104445}, 75100156: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65362617}, 75113469: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 17222686}, 75100158: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20158906}, 75113467: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1207353}, 75113468: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80938462}, 75100157: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82347121}, 75113470: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8706534}, 75113471: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4261263}}, 30, 30, None))) [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:20] ClanProxy.onClanResponse(): 1 (430246, (430246, u'FLY', u'FLY', 16777215, u'executive_officer', u'\u0417\u0434\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0443\u0439\u0442\u0435 \u0442\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0449\u0438, \u0443 \u043a\u043e\u0433\u043e \u0435\u0441\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0431\u043b\u0438 10-\u0433\u043e \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u043d\u044f, \u0438 \u0433\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0441\u043e\u0432\u0430\u044f \u0432\u0441\u044f\u0437\u044c \u043d\u0443\u0436\u043d\u043e \u0441\u044b\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d\u043e\u0432\u044b\u0435 \u0431\u043e\u0438 - \u0441\u0442\u0430\u0432\u0442\u0435 + \u043c\u043d\u0435 \u0432 \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443 \u043a\u0442\u043e \u0433\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432', {47518727: {'role': u'private'}, 162314: {'role': u'private'}, 2835342: {'role': u'private'}, 58161041: {'role': u'private'}, 19410835: {'role': u'private'}, 2557718: {'role': u'private'}, 27883543: {'role': u'private'}, 73537307: {'role': u'private'}, 17222686: {'role': u'private'}, 310434: {'role': u'private'}, 11428651: {'role': u'private'}, 2445100: {'role': u'private'}, 7715120: {'role': u'private'}, 69118514: {'role': u'commander'}, 71811251: {'role': u'private'}, 59694238: {'role': u'private'}, 62222528: {'role': u'private'}, 47245249: {'role': u'private'}, 59103429: {'role': u'private'}, 35853511: {'role': u'private'}, 69416610: {'role': u'private'}, 65031124: {'role': u'private'}, 33301518: {'role': u'private'}, 5595999: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 8706534: {'role': u'private'}, 37230: {'role': u'private'}, 1515506: {'role': u'private'}, 71303028: {'role': u'private'}, 5426549: {'role': u'private'}, 22453883: {'role': u'private'}}, {75100162: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3925161}, 75104791: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1901451}, 75104792: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12037438}, 75104793: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47518727}, 75100186: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4688253}, 75100187: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26497012}, 75100188: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 872384}, 75100189: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 16896550}, 75104799: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2557718}, 75100217: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58161041}, 75100219: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36672236}, 75100220: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12445172}, 75100221: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11262324}, 75100086: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71777625}, 75099916: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5426549}, 75088485: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11437327}, 75088488: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86912728}, 75099930: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35480962}, 75099931: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 64096589}, 75104796: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24059614}, 75104797: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5326927}, 75105224: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5163046}, 75115804: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3700101}, 75100858: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65353479}, 75100859: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4549361}, 75100860: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19163627}, 75100862: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 15486060}, 75100864: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24960589}, 75104795: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26571092}, 75101403: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13829345}, 75101405: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2774140}, 75101406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19410835}, 75105005: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2514322}, 75105006: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 6071074}, 75105007: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21765943}, 75105008: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13351014}, 75105009: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10744094}, 75105010: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8213596}, 75105533: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 32758788}, 75105534: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35843415}, 75105535: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19416306}, 75099910: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 22471163}, 75099912: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47356661}, 75099913: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20821811}, 75099914: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 38322742}, 75099915: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 57543888}, 75100940: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1550733}, 75100941: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1431883}, 75100942: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 744012}, 75100943: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 69416610}, 75100944: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36933861}, 75100946: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4337469}, 75115800: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47245249}, 75115801: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2723422}, 75115802: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19050869}, 75115803: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65031124}, 75099932: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5239563}, 75099933: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5564244}, 75105068: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 27883543}, 75099952: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11428651}, 75115830: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 62222528}, 75115831: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8664152}, 75115833: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59103429}, 75115837: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4858560}, 75115840: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 7424262}, 75099461: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 33301518}, 75104134: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 225652}, 75101613: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 162314}, 75101614: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 75991473}, 75100081: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71303028}, 75100082: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79542157}, 75100083: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 76103}, 75100084: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80535214}, 75100085: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5965559}, 75092406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86780640}, 75092407: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 72132668}, 75092409: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65107864}, 75092412: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58685850}, 75104707: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13658244}, 75104708: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 77607300}, 75104710: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79957325}, 75104712: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2809573}, 75105225: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 61831778}, 75105226: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 48512704}, 75105227: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82400346}, 75105229: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59694238}, 75105230: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24318025}, 75105232: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35446652}, 75100114: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21297715}, 75100115: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2636501}, 75100116: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 23508047}, 75100117: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4104445}, 75100156: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65362617}, 75113469: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 17222686}, 75100158: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20158906}, 75113467: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1207353}, 75113468: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80938462}, 75100157: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82347121}, 75113470: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8706534}, 75113471: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4261263}}, 30, 30, None)) [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:20] ClanProxy.__onGetMyClan: False (430246, (430246, u'FLY', u'FLY', 16777215, u'executive_officer', u'\u0417\u0434\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0443\u0439\u0442\u0435 \u0442\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0449\u0438, \u0443 \u043a\u043e\u0433\u043e \u0435\u0441\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0431\u043b\u0438 10-\u0433\u043e \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u043d\u044f, \u0438 \u0433\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0441\u043e\u0432\u0430\u044f \u0432\u0441\u044f\u0437\u044c \u043d\u0443\u0436\u043d\u043e \u0441\u044b\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d\u043e\u0432\u044b\u0435 \u0431\u043e\u0438 - \u0441\u0442\u0430\u0432\u0442\u0435 + \u043c\u043d\u0435 \u0432 \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443 \u043a\u0442\u043e \u0433\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432', {47518727: {'role': u'private'}, 162314: {'role': u'private'}, 2835342: {'role': u'private'}, 58161041: {'role': u'private'}, 19410835: {'role': u'private'}, 2557718: {'role': u'private'}, 27883543: {'role': u'private'}, 73537307: {'role': u'private'}, 17222686: {'role': u'private'}, 310434: {'role': u'private'}, 11428651: {'role': u'private'}, 2445100: {'role': u'private'}, 7715120: {'role': u'private'}, 69118514: {'role': u'commander'}, 71811251: {'role': u'private'}, 59694238: {'role': u'private'}, 62222528: {'role': u'private'}, 47245249: {'role': u'private'}, 59103429: {'role': u'private'}, 35853511: {'role': u'private'}, 69416610: {'role': u'private'}, 65031124: {'role': u'private'}, 33301518: {'role': u'private'}, 5595999: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 8706534: {'role': u'private'}, 37230: {'role': u'private'}, 1515506: {'role': u'private'}, 71303028: {'role': u'private'}, 5426549: {'role': u'private'}, 22453883: {'role': u'private'}}, {75100162: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3925161}, 75104791: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1901451}, 75104792: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12037438}, 75104793: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47518727}, 75100186: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4688253}, 75100187: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26497012}, 75100188: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 872384}, 75100189: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 16896550}, 75104799: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2557718}, 75100217: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58161041}, 75100219: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36672236}, 75100220: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12445172}, 75100221: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11262324}, 75100086: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71777625}, 75099916: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5426549}, 75088485: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11437327}, 75088488: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86912728}, 75099930: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35480962}, 75099931: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 64096589}, 75104796: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24059614}, 75104797: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5326927}, 75105224: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5163046}, 75115804: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3700101}, 75100858: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65353479}, 75100859: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4549361}, 75100860: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19163627}, 75100862: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 15486060}, 75100864: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24960589}, 75104795: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26571092}, 75101403: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13829345}, 75101405: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2774140}, 75101406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19410835}, 75105005: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2514322}, 75105006: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 6071074}, 75105007: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21765943}, 75105008: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13351014}, 75105009: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10744094}, 75105010: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8213596}, 75105533: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 32758788}, 75105534: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35843415}, 75105535: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19416306}, 75099910: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 22471163}, 75099912: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47356661}, 75099913: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20821811}, 75099914: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 38322742}, 75099915: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 57543888}, 75100940: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1550733}, 75100941: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1431883}, 75100942: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 744012}, 75100943: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 69416610}, 75100944: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36933861}, 75100946: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4337469}, 75115800: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47245249}, 75115801: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2723422}, 75115802: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19050869}, 75115803: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65031124}, 75099932: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5239563}, 75099933: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5564244}, 75105068: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 27883543}, 75099952: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11428651}, 75115830: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 62222528}, 75115831: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8664152}, 75115833: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59103429}, 75115837: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4858560}, 75115840: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 7424262}, 75099461: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 33301518}, 75104134: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 225652}, 75101613: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 162314}, 75101614: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 75991473}, 75100081: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71303028}, 75100082: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79542157}, 75100083: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 76103}, 75100084: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80535214}, 75100085: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5965559}, 75092406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86780640}, 75092407: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 72132668}, 75092409: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65107864}, 75092412: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58685850}, 75104707: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13658244}, 75104708: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 77607300}, 75104710: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79957325}, 75104712: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2809573}, 75105225: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 61831778}, 75105226: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 48512704}, 75105227: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82400346}, 75105229: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59694238}, 75105230: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24318025}, 75105232: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35446652}, 75100114: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21297715}, 75100115: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2636501}, 75100116: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 23508047}, 75100117: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4104445}, 75100156: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65362617}, 75113469: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 17222686}, 75100158: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20158906}, 75113467: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1207353}, 75113468: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80938462}, 75100157: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82347121}, 75113470: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8706534}, 75113471: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4261263}}, 30, 30, None)) [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:21] [CampaignsCommon] onLoadedDump: loaded campaign params and player; countActiveTasks 1; data ({4290690992L: (False, True, False), 4293836720L: (True, 0, True), 4291739568L: (False, True, False), 4288593840L: (True, 0, True), 4289642416L: (False, True, False), 4292788144L: (True, 0, True)}, {4289642416L: [1, 0], 4291739568L: [1, 0], 4293836720L: [1, 1], 4288593840L: [1, 0], 4290690992L: [1, 0], 4292788144L: [1, 0]}, {4283023280L: [2, 0, 0], 4251566000L: [2, 0, 0], 4287217584L: [4, 12, 7], 4288266160L: [4, 10, 7], 4289314736L: [4, 10, 6], 4291411888L: [4, 7, 7], 4293509040L: [5, 5, 9], 4286169008L: [4, 15, 8], 4263100336L: [2, 0, 0], 4290363312L: [4, 10, 5], 4285120432L: [4, 15, 7], 4272537520L: [2, 0, 0], 4241080240L: [2, 0, 0], 4292460464L: [4, 6, 8]}, {4153819056L: (1, False, 0), 4193664944L: (5, True, 0), 4280696752L: (5, True, 0), 4243996592L: (1, False, 0), 4288036784L: (5, True, 0), 4187373488L: (1, False, 0), 4224073648L: (5, True, 0), 4164304816L: (1, False, 0), 4130750384L: (1, False, 0), 4204150704L: (5, True, 0), 4240850864L: (1, False, 0), 4277551024L: (5, True, 0), 4184227760L: (1, False, 0), 4220927920L: (5, True, 0), 4257628080L: (5, True, 0), 4198907824L: (5, True, 0), 4237705136L: (5, True, 0), 3904257968L: (1, False, 0), 4274405296L: (1, False, 0), 3977658288L: (1, False, 0), 4154867632L: (5, True, 0), 4181082032L: (5, True, 0), 4254482352L: (1, False, 0), 4291182512L: (5, True, 0), 4260773808L: (5, True, 0), 3897966512L: (1, False, 0), 4161159088L: (5, True, 0), 4197859248L: (1, False, 0), 3901112240L: (1, False, 0), 3974512560L: (1, False, 0), 4177936304L: (1, False, 0), 4214636464L: (1, False, 0), 4251336624L: (5, True, 0), 4133896112L: (1, False, 0), 4190519216L: (1, False, 0), 4211490736L: (1, False, 0), 4081467312L: (0, False, 0), 4284891056L: (5, True, 0), 4158013360L: (1, False, 0), 4191567792L: (5, True, 0), 4252385200L: (5, True, 0), 4228267952L: (1, False, 0), 4134944688L: (1, False, 0), 4171644848L: (5, True, 0), 4208345008L: (1, False, 0), 4245045168L: (5, True, 0), 4281745328L: (5, True, 0), 4167450544L: (5, True, 0), 4188422064L: (1, False, 0), 4225122224L: (1, False, 0), 4203102128L: (5, True, 0), 4261822384L: (1, False, 0), 4131798960L: (1, False, 0), 4205199280L: (5, True, 0), 4241899440L: (5, True, 0), 4278599600L: (5, True, 0), 4221976496L: (5, True, 0), 4258676656L: (1, False, 0), 3902160816L: (1, False, 0), 4128653232L: (0, False, 0), 4165353392L: (2, False, 2.0), 4238753712L: (1, False, 0), 3905306544L: (1, False, 0), 4275453872L: (1, False, 0), 3978706864L: (1, False, 0), 4182130608L: (5, True, 0), 4255530928L: (5, True, 0), 4289085360L: (5, True, 0), 4178984880L: (1, False, 0), 4215685040L: (5, True, 0), 3971366832L: (1, False, 0), 4195762096L: (5, True, 0), 3899015088L: (1, False, 0), 4175839152L: (1, False, 0), 4212539312L: (1, False, 0), 4082515888L: (1, False, 0), 4285939632L: (5, True, 0), 4227219376L: (1, False, 0), 4155916208L: (1, False, 0), 4192616368L: (5, True, 0), 4207296432L: (1, False, 0), 4229316528L: (5, True, 0), 3895869360L: (0, False, 0), 4135993264L: (1, False, 0), 4172693424L: (5, True, 0), 4209393584L: (5, True, 0), 4246093744L: (1, False, 0), 4282793904L: (5, True, 0), 4160110512L: (5, True, 0), 4226170800L: (1, False, 0), 4292231088L: (5, True, 0), 4174790576L: (5, True, 0), 4132847536L: (1, False, 0), 4189470640L: (1, False, 0), 4206247856L: (5, True, 0), 4242948016L: (1, False, 0), 4279648176L: (5, True, 0), 4186324912L: (5, True, 0), 4223025072L: (1, False, 0), 4259725232L: (1, False, 0), 4159061936L: (1, False, 0), 4129701808L: (1, False, 0), 4166401968L: (1, False, 0), 4239802288L: (1, False, 0), 4276502448L: (5, True, 0), 4183179184L: (1, False, 0), 4219879344L: (5, True, 0), 4256579504L: (5, True, 0), 4293279664L: (5, True, 0), 3975561136L: (1, False, 0), 4163256240L: (5, True, 0), 3972415408L: (1, False, 0), 4236656560L: (5, True, 0), 3903209392L: (1, False, 0), 4273356720L: (5, True, 0), 3976609712L: (1, False, 0), 4180033456L: (5, True, 0), 4253433776L: (5, True, 0), 4290133936L: (5, True, 0), 4194713520L: (5, True, 0), 4196810672L: (1, False, 0), 3900063664L: (1, False, 0), 3973463984L: (1, False, 0), 4176887728L: (5, True, 0), 4213587888L: (5, True, 0), 4083564464L: (1, False, 0), 4286988208L: (5, True, 0), 4156964784L: (5, True, 0), 4162207664L: (5, True, 0), 4230365104L: (5, True, 0), 4063641520L: (0, False, 0), 3896917936L: (1, False, 0), 3970318256L: (0, False, 0), 4173742000L: (5, True, 0), 4210442160L: (1, False, 0), 4247142320L: (5, True, 0)}) [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:21] ClanProxy.onGetClanBattles {'seasonId': 1, 'finishTime': 1513713600.0, 'primeTimes': {2: (57600, 68400), 3: (57600, 68400), 5: (57600, 68400), 6: (57600, 68400)}, 'shipLevelMax': 10, 'shipLevelMin': 10, 'startTime': 1508310000.0, 'promoTime': 1508310000.0, 'stage': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:22] >>> DockProxy.receiveState [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:22] Unlocks.receiveState [] [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:23] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 6721, 'boughtToday': 0, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1510444800.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:23] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2L, 'typeId': 5L, 'dt': 1510408720.0, 'postponed': True, 'data': {'achievements': (), 'expPenalty': 0, 'tasks': {}, 'shipsKilled': 2.0, 'arenaUniqueID': 3531186182225938L, 'credits': 48324, 'teamBuildTypeId': 2, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'mapTypeId': 25, 'battleTypeId': 5, 'result': 1, 'exp': 787, 'shipId': 4280170480L, 'battleCreateTime': 1510408210, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 732408, 787), 'aogasFactor': 1.0}} [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:23] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 5L, 'exp': 787, 'tasks': {}, 'aogasFactor': 1.0, 'mapBGPath': '../maps_bg/41_Conquest.png', 'operationName': '', 'rankStarsDeltaChange': 0, 'earnedAchievements': [], 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_BATTLE_RESULTS_1', 'result': 1, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'uiSpecial': False, 'mapTypeId': 25, 'shipId': 4280170480L, 'accountLeveling': {'expGained': 787, 'currLevel': 15, 'prevLevel': 15, 'currLevelExp': 122000, 'expTotal': 733195, 'nextLevelExp': 122000}, 'curTasksCompleted': 0, 'mapName': 'IDS_SPACES/41_CONQUEST', 'battleTypeId': 5, 'shipLevelRome': 'V', 'achievements': (), 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD014', 'shipsKilled': 2.0, 'importance': 2L, 'teamBuildTypeId': 2, 'idInGroup': 0, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'difficulty': '', 'prevTasksCompleted': 0, 'isElite': False, 'date': '11.11.2017 16:50', 'dt': 1510408720.0, 'groupId': 3, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 732408, 787), 'expPenalty': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 3531186182225938L, 'credits': 48324, 'sourceId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'viaMM': False, 'rankBattlesSeasonId': 0, 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'quests': [], 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'postponed': True, 'battleCreateTime': 1510408210, 'rankDeltaChange': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:23] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2L, 'typeId': 4L, 'dt': 1510408720.0, 'postponed': True, 'data': {'costShell': 2620, 'shipId': 4280170480L, 'result': False, 'costRepair': 8625}} [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:23] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 4L, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SHIP_SERVE', 'costShell': 2620, 'result': False, 'shipId': 4280170480L, 'uiSpecial': False, 'shipLevelRome': 'V', 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD014', 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'importance': 2L, 'idInGroup': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'isElite': False, 'dt': 1510408720.0, 'groupId': 5, 'costTotal': 11245, 'sourceId': 0, 'costRepair': 8625, 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'postponed': True} [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:23] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 6721, 'boughtToday': 0, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1510444800.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:23] PVEScriptsProxyCommon.createPVEState() [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:23] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onGetSeasonRules: config True, {'seasonId': 1, 'operations': {4291341232L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 3, 'unlockTime': 1500429600, 'caps': 3}, 4292389808L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1499824800, 'caps': 3}, 4290292656L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1501034400, 'caps': 3}, 4293438384L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1501639200, 'caps': 3}}, 'currentOperationIdx': 1, 'roster': [4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L, 4293438384L], 'startTime': 1499824800, 'seasons': {1: {'operations': [4293438384L, 4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}, 2: {'operations': [], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}}, 'currentRotationTime': 1510106400, 'nextRotationTime': 1510711200, 'stage': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:23] [4181898160L, 4180849584L] [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:23] [4181898160L, 4180849584L] [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:23] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onLoadProgress: config True, season True, {'operations': {'hard': [], 'normal': [(4287146928L, [1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 0]), (4288195504L, [1509007262, 1509007262, 1509007262, 0, 0, 0]), (4290292656L, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])]}, 'seasons': {'hard': [], 'normal': [(2, 1509007262)]}} [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:23] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] _updateOperationCompleted: 4287146928 normal [1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 0] [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:23] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] _updateOperationCompleted: 4288195504 normal [1509007262, 1509007262, 1509007262, 0, 0, 0] [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:23] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] _updateOperationCompleted: 4290292656 normal [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:23] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] _updateSeasonCompleted: 2 normal 1509007262 [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:23] onClanResponse: response=(6, 0, {'league': 4, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 430246, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division_rating': 0, 'stage': 'league'}) [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:23] ClanProxy.onClanResponse(): 6 {'league': 4, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 430246, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division_rating': 0, 'stage': 'league'} [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:23] ClanDataHubUtils.addLadderInfo: {'league': 4, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 430246, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division_rating': 0, 'stage': 'league'} [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:24] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:24] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:24] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] chooseOperation: 4291341232 normal True [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:24] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onOperationChosen: 4291341232 normal True [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:24] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] chooseOperation: 0 normal False [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:24] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onOperationChosen: 0 normal False [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:24] (, 51003611475748, 141): is in context [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:24] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}, interval: (1510412400.0, 1510415980.0)",) [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:24] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 3634 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510412400.0, 1510415980.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:24] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'start'}, interval: (1510416000.0, 1510416000.0)",) [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:24] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 3634 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510412400.0, 1510415980.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:24] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'end'}, interval: (1510426800.0, 1510426800.0)",) [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:24] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 3634 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510412400.0, 1510415980.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:24] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}, interval: (1510498800.0, 1510502380.0)",) [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:24] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 3634 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510412400.0, 1510415980.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:24] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'start'}, interval: (1510502400.0, 1510502400.0)",) [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:24] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 3634 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510412400.0, 1510415980.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:24] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'end'}, interval: (1510513200.0, 1510513200.0)",) [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:24] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 3634 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510412400.0, 1510415980.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:24] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:25] Sent FPS data [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:25] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:29] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:29] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:29] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:29] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:29] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:29] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:29] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:29] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:29] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:29] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:29] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:29] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:29] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:29] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:29] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:29] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:29] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:29] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:29] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:29] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:29] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:29] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:29] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:29] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:29] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:29] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:29] [Filters] saveFilters [] [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:30] [Filters] saveFilters [] [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:30] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 3628 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510412400.0, 1510415980.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:30] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': 0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:30] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': -1.0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:30] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:33] getModelPaths [] [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:34] ClanProxy.onChatInitialized [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:34] XmppChatHandler.joinClanChannel() 430246 [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:34] UserDataGate.__onRosterUpdated [('17915186@wowsru.loc', 'egy5', False, 4, ()), ('2557718@wowsru.loc', 'NSDRP', False, 4, ()), ('26288674@wowsru.loc', '_EmperoR_WOW_', False, 4, ()), ('2893852@wowsru.loc', 'klimstonn', False, 4, ()), ('30937387@wowsru.loc', 'monster__622', False, 4, ()), ('327255@wowsru.loc', 'Migri', False, 4, ()), ('5471194@wowsru.loc', 'loki1982', False, 4, ()), ('62222528@wowsru.loc', 'HEGNI_1', False, 4, ()), ('6896454@wowsru.loc', 'Vie92', False, 4, ()), ('69118514@wowsru.loc', 'RenamedUser_69118514', False, 4, ()), ('69416610@wowsru.loc', 'Player_3185411451', False, 4, ())] [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:34] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 30937387@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:34] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 2893852@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:34] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 59124891@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:34] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 11274288@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:34] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 21696974@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:34] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 14596986@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:34] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 58053848@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:34] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 310434@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:34] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 19410835@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:34] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 35853511@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:34] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 59103429@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:34] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 22453883@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:34] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 2557718@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:34] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 62222528@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:34] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 69118514@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:34] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:34] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:34] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:34] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:34] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: KARSAK_1968 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:34] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:34] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:34] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:34] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:34] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:34] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:34] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:34] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:34] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:34] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:34] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:34] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:34] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:34] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: toshidzu channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:34] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:34] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Samum1989_geroj channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:34] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:34] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:34] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:34] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: NSDRP channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:34] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:34] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:34] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:34] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:34] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:34] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived clansearch@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:34] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived ids_chat_channel_offtop@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:34] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived ids_chat_channel_questions@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:34] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived wargamingfm@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:34] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_SEARCH_CLAN_DIV channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:34] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:34] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_OFFTOP channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:34] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:34] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_QUESTIONS channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:34] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:34] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: WargamingFM Корабли channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:34] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:34] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc 6 [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:34] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: channelsGroupsIds: [] [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:34] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:34] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 69118514 {'jid': '69118514@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:34] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {62222528: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 69416610: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 6896454: None, 30937387: None, 26288674: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'GUAPS', 'id': 430164, 'name': u'\u0413\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0434\u0435\u0439\u0446\u044b \u041f\u043e\u0441\u0435\u0439\u0434\u043e\u043d\u0430'}, 17915186: None, 69118514: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 2557718: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 327255: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'ENYO', 'id': 415095, 'name': u'\u042d\u041d\u0418\u041e'}, 5471194: None, 2893852: None} [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:34] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 58161041 {'jid': '58161041@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Y_O_R_K_2015', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:34] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 5426549 {'jid': '5426549@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'SANTEY5TRUE', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:34] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 71811251 {'jid': '71811251@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Leogon_1', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:34] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 2557718 {'jid': '2557718@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'NSDRP', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:34] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 5595999 {'jid': '5595999@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Tier099', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:34] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Tier099', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/5595999', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510394839L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd1\x80\xd0\xb5\xd0\xb1\xd1\x8f\xd1\x82 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb3\xd0\xbe \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xb2\xd1\x8b\xd0\xba\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb4\xd1\x8b\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82 \xd0\xb2\xd0\xbe \xd0\xb2\xd1\x80\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbc\xd1\x8f \xd0\xb1\xd0\xbe\xd1\x8f???', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:34] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Tier099', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/5595999', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510396421L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbf\xd1\x8f\xd1\x82\xd1\x8c \xd0\xb2\xd1\x8b\xd0\xba\xd0\xb8\xd0\xbd\xd1\x83\xd0\xbb\xd0\xbe 2 \xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb7\xd0\xb0 \xd0\xb7\xd0\xb0 1 \xd0\xb1\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb9', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:34] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/69118514', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510401726L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb1\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb8 \xd0\xba\xd0\xb5\xd1\x88', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:35] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'NSDRP', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/2557718', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510404247L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb5\xd1\x87\xd0\xb5\xd1\x80 \xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb1\xd1\x80\xd1\x8b\xd0\xb9. \xd0\xb5\xd1\x81\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb8 9 \xd0\xbe\xd1\x87\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2 \xd0\xbe\xd0\xbf\xd1\x8b\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0 \xd0\xba\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbf\xd0\xb8\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe 54 000 \xd0\xbe\xd0\xbf\xd1\x8b\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0 \xd1\x82\xd0\xbe \xd1\x81\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbb\xd1\x8c\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe \xd0\xb7\xd0\xb0 15 ?', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:35] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/69118514', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510408413L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0 13 \xd0\xbe\xd1\x87\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe 108 000', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:36] (, 86904481544477, 21): joinChannel, ('already joined', 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc') [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:36] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 2557718 NSDRP 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:36] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 5426549 SANTEY5TRUE 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:36] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 5595999 Tier099 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:36] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 58161041 Y_O_R_K_2015 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:36] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 69118514 RenamedUser_69118514 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:36] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 71811251 Leogon_1 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:37] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:37] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:38] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LobbyMenu, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:39] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: GameMenu [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:39] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LobbyMenu, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:42] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Options, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:43] OPT operateOption QUICK_COMMANDS_SOUND 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:43] OPT operateOption NARROW_DYNAMIC_RANGE 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:43] OPT operateOption SND_UI_VOLUME 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:43] OPT operateOption ENABLE_USER_MUSIC 0.0 [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:43] OPT operateOption VOICE_MOD 0 [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:43] OPT operateOption SND_MUSIC_VOLUME 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:43] OPT operateOption ENABLE_VOICECHAT False [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:43] OPT operateOption SND_SOUND_VOLUME 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:43] OPT operateOption SND_ENGINES_VOLUME 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:43] OPT operateOption SND_SHOOT_VOLUME 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:43] OPT operateOption PLAY_MUSIC_BATTLE 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:43] OPT operateOption SND_VOICE_VOLUME 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:43] OPT operateOption VOICE_OVER_EFFECT 0.0 [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:43] OPT operateOption MUSIC_MOD 0 [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:43] OPT operateOption VOICE_PACKAGE 5 [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:43] OPT operateOption PLAY_MUSIC_PORT 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:43] OPT operateOption USER_MUSIC_PATH no path [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:43] OPT operateOption SND_MASTER_VOLUME 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:43] OPT operateOption SND_WORLD_VOLUME 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:43] OPT operateOption QUICK_COMMANDS_SOUND 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:43] OPT operateOption NARROW_DYNAMIC_RANGE 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:43] OPT operateOption SND_UI_VOLUME 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:43] OPT operateOption ENABLE_USER_MUSIC 0.0 [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:43] OPT operateOption VOICE_MOD 0 [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:43] OPT operateOption SND_MUSIC_VOLUME 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:43] OPT operateOption ENABLE_VOICECHAT False [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:43] OPT operateOption SND_SOUND_VOLUME 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:43] OPT operateOption SND_ENGINES_VOLUME 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:43] OPT operateOption SND_SHOOT_VOLUME 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:43] OPT operateOption PLAY_MUSIC_BATTLE 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:43] OPT operateOption SND_VOICE_VOLUME 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:43] OPT operateOption VOICE_OVER_EFFECT 0.0 [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:43] OPT operateOption MUSIC_MOD 0 [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:43] OPT operateOption VOICE_PACKAGE 5 [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:43] OPT operateOption PLAY_MUSIC_PORT 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:43] OPT operateOption USER_MUSIC_PATH no path [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:43] OPT operateOption SND_MASTER_VOLUME 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:43] OPT operateOption SND_WORLD_VOLUME 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 16:59:43] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Options, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:00:10] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 71811251 {'jid': '71811251@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Leogon_1', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 17:00:17] [Info][CommandMapping] __saveItems [] [S] [2017_11_11 17:00:17] [Prefs] prefsBattle.enableEars True [S] [2017_11_11 17:00:17] [Prefs] prefsBattle.evUpdate Event(0):[] [S] [2017_11_11 17:00:21] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ModalWindowSelectCrosshair, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:01:16] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 17:01:22] [DivisionEntranceContext] requestDivisionSeekerList: Account.requestPreBattleSeekerList(): [S] [2017_11_11 17:01:23] receivePreBattles() PreBattleType: 4 Num: 12 Free: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:01:23] [Seek] onReceivePreBattleSeekers [S] [2017_11_11 17:01:23] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u0414\u041e\u041d\u0410\u0411\u041e\u0420 \u0412 \u041a\u041b\u0410\u041d \u0418\u0413\u0420\u0410\u042e \u0422\u041e\u041b\u042c\u041a\u041e \u041d\u0415 \u0421 \u041a\u041b\u0410\u041d\u041e\u0412\u042b\u041c\u0418 \u0418\u0413\u0420\u041e\u041a\u0410\u041c\u0418', 'league': 0, 'name': 'Magdalena__Neuner', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 13395507, 'dbid': 11227724, 'clanID': 418622, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'RATS', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 17:01:23] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u041d\u0410\u0411\u041e\u0420 \u0412 \u041a\u041b\u0410\u041d(-LBF-)\u0434\u043b\u044f \u041a\u0411: \u043d\u0430\u043b\u0438\u0447\u0438\u0435 10\u0442\u043e\u043a \u0438 \u0436\u0435\u043b\u0430\u043d\u0438\u0435 \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0436\u0434\u0430\u0442\u044c(\u0434\u0440\u0443\u0436\u043d\u044b\u0439 \u043a\u043e\u043b\u0435\u043a\u0442\u0438\u0432 \u0438 \u043f\u0430\u0437\u0438\u0442\u0438\u0432)\u043f\u0438\u0441\u0430\u0442\u044c \u0432 \u041b\u0421', 'league': 0, 'name': 'dimon7833', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 10066329, 'dbid': 17342990, 'clanID': 425939, 'rankSeasonId': 7, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 134232240, 'rank': 11, 'clanTag': u'-LBF-', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 17:01:23] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u043e\u0442\u0440\u044f\u0434 8-10 \u043b\u0432\u043b.50%+.\u043c\u0438\u043a\u0440\u043e \u043d\u0435\u0442,\u043d\u043e \u0441\u043b\u044b\u0448\u0443!!!!\u0411\u0415\u0417 \u041e\u041f\u0415\u0420\u0410\u0426\u0418\u0419!!!!!', 'league': 0, 'name': 'TAHKuctFANTASTuct', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 0, 'dbid': 4137810, 'clanID': 0, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 17:01:23] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u043a\u043e\u043c\u0443 \u043d\u0443\u0436\u0435\u043d \u044d\u0441\u043c\u0438\u043d\u0435\u0446 \u0434\u043b\u044f \u041a\u043b\u0430\u043d\u043e\u0432\u044b\u0445, \u043f\u0438\u0448\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0432 \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443', 'league': 0, 'name': 'Fantomtop', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 0, 'dbid': 63669527, 'clanID': 0, 'rankSeasonId': 7, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 134232144, 'rank': 5, 'clanTag': u'', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 17:01:23] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'5 6 8 9 \u043b\u0432\u043b,\u0441\u0432\u044f\u0437\u044c,\u0441\u043b\u0443\u0447\u0430\u0439\u043d\u044b\u0439 \u0431\u043e\u0439', 'league': 0, 'name': 'Soldier159rus', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 0, 'dbid': 5140575, 'clanID': 0, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 1, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 17:01:23] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u041d\u0430\u0431\u0438\u0440\u0430\u0435\u043c \u0432\u0442\u043e\u0440\u043e\u0439 \u0441\u043e\u0441\u0442\u0430\u0432 \u0411\u0430\u043b\u0442\u0438\u0439\u0441\u043a\u043e\u0433\u043e \u0444\u043b\u043e\u0442\u0430 - BALT2. \u041e\u0431\u044f\u0437\u0430\u0442\u0435\u043b\u044c\u0441\u0442\u0432 \u043d\u0435\u0442. \u0414\u0438\u0441\u043a\u043e\u0440\u0434 \u0434\u043b\u044f \u0432\u043e\u043f\u0440\u043e\u0441\u043e\u0432 https://discord.gg/9FyFJ8k', 'league': 0, 'name': 'Pskovboss', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 10066329, 'dbid': 7046246, 'clanID': 416044, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'BALT', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 17:01:23] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u0432\u0437\u0432 \u0434\u043b\u044f \u043f\u0440\u043e\u0445\u043e\u0436\u0434\u0435\u043d\u0438\u044f \u043e\u043f\u0435\u0440\u0430\u0446\u0438\u0438 \u043d\u0435\u0434\u0435\u043b\u0438,53%+', 'league': 0, 'name': 'MAXIMITRON', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 16763955, 'dbid': 4409895, 'clanID': 411664, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'ALPHA', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 17:01:23] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u041d\u0410\u0411\u041e\u0420 \u0412 \u041a\u041b\u0410\u041d', 'league': 0, 'name': 'slavashkurko', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 16763955, 'dbid': 1488759, 'clanID': 423843, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'ANC', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 17:01:23] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'', 'league': 0, 'name': 'VovaSuhoy', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 16763955, 'dbid': 62974969, 'clanID': 422303, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'STING', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 17:01:23] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u0434\u043b\u044f \u0443\u0447\u0430\u0441\u0442\u0438\u044f \u0432 \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d\u043e\u0432\u044b\u0445 \u0431\u043e\u044f\u0445 \u043d\u0430\u0431\u043e\u0440 \u0432 \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d SVP \u0431\u043e\u0438 1000+ \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434 50+.\u043e\u0431\u044f\u0437\u0430\u0442\u0435\u043b\u044c\u043d\u043e \u0441\u0432\u044f\u0437\u044c DISCORD. \u0441\u0432\u043e\u0438 \u0434\u0435\u0441\u044f\u0442\u043a\u0438 \u043f\u0440\u0438\u0432\u0435\u0442\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0443\u044e\u0442\u0441\u044f. \u043f\u0438\u0448\u0435\u043c \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443 \u0438\u043b\u0438 \u0437\u0430\u044f\u0432\u043a\u0443 \u0432 \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d', 'league': 0, 'name': 'MINER_1956', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 10066329, 'dbid': 71118075, 'clanID': 425046, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'SVP', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 17:01:23] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u041e\u0442\u0440\u044f\u0434 7 \u043b\u0435\u0432\u043b 55% + \u044f Kaga & Saipan (\u0442\u043e\u043b\u044c\u043a\u043e \u0440\u0430\u043d\u0434\u043e\u043c)', 'league': 0, 'name': 'Mechenoscy', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 16777215, 'dbid': 69551357, 'clanID': 421459, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'TATO', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 17:01:23] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'666\u0430', 'league': 0, 'name': '666A', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 13395507, 'dbid': 1385982, 'clanID': 430911, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'XXX77', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 17:01:23] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {62222528: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 69416610: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 71811251: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 6896454: None, 30937387: None, 26288674: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'GUAPS', 'id': 430164, 'name': u'\u0413\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0434\u0435\u0439\u0446\u044b \u041f\u043e\u0441\u0435\u0439\u0434\u043e\u043d\u0430'}, 58161041: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 17915186: None, 69118514: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 5426549: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 2557718: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 327255: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'ENYO', 'id': 415095, 'name': u'\u042d\u041d\u0418\u041e'}, 5471194: None, 2893852: None} [S] [2017_11_11 17:01:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:01:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:01:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:01:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:01:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:01:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:01:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:01:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:01:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:01:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:01:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:01:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:01:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:01:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:01:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:01:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:01:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:01:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:01:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:01:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:01:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:01:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:01:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:01:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:01:31] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: UnavailableExtendedSystemLogWindow, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:01:34] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 17:02:02] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Tier099', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/5595999', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510408922L, 'isDelayed': False, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xba\xd1\x82\xd0\xbe \xd0\xb2 \xd0\xb2\xd0\xb7\xd0\xb2\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb4??? \xd0\x9f\xd0\xb8\xd1\x88\xd0\xb8\xd1\x82\xd0\xb5 \xd1\x81\xd0\xbc\xd1\x81 \xd0\xb2 \xd0\x9b\xd0\xa1', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 17:02:13] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:02:13] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:02:13] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:02:13] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:02:13] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:02:13] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:02:13] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:02:13] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:02:13] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:02:13] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:02:13] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:02:13] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:02:16] availableShipParts 59 [S] [2017_11_11 17:02:16] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_11 17:02:21] Account.enqueue(): 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:02:21] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:02:21] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:02:21] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 3764303312 4 [S] [2017_11_11 17:02:21] onEnqueued() QueueType: 1 ShipId: 3764303312 mmDescription: {'useBots': False, 'onlyFullBattles': False, 'maxWait': 300} [S] [2017_11_11 17:02:22] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 17:02:24] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 5595999 {'jid': '5595999@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Tier099', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 17:02:26] onPrepareingForBattle() [S] [2017_11_11 17:02:26] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 3764303312 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:02:26] onGameRoomStateInit mapIdx = 29 battleType = 71 gameMode = Domination duration=1200 [S] [2017_11_11 17:02:34] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2017_11_11 17:02:34] GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 17:02:35] [LootboxProxyClient.destroy] [S] [2017_11_11 17:02:35] Avatar.receiveAvatarInfo: {'evaluationsLeft': {0: 7, 1: 7}} [S] [2017_11_11 17:02:35] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAvatar [S] [2017_11_11 17:02:35] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() False 0 0 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:02:35] Avatar.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:02:35] name Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 17:02:35] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:02:35] Avatar onControlled False [S] [2017_11_11 17:02:35] onControlled->False: not implemented [S] [2017_11_11 17:02:36] onGeometryMapped() MapName: 46_Estuary [S] [2017_11_11 17:02:36] teamBuildType: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:02:36] player: Id: 536959622 Name: Normir TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASD005_Farragut_1944 avatarId: 1092602 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:02:36] player: Id: 537124362 Name: Vaday88 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSC107_Yorck avatarId: 1092604 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:02:36] player: Id: 354827 Name: More_1973 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSC106_Nurnberg avatarId: 1092606 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:02:36] player: Id: 537181580 Name: Andres110 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSC005_Furutaka_1926 avatarId: 1092608 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:02:36] player: Id: 222477 Name: denis2000denis_1 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSC107_Schors avatarId: 1092610 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:02:36] player: Id: 122072 Name: RenamedUser_29834778 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSC105_Kirov avatarId: 1092612 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:02:36] player: Id: 537087258 Name: RenamedUser_14756352 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSB105_Koenig avatarId: 1092614 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:02:36] player: Id: 537043616 Name: Dainhard TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSC105_Konigsberg avatarId: 1092616 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:02:36] player: Id: 537201392 Name: Maks29region TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSB105_Koenig avatarId: 1092618 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:02:36] player: Id: 537191227 Name: BlackVoronRus TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSD107_Akatsuki avatarId: 1092620 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:02:36] player: Id: 333765 Name: Silvershadovv TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSD206_Pr_7 avatarId: 1092622 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:02:36] player: Id: 537109318 Name: Tier099 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSC506_Molotov_1943 avatarId: 1092624 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:02:36] player: Id: 537135443 Name: borzik37 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PBSC106_Leander avatarId: 1092626 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:02:36] player: Id: 537143765 Name: prosto_pawlik TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSD207_Shiratsuyu avatarId: 1092628 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:02:36] player: Id: 264791 Name: maroka TeamId: 1 ShipName: PBSC107_Fiji avatarId: 1092630 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:02:36] player: Id: 537114712 Name: BELIY1301 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PBSC105_Emerald avatarId: 1092632 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:02:36] player: Id: 205276 Name: saddemon TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB008_Colorado_1945 avatarId: 1092634 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:02:36] player: Id: 537045591 Name: balduy TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSD105_T_22 avatarId: 1092636 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:02:36] player: Id: 537170919 Name: ekaterina04_16 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PBSB105_Iron_Duke avatarId: 1092638 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:02:36] player: Id: 536896624 Name: Enton666 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PBSC107_Fiji avatarId: 1092640 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:02:36] player: Id: 86133 Name: akatsiya TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSC106_Nurnberg avatarId: 1092642 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:02:36] player: Id: 250743 Name: fransetka TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB008_Colorado_1945 avatarId: 1092644 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:02:36] player: Id: 537127033 Name: kuherashka TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASC007_Cleveland_1945 avatarId: 1092646 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:02:36] player: Id: 324091 Name: panzerikar TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSB105_Koenig avatarId: 1092648 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:02:37] (, 39965384947628, 149): 1092600; BattleLogic() [S] [2017_11_11 17:02:37] (, 39965384947628, 149): 1092600; onEnterWorld() State: {attentionMarkers: [], clientAnimations: None, controlPoints: [{position: [-382.0, 0.0], radius: 120.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [0.0, 174.0], radius: 110.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: 0, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [0.0, -174.0], radius: 110.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: 1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [381.99981689453125, 0.0], radius: 120.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}], entityStates: [], expectedActions: None, interactiveZones: [], weather: {globalWeatherId: 1092601, localWeather: [], entityLogicParams: []}, keyObjects: [], missions: {hold: [{reward: 4, penalty: 0, cpIndices: [0, 1, 2, 3], period: 9}], capture: [], destroy: [], suppress: [], kill: [{reward: 30, penalty: 45, shipType: 'Destroyer'}, {reward: 35, penalty: 50, shipType: 'Cruiser'}, {reward: 40, penalty: 60, shipType: 'Battleship'}, {reward: 45, penalty: 65, shipType: 'AirCarrier'}], teamsScore: [300, 300], teamWinScore: 1000, teamLoseScore: 0}, resources: [], successStoryProgress: [], screenplayMessage: '', tasks: [], minefields: [], entities: [], effects: []} [S] [2017_11_11 17:02:37] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:02:37] BattleDataContext.__onEnterSpace [S] [2017_11_11 17:02:39] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:02:42] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:03:00] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:03:00] id 1092635 [S] [2017_11_11 17:03:00] name saddemon [S] [2017_11_11 17:03:00] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:03:01] @ launchpadAppeared 1092635 [S] [2017_11_11 17:03:01] [Weather][2618] onEnterWorld (map spaces/46_Estuary/weathers.xml, scheme 0, weather 0) [S] [2017_11_11 17:03:02] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:03:02] id 1092633 [S] [2017_11_11 17:03:02] name BELIY1301 [S] [2017_11_11 17:03:02] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:03:02] @ launchpadAppeared 1092633 [S] [2017_11_11 17:03:03] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:03:03] id 1092615 [S] [2017_11_11 17:03:03] name RenamedUser_14756352 [S] [2017_11_11 17:03:03] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:03:03] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:03:03] id 1092639 [S] [2017_11_11 17:03:03] name ekaterina04_16 [S] [2017_11_11 17:03:03] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:03:04] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:03:04] id 1092643 [S] [2017_11_11 17:03:04] name akatsiya [S] [2017_11_11 17:03:04] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:03:05] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:03:05] id 1092611 [S] [2017_11_11 17:03:05] name denis2000denis_1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:03:05] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:03:05] @ launchpadAppeared 1092611 [S] [2017_11_11 17:03:05] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:03:05] id 1092603 [S] [2017_11_11 17:03:05] name Normir [S] [2017_11_11 17:03:05] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:03:06] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:03:06] id 1092625 [S] [2017_11_11 17:03:06] name Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 17:03:06] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:03:06] @ launchpadAppeared 1092625 [S] [2017_11_11 17:03:06] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 17:03:06] Avatar.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 17:03:06] ! A.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 17:03:06] BoardService.init [S] [2017_11_11 17:03:06] @ launchpadAppeared 1092625 [S] [2017_11_11 17:03:06] BattleDataContext.__onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 17:03:06] ! PM.refreshAirArmament [S] [2017_11_11 17:03:06] BoardService.restore [S] [2017_11_11 17:03:06] Avatar.onWorldStateReceived [S] [2017_11_11 17:03:06] BattleChatSystem IN Context [S] [2017_11_11 17:03:07] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:03:07] id 1092631 [S] [2017_11_11 17:03:07] name maroka [S] [2017_11_11 17:03:07] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:03:07] @ launchpadAppeared 1092631 [S] [2017_11_11 17:03:07] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:03:07] id 1092617 [S] [2017_11_11 17:03:07] name Dainhard [S] [2017_11_11 17:03:07] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:03:08] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:03:08] id 1092621 [S] [2017_11_11 17:03:08] name BlackVoronRus [S] [2017_11_11 17:03:08] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:03:08] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:03:08] id 1092637 [S] [2017_11_11 17:03:08] name balduy [S] [2017_11_11 17:03:08] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:03:34] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 17:03:35] ('[ERROR] FeedbackController: empty config for event repair_finished',) [S] [2017_11_11 17:03:35] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 17:03:45] -= BATTLE STARTED =- [S] [2017_11_11 17:04:19] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: GameMenu, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:04:20] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: GameMenu, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:04:21] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Options, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:04:22] OPT operateOption QUICK_COMMANDS_SOUND 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:04:22] OPT operateOption NARROW_DYNAMIC_RANGE 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:04:22] OPT operateOption SND_UI_VOLUME 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:04:22] OPT operateOption ENABLE_USER_MUSIC 0.0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:04:22] OPT operateOption VOICE_MOD 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:04:22] OPT operateOption SND_MUSIC_VOLUME 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:04:22] OPT operateOption ENABLE_VOICECHAT False [S] [2017_11_11 17:04:22] OPT operateOption SND_SOUND_VOLUME 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:04:22] OPT operateOption SND_ENGINES_VOLUME 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:04:22] OPT operateOption SND_SHOOT_VOLUME 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:04:22] OPT operateOption PLAY_MUSIC_BATTLE 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:04:22] OPT operateOption SND_VOICE_VOLUME 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:04:22] OPT operateOption VOICE_OVER_EFFECT 0.0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:04:22] OPT operateOption MUSIC_MOD 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:04:22] OPT operateOption VOICE_PACKAGE 5 [S] [2017_11_11 17:04:22] OPT operateOption PLAY_MUSIC_PORT 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:04:22] OPT operateOption USER_MUSIC_PATH no path [S] [2017_11_11 17:04:22] OPT operateOption SND_MASTER_VOLUME 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:04:22] OPT operateOption SND_WORLD_VOLUME 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:04:22] OPT operateOption QUICK_COMMANDS_SOUND 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:04:22] OPT operateOption NARROW_DYNAMIC_RANGE 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:04:22] OPT operateOption SND_UI_VOLUME 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:04:22] OPT operateOption ENABLE_USER_MUSIC 0.0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:04:22] OPT operateOption VOICE_MOD 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:04:22] OPT operateOption SND_MUSIC_VOLUME 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:04:22] OPT operateOption ENABLE_VOICECHAT False [S] [2017_11_11 17:04:22] OPT operateOption SND_SOUND_VOLUME 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:04:22] OPT operateOption SND_ENGINES_VOLUME 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:04:22] OPT operateOption SND_SHOOT_VOLUME 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:04:22] OPT operateOption PLAY_MUSIC_BATTLE 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:04:22] OPT operateOption SND_VOICE_VOLUME 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:04:22] OPT operateOption VOICE_OVER_EFFECT 0.0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:04:22] OPT operateOption MUSIC_MOD 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:04:22] OPT operateOption VOICE_PACKAGE 5 [S] [2017_11_11 17:04:22] OPT operateOption PLAY_MUSIC_PORT 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:04:22] OPT operateOption USER_MUSIC_PATH no path [S] [2017_11_11 17:04:22] OPT operateOption SND_MASTER_VOLUME 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:04:22] OPT operateOption SND_WORLD_VOLUME 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:04:22] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Options, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:04:29] [Info][CommandMapping] __saveItems [] [S] [2017_11_11 17:04:29] [Prefs] prefsBattle.enableEars True [S] [2017_11_11 17:04:29] [Prefs] prefsBattle.evUpdate Event(0):[] [S] [2017_11_11 17:04:31] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 17:04:50] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 2557718 {'jid': '2557718@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'NSDRP', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:04:52] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:04:52] id 1092641 [S] [2017_11_11 17:04:52] name Enton666 [S] [2017_11_11 17:04:52] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:04:52] @ launchpadAppeared 1092641 [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:06] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:06] id 1092629 [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:06] name prosto_pawlik [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:06] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:06] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:06] id 1092609 [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:06] name Andres110 [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:06] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:06] @ launchpadAppeared 1092609 [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:10] id 1092609 [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:10] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:11] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:11] id 1092623 [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:11] name Silvershadovv [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:11] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:11] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:11] id 1092605 [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:11] name Vaday88 [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:11] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:11] @ launchpadAppeared 1092605 [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:18] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: GameMenu, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:18] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: GameMenu, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:19] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Options, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:20] OPT operateOption QUICK_COMMANDS_SOUND 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:20] OPT operateOption NARROW_DYNAMIC_RANGE 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:20] OPT operateOption SND_UI_VOLUME 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:20] OPT operateOption ENABLE_USER_MUSIC 0.0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:20] OPT operateOption VOICE_MOD 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:20] OPT operateOption SND_MUSIC_VOLUME 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:20] OPT operateOption ENABLE_VOICECHAT False [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:20] OPT operateOption SND_SOUND_VOLUME 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:20] OPT operateOption SND_ENGINES_VOLUME 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:20] OPT operateOption SND_SHOOT_VOLUME 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:20] OPT operateOption PLAY_MUSIC_BATTLE 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:20] OPT operateOption SND_VOICE_VOLUME 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:20] OPT operateOption VOICE_OVER_EFFECT 0.0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:20] OPT operateOption MUSIC_MOD 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:20] OPT operateOption VOICE_PACKAGE 5 [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:20] OPT operateOption PLAY_MUSIC_PORT 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:20] OPT operateOption USER_MUSIC_PATH no path [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:20] OPT operateOption SND_MASTER_VOLUME 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:20] OPT operateOption SND_WORLD_VOLUME 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:20] OPT operateOption QUICK_COMMANDS_SOUND 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:20] OPT operateOption NARROW_DYNAMIC_RANGE 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:20] OPT operateOption SND_UI_VOLUME 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:20] OPT operateOption ENABLE_USER_MUSIC 0.0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:20] OPT operateOption VOICE_MOD 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:20] OPT operateOption SND_MUSIC_VOLUME 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:20] OPT operateOption ENABLE_VOICECHAT False [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:20] OPT operateOption SND_SOUND_VOLUME 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:20] OPT operateOption SND_ENGINES_VOLUME 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:20] OPT operateOption SND_SHOOT_VOLUME 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:20] OPT operateOption PLAY_MUSIC_BATTLE 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:20] OPT operateOption SND_VOICE_VOLUME 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:20] OPT operateOption VOICE_OVER_EFFECT 0.0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:20] OPT operateOption MUSIC_MOD 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:20] OPT operateOption VOICE_PACKAGE 5 [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:20] OPT operateOption PLAY_MUSIC_PORT 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:20] OPT operateOption USER_MUSIC_PATH no path [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:20] OPT operateOption SND_MASTER_VOLUME 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:20] OPT operateOption SND_WORLD_VOLUME 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:20] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Options, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:21] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:21] id 1092609 [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:21] name Andres110 [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:21] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:21] @ launchpadAppeared 1092609 [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:26] id 1092641 [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:26] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:26] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:26] id 1092613 [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:26] name RenamedUser_29834778 [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:26] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:26] @ launchpadAppeared 1092613 [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:27] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:27] id 1092627 [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:27] name borzik37 [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:27] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:27] @ launchpadAppeared 1092627 [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:27] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:27] id 1092607 [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:27] name More_1973 [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:27] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:30] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:30] id 1092609 [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:30] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:33] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:33] id 1092629 [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:35] id 1092629 [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:35] name prosto_pawlik [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:35] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:37] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:37] id 1092623 [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:38] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:38] id 1092613 [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:38] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:40] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:40] id 1092609 [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:40] name Andres110 [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:40] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:40] @ launchpadAppeared 1092609 [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:43] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:43] id 1092627 [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:43] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:44] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:44] id 1092627 [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:44] name borzik37 [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:44] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:44] @ launchpadAppeared 1092627 [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:46] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:46] id 1092641 [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:46] name Enton666 [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:46] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:46] @ launchpadAppeared 1092641 [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:46] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:46] id 1092607 [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:47] id 1092627 [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:47] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:48] id 1092619 [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:48] name Maks29region [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:48] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:50] id 1092623 [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:50] name Silvershadovv [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:50] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:50] [Info][CommandMapping] __saveItems [] [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:50] [Prefs] prefsBattle.enableEars True [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:50] [Prefs] prefsBattle.evUpdate Event(0):[] [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:52] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:54] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:54] id 1092623 [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:54] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:54] id 1092619 [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:55] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:55] id 1092623 [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:55] name Silvershadovv [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:55] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:56] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:56] DEBUG: onChatMessage args ('', '', {'avatarId': 1092628, 'achievementId': 4277330864L, 'type': -1}) [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:56] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:56] id 1092623 [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:56] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:56] id 1092619 [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:56] name Maks29region [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:56] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:59] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:59] id 1092641 [S] [2017_11_11 17:05:59] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:00] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:00] id 1092619 [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:00] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:00] id 1092629 [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:00] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:00] id 1092609 [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:00] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:02] id 1092605 [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:02] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:06] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:10] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:10] id 1092645 [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:10] name fransetka [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:10] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:10] @ launchpadAppeared 1092645 [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:12] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:12] id 1092645 [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:12] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:40] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:40] id 1092607 [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:40] name More_1973 [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:40] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:40] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:40] id 1092619 [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:40] name Maks29region [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:40] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:42] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: GameMenu, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:43] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: GameMenu, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:43] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:43] id 1092627 [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:43] name borzik37 [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:43] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:43] @ launchpadAppeared 1092627 [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:44] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Options, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:46] OPT operateOption QUICK_COMMANDS_SOUND 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:46] OPT operateOption NARROW_DYNAMIC_RANGE 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:46] OPT operateOption SND_UI_VOLUME 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:46] OPT operateOption ENABLE_USER_MUSIC 0.0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:46] OPT operateOption VOICE_MOD 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:46] OPT operateOption SND_MUSIC_VOLUME 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:46] OPT operateOption ENABLE_VOICECHAT False [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:46] OPT operateOption SND_SOUND_VOLUME 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:46] OPT operateOption SND_ENGINES_VOLUME 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:46] OPT operateOption SND_SHOOT_VOLUME 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:46] OPT operateOption PLAY_MUSIC_BATTLE 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:46] OPT operateOption SND_VOICE_VOLUME 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:46] OPT operateOption VOICE_OVER_EFFECT 0.0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:46] OPT operateOption MUSIC_MOD 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:46] OPT operateOption VOICE_PACKAGE 5 [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:46] OPT operateOption PLAY_MUSIC_PORT 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:46] OPT operateOption USER_MUSIC_PATH no path [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:46] OPT operateOption SND_MASTER_VOLUME 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:46] OPT operateOption SND_WORLD_VOLUME 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:46] OPT operateOption QUICK_COMMANDS_SOUND 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:46] OPT operateOption NARROW_DYNAMIC_RANGE 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:46] OPT operateOption SND_UI_VOLUME 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:46] OPT operateOption ENABLE_USER_MUSIC 0.0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:46] OPT operateOption VOICE_MOD 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:46] OPT operateOption SND_MUSIC_VOLUME 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:46] OPT operateOption ENABLE_VOICECHAT False [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:46] OPT operateOption SND_SOUND_VOLUME 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:46] OPT operateOption SND_ENGINES_VOLUME 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:46] OPT operateOption SND_SHOOT_VOLUME 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:46] OPT operateOption PLAY_MUSIC_BATTLE 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:46] OPT operateOption SND_VOICE_VOLUME 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:46] OPT operateOption VOICE_OVER_EFFECT 0.0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:46] OPT operateOption MUSIC_MOD 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:46] OPT operateOption VOICE_PACKAGE 5 [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:46] OPT operateOption PLAY_MUSIC_PORT 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:46] OPT operateOption USER_MUSIC_PATH no path [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:46] OPT operateOption SND_MASTER_VOLUME 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:46] OPT operateOption SND_WORLD_VOLUME 1.0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:46] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Options, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:48] id 1092619 [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:48] id 1092629 [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:48] name prosto_pawlik [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:48] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:48] id 1092609 [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:48] name Andres110 [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:48] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:48] @ launchpadAppeared 1092609 [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:48] id 1092645 [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:48] name fransetka [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:48] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:48] @ launchpadAppeared 1092645 [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:51] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:51] id 1092619 [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:51] name Maks29region [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:51] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:53] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:53] id 1092645 [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:53] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:54] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:54] id 1092645 [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:54] name fransetka [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:54] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:54] @ launchpadAppeared 1092645 [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:55] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:55] id 1092641 [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:55] name Enton666 [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:55] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:55] @ launchpadAppeared 1092641 [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:55] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:55] id 1092605 [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:55] name Vaday88 [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:55] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:55] @ launchpadAppeared 1092605 [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:57] [Info][CommandMapping] __saveItems [] [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:57] [Prefs] prefsBattle.enableEars False [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:57] [Prefs] prefsBattle.evUpdate Event(0):[] [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:58] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:58] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 17:06:59] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'NSDRP', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/2557718', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510409219L, 'isDelayed': False, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\x94\xd0\x90 \xd1\x83\xd0\xb6 . \xd0\xb0 \xd0\xbc\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe \xd0\xb4\xd0\xbb\xd1\x8f \xd0\xba\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb0 18 \xd0\xbe\xd1\x87\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2. \xd0\xb0 \xd1\x83 \xd0\xbc\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd1\x8f \xd1\x82\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbb\xd1\x8c\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe 9. \xd0\xbe\xd1\x85\xd0\xbe- \xd1\x85\xd0\xbe', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 17:07:00] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:07:00] id 1092627 [S] [2017_11_11 17:07:00] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:07:00] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:07:00] id 1092607 [S] [2017_11_11 17:07:03] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:07:03] id 1092607 [S] [2017_11_11 17:07:03] name More_1973 [S] [2017_11_11 17:07:03] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:07:07] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:07:07] id 1092647 [S] [2017_11_11 17:07:07] name kuherashka [S] [2017_11_11 17:07:07] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:07:07] @ launchpadAppeared 1092647 [S] [2017_11_11 17:07:09] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:07:09] id 1092647 [S] [2017_11_11 17:07:09] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:07:11] DEBUG: onChatMessage args ('', '', {'avatarId': 1092614, 'targetId': 1092610, 'type': -7}) [S] [2017_11_11 17:07:13] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:07:13] id 1092607 [S] [2017_11_11 17:07:35] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 5426549 {'jid': '5426549@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'SANTEY5TRUE', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:07:38] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 17:07:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:07:40] id 1092619 [S] [2017_11_11 17:07:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:07:40] id 1092629 [S] [2017_11_11 17:07:41] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:07:41] id 1092609 [S] [2017_11_11 17:07:41] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:07:42] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:07:42] id 1092609 [S] [2017_11_11 17:07:42] name Andres110 [S] [2017_11_11 17:07:42] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:07:42] @ launchpadAppeared 1092609 [S] [2017_11_11 17:07:42] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:07:42] id 1092641 [S] [2017_11_11 17:07:42] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:07:46] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:07:46] id 1092609 [S] [2017_11_11 17:07:46] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:07:51] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:07:51] id 1092629 [S] [2017_11_11 17:07:51] name prosto_pawlik [S] [2017_11_11 17:07:51] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:07:53] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:07:53] id 1092629 [S] [2017_11_11 17:07:53] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:07:53] id 1092605 [S] [2017_11_11 17:07:53] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:08:03] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:08:03] id 1092609 [S] [2017_11_11 17:08:03] name Andres110 [S] [2017_11_11 17:08:03] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:08:03] @ launchpadAppeared 1092609 [S] [2017_11_11 17:08:07] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:08:07] id 1092629 [S] [2017_11_11 17:08:07] name prosto_pawlik [S] [2017_11_11 17:08:07] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:08:12] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:08:12] id 1092605 [S] [2017_11_11 17:08:12] name Vaday88 [S] [2017_11_11 17:08:12] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:08:12] @ launchpadAppeared 1092605 [S] [2017_11_11 17:08:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:08:16] id 1092629 [S] [2017_11_11 17:08:33] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:08:33] id 1092605 [S] [2017_11_11 17:08:33] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:08:42] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 17:08:50] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 17:08:53] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 17:09:02] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:09:02] id 1092605 [S] [2017_11_11 17:09:02] name Vaday88 [S] [2017_11_11 17:09:02] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:09:02] @ launchpadAppeared 1092605 [S] [2017_11_11 17:09:07] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 17:09:07] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:09:08] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 17:09:17] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 17:09:20] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 17:09:25] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:09:25] id 1092609 [S] [2017_11_11 17:09:25] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:09:28] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:09:28] id 1092609 [S] [2017_11_11 17:09:28] name Andres110 [S] [2017_11_11 17:09:28] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:09:28] @ launchpadAppeared 1092609 [S] [2017_11_11 17:09:31] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 58161041 {'jid': '58161041@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Y_O_R_K_2015', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 17:09:36] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 17:09:36] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:09:36] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:09:36] id 1092641 [S] [2017_11_11 17:09:36] name Enton666 [S] [2017_11_11 17:09:36] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:09:36] @ launchpadAppeared 1092641 [S] [2017_11_11 17:10:16] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 2557718 {'jid': '2557718@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'NSDRP', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 17:10:17] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:10:17] id 1092641 [S] [2017_11_11 17:10:17] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:10:18] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 69118514 {'jid': '69118514@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:10:19] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:10:19] id 1092641 [S] [2017_11_11 17:10:19] name Enton666 [S] [2017_11_11 17:10:19] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:10:19] @ launchpadAppeared 1092641 [S] [2017_11_11 17:10:19] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 17:10:20] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:10:20] id 1092647 [S] [2017_11_11 17:10:20] name kuherashka [S] [2017_11_11 17:10:20] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:10:20] @ launchpadAppeared 1092647 [S] [2017_11_11 17:10:21] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 17:10:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:10:48] id 1092613 [S] [2017_11_11 17:10:48] name RenamedUser_29834778 [S] [2017_11_11 17:10:48] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:10:48] @ launchpadAppeared 1092613 [S] [2017_11_11 17:10:49] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 17:10:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:10:50] id 1092607 [S] [2017_11_11 17:10:50] name More_1973 [S] [2017_11_11 17:10:50] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:10:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:10:50] id 1092647 [S] [2017_11_11 17:10:50] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:10:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:10:50] id 1092605 [S] [2017_11_11 17:10:50] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:10:52] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:10:52] id 1092605 [S] [2017_11_11 17:10:52] name Vaday88 [S] [2017_11_11 17:10:52] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:10:52] @ launchpadAppeared 1092605 [S] [2017_11_11 17:10:53] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 17:10:53] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 17:10:55] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:10:55] id 1092629 [S] [2017_11_11 17:10:55] name prosto_pawlik [S] [2017_11_11 17:10:55] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:10:58] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:10:58] id 1092627 [S] [2017_11_11 17:10:58] name borzik37 [S] [2017_11_11 17:10:58] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:10:58] @ launchpadAppeared 1092627 [S] [2017_11_11 17:10:59] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:10:59] id 1092613 [S] [2017_11_11 17:10:59] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:11:06] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 17:11:08] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:11:08] id 1092613 [S] [2017_11_11 17:11:08] name RenamedUser_29834778 [S] [2017_11_11 17:11:08] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:11:08] @ launchpadAppeared 1092613 [S] [2017_11_11 17:11:10] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:11:10] id 1092619 [S] [2017_11_11 17:11:10] name Maks29region [S] [2017_11_11 17:11:10] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:11:16] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:11:16] id 1092649 [S] [2017_11_11 17:11:16] name panzerikar [S] [2017_11_11 17:11:16] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:11:18] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:11:18] id 1092623 [S] [2017_11_11 17:11:18] name Silvershadovv [S] [2017_11_11 17:11:18] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:11:24] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:11:24] id 1092629 [S] [2017_11_11 17:11:25] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 17:11:25] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:11:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:11:26] id 1092623 [S] [2017_11_11 17:11:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:11:26] id 1092613 [S] [2017_11_11 17:11:26] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:11:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:11:26] id 1092619 [S] [2017_11_11 17:11:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:11:26] id 1092649 [S] [2017_11_11 17:11:34] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:11:34] id 1092629 [S] [2017_11_11 17:11:34] name prosto_pawlik [S] [2017_11_11 17:11:34] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:11:35] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:11:35] id 1092627 [S] [2017_11_11 17:11:35] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:11:36] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:11:36] id 1092627 [S] [2017_11_11 17:11:36] name borzik37 [S] [2017_11_11 17:11:36] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:11:36] @ launchpadAppeared 1092627 [S] [2017_11_11 17:11:39] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:11:39] id 1092605 [S] [2017_11_11 17:11:39] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:11:40] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:11:40] id 1092647 [S] [2017_11_11 17:11:40] name kuherashka [S] [2017_11_11 17:11:40] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:11:40] @ launchpadAppeared 1092647 [S] [2017_11_11 17:11:46] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:11:46] id 1092627 [S] [2017_11_11 17:11:46] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:11:54] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:11:54] id 1092629 [S] [2017_11_11 17:11:56] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:11:56] id 1092629 [S] [2017_11_11 17:11:56] name prosto_pawlik [S] [2017_11_11 17:11:56] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:11:56] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:11:56] id 1092623 [S] [2017_11_11 17:11:56] name Silvershadovv [S] [2017_11_11 17:11:56] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:03] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:08] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:08] id 1092613 [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:08] name RenamedUser_29834778 [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:08] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:08] @ launchpadAppeared 1092613 [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:14] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:14] id 1092623 [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:18] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:18] id 1092605 [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:18] name Vaday88 [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:18] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:18] @ launchpadAppeared 1092605 [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:18] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:18] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:23] id 1092605 [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:23] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:25] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:29] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:29] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:29] battle finish - Defeat [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:29] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOver [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:29] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOut [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:29] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: PostBattle, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:32] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: PostBattleWindow [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:32] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: PostBattle, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:32] setFpsGathererActive(False) [E] [2017_11_11 17:12:32] Can only call base methods on the connected entity [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:32] (, 39965384947628, 149): 1092600; onLeaveWorld() [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:32] [Weather][2618] onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:32] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:32] id 1092603 [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:32] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:32] id 1092607 [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:32] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:32] id 1092609 [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:32] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:32] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:32] id 1092611 [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:32] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:32] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:32] id 1092613 [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:32] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:32] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:32] id 1092615 [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:32] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:32] id 1092617 [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:32] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:32] id 1092621 [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:32] Avatar.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:32] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:32] id 1092625 [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:32] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:32] id 1092629 [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:32] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:32] id 1092631 [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:32] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:32] id 1092633 [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:32] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:32] id 1092635 [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:32] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:32] id 1092637 [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:32] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:32] id 1092639 [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:32] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:32] id 1092641 [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:32] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:32] id 1092643 [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:32] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:32] id 1092645 [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:32] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:32] id 1092647 [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:33] Account.__init__() [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:33] [Account debuG]: __init__() Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:33] ClanProxy.setChatHandler [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:33] XmppChatHandler.joinClanChannel() 430246 [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:33] ClanProxy.setInteractiveMessageData [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:33] Exception BigWorld.EntityIsDestroyedException: 'Account 537109318 has been destroyed' in ignored [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:33] onBecomePlayer() [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:33] UserDataGate.onGetConnection [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:33] UserDataGate.onGetConnection(): 5595999 [Entity: id:1596 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'teamKiller', 'accountLevel', 'clanman', 'accountSelf', 'incompleteAccount', 'accountRank', 'channelParticipant', 'accountStatus']] Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:33] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {3764303312L: {'exp': 51698}}, 'changedCrews': {30: {'exp': 3307}}, 'moneyXP': 63, 'lootboxes': {'lootExp': 7963, 'boughtToday': 0, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1510444800.0, 'curBoxType': 0}} [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:33] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 7963, 'boughtToday': 0, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1510444800.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:33] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': 181571, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:34] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -25525, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:34] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 3764303312 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:34] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {3764303312L: {'slots': {1: {'del_slots': 1, 'autobuy': 8}, 2: {'slots': ((None, None), (None, 4290944944L), (None, None), (None, None))}}}}} [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:34] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {3764303312L: {'slots': {1: {'autobuy': 16, 'add_slots': (((), 4182273968L),)}}}}} [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:34] leaveBattleSession() Reason: 0 Info: None [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:34] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:34] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:34] Sent FPS data [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:34] updateActionsProgress: {'22470_q01': {'count': 22}, '22468_q04': {'count': 0, 3: {'count': 7176}}} [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:34] __updateTaskProgress start: {'22470_q01': {'count': 22}, '22468_q04': {'count': 0, 3: {'count': 7176}}} [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:34] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: changed tasks [4165353392L] [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:34] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4165353392 data (False, 4.0, None, None) [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:34] StatsProxy.receiveAbuseStatus(): {'battlesToClean': 4, 'statuses': {'tkill': 1}, 'warnings': ()} [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:34] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAccount [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:34] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() True 0 0 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:34] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:34] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:35] Sent FPS data [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:35] (, 20685599789093, 264): keys: ['dossier', 'accPoints'] [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:35] __processDossierStats() client dossier: ['oper', 'pvp', 'oper_mm_tasks_diag', 'pve_diag', 'pvp_diag', 'oper_normal', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'pve', 'oper_mm', 'total', 'oper_normal_tasks_diag', 'max_pve', 'rank_diag', 'max_pvp', 'oper_diag', 'club_diag', 'club', 'max_club', 'clan', 'oper_hard', 'oper_hard_tasks_diag', 'max_clan'] [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:35] AccountLevelingProxy.onGetAccountStats(): (15, 733195) (15, 734437) [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:35] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:35] BR: {'credits': 121047, 'credits_penalty': 0, 'exp_penalty': 0, 'exp': 552, 'credits_compensation': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:35] BR: {'elite_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'free_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'ship_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': [[4182273968L, 0.5, True, 0]]}, 'credits': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'crew_exp': {'sse': [['22470_q01', 0.5, True, 0]], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'acc_level': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}} [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:35] BR: {'auto_repair_list': [['IDS_SSE_REPAIR_DISCOUNT', 0.0, True, 0]], 'auto_exterior_list': [], 'auto_exterior_credits': 0, 'auto_camo_credits': 0, 'exp_enabled': True, 'abilities_applied': True, 'auto_repair_factor': 1.0, 'auto_load_credits': 3675, 'acc_points_enabled': True, 'free_exp_enabled': True, 'free_exp_factor': 0.05, 'ship_service_enabled': True, 'aogas_factor': 1.0, 'auto_exterior_gold': 0, 'premium_credits_factor': 1.5, 'premium_exp_factor': 1.5, 'auto_abilities_list': [], 'auto_camo_list': [], 'clan_supply_bonuses_enabled': True, 'camo_applied': True, 'auto_repair_credits': 21850, 'exterior_applied': True, 'serve_applied': True, 'auto_camo_gold': 0, 'crew_exp_enabled': True, 'auto_abilities_gold': 0, 'auto_load_list': [[147, 3675], [0, 0], [0, 0]], 'auto_abilities_credits': 0, 'credits_enabled': True, 'aogas_online': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:35] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:35] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:35] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:35] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:35] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:35] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:35] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_bomb default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:35] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_bomb default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:35] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:35] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:35] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:35] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:35] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:35] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:35] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:35] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:35] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:35] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:35] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:35] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:35] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:35] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:35] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:35] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:35] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:35] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:35] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:35] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:35] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:35] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:35] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ResultsScreen, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:35] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 5, 'dt': 1510409551, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'achievements': (), 'expPenalty': 0, 'tasks': {'22470_q01': {'count': (22, 1), 'progress': (1.0, 1.0), 2: {'count': (0, 1)}, 'name': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'}, '22468_q04': {'count': (0, 0), 'progress': (0.2392, 0.0414), 3: {'count': (7176, 1242)}, 'name': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'}}, 'shipsKilled': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 2948024112710388L, 'battleTypeId': 5, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'mapTypeId': 29, 'credits': 181571, 'result': 2, 'exp': 1242, 'shipId': 3764303312L, 'battleCreateTime': 1510408948, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 733195, 1242), 'aogasFactor': 1.0}} [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:35] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 5, 'exp': 1242, 'tasks': {'22470_q01': {2: {'count': (0, 1)}}, '22468_q04': {3: {'count': (7176, 1242)}}}, 'aogasFactor': 1.0, 'mapBGPath': '../maps_bg/46_Estuary.png', 'operationName': '', 'rankStarsDeltaChange': 0, 'earnedAchievements': [], 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_BATTLE_RESULTS_2', 'result': 2, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'uiSpecial': False, 'mapTypeId': 29, 'shipId': 3764303312L, 'accountLeveling': {'expGained': 1242, 'currLevel': 15, 'prevLevel': 15, 'currLevelExp': 122000, 'expTotal': 734437, 'nextLevelExp': 122000}, 'curTasksCompleted': 0, 'mapName': 'IDS_SPACES/46_ESTUARY', 'battleTypeId': 5, 'shipLevelRome': 'VI', 'achievements': (), 'isPremium': True, 'shipName': 'IDS_PRSC506', 'shipsKilled': 0, 'importance': 2, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_CRUISER', 'difficulty': '', 'prevTasksCompleted': 0, 'isElite': False, 'date': '11.11.2017 17:02', 'dt': 1510409551, 'groupId': 3, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 733195, 1242), 'expPenalty': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 2948024112710388L, 'credits': 181571, 'sourceId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'viaMM': False, 'rankBattlesSeasonId': 0, 'shipType': 'Cruiser', 'quests': [{'maxProgress': 100, 'day': 11, 'monthIDS': 'IDS_MONTH_11', 'battleProgress': 100.0, 'type': 'challenge', 'id': '22470_q01', 'titleText': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!', 'currentProgress': 100.0}, {'maxProgress': 100, 'day': 11, 'monthIDS': 'IDS_MONTH_11', 'battleProgress': 4.0, 'type': 'task', 'id': '22468_q04', 'titleText': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b', 'currentProgress': 64.0}], 'stypeIdent': 'Cruiser', 'postponed': False, 'battleCreateTime': 1510408948, 'rankDeltaChange': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:35] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:35] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:35] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:35] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:35] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_bomb default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:35] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_bomb default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:35] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:35] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:35] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:35] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:35] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:35] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:35] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:35] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:35] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:35] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:35] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:35] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:35] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:35] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:35] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:35] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:35] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:35] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:35] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:35] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:35] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:35] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:35] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:35] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:35] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4161159088 {('Default', 4283604912L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 7, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:35] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4160110512 {('Resource', 0, 0): 100000, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 8, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:35] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q04 {('Default', 4271730608L, 0): 5, ('Default', 4269633456L, 0): 5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u041e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c \u043d\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u041e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c \u043d\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'} [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:35] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4162207664 {('Default', 4279410608L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 6, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:35] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22468_q03 {('Default', 4263440304L, 0): 5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'} [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:35] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4156964784 {'desc': (), ('Resource', 0, 0): 100000} {'taskNumber': 11, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:35] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4154867632 {('Default', 4284313520L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 13, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:35] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q01 {('ResourceCoeff', 21, 17): 3.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 30): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 9): 12.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 32): 3.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 10): 1.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 28): 3.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 14): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 11): 1.5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'}, 0, 0)} {'type': 'challenge', 'titleText': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'} [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:35] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4167450544 {'desc': (), ('Resource', 16, 0): 500} {'taskNumber': 1, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:35] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4163256240 {('Default', 4282556336L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 5, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:35] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 14 [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:35] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:35] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 14. Boxes contents: [{4288852912L: {(0, 4283622320L): 1}, 4284658608L: {(0, 4274185136L): 1}, 4283610032L: {(0, 4273136560L): 1}, 4289901488L: {(0, 4289913776L): 1}}] [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:35] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:35] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 5595999 {'jid': '5595999@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Tier099', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:36] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 4, 'dt': 1510409551, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'costShell': 3675, 'shipId': 3764303312L, 'result': False, 'costRepair': 21850}} [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:36] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 4, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SHIP_SERVE', 'costShell': 3675, 'result': False, 'shipId': 3764303312L, 'uiSpecial': False, 'shipLevelRome': 'VI', 'isPremium': True, 'shipName': 'IDS_PRSC506', 'shipType': 'Cruiser', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_CRUISER', 'isElite': False, 'dt': 1510409551, 'groupId': 5, 'costTotal': 25525, 'sourceId': 0, 'costRepair': 21850, 'stypeIdent': 'Cruiser', 'postponed': False} [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:36] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {14756352: None, 2908929: None, 65676587: None, 14106518: None, 8659208: None, 327255: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'ENYO', 'id': 415095, 'name': u'\u042d\u041d\u0418\u041e'}, 58161041: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 48250222: None, 2557718: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 29834778: None, 44390556: None, 69416610: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 2370470: None, 2893852: None, 30937387: None, 33143980: None, 17915186: None, 69118514: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 71811251: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 27795256: {'color': 10066329, 'league': None, 'tag': u'CATGO', 'id': 427641, 'name': u'\u041c\u043e\u0440\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0435 \u041a\u043e\u0442\u044b'}, 3604027: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'_2_V_', 'id': 430363, 'name': u'\u0414\u0432\u0430 \u0432\u0435\u0441\u043b\u0430 !'}, 81681596: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'GAZ', 'id': 427678, 'name': u'\u041b\u044e\u0431\u0438\u0442\u0435\u043b\u0438 \u043c\u043e\u0440\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0445 \u0432\u043e\u043b\u043d'}, 5426549: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 62222528: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 6896454: None, 26288674: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'GUAPS', 'id': 430164, 'name': u'\u0413\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0434\u0435\u0439\u0446\u044b \u041f\u043e\u0441\u0435\u0439\u0434\u043e\u043d\u0430'}, 656471: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'VOLCS', 'id': 427991, 'name': u'volcs38'}, 5471194: None, 1497435: None, 30269279: None, 65482683: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'YTG', 'id': 427719, 'name': u'YATAGAN'}, 66903022: None, 590703: None, 2096628: None, 2980597: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'S1B1R', 'id': 416233, 'name': u'SIBIR'}, 6028438: None, 74095637: None} [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:36] (, 86904481544477, 21): joinChannel, ('already joined', 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc') [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:36] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 2557718 NSDRP 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:36] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 5595999 Tier099 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:36] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 58161041 Y_O_R_K_2015 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:36] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 69118514 RenamedUser_69118514 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:36] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 71811251 Leogon_1 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:36] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 42, 'dt': 1510409551, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': False, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 3764303312L, 'camoRecharged': True, 'flagsBuyFail': False}} [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:36] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 42, 'isPremium': True, 'shipName': 'IDS_PRSC506', 'flagsAutorechargeCompleted': 0, 'isElite': False, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_EXTERIOR_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2, 'camouflageAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'idInGroup': 1, 'groupId': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_CRUISER', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'VI', 'shipType': 'Cruiser', 'stypeIdent': 'Cruiser', 'dt': 1510409551, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': False, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 3764303312L, 'camoRecharged': True, 'flagsBuyFail': False}, 'uiSpecial': False} [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:44] BattleChatSystem OUT OF Context [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:44] Exception BigWorld.EntityIsDestroyedException: 'Avatar 1092624 has been destroyed' in ignored [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:45] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:52] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:52] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:52] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:52] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:52] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:52] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:52] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:52] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:52] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:52] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:52] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:52] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:52] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:52] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:52] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:52] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:52] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:52] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:52] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:52] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:52] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:52] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:52] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:52] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:52] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:52] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:52] [Filters] saveFilters [] [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:52] [Filters] saveFilters [] [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:52] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:55] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': 0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:55] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': -1.0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:55] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ModalWindowConvertExp, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:55] getModelPaths [] [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:58] availableShipParts 59 [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:58] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_11 17:12:59] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:16] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Tier099', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/5595999', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510409596L, 'isDelayed': False, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xb8\xd0\xb3\xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd1\x82\xd1\x8c \xd1\x80\xd0\xb5\xd0\xb1\xd1\x8f\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0???', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:25] availableShipParts 55 [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:26] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [E] [2017_11_11 17:13:29] ServerConnection::onTimeOut(537109318): Disconnecting due to channel timing out. [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:29] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 6 NOT_SET [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:29] [LOGIN] Setting gIsConnected to False [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:30] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:30] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:30] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:30] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:30] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:30] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:30] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:30] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:30] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:30] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:30] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:30] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:31] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:31] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:34] connection problem!!! [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:34] clearAll 0 True [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:34] AccountLevelingProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:34] StatsProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:34] StatsProxy.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:34] ShutDownProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:34] ShutDownProxy.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:34] LootboxProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:34] LootboxProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:34] CampaignsProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:34] PVEScriptsProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:34] PVEDatahubUtils.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:34] PVEScriptsProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:34] IngamePortalProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:34] IngameNewsProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:34] UserDataGate.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:34] UserDataGate.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:34] ClanProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:34] ClanProxy.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:34] [LootboxProxyClient.destroy] [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:34] (, 51007757488877, 12): is out of context [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:34] (, 13182166089733, 190): fini [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:34] (, 51007922117933, 263): out of context [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:34] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Login, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:34] PreBattleInfoHolder.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:34] GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:34] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:34] GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:38] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Login, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:41] (, 66259644693353, 191): H:; A:; C:http://csis.worldoftanks.ru/csis/wowsru/?periphery=login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020&periphery=login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020; M:['login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020', 'login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020'] [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:41] BaseLoginRequest.doLogin(): login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020 token2 ([BaseLoginCredentials] Tier099) [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:41] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:41] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:41] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 1 LOGGED_ON {"token2":"5595999:5600238760764888903:85340243955942466507970520743580578212","wgnr":"ru.wargaming.net"} [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:41] LOGGED_ON {u'token2': u'5595999:5600238760764888903:85340243955942466507970520743580578212', u'wgnr': u'ru.wargaming.net'} [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:41] [LOGIN] Positive, serverMsg: {u'token2': u'5595999:5600238760764888903:85340243955942466507970520743580578212', u'wgnr': u'ru.wargaming.net'}, status: LOGGED_ON [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:41] [LOGIN] Setting wgnr url to "https://ru.wargaming.net" [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:41] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 2 NOT_SET [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:42] Account.__init__() [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:42] [Account debuG]: __init__() Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:42] ClanProxy.setChatHandler [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:42] ClanProxy.setInteractiveMessageData [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:42] Exception BigWorld.EntityIsDestroyedException: 'Account 537109318 has been destroyed' in ignored [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:42] (, 571883079382, 162): init [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:42] (, 574705753692, 103): Url config for realm ru as string is ResMgr.DataSection at 0x4CE31D00 [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:42] (, 51003525417967, 75): in context [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:42] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:42] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:42] onBecomePlayer() [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:42] UserDataGate.onGetConnection [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:42] UserDataGate.onGetConnection(): 5595999 [Entity: id:3154 ['accountSimple', 'accountName']] Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:42] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAccount [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:42] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() True 0 0 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:42] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:42] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:42] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4161159088 {('Default', 4283604912L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 7, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:42] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4160110512 {('Resource', 0, 0): 100000, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 8, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:42] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q04 {('Default', 4271730608L, 0): 5, ('Default', 4269633456L, 0): 5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u041e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c \u043d\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u041e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c \u043d\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'} [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:42] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4162207664 {('Default', 4279410608L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 6, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:42] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22468_q03 {('Default', 4263440304L, 0): 5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'} [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:42] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4156964784 {'desc': (), ('Resource', 0, 0): 100000} {'taskNumber': 11, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:42] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4154867632 {('Default', 4284313520L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 13, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:42] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q01 {('ResourceCoeff', 21, 17): 3.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 30): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 9): 12.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 32): 3.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 10): 1.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 28): 3.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 14): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 11): 1.5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'}, 0, 0)} {'type': 'challenge', 'titleText': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'} [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:42] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4167450544 {'desc': (), ('Resource', 16, 0): 500} {'taskNumber': 1, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:42] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4163256240 {('Default', 4282556336L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 5, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:42] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 14 [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:42] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:42] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 14. Boxes contents: [{4288852912L: {(0, 4283622320L): 1}, 4284658608L: {(0, 4274185136L): 1}, 4283610032L: {(0, 4273136560L): 1}, 4289901488L: {(0, 4289913776L): 1}}] [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:43] setServerTime: serverTime=1510409624 time.time()=1510409623.09 gInitialClientTime=1823.5860142 [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:43] initBattleTypes called [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:43] Disabled maps: [] [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:43] getNationForTutorial() CanBeStarted: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:43] StatsProxy.receiveAbuseStatus(): {'battlesToClean': 4, 'statuses': {'tkill': 1}, 'warnings': ()} [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:43] _onChangeTimeOut 156 [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:46] __processDossierStats() client dossier: ['oper', 'pvp', 'oper_mm_tasks_diag', 'pve_diag', 'pvp_diag', 'oper_normal', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'pve', 'oper_mm', 'total', 'oper_normal_tasks_diag', 'max_pve', 'rank_diag', 'max_pvp', 'oper_diag', 'club_diag', 'club', 'max_club', 'clan', 'oper_hard', 'oper_hard_tasks_diag', 'max_clan'] [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:46] AccountLevelingProxy.onGetAccountStats(): (-1, -1) (15, 734437) [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:46] __updateTaskProgress start: {'22470_q01': {}, '22468_q04': {3: {'count': 7176}}} [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:46] __updateTaskProgress start: {'22468_q03': {'count': 1, 3: {'count': 10.0}}, '22468_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 3}}, '22469_q01': {'count': 0}, '21856_q00': {'count': 0}, '22468_q05': {'count': 0}, '22468_q02': {'count': 1, 3: {'count': 549416}}, '22470_q01': {'count': 22}, '22470_q02': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 4}}, '22470_q03': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 330040}, 3: {'count': 15080}, 4: {'count': 92953}}, '22470_q04': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 10}}, '22160_q01': {'count': 0}, '22468_q04': {'count': 0, 3: {'count': 7176}}} [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:46] onGetRankBattlesInfo currentSeason: 7, PlayerInfo: None [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:46] onGetRankDossier() seasonId = 7 Empty [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:46] ---- no data for seasonId: 7 [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:46] ---- no data for seasonId: 7 [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:46] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onGetSeasonRules: config False, {'seasonId': 1, 'operations': {4291341232L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 3, 'unlockTime': 1500429600, 'caps': 3}, 4292389808L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1499824800, 'caps': 3}, 4290292656L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1501034400, 'caps': 3}, 4293438384L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1501639200, 'caps': 3}}, 'currentOperationIdx': 1, 'roster': [4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L, 4293438384L], 'startTime': 1499824800, 'seasons': {1: {'operations': [4293438384L, 4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}, 2: {'operations': [], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}}, 'currentRotationTime': 1510106400, 'nextRotationTime': 1510711200, 'stage': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:46] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onLoadProgress: config False, season False, {'operations': {'hard': [], 'normal': [(4287146928L, [1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 0]), (4288195504L, [1509007262, 1509007262, 1509007262, 0, 0, 0]), (4290292656L, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])]}, 'seasons': {'hard': [], 'normal': [(2, 1509007262)]}} [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:47] onClanResponse: response=(1, 0, (430246, (430246, u'FLY', u'FLY', 16777215, u'executive_officer', u'\u0417\u0434\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0443\u0439\u0442\u0435 \u0442\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0449\u0438, \u0443 \u043a\u043e\u0433\u043e \u0435\u0441\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0431\u043b\u0438 10-\u0433\u043e \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u043d\u044f, \u0438 \u0433\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0441\u043e\u0432\u0430\u044f \u0432\u0441\u044f\u0437\u044c \u043d\u0443\u0436\u043d\u043e \u0441\u044b\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d\u043e\u0432\u044b\u0435 \u0431\u043e\u0438 - \u0441\u0442\u0430\u0432\u0442\u0435 + \u043c\u043d\u0435 \u0432 \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443 \u043a\u0442\u043e \u0433\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432', {47518727: {'role': u'private'}, 162314: {'role': u'private'}, 2835342: {'role': u'private'}, 58161041: {'role': u'private'}, 19410835: {'role': u'private'}, 2557718: {'role': u'private'}, 27883543: {'role': u'private'}, 73537307: {'role': u'private'}, 17222686: {'role': u'private'}, 310434: {'role': u'private'}, 11428651: {'role': u'private'}, 2445100: {'role': u'private'}, 7715120: {'role': u'private'}, 69118514: {'role': u'commander'}, 71811251: {'role': u'private'}, 59694238: {'role': u'private'}, 62222528: {'role': u'private'}, 47245249: {'role': u'private'}, 59103429: {'role': u'private'}, 35853511: {'role': u'private'}, 69416610: {'role': u'private'}, 65031124: {'role': u'private'}, 33301518: {'role': u'private'}, 5595999: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 8706534: {'role': u'private'}, 37230: {'role': u'private'}, 1515506: {'role': u'private'}, 71303028: {'role': u'private'}, 5426549: {'role': u'private'}, 22453883: {'role': u'private'}}, {75100162: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3925161}, 75104791: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1901451}, 75104792: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12037438}, 75104793: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47518727}, 75100186: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4688253}, 75100187: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26497012}, 75100188: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 872384}, 75100189: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 16896550}, 75104799: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2557718}, 75100217: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58161041}, 75100219: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36672236}, 75100220: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12445172}, 75100221: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11262324}, 75100086: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71777625}, 75099916: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5426549}, 75088485: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11437327}, 75088488: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86912728}, 75099930: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35480962}, 75099931: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 64096589}, 75104796: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24059614}, 75104797: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5326927}, 75105224: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5163046}, 75115804: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3700101}, 75100858: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65353479}, 75100859: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4549361}, 75100860: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19163627}, 75100862: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 15486060}, 75100864: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24960589}, 75104795: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26571092}, 75101403: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13829345}, 75101405: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2774140}, 75101406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19410835}, 75105005: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2514322}, 75105006: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 6071074}, 75105007: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21765943}, 75105008: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13351014}, 75105009: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10744094}, 75105010: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8213596}, 75105533: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 32758788}, 75105534: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35843415}, 75105535: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19416306}, 75099910: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 22471163}, 75099912: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47356661}, 75099913: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20821811}, 75099914: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 38322742}, 75099915: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 57543888}, 75100940: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1550733}, 75100941: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1431883}, 75100942: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 744012}, 75100943: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 69416610}, 75100944: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36933861}, 75100946: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4337469}, 75115800: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47245249}, 75115801: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2723422}, 75115802: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19050869}, 75115803: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65031124}, 75099932: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5239563}, 75099933: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5564244}, 75105068: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 27883543}, 75099952: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11428651}, 75115830: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 62222528}, 75115831: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8664152}, 75115833: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59103429}, 75115837: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4858560}, 75115840: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 7424262}, 75099461: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 33301518}, 75104134: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 225652}, 75101613: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 162314}, 75101614: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 75991473}, 75100081: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71303028}, 75100082: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79542157}, 75100083: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 76103}, 75100084: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80535214}, 75100085: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5965559}, 75092406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86780640}, 75092407: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 72132668}, 75092409: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65107864}, 75092412: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58685850}, 75104707: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13658244}, 75104708: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 77607300}, 75104710: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79957325}, 75104712: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2809573}, 75105225: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 61831778}, 75105226: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 48512704}, 75105227: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82400346}, 75105229: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59694238}, 75105230: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24318025}, 75105232: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35446652}, 75100114: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21297715}, 75100115: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2636501}, 75100116: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 23508047}, 75100117: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4104445}, 75100156: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65362617}, 75113469: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 17222686}, 75100158: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20158906}, 75113467: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1207353}, 75113468: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80938462}, 75100157: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82347121}, 75113470: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8706534}, 75113471: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4261263}}, 30, 30, None))) [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:47] ClanProxy.onClanResponse(): 1 (430246, (430246, u'FLY', u'FLY', 16777215, u'executive_officer', u'\u0417\u0434\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0443\u0439\u0442\u0435 \u0442\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0449\u0438, \u0443 \u043a\u043e\u0433\u043e \u0435\u0441\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0431\u043b\u0438 10-\u0433\u043e \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u043d\u044f, \u0438 \u0433\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0441\u043e\u0432\u0430\u044f \u0432\u0441\u044f\u0437\u044c \u043d\u0443\u0436\u043d\u043e \u0441\u044b\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d\u043e\u0432\u044b\u0435 \u0431\u043e\u0438 - \u0441\u0442\u0430\u0432\u0442\u0435 + \u043c\u043d\u0435 \u0432 \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443 \u043a\u0442\u043e \u0433\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432', {47518727: {'role': u'private'}, 162314: {'role': u'private'}, 2835342: {'role': u'private'}, 58161041: {'role': u'private'}, 19410835: {'role': u'private'}, 2557718: {'role': u'private'}, 27883543: {'role': u'private'}, 73537307: {'role': u'private'}, 17222686: {'role': u'private'}, 310434: {'role': u'private'}, 11428651: {'role': u'private'}, 2445100: {'role': u'private'}, 7715120: {'role': u'private'}, 69118514: {'role': u'commander'}, 71811251: {'role': u'private'}, 59694238: {'role': u'private'}, 62222528: {'role': u'private'}, 47245249: {'role': u'private'}, 59103429: {'role': u'private'}, 35853511: {'role': u'private'}, 69416610: {'role': u'private'}, 65031124: {'role': u'private'}, 33301518: {'role': u'private'}, 5595999: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 8706534: {'role': u'private'}, 37230: {'role': u'private'}, 1515506: {'role': u'private'}, 71303028: {'role': u'private'}, 5426549: {'role': u'private'}, 22453883: {'role': u'private'}}, {75100162: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3925161}, 75104791: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1901451}, 75104792: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12037438}, 75104793: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47518727}, 75100186: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4688253}, 75100187: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26497012}, 75100188: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 872384}, 75100189: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 16896550}, 75104799: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2557718}, 75100217: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58161041}, 75100219: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36672236}, 75100220: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12445172}, 75100221: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11262324}, 75100086: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71777625}, 75099916: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5426549}, 75088485: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11437327}, 75088488: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86912728}, 75099930: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35480962}, 75099931: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 64096589}, 75104796: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24059614}, 75104797: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5326927}, 75105224: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5163046}, 75115804: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3700101}, 75100858: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65353479}, 75100859: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4549361}, 75100860: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19163627}, 75100862: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 15486060}, 75100864: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24960589}, 75104795: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26571092}, 75101403: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13829345}, 75101405: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2774140}, 75101406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19410835}, 75105005: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2514322}, 75105006: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 6071074}, 75105007: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21765943}, 75105008: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13351014}, 75105009: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10744094}, 75105010: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8213596}, 75105533: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 32758788}, 75105534: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35843415}, 75105535: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19416306}, 75099910: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 22471163}, 75099912: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47356661}, 75099913: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20821811}, 75099914: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 38322742}, 75099915: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 57543888}, 75100940: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1550733}, 75100941: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1431883}, 75100942: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 744012}, 75100943: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 69416610}, 75100944: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36933861}, 75100946: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4337469}, 75115800: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47245249}, 75115801: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2723422}, 75115802: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19050869}, 75115803: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65031124}, 75099932: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5239563}, 75099933: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5564244}, 75105068: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 27883543}, 75099952: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11428651}, 75115830: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 62222528}, 75115831: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8664152}, 75115833: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59103429}, 75115837: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4858560}, 75115840: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 7424262}, 75099461: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 33301518}, 75104134: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 225652}, 75101613: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 162314}, 75101614: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 75991473}, 75100081: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71303028}, 75100082: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79542157}, 75100083: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 76103}, 75100084: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80535214}, 75100085: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5965559}, 75092406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86780640}, 75092407: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 72132668}, 75092409: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65107864}, 75092412: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58685850}, 75104707: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13658244}, 75104708: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 77607300}, 75104710: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79957325}, 75104712: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2809573}, 75105225: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 61831778}, 75105226: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 48512704}, 75105227: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82400346}, 75105229: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59694238}, 75105230: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24318025}, 75105232: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35446652}, 75100114: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21297715}, 75100115: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2636501}, 75100116: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 23508047}, 75100117: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4104445}, 75100156: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65362617}, 75113469: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 17222686}, 75100158: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20158906}, 75113467: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1207353}, 75113468: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80938462}, 75100157: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82347121}, 75113470: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8706534}, 75113471: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4261263}}, 30, 30, None)) [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:47] ClanProxy.__onGetMyClan: False (430246, (430246, u'FLY', u'FLY', 16777215, u'executive_officer', u'\u0417\u0434\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0443\u0439\u0442\u0435 \u0442\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0449\u0438, \u0443 \u043a\u043e\u0433\u043e \u0435\u0441\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0431\u043b\u0438 10-\u0433\u043e \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u043d\u044f, \u0438 \u0433\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0441\u043e\u0432\u0430\u044f \u0432\u0441\u044f\u0437\u044c \u043d\u0443\u0436\u043d\u043e \u0441\u044b\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d\u043e\u0432\u044b\u0435 \u0431\u043e\u0438 - \u0441\u0442\u0430\u0432\u0442\u0435 + \u043c\u043d\u0435 \u0432 \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443 \u043a\u0442\u043e \u0433\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432', {47518727: {'role': u'private'}, 162314: {'role': u'private'}, 2835342: {'role': u'private'}, 58161041: {'role': u'private'}, 19410835: {'role': u'private'}, 2557718: {'role': u'private'}, 27883543: {'role': u'private'}, 73537307: {'role': u'private'}, 17222686: {'role': u'private'}, 310434: {'role': u'private'}, 11428651: {'role': u'private'}, 2445100: {'role': u'private'}, 7715120: {'role': u'private'}, 69118514: {'role': u'commander'}, 71811251: {'role': u'private'}, 59694238: {'role': u'private'}, 62222528: {'role': u'private'}, 47245249: {'role': u'private'}, 59103429: {'role': u'private'}, 35853511: {'role': u'private'}, 69416610: {'role': u'private'}, 65031124: {'role': u'private'}, 33301518: {'role': u'private'}, 5595999: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 8706534: {'role': u'private'}, 37230: {'role': u'private'}, 1515506: {'role': u'private'}, 71303028: {'role': u'private'}, 5426549: {'role': u'private'}, 22453883: {'role': u'private'}}, {75100162: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3925161}, 75104791: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1901451}, 75104792: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12037438}, 75104793: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47518727}, 75100186: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4688253}, 75100187: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26497012}, 75100188: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 872384}, 75100189: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 16896550}, 75104799: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2557718}, 75100217: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58161041}, 75100219: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36672236}, 75100220: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12445172}, 75100221: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11262324}, 75100086: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71777625}, 75099916: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5426549}, 75088485: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11437327}, 75088488: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86912728}, 75099930: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35480962}, 75099931: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 64096589}, 75104796: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24059614}, 75104797: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5326927}, 75105224: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5163046}, 75115804: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3700101}, 75100858: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65353479}, 75100859: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4549361}, 75100860: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19163627}, 75100862: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 15486060}, 75100864: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24960589}, 75104795: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26571092}, 75101403: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13829345}, 75101405: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2774140}, 75101406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19410835}, 75105005: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2514322}, 75105006: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 6071074}, 75105007: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21765943}, 75105008: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13351014}, 75105009: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10744094}, 75105010: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8213596}, 75105533: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 32758788}, 75105534: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35843415}, 75105535: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19416306}, 75099910: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 22471163}, 75099912: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47356661}, 75099913: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20821811}, 75099914: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 38322742}, 75099915: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 57543888}, 75100940: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1550733}, 75100941: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1431883}, 75100942: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 744012}, 75100943: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 69416610}, 75100944: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36933861}, 75100946: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4337469}, 75115800: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47245249}, 75115801: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2723422}, 75115802: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19050869}, 75115803: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65031124}, 75099932: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5239563}, 75099933: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5564244}, 75105068: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 27883543}, 75099952: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11428651}, 75115830: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 62222528}, 75115831: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8664152}, 75115833: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59103429}, 75115837: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4858560}, 75115840: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 7424262}, 75099461: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 33301518}, 75104134: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 225652}, 75101613: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 162314}, 75101614: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 75991473}, 75100081: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71303028}, 75100082: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79542157}, 75100083: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 76103}, 75100084: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80535214}, 75100085: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5965559}, 75092406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86780640}, 75092407: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 72132668}, 75092409: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65107864}, 75092412: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58685850}, 75104707: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13658244}, 75104708: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 77607300}, 75104710: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79957325}, 75104712: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2809573}, 75105225: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 61831778}, 75105226: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 48512704}, 75105227: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82400346}, 75105229: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59694238}, 75105230: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24318025}, 75105232: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35446652}, 75100114: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21297715}, 75100115: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2636501}, 75100116: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 23508047}, 75100117: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4104445}, 75100156: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65362617}, 75113469: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 17222686}, 75100158: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20158906}, 75113467: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1207353}, 75113468: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80938462}, 75100157: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82347121}, 75113470: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8706534}, 75113471: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4261263}}, 30, 30, None)) [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:47] [CampaignsCommon] onLoadedDump: loaded campaign params and player; countActiveTasks 1; data ({4290690992L: (False, True, False), 4293836720L: (True, 0, True), 4291739568L: (False, True, False), 4288593840L: (True, 0, True), 4289642416L: (False, True, False), 4292788144L: (True, 0, True)}, {4289642416L: [1, 0], 4291739568L: [1, 0], 4293836720L: [1, 1], 4288593840L: [1, 0], 4290690992L: [1, 0], 4292788144L: [1, 0]}, {4283023280L: [2, 0, 0], 4251566000L: [2, 0, 0], 4287217584L: [4, 12, 7], 4288266160L: [4, 10, 7], 4289314736L: [4, 10, 6], 4291411888L: [4, 7, 7], 4293509040L: [5, 5, 9], 4286169008L: [4, 15, 8], 4263100336L: [2, 0, 0], 4290363312L: [4, 10, 5], 4285120432L: [4, 15, 7], 4272537520L: [2, 0, 0], 4241080240L: [2, 0, 0], 4292460464L: [4, 6, 8]}, {4153819056L: (1, False, 0), 4193664944L: (5, True, 0), 4280696752L: (5, True, 0), 4243996592L: (1, False, 0), 4288036784L: (5, True, 0), 4187373488L: (1, False, 0), 4224073648L: (5, True, 0), 4164304816L: (1, False, 0), 4130750384L: (1, False, 0), 4204150704L: (5, True, 0), 4240850864L: (1, False, 0), 4277551024L: (5, True, 0), 4184227760L: (1, False, 0), 4220927920L: (5, True, 0), 4257628080L: (5, True, 0), 4198907824L: (5, True, 0), 4237705136L: (5, True, 0), 3904257968L: (1, False, 0), 4274405296L: (1, False, 0), 3977658288L: (1, False, 0), 4154867632L: (5, True, 0), 4181082032L: (5, True, 0), 4254482352L: (1, False, 0), 4291182512L: (5, True, 0), 4260773808L: (5, True, 0), 3897966512L: (1, False, 0), 4161159088L: (5, True, 0), 4197859248L: (1, False, 0), 3901112240L: (1, False, 0), 3974512560L: (1, False, 0), 4177936304L: (1, False, 0), 4214636464L: (1, False, 0), 4251336624L: (5, True, 0), 4133896112L: (1, False, 0), 4190519216L: (1, False, 0), 4211490736L: (1, False, 0), 4081467312L: (0, False, 0), 4284891056L: (5, True, 0), 4158013360L: (1, False, 0), 4191567792L: (5, True, 0), 4252385200L: (5, True, 0), 4228267952L: (1, False, 0), 4134944688L: (1, False, 0), 4171644848L: (5, True, 0), 4208345008L: (1, False, 0), 4245045168L: (5, True, 0), 4281745328L: (5, True, 0), 4167450544L: (5, True, 0), 4188422064L: (1, False, 0), 4225122224L: (1, False, 0), 4203102128L: (5, True, 0), 4261822384L: (1, False, 0), 4131798960L: (1, False, 0), 4205199280L: (5, True, 0), 4241899440L: (5, True, 0), 4278599600L: (5, True, 0), 4221976496L: (5, True, 0), 4258676656L: (1, False, 0), 3902160816L: (1, False, 0), 4128653232L: (0, False, 0), 4165353392L: (2, False, 4.0), 4238753712L: (1, False, 0), 3905306544L: (1, False, 0), 4275453872L: (1, False, 0), 3978706864L: (1, False, 0), 4182130608L: (5, True, 0), 4255530928L: (5, True, 0), 4289085360L: (5, True, 0), 4178984880L: (1, False, 0), 4215685040L: (5, True, 0), 3971366832L: (1, False, 0), 4195762096L: (5, True, 0), 3899015088L: (1, False, 0), 4175839152L: (1, False, 0), 4212539312L: (1, False, 0), 4082515888L: (1, False, 0), 4285939632L: (5, True, 0), 4227219376L: (1, False, 0), 4155916208L: (1, False, 0), 4192616368L: (5, True, 0), 4207296432L: (1, False, 0), 4229316528L: (5, True, 0), 3895869360L: (0, False, 0), 4135993264L: (1, False, 0), 4172693424L: (5, True, 0), 4209393584L: (5, True, 0), 4246093744L: (1, False, 0), 4282793904L: (5, True, 0), 4160110512L: (5, True, 0), 4226170800L: (1, False, 0), 4292231088L: (5, True, 0), 4174790576L: (5, True, 0), 4132847536L: (1, False, 0), 4189470640L: (1, False, 0), 4206247856L: (5, True, 0), 4242948016L: (1, False, 0), 4279648176L: (5, True, 0), 4186324912L: (5, True, 0), 4223025072L: (1, False, 0), 4259725232L: (1, False, 0), 4159061936L: (1, False, 0), 4129701808L: (1, False, 0), 4166401968L: (1, False, 0), 4239802288L: (1, False, 0), 4276502448L: (5, True, 0), 4183179184L: (1, False, 0), 4219879344L: (5, True, 0), 4256579504L: (5, True, 0), 4293279664L: (5, True, 0), 3975561136L: (1, False, 0), 4163256240L: (5, True, 0), 3972415408L: (1, False, 0), 4236656560L: (5, True, 0), 3903209392L: (1, False, 0), 4273356720L: (5, True, 0), 3976609712L: (1, False, 0), 4180033456L: (5, True, 0), 4253433776L: (5, True, 0), 4290133936L: (5, True, 0), 4194713520L: (5, True, 0), 4196810672L: (1, False, 0), 3900063664L: (1, False, 0), 3973463984L: (1, False, 0), 4176887728L: (5, True, 0), 4213587888L: (5, True, 0), 4083564464L: (1, False, 0), 4286988208L: (5, True, 0), 4156964784L: (5, True, 0), 4162207664L: (5, True, 0), 4230365104L: (5, True, 0), 4063641520L: (0, False, 0), 3896917936L: (1, False, 0), 3970318256L: (0, False, 0), 4173742000L: (5, True, 0), 4210442160L: (1, False, 0), 4247142320L: (5, True, 0)}) [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:47] ClanProxy.onGetClanBattles {'seasonId': 1, 'finishTime': 1513713600.0, 'primeTimes': {2: (57600, 68400), 3: (57600, 68400), 5: (57600, 68400), 6: (57600, 68400)}, 'shipLevelMax': 10, 'shipLevelMin': 10, 'startTime': 1508310000.0, 'promoTime': 1508310000.0, 'stage': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:49] >>> DockProxy.receiveState [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:49] Unlocks.receiveState [] [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:50] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 7963, 'boughtToday': 0, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1510444800.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:50] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 7963, 'boughtToday': 0, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1510444800.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:50] PVEScriptsProxyCommon.createPVEState() [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:50] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onGetSeasonRules: config True, {'seasonId': 1, 'operations': {4291341232L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 3, 'unlockTime': 1500429600, 'caps': 3}, 4292389808L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1499824800, 'caps': 3}, 4290292656L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1501034400, 'caps': 3}, 4293438384L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1501639200, 'caps': 3}}, 'currentOperationIdx': 1, 'roster': [4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L, 4293438384L], 'startTime': 1499824800, 'seasons': {1: {'operations': [4293438384L, 4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}, 2: {'operations': [], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}}, 'currentRotationTime': 1510106400, 'nextRotationTime': 1510711200, 'stage': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:50] [4181898160L, 4180849584L] [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:50] [4181898160L, 4180849584L] [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:50] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onLoadProgress: config True, season True, {'operations': {'hard': [], 'normal': [(4287146928L, [1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 0]), (4288195504L, [1509007262, 1509007262, 1509007262, 0, 0, 0]), (4290292656L, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])]}, 'seasons': {'hard': [], 'normal': [(2, 1509007262)]}} [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:50] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] _updateOperationCompleted: 4287146928 normal [1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 0] [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:50] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] _updateOperationCompleted: 4288195504 normal [1509007262, 1509007262, 1509007262, 0, 0, 0] [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:50] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] _updateOperationCompleted: 4290292656 normal [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:50] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] _updateSeasonCompleted: 2 normal 1509007262 [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:50] onClanResponse: response=(6, 0, {'league': 4, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 430246, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division_rating': 0, 'stage': 'league'}) [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:50] ClanProxy.onClanResponse(): 6 {'league': 4, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 430246, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division_rating': 0, 'stage': 'league'} [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:50] ClanDataHubUtils.addLadderInfo: {'league': 4, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 430246, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division_rating': 0, 'stage': 'league'} [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:50] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:50] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:51] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] chooseOperation: 4291341232 normal True [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:51] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onOperationChosen: 4291341232 normal True [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:51] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] chooseOperation: 0 normal False [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:51] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onOperationChosen: 0 normal False [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:51] (, 51003611475748, 141): is in context [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:51] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}, interval: (1510412400.0, 1510415980.0)",) [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:51] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 2768 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510412400.0, 1510415980.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:51] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'start'}, interval: (1510416000.0, 1510416000.0)",) [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:51] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 2768 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510412400.0, 1510415980.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:51] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'end'}, interval: (1510426800.0, 1510426800.0)",) [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:51] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 2768 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510412400.0, 1510415980.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:51] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}, interval: (1510498800.0, 1510502380.0)",) [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:51] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 2768 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510412400.0, 1510415980.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:51] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'start'}, interval: (1510502400.0, 1510502400.0)",) [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:51] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 2768 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510412400.0, 1510415980.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:51] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'end'}, interval: (1510513200.0, 1510513200.0)",) [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:51] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 2768 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510412400.0, 1510415980.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:51] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:51] Sent FPS data [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:51] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:56] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:56] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:56] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:56] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:56] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:56] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:56] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:56] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:56] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:56] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:56] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:56] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:56] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:56] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:56] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:56] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:56] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:56] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:56] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:56] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:56] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:56] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:56] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:56] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:56] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:56] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:56] [Filters] saveFilters [] [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:56] [Filters] saveFilters [] [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:56] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 2762 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510412400.0, 1510415980.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:57] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': 0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:57] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': -1.0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2017_11_11 17:13:57] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:00] ClanProxy.onChatInitialized [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:00] XmppChatHandler.joinClanChannel() 430246 [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:00] UserDataGate.__onRosterUpdated [('17915186@wowsru.loc', 'egy5', False, 4, ()), ('2557718@wowsru.loc', 'NSDRP', False, 4, ()), ('26288674@wowsru.loc', '_EmperoR_WOW_', False, 4, ()), ('2893852@wowsru.loc', 'klimstonn', False, 4, ()), ('30937387@wowsru.loc', 'monster__622', False, 4, ()), ('327255@wowsru.loc', 'Migri', False, 4, ()), ('5471194@wowsru.loc', 'loki1982', False, 4, ()), ('62222528@wowsru.loc', 'HEGNI_1', False, 4, ()), ('6896454@wowsru.loc', 'Vie92', False, 4, ()), ('69118514@wowsru.loc', 'RenamedUser_69118514', False, 4, ()), ('69416610@wowsru.loc', 'Player_3185411451', False, 4, ())] [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:00] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 30937387@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:00] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 2893852@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:00] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 59124891@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:00] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 11274288@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:00] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 21696974@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:00] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 14596986@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:00] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 58053848@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:00] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 310434@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:00] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 19410835@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:00] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 35853511@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:00] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 59103429@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:00] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 22453883@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:00] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 2557718@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:00] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 62222528@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:00] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 69118514@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:00] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:00] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:00] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:00] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:00] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: KARSAK_1968 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:00] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:00] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:00] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:00] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:00] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:00] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:00] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:00] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:00] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:00] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:00] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:00] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:00] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:00] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: toshidzu channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:00] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:00] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Samum1989_geroj channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:00] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:00] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:00] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:00] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: NSDRP channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:00] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:00] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:00] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:00] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:00] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:00] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived clansearch@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:00] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived ids_chat_channel_offtop@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:00] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived ids_chat_channel_questions@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:00] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived wargamingfm@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:00] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_SEARCH_CLAN_DIV channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:00] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:00] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_OFFTOP channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:00] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:00] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_QUESTIONS channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:00] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:00] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: WargamingFM Корабли channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:00] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:00] getModelPaths [] [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:00] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc 6 [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:00] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: channelsGroupsIds: [] [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:00] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:00] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 69118514 {'jid': '69118514@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:00] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 58161041 {'jid': '58161041@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Y_O_R_K_2015', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:00] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {62222528: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 69416610: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 6896454: None, 30937387: None, 26288674: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'GUAPS', 'id': 430164, 'name': u'\u0413\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0434\u0435\u0439\u0446\u044b \u041f\u043e\u0441\u0435\u0439\u0434\u043e\u043d\u0430'}, 17915186: None, 69118514: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 2557718: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 327255: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'ENYO', 'id': 415095, 'name': u'\u042d\u041d\u0418\u041e'}, 5471194: None, 2893852: None} [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:00] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 71811251 {'jid': '71811251@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Leogon_1', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:00] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 2557718 {'jid': '2557718@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'NSDRP', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:00] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 5595999 {'jid': '5595999@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Tier099', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:00] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Tier099', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/5595999', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510394839L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd1\x80\xd0\xb5\xd0\xb1\xd1\x8f\xd1\x82 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb3\xd0\xbe \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xb2\xd1\x8b\xd0\xba\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb4\xd1\x8b\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82 \xd0\xb2\xd0\xbe \xd0\xb2\xd1\x80\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbc\xd1\x8f \xd0\xb1\xd0\xbe\xd1\x8f???', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:01] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Tier099', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/5595999', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510396421L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbf\xd1\x8f\xd1\x82\xd1\x8c \xd0\xb2\xd1\x8b\xd0\xba\xd0\xb8\xd0\xbd\xd1\x83\xd0\xbb\xd0\xbe 2 \xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb7\xd0\xb0 \xd0\xb7\xd0\xb0 1 \xd0\xb1\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb9', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:01] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/69118514', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510401726L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb1\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb8 \xd0\xba\xd0\xb5\xd1\x88', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:01] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'NSDRP', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/2557718', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510404247L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb5\xd1\x87\xd0\xb5\xd1\x80 \xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb1\xd1\x80\xd1\x8b\xd0\xb9. \xd0\xb5\xd1\x81\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb8 9 \xd0\xbe\xd1\x87\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2 \xd0\xbe\xd0\xbf\xd1\x8b\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0 \xd0\xba\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbf\xd0\xb8\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe 54 000 \xd0\xbe\xd0\xbf\xd1\x8b\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0 \xd1\x82\xd0\xbe \xd1\x81\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbb\xd1\x8c\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe \xd0\xb7\xd0\xb0 15 ?', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:01] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/69118514', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510408413L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0 13 \xd0\xbe\xd1\x87\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe 108 000', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:01] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Tier099', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/5595999', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510408924L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xba\xd1\x82\xd0\xbe \xd0\xb2 \xd0\xb2\xd0\xb7\xd0\xb2\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb4??? \xd0\x9f\xd0\xb8\xd1\x88\xd0\xb8\xd1\x82\xd0\xb5 \xd1\x81\xd0\xbc\xd1\x81 \xd0\xb2 \xd0\x9b\xd0\xa1', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:01] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'NSDRP', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/2557718', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510409220L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\x94\xd0\x90 \xd1\x83\xd0\xb6 . \xd0\xb0 \xd0\xbc\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe \xd0\xb4\xd0\xbb\xd1\x8f \xd0\xba\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb0 18 \xd0\xbe\xd1\x87\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2. \xd0\xb0 \xd1\x83 \xd0\xbc\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd1\x8f \xd1\x82\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbb\xd1\x8c\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe 9. \xd0\xbe\xd1\x85\xd0\xbe- \xd1\x85\xd0\xbe', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:01] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Tier099', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/5595999', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510409598L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xb8\xd0\xb3\xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd1\x82\xd1\x8c \xd1\x80\xd0\xb5\xd0\xb1\xd1\x8f\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0???', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:02] (, 86904481544477, 21): joinChannel, ('already joined', 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc') [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:02] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 2557718 NSDRP 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:02] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 5595999 Tier099 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:02] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 58161041 Y_O_R_K_2015 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:02] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 69118514 RenamedUser_69118514 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:02] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 71811251 Leogon_1 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:04] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:04] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:06] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:06] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:06] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:06] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:06] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:06] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:06] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:06] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:06] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:06] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:06] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:06] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:12] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:12] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:12] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:12] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:12] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:12] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:12] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:12] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:12] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:12] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:12] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:12] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:13] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:14] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ModalWindowResearchShip, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:15] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:15] >>> receiveChanges {'addedShips': {4289607664L: (False, 0, '', ((0, 0, 0, 0), ((), 0, ()), ((4293042096L, 4287799216L, 4286750640L, 0), 0), ()))}, 'storage': {3768987632L: 0, 3758993392L: 0, 3748409328L: 0, 3759124464L: 0, 3758534640L: 0}, 'changedShipDockStats': {4289607664L: (1510409657, 0, 0)}, 'changedShips': {4280170480L: {'exp': 442}}} [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:16] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ModalWindowShipIsElite, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:16] [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:16] [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:16] Available permoflages: ['PCEP302_Permo_NY_2', 'PCEP303_Permo_NY_2_CN', 'PCEP116_Permo_Upgr_6_lvl'] [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:16] Purchased permoflages: [] [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:16] crew: none [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:16] peculiarity: default [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:16] PEC False False [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:16] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 6, 'data': {'shipId': 4289607664L, 'cost': 39500}} [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:16] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 6, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD005', 'isElite': False, 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 5, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SHIP_EXPLORE', 'shipLevelRome': 'VI', 'cost': 39500, 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'uiSpecial': False, 'shipId': 4289607664L, 'groupId': 5} [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:16] onUpdateAchievement: 4245873584 [0, 0, 0, 40] [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:16] onUpdateAchievement: PCH046 done: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:17] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: ModalWindow [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:17] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ModalWindowShipIsElite, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:18] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:24] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ModalWindowSellShip, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:25] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: ModalWindow [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:25] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ModalWindowSellShip, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:40] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:46] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ModalWindowSellShip, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:46] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ModalWindowSellShip, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:50] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:50] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:50] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:50] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:50] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:50] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:50] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:50] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:50] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:50] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:50] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:50] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:50] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:50] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': 1036500, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False, 'crewsAssignments': ({14: 0}, {}), 'changedShips': {4280170480L: {'own': False}}, 'changedShipDockStats': {4280170480L: (1508949291, 1509258824, 1510409692)}, 'freeShipSlots': 1} [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:51] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 28, 'data': {'crewId': 14}} [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:51] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 28, 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 5, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_CREW_DISEMBARK', 'crewId': 3014, 'shipId': 0, 'data': {'crewId': 3014}, 'groupId': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:52] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 1, 'data': {'modsCost': (42, 66), 'modMask': 0, 'cost': (1036500, 0), 'modsCount': 0, 'shipId': 4280170480L, 'sellMask': 0, 'result': 0}} [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:52] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'modsCost': (42, 66), 'typeId': 1, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD014', 'idInGroup': 1, 'modMask': 0, 'costShipCR': 1036500, 'costShipGL': 0, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SHIP_SELL_0', 'cost': (1036500, 0), 'result': 0, 'isElite': True, 'uiSpecial': False, 'costModCR': 42, 'groupId': 5, 'shipId': 4280170480L, 'sourceId': 0, 'modFlag': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'V', 'modsCount': 0, 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'sellMask': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 17:14:52] availableShipParts 63 [S] [2017_11_11 17:15:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:15:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:15:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:15:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:15:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:15:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:15:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:15:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:15:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:15:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:15:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:15:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:15:21] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_11 17:15:24] [LootboxProxyClient.showBarge] [S] [2017_11_11 17:15:24] Unable to find camera param -- lootboxNode [S] [2017_11_11 17:15:28] [LootboxProxyClient.buyLootbox] [S] [2017_11_11 17:15:28] LootboxProxyCommon.buyLootbox(): 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:15:28] >>> receiveChanges {'lootboxes': {'lootExp': 5963, 'boughtToday': 1, 'inStorage': 1, 'dropAt': 1510444800.0, 'curBoxType': 1}} [S] [2017_11_11 17:15:28] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 5963, 'boughtToday': 1, 'inStorage': 1, 'dropAt': 1510444800.0, 'curBoxType': 1} [S] [2017_11_11 17:15:28] LootboxProxyClient.onChangeLootbox: add 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:15:28] LootboxProxyCommon.onChangeLootbox: add 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:15:28] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 100, 'data': {'count': 1, 'cost': 2000, 'type': 1}} [S] [2017_11_11 17:15:28] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'count': 1, 'typeId': 100, 'cost': 2000, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_BUY_LOOTBOX', 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 22, 'type': 1, 'groupId': 3} [S] [2017_11_11 17:15:29] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 116, 'dt': 1510409730, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'count': 10}} [S] [2017_11_11 17:15:29] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'count': 10, 'typeId': 116, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_CLAN_RESOURCE_RECEIVED', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 26, 'sourceId': 0, 'dt': 1510409730, 'postponed': False, 'groupId': 3} [S] [2017_11_11 17:15:35] [LootboxProxyClient.openLootbox] [S] [2017_11_11 17:15:35] LootboxProxyCommon.openLootbox(): 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:15:35] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': 50000, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False, 'lootboxes': {'lootExp': 5963, 'boughtToday': 1, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1510444800.0, 'curBoxType': 0}, 'storage': {4287557552L: 2, 4283264944L: 20}} [S] [2017_11_11 17:15:35] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 5963, 'boughtToday': 1, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1510444800.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 17:15:35] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxRewards: 1 [('Add', {'count': 50000, 'total': False, 'type': 0}), ('Item', {'count': 3, 'total': False, 'idx': 4283264944L}), ('Item', {'count': 2, 'total': False, 'idx': 4287557552L})] [S] [2017_11_11 17:15:35] [WWSD-79737] Entity: Adding screen position without world position [Entity: id:2346 ['rewardSource', 'rewardComponent']] [183, 184] [S] [2017_11_11 17:15:35] File "25336436762871907", line 61, in 36610464870981 [S] [2017_11_11 17:15:35] File "25336436762870600", line 213, in 36611183303415 [S] [2017_11_11 17:15:35] File "25336436762871907", line 124, in 36611274614065 [S] [2017_11_11 17:15:35] File "25336436762870600", line 51, in 36602333262500 [S] [2017_11_11 17:15:35] File "25336436762872209", line 247, in 3222418079625 [S] [2017_11_11 17:15:35] [WWSD-79737] Entity: Adding screen position without world position [Entity: id:2347 ['rewardSource', 'rewardComponent']] [183, 184] [S] [2017_11_11 17:15:35] File "25336436762871907", line 61, in 36610464870981 [S] [2017_11_11 17:15:35] File "25336436762870600", line 213, in 36611183303415 [S] [2017_11_11 17:15:35] File "25336436762871907", line 124, in 36611274614065 [S] [2017_11_11 17:15:35] File "25336436762870600", line 51, in 36602333262500 [S] [2017_11_11 17:15:35] File "25336436762872209", line 247, in 3222418079625 [S] [2017_11_11 17:15:35] [WWSD-79737] Entity: Adding screen position without world position [Entity: id:2348 ['rewardSource', 'rewardComponent']] [183, 184] [S] [2017_11_11 17:15:35] File "25336436762871907", line 61, in 36610464870981 [S] [2017_11_11 17:15:35] File "25336436762870600", line 213, in 36611183303415 [S] [2017_11_11 17:15:35] File "25336436762871907", line 124, in 36611274614065 [S] [2017_11_11 17:15:35] File "25336436762870600", line 51, in 36602333262500 [S] [2017_11_11 17:15:35] File "25336436762872209", line 247, in 3222418079625 [S] [2017_11_11 17:15:35] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 9, 'data': {'assetType': 4, 'isDelayed': True, 'data': {'credits': 50000}}} [S] [2017_11_11 17:15:35] onUpdateAchievement: 4225950640 [0, 0, 0, 70] [S] [2017_11_11 17:15:35] onUpdateAchievement: PCH065 done: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:15:35] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 9, 'data': {'assetType': 4, 'isDelayed': True, 'data': {'shipID': None, 'exterior': {4283264944L: 3}}}} [S] [2017_11_11 17:15:35] onUpdateAchievement: 4224902064 [0, 0, 0, 70] [S] [2017_11_11 17:15:35] onUpdateAchievement: PCH066 done: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:15:36] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {62222528: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 69416610: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 71811251: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 6896454: None, 30937387: None, 26288674: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'GUAPS', 'id': 430164, 'name': u'\u0413\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0434\u0435\u0439\u0446\u044b \u041f\u043e\u0441\u0435\u0439\u0434\u043e\u043d\u0430'}, 58161041: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 17915186: None, 69118514: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 2557718: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 327255: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'ENYO', 'id': 415095, 'name': u'\u042d\u041d\u0418\u041e'}, 5471194: None, 2893852: None} [S] [2017_11_11 17:15:36] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 9, 'data': {'assetType': 4, 'isDelayed': True, 'data': {'shipID': None, 'exterior': {4287557552L: 2}}}} [S] [2017_11_11 17:15:40] [LootboxProxyClient.hideBarge] [S] [2017_11_11 17:15:41] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'sourceId': 0, 'typeId': 9, 'data': {'sourceId': 0, 'assetType': 4, 'isDelayed': True, 'data': {'credits': 50000}}} [S] [2017_11_11 17:15:41] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'sourceId': 0, 'typeId': 9, 'data': {'sourceId': 0, 'assetType': 4, 'isDelayed': True, 'data': {'shipID': None, 'exterior': {4283264944L: 3}}}} [S] [2017_11_11 17:15:41] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'sourceId': 0, 'typeId': 9, 'data': {'sourceId': 0, 'assetType': 4, 'isDelayed': True, 'data': {'shipID': None, 'exterior': {4287557552L: 2}}}} [S] [2017_11_11 17:15:41] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_11 17:17:15] [DivisionEntranceContext] requestDivisionSeekerList: Account.requestPreBattleSeekerList(): [S] [2017_11_11 17:17:17] [DivisionEntranceContext] requestDivisionSeekerList: Account.requestPreBattleSeekerList(): [S] [2017_11_11 17:17:17] (, 94391359434474, 125): getClanTeams, ('send request',) [S] [2017_11_11 17:17:17] receivePreBattles() PreBattleType: 4 Num: 9 Free: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:17:17] [Seek] onReceivePreBattleSeekers [S] [2017_11_11 17:17:17] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u041a\u043b\u0430\u043d \u0414\u043e\u043d\u0431\u0430\u0441\u0441 \u043f\u0440\u0438\u0433\u043b\u0430\u0448\u0430\u0435\u0442 \u0438\u0433\u0440\u043e\u043a\u043e\u0432 \u043f\u0440\u043e\u0441\u0442\u043e \u0438\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0435\u043c \u043a\u0430\u0447\u0430\u0435\u043c \u043d\u0435\u0444\u0442\u044c!\u0412 \u043e\u0442\u0440\u044f\u0434 \u043d\u0435 \u0437\u0432\u0430\u0442\u044c', 'league': 0, 'name': 'B_HAWK', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 13395507, 'dbid': 7514119, 'clanID': 428039, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'DON-S', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 17:17:17] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u0425\u043e\u0447\u0435\u0448\u044c \u0438\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044c \u0432 \u0434\u0440\u0443\u0436\u043d\u043e\u0439 \u0438 \u0441\u043b\u0430\u0436\u0435\u043d\u043e\u0439 \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0435? \u043e\u043f\u044b\u0442 1000+,\u0441\u0440. \u0443\u0440\u043e\u043d 40\u043a +,\u043f\u0438\u0441\u0430\u0442\u044c \u0432 \u043b\u0441, \u0414\u043e\u0431\u0440\u043e \u043f\u043e\u0436\u0430\u043b\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0442\u044c \u0432 \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d GOH)).', 'league': 0, 'name': 'Recoden', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 10066329, 'dbid': 71254793, 'clanID': 429498, 'rankSeasonId': 7, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 134232192, 'rank': 8, 'clanTag': u'GOH', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 17:17:17] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u041d\u0410\u0411\u041e\u0420 \u0412 \u041a\u041b\u0410\u041d(-LBF-)\u0434\u043b\u044f \u041a\u0411: \u043d\u0430\u043b\u0438\u0447\u0438\u0435 10\u0442\u043e\u043a \u0438 \u0436\u0435\u043b\u0430\u043d\u0438\u0435 \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0436\u0434\u0430\u0442\u044c(\u0434\u0440\u0443\u0436\u043d\u044b\u0439 \u043a\u043e\u043b\u0435\u043a\u0442\u0438\u0432 \u0438 \u043f\u0430\u0437\u0438\u0442\u0438\u0432)\u043f\u0438\u0441\u0430\u0442\u044c \u0432 \u041b\u0421', 'league': 0, 'name': 'dimon7833', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 10066329, 'dbid': 17342990, 'clanID': 425939, 'rankSeasonId': 7, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 134232240, 'rank': 11, 'clanTag': u'-LBF-', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 17:17:17] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u043a\u043e\u043c\u0443 \u043d\u0443\u0436\u0435\u043d \u044d\u0441\u043c\u0438\u043d\u0435\u0446 \u0434\u043b\u044f \u041a\u043b\u0430\u043d\u043e\u0432\u044b\u0445, \u043f\u0438\u0448\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0432 \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443', 'league': 0, 'name': 'Fantomtop', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 0, 'dbid': 63669527, 'clanID': 0, 'rankSeasonId': 7, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 134232144, 'rank': 5, 'clanTag': u'', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 17:17:17] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u041d\u0430\u0431\u0438\u0440\u0430\u0435\u043c \u0432\u0442\u043e\u0440\u043e\u0439 \u0441\u043e\u0441\u0442\u0430\u0432 \u0411\u0430\u043b\u0442\u0438\u0439\u0441\u043a\u043e\u0433\u043e \u0444\u043b\u043e\u0442\u0430 - BALT2. \u041e\u0431\u044f\u0437\u0430\u0442\u0435\u043b\u044c\u0441\u0442\u0432 \u043d\u0435\u0442. \u0414\u0438\u0441\u043a\u043e\u0440\u0434 \u0434\u043b\u044f \u0432\u043e\u043f\u0440\u043e\u0441\u043e\u0432 https://discord.gg/9FyFJ8k', 'league': 0, 'name': 'Pskovboss', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 10066329, 'dbid': 7046246, 'clanID': 416044, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'BALT', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 17:17:17] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u0441\u043e\u0431\u0438\u0440\u0430\u044e \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0443, \u0434\u043b\u044f \u043f\u0440\u043e\u0445\u043e\u0436\u0434\u0435\u043d\u0438\u044f \u043e\u043f\u0435\u0440\u0430\u0446\u0438\u0439 \u043d\u0435\u0434\u0435\u043b\u0438,3 \u0447\u0435\u043b\u043e\u0432\u0435\u043a\u0430(\u0447\u0442\u043e\u0431\u044b \u043f\u043e\u043b\u0443\u0447\u0438\u0442\u044c 3 \u0434\u043d\u044f \u043f\u0440\u0435\u043c\u0430\u043a\u0430),6 \u043b\u0432\u043b,53%+,\u043f\u0438\u0441\u0430\u0442\u044c \u0432 \u043b\u0441!', 'league': 0, 'name': 'MAXIMITRON', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 16763955, 'dbid': 4409895, 'clanID': 411664, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'ALPHA', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 17:17:17] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u041d\u0410\u0411\u041e\u0420 \u0412 \u041a\u041b\u0410\u041d', 'league': 0, 'name': 'slavashkurko', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 16763955, 'dbid': 1488759, 'clanID': 423843, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'ANC', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 17:17:17] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u043f\u043e\u044f\u0432\u0438\u043b\u043e\u0441\u044c 10 \u043c\u0435\u0441\u0442 \u0432 \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d\u0435 \u0436\u0435\u043b\u0430\u044e\u0449\u0438\u0435\u043f\u0440\u0438\u0441\u043e\u0435\u0434\u0438\u043d\u0438\u0442\u0441\u044f \u043a\u0438\u0434\u0430\u0439\u0442\u0435 \u0437\u0430\u044f\u0432\u043a\u0438', 'league': 0, 'name': 'VovaSuhoy', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 16763955, 'dbid': 62974969, 'clanID': 422303, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'STING', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 17:17:17] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u0445\u043e\u0447\u0443 \u0432 \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d!', 'league': 0, 'name': 'axobixs', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 10066329, 'dbid': 47967933, 'clanID': 430915, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'SHEF', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 17:17:19] receivePreBattles() PreBattleType: 3 Num: 0 Free: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:17:19] ClanDataHubUtils.updateClanPreBattles [] [S] [2017_11_11 17:17:29] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 71811251 {'jid': '71811251@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Leogon_1', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:17:58] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 22453883 {'jid': '22453883@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'vova1972ruzan', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:18:36] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {62222528: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 69416610: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 71811251: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 6896454: None, 30937387: None, 26288674: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'GUAPS', 'id': 430164, 'name': u'\u0413\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0434\u0435\u0439\u0446\u044b \u041f\u043e\u0441\u0435\u0439\u0434\u043e\u043d\u0430'}, 58161041: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 17915186: None, 69118514: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 2557718: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 327255: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'ENYO', 'id': 415095, 'name': u'\u042d\u041d\u0418\u041e'}, 5471194: None, 22453883: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 2893852: None} [S] [2017_11_11 17:18:40] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 58161041 {'jid': '58161041@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Y_O_R_K_2015', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:18:46] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 2557718 {'jid': '2557718@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'NSDRP', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:18:46] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {2557718: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}} [S] [2017_11_11 17:19:32] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 22453883 {'jid': '22453883@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'vova1972ruzan', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 17:19:36] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 58161041 {'jid': '58161041@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Y_O_R_K_2015', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 17:20:30] (, 94391359434474, 125): getClanTeams, ('send request',) [S] [2017_11_11 17:20:30] receivePreBattles() PreBattleType: 3 Num: 0 Free: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:20:30] ClanDataHubUtils.updateClanPreBattles [] [S] [2017_11_11 17:20:34] [DivisionEntranceContext] createAndInviteToDivision: 2557718.0 NSDRP 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:20:34] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4288624624 2 [S] [2017_11_11 17:20:34] enterPreBattle() 1703686 [S] [2017_11_11 17:20:34] Account.enterPreBattle: (164) (1, 432359, (0, 0, 10, -1, 1, '', 0), 537109318, 5595999, u'', 1, None, 3, [(537109318, 5595999, 'Tier099', 4288624624L, 0, 2, False, True, True, 15, 0, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0)], [], (0, 0), 0, 1510410036187L, 2, False, [], {'nonClanMembersCount': 0}) [S] [2017_11_11 17:20:34] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived prebattle 3 [S] [2017_11_11 17:20:34] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: DIVISION channelsGroupsIds: [] [S] [2017_11_11 17:20:34] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored True [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel True self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 17:20:34] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 5595999 Tier099 2 2 (430246, u'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 17:20:34] [DivisionEntranceContext] __onEnterDivision: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:20:34] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [4, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 17:20:34] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 17:20:34] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [4, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 17:20:34] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [4, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 17:20:34] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 17:20:34] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [4, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 17:20:34] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [4, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 17:20:34] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 17:20:34] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [4, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 17:20:34] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:20:34] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:20:34] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:20:34] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:20:34] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:20:34] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:20:34] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:20:34] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:20:34] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:20:34] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:20:34] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:20:34] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:20:34] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [4, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 17:20:34] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 17:20:34] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [4, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 17:20:34] DivisionProxy.setSelectedQueueType() already selected 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:20:34] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:20:34] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:20:34] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:20:34] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:20:34] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:20:34] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:20:34] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:20:34] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:20:34] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:20:34] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:20:34] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:20:34] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:20:34] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 2, 'sourceId': 1, 'idInGroup': 2, 'divisionType': 'division', 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_UI_YOUR_ACTION_IN_DIVISION_0_DIVISION', 'actionId': 0, 'groupId': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 17:20:34] DivisionProxy.sendInvite: 2557718.0 NSDRP 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:20:34] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onEnterPreBattle: None [S] [2017_11_11 17:20:36] Account.onInviteSent: 0 2557718 NSDRP [S] [2017_11_11 17:20:36] DivisionProxy.onInviteSent() 0 2557718 [S] [2017_11_11 17:20:36] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 432359 (203915, 2557718, 'NSDRP', None, -1, 1, False, 1, False, 15, 0, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 1510410336) 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:20:36] DivisionProxy.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=203915, dbid=2557718, name='NSDRP', shipId=None, teamId=-1, state=1, isInBattle=False, isConnected=1, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=1510410336) 1 {} [S] [2017_11_11 17:20:36] [DivisionConxtext] __onInvitedPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 17:20:36] availableShipParts 63 [S] [2017_11_11 17:20:37] [DivisionEntranceContext] createAndInviteToDivision: 69118514.0 RenamedUser_69118514 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:20:37] DivisionProxy.sendInvite: 69118514.0 RenamedUser_69118514 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:20:37] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_11 17:20:37] Account.onInviteSent: 0 69118514 RenamedUser_69118514 [S] [2017_11_11 17:20:37] DivisionProxy.onInviteSent() 0 69118514 [S] [2017_11_11 17:20:37] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 432359 (537082533, 69118514, 'RenamedUser_69118514', None, -1, 1, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 1510410339) 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:20:37] DivisionProxy.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537082533, dbid=69118514, name='RenamedUser_69118514', shipId=None, teamId=-1, state=1, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=1510410339) 1 {203915: {'playerEntity': [Entity: id:2370 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'clanman', 'accountLevel', 'accountRank', 'accountStatus', 'contact', 'elementInGroups', 'channelParticipant', 'teamKiller', 'searchResultItem', 'preBattlePlayerSimple', 'playerInvitedToPrebattleInfo']], 'creationTime': 1510410037.0590055, 'expirationTime': 1510410336, 'plInfo': PreBattlePlayerDump(id=203915, dbid=2557718, name='NSDRP', shipId=None, teamId=-1, state=1, isInBattle=False, isConnected=1, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=1510410336), 'isIgnored': False}} [S] [2017_11_11 17:20:37] [DivisionConxtext] __onInvitedPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 17:20:55] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 432359 (203915, 2557718, 'NSDRP', None, 0, 1, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0) 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:20:55] DivisionProxy.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=203915, dbid=2557718, name='NSDRP', shipId=None, teamId=0, state=1, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=0) 0 {203915: {'playerEntity': [Entity: id:2370 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'clanman', 'accountLevel', 'accountRank', 'accountStatus', 'contact', 'elementInGroups', 'channelParticipant', 'teamKiller', 'searchResultItem', 'preBattlePlayerSimple', 'playerInvitedToPrebattleInfo']], 'creationTime': 1510410037.0590055, 'expirationTime': 1510410336, 'plInfo': PreBattlePlayerDump(id=203915, dbid=2557718, name='NSDRP', shipId=None, teamId=-1, state=1, isInBattle=False, isConnected=1, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=1510410336), 'isIgnored': False}, 537082533: {'playerEntity': [Entity: id:2963 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'clanman', 'accountLevel', 'accountRank', 'accountStatus', 'contact', 'elementInGroups', 'channelParticipant', 'teamKiller', 'searchResultItem', 'preBattlePlayerSimple', 'playerInvitedToPrebattleInfo']], 'creationTime': 1510410038.4300053, 'expirationTime': 1510410339, 'plInfo': PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537082533, dbid=69118514, name='RenamedUser_69118514', shipId=None, teamId=-1, state=1, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=1510410339), 'isIgnored': False}} [S] [2017_11_11 17:20:55] playersToInvite {203915: {'playerEntity': [Entity: id:2370 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'clanman', 'accountLevel', 'accountRank', 'accountStatus', 'contact', 'elementInGroups', 'channelParticipant', 'teamKiller', 'searchResultItem', 'preBattlePlayerSimple', 'playerInvitedToPrebattleInfo']], 'creationTime': 1510410037.0590055, 'expirationTime': 1510410336, 'plInfo': PreBattlePlayerDump(id=203915, dbid=2557718, name='NSDRP', shipId=None, teamId=-1, state=1, isInBattle=False, isConnected=1, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=1510410336), 'isIgnored': False}, 537082533: {'playerEntity': [Entity: id:2963 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'clanman', 'accountLevel', 'accountRank', 'accountStatus', 'contact', 'elementInGroups', 'channelParticipant', 'teamKiller', 'searchResultItem', 'preBattlePlayerSimple', 'playerInvitedToPrebattleInfo']], 'creationTime': 1510410038.4300053, 'expirationTime': 1510410339, 'plInfo': PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537082533, dbid=69118514, name='RenamedUser_69118514', shipId=None, teamId=-1, state=1, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=1510410339), 'isIgnored': False}} [S] [2017_11_11 17:20:55] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'eventId': 'PLAYER_ACCEPTED_INVITATION', 'typeId': 4, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_UI_INVITATION_ACTION_1_DIVISION', 'playerName': 'NSDRP', 'idInGroup': 4, 'divisionType': 'division', 'sourceId': 1, 'actionId': 1, 'groupId': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 17:20:55] [DivisionConxtext] __onInvitedPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 17:20:55] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 2557718 {'jid': '2557718@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'NSDRP', 'clanInfo': (430246, u'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:20:55] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 17:20:55] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [4, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 17:20:55] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 17:20:55] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [4, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 17:20:55] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 432359 (203915, 2557718, 'NSDRP', None, 0, 1, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0) 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:20:55] DivisionProxy.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=203915, dbid=2557718, name='NSDRP', shipId=None, teamId=0, state=1, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=0) 0 {537082533: {'playerEntity': [Entity: id:2963 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'clanman', 'accountLevel', 'accountRank', 'accountStatus', 'contact', 'elementInGroups', 'channelParticipant', 'teamKiller', 'searchResultItem', 'preBattlePlayerSimple', 'playerInvitedToPrebattleInfo']], 'creationTime': 1510410038.4300053, 'expirationTime': 1510410339, 'plInfo': PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537082533, dbid=69118514, name='RenamedUser_69118514', shipId=None, teamId=-1, state=1, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=1510410339), 'isIgnored': False}} [S] [2017_11_11 17:20:55] playersToInvite {537082533: {'playerEntity': [Entity: id:2963 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'clanman', 'accountLevel', 'accountRank', 'accountStatus', 'contact', 'elementInGroups', 'channelParticipant', 'teamKiller', 'searchResultItem', 'preBattlePlayerSimple', 'playerInvitedToPrebattleInfo']], 'creationTime': 1510410038.4300053, 'expirationTime': 1510410339, 'plInfo': PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537082533, dbid=69118514, name='RenamedUser_69118514', shipId=None, teamId=-1, state=1, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=1510410339), 'isIgnored': False}} [S] [2017_11_11 17:20:55] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 2557718 {'jid': '2557718@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'NSDRP', 'clanInfo': (430246, u'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:20:55] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 17:20:55] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [4, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 17:20:55] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 17:20:55] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [4, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:11] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:11] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:11] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:11] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:11] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:11] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:11] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:11] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:11] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:11] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:11] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:11] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:12] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:13] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:13] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 432359 (203915, 2557718, 'NSDRP', 4185798448L, 0, 2, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0) 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:13] DivisionProxy.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=203915, dbid=2557718, name='NSDRP', shipId=4185798448L, teamId=0, state=2, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=0) 0 {537082533: {'playerEntity': [Entity: id:2963 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'clanman', 'accountLevel', 'accountRank', 'accountStatus', 'contact', 'elementInGroups', 'channelParticipant', 'teamKiller', 'searchResultItem', 'preBattlePlayerSimple', 'playerInvitedToPrebattleInfo']], 'creationTime': 1510410038.4300053, 'expirationTime': 1510410339, 'plInfo': PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537082533, dbid=69118514, name='RenamedUser_69118514', shipId=None, teamId=-1, state=1, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=1510410339), 'isIgnored': False}} [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:13] playersToInvite {537082533: {'playerEntity': [Entity: id:2963 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'clanman', 'accountLevel', 'accountRank', 'accountStatus', 'contact', 'elementInGroups', 'channelParticipant', 'teamKiller', 'searchResultItem', 'preBattlePlayerSimple', 'playerInvitedToPrebattleInfo']], 'creationTime': 1510410038.4300053, 'expirationTime': 1510410339, 'plInfo': PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537082533, dbid=69118514, name='RenamedUser_69118514', shipId=None, teamId=-1, state=1, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=1510410339), 'isIgnored': False}} [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:13] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 2557718 {'jid': '2557718@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'NSDRP', 'clanInfo': (430246, u'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:13] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:13] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [4, 5], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:13] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:13] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [4, 5], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:15] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 71811251 {'jid': '71811251@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Leogon_1', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:17] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:17] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:17] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:17] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:17] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:17] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:17] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:17] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:17] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:17] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:17] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:17] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:18] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:18] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:22] DivisionProxy.setReady: 0 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:22] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4288624624 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:22] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 432359 (537109318, 5595999, 'Tier099', None, 0, 1, False, True, True, 15, 0, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0) 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:22] DivisionProxy.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537109318, dbid=5595999, name='Tier099', shipId=None, teamId=0, state=1, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=True, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=0) 0 {537082533: {'playerEntity': [Entity: id:2963 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'clanman', 'accountLevel', 'accountRank', 'accountStatus', 'contact', 'elementInGroups', 'channelParticipant', 'teamKiller', 'searchResultItem', 'preBattlePlayerSimple', 'playerInvitedToPrebattleInfo']], 'creationTime': 1510410038.4300053, 'expirationTime': 1510410339, 'plInfo': PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537082533, dbid=69118514, name='RenamedUser_69118514', shipId=None, teamId=-1, state=1, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=1510410339), 'isIgnored': False}} [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:22] playersToInvite {537082533: {'playerEntity': [Entity: id:2963 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'clanman', 'accountLevel', 'accountRank', 'accountStatus', 'contact', 'elementInGroups', 'channelParticipant', 'teamKiller', 'searchResultItem', 'preBattlePlayerSimple', 'playerInvitedToPrebattleInfo']], 'creationTime': 1510410038.4300053, 'expirationTime': 1510410339, 'plInfo': PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537082533, dbid=69118514, name='RenamedUser_69118514', shipId=None, teamId=-1, state=1, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=1510410339), 'isIgnored': False}} [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:22] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 5595999 {'jid': '5595999@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Tier099', 'clanInfo': (430246, u'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:22] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:22] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [3, 5], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:22] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:22] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 2], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [3, 5], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:22] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:22] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [3, 5], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:23] DivisionProxy.setReady: 4185798448 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:23] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4185798448 2 [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:23] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 432359 (537109318, 5595999, 'Tier099', 4185798448L, 0, 2, False, True, True, 15, 0, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0) 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:23] DivisionProxy.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537109318, dbid=5595999, name='Tier099', shipId=4185798448L, teamId=0, state=2, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=True, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=0) 0 {537082533: {'playerEntity': [Entity: id:2963 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'clanman', 'accountLevel', 'accountRank', 'accountStatus', 'contact', 'elementInGroups', 'channelParticipant', 'teamKiller', 'searchResultItem', 'preBattlePlayerSimple', 'playerInvitedToPrebattleInfo']], 'creationTime': 1510410038.4300053, 'expirationTime': 1510410339, 'plInfo': PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537082533, dbid=69118514, name='RenamedUser_69118514', shipId=None, teamId=-1, state=1, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=1510410339), 'isIgnored': False}} [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:23] playersToInvite {537082533: {'playerEntity': [Entity: id:2963 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'clanman', 'accountLevel', 'accountRank', 'accountStatus', 'contact', 'elementInGroups', 'channelParticipant', 'teamKiller', 'searchResultItem', 'preBattlePlayerSimple', 'playerInvitedToPrebattleInfo']], 'creationTime': 1510410038.4300053, 'expirationTime': 1510410339, 'plInfo': PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537082533, dbid=69118514, name='RenamedUser_69118514', shipId=None, teamId=-1, state=1, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=1510410339), 'isIgnored': False}} [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:23] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 5595999 {'jid': '5595999@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Tier099', 'clanInfo': (430246, u'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:23] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:23] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 2], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [3, 5], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:23] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:23] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 2], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [3, 5], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:24] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:24] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:24] Account.enqueue(): 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:24] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 2], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [3, 5], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:24] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:24] DivisionProxy.start 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:24] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 2], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [3, 5], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:24] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:25] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 432359 (203915, 2557718, 'NSDRP', 4185798448L, 0, 3, True, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0) 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:25] DivisionProxy.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=203915, dbid=2557718, name='NSDRP', shipId=4185798448L, teamId=0, state=3, isInBattle=True, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=0) 0 {537082533: {'playerEntity': [Entity: id:2963 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'clanman', 'accountLevel', 'accountRank', 'accountStatus', 'contact', 'elementInGroups', 'channelParticipant', 'teamKiller', 'searchResultItem', 'preBattlePlayerSimple', 'playerInvitedToPrebattleInfo']], 'creationTime': 1510410038.4300053, 'expirationTime': 1510410339, 'plInfo': PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537082533, dbid=69118514, name='RenamedUser_69118514', shipId=None, teamId=-1, state=1, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=1510410339), 'isIgnored': False}} [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:25] playersToInvite {537082533: {'playerEntity': [Entity: id:2963 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'clanman', 'accountLevel', 'accountRank', 'accountStatus', 'contact', 'elementInGroups', 'channelParticipant', 'teamKiller', 'searchResultItem', 'preBattlePlayerSimple', 'playerInvitedToPrebattleInfo']], 'creationTime': 1510410038.4300053, 'expirationTime': 1510410339, 'plInfo': PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537082533, dbid=69118514, name='RenamedUser_69118514', shipId=None, teamId=-1, state=1, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=1510410339), 'isIgnored': False}} [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:25] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 2557718 {'jid': '2557718@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'NSDRP', 'clanInfo': (430246, u'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:25] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:25] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [3, 5], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 1, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:25] some players in battle 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:25] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [53] [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:25] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [3, 5], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 1, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:25] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 432359 (537109318, 5595999, 'Tier099', 4185798448L, 0, 3, True, True, True, 15, 0, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0) 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:25] DivisionProxy.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537109318, dbid=5595999, name='Tier099', shipId=4185798448L, teamId=0, state=3, isInBattle=True, isConnected=True, isAbuser=True, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=0) 0 {537082533: {'playerEntity': [Entity: id:2963 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'clanman', 'accountLevel', 'accountRank', 'accountStatus', 'contact', 'elementInGroups', 'channelParticipant', 'teamKiller', 'searchResultItem', 'preBattlePlayerSimple', 'playerInvitedToPrebattleInfo']], 'creationTime': 1510410038.4300053, 'expirationTime': 1510410339, 'plInfo': PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537082533, dbid=69118514, name='RenamedUser_69118514', shipId=None, teamId=-1, state=1, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=1510410339), 'isIgnored': False}} [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:25] playersToInvite {537082533: {'playerEntity': [Entity: id:2963 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'clanman', 'accountLevel', 'accountRank', 'accountStatus', 'contact', 'elementInGroups', 'channelParticipant', 'teamKiller', 'searchResultItem', 'preBattlePlayerSimple', 'playerInvitedToPrebattleInfo']], 'creationTime': 1510410038.4300053, 'expirationTime': 1510410339, 'plInfo': PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537082533, dbid=69118514, name='RenamedUser_69118514', shipId=None, teamId=-1, state=1, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=1510410339), 'isIgnored': False}} [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:25] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 5595999 {'jid': '5595999@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Tier099', 'clanInfo': (430246, u'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:25] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:25] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 2, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:25] some players in battle 2 [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:25] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [53] [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:25] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 2, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:25] some players in battle 2 [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:25] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [53] [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:25] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 2, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:25] onInviteRevoked() Player: 537082533 InviteResultId: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:25] DivisionProxy.onInviteRevoked() 537082533 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:25] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 432359 (537082533, 69118514, 'RenamedUser_69118514', None, -2, 1, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 1510410339) 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:25] DivisionProxy.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537082533, dbid=69118514, name='RenamedUser_69118514', shipId=None, teamId=-2, state=1, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=1510410339) 1 {537082533: {'playerEntity': [Entity: id:2963 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'clanman', 'accountLevel', 'accountRank', 'accountStatus', 'contact', 'elementInGroups', 'channelParticipant', 'teamKiller', 'searchResultItem', 'preBattlePlayerSimple', 'playerInvitedToPrebattleInfo']], 'creationTime': 1510410038.4300053, 'expirationTime': 1510410339, 'plInfo': PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537082533, dbid=69118514, name='RenamedUser_69118514', shipId=None, teamId=-1, state=1, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=1510410339), 'isIgnored': False}} [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:25] [DivisionConxtext] __onInvitedPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:25] onEnqueued() QueueType: 1 ShipId: 4185798448 mmDescription: {'useBots': False, 'onlyFullBattles': False, 'maxWait': 300} [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:25] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4185798448 4 [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:25] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 2557718 {'jid': '2557718@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'NSDRP', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:26] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {2557718: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}} [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:29] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 5595999 {'jid': '5595999@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Tier099', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:31] onPrepareingForBattle() [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:31] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4185798448 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:31] onGameRoomStateInit mapIdx = 5 battleType = 71 gameMode = Domination duration=1200 [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:35] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {62222528: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 69416610: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 71811251: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 6896454: None, 30937387: None, 26288674: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'GUAPS', 'id': 430164, 'name': u'\u0413\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0434\u0435\u0439\u0446\u044b \u041f\u043e\u0441\u0435\u0439\u0434\u043e\u043d\u0430'}, 58161041: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 17915186: None, 69118514: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 2557718: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 327255: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'ENYO', 'id': 415095, 'name': u'\u042d\u041d\u0418\u041e'}, 5471194: None, 22453883: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 2893852: None} [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:39] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:39] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened False [isChatBoxOpened] __updateChannelInfo channel.isChatBoxOpened False False [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:39] (, 80999132267601, 73): handleChannelError, ('room destroyed', 'prebattle', 3) [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:39] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened False GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:40] [LootboxProxyClient.destroy] [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:40] Avatar.receiveAvatarInfo: {'evaluationsLeft': {0: 7, 1: 7}} [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:40] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAvatar [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:40] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() False 0 0 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:40] Avatar.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:40] name Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:40] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:40] Avatar onControlled False [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:40] onControlled->False: not implemented [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:40] onGeometryMapped() MapName: 08_NE_passage [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:40] teamBuildType: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:40] player: Id: 203915 Name: NSDRP TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSD104_V_170 avatarId: 1122271 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:40] player: Id: 537108367 Name: ody77 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PISB505_Giulio_Cesare avatarId: 1122273 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:40] player: Id: 537014872 Name: joker134rus_2017 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSD104_Izyaslav avatarId: 1122275 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:40] player: Id: 184210 Name: zapoj TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSA006_Zuiho_1944 avatarId: 1122277 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:40] player: Id: 329493 Name: JJ_Saransk TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSC105_Kirov avatarId: 1122279 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:40] player: Id: 288409 Name: as_ds_1 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSA006_Zuiho_1944 avatarId: 1122281 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:40] player: Id: 537101981 Name: havnsnir TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSB505_Oktyabrskaya_Revolutsiya avatarId: 1122289 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:40] player: Id: 537117728 Name: andreiproshin1974 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASA002_Bogue_1942 avatarId: 1122285 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:40] player: Id: 537129505 Name: navi139 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASC005_Omaha_1923 avatarId: 1122287 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:40] player: Id: 537058077 Name: Gozima TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSC005_Furutaka_1926 avatarId: 1122283 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:40] player: Id: 537226293 Name: maksim_boretskiy TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASA002_Bogue_1942 avatarId: 1122291 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:40] player: Id: 537176378 Name: ig_malakhov TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB004_Arkansas_1912 avatarId: 1122293 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:40] player: Id: 384187 Name: eskaliev TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASC005_Omaha_1923 avatarId: 1122295 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:40] player: Id: 537190851 Name: pahan1649 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSC104_Svetlana avatarId: 1122297 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:40] player: Id: 537109318 Name: Tier099 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSD104_V_170 avatarId: 1122299 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:40] player: Id: 537113034 Name: DED31 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB004_Arkansas_1912 avatarId: 1122301 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:40] player: Id: 537140690 Name: staer72_2017 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSC105_Kirov avatarId: 1122303 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:40] player: Id: 537098840 Name: Ig_Dan TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSD003_Isokaze_1917 avatarId: 1122305 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:40] player: Id: 537109341 Name: pomotrosil TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSB104_Kaiser avatarId: 1122307 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:40] player: Id: 309477 Name: dimasik291997 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSC104_Svetlana avatarId: 1122311 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:40] player: Id: 151013 Name: Zarvin_ TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSC105_Kirov avatarId: 1122309 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:40] player: Id: 314743 Name: GreatHP TeamId: 0 ShipName: PBSB105_Iron_Duke avatarId: 1122313 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:40] player: Id: 537121401 Name: lihom TeamId: 1 ShipName: PBSB105_Iron_Duke avatarId: 1122315 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:40] player: Id: 537259131 Name: fylfot75 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB004_Arkansas_1912 avatarId: 1122317 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:40] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537301352, 0, 0, 1122279, 1510410092800L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:40] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537301352: PreBattleInfo: id: 537301352, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1122279, creationTime 1510410092800, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:40] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (432359, 0, 0, 1122271, 1510410092802L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:40] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537301352: PreBattleInfo: id: 537301352, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1122279, creationTime 1510410092800, hidden False, locked False , 432359: PreBattleInfo: id: 432359, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1122271, creationTime 1510410092802, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:40] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (432359, 0, 0, 1122299, 1510410092802L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:40] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537301352: PreBattleInfo: id: 537301352, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1122279, creationTime 1510410092800, hidden False, locked False , 432359: PreBattleInfo: id: 432359, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1122299, creationTime 1510410092802, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:40] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (432359, 0, 0, 1122299, 1510410092802L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:40] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537301352: PreBattleInfo: id: 537301352, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1122279, creationTime 1510410092800, hidden False, locked False , 432359: PreBattleInfo: id: 432359, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1122299, creationTime 1510410092802, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:40] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (432359, 0, 0, 1122299, 1510410092802L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:40] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537301352: PreBattleInfo: id: 537301352, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1122279, creationTime 1510410092800, hidden False, locked False , 432359: PreBattleInfo: id: 432359, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1122299, creationTime 1510410092802, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:40] Avatar.enterPrebattle [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:41] (, 39965384947628, 149): 1122269; BattleLogic() [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:41] (, 39965384947628, 149): 1122269; onEnterWorld() State: {attentionMarkers: [], clientAnimations: None, controlPoints: [{position: [0.0, 349.99981689453125], radius: 100.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [0.0, 0.0], radius: 100.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [0.0, -349.99981689453125], radius: 100.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}], entityStates: [], expectedActions: None, interactiveZones: [], weather: {globalWeatherId: 1122270, localWeather: [], entityLogicParams: []}, keyObjects: [], missions: {hold: [{reward: 3, penalty: 0, cpIndices: [0, 1, 2], period: 5}], capture: [], destroy: [], suppress: [], kill: [{reward: 30, penalty: 45, shipType: 'Destroyer'}, {reward: 35, penalty: 50, shipType: 'Cruiser'}, {reward: 40, penalty: 60, shipType: 'Battleship'}, {reward: 45, penalty: 65, shipType: 'AirCarrier'}], teamsScore: [300, 300], teamWinScore: 1000, teamLoseScore: 0}, resources: [], successStoryProgress: [], screenplayMessage: '', tasks: [], minefields: [], entities: [], effects: []} [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:41] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:41] BattleDataContext.__onEnterSpace [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:44] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:46] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:58] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (432372, 1, 0, 1122287, 1510410119822L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:58] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537301352: PreBattleInfo: id: 537301352, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1122279, creationTime 1510410092800, hidden False, locked False , 432372: PreBattleInfo: id: 432372, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1122287, creationTime 1510410119822, hidden False, locked False , 432359: PreBattleInfo: id: 432359, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1122299, creationTime 1510410092802, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:58] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (432372, 1, 0, 1122287, 1510410119822L, False, 0) [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:58] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537301352: PreBattleInfo: id: 537301352, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1122279, creationTime 1510410092800, hidden False, locked False , 432372: PreBattleInfo: id: 432372, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1122287, creationTime 1510410119822, hidden False, locked 0 , 432359: PreBattleInfo: id: 432359, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1122299, creationTime 1510410092802, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:58] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (432372, 1, 0, 1122287, 1510410119822L, False, 0) [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:58] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537301352: PreBattleInfo: id: 537301352, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1122279, creationTime 1510410092800, hidden False, locked False , 432372: PreBattleInfo: id: 432372, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1122287, creationTime 1510410119822, hidden False, locked 0 , 432359: PreBattleInfo: id: 432359, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1122299, creationTime 1510410092802, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:58] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (432372, 1, 1, 1122287, 1510410119822L, False, 0) [S] [2017_11_11 17:21:58] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537301352: PreBattleInfo: id: 537301352, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1122279, creationTime 1510410092800, hidden False, locked False , 432372: PreBattleInfo: id: 432372, occupied: 1, sign: 1, ownerId 1122287, creationTime 1510410119822, hidden False, locked 0 , 432359: PreBattleInfo: id: 432359, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1122299, creationTime 1510410092802, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 17:22:03] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:22:03] id 1122274 [S] [2017_11_11 17:22:03] name ody77 [S] [2017_11_11 17:22:03] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:22:03] [Weather][3846] onEnterWorld (map spaces/08_NE_passage/weathers.xml, scheme 2, weather 0) [S] [2017_11_11 17:22:03] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:22:03] id 1122300 [S] [2017_11_11 17:22:03] name Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 17:22:03] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:22:03] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 17:22:03] Avatar.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 17:22:03] ! A.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 17:22:03] BattleDataContext.__onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 17:22:04] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:22:04] id 1122298 [S] [2017_11_11 17:22:04] name pahan1649 [S] [2017_11_11 17:22:04] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:22:04] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:22:04] id 1122272 [S] [2017_11_11 17:22:04] name NSDRP [S] [2017_11_11 17:22:04] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:22:04] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:22:04] id 1122314 [S] [2017_11_11 17:22:04] name GreatHP [S] [2017_11_11 17:22:04] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:22:04] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:22:04] id 1122292 [S] [2017_11_11 17:22:04] name maksim_boretskiy [S] [2017_11_11 17:22:04] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:22:04] @ launchpadAppeared 1122292 [S] [2017_11_11 17:22:04] Avatar.onWorldStateReceived [S] [2017_11_11 17:22:04] BattleChatSystem IN Context [S] [2017_11_11 17:22:04] DEBUG: onChatMessage args ('', '', {'playerClanTag': u'', 'playerName': 'navi139', 'prebattleId': 432372, 'playerAvatarId': 1122287, 'preBattleSign': 1, 'type': 4}) [S] [2017_11_11 17:22:04] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:22:04] id 1122310 [S] [2017_11_11 17:22:04] name Zarvin_ [S] [2017_11_11 17:22:04] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:22:06] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 17:22:07] ('[ERROR] FeedbackController: empty config for event repair_finished',) [S] [2017_11_11 17:22:07] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 17:22:14] DEBUG: onChatMessage args ('', '', {'playerClanTag': u'', 'playerName': 'GreatHP', 'prebattleId': 432372, 'playerAvatarId': 1122313, 'preBattleSign': 1, 'type': 4}) [S] [2017_11_11 17:22:14] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (432372, 1, 0, 1122287, 1510410119822L, False, 0) [S] [2017_11_11 17:22:14] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537301352: PreBattleInfo: id: 537301352, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1122279, creationTime 1510410092800, hidden False, locked False , 432372: PreBattleInfo: id: 432372, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1122287, creationTime 1510410119822, hidden False, locked 0 , 432359: PreBattleInfo: id: 432359, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1122299, creationTime 1510410092802, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 17:22:14] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (432372, 1, 0, 1122287, 1510410119822L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 17:22:14] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537301352: PreBattleInfo: id: 537301352, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1122279, creationTime 1510410092800, hidden False, locked False , 432372: PreBattleInfo: id: 432372, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1122287, creationTime 1510410119822, hidden False, locked False , 432359: PreBattleInfo: id: 432359, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1122299, creationTime 1510410092802, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 17:22:14] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (432372, 1, 0, 1122287, 1510410119822L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 17:22:14] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537301352: PreBattleInfo: id: 537301352, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1122279, creationTime 1510410092800, hidden False, locked False , 432372: PreBattleInfo: id: 432372, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1122287, creationTime 1510410119822, hidden False, locked False , 432359: PreBattleInfo: id: 432359, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1122299, creationTime 1510410092802, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 17:22:44] -= BATTLE STARTED =- [S] [2017_11_11 17:23:45] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:23:45] id 1122288 [S] [2017_11_11 17:23:45] name navi139 [S] [2017_11_11 17:23:45] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:23:45] @ launchpadAppeared 1122288 [S] [2017_11_11 17:24:27] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:24:27] id 1122304 [S] [2017_11_11 17:24:27] name staer72_2017 [S] [2017_11_11 17:24:27] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:24:30] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:24:30] id 1122290 [S] [2017_11_11 17:24:30] name havnsnir [S] [2017_11_11 17:24:30] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:24:32] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:24:32] id 1122312 [S] [2017_11_11 17:24:32] name dimasik291997 [S] [2017_11_11 17:24:32] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:24:32] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:24:32] id 1122276 [S] [2017_11_11 17:24:32] name joker134rus_2017 [S] [2017_11_11 17:24:32] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:24:34] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:24:34] id 1122296 [S] [2017_11_11 17:24:34] name eskaliev [S] [2017_11_11 17:24:34] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:24:34] @ launchpadAppeared 1122296 [S] [2017_11_11 17:24:35] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 17:24:43] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 17:24:46] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:24:46] id 1122318 [S] [2017_11_11 17:24:46] name fylfot75 [S] [2017_11_11 17:24:46] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:24:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:24:47] id 1122312 [S] [2017_11_11 17:24:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:24:52] id 1122292 [S] [2017_11_11 17:24:52] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:24:58] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:24:58] id 1122302 [S] [2017_11_11 17:24:58] name DED31 [S] [2017_11_11 17:24:58] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:25:09] Avatar.receivePlayerData: (203915, 2557718, 'NSDRP', 4185798448L, 0, 3, True, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0) 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:25:09] DivisionProxyBattle.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=203915, dbid=2557718, name='NSDRP', shipId=4185798448L, teamId=0, state=3, isInBattle=True, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=0) 0 {} [S] [2017_11_11 17:25:09] playersToInvite {} [S] [2017_11_11 17:25:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:25:10] id 1122318 [S] [2017_11_11 17:25:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:25:16] id 1122302 [S] [2017_11_11 17:25:16] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 17:25:22] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 17:25:28] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 17:25:35] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 17:25:40] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:25:40] id 1122302 [S] [2017_11_11 17:25:40] name DED31 [S] [2017_11_11 17:25:40] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:25:46] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:25:46] id 1122306 [S] [2017_11_11 17:25:46] name Ig_Dan [S] [2017_11_11 17:25:46] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:25:49] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 17:25:51] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 17:25:55] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 58161041 {'jid': '58161041@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Y_O_R_K_2015', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:25:59] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 17:25:59] DEBUG: onChatMessage args ('', '', {'avatarId': 1122307, 'achievementId': 4277330864L, 'type': -1}) [S] [2017_11_11 17:26:03] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 17:26:05] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 17:26:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:26:11] id 1122304 [S] [2017_11_11 17:26:16] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 17:26:17] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 17:26:32] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:26:32] id 1122280 [S] [2017_11_11 17:26:32] name JJ_Saransk [S] [2017_11_11 17:26:32] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:26:32] @ launchpadAppeared 1122280 [S] [2017_11_11 17:26:37] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 17:26:44] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:26:44] id 1122278 [S] [2017_11_11 17:26:44] name zapoj [S] [2017_11_11 17:26:44] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:26:44] @ launchpadAppeared 1122278 [S] [2017_11_11 17:26:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:26:51] id 1122290 [S] [2017_11_11 17:26:55] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 17:26:55] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:26:59] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:26:59] id 1122290 [S] [2017_11_11 17:26:59] name havnsnir [S] [2017_11_11 17:26:59] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:27:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:27:01] id 1122290 [S] [2017_11_11 17:27:04] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:27:04] id 1122290 [S] [2017_11_11 17:27:04] name havnsnir [S] [2017_11_11 17:27:04] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:27:12] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:27:12] id 1122318 [S] [2017_11_11 17:27:12] name fylfot75 [S] [2017_11_11 17:27:12] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:27:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:27:16] id 1122280 [S] [2017_11_11 17:27:16] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:27:27] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:27:27] id 1122306 [S] [2017_11_11 17:27:27] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:27:27] id 1122312 [S] [2017_11_11 17:27:27] name dimasik291997 [S] [2017_11_11 17:27:27] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:27:29] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:27:29] id 1122290 [S] [2017_11_11 17:27:31] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:27:31] id 1122290 [S] [2017_11_11 17:27:31] name havnsnir [S] [2017_11_11 17:27:31] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:27:40] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 35853511 {'jid': '35853511@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'toshidzu', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:27:41] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 17:27:42] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:27:42] id 1122308 [S] [2017_11_11 17:27:42] name pomotrosil [S] [2017_11_11 17:27:42] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:27:42] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:27:42] id 1122306 [S] [2017_11_11 17:27:42] name Ig_Dan [S] [2017_11_11 17:27:42] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:27:43] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:27:43] id 1122302 [S] [2017_11_11 17:27:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:27:47] id 1122318 [S] [2017_11_11 17:27:48] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 17:27:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:27:48] id 1122304 [S] [2017_11_11 17:27:48] name staer72_2017 [S] [2017_11_11 17:27:48] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:27:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:27:48] id 1122280 [S] [2017_11_11 17:27:48] name JJ_Saransk [S] [2017_11_11 17:27:48] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:27:48] @ launchpadAppeared 1122280 [S] [2017_11_11 17:27:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:27:48] id 1122318 [S] [2017_11_11 17:27:48] name fylfot75 [S] [2017_11_11 17:27:48] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:27:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:27:48] id 1122294 [S] [2017_11_11 17:27:48] name ig_malakhov [S] [2017_11_11 17:27:48] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:27:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:27:48] id 1122292 [S] [2017_11_11 17:27:48] name maksim_boretskiy [S] [2017_11_11 17:27:48] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:27:48] @ launchpadAppeared 1122292 [S] [2017_11_11 17:27:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:27:48] id 1122302 [S] [2017_11_11 17:27:48] name DED31 [S] [2017_11_11 17:27:48] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:27:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:27:48] id 1122316 [S] [2017_11_11 17:27:48] name lihom [S] [2017_11_11 17:27:48] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:27:48] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 17:27:48] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 17:27:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:27:48] id 1122290 [S] [2017_11_11 17:27:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:27:50] id 1122290 [S] [2017_11_11 17:27:50] name havnsnir [S] [2017_11_11 17:27:50] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:27:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:27:50] id 1122284 [S] [2017_11_11 17:27:50] name Gozima [S] [2017_11_11 17:27:50] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:27:50] @ launchpadAppeared 1122284 [S] [2017_11_11 17:27:56] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 17:28:12] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:28:12] id 1122280 [S] [2017_11_11 17:28:12] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:28:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:28:16] id 1122306 [S] [2017_11_11 17:28:16] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:28:16] id 1122306 [S] [2017_11_11 17:28:16] name Ig_Dan [S] [2017_11_11 17:28:16] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:28:19] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 17:28:19] DEBUG: onChatMessage args ('', '', {'avatarId': 1122289, 'achievementId': 4282573744L, 'type': -1}) [S] [2017_11_11 17:28:19] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 17:28:29] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 17:28:33] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 17:28:34] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 17:28:35] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 17:28:44] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 17:28:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:28:47] id 1122316 [S] [2017_11_11 17:28:49] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 17:28:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:28:51] id 1122284 [S] [2017_11_11 17:28:51] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:28:53] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 17:28:59] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:28:59] id 1122316 [S] [2017_11_11 17:28:59] name lihom [S] [2017_11_11 17:28:59] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:10] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 35853511 {'jid': '35853511@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'toshidzu', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:14] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:14] id 1122284 [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:14] name Gozima [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:14] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:14] @ launchpadAppeared 1122284 [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:15] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:19] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: GameMenu, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:20] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: GameMenu, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:20] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:20] id 1122316 [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:21] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: SimpleModalWindow, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:23] setFpsGathererActive(False) [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:23] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:24] (, 39965384947628, 149): 1122269; onLeaveWorld() [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:24] [Weather][3846] onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:24] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:24] id 1122272 [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:24] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:24] id 1122274 [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:24] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:24] id 1122276 [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:24] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:24] id 1122278 [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:24] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:24] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:24] id 1122284 [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:24] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:24] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:24] id 1122288 [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:24] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:24] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:24] id 1122290 [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:24] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:24] id 1122292 [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:24] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:24] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:24] id 1122294 [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:24] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:24] id 1122296 [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:24] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:24] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:24] id 1122298 [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:24] Avatar.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:24] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOver [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:24] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOut [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:24] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:24] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:24] id 1122300 [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:24] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:24] id 1122302 [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:24] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:24] id 1122304 [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:24] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:24] id 1122306 [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:24] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:24] id 1122308 [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:24] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:24] id 1122310 [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:24] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:24] id 1122312 [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:24] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:24] id 1122314 [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:24] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:24] id 1122318 [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:25] Account.__init__() [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:25] [Account debuG]: __init__() Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:25] ClanProxy.setChatHandler [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:25] XmppChatHandler.joinClanChannel() 430246 [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:25] ClanProxy.setInteractiveMessageData [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:25] Exception BigWorld.EntityIsDestroyedException: 'Account 537109318 has been destroyed' in ignored [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:25] onBecomePlayer() [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:25] UserDataGate.onGetConnection [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:25] UserDataGate.onGetConnection(): 5595999 [Entity: id:3154 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'teamKiller', 'accountLevel', 'clanman', 'accountSelf', 'incompleteAccount', 'channelParticipant', 'accountStatus', 'accountRank']] Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:25] leaveBattleSession() Reason: 0 Info: {'survey_id': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:25] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:25] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:26] BattleChatSystem OUT OF Context [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:26] Exception BigWorld.EntityIsDestroyedException: 'Avatar 1122299 has been destroyed' in ignored [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:26] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:26] Sent FPS data [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:26] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAccount [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:26] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() True 0 0 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:26] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:26] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:26] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4161159088 {('Default', 4283604912L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 7, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:26] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4160110512 {('Resource', 0, 0): 100000, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 8, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:26] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q04 {('Default', 4271730608L, 0): 5, ('Default', 4269633456L, 0): 5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u041e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c \u043d\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u041e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c \u043d\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'} [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:26] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4162207664 {('Default', 4279410608L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 6, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:26] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22468_q03 {('Default', 4263440304L, 0): 5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'} [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:26] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4156964784 {'desc': (), ('Resource', 0, 0): 100000} {'taskNumber': 11, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:26] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4154867632 {('Default', 4284313520L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 13, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:26] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q01 {('ResourceCoeff', 21, 17): 3.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 30): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 9): 12.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 32): 3.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 10): 1.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 28): 3.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 14): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 11): 1.5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'}, 0, 0)} {'type': 'challenge', 'titleText': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'} [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:26] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4167450544 {'desc': (), ('Resource', 16, 0): 500} {'taskNumber': 1, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:26] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4163256240 {('Default', 4282556336L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 5, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:26] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 14 [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:26] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:26] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 14. Boxes contents: [{4288852912L: {(0, 4283622320L): 1}, 4284658608L: {(0, 4274185136L): 1}, 4283610032L: {(0, 4273136560L): 1}, 4289901488L: {(0, 4289913776L): 1}}] [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:28] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:28] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:29] Sent FPS data [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:29] enterPreBattle() 1703686 [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:29] Account.enterPreBattle: (200) (1, 432359, (0, 0, 10, -1, 1, '', 0), 537109318, 5595999, u'', 1, None, 3, [(203915, 2557718, 'NSDRP', 4185798448L, 0, 3, True, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0), (537109318, 5595999, 'Tier099', None, 0, 1, False, True, True, 15, 0, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0)], [], (0, 0), False, 1510410092802L, 2, False, [], {'nonClanMembersCount': 0}) [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:29] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived prebattle 3 [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:29] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: DIVISION channelsGroupsIds: [] [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:29] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel True self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:29] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 2557718 NSDRP 2 2 (430246, u'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:29] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 5595999 Tier099 2 2 (430246, u'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:29] [DivisionEntranceContext] __onEnterDivision: 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:29] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 1, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:29] some players in battle 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:29] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [53] [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:29] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 1, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:29] some players in battle 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:29] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [53] [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:29] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 1, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:29] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 1, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:29] some players in battle 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:29] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [53] [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:29] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 1, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:29] some players in battle 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:29] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [53] [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:29] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 1, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:29] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onEnterPreBattle: None [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:29] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:29] (, 86904481544477, 21): joinChannel, ('already joined', 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc') [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:29] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 22453883 vova1972ruzan 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:29] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 2557718 NSDRP 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:29] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 35853511 toshidzu 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:29] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 5595999 Tier099 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:29] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 58161041 Y_O_R_K_2015 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:29] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 69118514 RenamedUser_69118514 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:29] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 71811251 Leogon_1 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:35] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:35] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:35] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:35] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:35] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:35] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:35] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:35] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:35] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:35] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:35] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:35] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:35] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:35] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:35] [Filters] saveFilters [] [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:35] [Filters] saveFilters [] [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:35] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:35] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:35] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 5595999 {'jid': '5595999@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Tier099', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:36] getModelPaths [] [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:37] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': 0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:37] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': -1.0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:37] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {58161041: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 2557718: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 2893852: None, 47955485: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'VAL', 'id': 426580, 'name': u'Valhalla'}, 69416610: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 5431337: None, 30937387: None, 17915186: None, 82478510: None, 4125104: {'color': 13395507, 'league': None, 'tag': u'O-P-G', 'id': 430167, 'name': u'OLDER PIRATE GUARD'}, 69118514: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 71811251: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 3271989: None, 74725051: None, 1885886: None, 62222528: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 8652483: None, 6896454: None, 35853511: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 13704267: None, 26288674: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'GUAPS', 'id': 430164, 'name': u'\u0413\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0434\u0435\u0439\u0446\u044b \u041f\u043e\u0441\u0435\u0439\u0434\u043e\u043d\u0430'}, 34510927: None, 66056267: None, 14572499: None, 327255: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'ENYO', 'id': 415095, 'name': u'\u042d\u041d\u0418\u041e'}, 5471194: None, 84161999: None, 498013: None, 78849251: None, 87738724: None, 66225125: {'color': 13395507, 'league': None, 'tag': u'PRK', 'id': 426204, 'name': u'Prosto Klan (\u0434\u043b\u044f \u0442\u0435\u0445 \u043a\u0442\u043e \u0445\u043e\u0447\u0435\u0442 \u0431\u044b\u0442\u044c \u0432 \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d\u0435)'}, 75587568: None, 6384374: None, 1074295: None, 77667706: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'KIDS', 'id': 424982, 'name': u'KIDS'}, 22453883: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 70507902: None} [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:56] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 432359 (203915, 2557718, 'NSDRP', None, 0, 1, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0) 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:56] DivisionProxy.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=203915, dbid=2557718, name='NSDRP', shipId=None, teamId=0, state=1, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=0) 0 {} [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:56] playersToInvite {} [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:56] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 2557718 {'jid': '2557718@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'NSDRP', 'clanInfo': (430246, u'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:56] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:56] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:56] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:56] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:56] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:56] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:57] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 2557718 {'jid': '2557718@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'NSDRP', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:29:57] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {2557718: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}} [S] [2017_11_11 17:30:15] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 17:30:15] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 17:30:15] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 1], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 17:30:15] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 17:30:15] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 17:30:19] availableShipParts 59 [S] [2017_11_11 17:30:19] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_11 17:30:19] DivisionProxy.setReady: 4287543280 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:30:19] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4287543280 2 [S] [2017_11_11 17:30:19] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 432359 (537109318, 5595999, 'Tier099', 4287543280L, 0, 2, False, True, True, 15, 0, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0) 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:30:19] DivisionProxy.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537109318, dbid=5595999, name='Tier099', shipId=4287543280L, teamId=0, state=2, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=True, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=0) 0 {} [S] [2017_11_11 17:30:19] playersToInvite {} [S] [2017_11_11 17:30:19] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 5595999 {'jid': '5595999@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Tier099', 'clanInfo': (430246, u'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:30:19] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 17:30:19] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 7], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 1], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 17:30:19] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 17:30:19] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 7], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 1], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 17:30:20] availableShipParts 59 [S] [2017_11_11 17:30:20] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_11 17:30:31] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 432359 (203915, 2557718, 'NSDRP', 4184782640L, 0, 2, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0) 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:30:31] DivisionProxy.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=203915, dbid=2557718, name='NSDRP', shipId=4184782640L, teamId=0, state=2, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=0) 0 {} [S] [2017_11_11 17:30:31] playersToInvite {} [S] [2017_11_11 17:30:31] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 2557718 {'jid': '2557718@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'NSDRP', 'clanInfo': (430246, u'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:30:31] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 17:30:31] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 2], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 17:30:31] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 17:30:31] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 2], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 17:30:36] Account.enqueue(): 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:30:36] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 2], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 17:30:36] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 17:30:36] DivisionProxy.start 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:30:36] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 2], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 17:30:36] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 17:30:36] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 432359 (203915, 2557718, 'NSDRP', 4184782640L, 0, 3, True, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0) 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:30:36] DivisionProxy.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=203915, dbid=2557718, name='NSDRP', shipId=4184782640L, teamId=0, state=3, isInBattle=True, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=0) 0 {} [S] [2017_11_11 17:30:36] playersToInvite {} [S] [2017_11_11 17:30:36] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 2557718 {'jid': '2557718@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'NSDRP', 'clanInfo': (430246, u'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 17:30:36] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 17:30:36] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 7], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 1, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 1], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 17:30:36] some players in battle 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:30:36] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [53] [S] [2017_11_11 17:30:36] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 7], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 1, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 1], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 17:30:36] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 432359 (537109318, 5595999, 'Tier099', 4287543280L, 0, 3, True, True, True, 15, 0, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0) 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:30:36] DivisionProxy.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537109318, dbid=5595999, name='Tier099', shipId=4287543280L, teamId=0, state=3, isInBattle=True, isConnected=True, isAbuser=True, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=0) 0 {} [S] [2017_11_11 17:30:36] playersToInvite {} [S] [2017_11_11 17:30:36] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 5595999 {'jid': '5595999@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Tier099', 'clanInfo': (430246, u'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 17:30:36] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 17:30:36] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 2, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 17:30:36] some players in battle 2 [S] [2017_11_11 17:30:36] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [53] [S] [2017_11_11 17:30:36] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 2, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 17:30:36] some players in battle 2 [S] [2017_11_11 17:30:36] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [53] [S] [2017_11_11 17:30:36] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 2, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 17:30:36] onEnqueued() QueueType: 1 ShipId: 4287543280 mmDescription: {'useBots': False, 'onlyFullBattles': False, 'maxWait': 300} [S] [2017_11_11 17:30:36] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4287543280 4 [S] [2017_11_11 17:30:36] onPrepareingForBattle() [S] [2017_11_11 17:30:36] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4287543280 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:30:36] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 2557718 {'jid': '2557718@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'NSDRP', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 17:30:37] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {2557718: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}} [S] [2017_11_11 17:30:39] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 5595999 {'jid': '5595999@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Tier099', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 17:30:45] onGameRoomStateInit mapIdx = 14 battleType = 80 gameMode = StandDom duration=1200 [E] [2017_11_11 17:31:03] ServerConnection::onTimeOut(537109318): Disconnecting due to channel timing out. [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:03] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 6 NOT_SET [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:03] [LOGIN] Setting gIsConnected to False [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:07] connection problem!!! [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:07] clearAll 0 True [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:07] AccountLevelingProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:07] StatsProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:07] StatsProxy.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:07] ShutDownProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:07] ShutDownProxy.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:07] LootboxProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:07] LootboxProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:07] CampaignsProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:07] PVEScriptsProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:07] PVEDatahubUtils.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:07] PVEScriptsProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:07] IngamePortalProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:07] IngameNewsProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:07] UserDataGate.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:07] UserDataGate.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:07] ClanProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:07] ClanProxy.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:07] [LootboxProxyClient.destroy] [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:07] (, 51007757488877, 12): is out of context [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:07] (, 13182166089733, 190): fini [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:07] (, 51007922117933, 263): out of context [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:08] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Login, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:08] PreBattleInfoHolder.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:08] GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:08] DivisionProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:08] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:08] Exception TypeError: '65803291491612() takes exactly 2 arguments (1 given)' in > ignored [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:08] GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:10] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Login, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:13] (, 66259644693353, 191): H:; A:; C:http://csis.worldoftanks.ru/csis/wowsru/?periphery=login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020&periphery=login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020; M:['login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020', 'login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020'] [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:13] BaseLoginRequest.doLogin(): login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020 token2 ([BaseLoginCredentials] Tier099) [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:13] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:13] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:13] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 1 LOGGED_ON {"token2":"5595999:5600238760764888903:97253050510760326928435283487996891489","wgnr":"ru.wargaming.net"} [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:13] LOGGED_ON {u'token2': u'5595999:5600238760764888903:97253050510760326928435283487996891489', u'wgnr': u'ru.wargaming.net'} [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:13] [LOGIN] Positive, serverMsg: {u'token2': u'5595999:5600238760764888903:97253050510760326928435283487996891489', u'wgnr': u'ru.wargaming.net'}, status: LOGGED_ON [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:13] [LOGIN] Setting wgnr url to "https://ru.wargaming.net" [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:13] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 2 NOT_SET [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:18] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 6 NOT_SET [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:18] [LOGIN] Setting gIsConnected to False [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:18] clearAll 0 True [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:18] AccountLevelingProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:18] LootboxProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:18] LootboxProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:18] StatsProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:18] StatsProxy.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:18] CampaignsProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:18] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Login, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:23] (, 66259644693353, 191): H:; A:; C:http://csis.worldoftanks.ru/csis/wowsru/?periphery=login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020&periphery=login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020; M:['login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020', 'login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020'] [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:23] BaseLoginRequest.doLogin(): login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020 token2 ([BaseLoginCredentials] Tier099) [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:23] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:23] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:23] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 1 LOGGED_ON {"token2":"5595999:5600238760764888903:240818033363943580704398461380250735620","wgnr":"ru.wargaming.net"} [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:23] LOGGED_ON {u'token2': u'5595999:5600238760764888903:240818033363943580704398461380250735620', u'wgnr': u'ru.wargaming.net'} [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:23] [LOGIN] Positive, serverMsg: {u'token2': u'5595999:5600238760764888903:240818033363943580704398461380250735620', u'wgnr': u'ru.wargaming.net'}, status: LOGGED_ON [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:23] [LOGIN] Setting wgnr url to "https://ru.wargaming.net" [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:23] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 2 NOT_SET [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:24] Account.__init__() [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:24] [Account debuG]: __init__() Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:24] ClanProxy.setChatHandler [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:24] ClanProxy.setInteractiveMessageData [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:24] Exception BigWorld.EntityIsDestroyedException: 'Account 537109318 has been destroyed' in ignored [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:24] (, 571883079382, 162): init [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:24] (, 574705753692, 103): Url config for realm ru as string is ResMgr.DataSection at 0x5795AF80 [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:24] (, 51003525417967, 75): in context [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:24] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:24] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:24] onBecomePlayer() [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:24] UserDataGate.onGetConnection [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:24] UserDataGate.onGetConnection(): 5595999 [Entity: id:2862 ['accountSimple', 'accountName']] Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:24] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAccount [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:24] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() True 0 0 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:24] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:24] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:24] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4161159088 {('Default', 4283604912L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 7, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:24] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4160110512 {('Resource', 0, 0): 100000, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 8, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:24] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q04 {('Default', 4271730608L, 0): 5, ('Default', 4269633456L, 0): 5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u041e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c \u043d\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u041e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c \u043d\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'} [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:24] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4162207664 {('Default', 4279410608L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 6, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:24] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22468_q03 {('Default', 4263440304L, 0): 5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'} [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:24] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4156964784 {'desc': (), ('Resource', 0, 0): 100000} {'taskNumber': 11, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:24] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4154867632 {('Default', 4284313520L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 13, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:24] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q01 {('ResourceCoeff', 21, 17): 3.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 30): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 9): 12.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 32): 3.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 10): 1.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 28): 3.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 14): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 11): 1.5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'}, 0, 0)} {'type': 'challenge', 'titleText': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'} [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:24] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4167450544 {'desc': (), ('Resource', 16, 0): 500} {'taskNumber': 1, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:24] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4163256240 {('Default', 4282556336L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 5, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:24] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 14 [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:24] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:24] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 14. Boxes contents: [{4288852912L: {(0, 4283622320L): 1}, 4284658608L: {(0, 4274185136L): 1}, 4283610032L: {(0, 4273136560L): 1}, 4289901488L: {(0, 4289913776L): 1}}] [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:24] setServerTime: serverTime=1510410686 time.time()=1510410684.95 gInitialClientTime=2885.44802188 [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:24] initBattleTypes called [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:24] Disabled maps: [] [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:24] getNationForTutorial() CanBeStarted: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:24] StatsProxy.receiveAbuseStatus(): {'battlesToClean': 4, 'statuses': {'tkill': 1}, 'warnings': ()} [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:25] _onChangeTimeOut 156 [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:27] __processDossierStats() client dossier: ['oper', 'pvp', 'oper_mm_tasks_diag', 'pve_diag', 'pvp_diag', 'oper_normal', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'pve', 'oper_mm', 'total', 'oper_normal_tasks_diag', 'max_pve', 'rank_diag', 'max_pvp', 'oper_diag', 'club_diag', 'club', 'max_club', 'clan', 'oper_hard', 'oper_hard_tasks_diag', 'max_clan'] [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:27] AccountLevelingProxy.onGetAccountStats(): (-1, -1) (15, 734437) [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:28] __updateTaskProgress start: {'22468_q03': {3: {'count': 10.0}}, '22468_q01': {2: {'count': 3}}, '22469_q01': {}, '21856_q00': {}, '22468_q05': {}, '22468_q02': {3: {'count': 549416}}, '22470_q01': {}, '22470_q02': {2: {'count': 4}}, '22470_q03': {2: {'count': 330040}, 3: {'count': 15080}, 4: {'count': 92953}}, '22470_q04': {2: {'count': 10}}, '22160_q01': {}, '22468_q04': {3: {'count': 7176}}} [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:28] __updateTaskProgress start: {'22468_q03': {'count': 1, 3: {'count': 10.0}}, '22468_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 3}}, '22469_q01': {'count': 0}, '21856_q00': {'count': 0}, '22468_q05': {'count': 0}, '22468_q02': {'count': 1, 3: {'count': 549416}}, '22470_q01': {'count': 22}, '22470_q02': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 4}}, '22470_q03': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 330040}, 3: {'count': 15080}, 4: {'count': 92953}}, '22470_q04': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 10}}, '22160_q01': {'count': 0}, '22468_q04': {'count': 0, 3: {'count': 7176}}} [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:28] onGetRankBattlesInfo currentSeason: 7, PlayerInfo: None [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:28] onGetRankDossier() seasonId = 7 Empty [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:28] ---- no data for seasonId: 7 [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:28] ---- no data for seasonId: 7 [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:28] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onGetSeasonRules: config False, {'seasonId': 1, 'operations': {4291341232L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 3, 'unlockTime': 1500429600, 'caps': 3}, 4292389808L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1499824800, 'caps': 3}, 4290292656L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1501034400, 'caps': 3}, 4293438384L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1501639200, 'caps': 3}}, 'currentOperationIdx': 1, 'roster': [4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L, 4293438384L], 'startTime': 1499824800, 'seasons': {1: {'operations': [4293438384L, 4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}, 2: {'operations': [], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}}, 'currentRotationTime': 1510106400, 'nextRotationTime': 1510711200, 'stage': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:28] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onLoadProgress: config False, season False, {'operations': {'hard': [], 'normal': [(4287146928L, [1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 0]), (4288195504L, [1509007262, 1509007262, 1509007262, 0, 0, 0]), (4290292656L, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])]}, 'seasons': {'hard': [], 'normal': [(2, 1509007262)]}} [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:29] onClanResponse: response=(1, 0, (430246, (430246, u'FLY', u'FLY', 16777215, u'executive_officer', u'\u0417\u0434\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0443\u0439\u0442\u0435 \u0442\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0449\u0438, \u0443 \u043a\u043e\u0433\u043e \u0435\u0441\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0431\u043b\u0438 10-\u0433\u043e \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u043d\u044f, \u0438 \u0433\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0441\u043e\u0432\u0430\u044f \u0432\u0441\u044f\u0437\u044c \u043d\u0443\u0436\u043d\u043e \u0441\u044b\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d\u043e\u0432\u044b\u0435 \u0431\u043e\u0438 - \u0441\u0442\u0430\u0432\u0442\u0435 + \u043c\u043d\u0435 \u0432 \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443 \u043a\u0442\u043e \u0433\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432', {47518727: {'role': u'private'}, 162314: {'role': u'private'}, 2835342: {'role': u'private'}, 58161041: {'role': u'private'}, 19410835: {'role': u'private'}, 2557718: {'role': u'private'}, 27883543: {'role': u'private'}, 73537307: {'role': u'private'}, 17222686: {'role': u'private'}, 310434: {'role': u'private'}, 11428651: {'role': u'private'}, 2445100: {'role': u'private'}, 7715120: {'role': u'private'}, 69118514: {'role': u'commander'}, 71811251: {'role': u'private'}, 59694238: {'role': u'private'}, 62222528: {'role': u'private'}, 47245249: {'role': u'private'}, 59103429: {'role': u'private'}, 35853511: {'role': u'private'}, 69416610: {'role': u'private'}, 65031124: {'role': u'private'}, 33301518: {'role': u'private'}, 5595999: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 8706534: {'role': u'private'}, 37230: {'role': u'private'}, 1515506: {'role': u'private'}, 71303028: {'role': u'private'}, 5426549: {'role': u'private'}, 22453883: {'role': u'private'}}, {75100162: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3925161}, 75104791: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1901451}, 75104792: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12037438}, 75104793: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47518727}, 75100186: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4688253}, 75100187: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26497012}, 75100188: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 872384}, 75100189: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 16896550}, 75104799: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2557718}, 75100217: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58161041}, 75100219: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36672236}, 75100220: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12445172}, 75100221: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11262324}, 75100086: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71777625}, 75099916: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5426549}, 75088485: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11437327}, 75088488: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86912728}, 75099930: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35480962}, 75099931: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 64096589}, 75104796: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24059614}, 75104797: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5326927}, 75105224: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5163046}, 75115804: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3700101}, 75100858: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65353479}, 75100859: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4549361}, 75100860: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19163627}, 75100862: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 15486060}, 75100864: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24960589}, 75104795: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26571092}, 75101403: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13829345}, 75101405: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2774140}, 75101406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19410835}, 75105005: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2514322}, 75105006: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 6071074}, 75105007: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21765943}, 75105008: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13351014}, 75105009: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10744094}, 75105010: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8213596}, 75105533: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 32758788}, 75105534: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35843415}, 75105535: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19416306}, 75099910: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 22471163}, 75099912: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47356661}, 75099913: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20821811}, 75099914: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 38322742}, 75099915: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 57543888}, 75100940: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1550733}, 75100941: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1431883}, 75100942: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 744012}, 75100943: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 69416610}, 75100944: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36933861}, 75100946: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4337469}, 75115800: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47245249}, 75115801: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2723422}, 75115802: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19050869}, 75115803: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65031124}, 75099932: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5239563}, 75099933: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5564244}, 75105068: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 27883543}, 75099952: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11428651}, 75115830: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 62222528}, 75115831: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8664152}, 75115833: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59103429}, 75115837: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4858560}, 75115840: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 7424262}, 75099461: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 33301518}, 75104134: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 225652}, 75101613: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 162314}, 75101614: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 75991473}, 75100081: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71303028}, 75100082: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79542157}, 75100083: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 76103}, 75100084: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80535214}, 75100085: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5965559}, 75092406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86780640}, 75092407: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 72132668}, 75092409: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65107864}, 75092412: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58685850}, 75104707: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13658244}, 75104708: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 77607300}, 75104710: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79957325}, 75104712: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2809573}, 75105225: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 61831778}, 75105226: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 48512704}, 75105227: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82400346}, 75105229: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59694238}, 75105230: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24318025}, 75105232: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35446652}, 75100114: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21297715}, 75100115: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2636501}, 75100116: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 23508047}, 75100117: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4104445}, 75100156: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65362617}, 75113469: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 17222686}, 75100158: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20158906}, 75113467: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1207353}, 75113468: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80938462}, 75100157: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82347121}, 75113470: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8706534}, 75113471: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4261263}}, 30, 30, None))) [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:29] ClanProxy.onClanResponse(): 1 (430246, (430246, u'FLY', u'FLY', 16777215, u'executive_officer', u'\u0417\u0434\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0443\u0439\u0442\u0435 \u0442\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0449\u0438, \u0443 \u043a\u043e\u0433\u043e \u0435\u0441\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0431\u043b\u0438 10-\u0433\u043e \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u043d\u044f, \u0438 \u0433\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0441\u043e\u0432\u0430\u044f \u0432\u0441\u044f\u0437\u044c \u043d\u0443\u0436\u043d\u043e \u0441\u044b\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d\u043e\u0432\u044b\u0435 \u0431\u043e\u0438 - \u0441\u0442\u0430\u0432\u0442\u0435 + \u043c\u043d\u0435 \u0432 \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443 \u043a\u0442\u043e \u0433\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432', {47518727: {'role': u'private'}, 162314: {'role': u'private'}, 2835342: {'role': u'private'}, 58161041: {'role': u'private'}, 19410835: {'role': u'private'}, 2557718: {'role': u'private'}, 27883543: {'role': u'private'}, 73537307: {'role': u'private'}, 17222686: {'role': u'private'}, 310434: {'role': u'private'}, 11428651: {'role': u'private'}, 2445100: {'role': u'private'}, 7715120: {'role': u'private'}, 69118514: {'role': u'commander'}, 71811251: {'role': u'private'}, 59694238: {'role': u'private'}, 62222528: {'role': u'private'}, 47245249: {'role': u'private'}, 59103429: {'role': u'private'}, 35853511: {'role': u'private'}, 69416610: {'role': u'private'}, 65031124: {'role': u'private'}, 33301518: {'role': u'private'}, 5595999: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 8706534: {'role': u'private'}, 37230: {'role': u'private'}, 1515506: {'role': u'private'}, 71303028: {'role': u'private'}, 5426549: {'role': u'private'}, 22453883: {'role': u'private'}}, {75100162: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3925161}, 75104791: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1901451}, 75104792: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12037438}, 75104793: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47518727}, 75100186: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4688253}, 75100187: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26497012}, 75100188: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 872384}, 75100189: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 16896550}, 75104799: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2557718}, 75100217: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58161041}, 75100219: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36672236}, 75100220: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12445172}, 75100221: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11262324}, 75100086: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71777625}, 75099916: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5426549}, 75088485: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11437327}, 75088488: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86912728}, 75099930: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35480962}, 75099931: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 64096589}, 75104796: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24059614}, 75104797: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5326927}, 75105224: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5163046}, 75115804: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3700101}, 75100858: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65353479}, 75100859: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4549361}, 75100860: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19163627}, 75100862: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 15486060}, 75100864: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24960589}, 75104795: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26571092}, 75101403: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13829345}, 75101405: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2774140}, 75101406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19410835}, 75105005: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2514322}, 75105006: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 6071074}, 75105007: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21765943}, 75105008: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13351014}, 75105009: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10744094}, 75105010: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8213596}, 75105533: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 32758788}, 75105534: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35843415}, 75105535: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19416306}, 75099910: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 22471163}, 75099912: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47356661}, 75099913: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20821811}, 75099914: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 38322742}, 75099915: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 57543888}, 75100940: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1550733}, 75100941: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1431883}, 75100942: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 744012}, 75100943: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 69416610}, 75100944: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36933861}, 75100946: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4337469}, 75115800: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47245249}, 75115801: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2723422}, 75115802: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19050869}, 75115803: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65031124}, 75099932: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5239563}, 75099933: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5564244}, 75105068: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 27883543}, 75099952: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11428651}, 75115830: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 62222528}, 75115831: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8664152}, 75115833: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59103429}, 75115837: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4858560}, 75115840: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 7424262}, 75099461: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 33301518}, 75104134: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 225652}, 75101613: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 162314}, 75101614: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 75991473}, 75100081: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71303028}, 75100082: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79542157}, 75100083: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 76103}, 75100084: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80535214}, 75100085: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5965559}, 75092406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86780640}, 75092407: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 72132668}, 75092409: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65107864}, 75092412: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58685850}, 75104707: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13658244}, 75104708: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 77607300}, 75104710: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79957325}, 75104712: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2809573}, 75105225: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 61831778}, 75105226: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 48512704}, 75105227: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82400346}, 75105229: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59694238}, 75105230: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24318025}, 75105232: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35446652}, 75100114: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21297715}, 75100115: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2636501}, 75100116: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 23508047}, 75100117: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4104445}, 75100156: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65362617}, 75113469: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 17222686}, 75100158: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20158906}, 75113467: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1207353}, 75113468: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80938462}, 75100157: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82347121}, 75113470: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8706534}, 75113471: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4261263}}, 30, 30, None)) [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:29] ClanProxy.__onGetMyClan: False (430246, (430246, u'FLY', u'FLY', 16777215, u'executive_officer', u'\u0417\u0434\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0443\u0439\u0442\u0435 \u0442\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0449\u0438, \u0443 \u043a\u043e\u0433\u043e \u0435\u0441\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0431\u043b\u0438 10-\u0433\u043e \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u043d\u044f, \u0438 \u0433\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0441\u043e\u0432\u0430\u044f \u0432\u0441\u044f\u0437\u044c \u043d\u0443\u0436\u043d\u043e \u0441\u044b\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d\u043e\u0432\u044b\u0435 \u0431\u043e\u0438 - \u0441\u0442\u0430\u0432\u0442\u0435 + \u043c\u043d\u0435 \u0432 \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443 \u043a\u0442\u043e \u0433\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432', {47518727: {'role': u'private'}, 162314: {'role': u'private'}, 2835342: {'role': u'private'}, 58161041: {'role': u'private'}, 19410835: {'role': u'private'}, 2557718: {'role': u'private'}, 27883543: {'role': u'private'}, 73537307: {'role': u'private'}, 17222686: {'role': u'private'}, 310434: {'role': u'private'}, 11428651: {'role': u'private'}, 2445100: {'role': u'private'}, 7715120: {'role': u'private'}, 69118514: {'role': u'commander'}, 71811251: {'role': u'private'}, 59694238: {'role': u'private'}, 62222528: {'role': u'private'}, 47245249: {'role': u'private'}, 59103429: {'role': u'private'}, 35853511: {'role': u'private'}, 69416610: {'role': u'private'}, 65031124: {'role': u'private'}, 33301518: {'role': u'private'}, 5595999: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 8706534: {'role': u'private'}, 37230: {'role': u'private'}, 1515506: {'role': u'private'}, 71303028: {'role': u'private'}, 5426549: {'role': u'private'}, 22453883: {'role': u'private'}}, {75100162: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3925161}, 75104791: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1901451}, 75104792: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12037438}, 75104793: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47518727}, 75100186: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4688253}, 75100187: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26497012}, 75100188: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 872384}, 75100189: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 16896550}, 75104799: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2557718}, 75100217: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58161041}, 75100219: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36672236}, 75100220: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12445172}, 75100221: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11262324}, 75100086: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71777625}, 75099916: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5426549}, 75088485: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11437327}, 75088488: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86912728}, 75099930: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35480962}, 75099931: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 64096589}, 75104796: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24059614}, 75104797: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5326927}, 75105224: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5163046}, 75115804: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3700101}, 75100858: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65353479}, 75100859: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4549361}, 75100860: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19163627}, 75100862: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 15486060}, 75100864: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24960589}, 75104795: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26571092}, 75101403: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13829345}, 75101405: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2774140}, 75101406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19410835}, 75105005: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2514322}, 75105006: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 6071074}, 75105007: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21765943}, 75105008: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13351014}, 75105009: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10744094}, 75105010: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8213596}, 75105533: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 32758788}, 75105534: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35843415}, 75105535: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19416306}, 75099910: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 22471163}, 75099912: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47356661}, 75099913: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20821811}, 75099914: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 38322742}, 75099915: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 57543888}, 75100940: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1550733}, 75100941: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1431883}, 75100942: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 744012}, 75100943: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 69416610}, 75100944: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36933861}, 75100946: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4337469}, 75115800: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47245249}, 75115801: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2723422}, 75115802: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19050869}, 75115803: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65031124}, 75099932: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5239563}, 75099933: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5564244}, 75105068: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 27883543}, 75099952: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11428651}, 75115830: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 62222528}, 75115831: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8664152}, 75115833: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59103429}, 75115837: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4858560}, 75115840: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 7424262}, 75099461: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 33301518}, 75104134: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 225652}, 75101613: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 162314}, 75101614: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 75991473}, 75100081: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71303028}, 75100082: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79542157}, 75100083: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 76103}, 75100084: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80535214}, 75100085: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5965559}, 75092406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86780640}, 75092407: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 72132668}, 75092409: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65107864}, 75092412: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58685850}, 75104707: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13658244}, 75104708: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 77607300}, 75104710: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79957325}, 75104712: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2809573}, 75105225: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 61831778}, 75105226: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 48512704}, 75105227: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82400346}, 75105229: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59694238}, 75105230: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24318025}, 75105232: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35446652}, 75100114: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21297715}, 75100115: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2636501}, 75100116: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 23508047}, 75100117: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4104445}, 75100156: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65362617}, 75113469: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 17222686}, 75100158: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20158906}, 75113467: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1207353}, 75113468: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80938462}, 75100157: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82347121}, 75113470: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8706534}, 75113471: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4261263}}, 30, 30, None)) [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:29] [CampaignsCommon] onLoadedDump: loaded campaign params and player; countActiveTasks 1; data ({4290690992L: (False, True, False), 4293836720L: (True, 0, True), 4291739568L: (False, True, False), 4288593840L: (True, 0, True), 4289642416L: (False, True, False), 4292788144L: (True, 0, True)}, {4289642416L: [1, 0], 4291739568L: [1, 0], 4293836720L: [1, 1], 4288593840L: [1, 0], 4290690992L: [1, 0], 4292788144L: [1, 0]}, {4283023280L: [2, 0, 0], 4251566000L: [2, 0, 0], 4287217584L: [4, 12, 7], 4288266160L: [4, 10, 7], 4289314736L: [4, 10, 6], 4291411888L: [4, 7, 7], 4293509040L: [5, 5, 9], 4286169008L: [4, 15, 8], 4263100336L: [2, 0, 0], 4290363312L: [4, 10, 5], 4285120432L: [4, 15, 7], 4272537520L: [2, 0, 0], 4241080240L: [2, 0, 0], 4292460464L: [4, 6, 8]}, {4153819056L: (1, False, 0), 4193664944L: (5, True, 0), 4280696752L: (5, True, 0), 4243996592L: (1, False, 0), 4288036784L: (5, True, 0), 4187373488L: (1, False, 0), 4224073648L: (5, True, 0), 4164304816L: (1, False, 0), 4130750384L: (1, False, 0), 4204150704L: (5, True, 0), 4240850864L: (1, False, 0), 4277551024L: (5, True, 0), 4184227760L: (1, False, 0), 4220927920L: (5, True, 0), 4257628080L: (5, True, 0), 4198907824L: (5, True, 0), 4237705136L: (5, True, 0), 3904257968L: (1, False, 0), 4274405296L: (1, False, 0), 3977658288L: (1, False, 0), 4154867632L: (5, True, 0), 4181082032L: (5, True, 0), 4254482352L: (1, False, 0), 4291182512L: (5, True, 0), 4260773808L: (5, True, 0), 3897966512L: (1, False, 0), 4161159088L: (5, True, 0), 4197859248L: (1, False, 0), 3901112240L: (1, False, 0), 3974512560L: (1, False, 0), 4177936304L: (1, False, 0), 4214636464L: (1, False, 0), 4251336624L: (5, True, 0), 4133896112L: (1, False, 0), 4190519216L: (1, False, 0), 4211490736L: (1, False, 0), 4081467312L: (0, False, 0), 4284891056L: (5, True, 0), 4158013360L: (1, False, 0), 4191567792L: (5, True, 0), 4252385200L: (5, True, 0), 4228267952L: (1, False, 0), 4134944688L: (1, False, 0), 4171644848L: (5, True, 0), 4208345008L: (1, False, 0), 4245045168L: (5, True, 0), 4281745328L: (5, True, 0), 4167450544L: (5, True, 0), 4188422064L: (1, False, 0), 4225122224L: (1, False, 0), 4203102128L: (5, True, 0), 4261822384L: (1, False, 0), 4131798960L: (1, False, 0), 4205199280L: (5, True, 0), 4241899440L: (5, True, 0), 4278599600L: (5, True, 0), 4221976496L: (5, True, 0), 4258676656L: (1, False, 0), 3902160816L: (1, False, 0), 4128653232L: (0, False, 0), 4165353392L: (2, False, 4.0), 4238753712L: (1, False, 0), 3905306544L: (1, False, 0), 4275453872L: (1, False, 0), 3978706864L: (1, False, 0), 4182130608L: (5, True, 0), 4255530928L: (5, True, 0), 4289085360L: (5, True, 0), 4178984880L: (1, False, 0), 4215685040L: (5, True, 0), 3971366832L: (1, False, 0), 4195762096L: (5, True, 0), 3899015088L: (1, False, 0), 4175839152L: (1, False, 0), 4212539312L: (1, False, 0), 4082515888L: (1, False, 0), 4285939632L: (5, True, 0), 4227219376L: (1, False, 0), 4155916208L: (1, False, 0), 4192616368L: (5, True, 0), 4207296432L: (1, False, 0), 4229316528L: (5, True, 0), 3895869360L: (0, False, 0), 4135993264L: (1, False, 0), 4172693424L: (5, True, 0), 4209393584L: (5, True, 0), 4246093744L: (1, False, 0), 4282793904L: (5, True, 0), 4160110512L: (5, True, 0), 4226170800L: (1, False, 0), 4292231088L: (5, True, 0), 4174790576L: (5, True, 0), 4132847536L: (1, False, 0), 4189470640L: (1, False, 0), 4206247856L: (5, True, 0), 4242948016L: (1, False, 0), 4279648176L: (5, True, 0), 4186324912L: (5, True, 0), 4223025072L: (1, False, 0), 4259725232L: (1, False, 0), 4159061936L: (1, False, 0), 4129701808L: (1, False, 0), 4166401968L: (1, False, 0), 4239802288L: (1, False, 0), 4276502448L: (5, True, 0), 4183179184L: (1, False, 0), 4219879344L: (5, True, 0), 4256579504L: (5, True, 0), 4293279664L: (5, True, 0), 3975561136L: (1, False, 0), 4163256240L: (5, True, 0), 3972415408L: (1, False, 0), 4236656560L: (5, True, 0), 3903209392L: (1, False, 0), 4273356720L: (5, True, 0), 3976609712L: (1, False, 0), 4180033456L: (5, True, 0), 4253433776L: (5, True, 0), 4290133936L: (5, True, 0), 4194713520L: (5, True, 0), 4196810672L: (1, False, 0), 3900063664L: (1, False, 0), 3973463984L: (1, False, 0), 4176887728L: (5, True, 0), 4213587888L: (5, True, 0), 4083564464L: (1, False, 0), 4286988208L: (5, True, 0), 4156964784L: (5, True, 0), 4162207664L: (5, True, 0), 4230365104L: (5, True, 0), 4063641520L: (0, False, 0), 3896917936L: (1, False, 0), 3970318256L: (0, False, 0), 4173742000L: (5, True, 0), 4210442160L: (1, False, 0), 4247142320L: (5, True, 0)}) [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:29] ClanProxy.onGetClanBattles {'seasonId': 1, 'finishTime': 1513713600.0, 'primeTimes': {2: (57600, 68400), 3: (57600, 68400), 5: (57600, 68400), 6: (57600, 68400)}, 'shipLevelMax': 10, 'shipLevelMin': 10, 'startTime': 1508310000.0, 'promoTime': 1508310000.0, 'stage': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:31] >>> DockProxy.receiveState [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:31] Unlocks.receiveState [] [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:32] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 5963, 'boughtToday': 1, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1510444800.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:32] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 5963, 'boughtToday': 1, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1510444800.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:32] PVEScriptsProxyCommon.createPVEState() [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:32] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onGetSeasonRules: config True, {'seasonId': 1, 'operations': {4291341232L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 3, 'unlockTime': 1500429600, 'caps': 3}, 4292389808L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1499824800, 'caps': 3}, 4290292656L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1501034400, 'caps': 3}, 4293438384L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1501639200, 'caps': 3}}, 'currentOperationIdx': 1, 'roster': [4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L, 4293438384L], 'startTime': 1499824800, 'seasons': {1: {'operations': [4293438384L, 4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}, 2: {'operations': [], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}}, 'currentRotationTime': 1510106400, 'nextRotationTime': 1510711200, 'stage': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:32] [4181898160L, 4180849584L] [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:32] [4181898160L, 4180849584L] [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:32] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onLoadProgress: config True, season True, {'operations': {'hard': [], 'normal': [(4287146928L, [1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 0]), (4288195504L, [1509007262, 1509007262, 1509007262, 0, 0, 0]), (4290292656L, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])]}, 'seasons': {'hard': [], 'normal': [(2, 1509007262)]}} [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:32] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] _updateOperationCompleted: 4287146928 normal [1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 0] [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:32] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] _updateOperationCompleted: 4288195504 normal [1509007262, 1509007262, 1509007262, 0, 0, 0] [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:32] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] _updateOperationCompleted: 4290292656 normal [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:32] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] _updateSeasonCompleted: 2 normal 1509007262 [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:32] onClanResponse: response=(6, 0, {'league': 4, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 430246, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division_rating': 0, 'stage': 'league'}) [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:32] ClanProxy.onClanResponse(): 6 {'league': 4, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 430246, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division_rating': 0, 'stage': 'league'} [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:32] ClanDataHubUtils.addLadderInfo: {'league': 4, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 430246, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division_rating': 0, 'stage': 'league'} [E] [2017_11_11 17:31:32] Can only call base methods on the connected entity [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:32] onGameRoomStateInit mapIdx = 14 battleType = 80 gameMode = StandDom duration=1200 [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:32] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:32] GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:33] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Login, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:33] Avatar.receiveAvatarInfo: {'evaluationsLeft': {0: 7, 1: 7}} [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:33] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAvatar [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:33] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() False 0 0 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:33] Avatar.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:33] name Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:33] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:33] Avatar onControlled False [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:33] onControlled->False: not implemented [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:33] onGeometryMapped() MapName: 20_NE_two_brothers [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:33] teamBuildType: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:33] player: Id: 537167874 Name: marazmatik5000 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSB107_Gneisenau avatarId: 1143524 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:33] player: Id: 203915 Name: NSDRP TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSC105_Konigsberg avatarId: 1143526 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:33] player: Id: 537148429 Name: Marushak83 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSB105_Koenig avatarId: 1143528 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:33] player: Id: 243096 Name: Roman_1975 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSD706_Shinonome avatarId: 1143530 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:33] player: Id: 366496 Name: tokovoy TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSB007_Kongo_1942 avatarId: 1143532 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:33] player: Id: 355163 Name: Khetag_Dz TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB008_Colorado_1945 avatarId: 1143534 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:33] player: Id: 537196206 Name: Eliot88 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB705_Texas_1944 avatarId: 1143536 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:33] player: Id: 388534 Name: BOS1387 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASC007_Cleveland_1945 avatarId: 1143538 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:33] player: Id: 389310 Name: web12345 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSC105_Emile_Bertin avatarId: 1143540 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:33] player: Id: 537135682 Name: volk_64_vvv TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSC007_Aoba_1943 avatarId: 1143542 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:33] player: Id: 537109318 Name: Tier099 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASC007_Cleveland_1945 avatarId: 1143544 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:33] player: Id: 324170 Name: Kep_1377 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASC005_Omaha_1923 avatarId: 1143546 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:33] player: Id: 28752 Name: FlameShild TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSB107_Gneisenau avatarId: 1143548 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:33] player: Id: 267603 Name: alterFeldwebel TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASC012_Pensacola_1944 avatarId: 1143550 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:33] player: Id: 537109334 Name: bv_Nostromo_ TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSD207_Shiratsuyu avatarId: 1143552 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:33] player: Id: 303707 Name: cheleverov TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSC506_Molotov_1943 avatarId: 1143554 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:33] player: Id: 86109 Name: muxayl TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSC505_KrasniKrym avatarId: 1143556 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:33] player: Id: 248290 Name: JIexa_581_ TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSC008_Myoko_1945 avatarId: 1143558 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:33] player: Id: 241380 Name: mihom87 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASD006_Mahan_1936 avatarId: 1143560 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:33] player: Id: 344808 Name: Rixas TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASC007_Cleveland_1945 avatarId: 1143562 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:33] player: Id: 397806 Name: WetalWar TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSB107_Gneisenau avatarId: 1143564 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:33] player: Id: 537043574 Name: __Ainur__ TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSB705_Kongou avatarId: 1143566 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:33] player: Id: 333687 Name: denja8585 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSD107_Akatsuki avatarId: 1143568 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:33] player: Id: 537170938 Name: tigr3745 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSD107_Akatsuki avatarId: 1143570 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:33] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537301672, 0, 0, 1143536, 1510410637944L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:33] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537301672: PreBattleInfo: id: 537301672, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1143536, creationTime 1510410637944, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:33] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (432359, 0, 0, 1143526, 1510410637946L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:33] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537301672: PreBattleInfo: id: 537301672, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1143536, creationTime 1510410637944, hidden False, locked False , 432359: PreBattleInfo: id: 432359, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1143526, creationTime 1510410637946, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:33] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (432359, 0, 0, 1143544, 1510410637946L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:33] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537301672: PreBattleInfo: id: 537301672, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1143536, creationTime 1510410637944, hidden False, locked False , 432359: PreBattleInfo: id: 432359, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1143544, creationTime 1510410637946, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:33] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (432359, 0, 0, 1143544, 1510410637946L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:33] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537301672: PreBattleInfo: id: 537301672, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1143536, creationTime 1510410637944, hidden False, locked False , 432359: PreBattleInfo: id: 432359, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1143544, creationTime 1510410637946, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:33] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (432359, 0, 0, 1143544, 1510410637946L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:33] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537301672: PreBattleInfo: id: 537301672, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1143536, creationTime 1510410637944, hidden False, locked False , 432359: PreBattleInfo: id: 432359, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1143544, creationTime 1510410637946, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:33] Avatar.enterPrebattle [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:33] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (432359, 0, 0, 1143544, 1510410637946L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:33] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537301672: PreBattleInfo: id: 537301672, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1143536, creationTime 1510410637944, hidden False, locked False , 432359: PreBattleInfo: id: 432359, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1143544, creationTime 1510410637946, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:33] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (432359, 0, 0, 1143544, 1510410637946L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:33] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537301672: PreBattleInfo: id: 537301672, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1143536, creationTime 1510410637944, hidden False, locked False , 432359: PreBattleInfo: id: 432359, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1143544, creationTime 1510410637946, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:33] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (432359, 0, 0, 1143544, 1510410637946L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:33] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537301672: PreBattleInfo: id: 537301672, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1143536, creationTime 1510410637944, hidden False, locked False , 432359: PreBattleInfo: id: 432359, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1143544, creationTime 1510410637946, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:33] Avatar.enterPrebattle [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:34] (, 39965384947628, 149): 1143522; BattleLogic() [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:34] (, 39965384947628, 149): 1143522; onEnterWorld() State: {attentionMarkers: [], clientAnimations: None, controlPoints: [{position: [0.0, 255.0], radius: 167.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 5, timerName: '', teamId: 0, progress: [0.0, 180.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [0.0, -255.34130859375], radius: 167.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 5, timerName: '', teamId: 1, progress: [0.0, 180.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}], entityStates: [], expectedActions: None, interactiveZones: [], weather: {globalWeatherId: 1143523, localWeather: [], entityLogicParams: []}, keyObjects: [], missions: {hold: [{reward: 2, penalty: 0, cpIndices: [0, 1], period: 6}], capture: [{reward: 1000, penalty: 0, cpIndices: [0, 1]}], destroy: [], suppress: [], kill: [{reward: 30, penalty: 45, shipType: 'Destroyer'}, {reward: 35, penalty: 50, shipType: 'Cruiser'}, {reward: 40, penalty: 60, shipType: 'Battleship'}, {reward: 45, penalty: 65, shipType: 'AirCarrier'}], teamsScore: [300, 300], teamWinScore: 1000, teamLoseScore: 0}, resources: [], successStoryProgress: [], screenplayMessage: '', tasks: [], minefields: [], entities: [], effects: []} [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:34] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:34] BattleDataContext.__onEnterSpace [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:34] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:37] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:38] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:58] -= BATTLE STARTED =- [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:58] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:58] id 1143525 [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:58] name marazmatik5000 [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:58] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:58] @ launchpadAppeared 1143525 [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:59] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:59] id 1143559 [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:59] name JIexa_581_ [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:59] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:59] @ launchpadAppeared 1143559 [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:59] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:59] id 1143571 [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:59] name tigr3745 [S] [2017_11_11 17:31:59] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:32:00] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:32:00] id 1143529 [S] [2017_11_11 17:32:00] name Marushak83 [S] [2017_11_11 17:32:00] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:32:01] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:32:01] id 1143545 [S] [2017_11_11 17:32:01] name Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 17:32:01] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:32:01] @ launchpadAppeared 1143545 [S] [2017_11_11 17:32:01] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:32:01] id 1143533 [S] [2017_11_11 17:32:01] name tokovoy [S] [2017_11_11 17:32:01] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:32:01] @ launchpadAppeared 1143533 [S] [2017_11_11 17:32:01] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 17:32:01] Avatar.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 17:32:01] ! A.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 17:32:01] BoardService.init [S] [2017_11_11 17:32:01] @ launchpadAppeared 1143545 [S] [2017_11_11 17:32:01] BattleDataContext.__onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 17:32:02] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:32:02] id 1143527 [S] [2017_11_11 17:32:02] name NSDRP [S] [2017_11_11 17:32:02] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:32:02] @ launchpadAppeared 1143527 [S] [2017_11_11 17:32:03] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:32:03] id 1143553 [S] [2017_11_11 17:32:03] name bv_Nostromo_ [S] [2017_11_11 17:32:03] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:32:05] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:32:05] id 1143539 [S] [2017_11_11 17:32:05] name BOS1387 [S] [2017_11_11 17:32:05] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:32:05] @ launchpadAppeared 1143539 [S] [2017_11_11 17:32:05] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:32:05] id 1143541 [S] [2017_11_11 17:32:05] name web12345 [S] [2017_11_11 17:32:05] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:32:05] @ launchpadAppeared 1143541 [S] [2017_11_11 17:32:06] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:32:06] id 1143555 [S] [2017_11_11 17:32:06] name cheleverov [S] [2017_11_11 17:32:06] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:32:06] @ launchpadAppeared 1143555 [S] [2017_11_11 17:32:08] [Weather][5453] onEnterWorld (map spaces/20_NE_two_brothers/weathers.xml, scheme 1, weather 0) [S] [2017_11_11 17:32:08] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:32:08] id 1143535 [S] [2017_11_11 17:32:08] name Khetag_Dz [S] [2017_11_11 17:32:08] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:32:08] @ launchpadAppeared 1143535 [S] [2017_11_11 17:32:13] ! PM.refreshAirArmament [S] [2017_11_11 17:32:13] BoardService.restore [S] [2017_11_11 17:32:13] Avatar.onWorldStateReceived [S] [2017_11_11 17:32:13] BattleChatSystem IN Context [S] [2017_11_11 17:32:13] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 17:32:14] ('[ERROR] FeedbackController: empty config for event repair_finished',) [S] [2017_11_11 17:32:14] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 17:33:43] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:33:43] id 1143567 [S] [2017_11_11 17:33:43] name __Ainur__ [S] [2017_11_11 17:33:43] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:33:43] @ launchpadAppeared 1143567 [S] [2017_11_11 17:34:04] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:34:04] id 1143551 [S] [2017_11_11 17:34:04] name alterFeldwebel [S] [2017_11_11 17:34:04] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:34:04] @ launchpadAppeared 1143551 [S] [2017_11_11 17:34:13] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:34:13] id 1143549 [S] [2017_11_11 17:34:13] name FlameShild [S] [2017_11_11 17:34:13] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:34:13] @ launchpadAppeared 1143549 [S] [2017_11_11 17:34:15] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:34:15] id 1143563 [S] [2017_11_11 17:34:15] name Rixas [S] [2017_11_11 17:34:15] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:34:15] @ launchpadAppeared 1143563 [S] [2017_11_11 17:34:18] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:34:18] id 1143537 [S] [2017_11_11 17:34:18] name Eliot88 [S] [2017_11_11 17:34:18] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:34:20] DEBUG: onChatMessage args ('', '', {'avatarId': 1143540, 'targetId': 1143544, 'type': -7}) [S] [2017_11_11 17:34:20] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:34:20] id 1143549 [S] [2017_11_11 17:34:20] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:34:24] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:34:24] id 1143549 [S] [2017_11_11 17:34:24] name FlameShild [S] [2017_11_11 17:34:24] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:34:24] @ launchpadAppeared 1143549 [S] [2017_11_11 17:34:29] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:34:29] id 1143531 [S] [2017_11_11 17:34:29] name Roman_1975 [S] [2017_11_11 17:34:29] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:34:32] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:34:32] id 1143549 [S] [2017_11_11 17:34:32] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:34:32] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:34:32] id 1143551 [S] [2017_11_11 17:34:32] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:34:33] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:34:33] id 1143549 [S] [2017_11_11 17:34:33] name FlameShild [S] [2017_11_11 17:34:33] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:34:33] @ launchpadAppeared 1143549 [S] [2017_11_11 17:34:36] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:34:36] id 1143551 [S] [2017_11_11 17:34:36] name alterFeldwebel [S] [2017_11_11 17:34:36] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:34:36] @ launchpadAppeared 1143551 [S] [2017_11_11 17:34:36] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:34:36] id 1143567 [S] [2017_11_11 17:34:36] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:34:43] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:34:43] id 1143537 [S] [2017_11_11 17:34:44] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:34:44] id 1143531 [S] [2017_11_11 17:34:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:34:47] id 1143551 [S] [2017_11_11 17:34:47] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:34:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:34:48] id 1143563 [S] [2017_11_11 17:34:48] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:34:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:34:48] id 1143567 [S] [2017_11_11 17:34:48] name __Ainur__ [S] [2017_11_11 17:34:48] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:34:48] @ launchpadAppeared 1143567 [S] [2017_11_11 17:34:54] Avatar.receivePlayerData: (537109318, 5595999, 'Tier099', 4287543280L, 0, 3, True, True, True, 15, 0, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0) 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:34:54] DivisionProxyBattle.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537109318, dbid=5595999, name='Tier099', shipId=4287543280L, teamId=0, state=3, isInBattle=True, isConnected=True, isAbuser=True, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=0) 0 {} [S] [2017_11_11 17:34:54] playersToInvite {} [S] [2017_11_11 17:34:54] Avatar.receivePlayerData: (203915, 2557718, 'NSDRP', 4184782640L, 0, 3, True, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0) 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:34:54] DivisionProxyBattle.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=203915, dbid=2557718, name='NSDRP', shipId=4184782640L, teamId=0, state=3, isInBattle=True, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=0) 0 {} [S] [2017_11_11 17:34:54] playersToInvite {} [S] [2017_11_11 17:34:55] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:34:55] id 1143563 [S] [2017_11_11 17:34:55] name Rixas [S] [2017_11_11 17:34:55] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:34:55] @ launchpadAppeared 1143563 [S] [2017_11_11 17:35:03] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:35:03] id 1143537 [S] [2017_11_11 17:35:03] name Eliot88 [S] [2017_11_11 17:35:03] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:35:04] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:35:04] id 1143551 [S] [2017_11_11 17:35:04] name alterFeldwebel [S] [2017_11_11 17:35:04] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:35:04] @ launchpadAppeared 1143551 [S] [2017_11_11 17:35:30] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:35:30] id 1143531 [S] [2017_11_11 17:35:30] name Roman_1975 [S] [2017_11_11 17:35:30] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:35:31] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:35:31] id 1143537 [S] [2017_11_11 17:35:32] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:35:32] id 1143531 [S] [2017_11_11 17:35:32] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 17:35:32] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 17:35:36] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:35:36] id 1143557 [S] [2017_11_11 17:35:36] name muxayl [S] [2017_11_11 17:35:36] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:35:43] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:35:43] id 1143537 [S] [2017_11_11 17:35:43] name Eliot88 [S] [2017_11_11 17:35:43] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:36:04] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:36:04] id 1143537 [S] [2017_11_11 17:36:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:36:11] id 1143571 [S] [2017_11_11 17:36:15] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:36:15] id 1143537 [S] [2017_11_11 17:36:15] name Eliot88 [S] [2017_11_11 17:36:15] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:36:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:36:18] id 1143551 [S] [2017_11_11 17:36:18] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:36:29] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 17:36:37] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 17:36:37] DEBUG: onChatMessage args ('', '', {'avatarId': 1143554, 'achievementId': 4277330864L, 'type': -1}) [S] [2017_11_11 17:36:42] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:36:42] id 1143547 [S] [2017_11_11 17:36:42] name Kep_1377 [S] [2017_11_11 17:36:42] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:36:42] @ launchpadAppeared 1143547 [S] [2017_11_11 17:36:43] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:36:43] id 1143551 [S] [2017_11_11 17:36:43] name alterFeldwebel [S] [2017_11_11 17:36:43] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:36:43] @ launchpadAppeared 1143551 [S] [2017_11_11 17:36:56] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:36:56] id 1143551 [S] [2017_11_11 17:36:56] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:36:58] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:36:58] id 1143551 [S] [2017_11_11 17:36:58] name alterFeldwebel [S] [2017_11_11 17:36:58] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:36:58] @ launchpadAppeared 1143551 [S] [2017_11_11 17:37:00] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:37:00] id 1143547 [S] [2017_11_11 17:37:00] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:37:00] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:37:00] id 1143563 [S] [2017_11_11 17:37:00] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:37:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:37:02] id 1143537 [S] [2017_11_11 17:37:02] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:37:02] id 1143537 [S] [2017_11_11 17:37:02] name Eliot88 [S] [2017_11_11 17:37:02] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:37:02] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:37:02] id 1143547 [S] [2017_11_11 17:37:02] name Kep_1377 [S] [2017_11_11 17:37:02] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:37:02] @ launchpadAppeared 1143547 [S] [2017_11_11 17:37:04] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:37:04] id 1143547 [S] [2017_11_11 17:37:04] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:37:04] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:37:04] id 1143549 [S] [2017_11_11 17:37:04] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:37:07] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:37:07] id 1143563 [S] [2017_11_11 17:37:07] name Rixas [S] [2017_11_11 17:37:07] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:37:07] @ launchpadAppeared 1143563 [S] [2017_11_11 17:37:07] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:37:07] id 1143571 [S] [2017_11_11 17:37:07] name tigr3745 [S] [2017_11_11 17:37:07] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:37:10] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 17:37:18] Avatar.receivePlayerData: (388534, 39501022, 'BOS1387', 4287543280L, 0, 3, True, True, False, 15, 134232336, 0, 427171, u'TAVR', 16777215, 0) 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:37:18] DivisionProxyBattle.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=388534, dbid=39501022, name='BOS1387', shipId=4287543280L, teamId=0, state=3, isInBattle=True, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134232336, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=427171, clanTag=u'TAVR', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=0) 0 {} [S] [2017_11_11 17:37:18] playersToInvite {} [S] [2017_11_11 17:37:18] Avatar.receivePlayerData: (388534, 39501022, 'BOS1387', 4287543280L, 0, 3, True, True, False, 15, 134232336, 0, 427171, u'TAVR', 16777215, 0) 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:37:18] DivisionProxyBattle.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=388534, dbid=39501022, name='BOS1387', shipId=4287543280L, teamId=0, state=3, isInBattle=True, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134232336, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=427171, clanTag=u'TAVR', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=0) 0 {} [S] [2017_11_11 17:37:18] playersToInvite {} [S] [2017_11_11 17:37:18] DEBUG: onChatMessage args ('', '', {'playerClanTag': u'TAVR', 'playerName': 'BOS1387', 'prebattleId': 432359, 'playerAvatarId': 1143538, 'preBattleSign': 0, 'type': 4}) [S] [2017_11_11 17:37:18] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (432359, 0, 0, 1143544, 1510410637946L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 17:37:18] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537301672: PreBattleInfo: id: 537301672, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1143536, creationTime 1510410637944, hidden False, locked False , 432359: PreBattleInfo: id: 432359, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1143544, creationTime 1510410637946, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 17:37:18] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (432359, 0, 0, 1143544, 1510410637946L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 17:37:18] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537301672: PreBattleInfo: id: 537301672, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1143536, creationTime 1510410637944, hidden False, locked False , 432359: PreBattleInfo: id: 432359, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1143544, creationTime 1510410637946, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 17:37:18] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (432359, 0, 0, 1143544, 1510410637946L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 17:37:18] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537301672: PreBattleInfo: id: 537301672, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1143536, creationTime 1510410637944, hidden False, locked False , 432359: PreBattleInfo: id: 432359, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1143544, creationTime 1510410637946, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 17:37:25] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 17:37:31] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:37:31] id 1143543 [S] [2017_11_11 17:37:31] name volk_64_vvv [S] [2017_11_11 17:37:31] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:37:31] @ launchpadAppeared 1143543 [S] [2017_11_11 17:37:36] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:37:36] id 1143561 [S] [2017_11_11 17:37:36] name mihom87 [S] [2017_11_11 17:37:36] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:37:42] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 17:37:42] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:37:43] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:37:43] id 1143569 [S] [2017_11_11 17:37:43] name denja8585 [S] [2017_11_11 17:37:43] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:37:44] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:37:44] id 1143537 [S] [2017_11_11 17:37:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:37:50] id 1143561 [S] [2017_11_11 17:37:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:37:52] id 1143569 [S] [2017_11_11 17:37:54] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:37:54] id 1143563 [S] [2017_11_11 17:37:54] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:37:57] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 17:37:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:37:57] id 1143537 [S] [2017_11_11 17:37:57] name Eliot88 [S] [2017_11_11 17:37:57] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:38:02] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 17:38:02] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:38:03] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:38:03] id 1143537 [S] [2017_11_11 17:38:03] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:38:03] id 1143563 [S] [2017_11_11 17:38:03] name Rixas [S] [2017_11_11 17:38:03] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:38:03] @ launchpadAppeared 1143563 [S] [2017_11_11 17:38:07] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:38:07] id 1143551 [S] [2017_11_11 17:38:07] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:38:09] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:38:09] id 1143537 [S] [2017_11_11 17:38:09] name Eliot88 [S] [2017_11_11 17:38:09] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:38:09] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:38:09] id 1143551 [S] [2017_11_11 17:38:09] name alterFeldwebel [S] [2017_11_11 17:38:09] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:38:09] @ launchpadAppeared 1143551 [S] [2017_11_11 17:38:12] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:38:12] id 1143551 [S] [2017_11_11 17:38:12] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:38:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:38:16] id 1143567 [S] [2017_11_11 17:38:16] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:38:21] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:38:21] id 1143567 [S] [2017_11_11 17:38:21] name __Ainur__ [S] [2017_11_11 17:38:21] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:38:21] @ launchpadAppeared 1143567 [S] [2017_11_11 17:38:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:38:23] id 1143537 [S] [2017_11_11 17:38:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:38:23] id 1143567 [S] [2017_11_11 17:38:23] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:38:27] Avatar.receivePlayerData: (388534, 39501022, 'BOS1387', 4287543280L, 0, 3, True, True, False, 15, 134232336, 0, 427171, u'TAVR', 16777215, 0) 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:38:27] DivisionProxyBattle.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=388534, dbid=39501022, name='BOS1387', shipId=4287543280L, teamId=0, state=3, isInBattle=True, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134232336, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=427171, clanTag=u'TAVR', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=0) 0 {} [S] [2017_11_11 17:38:27] playersToInvite {} [S] [2017_11_11 17:38:31] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:38:31] id 1143537 [S] [2017_11_11 17:38:31] name Eliot88 [S] [2017_11_11 17:38:31] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:38:33] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:38:33] id 1143567 [S] [2017_11_11 17:38:33] name __Ainur__ [S] [2017_11_11 17:38:33] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:38:33] @ launchpadAppeared 1143567 [S] [2017_11_11 17:38:39] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:38:39] id 1143531 [S] [2017_11_11 17:38:39] name Roman_1975 [S] [2017_11_11 17:38:39] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:38:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:38:47] id 1143531 [S] [2017_11_11 17:38:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:38:48] id 1143549 [S] [2017_11_11 17:38:48] name FlameShild [S] [2017_11_11 17:38:48] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:38:48] @ launchpadAppeared 1143549 [S] [2017_11_11 17:38:50] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 17:38:50] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:38:50] DEBUG: onChatMessage args ('', '', {'avatarId': 1143552, 'achievementId': 4282573744L, 'type': -1}) [S] [2017_11_11 17:38:54] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:38:54] id 1143543 [S] [2017_11_11 17:38:54] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:38:56] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:38:56] id 1143537 [S] [2017_11_11 17:38:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:38:57] id 1143547 [S] [2017_11_11 17:38:57] name Kep_1377 [S] [2017_11_11 17:38:57] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:38:57] @ launchpadAppeared 1143547 [S] [2017_11_11 17:39:05] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:39:05] id 1143531 [S] [2017_11_11 17:39:05] name Roman_1975 [S] [2017_11_11 17:39:05] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:39:13] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:39:13] id 1143537 [S] [2017_11_11 17:39:13] name Eliot88 [S] [2017_11_11 17:39:13] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:39:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:39:16] id 1143531 [S] [2017_11_11 17:39:21] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:39:21] id 1143551 [S] [2017_11_11 17:39:21] name alterFeldwebel [S] [2017_11_11 17:39:21] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:39:21] @ launchpadAppeared 1143551 [S] [2017_11_11 17:39:22] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:39:22] id 1143531 [S] [2017_11_11 17:39:22] name Roman_1975 [S] [2017_11_11 17:39:22] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:39:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:39:23] id 1143551 [S] [2017_11_11 17:39:23] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:39:24] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:39:24] id 1143551 [S] [2017_11_11 17:39:24] name alterFeldwebel [S] [2017_11_11 17:39:24] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:39:24] @ launchpadAppeared 1143551 [S] [2017_11_11 17:39:55] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:39:55] id 1143551 [S] [2017_11_11 17:39:55] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:39:59] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:39:59] id 1143543 [S] [2017_11_11 17:39:59] name volk_64_vvv [S] [2017_11_11 17:39:59] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:39:59] @ launchpadAppeared 1143543 [S] [2017_11_11 17:40:07] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:40:07] id 1143567 [S] [2017_11_11 17:40:07] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:40:07] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:40:07] id 1143569 [S] [2017_11_11 17:40:07] name denja8585 [S] [2017_11_11 17:40:07] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:40:09] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 17:40:09] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:40:09] DEBUG: onChatMessage args ('', '', {'avatarId': 1143534, 'achievementId': 4282573744L, 'type': -1}) [S] [2017_11_11 17:40:16] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:40:16] id 1143561 [S] [2017_11_11 17:40:16] name mihom87 [S] [2017_11_11 17:40:16] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:40:17] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:40:17] id 1143567 [S] [2017_11_11 17:40:17] name __Ainur__ [S] [2017_11_11 17:40:17] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:40:17] @ launchpadAppeared 1143567 [S] [2017_11_11 17:40:18] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:40:18] id 1143551 [S] [2017_11_11 17:40:18] name alterFeldwebel [S] [2017_11_11 17:40:18] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:40:18] @ launchpadAppeared 1143551 [S] [2017_11_11 17:40:24] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:40:24] id 1143569 [S] [2017_11_11 17:40:27] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:40:27] id 1143543 [S] [2017_11_11 17:40:27] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:40:31] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 17:40:31] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:40:38] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:40:38] id 1143561 [S] [2017_11_11 17:40:46] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:40:46] id 1143561 [S] [2017_11_11 17:40:46] name mihom87 [S] [2017_11_11 17:40:46] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:41:00] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:41:00] id 1143561 [S] [2017_11_11 17:41:07] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:41:07] id 1143543 [S] [2017_11_11 17:41:07] name volk_64_vvv [S] [2017_11_11 17:41:07] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:41:07] @ launchpadAppeared 1143543 [S] [2017_11_11 17:41:08] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:41:08] id 1143567 [S] [2017_11_11 17:41:08] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:41:09] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 17:41:09] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:41:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:41:10] id 1143543 [S] [2017_11_11 17:41:10] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:41:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:41:11] id 1143535 [S] [2017_11_11 17:41:11] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:41:13] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 17:41:13] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:41:14] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 17:41:14] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:41:22] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:41:22] id 1143565 [S] [2017_11_11 17:41:22] name WetalWar [S] [2017_11_11 17:41:22] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:41:22] @ launchpadAppeared 1143565 [S] [2017_11_11 17:41:22] Avatar.receivePlayerData: (388534, 39501022, 'BOS1387', None, 0, 1, False, True, False, 15, 134232336, 0, 427171, u'TAVR', 16777215, 0) 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:41:22] DivisionProxyBattle.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=388534, dbid=39501022, name='BOS1387', shipId=None, teamId=0, state=1, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134232336, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=427171, clanTag=u'TAVR', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=0) 0 {} [S] [2017_11_11 17:41:22] playersToInvite {} [S] [2017_11_11 17:41:22] Avatar.receivePlayerData: (388534, 39501022, 'BOS1387', None, 0, 1, False, True, False, 15, 134232336, 0, 427171, u'TAVR', 16777215, 0) 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:41:22] DivisionProxyBattle.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=388534, dbid=39501022, name='BOS1387', shipId=None, teamId=0, state=1, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134232336, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=427171, clanTag=u'TAVR', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=0) 0 {} [S] [2017_11_11 17:41:22] playersToInvite {} [S] [2017_11_11 17:41:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:41:23] id 1143565 [S] [2017_11_11 17:41:23] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:41:39] DEBUG: onChatMessage args ('', '', {'playerClanTag': u'TAVR', 'playerName': 'BOS1387', 'prebattleId': 432359, 'playerAvatarId': 1143538, 'preBattleSign': 0, 'type': 5}) [S] [2017_11_11 17:41:39] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (432359, 0, 0, 1143544, 1510410637946L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 17:41:39] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537301672: PreBattleInfo: id: 537301672, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1143536, creationTime 1510410637944, hidden False, locked False , 432359: PreBattleInfo: id: 432359, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1143544, creationTime 1510410637946, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 17:41:39] Avatar.receivePlayerData: (388534, 39501022, 'BOS1387', None, -2, 1, False, True, False, 15, 134232336, 0, 427171, u'TAVR', 16777215, 0) 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:41:39] DivisionProxyBattle.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=388534, dbid=39501022, name='BOS1387', shipId=None, teamId=-2, state=1, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134232336, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=427171, clanTag=u'TAVR', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=0) 0 {} [S] [2017_11_11 17:41:39] playersToInvite {} [S] [2017_11_11 17:41:47] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:41:47] id 1143569 [S] [2017_11_11 17:41:47] name denja8585 [S] [2017_11_11 17:41:47] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:41:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:41:50] id 1143567 [S] [2017_11_11 17:41:50] name __Ainur__ [S] [2017_11_11 17:41:50] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:41:50] @ launchpadAppeared 1143567 [S] [2017_11_11 17:42:05] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:42:05] id 1143543 [S] [2017_11_11 17:42:05] name volk_64_vvv [S] [2017_11_11 17:42:05] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:42:05] @ launchpadAppeared 1143543 [S] [2017_11_11 17:42:05] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:42:05] id 1143565 [S] [2017_11_11 17:42:05] name WetalWar [S] [2017_11_11 17:42:05] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:42:05] @ launchpadAppeared 1143565 [S] [2017_11_11 17:42:12] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 17:42:13] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:42:13] id 1143561 [S] [2017_11_11 17:42:13] name mihom87 [S] [2017_11_11 17:42:13] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:42:20] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 17:42:30] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:42:30] id 1143535 [S] [2017_11_11 17:42:30] name Khetag_Dz [S] [2017_11_11 17:42:30] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:42:30] @ launchpadAppeared 1143535 [S] [2017_11_11 17:42:30] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 17:42:30] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 17:43:09] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:43:09] id 1143535 [S] [2017_11_11 17:43:09] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:43:09] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:43:09] id 1143567 [S] [2017_11_11 17:43:09] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:43:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:43:10] id 1143543 [S] [2017_11_11 17:43:10] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:43:14] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:43:14] id 1143567 [S] [2017_11_11 17:43:14] name __Ainur__ [S] [2017_11_11 17:43:14] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:43:14] @ launchpadAppeared 1143567 [S] [2017_11_11 17:43:15] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:43:15] id 1143543 [S] [2017_11_11 17:43:15] name volk_64_vvv [S] [2017_11_11 17:43:15] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:43:15] @ launchpadAppeared 1143543 [S] [2017_11_11 17:44:05] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:44:05] id 1143535 [S] [2017_11_11 17:44:05] name Khetag_Dz [S] [2017_11_11 17:44:05] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:44:05] @ launchpadAppeared 1143535 [S] [2017_11_11 17:44:05] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 17:44:05] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 17:44:08] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:44:08] id 1143543 [S] [2017_11_11 17:44:08] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:44:10] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:44:10] id 1143543 [S] [2017_11_11 17:44:10] name volk_64_vvv [S] [2017_11_11 17:44:10] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:44:10] @ launchpadAppeared 1143543 [S] [2017_11_11 17:44:12] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 17:44:56] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 17:45:19] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:45:19] id 1143571 [S] [2017_11_11 17:45:59] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 17:45:59] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:45:59] DEBUG: onChatMessage args ('', '', {'avatarId': 1143564, 'achievementId': 4273136560L, 'type': -1}) [S] [2017_11_11 17:46:14] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:46:14] id 1143533 [S] [2017_11_11 17:46:14] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:46:26] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 17:47:07] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 17:47:20] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 17:47:20] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:47:33] DEBUG: onChatMessage args ('', '', {'avatarId': 1143534, 'achievementId': 4288865200L, 'type': -1}) [S] [2017_11_11 17:47:40] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 17:47:40] DEBUG: onChatMessage args ('', '', {'avatarId': 1143564, 'achievementId': 4273136560L, 'type': -1}) [S] [2017_11_11 17:47:56] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 17:47:56] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 17:47:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:47:57] id 1143571 [S] [2017_11_11 17:47:57] name tigr3745 [S] [2017_11_11 17:47:57] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:08] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:08] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:08] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:09] battle finish - Victory [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:09] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOver [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:09] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOut [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:09] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: PostBattle, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:11] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: PostBattle, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:11] setFpsGathererActive(False) [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:11] (, 39965384947628, 149): 1143522; onLeaveWorld() [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:11] [Weather][5453] onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:11] id 1143525 [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:11] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:11] id 1143527 [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:11] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:11] id 1143529 [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:11] id 1143531 [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:11] id 1143535 [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:11] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:11] id 1143537 [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:11] id 1143539 [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:11] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:11] id 1143541 [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:11] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:11] id 1143543 [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:11] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:11] Avatar.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:11] id 1143545 [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:11] id 1143547 [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:11] id 1143549 [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:11] id 1143551 [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:12] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:12] id 1143553 [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:12] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:12] id 1143555 [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:12] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:12] id 1143557 [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:12] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:12] id 1143559 [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:12] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:12] id 1143561 [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:12] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:12] id 1143563 [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:12] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:12] id 1143565 [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:12] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:12] id 1143567 [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:12] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:12] id 1143569 [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:12] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:12] id 1143571 [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:13] Account.__init__() [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:13] [Account debuG]: __init__() Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:13] ClanProxy.setChatHandler [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:13] ClanProxy.setInteractiveMessageData [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:13] Exception BigWorld.EntityIsDestroyedException: 'Account 537109318 has been destroyed' in ignored [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:13] onBecomePlayer() [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:13] UserDataGate.onGetConnection [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:13] UserDataGate.onGetConnection(): 5595999 [Entity: id:2862 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'teamKiller', 'accountLevel', 'clanman', 'preBattlePlayerSimple', 'accountRank']] Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:13] >>> receiveChanges {'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False, 'premium': 86400} [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:13] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4185798448L: {'exp': 4668}}, 'changedCrews': {32: {'exp': 2228}}, 'moneyXP': 70, 'lootboxes': {'lootExp': 7354, 'boughtToday': 1, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1510444800.0, 'curBoxType': 0}} [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:13] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 7354, 'boughtToday': 1, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1510444800.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:13] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': 48608, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:13] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -5260, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:13] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4185798448 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:13] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4287543280L: {'exp': 14785}}, 'changedCrews': {5: {'exp': 37085}}, 'moneyXP': 117, 'lootboxes': {'lootExp': 9692, 'boughtToday': 1, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1510444800.0, 'curBoxType': 0}} [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:13] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 9692, 'boughtToday': 1, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1510444800.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:13] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': 165077, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:13] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -27725, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:13] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4287543280 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:13] updateActionsProgress: {0: [(4185798448L, 1)]} [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:13] __updateTaskProgress start: {} [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:13] updateActionsProgress: {'22470_q01': {'count': 23}, '22470_q02': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 5}}, '22468_q04': {'count': 0, 3: {'count': 8567}}} [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:13] __updateTaskProgress start: {'22470_q01': {'count': 23}, '22470_q02': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 5}}, '22468_q04': {'count': 0, 3: {'count': 8567}}} [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:13] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: changed tasks [4165353392L] [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:13] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4165353392 data (False, 4.0, None, None) [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:13] StatsProxy.receiveAbuseStatus(): {'battlesToClean': 3, 'statuses': {'tkill': 1}, 'warnings': ()} [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:13] leaveBattleSession() Reason: 0 Info: None [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:13] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:13] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:14] Sent FPS data [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:14] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] chooseOperation: 4291341232 normal True [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:14] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onOperationChosen: 4291341232 normal True [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:14] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] chooseOperation: 0 normal False [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:14] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onOperationChosen: 0 normal False [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:14] (, 51003611475748, 141): is in context [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:14] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}, interval: (1510412400.0, 1510415980.0)",) [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:14] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 707 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510412400.0, 1510415980.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:14] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'start'}, interval: (1510416000.0, 1510416000.0)",) [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:14] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 707 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510412400.0, 1510415980.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:14] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'end'}, interval: (1510426800.0, 1510426800.0)",) [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:14] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 707 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510412400.0, 1510415980.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:14] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}, interval: (1510498800.0, 1510502380.0)",) [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:14] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 707 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510412400.0, 1510415980.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:14] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'start'}, interval: (1510502400.0, 1510502400.0)",) [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:14] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 707 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510412400.0, 1510415980.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:14] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'end'}, interval: (1510513200.0, 1510513200.0)",) [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:14] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 707 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510412400.0, 1510415980.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:14] updateActionsProgress: {0: [(4287543280L, 1)]} [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:14] __updateTaskProgress start: {} [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:14] updateActionsProgress: {'22470_q01': {'count': 24}, '22468_q04': {'count': 0, 3: {'count': 10905}}} [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:14] __updateTaskProgress start: {'22470_q01': {'count': 24}, '22468_q04': {'count': 0, 3: {'count': 10905}}} [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:14] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: changed tasks [4165353392L] [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:14] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4165353392 data (False, 4.0, None, None) [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:14] StatsProxy.receiveAbuseStatus(): {'battlesToClean': 3, 'statuses': {'tkill': 1}, 'warnings': ()} [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:14] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAccount [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:14] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() True 0 0 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:14] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:14] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:14] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4161159088 {('Default', 4283604912L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 7, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:14] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4163256240 {('Default', 4282556336L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 5, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:14] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q04 {('Default', 4271730608L, 0): 5, ('Default', 4269633456L, 0): 5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u041e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c \u043d\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u041e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c \u043d\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'} [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:14] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4160110512 {('Resource', 0, 0): 100000, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 8, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:14] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22468_q03 {('Default', 4263440304L, 0): 5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'} [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:14] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q02 {('Resource', 19, 0): 1, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u041f\u0440\u0435\u043c\u0438\u0443\u043c \u0437\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0443'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u041f\u0440\u0435\u043c\u0438\u0443\u043c \u0437\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0443'} [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:14] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4156964784 {'desc': (), ('Resource', 0, 0): 100000} {'taskNumber': 11, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:14] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4162207664 {('Default', 4279410608L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 6, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:14] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q01 {('ResourceCoeff', 21, 17): 3.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 30): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 9): 12.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 32): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 10): 1.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 5): 1.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 28): 3.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 14): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 11): 1.5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'}, 0, 0)} {'type': 'challenge', 'titleText': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'} [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:14] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4167450544 {'desc': (), ('Resource', 16, 0): 500} {'taskNumber': 1, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:14] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4154867632 {('Default', 4284313520L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 13, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:14] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 15 [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:14] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:14] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 15. Boxes contents: [{4288852912L: {(0, 4283622320L): 1}, 4284658608L: {(0, 4274185136L): 1}, 4283610032L: {(0, 4273136560L): 1}, 4289901488L: {(0, 4289913776L): 1}}] [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:14] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:14] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:15] Sent FPS data [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:15] (, 20685599789093, 264): keys: ['dossier', 'accPoints'] [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:15] __processDossierStats() client dossier: ['oper', 'pvp', 'oper_mm_tasks_diag', 'pve_diag', 'pvp_diag', 'oper_normal', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'pve', 'oper_mm', 'total', 'oper_normal_tasks_diag', 'max_pve', 'rank_diag', 'max_pvp', 'oper_diag', 'club_diag', 'club', 'max_club', 'clan', 'oper_hard', 'oper_hard_tasks_diag', 'max_clan'] [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:15] AccountLevelingProxy.onGetAccountStats(): (15, 734437) (15, 738166) [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:15] enterPreBattle() 1703686 [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:15] Account.enterPreBattle: (185) (1, 432359, (0, 0, 10, -1, 1, '', 0), 537109318, 5595999, u'', 1, None, 3, [(203915, 2557718, 'NSDRP', None, 0, 1, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0), (537109318, 5595999, 'Tier099', None, 0, 1, False, True, True, 15, 0, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0)], [], (0, 0), False, 1510410637946L, 2, False, [], {'nonClanMembersCount': 0}) [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:15] [DivisionEntranceContext] __onEnterDivision: 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:15] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:15] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:15] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 1], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:15] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:15] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:15] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:15] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:15] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 1], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:15] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:15] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:15] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:15] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:15] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 1], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:15] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:15] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:15] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:15] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:15] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 1], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:15] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:15] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:15] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onEnterPreBattle: None [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:15] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:15] BR: {'credits': 32405, 'credits_penalty': 0, 'exp_penalty': 0, 'exp': 618, 'credits_compensation': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:15] BR: {'elite_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'free_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'ship_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [['FIRST_WIN', 0.5, True, 0]], 'mod': []}, 'credits': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'crew_exp': {'sse': [['22470_q01', 0.5, True, 0]], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'acc_level': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}} [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:15] BR: {'auto_repair_list': [['IDS_SSE_REPAIR_DISCOUNT', 0.0, True, 0]], 'auto_exterior_list': [], 'auto_exterior_credits': 0, 'auto_camo_credits': 0, 'exp_enabled': True, 'abilities_applied': True, 'auto_repair_factor': 1.0, 'auto_load_credits': 260, 'acc_points_enabled': True, 'free_exp_enabled': True, 'free_exp_factor': 0.05, 'ship_service_enabled': True, 'aogas_factor': 1.0, 'auto_exterior_gold': 0, 'premium_credits_factor': 1.5, 'premium_exp_factor': 1.5, 'auto_abilities_list': [], 'auto_camo_list': [], 'clan_supply_bonuses_enabled': True, 'camo_applied': True, 'auto_repair_credits': 5000, 'exterior_applied': True, 'serve_applied': True, 'auto_camo_gold': 0, 'crew_exp_enabled': True, 'auto_abilities_gold': 0, 'auto_load_list': [[20, 60], [4, 200], [0, 0]], 'auto_abilities_credits': 0, 'credits_enabled': True, 'aogas_online': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:15] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:15] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:15] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 5, 'dt': 1510410896, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'achievements': (), 'expPenalty': 0, 'tasks': {'22470_q01': {'count': (23, 1), 'progress': (1.0, 1.0), 2: {'count': (0, 1)}, 'name': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'}, '22470_q02': {'count': (1, 1), 'progress': (1.0, 0.2), 2: {'count': (5, 1)}, 'name': u'\u041f\u0440\u0435\u043c\u0438\u0443\u043c \u0437\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0443'}, '22468_q04': {'count': (0, 0), 'progress': (0.2855666666666667, 0.04636666666666667), 3: {'count': (8567, 1391)}, 'name': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'}}, 'shipsKilled': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 3674045384427372L, 'battleTypeId': 5, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'mapTypeId': 5, 'credits': 48608, 'result': 1, 'exp': 1391, 'shipId': 4185798448L, 'battleCreateTime': 1510410092, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 734437, 1391), 'aogasFactor': 1.0}} [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:15] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 5, 'exp': 1391, 'tasks': {'22470_q01': {2: {'count': (0, 1)}}, '22470_q02': {2: {'count': (5, 1)}}, '22468_q04': {3: {'count': (8567, 1391)}}}, 'aogasFactor': 1.0, 'mapBGPath': '../maps_bg/08_NE_passage.png', 'operationName': '', 'rankStarsDeltaChange': 0, 'earnedAchievements': [], 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_BATTLE_RESULTS_1', 'result': 1, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'uiSpecial': False, 'mapTypeId': 5, 'shipId': 4185798448L, 'accountLeveling': {'expGained': 1391, 'currLevel': 15, 'prevLevel': 15, 'currLevelExp': 122000, 'expTotal': 735828, 'nextLevelExp': 122000}, 'curTasksCompleted': 0, 'mapName': 'IDS_SPACES/08_NE_PASSAGE', 'battleTypeId': 5, 'shipLevelRome': 'IV', 'achievements': (), 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PGSD104', 'shipsKilled': 0, 'importance': 2, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'difficulty': '', 'prevTasksCompleted': 0, 'isElite': False, 'date': '11.11.2017 17:21', 'dt': 1510410896, 'groupId': 3, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 734437, 1391), 'expPenalty': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 3674045384427372L, 'credits': 48608, 'sourceId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'viaMM': False, 'rankBattlesSeasonId': 0, 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'quests': [{'maxProgress': 100, 'day': 11, 'monthIDS': 'IDS_MONTH_11', 'battleProgress': 100.0, 'type': 'challenge', 'id': '22470_q01', 'titleText': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!', 'currentProgress': 100.0}, {'maxProgress': 100, 'day': 11, 'monthIDS': 'IDS_MONTH_11', 'battleProgress': 20.0, 'type': 'task', 'id': '22470_q02', 'titleText': u'\u041f\u0440\u0435\u043c\u0438\u0443\u043c \u0437\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0443', 'currentProgress': 100.0}, {'maxProgress': 100, 'day': 11, 'monthIDS': 'IDS_MONTH_11', 'battleProgress': 4.0, 'type': 'task', 'id': '22468_q04', 'titleText': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b', 'currentProgress': 67.0}], 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'postponed': False, 'battleCreateTime': 1510410092, 'rankDeltaChange': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:15] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:15] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:15] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:15] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:15] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:15] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:15] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_bomb default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:15] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_bomb default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:15] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:15] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:15] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:15] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:15] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:15] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:15] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:15] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:15] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:15] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:15] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:15] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:15] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:15] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:15] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:15] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:15] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:15] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:15] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:15] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:15] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:15] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:15] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:15] BuildData: Invalid path player.planes_lost default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:15] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:15] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:15] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:15] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4161159088 {('Default', 4283604912L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 7, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:15] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4163256240 {('Default', 4282556336L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 5, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:15] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q04 {('Default', 4271730608L, 0): 5, ('Default', 4269633456L, 0): 5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u041e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c \u043d\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u041e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c \u043d\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'} [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:15] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4160110512 {('Resource', 0, 0): 100000, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 8, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:15] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22468_q03 {('Default', 4263440304L, 0): 5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'} [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:15] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q02 {('Resource', 19, 0): 1, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u041f\u0440\u0435\u043c\u0438\u0443\u043c \u0437\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0443'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u041f\u0440\u0435\u043c\u0438\u0443\u043c \u0437\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0443'} [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:15] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4156964784 {'desc': (), ('Resource', 0, 0): 100000} {'taskNumber': 11, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:15] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4162207664 {('Default', 4279410608L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 6, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:15] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q01 {('ResourceCoeff', 21, 17): 3.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 30): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 9): 12.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 32): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 10): 1.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 5): 1.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 28): 3.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 14): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 11): 1.5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'}, 0, 0)} {'type': 'challenge', 'titleText': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'} [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:15] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4167450544 {'desc': (), ('Resource', 16, 0): 500} {'taskNumber': 1, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:15] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4154867632 {('Default', 4284313520L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 13, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:15] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 15 [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:15] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:15] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 15. Boxes contents: [{4288852912L: {(0, 4283622320L): 1}, 4284658608L: {(0, 4274185136L): 1}, 4283610032L: {(0, 4273136560L): 1}, 4289901488L: {(0, 4289913776L): 1}}] [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:17] ClanProxy.onChatInitialized [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:17] XmppChatHandler.joinClanChannel() 430246 [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:17] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived prebattle 3 [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:17] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: DIVISION channelsGroupsIds: [] [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:17] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel True self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:17] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 2557718 NSDRP 2 2 (430246, u'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:17] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 5595999 Tier099 2 2 (430246, u'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:17] UserDataGate.__onRosterUpdated [('17915186@wowsru.loc', 'egy5', False, 4, ()), ('2557718@wowsru.loc', 'NSDRP', False, 4, ()), ('26288674@wowsru.loc', '_EmperoR_WOW_', False, 4, ()), ('2893852@wowsru.loc', 'klimstonn', False, 4, ()), ('30937387@wowsru.loc', 'monster__622', False, 4, ()), ('327255@wowsru.loc', 'Migri', False, 4, ()), ('5471194@wowsru.loc', 'loki1982', False, 4, ()), ('62222528@wowsru.loc', 'HEGNI_1', False, 4, ()), ('6896454@wowsru.loc', 'Vie92', False, 4, ()), ('69118514@wowsru.loc', 'RenamedUser_69118514', False, 4, ()), ('69416610@wowsru.loc', 'Player_3185411451', False, 4, ())] [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:17] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 30937387@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:17] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 2893852@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:17] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 59124891@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:17] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 11274288@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:17] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 21696974@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:17] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 14596986@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:17] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 58053848@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:17] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 310434@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:17] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 19410835@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:17] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 35853511@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:17] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 59103429@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:17] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 22453883@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:17] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 2557718@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:17] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 62222528@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:17] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 69118514@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:17] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:17] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:17] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:17] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:17] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: KARSAK_1968 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:17] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:17] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:17] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:17] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:17] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:17] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:17] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:17] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:17] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:17] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:17] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:17] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:17] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:17] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: toshidzu channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:17] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:17] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Samum1989_geroj channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:17] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:17] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:17] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:17] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: NSDRP channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:17] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:17] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:17] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:17] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:17] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:17] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived clansearch@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:17] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived ids_chat_channel_offtop@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:17] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived ids_chat_channel_questions@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:17] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived wargamingfm@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:17] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_SEARCH_CLAN_DIV channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:17] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:17] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_OFFTOP channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:17] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:17] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_QUESTIONS channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:17] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:17] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: WargamingFM Корабли channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:17] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:17] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc 6 [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:17] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: channelsGroupsIds: [] [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:17] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:17] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 58161041 {'jid': '58161041@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Y_O_R_K_2015', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:17] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 69118514 {'jid': '69118514@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:17] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 2557718 {'jid': '2557718@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'NSDRP', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:17] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 35853511 {'jid': '35853511@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'toshidzu', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:17] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 17222686 {'jid': '17222686@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'bob7771', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:17] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 5595999 {'jid': '5595999@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Tier099', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:17] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Tier099', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/5595999', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510394839L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd1\x80\xd0\xb5\xd0\xb1\xd1\x8f\xd1\x82 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb3\xd0\xbe \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xb2\xd1\x8b\xd0\xba\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb4\xd1\x8b\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82 \xd0\xb2\xd0\xbe \xd0\xb2\xd1\x80\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbc\xd1\x8f \xd0\xb1\xd0\xbe\xd1\x8f???', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:17] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Tier099', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/5595999', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510396421L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbf\xd1\x8f\xd1\x82\xd1\x8c \xd0\xb2\xd1\x8b\xd0\xba\xd0\xb8\xd0\xbd\xd1\x83\xd0\xbb\xd0\xbe 2 \xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb7\xd0\xb0 \xd0\xb7\xd0\xb0 1 \xd0\xb1\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb9', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:17] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/69118514', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510401726L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb1\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb8 \xd0\xba\xd0\xb5\xd1\x88', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:17] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'NSDRP', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/2557718', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510404247L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb5\xd1\x87\xd0\xb5\xd1\x80 \xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb1\xd1\x80\xd1\x8b\xd0\xb9. \xd0\xb5\xd1\x81\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb8 9 \xd0\xbe\xd1\x87\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2 \xd0\xbe\xd0\xbf\xd1\x8b\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0 \xd0\xba\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbf\xd0\xb8\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe 54 000 \xd0\xbe\xd0\xbf\xd1\x8b\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0 \xd1\x82\xd0\xbe \xd1\x81\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbb\xd1\x8c\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe \xd0\xb7\xd0\xb0 15 ?', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:17] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/69118514', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510408413L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0 13 \xd0\xbe\xd1\x87\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe 108 000', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:17] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Tier099', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/5595999', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510408924L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xba\xd1\x82\xd0\xbe \xd0\xb2 \xd0\xb2\xd0\xb7\xd0\xb2\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb4??? \xd0\x9f\xd0\xb8\xd1\x88\xd0\xb8\xd1\x82\xd0\xb5 \xd1\x81\xd0\xbc\xd1\x81 \xd0\xb2 \xd0\x9b\xd0\xa1', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:17] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'NSDRP', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/2557718', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510409220L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\x94\xd0\x90 \xd1\x83\xd0\xb6 . \xd0\xb0 \xd0\xbc\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe \xd0\xb4\xd0\xbb\xd1\x8f \xd0\xba\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb0 18 \xd0\xbe\xd1\x87\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2. \xd0\xb0 \xd1\x83 \xd0\xbc\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd1\x8f \xd1\x82\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbb\xd1\x8c\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe 9. \xd0\xbe\xd1\x85\xd0\xbe- \xd1\x85\xd0\xbe', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:17] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Tier099', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/5595999', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510409598L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xb8\xd0\xb3\xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd1\x82\xd1\x8c \xd1\x80\xd0\xb5\xd0\xb1\xd1\x8f\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0???', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:18] BR: {'credits': 110099, 'credits_penalty': 72, 'exp_penalty': 1, 'exp': 1039, 'credits_compensation': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:18] BR: {'elite_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'free_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'ship_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [['FIRST_WIN', 0.5, True, 0]], 'mod': []}, 'credits': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'crew_exp': {'sse': [['22470_q01', 0.5, True, 0]], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'acc_level': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}} [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:18] BR: {'auto_repair_list': [['IDS_SSE_REPAIR_DISCOUNT', 0.0, True, 0]], 'auto_exterior_list': [], 'auto_exterior_credits': 0, 'auto_camo_credits': 0, 'exp_enabled': True, 'abilities_applied': True, 'auto_repair_factor': 1.0, 'auto_load_credits': 4725, 'acc_points_enabled': True, 'free_exp_enabled': True, 'free_exp_factor': 0.05, 'ship_service_enabled': True, 'aogas_factor': 1.0, 'auto_exterior_gold': 0, 'premium_credits_factor': 1.5, 'premium_exp_factor': 1.5, 'auto_abilities_list': [], 'auto_camo_list': [], 'clan_supply_bonuses_enabled': True, 'camo_applied': True, 'auto_repair_credits': 23000, 'exterior_applied': True, 'serve_applied': True, 'auto_camo_gold': 0, 'crew_exp_enabled': True, 'auto_abilities_gold': 0, 'auto_load_list': [[315, 4725], [0, 0], [0, 0]], 'auto_abilities_credits': 0, 'credits_enabled': True, 'aogas_online': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:18] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:18] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:18] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:18] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:18] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:18] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:18] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tpd default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:18] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tpd default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:18] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_tpd default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:18] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_bomb default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:18] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_bomb default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:18] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:18] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:18] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:18] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:18] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:18] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:18] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:18] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:18] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:18] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:18] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:18] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:18] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:18] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:18] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:18] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:18] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:18] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:18] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:18] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:18] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:18] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:18] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ResultsScreen, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:18] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 4, 'dt': 1510410896, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'costShell': 260, 'shipId': 4185798448L, 'result': False, 'costRepair': 5000}} [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:18] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 4, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SHIP_SERVE', 'costShell': 260, 'result': False, 'shipId': 4185798448L, 'uiSpecial': False, 'shipLevelRome': 'IV', 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PGSD104', 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'isElite': False, 'dt': 1510410896, 'groupId': 5, 'costTotal': 5260, 'sourceId': 0, 'costRepair': 5000, 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'postponed': False} [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:18] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {1467137: {'color': 10066329, 'league': None, 'tag': u'DLS', 'id': 426723, 'name': u'\u0414\u0435\u0442\u0438 \u043b\u0435\u0439\u0442\u0435\u043d\u0430\u043d\u0442\u0430 \u0428\u043c\u0438\u0434\u0442\u0430'}, 26327811: None, 81659654: None, 36229377: None, 512911: None, 61873425: None, 3663891: {'color': 13395507, 'league': None, 'tag': u'OIL', 'id': 429733, 'name': u'\u041d\u0415\u0424\u0422\u042c'}, 2557718: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 546462: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'23RU', 'id': 430007, 'name': u'Flibuster'}, 59272609: None, 15659562: None, 19345213: None, 5568704: {'color': 16763955, 'league': None, 'tag': u'TMBO', 'id': 428725, 'name': u'\u0422\u0430\u043a\u0442\u0438\u0447\u0435\u0441\u043a\u043e\u0435 \u043c\u0430\u0441\u0442\u0435\u0440\u0441\u0442\u0432\u043e \u0432 \u043e\u043f\u0435\u0440\u0430\u0446\u0438\u044f\u0445.'}, 4049739: None, 13861844: {'color': 13395507, 'league': None, 'tag': u'S_S_H', 'id': 429578, 'name': u'Sea_Silent_Hunter'}, 39476311: None, 39501022: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'TAVR', 'id': 427171, 'name': u'PEREKOP \u0412\u041e\u0412\u0427\u0418\u041a-\u0412\u0410\u041d\u0427\u0418\u041a (\u0411\u0420\u0410\u0422\u0423\u0425\u0418)'}, 650593: None, 68298722: None, 47894929: None, 87553895: None, 59190132: {'color': 16763955, 'league': None, 'tag': u'TMBO', 'id': 428725, 'name': u'\u0422\u0430\u043a\u0442\u0438\u0447\u0435\u0441\u043a\u043e\u0435 \u043c\u0430\u0441\u0442\u0435\u0440\u0441\u0442\u0432\u043e \u0432 \u043e\u043f\u0435\u0440\u0430\u0446\u0438\u044f\u0445.'}, 4111100: None} [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:19] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 5, 'dt': 1510411690, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'achievements': (), 'expPenalty': -1, 'tasks': {'22470_q01': {'count': (24, 1), 'progress': (1.0, 1.0), 2: {'count': (0, 1)}, 'name': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'}, '22468_q04': {'count': (0, 0), 'progress': (0.3635, 0.07793333333333333), 3: {'count': (10905, 2338)}, 'name': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'}}, 'shipsKilled': 1.0, 'arenaUniqueID': 4911386807699862L, 'battleTypeId': 5, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': -72, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'mapTypeId': 14, 'credits': 165077, 'result': 1, 'exp': 2338, 'shipId': 4287543280L, 'battleCreateTime': 1510410646, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 735828, 2338), 'aogasFactor': 1.0}} [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:19] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 5, 'exp': 2338, 'tasks': {'22470_q01': {2: {'count': (0, 1)}}, '22468_q04': {3: {'count': (10905, 2338)}}}, 'aogasFactor': 1.0, 'mapBGPath': '../maps_bg/20_NE_two_brothers.png', 'operationName': '', 'rankStarsDeltaChange': 0, 'earnedAchievements': [], 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_BATTLE_RESULTS_1', 'result': 1, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'uiSpecial': False, 'mapTypeId': 14, 'shipId': 4287543280L, 'accountLeveling': {'expGained': 2338, 'currLevel': 15, 'prevLevel': 15, 'currLevelExp': 122000, 'expTotal': 738166, 'nextLevelExp': 122000}, 'curTasksCompleted': 0, 'mapName': 'IDS_SPACES/20_NE_TWO_BROTHERS', 'battleTypeId': 5, 'shipLevelRome': 'VI', 'achievements': (), 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASC007', 'shipsKilled': 1.0, 'importance': 2, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_CRUISER', 'difficulty': '', 'prevTasksCompleted': 0, 'isElite': False, 'date': '11.11.2017 17:30', 'dt': 1510411690, 'groupId': 3, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 735828, 2338), 'expPenalty': -1, 'arenaUniqueID': 4911386807699862L, 'credits': 165077, 'sourceId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': -72, 'viaMM': False, 'rankBattlesSeasonId': 0, 'shipType': 'Cruiser', 'quests': [{'maxProgress': 100, 'day': 11, 'monthIDS': 'IDS_MONTH_11', 'battleProgress': 100.0, 'type': 'challenge', 'id': '22470_q01', 'titleText': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!', 'currentProgress': 100.0}, {'maxProgress': 100, 'day': 11, 'monthIDS': 'IDS_MONTH_11', 'battleProgress': 7.0, 'type': 'task', 'id': '22468_q04', 'titleText': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b', 'currentProgress': 67.0}], 'stypeIdent': 'Cruiser', 'postponed': False, 'battleCreateTime': 1510410646, 'rankDeltaChange': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:19] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:19] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:19] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:19] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:19] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tpd default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:19] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tpd default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:19] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_tpd default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:19] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_bomb default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:19] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_bomb default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:19] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:19] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:19] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:19] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:19] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:19] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:19] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:19] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:19] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:19] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:19] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:19] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:19] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:19] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:19] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:19] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:19] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:19] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:19] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:19] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:19] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:19] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:19] (, 86904481544477, 21): joinChannel, ('already joined', 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc') [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:19] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 17222686 bob7771 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:19] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 2557718 NSDRP 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:19] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 35853511 toshidzu 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:19] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 5595999 Tier099 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:19] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 58161041 Y_O_R_K_2015 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:19] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 69118514 RenamedUser_69118514 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:19] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 4, 'dt': 1510411690, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'costShell': 4725, 'shipId': 4287543280L, 'result': False, 'costRepair': 23000}} [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:19] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 4, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SHIP_SERVE', 'costShell': 4725, 'result': False, 'shipId': 4287543280L, 'uiSpecial': False, 'shipLevelRome': 'VI', 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASC007', 'shipType': 'Cruiser', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_CRUISER', 'isElite': False, 'dt': 1510411690, 'groupId': 5, 'costTotal': 27725, 'sourceId': 0, 'costRepair': 23000, 'stypeIdent': 'Cruiser', 'postponed': False} [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:19] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 22453883 {'jid': '22453883@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'vova1972ruzan', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:23] getModelPaths [] [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:25] !!! PostBattleWindow: Results Receive Timeout, going to Dock! [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:25] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {62222528: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 69416610: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 6896454: None, 30937387: None, 26288674: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'GUAPS', 'id': 430164, 'name': u'\u0413\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0434\u0435\u0439\u0446\u044b \u041f\u043e\u0441\u0435\u0439\u0434\u043e\u043d\u0430'}, 17915186: None, 69118514: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 327255: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'ENYO', 'id': 415095, 'name': u'\u042d\u041d\u0418\u041e'}, 5471194: None, 2893852: None} [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:26] availableShipParts 59 [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:26] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:28] BattleChatSystem OUT OF Context [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:28] Exception BigWorld.EntityIsDestroyedException: 'Avatar 1143544 has been destroyed' in ignored [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:28] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:29] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 17222686 {'jid': '17222686@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'bob7771', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:35] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:35] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:35] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:35] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:35] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:35] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:35] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:35] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:35] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:35] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:35] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:35] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:35] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:35] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:35] [Filters] saveFilters [] [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:35] [Filters] saveFilters [] [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:35] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:38] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': 0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:38] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': -1.0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:38] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ModalWindowConvertExp, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:40] [GiftBox] onAnimationDone [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:41] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:48] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:48] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:48] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 1], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:48] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:48] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:50] availableShipParts 59 [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:50] DivisionProxy.setReady: 4183733712 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:50] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4183733712 2 [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:50] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 432359 (537109318, 5595999, 'Tier099', 4183733712L, 0, 2, False, True, True, 15, 0, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0) 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:50] DivisionProxy.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537109318, dbid=5595999, name='Tier099', shipId=4183733712L, teamId=0, state=2, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=True, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=0) 0 {} [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:50] playersToInvite {} [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:50] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 5595999 {'jid': '5595999@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Tier099', 'clanInfo': (430246, u'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:50] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:50] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 7], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 1], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:50] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:50] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 7], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 1], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:51] availableShipParts 59 [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:51] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:56] [DivisionEntranceContext] requestDivisionSeekerList: Account.requestPreBattleSeekerList(): [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:57] [DivisionEntranceContext] requestDivisionSeekerList: Account.requestPreBattleSeekerList(): [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:57] receivePreBattles() PreBattleType: 4 Num: 11 Free: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:57] [Seek] onReceivePreBattleSeekers [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:57] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u0425\u043e\u0447\u0435\u0448\u044c \u0438\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044c \u0432 \u0434\u0440\u0443\u0436\u043d\u043e\u0439 \u0438 \u0441\u043b\u0430\u0436\u0435\u043d\u043e\u0439 \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0435? \u043e\u043f\u044b\u0442 1000+,\u0441\u0440. \u0443\u0440\u043e\u043d 40\u043a +,\u043f\u0438\u0441\u0430\u0442\u044c \u0432 \u043b\u0441, \u0414\u043e\u0431\u0440\u043e \u043f\u043e\u0436\u0430\u043b\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0442\u044c \u0432 \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d GOH)).', 'league': 0, 'name': 'Recoden', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 10066329, 'dbid': 71254793, 'clanID': 429498, 'rankSeasonId': 7, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 134232192, 'rank': 8, 'clanTag': u'GOH', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:57] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u041d\u0410\u0411\u041e\u0420 \u0412 \u041a\u041b\u0410\u041d(-LBF-)\u0434\u043b\u044f \u041a\u0411: \u043d\u0430\u043b\u0438\u0447\u0438\u0435 10\u0442\u043e\u043a \u0438 \u0436\u0435\u043b\u0430\u043d\u0438\u0435 \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0436\u0434\u0430\u0442\u044c(\u0434\u0440\u0443\u0436\u043d\u044b\u0439 \u043a\u043e\u043b\u0435\u043a\u0442\u0438\u0432 \u0438 \u043f\u0430\u0437\u0438\u0442\u0438\u0432)\u043f\u0438\u0441\u0430\u0442\u044c \u0432 \u041b\u0421', 'league': 0, 'name': 'dimon7833', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 10066329, 'dbid': 17342990, 'clanID': 425939, 'rankSeasonId': 7, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 134232240, 'rank': 11, 'clanTag': u'-LBF-', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:57] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u0425\u043e\u0447\u0435\u0448\u044c \u0438\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044c \u0432 \u0431\u043e\u043b\u044c\u0448\u043c \u0438\u0437\u0432\u0435\u0441\u0442\u043d\u043e\u043c \u0441\u0438\u043b\u044c\u043d\u043e\u043c \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d\u0435?\u0415\u0441\u043b\u0438 \u0443 \u0442\u0435\u0431\u044f \u0435\u0441\u0442\u044c 40000+\u0441\u0440.\u0443\u0440\u043e\u043d\u0430,53%+\u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434,2000+\u0431\u043e\u0451\u0432(\u0432\u043e\u0437\u043c\u043e\u0436\u043d\u044b \u0438\u0441\u043a\u043b\u044e\u0447\u0435\u043d\u0438\u044f) \u043f\u0438\u0448\u0438 \u043c\u043d\u0435 \u0432 \u043b\u0441 - \u043f\u043e\u043e\u0431\u0449\u0430\u0435\u043c\u0441\u044f)', 'league': 0, 'name': '_JIemy4uy_GoJIJIaHDeC_', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 16763955, 'dbid': 69180367, 'clanID': 415120, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'MOPE', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:57] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u041d\u0410\u0411\u041e\u0420 \u0412 \u041a\u041b\u0410\u041d!!!!....\u0417\u0430\u044f\u0432\u043a\u0430....50%++....pro-al-1200++...', 'league': 0, 'name': 'HeHaBucTb_KaK_cTuMyJI', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 16777215, 'dbid': 8052819, 'clanID': 426096, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'PILAT', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:57] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u0438\u0449\u0443 \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d \u0441 \u0415\u043a\u0430\u0442\u0435\u0440\u0438\u043d\u0431\u0443\u0440\u0433\u0430', 'league': 0, 'name': 'Fantomtop', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 0, 'dbid': 63669527, 'clanID': 0, 'rankSeasonId': 7, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 134232144, 'rank': 5, 'clanTag': u'', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:57] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u041d\u0410\u0411\u041e\u0420 \u0412 \u041a\u041b\u0410\u041d AVG \u0410\u0412\u0410\u041d\u0413\u0410\u0420\u0414 \u041e\u0422 1000 \u0411\u041e\u0401\u0412 2 \u041e\u0424\u0418\u0426\u0415\u0420\u0410 \u0421\u0412\u042f\u0417\u042c \u0420\u041a \u0412 \u041b\u0418\u0427\u041a\u0423 \u0418\u041b\u0418 \u041a\u0418\u0414\u0410\u0415\u041c \u0417\u0410\u042f\u0412\u041a\u0423 \u0412 \u041e\u0422\u0420\u042f\u0414 \u041d\u0415 \u041f\u041e\u0419\u0414\u0423 \u041d\u0415 \u0417\u041e\u0412\u0418\u0422\u0415', 'league': 0, 'name': 'apanin82', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 10066329, 'dbid': 61133722, 'clanID': 421914, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'-AVG-', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:57] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u0438\u0449\u0443 \u0430\u0432\u0438\u043a 4-5 \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u0435\u043d\u044c \u043a\u0430\u0442\u0430\u044e \u0422\u0435\u0445\u0430\u0441 \u0438 \u0420\u0435\u0432\u043e\u043b\u044e\u0446\u0438\u044e \u043c\u043e\u0439 \u043f\u0440\u043e\u0446 \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434 60% \u043f\u0440\u0438\u0433\u043b\u043e\u0441\u044b \u0432 \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443 \u043a\u043e\u043e\u043f\u0435\u0440\u0430\u0442\u0438\u0432 \u0438 \u043e\u043f\u0435\u0440\u0430\u0446\u0438\u0438 \u043d\u0435 \u0438\u043d\u0442\u0435\u0440\u0435\u0441\u0443\u044e\u0442', 'league': 0, 'name': 'Sergiksuper1', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 16777215, 'dbid': 7924640, 'clanID': 428411, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'TSUWR', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:57] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u041d\u0430\u0431\u0438\u0440\u0430\u0435\u043c \u0432\u0442\u043e\u0440\u043e\u0439 \u0441\u043e\u0441\u0442\u0430\u0432 \u0411\u0430\u043b\u0442\u0438\u0439\u0441\u043a\u043e\u0433\u043e \u0444\u043b\u043e\u0442\u0430 - BALT2. \u041e\u0431\u044f\u0437\u0430\u0442\u0435\u043b\u044c\u0441\u0442\u0432 \u043d\u0435\u0442. \u0414\u0438\u0441\u043a\u043e\u0440\u0434 \u0434\u043b\u044f \u0432\u043e\u043f\u0440\u043e\u0441\u043e\u0432 https://discord.gg/9FyFJ8k', 'league': 0, 'name': 'Pskovboss', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 10066329, 'dbid': 7046246, 'clanID': 416044, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'BALT', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:57] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u0435\u0441\u0442\u044c \u043b\u0438\u043d\u043a\u043e\u0440 7 \u043b\u0432\u043b,\u044d\u043c\u0438\u043d\u0435\u0446 7 \u043b\u0432\u043b ,\u043b\u0438\u043d\u043a\u043e\u0440 5 \u043b\u0432\u043b. \u0421\u043b\u0443\u0447\u0430\u0439\u043d\u044b\u0435 \u0431\u043e\u0438.', 'league': 0, 'name': '4etka', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 16777215, 'dbid': 59185133, 'clanID': 427222, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'MAMBE', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:57] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u043e\u0442\u0440\u044f\u0434 \u043e\u043f\u0435\u0440\u0430\u0446\u0438\u0438', 'league': 0, 'name': 'Frol_2012', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 10066329, 'dbid': 7840566, 'clanID': 425022, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'TA-BO', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 17:48:57] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'', 'league': 0, 'name': 'Zoom_67', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 16777215, 'dbid': 47187209, 'clanID': 427391, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'BM', 'inviteType': 2} [E] [2017_11_11 17:49:08] ServerConnection::onTimeOut(537109318): Disconnecting due to channel timing out. [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:08] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 6 NOT_SET [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:08] [LOGIN] Setting gIsConnected to False [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:10] connection problem!!! [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:10] clearAll 0 True [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:10] AccountLevelingProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:10] LootboxProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:10] LootboxProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:10] CampaignsProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:10] PVEScriptsProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:10] PVEDatahubUtils.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:10] PVEScriptsProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:10] IngamePortalProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:10] IngameNewsProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:10] UserDataGate.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:10] UserDataGate.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:10] StatsProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:10] StatsProxy.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:10] ShutDownProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:10] ShutDownProxy.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:10] ClanProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:10] ClanProxy.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:10] [LootboxProxyClient.destroy] [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:11] (, 51007757488877, 12): is out of context [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:11] (, 13182166089733, 190): fini [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:11] (, 51007922117933, 263): out of context [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:11] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Login, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:11] PreBattleInfoHolder.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:11] DivisionProxyBattle.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:11] GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:11] DivisionProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:11] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:11] Exception TypeError: '65803291491612() takes exactly 2 arguments (1 given)' in > ignored [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:11] GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:14] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Login, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:18] (, 66259644693353, 191): H:; A:; C:http://csis.worldoftanks.ru/csis/wowsru/?periphery=login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020&periphery=login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020; M:['login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020', 'login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020'] [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:19] BaseLoginRequest.doLogin(): login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020 token2 ([BaseLoginCredentials] Tier099) [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:19] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:19] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:19] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 1 LOGGED_ON {"token2":"5595999:5600238760764888903:252246574292215054195052291756638009489","wgnr":"ru.wargaming.net"} [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:19] LOGGED_ON {u'token2': u'5595999:5600238760764888903:252246574292215054195052291756638009489', u'wgnr': u'ru.wargaming.net'} [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:19] [LOGIN] Positive, serverMsg: {u'token2': u'5595999:5600238760764888903:252246574292215054195052291756638009489', u'wgnr': u'ru.wargaming.net'}, status: LOGGED_ON [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:19] [LOGIN] Setting wgnr url to "https://ru.wargaming.net" [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:19] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 2 NOT_SET [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:20] Account.__init__() [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:20] [Account debuG]: __init__() Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:20] ClanProxy.setChatHandler [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:20] ClanProxy.setInteractiveMessageData [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:20] Exception BigWorld.EntityIsDestroyedException: 'Account 537109318 has been destroyed' in ignored [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:20] (, 571883079382, 162): init [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:20] (, 574705753692, 103): Url config for realm ru as string is ResMgr.DataSection at 0x602A0B20 [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:20] (, 51003525417967, 75): in context [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:20] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:20] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:20] onBecomePlayer() [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:20] UserDataGate.onGetConnection [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:20] UserDataGate.onGetConnection(): 5595999 [Entity: id:3859 ['accountSimple', 'accountName']] Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:20] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAccount [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:20] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() True 0 0 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:20] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:20] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:20] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4161159088 {('Default', 4283604912L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 7, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:20] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4163256240 {('Default', 4282556336L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 5, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:20] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q04 {('Default', 4271730608L, 0): 5, ('Default', 4269633456L, 0): 5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u041e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c \u043d\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u041e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c \u043d\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'} [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:20] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4160110512 {('Resource', 0, 0): 100000, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 8, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:20] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22468_q03 {('Default', 4263440304L, 0): 5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'} [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:20] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q02 {('Resource', 19, 0): 1, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u041f\u0440\u0435\u043c\u0438\u0443\u043c \u0437\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0443'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u041f\u0440\u0435\u043c\u0438\u0443\u043c \u0437\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0443'} [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:20] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4156964784 {'desc': (), ('Resource', 0, 0): 100000} {'taskNumber': 11, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:20] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4162207664 {('Default', 4279410608L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 6, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:20] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q01 {('ResourceCoeff', 21, 17): 3.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 30): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 9): 12.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 32): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 10): 1.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 5): 1.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 28): 3.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 14): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 11): 1.5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'}, 0, 0)} {'type': 'challenge', 'titleText': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'} [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:20] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4167450544 {'desc': (), ('Resource', 16, 0): 500} {'taskNumber': 1, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:20] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4154867632 {('Default', 4284313520L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 13, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:20] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 15 [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:20] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:20] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 15. Boxes contents: [{4288852912L: {(0, 4283622320L): 1}, 4284658608L: {(0, 4274185136L): 1}, 4283610032L: {(0, 4273136560L): 1}, 4289901488L: {(0, 4289913776L): 1}}] [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:20] setServerTime: serverTime=1510411762 time.time()=1510411760.53 gInitialClientTime=3961.02802858 [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:20] initBattleTypes called [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:20] Disabled maps: [] [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:20] getNationForTutorial() CanBeStarted: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:20] StatsProxy.receiveAbuseStatus(): {'battlesToClean': 3, 'statuses': {'tkill': 1}, 'warnings': ()} [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:20] _onChangeTimeOut 156 [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:23] __processDossierStats() client dossier: ['oper', 'pvp', 'oper_mm_tasks_diag', 'pve_diag', 'pvp_diag', 'oper_normal', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'pve', 'oper_mm', 'total', 'oper_normal_tasks_diag', 'max_pve', 'rank_diag', 'max_pvp', 'oper_diag', 'club_diag', 'club', 'max_club', 'clan', 'oper_hard', 'oper_hard_tasks_diag', 'max_clan'] [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:23] AccountLevelingProxy.onGetAccountStats(): (-1, -1) (15, 738166) [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:23] __updateTaskProgress start: {'22470_q01': {}, '22468_q04': {3: {'count': 10905}}} [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:23] __updateTaskProgress start: {'22468_q03': {'count': 1, 3: {'count': 10.0}}, '22468_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 3}}, '22469_q01': {'count': 0}, '21856_q00': {'count': 0}, '22468_q05': {'count': 0}, '22468_q02': {'count': 1, 3: {'count': 549416}}, '22470_q01': {'count': 24}, '22470_q02': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 5}}, '22470_q03': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 354312}, 3: {'count': 15080}, 4: {'count': 95718}}, '22470_q04': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 10}}, '22160_q01': {'count': 0}, '22468_q04': {'count': 0, 3: {'count': 10905}}} [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:23] onGetRankBattlesInfo currentSeason: 7, PlayerInfo: None [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:23] onGetRankDossier() seasonId = 7 Empty [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:23] ---- no data for seasonId: 7 [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:24] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onGetSeasonRules: config False, {'seasonId': 1, 'operations': {4291341232L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 3, 'unlockTime': 1500429600, 'caps': 3}, 4292389808L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1499824800, 'caps': 3}, 4290292656L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1501034400, 'caps': 3}, 4293438384L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1501639200, 'caps': 3}}, 'currentOperationIdx': 1, 'roster': [4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L, 4293438384L], 'startTime': 1499824800, 'seasons': {1: {'operations': [4293438384L, 4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}, 2: {'operations': [], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}}, 'currentRotationTime': 1510106400, 'nextRotationTime': 1510711200, 'stage': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:24] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onLoadProgress: config False, season False, {'operations': {'hard': [], 'normal': [(4287146928L, [1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 0]), (4288195504L, [1509007262, 1509007262, 1509007262, 0, 0, 0]), (4290292656L, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])]}, 'seasons': {'hard': [], 'normal': [(2, 1509007262)]}} [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:24] onClanResponse: response=(1, 0, (430246, (430246, u'FLY', u'FLY', 16777215, u'executive_officer', u'\u0417\u0434\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0443\u0439\u0442\u0435 \u0442\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0449\u0438, \u0443 \u043a\u043e\u0433\u043e \u0435\u0441\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0431\u043b\u0438 10-\u0433\u043e \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u043d\u044f, \u0438 \u0433\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0441\u043e\u0432\u0430\u044f \u0432\u0441\u044f\u0437\u044c \u043d\u0443\u0436\u043d\u043e \u0441\u044b\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d\u043e\u0432\u044b\u0435 \u0431\u043e\u0438 - \u0441\u0442\u0430\u0432\u0442\u0435 + \u043c\u043d\u0435 \u0432 \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443 \u043a\u0442\u043e \u0433\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432', {47518727: {'role': u'private'}, 162314: {'role': u'private'}, 2835342: {'role': u'private'}, 58161041: {'role': u'private'}, 19410835: {'role': u'private'}, 2557718: {'role': u'private'}, 27883543: {'role': u'private'}, 73537307: {'role': u'private'}, 17222686: {'role': u'private'}, 310434: {'role': u'private'}, 11428651: {'role': u'private'}, 2445100: {'role': u'private'}, 7715120: {'role': u'private'}, 69118514: {'role': u'commander'}, 71811251: {'role': u'private'}, 59694238: {'role': u'private'}, 62222528: {'role': u'private'}, 47245249: {'role': u'private'}, 59103429: {'role': u'private'}, 35853511: {'role': u'private'}, 69416610: {'role': u'private'}, 65031124: {'role': u'private'}, 33301518: {'role': u'private'}, 5595999: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 8706534: {'role': u'private'}, 37230: {'role': u'private'}, 1515506: {'role': u'private'}, 71303028: {'role': u'private'}, 5426549: {'role': u'private'}, 22453883: {'role': u'private'}}, {75100162: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3925161}, 75104791: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1901451}, 75104792: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12037438}, 75104793: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47518727}, 75100186: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4688253}, 75100187: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26497012}, 75100188: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 872384}, 75100189: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 16896550}, 75104799: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2557718}, 75100217: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58161041}, 75100219: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36672236}, 75100220: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12445172}, 75100221: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11262324}, 75100086: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71777625}, 75099916: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5426549}, 75088485: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11437327}, 75088488: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86912728}, 75099930: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35480962}, 75099931: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 64096589}, 75104796: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24059614}, 75104797: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5326927}, 75105224: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5163046}, 75115804: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3700101}, 75100858: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65353479}, 75100859: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4549361}, 75100860: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19163627}, 75100862: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 15486060}, 75100864: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24960589}, 75104795: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26571092}, 75101403: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13829345}, 75101405: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2774140}, 75101406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19410835}, 75105005: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2514322}, 75105006: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 6071074}, 75105007: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21765943}, 75105008: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13351014}, 75105009: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10744094}, 75105010: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8213596}, 75105533: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 32758788}, 75105534: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35843415}, 75105535: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19416306}, 75099910: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 22471163}, 75099912: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47356661}, 75099913: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20821811}, 75099914: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 38322742}, 75099915: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 57543888}, 75100940: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1550733}, 75100941: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1431883}, 75100942: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 744012}, 75100943: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 69416610}, 75100944: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36933861}, 75100946: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4337469}, 75115800: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47245249}, 75115801: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2723422}, 75115802: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19050869}, 75115803: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65031124}, 75099932: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5239563}, 75099933: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5564244}, 75105068: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 27883543}, 75099952: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11428651}, 75115830: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 62222528}, 75115831: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8664152}, 75115833: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59103429}, 75115837: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4858560}, 75115840: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 7424262}, 75099461: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 33301518}, 75104134: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 225652}, 75101613: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 162314}, 75101614: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 75991473}, 75100081: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71303028}, 75100082: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79542157}, 75100083: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 76103}, 75100084: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80535214}, 75100085: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5965559}, 75092406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86780640}, 75092407: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 72132668}, 75092409: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65107864}, 75092412: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58685850}, 75104707: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13658244}, 75104708: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 77607300}, 75104710: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79957325}, 75104712: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2809573}, 75105225: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 61831778}, 75105226: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 48512704}, 75105227: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82400346}, 75105229: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59694238}, 75105230: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24318025}, 75105232: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35446652}, 75100114: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21297715}, 75100115: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2636501}, 75100116: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 23508047}, 75100117: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4104445}, 75100156: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65362617}, 75113469: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 17222686}, 75100158: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20158906}, 75113467: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1207353}, 75113468: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80938462}, 75100157: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82347121}, 75113470: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8706534}, 75113471: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4261263}}, 30, 30, None))) [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:24] ClanProxy.onClanResponse(): 1 (430246, (430246, u'FLY', u'FLY', 16777215, u'executive_officer', u'\u0417\u0434\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0443\u0439\u0442\u0435 \u0442\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0449\u0438, \u0443 \u043a\u043e\u0433\u043e \u0435\u0441\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0431\u043b\u0438 10-\u0433\u043e \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u043d\u044f, \u0438 \u0433\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0441\u043e\u0432\u0430\u044f \u0432\u0441\u044f\u0437\u044c \u043d\u0443\u0436\u043d\u043e \u0441\u044b\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d\u043e\u0432\u044b\u0435 \u0431\u043e\u0438 - \u0441\u0442\u0430\u0432\u0442\u0435 + \u043c\u043d\u0435 \u0432 \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443 \u043a\u0442\u043e \u0433\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432', {47518727: {'role': u'private'}, 162314: {'role': u'private'}, 2835342: {'role': u'private'}, 58161041: {'role': u'private'}, 19410835: {'role': u'private'}, 2557718: {'role': u'private'}, 27883543: {'role': u'private'}, 73537307: {'role': u'private'}, 17222686: {'role': u'private'}, 310434: {'role': u'private'}, 11428651: {'role': u'private'}, 2445100: {'role': u'private'}, 7715120: {'role': u'private'}, 69118514: {'role': u'commander'}, 71811251: {'role': u'private'}, 59694238: {'role': u'private'}, 62222528: {'role': u'private'}, 47245249: {'role': u'private'}, 59103429: {'role': u'private'}, 35853511: {'role': u'private'}, 69416610: {'role': u'private'}, 65031124: {'role': u'private'}, 33301518: {'role': u'private'}, 5595999: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 8706534: {'role': u'private'}, 37230: {'role': u'private'}, 1515506: {'role': u'private'}, 71303028: {'role': u'private'}, 5426549: {'role': u'private'}, 22453883: {'role': u'private'}}, {75100162: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3925161}, 75104791: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1901451}, 75104792: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12037438}, 75104793: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47518727}, 75100186: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4688253}, 75100187: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26497012}, 75100188: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 872384}, 75100189: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 16896550}, 75104799: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2557718}, 75100217: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58161041}, 75100219: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36672236}, 75100220: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12445172}, 75100221: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11262324}, 75100086: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71777625}, 75099916: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5426549}, 75088485: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11437327}, 75088488: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86912728}, 75099930: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35480962}, 75099931: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 64096589}, 75104796: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24059614}, 75104797: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5326927}, 75105224: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5163046}, 75115804: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3700101}, 75100858: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65353479}, 75100859: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4549361}, 75100860: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19163627}, 75100862: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 15486060}, 75100864: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24960589}, 75104795: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26571092}, 75101403: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13829345}, 75101405: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2774140}, 75101406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19410835}, 75105005: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2514322}, 75105006: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 6071074}, 75105007: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21765943}, 75105008: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13351014}, 75105009: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10744094}, 75105010: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8213596}, 75105533: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 32758788}, 75105534: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35843415}, 75105535: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19416306}, 75099910: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 22471163}, 75099912: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47356661}, 75099913: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20821811}, 75099914: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 38322742}, 75099915: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 57543888}, 75100940: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1550733}, 75100941: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1431883}, 75100942: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 744012}, 75100943: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 69416610}, 75100944: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36933861}, 75100946: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4337469}, 75115800: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47245249}, 75115801: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2723422}, 75115802: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19050869}, 75115803: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65031124}, 75099932: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5239563}, 75099933: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5564244}, 75105068: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 27883543}, 75099952: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11428651}, 75115830: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 62222528}, 75115831: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8664152}, 75115833: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59103429}, 75115837: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4858560}, 75115840: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 7424262}, 75099461: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 33301518}, 75104134: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 225652}, 75101613: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 162314}, 75101614: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 75991473}, 75100081: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71303028}, 75100082: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79542157}, 75100083: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 76103}, 75100084: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80535214}, 75100085: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5965559}, 75092406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86780640}, 75092407: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 72132668}, 75092409: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65107864}, 75092412: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58685850}, 75104707: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13658244}, 75104708: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 77607300}, 75104710: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79957325}, 75104712: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2809573}, 75105225: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 61831778}, 75105226: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 48512704}, 75105227: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82400346}, 75105229: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59694238}, 75105230: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24318025}, 75105232: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35446652}, 75100114: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21297715}, 75100115: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2636501}, 75100116: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 23508047}, 75100117: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4104445}, 75100156: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65362617}, 75113469: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 17222686}, 75100158: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20158906}, 75113467: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1207353}, 75113468: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80938462}, 75100157: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82347121}, 75113470: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8706534}, 75113471: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4261263}}, 30, 30, None)) [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:24] ClanProxy.__onGetMyClan: False (430246, (430246, u'FLY', u'FLY', 16777215, u'executive_officer', u'\u0417\u0434\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0443\u0439\u0442\u0435 \u0442\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0449\u0438, \u0443 \u043a\u043e\u0433\u043e \u0435\u0441\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0431\u043b\u0438 10-\u0433\u043e \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u043d\u044f, \u0438 \u0433\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0441\u043e\u0432\u0430\u044f \u0432\u0441\u044f\u0437\u044c \u043d\u0443\u0436\u043d\u043e \u0441\u044b\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d\u043e\u0432\u044b\u0435 \u0431\u043e\u0438 - \u0441\u0442\u0430\u0432\u0442\u0435 + \u043c\u043d\u0435 \u0432 \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443 \u043a\u0442\u043e \u0433\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432', {47518727: {'role': u'private'}, 162314: {'role': u'private'}, 2835342: {'role': u'private'}, 58161041: {'role': u'private'}, 19410835: {'role': u'private'}, 2557718: {'role': u'private'}, 27883543: {'role': u'private'}, 73537307: {'role': u'private'}, 17222686: {'role': u'private'}, 310434: {'role': u'private'}, 11428651: {'role': u'private'}, 2445100: {'role': u'private'}, 7715120: {'role': u'private'}, 69118514: {'role': u'commander'}, 71811251: {'role': u'private'}, 59694238: {'role': u'private'}, 62222528: {'role': u'private'}, 47245249: {'role': u'private'}, 59103429: {'role': u'private'}, 35853511: {'role': u'private'}, 69416610: {'role': u'private'}, 65031124: {'role': u'private'}, 33301518: {'role': u'private'}, 5595999: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 8706534: {'role': u'private'}, 37230: {'role': u'private'}, 1515506: {'role': u'private'}, 71303028: {'role': u'private'}, 5426549: {'role': u'private'}, 22453883: {'role': u'private'}}, {75100162: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3925161}, 75104791: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1901451}, 75104792: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12037438}, 75104793: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47518727}, 75100186: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4688253}, 75100187: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26497012}, 75100188: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 872384}, 75100189: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 16896550}, 75104799: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2557718}, 75100217: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58161041}, 75100219: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36672236}, 75100220: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12445172}, 75100221: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11262324}, 75100086: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71777625}, 75099916: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5426549}, 75088485: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11437327}, 75088488: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86912728}, 75099930: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35480962}, 75099931: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 64096589}, 75104796: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24059614}, 75104797: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5326927}, 75105224: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5163046}, 75115804: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3700101}, 75100858: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65353479}, 75100859: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4549361}, 75100860: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19163627}, 75100862: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 15486060}, 75100864: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24960589}, 75104795: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26571092}, 75101403: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13829345}, 75101405: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2774140}, 75101406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19410835}, 75105005: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2514322}, 75105006: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 6071074}, 75105007: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21765943}, 75105008: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13351014}, 75105009: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10744094}, 75105010: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8213596}, 75105533: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 32758788}, 75105534: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35843415}, 75105535: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19416306}, 75099910: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 22471163}, 75099912: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47356661}, 75099913: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20821811}, 75099914: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 38322742}, 75099915: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 57543888}, 75100940: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1550733}, 75100941: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1431883}, 75100942: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 744012}, 75100943: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 69416610}, 75100944: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36933861}, 75100946: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4337469}, 75115800: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47245249}, 75115801: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2723422}, 75115802: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19050869}, 75115803: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65031124}, 75099932: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5239563}, 75099933: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5564244}, 75105068: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 27883543}, 75099952: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11428651}, 75115830: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 62222528}, 75115831: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8664152}, 75115833: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59103429}, 75115837: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4858560}, 75115840: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 7424262}, 75099461: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 33301518}, 75104134: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 225652}, 75101613: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 162314}, 75101614: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 75991473}, 75100081: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71303028}, 75100082: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79542157}, 75100083: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 76103}, 75100084: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80535214}, 75100085: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5965559}, 75092406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86780640}, 75092407: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 72132668}, 75092409: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65107864}, 75092412: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58685850}, 75104707: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13658244}, 75104708: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 77607300}, 75104710: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79957325}, 75104712: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2809573}, 75105225: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 61831778}, 75105226: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 48512704}, 75105227: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82400346}, 75105229: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59694238}, 75105230: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24318025}, 75105232: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35446652}, 75100114: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21297715}, 75100115: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2636501}, 75100116: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 23508047}, 75100117: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4104445}, 75100156: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65362617}, 75113469: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 17222686}, 75100158: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20158906}, 75113467: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1207353}, 75113468: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80938462}, 75100157: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82347121}, 75113470: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8706534}, 75113471: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4261263}}, 30, 30, None)) [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:24] [CampaignsCommon] onLoadedDump: loaded campaign params and player; countActiveTasks 1; data ({4290690992L: (False, True, False), 4293836720L: (True, 0, True), 4291739568L: (False, True, False), 4288593840L: (True, 0, True), 4289642416L: (False, True, False), 4292788144L: (True, 0, True)}, {4289642416L: [1, 0], 4291739568L: [1, 0], 4293836720L: [1, 1], 4288593840L: [1, 0], 4290690992L: [1, 0], 4292788144L: [1, 0]}, {4283023280L: [2, 0, 0], 4251566000L: [2, 0, 0], 4287217584L: [4, 12, 7], 4288266160L: [4, 10, 7], 4289314736L: [4, 10, 6], 4291411888L: [4, 7, 7], 4293509040L: [5, 5, 9], 4286169008L: [4, 15, 8], 4263100336L: [2, 0, 0], 4290363312L: [4, 10, 5], 4285120432L: [4, 15, 7], 4272537520L: [2, 0, 0], 4241080240L: [2, 0, 0], 4292460464L: [4, 6, 8]}, {4153819056L: (1, False, 0), 4193664944L: (5, True, 0), 4280696752L: (5, True, 0), 4243996592L: (1, False, 0), 4288036784L: (5, True, 0), 4187373488L: (1, False, 0), 4224073648L: (5, True, 0), 4164304816L: (1, False, 0), 4130750384L: (1, False, 0), 4204150704L: (5, True, 0), 4240850864L: (1, False, 0), 4277551024L: (5, True, 0), 4184227760L: (1, False, 0), 4220927920L: (5, True, 0), 4257628080L: (5, True, 0), 4198907824L: (5, True, 0), 4237705136L: (5, True, 0), 3904257968L: (1, False, 0), 4274405296L: (1, False, 0), 3977658288L: (1, False, 0), 4154867632L: (5, True, 0), 4181082032L: (5, True, 0), 4254482352L: (1, False, 0), 4291182512L: (5, True, 0), 4260773808L: (5, True, 0), 3897966512L: (1, False, 0), 4161159088L: (5, True, 0), 4197859248L: (1, False, 0), 3901112240L: (1, False, 0), 3974512560L: (1, False, 0), 4177936304L: (1, False, 0), 4214636464L: (1, False, 0), 4251336624L: (5, True, 0), 4133896112L: (1, False, 0), 4190519216L: (1, False, 0), 4211490736L: (1, False, 0), 4081467312L: (0, False, 0), 4284891056L: (5, True, 0), 4158013360L: (1, False, 0), 4191567792L: (5, True, 0), 4252385200L: (5, True, 0), 4228267952L: (1, False, 0), 4134944688L: (1, False, 0), 4171644848L: (5, True, 0), 4208345008L: (1, False, 0), 4245045168L: (5, True, 0), 4281745328L: (5, True, 0), 4167450544L: (5, True, 0), 4188422064L: (1, False, 0), 4225122224L: (1, False, 0), 4203102128L: (5, True, 0), 4261822384L: (1, False, 0), 4131798960L: (1, False, 0), 4205199280L: (5, True, 0), 4241899440L: (5, True, 0), 4278599600L: (5, True, 0), 4221976496L: (5, True, 0), 4258676656L: (1, False, 0), 3902160816L: (1, False, 0), 4128653232L: (0, False, 0), 4165353392L: (2, False, 4.0), 4238753712L: (1, False, 0), 3905306544L: (1, False, 0), 4275453872L: (1, False, 0), 3978706864L: (1, False, 0), 4182130608L: (5, True, 0), 4255530928L: (5, True, 0), 4289085360L: (5, True, 0), 4178984880L: (1, False, 0), 4215685040L: (5, True, 0), 3971366832L: (1, False, 0), 4195762096L: (5, True, 0), 3899015088L: (1, False, 0), 4175839152L: (1, False, 0), 4212539312L: (1, False, 0), 4082515888L: (1, False, 0), 4285939632L: (5, True, 0), 4227219376L: (1, False, 0), 4155916208L: (1, False, 0), 4192616368L: (5, True, 0), 4207296432L: (1, False, 0), 4229316528L: (5, True, 0), 3895869360L: (0, False, 0), 4135993264L: (1, False, 0), 4172693424L: (5, True, 0), 4209393584L: (5, True, 0), 4246093744L: (1, False, 0), 4282793904L: (5, True, 0), 4160110512L: (5, True, 0), 4226170800L: (1, False, 0), 4292231088L: (5, True, 0), 4174790576L: (5, True, 0), 4132847536L: (1, False, 0), 4189470640L: (1, False, 0), 4206247856L: (5, True, 0), 4242948016L: (1, False, 0), 4279648176L: (5, True, 0), 4186324912L: (5, True, 0), 4223025072L: (1, False, 0), 4259725232L: (1, False, 0), 4159061936L: (1, False, 0), 4129701808L: (1, False, 0), 4166401968L: (1, False, 0), 4239802288L: (1, False, 0), 4276502448L: (5, True, 0), 4183179184L: (1, False, 0), 4219879344L: (5, True, 0), 4256579504L: (5, True, 0), 4293279664L: (5, True, 0), 3975561136L: (1, False, 0), 4163256240L: (5, True, 0), 3972415408L: (1, False, 0), 4236656560L: (5, True, 0), 3903209392L: (1, False, 0), 4273356720L: (5, True, 0), 3976609712L: (1, False, 0), 4180033456L: (5, True, 0), 4253433776L: (5, True, 0), 4290133936L: (5, True, 0), 4194713520L: (5, True, 0), 4196810672L: (1, False, 0), 3900063664L: (1, False, 0), 3973463984L: (1, False, 0), 4176887728L: (5, True, 0), 4213587888L: (5, True, 0), 4083564464L: (1, False, 0), 4286988208L: (5, True, 0), 4156964784L: (5, True, 0), 4162207664L: (5, True, 0), 4230365104L: (5, True, 0), 4063641520L: (0, False, 0), 3896917936L: (1, False, 0), 3970318256L: (0, False, 0), 4173742000L: (5, True, 0), 4210442160L: (1, False, 0), 4247142320L: (5, True, 0)}) [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:24] ClanProxy.onGetClanBattles {'seasonId': 1, 'finishTime': 1513713600.0, 'primeTimes': {2: (57600, 68400), 3: (57600, 68400), 5: (57600, 68400), 6: (57600, 68400)}, 'shipLevelMax': 10, 'shipLevelMin': 10, 'startTime': 1508310000.0, 'promoTime': 1508310000.0, 'stage': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:26] >>> DockProxy.receiveState [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:26] Unlocks.receiveState [] [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:27] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 9692, 'boughtToday': 1, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1510444800.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:27] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 9692, 'boughtToday': 1, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1510444800.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:27] PVEScriptsProxyCommon.createPVEState() [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:27] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onGetSeasonRules: config True, {'seasonId': 1, 'operations': {4291341232L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 3, 'unlockTime': 1500429600, 'caps': 3}, 4292389808L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1499824800, 'caps': 3}, 4290292656L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1501034400, 'caps': 3}, 4293438384L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1501639200, 'caps': 3}}, 'currentOperationIdx': 1, 'roster': [4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L, 4293438384L], 'startTime': 1499824800, 'seasons': {1: {'operations': [4293438384L, 4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}, 2: {'operations': [], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}}, 'currentRotationTime': 1510106400, 'nextRotationTime': 1510711200, 'stage': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:27] [4181898160L, 4180849584L] [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:27] [4181898160L, 4180849584L] [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:27] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onLoadProgress: config True, season True, {'operations': {'hard': [], 'normal': [(4287146928L, [1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 0]), (4288195504L, [1509007262, 1509007262, 1509007262, 0, 0, 0]), (4290292656L, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])]}, 'seasons': {'hard': [], 'normal': [(2, 1509007262)]}} [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:27] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] _updateOperationCompleted: 4287146928 normal [1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 0] [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:27] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] _updateOperationCompleted: 4288195504 normal [1509007262, 1509007262, 1509007262, 0, 0, 0] [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:27] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] _updateOperationCompleted: 4290292656 normal [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:27] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] _updateSeasonCompleted: 2 normal 1509007262 [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:27] onClanResponse: response=(6, 0, {'league': 4, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 430246, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division_rating': 0, 'stage': 'league'}) [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:27] ClanProxy.onClanResponse(): 6 {'league': 4, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 430246, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division_rating': 0, 'stage': 'league'} [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:27] ClanDataHubUtils.addLadderInfo: {'league': 4, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 430246, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division_rating': 0, 'stage': 'league'} [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:27] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:27] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:28] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] chooseOperation: 4291341232 normal True [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:28] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onOperationChosen: 4291341232 normal True [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:28] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] chooseOperation: 0 normal False [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:28] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onOperationChosen: 0 normal False [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:28] (, 51003611475748, 141): is in context [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:28] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}, interval: (1510412400.0, 1510415980.0)",) [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:28] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 630 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510412400.0, 1510415980.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:28] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'start'}, interval: (1510416000.0, 1510416000.0)",) [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:28] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 630 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510412400.0, 1510415980.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:28] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'end'}, interval: (1510426800.0, 1510426800.0)",) [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:28] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 630 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510412400.0, 1510415980.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:28] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}, interval: (1510498800.0, 1510502380.0)",) [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:28] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 630 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510412400.0, 1510415980.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:28] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'start'}, interval: (1510502400.0, 1510502400.0)",) [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:28] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 630 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510412400.0, 1510415980.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:28] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'end'}, interval: (1510513200.0, 1510513200.0)",) [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:28] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 630 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510412400.0, 1510415980.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:28] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:28] Sent FPS data [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:28] enterPreBattle() 1703686 [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:28] Account.enterPreBattle: (185) (1, 432359, (0, 0, 10, -1, 1, '', 0), 537109318, 5595999, u'', 1, None, 3, [(203915, 2557718, 'NSDRP', None, 0, 1, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0), (537109318, 5595999, 'Tier099', None, 0, 1, False, True, True, 15, 0, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0)], [], (0, 0), False, 1510410637946L, 2, False, [], {'nonClanMembersCount': 0}) [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:28] [DivisionEntranceContext] __onEnterDivision: 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:28] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:28] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:28] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 1], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:28] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:28] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:28] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:28] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:28] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 1], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:28] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:28] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:28] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:28] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:28] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 1], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:28] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:28] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:28] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:28] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:28] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 1], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:28] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:28] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:28] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onEnterPreBattle: None [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:29] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:34] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:34] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:34] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:34] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:34] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:34] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:34] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:34] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:34] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:34] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:34] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:34] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:34] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:34] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:34] [Filters] saveFilters [] [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:34] [Filters] saveFilters [] [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:34] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 623 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510412400.0, 1510415980.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:35] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': 0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:35] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': -1.0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:35] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:37] getModelPaths [] [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:38] ClanProxy.onChatInitialized [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:38] XmppChatHandler.joinClanChannel() 430246 [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:38] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived prebattle 3 [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:38] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: DIVISION channelsGroupsIds: [] [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:38] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel True self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:38] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 2557718 NSDRP 2 2 (430246, u'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:38] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 5595999 Tier099 2 2 (430246, u'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:38] UserDataGate.__onRosterUpdated [('17915186@wowsru.loc', 'egy5', False, 4, ()), ('2557718@wowsru.loc', 'NSDRP', False, 4, ()), ('26288674@wowsru.loc', '_EmperoR_WOW_', False, 4, ()), ('2893852@wowsru.loc', 'klimstonn', False, 4, ()), ('30937387@wowsru.loc', 'monster__622', False, 4, ()), ('327255@wowsru.loc', 'Migri', False, 4, ()), ('5471194@wowsru.loc', 'loki1982', False, 4, ()), ('62222528@wowsru.loc', 'HEGNI_1', False, 4, ()), ('6896454@wowsru.loc', 'Vie92', False, 4, ()), ('69118514@wowsru.loc', 'RenamedUser_69118514', False, 4, ()), ('69416610@wowsru.loc', 'Player_3185411451', False, 4, ())] [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:39] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {62222528: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 69416610: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 6896454: None, 30937387: None, 26288674: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'GUAPS', 'id': 430164, 'name': u'\u0413\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0434\u0435\u0439\u0446\u044b \u041f\u043e\u0441\u0435\u0439\u0434\u043e\u043d\u0430'}, 17915186: None, 69118514: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 2557718: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 327255: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'ENYO', 'id': 415095, 'name': u'\u042d\u041d\u0418\u041e'}, 5471194: None, 2893852: None} [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:39] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 30937387@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:39] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 2893852@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:39] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 59124891@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:39] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 11274288@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:39] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 21696974@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:39] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 14596986@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:39] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 58053848@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:39] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 310434@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:39] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 19410835@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:39] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 35853511@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:39] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 59103429@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:39] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 22453883@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:39] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 2557718@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:39] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 62222528@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:39] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 69118514@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:39] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:39] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:39] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:39] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:39] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: KARSAK_1968 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:39] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:39] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:39] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:39] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:39] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:39] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:39] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:39] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:39] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:39] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:39] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:39] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:39] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:39] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: toshidzu channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:39] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:39] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Samum1989_geroj channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:39] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:39] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:39] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:39] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: NSDRP channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:39] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:39] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:39] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:39] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:39] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:39] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived clansearch@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:39] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived ids_chat_channel_offtop@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:39] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived ids_chat_channel_questions@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:39] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived wargamingfm@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:39] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_SEARCH_CLAN_DIV channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:39] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:39] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_OFFTOP channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:39] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:39] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_QUESTIONS channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:39] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:39] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: WargamingFM Корабли channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:39] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:39] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc 6 [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:39] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: channelsGroupsIds: [] [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:39] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:39] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 58161041 {'jid': '58161041@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Y_O_R_K_2015', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:39] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 69118514 {'jid': '69118514@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:39] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 35853511 {'jid': '35853511@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'toshidzu', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:39] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 2557718 {'jid': '2557718@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'NSDRP', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:39] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 22453883 {'jid': '22453883@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'vova1972ruzan', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:39] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 17222686 {'jid': '17222686@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'bob7771', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:39] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 5595999 {'jid': '5595999@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Tier099', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:39] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Tier099', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/5595999', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510394839L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd1\x80\xd0\xb5\xd0\xb1\xd1\x8f\xd1\x82 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb3\xd0\xbe \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xb2\xd1\x8b\xd0\xba\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb4\xd1\x8b\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82 \xd0\xb2\xd0\xbe \xd0\xb2\xd1\x80\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbc\xd1\x8f \xd0\xb1\xd0\xbe\xd1\x8f???', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:39] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Tier099', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/5595999', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510396421L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbf\xd1\x8f\xd1\x82\xd1\x8c \xd0\xb2\xd1\x8b\xd0\xba\xd0\xb8\xd0\xbd\xd1\x83\xd0\xbb\xd0\xbe 2 \xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb7\xd0\xb0 \xd0\xb7\xd0\xb0 1 \xd0\xb1\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb9', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:39] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/69118514', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510401726L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb1\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb8 \xd0\xba\xd0\xb5\xd1\x88', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:39] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'NSDRP', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/2557718', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510404247L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb5\xd1\x87\xd0\xb5\xd1\x80 \xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb1\xd1\x80\xd1\x8b\xd0\xb9. \xd0\xb5\xd1\x81\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb8 9 \xd0\xbe\xd1\x87\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2 \xd0\xbe\xd0\xbf\xd1\x8b\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0 \xd0\xba\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbf\xd0\xb8\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe 54 000 \xd0\xbe\xd0\xbf\xd1\x8b\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0 \xd1\x82\xd0\xbe \xd1\x81\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbb\xd1\x8c\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe \xd0\xb7\xd0\xb0 15 ?', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:39] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/69118514', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510408413L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0 13 \xd0\xbe\xd1\x87\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe 108 000', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:39] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Tier099', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/5595999', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510408924L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xba\xd1\x82\xd0\xbe \xd0\xb2 \xd0\xb2\xd0\xb7\xd0\xb2\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb4??? \xd0\x9f\xd0\xb8\xd1\x88\xd0\xb8\xd1\x82\xd0\xb5 \xd1\x81\xd0\xbc\xd1\x81 \xd0\xb2 \xd0\x9b\xd0\xa1', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:39] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'NSDRP', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/2557718', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510409220L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\x94\xd0\x90 \xd1\x83\xd0\xb6 . \xd0\xb0 \xd0\xbc\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe \xd0\xb4\xd0\xbb\xd1\x8f \xd0\xba\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb0 18 \xd0\xbe\xd1\x87\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2. \xd0\xb0 \xd1\x83 \xd0\xbc\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd1\x8f \xd1\x82\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbb\xd1\x8c\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe 9. \xd0\xbe\xd1\x85\xd0\xbe- \xd1\x85\xd0\xbe', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:39] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Tier099', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/5595999', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510409598L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xb8\xd0\xb3\xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd1\x82\xd1\x8c \xd1\x80\xd0\xb5\xd0\xb1\xd1\x8f\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0???', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:40] (, 86904481544477, 21): joinChannel, ('already joined', 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc') [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:40] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 17222686 bob7771 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:40] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 22453883 vova1972ruzan 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:40] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 2557718 NSDRP 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:40] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 35853511 toshidzu 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:40] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 5595999 Tier099 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:40] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 58161041 Y_O_R_K_2015 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:40] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 69118514 RenamedUser_69118514 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:41] availableShipParts 59 [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:42] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_11 17:49:58] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: QuestWindow, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:50:08] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 17:50:19] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 17:50:19] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 17:50:19] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 17:50:19] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 17:50:19] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 17:50:20] availableShipParts 55 [S] [2017_11_11 17:50:20] DivisionProxy.setReady: 4185863984 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:50:20] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_11 17:50:20] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4185863984 2 [S] [2017_11_11 17:50:20] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 432359 (537109318, 5595999, 'Tier099', 4185863984L, 0, 2, False, True, True, 15, 0, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0) 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:50:20] DivisionProxy.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537109318, dbid=5595999, name='Tier099', shipId=4185863984L, teamId=0, state=2, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=True, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=0) 0 {} [S] [2017_11_11 17:50:20] playersToInvite {} [S] [2017_11_11 17:50:20] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 5595999 {'jid': '5595999@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Tier099', 'clanInfo': (430246, u'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:50:20] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 17:50:20] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [3, 5], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 17:50:20] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 17:50:20] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [3, 5], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 17:50:21] availableShipParts 55 [S] [2017_11_11 17:50:21] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_11 17:50:34] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 432359 (203915, 2557718, 'NSDRP', 4185831248L, 0, 2, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0) 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:50:34] DivisionProxy.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=203915, dbid=2557718, name='NSDRP', shipId=4185831248L, teamId=0, state=2, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=0) 0 {} [S] [2017_11_11 17:50:34] playersToInvite {} [S] [2017_11_11 17:50:34] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 2557718 {'jid': '2557718@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'NSDRP', 'clanInfo': (430246, u'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:50:34] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 17:50:34] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [3, 5], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 1], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 17:50:34] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 17:50:34] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [3, 5], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 1], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 17:50:44] Account.enqueue(): 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:50:44] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [3, 5], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 1], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 17:50:44] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 17:50:44] DivisionProxy.start 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:50:44] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [3, 5], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 1], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 17:50:44] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 17:50:44] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 432359 (203915, 2557718, 'NSDRP', 4185831248L, 0, 3, True, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0) 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:50:44] DivisionProxy.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=203915, dbid=2557718, name='NSDRP', shipId=4185831248L, teamId=0, state=3, isInBattle=True, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=0) 0 {} [S] [2017_11_11 17:50:44] playersToInvite {} [S] [2017_11_11 17:50:44] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 2557718 {'jid': '2557718@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'NSDRP', 'clanInfo': (430246, u'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 17:50:44] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 17:50:44] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [3, 5], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 1, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 17:50:44] some players in battle 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:50:44] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [53] [S] [2017_11_11 17:50:44] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [3, 5], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 1, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 17:50:44] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 432359 (537109318, 5595999, 'Tier099', 4185863984L, 0, 3, True, True, True, 15, 0, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0) 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:50:44] DivisionProxy.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537109318, dbid=5595999, name='Tier099', shipId=4185863984L, teamId=0, state=3, isInBattle=True, isConnected=True, isAbuser=True, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=0) 0 {} [S] [2017_11_11 17:50:44] playersToInvite {} [S] [2017_11_11 17:50:44] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 5595999 {'jid': '5595999@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Tier099', 'clanInfo': (430246, u'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 17:50:44] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 17:50:44] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 2, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 17:50:44] some players in battle 2 [S] [2017_11_11 17:50:44] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [53] [S] [2017_11_11 17:50:44] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 2, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 17:50:44] some players in battle 2 [S] [2017_11_11 17:50:44] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [53] [S] [2017_11_11 17:50:44] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 2, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 17:50:44] onEnqueued() QueueType: 1 ShipId: 4185863984 mmDescription: {'useBots': False, 'onlyFullBattles': False, 'maxWait': 300} [S] [2017_11_11 17:50:44] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4185863984 4 [S] [2017_11_11 17:50:44] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 2557718 {'jid': '2557718@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'NSDRP', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 17:50:46] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {2557718: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}} [S] [2017_11_11 17:50:47] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 5595999 {'jid': '5595999@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Tier099', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 17:50:51] onPrepareingForBattle() [S] [2017_11_11 17:50:51] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4185863984 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:50:51] onGameRoomStateInit mapIdx = 4 battleType = 71 gameMode = Domination duration=1200 [S] [2017_11_11 17:50:59] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2017_11_11 17:50:59] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened False [isChatBoxOpened] __updateChannelInfo channel.isChatBoxOpened False False [S] [2017_11_11 17:50:59] (, 80999132267601, 73): handleChannelError, ('room destroyed', 'prebattle', 3) [S] [2017_11_11 17:50:59] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened False GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 17:50:59] [LootboxProxyClient.destroy] [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:00] Avatar.receiveAvatarInfo: {'evaluationsLeft': {0: 7, 1: 7}} [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:00] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAvatar [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:00] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() False 0 0 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:00] Avatar.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:00] name Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:00] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:00] Avatar onControlled False [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:00] onControlled->False: not implemented [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:00] onGeometryMapped() MapName: 05_Ring [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:00] teamBuildType: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:00] player: Id: 241025 Name: rinat220880 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PBSC105_Emerald avatarId: 1086340 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:00] player: Id: 203915 Name: NSDRP TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSC104_Duguay_Trouin avatarId: 1086342 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:00] player: Id: 537179662 Name: Kasatka05 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PBSB104_Orion avatarId: 1086344 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:00] player: Id: 537106160 Name: XutRuy161 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSB105_Koenig avatarId: 1086382 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:00] player: Id: 537109318 Name: Tier099 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSB104_Kaiser avatarId: 1086348 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:00] player: Id: 536976424 Name: anato_m TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSB706_Kirishima avatarId: 1086350 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:00] player: Id: 537259448 Name: yuriy_s_2 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSB706_Kirishima avatarId: 1086368 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:00] player: Id: 320829 Name: Velikiy_NehochyHA TeamId: 1 ShipName: PBSC104_Danae avatarId: 1086354 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:00] player: Id: 309569 Name: watch004 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSD105_T_22 avatarId: 1086356 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:00] player: Id: 537000261 Name: ruslan_78_ TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSB505_Oktyabrskaya_Revolutsiya avatarId: 1086358 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:00] player: Id: 203974 Name: Vovchandr TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB004_Arkansas_1912 avatarId: 1086360 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:00] player: Id: 537226439 Name: RenamedUser_24216138 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSB105_Koenig avatarId: 1086362 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:00] player: Id: 219978 Name: TATARIN_s_ASHABADA TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSD205_Podvoisky_pr_1929 avatarId: 1086364 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:00] player: Id: 248400 Name: optimus_prime2002 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSB003_Myogi_1912 avatarId: 1086366 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:00] player: Id: 537124280 Name: stoxan TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASA002_Bogue_1942 avatarId: 1086352 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:00] player: Id: 229843 Name: LSA69 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASA002_Bogue_1942 avatarId: 1086370 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:00] player: Id: 537118678 Name: zaley1980 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSC104_Svetlana avatarId: 1086372 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:00] player: Id: 317148 Name: gustav_is_tirolya TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSC005_Furutaka_1926 avatarId: 1086374 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:00] player: Id: 312285 Name: geny_324 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSB105_Koenig avatarId: 1086376 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:00] player: Id: 537130723 Name: 1110sergic TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSA002_Hosho_1939 avatarId: 1086378 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:00] player: Id: 274662 Name: amar_100 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PBSC104_Danae avatarId: 1086380 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:00] player: Id: 537100784 Name: juvchik7 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSC104_Duguay_Trouin avatarId: 1086346 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:00] player: Id: 228981 Name: zonar_ TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSC104_Karlsruhe avatarId: 1086384 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:00] player: Id: 537202558 Name: Serzh_60_Karpov TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASA004_Langley_1929 avatarId: 1086386 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:01] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (432359, 0, 0, 1086342, 1510411852785L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:01] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {432359: PreBattleInfo: id: 432359, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1086342, creationTime 1510411852785, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:01] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (432359, 0, 0, 1086348, 1510411852785L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:01] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {432359: PreBattleInfo: id: 432359, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1086348, creationTime 1510411852785, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:01] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (432359, 0, 0, 1086348, 1510411852785L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:01] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {432359: PreBattleInfo: id: 432359, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1086348, creationTime 1510411852785, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:01] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (432359, 0, 0, 1086348, 1510411852785L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:01] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {432359: PreBattleInfo: id: 432359, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1086348, creationTime 1510411852785, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:01] Avatar.enterPrebattle [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:01] (, 39965384947628, 149): 1086338; BattleLogic() [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:01] (, 39965384947628, 149): 1086338; onEnterWorld() State: {attentionMarkers: [], clientAnimations: None, controlPoints: [{position: [-149.99990844726562, 150.0], radius: 111.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [149.99990844726562, 149.9998016357422], radius: 111.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: 1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [-149.99990844726562, -149.99990844726562], radius: 111.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: 0, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [149.99990844726562, -150.0], radius: 110.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}], entityStates: [], expectedActions: None, interactiveZones: [], weather: {globalWeatherId: 1086339, localWeather: [], entityLogicParams: []}, keyObjects: [], missions: {hold: [{reward: 4, penalty: 0, cpIndices: [0, 1, 2, 3], period: 9}], capture: [], destroy: [], suppress: [], kill: [{reward: 30, penalty: 45, shipType: 'Destroyer'}, {reward: 35, penalty: 50, shipType: 'Cruiser'}, {reward: 40, penalty: 60, shipType: 'Battleship'}, {reward: 45, penalty: 65, shipType: 'AirCarrier'}], teamsScore: [300, 300], teamWinScore: 1000, teamLoseScore: 0}, resources: [], successStoryProgress: [], screenplayMessage: '', tasks: [], minefields: [], entities: [], effects: []} [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:01] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:01] BattleDataContext.__onEnterSpace [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:04] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:06] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:09] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 58161041 {'jid': '58161041@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Y_O_R_K_2015', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:18] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:18] id 1086353 [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:18] name stoxan [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:18] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:18] @ launchpadAppeared 1086353 [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:18] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:18] id 1086351 [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:18] name anato_m [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:18] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:18] @ launchpadAppeared 1086351 [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:19] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:19] id 1086387 [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:19] name Serzh_60_Karpov [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:19] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:19] @ launchpadAppeared 1086387 [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:20] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:20] id 1086385 [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:20] name zonar_ [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:20] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:21] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:21] id 1086367 [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:21] name optimus_prime2002 [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:21] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:21] @ launchpadAppeared 1086367 [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:21] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:21] id 1086377 [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:21] name geny_324 [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:21] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:22] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:22] id 1086349 [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:22] name Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:22] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:22] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:22] Avatar.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:22] ! A.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:22] BattleDataContext.__onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:23] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:23] id 1086343 [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:23] name NSDRP [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:23] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:23] @ launchpadAppeared 1086343 [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:23] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:23] id 1086359 [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:23] name ruslan_78_ [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:23] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:24] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:24] id 1086357 [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:24] name watch004 [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:24] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:24] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:24] id 1086381 [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:24] name amar_100 [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:24] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:26] [Weather][4142] onEnterWorld (map spaces/05_Ring/weathers.xml, scheme 0, weather 0) [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:26] (, 86904481544477, 21): unable to read weather config spaces/05_Ring/weathers.xml [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:26] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:26] id 1086375 [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:26] name gustav_is_tirolya [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:26] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:26] @ launchpadAppeared 1086375 [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:26] Avatar.onWorldStateReceived [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:26] BattleChatSystem IN Context [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:55] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:55] ('[ERROR] FeedbackController: empty config for event repair_finished',) [S] [2017_11_11 17:51:55] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 17:52:04] -= BATTLE STARTED =- [S] [2017_11_11 17:53:09] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:53:09] id 1086365 [S] [2017_11_11 17:53:09] name TATARIN_s_ASHABADA [S] [2017_11_11 17:53:09] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:53:12] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:53:12] id 1086341 [S] [2017_11_11 17:53:12] name rinat220880 [S] [2017_11_11 17:53:12] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:53:12] @ launchpadAppeared 1086341 [S] [2017_11_11 17:53:14] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:53:14] id 1086383 [S] [2017_11_11 17:53:14] name XutRuy161 [S] [2017_11_11 17:53:14] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:53:14] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 17:53:19] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 17:53:25] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 17:53:25] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 58161041 {'jid': '58161041@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Y_O_R_K_2015', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 17:53:26] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 17:53:29] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:53:29] id 1086347 [S] [2017_11_11 17:53:29] name juvchik7 [S] [2017_11_11 17:53:29] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:53:29] @ launchpadAppeared 1086347 [S] [2017_11_11 17:53:30] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:53:30] id 1086363 [S] [2017_11_11 17:53:30] name RenamedUser_24216138 [S] [2017_11_11 17:53:30] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:53:31] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:53:31] id 1086345 [S] [2017_11_11 17:53:31] name Kasatka05 [S] [2017_11_11 17:53:31] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:53:32] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:53:32] id 1086369 [S] [2017_11_11 17:53:32] name yuriy_s_2 [S] [2017_11_11 17:53:32] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:53:32] @ launchpadAppeared 1086369 [S] [2017_11_11 17:53:33] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:53:33] id 1086373 [S] [2017_11_11 17:53:33] name zaley1980 [S] [2017_11_11 17:53:33] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:53:37] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:53:37] id 1086345 [S] [2017_11_11 17:53:42] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:53:42] id 1086365 [S] [2017_11_11 17:53:42] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:53:42] id 1086341 [S] [2017_11_11 17:53:42] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:53:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:53:45] id 1086369 [S] [2017_11_11 17:53:45] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:53:47] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:53:47] id 1086369 [S] [2017_11_11 17:53:47] name yuriy_s_2 [S] [2017_11_11 17:53:47] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:53:47] @ launchpadAppeared 1086369 [S] [2017_11_11 17:53:50] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 17:53:51] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:53:51] id 1086345 [S] [2017_11_11 17:53:51] name Kasatka05 [S] [2017_11_11 17:53:51] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:53:57] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:53:57] id 1086345 [S] [2017_11_11 17:53:58] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:53:58] id 1086373 [S] [2017_11_11 17:53:58] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:53:58] id 1086369 [S] [2017_11_11 17:53:58] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:53:59] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:53:59] id 1086373 [S] [2017_11_11 17:53:59] name zaley1980 [S] [2017_11_11 17:53:59] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:54:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:54:10] id 1086373 [S] [2017_11_11 17:54:16] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:54:16] id 1086373 [S] [2017_11_11 17:54:16] name zaley1980 [S] [2017_11_11 17:54:16] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:54:19] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:54:19] id 1086365 [S] [2017_11_11 17:54:19] name TATARIN_s_ASHABADA [S] [2017_11_11 17:54:19] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:54:22] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 17:54:30] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:54:30] id 1086369 [S] [2017_11_11 17:54:30] name yuriy_s_2 [S] [2017_11_11 17:54:30] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:54:30] @ launchpadAppeared 1086369 [S] [2017_11_11 17:54:35] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 17:54:41] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 17:54:42] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 17:54:44] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 17:54:44] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:54:44] DEBUG: onChatMessage args ('', '', {'avatarId': 1086386, 'achievementId': 4277330864L, 'type': -1}) [S] [2017_11_11 17:54:44] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 17:54:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:54:48] id 1086369 [S] [2017_11_11 17:54:48] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:54:49] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 17:54:49] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 17:54:56] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 17:55:00] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:55:00] id 1086373 [S] [2017_11_11 17:55:06] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 71811251 {'jid': '71811251@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Leogon_1', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:55:08] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:55:08] id 1086361 [S] [2017_11_11 17:55:08] name Vovchandr [S] [2017_11_11 17:55:08] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:55:15] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:55:15] id 1086369 [S] [2017_11_11 17:55:15] name yuriy_s_2 [S] [2017_11_11 17:55:15] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:55:15] @ launchpadAppeared 1086369 [S] [2017_11_11 17:55:16] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:55:16] id 1086373 [S] [2017_11_11 17:55:16] name zaley1980 [S] [2017_11_11 17:55:16] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:55:30] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:55:30] id 1086341 [S] [2017_11_11 17:55:30] name rinat220880 [S] [2017_11_11 17:55:30] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:55:30] @ launchpadAppeared 1086341 [S] [2017_11_11 17:55:32] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 17:55:32] DEBUG: onChatMessage args ('', '', {'avatarId': 1086356, 'achievementId': 4282573744L, 'type': -1}) [S] [2017_11_11 17:55:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:55:45] id 1086369 [S] [2017_11_11 17:55:45] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:55:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:55:45] id 1086373 [S] [2017_11_11 17:55:45] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 17:55:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:55:50] id 1086369 [S] [2017_11_11 17:55:50] name yuriy_s_2 [S] [2017_11_11 17:55:50] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:55:50] @ launchpadAppeared 1086369 [S] [2017_11_11 17:55:51] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 17:55:52] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:55:52] id 1086355 [S] [2017_11_11 17:55:52] name Velikiy_NehochyHA [S] [2017_11_11 17:55:52] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:55:53] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 17:55:53] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:55:53] id 1086373 [S] [2017_11_11 17:55:53] name zaley1980 [S] [2017_11_11 17:55:53] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:55:54] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 17:55:54] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:55:54] id 1086373 [S] [2017_11_11 17:55:59] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 62222528 {'jid': '62222528@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'HEGNI_1', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 17:56:01] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 17:56:01] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:56:01] id 1086373 [S] [2017_11_11 17:56:01] name zaley1980 [S] [2017_11_11 17:56:01] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:56:02] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 17:56:03] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:56:03] id 1086345 [S] [2017_11_11 17:56:03] name Kasatka05 [S] [2017_11_11 17:56:03] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:56:06] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 17:56:06] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:56:06] id 1086373 [S] [2017_11_11 17:56:07] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 17:56:07] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:56:07] id 1086373 [S] [2017_11_11 17:56:07] name zaley1980 [S] [2017_11_11 17:56:07] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:56:11] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 17:56:13] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:56:13] id 1086341 [S] [2017_11_11 17:56:13] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:56:14] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:56:14] id 1086355 [S] [2017_11_11 17:56:17] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:56:17] id 1086355 [S] [2017_11_11 17:56:17] name Velikiy_NehochyHA [S] [2017_11_11 17:56:17] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:56:24] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:56:24] id 1086345 [S] [2017_11_11 17:56:24] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:56:24] id 1086345 [S] [2017_11_11 17:56:24] name Kasatka05 [S] [2017_11_11 17:56:24] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:56:28] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:56:28] id 1086373 [S] [2017_11_11 17:56:30] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:56:30] id 1086369 [S] [2017_11_11 17:56:30] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:56:33] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:56:33] id 1086383 [S] [2017_11_11 17:56:34] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 17:56:35] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 17:56:36] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 17:56:40] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:56:40] id 1086369 [S] [2017_11_11 17:56:40] name yuriy_s_2 [S] [2017_11_11 17:56:40] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:56:40] @ launchpadAppeared 1086369 [S] [2017_11_11 17:56:41] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 17:56:43] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 17:56:44] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 17:56:47] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 17:56:49] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 71811251 {'jid': '71811251@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Leogon_1', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 17:56:51] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 17:56:51] DEBUG: onChatMessage args ('', '', {'avatarId': 1086356, 'achievementId': 4282573744L, 'type': -1}) [S] [2017_11_11 17:56:51] DEBUG: onChatMessage args ('', '', {'avatarId': 1086362, 'achievementId': 4274185136L, 'type': -1}) [S] [2017_11_11 17:57:08] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 17:57:11] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 17:57:11] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:57:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:57:16] id 1086369 [S] [2017_11_11 17:57:16] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:57:19] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:57:19] id 1086369 [S] [2017_11_11 17:57:19] name yuriy_s_2 [S] [2017_11_11 17:57:19] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:57:19] @ launchpadAppeared 1086369 [S] [2017_11_11 17:57:21] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 17:57:22] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 17:57:24] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 17:57:31] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 17:57:34] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 17:57:34] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 17:57:35] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 17:57:37] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 17:57:37] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:57:37] id 1086341 [S] [2017_11_11 17:57:37] name rinat220880 [S] [2017_11_11 17:57:37] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:57:37] @ launchpadAppeared 1086341 [S] [2017_11_11 17:57:41] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 62222528 {'jid': '62222528@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'HEGNI_1', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 17:57:44] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 17:57:46] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:57:46] id 1086345 [S] [2017_11_11 17:57:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:57:48] id 1086345 [S] [2017_11_11 17:57:48] name Kasatka05 [S] [2017_11_11 17:57:48] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:57:53] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 17:57:54] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:57:54] id 1086355 [S] [2017_11_11 17:58:02] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 17:58:02] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:58:02] id 1086355 [S] [2017_11_11 17:58:02] name Velikiy_NehochyHA [S] [2017_11_11 17:58:02] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:58:05] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 17:58:08] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 17:58:13] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:58:13] id 1086341 [S] [2017_11_11 17:58:13] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:58:14] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:58:14] id 1086341 [S] [2017_11_11 17:58:14] name rinat220880 [S] [2017_11_11 17:58:14] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:58:14] @ launchpadAppeared 1086341 [S] [2017_11_11 17:58:17] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 17:58:22] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 17:58:27] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:58:27] id 1086373 [S] [2017_11_11 17:58:27] name zaley1980 [S] [2017_11_11 17:58:27] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:58:27] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 17:58:28] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 17:58:34] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 17:58:58] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:58:58] id 1086357 [S] [2017_11_11 17:59:07] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 17:59:15] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 17:59:15] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:59:17] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:59:17] id 1086369 [S] [2017_11_11 17:59:17] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:59:21] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 17:59:25] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 17:59:29] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 17:59:31] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:59:31] id 1086369 [S] [2017_11_11 17:59:31] name yuriy_s_2 [S] [2017_11_11 17:59:31] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:59:31] @ launchpadAppeared 1086369 [S] [2017_11_11 17:59:34] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:59:34] id 1086341 [S] [2017_11_11 17:59:34] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:59:37] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:59:37] id 1086369 [S] [2017_11_11 17:59:37] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:59:37] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 17:59:37] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:59:37] id 1086341 [S] [2017_11_11 17:59:37] name rinat220880 [S] [2017_11_11 17:59:37] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:59:37] @ launchpadAppeared 1086341 [S] [2017_11_11 17:59:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:59:40] id 1086341 [S] [2017_11_11 17:59:40] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:59:43] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 17:59:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:59:50] id 1086341 [S] [2017_11_11 17:59:50] name rinat220880 [S] [2017_11_11 17:59:50] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 17:59:50] @ launchpadAppeared 1086341 [S] [2017_11_11 17:59:51] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 17:59:54] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 17:59:56] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 17:59:56] id 1086341 [S] [2017_11_11 17:59:56] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 17:59:58] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 3599 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510416000.0, 1510416000.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'start'}) [S] [2017_11_11 18:00:01] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:00:01] id 1086369 [S] [2017_11_11 18:00:01] name yuriy_s_2 [S] [2017_11_11 18:00:01] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:00:01] @ launchpadAppeared 1086369 [S] [2017_11_11 18:00:02] DEBUG: onChatMessage args ('', '', {'avatarId': 1086358, 'targetId': 1086342, 'type': -7}) [S] [2017_11_11 18:00:09] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:00:09] id 1086379 [S] [2017_11_11 18:00:09] name 1110sergic [S] [2017_11_11 18:00:09] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:00:09] @ launchpadAppeared 1086379 [S] [2017_11_11 18:00:21] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:00:21] id 1086383 [S] [2017_11_11 18:00:21] name XutRuy161 [S] [2017_11_11 18:00:21] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:00:21] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 22453883 {'jid': '22453883@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'vova1972ruzan', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:00:25] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:00:25] id 1086371 [S] [2017_11_11 18:00:25] name LSA69 [S] [2017_11_11 18:00:25] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:00:25] @ launchpadAppeared 1086371 [S] [2017_11_11 18:00:29] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 18:00:38] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:00:38] id 1086341 [S] [2017_11_11 18:00:38] name rinat220880 [S] [2017_11_11 18:00:38] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:00:38] @ launchpadAppeared 1086341 [S] [2017_11_11 18:00:41] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 18:00:42] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 18:00:42] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:00:42] id 1086379 [S] [2017_11_11 18:00:42] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:00:42] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:00:42] id 1086371 [S] [2017_11_11 18:00:42] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:00:48] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 18:00:58] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 18:01:01] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 18:01:01] DEBUG: onChatMessage args ('', '', {'avatarId': 1086340, 'achievementId': 4282573744L, 'type': -1}) [S] [2017_11_11 18:01:01] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 18:01:05] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 18:01:21] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 18:01:32] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 18:01:37] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 18:01:43] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 18:01:46] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 18:01:48] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 18:01:53] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 18:01:55] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:01:55] id 1086371 [S] [2017_11_11 18:01:55] name LSA69 [S] [2017_11_11 18:01:55] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:01:55] @ launchpadAppeared 1086371 [S] [2017_11_11 18:01:55] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:01:55] id 1086379 [S] [2017_11_11 18:01:55] name 1110sergic [S] [2017_11_11 18:01:55] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:01:55] @ launchpadAppeared 1086379 [S] [2017_11_11 18:01:56] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 18:01:58] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 18:01:58] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:01:58] DEBUG: onChatMessage args ('', '', {'avatarId': 1086352, 'achievementId': 4282573744L, 'type': -1}) [S] [2017_11_11 18:02:32] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:02:32] id 1086383 [S] [2017_11_11 18:02:37] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:02:37] id 1086383 [S] [2017_11_11 18:02:37] name XutRuy161 [S] [2017_11_11 18:02:37] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:02:53] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 18:02:53] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:03:42] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 18:03:57] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 18:03:59] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 18:03:59] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:01] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:06] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:10] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:19] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:21] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 58161041 {'jid': '58161041@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Y_O_R_K_2015', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:28] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:40] battle finish - Victory [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:41] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOver [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:41] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOut [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:41] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: PostBattle, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:43] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: PostBattle, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:43] setFpsGathererActive(False) [E] [2017_11_11 18:04:43] Can only call base methods on the connected entity [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:43] (, 39965384947628, 149): 1086338; onLeaveWorld() [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:43] [Weather][4142] onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:43] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:43] id 1086341 [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:43] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:43] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:43] id 1086343 [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:43] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:43] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:43] id 1086345 [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:43] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:43] id 1086347 [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:43] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:43] Avatar.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:43] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:43] id 1086349 [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:43] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:43] id 1086351 [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:43] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:43] id 1086353 [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:43] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:43] id 1086355 [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:43] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:43] id 1086359 [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:44] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:44] id 1086361 [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:44] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:44] id 1086363 [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:44] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:44] id 1086365 [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:44] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:44] id 1086367 [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:44] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:44] id 1086369 [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:44] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:44] id 1086371 [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:44] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:44] id 1086373 [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:44] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:44] id 1086375 [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:44] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:44] id 1086377 [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:44] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:44] id 1086379 [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:44] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:44] id 1086381 [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:44] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:44] id 1086383 [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:44] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:44] id 1086385 [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:44] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:44] id 1086387 [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:45] Account.__init__() [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:45] [Account debuG]: __init__() Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:45] ClanProxy.setChatHandler [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:45] XmppChatHandler.joinClanChannel() 430246 [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:45] ClanProxy.setInteractiveMessageData [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:45] Exception BigWorld.EntityIsDestroyedException: 'Account 537109318 has been destroyed' in ignored [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:45] onBecomePlayer() [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:45] UserDataGate.onGetConnection [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:45] UserDataGate.onGetConnection(): 5595999 [Entity: id:3859 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'teamKiller', 'accountLevel', 'clanman', 'accountSelf', 'incompleteAccount', 'accountRank', 'channelParticipant', 'accountStatus']] Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:45] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4185863984L: {'exp': 3110}}, 'changedCrews': {28: {'exp': 6605}}, 'moneyXP': 100, 'lootboxes': {'lootExp': 11689, 'boughtToday': 1, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1510444800.0, 'curBoxType': 0}} [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:45] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 11689, 'boughtToday': 1, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1510444800.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:45] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': 99330, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:45] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -8400, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:45] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4185863984 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:45] leaveBattleSession() Reason: 0 Info: None [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:45] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:45] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:46] Sent FPS data [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:46] updateActionsProgress: {0: [(4185863984L, 1)]} [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:46] __updateTaskProgress start: {} [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:46] updateActionsProgress: {'22470_q01': {'count': 25}, '22468_q04': {'count': 0, 3: {'count': 12902}}} [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:46] __updateTaskProgress start: {'22470_q01': {'count': 25}, '22468_q04': {'count': 0, 3: {'count': 12902}}} [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:46] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: changed tasks [4165353392L] [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:46] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4165353392 data (False, 4.0, None, None) [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:46] StatsProxy.receiveAbuseStatus(): {'battlesToClean': 2, 'statuses': {'tkill': 1}, 'warnings': ()} [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:46] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAccount [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:46] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() True 0 0 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:46] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 2557718 {'jid': '2557718@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'NSDRP', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:46] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:46] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:46] Sent FPS data [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:46] (, 20685599789093, 264): keys: ['dossier', 'accPoints'] [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:46] __processDossierStats() client dossier: ['oper', 'pvp', 'oper_mm_tasks_diag', 'pve_diag', 'pvp_diag', 'oper_normal', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'pve', 'oper_mm', 'total', 'oper_normal_tasks_diag', 'max_pve', 'rank_diag', 'max_pvp', 'oper_diag', 'club_diag', 'club', 'max_club', 'clan', 'oper_hard', 'oper_hard_tasks_diag', 'max_clan'] [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:46] AccountLevelingProxy.onGetAccountStats(): (15, 738166) (15, 740163) [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:46] enterPreBattle() 1703686 [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:46] Account.enterPreBattle: (185) (1, 432359, (0, 0, 10, -1, 1, '', 0), 537109318, 5595999, u'', 1, None, 3, [(203915, 2557718, 'NSDRP', None, 0, 1, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0), (537109318, 5595999, 'Tier099', None, 0, 1, False, True, True, 15, 0, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0)], [], (0, 0), False, 1510411852785L, 2, False, [], {'nonClanMembersCount': 0}) [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:46] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived prebattle 3 [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:46] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: DIVISION channelsGroupsIds: [] [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:46] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel True self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:46] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 2557718 NSDRP 2 2 (430246, u'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:46] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 5595999 Tier099 2 2 (430246, u'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:46] [DivisionEntranceContext] __onEnterDivision: 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:46] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:46] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:46] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:46] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:46] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:46] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:46] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:46] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:46] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:46] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:46] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onEnterPreBattle: None [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:46] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:46] (, 86904481544477, 21): joinChannel, ('already joined', 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc') [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:46] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 17222686 bob7771 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:46] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 22453883 vova1972ruzan 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:46] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 2557718 NSDRP 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:46] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 35853511 toshidzu 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:46] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 5595999 Tier099 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:46] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 58161041 Y_O_R_K_2015 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:46] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 62222528 HEGNI_1 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:46] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 71811251 Leogon_1 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:46] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:46] BR: {'credits': 66220, 'credits_penalty': 0, 'exp_penalty': 0, 'exp': 887, 'credits_compensation': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:46] BR: {'elite_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'free_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'ship_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [['FIRST_WIN', 0.5, True, 0]], 'mod': []}, 'credits': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'crew_exp': {'sse': [['22470_q01', 0.5, True, 0]], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'acc_level': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}} [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:46] BR: {'auto_repair_list': [['IDS_SSE_REPAIR_DISCOUNT', 0.0, True, 0], ['IDS_CLAN_SUPPLY_REPAIR_DISCOUNT', -0.1, True, 0]], 'auto_exterior_list': [], 'auto_exterior_credits': 0, 'auto_camo_credits': 0, 'exp_enabled': True, 'abilities_applied': True, 'auto_repair_factor': 0.9, 'auto_load_credits': 3900, 'acc_points_enabled': True, 'free_exp_enabled': True, 'free_exp_factor': 0.05, 'ship_service_enabled': True, 'aogas_factor': 1.0, 'auto_exterior_gold': 0, 'premium_credits_factor': 1.5, 'premium_exp_factor': 1.5, 'auto_abilities_list': [], 'auto_camo_list': [], 'clan_supply_bonuses_enabled': True, 'camo_applied': True, 'auto_repair_credits': 4500, 'exterior_applied': True, 'serve_applied': True, 'auto_camo_gold': 0, 'crew_exp_enabled': True, 'auto_abilities_gold': 0, 'auto_load_list': [[78, 3900], [0, 0], [0, 0]], 'auto_abilities_credits': 0, 'credits_enabled': True, 'aogas_online': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:46] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:46] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:46] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:46] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:46] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tpd default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:46] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tpd default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:46] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_tpd default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:46] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_bomb default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:46] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_bomb default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:46] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:46] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:46] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:46] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:46] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:46] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:46] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:46] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:46] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:46] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:46] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:46] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:46] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:46] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:46] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:46] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:46] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:46] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:46] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:46] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:46] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:46] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:46] BuildData: Invalid path player.planes_lost default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:47] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ResultsScreen, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:47] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 5, 'dt': 1510412682, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'achievements': (), 'expPenalty': 0, 'tasks': {'22470_q01': {'count': (25, 1), 'progress': (1.0, 1.0), 2: {'count': (0, 1)}, 'name': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'}, '22468_q04': {'count': (0, 0), 'progress': (0.43006666666666665, 0.06656666666666666), 3: {'count': (12902, 1997)}, 'name': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'}}, 'shipsKilled': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 3861155634679372L, 'battleTypeId': 5, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'mapTypeId': 4, 'credits': 99330, 'result': 1, 'exp': 1997, 'shipId': 4185863984L, 'battleCreateTime': 1510411852, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 738166, 1997), 'aogasFactor': 1.0}} [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:47] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 5, 'exp': 1997, 'tasks': {'22470_q01': {2: {'count': (0, 1)}}, '22468_q04': {3: {'count': (12902, 1997)}}}, 'aogasFactor': 1.0, 'mapBGPath': '../maps_bg/05_Ring.png', 'operationName': '', 'rankStarsDeltaChange': 0, 'earnedAchievements': [], 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_BATTLE_RESULTS_1', 'result': 1, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'uiSpecial': False, 'mapTypeId': 4, 'shipId': 4185863984L, 'accountLeveling': {'expGained': 1997, 'currLevel': 15, 'prevLevel': 15, 'currLevelExp': 122000, 'expTotal': 740163, 'nextLevelExp': 122000}, 'curTasksCompleted': 0, 'mapName': 'IDS_SPACES/05_RING', 'battleTypeId': 5, 'shipLevelRome': 'IV', 'achievements': (), 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PGSB104', 'shipsKilled': 0, 'importance': 2, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_BATTLESHIP', 'difficulty': '', 'prevTasksCompleted': 0, 'isElite': False, 'date': '11.11.2017 17:50', 'dt': 1510412682, 'groupId': 3, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 738166, 1997), 'expPenalty': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 3861155634679372L, 'credits': 99330, 'sourceId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'viaMM': False, 'rankBattlesSeasonId': 0, 'shipType': 'Battleship', 'quests': [{'maxProgress': 100, 'day': 11, 'monthIDS': 'IDS_MONTH_11', 'battleProgress': 100.0, 'type': 'challenge', 'id': '22470_q01', 'titleText': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!', 'currentProgress': 100.0}, {'maxProgress': 100, 'day': 11, 'monthIDS': 'IDS_MONTH_11', 'battleProgress': 6.0, 'type': 'task', 'id': '22468_q04', 'titleText': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b', 'currentProgress': 68.0}], 'stypeIdent': 'Battleship', 'postponed': False, 'battleCreateTime': 1510411852, 'rankDeltaChange': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:47] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:47] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:47] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tpd default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:47] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tpd default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:47] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_tpd default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:47] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_bomb default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:47] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_bomb default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:47] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:47] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:47] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:47] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:47] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:47] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:47] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:47] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:47] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:47] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:47] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:47] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:47] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:47] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:47] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:47] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:47] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:47] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:47] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:47] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:47] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:47] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:47] BuildData: Invalid path player.planes_lost default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:47] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:47] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:47] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4161159088 {('Default', 4283604912L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 7, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:47] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4163256240 {('Default', 4282556336L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 5, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:47] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q04 {('Default', 4271730608L, 0): 5, ('Default', 4269633456L, 0): 5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u041e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c \u043d\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u041e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c \u043d\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'} [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:47] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4160110512 {('Resource', 0, 0): 100000, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 8, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:47] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22468_q03 {('Default', 4263440304L, 0): 5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'} [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:47] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q02 {('Resource', 19, 0): 1, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u041f\u0440\u0435\u043c\u0438\u0443\u043c \u0437\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0443'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u041f\u0440\u0435\u043c\u0438\u0443\u043c \u0437\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0443'} [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:47] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4156964784 {'desc': (), ('Resource', 0, 0): 100000} {'taskNumber': 11, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:47] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4162207664 {('Default', 4279410608L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 6, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:47] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q01 {('ResourceCoeff', 21, 17): 3.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 30): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 9): 12.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 32): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 10): 1.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 5): 1.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 28): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 14): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 11): 1.5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'}, 0, 0)} {'type': 'challenge', 'titleText': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'} [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:47] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4167450544 {'desc': (), ('Resource', 16, 0): 500} {'taskNumber': 1, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:47] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4154867632 {('Default', 4284313520L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 13, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:47] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 15 [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:47] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:47] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 15. Boxes contents: [{4288852912L: {(0, 4283622320L): 1}, 4284658608L: {(0, 4274185136L): 1}, 4283610032L: {(0, 4273136560L): 1}, 4289901488L: {(0, 4289913776L): 1}}] [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:47] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {11746946: None, 28209800: None, 7439885: None, 3095696: None, 58161041: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 2557718: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 86426263: None, 2893852: None, 17222686: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 69416610: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 29627174: None, 15004834: None, 30937387: None, 69118514: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 17915186: None, 71811251: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 62222528: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 6896454: None, 35853511: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 79384136: None, 24216138: {'color': 13395507, 'league': None, 'tag': u'WMF-2', 'id': 428242, 'name': u'\u0412\u043e\u0435\u043d\u043d\u043e-\u043c\u043e\u0440\u0441\u043a\u043e\u0439 \u0444\u043b\u043e\u0442 (\u0420\u043e\u0441\u0441\u0438\u044f)'}, 26288674: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'GUAPS', 'id': 430164, 'name': u'\u0413\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0434\u0435\u0439\u0446\u044b \u041f\u043e\u0441\u0435\u0439\u0434\u043e\u043d\u0430'}, 87851021: None, 79954640: None, 572245: None, 327255: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'ENYO', 'id': 415095, 'name': u'\u042d\u041d\u0418\u041e'}, 17160280: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'D0Z0R', 'id': 415261, 'name': u'\u0414\u043e\u0437\u043e\u0440\u044b'}, 5471194: None, 86657243: None, 29678300: None, 161120: None, 1432683: None, 70122607: None, 3417304: None, 85760381: None, 22453883: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 2286460: None, 4369405: {'color': 13434828, 'league': None, 'tag': u'LKF', 'id': 411738, 'name': u'\u041b\u0451\u0433\u043a\u0438\u0439 \u041a\u0430\u0437\u0430\u0447\u0438\u0439 \u0424\u043b\u043e\u0442'}} [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:47] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 5595999 {'jid': '5595999@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Tier099', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:47] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 4, 'dt': 1510412682, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'costShell': 3900, 'shipId': 4185863984L, 'result': False, 'costRepair': 4500}} [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:47] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 4, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SHIP_SERVE', 'costShell': 3900, 'result': False, 'shipId': 4185863984L, 'uiSpecial': False, 'shipLevelRome': 'IV', 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PGSB104', 'shipType': 'Battleship', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_BATTLESHIP', 'isElite': False, 'dt': 1510412682, 'groupId': 5, 'costTotal': 8400, 'sourceId': 0, 'costRepair': 4500, 'stypeIdent': 'Battleship', 'postponed': False} [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:51] BattleChatSystem OUT OF Context [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:51] Exception BigWorld.EntityIsDestroyedException: 'Avatar 1086348 has been destroyed' in ignored [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:52] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:59] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:59] (, 66379459049956, 122): __sendCurrentMessage:, (IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510412400.0, 1510415980.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}),) [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:59] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 118, 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'messageType': 'soon_start', 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_CLAN_BATTLE_PRIMETIME_CHANGED', 'groupId': 8} [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:59] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:59] [Filters] saveFilters [] [S] [2017_11_11 18:04:59] [Filters] saveFilters [] [S] [2017_11_11 18:05:00] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2017_11_11 18:05:02] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': 0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2017_11_11 18:05:02] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': -1.0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2017_11_11 18:05:02] getModelPaths [] [S] [2017_11_11 18:05:06] availableShipParts 55 [S] [2017_11_11 18:05:06] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_11 18:05:08] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: QuestWindow, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:06:08] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 18:06:36] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 18:06:36] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 18:06:36] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 1], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 18:06:36] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 18:06:36] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 18:06:38] availableShipParts 59 [S] [2017_11_11 18:06:39] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_11 18:06:45] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 18:06:45] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 18:06:45] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 1], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['premium'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 18:06:45] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 18:06:45] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 18:06:47] availableShipParts 59 [S] [2017_11_11 18:06:47] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_11 18:07:45] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {62222528: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 69416610: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 71811251: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 6896454: None, 35853511: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 30937387: None, 26288674: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'GUAPS', 'id': 430164, 'name': u'\u0413\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0434\u0435\u0439\u0446\u044b \u041f\u043e\u0441\u0435\u0439\u0434\u043e\u043d\u0430'}, 58161041: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 17915186: None, 69118514: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 2557718: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 327255: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'ENYO', 'id': 415095, 'name': u'\u042d\u041d\u0418\u041e'}, 5471194: None, 22453883: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 2893852: None, 17222686: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}} [S] [2017_11_11 18:07:56] [DivisionEntranceContext] requestDivisionSeekerList: Account.requestPreBattleSeekerList(): [S] [2017_11_11 18:07:57] receivePreBattles() PreBattleType: 4 Num: 14 Free: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:07:57] [Seek] onReceivePreBattleSeekers [S] [2017_11_11 18:07:57] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'', 'league': 0, 'name': 'kurito229', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 10066329, 'dbid': 79184964, 'clanID': 421914, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'-AVG-', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 18:07:57] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u0425\u043e\u0447\u0435\u0448\u044c \u0438\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044c \u0432 \u0434\u0440\u0443\u0436\u043d\u043e\u0439 \u0438 \u0441\u043b\u0430\u0436\u0435\u043d\u043e\u0439 \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0435? \u043e\u043f\u044b\u0442 1000+,\u0441\u0440. \u0443\u0440\u043e\u043d 40\u043a +,\u043f\u0438\u0441\u0430\u0442\u044c \u0432 \u043b\u0441, \u0414\u043e\u0431\u0440\u043e \u043f\u043e\u0436\u0430\u043b\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0442\u044c \u0432 \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d GOH)).', 'league': 0, 'name': 'Recoden', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 10066329, 'dbid': 71254793, 'clanID': 429498, 'rankSeasonId': 7, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 134232192, 'rank': 8, 'clanTag': u'GOH', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 18:07:57] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u0414\u041e\u041d\u0410\u0411\u041e\u0420 \u0412 \u041a\u041b\u0410\u041d \u0418\u0413\u0420\u0410\u042e \u0422\u041e\u041b\u042c\u041a\u041e \u041d\u0415 \u0421 \u041a\u041b\u0410\u041d\u041e\u0412\u042b\u041c\u0418 \u0418\u0413\u0420\u041e\u041a\u0410\u041c\u0418', 'league': 0, 'name': 'Magdalena__Neuner', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 13395507, 'dbid': 11227724, 'clanID': 418622, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'RATS', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 18:07:57] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u041d\u0410\u0411\u041e\u0420 \u0412 \u041a\u041b\u0410\u041d(-LBF-)\u0434\u043b\u044f \u041a\u0411: \u043d\u0430\u043b\u0438\u0447\u0438\u0435 10\u0442\u043e\u043a \u0438 \u0436\u0435\u043b\u0430\u043d\u0438\u0435 \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0436\u0434\u0430\u0442\u044c(\u0434\u0440\u0443\u0436\u043d\u044b\u0439 \u043a\u043e\u043b\u0435\u043a\u0442\u0438\u0432 \u0438 \u043f\u0430\u0437\u0438\u0442\u0438\u0432)\u043f\u0438\u0441\u0430\u0442\u044c \u0432 \u041b\u0421', 'league': 0, 'name': 'dimon7833', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 10066329, 'dbid': 17342990, 'clanID': 425939, 'rankSeasonId': 7, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 134232240, 'rank': 11, 'clanTag': u'-LBF-', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 18:07:57] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u0425\u043e\u0447\u0435\u0448\u044c \u0438\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044c \u0432 \u0431\u043e\u043b\u044c\u0448\u043c \u0438\u0437\u0432\u0435\u0441\u0442\u043d\u043e\u043c \u0441\u0438\u043b\u044c\u043d\u043e\u043c \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d\u0435?\u0415\u0441\u043b\u0438 \u0443 \u0442\u0435\u0431\u044f \u0435\u0441\u0442\u044c 40000+\u0441\u0440.\u0443\u0440\u043e\u043d\u0430,53%+\u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434,2000+\u0431\u043e\u0451\u0432(\u0432\u043e\u0437\u043c\u043e\u0436\u043d\u044b \u0438\u0441\u043a\u043b\u044e\u0447\u0435\u043d\u0438\u044f) \u043f\u0438\u0448\u0438 \u043c\u043d\u0435 \u0432 \u043b\u0441 - \u043f\u043e\u043e\u0431\u0449\u0430\u0435\u043c\u0441\u044f)', 'league': 0, 'name': '_JIemy4uy_GoJIJIaHDeC_', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 16763955, 'dbid': 69180367, 'clanID': 415120, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'MOPE', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 18:07:57] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'', 'league': 0, 'name': 'sergeu_42', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 13395507, 'dbid': 71966738, 'clanID': 428793, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'LMD', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 18:07:57] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u041d\u0410\u0411\u041e\u0420 \u0412 \u041a\u041b\u0410\u041d!!!!....\u0417\u0430\u044f\u0432\u043a\u0430....50%++....pro-al-1200++...', 'league': 0, 'name': 'HeHaBucTb_KaK_cTuMyJI', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 16777215, 'dbid': 8052819, 'clanID': 426096, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'PILAT', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 18:07:57] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u0438\u0449\u0443 \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d \u0441 \u0415\u043a\u0430\u0442\u0435\u0440\u0438\u043d\u0431\u0443\u0440\u0433\u0430 \u043f\u0438\u0441\u0430\u0442\u044c \u0432 \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443', 'league': 0, 'name': 'Fantomtop', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 0, 'dbid': 63669527, 'clanID': 0, 'rankSeasonId': 7, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 134232144, 'rank': 5, 'clanTag': u'', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 18:07:57] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u041d\u0410\u0411\u041e\u0420 \u0412 \u041a\u041b\u0410\u041d AVG \u0410\u0412\u0410\u041d\u0413\u0410\u0420\u0414 \u041e\u0422 1000 \u0411\u041e\u0401\u0412 2 \u041e\u0424\u0418\u0426\u0415\u0420\u0410 \u0421\u0412\u042f\u0417\u042c \u0420\u041a \u0412 \u041b\u0418\u0427\u041a\u0423 \u0418\u041b\u0418 \u041a\u0418\u0414\u0410\u0415\u041c \u0417\u0410\u042f\u0412\u041a\u0423 \u0412 \u041e\u0422\u0420\u042f\u0414 \u041d\u0415 \u041f\u041e\u0419\u0414\u0423 \u041d\u0415 \u0417\u041e\u0412\u0418\u0422\u0415', 'league': 0, 'name': 'apanin82', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 10066329, 'dbid': 61133722, 'clanID': 421914, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'-AVG-', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 18:07:57] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u0438\u0449\u0443 \u0430\u0432\u0438\u043a 4-5 \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u0435\u043d\u044c \u043a\u0430\u0442\u0430\u044e \u0422\u0435\u0445\u0430\u0441 \u0438 \u0420\u0435\u0432\u043e\u043b\u044e\u0446\u0438\u044e \u043c\u043e\u0439 \u043f\u0440\u043e\u0446 \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434 60% \u043f\u0440\u0438\u0433\u043b\u043e\u0441\u044b \u0432 \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443 \u043a\u043e\u043e\u043f\u0435\u0440\u0430\u0442\u0438\u0432 \u0438 \u043e\u043f\u0435\u0440\u0430\u0446\u0438\u0438 \u043d\u0435 \u0438\u043d\u0442\u0435\u0440\u0435\u0441\u0443\u044e\u0442', 'league': 0, 'name': 'Sergiksuper1', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 16777215, 'dbid': 7924640, 'clanID': 428411, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'TSUWR', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 18:07:57] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u041d\u0430\u0431\u0438\u0440\u0430\u0435\u043c \u0432\u0442\u043e\u0440\u043e\u0439 \u0441\u043e\u0441\u0442\u0430\u0432 \u0411\u0430\u043b\u0442\u0438\u0439\u0441\u043a\u043e\u0433\u043e \u0444\u043b\u043e\u0442\u0430 - BALT2. \u041e\u0431\u044f\u0437\u0430\u0442\u0435\u043b\u044c\u0441\u0442\u0432 \u043d\u0435\u0442. \u0414\u0438\u0441\u043a\u043e\u0440\u0434 \u0434\u043b\u044f \u0432\u043e\u043f\u0440\u043e\u0441\u043e\u0432 https://discord.gg/9FyFJ8k', 'league': 0, 'name': 'Pskovboss', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 10066329, 'dbid': 7046246, 'clanID': 416044, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'BALT', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 18:07:57] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'', 'league': 0, 'name': 'mogilla', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 16763955, 'dbid': 2810473, 'clanID': 418454, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 1, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'AKF', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 18:07:57] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u0435\u0441\u0442\u044c \u043b\u0438\u043d\u043a\u043e\u0440 7 \u043b\u0432\u043b,\u044d\u043c\u0438\u043d\u0435\u0446 7 \u043b\u0432\u043b ,\u043b\u0438\u043d\u043a\u043e\u0440 5 \u043b\u0432\u043b. \u0421\u043b\u0443\u0447\u0430\u0439\u043d\u044b\u0435 \u0431\u043e\u0438.', 'league': 0, 'name': '4etka', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 16777215, 'dbid': 59185133, 'clanID': 428327, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'NKZ', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 18:07:57] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u041a\u043b\u0430\u043d [RADIO] \u043f\u0440\u0438\u0433\u043b\u0430\u0448\u0430\u0435\u0442 \u0438\u0433\u0440\u043e\u043a\u043e\u0432 \u0441 2\u043a+ \u0431\u043e\u0435\u0432, 55%+ \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434, 1800+proalfa, 50k+\u0441\u0440.\u0443\u0440\u043e\u043d, \u0441\u0432\u043e\u0438 10\u043a\u0438, \u0441\u0432\u044f\u0437\u044c ts3, \u0432\u0440\u0435\u043c\u044f \u041c\u0421\u041a.', 'league': 0, 'name': 'nms2l1', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 13434828, 'dbid': 3330623, 'clanID': 411725, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'RADIO', 'inviteType': 2} [E] [2017_11_11 18:08:43] ServerConnection::onTimeOut(537109318): Disconnecting due to channel timing out. [S] [2017_11_11 18:08:43] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 6 NOT_SET [S] [2017_11_11 18:08:43] [LOGIN] Setting gIsConnected to False [S] [2017_11_11 18:08:45] connection problem!!! [S] [2017_11_11 18:08:45] clearAll 0 True [S] [2017_11_11 18:08:45] AccountLevelingProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 18:08:45] StatsProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 18:08:45] StatsProxy.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 18:08:45] ShutDownProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 18:08:45] ShutDownProxy.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 18:08:45] LootboxProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 18:08:45] LootboxProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 18:08:45] CampaignsProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 18:08:45] PVEScriptsProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 18:08:45] PVEDatahubUtils.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 18:08:45] PVEScriptsProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 18:08:45] IngamePortalProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 18:08:45] IngameNewsProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 18:08:45] UserDataGate.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 18:08:45] UserDataGate.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 18:08:45] ClanProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 18:08:45] ClanProxy.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 18:08:45] [LootboxProxyClient.destroy] [S] [2017_11_11 18:08:45] (, 51007757488877, 12): is out of context [S] [2017_11_11 18:08:45] (, 13182166089733, 190): fini [S] [2017_11_11 18:08:45] (, 51007922117933, 263): out of context [S] [2017_11_11 18:08:45] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Login, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:08:45] PreBattleInfoHolder.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 18:08:45] GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 18:08:45] DivisionProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 18:08:45] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2017_11_11 18:08:45] Exception TypeError: '65803291491612() takes exactly 2 arguments (1 given)' in > ignored [S] [2017_11_11 18:08:45] GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 18:08:50] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Login, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:08:53] (, 66259644693353, 191): H:; A:; C:http://csis.worldoftanks.ru/csis/wowsru/?periphery=login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020&periphery=login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020; M:['login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020', 'login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020'] [S] [2017_11_11 18:08:53] BaseLoginRequest.doLogin(): login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020 token2 ([BaseLoginCredentials] Tier099) [S] [2017_11_11 18:08:54] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:08:54] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:08:54] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 1 LOGGED_ON {"token2":"5595999:5600238760764888903:296916025970644387211344622286684074097","wgnr":"ru.wargaming.net"} [S] [2017_11_11 18:08:54] LOGGED_ON {u'token2': u'5595999:5600238760764888903:296916025970644387211344622286684074097', u'wgnr': u'ru.wargaming.net'} [S] [2017_11_11 18:08:54] [LOGIN] Positive, serverMsg: {u'token2': u'5595999:5600238760764888903:296916025970644387211344622286684074097', u'wgnr': u'ru.wargaming.net'}, status: LOGGED_ON [S] [2017_11_11 18:08:54] [LOGIN] Setting wgnr url to "https://ru.wargaming.net" [S] [2017_11_11 18:08:54] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 2 NOT_SET [S] [2017_11_11 18:08:55] Account.__init__() [S] [2017_11_11 18:08:55] [Account debuG]: __init__() Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 18:08:55] ClanProxy.setChatHandler [S] [2017_11_11 18:08:55] ClanProxy.setInteractiveMessageData [S] [2017_11_11 18:08:55] Exception BigWorld.EntityIsDestroyedException: 'Account 537109318 has been destroyed' in ignored [S] [2017_11_11 18:08:55] (, 571883079382, 162): init [S] [2017_11_11 18:08:55] (, 574705753692, 103): Url config for realm ru as string is ResMgr.DataSection at 0x66DADA40 [S] [2017_11_11 18:08:55] (, 51003525417967, 75): in context [S] [2017_11_11 18:08:55] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:08:55] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:08:55] onBecomePlayer() [S] [2017_11_11 18:08:55] UserDataGate.onGetConnection [S] [2017_11_11 18:08:55] UserDataGate.onGetConnection(): 5595999 [Entity: id:3124 ['accountSimple', 'accountName']] Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 18:08:55] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAccount [S] [2017_11_11 18:08:55] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() True 0 0 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:08:55] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2017_11_11 18:08:55] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:08:55] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4161159088 {('Default', 4283604912L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 7, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 18:08:55] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4163256240 {('Default', 4282556336L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 5, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 18:08:55] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q04 {('Default', 4271730608L, 0): 5, ('Default', 4269633456L, 0): 5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u041e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c \u043d\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u041e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c \u043d\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'} [S] [2017_11_11 18:08:55] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4160110512 {('Resource', 0, 0): 100000, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 8, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 18:08:55] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22468_q03 {('Default', 4263440304L, 0): 5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'} [S] [2017_11_11 18:08:55] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q02 {('Resource', 19, 0): 1, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u041f\u0440\u0435\u043c\u0438\u0443\u043c \u0437\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0443'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u041f\u0440\u0435\u043c\u0438\u0443\u043c \u0437\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0443'} [S] [2017_11_11 18:08:55] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4156964784 {'desc': (), ('Resource', 0, 0): 100000} {'taskNumber': 11, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 18:08:55] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4162207664 {('Default', 4279410608L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 6, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 18:08:55] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q01 {('ResourceCoeff', 21, 17): 3.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 30): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 9): 12.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 32): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 10): 1.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 5): 1.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 28): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 14): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 11): 1.5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'}, 0, 0)} {'type': 'challenge', 'titleText': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'} [S] [2017_11_11 18:08:55] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4167450544 {'desc': (), ('Resource', 16, 0): 500} {'taskNumber': 1, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 18:08:55] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4154867632 {('Default', 4284313520L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 13, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 18:08:55] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 15 [S] [2017_11_11 18:08:55] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:08:55] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 15. Boxes contents: [{4288852912L: {(0, 4283622320L): 1}, 4284658608L: {(0, 4274185136L): 1}, 4283610032L: {(0, 4273136560L): 1}, 4289901488L: {(0, 4289913776L): 1}}] [S] [2017_11_11 18:08:55] setServerTime: serverTime=1510412936 time.time()=1510412935.35 gInitialClientTime=5135.85003586 [S] [2017_11_11 18:08:55] initBattleTypes called [S] [2017_11_11 18:08:55] Disabled maps: [] [S] [2017_11_11 18:08:55] getNationForTutorial() CanBeStarted: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:08:55] StatsProxy.receiveAbuseStatus(): {'battlesToClean': 2, 'statuses': {'tkill': 1}, 'warnings': ()} [S] [2017_11_11 18:08:55] _onChangeTimeOut 156 [S] [2017_11_11 18:08:58] __processDossierStats() client dossier: ['oper', 'pvp', 'oper_mm_tasks_diag', 'pve_diag', 'pvp_diag', 'oper_normal', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'pve', 'oper_mm', 'total', 'oper_normal_tasks_diag', 'max_pve', 'rank_diag', 'max_pvp', 'oper_diag', 'club_diag', 'club', 'max_club', 'clan', 'oper_hard', 'oper_hard_tasks_diag', 'max_clan'] [S] [2017_11_11 18:08:58] AccountLevelingProxy.onGetAccountStats(): (-1, -1) (15, 740163) [S] [2017_11_11 18:08:58] __updateTaskProgress start: {'22470_q01': {}, '22468_q04': {3: {'count': 12902}}} [S] [2017_11_11 18:08:58] __updateTaskProgress start: {'22468_q03': {'count': 1, 3: {'count': 10.0}}, '22468_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 3}}, '22469_q01': {'count': 0}, '21856_q00': {'count': 0}, '22468_q05': {'count': 0}, '22468_q02': {'count': 1, 3: {'count': 549416}}, '22470_q01': {'count': 25}, '22470_q02': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 5}}, '22470_q03': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 399268}, 3: {'count': 15080}, 4: {'count': 95718}}, '22470_q04': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 10}}, '22160_q01': {'count': 0}, '22468_q04': {'count': 0, 3: {'count': 12902}}} [S] [2017_11_11 18:08:59] onGetRankBattlesInfo currentSeason: 7, PlayerInfo: None [S] [2017_11_11 18:08:59] onGetRankDossier() seasonId = 7 Empty [S] [2017_11_11 18:08:59] ---- no data for seasonId: 7 [S] [2017_11_11 18:08:59] ---- no data for seasonId: 7 [S] [2017_11_11 18:08:59] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onGetSeasonRules: config False, {'seasonId': 1, 'operations': {4291341232L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 3, 'unlockTime': 1500429600, 'caps': 3}, 4292389808L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1499824800, 'caps': 3}, 4290292656L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1501034400, 'caps': 3}, 4293438384L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1501639200, 'caps': 3}}, 'currentOperationIdx': 1, 'roster': [4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L, 4293438384L], 'startTime': 1499824800, 'seasons': {1: {'operations': [4293438384L, 4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}, 2: {'operations': [], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}}, 'currentRotationTime': 1510106400, 'nextRotationTime': 1510711200, 'stage': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 18:08:59] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onLoadProgress: config False, season False, {'operations': {'hard': [], 'normal': [(4287146928L, [1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 0]), (4288195504L, [1509007262, 1509007262, 1509007262, 0, 0, 0]), (4290292656L, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])]}, 'seasons': {'hard': [], 'normal': [(2, 1509007262)]}} [S] [2017_11_11 18:08:59] onClanResponse: response=(1, 0, (430246, (430246, u'FLY', u'FLY', 16777215, u'executive_officer', u'\u0417\u0434\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0443\u0439\u0442\u0435 \u0442\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0449\u0438, \u0443 \u043a\u043e\u0433\u043e \u0435\u0441\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0431\u043b\u0438 10-\u0433\u043e \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u043d\u044f, \u0438 \u0433\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0441\u043e\u0432\u0430\u044f \u0432\u0441\u044f\u0437\u044c \u043d\u0443\u0436\u043d\u043e \u0441\u044b\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d\u043e\u0432\u044b\u0435 \u0431\u043e\u0438 - \u0441\u0442\u0430\u0432\u0442\u0435 + \u043c\u043d\u0435 \u0432 \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443 \u043a\u0442\u043e \u0433\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432', {47518727: {'role': u'private'}, 162314: {'role': u'private'}, 2835342: {'role': u'private'}, 58161041: {'role': u'private'}, 19410835: {'role': u'private'}, 2557718: {'role': u'private'}, 27883543: {'role': u'private'}, 73537307: {'role': u'private'}, 17222686: {'role': u'private'}, 310434: {'role': u'private'}, 11428651: {'role': u'private'}, 2445100: {'role': u'private'}, 7715120: {'role': u'private'}, 69118514: {'role': u'commander'}, 71811251: {'role': u'private'}, 59694238: {'role': u'private'}, 62222528: {'role': u'private'}, 47245249: {'role': u'private'}, 59103429: {'role': u'private'}, 35853511: {'role': u'private'}, 69416610: {'role': u'private'}, 65031124: {'role': u'private'}, 33301518: {'role': u'private'}, 5595999: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 8706534: {'role': u'private'}, 37230: {'role': u'private'}, 1515506: {'role': u'private'}, 71303028: {'role': u'private'}, 5426549: {'role': u'private'}, 22453883: {'role': u'private'}}, {75100162: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3925161}, 75104791: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1901451}, 75104792: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12037438}, 75104793: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47518727}, 75100186: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4688253}, 75100187: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26497012}, 75100188: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 872384}, 75100189: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 16896550}, 75104799: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2557718}, 75100217: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58161041}, 75100219: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36672236}, 75100220: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12445172}, 75100221: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11262324}, 75100086: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71777625}, 75099916: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5426549}, 75088485: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11437327}, 75088488: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86912728}, 75099930: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35480962}, 75099931: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 64096589}, 75104796: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24059614}, 75104797: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5326927}, 75105224: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5163046}, 75115804: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3700101}, 75100858: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65353479}, 75100859: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4549361}, 75100860: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19163627}, 75100862: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 15486060}, 75100864: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24960589}, 75104795: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26571092}, 75101403: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13829345}, 75101405: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2774140}, 75101406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19410835}, 75105005: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2514322}, 75105006: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 6071074}, 75105007: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21765943}, 75105008: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13351014}, 75105009: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10744094}, 75105010: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8213596}, 75105533: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 32758788}, 75105534: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35843415}, 75105535: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19416306}, 75099910: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 22471163}, 75099912: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47356661}, 75099913: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20821811}, 75099914: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 38322742}, 75099915: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 57543888}, 75100940: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1550733}, 75100941: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1431883}, 75100942: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 744012}, 75100943: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 69416610}, 75100944: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36933861}, 75100946: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4337469}, 75115800: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47245249}, 75115801: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2723422}, 75115802: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19050869}, 75115803: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65031124}, 75099932: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5239563}, 75099933: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5564244}, 75105068: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 27883543}, 75099952: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11428651}, 75115830: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 62222528}, 75115831: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8664152}, 75115833: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59103429}, 75115837: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4858560}, 75115840: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 7424262}, 75099461: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 33301518}, 75104134: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 225652}, 75101613: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 162314}, 75101614: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 75991473}, 75100081: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71303028}, 75100082: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79542157}, 75100083: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 76103}, 75100084: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80535214}, 75100085: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5965559}, 75092406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86780640}, 75092407: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 72132668}, 75092409: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65107864}, 75092412: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58685850}, 75104707: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13658244}, 75104708: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 77607300}, 75104710: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79957325}, 75104712: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2809573}, 75105225: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 61831778}, 75105226: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 48512704}, 75105227: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82400346}, 75105229: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59694238}, 75105230: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24318025}, 75105232: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35446652}, 75100114: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21297715}, 75100115: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2636501}, 75100116: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 23508047}, 75100117: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4104445}, 75100156: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65362617}, 75113469: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 17222686}, 75100158: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20158906}, 75113467: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1207353}, 75113468: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80938462}, 75100157: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82347121}, 75113470: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8706534}, 75113471: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4261263}}, 30, 30, None))) [S] [2017_11_11 18:08:59] ClanProxy.onClanResponse(): 1 (430246, (430246, u'FLY', u'FLY', 16777215, u'executive_officer', u'\u0417\u0434\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0443\u0439\u0442\u0435 \u0442\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0449\u0438, \u0443 \u043a\u043e\u0433\u043e \u0435\u0441\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0431\u043b\u0438 10-\u0433\u043e \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u043d\u044f, \u0438 \u0433\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0441\u043e\u0432\u0430\u044f \u0432\u0441\u044f\u0437\u044c \u043d\u0443\u0436\u043d\u043e \u0441\u044b\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d\u043e\u0432\u044b\u0435 \u0431\u043e\u0438 - \u0441\u0442\u0430\u0432\u0442\u0435 + \u043c\u043d\u0435 \u0432 \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443 \u043a\u0442\u043e \u0433\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432', {47518727: {'role': u'private'}, 162314: {'role': u'private'}, 2835342: {'role': u'private'}, 58161041: {'role': u'private'}, 19410835: {'role': u'private'}, 2557718: {'role': u'private'}, 27883543: {'role': u'private'}, 73537307: {'role': u'private'}, 17222686: {'role': u'private'}, 310434: {'role': u'private'}, 11428651: {'role': u'private'}, 2445100: {'role': u'private'}, 7715120: {'role': u'private'}, 69118514: {'role': u'commander'}, 71811251: {'role': u'private'}, 59694238: {'role': u'private'}, 62222528: {'role': u'private'}, 47245249: {'role': u'private'}, 59103429: {'role': u'private'}, 35853511: {'role': u'private'}, 69416610: {'role': u'private'}, 65031124: {'role': u'private'}, 33301518: {'role': u'private'}, 5595999: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 8706534: {'role': u'private'}, 37230: {'role': u'private'}, 1515506: {'role': u'private'}, 71303028: {'role': u'private'}, 5426549: {'role': u'private'}, 22453883: {'role': u'private'}}, {75100162: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3925161}, 75104791: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1901451}, 75104792: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12037438}, 75104793: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47518727}, 75100186: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4688253}, 75100187: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26497012}, 75100188: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 872384}, 75100189: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 16896550}, 75104799: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2557718}, 75100217: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58161041}, 75100219: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36672236}, 75100220: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12445172}, 75100221: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11262324}, 75100086: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71777625}, 75099916: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5426549}, 75088485: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11437327}, 75088488: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86912728}, 75099930: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35480962}, 75099931: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 64096589}, 75104796: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24059614}, 75104797: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5326927}, 75105224: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5163046}, 75115804: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3700101}, 75100858: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65353479}, 75100859: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4549361}, 75100860: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19163627}, 75100862: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 15486060}, 75100864: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24960589}, 75104795: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26571092}, 75101403: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13829345}, 75101405: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2774140}, 75101406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19410835}, 75105005: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2514322}, 75105006: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 6071074}, 75105007: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21765943}, 75105008: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13351014}, 75105009: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10744094}, 75105010: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8213596}, 75105533: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 32758788}, 75105534: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35843415}, 75105535: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19416306}, 75099910: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 22471163}, 75099912: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47356661}, 75099913: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20821811}, 75099914: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 38322742}, 75099915: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 57543888}, 75100940: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1550733}, 75100941: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1431883}, 75100942: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 744012}, 75100943: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 69416610}, 75100944: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36933861}, 75100946: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4337469}, 75115800: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47245249}, 75115801: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2723422}, 75115802: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19050869}, 75115803: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65031124}, 75099932: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5239563}, 75099933: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5564244}, 75105068: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 27883543}, 75099952: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11428651}, 75115830: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 62222528}, 75115831: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8664152}, 75115833: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59103429}, 75115837: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4858560}, 75115840: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 7424262}, 75099461: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 33301518}, 75104134: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 225652}, 75101613: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 162314}, 75101614: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 75991473}, 75100081: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71303028}, 75100082: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79542157}, 75100083: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 76103}, 75100084: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80535214}, 75100085: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5965559}, 75092406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86780640}, 75092407: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 72132668}, 75092409: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65107864}, 75092412: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58685850}, 75104707: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13658244}, 75104708: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 77607300}, 75104710: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79957325}, 75104712: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2809573}, 75105225: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 61831778}, 75105226: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 48512704}, 75105227: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82400346}, 75105229: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59694238}, 75105230: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24318025}, 75105232: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35446652}, 75100114: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21297715}, 75100115: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2636501}, 75100116: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 23508047}, 75100117: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4104445}, 75100156: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65362617}, 75113469: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 17222686}, 75100158: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20158906}, 75113467: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1207353}, 75113468: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80938462}, 75100157: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82347121}, 75113470: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8706534}, 75113471: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4261263}}, 30, 30, None)) [S] [2017_11_11 18:08:59] ClanProxy.__onGetMyClan: False (430246, (430246, u'FLY', u'FLY', 16777215, u'executive_officer', u'\u0417\u0434\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0443\u0439\u0442\u0435 \u0442\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0449\u0438, \u0443 \u043a\u043e\u0433\u043e \u0435\u0441\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0431\u043b\u0438 10-\u0433\u043e \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u043d\u044f, \u0438 \u0433\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0441\u043e\u0432\u0430\u044f \u0432\u0441\u044f\u0437\u044c \u043d\u0443\u0436\u043d\u043e \u0441\u044b\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d\u043e\u0432\u044b\u0435 \u0431\u043e\u0438 - \u0441\u0442\u0430\u0432\u0442\u0435 + \u043c\u043d\u0435 \u0432 \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443 \u043a\u0442\u043e \u0433\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432', {47518727: {'role': u'private'}, 162314: {'role': u'private'}, 2835342: {'role': u'private'}, 58161041: {'role': u'private'}, 19410835: {'role': u'private'}, 2557718: {'role': u'private'}, 27883543: {'role': u'private'}, 73537307: {'role': u'private'}, 17222686: {'role': u'private'}, 310434: {'role': u'private'}, 11428651: {'role': u'private'}, 2445100: {'role': u'private'}, 7715120: {'role': u'private'}, 69118514: {'role': u'commander'}, 71811251: {'role': u'private'}, 59694238: {'role': u'private'}, 62222528: {'role': u'private'}, 47245249: {'role': u'private'}, 59103429: {'role': u'private'}, 35853511: {'role': u'private'}, 69416610: {'role': u'private'}, 65031124: {'role': u'private'}, 33301518: {'role': u'private'}, 5595999: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 8706534: {'role': u'private'}, 37230: {'role': u'private'}, 1515506: {'role': u'private'}, 71303028: {'role': u'private'}, 5426549: {'role': u'private'}, 22453883: {'role': u'private'}}, {75100162: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3925161}, 75104791: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1901451}, 75104792: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12037438}, 75104793: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47518727}, 75100186: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4688253}, 75100187: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26497012}, 75100188: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 872384}, 75100189: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 16896550}, 75104799: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2557718}, 75100217: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58161041}, 75100219: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36672236}, 75100220: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12445172}, 75100221: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11262324}, 75100086: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71777625}, 75099916: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5426549}, 75088485: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11437327}, 75088488: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86912728}, 75099930: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35480962}, 75099931: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 64096589}, 75104796: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24059614}, 75104797: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5326927}, 75105224: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5163046}, 75115804: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3700101}, 75100858: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65353479}, 75100859: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4549361}, 75100860: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19163627}, 75100862: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 15486060}, 75100864: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24960589}, 75104795: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26571092}, 75101403: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13829345}, 75101405: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2774140}, 75101406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19410835}, 75105005: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2514322}, 75105006: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 6071074}, 75105007: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21765943}, 75105008: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13351014}, 75105009: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10744094}, 75105010: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8213596}, 75105533: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 32758788}, 75105534: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35843415}, 75105535: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19416306}, 75099910: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 22471163}, 75099912: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47356661}, 75099913: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20821811}, 75099914: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 38322742}, 75099915: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 57543888}, 75100940: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1550733}, 75100941: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1431883}, 75100942: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 744012}, 75100943: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 69416610}, 75100944: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36933861}, 75100946: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4337469}, 75115800: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47245249}, 75115801: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2723422}, 75115802: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19050869}, 75115803: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65031124}, 75099932: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5239563}, 75099933: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5564244}, 75105068: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 27883543}, 75099952: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11428651}, 75115830: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 62222528}, 75115831: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8664152}, 75115833: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59103429}, 75115837: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4858560}, 75115840: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 7424262}, 75099461: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 33301518}, 75104134: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 225652}, 75101613: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 162314}, 75101614: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 75991473}, 75100081: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71303028}, 75100082: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79542157}, 75100083: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 76103}, 75100084: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80535214}, 75100085: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5965559}, 75092406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86780640}, 75092407: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 72132668}, 75092409: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65107864}, 75092412: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58685850}, 75104707: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13658244}, 75104708: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 77607300}, 75104710: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79957325}, 75104712: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2809573}, 75105225: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 61831778}, 75105226: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 48512704}, 75105227: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82400346}, 75105229: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59694238}, 75105230: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24318025}, 75105232: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35446652}, 75100114: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21297715}, 75100115: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2636501}, 75100116: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 23508047}, 75100117: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4104445}, 75100156: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65362617}, 75113469: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 17222686}, 75100158: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20158906}, 75113467: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1207353}, 75113468: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80938462}, 75100157: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82347121}, 75113470: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8706534}, 75113471: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4261263}}, 30, 30, None)) [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:00] [CampaignsCommon] onLoadedDump: loaded campaign params and player; countActiveTasks 1; data ({4290690992L: (False, True, False), 4293836720L: (True, 0, True), 4291739568L: (False, True, False), 4288593840L: (True, 0, True), 4289642416L: (False, True, False), 4292788144L: (True, 0, True)}, {4289642416L: [1, 0], 4291739568L: [1, 0], 4293836720L: [1, 1], 4288593840L: [1, 0], 4290690992L: [1, 0], 4292788144L: [1, 0]}, {4283023280L: [2, 0, 0], 4251566000L: [2, 0, 0], 4287217584L: [4, 12, 7], 4288266160L: [4, 10, 7], 4289314736L: [4, 10, 6], 4291411888L: [4, 7, 7], 4293509040L: [5, 5, 9], 4286169008L: [4, 15, 8], 4263100336L: [2, 0, 0], 4290363312L: [4, 10, 5], 4285120432L: [4, 15, 7], 4272537520L: [2, 0, 0], 4241080240L: [2, 0, 0], 4292460464L: [4, 6, 8]}, {4153819056L: (1, False, 0), 4193664944L: (5, True, 0), 4280696752L: (5, True, 0), 4243996592L: (1, False, 0), 4288036784L: (5, True, 0), 4187373488L: (1, False, 0), 4224073648L: (5, True, 0), 4164304816L: (1, False, 0), 4130750384L: (1, False, 0), 4204150704L: (5, True, 0), 4240850864L: (1, False, 0), 4277551024L: (5, True, 0), 4184227760L: (1, False, 0), 4220927920L: (5, True, 0), 4257628080L: (5, True, 0), 4198907824L: (5, True, 0), 4237705136L: (5, True, 0), 3904257968L: (1, False, 0), 4274405296L: (1, False, 0), 3977658288L: (1, False, 0), 4154867632L: (5, True, 0), 4181082032L: (5, True, 0), 4254482352L: (1, False, 0), 4291182512L: (5, True, 0), 4260773808L: (5, True, 0), 3897966512L: (1, False, 0), 4161159088L: (5, True, 0), 4197859248L: (1, False, 0), 3901112240L: (1, False, 0), 3974512560L: (1, False, 0), 4177936304L: (1, False, 0), 4214636464L: (1, False, 0), 4251336624L: (5, True, 0), 4133896112L: (1, False, 0), 4190519216L: (1, False, 0), 4211490736L: (1, False, 0), 4081467312L: (0, False, 0), 4284891056L: (5, True, 0), 4158013360L: (1, False, 0), 4191567792L: (5, True, 0), 4252385200L: (5, True, 0), 4228267952L: (1, False, 0), 4134944688L: (1, False, 0), 4171644848L: (5, True, 0), 4208345008L: (1, False, 0), 4245045168L: (5, True, 0), 4281745328L: (5, True, 0), 4167450544L: (5, True, 0), 4188422064L: (1, False, 0), 4225122224L: (1, False, 0), 4203102128L: (5, True, 0), 4261822384L: (1, False, 0), 4131798960L: (1, False, 0), 4205199280L: (5, True, 0), 4241899440L: (5, True, 0), 4278599600L: (5, True, 0), 4221976496L: (5, True, 0), 4258676656L: (1, False, 0), 3902160816L: (1, False, 0), 4128653232L: (0, False, 0), 4165353392L: (2, False, 4.0), 4238753712L: (1, False, 0), 3905306544L: (1, False, 0), 4275453872L: (1, False, 0), 3978706864L: (1, False, 0), 4182130608L: (5, True, 0), 4255530928L: (5, True, 0), 4289085360L: (5, True, 0), 4178984880L: (1, False, 0), 4215685040L: (5, True, 0), 3971366832L: (1, False, 0), 4195762096L: (5, True, 0), 3899015088L: (1, False, 0), 4175839152L: (1, False, 0), 4212539312L: (1, False, 0), 4082515888L: (1, False, 0), 4285939632L: (5, True, 0), 4227219376L: (1, False, 0), 4155916208L: (1, False, 0), 4192616368L: (5, True, 0), 4207296432L: (1, False, 0), 4229316528L: (5, True, 0), 3895869360L: (0, False, 0), 4135993264L: (1, False, 0), 4172693424L: (5, True, 0), 4209393584L: (5, True, 0), 4246093744L: (1, False, 0), 4282793904L: (5, True, 0), 4160110512L: (5, True, 0), 4226170800L: (1, False, 0), 4292231088L: (5, True, 0), 4174790576L: (5, True, 0), 4132847536L: (1, False, 0), 4189470640L: (1, False, 0), 4206247856L: (5, True, 0), 4242948016L: (1, False, 0), 4279648176L: (5, True, 0), 4186324912L: (5, True, 0), 4223025072L: (1, False, 0), 4259725232L: (1, False, 0), 4159061936L: (1, False, 0), 4129701808L: (1, False, 0), 4166401968L: (1, False, 0), 4239802288L: (1, False, 0), 4276502448L: (5, True, 0), 4183179184L: (1, False, 0), 4219879344L: (5, True, 0), 4256579504L: (5, True, 0), 4293279664L: (5, True, 0), 3975561136L: (1, False, 0), 4163256240L: (5, True, 0), 3972415408L: (1, False, 0), 4236656560L: (5, True, 0), 3903209392L: (1, False, 0), 4273356720L: (5, True, 0), 3976609712L: (1, False, 0), 4180033456L: (5, True, 0), 4253433776L: (5, True, 0), 4290133936L: (5, True, 0), 4194713520L: (5, True, 0), 4196810672L: (1, False, 0), 3900063664L: (1, False, 0), 3973463984L: (1, False, 0), 4176887728L: (5, True, 0), 4213587888L: (5, True, 0), 4083564464L: (1, False, 0), 4286988208L: (5, True, 0), 4156964784L: (5, True, 0), 4162207664L: (5, True, 0), 4230365104L: (5, True, 0), 4063641520L: (0, False, 0), 3896917936L: (1, False, 0), 3970318256L: (0, False, 0), 4173742000L: (5, True, 0), 4210442160L: (1, False, 0), 4247142320L: (5, True, 0)}) [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:00] ClanProxy.onGetClanBattles {'seasonId': 1, 'finishTime': 1513713600.0, 'primeTimes': {2: (57600, 68400), 3: (57600, 68400), 5: (57600, 68400), 6: (57600, 68400)}, 'shipLevelMax': 10, 'shipLevelMin': 10, 'startTime': 1508310000.0, 'promoTime': 1508310000.0, 'stage': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:01] >>> DockProxy.receiveState [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:01] Unlocks.receiveState [] [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:02] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 11689, 'boughtToday': 1, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1510444800.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:02] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 11689, 'boughtToday': 1, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1510444800.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:02] PVEScriptsProxyCommon.createPVEState() [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:02] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onGetSeasonRules: config True, {'seasonId': 1, 'operations': {4291341232L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 3, 'unlockTime': 1500429600, 'caps': 3}, 4292389808L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1499824800, 'caps': 3}, 4290292656L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1501034400, 'caps': 3}, 4293438384L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1501639200, 'caps': 3}}, 'currentOperationIdx': 1, 'roster': [4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L, 4293438384L], 'startTime': 1499824800, 'seasons': {1: {'operations': [4293438384L, 4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}, 2: {'operations': [], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}}, 'currentRotationTime': 1510106400, 'nextRotationTime': 1510711200, 'stage': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:02] [4181898160L, 4180849584L] [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:02] [4181898160L, 4180849584L] [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:02] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onLoadProgress: config True, season True, {'operations': {'hard': [], 'normal': [(4287146928L, [1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 0]), (4288195504L, [1509007262, 1509007262, 1509007262, 0, 0, 0]), (4290292656L, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])]}, 'seasons': {'hard': [], 'normal': [(2, 1509007262)]}} [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:02] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] _updateOperationCompleted: 4287146928 normal [1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 0] [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:02] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] _updateOperationCompleted: 4288195504 normal [1509007262, 1509007262, 1509007262, 0, 0, 0] [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:02] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] _updateOperationCompleted: 4290292656 normal [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:02] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] _updateSeasonCompleted: 2 normal 1509007262 [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:02] onClanResponse: response=(6, 0, {'league': 4, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 430246, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division_rating': 0, 'stage': 'league'}) [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:02] ClanProxy.onClanResponse(): 6 {'league': 4, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 430246, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division_rating': 0, 'stage': 'league'} [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:02] ClanDataHubUtils.addLadderInfo: {'league': 4, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 430246, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division_rating': 0, 'stage': 'league'} [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:02] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:02] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:03] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] chooseOperation: 4291341232 normal True [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:03] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onOperationChosen: 4291341232 normal True [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:03] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] chooseOperation: 0 normal False [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:03] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onOperationChosen: 0 normal False [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:03] (, 51003611475748, 141): is in context [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:03] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}, interval: (1510412400.0, 1510415980.0)",) [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:03] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'start'}, interval: (1510416000.0, 1510416000.0)",) [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:03] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 3056 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510416000.0, 1510416000.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'start'}) [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:03] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'end'}, interval: (1510426800.0, 1510426800.0)",) [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:03] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 3056 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510416000.0, 1510416000.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'start'}) [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:03] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}, interval: (1510498800.0, 1510502380.0)",) [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:03] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 3056 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510416000.0, 1510416000.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'start'}) [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:03] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'start'}, interval: (1510502400.0, 1510502400.0)",) [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:03] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 3056 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510416000.0, 1510416000.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'start'}) [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:03] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'end'}, interval: (1510513200.0, 1510513200.0)",) [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:03] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 3056 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510416000.0, 1510416000.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'start'}) [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:03] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:04] Sent FPS data [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:04] enterPreBattle() 1703686 [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:04] Account.enterPreBattle: (185) (1, 432359, (0, 0, 10, -1, 1, '', 0), 537109318, 5595999, u'', 1, None, 3, [(203915, 2557718, 'NSDRP', None, 0, 1, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0), (537109318, 5595999, 'Tier099', None, 0, 1, False, True, True, 15, 0, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0)], [], (0, 0), False, 1510411852785L, 2, False, [], {'nonClanMembersCount': 0}) [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:04] [DivisionEntranceContext] __onEnterDivision: 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:04] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:04] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:04] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 1], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['premium'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:04] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:04] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:04] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:04] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:04] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 1], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['premium'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:04] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:04] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:04] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:04] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:04] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 1], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['premium'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:04] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:04] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:04] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:04] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:04] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 1], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['premium'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:04] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:04] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:04] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onEnterPreBattle: None [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:04] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:10] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:10] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:10] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:10] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:10] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:10] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:10] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:10] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:10] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:10] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:10] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:10] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:10] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:10] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:10] [Filters] saveFilters [] [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:10] [Filters] saveFilters [] [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:10] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:10] (, 66379459049956, 122): __sendCurrentMessage:, (IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510412400.0, 1510415980.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}),) [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:10] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 118, 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'messageType': 'soon_start', 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_CLAN_BATTLE_PRIMETIME_CHANGED', 'groupId': 8} [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:10] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 3048 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510416000.0, 1510416000.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'start'}) [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:10] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': 0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:10] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': -1.0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:13] getModelPaths [] [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:13] DivisionProxy.setReady: 3764303312 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:13] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 3764303312 2 [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:13] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 432359 (537109318, 5595999, 'Tier099', 3764303312L, 0, 2, False, True, True, 15, 0, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0) 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:13] DivisionProxy.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537109318, dbid=5595999, name='Tier099', shipId=3764303312L, teamId=0, state=2, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=True, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=0) 0 {} [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:13] playersToInvite {} [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:13] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:13] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 7], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 1], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['premium'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:13] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:13] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 7], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 1], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['premium'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:14] ClanProxy.onChatInitialized [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:14] XmppChatHandler.joinClanChannel() 430246 [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:14] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived prebattle 3 [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:14] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: DIVISION channelsGroupsIds: [] [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:14] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel True self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:14] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 2557718 NSDRP 2 2 (430246, u'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:14] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 5595999 Tier099 2 2 (430246, u'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:14] UserDataGate.__onRosterUpdated [('17915186@wowsru.loc', 'egy5', False, 4, ()), ('2557718@wowsru.loc', 'NSDRP', False, 4, ()), ('26288674@wowsru.loc', '_EmperoR_WOW_', False, 4, ()), ('2893852@wowsru.loc', 'klimstonn', False, 4, ()), ('30937387@wowsru.loc', 'monster__622', False, 4, ()), ('327255@wowsru.loc', 'Migri', False, 4, ()), ('5471194@wowsru.loc', 'loki1982', False, 4, ()), ('62222528@wowsru.loc', 'HEGNI_1', False, 4, ()), ('6896454@wowsru.loc', 'Vie92', False, 4, ()), ('69118514@wowsru.loc', 'RenamedUser_69118514', False, 4, ()), ('69416610@wowsru.loc', 'Player_3185411451', False, 4, ())] [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:15] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {62222528: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 69416610: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 6896454: None, 30937387: None, 26288674: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'GUAPS', 'id': 430164, 'name': u'\u0413\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0434\u0435\u0439\u0446\u044b \u041f\u043e\u0441\u0435\u0439\u0434\u043e\u043d\u0430'}, 17915186: None, 69118514: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 2557718: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 327255: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'ENYO', 'id': 415095, 'name': u'\u042d\u041d\u0418\u041e'}, 5471194: None, 2893852: None} [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:15] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 30937387@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:15] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 2893852@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:15] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 59124891@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:15] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 11274288@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:15] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 21696974@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:15] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 14596986@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:15] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 58053848@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:15] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 310434@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:15] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 19410835@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:15] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 35853511@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:15] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 59103429@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:15] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 22453883@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:15] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 2557718@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:15] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 62222528@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:15] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 69118514@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:15] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:15] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:15] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:15] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:15] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: KARSAK_1968 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:15] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:15] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:15] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:15] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:15] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:15] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:15] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:15] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:15] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:15] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:15] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:15] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:15] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:15] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: toshidzu channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:15] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:15] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Samum1989_geroj channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:15] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:15] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:15] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:15] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: NSDRP channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:15] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:15] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:15] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:15] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:15] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:15] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived clansearch@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:15] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived ids_chat_channel_offtop@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:15] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived ids_chat_channel_questions@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:15] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived wargamingfm@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:15] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_SEARCH_CLAN_DIV channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:15] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:15] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_OFFTOP channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:15] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:15] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_QUESTIONS channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:15] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:15] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: WargamingFM Корабли channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:15] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:15] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc 6 [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:15] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: channelsGroupsIds: [] [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:15] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:15] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 62222528 {'jid': '62222528@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'HEGNI_1', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:15] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 71811251 {'jid': '71811251@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Leogon_1', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:15] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 58161041 {'jid': '58161041@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Y_O_R_K_2015', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:16] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 22453883 {'jid': '22453883@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'vova1972ruzan', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:16] availableShipParts 59 [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:16] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 17222686 {'jid': '17222686@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'bob7771', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:16] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 2557718 {'jid': '2557718@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'NSDRP', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:16] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 35853511 {'jid': '35853511@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'toshidzu', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:16] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 5595999 {'jid': '5595999@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Tier099', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:16] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Tier099', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/5595999', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510394839L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd1\x80\xd0\xb5\xd0\xb1\xd1\x8f\xd1\x82 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb3\xd0\xbe \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xb2\xd1\x8b\xd0\xba\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb4\xd1\x8b\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82 \xd0\xb2\xd0\xbe \xd0\xb2\xd1\x80\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbc\xd1\x8f \xd0\xb1\xd0\xbe\xd1\x8f???', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:16] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Tier099', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/5595999', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510396421L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbf\xd1\x8f\xd1\x82\xd1\x8c \xd0\xb2\xd1\x8b\xd0\xba\xd0\xb8\xd0\xbd\xd1\x83\xd0\xbb\xd0\xbe 2 \xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb7\xd0\xb0 \xd0\xb7\xd0\xb0 1 \xd0\xb1\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb9', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:16] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:17] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/69118514', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510401726L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb1\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb8 \xd0\xba\xd0\xb5\xd1\x88', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:17] (, 86904481544477, 21): joinChannel, ('already joined', 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc') [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:17] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 17222686 bob7771 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:17] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 22453883 vova1972ruzan 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:17] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 2557718 NSDRP 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:17] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 35853511 toshidzu 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:17] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 5595999 Tier099 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:17] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 58161041 Y_O_R_K_2015 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:17] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 62222528 HEGNI_1 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:17] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 71811251 Leogon_1 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:17] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'NSDRP', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/2557718', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510404247L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb5\xd1\x87\xd0\xb5\xd1\x80 \xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb1\xd1\x80\xd1\x8b\xd0\xb9. \xd0\xb5\xd1\x81\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb8 9 \xd0\xbe\xd1\x87\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2 \xd0\xbe\xd0\xbf\xd1\x8b\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0 \xd0\xba\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbf\xd0\xb8\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe 54 000 \xd0\xbe\xd0\xbf\xd1\x8b\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0 \xd1\x82\xd0\xbe \xd1\x81\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbb\xd1\x8c\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe \xd0\xb7\xd0\xb0 15 ?', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:17] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/69118514', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510408413L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0 13 \xd0\xbe\xd1\x87\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe 108 000', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:17] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Tier099', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/5595999', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510408924L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xba\xd1\x82\xd0\xbe \xd0\xb2 \xd0\xb2\xd0\xb7\xd0\xb2\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb4??? \xd0\x9f\xd0\xb8\xd1\x88\xd0\xb8\xd1\x82\xd0\xb5 \xd1\x81\xd0\xbc\xd1\x81 \xd0\xb2 \xd0\x9b\xd0\xa1', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:17] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'NSDRP', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/2557718', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510409220L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\x94\xd0\x90 \xd1\x83\xd0\xb6 . \xd0\xb0 \xd0\xbc\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe \xd0\xb4\xd0\xbb\xd1\x8f \xd0\xba\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb0 18 \xd0\xbe\xd1\x87\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2. \xd0\xb0 \xd1\x83 \xd0\xbc\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd1\x8f \xd1\x82\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbb\xd1\x8c\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe 9. \xd0\xbe\xd1\x85\xd0\xbe- \xd1\x85\xd0\xbe', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:17] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Tier099', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/5595999', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510409598L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xb8\xd0\xb3\xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd1\x82\xd1\x8c \xd1\x80\xd0\xb5\xd0\xb1\xd1\x8f\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0???', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:18] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:18] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:18] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:18] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:18] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:18] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:18] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:18] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:18] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:18] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:18] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:18] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:19] availableShipParts 63 [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:20] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:24] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {62222528: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}} [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:37] [ChatSystem] __executeAddContact dbId: 35853511.0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:37] UserDataGate.__onRosterUpdated [('17915186@wowsru.loc', 'egy5', False, 4, ()), ('2557718@wowsru.loc', 'NSDRP', True, 4, ()), ('26288674@wowsru.loc', '_EmperoR_WOW_', False, 4, ()), ('2893852@wowsru.loc', 'klimstonn', False, 4, ()), ('30937387@wowsru.loc', 'monster__622', False, 4, ()), ('327255@wowsru.loc', 'Migri', False, 4, ()), ('35853511@wowsru.loc', 'toshidzu', False, 0, ()), ('5471194@wowsru.loc', 'loki1982', False, 4, ()), ('62222528@wowsru.loc', 'HEGNI_1', True, 4, ()), ('6896454@wowsru.loc', 'Vie92', False, 4, ()), ('69118514@wowsru.loc', 'RenamedUser_69118514', False, 4, ()), ('69416610@wowsru.loc', 'Player_3185411451', False, 4, ())] [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:37] UserDataGate.__onRosterUpdated [('17915186@wowsru.loc', 'egy5', False, 4, ()), ('2557718@wowsru.loc', 'NSDRP', True, 4, ()), ('26288674@wowsru.loc', '_EmperoR_WOW_', False, 4, ()), ('2893852@wowsru.loc', 'klimstonn', False, 4, ()), ('30937387@wowsru.loc', 'monster__622', False, 4, ()), ('327255@wowsru.loc', 'Migri', False, 4, ()), ('35853511@wowsru.loc', 'toshidzu', False, 1, ()), ('5471194@wowsru.loc', 'loki1982', False, 4, ()), ('62222528@wowsru.loc', 'HEGNI_1', True, 4, ()), ('6896454@wowsru.loc', 'Vie92', False, 4, ()), ('69118514@wowsru.loc', 'RenamedUser_69118514', False, 4, ()), ('69416610@wowsru.loc', 'Player_3185411451', False, 4, ())] [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:37] UserDataGate.__onRosterUpdated [('17915186@wowsru.loc', 'egy5', False, 4, ()), ('2557718@wowsru.loc', 'NSDRP', True, 4, ()), ('26288674@wowsru.loc', '_EmperoR_WOW_', False, 4, ()), ('2893852@wowsru.loc', 'klimstonn', False, 4, ()), ('30937387@wowsru.loc', 'monster__622', False, 4, ()), ('327255@wowsru.loc', 'Migri', False, 4, ()), ('35853511@wowsru.loc', 'toshidzu', False, 4, ()), ('5471194@wowsru.loc', 'loki1982', False, 4, ()), ('62222528@wowsru.loc', 'HEGNI_1', True, 4, ()), ('6896454@wowsru.loc', 'Vie92', False, 4, ()), ('69118514@wowsru.loc', 'RenamedUser_69118514', False, 4, ()), ('69416610@wowsru.loc', 'Player_3185411451', False, 4, ())] [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:37] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {35853511: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}} [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:39] [DivisionEntranceContext] requestDivisionSeekerList: Account.requestPreBattleSeekerList(): [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:39] receivePreBattles() PreBattleType: 4 Num: 13 Free: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:39] [Seek] onReceivePreBattleSeekers [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:39] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'', 'league': 0, 'name': 'kurito229', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 10066329, 'dbid': 79184964, 'clanID': 421914, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'-AVG-', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:39] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u0425\u043e\u0447\u0435\u0448\u044c \u0438\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044c \u0432 \u0434\u0440\u0443\u0436\u043d\u043e\u0439 \u0438 \u0441\u043b\u0430\u0436\u0435\u043d\u043e\u0439 \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0435? \u043e\u043f\u044b\u0442 1000+,\u0441\u0440. \u0443\u0440\u043e\u043d 40\u043a +,\u043f\u0438\u0441\u0430\u0442\u044c \u0432 \u043b\u0441, \u0414\u043e\u0431\u0440\u043e \u043f\u043e\u0436\u0430\u043b\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0442\u044c \u0432 \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d GOH)).', 'league': 0, 'name': 'Recoden', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 10066329, 'dbid': 71254793, 'clanID': 429498, 'rankSeasonId': 7, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 134232192, 'rank': 8, 'clanTag': u'GOH', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:39] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u0414\u041e\u041d\u0410\u0411\u041e\u0420 \u0412 \u041a\u041b\u0410\u041d \u0418\u0413\u0420\u0410\u042e \u0422\u041e\u041b\u042c\u041a\u041e \u041d\u0415 \u0421 \u041a\u041b\u0410\u041d\u041e\u0412\u042b\u041c\u0418 \u0418\u0413\u0420\u041e\u041a\u0410\u041c\u0418', 'league': 0, 'name': 'Magdalena__Neuner', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 13395507, 'dbid': 11227724, 'clanID': 418622, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'RATS', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:39] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u041d\u0410\u0411\u041e\u0420 \u0412 \u041a\u041b\u0410\u041d(-LBF-)\u0434\u043b\u044f \u041a\u0411: \u043d\u0430\u043b\u0438\u0447\u0438\u0435 10\u0442\u043e\u043a \u0438 \u0436\u0435\u043b\u0430\u043d\u0438\u0435 \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0436\u0434\u0430\u0442\u044c(\u0434\u0440\u0443\u0436\u043d\u044b\u0439 \u043a\u043e\u043b\u0435\u043a\u0442\u0438\u0432 \u0438 \u043f\u0430\u0437\u0438\u0442\u0438\u0432)\u043f\u0438\u0441\u0430\u0442\u044c \u0432 \u041b\u0421', 'league': 0, 'name': 'dimon7833', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 10066329, 'dbid': 17342990, 'clanID': 425939, 'rankSeasonId': 7, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 134232240, 'rank': 11, 'clanTag': u'-LBF-', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:39] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u0425\u043e\u0447\u0435\u0448\u044c \u0438\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044c \u0432 \u0431\u043e\u043b\u044c\u0448\u043c \u0438\u0437\u0432\u0435\u0441\u0442\u043d\u043e\u043c \u0441\u0438\u043b\u044c\u043d\u043e\u043c \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d\u0435?\u0415\u0441\u043b\u0438 \u0443 \u0442\u0435\u0431\u044f \u0435\u0441\u0442\u044c 40000+\u0441\u0440.\u0443\u0440\u043e\u043d\u0430,53%+\u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434,2000+\u0431\u043e\u0451\u0432(\u0432\u043e\u0437\u043c\u043e\u0436\u043d\u044b \u0438\u0441\u043a\u043b\u044e\u0447\u0435\u043d\u0438\u044f) \u043f\u0438\u0448\u0438 \u043c\u043d\u0435 \u0432 \u043b\u0441 - \u043f\u043e\u043e\u0431\u0449\u0430\u0435\u043c\u0441\u044f)', 'league': 0, 'name': '_JIemy4uy_GoJIJIaHDeC_', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 16763955, 'dbid': 69180367, 'clanID': 415120, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'MOPE', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:39] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u041d\u0410\u0411\u041e\u0420 \u0412 \u041a\u041b\u0410\u041d!!!!....\u0417\u0430\u044f\u0432\u043a\u0430....50%++....pro-al-1200++...', 'league': 0, 'name': 'HeHaBucTb_KaK_cTuMyJI', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 16777215, 'dbid': 8052819, 'clanID': 426096, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'PILAT', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:39] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u0438\u0449\u0443 \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d \u0441 \u0415\u043a\u0430\u0442\u0435\u0440\u0438\u043d\u0431\u0443\u0440\u0433\u0430 \u043f\u0438\u0441\u0430\u0442\u044c \u0432 \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443', 'league': 0, 'name': 'Fantomtop', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 0, 'dbid': 63669527, 'clanID': 0, 'rankSeasonId': 7, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 134232144, 'rank': 5, 'clanTag': u'', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:39] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u041d\u0410\u0411\u041e\u0420 \u0412 \u041a\u041b\u0410\u041d AVG \u0410\u0412\u0410\u041d\u0413\u0410\u0420\u0414 \u041e\u0422 1000 \u0411\u041e\u0401\u0412 2 \u041e\u0424\u0418\u0426\u0415\u0420\u0410 \u0421\u0412\u042f\u0417\u042c \u0420\u041a \u0412 \u041b\u0418\u0427\u041a\u0423 \u0418\u041b\u0418 \u041a\u0418\u0414\u0410\u0415\u041c \u0417\u0410\u042f\u0412\u041a\u0423 \u0412 \u041e\u0422\u0420\u042f\u0414 \u041d\u0415 \u041f\u041e\u0419\u0414\u0423 \u041d\u0415 \u0417\u041e\u0412\u0418\u0422\u0415', 'league': 0, 'name': 'apanin82', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 10066329, 'dbid': 61133722, 'clanID': 421914, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'-AVG-', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:39] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u0438\u0449\u0443 \u0430\u0432\u0438\u043a 4-5 \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u0435\u043d\u044c \u043a\u0430\u0442\u0430\u044e \u0422\u0435\u0445\u0430\u0441 \u0438 \u0420\u0435\u0432\u043e\u043b\u044e\u0446\u0438\u044e \u043c\u043e\u0439 \u043f\u0440\u043e\u0446 \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434 60% \u043f\u0440\u0438\u0433\u043b\u043e\u0441\u044b \u0432 \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443 \u043a\u043e\u043e\u043f\u0435\u0440\u0430\u0442\u0438\u0432 \u0438 \u043e\u043f\u0435\u0440\u0430\u0446\u0438\u0438 \u043d\u0435 \u0438\u043d\u0442\u0435\u0440\u0435\u0441\u0443\u044e\u0442', 'league': 0, 'name': 'Sergiksuper1', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 16777215, 'dbid': 7924640, 'clanID': 428411, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'TSUWR', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:39] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u041d\u0430\u0431\u0438\u0440\u0430\u0435\u043c \u0432\u0442\u043e\u0440\u043e\u0439 \u0441\u043e\u0441\u0442\u0430\u0432 \u0411\u0430\u043b\u0442\u0438\u0439\u0441\u043a\u043e\u0433\u043e \u0444\u043b\u043e\u0442\u0430 - BALT2. \u041e\u0431\u044f\u0437\u0430\u0442\u0435\u043b\u044c\u0441\u0442\u0432 \u043d\u0435\u0442. \u0414\u0438\u0441\u043a\u043e\u0440\u0434 \u0434\u043b\u044f \u0432\u043e\u043f\u0440\u043e\u0441\u043e\u0432 https://discord.gg/9FyFJ8k', 'league': 0, 'name': 'Pskovboss', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 10066329, 'dbid': 7046246, 'clanID': 416044, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'BALT', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:39] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'', 'league': 0, 'name': 'glazok66', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 0, 'dbid': 16894960, 'clanID': 0, 'rankSeasonId': 7, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 134232272, 'rank': 13, 'clanTag': u'', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:39] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u041d\u044c\u044e\u043f\u043e\u0440\u0442-\u0420\u0430\u043f\u0442\u043e\u0440-\u042d\u0433\u0438\u0434\u0430 - 6 \u043b\u0432\u043b', 'league': 0, 'name': 'maTpockuH_39_rus', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 13395507, 'dbid': 30586226, 'clanID': 426943, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'BST-B', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:39] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u041a\u043b\u0430\u043d [RADIO] \u043f\u0440\u0438\u0433\u043b\u0430\u0448\u0430\u0435\u0442 \u0438\u0433\u0440\u043e\u043a\u043e\u0432 \u0441 2\u043a+ \u0431\u043e\u0435\u0432, 55%+ \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434, 1800+proalfa, 50k+\u0441\u0440.\u0443\u0440\u043e\u043d, \u0441\u0432\u043e\u0438 10\u043a\u0438, \u0441\u0432\u044f\u0437\u044c ts3, \u0432\u0440\u0435\u043c\u044f \u041c\u0421\u041a.', 'league': 0, 'name': 'nms2l1', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 13434828, 'dbid': 3330623, 'clanID': 411725, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'RADIO', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:44] [DivisionEntranceContext] requestDivisionSeekerList: Account.requestPreBattleSeekerList(): [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:44] (, 94391359434474, 125): getClanTeams, ('send request',) [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:44] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 62222528 {'jid': '62222528@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'HEGNI_1', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:45] receivePreBattles() PreBattleType: 4 Num: 13 Free: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:45] [Seek] onReceivePreBattleSeekers [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:45] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'', 'league': 0, 'name': 'kurito229', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 10066329, 'dbid': 79184964, 'clanID': 421914, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'-AVG-', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:45] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u0425\u043e\u0447\u0435\u0448\u044c \u0438\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044c \u0432 \u0434\u0440\u0443\u0436\u043d\u043e\u0439 \u0438 \u0441\u043b\u0430\u0436\u0435\u043d\u043e\u0439 \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0435? \u043e\u043f\u044b\u0442 1000+,\u0441\u0440. \u0443\u0440\u043e\u043d 40\u043a +,\u043f\u0438\u0441\u0430\u0442\u044c \u0432 \u043b\u0441, \u0414\u043e\u0431\u0440\u043e \u043f\u043e\u0436\u0430\u043b\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0442\u044c \u0432 \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d GOH)).', 'league': 0, 'name': 'Recoden', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 10066329, 'dbid': 71254793, 'clanID': 429498, 'rankSeasonId': 7, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 134232192, 'rank': 8, 'clanTag': u'GOH', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:45] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u0414\u041e\u041d\u0410\u0411\u041e\u0420 \u0412 \u041a\u041b\u0410\u041d \u0418\u0413\u0420\u0410\u042e \u0422\u041e\u041b\u042c\u041a\u041e \u041d\u0415 \u0421 \u041a\u041b\u0410\u041d\u041e\u0412\u042b\u041c\u0418 \u0418\u0413\u0420\u041e\u041a\u0410\u041c\u0418', 'league': 0, 'name': 'Magdalena__Neuner', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 13395507, 'dbid': 11227724, 'clanID': 418622, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'RATS', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:45] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u041d\u0410\u0411\u041e\u0420 \u0412 \u041a\u041b\u0410\u041d(-LBF-)\u0434\u043b\u044f \u041a\u0411: \u043d\u0430\u043b\u0438\u0447\u0438\u0435 10\u0442\u043e\u043a \u0438 \u0436\u0435\u043b\u0430\u043d\u0438\u0435 \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0436\u0434\u0430\u0442\u044c(\u0434\u0440\u0443\u0436\u043d\u044b\u0439 \u043a\u043e\u043b\u0435\u043a\u0442\u0438\u0432 \u0438 \u043f\u0430\u0437\u0438\u0442\u0438\u0432)\u043f\u0438\u0441\u0430\u0442\u044c \u0432 \u041b\u0421', 'league': 0, 'name': 'dimon7833', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 10066329, 'dbid': 17342990, 'clanID': 425939, 'rankSeasonId': 7, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 134232240, 'rank': 11, 'clanTag': u'-LBF-', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:45] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u0425\u043e\u0447\u0435\u0448\u044c \u0438\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044c \u0432 \u0431\u043e\u043b\u044c\u0448\u043c \u0438\u0437\u0432\u0435\u0441\u0442\u043d\u043e\u043c \u0441\u0438\u043b\u044c\u043d\u043e\u043c \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d\u0435?\u0415\u0441\u043b\u0438 \u0443 \u0442\u0435\u0431\u044f \u0435\u0441\u0442\u044c 40000+\u0441\u0440.\u0443\u0440\u043e\u043d\u0430,53%+\u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434,2000+\u0431\u043e\u0451\u0432(\u0432\u043e\u0437\u043c\u043e\u0436\u043d\u044b \u0438\u0441\u043a\u043b\u044e\u0447\u0435\u043d\u0438\u044f) \u043f\u0438\u0448\u0438 \u043c\u043d\u0435 \u0432 \u043b\u0441 - \u043f\u043e\u043e\u0431\u0449\u0430\u0435\u043c\u0441\u044f)', 'league': 0, 'name': '_JIemy4uy_GoJIJIaHDeC_', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 16763955, 'dbid': 69180367, 'clanID': 415120, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'MOPE', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:45] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u041d\u0410\u0411\u041e\u0420 \u0412 \u041a\u041b\u0410\u041d!!!!....\u0417\u0430\u044f\u0432\u043a\u0430....50%++....pro-al-1200++...', 'league': 0, 'name': 'HeHaBucTb_KaK_cTuMyJI', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 16777215, 'dbid': 8052819, 'clanID': 426096, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'PILAT', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:45] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u0438\u0449\u0443 \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d \u0441 \u0415\u043a\u0430\u0442\u0435\u0440\u0438\u043d\u0431\u0443\u0440\u0433\u0430 \u043f\u0438\u0441\u0430\u0442\u044c \u0432 \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443', 'league': 0, 'name': 'Fantomtop', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 0, 'dbid': 63669527, 'clanID': 0, 'rankSeasonId': 7, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 134232144, 'rank': 5, 'clanTag': u'', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:45] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u041d\u0410\u0411\u041e\u0420 \u0412 \u041a\u041b\u0410\u041d AVG \u0410\u0412\u0410\u041d\u0413\u0410\u0420\u0414 \u041e\u0422 1000 \u0411\u041e\u0401\u0412 2 \u041e\u0424\u0418\u0426\u0415\u0420\u0410 \u0421\u0412\u042f\u0417\u042c \u0420\u041a \u0412 \u041b\u0418\u0427\u041a\u0423 \u0418\u041b\u0418 \u041a\u0418\u0414\u0410\u0415\u041c \u0417\u0410\u042f\u0412\u041a\u0423 \u0412 \u041e\u0422\u0420\u042f\u0414 \u041d\u0415 \u041f\u041e\u0419\u0414\u0423 \u041d\u0415 \u0417\u041e\u0412\u0418\u0422\u0415', 'league': 0, 'name': 'apanin82', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 10066329, 'dbid': 61133722, 'clanID': 421914, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'-AVG-', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:45] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u0438\u0449\u0443 \u0430\u0432\u0438\u043a 4-5 \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u0435\u043d\u044c \u043a\u0430\u0442\u0430\u044e \u0422\u0435\u0445\u0430\u0441 \u0438 \u0420\u0435\u0432\u043e\u043b\u044e\u0446\u0438\u044e \u043c\u043e\u0439 \u043f\u0440\u043e\u0446 \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434 60% \u043f\u0440\u0438\u0433\u043b\u043e\u0441\u044b \u0432 \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443 \u043a\u043e\u043e\u043f\u0435\u0440\u0430\u0442\u0438\u0432 \u0438 \u043e\u043f\u0435\u0440\u0430\u0446\u0438\u0438 \u043d\u0435 \u0438\u043d\u0442\u0435\u0440\u0435\u0441\u0443\u044e\u0442', 'league': 0, 'name': 'Sergiksuper1', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 16777215, 'dbid': 7924640, 'clanID': 428411, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'TSUWR', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:45] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u041d\u0430\u0431\u0438\u0440\u0430\u0435\u043c \u0432\u0442\u043e\u0440\u043e\u0439 \u0441\u043e\u0441\u0442\u0430\u0432 \u0411\u0430\u043b\u0442\u0438\u0439\u0441\u043a\u043e\u0433\u043e \u0444\u043b\u043e\u0442\u0430 - BALT2. \u041e\u0431\u044f\u0437\u0430\u0442\u0435\u043b\u044c\u0441\u0442\u0432 \u043d\u0435\u0442. \u0414\u0438\u0441\u043a\u043e\u0440\u0434 \u0434\u043b\u044f \u0432\u043e\u043f\u0440\u043e\u0441\u043e\u0432 https://discord.gg/9FyFJ8k', 'league': 0, 'name': 'Pskovboss', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 10066329, 'dbid': 7046246, 'clanID': 416044, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'BALT', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:45] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'', 'league': 0, 'name': 'glazok66', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 0, 'dbid': 16894960, 'clanID': 0, 'rankSeasonId': 7, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 134232272, 'rank': 13, 'clanTag': u'', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:45] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u041d\u044c\u044e\u043f\u043e\u0440\u0442-\u0420\u0430\u043f\u0442\u043e\u0440-\u042d\u0433\u0438\u0434\u0430 - 6 \u043b\u0432\u043b', 'league': 0, 'name': 'maTpockuH_39_rus', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 13395507, 'dbid': 30586226, 'clanID': 426943, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'BST-B', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:45] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u041a\u043b\u0430\u043d [RADIO] \u043f\u0440\u0438\u0433\u043b\u0430\u0448\u0430\u0435\u0442 \u0438\u0433\u0440\u043e\u043a\u043e\u0432 \u0441 2\u043a+ \u0431\u043e\u0435\u0432, 55%+ \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434, 1800+proalfa, 50k+\u0441\u0440.\u0443\u0440\u043e\u043d, \u0441\u0432\u043e\u0438 10\u043a\u0438, \u0441\u0432\u044f\u0437\u044c ts3, \u0432\u0440\u0435\u043c\u044f \u041c\u0421\u041a.', 'league': 0, 'name': 'nms2l1', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 13434828, 'dbid': 3330623, 'clanID': 411725, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'RADIO', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:45] receivePreBattles() PreBattleType: 3 Num: 2 Free: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:45] ClanDataHubUtils.updateClanPreBattles [{'description': u'', 'creatorDBID': 5595999, 'playerCount': 2, 'ownerClanID': 430246, 'extraInfo': {'nonClanMembersCount': 0}, 'isInBattle': 0, 'battleDef': (BATTLE_DEF: mapId=0, duration=0, type=10, level=-1, teamBuildType=1, sseInfo=, pveInfo=0), 'ownerName': 'Tier099', 'invitedCount': 1, 'playersLimit': 3, 'isPrivate': 0, 'ownerId': 537109318, 'preBattleType': 1, 'id': 432359, 'selectedQueueType': 1}, {'description': u'', 'creatorDBID': 38732872, 'playerCount': 1, 'ownerClanID': 430246, 'extraInfo': {'nonClanMembersCount': 0}, 'isInBattle': 0, 'battleDef': (BATTLE_DEF: mapId=0, duration=0, type=10, level=-1, teamBuildType=1, sseInfo=, pveInfo=0), 'ownerName': 'toshidzu', 'invitedCount': 0, 'playersLimit': 3, 'isPrivate': 0, 'ownerId': 537138665, 'preBattleType': 1, 'id': 537315738, 'selectedQueueType': 1}] [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:46] (, 86938864369208, 28): Account, ('getPreBattleInfo', 'send request', 537315738) [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:46] ClanProxy.receivePreBattleInfo PreBattleDump(preBattleType=1, preBattleId=537315738, battleDefDump=(0, 0, 10, -1, 1, '', 0), ownerId=537138665, creatorDBID=38732872, description=u'', selectedQueueType=1, creatorDef=None, playersLimit=3, playersDump=[(537138665, 35853511, 'toshidzu', None, 0, 1, False, True, False, 15, 134232384, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0)], inviteesDump=[], countDownInfo=(0, 0), locked=False, creationTime=1510410552238L, teamsCount=2, hidden=False, chatMessagesDump=[], extraInfo={'nonClanMembersCount': 0}) [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:47] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {62222528: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}} [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:54] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 432359 (203915, 2557718, 'NSDRP', 4287543280L, 0, 2, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0) 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:54] DivisionProxy.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=203915, dbid=2557718, name='NSDRP', shipId=4287543280L, teamId=0, state=2, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=0) 0 {} [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:54] playersToInvite {} [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:54] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 2557718 {'jid': '2557718@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'NSDRP', 'clanInfo': (430246, u'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:54] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:54] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 7], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 2], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['premium', 'upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:54] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:54] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 7], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 2], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['premium', 'upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:56] (, 86938864369208, 28): Account, ('getPreBattleInfo', 'send request', 537315738) [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:56] ClanProxy.receivePreBattleInfo PreBattleDump(preBattleType=1, preBattleId=537315738, battleDefDump=(0, 0, 10, -1, 1, '', 0), ownerId=537138665, creatorDBID=38732872, description=u'', selectedQueueType=1, creatorDef=None, playersLimit=3, playersDump=[(537138665, 35853511, 'toshidzu', None, 0, 1, False, True, False, 15, 134232384, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0)], inviteesDump=[], countDownInfo=(0, 0), locked=False, creationTime=1510410552238L, teamsCount=2, hidden=False, chatMessagesDump=[], extraInfo={'nonClanMembersCount': 0}) [S] [2017_11_11 18:09:57] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 17222686 {'jid': '17222686@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'bob7771', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:05] [ChatSystem] __executeAddContact dbId: 22453883.0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:05] UserDataGate.__onRosterUpdated [('17915186@wowsru.loc', 'egy5', False, 4, ()), ('22453883@wowsru.loc', 'vova1972ruzan', False, 0, ()), ('2557718@wowsru.loc', 'NSDRP', True, 4, ()), ('26288674@wowsru.loc', '_EmperoR_WOW_', False, 4, ()), ('2893852@wowsru.loc', 'klimstonn', False, 4, ()), ('30937387@wowsru.loc', 'monster__622', False, 4, ()), ('327255@wowsru.loc', 'Migri', False, 4, ()), ('35853511@wowsru.loc', 'toshidzu', True, 4, ()), ('5471194@wowsru.loc', 'loki1982', False, 4, ()), ('62222528@wowsru.loc', 'HEGNI_1', True, 4, ()), ('6896454@wowsru.loc', 'Vie92', False, 4, ()), ('69118514@wowsru.loc', 'RenamedUser_69118514', False, 4, ()), ('69416610@wowsru.loc', 'Player_3185411451', False, 4, ())] [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:05] UserDataGate.__onRosterUpdated [('17915186@wowsru.loc', 'egy5', False, 4, ()), ('22453883@wowsru.loc', 'vova1972ruzan', False, 1, ()), ('2557718@wowsru.loc', 'NSDRP', True, 4, ()), ('26288674@wowsru.loc', '_EmperoR_WOW_', False, 4, ()), ('2893852@wowsru.loc', 'klimstonn', False, 4, ()), ('30937387@wowsru.loc', 'monster__622', False, 4, ()), ('327255@wowsru.loc', 'Migri', False, 4, ()), ('35853511@wowsru.loc', 'toshidzu', True, 4, ()), ('5471194@wowsru.loc', 'loki1982', False, 4, ()), ('62222528@wowsru.loc', 'HEGNI_1', True, 4, ()), ('6896454@wowsru.loc', 'Vie92', False, 4, ()), ('69118514@wowsru.loc', 'RenamedUser_69118514', False, 4, ()), ('69416610@wowsru.loc', 'Player_3185411451', False, 4, ())] [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:05] UserDataGate.__onRosterUpdated [('17915186@wowsru.loc', 'egy5', False, 4, ()), ('22453883@wowsru.loc', 'vova1972ruzan', False, 4, ()), ('2557718@wowsru.loc', 'NSDRP', True, 4, ()), ('26288674@wowsru.loc', '_EmperoR_WOW_', False, 4, ()), ('2893852@wowsru.loc', 'klimstonn', False, 4, ()), ('30937387@wowsru.loc', 'monster__622', False, 4, ()), ('327255@wowsru.loc', 'Migri', False, 4, ()), ('35853511@wowsru.loc', 'toshidzu', True, 4, ()), ('5471194@wowsru.loc', 'loki1982', False, 4, ()), ('62222528@wowsru.loc', 'HEGNI_1', True, 4, ()), ('6896454@wowsru.loc', 'Vie92', False, 4, ()), ('69118514@wowsru.loc', 'RenamedUser_69118514', False, 4, ()), ('69416610@wowsru.loc', 'Player_3185411451', False, 4, ())] [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:05] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {22453883: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}} [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:06] [ChatSystem] __executeAddContact dbId: 58161041.0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:06] UserDataGate.__onRosterUpdated [('17915186@wowsru.loc', 'egy5', False, 4, ()), ('22453883@wowsru.loc', 'vova1972ruzan', True, 4, ()), ('2557718@wowsru.loc', 'NSDRP', True, 4, ()), ('26288674@wowsru.loc', '_EmperoR_WOW_', False, 4, ()), ('2893852@wowsru.loc', 'klimstonn', False, 4, ()), ('30937387@wowsru.loc', 'monster__622', False, 4, ()), ('327255@wowsru.loc', 'Migri', False, 4, ()), ('35853511@wowsru.loc', 'toshidzu', True, 4, ()), ('5471194@wowsru.loc', 'loki1982', False, 4, ()), ('58161041@wowsru.loc', 'Y_O_R_K_2015', False, 0, ()), ('62222528@wowsru.loc', 'HEGNI_1', True, 4, ()), ('6896454@wowsru.loc', 'Vie92', False, 4, ()), ('69118514@wowsru.loc', 'RenamedUser_69118514', False, 4, ()), ('69416610@wowsru.loc', 'Player_3185411451', False, 4, ())] [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:06] UserDataGate.__onRosterUpdated [('17915186@wowsru.loc', 'egy5', False, 4, ()), ('22453883@wowsru.loc', 'vova1972ruzan', True, 4, ()), ('2557718@wowsru.loc', 'NSDRP', True, 4, ()), ('26288674@wowsru.loc', '_EmperoR_WOW_', False, 4, ()), ('2893852@wowsru.loc', 'klimstonn', False, 4, ()), ('30937387@wowsru.loc', 'monster__622', False, 4, ()), ('327255@wowsru.loc', 'Migri', False, 4, ()), ('35853511@wowsru.loc', 'toshidzu', True, 4, ()), ('5471194@wowsru.loc', 'loki1982', False, 4, ()), ('58161041@wowsru.loc', 'Y_O_R_K_2015', False, 1, ()), ('62222528@wowsru.loc', 'HEGNI_1', True, 4, ()), ('6896454@wowsru.loc', 'Vie92', False, 4, ()), ('69118514@wowsru.loc', 'RenamedUser_69118514', False, 4, ()), ('69416610@wowsru.loc', 'Player_3185411451', False, 4, ())] [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:06] UserDataGate.__onRosterUpdated [('17915186@wowsru.loc', 'egy5', False, 4, ()), ('22453883@wowsru.loc', 'vova1972ruzan', True, 4, ()), ('2557718@wowsru.loc', 'NSDRP', True, 4, ()), ('26288674@wowsru.loc', '_EmperoR_WOW_', False, 4, ()), ('2893852@wowsru.loc', 'klimstonn', False, 4, ()), ('30937387@wowsru.loc', 'monster__622', False, 4, ()), ('327255@wowsru.loc', 'Migri', False, 4, ()), ('35853511@wowsru.loc', 'toshidzu', True, 4, ()), ('5471194@wowsru.loc', 'loki1982', False, 4, ()), ('58161041@wowsru.loc', 'Y_O_R_K_2015', False, 4, ()), ('62222528@wowsru.loc', 'HEGNI_1', True, 4, ()), ('6896454@wowsru.loc', 'Vie92', False, 4, ()), ('69118514@wowsru.loc', 'RenamedUser_69118514', False, 4, ()), ('69416610@wowsru.loc', 'Player_3185411451', False, 4, ())] [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:07] [ChatSystem] __executeOpenChannelForPrivateMessages 71811251.0 [Entity: id:4806 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'clanman', 'accountLevel', 'accountRank', 'channelParticipant', 'accountStatus']] [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:07] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 71811251@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:07] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Leogon_1 channelsGroupsIds: [] [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:07] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored True [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:08] [ChatSystem] __executeAddContact dbId: 71811251.0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:08] UserDataGate.__onRosterUpdated [('17915186@wowsru.loc', 'egy5', False, 4, ()), ('22453883@wowsru.loc', 'vova1972ruzan', True, 4, ()), ('2557718@wowsru.loc', 'NSDRP', True, 4, ()), ('26288674@wowsru.loc', '_EmperoR_WOW_', False, 4, ()), ('2893852@wowsru.loc', 'klimstonn', False, 4, ()), ('30937387@wowsru.loc', 'monster__622', False, 4, ()), ('327255@wowsru.loc', 'Migri', False, 4, ()), ('35853511@wowsru.loc', 'toshidzu', True, 4, ()), ('5471194@wowsru.loc', 'loki1982', False, 4, ()), ('58161041@wowsru.loc', 'Y_O_R_K_2015', True, 4, ()), ('62222528@wowsru.loc', 'HEGNI_1', True, 4, ()), ('6896454@wowsru.loc', 'Vie92', False, 4, ()), ('69118514@wowsru.loc', 'RenamedUser_69118514', False, 4, ()), ('69416610@wowsru.loc', 'Player_3185411451', False, 4, ()), ('71811251@wowsru.loc', 'Leogon_1', False, 0, ())] [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:08] UserDataGate.__onRosterUpdated [('17915186@wowsru.loc', 'egy5', False, 4, ()), ('22453883@wowsru.loc', 'vova1972ruzan', True, 4, ()), ('2557718@wowsru.loc', 'NSDRP', True, 4, ()), ('26288674@wowsru.loc', '_EmperoR_WOW_', False, 4, ()), ('2893852@wowsru.loc', 'klimstonn', False, 4, ()), ('30937387@wowsru.loc', 'monster__622', False, 4, ()), ('327255@wowsru.loc', 'Migri', False, 4, ()), ('35853511@wowsru.loc', 'toshidzu', True, 4, ()), ('5471194@wowsru.loc', 'loki1982', False, 4, ()), ('58161041@wowsru.loc', 'Y_O_R_K_2015', True, 4, ()), ('62222528@wowsru.loc', 'HEGNI_1', True, 4, ()), ('6896454@wowsru.loc', 'Vie92', False, 4, ()), ('69118514@wowsru.loc', 'RenamedUser_69118514', False, 4, ()), ('69416610@wowsru.loc', 'Player_3185411451', False, 4, ()), ('71811251@wowsru.loc', 'Leogon_1', False, 1, ())] [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:08] UserDataGate.__onRosterUpdated [('17915186@wowsru.loc', 'egy5', False, 4, ()), ('22453883@wowsru.loc', 'vova1972ruzan', True, 4, ()), ('2557718@wowsru.loc', 'NSDRP', True, 4, ()), ('26288674@wowsru.loc', '_EmperoR_WOW_', False, 4, ()), ('2893852@wowsru.loc', 'klimstonn', False, 4, ()), ('30937387@wowsru.loc', 'monster__622', False, 4, ()), ('327255@wowsru.loc', 'Migri', False, 4, ()), ('35853511@wowsru.loc', 'toshidzu', True, 4, ()), ('5471194@wowsru.loc', 'loki1982', False, 4, ()), ('58161041@wowsru.loc', 'Y_O_R_K_2015', True, 4, ()), ('62222528@wowsru.loc', 'HEGNI_1', True, 4, ()), ('6896454@wowsru.loc', 'Vie92', False, 4, ()), ('69118514@wowsru.loc', 'RenamedUser_69118514', False, 4, ()), ('69416610@wowsru.loc', 'Player_3185411451', False, 4, ()), ('71811251@wowsru.loc', 'Leogon_1', False, 4, ())] [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:10] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened False [isChatBoxOpened] __updateChannelInfo channel.isChatBoxOpened False False [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:12] Account.enqueue(): 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:12] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 7], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 2], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['premium', 'upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:12] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:12] DivisionProxy.start 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:12] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 7], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 2], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['premium', 'upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:12] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:12] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 432359 (203915, 2557718, 'NSDRP', 4287543280L, 0, 3, True, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0) 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:12] DivisionProxy.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=203915, dbid=2557718, name='NSDRP', shipId=4287543280L, teamId=0, state=3, isInBattle=True, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=0) 0 {} [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:12] playersToInvite {} [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:12] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 2557718 {'jid': '2557718@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'NSDRP', 'clanInfo': (430246, u'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:12] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:12] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 7], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 1, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 1], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['premium'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:12] some players in battle 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:12] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [53] [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:12] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 7], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 1, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 1], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['premium'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:12] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 432359 (537109318, 5595999, 'Tier099', 3764303312L, 0, 3, True, True, True, 15, 0, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0) 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:12] DivisionProxy.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537109318, dbid=5595999, name='Tier099', shipId=3764303312L, teamId=0, state=3, isInBattle=True, isConnected=True, isAbuser=True, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=0) 0 {} [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:12] playersToInvite {} [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:12] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 5595999 {'jid': '5595999@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Tier099', 'clanInfo': (430246, u'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:12] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:12] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 2, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:12] some players in battle 2 [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:12] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [53] [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:12] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 2, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:12] some players in battle 2 [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:12] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [53] [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:12] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 2, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:13] onEnqueued() QueueType: 1 ShipId: 3764303312 mmDescription: {'useBots': False, 'onlyFullBattles': False, 'maxWait': 300} [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:13] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 3764303312 4 [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:13] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 2557718 {'jid': '2557718@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'NSDRP', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:16] onPrepareingForBattle() [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:16] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 3764303312 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:16] onGameRoomStateInit mapIdx = 30 battleType = 116 gameMode = Domination duration=1200 [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:16] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 5595999 {'jid': '5595999@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Tier099', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:17] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {58161041: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 71811251: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 2557718: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}} [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:23] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:23] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened False [isChatBoxOpened] __updateChannelInfo channel.isChatBoxOpened False False [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:23] (, 80999132267601, 73): handleChannelError, ('room destroyed', 'prebattle', 3) [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:23] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened False GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:23] [LootboxProxyClient.destroy] [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:24] Avatar.receiveAvatarInfo: {'evaluationsLeft': {0: 7, 1: 7}} [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:24] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAvatar [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:24] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() False 0 0 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:24] Avatar.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:24] name Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:24] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:24] Avatar onControlled False [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:24] onControlled->False: not implemented [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:25] onGeometryMapped() MapName: 50_Gold_harbor [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:25] teamBuildType: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:25] player: Id: 537155586 Name: naghibator_17 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSC005_Furutaka_1926 avatarId: 1123976 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:25] player: Id: 262659 Name: RONILTN TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASD006_Mahan_1936 avatarId: 1123978 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:25] player: Id: 537126920 Name: jjjjjjjjj TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSC007_Aoba_1943 avatarId: 1123980 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:25] player: Id: 363657 Name: smile_ak47 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASC007_Cleveland_1945 avatarId: 1123982 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:25] player: Id: 203915 Name: NSDRP TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASC007_Cleveland_1945 avatarId: 1123984 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:25] player: Id: 537138709 Name: NafanyaUa TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSD107_Akatsuki avatarId: 1123986 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:25] player: Id: 537109785 Name: rjytr_ujhbeytr TeamId: 0 ShipName: PBSB107_King_George_V avatarId: 1123988 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:25] player: Id: 102939 Name: sirian77 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASC044_Marblehead_1924 avatarId: 1123990 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:25] player: Id: 537191838 Name: Vilyan74 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSD505_Okhotnik_1917 avatarId: 1123992 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:25] player: Id: 312225 Name: igrok_876 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PBSB106_Queen_Elizabeth avatarId: 1123994 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:25] player: Id: 537087015 Name: valerii11 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSD107_Leberecht_Maass avatarId: 1123996 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:25] player: Id: 363947 Name: alexey_polisey TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSC709_Haguro avatarId: 1123998 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:25] player: Id: 19116 Name: Vullc TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSC506_Molotov_1943 avatarId: 1124000 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:25] player: Id: 537319432 Name: CAPOEIRA72 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSC008_Myoko_1945 avatarId: 1137202 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:25] player: Id: 260786 Name: artemdavtyan TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSC717_Yellow_Dragon avatarId: 1137204 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:25] player: Id: 537158712 Name: Protonius TeamId: 1 ShipName: PBSC106_Leander avatarId: 1137206 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:25] player: Id: 536959547 Name: serega__iron TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSC005_Furutaka_1926 avatarId: 1137208 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:25] player: Id: 283586 Name: Mendeleev_D_I TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSD107_Akatsuki avatarId: 1137210 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:25] player: Id: 537109318 Name: Tier099 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSC506_Molotov_1943 avatarId: 1137212 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:25] player: Id: 537193944 Name: region999 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSD105_Mutsuki avatarId: 1137214 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:25] player: Id: 273382 Name: As74rus TeamId: 1 ShipName: PBSB106_Queen_Elizabeth avatarId: 1137216 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:25] player: Id: 311913 Name: Alcher28 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASC012_Pensacola_1944 avatarId: 1137218 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:25] player: Id: 537080301 Name: kimkr TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSD105_T_22 avatarId: 1137220 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:25] player: Id: 344946 Name: LAVR74rus TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSB107_Gneisenau avatarId: 1137222 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:25] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (432350, 0, 0, 1137216, 1510413016790L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:25] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {432350: PreBattleInfo: id: 432350, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1137216, creationTime 1510413016790, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:25] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (432359, 0, 0, 1123984, 1510413016790L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:25] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {432350: PreBattleInfo: id: 432350, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1137216, creationTime 1510413016790, hidden False, locked False , 432359: PreBattleInfo: id: 432359, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1123984, creationTime 1510413016790, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:25] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (432359, 0, 0, 1137212, 1510413016790L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:25] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {432350: PreBattleInfo: id: 432350, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1137216, creationTime 1510413016790, hidden False, locked False , 432359: PreBattleInfo: id: 432359, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1137212, creationTime 1510413016790, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:25] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (432359, 0, 0, 1137212, 1510413016790L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:25] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {432350: PreBattleInfo: id: 432350, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1137216, creationTime 1510413016790, hidden False, locked False , 432359: PreBattleInfo: id: 432359, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1137212, creationTime 1510413016790, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:25] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (432359, 0, 0, 1137212, 1510413016790L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:25] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {432350: PreBattleInfo: id: 432350, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1137216, creationTime 1510413016790, hidden False, locked False , 432359: PreBattleInfo: id: 432359, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1137212, creationTime 1510413016790, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:25] Avatar.enterPrebattle [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:25] (, 39965384947628, 149): 1123974; BattleLogic() [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:25] (, 39965384947628, 149): 1123974; onEnterWorld() State: {attentionMarkers: [], clientAnimations: None, controlPoints: [{position: [-261.0, 244.0], radius: 140.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: 0, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [-112.0, -112.0], radius: 120.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [110.0, 110.0], radius: 120.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [244.0, -261.0], radius: 140.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: 1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}], entityStates: [], expectedActions: None, interactiveZones: [], weather: {globalWeatherId: 1123975, localWeather: [], entityLogicParams: []}, keyObjects: [], missions: {hold: [{reward: 4, penalty: 0, cpIndices: [0, 1, 2, 3], period: 9}], capture: [], destroy: [], suppress: [], kill: [{reward: 30, penalty: 45, shipType: 'Destroyer'}, {reward: 35, penalty: 50, shipType: 'Cruiser'}, {reward: 40, penalty: 60, shipType: 'Battleship'}, {reward: 45, penalty: 65, shipType: 'AirCarrier'}], teamsScore: [300, 300], teamWinScore: 1000, teamLoseScore: 0}, resources: [], successStoryProgress: [], screenplayMessage: '', tasks: [], minefields: [], entities: [], effects: []} [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:25] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:25] BattleDataContext.__onEnterSpace [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:28] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:30] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:46] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:46] id 1123991 [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:46] name sirian77 [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:46] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:46] @ launchpadAppeared 1123991 [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:46] [Weather][4650] onEnterWorld (map spaces/50_Gold_harbor/weathers.xml, scheme 1, weather 0) [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:47] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:47] id 1137219 [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:47] name Alcher28 [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:47] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:47] @ launchpadAppeared 1137219 [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:48] id 1123977 [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:48] name naghibator_17 [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:48] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:48] @ launchpadAppeared 1123977 [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:48] id 1123999 [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:48] name alexey_polisey [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:48] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:48] @ launchpadAppeared 1123999 [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:48] id 1137213 [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:48] name Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:48] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:48] @ launchpadAppeared 1137213 [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:48] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:48] Avatar.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:48] ! A.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:48] BoardService.init [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:48] @ launchpadAppeared 1137213 [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:48] BattleDataContext.__onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:48] ! PM.refreshAirArmament [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:48] BoardService.restore [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:48] Avatar.onWorldStateReceived [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:48] BattleChatSystem IN Context [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:49] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:49] id 1123997 [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:49] name valerii11 [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:49] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:50] id 1123981 [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:50] name jjjjjjjjj [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:50] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:50] @ launchpadAppeared 1123981 [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:50] id 1137211 [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:50] name Mendeleev_D_I [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:50] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:50] id 1123985 [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:50] name NSDRP [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:50] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:50] @ launchpadAppeared 1123985 [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:52] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:52] id 1123989 [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:52] name rjytr_ujhbeytr [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:52] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:52] @ launchpadAppeared 1123989 [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:53] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:53] id 1123995 [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:53] name igrok_876 [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:53] team id 0 [A] [2017_11_11 18:10:53] content/gameplay/uk/ship/battleship/BSB011_Queen_Elizabeth_1942/BSB011_Queen_Elizabeth_1942_Bow_ports_Hull_B.model: can't load model prototype: file not found [A] [2017_11_11 18:10:53] content/gameplay/uk/ship/battleship/BSB011_Queen_Elizabeth_1942/BSB011_Queen_Elizabeth_1942_MidBack_ports_Hull_B.model: can't load model prototype: file not found [A] [2017_11_11 18:10:53] content/gameplay/uk/ship/battleship/BSB011_Queen_Elizabeth_1942/BSB011_Queen_Elizabeth_1942_MidFront_ports_Hull_B.model: can't load model prototype: file not found [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:53] @ launchpadAppeared 1123995 [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:53] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:53] id 1123993 [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:53] name Vilyan74 [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:53] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:58] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:59] ('[ERROR] FeedbackController: empty config for event repair_finished',) [S] [2017_11_11 18:10:59] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 18:11:28] -= BATTLE STARTED =- [S] [2017_11_11 18:11:32] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 62222528 {'jid': '62222528@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'HEGNI_1', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 18:11:44] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 58161041 {'jid': '58161041@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Y_O_R_K_2015', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 18:13:26] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:13:26] id 1123987 [S] [2017_11_11 18:13:26] name NafanyaUa [S] [2017_11_11 18:13:26] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:13:33] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:13:33] id 1137207 [S] [2017_11_11 18:13:33] name Protonius [S] [2017_11_11 18:13:33] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:13:33] @ launchpadAppeared 1137207 [S] [2017_11_11 18:13:44] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:13:44] id 1137207 [S] [2017_11_11 18:13:44] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:13:44] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:13:44] id 1123983 [S] [2017_11_11 18:13:44] name smile_ak47 [S] [2017_11_11 18:13:44] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:13:44] @ launchpadAppeared 1123983 [S] [2017_11_11 18:13:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:13:48] id 1123987 [S] [2017_11_11 18:13:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:13:48] id 1137207 [S] [2017_11_11 18:13:48] name Protonius [S] [2017_11_11 18:13:48] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:13:48] @ launchpadAppeared 1137207 [S] [2017_11_11 18:13:49] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:13:49] id 1123987 [S] [2017_11_11 18:13:49] name NafanyaUa [S] [2017_11_11 18:13:49] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:13:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:13:50] id 1137223 [S] [2017_11_11 18:13:50] name LAVR74rus [S] [2017_11_11 18:13:50] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:13:50] @ launchpadAppeared 1137223 [S] [2017_11_11 18:13:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:13:50] id 1123979 [S] [2017_11_11 18:13:50] name RONILTN [S] [2017_11_11 18:13:50] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:13:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:13:50] id 1123987 [S] [2017_11_11 18:13:52] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:13:52] id 1123987 [S] [2017_11_11 18:13:52] name NafanyaUa [S] [2017_11_11 18:13:52] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:14:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:14:02] id 1137207 [S] [2017_11_11 18:14:02] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:14:04] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:14:04] id 1123987 [S] [2017_11_11 18:14:05] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 71811251 {'jid': '71811251@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Leogon_1', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:14:05] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:14:05] id 1137207 [S] [2017_11_11 18:14:05] name Protonius [S] [2017_11_11 18:14:05] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:14:05] @ launchpadAppeared 1137207 [S] [2017_11_11 18:14:08] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:14:08] id 1137207 [S] [2017_11_11 18:14:08] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:14:11] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:14:11] id 1137207 [S] [2017_11_11 18:14:11] name Protonius [S] [2017_11_11 18:14:11] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:14:11] @ launchpadAppeared 1137207 [S] [2017_11_11 18:14:12] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:14:12] id 1123979 [S] [2017_11_11 18:14:13] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:14:13] id 1123983 [S] [2017_11_11 18:14:13] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:14:13] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:14:13] id 1123983 [S] [2017_11_11 18:14:13] name smile_ak47 [S] [2017_11_11 18:14:13] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:14:13] @ launchpadAppeared 1123983 [S] [2017_11_11 18:14:14] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:14:14] id 1137223 [S] [2017_11_11 18:14:14] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:14:15] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:14:15] id 1137207 [S] [2017_11_11 18:14:15] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:14:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:14:18] id 1123999 [S] [2017_11_11 18:14:18] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:14:20] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:14:20] id 1137211 [S] [2017_11_11 18:14:25] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:14:25] id 1137217 [S] [2017_11_11 18:14:25] name As74rus [S] [2017_11_11 18:14:25] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:14:25] @ launchpadAppeared 1137217 [S] [2017_11_11 18:14:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:14:26] id 1123977 [S] [2017_11_11 18:14:26] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:14:41] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:14:41] id 1123983 [S] [2017_11_11 18:14:41] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:14:46] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:14:46] id 1137223 [S] [2017_11_11 18:14:46] name LAVR74rus [S] [2017_11_11 18:14:46] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:14:46] @ launchpadAppeared 1137223 [S] [2017_11_11 18:15:08] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:15:08] id 1137223 [S] [2017_11_11 18:15:08] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:15:17] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:15:17] id 1123979 [S] [2017_11_11 18:15:17] name RONILTN [S] [2017_11_11 18:15:17] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:15:23] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:15:23] id 1137207 [S] [2017_11_11 18:15:23] name Protonius [S] [2017_11_11 18:15:23] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:15:23] @ launchpadAppeared 1137207 [S] [2017_11_11 18:15:23] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:15:23] id 1137223 [S] [2017_11_11 18:15:23] name LAVR74rus [S] [2017_11_11 18:15:23] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:15:23] @ launchpadAppeared 1137223 [S] [2017_11_11 18:15:31] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 18:15:31] DEBUG: onChatMessage args ('', '', {'avatarId': 1123978, 'achievementId': 4277330864L, 'type': -1}) [S] [2017_11_11 18:15:32] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:15:32] id 1123979 [S] [2017_11_11 18:15:32] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:15:32] id 1137207 [S] [2017_11_11 18:15:32] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:15:32] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:15:32] id 1137223 [S] [2017_11_11 18:15:32] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:15:36] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:15:36] id 1123999 [S] [2017_11_11 18:15:36] name alexey_polisey [S] [2017_11_11 18:15:36] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:15:36] @ launchpadAppeared 1123999 [S] [2017_11_11 18:15:36] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 18:15:38] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:15:38] id 1137223 [S] [2017_11_11 18:15:38] name LAVR74rus [S] [2017_11_11 18:15:38] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:15:38] @ launchpadAppeared 1137223 [S] [2017_11_11 18:15:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:15:52] id 1137223 [S] [2017_11_11 18:15:52] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:15:56] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:15:56] id 1123979 [S] [2017_11_11 18:15:56] name RONILTN [S] [2017_11_11 18:15:56] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:15:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:15:57] id 1137223 [S] [2017_11_11 18:15:57] name LAVR74rus [S] [2017_11_11 18:15:57] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:15:57] @ launchpadAppeared 1137223 [S] [2017_11_11 18:16:12] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:16:12] id 1137207 [S] [2017_11_11 18:16:12] name Protonius [S] [2017_11_11 18:16:12] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:16:12] @ launchpadAppeared 1137207 [S] [2017_11_11 18:16:14] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:16:14] id 1123979 [S] [2017_11_11 18:16:18] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:16:18] id 1123979 [S] [2017_11_11 18:16:18] name RONILTN [S] [2017_11_11 18:16:18] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:16:24] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:16:24] id 1123987 [S] [2017_11_11 18:16:24] name NafanyaUa [S] [2017_11_11 18:16:24] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:16:27] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 18:16:28] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 18:16:37] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 18:16:37] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:16:37] id 1123979 [S] [2017_11_11 18:16:38] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:16:38] id 1123987 [S] [2017_11_11 18:16:56] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:16:56] id 1123987 [S] [2017_11_11 18:16:56] name NafanyaUa [S] [2017_11_11 18:16:56] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:16:58] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:16:58] id 1123987 [S] [2017_11_11 18:16:59] DEBUG: onChatMessage args ('', '', {'avatarId': 1137210, 'achievementId': 4282573744L, 'type': -1}) [S] [2017_11_11 18:16:59] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:16:59] id 1123985 [S] [2017_11_11 18:16:59] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:16:59] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:16:59] id 1123983 [S] [2017_11_11 18:16:59] name smile_ak47 [S] [2017_11_11 18:16:59] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:16:59] @ launchpadAppeared 1123983 [S] [2017_11_11 18:17:05] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:17:05] id 1123979 [S] [2017_11_11 18:17:05] name RONILTN [S] [2017_11_11 18:17:05] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:17:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:17:18] id 1123979 [S] [2017_11_11 18:17:20] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 18:17:25] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:17:25] id 1123979 [S] [2017_11_11 18:17:25] name RONILTN [S] [2017_11_11 18:17:25] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:17:28] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 18:17:37] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 18:17:37] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 18:17:51] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 18:17:51] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:17:51] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:17:51] id 1123987 [S] [2017_11_11 18:17:51] name NafanyaUa [S] [2017_11_11 18:17:51] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:17:53] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:17:53] id 1123987 [S] [2017_11_11 18:17:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:17:57] id 1123987 [S] [2017_11_11 18:17:57] name NafanyaUa [S] [2017_11_11 18:17:57] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:18:05] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 22453883 {'jid': '22453883@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'vova1972ruzan', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 18:18:12] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:18:12] id 1123987 [S] [2017_11_11 18:18:14] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:18:14] id 1123979 [S] [2017_11_11 18:18:15] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:18:15] id 1137207 [S] [2017_11_11 18:18:15] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:18:20] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:18:20] id 1137223 [S] [2017_11_11 18:18:20] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:18:24] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:18:24] id 1137223 [S] [2017_11_11 18:18:24] name LAVR74rus [S] [2017_11_11 18:18:24] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:18:24] @ launchpadAppeared 1137223 [S] [2017_11_11 18:18:25] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 18:18:25] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 18:18:25] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 18:18:25] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 18:18:26] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:18:26] id 1123979 [S] [2017_11_11 18:18:26] name RONILTN [S] [2017_11_11 18:18:26] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:18:30] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:18:30] id 1137217 [S] [2017_11_11 18:18:30] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:18:37] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 18:18:41] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:18:41] id 1137217 [S] [2017_11_11 18:18:41] name As74rus [S] [2017_11_11 18:18:41] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:18:41] @ launchpadAppeared 1137217 [S] [2017_11_11 18:18:57] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:18:57] id 1123989 [S] [2017_11_11 18:18:57] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:18:58] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 18:18:58] @ launchpadDisappeared [E] [2017_11_11 18:19:12] ServerConnection::onTimeOut(1137212): Disconnecting due to channel timing out. [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:12] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 6 NOT_SET [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:12] [LOGIN] Setting gIsConnected to False [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:13] connection problem!!! [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:13] clearAll 0 True [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:13] AccountLevelingProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:13] StatsProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:13] StatsProxy.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:13] ShutDownProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:13] ShutDownProxy.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:13] LootboxProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:13] LootboxProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:13] CampaignsProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:13] PVEScriptsProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:13] PVEDatahubUtils.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:13] PVEScriptsProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:13] IngamePortalProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:13] IngameNewsProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:13] UserDataGate.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:13] UserDataGate.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:13] ClanProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:13] ClanProxy.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:13] ClanDataHubUtils.__cleanClanPreBattles player is in division "432359" already with actual info [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:13] BattleChatSystem OUT OF Context [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:13] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOver [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:13] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOut [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:13] (, 51007757488877, 12): is out of context [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:13] (, 13182166089733, 190): fini [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:13] (, 51007922117933, 263): out of context [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:13] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Login, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:13] PreBattleInfoHolder.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:13] DivisionProxyBattle.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:13] (, 39965384947628, 149): 1123974; onLeaveWorld() [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:13] [Weather][4650] onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:13] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:13] id 1123979 [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:13] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:13] id 1123981 [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:13] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:13] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:13] id 1123983 [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:13] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:14] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:14] id 1123991 [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:14] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:14] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:14] id 1123993 [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:14] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:14] id 1123995 [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:14] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:14] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:14] id 1123997 [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:14] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:14] id 1123999 [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:14] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:14] Avatar.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:14] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:14] id 1137213 [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:14] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:14] id 1137217 [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:14] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:14] id 1137219 [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:14] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:14] id 1137223 [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:16] Exception BigWorld.EntityIsDestroyedException: 'Avatar 1137212 has been destroyed' in ignored [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:17] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Login, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:24] (, 66259644693353, 191): H:; A:; C:http://csis.worldoftanks.ru/csis/wowsru/?periphery=login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020&periphery=login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020; M:['login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020', 'login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020'] [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:24] BaseLoginRequest.doLogin(): login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020 token2 ([BaseLoginCredentials] Tier099) [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:24] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:24] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:24] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 1 LOGGED_ON {"token2":"5595999:5600238760764888903:221762615721525667374802950116445121127","wgnr":"ru.wargaming.net"} [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:24] LOGGED_ON {u'token2': u'5595999:5600238760764888903:221762615721525667374802950116445121127', u'wgnr': u'ru.wargaming.net'} [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:24] [LOGIN] Positive, serverMsg: {u'token2': u'5595999:5600238760764888903:221762615721525667374802950116445121127', u'wgnr': u'ru.wargaming.net'}, status: LOGGED_ON [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:24] [LOGIN] Setting wgnr url to "https://ru.wargaming.net" [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:24] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 2 NOT_SET [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:25] Account.__init__() [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:25] [Account debuG]: __init__() Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:25] ClanProxy.setChatHandler [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:25] ClanProxy.setInteractiveMessageData [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:25] Exception BigWorld.EntityIsDestroyedException: 'Account 537109318 has been destroyed' in ignored [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:25] (, 571883079382, 162): init [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:25] (, 574705753692, 103): Url config for realm ru as string is ResMgr.DataSection at 0x544BC5D0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:25] (, 51003525417967, 75): in context [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:25] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:25] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:25] onBecomePlayer() [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:25] UserDataGate.onGetConnection [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:25] UserDataGate.onGetConnection(): 5595999 [Entity: id:3863 ['accountSimple', 'accountName']] Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:25] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAccount [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:25] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() True 0 0 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:25] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:25] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:25] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4161159088 {('Default', 4283604912L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 7, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:25] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4163256240 {('Default', 4282556336L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 5, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:25] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q04 {('Default', 4271730608L, 0): 5, ('Default', 4269633456L, 0): 5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u041e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c \u043d\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u041e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c \u043d\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'} [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:25] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4160110512 {('Resource', 0, 0): 100000, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 8, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:25] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22468_q03 {('Default', 4263440304L, 0): 5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'} [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:25] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q02 {('Resource', 19, 0): 1, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u041f\u0440\u0435\u043c\u0438\u0443\u043c \u0437\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0443'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u041f\u0440\u0435\u043c\u0438\u0443\u043c \u0437\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0443'} [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:25] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4156964784 {'desc': (), ('Resource', 0, 0): 100000} {'taskNumber': 11, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:25] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4162207664 {('Default', 4279410608L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 6, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:25] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q01 {('ResourceCoeff', 21, 17): 3.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 30): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 9): 12.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 32): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 10): 1.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 5): 1.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 28): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 14): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 11): 1.5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'}, 0, 0)} {'type': 'challenge', 'titleText': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'} [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:25] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4167450544 {'desc': (), ('Resource', 16, 0): 500} {'taskNumber': 1, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:25] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4154867632 {('Default', 4284313520L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 13, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:25] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 15 [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:25] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:25] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 15. Boxes contents: [{4288852912L: {(0, 4283622320L): 1}, 4284658608L: {(0, 4274185136L): 1}, 4283610032L: {(0, 4273136560L): 1}, 4289901488L: {(0, 4289913776L): 1}}] [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:25] setServerTime: serverTime=1510413567 time.time()=1510413565.78 gInitialClientTime=5766.27603707 [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:25] initBattleTypes called [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:25] Disabled maps: [] [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:25] getNationForTutorial() CanBeStarted: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:25] StatsProxy.receiveAbuseStatus(): {'battlesToClean': 2, 'statuses': {'tkill': 1}, 'warnings': ()} [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:26] _onChangeTimeOut 156 [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:28] __processDossierStats() client dossier: ['oper', 'pvp', 'oper_mm_tasks_diag', 'pve_diag', 'pvp_diag', 'oper_normal', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'pve', 'oper_mm', 'total', 'oper_normal_tasks_diag', 'max_pve', 'rank_diag', 'max_pvp', 'oper_diag', 'club_diag', 'club', 'max_club', 'clan', 'oper_hard', 'oper_hard_tasks_diag', 'max_clan'] [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:28] AccountLevelingProxy.onGetAccountStats(): (-1, -1) (15, 740163) [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:29] __updateTaskProgress start: {'22468_q03': {3: {'count': 10.0}}, '22468_q01': {2: {'count': 3}}, '22469_q01': {}, '21856_q00': {}, '22468_q05': {}, '22468_q02': {3: {'count': 549416}}, '22470_q01': {}, '22470_q02': {2: {'count': 5}}, '22470_q03': {2: {'count': 399268}, 3: {'count': 15080}, 4: {'count': 95718}}, '22470_q04': {2: {'count': 10}}, '22160_q01': {}, '22468_q04': {3: {'count': 12902}}} [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:29] __updateTaskProgress start: {'22468_q03': {'count': 1, 3: {'count': 10.0}}, '22468_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 3}}, '22469_q01': {'count': 0}, '21856_q00': {'count': 0}, '22468_q05': {'count': 0}, '22468_q02': {'count': 1, 3: {'count': 549416}}, '22470_q01': {'count': 25}, '22470_q02': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 5}}, '22470_q03': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 399268}, 3: {'count': 15080}, 4: {'count': 95718}}, '22470_q04': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 10}}, '22160_q01': {'count': 0}, '22468_q04': {'count': 0, 3: {'count': 12902}}} [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:29] onGetRankBattlesInfo currentSeason: 7, PlayerInfo: None [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:29] onGetRankDossier() seasonId = 7 Empty [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:29] ---- no data for seasonId: 7 [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:29] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onGetSeasonRules: config False, {'seasonId': 1, 'operations': {4291341232L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 3, 'unlockTime': 1500429600, 'caps': 3}, 4292389808L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1499824800, 'caps': 3}, 4290292656L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1501034400, 'caps': 3}, 4293438384L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1501639200, 'caps': 3}}, 'currentOperationIdx': 1, 'roster': [4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L, 4293438384L], 'startTime': 1499824800, 'seasons': {1: {'operations': [4293438384L, 4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}, 2: {'operations': [], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}}, 'currentRotationTime': 1510106400, 'nextRotationTime': 1510711200, 'stage': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:29] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onLoadProgress: config False, season False, {'operations': {'hard': [], 'normal': [(4287146928L, [1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 0]), (4288195504L, [1509007262, 1509007262, 1509007262, 0, 0, 0]), (4290292656L, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])]}, 'seasons': {'hard': [], 'normal': [(2, 1509007262)]}} [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:30] onClanResponse: response=(1, 0, (430246, (430246, u'FLY', u'FLY', 16777215, u'executive_officer', u'\u0417\u0434\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0443\u0439\u0442\u0435 \u0442\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0449\u0438, \u0443 \u043a\u043e\u0433\u043e \u0435\u0441\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0431\u043b\u0438 10-\u0433\u043e \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u043d\u044f, \u0438 \u0433\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0441\u043e\u0432\u0430\u044f \u0432\u0441\u044f\u0437\u044c \u043d\u0443\u0436\u043d\u043e \u0441\u044b\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d\u043e\u0432\u044b\u0435 \u0431\u043e\u0438 - \u0441\u0442\u0430\u0432\u0442\u0435 + \u043c\u043d\u0435 \u0432 \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443 \u043a\u0442\u043e \u0433\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432', {47518727: {'role': u'private'}, 162314: {'role': u'private'}, 2835342: {'role': u'private'}, 58161041: {'role': u'private'}, 19410835: {'role': u'private'}, 2557718: {'role': u'private'}, 27883543: {'role': u'private'}, 73537307: {'role': u'private'}, 17222686: {'role': u'private'}, 310434: {'role': u'private'}, 11428651: {'role': u'private'}, 2445100: {'role': u'private'}, 7715120: {'role': u'private'}, 69118514: {'role': u'commander'}, 71811251: {'role': u'private'}, 59694238: {'role': u'private'}, 62222528: {'role': u'private'}, 47245249: {'role': u'private'}, 59103429: {'role': u'private'}, 35853511: {'role': u'private'}, 69416610: {'role': u'private'}, 65031124: {'role': u'private'}, 33301518: {'role': u'private'}, 5595999: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 8706534: {'role': u'private'}, 37230: {'role': u'private'}, 1515506: {'role': u'private'}, 71303028: {'role': u'private'}, 5426549: {'role': u'private'}, 22453883: {'role': u'private'}}, {75100162: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3925161}, 75104791: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1901451}, 75104792: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12037438}, 75104793: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47518727}, 75100186: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4688253}, 75100187: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26497012}, 75100188: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 872384}, 75100189: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 16896550}, 75104799: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2557718}, 75100217: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58161041}, 75100219: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36672236}, 75100220: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12445172}, 75100221: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11262324}, 75100086: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71777625}, 75099916: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5426549}, 75088485: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11437327}, 75088488: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86912728}, 75099930: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35480962}, 75099931: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 64096589}, 75104796: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24059614}, 75104797: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5326927}, 75105224: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5163046}, 75115804: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3700101}, 75100858: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65353479}, 75100859: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4549361}, 75100860: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19163627}, 75100862: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 15486060}, 75100864: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24960589}, 75104795: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26571092}, 75101403: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13829345}, 75101405: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2774140}, 75101406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19410835}, 75105005: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2514322}, 75105006: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 6071074}, 75105007: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21765943}, 75105008: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13351014}, 75105009: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10744094}, 75105010: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8213596}, 75105533: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 32758788}, 75105534: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35843415}, 75105535: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19416306}, 75099910: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 22471163}, 75099912: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47356661}, 75099913: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20821811}, 75099914: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 38322742}, 75099915: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 57543888}, 75100940: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1550733}, 75100941: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1431883}, 75100942: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 744012}, 75100943: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 69416610}, 75100944: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36933861}, 75100946: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4337469}, 75115800: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47245249}, 75115801: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2723422}, 75115802: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19050869}, 75115803: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65031124}, 75099932: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5239563}, 75099933: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5564244}, 75105068: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 27883543}, 75099952: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11428651}, 75115830: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 62222528}, 75115831: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8664152}, 75115833: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59103429}, 75115837: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4858560}, 75115840: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 7424262}, 75099461: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 33301518}, 75104134: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 225652}, 75101613: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 162314}, 75101614: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 75991473}, 75100081: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71303028}, 75100082: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79542157}, 75100083: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 76103}, 75100084: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80535214}, 75100085: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5965559}, 75092406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86780640}, 75092407: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 72132668}, 75092409: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65107864}, 75092412: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58685850}, 75104707: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13658244}, 75104708: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 77607300}, 75104710: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79957325}, 75104712: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2809573}, 75105225: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 61831778}, 75105226: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 48512704}, 75105227: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82400346}, 75105229: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59694238}, 75105230: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24318025}, 75105232: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35446652}, 75100114: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21297715}, 75100115: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2636501}, 75100116: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 23508047}, 75100117: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4104445}, 75100156: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65362617}, 75113469: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 17222686}, 75100158: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20158906}, 75113467: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1207353}, 75113468: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80938462}, 75100157: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82347121}, 75113470: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8706534}, 75113471: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4261263}}, 30, 30, None))) [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:30] ClanProxy.onClanResponse(): 1 (430246, (430246, u'FLY', u'FLY', 16777215, u'executive_officer', u'\u0417\u0434\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0443\u0439\u0442\u0435 \u0442\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0449\u0438, \u0443 \u043a\u043e\u0433\u043e \u0435\u0441\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0431\u043b\u0438 10-\u0433\u043e \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u043d\u044f, \u0438 \u0433\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0441\u043e\u0432\u0430\u044f \u0432\u0441\u044f\u0437\u044c \u043d\u0443\u0436\u043d\u043e \u0441\u044b\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d\u043e\u0432\u044b\u0435 \u0431\u043e\u0438 - \u0441\u0442\u0430\u0432\u0442\u0435 + \u043c\u043d\u0435 \u0432 \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443 \u043a\u0442\u043e \u0433\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432', {47518727: {'role': u'private'}, 162314: {'role': u'private'}, 2835342: {'role': u'private'}, 58161041: {'role': u'private'}, 19410835: {'role': u'private'}, 2557718: {'role': u'private'}, 27883543: {'role': u'private'}, 73537307: {'role': u'private'}, 17222686: {'role': u'private'}, 310434: {'role': u'private'}, 11428651: {'role': u'private'}, 2445100: {'role': u'private'}, 7715120: {'role': u'private'}, 69118514: {'role': u'commander'}, 71811251: {'role': u'private'}, 59694238: {'role': u'private'}, 62222528: {'role': u'private'}, 47245249: {'role': u'private'}, 59103429: {'role': u'private'}, 35853511: {'role': u'private'}, 69416610: {'role': u'private'}, 65031124: {'role': u'private'}, 33301518: {'role': u'private'}, 5595999: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 8706534: {'role': u'private'}, 37230: {'role': u'private'}, 1515506: {'role': u'private'}, 71303028: {'role': u'private'}, 5426549: {'role': u'private'}, 22453883: {'role': u'private'}}, {75100162: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3925161}, 75104791: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1901451}, 75104792: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12037438}, 75104793: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47518727}, 75100186: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4688253}, 75100187: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26497012}, 75100188: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 872384}, 75100189: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 16896550}, 75104799: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2557718}, 75100217: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58161041}, 75100219: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36672236}, 75100220: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12445172}, 75100221: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11262324}, 75100086: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71777625}, 75099916: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5426549}, 75088485: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11437327}, 75088488: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86912728}, 75099930: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35480962}, 75099931: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 64096589}, 75104796: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24059614}, 75104797: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5326927}, 75105224: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5163046}, 75115804: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3700101}, 75100858: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65353479}, 75100859: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4549361}, 75100860: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19163627}, 75100862: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 15486060}, 75100864: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24960589}, 75104795: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26571092}, 75101403: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13829345}, 75101405: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2774140}, 75101406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19410835}, 75105005: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2514322}, 75105006: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 6071074}, 75105007: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21765943}, 75105008: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13351014}, 75105009: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10744094}, 75105010: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8213596}, 75105533: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 32758788}, 75105534: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35843415}, 75105535: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19416306}, 75099910: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 22471163}, 75099912: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47356661}, 75099913: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20821811}, 75099914: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 38322742}, 75099915: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 57543888}, 75100940: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1550733}, 75100941: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1431883}, 75100942: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 744012}, 75100943: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 69416610}, 75100944: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36933861}, 75100946: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4337469}, 75115800: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47245249}, 75115801: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2723422}, 75115802: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19050869}, 75115803: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65031124}, 75099932: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5239563}, 75099933: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5564244}, 75105068: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 27883543}, 75099952: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11428651}, 75115830: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 62222528}, 75115831: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8664152}, 75115833: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59103429}, 75115837: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4858560}, 75115840: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 7424262}, 75099461: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 33301518}, 75104134: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 225652}, 75101613: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 162314}, 75101614: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 75991473}, 75100081: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71303028}, 75100082: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79542157}, 75100083: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 76103}, 75100084: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80535214}, 75100085: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5965559}, 75092406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86780640}, 75092407: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 72132668}, 75092409: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65107864}, 75092412: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58685850}, 75104707: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13658244}, 75104708: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 77607300}, 75104710: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79957325}, 75104712: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2809573}, 75105225: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 61831778}, 75105226: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 48512704}, 75105227: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82400346}, 75105229: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59694238}, 75105230: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24318025}, 75105232: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35446652}, 75100114: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21297715}, 75100115: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2636501}, 75100116: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 23508047}, 75100117: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4104445}, 75100156: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65362617}, 75113469: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 17222686}, 75100158: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20158906}, 75113467: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1207353}, 75113468: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80938462}, 75100157: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82347121}, 75113470: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8706534}, 75113471: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4261263}}, 30, 30, None)) [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:30] ClanProxy.__onGetMyClan: False (430246, (430246, u'FLY', u'FLY', 16777215, u'executive_officer', u'\u0417\u0434\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0443\u0439\u0442\u0435 \u0442\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0449\u0438, \u0443 \u043a\u043e\u0433\u043e \u0435\u0441\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0431\u043b\u0438 10-\u0433\u043e \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u043d\u044f, \u0438 \u0433\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0441\u043e\u0432\u0430\u044f \u0432\u0441\u044f\u0437\u044c \u043d\u0443\u0436\u043d\u043e \u0441\u044b\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d\u043e\u0432\u044b\u0435 \u0431\u043e\u0438 - \u0441\u0442\u0430\u0432\u0442\u0435 + \u043c\u043d\u0435 \u0432 \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443 \u043a\u0442\u043e \u0433\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432', {47518727: {'role': u'private'}, 162314: {'role': u'private'}, 2835342: {'role': u'private'}, 58161041: {'role': u'private'}, 19410835: {'role': u'private'}, 2557718: {'role': u'private'}, 27883543: {'role': u'private'}, 73537307: {'role': u'private'}, 17222686: {'role': u'private'}, 310434: {'role': u'private'}, 11428651: {'role': u'private'}, 2445100: {'role': u'private'}, 7715120: {'role': u'private'}, 69118514: {'role': u'commander'}, 71811251: {'role': u'private'}, 59694238: {'role': u'private'}, 62222528: {'role': u'private'}, 47245249: {'role': u'private'}, 59103429: {'role': u'private'}, 35853511: {'role': u'private'}, 69416610: {'role': u'private'}, 65031124: {'role': u'private'}, 33301518: {'role': u'private'}, 5595999: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 8706534: {'role': u'private'}, 37230: {'role': u'private'}, 1515506: {'role': u'private'}, 71303028: {'role': u'private'}, 5426549: {'role': u'private'}, 22453883: {'role': u'private'}}, {75100162: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3925161}, 75104791: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1901451}, 75104792: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12037438}, 75104793: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47518727}, 75100186: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4688253}, 75100187: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26497012}, 75100188: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 872384}, 75100189: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 16896550}, 75104799: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2557718}, 75100217: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58161041}, 75100219: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36672236}, 75100220: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12445172}, 75100221: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11262324}, 75100086: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71777625}, 75099916: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5426549}, 75088485: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11437327}, 75088488: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86912728}, 75099930: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35480962}, 75099931: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 64096589}, 75104796: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24059614}, 75104797: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5326927}, 75105224: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5163046}, 75115804: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3700101}, 75100858: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65353479}, 75100859: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4549361}, 75100860: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19163627}, 75100862: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 15486060}, 75100864: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24960589}, 75104795: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26571092}, 75101403: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13829345}, 75101405: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2774140}, 75101406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19410835}, 75105005: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2514322}, 75105006: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 6071074}, 75105007: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21765943}, 75105008: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13351014}, 75105009: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10744094}, 75105010: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8213596}, 75105533: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 32758788}, 75105534: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35843415}, 75105535: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19416306}, 75099910: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 22471163}, 75099912: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47356661}, 75099913: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20821811}, 75099914: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 38322742}, 75099915: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 57543888}, 75100940: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1550733}, 75100941: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1431883}, 75100942: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 744012}, 75100943: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 69416610}, 75100944: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36933861}, 75100946: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4337469}, 75115800: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47245249}, 75115801: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2723422}, 75115802: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19050869}, 75115803: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65031124}, 75099932: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5239563}, 75099933: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5564244}, 75105068: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 27883543}, 75099952: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11428651}, 75115830: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 62222528}, 75115831: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8664152}, 75115833: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59103429}, 75115837: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4858560}, 75115840: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 7424262}, 75099461: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 33301518}, 75104134: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 225652}, 75101613: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 162314}, 75101614: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 75991473}, 75100081: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71303028}, 75100082: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79542157}, 75100083: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 76103}, 75100084: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80535214}, 75100085: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5965559}, 75092406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86780640}, 75092407: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 72132668}, 75092409: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65107864}, 75092412: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58685850}, 75104707: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13658244}, 75104708: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 77607300}, 75104710: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79957325}, 75104712: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2809573}, 75105225: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 61831778}, 75105226: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 48512704}, 75105227: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82400346}, 75105229: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59694238}, 75105230: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24318025}, 75105232: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35446652}, 75100114: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21297715}, 75100115: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2636501}, 75100116: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 23508047}, 75100117: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4104445}, 75100156: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65362617}, 75113469: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 17222686}, 75100158: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20158906}, 75113467: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1207353}, 75113468: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80938462}, 75100157: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82347121}, 75113470: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8706534}, 75113471: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4261263}}, 30, 30, None)) [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:30] [CampaignsCommon] onLoadedDump: loaded campaign params and player; countActiveTasks 1; data ({4290690992L: (False, True, False), 4293836720L: (True, 0, True), 4291739568L: (False, True, False), 4288593840L: (True, 0, True), 4289642416L: (False, True, False), 4292788144L: (True, 0, True)}, {4289642416L: [1, 0], 4291739568L: [1, 0], 4293836720L: [1, 1], 4288593840L: [1, 0], 4290690992L: [1, 0], 4292788144L: [1, 0]}, {4283023280L: [2, 0, 0], 4251566000L: [2, 0, 0], 4287217584L: [4, 12, 7], 4288266160L: [4, 10, 7], 4289314736L: [4, 10, 6], 4291411888L: [4, 7, 7], 4293509040L: [5, 5, 9], 4286169008L: [4, 15, 8], 4263100336L: [2, 0, 0], 4290363312L: [4, 10, 5], 4285120432L: [4, 15, 7], 4272537520L: [2, 0, 0], 4241080240L: [2, 0, 0], 4292460464L: [4, 6, 8]}, {4153819056L: (1, False, 0), 4193664944L: (5, True, 0), 4280696752L: (5, True, 0), 4243996592L: (1, False, 0), 4288036784L: (5, True, 0), 4187373488L: (1, False, 0), 4224073648L: (5, True, 0), 4164304816L: (1, False, 0), 4130750384L: (1, False, 0), 4204150704L: (5, True, 0), 4240850864L: (1, False, 0), 4277551024L: (5, True, 0), 4184227760L: (1, False, 0), 4220927920L: (5, True, 0), 4257628080L: (5, True, 0), 4198907824L: (5, True, 0), 4237705136L: (5, True, 0), 3904257968L: (1, False, 0), 4274405296L: (1, False, 0), 3977658288L: (1, False, 0), 4154867632L: (5, True, 0), 4181082032L: (5, True, 0), 4254482352L: (1, False, 0), 4291182512L: (5, True, 0), 4260773808L: (5, True, 0), 3897966512L: (1, False, 0), 4161159088L: (5, True, 0), 4197859248L: (1, False, 0), 3901112240L: (1, False, 0), 3974512560L: (1, False, 0), 4177936304L: (1, False, 0), 4214636464L: (1, False, 0), 4251336624L: (5, True, 0), 4133896112L: (1, False, 0), 4190519216L: (1, False, 0), 4211490736L: (1, False, 0), 4081467312L: (0, False, 0), 4284891056L: (5, True, 0), 4158013360L: (1, False, 0), 4191567792L: (5, True, 0), 4252385200L: (5, True, 0), 4228267952L: (1, False, 0), 4134944688L: (1, False, 0), 4171644848L: (5, True, 0), 4208345008L: (1, False, 0), 4245045168L: (5, True, 0), 4281745328L: (5, True, 0), 4167450544L: (5, True, 0), 4188422064L: (1, False, 0), 4225122224L: (1, False, 0), 4203102128L: (5, True, 0), 4261822384L: (1, False, 0), 4131798960L: (1, False, 0), 4205199280L: (5, True, 0), 4241899440L: (5, True, 0), 4278599600L: (5, True, 0), 4221976496L: (5, True, 0), 4258676656L: (1, False, 0), 3902160816L: (1, False, 0), 4128653232L: (0, False, 0), 4165353392L: (2, False, 4.0), 4238753712L: (1, False, 0), 3905306544L: (1, False, 0), 4275453872L: (1, False, 0), 3978706864L: (1, False, 0), 4182130608L: (5, True, 0), 4255530928L: (5, True, 0), 4289085360L: (5, True, 0), 4178984880L: (1, False, 0), 4215685040L: (5, True, 0), 3971366832L: (1, False, 0), 4195762096L: (5, True, 0), 3899015088L: (1, False, 0), 4175839152L: (1, False, 0), 4212539312L: (1, False, 0), 4082515888L: (1, False, 0), 4285939632L: (5, True, 0), 4227219376L: (1, False, 0), 4155916208L: (1, False, 0), 4192616368L: (5, True, 0), 4207296432L: (1, False, 0), 4229316528L: (5, True, 0), 3895869360L: (0, False, 0), 4135993264L: (1, False, 0), 4172693424L: (5, True, 0), 4209393584L: (5, True, 0), 4246093744L: (1, False, 0), 4282793904L: (5, True, 0), 4160110512L: (5, True, 0), 4226170800L: (1, False, 0), 4292231088L: (5, True, 0), 4174790576L: (5, True, 0), 4132847536L: (1, False, 0), 4189470640L: (1, False, 0), 4206247856L: (5, True, 0), 4242948016L: (1, False, 0), 4279648176L: (5, True, 0), 4186324912L: (5, True, 0), 4223025072L: (1, False, 0), 4259725232L: (1, False, 0), 4159061936L: (1, False, 0), 4129701808L: (1, False, 0), 4166401968L: (1, False, 0), 4239802288L: (1, False, 0), 4276502448L: (5, True, 0), 4183179184L: (1, False, 0), 4219879344L: (5, True, 0), 4256579504L: (5, True, 0), 4293279664L: (5, True, 0), 3975561136L: (1, False, 0), 4163256240L: (5, True, 0), 3972415408L: (1, False, 0), 4236656560L: (5, True, 0), 3903209392L: (1, False, 0), 4273356720L: (5, True, 0), 3976609712L: (1, False, 0), 4180033456L: (5, True, 0), 4253433776L: (5, True, 0), 4290133936L: (5, True, 0), 4194713520L: (5, True, 0), 4196810672L: (1, False, 0), 3900063664L: (1, False, 0), 3973463984L: (1, False, 0), 4176887728L: (5, True, 0), 4213587888L: (5, True, 0), 4083564464L: (1, False, 0), 4286988208L: (5, True, 0), 4156964784L: (5, True, 0), 4162207664L: (5, True, 0), 4230365104L: (5, True, 0), 4063641520L: (0, False, 0), 3896917936L: (1, False, 0), 3970318256L: (0, False, 0), 4173742000L: (5, True, 0), 4210442160L: (1, False, 0), 4247142320L: (5, True, 0)}) [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:30] ClanProxy.onGetClanBattles {'seasonId': 1, 'finishTime': 1513713600.0, 'primeTimes': {2: (57600, 68400), 3: (57600, 68400), 5: (57600, 68400), 6: (57600, 68400)}, 'shipLevelMax': 10, 'shipLevelMin': 10, 'startTime': 1508310000.0, 'promoTime': 1508310000.0, 'stage': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:32] >>> DockProxy.receiveState [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:32] Unlocks.receiveState [] [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:33] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 11689, 'boughtToday': 1, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1510444800.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:33] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 11689, 'boughtToday': 1, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1510444800.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:33] PVEScriptsProxyCommon.createPVEState() [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:33] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onGetSeasonRules: config True, {'seasonId': 1, 'operations': {4291341232L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 3, 'unlockTime': 1500429600, 'caps': 3}, 4292389808L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1499824800, 'caps': 3}, 4290292656L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1501034400, 'caps': 3}, 4293438384L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1501639200, 'caps': 3}}, 'currentOperationIdx': 1, 'roster': [4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L, 4293438384L], 'startTime': 1499824800, 'seasons': {1: {'operations': [4293438384L, 4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}, 2: {'operations': [], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}}, 'currentRotationTime': 1510106400, 'nextRotationTime': 1510711200, 'stage': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:33] [4181898160L, 4180849584L] [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:33] [4181898160L, 4180849584L] [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:33] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onLoadProgress: config True, season True, {'operations': {'hard': [], 'normal': [(4287146928L, [1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 0]), (4288195504L, [1509007262, 1509007262, 1509007262, 0, 0, 0]), (4290292656L, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])]}, 'seasons': {'hard': [], 'normal': [(2, 1509007262)]}} [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:33] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] _updateOperationCompleted: 4287146928 normal [1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 0] [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:33] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] _updateOperationCompleted: 4288195504 normal [1509007262, 1509007262, 1509007262, 0, 0, 0] [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:33] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] _updateOperationCompleted: 4290292656 normal [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:33] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] _updateSeasonCompleted: 2 normal 1509007262 [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:33] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {62222528: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 58161041: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 71811251: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 22453883: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}} [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:33] onClanResponse: response=(6, 0, {'league': 4, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 430246, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division_rating': 0, 'stage': 'league'}) [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:33] ClanProxy.onClanResponse(): 6 {'league': 4, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 430246, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division_rating': 0, 'stage': 'league'} [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:33] ClanDataHubUtils.addLadderInfo: {'league': 4, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 430246, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division_rating': 0, 'stage': 'league'} [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:33] onGameRoomStateInit mapIdx = 30 battleType = 116 gameMode = Domination duration=1200 [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:33] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:33] GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:34] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Login, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:34] Avatar.receiveAvatarInfo: {'evaluationsLeft': {0: 7, 1: 7}} [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:34] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAvatar [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:34] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() False 0 0 0 [E] [2017_11_11 18:19:34] Entity::enterWorld: Got entity 1137212 before carrying vehicle 1137213 (going into limbo) [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:34] Avatar.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:34] name Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:34] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:34] Avatar onControlled False [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:34] onControlled->False: not implemented [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:34] onGeometryMapped() MapName: 50_Gold_harbor [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:34] teamBuildType: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:34] player: Id: 537155586 Name: naghibator_17 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSC005_Furutaka_1926 avatarId: 1123976 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:34] player: Id: 262659 Name: RONILTN TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASD006_Mahan_1936 avatarId: 1123978 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:34] player: Id: 537126920 Name: jjjjjjjjj TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSC007_Aoba_1943 avatarId: 1123980 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:34] player: Id: 363657 Name: smile_ak47 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASC007_Cleveland_1945 avatarId: 1123982 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:34] player: Id: 203915 Name: NSDRP TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASC007_Cleveland_1945 avatarId: 1123984 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:34] player: Id: 537138709 Name: NafanyaUa TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSD107_Akatsuki avatarId: 1123986 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:34] player: Id: 537109785 Name: rjytr_ujhbeytr TeamId: 0 ShipName: PBSB107_King_George_V avatarId: 1123988 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:34] player: Id: 102939 Name: sirian77 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASC044_Marblehead_1924 avatarId: 1123990 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:34] player: Id: 537191838 Name: Vilyan74 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSD505_Okhotnik_1917 avatarId: 1123992 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:34] player: Id: 312225 Name: igrok_876 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PBSB106_Queen_Elizabeth avatarId: 1123994 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:34] player: Id: 537087015 Name: valerii11 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSD107_Leberecht_Maass avatarId: 1123996 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:34] player: Id: 363947 Name: alexey_polisey TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSC709_Haguro avatarId: 1123998 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:34] player: Id: 19116 Name: Vullc TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSC506_Molotov_1943 avatarId: 1124000 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:34] player: Id: 537319432 Name: CAPOEIRA72 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSC008_Myoko_1945 avatarId: 1137202 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:34] player: Id: 260786 Name: artemdavtyan TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSC717_Yellow_Dragon avatarId: 1137204 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:34] player: Id: 537158712 Name: Protonius TeamId: 1 ShipName: PBSC106_Leander avatarId: 1137206 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:34] player: Id: 536959547 Name: serega__iron TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSC005_Furutaka_1926 avatarId: 1137208 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:34] player: Id: 283586 Name: Mendeleev_D_I TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSD107_Akatsuki avatarId: 1137210 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:34] player: Id: 537109318 Name: Tier099 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSC506_Molotov_1943 avatarId: 1137212 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:34] player: Id: 537193944 Name: region999 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSD105_Mutsuki avatarId: 1137214 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:34] player: Id: 273382 Name: As74rus TeamId: 1 ShipName: PBSB106_Queen_Elizabeth avatarId: 1137216 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:34] player: Id: 311913 Name: Alcher28 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASC012_Pensacola_1944 avatarId: 1137218 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:34] player: Id: 537080301 Name: kimkr TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSD105_T_22 avatarId: 1137220 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:34] player: Id: 344946 Name: LAVR74rus TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSB107_Gneisenau avatarId: 1137222 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:34] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (432350, 0, 0, 1137216, 1510413016790L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:34] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {432350: PreBattleInfo: id: 432350, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1137216, creationTime 1510413016790, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:34] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (432359, 0, 0, 1137212, 1510413016790L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:34] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {432350: PreBattleInfo: id: 432350, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1137216, creationTime 1510413016790, hidden False, locked False , 432359: PreBattleInfo: id: 432359, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1137212, creationTime 1510413016790, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:34] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (432359, 0, 0, 1137212, 1510413016790L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:34] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {432350: PreBattleInfo: id: 432350, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1137216, creationTime 1510413016790, hidden False, locked False , 432359: PreBattleInfo: id: 432359, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1137212, creationTime 1510413016790, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:34] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (432359, 0, 0, 1137212, 1510413016790L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:34] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {432350: PreBattleInfo: id: 432350, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1137216, creationTime 1510413016790, hidden False, locked False , 432359: PreBattleInfo: id: 432359, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1137212, creationTime 1510413016790, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:34] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (432359, 0, 0, 1137212, 1510413016790L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:34] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {432350: PreBattleInfo: id: 432350, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1137216, creationTime 1510413016790, hidden False, locked False , 432359: PreBattleInfo: id: 432359, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1137212, creationTime 1510413016790, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:34] Avatar.enterPrebattle [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:34] (, 39965384947628, 149): 1123974; BattleLogic() [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:34] (, 39965384947628, 149): 1123974; onEnterWorld() State: {attentionMarkers: [], clientAnimations: None, controlPoints: [{position: [-261.0, 244.0], radius: 140.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: 0, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [-112.0, -112.0], radius: 120.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: 1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 1, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [110.0, 110.0], radius: 120.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: 1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 1, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [244.0, -261.0], radius: 140.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: 1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}], entityStates: [], expectedActions: None, interactiveZones: [], weather: {globalWeatherId: 1123975, localWeather: [], entityLogicParams: []}, keyObjects: [], missions: {hold: [{reward: 4, penalty: 0, cpIndices: [0, 1, 2, 3], period: 9}], capture: [], destroy: [], suppress: [], kill: [{reward: 30, penalty: 45, shipType: 'Destroyer'}, {reward: 35, penalty: 50, shipType: 'Cruiser'}, {reward: 40, penalty: 60, shipType: 'Battleship'}, {reward: 45, penalty: 65, shipType: 'AirCarrier'}], teamsScore: [421, 674], teamWinScore: 1000, teamLoseScore: 0}, resources: [], successStoryProgress: [], screenplayMessage: '', tasks: [], minefields: [], entities: [], effects: []} [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:34] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:34] BattleDataContext.__onEnterSpace [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:34] -= BATTLE STARTED =- [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:34] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:37] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:39] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:46] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (432350, 0, 0, 1137216, 1510413016790L, True, False) [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:46] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {432350: PreBattleInfo: id: 432350, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1137216, creationTime 1510413016790, hidden True, locked False , 432359: PreBattleInfo: id: 432359, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1137212, creationTime 1510413016790, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:48] [Weather][4650] onEnterWorld (map spaces/50_Gold_harbor/weathers.xml, scheme 1, weather 0) [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:49] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:49] id 1137219 [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:49] name Alcher28 [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:49] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:50] @ launchpadAppeared 1137219 [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:50] id 1123983 [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:50] name smile_ak47 [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:50] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:50] @ launchpadAppeared 1123983 [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:50] id 1137217 [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:50] name As74rus [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:50] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:50] @ launchpadAppeared 1137217 [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:50] id 1123999 [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:50] name alexey_polisey [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:50] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:50] @ launchpadAppeared 1123999 [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:50] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:50] id 1123997 [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:50] name valerii11 [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:50] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:50] id 1123995 [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:50] name igrok_876 [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:50] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:50] @ launchpadAppeared 1123995 [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:50] id 1137213 [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:50] name Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:50] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:50] @ launchpadAppeared 1137213 [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:50] id 1137223 [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:50] name LAVR74rus [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:50] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:50] @ launchpadAppeared 1137223 [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:50] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:50] Avatar.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:50] ! A.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:50] BoardService.init [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:50] @ launchpadAppeared 1137213 [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:50] BattleDataContext.__onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:51] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:51] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:51] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:51] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:51] ! PM.refreshAirArmament [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:51] BoardService.restore [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:51] Avatar.onWorldStateReceived [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:51] BattleChatSystem IN Context [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:51] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:51] ('[ERROR] FeedbackController: empty config for event repair_finished',) [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:51] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:51] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:51] id 1123991 [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:51] name sirian77 [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:51] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:19:51] @ launchpadAppeared 1123991 [S] [2017_11_11 18:20:00] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:20:00] id 1123985 [S] [2017_11_11 18:20:00] name NSDRP [S] [2017_11_11 18:20:00] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:20:00] @ launchpadAppeared 1123985 [S] [2017_11_11 18:20:00] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:20:00] id 1123981 [S] [2017_11_11 18:20:00] name jjjjjjjjj [S] [2017_11_11 18:20:00] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:20:00] @ launchpadAppeared 1123981 [S] [2017_11_11 18:20:00] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:20:00] id 1123993 [S] [2017_11_11 18:20:00] name Vilyan74 [S] [2017_11_11 18:20:00] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:20:00] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:20:00] id 1123979 [S] [2017_11_11 18:20:00] name RONILTN [S] [2017_11_11 18:20:00] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:20:00] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:20:00] id 1137207 [S] [2017_11_11 18:20:00] name Protonius [S] [2017_11_11 18:20:00] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:20:00] @ launchpadAppeared 1137207 [S] [2017_11_11 18:20:07] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 18:20:07] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:20:41] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:20:41] id 1123987 [S] [2017_11_11 18:20:41] name NafanyaUa [S] [2017_11_11 18:20:41] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:20:43] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:20:43] id 1123987 [S] [2017_11_11 18:20:43] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:20:43] id 1123987 [S] [2017_11_11 18:20:43] name NafanyaUa [S] [2017_11_11 18:20:43] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:20:52] ClientSquadron.outOfFuel [S] [2017_11_11 18:21:00] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:21:00] id 1123987 [S] [2017_11_11 18:21:04] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:21:04] id 1123987 [S] [2017_11_11 18:21:04] name NafanyaUa [S] [2017_11_11 18:21:04] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:22:41] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:22:41] id 1137203 [S] [2017_11_11 18:22:41] name CAPOEIRA72 [S] [2017_11_11 18:22:41] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:22:41] @ launchpadAppeared 1137203 [S] [2017_11_11 18:22:57] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 18:23:03] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:23:03] id 1123989 [S] [2017_11_11 18:23:03] name rjytr_ujhbeytr [S] [2017_11_11 18:23:03] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:23:03] @ launchpadAppeared 1123989 [S] [2017_11_11 18:23:03] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 18:23:03] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 18:23:16] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 18:23:16] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 18:23:17] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:23:17] id 1137209 [S] [2017_11_11 18:23:17] name serega__iron [S] [2017_11_11 18:23:17] team id 1 [A] [2017_11_11 18:23:17] content/gameplay/japan/ship/cruiser/JSC005_Furutaka_1926/JSC005_Furutaka_1926_Bow_ports_JSC005_Furutaka_1926.model: can't load model prototype: file not found [A] [2017_11_11 18:23:17] content/gameplay/japan/ship/cruiser/JSC005_Furutaka_1926/JSC005_Furutaka_1926_Stern_ports_JSC005_Furutaka_1926.model: can't load model prototype: file not found [A] [2017_11_11 18:23:17] content/gameplay/japan/ship/cruiser/JSC005_Furutaka_1926/JSC005_Furutaka_1926_MidBack_ports_JSC005_Furutaka_1926.model: can't load model prototype: file not found [S] [2017_11_11 18:23:17] @ launchpadAppeared 1137209 [S] [2017_11_11 18:24:12] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 18:24:12] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:24:19] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 18:24:24] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:24:24] id 1137215 [S] [2017_11_11 18:24:24] name region999 [S] [2017_11_11 18:24:24] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:24:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:24:26] id 1137203 [S] [2017_11_11 18:24:26] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:24:29] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:24:29] id 1137221 [S] [2017_11_11 18:24:29] name kimkr [S] [2017_11_11 18:24:29] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:24:31] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:24:31] id 1137203 [S] [2017_11_11 18:24:31] name CAPOEIRA72 [S] [2017_11_11 18:24:31] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:24:31] @ launchpadAppeared 1137203 [S] [2017_11_11 18:24:31] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 18:24:31] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 18:24:31] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 18:24:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:24:35] id 1137211 [S] [2017_11_11 18:24:35] name Mendeleev_D_I [S] [2017_11_11 18:24:35] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:24:50] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 18:25:05] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 18:25:05] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:25:07] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 18:25:07] DEBUG: onChatMessage args ('', '', {'avatarId': 1137210, 'achievementId': 4282573744L, 'type': -1}) [S] [2017_11_11 18:25:20] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 18:25:20] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:25:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:25:40] id 1137221 [S] [2017_11_11 18:25:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:25:48] id 1137201 [S] [2017_11_11 18:25:48] name Vullc [S] [2017_11_11 18:25:48] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:25:48] @ launchpadAppeared 1137201 [S] [2017_11_11 18:25:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:25:48] id 1137221 [S] [2017_11_11 18:25:48] name kimkr [S] [2017_11_11 18:25:48] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:25:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:25:52] id 1137201 [S] [2017_11_11 18:25:52] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:26:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:26:10] id 1137221 [S] [2017_11_11 18:26:11] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:26:11] id 1137221 [S] [2017_11_11 18:26:11] name kimkr [S] [2017_11_11 18:26:11] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:26:12] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:26:12] id 1137201 [S] [2017_11_11 18:26:12] name Vullc [S] [2017_11_11 18:26:12] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:26:12] @ launchpadAppeared 1137201 [S] [2017_11_11 18:26:17] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:26:17] id 1137221 [S] [2017_11_11 18:26:29] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:26:29] id 1123977 [S] [2017_11_11 18:26:29] name naghibator_17 [S] [2017_11_11 18:26:29] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:26:29] @ launchpadAppeared 1123977 [S] [2017_11_11 18:26:30] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:26:30] id 1137201 [S] [2017_11_11 18:26:30] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:26:35] ClientSquadron.outOfFuel [S] [2017_11_11 18:26:45] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:26:45] id 1137201 [S] [2017_11_11 18:26:45] name Vullc [S] [2017_11_11 18:26:45] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:26:45] @ launchpadAppeared 1137201 [S] [2017_11_11 18:26:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:26:47] id 1137201 [S] [2017_11_11 18:26:47] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:26:53] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:26:53] id 1137201 [S] [2017_11_11 18:26:53] name Vullc [S] [2017_11_11 18:26:53] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:26:53] @ launchpadAppeared 1137201 [S] [2017_11_11 18:26:56] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:26:56] id 1137201 [S] [2017_11_11 18:26:56] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:27:05] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:27:05] id 1137201 [S] [2017_11_11 18:27:05] name Vullc [S] [2017_11_11 18:27:05] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:27:05] @ launchpadAppeared 1137201 [S] [2017_11_11 18:27:13] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:27:13] id 1137201 [S] [2017_11_11 18:27:13] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:27:15] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:27:15] id 1137201 [S] [2017_11_11 18:27:15] name Vullc [S] [2017_11_11 18:27:15] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:27:15] @ launchpadAppeared 1137201 [S] [2017_11_11 18:27:16] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:27:16] id 1137221 [S] [2017_11_11 18:27:16] name kimkr [S] [2017_11_11 18:27:16] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:27:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:27:18] id 1137201 [S] [2017_11_11 18:27:18] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:27:21] DEBUG: onChatMessage args ('', '', {'avatarId': 1124000, 'achievementId': 4288865200L, 'type': -1}) [S] [2017_11_11 18:27:38] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:27:38] id 1137201 [S] [2017_11_11 18:27:38] name Vullc [S] [2017_11_11 18:27:38] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:27:38] @ launchpadAppeared 1137201 [S] [2017_11_11 18:27:45] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 18:27:52] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:27:52] id 1137205 [S] [2017_11_11 18:27:52] name artemdavtyan [S] [2017_11_11 18:27:52] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:27:52] @ launchpadAppeared 1137205 [S] [2017_11_11 18:27:52] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 18:28:04] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 18:28:04] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:28:09] ("[ERROR] FeedbackController: invalid key '0' for map {1: 'SCOUT', 3: 'SPEED_BOOSTER', 4: 'TA_BOOSTER', 5: 'MB_BOOSTER', 6: 'HANGAR_BOOSTER', 7: 'SMOKE_GENERATOR'} data - {'state': 2, 'type': 0}",) [S] [2017_11_11 18:28:43] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:28:43] id 1137205 [S] [2017_11_11 18:28:43] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:28:54] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:28:54] id 1137205 [S] [2017_11_11 18:28:54] name artemdavtyan [S] [2017_11_11 18:28:54] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:28:54] @ launchpadAppeared 1137205 [S] [2017_11_11 18:28:54] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 18:29:46] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 18:29:46] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:29:46] id 1137205 [S] [2017_11_11 18:29:46] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:07] DEBUG: onChatMessage args ('', '', {'avatarId': 1137210, 'achievementId': 4283622320L, 'type': -1}) [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:07] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:07] id 1137205 [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:07] name artemdavtyan [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:07] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:07] @ launchpadAppeared 1137205 [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:07] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:08] battle finish - Victory [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:08] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOver [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:08] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOut [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:08] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: PostBattle, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:10] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: PostBattle, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:10] setFpsGathererActive(False) [E] [2017_11_11 18:30:10] Can only call base methods on the connected entity [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:10] (, 39965384947628, 149): 1123974; onLeaveWorld() [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:10] [Weather][4650] onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:10] id 1123977 [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:10] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:10] id 1123979 [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:10] id 1123981 [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:10] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:10] id 1123983 [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:10] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:10] id 1123985 [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:10] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:10] id 1123987 [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:10] id 1123989 [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:10] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:10] id 1123991 [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:10] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:10] id 1123993 [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:10] id 1123995 [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:10] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:10] id 1123997 [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:10] id 1123999 [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:10] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:10] id 1137201 [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:10] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:10] id 1137203 [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:10] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:10] id 1137205 [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:10] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:10] id 1137207 [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:10] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:10] id 1137209 [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:10] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:10] id 1137211 [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:10] Avatar.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:11] id 1137213 [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:11] id 1137215 [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:11] id 1137217 [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:11] id 1137219 [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:11] id 1137221 [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:11] id 1137223 [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:12] Account.__init__() [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:12] [Account debuG]: __init__() Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:12] ClanProxy.setChatHandler [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:12] ClanProxy.setInteractiveMessageData [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:12] Exception BigWorld.EntityIsDestroyedException: 'Account 537109318 has been destroyed' in ignored [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:12] onBecomePlayer() [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:12] UserDataGate.onGetConnection [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:12] UserDataGate.onGetConnection(): 5595999 [Entity: id:3863 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'teamKiller', 'accountLevel', 'clanman']] Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:12] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {3764303312L: {'exp': 56574}}, 'changedCrews': {30: {'exp': 9402}}, 'moneyXP': 244, 'lootboxes': {'lootExp': 16565, 'boughtToday': 1, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1510444800.0, 'curBoxType': 0}} [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:12] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 16565, 'boughtToday': 1, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1510444800.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:12] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': 311553, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:12] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -27625, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:12] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 3764303312 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:12] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {3764303312L: {'slots': {1: {'del_slots': 1, 'autobuy': 8}}}}} [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:12] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {3764303312L: {'slots': {1: {'autobuy': 16, 'add_slots': (((), 4182273968L),)}}}}} [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:12] leaveBattleSession() Reason: 0 Info: None [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:12] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:12] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:13] Sent FPS data [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:13] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] chooseOperation: 4291341232 normal True [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:13] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onOperationChosen: 4291341232 normal True [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:13] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] chooseOperation: 0 normal False [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:13] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onOperationChosen: 0 normal False [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:13] (, 51003611475748, 141): is in context [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:13] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}, interval: (1510412400.0, 1510415980.0)",) [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:13] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'start'}, interval: (1510416000.0, 1510416000.0)",) [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:13] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 1788 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510416000.0, 1510416000.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'start'}) [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:13] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'end'}, interval: (1510426800.0, 1510426800.0)",) [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:13] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 1788 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510416000.0, 1510416000.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'start'}) [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:13] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}, interval: (1510498800.0, 1510502380.0)",) [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:13] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 1788 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510416000.0, 1510416000.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'start'}) [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:13] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'start'}, interval: (1510502400.0, 1510502400.0)",) [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:13] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 1788 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510416000.0, 1510416000.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'start'}) [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:13] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'end'}, interval: (1510513200.0, 1510513200.0)",) [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:13] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 1788 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510416000.0, 1510416000.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'start'}) [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:13] updateActionsProgress: {0: [(3764303312L, 1)]} [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:13] __updateTaskProgress start: {} [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:13] updateActionsProgress: {'22470_q01': {'count': 26}, '22468_q04': {'count': 0, 3: {'count': 17778}}} [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:13] __updateTaskProgress start: {'22470_q01': {'count': 26}, '22468_q04': {'count': 0, 3: {'count': 17778}}} [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:13] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: changed tasks [4165353392L] [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:13] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4165353392 data (False, 4.0, None, None) [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:13] StatsProxy.receiveAbuseStatus(): {'battlesToClean': 1, 'statuses': {'tkill': 1}, 'warnings': ()} [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:13] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAccount [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:13] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() True 0 0 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:13] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:13] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] Sent FPS data [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] (, 20685599789093, 264): keys: ['dossier', 'accPoints'] [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] __processDossierStats() client dossier: ['oper', 'pvp', 'oper_mm_tasks_diag', 'pve_diag', 'pvp_diag', 'oper_normal', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'pve', 'oper_mm', 'total', 'oper_normal_tasks_diag', 'max_pve', 'rank_diag', 'max_pvp', 'oper_diag', 'club_diag', 'club', 'max_club', 'clan', 'oper_hard', 'oper_hard_tasks_diag', 'max_clan'] [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] AccountLevelingProxy.onGetAccountStats(): (15, 740163) (15, 745039) [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] enterPreBattle() 1703686 [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] Account.enterPreBattle: (185) (1, 432359, (0, 0, 10, -1, 1, '', 0), 537109318, 5595999, u'', 1, None, 3, [(203915, 2557718, 'NSDRP', None, 0, 1, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0), (537109318, 5595999, 'Tier099', None, 0, 1, False, True, True, 15, 0, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0)], [], (0, 0), False, 1510413016790L, 2, False, [], {'nonClanMembersCount': 0}) [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] [DivisionEntranceContext] __onEnterDivision: 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onEnterPreBattle: None [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] BR: {'credits': 207702, 'credits_penalty': 0, 'exp_penalty': 0, 'exp': 1625, 'credits_compensation': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] BR: {'elite_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'free_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'ship_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [['FIRST_WIN', 0.5, True, 0]], 'mod': [[4182273968L, 0.5, True, 0]]}, 'credits': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'crew_exp': {'sse': [['22470_q01', 0.5, True, 0]], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'acc_level': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}} [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] BR: {'auto_repair_list': [['IDS_SSE_REPAIR_DISCOUNT', 0.0, True, 0]], 'auto_exterior_list': [], 'auto_exterior_credits': 0, 'auto_camo_credits': 0, 'exp_enabled': True, 'abilities_applied': True, 'auto_repair_factor': 1.0, 'auto_load_credits': 5775, 'acc_points_enabled': True, 'free_exp_enabled': True, 'free_exp_factor': 0.05, 'ship_service_enabled': True, 'aogas_factor': 1.0, 'auto_exterior_gold': 0, 'premium_credits_factor': 1.5, 'premium_exp_factor': 1.5, 'auto_abilities_list': [], 'auto_camo_list': [], 'clan_supply_bonuses_enabled': True, 'camo_applied': True, 'auto_repair_credits': 21850, 'exterior_applied': True, 'serve_applied': True, 'auto_camo_gold': 0, 'crew_exp_enabled': True, 'auto_abilities_gold': 0, 'auto_load_list': [[231, 5775], [0, 0], [0, 0]], 'auto_abilities_credits': 0, 'credits_enabled': True, 'aogas_online': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_bomb default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_bomb default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ResultsScreen, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 5, 'dt': 1510414210, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'achievements': (), 'expPenalty': 0, 'tasks': {'22470_q01': {'count': (26, 1), 'progress': (1.0, 1.0), 2: {'count': (0, 1)}, 'name': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'}, '22468_q04': {'count': (0, 0), 'progress': (0.5926, 0.16253333333333334), 3: {'count': (17778, 4876)}, 'name': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'}}, 'shipsKilled': 3.0, 'arenaUniqueID': 4285519878361816L, 'battleTypeId': 5, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'mapTypeId': 30, 'credits': 311553, 'result': 1, 'exp': 4876, 'shipId': 3764303312L, 'battleCreateTime': 1510413016, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 740163, 4876), 'aogasFactor': 1.0}} [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 5, 'exp': 4876, 'tasks': {'22470_q01': {2: {'count': (0, 1)}}, '22468_q04': {3: {'count': (17778, 4876)}}}, 'aogasFactor': 1.0, 'mapBGPath': '../maps_bg/50_Gold_harbor.png', 'operationName': '', 'rankStarsDeltaChange': 0, 'earnedAchievements': [], 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_BATTLE_RESULTS_1', 'result': 1, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'uiSpecial': False, 'mapTypeId': 30, 'shipId': 3764303312L, 'accountLeveling': {'expGained': 4876, 'currLevel': 15, 'prevLevel': 15, 'currLevelExp': 122000, 'expTotal': 745039, 'nextLevelExp': 122000}, 'curTasksCompleted': 0, 'mapName': 'IDS_SPACES/50_GOLD_HARBOR', 'battleTypeId': 5, 'shipLevelRome': 'VI', 'achievements': (), 'isPremium': True, 'shipName': 'IDS_PRSC506', 'shipsKilled': 3.0, 'importance': 2, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_CRUISER', 'difficulty': '', 'prevTasksCompleted': 0, 'isElite': False, 'date': '11.11.2017 18:10', 'dt': 1510414210, 'groupId': 3, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 740163, 4876), 'expPenalty': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 4285519878361816L, 'credits': 311553, 'sourceId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'viaMM': False, 'rankBattlesSeasonId': 0, 'shipType': 'Cruiser', 'quests': [{'maxProgress': 100, 'day': 11, 'monthIDS': 'IDS_MONTH_11', 'battleProgress': 100.0, 'type': 'challenge', 'id': '22470_q01', 'titleText': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!', 'currentProgress': 100.0}, {'maxProgress': 100, 'day': 11, 'monthIDS': 'IDS_MONTH_11', 'battleProgress': 16.0, 'type': 'task', 'id': '22468_q04', 'titleText': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b', 'currentProgress': 71.0}], 'stypeIdent': 'Cruiser', 'postponed': False, 'battleCreateTime': 1510413016, 'rankDeltaChange': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_bomb default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_bomb default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4161159088 {('Default', 4283604912L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 7, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4163256240 {('Default', 4282556336L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 5, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q04 {('Default', 4271730608L, 0): 5, ('Default', 4269633456L, 0): 5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u041e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c \u043d\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u041e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c \u043d\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'} [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4160110512 {('Resource', 0, 0): 100000, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 8, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22468_q03 {('Default', 4263440304L, 0): 5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'} [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q02 {('Resource', 19, 0): 1, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u041f\u0440\u0435\u043c\u0438\u0443\u043c \u0437\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0443'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u041f\u0440\u0435\u043c\u0438\u0443\u043c \u0437\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0443'} [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4156964784 {'desc': (), ('Resource', 0, 0): 100000} {'taskNumber': 11, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4162207664 {('Default', 4279410608L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 6, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q01 {('ResourceCoeff', 21, 17): 3.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 30): 6.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 9): 12.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 32): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 10): 1.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 5): 1.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 28): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 14): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 11): 1.5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'}, 0, 0)} {'type': 'challenge', 'titleText': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'} [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4167450544 {'desc': (), ('Resource', 16, 0): 500} {'taskNumber': 1, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4154867632 {('Default', 4284313520L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 13, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 15 [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:14] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 15. Boxes contents: [{4288852912L: {(0, 4283622320L): 1}, 4284658608L: {(0, 4274185136L): 1}, 4283610032L: {(0, 4273136560L): 1}, 4289901488L: {(0, 4289913776L): 1}}] [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:15] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:16] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 4, 'dt': 1510414210, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'costShell': 5775, 'shipId': 3764303312L, 'result': False, 'costRepair': 21850}} [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:16] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 4, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SHIP_SERVE', 'costShell': 5775, 'result': False, 'shipId': 3764303312L, 'uiSpecial': False, 'shipLevelRome': 'VI', 'isPremium': True, 'shipName': 'IDS_PRSC506', 'shipType': 'Cruiser', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_CRUISER', 'isElite': False, 'dt': 1510414210, 'groupId': 5, 'costTotal': 27625, 'sourceId': 0, 'costRepair': 21850, 'stypeIdent': 'Cruiser', 'postponed': False} [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:16] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {2557718: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 1890445: {'color': 13395507, 'league': None, 'tag': u'RUS40', 'id': 429381, 'name': u'-\u043c\u043e\u0440\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0435 \u0434\u044c\u044f\u0432\u043e\u043b\u044b-'}, 63300754: None, 2451348: None, 5368214: {'color': 13395507, 'league': None, 'tag': u'RUS40', 'id': 429381, 'name': u'-\u043c\u043e\u0440\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0435 \u0434\u044c\u044f\u0432\u043e\u043b\u044b-'}, 68999192: None, 18026778: None, 58798107: None, 1297051: None, 25022907: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'VSMPO', 'id': 430269, 'name': u'Nuclear winter is coming soon'}, 1574517: None, 3709383: None, 10715336: None, 8637392: None, 48272594: None, 23712726: {'color': 13395507, 'league': None, 'tag': u'KTOF', 'id': 426059, 'name': u'\u041a\u0440\u0430\u0441\u043d\u043e\u0437\u043d\u0430\u043c\u0435\u043d\u043d\u044b\u0439 \u0422\u0438\u0445\u043e\u043e\u043a\u0435\u0430\u043d\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439 \u0424\u043b\u043e\u0442'}, 376281: None, 86019039: None, 723536: None, 65859174: {'color': 13395507, 'league': None, 'tag': u'CCCP-', 'id': 426606, 'name': u'Rossia'}, 57475693: {'color': 13395507, 'league': None, 'tag': u'GFZS', 'id': 429026, 'name': u'\u0413\u043e\u0440\u043e\u0434 \u0424\u0435\u0434\u0435\u0440\u0430\u043b\u044c\u043d\u043e\u0433\u043e \u0417\u043d\u0430\u0447\u0435\u043d\u0438\u044f \u0421\u0415\u0412\u0410\u0421\u0422\u041e\u041f\u041e\u041b\u042c'}, 8753141: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'UA-N1', 'id': 429128, 'name': u'Ukraine'}, 46635922: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'MIR', 'id': 426611, 'name': u'\u041c\u0438\u0440\u043d\u044b\u0435'}} [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:16] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 42, 'dt': 1510414210, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': False, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 3764303312L, 'camoRecharged': True, 'flagsBuyFail': False}} [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:16] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 42, 'isPremium': True, 'shipName': 'IDS_PRSC506', 'flagsAutorechargeCompleted': 0, 'isElite': False, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_EXTERIOR_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2, 'camouflageAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'idInGroup': 1, 'groupId': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_CRUISER', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'VI', 'shipType': 'Cruiser', 'stypeIdent': 'Cruiser', 'dt': 1510414210, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': False, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 3764303312L, 'camoRecharged': True, 'flagsBuyFail': False}, 'uiSpecial': False} [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:16] ClanProxy.onChatInitialized [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:16] XmppChatHandler.joinClanChannel() 430246 [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:16] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived prebattle 3 [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:16] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: DIVISION channelsGroupsIds: [] [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:16] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel True self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:16] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 2557718 NSDRP 2 2 (430246, u'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:16] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 5595999 Tier099 2 2 (430246, u'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:16] UserDataGate.__onRosterUpdated [('17915186@wowsru.loc', 'egy5', False, 4, ()), ('22453883@wowsru.loc', 'vova1972ruzan', False, 4, ()), ('2557718@wowsru.loc', 'NSDRP', False, 4, ()), ('26288674@wowsru.loc', '_EmperoR_WOW_', False, 4, ()), ('2893852@wowsru.loc', 'klimstonn', False, 4, ()), ('30937387@wowsru.loc', 'monster__622', False, 4, ()), ('327255@wowsru.loc', 'Migri', False, 4, ()), ('35853511@wowsru.loc', 'toshidzu', False, 4, ()), ('5471194@wowsru.loc', 'loki1982', False, 4, ()), ('58161041@wowsru.loc', 'Y_O_R_K_2015', False, 4, ()), ('62222528@wowsru.loc', 'HEGNI_1', False, 4, ()), ('6896454@wowsru.loc', 'Vie92', False, 4, ()), ('69118514@wowsru.loc', 'RenamedUser_69118514', False, 4, ()), ('69416610@wowsru.loc', 'Player_3185411451', False, 4, ()), ('71811251@wowsru.loc', 'Leogon_1', False, 4, ())] [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:16] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 30937387@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:16] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 2893852@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:16] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 59124891@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:16] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 11274288@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:16] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 21696974@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:16] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 14596986@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:16] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 58053848@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:16] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 310434@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:16] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 19410835@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:16] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 35853511@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:16] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 59103429@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:16] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 22453883@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:16] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 2557718@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:16] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 62222528@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:16] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 69118514@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:16] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:16] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:16] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:16] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:16] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: KARSAK_1968 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:16] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:16] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:16] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:16] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:16] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:16] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:16] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:16] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:16] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:16] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:16] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:16] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:16] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:16] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: toshidzu channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:16] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:16] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Samum1989_geroj channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:16] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:16] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:16] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:16] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: NSDRP channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:16] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:16] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:16] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:16] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:16] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:16] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived clansearch@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:16] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived ids_chat_channel_offtop@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:16] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived ids_chat_channel_questions@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:16] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived wargamingfm@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:16] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_SEARCH_CLAN_DIV channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:16] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:16] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_OFFTOP channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:16] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:16] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_QUESTIONS channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:16] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:16] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: WargamingFM Корабли channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:16] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:16] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc 6 [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:16] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: channelsGroupsIds: [] [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:16] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:16] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 62222528 {'jid': '62222528@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'HEGNI_1', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:16] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 58161041 {'jid': '58161041@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Y_O_R_K_2015', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:16] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 22453883 {'jid': '22453883@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'vova1972ruzan', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:16] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 2557718 {'jid': '2557718@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'NSDRP', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:16] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 17222686 {'jid': '17222686@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'bob7771', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:16] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 35853511 {'jid': '35853511@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'toshidzu', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:16] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 5595999 {'jid': '5595999@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Tier099', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:17] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Tier099', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/5595999', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510394839L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd1\x80\xd0\xb5\xd0\xb1\xd1\x8f\xd1\x82 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb3\xd0\xbe \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xb2\xd1\x8b\xd0\xba\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb4\xd1\x8b\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82 \xd0\xb2\xd0\xbe \xd0\xb2\xd1\x80\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbc\xd1\x8f \xd0\xb1\xd0\xbe\xd1\x8f???', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:17] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Tier099', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/5595999', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510396421L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbf\xd1\x8f\xd1\x82\xd1\x8c \xd0\xb2\xd1\x8b\xd0\xba\xd0\xb8\xd0\xbd\xd1\x83\xd0\xbb\xd0\xbe 2 \xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb7\xd0\xb0 \xd0\xb7\xd0\xb0 1 \xd0\xb1\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb9', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:17] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/69118514', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510401726L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb1\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb8 \xd0\xba\xd0\xb5\xd1\x88', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:17] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'NSDRP', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/2557718', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510404247L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb5\xd1\x87\xd0\xb5\xd1\x80 \xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb1\xd1\x80\xd1\x8b\xd0\xb9. \xd0\xb5\xd1\x81\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb8 9 \xd0\xbe\xd1\x87\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2 \xd0\xbe\xd0\xbf\xd1\x8b\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0 \xd0\xba\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbf\xd0\xb8\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe 54 000 \xd0\xbe\xd0\xbf\xd1\x8b\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0 \xd1\x82\xd0\xbe \xd1\x81\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbb\xd1\x8c\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe \xd0\xb7\xd0\xb0 15 ?', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:17] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/69118514', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510408413L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0 13 \xd0\xbe\xd1\x87\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe 108 000', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:17] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Tier099', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/5595999', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510408924L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xba\xd1\x82\xd0\xbe \xd0\xb2 \xd0\xb2\xd0\xb7\xd0\xb2\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb4??? \xd0\x9f\xd0\xb8\xd1\x88\xd0\xb8\xd1\x82\xd0\xb5 \xd1\x81\xd0\xbc\xd1\x81 \xd0\xb2 \xd0\x9b\xd0\xa1', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:17] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'NSDRP', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/2557718', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510409220L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\x94\xd0\x90 \xd1\x83\xd0\xb6 . \xd0\xb0 \xd0\xbc\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe \xd0\xb4\xd0\xbb\xd1\x8f \xd0\xba\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb0 18 \xd0\xbe\xd1\x87\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2. \xd0\xb0 \xd1\x83 \xd0\xbc\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd1\x8f \xd1\x82\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbb\xd1\x8c\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe 9. \xd0\xbe\xd1\x85\xd0\xbe- \xd1\x85\xd0\xbe', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:17] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Tier099', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/5595999', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510409598L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xb8\xd0\xb3\xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd1\x82\xd1\x8c \xd1\x80\xd0\xb5\xd0\xb1\xd1\x8f\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0???', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:18] (, 86904481544477, 21): joinChannel, ('already joined', 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc') [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:18] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 17222686 bob7771 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:18] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 22453883 vova1972ruzan 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:18] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 2557718 NSDRP 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:18] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 35853511 toshidzu 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:18] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 5595999 Tier099 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:18] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 58161041 Y_O_R_K_2015 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:18] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 62222528 HEGNI_1 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:22] getModelPaths [] [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:24] !!! PostBattleWindow: Results Receive Timeout, going to Dock! [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:25] availableShipParts 63 [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:25] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:27] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {62222528: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 69416610: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 6896454: None, 35853511: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 30937387: None, 26288674: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'GUAPS', 'id': 430164, 'name': u'\u0413\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0434\u0435\u0439\u0446\u044b \u041f\u043e\u0441\u0435\u0439\u0434\u043e\u043d\u0430'}, 17915186: None, 58161041: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 69118514: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 71811251: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 2557718: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 327255: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'ENYO', 'id': 415095, 'name': u'\u042d\u041d\u0418\u041e'}, 5471194: None, 22453883: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 2893852: None} [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:29] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 69118514 {'jid': '69118514@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:34] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 22453883 {'jid': '22453883@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'vova1972ruzan', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:36] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {69118514: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 22453883: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}} [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:46] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {71811251: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}} [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:48] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 71811251 {'jid': '71811251@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Leogon_1', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:50] BattleChatSystem OUT OF Context [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:50] Exception BigWorld.EntityIsDestroyedException: 'Avatar 1137212 has been destroyed' in ignored [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:50] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:57] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:57] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:57] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:57] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:57] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:57] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:57] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:57] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:57] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:57] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:57] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:57] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:57] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:57] (, 66379459049956, 122): __sendCurrentMessage:, (IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510412400.0, 1510415980.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}),) [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:57] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 118, 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'messageType': 'soon_start', 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_CLAN_BATTLE_PRIMETIME_CHANGED', 'groupId': 8} [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:57] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:57] [Filters] saveFilters [] [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:57] [Filters] saveFilters [] [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:57] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 432359 (203915, 2557718, 'NSDRP', None, -2, 1, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0) 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:57] DivisionProxy.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=203915, dbid=2557718, name='NSDRP', shipId=None, teamId=-2, state=1, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=0) 0 {} [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:57] playersToInvite {} [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:57] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'eventId': 'PLAYER_LEFT_DIVISION', 'typeId': 3, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_UI_PLAYER_ACTION_IN_DIVISION_1_DIVISION', 'playerName': 'NSDRP', 'idInGroup': 3, 'divisionType': 'division', 'sourceId': 1, 'actionId': 1, 'groupId': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:57] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:57] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:57] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:57] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:57] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 18:30:57] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 18:31:01] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': 0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2017_11_11 18:31:01] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': -1.0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2017_11_11 18:31:01] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ModalWindowConvertExp, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:31:01] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2017_11_11 18:31:02] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {71811251: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}} [S] [2017_11_11 18:31:04] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 71811251 {'jid': '71811251@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Leogon_1', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 18:31:07] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 18:31:14] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 22453883 {'jid': '22453883@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'vova1972ruzan', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 18:31:14] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {22453883: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}} [S] [2017_11_11 18:31:17] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 2557718 {'jid': '2557718@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'NSDRP', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 18:31:25] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {2557718: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}} [S] [2017_11_11 18:32:46] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 17222686 {'jid': '17222686@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'bob7771', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:33:16] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {62222528: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 69416610: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 71811251: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 6896454: None, 35853511: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 30937387: None, 26288674: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'GUAPS', 'id': 430164, 'name': u'\u0413\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0434\u0435\u0439\u0446\u044b \u041f\u043e\u0441\u0435\u0439\u0434\u043e\u043d\u0430'}, 58161041: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 17915186: None, 69118514: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 2557718: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 327255: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'ENYO', 'id': 415095, 'name': u'\u042d\u041d\u0418\u041e'}, 5471194: None, 22453883: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 2893852: None, 17222686: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}} [S] [2017_11_11 18:33:49] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 17222686 {'jid': '17222686@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'bob7771', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 18:35:39] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 62222528 {'jid': '62222528@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'HEGNI_1', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 18:35:39] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {62222528: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}} [S] [2017_11_11 18:35:55] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 22453883 {'jid': '22453883@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'vova1972ruzan', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:35:56] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {22453883: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}} [S] [2017_11_11 18:36:15] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {62222528: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 69416610: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 71811251: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 6896454: None, 35853511: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 30937387: None, 26288674: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'GUAPS', 'id': 430164, 'name': u'\u0413\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0434\u0435\u0439\u0446\u044b \u041f\u043e\u0441\u0435\u0439\u0434\u043e\u043d\u0430'}, 58161041: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 17915186: None, 69118514: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 2557718: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 327255: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'ENYO', 'id': 415095, 'name': u'\u042d\u041d\u0418\u041e'}, 5471194: None, 22453883: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 2893852: None, 17222686: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}} [S] [2017_11_11 18:36:57] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 2557718 {'jid': '2557718@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'NSDRP', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:36:57] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {2557718: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}} [S] [2017_11_11 18:36:59] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 22453883 {'jid': '22453883@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'vova1972ruzan', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 18:37:07] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {22453883: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}} [E] [2017_11_11 18:37:31] ServerConnection::onTimeOut(537109318): Disconnecting due to channel timing out. [S] [2017_11_11 18:37:31] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 6 NOT_SET [S] [2017_11_11 18:37:31] [LOGIN] Setting gIsConnected to False [S] [2017_11_11 18:37:32] connection problem!!! [S] [2017_11_11 18:37:32] clearAll 0 True [S] [2017_11_11 18:37:32] AccountLevelingProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 18:37:32] ShutDownProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 18:37:32] ShutDownProxy.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 18:37:32] StatsProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 18:37:32] StatsProxy.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 18:37:32] CampaignsProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 18:37:32] LootboxProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 18:37:32] LootboxProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 18:37:32] PVEScriptsProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 18:37:32] PVEDatahubUtils.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 18:37:32] PVEScriptsProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 18:37:32] IngamePortalProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 18:37:32] IngameNewsProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 18:37:32] UserDataGate.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 18:37:32] UserDataGate.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 18:37:32] ClanProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 18:37:32] ClanProxy.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 18:37:32] [LootboxProxyClient.destroy] [S] [2017_11_11 18:37:32] (, 51007757488877, 12): is out of context [S] [2017_11_11 18:37:32] (, 13182166089733, 190): fini [S] [2017_11_11 18:37:32] (, 51007922117933, 263): out of context [S] [2017_11_11 18:37:32] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Login, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:37:32] PreBattleInfoHolder.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 18:37:32] GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 18:37:32] DivisionProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 18:37:32] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2017_11_11 18:37:32] Exception TypeError: '65803291491612() takes exactly 2 arguments (1 given)' in > ignored [S] [2017_11_11 18:37:32] GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 18:37:36] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Login, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:32] (, 66259644693353, 191): H:; A:; C:http://csis.worldoftanks.ru/csis/wowsru/?periphery=login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020&periphery=login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020; M:['login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020', 'login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020'] [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:32] BaseLoginRequest.doLogin(): login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020 token2 ([BaseLoginCredentials] Tier099) [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:32] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:32] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:32] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 1 LOGGED_ON {"token2":"5595999:5600238760764888903:151507076323378165961563480115393568463","wgnr":"ru.wargaming.net"} [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:32] LOGGED_ON {u'token2': u'5595999:5600238760764888903:151507076323378165961563480115393568463', u'wgnr': u'ru.wargaming.net'} [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:32] [LOGIN] Positive, serverMsg: {u'token2': u'5595999:5600238760764888903:151507076323378165961563480115393568463', u'wgnr': u'ru.wargaming.net'}, status: LOGGED_ON [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:32] [LOGIN] Setting wgnr url to "https://ru.wargaming.net" [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:32] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 2 NOT_SET [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:33] Account.__init__() [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:33] [Account debuG]: __init__() Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:33] ClanProxy.setChatHandler [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:33] ClanProxy.setInteractiveMessageData [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:33] Exception BigWorld.EntityIsDestroyedException: 'Account 537109318 has been destroyed' in ignored [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:33] (, 571883079382, 162): init [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:33] (, 574705753692, 103): Url config for realm ru as string is ResMgr.DataSection at 0x63FC5440 [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:33] (, 51003525417967, 75): in context [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:33] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:33] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:33] onBecomePlayer() [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:33] UserDataGate.onGetConnection [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:33] UserDataGate.onGetConnection(): 5595999 [Entity: id:3873 ['accountSimple', 'accountName']] Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:33] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAccount [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:33] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() True 0 0 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:33] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:33] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:33] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4154867632 {('Default', 4284313520L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 13, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:33] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4162207664 {('Default', 4279410608L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 6, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:33] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4163256240 {('Default', 4282556336L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 5, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:33] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q04 {('Default', 4271730608L, 0): 5, ('Default', 4269633456L, 0): 5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u041e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c \u043d\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u041e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c \u043d\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'} [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:33] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4160110512 {'desc': (), ('Resource', 0, 0): 100000} {'taskNumber': 8, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:33] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22468_q03 {('Default', 4263440304L, 0): 5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'} [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:33] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q02 {('Resource', 19, 0): 1, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u041f\u0440\u0435\u043c\u0438\u0443\u043c \u0437\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0443'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u041f\u0440\u0435\u043c\u0438\u0443\u043c \u0437\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0443'} [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:33] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4161159088 {('Default', 4283604912L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 7, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:33] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q01 {('ResourceCoeff', 21, 17): 3.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 30): 6.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 9): 12.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 32): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 10): 1.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 5): 1.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 28): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 14): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 11): 1.5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'}, 0, 0)} {'type': 'challenge', 'titleText': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'} [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:33] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4167450544 {('Resource', 16, 0): 500, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 1, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:33] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4156964784 {('Resource', 0, 0): 100000, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 11, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:33] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 15 [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:33] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:33] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 15. Boxes contents: [{4288852912L: {(0, 4283622320L): 1}, 4284658608L: {(0, 4274185136L): 1}, 4283610032L: {(0, 4273136560L): 1}, 4289901488L: {(0, 4289913776L): 1}}] [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:34] setServerTime: serverTime=1510415195 time.time()=1510415194.07 gInitialClientTime=7394.57106419 [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:34] initBattleTypes called [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:34] Disabled maps: [] [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:34] getNationForTutorial() CanBeStarted: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:34] StatsProxy.receiveAbuseStatus(): {'battlesToClean': 1, 'statuses': {'tkill': 1}, 'warnings': ()} [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:34] _onChangeTimeOut 156 [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:36] __processDossierStats() client dossier: ['oper', 'pvp', 'oper_mm_tasks_diag', 'pve_diag', 'pvp_diag', 'oper_normal', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'pve', 'oper_mm', 'total', 'oper_normal_tasks_diag', 'max_pve', 'rank_diag', 'max_pvp', 'oper_diag', 'club_diag', 'club', 'max_club', 'clan', 'oper_hard', 'oper_hard_tasks_diag', 'max_clan'] [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:36] AccountLevelingProxy.onGetAccountStats(): (-1, -1) (15, 745039) [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:37] __updateTaskProgress start: {'22470_q01': {}, '22468_q04': {3: {'count': 17778}}} [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:37] __updateTaskProgress start: {'22468_q03': {'count': 1, 3: {'count': 10.0}}, '22468_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 3}}, '22469_q01': {'count': 0}, '21856_q00': {'count': 0}, '22468_q05': {'count': 0}, '22468_q02': {'count': 1, 3: {'count': 549416}}, '22470_q01': {'count': 26}, '22470_q02': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 5}}, '22470_q03': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 424720}, 3: {'count': 15080}, 4: {'count': 96367}}, '22470_q04': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 10}}, '22160_q01': {'count': 0}, '22468_q04': {'count': 0, 3: {'count': 17778}}} [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:37] onGetRankBattlesInfo currentSeason: 7, PlayerInfo: None [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:37] onGetRankDossier() seasonId = 7 Empty [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:37] ---- no data for seasonId: 7 [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:38] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onGetSeasonRules: config False, {'seasonId': 1, 'operations': {4291341232L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 3, 'unlockTime': 1500429600, 'caps': 3}, 4292389808L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1499824800, 'caps': 3}, 4290292656L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1501034400, 'caps': 3}, 4293438384L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1501639200, 'caps': 3}}, 'currentOperationIdx': 1, 'roster': [4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L, 4293438384L], 'startTime': 1499824800, 'seasons': {1: {'operations': [4293438384L, 4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}, 2: {'operations': [], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}}, 'currentRotationTime': 1510106400, 'nextRotationTime': 1510711200, 'stage': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:38] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onLoadProgress: config False, season False, {'operations': {'hard': [], 'normal': [(4287146928L, [1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 0]), (4288195504L, [1509007262, 1509007262, 1509007262, 0, 0, 0]), (4290292656L, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])]}, 'seasons': {'hard': [], 'normal': [(2, 1509007262)]}} [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:38] onClanResponse: response=(1, 0, (430246, (430246, u'FLY', u'FLY', 16777215, u'executive_officer', u'\u0417\u0434\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0443\u0439\u0442\u0435 \u0442\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0449\u0438, \u0443 \u043a\u043e\u0433\u043e \u0435\u0441\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0431\u043b\u0438 10-\u0433\u043e \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u043d\u044f, \u0438 \u0433\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0441\u043e\u0432\u0430\u044f \u0432\u0441\u044f\u0437\u044c \u043d\u0443\u0436\u043d\u043e \u0441\u044b\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d\u043e\u0432\u044b\u0435 \u0431\u043e\u0438 - \u0441\u0442\u0430\u0432\u0442\u0435 + \u043c\u043d\u0435 \u0432 \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443 \u043a\u0442\u043e \u0433\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432', {47518727: {'role': u'private'}, 162314: {'role': u'private'}, 2835342: {'role': u'private'}, 58161041: {'role': u'private'}, 19410835: {'role': u'private'}, 2557718: {'role': u'private'}, 27883543: {'role': u'private'}, 73537307: {'role': u'private'}, 17222686: {'role': u'private'}, 310434: {'role': u'private'}, 11428651: {'role': u'private'}, 2445100: {'role': u'private'}, 7715120: {'role': u'private'}, 69118514: {'role': u'commander'}, 71811251: {'role': u'private'}, 59694238: {'role': u'private'}, 62222528: {'role': u'private'}, 47245249: {'role': u'private'}, 59103429: {'role': u'private'}, 35853511: {'role': u'private'}, 69416610: {'role': u'private'}, 65031124: {'role': u'private'}, 33301518: {'role': u'private'}, 5595999: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 8706534: {'role': u'private'}, 37230: {'role': u'private'}, 1515506: {'role': u'private'}, 71303028: {'role': u'private'}, 5426549: {'role': u'private'}, 22453883: {'role': u'private'}}, {75100162: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3925161}, 75104791: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1901451}, 75104792: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12037438}, 75104793: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47518727}, 75100186: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4688253}, 75100187: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26497012}, 75100188: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 872384}, 75100189: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 16896550}, 75104799: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2557718}, 75100217: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58161041}, 75100219: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36672236}, 75100220: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12445172}, 75100221: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11262324}, 75100086: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71777625}, 75099916: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5426549}, 75088485: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11437327}, 75088488: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86912728}, 75099930: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35480962}, 75099931: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 64096589}, 75104796: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24059614}, 75104797: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5326927}, 75105224: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5163046}, 75115804: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3700101}, 75100858: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65353479}, 75100859: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4549361}, 75100860: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19163627}, 75100862: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 15486060}, 75100864: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24960589}, 75104795: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26571092}, 75101403: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13829345}, 75101405: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2774140}, 75101406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19410835}, 75105005: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2514322}, 75105006: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 6071074}, 75105007: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21765943}, 75105008: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13351014}, 75105009: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10744094}, 75105010: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8213596}, 75105533: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 32758788}, 75105534: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35843415}, 75105535: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19416306}, 75099910: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 22471163}, 75099912: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47356661}, 75099913: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20821811}, 75099914: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 38322742}, 75099915: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 57543888}, 75100940: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1550733}, 75100941: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1431883}, 75100942: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 744012}, 75100943: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 69416610}, 75100944: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36933861}, 75100946: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4337469}, 75115800: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47245249}, 75115801: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2723422}, 75115802: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19050869}, 75115803: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65031124}, 75099932: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5239563}, 75099933: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5564244}, 75105068: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 27883543}, 75099952: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11428651}, 75115830: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 62222528}, 75115831: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8664152}, 75115833: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59103429}, 75115837: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4858560}, 75115840: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 7424262}, 75099461: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 33301518}, 75104134: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 225652}, 75101613: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 162314}, 75101614: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 75991473}, 75100081: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71303028}, 75100082: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79542157}, 75100083: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 76103}, 75100084: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80535214}, 75100085: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5965559}, 75092406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86780640}, 75092407: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 72132668}, 75092409: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65107864}, 75092412: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58685850}, 75104707: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13658244}, 75104708: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 77607300}, 75104710: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79957325}, 75104712: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2809573}, 75105225: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 61831778}, 75105226: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 48512704}, 75105227: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82400346}, 75105229: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59694238}, 75105230: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24318025}, 75105232: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35446652}, 75100114: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21297715}, 75100115: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2636501}, 75100116: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 23508047}, 75100117: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4104445}, 75100156: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65362617}, 75113469: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 17222686}, 75100158: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20158906}, 75113467: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1207353}, 75113468: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80938462}, 75100157: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82347121}, 75113470: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8706534}, 75113471: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4261263}}, 30, 30, None))) [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:38] ClanProxy.onClanResponse(): 1 (430246, (430246, u'FLY', u'FLY', 16777215, u'executive_officer', u'\u0417\u0434\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0443\u0439\u0442\u0435 \u0442\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0449\u0438, \u0443 \u043a\u043e\u0433\u043e \u0435\u0441\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0431\u043b\u0438 10-\u0433\u043e \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u043d\u044f, \u0438 \u0433\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0441\u043e\u0432\u0430\u044f \u0432\u0441\u044f\u0437\u044c \u043d\u0443\u0436\u043d\u043e \u0441\u044b\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d\u043e\u0432\u044b\u0435 \u0431\u043e\u0438 - \u0441\u0442\u0430\u0432\u0442\u0435 + \u043c\u043d\u0435 \u0432 \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443 \u043a\u0442\u043e \u0433\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432', {47518727: {'role': u'private'}, 162314: {'role': u'private'}, 2835342: {'role': u'private'}, 58161041: {'role': u'private'}, 19410835: {'role': u'private'}, 2557718: {'role': u'private'}, 27883543: {'role': u'private'}, 73537307: {'role': u'private'}, 17222686: {'role': u'private'}, 310434: {'role': u'private'}, 11428651: {'role': u'private'}, 2445100: {'role': u'private'}, 7715120: {'role': u'private'}, 69118514: {'role': u'commander'}, 71811251: {'role': u'private'}, 59694238: {'role': u'private'}, 62222528: {'role': u'private'}, 47245249: {'role': u'private'}, 59103429: {'role': u'private'}, 35853511: {'role': u'private'}, 69416610: {'role': u'private'}, 65031124: {'role': u'private'}, 33301518: {'role': u'private'}, 5595999: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 8706534: {'role': u'private'}, 37230: {'role': u'private'}, 1515506: {'role': u'private'}, 71303028: {'role': u'private'}, 5426549: {'role': u'private'}, 22453883: {'role': u'private'}}, {75100162: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3925161}, 75104791: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1901451}, 75104792: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12037438}, 75104793: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47518727}, 75100186: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4688253}, 75100187: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26497012}, 75100188: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 872384}, 75100189: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 16896550}, 75104799: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2557718}, 75100217: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58161041}, 75100219: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36672236}, 75100220: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12445172}, 75100221: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11262324}, 75100086: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71777625}, 75099916: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5426549}, 75088485: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11437327}, 75088488: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86912728}, 75099930: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35480962}, 75099931: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 64096589}, 75104796: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24059614}, 75104797: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5326927}, 75105224: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5163046}, 75115804: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3700101}, 75100858: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65353479}, 75100859: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4549361}, 75100860: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19163627}, 75100862: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 15486060}, 75100864: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24960589}, 75104795: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26571092}, 75101403: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13829345}, 75101405: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2774140}, 75101406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19410835}, 75105005: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2514322}, 75105006: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 6071074}, 75105007: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21765943}, 75105008: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13351014}, 75105009: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10744094}, 75105010: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8213596}, 75105533: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 32758788}, 75105534: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35843415}, 75105535: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19416306}, 75099910: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 22471163}, 75099912: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47356661}, 75099913: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20821811}, 75099914: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 38322742}, 75099915: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 57543888}, 75100940: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1550733}, 75100941: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1431883}, 75100942: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 744012}, 75100943: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 69416610}, 75100944: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36933861}, 75100946: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4337469}, 75115800: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47245249}, 75115801: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2723422}, 75115802: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19050869}, 75115803: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65031124}, 75099932: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5239563}, 75099933: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5564244}, 75105068: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 27883543}, 75099952: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11428651}, 75115830: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 62222528}, 75115831: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8664152}, 75115833: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59103429}, 75115837: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4858560}, 75115840: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 7424262}, 75099461: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 33301518}, 75104134: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 225652}, 75101613: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 162314}, 75101614: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 75991473}, 75100081: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71303028}, 75100082: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79542157}, 75100083: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 76103}, 75100084: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80535214}, 75100085: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5965559}, 75092406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86780640}, 75092407: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 72132668}, 75092409: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65107864}, 75092412: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58685850}, 75104707: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13658244}, 75104708: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 77607300}, 75104710: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79957325}, 75104712: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2809573}, 75105225: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 61831778}, 75105226: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 48512704}, 75105227: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82400346}, 75105229: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59694238}, 75105230: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24318025}, 75105232: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35446652}, 75100114: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21297715}, 75100115: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2636501}, 75100116: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 23508047}, 75100117: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4104445}, 75100156: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65362617}, 75113469: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 17222686}, 75100158: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20158906}, 75113467: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1207353}, 75113468: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80938462}, 75100157: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82347121}, 75113470: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8706534}, 75113471: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4261263}}, 30, 30, None)) [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:38] ClanProxy.__onGetMyClan: False (430246, (430246, u'FLY', u'FLY', 16777215, u'executive_officer', u'\u0417\u0434\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0443\u0439\u0442\u0435 \u0442\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0449\u0438, \u0443 \u043a\u043e\u0433\u043e \u0435\u0441\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0431\u043b\u0438 10-\u0433\u043e \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u043d\u044f, \u0438 \u0433\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0441\u043e\u0432\u0430\u044f \u0432\u0441\u044f\u0437\u044c \u043d\u0443\u0436\u043d\u043e \u0441\u044b\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d\u043e\u0432\u044b\u0435 \u0431\u043e\u0438 - \u0441\u0442\u0430\u0432\u0442\u0435 + \u043c\u043d\u0435 \u0432 \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443 \u043a\u0442\u043e \u0433\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432', {47518727: {'role': u'private'}, 162314: {'role': u'private'}, 2835342: {'role': u'private'}, 58161041: {'role': u'private'}, 19410835: {'role': u'private'}, 2557718: {'role': u'private'}, 27883543: {'role': u'private'}, 73537307: {'role': u'private'}, 17222686: {'role': u'private'}, 310434: {'role': u'private'}, 11428651: {'role': u'private'}, 2445100: {'role': u'private'}, 7715120: {'role': u'private'}, 69118514: {'role': u'commander'}, 71811251: {'role': u'private'}, 59694238: {'role': u'private'}, 62222528: {'role': u'private'}, 47245249: {'role': u'private'}, 59103429: {'role': u'private'}, 35853511: {'role': u'private'}, 69416610: {'role': u'private'}, 65031124: {'role': u'private'}, 33301518: {'role': u'private'}, 5595999: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 8706534: {'role': u'private'}, 37230: {'role': u'private'}, 1515506: {'role': u'private'}, 71303028: {'role': u'private'}, 5426549: {'role': u'private'}, 22453883: {'role': u'private'}}, {75100162: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3925161}, 75104791: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1901451}, 75104792: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12037438}, 75104793: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47518727}, 75100186: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4688253}, 75100187: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26497012}, 75100188: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 872384}, 75100189: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 16896550}, 75104799: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2557718}, 75100217: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58161041}, 75100219: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36672236}, 75100220: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12445172}, 75100221: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11262324}, 75100086: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71777625}, 75099916: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5426549}, 75088485: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11437327}, 75088488: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86912728}, 75099930: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35480962}, 75099931: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 64096589}, 75104796: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24059614}, 75104797: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5326927}, 75105224: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5163046}, 75115804: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3700101}, 75100858: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65353479}, 75100859: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4549361}, 75100860: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19163627}, 75100862: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 15486060}, 75100864: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24960589}, 75104795: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26571092}, 75101403: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13829345}, 75101405: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2774140}, 75101406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19410835}, 75105005: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2514322}, 75105006: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 6071074}, 75105007: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21765943}, 75105008: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13351014}, 75105009: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10744094}, 75105010: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8213596}, 75105533: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 32758788}, 75105534: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35843415}, 75105535: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19416306}, 75099910: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 22471163}, 75099912: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47356661}, 75099913: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20821811}, 75099914: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 38322742}, 75099915: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 57543888}, 75100940: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1550733}, 75100941: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1431883}, 75100942: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 744012}, 75100943: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 69416610}, 75100944: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36933861}, 75100946: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4337469}, 75115800: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47245249}, 75115801: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2723422}, 75115802: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19050869}, 75115803: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65031124}, 75099932: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5239563}, 75099933: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5564244}, 75105068: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 27883543}, 75099952: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11428651}, 75115830: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 62222528}, 75115831: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8664152}, 75115833: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59103429}, 75115837: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4858560}, 75115840: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 7424262}, 75099461: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 33301518}, 75104134: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 225652}, 75101613: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 162314}, 75101614: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 75991473}, 75100081: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71303028}, 75100082: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79542157}, 75100083: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 76103}, 75100084: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80535214}, 75100085: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5965559}, 75092406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86780640}, 75092407: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 72132668}, 75092409: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65107864}, 75092412: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58685850}, 75104707: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13658244}, 75104708: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 77607300}, 75104710: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79957325}, 75104712: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2809573}, 75105225: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 61831778}, 75105226: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 48512704}, 75105227: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82400346}, 75105229: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59694238}, 75105230: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24318025}, 75105232: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35446652}, 75100114: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21297715}, 75100115: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2636501}, 75100116: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 23508047}, 75100117: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4104445}, 75100156: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65362617}, 75113469: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 17222686}, 75100158: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20158906}, 75113467: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1207353}, 75113468: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80938462}, 75100157: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82347121}, 75113470: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8706534}, 75113471: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4261263}}, 30, 30, None)) [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:38] [CampaignsCommon] onLoadedDump: loaded campaign params and player; countActiveTasks 1; data ({4290690992L: (False, True, False), 4293836720L: (True, 0, True), 4291739568L: (False, True, False), 4288593840L: (True, 0, True), 4289642416L: (False, True, False), 4292788144L: (True, 0, True)}, {4291739568L: [1, 0], 4293836720L: [1, 1], 4289642416L: [1, 0], 4288593840L: [1, 0], 4290690992L: [1, 0], 4292788144L: [1, 0]}, {4251566000L: [2, 0, 0], 4285120432L: [4, 15, 7], 4287217584L: [4, 12, 7], 4288266160L: [4, 10, 7], 4290363312L: [4, 10, 5], 4292460464L: [4, 6, 8], 4293509040L: [5, 5, 9], 4286169008L: [4, 15, 8], 4263100336L: [2, 0, 0], 4289314736L: [4, 10, 6], 4283023280L: [2, 0, 0], 4272537520L: [2, 0, 0], 4241080240L: [2, 0, 0], 4291411888L: [4, 7, 7]}, {4193664944L: (5, True, 0), 4280696752L: (5, True, 0), 4255530928L: (5, True, 0), 4187373488L: (1, False, 0), 4224073648L: (5, True, 0), 4164304816L: (1, False, 0), 4130750384L: (1, False, 0), 4167450544L: (5, True, 0), 4204150704L: (5, True, 0), 4240850864L: (1, False, 0), 4277551024L: (5, True, 0), 4184227760L: (1, False, 0), 4220927920L: (5, True, 0), 4257628080L: (5, True, 0), 4198907824L: (5, True, 0), 4237705136L: (5, True, 0), 3904257968L: (1, False, 0), 4274405296L: (1, False, 0), 3977658288L: (1, False, 0), 4181082032L: (5, True, 0), 4254482352L: (1, False, 0), 4291182512L: (5, True, 0), 3897966512L: (1, False, 0), 4161159088L: (5, True, 0), 4197859248L: (1, False, 0), 3901112240L: (1, False, 0), 3974512560L: (1, False, 0), 4177936304L: (1, False, 0), 4214636464L: (1, False, 0), 4251336624L: (5, True, 0), 4288036784L: (5, True, 0), 4133896112L: (1, False, 0), 4194713520L: (5, True, 0), 4174790576L: (5, True, 0), 4081467312L: (0, False, 0), 4284891056L: (5, True, 0), 4190519216L: (1, False, 0), 4227219376L: (1, False, 0), 4252385200L: (5, True, 0), 4228267952L: (1, False, 0), 4134944688L: (1, False, 0), 4171644848L: (5, True, 0), 4208345008L: (1, False, 0), 4245045168L: (5, True, 0), 4281745328L: (5, True, 0), 4158013360L: (1, False, 0), 4188422064L: (1, False, 0), 4225122224L: (1, False, 0), 4203102128L: (5, True, 0), 4261822384L: (1, False, 0), 4131798960L: (1, False, 0), 4205199280L: (5, True, 0), 4241899440L: (5, True, 0), 4278599600L: (5, True, 0), 4192616368L: (5, True, 0), 4221976496L: (5, True, 0), 4258676656L: (1, False, 0), 3902160816L: (1, False, 0), 4128653232L: (0, False, 0), 4165353392L: (2, False, 4.0), 4238753712L: (1, False, 0), 3905306544L: (1, False, 0), 4275453872L: (1, False, 0), 3978706864L: (1, False, 0), 4182130608L: (5, True, 0), 4292231088L: (5, True, 0), 4154867632L: (5, True, 0), 4162207664L: (5, True, 0), 3975561136L: (1, False, 0), 4215685040L: (5, True, 0), 4289085360L: (5, True, 0), 4159061936L: (1, False, 0), 3971366832L: (1, False, 0), 4195762096L: (5, True, 0), 3899015088L: (1, False, 0), 3972415408L: (1, False, 0), 4212539312L: (1, False, 0), 4082515888L: (1, False, 0), 4285939632L: (5, True, 0), 4155916208L: (1, False, 0), 4260773808L: (5, True, 0), 4207296432L: (1, False, 0), 4229316528L: (5, True, 0), 3895869360L: (0, False, 0), 4135993264L: (1, False, 0), 4172693424L: (5, True, 0), 4209393584L: (5, True, 0), 4246093744L: (1, False, 0), 4282793904L: (5, True, 0), 4160110512L: (5, True, 0), 4226170800L: (1, False, 0), 4191567792L: (5, True, 0), 4132847536L: (1, False, 0), 4189470640L: (1, False, 0), 4206247856L: (5, True, 0), 4242948016L: (1, False, 0), 4279648176L: (5, True, 0), 4186324912L: (5, True, 0), 4223025072L: (1, False, 0), 4259725232L: (1, False, 0), 4175839152L: (1, False, 0), 4129701808L: (1, False, 0), 4166401968L: (1, False, 0), 4239802288L: (1, False, 0), 4276502448L: (5, True, 0), 4183179184L: (1, False, 0), 4219879344L: (5, True, 0), 4256579504L: (5, True, 0), 4293279664L: (5, True, 0), 4243996592L: (1, False, 0), 4163256240L: (5, True, 0), 4153819056L: (1, False, 0), 4236656560L: (5, True, 0), 3903209392L: (1, False, 0), 4273356720L: (5, True, 0), 3976609712L: (1, False, 0), 4180033456L: (5, True, 0), 4253433776L: (5, True, 0), 4290133936L: (5, True, 0), 4211490736L: (1, False, 0), 4196810672L: (1, False, 0), 3900063664L: (1, False, 0), 3973463984L: (1, False, 0), 4176887728L: (5, True, 0), 4213587888L: (5, True, 0), 4083564464L: (1, False, 0), 4286988208L: (5, True, 0), 4156964784L: (5, True, 0), 4178984880L: (1, False, 0), 4230365104L: (5, True, 0), 4063641520L: (0, False, 0), 3896917936L: (1, False, 0), 3970318256L: (0, False, 0), 4173742000L: (5, True, 0), 4210442160L: (1, False, 0), 4247142320L: (5, True, 0)}) [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:38] ClanProxy.onGetClanBattles {'seasonId': 1, 'finishTime': 1513713600.0, 'primeTimes': {2: (57600, 68400), 3: (57600, 68400), 5: (57600, 68400), 6: (57600, 68400)}, 'shipLevelMax': 10, 'shipLevelMin': 10, 'startTime': 1508310000.0, 'promoTime': 1508310000.0, 'stage': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:40] >>> DockProxy.receiveState [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:40] Unlocks.receiveState [] [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:41] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 16565, 'boughtToday': 1, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1510444800.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:41] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 16565, 'boughtToday': 1, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1510444800.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:41] PVEScriptsProxyCommon.createPVEState() [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:41] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onGetSeasonRules: config True, {'seasonId': 1, 'operations': {4291341232L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 3, 'unlockTime': 1500429600, 'caps': 3}, 4292389808L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1499824800, 'caps': 3}, 4290292656L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1501034400, 'caps': 3}, 4293438384L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1501639200, 'caps': 3}}, 'currentOperationIdx': 1, 'roster': [4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L, 4293438384L], 'startTime': 1499824800, 'seasons': {1: {'operations': [4293438384L, 4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}, 2: {'operations': [], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}}, 'currentRotationTime': 1510106400, 'nextRotationTime': 1510711200, 'stage': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:41] [4181898160L, 4180849584L] [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:41] [4181898160L, 4180849584L] [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:41] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onLoadProgress: config True, season True, {'operations': {'hard': [], 'normal': [(4287146928L, [1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 0]), (4288195504L, [1509007262, 1509007262, 1509007262, 0, 0, 0]), (4290292656L, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])]}, 'seasons': {'hard': [], 'normal': [(2, 1509007262)]}} [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:41] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] _updateOperationCompleted: 4287146928 normal [1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 0] [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:41] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] _updateOperationCompleted: 4288195504 normal [1509007262, 1509007262, 1509007262, 0, 0, 0] [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:41] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] _updateOperationCompleted: 4290292656 normal [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:41] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] _updateSeasonCompleted: 2 normal 1509007262 [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:41] onClanResponse: response=(6, 0, {'league': 4, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 430246, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division_rating': 0, 'stage': 'league'}) [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:41] ClanProxy.onClanResponse(): 6 {'league': 4, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 430246, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division_rating': 0, 'stage': 'league'} [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:41] ClanDataHubUtils.addLadderInfo: {'league': 4, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 430246, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division_rating': 0, 'stage': 'league'} [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:41] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:41] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:42] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] chooseOperation: 4291341232 normal True [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:42] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onOperationChosen: 4291341232 normal True [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:42] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] chooseOperation: 0 normal False [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:42] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onOperationChosen: 0 normal False [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:42] (, 51003611475748, 141): is in context [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:42] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}, interval: (1510412400.0, 1510415980.0)",) [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:42] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'start'}, interval: (1510416000.0, 1510416000.0)",) [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:42] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 797 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510416000.0, 1510416000.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'start'}) [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:42] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'end'}, interval: (1510426800.0, 1510426800.0)",) [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:42] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 797 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510416000.0, 1510416000.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'start'}) [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:42] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}, interval: (1510498800.0, 1510502380.0)",) [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:42] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 797 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510416000.0, 1510416000.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'start'}) [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:42] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'start'}, interval: (1510502400.0, 1510502400.0)",) [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:42] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 797 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510416000.0, 1510416000.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'start'}) [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:42] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'end'}, interval: (1510513200.0, 1510513200.0)",) [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:42] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 797 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510416000.0, 1510416000.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'start'}) [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:42] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:42] Sent FPS data [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:42] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:48] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:48] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:48] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:48] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:48] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:48] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:48] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:48] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:48] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:48] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:48] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:48] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:48] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:48] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:48] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:48] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:48] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:48] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:48] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:48] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:48] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:48] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:48] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:48] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:48] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:48] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:48] [Filters] saveFilters [] [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:48] [Filters] saveFilters [] [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:48] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:48] (, 66379459049956, 122): __sendCurrentMessage:, (IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510412400.0, 1510415980.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}),) [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:48] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 118, 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'messageType': 'soon_start', 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_CLAN_BATTLE_PRIMETIME_CHANGED', 'groupId': 8} [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:48] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 790 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510416000.0, 1510416000.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'start'}) [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:48] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': 0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:48] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': -1.0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:51] getModelPaths [] [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:52] ClanProxy.onChatInitialized [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:52] XmppChatHandler.joinClanChannel() 430246 [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:52] UserDataGate.__onRosterUpdated [('17915186@wowsru.loc', 'egy5', False, 4, ()), ('22453883@wowsru.loc', 'vova1972ruzan', False, 4, ()), ('2557718@wowsru.loc', 'NSDRP', False, 4, ()), ('26288674@wowsru.loc', '_EmperoR_WOW_', False, 4, ()), ('2893852@wowsru.loc', 'klimstonn', False, 4, ()), ('30937387@wowsru.loc', 'monster__622', False, 4, ()), ('327255@wowsru.loc', 'Migri', False, 4, ()), ('35853511@wowsru.loc', 'toshidzu', False, 4, ()), ('5471194@wowsru.loc', 'loki1982', False, 4, ()), ('58161041@wowsru.loc', 'Y_O_R_K_2015', False, 4, ()), ('62222528@wowsru.loc', 'HEGNI_1', False, 4, ()), ('6896454@wowsru.loc', 'Vie92', False, 4, ()), ('69118514@wowsru.loc', 'RenamedUser_69118514', False, 4, ()), ('69416610@wowsru.loc', 'Player_3185411451', False, 4, ()), ('71811251@wowsru.loc', 'Leogon_1', False, 4, ())] [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:52] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 30937387@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:52] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 2893852@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:52] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 59124891@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:52] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 11274288@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:52] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 21696974@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:52] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 14596986@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:52] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 58053848@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:52] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 310434@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:52] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 19410835@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:52] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 35853511@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:52] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 59103429@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:52] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 22453883@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:52] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 2557718@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:52] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 62222528@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:52] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 69118514@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:52] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:52] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:52] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:52] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:52] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: KARSAK_1968 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:52] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:52] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:52] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:52] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:52] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:52] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:52] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:52] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:52] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:52] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:52] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:52] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:52] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:52] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: toshidzu channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:52] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:52] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Samum1989_geroj channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:52] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:52] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:52] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:52] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: NSDRP channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:52] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:52] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:52] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:52] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:52] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:52] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived clansearch@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:52] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived ids_chat_channel_offtop@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:52] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived ids_chat_channel_questions@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:52] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived wargamingfm@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:52] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_SEARCH_CLAN_DIV channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:52] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:52] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_OFFTOP channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:52] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:52] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_QUESTIONS channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:52] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:52] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: WargamingFM Корабли channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:52] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:52] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {62222528: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 69416610: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 6896454: None, 35853511: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 30937387: None, 26288674: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'GUAPS', 'id': 430164, 'name': u'\u0413\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0434\u0435\u0439\u0446\u044b \u041f\u043e\u0441\u0435\u0439\u0434\u043e\u043d\u0430'}, 17915186: None, 58161041: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 69118514: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 71811251: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 2557718: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 327255: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'ENYO', 'id': 415095, 'name': u'\u042d\u041d\u0418\u041e'}, 5471194: None, 22453883: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 2893852: None} [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:52] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc 6 [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:52] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: channelsGroupsIds: [] [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:52] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:52] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 62222528 {'jid': '62222528@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'HEGNI_1', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:52] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 58161041 {'jid': '58161041@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Y_O_R_K_2015', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:52] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 69118514 {'jid': '69118514@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:52] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 35853511 {'jid': '35853511@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'toshidzu', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:52] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 71811251 {'jid': '71811251@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Leogon_1', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:52] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 2557718 {'jid': '2557718@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'NSDRP', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:52] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 17222686 {'jid': '17222686@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'bob7771', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:52] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 22453883 {'jid': '22453883@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'vova1972ruzan', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:53] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 5595999 {'jid': '5595999@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Tier099', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:53] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Tier099', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/5595999', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510394839L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd1\x80\xd0\xb5\xd0\xb1\xd1\x8f\xd1\x82 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb3\xd0\xbe \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xb2\xd1\x8b\xd0\xba\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb4\xd1\x8b\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82 \xd0\xb2\xd0\xbe \xd0\xb2\xd1\x80\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbc\xd1\x8f \xd0\xb1\xd0\xbe\xd1\x8f???', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:53] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Tier099', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/5595999', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510396421L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbf\xd1\x8f\xd1\x82\xd1\x8c \xd0\xb2\xd1\x8b\xd0\xba\xd0\xb8\xd0\xbd\xd1\x83\xd0\xbb\xd0\xbe 2 \xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb7\xd0\xb0 \xd0\xb7\xd0\xb0 1 \xd0\xb1\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb9', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:53] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/69118514', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510401726L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb1\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb8 \xd0\xba\xd0\xb5\xd1\x88', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:53] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'NSDRP', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/2557718', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510404247L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb5\xd1\x87\xd0\xb5\xd1\x80 \xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb1\xd1\x80\xd1\x8b\xd0\xb9. \xd0\xb5\xd1\x81\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb8 9 \xd0\xbe\xd1\x87\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2 \xd0\xbe\xd0\xbf\xd1\x8b\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0 \xd0\xba\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbf\xd0\xb8\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe 54 000 \xd0\xbe\xd0\xbf\xd1\x8b\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0 \xd1\x82\xd0\xbe \xd1\x81\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbb\xd1\x8c\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe \xd0\xb7\xd0\xb0 15 ?', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:53] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/69118514', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510408413L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0 13 \xd0\xbe\xd1\x87\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe 108 000', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:53] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Tier099', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/5595999', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510408924L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xba\xd1\x82\xd0\xbe \xd0\xb2 \xd0\xb2\xd0\xb7\xd0\xb2\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb4??? \xd0\x9f\xd0\xb8\xd1\x88\xd0\xb8\xd1\x82\xd0\xb5 \xd1\x81\xd0\xbc\xd1\x81 \xd0\xb2 \xd0\x9b\xd0\xa1', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:53] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'NSDRP', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/2557718', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510409220L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\x94\xd0\x90 \xd1\x83\xd0\xb6 . \xd0\xb0 \xd0\xbc\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe \xd0\xb4\xd0\xbb\xd1\x8f \xd0\xba\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb0 18 \xd0\xbe\xd1\x87\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2. \xd0\xb0 \xd1\x83 \xd0\xbc\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd1\x8f \xd1\x82\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbb\xd1\x8c\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe 9. \xd0\xbe\xd1\x85\xd0\xbe- \xd1\x85\xd0\xbe', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:53] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Tier099', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/5595999', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510409598L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xb8\xd0\xb3\xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd1\x82\xd1\x8c \xd1\x80\xd0\xb5\xd0\xb1\xd1\x8f\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0???', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:54] (, 86904481544477, 21): joinChannel, ('already joined', 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc') [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:54] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 17222686 bob7771 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:54] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 22453883 vova1972ruzan 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:54] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 2557718 NSDRP 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:54] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 35853511 toshidzu 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:54] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 5595999 Tier099 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:54] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 58161041 Y_O_R_K_2015 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:54] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 62222528 HEGNI_1 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:54] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 69118514 RenamedUser_69118514 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:54] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 71811251 Leogon_1 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:55] availableShipParts 63 [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:55] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:46:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:00] availableShipParts 55 [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:00] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 62222528 {'jid': '62222528@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'HEGNI_1', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:00] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:02] Account.enqueue(): 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:02] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:02] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:02] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4289640144 4 [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:02] onEnqueued() QueueType: 1 ShipId: 4289640144 mmDescription: {'useBots': False, 'onlyFullBattles': False, 'maxWait': 300} [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:02] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:04] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {62222528: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}} [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:04] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 5595999 {'jid': '5595999@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Tier099', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:05] onPrepareingForBattle() [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:05] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4289640144 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:05] onGameRoomStateInit mapIdx = 4 battleType = 71 gameMode = Domination duration=1200 [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:13] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:13] GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:14] [LootboxProxyClient.destroy] [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:14] Avatar.receiveAvatarInfo: {'evaluationsLeft': {0: 7, 1: 7}} [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:14] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAvatar [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:14] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() False 0 0 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:14] Avatar.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:14] name Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:14] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:14] Avatar onControlled False [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:14] onControlled->False: not implemented [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:14] onGeometryMapped() MapName: 05_Ring [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:14] teamBuildType: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:14] player: Id: 203908 Name: AUTOBOTY_2017 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSC007_Aoba_1943 avatarId: 1183507 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:14] player: Id: 537171719 Name: asteroidv TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB506_Arizona_1941 avatarId: 1183509 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:14] player: Id: 537167753 Name: dgus_metkij TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSC106_Nurnberg avatarId: 1183511 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:14] player: Id: 537094082 Name: mikl84 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASC007_Cleveland_1945 avatarId: 1183541 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:14] player: Id: 231694 Name: ___ADMIRAL___1976 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASC007_Cleveland_1945 avatarId: 1183515 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:14] player: Id: 321297 Name: abracadabra60 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PBSB105_Iron_Duke avatarId: 1183517 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:14] player: Id: 537294999 Name: iRefinement TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSC106_La_Galissonniere avatarId: 1183519 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:14] player: Id: 537080344 Name: andrey42693 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PBSC106_Leander avatarId: 1183521 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:14] player: Id: 363652 Name: _maksimus_1970 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSB106_Bayern avatarId: 1183523 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:14] player: Id: 537144219 Name: aza29 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSC105_Emile_Bertin avatarId: 1183525 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:14] player: Id: 402339 Name: STETUCHA TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSA006_Zuiho_1944 avatarId: 1183527 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:14] player: Id: 537157926 Name: AGENT_0_0_X TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSC003_Murmansk_1944 avatarId: 1183529 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:14] player: Id: 229929 Name: belyga_55 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSC106_Nurnberg avatarId: 1183531 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:14] player: Id: 325932 Name: _M0NSTR_ TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSC106_Pr_94_Budeny avatarId: 1183533 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:14] player: Id: 537106227 Name: Apostol_Razruchitel TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSB707_Haruna avatarId: 1183535 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:14] player: Id: 303796 Name: titan53 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSC105_Konigsberg avatarId: 1183537 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:14] player: Id: 340670 Name: Dimasik_1988 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASC007_Cleveland_1945 avatarId: 1183539 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:14] player: Id: 537259458 Name: gvozdoder007 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSC106_Pr_94_Budeny avatarId: 1183513 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:14] player: Id: 238799 Name: KEHT123123 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSC005_Furutaka_1926 avatarId: 1183543 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:14] player: Id: 374352 Name: oleg_vip TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSD105_Mutsuki avatarId: 1183545 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:14] player: Id: 537297764 Name: Tier099 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSC005_Furutaka_1926 avatarId: 1183547 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:14] player: Id: 366573 Name: drun_razrushitel TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASA002_Bogue_1942 avatarId: 1183549 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:14] player: Id: 537244527 Name: The_big_M TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSB105_Koenig avatarId: 1183551 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:14] player: Id: 389369 Name: A_Gora TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB006_New_York_1934 avatarId: 1183553 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:15] (, 39965384947628, 149): 1183505; BattleLogic() [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:15] (, 39965384947628, 149): 1183505; onEnterWorld() State: {attentionMarkers: [], clientAnimations: None, controlPoints: [{position: [-149.99990844726562, 150.0], radius: 111.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [149.99990844726562, 149.9998016357422], radius: 111.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: 1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [-149.99990844726562, -149.99990844726562], radius: 111.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: 0, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [149.99990844726562, -150.0], radius: 110.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}], entityStates: [], expectedActions: None, interactiveZones: [], weather: {globalWeatherId: 1183506, localWeather: [], entityLogicParams: []}, keyObjects: [], missions: {hold: [{reward: 4, penalty: 0, cpIndices: [0, 1, 2, 3], period: 9}], capture: [], destroy: [], suppress: [], kill: [{reward: 30, penalty: 45, shipType: 'Destroyer'}, {reward: 35, penalty: 50, shipType: 'Cruiser'}, {reward: 40, penalty: 60, shipType: 'Battleship'}, {reward: 45, penalty: 65, shipType: 'AirCarrier'}], teamsScore: [300, 300], teamWinScore: 1000, teamLoseScore: 0}, resources: [], successStoryProgress: [], screenplayMessage: '', tasks: [], minefields: [], entities: [], effects: []} [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:15] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:15] BattleDataContext.__onEnterSpace [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:17] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:19] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:21] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 73537307 {'jid': '73537307@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'PZS_One', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:24] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 62222528 {'jid': '62222528@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'HEGNI_1', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:33] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:33] id 1183552 [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:33] name The_big_M [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:33] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:33] [Weather][3261] onEnterWorld (map spaces/05_Ring/weathers.xml, scheme 0, weather 0) [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:35] id 1183530 [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:35] name AGENT_0_0_X [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:35] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:35] @ launchpadAppeared 1183530 [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:35] id 1183542 [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:35] name mikl84 [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:35] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:35] @ launchpadAppeared 1183542 [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:36] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:36] id 1183522 [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:36] name andrey42693 [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:36] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:36] @ launchpadAppeared 1183522 [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:37] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:37] id 1183544 [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:37] name KEHT123123 [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:37] team id 0 [A] [2017_11_11 18:47:37] content/gameplay/japan/ship/cruiser/JSC005_Furutaka_1926/JSC005_Furutaka_1926_Bow_ports_JSC023_Furutaka_1941.model: can't load model prototype: file not found [A] [2017_11_11 18:47:37] content/gameplay/japan/ship/cruiser/JSC005_Furutaka_1926/JSC005_Furutaka_1926_Stern_ports_JSC023_Furutaka_1941.model: can't load model prototype: file not found [A] [2017_11_11 18:47:37] content/gameplay/japan/ship/cruiser/JSC005_Furutaka_1926/JSC005_Furutaka_1926_MidBack_ports_JSC023_Furutaka_1941.model: can't load model prototype: file not found [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:37] @ launchpadAppeared 1183544 [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:38] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:38] id 1183528 [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:38] name STETUCHA [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:38] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:38] @ launchpadAppeared 1183528 [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:40] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:40] id 1183518 [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:40] name abracadabra60 [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:40] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:40] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:40] id 1183548 [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:40] name Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:40] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:40] @ launchpadAppeared 1183548 [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:40] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:40] Avatar.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:40] ! A.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:40] BoardService.init [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:40] @ launchpadAppeared 1183548 [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:40] BattleDataContext.__onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:40] ! PM.refreshAirArmament [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:40] BoardService.restore [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:40] Avatar.onWorldStateReceived [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:40] BattleChatSystem IN Context [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:41] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:41] ('[ERROR] FeedbackController: empty config for event repair_finished',) [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:41] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:50] id 1183514 [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:50] name gvozdoder007 [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:50] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:50] @ launchpadAppeared 1183514 [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:50] id 1183510 [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:50] name asteroidv [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:50] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:50] @ launchpadAppeared 1183510 [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:50] id 1183512 [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:50] name dgus_metkij [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:50] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:50] @ launchpadAppeared 1183512 [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:50] id 1183520 [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:50] name iRefinement [S] [2017_11_11 18:47:50] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:48:10] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'PZS_One', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/73537307', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510415290L, 'isDelayed': False, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xb2\xd1\x81\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbc \xd0\xbf\xd1\x80\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 18:48:18] -= BATTLE STARTED =- [S] [2017_11_11 18:48:38] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 2557718 {'jid': '2557718@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'NSDRP', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:49:09] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 58161041 {'jid': '58161041@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Y_O_R_K_2015', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:49:40] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:49:40] id 1183538 [S] [2017_11_11 18:49:40] name titan53 [S] [2017_11_11 18:49:40] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:49:40] @ launchpadAppeared 1183538 [S] [2017_11_11 18:49:44] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:49:44] id 1183546 [S] [2017_11_11 18:49:44] name oleg_vip [S] [2017_11_11 18:49:44] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:49:44] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:49:44] id 1183554 [S] [2017_11_11 18:49:44] name A_Gora [S] [2017_11_11 18:49:44] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:49:45] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:49:45] id 1183524 [S] [2017_11_11 18:49:45] name _maksimus_1970 [S] [2017_11_11 18:49:45] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:49:45] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:49:45] id 1183540 [S] [2017_11_11 18:49:45] name Dimasik_1988 [S] [2017_11_11 18:49:45] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:49:45] @ launchpadAppeared 1183540 [S] [2017_11_11 18:49:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:49:48] id 1183534 [S] [2017_11_11 18:49:48] name _M0NSTR_ [S] [2017_11_11 18:49:48] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:49:48] @ launchpadAppeared 1183534 [S] [2017_11_11 18:49:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:49:48] id 1183532 [S] [2017_11_11 18:49:48] name belyga_55 [S] [2017_11_11 18:49:48] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:49:48] @ launchpadAppeared 1183532 [S] [2017_11_11 18:49:53] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:49:53] id 1183508 [S] [2017_11_11 18:49:53] name AUTOBOTY_2017 [S] [2017_11_11 18:49:53] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:49:53] @ launchpadAppeared 1183508 [S] [2017_11_11 18:50:04] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 18:50:05] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 18:50:05] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:50:05] DEBUG: onChatMessage args ('', '', {'avatarId': 1183513, 'achievementId': 4277330864L, 'type': -1}) [S] [2017_11_11 18:50:07] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:50:07] id 1183546 [S] [2017_11_11 18:50:08] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 18:50:10] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:50:10] id 1183550 [S] [2017_11_11 18:50:10] name drun_razrushitel [S] [2017_11_11 18:50:10] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:50:10] @ launchpadAppeared 1183550 [S] [2017_11_11 18:50:13] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:50:13] id 1183546 [S] [2017_11_11 18:50:13] name oleg_vip [S] [2017_11_11 18:50:13] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:50:14] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 18:50:17] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:50:17] id 1183550 [S] [2017_11_11 18:50:17] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:50:17] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:50:17] id 1183516 [S] [2017_11_11 18:50:17] name ___ADMIRAL___1976 [S] [2017_11_11 18:50:17] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:50:17] @ launchpadAppeared 1183516 [S] [2017_11_11 18:50:21] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:50:21] id 1183516 [S] [2017_11_11 18:50:21] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:50:21] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:50:21] id 1183516 [S] [2017_11_11 18:50:21] name ___ADMIRAL___1976 [S] [2017_11_11 18:50:21] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:50:21] @ launchpadAppeared 1183516 [S] [2017_11_11 18:50:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:50:23] id 1183546 [S] [2017_11_11 18:50:26] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 18:50:28] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 18:50:29] DEBUG: onChatMessage args ('', '', {'avatarId': 1183541, 'targetId': 1183547, 'type': -7}) [S] [2017_11_11 18:50:30] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:50:30] id 1183532 [S] [2017_11_11 18:50:30] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:50:34] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:50:34] id 1183508 [S] [2017_11_11 18:50:34] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:50:35] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:50:35] id 1183534 [S] [2017_11_11 18:50:35] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:50:41] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:50:41] id 1183520 [S] [2017_11_11 18:50:41] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:50:41] id 1183532 [S] [2017_11_11 18:50:41] name belyga_55 [S] [2017_11_11 18:50:41] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:50:41] @ launchpadAppeared 1183532 [S] [2017_11_11 18:50:42] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:50:42] id 1183524 [S] [2017_11_11 18:50:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:50:45] id 1183532 [S] [2017_11_11 18:50:45] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:50:47] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 2557718 {'jid': '2557718@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'NSDRP', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 18:50:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:50:48] id 1183524 [S] [2017_11_11 18:50:48] name _maksimus_1970 [S] [2017_11_11 18:50:48] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:50:49] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:50:49] id 1183540 [S] [2017_11_11 18:50:49] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:50:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:50:50] id 1183524 [S] [2017_11_11 18:50:53] DEBUG: onChatMessage args ('', '', {'avatarId': 1183541, 'targetId': 1183547, 'type': -7}) [S] [2017_11_11 18:50:53] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 18:50:54] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:50:54] id 1183516 [S] [2017_11_11 18:50:54] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:50:56] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:50:56] id 1183516 [S] [2017_11_11 18:50:56] name ___ADMIRAL___1976 [S] [2017_11_11 18:50:56] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:50:56] @ launchpadAppeared 1183516 [S] [2017_11_11 18:51:03] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:51:03] id 1183534 [S] [2017_11_11 18:51:03] name _M0NSTR_ [S] [2017_11_11 18:51:03] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:51:03] @ launchpadAppeared 1183534 [S] [2017_11_11 18:51:06] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 18:51:06] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:51:06] id 1183532 [S] [2017_11_11 18:51:06] name belyga_55 [S] [2017_11_11 18:51:06] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:51:07] @ launchpadAppeared 1183532 [S] [2017_11_11 18:51:08] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:51:08] id 1183532 [S] [2017_11_11 18:51:08] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:51:15] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 18:51:19] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:51:19] id 1183532 [S] [2017_11_11 18:51:19] name belyga_55 [S] [2017_11_11 18:51:19] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:51:19] @ launchpadAppeared 1183532 [S] [2017_11_11 18:51:19] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 22453883 {'jid': '22453883@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'vova1972ruzan', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:51:20] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:51:20] id 1183540 [S] [2017_11_11 18:51:20] name Dimasik_1988 [S] [2017_11_11 18:51:20] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:51:20] @ launchpadAppeared 1183540 [S] [2017_11_11 18:51:20] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:51:20] id 1183532 [S] [2017_11_11 18:51:20] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:51:21] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 18:51:22] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 18:51:24] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 18:51:24] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:51:24] id 1183524 [S] [2017_11_11 18:51:24] name _maksimus_1970 [S] [2017_11_11 18:51:24] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:51:24] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:51:24] id 1183532 [S] [2017_11_11 18:51:24] name belyga_55 [S] [2017_11_11 18:51:24] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:51:24] @ launchpadAppeared 1183532 [S] [2017_11_11 18:51:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:51:26] id 1183524 [S] [2017_11_11 18:51:32] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 18:51:32] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:51:32] id 1183524 [S] [2017_11_11 18:51:32] name _maksimus_1970 [S] [2017_11_11 18:51:32] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:51:32] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:51:32] id 1183508 [S] [2017_11_11 18:51:32] name AUTOBOTY_2017 [S] [2017_11_11 18:51:32] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:51:32] @ launchpadAppeared 1183508 [S] [2017_11_11 18:51:35] ClientSquadron.outOfFuel [S] [2017_11_11 18:51:35] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 18:51:36] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:51:36] id 1183532 [S] [2017_11_11 18:51:36] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:51:37] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:51:37] id 1183524 [S] [2017_11_11 18:51:37] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:51:37] id 1183524 [S] [2017_11_11 18:51:37] name _maksimus_1970 [S] [2017_11_11 18:51:37] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:51:51] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:51:51] id 1183532 [S] [2017_11_11 18:51:51] name belyga_55 [S] [2017_11_11 18:51:51] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:51:51] @ launchpadAppeared 1183532 [S] [2017_11_11 18:51:52] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 18:51:52] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:51:54] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 58161041 {'jid': '58161041@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Y_O_R_K_2015', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 18:52:03] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:52:03] id 1183532 [S] [2017_11_11 18:52:03] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:52:08] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:52:08] id 1183532 [S] [2017_11_11 18:52:08] name belyga_55 [S] [2017_11_11 18:52:08] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:52:08] @ launchpadAppeared 1183532 [S] [2017_11_11 18:52:08] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:52:08] id 1183546 [S] [2017_11_11 18:52:08] name oleg_vip [S] [2017_11_11 18:52:08] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:52:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:52:10] id 1183546 [S] [2017_11_11 18:52:12] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:52:12] id 1183544 [S] [2017_11_11 18:52:12] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:52:14] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 22453883 {'jid': '22453883@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'vova1972ruzan', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 18:52:14] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:52:14] id 1183524 [S] [2017_11_11 18:52:16] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:52:16] id 1183524 [S] [2017_11_11 18:52:16] name _maksimus_1970 [S] [2017_11_11 18:52:16] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:52:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:52:26] id 1183524 [S] [2017_11_11 18:52:32] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 18:52:32] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:52:32] id 1183534 [S] [2017_11_11 18:52:32] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:52:33] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:52:33] id 1183508 [S] [2017_11_11 18:52:33] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:52:39] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:52:39] id 1183524 [S] [2017_11_11 18:52:39] name _maksimus_1970 [S] [2017_11_11 18:52:39] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:52:45] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:52:45] id 1183534 [S] [2017_11_11 18:52:45] name _M0NSTR_ [S] [2017_11_11 18:52:45] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:52:45] @ launchpadAppeared 1183534 [S] [2017_11_11 18:52:47] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:52:47] id 1183544 [S] [2017_11_11 18:52:47] name KEHT123123 [S] [2017_11_11 18:52:47] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:52:47] @ launchpadAppeared 1183544 [S] [2017_11_11 18:52:49] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:52:49] id 1183546 [S] [2017_11_11 18:52:49] name oleg_vip [S] [2017_11_11 18:52:49] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:52:52] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:52:52] id 1183526 [S] [2017_11_11 18:52:52] name aza29 [S] [2017_11_11 18:52:52] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:52:52] @ launchpadAppeared 1183526 [S] [2017_11_11 18:52:53] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:52:53] id 1183508 [S] [2017_11_11 18:52:53] name AUTOBOTY_2017 [S] [2017_11_11 18:52:53] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:52:53] @ launchpadAppeared 1183508 [S] [2017_11_11 18:52:56] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:52:56] id 1183520 [S] [2017_11_11 18:52:56] name iRefinement [S] [2017_11_11 18:52:56] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:52:58] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:52:58] id 1183546 [S] [2017_11_11 18:53:06] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:53:06] id 1183516 [S] [2017_11_11 18:53:06] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:53:10] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 18:53:10] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:53:14] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:53:14] id 1183532 [S] [2017_11_11 18:53:14] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:53:15] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:53:15] id 1183508 [S] [2017_11_11 18:53:15] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:53:19] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:53:19] id 1183526 [S] [2017_11_11 18:53:19] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:53:19] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:53:19] id 1183534 [S] [2017_11_11 18:53:19] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:53:21] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 18:53:21] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:53:21] id 1183554 [S] [2017_11_11 18:53:23] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:53:23] id 1183534 [S] [2017_11_11 18:53:23] name _M0NSTR_ [S] [2017_11_11 18:53:23] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:53:23] @ launchpadAppeared 1183534 [S] [2017_11_11 18:53:24] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:53:24] id 1183526 [S] [2017_11_11 18:53:24] name aza29 [S] [2017_11_11 18:53:24] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:53:24] @ launchpadAppeared 1183526 [S] [2017_11_11 18:53:24] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:53:24] id 1183532 [S] [2017_11_11 18:53:24] name belyga_55 [S] [2017_11_11 18:53:24] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:53:24] @ launchpadAppeared 1183532 [S] [2017_11_11 18:53:25] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:53:25] id 1183526 [S] [2017_11_11 18:53:25] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:53:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:53:26] id 1183532 [S] [2017_11_11 18:53:26] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:53:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:53:35] id 1183536 [S] [2017_11_11 18:53:35] name Apostol_Razruchitel [S] [2017_11_11 18:53:35] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:53:35] @ launchpadAppeared 1183536 [S] [2017_11_11 18:53:37] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 18:53:37] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:53:37] id 1183532 [S] [2017_11_11 18:53:37] name belyga_55 [S] [2017_11_11 18:53:37] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:53:37] @ launchpadAppeared 1183532 [S] [2017_11_11 18:53:40] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:53:40] id 1183550 [S] [2017_11_11 18:53:40] name drun_razrushitel [S] [2017_11_11 18:53:40] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:53:40] @ launchpadAppeared 1183550 [S] [2017_11_11 18:53:44] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:53:44] id 1183526 [S] [2017_11_11 18:53:44] name aza29 [S] [2017_11_11 18:53:44] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:53:44] @ launchpadAppeared 1183526 [S] [2017_11_11 18:53:53] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:53:53] id 1183508 [S] [2017_11_11 18:53:53] name AUTOBOTY_2017 [S] [2017_11_11 18:53:53] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:53:53] @ launchpadAppeared 1183508 [S] [2017_11_11 18:54:04] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:54:04] id 1183516 [S] [2017_11_11 18:54:04] name ___ADMIRAL___1976 [S] [2017_11_11 18:54:04] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:54:04] @ launchpadAppeared 1183516 [S] [2017_11_11 18:54:05] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:54:05] id 1183532 [S] [2017_11_11 18:54:05] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:54:05] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 18:54:08] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:54:08] id 1183532 [S] [2017_11_11 18:54:08] name belyga_55 [S] [2017_11_11 18:54:08] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:54:08] @ launchpadAppeared 1183532 [S] [2017_11_11 18:54:31] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:54:31] id 1183532 [S] [2017_11_11 18:54:31] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:54:32] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:54:32] id 1183532 [S] [2017_11_11 18:54:32] name belyga_55 [S] [2017_11_11 18:54:32] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:54:32] @ launchpadAppeared 1183532 [S] [2017_11_11 18:54:33] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:54:33] id 1183550 [S] [2017_11_11 18:54:33] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:54:36] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:54:36] id 1183534 [S] [2017_11_11 18:54:36] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:54:42] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:54:42] id 1183554 [S] [2017_11_11 18:54:42] name A_Gora [S] [2017_11_11 18:54:42] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:54:42] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 18:54:43] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 18:54:43] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 18:54:53] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:54:53] id 1183546 [S] [2017_11_11 18:54:53] name oleg_vip [S] [2017_11_11 18:54:53] team id 1 [E] [2017_11_11 18:55:08] ServerConnection::onTimeOut(1183547): Disconnecting due to channel timing out. [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:08] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 6 NOT_SET [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:08] [LOGIN] Setting gIsConnected to False [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:11] connection problem!!! [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:11] clearAll 0 True [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:11] AccountLevelingProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:11] StatsProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:11] StatsProxy.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:11] ShutDownProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:11] ShutDownProxy.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:11] LootboxProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:11] LootboxProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:11] CampaignsProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:11] PVEScriptsProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:11] PVEDatahubUtils.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:11] PVEScriptsProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:11] IngamePortalProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:11] IngameNewsProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:11] UserDataGate.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:11] UserDataGate.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:11] ClanProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:11] ClanProxy.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:11] BattleChatSystem OUT OF Context [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:11] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOver [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:11] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOut [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:11] (, 51007757488877, 12): is out of context [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:11] (, 13182166089733, 190): fini [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:11] (, 51007922117933, 263): out of context [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:11] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Login, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:11] PreBattleInfoHolder.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:11] (, 39965384947628, 149): 1183505; onLeaveWorld() [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:11] [Weather][3261] onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:11] id 1183508 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:11] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:11] id 1183510 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:11] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:11] id 1183512 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:11] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:11] id 1183514 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:11] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:11] id 1183516 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:11] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:11] id 1183518 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:11] id 1183520 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:11] id 1183522 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:11] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:11] id 1183524 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:11] id 1183526 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:11] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:11] id 1183528 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:11] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:11] id 1183530 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:11] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:11] id 1183532 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:11] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:11] id 1183536 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:11] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:11] id 1183538 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:11] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:12] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:12] id 1183540 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:12] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:12] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:12] id 1183542 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:12] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:12] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:12] id 1183544 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:12] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:12] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:12] id 1183546 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:12] Avatar.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:12] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:12] id 1183548 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:12] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:12] id 1183552 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:12] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:12] id 1183554 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:14] Exception BigWorld.EntityIsDestroyedException: 'Avatar 1183547 has been destroyed' in ignored [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:16] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Login, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:18] (, 66259644693353, 191): H:; A:; C:http://csis.worldoftanks.ru/csis/wowsru/?periphery=login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020&periphery=login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020; M:['login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020', 'login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020'] [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:18] BaseLoginRequest.doLogin(): login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020 token2 ([BaseLoginCredentials] Tier099) [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:18] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:18] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:19] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 1 LOGGED_ON {"token2":"5595999:5600238760764888903:88626384584968283744851151214841230351","wgnr":"ru.wargaming.net"} [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:19] LOGGED_ON {u'token2': u'5595999:5600238760764888903:88626384584968283744851151214841230351', u'wgnr': u'ru.wargaming.net'} [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:19] [LOGIN] Positive, serverMsg: {u'token2': u'5595999:5600238760764888903:88626384584968283744851151214841230351', u'wgnr': u'ru.wargaming.net'}, status: LOGGED_ON [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:19] [LOGIN] Setting wgnr url to "https://ru.wargaming.net" [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:19] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 2 NOT_SET [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:19] Account.__init__() [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:19] [Account debuG]: __init__() Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:19] ClanProxy.setChatHandler [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:19] ClanProxy.setInteractiveMessageData [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:19] Exception BigWorld.EntityIsDestroyedException: 'Account 537297764 has been destroyed' in ignored [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:19] (, 571883079382, 162): init [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:19] (, 574705753692, 103): Url config for realm ru as string is ResMgr.DataSection at 0x68199C70 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:19] (, 51003525417967, 75): in context [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:20] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:20] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:20] onBecomePlayer() [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:20] UserDataGate.onGetConnection [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:20] UserDataGate.onGetConnection(): 5595999 [Entity: id:5187 ['accountSimple', 'accountName']] Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:20] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAccount [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:20] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() True 0 0 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:20] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:20] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:20] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4154867632 {('Default', 4284313520L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 13, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:20] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4162207664 {('Default', 4279410608L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 6, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:20] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4163256240 {('Default', 4282556336L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 5, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:20] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q04 {('Default', 4271730608L, 0): 5, ('Default', 4269633456L, 0): 5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u041e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c \u043d\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u041e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c \u043d\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'} [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:20] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4160110512 {'desc': (), ('Resource', 0, 0): 100000} {'taskNumber': 8, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:20] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22468_q03 {('Default', 4263440304L, 0): 5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'} [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:20] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q02 {('Resource', 19, 0): 1, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u041f\u0440\u0435\u043c\u0438\u0443\u043c \u0437\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0443'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u041f\u0440\u0435\u043c\u0438\u0443\u043c \u0437\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0443'} [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:20] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4161159088 {('Default', 4283604912L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 7, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:20] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q01 {('ResourceCoeff', 21, 17): 3.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 30): 6.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 9): 12.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 32): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 10): 1.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 5): 1.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 28): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 14): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 11): 1.5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'}, 0, 0)} {'type': 'challenge', 'titleText': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'} [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:20] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4167450544 {('Resource', 16, 0): 500, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 1, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:20] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4156964784 {('Resource', 0, 0): 100000, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 11, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:20] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 15 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:20] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:20] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 15. Boxes contents: [{4288852912L: {(0, 4283622320L): 1}, 4284658608L: {(0, 4274185136L): 1}, 4283610032L: {(0, 4273136560L): 1}, 4289901488L: {(0, 4289913776L): 1}}] [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:20] setServerTime: serverTime=1510415721 time.time()=1510415720.18 gInitialClientTime=7920.68406614 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:20] initBattleTypes called [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:20] Disabled maps: [] [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:20] getNationForTutorial() CanBeStarted: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:20] StatsProxy.receiveAbuseStatus(): {'battlesToClean': 1, 'statuses': {'tkill': 1}, 'warnings': ()} [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:20] _onChangeTimeOut 156 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:23] __processDossierStats() client dossier: ['oper', 'pvp', 'oper_mm_tasks_diag', 'pve_diag', 'pvp_diag', 'oper_normal', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'pve', 'oper_mm', 'total', 'oper_normal_tasks_diag', 'max_pve', 'rank_diag', 'max_pvp', 'oper_diag', 'club_diag', 'club', 'max_club', 'clan', 'oper_hard', 'oper_hard_tasks_diag', 'max_clan'] [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:23] AccountLevelingProxy.onGetAccountStats(): (-1, -1) (15, 745039) [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:23] __updateTaskProgress start: {'22468_q03': {3: {'count': 10.0}}, '22468_q01': {2: {'count': 3}}, '22469_q01': {}, '21856_q00': {}, '22468_q05': {}, '22468_q02': {3: {'count': 549416}}, '22470_q01': {}, '22470_q02': {2: {'count': 5}}, '22470_q03': {2: {'count': 424720}, 3: {'count': 15080}, 4: {'count': 96367}}, '22470_q04': {2: {'count': 10}}, '22160_q01': {}, '22468_q04': {3: {'count': 17778}}} [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:23] __updateTaskProgress start: {'22468_q03': {'count': 1, 3: {'count': 10.0}}, '22468_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 3}}, '22469_q01': {'count': 0}, '21856_q00': {'count': 0}, '22468_q05': {'count': 0}, '22468_q02': {'count': 1, 3: {'count': 549416}}, '22470_q01': {'count': 26}, '22470_q02': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 5}}, '22470_q03': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 424720}, 3: {'count': 15080}, 4: {'count': 96367}}, '22470_q04': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 10}}, '22160_q01': {'count': 0}, '22468_q04': {'count': 0, 3: {'count': 17778}}} [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:23] onGetRankBattlesInfo currentSeason: 7, PlayerInfo: None [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:23] onGetRankDossier() seasonId = 7 Empty [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:23] ---- no data for seasonId: 7 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:24] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onGetSeasonRules: config False, {'seasonId': 1, 'operations': {4291341232L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 3, 'unlockTime': 1500429600, 'caps': 3}, 4292389808L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1499824800, 'caps': 3}, 4290292656L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1501034400, 'caps': 3}, 4293438384L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1501639200, 'caps': 3}}, 'currentOperationIdx': 1, 'roster': [4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L, 4293438384L], 'startTime': 1499824800, 'seasons': {1: {'operations': [4293438384L, 4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}, 2: {'operations': [], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}}, 'currentRotationTime': 1510106400, 'nextRotationTime': 1510711200, 'stage': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:24] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onLoadProgress: config False, season False, {'operations': {'hard': [], 'normal': [(4287146928L, [1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 0]), (4288195504L, [1509007262, 1509007262, 1509007262, 0, 0, 0]), (4290292656L, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])]}, 'seasons': {'hard': [], 'normal': [(2, 1509007262)]}} [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:24] onClanResponse: response=(1, 0, (430246, (430246, u'FLY', u'FLY', 16777215, u'executive_officer', u'\u0417\u0434\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0443\u0439\u0442\u0435 \u0442\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0449\u0438, \u0443 \u043a\u043e\u0433\u043e \u0435\u0441\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0431\u043b\u0438 10-\u0433\u043e \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u043d\u044f, \u0438 \u0433\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0441\u043e\u0432\u0430\u044f \u0432\u0441\u044f\u0437\u044c \u043d\u0443\u0436\u043d\u043e \u0441\u044b\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d\u043e\u0432\u044b\u0435 \u0431\u043e\u0438 - \u0441\u0442\u0430\u0432\u0442\u0435 + \u043c\u043d\u0435 \u0432 \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443 \u043a\u0442\u043e \u0433\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432', {47518727: {'role': u'private'}, 162314: {'role': u'private'}, 2835342: {'role': u'private'}, 58161041: {'role': u'private'}, 19410835: {'role': u'private'}, 2557718: {'role': u'private'}, 27883543: {'role': u'private'}, 73537307: {'role': u'private'}, 17222686: {'role': u'private'}, 310434: {'role': u'private'}, 11428651: {'role': u'private'}, 2445100: {'role': u'private'}, 7715120: {'role': u'private'}, 69118514: {'role': u'commander'}, 71811251: {'role': u'private'}, 59694238: {'role': u'private'}, 62222528: {'role': u'private'}, 47245249: {'role': u'private'}, 59103429: {'role': u'private'}, 35853511: {'role': u'private'}, 69416610: {'role': u'private'}, 65031124: {'role': u'private'}, 33301518: {'role': u'private'}, 5595999: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 8706534: {'role': u'private'}, 37230: {'role': u'private'}, 1515506: {'role': u'private'}, 71303028: {'role': u'private'}, 5426549: {'role': u'private'}, 22453883: {'role': u'private'}}, {75100162: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3925161}, 75104791: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1901451}, 75104792: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12037438}, 75104793: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47518727}, 75100186: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4688253}, 75100187: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26497012}, 75100188: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 872384}, 75100189: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 16896550}, 75104799: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2557718}, 75100217: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58161041}, 75100219: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36672236}, 75100220: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12445172}, 75100221: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11262324}, 75100086: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71777625}, 75099916: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5426549}, 75088485: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11437327}, 75088488: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86912728}, 75099930: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35480962}, 75099931: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 64096589}, 75104796: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24059614}, 75104797: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5326927}, 75105224: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5163046}, 75115804: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3700101}, 75100858: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65353479}, 75100859: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4549361}, 75100860: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19163627}, 75100862: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 15486060}, 75100864: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24960589}, 75104795: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26571092}, 75101403: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13829345}, 75101405: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2774140}, 75101406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19410835}, 75105005: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2514322}, 75105006: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 6071074}, 75105007: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21765943}, 75105008: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13351014}, 75105009: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10744094}, 75105010: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8213596}, 75105533: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 32758788}, 75105534: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35843415}, 75105535: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19416306}, 75099910: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 22471163}, 75099912: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47356661}, 75099913: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20821811}, 75099914: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 38322742}, 75099915: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 57543888}, 75100940: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1550733}, 75100941: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1431883}, 75100942: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 744012}, 75100943: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 69416610}, 75100944: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36933861}, 75100946: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4337469}, 75115800: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47245249}, 75115801: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2723422}, 75115802: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19050869}, 75115803: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65031124}, 75099932: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5239563}, 75099933: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5564244}, 75105068: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 27883543}, 75099952: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11428651}, 75115830: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 62222528}, 75115831: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8664152}, 75115833: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59103429}, 75115837: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4858560}, 75115840: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 7424262}, 75099461: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 33301518}, 75104134: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 225652}, 75101613: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 162314}, 75101614: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 75991473}, 75100081: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71303028}, 75100082: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79542157}, 75100083: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 76103}, 75100084: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80535214}, 75100085: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5965559}, 75092406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86780640}, 75092407: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 72132668}, 75092409: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65107864}, 75092412: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58685850}, 75104707: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13658244}, 75104708: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 77607300}, 75104710: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79957325}, 75104712: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2809573}, 75105225: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 61831778}, 75105226: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 48512704}, 75105227: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82400346}, 75105229: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59694238}, 75105230: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24318025}, 75105232: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35446652}, 75100114: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21297715}, 75100115: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2636501}, 75100116: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 23508047}, 75100117: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4104445}, 75100156: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65362617}, 75113469: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 17222686}, 75100158: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20158906}, 75113467: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1207353}, 75113468: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80938462}, 75100157: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82347121}, 75113470: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8706534}, 75113471: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4261263}}, 30, 30, None))) [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:24] ClanProxy.onClanResponse(): 1 (430246, (430246, u'FLY', u'FLY', 16777215, u'executive_officer', u'\u0417\u0434\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0443\u0439\u0442\u0435 \u0442\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0449\u0438, \u0443 \u043a\u043e\u0433\u043e \u0435\u0441\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0431\u043b\u0438 10-\u0433\u043e \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u043d\u044f, \u0438 \u0433\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0441\u043e\u0432\u0430\u044f \u0432\u0441\u044f\u0437\u044c \u043d\u0443\u0436\u043d\u043e \u0441\u044b\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d\u043e\u0432\u044b\u0435 \u0431\u043e\u0438 - \u0441\u0442\u0430\u0432\u0442\u0435 + \u043c\u043d\u0435 \u0432 \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443 \u043a\u0442\u043e \u0433\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432', {47518727: {'role': u'private'}, 162314: {'role': u'private'}, 2835342: {'role': u'private'}, 58161041: {'role': u'private'}, 19410835: {'role': u'private'}, 2557718: {'role': u'private'}, 27883543: {'role': u'private'}, 73537307: {'role': u'private'}, 17222686: {'role': u'private'}, 310434: {'role': u'private'}, 11428651: {'role': u'private'}, 2445100: {'role': u'private'}, 7715120: {'role': u'private'}, 69118514: {'role': u'commander'}, 71811251: {'role': u'private'}, 59694238: {'role': u'private'}, 62222528: {'role': u'private'}, 47245249: {'role': u'private'}, 59103429: {'role': u'private'}, 35853511: {'role': u'private'}, 69416610: {'role': u'private'}, 65031124: {'role': u'private'}, 33301518: {'role': u'private'}, 5595999: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 8706534: {'role': u'private'}, 37230: {'role': u'private'}, 1515506: {'role': u'private'}, 71303028: {'role': u'private'}, 5426549: {'role': u'private'}, 22453883: {'role': u'private'}}, {75100162: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3925161}, 75104791: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1901451}, 75104792: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12037438}, 75104793: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47518727}, 75100186: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4688253}, 75100187: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26497012}, 75100188: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 872384}, 75100189: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 16896550}, 75104799: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2557718}, 75100217: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58161041}, 75100219: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36672236}, 75100220: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12445172}, 75100221: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11262324}, 75100086: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71777625}, 75099916: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5426549}, 75088485: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11437327}, 75088488: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86912728}, 75099930: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35480962}, 75099931: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 64096589}, 75104796: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24059614}, 75104797: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5326927}, 75105224: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5163046}, 75115804: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3700101}, 75100858: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65353479}, 75100859: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4549361}, 75100860: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19163627}, 75100862: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 15486060}, 75100864: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24960589}, 75104795: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26571092}, 75101403: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13829345}, 75101405: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2774140}, 75101406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19410835}, 75105005: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2514322}, 75105006: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 6071074}, 75105007: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21765943}, 75105008: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13351014}, 75105009: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10744094}, 75105010: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8213596}, 75105533: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 32758788}, 75105534: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35843415}, 75105535: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19416306}, 75099910: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 22471163}, 75099912: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47356661}, 75099913: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20821811}, 75099914: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 38322742}, 75099915: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 57543888}, 75100940: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1550733}, 75100941: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1431883}, 75100942: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 744012}, 75100943: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 69416610}, 75100944: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36933861}, 75100946: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4337469}, 75115800: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47245249}, 75115801: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2723422}, 75115802: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19050869}, 75115803: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65031124}, 75099932: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5239563}, 75099933: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5564244}, 75105068: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 27883543}, 75099952: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11428651}, 75115830: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 62222528}, 75115831: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8664152}, 75115833: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59103429}, 75115837: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4858560}, 75115840: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 7424262}, 75099461: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 33301518}, 75104134: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 225652}, 75101613: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 162314}, 75101614: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 75991473}, 75100081: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71303028}, 75100082: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79542157}, 75100083: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 76103}, 75100084: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80535214}, 75100085: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5965559}, 75092406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86780640}, 75092407: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 72132668}, 75092409: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65107864}, 75092412: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58685850}, 75104707: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13658244}, 75104708: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 77607300}, 75104710: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79957325}, 75104712: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2809573}, 75105225: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 61831778}, 75105226: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 48512704}, 75105227: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82400346}, 75105229: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59694238}, 75105230: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24318025}, 75105232: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35446652}, 75100114: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21297715}, 75100115: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2636501}, 75100116: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 23508047}, 75100117: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4104445}, 75100156: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65362617}, 75113469: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 17222686}, 75100158: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20158906}, 75113467: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1207353}, 75113468: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80938462}, 75100157: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82347121}, 75113470: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8706534}, 75113471: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4261263}}, 30, 30, None)) [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:24] ClanProxy.__onGetMyClan: False (430246, (430246, u'FLY', u'FLY', 16777215, u'executive_officer', u'\u0417\u0434\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0443\u0439\u0442\u0435 \u0442\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0449\u0438, \u0443 \u043a\u043e\u0433\u043e \u0435\u0441\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0431\u043b\u0438 10-\u0433\u043e \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u043d\u044f, \u0438 \u0433\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0441\u043e\u0432\u0430\u044f \u0432\u0441\u044f\u0437\u044c \u043d\u0443\u0436\u043d\u043e \u0441\u044b\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d\u043e\u0432\u044b\u0435 \u0431\u043e\u0438 - \u0441\u0442\u0430\u0432\u0442\u0435 + \u043c\u043d\u0435 \u0432 \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443 \u043a\u0442\u043e \u0433\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432', {47518727: {'role': u'private'}, 162314: {'role': u'private'}, 2835342: {'role': u'private'}, 58161041: {'role': u'private'}, 19410835: {'role': u'private'}, 2557718: {'role': u'private'}, 27883543: {'role': u'private'}, 73537307: {'role': u'private'}, 17222686: {'role': u'private'}, 310434: {'role': u'private'}, 11428651: {'role': u'private'}, 2445100: {'role': u'private'}, 7715120: {'role': u'private'}, 69118514: {'role': u'commander'}, 71811251: {'role': u'private'}, 59694238: {'role': u'private'}, 62222528: {'role': u'private'}, 47245249: {'role': u'private'}, 59103429: {'role': u'private'}, 35853511: {'role': u'private'}, 69416610: {'role': u'private'}, 65031124: {'role': u'private'}, 33301518: {'role': u'private'}, 5595999: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 8706534: {'role': u'private'}, 37230: {'role': u'private'}, 1515506: {'role': u'private'}, 71303028: {'role': u'private'}, 5426549: {'role': u'private'}, 22453883: {'role': u'private'}}, {75100162: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3925161}, 75104791: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1901451}, 75104792: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12037438}, 75104793: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47518727}, 75100186: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4688253}, 75100187: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26497012}, 75100188: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 872384}, 75100189: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 16896550}, 75104799: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2557718}, 75100217: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58161041}, 75100219: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36672236}, 75100220: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12445172}, 75100221: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11262324}, 75100086: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71777625}, 75099916: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5426549}, 75088485: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11437327}, 75088488: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86912728}, 75099930: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35480962}, 75099931: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 64096589}, 75104796: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24059614}, 75104797: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5326927}, 75105224: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5163046}, 75115804: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3700101}, 75100858: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65353479}, 75100859: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4549361}, 75100860: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19163627}, 75100862: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 15486060}, 75100864: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24960589}, 75104795: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26571092}, 75101403: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13829345}, 75101405: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2774140}, 75101406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19410835}, 75105005: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2514322}, 75105006: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 6071074}, 75105007: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21765943}, 75105008: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13351014}, 75105009: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10744094}, 75105010: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8213596}, 75105533: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 32758788}, 75105534: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35843415}, 75105535: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19416306}, 75099910: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 22471163}, 75099912: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47356661}, 75099913: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20821811}, 75099914: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 38322742}, 75099915: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 57543888}, 75100940: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1550733}, 75100941: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1431883}, 75100942: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 744012}, 75100943: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 69416610}, 75100944: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36933861}, 75100946: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4337469}, 75115800: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47245249}, 75115801: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2723422}, 75115802: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19050869}, 75115803: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65031124}, 75099932: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5239563}, 75099933: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5564244}, 75105068: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 27883543}, 75099952: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11428651}, 75115830: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 62222528}, 75115831: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8664152}, 75115833: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59103429}, 75115837: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4858560}, 75115840: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 7424262}, 75099461: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 33301518}, 75104134: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 225652}, 75101613: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 162314}, 75101614: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 75991473}, 75100081: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71303028}, 75100082: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79542157}, 75100083: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 76103}, 75100084: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80535214}, 75100085: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5965559}, 75092406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86780640}, 75092407: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 72132668}, 75092409: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65107864}, 75092412: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58685850}, 75104707: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13658244}, 75104708: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 77607300}, 75104710: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79957325}, 75104712: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2809573}, 75105225: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 61831778}, 75105226: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 48512704}, 75105227: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82400346}, 75105229: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59694238}, 75105230: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24318025}, 75105232: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35446652}, 75100114: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21297715}, 75100115: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2636501}, 75100116: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 23508047}, 75100117: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4104445}, 75100156: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65362617}, 75113469: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 17222686}, 75100158: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20158906}, 75113467: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1207353}, 75113468: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80938462}, 75100157: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82347121}, 75113470: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8706534}, 75113471: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4261263}}, 30, 30, None)) [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:25] [CampaignsCommon] onLoadedDump: loaded campaign params and player; countActiveTasks 1; data ({4290690992L: (False, True, False), 4293836720L: (True, 0, True), 4291739568L: (False, True, False), 4288593840L: (True, 0, True), 4289642416L: (False, True, False), 4292788144L: (True, 0, True)}, {4291739568L: [1, 0], 4293836720L: [1, 1], 4289642416L: [1, 0], 4288593840L: [1, 0], 4290690992L: [1, 0], 4292788144L: [1, 0]}, {4251566000L: [2, 0, 0], 4285120432L: [4, 15, 7], 4287217584L: [4, 12, 7], 4288266160L: [4, 10, 7], 4290363312L: [4, 10, 5], 4292460464L: [4, 6, 8], 4293509040L: [5, 5, 9], 4286169008L: [4, 15, 8], 4263100336L: [2, 0, 0], 4289314736L: [4, 10, 6], 4283023280L: [2, 0, 0], 4272537520L: [2, 0, 0], 4241080240L: [2, 0, 0], 4291411888L: [4, 7, 7]}, {4193664944L: (5, True, 0), 4280696752L: (5, True, 0), 4255530928L: (5, True, 0), 4187373488L: (1, False, 0), 4224073648L: (5, True, 0), 4164304816L: (1, False, 0), 4130750384L: (1, False, 0), 4167450544L: (5, True, 0), 4204150704L: (5, True, 0), 4240850864L: (1, False, 0), 4277551024L: (5, True, 0), 4184227760L: (1, False, 0), 4220927920L: (5, True, 0), 4257628080L: (5, True, 0), 4198907824L: (5, True, 0), 4237705136L: (5, True, 0), 3904257968L: (1, False, 0), 4274405296L: (1, False, 0), 3977658288L: (1, False, 0), 4181082032L: (5, True, 0), 4254482352L: (1, False, 0), 4291182512L: (5, True, 0), 3897966512L: (1, False, 0), 4161159088L: (5, True, 0), 4197859248L: (1, False, 0), 3901112240L: (1, False, 0), 3974512560L: (1, False, 0), 4177936304L: (1, False, 0), 4214636464L: (1, False, 0), 4251336624L: (5, True, 0), 4288036784L: (5, True, 0), 4133896112L: (1, False, 0), 4194713520L: (5, True, 0), 4174790576L: (5, True, 0), 4081467312L: (0, False, 0), 4284891056L: (5, True, 0), 4190519216L: (1, False, 0), 4227219376L: (1, False, 0), 4252385200L: (5, True, 0), 4228267952L: (1, False, 0), 4134944688L: (1, False, 0), 4171644848L: (5, True, 0), 4208345008L: (1, False, 0), 4245045168L: (5, True, 0), 4281745328L: (5, True, 0), 4158013360L: (1, False, 0), 4188422064L: (1, False, 0), 4225122224L: (1, False, 0), 4203102128L: (5, True, 0), 4261822384L: (1, False, 0), 4131798960L: (1, False, 0), 4205199280L: (5, True, 0), 4241899440L: (5, True, 0), 4278599600L: (5, True, 0), 4192616368L: (5, True, 0), 4221976496L: (5, True, 0), 4258676656L: (1, False, 0), 3902160816L: (1, False, 0), 4128653232L: (0, False, 0), 4165353392L: (2, False, 4.0), 4238753712L: (1, False, 0), 3905306544L: (1, False, 0), 4275453872L: (1, False, 0), 3978706864L: (1, False, 0), 4182130608L: (5, True, 0), 4292231088L: (5, True, 0), 4154867632L: (5, True, 0), 4162207664L: (5, True, 0), 3975561136L: (1, False, 0), 4215685040L: (5, True, 0), 4289085360L: (5, True, 0), 4159061936L: (1, False, 0), 3971366832L: (1, False, 0), 4195762096L: (5, True, 0), 3899015088L: (1, False, 0), 3972415408L: (1, False, 0), 4212539312L: (1, False, 0), 4082515888L: (1, False, 0), 4285939632L: (5, True, 0), 4155916208L: (1, False, 0), 4260773808L: (5, True, 0), 4207296432L: (1, False, 0), 4229316528L: (5, True, 0), 3895869360L: (0, False, 0), 4135993264L: (1, False, 0), 4172693424L: (5, True, 0), 4209393584L: (5, True, 0), 4246093744L: (1, False, 0), 4282793904L: (5, True, 0), 4160110512L: (5, True, 0), 4226170800L: (1, False, 0), 4191567792L: (5, True, 0), 4132847536L: (1, False, 0), 4189470640L: (1, False, 0), 4206247856L: (5, True, 0), 4242948016L: (1, False, 0), 4279648176L: (5, True, 0), 4186324912L: (5, True, 0), 4223025072L: (1, False, 0), 4259725232L: (1, False, 0), 4175839152L: (1, False, 0), 4129701808L: (1, False, 0), 4166401968L: (1, False, 0), 4239802288L: (1, False, 0), 4276502448L: (5, True, 0), 4183179184L: (1, False, 0), 4219879344L: (5, True, 0), 4256579504L: (5, True, 0), 4293279664L: (5, True, 0), 4243996592L: (1, False, 0), 4163256240L: (5, True, 0), 4153819056L: (1, False, 0), 4236656560L: (5, True, 0), 3903209392L: (1, False, 0), 4273356720L: (5, True, 0), 3976609712L: (1, False, 0), 4180033456L: (5, True, 0), 4253433776L: (5, True, 0), 4290133936L: (5, True, 0), 4211490736L: (1, False, 0), 4196810672L: (1, False, 0), 3900063664L: (1, False, 0), 3973463984L: (1, False, 0), 4176887728L: (5, True, 0), 4213587888L: (5, True, 0), 4083564464L: (1, False, 0), 4286988208L: (5, True, 0), 4156964784L: (5, True, 0), 4178984880L: (1, False, 0), 4230365104L: (5, True, 0), 4063641520L: (0, False, 0), 3896917936L: (1, False, 0), 3970318256L: (0, False, 0), 4173742000L: (5, True, 0), 4210442160L: (1, False, 0), 4247142320L: (5, True, 0)}) [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:25] ClanProxy.onGetClanBattles {'seasonId': 1, 'finishTime': 1513713600.0, 'primeTimes': {2: (57600, 68400), 3: (57600, 68400), 5: (57600, 68400), 6: (57600, 68400)}, 'shipLevelMax': 10, 'shipLevelMin': 10, 'startTime': 1508310000.0, 'promoTime': 1508310000.0, 'stage': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:26] >>> DockProxy.receiveState [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:26] Unlocks.receiveState [] [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:27] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 16565, 'boughtToday': 1, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1510444800.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:27] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 16565, 'boughtToday': 1, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1510444800.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:27] PVEScriptsProxyCommon.createPVEState() [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:27] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onGetSeasonRules: config True, {'seasonId': 1, 'operations': {4291341232L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 3, 'unlockTime': 1500429600, 'caps': 3}, 4292389808L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1499824800, 'caps': 3}, 4290292656L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1501034400, 'caps': 3}, 4293438384L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1501639200, 'caps': 3}}, 'currentOperationIdx': 1, 'roster': [4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L, 4293438384L], 'startTime': 1499824800, 'seasons': {1: {'operations': [4293438384L, 4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}, 2: {'operations': [], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}}, 'currentRotationTime': 1510106400, 'nextRotationTime': 1510711200, 'stage': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:27] [4181898160L, 4180849584L] [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:27] [4181898160L, 4180849584L] [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:27] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onLoadProgress: config True, season True, {'operations': {'hard': [], 'normal': [(4287146928L, [1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 0]), (4288195504L, [1509007262, 1509007262, 1509007262, 0, 0, 0]), (4290292656L, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])]}, 'seasons': {'hard': [], 'normal': [(2, 1509007262)]}} [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:27] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] _updateOperationCompleted: 4287146928 normal [1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 0] [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:27] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] _updateOperationCompleted: 4288195504 normal [1509007262, 1509007262, 1509007262, 0, 0, 0] [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:27] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] _updateOperationCompleted: 4290292656 normal [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:27] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] _updateSeasonCompleted: 2 normal 1509007262 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:27] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {62222528: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 58161041: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 22453883: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 2557718: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}} [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:27] onClanResponse: response=(6, 0, {'league': 4, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 430246, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division_rating': 0, 'stage': 'league'}) [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:27] ClanProxy.onClanResponse(): 6 {'league': 4, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 430246, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division_rating': 0, 'stage': 'league'} [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:27] ClanDataHubUtils.addLadderInfo: {'league': 4, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 430246, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division_rating': 0, 'stage': 'league'} [E] [2017_11_11 18:55:27] Can only call base methods on the connected entity [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:27] onGameRoomStateInit mapIdx = 4 battleType = 71 gameMode = Domination duration=1200 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:27] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:27] GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:28] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Login, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:28] Avatar.receiveAvatarInfo: {'evaluationsLeft': {0: 7, 1: 7}} [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:28] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAvatar [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:28] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() False 0 0 0 [E] [2017_11_11 18:55:28] Entity::enterWorld: Got entity 1183547 before carrying vehicle 1183548 (going into limbo) [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:28] Avatar.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:28] name Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:28] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:28] Avatar onControlled False [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:28] onControlled->False: not implemented [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:28] onGeometryMapped() MapName: 05_Ring [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:28] teamBuildType: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:28] player: Id: 203908 Name: AUTOBOTY_2017 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSC007_Aoba_1943 avatarId: 1183507 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:28] player: Id: 537171719 Name: asteroidv TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB506_Arizona_1941 avatarId: 1183509 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:28] player: Id: 537167753 Name: dgus_metkij TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSC106_Nurnberg avatarId: 1183511 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:28] player: Id: 537094082 Name: mikl84 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASC007_Cleveland_1945 avatarId: 1183541 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:28] player: Id: 231694 Name: ___ADMIRAL___1976 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASC007_Cleveland_1945 avatarId: 1183515 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:28] player: Id: 321297 Name: abracadabra60 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PBSB105_Iron_Duke avatarId: 1183517 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:28] player: Id: 537294999 Name: iRefinement TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSC106_La_Galissonniere avatarId: 1183519 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:28] player: Id: 537080344 Name: andrey42693 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PBSC106_Leander avatarId: 1183521 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:28] player: Id: 363652 Name: _maksimus_1970 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSB106_Bayern avatarId: 1183523 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:28] player: Id: 537144219 Name: aza29 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSC105_Emile_Bertin avatarId: 1183525 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:28] player: Id: 402339 Name: STETUCHA TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSA006_Zuiho_1944 avatarId: 1183527 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:28] player: Id: 537157926 Name: AGENT_0_0_X TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSC003_Murmansk_1944 avatarId: 1183529 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:28] player: Id: 229929 Name: belyga_55 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSC106_Nurnberg avatarId: 1183531 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:28] player: Id: 325932 Name: _M0NSTR_ TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSC106_Pr_94_Budeny avatarId: 1183533 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:28] player: Id: 537106227 Name: Apostol_Razruchitel TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSB707_Haruna avatarId: 1183535 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:28] player: Id: 303796 Name: titan53 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSC105_Konigsberg avatarId: 1183537 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:28] player: Id: 340670 Name: Dimasik_1988 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASC007_Cleveland_1945 avatarId: 1183539 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:28] player: Id: 537259458 Name: gvozdoder007 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSC106_Pr_94_Budeny avatarId: 1183513 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:28] player: Id: 238799 Name: KEHT123123 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSC005_Furutaka_1926 avatarId: 1183543 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:28] player: Id: 374352 Name: oleg_vip TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSD105_Mutsuki avatarId: 1183545 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:28] player: Id: 537297764 Name: Tier099 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSC005_Furutaka_1926 avatarId: 1183547 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:28] player: Id: 366573 Name: drun_razrushitel TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASA002_Bogue_1942 avatarId: 1183549 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:28] player: Id: 537244527 Name: The_big_M TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSB105_Koenig avatarId: 1183551 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:28] player: Id: 389369 Name: A_Gora TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB006_New_York_1934 avatarId: 1183553 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:29] (, 39965384947628, 149): 1183505; BattleLogic() [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:29] (, 39965384947628, 149): 1183505; onEnterWorld() State: {attentionMarkers: [], clientAnimations: None, controlPoints: [{position: [-149.99990844726562, 150.0], radius: 111.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: 0, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 1, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [149.99990844726562, 149.9998016357422], radius: 111.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: 1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [-149.99990844726562, -149.99990844726562], radius: 111.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: 0, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [149.99990844726562, -150.0], radius: 110.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: 1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}], entityStates: [], expectedActions: None, interactiveZones: [], weather: {globalWeatherId: 1183506, localWeather: [], entityLogicParams: []}, keyObjects: [], missions: {hold: [{reward: 4, penalty: 0, cpIndices: [0, 1, 2, 3], period: 9}], capture: [], destroy: [], suppress: [], kill: [{reward: 30, penalty: 45, shipType: 'Destroyer'}, {reward: 35, penalty: 50, shipType: 'Cruiser'}, {reward: 40, penalty: 60, shipType: 'Battleship'}, {reward: 45, penalty: 65, shipType: 'AirCarrier'}], teamsScore: [560, 487], teamWinScore: 1000, teamLoseScore: 0}, resources: [], successStoryProgress: [], screenplayMessage: '', tasks: [], minefields: [], entities: [], effects: []} [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:29] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:29] BattleDataContext.__onEnterSpace [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:29] -= BATTLE STARTED =- [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:32] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:32] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:33] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:41] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:41] id 1183518 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:41] name abracadabra60 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:41] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:41] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:41] id 1183526 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:41] name aza29 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:41] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:41] @ launchpadAppeared 1183526 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:41] [Weather][3261] onEnterWorld (map spaces/05_Ring/weathers.xml, scheme 0, weather 0) [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:41] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:41] id 1183550 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:41] name drun_razrushitel [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:41] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:41] @ launchpadAppeared 1183550 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:42] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:42] id 1183530 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:42] name AGENT_0_0_X [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:42] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:42] @ launchpadAppeared 1183530 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:42] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:42] id 1183542 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:42] name mikl84 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:42] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:42] @ launchpadAppeared 1183542 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:42] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:42] id 1183524 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:42] name _maksimus_1970 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:42] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:42] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:42] id 1183538 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:42] name titan53 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:42] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:42] @ launchpadAppeared 1183538 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:42] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:42] id 1183536 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:42] name Apostol_Razruchitel [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:42] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:42] @ launchpadAppeared 1183536 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:42] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:42] id 1183522 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:42] name andrey42693 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:42] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:42] @ launchpadAppeared 1183522 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:43] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:43] id 1183528 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:43] name STETUCHA [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:43] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:43] @ launchpadAppeared 1183528 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:43] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:43] id 1183544 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:43] name KEHT123123 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:43] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:44] @ launchpadAppeared 1183544 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:44] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:44] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:44] id 1183548 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:44] name Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:44] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:44] @ launchpadAppeared 1183548 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:44] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:44] Avatar.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:44] ! A.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:44] BoardService.init [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:44] @ launchpadAppeared 1183548 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:44] BattleDataContext.__onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:44] ! PM.refreshAirArmament [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:44] BoardService.restore [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:44] Avatar.onWorldStateReceived [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:44] BattleChatSystem IN Context [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:44] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:45] ('[ERROR] FeedbackController: empty config for event repair_finished',) [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:45] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:54] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:54] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:54] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:54] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:54] id 1183532 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:54] name belyga_55 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:54] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:54] @ launchpadAppeared 1183532 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:54] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:54] id 1183510 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:54] name asteroidv [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:54] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:55] @ launchpadAppeared 1183510 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:55] DEBUG: onChatMessage args ('', '', {'avatarId': 1183519, 'targetId': 1183509, 'type': -7}) [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:55] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:55] id 1183512 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:55] name dgus_metkij [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:55] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:55] @ launchpadAppeared 1183512 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:55] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:55] id 1183520 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:55] name iRefinement [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:55] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:55] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:55] id 1183540 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:55] name Dimasik_1988 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:55] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:55] @ launchpadAppeared 1183540 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:55] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:55] id 1183554 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:55] name A_Gora [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:55] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:55] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:55] id 1183516 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:55] name ___ADMIRAL___1976 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:55] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:55] @ launchpadAppeared 1183516 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:55] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:55] id 1183514 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:55] name gvozdoder007 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:55] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:55] @ launchpadAppeared 1183514 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:55] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:55] id 1183552 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:55] name The_big_M [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:55] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:55] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:55] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:55] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:56] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:58] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:58] id 1183526 [S] [2017_11_11 18:55:58] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:56:00] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:56:00] id 1183526 [S] [2017_11_11 18:56:00] name aza29 [S] [2017_11_11 18:56:00] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:56:00] @ launchpadAppeared 1183526 [S] [2017_11_11 18:56:01] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 18:56:01] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 18:56:01] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:56:01] id 1183534 [S] [2017_11_11 18:56:01] name _M0NSTR_ [S] [2017_11_11 18:56:01] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:56:01] @ launchpadAppeared 1183534 [S] [2017_11_11 18:56:01] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:56:01] id 1183546 [S] [2017_11_11 18:56:01] name oleg_vip [S] [2017_11_11 18:56:01] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:56:02] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 18:56:04] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 18:56:09] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:56:09] id 1183546 [S] [2017_11_11 18:56:13] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 18:56:13] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:56:13] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 18:56:17] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:56:17] id 1183532 [S] [2017_11_11 18:56:17] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:56:18] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 18:56:20] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:56:20] id 1183512 [S] [2017_11_11 18:56:20] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:56:20] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 18:56:20] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:56:20] id 1183532 [S] [2017_11_11 18:56:20] name belyga_55 [S] [2017_11_11 18:56:20] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:56:20] @ launchpadAppeared 1183532 [S] [2017_11_11 18:56:24] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 18:56:32] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 18:56:39] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 18:56:45] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 18:56:45] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:56:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:56:51] id 1183550 [S] [2017_11_11 18:56:51] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:56:53] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 18:56:56] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:56:56] id 1183550 [S] [2017_11_11 18:56:56] name drun_razrushitel [S] [2017_11_11 18:56:56] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:56:56] @ launchpadAppeared 1183550 [S] [2017_11_11 18:56:56] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 18:56:58] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 18:57:02] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 18:57:02] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 18:57:02] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:57:03] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 18:57:03] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:57:05] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 18:57:12] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:57:12] id 1183546 [S] [2017_11_11 18:57:12] name oleg_vip [S] [2017_11_11 18:57:12] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:57:14] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:57:14] id 1183550 [S] [2017_11_11 18:57:14] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:57:16] ClientSquadron.outOfFuel [S] [2017_11_11 18:57:17] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 18:57:17] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:57:19] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 18:57:19] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:57:19] id 1183546 [S] [2017_11_11 18:57:35] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:57:35] id 1183532 [S] [2017_11_11 18:57:35] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:57:35] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 18:57:36] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:57:36] id 1183550 [S] [2017_11_11 18:57:36] name drun_razrushitel [S] [2017_11_11 18:57:36] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:57:36] @ launchpadAppeared 1183550 [S] [2017_11_11 18:57:36] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 18:57:36] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 18:57:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:57:40] id 1183550 [S] [2017_11_11 18:57:40] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:57:41] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 18:57:44] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 18:57:52] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 18:57:53] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 18:57:53] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:58:01] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:58:01] id 1183550 [S] [2017_11_11 18:58:01] name drun_razrushitel [S] [2017_11_11 18:58:01] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:58:01] @ launchpadAppeared 1183550 [S] [2017_11_11 18:58:02] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 18:58:02] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 18:58:03] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:58:03] id 1183526 [S] [2017_11_11 18:58:03] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:58:13] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 18:58:26] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 18:58:27] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:58:27] id 1183528 [S] [2017_11_11 18:58:27] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:58:33] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 18:58:39] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 18:58:42] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 18:58:46] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 18:58:51] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 18:58:56] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:58:56] id 1183546 [S] [2017_11_11 18:58:56] name oleg_vip [S] [2017_11_11 18:58:56] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:59:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:59:01] id 1183546 [S] [2017_11_11 18:59:07] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 18:59:08] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:59:08] id 1183546 [S] [2017_11_11 18:59:08] name oleg_vip [S] [2017_11_11 18:59:08] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:59:10] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 18:59:14] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:59:14] id 1183546 [S] [2017_11_11 18:59:15] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 18:59:17] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:59:17] id 1183530 [S] [2017_11_11 18:59:17] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:59:22] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:59:22] id 1183546 [S] [2017_11_11 18:59:22] name oleg_vip [S] [2017_11_11 18:59:22] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:59:31] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 18:59:31] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 18:59:44] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:59:44] id 1183526 [S] [2017_11_11 18:59:44] name aza29 [S] [2017_11_11 18:59:44] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 18:59:44] @ launchpadAppeared 1183526 [S] [2017_11_11 18:59:45] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 18:59:55] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 18:59:55] DEBUG: onChatMessage args ('', '', {'avatarId': 1183517, 'achievementId': 4282573744L, 'type': -1}) [S] [2017_11_11 18:59:58] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 18:59:58] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 18:59:58] id 1183526 [S] [2017_11_11 18:59:58] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:00:01] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:00:01] id 1183526 [S] [2017_11_11 19:00:01] name aza29 [S] [2017_11_11 19:00:01] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:00:01] @ launchpadAppeared 1183526 [S] [2017_11_11 19:00:27] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:00:27] id 1183530 [S] [2017_11_11 19:00:27] name AGENT_0_0_X [S] [2017_11_11 19:00:27] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:00:27] @ launchpadAppeared 1183530 [S] [2017_11_11 19:00:36] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:00:36] id 1183508 [S] [2017_11_11 19:00:36] name AUTOBOTY_2017 [S] [2017_11_11 19:00:36] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:00:36] @ launchpadAppeared 1183508 [S] [2017_11_11 19:00:36] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 19:00:36] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 19:00:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:00:40] id 1183508 [S] [2017_11_11 19:00:40] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:00:42] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:00:42] id 1183526 [S] [2017_11_11 19:00:42] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:00:44] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:00:44] id 1183526 [S] [2017_11_11 19:00:44] name aza29 [S] [2017_11_11 19:00:44] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:00:44] @ launchpadAppeared 1183526 [S] [2017_11_11 19:00:45] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:00:45] id 1183508 [S] [2017_11_11 19:00:45] name AUTOBOTY_2017 [S] [2017_11_11 19:00:45] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:00:45] @ launchpadAppeared 1183508 [S] [2017_11_11 19:00:45] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 19:00:45] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 19:00:53] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 19:00:53] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:01:18] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 19:01:18] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:19] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:22] DEBUG: onChatMessage args ('', '', {'avatarId': 1183519, 'targetId': 1183547, 'type': -7}) [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:40] battle finish - Victory [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:40] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOver [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:40] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOut [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:40] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: PostBattle, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:42] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: PostBattle, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:42] setFpsGathererActive(False) [E] [2017_11_11 19:02:42] Can only call base methods on the connected entity [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:42] (, 39965384947628, 149): 1183505; onLeaveWorld() [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:42] [Weather][3261] onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:42] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:42] id 1183508 [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:42] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:42] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:42] id 1183510 [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:42] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:42] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:42] id 1183514 [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:42] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:42] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:42] id 1183516 [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:42] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:42] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:42] id 1183518 [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:43] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:43] id 1183520 [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:43] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:43] id 1183522 [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:43] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:43] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:43] id 1183524 [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:43] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:43] id 1183526 [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:43] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:43] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:43] id 1183530 [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:43] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:43] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:43] id 1183534 [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:43] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:43] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:43] id 1183536 [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:43] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:43] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:43] id 1183538 [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:43] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:43] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:43] id 1183540 [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:43] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:43] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:43] id 1183542 [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:43] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:43] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:43] id 1183544 [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:43] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:43] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:43] id 1183546 [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:43] Avatar.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:43] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:43] id 1183548 [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:43] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:43] id 1183550 [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:43] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:43] id 1183552 [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:43] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:43] id 1183554 [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:44] Account.__init__() [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:44] [Account debuG]: __init__() Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:44] ClanProxy.setChatHandler [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:44] ClanProxy.setInteractiveMessageData [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:44] Exception BigWorld.EntityIsDestroyedException: 'Account 537297764 has been destroyed' in ignored [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:44] onBecomePlayer() [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:44] UserDataGate.onGetConnection [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:44] UserDataGate.onGetConnection(): 5595999 [Entity: id:5187 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'teamKiller', 'accountLevel', 'clanman']] Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:44] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4289640144L: {'exp': 25392}}, 'changedCrews': {10: {'exp': 4859}}, 'moneyXP': 592, 'lootboxes': {'lootExp': 19508, 'boughtToday': 1, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1510444800.0, 'curBoxType': 0}} [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:44] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 19508, 'boughtToday': 1, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1510444800.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:44] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': 124089, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:44] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -13550, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:44] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4289640144 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:44] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4289640144L: {'slots': {1: {'del_slots': 8, 'autobuy': 13}, 2: {'slots': ((None, 4293042096L), (None, None), (None, None), (None, None))}}}}} [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:44] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4289640144L: {'slots': {1: {'autobuy': 3073, 'add_slots': (((), 4284313520L), ((), 4287459248L), ((), 4281167792L), ((), 4279070640L), ((), 4291653552L), ((), 4276973488L), ((), 4283264944L), ((), 4293750704L))}}}}, 'storage': {4287459248L: 20, 4281167792L: 5, 4276973488L: 5, 4283264944L: 19, 4279070640L: 6, 4284313520L: 14, 4291653552L: 5, 4293750704L: 10}} [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:44] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4289640144L: {'slots': {2: {'slots': ((None, 4284653488L), (None, None), (None, None), (None, None))}}}}, 'storage': {4284653488L: 14}} [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:45] leaveBattleSession() Reason: 0 Info: None [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:45] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:45] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:45] Sent FPS data [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:45] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] chooseOperation: 4291341232 normal True [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:45] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onOperationChosen: 4291341232 normal True [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:45] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] chooseOperation: 0 normal False [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:45] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onOperationChosen: 0 normal False [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:45] (, 51003611475748, 141): is in context [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:45] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_end'}, interval: (1510416001.0, 1510426780.0)",) [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:45] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'end'}, interval: (1510426800.0, 1510426800.0)",) [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:45] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 10634 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510426800.0, 1510426800.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'end'}) [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:45] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}, interval: (1510498800.0, 1510502380.0)",) [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:45] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 10634 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510426800.0, 1510426800.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'end'}) [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:45] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'start'}, interval: (1510502400.0, 1510502400.0)",) [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:45] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 10634 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510426800.0, 1510426800.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'end'}) [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:45] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'end'}, interval: (1510513200.0, 1510513200.0)",) [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:45] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 10634 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510426800.0, 1510426800.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'end'}) [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:46] updateActionsProgress: {0: [(4289640144L, 1)]} [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:46] __updateTaskProgress start: {} [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:46] updateActionsProgress: {'22470_q01': {'count': 27}, '22468_q04': {'count': 0, 3: {'count': 20721}}} [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:46] __updateTaskProgress start: {'22470_q01': {'count': 27}, '22468_q04': {'count': 0, 3: {'count': 20721}}} [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:46] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: changed tasks [4165353392L] [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:46] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4165353392 data (False, 4.0, None, None) [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:46] StatsProxy.receiveAbuseStatus(): {'battlesToClean': 1, 'statuses': {'tkill': 1}, 'warnings': ()} [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:46] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAccount [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:46] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() True 0 0 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:46] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:46] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:47] Sent FPS data [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:47] (, 20685599789093, 264): keys: ['dossier', 'accPoints'] [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:47] __processDossierStats() client dossier: ['oper', 'pvp', 'oper_mm_tasks_diag', 'pve_diag', 'pvp_diag', 'oper_normal', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'pve', 'oper_mm', 'total', 'oper_normal_tasks_diag', 'max_pve', 'rank_diag', 'max_pvp', 'oper_diag', 'club_diag', 'club', 'max_club', 'clan', 'oper_hard', 'oper_hard_tasks_diag', 'max_clan'] [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:47] AccountLevelingProxy.onGetAccountStats(): (15, 745039) (15, 747982) [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:47] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:47] BR: {'credits': 68966, 'credits_penalty': 50, 'exp_penalty': 1, 'exp': 981, 'credits_compensation': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:47] BR: {'elite_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'free_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': [[4281167792L, 3.0, True, 0]]}, 'ship_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [['FIRST_WIN', 0.5, True, 0]], 'mod': [[4291653552L, 0.5, True, 0]]}, 'credits': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': [[4293750704L, 0.2, True, 0]]}, 'crew_exp': {'sse': [['22470_q01', 0.5, True, 0]], 'base': [], 'mod': [[4279070640L, 0.5, True, 0]]}, 'acc_level': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}} [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:47] BR: {'auto_repair_list': [[4283264944L, -0.1, True, 0], ['IDS_SSE_REPAIR_DISCOUNT', 0.0, True, 0]], 'auto_exterior_list': [], 'auto_exterior_credits': 0, 'auto_camo_credits': 0, 'exp_enabled': True, 'abilities_applied': True, 'auto_repair_factor': 0.9, 'auto_load_credits': 3200, 'acc_points_enabled': True, 'free_exp_enabled': True, 'free_exp_factor': 0.05, 'ship_service_enabled': True, 'aogas_factor': 1.0, 'auto_exterior_gold': 0, 'premium_credits_factor': 1.5, 'premium_exp_factor': 1.5, 'auto_abilities_list': [], 'auto_camo_list': [], 'clan_supply_bonuses_enabled': True, 'camo_applied': True, 'auto_repair_credits': 10350, 'exterior_applied': True, 'serve_applied': True, 'auto_camo_gold': 0, 'crew_exp_enabled': True, 'auto_abilities_gold': 0, 'auto_load_list': [[100, 2400], [4, 800], [0, 0]], 'auto_abilities_credits': 0, 'credits_enabled': True, 'aogas_online': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:47] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:47] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:47] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:47] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:47] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:47] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:47] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_bomb default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:47] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_bomb default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:47] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:47] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:47] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:47] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:47] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:47] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:47] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:47] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:47] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:47] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:47] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:47] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:47] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:47] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:47] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:47] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:47] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:47] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:47] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:47] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:47] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:47] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:47] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ResultsScreen, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:47] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 52, 'data': {'slot': 3322218843413371L, 'shipId': 4289640144L, 'abilId': 4284653488L}} [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:47] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'sourceId': 0, 'typeId': 52, 'data': {'slot': 3322218843413371L, 'shipId': 4289640144L, 'abilId': 4284653488L}} [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:47] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:47] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:47] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4154867632 {('Default', 4284313520L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 13, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:47] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4162207664 {('Default', 4279410608L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 6, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:47] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4163256240 {('Default', 4282556336L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 5, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:47] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q04 {('Default', 4271730608L, 0): 5, ('Default', 4269633456L, 0): 5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u041e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c \u043d\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u041e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c \u043d\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'} [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:47] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4160110512 {'desc': (), ('Resource', 0, 0): 100000} {'taskNumber': 8, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:47] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22468_q03 {('Default', 4263440304L, 0): 5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'} [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:47] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q02 {('Resource', 19, 0): 1, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u041f\u0440\u0435\u043c\u0438\u0443\u043c \u0437\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0443'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u041f\u0440\u0435\u043c\u0438\u0443\u043c \u0437\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0443'} [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:47] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4161159088 {('Default', 4283604912L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 7, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:47] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q01 {('ResourceCoeff', 21, 17): 3.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 30): 6.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 9): 12.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 32): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 10): 3.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 5): 1.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 28): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 14): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 11): 1.5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'}, 0, 0)} {'type': 'challenge', 'titleText': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'} [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:47] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4167450544 {('Resource', 16, 0): 500, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 1, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:47] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4156964784 {('Resource', 0, 0): 100000, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 11, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:47] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 15 [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:47] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:47] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 15. Boxes contents: [{4288852912L: {(0, 4283622320L): 1}, 4284658608L: {(0, 4274185136L): 1}, 4283610032L: {(0, 4273136560L): 1}, 4289901488L: {(0, 4289913776L): 1}}] [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:47] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:49] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 5, 'dt': 1510416162, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'achievements': (), 'expPenalty': -1, 'tasks': {'22470_q01': {'count': (27, 1), 'progress': (1.0, 1.0), 2: {'count': (0, 1)}, 'name': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'}, '22468_q04': {'count': (0, 0), 'progress': (0.6907, 0.0981), 3: {'count': (20721, 2943)}, 'name': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'}}, 'shipsKilled': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 3322218843413371L, 'battleTypeId': 5, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': -50, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'mapTypeId': 4, 'credits': 124089, 'result': 1, 'exp': 2943, 'shipId': 4289640144L, 'battleCreateTime': 1510415227, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 745039, 2943), 'aogasFactor': 1.0}} [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:49] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 5, 'exp': 2943, 'tasks': {'22470_q01': {2: {'count': (0, 1)}}, '22468_q04': {3: {'count': (20721, 2943)}}}, 'aogasFactor': 1.0, 'mapBGPath': '../maps_bg/05_Ring.png', 'operationName': '', 'rankStarsDeltaChange': 0, 'earnedAchievements': [], 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_BATTLE_RESULTS_1', 'result': 1, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'uiSpecial': False, 'mapTypeId': 4, 'shipId': 4289640144L, 'accountLeveling': {'expGained': 2943, 'currLevel': 15, 'prevLevel': 15, 'currLevelExp': 122000, 'expTotal': 747982, 'nextLevelExp': 122000}, 'curTasksCompleted': 0, 'mapName': 'IDS_SPACES/05_RING', 'battleTypeId': 5, 'shipLevelRome': 'V', 'achievements': (), 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PJSC005', 'shipsKilled': 0, 'importance': 2, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_CRUISER', 'difficulty': '', 'prevTasksCompleted': 0, 'isElite': False, 'date': '11.11.2017 18:47', 'dt': 1510416162, 'groupId': 3, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 745039, 2943), 'expPenalty': -1, 'arenaUniqueID': 3322218843413371L, 'credits': 124089, 'sourceId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': -50, 'viaMM': False, 'rankBattlesSeasonId': 0, 'shipType': 'Cruiser', 'quests': [{'maxProgress': 100, 'day': 11, 'monthIDS': 'IDS_MONTH_11', 'battleProgress': 100.0, 'type': 'challenge', 'id': '22470_q01', 'titleText': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!', 'currentProgress': 100.0}, {'maxProgress': 100, 'day': 11, 'monthIDS': 'IDS_MONTH_11', 'battleProgress': 9.0, 'type': 'task', 'id': '22468_q04', 'titleText': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b', 'currentProgress': 73.0}], 'stypeIdent': 'Cruiser', 'postponed': False, 'battleCreateTime': 1510415227, 'rankDeltaChange': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:49] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:49] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:49] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:49] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:49] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_bomb default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:49] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_bomb default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:49] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:49] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:49] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:49] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:49] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:49] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:49] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:49] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:49] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:49] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:49] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:49] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:49] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:49] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:49] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:49] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:49] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:49] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:49] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:49] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:49] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:49] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:49] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {1783403: None, 25517574: None, 61426569: None, 29939353: None, 3012314: None, 2992930: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'KRSKA', 'id': 427984, 'name': u'KrasDemon'}, 67682474: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'_RUS_', 'id': 423940, 'name': u'\u0420\u041e\u0421\u0421\u0418\u0419\u0421\u041a\u0410\u042f \u0424\u0415\u0414\u0415\u0420\u0410\u0426\u0418\u042f'}, 82692658: None, 309: {'color': 10066329, 'league': None, 'tag': u'TFS-1', 'id': 411704, 'name': u'The First Shock-1'}, 1096248: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'BB_SW', 'id': 430207, 'name': u"Black Beard's Sea Wolfes"}, 12398397: None, 77625538: None, 78646213: None, 8891603: None, 15888341: None, 75486170: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FAIR', 'id': 426992, 'name': u'FAIR WIND'}, 86595816: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'ZENIT', 'id': 426492, 'name': u'fc ZENIT.38RUS'}, 4958187: None, 13034067: {'color': 16763955, 'league': None, 'tag': u'VAS', 'id': 428370, 'name': u'\u0425\u041e\u041c\u042f\u0427\u041a\u0418'}, 42267254: None, 4467063: None, 78123897: {'color': 13395507, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FL-B', 'id': 416647, 'name': u'--\u0424\u041b\u041e\u0422\u0423 \u0411\u042b\u0422\u042c--'}, 26203261: {'color': 16763955, 'league': None, 'tag': u'SEA', 'id': 417927, 'name': u'\u0411\u0435\u0441\u0441\u043c\u0435\u0440\u0442\u043d\u0430\u044f \u044d\u0441\u043a\u0430\u0434\u0440\u0430'}} [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:49] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 4, 'dt': 1510416162, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'costShell': 3200, 'shipId': 4289640144L, 'result': False, 'costRepair': 10350}} [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:49] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 4, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SHIP_SERVE', 'costShell': 3200, 'result': False, 'shipId': 4289640144L, 'uiSpecial': False, 'shipLevelRome': 'V', 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PJSC005', 'shipType': 'Cruiser', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_CRUISER', 'isElite': False, 'dt': 1510416162, 'groupId': 5, 'costTotal': 13550, 'sourceId': 0, 'costRepair': 10350, 'stypeIdent': 'Cruiser', 'postponed': False} [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:49] ClanProxy.onChatInitialized [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:49] XmppChatHandler.joinClanChannel() 430246 [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:49] UserDataGate.__onRosterUpdated [('17915186@wowsru.loc', 'egy5', False, 4, ()), ('22453883@wowsru.loc', 'vova1972ruzan', False, 4, ()), ('2557718@wowsru.loc', 'NSDRP', False, 4, ()), ('26288674@wowsru.loc', '_EmperoR_WOW_', False, 4, ()), ('2893852@wowsru.loc', 'klimstonn', False, 4, ()), ('30937387@wowsru.loc', 'monster__622', False, 4, ()), ('327255@wowsru.loc', 'Migri', False, 4, ()), ('35853511@wowsru.loc', 'toshidzu', False, 4, ()), ('5471194@wowsru.loc', 'loki1982', False, 4, ()), ('58161041@wowsru.loc', 'Y_O_R_K_2015', False, 4, ()), ('62222528@wowsru.loc', 'HEGNI_1', False, 4, ()), ('6896454@wowsru.loc', 'Vie92', False, 4, ()), ('69118514@wowsru.loc', 'RenamedUser_69118514', False, 4, ()), ('69416610@wowsru.loc', 'Player_3185411451', False, 4, ()), ('71811251@wowsru.loc', 'Leogon_1', False, 4, ())] [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:49] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 73537307@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:49] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: channelsGroupsIds: [] [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:49] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored True [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:49] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True XMPPCHAT: ChannelHandler.updateInfo : new name: PZS_One [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:49] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'PZS_One', 'fromJid': '73537307@wowsru.loc/wows', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510415731L, 'isDelayed': False, 'toJid': '73537307@wowsru.loc/wows', 'text': '\xd1\x8f \xd1\x85\xd0\xbe\xd1\x87\xd1\x83 \xd0\xbf\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb3\xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd1\x82\xd1\x8c', 'isPrivate': True, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:50] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 42, 'dt': 1510416162, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4289640144L, 'camoRecharged': False, 'flagsBuyFail': False}} [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:50] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 42, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PJSC005', 'flagsAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'isElite': False, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_EXTERIOR_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2, 'camouflageAutorechargeCompleted': 0, 'idInGroup': 1, 'groupId': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_CRUISER', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'V', 'shipType': 'Cruiser', 'stypeIdent': 'Cruiser', 'dt': 1510416162, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4289640144L, 'camoRecharged': False, 'flagsBuyFail': False}, 'uiSpecial': False} [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:50] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 2893852@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:50] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 59124891@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:50] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 11274288@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:50] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 21696974@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:50] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 14596986@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:50] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 58053848@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:50] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 310434@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:50] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 19410835@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:50] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 35853511@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:50] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 59103429@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:50] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 22453883@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:50] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 2557718@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:50] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 62222528@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:50] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 69118514@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:50] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:50] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:50] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: KARSAK_1968 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:50] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:50] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:50] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:50] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:50] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:50] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:50] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:50] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:50] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:50] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:50] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:50] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:50] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:50] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: toshidzu channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:50] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:50] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Samum1989_geroj channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:50] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:50] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:50] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:50] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: NSDRP channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:50] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:50] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:50] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:50] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:50] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:50] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived clansearch@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:50] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived ids_chat_channel_offtop@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:50] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived ids_chat_channel_questions@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:50] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived wargamingfm@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:50] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_SEARCH_CLAN_DIV channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:50] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:50] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_OFFTOP channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:50] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:50] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_QUESTIONS channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:50] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:50] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: WargamingFM Корабли channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:50] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:50] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc 6 [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:50] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: channelsGroupsIds: [] [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:50] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:50] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 62222528 {'jid': '62222528@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'HEGNI_1', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:50] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 58161041 {'jid': '58161041@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Y_O_R_K_2015', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:50] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 35853511 {'jid': '35853511@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'toshidzu', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:50] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 55, 'dt': 1510416162, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'fail': False, 'shipId': 4289640144L, 'cost': (0, 0)}} [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:50] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 55, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PJSC005', 'groupId': 1, 'isElite': False, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_ABILITY_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 9, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_CRUISER', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'V', 'cost': (0, 0), 'shipType': 'Cruiser', 'costNeed': (0, 0), 'stypeIdent': 'Cruiser', 'dt': 1510416162, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'fail': False, 'shipId': 4289640144L, 'cost': (0, 0)}, 'uiSpecial': False} [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:50] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 2557718 {'jid': '2557718@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'NSDRP', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:50] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 69118514 {'jid': '69118514@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:50] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 73537307 {'jid': '73537307@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'PZS_One', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:50] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 71811251 {'jid': '71811251@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Leogon_1', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:50] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 17222686 {'jid': '17222686@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'bob7771', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:50] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 5595999 {'jid': '5595999@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Tier099', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:50] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Tier099', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/5595999', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510394839L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd1\x80\xd0\xb5\xd0\xb1\xd1\x8f\xd1\x82 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb3\xd0\xbe \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xb2\xd1\x8b\xd0\xba\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb4\xd1\x8b\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82 \xd0\xb2\xd0\xbe \xd0\xb2\xd1\x80\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbc\xd1\x8f \xd0\xb1\xd0\xbe\xd1\x8f???', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:50] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Tier099', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/5595999', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510396421L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbf\xd1\x8f\xd1\x82\xd1\x8c \xd0\xb2\xd1\x8b\xd0\xba\xd0\xb8\xd0\xbd\xd1\x83\xd0\xbb\xd0\xbe 2 \xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb7\xd0\xb0 \xd0\xb7\xd0\xb0 1 \xd0\xb1\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb9', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:50] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/69118514', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510401726L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb1\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb8 \xd0\xba\xd0\xb5\xd1\x88', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:50] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'NSDRP', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/2557718', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510404247L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb5\xd1\x87\xd0\xb5\xd1\x80 \xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb1\xd1\x80\xd1\x8b\xd0\xb9. \xd0\xb5\xd1\x81\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb8 9 \xd0\xbe\xd1\x87\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2 \xd0\xbe\xd0\xbf\xd1\x8b\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0 \xd0\xba\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbf\xd0\xb8\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe 54 000 \xd0\xbe\xd0\xbf\xd1\x8b\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0 \xd1\x82\xd0\xbe \xd1\x81\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbb\xd1\x8c\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe \xd0\xb7\xd0\xb0 15 ?', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:50] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/69118514', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510408413L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0 13 \xd0\xbe\xd1\x87\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe 108 000', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:50] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Tier099', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/5595999', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510408924L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xba\xd1\x82\xd0\xbe \xd0\xb2 \xd0\xb2\xd0\xb7\xd0\xb2\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb4??? \xd0\x9f\xd0\xb8\xd1\x88\xd0\xb8\xd1\x82\xd0\xb5 \xd1\x81\xd0\xbc\xd1\x81 \xd0\xb2 \xd0\x9b\xd0\xa1', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:50] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'NSDRP', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/2557718', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510409220L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\x94\xd0\x90 \xd1\x83\xd0\xb6 . \xd0\xb0 \xd0\xbc\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe \xd0\xb4\xd0\xbb\xd1\x8f \xd0\xba\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb0 18 \xd0\xbe\xd1\x87\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2. \xd0\xb0 \xd1\x83 \xd0\xbc\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd1\x8f \xd1\x82\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbb\xd1\x8c\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe 9. \xd0\xbe\xd1\x85\xd0\xbe- \xd1\x85\xd0\xbe', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:50] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Tier099', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/5595999', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510409598L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xb8\xd0\xb3\xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd1\x82\xd1\x8c \xd1\x80\xd0\xb5\xd0\xb1\xd1\x8f\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0???', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:50] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'PZS_One', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/73537307', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510415291L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xb2\xd1\x81\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbc \xd0\xbf\xd1\x80\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:51] (, 86904481544477, 21): joinChannel, ('already joined', 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc') [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:51] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 17222686 bob7771 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:51] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 2557718 NSDRP 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:51] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 35853511 toshidzu 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:51] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 5595999 Tier099 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:51] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 58161041 Y_O_R_K_2015 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:51] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 62222528 HEGNI_1 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:51] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 69118514 RenamedUser_69118514 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:51] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 71811251 Leogon_1 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:51] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 73537307 PZS_One 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:55] getModelPaths [] [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:56] !!! PostBattleWindow: Results Receive Timeout, going to Dock! [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:57] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {62222528: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 69416610: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 6896454: None, 35853511: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 30937387: None, 26288674: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'GUAPS', 'id': 430164, 'name': u'\u0413\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0434\u0435\u0439\u0446\u044b \u041f\u043e\u0441\u0435\u0439\u0434\u043e\u043d\u0430'}, 17915186: None, 58161041: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 69118514: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 71811251: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 2557718: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 327255: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'ENYO', 'id': 415095, 'name': u'\u042d\u041d\u0418\u041e'}, 5471194: None, 22453883: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 2893852: None} [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:58] availableShipParts 55 [S] [2017_11_11 19:02:58] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_11 19:03:05] BattleChatSystem OUT OF Context [S] [2017_11_11 19:03:05] Exception BigWorld.EntityIsDestroyedException: 'Avatar 1183547 has been destroyed' in ignored [S] [2017_11_11 19:03:05] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 19:03:12] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:03:12] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:03:12] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:03:12] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:03:12] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:03:12] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:03:12] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:03:12] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:03:12] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:03:12] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:03:12] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:03:12] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:03:13] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:03:13] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:03:13] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:03:13] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:03:13] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:03:13] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:03:13] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:03:13] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:03:13] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:03:13] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:03:13] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:03:13] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:03:13] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_11 19:03:13] (, 66379459049956, 122): __sendCurrentMessage:, (IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510416001.0, 1510426780.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_end'}),) [S] [2017_11_11 19:03:13] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 118, 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'messageType': 'soon_end', 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_CLAN_BATTLE_PRIMETIME_CHANGED', 'groupId': 8} [S] [2017_11_11 19:03:13] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2017_11_11 19:03:13] [Filters] saveFilters [] [S] [2017_11_11 19:03:13] [Filters] saveFilters [] [S] [2017_11_11 19:03:13] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2017_11_11 19:03:13] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': 0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2017_11_11 19:03:13] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': -1.0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2017_11_11 19:03:17] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'PZS_One', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/73537307', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510416197L, 'isDelayed': False, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd1\x85\xd0\xbe\xd1\x87\xd1\x83 \xd0\xbf\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb3\xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd1\x82\xd1\x8c \xd1\x81\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbc\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb9', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 19:03:36] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Tier099', 'fromJid': '5595999@wowsru.loc/wows', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510416216L, 'isDelayed': False, 'toJid': '73537307@wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xbe\xd0\xba \xd1\x81\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb7\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb9 \xd0\xbe\xd1\x82\xd1\x80\xd1\x8f\xd0\xb4 \xd0\xbf\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb4\xd0\xba\xd0\xbb\xd1\x8e\xd1\x87\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb9\xd1\x81\xd1\x8f \xd0\xb2 \xd1\x80\xd0\xb5\xd0\xb4 \xd0\xba\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbb \xd0\xb8 \xd0\xbf\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb5\xd1\x85\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb8', 'isPrivate': True, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 19:03:40] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened False [isChatBoxOpened] __updateChannelInfo channel.isChatBoxOpened False False [S] [2017_11_11 19:03:54] [ChatSystem] __executeAddContact dbId: 73537307.0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:03:54] UserDataGate.__onRosterUpdated [('17915186@wowsru.loc', 'egy5', False, 4, ()), ('22453883@wowsru.loc', 'vova1972ruzan', False, 4, ()), ('2557718@wowsru.loc', 'NSDRP', True, 4, ()), ('26288674@wowsru.loc', '_EmperoR_WOW_', False, 4, ()), ('2893852@wowsru.loc', 'klimstonn', False, 4, ()), ('30937387@wowsru.loc', 'monster__622', False, 4, ()), ('327255@wowsru.loc', 'Migri', False, 4, ()), ('35853511@wowsru.loc', 'toshidzu', True, 4, ()), ('5471194@wowsru.loc', 'loki1982', False, 4, ()), ('58161041@wowsru.loc', 'Y_O_R_K_2015', True, 4, ()), ('62222528@wowsru.loc', 'HEGNI_1', True, 4, ()), ('6896454@wowsru.loc', 'Vie92', False, 4, ()), ('69118514@wowsru.loc', 'RenamedUser_69118514', True, 4, ()), ('69416610@wowsru.loc', 'Player_3185411451', False, 4, ()), ('71811251@wowsru.loc', 'Leogon_1', True, 4, ()), ('73537307@wowsru.loc', 'PZS_One', False, 0, ())] [S] [2017_11_11 19:03:54] UserDataGate.__onRosterUpdated [('17915186@wowsru.loc', 'egy5', False, 4, ()), ('22453883@wowsru.loc', 'vova1972ruzan', False, 4, ()), ('2557718@wowsru.loc', 'NSDRP', True, 4, ()), ('26288674@wowsru.loc', '_EmperoR_WOW_', False, 4, ()), ('2893852@wowsru.loc', 'klimstonn', False, 4, ()), ('30937387@wowsru.loc', 'monster__622', False, 4, ()), ('327255@wowsru.loc', 'Migri', False, 4, ()), ('35853511@wowsru.loc', 'toshidzu', True, 4, ()), ('5471194@wowsru.loc', 'loki1982', False, 4, ()), ('58161041@wowsru.loc', 'Y_O_R_K_2015', True, 4, ()), ('62222528@wowsru.loc', 'HEGNI_1', True, 4, ()), ('6896454@wowsru.loc', 'Vie92', False, 4, ()), ('69118514@wowsru.loc', 'RenamedUser_69118514', True, 4, ()), ('69416610@wowsru.loc', 'Player_3185411451', False, 4, ()), ('71811251@wowsru.loc', 'Leogon_1', True, 4, ()), ('73537307@wowsru.loc', 'PZS_One', False, 1, ())] [S] [2017_11_11 19:03:54] UserDataGate.__onRosterUpdated [('17915186@wowsru.loc', 'egy5', False, 4, ()), ('22453883@wowsru.loc', 'vova1972ruzan', False, 4, ()), ('2557718@wowsru.loc', 'NSDRP', True, 4, ()), ('26288674@wowsru.loc', '_EmperoR_WOW_', False, 4, ()), ('2893852@wowsru.loc', 'klimstonn', False, 4, ()), ('30937387@wowsru.loc', 'monster__622', False, 4, ()), ('327255@wowsru.loc', 'Migri', False, 4, ()), ('35853511@wowsru.loc', 'toshidzu', True, 4, ()), ('5471194@wowsru.loc', 'loki1982', False, 4, ()), ('58161041@wowsru.loc', 'Y_O_R_K_2015', True, 4, ()), ('62222528@wowsru.loc', 'HEGNI_1', True, 4, ()), ('6896454@wowsru.loc', 'Vie92', False, 4, ()), ('69118514@wowsru.loc', 'RenamedUser_69118514', True, 4, ()), ('69416610@wowsru.loc', 'Player_3185411451', False, 4, ()), ('71811251@wowsru.loc', 'Leogon_1', True, 4, ()), ('73537307@wowsru.loc', 'PZS_One', False, 4, ())] [S] [2017_11_11 19:03:54] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {73537307: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}} [S] [2017_11_11 19:03:58] [ChatSystem] __executeOpenChannelForPrivateMessages 69118514.0 [Entity: id:5111 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'clanman', 'accountStatus', 'contact', 'elementInGroups', 'channelParticipant', 'accountLevel', 'accountRank']] [S] [2017_11_11 19:03:58] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True [isChatBoxOpened] __updateChannelInfo channel.isChatBoxOpened True True [S] [2017_11_11 19:04:04] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Tier099', 'fromJid': '5595999@wowsru.loc/wows', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510416244L, 'isDelayed': False, 'toJid': '69118514@wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb0\xd1\x81\xd1\x8c \xd0\xb1\xd1\x83\xd0\xbc \xd0\xb8\xd0\xb3\xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd1\x82\xd1\x8c?', 'isPrivate': True, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 19:04:05] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened False [isChatBoxOpened] __updateChannelInfo channel.isChatBoxOpened False False [S] [2017_11_11 19:04:10] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 62222528 {'jid': '62222528@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'HEGNI_1', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:04:10] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {62222528: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}} [S] [2017_11_11 19:04:32] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True [isChatBoxOpened] __updateChannelInfo channel.isChatBoxOpened True True [S] [2017_11_11 19:04:32] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'PZS_One', 'fromJid': '73537307@wowsru.loc/wows', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510416272L, 'isDelayed': False, 'toJid': '73537307@wowsru.loc/wows', 'text': '\xd0\xbf\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbd\xd1\x8f\xd0\xbb', 'isPrivate': True, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 19:05:29] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 73537307 {'jid': '73537307@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'PZS_One', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 19:05:30] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {73537307: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}} [S] [2017_11_11 19:05:48] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {62222528: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 69416610: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 22453883: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 71811251: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 6896454: None, 35853511: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 30937387: None, 26288674: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'GUAPS', 'id': 430164, 'name': u'\u0413\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0434\u0435\u0439\u0446\u044b \u041f\u043e\u0441\u0435\u0439\u0434\u043e\u043d\u0430'}, 58161041: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 17915186: None, 69118514: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 2557718: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 327255: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'ENYO', 'id': 415095, 'name': u'\u042d\u041d\u0418\u041e'}, 5471194: None, 73537307: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 2893852: None, 17222686: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}} [S] [2017_11_11 19:05:52] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 58161041 {'jid': '58161041@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Y_O_R_K_2015', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:05:57] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {58161041: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}} [E] [2017_11_11 19:07:02] ServerConnection::onTimeOut(537297764): Disconnecting due to channel timing out. [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:02] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 6 NOT_SET [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:02] [LOGIN] Setting gIsConnected to False [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:07] connection problem!!! [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:07] clearAll 0 True [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:07] AccountLevelingProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:07] ShutDownProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:07] ShutDownProxy.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:07] StatsProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:07] StatsProxy.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:07] CampaignsProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:07] LootboxProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:07] LootboxProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:07] PVEScriptsProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:07] PVEDatahubUtils.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:07] PVEScriptsProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:07] IngamePortalProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:07] IngameNewsProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:07] UserDataGate.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:07] UserDataGate.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:07] ClanProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:07] ClanProxy.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:07] [LootboxProxyClient.destroy] [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:07] (, 51007757488877, 12): is out of context [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:07] (, 13182166089733, 190): fini [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:07] (, 51007922117933, 263): out of context [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:07] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Login, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:07] PreBattleInfoHolder.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:07] GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:07] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:07] GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:11] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Login, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:15] (, 66259644693353, 191): H:; A:; C:http://csis.worldoftanks.ru/csis/wowsru/?periphery=login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020&periphery=login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020; M:['login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020', 'login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020'] [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:16] BaseLoginRequest.doLogin(): login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020 token2 ([BaseLoginCredentials] Tier099) [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:16] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:16] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:16] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 1 LOGGED_ON {"token2":"5595999:5600238760764888903:295798219234913241904666199974821857731","wgnr":"ru.wargaming.net"} [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:16] LOGGED_ON {u'token2': u'5595999:5600238760764888903:295798219234913241904666199974821857731', u'wgnr': u'ru.wargaming.net'} [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:16] [LOGIN] Positive, serverMsg: {u'token2': u'5595999:5600238760764888903:295798219234913241904666199974821857731', u'wgnr': u'ru.wargaming.net'}, status: LOGGED_ON [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:16] [LOGIN] Setting wgnr url to "https://ru.wargaming.net" [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:16] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 2 NOT_SET [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:17] Account.__init__() [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:17] [Account debuG]: __init__() Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:17] ClanProxy.setChatHandler [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:17] ClanProxy.setInteractiveMessageData [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:17] Exception BigWorld.EntityIsDestroyedException: 'Account 537297764 has been destroyed' in ignored [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:17] (, 571883079382, 162): init [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:17] (, 574705753692, 103): Url config for realm ru as string is ResMgr.DataSection at 0x5289F270 [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:17] (, 51003525417967, 75): in context [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:17] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:17] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:17] onBecomePlayer() [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:17] UserDataGate.onGetConnection [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:17] UserDataGate.onGetConnection(): 5595999 [Entity: id:3906 ['accountSimple', 'accountName']] Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:17] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAccount [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:17] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() True 0 0 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:17] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:17] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:17] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4154867632 {('Default', 4284313520L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 13, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:17] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4162207664 {('Default', 4279410608L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 6, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:17] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4163256240 {('Default', 4282556336L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 5, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:17] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q04 {('Default', 4271730608L, 0): 5, ('Default', 4269633456L, 0): 5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u041e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c \u043d\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u041e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c \u043d\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'} [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:17] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4160110512 {'desc': (), ('Resource', 0, 0): 100000} {'taskNumber': 8, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:17] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22468_q03 {('Default', 4263440304L, 0): 5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'} [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:17] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q02 {('Resource', 19, 0): 1, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u041f\u0440\u0435\u043c\u0438\u0443\u043c \u0437\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0443'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u041f\u0440\u0435\u043c\u0438\u0443\u043c \u0437\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0443'} [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:17] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4161159088 {('Default', 4283604912L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 7, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:17] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q01 {('ResourceCoeff', 21, 17): 3.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 30): 6.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 9): 12.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 32): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 10): 3.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 5): 1.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 28): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 14): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 11): 1.5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'}, 0, 0)} {'type': 'challenge', 'titleText': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'} [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:17] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4167450544 {('Resource', 16, 0): 500, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 1, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:17] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4156964784 {('Resource', 0, 0): 100000, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 11, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:17] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 15 [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:17] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:17] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 15. Boxes contents: [{4288852912L: {(0, 4283622320L): 1}, 4284658608L: {(0, 4274185136L): 1}, 4283610032L: {(0, 4273136560L): 1}, 4289901488L: {(0, 4289913776L): 1}}] [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:17] setServerTime: serverTime=1510416439 time.time()=1510416437.62 gInitialClientTime=8638.12407143 [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:17] initBattleTypes called [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:17] Disabled maps: [] [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:17] getNationForTutorial() CanBeStarted: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:17] StatsProxy.receiveAbuseStatus(): {'battlesToClean': 1, 'statuses': {'tkill': 1}, 'warnings': ()} [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:18] _onChangeTimeOut 156 [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:20] __processDossierStats() client dossier: ['oper', 'pvp', 'oper_mm_tasks_diag', 'pve_diag', 'pvp_diag', 'oper_normal', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'pve', 'oper_mm', 'total', 'oper_normal_tasks_diag', 'max_pve', 'rank_diag', 'max_pvp', 'oper_diag', 'club_diag', 'club', 'max_club', 'clan', 'oper_hard', 'oper_hard_tasks_diag', 'max_clan'] [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:20] AccountLevelingProxy.onGetAccountStats(): (-1, -1) (15, 747982) [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:21] __updateTaskProgress start: {'22470_q01': {}, '22468_q04': {3: {'count': 20721}}} [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:21] __updateTaskProgress start: {'22468_q03': {'count': 1, 3: {'count': 10.0}}, '22468_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 3}}, '22469_q01': {'count': 0}, '21856_q00': {'count': 0}, '22468_q05': {'count': 0}, '22468_q02': {'count': 1, 3: {'count': 549416}}, '22470_q01': {'count': 27}, '22470_q02': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 5}}, '22470_q03': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 433800}, 3: {'count': 15080}, 4: {'count': 96565}}, '22470_q04': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 10}}, '22160_q01': {'count': 0}, '22468_q04': {'count': 0, 3: {'count': 20721}}} [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:21] onGetRankBattlesInfo currentSeason: 7, PlayerInfo: None [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:21] onGetRankDossier() seasonId = 7 Empty [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:21] ---- no data for seasonId: 7 [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:21] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onGetSeasonRules: config False, {'seasonId': 1, 'operations': {4291341232L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 3, 'unlockTime': 1500429600, 'caps': 3}, 4292389808L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1499824800, 'caps': 3}, 4290292656L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1501034400, 'caps': 3}, 4293438384L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1501639200, 'caps': 3}}, 'currentOperationIdx': 1, 'roster': [4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L, 4293438384L], 'startTime': 1499824800, 'seasons': {1: {'operations': [4293438384L, 4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}, 2: {'operations': [], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}}, 'currentRotationTime': 1510106400, 'nextRotationTime': 1510711200, 'stage': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:21] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onLoadProgress: config False, season False, {'operations': {'hard': [], 'normal': [(4287146928L, [1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 0]), (4288195504L, [1509007262, 1509007262, 1509007262, 0, 0, 0]), (4290292656L, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])]}, 'seasons': {'hard': [], 'normal': [(2, 1509007262)]}} [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:21] onClanResponse: response=(1, 0, (430246, (430246, u'FLY', u'FLY', 16777215, u'executive_officer', u'\u0417\u0434\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0443\u0439\u0442\u0435 \u0442\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0449\u0438, \u0443 \u043a\u043e\u0433\u043e \u0435\u0441\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0431\u043b\u0438 10-\u0433\u043e \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u043d\u044f, \u0438 \u0433\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0441\u043e\u0432\u0430\u044f \u0432\u0441\u044f\u0437\u044c \u043d\u0443\u0436\u043d\u043e \u0441\u044b\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d\u043e\u0432\u044b\u0435 \u0431\u043e\u0438 - \u0441\u0442\u0430\u0432\u0442\u0435 + \u043c\u043d\u0435 \u0432 \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443 \u043a\u0442\u043e \u0433\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432', {47518727: {'role': u'private'}, 162314: {'role': u'private'}, 2835342: {'role': u'private'}, 58161041: {'role': u'private'}, 19410835: {'role': u'private'}, 2557718: {'role': u'private'}, 27883543: {'role': u'private'}, 73537307: {'role': u'private'}, 17222686: {'role': u'private'}, 310434: {'role': u'private'}, 11428651: {'role': u'private'}, 2445100: {'role': u'private'}, 7715120: {'role': u'private'}, 69118514: {'role': u'commander'}, 71811251: {'role': u'private'}, 59694238: {'role': u'private'}, 62222528: {'role': u'private'}, 47245249: {'role': u'private'}, 59103429: {'role': u'private'}, 35853511: {'role': u'private'}, 69416610: {'role': u'private'}, 65031124: {'role': u'private'}, 33301518: {'role': u'private'}, 5595999: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 8706534: {'role': u'private'}, 37230: {'role': u'private'}, 1515506: {'role': u'private'}, 71303028: {'role': u'private'}, 5426549: {'role': u'private'}, 22453883: {'role': u'private'}}, {75100162: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3925161}, 75104791: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1901451}, 75104792: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12037438}, 75104793: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47518727}, 75100186: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4688253}, 75100187: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26497012}, 75100188: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 872384}, 75100189: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 16896550}, 75104799: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2557718}, 75100217: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58161041}, 75100219: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36672236}, 75100220: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12445172}, 75100221: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11262324}, 75100086: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71777625}, 75099916: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5426549}, 75088485: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11437327}, 75088488: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86912728}, 75099930: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35480962}, 75099931: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 64096589}, 75104796: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24059614}, 75104797: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5326927}, 75105224: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5163046}, 75115804: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3700101}, 75100858: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65353479}, 75100859: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4549361}, 75100860: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19163627}, 75100862: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 15486060}, 75100864: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24960589}, 75104795: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26571092}, 75101403: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13829345}, 75101405: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2774140}, 75101406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19410835}, 75105005: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2514322}, 75105006: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 6071074}, 75105007: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21765943}, 75105008: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13351014}, 75105009: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10744094}, 75105010: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8213596}, 75105533: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 32758788}, 75105534: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35843415}, 75105535: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19416306}, 75099910: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 22471163}, 75099912: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47356661}, 75099913: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20821811}, 75099914: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 38322742}, 75099915: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 57543888}, 75100940: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1550733}, 75100941: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1431883}, 75100942: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 744012}, 75100943: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 69416610}, 75100944: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36933861}, 75100946: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4337469}, 75115800: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47245249}, 75115801: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2723422}, 75115802: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19050869}, 75115803: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65031124}, 75099932: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5239563}, 75099933: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5564244}, 75105068: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 27883543}, 75099952: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11428651}, 75115830: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 62222528}, 75115831: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8664152}, 75115833: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59103429}, 75115837: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4858560}, 75115840: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 7424262}, 75099461: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 33301518}, 75104134: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 225652}, 75101613: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 162314}, 75101614: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 75991473}, 75100081: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71303028}, 75100082: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79542157}, 75100083: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 76103}, 75100084: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80535214}, 75100085: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5965559}, 75092406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86780640}, 75092407: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 72132668}, 75092409: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65107864}, 75092412: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58685850}, 75104707: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13658244}, 75104708: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 77607300}, 75104710: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79957325}, 75104712: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2809573}, 75105225: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 61831778}, 75105226: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 48512704}, 75105227: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82400346}, 75105229: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59694238}, 75105230: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24318025}, 75105232: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35446652}, 75100114: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21297715}, 75100115: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2636501}, 75100116: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 23508047}, 75100117: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4104445}, 75100156: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65362617}, 75113469: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 17222686}, 75100158: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20158906}, 75113467: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1207353}, 75113468: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80938462}, 75100157: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82347121}, 75113470: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8706534}, 75113471: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4261263}}, 30, 30, None))) [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:21] ClanProxy.onClanResponse(): 1 (430246, (430246, u'FLY', u'FLY', 16777215, u'executive_officer', u'\u0417\u0434\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0443\u0439\u0442\u0435 \u0442\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0449\u0438, \u0443 \u043a\u043e\u0433\u043e \u0435\u0441\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0431\u043b\u0438 10-\u0433\u043e \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u043d\u044f, \u0438 \u0433\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0441\u043e\u0432\u0430\u044f \u0432\u0441\u044f\u0437\u044c \u043d\u0443\u0436\u043d\u043e \u0441\u044b\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d\u043e\u0432\u044b\u0435 \u0431\u043e\u0438 - \u0441\u0442\u0430\u0432\u0442\u0435 + \u043c\u043d\u0435 \u0432 \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443 \u043a\u0442\u043e \u0433\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432', {47518727: {'role': u'private'}, 162314: {'role': u'private'}, 2835342: {'role': u'private'}, 58161041: {'role': u'private'}, 19410835: {'role': u'private'}, 2557718: {'role': u'private'}, 27883543: {'role': u'private'}, 73537307: {'role': u'private'}, 17222686: {'role': u'private'}, 310434: {'role': u'private'}, 11428651: {'role': u'private'}, 2445100: {'role': u'private'}, 7715120: {'role': u'private'}, 69118514: {'role': u'commander'}, 71811251: {'role': u'private'}, 59694238: {'role': u'private'}, 62222528: {'role': u'private'}, 47245249: {'role': u'private'}, 59103429: {'role': u'private'}, 35853511: {'role': u'private'}, 69416610: {'role': u'private'}, 65031124: {'role': u'private'}, 33301518: {'role': u'private'}, 5595999: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 8706534: {'role': u'private'}, 37230: {'role': u'private'}, 1515506: {'role': u'private'}, 71303028: {'role': u'private'}, 5426549: {'role': u'private'}, 22453883: {'role': u'private'}}, {75100162: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3925161}, 75104791: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1901451}, 75104792: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12037438}, 75104793: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47518727}, 75100186: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4688253}, 75100187: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26497012}, 75100188: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 872384}, 75100189: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 16896550}, 75104799: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2557718}, 75100217: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58161041}, 75100219: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36672236}, 75100220: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12445172}, 75100221: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11262324}, 75100086: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71777625}, 75099916: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5426549}, 75088485: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11437327}, 75088488: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86912728}, 75099930: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35480962}, 75099931: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 64096589}, 75104796: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24059614}, 75104797: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5326927}, 75105224: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5163046}, 75115804: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3700101}, 75100858: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65353479}, 75100859: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4549361}, 75100860: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19163627}, 75100862: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 15486060}, 75100864: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24960589}, 75104795: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26571092}, 75101403: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13829345}, 75101405: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2774140}, 75101406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19410835}, 75105005: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2514322}, 75105006: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 6071074}, 75105007: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21765943}, 75105008: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13351014}, 75105009: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10744094}, 75105010: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8213596}, 75105533: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 32758788}, 75105534: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35843415}, 75105535: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19416306}, 75099910: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 22471163}, 75099912: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47356661}, 75099913: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20821811}, 75099914: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 38322742}, 75099915: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 57543888}, 75100940: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1550733}, 75100941: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1431883}, 75100942: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 744012}, 75100943: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 69416610}, 75100944: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36933861}, 75100946: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4337469}, 75115800: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47245249}, 75115801: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2723422}, 75115802: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19050869}, 75115803: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65031124}, 75099932: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5239563}, 75099933: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5564244}, 75105068: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 27883543}, 75099952: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11428651}, 75115830: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 62222528}, 75115831: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8664152}, 75115833: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59103429}, 75115837: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4858560}, 75115840: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 7424262}, 75099461: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 33301518}, 75104134: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 225652}, 75101613: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 162314}, 75101614: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 75991473}, 75100081: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71303028}, 75100082: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79542157}, 75100083: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 76103}, 75100084: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80535214}, 75100085: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5965559}, 75092406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86780640}, 75092407: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 72132668}, 75092409: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65107864}, 75092412: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58685850}, 75104707: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13658244}, 75104708: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 77607300}, 75104710: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79957325}, 75104712: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2809573}, 75105225: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 61831778}, 75105226: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 48512704}, 75105227: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82400346}, 75105229: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59694238}, 75105230: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24318025}, 75105232: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35446652}, 75100114: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21297715}, 75100115: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2636501}, 75100116: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 23508047}, 75100117: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4104445}, 75100156: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65362617}, 75113469: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 17222686}, 75100158: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20158906}, 75113467: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1207353}, 75113468: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80938462}, 75100157: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82347121}, 75113470: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8706534}, 75113471: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4261263}}, 30, 30, None)) [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:21] ClanProxy.__onGetMyClan: False (430246, (430246, u'FLY', u'FLY', 16777215, u'executive_officer', u'\u0417\u0434\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0443\u0439\u0442\u0435 \u0442\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0449\u0438, \u0443 \u043a\u043e\u0433\u043e \u0435\u0441\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0431\u043b\u0438 10-\u0433\u043e \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u043d\u044f, \u0438 \u0433\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0441\u043e\u0432\u0430\u044f \u0432\u0441\u044f\u0437\u044c \u043d\u0443\u0436\u043d\u043e \u0441\u044b\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d\u043e\u0432\u044b\u0435 \u0431\u043e\u0438 - \u0441\u0442\u0430\u0432\u0442\u0435 + \u043c\u043d\u0435 \u0432 \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443 \u043a\u0442\u043e \u0433\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432', {47518727: {'role': u'private'}, 162314: {'role': u'private'}, 2835342: {'role': u'private'}, 58161041: {'role': u'private'}, 19410835: {'role': u'private'}, 2557718: {'role': u'private'}, 27883543: {'role': u'private'}, 73537307: {'role': u'private'}, 17222686: {'role': u'private'}, 310434: {'role': u'private'}, 11428651: {'role': u'private'}, 2445100: {'role': u'private'}, 7715120: {'role': u'private'}, 69118514: {'role': u'commander'}, 71811251: {'role': u'private'}, 59694238: {'role': u'private'}, 62222528: {'role': u'private'}, 47245249: {'role': u'private'}, 59103429: {'role': u'private'}, 35853511: {'role': u'private'}, 69416610: {'role': u'private'}, 65031124: {'role': u'private'}, 33301518: {'role': u'private'}, 5595999: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 8706534: {'role': u'private'}, 37230: {'role': u'private'}, 1515506: {'role': u'private'}, 71303028: {'role': u'private'}, 5426549: {'role': u'private'}, 22453883: {'role': u'private'}}, {75100162: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3925161}, 75104791: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1901451}, 75104792: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12037438}, 75104793: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47518727}, 75100186: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4688253}, 75100187: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26497012}, 75100188: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 872384}, 75100189: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 16896550}, 75104799: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2557718}, 75100217: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58161041}, 75100219: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36672236}, 75100220: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12445172}, 75100221: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11262324}, 75100086: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71777625}, 75099916: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5426549}, 75088485: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11437327}, 75088488: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86912728}, 75099930: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35480962}, 75099931: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 64096589}, 75104796: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24059614}, 75104797: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5326927}, 75105224: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5163046}, 75115804: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3700101}, 75100858: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65353479}, 75100859: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4549361}, 75100860: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19163627}, 75100862: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 15486060}, 75100864: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24960589}, 75104795: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26571092}, 75101403: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13829345}, 75101405: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2774140}, 75101406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19410835}, 75105005: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2514322}, 75105006: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 6071074}, 75105007: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21765943}, 75105008: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13351014}, 75105009: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10744094}, 75105010: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8213596}, 75105533: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 32758788}, 75105534: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35843415}, 75105535: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19416306}, 75099910: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 22471163}, 75099912: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47356661}, 75099913: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20821811}, 75099914: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 38322742}, 75099915: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 57543888}, 75100940: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1550733}, 75100941: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1431883}, 75100942: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 744012}, 75100943: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 69416610}, 75100944: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36933861}, 75100946: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4337469}, 75115800: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47245249}, 75115801: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2723422}, 75115802: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19050869}, 75115803: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65031124}, 75099932: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5239563}, 75099933: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5564244}, 75105068: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 27883543}, 75099952: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11428651}, 75115830: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 62222528}, 75115831: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8664152}, 75115833: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59103429}, 75115837: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4858560}, 75115840: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 7424262}, 75099461: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 33301518}, 75104134: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 225652}, 75101613: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 162314}, 75101614: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 75991473}, 75100081: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71303028}, 75100082: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79542157}, 75100083: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 76103}, 75100084: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80535214}, 75100085: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5965559}, 75092406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86780640}, 75092407: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 72132668}, 75092409: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65107864}, 75092412: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58685850}, 75104707: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13658244}, 75104708: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 77607300}, 75104710: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79957325}, 75104712: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2809573}, 75105225: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 61831778}, 75105226: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 48512704}, 75105227: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82400346}, 75105229: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59694238}, 75105230: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24318025}, 75105232: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35446652}, 75100114: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21297715}, 75100115: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2636501}, 75100116: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 23508047}, 75100117: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4104445}, 75100156: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65362617}, 75113469: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 17222686}, 75100158: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20158906}, 75113467: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1207353}, 75113468: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80938462}, 75100157: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82347121}, 75113470: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8706534}, 75113471: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4261263}}, 30, 30, None)) [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:22] [CampaignsCommon] onLoadedDump: loaded campaign params and player; countActiveTasks 1; data ({4290690992L: (False, True, False), 4293836720L: (True, 0, True), 4291739568L: (False, True, False), 4288593840L: (True, 0, True), 4289642416L: (False, True, False), 4292788144L: (True, 0, True)}, {4291739568L: [1, 0], 4293836720L: [1, 1], 4289642416L: [1, 0], 4288593840L: [1, 0], 4290690992L: [1, 0], 4292788144L: [1, 0]}, {4251566000L: [2, 0, 0], 4285120432L: [4, 15, 7], 4287217584L: [4, 12, 7], 4288266160L: [4, 10, 7], 4290363312L: [4, 10, 5], 4292460464L: [4, 6, 8], 4293509040L: [5, 5, 9], 4286169008L: [4, 15, 8], 4263100336L: [2, 0, 0], 4289314736L: [4, 10, 6], 4283023280L: [2, 0, 0], 4272537520L: [2, 0, 0], 4241080240L: [2, 0, 0], 4291411888L: [4, 7, 7]}, {4193664944L: (5, True, 0), 4280696752L: (5, True, 0), 4255530928L: (5, True, 0), 4187373488L: (1, False, 0), 4224073648L: (5, True, 0), 4164304816L: (1, False, 0), 4130750384L: (1, False, 0), 4167450544L: (5, True, 0), 4204150704L: (5, True, 0), 4240850864L: (1, False, 0), 4277551024L: (5, True, 0), 4184227760L: (1, False, 0), 4220927920L: (5, True, 0), 4257628080L: (5, True, 0), 4198907824L: (5, True, 0), 4237705136L: (5, True, 0), 3904257968L: (1, False, 0), 4274405296L: (1, False, 0), 3977658288L: (1, False, 0), 4181082032L: (5, True, 0), 4254482352L: (1, False, 0), 4291182512L: (5, True, 0), 3897966512L: (1, False, 0), 4161159088L: (5, True, 0), 4197859248L: (1, False, 0), 3901112240L: (1, False, 0), 3974512560L: (1, False, 0), 4177936304L: (1, False, 0), 4214636464L: (1, False, 0), 4251336624L: (5, True, 0), 4288036784L: (5, True, 0), 4133896112L: (1, False, 0), 4194713520L: (5, True, 0), 4174790576L: (5, True, 0), 4081467312L: (0, False, 0), 4284891056L: (5, True, 0), 4190519216L: (1, False, 0), 4227219376L: (1, False, 0), 4252385200L: (5, True, 0), 4228267952L: (1, False, 0), 4134944688L: (1, False, 0), 4171644848L: (5, True, 0), 4208345008L: (1, False, 0), 4245045168L: (5, True, 0), 4281745328L: (5, True, 0), 4158013360L: (1, False, 0), 4188422064L: (1, False, 0), 4225122224L: (1, False, 0), 4203102128L: (5, True, 0), 4261822384L: (1, False, 0), 4131798960L: (1, False, 0), 4205199280L: (5, True, 0), 4241899440L: (5, True, 0), 4278599600L: (5, True, 0), 4192616368L: (5, True, 0), 4221976496L: (5, True, 0), 4258676656L: (1, False, 0), 3902160816L: (1, False, 0), 4128653232L: (0, False, 0), 4165353392L: (2, False, 4.0), 4238753712L: (1, False, 0), 3905306544L: (1, False, 0), 4275453872L: (1, False, 0), 3978706864L: (1, False, 0), 4182130608L: (5, True, 0), 4292231088L: (5, True, 0), 4154867632L: (5, True, 0), 4162207664L: (5, True, 0), 3975561136L: (1, False, 0), 4215685040L: (5, True, 0), 4289085360L: (5, True, 0), 4159061936L: (1, False, 0), 3971366832L: (1, False, 0), 4195762096L: (5, True, 0), 3899015088L: (1, False, 0), 3972415408L: (1, False, 0), 4212539312L: (1, False, 0), 4082515888L: (1, False, 0), 4285939632L: (5, True, 0), 4155916208L: (1, False, 0), 4260773808L: (5, True, 0), 4207296432L: (1, False, 0), 4229316528L: (5, True, 0), 3895869360L: (0, False, 0), 4135993264L: (1, False, 0), 4172693424L: (5, True, 0), 4209393584L: (5, True, 0), 4246093744L: (1, False, 0), 4282793904L: (5, True, 0), 4160110512L: (5, True, 0), 4226170800L: (1, False, 0), 4191567792L: (5, True, 0), 4132847536L: (1, False, 0), 4189470640L: (1, False, 0), 4206247856L: (5, True, 0), 4242948016L: (1, False, 0), 4279648176L: (5, True, 0), 4186324912L: (5, True, 0), 4223025072L: (1, False, 0), 4259725232L: (1, False, 0), 4175839152L: (1, False, 0), 4129701808L: (1, False, 0), 4166401968L: (1, False, 0), 4239802288L: (1, False, 0), 4276502448L: (5, True, 0), 4183179184L: (1, False, 0), 4219879344L: (5, True, 0), 4256579504L: (5, True, 0), 4293279664L: (5, True, 0), 4243996592L: (1, False, 0), 4163256240L: (5, True, 0), 4153819056L: (1, False, 0), 4236656560L: (5, True, 0), 3903209392L: (1, False, 0), 4273356720L: (5, True, 0), 3976609712L: (1, False, 0), 4180033456L: (5, True, 0), 4253433776L: (5, True, 0), 4290133936L: (5, True, 0), 4211490736L: (1, False, 0), 4196810672L: (1, False, 0), 3900063664L: (1, False, 0), 3973463984L: (1, False, 0), 4176887728L: (5, True, 0), 4213587888L: (5, True, 0), 4083564464L: (1, False, 0), 4286988208L: (5, True, 0), 4156964784L: (5, True, 0), 4178984880L: (1, False, 0), 4230365104L: (5, True, 0), 4063641520L: (0, False, 0), 3896917936L: (1, False, 0), 3970318256L: (0, False, 0), 4173742000L: (5, True, 0), 4210442160L: (1, False, 0), 4247142320L: (5, True, 0)}) [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:22] ClanProxy.onGetClanBattles {'seasonId': 1, 'finishTime': 1513713600.0, 'primeTimes': {2: (57600, 68400), 3: (57600, 68400), 5: (57600, 68400), 6: (57600, 68400)}, 'shipLevelMax': 10, 'shipLevelMin': 10, 'startTime': 1508310000.0, 'promoTime': 1508310000.0, 'stage': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:24] >>> DockProxy.receiveState [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:24] Unlocks.receiveState [] [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:25] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 19508, 'boughtToday': 1, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1510444800.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:25] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 19508, 'boughtToday': 1, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1510444800.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:25] PVEScriptsProxyCommon.createPVEState() [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:25] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onGetSeasonRules: config True, {'seasonId': 1, 'operations': {4291341232L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 3, 'unlockTime': 1500429600, 'caps': 3}, 4292389808L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1499824800, 'caps': 3}, 4290292656L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1501034400, 'caps': 3}, 4293438384L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1501639200, 'caps': 3}}, 'currentOperationIdx': 1, 'roster': [4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L, 4293438384L], 'startTime': 1499824800, 'seasons': {1: {'operations': [4293438384L, 4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}, 2: {'operations': [], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}}, 'currentRotationTime': 1510106400, 'nextRotationTime': 1510711200, 'stage': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:25] [4181898160L, 4180849584L] [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:25] [4181898160L, 4180849584L] [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:25] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onLoadProgress: config True, season True, {'operations': {'hard': [], 'normal': [(4287146928L, [1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 0]), (4288195504L, [1509007262, 1509007262, 1509007262, 0, 0, 0]), (4290292656L, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])]}, 'seasons': {'hard': [], 'normal': [(2, 1509007262)]}} [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:25] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] _updateOperationCompleted: 4287146928 normal [1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 0] [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:25] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] _updateOperationCompleted: 4288195504 normal [1509007262, 1509007262, 1509007262, 0, 0, 0] [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:25] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] _updateOperationCompleted: 4290292656 normal [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:25] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] _updateSeasonCompleted: 2 normal 1509007262 [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:25] onClanResponse: response=(6, 0, {'league': 4, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 430246, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division_rating': 0, 'stage': 'league'}) [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:25] ClanProxy.onClanResponse(): 6 {'league': 4, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 430246, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division_rating': 0, 'stage': 'league'} [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:25] ClanDataHubUtils.addLadderInfo: {'league': 4, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 430246, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division_rating': 0, 'stage': 'league'} [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:25] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:25] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:25] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] chooseOperation: 4291341232 normal True [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:25] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onOperationChosen: 4291341232 normal True [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:25] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] chooseOperation: 0 normal False [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:25] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onOperationChosen: 0 normal False [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:25] (, 51003611475748, 141): is in context [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:25] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_end'}, interval: (1510416001.0, 1510426780.0)",) [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:25] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'end'}, interval: (1510426800.0, 1510426800.0)",) [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:25] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 10353 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510426800.0, 1510426800.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'end'}) [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:25] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}, interval: (1510498800.0, 1510502380.0)",) [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:25] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 10353 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510426800.0, 1510426800.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'end'}) [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:25] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'start'}, interval: (1510502400.0, 1510502400.0)",) [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:25] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 10353 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510426800.0, 1510426800.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'end'}) [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:25] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'end'}, interval: (1510513200.0, 1510513200.0)",) [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:25] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 10353 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510426800.0, 1510426800.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'end'}) [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:25] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:26] Sent FPS data [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:26] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:31] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:31] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:31] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:31] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:31] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:31] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:31] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:31] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:31] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:31] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:31] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:31] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:31] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:31] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:31] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:31] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:31] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:31] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:31] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:31] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:31] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:31] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:31] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:31] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:31] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:31] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:31] [Filters] saveFilters [] [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:31] [Filters] saveFilters [] [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:32] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:32] (, 66379459049956, 122): __sendCurrentMessage:, (IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510416001.0, 1510426780.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_end'}),) [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:32] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 118, 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'messageType': 'soon_end', 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_CLAN_BATTLE_PRIMETIME_CHANGED', 'groupId': 8} [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:32] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 10346 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510426800.0, 1510426800.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'end'}) [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:32] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': 0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:32] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': -1.0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:35] getModelPaths [] [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:35] ClanProxy.onChatInitialized [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:35] XmppChatHandler.joinClanChannel() 430246 [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:35] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 73537307@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:35] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: channelsGroupsIds: [] [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:35] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:35] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True UserDataGate.__onRosterUpdated [('17915186@wowsru.loc', 'egy5', False, 4, ()), ('22453883@wowsru.loc', 'vova1972ruzan', False, 4, ()), ('2557718@wowsru.loc', 'NSDRP', False, 4, ()), ('26288674@wowsru.loc', '_EmperoR_WOW_', False, 4, ()), ('2893852@wowsru.loc', 'klimstonn', False, 4, ()), ('30937387@wowsru.loc', 'monster__622', False, 4, ()), ('327255@wowsru.loc', 'Migri', False, 4, ()), ('35853511@wowsru.loc', 'toshidzu', False, 4, ()), ('5471194@wowsru.loc', 'loki1982', False, 4, ()), ('58161041@wowsru.loc', 'Y_O_R_K_2015', False, 4, ()), ('62222528@wowsru.loc', 'HEGNI_1', False, 4, ()), ('6896454@wowsru.loc', 'Vie92', False, 4, ()), ('69118514@wowsru.loc', 'RenamedUser_69118514', False, 4, ()), ('69416610@wowsru.loc', 'Player_3185411451', False, 4, ()), ('71811251@wowsru.loc', 'Leogon_1', False, 4, ()), ('73537307@wowsru.loc', 'PZS_One', False, 4, ())] [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:36] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 2893852@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:36] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 59124891@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:36] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 11274288@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:36] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 21696974@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:36] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 14596986@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:36] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 58053848@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:36] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 310434@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:36] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 19410835@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:36] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 35853511@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:36] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 59103429@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:36] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 22453883@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:36] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 2557718@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:36] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 62222528@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:36] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 69118514@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:36] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:36] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:36] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: KARSAK_1968 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:36] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:36] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:36] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:36] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:36] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:36] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:36] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:36] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:36] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:36] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:36] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:36] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:36] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:36] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: toshidzu channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:36] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:36] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Samum1989_geroj channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:36] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:36] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:36] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:36] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: NSDRP channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:36] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:36] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:36] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:36] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:36] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:36] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived clansearch@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:36] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived ids_chat_channel_offtop@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:36] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived ids_chat_channel_questions@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:36] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived wargamingfm@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:36] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_SEARCH_CLAN_DIV channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:36] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:36] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_OFFTOP channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:36] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:36] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_QUESTIONS channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:36] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:36] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: WargamingFM Корабли channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:36] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:36] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc 6 [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:36] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: channelsGroupsIds: [] [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:36] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:36] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 73537307 {'jid': '73537307@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'PZS_One', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:36] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 58161041 {'jid': '58161041@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Y_O_R_K_2015', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:36] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {62222528: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 69416610: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 22453883: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 6896454: None, 35853511: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 30937387: None, 26288674: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'GUAPS', 'id': 430164, 'name': u'\u0413\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0434\u0435\u0439\u0446\u044b \u041f\u043e\u0441\u0435\u0439\u0434\u043e\u043d\u0430'}, 17915186: None, 58161041: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 69118514: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 71811251: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 2557718: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 327255: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'ENYO', 'id': 415095, 'name': u'\u042d\u041d\u0418\u041e'}, 5471194: None, 73537307: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 2893852: None} [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:36] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 69118514 {'jid': '69118514@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:36] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 2557718 {'jid': '2557718@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'NSDRP', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:36] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 62222528 {'jid': '62222528@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'HEGNI_1', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:37] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 71811251 {'jid': '71811251@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Leogon_1', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:37] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 35853511 {'jid': '35853511@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'toshidzu', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:37] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 17222686 {'jid': '17222686@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'bob7771', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:37] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 5595999 {'jid': '5595999@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Tier099', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:37] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Tier099', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/5595999', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510394839L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd1\x80\xd0\xb5\xd0\xb1\xd1\x8f\xd1\x82 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb3\xd0\xbe \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xb2\xd1\x8b\xd0\xba\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb4\xd1\x8b\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82 \xd0\xb2\xd0\xbe \xd0\xb2\xd1\x80\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbc\xd1\x8f \xd0\xb1\xd0\xbe\xd1\x8f???', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:37] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Tier099', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/5595999', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510396421L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbf\xd1\x8f\xd1\x82\xd1\x8c \xd0\xb2\xd1\x8b\xd0\xba\xd0\xb8\xd0\xbd\xd1\x83\xd0\xbb\xd0\xbe 2 \xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb7\xd0\xb0 \xd0\xb7\xd0\xb0 1 \xd0\xb1\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb9', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:37] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/69118514', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510401726L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb1\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb8 \xd0\xba\xd0\xb5\xd1\x88', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:37] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'NSDRP', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/2557718', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510404247L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb5\xd1\x87\xd0\xb5\xd1\x80 \xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb1\xd1\x80\xd1\x8b\xd0\xb9. \xd0\xb5\xd1\x81\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb8 9 \xd0\xbe\xd1\x87\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2 \xd0\xbe\xd0\xbf\xd1\x8b\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0 \xd0\xba\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbf\xd0\xb8\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe 54 000 \xd0\xbe\xd0\xbf\xd1\x8b\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0 \xd1\x82\xd0\xbe \xd1\x81\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbb\xd1\x8c\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe \xd0\xb7\xd0\xb0 15 ?', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:37] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/69118514', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510408413L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0 13 \xd0\xbe\xd1\x87\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe 108 000', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:38] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Tier099', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/5595999', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510408924L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xba\xd1\x82\xd0\xbe \xd0\xb2 \xd0\xb2\xd0\xb7\xd0\xb2\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb4??? \xd0\x9f\xd0\xb8\xd1\x88\xd0\xb8\xd1\x82\xd0\xb5 \xd1\x81\xd0\xbc\xd1\x81 \xd0\xb2 \xd0\x9b\xd0\xa1', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:38] availableShipParts 55 [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:38] (, 86904481544477, 21): joinChannel, ('already joined', 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc') [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:38] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 17222686 bob7771 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:38] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 2557718 NSDRP 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:38] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 35853511 toshidzu 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:38] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 5595999 Tier099 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:38] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 58161041 Y_O_R_K_2015 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:38] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 62222528 HEGNI_1 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:38] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 69118514 RenamedUser_69118514 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:38] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 71811251 Leogon_1 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:38] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 73537307 PZS_One 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:38] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'NSDRP', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/2557718', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510409220L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\x94\xd0\x90 \xd1\x83\xd0\xb6 . \xd0\xb0 \xd0\xbc\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe \xd0\xb4\xd0\xbb\xd1\x8f \xd0\xba\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb0 18 \xd0\xbe\xd1\x87\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2. \xd0\xb0 \xd1\x83 \xd0\xbc\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd1\x8f \xd1\x82\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbb\xd1\x8c\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe 9. \xd0\xbe\xd1\x85\xd0\xbe- \xd1\x85\xd0\xbe', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:39] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Tier099', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/5595999', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510409598L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xb8\xd0\xb3\xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd1\x82\xd1\x8c \xd1\x80\xd0\xb5\xd0\xb1\xd1\x8f\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0???', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:39] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'PZS_One', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/73537307', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510415291L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xb2\xd1\x81\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbc \xd0\xbf\xd1\x80\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:39] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:39] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'PZS_One', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/73537307', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510416198L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd1\x85\xd0\xbe\xd1\x87\xd1\x83 \xd0\xbf\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb3\xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd1\x82\xd1\x8c \xd1\x81\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbc\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb9', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 19:07:45] [ChatSystem] __executeOpenChannelForPrivateMessages 73537307.0 [Entity: id:5971 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'clanman', 'accountLevel', 'accountRank', 'accountStatus', 'contact', 'elementInGroups', 'channelParticipant']] [S] [2017_11_11 19:08:12] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True [DivisionEntranceContext] requestDivisionSeekerList: Account.requestPreBattleSeekerList(): [S] [2017_11_11 19:08:13] receivePreBattles() PreBattleType: 4 Num: 15 Free: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:08:13] [Seek] onReceivePreBattleSeekers [S] [2017_11_11 19:08:13] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'sanek1957', 'league': 0, 'name': 'sanek1957', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 16777215, 'dbid': 58959037, 'clanID': 429738, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'WOWIB', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 19:08:13] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'', 'league': 0, 'name': '_SDA__', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 0, 'dbid': 81084991, 'clanID': 0, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 19:08:13] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'2 \u044d\u0441\u043c. 1 \u041b\u041a. \u0433\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044b \u0432\u0441\u0442\u0443\u043f\u0438\u0442 \u0432 \u0431\u043e\u0439 \u0437\u0430 \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d \u0441\u0435\u0433\u043e\u0434\u043d\u044f, \u043f\u0438\u0441\u0430\u0442\u044c \u0432 \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443', 'league': 0, 'name': 'Fantomtop', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 0, 'dbid': 63669527, 'clanID': 0, 'rankSeasonId': 7, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 134232144, 'rank': 5, 'clanTag': u'', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 19:08:13] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u0434\u043b\u044f \u0443\u0447\u0430\u0441\u0442\u0438\u044f \u0432 \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d\u043e\u0432\u044b\u0445 \u0431\u043e\u044f\u0445 \u043d\u0430\u0431\u043e\u0440 \u0432 \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d SVP \u0431\u043e\u0438 1000+ \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434 50+.\u043e\u0431\u044f\u0437\u0430\u0442\u0435\u043b\u044c\u043d\u043e \u0441\u0432\u044f\u0437\u044c DISCORD. \u0441\u0432\u043e\u0438 \u0434\u0435\u0441\u044f\u0442\u043a\u0438 \u043f\u0440\u0438\u0432\u0435\u0442\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0443\u044e\u0442\u0441\u044f. \u043f\u0438\u0448\u0435\u043c \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443 \u0438\u043b\u0438 \u0437\u0430\u044f\u0432\u043a\u0443 \u0432 \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d', 'league': 0, 'name': 'MINER_1956', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 10066329, 'dbid': 71118075, 'clanID': 425046, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'SVP', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 19:08:13] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u041d\u0410\u0411\u041e\u0420 \u0412 \u041a\u041b\u0410\u041d!!!!....\u0417\u0430\u044f\u0432\u043a\u0430....50%++....pro-al-1200++...', 'league': 0, 'name': 'HeHaBucTb_KaK_cTuMyJI', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 16777215, 'dbid': 8052819, 'clanID': 426096, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'PILAT', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 19:08:13] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u043c\u0438\u043a\u0440\u043e\u0444\u043e\u043d \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u0435\u043d\u044c1- 10 \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u0435\u043d\u044c \u0442\u0435\u0445\u043d\u0438\u043a\u0438 \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u043d\u0430\u044f \u0438\u0433\u0440\u0430 - c\u043b\u0443\u0447\u0430\u0439\u043d\u044b\u0439 \u0431\u043e\u0439. \u0420\u0443\u043a\u0438 \u0440\u0430\u0431\u043e\u0442\u0430\u044e\u0442, \u0432\u0438\u0434\u044f\u0442 \u0433\u043b\u0430\u0437\u0430. \u041f\u043e\u0440\u0445\u0430\u0439 \u043a\u0430\u043a \u0431\u0430\u0431\u043e\u0447\u043a\u0430, \u0436\u0430\u043b\u044c \u043a\u0430\u043a \u043f\u0447\u0435\u043b\u0430.', 'league': 0, 'name': 'Varangian17', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 16777215, 'dbid': 47583058, 'clanID': 429328, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'NSP', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 19:08:13] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u0438\u0449\u0443 \u0430\u0432\u0438\u043a 4-5 \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u0435\u043d\u044c \u043a\u0430\u0442\u0430\u044e \u0422\u0435\u0445\u0430\u0441 \u0438 \u0420\u0435\u0432\u043e\u043b\u044e\u0446\u0438\u044e \u043c\u043e\u0439 \u043f\u0440\u043e\u0446 \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434 60% \u043f\u0440\u0438\u0433\u043b\u043e\u0441\u044b \u0432 \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443 \u043a\u043e\u043e\u043f\u0435\u0440\u0430\u0442\u0438\u0432 \u0438 \u043e\u043f\u0435\u0440\u0430\u0446\u0438\u0438 \u043d\u0435 \u0438\u043d\u0442\u0435\u0440\u0435\u0441\u0443\u044e\u0442', 'league': 0, 'name': 'Sergiksuper1', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 16777215, 'dbid': 7924640, 'clanID': 428411, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'TSUWR', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 19:08:13] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'', 'league': 0, 'name': 'Baurik', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 13395507, 'dbid': 4260080, 'clanID': 424824, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'KAZ13', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 19:08:13] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'1 \u043c\u0435\u0441\u0442\u043e - \u043d\u0430\u0431\u0438\u0440\u0430\u0435\u043c \u0432 \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d, \u0441\u043c\u043e\u0442\u0440\u0438\u043c \u0441\u0442\u0430\u0442\u0443 \u0438 \u0434\u0430\u043c\u0430\u0433. \u0436\u0435\u043b\u0430\u044e\u0449\u0438\u0435 \u043e\u0431\u0440\u0430\u0449\u0430\u0439\u0442\u0435\u0441\u044c \u0432 \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443 \u0438\u043b\u0438 \u0437\u0430\u044f\u0432\u043a\u043e\u0439, \u0432 \u043e\u0442\u0440\u044f\u0434 \u043d\u0435 \u0437\u0432\u0430\u0442\u044c.', 'league': 0, 'name': '44Legioner', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 10066329, 'dbid': 3789866, 'clanID': 419498, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'-DRT-', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 19:08:13] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u0432\u043e\u0439\u043d\u0430 - \u0434\u0432\u0438\u0433\u0430\u0442\u0435\u043b\u044c \u043f\u0440\u043e\u0433\u0440\u0435\u0441\u0441\u0430!', 'league': 0, 'name': 'anna66', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 16777215, 'dbid': 66177214, 'clanID': 426385, 'rankSeasonId': 7, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 134232432, 'rank': 23, 'clanTag': u'ARII', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 19:08:13] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'', 'league': 0, 'name': 'nord6464', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 10066329, 'dbid': 5054093, 'clanID': 425960, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'4ELO', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 19:08:13] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'', 'league': 0, 'name': 'granin_slava', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 13395507, 'dbid': 74736521, 'clanID': 429910, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'43', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 19:08:13] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u041a\u041b\u0410\u041d GRES', 'league': 0, 'name': 'KOMIKADZE666', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 13395507, 'dbid': 25949302, 'clanID': 430434, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'GRES', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 19:08:13] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u0412\u0437\u0432\u043e\u0434 5-10 \u043b\u0432\u043b 55%+ \u043f\u0438\u0448\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0432 \u041b\u0421 (\u0441\u0432\u044f\u0437\u044c \u0422\u0421)', 'league': 0, 'name': 'Nik_drive', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 16763955, 'dbid': 113968, 'clanID': 415718, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'W_WP2', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 19:08:13] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'', 'league': 0, 'name': 'TIGRA7', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 0, 'dbid': 66171426, 'clanID': 0, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 19:08:36] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Tier099', 'fromJid': '5595999@wowsru.loc/wows', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510416516L, 'isDelayed': False, 'toJid': '73537307@wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd1\x81\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb7\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb0\xd1\x8e', 'isPrivate': True, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 19:08:38] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened False [isChatBoxOpened] __updateChannelInfo channel.isChatBoxOpened False False [S] [2017_11_11 19:08:47] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {62222528: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 69416610: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 22453883: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 71811251: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 6896454: None, 35853511: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 30937387: None, 26288674: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'GUAPS', 'id': 430164, 'name': u'\u0413\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0434\u0435\u0439\u0446\u044b \u041f\u043e\u0441\u0435\u0439\u0434\u043e\u043d\u0430'}, 58161041: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 17915186: None, 69118514: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 2557718: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 327255: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'ENYO', 'id': 415095, 'name': u'\u042d\u041d\u0418\u041e'}, 5471194: None, 73537307: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 2893852: None, 17222686: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}} [S] [2017_11_11 19:08:53] [ChatSystem] __executeOpenChannelForPrivateMessages 62222528.0 [Entity: id:5928 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'clanman', 'accountLevel', 'accountRank', 'accountStatus', 'contact', 'elementInGroups', 'channelParticipant', 'teamKiller', 'searchResultItem']] [S] [2017_11_11 19:08:53] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True [isChatBoxOpened] __updateChannelInfo channel.isChatBoxOpened True True [S] [2017_11_11 19:08:56] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True [isChatBoxOpened] __updateChannelInfo channel.isChatBoxOpened True True [S] [2017_11_11 19:08:56] XMPPCHAT: ChannelHandler.updateInfo Tier099: new name: Tier099 RenamedUser_69118514 [S] [2017_11_11 19:08:56] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'fromJid': '69118514@wowsru.loc/wows', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510416536L, 'isDelayed': False, 'toJid': '69118514@wowsru.loc/wows', 'text': '\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb0', 'isPrivate': True, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 19:08:59] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'fromJid': '69118514@wowsru.loc/wows', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510416539L, 'isDelayed': False, 'toJid': '69118514@wowsru.loc/wows', 'text': '\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb5\xd1\x87\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe', 'isPrivate': True, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 19:09:05] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Tier099', 'fromJid': '5595999@wowsru.loc/wows', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510416545L, 'isDelayed': False, 'toJid': '69118514@wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xb2\xd1\x81\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xbf\xd1\x80\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb3\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb0\xd1\x88\xd0\xb0\xd1\x8e', 'isPrivate': True, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 19:09:10] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'fromJid': '69118514@wowsru.loc/wows', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510416550L, 'isDelayed': False, 'toJid': '69118514@wowsru.loc/wows', 'text': '\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbc', 'isPrivate': True, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 19:09:13] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Tier099', 'fromJid': '5595999@wowsru.loc/wows', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510416553L, 'isDelayed': False, 'toJid': '62222528@wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xbf\xd1\x80\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82 \xd0\xb2 \xd0\xb1\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb9', 'isPrivate': True, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 19:09:17] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'fromJid': '69118514@wowsru.loc/wows', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510416557L, 'isDelayed': False, 'toJid': '69118514@wowsru.loc/wows', 'text': '\xd0\xbc\xd0\xb8\xd0\xbd\xd1\x83\xd1\x82 10 \xd0\xbf\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb3\xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb9 \xd0\xbf\xd0\xbe\xd0\xba\xd0\xb0', 'isPrivate': True, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 19:09:28] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Tier099', 'fromJid': '5595999@wowsru.loc/wows', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510416568L, 'isDelayed': False, 'toJid': '69118514@wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd1\x82\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb3\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb0 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbf\xd0\xb8\xd1\x88\xd0\xb5\xd1\x88\xd1\x8c \xd0\xb8\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb8 \xd0\xb2 \xd1\x80\xd0\xb5\xd0\xb4 \xd0\xba\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbb\xd0\xbb \xd0\xb7\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb9\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb5\xd1\x88\xd1\x8c', 'isPrivate': True, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 19:09:33] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Tier099', 'fromJid': '5595999@wowsru.loc/wows', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510416573L, 'isDelayed': False, 'toJid': '62222528@wowsru.loc', 'text': '???', 'isPrivate': True, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 19:09:36] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'fromJid': '69118514@wowsru.loc/wows', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510416576L, 'isDelayed': False, 'toJid': '69118514@wowsru.loc/wows', 'text': '\xd1\x85\xd0\xbe\xd1\x80\xd0\xbe\xd1\x88\xd0\xbe', 'isPrivate': True, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 19:09:38] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened False [isChatBoxOpened] __updateChannelInfo channel.isChatBoxOpened False False [S] [2017_11_11 19:09:39] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened False [isChatBoxOpened] __updateChannelInfo channel.isChatBoxOpened False False [S] [2017_11_11 19:09:49] [DivisionEntranceContext] createAndInviteToDivision: 73537307.0 PZS_One 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:09:49] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4289640144 2 [S] [2017_11_11 19:09:49] enterPreBattle() 1703686 [S] [2017_11_11 19:09:49] Account.enterPreBattle: (165) (1, 537354434, (0, 0, 10, -1, 1, '', 0), 537297764, 5595999, u'', 1, None, 3, [(537297764, 5595999, 'Tier099', 4289640144L, 0, 2, False, True, True, 15, 0, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0)], [], (0, 0), 0, 1510416590955L, 2, False, [], {'nonClanMembersCount': 0}) [S] [2017_11_11 19:09:49] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived prebattle 3 [S] [2017_11_11 19:09:49] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: DIVISION channelsGroupsIds: [] [S] [2017_11_11 19:09:49] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored True [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel True self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 19:09:49] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 5595999 Tier099 2 2 (430246, u'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 19:09:49] [DivisionEntranceContext] __onEnterDivision: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:09:49] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [4, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 1], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 19:09:49] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 19:09:49] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [4, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 1], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 19:09:49] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [4, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 1], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 19:09:49] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 19:09:49] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [4, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 1], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 19:09:49] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [4, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 1], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 19:09:49] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 19:09:49] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [4, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 1], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 19:09:49] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:09:49] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:09:49] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:09:49] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:09:49] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:09:49] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:09:49] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:09:49] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:09:49] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:09:49] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:09:49] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:09:49] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:09:49] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [4, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 1], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 19:09:49] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 19:09:49] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [4, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 1], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 19:09:49] DivisionProxy.setSelectedQueueType() already selected 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:09:49] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:09:49] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:09:49] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:09:49] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:09:49] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:09:49] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:09:49] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:09:49] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:09:49] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:09:49] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:09:49] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:09:49] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:09:49] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 2, 'sourceId': 1, 'idInGroup': 2, 'divisionType': 'division', 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_UI_YOUR_ACTION_IN_DIVISION_0_DIVISION', 'actionId': 0, 'groupId': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 19:09:49] DivisionProxy.sendInvite: 73537307.0 PZS_One 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:09:49] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onEnterPreBattle: None [S] [2017_11_11 19:09:50] Account.onInviteSent: 0 73537307 PZS_One [S] [2017_11_11 19:09:50] DivisionProxy.onInviteSent() 0 73537307 [S] [2017_11_11 19:09:50] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537354434 (537092736, 73537307, 'PZS_One', None, -1, 3, True, True, False, 15, 134232320, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 1510416891) 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:09:50] DivisionProxy.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537092736, dbid=73537307, name='PZS_One', shipId=None, teamId=-1, state=3, isInBattle=True, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134232320, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=1510416891) 1 {} [S] [2017_11_11 19:09:50] [DivisionConxtext] __onInvitedPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 19:09:50] availableShipParts 55 [S] [2017_11_11 19:09:51] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_11 19:09:57] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'toJid': 'prebattle', 'overAffiliation': 0, 'clanInfo': (430246, u'FLY'), 'name': 'Tier099', 'fromJid': '5595999@wowsru.loc', 'text': u'\u0441\u043e\u0437\u0434\u0430\u043b \u043f\u0440\u0438\u043d\u0438\u043c\u0430\u0439', 'isPrivate': False, 'timeStamp': 1510416597, 'isDelayed': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 19:10:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:10:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:10:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:10:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:10:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:10:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:10:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:10:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:10:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:10:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:10:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:10:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:10:05] availableShipParts 63 [S] [2017_11_11 19:10:05] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_11 19:10:07] DivisionProxy.setReady: 0 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:10:07] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4289640144 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:10:07] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537354434 (537297764, 5595999, 'Tier099', None, 0, 1, False, True, True, 15, 0, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0) 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:10:07] DivisionProxy.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537297764, dbid=5595999, name='Tier099', shipId=None, teamId=0, state=1, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=True, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=0) 0 {537092736: {'playerEntity': [Entity: id:5971 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'clanman', 'accountLevel', 'accountRank', 'accountStatus', 'contact', 'elementInGroups', 'channelParticipant', 'teamKiller', 'searchResultItem', 'preBattlePlayerSimple', 'playerInvitedToPrebattleInfo']], 'creationTime': 1510416591.7610013, 'expirationTime': 1510416891, 'plInfo': PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537092736, dbid=73537307, name='PZS_One', shipId=None, teamId=-1, state=3, isInBattle=True, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134232320, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=1510416891), 'isIgnored': False}} [S] [2017_11_11 19:10:07] playersToInvite {537092736: {'playerEntity': [Entity: id:5971 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'clanman', 'accountLevel', 'accountRank', 'accountStatus', 'contact', 'elementInGroups', 'channelParticipant', 'teamKiller', 'searchResultItem', 'preBattlePlayerSimple', 'playerInvitedToPrebattleInfo']], 'creationTime': 1510416591.7610013, 'expirationTime': 1510416891, 'plInfo': PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537092736, dbid=73537307, name='PZS_One', shipId=None, teamId=-1, state=3, isInBattle=True, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134232320, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=1510416891), 'isIgnored': False}} [S] [2017_11_11 19:10:07] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 5595999 {'jid': '5595999@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Tier099', 'clanInfo': (430246, u'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:10:07] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 19:10:07] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 19:10:07] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 19:10:07] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 19:10:07] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 19:10:07] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 19:10:08] DivisionProxy.setReady: 4287575760 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:10:08] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4287575760 2 [S] [2017_11_11 19:10:08] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537354434 (537297764, 5595999, 'Tier099', 4287575760L, 0, 2, False, True, True, 15, 0, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0) 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:10:08] DivisionProxy.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537297764, dbid=5595999, name='Tier099', shipId=4287575760L, teamId=0, state=2, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=True, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=0) 0 {537092736: {'playerEntity': [Entity: id:5971 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'clanman', 'accountLevel', 'accountRank', 'accountStatus', 'contact', 'elementInGroups', 'channelParticipant', 'teamKiller', 'searchResultItem', 'preBattlePlayerSimple', 'playerInvitedToPrebattleInfo']], 'creationTime': 1510416591.7610013, 'expirationTime': 1510416891, 'plInfo': PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537092736, dbid=73537307, name='PZS_One', shipId=None, teamId=-1, state=3, isInBattle=True, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134232320, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=1510416891), 'isIgnored': False}} [S] [2017_11_11 19:10:08] playersToInvite {537092736: {'playerEntity': [Entity: id:5971 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'clanman', 'accountLevel', 'accountRank', 'accountStatus', 'contact', 'elementInGroups', 'channelParticipant', 'teamKiller', 'searchResultItem', 'preBattlePlayerSimple', 'playerInvitedToPrebattleInfo']], 'creationTime': 1510416591.7610013, 'expirationTime': 1510416891, 'plInfo': PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537092736, dbid=73537307, name='PZS_One', shipId=None, teamId=-1, state=3, isInBattle=True, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134232320, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=1510416891), 'isIgnored': False}} [S] [2017_11_11 19:10:08] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 5595999 {'jid': '5595999@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Tier099', 'clanInfo': (430246, u'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:10:08] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 19:10:08] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [4, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 19:10:08] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 19:10:08] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [4, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 19:10:09] availableShipParts 63 [S] [2017_11_11 19:10:09] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_11 19:10:20] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 58161041 {'jid': '58161041@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Y_O_R_K_2015', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 19:10:20] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {58161041: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}} [S] [2017_11_11 19:10:26] [DivisionEntranceContext] requestDivisionSeekerList: Account.requestPreBattleSeekerList(): [S] [2017_11_11 19:10:27] receivePreBattles() PreBattleType: 4 Num: 12 Free: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:10:27] [Seek] onReceivePreBattleSeekers [S] [2017_11_11 19:10:27] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u0422\u041e\u041b\u042c\u041a\u041e \u0412 \u041a\u041b\u0410\u041d\u041e\u0412\u042b\u0419 \u0411\u041e\u0419', 'league': 0, 'name': 'kombat2809', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 13395507, 'dbid': 5360640, 'clanID': 415988, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'KRD', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 19:10:27] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'', 'league': 0, 'name': 'granin_slava', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 13395507, 'dbid': 74736521, 'clanID': 429910, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'43', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 19:10:27] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'', 'league': 0, 'name': 'porto5', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 13395507, 'dbid': 66490269, 'clanID': 427647, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'LETO', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 19:10:27] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u0438\u0449\u0443 \u0430\u0432\u0438\u043a 4-5 \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u0435\u043d\u044c \u043a\u0430\u0442\u0430\u044e \u0422\u0435\u0445\u0430\u0441 \u0438 \u0420\u0435\u0432\u043e\u043b\u044e\u0446\u0438\u044e \u043c\u043e\u0439 \u043f\u0440\u043e\u0446 \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434 60% \u043f\u0440\u0438\u0433\u043b\u043e\u0441\u044b \u0432 \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443 \u043a\u043e\u043e\u043f\u0435\u0440\u0430\u0442\u0438\u0432 \u0438 \u043e\u043f\u0435\u0440\u0430\u0446\u0438\u0438 \u043d\u0435 \u0438\u043d\u0442\u0435\u0440\u0435\u0441\u0443\u044e\u0442', 'league': 0, 'name': 'Sergiksuper1', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 16777215, 'dbid': 7924640, 'clanID': 428411, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'TSUWR', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 19:10:27] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'+', 'league': 0, 'name': '1gsab06414', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 0, 'dbid': 18189089, 'clanID': 0, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 19:10:27] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'', 'league': 0, 'name': 'RenamedUser_20474279', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 16777215, 'dbid': 20474279, 'clanID': 423940, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'_RUS_', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 19:10:27] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u0412\u0437\u0432\u043e\u0434 5-10 \u043b\u0432\u043b 55%+ \u043f\u0438\u0448\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0432 \u041b\u0421 (\u0441\u0432\u044f\u0437\u044c \u0422\u0421)', 'league': 0, 'name': 'Nik_drive', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 16763955, 'dbid': 113968, 'clanID': 415718, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'W_WP2', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 19:10:27] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u041d\u0410\u0411\u041e\u0420 \u0412 \u041a\u041b\u0410\u041d!!!!....\u0417\u0430\u044f\u0432\u043a\u0430....50%++....pro-al-1200++...', 'league': 0, 'name': 'HeHaBucTb_KaK_cTuMyJI', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 16777215, 'dbid': 8052819, 'clanID': 426096, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'PILAT', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 19:10:27] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'', 'league': 0, 'name': 'was_160', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 0, 'dbid': 78026339, 'clanID': 0, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 19:10:27] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'', 'league': 0, 'name': '00sashka', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 16777215, 'dbid': 14552431, 'clanID': 430860, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'MCHPW', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 19:10:27] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'', 'league': 0, 'name': 'Baurik', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 13395507, 'dbid': 4260080, 'clanID': 424824, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'KAZ13', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 19:10:27] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u0434\u043b\u044f \u0443\u0447\u0430\u0441\u0442\u0438\u044f \u0432 \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d\u043e\u0432\u044b\u0445 \u0431\u043e\u044f\u0445 \u043d\u0430\u0431\u043e\u0440 \u0432 \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d SVP \u0431\u043e\u0438 1000+ \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434 50+.\u043e\u0431\u044f\u0437\u0430\u0442\u0435\u043b\u044c\u043d\u043e \u0441\u0432\u044f\u0437\u044c DISCORD. \u0441\u0432\u043e\u0438 \u0434\u0435\u0441\u044f\u0442\u043a\u0438 \u043f\u0440\u0438\u0432\u0435\u0442\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0443\u044e\u0442\u0441\u044f. \u043f\u0438\u0448\u0435\u043c \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443 \u0438\u043b\u0438 \u0437\u0430\u044f\u0432\u043a\u0443 \u0432 \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d', 'league': 0, 'name': 'MINER_1956', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 10066329, 'dbid': 71118075, 'clanID': 425046, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'SVP', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 19:10:45] [ChatSystem] __executeOpenChannelForPrivateMessages 73537307.0 [Entity: id:5971 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'clanman', 'accountLevel', 'accountRank', 'accountStatus', 'contact', 'elementInGroups', 'channelParticipant', 'teamKiller', 'searchResultItem', 'preBattlePlayerSimple', 'playerInvitedToPrebattleInfo']] [S] [2017_11_11 19:10:45] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True [isChatBoxOpened] __updateChannelInfo channel.isChatBoxOpened True True [S] [2017_11_11 19:10:51] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True XMPPCHAT: ChannelHandler.updateInfo : new name: Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 19:10:51] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Tier099', 'fromJid': '5595999@wowsru.loc/wows', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510416651L, 'isDelayed': False, 'toJid': '73537307@wowsru.loc', 'text': '13084094 \xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbc\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0 \xd0\xb2 \xd1\x80\xd0\xb5\xd0\xb4\xd0\xba\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb5', 'isPrivate': True, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 19:10:55] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened False [isChatBoxOpened] __updateChannelInfo channel.isChatBoxOpened False False [S] [2017_11_11 19:10:59] DivisionProxy.setReady: 0 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:00] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4287575760 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:00] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537354434 (537297764, 5595999, 'Tier099', None, 0, 1, False, True, True, 15, 0, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0) 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:00] DivisionProxy.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537297764, dbid=5595999, name='Tier099', shipId=None, teamId=0, state=1, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=True, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=0) 0 {537092736: {'playerEntity': [Entity: id:5971 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'clanman', 'accountLevel', 'accountRank', 'accountStatus', 'contact', 'elementInGroups', 'channelParticipant', 'teamKiller', 'searchResultItem', 'preBattlePlayerSimple', 'playerInvitedToPrebattleInfo']], 'creationTime': 1510416591.7610013, 'expirationTime': 1510416891, 'plInfo': PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537092736, dbid=73537307, name='PZS_One', shipId=None, teamId=-1, state=3, isInBattle=True, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134232320, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=1510416891), 'isIgnored': False}} [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:00] playersToInvite {537092736: {'playerEntity': [Entity: id:5971 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'clanman', 'accountLevel', 'accountRank', 'accountStatus', 'contact', 'elementInGroups', 'channelParticipant', 'teamKiller', 'searchResultItem', 'preBattlePlayerSimple', 'playerInvitedToPrebattleInfo']], 'creationTime': 1510416591.7610013, 'expirationTime': 1510416891, 'plInfo': PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537092736, dbid=73537307, name='PZS_One', shipId=None, teamId=-1, state=3, isInBattle=True, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134232320, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=1510416891), 'isIgnored': False}} [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:00] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 5595999 {'jid': '5595999@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Tier099', 'clanInfo': (430246, u'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:00] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:00] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:00] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:00] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:00] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:00] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:00] availableShipParts 63 [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:00] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:01] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: SimpleModalWindow, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:02] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:02] leavePreBattle() Reason: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:02] [DivisionEntranceContext] __onLeaveDivision: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:02] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:02] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:02] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:02] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:02] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:02] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:02] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:02] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:02] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:02] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:02] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:02] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:02] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 2, 'sourceId': 1, 'idInGroup': 2, 'divisionType': 'division', 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_UI_YOUR_ACTION_IN_DIVISION_1_DIVISION', 'actionId': 1, 'groupId': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:02] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened False [isChatBoxOpened] __updateChannelInfo channel.isChatBoxOpened False False [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:02] (, 80999132267601, 73): handleChannelError, ('room destroyed', 'prebattle', 3) [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:05] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened False Account.enqueue(): 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:05] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:05] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:05] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4287575760 4 [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:05] onEnqueued() QueueType: 1 ShipId: 4287575760 mmDescription: {'useBots': False, 'onlyFullBattles': False, 'maxWait': 300} [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:05] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:09] onPrepareingForBattle() [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:09] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4287575760 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:09] onGameRoomStateInit mapIdx = 11 battleType = 71 gameMode = Domination duration=1200 [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:09] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 5595999 {'jid': '5595999@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Tier099', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:16] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:16] GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:17] [LootboxProxyClient.destroy] [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:17] Avatar.receiveAvatarInfo: {'evaluationsLeft': {0: 7, 1: 7}} [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:17] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAvatar [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:17] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() False 0 0 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:17] Avatar.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:17] name Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:17] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:17] Avatar onControlled False [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:17] onControlled->False: not implemented [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:17] onGeometryMapped() MapName: 17_NA_fault_line [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:17] teamBuildType: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:17] player: Id: 271365 Name: pashamudriy TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB006_New_York_1934 avatarId: 1208383 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:17] player: Id: 325900 Name: kot580 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSC506_Admiral_Graf_Spee avatarId: 1208375 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:17] player: Id: 536995471 Name: Bogdandan_2 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSD207_Shiratsuyu avatarId: 1208377 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:17] player: Id: 245906 Name: Stivin_king TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASC006_Atlanta_1942 avatarId: 1208379 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:17] player: Id: 537221694 Name: RenamedUser_2709765 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PBSB106_Queen_Elizabeth avatarId: 1208381 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:17] player: Id: 275205 Name: Luxeon29_1 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSC105_Kirov avatarId: 1208373 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:17] player: Id: 536959266 Name: RadioDad TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSC106_Pr_94_Budeny avatarId: 1208385 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:17] player: Id: 537229732 Name: Ferrolom TeamId: 0 ShipName: PBSC107_Fiji avatarId: 1208387 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:17] player: Id: 367164 Name: UHU TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSC106_Nurnberg avatarId: 1208389 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:17] player: Id: 172350 Name: A71_2017 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PBSB105_Iron_Duke avatarId: 1208391 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:17] player: Id: 537098449 Name: SpokuS TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSC105_Kirov avatarId: 1218403 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:17] player: Id: 537120338 Name: macedonskiy TeamId: 1 ShipName: PBSB105_Iron_Duke avatarId: 1208395 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:17] player: Id: 537282525 Name: Slawa13 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSC107_Schors avatarId: 1208397 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:17] player: Id: 321506 Name: Yuri_Gagarin TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSB006_Fuso_1943 avatarId: 1208399 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:17] player: Id: 537297764 Name: Tier099 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSB007_Kongo_1942 avatarId: 1218401 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:17] player: Id: 537147729 Name: superfilosov TeamId: 1 ShipName: PBSC105_Emerald avatarId: 1208393 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:17] player: Id: 537158505 Name: xTipTopx TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSC107_Algerie avatarId: 1218405 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:17] player: Id: 536940269 Name: Volkodav_strelok TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB006_New_York_1934 avatarId: 1218407 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:17] player: Id: 537058033 Name: fedul01 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSB505_Oktyabrskaya_Revolutsiya avatarId: 1218409 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:17] player: Id: 537237365 Name: trailersonline TeamId: 0 ShipName: PBSC105_Emerald avatarId: 1218411 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:17] player: Id: 348280 Name: POMAHTIK_64 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSC007_Aoba_1943 avatarId: 1218413 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:17] player: Id: 537191290 Name: GARYNYTC TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSD207_Shiratsuyu avatarId: 1218415 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:17] player: Id: 334846 Name: ZeroRed TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSB105_Koenig avatarId: 1218417 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:17] player: Id: 537004415 Name: kukarin_1 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASD014_Leader_1919 avatarId: 1218419 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:18] (, 39965384947628, 149): 1208371; BattleLogic() [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:18] (, 39965384947628, 149): 1208371; onEnterWorld() State: {attentionMarkers: [], clientAnimations: None, controlPoints: [{position: [-476.9999084472656, 0.0], radius: 120.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [0.0, 0.0], radius: 120.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [500.0, 0.0], radius: 120.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}], entityStates: [], expectedActions: None, interactiveZones: [], weather: {globalWeatherId: 1208372, localWeather: [], entityLogicParams: []}, keyObjects: [], missions: {hold: [{reward: 3, penalty: 0, cpIndices: [0, 1, 2], period: 5}], capture: [], destroy: [], suppress: [], kill: [{reward: 30, penalty: 45, shipType: 'Destroyer'}, {reward: 35, penalty: 50, shipType: 'Cruiser'}, {reward: 40, penalty: 60, shipType: 'Battleship'}, {reward: 45, penalty: 65, shipType: 'AirCarrier'}], teamsScore: [300, 300], teamWinScore: 1000, teamLoseScore: 0}, resources: [], successStoryProgress: [], screenplayMessage: '', tasks: [], minefields: [], entities: [], effects: []} [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:18] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:18] BattleDataContext.__onEnterSpace [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:21] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:23] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:48] id 1218404 [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:48] name SpokuS [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:48] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:48] [Weather][3950] onEnterWorld (map spaces/17_NA_fault_line/weathers.xml, scheme 1, weather 0) [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:48] id 1218412 [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:48] name trailersonline [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:48] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:48] @ launchpadAppeared 1218412 [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:49] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:49] id 1218414 [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:49] name POMAHTIK_64 [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:49] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:49] @ launchpadAppeared 1218414 [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:49] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:49] id 1208378 [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:49] name Bogdandan_2 [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:49] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:50] id 1218402 [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:50] name Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:50] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:50] @ launchpadAppeared 1218402 [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:50] id 1208374 [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:50] name Luxeon29_1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:50] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:50] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:50] Avatar.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:50] ! A.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:50] BoardService.init [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:50] @ launchpadAppeared 1218402 [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:50] BattleDataContext.__onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:50] ! PM.refreshAirArmament [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:50] BoardService.restore [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:50] Avatar.onWorldStateReceived [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:50] BattleChatSystem IN Context [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:51] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 22453883 {'jid': '22453883@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'vova1972ruzan', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:51] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:51] id 1208388 [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:51] name Ferrolom [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:51] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:51] @ launchpadAppeared 1208388 [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:53] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:53] id 1208384 [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:53] name pashamudriy [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:53] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:53] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:53] id 1208376 [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:53] name kot580 [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:53] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:53] @ launchpadAppeared 1208376 [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:55] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:55] id 1218410 [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:55] name fedul01 [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:55] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:56] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:56] id 1208380 [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:56] name Stivin_king [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:56] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:57] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:57] ('[ERROR] FeedbackController: empty config for event repair_finished',) [S] [2017_11_11 19:11:57] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 19:12:05] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:12:05] id 1208382 [S] [2017_11_11 19:12:05] name RenamedUser_2709765 [S] [2017_11_11 19:12:05] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:12:05] @ launchpadAppeared 1208382 [S] [2017_11_11 19:12:05] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 2557718 {'jid': '2557718@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'NSDRP', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:12:19] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 71811251 {'jid': '71811251@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Leogon_1', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:12:22] -= BATTLE STARTED =- [S] [2017_11_11 19:12:31] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True [isChatBoxOpened] __updateChannelInfo channel.isChatBoxOpened True True [S] [2017_11_11 19:12:31] XMPPCHAT: ChannelHandler.updateInfo Tier099: new name: Tier099 HEGNI_1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:12:31] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'HEGNI_1', 'fromJid': '62222528@wowsru.loc/wows', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510416751L, 'isDelayed': False, 'toJid': '62222528@wowsru.loc/wows', 'text': '\xd0\xbf\xd1\x80\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82', 'isPrivate': True, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 19:12:54] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'HEGNI_1', 'fromJid': '62222528@wowsru.loc/wows', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510416774L, 'isDelayed': False, 'toJid': '62222528@wowsru.loc/wows', 'text': '\xd0\xbf\xd1\x80\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb3\xd0\xbb\xd0\xbe\xd1\x81\xd0\xb8 \xd1\x8f \xd0\xb2 \xd1\x80\xd0\xba\xd0\xb0 \xd0\xb7\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb9\xd0\xb4\xd1\x83', 'isPrivate': True, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 19:13:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:13:35] id 1208390 [S] [2017_11_11 19:13:35] name UHU [S] [2017_11_11 19:13:35] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:13:35] @ launchpadAppeared 1208390 [S] [2017_11_11 19:14:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:14:11] id 1208390 [S] [2017_11_11 19:14:11] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:14:20] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 71811251 {'jid': '71811251@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Leogon_1', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 19:14:23] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:14:23] id 1218416 [S] [2017_11_11 19:14:23] name GARYNYTC [S] [2017_11_11 19:14:23] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:14:31] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:14:31] id 1208398 [S] [2017_11_11 19:14:31] name Slawa13 [S] [2017_11_11 19:14:31] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:14:31] @ launchpadAppeared 1208398 [S] [2017_11_11 19:14:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:14:35] id 1208400 [S] [2017_11_11 19:14:35] name Yuri_Gagarin [S] [2017_11_11 19:14:35] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:14:35] @ launchpadAppeared 1208400 [S] [2017_11_11 19:14:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:14:35] id 1218420 [S] [2017_11_11 19:14:35] name kukarin_1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:14:35] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:14:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:14:35] id 1208386 [S] [2017_11_11 19:14:35] name RadioDad [S] [2017_11_11 19:14:35] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:14:35] @ launchpadAppeared 1208386 [S] [2017_11_11 19:14:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:14:35] id 1208394 [S] [2017_11_11 19:14:35] name superfilosov [S] [2017_11_11 19:14:35] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:14:35] @ launchpadAppeared 1208394 [S] [2017_11_11 19:14:41] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:14:41] id 1218416 [S] [2017_11_11 19:14:43] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 19:14:44] DEBUG: onChatMessage args ('', '', {'avatarId': 1218415, 'achievementId': 4277330864L, 'type': -1}) [S] [2017_11_11 19:14:44] DEBUG: onChatMessage args ('', '', {'avatarId': 1218415, 'achievementId': 4282573744L, 'type': -1}) [S] [2017_11_11 19:14:44] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:14:44] id 1208400 [S] [2017_11_11 19:14:44] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:14:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:14:45] id 1208398 [S] [2017_11_11 19:14:45] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:14:46] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:14:46] id 1208390 [S] [2017_11_11 19:14:46] name UHU [S] [2017_11_11 19:14:46] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:14:46] @ launchpadAppeared 1208390 [S] [2017_11_11 19:14:57] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 19:15:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:15:01] id 1218420 [S] [2017_11_11 19:15:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:15:01] id 1208394 [S] [2017_11_11 19:15:01] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:15:03] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:15:03] id 1208394 [S] [2017_11_11 19:15:03] name superfilosov [S] [2017_11_11 19:15:03] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:15:03] @ launchpadAppeared 1208394 [S] [2017_11_11 19:15:08] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:15:08] id 1208386 [S] [2017_11_11 19:15:08] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:15:10] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 17222686 {'jid': '17222686@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'bob7771', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:15:11] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 19:15:24] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:15:24] id 1208398 [S] [2017_11_11 19:15:24] name Slawa13 [S] [2017_11_11 19:15:24] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:15:24] @ launchpadAppeared 1208398 [S] [2017_11_11 19:15:28] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:15:28] id 1208400 [S] [2017_11_11 19:15:28] name Yuri_Gagarin [S] [2017_11_11 19:15:28] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:15:28] @ launchpadAppeared 1208400 [S] [2017_11_11 19:15:29] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'vova1972ruzan', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/22453883', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510416929L, 'isDelayed': False, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\x92 \xd0\x9a\xd0\x90\xd0\x9b\xd0\x90\xd0\x9d\xd0\x9e\xd0\x92\xd0\xab\xd0\x99 \xd0\x91\xd0\x9e\xd0\x99 \xd0\x98\xd0\x93\xd0\xa0\xd0\x90\xd0\xa2\xd0\xac \xd0\x91\xd0\xa3\xd0\x94\xd0\x95\xd0\x9c \xd0\x98\xd0\x9b\xd0\x98 \xd0\x9a\xd0\x90\xd0\x9a?', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 19:15:36] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 19:15:36] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:15:38] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 19:15:38] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:15:44] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:15:44] id 1218408 [S] [2017_11_11 19:15:44] name Volkodav_strelok [S] [2017_11_11 19:15:44] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:15:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:15:50] id 1218408 [S] [2017_11_11 19:16:06] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:16:06] id 1208396 [S] [2017_11_11 19:16:06] name macedonskiy [S] [2017_11_11 19:16:06] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:16:07] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:16:07] id 1208386 [S] [2017_11_11 19:16:07] name RadioDad [S] [2017_11_11 19:16:07] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:16:07] @ launchpadAppeared 1208386 [S] [2017_11_11 19:16:09] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 19:16:15] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:16:15] id 1208396 [S] [2017_11_11 19:16:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:16:16] id 1208398 [S] [2017_11_11 19:16:16] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:16:20] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 19:16:20] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 19:16:30] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:16:30] id 1208388 [S] [2017_11_11 19:16:30] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:16:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:16:35] id 1208398 [S] [2017_11_11 19:16:35] name Slawa13 [S] [2017_11_11 19:16:35] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:16:35] @ launchpadAppeared 1208398 [S] [2017_11_11 19:16:35] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 19:16:50] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 19:16:50] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 58161041 {'jid': '58161041@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Y_O_R_K_2015', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:16:53] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:16:53] id 1208392 [S] [2017_11_11 19:16:53] name A71_2017 [S] [2017_11_11 19:16:53] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:17:03] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:17:03] id 1218406 [S] [2017_11_11 19:17:03] name xTipTopx [S] [2017_11_11 19:17:03] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:17:03] @ launchpadAppeared 1218406 [S] [2017_11_11 19:17:03] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 19:17:10] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 19:17:16] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:17:16] id 1218416 [S] [2017_11_11 19:17:16] name GARYNYTC [S] [2017_11_11 19:17:16] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:17:19] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 19:17:19] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:17:22] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:17:22] id 1208392 [S] [2017_11_11 19:17:27] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:17:27] id 1218416 [S] [2017_11_11 19:17:28] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:17:28] id 1218408 [S] [2017_11_11 19:17:28] name Volkodav_strelok [S] [2017_11_11 19:17:28] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:17:32] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:17:32] id 1208388 [S] [2017_11_11 19:17:32] name Ferrolom [S] [2017_11_11 19:17:32] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:17:32] @ launchpadAppeared 1208388 [S] [2017_11_11 19:17:33] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 19:17:42] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'vova1972ruzan', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/22453883', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510417062L, 'isDelayed': False, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\x9a\xd0\x9e\xd0\x9c\xd0\x90\xd0\x9d\xd0\x94\xd0\x98\xd0\xa0\xd0\xab \xd0\x9f\xd0\xa0\xd0\x9e\xd0\xa1\xd0\x9d\xd0\x98\xd0\xa2\xd0\x95\xd0\xa1\xd0\xac', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 19:17:44] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:17:44] id 1208396 [S] [2017_11_11 19:17:44] name macedonskiy [S] [2017_11_11 19:17:44] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:17:47] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 73537307 {'jid': '73537307@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'PZS_One', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:17:51] Vehicle.kill [E] [2017_11_11 19:18:02] ServerConnection::onTimeOut(1218401): Disconnecting due to channel timing out. [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:02] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 6 NOT_SET [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:02] [LOGIN] Setting gIsConnected to False [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:04] connection problem!!! [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:04] clearAll 0 True [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:04] AccountLevelingProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:04] StatsProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:04] StatsProxy.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:04] ShutDownProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:04] ShutDownProxy.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:04] LootboxProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:04] LootboxProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:04] CampaignsProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:04] PVEScriptsProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:04] PVEDatahubUtils.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:04] PVEScriptsProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:04] IngamePortalProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:04] IngameNewsProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:04] UserDataGate.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:04] UserDataGate.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:05] ClanProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:05] ClanProxy.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:05] BattleChatSystem OUT OF Context [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:05] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOver [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:05] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOut [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:05] (, 51007757488877, 12): is out of context [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:05] (, 13182166089733, 190): fini [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:05] (, 51007922117933, 263): out of context [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:05] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Login, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:05] PreBattleInfoHolder.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:05] (, 39965384947628, 149): 1208371; onLeaveWorld() [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:05] [Weather][3950] onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:05] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:05] id 1208374 [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:05] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:05] id 1208376 [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:05] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:05] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:05] id 1208378 [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:05] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:05] id 1208380 [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:05] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:05] id 1208382 [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:05] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:05] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:05] id 1208384 [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:05] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:05] id 1208386 [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:05] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:05] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:05] id 1208388 [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:05] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:05] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:05] id 1208390 [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:05] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:05] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:05] id 1208394 [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:05] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:05] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:05] id 1208396 [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:05] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:05] id 1208398 [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:05] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:05] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:05] id 1208400 [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:05] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:05] Avatar.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:05] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:05] id 1218402 [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:05] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:05] id 1218404 [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:05] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:05] id 1218406 [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:05] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:05] id 1218408 [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:05] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:05] id 1218410 [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:05] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:05] id 1218412 [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:05] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:05] id 1218414 [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:07] Exception BigWorld.EntityIsDestroyedException: 'Avatar 1218401 has been destroyed' in ignored [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:09] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Login, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:12] (, 66259644693353, 191): H:; A:; C:http://csis.worldoftanks.ru/csis/wowsru/?periphery=login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020&periphery=login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020; M:['login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020', 'login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020'] [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:12] BaseLoginRequest.doLogin(): login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020 token2 ([BaseLoginCredentials] Tier099) [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:12] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:12] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:12] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 1 LOGGED_ON {"token2":"5595999:5600238760764888903:16049091130990725469976201237314893721","wgnr":"ru.wargaming.net"} [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:12] LOGGED_ON {u'token2': u'5595999:5600238760764888903:16049091130990725469976201237314893721', u'wgnr': u'ru.wargaming.net'} [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:12] [LOGIN] Positive, serverMsg: {u'token2': u'5595999:5600238760764888903:16049091130990725469976201237314893721', u'wgnr': u'ru.wargaming.net'}, status: LOGGED_ON [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:12] [LOGIN] Setting wgnr url to "https://ru.wargaming.net" [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:12] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 2 NOT_SET [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:13] Account.__init__() [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:13] [Account debuG]: __init__() Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:13] ClanProxy.setChatHandler [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:13] ClanProxy.setInteractiveMessageData [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:13] Exception BigWorld.EntityIsDestroyedException: 'Account 537297764 has been destroyed' in ignored [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:13] (, 571883079382, 162): init [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:13] (, 574705753692, 103): Url config for realm ru as string is ResMgr.DataSection at 0x5EF308D0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:13] (, 51003525417967, 75): in context [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:13] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:13] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:13] onBecomePlayer() [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:13] UserDataGate.onGetConnection [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:13] UserDataGate.onGetConnection(): 5595999 [Entity: id:5187 ['accountSimple', 'accountName']] Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:13] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAccount [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:13] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() True 0 0 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:13] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:13] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:13] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4154867632 {('Default', 4284313520L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 13, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:13] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4162207664 {('Default', 4279410608L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 6, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:13] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4163256240 {('Default', 4282556336L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 5, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:13] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q04 {('Default', 4271730608L, 0): 5, ('Default', 4269633456L, 0): 5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u041e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c \u043d\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u041e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c \u043d\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'} [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:13] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4160110512 {'desc': (), ('Resource', 0, 0): 100000} {'taskNumber': 8, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:13] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22468_q03 {('Default', 4263440304L, 0): 5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'} [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:13] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q02 {('Resource', 19, 0): 1, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u041f\u0440\u0435\u043c\u0438\u0443\u043c \u0437\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0443'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u041f\u0440\u0435\u043c\u0438\u0443\u043c \u0437\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0443'} [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:13] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4161159088 {('Default', 4283604912L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 7, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:13] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q01 {('ResourceCoeff', 21, 17): 3.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 30): 6.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 9): 12.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 32): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 10): 3.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 5): 1.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 28): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 14): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 11): 1.5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'}, 0, 0)} {'type': 'challenge', 'titleText': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'} [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:13] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4167450544 {('Resource', 16, 0): 500, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 1, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:13] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4156964784 {('Resource', 0, 0): 100000, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 11, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:13] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 15 [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:13] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:13] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 15. Boxes contents: [{4288852912L: {(0, 4283622320L): 1}, 4284658608L: {(0, 4274185136L): 1}, 4283610032L: {(0, 4273136560L): 1}, 4289901488L: {(0, 4289913776L): 1}}] [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:13] setServerTime: serverTime=1510417095 time.time()=1510417093.73 gInitialClientTime=9294.23607532 [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:13] initBattleTypes called [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:13] Disabled maps: [] [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:13] getNationForTutorial() CanBeStarted: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:13] StatsProxy.receiveAbuseStatus(): {'battlesToClean': 1, 'statuses': {'tkill': 1}, 'warnings': ()} [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:14] _onChangeTimeOut 156 [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:16] __processDossierStats() client dossier: ['oper', 'pvp', 'oper_mm_tasks_diag', 'pve_diag', 'pvp_diag', 'oper_normal', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'pve', 'oper_mm', 'total', 'oper_normal_tasks_diag', 'max_pve', 'rank_diag', 'max_pvp', 'oper_diag', 'club_diag', 'club', 'max_club', 'clan', 'oper_hard', 'oper_hard_tasks_diag', 'max_clan'] [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:16] AccountLevelingProxy.onGetAccountStats(): (-1, -1) (15, 747982) [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:17] __updateTaskProgress start: {'22468_q03': {3: {'count': 10.0}}, '22468_q01': {2: {'count': 3}}, '22469_q01': {}, '21856_q00': {}, '22468_q05': {}, '22468_q02': {3: {'count': 549416}}, '22470_q01': {}, '22470_q02': {2: {'count': 5}}, '22470_q03': {2: {'count': 433800}, 3: {'count': 15080}, 4: {'count': 96565}}, '22470_q04': {2: {'count': 10}}, '22160_q01': {}, '22468_q04': {3: {'count': 20721}}} [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:17] __updateTaskProgress start: {'22468_q03': {'count': 1, 3: {'count': 10.0}}, '22468_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 3}}, '22469_q01': {'count': 0}, '21856_q00': {'count': 0}, '22468_q05': {'count': 0}, '22468_q02': {'count': 1, 3: {'count': 549416}}, '22470_q01': {'count': 27}, '22470_q02': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 5}}, '22470_q03': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 433800}, 3: {'count': 15080}, 4: {'count': 96565}}, '22470_q04': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 10}}, '22160_q01': {'count': 0}, '22468_q04': {'count': 0, 3: {'count': 20721}}} [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:17] onGetRankBattlesInfo currentSeason: 7, PlayerInfo: None [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:17] onGetRankDossier() seasonId = 7 Empty [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:17] ---- no data for seasonId: 7 [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:17] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onGetSeasonRules: config False, {'seasonId': 1, 'operations': {4291341232L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 3, 'unlockTime': 1500429600, 'caps': 3}, 4292389808L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1499824800, 'caps': 3}, 4290292656L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1501034400, 'caps': 3}, 4293438384L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1501639200, 'caps': 3}}, 'currentOperationIdx': 1, 'roster': [4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L, 4293438384L], 'startTime': 1499824800, 'seasons': {1: {'operations': [4293438384L, 4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}, 2: {'operations': [], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}}, 'currentRotationTime': 1510106400, 'nextRotationTime': 1510711200, 'stage': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:17] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onLoadProgress: config False, season False, {'operations': {'hard': [], 'normal': [(4287146928L, [1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 0]), (4288195504L, [1509007262, 1509007262, 1509007262, 0, 0, 0]), (4290292656L, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])]}, 'seasons': {'hard': [], 'normal': [(2, 1509007262)]}} [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:18] onClanResponse: response=(1, 0, (430246, (430246, u'FLY', u'FLY', 16777215, u'executive_officer', u'\u0417\u0434\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0443\u0439\u0442\u0435 \u0442\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0449\u0438, \u0443 \u043a\u043e\u0433\u043e \u0435\u0441\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0431\u043b\u0438 10-\u0433\u043e \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u043d\u044f, \u0438 \u0433\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0441\u043e\u0432\u0430\u044f \u0432\u0441\u044f\u0437\u044c \u043d\u0443\u0436\u043d\u043e \u0441\u044b\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d\u043e\u0432\u044b\u0435 \u0431\u043e\u0438 - \u0441\u0442\u0430\u0432\u0442\u0435 + \u043c\u043d\u0435 \u0432 \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443 \u043a\u0442\u043e \u0433\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432', {47518727: {'role': u'private'}, 162314: {'role': u'private'}, 2835342: {'role': u'private'}, 58161041: {'role': u'private'}, 19410835: {'role': u'private'}, 2557718: {'role': u'private'}, 27883543: {'role': u'private'}, 73537307: {'role': u'private'}, 17222686: {'role': u'private'}, 310434: {'role': u'private'}, 11428651: {'role': u'private'}, 2445100: {'role': u'private'}, 7715120: {'role': u'private'}, 69118514: {'role': u'commander'}, 71811251: {'role': u'private'}, 59694238: {'role': u'private'}, 62222528: {'role': u'private'}, 47245249: {'role': u'private'}, 59103429: {'role': u'private'}, 35853511: {'role': u'private'}, 69416610: {'role': u'private'}, 65031124: {'role': u'private'}, 33301518: {'role': u'private'}, 5595999: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 8706534: {'role': u'private'}, 37230: {'role': u'private'}, 1515506: {'role': u'private'}, 71303028: {'role': u'private'}, 5426549: {'role': u'private'}, 22453883: {'role': u'private'}}, {75100162: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3925161}, 75104791: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1901451}, 75104792: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12037438}, 75104793: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47518727}, 75100186: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4688253}, 75100187: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26497012}, 75100188: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 872384}, 75100189: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 16896550}, 75104799: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2557718}, 75100217: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58161041}, 75100219: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36672236}, 75100220: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12445172}, 75100221: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11262324}, 75100086: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71777625}, 75099916: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5426549}, 75088485: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11437327}, 75088488: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86912728}, 75099930: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35480962}, 75099931: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 64096589}, 75104796: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24059614}, 75104797: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5326927}, 75105224: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5163046}, 75115804: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3700101}, 75100858: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65353479}, 75100859: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4549361}, 75100860: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19163627}, 75100862: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 15486060}, 75100864: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24960589}, 75104795: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26571092}, 75101403: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13829345}, 75101405: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2774140}, 75101406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19410835}, 75105005: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2514322}, 75105006: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 6071074}, 75105007: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21765943}, 75105008: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13351014}, 75105009: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10744094}, 75105010: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8213596}, 75105533: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 32758788}, 75105534: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35843415}, 75105535: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19416306}, 75099910: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 22471163}, 75099912: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47356661}, 75099913: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20821811}, 75099914: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 38322742}, 75099915: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 57543888}, 75100940: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1550733}, 75100941: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1431883}, 75100942: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 744012}, 75100943: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 69416610}, 75100944: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36933861}, 75100946: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4337469}, 75115800: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47245249}, 75115801: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2723422}, 75115802: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19050869}, 75115803: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65031124}, 75099932: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5239563}, 75099933: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5564244}, 75105068: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 27883543}, 75099952: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11428651}, 75115830: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 62222528}, 75115831: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8664152}, 75115833: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59103429}, 75115837: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4858560}, 75115840: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 7424262}, 75099461: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 33301518}, 75104134: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 225652}, 75101613: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 162314}, 75101614: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 75991473}, 75100081: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71303028}, 75100082: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79542157}, 75100083: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 76103}, 75100084: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80535214}, 75100085: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5965559}, 75092406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86780640}, 75092407: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 72132668}, 75092409: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65107864}, 75092412: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58685850}, 75104707: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13658244}, 75104708: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 77607300}, 75104710: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79957325}, 75104712: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2809573}, 75105225: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 61831778}, 75105226: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 48512704}, 75105227: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82400346}, 75105229: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59694238}, 75105230: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24318025}, 75105232: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35446652}, 75100114: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21297715}, 75100115: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2636501}, 75100116: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 23508047}, 75100117: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4104445}, 75100156: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65362617}, 75113469: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 17222686}, 75100158: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20158906}, 75113467: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1207353}, 75113468: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80938462}, 75100157: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82347121}, 75113470: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8706534}, 75113471: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4261263}}, 30, 30, None))) [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:18] ClanProxy.onClanResponse(): 1 (430246, (430246, u'FLY', u'FLY', 16777215, u'executive_officer', u'\u0417\u0434\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0443\u0439\u0442\u0435 \u0442\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0449\u0438, \u0443 \u043a\u043e\u0433\u043e \u0435\u0441\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0431\u043b\u0438 10-\u0433\u043e \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u043d\u044f, \u0438 \u0433\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0441\u043e\u0432\u0430\u044f \u0432\u0441\u044f\u0437\u044c \u043d\u0443\u0436\u043d\u043e \u0441\u044b\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d\u043e\u0432\u044b\u0435 \u0431\u043e\u0438 - \u0441\u0442\u0430\u0432\u0442\u0435 + \u043c\u043d\u0435 \u0432 \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443 \u043a\u0442\u043e \u0433\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432', {47518727: {'role': u'private'}, 162314: {'role': u'private'}, 2835342: {'role': u'private'}, 58161041: {'role': u'private'}, 19410835: {'role': u'private'}, 2557718: {'role': u'private'}, 27883543: {'role': u'private'}, 73537307: {'role': u'private'}, 17222686: {'role': u'private'}, 310434: {'role': u'private'}, 11428651: {'role': u'private'}, 2445100: {'role': u'private'}, 7715120: {'role': u'private'}, 69118514: {'role': u'commander'}, 71811251: {'role': u'private'}, 59694238: {'role': u'private'}, 62222528: {'role': u'private'}, 47245249: {'role': u'private'}, 59103429: {'role': u'private'}, 35853511: {'role': u'private'}, 69416610: {'role': u'private'}, 65031124: {'role': u'private'}, 33301518: {'role': u'private'}, 5595999: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 8706534: {'role': u'private'}, 37230: {'role': u'private'}, 1515506: {'role': u'private'}, 71303028: {'role': u'private'}, 5426549: {'role': u'private'}, 22453883: {'role': u'private'}}, {75100162: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3925161}, 75104791: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1901451}, 75104792: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12037438}, 75104793: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47518727}, 75100186: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4688253}, 75100187: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26497012}, 75100188: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 872384}, 75100189: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 16896550}, 75104799: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2557718}, 75100217: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58161041}, 75100219: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36672236}, 75100220: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12445172}, 75100221: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11262324}, 75100086: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71777625}, 75099916: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5426549}, 75088485: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11437327}, 75088488: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86912728}, 75099930: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35480962}, 75099931: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 64096589}, 75104796: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24059614}, 75104797: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5326927}, 75105224: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5163046}, 75115804: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3700101}, 75100858: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65353479}, 75100859: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4549361}, 75100860: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19163627}, 75100862: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 15486060}, 75100864: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24960589}, 75104795: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26571092}, 75101403: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13829345}, 75101405: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2774140}, 75101406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19410835}, 75105005: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2514322}, 75105006: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 6071074}, 75105007: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21765943}, 75105008: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13351014}, 75105009: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10744094}, 75105010: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8213596}, 75105533: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 32758788}, 75105534: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35843415}, 75105535: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19416306}, 75099910: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 22471163}, 75099912: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47356661}, 75099913: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20821811}, 75099914: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 38322742}, 75099915: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 57543888}, 75100940: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1550733}, 75100941: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1431883}, 75100942: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 744012}, 75100943: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 69416610}, 75100944: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36933861}, 75100946: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4337469}, 75115800: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47245249}, 75115801: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2723422}, 75115802: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19050869}, 75115803: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65031124}, 75099932: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5239563}, 75099933: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5564244}, 75105068: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 27883543}, 75099952: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11428651}, 75115830: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 62222528}, 75115831: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8664152}, 75115833: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59103429}, 75115837: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4858560}, 75115840: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 7424262}, 75099461: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 33301518}, 75104134: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 225652}, 75101613: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 162314}, 75101614: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 75991473}, 75100081: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71303028}, 75100082: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79542157}, 75100083: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 76103}, 75100084: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80535214}, 75100085: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5965559}, 75092406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86780640}, 75092407: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 72132668}, 75092409: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65107864}, 75092412: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58685850}, 75104707: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13658244}, 75104708: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 77607300}, 75104710: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79957325}, 75104712: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2809573}, 75105225: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 61831778}, 75105226: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 48512704}, 75105227: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82400346}, 75105229: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59694238}, 75105230: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24318025}, 75105232: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35446652}, 75100114: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21297715}, 75100115: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2636501}, 75100116: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 23508047}, 75100117: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4104445}, 75100156: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65362617}, 75113469: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 17222686}, 75100158: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20158906}, 75113467: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1207353}, 75113468: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80938462}, 75100157: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82347121}, 75113470: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8706534}, 75113471: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4261263}}, 30, 30, None)) [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:18] ClanProxy.__onGetMyClan: False (430246, (430246, u'FLY', u'FLY', 16777215, u'executive_officer', u'\u0417\u0434\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0443\u0439\u0442\u0435 \u0442\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0449\u0438, \u0443 \u043a\u043e\u0433\u043e \u0435\u0441\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0431\u043b\u0438 10-\u0433\u043e \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u043d\u044f, \u0438 \u0433\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0441\u043e\u0432\u0430\u044f \u0432\u0441\u044f\u0437\u044c \u043d\u0443\u0436\u043d\u043e \u0441\u044b\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d\u043e\u0432\u044b\u0435 \u0431\u043e\u0438 - \u0441\u0442\u0430\u0432\u0442\u0435 + \u043c\u043d\u0435 \u0432 \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443 \u043a\u0442\u043e \u0433\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432', {47518727: {'role': u'private'}, 162314: {'role': u'private'}, 2835342: {'role': u'private'}, 58161041: {'role': u'private'}, 19410835: {'role': u'private'}, 2557718: {'role': u'private'}, 27883543: {'role': u'private'}, 73537307: {'role': u'private'}, 17222686: {'role': u'private'}, 310434: {'role': u'private'}, 11428651: {'role': u'private'}, 2445100: {'role': u'private'}, 7715120: {'role': u'private'}, 69118514: {'role': u'commander'}, 71811251: {'role': u'private'}, 59694238: {'role': u'private'}, 62222528: {'role': u'private'}, 47245249: {'role': u'private'}, 59103429: {'role': u'private'}, 35853511: {'role': u'private'}, 69416610: {'role': u'private'}, 65031124: {'role': u'private'}, 33301518: {'role': u'private'}, 5595999: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 8706534: {'role': u'private'}, 37230: {'role': u'private'}, 1515506: {'role': u'private'}, 71303028: {'role': u'private'}, 5426549: {'role': u'private'}, 22453883: {'role': u'private'}}, {75100162: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3925161}, 75104791: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1901451}, 75104792: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12037438}, 75104793: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47518727}, 75100186: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4688253}, 75100187: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26497012}, 75100188: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 872384}, 75100189: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 16896550}, 75104799: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2557718}, 75100217: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58161041}, 75100219: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36672236}, 75100220: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12445172}, 75100221: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11262324}, 75100086: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71777625}, 75099916: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5426549}, 75088485: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11437327}, 75088488: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86912728}, 75099930: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35480962}, 75099931: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 64096589}, 75104796: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24059614}, 75104797: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5326927}, 75105224: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5163046}, 75115804: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3700101}, 75100858: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65353479}, 75100859: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4549361}, 75100860: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19163627}, 75100862: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 15486060}, 75100864: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24960589}, 75104795: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26571092}, 75101403: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13829345}, 75101405: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2774140}, 75101406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19410835}, 75105005: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2514322}, 75105006: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 6071074}, 75105007: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21765943}, 75105008: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13351014}, 75105009: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10744094}, 75105010: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8213596}, 75105533: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 32758788}, 75105534: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35843415}, 75105535: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19416306}, 75099910: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 22471163}, 75099912: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47356661}, 75099913: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20821811}, 75099914: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 38322742}, 75099915: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 57543888}, 75100940: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1550733}, 75100941: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1431883}, 75100942: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 744012}, 75100943: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 69416610}, 75100944: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36933861}, 75100946: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4337469}, 75115800: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47245249}, 75115801: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2723422}, 75115802: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19050869}, 75115803: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65031124}, 75099932: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5239563}, 75099933: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5564244}, 75105068: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 27883543}, 75099952: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11428651}, 75115830: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 62222528}, 75115831: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8664152}, 75115833: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59103429}, 75115837: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4858560}, 75115840: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 7424262}, 75099461: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 33301518}, 75104134: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 225652}, 75101613: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 162314}, 75101614: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 75991473}, 75100081: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71303028}, 75100082: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79542157}, 75100083: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 76103}, 75100084: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80535214}, 75100085: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5965559}, 75092406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86780640}, 75092407: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 72132668}, 75092409: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65107864}, 75092412: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58685850}, 75104707: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13658244}, 75104708: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 77607300}, 75104710: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79957325}, 75104712: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2809573}, 75105225: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 61831778}, 75105226: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 48512704}, 75105227: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82400346}, 75105229: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59694238}, 75105230: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24318025}, 75105232: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35446652}, 75100114: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21297715}, 75100115: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2636501}, 75100116: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 23508047}, 75100117: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4104445}, 75100156: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65362617}, 75113469: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 17222686}, 75100158: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20158906}, 75113467: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1207353}, 75113468: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80938462}, 75100157: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82347121}, 75113470: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8706534}, 75113471: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4261263}}, 30, 30, None)) [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:18] [CampaignsCommon] onLoadedDump: loaded campaign params and player; countActiveTasks 1; data ({4290690992L: (False, True, False), 4293836720L: (True, 0, True), 4291739568L: (False, True, False), 4288593840L: (True, 0, True), 4289642416L: (False, True, False), 4292788144L: (True, 0, True)}, {4291739568L: [1, 0], 4293836720L: [1, 1], 4289642416L: [1, 0], 4288593840L: [1, 0], 4290690992L: [1, 0], 4292788144L: [1, 0]}, {4251566000L: [2, 0, 0], 4285120432L: [4, 15, 7], 4287217584L: [4, 12, 7], 4288266160L: [4, 10, 7], 4290363312L: [4, 10, 5], 4292460464L: [4, 6, 8], 4293509040L: [5, 5, 9], 4286169008L: [4, 15, 8], 4263100336L: [2, 0, 0], 4289314736L: [4, 10, 6], 4283023280L: [2, 0, 0], 4272537520L: [2, 0, 0], 4241080240L: [2, 0, 0], 4291411888L: [4, 7, 7]}, {4193664944L: (5, True, 0), 4280696752L: (5, True, 0), 4255530928L: (5, True, 0), 4187373488L: (1, False, 0), 4224073648L: (5, True, 0), 4164304816L: (1, False, 0), 4130750384L: (1, False, 0), 4167450544L: (5, True, 0), 4204150704L: (5, True, 0), 4240850864L: (1, False, 0), 4277551024L: (5, True, 0), 4184227760L: (1, False, 0), 4220927920L: (5, True, 0), 4257628080L: (5, True, 0), 4198907824L: (5, True, 0), 4237705136L: (5, True, 0), 3904257968L: (1, False, 0), 4274405296L: (1, False, 0), 3977658288L: (1, False, 0), 4181082032L: (5, True, 0), 4254482352L: (1, False, 0), 4291182512L: (5, True, 0), 3897966512L: (1, False, 0), 4161159088L: (5, True, 0), 4197859248L: (1, False, 0), 3901112240L: (1, False, 0), 3974512560L: (1, False, 0), 4177936304L: (1, False, 0), 4214636464L: (1, False, 0), 4251336624L: (5, True, 0), 4288036784L: (5, True, 0), 4133896112L: (1, False, 0), 4194713520L: (5, True, 0), 4174790576L: (5, True, 0), 4081467312L: (0, False, 0), 4284891056L: (5, True, 0), 4190519216L: (1, False, 0), 4227219376L: (1, False, 0), 4252385200L: (5, True, 0), 4228267952L: (1, False, 0), 4134944688L: (1, False, 0), 4171644848L: (5, True, 0), 4208345008L: (1, False, 0), 4245045168L: (5, True, 0), 4281745328L: (5, True, 0), 4158013360L: (1, False, 0), 4188422064L: (1, False, 0), 4225122224L: (1, False, 0), 4203102128L: (5, True, 0), 4261822384L: (1, False, 0), 4131798960L: (1, False, 0), 4205199280L: (5, True, 0), 4241899440L: (5, True, 0), 4278599600L: (5, True, 0), 4192616368L: (5, True, 0), 4221976496L: (5, True, 0), 4258676656L: (1, False, 0), 3902160816L: (1, False, 0), 4128653232L: (0, False, 0), 4165353392L: (2, False, 4.0), 4238753712L: (1, False, 0), 3905306544L: (1, False, 0), 4275453872L: (1, False, 0), 3978706864L: (1, False, 0), 4182130608L: (5, True, 0), 4292231088L: (5, True, 0), 4154867632L: (5, True, 0), 4162207664L: (5, True, 0), 3975561136L: (1, False, 0), 4215685040L: (5, True, 0), 4289085360L: (5, True, 0), 4159061936L: (1, False, 0), 3971366832L: (1, False, 0), 4195762096L: (5, True, 0), 3899015088L: (1, False, 0), 3972415408L: (1, False, 0), 4212539312L: (1, False, 0), 4082515888L: (1, False, 0), 4285939632L: (5, True, 0), 4155916208L: (1, False, 0), 4260773808L: (5, True, 0), 4207296432L: (1, False, 0), 4229316528L: (5, True, 0), 3895869360L: (0, False, 0), 4135993264L: (1, False, 0), 4172693424L: (5, True, 0), 4209393584L: (5, True, 0), 4246093744L: (1, False, 0), 4282793904L: (5, True, 0), 4160110512L: (5, True, 0), 4226170800L: (1, False, 0), 4191567792L: (5, True, 0), 4132847536L: (1, False, 0), 4189470640L: (1, False, 0), 4206247856L: (5, True, 0), 4242948016L: (1, False, 0), 4279648176L: (5, True, 0), 4186324912L: (5, True, 0), 4223025072L: (1, False, 0), 4259725232L: (1, False, 0), 4175839152L: (1, False, 0), 4129701808L: (1, False, 0), 4166401968L: (1, False, 0), 4239802288L: (1, False, 0), 4276502448L: (5, True, 0), 4183179184L: (1, False, 0), 4219879344L: (5, True, 0), 4256579504L: (5, True, 0), 4293279664L: (5, True, 0), 4243996592L: (1, False, 0), 4163256240L: (5, True, 0), 4153819056L: (1, False, 0), 4236656560L: (5, True, 0), 3903209392L: (1, False, 0), 4273356720L: (5, True, 0), 3976609712L: (1, False, 0), 4180033456L: (5, True, 0), 4253433776L: (5, True, 0), 4290133936L: (5, True, 0), 4211490736L: (1, False, 0), 4196810672L: (1, False, 0), 3900063664L: (1, False, 0), 3973463984L: (1, False, 0), 4176887728L: (5, True, 0), 4213587888L: (5, True, 0), 4083564464L: (1, False, 0), 4286988208L: (5, True, 0), 4156964784L: (5, True, 0), 4178984880L: (1, False, 0), 4230365104L: (5, True, 0), 4063641520L: (0, False, 0), 3896917936L: (1, False, 0), 3970318256L: (0, False, 0), 4173742000L: (5, True, 0), 4210442160L: (1, False, 0), 4247142320L: (5, True, 0)}) [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:18] ClanProxy.onGetClanBattles {'seasonId': 1, 'finishTime': 1513713600.0, 'primeTimes': {2: (57600, 68400), 3: (57600, 68400), 5: (57600, 68400), 6: (57600, 68400)}, 'shipLevelMax': 10, 'shipLevelMin': 10, 'startTime': 1508310000.0, 'promoTime': 1508310000.0, 'stage': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:20] >>> DockProxy.receiveState [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:20] Unlocks.receiveState [] [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:21] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 19508, 'boughtToday': 1, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1510444800.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:21] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 19508, 'boughtToday': 1, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1510444800.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:21] PVEScriptsProxyCommon.createPVEState() [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:21] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onGetSeasonRules: config True, {'seasonId': 1, 'operations': {4291341232L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 3, 'unlockTime': 1500429600, 'caps': 3}, 4292389808L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1499824800, 'caps': 3}, 4290292656L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1501034400, 'caps': 3}, 4293438384L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1501639200, 'caps': 3}}, 'currentOperationIdx': 1, 'roster': [4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L, 4293438384L], 'startTime': 1499824800, 'seasons': {1: {'operations': [4293438384L, 4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}, 2: {'operations': [], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}}, 'currentRotationTime': 1510106400, 'nextRotationTime': 1510711200, 'stage': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:21] [4181898160L, 4180849584L] [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:21] [4181898160L, 4180849584L] [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:21] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onLoadProgress: config True, season True, {'operations': {'hard': [], 'normal': [(4287146928L, [1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 0]), (4288195504L, [1509007262, 1509007262, 1509007262, 0, 0, 0]), (4290292656L, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])]}, 'seasons': {'hard': [], 'normal': [(2, 1509007262)]}} [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:21] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] _updateOperationCompleted: 4287146928 normal [1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 0] [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:21] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] _updateOperationCompleted: 4288195504 normal [1509007262, 1509007262, 1509007262, 0, 0, 0] [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:21] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] _updateOperationCompleted: 4290292656 normal [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:21] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] _updateSeasonCompleted: 2 normal 1509007262 [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:21] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {58161041: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 73537307: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 71811251: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 2557718: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 22453883: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}} [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:21] onClanResponse: response=(6, 0, {'league': 4, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 430246, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division_rating': 0, 'stage': 'league'}) [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:21] ClanProxy.onClanResponse(): 6 {'league': 4, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 430246, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division_rating': 0, 'stage': 'league'} [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:21] ClanDataHubUtils.addLadderInfo: {'league': 4, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 430246, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division_rating': 0, 'stage': 'league'} [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:21] onGameRoomStateInit mapIdx = 11 battleType = 71 gameMode = Domination duration=1200 [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:21] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:21] GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:22] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Login, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:22] Avatar.receiveAvatarInfo: {'evaluationsLeft': {0: 7, 1: 7}} [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:22] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAvatar [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:22] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() False 0 0 0 [E] [2017_11_11 19:18:22] Entity::enterWorld: Got entity 1218401 before carrying vehicle 1218402 (going into limbo) [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:22] Avatar.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:22] name Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:22] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:22] Avatar onControlled False [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:22] onControlled->False: not implemented [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:22] onGeometryMapped() MapName: 17_NA_fault_line [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:22] teamBuildType: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:22] player: Id: 271365 Name: pashamudriy TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB006_New_York_1934 avatarId: 1208383 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:22] player: Id: 325900 Name: kot580 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSC506_Admiral_Graf_Spee avatarId: 1208375 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:22] player: Id: 536995471 Name: Bogdandan_2 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSD207_Shiratsuyu avatarId: 1208377 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:22] player: Id: 245906 Name: Stivin_king TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASC006_Atlanta_1942 avatarId: 1208379 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:22] player: Id: 537221694 Name: RenamedUser_2709765 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PBSB106_Queen_Elizabeth avatarId: 1208381 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:22] player: Id: 275205 Name: Luxeon29_1 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSC105_Kirov avatarId: 1208373 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:22] player: Id: 536959266 Name: RadioDad TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSC106_Pr_94_Budeny avatarId: 1208385 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:22] player: Id: 537229732 Name: Ferrolom TeamId: 0 ShipName: PBSC107_Fiji avatarId: 1208387 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:22] player: Id: 367164 Name: UHU TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSC106_Nurnberg avatarId: 1208389 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:22] player: Id: 172350 Name: A71_2017 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PBSB105_Iron_Duke avatarId: 1208391 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:22] player: Id: 537098449 Name: SpokuS TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSC105_Kirov avatarId: 1218403 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:22] player: Id: 537120338 Name: macedonskiy TeamId: 1 ShipName: PBSB105_Iron_Duke avatarId: 1208395 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:22] player: Id: 537282525 Name: Slawa13 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSC107_Schors avatarId: 1208397 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:22] player: Id: 321506 Name: Yuri_Gagarin TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSB006_Fuso_1943 avatarId: 1208399 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:22] player: Id: 537297764 Name: Tier099 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSB007_Kongo_1942 avatarId: 1218401 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:22] player: Id: 537147729 Name: superfilosov TeamId: 1 ShipName: PBSC105_Emerald avatarId: 1208393 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:22] player: Id: 537158505 Name: xTipTopx TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSC107_Algerie avatarId: 1218405 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:22] player: Id: 536940269 Name: Volkodav_strelok TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB006_New_York_1934 avatarId: 1218407 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:22] player: Id: 537058033 Name: fedul01 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSB505_Oktyabrskaya_Revolutsiya avatarId: 1218409 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:22] player: Id: 537237365 Name: trailersonline TeamId: 0 ShipName: PBSC105_Emerald avatarId: 1218411 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:22] player: Id: 348280 Name: POMAHTIK_64 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSC007_Aoba_1943 avatarId: 1218413 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:22] player: Id: 537191290 Name: GARYNYTC TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSD207_Shiratsuyu avatarId: 1218415 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:22] player: Id: 334846 Name: ZeroRed TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSB105_Koenig avatarId: 1218417 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:22] player: Id: 537004415 Name: kukarin_1 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASD014_Leader_1919 avatarId: 1218419 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:22] (, 39965384947628, 149): 1208371; BattleLogic() [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:22] (, 39965384947628, 149): 1208371; onEnterWorld() State: {attentionMarkers: [], clientAnimations: None, controlPoints: [{position: [-476.9999084472656, 0.0], radius: 120.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: 1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [0.0, 0.0], radius: 120.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.18333333730697632, 49.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: 1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 1, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [500.0, 0.0], radius: 120.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: 1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}], entityStates: [], expectedActions: None, interactiveZones: [], weather: {globalWeatherId: 1208372, localWeather: [], entityLogicParams: []}, keyObjects: [], missions: {hold: [{reward: 3, penalty: 0, cpIndices: [0, 1, 2], period: 5}], capture: [], destroy: [], suppress: [], kill: [{reward: 30, penalty: 45, shipType: 'Destroyer'}, {reward: 35, penalty: 50, shipType: 'Cruiser'}, {reward: 40, penalty: 60, shipType: 'Battleship'}, {reward: 45, penalty: 65, shipType: 'AirCarrier'}], teamsScore: [210, 411], teamWinScore: 1000, teamLoseScore: 0}, resources: [], successStoryProgress: [], screenplayMessage: '', tasks: [], minefields: [], entities: [], effects: []} [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:22] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:22] BattleDataContext.__onEnterSpace [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:22] -= BATTLE STARTED =- [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:25] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:25] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:27] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:39] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:39] id 1208388 [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:39] name Ferrolom [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:39] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:39] @ launchpadAppeared 1208388 [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:39] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:39] id 1218408 [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:39] name Volkodav_strelok [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:39] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:39] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:39] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:39] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:39] id 1218414 [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:39] name POMAHTIK_64 [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:39] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:39] @ launchpadAppeared 1218414 [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:39] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:39] id 1208378 [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:39] name Bogdandan_2 [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:39] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:40] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:40] id 1208374 [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:40] name Luxeon29_1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:40] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:40] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:40] id 1208390 [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:40] name UHU [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:40] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:40] @ launchpadAppeared 1208390 [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:40] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:40] id 1208400 [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:40] name Yuri_Gagarin [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:40] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:40] @ launchpadAppeared 1208400 [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:40] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:40] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:40] id 1218402 [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:40] name Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:40] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:41] @ launchpadAppeared 1218402 [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:41] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:41] Avatar.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:41] ! A.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:41] BoardService.init [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:41] @ launchpadAppeared 1218402 [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:41] BattleDataContext.__onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:41] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:41] id 1218404 [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:41] name SpokuS [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:41] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:41] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:41] id 1208382 [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:41] name RenamedUser_2709765 [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:41] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:41] @ launchpadAppeared 1208382 [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:42] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:42] id 1208384 [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:42] name pashamudriy [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:42] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:42] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:42] id 1208376 [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:42] name kot580 [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:42] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:42] @ launchpadAppeared 1208376 [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:42] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:42] id 1208394 [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:42] name superfilosov [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:42] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:42] @ launchpadAppeared 1208394 [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:43] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:43] id 1218410 [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:43] name fedul01 [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:43] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:44] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:44] id 1208386 [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:44] name RadioDad [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:44] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:44] @ launchpadAppeared 1208386 [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:44] [Weather][3950] onEnterWorld (map spaces/17_NA_fault_line/weathers.xml, scheme 1, weather 0) [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:44] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:44] id 1208380 [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:44] name Stivin_king [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:44] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:44] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:44] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:46] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:46] id 1218418 [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:46] name ZeroRed [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:46] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:48] id 1218416 [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:48] name GARYNYTC [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:48] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:49] ! PM.refreshAirArmament [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:49] BoardService.restore [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:49] Avatar.onWorldStateReceived [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:49] BattleChatSystem IN Context [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:49] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:50] id 1218412 [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:50] name trailersonline [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:50] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:50] @ launchpadAppeared 1218412 [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:50] ('[ERROR] FeedbackController: empty config for event repair_finished',) [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:50] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:58] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:58] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:58] id 1218406 [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:58] name xTipTopx [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:58] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:18:58] @ launchpadAppeared 1218406 [S] [2017_11_11 19:19:13] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:19:13] id 1218418 [S] [2017_11_11 19:19:13] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:19:13] id 1218406 [S] [2017_11_11 19:19:13] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:19:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:19:16] id 1218416 [S] [2017_11_11 19:19:25] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:19:25] id 1208400 [S] [2017_11_11 19:19:25] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:19:26] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 19:19:29] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:19:29] id 1208400 [S] [2017_11_11 19:19:29] name Yuri_Gagarin [S] [2017_11_11 19:19:29] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:19:30] @ launchpadAppeared 1208400 [S] [2017_11_11 19:19:33] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:19:33] id 1218410 [S] [2017_11_11 19:19:39] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:19:39] id 1208376 [S] [2017_11_11 19:19:39] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:19:44] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:19:44] id 1218418 [S] [2017_11_11 19:19:44] name ZeroRed [S] [2017_11_11 19:19:44] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:19:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:19:52] id 1208400 [S] [2017_11_11 19:19:52] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:19:53] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:19:53] id 1218412 [S] [2017_11_11 19:19:53] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:19:55] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:19:55] id 1208400 [S] [2017_11_11 19:19:55] name Yuri_Gagarin [S] [2017_11_11 19:19:55] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:19:55] @ launchpadAppeared 1208400 [S] [2017_11_11 19:20:03] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:20:03] id 1218418 [S] [2017_11_11 19:20:17] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:20:17] id 1218420 [S] [2017_11_11 19:20:17] name kukarin_1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:20:17] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:20:20] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:20:20] id 1218418 [S] [2017_11_11 19:20:20] name ZeroRed [S] [2017_11_11 19:20:20] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:20:20] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:20:20] id 1208396 [S] [2017_11_11 19:20:20] name macedonskiy [S] [2017_11_11 19:20:20] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:20:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:20:23] id 1208396 [S] [2017_11_11 19:20:28] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:20:28] id 1218420 [S] [2017_11_11 19:20:35] DEBUG: onChatMessage args ('', '', {'avatarId': 1218415, 'achievementId': 4282573744L, 'type': -1}) [S] [2017_11_11 19:20:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:20:35] id 1218412 [S] [2017_11_11 19:20:35] name trailersonline [S] [2017_11_11 19:20:35] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:20:35] @ launchpadAppeared 1218412 [S] [2017_11_11 19:20:37] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:20:37] id 1218406 [S] [2017_11_11 19:20:37] name xTipTopx [S] [2017_11_11 19:20:37] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:20:38] @ launchpadAppeared 1218406 [S] [2017_11_11 19:20:41] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 19:20:47] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:20:47] id 1208396 [S] [2017_11_11 19:20:47] name macedonskiy [S] [2017_11_11 19:20:47] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:20:54] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:20:54] id 1208398 [S] [2017_11_11 19:20:54] name Slawa13 [S] [2017_11_11 19:20:54] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:20:54] @ launchpadAppeared 1208398 [S] [2017_11_11 19:20:54] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 19:20:54] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 19:20:55] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 19:21:08] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:21:08] id 1218406 [S] [2017_11_11 19:21:08] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:21:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:21:11] id 1208396 [S] [2017_11_11 19:21:11] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:21:11] id 1218406 [S] [2017_11_11 19:21:11] name xTipTopx [S] [2017_11_11 19:21:11] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:21:11] @ launchpadAppeared 1218406 [S] [2017_11_11 19:21:15] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:21:15] id 1208396 [S] [2017_11_11 19:21:15] name macedonskiy [S] [2017_11_11 19:21:15] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:21:16] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 19:21:17] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:21:17] id 1208400 [S] [2017_11_11 19:21:17] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:21:17] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:21:17] id 1218406 [S] [2017_11_11 19:21:17] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:21:18] ("[ERROR] FeedbackController: invalid key '0' for map {1: 'SCOUT', 3: 'SPEED_BOOSTER', 4: 'TA_BOOSTER', 5: 'MB_BOOSTER', 6: 'HANGAR_BOOSTER', 7: 'SMOKE_GENERATOR'} data - {'state': 2, 'type': 0}",) [S] [2017_11_11 19:21:44] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:21:44] id 1208396 [S] [2017_11_11 19:21:45] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:21:45] id 1208400 [S] [2017_11_11 19:21:45] name Yuri_Gagarin [S] [2017_11_11 19:21:45] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:21:46] @ launchpadAppeared 1208400 [S] [2017_11_11 19:21:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:21:50] id 1218406 [S] [2017_11_11 19:21:50] name xTipTopx [S] [2017_11_11 19:21:50] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:21:50] @ launchpadAppeared 1218406 [S] [2017_11_11 19:22:19] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:22:19] id 1208396 [S] [2017_11_11 19:22:19] name macedonskiy [S] [2017_11_11 19:22:19] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:22:22] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:22:22] id 1208392 [S] [2017_11_11 19:22:22] name A71_2017 [S] [2017_11_11 19:22:22] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:22:22] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 19:22:22] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 19:22:22] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 19:22:22] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 19:22:22] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 19:22:36] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:22:36] id 1218418 [S] [2017_11_11 19:22:38] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 19:22:38] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:22:39] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:22:39] id 1208396 [S] [2017_11_11 19:22:49] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:22:49] id 1218418 [S] [2017_11_11 19:22:49] name ZeroRed [S] [2017_11_11 19:22:49] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:23:09] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:23:09] id 1208396 [S] [2017_11_11 19:23:09] name macedonskiy [S] [2017_11_11 19:23:09] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:23:17] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 19:23:17] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:23:19] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 19:23:19] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:23:19] DEBUG: onChatMessage args ('', '', {'avatarId': 1218405, 'achievementId': 4283622320L, 'type': -1}) [S] [2017_11_11 19:23:21] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:23:21] id 1218418 [S] [2017_11_11 19:23:24] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 19:23:32] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:23:32] id 1218418 [S] [2017_11_11 19:23:32] name ZeroRed [S] [2017_11_11 19:23:32] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:23:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:23:35] id 1218420 [S] [2017_11_11 19:23:35] name kukarin_1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:23:35] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:23:48] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 19:24:00] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 19:24:00] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:24:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:24:01] id 1208396 [S] [2017_11_11 19:24:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:24:02] id 1208400 [S] [2017_11_11 19:24:02] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:24:04] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:24:04] id 1218420 [S] [2017_11_11 19:24:07] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:24:07] id 1208396 [S] [2017_11_11 19:24:07] name macedonskiy [S] [2017_11_11 19:24:07] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:24:25] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:24:25] id 1218418 [S] [2017_11_11 19:24:31] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:24:31] id 1218410 [S] [2017_11_11 19:24:31] name fedul01 [S] [2017_11_11 19:24:31] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:24:36] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:24:36] id 1208396 [S] [2017_11_11 19:24:39] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:24:39] id 1218418 [S] [2017_11_11 19:24:39] name ZeroRed [S] [2017_11_11 19:24:39] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:24:59] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:24:59] id 1208400 [S] [2017_11_11 19:24:59] name Yuri_Gagarin [S] [2017_11_11 19:24:59] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:24:59] @ launchpadAppeared 1208400 [S] [2017_11_11 19:24:59] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 19:24:59] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 19:24:59] ("[ERROR] FeedbackController: invalid key '9' for map {1: 'SCOUT', 3: 'SPEED_BOOSTER', 4: 'TA_BOOSTER', 5: 'MB_BOOSTER', 6: 'HANGAR_BOOSTER', 7: 'SMOKE_GENERATOR'} data - {'state': 2, 'type': 9}",) [S] [2017_11_11 19:25:22] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:25:22] id 1208400 [S] [2017_11_11 19:25:22] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:25:59] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:25:59] id 1208400 [S] [2017_11_11 19:25:59] name Yuri_Gagarin [S] [2017_11_11 19:25:59] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:25:59] @ launchpadAppeared 1208400 [S] [2017_11_11 19:25:59] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 19:25:59] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 19:26:08] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:26:08] id 1208400 [S] [2017_11_11 19:26:08] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:26:08] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:26:08] id 1208376 [S] [2017_11_11 19:26:08] name kot580 [S] [2017_11_11 19:26:08] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:26:08] @ launchpadAppeared 1208376 [S] [2017_11_11 19:26:08] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:26:08] id 1208400 [S] [2017_11_11 19:26:08] name Yuri_Gagarin [S] [2017_11_11 19:26:08] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:26:08] @ launchpadAppeared 1208400 [S] [2017_11_11 19:26:09] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 19:26:09] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 19:26:09] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:26:09] id 1208396 [S] [2017_11_11 19:26:09] name macedonskiy [S] [2017_11_11 19:26:09] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:26:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:26:16] id 1208396 [S] [2017_11_11 19:26:17] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:26:17] id 1208400 [S] [2017_11_11 19:26:17] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:26:19] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:26:19] id 1208400 [S] [2017_11_11 19:26:19] name Yuri_Gagarin [S] [2017_11_11 19:26:19] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:26:19] @ launchpadAppeared 1208400 [S] [2017_11_11 19:26:19] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 19:26:19] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 19:26:30] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:26:30] id 1208396 [S] [2017_11_11 19:26:30] name macedonskiy [S] [2017_11_11 19:26:30] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:26:32] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:26:32] id 1218420 [S] [2017_11_11 19:26:32] name kukarin_1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:26:32] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:26:34] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:26:34] id 1208396 [S] [2017_11_11 19:26:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:26:48] id 1208396 [S] [2017_11_11 19:26:48] name macedonskiy [S] [2017_11_11 19:26:48] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:26:54] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:26:54] id 1208396 [S] [2017_11_11 19:27:08] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:27:08] id 1208396 [S] [2017_11_11 19:27:08] name macedonskiy [S] [2017_11_11 19:27:08] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:27:14] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 19:27:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:27:16] id 1208400 [S] [2017_11_11 19:27:16] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:27:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:27:16] id 1218420 [S] [2017_11_11 19:27:34] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:27:34] id 1208396 [S] [2017_11_11 19:29:31] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:29:31] id 1208400 [S] [2017_11_11 19:29:31] name Yuri_Gagarin [S] [2017_11_11 19:29:31] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:29:31] @ launchpadAppeared 1208400 [S] [2017_11_11 19:29:31] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 19:29:31] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 19:29:47] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:29:47] id 1218416 [S] [2017_11_11 19:29:47] name GARYNYTC [S] [2017_11_11 19:29:47] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:02] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:02] id 1218420 [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:02] name kukarin_1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:02] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:12] connection problem!!! [E] [2017_11_11 19:30:12] ServerConnection::onTimeOut(1218401): Disconnecting due to channel timing out. [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:12] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 6 NOT_SET [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:12] [LOGIN] Setting gIsConnected to False [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:17] connection problem!!! [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:17] clearAll 0 True [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:17] AccountLevelingProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:17] ShutDownProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:17] ShutDownProxy.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:17] StatsProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:17] StatsProxy.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:17] CampaignsProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:17] LootboxProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:17] LootboxProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:17] PVEScriptsProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:17] PVEDatahubUtils.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:17] PVEScriptsProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:17] IngamePortalProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:17] IngameNewsProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:17] UserDataGate.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:17] UserDataGate.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:17] ClanProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:17] ClanProxy.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:17] BattleChatSystem OUT OF Context [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:17] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOver [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:17] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOut [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:17] (, 13182166089733, 190): fini [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:17] (, 51007922117933, 263): out of context [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:17] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Login, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:17] PreBattleInfoHolder.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:17] (, 39965384947628, 149): 1208371; onLeaveWorld() [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:17] [Weather][3950] onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:17] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:17] id 1208374 [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:17] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:17] id 1208376 [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:17] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:17] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:17] id 1208378 [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:17] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:17] id 1208380 [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:17] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:17] id 1208382 [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:17] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:17] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:17] id 1208384 [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:17] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:17] id 1208386 [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:17] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:17] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:17] id 1208388 [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:17] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:17] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:17] id 1208390 [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:17] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:17] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:17] id 1208392 [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:17] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:17] id 1208394 [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:17] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:17] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:17] id 1208398 [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:17] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:17] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:17] id 1208400 [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:17] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:17] Avatar.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:17] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:17] id 1218402 [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:18] id 1218404 [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:18] id 1218406 [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:18] id 1218408 [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:18] id 1218410 [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:18] id 1218412 [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:18] id 1218414 [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:18] id 1218416 [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:18] id 1218418 [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:18] id 1218420 [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:20] Exception BigWorld.EntityIsDestroyedException: 'Avatar 1218401 has been destroyed' in ignored [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:21] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Login, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:24] (, 66259644693353, 191): H:; A:; C:http://csis.worldoftanks.ru/csis/wowsru/?periphery=login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020&periphery=login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020; M:['login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020', 'login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020'] [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:25] BaseLoginRequest.doLogin(): login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020 token2 ([BaseLoginCredentials] Tier099) [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:25] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:25] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:25] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 1 LOGGED_ON {"token2":"5595999:5600238760764888903:292956866447649563292768341607348681161","wgnr":"ru.wargaming.net"} [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:25] LOGGED_ON {u'token2': u'5595999:5600238760764888903:292956866447649563292768341607348681161', u'wgnr': u'ru.wargaming.net'} [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:25] [LOGIN] Positive, serverMsg: {u'token2': u'5595999:5600238760764888903:292956866447649563292768341607348681161', u'wgnr': u'ru.wargaming.net'}, status: LOGGED_ON [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:25] [LOGIN] Setting wgnr url to "https://ru.wargaming.net" [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:25] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 2 NOT_SET [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:26] Account.__init__() [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:26] [Account debuG]: __init__() Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:26] ClanProxy.setChatHandler [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:26] ClanProxy.setInteractiveMessageData [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:26] Exception BigWorld.EntityIsDestroyedException: 'Account 537297764 has been destroyed' in ignored [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:26] (, 571883079382, 162): init [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:26] (, 574705753692, 103): Url config for realm ru as string is ResMgr.DataSection at 0x414D8C60 [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:26] (, 51003525417967, 75): in context [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:26] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:26] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:26] onBecomePlayer() [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:26] UserDataGate.onGetConnection [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:26] UserDataGate.onGetConnection(): 5595999 [Entity: id:5939 ['accountSimple', 'accountName']] Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:26] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAccount [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:26] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() True 0 0 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:26] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:26] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:26] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4154867632 {('Default', 4284313520L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 13, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:26] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4162207664 {('Default', 4279410608L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 6, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:26] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4163256240 {('Default', 4282556336L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 5, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:26] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q04 {('Default', 4271730608L, 0): 5, ('Default', 4269633456L, 0): 5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u041e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c \u043d\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u041e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c \u043d\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'} [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:26] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4160110512 {'desc': (), ('Resource', 0, 0): 100000} {'taskNumber': 8, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:26] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22468_q03 {('Default', 4263440304L, 0): 5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'} [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:26] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q02 {('Resource', 19, 0): 1, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u041f\u0440\u0435\u043c\u0438\u0443\u043c \u0437\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0443'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u041f\u0440\u0435\u043c\u0438\u0443\u043c \u0437\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0443'} [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:26] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4161159088 {('Default', 4283604912L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 7, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:26] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q01 {('ResourceCoeff', 21, 17): 3.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 30): 6.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 9): 12.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 32): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 10): 3.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 5): 1.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 28): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 14): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 11): 1.5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'}, 0, 0)} {'type': 'challenge', 'titleText': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'} [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:26] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4167450544 {('Resource', 16, 0): 500, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 1, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:26] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4156964784 {('Resource', 0, 0): 100000, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 11, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:26] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 15 [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:26] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:26] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 15. Boxes contents: [{4288852912L: {(0, 4283622320L): 1}, 4284658608L: {(0, 4274185136L): 1}, 4283610032L: {(0, 4273136560L): 1}, 4289901488L: {(0, 4289913776L): 1}}] [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:26] setServerTime: serverTime=1510417828 time.time()=1510417826.72 gInitialClientTime=10027.2200799 [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:26] initBattleTypes called [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:26] Disabled maps: [] [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:26] getNationForTutorial() CanBeStarted: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:26] StatsProxy.receiveAbuseStatus(): {'battlesToClean': 1, 'statuses': {'tkill': 1}, 'warnings': ()} [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:27] _onChangeTimeOut 156 [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:29] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: changed tasks [4165353392L] [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:29] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4165353392 data (True, 5, None, (4, 8)) [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:29] StatsProxy.receiveAbuseStatus(): {'battlesToClean': 0, 'statuses': {'tkill': 0}, 'warnings': ()} [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:29] (, 20685599789093, 264): keys: ['dossier', 'accPoints'] [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:29] __processDossierStats() client dossier: ['oper', 'pvp', 'oper_mm_tasks_diag', 'pve_diag', 'pvp_diag', 'oper_normal', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'pve', 'oper_mm', 'total', 'oper_normal_tasks_diag', 'max_pve', 'rank_diag', 'max_pvp', 'oper_diag', 'club_diag', 'club', 'max_club', 'clan', 'oper_hard', 'oper_hard_tasks_diag', 'max_clan'] [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:29] AccountLevelingProxy.onGetAccountStats(): (-1, -1) (-1, 749011) [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:29] AccountLevelingContext.checkAccountLevelChange: warning! decreasing of level: 0 -> -1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:29] __processDossierStats() client dossier: ['oper', 'pvp', 'oper_mm_tasks_diag', 'pve_diag', 'pvp_diag', 'oper_normal', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'pve', 'oper_mm', 'total', 'oper_normal_tasks_diag', 'max_pve', 'rank_diag', 'max_pvp', 'oper_diag', 'club_diag', 'club', 'max_club', 'clan', 'oper_hard', 'oper_hard_tasks_diag', 'max_clan'] [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:29] AccountLevelingProxy.onGetAccountStats(): (-1, 749011) (15, 747982) [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:30] __updateTaskProgress start: {'22468_q03': {3: {'count': 10.0}}, '22468_q01': {2: {'count': 3}}, '22469_q01': {}, '21856_q00': {}, '22468_q05': {}, '22468_q02': {3: {'count': 549416}}, '22470_q01': {}, '22470_q02': {2: {'count': 5}}, '22470_q03': {2: {'count': 433800}, 3: {'count': 15080}, 4: {'count': 96565}}, '22470_q04': {2: {'count': 10}}, '22160_q01': {}, '22468_q04': {3: {'count': 20721}}} [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:30] __updateTaskProgress start: {'22468_q03': {'count': 1, 3: {'count': 10.0}}, '22468_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 3}}, '22469_q01': {'count': 0}, '21856_q00': {'count': 0}, '22468_q05': {'count': 0}, '22468_q02': {'count': 1, 3: {'count': 549416}}, '22470_q01': {'count': 27}, '22470_q02': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 5}}, '22470_q03': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 433800}, 3: {'count': 15080}, 4: {'count': 96565}}, '22470_q04': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 10}}, '22160_q01': {'count': 0}, '22468_q04': {'count': 0, 3: {'count': 20721}}} [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:30] updateActionsProgress: {'22470_q01': {'count': 28}, '22468_q04': {'count': 0, 3: {'count': 21750}}} [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:30] __updateTaskProgress start: {'22470_q01': {'count': 28}, '22468_q04': {'count': 0, 3: {'count': 21750}}} [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:30] onGetRankBattlesInfo currentSeason: 7, PlayerInfo: None [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:30] onGetRankDossier() seasonId = 7 Empty [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:30] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onGetSeasonRules: config False, {'seasonId': 1, 'operations': {4291341232L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 3, 'unlockTime': 1500429600, 'caps': 3}, 4292389808L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1499824800, 'caps': 3}, 4290292656L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1501034400, 'caps': 3}, 4293438384L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1501639200, 'caps': 3}}, 'currentOperationIdx': 1, 'roster': [4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L, 4293438384L], 'startTime': 1499824800, 'seasons': {1: {'operations': [4293438384L, 4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}, 2: {'operations': [], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}}, 'currentRotationTime': 1510106400, 'nextRotationTime': 1510711200, 'stage': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:30] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onLoadProgress: config False, season False, {'operations': {'hard': [], 'normal': [(4287146928L, [1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 0]), (4288195504L, [1509007262, 1509007262, 1509007262, 0, 0, 0]), (4290292656L, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])]}, 'seasons': {'hard': [], 'normal': [(2, 1509007262)]}} [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:31] onClanResponse: response=(1, 0, (430246, (430246, u'FLY', u'FLY', 16777215, u'executive_officer', u'\u0417\u0434\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0443\u0439\u0442\u0435 \u0442\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0449\u0438, \u0443 \u043a\u043e\u0433\u043e \u0435\u0441\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0431\u043b\u0438 10-\u0433\u043e \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u043d\u044f, \u0438 \u0433\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0441\u043e\u0432\u0430\u044f \u0432\u0441\u044f\u0437\u044c \u043d\u0443\u0436\u043d\u043e \u0441\u044b\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d\u043e\u0432\u044b\u0435 \u0431\u043e\u0438 - \u0441\u0442\u0430\u0432\u0442\u0435 + \u043c\u043d\u0435 \u0432 \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443 \u043a\u0442\u043e \u0433\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432', {47518727: {'role': u'private'}, 162314: {'role': u'private'}, 2835342: {'role': u'private'}, 58161041: {'role': u'private'}, 19410835: {'role': u'private'}, 2557718: {'role': u'private'}, 27883543: {'role': u'private'}, 73537307: {'role': u'private'}, 17222686: {'role': u'private'}, 310434: {'role': u'private'}, 11428651: {'role': u'private'}, 2445100: {'role': u'private'}, 7715120: {'role': u'private'}, 69118514: {'role': u'commander'}, 71811251: {'role': u'private'}, 59694238: {'role': u'private'}, 62222528: {'role': u'private'}, 47245249: {'role': u'private'}, 59103429: {'role': u'private'}, 35853511: {'role': u'private'}, 69416610: {'role': u'private'}, 65031124: {'role': u'private'}, 33301518: {'role': u'private'}, 5595999: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 8706534: {'role': u'private'}, 37230: {'role': u'private'}, 1515506: {'role': u'private'}, 71303028: {'role': u'private'}, 5426549: {'role': u'private'}, 22453883: {'role': u'private'}}, {75100162: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3925161}, 75104791: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1901451}, 75104792: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12037438}, 75104793: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47518727}, 75100186: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4688253}, 75100187: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26497012}, 75100188: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 872384}, 75100189: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 16896550}, 75104799: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2557718}, 75100217: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58161041}, 75100219: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36672236}, 75100220: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12445172}, 75100221: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11262324}, 75100086: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71777625}, 75099916: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5426549}, 75088485: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11437327}, 75088488: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86912728}, 75099930: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35480962}, 75099931: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 64096589}, 75104796: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24059614}, 75104797: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5326927}, 75105224: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5163046}, 75115804: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3700101}, 75100858: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65353479}, 75100859: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4549361}, 75100860: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19163627}, 75100862: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 15486060}, 75100864: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24960589}, 75104795: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26571092}, 75101403: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13829345}, 75101405: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2774140}, 75101406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19410835}, 75105005: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2514322}, 75105006: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 6071074}, 75105007: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21765943}, 75105008: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13351014}, 75105009: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10744094}, 75105010: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8213596}, 75105533: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 32758788}, 75105534: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35843415}, 75105535: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19416306}, 75099910: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 22471163}, 75099912: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47356661}, 75099913: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20821811}, 75099914: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 38322742}, 75099915: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 57543888}, 75100940: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1550733}, 75100941: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1431883}, 75100942: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 744012}, 75100943: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 69416610}, 75100944: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36933861}, 75100946: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4337469}, 75115800: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47245249}, 75115801: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2723422}, 75115802: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19050869}, 75115803: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65031124}, 75099932: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5239563}, 75099933: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5564244}, 75105068: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 27883543}, 75099952: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11428651}, 75115830: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 62222528}, 75115831: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8664152}, 75115833: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59103429}, 75115837: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4858560}, 75115840: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 7424262}, 75099461: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 33301518}, 75104134: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 225652}, 75101613: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 162314}, 75101614: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 75991473}, 75100081: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71303028}, 75100082: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79542157}, 75100083: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 76103}, 75100084: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80535214}, 75100085: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5965559}, 75092406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86780640}, 75092407: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 72132668}, 75092409: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65107864}, 75092412: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58685850}, 75104707: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13658244}, 75104708: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 77607300}, 75104710: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79957325}, 75104712: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2809573}, 75105225: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 61831778}, 75105226: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 48512704}, 75105227: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82400346}, 75105229: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59694238}, 75105230: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24318025}, 75105232: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35446652}, 75100114: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21297715}, 75100115: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2636501}, 75100116: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 23508047}, 75100117: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4104445}, 75100156: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65362617}, 75113469: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 17222686}, 75100158: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20158906}, 75113467: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1207353}, 75113468: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80938462}, 75100157: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82347121}, 75113470: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8706534}, 75113471: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4261263}}, 30, 30, None))) [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:31] ClanProxy.onClanResponse(): 1 (430246, (430246, u'FLY', u'FLY', 16777215, u'executive_officer', u'\u0417\u0434\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0443\u0439\u0442\u0435 \u0442\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0449\u0438, \u0443 \u043a\u043e\u0433\u043e \u0435\u0441\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0431\u043b\u0438 10-\u0433\u043e \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u043d\u044f, \u0438 \u0433\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0441\u043e\u0432\u0430\u044f \u0432\u0441\u044f\u0437\u044c \u043d\u0443\u0436\u043d\u043e \u0441\u044b\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d\u043e\u0432\u044b\u0435 \u0431\u043e\u0438 - \u0441\u0442\u0430\u0432\u0442\u0435 + \u043c\u043d\u0435 \u0432 \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443 \u043a\u0442\u043e \u0433\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432', {47518727: {'role': u'private'}, 162314: {'role': u'private'}, 2835342: {'role': u'private'}, 58161041: {'role': u'private'}, 19410835: {'role': u'private'}, 2557718: {'role': u'private'}, 27883543: {'role': u'private'}, 73537307: {'role': u'private'}, 17222686: {'role': u'private'}, 310434: {'role': u'private'}, 11428651: {'role': u'private'}, 2445100: {'role': u'private'}, 7715120: {'role': u'private'}, 69118514: {'role': u'commander'}, 71811251: {'role': u'private'}, 59694238: {'role': u'private'}, 62222528: {'role': u'private'}, 47245249: {'role': u'private'}, 59103429: {'role': u'private'}, 35853511: {'role': u'private'}, 69416610: {'role': u'private'}, 65031124: {'role': u'private'}, 33301518: {'role': u'private'}, 5595999: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 8706534: {'role': u'private'}, 37230: {'role': u'private'}, 1515506: {'role': u'private'}, 71303028: {'role': u'private'}, 5426549: {'role': u'private'}, 22453883: {'role': u'private'}}, {75100162: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3925161}, 75104791: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1901451}, 75104792: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12037438}, 75104793: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47518727}, 75100186: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4688253}, 75100187: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26497012}, 75100188: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 872384}, 75100189: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 16896550}, 75104799: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2557718}, 75100217: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58161041}, 75100219: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36672236}, 75100220: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12445172}, 75100221: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11262324}, 75100086: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71777625}, 75099916: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5426549}, 75088485: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11437327}, 75088488: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86912728}, 75099930: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35480962}, 75099931: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 64096589}, 75104796: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24059614}, 75104797: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5326927}, 75105224: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5163046}, 75115804: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3700101}, 75100858: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65353479}, 75100859: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4549361}, 75100860: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19163627}, 75100862: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 15486060}, 75100864: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24960589}, 75104795: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26571092}, 75101403: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13829345}, 75101405: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2774140}, 75101406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19410835}, 75105005: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2514322}, 75105006: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 6071074}, 75105007: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21765943}, 75105008: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13351014}, 75105009: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10744094}, 75105010: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8213596}, 75105533: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 32758788}, 75105534: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35843415}, 75105535: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19416306}, 75099910: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 22471163}, 75099912: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47356661}, 75099913: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20821811}, 75099914: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 38322742}, 75099915: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 57543888}, 75100940: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1550733}, 75100941: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1431883}, 75100942: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 744012}, 75100943: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 69416610}, 75100944: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36933861}, 75100946: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4337469}, 75115800: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47245249}, 75115801: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2723422}, 75115802: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19050869}, 75115803: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65031124}, 75099932: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5239563}, 75099933: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5564244}, 75105068: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 27883543}, 75099952: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11428651}, 75115830: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 62222528}, 75115831: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8664152}, 75115833: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59103429}, 75115837: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4858560}, 75115840: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 7424262}, 75099461: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 33301518}, 75104134: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 225652}, 75101613: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 162314}, 75101614: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 75991473}, 75100081: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71303028}, 75100082: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79542157}, 75100083: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 76103}, 75100084: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80535214}, 75100085: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5965559}, 75092406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86780640}, 75092407: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 72132668}, 75092409: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65107864}, 75092412: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58685850}, 75104707: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13658244}, 75104708: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 77607300}, 75104710: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79957325}, 75104712: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2809573}, 75105225: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 61831778}, 75105226: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 48512704}, 75105227: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82400346}, 75105229: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59694238}, 75105230: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24318025}, 75105232: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35446652}, 75100114: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21297715}, 75100115: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2636501}, 75100116: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 23508047}, 75100117: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4104445}, 75100156: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65362617}, 75113469: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 17222686}, 75100158: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20158906}, 75113467: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1207353}, 75113468: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80938462}, 75100157: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82347121}, 75113470: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8706534}, 75113471: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4261263}}, 30, 30, None)) [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:31] ClanProxy.__onGetMyClan: False (430246, (430246, u'FLY', u'FLY', 16777215, u'executive_officer', u'\u0417\u0434\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0443\u0439\u0442\u0435 \u0442\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0449\u0438, \u0443 \u043a\u043e\u0433\u043e \u0435\u0441\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0431\u043b\u0438 10-\u0433\u043e \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u043d\u044f, \u0438 \u0433\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0441\u043e\u0432\u0430\u044f \u0432\u0441\u044f\u0437\u044c \u043d\u0443\u0436\u043d\u043e \u0441\u044b\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d\u043e\u0432\u044b\u0435 \u0431\u043e\u0438 - \u0441\u0442\u0430\u0432\u0442\u0435 + \u043c\u043d\u0435 \u0432 \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443 \u043a\u0442\u043e \u0433\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432', {47518727: {'role': u'private'}, 162314: {'role': u'private'}, 2835342: {'role': u'private'}, 58161041: {'role': u'private'}, 19410835: {'role': u'private'}, 2557718: {'role': u'private'}, 27883543: {'role': u'private'}, 73537307: {'role': u'private'}, 17222686: {'role': u'private'}, 310434: {'role': u'private'}, 11428651: {'role': u'private'}, 2445100: {'role': u'private'}, 7715120: {'role': u'private'}, 69118514: {'role': u'commander'}, 71811251: {'role': u'private'}, 59694238: {'role': u'private'}, 62222528: {'role': u'private'}, 47245249: {'role': u'private'}, 59103429: {'role': u'private'}, 35853511: {'role': u'private'}, 69416610: {'role': u'private'}, 65031124: {'role': u'private'}, 33301518: {'role': u'private'}, 5595999: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 8706534: {'role': u'private'}, 37230: {'role': u'private'}, 1515506: {'role': u'private'}, 71303028: {'role': u'private'}, 5426549: {'role': u'private'}, 22453883: {'role': u'private'}}, {75100162: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3925161}, 75104791: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1901451}, 75104792: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12037438}, 75104793: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47518727}, 75100186: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4688253}, 75100187: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26497012}, 75100188: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 872384}, 75100189: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 16896550}, 75104799: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2557718}, 75100217: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58161041}, 75100219: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36672236}, 75100220: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12445172}, 75100221: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11262324}, 75100086: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71777625}, 75099916: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5426549}, 75088485: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11437327}, 75088488: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86912728}, 75099930: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35480962}, 75099931: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 64096589}, 75104796: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24059614}, 75104797: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5326927}, 75105224: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5163046}, 75115804: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3700101}, 75100858: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65353479}, 75100859: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4549361}, 75100860: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19163627}, 75100862: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 15486060}, 75100864: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24960589}, 75104795: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26571092}, 75101403: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13829345}, 75101405: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2774140}, 75101406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19410835}, 75105005: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2514322}, 75105006: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 6071074}, 75105007: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21765943}, 75105008: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13351014}, 75105009: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10744094}, 75105010: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8213596}, 75105533: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 32758788}, 75105534: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35843415}, 75105535: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19416306}, 75099910: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 22471163}, 75099912: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47356661}, 75099913: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20821811}, 75099914: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 38322742}, 75099915: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 57543888}, 75100940: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1550733}, 75100941: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1431883}, 75100942: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 744012}, 75100943: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 69416610}, 75100944: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36933861}, 75100946: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4337469}, 75115800: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47245249}, 75115801: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2723422}, 75115802: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19050869}, 75115803: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65031124}, 75099932: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5239563}, 75099933: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5564244}, 75105068: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 27883543}, 75099952: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11428651}, 75115830: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 62222528}, 75115831: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8664152}, 75115833: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59103429}, 75115837: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4858560}, 75115840: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 7424262}, 75099461: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 33301518}, 75104134: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 225652}, 75101613: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 162314}, 75101614: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 75991473}, 75100081: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71303028}, 75100082: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79542157}, 75100083: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 76103}, 75100084: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80535214}, 75100085: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5965559}, 75092406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86780640}, 75092407: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 72132668}, 75092409: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65107864}, 75092412: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58685850}, 75104707: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13658244}, 75104708: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 77607300}, 75104710: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79957325}, 75104712: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2809573}, 75105225: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 61831778}, 75105226: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 48512704}, 75105227: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82400346}, 75105229: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59694238}, 75105230: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24318025}, 75105232: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35446652}, 75100114: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21297715}, 75100115: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2636501}, 75100116: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 23508047}, 75100117: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4104445}, 75100156: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65362617}, 75113469: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 17222686}, 75100158: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20158906}, 75113467: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1207353}, 75113468: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80938462}, 75100157: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82347121}, 75113470: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8706534}, 75113471: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4261263}}, 30, 30, None)) [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:31] [CampaignsCommon] onLoadedDump: loaded campaign params and player; countActiveTasks 1; data ({4290690992L: (False, True, False), 4293836720L: (True, 0, True), 4291739568L: (False, True, False), 4288593840L: (True, 0, True), 4289642416L: (False, True, False), 4292788144L: (True, 0, True)}, {4291739568L: [1, 0], 4293836720L: [1, 1], 4289642416L: [1, 0], 4288593840L: [1, 0], 4290690992L: [1, 0], 4292788144L: [1, 0]}, {4251566000L: [2, 0, 0], 4285120432L: [4, 15, 7], 4287217584L: [4, 12, 7], 4288266160L: [4, 10, 7], 4290363312L: [4, 10, 5], 4292460464L: [4, 6, 8], 4293509040L: [5, 5, 9], 4286169008L: [4, 15, 8], 4263100336L: [2, 0, 0], 4289314736L: [4, 10, 6], 4283023280L: [2, 0, 0], 4272537520L: [2, 0, 0], 4241080240L: [2, 0, 0], 4291411888L: [4, 7, 7]}, {4193664944L: (5, True, 0), 4280696752L: (5, True, 0), 4255530928L: (5, True, 0), 4187373488L: (1, False, 0), 4224073648L: (5, True, 0), 4164304816L: (1, False, 0), 4130750384L: (1, False, 0), 4167450544L: (5, True, 0), 4204150704L: (5, True, 0), 4240850864L: (1, False, 0), 4277551024L: (5, True, 0), 4184227760L: (1, False, 0), 4220927920L: (5, True, 0), 4257628080L: (5, True, 0), 4198907824L: (5, True, 0), 4237705136L: (5, True, 0), 3904257968L: (1, False, 0), 4274405296L: (1, False, 0), 3977658288L: (1, False, 0), 4181082032L: (5, True, 0), 4254482352L: (1, False, 0), 4291182512L: (5, True, 0), 3897966512L: (1, False, 0), 4161159088L: (5, True, 0), 4197859248L: (1, False, 0), 3901112240L: (1, False, 0), 3974512560L: (1, False, 0), 4177936304L: (1, False, 0), 4214636464L: (1, False, 0), 4251336624L: (5, True, 0), 4288036784L: (5, True, 0), 4133896112L: (1, False, 0), 4194713520L: (5, True, 0), 4174790576L: (5, True, 0), 4081467312L: (0, False, 0), 4284891056L: (5, True, 0), 4190519216L: (1, False, 0), 4227219376L: (1, False, 0), 4252385200L: (5, True, 0), 4228267952L: (1, False, 0), 4134944688L: (1, False, 0), 4171644848L: (5, True, 0), 4208345008L: (1, False, 0), 4245045168L: (5, True, 0), 4281745328L: (5, True, 0), 4158013360L: (1, False, 0), 4188422064L: (1, False, 0), 4225122224L: (1, False, 0), 4203102128L: (5, True, 0), 4261822384L: (1, False, 0), 4131798960L: (1, False, 0), 4205199280L: (5, True, 0), 4241899440L: (5, True, 0), 4278599600L: (5, True, 0), 4192616368L: (5, True, 0), 4221976496L: (5, True, 0), 4258676656L: (1, False, 0), 3902160816L: (1, False, 0), 4128653232L: (0, False, 0), 4165353392L: (2, False, 4.0), 4238753712L: (1, False, 0), 3905306544L: (1, False, 0), 4275453872L: (1, False, 0), 3978706864L: (1, False, 0), 4182130608L: (5, True, 0), 4292231088L: (5, True, 0), 4154867632L: (5, True, 0), 4162207664L: (5, True, 0), 3975561136L: (1, False, 0), 4215685040L: (5, True, 0), 4289085360L: (5, True, 0), 4159061936L: (1, False, 0), 3971366832L: (1, False, 0), 4195762096L: (5, True, 0), 3899015088L: (1, False, 0), 3972415408L: (1, False, 0), 4212539312L: (1, False, 0), 4082515888L: (1, False, 0), 4285939632L: (5, True, 0), 4155916208L: (1, False, 0), 4260773808L: (5, True, 0), 4207296432L: (1, False, 0), 4229316528L: (5, True, 0), 3895869360L: (0, False, 0), 4135993264L: (1, False, 0), 4172693424L: (5, True, 0), 4209393584L: (5, True, 0), 4246093744L: (1, False, 0), 4282793904L: (5, True, 0), 4160110512L: (5, True, 0), 4226170800L: (1, False, 0), 4191567792L: (5, True, 0), 4132847536L: (1, False, 0), 4189470640L: (1, False, 0), 4206247856L: (5, True, 0), 4242948016L: (1, False, 0), 4279648176L: (5, True, 0), 4186324912L: (5, True, 0), 4223025072L: (1, False, 0), 4259725232L: (1, False, 0), 4175839152L: (1, False, 0), 4129701808L: (1, False, 0), 4166401968L: (1, False, 0), 4239802288L: (1, False, 0), 4276502448L: (5, True, 0), 4183179184L: (1, False, 0), 4219879344L: (5, True, 0), 4256579504L: (5, True, 0), 4293279664L: (5, True, 0), 4243996592L: (1, False, 0), 4163256240L: (5, True, 0), 4153819056L: (1, False, 0), 4236656560L: (5, True, 0), 3903209392L: (1, False, 0), 4273356720L: (5, True, 0), 3976609712L: (1, False, 0), 4180033456L: (5, True, 0), 4253433776L: (5, True, 0), 4290133936L: (5, True, 0), 4211490736L: (1, False, 0), 4196810672L: (1, False, 0), 3900063664L: (1, False, 0), 3973463984L: (1, False, 0), 4176887728L: (5, True, 0), 4213587888L: (5, True, 0), 4083564464L: (1, False, 0), 4286988208L: (5, True, 0), 4156964784L: (5, True, 0), 4178984880L: (1, False, 0), 4230365104L: (5, True, 0), 4063641520L: (0, False, 0), 3896917936L: (1, False, 0), 3970318256L: (0, False, 0), 4173742000L: (5, True, 0), 4210442160L: (1, False, 0), 4247142320L: (5, True, 0)}) [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:31] ClanProxy.onGetClanBattles {'seasonId': 1, 'finishTime': 1513713600.0, 'primeTimes': {2: (57600, 68400), 3: (57600, 68400), 5: (57600, 68400), 6: (57600, 68400)}, 'shipLevelMax': 10, 'shipLevelMin': 10, 'startTime': 1508310000.0, 'promoTime': 1508310000.0, 'stage': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:33] >>> DockProxy.receiveState [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:33] Unlocks.receiveState [] [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:34] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 19508, 'boughtToday': 1, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1510444800.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:34] leaveBattleSession() Reason: 0 Info: None [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:34] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:34] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:34] [ERROR] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] chooseOperation: not available operation chosen 4290292656 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:34] (, 51003611475748, 141): is in context [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:34] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_end'}, interval: (1510416001.0, 1510426780.0)",) [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:34] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'end'}, interval: (1510426800.0, 1510426800.0)",) [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:34] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 8965 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510426800.0, 1510426800.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'end'}) [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:34] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}, interval: (1510498800.0, 1510502380.0)",) [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:34] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 8965 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510426800.0, 1510426800.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'end'}) [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:34] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'start'}, interval: (1510502400.0, 1510502400.0)",) [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:34] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 8965 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510426800.0, 1510426800.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'end'}) [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:34] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'end'}, interval: (1510513200.0, 1510513200.0)",) [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:34] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 8965 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510426800.0, 1510426800.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'end'}) [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:34] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:35] Sent FPS data [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:35] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 19508, 'boughtToday': 1, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1510444800.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:35] PVEScriptsProxyCommon.createPVEState() [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:35] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onGetSeasonRules: config True, {'seasonId': 1, 'operations': {4291341232L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 3, 'unlockTime': 1500429600, 'caps': 3}, 4292389808L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1499824800, 'caps': 3}, 4290292656L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1501034400, 'caps': 3}, 4293438384L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1501639200, 'caps': 3}}, 'currentOperationIdx': 1, 'roster': [4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L, 4293438384L], 'startTime': 1499824800, 'seasons': {1: {'operations': [4293438384L, 4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}, 2: {'operations': [], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}}, 'currentRotationTime': 1510106400, 'nextRotationTime': 1510711200, 'stage': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:35] [4181898160L, 4180849584L] [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:35] [4181898160L, 4180849584L] [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:35] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onLoadProgress: config True, season True, {'operations': {'hard': [], 'normal': [(4287146928L, [1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 0]), (4288195504L, [1509007262, 1509007262, 1509007262, 0, 0, 0]), (4290292656L, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])]}, 'seasons': {'hard': [], 'normal': [(2, 1509007262)]}} [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:35] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] _updateOperationCompleted: 4287146928 normal [1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 0] [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:35] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] _updateOperationCompleted: 4288195504 normal [1509007262, 1509007262, 1509007262, 0, 0, 0] [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:35] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] _updateOperationCompleted: 4290292656 normal [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:35] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] _updateSeasonCompleted: 2 normal 1509007262 [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:35] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4287575760L: {'exp': 14431}}, 'changedCrews': {16: {'exp': 25825}}, 'moneyXP': 52, 'lootboxes': {'lootExp': 20537, 'boughtToday': 1, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1510444800.0, 'curBoxType': 0}} [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:35] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 20537, 'boughtToday': 1, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1510444800.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:35] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': 129177, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:35] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -16350, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:35] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4287575760 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:35] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:35] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:35] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4154867632 {('Default', 4284313520L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 13, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:35] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4162207664 {('Default', 4279410608L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 6, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:35] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4163256240 {('Default', 4282556336L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 5, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:35] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q04 {('Default', 4271730608L, 0): 5, ('Default', 4269633456L, 0): 5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u041e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c \u043d\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u041e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c \u043d\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'} [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:35] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4160110512 {'desc': (), ('Resource', 0, 0): 100000} {'taskNumber': 8, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:35] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22468_q03 {('Default', 4263440304L, 0): 5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'} [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:35] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q02 {('Resource', 19, 0): 1, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u041f\u0440\u0435\u043c\u0438\u0443\u043c \u0437\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0443'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u041f\u0440\u0435\u043c\u0438\u0443\u043c \u0437\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0443'} [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:35] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4161159088 {('Default', 4283604912L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 7, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:35] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q01 {('ResourceCoeff', 21, 17): 3.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 30): 6.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 9): 12.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 32): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 10): 3.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 5): 1.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 28): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 14): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 16): 1.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 11): 1.5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'}, 0, 0)} {'type': 'challenge', 'titleText': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'} [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:35] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4167450544 {('Resource', 16, 0): 500, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 1, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:35] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4156964784 {('Resource', 0, 0): 100000, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 11, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:35] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 15 [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:35] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:35] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 15. Boxes contents: [{4288852912L: {(0, 4283622320L): 1}, 4284658608L: {(0, 4274185136L): 1}, 4283610032L: {(0, 4273136560L): 1}, 4289901488L: {(0, 4289913776L): 1}}] [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:35] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 46, 'dt': 1510417831, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'status': 0, 'all': {'tkill': 0}, 'battlesToClean': 0}} [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:35] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'status': 0, 'typeId': 46, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_ABUSE_STATUS_CHANGED_0', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 14, 'battlesToClean': 0, 'sourceId': 0, 'components': {0: ['tkill'], 1: [], 2: []}, 'dt': 1510417831, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'status': 0, 'all': {'tkill': 0}, 'battlesToClean': 0}, 'groupId': 3} [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:35] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:35] BR: {'credits': 86118, 'credits_penalty': 0, 'exp_penalty': 0, 'exp': 686, 'credits_compensation': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:35] BR: {'elite_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'free_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'ship_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'credits': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'crew_exp': {'sse': [['22470_q01', 0.5, True, 0]], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'acc_level': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}} [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:35] BR: {'auto_repair_list': [['IDS_SSE_REPAIR_DISCOUNT', 0.0, True, 0], ['IDS_CLAN_SUPPLY_REPAIR_DISCOUNT', -0.1, True, 0]], 'auto_exterior_list': [], 'auto_exterior_credits': 0, 'auto_camo_credits': 0, 'exp_enabled': True, 'abilities_applied': True, 'auto_repair_factor': 0.9, 'auto_load_credits': 6000, 'acc_points_enabled': True, 'free_exp_enabled': True, 'free_exp_factor': 0.05, 'ship_service_enabled': True, 'aogas_factor': 1.0, 'auto_exterior_gold': 0, 'premium_credits_factor': 1.5, 'premium_exp_factor': 1.5, 'auto_abilities_list': [], 'auto_camo_list': [], 'clan_supply_bonuses_enabled': True, 'camo_applied': True, 'auto_repair_credits': 10350, 'exterior_applied': True, 'serve_applied': True, 'auto_camo_gold': 0, 'crew_exp_enabled': True, 'auto_abilities_gold': 0, 'auto_load_list': [[100, 6000], [0, 0], [0, 0]], 'auto_abilities_credits': 0, 'credits_enabled': True, 'aogas_online': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:35] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:35] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:35] onClanResponse: response=(6, 0, {'league': 4, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 430246, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division_rating': 0, 'stage': 'league'}) [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:35] ClanProxy.onClanResponse(): 6 {'league': 4, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 430246, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division_rating': 0, 'stage': 'league'} [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:35] ClanDataHubUtils.addLadderInfo: {'league': 4, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 430246, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division_rating': 0, 'stage': 'league'} [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:37] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:37] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:37] Sent FPS data [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:37] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 5, 'dt': 1510417831, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'achievements': (), 'expPenalty': 0, 'tasks': {'22470_q01': {'count': (28, 1), 'progress': (1.0, 1.0), 2: {'count': (0, 1)}, 'name': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'}, '22468_q04': {'count': (0, 0), 'progress': (0.725, 0.0343), 3: {'count': (21750, 1029)}, 'name': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'}}, 'shipsKilled': 1.0, 'arenaUniqueID': 3779671515144477L, 'battleTypeId': 5, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'mapTypeId': 11, 'credits': 129177, 'result': 2, 'exp': 1029, 'shipId': 4287575760L, 'battleCreateTime': 1510416669, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 747982, 1029), 'aogasFactor': 1.0}} [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:37] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 5, 'exp': 1029, 'tasks': {'22470_q01': {2: {'count': (0, 1)}}, '22468_q04': {3: {'count': (21750, 1029)}}}, 'aogasFactor': 1.0, 'mapBGPath': '../maps_bg/17_NA_fault_line.png', 'operationName': '', 'rankStarsDeltaChange': 0, 'earnedAchievements': [], 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_BATTLE_RESULTS_2', 'result': 2, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'uiSpecial': False, 'mapTypeId': 11, 'shipId': 4287575760L, 'accountLeveling': {'expGained': 1029, 'currLevel': 15, 'prevLevel': 15, 'currLevelExp': 122000, 'expTotal': 749011, 'nextLevelExp': 122000}, 'curTasksCompleted': 0, 'mapName': 'IDS_SPACES/17_NA_FAULT_LINE', 'battleTypeId': 5, 'shipLevelRome': 'V', 'achievements': (), 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PJSB007', 'shipsKilled': 1.0, 'importance': 2, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_BATTLESHIP', 'difficulty': '', 'prevTasksCompleted': 0, 'isElite': False, 'date': '11.11.2017 19:11', 'dt': 1510417831, 'groupId': 3, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 747982, 1029), 'expPenalty': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 3779671515144477L, 'credits': 129177, 'sourceId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'viaMM': False, 'rankBattlesSeasonId': 0, 'shipType': 'Battleship', 'quests': [{'maxProgress': 100, 'day': 11, 'monthIDS': 'IDS_MONTH_11', 'battleProgress': 100.0, 'type': 'challenge', 'id': '22470_q01', 'titleText': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!', 'currentProgress': 100.0}, {'maxProgress': 100, 'day': 11, 'monthIDS': 'IDS_MONTH_11', 'battleProgress': 3.0, 'type': 'task', 'id': '22468_q04', 'titleText': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b', 'currentProgress': 74.0}], 'stypeIdent': 'Battleship', 'postponed': False, 'battleCreateTime': 1510416669, 'rankDeltaChange': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:37] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:37] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:37] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tpd default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:37] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tpd default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:37] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_tpd default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:37] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_bomb default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:37] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_bomb default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:37] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:37] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:37] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:37] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:37] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:37] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:37] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:37] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:37] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:37] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:37] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:37] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:37] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:37] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:37] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:37] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:41] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:41] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:41] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:41] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:41] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:41] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:41] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:41] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:41] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:41] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:41] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:41] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:41] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:41] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:41] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:41] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:41] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:41] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:41] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:41] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:41] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:41] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:41] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:41] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:41] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:41] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:41] [Filters] saveFilters [] [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:41] [Filters] saveFilters [] [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:41] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:41] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 4, 'dt': 1510417831, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'costShell': 6000, 'shipId': 4287575760L, 'result': False, 'costRepair': 10350}} [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:41] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 4, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SHIP_SERVE', 'costShell': 6000, 'result': False, 'shipId': 4287575760L, 'uiSpecial': False, 'shipLevelRome': 'V', 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PJSB007', 'shipType': 'Battleship', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_BATTLESHIP', 'isElite': False, 'dt': 1510417831, 'groupId': 5, 'costTotal': 16350, 'sourceId': 0, 'costRepair': 10350, 'stypeIdent': 'Battleship', 'postponed': False} [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:41] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:41] (, 66379459049956, 122): __sendCurrentMessage:, (IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510416001.0, 1510426780.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_end'}),) [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:41] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 118, 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'messageType': 'soon_end', 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_CLAN_BATTLE_PRIMETIME_CHANGED', 'groupId': 8} [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:41] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 8956 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510426800.0, 1510426800.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'end'}) [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:42] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': 0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:42] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': -1.0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:45] getModelPaths [] [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:46] ClanProxy.onChatInitialized [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:46] XmppChatHandler.joinClanChannel() 430246 [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:46] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 62222528@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:46] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: channelsGroupsIds: [] [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:46] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:46] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True UserDataGate.__onRosterUpdated [('17915186@wowsru.loc', 'egy5', False, 4, ()), ('22453883@wowsru.loc', 'vova1972ruzan', False, 4, ()), ('2557718@wowsru.loc', 'NSDRP', False, 4, ()), ('26288674@wowsru.loc', '_EmperoR_WOW_', False, 4, ()), ('2893852@wowsru.loc', 'klimstonn', False, 4, ()), ('30937387@wowsru.loc', 'monster__622', False, 4, ()), ('327255@wowsru.loc', 'Migri', False, 4, ()), ('35853511@wowsru.loc', 'toshidzu', False, 4, ()), ('5471194@wowsru.loc', 'loki1982', False, 4, ()), ('58161041@wowsru.loc', 'Y_O_R_K_2015', False, 4, ()), ('62222528@wowsru.loc', 'HEGNI_1', False, 4, ()), ('6896454@wowsru.loc', 'Vie92', False, 4, ()), ('69118514@wowsru.loc', 'RenamedUser_69118514', False, 4, ()), ('69416610@wowsru.loc', 'Player_3185411451', False, 4, ()), ('71811251@wowsru.loc', 'Leogon_1', False, 4, ()), ('73537307@wowsru.loc', 'PZS_One', False, 4, ())] [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:46] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 73537307@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:46] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: channelsGroupsIds: [] [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:46] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored True [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:46] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True XMPPCHAT: ChannelHandler.updateInfo : new name: PZS_One [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:46] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'PZS_One', 'fromJid': '73537307@wowsru.loc/wows', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510417122L, 'isDelayed': False, 'toJid': '73537307@wowsru.loc/wows', 'text': '\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0 \xd1\x87\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbc', 'isPrivate': True, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:46] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {62222528: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 69416610: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 22453883: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 6896454: None, 35853511: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 30937387: None, 26288674: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'GUAPS', 'id': 430164, 'name': u'\u0413\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0434\u0435\u0439\u0446\u044b \u041f\u043e\u0441\u0435\u0439\u0434\u043e\u043d\u0430'}, 17915186: None, 58161041: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 69118514: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 71811251: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 2557718: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 327255: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'ENYO', 'id': 415095, 'name': u'\u042d\u041d\u0418\u041e'}, 5471194: None, 73537307: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 2893852: None} [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:47] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 2893852@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:47] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 59124891@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:47] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 11274288@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:47] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 21696974@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:47] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 14596986@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:47] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 58053848@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:47] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 310434@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:47] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 19410835@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:47] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 35853511@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:47] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 59103429@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:47] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 22453883@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:47] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 2557718@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:47] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 69118514@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:47] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:47] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:47] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: KARSAK_1968 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:47] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:47] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:47] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:47] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:47] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:47] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:47] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:47] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:47] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:47] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:47] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:47] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:47] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:47] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: toshidzu channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:47] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:47] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Samum1989_geroj channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:47] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:47] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:47] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:47] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: NSDRP channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:47] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:47] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: RenamedUser_69118514 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:47] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:47] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived clansearch@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:47] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived ids_chat_channel_offtop@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:47] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived ids_chat_channel_questions@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:47] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived wargamingfm@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:47] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_SEARCH_CLAN_DIV channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:47] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:47] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_OFFTOP channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:47] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:47] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_QUESTIONS channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:47] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:47] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: WargamingFM Корабли channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:47] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:47] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc 6 [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:47] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: channelsGroupsIds: [] [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:47] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:47] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 35853511 {'jid': '35853511@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'toshidzu', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:47] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 62222528 {'jid': '62222528@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'HEGNI_1', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:47] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 71811251 {'jid': '71811251@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Leogon_1', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:47] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 73537307 {'jid': '73537307@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'PZS_One', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:47] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 58161041 {'jid': '58161041@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Y_O_R_K_2015', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:47] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 22453883 {'jid': '22453883@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'vova1972ruzan', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:47] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 69118514 {'jid': '69118514@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:47] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 5595999 {'jid': '5595999@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Tier099', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:47] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Tier099', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/5595999', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510394839L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd1\x80\xd0\xb5\xd0\xb1\xd1\x8f\xd1\x82 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb3\xd0\xbe \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xb2\xd1\x8b\xd0\xba\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb4\xd1\x8b\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82 \xd0\xb2\xd0\xbe \xd0\xb2\xd1\x80\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbc\xd1\x8f \xd0\xb1\xd0\xbe\xd1\x8f???', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:47] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Tier099', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/5595999', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510396421L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbf\xd1\x8f\xd1\x82\xd1\x8c \xd0\xb2\xd1\x8b\xd0\xba\xd0\xb8\xd0\xbd\xd1\x83\xd0\xbb\xd0\xbe 2 \xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb7\xd0\xb0 \xd0\xb7\xd0\xb0 1 \xd0\xb1\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb9', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:47] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/69118514', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510401726L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb1\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb8 \xd0\xba\xd0\xb5\xd1\x88', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:48] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'NSDRP', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/2557718', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510404247L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb5\xd1\x87\xd0\xb5\xd1\x80 \xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb1\xd1\x80\xd1\x8b\xd0\xb9. \xd0\xb5\xd1\x81\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb8 9 \xd0\xbe\xd1\x87\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2 \xd0\xbe\xd0\xbf\xd1\x8b\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0 \xd0\xba\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbf\xd0\xb8\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe 54 000 \xd0\xbe\xd0\xbf\xd1\x8b\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0 \xd1\x82\xd0\xbe \xd1\x81\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbb\xd1\x8c\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe \xd0\xb7\xd0\xb0 15 ?', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:48] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/69118514', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510408413L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0 13 \xd0\xbe\xd1\x87\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe 108 000', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:48] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Tier099', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/5595999', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510408924L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xba\xd1\x82\xd0\xbe \xd0\xb2 \xd0\xb2\xd0\xb7\xd0\xb2\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb4??? \xd0\x9f\xd0\xb8\xd1\x88\xd0\xb8\xd1\x82\xd0\xb5 \xd1\x81\xd0\xbc\xd1\x81 \xd0\xb2 \xd0\x9b\xd0\xa1', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:48] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'NSDRP', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/2557718', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510409220L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\x94\xd0\x90 \xd1\x83\xd0\xb6 . \xd0\xb0 \xd0\xbc\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe \xd0\xb4\xd0\xbb\xd1\x8f \xd0\xba\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb0 18 \xd0\xbe\xd1\x87\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2. \xd0\xb0 \xd1\x83 \xd0\xbc\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd1\x8f \xd1\x82\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbb\xd1\x8c\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe 9. \xd0\xbe\xd1\x85\xd0\xbe- \xd1\x85\xd0\xbe', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:48] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Tier099', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/5595999', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510409598L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xb8\xd0\xb3\xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd1\x82\xd1\x8c \xd1\x80\xd0\xb5\xd0\xb1\xd1\x8f\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0???', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:48] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'PZS_One', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/73537307', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510415291L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xb2\xd1\x81\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbc \xd0\xbf\xd1\x80\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:48] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'PZS_One', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/73537307', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510416198L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd1\x85\xd0\xbe\xd1\x87\xd1\x83 \xd0\xbf\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb3\xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd1\x82\xd1\x8c \xd1\x81\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbc\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb9', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:48] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'vova1972ruzan', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/22453883', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510416931L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\x92 \xd0\x9a\xd0\x90\xd0\x9b\xd0\x90\xd0\x9d\xd0\x9e\xd0\x92\xd0\xab\xd0\x99 \xd0\x91\xd0\x9e\xd0\x99 \xd0\x98\xd0\x93\xd0\xa0\xd0\x90\xd0\xa2\xd0\xac \xd0\x91\xd0\xa3\xd0\x94\xd0\x95\xd0\x9c \xd0\x98\xd0\x9b\xd0\x98 \xd0\x9a\xd0\x90\xd0\x9a?', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:48] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'vova1972ruzan', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/22453883', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510417063L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\x9a\xd0\x9e\xd0\x9c\xd0\x90\xd0\x9d\xd0\x94\xd0\x98\xd0\xa0\xd0\xab \xd0\x9f\xd0\xa0\xd0\x9e\xd0\xa1\xd0\x9d\xd0\x98\xd0\xa2\xd0\x95\xd0\xa1\xd0\xac', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:48] (, 86904481544477, 21): joinChannel, ('already joined', 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc') [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:48] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 22453883 vova1972ruzan 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:48] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 35853511 toshidzu 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:48] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 5595999 Tier099 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:48] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 58161041 Y_O_R_K_2015 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:48] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 62222528 HEGNI_1 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:48] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 69118514 RenamedUser_69118514 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:48] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 71811251 Leogon_1 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:48] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 73537307 PZS_One 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:48] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/69118514', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510417186L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xb7\xd0\xb0\xd1\x85\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb8\xd1\x82\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xb2 \xd1\x80\xd0\xb5\xd0\xb4 \xd0\xba\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbb', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:48] availableShipParts 63 [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:48] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:56] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {62222528: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 22453883: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 35853511: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 58161041: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 71811251: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 73537307: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}} [S] [2017_11_11 19:30:58] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Tier099', 'fromJid': '5595999@wowsru.loc/wows', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510417858L, 'isDelayed': False, 'toJid': '73537307@wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xb2 \xd1\x80\xd0\xb5\xd0\xb4 \xd0\xba\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbb \xd0\xb7\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb9\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb8', 'isPrivate': True, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 19:31:03] [DivisionEntranceContext] requestDivisionSeekerList: Account.requestPreBattleSeekerList(): [S] [2017_11_11 19:31:05] [DivisionEntranceContext] requestDivisionSeekerList: Account.requestPreBattleSeekerList(): [S] [2017_11_11 19:31:05] (, 94391359434474, 125): getClanTeams, ('send request',) [S] [2017_11_11 19:31:05] receivePreBattles() PreBattleType: 4 Num: 15 Free: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:31:05] [Seek] onReceivePreBattleSeekers [S] [2017_11_11 19:31:05] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'', 'league': 0, 'name': '81_den_zhuk', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 16777215, 'dbid': 87115177, 'clanID': 430088, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'NFM', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 19:31:05] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u0412\u0437\u0432\u043e\u0434 5-10 \u043b\u0432\u043b 55%+ \u043f\u0438\u0448\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0432 \u041b\u0421 (\u0441\u0432\u044f\u0437\u044c \u0422\u0421)', 'league': 0, 'name': 'Nik_drive', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 16763955, 'dbid': 113968, 'clanID': 415718, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'W_WP2', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 19:31:05] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'', 'league': 0, 'name': 'Otary_2016', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 13395507, 'dbid': 70649565, 'clanID': 425912, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'RUSCH', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 19:31:05] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u0438\u0449\u0443 \u0430\u0432\u0438\u043a 4-5 \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u0435\u043d\u044c \u043a\u0430\u0442\u0430\u044e \u0422\u0435\u0445\u0430\u0441 \u0438 \u0420\u0435\u0432\u043e\u043b\u044e\u0446\u0438\u044e \u043c\u043e\u0439 \u043f\u0440\u043e\u0446 \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434 60% \u043f\u0440\u0438\u0433\u043b\u043e\u0441\u044b \u0432 \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443 \u043a\u043e\u043e\u043f\u0435\u0440\u0430\u0442\u0438\u0432 \u0438 \u043e\u043f\u0435\u0440\u0430\u0446\u0438\u0438 \u043d\u0435 \u0438\u043d\u0442\u0435\u0440\u0435\u0441\u0443\u044e\u0442', 'league': 0, 'name': 'Sergiksuper1', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 16777215, 'dbid': 7924640, 'clanID': 428411, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'TSUWR', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 19:31:05] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'', 'league': 0, 'name': 'biglykonat', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 16777215, 'dbid': 13678380, 'clanID': 430479, 'rankSeasonId': 7, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 134232320, 'rank': 16, 'clanTag': u'IT-VP', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 19:31:05] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'', 'league': 0, 'name': 'aslenok31', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 0, 'dbid': 61318930, 'clanID': 0, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 19:31:05] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'', 'league': 0, 'name': 'alex4_15', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 13395507, 'dbid': 58247763, 'clanID': 430434, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'GRES', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 19:31:06] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'', 'league': 0, 'name': 'Zver131313', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 16777215, 'dbid': 14287159, 'clanID': 430116, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'DNDZ', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 19:31:06] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u0435\u0441\u0442\u044c \u044d\u043c\u0438\u043d\u0435\u0446 7 \u043b\u0432\u043b ,\u043b\u0438\u043d\u043a\u043e\u0440 5 \u043b\u0432\u043b. \u0421\u043b\u0443\u0447\u0430\u0439\u043d\u044b\u0435 \u0431\u043e\u0438.', 'league': 0, 'name': '4etka', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 0, 'dbid': 59185133, 'clanID': 0, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 19:31:06] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'', 'league': 0, 'name': 'Gampelov_v', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 13395507, 'dbid': 39402614, 'clanID': 425928, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'VRED', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 19:31:06] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'', 'league': 0, 'name': 'was_160', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 0, 'dbid': 78026339, 'clanID': 0, 'rankSeasonId': 7, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 134232416, 'rank': 22, 'clanTag': u'', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 19:31:06] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'', 'league': 0, 'name': 'Terans_No1', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 16777215, 'dbid': 11453699, 'clanID': 430251, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'VERF', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 19:31:06] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'', 'league': 0, 'name': 'granin_slava', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 13395507, 'dbid': 74736521, 'clanID': 429910, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'43', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 19:31:06] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u0445\u043e\u0442\u0435\u043b\u043a\u0430', 'league': 0, 'name': 'Furious_cook', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 10066329, 'dbid': 32509231, 'clanID': 430859, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'SALUT', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 19:31:06] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'', 'league': 0, 'name': 'killer277_14', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 13395507, 'dbid': 76782275, 'clanID': 426575, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'DECK', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 19:31:08] receivePreBattles() PreBattleType: 3 Num: 3 Free: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:31:08] ClanDataHubUtils.updateClanPreBattles [{'description': u'', 'creatorDBID': 73537307, 'playerCount': 1, 'ownerClanID': 430246, 'extraInfo': {'nonClanMembersCount': 0}, 'isInBattle': 1, 'battleDef': (BATTLE_DEF: mapId=0, duration=0, type=10, level=-1, teamBuildType=1, sseInfo=, pveInfo=0), 'ownerName': 'PZS_One', 'invitedCount': 0, 'playersLimit': 3, 'isPrivate': 0, 'ownerId': 537092736, 'preBattleType': 1, 'id': 495708, 'selectedQueueType': 1}, {'description': u'', 'creatorDBID': 38732872, 'playerCount': 1, 'ownerClanID': 430246, 'extraInfo': {'nonClanMembersCount': 0}, 'isInBattle': 0, 'battleDef': (BATTLE_DEF: mapId=0, duration=0, type=10, level=-1, teamBuildType=1, sseInfo=, pveInfo=0), 'ownerName': 'toshidzu', 'invitedCount': 0, 'playersLimit': 3, 'isPrivate': 0, 'ownerId': 537138665, 'preBattleType': 1, 'id': 537315738, 'selectedQueueType': 1}, {'description': u'', 'creatorDBID': 69118514, 'playerCount': 1, 'ownerClanID': 430246, 'extraInfo': {'nonClanMembersCount': 0}, 'isInBattle': 0, 'battleDef': (BATTLE_DEF: mapId=0, duration=0, type=10, level=-1, teamBuildType=1, sseInfo=, pveInfo=0), 'ownerName': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'invitedCount': 3, 'playersLimit': 7, 'isPrivate': 0, 'ownerId': 537236500, 'preBattleType': 1, 'id': 537364327, 'selectedQueueType': 32}] [S] [2017_11_11 19:31:12] (, 86938864369208, 28): Account, ('getPreBattleInfo', 'send request', 495708) [S] [2017_11_11 19:31:12] ClanProxy.receivePreBattleInfo PreBattleDump(preBattleType=1, preBattleId=495708, battleDefDump=(0, 0, 10, -1, 1, '', 0), ownerId=537092736, creatorDBID=73537307, description=u'', selectedQueueType=1, creatorDef=None, playersLimit=3, playersDump=[(537092736, 73537307, 'PZS_One', 4292818736L, 0, 3, True, True, False, 15, 134232320, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0)], inviteesDump=[], countDownInfo=(0, 0), locked=False, creationTime=1510417317115L, teamsCount=2, hidden=False, chatMessagesDump=[], extraInfo={'nonClanMembersCount': 0}) [S] [2017_11_11 19:31:12] (, 86938864369208, 28): Account, ('getPreBattleInfo', 'send request', 537364327) [S] [2017_11_11 19:31:13] ClanProxy.receivePreBattleInfo PreBattleDump(preBattleType=1, preBattleId=537364327, battleDefDump=(0, 0, 10, -1, 1, '', 0), ownerId=537236500, creatorDBID=69118514, description=u'', selectedQueueType=32, creatorDef=None, playersLimit=7, playersDump=[(537236500, 69118514, 'RenamedUser_69118514', 3340678960L, 0, 2, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0)], inviteesDump=[(536896640, 7924640, 'Sergiksuper1', None, -1, 1, False, True, False, 15, 134232240, 0, 428411, u'TSUWR', 16777215, 1510418135), (537196706, 113968, 'Nik_drive', None, -1, 1, False, True, False, 15, 134232224, 0, 415718, u'W_WP2', 16763955, 1510418145), (131290, 87115177, '81_den_zhuk', None, -1, 1, False, 1, False, 15, 0, 0, 430088, u'NFM', 16777215, 1510418158)], countDownInfo=(0, 0), locked=False, creationTime=1510417788156L, teamsCount=2, hidden=False, chatMessagesDump=[], extraInfo={'nonClanMembersCount': 0}) [S] [2017_11_11 19:31:13] (, 86938864369208, 28): Account, ('getPreBattleInfo', 'send request', 537315738) [S] [2017_11_11 19:31:13] (, 86938864369208, 28): Account, ('getPreBattleInfo', 'send request', 537364327) [S] [2017_11_11 19:31:14] ClanProxy.receivePreBattleInfo PreBattleDump(preBattleType=1, preBattleId=537315738, battleDefDump=(0, 0, 10, -1, 1, '', 0), ownerId=537138665, creatorDBID=38732872, description=u'', selectedQueueType=1, creatorDef=None, playersLimit=3, playersDump=[(537138665, 35853511, 'toshidzu', None, 0, 1, False, True, False, 15, 134232384, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0)], inviteesDump=[], countDownInfo=(0, 0), locked=False, creationTime=1510410552238L, teamsCount=2, hidden=False, chatMessagesDump=[], extraInfo={'nonClanMembersCount': 0}) [S] [2017_11_11 19:31:14] ClanProxy.receivePreBattleInfo PreBattleDump(preBattleType=1, preBattleId=537364327, battleDefDump=(0, 0, 10, -1, 1, '', 0), ownerId=537236500, creatorDBID=69118514, description=u'', selectedQueueType=32, creatorDef=None, playersLimit=7, playersDump=[(537236500, 69118514, 'RenamedUser_69118514', 3340678960L, 0, 2, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0)], inviteesDump=[(536896640, 7924640, 'Sergiksuper1', None, -1, 1, False, True, False, 15, 134232240, 0, 428411, u'TSUWR', 16777215, 1510418135), (537196706, 113968, 'Nik_drive', None, -1, 1, False, True, False, 15, 134232224, 0, 415718, u'W_WP2', 16763955, 1510418145), (131290, 87115177, '81_den_zhuk', None, -1, 1, False, 1, False, 15, 0, 0, 430088, u'NFM', 16777215, 1510418158)], countDownInfo=(0, 0), locked=False, creationTime=1510417788156L, teamsCount=2, hidden=False, chatMessagesDump=[], extraInfo={'nonClanMembersCount': 0}) [S] [2017_11_11 19:31:29] (, 86938864369208, 28): Account, ('getPreBattleInfo', 'send request', 537315738) [S] [2017_11_11 19:31:29] ClanProxy.receivePreBattleInfo PreBattleDump(preBattleType=1, preBattleId=537315738, battleDefDump=(0, 0, 10, -1, 1, '', 0), ownerId=537138665, creatorDBID=38732872, description=u'', selectedQueueType=1, creatorDef=None, playersLimit=3, playersDump=[(537138665, 35853511, 'toshidzu', None, 0, 1, False, True, False, 15, 134232384, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0)], inviteesDump=[], countDownInfo=(0, 0), locked=False, creationTime=1510410552238L, teamsCount=2, hidden=False, chatMessagesDump=[], extraInfo={'nonClanMembersCount': 0}) [S] [2017_11_11 19:31:30] (, 86938864369208, 28): Account, ('getPreBattleInfo', 'send request', 537364327) [S] [2017_11_11 19:31:31] ClanProxy.receivePreBattleInfo PreBattleDump(preBattleType=1, preBattleId=537364327, battleDefDump=(0, 0, 10, -1, 1, '', 0), ownerId=537236500, creatorDBID=69118514, description=u'', selectedQueueType=32, creatorDef=None, playersLimit=7, playersDump=[(537236500, 69118514, 'RenamedUser_69118514', 3340678960L, 0, 2, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0)], inviteesDump=[(537196706, 113968, 'Nik_drive', None, -1, 1, False, True, False, 15, 134232224, 0, 415718, u'W_WP2', 16763955, 1510418145), (131290, 87115177, '81_den_zhuk', None, -1, 1, False, 1, False, 15, 0, 0, 430088, u'NFM', 16777215, 1510418158)], countDownInfo=(0, 0), locked=False, creationTime=1510417788156L, teamsCount=2, hidden=False, chatMessagesDump=[], extraInfo={'nonClanMembersCount': 0}) [S] [2017_11_11 19:31:33] (, 86938864369208, 28): Account, ('getPreBattleInfo', 'send request', 495708) [S] [2017_11_11 19:31:33] ClanProxy.receivePreBattleInfo PreBattleDump(preBattleType=1, preBattleId=495708, battleDefDump=(0, 0, 10, -1, 1, '', 0), ownerId=537092736, creatorDBID=73537307, description=u'', selectedQueueType=1, creatorDef=None, playersLimit=3, playersDump=[(537092736, 73537307, 'PZS_One', 4292818736L, 0, 3, True, True, False, 15, 134232320, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0)], inviteesDump=[], countDownInfo=(0, 0), locked=False, creationTime=1510417317115L, teamsCount=2, hidden=False, chatMessagesDump=[], extraInfo={'nonClanMembersCount': 0}) [S] [2017_11_11 19:31:36] (, 86938864369208, 28): Account, ('getPreBattleInfo', 'send request', 537364327) [S] [2017_11_11 19:31:36] ClanProxy.receivePreBattleInfo PreBattleDump(preBattleType=1, preBattleId=537364327, battleDefDump=(0, 0, 10, -1, 1, '', 0), ownerId=537236500, creatorDBID=69118514, description=u'', selectedQueueType=32, creatorDef=None, playersLimit=7, playersDump=[(537236500, 69118514, 'RenamedUser_69118514', 3340678960L, 0, 2, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0)], inviteesDump=[(537196706, 113968, 'Nik_drive', None, -1, 1, False, True, False, 15, 134232224, 0, 415718, u'W_WP2', 16763955, 1510418145), (131290, 87115177, '81_den_zhuk', None, -1, 1, False, 1, False, 15, 0, 0, 430088, u'NFM', 16777215, 1510418158)], countDownInfo=(0, 0), locked=False, creationTime=1510417788156L, teamsCount=2, hidden=False, chatMessagesDump=[], extraInfo={'nonClanMembersCount': 0}) [S] [2017_11_11 19:31:42] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 73537307 {'jid': '73537307@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'PZS_One', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:31:42] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {73537307: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}} [S] [2017_11_11 19:31:52] (, 86938864369208, 28): Account, ('getPreBattleInfo', 'send request', 537315738) [S] [2017_11_11 19:31:53] ClanProxy.receivePreBattleInfo PreBattleDump(preBattleType=1, preBattleId=537315738, battleDefDump=(0, 0, 10, -1, 1, '', 0), ownerId=537138665, creatorDBID=38732872, description=u'', selectedQueueType=1, creatorDef=None, playersLimit=3, playersDump=[(537138665, 35853511, 'toshidzu', None, 0, 1, False, True, False, 15, 134232384, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0)], inviteesDump=[], countDownInfo=(0, 0), locked=False, creationTime=1510410552238L, teamsCount=2, hidden=False, chatMessagesDump=[], extraInfo={'nonClanMembersCount': 0}) [S] [2017_11_11 19:31:53] (, 86938864369208, 28): Account, ('getPreBattleInfo', 'send request', 537315738) [S] [2017_11_11 19:31:53] ClanProxy.receivePreBattleInfo PreBattleDump(preBattleType=1, preBattleId=537315738, battleDefDump=(0, 0, 10, -1, 1, '', 0), ownerId=537138665, creatorDBID=38732872, description=u'', selectedQueueType=1, creatorDef=None, playersLimit=3, playersDump=[(537138665, 35853511, 'toshidzu', None, 0, 1, False, True, False, 15, 134232384, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0)], inviteesDump=[], countDownInfo=(0, 0), locked=False, creationTime=1510410552238L, teamsCount=2, hidden=False, chatMessagesDump=[], extraInfo={'nonClanMembersCount': 0}) [S] [2017_11_11 19:31:58] (, 94391359434474, 125): getClanTeams, ('send request',) [S] [2017_11_11 19:31:59] receivePreBattles() PreBattleType: 3 Num: 2 Free: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:31:59] ClanDataHubUtils.updateClanPreBattles [{'description': u'', 'creatorDBID': 38732872, 'playerCount': 1, 'ownerClanID': 430246, 'extraInfo': {'nonClanMembersCount': 0}, 'isInBattle': 0, 'battleDef': (BATTLE_DEF: mapId=0, duration=0, type=10, level=-1, teamBuildType=1, sseInfo=, pveInfo=0), 'ownerName': 'toshidzu', 'invitedCount': 0, 'playersLimit': 3, 'isPrivate': 0, 'ownerId': 537138665, 'preBattleType': 1, 'id': 537315738, 'selectedQueueType': 1}, {'description': u'', 'creatorDBID': 69118514, 'playerCount': 1, 'ownerClanID': 430246, 'extraInfo': {'nonClanMembersCount': 0}, 'isInBattle': 0, 'battleDef': (BATTLE_DEF: mapId=0, duration=0, type=10, level=-1, teamBuildType=1, sseInfo=, pveInfo=0), 'ownerName': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'invitedCount': 3, 'playersLimit': 7, 'isPrivate': 0, 'ownerId': 537236500, 'preBattleType': 1, 'id': 537364327, 'selectedQueueType': 32}] [S] [2017_11_11 19:32:00] (, 86938864369208, 28): Account, ('getPreBattleInfo', 'send request', 537364327) [S] [2017_11_11 19:32:00] (, 86938864369208, 28): Account, ('getPreBattleInfo', 'send request', 537315738) [S] [2017_11_11 19:32:00] ClanProxy.receivePreBattleInfo PreBattleDump(preBattleType=1, preBattleId=537364327, battleDefDump=(0, 0, 10, -1, 1, '', 0), ownerId=537236500, creatorDBID=69118514, description=u'', selectedQueueType=32, creatorDef=None, playersLimit=7, playersDump=[(537236500, 69118514, 'RenamedUser_69118514', 3340678960L, 0, 2, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0)], inviteesDump=[(537196706, 113968, 'Nik_drive', None, -1, 1, False, True, False, 15, 134232224, 0, 415718, u'W_WP2', 16763955, 1510418145), (537080460, 82047329, 'detenychAlca', None, -1, 3, True, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 426990, u'34', 13395507, 1510418206), (131290, 87115177, '81_den_zhuk', None, -1, 1, False, 1, False, 15, 0, 0, 430088, u'NFM', 16777215, 1510418158)], countDownInfo=(0, 0), locked=False, creationTime=1510417788156L, teamsCount=2, hidden=False, chatMessagesDump=[], extraInfo={'nonClanMembersCount': 0}) [S] [2017_11_11 19:32:00] ClanProxy.receivePreBattleInfo PreBattleDump(preBattleType=1, preBattleId=537315738, battleDefDump=(0, 0, 10, -1, 1, '', 0), ownerId=537138665, creatorDBID=38732872, description=u'', selectedQueueType=1, creatorDef=None, playersLimit=3, playersDump=[(537138665, 35853511, 'toshidzu', None, 0, 1, False, True, False, 15, 134232384, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0)], inviteesDump=[], countDownInfo=(0, 0), locked=False, creationTime=1510410552238L, teamsCount=2, hidden=False, chatMessagesDump=[], extraInfo={'nonClanMembersCount': 0}) [S] [2017_11_11 19:32:01] (, 86938864369208, 28): Account, ('getPreBattleInfo', 'send request', 537364327) [S] [2017_11_11 19:32:01] ClanProxy.receivePreBattleInfo PreBattleDump(preBattleType=1, preBattleId=537364327, battleDefDump=(0, 0, 10, -1, 1, '', 0), ownerId=537236500, creatorDBID=69118514, description=u'', selectedQueueType=32, creatorDef=None, playersLimit=7, playersDump=[(537236500, 69118514, 'RenamedUser_69118514', 3340678960L, 0, 2, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0)], inviteesDump=[(537196706, 113968, 'Nik_drive', None, -1, 1, False, True, False, 15, 134232224, 0, 415718, u'W_WP2', 16763955, 1510418145), (537080460, 82047329, 'detenychAlca', None, -1, 3, True, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 426990, u'34', 13395507, 1510418206), (131290, 87115177, '81_den_zhuk', None, -1, 1, False, 1, False, 15, 0, 0, 430088, u'NFM', 16777215, 1510418158)], countDownInfo=(0, 0), locked=False, creationTime=1510417788156L, teamsCount=2, hidden=False, chatMessagesDump=[], extraInfo={'nonClanMembersCount': 0}) [S] [2017_11_11 19:32:02] (, 86938864369208, 28): Account, ('getPreBattleInfo', 'send request', 537315738) [S] [2017_11_11 19:32:03] ClanProxy.receivePreBattleInfo PreBattleDump(preBattleType=1, preBattleId=537315738, battleDefDump=(0, 0, 10, -1, 1, '', 0), ownerId=537138665, creatorDBID=38732872, description=u'', selectedQueueType=1, creatorDef=None, playersLimit=3, playersDump=[(537138665, 35853511, 'toshidzu', None, 0, 1, False, True, False, 15, 134232384, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0)], inviteesDump=[], countDownInfo=(0, 0), locked=False, creationTime=1510410552238L, teamsCount=2, hidden=False, chatMessagesDump=[], extraInfo={'nonClanMembersCount': 0}) [S] [2017_11_11 19:32:06] [DivisionEntranceContext] createAndInviteToDivision: 62222528.0 HEGNI_1 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:32:07] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4287575760 2 [S] [2017_11_11 19:32:07] enterPreBattle() 1703686 [S] [2017_11_11 19:32:07] Account.enterPreBattle: (163) (1, 537364357, (0, 0, 10, -1, 1, '', 0), 537297764, 5595999, u'', 1, None, 3, [(537297764, 5595999, 'Tier099', 4287575760L, 0, 2, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0)], [], (0, 0), 0, 1510417928669L, 2, False, [], {'nonClanMembersCount': 0}) [S] [2017_11_11 19:32:07] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived prebattle 3 [S] [2017_11_11 19:32:07] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: DIVISION channelsGroupsIds: [] [S] [2017_11_11 19:32:07] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored True [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel True self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 19:32:07] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 5595999 Tier099 2 2 (430246, u'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 19:32:07] [DivisionEntranceContext] __onEnterDivision: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:32:07] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [4, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 19:32:07] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 19:32:07] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [4, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 19:32:07] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [4, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 19:32:07] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 19:32:07] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [4, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 19:32:07] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [4, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 19:32:07] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 19:32:07] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [4, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 19:32:07] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:32:07] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:32:07] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:32:07] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:32:07] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:32:07] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:32:07] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:32:07] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:32:07] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:32:07] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:32:07] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:32:07] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:32:07] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [4, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 19:32:07] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 19:32:07] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [4, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 19:32:07] DivisionProxy.setSelectedQueueType() already selected 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:32:07] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:32:07] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:32:07] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:32:07] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:32:07] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:32:07] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:32:07] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:32:07] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:32:07] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:32:07] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:32:07] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:32:07] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 19:32:07] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 2, 'sourceId': 1, 'idInGroup': 2, 'divisionType': 'division', 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_UI_YOUR_ACTION_IN_DIVISION_0_DIVISION', 'actionId': 0, 'groupId': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 19:32:07] DivisionProxy.sendInvite: 62222528.0 HEGNI_1 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:32:07] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onEnterPreBattle: None [S] [2017_11_11 19:32:08] Account.onInviteSent: 0 62222528 HEGNI_1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:32:08] DivisionProxy.onInviteSent() 0 62222528 [S] [2017_11_11 19:32:08] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537364357 (537223375, 62222528, 'HEGNI_1', None, -1, 3, True, 1, False, 15, 134232416, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 1510418228) 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:32:08] DivisionProxy.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537223375, dbid=62222528, name='HEGNI_1', shipId=None, teamId=-1, state=3, isInBattle=True, isConnected=1, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134232416, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=1510418228) 1 {} [S] [2017_11_11 19:32:08] [DivisionConxtext] __onInvitedPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 19:32:08] availableShipParts 63 [S] [2017_11_11 19:32:09] [DivisionEntranceContext] createAndInviteToDivision: 35853511.0 toshidzu 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:32:09] DivisionProxy.sendInvite: 35853511.0 toshidzu 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:32:09] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_11 19:32:09] Account.onInviteSent: -5 35853511 toshidzu [S] [2017_11_11 19:32:09] DivisionProxy.onInviteSent() -5 35853511 [S] [2017_11_11 19:32:09] Failed to send invite to player: reason - -5 [S] [2017_11_11 19:32:09] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'eventId': 'INVITATION_REJECTED_PLAYER_IN_PREBATTLE', 'typeId': 5, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_UI_INVITATION_FAILED', 'playerName': 'toshidzu', 'idInGroup': 5, 'divisionType': 'division', 'sourceId': 1, 'actionId': 0, 'groupId': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 19:32:10] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 71811251 {'jid': '71811251@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Leogon_1', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 19:32:10] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {71811251: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}} [S] [2017_11_11 19:32:17] [DivisionEntranceContext] requestDivisionSeekerList: Account.requestPreBattleSeekerList(): [S] [2017_11_11 19:32:17] receivePreBattles() PreBattleType: 4 Num: 15 Free: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:32:17] [Seek] onReceivePreBattleSeekers [S] [2017_11_11 19:32:17] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'', 'league': 0, 'name': 'porto5', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 13395507, 'dbid': 66490269, 'clanID': 427647, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'LETO', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 19:32:17] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u0412\u0437\u0432\u043e\u0434 5-10 \u043b\u0432\u043b 55%+ \u043f\u0438\u0448\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0432 \u041b\u0421 (\u0441\u0432\u044f\u0437\u044c \u0422\u0421)', 'league': 0, 'name': 'Nik_drive', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 16763955, 'dbid': 113968, 'clanID': 415718, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'W_WP2', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 19:32:17] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u0445\u043e\u0442\u0435\u043b\u043a\u0430', 'league': 0, 'name': 'Furious_cook', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 10066329, 'dbid': 32509231, 'clanID': 430859, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'SALUT', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 19:32:17] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'', 'league': 0, 'name': 'Alexpppp78', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 10066329, 'dbid': 70679296, 'clanID': 425970, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'S-WA', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 19:32:17] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'', 'league': 0, 'name': '81_den_zhuk', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 16777215, 'dbid': 87115177, 'clanID': 430088, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'NFM', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 19:32:17] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'', 'league': 0, 'name': 'killer277_14', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 13395507, 'dbid': 76782275, 'clanID': 426575, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'DECK', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 19:32:17] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u041f\u0440\u0438\u043d\u0438\u043c\u0430\u0435\u043c \u043e\u043f\u044b\u0442\u043d\u044b\u0445 \u0438\u0433\u0440\u043e\u043a\u043e\u0432 \u0432 \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d [_NYA_] \u043e\u0442 51%+ \u0438 1,5\u043a . \u0421\u0440\u0435\u0434\u043d\u0438\u0439 %\u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434 \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d\u0430 53,5 . \u0421\u0432\u044f\u0437\u044c \u0447\u0435\u0440\u0435\u0437 \u0434\u0438\u0441\u043a\u043e\u0440\u0434 . \u041f\u043e\u0434\u0440\u043e\u0431\u043d\u043e\u0441\u0442\u0438 \u0432 \u041b\u0421.(\u0432 \u041e\u0422\u0420\u042f\u0414 \u041d\u0415 \u041f\u0420\u0418\u0413\u041b\u0410\u0428\u0410\u0422\u042c)', 'league': 0, 'name': 'Gavruha2011', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 10066329, 'dbid': 1719141, 'clanID': 413675, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'_NYA_', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 19:32:17] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'', 'league': 0, 'name': 'granin_slava', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 13395507, 'dbid': 74736521, 'clanID': 429910, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'43', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 19:32:17] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'VI \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u0435\u043d\u044c, \u0421\u043b\u0443\u0447\u0430\u0439\u043d\u044b\u0439 \u0431\u043e\u0439, \u0441\u0440\u0430\u043d\u044b\u0435 \u043f\u0432\u0435\u0448\u043d\u0438\u043a\u0438 \u0432\u0430\u043b\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u043d\u0430 \u0445\u0443\u0439!', 'league': 0, 'name': 'Call_Me_Baby', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 16777215, 'dbid': 47233674, 'clanID': 416180, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'EG', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 19:32:17] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'', 'league': 0, 'name': '777CKORPION', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 13395507, 'dbid': 11205205, 'clanID': 430911, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'XXX77', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 19:32:17] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'10-9 \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u043d\u0438. \u041a\u043e\u0440\u0444\u044e\u0441\u0442, \u0417\u0430\u043e, \u041c\u043e\u0441\u043a\u0432\u0430, \u0413\u0438\u043d\u0434\u0435\u043d\u0431\u0443\u0440\u0433, \u0424\u043b\u044d\u0442\u0447\u0435\u0440. \u0421\u0442\u0440\u043e\u0433\u043e \u0445\u043e\u0440\u043e\u0448\u0438\u0439 \u0441\u043a\u0438\u043b\u043b. \u041a\u0443\u0440\u044e', 'league': 0, 'name': 'Suslik_of_War', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 16777215, 'dbid': 73227940, 'clanID': 420176, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'CHK', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 19:32:17] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'', 'league': 0, 'name': 'was_160', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 0, 'dbid': 78026339, 'clanID': 0, 'rankSeasonId': 7, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 134232416, 'rank': 22, 'clanTag': u'', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 19:32:17] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u0434\u043b\u044f \u0443\u0447\u0430\u0441\u0442\u0438\u044f \u0432 \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d\u043e\u0432\u044b\u0445 \u0431\u043e\u044f\u0445 \u043d\u0430\u0431\u043e\u0440 \u0432 \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d SVP \u0431\u043e\u0438 1000+ \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434 50+.\u043e\u0431\u044f\u0437\u0430\u0442\u0435\u043b\u044c\u043d\u043e \u0441\u0432\u044f\u0437\u044c DISCORD. \u0441\u0432\u043e\u0438 \u0434\u0435\u0441\u044f\u0442\u043a\u0438 \u043f\u0440\u0438\u0432\u0435\u0442\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0443\u044e\u0442\u0441\u044f. \u043f\u0438\u0448\u0435\u043c \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443 \u0438\u043b\u0438 \u0437\u0430\u044f\u0432\u043a\u0443 \u0432 \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d', 'league': 0, 'name': 'MINER_1956', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 10066329, 'dbid': 71118075, 'clanID': 425046, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'SVP', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 19:32:17] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u0438\u0449\u0443 \u0430\u0432\u0438\u043a 4-5 \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u0435\u043d\u044c \u043a\u0430\u0442\u0430\u044e \u0422\u0435\u0445\u0430\u0441 \u0438 \u0420\u0435\u0432\u043e\u043b\u044e\u0446\u0438\u044e \u043c\u043e\u0439 \u043f\u0440\u043e\u0446 \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434 60% \u043f\u0440\u0438\u0433\u043b\u043e\u0441\u044b \u0432 \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443 \u043a\u043e\u043e\u043f\u0435\u0440\u0430\u0442\u0438\u0432 \u0438 \u043e\u043f\u0435\u0440\u0430\u0446\u0438\u0438 \u043d\u0435 \u0438\u043d\u0442\u0435\u0440\u0435\u0441\u0443\u044e\u0442', 'league': 0, 'name': 'Sergiksuper1', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 16777215, 'dbid': 7924640, 'clanID': 428411, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'TSUWR', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 19:32:17] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'', 'league': 0, 'name': 'andrshorin', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 13395507, 'dbid': 12833857, 'clanID': 426757, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'31RUS', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 19:32:24] DivisionProxy.revokeInvite: 537223375.0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:32:24] onInviteRevoked() Player: 537223375 InviteResultId: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:32:24] DivisionProxy.onInviteRevoked() 537223375 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:32:24] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537364357 (537223375, 62222528, 'HEGNI_1', None, -2, 3, True, 1, False, 15, 134232416, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 1510418228) 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:32:24] DivisionProxy.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537223375, dbid=62222528, name='HEGNI_1', shipId=None, teamId=-2, state=3, isInBattle=True, isConnected=1, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134232416, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=1510418228) 1 {537223375: {'playerEntity': [Entity: id:5964 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'clanman', 'accountLevel', 'accountRank', 'accountStatus', 'contact', 'elementInGroups', 'channelParticipant', 'preBattlePlayerSimple', 'teamKiller', 'playerInvitedToPrebattleInfo']], 'creationTime': 1510417929.7020001, 'expirationTime': 1510418228, 'plInfo': PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537223375, dbid=62222528, name='HEGNI_1', shipId=None, teamId=-1, state=3, isInBattle=True, isConnected=1, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134232416, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=1510418228), 'isIgnored': False}} [S] [2017_11_11 19:32:24] [DivisionConxtext] __onInvitedPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 19:33:10] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 58161041 {'jid': '58161041@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Y_O_R_K_2015', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:33:10] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {58161041: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}} [S] [2017_11_11 19:33:27] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {7924640: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'TSUWR', 'id': 428411, 'name': u'TSUNAMI WAR'}, 62222528: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 69416610: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 22453883: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 71811251: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 6896454: None, 35853511: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 87115177: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'NFM', 'id': 430088, 'name': u'Northern Fleet Mordor'}, 30937387: None, 26288674: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'GUAPS', 'id': 430164, 'name': u'\u0413\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0434\u0435\u0439\u0446\u044b \u041f\u043e\u0441\u0435\u0439\u0434\u043e\u043d\u0430'}, 82047329: {'color': 13395507, 'league': None, 'tag': u'34', 'id': 426990, 'name': u'STALINGRAD'}, 113968: {'color': 16763955, 'league': None, 'tag': u'W_WP2', 'id': 415718, 'name': u'Walkure: WinnieProject'}, 58161041: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 17915186: None, 69118514: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 2557718: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 327255: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'ENYO', 'id': 415095, 'name': u'\u042d\u041d\u0418\u041e'}, 5471194: None, 73537307: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 2893852: None} [S] [2017_11_11 19:36:28] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {7924640: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'TSUWR', 'id': 428411, 'name': u'TSUNAMI WAR'}, 62222528: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 69416610: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 22453883: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 71811251: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 6896454: None, 35853511: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 87115177: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'NFM', 'id': 430088, 'name': u'Northern Fleet Mordor'}, 30937387: None, 26288674: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'GUAPS', 'id': 430164, 'name': u'\u0413\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0434\u0435\u0439\u0446\u044b \u041f\u043e\u0441\u0435\u0439\u0434\u043e\u043d\u0430'}, 82047329: {'color': 13395507, 'league': None, 'tag': u'34', 'id': 426990, 'name': u'STALINGRAD'}, 113968: {'color': 16763955, 'league': None, 'tag': u'W_WP2', 'id': 415718, 'name': u'Walkure: WinnieProject'}, 58161041: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 17915186: None, 69118514: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 2557718: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 327255: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'ENYO', 'id': 415095, 'name': u'\u042d\u041d\u0418\u041e'}, 5471194: None, 73537307: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 2893852: None} [S] [2017_11_11 19:36:37] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 62222528 {'jid': '62222528@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'HEGNI_1', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:36:38] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {62222528: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}} [S] [2017_11_11 19:37:40] [DivisionEntranceContext] requestDivisionSeekerList: Account.requestPreBattleSeekerList(): [S] [2017_11_11 19:37:40] (, 94391359434474, 125): getClanTeams, ('send request',) [S] [2017_11_11 19:37:41] receivePreBattles() PreBattleType: 4 Num: 15 Free: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:37:41] [Seek] onReceivePreBattleSeekers [S] [2017_11_11 19:37:41] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u041a\u0440\u0435\u0439\u0441\u0435\u0440 6 \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u043d\u044f', 'league': 0, 'name': 'RenamedUser_20627222', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 0, 'dbid': 20627222, 'clanID': 0, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 19:37:41] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u0445\u043e\u0442\u0435\u043b\u043a\u0430', 'league': 0, 'name': 'Furious_cook', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 10066329, 'dbid': 32509231, 'clanID': 430859, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'SALUT', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 19:37:41] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'', 'league': 0, 'name': 'slav82_10', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 16777215, 'dbid': 7491329, 'clanID': 426851, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'SBS', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 19:37:41] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u0438\u0449\u0443 \u0430\u0432\u0438\u043a 4-5 \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u0435\u043d\u044c \u043a\u0430\u0442\u0430\u044e \u0422\u0435\u0445\u0430\u0441 \u0438 \u0420\u0435\u0432\u043e\u043b\u044e\u0446\u0438\u044e \u043c\u043e\u0439 \u043f\u0440\u043e\u0446 \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434 60% \u043f\u0440\u0438\u0433\u043b\u043e\u0441\u044b \u0432 \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443 \u043a\u043e\u043e\u043f\u0435\u0440\u0430\u0442\u0438\u0432 \u0438 \u043e\u043f\u0435\u0440\u0430\u0446\u0438\u0438 \u043d\u0435 \u0438\u043d\u0442\u0435\u0440\u0435\u0441\u0443\u044e\u0442', 'league': 0, 'name': 'Sergiksuper1', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 16777215, 'dbid': 7924640, 'clanID': 428411, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'TSUWR', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 19:37:41] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'10-9 \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u043d\u0438. \u041a\u043e\u0440\u0444\u044e\u0441\u0442, \u0417\u0430\u043e, \u041c\u043e\u0441\u043a\u0432\u0430, \u0413\u0438\u043d\u0434\u0435\u043d\u0431\u0443\u0440\u0433, \u0424\u043b\u044d\u0442\u0447\u0435\u0440. \u0421\u0442\u0440\u043e\u0433\u043e \u0445\u043e\u0440\u043e\u0448\u0438\u0439 \u0441\u043a\u0438\u043b\u043b. \u041a\u043b\u0430\u043d\u0432\u0430\u0440\u044b \u0442\u043e\u043b\u044c\u043a\u043e \u0444\u0438\u043e\u043b\u0435\u0442', 'league': 0, 'name': 'Suslik_of_War', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 16777215, 'dbid': 73227940, 'clanID': 420176, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'CHK', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 19:37:41] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'', 'league': 0, 'name': 'killer277_14', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 13395507, 'dbid': 76782275, 'clanID': 426575, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'DECK', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 19:37:41] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u041d\u0410\u0411\u041e\u0420 \u0412 \u041a\u041b\u0410\u041d!!!!2000 \u0431\u043e\u0451\u0432,\u0434\u0435\u0441\u044f\u0442\u043a\u0438 \u0432 \u0430\u043d\u0433\u0430\u0440\u0435...\u0417\u0430\u044f\u0432\u043a\u0430....50%++....PRO-alfa-1200++...', 'league': 0, 'name': 'HeHaBucTb_KaK_cTuMyJI', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 16777215, 'dbid': 8052819, 'clanID': 426096, 'rankSeasonId': 7, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 134232240, 'rank': 11, 'clanTag': u'PILAT', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 19:37:41] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'5-10', 'league': 0, 'name': 'Star_LastHope', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 13395507, 'dbid': 5655873, 'clanID': 429214, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'LORD', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 19:37:41] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'', 'league': 0, 'name': 'aai75', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 13395507, 'dbid': 383761, 'clanID': 426949, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 1, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'NSK54', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 19:37:41] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'VI \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u0435\u043d\u044c, \u0441\u043b\u0443\u0447\u0430\u0439\u043d\u044b\u0439 \u0431\u043e\u0439, \u0441 \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d\u043e\u0432\u044b\u043c\u0438 \u0431\u043e\u044f\u043c\u0438 \u0438 \u043e\u043f\u0435\u0440\u0430\u0446\u0438\u044f\u044b\u043c\u0438 \u0418\u0414\u0418\u0422\u0415 \u041d\u0410 \u0425\u0423\u0419', 'league': 0, 'name': 'Call_Me_Baby', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 16777215, 'dbid': 47233674, 'clanID': 416180, 'rankSeasonId': 7, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 134232208, 'rank': 9, 'clanTag': u'EG', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 19:37:41] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u043e\u0442 5-10 \u0432 \u043e\u0442\u0440\u044f\u0434 \u0441\u043b\u044b\u0448\u0443 \u043d\u0435 \u0442\u0443\u043f\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0432 \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443', 'league': 0, 'name': '_denis_174', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 0, 'dbid': 2483326, 'clanID': 0, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 19:37:41] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u041a\u041b\u0410\u041d GRES', 'league': 0, 'name': 'KOMIKADZE666', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 13395507, 'dbid': 25949302, 'clanID': 430434, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'GRES', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 19:37:41] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u041f\u0440\u0438\u043d\u0438\u043c\u0430\u0435\u043c \u043e\u043f\u044b\u0442\u043d\u044b\u0445 \u0438\u0433\u0440\u043e\u043a\u043e\u0432 \u0432 \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d [_NYA_] \u043e\u0442 51%+ \u0438 1,5\u043a . \u0421\u0440\u0435\u0434\u043d\u0438\u0439 %\u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434 \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d\u0430 53,5 . \u0421\u0432\u044f\u0437\u044c \u0447\u0435\u0440\u0435\u0437 \u0434\u0438\u0441\u043a\u043e\u0440\u0434 . \u041f\u043e\u0434\u0440\u043e\u0431\u043d\u043e\u0441\u0442\u0438 \u0432 \u041b\u0421.(\u0432 \u041e\u0422\u0420\u042f\u0414 \u041d\u0415 \u041f\u0420\u0418\u0413\u041b\u0410\u0428\u0410\u0422\u042c)', 'league': 0, 'name': 'Gavruha2011', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 10066329, 'dbid': 1719141, 'clanID': 413675, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'_NYA_', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 19:37:41] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'', 'league': 0, 'name': 'lFelix', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 10066329, 'dbid': 29135275, 'clanID': 425366, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'TIGER', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 19:37:41] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'', 'league': 0, 'name': '81_den_zhuk', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 16777215, 'dbid': 87115177, 'clanID': 430088, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'NFM', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 19:37:41] receivePreBattles() PreBattleType: 3 Num: 3 Free: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:37:41] ClanDataHubUtils.updateClanPreBattles [{'description': u'', 'creatorDBID': 38732872, 'playerCount': 1, 'ownerClanID': 430246, 'extraInfo': {'nonClanMembersCount': 0}, 'isInBattle': 0, 'battleDef': (BATTLE_DEF: mapId=0, duration=0, type=10, level=-1, teamBuildType=1, sseInfo=, pveInfo=0), 'ownerName': 'toshidzu', 'invitedCount': 0, 'playersLimit': 3, 'isPrivate': 0, 'ownerId': 537138665, 'preBattleType': 1, 'id': 537315738, 'selectedQueueType': 1}, {'description': u'', 'creatorDBID': 69118514, 'playerCount': 3, 'ownerClanID': 430246, 'extraInfo': {'nonClanMembersCount': 1}, 'isInBattle': 0, 'battleDef': (BATTLE_DEF: mapId=0, duration=0, type=10, level=-1, teamBuildType=1, sseInfo=, pveInfo=0), 'ownerName': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'invitedCount': 4, 'playersLimit': 7, 'isPrivate': 0, 'ownerId': 537236500, 'preBattleType': 1, 'id': 537364327, 'selectedQueueType': 32}, {'description': u'', 'creatorDBID': 5595999, 'playerCount': 1, 'ownerClanID': 430246, 'extraInfo': {'nonClanMembersCount': 0}, 'isInBattle': 0, 'battleDef': (BATTLE_DEF: mapId=0, duration=0, type=10, level=-1, teamBuildType=1, sseInfo=, pveInfo=0), 'ownerName': 'Tier099', 'invitedCount': 0, 'playersLimit': 3, 'isPrivate': 0, 'ownerId': 537297764, 'preBattleType': 1, 'id': 537364357, 'selectedQueueType': 1}] [S] [2017_11_11 19:37:42] (, 86938864369208, 28): Account, ('getPreBattleInfo', 'send request', 537315738) [S] [2017_11_11 19:37:42] (, 86938864369208, 28): Account, ('getPreBattleInfo', 'send request', 537364357) [S] [2017_11_11 19:37:42] ClanProxy.receivePreBattleInfo PreBattleDump(preBattleType=1, preBattleId=537315738, battleDefDump=(0, 0, 10, -1, 1, '', 0), ownerId=537138665, creatorDBID=38732872, description=u'', selectedQueueType=1, creatorDef=None, playersLimit=3, playersDump=[(537138665, 35853511, 'toshidzu', None, 0, 1, False, True, False, 15, 134232384, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0)], inviteesDump=[], countDownInfo=(0, 0), locked=False, creationTime=1510410552238L, teamsCount=2, hidden=False, chatMessagesDump=[], extraInfo={'nonClanMembersCount': 0}) [S] [2017_11_11 19:37:42] ClanProxy.receivePreBattleInfo PreBattleDump(preBattleType=1, preBattleId=537364357, battleDefDump=(0, 0, 10, -1, 1, '', 0), ownerId=537297764, creatorDBID=5595999, description=u'', selectedQueueType=1, creatorDef=None, playersLimit=3, playersDump=[(537297764, 5595999, 'Tier099', 4287575760L, 0, 2, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0)], inviteesDump=[], countDownInfo=(0, 0), locked=False, creationTime=1510417928669L, teamsCount=2, hidden=False, chatMessagesDump=[], extraInfo={'nonClanMembersCount': 0}) [S] [2017_11_11 19:37:42] ClanProxy.receivePreBattleInfo player is in division "537364357" already with actual info [S] [2017_11_11 19:37:43] (, 86938864369208, 28): Account, ('getPreBattleInfo', 'send request', 537364357) [S] [2017_11_11 19:37:43] ClanProxy.receivePreBattleInfo PreBattleDump(preBattleType=1, preBattleId=537364357, battleDefDump=(0, 0, 10, -1, 1, '', 0), ownerId=537297764, creatorDBID=5595999, description=u'', selectedQueueType=1, creatorDef=None, playersLimit=3, playersDump=[(537297764, 5595999, 'Tier099', 4287575760L, 0, 2, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0)], inviteesDump=[], countDownInfo=(0, 0), locked=False, creationTime=1510417928669L, teamsCount=2, hidden=False, chatMessagesDump=[], extraInfo={'nonClanMembersCount': 0}) [S] [2017_11_11 19:37:43] ClanProxy.receivePreBattleInfo player is in division "537364357" already with actual info [S] [2017_11_11 19:37:43] (, 86938864369208, 28): Account, ('getPreBattleInfo', 'send request', 537315738) [S] [2017_11_11 19:37:43] ClanProxy.receivePreBattleInfo PreBattleDump(preBattleType=1, preBattleId=537315738, battleDefDump=(0, 0, 10, -1, 1, '', 0), ownerId=537138665, creatorDBID=38732872, description=u'', selectedQueueType=1, creatorDef=None, playersLimit=3, playersDump=[(537138665, 35853511, 'toshidzu', None, 0, 1, False, True, False, 15, 134232384, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0)], inviteesDump=[], countDownInfo=(0, 0), locked=False, creationTime=1510410552238L, teamsCount=2, hidden=False, chatMessagesDump=[], extraInfo={'nonClanMembersCount': 0}) [S] [2017_11_11 19:37:43] (, 86938864369208, 28): Account, ('getPreBattleInfo', 'send request', 537364327) [S] [2017_11_11 19:37:44] ClanProxy.receivePreBattleInfo PreBattleDump(preBattleType=1, preBattleId=537364327, battleDefDump=(0, 0, 10, -1, 1, '', 0), ownerId=537236500, creatorDBID=69118514, description=u'', selectedQueueType=32, creatorDef=None, playersLimit=7, playersDump=[(537092736, 73537307, 'PZS_One', None, 0, 1, False, True, False, 15, 134232320, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0), (438961, 34586685, 'dima_291084', 4179539920L, 0, 2, False, True, False, 15, 134232272, 0, 426520, u'BABAY', 13395507, 0), (537236500, 69118514, 'RenamedUser_69118514', 3340678960L, 0, 2, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0)], inviteesDump=[(536896640, 7924640, 'Sergiksuper1', None, -1, 1, False, True, False, 15, 134232240, 0, 428411, u'TSUWR', 16777215, 1510418406), (537196706, 113968, 'Nik_drive', None, -1, 1, False, True, False, 15, 134232224, 0, 415718, u'W_WP2', 16763955, 1510418418), (301194, 75886691, 'coyur', None, -1, 3, True, 1, False, 15, 0, 0, 426827, u'SWASP', 13395507, 1510418367)], countDownInfo=(0, 0), locked=False, creationTime=1510417788156L, teamsCount=2, hidden=False, chatMessagesDump=[], extraInfo={'nonClanMembersCount': 1}) [S] [2017_11_11 19:37:46] [DivisionEntranceContext] createAndInviteToDivision: 62222528.0 HEGNI_1 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:37:46] DivisionProxy.sendInvite: 62222528.0 HEGNI_1 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:37:47] Account.onInviteSent: 0 62222528 HEGNI_1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:37:47] DivisionProxy.onInviteSent() 0 62222528 [S] [2017_11_11 19:37:47] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537364357 (537223375, 62222528, 'HEGNI_1', None, -1, 1, False, 1, False, 15, 134232416, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 1510418568) 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:37:47] DivisionProxy.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537223375, dbid=62222528, name='HEGNI_1', shipId=None, teamId=-1, state=1, isInBattle=False, isConnected=1, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134232416, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=1510418568) 1 {} [S] [2017_11_11 19:37:47] [DivisionConxtext] __onInvitedPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 19:37:49] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537364357 (537223375, 62222528, 'HEGNI_1', None, 0, 1, False, True, False, 15, 134232416, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0) 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:37:49] DivisionProxy.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537223375, dbid=62222528, name='HEGNI_1', shipId=None, teamId=0, state=1, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134232416, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=0) 0 {537223375: {'playerEntity': [Entity: id:5964 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'clanman', 'accountLevel', 'accountRank', 'accountStatus', 'contact', 'elementInGroups', 'channelParticipant', 'teamKiller', 'searchResultItem', 'preBattlePlayerSimple', 'playerInvitedToPrebattleInfo']], 'creationTime': 1510418268.3080082, 'expirationTime': 1510418568, 'plInfo': PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537223375, dbid=62222528, name='HEGNI_1', shipId=None, teamId=-1, state=1, isInBattle=False, isConnected=1, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134232416, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=1510418568), 'isIgnored': False}} [S] [2017_11_11 19:37:49] playersToInvite {537223375: {'playerEntity': [Entity: id:5964 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'clanman', 'accountLevel', 'accountRank', 'accountStatus', 'contact', 'elementInGroups', 'channelParticipant', 'teamKiller', 'searchResultItem', 'preBattlePlayerSimple', 'playerInvitedToPrebattleInfo']], 'creationTime': 1510418268.3080082, 'expirationTime': 1510418568, 'plInfo': PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537223375, dbid=62222528, name='HEGNI_1', shipId=None, teamId=-1, state=1, isInBattle=False, isConnected=1, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134232416, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=1510418568), 'isIgnored': False}} [S] [2017_11_11 19:37:49] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'eventId': 'PLAYER_ACCEPTED_INVITATION', 'typeId': 4, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_UI_INVITATION_ACTION_1_DIVISION', 'playerName': 'HEGNI_1', 'idInGroup': 4, 'divisionType': 'division', 'sourceId': 1, 'actionId': 1, 'groupId': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 19:37:49] [DivisionConxtext] __onInvitedPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 19:37:49] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 62222528 {'jid': '62222528@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'HEGNI_1', 'clanInfo': (430246, u'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:37:49] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 19:37:49] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [4, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 19:37:49] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 19:37:49] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [4, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 19:37:49] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537364357 (537223375, 62222528, 'HEGNI_1', None, 0, 1, False, True, False, 15, 134232416, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0) 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:37:49] DivisionProxy.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537223375, dbid=62222528, name='HEGNI_1', shipId=None, teamId=0, state=1, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134232416, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=0) 0 {} [S] [2017_11_11 19:37:49] playersToInvite {} [S] [2017_11_11 19:37:49] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 62222528 {'jid': '62222528@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'HEGNI_1', 'clanInfo': (430246, u'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:37:49] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 19:37:49] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [4, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 19:37:49] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 19:37:49] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [4, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 19:37:51] [LootboxProxyClient.showBarge] [S] [2017_11_11 19:37:51] Unable to find camera param -- lootboxNode [S] [2017_11_11 19:37:57] [LootboxProxyClient.buyLootbox] [S] [2017_11_11 19:37:57] LootboxProxyCommon.buyLootbox(): 2 [S] [2017_11_11 19:37:57] >>> receiveChanges {'lootboxes': {'lootExp': 10037, 'boughtToday': 2, 'inStorage': 1, 'dropAt': 1510444800.0, 'curBoxType': 2}} [S] [2017_11_11 19:37:57] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 10037, 'boughtToday': 2, 'inStorage': 1, 'dropAt': 1510444800.0, 'curBoxType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 19:37:57] LootboxProxyClient.onChangeLootbox: add 2 [S] [2017_11_11 19:37:57] LootboxProxyCommon.onChangeLootbox: add 2 [S] [2017_11_11 19:37:57] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 100, 'data': {'count': 1, 'cost': 10500, 'type': 2}} [S] [2017_11_11 19:37:57] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'count': 1, 'typeId': 100, 'cost': 10500, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_BUY_LOOTBOX', 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 22, 'type': 2, 'groupId': 3} [S] [2017_11_11 19:37:58] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 116, 'dt': 1510418279, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'count': 10}} [S] [2017_11_11 19:37:58] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'count': 10, 'typeId': 116, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_CLAN_RESOURCE_RECEIVED', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 26, 'sourceId': 0, 'dt': 1510418279, 'postponed': False, 'groupId': 3} [S] [2017_11_11 19:38:03] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537364357 (537223375, 62222528, 'HEGNI_1', 4182718256L, 0, 2, False, True, False, 15, 134232416, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0) 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:38:03] DivisionProxy.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537223375, dbid=62222528, name='HEGNI_1', shipId=4182718256L, teamId=0, state=2, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134232416, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=0) 0 {} [S] [2017_11_11 19:38:03] playersToInvite {} [S] [2017_11_11 19:38:03] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 62222528 {'jid': '62222528@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'HEGNI_1', 'clanInfo': (430246, u'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:38:03] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 19:38:03] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 7], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 2]} [S] [2017_11_11 19:38:03] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [59] [S] [2017_11_11 19:38:03] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 7], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 2]} [S] [2017_11_11 19:38:04] [LootboxProxyClient.openLootbox] [S] [2017_11_11 19:38:04] LootboxProxyCommon.openLootbox(): 2 [S] [2017_11_11 19:38:04] >>> receiveChanges {'lootboxes': {'lootExp': 10037, 'boughtToday': 2, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1510444800.0, 'curBoxType': 0}, 'storage': {4274876336L: 12, 4283264944L: 23, 4287557552L: 4}} [S] [2017_11_11 19:38:04] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 10037, 'boughtToday': 2, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1510444800.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 19:38:04] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxRewards: 2 [('Item', {'count': 4, 'total': False, 'idx': 4274876336L}), ('Item', {'count': 2, 'total': False, 'idx': 4287557552L}), ('Item', {'count': 4, 'total': False, 'idx': 4283264944L})] [S] [2017_11_11 19:38:04] [WWSD-79737] Entity: Adding screen position without world position [Entity: id:6713 ['rewardSource', 'rewardComponent']] [183, 184] [S] [2017_11_11 19:38:04] File "25336436762871907", line 61, in 36610464870981 [S] [2017_11_11 19:38:04] File "25336436762870600", line 213, in 36611183303415 [S] [2017_11_11 19:38:04] File "25336436762871907", line 124, in 36611274614065 [S] [2017_11_11 19:38:04] File "25336436762870600", line 51, in 36602333262500 [S] [2017_11_11 19:38:04] File "25336436762872209", line 247, in 3222418079625 [S] [2017_11_11 19:38:04] [WWSD-79737] Entity: Adding screen position without world position [Entity: id:6714 ['rewardSource', 'rewardComponent']] [183, 184] [S] [2017_11_11 19:38:04] File "25336436762871907", line 61, in 36610464870981 [S] [2017_11_11 19:38:04] File "25336436762870600", line 213, in 36611183303415 [S] [2017_11_11 19:38:04] File "25336436762871907", line 124, in 36611274614065 [S] [2017_11_11 19:38:04] File "25336436762870600", line 51, in 36602333262500 [S] [2017_11_11 19:38:04] File "25336436762872209", line 247, in 3222418079625 [S] [2017_11_11 19:38:04] [WWSD-79737] Entity: Adding screen position without world position [Entity: id:6715 ['rewardSource', 'rewardComponent']] [183, 184] [S] [2017_11_11 19:38:04] File "25336436762871907", line 61, in 36610464870981 [S] [2017_11_11 19:38:04] File "25336436762870600", line 213, in 36611183303415 [S] [2017_11_11 19:38:04] File "25336436762871907", line 124, in 36611274614065 [S] [2017_11_11 19:38:04] File "25336436762870600", line 51, in 36602333262500 [S] [2017_11_11 19:38:04] File "25336436762872209", line 247, in 3222418079625 [S] [2017_11_11 19:38:04] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 9, 'data': {'assetType': 4, 'isDelayed': True, 'data': {'shipID': None, 'exterior': {4274876336L: 4}}}} [S] [2017_11_11 19:38:04] onUpdateAchievement: 4225950640 [0, 0, 0, 71] [S] [2017_11_11 19:38:04] onUpdateAchievement: PCH065 done: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:38:04] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 9, 'data': {'assetType': 4, 'isDelayed': True, 'data': {'shipID': None, 'exterior': {4287557552L: 2}}}} [S] [2017_11_11 19:38:04] onUpdateAchievement: 4224902064 [0, 0, 0, 71] [S] [2017_11_11 19:38:04] onUpdateAchievement: PCH066 done: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:38:05] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 9, 'data': {'assetType': 4, 'isDelayed': True, 'data': {'shipID': None, 'exterior': {4283264944L: 4}}}} [S] [2017_11_11 19:38:09] [LootboxProxyClient.hideBarge] [S] [2017_11_11 19:38:10] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'sourceId': 0, 'typeId': 9, 'data': {'sourceId': 0, 'assetType': 4, 'isDelayed': True, 'data': {'shipID': None, 'exterior': {4274876336L: 4}}}} [S] [2017_11_11 19:38:10] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'sourceId': 0, 'typeId': 9, 'data': {'sourceId': 0, 'assetType': 4, 'isDelayed': True, 'data': {'shipID': None, 'exterior': {4287557552L: 2}}}} [S] [2017_11_11 19:38:10] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'sourceId': 0, 'typeId': 9, 'data': {'sourceId': 0, 'assetType': 4, 'isDelayed': True, 'data': {'shipID': None, 'exterior': {4283264944L: 4}}}} [S] [2017_11_11 19:38:10] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_11 19:38:24] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 22453883 {'jid': '22453883@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'vova1972ruzan', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:38:24] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {22453883: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}} [S] [2017_11_11 19:38:29] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537364357 (537223375, 62222528, 'HEGNI_1', None, 0, 1, False, True, False, 15, 134232416, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0) 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:38:29] DivisionProxy.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537223375, dbid=62222528, name='HEGNI_1', shipId=None, teamId=0, state=1, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134232416, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=0) 0 {} [S] [2017_11_11 19:38:29] playersToInvite {} [S] [2017_11_11 19:38:29] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 62222528 {'jid': '62222528@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'HEGNI_1', 'clanInfo': (430246, u'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:38:29] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 19:38:29] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [4, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 19:38:29] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 19:38:29] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [4, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:02] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 22453883 {'jid': '22453883@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'vova1972ruzan', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:03] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {22453883: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}} [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:18] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537364357 (537223375, 62222528, 'HEGNI_1', 4286494416L, 0, 2, False, True, False, 15, 134232416, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0) 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:18] DivisionProxy.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537223375, dbid=62222528, name='HEGNI_1', shipId=4286494416L, teamId=0, state=2, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134232416, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=0) 0 {} [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:18] playersToInvite {} [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:18] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 62222528 {'jid': '62222528@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'HEGNI_1', 'clanInfo': (430246, u'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:18] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:18] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 7], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 1], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:18] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [59] [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:18] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 7], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 1], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:28] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {58161041: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 2557718: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 73537307: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 2893852: None, 7924640: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'TSUWR', 'id': 428411, 'name': u'TSUNAMI WAR'}, 69416610: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 87115177: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'NFM', 'id': 430088, 'name': u'Northern Fleet Mordor'}, 30937387: None, 17915186: None, 113968: {'color': 16763955, 'league': None, 'tag': u'W_WP2', 'id': 415718, 'name': u'Walkure: WinnieProject'}, 69118514: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 71811251: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 34586685: {'color': 13395507, 'league': None, 'tag': u'BABAY', 'id': 426520, 'name': u'\u0411\u0430\u0431\u0430\u0419'}, 62222528: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 6896454: None, 35853511: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 26288674: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'GUAPS', 'id': 430164, 'name': u'\u0413\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0434\u0435\u0439\u0446\u044b \u041f\u043e\u0441\u0435\u0439\u0434\u043e\u043d\u0430'}, 327255: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'ENYO', 'id': 415095, 'name': u'\u042d\u041d\u0418\u041e'}, 5471194: None, 82047329: {'color': 13395507, 'league': None, 'tag': u'34', 'id': 426990, 'name': u'STALINGRAD'}, 75886691: {'color': 13395507, 'league': None, 'tag': u'SWASP', 'id': 426827, 'name': u'\u0421\u0430\u043c\u0430\u0440\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0435 \u043e\u0441\u044b'}, 22453883: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}} [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:30] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537364357 (537223375, 62222528, 'HEGNI_1', None, 0, 1, False, True, False, 15, 134232416, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0) 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:30] DivisionProxy.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537223375, dbid=62222528, name='HEGNI_1', shipId=None, teamId=0, state=1, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134232416, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=0) 0 {} [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:30] playersToInvite {} [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:30] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 62222528 {'jid': '62222528@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'HEGNI_1', 'clanInfo': (430246, u'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:30] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:30] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [4, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:30] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:30] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [4, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:32] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537364357 (537223375, 62222528, 'HEGNI_1', 4184782672L, 0, 2, False, True, False, 15, 134232416, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0) 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:32] DivisionProxy.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537223375, dbid=62222528, name='HEGNI_1', shipId=4184782672L, teamId=0, state=2, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134232416, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=0) 0 {} [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:32] playersToInvite {} [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:32] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 62222528 {'jid': '62222528@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'HEGNI_1', 'clanInfo': (430246, u'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:32] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:32] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [4, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 1], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:32] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:32] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [4, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 1], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:35] Account.enqueue(): 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:35] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [4, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 1], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:35] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:35] DivisionProxy.start 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:35] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [4, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 1], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:35] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:35] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537364357 (537297764, 5595999, 'Tier099', 4287575760L, 0, 3, True, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0) 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:35] DivisionProxy.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537297764, dbid=5595999, name='Tier099', shipId=4287575760L, teamId=0, state=3, isInBattle=True, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=0) 0 {} [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:35] playersToInvite {} [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:35] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 5595999 {'jid': '5595999@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Tier099', 'clanInfo': (430246, u'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:35] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:35] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [4, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 1, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 1], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:35] some players in battle 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:35] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [53] [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:35] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [4, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 1, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 1], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:35] some players in battle 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:35] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [53] [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:35] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [4, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 1, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 1], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:35] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537364357 (537223375, 62222528, 'HEGNI_1', 4184782672L, 0, 3, True, True, False, 15, 134232416, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0) 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:35] DivisionProxy.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537223375, dbid=62222528, name='HEGNI_1', shipId=4184782672L, teamId=0, state=3, isInBattle=True, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134232416, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=0) 0 {} [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:35] playersToInvite {} [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:35] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 62222528 {'jid': '62222528@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'HEGNI_1', 'clanInfo': (430246, u'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:35] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:35] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 2, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:35] some players in battle 2 [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:35] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [53] [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:35] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 2, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:35] some players in battle 2 [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:35] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [53] [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:35] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 2, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:35] onEnqueued() QueueType: 1 ShipId: 4287575760 mmDescription: {'useBots': False, 'onlyFullBattles': False, 'maxWait': 300} [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:35] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4287575760 4 [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:37] onPrepareingForBattle() [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:37] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4287575760 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:37] onGameRoomStateInit mapIdx = 29 battleType = 80 gameMode = StandDom duration=1200 [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:40] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 5595999 {'jid': '5595999@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Tier099', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:41] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 62222528 {'jid': '62222528@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'HEGNI_1', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:41] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {62222528: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}} [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:44] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:44] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened False [isChatBoxOpened] __updateChannelInfo channel.isChatBoxOpened False False [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:44] (, 80999132267601, 73): handleChannelError, ('room destroyed', 'prebattle', 3) [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:44] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened False GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:45] [LootboxProxyClient.destroy] [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:46] Avatar.receiveAvatarInfo: {'evaluationsLeft': {0: 7, 1: 7}} [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:46] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAvatar [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:46] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() False 0 0 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:46] Avatar.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:46] name Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:46] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:46] Avatar onControlled False [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:46] onControlled->False: not implemented [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:46] onGeometryMapped() MapName: 46_Estuary [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:46] teamBuildType: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:46] player: Id: 537057925 Name: __Phoenix____ TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSD505_Okhotnik_1917 avatarId: 1360766 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:46] player: Id: 537267465 Name: Greenzle TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSC105_Emile_Bertin avatarId: 1360758 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:46] player: Id: 537140108 Name: krup__15 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSC106_La_Galissonniere avatarId: 1360760 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:46] player: Id: 537144335 Name: ustasssss TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSB006_Fuso_1943 avatarId: 1360762 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:46] player: Id: 310163 Name: sergey231_1 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSC106_Pr_94_Budeny avatarId: 1360764 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:46] player: Id: 537107717 Name: mrSergey328 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PBSB107_King_George_V avatarId: 1360756 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:46] player: Id: 537245990 Name: trend1000 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASD005_Farragut_1944 avatarId: 1360768 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:46] player: Id: 283687 Name: andrei_1979_ TeamId: 1 ShipName: PBSC106_Leander avatarId: 1360770 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:46] player: Id: 59946 Name: klin_2017 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB034_New_Mexico_1941 avatarId: 1360772 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:46] player: Id: 355757 Name: kolayn_545 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASD006_Mahan_1936 avatarId: 1360774 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:46] player: Id: 537080250 Name: SmileJack TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSC506_Admiral_Graf_Spee avatarId: 1360776 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:46] player: Id: 242126 Name: Fishka_3 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSD107_Akatsuki avatarId: 1360778 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:46] player: Id: 537223375 Name: HEGNI_1 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSC105_Emile_Bertin avatarId: 1360780 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:46] player: Id: 537171282 Name: vip_luba131 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSC007_Aoba_1943 avatarId: 1360782 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:46] player: Id: 537288414 Name: Vorlonus TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSD505_Okhotnik_1917 avatarId: 1360784 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:46] player: Id: 537308258 Name: ptiyhka TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSC105_Kirov avatarId: 1360786 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:46] player: Id: 537297764 Name: Tier099 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSB007_Kongo_1942 avatarId: 1360788 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:46] player: Id: 365222 Name: Likan_Vigo TeamId: 1 ShipName: PBSB107_King_George_V avatarId: 1360790 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:46] player: Id: 214506 Name: N0leg TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSC106_Pr_94_Budeny avatarId: 1360792 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:46] player: Id: 536976493 Name: LE_FS TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSB705_Kongou avatarId: 1360794 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:46] player: Id: 288628 Name: SHKVAL_F TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB008_Colorado_1945 avatarId: 1360796 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:46] player: Id: 367862 Name: Chromiym TeamId: 0 ShipName: PBSB105_Iron_Duke avatarId: 1360798 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:46] player: Id: 322040 Name: _Autopsist_ TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSC106_Pr_94_Budeny avatarId: 1360800 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:46] player: Id: 537267455 Name: YuriiZLO TeamId: 0 ShipName: PBSB107_King_George_V avatarId: 1370802 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:46] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537364357, 0, 0, 1360780, 1510418378509L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:46] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537364357: PreBattleInfo: id: 537364357, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1360780, creationTime 1510418378509, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:46] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537364357, 0, 0, 1360788, 1510418378509L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:46] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537364357: PreBattleInfo: id: 537364357, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1360788, creationTime 1510418378509, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:46] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537364357, 0, 0, 1360788, 1510418378509L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:46] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537364357: PreBattleInfo: id: 537364357, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1360788, creationTime 1510418378509, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:46] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537364357, 0, 0, 1360788, 1510418378509L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:46] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537364357: PreBattleInfo: id: 537364357, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1360788, creationTime 1510418378509, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:46] Avatar.enterPrebattle [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:46] (, 39965384947628, 149): 1360754; BattleLogic() [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:46] (, 39965384947628, 149): 1360754; onEnterWorld() State: {attentionMarkers: [], clientAnimations: None, controlPoints: [{position: [0.0, 230.0], radius: 167.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 5, timerName: '', teamId: 0, progress: [0.0, 180.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [-0.00060299999313429, -230.00030517578125], radius: 167.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 5, timerName: '', teamId: 1, progress: [0.0, 180.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}], entityStates: [], expectedActions: None, interactiveZones: [], weather: {globalWeatherId: 1360755, localWeather: [], entityLogicParams: []}, keyObjects: [], missions: {hold: [{reward: 2, penalty: 0, cpIndices: [0, 1], period: 6}], capture: [{reward: 1000, penalty: 0, cpIndices: [0, 1]}], destroy: [], suppress: [], kill: [{reward: 30, penalty: 45, shipType: 'Destroyer'}, {reward: 35, penalty: 50, shipType: 'Cruiser'}, {reward: 40, penalty: 60, shipType: 'Battleship'}, {reward: 45, penalty: 65, shipType: 'AirCarrier'}], teamsScore: [300, 300], teamWinScore: 1000, teamLoseScore: 0}, resources: [], successStoryProgress: [], screenplayMessage: '', tasks: [], minefields: [], entities: [], effects: []} [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:46] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:46] BattleDataContext.__onEnterSpace [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:49] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:51] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:52] Avatar.receivePlayerData: (537223375, 62222528, 'HEGNI_1', 4184782672L, 0, 3, True, True, False, 15, 134232416, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0) 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:52] DivisionProxyBattle.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537223375, dbid=62222528, name='HEGNI_1', shipId=4184782672L, teamId=0, state=3, isInBattle=True, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134232416, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=0) 0 {} [S] [2017_11_11 19:39:52] playersToInvite {} [S] [2017_11_11 19:40:07] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:40:07] id 1360759 [S] [2017_11_11 19:40:07] name Greenzle [S] [2017_11_11 19:40:07] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:40:07] @ launchpadAppeared 1360759 [S] [2017_11_11 19:40:07] [Weather][6027] onEnterWorld (map spaces/46_Estuary/weathers.xml, scheme 0, weather 0) [S] [2017_11_11 19:40:07] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:40:07] id 1360789 [S] [2017_11_11 19:40:07] name Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 19:40:07] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:40:07] @ launchpadAppeared 1360789 [S] [2017_11_11 19:40:07] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:40:07] id 1360765 [S] [2017_11_11 19:40:07] name sergey231_1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:40:07] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:40:07] @ launchpadAppeared 1360765 [S] [2017_11_11 19:40:07] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 19:40:07] Avatar.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 19:40:07] ! A.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 19:40:07] BoardService.init [S] [2017_11_11 19:40:07] @ launchpadAppeared 1360789 [S] [2017_11_11 19:40:07] BattleDataContext.__onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 19:40:09] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:40:09] id 1360797 [S] [2017_11_11 19:40:09] name SHKVAL_F [S] [2017_11_11 19:40:09] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:40:09] @ launchpadAppeared 1360797 [S] [2017_11_11 19:40:12] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:40:12] id 1360793 [S] [2017_11_11 19:40:12] name N0leg [S] [2017_11_11 19:40:12] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:40:12] @ launchpadAppeared 1360793 [S] [2017_11_11 19:40:12] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:40:12] id 1360791 [S] [2017_11_11 19:40:12] name Likan_Vigo [S] [2017_11_11 19:40:12] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:40:12] @ launchpadAppeared 1360791 [S] [2017_11_11 19:40:12] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:40:12] id 1360769 [S] [2017_11_11 19:40:12] name trend1000 [S] [2017_11_11 19:40:12] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:40:12] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:40:12] id 1360779 [S] [2017_11_11 19:40:12] name Fishka_3 [S] [2017_11_11 19:40:12] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:40:12] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:40:12] id 1360781 [S] [2017_11_11 19:40:12] name HEGNI_1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:40:12] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:40:12] @ launchpadAppeared 1360781 [S] [2017_11_11 19:40:12] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:40:12] id 1360763 [S] [2017_11_11 19:40:12] name ustasssss [S] [2017_11_11 19:40:12] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:40:12] @ launchpadAppeared 1360763 [S] [2017_11_11 19:40:13] ! PM.refreshAirArmament [S] [2017_11_11 19:40:13] BoardService.restore [S] [2017_11_11 19:40:13] Avatar.onWorldStateReceived [S] [2017_11_11 19:40:13] BattleChatSystem IN Context [S] [2017_11_11 19:40:13] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:40:13] id 1360785 [S] [2017_11_11 19:40:13] name Vorlonus [S] [2017_11_11 19:40:13] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:40:13] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:40:13] id 1360771 [S] [2017_11_11 19:40:13] name andrei_1979_ [S] [2017_11_11 19:40:13] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:40:13] @ launchpadAppeared 1360771 [S] [2017_11_11 19:40:18] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 19:40:19] ('[ERROR] FeedbackController: empty config for event repair_finished',) [S] [2017_11_11 19:40:19] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 19:40:50] -= BATTLE STARTED =- [S] [2017_11_11 19:42:11] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:42:11] id 1360761 [S] [2017_11_11 19:42:11] name krup__15 [S] [2017_11_11 19:42:11] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:42:22] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:42:22] id 1360795 [S] [2017_11_11 19:42:22] name LE_FS [S] [2017_11_11 19:42:22] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:42:22] @ launchpadAppeared 1360795 [S] [2017_11_11 19:42:24] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:42:24] id 1360757 [S] [2017_11_11 19:42:24] name mrSergey328 [S] [2017_11_11 19:42:24] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:42:24] @ launchpadAppeared 1360757 [S] [2017_11_11 19:42:26] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:42:26] id 1360783 [S] [2017_11_11 19:42:26] name vip_luba131 [S] [2017_11_11 19:42:26] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:42:26] @ launchpadAppeared 1360783 [S] [2017_11_11 19:42:30] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:42:30] id 1360757 [S] [2017_11_11 19:42:30] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:42:53] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:42:53] id 1360795 [S] [2017_11_11 19:42:53] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:42:56] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:42:56] id 1360787 [S] [2017_11_11 19:42:56] name ptiyhka [S] [2017_11_11 19:42:56] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:42:56] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:42:56] id 1360757 [S] [2017_11_11 19:42:56] name mrSergey328 [S] [2017_11_11 19:42:56] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:42:56] @ launchpadAppeared 1360757 [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:01] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537364508, 0, 0, 1370802, 1510418582805L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:01] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537364508: PreBattleInfo: id: 537364508, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1370802, creationTime 1510418582805, hidden False, locked False , 537364357: PreBattleInfo: id: 537364357, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1360788, creationTime 1510418378509, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:01] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537364508, 0, 0, 1370802, 1510418582805L, False, 0) [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:01] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537364508: PreBattleInfo: id: 537364508, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1370802, creationTime 1510418582805, hidden False, locked 0 , 537364357: PreBattleInfo: id: 537364357, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1360788, creationTime 1510418378509, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:01] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537364508, 0, 0, 1370802, 1510418582805L, False, 0) [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:01] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537364508: PreBattleInfo: id: 537364508, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1370802, creationTime 1510418582805, hidden False, locked 0 , 537364357: PreBattleInfo: id: 537364357, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1360788, creationTime 1510418378509, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:01] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537364508, 0, 1, 1370802, 1510418582805L, False, 0) [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:01] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537364508: PreBattleInfo: id: 537364508, occupied: 1, sign: 0, ownerId 1370802, creationTime 1510418582805, hidden False, locked 0 , 537364357: PreBattleInfo: id: 537364357, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1360788, creationTime 1510418378509, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:01] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:01] id 1360777 [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:01] name SmileJack [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:01] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:01] @ launchpadAppeared 1360777 [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:03] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:03] id 1360757 [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:03] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:04] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537364508, 0, 2, 1370802, 1510418582805L, False, 0) [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:04] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537364508: PreBattleInfo: id: 537364508, occupied: 2, sign: 0, ownerId 1370802, creationTime 1510418582805, hidden False, locked 0 , 537364357: PreBattleInfo: id: 537364357, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1360788, creationTime 1510418378509, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:04] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537364508, 0, 1, 1370802, 1510418582805L, False, 0) [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:04] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537364508: PreBattleInfo: id: 537364508, occupied: 1, sign: 0, ownerId 1370802, creationTime 1510418582805, hidden False, locked 0 , 537364357: PreBattleInfo: id: 537364357, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1360788, creationTime 1510418378509, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:06] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:06] id 1360783 [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:06] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:07] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537364508, 0, 2, 1370802, 1510418582805L, False, 0) [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:07] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537364508: PreBattleInfo: id: 537364508, occupied: 2, sign: 0, ownerId 1370802, creationTime 1510418582805, hidden False, locked 0 , 537364357: PreBattleInfo: id: 537364357, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1360788, creationTime 1510418378509, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:08] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:08] id 1360761 [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:11] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:11] id 1360757 [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:11] name mrSergey328 [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:11] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:11] @ launchpadAppeared 1360757 [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:12] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:12] id 1360773 [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:12] name klin_2017 [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:12] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:12] @ launchpadAppeared 1360773 [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:12] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:12] id 1360799 [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:12] name Chromiym [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:12] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:14] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:14] id 1360783 [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:14] name vip_luba131 [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:14] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:14] @ launchpadAppeared 1360783 [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:16] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:16] id 1360761 [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:16] name krup__15 [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:16] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:17] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537364508, 0, 1, 1370802, 1510418582805L, False, 0) [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:17] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537364508: PreBattleInfo: id: 537364508, occupied: 1, sign: 0, ownerId 1370802, creationTime 1510418582805, hidden False, locked 0 , 537364357: PreBattleInfo: id: 537364357, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1360788, creationTime 1510418378509, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:17] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537364508, 0, 1, 1370802, 1510418582805L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:17] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537364508: PreBattleInfo: id: 537364508, occupied: 1, sign: 0, ownerId 1370802, creationTime 1510418582805, hidden False, locked False , 537364357: PreBattleInfo: id: 537364357, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1360788, creationTime 1510418378509, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:17] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537364508, 0, 1, 1370802, 1510418582805L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:17] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537364508: PreBattleInfo: id: 537364508, occupied: 1, sign: 0, ownerId 1370802, creationTime 1510418582805, hidden False, locked False , 537364357: PreBattleInfo: id: 537364357, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1360788, creationTime 1510418378509, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:17] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537364508, 0, 1, 1370802, 1510418582805L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:17] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537364508: PreBattleInfo: id: 537364508, occupied: 1, sign: 0, ownerId 1370802, creationTime 1510418582805, hidden False, locked False , 537364357: PreBattleInfo: id: 537364357, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1360788, creationTime 1510418378509, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:17] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:17] id 1370801 [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:17] name _Autopsist_ [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:17] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:17] @ launchpadAppeared 1370801 [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:24] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:24] id 1360767 [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:24] name __Phoenix____ [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:24] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:26] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:26] id 1360795 [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:26] name LE_FS [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:26] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:26] @ launchpadAppeared 1360795 [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:26] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:26] id 1370803 [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:26] name YuriiZLO [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:26] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:26] @ launchpadAppeared 1370803 [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:28] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:28] id 1360775 [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:28] name kolayn_545 [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:28] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:28] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:28] id 1370803 [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:28] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:30] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:34] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537364508, 0, 0, 1370802, 1510418582805L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:34] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537364508: PreBattleInfo: id: 537364508, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1370802, creationTime 1510418582805, hidden False, locked False , 537364357: PreBattleInfo: id: 537364357, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1360788, creationTime 1510418378509, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:34] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537364508, 0, 0, 1370802, 1510418582805L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:34] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537364508: PreBattleInfo: id: 537364508, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1370802, creationTime 1510418582805, hidden False, locked False , 537364357: PreBattleInfo: id: 537364357, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1360788, creationTime 1510418378509, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:39] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:39] id 1360767 [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:43] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:43] id 1370801 [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:43] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:47] id 1360761 [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:48] id 1360773 [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:48] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:48] id 1360757 [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:48] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:54] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:54] id 1360767 [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:54] name __Phoenix____ [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:54] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:55] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:55] id 1360761 [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:55] name krup__15 [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:55] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:57] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:57] id 1370801 [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:57] name _Autopsist_ [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:57] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:43:57] @ launchpadAppeared 1370801 [S] [2017_11_11 19:44:06] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:44:06] id 1360767 [S] [2017_11_11 19:44:07] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:44:07] id 1360767 [S] [2017_11_11 19:44:07] name __Phoenix____ [S] [2017_11_11 19:44:07] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:44:07] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:44:07] id 1360773 [S] [2017_11_11 19:44:07] name klin_2017 [S] [2017_11_11 19:44:07] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:44:07] @ launchpadAppeared 1360773 [S] [2017_11_11 19:44:09] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:44:09] id 1360783 [S] [2017_11_11 19:44:09] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:44:10] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:44:10] id 1360757 [S] [2017_11_11 19:44:10] name mrSergey328 [S] [2017_11_11 19:44:10] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:44:10] @ launchpadAppeared 1360757 [S] [2017_11_11 19:44:12] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:44:12] id 1360767 [S] [2017_11_11 19:44:13] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/69118514', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510418653L, 'isDelayed': False, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\x95\xd0\xa9\xd0\x95 3 \xd0\x98\xd0\x93\xd0\xa0\xd0\x9e\xd0\x9a\xd0\x90 \xd0\x9f\xd0\x9e\xd0\xa8\xd0\x9b\xd0\x98 \xd0\x92 \xd0\x9a\xd0\x9b\xd0\x90\xd0\x9d\xd0\x9e\xd0\x92\xd0\xab', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 19:44:14] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:44:14] id 1360773 [S] [2017_11_11 19:44:14] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:44:14] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:44:14] id 1360787 [S] [2017_11_11 19:44:24] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:44:24] id 1360773 [S] [2017_11_11 19:44:24] name klin_2017 [S] [2017_11_11 19:44:24] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:44:24] @ launchpadAppeared 1360773 [S] [2017_11_11 19:44:24] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:44:24] id 1360777 [S] [2017_11_11 19:44:24] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:44:27] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:44:27] id 1370803 [S] [2017_11_11 19:44:27] name YuriiZLO [S] [2017_11_11 19:44:27] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:44:27] @ launchpadAppeared 1370803 [S] [2017_11_11 19:44:28] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 19:44:31] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:44:31] id 1370803 [S] [2017_11_11 19:44:31] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:44:31] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:44:31] id 1360787 [S] [2017_11_11 19:44:31] name ptiyhka [S] [2017_11_11 19:44:31] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:44:35] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 19:44:39] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 19:44:41] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:44:41] id 1360783 [S] [2017_11_11 19:44:41] name vip_luba131 [S] [2017_11_11 19:44:41] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:44:41] @ launchpadAppeared 1360783 [S] [2017_11_11 19:44:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:44:45] id 1360783 [S] [2017_11_11 19:44:45] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:44:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:44:51] id 1360787 [S] [2017_11_11 19:44:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:44:52] id 1360775 [S] [2017_11_11 19:44:53] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:44:53] id 1360795 [S] [2017_11_11 19:44:53] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:44:55] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:44:55] id 1360787 [S] [2017_11_11 19:44:55] name ptiyhka [S] [2017_11_11 19:44:55] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:44:56] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:44:56] id 1360783 [S] [2017_11_11 19:44:56] name vip_luba131 [S] [2017_11_11 19:44:56] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:44:56] @ launchpadAppeared 1360783 [S] [2017_11_11 19:44:56] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:44:56] id 1360775 [S] [2017_11_11 19:44:56] name kolayn_545 [S] [2017_11_11 19:44:56] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:44:58] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:44:58] id 1360787 [S] [2017_11_11 19:44:58] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:44:58] id 1360799 [E] [2017_11_11 19:45:11] ServerConnection::onTimeOut(1360788): Disconnecting due to channel timing out. [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:11] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 6 NOT_SET [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:11] [LOGIN] Setting gIsConnected to False [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:15] connection problem!!! [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:15] clearAll 0 True [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:15] AccountLevelingProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:15] ShutDownProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:15] ShutDownProxy.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:15] CampaignsProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:15] LootboxProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:15] LootboxProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:15] PVEScriptsProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:15] PVEDatahubUtils.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:15] PVEScriptsProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:15] IngamePortalProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:15] IngameNewsProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:15] UserDataGate.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:15] UserDataGate.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:15] StatsProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:15] StatsProxy.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:15] ClanProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:15] ClanProxy.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:15] ClanDataHubUtils.__cleanClanPreBattles player is in division "537364357" already with actual info [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:15] BattleChatSystem OUT OF Context [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:15] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOver [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:15] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOut [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:15] (, 51007757488877, 12): is out of context [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:15] (, 13182166089733, 190): fini [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:15] (, 51007922117933, 263): out of context [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:15] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Login, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:15] PreBattleInfoHolder.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:15] DivisionProxyBattle.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:15] (, 39965384947628, 149): 1360754; onLeaveWorld() [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:15] [Weather][6027] onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:15] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:15] id 1360757 [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:15] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:15] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:15] id 1360759 [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:15] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:15] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:15] id 1360761 [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:15] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:15] id 1360763 [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:15] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:15] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:15] id 1360765 [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:15] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:15] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:15] id 1360769 [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:15] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:15] id 1360771 [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:15] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:15] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:15] id 1360773 [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:15] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:15] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:15] id 1360775 [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:15] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:15] id 1360779 [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:15] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:15] id 1360781 [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:15] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:15] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:15] id 1360783 [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:15] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:15] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:15] id 1360785 [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:15] Avatar.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:15] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:15] id 1360789 [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:15] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:15] id 1360791 [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:16] id 1360793 [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:16] id 1360797 [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:16] id 1370801 [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:17] Exception BigWorld.EntityIsDestroyedException: 'Avatar 1360788 has been destroyed' in ignored [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:19] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Login, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:22] (, 66259644693353, 191): H:; A:; C:http://csis.worldoftanks.ru/csis/wowsru/?periphery=login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020&periphery=login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020; M:['login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020', 'login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020'] [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:22] BaseLoginRequest.doLogin(): login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020 token2 ([BaseLoginCredentials] Tier099) [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:23] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:23] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:23] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 1 LOGGED_ON {"token2":"5595999:5600238760764888903:74848804666798474431547258128005584744","wgnr":"ru.wargaming.net"} [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:23] LOGGED_ON {u'token2': u'5595999:5600238760764888903:74848804666798474431547258128005584744', u'wgnr': u'ru.wargaming.net'} [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:23] [LOGIN] Positive, serverMsg: {u'token2': u'5595999:5600238760764888903:74848804666798474431547258128005584744', u'wgnr': u'ru.wargaming.net'}, status: LOGGED_ON [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:23] [LOGIN] Setting wgnr url to "https://ru.wargaming.net" [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:23] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 2 NOT_SET [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:24] Account.__init__() [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:24] [Account debuG]: __init__() Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:24] ClanProxy.setChatHandler [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:24] ClanProxy.setInteractiveMessageData [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:24] Exception BigWorld.EntityIsDestroyedException: 'Account 537297764 has been destroyed' in ignored [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:24] (, 571883079382, 162): init [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:24] (, 574705753692, 103): Url config for realm ru as string is ResMgr.DataSection at 0x77E1B4F0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:24] (, 51003525417967, 75): in context [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:24] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:24] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:24] onBecomePlayer() [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:24] UserDataGate.onGetConnection [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:24] UserDataGate.onGetConnection(): 5595999 [Entity: id:6289 ['accountSimple', 'accountName']] Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:24] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAccount [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:24] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() True 0 0 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:24] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:24] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:24] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4154867632 {('Default', 4284313520L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 13, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:24] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4162207664 {('Default', 4279410608L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 6, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:24] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4163256240 {('Default', 4282556336L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 5, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:24] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q04 {('Default', 4271730608L, 0): 5, ('Default', 4269633456L, 0): 5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u041e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c \u043d\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u041e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c \u043d\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'} [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:24] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4160110512 {'desc': (), ('Resource', 0, 0): 100000} {'taskNumber': 8, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:24] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22468_q03 {('Default', 4263440304L, 0): 5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'} [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:24] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q02 {('Resource', 19, 0): 1, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u041f\u0440\u0435\u043c\u0438\u0443\u043c \u0437\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0443'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u041f\u0440\u0435\u043c\u0438\u0443\u043c \u0437\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0443'} [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:24] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4161159088 {('Default', 4283604912L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 7, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:24] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q01 {('ResourceCoeff', 21, 17): 3.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 30): 6.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 9): 12.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 32): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 10): 3.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 5): 1.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 28): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 14): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 16): 1.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 11): 1.5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'}, 0, 0)} {'type': 'challenge', 'titleText': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'} [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:24] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4167450544 {('Resource', 16, 0): 500, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 1, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:24] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4156964784 {('Resource', 0, 0): 100000, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 11, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:24] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 15 [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:24] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:24] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 15. Boxes contents: [{4288852912L: {(0, 4283622320L): 1}, 4284658608L: {(0, 4274185136L): 1}, 4283610032L: {(0, 4273136560L): 1}, 4289901488L: {(0, 4289913776L): 1}}] [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:24] setServerTime: serverTime=1510418726 time.time()=1510418724.62 gInitialClientTime=10925.1220902 [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:24] initBattleTypes called [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:24] Disabled maps: [] [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:24] getNationForTutorial() CanBeStarted: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:24] StatsProxy.receiveAbuseStatus(): {'battlesToClean': 0, 'statuses': {'tkill': 0}, 'warnings': ()} [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:25] _onChangeTimeOut 156 [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:27] __processDossierStats() client dossier: ['oper', 'pvp', 'oper_mm_tasks_diag', 'pve_diag', 'pvp_diag', 'oper_normal', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'pve', 'oper_mm', 'total', 'oper_normal_tasks_diag', 'max_pve', 'rank_diag', 'max_pvp', 'oper_diag', 'club_diag', 'club', 'max_club', 'clan', 'oper_hard', 'oper_hard_tasks_diag', 'max_clan'] [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:27] AccountLevelingProxy.onGetAccountStats(): (-1, -1) (15, 749011) [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:28] __updateTaskProgress start: {'22470_q01': {}, '22468_q04': {3: {'count': 21750}}} [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:28] __updateTaskProgress start: {'22468_q03': {'count': 1, 3: {'count': 10.0}}, '22468_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 3}}, '22469_q01': {'count': 0}, '21856_q00': {'count': 0}, '22468_q05': {'count': 0}, '22468_q02': {'count': 1, 3: {'count': 549416}}, '22470_q01': {'count': 28}, '22470_q02': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 5}}, '22470_q03': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 463415}, 3: {'count': 15080}, 4: {'count': 96565}}, '22470_q04': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 10}}, '22160_q01': {'count': 0}, '22468_q04': {'count': 0, 3: {'count': 21750}}} [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:28] onGetRankBattlesInfo currentSeason: 7, PlayerInfo: None [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:28] onGetRankDossier() seasonId = 7 Empty [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:28] ---- no data for seasonId: 7 [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:28] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onGetSeasonRules: config False, {'seasonId': 1, 'operations': {4291341232L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 3, 'unlockTime': 1500429600, 'caps': 3}, 4292389808L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1499824800, 'caps': 3}, 4290292656L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1501034400, 'caps': 3}, 4293438384L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1501639200, 'caps': 3}}, 'currentOperationIdx': 1, 'roster': [4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L, 4293438384L], 'startTime': 1499824800, 'seasons': {1: {'operations': [4293438384L, 4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}, 2: {'operations': [], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}}, 'currentRotationTime': 1510106400, 'nextRotationTime': 1510711200, 'stage': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:28] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onLoadProgress: config False, season False, {'operations': {'hard': [], 'normal': [(4287146928L, [1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 0]), (4288195504L, [1509007262, 1509007262, 1509007262, 0, 0, 0]), (4290292656L, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])]}, 'seasons': {'hard': [], 'normal': [(2, 1509007262)]}} [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:28] onClanResponse: response=(1, 0, (430246, (430246, u'FLY', u'FLY', 16777215, u'executive_officer', u'\u0417\u0434\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0443\u0439\u0442\u0435 \u0442\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0449\u0438, \u0443 \u043a\u043e\u0433\u043e \u0435\u0441\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0431\u043b\u0438 10-\u0433\u043e \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u043d\u044f, \u0438 \u0433\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0441\u043e\u0432\u0430\u044f \u0432\u0441\u044f\u0437\u044c \u043d\u0443\u0436\u043d\u043e \u0441\u044b\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d\u043e\u0432\u044b\u0435 \u0431\u043e\u0438 - \u0441\u0442\u0430\u0432\u0442\u0435 + \u043c\u043d\u0435 \u0432 \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443 \u043a\u0442\u043e \u0433\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432', {47518727: {'role': u'private'}, 162314: {'role': u'private'}, 2835342: {'role': u'private'}, 58161041: {'role': u'private'}, 19410835: {'role': u'private'}, 2557718: {'role': u'private'}, 27883543: {'role': u'private'}, 73537307: {'role': u'private'}, 17222686: {'role': u'private'}, 310434: {'role': u'private'}, 11428651: {'role': u'private'}, 2445100: {'role': u'private'}, 7715120: {'role': u'private'}, 69118514: {'role': u'commander'}, 71811251: {'role': u'private'}, 59694238: {'role': u'private'}, 62222528: {'role': u'private'}, 47245249: {'role': u'private'}, 59103429: {'role': u'private'}, 35853511: {'role': u'private'}, 69416610: {'role': u'private'}, 65031124: {'role': u'private'}, 33301518: {'role': u'private'}, 5595999: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 8706534: {'role': u'private'}, 37230: {'role': u'private'}, 1515506: {'role': u'private'}, 71303028: {'role': u'private'}, 5426549: {'role': u'private'}, 22453883: {'role': u'private'}}, {75100162: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3925161}, 75104791: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1901451}, 75104792: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12037438}, 75104793: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47518727}, 75100186: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4688253}, 75100187: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26497012}, 75100188: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 872384}, 75100189: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 16896550}, 75104799: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2557718}, 75100217: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58161041}, 75100219: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36672236}, 75100220: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12445172}, 75100221: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11262324}, 75100086: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71777625}, 75099916: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5426549}, 75088485: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11437327}, 75088488: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86912728}, 75099930: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35480962}, 75099931: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 64096589}, 75104796: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24059614}, 75104797: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5326927}, 75105224: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5163046}, 75115804: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3700101}, 75100858: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65353479}, 75100859: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4549361}, 75100860: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19163627}, 75100862: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 15486060}, 75100864: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24960589}, 75104795: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26571092}, 75101403: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13829345}, 75101405: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2774140}, 75101406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19410835}, 75105005: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2514322}, 75105006: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 6071074}, 75105007: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21765943}, 75105008: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13351014}, 75105009: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10744094}, 75105010: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8213596}, 75105533: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 32758788}, 75105534: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35843415}, 75105535: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19416306}, 75099910: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 22471163}, 75099912: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47356661}, 75099913: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20821811}, 75099914: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 38322742}, 75099915: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 57543888}, 75100940: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1550733}, 75100941: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1431883}, 75100942: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 744012}, 75100943: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 69416610}, 75100944: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36933861}, 75100946: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4337469}, 75115800: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47245249}, 75115801: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2723422}, 75115802: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19050869}, 75115803: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65031124}, 75099932: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5239563}, 75099933: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5564244}, 75105068: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 27883543}, 75099952: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11428651}, 75115830: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 62222528}, 75115831: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8664152}, 75115833: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59103429}, 75115837: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4858560}, 75115840: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 7424262}, 75099461: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 33301518}, 75104134: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 225652}, 75101613: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 162314}, 75101614: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 75991473}, 75100081: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71303028}, 75100082: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79542157}, 75100083: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 76103}, 75100084: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80535214}, 75100085: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5965559}, 75092406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86780640}, 75092407: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 72132668}, 75092409: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65107864}, 75092412: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58685850}, 75104707: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13658244}, 75104708: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 77607300}, 75104710: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79957325}, 75104712: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2809573}, 75105225: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 61831778}, 75105226: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 48512704}, 75105227: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82400346}, 75105229: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59694238}, 75105230: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24318025}, 75105232: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35446652}, 75100114: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21297715}, 75100115: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2636501}, 75100116: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 23508047}, 75100117: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4104445}, 75100156: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65362617}, 75113469: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 17222686}, 75100158: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20158906}, 75113467: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1207353}, 75113468: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80938462}, 75100157: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82347121}, 75113470: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8706534}, 75113471: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4261263}}, 30, 30, None))) [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:28] ClanProxy.onClanResponse(): 1 (430246, (430246, u'FLY', u'FLY', 16777215, u'executive_officer', u'\u0417\u0434\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0443\u0439\u0442\u0435 \u0442\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0449\u0438, \u0443 \u043a\u043e\u0433\u043e \u0435\u0441\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0431\u043b\u0438 10-\u0433\u043e \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u043d\u044f, \u0438 \u0433\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0441\u043e\u0432\u0430\u044f \u0432\u0441\u044f\u0437\u044c \u043d\u0443\u0436\u043d\u043e \u0441\u044b\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d\u043e\u0432\u044b\u0435 \u0431\u043e\u0438 - \u0441\u0442\u0430\u0432\u0442\u0435 + \u043c\u043d\u0435 \u0432 \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443 \u043a\u0442\u043e \u0433\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432', {47518727: {'role': u'private'}, 162314: {'role': u'private'}, 2835342: {'role': u'private'}, 58161041: {'role': u'private'}, 19410835: {'role': u'private'}, 2557718: {'role': u'private'}, 27883543: {'role': u'private'}, 73537307: {'role': u'private'}, 17222686: {'role': u'private'}, 310434: {'role': u'private'}, 11428651: {'role': u'private'}, 2445100: {'role': u'private'}, 7715120: {'role': u'private'}, 69118514: {'role': u'commander'}, 71811251: {'role': u'private'}, 59694238: {'role': u'private'}, 62222528: {'role': u'private'}, 47245249: {'role': u'private'}, 59103429: {'role': u'private'}, 35853511: {'role': u'private'}, 69416610: {'role': u'private'}, 65031124: {'role': u'private'}, 33301518: {'role': u'private'}, 5595999: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 8706534: {'role': u'private'}, 37230: {'role': u'private'}, 1515506: {'role': u'private'}, 71303028: {'role': u'private'}, 5426549: {'role': u'private'}, 22453883: {'role': u'private'}}, {75100162: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3925161}, 75104791: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1901451}, 75104792: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12037438}, 75104793: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47518727}, 75100186: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4688253}, 75100187: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26497012}, 75100188: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 872384}, 75100189: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 16896550}, 75104799: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2557718}, 75100217: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58161041}, 75100219: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36672236}, 75100220: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12445172}, 75100221: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11262324}, 75100086: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71777625}, 75099916: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5426549}, 75088485: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11437327}, 75088488: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86912728}, 75099930: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35480962}, 75099931: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 64096589}, 75104796: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24059614}, 75104797: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5326927}, 75105224: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5163046}, 75115804: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3700101}, 75100858: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65353479}, 75100859: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4549361}, 75100860: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19163627}, 75100862: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 15486060}, 75100864: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24960589}, 75104795: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26571092}, 75101403: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13829345}, 75101405: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2774140}, 75101406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19410835}, 75105005: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2514322}, 75105006: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 6071074}, 75105007: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21765943}, 75105008: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13351014}, 75105009: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10744094}, 75105010: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8213596}, 75105533: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 32758788}, 75105534: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35843415}, 75105535: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19416306}, 75099910: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 22471163}, 75099912: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47356661}, 75099913: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20821811}, 75099914: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 38322742}, 75099915: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 57543888}, 75100940: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1550733}, 75100941: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1431883}, 75100942: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 744012}, 75100943: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 69416610}, 75100944: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36933861}, 75100946: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4337469}, 75115800: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47245249}, 75115801: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2723422}, 75115802: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19050869}, 75115803: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65031124}, 75099932: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5239563}, 75099933: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5564244}, 75105068: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 27883543}, 75099952: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11428651}, 75115830: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 62222528}, 75115831: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8664152}, 75115833: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59103429}, 75115837: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4858560}, 75115840: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 7424262}, 75099461: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 33301518}, 75104134: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 225652}, 75101613: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 162314}, 75101614: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 75991473}, 75100081: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71303028}, 75100082: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79542157}, 75100083: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 76103}, 75100084: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80535214}, 75100085: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5965559}, 75092406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86780640}, 75092407: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 72132668}, 75092409: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65107864}, 75092412: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58685850}, 75104707: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13658244}, 75104708: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 77607300}, 75104710: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79957325}, 75104712: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2809573}, 75105225: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 61831778}, 75105226: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 48512704}, 75105227: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82400346}, 75105229: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59694238}, 75105230: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24318025}, 75105232: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35446652}, 75100114: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21297715}, 75100115: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2636501}, 75100116: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 23508047}, 75100117: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4104445}, 75100156: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65362617}, 75113469: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 17222686}, 75100158: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20158906}, 75113467: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1207353}, 75113468: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80938462}, 75100157: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82347121}, 75113470: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8706534}, 75113471: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4261263}}, 30, 30, None)) [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:28] ClanProxy.__onGetMyClan: False (430246, (430246, u'FLY', u'FLY', 16777215, u'executive_officer', u'\u0417\u0434\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0443\u0439\u0442\u0435 \u0442\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0449\u0438, \u0443 \u043a\u043e\u0433\u043e \u0435\u0441\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0431\u043b\u0438 10-\u0433\u043e \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u043d\u044f, \u0438 \u0433\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0441\u043e\u0432\u0430\u044f \u0432\u0441\u044f\u0437\u044c \u043d\u0443\u0436\u043d\u043e \u0441\u044b\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d\u043e\u0432\u044b\u0435 \u0431\u043e\u0438 - \u0441\u0442\u0430\u0432\u0442\u0435 + \u043c\u043d\u0435 \u0432 \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443 \u043a\u0442\u043e \u0433\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432', {47518727: {'role': u'private'}, 162314: {'role': u'private'}, 2835342: {'role': u'private'}, 58161041: {'role': u'private'}, 19410835: {'role': u'private'}, 2557718: {'role': u'private'}, 27883543: {'role': u'private'}, 73537307: {'role': u'private'}, 17222686: {'role': u'private'}, 310434: {'role': u'private'}, 11428651: {'role': u'private'}, 2445100: {'role': u'private'}, 7715120: {'role': u'private'}, 69118514: {'role': u'commander'}, 71811251: {'role': u'private'}, 59694238: {'role': u'private'}, 62222528: {'role': u'private'}, 47245249: {'role': u'private'}, 59103429: {'role': u'private'}, 35853511: {'role': u'private'}, 69416610: {'role': u'private'}, 65031124: {'role': u'private'}, 33301518: {'role': u'private'}, 5595999: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 8706534: {'role': u'private'}, 37230: {'role': u'private'}, 1515506: {'role': u'private'}, 71303028: {'role': u'private'}, 5426549: {'role': u'private'}, 22453883: {'role': u'private'}}, {75100162: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3925161}, 75104791: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1901451}, 75104792: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12037438}, 75104793: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47518727}, 75100186: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4688253}, 75100187: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26497012}, 75100188: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 872384}, 75100189: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 16896550}, 75104799: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2557718}, 75100217: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58161041}, 75100219: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36672236}, 75100220: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12445172}, 75100221: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11262324}, 75100086: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71777625}, 75099916: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5426549}, 75088485: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11437327}, 75088488: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86912728}, 75099930: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35480962}, 75099931: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 64096589}, 75104796: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24059614}, 75104797: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5326927}, 75105224: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5163046}, 75115804: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3700101}, 75100858: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65353479}, 75100859: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4549361}, 75100860: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19163627}, 75100862: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 15486060}, 75100864: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24960589}, 75104795: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26571092}, 75101403: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13829345}, 75101405: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2774140}, 75101406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19410835}, 75105005: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2514322}, 75105006: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 6071074}, 75105007: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21765943}, 75105008: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13351014}, 75105009: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10744094}, 75105010: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8213596}, 75105533: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 32758788}, 75105534: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35843415}, 75105535: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19416306}, 75099910: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 22471163}, 75099912: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47356661}, 75099913: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20821811}, 75099914: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 38322742}, 75099915: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 57543888}, 75100940: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1550733}, 75100941: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1431883}, 75100942: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 744012}, 75100943: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 69416610}, 75100944: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36933861}, 75100946: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4337469}, 75115800: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47245249}, 75115801: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2723422}, 75115802: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19050869}, 75115803: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65031124}, 75099932: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5239563}, 75099933: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5564244}, 75105068: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 27883543}, 75099952: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11428651}, 75115830: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 62222528}, 75115831: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8664152}, 75115833: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59103429}, 75115837: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4858560}, 75115840: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 7424262}, 75099461: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 33301518}, 75104134: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 225652}, 75101613: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 162314}, 75101614: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 75991473}, 75100081: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71303028}, 75100082: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79542157}, 75100083: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 76103}, 75100084: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80535214}, 75100085: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5965559}, 75092406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86780640}, 75092407: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 72132668}, 75092409: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65107864}, 75092412: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58685850}, 75104707: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13658244}, 75104708: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 77607300}, 75104710: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79957325}, 75104712: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2809573}, 75105225: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 61831778}, 75105226: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 48512704}, 75105227: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82400346}, 75105229: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59694238}, 75105230: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24318025}, 75105232: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35446652}, 75100114: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21297715}, 75100115: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2636501}, 75100116: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 23508047}, 75100117: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4104445}, 75100156: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65362617}, 75113469: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 17222686}, 75100158: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20158906}, 75113467: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1207353}, 75113468: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80938462}, 75100157: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82347121}, 75113470: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8706534}, 75113471: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4261263}}, 30, 30, None)) [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:29] [CampaignsCommon] onLoadedDump: loaded campaign params and player; countActiveTasks 1; data ({4290690992L: (False, True, False), 4293836720L: (True, 0, True), 4291739568L: (False, True, False), 4288593840L: (True, 0, True), 4289642416L: (False, True, False), 4292788144L: (True, 0, True)}, {4291739568L: [1, 0], 4293836720L: [1, 1], 4289642416L: [1, 0], 4288593840L: [1, 0], 4290690992L: [1, 0], 4292788144L: [1, 0]}, {4251566000L: [2, 0, 0], 4285120432L: [4, 15, 8], 4287217584L: [4, 12, 7], 4288266160L: [4, 10, 7], 4290363312L: [4, 10, 5], 4292460464L: [4, 6, 8], 4293509040L: [5, 5, 9], 4286169008L: [4, 15, 8], 4263100336L: [2, 0, 0], 4289314736L: [4, 10, 6], 4283023280L: [2, 0, 0], 4272537520L: [2, 0, 0], 4241080240L: [2, 0, 0], 4291411888L: [4, 7, 7]}, {4193664944L: (5, True, 0), 4280696752L: (5, True, 0), 4255530928L: (5, True, 0), 4187373488L: (1, False, 0), 4224073648L: (5, True, 0), 4164304816L: (1, False, 0), 4130750384L: (1, False, 0), 4167450544L: (5, True, 0), 4204150704L: (5, True, 0), 4240850864L: (1, False, 0), 4277551024L: (5, True, 0), 4184227760L: (1, False, 0), 4220927920L: (5, True, 0), 4257628080L: (5, True, 0), 4198907824L: (5, True, 0), 4237705136L: (5, True, 0), 3904257968L: (1, False, 0), 4274405296L: (1, False, 0), 3977658288L: (1, False, 0), 4181082032L: (5, True, 0), 4254482352L: (1, False, 0), 4291182512L: (5, True, 0), 3897966512L: (1, False, 0), 4161159088L: (5, True, 0), 4197859248L: (1, False, 0), 3901112240L: (1, False, 0), 3974512560L: (1, False, 0), 4177936304L: (1, False, 0), 4214636464L: (1, False, 0), 4251336624L: (5, True, 0), 4288036784L: (5, True, 0), 4133896112L: (1, False, 0), 4194713520L: (5, True, 0), 4174790576L: (5, True, 0), 4081467312L: (0, False, 0), 4284891056L: (5, True, 0), 4190519216L: (1, False, 0), 4227219376L: (1, False, 0), 4252385200L: (5, True, 0), 4228267952L: (1, False, 0), 4134944688L: (1, False, 0), 4171644848L: (5, True, 0), 4208345008L: (1, False, 0), 4245045168L: (5, True, 0), 4281745328L: (5, True, 0), 4158013360L: (1, False, 0), 4188422064L: (1, False, 0), 4225122224L: (1, False, 0), 4203102128L: (5, True, 0), 4261822384L: (1, False, 0), 4131798960L: (1, False, 0), 4205199280L: (5, True, 0), 4241899440L: (5, True, 0), 4278599600L: (5, True, 0), 4192616368L: (5, True, 0), 4221976496L: (5, True, 0), 4258676656L: (1, False, 0), 3902160816L: (1, False, 0), 4128653232L: (0, False, 0), 4165353392L: (3, False, 6.0), 4238753712L: (1, False, 0), 3905306544L: (1, False, 0), 4275453872L: (1, False, 0), 3978706864L: (1, False, 0), 4182130608L: (5, True, 0), 4292231088L: (5, True, 0), 4154867632L: (5, True, 0), 4162207664L: (5, True, 0), 3975561136L: (1, False, 0), 4215685040L: (5, True, 0), 4289085360L: (5, True, 0), 4159061936L: (1, False, 0), 3971366832L: (1, False, 0), 4195762096L: (5, True, 0), 3899015088L: (1, False, 0), 3972415408L: (1, False, 0), 4212539312L: (1, False, 0), 4082515888L: (1, False, 0), 4285939632L: (5, True, 0), 4155916208L: (1, False, 0), 4260773808L: (5, True, 0), 4207296432L: (1, False, 0), 4229316528L: (5, True, 0), 3895869360L: (0, False, 0), 4135993264L: (1, False, 0), 4172693424L: (5, True, 0), 4209393584L: (5, True, 0), 4246093744L: (1, False, 0), 4282793904L: (5, True, 0), 4160110512L: (5, True, 0), 4226170800L: (1, False, 0), 4191567792L: (5, True, 0), 4132847536L: (1, False, 0), 4189470640L: (1, False, 0), 4206247856L: (5, True, 0), 4242948016L: (1, False, 0), 4279648176L: (5, True, 0), 4186324912L: (5, True, 0), 4223025072L: (1, False, 0), 4259725232L: (1, False, 0), 4175839152L: (1, False, 0), 4129701808L: (1, False, 0), 4166401968L: (1, False, 0), 4239802288L: (1, False, 0), 4276502448L: (5, True, 0), 4183179184L: (1, False, 0), 4219879344L: (5, True, 0), 4256579504L: (5, True, 0), 4293279664L: (5, True, 0), 4243996592L: (1, False, 0), 4163256240L: (5, True, 0), 4153819056L: (1, False, 0), 4236656560L: (5, True, 0), 3903209392L: (1, False, 0), 4273356720L: (5, True, 0), 3976609712L: (1, False, 0), 4180033456L: (5, True, 0), 4253433776L: (5, True, 0), 4290133936L: (5, True, 0), 4211490736L: (1, False, 0), 4196810672L: (1, False, 0), 3900063664L: (1, False, 0), 3973463984L: (1, False, 0), 4176887728L: (5, True, 0), 4213587888L: (5, True, 0), 4083564464L: (1, False, 0), 4286988208L: (5, True, 0), 4156964784L: (5, True, 0), 4178984880L: (1, False, 0), 4230365104L: (5, True, 0), 4063641520L: (0, False, 0), 3896917936L: (1, False, 0), 3970318256L: (0, False, 0), 4173742000L: (5, True, 0), 4210442160L: (1, False, 0), 4247142320L: (5, True, 0)}) [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:29] ClanProxy.onGetClanBattles {'seasonId': 1, 'finishTime': 1513713600.0, 'primeTimes': {2: (57600, 68400), 3: (57600, 68400), 5: (57600, 68400), 6: (57600, 68400)}, 'shipLevelMax': 10, 'shipLevelMin': 10, 'startTime': 1508310000.0, 'promoTime': 1508310000.0, 'stage': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:31] >>> DockProxy.receiveState [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:31] Unlocks.receiveState [] [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:32] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 10037, 'boughtToday': 2, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1510444800.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:32] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 10037, 'boughtToday': 2, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1510444800.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:32] PVEScriptsProxyCommon.createPVEState() [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:32] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onGetSeasonRules: config True, {'seasonId': 1, 'operations': {4291341232L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 3, 'unlockTime': 1500429600, 'caps': 3}, 4292389808L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1499824800, 'caps': 3}, 4290292656L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1501034400, 'caps': 3}, 4293438384L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1501639200, 'caps': 3}}, 'currentOperationIdx': 1, 'roster': [4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L, 4293438384L], 'startTime': 1499824800, 'seasons': {1: {'operations': [4293438384L, 4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}, 2: {'operations': [], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}}, 'currentRotationTime': 1510106400, 'nextRotationTime': 1510711200, 'stage': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:32] [4181898160L, 4180849584L] [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:32] [4181898160L, 4180849584L] [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:32] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onLoadProgress: config True, season True, {'operations': {'hard': [], 'normal': [(4287146928L, [1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 0]), (4288195504L, [1509007262, 1509007262, 1509007262, 0, 0, 0]), (4290292656L, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])]}, 'seasons': {'hard': [], 'normal': [(2, 1509007262)]}} [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:32] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] _updateOperationCompleted: 4287146928 normal [1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 0] [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:32] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] _updateOperationCompleted: 4288195504 normal [1509007262, 1509007262, 1509007262, 0, 0, 0] [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:32] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] _updateOperationCompleted: 4290292656 normal [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:32] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] _updateSeasonCompleted: 2 normal 1509007262 [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:32] onClanResponse: response=(6, 0, {'league': 4, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 430246, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division_rating': 0, 'stage': 'league'}) [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:32] ClanProxy.onClanResponse(): 6 {'league': 4, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 430246, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division_rating': 0, 'stage': 'league'} [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:32] ClanDataHubUtils.addLadderInfo: {'league': 4, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 430246, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division_rating': 0, 'stage': 'league'} [E] [2017_11_11 19:45:32] Can only call base methods on the connected entity [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:32] onGameRoomStateInit mapIdx = 29 battleType = 80 gameMode = StandDom duration=1200 [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:32] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:32] GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:33] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Login, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:33] Avatar.receiveAvatarInfo: {'evaluationsLeft': {0: 7, 1: 7}} [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:33] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAvatar [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:33] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() False 0 0 0 [E] [2017_11_11 19:45:33] Entity::enterWorld: Got entity 1360788 before carrying vehicle 1360789 (going into limbo) [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:33] Avatar.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:33] name Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:33] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:33] Avatar onControlled False [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:33] onControlled->False: not implemented [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:33] onGeometryMapped() MapName: 46_Estuary [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:33] teamBuildType: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:33] player: Id: 537057925 Name: __Phoenix____ TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSD505_Okhotnik_1917 avatarId: 1360766 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:33] player: Id: 537267465 Name: Greenzle TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSC105_Emile_Bertin avatarId: 1360758 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:33] player: Id: 537140108 Name: krup__15 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSC106_La_Galissonniere avatarId: 1360760 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:33] player: Id: 537144335 Name: ustasssss TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSB006_Fuso_1943 avatarId: 1360762 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:33] player: Id: 310163 Name: sergey231_1 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSC106_Pr_94_Budeny avatarId: 1360764 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:33] player: Id: 537107717 Name: mrSergey328 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PBSB107_King_George_V avatarId: 1360756 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:33] player: Id: 537245990 Name: trend1000 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASD005_Farragut_1944 avatarId: 1360768 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:33] player: Id: 283687 Name: andrei_1979_ TeamId: 1 ShipName: PBSC106_Leander avatarId: 1360770 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:33] player: Id: 59946 Name: klin_2017 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB034_New_Mexico_1941 avatarId: 1360772 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:33] player: Id: 355757 Name: kolayn_545 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASD006_Mahan_1936 avatarId: 1360774 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:33] player: Id: 537080250 Name: SmileJack TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSC506_Admiral_Graf_Spee avatarId: 1360776 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:33] player: Id: 242126 Name: Fishka_3 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSD107_Akatsuki avatarId: 1360778 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:33] player: Id: 537223375 Name: HEGNI_1 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSC105_Emile_Bertin avatarId: 1360780 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:33] player: Id: 537171282 Name: vip_luba131 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSC007_Aoba_1943 avatarId: 1360782 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:33] player: Id: 537288414 Name: Vorlonus TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSD505_Okhotnik_1917 avatarId: 1360784 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:33] player: Id: 537308258 Name: ptiyhka TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSC105_Kirov avatarId: 1360786 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:33] player: Id: 537297764 Name: Tier099 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSB007_Kongo_1942 avatarId: 1360788 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:33] player: Id: 365222 Name: Likan_Vigo TeamId: 1 ShipName: PBSB107_King_George_V avatarId: 1360790 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:33] player: Id: 214506 Name: N0leg TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSC106_Pr_94_Budeny avatarId: 1360792 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:33] player: Id: 536976493 Name: LE_FS TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSB705_Kongou avatarId: 1360794 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:33] player: Id: 288628 Name: SHKVAL_F TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB008_Colorado_1945 avatarId: 1360796 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:33] player: Id: 367862 Name: Chromiym TeamId: 0 ShipName: PBSB105_Iron_Duke avatarId: 1360798 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:33] player: Id: 322040 Name: _Autopsist_ TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSC106_Pr_94_Budeny avatarId: 1360800 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:33] player: Id: 537267455 Name: YuriiZLO TeamId: 0 ShipName: PBSB107_King_George_V avatarId: 1370802 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:33] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537364508, 0, 1, 1370802, 1510418582805L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:33] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537364508: PreBattleInfo: id: 537364508, occupied: 1, sign: 0, ownerId 1370802, creationTime 1510418582805, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:33] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537364357, 0, 0, 1360788, 1510418378509L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:33] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537364508: PreBattleInfo: id: 537364508, occupied: 1, sign: 0, ownerId 1370802, creationTime 1510418582805, hidden False, locked False , 537364357: PreBattleInfo: id: 537364357, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1360788, creationTime 1510418378509, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:33] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537364357, 0, 0, 1360788, 1510418378509L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:33] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537364508: PreBattleInfo: id: 537364508, occupied: 1, sign: 0, ownerId 1370802, creationTime 1510418582805, hidden False, locked False , 537364357: PreBattleInfo: id: 537364357, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1360788, creationTime 1510418378509, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:33] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537364357, 0, 0, 1360788, 1510418378509L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:33] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537364508: PreBattleInfo: id: 537364508, occupied: 1, sign: 0, ownerId 1370802, creationTime 1510418582805, hidden False, locked False , 537364357: PreBattleInfo: id: 537364357, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1360788, creationTime 1510418378509, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:33] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537364357, 0, 0, 1360788, 1510418378509L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:33] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537364508: PreBattleInfo: id: 537364508, occupied: 1, sign: 0, ownerId 1370802, creationTime 1510418582805, hidden False, locked False , 537364357: PreBattleInfo: id: 537364357, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1360788, creationTime 1510418378509, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:33] Avatar.enterPrebattle [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:33] [Weather][6027] onEnterWorld (map spaces/46_Estuary/weathers.xml, scheme 0, weather 0) [E] [2017_11_11 19:45:33] Entity::onEnterWorld: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'getComponent' () [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:33] Unhandled python exception: {'NoneType' object has no attribute 'getComponent'[(25336436762870626,140,19899644939820)(25336436762870626,308,74865844586)(25336436762870626,37,38444369737775)]} [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:33] (, 39965384947628, 149): 1360754; BattleLogic() [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:33] (, 39965384947628, 149): 1360754; onEnterWorld() State: {attentionMarkers: [], clientAnimations: None, controlPoints: [{position: [0.0, 230.0], radius: 167.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 5, timerName: '', teamId: 0, progress: [0.0, 180.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [-0.00060299999313429, -230.00030517578125], radius: 167.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 5, timerName: '', teamId: 1, progress: [0.0, 180.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}], entityStates: [], expectedActions: None, interactiveZones: [], weather: {globalWeatherId: 1360755, localWeather: [], entityLogicParams: []}, keyObjects: [], missions: {hold: [{reward: 2, penalty: 0, cpIndices: [0, 1], period: 6}], capture: [{reward: 1000, penalty: 0, cpIndices: [0, 1]}], destroy: [], suppress: [], kill: [{reward: 30, penalty: 45, shipType: 'Destroyer'}, {reward: 35, penalty: 50, shipType: 'Cruiser'}, {reward: 40, penalty: 60, shipType: 'Battleship'}, {reward: 45, penalty: 65, shipType: 'AirCarrier'}], teamsScore: [434, 334], teamWinScore: 1000, teamLoseScore: 0}, resources: [], successStoryProgress: [], screenplayMessage: '', tasks: [], minefields: [], entities: [], effects: []} [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:33] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:33] BattleDataContext.__onEnterSpace [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:33] -= BATTLE STARTED =- [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:33] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:36] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:38] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:46] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:46] id 1360781 [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:46] name HEGNI_1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:46] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:46] @ launchpadAppeared 1360781 [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:48] id 1360797 [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:48] name SHKVAL_F [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:48] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:48] @ launchpadAppeared 1360797 [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:48] id 1360789 [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:48] name Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:48] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:48] @ launchpadAppeared 1360789 [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:48] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:48] Avatar.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:48] ! A.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:48] BoardService.init [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:48] @ launchpadAppeared 1360789 [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:48] BattleDataContext.__onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:48] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:48] id 1360769 [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:48] name trend1000 [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:48] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:48] id 1360779 [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:48] name Fishka_3 [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:48] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:49] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:49] id 1360759 [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:49] name Greenzle [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:49] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:49] @ launchpadAppeared 1360759 [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:49] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:49] id 1360773 [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:49] name klin_2017 [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:49] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:49] @ launchpadAppeared 1360773 [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:49] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:49] id 1370801 [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:49] name _Autopsist_ [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:49] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:49] @ launchpadAppeared 1370801 [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:49] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:49] id 1360785 [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:49] name Vorlonus [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:49] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:49] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:49] id 1370803 [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:49] name YuriiZLO [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:49] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:49] @ launchpadAppeared 1370803 [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:49] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:49] id 1360793 [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:49] name N0leg [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:49] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:49] @ launchpadAppeared 1360793 [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:49] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:49] id 1360799 [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:49] name Chromiym [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:49] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:49] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:49] id 1360763 [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:49] name ustasssss [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:49] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:49] @ launchpadAppeared 1360763 [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:50] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537364508, 0, 0, 1370802, 1510418582805L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:50] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537364508: PreBattleInfo: id: 537364508, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1370802, creationTime 1510418582805, hidden False, locked False , 537364357: PreBattleInfo: id: 537364357, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1360788, creationTime 1510418378509, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:50] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537364508, 0, 0, 1370802, 1510418582805L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:50] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537364508: PreBattleInfo: id: 537364508, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1370802, creationTime 1510418582805, hidden False, locked False , 537364357: PreBattleInfo: id: 537364357, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1360788, creationTime 1510418378509, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:50] id 1360791 [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:50] name Likan_Vigo [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:50] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:50] @ launchpadAppeared 1360791 [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:50] id 1360765 [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:50] name sergey231_1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:50] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:50] @ launchpadAppeared 1360765 [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:50] id 1360771 [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:50] name andrei_1979_ [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:50] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:50] @ launchpadAppeared 1360771 [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:50] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:50] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:50] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:51] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:51] id 1360787 [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:51] name ptiyhka [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:51] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:54] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:54] id 1360777 [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:54] name SmileJack [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:54] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:54] @ launchpadAppeared 1360777 [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:54] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:54] id 1360761 [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:54] name krup__15 [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:54] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:54] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 19:45:54] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 19:46:03] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 19:46:06] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:46:06] id 1360777 [S] [2017_11_11 19:46:06] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:46:11] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:46:11] id 1360775 [S] [2017_11_11 19:46:11] name kolayn_545 [S] [2017_11_11 19:46:11] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:46:12] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:46:12] id 1360777 [S] [2017_11_11 19:46:12] name SmileJack [S] [2017_11_11 19:46:12] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:46:12] @ launchpadAppeared 1360777 [S] [2017_11_11 19:46:12] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 19:46:12] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 19:46:12] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:46:12] id 1360799 [S] [2017_11_11 19:46:14] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:46:14] id 1360775 [S] [2017_11_11 19:46:16] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:46:16] id 1360767 [S] [2017_11_11 19:46:16] name __Phoenix____ [S] [2017_11_11 19:46:16] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:46:17] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:46:17] id 1360799 [S] [2017_11_11 19:46:17] name Chromiym [S] [2017_11_11 19:46:17] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:46:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:46:18] id 1360787 [S] [2017_11_11 19:46:18] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 19:46:20] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:46:20] id 1360777 [S] [2017_11_11 19:46:20] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:46:22] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:46:22] id 1360767 [S] [2017_11_11 19:46:24] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:46:24] id 1360777 [S] [2017_11_11 19:46:24] name SmileJack [S] [2017_11_11 19:46:24] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:46:24] @ launchpadAppeared 1360777 [S] [2017_11_11 19:46:24] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 19:46:24] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 19:46:25] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:46:25] id 1360767 [S] [2017_11_11 19:46:25] name __Phoenix____ [S] [2017_11_11 19:46:25] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:46:32] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:46:32] id 1360787 [S] [2017_11_11 19:46:32] name ptiyhka [S] [2017_11_11 19:46:32] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:46:32] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:46:32] id 1360799 [S] [2017_11_11 19:46:33] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:46:33] id 1370803 [S] [2017_11_11 19:46:33] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:46:33] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:46:33] id 1360799 [S] [2017_11_11 19:46:33] name Chromiym [S] [2017_11_11 19:46:33] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:46:34] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:46:34] id 1360799 [S] [2017_11_11 19:46:36] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 19:46:36] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:46:38] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:46:38] id 1360799 [S] [2017_11_11 19:46:38] name Chromiym [S] [2017_11_11 19:46:38] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:46:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:46:40] id 1360767 [S] [2017_11_11 19:46:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:46:40] id 1360761 [S] [2017_11_11 19:46:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:46:51] id 1360777 [S] [2017_11_11 19:46:51] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:46:52] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:46:52] id 1360761 [S] [2017_11_11 19:46:52] name krup__15 [S] [2017_11_11 19:46:52] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:46:55] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:46:55] id 1360761 [S] [2017_11_11 19:46:56] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:46:56] id 1360757 [S] [2017_11_11 19:46:56] name mrSergey328 [S] [2017_11_11 19:46:56] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:46:56] @ launchpadAppeared 1360757 [S] [2017_11_11 19:46:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:46:57] id 1360767 [S] [2017_11_11 19:46:57] name __Phoenix____ [S] [2017_11_11 19:46:57] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:46:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:46:57] id 1370803 [S] [2017_11_11 19:46:57] name YuriiZLO [S] [2017_11_11 19:46:57] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:46:57] @ launchpadAppeared 1370803 [S] [2017_11_11 19:46:57] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:46:57] id 1360773 [S] [2017_11_11 19:46:57] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:47:03] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 19:47:04] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:47:04] id 1360773 [S] [2017_11_11 19:47:04] name klin_2017 [S] [2017_11_11 19:47:04] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:47:04] @ launchpadAppeared 1360773 [S] [2017_11_11 19:47:06] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:47:06] id 1360783 [S] [2017_11_11 19:47:06] name vip_luba131 [S] [2017_11_11 19:47:06] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:47:06] @ launchpadAppeared 1360783 [S] [2017_11_11 19:47:07] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:47:07] id 1360795 [S] [2017_11_11 19:47:07] name LE_FS [S] [2017_11_11 19:47:07] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:47:07] @ launchpadAppeared 1360795 [S] [2017_11_11 19:47:08] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:47:08] id 1360757 [S] [2017_11_11 19:47:08] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:47:09] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:47:09] id 1360783 [S] [2017_11_11 19:47:09] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:47:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:47:11] id 1360767 [S] [2017_11_11 19:47:14] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:47:14] id 1360777 [S] [2017_11_11 19:47:14] name SmileJack [S] [2017_11_11 19:47:14] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:47:14] @ launchpadAppeared 1360777 [S] [2017_11_11 19:47:14] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 19:47:14] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 19:47:15] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:47:15] id 1360783 [S] [2017_11_11 19:47:15] name vip_luba131 [S] [2017_11_11 19:47:15] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:47:15] @ launchpadAppeared 1360783 [S] [2017_11_11 19:47:17] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:47:17] id 1360775 [S] [2017_11_11 19:47:17] name kolayn_545 [S] [2017_11_11 19:47:17] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:47:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:47:18] id 1360795 [S] [2017_11_11 19:47:18] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:47:20] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:47:20] id 1360757 [S] [2017_11_11 19:47:20] name mrSergey328 [S] [2017_11_11 19:47:20] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:47:20] @ launchpadAppeared 1360757 [S] [2017_11_11 19:47:21] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:47:21] id 1360795 [S] [2017_11_11 19:47:21] name LE_FS [S] [2017_11_11 19:47:21] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:47:21] @ launchpadAppeared 1360795 [S] [2017_11_11 19:47:26] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 19:47:28] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 19:47:32] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 19:47:32] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 19:47:32] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 19:47:35] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:47:35] id 1360783 [S] [2017_11_11 19:47:35] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:47:39] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 19:47:39] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:47:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:47:40] id 1360757 [S] [2017_11_11 19:47:40] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:47:41] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:47:41] id 1370803 [S] [2017_11_11 19:47:41] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:47:41] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:47:41] id 1360799 [S] [2017_11_11 19:47:44] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:47:44] id 1360799 [S] [2017_11_11 19:47:44] name Chromiym [S] [2017_11_11 19:47:44] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:47:57] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:47:57] id 1360799 [S] [2017_11_11 19:47:58] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:47:58] id 1360757 [S] [2017_11_11 19:47:58] name mrSergey328 [S] [2017_11_11 19:47:58] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:47:58] @ launchpadAppeared 1360757 [S] [2017_11_11 19:47:59] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 19:47:59] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:48:00] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:48:00] id 1360787 [S] [2017_11_11 19:48:01] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:48:01] id 1360767 [S] [2017_11_11 19:48:01] name __Phoenix____ [S] [2017_11_11 19:48:01] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:48:02] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:48:02] id 1360799 [S] [2017_11_11 19:48:02] name Chromiym [S] [2017_11_11 19:48:02] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:48:03] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:48:03] id 1360775 [S] [2017_11_11 19:48:08] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:48:08] id 1360795 [S] [2017_11_11 19:48:08] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:48:09] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:48:09] id 1360787 [S] [2017_11_11 19:48:09] name ptiyhka [S] [2017_11_11 19:48:09] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:48:09] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:48:09] id 1360795 [S] [2017_11_11 19:48:09] name LE_FS [S] [2017_11_11 19:48:09] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:48:09] @ launchpadAppeared 1360795 [S] [2017_11_11 19:48:09] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:48:09] id 1360761 [S] [2017_11_11 19:48:09] name krup__15 [S] [2017_11_11 19:48:09] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:48:13] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:48:13] id 1360767 [S] [2017_11_11 19:48:15] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:48:15] id 1360761 [S] [2017_11_11 19:48:19] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:48:19] id 1360757 [S] [2017_11_11 19:48:19] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:48:25] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 19:48:25] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 19:48:25] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 19:48:27] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:48:27] id 1360761 [S] [2017_11_11 19:48:27] name krup__15 [S] [2017_11_11 19:48:27] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:48:31] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:48:31] id 1360795 [S] [2017_11_11 19:48:31] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:48:33] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:48:33] id 1360757 [S] [2017_11_11 19:48:33] name mrSergey328 [S] [2017_11_11 19:48:33] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:48:33] @ launchpadAppeared 1360757 [S] [2017_11_11 19:48:36] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:48:36] id 1360787 [S] [2017_11_11 19:48:37] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:48:37] id 1360787 [S] [2017_11_11 19:48:37] name ptiyhka [S] [2017_11_11 19:48:37] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:48:38] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:48:38] id 1360783 [S] [2017_11_11 19:48:38] name vip_luba131 [S] [2017_11_11 19:48:38] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:48:38] @ launchpadAppeared 1360783 [S] [2017_11_11 19:48:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:48:40] id 1360783 [S] [2017_11_11 19:48:40] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:48:42] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:48:42] id 1360795 [S] [2017_11_11 19:48:42] name LE_FS [S] [2017_11_11 19:48:42] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:48:42] @ launchpadAppeared 1360795 [S] [2017_11_11 19:48:47] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:48:47] id 1360783 [S] [2017_11_11 19:48:47] name vip_luba131 [S] [2017_11_11 19:48:47] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:48:47] @ launchpadAppeared 1360783 [S] [2017_11_11 19:48:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:48:50] id 1360787 [S] [2017_11_11 19:48:52] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 19:48:52] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:49:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:49:02] id 1360783 [S] [2017_11_11 19:49:02] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:49:04] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:49:04] id 1360775 [S] [2017_11_11 19:49:04] name kolayn_545 [S] [2017_11_11 19:49:04] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:49:05] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:49:05] id 1370803 [S] [2017_11_11 19:49:05] name YuriiZLO [S] [2017_11_11 19:49:05] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:49:05] @ launchpadAppeared 1370803 [S] [2017_11_11 19:49:06] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:49:06] id 1360783 [S] [2017_11_11 19:49:06] name vip_luba131 [S] [2017_11_11 19:49:06] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:49:06] @ launchpadAppeared 1360783 [S] [2017_11_11 19:49:07] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 19:49:07] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:49:10] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 19:49:14] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:49:14] id 1360761 [S] [2017_11_11 19:49:15] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:49:15] id 1360783 [S] [2017_11_11 19:49:15] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:49:15] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537364508, 0, 0, 1370802, 1510418582805L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 19:49:15] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537364508: PreBattleInfo: id: 537364508, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1370802, creationTime 1510418582805, hidden False, locked False , 537364357: PreBattleInfo: id: 537364357, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1360788, creationTime 1510418378509, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 19:49:24] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 19:49:24] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 19:49:36] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:49:36] id 1360787 [S] [2017_11_11 19:49:36] name ptiyhka [S] [2017_11_11 19:49:36] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:49:39] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:49:39] id 1360787 [S] [2017_11_11 19:49:44] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:49:44] id 1360775 [S] [2017_11_11 19:49:46] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 19:49:46] id 1360787 [S] [2017_11_11 19:49:46] name ptiyhka [S] [2017_11_11 19:49:46] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 19:49:47] Vehicle.onEnte ======================================================================== [S] [2017_11_11 19:59:12] 97654900083785: BWUtil.monkeyPatchOpen: Patching open() [S] [2017_11_11 19:59:13] Default encoding set to utf-8 [S] [2017_11_11 19:59:29] ClanProxy.__init__ None [S] [2017_11_11 19:59:29] AccountLevelingProxyClient.__init__ [S] [2017_11_11 19:59:29] AccountLevelingProxy.__init__ [S] [2017_11_11 19:59:38] [WWSD-73160] Debug: False [S] [2017_11_11 19:59:40] [INFO] realm_dependent_constants set CURRENT_REALM RU [S] [2017_11_11 19:59:40] (, 40417046671786, 275): GameParams: loading pack ... [S] [2017_11_11 19:59:43] (, 40417046671786, 226): GameParams: numof entries =, (6042,) [S] [2017_11_11 19:59:43] (, 74470294989, 248): Ships list: lookup ... [S] [2017_11_11 19:59:43] (, 74470294989, 132): Ships list: numof ships = , (326,) [S] [2017_11_11 19:59:43] (, 74470294989, 328): Ships list: numof buildings = , (42,) [S] [2017_11_11 19:59:47] ERROR: "PBPM001_SeaMine" has no "ground" parameter [S] [2017_11_11 19:59:53] GlobalClientPriceList.__init__: ['036c75afe3788a4b4f511cda3ed7beb7', '59d9cc3c8d40ba0f763e0113288c6dc6', '3f79dd6c0ee733ff3ad854b651474d09', '0316f25153d69187926e26db70c3ea23', '1f287d558a036de58812427e6990b128', '778ac799de45ab6f3451309ec35d7ca1'] [S] [2017_11_11 19:59:53] PriceListClient.init [S] [2017_11_11 19:59:53] CommonClientPersonalPriceList.__init__: [S] [2017_11_11 19:59:53] PriceListClient.__init__ [S] [2017_11_11 19:59:53] SSEProcessorClient.init [S] [2017_11_11 19:59:53] SSECommonProcessor __init__ [S] [2017_11_11 19:59:53] Camera.init [S] [2017_11_11 19:59:55] [DataHub] synchronize [S] [2017_11_11 19:59:56] self.__listUserFields ['window', 'notUnique', 'context', 'child', 'data', 'artillerGunsLocked', 'torpedoGunsLocked', 'squadronSelected', 'inputHandler'] [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:01] INIT RLD [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:01] [Prefs] prefsBattle.enableEars False [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:01] [Prefs] prefsBattle.evUpdate Event(0):[] [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:01] [Filters] loadFilters {} [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:01] [LOGIN] Setting wgnr url to "https://ru.wargaming.net" [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:01] allPrefs {'sseChallengesLayout': 0, 'curRowCountIndex': 0, 'operationsEnterMM': False, 'sseBattleTasksLayout': 0, 'crosshairIndexStatic': 12, 'uiPVEOperationsDifficulty': 'normal', 'commentWantTo_party': '', 'enableLanguageBar': True, 'crosshairIsDynamic': False, 'damageWidget': True, 'showPortClock': True, 'battleLoadingTabIndex': 1, 'operationsDifficulty': 'normal', 'commentWantTo_division': '', 'crosshairIndexDynamic': 0, 'extendedRibbons': True, 'operationsSelectedId': '0', 'IMPositionX': {'IM': 819.5999755859375}, 'IMPositionY': {'IM': 105.75}} [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:02] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Login, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:02] [ModsAPI] 'PnFModsLoader.py' was not found at './res_mods/' [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:02] Checking ./res_mods/: nothing was found [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:14] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: LoginWindow [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:14] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Login, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:15] __realRemoveExternalCallback: mainScene.progressOfInit [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:19] (, 66259644693353, 191): H:; A:; C:http://csis.worldoftanks.ru/csis/wowsru/?periphery=login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020&periphery=login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020; M:['login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020', 'login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020'] [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:19] BaseLoginRequest.doLogin(): login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020 token2 ([BaseLoginCredentials] Tier099) [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:19] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:19] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: WaitingDialog [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:19] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:19] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 1 LOGGED_ON {"token2":"5595999:5600238760764888903:290390096709195495751837731873296645374","wgnr":"ru.wargaming.net"} [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:19] LOGGED_ON {u'token2': u'5595999:5600238760764888903:290390096709195495751837731873296645374', u'wgnr': u'ru.wargaming.net'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:19] [LOGIN] Positive, serverMsg: {u'token2': u'5595999:5600238760764888903:290390096709195495751837731873296645374', u'wgnr': u'ru.wargaming.net'}, status: LOGGED_ON [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:19] [LOGIN] Setting wgnr url to "https://ru.wargaming.net" [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:19] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 2 NOT_SET [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:21] Account.__init__() [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:21] [Account debuG]: __init__() Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:21] ClanProxy.setChatHandler [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:21] ClanProxy.setInteractiveMessageData [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:21] (, 571883079382, 162): init [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:21] (, 574705753692, 103): Url config for realm ru as string is ResMgr.DataSection at 0x3E0C6860 [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:21] (, 51003525417967, 75): in context [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:21] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:21] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:21] onBecomePlayer() [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:21] UserDataGate.onGetConnection [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:21] UserDataGate.onGetConnection(): 5595999 [Entity: id:2044 ['accountSimple', 'accountName']] Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:21] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAccount [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:21] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() True 0 0 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:21] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:21] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:21] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4161159088 {('Default', 4283604912L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 7, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:21] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4162207664 {('Default', 4279410608L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 6, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:21] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q04 {('Default', 4271730608L, 0): 5, ('Default', 4269633456L, 0): 5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u041e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c \u043d\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u041e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c \u043d\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:21] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4163256240 {('Default', 4282556336L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 5, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:21] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22468_q03 {('Default', 4263440304L, 0): 5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:21] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q02 {('Resource', 19, 0): 1, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u041f\u0440\u0435\u043c\u0438\u0443\u043c \u0437\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0443'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u041f\u0440\u0435\u043c\u0438\u0443\u043c \u0437\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0443'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:21] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4156964784 {'desc': (), ('Resource', 0, 0): 100000} {'taskNumber': 11, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:21] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4154867632 {('Default', 4284313520L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 13, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:21] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q01 {('ResourceCoeff', 21, 17): 3.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 30): 6.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 9): 12.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 32): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 10): 3.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 5): 1.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 28): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 14): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 16): 3.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 11): 1.5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'}, 0, 0)} {'type': 'challenge', 'titleText': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:21] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4167450544 {'desc': (), ('Resource', 16, 0): 500} {'taskNumber': 1, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:21] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4160110512 {('Resource', 0, 0): 100000, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 8, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:21] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 15 [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:21] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:21] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 15. Boxes contents: [{4288852912L: {(0, 4283622320L): 1}, 4284658608L: {(0, 4274185136L): 1}, 4283610032L: {(0, 4273136560L): 1}, 4289901488L: {(0, 4289913776L): 1}}] [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:21] setServerTime: serverTime=1510419622 time.time()=1510419621.58 gInitialClientTime=18.6510000331 [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:21] initBattleTypes called [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:21] Disabled maps: [] [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:21] getNationForTutorial() CanBeStarted: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:21] StatsProxy.receiveAbuseStatus(): {'battlesToClean': 0, 'statuses': {'tkill': 0}, 'warnings': ()} [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:22] _onChangeTimeOut 156 [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:31] _onChangeTimeOut 6 [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:33] __processDossierStats() client dossier: ['oper', 'pvp', 'oper_mm_tasks_diag', 'pve_diag', 'pvp_diag', 'oper_normal', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'pve', 'oper_mm', 'total', 'oper_normal_tasks_diag', 'max_pve', 'rank_diag', 'max_pvp', 'oper_diag', 'club_diag', 'club', 'max_club', 'clan', 'oper_hard', 'oper_hard_tasks_diag', 'max_clan'] [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:33] AccountLevelingProxy.onGetAccountStats(): (-1, -1) (15, 749197) [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:33] __updateTaskProgress start: {'22468_q03': {'count': 1, 3: {'count': 10.0}}, '22468_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 3}}, '22469_q01': {'count': 0}, '21856_q00': {'count': 0}, '22468_q05': {'count': 0}, '22468_q02': {'count': 1, 3: {'count': 549416}}, '22470_q01': {'count': 29}, '22470_q02': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 5}}, '22470_q03': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 464435}, 3: {'count': 15080}, 4: {'count': 96565}}, '22470_q04': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 10}}, '22160_q01': {'count': 0}, '22468_q04': {'count': 0, 3: {'count': 21936}}} [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:34] onGetRankBattlesInfo currentSeason: 7, PlayerInfo: None [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:34] onGetRankDossier() seasonId = 7 Empty [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:34] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onGetSeasonRules: config False, {'seasonId': 1, 'operations': {4291341232L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 3, 'unlockTime': 1500429600, 'caps': 3}, 4292389808L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1499824800, 'caps': 3}, 4290292656L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1501034400, 'caps': 3}, 4293438384L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1501639200, 'caps': 3}}, 'currentOperationIdx': 1, 'roster': [4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L, 4293438384L], 'startTime': 1499824800, 'seasons': {1: {'operations': [4293438384L, 4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}, 2: {'operations': [], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}}, 'currentRotationTime': 1510106400, 'nextRotationTime': 1510711200, 'stage': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:34] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onLoadProgress: config False, season False, {'operations': {'hard': [], 'normal': [(4287146928L, [1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 0]), (4288195504L, [1509007262, 1509007262, 1509007262, 0, 0, 0]), (4290292656L, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])]}, 'seasons': {'hard': [], 'normal': [(2, 1509007262)]}} [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:34] onClanResponse: response=(1, 0, (430246, (430246, u'FLY', u'FLY', 16777215, u'executive_officer', u'\u0417\u0434\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0443\u0439\u0442\u0435 \u0442\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0449\u0438, \u0443 \u043a\u043e\u0433\u043e \u0435\u0441\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0431\u043b\u0438 10-\u0433\u043e \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u043d\u044f, \u0438 \u0433\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0441\u043e\u0432\u0430\u044f \u0432\u0441\u044f\u0437\u044c \u043d\u0443\u0436\u043d\u043e \u0441\u044b\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d\u043e\u0432\u044b\u0435 \u0431\u043e\u0438 - \u0441\u0442\u0430\u0432\u0442\u0435 + \u043c\u043d\u0435 \u0432 \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443 \u043a\u0442\u043e \u0433\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432', {47518727: {'role': u'private'}, 162314: {'role': u'private'}, 33301518: {'role': u'private'}, 31456527: {'role': u'private'}, 58161041: {'role': u'private'}, 19410835: {'role': u'private'}, 2557718: {'role': u'private'}, 27883543: {'role': u'private'}, 73537307: {'role': u'private'}, 17222686: {'role': u'private'}, 310434: {'role': u'private'}, 11428651: {'role': u'private'}, 2445100: {'role': u'private'}, 7715120: {'role': u'private'}, 69118514: {'role': u'commander'}, 71811251: {'role': u'private'}, 59694238: {'role': u'private'}, 62222528: {'role': u'private'}, 47245249: {'role': u'private'}, 59103429: {'role': u'private'}, 35853511: {'role': u'private'}, 69416610: {'role': u'private'}, 65031124: {'role': u'private'}, 5595999: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 8706534: {'role': u'private'}, 37230: {'role': u'private'}, 1515506: {'role': u'private'}, 71303028: {'role': u'private'}, 5426549: {'role': u'private'}, 22453883: {'role': u'private'}}, {75100162: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3925161}, 75116563: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10679440}, 75116564: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5595999}, 75104791: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1901451}, 75104792: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12037438}, 75104793: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47518727}, 75100186: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4688253}, 75104795: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26571092}, 75100188: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 872384}, 75104797: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5326927}, 75104799: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2557718}, 75100217: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58161041}, 75100219: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36672236}, 75100220: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12445172}, 75100221: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11262324}, 75092406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86780640}, 75100940: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1550733}, 75088485: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11437327}, 75088488: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86912728}, 75115802: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19050869}, 75099931: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 64096589}, 75104796: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24059614}, 75100189: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 16896550}, 75100187: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26497012}, 75105224: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5163046}, 75115804: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3700101}, 75100858: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65353479}, 75100859: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4549361}, 75100860: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19163627}, 75100862: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 15486060}, 75100864: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24960589}, 75101403: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13829345}, 75101405: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2774140}, 75101406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19410835}, 75105005: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2514322}, 75105006: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 6071074}, 75105007: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21765943}, 75105008: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13351014}, 75105009: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10744094}, 75105010: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8213596}, 75105533: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 32758788}, 75105534: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35843415}, 75105535: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19416306}, 75099910: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 22471163}, 75099912: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47356661}, 75099913: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20821811}, 75099914: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 38322742}, 75099915: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 57543888}, 75099916: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5426549}, 75100941: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1431883}, 75100942: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 744012}, 75100943: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 69416610}, 75100944: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36933861}, 75100946: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4337469}, 75115800: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47245249}, 75115801: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2723422}, 75099930: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35480962}, 75115803: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65031124}, 75099932: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5239563}, 75099933: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5564244}, 75105068: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 27883543}, 75099952: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11428651}, 75115830: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 62222528}, 75115831: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8664152}, 75115833: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59103429}, 75115837: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4858560}, 75115840: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 7424262}, 75099461: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 33301518}, 75104134: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 225652}, 75101613: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 162314}, 75101614: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 75991473}, 75100081: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71303028}, 75100082: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79542157}, 75100083: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 76103}, 75100084: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80535214}, 75100085: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5965559}, 75100086: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71777625}, 75092407: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 72132668}, 75092409: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65107864}, 75092412: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58685850}, 75104707: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13658244}, 75104708: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 77607300}, 75104710: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79957325}, 75104712: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2809573}, 75105225: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 61831778}, 75105226: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 48512704}, 75105227: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82400346}, 75105229: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59694238}, 75105230: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24318025}, 75105232: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35446652}, 75100114: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21297715}, 75100115: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2636501}, 75100116: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 23508047}, 75100117: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4104445}, 75113468: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80938462}, 75100157: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82347121}, 75113470: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8706534}, 75113467: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1207353}, 75100156: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65362617}, 75113469: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 17222686}, 75100158: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20158906}, 75113471: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4261263}}, 30, 30, None))) [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:34] ClanProxy.onClanResponse(): 1 (430246, (430246, u'FLY', u'FLY', 16777215, u'executive_officer', u'\u0417\u0434\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0443\u0439\u0442\u0435 \u0442\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0449\u0438, \u0443 \u043a\u043e\u0433\u043e \u0435\u0441\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0431\u043b\u0438 10-\u0433\u043e \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u043d\u044f, \u0438 \u0433\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0441\u043e\u0432\u0430\u044f \u0432\u0441\u044f\u0437\u044c \u043d\u0443\u0436\u043d\u043e \u0441\u044b\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d\u043e\u0432\u044b\u0435 \u0431\u043e\u0438 - \u0441\u0442\u0430\u0432\u0442\u0435 + \u043c\u043d\u0435 \u0432 \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443 \u043a\u0442\u043e \u0433\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432', {47518727: {'role': u'private'}, 162314: {'role': u'private'}, 33301518: {'role': u'private'}, 31456527: {'role': u'private'}, 58161041: {'role': u'private'}, 19410835: {'role': u'private'}, 2557718: {'role': u'private'}, 27883543: {'role': u'private'}, 73537307: {'role': u'private'}, 17222686: {'role': u'private'}, 310434: {'role': u'private'}, 11428651: {'role': u'private'}, 2445100: {'role': u'private'}, 7715120: {'role': u'private'}, 69118514: {'role': u'commander'}, 71811251: {'role': u'private'}, 59694238: {'role': u'private'}, 62222528: {'role': u'private'}, 47245249: {'role': u'private'}, 59103429: {'role': u'private'}, 35853511: {'role': u'private'}, 69416610: {'role': u'private'}, 65031124: {'role': u'private'}, 5595999: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 8706534: {'role': u'private'}, 37230: {'role': u'private'}, 1515506: {'role': u'private'}, 71303028: {'role': u'private'}, 5426549: {'role': u'private'}, 22453883: {'role': u'private'}}, {75100162: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3925161}, 75116563: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10679440}, 75116564: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5595999}, 75104791: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1901451}, 75104792: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12037438}, 75104793: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47518727}, 75100186: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4688253}, 75104795: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26571092}, 75100188: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 872384}, 75104797: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5326927}, 75104799: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2557718}, 75100217: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58161041}, 75100219: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36672236}, 75100220: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12445172}, 75100221: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11262324}, 75092406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86780640}, 75100940: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1550733}, 75088485: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11437327}, 75088488: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86912728}, 75115802: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19050869}, 75099931: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 64096589}, 75104796: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24059614}, 75100189: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 16896550}, 75100187: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26497012}, 75105224: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5163046}, 75115804: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3700101}, 75100858: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65353479}, 75100859: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4549361}, 75100860: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19163627}, 75100862: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 15486060}, 75100864: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24960589}, 75101403: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13829345}, 75101405: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2774140}, 75101406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19410835}, 75105005: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2514322}, 75105006: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 6071074}, 75105007: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21765943}, 75105008: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13351014}, 75105009: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10744094}, 75105010: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8213596}, 75105533: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 32758788}, 75105534: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35843415}, 75105535: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19416306}, 75099910: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 22471163}, 75099912: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47356661}, 75099913: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20821811}, 75099914: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 38322742}, 75099915: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 57543888}, 75099916: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5426549}, 75100941: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1431883}, 75100942: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 744012}, 75100943: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 69416610}, 75100944: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36933861}, 75100946: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4337469}, 75115800: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47245249}, 75115801: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2723422}, 75099930: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35480962}, 75115803: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65031124}, 75099932: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5239563}, 75099933: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5564244}, 75105068: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 27883543}, 75099952: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11428651}, 75115830: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 62222528}, 75115831: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8664152}, 75115833: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59103429}, 75115837: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4858560}, 75115840: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 7424262}, 75099461: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 33301518}, 75104134: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 225652}, 75101613: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 162314}, 75101614: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 75991473}, 75100081: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71303028}, 75100082: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79542157}, 75100083: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 76103}, 75100084: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80535214}, 75100085: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5965559}, 75100086: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71777625}, 75092407: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 72132668}, 75092409: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65107864}, 75092412: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58685850}, 75104707: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13658244}, 75104708: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 77607300}, 75104710: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79957325}, 75104712: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2809573}, 75105225: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 61831778}, 75105226: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 48512704}, 75105227: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82400346}, 75105229: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59694238}, 75105230: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24318025}, 75105232: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35446652}, 75100114: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21297715}, 75100115: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2636501}, 75100116: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 23508047}, 75100117: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4104445}, 75113468: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80938462}, 75100157: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82347121}, 75113470: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8706534}, 75113467: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1207353}, 75100156: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65362617}, 75113469: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 17222686}, 75100158: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20158906}, 75113471: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4261263}}, 30, 30, None)) [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:34] ClanProxy.__onGetMyClan: False (430246, (430246, u'FLY', u'FLY', 16777215, u'executive_officer', u'\u0417\u0434\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0443\u0439\u0442\u0435 \u0442\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0449\u0438, \u0443 \u043a\u043e\u0433\u043e \u0435\u0441\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0431\u043b\u0438 10-\u0433\u043e \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u043d\u044f, \u0438 \u0433\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0441\u043e\u0432\u0430\u044f \u0432\u0441\u044f\u0437\u044c \u043d\u0443\u0436\u043d\u043e \u0441\u044b\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d\u043e\u0432\u044b\u0435 \u0431\u043e\u0438 - \u0441\u0442\u0430\u0432\u0442\u0435 + \u043c\u043d\u0435 \u0432 \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443 \u043a\u0442\u043e \u0433\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432', {47518727: {'role': u'private'}, 162314: {'role': u'private'}, 33301518: {'role': u'private'}, 31456527: {'role': u'private'}, 58161041: {'role': u'private'}, 19410835: {'role': u'private'}, 2557718: {'role': u'private'}, 27883543: {'role': u'private'}, 73537307: {'role': u'private'}, 17222686: {'role': u'private'}, 310434: {'role': u'private'}, 11428651: {'role': u'private'}, 2445100: {'role': u'private'}, 7715120: {'role': u'private'}, 69118514: {'role': u'commander'}, 71811251: {'role': u'private'}, 59694238: {'role': u'private'}, 62222528: {'role': u'private'}, 47245249: {'role': u'private'}, 59103429: {'role': u'private'}, 35853511: {'role': u'private'}, 69416610: {'role': u'private'}, 65031124: {'role': u'private'}, 5595999: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 8706534: {'role': u'private'}, 37230: {'role': u'private'}, 1515506: {'role': u'private'}, 71303028: {'role': u'private'}, 5426549: {'role': u'private'}, 22453883: {'role': u'private'}}, {75100162: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3925161}, 75116563: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10679440}, 75116564: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5595999}, 75104791: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1901451}, 75104792: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12037438}, 75104793: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47518727}, 75100186: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4688253}, 75104795: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26571092}, 75100188: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 872384}, 75104797: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5326927}, 75104799: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2557718}, 75100217: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58161041}, 75100219: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36672236}, 75100220: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12445172}, 75100221: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11262324}, 75092406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86780640}, 75100940: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1550733}, 75088485: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11437327}, 75088488: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86912728}, 75115802: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19050869}, 75099931: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 64096589}, 75104796: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24059614}, 75100189: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 16896550}, 75100187: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26497012}, 75105224: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5163046}, 75115804: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3700101}, 75100858: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65353479}, 75100859: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4549361}, 75100860: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19163627}, 75100862: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 15486060}, 75100864: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24960589}, 75101403: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13829345}, 75101405: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2774140}, 75101406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19410835}, 75105005: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2514322}, 75105006: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 6071074}, 75105007: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21765943}, 75105008: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13351014}, 75105009: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10744094}, 75105010: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8213596}, 75105533: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 32758788}, 75105534: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35843415}, 75105535: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19416306}, 75099910: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 22471163}, 75099912: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47356661}, 75099913: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20821811}, 75099914: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 38322742}, 75099915: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 57543888}, 75099916: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5426549}, 75100941: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1431883}, 75100942: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 744012}, 75100943: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 69416610}, 75100944: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36933861}, 75100946: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4337469}, 75115800: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47245249}, 75115801: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2723422}, 75099930: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35480962}, 75115803: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65031124}, 75099932: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5239563}, 75099933: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5564244}, 75105068: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 27883543}, 75099952: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11428651}, 75115830: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 62222528}, 75115831: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8664152}, 75115833: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59103429}, 75115837: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4858560}, 75115840: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 7424262}, 75099461: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 33301518}, 75104134: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 225652}, 75101613: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 162314}, 75101614: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 75991473}, 75100081: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71303028}, 75100082: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79542157}, 75100083: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 76103}, 75100084: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80535214}, 75100085: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5965559}, 75100086: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71777625}, 75092407: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 72132668}, 75092409: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65107864}, 75092412: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58685850}, 75104707: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13658244}, 75104708: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 77607300}, 75104710: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79957325}, 75104712: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2809573}, 75105225: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 61831778}, 75105226: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 48512704}, 75105227: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82400346}, 75105229: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59694238}, 75105230: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24318025}, 75105232: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35446652}, 75100114: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21297715}, 75100115: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2636501}, 75100116: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 23508047}, 75100117: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4104445}, 75113468: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80938462}, 75100157: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82347121}, 75113470: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8706534}, 75113467: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1207353}, 75100156: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65362617}, 75113469: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 17222686}, 75100158: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20158906}, 75113471: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4261263}}, 30, 30, None)) [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:35] [CampaignsCommon] onLoadedDump: loaded campaign params and player; countActiveTasks 1; data ({4290690992L: (False, True, False), 4293836720L: (True, 0, True), 4291739568L: (False, True, False), 4288593840L: (True, 0, True), 4289642416L: (False, True, False), 4292788144L: (True, 0, True)}, {4293836720L: [1, 1], 4289642416L: [1, 0], 4291739568L: [1, 0], 4288593840L: [1, 0], 4290690992L: [1, 0], 4292788144L: [1, 0]}, {4283023280L: [2, 0, 0], 4285120432L: [4, 15, 8], 4287217584L: [4, 12, 7], 4288266160L: [4, 10, 7], 4289314736L: [4, 10, 6], 4291411888L: [4, 7, 7], 4293509040L: [5, 5, 9], 4286169008L: [4, 15, 8], 4263100336L: [2, 0, 0], 4290363312L: [4, 10, 5], 4251566000L: [2, 0, 0], 4272537520L: [2, 0, 0], 4241080240L: [2, 0, 0], 4292460464L: [4, 6, 8]}, {4153819056L: (1, False, 0), 4193664944L: (5, True, 0), 4227219376L: (1, False, 0), 4133896112L: (1, False, 0), 4243996592L: (1, False, 0), 4280696752L: (5, True, 0), 4288036784L: (5, True, 0), 4187373488L: (1, False, 0), 4224073648L: (5, True, 0), 3895869360L: (0, False, 0), 4130750384L: (1, False, 0), 4204150704L: (5, True, 0), 4240850864L: (1, False, 0), 4277551024L: (5, True, 0), 4184227760L: (1, False, 0), 4220927920L: (5, True, 0), 4257628080L: (5, True, 0), 4198907824L: (5, True, 0), 4164304816L: (1, False, 0), 4237705136L: (5, True, 0), 3904257968L: (1, False, 0), 4274405296L: (1, False, 0), 3977658288L: (1, False, 0), 4181082032L: (5, True, 0), 4254482352L: (1, False, 0), 4291182512L: (5, True, 0), 4260773808L: (5, True, 0), 3897966512L: (1, False, 0), 4161159088L: (5, True, 0), 4197859248L: (1, False, 0), 3901112240L: (1, False, 0), 3974512560L: (1, False, 0), 4177936304L: (1, False, 0), 4214636464L: (1, False, 0), 4251336624L: (5, True, 0), 4167450544L: (5, True, 0), 4211490736L: (1, False, 0), 4081467312L: (0, False, 0), 4284891056L: (5, True, 0), 4190519216L: (1, False, 0), 4191567792L: (5, True, 0), 4252385200L: (5, True, 0), 4228267952L: (1, False, 0), 4134944688L: (1, False, 0), 4171644848L: (5, True, 0), 4208345008L: (1, False, 0), 4245045168L: (5, True, 0), 4281745328L: (5, True, 0), 4158013360L: (1, False, 0), 4188422064L: (1, False, 0), 4225122224L: (1, False, 0), 4203102128L: (5, True, 0), 4261822384L: (1, False, 0), 4131798960L: (1, False, 0), 4205199280L: (5, True, 0), 4163256240L: (5, True, 0), 4241899440L: (5, True, 0), 4278599600L: (5, True, 0), 4221976496L: (5, True, 0), 4258676656L: (1, False, 0), 3902160816L: (1, False, 0), 4128653232L: (0, False, 0), 4165353392L: (3, False, 6.0), 4238753712L: (1, False, 0), 3905306544L: (1, False, 0), 4275453872L: (1, False, 0), 3978706864L: (1, False, 0), 4182130608L: (5, True, 0), 4292231088L: (5, True, 0), 4255530928L: (5, True, 0), 4178984880L: (1, False, 0), 4215685040L: (5, True, 0), 4289085360L: (5, True, 0), 3971366832L: (1, False, 0), 4195762096L: (5, True, 0), 3899015088L: (1, False, 0), 4175839152L: (1, False, 0), 4212539312L: (1, False, 0), 4082515888L: (1, False, 0), 4285939632L: (5, True, 0), 4155916208L: (1, False, 0), 4192616368L: (5, True, 0), 4207296432L: (1, False, 0), 4229316528L: (5, True, 0), 4135993264L: (1, False, 0), 4172693424L: (5, True, 0), 4209393584L: (5, True, 0), 4246093744L: (1, False, 0), 4282793904L: (5, True, 0), 4160110512L: (5, True, 0), 4226170800L: (1, False, 0), 4174790576L: (5, True, 0), 4132847536L: (1, False, 0), 4189470640L: (1, False, 0), 4206247856L: (5, True, 0), 4242948016L: (1, False, 0), 4279648176L: (5, True, 0), 4186324912L: (5, True, 0), 4223025072L: (1, False, 0), 4259725232L: (1, False, 0), 4159061936L: (1, False, 0), 4129701808L: (1, False, 0), 4166401968L: (1, False, 0), 4239802288L: (1, False, 0), 4276502448L: (5, True, 0), 4183179184L: (1, False, 0), 4219879344L: (5, True, 0), 4256579504L: (5, True, 0), 4293279664L: (5, True, 0), 3975561136L: (1, False, 0), 4154867632L: (5, True, 0), 3972415408L: (1, False, 0), 4236656560L: (5, True, 0), 3903209392L: (1, False, 0), 4273356720L: (5, True, 0), 3976609712L: (1, False, 0), 4180033456L: (5, True, 0), 4253433776L: (5, True, 0), 4290133936L: (5, True, 0), 4194713520L: (5, True, 0), 4196810672L: (1, False, 0), 3900063664L: (1, False, 0), 3973463984L: (1, False, 0), 4176887728L: (5, True, 0), 4213587888L: (5, True, 0), 4083564464L: (1, False, 0), 4286988208L: (5, True, 0), 4156964784L: (5, True, 0), 4162207664L: (5, True, 0), 4230365104L: (5, True, 0), 4063641520L: (0, False, 0), 3896917936L: (1, False, 0), 3970318256L: (0, False, 0), 4173742000L: (5, True, 0), 4210442160L: (1, False, 0), 4247142320L: (5, True, 0)}) [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:35] ClanProxy.onGetClanBattles {'seasonId': 1, 'finishTime': 1513713600.0, 'primeTimes': {2: (57600, 68400), 3: (57600, 68400), 5: (57600, 68400), 6: (57600, 68400)}, 'shipLevelMax': 10, 'shipLevelMin': 10, 'startTime': 1508310000.0, 'promoTime': 1508310000.0, 'stage': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:36] >>> DockProxy.receiveState [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:36] Unlocks.receiveState [] [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:38] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 10223, 'boughtToday': 2, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1510444800.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:38] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2L, 'typeId': 5L, 'dt': 1510419171.0, 'postponed': True, 'data': {'achievements': (), 'expPenalty': 0, 'tasks': {'22470_q01': {'count': (29, 1), 'progress': (1.0, 1.0), 2: {'count': (0, 1)}, 'name': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'}, '22468_q04': {'count': (0, 0), 'progress': (0.7312, 0.0062), 3: {'count': (21936, 186)}, 'name': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'}}, 'shipsKilled': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 5460365232515018L, 'credits': 37454, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'mapTypeId': 29, 'battleTypeId': 5, 'result': 2, 'exp': 186, 'shipId': 4287575760L, 'battleCreateTime': 1510418378, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 749011, 186), 'aogasFactor': 1.0}} [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:38] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 5L, 'exp': 186, 'tasks': {'22470_q01': {2: {'count': (0, 1)}}, '22468_q04': {3: {'count': (21936, 186)}}}, 'aogasFactor': 1.0, 'mapBGPath': '../maps_bg/46_Estuary.png', 'operationName': '', 'rankStarsDeltaChange': 0, 'earnedAchievements': [], 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_BATTLE_RESULTS_2', 'result': 2, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'uiSpecial': False, 'mapTypeId': 29, 'shipId': 4287575760L, 'accountLeveling': {'expGained': 186, 'currLevel': 15, 'prevLevel': 15, 'currLevelExp': 122000, 'expTotal': 749197, 'nextLevelExp': 122000}, 'curTasksCompleted': 0, 'mapName': 'IDS_SPACES/46_ESTUARY', 'battleTypeId': 5, 'shipLevelRome': 'V', 'achievements': (), 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PJSB007', 'shipsKilled': 0, 'importance': 2L, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_BATTLESHIP', 'difficulty': '', 'prevTasksCompleted': 0, 'isElite': False, 'date': '11.11.2017 19:39', 'dt': 1510419171.0, 'groupId': 3, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 749011, 186), 'expPenalty': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 5460365232515018L, 'credits': 37454, 'sourceId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'viaMM': False, 'rankBattlesSeasonId': 0, 'shipType': 'Battleship', 'quests': [{'maxProgress': 100, 'day': 11, 'monthIDS': 'IDS_MONTH_11', 'battleProgress': 100.0, 'type': 'challenge', 'id': '22470_q01', 'titleText': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!', 'currentProgress': 100.0}, {'maxProgress': 100, 'day': 11, 'monthIDS': 'IDS_MONTH_11', 'battleProgress': 0.0, 'type': 'task', 'id': '22468_q04', 'titleText': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b', 'currentProgress': 74.0}], 'stypeIdent': 'Battleship', 'postponed': True, 'battleCreateTime': 1510418378, 'rankDeltaChange': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:38] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2L, 'typeId': 4L, 'dt': 1510419171.0, 'postponed': True, 'data': {'costShell': 1440, 'shipId': 4287575760L, 'result': False, 'costRepair': 10350}} [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:38] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 4L, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SHIP_SERVE', 'costShell': 1440, 'result': False, 'shipId': 4287575760L, 'uiSpecial': False, 'shipLevelRome': 'V', 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PJSB007', 'shipType': 'Battleship', 'importance': 2L, 'idInGroup': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_BATTLESHIP', 'isElite': False, 'dt': 1510419171.0, 'groupId': 5, 'costTotal': 11790, 'sourceId': 0, 'costRepair': 10350, 'stypeIdent': 'Battleship', 'postponed': True} [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:38] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 10223, 'boughtToday': 2, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1510444800.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:38] PVEScriptsProxyCommon.createPVEState() [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:38] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onGetSeasonRules: config True, {'seasonId': 1, 'operations': {4291341232L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 3, 'unlockTime': 1500429600, 'caps': 3}, 4292389808L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1499824800, 'caps': 3}, 4290292656L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1501034400, 'caps': 3}, 4293438384L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1501639200, 'caps': 3}}, 'currentOperationIdx': 1, 'roster': [4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L, 4293438384L], 'startTime': 1499824800, 'seasons': {1: {'operations': [4293438384L, 4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}, 2: {'operations': [], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}}, 'currentRotationTime': 1510106400, 'nextRotationTime': 1510711200, 'stage': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:38] [4181898160L, 4180849584L] [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:38] [4181898160L, 4180849584L] [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:38] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onLoadProgress: config True, season True, {'operations': {'hard': [], 'normal': [(4287146928L, [1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 0]), (4288195504L, [1509007262, 1509007262, 1509007262, 0, 0, 0]), (4290292656L, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])]}, 'seasons': {'hard': [], 'normal': [(2, 1509007262)]}} [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:38] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] _updateOperationCompleted: 4287146928 normal [1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 0] [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:38] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] _updateOperationCompleted: 4288195504 normal [1509007262, 1509007262, 1509007262, 0, 0, 0] [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:38] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] _updateOperationCompleted: 4290292656 normal [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:38] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] _updateSeasonCompleted: 2 normal 1509007262 [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:38] onClanResponse: response=(6, 0, {'league': 4, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 430246, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division_rating': 0, 'stage': 'league'}) [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:38] ClanProxy.onClanResponse(): 6 {'league': 4, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 430246, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division_rating': 0, 'stage': 'league'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:38] ClanDataHubUtils.addLadderInfo: {'league': 4, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 430246, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division_rating': 0, 'stage': 'league'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:38] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:38] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:38] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] chooseOperation: 4291341232 normal True [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:38] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onOperationChosen: 4291341232 normal True [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:38] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] chooseOperation: 0 normal False [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:38] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onOperationChosen: 0 normal False [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:38] (, 51003611475748, 141): is in context [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:38] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_end'}, interval: (1510416001.0, 1510426780.0)",) [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:38] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'end'}, interval: (1510426800.0, 1510426800.0)",) [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:38] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 7161 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510426800.0, 1510426800.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'end'}) [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:38] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}, interval: (1510498800.0, 1510502380.0)",) [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:38] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 7161 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510426800.0, 1510426800.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'end'}) [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:38] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'start'}, interval: (1510502400.0, 1510502400.0)",) [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:38] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 7161 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510426800.0, 1510426800.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'end'}) [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:38] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'end'}, interval: (1510513200.0, 1510513200.0)",) [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:38] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 7161 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510426800.0, 1510426800.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'end'}) [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:38] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:40] Can't send FPS data: it's empty [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:40] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:45] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: Dock [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:45] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:45] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:45] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:45] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:45] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:45] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:45] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:45] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:45] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:45] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:45] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:45] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:45] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:45] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:45] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:45] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:45] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:45] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:45] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:45] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:45] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:45] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:45] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:45] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:45] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:45] (, 66379459049956, 122): __sendCurrentMessage:, (IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510416001.0, 1510426780.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_end'}),) [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:45] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 118, 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'messageType': 'soon_end', 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_CLAN_BATTLE_PRIMETIME_CHANGED', 'groupId': 8} [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:45] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:45] [Filters] saveFilters [] [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:45] [Filters] saveFilters [] [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:45] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:49] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': 0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:49] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': -1.0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:50] ClanProxy.onChatInitialized [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:50] XmppChatHandler.joinClanChannel() 430246 [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:50] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 62222528@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:50] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: channelsGroupsIds: [] [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:50] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:50] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 73537307@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:50] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: channelsGroupsIds: [] [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:50] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:50] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True UserDataGate.__onRosterUpdated [('17915186@wowsru.loc', 'egy5', False, 4, ()), ('22453883@wowsru.loc', 'vova1972ruzan', False, 4, ()), ('2557718@wowsru.loc', 'NSDRP', False, 4, ()), ('26288674@wowsru.loc', '_EmperoR_WOW_', False, 4, ()), ('2893852@wowsru.loc', 'klimstonn', False, 4, ()), ('30937387@wowsru.loc', 'monster__622', False, 4, ()), ('327255@wowsru.loc', 'Migri', False, 4, ()), ('35853511@wowsru.loc', 'toshidzu', False, 4, ()), ('5471194@wowsru.loc', 'loki1982', False, 4, ()), ('58161041@wowsru.loc', 'Y_O_R_K_2015', False, 4, ()), ('62222528@wowsru.loc', 'HEGNI_1', False, 4, ()), ('6896454@wowsru.loc', 'Vie92', False, 4, ()), ('69118514@wowsru.loc', 'RenamedUser_69118514', False, 4, ()), ('69416610@wowsru.loc', 'Player_3185411451', False, 4, ()), ('71811251@wowsru.loc', 'Leogon_1', False, 4, ()), ('73537307@wowsru.loc', 'PZS_One', False, 4, ())] [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:50] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 2893852@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:50] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 59124891@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:50] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 11274288@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:50] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 21696974@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:50] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 14596986@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:50] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 58053848@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:50] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 310434@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:50] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 19410835@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:50] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 35853511@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:50] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 59103429@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:50] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 22453883@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:50] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 2557718@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:50] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 69118514@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:50] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:50] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:50] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: KARSAK_1968 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:50] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:50] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:50] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:50] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:50] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:50] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:50] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:50] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:50] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:50] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:50] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:50] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:50] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:50] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: toshidzu channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:50] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:50] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Samum1989_geroj channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:50] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:50] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:50] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:50] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: NSDRP channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:50] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:50] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: RenamedUser_69118514 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:50] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:50] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived clansearch@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:50] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived ids_chat_channel_offtop@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:50] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived ids_chat_channel_questions@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:50] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived wargamingfm@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:50] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_SEARCH_CLAN_DIV channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:50] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:50] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_OFFTOP channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:50] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:50] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_QUESTIONS channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:50] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:50] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: WargamingFM Корабли channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:50] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:50] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {62222528: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 69416610: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 22453883: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 6896454: None, 35853511: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 69118514: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 30937387: None, 26288674: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'GUAPS', 'id': 430164, 'name': u'\u0413\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0434\u0435\u0439\u0446\u044b \u041f\u043e\u0441\u0435\u0439\u0434\u043e\u043d\u0430'}, 58161041: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 17915186: None, 71811251: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 2557718: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 327255: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'ENYO', 'id': 415095, 'name': u'\u042d\u041d\u0418\u041e'}, 5471194: None, 73537307: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 2893852: None} [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:50] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc 6 [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:50] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: channelsGroupsIds: [] [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:50] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:50] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 73537307 {'jid': '73537307@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'PZS_One', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:50] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 35853511 {'jid': '35853511@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'toshidzu', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:50] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 71811251 {'jid': '71811251@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Leogon_1', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:50] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 22453883 {'jid': '22453883@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'vova1972ruzan', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:50] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 17222686 {'jid': '17222686@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'bob7771', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:50] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 31456527 {'jid': '31456527@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Yurautyug', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:50] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 62222528 {'jid': '62222528@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'HEGNI_1', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:50] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 69118514 {'jid': '69118514@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:50] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 5595999 {'jid': '5595999@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Tier099', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:50] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Tier099', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/5595999', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510394839L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd1\x80\xd0\xb5\xd0\xb1\xd1\x8f\xd1\x82 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb3\xd0\xbe \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xb2\xd1\x8b\xd0\xba\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb4\xd1\x8b\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82 \xd0\xb2\xd0\xbe \xd0\xb2\xd1\x80\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbc\xd1\x8f \xd0\xb1\xd0\xbe\xd1\x8f???', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:50] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Tier099', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/5595999', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510396421L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbf\xd1\x8f\xd1\x82\xd1\x8c \xd0\xb2\xd1\x8b\xd0\xba\xd0\xb8\xd0\xbd\xd1\x83\xd0\xbb\xd0\xbe 2 \xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb7\xd0\xb0 \xd0\xb7\xd0\xb0 1 \xd0\xb1\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb9', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:50] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/69118514', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510401726L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb1\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb8 \xd0\xba\xd0\xb5\xd1\x88', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:51] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'NSDRP', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/2557718', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510404247L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb5\xd1\x87\xd0\xb5\xd1\x80 \xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb1\xd1\x80\xd1\x8b\xd0\xb9. \xd0\xb5\xd1\x81\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb8 9 \xd0\xbe\xd1\x87\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2 \xd0\xbe\xd0\xbf\xd1\x8b\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0 \xd0\xba\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbf\xd0\xb8\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe 54 000 \xd0\xbe\xd0\xbf\xd1\x8b\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0 \xd1\x82\xd0\xbe \xd1\x81\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbb\xd1\x8c\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe \xd0\xb7\xd0\xb0 15 ?', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:51] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/69118514', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510408413L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0 13 \xd0\xbe\xd1\x87\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe 108 000', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:51] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Tier099', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/5595999', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510408924L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xba\xd1\x82\xd0\xbe \xd0\xb2 \xd0\xb2\xd0\xb7\xd0\xb2\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb4??? \xd0\x9f\xd0\xb8\xd1\x88\xd0\xb8\xd1\x82\xd0\xb5 \xd1\x81\xd0\xbc\xd1\x81 \xd0\xb2 \xd0\x9b\xd0\xa1', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:51] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'NSDRP', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/2557718', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510409220L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\x94\xd0\x90 \xd1\x83\xd0\xb6 . \xd0\xb0 \xd0\xbc\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe \xd0\xb4\xd0\xbb\xd1\x8f \xd0\xba\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb0 18 \xd0\xbe\xd1\x87\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2. \xd0\xb0 \xd1\x83 \xd0\xbc\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd1\x8f \xd1\x82\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbb\xd1\x8c\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe 9. \xd0\xbe\xd1\x85\xd0\xbe- \xd1\x85\xd0\xbe', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:51] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Tier099', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/5595999', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510409598L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xb8\xd0\xb3\xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd1\x82\xd1\x8c \xd1\x80\xd0\xb5\xd0\xb1\xd1\x8f\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0???', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:51] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'PZS_One', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/73537307', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510415291L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xb2\xd1\x81\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbc \xd0\xbf\xd1\x80\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:51] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'PZS_One', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/73537307', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510416198L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd1\x85\xd0\xbe\xd1\x87\xd1\x83 \xd0\xbf\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb3\xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd1\x82\xd1\x8c \xd1\x81\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbc\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb9', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:51] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'vova1972ruzan', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/22453883', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510416931L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\x92 \xd0\x9a\xd0\x90\xd0\x9b\xd0\x90\xd0\x9d\xd0\x9e\xd0\x92\xd0\xab\xd0\x99 \xd0\x91\xd0\x9e\xd0\x99 \xd0\x98\xd0\x93\xd0\xa0\xd0\x90\xd0\xa2\xd0\xac \xd0\x91\xd0\xa3\xd0\x94\xd0\x95\xd0\x9c \xd0\x98\xd0\x9b\xd0\x98 \xd0\x9a\xd0\x90\xd0\x9a?', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:51] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'vova1972ruzan', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/22453883', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510417063L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\x9a\xd0\x9e\xd0\x9c\xd0\x90\xd0\x9d\xd0\x94\xd0\x98\xd0\xa0\xd0\xab \xd0\x9f\xd0\xa0\xd0\x9e\xd0\xa1\xd0\x9d\xd0\x98\xd0\xa2\xd0\x95\xd0\xa1\xd0\xac', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:51] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/69118514', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510417186L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xb7\xd0\xb0\xd1\x85\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb8\xd1\x82\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xb2 \xd1\x80\xd0\xb5\xd0\xb4 \xd0\xba\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbb', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:51] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/69118514', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510418654L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\x95\xd0\xa9\xd0\x95 3 \xd0\x98\xd0\x93\xd0\xa0\xd0\x9e\xd0\x9a\xd0\x90 \xd0\x9f\xd0\x9e\xd0\xa8\xd0\x9b\xd0\x98 \xd0\x92 \xd0\x9a\xd0\x9b\xd0\x90\xd0\x9d\xd0\x9e\xd0\x92\xd0\xab', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:52] (, 86904481544477, 21): joinChannel, ('already joined', 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc') [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:52] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 17222686 bob7771 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:52] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 22453883 vova1972ruzan 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:52] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 31456527 Yurautyug 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:52] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 35853511 toshidzu 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:52] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 5595999 Tier099 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:52] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 62222528 HEGNI_1 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:52] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 69118514 RenamedUser_69118514 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:52] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 71811251 Leogon_1 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:52] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 73537307 PZS_One 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 20:00:57] getModelPaths [] [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:01] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {62222528: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 73537307: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}} [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:01] inviteToPreBattle() {preBattleId: 505066, preBattleType: 1, inviteType: 1, expirationTime: 1510419962, creatorInfo: None, senderInfo: {senderName: 'HEGNI_1', senderId: 537223375, senderDBID: 62222528L, senderLevel: 15, senderRankInfo: 134232416, isAbuser: 0, clanID: 430246L, clanTag: u'FLY', clanColor: 16777215}, state: ''} [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:01] [DivisionEntranceContext] onInvitationReceived: {'isAbuser': 0, 'senderName': 'HEGNI_1', 'inviteType': 1, 'senderDBID': 62222528L, 'preBattleId': 505066, 'league': 0, 'senderId': 537223375, 'clanID': 430246L, 'rankSeasonId': 7, 'creatorInfo': None, 'senderLevel': 15, 'clanColor': 16777215, 'state': '', 'senderRankInfo': 134232416, 'rank': 22, 'creationTime': 1510419661.5990005, 'expirationTime': 1510419962, 'clanTag': u'FLY', 'preBattleType': 1} [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:01] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 8, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_UI_INVITATION_RECEIVED_DIVISION', 'playerName': 'HEGNI_1', 'idInGroup': 8, 'divisionType': 'division', 'groupId': 2, 'sourceId': 1, 'id': 505066} [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:01] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': 0.0, 'selectedEntityId': 3046, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:01] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:01] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:01] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened False [isChatBoxOpened] __updateChannelInfo channel.isChatBoxOpened False False [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:01] onActionFailed(): errorId: RES_WRONG_ARGS: ERROR_INGAMENEWS_GET [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:01] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:03] joinToPreBattle() PrebattleId: 505066 ShipId: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:03] onInviteAccepted() PreBattleId: 505066 InviteResultId: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:03] enterPreBattle() 5120 [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:03] Account.enterPreBattle: (205) (1, 505066, (0, 0, 10, -1, 1, '', 0), 537223375, 62222528, u'', 1, None, 3, [(537168736, 5595999, 'Tier099', None, 0, 1, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0), (537223375, 62222528, 'HEGNI_1', 4288624336L, 0, 2, False, True, False, 15, 134232416, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0)], [], (0, 0), False, 1510419662213L, 2, False, [], {'nonClanMembersCount': 0}) [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:03] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived prebattle 3 [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:03] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: DIVISION channelsGroupsIds: [] [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:03] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored True [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel True self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:03] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 5595999 Tier099 2 2 (430246, u'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:03] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 62222528 HEGNI_1 2 2 (430246, u'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:03] [DivisionEntranceContext] __onEnterDivision: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:03] no grants 5120 2 [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:03] no grants 5120 2 [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:03] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 7], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 2]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:03] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:03] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 7], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:03] no grants 5120 2 [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:03] no grants 5120 2 [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:03] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 7], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 2]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:03] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:03] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 7], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:03] no grants 5120 2 [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:03] no grants 5120 2 [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:03] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 7], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 2]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:03] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:03] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 7], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:03] no grants 5120 2 [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:03] no grants 5120 2 [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:03] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 7], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 2]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:03] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:03] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 7], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:03] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 2, 'sourceId': 1, 'idInGroup': 2, 'divisionType': 'division', 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_UI_YOUR_ACTION_IN_DIVISION_0_DIVISION', 'actionId': 0, 'groupId': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:03] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onEnterPreBattle: None [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:06] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': -1.0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:06] availableShipParts 63 [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:06] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:14] [CampaignsCommon] takeReward: taskID 4165353392 [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:14] >>> receiveChanges {'storage': {4287557552L: 14}} [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:14] [CampaignsCommon] onTakeReward: taskID 4165353392; newState 5; totalStars 15; completedTasks [] [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:15] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:15] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:15] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4161159088 {('Default', 4283604912L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 7, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:15] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4162207664 {('Default', 4279410608L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 6, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:15] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q04 {('Default', 4271730608L, 0): 5, ('Default', 4269633456L, 0): 5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u041e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c \u043d\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u041e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c \u043d\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:15] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4163256240 {('Default', 4282556336L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 5, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:15] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22468_q03 {('Default', 4263440304L, 0): 5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:15] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q02 {('Resource', 19, 0): 1, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u041f\u0440\u0435\u043c\u0438\u0443\u043c \u0437\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0443'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u041f\u0440\u0435\u043c\u0438\u0443\u043c \u0437\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0443'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:15] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4156964784 {'desc': (), ('Resource', 0, 0): 100000} {'taskNumber': 11, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:15] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4154867632 {('Default', 4284313520L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 13, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:15] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4165353392 {('Default', 4287557552L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 3, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:15] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q01 {('ResourceCoeff', 21, 17): 3.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 30): 6.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 9): 12.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 32): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 10): 3.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 5): 1.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 28): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 14): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 16): 3.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 11): 1.5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'}, 0, 0)} {'type': 'challenge', 'titleText': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:15] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4167450544 {'desc': (), ('Resource', 16, 0): 500} {'taskNumber': 1, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:15] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4160110512 {('Resource', 0, 0): 100000, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 8, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:15] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 16 [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:15] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:15] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 16. Boxes contents: [{4288852912L: {(0, 4283622320L): 1}, 4284658608L: {(0, 4274185136L): 1}, 4283610032L: {(0, 4273136560L): 1}, 4289901488L: {(0, 4289913776L): 1}}] [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:15] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 98, 'data': {'lootStars': 0, 'isRewarded': True, 'taskNumber': 3, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'}} [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:15] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 98, 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 5, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_CAMPAIGNS_TASK_REWARDED_ONLY_REWARDS', 'headerIDS': 'ONLY_REWARDS', 'data': {'lootStars': 0, 'isRewarded': True, 'taskNumber': 3, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'}, 'groupId': 9} [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:19] [GiftBox] onAnimationDone [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:24] [CampaignsCommon] activateTask: taskID 4153819056 [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:24] [CampaignsCommon] onActivateTask: taskID 4153819056 [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:24] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 96, 'data': {'taskNumber': 14, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'}} [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:24] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 96, 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 3, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_CAMPAIGNS_TASK_ACTIVATED', 'data': {'taskNumber': 14, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'}, 'groupId': 9} [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:26] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 505066 (537236500, 69118514, 'RenamedUser_69118514', None, -1, 1, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 1510419987) 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:26] DivisionProxy.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537236500, dbid=69118514, name='RenamedUser_69118514', shipId=None, teamId=-1, state=1, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=1510419987) 1 {} [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:26] [DivisionConxtext] __onInvitedPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:33] [Scaleform] Error: Unknown file format at URL "gui/flash/../nation_flags/big/flag_undefined.png" [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:39] DivisionProxy.setReady: 4287575760 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:39] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4287575760 2 [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:39] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 505066 (537168736, 5595999, 'Tier099', 4287575760L, 0, 2, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0) 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:39] DivisionProxy.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537168736, dbid=5595999, name='Tier099', shipId=4287575760L, teamId=0, state=2, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=0) 0 {537236500: {'playerEntity': [Entity: id:2412 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'clanman', 'accountLevel', 'accountRank', 'accountStatus', 'contact', 'elementInGroups', 'channelParticipant', 'preBattlePlayerSimple', 'teamKiller', 'playerInvitedToPrebattleInfo']], 'creationTime': 1510419686.8530006, 'expirationTime': 1510419987, 'plInfo': PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537236500, dbid=69118514, name='RenamedUser_69118514', shipId=None, teamId=-1, state=1, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=1510419987), 'isIgnored': False}} [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:39] playersToInvite {537236500: {'playerEntity': [Entity: id:2412 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'clanman', 'accountLevel', 'accountRank', 'accountStatus', 'contact', 'elementInGroups', 'channelParticipant', 'preBattlePlayerSimple', 'teamKiller', 'playerInvitedToPrebattleInfo']], 'creationTime': 1510419686.8530006, 'expirationTime': 1510419987, 'plInfo': PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537236500, dbid=69118514, name='RenamedUser_69118514', shipId=None, teamId=-1, state=1, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=1510419987), 'isIgnored': False}} [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:39] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 5595999 {'jid': '5595999@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Tier099', 'clanInfo': (430246, u'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:39] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:39] no grants 5120 2 [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:39] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 2]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:40] availableShipParts 63 [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:40] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:53] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:53] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:53] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:53] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:53] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:53] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:53] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:53] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:53] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:53] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:53] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:53] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:56] availableShipParts 55 [S] [2017_11_11 20:01:56] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_11 20:02:02] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:02:02] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:02:02] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:02:02] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:02:02] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:02:02] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:02:02] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:02:02] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:02:02] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:02:02] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:02:02] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:02:02] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:02:43] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ModalWindowPurchaseShip, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:02:52] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 22453883 {'jid': '22453883@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'vova1972ruzan', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 20:02:52] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {22453883: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}} [S] [2017_11_11 20:02:53] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 20:02:53] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -3280000, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False, 'changedShipDockStats': {4289607664L: (1510409657, 1510419774, 0)}, 'freeShipSlots': -1, 'changedShips': {4289607664L: {'own': True}}} [S] [2017_11_11 20:02:54] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:02:54] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:02:54] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:02:54] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:02:54] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:02:54] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:02:54] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:02:54] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:02:54] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:02:54] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:02:54] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:02:54] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:02:54] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 0, 'data': {'numItems': 1, 'shipId': 4289607664L, 'cost': (3280000, 0)}} [S] [2017_11_11 20:02:54] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 0, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD005', 'isElite': False, 'costCR': 3280000, 'sourceId': 0, 'costGold': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SHIP_BUY', 'shipLevelRome': 'VI', 'cost': (3280000, 0), 'numItems': 1, 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'uiSpecial': False, 'shipId': 4289607664L, 'groupId': 5} [S] [2017_11_11 20:02:55] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2017_11_11 20:02:55] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 22453883 {'jid': '22453883@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'vova1972ruzan', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:02:57] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:02:57] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:02:57] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:02:57] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:02:57] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:02:57] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:02:57] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:02:57] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:02:57] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:02:57] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:02:57] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:02:57] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:02:57] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_11 20:03:02] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {22453883: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}} [S] [2017_11_11 20:03:09] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ModalWindowAssignCrew, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:03:12] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 20:03:12] >>> receiveChanges {'crewsAssignments': ({14: 4289607664L}, {})} [S] [2017_11_11 20:03:12] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ModalWindowRetrainCrew, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:03:12] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 27, 'data': {'crewId': 14, 'shipId': 4289607664L}} [S] [2017_11_11 20:03:12] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 27, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD005', 'groupId': 0, 'isElite': False, 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_CREW_ASSIGN', 'shipLevelRome': 'VI', 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'crewId': 1014, 'shipId': 4289607664L, 'data': {'crewId': 1014, 'shipId': 4289607664L}, 'uiSpecial': False} [S] [2017_11_11 20:03:20] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 20:03:20] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -100000, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False, 'changedCrews': {14: {'retraining': 2, 'spec': 4289607664L, 'adapt_earned': 7500, 'adapt_penalty': 15000}}} [S] [2017_11_11 20:03:20] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 32, 'data': {'crewId': 14, 'retrainingType': 2, 'moneyChange': {'CR': -100000, 'XP': 0, 'GL': 0, 'ELXP': 0}}} [S] [2017_11_11 20:03:20] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 32, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD005', 'groupId': 0, 'isElite': False, 'moneyChange': {'CR': -100000, 'XP': 0, 'GL': 0, 'ELXP': 0}, 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 6, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_CREW_START_ADAPTATION', 'shipLevelRome': 'VI', 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'crewId': 2014, 'shipId': 4289607664L, 'data': {'crewId': 2014, 'retrainingType': 2, 'moneyChange': {'CR': -100000, 'XP': 0, 'GL': 0, 'ELXP': 0}}, 'uiSpecial': False, 'retrainingType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 20:03:23] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {62222528: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 69416610: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 73537307: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 6896454: None, 35853511: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 30937387: None, 26288674: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'GUAPS', 'id': 430164, 'name': u'\u0413\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0434\u0435\u0439\u0446\u044b \u041f\u043e\u0441\u0435\u0439\u0434\u043e\u043d\u0430'}, 17915186: None, 31456527: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 58161041: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 69118514: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 71811251: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 2557718: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 327255: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'ENYO', 'id': 415095, 'name': u'\u042d\u041d\u0418\u041e'}, 5471194: None, 22453883: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 2893852: None, 17222686: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}} [S] [2017_11_11 20:03:25] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 22453883 {'jid': '22453883@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'vova1972ruzan', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 20:03:28] DivisionProxy.setReady: 0 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:03:28] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4287575760 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:03:28] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 505066 (537168736, 5595999, 'Tier099', None, 0, 1, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0) 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:03:28] DivisionProxy.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537168736, dbid=5595999, name='Tier099', shipId=None, teamId=0, state=1, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=0) 0 {537236500: {'playerEntity': [Entity: id:2412 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'clanman', 'accountLevel', 'accountRank', 'accountStatus', 'contact', 'elementInGroups', 'channelParticipant', 'preBattlePlayerSimple', 'teamKiller', 'playerInvitedToPrebattleInfo', 'searchResultItem']], 'creationTime': 1510419686.8530006, 'expirationTime': 1510419987, 'plInfo': PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537236500, dbid=69118514, name='RenamedUser_69118514', shipId=None, teamId=-1, state=1, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=1510419987), 'isIgnored': False}} [S] [2017_11_11 20:03:28] playersToInvite {537236500: {'playerEntity': [Entity: id:2412 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'clanman', 'accountLevel', 'accountRank', 'accountStatus', 'contact', 'elementInGroups', 'channelParticipant', 'preBattlePlayerSimple', 'teamKiller', 'playerInvitedToPrebattleInfo', 'searchResultItem']], 'creationTime': 1510419686.8530006, 'expirationTime': 1510419987, 'plInfo': PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537236500, dbid=69118514, name='RenamedUser_69118514', shipId=None, teamId=-1, state=1, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=1510419987), 'isIgnored': False}} [S] [2017_11_11 20:03:28] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 5595999 {'jid': '5595999@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Tier099', 'clanInfo': (430246, u'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:03:28] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 20:03:28] no grants 5120 2 [S] [2017_11_11 20:03:28] no grants 5120 2 [S] [2017_11_11 20:03:28] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 7], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:03:28] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 20:03:28] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 7], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:03:30] DivisionProxy.setReady: 4289607664 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:03:30] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4289607664 2 [S] [2017_11_11 20:03:30] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 505066 (537168736, 5595999, 'Tier099', 4289607664L, 0, 2, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0) 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:03:30] DivisionProxy.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537168736, dbid=5595999, name='Tier099', shipId=4289607664L, teamId=0, state=2, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=0) 0 {537236500: {'playerEntity': [Entity: id:2412 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'clanman', 'accountLevel', 'accountRank', 'accountStatus', 'contact', 'elementInGroups', 'channelParticipant', 'preBattlePlayerSimple', 'teamKiller', 'playerInvitedToPrebattleInfo', 'searchResultItem']], 'creationTime': 1510419686.8530006, 'expirationTime': 1510419987, 'plInfo': PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537236500, dbid=69118514, name='RenamedUser_69118514', shipId=None, teamId=-1, state=1, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=1510419987), 'isIgnored': False}} [S] [2017_11_11 20:03:30] playersToInvite {537236500: {'playerEntity': [Entity: id:2412 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'clanman', 'accountLevel', 'accountRank', 'accountStatus', 'contact', 'elementInGroups', 'channelParticipant', 'preBattlePlayerSimple', 'teamKiller', 'playerInvitedToPrebattleInfo', 'searchResultItem']], 'creationTime': 1510419686.8530006, 'expirationTime': 1510419987, 'plInfo': PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537236500, dbid=69118514, name='RenamedUser_69118514', shipId=None, teamId=-1, state=1, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=1510419987), 'isIgnored': False}} [S] [2017_11_11 20:03:30] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 5595999 {'jid': '5595999@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Tier099', 'clanInfo': (430246, u'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:03:30] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 20:03:30] no grants 5120 2 [S] [2017_11_11 20:03:30] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 7], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:03:31] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2017_11_11 20:03:31] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_11 20:03:32] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {22453883: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}} [S] [2017_11_11 20:03:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:03:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:03:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:03:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:03:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:03:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:03:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:03:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:03:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:03:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:03:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:03:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:04:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:04:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:04:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:04:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:04:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:04:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:04:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:04:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:04:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:04:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:04:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:04:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:04:08] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_11 20:04:10] DivisionProxy.setReady: 0 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:04:10] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4289607664 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:04:10] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 505066 (537168736, 5595999, 'Tier099', None, 0, 1, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0) 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:04:10] DivisionProxy.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537168736, dbid=5595999, name='Tier099', shipId=None, teamId=0, state=1, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=0) 0 {537236500: {'playerEntity': [Entity: id:2412 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'clanman', 'accountLevel', 'accountRank', 'accountStatus', 'contact', 'elementInGroups', 'channelParticipant', 'preBattlePlayerSimple', 'teamKiller', 'playerInvitedToPrebattleInfo', 'searchResultItem']], 'creationTime': 1510419686.8530006, 'expirationTime': 1510419987, 'plInfo': PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537236500, dbid=69118514, name='RenamedUser_69118514', shipId=None, teamId=-1, state=1, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=1510419987), 'isIgnored': False}} [S] [2017_11_11 20:04:10] playersToInvite {537236500: {'playerEntity': [Entity: id:2412 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'clanman', 'accountLevel', 'accountRank', 'accountStatus', 'contact', 'elementInGroups', 'channelParticipant', 'preBattlePlayerSimple', 'teamKiller', 'playerInvitedToPrebattleInfo', 'searchResultItem']], 'creationTime': 1510419686.8530006, 'expirationTime': 1510419987, 'plInfo': PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537236500, dbid=69118514, name='RenamedUser_69118514', shipId=None, teamId=-1, state=1, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=1510419987), 'isIgnored': False}} [S] [2017_11_11 20:04:10] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 5595999 {'jid': '5595999@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Tier099', 'clanInfo': (430246, u'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:04:10] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 20:04:10] no grants 5120 2 [S] [2017_11_11 20:04:10] no grants 5120 2 [S] [2017_11_11 20:04:10] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 7], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:04:10] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 20:04:10] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 7], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:04:11] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2017_11_11 20:04:11] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_11 20:04:17] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ModalWindowModernizations, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:04:17] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 20:04:17] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ModalWindowModernizations, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:04:17] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 20:04:17] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ModalWindowModernizations, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:04:30] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 20:04:30] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ModalWindowModernizations, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:04:35] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 20:04:35] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ModalWindowModernizations, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:04:37] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2017_11_11 20:04:38] no grants 5120 2 [S] [2017_11_11 20:04:38] no grants 5120 2 [S] [2017_11_11 20:04:38] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 7], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 1], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:04:38] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 20:04:38] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 7], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:04:39] [Scaleform] Error: Unknown file format at URL "gui/flash/../service_kit/item_types/icon_modernization_.png" [S] [2017_11_11 20:04:41] availableShipParts 59 [S] [2017_11_11 20:04:43] no grants 5120 2 [S] [2017_11_11 20:04:43] no grants 5120 2 [S] [2017_11_11 20:04:43] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 7], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:04:43] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 20:04:43] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 7], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:04:44] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2017_11_11 20:04:47] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 20:04:47] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ModalWindowModernizations, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:04:55] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 20:04:55] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ModalWindowModernizations, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:04:57] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_11 20:04:57] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 505066 (537236500, 69118514, 'RenamedUser_69118514', None, 0, 1, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0) 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:04:57] DivisionProxy.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537236500, dbid=69118514, name='RenamedUser_69118514', shipId=None, teamId=0, state=1, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=0) 0 {537236500: {'playerEntity': [Entity: id:2412 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'clanman', 'accountLevel', 'accountRank', 'accountStatus', 'contact', 'elementInGroups', 'channelParticipant', 'preBattlePlayerSimple', 'teamKiller', 'playerInvitedToPrebattleInfo', 'searchResultItem']], 'creationTime': 1510419686.8530006, 'expirationTime': 1510419987, 'plInfo': PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537236500, dbid=69118514, name='RenamedUser_69118514', shipId=None, teamId=-1, state=1, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=1510419987), 'isIgnored': False}} [S] [2017_11_11 20:04:57] playersToInvite {537236500: {'playerEntity': [Entity: id:2412 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'clanman', 'accountLevel', 'accountRank', 'accountStatus', 'contact', 'elementInGroups', 'channelParticipant', 'preBattlePlayerSimple', 'teamKiller', 'playerInvitedToPrebattleInfo', 'searchResultItem']], 'creationTime': 1510419686.8530006, 'expirationTime': 1510419987, 'plInfo': PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537236500, dbid=69118514, name='RenamedUser_69118514', shipId=None, teamId=-1, state=1, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=1510419987), 'isIgnored': False}} [S] [2017_11_11 20:04:57] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'eventId': 'PLAYER_ENTERED_PREBATTLE', 'typeId': 3, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_UI_PLAYER_ACTION_IN_DIVISION_0_DIVISION', 'playerName': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'idInGroup': 3, 'divisionType': 'division', 'sourceId': 1, 'actionId': 0, 'groupId': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 20:04:57] [DivisionConxtext] __onInvitedPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 20:04:57] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 69118514 {'jid': '69118514@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'clanInfo': (430246, u'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:04:57] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 20:04:57] no grants 5120 2 [S] [2017_11_11 20:04:57] no grants 5120 2 [S] [2017_11_11 20:04:57] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 7], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:04:57] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 20:04:57] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 7], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:04:57] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 505066 (537236500, 69118514, 'RenamedUser_69118514', None, 0, 1, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0) 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:04:57] DivisionProxy.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537236500, dbid=69118514, name='RenamedUser_69118514', shipId=None, teamId=0, state=1, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=0) 0 {} [S] [2017_11_11 20:04:57] playersToInvite {} [S] [2017_11_11 20:04:57] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 69118514 {'jid': '69118514@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'clanInfo': (430246, u'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:04:57] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 20:04:57] no grants 5120 2 [S] [2017_11_11 20:04:57] no grants 5120 2 [S] [2017_11_11 20:04:57] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 7], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:04:57] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 20:04:57] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 7], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:04:59] DivisionProxy.setReady: 4289607664 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:04:59] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4289607664 2 [S] [2017_11_11 20:04:59] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 505066 (537168736, 5595999, 'Tier099', 4289607664L, 0, 2, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0) 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:04:59] DivisionProxy.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537168736, dbid=5595999, name='Tier099', shipId=4289607664L, teamId=0, state=2, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=0) 0 {} [S] [2017_11_11 20:04:59] playersToInvite {} [S] [2017_11_11 20:04:59] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 5595999 {'jid': '5595999@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Tier099', 'clanInfo': (430246, u'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:04:59] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 20:04:59] no grants 5120 2 [S] [2017_11_11 20:04:59] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 7], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:00] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:00] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:05] DivisionProxy.setReady: 0 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:06] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4289607664 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:06] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 505066 (537168736, 5595999, 'Tier099', None, 0, 1, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0) 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:06] DivisionProxy.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537168736, dbid=5595999, name='Tier099', shipId=None, teamId=0, state=1, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=0) 0 {} [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:06] playersToInvite {} [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:06] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 5595999 {'jid': '5595999@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Tier099', 'clanInfo': (430246, u'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:06] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:06] no grants 5120 2 [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:06] no grants 5120 2 [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:06] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 7], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:06] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:06] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 7], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:06] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:06] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:08] DivisionProxy.setReady: 4289607664 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:08] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4289607664 2 [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:08] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 505066 (537168736, 5595999, 'Tier099', 4289607664L, 0, 2, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0) 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:08] DivisionProxy.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537168736, dbid=5595999, name='Tier099', shipId=4289607664L, teamId=0, state=2, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=0) 0 {} [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:08] playersToInvite {} [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:08] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 5595999 {'jid': '5595999@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Tier099', 'clanInfo': (430246, u'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:08] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:08] no grants 5120 2 [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:08] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 7], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:09] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:09] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:18] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 505066 (537236500, 69118514, 'RenamedUser_69118514', 4079891920L, 0, 2, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0) 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:18] DivisionProxy.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537236500, dbid=69118514, name='RenamedUser_69118514', shipId=4079891920L, teamId=0, state=2, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=0) 0 {} [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:18] playersToInvite {} [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:18] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 69118514 {'jid': '69118514@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'clanInfo': (430246, u'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:18] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:18] no grants 5120 2 [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:18] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 2], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 3, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:21] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 505066 (537168736, 5595999, 'Tier099', 4289607664L, 0, 3, True, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0) 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:21] DivisionProxy.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537168736, dbid=5595999, name='Tier099', shipId=4289607664L, teamId=0, state=3, isInBattle=True, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=0) 0 {} [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:21] playersToInvite {} [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:21] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 5595999 {'jid': '5595999@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Tier099', 'clanInfo': (430246, u'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:21] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:21] no grants 5120 2 [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:21] no grants 5120 2 [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:21] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 1, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:21] some players in battle 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:21] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [53] [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:21] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 1, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:21] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 505066 (537236500, 69118514, 'RenamedUser_69118514', 4079891920L, 0, 3, True, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0) 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:21] DivisionProxy.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537236500, dbid=69118514, name='RenamedUser_69118514', shipId=4079891920L, teamId=0, state=3, isInBattle=True, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=0) 0 {} [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:21] playersToInvite {} [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:21] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 69118514 {'jid': '69118514@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'clanInfo': (430246, u'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:21] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:21] no grants 5120 2 [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:21] no grants 5120 2 [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:21] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 7], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 2, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:21] some players in battle 2 [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:21] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [53] [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:21] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 7], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 2, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:21] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 505066 (537223375, 62222528, 'HEGNI_1', 4288624336L, 0, 3, True, True, False, 15, 134232416, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0) 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:21] DivisionProxy.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537223375, dbid=62222528, name='HEGNI_1', shipId=4288624336L, teamId=0, state=3, isInBattle=True, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134232416, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=0) 0 {} [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:21] playersToInvite {} [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:21] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 62222528 {'jid': '62222528@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'HEGNI_1', 'clanInfo': (430246, u'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:21] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:21] no grants 5120 2 [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:21] no grants 5120 2 [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:21] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 3, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:21] some players in battle 3 [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:21] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [53] [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:21] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 3, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:21] onEnqueued() QueueType: 1 ShipId: 4289607664 mmDescription: {'useBots': False, 'onlyFullBattles': False, 'maxWait': 300} [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:21] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4289607664 4 [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:22] onPrepareingForBattle() [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:22] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4289607664 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:22] onGameRoomStateInit mapIdx = 30 battleType = 116 gameMode = Domination duration=1200 [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:23] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: RandomBattle [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:23] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {62222528: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}} [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:23] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 5595999 {'jid': '5595999@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Tier099', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:23] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 62222528 {'jid': '62222528@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'HEGNI_1', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:23] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 69118514 {'jid': '69118514@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:29] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:29] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened False [isChatBoxOpened] __updateChannelInfo channel.isChatBoxOpened False False [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:29] (, 80999132267601, 73): handleChannelError, ('room destroyed', 'prebattle', 3) [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:29] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened False GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:30] [LootboxProxyClient.destroy] [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:31] Avatar.receiveAvatarInfo: {'evaluationsLeft': {0: 7, 1: 7}} [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:31] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAvatar [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:31] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() False 0 0 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:31] Avatar.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:31] name Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:31] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:31] Avatar onControlled False [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:31] onControlled->False: not implemented [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:31] onGeometryMapped() MapName: 50_Gold_harbor [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:31] teamBuildType: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:31] player: Id: 537005061 Name: eagle2450 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB008_Colorado_1945 avatarId: 1410516 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:31] player: Id: 536878017 Name: Vasilich1957 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSC717_Yellow_Dragon avatarId: 1410534 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:31] player: Id: 537236500 Name: RenamedUser_69118514 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSD205_Podvoisky_pr_1929 avatarId: 1410520 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:31] player: Id: 537120535 Name: Lumikal TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSB108_Bismarck avatarId: 1410522 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:31] player: Id: 282269 Name: MRACK_55 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSB006_Fuso_1943 avatarId: 1410524 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:31] player: Id: 350247 Name: vadikbad TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSD106_Fubuki avatarId: 1410528 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:31] player: Id: 537158832 Name: Kimm_Orwente TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB012_North_Carolina_1945 avatarId: 1410530 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:31] player: Id: 537102641 Name: MALAVTILIN TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASC014_New_Orlean_1944 avatarId: 1410532 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:31] player: Id: 245953 Name: miron1977 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB012_North_Carolina_1945 avatarId: 1410518 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:31] player: Id: 537234638 Name: skhao290 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSB013_Amagi_1942 avatarId: 1410536 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:31] player: Id: 537223375 Name: HEGNI_1 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSB006_Fuso_1943 avatarId: 1410538 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:31] player: Id: 340177 Name: litya333 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PBSB517_Nelson avatarId: 1410540 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:31] player: Id: 374354 Name: sanych25_metkij TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSB002_Tirpiz_1942 avatarId: 1410542 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:31] player: Id: 537223766 Name: botsman_palych TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSC108_Pr_68_Chapaev avatarId: 1410544 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:31] player: Id: 537168736 Name: Tier099 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASD005_Farragut_1944 avatarId: 1410526 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:31] player: Id: 214115 Name: palcin TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSD207_Shiratsuyu avatarId: 1410548 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:31] player: Id: 421604 Name: Roma_82a_ TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASA012_Lexington_1944 avatarId: 1410550 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:31] player: Id: 537181680 Name: Valik82 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASD005_Farragut_1944 avatarId: 1410552 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:31] player: Id: 537220448 Name: poorBOOTY TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSB013_Amagi_1942 avatarId: 1410546 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:31] player: Id: 537237490 Name: Akella85 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSC506_Admiral_Graf_Spee avatarId: 1410554 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:31] player: Id: 537275770 Name: foreign941 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSC107_Schors avatarId: 1410556 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:31] player: Id: 537231611 Name: Zalman21 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASA012_Lexington_1944 avatarId: 1410558 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:31] player: Id: 292988 Name: deadpool____ TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSC708_ARP_Takao avatarId: 1410560 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:31] player: Id: 537204221 Name: palikaru TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSC108_Hipper avatarId: 1410562 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:31] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537315793, 0, 0, 1410530, 1510419923087L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:31] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537315793: PreBattleInfo: id: 537315793, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1410530, creationTime 1510419923087, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:31] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (504874, 0, 0, 1410536, 1510419923088L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:31] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537315793: PreBattleInfo: id: 537315793, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1410530, creationTime 1510419923087, hidden False, locked False , 504874: PreBattleInfo: id: 504874, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1410536, creationTime 1510419923088, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:31] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (505066, 1, 0, 1410538, 1510419923088L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:31] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537315793: PreBattleInfo: id: 537315793, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1410530, creationTime 1510419923087, hidden False, locked False , 504874: PreBattleInfo: id: 504874, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1410536, creationTime 1510419923088, hidden False, locked False , 505066: PreBattleInfo: id: 505066, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1410538, creationTime 1510419923088, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:31] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (505066, 1, 0, 1410538, 1510419923088L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:31] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537315793: PreBattleInfo: id: 537315793, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1410530, creationTime 1510419923087, hidden False, locked False , 504874: PreBattleInfo: id: 504874, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1410536, creationTime 1510419923088, hidden False, locked False , 505066: PreBattleInfo: id: 505066, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1410538, creationTime 1510419923088, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:31] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (505066, 1, 0, 1410538, 1510419923088L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:31] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537315793: PreBattleInfo: id: 537315793, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1410530, creationTime 1510419923087, hidden False, locked False , 504874: PreBattleInfo: id: 504874, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1410536, creationTime 1510419923088, hidden False, locked False , 505066: PreBattleInfo: id: 505066, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1410538, creationTime 1510419923088, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:31] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (505066, 1, 0, 1410538, 1510419923088L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:31] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537315793: PreBattleInfo: id: 537315793, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1410530, creationTime 1510419923087, hidden False, locked False , 504874: PreBattleInfo: id: 504874, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1410536, creationTime 1510419923088, hidden False, locked False , 505066: PreBattleInfo: id: 505066, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1410538, creationTime 1510419923088, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:31] Avatar.enterPrebattle [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:32] (, 39965384947628, 149): 1410514; BattleLogic() [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:32] (, 39965384947628, 149): 1410514; onEnterWorld() State: {attentionMarkers: [], clientAnimations: None, controlPoints: [{position: [-261.0, 244.0], radius: 140.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: 0, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [-112.0, -112.0], radius: 120.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [110.0, 110.0], radius: 120.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [244.0, -261.0], radius: 140.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: 1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}], entityStates: [], expectedActions: None, interactiveZones: [], weather: {globalWeatherId: 1410515, localWeather: [], entityLogicParams: []}, keyObjects: [], missions: {hold: [{reward: 4, penalty: 0, cpIndices: [0, 1, 2, 3], period: 9}], capture: [], destroy: [], suppress: [], kill: [{reward: 30, penalty: 45, shipType: 'Destroyer'}, {reward: 35, penalty: 50, shipType: 'Cruiser'}, {reward: 40, penalty: 60, shipType: 'Battleship'}, {reward: 45, penalty: 65, shipType: 'AirCarrier'}], teamsScore: [300, 300], teamWinScore: 1000, teamLoseScore: 0}, resources: [], successStoryProgress: [], screenplayMessage: '', tasks: [], minefields: [], entities: [], effects: []} [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:32] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:05:32] BattleDataContext.__onEnterSpace [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:26] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:26] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 6 NOT_SET [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:26] [LOGIN] Setting gIsConnected to False [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:38] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: BattleLoading [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:38] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:38] connection problem!!! [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:38] clearAll 0 True [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:38] ClanProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:38] ClanProxy.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:38] (, 80999132267601, 73): handleChannelError, ('room destroyed', 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 6) [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:38] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened False [isChatBoxOpened] __updateChannelInfo channel.isChatBoxOpened False False [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:38] AccountLevelingProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:38] PreBattleInfoHolder.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:38] ShutDownProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:38] ShutDownProxy.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:38] StatsProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:38] StatsProxy.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:39] CampaignsProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:39] IngamePortalProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:39] IngameNewsProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:39] LootboxProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:39] LootboxProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:39] PVEScriptsProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:39] PVEDatahubUtils.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:39] PVEScriptsProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:39] UserDataGate.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:39] UserDataGate.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:39] (, 51007757488877, 12): is out of context [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:39] (, 13182166089733, 190): fini [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:39] (, 51007922117933, 263): out of context [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:39] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Login, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:39] DivisionProxyBattle.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:39] (, 39965384947628, 149): 1410514; onLeaveWorld() [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:39] Avatar.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:41] Exception BigWorld.EntityIsDestroyedException: 'Avatar 1410526 has been destroyed' in ignored [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:42] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Login, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:44] (, 66259644693353, 191): H:; A:; C:http://csis.worldoftanks.ru/csis/wowsru/?periphery=login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020&periphery=login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020; M:['login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020', 'login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020'] [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:44] BaseLoginRequest.doLogin(): login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020 token2 ([BaseLoginCredentials] Tier099) [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:44] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:44] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:44] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 1 LOGGED_ON {"token2":"5595999:5600238760764888903:222072414835571718833374727959541450933","wgnr":"ru.wargaming.net"} [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:44] LOGGED_ON {u'token2': u'5595999:5600238760764888903:222072414835571718833374727959541450933', u'wgnr': u'ru.wargaming.net'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:44] [LOGIN] Positive, serverMsg: {u'token2': u'5595999:5600238760764888903:222072414835571718833374727959541450933', u'wgnr': u'ru.wargaming.net'}, status: LOGGED_ON [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:44] [LOGIN] Setting wgnr url to "https://ru.wargaming.net" [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:44] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 2 NOT_SET [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:45] Account.__init__() [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:45] [Account debuG]: __init__() Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:45] ClanProxy.setChatHandler [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:45] ClanProxy.setInteractiveMessageData [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:45] Exception BigWorld.EntityIsDestroyedException: 'Account 537168736 has been destroyed' in ignored [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:45] (, 571883079382, 162): init [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:45] (, 574705753692, 103): Url config for realm ru as string is ResMgr.DataSection at 0x4BC0D810 [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:48] (, 51003525417967, 75): in context [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:48] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:48] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:48] onBecomePlayer() [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:48] UserDataGate.onGetConnection [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:48] UserDataGate.onGetConnection(): 5595999 [Entity: id:2890 ['accountSimple', 'accountName']] Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:48] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAccount [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:48] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() True 0 0 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:48] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:48] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:48] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4161159088 {('Default', 4283604912L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 7, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:48] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4162207664 {('Default', 4279410608L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 6, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:48] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q04 {('Default', 4271730608L, 0): 5, ('Default', 4269633456L, 0): 5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u041e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c \u043d\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u041e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c \u043d\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:48] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4163256240 {('Default', 4282556336L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 5, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:48] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22468_q03 {('Default', 4263440304L, 0): 5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:48] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q02 {('Resource', 19, 0): 1, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u041f\u0440\u0435\u043c\u0438\u0443\u043c \u0437\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0443'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u041f\u0440\u0435\u043c\u0438\u0443\u043c \u0437\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0443'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:48] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4156964784 {'desc': (), ('Resource', 0, 0): 100000} {'taskNumber': 11, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:48] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4154867632 {('Default', 4284313520L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 13, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:48] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4165353392 {('Default', 4287557552L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 3, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:48] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q01 {('ResourceCoeff', 21, 17): 3.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 30): 6.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 9): 12.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 32): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 10): 3.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 5): 1.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 28): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 14): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 16): 3.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 11): 1.5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'}, 0, 0)} {'type': 'challenge', 'titleText': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:48] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4167450544 {'desc': (), ('Resource', 16, 0): 500} {'taskNumber': 1, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:48] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4160110512 {('Resource', 0, 0): 100000, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 8, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:48] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 16 [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:48] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:48] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 16. Boxes contents: [{4288852912L: {(0, 4283622320L): 1}, 4284658608L: {(0, 4274185136L): 1}, 4283610032L: {(0, 4273136560L): 1}, 4289901488L: {(0, 4289913776L): 1}}] [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:48] setServerTime: serverTime=1510420009 time.time()=1510420008.57 gInitialClientTime=405.639000879 [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:48] initBattleTypes called [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:48] Disabled maps: [] [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:48] getNationForTutorial() CanBeStarted: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:48] StatsProxy.receiveAbuseStatus(): {'battlesToClean': 0, 'statuses': {'tkill': 0}, 'warnings': ()} [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:49] _onChangeTimeOut 156 [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:51] __processDossierStats() client dossier: ['oper', 'pvp', 'oper_mm_tasks_diag', 'pve_diag', 'pvp_diag', 'oper_normal', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'pve', 'oper_mm', 'total', 'oper_normal_tasks_diag', 'max_pve', 'rank_diag', 'max_pvp', 'oper_diag', 'club_diag', 'club', 'max_club', 'clan', 'oper_hard', 'oper_hard_tasks_diag', 'max_clan'] [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:51] AccountLevelingProxy.onGetAccountStats(): (-1, -1) (15, 749197) [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:52] __updateTaskProgress start: {'22468_q03': {3: {'count': 10.0}}, '22468_q01': {2: {'count': 3}}, '22469_q01': {}, '21856_q00': {}, '22468_q05': {}, '22468_q02': {3: {'count': 549416}}, '22470_q01': {}, '22470_q02': {2: {'count': 5}}, '22470_q03': {2: {'count': 464435}, 3: {'count': 15080}, 4: {'count': 96565}}, '22470_q04': {2: {'count': 10}}, '22160_q01': {}, '22468_q04': {3: {'count': 21936}}} [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:52] __updateTaskProgress start: {'22468_q03': {'count': 1, 3: {'count': 10.0}}, '22468_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 3}}, '22469_q01': {'count': 0}, '21856_q00': {'count': 0}, '22468_q05': {'count': 0}, '22468_q02': {'count': 1, 3: {'count': 549416}}, '22470_q01': {'count': 29}, '22470_q02': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 5}}, '22470_q03': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 464435}, 3: {'count': 15080}, 4: {'count': 96565}}, '22470_q04': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 10}}, '22160_q01': {'count': 0}, '22468_q04': {'count': 0, 3: {'count': 21936}}} [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:52] onGetRankBattlesInfo currentSeason: 7, PlayerInfo: None [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:52] onGetRankDossier() seasonId = 7 Empty [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:52] ---- no data for seasonId: 7 [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:52] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onGetSeasonRules: config False, {'seasonId': 1, 'operations': {4291341232L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 3, 'unlockTime': 1500429600, 'caps': 3}, 4292389808L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1499824800, 'caps': 3}, 4290292656L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1501034400, 'caps': 3}, 4293438384L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1501639200, 'caps': 3}}, 'currentOperationIdx': 1, 'roster': [4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L, 4293438384L], 'startTime': 1499824800, 'seasons': {1: {'operations': [4293438384L, 4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}, 2: {'operations': [], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}}, 'currentRotationTime': 1510106400, 'nextRotationTime': 1510711200, 'stage': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:52] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onLoadProgress: config False, season False, {'operations': {'hard': [], 'normal': [(4287146928L, [1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 0]), (4288195504L, [1509007262, 1509007262, 1509007262, 0, 0, 0]), (4290292656L, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])]}, 'seasons': {'hard': [], 'normal': [(2, 1509007262)]}} [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:52] onClanResponse: response=(1, 0, (430246, (430246, u'FLY', u'FLY', 16777215, u'executive_officer', u'\u0417\u0434\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0443\u0439\u0442\u0435 \u0442\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0449\u0438, \u0443 \u043a\u043e\u0433\u043e \u0435\u0441\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0431\u043b\u0438 10-\u0433\u043e \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u043d\u044f, \u0438 \u0433\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0441\u043e\u0432\u0430\u044f \u0432\u0441\u044f\u0437\u044c \u043d\u0443\u0436\u043d\u043e \u0441\u044b\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d\u043e\u0432\u044b\u0435 \u0431\u043e\u0438 - \u0441\u0442\u0430\u0432\u0442\u0435 + \u043c\u043d\u0435 \u0432 \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443 \u043a\u0442\u043e \u0433\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432', {47518727: {'role': u'private'}, 162314: {'role': u'private'}, 33301518: {'role': u'private'}, 31456527: {'role': u'private'}, 58161041: {'role': u'private'}, 19410835: {'role': u'private'}, 2557718: {'role': u'private'}, 27883543: {'role': u'private'}, 73537307: {'role': u'private'}, 17222686: {'role': u'private'}, 310434: {'role': u'private'}, 11428651: {'role': u'private'}, 2445100: {'role': u'private'}, 7715120: {'role': u'private'}, 69118514: {'role': u'commander'}, 71811251: {'role': u'private'}, 59694238: {'role': u'private'}, 62222528: {'role': u'private'}, 47245249: {'role': u'private'}, 59103429: {'role': u'private'}, 35853511: {'role': u'private'}, 69416610: {'role': u'private'}, 65031124: {'role': u'private'}, 5595999: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 8706534: {'role': u'private'}, 37230: {'role': u'private'}, 1515506: {'role': u'private'}, 71303028: {'role': u'private'}, 5426549: {'role': u'private'}, 22453883: {'role': u'private'}}, {75100162: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3925161}, 75116563: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10679440}, 75116564: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5595999}, 75104791: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1901451}, 75104792: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12037438}, 75104793: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47518727}, 75100186: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4688253}, 75104795: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26571092}, 75100188: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 872384}, 75104797: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5326927}, 75104799: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2557718}, 75100217: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58161041}, 75100219: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36672236}, 75100220: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12445172}, 75100221: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11262324}, 75092406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86780640}, 75100940: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1550733}, 75088485: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11437327}, 75088488: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86912728}, 75115802: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19050869}, 75099931: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 64096589}, 75104796: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24059614}, 75100189: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 16896550}, 75100187: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26497012}, 75105224: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5163046}, 75115804: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3700101}, 75100858: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65353479}, 75100859: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4549361}, 75100860: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19163627}, 75100862: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 15486060}, 75100864: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24960589}, 75101403: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13829345}, 75101405: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2774140}, 75101406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19410835}, 75105005: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2514322}, 75105006: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 6071074}, 75105007: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21765943}, 75105008: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13351014}, 75105009: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10744094}, 75105010: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8213596}, 75105533: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 32758788}, 75105534: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35843415}, 75105535: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19416306}, 75099910: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 22471163}, 75099912: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47356661}, 75099913: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20821811}, 75099914: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 38322742}, 75099915: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 57543888}, 75099916: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5426549}, 75100941: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1431883}, 75100942: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 744012}, 75100943: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 69416610}, 75100944: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36933861}, 75100946: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4337469}, 75115800: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47245249}, 75115801: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2723422}, 75099930: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35480962}, 75115803: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65031124}, 75099932: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5239563}, 75099933: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5564244}, 75105068: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 27883543}, 75099952: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11428651}, 75115830: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 62222528}, 75115831: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8664152}, 75115833: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59103429}, 75115837: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4858560}, 75115840: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 7424262}, 75099461: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 33301518}, 75104134: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 225652}, 75101613: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 162314}, 75101614: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 75991473}, 75100081: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71303028}, 75100082: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79542157}, 75100083: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 76103}, 75100084: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80535214}, 75100085: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5965559}, 75100086: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71777625}, 75092407: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 72132668}, 75092409: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65107864}, 75092412: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58685850}, 75104707: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13658244}, 75104708: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 77607300}, 75104710: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79957325}, 75104712: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2809573}, 75105225: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 61831778}, 75105226: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 48512704}, 75105227: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82400346}, 75105229: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59694238}, 75105230: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24318025}, 75105232: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35446652}, 75100114: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21297715}, 75100115: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2636501}, 75100116: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 23508047}, 75100117: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4104445}, 75113468: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80938462}, 75100157: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82347121}, 75113470: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8706534}, 75113467: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1207353}, 75100156: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65362617}, 75113469: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 17222686}, 75100158: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20158906}, 75113471: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4261263}}, 30, 30, None))) [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:52] ClanProxy.onClanResponse(): 1 (430246, (430246, u'FLY', u'FLY', 16777215, u'executive_officer', u'\u0417\u0434\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0443\u0439\u0442\u0435 \u0442\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0449\u0438, \u0443 \u043a\u043e\u0433\u043e \u0435\u0441\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0431\u043b\u0438 10-\u0433\u043e \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u043d\u044f, \u0438 \u0433\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0441\u043e\u0432\u0430\u044f \u0432\u0441\u044f\u0437\u044c \u043d\u0443\u0436\u043d\u043e \u0441\u044b\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d\u043e\u0432\u044b\u0435 \u0431\u043e\u0438 - \u0441\u0442\u0430\u0432\u0442\u0435 + \u043c\u043d\u0435 \u0432 \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443 \u043a\u0442\u043e \u0433\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432', {47518727: {'role': u'private'}, 162314: {'role': u'private'}, 33301518: {'role': u'private'}, 31456527: {'role': u'private'}, 58161041: {'role': u'private'}, 19410835: {'role': u'private'}, 2557718: {'role': u'private'}, 27883543: {'role': u'private'}, 73537307: {'role': u'private'}, 17222686: {'role': u'private'}, 310434: {'role': u'private'}, 11428651: {'role': u'private'}, 2445100: {'role': u'private'}, 7715120: {'role': u'private'}, 69118514: {'role': u'commander'}, 71811251: {'role': u'private'}, 59694238: {'role': u'private'}, 62222528: {'role': u'private'}, 47245249: {'role': u'private'}, 59103429: {'role': u'private'}, 35853511: {'role': u'private'}, 69416610: {'role': u'private'}, 65031124: {'role': u'private'}, 5595999: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 8706534: {'role': u'private'}, 37230: {'role': u'private'}, 1515506: {'role': u'private'}, 71303028: {'role': u'private'}, 5426549: {'role': u'private'}, 22453883: {'role': u'private'}}, {75100162: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3925161}, 75116563: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10679440}, 75116564: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5595999}, 75104791: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1901451}, 75104792: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12037438}, 75104793: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47518727}, 75100186: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4688253}, 75104795: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26571092}, 75100188: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 872384}, 75104797: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5326927}, 75104799: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2557718}, 75100217: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58161041}, 75100219: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36672236}, 75100220: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12445172}, 75100221: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11262324}, 75092406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86780640}, 75100940: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1550733}, 75088485: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11437327}, 75088488: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86912728}, 75115802: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19050869}, 75099931: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 64096589}, 75104796: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24059614}, 75100189: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 16896550}, 75100187: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26497012}, 75105224: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5163046}, 75115804: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3700101}, 75100858: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65353479}, 75100859: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4549361}, 75100860: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19163627}, 75100862: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 15486060}, 75100864: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24960589}, 75101403: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13829345}, 75101405: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2774140}, 75101406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19410835}, 75105005: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2514322}, 75105006: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 6071074}, 75105007: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21765943}, 75105008: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13351014}, 75105009: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10744094}, 75105010: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8213596}, 75105533: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 32758788}, 75105534: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35843415}, 75105535: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19416306}, 75099910: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 22471163}, 75099912: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47356661}, 75099913: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20821811}, 75099914: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 38322742}, 75099915: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 57543888}, 75099916: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5426549}, 75100941: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1431883}, 75100942: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 744012}, 75100943: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 69416610}, 75100944: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36933861}, 75100946: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4337469}, 75115800: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47245249}, 75115801: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2723422}, 75099930: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35480962}, 75115803: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65031124}, 75099932: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5239563}, 75099933: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5564244}, 75105068: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 27883543}, 75099952: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11428651}, 75115830: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 62222528}, 75115831: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8664152}, 75115833: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59103429}, 75115837: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4858560}, 75115840: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 7424262}, 75099461: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 33301518}, 75104134: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 225652}, 75101613: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 162314}, 75101614: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 75991473}, 75100081: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71303028}, 75100082: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79542157}, 75100083: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 76103}, 75100084: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80535214}, 75100085: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5965559}, 75100086: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71777625}, 75092407: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 72132668}, 75092409: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65107864}, 75092412: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58685850}, 75104707: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13658244}, 75104708: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 77607300}, 75104710: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79957325}, 75104712: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2809573}, 75105225: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 61831778}, 75105226: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 48512704}, 75105227: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82400346}, 75105229: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59694238}, 75105230: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24318025}, 75105232: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35446652}, 75100114: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21297715}, 75100115: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2636501}, 75100116: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 23508047}, 75100117: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4104445}, 75113468: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80938462}, 75100157: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82347121}, 75113470: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8706534}, 75113467: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1207353}, 75100156: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65362617}, 75113469: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 17222686}, 75100158: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20158906}, 75113471: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4261263}}, 30, 30, None)) [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:52] ClanProxy.__onGetMyClan: False (430246, (430246, u'FLY', u'FLY', 16777215, u'executive_officer', u'\u0417\u0434\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0443\u0439\u0442\u0435 \u0442\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0449\u0438, \u0443 \u043a\u043e\u0433\u043e \u0435\u0441\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0431\u043b\u0438 10-\u0433\u043e \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u043d\u044f, \u0438 \u0433\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0441\u043e\u0432\u0430\u044f \u0432\u0441\u044f\u0437\u044c \u043d\u0443\u0436\u043d\u043e \u0441\u044b\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d\u043e\u0432\u044b\u0435 \u0431\u043e\u0438 - \u0441\u0442\u0430\u0432\u0442\u0435 + \u043c\u043d\u0435 \u0432 \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443 \u043a\u0442\u043e \u0433\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432', {47518727: {'role': u'private'}, 162314: {'role': u'private'}, 33301518: {'role': u'private'}, 31456527: {'role': u'private'}, 58161041: {'role': u'private'}, 19410835: {'role': u'private'}, 2557718: {'role': u'private'}, 27883543: {'role': u'private'}, 73537307: {'role': u'private'}, 17222686: {'role': u'private'}, 310434: {'role': u'private'}, 11428651: {'role': u'private'}, 2445100: {'role': u'private'}, 7715120: {'role': u'private'}, 69118514: {'role': u'commander'}, 71811251: {'role': u'private'}, 59694238: {'role': u'private'}, 62222528: {'role': u'private'}, 47245249: {'role': u'private'}, 59103429: {'role': u'private'}, 35853511: {'role': u'private'}, 69416610: {'role': u'private'}, 65031124: {'role': u'private'}, 5595999: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 8706534: {'role': u'private'}, 37230: {'role': u'private'}, 1515506: {'role': u'private'}, 71303028: {'role': u'private'}, 5426549: {'role': u'private'}, 22453883: {'role': u'private'}}, {75100162: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3925161}, 75116563: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10679440}, 75116564: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5595999}, 75104791: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1901451}, 75104792: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12037438}, 75104793: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47518727}, 75100186: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4688253}, 75104795: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26571092}, 75100188: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 872384}, 75104797: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5326927}, 75104799: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2557718}, 75100217: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58161041}, 75100219: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36672236}, 75100220: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12445172}, 75100221: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11262324}, 75092406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86780640}, 75100940: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1550733}, 75088485: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11437327}, 75088488: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86912728}, 75115802: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19050869}, 75099931: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 64096589}, 75104796: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24059614}, 75100189: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 16896550}, 75100187: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26497012}, 75105224: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5163046}, 75115804: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3700101}, 75100858: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65353479}, 75100859: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4549361}, 75100860: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19163627}, 75100862: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 15486060}, 75100864: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24960589}, 75101403: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13829345}, 75101405: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2774140}, 75101406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19410835}, 75105005: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2514322}, 75105006: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 6071074}, 75105007: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21765943}, 75105008: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13351014}, 75105009: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10744094}, 75105010: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8213596}, 75105533: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 32758788}, 75105534: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35843415}, 75105535: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19416306}, 75099910: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 22471163}, 75099912: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47356661}, 75099913: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20821811}, 75099914: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 38322742}, 75099915: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 57543888}, 75099916: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5426549}, 75100941: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1431883}, 75100942: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 744012}, 75100943: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 69416610}, 75100944: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36933861}, 75100946: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4337469}, 75115800: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47245249}, 75115801: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2723422}, 75099930: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35480962}, 75115803: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65031124}, 75099932: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5239563}, 75099933: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5564244}, 75105068: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 27883543}, 75099952: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11428651}, 75115830: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 62222528}, 75115831: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8664152}, 75115833: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59103429}, 75115837: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4858560}, 75115840: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 7424262}, 75099461: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 33301518}, 75104134: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 225652}, 75101613: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 162314}, 75101614: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 75991473}, 75100081: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71303028}, 75100082: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79542157}, 75100083: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 76103}, 75100084: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80535214}, 75100085: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5965559}, 75100086: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71777625}, 75092407: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 72132668}, 75092409: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65107864}, 75092412: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58685850}, 75104707: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13658244}, 75104708: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 77607300}, 75104710: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79957325}, 75104712: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2809573}, 75105225: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 61831778}, 75105226: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 48512704}, 75105227: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82400346}, 75105229: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59694238}, 75105230: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24318025}, 75105232: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35446652}, 75100114: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21297715}, 75100115: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2636501}, 75100116: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 23508047}, 75100117: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4104445}, 75113468: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80938462}, 75100157: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82347121}, 75113470: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8706534}, 75113467: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1207353}, 75100156: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65362617}, 75113469: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 17222686}, 75100158: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20158906}, 75113471: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4261263}}, 30, 30, None)) [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:53] [CampaignsCommon] onLoadedDump: loaded campaign params and player; countActiveTasks 1; data ({4290690992L: (False, True, False), 4293836720L: (True, 0, True), 4291739568L: (False, True, False), 4288593840L: (True, 0, True), 4289642416L: (False, True, False), 4292788144L: (True, 0, True)}, {4293836720L: [1, 1], 4289642416L: [1, 0], 4291739568L: [1, 0], 4288593840L: [1, 0], 4290690992L: [1, 0], 4292788144L: [1, 0]}, {4283023280L: [2, 0, 0], 4285120432L: [4, 15, 8], 4287217584L: [4, 12, 7], 4288266160L: [4, 10, 7], 4289314736L: [4, 10, 6], 4291411888L: [4, 7, 7], 4293509040L: [5, 5, 9], 4286169008L: [4, 15, 8], 4263100336L: [2, 0, 0], 4290363312L: [4, 10, 5], 4251566000L: [2, 0, 0], 4272537520L: [2, 0, 0], 4241080240L: [2, 0, 0], 4292460464L: [4, 6, 8]}, {4153819056L: (2, False, 0), 4193664944L: (5, True, 0), 4227219376L: (1, False, 0), 4133896112L: (1, False, 0), 4243996592L: (1, False, 0), 4280696752L: (5, True, 0), 4288036784L: (5, True, 0), 4187373488L: (1, False, 0), 4224073648L: (5, True, 0), 3895869360L: (0, False, 0), 4130750384L: (1, False, 0), 4204150704L: (5, True, 0), 4240850864L: (1, False, 0), 4277551024L: (5, True, 0), 4184227760L: (1, False, 0), 4220927920L: (5, True, 0), 4257628080L: (5, True, 0), 4198907824L: (5, True, 0), 4164304816L: (1, False, 0), 4237705136L: (5, True, 0), 3904257968L: (1, False, 0), 4274405296L: (1, False, 0), 3977658288L: (1, False, 0), 4181082032L: (5, True, 0), 4254482352L: (1, False, 0), 4291182512L: (5, True, 0), 4260773808L: (5, True, 0), 3897966512L: (1, False, 0), 4161159088L: (5, True, 0), 4197859248L: (1, False, 0), 3901112240L: (1, False, 0), 3974512560L: (1, False, 0), 4177936304L: (1, False, 0), 4214636464L: (1, False, 0), 4251336624L: (5, True, 0), 4167450544L: (5, True, 0), 4211490736L: (1, False, 0), 4081467312L: (0, False, 0), 4284891056L: (5, True, 0), 4190519216L: (1, False, 0), 4191567792L: (5, True, 0), 4252385200L: (5, True, 0), 4228267952L: (1, False, 0), 4134944688L: (1, False, 0), 4171644848L: (5, True, 0), 4208345008L: (1, False, 0), 4245045168L: (5, True, 0), 4281745328L: (5, True, 0), 4158013360L: (1, False, 0), 4188422064L: (1, False, 0), 4225122224L: (1, False, 0), 4203102128L: (5, True, 0), 4261822384L: (1, False, 0), 4131798960L: (1, False, 0), 4205199280L: (5, True, 0), 4163256240L: (5, True, 0), 4241899440L: (5, True, 0), 4278599600L: (5, True, 0), 4221976496L: (5, True, 0), 4258676656L: (1, False, 0), 3902160816L: (1, False, 0), 4128653232L: (0, False, 0), 4165353392L: (5, True, 0), 4238753712L: (1, False, 0), 3905306544L: (1, False, 0), 4275453872L: (1, False, 0), 3978706864L: (1, False, 0), 4182130608L: (5, True, 0), 4292231088L: (5, True, 0), 4255530928L: (5, True, 0), 4178984880L: (1, False, 0), 4215685040L: (5, True, 0), 4289085360L: (5, True, 0), 3971366832L: (1, False, 0), 4195762096L: (5, True, 0), 3899015088L: (1, False, 0), 4175839152L: (1, False, 0), 4212539312L: (1, False, 0), 4082515888L: (1, False, 0), 4285939632L: (5, True, 0), 4155916208L: (1, False, 0), 4192616368L: (5, True, 0), 4207296432L: (1, False, 0), 4229316528L: (5, True, 0), 4135993264L: (1, False, 0), 4172693424L: (5, True, 0), 4209393584L: (5, True, 0), 4246093744L: (1, False, 0), 4282793904L: (5, True, 0), 4160110512L: (5, True, 0), 4226170800L: (1, False, 0), 4174790576L: (5, True, 0), 4132847536L: (1, False, 0), 4189470640L: (1, False, 0), 4206247856L: (5, True, 0), 4242948016L: (1, False, 0), 4279648176L: (5, True, 0), 4186324912L: (5, True, 0), 4223025072L: (1, False, 0), 4259725232L: (1, False, 0), 4159061936L: (1, False, 0), 4129701808L: (1, False, 0), 4166401968L: (1, False, 0), 4239802288L: (1, False, 0), 4276502448L: (5, True, 0), 4183179184L: (1, False, 0), 4219879344L: (5, True, 0), 4256579504L: (5, True, 0), 4293279664L: (5, True, 0), 3975561136L: (1, False, 0), 4154867632L: (5, True, 0), 3972415408L: (1, False, 0), 4236656560L: (5, True, 0), 3903209392L: (1, False, 0), 4273356720L: (5, True, 0), 3976609712L: (1, False, 0), 4180033456L: (5, True, 0), 4253433776L: (5, True, 0), 4290133936L: (5, True, 0), 4194713520L: (5, True, 0), 4196810672L: (1, False, 0), 3900063664L: (1, False, 0), 3973463984L: (1, False, 0), 4176887728L: (5, True, 0), 4213587888L: (5, True, 0), 4083564464L: (1, False, 0), 4286988208L: (5, True, 0), 4156964784L: (5, True, 0), 4162207664L: (5, True, 0), 4230365104L: (5, True, 0), 4063641520L: (0, False, 0), 3896917936L: (1, False, 0), 3970318256L: (0, False, 0), 4173742000L: (5, True, 0), 4210442160L: (1, False, 0), 4247142320L: (5, True, 0)}) [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:53] ClanProxy.onGetClanBattles {'seasonId': 1, 'finishTime': 1513713600.0, 'primeTimes': {2: (57600, 68400), 3: (57600, 68400), 5: (57600, 68400), 6: (57600, 68400)}, 'shipLevelMax': 10, 'shipLevelMin': 10, 'startTime': 1508310000.0, 'promoTime': 1508310000.0, 'stage': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:55] >>> DockProxy.receiveState [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:55] Unlocks.receiveState [] [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:56] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 10223, 'boughtToday': 2, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1510444800.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:56] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 10223, 'boughtToday': 2, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1510444800.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:56] PVEScriptsProxyCommon.createPVEState() [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:56] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onGetSeasonRules: config True, {'seasonId': 1, 'operations': {4291341232L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 3, 'unlockTime': 1500429600, 'caps': 3}, 4292389808L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1499824800, 'caps': 3}, 4290292656L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1501034400, 'caps': 3}, 4293438384L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1501639200, 'caps': 3}}, 'currentOperationIdx': 1, 'roster': [4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L, 4293438384L], 'startTime': 1499824800, 'seasons': {1: {'operations': [4293438384L, 4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}, 2: {'operations': [], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}}, 'currentRotationTime': 1510106400, 'nextRotationTime': 1510711200, 'stage': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:56] [4181898160L, 4180849584L] [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:56] [4181898160L, 4180849584L] [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:56] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onLoadProgress: config True, season True, {'operations': {'hard': [], 'normal': [(4287146928L, [1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 0]), (4288195504L, [1509007262, 1509007262, 1509007262, 0, 0, 0]), (4290292656L, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])]}, 'seasons': {'hard': [], 'normal': [(2, 1509007262)]}} [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:56] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] _updateOperationCompleted: 4287146928 normal [1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 0] [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:56] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] _updateOperationCompleted: 4288195504 normal [1509007262, 1509007262, 1509007262, 0, 0, 0] [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:56] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] _updateOperationCompleted: 4290292656 normal [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:56] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] _updateSeasonCompleted: 2 normal 1509007262 [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:56] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {69118514: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}} [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:56] onClanResponse: response=(6, 0, {'league': 4, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 430246, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division_rating': 0, 'stage': 'league'}) [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:56] ClanProxy.onClanResponse(): 6 {'league': 4, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 430246, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division_rating': 0, 'stage': 'league'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:56] ClanDataHubUtils.addLadderInfo: {'league': 4, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 430246, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division_rating': 0, 'stage': 'league'} [E] [2017_11_11 20:06:56] Can only call base methods on the connected entity [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:56] onGameRoomStateInit mapIdx = 30 battleType = 116 gameMode = Domination duration=1200 [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:56] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:56] GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:57] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Login, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:57] Avatar.receiveAvatarInfo: {'evaluationsLeft': {0: 7, 1: 7}} [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:57] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAvatar [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:57] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() False 0 0 0 [E] [2017_11_11 20:06:57] Entity::enterWorld: Got entity 1410526 before carrying vehicle 1410527 (going into limbo) [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:57] Avatar.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:57] name Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:57] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:57] Avatar onControlled False [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:57] onControlled->False: not implemented [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:57] onGeometryMapped() MapName: 50_Gold_harbor [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:57] teamBuildType: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:57] player: Id: 537005061 Name: eagle2450 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB008_Colorado_1945 avatarId: 1410516 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:57] player: Id: 536878017 Name: Vasilich1957 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSC717_Yellow_Dragon avatarId: 1410534 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:57] player: Id: 537236500 Name: RenamedUser_69118514 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSD205_Podvoisky_pr_1929 avatarId: 1410520 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:57] player: Id: 537120535 Name: Lumikal TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSB108_Bismarck avatarId: 1410522 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:57] player: Id: 282269 Name: MRACK_55 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSB006_Fuso_1943 avatarId: 1410524 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:57] player: Id: 350247 Name: vadikbad TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSD106_Fubuki avatarId: 1410528 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:57] player: Id: 537158832 Name: Kimm_Orwente TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB012_North_Carolina_1945 avatarId: 1410530 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:57] player: Id: 537102641 Name: MALAVTILIN TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASC014_New_Orlean_1944 avatarId: 1410532 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:57] player: Id: 245953 Name: miron1977 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB012_North_Carolina_1945 avatarId: 1410518 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:57] player: Id: 537234638 Name: skhao290 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSB013_Amagi_1942 avatarId: 1410536 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:57] player: Id: 537223375 Name: HEGNI_1 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSB006_Fuso_1943 avatarId: 1410538 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:57] player: Id: 340177 Name: litya333 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PBSB517_Nelson avatarId: 1410540 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:57] player: Id: 374354 Name: sanych25_metkij TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSB002_Tirpiz_1942 avatarId: 1410542 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:57] player: Id: 537223766 Name: botsman_palych TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSC108_Pr_68_Chapaev avatarId: 1410544 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:57] player: Id: 537168736 Name: Tier099 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASD005_Farragut_1944 avatarId: 1410526 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:57] player: Id: 214115 Name: palcin TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSD207_Shiratsuyu avatarId: 1410548 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:57] player: Id: 421604 Name: Roma_82a_ TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASA012_Lexington_1944 avatarId: 1410550 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:57] player: Id: 537181680 Name: Valik82 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASD005_Farragut_1944 avatarId: 1410552 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:57] player: Id: 537220448 Name: poorBOOTY TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSB013_Amagi_1942 avatarId: 1410546 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:57] player: Id: 537237490 Name: Akella85 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSC506_Admiral_Graf_Spee avatarId: 1410554 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:57] player: Id: 537275770 Name: foreign941 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSC107_Schors avatarId: 1410556 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:57] player: Id: 537231611 Name: Zalman21 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASA012_Lexington_1944 avatarId: 1410558 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:57] player: Id: 292988 Name: deadpool____ TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSC708_ARP_Takao avatarId: 1410560 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:57] player: Id: 537204221 Name: palikaru TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSC108_Hipper avatarId: 1410562 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:57] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537315793, 0, 0, 1410530, 1510419923087L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:57] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537315793: PreBattleInfo: id: 537315793, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1410530, creationTime 1510419923087, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:57] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (504874, 0, 0, 1410536, 1510419923088L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:57] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537315793: PreBattleInfo: id: 537315793, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1410530, creationTime 1510419923087, hidden False, locked False , 504874: PreBattleInfo: id: 504874, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1410536, creationTime 1510419923088, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:57] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (505066, 1, 0, 1410538, 1510419923088L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:57] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537315793: PreBattleInfo: id: 537315793, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1410530, creationTime 1510419923087, hidden False, locked False , 504874: PreBattleInfo: id: 504874, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1410536, creationTime 1510419923088, hidden False, locked False , 505066: PreBattleInfo: id: 505066, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1410538, creationTime 1510419923088, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:57] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (505066, 1, 0, 1410538, 1510419923088L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:57] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537315793: PreBattleInfo: id: 537315793, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1410530, creationTime 1510419923087, hidden False, locked False , 504874: PreBattleInfo: id: 504874, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1410536, creationTime 1510419923088, hidden False, locked False , 505066: PreBattleInfo: id: 505066, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1410538, creationTime 1510419923088, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:57] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (505066, 1, 0, 1410538, 1510419923088L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:57] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537315793: PreBattleInfo: id: 537315793, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1410530, creationTime 1510419923087, hidden False, locked False , 504874: PreBattleInfo: id: 504874, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1410536, creationTime 1510419923088, hidden False, locked False , 505066: PreBattleInfo: id: 505066, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1410538, creationTime 1510419923088, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:57] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (505066, 1, 0, 1410538, 1510419923088L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:57] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537315793: PreBattleInfo: id: 537315793, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1410530, creationTime 1510419923087, hidden False, locked False , 504874: PreBattleInfo: id: 504874, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1410536, creationTime 1510419923088, hidden False, locked False , 505066: PreBattleInfo: id: 505066, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1410538, creationTime 1510419923088, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:57] Avatar.enterPrebattle [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:57] (, 39965384947628, 149): 1410514; BattleLogic() [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:57] (, 39965384947628, 149): 1410514; onEnterWorld() State: {attentionMarkers: [], clientAnimations: None, controlPoints: [{position: [-261.0, 244.0], radius: 140.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: 0, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [-112.0, -112.0], radius: 120.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [110.0, 110.0], radius: 120.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [244.0, -261.0], radius: 140.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: 1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}], entityStates: [], expectedActions: None, interactiveZones: [], weather: {globalWeatherId: 1410515, localWeather: [], entityLogicParams: []}, keyObjects: [], missions: {hold: [{reward: 4, penalty: 0, cpIndices: [0, 1, 2, 3], period: 9}], capture: [], destroy: [], suppress: [], kill: [{reward: 30, penalty: 45, shipType: 'Destroyer'}, {reward: 35, penalty: 50, shipType: 'Cruiser'}, {reward: 40, penalty: 60, shipType: 'Battleship'}, {reward: 45, penalty: 65, shipType: 'AirCarrier'}], teamsScore: [308, 308], teamWinScore: 1000, teamLoseScore: 0}, resources: [], successStoryProgress: [], screenplayMessage: '', tasks: [], minefields: [], entities: [], effects: []} [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:57] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:57] BattleDataContext.__onEnterSpace [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:57] -= BATTLE STARTED =- [S] [2017_11_11 20:06:59] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:07:00] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:07:01] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:07:25] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:07:25] id 1410523 [S] [2017_11_11 20:07:25] name Lumikal [S] [2017_11_11 20:07:25] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:07:25] @ launchpadAppeared 1410523 [S] [2017_11_11 20:07:25] [Weather][2439] onEnterWorld (map spaces/50_Gold_harbor/weathers.xml, scheme 1, weather 0) [S] [2017_11_11 20:07:25] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:07:25] id 1410527 [S] [2017_11_11 20:07:25] name Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 20:07:25] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:07:25] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 20:07:25] Avatar.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 20:07:25] ! A.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 20:07:25] BattleDataContext.__onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 20:07:27] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:07:27] id 1410517 [S] [2017_11_11 20:07:27] name eagle2450 [S] [2017_11_11 20:07:27] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:07:27] @ launchpadAppeared 1410517 [S] [2017_11_11 20:07:28] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:07:28] id 1410521 [S] [2017_11_11 20:07:28] name RenamedUser_69118514 [S] [2017_11_11 20:07:28] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:07:28] Avatar.onWorldStateReceived [S] [2017_11_11 20:07:28] BattleChatSystem IN Context [S] [2017_11_11 20:07:28] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 20:07:28] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: Battle [S] [2017_11_11 20:07:28] ('[ERROR] FeedbackController: empty config for event repair_finished',) [S] [2017_11_11 20:07:28] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 20:07:28] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:07:28] id 1410557 [S] [2017_11_11 20:07:28] name foreign941 [S] [2017_11_11 20:07:28] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:07:28] @ launchpadAppeared 1410557 [S] [2017_11_11 20:07:33] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:07:33] id 1410551 [S] [2017_11_11 20:07:33] name Roma_82a_ [S] [2017_11_11 20:07:33] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:07:33] @ launchpadAppeared 1410551 [S] [2017_11_11 20:07:33] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:07:33] id 1410561 [S] [2017_11_11 20:07:33] name deadpool____ [S] [2017_11_11 20:07:33] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:07:33] @ launchpadAppeared 1410561 [S] [2017_11_11 20:07:33] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:07:33] id 1410549 [S] [2017_11_11 20:07:33] name palcin [S] [2017_11_11 20:07:33] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:07:33] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:07:33] id 1410563 [S] [2017_11_11 20:07:33] name palikaru [S] [2017_11_11 20:07:33] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:07:33] @ launchpadAppeared 1410563 [S] [2017_11_11 20:07:33] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:07:33] id 1410539 [S] [2017_11_11 20:07:33] name HEGNI_1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:07:33] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:07:33] @ launchpadAppeared 1410539 [S] [2017_11_11 20:07:33] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:07:33] id 1410547 [S] [2017_11_11 20:07:33] name poorBOOTY [S] [2017_11_11 20:07:33] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:07:33] @ launchpadAppeared 1410547 [S] [2017_11_11 20:07:33] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:07:33] id 1410531 [S] [2017_11_11 20:07:33] name Kimm_Orwente [S] [2017_11_11 20:07:33] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:07:33] @ launchpadAppeared 1410531 [S] [2017_11_11 20:08:08] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:08:08] id 1410545 [S] [2017_11_11 20:08:08] name botsman_palych [S] [2017_11_11 20:08:08] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:08:08] @ launchpadAppeared 1410545 [S] [2017_11_11 20:08:24] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:08:24] id 1410545 [S] [2017_11_11 20:08:24] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:08:25] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:08:25] id 1410533 [S] [2017_11_11 20:08:25] name MALAVTILIN [S] [2017_11_11 20:08:25] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:08:25] @ launchpadAppeared 1410533 [S] [2017_11_11 20:08:28] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:08:28] id 1410561 [S] [2017_11_11 20:08:28] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:08:30] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:08:30] id 1410553 [S] [2017_11_11 20:08:30] name Valik82 [S] [2017_11_11 20:08:30] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:08:33] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:08:33] id 1410533 [S] [2017_11_11 20:08:33] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:08:36] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:08:36] id 1410519 [S] [2017_11_11 20:08:36] name miron1977 [S] [2017_11_11 20:08:36] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:08:36] @ launchpadAppeared 1410519 [S] [2017_11_11 20:08:37] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:08:37] id 1410533 [S] [2017_11_11 20:08:37] name MALAVTILIN [S] [2017_11_11 20:08:37] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:08:37] @ launchpadAppeared 1410533 [S] [2017_11_11 20:08:38] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:08:38] id 1410533 [S] [2017_11_11 20:08:38] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:08:46] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:08:46] id 1410537 [S] [2017_11_11 20:08:46] name skhao290 [S] [2017_11_11 20:08:46] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:08:46] @ launchpadAppeared 1410537 [S] [2017_11_11 20:08:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:08:47] id 1410517 [S] [2017_11_11 20:08:47] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:08:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:08:48] id 1410529 [S] [2017_11_11 20:08:48] name vadikbad [S] [2017_11_11 20:08:48] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:08:49] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:08:49] id 1410557 [S] [2017_11_11 20:08:49] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:08:49] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:08:49] id 1410519 [S] [2017_11_11 20:08:49] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:08:54] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:08:54] id 1410519 [S] [2017_11_11 20:08:54] name miron1977 [S] [2017_11_11 20:08:54] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:08:54] @ launchpadAppeared 1410519 [S] [2017_11_11 20:08:57] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:08:57] id 1410553 [S] [2017_11_11 20:08:58] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:08:58] id 1410553 [S] [2017_11_11 20:08:58] name Valik82 [S] [2017_11_11 20:08:58] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:08:59] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:08:59] id 1410533 [S] [2017_11_11 20:08:59] name MALAVTILIN [S] [2017_11_11 20:08:59] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:08:59] @ launchpadAppeared 1410533 [S] [2017_11_11 20:08:59] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:08:59] id 1410555 [S] [2017_11_11 20:08:59] name Akella85 [S] [2017_11_11 20:08:59] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:08:59] @ launchpadAppeared 1410555 [S] [2017_11_11 20:09:05] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:09:05] id 1410519 [S] [2017_11_11 20:09:05] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:09:06] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:09:06] id 1410519 [S] [2017_11_11 20:09:06] name miron1977 [S] [2017_11_11 20:09:06] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:09:06] @ launchpadAppeared 1410519 [S] [2017_11_11 20:09:07] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:09:07] id 1410529 [S] [2017_11_11 20:09:08] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:09:08] id 1410545 [S] [2017_11_11 20:09:08] name botsman_palych [S] [2017_11_11 20:09:08] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:09:08] @ launchpadAppeared 1410545 [S] [2017_11_11 20:09:12] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 20:09:13] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:09:13] id 1410545 [S] [2017_11_11 20:09:13] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:09:17] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:09:17] id 1410555 [S] [2017_11_11 20:09:17] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:09:20] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:09:20] id 1410553 [S] [2017_11_11 20:09:22] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:09:22] id 1410545 [S] [2017_11_11 20:09:22] name botsman_palych [S] [2017_11_11 20:09:22] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:09:22] @ launchpadAppeared 1410545 [S] [2017_11_11 20:09:24] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:09:24] id 1410545 [S] [2017_11_11 20:09:24] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:09:24] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:09:24] id 1410553 [S] [2017_11_11 20:09:24] name Valik82 [S] [2017_11_11 20:09:24] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:09:27] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:09:27] id 1410537 [S] [2017_11_11 20:09:27] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:09:34] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:09:34] id 1410553 [S] [2017_11_11 20:09:37] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:09:37] id 1410533 [S] [2017_11_11 20:09:37] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:09:38] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:09:38] id 1410519 [S] [2017_11_11 20:09:38] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:09:40] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:09:40] id 1410519 [S] [2017_11_11 20:09:40] name miron1977 [S] [2017_11_11 20:09:40] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:09:40] @ launchpadAppeared 1410519 [S] [2017_11_11 20:09:43] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:09:43] id 1410533 [S] [2017_11_11 20:09:43] name MALAVTILIN [S] [2017_11_11 20:09:43] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:09:43] @ launchpadAppeared 1410533 [S] [2017_11_11 20:09:44] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:09:44] id 1410519 [S] [2017_11_11 20:09:44] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:09:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:09:45] id 1410549 [S] [2017_11_11 20:09:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:09:47] id 1410533 [S] [2017_11_11 20:09:47] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:09:47] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:09:47] id 1410519 [S] [2017_11_11 20:09:47] name miron1977 [S] [2017_11_11 20:09:47] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:09:47] @ launchpadAppeared 1410519 [S] [2017_11_11 20:09:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:09:50] id 1410533 [S] [2017_11_11 20:09:50] name MALAVTILIN [S] [2017_11_11 20:09:50] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:09:50] @ launchpadAppeared 1410533 [S] [2017_11_11 20:10:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:10:01] id 1410533 [S] [2017_11_11 20:10:01] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:10:03] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:10:03] id 1410519 [S] [2017_11_11 20:10:03] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:10:03] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:10:03] id 1410533 [S] [2017_11_11 20:10:03] name MALAVTILIN [S] [2017_11_11 20:10:03] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:10:03] @ launchpadAppeared 1410533 [S] [2017_11_11 20:10:03] DEBUG: onChatMessage args ('', '', {'avatarId': 1410550, 'targetId': 1410562, 'type': -7}) [S] [2017_11_11 20:10:06] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:10:06] id 1410519 [S] [2017_11_11 20:10:06] name miron1977 [S] [2017_11_11 20:10:06] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:10:06] @ launchpadAppeared 1410519 [S] [2017_11_11 20:10:18] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:10:18] id 1410545 [S] [2017_11_11 20:10:18] name botsman_palych [S] [2017_11_11 20:10:18] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:10:18] @ launchpadAppeared 1410545 [S] [2017_11_11 20:10:22] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:10:22] id 1410529 [S] [2017_11_11 20:10:22] name vadikbad [S] [2017_11_11 20:10:22] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:10:24] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:10:24] id 1410537 [S] [2017_11_11 20:10:24] name skhao290 [S] [2017_11_11 20:10:24] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:10:24] @ launchpadAppeared 1410537 [S] [2017_11_11 20:10:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:10:26] id 1410519 [S] [2017_11_11 20:10:26] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:10:29] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:10:29] id 1410549 [S] [2017_11_11 20:10:29] name palcin [S] [2017_11_11 20:10:29] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:10:38] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:10:38] id 1410549 [S] [2017_11_11 20:10:41] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:10:41] id 1410529 [S] [2017_11_11 20:10:45] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:10:45] id 1410519 [S] [2017_11_11 20:10:45] name miron1977 [S] [2017_11_11 20:10:45] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:10:45] @ launchpadAppeared 1410519 [S] [2017_11_11 20:10:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:10:51] id 1410519 [S] [2017_11_11 20:10:51] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:11:03] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:11:03] id 1410519 [S] [2017_11_11 20:11:03] name miron1977 [S] [2017_11_11 20:11:03] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:11:03] @ launchpadAppeared 1410519 [S] [2017_11_11 20:11:05] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:11:05] id 1410519 [S] [2017_11_11 20:11:05] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:11:12] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:11:12] id 1410517 [S] [2017_11_11 20:11:12] name eagle2450 [S] [2017_11_11 20:11:12] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:11:12] @ launchpadAppeared 1410517 [S] [2017_11_11 20:11:13] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:11:13] id 1410557 [S] [2017_11_11 20:11:13] name foreign941 [S] [2017_11_11 20:11:13] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:11:13] @ launchpadAppeared 1410557 [S] [2017_11_11 20:11:15] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:11:15] id 1410519 [S] [2017_11_11 20:11:15] name miron1977 [S] [2017_11_11 20:11:15] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:11:15] @ launchpadAppeared 1410519 [S] [2017_11_11 20:11:16] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 20:11:16] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:11:16] DEBUG: onChatMessage args ('', '', {'avatarId': 1410546, 'achievementId': 4277330864L, 'type': -1}) [S] [2017_11_11 20:11:31] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:11:31] id 1410529 [S] [2017_11_11 20:11:31] name vadikbad [S] [2017_11_11 20:11:31] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:11:41] DEBUG: onChatMessage args ('', '', {'avatarId': 1410550, 'achievementId': 4282573744L, 'type': -1}) [S] [2017_11_11 20:11:42] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 20:11:42] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:11:42] id 1410553 [S] [2017_11_11 20:11:42] name Valik82 [S] [2017_11_11 20:11:42] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:11:46] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 20:11:52] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 20:11:52] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 20:11:55] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 20:11:59] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 20:12:01] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 20:12:02] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 20:12:03] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 20:12:13] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:12:13] id 1410551 [S] [2017_11_11 20:12:13] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:12:13] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:12:13] id 1410545 [S] [2017_11_11 20:12:13] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:12:15] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 20:12:19] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:12:19] id 1410545 [S] [2017_11_11 20:12:19] name botsman_palych [S] [2017_11_11 20:12:19] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:12:19] @ launchpadAppeared 1410545 [S] [2017_11_11 20:12:20] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 20:12:21] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 20:12:21] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 20:12:24] DEBUG: onChatMessage args ('', '', {'avatarId': 1410548, 'achievementId': 4282573744L, 'type': -1}) [S] [2017_11_11 20:12:24] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:12:24] id 1410543 [S] [2017_11_11 20:12:24] name sanych25_metkij [S] [2017_11_11 20:12:24] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:12:24] @ launchpadAppeared 1410543 [S] [2017_11_11 20:12:27] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:12:27] id 1410549 [S] [2017_11_11 20:12:27] name palcin [S] [2017_11_11 20:12:27] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:12:30] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:12:30] id 1410541 [S] [2017_11_11 20:12:30] name litya333 [S] [2017_11_11 20:12:30] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:12:35] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 20:12:45] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 20:12:47] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 20:12:49] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:12:49] id 1410541 [S] [2017_11_11 20:12:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:12:50] id 1410561 [S] [2017_11_11 20:12:50] name deadpool____ [S] [2017_11_11 20:12:50] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:12:50] @ launchpadAppeared 1410561 [S] [2017_11_11 20:12:52] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:12:52] id 1410541 [S] [2017_11_11 20:12:52] name litya333 [S] [2017_11_11 20:12:52] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:12:58] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 20:12:59] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 20:13:10] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 20:13:20] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 20:13:26] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 20:13:42] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 20:13:51] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 20:14:03] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:14:03] id 1410555 [S] [2017_11_11 20:14:03] name Akella85 [S] [2017_11_11 20:14:03] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:14:03] @ launchpadAppeared 1410555 [S] [2017_11_11 20:14:03] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 20:14:03] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 20:14:17] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:14:17] id 1410555 [S] [2017_11_11 20:14:17] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:14:32] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:14:32] id 1410555 [S] [2017_11_11 20:14:32] name Akella85 [S] [2017_11_11 20:14:32] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:14:32] @ launchpadAppeared 1410555 [S] [2017_11_11 20:14:32] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 20:14:32] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 20:14:37] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:14:37] id 1410535 [S] [2017_11_11 20:14:37] name Vasilich1957 [S] [2017_11_11 20:14:37] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:14:37] @ launchpadAppeared 1410535 [S] [2017_11_11 20:14:41] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:14:41] id 1410537 [S] [2017_11_11 20:14:41] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:14:42] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:14:42] id 1410555 [S] [2017_11_11 20:14:42] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:14:43] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:14:43] id 1410537 [S] [2017_11_11 20:14:43] name skhao290 [S] [2017_11_11 20:14:43] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:14:43] @ launchpadAppeared 1410537 [S] [2017_11_11 20:14:51] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:14:51] id 1410555 [S] [2017_11_11 20:14:51] name Akella85 [S] [2017_11_11 20:14:51] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:14:51] @ launchpadAppeared 1410555 [S] [2017_11_11 20:14:51] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 20:14:51] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 20:14:57] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:14:57] id 1410535 [S] [2017_11_11 20:14:57] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:14:58] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 20:14:58] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:14:59] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:14:59] id 1410519 [S] [2017_11_11 20:14:59] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:15:08] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:15:08] id 1410519 [S] [2017_11_11 20:15:08] name miron1977 [S] [2017_11_11 20:15:08] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:15:08] @ launchpadAppeared 1410519 [S] [2017_11_11 20:15:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:15:11] id 1410537 [S] [2017_11_11 20:15:11] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:15:17] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 20:15:20] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:15:20] id 1410545 [S] [2017_11_11 20:15:20] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:15:21] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:15:21] id 1410519 [S] [2017_11_11 20:15:21] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:15:22] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:15:22] id 1410519 [S] [2017_11_11 20:15:22] name miron1977 [S] [2017_11_11 20:15:22] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:15:22] @ launchpadAppeared 1410519 [S] [2017_11_11 20:15:22] DEBUG: onChatMessage args ('', '', {'avatarId': 1410522, 'targetId': 1410530, 'type': -7}) [S] [2017_11_11 20:15:30] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:15:30] id 1410545 [S] [2017_11_11 20:15:30] name botsman_palych [S] [2017_11_11 20:15:30] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:15:30] @ launchpadAppeared 1410545 [S] [2017_11_11 20:15:33] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:15:33] id 1410539 [S] [2017_11_11 20:15:33] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:15:37] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 20:15:38] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 20:15:38] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:15:38] DEBUG: onChatMessage args ('', '', {'avatarId': 1410548, 'achievementId': 4283622320L, 'type': -1}) [S] [2017_11_11 20:15:40] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 20:15:42] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:15:42] id 1410535 [S] [2017_11_11 20:15:42] name Vasilich1957 [S] [2017_11_11 20:15:42] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:15:42] @ launchpadAppeared 1410535 [S] [2017_11_11 20:15:45] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 20:15:54] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 20:16:09] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:16:09] id 1410555 [S] [2017_11_11 20:16:09] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:16:09] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 20:16:16] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 20:16:16] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:16:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:16:16] id 1410535 [S] [2017_11_11 20:16:16] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:16:18] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:16:18] id 1410535 [S] [2017_11_11 20:16:18] name Vasilich1957 [S] [2017_11_11 20:16:18] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:16:18] @ launchpadAppeared 1410535 [S] [2017_11_11 20:16:33] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:16:33] id 1410537 [S] [2017_11_11 20:16:33] name skhao290 [S] [2017_11_11 20:16:33] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:16:33] @ launchpadAppeared 1410537 [S] [2017_11_11 20:16:39] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:16:39] id 1410535 [S] [2017_11_11 20:16:39] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:16:41] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 20:16:46] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:16:46] id 1410561 [S] [2017_11_11 20:16:46] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:16:58] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:16:58] id 1410555 [S] [2017_11_11 20:16:58] name Akella85 [S] [2017_11_11 20:16:58] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:16:58] @ launchpadAppeared 1410555 [S] [2017_11_11 20:16:59] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 20:16:59] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 20:16:59] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:16:59] id 1410537 [S] [2017_11_11 20:16:59] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:17:13] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:17:13] id 1410551 [S] [2017_11_11 20:17:13] name Roma_82a_ [S] [2017_11_11 20:17:13] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:17:13] @ launchpadAppeared 1410551 [S] [2017_11_11 20:17:16] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:17:16] id 1410535 [S] [2017_11_11 20:17:16] name Vasilich1957 [S] [2017_11_11 20:17:16] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:17:16] @ launchpadAppeared 1410535 [S] [2017_11_11 20:17:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:17:18] id 1410557 [S] [2017_11_11 20:17:18] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:17:29] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:17:29] id 1410559 [S] [2017_11_11 20:17:29] name Zalman21 [S] [2017_11_11 20:17:29] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:17:29] @ launchpadAppeared 1410559 [S] [2017_11_11 20:17:32] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:17:32] id 1410537 [S] [2017_11_11 20:17:32] name skhao290 [S] [2017_11_11 20:17:32] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:17:32] @ launchpadAppeared 1410537 [S] [2017_11_11 20:17:50] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 20:17:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:17:51] id 1410563 [S] [2017_11_11 20:17:51] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:17:57] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:17:57] id 1410559 [S] [2017_11_11 20:17:57] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:06] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:09] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:09] id 1410521 [E] [2017_11_11 20:18:21] ServerConnection::onTimeOut(1410526): Disconnecting due to channel timing out. [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:21] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 6 NOT_SET [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:21] [LOGIN] Setting gIsConnected to False [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:23] connection problem!!! [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:23] clearAll 0 True [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:23] AccountLevelingProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:23] StatsProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:23] StatsProxy.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:23] CampaignsProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:23] LootboxProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:23] LootboxProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:23] PVEScriptsProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:23] PVEDatahubUtils.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:23] PVEScriptsProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:23] IngamePortalProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:23] IngameNewsProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:23] UserDataGate.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:23] UserDataGate.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:23] ShutDownProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:23] ShutDownProxy.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:23] ClanProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:23] ClanProxy.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:23] BattleChatSystem OUT OF Context [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:23] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOver [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:23] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOut [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:23] (, 13182166089733, 190): fini [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:23] (, 51007922117933, 263): out of context [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:23] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Login, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:23] PreBattleInfoHolder.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:23] DivisionProxyBattle.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:23] (, 39965384947628, 149): 1410514; onLeaveWorld() [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:23] [Weather][2439] onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:23] id 1410517 [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:23] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:23] id 1410519 [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:23] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:23] id 1410523 [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:23] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:23] Avatar.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:23] id 1410527 [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:23] id 1410529 [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:23] id 1410531 [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:23] id 1410533 [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:23] id 1410535 [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:23] id 1410537 [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:23] id 1410541 [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:23] id 1410543 [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:23] id 1410545 [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:23] id 1410547 [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:23] id 1410549 [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:23] id 1410551 [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:23] id 1410553 [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:23] id 1410555 [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:25] Exception BigWorld.EntityIsDestroyedException: 'Avatar 1410526 has been destroyed' in ignored [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:27] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Login, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:29] (, 66259644693353, 191): H:; A:; C:http://csis.worldoftanks.ru/csis/wowsru/?periphery=login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020&periphery=login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020; M:['login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020', 'login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020'] [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:30] BaseLoginRequest.doLogin(): login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020 token2 ([BaseLoginCredentials] Tier099) [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:30] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:30] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:30] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 1 LOGGED_ON {"token2":"5595999:5600238760764888903:201012336331947190300228752025219945568","wgnr":"ru.wargaming.net"} [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:30] LOGGED_ON {u'token2': u'5595999:5600238760764888903:201012336331947190300228752025219945568', u'wgnr': u'ru.wargaming.net'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:30] [LOGIN] Positive, serverMsg: {u'token2': u'5595999:5600238760764888903:201012336331947190300228752025219945568', u'wgnr': u'ru.wargaming.net'}, status: LOGGED_ON [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:30] [LOGIN] Setting wgnr url to "https://ru.wargaming.net" [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:30] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 2 NOT_SET [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:31] Account.__init__() [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:31] [Account debuG]: __init__() Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:31] ClanProxy.setChatHandler [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:31] ClanProxy.setInteractiveMessageData [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:31] Exception BigWorld.EntityIsDestroyedException: 'Account 537168736 has been destroyed' in ignored [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:31] (, 571883079382, 162): init [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:31] (, 574705753692, 103): Url config for realm ru as string is ResMgr.DataSection at 0x58772650 [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:31] (, 51003525417967, 75): in context [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:31] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:31] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:31] onBecomePlayer() [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:31] UserDataGate.onGetConnection [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:31] UserDataGate.onGetConnection(): 5595999 [Entity: id:1627 ['accountSimple', 'accountName']] Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:31] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAccount [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:31] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() True 0 0 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:31] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:31] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:31] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4161159088 {('Default', 4283604912L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 7, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:31] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4162207664 {('Default', 4279410608L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 6, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:31] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q04 {('Default', 4271730608L, 0): 5, ('Default', 4269633456L, 0): 5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u041e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c \u043d\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u041e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c \u043d\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:31] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4163256240 {('Default', 4282556336L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 5, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:31] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22468_q03 {('Default', 4263440304L, 0): 5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:31] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q02 {('Resource', 19, 0): 1, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u041f\u0440\u0435\u043c\u0438\u0443\u043c \u0437\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0443'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u041f\u0440\u0435\u043c\u0438\u0443\u043c \u0437\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0443'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:31] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4156964784 {'desc': (), ('Resource', 0, 0): 100000} {'taskNumber': 11, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:31] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4154867632 {('Default', 4284313520L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 13, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:31] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4165353392 {('Default', 4287557552L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 3, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:31] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q01 {('ResourceCoeff', 21, 17): 3.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 30): 6.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 9): 12.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 32): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 10): 3.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 5): 1.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 28): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 14): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 16): 3.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 11): 1.5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'}, 0, 0)} {'type': 'challenge', 'titleText': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:31] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4167450544 {'desc': (), ('Resource', 16, 0): 500} {'taskNumber': 1, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:31] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4160110512 {('Resource', 0, 0): 100000, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 8, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:31] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 16 [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:31] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:31] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 16. Boxes contents: [{4288852912L: {(0, 4283622320L): 1}, 4284658608L: {(0, 4274185136L): 1}, 4283610032L: {(0, 4273136560L): 1}, 4289901488L: {(0, 4289913776L): 1}}] [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:31] setServerTime: serverTime=1510420712 time.time()=1510420711.58 gInitialClientTime=1108.64800482 [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:31] initBattleTypes called [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:31] Disabled maps: [] [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:31] getNationForTutorial() CanBeStarted: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:31] StatsProxy.receiveAbuseStatus(): {'battlesToClean': 0, 'statuses': {'tkill': 0}, 'warnings': ()} [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:32] _onChangeTimeOut 156 [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:34] __processDossierStats() client dossier: ['oper', 'pvp', 'oper_mm_tasks_diag', 'pve_diag', 'pvp_diag', 'oper_normal', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'pve', 'oper_mm', 'total', 'oper_normal_tasks_diag', 'max_pve', 'rank_diag', 'max_pvp', 'oper_diag', 'club_diag', 'club', 'max_club', 'clan', 'oper_hard', 'oper_hard_tasks_diag', 'max_clan'] [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:34] AccountLevelingProxy.onGetAccountStats(): (-1, -1) (15, 749197) [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:35] __updateTaskProgress start: {'22468_q03': {3: {'count': 10.0}}, '22468_q01': {2: {'count': 3}}, '22469_q01': {}, '21856_q00': {}, '22468_q05': {}, '22468_q02': {3: {'count': 549416}}, '22470_q01': {}, '22470_q02': {2: {'count': 5}}, '22470_q03': {2: {'count': 464435}, 3: {'count': 15080}, 4: {'count': 96565}}, '22470_q04': {2: {'count': 10}}, '22160_q01': {}, '22468_q04': {3: {'count': 21936}}} [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:35] __updateTaskProgress start: {'22468_q03': {'count': 1, 3: {'count': 10.0}}, '22468_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 3}}, '22469_q01': {'count': 0}, '21856_q00': {'count': 0}, '22468_q05': {'count': 0}, '22468_q02': {'count': 1, 3: {'count': 549416}}, '22470_q01': {'count': 29}, '22470_q02': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 5}}, '22470_q03': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 464435}, 3: {'count': 15080}, 4: {'count': 96565}}, '22470_q04': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 10}}, '22160_q01': {'count': 0}, '22468_q04': {'count': 0, 3: {'count': 21936}}} [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:35] onGetRankBattlesInfo currentSeason: 7, PlayerInfo: None [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:35] onGetRankDossier() seasonId = 7 Empty [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:35] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onGetSeasonRules: config False, {'seasonId': 1, 'operations': {4291341232L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 3, 'unlockTime': 1500429600, 'caps': 3}, 4292389808L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1499824800, 'caps': 3}, 4290292656L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1501034400, 'caps': 3}, 4293438384L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1501639200, 'caps': 3}}, 'currentOperationIdx': 1, 'roster': [4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L, 4293438384L], 'startTime': 1499824800, 'seasons': {1: {'operations': [4293438384L, 4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}, 2: {'operations': [], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}}, 'currentRotationTime': 1510106400, 'nextRotationTime': 1510711200, 'stage': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:35] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onLoadProgress: config False, season False, {'operations': {'hard': [], 'normal': [(4287146928L, [1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 0]), (4288195504L, [1509007262, 1509007262, 1509007262, 0, 0, 0]), (4290292656L, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])]}, 'seasons': {'hard': [], 'normal': [(2, 1509007262)]}} [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:35] onClanResponse: response=(1, 0, (430246, (430246, u'FLY', u'FLY', 16777215, u'executive_officer', u'\u0417\u0434\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0443\u0439\u0442\u0435 \u0442\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0449\u0438, \u0443 \u043a\u043e\u0433\u043e \u0435\u0441\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0431\u043b\u0438 10-\u0433\u043e \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u043d\u044f, \u0438 \u0433\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0441\u043e\u0432\u0430\u044f \u0432\u0441\u044f\u0437\u044c \u043d\u0443\u0436\u043d\u043e \u0441\u044b\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d\u043e\u0432\u044b\u0435 \u0431\u043e\u0438 - \u0441\u0442\u0430\u0432\u0442\u0435 + \u043c\u043d\u0435 \u0432 \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443 \u043a\u0442\u043e \u0433\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432', {47518727: {'role': u'private'}, 162314: {'role': u'private'}, 33301518: {'role': u'private'}, 31456527: {'role': u'private'}, 58161041: {'role': u'private'}, 19410835: {'role': u'private'}, 2557718: {'role': u'private'}, 27883543: {'role': u'private'}, 73537307: {'role': u'private'}, 17222686: {'role': u'private'}, 310434: {'role': u'private'}, 11428651: {'role': u'private'}, 2445100: {'role': u'private'}, 7715120: {'role': u'private'}, 69118514: {'role': u'commander'}, 71811251: {'role': u'private'}, 59694238: {'role': u'private'}, 62222528: {'role': u'private'}, 47245249: {'role': u'private'}, 59103429: {'role': u'private'}, 35853511: {'role': u'private'}, 69416610: {'role': u'private'}, 65031124: {'role': u'private'}, 5595999: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 8706534: {'role': u'private'}, 37230: {'role': u'private'}, 1515506: {'role': u'private'}, 71303028: {'role': u'private'}, 5426549: {'role': u'private'}, 22453883: {'role': u'private'}}, {75100162: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3925161}, 75116563: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10679440}, 75116564: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5595999}, 75104791: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1901451}, 75104792: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12037438}, 75104793: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47518727}, 75100186: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4688253}, 75104795: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26571092}, 75100188: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 872384}, 75104797: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5326927}, 75104799: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2557718}, 75100217: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58161041}, 75100219: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36672236}, 75100220: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12445172}, 75100221: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11262324}, 75092406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86780640}, 75100940: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1550733}, 75088485: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11437327}, 75088488: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86912728}, 75115802: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19050869}, 75099931: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 64096589}, 75104796: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24059614}, 75100189: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 16896550}, 75100187: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26497012}, 75105224: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5163046}, 75115804: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3700101}, 75100858: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65353479}, 75100859: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4549361}, 75100860: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19163627}, 75100862: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 15486060}, 75100864: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24960589}, 75101403: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13829345}, 75101405: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2774140}, 75101406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19410835}, 75105005: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2514322}, 75105006: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 6071074}, 75105007: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21765943}, 75105008: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13351014}, 75105009: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10744094}, 75105010: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8213596}, 75105533: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 32758788}, 75105534: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35843415}, 75105535: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19416306}, 75099910: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 22471163}, 75099912: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47356661}, 75099913: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20821811}, 75099914: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 38322742}, 75099915: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 57543888}, 75099916: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5426549}, 75100941: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1431883}, 75100942: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 744012}, 75100943: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 69416610}, 75100944: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36933861}, 75100946: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4337469}, 75115800: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47245249}, 75115801: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2723422}, 75099930: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35480962}, 75115803: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65031124}, 75099932: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5239563}, 75099933: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5564244}, 75105068: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 27883543}, 75099952: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11428651}, 75115830: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 62222528}, 75115831: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8664152}, 75115833: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59103429}, 75115837: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4858560}, 75115840: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 7424262}, 75099461: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 33301518}, 75104134: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 225652}, 75101613: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 162314}, 75101614: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 75991473}, 75100081: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71303028}, 75100082: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79542157}, 75100083: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 76103}, 75100084: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80535214}, 75100085: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5965559}, 75100086: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71777625}, 75092407: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 72132668}, 75092409: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65107864}, 75092412: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58685850}, 75104707: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13658244}, 75104708: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 77607300}, 75104710: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79957325}, 75104712: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2809573}, 75105225: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 61831778}, 75105226: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 48512704}, 75105227: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82400346}, 75105229: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59694238}, 75105230: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24318025}, 75105232: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35446652}, 75100114: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21297715}, 75100115: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2636501}, 75100116: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 23508047}, 75100117: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4104445}, 75113468: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80938462}, 75100157: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82347121}, 75113470: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8706534}, 75113467: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1207353}, 75100156: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65362617}, 75113469: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 17222686}, 75100158: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20158906}, 75113471: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4261263}}, 30, 30, None))) [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:35] ClanProxy.onClanResponse(): 1 (430246, (430246, u'FLY', u'FLY', 16777215, u'executive_officer', u'\u0417\u0434\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0443\u0439\u0442\u0435 \u0442\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0449\u0438, \u0443 \u043a\u043e\u0433\u043e \u0435\u0441\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0431\u043b\u0438 10-\u0433\u043e \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u043d\u044f, \u0438 \u0433\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0441\u043e\u0432\u0430\u044f \u0432\u0441\u044f\u0437\u044c \u043d\u0443\u0436\u043d\u043e \u0441\u044b\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d\u043e\u0432\u044b\u0435 \u0431\u043e\u0438 - \u0441\u0442\u0430\u0432\u0442\u0435 + \u043c\u043d\u0435 \u0432 \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443 \u043a\u0442\u043e \u0433\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432', {47518727: {'role': u'private'}, 162314: {'role': u'private'}, 33301518: {'role': u'private'}, 31456527: {'role': u'private'}, 58161041: {'role': u'private'}, 19410835: {'role': u'private'}, 2557718: {'role': u'private'}, 27883543: {'role': u'private'}, 73537307: {'role': u'private'}, 17222686: {'role': u'private'}, 310434: {'role': u'private'}, 11428651: {'role': u'private'}, 2445100: {'role': u'private'}, 7715120: {'role': u'private'}, 69118514: {'role': u'commander'}, 71811251: {'role': u'private'}, 59694238: {'role': u'private'}, 62222528: {'role': u'private'}, 47245249: {'role': u'private'}, 59103429: {'role': u'private'}, 35853511: {'role': u'private'}, 69416610: {'role': u'private'}, 65031124: {'role': u'private'}, 5595999: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 8706534: {'role': u'private'}, 37230: {'role': u'private'}, 1515506: {'role': u'private'}, 71303028: {'role': u'private'}, 5426549: {'role': u'private'}, 22453883: {'role': u'private'}}, {75100162: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3925161}, 75116563: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10679440}, 75116564: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5595999}, 75104791: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1901451}, 75104792: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12037438}, 75104793: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47518727}, 75100186: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4688253}, 75104795: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26571092}, 75100188: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 872384}, 75104797: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5326927}, 75104799: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2557718}, 75100217: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58161041}, 75100219: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36672236}, 75100220: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12445172}, 75100221: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11262324}, 75092406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86780640}, 75100940: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1550733}, 75088485: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11437327}, 75088488: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86912728}, 75115802: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19050869}, 75099931: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 64096589}, 75104796: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24059614}, 75100189: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 16896550}, 75100187: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26497012}, 75105224: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5163046}, 75115804: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3700101}, 75100858: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65353479}, 75100859: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4549361}, 75100860: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19163627}, 75100862: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 15486060}, 75100864: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24960589}, 75101403: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13829345}, 75101405: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2774140}, 75101406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19410835}, 75105005: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2514322}, 75105006: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 6071074}, 75105007: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21765943}, 75105008: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13351014}, 75105009: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10744094}, 75105010: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8213596}, 75105533: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 32758788}, 75105534: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35843415}, 75105535: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19416306}, 75099910: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 22471163}, 75099912: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47356661}, 75099913: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20821811}, 75099914: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 38322742}, 75099915: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 57543888}, 75099916: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5426549}, 75100941: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1431883}, 75100942: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 744012}, 75100943: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 69416610}, 75100944: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36933861}, 75100946: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4337469}, 75115800: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47245249}, 75115801: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2723422}, 75099930: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35480962}, 75115803: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65031124}, 75099932: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5239563}, 75099933: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5564244}, 75105068: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 27883543}, 75099952: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11428651}, 75115830: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 62222528}, 75115831: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8664152}, 75115833: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59103429}, 75115837: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4858560}, 75115840: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 7424262}, 75099461: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 33301518}, 75104134: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 225652}, 75101613: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 162314}, 75101614: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 75991473}, 75100081: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71303028}, 75100082: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79542157}, 75100083: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 76103}, 75100084: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80535214}, 75100085: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5965559}, 75100086: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71777625}, 75092407: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 72132668}, 75092409: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65107864}, 75092412: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58685850}, 75104707: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13658244}, 75104708: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 77607300}, 75104710: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79957325}, 75104712: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2809573}, 75105225: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 61831778}, 75105226: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 48512704}, 75105227: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82400346}, 75105229: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59694238}, 75105230: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24318025}, 75105232: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35446652}, 75100114: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21297715}, 75100115: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2636501}, 75100116: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 23508047}, 75100117: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4104445}, 75113468: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80938462}, 75100157: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82347121}, 75113470: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8706534}, 75113467: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1207353}, 75100156: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65362617}, 75113469: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 17222686}, 75100158: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20158906}, 75113471: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4261263}}, 30, 30, None)) [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:35] ClanProxy.__onGetMyClan: False (430246, (430246, u'FLY', u'FLY', 16777215, u'executive_officer', u'\u0417\u0434\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0443\u0439\u0442\u0435 \u0442\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0449\u0438, \u0443 \u043a\u043e\u0433\u043e \u0435\u0441\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0431\u043b\u0438 10-\u0433\u043e \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u043d\u044f, \u0438 \u0433\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0441\u043e\u0432\u0430\u044f \u0432\u0441\u044f\u0437\u044c \u043d\u0443\u0436\u043d\u043e \u0441\u044b\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d\u043e\u0432\u044b\u0435 \u0431\u043e\u0438 - \u0441\u0442\u0430\u0432\u0442\u0435 + \u043c\u043d\u0435 \u0432 \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443 \u043a\u0442\u043e \u0433\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432', {47518727: {'role': u'private'}, 162314: {'role': u'private'}, 33301518: {'role': u'private'}, 31456527: {'role': u'private'}, 58161041: {'role': u'private'}, 19410835: {'role': u'private'}, 2557718: {'role': u'private'}, 27883543: {'role': u'private'}, 73537307: {'role': u'private'}, 17222686: {'role': u'private'}, 310434: {'role': u'private'}, 11428651: {'role': u'private'}, 2445100: {'role': u'private'}, 7715120: {'role': u'private'}, 69118514: {'role': u'commander'}, 71811251: {'role': u'private'}, 59694238: {'role': u'private'}, 62222528: {'role': u'private'}, 47245249: {'role': u'private'}, 59103429: {'role': u'private'}, 35853511: {'role': u'private'}, 69416610: {'role': u'private'}, 65031124: {'role': u'private'}, 5595999: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 8706534: {'role': u'private'}, 37230: {'role': u'private'}, 1515506: {'role': u'private'}, 71303028: {'role': u'private'}, 5426549: {'role': u'private'}, 22453883: {'role': u'private'}}, {75100162: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3925161}, 75116563: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10679440}, 75116564: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5595999}, 75104791: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1901451}, 75104792: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12037438}, 75104793: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47518727}, 75100186: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4688253}, 75104795: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26571092}, 75100188: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 872384}, 75104797: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5326927}, 75104799: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2557718}, 75100217: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58161041}, 75100219: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36672236}, 75100220: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12445172}, 75100221: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11262324}, 75092406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86780640}, 75100940: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1550733}, 75088485: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11437327}, 75088488: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86912728}, 75115802: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19050869}, 75099931: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 64096589}, 75104796: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24059614}, 75100189: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 16896550}, 75100187: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26497012}, 75105224: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5163046}, 75115804: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3700101}, 75100858: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65353479}, 75100859: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4549361}, 75100860: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19163627}, 75100862: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 15486060}, 75100864: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24960589}, 75101403: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13829345}, 75101405: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2774140}, 75101406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19410835}, 75105005: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2514322}, 75105006: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 6071074}, 75105007: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21765943}, 75105008: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13351014}, 75105009: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10744094}, 75105010: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8213596}, 75105533: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 32758788}, 75105534: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35843415}, 75105535: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19416306}, 75099910: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 22471163}, 75099912: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47356661}, 75099913: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20821811}, 75099914: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 38322742}, 75099915: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 57543888}, 75099916: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5426549}, 75100941: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1431883}, 75100942: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 744012}, 75100943: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 69416610}, 75100944: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36933861}, 75100946: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4337469}, 75115800: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47245249}, 75115801: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2723422}, 75099930: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35480962}, 75115803: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65031124}, 75099932: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5239563}, 75099933: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5564244}, 75105068: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 27883543}, 75099952: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11428651}, 75115830: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 62222528}, 75115831: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8664152}, 75115833: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59103429}, 75115837: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4858560}, 75115840: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 7424262}, 75099461: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 33301518}, 75104134: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 225652}, 75101613: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 162314}, 75101614: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 75991473}, 75100081: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71303028}, 75100082: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79542157}, 75100083: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 76103}, 75100084: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80535214}, 75100085: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5965559}, 75100086: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71777625}, 75092407: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 72132668}, 75092409: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65107864}, 75092412: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58685850}, 75104707: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13658244}, 75104708: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 77607300}, 75104710: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79957325}, 75104712: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2809573}, 75105225: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 61831778}, 75105226: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 48512704}, 75105227: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82400346}, 75105229: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59694238}, 75105230: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24318025}, 75105232: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35446652}, 75100114: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21297715}, 75100115: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2636501}, 75100116: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 23508047}, 75100117: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4104445}, 75113468: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80938462}, 75100157: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82347121}, 75113470: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8706534}, 75113467: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1207353}, 75100156: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65362617}, 75113469: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 17222686}, 75100158: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20158906}, 75113471: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4261263}}, 30, 30, None)) [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:36] [CampaignsCommon] onLoadedDump: loaded campaign params and player; countActiveTasks 1; data ({4290690992L: (False, True, False), 4293836720L: (True, 0, True), 4291739568L: (False, True, False), 4288593840L: (True, 0, True), 4289642416L: (False, True, False), 4292788144L: (True, 0, True)}, {4293836720L: [1, 1], 4289642416L: [1, 0], 4291739568L: [1, 0], 4288593840L: [1, 0], 4290690992L: [1, 0], 4292788144L: [1, 0]}, {4283023280L: [2, 0, 0], 4285120432L: [4, 15, 8], 4287217584L: [4, 12, 7], 4288266160L: [4, 10, 7], 4289314736L: [4, 10, 6], 4291411888L: [4, 7, 7], 4293509040L: [5, 5, 9], 4286169008L: [4, 15, 8], 4263100336L: [2, 0, 0], 4290363312L: [4, 10, 5], 4251566000L: [2, 0, 0], 4272537520L: [2, 0, 0], 4241080240L: [2, 0, 0], 4292460464L: [4, 6, 8]}, {4153819056L: (2, False, 0), 4193664944L: (5, True, 0), 4227219376L: (1, False, 0), 4133896112L: (1, False, 0), 4243996592L: (1, False, 0), 4280696752L: (5, True, 0), 4288036784L: (5, True, 0), 4187373488L: (1, False, 0), 4224073648L: (5, True, 0), 3895869360L: (0, False, 0), 4130750384L: (1, False, 0), 4204150704L: (5, True, 0), 4240850864L: (1, False, 0), 4277551024L: (5, True, 0), 4184227760L: (1, False, 0), 4220927920L: (5, True, 0), 4257628080L: (5, True, 0), 4198907824L: (5, True, 0), 4164304816L: (1, False, 0), 4237705136L: (5, True, 0), 3904257968L: (1, False, 0), 4274405296L: (1, False, 0), 3977658288L: (1, False, 0), 4181082032L: (5, True, 0), 4254482352L: (1, False, 0), 4291182512L: (5, True, 0), 4260773808L: (5, True, 0), 3897966512L: (1, False, 0), 4161159088L: (5, True, 0), 4197859248L: (1, False, 0), 3901112240L: (1, False, 0), 3974512560L: (1, False, 0), 4177936304L: (1, False, 0), 4214636464L: (1, False, 0), 4251336624L: (5, True, 0), 4167450544L: (5, True, 0), 4211490736L: (1, False, 0), 4081467312L: (0, False, 0), 4284891056L: (5, True, 0), 4190519216L: (1, False, 0), 4191567792L: (5, True, 0), 4252385200L: (5, True, 0), 4228267952L: (1, False, 0), 4134944688L: (1, False, 0), 4171644848L: (5, True, 0), 4208345008L: (1, False, 0), 4245045168L: (5, True, 0), 4281745328L: (5, True, 0), 4158013360L: (1, False, 0), 4188422064L: (1, False, 0), 4225122224L: (1, False, 0), 4203102128L: (5, True, 0), 4261822384L: (1, False, 0), 4131798960L: (1, False, 0), 4205199280L: (5, True, 0), 4163256240L: (5, True, 0), 4241899440L: (5, True, 0), 4278599600L: (5, True, 0), 4221976496L: (5, True, 0), 4258676656L: (1, False, 0), 3902160816L: (1, False, 0), 4128653232L: (0, False, 0), 4165353392L: (5, True, 0), 4238753712L: (1, False, 0), 3905306544L: (1, False, 0), 4275453872L: (1, False, 0), 3978706864L: (1, False, 0), 4182130608L: (5, True, 0), 4292231088L: (5, True, 0), 4255530928L: (5, True, 0), 4178984880L: (1, False, 0), 4215685040L: (5, True, 0), 4289085360L: (5, True, 0), 3971366832L: (1, False, 0), 4195762096L: (5, True, 0), 3899015088L: (1, False, 0), 4175839152L: (1, False, 0), 4212539312L: (1, False, 0), 4082515888L: (1, False, 0), 4285939632L: (5, True, 0), 4155916208L: (1, False, 0), 4192616368L: (5, True, 0), 4207296432L: (1, False, 0), 4229316528L: (5, True, 0), 4135993264L: (1, False, 0), 4172693424L: (5, True, 0), 4209393584L: (5, True, 0), 4246093744L: (1, False, 0), 4282793904L: (5, True, 0), 4160110512L: (5, True, 0), 4226170800L: (1, False, 0), 4174790576L: (5, True, 0), 4132847536L: (1, False, 0), 4189470640L: (1, False, 0), 4206247856L: (5, True, 0), 4242948016L: (1, False, 0), 4279648176L: (5, True, 0), 4186324912L: (5, True, 0), 4223025072L: (1, False, 0), 4259725232L: (1, False, 0), 4159061936L: (1, False, 0), 4129701808L: (1, False, 0), 4166401968L: (1, False, 0), 4239802288L: (1, False, 0), 4276502448L: (5, True, 0), 4183179184L: (1, False, 0), 4219879344L: (5, True, 0), 4256579504L: (5, True, 0), 4293279664L: (5, True, 0), 3975561136L: (1, False, 0), 4154867632L: (5, True, 0), 3972415408L: (1, False, 0), 4236656560L: (5, True, 0), 3903209392L: (1, False, 0), 4273356720L: (5, True, 0), 3976609712L: (1, False, 0), 4180033456L: (5, True, 0), 4253433776L: (5, True, 0), 4290133936L: (5, True, 0), 4194713520L: (5, True, 0), 4196810672L: (1, False, 0), 3900063664L: (1, False, 0), 3973463984L: (1, False, 0), 4176887728L: (5, True, 0), 4213587888L: (5, True, 0), 4083564464L: (1, False, 0), 4286988208L: (5, True, 0), 4156964784L: (5, True, 0), 4162207664L: (5, True, 0), 4230365104L: (5, True, 0), 4063641520L: (0, False, 0), 3896917936L: (1, False, 0), 3970318256L: (0, False, 0), 4173742000L: (5, True, 0), 4210442160L: (1, False, 0), 4247142320L: (5, True, 0)}) [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:36] ClanProxy.onGetClanBattles {'seasonId': 1, 'finishTime': 1513713600.0, 'primeTimes': {2: (57600, 68400), 3: (57600, 68400), 5: (57600, 68400), 6: (57600, 68400)}, 'shipLevelMax': 10, 'shipLevelMin': 10, 'startTime': 1508310000.0, 'promoTime': 1508310000.0, 'stage': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:38] >>> DockProxy.receiveState [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:38] Unlocks.receiveState [] [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:39] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 10223, 'boughtToday': 2, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1510444800.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:39] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 10223, 'boughtToday': 2, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1510444800.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:39] PVEScriptsProxyCommon.createPVEState() [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:39] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onGetSeasonRules: config True, {'seasonId': 1, 'operations': {4291341232L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 3, 'unlockTime': 1500429600, 'caps': 3}, 4292389808L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1499824800, 'caps': 3}, 4290292656L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1501034400, 'caps': 3}, 4293438384L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1501639200, 'caps': 3}}, 'currentOperationIdx': 1, 'roster': [4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L, 4293438384L], 'startTime': 1499824800, 'seasons': {1: {'operations': [4293438384L, 4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}, 2: {'operations': [], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}}, 'currentRotationTime': 1510106400, 'nextRotationTime': 1510711200, 'stage': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:39] [4181898160L, 4180849584L] [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:39] [4181898160L, 4180849584L] [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:39] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onLoadProgress: config True, season True, {'operations': {'hard': [], 'normal': [(4287146928L, [1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 0]), (4288195504L, [1509007262, 1509007262, 1509007262, 0, 0, 0]), (4290292656L, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])]}, 'seasons': {'hard': [], 'normal': [(2, 1509007262)]}} [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:39] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] _updateOperationCompleted: 4287146928 normal [1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 0] [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:39] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] _updateOperationCompleted: 4288195504 normal [1509007262, 1509007262, 1509007262, 0, 0, 0] [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:39] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] _updateOperationCompleted: 4290292656 normal [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:39] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] _updateSeasonCompleted: 2 normal 1509007262 [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:39] onClanResponse: response=(6, 0, {'league': 4, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 430246, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division_rating': 0, 'stage': 'league'}) [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:39] ClanProxy.onClanResponse(): 6 {'league': 4, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 430246, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division_rating': 0, 'stage': 'league'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:39] ClanDataHubUtils.addLadderInfo: {'league': 4, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 430246, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division_rating': 0, 'stage': 'league'} [E] [2017_11_11 20:18:39] Can only call base methods on the connected entity [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:39] onGameRoomStateInit mapIdx = 30 battleType = 116 gameMode = Domination duration=1200 [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:39] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:39] GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:39] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Login, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:40] Avatar.receiveAvatarInfo: {'evaluationsLeft': {0: 7, 1: 7}} [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:40] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAvatar [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:40] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() False 0 0 0 [E] [2017_11_11 20:18:40] Entity::enterWorld: Got entity 1410526 before carrying vehicle 1410527 (going into limbo) [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:40] Avatar.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:40] name Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:40] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:40] Avatar onControlled False [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:40] onControlled->False: not implemented [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:40] onGeometryMapped() MapName: 50_Gold_harbor [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:40] teamBuildType: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:40] player: Id: 537005061 Name: eagle2450 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB008_Colorado_1945 avatarId: 1410516 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:40] player: Id: 536878017 Name: Vasilich1957 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSC717_Yellow_Dragon avatarId: 1410534 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:40] player: Id: 537236500 Name: RenamedUser_69118514 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSD205_Podvoisky_pr_1929 avatarId: 1410520 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:40] player: Id: 537120535 Name: Lumikal TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSB108_Bismarck avatarId: 1410522 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:40] player: Id: 282269 Name: MRACK_55 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSB006_Fuso_1943 avatarId: 1410524 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:40] player: Id: 350247 Name: vadikbad TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSD106_Fubuki avatarId: 1410528 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:40] player: Id: 537158832 Name: Kimm_Orwente TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB012_North_Carolina_1945 avatarId: 1410530 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:40] player: Id: 537102641 Name: MALAVTILIN TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASC014_New_Orlean_1944 avatarId: 1410532 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:40] player: Id: 245953 Name: miron1977 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB012_North_Carolina_1945 avatarId: 1410518 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:40] player: Id: 537234638 Name: skhao290 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSB013_Amagi_1942 avatarId: 1410536 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:40] player: Id: 537223375 Name: HEGNI_1 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSB006_Fuso_1943 avatarId: 1410538 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:40] player: Id: 340177 Name: litya333 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PBSB517_Nelson avatarId: 1410540 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:40] player: Id: 374354 Name: sanych25_metkij TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSB002_Tirpiz_1942 avatarId: 1410542 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:40] player: Id: 537223766 Name: botsman_palych TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSC108_Pr_68_Chapaev avatarId: 1410544 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:40] player: Id: 537168736 Name: Tier099 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASD005_Farragut_1944 avatarId: 1410526 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:40] player: Id: 214115 Name: palcin TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSD207_Shiratsuyu avatarId: 1410548 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:40] player: Id: 421604 Name: Roma_82a_ TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASA012_Lexington_1944 avatarId: 1410550 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:40] player: Id: 537181680 Name: Valik82 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASD005_Farragut_1944 avatarId: 1410552 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:40] player: Id: 537220448 Name: poorBOOTY TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSB013_Amagi_1942 avatarId: 1410546 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:40] player: Id: 537237490 Name: Akella85 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSC506_Admiral_Graf_Spee avatarId: 1410554 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:40] player: Id: 537275770 Name: foreign941 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSC107_Schors avatarId: 1410556 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:40] player: Id: 537231611 Name: Zalman21 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASA012_Lexington_1944 avatarId: 1410558 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:40] player: Id: 292988 Name: deadpool____ TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSC708_ARP_Takao avatarId: 1410560 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:40] player: Id: 537204221 Name: palikaru TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSC108_Hipper avatarId: 1410562 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:40] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537315793, 0, 0, 1410530, 1510419923087L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:40] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537315793: PreBattleInfo: id: 537315793, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1410530, creationTime 1510419923087, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:40] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (504874, 0, 0, 1410536, 1510419923088L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:40] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537315793: PreBattleInfo: id: 537315793, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1410530, creationTime 1510419923087, hidden False, locked False , 504874: PreBattleInfo: id: 504874, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1410536, creationTime 1510419923088, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:40] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (505066, 1, 0, 1410538, 1510419923088L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:40] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537315793: PreBattleInfo: id: 537315793, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1410530, creationTime 1510419923087, hidden False, locked False , 504874: PreBattleInfo: id: 504874, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1410536, creationTime 1510419923088, hidden False, locked False , 505066: PreBattleInfo: id: 505066, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1410538, creationTime 1510419923088, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:40] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (505066, 1, 0, 1410538, 1510419923088L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:40] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537315793: PreBattleInfo: id: 537315793, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1410530, creationTime 1510419923087, hidden False, locked False , 504874: PreBattleInfo: id: 504874, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1410536, creationTime 1510419923088, hidden False, locked False , 505066: PreBattleInfo: id: 505066, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1410538, creationTime 1510419923088, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:40] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (505066, 1, 0, 1410538, 1510419923088L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:40] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537315793: PreBattleInfo: id: 537315793, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1410530, creationTime 1510419923087, hidden False, locked False , 504874: PreBattleInfo: id: 504874, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1410536, creationTime 1510419923088, hidden False, locked False , 505066: PreBattleInfo: id: 505066, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1410538, creationTime 1510419923088, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:40] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (505066, 1, 0, 1410538, 1510419923088L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:40] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537315793: PreBattleInfo: id: 537315793, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1410530, creationTime 1510419923087, hidden False, locked False , 504874: PreBattleInfo: id: 504874, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1410536, creationTime 1510419923088, hidden False, locked False , 505066: PreBattleInfo: id: 505066, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1410538, creationTime 1510419923088, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:40] Avatar.enterPrebattle [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:40] (, 39965384947628, 149): 1410514; BattleLogic() [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:40] (, 39965384947628, 149): 1410514; onEnterWorld() State: {attentionMarkers: [], clientAnimations: None, controlPoints: [{position: [-261.0, 244.0], radius: 140.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: 0, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [-112.0, -112.0], radius: 120.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: 0, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 1, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [110.0, 110.0], radius: 120.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: 1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 1, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [244.0, -261.0], radius: 140.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: 0, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 1, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}], entityStates: [], expectedActions: None, interactiveZones: [], weather: {globalWeatherId: 1410515, localWeather: [], entityLogicParams: []}, keyObjects: [], missions: {hold: [{reward: 4, penalty: 0, cpIndices: [0, 1, 2, 3], period: 9}], capture: [], destroy: [], suppress: [], kill: [{reward: 30, penalty: 45, shipType: 'Destroyer'}, {reward: 35, penalty: 50, shipType: 'Cruiser'}, {reward: 40, penalty: 60, shipType: 'Battleship'}, {reward: 45, penalty: 65, shipType: 'AirCarrier'}], teamsScore: [922, 417], teamWinScore: 1000, teamLoseScore: 0}, resources: [], successStoryProgress: [], screenplayMessage: '', tasks: [], minefields: [], entities: [], effects: []} [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:40] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:40] BattleDataContext.__onEnterSpace [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:40] -= BATTLE STARTED =- [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:42] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:43] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:44] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:56] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:56] id 1410551 [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:56] name Roma_82a_ [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:56] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:56] @ launchpadAppeared 1410551 [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:56] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:56] id 1410521 [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:56] name RenamedUser_69118514 [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:56] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:57] id 1410517 [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:57] name eagle2450 [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:57] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:58] @ launchpadAppeared 1410517 [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:58] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:58] id 1410523 [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:58] name Lumikal [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:58] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:58] @ launchpadAppeared 1410523 [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:58] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:58] id 1410527 [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:58] name Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:58] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:58] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:58] id 1410543 [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:58] name sanych25_metkij [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:58] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:58] @ launchpadAppeared 1410543 [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:58] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:58] id 1410533 [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:58] name MALAVTILIN [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:58] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:58] @ launchpadAppeared 1410533 [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:58] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:58] id 1410553 [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:58] name Valik82 [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:58] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:58] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:58] id 1410535 [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:58] name Vasilich1957 [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:58] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:58] @ launchpadAppeared 1410535 [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:58] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:58] id 1410529 [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:58] name vadikbad [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:58] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:58] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:58] id 1410559 [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:58] name Zalman21 [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:58] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:58] @ launchpadAppeared 1410559 [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:58] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:58] Avatar.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:58] ! A.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:58] BattleDataContext.__onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:59] [Weather][2439] onEnterWorld (map spaces/50_Gold_harbor/weathers.xml, scheme 1, weather 0) [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:59] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:59] id 1410563 [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:59] name palikaru [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:59] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:59] @ launchpadAppeared 1410563 [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:59] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:59] id 1410541 [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:59] name litya333 [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:59] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:59] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:59] id 1410537 [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:59] name skhao290 [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:59] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:59] @ launchpadAppeared 1410537 [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:59] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:59] id 1410547 [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:59] name poorBOOTY [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:59] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:59] @ launchpadAppeared 1410547 [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:59] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:59] id 1410531 [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:59] name Kimm_Orwente [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:59] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:59] @ launchpadAppeared 1410531 [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:59] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:59] id 1410545 [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:59] name botsman_palych [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:59] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:59] @ launchpadAppeared 1410545 [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:59] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:59] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:59] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:59] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:59] id 1410549 [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:59] name palcin [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:59] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:18:59] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 20:19:00] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:19:00] id 1410519 [S] [2017_11_11 20:19:00] name miron1977 [S] [2017_11_11 20:19:00] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:19:00] @ launchpadAppeared 1410519 [S] [2017_11_11 20:19:00] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:19:00] id 1410555 [S] [2017_11_11 20:19:00] name Akella85 [S] [2017_11_11 20:19:00] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:19:00] @ launchpadAppeared 1410555 [S] [2017_11_11 20:19:00] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 20:19:00] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 20:19:00] Avatar.onWorldStateReceived [S] [2017_11_11 20:19:00] BattleChatSystem IN Context [S] [2017_11_11 20:19:00] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 20:19:01] ('[ERROR] FeedbackController: empty config for event repair_finished',) [S] [2017_11_11 20:19:01] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 20:19:09] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:19:09] id 1410557 [S] [2017_11_11 20:19:09] name foreign941 [S] [2017_11_11 20:19:09] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:19:09] @ launchpadAppeared 1410557 [S] [2017_11_11 20:19:11] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:19:11] id 1410561 [S] [2017_11_11 20:19:11] name deadpool____ [S] [2017_11_11 20:19:11] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:19:11] @ launchpadAppeared 1410561 [S] [2017_11_11 20:19:11] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 20:19:25] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:19:25] id 1410537 [S] [2017_11_11 20:19:25] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:19:52] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:20] battle finish - Victory [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:20] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOver [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:20] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOut [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:20] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: PostBattle, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:22] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: PostBattleWindow [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:22] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: PostBattle, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:22] setFpsGathererActive(False) [E] [2017_11_11 20:20:23] Can only call base methods on the connected entity [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:23] (, 39965384947628, 149): 1410514; onLeaveWorld() [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:23] [Weather][2439] onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:23] id 1410517 [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:23] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:23] id 1410519 [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:23] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:23] id 1410521 [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:23] id 1410523 [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:23] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:23] Avatar.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:23] id 1410527 [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:23] id 1410529 [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:23] id 1410531 [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:23] id 1410533 [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:23] id 1410535 [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:23] id 1410541 [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:23] id 1410543 [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:23] id 1410545 [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:23] id 1410547 [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:23] id 1410549 [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:23] id 1410551 [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:23] id 1410553 [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:23] id 1410555 [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:23] id 1410557 [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:23] id 1410559 [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:23] id 1410561 [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:23] id 1410563 [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:24] Account.__init__() [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:24] [Account debuG]: __init__() Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:24] ClanProxy.setChatHandler [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:24] ClanProxy.setInteractiveMessageData [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:24] Exception BigWorld.EntityIsDestroyedException: 'Account 537168736 has been destroyed' in ignored [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:24] onBecomePlayer() [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:24] UserDataGate.onGetConnection [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:24] UserDataGate.onGetConnection(): 5595999 [Entity: id:1627 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'teamKiller', 'accountLevel', 'clanman']] Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:24] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4289607664L: {'exp': 2676}}, 'changedCrews': {14: {'adapt_earned': 11068}}, 'moneyXP': 134, 'lootboxes': {'lootExp': 12899, 'boughtToday': 2, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1510444800.0, 'curBoxType': 0}} [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:24] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 12899, 'boughtToday': 2, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1510444800.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:24] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': 126647, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:24] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -25190, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:24] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4289607664 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:24] leaveBattleSession() Reason: 0 Info: None [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:24] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:24] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:25] Sent FPS data [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:25] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] chooseOperation: 4291341232 normal True [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:25] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onOperationChosen: 4291341232 normal True [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:25] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] chooseOperation: 0 normal False [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:25] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onOperationChosen: 0 normal False [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:25] (, 51003611475748, 141): is in context [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:25] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_end'}, interval: (1510416001.0, 1510426780.0)",) [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:25] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'end'}, interval: (1510426800.0, 1510426800.0)",) [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:25] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 5974 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510426800.0, 1510426800.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'end'}) [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:25] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}, interval: (1510498800.0, 1510502380.0)",) [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:25] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 5974 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510426800.0, 1510426800.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'end'}) [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:25] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'start'}, interval: (1510502400.0, 1510502400.0)",) [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:25] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 5974 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510426800.0, 1510426800.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'end'}) [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:25] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'end'}, interval: (1510513200.0, 1510513200.0)",) [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:25] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 5974 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510426800.0, 1510426800.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'end'}) [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:25] updateActionsProgress: {0: [(4289607664L, 1)]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:25] __updateTaskProgress start: {} [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:25] updateActionsProgress: {'22470_q01': {'count': 30}, '22468_q04': {'count': 0, 3: {'count': 24612}}} [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:25] __updateTaskProgress start: {'22470_q01': {'count': 30}, '22468_q04': {'count': 0, 3: {'count': 24612}}} [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:25] [CampaignsCommon] onActivateMission: campaignID 0; missionID 4284071856 taskIDs [4152770480L, 4151721904L, 4150673328L, 4149624752L, 4148576176L, 4147527600L, 4146479024L, 4145430448L, 4144381872L, 4143333296L, 4142284720L, 4141236144L, 4140187568L] [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:26] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: changed tasks [4153819056L] [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:26] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4153819056 data (True, 1, None, (4, 9)) [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:26] StatsProxy.receiveAbuseStatus(): {'battlesToClean': 0, 'statuses': {'tkill': 0}, 'warnings': ()} [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:26] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAccount [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:26] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() True 0 0 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:26] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:26] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:26] Sent FPS data [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:26] (, 20685599789093, 264): keys: ['dossier', 'accPoints'] [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:26] __processDossierStats() client dossier: ['oper', 'pvp', 'oper_mm_tasks_diag', 'pve_diag', 'pvp_diag', 'oper_normal', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'pve', 'oper_mm', 'total', 'oper_normal_tasks_diag', 'max_pve', 'rank_diag', 'max_pvp', 'oper_diag', 'club_diag', 'club', 'max_club', 'clan', 'oper_hard', 'oper_hard_tasks_diag', 'max_clan'] [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:26] AccountLevelingProxy.onGetAccountStats(): (15, 749197) (15, 751873) [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:26] enterPreBattle() 5120 [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:26] Account.enterPreBattle: (232) (1, 505066, (0, 0, 10, -1, 1, '', 0), 537223375, 62222528, u'', 1, None, 3, [(537168736, 5595999, 'Tier099', None, 0, 1, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0), (537236500, 69118514, 'RenamedUser_69118514', None, 0, 1, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0), (537223375, 62222528, 'HEGNI_1', None, 0, 1, False, True, False, 15, 134232416, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0)], [], (0, 0), False, 1510419923088L, 2, False, [], {'nonClanMembersCount': 0}) [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:26] [DivisionEntranceContext] __onEnterDivision: 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:26] no grants 5120 2 [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:26] no grants 5120 2 [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:26] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:26] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:26] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:26] no grants 5120 2 [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:26] no grants 5120 2 [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:26] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:26] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:26] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:26] no grants 5120 2 [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:26] no grants 5120 2 [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:26] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:26] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:26] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:26] no grants 5120 2 [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:26] no grants 5120 2 [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:26] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:26] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:26] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:26] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onEnterPreBattle: None [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:26] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:26] BR: {'credits': 84431, 'credits_penalty': 0, 'exp_penalty': 0, 'exp': 1189, 'credits_compensation': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:26] BR: {'elite_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'free_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'ship_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [['FIRST_WIN', 0.5, True, 0]], 'mod': []}, 'credits': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'crew_exp': {'sse': [['22470_q01', 0.5, True, 0]], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'acc_level': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}} [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:26] BR: {'auto_repair_list': [['IDS_SSE_REPAIR_DISCOUNT', 0.0, True, 0]], 'auto_exterior_list': [], 'auto_exterior_credits': 0, 'auto_camo_credits': 0, 'exp_enabled': True, 'abilities_applied': True, 'auto_repair_factor': 1.0, 'auto_load_credits': 2190, 'acc_points_enabled': True, 'free_exp_enabled': True, 'free_exp_factor': 0.05, 'ship_service_enabled': True, 'aogas_factor': 1.0, 'auto_exterior_gold': 0, 'premium_credits_factor': 1.5, 'premium_exp_factor': 1.5, 'auto_abilities_list': [], 'auto_camo_list': [], 'clan_supply_bonuses_enabled': True, 'camo_applied': True, 'auto_repair_credits': 23000, 'exterior_applied': True, 'serve_applied': True, 'auto_camo_gold': 0, 'crew_exp_enabled': True, 'auto_abilities_gold': 0, 'auto_load_list': [[219, 2190], [0, 0], [0, 0]], 'auto_abilities_credits': 0, 'credits_enabled': True, 'aogas_online': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:26] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:26] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:27] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:27] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:27] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:27] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:27] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:27] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:27] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_bomb default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:27] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_bomb default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:27] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:27] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:27] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:27] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:27] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:27] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:27] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:27] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:27] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:27] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:27] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:27] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:27] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:27] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:27] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:27] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:27] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:27] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:27] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:27] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:27] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:27] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:27] BuildData: Invalid path player.planes_lost default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:27] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ResultsScreen, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:27] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 94, 'data': {'missionNumber': '10', 'missionState': 2, 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'}} [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:27] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 94, 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 1, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_CAMPAIGNS_MISSION_UPDATED_ACTIVATED', 'headerIDS': 'ACTIVATED', 'data': {'missionNumber': '10', 'missionState': 2, 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'}, 'groupId': 9} [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:27] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:27] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:27] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4161159088 {('Default', 4283604912L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 7, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:27] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4162207664 {('Default', 4279410608L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 6, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:27] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q04 {('Default', 4271730608L, 0): 5, ('Default', 4269633456L, 0): 5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u041e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c \u043d\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u041e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c \u043d\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:27] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4163256240 {('Default', 4282556336L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 5, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:27] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22468_q03 {('Default', 4263440304L, 0): 5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:27] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q02 {('Resource', 19, 0): 1, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u041f\u0440\u0435\u043c\u0438\u0443\u043c \u0437\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0443'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u041f\u0440\u0435\u043c\u0438\u0443\u043c \u0437\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0443'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:27] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4156964784 {'desc': (), ('Resource', 0, 0): 100000} {'taskNumber': 11, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:27] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4154867632 {('Default', 4284313520L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 13, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:27] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4165353392 {('Default', 4287557552L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 3, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:27] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q01 {('ResourceCoeff', 21, 17): 3.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 30): 6.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 9): 12.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 32): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 10): 3.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 5): 1.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 28): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 14): 6.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 16): 3.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 11): 1.5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'}, 0, 0)} {'type': 'challenge', 'titleText': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:27] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4167450544 {'desc': (), ('Resource', 16, 0): 500} {'taskNumber': 1, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:27] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4160110512 {('Resource', 0, 0): 100000, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 8, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:27] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 16 [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:27] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:27] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 16. Boxes contents: [{4288852912L: {(0, 4283622320L): 1}, 4284658608L: {(0, 4274185136L): 1}, 4283610032L: {(0, 4273136560L): 1}, 4289901488L: {(0, 4289913776L): 1}}] [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:27] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:29] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 5, 'dt': 1510420822, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'achievements': (), 'expPenalty': 0, 'tasks': {'22470_q01': {'count': (30, 1), 'progress': (1.0, 1.0), 2: {'count': (0, 1)}, 'name': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'}, '22468_q04': {'count': (0, 0), 'progress': (0.8204, 0.0892), 3: {'count': (24612, 2676)}, 'name': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'}}, 'shipsKilled': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 2894057848647123L, 'battleTypeId': 5, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'mapTypeId': 30, 'credits': 126647, 'result': 1, 'exp': 2676, 'shipId': 4289607664L, 'battleCreateTime': 1510419923, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 749197, 2676), 'aogasFactor': 1.0}} [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:29] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 5, 'exp': 2676, 'tasks': {'22470_q01': {2: {'count': (0, 1)}}, '22468_q04': {3: {'count': (24612, 2676)}}}, 'aogasFactor': 1.0, 'mapBGPath': '../maps_bg/50_Gold_harbor.png', 'operationName': '', 'rankStarsDeltaChange': 0, 'earnedAchievements': [], 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_BATTLE_RESULTS_1', 'result': 1, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'uiSpecial': False, 'mapTypeId': 30, 'shipId': 4289607664L, 'accountLeveling': {'expGained': 2676, 'currLevel': 15, 'prevLevel': 15, 'currLevelExp': 122000, 'expTotal': 751873, 'nextLevelExp': 122000}, 'curTasksCompleted': 0, 'mapName': 'IDS_SPACES/50_GOLD_HARBOR', 'battleTypeId': 5, 'shipLevelRome': 'VI', 'achievements': (), 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD005', 'shipsKilled': 0, 'importance': 2, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'difficulty': '', 'prevTasksCompleted': 0, 'isElite': False, 'date': '11.11.2017 20:05', 'dt': 1510420822, 'groupId': 3, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 749197, 2676), 'expPenalty': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 2894057848647123L, 'credits': 126647, 'sourceId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'viaMM': False, 'rankBattlesSeasonId': 0, 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'quests': [{'maxProgress': 100, 'day': 11, 'monthIDS': 'IDS_MONTH_11', 'battleProgress': 100.0, 'type': 'challenge', 'id': '22470_q01', 'titleText': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!', 'currentProgress': 100.0}, {'maxProgress': 100, 'day': 11, 'monthIDS': 'IDS_MONTH_11', 'battleProgress': 8.0, 'type': 'task', 'id': '22468_q04', 'titleText': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b', 'currentProgress': 76.0}], 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'postponed': False, 'battleCreateTime': 1510419923, 'rankDeltaChange': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:29] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:29] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:29] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:29] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:29] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:29] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:29] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_bomb default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:29] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_bomb default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:29] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:29] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:29] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:29] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:29] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:29] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:29] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:29] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:29] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:29] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:29] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:29] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:29] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:29] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:29] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:29] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:29] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:29] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:29] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:29] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:29] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:29] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:29] BuildData: Invalid path player.planes_lost default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:29] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 4, 'dt': 1510420822, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'costShell': 2190, 'shipId': 4289607664L, 'result': False, 'costRepair': 23000}} [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:29] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 4, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SHIP_SERVE', 'costShell': 2190, 'result': False, 'shipId': 4289607664L, 'uiSpecial': False, 'shipLevelRome': 'VI', 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD005', 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'isElite': False, 'dt': 1510420822, 'groupId': 5, 'costTotal': 25190, 'sourceId': 0, 'costRepair': 23000, 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'postponed': False} [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:30] ClanProxy.onChatInitialized [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:30] XmppChatHandler.joinClanChannel() 430246 [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:30] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived prebattle 3 [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:30] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: DIVISION channelsGroupsIds: [] [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:30] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel True self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:30] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 5595999 Tier099 2 2 (430246, u'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:30] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 69118514 RenamedUser_69118514 2 2 (430246, u'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:30] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 62222528 HEGNI_1 2 2 (430246, u'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:30] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 62222528@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:30] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: channelsGroupsIds: [] [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:30] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:30] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True UserDataGate.__onRosterUpdated [('17915186@wowsru.loc', 'egy5', False, 4, ()), ('22453883@wowsru.loc', 'vova1972ruzan', False, 4, ()), ('2557718@wowsru.loc', 'NSDRP', False, 4, ()), ('26288674@wowsru.loc', '_EmperoR_WOW_', False, 4, ()), ('2893852@wowsru.loc', 'klimstonn', False, 4, ()), ('30937387@wowsru.loc', 'monster__622', False, 4, ()), ('327255@wowsru.loc', 'Migri', False, 4, ()), ('35853511@wowsru.loc', 'toshidzu', False, 4, ()), ('5471194@wowsru.loc', 'loki1982', False, 4, ()), ('58161041@wowsru.loc', 'Y_O_R_K_2015', False, 4, ()), ('62222528@wowsru.loc', 'HEGNI_1', False, 4, ()), ('6896454@wowsru.loc', 'Vie92', False, 4, ()), ('69118514@wowsru.loc', 'RenamedUser_69118514', False, 4, ()), ('69416610@wowsru.loc', 'Player_3185411451', False, 4, ()), ('71811251@wowsru.loc', 'Leogon_1', False, 4, ()), ('73537307@wowsru.loc', 'PZS_One', False, 4, ())] [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:30] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 2893852@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:30] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 59124891@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:30] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 11274288@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:30] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 21696974@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:30] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 14596986@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:30] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 58053848@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:30] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 310434@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:30] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 19410835@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:30] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 35853511@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:30] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 59103429@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:30] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 22453883@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:30] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 2557718@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:30] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 69118514@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:30] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 73537307@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:30] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:30] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:30] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: KARSAK_1968 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:30] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:30] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:30] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:30] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:30] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:30] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:30] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:30] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:30] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:30] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:30] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:30] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:30] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:30] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: toshidzu channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:30] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:30] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Samum1989_geroj channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:30] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:30] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:30] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:30] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: NSDRP channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:30] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:30] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: RenamedUser_69118514 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:30] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:30] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:30] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:30] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived clansearch@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:30] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived ids_chat_channel_offtop@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:30] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived ids_chat_channel_questions@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:30] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived wargamingfm@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:30] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_SEARCH_CLAN_DIV channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:30] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:30] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_OFFTOP channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:30] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:30] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_QUESTIONS channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:30] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:30] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: WargamingFM Корабли channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:30] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:30] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {62222528: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 69416610: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 22453883: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 6896454: None, 35853511: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 69118514: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 30937387: None, 26288674: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'GUAPS', 'id': 430164, 'name': u'\u0413\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0434\u0435\u0439\u0446\u044b \u041f\u043e\u0441\u0435\u0439\u0434\u043e\u043d\u0430'}, 58161041: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 17915186: None, 71811251: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 2557718: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 327255: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'ENYO', 'id': 415095, 'name': u'\u042d\u041d\u0418\u041e'}, 5471194: None, 73537307: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 2893852: None} [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:32] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc 6 [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:32] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: channelsGroupsIds: [] [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:32] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored True [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:32] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 62222528 {'jid': '62222528@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'HEGNI_1', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:32] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 69118514 {'jid': '69118514@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:32] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 35853511 {'jid': '35853511@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'toshidzu', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:32] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 31456527 {'jid': '31456527@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Yurautyug', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:32] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 17222686 {'jid': '17222686@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'bob7771', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:32] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 71811251 {'jid': '71811251@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Leogon_1', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:32] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 5595999 {'jid': '5595999@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Tier099', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:32] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Tier099', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/5595999', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510394839L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd1\x80\xd0\xb5\xd0\xb1\xd1\x8f\xd1\x82 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb3\xd0\xbe \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xb2\xd1\x8b\xd0\xba\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb4\xd1\x8b\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82 \xd0\xb2\xd0\xbe \xd0\xb2\xd1\x80\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbc\xd1\x8f \xd0\xb1\xd0\xbe\xd1\x8f???', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:32] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Tier099', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/5595999', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510396421L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbf\xd1\x8f\xd1\x82\xd1\x8c \xd0\xb2\xd1\x8b\xd0\xba\xd0\xb8\xd0\xbd\xd1\x83\xd0\xbb\xd0\xbe 2 \xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb7\xd0\xb0 \xd0\xb7\xd0\xb0 1 \xd0\xb1\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb9', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:32] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/69118514', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510401726L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb1\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb8 \xd0\xba\xd0\xb5\xd1\x88', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:32] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'NSDRP', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/2557718', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510404247L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb5\xd1\x87\xd0\xb5\xd1\x80 \xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb1\xd1\x80\xd1\x8b\xd0\xb9. \xd0\xb5\xd1\x81\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb8 9 \xd0\xbe\xd1\x87\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2 \xd0\xbe\xd0\xbf\xd1\x8b\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0 \xd0\xba\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbf\xd0\xb8\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe 54 000 \xd0\xbe\xd0\xbf\xd1\x8b\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0 \xd1\x82\xd0\xbe \xd1\x81\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbb\xd1\x8c\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe \xd0\xb7\xd0\xb0 15 ?', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:32] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/69118514', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510408413L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0 13 \xd0\xbe\xd1\x87\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe 108 000', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:32] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Tier099', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/5595999', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510408924L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xba\xd1\x82\xd0\xbe \xd0\xb2 \xd0\xb2\xd0\xb7\xd0\xb2\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb4??? \xd0\x9f\xd0\xb8\xd1\x88\xd0\xb8\xd1\x82\xd0\xb5 \xd1\x81\xd0\xbc\xd1\x81 \xd0\xb2 \xd0\x9b\xd0\xa1', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:32] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'NSDRP', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/2557718', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510409220L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\x94\xd0\x90 \xd1\x83\xd0\xb6 . \xd0\xb0 \xd0\xbc\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe \xd0\xb4\xd0\xbb\xd1\x8f \xd0\xba\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb0 18 \xd0\xbe\xd1\x87\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2. \xd0\xb0 \xd1\x83 \xd0\xbc\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd1\x8f \xd1\x82\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbb\xd1\x8c\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe 9. \xd0\xbe\xd1\x85\xd0\xbe- \xd1\x85\xd0\xbe', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:32] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Tier099', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/5595999', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510409598L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xb8\xd0\xb3\xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd1\x82\xd1\x8c \xd1\x80\xd0\xb5\xd0\xb1\xd1\x8f\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0???', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:32] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'PZS_One', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/73537307', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510415291L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xb2\xd1\x81\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbc \xd0\xbf\xd1\x80\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:32] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'PZS_One', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/73537307', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510416198L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd1\x85\xd0\xbe\xd1\x87\xd1\x83 \xd0\xbf\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb3\xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd1\x82\xd1\x8c \xd1\x81\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbc\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb9', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:32] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'vova1972ruzan', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/22453883', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510416931L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\x92 \xd0\x9a\xd0\x90\xd0\x9b\xd0\x90\xd0\x9d\xd0\x9e\xd0\x92\xd0\xab\xd0\x99 \xd0\x91\xd0\x9e\xd0\x99 \xd0\x98\xd0\x93\xd0\xa0\xd0\x90\xd0\xa2\xd0\xac \xd0\x91\xd0\xa3\xd0\x94\xd0\x95\xd0\x9c \xd0\x98\xd0\x9b\xd0\x98 \xd0\x9a\xd0\x90\xd0\x9a?', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:32] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'vova1972ruzan', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/22453883', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510417063L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\x9a\xd0\x9e\xd0\x9c\xd0\x90\xd0\x9d\xd0\x94\xd0\x98\xd0\xa0\xd0\xab \xd0\x9f\xd0\xa0\xd0\x9e\xd0\xa1\xd0\x9d\xd0\x98\xd0\xa2\xd0\x95\xd0\xa1\xd0\xac', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:32] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/69118514', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510417186L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xb7\xd0\xb0\xd1\x85\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb8\xd1\x82\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xb2 \xd1\x80\xd0\xb5\xd0\xb4 \xd0\xba\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbb', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:32] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/69118514', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510418654L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\x95\xd0\xa9\xd0\x95 3 \xd0\x98\xd0\x93\xd0\xa0\xd0\x9e\xd0\x9a\xd0\x90 \xd0\x9f\xd0\x9e\xd0\xa8\xd0\x9b\xd0\x98 \xd0\x92 \xd0\x9a\xd0\x9b\xd0\x90\xd0\x9d\xd0\x9e\xd0\x92\xd0\xab', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:34] getModelPaths [] [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:36] !!! PostBattleWindow: Results Receive Timeout, going to Dock! [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:37] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:37] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:39] BattleChatSystem OUT OF Context [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:39] Exception BigWorld.EntityIsDestroyedException: 'Avatar 1410526 has been destroyed' in ignored [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:39] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:46] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:46] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:46] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:46] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:46] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:46] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:46] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:46] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:46] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:46] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:46] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:46] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:46] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:46] (, 66379459049956, 122): __sendCurrentMessage:, (IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510416001.0, 1510426780.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_end'}),) [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:46] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 118, 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'messageType': 'soon_end', 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_CLAN_BATTLE_PRIMETIME_CHANGED', 'groupId': 8} [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:46] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:46] [Filters] saveFilters [] [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:46] [Filters] saveFilters [] [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:46] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:49] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': 0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:49] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': -1.0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:55] [CampaignsCommon] takeReward: taskID 4153819056 [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:56] >>> receiveChanges {'storage': {4279168944L: 15}} [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:56] [CampaignsCommon] onTakeReward: taskID 4153819056; newState 5; totalStars 15; completedTasks [] [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:57] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:57] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:57] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4161159088 {('Default', 4283604912L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 7, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:57] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4162207664 {('Default', 4279410608L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 6, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:57] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q04 {('Default', 4271730608L, 0): 5, ('Default', 4269633456L, 0): 5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u041e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c \u043d\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u041e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c \u043d\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:57] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4163256240 {('Default', 4282556336L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 5, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:57] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22468_q03 {('Default', 4263440304L, 0): 5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:57] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q02 {('Resource', 19, 0): 1, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u041f\u0440\u0435\u043c\u0438\u0443\u043c \u0437\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0443'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u041f\u0440\u0435\u043c\u0438\u0443\u043c \u0437\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0443'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:57] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4156964784 {'desc': (), ('Resource', 0, 0): 100000} {'taskNumber': 11, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:57] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4154867632 {('Default', 4284313520L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 13, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:57] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4165353392 {('Default', 4287557552L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 3, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:57] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q01 {('ResourceCoeff', 21, 17): 3.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 30): 6.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 9): 12.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 32): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 10): 3.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 5): 1.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 28): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 14): 6.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 16): 3.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 11): 1.5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'}, 0, 0)} {'type': 'challenge', 'titleText': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:57] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4167450544 {'desc': (), ('Resource', 16, 0): 500} {'taskNumber': 1, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:57] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4153819056 {('Default', 4279168944L, 0): 15, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 14, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:57] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4160110512 {('Resource', 0, 0): 100000, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 8, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:57] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 17 [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:57] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:57] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 17. Boxes contents: [{4288852912L: {(0, 4283622320L): 1}, 4284658608L: {(0, 4274185136L): 1}, 4283610032L: {(0, 4273136560L): 1}, 4289901488L: {(0, 4289913776L): 1}}] [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:57] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 98, 'data': {'lootStars': 0, 'isRewarded': True, 'taskNumber': 14, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'}} [S] [2017_11_11 20:20:57] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 98, 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 5, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_CAMPAIGNS_TASK_REWARDED_ONLY_REWARDS', 'headerIDS': 'ONLY_REWARDS', 'data': {'lootStars': 0, 'isRewarded': True, 'taskNumber': 14, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'}, 'groupId': 9} [S] [2017_11_11 20:21:01] [GiftBox] onAnimationDone [S] [2017_11_11 20:21:02] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 505066 (537236500, 69118514, 'RenamedUser_69118514', 4184749872L, 0, 2, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0) 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:21:02] DivisionProxy.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537236500, dbid=69118514, name='RenamedUser_69118514', shipId=4184749872L, teamId=0, state=2, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=0) 0 {} [S] [2017_11_11 20:21:02] playersToInvite {} [S] [2017_11_11 20:21:02] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 69118514 {'jid': '69118514@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'clanInfo': (430246, u'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:21:02] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 20:21:02] no grants 5120 2 [S] [2017_11_11 20:21:02] no grants 5120 2 [S] [2017_11_11 20:21:02] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 2], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [4, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:21:02] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 20:21:02] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [4, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:21:27] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 17222686 {'jid': '17222686@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'bob7771', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:21:30] [CampaignsCommon] activateTask: taskID 4141236144 [S] [2017_11_11 20:21:30] [CampaignsCommon] onActivateTask: taskID 4141236144 [S] [2017_11_11 20:21:31] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 96, 'data': {'taskNumber': 12, 'missionNumber': '10', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'}} [S] [2017_11_11 20:21:31] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 96, 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 3, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_CAMPAIGNS_TASK_ACTIVATED', 'data': {'taskNumber': 12, 'missionNumber': '10', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'}, 'groupId': 9} [S] [2017_11_11 20:21:33] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {42379138: {'color': 16763955, 'league': None, 'tag': u'TAST', 'id': 413658, 'name': u'Tactical Strike'}, 31456527: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 627472: None, 58161041: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 37891858: None, 63917998: None, 2557718: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 73537307: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 2893852: None, 181405: None, 17222686: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 69416610: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 4015268: None, 36975912: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'RESET', 'id': 420934, 'name': u'\u0421\u0432\u043e\u0431\u043e\u0434\u043d\u043e\u0435 \u041c\u043e\u0440\u0441\u043a\u043e\u0435 \u0411\u0440\u0430\u0442\u0441\u0442\u0432\u043e'}, 12120234: None, 30937387: None, 17915186: None, 811182: None, 69118514: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 71811251: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 10914741: None, 18868927: {'color': 16763955, 'league': None, 'tag': u'TAST', 'id': 413658, 'name': u'Tactical Strike'}, 62222528: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 10894274: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'ORDAB', 'id': 430375, 'name': u'\u041e\u0440\u0434\u0430 \u0411\u0435\u0448\u0435\u043d\u044b\u0445'}, 6896454: None, 35853511: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 1533896: None, 26288674: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'GUAPS', 'id': 430164, 'name': u'\u0413\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0434\u0435\u0439\u0446\u044b \u041f\u043e\u0441\u0435\u0439\u0434\u043e\u043d\u0430'}, 468526: None, 60801235: {'color': 13395507, 'league': None, 'tag': u'3AKOH', 'id': 426171, 'name': u'3-\u044f \u041a\u043e\u043d\u043d\u0430\u044f \u0410\u0440\u043c\u0438\u044f'}, 82632790: None, 327255: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'ENYO', 'id': 415095, 'name': u'\u042d\u041d\u0418\u041e'}, 5471194: None, 15395215: None, 1294688: None, 457059: {'color': 10066329, 'league': None, 'tag': u'MOKOT', 'id': 426925, 'name': u'\u041c\u043e\u0440\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0435_\u043a\u043e\u0442\u0438\u043a\u0438'}, 47832678: None, 29213927: {'color': 10066329, 'league': None, 'tag': u'CATGO', 'id': 427641, 'name': u'\u041c\u043e\u0440\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0435 \u041a\u043e\u0442\u044b'}, 22453883: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}} [S] [2017_11_11 20:21:42] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {26288674: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'GUAPS', 'id': 430164, 'name': u'\u0413\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0434\u0435\u0439\u0446\u044b \u041f\u043e\u0441\u0435\u0439\u0434\u043e\u043d\u0430'}} [S] [2017_11_11 20:21:52] [CampaignsCommon] activateTask: taskID 4140187568 [S] [2017_11_11 20:21:52] [CampaignsCommon] onActivateTask: taskID 4140187568 [S] [2017_11_11 20:21:52] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 96, 'data': {'taskNumber': 13, 'missionNumber': '10', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'}} [S] [2017_11_11 20:21:52] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 96, 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 3, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_CAMPAIGNS_TASK_ACTIVATED', 'data': {'taskNumber': 13, 'missionNumber': '10', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'}, 'groupId': 9} [S] [2017_11_11 20:22:01] no grants 5120 2 [S] [2017_11_11 20:22:01] no grants 5120 2 [S] [2017_11_11 20:22:01] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [4, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:22:01] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 20:22:01] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [4, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:22:03] availableShipParts 63 [S] [2017_11_11 20:22:03] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_11 20:22:03] DivisionProxy.setReady: 4288624624 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:22:03] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4288624624 2 [S] [2017_11_11 20:22:03] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 505066 (537168736, 5595999, 'Tier099', 4288624624L, 0, 2, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0) 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:22:03] DivisionProxy.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537168736, dbid=5595999, name='Tier099', shipId=4288624624L, teamId=0, state=2, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=0) 0 {} [S] [2017_11_11 20:22:03] playersToInvite {} [S] [2017_11_11 20:22:03] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 5595999 {'jid': '5595999@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Tier099', 'clanInfo': (430246, u'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:22:03] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 20:22:03] no grants 5120 2 [S] [2017_11_11 20:22:03] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [4, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:22:04] availableShipParts 63 [S] [2017_11_11 20:22:04] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_11 20:22:26] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: QuestWindow, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:22:34] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/69118514', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510420954L, 'isDelayed': False, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xba\xd1\x82\xd0\xbe \xd0\xbf\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb9\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82 \xd0\xb2 \xd0\xba\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2\xd1\x8b\xd0\xb9 \xd0\xb1\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb9?', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 20:23:10] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 20:23:11] changePreBattleGrants() 1703686 [S] [2017_11_11 20:23:11] DivisionProxy.onGrantsChanged() 1703686 [S] [2017_11_11 20:23:11] onOwnerChanged() [S] [2017_11_11 20:23:11] DivisionProxy.onOwnerChanged() 537168736 [S] [2017_11_11 20:23:11] [DivisionConxtext] __onCommanderChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 20:23:11] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [4, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:23:11] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 20:23:11] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [4, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:23:11] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [4, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:23:11] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 20:23:11] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [4, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:23:11] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 0, 'playerName': 'Tier099', 'playerId': 537168736, 'idInGroup': 0, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_UI_YOU_ARE_COMMANDER_DIVISION', 'divisionType': 'division', 'sourceId': 1, 'groupId': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 20:23:11] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 505066 (537223375, 62222528, 'HEGNI_1', None, -2, 1, False, True, False, 15, 134232416, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0) 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:23:11] DivisionProxy.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537223375, dbid=62222528, name='HEGNI_1', shipId=None, teamId=-2, state=1, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134232416, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=0) 0 {} [S] [2017_11_11 20:23:11] playersToInvite {} [S] [2017_11_11 20:23:11] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'eventId': 'PLAYER_LEFT_DIVISION', 'typeId': 3, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_UI_PLAYER_ACTION_IN_DIVISION_1_DIVISION', 'playerName': 'HEGNI_1', 'idInGroup': 3, 'divisionType': 'division', 'sourceId': 1, 'actionId': 1, 'groupId': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 20:23:11] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 20:23:11] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [4, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:23:11] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 20:23:11] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [4, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:23:19] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 35853511 {'jid': '35853511@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'toshidzu', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 20:23:19] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {35853511: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}} [S] [2017_11_11 20:23:26] [DivisionEntranceContext] requestDivisionSeekerList: Account.requestPreBattleSeekerList(): [S] [2017_11_11 20:23:29] [DivisionEntranceContext] requestDivisionSeekerList: Account.requestPreBattleSeekerList(): [S] [2017_11_11 20:23:29] (, 94391359434474, 125): getClanTeams, ('send request',) [S] [2017_11_11 20:23:29] receivePreBattles() PreBattleType: 4 Num: 14 Free: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:23:29] [Seek] onReceivePreBattleSeekers [S] [2017_11_11 20:23:29] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u0418\u0449\u0443 \u0431\u043e\u0439\u0446\u043e\u0432 \u0432 \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d,\u0442\u0440\u0435\u0431\u043e\u0432\u0430\u043d\u0438\u044f: 58%++ \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434,1900 \u043f\u0440\u043e\u0430\u043b\u044c\u0444\u0430,\u0441\u0432\u044f\u0437\u044c \u0434\u0438\u0441\u043a\u043e\u0440\u0434,\u043f\u0438\u0441\u0430\u0442\u044c \u0432 \u041b\u0421', 'league': 0, 'name': 'barracuda78', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 10066329, 'dbid': 2843794, 'clanID': 420205, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'FOG-T', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 20:23:29] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'', 'league': 0, 'name': 'ASSA9980', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 0, 'dbid': 86867100, 'clanID': 0, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 20:23:29] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u0438\u0449\u0443 \u0430\u0432\u0438\u043a 4-5 \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u0435\u043d\u044c \u043a\u0430\u0442\u0430\u044e \u0422\u0435\u0445\u0430\u0441 \u0438 \u0420\u0435\u0432\u043e\u043b\u044e\u0446\u0438\u044e \u043c\u043e\u0439 \u043f\u0440\u043e\u0446 \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434 60% \u043f\u0440\u0438\u0433\u043b\u043e\u0441\u044b \u0432 \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443 \u043a\u043e\u043e\u043f\u0435\u0440\u0430\u0442\u0438\u0432 \u0438 \u043e\u043f\u0435\u0440\u0430\u0446\u0438\u0438 \u043d\u0435 \u0438\u043d\u0442\u0435\u0440\u0435\u0441\u0443\u044e\u0442', 'league': 0, 'name': 'Sergiksuper1', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 16777215, 'dbid': 7924640, 'clanID': 428411, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'TSUWR', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 20:23:29] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'', 'league': 0, 'name': 'pavel12334', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 0, 'dbid': 27340068, 'clanID': 0, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 20:23:29] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u0441 1 \u043f\u043e 5 \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u0435\u043d\u044c \u0441\u043b\u0443\u0447\u0430\u0439\u043d\u044b\u0439 \u0431\u043e\u0439 \u0441\u0432\u044f\u0437\u044c \u0435\u0441\u0442\u044c', 'league': 0, 'name': 'awgustin2018_avgustin', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 13395507, 'dbid': 81366699, 'clanID': 426421, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'KAMA', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 20:23:29] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u0412\u0437\u0432\u043e\u0434 5-10 \u043b\u0432\u043b 55%+ \u043f\u0438\u0448\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0432 \u041b\u0421 (\u0441\u0432\u044f\u0437\u044c \u0422\u0421)', 'league': 0, 'name': 'Nik_drive', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 16763955, 'dbid': 113968, 'clanID': 415718, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'W_WP2', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 20:23:29] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'sanek1957', 'league': 0, 'name': 'sanek1957', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 16777215, 'dbid': 58959037, 'clanID': 429738, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'WOWIB', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 20:23:29] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'', 'league': 0, 'name': 'kurito229', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 10066329, 'dbid': 79184964, 'clanID': 421914, 'rankSeasonId': 7, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 134232320, 'rank': 16, 'clanTag': u'-AVG-', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 20:23:29] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u041d\u0410\u0411\u041e\u0420 \u0412 \u041a\u041b\u0410\u041d \u0434\u043b\u044f \u041a\u0411! \u0443\u0441\u043b\u043e\u0432\u0438\u0435: \u043d\u0430\u043b\u0438\u0447\u0438\u0435 \u0445\u043e\u0442\u044c \u043e\u0434\u043d\u043e\u0439 \u0434\u0435\u0441\u044f\u0442\u043a\u0438 \u0438 50% \u041f\u041f', 'league': 0, 'name': '007BlackPrince', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 10066329, 'dbid': 47536460, 'clanID': 411764, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'22CM', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 20:23:29] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u0414\u041e\u041d\u0410\u0411\u041e\u0420 \u0412 \u041a\u041b\u0410\u041d! \u043e\u0442 \u0432\u0430\u0441 53+ \u043e\u043d\u043b\u0430\u0439\u043d, \u043c\u0438\u043a\u0440\u043e \u0438 \u043f\u0440\u043e\u0433\u0430 \u0434\u0438\u0441\u043a\u043e\u0440\u0434, 10 \u043b\u0432\u043b \u041e\u0411\u042f\u0417\u0410\u0422\u0415\u041b\u042c\u041d\u041e \u0438 \u0436\u0435\u043b\u0430\u043d\u0438\u0435 \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0436\u0434\u0430\u0442\u044c! \u043f\u0438\u0441\u0430\u0442\u044c \u0432 \u041b\u0421 \u0432 \u043e\u0442\u0440\u044f\u0434 \u0438 \u043e\u043f\u0435\u0440\u0430\u0446\u0438\u0438 \u043d\u0435 \u0437\u0432\u0430\u0442\u044c!', 'league': 0, 'name': 'BAD__NEWS', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 10066329, 'dbid': 5822805, 'clanID': 415101, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'SW', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 20:23:29] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'', 'league': 0, 'name': 'M_agellaN', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 0, 'dbid': 82606935, 'clanID': 0, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 20:23:29] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u041f\u0440\u0438\u043d\u0438\u043c\u0430\u0435\u043c \u043e\u043f\u044b\u0442\u043d\u044b\u0445 \u0438\u0433\u0440\u043e\u043a\u043e\u0432 \u0432 \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d [_NYA_] \u043e\u0442 51%+ \u0438 1,5\u043a . \u0421\u0440\u0435\u0434\u043d\u0438\u0439 %\u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434 \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d\u0430 53,5 . \u0421\u0432\u044f\u0437\u044c \u0447\u0435\u0440\u0435\u0437 \u0434\u0438\u0441\u043a\u043e\u0440\u0434 . \u041f\u043e\u0434\u0440\u043e\u0431\u043d\u043e\u0441\u0442\u0438 \u0432 \u041b\u0421.(\u0432 \u041e\u0422\u0420\u042f\u0414 \u041d\u0415 \u041f\u0420\u0418\u0413\u041b\u0410\u0428\u0410\u0422\u042c)', 'league': 0, 'name': 'Gavruha2011', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 10066329, 'dbid': 1719141, 'clanID': 413675, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'_NYA_', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 20:23:29] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'', 'league': 0, 'name': '14DRON44', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 16777215, 'dbid': 14756584, 'clanID': 429094, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'DP-UA', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 20:23:29] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u0434\u043b\u044f \u0443\u0447\u0430\u0441\u0442\u0438\u044f \u0432 \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d\u043e\u0432\u044b\u0445 \u0431\u043e\u044f\u0445 \u043d\u0430\u0431\u043e\u0440 \u0432 \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d SVP \u0431\u043e\u0438 1000+ \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434 50+.\u043e\u0431\u044f\u0437\u0430\u0442\u0435\u043b\u044c\u043d\u043e \u0441\u0432\u044f\u0437\u044c DISCORD. \u0441\u0432\u043e\u0438 \u0434\u0435\u0441\u044f\u0442\u043a\u0438 \u043f\u0440\u0438\u0432\u0435\u0442\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0443\u044e\u0442\u0441\u044f. \u043f\u0438\u0448\u0435\u043c \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443 \u0438\u043b\u0438 \u0437\u0430\u044f\u0432\u043a\u0443 \u0432 \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d', 'league': 0, 'name': 'MINER_1956', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 10066329, 'dbid': 71118075, 'clanID': 425046, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'SVP', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 20:23:31] receivePreBattles() PreBattleType: 3 Num: 1 Free: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:23:31] ClanDataHubUtils.updateClanPreBattles [{'description': u'', 'creatorDBID': 62222528, 'playerCount': 2, 'ownerClanID': 430246, 'extraInfo': {'nonClanMembersCount': 0}, 'isInBattle': 0, 'battleDef': (BATTLE_DEF: mapId=0, duration=0, type=10, level=-1, teamBuildType=1, sseInfo=, pveInfo=0), 'ownerName': 'Tier099', 'invitedCount': 0, 'playersLimit': 3, 'isPrivate': 0, 'ownerId': 537168736, 'preBattleType': 1, 'id': 505066, 'selectedQueueType': 1}] [S] [2017_11_11 20:23:32] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'toshidzu', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/35853511', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510421012L, 'isDelayed': False, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd1\x8f', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 20:23:53] [ChatSystem] __executeAddContact dbId: 31456527.0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:23:53] UserDataGate.__onRosterUpdated [('17915186@wowsru.loc', 'egy5', False, 4, ()), ('22453883@wowsru.loc', 'vova1972ruzan', False, 4, ()), ('2557718@wowsru.loc', 'NSDRP', False, 4, ()), ('26288674@wowsru.loc', '_EmperoR_WOW_', True, 4, ()), ('2893852@wowsru.loc', 'klimstonn', False, 4, ()), ('30937387@wowsru.loc', 'monster__622', False, 4, ()), ('31456527@wowsru.loc', 'Yurautyug', False, 0, ()), ('327255@wowsru.loc', 'Migri', False, 4, ()), ('35853511@wowsru.loc', 'toshidzu', True, 4, ()), ('5471194@wowsru.loc', 'loki1982', False, 4, ()), ('58161041@wowsru.loc', 'Y_O_R_K_2015', False, 4, ()), ('62222528@wowsru.loc', 'HEGNI_1', True, 4, ()), ('6896454@wowsru.loc', 'Vie92', False, 4, ()), ('69118514@wowsru.loc', 'RenamedUser_69118514', True, 4, ()), ('69416610@wowsru.loc', 'Player_3185411451', False, 4, ()), ('71811251@wowsru.loc', 'Leogon_1', True, 4, ()), ('73537307@wowsru.loc', 'PZS_One', False, 4, ())] [S] [2017_11_11 20:23:53] UserDataGate.__onRosterUpdated [('17915186@wowsru.loc', 'egy5', False, 4, ()), ('22453883@wowsru.loc', 'vova1972ruzan', False, 4, ()), ('2557718@wowsru.loc', 'NSDRP', False, 4, ()), ('26288674@wowsru.loc', '_EmperoR_WOW_', True, 4, ()), ('2893852@wowsru.loc', 'klimstonn', False, 4, ()), ('30937387@wowsru.loc', 'monster__622', False, 4, ()), ('31456527@wowsru.loc', 'Yurautyug', False, 1, ()), ('327255@wowsru.loc', 'Migri', False, 4, ()), ('35853511@wowsru.loc', 'toshidzu', True, 4, ()), ('5471194@wowsru.loc', 'loki1982', False, 4, ()), ('58161041@wowsru.loc', 'Y_O_R_K_2015', False, 4, ()), ('62222528@wowsru.loc', 'HEGNI_1', True, 4, ()), ('6896454@wowsru.loc', 'Vie92', False, 4, ()), ('69118514@wowsru.loc', 'RenamedUser_69118514', True, 4, ()), ('69416610@wowsru.loc', 'Player_3185411451', False, 4, ()), ('71811251@wowsru.loc', 'Leogon_1', True, 4, ()), ('73537307@wowsru.loc', 'PZS_One', False, 4, ())] [S] [2017_11_11 20:23:54] UserDataGate.__onRosterUpdated [('17915186@wowsru.loc', 'egy5', False, 4, ()), ('22453883@wowsru.loc', 'vova1972ruzan', False, 4, ()), ('2557718@wowsru.loc', 'NSDRP', False, 4, ()), ('26288674@wowsru.loc', '_EmperoR_WOW_', True, 4, ()), ('2893852@wowsru.loc', 'klimstonn', False, 4, ()), ('30937387@wowsru.loc', 'monster__622', False, 4, ()), ('31456527@wowsru.loc', 'Yurautyug', False, 4, ()), ('327255@wowsru.loc', 'Migri', False, 4, ()), ('35853511@wowsru.loc', 'toshidzu', True, 4, ()), ('5471194@wowsru.loc', 'loki1982', False, 4, ()), ('58161041@wowsru.loc', 'Y_O_R_K_2015', False, 4, ()), ('62222528@wowsru.loc', 'HEGNI_1', True, 4, ()), ('6896454@wowsru.loc', 'Vie92', False, 4, ()), ('69118514@wowsru.loc', 'RenamedUser_69118514', True, 4, ()), ('69416610@wowsru.loc', 'Player_3185411451', False, 4, ()), ('71811251@wowsru.loc', 'Leogon_1', True, 4, ()), ('73537307@wowsru.loc', 'PZS_One', False, 4, ())] [S] [2017_11_11 20:23:54] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {31456527: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}} [S] [2017_11_11 20:23:56] (, 94391359434474, 125): getClanTeams, ('send request',) [S] [2017_11_11 20:23:57] receivePreBattles() PreBattleType: 3 Num: 1 Free: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:23:57] ClanDataHubUtils.updateClanPreBattles [{'description': u'', 'creatorDBID': 62222528, 'playerCount': 2, 'ownerClanID': 430246, 'extraInfo': {'nonClanMembersCount': 0}, 'isInBattle': 0, 'battleDef': (BATTLE_DEF: mapId=0, duration=0, type=10, level=-1, teamBuildType=1, sseInfo=, pveInfo=0), 'ownerName': 'Tier099', 'invitedCount': 0, 'playersLimit': 3, 'isPrivate': 0, 'ownerId': 537168736, 'preBattleType': 1, 'id': 505066, 'selectedQueueType': 1}] [S] [2017_11_11 20:24:08] [DivisionEntranceContext] createAndInviteToDivision: 31456527.0 Yurautyug 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:24:08] DivisionProxy.sendInvite: 31456527.0 Yurautyug 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:24:08] Account.onInviteSent: 0 31456527 Yurautyug [S] [2017_11_11 20:24:08] DivisionProxy.onInviteSent() 0 31456527 [S] [2017_11_11 20:24:08] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 505066 (352405, 31456527, 'Yurautyug', None, -1, 3, True, True, False, 15, 134232224, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 1510421349) 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:24:08] DivisionProxy.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=352405, dbid=31456527, name='Yurautyug', shipId=None, teamId=-1, state=3, isInBattle=True, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134232224, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=1510421349) 1 {} [S] [2017_11_11 20:24:08] [DivisionConxtext] __onInvitedPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 20:24:09] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/69118514', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510421049L, 'isDelayed': False, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xaf \xd0\xa2\xd0\x95\xd0\x91\xd0\xaf \xd0\x97\xd0\x92\xd0\x90\xd0\x9b \xd0\x97\xd0\x92\xd0\x90\xd0\x9b 1-\xd0\x93\xd0\x9e \xd0\x9d\xd0\x95\xd0\xa5\xd0\x92\xd0\x90\xd0\xa2\xd0\x90\xd0\x9b\xd0\x90', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 20:24:22] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 71811251 {'jid': '71811251@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Leogon_1', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:24:22] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {71811251: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}} [S] [2017_11_11 20:24:29] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 71811251 {'jid': '71811251@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Leogon_1', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 20:24:33] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {62222528: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 26288674: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'GUAPS', 'id': 430164, 'name': u'\u0413\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0434\u0435\u0439\u0446\u044b \u041f\u043e\u0441\u0435\u0439\u0434\u043e\u043d\u0430'}, 22453883: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 6896454: None, 35853511: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 30937387: None, 69416610: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 17915186: None, 31456527: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 58161041: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 69118514: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 71811251: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 2557718: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 327255: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'ENYO', 'id': 415095, 'name': u'\u042d\u041d\u0418\u041e'}, 5471194: None, 73537307: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 2893852: None, 17222686: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}} [S] [2017_11_11 20:24:38] DivisionProxy.setReady: 0 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:24:39] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4288624624 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:24:39] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 505066 (537168736, 5595999, 'Tier099', None, 0, 1, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0) 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:24:39] DivisionProxy.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537168736, dbid=5595999, name='Tier099', shipId=None, teamId=0, state=1, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=0) 0 {352405: {'playerEntity': [Entity: id:2975 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'clanman', 'accountLevel', 'accountRank', 'channelParticipant', 'accountStatus', 'teamKiller', 'searchResultItem', 'contact', 'elementInGroups', 'preBattlePlayerSimple', 'playerInvitedToPrebattleInfo']], 'creationTime': 1510421048.5730026, 'expirationTime': 1510421349, 'plInfo': PreBattlePlayerDump(id=352405, dbid=31456527, name='Yurautyug', shipId=None, teamId=-1, state=3, isInBattle=True, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134232224, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=1510421349), 'isIgnored': False}} [S] [2017_11_11 20:24:39] playersToInvite {352405: {'playerEntity': [Entity: id:2975 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'clanman', 'accountLevel', 'accountRank', 'channelParticipant', 'accountStatus', 'teamKiller', 'searchResultItem', 'contact', 'elementInGroups', 'preBattlePlayerSimple', 'playerInvitedToPrebattleInfo']], 'creationTime': 1510421048.5730026, 'expirationTime': 1510421349, 'plInfo': PreBattlePlayerDump(id=352405, dbid=31456527, name='Yurautyug', shipId=None, teamId=-1, state=3, isInBattle=True, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134232224, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=1510421349), 'isIgnored': False}} [S] [2017_11_11 20:24:39] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 5595999 {'jid': '5595999@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Tier099', 'clanInfo': (430246, u'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:24:39] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 20:24:39] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [4, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:24:39] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 20:24:39] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [4, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:24:39] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 20:24:39] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [4, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:24:39] availableShipParts 63 [S] [2017_11_11 20:24:39] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:10] DivisionProxy.setReady: 4288624624 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:11] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4288624624 2 [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:11] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 505066 (537168736, 5595999, 'Tier099', 4288624624L, 0, 2, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0) 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:11] DivisionProxy.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537168736, dbid=5595999, name='Tier099', shipId=4288624624L, teamId=0, state=2, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=0) 0 {352405: {'playerEntity': [Entity: id:2975 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'clanman', 'accountLevel', 'accountRank', 'channelParticipant', 'accountStatus', 'teamKiller', 'searchResultItem', 'contact', 'elementInGroups', 'preBattlePlayerSimple', 'playerInvitedToPrebattleInfo']], 'creationTime': 1510421048.5730026, 'expirationTime': 1510421349, 'plInfo': PreBattlePlayerDump(id=352405, dbid=31456527, name='Yurautyug', shipId=None, teamId=-1, state=3, isInBattle=True, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134232224, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=1510421349), 'isIgnored': False}} [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:11] playersToInvite {352405: {'playerEntity': [Entity: id:2975 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'clanman', 'accountLevel', 'accountRank', 'channelParticipant', 'accountStatus', 'teamKiller', 'searchResultItem', 'contact', 'elementInGroups', 'preBattlePlayerSimple', 'playerInvitedToPrebattleInfo']], 'creationTime': 1510421048.5730026, 'expirationTime': 1510421349, 'plInfo': PreBattlePlayerDump(id=352405, dbid=31456527, name='Yurautyug', shipId=None, teamId=-1, state=3, isInBattle=True, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134232224, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=1510421349), 'isIgnored': False}} [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:11] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 5595999 {'jid': '5595999@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Tier099', 'clanInfo': (430246, u'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:11] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:11] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [4, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:11] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:11] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [4, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:11] availableShipParts 63 [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:11] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:12] Account.enqueue(): 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:12] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [4, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:12] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:12] DivisionProxy.start 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:12] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [4, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:12] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:13] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 505066 (537168736, 5595999, 'Tier099', 4288624624L, 0, 3, True, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0) 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:13] DivisionProxy.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537168736, dbid=5595999, name='Tier099', shipId=4288624624L, teamId=0, state=3, isInBattle=True, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=0) 0 {352405: {'playerEntity': [Entity: id:2975 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'clanman', 'accountLevel', 'accountRank', 'channelParticipant', 'accountStatus', 'teamKiller', 'searchResultItem', 'contact', 'elementInGroups', 'preBattlePlayerSimple', 'playerInvitedToPrebattleInfo']], 'creationTime': 1510421048.5730026, 'expirationTime': 1510421349, 'plInfo': PreBattlePlayerDump(id=352405, dbid=31456527, name='Yurautyug', shipId=None, teamId=-1, state=3, isInBattle=True, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134232224, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=1510421349), 'isIgnored': False}} [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:13] playersToInvite {352405: {'playerEntity': [Entity: id:2975 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'clanman', 'accountLevel', 'accountRank', 'channelParticipant', 'accountStatus', 'teamKiller', 'searchResultItem', 'contact', 'elementInGroups', 'preBattlePlayerSimple', 'playerInvitedToPrebattleInfo']], 'creationTime': 1510421048.5730026, 'expirationTime': 1510421349, 'plInfo': PreBattlePlayerDump(id=352405, dbid=31456527, name='Yurautyug', shipId=None, teamId=-1, state=3, isInBattle=True, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134232224, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=1510421349), 'isIgnored': False}} [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:13] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 5595999 {'jid': '5595999@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Tier099', 'clanInfo': (430246, u'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:13] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:13] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [4, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 1, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:13] some players in battle 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:13] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [53] [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:13] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [4, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 1, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:13] some players in battle 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:13] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [53] [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:13] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [4, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 1, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:13] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 505066 (537236500, 69118514, 'RenamedUser_69118514', 4184749872L, 0, 3, True, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0) 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:13] DivisionProxy.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537236500, dbid=69118514, name='RenamedUser_69118514', shipId=4184749872L, teamId=0, state=3, isInBattle=True, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=0) 0 {352405: {'playerEntity': [Entity: id:2975 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'clanman', 'accountLevel', 'accountRank', 'channelParticipant', 'accountStatus', 'teamKiller', 'searchResultItem', 'contact', 'elementInGroups', 'preBattlePlayerSimple', 'playerInvitedToPrebattleInfo']], 'creationTime': 1510421048.5730026, 'expirationTime': 1510421349, 'plInfo': PreBattlePlayerDump(id=352405, dbid=31456527, name='Yurautyug', shipId=None, teamId=-1, state=3, isInBattle=True, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134232224, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=1510421349), 'isIgnored': False}} [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:13] playersToInvite {352405: {'playerEntity': [Entity: id:2975 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'clanman', 'accountLevel', 'accountRank', 'channelParticipant', 'accountStatus', 'teamKiller', 'searchResultItem', 'contact', 'elementInGroups', 'preBattlePlayerSimple', 'playerInvitedToPrebattleInfo']], 'creationTime': 1510421048.5730026, 'expirationTime': 1510421349, 'plInfo': PreBattlePlayerDump(id=352405, dbid=31456527, name='Yurautyug', shipId=None, teamId=-1, state=3, isInBattle=True, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134232224, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=1510421349), 'isIgnored': False}} [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:13] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 69118514 {'jid': '69118514@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'clanInfo': (430246, u'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:13] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:13] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 2, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:13] some players in battle 2 [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:13] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [53] [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:13] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 2, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:13] some players in battle 2 [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:13] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [53] [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:13] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 2, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:13] onInviteRevoked() Player: 352405 InviteResultId: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:13] DivisionProxy.onInviteRevoked() 352405 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:13] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 505066 (352405, 31456527, 'Yurautyug', None, -2, 3, True, True, False, 15, 134232224, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 1510421349) 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:13] DivisionProxy.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=352405, dbid=31456527, name='Yurautyug', shipId=None, teamId=-2, state=3, isInBattle=True, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134232224, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=1510421349) 1 {352405: {'playerEntity': [Entity: id:2975 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'clanman', 'accountLevel', 'accountRank', 'channelParticipant', 'accountStatus', 'teamKiller', 'searchResultItem', 'contact', 'elementInGroups', 'preBattlePlayerSimple', 'playerInvitedToPrebattleInfo']], 'creationTime': 1510421048.5730026, 'expirationTime': 1510421349, 'plInfo': PreBattlePlayerDump(id=352405, dbid=31456527, name='Yurautyug', shipId=None, teamId=-1, state=3, isInBattle=True, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134232224, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=1510421349), 'isIgnored': False}} [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:13] [DivisionConxtext] __onInvitedPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:13] onEnqueued() QueueType: 1 ShipId: 4288624624 mmDescription: {'useBots': False, 'onlyFullBattles': False, 'maxWait': 300} [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:13] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4288624624 4 [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:15] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {69118514: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}} [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:15] onPrepareingForBattle() [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:15] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4288624624 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:16] onGameRoomStateInit mapIdx = 11 battleType = 71 gameMode = Domination duration=1200 [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:16] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 5595999 {'jid': '5595999@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Tier099', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:16] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 69118514 {'jid': '69118514@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:23] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:23] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened False [isChatBoxOpened] __updateChannelInfo channel.isChatBoxOpened False False [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:23] (, 80999132267601, 73): handleChannelError, ('room destroyed', 'prebattle', 3) [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:23] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened False GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:24] [LootboxProxyClient.destroy] [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:24] Avatar.receiveAvatarInfo: {'evaluationsLeft': {0: 7, 1: 7}} [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:24] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAvatar [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:24] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() False 0 0 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:24] Avatar.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:24] name Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:24] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:24] Avatar onControlled False [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:24] onControlled->False: not implemented [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:25] onGeometryMapped() MapName: 17_NA_fault_line [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:25] teamBuildType: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:25] player: Id: 537283586 Name: Vanek__20 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSC106_Nurnberg avatarId: 1440587 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:25] player: Id: 537209921 Name: PanzerStorm TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB008_Colorado_1945 avatarId: 1440613 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:25] player: Id: 405651 Name: GIZ_2016 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSD106_Fubuki avatarId: 1440591 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:25] player: Id: 537236500 Name: RenamedUser_69118514 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSD105_T_22 avatarId: 1440593 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:25] player: Id: 537229846 Name: DonLino TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB034_New_Mexico_1941 avatarId: 1440595 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:25] player: Id: 537261463 Name: Ked444 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSB106_Bayern avatarId: 1440597 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:25] player: Id: 536896798 Name: KEYNsng TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSC107_Yorck avatarId: 1440599 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:25] player: Id: 298912 Name: Igor_Vinogradov TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSC106_Pr_94_Budeny avatarId: 1440601 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:25] player: Id: 537261480 Name: deCatt TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSC107_Algerie avatarId: 1440603 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:25] player: Id: 537234736 Name: Sea_Wolf_86 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSB107_Gneisenau avatarId: 1440605 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:25] player: Id: 537150772 Name: __t4a6 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSB106_Bayern avatarId: 1440607 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:25] player: Id: 537235643 Name: Scorpion_Templar TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSC007_Aoba_1943 avatarId: 1440609 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:25] player: Id: 537214525 Name: severo2012 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSD106_Fubuki avatarId: 1440611 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:25] player: Id: 312257 Name: rocknrolla624 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSB010_Nagato_1944 avatarId: 1440589 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:25] player: Id: 224323 Name: surkov12 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB034_New_Mexico_1941 avatarId: 1440615 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:25] player: Id: 537117126 Name: RenamedUser_25375372 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB008_Colorado_1945 avatarId: 1440617 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:25] player: Id: 350035 Name: 8pacca TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSD105_T_22 avatarId: 1440619 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:25] player: Id: 537171421 Name: graff59 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSC105_Konigsberg avatarId: 1440621 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:25] player: Id: 537168736 Name: Tier099 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB006_New_York_1934 avatarId: 1440623 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:25] player: Id: 537306979 Name: tangun2 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSD106_Fubuki avatarId: 1440625 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:25] player: Id: 286697 Name: viking_27ru TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB705_Texas_1944 avatarId: 1440627 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:25] player: Id: 172779 Name: gosiacm TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSC107_Yorck avatarId: 1440629 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:25] player: Id: 221038 Name: NAXAL_XXX TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASC012_Pensacola_1944 avatarId: 1440631 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:25] player: Id: 537178353 Name: ka1987 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PBSC106_Leander avatarId: 1440633 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:25] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (432257, 0, 0, 1440589, 1510421116799L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:25] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {432257: PreBattleInfo: id: 432257, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1440589, creationTime 1510421116799, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:25] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (505066, 0, 0, 1440593, 1510421116799L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:25] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {432257: PreBattleInfo: id: 432257, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1440589, creationTime 1510421116799, hidden False, locked False , 505066: PreBattleInfo: id: 505066, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1440593, creationTime 1510421116799, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:25] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (505066, 0, 0, 1440623, 1510421116799L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:25] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {432257: PreBattleInfo: id: 432257, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1440589, creationTime 1510421116799, hidden False, locked False , 505066: PreBattleInfo: id: 505066, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1440623, creationTime 1510421116799, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:25] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (505066, 0, 0, 1440623, 1510421116799L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:25] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {432257: PreBattleInfo: id: 432257, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1440589, creationTime 1510421116799, hidden False, locked False , 505066: PreBattleInfo: id: 505066, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1440623, creationTime 1510421116799, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:25] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (505066, 0, 0, 1440623, 1510421116799L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:25] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {432257: PreBattleInfo: id: 432257, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1440589, creationTime 1510421116799, hidden False, locked False , 505066: PreBattleInfo: id: 505066, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1440623, creationTime 1510421116799, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:25] Avatar.enterPrebattle [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:25] (, 39965384947628, 149): 1440585; BattleLogic() [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:25] (, 39965384947628, 149): 1440585; onEnterWorld() State: {attentionMarkers: [], clientAnimations: None, controlPoints: [{position: [-476.9999084472656, 0.0], radius: 120.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [0.0, 0.0], radius: 120.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [500.0, 0.0], radius: 120.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}], entityStates: [], expectedActions: None, interactiveZones: [], weather: {globalWeatherId: 1440586, localWeather: [], entityLogicParams: []}, keyObjects: [], missions: {hold: [{reward: 3, penalty: 0, cpIndices: [0, 1, 2], period: 5}], capture: [], destroy: [], suppress: [], kill: [{reward: 30, penalty: 45, shipType: 'Destroyer'}, {reward: 35, penalty: 50, shipType: 'Cruiser'}, {reward: 40, penalty: 60, shipType: 'Battleship'}, {reward: 45, penalty: 65, shipType: 'AirCarrier'}], teamsScore: [300, 300], teamWinScore: 1000, teamLoseScore: 0}, resources: [], successStoryProgress: [], screenplayMessage: '', tasks: [], minefields: [], entities: [], effects: []} [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:25] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:25] BattleDataContext.__onEnterSpace [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:28] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:30] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:53] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:53] id 1440616 [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:53] name surkov12 [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:53] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:54] @ launchpadAppeared 1440616 [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:54] [Weather][4037] onEnterWorld (map spaces/17_NA_fault_line/weathers.xml, scheme 0, weather 0) [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:54] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:54] id 1440594 [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:54] name RenamedUser_69118514 [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:54] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:55] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:55] id 1440622 [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:55] name graff59 [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:55] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:55] @ launchpadAppeared 1440622 [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:55] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:55] id 1440612 [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:55] name severo2012 [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:55] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:56] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:56] id 1440614 [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:56] name PanzerStorm [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:56] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:56] @ launchpadAppeared 1440614 [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:56] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:56] id 1440598 [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:56] name Ked444 [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:56] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:58] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:58] id 1440606 [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:58] name Sea_Wolf_86 [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:58] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:58] @ launchpadAppeared 1440606 [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:58] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:58] id 1440626 [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:58] name tangun2 [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:58] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:58] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:58] id 1440600 [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:58] name KEYNsng [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:58] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:25:58] @ launchpadAppeared 1440600 [S] [2017_11_11 20:26:00] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:26:00] id 1440604 [S] [2017_11_11 20:26:00] name deCatt [S] [2017_11_11 20:26:00] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:26:00] @ launchpadAppeared 1440604 [S] [2017_11_11 20:26:01] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:26:01] id 1440610 [S] [2017_11_11 20:26:01] name Scorpion_Templar [S] [2017_11_11 20:26:01] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:26:01] @ launchpadAppeared 1440610 [S] [2017_11_11 20:26:01] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:26:01] id 1440624 [S] [2017_11_11 20:26:01] name Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 20:26:01] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:26:01] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 20:26:01] Avatar.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 20:26:01] ! A.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 20:26:01] BattleDataContext.__onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 20:26:02] Avatar.onWorldStateReceived [S] [2017_11_11 20:26:02] BattleChatSystem IN Context [S] [2017_11_11 20:26:05] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 20:26:06] ('[ERROR] FeedbackController: empty config for event repair_finished',) [S] [2017_11_11 20:26:06] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 20:26:28] -= BATTLE STARTED =- [S] [2017_11_11 20:27:51] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 31456527 {'jid': '31456527@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Yurautyug', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:28:05] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:28:05] id 1440588 [S] [2017_11_11 20:28:05] name Vanek__20 [S] [2017_11_11 20:28:05] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:28:05] @ launchpadAppeared 1440588 [S] [2017_11_11 20:28:08] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:28:08] id 1440626 [S] [2017_11_11 20:28:19] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:28:19] id 1440588 [S] [2017_11_11 20:28:19] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:28:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:28:35] id 1440592 [S] [2017_11_11 20:28:35] name GIZ_2016 [S] [2017_11_11 20:28:35] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:28:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:28:47] id 1440610 [S] [2017_11_11 20:28:47] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:28:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:28:48] id 1440592 [S] [2017_11_11 20:29:05] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:29:05] id 1440630 [S] [2017_11_11 20:29:05] name gosiacm [S] [2017_11_11 20:29:05] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:29:05] @ launchpadAppeared 1440630 [S] [2017_11_11 20:29:09] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:29:09] id 1440588 [S] [2017_11_11 20:29:09] name Vanek__20 [S] [2017_11_11 20:29:09] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:29:09] @ launchpadAppeared 1440588 [S] [2017_11_11 20:29:11] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:29:11] id 1440626 [S] [2017_11_11 20:29:11] name tangun2 [S] [2017_11_11 20:29:11] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:29:13] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:29:13] id 1440626 [S] [2017_11_11 20:29:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:29:16] id 1440630 [S] [2017_11_11 20:29:16] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:29:36] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:29:36] id 1440600 [S] [2017_11_11 20:29:36] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:29:42] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:29:42] id 1440630 [S] [2017_11_11 20:29:42] name gosiacm [S] [2017_11_11 20:29:42] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:29:42] @ launchpadAppeared 1440630 [S] [2017_11_11 20:29:44] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:29:44] id 1440588 [S] [2017_11_11 20:29:44] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:29:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:29:48] id 1440630 [S] [2017_11_11 20:29:48] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:30:02] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:30:02] id 1440588 [S] [2017_11_11 20:30:02] name Vanek__20 [S] [2017_11_11 20:30:02] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:30:02] @ launchpadAppeared 1440588 [S] [2017_11_11 20:30:15] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:30:15] id 1440598 [S] [2017_11_11 20:30:19] DEBUG: onChatMessage args ('', '', {'avatarId': 1440621, 'targetId': 1440605, 'type': -7}) [S] [2017_11_11 20:30:19] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:30:19] id 1440588 [S] [2017_11_11 20:30:19] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:30:19] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:30:19] id 1440588 [S] [2017_11_11 20:30:19] name Vanek__20 [S] [2017_11_11 20:30:19] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:30:19] @ launchpadAppeared 1440588 [S] [2017_11_11 20:30:26] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:30:26] id 1440630 [S] [2017_11_11 20:30:26] name gosiacm [S] [2017_11_11 20:30:26] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:30:26] @ launchpadAppeared 1440630 [S] [2017_11_11 20:30:27] DEBUG: onChatMessage args ('', '', {'avatarId': 1440611, 'targetId': 1440605, 'type': -7}) [S] [2017_11_11 20:30:29] DEBUG: onChatMessage args ('', '', {'avatarId': 1440589, 'achievementId': 4277330864L, 'type': -1}) [S] [2017_11_11 20:30:31] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:30:31] id 1440610 [S] [2017_11_11 20:30:31] name Scorpion_Templar [S] [2017_11_11 20:30:31] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:30:31] @ launchpadAppeared 1440610 [S] [2017_11_11 20:30:38] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:30:38] id 1440592 [S] [2017_11_11 20:30:38] name GIZ_2016 [S] [2017_11_11 20:30:38] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:30:41] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:30:41] id 1440614 [S] [2017_11_11 20:30:41] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:30:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:30:45] id 1440588 [S] [2017_11_11 20:30:45] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:30:47] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:30:47] id 1440588 [S] [2017_11_11 20:30:47] name Vanek__20 [S] [2017_11_11 20:30:47] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:30:47] @ launchpadAppeared 1440588 [S] [2017_11_11 20:30:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:30:48] id 1440592 [S] [2017_11_11 20:31:02] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:31:02] id 1440592 [S] [2017_11_11 20:31:02] name GIZ_2016 [S] [2017_11_11 20:31:02] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:31:17] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:31:17] id 1440588 [S] [2017_11_11 20:31:17] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:31:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:31:35] id 1440626 [S] [2017_11_11 20:31:35] name tangun2 [S] [2017_11_11 20:31:35] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:31:39] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:31:39] id 1440620 [S] [2017_11_11 20:31:39] name 8pacca [S] [2017_11_11 20:31:39] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:31:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:31:51] id 1440592 [S] [2017_11_11 20:31:58] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 20:31:58] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:32:18] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:32:18] id 1440588 [S] [2017_11_11 20:32:18] name Vanek__20 [S] [2017_11_11 20:32:18] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:32:18] @ launchpadAppeared 1440588 [S] [2017_11_11 20:32:18] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:32:18] id 1440592 [S] [2017_11_11 20:32:18] name GIZ_2016 [S] [2017_11_11 20:32:18] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:32:22] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:32:22] id 1440588 [S] [2017_11_11 20:32:22] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:32:34] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 20:32:42] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:32:42] id 1440588 [S] [2017_11_11 20:32:42] name Vanek__20 [S] [2017_11_11 20:32:42] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:32:42] @ launchpadAppeared 1440588 [S] [2017_11_11 20:32:45] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 20:32:57] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:32:57] id 1440592 [S] [2017_11_11 20:32:58] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 20:32:58] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:32:58] DEBUG: onChatMessage args ('', '', {'avatarId': 1440591, 'achievementId': 4280476592L, 'type': -1}) [S] [2017_11_11 20:33:05] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:33:05] id 1440616 [S] [2017_11_11 20:33:05] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:33:30] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:33:30] id 1440588 [S] [2017_11_11 20:33:30] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:33:33] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:33:33] id 1440588 [S] [2017_11_11 20:33:33] name Vanek__20 [S] [2017_11_11 20:33:33] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:33:33] @ launchpadAppeared 1440588 [S] [2017_11_11 20:33:38] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:33:38] id 1440634 [S] [2017_11_11 20:33:38] name ka1987 [S] [2017_11_11 20:33:38] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:33:38] @ launchpadAppeared 1440634 [S] [2017_11_11 20:33:41] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:33:41] id 1440614 [S] [2017_11_11 20:33:41] name PanzerStorm [S] [2017_11_11 20:33:41] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:33:41] @ launchpadAppeared 1440614 [S] [2017_11_11 20:33:41] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 20:33:41] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 20:33:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:33:51] id 1440634 [S] [2017_11_11 20:33:51] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:34:07] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 20:34:07] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:34:33] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 62222528 {'jid': '62222528@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'HEGNI_1', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:35:13] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:35:13] id 1440602 [S] [2017_11_11 20:35:13] name Igor_Vinogradov [S] [2017_11_11 20:35:13] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:35:13] @ launchpadAppeared 1440602 [S] [2017_11_11 20:35:22] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:35:22] id 1440616 [S] [2017_11_11 20:35:22] name surkov12 [S] [2017_11_11 20:35:22] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:35:22] @ launchpadAppeared 1440616 [S] [2017_11_11 20:35:30] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:35:30] id 1440634 [S] [2017_11_11 20:35:30] name ka1987 [S] [2017_11_11 20:35:30] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:35:30] @ launchpadAppeared 1440634 [S] [2017_11_11 20:35:38] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:35:38] id 1440628 [S] [2017_11_11 20:35:38] name viking_27ru [S] [2017_11_11 20:35:38] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:36:06] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:36:06] id 1440618 [S] [2017_11_11 20:36:06] name RenamedUser_25375372 [S] [2017_11_11 20:36:06] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:36:06] @ launchpadAppeared 1440618 [S] [2017_11_11 20:36:06] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 20:36:06] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:36:06] id 1440592 [S] [2017_11_11 20:36:06] name GIZ_2016 [S] [2017_11_11 20:36:06] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:36:14] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:36:14] id 1440596 [S] [2017_11_11 20:36:14] name DonLino [S] [2017_11_11 20:36:14] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:36:14] @ launchpadAppeared 1440596 [S] [2017_11_11 20:36:36] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:36:36] id 1440592 [S] [2017_11_11 20:36:43] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:36:43] id 1440608 [S] [2017_11_11 20:36:43] name __t4a6 [S] [2017_11_11 20:36:43] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:36:45] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 20:36:45] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:36:55] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:36:55] id 1440628 [S] [2017_11_11 20:36:57] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:36:57] id 1440634 [S] [2017_11_11 20:36:57] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:37:01] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:37:01] id 1440628 [S] [2017_11_11 20:37:01] name viking_27ru [S] [2017_11_11 20:37:01] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:37:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:37:11] id 1440628 [S] [2017_11_11 20:37:26] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:37:26] id 1440634 [S] [2017_11_11 20:37:26] name ka1987 [S] [2017_11_11 20:37:26] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:37:26] @ launchpadAppeared 1440634 [S] [2017_11_11 20:37:26] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:37:26] id 1440628 [S] [2017_11_11 20:37:26] name viking_27ru [S] [2017_11_11 20:37:26] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:37:33] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:37:33] id 1440628 [E] [2017_11_11 20:37:51] ServerConnection::onTimeOut(1440623): Disconnecting due to channel timing out. [S] [2017_11_11 20:37:51] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 6 NOT_SET [S] [2017_11_11 20:37:51] [LOGIN] Setting gIsConnected to False [S] [2017_11_11 20:37:51] connection problem!!! [S] [2017_11_11 20:37:51] clearAll 0 True [S] [2017_11_11 20:37:51] AccountLevelingProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 20:37:52] ShutDownProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 20:37:52] ShutDownProxy.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 20:37:52] CampaignsProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 20:37:52] LootboxProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 20:37:52] LootboxProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 20:37:52] PVEScriptsProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 20:37:52] PVEDatahubUtils.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 20:37:52] PVEScriptsProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 20:37:52] IngamePortalProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 20:37:52] IngameNewsProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 20:37:52] UserDataGate.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 20:37:52] UserDataGate.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 20:37:52] StatsProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 20:37:52] StatsProxy.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 20:37:52] ClanProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 20:37:52] ClanProxy.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 20:37:52] ClanDataHubUtils.__cleanClanPreBattles player is in division "505066" already with actual info [S] [2017_11_11 20:37:52] BattleChatSystem OUT OF Context [S] [2017_11_11 20:37:52] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOver [S] [2017_11_11 20:37:52] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOut [S] [2017_11_11 20:37:52] (, 51007757488877, 12): is out of context [S] [2017_11_11 20:37:52] (, 13182166089733, 190): fini [S] [2017_11_11 20:37:52] (, 51007922117933, 263): out of context [S] [2017_11_11 20:37:52] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Login, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:37:52] PreBattleInfoHolder.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 20:37:52] DivisionProxyBattle.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 20:37:52] (, 39965384947628, 149): 1440585; onLeaveWorld() [S] [2017_11_11 20:37:52] [Weather][4037] onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:37:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:37:52] id 1440588 [S] [2017_11_11 20:37:52] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:37:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:37:52] id 1440594 [S] [2017_11_11 20:37:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:37:52] id 1440596 [S] [2017_11_11 20:37:52] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:37:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:37:52] id 1440602 [S] [2017_11_11 20:37:52] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:37:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:37:52] id 1440604 [S] [2017_11_11 20:37:52] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:37:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:37:52] id 1440606 [S] [2017_11_11 20:37:52] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:37:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:37:52] id 1440608 [S] [2017_11_11 20:37:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:37:52] id 1440610 [S] [2017_11_11 20:37:52] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:37:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:37:52] id 1440612 [S] [2017_11_11 20:37:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:37:52] id 1440614 [S] [2017_11_11 20:37:52] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:37:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:37:52] id 1440616 [S] [2017_11_11 20:37:52] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:37:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:37:52] id 1440618 [S] [2017_11_11 20:37:52] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:37:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:37:52] id 1440620 [S] [2017_11_11 20:37:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:37:52] id 1440622 [S] [2017_11_11 20:37:52] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:37:52] Avatar.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:37:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:37:52] id 1440624 [S] [2017_11_11 20:37:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:37:52] id 1440626 [S] [2017_11_11 20:37:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:37:52] id 1440630 [S] [2017_11_11 20:37:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:37:52] id 1440634 [S] [2017_11_11 20:37:54] Exception BigWorld.EntityIsDestroyedException: 'Avatar 1440623 has been destroyed' in ignored [S] [2017_11_11 20:37:56] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Login, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:37:59] (, 66259644693353, 191): H:; A:; C:http://csis.worldoftanks.ru/csis/wowsru/?periphery=login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020&periphery=login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020; M:['login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020', 'login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020'] [S] [2017_11_11 20:37:59] BaseLoginRequest.doLogin(): login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020 token2 ([BaseLoginCredentials] Tier099) [S] [2017_11_11 20:37:59] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:37:59] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:00] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 1 LOGGED_ON {"token2":"5595999:5600238760764888903:192508918778393131240255741487915621699","wgnr":"ru.wargaming.net"} [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:00] LOGGED_ON {u'token2': u'5595999:5600238760764888903:192508918778393131240255741487915621699', u'wgnr': u'ru.wargaming.net'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:00] [LOGIN] Positive, serverMsg: {u'token2': u'5595999:5600238760764888903:192508918778393131240255741487915621699', u'wgnr': u'ru.wargaming.net'}, status: LOGGED_ON [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:00] [LOGIN] Setting wgnr url to "https://ru.wargaming.net" [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:00] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 2 NOT_SET [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:00] Account.__init__() [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:00] [Account debuG]: __init__() Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:00] ClanProxy.setChatHandler [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:00] ClanProxy.setInteractiveMessageData [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:00] Exception BigWorld.EntityIsDestroyedException: 'Account 537168736 has been destroyed' in ignored [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:00] (, 571883079382, 162): init [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:00] (, 574705753692, 103): Url config for realm ru as string is ResMgr.DataSection at 0x51ECE5C0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:01] (, 51003525417967, 75): in context [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:01] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:01] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:01] onBecomePlayer() [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:01] UserDataGate.onGetConnection [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:01] UserDataGate.onGetConnection(): 5595999 [Entity: id:3257 ['accountSimple', 'accountName']] Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:01] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAccount [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:01] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() True 0 0 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:01] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:01] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:01] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4161159088 {('Default', 4283604912L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 7, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:01] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4162207664 {('Default', 4279410608L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 6, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:01] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q04 {('Default', 4271730608L, 0): 5, ('Default', 4269633456L, 0): 5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u041e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c \u043d\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u041e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c \u043d\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:01] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4163256240 {('Default', 4282556336L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 5, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:01] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22468_q03 {('Default', 4263440304L, 0): 5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:01] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q02 {('Resource', 19, 0): 1, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u041f\u0440\u0435\u043c\u0438\u0443\u043c \u0437\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0443'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u041f\u0440\u0435\u043c\u0438\u0443\u043c \u0437\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0443'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:01] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4156964784 {'desc': (), ('Resource', 0, 0): 100000} {'taskNumber': 11, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:01] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4154867632 {('Default', 4284313520L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 13, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:01] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4165353392 {('Default', 4287557552L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 3, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:01] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q01 {('ResourceCoeff', 21, 17): 3.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 30): 6.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 9): 12.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 32): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 10): 3.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 5): 1.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 28): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 14): 6.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 16): 3.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 11): 1.5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'}, 0, 0)} {'type': 'challenge', 'titleText': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:01] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4167450544 {'desc': (), ('Resource', 16, 0): 500} {'taskNumber': 1, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:01] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4153819056 {('Default', 4279168944L, 0): 15, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 14, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:01] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4160110512 {('Resource', 0, 0): 100000, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 8, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:01] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 17 [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:01] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:01] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 17. Boxes contents: [{4288852912L: {(0, 4283622320L): 1}, 4284658608L: {(0, 4274185136L): 1}, 4283610032L: {(0, 4273136560L): 1}, 4289901488L: {(0, 4289913776L): 1}}] [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:01] setServerTime: serverTime=1510421882 time.time()=1510421881.14 gInitialClientTime=2278.20801128 [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:01] initBattleTypes called [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:01] Disabled maps: [] [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:01] getNationForTutorial() CanBeStarted: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:01] StatsProxy.receiveAbuseStatus(): {'battlesToClean': 0, 'statuses': {'tkill': 0}, 'warnings': ()} [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:01] _onChangeTimeOut 156 [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:03] __processDossierStats() client dossier: ['oper', 'pvp', 'oper_mm_tasks_diag', 'pve_diag', 'pvp_diag', 'oper_normal', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'pve', 'oper_mm', 'total', 'oper_normal_tasks_diag', 'max_pve', 'rank_diag', 'max_pvp', 'oper_diag', 'club_diag', 'club', 'max_club', 'clan', 'oper_hard', 'oper_hard_tasks_diag', 'max_clan'] [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:03] AccountLevelingProxy.onGetAccountStats(): (-1, -1) (15, 751873) [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:04] __updateTaskProgress start: {'22470_q01': {}, '22468_q04': {3: {'count': 24612}}} [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:04] __updateTaskProgress start: {'22468_q03': {'count': 1, 3: {'count': 10.0}}, '22468_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 3}}, '22469_q01': {'count': 0}, '21856_q00': {'count': 0}, '22468_q05': {'count': 0}, '22468_q02': {'count': 1, 3: {'count': 549416}}, '22470_q01': {'count': 30}, '22470_q02': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 5}}, '22470_q03': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 474756}, 3: {'count': 15080}, 4: {'count': 103463}}, '22470_q04': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 10}}, '22160_q01': {'count': 0}, '22468_q04': {'count': 0, 3: {'count': 24612}}} [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:04] onGetRankBattlesInfo currentSeason: 7, PlayerInfo: None [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:04] onGetRankDossier() seasonId = 7 Empty [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:04] ---- no data for seasonId: 7 [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:04] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onGetSeasonRules: config False, {'seasonId': 1, 'operations': {4291341232L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 3, 'unlockTime': 1500429600, 'caps': 3}, 4292389808L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1499824800, 'caps': 3}, 4290292656L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1501034400, 'caps': 3}, 4293438384L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1501639200, 'caps': 3}}, 'currentOperationIdx': 1, 'roster': [4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L, 4293438384L], 'startTime': 1499824800, 'seasons': {1: {'operations': [4293438384L, 4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}, 2: {'operations': [], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}}, 'currentRotationTime': 1510106400, 'nextRotationTime': 1510711200, 'stage': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:04] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onLoadProgress: config False, season False, {'operations': {'hard': [], 'normal': [(4287146928L, [1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 0]), (4288195504L, [1509007262, 1509007262, 1509007262, 0, 0, 0]), (4290292656L, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])]}, 'seasons': {'hard': [], 'normal': [(2, 1509007262)]}} [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:04] onClanResponse: response=(1, 0, (430246, (430246, u'FLY', u'FLY', 16777215, u'executive_officer', u'\u0417\u0434\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0443\u0439\u0442\u0435 \u0442\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0449\u0438, \u0443 \u043a\u043e\u0433\u043e \u0435\u0441\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0431\u043b\u0438 10-\u0433\u043e \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u043d\u044f, \u0438 \u0433\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0441\u043e\u0432\u0430\u044f \u0432\u0441\u044f\u0437\u044c \u043d\u0443\u0436\u043d\u043e \u0441\u044b\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d\u043e\u0432\u044b\u0435 \u0431\u043e\u0438 - \u0441\u0442\u0430\u0432\u0442\u0435 + \u043c\u043d\u0435 \u0432 \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443 \u043a\u0442\u043e \u0433\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432', {47518727: {'role': u'private'}, 162314: {'role': u'private'}, 33301518: {'role': u'private'}, 31456527: {'role': u'private'}, 58161041: {'role': u'private'}, 19410835: {'role': u'private'}, 2557718: {'role': u'private'}, 27883543: {'role': u'private'}, 73537307: {'role': u'private'}, 17222686: {'role': u'private'}, 310434: {'role': u'private'}, 11428651: {'role': u'private'}, 2445100: {'role': u'private'}, 7715120: {'role': u'private'}, 69118514: {'role': u'commander'}, 71811251: {'role': u'private'}, 59694238: {'role': u'private'}, 62222528: {'role': u'private'}, 47245249: {'role': u'private'}, 59103429: {'role': u'private'}, 35853511: {'role': u'private'}, 69416610: {'role': u'private'}, 65031124: {'role': u'private'}, 5595999: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 8706534: {'role': u'private'}, 37230: {'role': u'private'}, 1515506: {'role': u'private'}, 71303028: {'role': u'private'}, 5426549: {'role': u'private'}, 22453883: {'role': u'private'}}, {75100162: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3925161}, 75116563: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10679440}, 75116564: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5595999}, 75104791: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1901451}, 75104792: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12037438}, 75104793: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47518727}, 75100186: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4688253}, 75104795: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26571092}, 75100188: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 872384}, 75104797: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5326927}, 75104799: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2557718}, 75100217: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58161041}, 75100219: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36672236}, 75100220: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12445172}, 75100221: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11262324}, 75092406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86780640}, 75100940: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1550733}, 75088485: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11437327}, 75088488: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86912728}, 75115802: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19050869}, 75099931: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 64096589}, 75104796: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24059614}, 75100189: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 16896550}, 75100187: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26497012}, 75105224: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5163046}, 75115804: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3700101}, 75100858: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65353479}, 75100859: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4549361}, 75100860: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19163627}, 75100862: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 15486060}, 75100864: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24960589}, 75101403: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13829345}, 75101405: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2774140}, 75101406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19410835}, 75105005: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2514322}, 75105006: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 6071074}, 75105007: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21765943}, 75105008: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13351014}, 75105009: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10744094}, 75105010: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8213596}, 75105533: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 32758788}, 75105534: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35843415}, 75105535: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19416306}, 75099910: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 22471163}, 75099912: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47356661}, 75099913: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20821811}, 75099914: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 38322742}, 75099915: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 57543888}, 75099916: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5426549}, 75100941: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1431883}, 75100942: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 744012}, 75100943: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 69416610}, 75100944: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36933861}, 75100946: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4337469}, 75115800: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47245249}, 75115801: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2723422}, 75099930: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35480962}, 75115803: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65031124}, 75099932: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5239563}, 75099933: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5564244}, 75105068: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 27883543}, 75099952: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11428651}, 75115830: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 62222528}, 75115831: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8664152}, 75115833: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59103429}, 75115837: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4858560}, 75115840: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 7424262}, 75099461: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 33301518}, 75104134: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 225652}, 75101613: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 162314}, 75101614: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 75991473}, 75100081: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71303028}, 75100082: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79542157}, 75100083: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 76103}, 75100084: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80535214}, 75100085: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5965559}, 75100086: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71777625}, 75092407: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 72132668}, 75092409: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65107864}, 75092412: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58685850}, 75104707: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13658244}, 75104708: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 77607300}, 75104710: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79957325}, 75104712: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2809573}, 75105225: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 61831778}, 75105226: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 48512704}, 75105227: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82400346}, 75105229: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59694238}, 75105230: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24318025}, 75105232: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35446652}, 75100114: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21297715}, 75100115: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2636501}, 75100116: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 23508047}, 75100117: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4104445}, 75113468: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80938462}, 75100157: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82347121}, 75113470: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8706534}, 75113467: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1207353}, 75100156: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65362617}, 75113469: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 17222686}, 75100158: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20158906}, 75113471: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4261263}}, 30, 30, None))) [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:04] ClanProxy.onClanResponse(): 1 (430246, (430246, u'FLY', u'FLY', 16777215, u'executive_officer', u'\u0417\u0434\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0443\u0439\u0442\u0435 \u0442\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0449\u0438, \u0443 \u043a\u043e\u0433\u043e \u0435\u0441\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0431\u043b\u0438 10-\u0433\u043e \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u043d\u044f, \u0438 \u0433\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0441\u043e\u0432\u0430\u044f \u0432\u0441\u044f\u0437\u044c \u043d\u0443\u0436\u043d\u043e \u0441\u044b\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d\u043e\u0432\u044b\u0435 \u0431\u043e\u0438 - \u0441\u0442\u0430\u0432\u0442\u0435 + \u043c\u043d\u0435 \u0432 \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443 \u043a\u0442\u043e \u0433\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432', {47518727: {'role': u'private'}, 162314: {'role': u'private'}, 33301518: {'role': u'private'}, 31456527: {'role': u'private'}, 58161041: {'role': u'private'}, 19410835: {'role': u'private'}, 2557718: {'role': u'private'}, 27883543: {'role': u'private'}, 73537307: {'role': u'private'}, 17222686: {'role': u'private'}, 310434: {'role': u'private'}, 11428651: {'role': u'private'}, 2445100: {'role': u'private'}, 7715120: {'role': u'private'}, 69118514: {'role': u'commander'}, 71811251: {'role': u'private'}, 59694238: {'role': u'private'}, 62222528: {'role': u'private'}, 47245249: {'role': u'private'}, 59103429: {'role': u'private'}, 35853511: {'role': u'private'}, 69416610: {'role': u'private'}, 65031124: {'role': u'private'}, 5595999: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 8706534: {'role': u'private'}, 37230: {'role': u'private'}, 1515506: {'role': u'private'}, 71303028: {'role': u'private'}, 5426549: {'role': u'private'}, 22453883: {'role': u'private'}}, {75100162: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3925161}, 75116563: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10679440}, 75116564: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5595999}, 75104791: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1901451}, 75104792: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12037438}, 75104793: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47518727}, 75100186: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4688253}, 75104795: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26571092}, 75100188: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 872384}, 75104797: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5326927}, 75104799: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2557718}, 75100217: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58161041}, 75100219: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36672236}, 75100220: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12445172}, 75100221: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11262324}, 75092406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86780640}, 75100940: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1550733}, 75088485: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11437327}, 75088488: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86912728}, 75115802: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19050869}, 75099931: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 64096589}, 75104796: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24059614}, 75100189: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 16896550}, 75100187: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26497012}, 75105224: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5163046}, 75115804: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3700101}, 75100858: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65353479}, 75100859: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4549361}, 75100860: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19163627}, 75100862: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 15486060}, 75100864: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24960589}, 75101403: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13829345}, 75101405: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2774140}, 75101406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19410835}, 75105005: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2514322}, 75105006: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 6071074}, 75105007: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21765943}, 75105008: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13351014}, 75105009: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10744094}, 75105010: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8213596}, 75105533: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 32758788}, 75105534: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35843415}, 75105535: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19416306}, 75099910: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 22471163}, 75099912: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47356661}, 75099913: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20821811}, 75099914: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 38322742}, 75099915: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 57543888}, 75099916: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5426549}, 75100941: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1431883}, 75100942: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 744012}, 75100943: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 69416610}, 75100944: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36933861}, 75100946: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4337469}, 75115800: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47245249}, 75115801: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2723422}, 75099930: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35480962}, 75115803: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65031124}, 75099932: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5239563}, 75099933: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5564244}, 75105068: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 27883543}, 75099952: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11428651}, 75115830: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 62222528}, 75115831: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8664152}, 75115833: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59103429}, 75115837: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4858560}, 75115840: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 7424262}, 75099461: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 33301518}, 75104134: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 225652}, 75101613: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 162314}, 75101614: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 75991473}, 75100081: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71303028}, 75100082: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79542157}, 75100083: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 76103}, 75100084: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80535214}, 75100085: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5965559}, 75100086: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71777625}, 75092407: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 72132668}, 75092409: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65107864}, 75092412: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58685850}, 75104707: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13658244}, 75104708: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 77607300}, 75104710: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79957325}, 75104712: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2809573}, 75105225: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 61831778}, 75105226: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 48512704}, 75105227: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82400346}, 75105229: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59694238}, 75105230: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24318025}, 75105232: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35446652}, 75100114: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21297715}, 75100115: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2636501}, 75100116: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 23508047}, 75100117: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4104445}, 75113468: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80938462}, 75100157: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82347121}, 75113470: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8706534}, 75113467: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1207353}, 75100156: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65362617}, 75113469: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 17222686}, 75100158: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20158906}, 75113471: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4261263}}, 30, 30, None)) [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:04] ClanProxy.__onGetMyClan: False (430246, (430246, u'FLY', u'FLY', 16777215, u'executive_officer', u'\u0417\u0434\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0443\u0439\u0442\u0435 \u0442\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0449\u0438, \u0443 \u043a\u043e\u0433\u043e \u0435\u0441\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0431\u043b\u0438 10-\u0433\u043e \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u043d\u044f, \u0438 \u0433\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0441\u043e\u0432\u0430\u044f \u0432\u0441\u044f\u0437\u044c \u043d\u0443\u0436\u043d\u043e \u0441\u044b\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d\u043e\u0432\u044b\u0435 \u0431\u043e\u0438 - \u0441\u0442\u0430\u0432\u0442\u0435 + \u043c\u043d\u0435 \u0432 \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443 \u043a\u0442\u043e \u0433\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432', {47518727: {'role': u'private'}, 162314: {'role': u'private'}, 33301518: {'role': u'private'}, 31456527: {'role': u'private'}, 58161041: {'role': u'private'}, 19410835: {'role': u'private'}, 2557718: {'role': u'private'}, 27883543: {'role': u'private'}, 73537307: {'role': u'private'}, 17222686: {'role': u'private'}, 310434: {'role': u'private'}, 11428651: {'role': u'private'}, 2445100: {'role': u'private'}, 7715120: {'role': u'private'}, 69118514: {'role': u'commander'}, 71811251: {'role': u'private'}, 59694238: {'role': u'private'}, 62222528: {'role': u'private'}, 47245249: {'role': u'private'}, 59103429: {'role': u'private'}, 35853511: {'role': u'private'}, 69416610: {'role': u'private'}, 65031124: {'role': u'private'}, 5595999: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 8706534: {'role': u'private'}, 37230: {'role': u'private'}, 1515506: {'role': u'private'}, 71303028: {'role': u'private'}, 5426549: {'role': u'private'}, 22453883: {'role': u'private'}}, {75100162: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3925161}, 75116563: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10679440}, 75116564: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5595999}, 75104791: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1901451}, 75104792: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12037438}, 75104793: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47518727}, 75100186: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4688253}, 75104795: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26571092}, 75100188: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 872384}, 75104797: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5326927}, 75104799: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2557718}, 75100217: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58161041}, 75100219: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36672236}, 75100220: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12445172}, 75100221: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11262324}, 75092406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86780640}, 75100940: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1550733}, 75088485: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11437327}, 75088488: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86912728}, 75115802: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19050869}, 75099931: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 64096589}, 75104796: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24059614}, 75100189: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 16896550}, 75100187: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26497012}, 75105224: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5163046}, 75115804: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3700101}, 75100858: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65353479}, 75100859: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4549361}, 75100860: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19163627}, 75100862: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 15486060}, 75100864: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24960589}, 75101403: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13829345}, 75101405: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2774140}, 75101406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19410835}, 75105005: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2514322}, 75105006: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 6071074}, 75105007: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21765943}, 75105008: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13351014}, 75105009: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10744094}, 75105010: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8213596}, 75105533: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 32758788}, 75105534: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35843415}, 75105535: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19416306}, 75099910: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 22471163}, 75099912: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47356661}, 75099913: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20821811}, 75099914: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 38322742}, 75099915: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 57543888}, 75099916: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5426549}, 75100941: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1431883}, 75100942: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 744012}, 75100943: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 69416610}, 75100944: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36933861}, 75100946: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4337469}, 75115800: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47245249}, 75115801: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2723422}, 75099930: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35480962}, 75115803: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65031124}, 75099932: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5239563}, 75099933: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5564244}, 75105068: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 27883543}, 75099952: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11428651}, 75115830: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 62222528}, 75115831: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8664152}, 75115833: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59103429}, 75115837: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4858560}, 75115840: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 7424262}, 75099461: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 33301518}, 75104134: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 225652}, 75101613: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 162314}, 75101614: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 75991473}, 75100081: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71303028}, 75100082: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79542157}, 75100083: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 76103}, 75100084: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80535214}, 75100085: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5965559}, 75100086: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71777625}, 75092407: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 72132668}, 75092409: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65107864}, 75092412: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58685850}, 75104707: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13658244}, 75104708: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 77607300}, 75104710: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79957325}, 75104712: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2809573}, 75105225: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 61831778}, 75105226: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 48512704}, 75105227: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82400346}, 75105229: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59694238}, 75105230: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24318025}, 75105232: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35446652}, 75100114: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21297715}, 75100115: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2636501}, 75100116: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 23508047}, 75100117: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4104445}, 75113468: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80938462}, 75100157: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82347121}, 75113470: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8706534}, 75113467: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1207353}, 75100156: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65362617}, 75113469: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 17222686}, 75100158: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20158906}, 75113471: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4261263}}, 30, 30, None)) [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:05] [CampaignsCommon] onLoadedDump: loaded campaign params and player; countActiveTasks 2; data ({4290690992L: (False, True, False), 4293836720L: (True, 0, True), 4291739568L: (False, True, False), 4288593840L: (True, 0, True), 4289642416L: (False, True, False), 4292788144L: (True, 0, True)}, {4293836720L: [1, 1], 4289642416L: [1, 0], 4291739568L: [1, 0], 4288593840L: [1, 0], 4290690992L: [1, 0], 4292788144L: [1, 0]}, {4283023280L: [2, 0, 0], 4285120432L: [4, 15, 9], 4287217584L: [4, 12, 7], 4288266160L: [4, 10, 7], 4289314736L: [4, 10, 6], 4291411888L: [4, 7, 7], 4293509040L: [5, 5, 9], 4286169008L: [4, 15, 8], 4263100336L: [2, 0, 0], 4290363312L: [4, 10, 5], 4251566000L: [2, 0, 0], 4272537520L: [2, 0, 0], 4241080240L: [2, 0, 0], 4284071856L: [2, 0, 0], 4292460464L: [4, 6, 8]}, {4153819056L: (5, True, 0), 4190519216L: (1, False, 0), 4227219376L: (1, False, 0), 4133896112L: (1, False, 0), 4280696752L: (5, True, 0), 4150673328L: (1, False, 0), 4193664944L: (5, True, 0), 4187373488L: (1, False, 0), 4224073648L: (5, True, 0), 4164304816L: (1, False, 0), 4130750384L: (1, False, 0), 4167450544L: (5, True, 0), 4204150704L: (5, True, 0), 4240850864L: (1, False, 0), 4277551024L: (5, True, 0), 4147527600L: (1, False, 0), 4184227760L: (1, False, 0), 4220927920L: (5, True, 0), 4257628080L: (5, True, 0), 4198907824L: (5, True, 0), 4237705136L: (5, True, 0), 3904257968L: (1, False, 0), 4274405296L: (1, False, 0), 4144381872L: (1, False, 0), 3977658288L: (1, False, 0), 4181082032L: (5, True, 0), 4254482352L: (1, False, 0), 4291182512L: (5, True, 0), 4260773808L: (5, True, 0), 3897966512L: (1, False, 0), 4161159088L: (5, True, 0), 4197859248L: (1, False, 0), 3901112240L: (1, False, 0), 4141236144L: (2, False, 0), 3974512560L: (1, False, 0), 4177936304L: (1, False, 0), 4214636464L: (1, False, 0), 4251336624L: (5, True, 0), 4284891056L: (5, True, 0), 4211490736L: (1, False, 0), 4081467312L: (0, False, 0), 4158013360L: (1, False, 0), 4191567792L: (5, True, 0), 4252385200L: (5, True, 0), 4228267952L: (1, False, 0), 4134944688L: (1, False, 0), 4171644848L: (5, True, 0), 4208345008L: (1, False, 0), 4245045168L: (5, True, 0), 4281745328L: (5, True, 0), 4255530928L: (5, True, 0), 4151721904L: (1, False, 0), 4188422064L: (1, False, 0), 4225122224L: (1, False, 0), 4203102128L: (5, True, 0), 4261822384L: (1, False, 0), 4131798960L: (1, False, 0), 4205199280L: (5, True, 0), 4241899440L: (5, True, 0), 4278599600L: (5, True, 0), 4148576176L: (1, False, 0), 4221976496L: (5, True, 0), 4258676656L: (1, False, 0), 3902160816L: (1, False, 0), 4128653232L: (0, False, 0), 4165353392L: (5, True, 0), 4238753712L: (1, False, 0), 3905306544L: (1, False, 0), 4275453872L: (1, False, 0), 4145430448L: (1, False, 0), 3978706864L: (1, False, 0), 4182130608L: (5, True, 0), 4292231088L: (5, True, 0), 4154867632L: (5, True, 0), 4142284720L: (1, False, 0), 3975561136L: (1, False, 0), 4178984880L: (1, False, 0), 4215685040L: (5, True, 0), 4289085360L: (5, True, 0), 3971366832L: (1, False, 0), 4195762096L: (5, True, 0), 3899015088L: (1, False, 0), 4139138992L: (0, False, 0), 3972415408L: (1, False, 0), 4175839152L: (1, False, 0), 4212539312L: (1, False, 0), 4082515888L: (1, False, 0), 4285939632L: (5, True, 0), 4155916208L: (1, False, 0), 4192616368L: (5, True, 0), 4207296432L: (1, False, 0), 4229316528L: (5, True, 0), 3895869360L: (0, False, 0), 4135993264L: (1, False, 0), 4172693424L: (5, True, 0), 4209393584L: (5, True, 0), 4246093744L: (1, False, 0), 4282793904L: (5, True, 0), 4152770480L: (1, False, 0), 4160110512L: (5, True, 0), 4226170800L: (1, False, 0), 4174790576L: (5, True, 0), 4132847536L: (1, False, 0), 4189470640L: (1, False, 0), 4206247856L: (5, True, 0), 4242948016L: (1, False, 0), 4279648176L: (5, True, 0), 4149624752L: (1, False, 0), 4186324912L: (5, True, 0), 4223025072L: (1, False, 0), 4259725232L: (1, False, 0), 4159061936L: (1, False, 0), 4129701808L: (1, False, 0), 4166401968L: (1, False, 0), 4239802288L: (1, False, 0), 4276502448L: (5, True, 0), 4146479024L: (1, False, 0), 4183179184L: (1, False, 0), 4219879344L: (5, True, 0), 4256579504L: (5, True, 0), 4293279664L: (5, True, 0), 4243996592L: (1, False, 0), 4163256240L: (5, True, 0), 4288036784L: (5, True, 0), 4236656560L: (5, True, 0), 3903209392L: (1, False, 0), 4273356720L: (5, True, 0), 4143333296L: (1, False, 0), 3976609712L: (1, False, 0), 4180033456L: (5, True, 0), 4253433776L: (5, True, 0), 4290133936L: (5, True, 0), 4194713520L: (5, True, 0), 4196810672L: (1, False, 0), 3900063664L: (1, False, 0), 4140187568L: (2, False, 0), 3973463984L: (1, False, 0), 4176887728L: (5, True, 0), 4213587888L: (5, True, 0), 4083564464L: (1, False, 0), 4286988208L: (5, True, 0), 4156964784L: (5, True, 0), 4162207664L: (5, True, 0), 4230365104L: (5, True, 0), 4063641520L: (0, False, 0), 3896917936L: (1, False, 0), 3970318256L: (0, False, 0), 4173742000L: (5, True, 0), 4210442160L: (1, False, 0), 4247142320L: (5, True, 0)}) [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:05] ClanProxy.onGetClanBattles {'seasonId': 1, 'finishTime': 1513713600.0, 'primeTimes': {2: (57600, 68400), 3: (57600, 68400), 5: (57600, 68400), 6: (57600, 68400)}, 'shipLevelMax': 10, 'shipLevelMin': 10, 'startTime': 1508310000.0, 'promoTime': 1508310000.0, 'stage': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:07] >>> DockProxy.receiveState [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:07] Unlocks.receiveState [] [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:08] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 12899, 'boughtToday': 2, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1510444800.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:08] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 12899, 'boughtToday': 2, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1510444800.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:08] PVEScriptsProxyCommon.createPVEState() [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:08] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onGetSeasonRules: config True, {'seasonId': 1, 'operations': {4291341232L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 3, 'unlockTime': 1500429600, 'caps': 3}, 4292389808L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1499824800, 'caps': 3}, 4290292656L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1501034400, 'caps': 3}, 4293438384L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1501639200, 'caps': 3}}, 'currentOperationIdx': 1, 'roster': [4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L, 4293438384L], 'startTime': 1499824800, 'seasons': {1: {'operations': [4293438384L, 4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}, 2: {'operations': [], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}}, 'currentRotationTime': 1510106400, 'nextRotationTime': 1510711200, 'stage': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:08] [4181898160L, 4180849584L] [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:08] [4181898160L, 4180849584L] [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:08] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onLoadProgress: config True, season True, {'operations': {'hard': [], 'normal': [(4287146928L, [1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 0]), (4288195504L, [1509007262, 1509007262, 1509007262, 0, 0, 0]), (4290292656L, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])]}, 'seasons': {'hard': [], 'normal': [(2, 1509007262)]}} [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:08] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] _updateOperationCompleted: 4287146928 normal [1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 0] [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:08] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] _updateOperationCompleted: 4288195504 normal [1509007262, 1509007262, 1509007262, 0, 0, 0] [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:08] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] _updateOperationCompleted: 4290292656 normal [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:08] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] _updateSeasonCompleted: 2 normal 1509007262 [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:08] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {62222528: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 26288674: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'GUAPS', 'id': 430164, 'name': u'\u0413\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0434\u0435\u0439\u0446\u044b \u041f\u043e\u0441\u0435\u0439\u0434\u043e\u043d\u0430'}, 31456527: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}} [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:08] onClanResponse: response=(6, 0, {'league': 4, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 430246, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division_rating': 0, 'stage': 'league'}) [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:08] ClanProxy.onClanResponse(): 6 {'league': 4, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 430246, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division_rating': 0, 'stage': 'league'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:08] ClanDataHubUtils.addLadderInfo: {'league': 4, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 430246, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division_rating': 0, 'stage': 'league'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:08] onGameRoomStateInit mapIdx = 11 battleType = 71 gameMode = Domination duration=1200 [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:08] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:08] GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:09] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Login, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:09] Avatar.receiveAvatarInfo: {'evaluationsLeft': {0: 7, 1: 7}} [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:09] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAvatar [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:09] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() False 0 0 0 [E] [2017_11_11 20:38:09] Entity::enterWorld: Got entity 1440623 before carrying vehicle 1440624 (going into limbo) [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:09] Avatar.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:09] name Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:09] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:09] Avatar onControlled False [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:09] onControlled->False: not implemented [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:09] onGeometryMapped() MapName: 17_NA_fault_line [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:09] teamBuildType: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:09] player: Id: 537283586 Name: Vanek__20 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSC106_Nurnberg avatarId: 1440587 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:09] player: Id: 537209921 Name: PanzerStorm TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB008_Colorado_1945 avatarId: 1440613 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:09] player: Id: 405651 Name: GIZ_2016 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSD106_Fubuki avatarId: 1440591 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:09] player: Id: 537236500 Name: RenamedUser_69118514 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSD105_T_22 avatarId: 1440593 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:09] player: Id: 537229846 Name: DonLino TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB034_New_Mexico_1941 avatarId: 1440595 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:09] player: Id: 537261463 Name: Ked444 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSB106_Bayern avatarId: 1440597 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:09] player: Id: 536896798 Name: KEYNsng TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSC107_Yorck avatarId: 1440599 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:09] player: Id: 298912 Name: Igor_Vinogradov TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSC106_Pr_94_Budeny avatarId: 1440601 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:09] player: Id: 537261480 Name: deCatt TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSC107_Algerie avatarId: 1440603 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:09] player: Id: 537234736 Name: Sea_Wolf_86 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSB107_Gneisenau avatarId: 1440605 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:09] player: Id: 537150772 Name: __t4a6 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSB106_Bayern avatarId: 1440607 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:09] player: Id: 537235643 Name: Scorpion_Templar TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSC007_Aoba_1943 avatarId: 1440609 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:09] player: Id: 537214525 Name: severo2012 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSD106_Fubuki avatarId: 1440611 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:09] player: Id: 312257 Name: rocknrolla624 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSB010_Nagato_1944 avatarId: 1440589 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:09] player: Id: 224323 Name: surkov12 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB034_New_Mexico_1941 avatarId: 1440615 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:09] player: Id: 537117126 Name: RenamedUser_25375372 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB008_Colorado_1945 avatarId: 1440617 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:09] player: Id: 350035 Name: 8pacca TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSD105_T_22 avatarId: 1440619 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:09] player: Id: 537171421 Name: graff59 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSC105_Konigsberg avatarId: 1440621 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:09] player: Id: 537168736 Name: Tier099 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB006_New_York_1934 avatarId: 1440623 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:09] player: Id: 537306979 Name: tangun2 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSD106_Fubuki avatarId: 1440625 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:09] player: Id: 286697 Name: viking_27ru TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB705_Texas_1944 avatarId: 1440627 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:09] player: Id: 172779 Name: gosiacm TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSC107_Yorck avatarId: 1440629 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:09] player: Id: 221038 Name: NAXAL_XXX TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASC012_Pensacola_1944 avatarId: 1440631 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:09] player: Id: 537178353 Name: ka1987 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PBSC106_Leander avatarId: 1440633 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:09] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (432257, 0, 0, 1440589, 1510421116799L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:09] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {432257: PreBattleInfo: id: 432257, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1440589, creationTime 1510421116799, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:09] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (505066, 0, 0, 1440623, 1510421116799L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:09] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {432257: PreBattleInfo: id: 432257, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1440589, creationTime 1510421116799, hidden False, locked False , 505066: PreBattleInfo: id: 505066, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1440623, creationTime 1510421116799, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:09] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (505066, 0, 0, 1440623, 1510421116799L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:09] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {432257: PreBattleInfo: id: 432257, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1440589, creationTime 1510421116799, hidden False, locked False , 505066: PreBattleInfo: id: 505066, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1440623, creationTime 1510421116799, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:09] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (505066, 0, 0, 1440623, 1510421116799L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:09] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {432257: PreBattleInfo: id: 432257, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1440589, creationTime 1510421116799, hidden False, locked False , 505066: PreBattleInfo: id: 505066, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1440623, creationTime 1510421116799, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:09] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (505066, 0, 0, 1440623, 1510421116799L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:09] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {432257: PreBattleInfo: id: 432257, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1440589, creationTime 1510421116799, hidden False, locked False , 505066: PreBattleInfo: id: 505066, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1440623, creationTime 1510421116799, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:09] Avatar.enterPrebattle [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:09] (, 39965384947628, 149): 1440585; BattleLogic() [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:09] (, 39965384947628, 149): 1440585; onEnterWorld() State: {attentionMarkers: [], clientAnimations: None, controlPoints: [{position: [-476.9999084472656, 0.0], radius: 120.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: 1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 1, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [0.0, 0.0], radius: 120.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: 0, progress: [0.5481770634651184, 27.109375], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: 1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 1, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [500.0, 0.0], radius: 120.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: 0, progress: [0.0, 52.5625], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}], entityStates: [], expectedActions: None, interactiveZones: [], weather: {globalWeatherId: 1440586, localWeather: [], entityLogicParams: []}, keyObjects: [], missions: {hold: [{reward: 3, penalty: 0, cpIndices: [0, 1, 2], period: 5}], capture: [], destroy: [], suppress: [], kill: [{reward: 30, penalty: 45, shipType: 'Destroyer'}, {reward: 35, penalty: 50, shipType: 'Cruiser'}, {reward: 40, penalty: 60, shipType: 'Battleship'}, {reward: 45, penalty: 65, shipType: 'AirCarrier'}], teamsScore: [928, 237], teamWinScore: 1000, teamLoseScore: 0}, resources: [], successStoryProgress: [], screenplayMessage: '', tasks: [], minefields: [], entities: [], effects: []} [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:09] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:09] BattleDataContext.__onEnterSpace [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:09] -= BATTLE STARTED =- [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:32] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:32] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:32] id 1440602 [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:32] name Igor_Vinogradov [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:32] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:32] @ launchpadAppeared 1440602 [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:32] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:32] id 1440634 [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:32] name ka1987 [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:32] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:32] @ launchpadAppeared 1440634 [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:32] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:32] id 1440600 [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:32] name KEYNsng [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:32] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:32] @ launchpadAppeared 1440600 [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:32] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:32] id 1440626 [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:32] name tangun2 [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:32] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:32] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:32] id 1440634 [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:32] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:32] [Weather][4037] onEnterWorld (map spaces/17_NA_fault_line/weathers.xml, scheme 0, weather 0) [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:32] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:32] id 1440594 [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:32] name RenamedUser_69118514 [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:32] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:32] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:32] id 1440620 [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:32] name 8pacca [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:32] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:32] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:32] id 1440622 [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:32] name graff59 [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:32] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:32] @ launchpadAppeared 1440622 [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:32] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:32] id 1440630 [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:32] name gosiacm [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:32] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:32] @ launchpadAppeared 1440630 [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:32] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:32] id 1440612 [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:32] name severo2012 [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:32] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:32] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:32] id 1440598 [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:32] name Ked444 [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:32] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:32] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:32] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:32] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:32] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:32] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:34] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:34] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:34] id 1440616 [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:34] name surkov12 [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:34] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:34] @ launchpadAppeared 1440616 [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:34] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:34] id 1440614 [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:34] name PanzerStorm [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:34] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:35] @ launchpadAppeared 1440614 [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:35] id 1440624 [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:35] name Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:35] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:35] id 1440588 [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:35] name Vanek__20 [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:35] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:35] @ launchpadAppeared 1440588 [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:38] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:38] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:38] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:38] id 1440610 [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:38] name Scorpion_Templar [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:38] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:38] @ launchpadAppeared 1440610 [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:38] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:38] id 1440606 [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:38] name Sea_Wolf_86 [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:38] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:38] @ launchpadAppeared 1440606 [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:38] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:38] id 1440604 [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:38] name deCatt [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:38] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:38] @ launchpadAppeared 1440604 [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:38] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:38] Avatar.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:38] ! A.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:38] BattleDataContext.__onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:38] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:38] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:38] Avatar.onWorldStateReceived [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:38] BattleChatSystem IN Context [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:38] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:39] ('[ERROR] FeedbackController: empty config for event repair_finished',) [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:39] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:49] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:49] id 1440596 [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:49] name DonLino [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:49] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:49] @ launchpadAppeared 1440596 [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:58] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:58] id 1440634 [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:58] name ka1987 [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:58] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:38:58] @ launchpadAppeared 1440634 [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:03] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:03] id 1440592 [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:03] name GIZ_2016 [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:03] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:03] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:03] id 1440628 [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:03] name viking_27ru [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:03] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:05] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:05] id 1440618 [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:05] name RenamedUser_25375372 [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:05] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:05] @ launchpadAppeared 1440618 [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:05] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:11] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:11] id 1440590 [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:11] name rocknrolla624 [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:11] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:11] @ launchpadAppeared 1440590 [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:15] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:15] id 1440628 [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:16] id 1440634 [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:16] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:17] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:17] id 1440596 [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:17] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:19] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:19] id 1440628 [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:19] name viking_27ru [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:19] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:25] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:25] id 1440634 [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:25] name ka1987 [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:25] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:25] @ launchpadAppeared 1440634 [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:27] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:27] id 1440596 [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:27] name DonLino [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:27] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:27] @ launchpadAppeared 1440596 [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:28] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:28] id 1440590 [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:28] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:29] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:29] id 1440596 [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:29] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:30] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:30] id 1440596 [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:30] name DonLino [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:30] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:30] @ launchpadAppeared 1440596 [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:36] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:36] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:37] battle finish - Defeat [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:37] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOver [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:37] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOut [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:37] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: PostBattle, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:39] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: PostBattle, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:39] setFpsGathererActive(False) [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:39] (, 39965384947628, 149): 1440585; onLeaveWorld() [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:39] [Weather][4037] onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:39] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:39] id 1440588 [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:39] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:39] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:39] id 1440592 [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:39] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:39] id 1440594 [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:39] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:39] id 1440596 [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:39] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:39] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:39] id 1440598 [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:39] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:39] id 1440600 [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:39] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:39] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:39] id 1440602 [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:39] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:39] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:39] id 1440604 [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:39] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:39] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:39] id 1440606 [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:39] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:39] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:39] id 1440610 [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:39] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:39] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:39] id 1440612 [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:39] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:39] id 1440614 [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:39] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:39] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:39] id 1440616 [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:39] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:39] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:39] id 1440618 [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:39] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:39] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:39] id 1440620 [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:39] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:39] id 1440622 [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:39] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:39] Avatar.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:40] id 1440624 [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:40] id 1440626 [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:40] id 1440628 [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:40] id 1440630 [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:40] id 1440634 [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:41] Account.__init__() [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:41] [Account debuG]: __init__() Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:41] ClanProxy.setChatHandler [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:41] ClanProxy.setInteractiveMessageData [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:41] Exception BigWorld.EntityIsDestroyedException: 'Account 537168736 has been destroyed' in ignored [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:41] onBecomePlayer() [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:41] UserDataGate.onGetConnection [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:41] UserDataGate.onGetConnection(): 5595999 [Entity: id:3257 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'teamKiller', 'accountLevel', 'clanman']] Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:41] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4288624624L: {'exp': 15768}}, 'changedCrews': {17: {'exp': 10738}}, 'moneyXP': 25, 'lootboxes': {'lootExp': 13381, 'boughtToday': 2, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1510444800.0, 'curBoxType': 0}} [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:41] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 13381, 'boughtToday': 2, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1510444800.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:41] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': 51536, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:41] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -12870, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:41] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4288624624 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:41] leaveBattleSession() Reason: 0 Info: None [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:41] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:41] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:41] Sent FPS data [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:41] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] chooseOperation: 4291341232 normal True [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:41] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onOperationChosen: 4291341232 normal True [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:42] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] chooseOperation: 0 normal False [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:42] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onOperationChosen: 0 normal False [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:42] (, 51003611475748, 141): is in context [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:42] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_end'}, interval: (1510416001.0, 1510426780.0)",) [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:42] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'end'}, interval: (1510426800.0, 1510426800.0)",) [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:42] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 4819 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510426800.0, 1510426800.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'end'}) [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:42] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}, interval: (1510498800.0, 1510502380.0)",) [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:42] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 4819 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510426800.0, 1510426800.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'end'}) [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:42] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'start'}, interval: (1510502400.0, 1510502400.0)",) [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:42] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 4819 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510426800.0, 1510426800.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'end'}) [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:42] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'end'}, interval: (1510513200.0, 1510513200.0)",) [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:42] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 4819 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510426800.0, 1510426800.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'end'}) [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:42] updateActionsProgress: {'22470_q01': {'count': 31}, '22468_q04': {'count': 0, 3: {'count': 25094}}} [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:42] __updateTaskProgress start: {'22470_q01': {'count': 31}, '22468_q04': {'count': 0, 3: {'count': 25094}}} [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:42] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: changed tasks [4141236144L, 4140187568L] [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:42] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4141236144 data (False, 0, None, None) [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:42] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4140187568 data (False, 0, None, None) [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:42] StatsProxy.receiveAbuseStatus(): {'battlesToClean': 0, 'statuses': {'tkill': 0}, 'warnings': ()} [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:42] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAccount [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:42] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() True 0 0 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:42] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:42] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] Sent FPS data [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] (, 20685599789093, 264): keys: ['dossier', 'accPoints'] [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] __processDossierStats() client dossier: ['oper', 'pvp', 'oper_mm_tasks_diag', 'pve_diag', 'pvp_diag', 'oper_normal', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'pve', 'oper_mm', 'total', 'oper_normal_tasks_diag', 'max_pve', 'rank_diag', 'max_pvp', 'oper_diag', 'club_diag', 'club', 'max_club', 'clan', 'oper_hard', 'oper_hard_tasks_diag', 'max_clan'] [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] AccountLevelingProxy.onGetAccountStats(): (15, 751873) (15, 752355) [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] enterPreBattle() 1703686 [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] Account.enterPreBattle: (201) (1, 505066, (0, 0, 10, -1, 1, '', 0), 537168736, 62222528, u'', 1, None, 3, [(537168736, 5595999, 'Tier099', None, 0, 1, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0), (537236500, 69118514, 'RenamedUser_69118514', None, 0, 1, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0)], [], (0, 0), False, 1510421116799L, 2, False, [], {'nonClanMembersCount': 0}) [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] [DivisionEntranceContext] __onEnterDivision: 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onEnterPreBattle: None [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] BR: {'credits': 34357, 'credits_penalty': 0, 'exp_penalty': 0, 'exp': 321, 'credits_compensation': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] BR: {'elite_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'free_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'ship_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'credits': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'crew_exp': {'sse': [['22470_q01', 0.5, True, 0]], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'acc_level': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}} [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] BR: {'auto_repair_list': [['IDS_SSE_REPAIR_DISCOUNT', 0.0, True, 0], ['IDS_CLAN_SUPPLY_REPAIR_DISCOUNT', -0.1, True, 0]], 'auto_exterior_list': [], 'auto_exterior_credits': 0, 'auto_camo_credits': 0, 'exp_enabled': True, 'abilities_applied': True, 'auto_repair_factor': 0.9, 'auto_load_credits': 2520, 'acc_points_enabled': True, 'free_exp_enabled': True, 'free_exp_factor': 0.05, 'ship_service_enabled': True, 'aogas_factor': 1.0, 'auto_exterior_gold': 0, 'premium_credits_factor': 1.5, 'premium_exp_factor': 1.5, 'auto_abilities_list': [], 'auto_camo_list': [], 'clan_supply_bonuses_enabled': True, 'camo_applied': True, 'auto_repair_credits': 10350, 'exterior_applied': True, 'serve_applied': True, 'auto_camo_gold': 0, 'crew_exp_enabled': True, 'auto_abilities_gold': 0, 'auto_load_list': [[42, 2520], [0, 0], [0, 0]], 'auto_abilities_credits': 0, 'credits_enabled': True, 'aogas_online': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tpd default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tpd default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_tpd default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_bomb default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_bomb default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] BuildData: Invalid path player.planes_lost default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ResultsScreen, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 5, 'dt': 1510421979, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'achievements': (), 'expPenalty': 0, 'tasks': {'22470_q01': {'count': (31, 1), 'progress': (1.0, 1.0), 2: {'count': (0, 1)}, 'name': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'}, '22468_q04': {'count': (0, 0), 'progress': (0.8364666666666667, 0.016066666666666667), 3: {'count': (25094, 482)}, 'name': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'}}, 'shipsKilled': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 3801047567381116L, 'battleTypeId': 5, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'mapTypeId': 11, 'credits': 51536, 'result': 2, 'exp': 482, 'shipId': 4288624624L, 'battleCreateTime': 1510421116, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 751873, 482), 'aogasFactor': 1.0}} [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 5, 'exp': 482, 'tasks': {'22470_q01': {2: {'count': (0, 1)}}, '22468_q04': {3: {'count': (25094, 482)}}}, 'aogasFactor': 1.0, 'mapBGPath': '../maps_bg/17_NA_fault_line.png', 'operationName': '', 'rankStarsDeltaChange': 0, 'earnedAchievements': [], 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_BATTLE_RESULTS_2', 'result': 2, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'uiSpecial': False, 'mapTypeId': 11, 'shipId': 4288624624L, 'accountLeveling': {'expGained': 482, 'currLevel': 15, 'prevLevel': 15, 'currLevelExp': 122000, 'expTotal': 752355, 'nextLevelExp': 122000}, 'curTasksCompleted': 0, 'mapName': 'IDS_SPACES/17_NA_FAULT_LINE', 'battleTypeId': 5, 'shipLevelRome': 'V', 'achievements': (), 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASB006', 'shipsKilled': 0, 'importance': 2, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_BATTLESHIP', 'difficulty': '', 'prevTasksCompleted': 0, 'isElite': False, 'date': '11.11.2017 20:25', 'dt': 1510421979, 'groupId': 3, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 751873, 482), 'expPenalty': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 3801047567381116L, 'credits': 51536, 'sourceId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'viaMM': False, 'rankBattlesSeasonId': 0, 'shipType': 'Battleship', 'quests': [{'maxProgress': 100, 'day': 11, 'monthIDS': 'IDS_MONTH_11', 'battleProgress': 100.0, 'type': 'challenge', 'id': '22470_q01', 'titleText': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!', 'currentProgress': 100.0}, {'maxProgress': 100, 'day': 11, 'monthIDS': 'IDS_MONTH_11', 'battleProgress': 1.0, 'type': 'task', 'id': '22468_q04', 'titleText': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b', 'currentProgress': 76.0}], 'stypeIdent': 'Battleship', 'postponed': False, 'battleCreateTime': 1510421116, 'rankDeltaChange': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tpd default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tpd default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_tpd default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_bomb default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_bomb default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] BuildData: Invalid path player.planes_lost default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4161159088 {('Default', 4283604912L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 7, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4162207664 {('Default', 4279410608L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 6, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q04 {('Default', 4271730608L, 0): 5, ('Default', 4269633456L, 0): 5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u041e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c \u043d\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u041e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c \u043d\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4163256240 {('Default', 4282556336L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 5, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22468_q03 {('Default', 4263440304L, 0): 5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q02 {('Resource', 19, 0): 1, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u041f\u0440\u0435\u043c\u0438\u0443\u043c \u0437\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0443'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u041f\u0440\u0435\u043c\u0438\u0443\u043c \u0437\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0443'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4156964784 {'desc': (), ('Resource', 0, 0): 100000} {'taskNumber': 11, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4154867632 {('Default', 4284313520L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 13, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4165353392 {('Default', 4287557552L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 3, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q01 {('ResourceCoeff', 21, 17): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 30): 6.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 9): 12.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 32): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 10): 3.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 5): 1.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 28): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 14): 6.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 16): 3.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 11): 1.5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'}, 0, 0)} {'type': 'challenge', 'titleText': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4167450544 {'desc': (), ('Resource', 16, 0): 500} {'taskNumber': 1, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4153819056 {('Default', 4279168944L, 0): 15, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 14, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4160110512 {('Resource', 0, 0): 100000, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 8, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 17 [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 17. Boxes contents: [{4288852912L: {(0, 4283622320L): 1}, 4284658608L: {(0, 4274185136L): 1}, 4283610032L: {(0, 4273136560L): 1}, 4289901488L: {(0, 4289913776L): 1}}] [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:43] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:44] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 4, 'dt': 1510421979, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'costShell': 2520, 'shipId': 4288624624L, 'result': False, 'costRepair': 10350}} [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:44] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 4, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SHIP_SERVE', 'costShell': 2520, 'result': False, 'shipId': 4288624624L, 'uiSpecial': False, 'shipLevelRome': 'V', 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASB006', 'shipType': 'Battleship', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_BATTLESHIP', 'isElite': False, 'dt': 1510421979, 'groupId': 5, 'costTotal': 12870, 'sourceId': 0, 'costRepair': 10350, 'stypeIdent': 'Battleship', 'postponed': False} [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:46] ClanProxy.onChatInitialized [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:46] XmppChatHandler.joinClanChannel() 430246 [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:46] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived prebattle 3 [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:46] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: DIVISION channelsGroupsIds: [] [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:46] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel True self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:46] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 5595999 Tier099 2 2 (430246, u'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:46] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 69118514 RenamedUser_69118514 2 2 (430246, u'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:46] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 62222528@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:46] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: channelsGroupsIds: [] [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:46] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:46] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True UserDataGate.__onRosterUpdated [('17915186@wowsru.loc', 'egy5', False, 4, ()), ('22453883@wowsru.loc', 'vova1972ruzan', False, 4, ()), ('2557718@wowsru.loc', 'NSDRP', False, 4, ()), ('26288674@wowsru.loc', '_EmperoR_WOW_', False, 4, ()), ('2893852@wowsru.loc', 'klimstonn', False, 4, ()), ('30937387@wowsru.loc', 'monster__622', False, 4, ()), ('31456527@wowsru.loc', 'Yurautyug', False, 4, ()), ('327255@wowsru.loc', 'Migri', False, 4, ()), ('35853511@wowsru.loc', 'toshidzu', False, 4, ()), ('5471194@wowsru.loc', 'loki1982', False, 4, ()), ('58161041@wowsru.loc', 'Y_O_R_K_2015', False, 4, ()), ('62222528@wowsru.loc', 'HEGNI_1', False, 4, ()), ('6896454@wowsru.loc', 'Vie92', False, 4, ()), ('69118514@wowsru.loc', 'RenamedUser_69118514', False, 4, ()), ('69416610@wowsru.loc', 'Player_3185411451', False, 4, ()), ('71811251@wowsru.loc', 'Leogon_1', False, 4, ()), ('73537307@wowsru.loc', 'PZS_One', False, 4, ())] [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:46] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 2893852@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:46] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 59124891@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:46] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 11274288@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:46] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 21696974@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:46] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 14596986@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:46] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 58053848@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:46] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 310434@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:46] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 19410835@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:46] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 35853511@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:46] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 59103429@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:46] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 22453883@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:46] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 2557718@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:46] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 69118514@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:46] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 73537307@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:46] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:46] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:46] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: KARSAK_1968 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:46] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:46] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:46] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:46] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:46] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:46] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:46] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:46] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:46] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:46] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:46] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:46] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:46] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:46] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: toshidzu channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:46] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:46] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Samum1989_geroj channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:46] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:46] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:46] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:46] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: NSDRP channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:46] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:46] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: RenamedUser_69118514 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:46] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:46] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:46] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:46] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived clansearch@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:46] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived ids_chat_channel_offtop@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:46] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived ids_chat_channel_questions@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:46] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived wargamingfm@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:46] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_SEARCH_CLAN_DIV channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:46] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:46] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_OFFTOP channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:46] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:46] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_QUESTIONS channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:46] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:46] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: WargamingFM Корабли channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:46] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:46] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc 6 [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:46] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: channelsGroupsIds: [] [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:46] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:46] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 69118514 {'jid': '69118514@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:46] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 31456527 {'jid': '31456527@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Yurautyug', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:46] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 62222528 {'jid': '62222528@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'HEGNI_1', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:46] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 71811251 {'jid': '71811251@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Leogon_1', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:47] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 35853511 {'jid': '35853511@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'toshidzu', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:47] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 5595999 {'jid': '5595999@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Tier099', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:47] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Tier099', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/5595999', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510394839L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd1\x80\xd0\xb5\xd0\xb1\xd1\x8f\xd1\x82 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb3\xd0\xbe \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xb2\xd1\x8b\xd0\xba\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb4\xd1\x8b\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82 \xd0\xb2\xd0\xbe \xd0\xb2\xd1\x80\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbc\xd1\x8f \xd0\xb1\xd0\xbe\xd1\x8f???', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:47] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Tier099', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/5595999', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510396421L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbf\xd1\x8f\xd1\x82\xd1\x8c \xd0\xb2\xd1\x8b\xd0\xba\xd0\xb8\xd0\xbd\xd1\x83\xd0\xbb\xd0\xbe 2 \xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb7\xd0\xb0 \xd0\xb7\xd0\xb0 1 \xd0\xb1\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb9', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:47] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/69118514', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510401726L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb1\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb8 \xd0\xba\xd0\xb5\xd1\x88', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:47] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'NSDRP', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/2557718', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510404247L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb5\xd1\x87\xd0\xb5\xd1\x80 \xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb1\xd1\x80\xd1\x8b\xd0\xb9. \xd0\xb5\xd1\x81\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb8 9 \xd0\xbe\xd1\x87\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2 \xd0\xbe\xd0\xbf\xd1\x8b\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0 \xd0\xba\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbf\xd0\xb8\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe 54 000 \xd0\xbe\xd0\xbf\xd1\x8b\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0 \xd1\x82\xd0\xbe \xd1\x81\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbb\xd1\x8c\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe \xd0\xb7\xd0\xb0 15 ?', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:47] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {62222528: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 69416610: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 22453883: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 6896454: None, 35853511: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 69118514: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 30937387: None, 26288674: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'GUAPS', 'id': 430164, 'name': u'\u0413\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0434\u0435\u0439\u0446\u044b \u041f\u043e\u0441\u0435\u0439\u0434\u043e\u043d\u0430'}, 31456527: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 58161041: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 17915186: None, 71811251: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 2557718: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 327255: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'ENYO', 'id': 415095, 'name': u'\u042d\u041d\u0418\u041e'}, 5471194: None, 73537307: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 2893852: None} [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:47] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/69118514', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510408413L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0 13 \xd0\xbe\xd1\x87\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe 108 000', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:47] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Tier099', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/5595999', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510408924L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xba\xd1\x82\xd0\xbe \xd0\xb2 \xd0\xb2\xd0\xb7\xd0\xb2\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb4??? \xd0\x9f\xd0\xb8\xd1\x88\xd0\xb8\xd1\x82\xd0\xb5 \xd1\x81\xd0\xbc\xd1\x81 \xd0\xb2 \xd0\x9b\xd0\xa1', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:47] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'NSDRP', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/2557718', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510409220L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\x94\xd0\x90 \xd1\x83\xd0\xb6 . \xd0\xb0 \xd0\xbc\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe \xd0\xb4\xd0\xbb\xd1\x8f \xd0\xba\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb0 18 \xd0\xbe\xd1\x87\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2. \xd0\xb0 \xd1\x83 \xd0\xbc\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd1\x8f \xd1\x82\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbb\xd1\x8c\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe 9. \xd0\xbe\xd1\x85\xd0\xbe- \xd1\x85\xd0\xbe', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:47] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Tier099', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/5595999', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510409598L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xb8\xd0\xb3\xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd1\x82\xd1\x8c \xd1\x80\xd0\xb5\xd0\xb1\xd1\x8f\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0???', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:47] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'PZS_One', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/73537307', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510415291L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xb2\xd1\x81\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbc \xd0\xbf\xd1\x80\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:47] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'PZS_One', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/73537307', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510416198L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd1\x85\xd0\xbe\xd1\x87\xd1\x83 \xd0\xbf\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb3\xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd1\x82\xd1\x8c \xd1\x81\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbc\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb9', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:47] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'vova1972ruzan', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/22453883', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510416931L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\x92 \xd0\x9a\xd0\x90\xd0\x9b\xd0\x90\xd0\x9d\xd0\x9e\xd0\x92\xd0\xab\xd0\x99 \xd0\x91\xd0\x9e\xd0\x99 \xd0\x98\xd0\x93\xd0\xa0\xd0\x90\xd0\xa2\xd0\xac \xd0\x91\xd0\xa3\xd0\x94\xd0\x95\xd0\x9c \xd0\x98\xd0\x9b\xd0\x98 \xd0\x9a\xd0\x90\xd0\x9a?', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:47] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'vova1972ruzan', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/22453883', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510417063L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\x9a\xd0\x9e\xd0\x9c\xd0\x90\xd0\x9d\xd0\x94\xd0\x98\xd0\xa0\xd0\xab \xd0\x9f\xd0\xa0\xd0\x9e\xd0\xa1\xd0\x9d\xd0\x98\xd0\xa2\xd0\x95\xd0\xa1\xd0\xac', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:47] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/69118514', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510417186L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xb7\xd0\xb0\xd1\x85\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb8\xd1\x82\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xb2 \xd1\x80\xd0\xb5\xd0\xb4 \xd0\xba\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbb', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:47] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/69118514', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510418654L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\x95\xd0\xa9\xd0\x95 3 \xd0\x98\xd0\x93\xd0\xa0\xd0\x9e\xd0\x9a\xd0\x90 \xd0\x9f\xd0\x9e\xd0\xa8\xd0\x9b\xd0\x98 \xd0\x92 \xd0\x9a\xd0\x9b\xd0\x90\xd0\x9d\xd0\x9e\xd0\x92\xd0\xab', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:47] BattleChatSystem OUT OF Context [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:47] Exception BigWorld.EntityIsDestroyedException: 'Avatar 1440623 has been destroyed' in ignored [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:47] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:47] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/69118514', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510420956L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xba\xd1\x82\xd0\xbe \xd0\xbf\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb9\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82 \xd0\xb2 \xd0\xba\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2\xd1\x8b\xd0\xb9 \xd0\xb1\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb9?', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:47] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'toshidzu', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/35853511', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510421013L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd1\x8f', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:48] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/69118514', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510421051L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xaf \xd0\xa2\xd0\x95\xd0\x91\xd0\xaf \xd0\x97\xd0\x92\xd0\x90\xd0\x9b \xd0\x97\xd0\x92\xd0\x90\xd0\x9b 1-\xd0\x93\xd0\x9e \xd0\x9d\xd0\x95\xd0\xa5\xd0\x92\xd0\x90\xd0\xa2\xd0\x90\xd0\x9b\xd0\x90', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:54] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:54] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:54] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:54] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:54] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:54] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:54] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:54] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:54] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:54] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:54] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:54] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:54] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:54] (, 66379459049956, 122): __sendCurrentMessage:, (IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510416001.0, 1510426780.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_end'}),) [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:54] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 118, 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'messageType': 'soon_end', 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_CLAN_BATTLE_PRIMETIME_CHANGED', 'groupId': 8} [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:54] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:54] [Filters] saveFilters [] [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:54] [Filters] saveFilters [] [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:55] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:55] (, 86904481544477, 21): joinChannel, ('already joined', 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc') [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:55] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 31456527 Yurautyug 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:55] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 35853511 toshidzu 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:55] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 5595999 Tier099 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:55] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 62222528 HEGNI_1 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:55] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 69118514 RenamedUser_69118514 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:55] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 71811251 Leogon_1 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:55] getModelPaths [] [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:57] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': 0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:57] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': -1.0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:58] availableShipParts 63 [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:58] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_11 20:39:59] [ERROR] Split currencies disabled; request skipped [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:00] [DivisionEntranceContext] requestDivisionSeekerList: Account.requestPreBattleSeekerList(): [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:01] receivePreBattles() PreBattleType: 4 Num: 10 Free: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:01] [Seek] onReceivePreBattleSeekers [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:01] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u0438\u0449\u0443 \u0430\u0432\u0438\u043a 4-5 \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u0435\u043d\u044c \u043a\u0430\u0442\u0430\u044e \u0422\u0435\u0445\u0430\u0441 \u0438 \u0420\u0435\u0432\u043e\u043b\u044e\u0446\u0438\u044e \u043c\u043e\u0439 \u043f\u0440\u043e\u0446 \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434 60% \u043f\u0440\u0438\u0433\u043b\u043e\u0441\u044b \u0432 \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443 \u043a\u043e\u043e\u043f\u0435\u0440\u0430\u0442\u0438\u0432 \u0438 \u043e\u043f\u0435\u0440\u0430\u0446\u0438\u0438 \u043d\u0435 \u0438\u043d\u0442\u0435\u0440\u0435\u0441\u0443\u044e\u0442', 'league': 0, 'name': 'Sergiksuper1', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 16777215, 'dbid': 7924640, 'clanID': 428411, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'TSUWR', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:01] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'', 'league': 0, 'name': 'baidu450', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 13395507, 'dbid': 1326882, 'clanID': 428242, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'WMF-2', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:01] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'', 'league': 0, 'name': 'pavel12334', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 0, 'dbid': 27340068, 'clanID': 0, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:01] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u0412\u0437\u0432\u043e\u0434 5-10 \u043b\u0432\u043b 55%+ \u043f\u0438\u0448\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0432 \u041b\u0421 (\u0441\u0432\u044f\u0437\u044c \u0422\u0421)', 'league': 0, 'name': 'Nik_drive', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 16763955, 'dbid': 113968, 'clanID': 415718, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'W_WP2', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:01] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'', 'league': 0, 'name': 'OPAL_2016', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 16777215, 'dbid': 63682618, 'clanID': 430945, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'-UA-T', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:01] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u0445\u043e\u0447\u0443 \u0432 \u043e\u043f\u0435\u0440\u0430\u0446\u0438\u0438 \u0443 \u043c\u0435\u043d\u044f \u0442\u043e\u043b\u044c\u043a\u043e 6 \u0443\u0440 \u043e\u0442\u043a\u0440\u044b\u0442, cleveland, \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d\u044b \u043d\u0435 \u0438\u043d\u0442\u0435\u0440\u0435\u0441\u0443\u044e\u0442, \u043f\u0440\u0438\u043c\u0438 \u0442\u043e\u043b\u044c\u043a\u043e \u043f\u043e\u0441\u043b\u0435 \u041b\u0421', 'league': 0, 'name': 'Larnest', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 0, 'dbid': 18824128, 'clanID': 0, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:01] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'', 'league': 0, 'name': 'andrshorin', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 13395507, 'dbid': 12833857, 'clanID': 426757, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'31RUS', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:01] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u0414\u041e\u041d\u0410\u0411\u041e\u0420 \u0412 \u041a\u041b\u0410\u041d! \u043e\u0442 \u0432\u0430\u0441 53+ \u043e\u043d\u043b\u0430\u0439\u043d, \u043c\u0438\u043a\u0440\u043e \u0438 \u043f\u0440\u043e\u0433\u0430 \u0434\u0438\u0441\u043a\u043e\u0440\u0434, 10 \u043b\u0432\u043b \u041e\u0411\u042f\u0417\u0410\u0422\u0415\u041b\u042c\u041d\u041e \u0438 \u0436\u0435\u043b\u0430\u043d\u0438\u0435 \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0436\u0434\u0430\u0442\u044c! \u043f\u0438\u0441\u0430\u0442\u044c \u0432 \u041b\u0421 \u0432 \u043e\u0442\u0440\u044f\u0434 \u0438 \u043e\u043f\u0435\u0440\u0430\u0446\u0438\u0438 \u043d\u0435 \u0437\u0432\u0430\u0442\u044c!', 'league': 0, 'name': 'BAD__NEWS', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 10066329, 'dbid': 5822805, 'clanID': 415101, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'SW', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:01] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u041f\u0440\u0438\u043d\u0438\u043c\u0430\u0435\u043c \u043e\u043f\u044b\u0442\u043d\u044b\u0445 \u0438\u0433\u0440\u043e\u043a\u043e\u0432 \u0432 \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d [_NYA_] \u043e\u0442 51%+ \u0438 1,5\u043a . \u0421\u0440\u0435\u0434\u043d\u0438\u0439 %\u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434 \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d\u0430 53,5 . \u0421\u0432\u044f\u0437\u044c \u0447\u0435\u0440\u0435\u0437 \u0434\u0438\u0441\u043a\u043e\u0440\u0434 . \u041f\u043e\u0434\u0440\u043e\u0431\u043d\u043e\u0441\u0442\u0438 \u0432 \u041b\u0421.(\u0432 \u041e\u0422\u0420\u042f\u0414 \u041d\u0415 \u041f\u0420\u0418\u0413\u041b\u0410\u0428\u0410\u0422\u042c)', 'league': 0, 'name': 'Gavruha2011', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 10066329, 'dbid': 1719141, 'clanID': 413675, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'_NYA_', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:01] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'', 'league': 0, 'name': 'desantlapin', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 13395507, 'dbid': 38805110, 'clanID': 426947, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'ALTER', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:06] [DivisionEntranceContext] requestDivisionSeekerList: Account.requestPreBattleSeekerList(): [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:06] (, 94391359434474, 125): getClanTeams, ('send request',) [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:07] receivePreBattles() PreBattleType: 4 Num: 11 Free: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:07] [Seek] onReceivePreBattleSeekers [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:07] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'', 'league': 0, 'name': 'aai75', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 13395507, 'dbid': 383761, 'clanID': 426949, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 1, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'NSK54', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:07] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u0438\u0449\u0443 \u0430\u0432\u0438\u043a 4-5 \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u0435\u043d\u044c \u043a\u0430\u0442\u0430\u044e \u0422\u0435\u0445\u0430\u0441 \u0438 \u0420\u0435\u0432\u043e\u043b\u044e\u0446\u0438\u044e \u043c\u043e\u0439 \u043f\u0440\u043e\u0446 \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434 60% \u043f\u0440\u0438\u0433\u043b\u043e\u0441\u044b \u0432 \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443 \u043a\u043e\u043e\u043f\u0435\u0440\u0430\u0442\u0438\u0432 \u0438 \u043e\u043f\u0435\u0440\u0430\u0446\u0438\u0438 \u043d\u0435 \u0438\u043d\u0442\u0435\u0440\u0435\u0441\u0443\u044e\u0442', 'league': 0, 'name': 'Sergiksuper1', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 16777215, 'dbid': 7924640, 'clanID': 428411, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'TSUWR', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:07] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'', 'league': 0, 'name': 'baidu450', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 13395507, 'dbid': 1326882, 'clanID': 428242, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'WMF-2', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:07] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'', 'league': 0, 'name': 'pavel12334', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 0, 'dbid': 27340068, 'clanID': 0, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:07] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u0412\u0437\u0432\u043e\u0434 5-10 \u043b\u0432\u043b 55%+ \u043f\u0438\u0448\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0432 \u041b\u0421 (\u0441\u0432\u044f\u0437\u044c \u0422\u0421)', 'league': 0, 'name': 'Nik_drive', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 16763955, 'dbid': 113968, 'clanID': 415718, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'W_WP2', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:07] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'', 'league': 0, 'name': 'OPAL_2016', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 16777215, 'dbid': 63682618, 'clanID': 430945, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'-UA-T', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:07] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u0445\u043e\u0447\u0443 \u0432 \u043e\u043f\u0435\u0440\u0430\u0446\u0438\u0438 \u0443 \u043c\u0435\u043d\u044f \u0442\u043e\u043b\u044c\u043a\u043e 6 \u0443\u0440 \u043e\u0442\u043a\u0440\u044b\u0442, cleveland, \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d\u044b \u043d\u0435 \u0438\u043d\u0442\u0435\u0440\u0435\u0441\u0443\u044e\u0442, \u043f\u0440\u0438\u043c\u0438 \u0442\u043e\u043b\u044c\u043a\u043e \u043f\u043e\u0441\u043b\u0435 \u041b\u0421', 'league': 0, 'name': 'Larnest', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 0, 'dbid': 18824128, 'clanID': 0, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:07] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'', 'league': 0, 'name': 'andrshorin', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 13395507, 'dbid': 12833857, 'clanID': 426757, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'31RUS', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:07] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u0414\u041e\u041d\u0410\u0411\u041e\u0420 \u0412 \u041a\u041b\u0410\u041d! \u043e\u0442 \u0432\u0430\u0441 53+ \u043e\u043d\u043b\u0430\u0439\u043d, \u043c\u0438\u043a\u0440\u043e \u0438 \u043f\u0440\u043e\u0433\u0430 \u0434\u0438\u0441\u043a\u043e\u0440\u0434, 10 \u043b\u0432\u043b \u041e\u0411\u042f\u0417\u0410\u0422\u0415\u041b\u042c\u041d\u041e \u0438 \u0436\u0435\u043b\u0430\u043d\u0438\u0435 \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0436\u0434\u0430\u0442\u044c! \u043f\u0438\u0441\u0430\u0442\u044c \u0432 \u041b\u0421 \u0432 \u043e\u0442\u0440\u044f\u0434 \u0438 \u043e\u043f\u0435\u0440\u0430\u0446\u0438\u0438 \u043d\u0435 \u0437\u0432\u0430\u0442\u044c!', 'league': 0, 'name': 'BAD__NEWS', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 10066329, 'dbid': 5822805, 'clanID': 415101, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'SW', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:07] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'', 'league': 0, 'name': 'Vikan123', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 0, 'dbid': 17755606, 'clanID': 0, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:07] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u041f\u0440\u0438\u043d\u0438\u043c\u0430\u0435\u043c \u043e\u043f\u044b\u0442\u043d\u044b\u0445 \u0438\u0433\u0440\u043e\u043a\u043e\u0432 \u0432 \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d [_NYA_] \u043e\u0442 51%+ \u0438 1,5\u043a . \u0421\u0440\u0435\u0434\u043d\u0438\u0439 %\u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434 \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d\u0430 53,5 . \u0421\u0432\u044f\u0437\u044c \u0447\u0435\u0440\u0435\u0437 \u0434\u0438\u0441\u043a\u043e\u0440\u0434 . \u041f\u043e\u0434\u0440\u043e\u0431\u043d\u043e\u0441\u0442\u0438 \u0432 \u041b\u0421.(\u0432 \u041e\u0422\u0420\u042f\u0414 \u041d\u0415 \u041f\u0420\u0418\u0413\u041b\u0410\u0428\u0410\u0422\u042c)', 'league': 0, 'name': 'Gavruha2011', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 10066329, 'dbid': 1719141, 'clanID': 413675, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'_NYA_', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:07] receivePreBattles() PreBattleType: 3 Num: 1 Free: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:07] ClanDataHubUtils.updateClanPreBattles [{'description': u'', 'creatorDBID': 62222528, 'playerCount': 2, 'ownerClanID': 430246, 'extraInfo': {'nonClanMembersCount': 0}, 'isInBattle': 0, 'battleDef': (BATTLE_DEF: mapId=0, duration=0, type=10, level=-1, teamBuildType=1, sseInfo=, pveInfo=0), 'ownerName': 'Tier099', 'invitedCount': 1, 'playersLimit': 3, 'isPrivate': 0, 'ownerId': 537168736, 'preBattleType': 1, 'id': 505066, 'selectedQueueType': 1}] [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:10] [DivisionEntranceContext] createAndInviteToDivision: 62222528.0 HEGNI_1 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:10] DivisionProxy.sendInvite: 62222528.0 HEGNI_1 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:11] Account.onInviteSent: 0 62222528 HEGNI_1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:11] DivisionProxy.onInviteSent() 0 62222528 [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:11] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 505066 (537307028, 62222528, 'HEGNI_1', None, -1, 1, False, True, False, 15, 134232416, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 1510422312) 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:11] DivisionProxy.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537307028, dbid=62222528, name='HEGNI_1', shipId=None, teamId=-1, state=1, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134232416, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=1510422312) 1 {} [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:11] [DivisionConxtext] __onInvitedPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:14] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 505066 (537307028, 62222528, 'HEGNI_1', None, 0, 1, False, True, False, 15, 134232416, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0) 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:14] DivisionProxy.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537307028, dbid=62222528, name='HEGNI_1', shipId=None, teamId=0, state=1, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134232416, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=0) 0 {537307028: {'playerEntity': [Entity: id:3763 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'clanman', 'accountLevel', 'accountRank', 'accountStatus', 'contact', 'elementInGroups', 'channelParticipant', 'preBattlePlayerSimple', 'teamKiller', 'playerInvitedToPrebattleInfo']], 'creationTime': 1510422011.9990005, 'expirationTime': 1510422312, 'plInfo': PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537307028, dbid=62222528, name='HEGNI_1', shipId=None, teamId=-1, state=1, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134232416, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=1510422312), 'isIgnored': False}} [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:14] playersToInvite {537307028: {'playerEntity': [Entity: id:3763 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'clanman', 'accountLevel', 'accountRank', 'accountStatus', 'contact', 'elementInGroups', 'channelParticipant', 'preBattlePlayerSimple', 'teamKiller', 'playerInvitedToPrebattleInfo']], 'creationTime': 1510422011.9990005, 'expirationTime': 1510422312, 'plInfo': PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537307028, dbid=62222528, name='HEGNI_1', shipId=None, teamId=-1, state=1, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134232416, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=1510422312), 'isIgnored': False}} [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:14] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'eventId': 'PLAYER_ACCEPTED_INVITATION', 'typeId': 4, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_UI_INVITATION_ACTION_1_DIVISION', 'playerName': 'HEGNI_1', 'idInGroup': 4, 'divisionType': 'division', 'sourceId': 1, 'actionId': 1, 'groupId': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:14] [DivisionConxtext] __onInvitedPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:14] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 62222528 {'jid': '62222528@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'HEGNI_1', 'clanInfo': (430246, u'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:14] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:14] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:14] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:14] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:14] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:14] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:14] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 505066 (537307028, 62222528, 'HEGNI_1', None, 0, 1, False, True, False, 15, 134232416, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0) 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:14] DivisionProxy.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537307028, dbid=62222528, name='HEGNI_1', shipId=None, teamId=0, state=1, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134232416, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=0) 0 {} [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:14] playersToInvite {} [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:14] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 62222528 {'jid': '62222528@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'HEGNI_1', 'clanInfo': (430246, u'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:14] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:14] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:14] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:14] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:14] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:14] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:20] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:20] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:20] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:20] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:20] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:21] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:21] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:24] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:24] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:24] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:24] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:24] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:26] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:26] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:28] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:28] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:28] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:28] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:28] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:29] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:29] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:45] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 505066 (537307028, 62222528, 'HEGNI_1', 4288624336L, 0, 2, False, True, False, 15, 134232416, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0) 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:45] DivisionProxy.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537307028, dbid=62222528, name='HEGNI_1', shipId=4288624336L, teamId=0, state=2, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134232416, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=0) 0 {} [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:45] playersToInvite {} [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:45] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 62222528 {'jid': '62222528@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'HEGNI_1', 'clanInfo': (430246, u'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:45] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:45] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 7], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:45] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:45] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 7], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:45] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:45] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 7], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:49] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 7], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:49] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:49] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 7], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:49] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:49] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 7], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:50] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:52] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:55] DivisionProxy.setReady: 4078843344 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:55] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4078843344 2 [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:55] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 505066 (537168736, 5595999, 'Tier099', 4078843344L, 0, 2, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0) 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:55] DivisionProxy.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537168736, dbid=5595999, name='Tier099', shipId=4078843344L, teamId=0, state=2, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=0) 0 {} [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:55] playersToInvite {} [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:55] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 5595999 {'jid': '5595999@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Tier099', 'clanInfo': (430246, u'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:55] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:55] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 7], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:55] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:55] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 7], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:56] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2017_11_11 20:40:56] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_11 20:41:01] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {14967211: None, 77372427: None, 25375372: None, 78561037: {'color': 10066329, 'league': None, 'tag': u'CADET', 'id': 424253, 'name': u'NAVAL SEA CADET CORPS'}, 31456527: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 58161041: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 2529810: None, 2557718: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 73537307: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 2893852: None, 1344032: None, 26288674: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'GUAPS', 'id': 430164, 'name': u'\u0413\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0434\u0435\u0439\u0446\u044b \u041f\u043e\u0441\u0435\u0439\u0434\u043e\u043d\u0430'}, 18355753: None, 30937387: None, 69118514: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 20292016: None, 17915186: None, 71811251: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 5489077: None, 79801143: None, 8129855: {'color': 10066329, 'league': None, 'tag': u'TFS-X', 'id': 411709, 'name': u'TFS-X Special Squad & One Tomato'}, 62222528: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 62383812: None, 6896454: None, 35853511: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 584009: None, 12730423: None, 69416610: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 327255: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'ENYO', 'id': 415095, 'name': u'\u042d\u041d\u0418\u041e'}, 18602712: None, 5471194: None, 619355: None, 11637476: None, 1668329: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'ALX', 'id': 427607, 'name': u'Ergo bibamus!'}, 8830699: None, 47836141: None, 17583983: {'color': 10066329, 'league': None, 'tag': u'ATLAC', 'id': 427889, 'name': u'ATLAC'}, 7765365: None, 22453883: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}} [S] [2017_11_11 20:41:10] DivisionProxy.setReady: 0 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:41:10] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4078843344 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:41:10] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 505066 (537168736, 5595999, 'Tier099', None, 0, 1, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0) 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:41:10] DivisionProxy.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537168736, dbid=5595999, name='Tier099', shipId=None, teamId=0, state=1, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=0) 0 {} [S] [2017_11_11 20:41:10] playersToInvite {} [S] [2017_11_11 20:41:10] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 5595999 {'jid': '5595999@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Tier099', 'clanInfo': (430246, u'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:41:10] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 20:41:10] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 7], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:41:10] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 20:41:10] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 7], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:41:10] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 20:41:10] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 7], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:41:11] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2017_11_11 20:41:11] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_11 20:41:19] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4078843344L: {'slots': {1: {'autobuy': 16, 'add_slots': (((), 4284313520L),)}}}}, 'storage': {4284313520L: 13}} [S] [2017_11_11 20:41:19] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 38, 'data': {'shipId': 4078843344L, 'result': 29, 'exteriorId': 4284313520L}} [S] [2017_11_11 20:41:19] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 38, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PRSD206', 'isElite': False, 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'exteriorType': 'Flags', 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SET_EXTERIOR_ACTIVITY_FLAGS_29', 'shipLevelRome': 'VI', 'result': 29, 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'uiSpecial': False, 'data': {'shipId': 4078843344L, 'result': 29, 'exteriorId': 4284313520L}, 'groupId': 4} [S] [2017_11_11 20:41:20] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2017_11_11 20:41:20] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'toshidzu', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/35853511', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510422080L, 'isDelayed': False, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd1\x8f \xd0\xb2 \xd0\xb1\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbd\xd1\x8e \xd1\x85\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb8\xd0\xbb \xd0\xb7\xd0\xb0 \xd0\xbc\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd1\x8f \xd0\xbf\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbc\xd1\x8f\xd1\x88 \xd0\xb8\xd0\xb3\xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbb', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 20:41:24] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4078843344L: {'slots': {1: {'autobuy': 32, 'add_slots': (((), 4282216368L),)}}}}, 'storage': {4282216368L: 9}} [S] [2017_11_11 20:41:25] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 38, 'data': {'shipId': 4078843344L, 'result': 29, 'exteriorId': 4282216368L}} [S] [2017_11_11 20:41:25] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 38, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PRSD206', 'isElite': False, 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'exteriorType': 'Flags', 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SET_EXTERIOR_ACTIVITY_FLAGS_29', 'shipLevelRome': 'VI', 'result': 29, 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'uiSpecial': False, 'data': {'shipId': 4078843344L, 'result': 29, 'exteriorId': 4282216368L}, 'groupId': 4} [S] [2017_11_11 20:41:26] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2017_11_11 20:41:45] Unable to find camera param -- camouNode [S] [2017_11_11 20:41:45] Unable to find camera param -- camouNode [S] [2017_11_11 20:41:52] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4078843344L: {'slots': {1: {'autobuy': 64, 'add_slots': (((), 4287557552L),)}}}}, 'storage': {4287557552L: 13}} [S] [2017_11_11 20:41:52] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 38, 'data': {'shipId': 4078843344L, 'result': 29, 'exteriorId': 4287557552L}} [S] [2017_11_11 20:41:52] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 38, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PRSD206', 'isElite': False, 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'exteriorType': 'Camouflage', 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SET_EXTERIOR_ACTIVITY_CAMOUFLAGE_29', 'shipLevelRome': 'VI', 'result': 29, 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'uiSpecial': False, 'data': {'shipId': 4078843344L, 'result': 29, 'exteriorId': 4287557552L}, 'groupId': 4} [S] [2017_11_11 20:41:53] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2017_11_11 20:41:53] Unable to find camera param -- camouNode [S] [2017_11_11 20:41:54] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_11 20:41:55] DivisionProxy.setReady: 4078843344 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:41:55] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4078843344 2 [S] [2017_11_11 20:41:56] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 505066 (537168736, 5595999, 'Tier099', 4078843344L, 0, 2, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0) 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:41:56] DivisionProxy.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537168736, dbid=5595999, name='Tier099', shipId=4078843344L, teamId=0, state=2, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=0) 0 {} [S] [2017_11_11 20:41:56] playersToInvite {} [S] [2017_11_11 20:41:56] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 5595999 {'jid': '5595999@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Tier099', 'clanInfo': (430246, u'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:41:56] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 20:41:56] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 7], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:41:56] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 20:41:56] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 7], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:41:56] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2017_11_11 20:41:56] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_11 20:42:50] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Yurautyug', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/31456527', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510422170L, 'isDelayed': False, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xb5\xd1\x89\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xb1\xd1\x8b \xd0\xbe\xd0\xb4\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb3\xd0\xbe \xd0\xb8 \xd0\xb2 \xd0\xb1\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb9', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 20:43:07] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'toshidzu', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/35853511', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510422187L, 'isDelayed': False, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb0', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 20:43:36] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 71811251 {'jid': '71811251@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Leogon_1', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:43:37] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {71811251: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}} [S] [2017_11_11 20:43:47] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Yurautyug', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/31456527', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510422227L, 'isDelayed': False, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xb1\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb8\xd0\xbd, 30 \xd1\x87\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbb\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb5\xd0\xba \xd0\xb8 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb5 \xd1\x85\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb0\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82 \xd0\xb8\xd0\xb3\xd1\x80\xd0\xbe\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 20:44:01] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {62222528: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 69416610: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 22453883: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 71811251: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 6896454: None, 35853511: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 30937387: None, 26288674: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'GUAPS', 'id': 430164, 'name': u'\u0413\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0434\u0435\u0439\u0446\u044b \u041f\u043e\u0441\u0435\u0439\u0434\u043e\u043d\u0430'}, 31456527: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 58161041: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 17915186: None, 69118514: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 2557718: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 327255: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'ENYO', 'id': 415095, 'name': u'\u042d\u041d\u0418\u041e'}, 5471194: None, 73537307: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 2893852: None} [S] [2017_11_11 20:44:47] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'toshidzu', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/35853511', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510422287L, 'isDelayed': False, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xbe\xd1\x81\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbb\xd1\x81\xd1\x8f 1 \xd1\x87\xd0\xb0\xd1\x81', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 20:44:50] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 505066 (537236500, 69118514, 'RenamedUser_69118514', 4184749872L, 0, 2, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0) 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:44:50] DivisionProxy.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537236500, dbid=69118514, name='RenamedUser_69118514', shipId=4184749872L, teamId=0, state=2, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=0) 0 {} [S] [2017_11_11 20:44:50] playersToInvite {} [S] [2017_11_11 20:44:50] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 69118514 {'jid': '69118514@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'clanInfo': (430246, u'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:44:50] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 20:44:50] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 2], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 3, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:44:50] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 20:44:50] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 2], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 3, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:44:59] Account.enqueue(): 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:44:59] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 2], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 3, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:44:59] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 20:44:59] DivisionProxy.start 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:44:59] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 2], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 3, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:44:59] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 20:44:59] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 505066 (537168736, 5595999, 'Tier099', 4078843344L, 0, 3, True, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0) 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:44:59] DivisionProxy.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537168736, dbid=5595999, name='Tier099', shipId=4078843344L, teamId=0, state=3, isInBattle=True, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=0) 0 {} [S] [2017_11_11 20:44:59] playersToInvite {} [S] [2017_11_11 20:44:59] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 5595999 {'jid': '5595999@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Tier099', 'clanInfo': (430246, u'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 20:44:59] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 20:44:59] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 1, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:44:59] some players in battle 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:44:59] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [53] [S] [2017_11_11 20:44:59] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 1, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:44:59] some players in battle 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:44:59] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [53] [S] [2017_11_11 20:44:59] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 1, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:44:59] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 505066 (537307028, 62222528, 'HEGNI_1', 4288624336L, 0, 3, True, True, False, 15, 134232416, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0) 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:44:59] DivisionProxy.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537307028, dbid=62222528, name='HEGNI_1', shipId=4288624336L, teamId=0, state=3, isInBattle=True, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134232416, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=0) 0 {} [S] [2017_11_11 20:44:59] playersToInvite {} [S] [2017_11_11 20:44:59] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 62222528 {'jid': '62222528@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'HEGNI_1', 'clanInfo': (430246, u'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 20:44:59] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 20:44:59] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [4, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 2, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:44:59] some players in battle 2 [S] [2017_11_11 20:44:59] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [53] [S] [2017_11_11 20:44:59] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [4, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 2, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:44:59] some players in battle 2 [S] [2017_11_11 20:44:59] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [53] [S] [2017_11_11 20:44:59] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [4, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 2, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:44:59] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 505066 (537236500, 69118514, 'RenamedUser_69118514', 4184749872L, 0, 3, True, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0) 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:44:59] DivisionProxy.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537236500, dbid=69118514, name='RenamedUser_69118514', shipId=4184749872L, teamId=0, state=3, isInBattle=True, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=0) 0 {} [S] [2017_11_11 20:44:59] playersToInvite {} [S] [2017_11_11 20:44:59] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 69118514 {'jid': '69118514@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'clanInfo': (430246, u'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 20:44:59] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 20:44:59] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 3, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:44:59] some players in battle 3 [S] [2017_11_11 20:44:59] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [53] [S] [2017_11_11 20:44:59] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 3, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:44:59] some players in battle 3 [S] [2017_11_11 20:44:59] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [53] [S] [2017_11_11 20:44:59] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 3, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 20:44:59] onEnqueued() QueueType: 1 ShipId: 4078843344 mmDescription: {'useBots': False, 'onlyFullBattles': False, 'maxWait': 300} [S] [2017_11_11 20:44:59] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4078843344 4 [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:03] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {62222528: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}} [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:03] onPrepareingForBattle() [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:03] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4078843344 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:03] onGameRoomStateInit mapIdx = 7 battleType = 80 gameMode = StandDom duration=1200 [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:03] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 5595999 {'jid': '5595999@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Tier099', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:03] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 62222528 {'jid': '62222528@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'HEGNI_1', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:03] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 69118514 {'jid': '69118514@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:10] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:10] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened False [isChatBoxOpened] __updateChannelInfo channel.isChatBoxOpened False False [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:10] (, 80999132267601, 73): handleChannelError, ('room destroyed', 'prebattle', 3) [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:10] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened False GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:11] [LootboxProxyClient.destroy] [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:11] Avatar.receiveAvatarInfo: {'evaluationsLeft': {0: 7, 1: 7}} [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:11] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAvatar [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:11] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() False 0 0 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:11] Avatar.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:11] name Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:11] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:11] Avatar onControlled False [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:11] onControlled->False: not implemented [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:11] onGeometryMapped() MapName: 13_OC_new_dawn [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:11] teamBuildType: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:11] player: Id: 537153415 Name: EAT_WHAT_YOU_KILL TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASC007_Cleveland_1945 avatarId: 1375698 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:11] player: Id: 416651 Name: l_lirk TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSD004_Minekadze_1920 avatarId: 1375700 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:11] player: Id: 537209741 Name: zapaza1 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASC007_Cleveland_1945 avatarId: 1375702 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:11] player: Id: 537121810 Name: NIKOLAY_IVANICH TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASC005_Omaha_1923 avatarId: 1375704 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:11] player: Id: 537307028 Name: HEGNI_1 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSB006_Fuso_1943 avatarId: 1375706 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:11] player: Id: 537244190 Name: Nikita_Serganov TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSB105_Koenig avatarId: 1375708 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:11] player: Id: 426659 Name: RenamedUser_23785969 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSD205_Podvoisky_pr_1929 avatarId: 1375710 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:11] player: Id: 225244 Name: Lo_Fi TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB006_New_York_1934 avatarId: 1375712 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:11] player: Id: 537276720 Name: sannia60 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSD004_Minekadze_1920 avatarId: 1375714 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:11] player: Id: 537255986 Name: sergienkoalexey TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSD004_Minekadze_1920 avatarId: 1375716 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:11] player: Id: 388534 Name: BOS1387 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASC007_Cleveland_1945 avatarId: 1375718 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:11] player: Id: 537173945 Name: Ivan_12_80 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSD017_Kamikaze_1930 avatarId: 1375720 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:11] player: Id: 537307066 Name: KJIACCUK TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSD106_Fubuki avatarId: 1375722 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:11] player: Id: 490431 Name: matros_baltietc TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSB007_Kongo_1942 avatarId: 1375724 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:11] player: Id: 537094080 Name: Zerstoerer45 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSB105_Koenig avatarId: 1375726 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:11] player: Id: 425796 Name: vaduxa030997 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSB007_Kongo_1942 avatarId: 1375728 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:11] player: Id: 367183 Name: FrozzenBalls TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSB006_Fuso_1943 avatarId: 1375730 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:11] player: Id: 537206479 Name: ole_596 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PBSB105_Iron_Duke avatarId: 1375732 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:11] player: Id: 537087964 Name: Bassstard TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSC007_Aoba_1943 avatarId: 1375734 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:11] player: Id: 537275869 Name: tores17 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSC105_Kirov avatarId: 1375736 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:11] player: Id: 537168736 Name: Tier099 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSD206_Pr_7 avatarId: 1375738 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:11] player: Id: 369256 Name: DragonPC TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSB505_Oktyabrskaya_Revolutsiya avatarId: 1375740 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:11] player: Id: 537236500 Name: RenamedUser_69118514 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSD105_T_22 avatarId: 1375742 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:11] player: Id: 421882 Name: Benzovoz_539 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSB007_Kongo_1942 avatarId: 1375744 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:11] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (505066, 0, 0, 1375706, 1510422303659L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:11] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {505066: PreBattleInfo: id: 505066, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1375706, creationTime 1510422303659, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:11] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (505066, 0, 0, 1375738, 1510422303659L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:11] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {505066: PreBattleInfo: id: 505066, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1375738, creationTime 1510422303659, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:11] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (505066, 0, 0, 1375738, 1510422303659L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:11] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {505066: PreBattleInfo: id: 505066, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1375738, creationTime 1510422303659, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:11] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (505066, 0, 0, 1375738, 1510422303659L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:11] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {505066: PreBattleInfo: id: 505066, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1375738, creationTime 1510422303659, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:11] Avatar.enterPrebattle [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:12] (, 39965384947628, 149): 1375696; BattleLogic() [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:12] (, 39965384947628, 149): 1375696; onEnterWorld() State: {attentionMarkers: [], clientAnimations: None, controlPoints: [{position: [-92.0, -240.00009155273438], radius: 111.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 5, timerName: '', teamId: 0, progress: [0.0, 180.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [91.9999008178711, 239.99990844726562], radius: 111.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 5, timerName: '', teamId: 1, progress: [0.0, 180.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}], entityStates: [], expectedActions: None, interactiveZones: [], weather: {globalWeatherId: 1375697, localWeather: [], entityLogicParams: []}, keyObjects: [], missions: {hold: [{reward: 2, penalty: 0, cpIndices: [0, 1], period: 6}], capture: [{reward: 1000, penalty: 0, cpIndices: [0, 1]}], destroy: [], suppress: [], kill: [{reward: 30, penalty: 45, shipType: 'Destroyer'}, {reward: 35, penalty: 50, shipType: 'Cruiser'}, {reward: 40, penalty: 60, shipType: 'Battleship'}, {reward: 45, penalty: 65, shipType: 'AirCarrier'}], teamsScore: [300, 300], teamWinScore: 1000, teamLoseScore: 0}, resources: [], successStoryProgress: [], screenplayMessage: '', tasks: [], minefields: [], entities: [], effects: []} [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:12] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:12] BattleDataContext.__onEnterSpace [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:14] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:16] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:19] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 310434 {'jid': '310434@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'mara77marakanec', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:35] id 1375739 [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:35] name Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:35] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:35] [Weather][3977] onEnterWorld (map spaces/13_OC_new_dawn/weathers.xml, scheme 0, weather 0) [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:35] id 1375701 [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:35] name l_lirk [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:35] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:35] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:35] Avatar.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:35] ! A.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:35] BattleDataContext.__onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:35] id 1375743 [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:35] name RenamedUser_69118514 [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:35] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:37] Avatar.onWorldStateReceived [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:37] BattleChatSystem IN Context [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:38] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:38] id 1375737 [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:38] name tores17 [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:38] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:38] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:38] id 1375699 [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:38] name EAT_WHAT_YOU_KILL [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:38] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:38] @ launchpadAppeared 1375699 [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:38] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:38] id 1375725 [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:38] name matros_baltietc [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:38] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:38] @ launchpadAppeared 1375725 [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:38] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:38] id 1375729 [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:38] name vaduxa030997 [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:38] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:38] @ launchpadAppeared 1375729 [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:38] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:38] id 1375721 [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:38] name Ivan_12_80 [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:38] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:39] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:39] id 1375709 [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:39] name Nikita_Serganov [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:39] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:39] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:39] id 1375703 [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:39] name zapaza1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:39] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:39] @ launchpadAppeared 1375703 [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:39] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:39] id 1375707 [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:39] name HEGNI_1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:39] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:39] @ launchpadAppeared 1375707 [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:41] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:41] id 1375733 [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:41] name ole_596 [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:41] team id 1 [A] [2017_11_11 20:45:41] content/gameplay/uk/ship/battleship/BSB005_Iron_Duke_1936/BSB005_Iron_Duke_1936_Bow_ports_Hull_B.model: can't load model prototype: file not found [A] [2017_11_11 20:45:41] content/gameplay/uk/ship/battleship/BSB005_Iron_Duke_1936/BSB005_Iron_Duke_1936_Stern_ports_Hull_B.model: can't load model prototype: file not found [A] [2017_11_11 20:45:41] content/gameplay/uk/ship/battleship/BSB005_Iron_Duke_1936/BSB005_Iron_Duke_1936_MidBack_ports_Hull_B.model: can't load model prototype: file not found [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:43] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:43] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'toshidzu', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/35853511', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510422343L, 'isDelayed': False, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd1\x81 \xd1\x81\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbc\xd0\xb5\xd1\x80\xd0\xbe \xd0\xb7\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb7\xd1\x8b\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb9\xd1\x82\xd0\xb5', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:43] ('[ERROR] FeedbackController: empty config for event repair_finished',) [S] [2017_11_11 20:45:43] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 20:46:15] -= BATTLE STARTED =- [S] [2017_11_11 20:47:51] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:47:51] id 1375731 [S] [2017_11_11 20:47:51] name FrozzenBalls [S] [2017_11_11 20:47:51] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:47:51] @ launchpadAppeared 1375731 [S] [2017_11_11 20:47:51] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:47:51] id 1375715 [S] [2017_11_11 20:47:51] name sannia60 [S] [2017_11_11 20:47:51] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:47:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:47:52] id 1375715 [S] [2017_11_11 20:47:58] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:47:58] id 1375717 [S] [2017_11_11 20:47:58] name sergienkoalexey [S] [2017_11_11 20:47:58] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:48:01] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:48:01] id 1375705 [S] [2017_11_11 20:48:01] name NIKOLAY_IVANICH [S] [2017_11_11 20:48:01] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:48:01] @ launchpadAppeared 1375705 [S] [2017_11_11 20:48:02] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:48:02] id 1375711 [S] [2017_11_11 20:48:02] name RenamedUser_23785969 [S] [2017_11_11 20:48:02] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:48:07] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:48:07] id 1375715 [S] [2017_11_11 20:48:07] name sannia60 [S] [2017_11_11 20:48:07] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:48:09] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:48:09] id 1375715 [S] [2017_11_11 20:48:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:48:11] id 1375705 [S] [2017_11_11 20:48:11] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:48:11] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:48:11] id 1375723 [S] [2017_11_11 20:48:11] name KJIACCUK [S] [2017_11_11 20:48:11] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:48:13] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 310434 {'jid': '310434@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'mara77marakanec', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 20:48:15] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:48:15] id 1375717 [S] [2017_11_11 20:48:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:48:16] id 1375711 [S] [2017_11_11 20:48:19] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:48:19] id 1375711 [S] [2017_11_11 20:48:19] name RenamedUser_23785969 [S] [2017_11_11 20:48:19] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:48:25] DEBUG: onChatMessage args ('', '', {'avatarId': 1375736, 'targetId': 1375700, 'type': -7}) [S] [2017_11_11 20:48:25] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:48:25] id 1375711 [S] [2017_11_11 20:48:25] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:48:25] id 1375705 [S] [2017_11_11 20:48:25] name NIKOLAY_IVANICH [S] [2017_11_11 20:48:25] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:48:25] @ launchpadAppeared 1375705 [S] [2017_11_11 20:48:26] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:48:26] id 1375727 [S] [2017_11_11 20:48:26] name Zerstoerer45 [S] [2017_11_11 20:48:26] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:48:27] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:48:27] id 1375735 [S] [2017_11_11 20:48:27] name Bassstard [S] [2017_11_11 20:48:27] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:48:27] @ launchpadAppeared 1375735 [S] [2017_11_11 20:48:32] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:48:32] id 1375723 [S] [2017_11_11 20:48:33] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:48:33] id 1375731 [S] [2017_11_11 20:48:33] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:48:34] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:48:34] id 1375727 [S] [2017_11_11 20:48:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:48:35] id 1375731 [S] [2017_11_11 20:48:35] name FrozzenBalls [S] [2017_11_11 20:48:35] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:48:35] @ launchpadAppeared 1375731 [S] [2017_11_11 20:48:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:48:35] id 1375723 [S] [2017_11_11 20:48:35] name KJIACCUK [S] [2017_11_11 20:48:35] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:48:42] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:48:42] id 1375745 [S] [2017_11_11 20:48:42] name Benzovoz_539 [S] [2017_11_11 20:48:42] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:48:42] @ launchpadAppeared 1375745 [S] [2017_11_11 20:48:46] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:48:46] id 1375719 [S] [2017_11_11 20:48:46] name BOS1387 [S] [2017_11_11 20:48:46] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:48:46] @ launchpadAppeared 1375719 [S] [2017_11_11 20:48:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:48:48] id 1375735 [S] [2017_11_11 20:48:48] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:49:01] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:49:01] id 1375713 [S] [2017_11_11 20:49:01] name Lo_Fi [S] [2017_11_11 20:49:01] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:49:06] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:49:06] id 1375727 [S] [2017_11_11 20:49:06] name Zerstoerer45 [S] [2017_11_11 20:49:06] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:49:07] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 20:49:07] DEBUG: onChatMessage args ('', '', {'avatarId': 1375720, 'achievementId': 4277330864L, 'type': -1}) [S] [2017_11_11 20:49:07] DEBUG: onChatMessage args ('', '', {'avatarId': 1375720, 'achievementId': 4282573744L, 'type': -1}) [S] [2017_11_11 20:49:08] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:49:08] id 1375721 [S] [2017_11_11 20:49:14] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:49:14] id 1375745 [S] [2017_11_11 20:49:14] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:49:15] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:49:15] id 1375741 [S] [2017_11_11 20:49:15] name DragonPC [S] [2017_11_11 20:49:15] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:49:16] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:49:16] id 1375721 [S] [2017_11_11 20:49:16] name Ivan_12_80 [S] [2017_11_11 20:49:16] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:49:18] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:49:18] id 1375745 [S] [2017_11_11 20:49:18] name Benzovoz_539 [S] [2017_11_11 20:49:18] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:49:18] @ launchpadAppeared 1375745 [S] [2017_11_11 20:49:25] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:49:25] id 1375717 [S] [2017_11_11 20:49:25] name sergienkoalexey [S] [2017_11_11 20:49:25] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:49:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:49:26] id 1375717 [S] [2017_11_11 20:49:29] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:49:29] id 1375731 [S] [2017_11_11 20:49:29] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:49:31] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:49:31] id 1375721 [S] [2017_11_11 20:49:38] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:49:38] id 1375719 [S] [2017_11_11 20:49:38] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:49:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:49:40] id 1375725 [S] [2017_11_11 20:49:40] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:49:43] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:49:43] id 1375741 [S] [2017_11_11 20:49:43] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:49:43] id 1375741 [S] [2017_11_11 20:49:43] name DragonPC [S] [2017_11_11 20:49:43] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:49:44] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 20:49:44] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:49:45] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:49:45] id 1375719 [S] [2017_11_11 20:49:45] name BOS1387 [S] [2017_11_11 20:49:45] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:49:45] @ launchpadAppeared 1375719 [S] [2017_11_11 20:49:45] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:49:45] id 1375711 [S] [2017_11_11 20:49:45] name RenamedUser_23785969 [S] [2017_11_11 20:49:45] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:49:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:49:45] id 1375741 [S] [2017_11_11 20:49:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:49:50] id 1375713 [S] [2017_11_11 20:49:51] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:49:51] id 1375717 [S] [2017_11_11 20:49:51] name sergienkoalexey [S] [2017_11_11 20:49:51] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:49:55] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:49:55] id 1375745 [S] [2017_11_11 20:49:55] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:49:55] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:49:55] id 1375727 [S] [2017_11_11 20:49:57] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:49:57] id 1375717 [S] [2017_11_11 20:49:58] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:49:58] id 1375741 [S] [2017_11_11 20:49:58] name DragonPC [S] [2017_11_11 20:49:58] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:50:01] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:50:01] id 1375717 [S] [2017_11_11 20:50:01] name sergienkoalexey [S] [2017_11_11 20:50:01] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:50:03] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:50:03] id 1375741 [S] [2017_11_11 20:50:05] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:50:05] id 1375713 [S] [2017_11_11 20:50:05] name Lo_Fi [S] [2017_11_11 20:50:05] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:50:05] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:50:05] id 1375705 [S] [2017_11_11 20:50:05] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:50:09] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:50:09] id 1375735 [S] [2017_11_11 20:50:09] name Bassstard [S] [2017_11_11 20:50:09] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:50:09] @ launchpadAppeared 1375735 [S] [2017_11_11 20:50:13] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:50:13] id 1375733 [S] [2017_11_11 20:50:13] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:50:13] id 1375717 [S] [2017_11_11 20:50:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:50:16] id 1375719 [S] [2017_11_11 20:50:16] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:50:17] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:50:17] id 1375727 [S] [2017_11_11 20:50:17] name Zerstoerer45 [S] [2017_11_11 20:50:17] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:50:17] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:50:17] id 1375741 [S] [2017_11_11 20:50:17] name DragonPC [S] [2017_11_11 20:50:17] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:50:17] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:50:17] id 1375719 [S] [2017_11_11 20:50:17] name BOS1387 [S] [2017_11_11 20:50:17] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:50:17] @ launchpadAppeared 1375719 [S] [2017_11_11 20:50:17] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:50:17] id 1375715 [S] [2017_11_11 20:50:17] name sannia60 [S] [2017_11_11 20:50:17] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:50:20] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:50:20] id 1375719 [S] [2017_11_11 20:50:20] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:50:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:50:23] id 1375715 [S] [2017_11_11 20:50:26] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:50:26] id 1375719 [S] [2017_11_11 20:50:26] name BOS1387 [S] [2017_11_11 20:50:26] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:50:26] @ launchpadAppeared 1375719 [S] [2017_11_11 20:50:33] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:50:33] id 1375707 [S] [2017_11_11 20:50:33] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:50:35] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:50:35] id 1375711 [S] [2017_11_11 20:50:37] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:50:37] id 1375719 [S] [2017_11_11 20:50:37] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:50:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:50:40] id 1375713 [S] [2017_11_11 20:50:44] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:50:44] id 1375719 [S] [2017_11_11 20:50:44] name BOS1387 [S] [2017_11_11 20:50:44] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:50:44] @ launchpadAppeared 1375719 [S] [2017_11_11 20:50:46] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:50:46] id 1375741 [S] [2017_11_11 20:50:47] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:50:47] id 1375741 [S] [2017_11_11 20:50:47] name DragonPC [S] [2017_11_11 20:50:47] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:50:49] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:50:49] id 1375713 [S] [2017_11_11 20:50:49] name Lo_Fi [S] [2017_11_11 20:50:49] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:50:57] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 35853511 {'jid': '35853511@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'toshidzu', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 20:51:14] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:51:14] id 1375713 [S] [2017_11_11 20:51:21] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:51:21] id 1375743 [S] [2017_11_11 20:51:25] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:51:25] id 1375713 [S] [2017_11_11 20:51:25] name Lo_Fi [S] [2017_11_11 20:51:25] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:51:29] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:51:29] id 1375713 [S] [2017_11_11 20:51:36] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:51:36] id 1375725 [S] [2017_11_11 20:51:36] name matros_baltietc [S] [2017_11_11 20:51:36] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:51:36] @ launchpadAppeared 1375725 [S] [2017_11_11 20:51:37] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:51:37] id 1375713 [S] [2017_11_11 20:51:37] name Lo_Fi [S] [2017_11_11 20:51:37] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:51:37] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:51:37] id 1375735 [S] [2017_11_11 20:51:37] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:51:39] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:51:39] id 1375727 [S] [2017_11_11 20:51:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:51:47] id 1375713 [S] [2017_11_11 20:51:59] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:51:59] id 1375735 [S] [2017_11_11 20:51:59] name Bassstard [S] [2017_11_11 20:51:59] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:51:59] @ launchpadAppeared 1375735 [S] [2017_11_11 20:52:01] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:52:01] id 1375713 [S] [2017_11_11 20:52:01] name Lo_Fi [S] [2017_11_11 20:52:01] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:52:01] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:52:01] id 1375705 [S] [2017_11_11 20:52:01] name NIKOLAY_IVANICH [S] [2017_11_11 20:52:01] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:52:01] @ launchpadAppeared 1375705 [S] [2017_11_11 20:52:01] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 71811251 {'jid': '71811251@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Leogon_1', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 20:52:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:52:02] id 1375719 [S] [2017_11_11 20:52:02] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:52:02] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:52:02] id 1375715 [S] [2017_11_11 20:52:02] name sannia60 [S] [2017_11_11 20:52:02] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:52:08] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 20:52:09] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:52:09] id 1375735 [S] [2017_11_11 20:52:09] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:52:13] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:52:13] id 1375719 [S] [2017_11_11 20:52:13] name BOS1387 [S] [2017_11_11 20:52:13] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:52:13] @ launchpadAppeared 1375719 [S] [2017_11_11 20:52:20] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:52:21] id 1375713 [S] [2017_11_11 20:52:24] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:52:24] id 1375719 [S] [2017_11_11 20:52:24] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:52:30] DEBUG: onChatMessage args ('', '', {'avatarId': 1375732, 'achievementId': 4282573744L, 'type': -1}) [S] [2017_11_11 20:52:30] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:52:30] id 1375711 [S] [2017_11_11 20:52:30] name RenamedUser_23785969 [S] [2017_11_11 20:52:30] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:52:42] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:52:42] id 1375735 [S] [2017_11_11 20:52:42] name Bassstard [S] [2017_11_11 20:52:42] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:52:42] @ launchpadAppeared 1375735 [S] [2017_11_11 20:52:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:52:50] id 1375715 [S] [2017_11_11 20:52:54] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:52:54] id 1375741 [S] [2017_11_11 20:53:00] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:53:00] id 1375735 [S] [2017_11_11 20:53:00] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:53:17] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:53:17] id 1375741 [S] [2017_11_11 20:53:17] name DragonPC [S] [2017_11_11 20:53:17] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:53:22] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:53:22] id 1375713 [S] [2017_11_11 20:53:22] name Lo_Fi [S] [2017_11_11 20:53:22] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:53:25] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:53:25] id 1375735 [S] [2017_11_11 20:53:25] name Bassstard [S] [2017_11_11 20:53:25] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:53:25] @ launchpadAppeared 1375735 [S] [2017_11_11 20:53:29] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 20:53:30] DEBUG: onChatMessage args ('', '', {'avatarId': 1375700, 'targetId': 1375738, 'type': -7}) [S] [2017_11_11 20:53:39] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:53:39] id 1375719 [S] [2017_11_11 20:53:39] name BOS1387 [S] [2017_11_11 20:53:39] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:53:39] @ launchpadAppeared 1375719 [S] [2017_11_11 20:53:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:53:51] id 1375713 [S] [2017_11_11 20:53:53] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:53:53] id 1375713 [S] [2017_11_11 20:53:53] name Lo_Fi [S] [2017_11_11 20:53:53] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:54:17] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:54:17] id 1375731 [S] [2017_11_11 20:54:17] name FrozzenBalls [S] [2017_11_11 20:54:17] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:54:17] @ launchpadAppeared 1375731 [S] [2017_11_11 20:54:30] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:54:30] id 1375731 [S] [2017_11_11 20:54:30] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:54:39] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:54:39] id 1375731 [S] [2017_11_11 20:54:39] name FrozzenBalls [S] [2017_11_11 20:54:39] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:54:39] @ launchpadAppeared 1375731 [S] [2017_11_11 20:54:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:54:48] id 1375745 [S] [2017_11_11 20:54:48] name Benzovoz_539 [S] [2017_11_11 20:54:48] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:54:48] @ launchpadAppeared 1375745 [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:04] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:04] id 1375745 [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:04] @ launchpadDisappeared [E] [2017_11_11 20:55:23] ServerConnection::onTimeOut(1375738): Disconnecting due to channel timing out. [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:23] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 6 NOT_SET [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:23] [LOGIN] Setting gIsConnected to False [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:28] connection problem!!! [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:28] clearAll 0 True [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:28] AccountLevelingProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:28] ShutDownProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:28] ShutDownProxy.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:28] StatsProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:28] StatsProxy.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:28] CampaignsProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:28] LootboxProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:28] LootboxProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:28] PVEScriptsProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:28] PVEDatahubUtils.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:28] PVEScriptsProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:28] IngamePortalProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:28] IngameNewsProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:28] UserDataGate.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:28] UserDataGate.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:28] ClanProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:28] ClanProxy.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:28] ClanDataHubUtils.__cleanClanPreBattles player is in division "505066" already with actual info [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:28] BattleChatSystem OUT OF Context [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:28] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOver [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:28] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOut [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:28] (, 51007757488877, 12): is out of context [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:28] (, 13182166089733, 190): fini [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:28] (, 51007922117933, 263): out of context [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:28] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Login, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:28] PreBattleInfoHolder.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:28] DivisionProxyBattle.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:28] (, 39965384947628, 149): 1375696; onLeaveWorld() [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:28] [Weather][3977] onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:28] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:28] id 1375699 [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:28] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:28] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:28] id 1375701 [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:28] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:28] id 1375703 [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:28] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:28] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:28] id 1375705 [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:28] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:28] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:28] id 1375709 [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:28] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:28] id 1375711 [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:28] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:28] id 1375713 [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:28] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:28] id 1375719 [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:28] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:28] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:28] id 1375723 [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:28] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:28] id 1375725 [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:28] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:28] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:28] id 1375729 [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:28] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:28] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:28] id 1375731 [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:28] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:28] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:28] id 1375735 [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:28] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:28] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:28] id 1375737 [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:28] Avatar.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:28] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:28] id 1375739 [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:28] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:28] id 1375741 [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:30] Exception BigWorld.EntityIsDestroyedException: 'Avatar 1375738 has been destroyed' in ignored [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:32] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Login, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:35] (, 66259644693353, 191): H:; A:; C:http://csis.worldoftanks.ru/csis/wowsru/?periphery=login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020&periphery=login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020; M:['login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020', 'login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020'] [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:36] BaseLoginRequest.doLogin(): login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020 token2 ([BaseLoginCredentials] Tier099) [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:36] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:36] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:36] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 1 LOGGED_ON {"token2":"5595999:5600238760764888903:281462158217813625935098674723018722741","wgnr":"ru.wargaming.net"} [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:36] LOGGED_ON {u'token2': u'5595999:5600238760764888903:281462158217813625935098674723018722741', u'wgnr': u'ru.wargaming.net'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:36] [LOGIN] Positive, serverMsg: {u'token2': u'5595999:5600238760764888903:281462158217813625935098674723018722741', u'wgnr': u'ru.wargaming.net'}, status: LOGGED_ON [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:36] [LOGIN] Setting wgnr url to "https://ru.wargaming.net" [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:36] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 2 NOT_SET [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:37] Account.__init__() [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:37] [Account debuG]: __init__() Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:37] ClanProxy.setChatHandler [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:37] ClanProxy.setInteractiveMessageData [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:37] Exception BigWorld.EntityIsDestroyedException: 'Account 537168736 has been destroyed' in ignored [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:37] (, 571883079382, 162): init [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:37] (, 574705753692, 103): Url config for realm ru as string is ResMgr.DataSection at 0x1CFB3D30 [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:37] (, 51003525417967, 75): in context [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:37] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:37] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:37] onBecomePlayer() [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:37] UserDataGate.onGetConnection [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:37] UserDataGate.onGetConnection(): 5595999 [Entity: id:3219 ['accountSimple', 'accountName']] Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:37] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAccount [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:37] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() True 0 0 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:37] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:37] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:37] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4161159088 {('Default', 4283604912L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 7, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:37] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4162207664 {('Default', 4279410608L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 6, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:37] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q04 {('Default', 4271730608L, 0): 5, ('Default', 4269633456L, 0): 5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u041e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c \u043d\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u041e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c \u043d\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:37] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4163256240 {('Default', 4282556336L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 5, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:37] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22468_q03 {('Default', 4263440304L, 0): 5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:37] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q02 {('Resource', 19, 0): 1, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u041f\u0440\u0435\u043c\u0438\u0443\u043c \u0437\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0443'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u041f\u0440\u0435\u043c\u0438\u0443\u043c \u0437\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0443'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:37] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4156964784 {'desc': (), ('Resource', 0, 0): 100000} {'taskNumber': 11, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:37] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4154867632 {('Default', 4284313520L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 13, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:37] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4165353392 {('Default', 4287557552L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 3, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:37] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q01 {('ResourceCoeff', 21, 17): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 30): 6.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 9): 12.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 32): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 10): 3.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 5): 1.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 28): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 14): 6.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 16): 3.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 11): 1.5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'}, 0, 0)} {'type': 'challenge', 'titleText': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:37] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4167450544 {'desc': (), ('Resource', 16, 0): 500} {'taskNumber': 1, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:37] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4153819056 {('Default', 4279168944L, 0): 15, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 14, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:37] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4160110512 {('Resource', 0, 0): 100000, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 8, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:37] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 17 [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:37] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:37] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 17. Boxes contents: [{4288852912L: {(0, 4283622320L): 1}, 4284658608L: {(0, 4274185136L): 1}, 4283610032L: {(0, 4273136560L): 1}, 4289901488L: {(0, 4289913776L): 1}}] [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:37] setServerTime: serverTime=1510422938 time.time()=1510422937.55 gInitialClientTime=3334.62401749 [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:37] initBattleTypes called [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:37] Disabled maps: [] [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:37] getNationForTutorial() CanBeStarted: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:37] StatsProxy.receiveAbuseStatus(): {'battlesToClean': 0, 'statuses': {'tkill': 0}, 'warnings': ()} [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:38] _onChangeTimeOut 156 [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:40] __processDossierStats() client dossier: ['oper', 'pvp', 'oper_mm_tasks_diag', 'pve_diag', 'pvp_diag', 'oper_normal', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'pve', 'oper_mm', 'total', 'oper_normal_tasks_diag', 'max_pve', 'rank_diag', 'max_pvp', 'oper_diag', 'club_diag', 'club', 'max_club', 'clan', 'oper_hard', 'oper_hard_tasks_diag', 'max_clan'] [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:40] AccountLevelingProxy.onGetAccountStats(): (-1, -1) (15, 752355) [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:41] __updateTaskProgress start: {'22470_q01': {}, '22468_q04': {3: {'count': 25094}}} [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:41] __updateTaskProgress start: {'22468_q03': {'count': 1, 3: {'count': 10.0}}, '22468_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 3}}, '22469_q01': {'count': 0}, '21856_q00': {'count': 0}, '22468_q05': {'count': 0}, '22468_q02': {'count': 1, 3: {'count': 549416}}, '22470_q01': {'count': 31}, '22470_q02': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 5}}, '22470_q03': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 480872}, 3: {'count': 15080}, 4: {'count': 103463}}, '22470_q04': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 10}}, '22160_q01': {'count': 0}, '22468_q04': {'count': 0, 3: {'count': 25094}}} [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:41] onGetRankBattlesInfo currentSeason: 7, PlayerInfo: None [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:41] onGetRankDossier() seasonId = 7 Empty [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:41] ---- no data for seasonId: 7 [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:41] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onGetSeasonRules: config False, {'seasonId': 1, 'operations': {4291341232L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 3, 'unlockTime': 1500429600, 'caps': 3}, 4292389808L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1499824800, 'caps': 3}, 4290292656L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1501034400, 'caps': 3}, 4293438384L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1501639200, 'caps': 3}}, 'currentOperationIdx': 1, 'roster': [4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L, 4293438384L], 'startTime': 1499824800, 'seasons': {1: {'operations': [4293438384L, 4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}, 2: {'operations': [], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}}, 'currentRotationTime': 1510106400, 'nextRotationTime': 1510711200, 'stage': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:41] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onLoadProgress: config False, season False, {'operations': {'hard': [], 'normal': [(4287146928L, [1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 0]), (4288195504L, [1509007262, 1509007262, 1509007262, 0, 0, 0]), (4290292656L, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])]}, 'seasons': {'hard': [], 'normal': [(2, 1509007262)]}} [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:41] onClanResponse: response=(1, 0, (430246, (430246, u'FLY', u'FLY', 16777215, u'executive_officer', u'\u0417\u0434\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0443\u0439\u0442\u0435 \u0442\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0449\u0438, \u0443 \u043a\u043e\u0433\u043e \u0435\u0441\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0431\u043b\u0438 10-\u0433\u043e \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u043d\u044f, \u0438 \u0433\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0441\u043e\u0432\u0430\u044f \u0432\u0441\u044f\u0437\u044c \u043d\u0443\u0436\u043d\u043e \u0441\u044b\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d\u043e\u0432\u044b\u0435 \u0431\u043e\u0438 - \u0441\u0442\u0430\u0432\u0442\u0435 + \u043c\u043d\u0435 \u0432 \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443 \u043a\u0442\u043e \u0433\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432', {47518727: {'role': u'private'}, 162314: {'role': u'private'}, 33301518: {'role': u'private'}, 31456527: {'role': u'private'}, 58161041: {'role': u'private'}, 19410835: {'role': u'private'}, 2557718: {'role': u'private'}, 27883543: {'role': u'private'}, 73537307: {'role': u'private'}, 17222686: {'role': u'private'}, 310434: {'role': u'private'}, 11428651: {'role': u'private'}, 2445100: {'role': u'private'}, 7715120: {'role': u'private'}, 69118514: {'role': u'commander'}, 71811251: {'role': u'private'}, 59694238: {'role': u'private'}, 62222528: {'role': u'private'}, 47245249: {'role': u'private'}, 59103429: {'role': u'private'}, 35853511: {'role': u'private'}, 69416610: {'role': u'private'}, 65031124: {'role': u'private'}, 5595999: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 8706534: {'role': u'private'}, 37230: {'role': u'private'}, 1515506: {'role': u'private'}, 71303028: {'role': u'private'}, 5426549: {'role': u'private'}, 22453883: {'role': u'private'}}, {75100162: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3925161}, 75116563: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10679440}, 75116564: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5595999}, 75104791: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1901451}, 75104792: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12037438}, 75104793: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47518727}, 75100186: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4688253}, 75104795: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26571092}, 75100188: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 872384}, 75104797: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5326927}, 75104799: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2557718}, 75100217: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58161041}, 75100219: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36672236}, 75100220: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12445172}, 75100221: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11262324}, 75092406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86780640}, 75100940: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1550733}, 75088485: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11437327}, 75088488: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86912728}, 75115802: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19050869}, 75099931: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 64096589}, 75104796: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24059614}, 75100189: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 16896550}, 75100187: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26497012}, 75105224: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5163046}, 75115804: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3700101}, 75100858: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65353479}, 75100859: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4549361}, 75100860: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19163627}, 75100862: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 15486060}, 75100864: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24960589}, 75101403: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13829345}, 75101405: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2774140}, 75101406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19410835}, 75105005: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2514322}, 75105006: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 6071074}, 75105007: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21765943}, 75105008: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13351014}, 75105009: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10744094}, 75105010: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8213596}, 75105533: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 32758788}, 75105534: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35843415}, 75105535: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19416306}, 75099910: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 22471163}, 75099912: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47356661}, 75099913: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20821811}, 75099914: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 38322742}, 75099915: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 57543888}, 75099916: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5426549}, 75100941: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1431883}, 75100942: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 744012}, 75100943: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 69416610}, 75100944: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36933861}, 75100946: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4337469}, 75115800: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47245249}, 75115801: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2723422}, 75099930: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35480962}, 75115803: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65031124}, 75099932: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5239563}, 75099933: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5564244}, 75105068: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 27883543}, 75099952: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11428651}, 75115830: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 62222528}, 75115831: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8664152}, 75115833: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59103429}, 75115837: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4858560}, 75115840: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 7424262}, 75099461: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 33301518}, 75104134: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 225652}, 75101613: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 162314}, 75101614: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 75991473}, 75100081: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71303028}, 75100082: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79542157}, 75100083: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 76103}, 75100084: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80535214}, 75100085: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5965559}, 75100086: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71777625}, 75092407: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 72132668}, 75092409: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65107864}, 75092412: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58685850}, 75104707: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13658244}, 75104708: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 77607300}, 75104710: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79957325}, 75104712: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2809573}, 75105225: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 61831778}, 75105226: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 48512704}, 75105227: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82400346}, 75105229: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59694238}, 75105230: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24318025}, 75105232: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35446652}, 75100114: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21297715}, 75100115: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2636501}, 75100116: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 23508047}, 75100117: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4104445}, 75113468: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80938462}, 75100157: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82347121}, 75113470: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8706534}, 75113467: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1207353}, 75100156: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65362617}, 75113469: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 17222686}, 75100158: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20158906}, 75113471: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4261263}}, 30, 30, None))) [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:41] ClanProxy.onClanResponse(): 1 (430246, (430246, u'FLY', u'FLY', 16777215, u'executive_officer', u'\u0417\u0434\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0443\u0439\u0442\u0435 \u0442\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0449\u0438, \u0443 \u043a\u043e\u0433\u043e \u0435\u0441\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0431\u043b\u0438 10-\u0433\u043e \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u043d\u044f, \u0438 \u0433\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0441\u043e\u0432\u0430\u044f \u0432\u0441\u044f\u0437\u044c \u043d\u0443\u0436\u043d\u043e \u0441\u044b\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d\u043e\u0432\u044b\u0435 \u0431\u043e\u0438 - \u0441\u0442\u0430\u0432\u0442\u0435 + \u043c\u043d\u0435 \u0432 \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443 \u043a\u0442\u043e \u0433\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432', {47518727: {'role': u'private'}, 162314: {'role': u'private'}, 33301518: {'role': u'private'}, 31456527: {'role': u'private'}, 58161041: {'role': u'private'}, 19410835: {'role': u'private'}, 2557718: {'role': u'private'}, 27883543: {'role': u'private'}, 73537307: {'role': u'private'}, 17222686: {'role': u'private'}, 310434: {'role': u'private'}, 11428651: {'role': u'private'}, 2445100: {'role': u'private'}, 7715120: {'role': u'private'}, 69118514: {'role': u'commander'}, 71811251: {'role': u'private'}, 59694238: {'role': u'private'}, 62222528: {'role': u'private'}, 47245249: {'role': u'private'}, 59103429: {'role': u'private'}, 35853511: {'role': u'private'}, 69416610: {'role': u'private'}, 65031124: {'role': u'private'}, 5595999: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 8706534: {'role': u'private'}, 37230: {'role': u'private'}, 1515506: {'role': u'private'}, 71303028: {'role': u'private'}, 5426549: {'role': u'private'}, 22453883: {'role': u'private'}}, {75100162: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3925161}, 75116563: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10679440}, 75116564: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5595999}, 75104791: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1901451}, 75104792: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12037438}, 75104793: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47518727}, 75100186: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4688253}, 75104795: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26571092}, 75100188: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 872384}, 75104797: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5326927}, 75104799: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2557718}, 75100217: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58161041}, 75100219: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36672236}, 75100220: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12445172}, 75100221: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11262324}, 75092406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86780640}, 75100940: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1550733}, 75088485: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11437327}, 75088488: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86912728}, 75115802: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19050869}, 75099931: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 64096589}, 75104796: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24059614}, 75100189: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 16896550}, 75100187: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26497012}, 75105224: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5163046}, 75115804: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3700101}, 75100858: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65353479}, 75100859: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4549361}, 75100860: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19163627}, 75100862: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 15486060}, 75100864: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24960589}, 75101403: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13829345}, 75101405: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2774140}, 75101406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19410835}, 75105005: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2514322}, 75105006: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 6071074}, 75105007: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21765943}, 75105008: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13351014}, 75105009: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10744094}, 75105010: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8213596}, 75105533: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 32758788}, 75105534: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35843415}, 75105535: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19416306}, 75099910: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 22471163}, 75099912: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47356661}, 75099913: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20821811}, 75099914: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 38322742}, 75099915: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 57543888}, 75099916: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5426549}, 75100941: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1431883}, 75100942: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 744012}, 75100943: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 69416610}, 75100944: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36933861}, 75100946: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4337469}, 75115800: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47245249}, 75115801: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2723422}, 75099930: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35480962}, 75115803: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65031124}, 75099932: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5239563}, 75099933: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5564244}, 75105068: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 27883543}, 75099952: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11428651}, 75115830: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 62222528}, 75115831: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8664152}, 75115833: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59103429}, 75115837: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4858560}, 75115840: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 7424262}, 75099461: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 33301518}, 75104134: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 225652}, 75101613: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 162314}, 75101614: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 75991473}, 75100081: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71303028}, 75100082: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79542157}, 75100083: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 76103}, 75100084: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80535214}, 75100085: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5965559}, 75100086: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71777625}, 75092407: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 72132668}, 75092409: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65107864}, 75092412: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58685850}, 75104707: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13658244}, 75104708: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 77607300}, 75104710: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79957325}, 75104712: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2809573}, 75105225: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 61831778}, 75105226: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 48512704}, 75105227: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82400346}, 75105229: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59694238}, 75105230: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24318025}, 75105232: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35446652}, 75100114: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21297715}, 75100115: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2636501}, 75100116: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 23508047}, 75100117: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4104445}, 75113468: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80938462}, 75100157: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82347121}, 75113470: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8706534}, 75113467: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1207353}, 75100156: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65362617}, 75113469: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 17222686}, 75100158: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20158906}, 75113471: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4261263}}, 30, 30, None)) [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:41] ClanProxy.__onGetMyClan: False (430246, (430246, u'FLY', u'FLY', 16777215, u'executive_officer', u'\u0417\u0434\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0443\u0439\u0442\u0435 \u0442\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0449\u0438, \u0443 \u043a\u043e\u0433\u043e \u0435\u0441\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0431\u043b\u0438 10-\u0433\u043e \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u043d\u044f, \u0438 \u0433\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0441\u043e\u0432\u0430\u044f \u0432\u0441\u044f\u0437\u044c \u043d\u0443\u0436\u043d\u043e \u0441\u044b\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d\u043e\u0432\u044b\u0435 \u0431\u043e\u0438 - \u0441\u0442\u0430\u0432\u0442\u0435 + \u043c\u043d\u0435 \u0432 \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443 \u043a\u0442\u043e \u0433\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432', {47518727: {'role': u'private'}, 162314: {'role': u'private'}, 33301518: {'role': u'private'}, 31456527: {'role': u'private'}, 58161041: {'role': u'private'}, 19410835: {'role': u'private'}, 2557718: {'role': u'private'}, 27883543: {'role': u'private'}, 73537307: {'role': u'private'}, 17222686: {'role': u'private'}, 310434: {'role': u'private'}, 11428651: {'role': u'private'}, 2445100: {'role': u'private'}, 7715120: {'role': u'private'}, 69118514: {'role': u'commander'}, 71811251: {'role': u'private'}, 59694238: {'role': u'private'}, 62222528: {'role': u'private'}, 47245249: {'role': u'private'}, 59103429: {'role': u'private'}, 35853511: {'role': u'private'}, 69416610: {'role': u'private'}, 65031124: {'role': u'private'}, 5595999: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 8706534: {'role': u'private'}, 37230: {'role': u'private'}, 1515506: {'role': u'private'}, 71303028: {'role': u'private'}, 5426549: {'role': u'private'}, 22453883: {'role': u'private'}}, {75100162: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3925161}, 75116563: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10679440}, 75116564: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5595999}, 75104791: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1901451}, 75104792: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12037438}, 75104793: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47518727}, 75100186: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4688253}, 75104795: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26571092}, 75100188: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 872384}, 75104797: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5326927}, 75104799: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2557718}, 75100217: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58161041}, 75100219: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36672236}, 75100220: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12445172}, 75100221: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11262324}, 75092406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86780640}, 75100940: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1550733}, 75088485: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11437327}, 75088488: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86912728}, 75115802: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19050869}, 75099931: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 64096589}, 75104796: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24059614}, 75100189: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 16896550}, 75100187: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26497012}, 75105224: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5163046}, 75115804: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3700101}, 75100858: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65353479}, 75100859: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4549361}, 75100860: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19163627}, 75100862: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 15486060}, 75100864: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24960589}, 75101403: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13829345}, 75101405: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2774140}, 75101406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19410835}, 75105005: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2514322}, 75105006: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 6071074}, 75105007: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21765943}, 75105008: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13351014}, 75105009: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10744094}, 75105010: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8213596}, 75105533: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 32758788}, 75105534: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35843415}, 75105535: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19416306}, 75099910: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 22471163}, 75099912: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47356661}, 75099913: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20821811}, 75099914: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 38322742}, 75099915: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 57543888}, 75099916: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5426549}, 75100941: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1431883}, 75100942: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 744012}, 75100943: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 69416610}, 75100944: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36933861}, 75100946: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4337469}, 75115800: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47245249}, 75115801: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2723422}, 75099930: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35480962}, 75115803: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65031124}, 75099932: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5239563}, 75099933: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5564244}, 75105068: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 27883543}, 75099952: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11428651}, 75115830: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 62222528}, 75115831: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8664152}, 75115833: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59103429}, 75115837: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4858560}, 75115840: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 7424262}, 75099461: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 33301518}, 75104134: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 225652}, 75101613: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 162314}, 75101614: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 75991473}, 75100081: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71303028}, 75100082: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79542157}, 75100083: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 76103}, 75100084: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80535214}, 75100085: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5965559}, 75100086: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71777625}, 75092407: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 72132668}, 75092409: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65107864}, 75092412: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58685850}, 75104707: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13658244}, 75104708: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 77607300}, 75104710: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79957325}, 75104712: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2809573}, 75105225: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 61831778}, 75105226: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 48512704}, 75105227: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82400346}, 75105229: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59694238}, 75105230: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24318025}, 75105232: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35446652}, 75100114: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21297715}, 75100115: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2636501}, 75100116: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 23508047}, 75100117: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4104445}, 75113468: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80938462}, 75100157: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82347121}, 75113470: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8706534}, 75113467: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1207353}, 75100156: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65362617}, 75113469: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 17222686}, 75100158: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20158906}, 75113471: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4261263}}, 30, 30, None)) [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:42] [CampaignsCommon] onLoadedDump: loaded campaign params and player; countActiveTasks 2; data ({4290690992L: (False, True, False), 4293836720L: (True, 0, True), 4291739568L: (False, True, False), 4288593840L: (True, 0, True), 4289642416L: (False, True, False), 4292788144L: (True, 0, True)}, {4293836720L: [1, 1], 4289642416L: [1, 0], 4291739568L: [1, 0], 4288593840L: [1, 0], 4290690992L: [1, 0], 4292788144L: [1, 0]}, {4283023280L: [2, 0, 0], 4285120432L: [4, 15, 9], 4287217584L: [4, 12, 7], 4288266160L: [4, 10, 7], 4289314736L: [4, 10, 6], 4291411888L: [4, 7, 7], 4293509040L: [5, 5, 9], 4286169008L: [4, 15, 8], 4263100336L: [2, 0, 0], 4290363312L: [4, 10, 5], 4251566000L: [2, 0, 0], 4272537520L: [2, 0, 0], 4241080240L: [2, 0, 0], 4284071856L: [2, 0, 0], 4292460464L: [4, 6, 8]}, {4153819056L: (5, True, 0), 4190519216L: (1, False, 0), 4227219376L: (1, False, 0), 4133896112L: (1, False, 0), 4280696752L: (5, True, 0), 4150673328L: (1, False, 0), 4193664944L: (5, True, 0), 4187373488L: (1, False, 0), 4224073648L: (5, True, 0), 4164304816L: (1, False, 0), 4130750384L: (1, False, 0), 4167450544L: (5, True, 0), 4204150704L: (5, True, 0), 4240850864L: (1, False, 0), 4277551024L: (5, True, 0), 4147527600L: (1, False, 0), 4184227760L: (1, False, 0), 4220927920L: (5, True, 0), 4257628080L: (5, True, 0), 4198907824L: (5, True, 0), 4237705136L: (5, True, 0), 3904257968L: (1, False, 0), 4274405296L: (1, False, 0), 4144381872L: (1, False, 0), 3977658288L: (1, False, 0), 4181082032L: (5, True, 0), 4254482352L: (1, False, 0), 4291182512L: (5, True, 0), 4260773808L: (5, True, 0), 3897966512L: (1, False, 0), 4161159088L: (5, True, 0), 4197859248L: (1, False, 0), 3901112240L: (1, False, 0), 4141236144L: (2, False, 0), 3974512560L: (1, False, 0), 4177936304L: (1, False, 0), 4214636464L: (1, False, 0), 4251336624L: (5, True, 0), 4284891056L: (5, True, 0), 4211490736L: (1, False, 0), 4081467312L: (0, False, 0), 4158013360L: (1, False, 0), 4191567792L: (5, True, 0), 4252385200L: (5, True, 0), 4228267952L: (1, False, 0), 4134944688L: (1, False, 0), 4171644848L: (5, True, 0), 4208345008L: (1, False, 0), 4245045168L: (5, True, 0), 4281745328L: (5, True, 0), 4255530928L: (5, True, 0), 4151721904L: (1, False, 0), 4188422064L: (1, False, 0), 4225122224L: (1, False, 0), 4203102128L: (5, True, 0), 4261822384L: (1, False, 0), 4131798960L: (1, False, 0), 4205199280L: (5, True, 0), 4241899440L: (5, True, 0), 4278599600L: (5, True, 0), 4148576176L: (1, False, 0), 4221976496L: (5, True, 0), 4258676656L: (1, False, 0), 3902160816L: (1, False, 0), 4128653232L: (0, False, 0), 4165353392L: (5, True, 0), 4238753712L: (1, False, 0), 3905306544L: (1, False, 0), 4275453872L: (1, False, 0), 4145430448L: (1, False, 0), 3978706864L: (1, False, 0), 4182130608L: (5, True, 0), 4292231088L: (5, True, 0), 4154867632L: (5, True, 0), 4142284720L: (1, False, 0), 3975561136L: (1, False, 0), 4178984880L: (1, False, 0), 4215685040L: (5, True, 0), 4289085360L: (5, True, 0), 3971366832L: (1, False, 0), 4195762096L: (5, True, 0), 3899015088L: (1, False, 0), 4139138992L: (0, False, 0), 3972415408L: (1, False, 0), 4175839152L: (1, False, 0), 4212539312L: (1, False, 0), 4082515888L: (1, False, 0), 4285939632L: (5, True, 0), 4155916208L: (1, False, 0), 4192616368L: (5, True, 0), 4207296432L: (1, False, 0), 4229316528L: (5, True, 0), 3895869360L: (0, False, 0), 4135993264L: (1, False, 0), 4172693424L: (5, True, 0), 4209393584L: (5, True, 0), 4246093744L: (1, False, 0), 4282793904L: (5, True, 0), 4152770480L: (1, False, 0), 4160110512L: (5, True, 0), 4226170800L: (1, False, 0), 4174790576L: (5, True, 0), 4132847536L: (1, False, 0), 4189470640L: (1, False, 0), 4206247856L: (5, True, 0), 4242948016L: (1, False, 0), 4279648176L: (5, True, 0), 4149624752L: (1, False, 0), 4186324912L: (5, True, 0), 4223025072L: (1, False, 0), 4259725232L: (1, False, 0), 4159061936L: (1, False, 0), 4129701808L: (1, False, 0), 4166401968L: (1, False, 0), 4239802288L: (1, False, 0), 4276502448L: (5, True, 0), 4146479024L: (1, False, 0), 4183179184L: (1, False, 0), 4219879344L: (5, True, 0), 4256579504L: (5, True, 0), 4293279664L: (5, True, 0), 4243996592L: (1, False, 0), 4163256240L: (5, True, 0), 4288036784L: (5, True, 0), 4236656560L: (5, True, 0), 3903209392L: (1, False, 0), 4273356720L: (5, True, 0), 4143333296L: (1, False, 0), 3976609712L: (1, False, 0), 4180033456L: (5, True, 0), 4253433776L: (5, True, 0), 4290133936L: (5, True, 0), 4194713520L: (5, True, 0), 4196810672L: (1, False, 0), 3900063664L: (1, False, 0), 4140187568L: (2, False, 0), 3973463984L: (1, False, 0), 4176887728L: (5, True, 0), 4213587888L: (5, True, 0), 4083564464L: (1, False, 0), 4286988208L: (5, True, 0), 4156964784L: (5, True, 0), 4162207664L: (5, True, 0), 4230365104L: (5, True, 0), 4063641520L: (0, False, 0), 3896917936L: (1, False, 0), 3970318256L: (0, False, 0), 4173742000L: (5, True, 0), 4210442160L: (1, False, 0), 4247142320L: (5, True, 0)}) [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:42] ClanProxy.onGetClanBattles {'seasonId': 1, 'finishTime': 1513713600.0, 'primeTimes': {2: (57600, 68400), 3: (57600, 68400), 5: (57600, 68400), 6: (57600, 68400)}, 'shipLevelMax': 10, 'shipLevelMin': 10, 'startTime': 1508310000.0, 'promoTime': 1508310000.0, 'stage': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:44] >>> DockProxy.receiveState [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:44] Unlocks.receiveState [] [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:45] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 13381, 'boughtToday': 2, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1510444800.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:45] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 13381, 'boughtToday': 2, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1510444800.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:45] PVEScriptsProxyCommon.createPVEState() [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:45] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onGetSeasonRules: config True, {'seasonId': 1, 'operations': {4291341232L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 3, 'unlockTime': 1500429600, 'caps': 3}, 4292389808L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1499824800, 'caps': 3}, 4290292656L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1501034400, 'caps': 3}, 4293438384L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1501639200, 'caps': 3}}, 'currentOperationIdx': 1, 'roster': [4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L, 4293438384L], 'startTime': 1499824800, 'seasons': {1: {'operations': [4293438384L, 4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}, 2: {'operations': [], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}}, 'currentRotationTime': 1510106400, 'nextRotationTime': 1510711200, 'stage': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:45] [4181898160L, 4180849584L] [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:45] [4181898160L, 4180849584L] [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:45] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onLoadProgress: config True, season True, {'operations': {'hard': [], 'normal': [(4287146928L, [1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 0]), (4288195504L, [1509007262, 1509007262, 1509007262, 0, 0, 0]), (4290292656L, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])]}, 'seasons': {'hard': [], 'normal': [(2, 1509007262)]}} [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:45] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] _updateOperationCompleted: 4287146928 normal [1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 0] [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:45] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] _updateOperationCompleted: 4288195504 normal [1509007262, 1509007262, 1509007262, 0, 0, 0] [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:45] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] _updateOperationCompleted: 4290292656 normal [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:45] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] _updateSeasonCompleted: 2 normal 1509007262 [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:45] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {69118514: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 71811251: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 35853511: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 31456527: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}} [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:45] onClanResponse: response=(6, 0, {'league': 4, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 430246, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division_rating': 0, 'stage': 'league'}) [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:45] ClanProxy.onClanResponse(): 6 {'league': 4, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 430246, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division_rating': 0, 'stage': 'league'} [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:45] ClanDataHubUtils.addLadderInfo: {'league': 4, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 430246, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division_rating': 0, 'stage': 'league'} [E] [2017_11_11 20:55:45] Can only call base methods on the connected entity [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:45] onGameRoomStateInit mapIdx = 7 battleType = 80 gameMode = StandDom duration=1200 [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:45] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:45] GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:46] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Login, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:46] Avatar.receiveAvatarInfo: {'evaluationsLeft': {0: 7, 1: 7}} [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:46] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAvatar [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:46] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() False 0 0 0 [E] [2017_11_11 20:55:46] Entity::enterWorld: Got entity 1375738 before carrying vehicle 1375739 (going into limbo) [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:46] Avatar.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:46] name Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:46] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:46] Avatar onControlled False [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:46] onControlled->False: not implemented [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:46] onGeometryMapped() MapName: 13_OC_new_dawn [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:46] teamBuildType: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:46] player: Id: 537153415 Name: EAT_WHAT_YOU_KILL TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASC007_Cleveland_1945 avatarId: 1375698 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:46] player: Id: 416651 Name: l_lirk TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSD004_Minekadze_1920 avatarId: 1375700 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:46] player: Id: 537209741 Name: zapaza1 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASC007_Cleveland_1945 avatarId: 1375702 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:46] player: Id: 537121810 Name: NIKOLAY_IVANICH TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASC005_Omaha_1923 avatarId: 1375704 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:46] player: Id: 537307028 Name: HEGNI_1 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSB006_Fuso_1943 avatarId: 1375706 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:46] player: Id: 537244190 Name: Nikita_Serganov TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSB105_Koenig avatarId: 1375708 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:46] player: Id: 426659 Name: RenamedUser_23785969 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSD205_Podvoisky_pr_1929 avatarId: 1375710 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:46] player: Id: 225244 Name: Lo_Fi TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB006_New_York_1934 avatarId: 1375712 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:46] player: Id: 537276720 Name: sannia60 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSD004_Minekadze_1920 avatarId: 1375714 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:46] player: Id: 537255986 Name: sergienkoalexey TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSD004_Minekadze_1920 avatarId: 1375716 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:46] player: Id: 388534 Name: BOS1387 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASC007_Cleveland_1945 avatarId: 1375718 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:46] player: Id: 537173945 Name: Ivan_12_80 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSD017_Kamikaze_1930 avatarId: 1375720 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:46] player: Id: 537307066 Name: KJIACCUK TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSD106_Fubuki avatarId: 1375722 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:46] player: Id: 490431 Name: matros_baltietc TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSB007_Kongo_1942 avatarId: 1375724 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:46] player: Id: 537094080 Name: Zerstoerer45 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSB105_Koenig avatarId: 1375726 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:46] player: Id: 425796 Name: vaduxa030997 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSB007_Kongo_1942 avatarId: 1375728 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:46] player: Id: 367183 Name: FrozzenBalls TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSB006_Fuso_1943 avatarId: 1375730 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:46] player: Id: 537206479 Name: ole_596 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PBSB105_Iron_Duke avatarId: 1375732 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:46] player: Id: 537087964 Name: Bassstard TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSC007_Aoba_1943 avatarId: 1375734 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:46] player: Id: 537275869 Name: tores17 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSC105_Kirov avatarId: 1375736 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:46] player: Id: 537168736 Name: Tier099 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSD206_Pr_7 avatarId: 1375738 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:46] player: Id: 369256 Name: DragonPC TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSB505_Oktyabrskaya_Revolutsiya avatarId: 1375740 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:46] player: Id: 537236500 Name: RenamedUser_69118514 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSD105_T_22 avatarId: 1375742 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:46] player: Id: 421882 Name: Benzovoz_539 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSB007_Kongo_1942 avatarId: 1375744 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:46] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (505066, 0, 0, 1375738, 1510422303659L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:46] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {505066: PreBattleInfo: id: 505066, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1375738, creationTime 1510422303659, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:46] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (505066, 0, 0, 1375738, 1510422303659L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:46] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {505066: PreBattleInfo: id: 505066, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1375738, creationTime 1510422303659, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:46] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (505066, 0, 0, 1375738, 1510422303659L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:46] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {505066: PreBattleInfo: id: 505066, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1375738, creationTime 1510422303659, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:46] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (505066, 0, 0, 1375738, 1510422303659L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:46] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {505066: PreBattleInfo: id: 505066, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1375738, creationTime 1510422303659, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:46] Avatar.enterPrebattle [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:46] (, 39965384947628, 149): 1375696; BattleLogic() [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:46] (, 39965384947628, 149): 1375696; onEnterWorld() State: {attentionMarkers: [], clientAnimations: None, controlPoints: [{position: [-92.0, -240.00009155273438], radius: 111.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 5, timerName: '', teamId: 0, progress: [0.0, 180.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [91.9999008178711, 239.99990844726562], radius: 111.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 5, timerName: '', teamId: 1, progress: [0.0, 180.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}], entityStates: [], expectedActions: None, interactiveZones: [], weather: {globalWeatherId: 1375697, localWeather: [], entityLogicParams: []}, keyObjects: [], missions: {hold: [{reward: 2, penalty: 0, cpIndices: [0, 1], period: 6}], capture: [{reward: 1000, penalty: 0, cpIndices: [0, 1]}], destroy: [], suppress: [], kill: [{reward: 30, penalty: 45, shipType: 'Destroyer'}, {reward: 35, penalty: 50, shipType: 'Cruiser'}, {reward: 40, penalty: 60, shipType: 'Battleship'}, {reward: 45, penalty: 65, shipType: 'AirCarrier'}], teamsScore: [360, 525], teamWinScore: 1000, teamLoseScore: 0}, resources: [], successStoryProgress: [], screenplayMessage: '', tasks: [], minefields: [], entities: [], effects: []} [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:46] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:46] BattleDataContext.__onEnterSpace [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:46] -= BATTLE STARTED =- [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:46] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:49] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:50] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:54] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:54] id 1375713 [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:54] name Lo_Fi [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:54] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:57] id 1375715 [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:57] name sannia60 [S] [2017_11_11 20:55:57] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:01] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:01] id 1375699 [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:01] name EAT_WHAT_YOU_KILL [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:01] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:01] @ launchpadAppeared 1375699 [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:01] [Weather][3977] onEnterWorld (map spaces/13_OC_new_dawn/weathers.xml, scheme 0, weather 0) [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:01] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:01] id 1375701 [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:01] name l_lirk [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:01] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:01] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:01] id 1375737 [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:01] name tores17 [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:01] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:02] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:02] id 1375729 [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:02] name vaduxa030997 [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:02] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:02] @ launchpadAppeared 1375729 [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:02] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:02] id 1375711 [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:02] name RenamedUser_23785969 [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:02] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:02] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:02] id 1375741 [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:02] name DragonPC [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:02] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:02] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:02] id 1375719 [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:02] name BOS1387 [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:02] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:02] @ launchpadAppeared 1375719 [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:02] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:02] id 1375739 [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:02] name Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:02] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:02] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:02] id 1375723 [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:02] name KJIACCUK [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:02] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:02] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:02] id 1375725 [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:02] name matros_baltietc [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:02] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:03] @ launchpadAppeared 1375725 [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:03] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:03] Avatar.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:03] ! A.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:03] BattleDataContext.__onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:03] Avatar.onWorldStateReceived [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:03] BattleChatSystem IN Context [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:03] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:03] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:03] id 1375745 [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:03] name Benzovoz_539 [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:03] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:03] @ launchpadAppeared 1375745 [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:03] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:03] id 1375705 [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:03] name NIKOLAY_IVANICH [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:03] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:03] @ launchpadAppeared 1375705 [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:03] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:03] id 1375703 [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:03] name zapaza1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:03] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:03] @ launchpadAppeared 1375703 [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:03] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:03] id 1375709 [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:03] name Nikita_Serganov [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:03] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:03] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:03] id 1375735 [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:03] name Bassstard [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:03] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:03] @ launchpadAppeared 1375735 [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:04] ('[ERROR] FeedbackController: empty config for event repair_finished',) [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:04] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:12] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:12] id 1375735 [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:12] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:33] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:33] id 1375735 [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:33] name Bassstard [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:33] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:33] @ launchpadAppeared 1375735 [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:33] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:33] id 1375715 [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:36] ("[ERROR] FeedbackController: invalid key '0' for map {1: 'SCOUT', 3: 'SPEED_BOOSTER', 4: 'TA_BOOSTER', 5: 'MB_BOOSTER', 6: 'HANGAR_BOOSTER', 7: 'SMOKE_GENERATOR'} data - {'state': 2, 'type': 0}",) [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:47] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:47] id 1375715 [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:47] name sannia60 [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:47] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:50] id 1375721 [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:50] name Ivan_12_80 [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:50] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:51] id 1375715 [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:53] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:53] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:53] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:53] id 1375715 [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:53] name sannia60 [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:53] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:54] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:54] id 1375735 [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:54] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:54] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:56:54] id 1375715 [S] [2017_11_11 20:57:18] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 20:57:18] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:57:27] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:57:27] id 1375719 [S] [2017_11_11 20:57:27] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:57:29] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:57:29] id 1375715 [S] [2017_11_11 20:57:29] name sannia60 [S] [2017_11_11 20:57:29] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:57:34] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 20:57:42] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:57:42] id 1375735 [S] [2017_11_11 20:57:42] name Bassstard [S] [2017_11_11 20:57:42] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:57:42] @ launchpadAppeared 1375735 [S] [2017_11_11 20:57:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:57:48] id 1375733 [S] [2017_11_11 20:57:48] name ole_596 [S] [2017_11_11 20:57:48] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:58:15] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 20:58:17] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:58:17] id 1375735 [S] [2017_11_11 20:58:17] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:58:29] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:58:29] id 1375715 [S] [2017_11_11 20:58:33] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:58:33] id 1375715 [S] [2017_11_11 20:58:33] name sannia60 [S] [2017_11_11 20:58:33] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:58:35] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:58:35] id 1375715 [S] [2017_11_11 20:58:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:58:35] id 1375715 [S] [2017_11_11 20:58:35] name sannia60 [S] [2017_11_11 20:58:35] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:58:41] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:58:41] id 1375707 [S] [2017_11_11 20:58:41] name HEGNI_1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:58:41] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 20:58:41] @ launchpadAppeared 1375707 [S] [2017_11_11 20:58:48] ClientSquadron.outOfFuel [S] [2017_11_11 20:58:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:58:51] id 1375715 [S] [2017_11_11 20:58:54] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:58:54] id 1375735 [S] [2017_11_11 20:58:54] name Bassstard [S] [2017_11_11 20:58:54] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:58:54] @ launchpadAppeared 1375735 [S] [2017_11_11 20:58:55] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:58:55] id 1375715 [S] [2017_11_11 20:58:55] name sannia60 [S] [2017_11_11 20:58:55] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:59:05] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:59:05] id 1375735 [S] [2017_11_11 20:59:05] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 20:59:35] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:59:35] id 1375715 [S] [2017_11_11 20:59:44] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 20:59:44] id 1375717 [S] [2017_11_11 20:59:44] name sergienkoalexey [S] [2017_11_11 20:59:44] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 20:59:47] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 21:00:02] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 21:00:04] Avatar.receivePlayerData: (537307028, 62222528, 'HEGNI_1', None, 0, 1, False, True, False, 15, 134232416, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0) 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:00:04] DivisionProxyBattle.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537307028, dbid=62222528, name='HEGNI_1', shipId=None, teamId=0, state=1, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134232416, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=0) 0 {} [S] [2017_11_11 21:00:04] playersToInvite {} [S] [2017_11_11 21:00:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:00:18] id 1375717 [S] [2017_11_11 21:00:19] Avatar.receivePlayerData: (537307028, 62222528, 'HEGNI_1', None, -2, 1, False, True, False, 15, 134232416, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0) 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:00:19] DivisionProxyBattle.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537307028, dbid=62222528, name='HEGNI_1', shipId=None, teamId=-2, state=1, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134232416, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=0) 0 {} [S] [2017_11_11 21:00:19] playersToInvite {} [S] [2017_11_11 21:00:19] DEBUG: onChatMessage args ('', '', {'playerClanTag': u'FLY', 'playerName': 'HEGNI_1', 'prebattleId': 505066, 'playerAvatarId': 1375706, 'preBattleSign': 0, 'type': 5}) [S] [2017_11_11 21:00:19] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (505066, 0, 0, 1375738, 1510422303659L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 21:00:19] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {505066: PreBattleInfo: id: 505066, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1375738, creationTime 1510422303659, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 21:00:20] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:00:20] id 1375709 [S] [2017_11_11 21:00:24] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 21:00:24] DEBUG: onChatMessage args ('', '', {'avatarId': 1375720, 'achievementId': 4282573744L, 'type': -1}) [S] [2017_11_11 21:00:25] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:00:25] id 1375727 [S] [2017_11_11 21:00:25] name Zerstoerer45 [S] [2017_11_11 21:00:25] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:00:26] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:00:26] id 1375731 [S] [2017_11_11 21:00:26] name FrozzenBalls [S] [2017_11_11 21:00:26] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:00:26] @ launchpadAppeared 1375731 [S] [2017_11_11 21:00:31] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:00:31] id 1375735 [S] [2017_11_11 21:00:31] name Bassstard [S] [2017_11_11 21:00:31] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:00:31] @ launchpadAppeared 1375735 [S] [2017_11_11 21:00:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:00:40] id 1375727 [S] [2017_11_11 21:00:54] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:00:54] id 1375735 [S] [2017_11_11 21:00:54] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:01:01] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:01:01] id 1375727 [S] [2017_11_11 21:01:01] name Zerstoerer45 [S] [2017_11_11 21:01:01] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:01:01] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:01:01] id 1375735 [S] [2017_11_11 21:01:01] name Bassstard [S] [2017_11_11 21:01:01] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:01:01] @ launchpadAppeared 1375735 [S] [2017_11_11 21:01:03] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:01:03] id 1375727 [S] [2017_11_11 21:01:05] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:01:05] id 1375727 [S] [2017_11_11 21:01:05] name Zerstoerer45 [S] [2017_11_11 21:01:05] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:01:06] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:01:06] id 1375735 [S] [2017_11_11 21:01:06] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:01:21] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:01:21] id 1375719 [S] [2017_11_11 21:01:21] name BOS1387 [S] [2017_11_11 21:01:21] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:01:21] @ launchpadAppeared 1375719 [S] [2017_11_11 21:01:27] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:01:27] id 1375717 [S] [2017_11_11 21:01:27] name sergienkoalexey [S] [2017_11_11 21:01:27] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:01:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:01:40] id 1375717 [S] [2017_11_11 21:01:40] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:01:40] id 1375743 [S] [2017_11_11 21:01:40] name RenamedUser_69118514 [S] [2017_11_11 21:01:40] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:01:41] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:01:41] id 1375735 [S] [2017_11_11 21:01:41] name Bassstard [S] [2017_11_11 21:01:41] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:01:41] @ launchpadAppeared 1375735 [S] [2017_11_11 21:01:44] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 21:01:44] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:01:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:01:57] id 1375715 [S] [2017_11_11 21:01:57] name sannia60 [S] [2017_11_11 21:01:57] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:02:09] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:02:09] id 1375735 [S] [2017_11_11 21:02:09] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:02:14] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:02:14] id 1375709 [S] [2017_11_11 21:02:14] name Nikita_Serganov [S] [2017_11_11 21:02:14] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:02:14] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 21:02:14] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 21:02:14] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 21:02:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:02:18] id 1375709 [S] [2017_11_11 21:02:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:02:23] id 1375727 [S] [2017_11_11 21:02:30] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:02:30] id 1375735 [S] [2017_11_11 21:02:30] name Bassstard [S] [2017_11_11 21:02:30] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:02:30] @ launchpadAppeared 1375735 [S] [2017_11_11 21:02:33] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:02:33] id 1375731 [S] [2017_11_11 21:02:33] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:02:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:02:47] id 1375735 [S] [2017_11_11 21:02:47] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:02:49] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:02:49] id 1375735 [S] [2017_11_11 21:02:49] name Bassstard [S] [2017_11_11 21:02:49] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:02:49] @ launchpadAppeared 1375735 [S] [2017_11_11 21:02:55] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:02:55] id 1375709 [S] [2017_11_11 21:02:55] name Nikita_Serganov [S] [2017_11_11 21:02:55] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:02:56] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 21:02:56] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 21:02:56] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 21:03:00] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 21:03:00] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:03:01] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 21:03:01] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 21:03:01] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:03:26] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 21:04:29] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:04:29] id 1375727 [S] [2017_11_11 21:04:29] name Zerstoerer45 [S] [2017_11_11 21:04:29] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:04:39] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:04:39] id 1375731 [S] [2017_11_11 21:04:39] name FrozzenBalls [S] [2017_11_11 21:04:39] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:04:39] @ launchpadAppeared 1375731 [S] [2017_11_11 21:04:42] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:04:42] id 1375727 [S] [2017_11_11 21:04:45] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:04:45] id 1375727 [S] [2017_11_11 21:04:45] name Zerstoerer45 [S] [2017_11_11 21:04:45] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:04:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:04:48] id 1375727 [S] [2017_11_11 21:04:51] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:04:51] id 1375727 [S] [2017_11_11 21:04:51] name Zerstoerer45 [S] [2017_11_11 21:04:51] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:05:25] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:05:25] id 1375717 [S] [2017_11_11 21:05:25] name sergienkoalexey [S] [2017_11_11 21:05:25] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:05:29] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:05:29] id 1375717 [S] [2017_11_11 21:05:42] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:05:42] id 1375727 [S] [2017_11_11 21:05:46] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:05:46] id 1375731 [S] [2017_11_11 21:05:46] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:06] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:06] id 1375727 [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:06] name Zerstoerer45 [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:06] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:09] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:09] id 1375731 [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:09] name FrozzenBalls [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:09] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:09] @ launchpadAppeared 1375731 [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:14] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:14] id 1375727 [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:16] battle finish - Defeat [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:16] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOver [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:16] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOut [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:16] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: PostBattle, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:18] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: PostBattle, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:18] setFpsGathererActive(False) [E] [2017_11_11 21:06:18] Can only call base methods on the connected entity [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:18] (, 39965384947628, 149): 1375696; onLeaveWorld() [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:18] [Weather][3977] onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:18] id 1375699 [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:18] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:18] id 1375701 [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:18] id 1375703 [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:18] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:18] id 1375705 [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:18] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:18] id 1375707 [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:18] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:18] id 1375709 [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:18] id 1375711 [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:18] id 1375713 [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:18] id 1375715 [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:18] id 1375719 [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:18] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:18] id 1375721 [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:18] id 1375723 [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:18] id 1375725 [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:18] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:18] id 1375729 [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:18] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:18] id 1375731 [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:18] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:18] id 1375733 [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:19] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:19] id 1375735 [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:19] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:19] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:19] id 1375737 [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:19] Avatar.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:19] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:19] id 1375739 [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:19] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:19] id 1375741 [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:19] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:19] id 1375743 [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:19] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:19] id 1375745 [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:20] Account.__init__() [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:20] [Account debuG]: __init__() Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:20] ClanProxy.setChatHandler [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:20] ClanProxy.setInteractiveMessageData [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:20] Exception BigWorld.EntityIsDestroyedException: 'Account 537168736 has been destroyed' in ignored [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:20] onBecomePlayer() [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:20] UserDataGate.onGetConnection [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:20] UserDataGate.onGetConnection(): 5595999 [Entity: id:3219 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'teamKiller', 'accountLevel', 'clanman']] Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:20] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4078843344L: {'exp': 4650}}, 'changedCrews': {9: {'exp': 31934}}, 'moneyXP': 48, 'lootboxes': {'lootExp': 14330, 'boughtToday': 2, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1510444800.0, 'curBoxType': 0}} [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:20] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 14330, 'boughtToday': 2, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1510444800.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:20] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': 152847, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:20] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -25340, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:20] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4078843344 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:20] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4078843344L: {'slots': {1: {'del_slots': 3, 'autobuy': 8}, 2: {'slots': ((None, 4293042096L), (None, None), (None, None), (None, None))}}}}} [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:20] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4078843344L: {'slots': {1: {'autobuy': 16, 'add_slots': (((), 4287557552L),)}}}}, 'storage': {4287557552L: 12}} [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:20] leaveBattleSession() Reason: 0 Info: {'survey_id': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:20] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:20] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:21] Sent FPS data [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:21] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] chooseOperation: 4291341232 normal True [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:21] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onOperationChosen: 4291341232 normal True [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:21] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] chooseOperation: 0 normal False [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:21] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onOperationChosen: 0 normal False [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:21] (, 51003611475748, 141): is in context [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:21] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_end'}, interval: (1510416001.0, 1510426780.0)",) [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:21] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'end'}, interval: (1510426800.0, 1510426800.0)",) [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:21] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 3219 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510426800.0, 1510426800.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'end'}) [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:21] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}, interval: (1510498800.0, 1510502380.0)",) [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:21] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 3219 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510426800.0, 1510426800.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'end'}) [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:21] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'start'}, interval: (1510502400.0, 1510502400.0)",) [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:21] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 3219 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510426800.0, 1510426800.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'end'}) [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:21] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'end'}, interval: (1510513200.0, 1510513200.0)",) [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:21] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 3219 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510426800.0, 1510426800.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'end'}) [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:22] updateActionsProgress: {'22470_q01': {'count': 32}, '22468_q04': {'count': 0, 3: {'count': 26043}}} [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:22] __updateTaskProgress start: {'22470_q01': {'count': 32}, '22468_q04': {'count': 0, 3: {'count': 26043}}} [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:22] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: changed tasks [4141236144L, 4140187568L] [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:22] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4141236144 data (True, 0, None, (2, 1)) [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:22] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4140187568 data (False, 0, None, None) [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:22] StatsProxy.receiveAbuseStatus(): {'battlesToClean': 0, 'statuses': {'tkill': 0}, 'warnings': ()} [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:22] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAccount [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:22] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() True 0 0 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:22] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:22] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:22] Sent FPS data [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:22] (, 20685599789093, 264): keys: ['dossier', 'karma', 'accPoints'] [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:22] __processDossierStats() client dossier: ['oper', 'pvp', 'oper_mm_tasks_diag', 'pve_diag', 'pvp_diag', 'oper_normal', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'pve', 'oper_mm', 'total', 'oper_normal_tasks_diag', 'max_pve', 'rank_diag', 'max_pvp', 'oper_diag', 'club_diag', 'club', 'max_club', 'clan', 'oper_hard', 'oper_hard_tasks_diag', 'max_clan'] [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:22] AccountLevelingProxy.onGetAccountStats(): (15, 752355) (15, 753304) [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:22] enterPreBattle() 1703686 [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:22] Account.enterPreBattle: (201) (1, 505066, (0, 0, 10, -1, 1, '', 0), 537168736, 62222528, u'', 1, None, 3, [(537168736, 5595999, 'Tier099', None, 0, 1, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0), (537236500, 69118514, 'RenamedUser_69118514', None, 0, 1, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0)], [], (0, 0), False, 1510422303659L, 2, False, [], {'nonClanMembersCount': 0}) [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:22] [DivisionEntranceContext] __onEnterDivision: 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:22] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:22] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:22] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:22] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:22] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:22] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:22] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:22] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:22] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:22] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:22] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:22] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:22] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:22] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:22] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:22] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:22] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:22] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:22] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:22] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:22] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onEnterPreBattle: None [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:22] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:22] BR: {'credits': 101902, 'credits_penalty': 6, 'exp_penalty': 1, 'exp': 633, 'credits_compensation': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:22] BR: {'elite_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'free_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'ship_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'credits': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'crew_exp': {'sse': [['22470_q01', 0.5, True, 0]], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'acc_level': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}} [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:22] BR: {'auto_repair_list': [['IDS_SSE_REPAIR_DISCOUNT', 0.0, True, 0]], 'auto_exterior_list': [], 'auto_exterior_credits': 0, 'auto_camo_credits': 0, 'exp_enabled': True, 'abilities_applied': True, 'auto_repair_factor': 1.0, 'auto_load_credits': 2340, 'acc_points_enabled': True, 'free_exp_enabled': True, 'free_exp_factor': 0.05, 'ship_service_enabled': True, 'aogas_factor': 1.0, 'auto_exterior_gold': 0, 'premium_credits_factor': 1.5, 'premium_exp_factor': 1.5, 'auto_abilities_list': [], 'auto_camo_list': [], 'clan_supply_bonuses_enabled': True, 'camo_applied': True, 'auto_repair_credits': 23000, 'exterior_applied': True, 'serve_applied': True, 'auto_camo_gold': 0, 'crew_exp_enabled': True, 'auto_abilities_gold': 0, 'auto_load_list': [[210, 1890], [6, 450], [0, 0]], 'auto_abilities_credits': 0, 'credits_enabled': True, 'aogas_online': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:22] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:22] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:23] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:23] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:23] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:23] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:23] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:23] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:23] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_bomb default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:23] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_bomb default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:23] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:23] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:23] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:23] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:23] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:23] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:23] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:23] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:23] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:23] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:23] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:23] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:23] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:23] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:23] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:23] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:23] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:23] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:23] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:23] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:23] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:23] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:23] BuildData: Invalid path player.planes_lost default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:23] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ResultsScreen, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:23] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 57, 'dt': 1510423577, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'count': 1}} [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:23] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 57, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_PRAISES_RECEIVED', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 18, 'groupId': 3, 'sourceId': 0, 'dt': 1510423577, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'count': 1}, 'message': '\xd0\x92\xd0\xb0\xd1\x88\xd0\xb0 \xd0\xba\xd0\xb0\xd1\x80\xd0\xbc\xd0\xb0 \xd1\x83\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb8\xd1\x87\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0 1.'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:23] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:23] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:23] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4161159088 {('Default', 4283604912L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 7, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:23] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4162207664 {('Default', 4279410608L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 6, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:23] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q04 {('Default', 4271730608L, 0): 5, ('Default', 4269633456L, 0): 5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u041e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c \u043d\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u041e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c \u043d\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:23] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4163256240 {('Default', 4282556336L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 5, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:23] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22468_q03 {('Default', 4263440304L, 0): 5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:23] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q02 {('Resource', 19, 0): 1, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u041f\u0440\u0435\u043c\u0438\u0443\u043c \u0437\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0443'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u041f\u0440\u0435\u043c\u0438\u0443\u043c \u0437\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0443'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:23] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4156964784 {'desc': (), ('Resource', 0, 0): 100000} {'taskNumber': 11, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:23] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4154867632 {('Default', 4284313520L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 13, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:23] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4165353392 {('Default', 4287557552L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 3, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:23] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q01 {('ResourceCoeff', 21, 17): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 30): 6.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 9): 13.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 32): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 10): 3.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 5): 1.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 28): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 14): 6.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 16): 3.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 11): 1.5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'}, 0, 0)} {'type': 'challenge', 'titleText': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:23] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4167450544 {'desc': (), ('Resource', 16, 0): 500} {'taskNumber': 1, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:23] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4153819056 {('Default', 4279168944L, 0): 15, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 14, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:23] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4160110512 {('Resource', 0, 0): 100000, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 8, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:23] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 17 [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:23] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:23] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 17. Boxes contents: [{4288852912L: {(0, 4283622320L): 1}, 4284658608L: {(0, 4274185136L): 1}, 4283610032L: {(0, 4273136560L): 1}, 4289901488L: {(0, 4289913776L): 1}}] [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:23] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:24] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 5, 'dt': 1510423578, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'achievements': (), 'expPenalty': -1, 'tasks': {'22470_q01': {'count': (32, 1), 'progress': (1.0, 1.0), 2: {'count': (0, 1)}, 'name': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'}, '22468_q04': {'count': (0, 0), 'progress': (0.8681, 0.03163333333333333), 3: {'count': (26043, 949)}, 'name': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'}}, 'shipsKilled': 2.0, 'arenaUniqueID': 3764922597455647L, 'battleTypeId': 5, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': -6, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'mapTypeId': 7, 'credits': 152847, 'result': 2, 'exp': 949, 'shipId': 4078843344L, 'battleCreateTime': 1510422303, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 752355, 949), 'aogasFactor': 1.0}} [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:24] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 5, 'exp': 949, 'tasks': {'22470_q01': {2: {'count': (0, 1)}}, '22468_q04': {3: {'count': (26043, 949)}}}, 'aogasFactor': 1.0, 'mapBGPath': '../maps_bg/13_OC_new_dawn.png', 'operationName': '', 'rankStarsDeltaChange': 0, 'earnedAchievements': [], 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_BATTLE_RESULTS_2', 'result': 2, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'uiSpecial': False, 'mapTypeId': 7, 'shipId': 4078843344L, 'accountLeveling': {'expGained': 949, 'currLevel': 15, 'prevLevel': 15, 'currLevelExp': 122000, 'expTotal': 753304, 'nextLevelExp': 122000}, 'curTasksCompleted': 0, 'mapName': 'IDS_SPACES/13_OC_NEW_DAWN', 'battleTypeId': 5, 'shipLevelRome': 'VI', 'achievements': (), 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PRSD206', 'shipsKilled': 2.0, 'importance': 2, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'difficulty': '', 'prevTasksCompleted': 0, 'isElite': False, 'date': '11.11.2017 20:45', 'dt': 1510423578, 'groupId': 3, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 752355, 949), 'expPenalty': -1, 'arenaUniqueID': 3764922597455647L, 'credits': 152847, 'sourceId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': -6, 'viaMM': False, 'rankBattlesSeasonId': 0, 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'quests': [{'maxProgress': 100, 'day': 11, 'monthIDS': 'IDS_MONTH_11', 'battleProgress': 100.0, 'type': 'challenge', 'id': '22470_q01', 'titleText': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!', 'currentProgress': 100.0}, {'maxProgress': 100, 'day': 11, 'monthIDS': 'IDS_MONTH_11', 'battleProgress': 3.0, 'type': 'task', 'id': '22468_q04', 'titleText': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b', 'currentProgress': 77.0}], 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'postponed': False, 'battleCreateTime': 1510422303, 'rankDeltaChange': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:24] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:24] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:24] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:24] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:24] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:24] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:24] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_bomb default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:24] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_bomb default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:24] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:24] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:24] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:24] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:24] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:24] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:24] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:24] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:24] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:24] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:24] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:24] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:24] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:24] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:24] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:24] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:24] BuildData: Invalid path player.planes_lost default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:24] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {473988: None, 813062: None, 61567767: None, 15655840: None, 58033953: None, 72822307: None, 876588: {'color': 13395507, 'league': None, 'tag': u'BK', 'id': 427780, 'name': u'\u0411\u0430\u043b\u0442\u0438\u0439\u0441\u043a\u0430\u044f \u041a\u0438\u043b\u044c\u043a\u0430'}, 69118514: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 70985950: None, 6596022: None, 1477309: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'_AOD_', 'id': 411675, 'name': u'ANGELS of DEATH'}, 62222528: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 35715265: None, 3428167: None, 824522: {'color': 13395507, 'league': None, 'tag': u'ZALIV', 'id': 423633, 'name': u'\u0417\u0430\u043b\u0438\u0432'}, 1907155: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'AWNIB', 'id': 428464, 'name': u'All We Need Is BASE!'}, 39501022: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'TAVR', 'id': 427171, 'name': u'PEREKOP \u0412\u041e\u0412\u0427\u0418\u041a-\u0412\u0410\u041d\u0427\u0418\u041a (\u0411\u0420\u0410\u0422\u0423\u0425\u0418)'}, 34612832: {'color': 13395507, 'league': None, 'tag': u'LETSY', 'id': 428161, 'name': u'LETSY'}, 19940323: None, 509033: None, 4298221: {'color': 10066329, 'league': None, 'tag': u'WASP', 'id': 417532, 'name': u'Chironex fleckeri - \u041c\u043e\u0440\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0435 \u043e\u0441\u044b'}, 23785969: None, 8343028: {'color': 13395507, 'league': None, 'tag': u'-K_B', 'id': 430341, 'name': u'\u041a\u0440\u0430\u0431\u043e\u0432\u044b\u0435-\u0411\u0435\u0440\u0435\u0442\u044b'}} [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:24] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 4, 'dt': 1510423578, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'costShell': 2340, 'shipId': 4078843344L, 'result': False, 'costRepair': 23000}} [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:24] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 4, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SHIP_SERVE', 'costShell': 2340, 'result': False, 'shipId': 4078843344L, 'uiSpecial': False, 'shipLevelRome': 'VI', 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PRSD206', 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'isElite': False, 'dt': 1510423578, 'groupId': 5, 'costTotal': 25340, 'sourceId': 0, 'costRepair': 23000, 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'postponed': False} [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:25] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 42, 'dt': 1510423578, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': False, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4078843344L, 'camoRecharged': True, 'flagsBuyFail': False}} [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:25] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 42, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PRSD206', 'flagsAutorechargeCompleted': 0, 'isElite': False, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_EXTERIOR_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2, 'camouflageAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'idInGroup': 1, 'groupId': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'VI', 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'dt': 1510423578, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': False, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4078843344L, 'camoRecharged': True, 'flagsBuyFail': False}, 'uiSpecial': False} [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:26] ClanProxy.onChatInitialized [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:26] XmppChatHandler.joinClanChannel() 430246 [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:26] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived prebattle 3 [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:26] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: DIVISION channelsGroupsIds: [] [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:26] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel True self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:26] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 5595999 Tier099 2 2 (430246, u'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:26] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 69118514 RenamedUser_69118514 2 2 (430246, u'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:26] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 62222528@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:26] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: channelsGroupsIds: [] [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:26] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:26] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True UserDataGate.__onRosterUpdated [('17915186@wowsru.loc', 'egy5', False, 4, ()), ('22453883@wowsru.loc', 'vova1972ruzan', False, 4, ()), ('2557718@wowsru.loc', 'NSDRP', False, 4, ()), ('26288674@wowsru.loc', '_EmperoR_WOW_', False, 4, ()), ('2893852@wowsru.loc', 'klimstonn', False, 4, ()), ('30937387@wowsru.loc', 'monster__622', False, 4, ()), ('31456527@wowsru.loc', 'Yurautyug', False, 4, ()), ('327255@wowsru.loc', 'Migri', False, 4, ()), ('35853511@wowsru.loc', 'toshidzu', False, 4, ()), ('5471194@wowsru.loc', 'loki1982', False, 4, ()), ('58161041@wowsru.loc', 'Y_O_R_K_2015', False, 4, ()), ('62222528@wowsru.loc', 'HEGNI_1', False, 4, ()), ('6896454@wowsru.loc', 'Vie92', False, 4, ()), ('69118514@wowsru.loc', 'RenamedUser_69118514', False, 4, ()), ('69416610@wowsru.loc', 'Player_3185411451', False, 4, ()), ('71811251@wowsru.loc', 'Leogon_1', False, 4, ()), ('73537307@wowsru.loc', 'PZS_One', False, 4, ())] [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:26] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 2893852@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:26] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 59124891@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:26] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 11274288@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:26] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 21696974@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:26] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 14596986@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:26] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 58053848@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:26] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 310434@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:26] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 19410835@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:26] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 35853511@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:26] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 59103429@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:26] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 22453883@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:26] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 2557718@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:26] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 69118514@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:26] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 73537307@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:26] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:26] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:26] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: KARSAK_1968 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:26] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:26] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:26] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:26] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:26] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:26] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:26] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:26] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:26] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:26] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:26] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:26] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:26] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:26] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: toshidzu channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:26] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:26] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Samum1989_geroj channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:26] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:26] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:26] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:26] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: NSDRP channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:26] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:26] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: RenamedUser_69118514 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:26] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:26] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:26] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:26] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived clansearch@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:26] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived ids_chat_channel_offtop@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:26] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived ids_chat_channel_questions@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:26] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived wargamingfm@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:26] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_SEARCH_CLAN_DIV channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:26] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:26] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_OFFTOP channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:26] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:26] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_QUESTIONS channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:26] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:26] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: WargamingFM Корабли channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:26] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:26] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc 6 [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:26] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: channelsGroupsIds: [] [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:26] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:26] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 69118514 {'jid': '69118514@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:26] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 310434 {'jid': '310434@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'mara77marakanec', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:26] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 35853511 {'jid': '35853511@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'toshidzu', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:26] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 71811251 {'jid': '71811251@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Leogon_1', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:26] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 62222528 {'jid': '62222528@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'HEGNI_1', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:26] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 5595999 {'jid': '5595999@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Tier099', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:26] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Tier099', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/5595999', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510394839L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd1\x80\xd0\xb5\xd0\xb1\xd1\x8f\xd1\x82 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb3\xd0\xbe \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xb2\xd1\x8b\xd0\xba\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb4\xd1\x8b\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82 \xd0\xb2\xd0\xbe \xd0\xb2\xd1\x80\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbc\xd1\x8f \xd0\xb1\xd0\xbe\xd1\x8f???', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:26] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Tier099', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/5595999', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510396421L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbf\xd1\x8f\xd1\x82\xd1\x8c \xd0\xb2\xd1\x8b\xd0\xba\xd0\xb8\xd0\xbd\xd1\x83\xd0\xbb\xd0\xbe 2 \xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb7\xd0\xb0 \xd0\xb7\xd0\xb0 1 \xd0\xb1\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb9', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:26] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/69118514', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510401726L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb1\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb8 \xd0\xba\xd0\xb5\xd1\x88', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:26] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'NSDRP', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/2557718', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510404247L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb5\xd1\x87\xd0\xb5\xd1\x80 \xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb1\xd1\x80\xd1\x8b\xd0\xb9. \xd0\xb5\xd1\x81\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb8 9 \xd0\xbe\xd1\x87\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2 \xd0\xbe\xd0\xbf\xd1\x8b\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0 \xd0\xba\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbf\xd0\xb8\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe 54 000 \xd0\xbe\xd0\xbf\xd1\x8b\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0 \xd1\x82\xd0\xbe \xd1\x81\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbb\xd1\x8c\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe \xd0\xb7\xd0\xb0 15 ?', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:26] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/69118514', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510408413L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0 13 \xd0\xbe\xd1\x87\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe 108 000', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:26] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Tier099', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/5595999', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510408924L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xba\xd1\x82\xd0\xbe \xd0\xb2 \xd0\xb2\xd0\xb7\xd0\xb2\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb4??? \xd0\x9f\xd0\xb8\xd1\x88\xd0\xb8\xd1\x82\xd0\xb5 \xd1\x81\xd0\xbc\xd1\x81 \xd0\xb2 \xd0\x9b\xd0\xa1', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:26] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'NSDRP', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/2557718', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510409220L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\x94\xd0\x90 \xd1\x83\xd0\xb6 . \xd0\xb0 \xd0\xbc\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe \xd0\xb4\xd0\xbb\xd1\x8f \xd0\xba\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb0 18 \xd0\xbe\xd1\x87\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2. \xd0\xb0 \xd1\x83 \xd0\xbc\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd1\x8f \xd1\x82\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbb\xd1\x8c\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe 9. \xd0\xbe\xd1\x85\xd0\xbe- \xd1\x85\xd0\xbe', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:26] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Tier099', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/5595999', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510409598L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xb8\xd0\xb3\xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd1\x82\xd1\x8c \xd1\x80\xd0\xb5\xd0\xb1\xd1\x8f\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0???', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:26] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'PZS_One', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/73537307', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510415291L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xb2\xd1\x81\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbc \xd0\xbf\xd1\x80\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:26] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'PZS_One', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/73537307', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510416198L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd1\x85\xd0\xbe\xd1\x87\xd1\x83 \xd0\xbf\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb3\xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd1\x82\xd1\x8c \xd1\x81\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbc\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb9', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:26] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'vova1972ruzan', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/22453883', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510416931L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\x92 \xd0\x9a\xd0\x90\xd0\x9b\xd0\x90\xd0\x9d\xd0\x9e\xd0\x92\xd0\xab\xd0\x99 \xd0\x91\xd0\x9e\xd0\x99 \xd0\x98\xd0\x93\xd0\xa0\xd0\x90\xd0\xa2\xd0\xac \xd0\x91\xd0\xa3\xd0\x94\xd0\x95\xd0\x9c \xd0\x98\xd0\x9b\xd0\x98 \xd0\x9a\xd0\x90\xd0\x9a?', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:26] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'vova1972ruzan', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/22453883', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510417063L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\x9a\xd0\x9e\xd0\x9c\xd0\x90\xd0\x9d\xd0\x94\xd0\x98\xd0\xa0\xd0\xab \xd0\x9f\xd0\xa0\xd0\x9e\xd0\xa1\xd0\x9d\xd0\x98\xd0\xa2\xd0\x95\xd0\xa1\xd0\xac', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:26] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/69118514', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510417186L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xb7\xd0\xb0\xd1\x85\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb8\xd1\x82\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xb2 \xd1\x80\xd0\xb5\xd0\xb4 \xd0\xba\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbb', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:26] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/69118514', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510418654L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\x95\xd0\xa9\xd0\x95 3 \xd0\x98\xd0\x93\xd0\xa0\xd0\x9e\xd0\x9a\xd0\x90 \xd0\x9f\xd0\x9e\xd0\xa8\xd0\x9b\xd0\x98 \xd0\x92 \xd0\x9a\xd0\x9b\xd0\x90\xd0\x9d\xd0\x9e\xd0\x92\xd0\xab', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:26] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/69118514', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510420956L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xba\xd1\x82\xd0\xbe \xd0\xbf\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb9\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82 \xd0\xb2 \xd0\xba\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2\xd1\x8b\xd0\xb9 \xd0\xb1\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb9?', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:26] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'toshidzu', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/35853511', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510421013L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd1\x8f', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:26] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/69118514', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510421051L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xaf \xd0\xa2\xd0\x95\xd0\x91\xd0\xaf \xd0\x97\xd0\x92\xd0\x90\xd0\x9b \xd0\x97\xd0\x92\xd0\x90\xd0\x9b 1-\xd0\x93\xd0\x9e \xd0\x9d\xd0\x95\xd0\xa5\xd0\x92\xd0\x90\xd0\xa2\xd0\x90\xd0\x9b\xd0\x90', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:26] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'toshidzu', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/35853511', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510422082L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd1\x8f \xd0\xb2 \xd0\xb1\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbd\xd1\x8e \xd1\x85\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb8\xd0\xbb \xd0\xb7\xd0\xb0 \xd0\xbc\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd1\x8f \xd0\xbf\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbc\xd1\x8f\xd1\x88 \xd0\xb8\xd0\xb3\xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbb', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:26] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Yurautyug', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/31456527', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510422172L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xb5\xd1\x89\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xb1\xd1\x8b \xd0\xbe\xd0\xb4\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb3\xd0\xbe \xd0\xb8 \xd0\xb2 \xd0\xb1\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb9', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:26] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'toshidzu', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/35853511', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510422189L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb0', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:26] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Yurautyug', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/31456527', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510422228L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xb1\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb8\xd0\xbd, 30 \xd1\x87\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbb\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb5\xd0\xba \xd0\xb8 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb5 \xd1\x85\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb0\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82 \xd0\xb8\xd0\xb3\xd1\x80\xd0\xbe\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:26] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'toshidzu', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/35853511', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510422288L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xbe\xd1\x81\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbb\xd1\x81\xd1\x8f 1 \xd1\x87\xd0\xb0\xd1\x81', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:26] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'toshidzu', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/35853511', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510422344L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd1\x81 \xd1\x81\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbc\xd0\xb5\xd1\x80\xd0\xbe \xd0\xb7\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb7\xd1\x8b\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb9\xd1\x82\xd0\xb5', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:26] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 310434 {'jid': '310434@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'mara77marakanec', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:28] (, 86904481544477, 21): joinChannel, ('already joined', 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc') [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:28] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 310434 mara77marakanec 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:28] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 35853511 toshidzu 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:28] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 5595999 Tier099 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:28] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 62222528 HEGNI_1 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:28] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 69118514 RenamedUser_69118514 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:28] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 71811251 Leogon_1 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:30] getModelPaths [] [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:32] !!! PostBattleWindow: Results Receive Timeout, going to Dock! [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:33] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:33] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:33] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {62222528: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 69416610: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 22453883: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 6896454: None, 35853511: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 30937387: None, 26288674: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'GUAPS', 'id': 430164, 'name': u'\u0413\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0434\u0435\u0439\u0446\u044b \u041f\u043e\u0441\u0435\u0439\u0434\u043e\u043d\u0430'}, 17915186: None, 31456527: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 58161041: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 69118514: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 71811251: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 2557718: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 327255: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'ENYO', 'id': 415095, 'name': u'\u042d\u041d\u0418\u041e'}, 5471194: None, 73537307: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 2893852: None} [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:34] BattleChatSystem OUT OF Context [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:34] Exception BigWorld.EntityIsDestroyedException: 'Avatar 1375738 has been destroyed' in ignored [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:34] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:41] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:41] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:41] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:41] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:41] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:41] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:41] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:41] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:41] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:41] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:41] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:41] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:41] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:41] (, 66379459049956, 122): __sendCurrentMessage:, (IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510416001.0, 1510426780.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_end'}),) [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:41] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 118, 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'messageType': 'soon_end', 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_CLAN_BATTLE_PRIMETIME_CHANGED', 'groupId': 8} [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:41] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:41] [Filters] saveFilters [] [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:41] [Filters] saveFilters [] [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:42] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:44] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': 0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:44] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': -1.0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:46] [DivisionEntranceContext] requestDivisionSeekerList: Account.requestPreBattleSeekerList(): [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:49] [DivisionEntranceContext] requestDivisionSeekerList: Account.requestPreBattleSeekerList(): [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:49] (, 94391359434474, 125): getClanTeams, ('send request',) [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:49] receivePreBattles() PreBattleType: 4 Num: 10 Free: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:49] [Seek] onReceivePreBattleSeekers [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:49] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u043c\u0438\u043a\u0440\u043e\u0444\u043e\u043d \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u0435\u043d\u044c1- 10 \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u0435\u043d\u044c \u0442\u0435\u0445\u043d\u0438\u043a\u0438 \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u043d\u0430\u044f \u0438\u0433\u0440\u0430 - c\u043b\u0443\u0447\u0430\u0439\u043d\u044b\u0439 \u0431\u043e\u0439. \u0420\u0443\u043a\u0438 \u0440\u0430\u0431\u043e\u0442\u0430\u044e\u0442, \u0432\u0438\u0434\u044f\u0442 \u0433\u043b\u0430\u0437\u0430. \u041f\u043e\u0440\u0445\u0430\u0439 \u043a\u0430\u043a \u0431\u0430\u0431\u043e\u0447\u043a\u0430, \u0436\u0430\u043b\u044c \u043a\u0430\u043a \u043f\u0447\u0435\u043b\u0430.', 'league': 0, 'name': 'Varangian17', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 16777215, 'dbid': 47583058, 'clanID': 429328, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'NSP', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:49] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'', 'league': 0, 'name': 'valecheck', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 10066329, 'dbid': 6417879, 'clanID': 429565, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'SSL', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:49] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'', 'league': 0, 'name': 'A1eHan', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 16777215, 'dbid': 69431067, 'clanID': 425628, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'SOBER', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:49] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u0438\u0449\u0443 \u0430\u0432\u0438\u043a 4-5 \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u0435\u043d\u044c \u043a\u0430\u0442\u0430\u044e \u0422\u0435\u0445\u0430\u0441 \u0438 \u0420\u0435\u0432\u043e\u043b\u044e\u0446\u0438\u044e \u043c\u043e\u0439 \u043f\u0440\u043e\u0446 \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434 60% \u043f\u0440\u0438\u0433\u043b\u043e\u0441\u044b \u0432 \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443 \u043a\u043e\u043e\u043f\u0435\u0440\u0430\u0442\u0438\u0432 \u0438 \u043e\u043f\u0435\u0440\u0430\u0446\u0438\u0438 \u043d\u0435 \u0438\u043d\u0442\u0435\u0440\u0435\u0441\u0443\u044e\u0442', 'league': 0, 'name': 'Sergiksuper1', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 16777215, 'dbid': 7924640, 'clanID': 428411, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'TSUWR', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:49] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'', 'league': 0, 'name': 'pavel12334', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 0, 'dbid': 27340068, 'clanID': 0, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:49] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u041f\u0440\u0438\u043d\u0438\u043c\u0430\u0435\u043c \u043e\u043f\u044b\u0442\u043d\u044b\u0445 \u0438\u0433\u0440\u043e\u043a\u043e\u0432 \u0432 \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d [_NYA_] \u043e\u0442 51%+ \u0438 1,5\u043a . \u0421\u0440\u0435\u0434\u043d\u0438\u0439 %\u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434 \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d\u0430 53,5 . \u0421\u0432\u044f\u0437\u044c \u0447\u0435\u0440\u0435\u0437 \u0434\u0438\u0441\u043a\u043e\u0440\u0434 . \u041f\u043e\u0434\u0440\u043e\u0431\u043d\u043e\u0441\u0442\u0438 \u0432 \u041b\u0421.(\u0432 \u041e\u0422\u0420\u042f\u0414 \u041d\u0415 \u041f\u0420\u0418\u0413\u041b\u0410\u0428\u0410\u0422\u042c)', 'league': 0, 'name': 'Gavruha2011', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 10066329, 'dbid': 1719141, 'clanID': 413675, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'_NYA_', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:49] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u0412\u0437\u0432\u043e\u0434 5-10 \u043b\u0432\u043b 55%+ \u043f\u0438\u0448\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0432 \u041b\u0421 (\u0441\u0432\u044f\u0437\u044c \u0422\u0421)', 'league': 0, 'name': 'Nik_drive', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 16763955, 'dbid': 113968, 'clanID': 415718, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'W_WP2', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:49] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'', 'league': 0, 'name': 'Vasa50', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 16777215, 'dbid': 70635442, 'clanID': 425878, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'SEVA', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:49] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u043e\u0442 5-10 \u0432 \u043e\u0442\u0440\u044f\u0434 \u0441\u043b\u044b\u0448\u0443 \u043d\u0435 \u0442\u0443\u043f\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0432 \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443 \u041f\u0418\u0428\u0418\u0422\u0415', 'league': 0, 'name': '_denis_174', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 0, 'dbid': 2483326, 'clanID': 0, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:49] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u0434\u043b\u044f \u0443\u0447\u0430\u0441\u0442\u0438\u044f \u0432 \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d\u043e\u0432\u044b\u0445 \u0431\u043e\u044f\u0445 \u043d\u0430\u0431\u043e\u0440 \u0432 \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d SVP \u0431\u043e\u0438 1000+ \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434 50+.\u043e\u0431\u044f\u0437\u0430\u0442\u0435\u043b\u044c\u043d\u043e \u0441\u0432\u044f\u0437\u044c DISCORD. \u0441\u0432\u043e\u0438 \u0434\u0435\u0441\u044f\u0442\u043a\u0438 \u043f\u0440\u0438\u0432\u0435\u0442\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0443\u044e\u0442\u0441\u044f. \u043f\u0438\u0448\u0435\u043c \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443 \u0438\u043b\u0438 \u0437\u0430\u044f\u0432\u043a\u0443 \u0432 \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d', 'league': 0, 'name': 'MINER_1956', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 10066329, 'dbid': 71118075, 'clanID': 425046, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'SVP', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:51] receivePreBattles() PreBattleType: 3 Num: 1 Free: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:51] ClanDataHubUtils.updateClanPreBattles [{'description': u'', 'creatorDBID': 62222528, 'playerCount': 2, 'ownerClanID': 430246, 'extraInfo': {'nonClanMembersCount': 0}, 'isInBattle': 0, 'battleDef': (BATTLE_DEF: mapId=0, duration=0, type=10, level=-1, teamBuildType=1, sseInfo=, pveInfo=0), 'ownerName': 'Tier099', 'invitedCount': 1, 'playersLimit': 3, 'isPrivate': 0, 'ownerId': 537168736, 'preBattleType': 1, 'id': 505066, 'selectedQueueType': 1}] [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:53] [DivisionEntranceContext] createAndInviteToDivision: 62222528.0 HEGNI_1 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:53] DivisionProxy.sendInvite: 62222528.0 HEGNI_1 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:53] Account.onInviteSent: 0 62222528 HEGNI_1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:53] DivisionProxy.onInviteSent() 0 62222528 [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:53] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 505066 (537307028, 62222528, 'HEGNI_1', None, -1, 1, False, True, False, 15, 134232416, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 1510423915) 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:53] DivisionProxy.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537307028, dbid=62222528, name='HEGNI_1', shipId=None, teamId=-1, state=1, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134232416, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=1510423915) 1 {} [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:53] [DivisionConxtext] __onInvitedPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:59] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 505066 (537307028, 62222528, 'HEGNI_1', None, 0, 1, False, True, False, 15, 134232416, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0) 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:59] DivisionProxy.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537307028, dbid=62222528, name='HEGNI_1', shipId=None, teamId=0, state=1, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134232416, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=0) 0 {537307028: {'playerEntity': [Entity: id:4052 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'clanman', 'teamKiller', 'accountLevel', 'accountRank', 'accountStatus', 'searchResultItem', 'contact', 'elementInGroups', 'channelParticipant', 'preBattlePlayerSimple', 'playerInvitedToPrebattleInfo']], 'creationTime': 1510423614.183004, 'expirationTime': 1510423915, 'plInfo': PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537307028, dbid=62222528, name='HEGNI_1', shipId=None, teamId=-1, state=1, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134232416, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=1510423915), 'isIgnored': False}} [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:59] playersToInvite {537307028: {'playerEntity': [Entity: id:4052 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'clanman', 'teamKiller', 'accountLevel', 'accountRank', 'accountStatus', 'searchResultItem', 'contact', 'elementInGroups', 'channelParticipant', 'preBattlePlayerSimple', 'playerInvitedToPrebattleInfo']], 'creationTime': 1510423614.183004, 'expirationTime': 1510423915, 'plInfo': PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537307028, dbid=62222528, name='HEGNI_1', shipId=None, teamId=-1, state=1, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134232416, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=1510423915), 'isIgnored': False}} [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:59] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'eventId': 'PLAYER_ACCEPTED_INVITATION', 'typeId': 4, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_UI_INVITATION_ACTION_1_DIVISION', 'playerName': 'HEGNI_1', 'idInGroup': 4, 'divisionType': 'division', 'sourceId': 1, 'actionId': 1, 'groupId': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:59] [DivisionConxtext] __onInvitedPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:59] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 62222528 {'jid': '62222528@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'HEGNI_1', 'clanInfo': (430246, u'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:59] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:59] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:59] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:59] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:59] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:59] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:59] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 505066 (537307028, 62222528, 'HEGNI_1', None, 0, 1, False, True, False, 15, 134232416, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0) 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:59] DivisionProxy.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537307028, dbid=62222528, name='HEGNI_1', shipId=None, teamId=0, state=1, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134232416, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=0) 0 {} [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:59] playersToInvite {} [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:59] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 62222528 {'jid': '62222528@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'HEGNI_1', 'clanInfo': (430246, u'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:59] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:59] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:59] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:59] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:59] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 21:06:59] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:07:03] [CampaignsCommon] takeReward: taskID 4141236144 [S] [2017_11_11 21:07:03] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyXP': 500} [S] [2017_11_11 21:07:03] [CampaignsCommon] onTakeReward: taskID 4141236144; newState 1; totalStars 2; completedTasks [] [S] [2017_11_11 21:07:04] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2017_11_11 21:07:04] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:07:04] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4161159088 {('Default', 4283604912L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 7, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:07:04] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4162207664 {('Default', 4279410608L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 6, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:07:04] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q04 {('Default', 4271730608L, 0): 5, ('Default', 4269633456L, 0): 5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u041e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c \u043d\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u041e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c \u043d\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:07:04] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4163256240 {('Default', 4282556336L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 5, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:07:04] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22468_q03 {('Default', 4263440304L, 0): 5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:07:04] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q02 {('Resource', 19, 0): 1, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u041f\u0440\u0435\u043c\u0438\u0443\u043c \u0437\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0443'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u041f\u0440\u0435\u043c\u0438\u0443\u043c \u0437\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0443'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:07:04] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4156964784 {'desc': (), ('Resource', 0, 0): 100000} {'taskNumber': 11, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:07:04] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4154867632 {('Default', 4284313520L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 13, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:07:04] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4165353392 {('Default', 4287557552L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 3, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:07:04] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q01 {('ResourceCoeff', 21, 17): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 30): 6.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 9): 13.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 32): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 10): 3.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 5): 1.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 28): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 14): 6.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 16): 3.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 11): 1.5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'}, 0, 0)} {'type': 'challenge', 'titleText': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:07:04] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4141236144 {'desc': (), ('Resource', 16, 0): 500} {'taskNumber': 12, 'missionNumber': '10', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:07:04] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4167450544 {'desc': (), ('Resource', 16, 0): 500} {'taskNumber': 1, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:07:04] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4153819056 {('Default', 4279168944L, 0): 15, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 14, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:07:04] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4160110512 {('Resource', 0, 0): 100000, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 8, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:07:04] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 18 [S] [2017_11_11 21:07:04] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:07:04] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 18. Boxes contents: [{4288852912L: {(0, 4283622320L): 1}, 4284658608L: {(0, 4274185136L): 1}, 4283610032L: {(0, 4273136560L): 1}, 4289901488L: {(0, 4289913776L): 1}}] [S] [2017_11_11 21:07:04] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 98, 'data': {'lootStars': 2, 'isRewarded': True, 'taskNumber': 12, 'missionNumber': '10', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'}} [S] [2017_11_11 21:07:04] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 98, 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 5, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_CAMPAIGNS_TASK_REWARDED_ALL', 'headerIDS': 'ALL', 'data': {'lootStars': 2, 'isRewarded': True, 'taskNumber': 12, 'missionNumber': '10', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'}, 'groupId': 9} [S] [2017_11_11 21:07:08] [GiftBox] onAnimationDone [S] [2017_11_11 21:07:10] [CampaignsCommon] deactivateTask: taskID 4140187568 [S] [2017_11_11 21:07:10] [CampaignsCommon] onDeactivateTask: taskID 4140187568; newState 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:07:10] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 97, 'data': {'taskNumber': 13, 'missionNumber': '10', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'}} [S] [2017_11_11 21:07:10] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 97, 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 4, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_CAMPAIGNS_TASK_DEACTIVATED', 'data': {'taskNumber': 13, 'missionNumber': '10', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'}, 'groupId': 9} [S] [2017_11_11 21:07:19] [CampaignsCommon] activateTask: taskID 4143333296 [S] [2017_11_11 21:07:19] [CampaignsCommon] onActivateTask: taskID 4143333296 [S] [2017_11_11 21:07:20] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 96, 'data': {'taskNumber': 10, 'missionNumber': '10', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'}} [S] [2017_11_11 21:07:20] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 96, 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 3, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_CAMPAIGNS_TASK_ACTIVATED', 'data': {'taskNumber': 10, 'missionNumber': '10', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'}, 'groupId': 9} [S] [2017_11_11 21:07:27] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 505066 (537307028, 62222528, 'HEGNI_1', 4288624336L, 0, 2, False, True, False, 15, 134232416, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0) 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:07:27] DivisionProxy.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537307028, dbid=62222528, name='HEGNI_1', shipId=4288624336L, teamId=0, state=2, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134232416, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=0) 0 {} [S] [2017_11_11 21:07:27] playersToInvite {} [S] [2017_11_11 21:07:27] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 62222528 {'jid': '62222528@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'HEGNI_1', 'clanInfo': (430246, u'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:07:27] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 21:07:27] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 7], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:07:27] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 21:07:27] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 7], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:07:27] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 21:07:27] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 7], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:07:39] [CampaignsCommon] activateTask: taskID 4145430448 [S] [2017_11_11 21:07:39] [CampaignsCommon] onActivateTask: taskID 4145430448 [S] [2017_11_11 21:07:39] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 96, 'data': {'taskNumber': 8, 'missionNumber': '10', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'}} [S] [2017_11_11 21:07:39] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 96, 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 3, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_CAMPAIGNS_TASK_ACTIVATED', 'data': {'taskNumber': 8, 'missionNumber': '10', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'}, 'groupId': 9} [S] [2017_11_11 21:07:44] [CampaignsCommon] activateTask: taskID 4149624752 [S] [2017_11_11 21:07:44] [CampaignsCommon] onActivateTask: taskID 4149624752 [S] [2017_11_11 21:07:45] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 96, 'data': {'taskNumber': 4, 'missionNumber': '10', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'}} [S] [2017_11_11 21:07:45] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 96, 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 3, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_CAMPAIGNS_TASK_ACTIVATED', 'data': {'taskNumber': 4, 'missionNumber': '10', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'}, 'groupId': 9} [S] [2017_11_11 21:08:08] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 7], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:08:08] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 21:08:08] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 7], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 1], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:08:08] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 21:08:08] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 7], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:08:10] availableShipParts 59 [S] [2017_11_11 21:08:10] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_11 21:08:10] DivisionProxy.setReady: 4183733712 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:08:11] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4183733712 2 [S] [2017_11_11 21:08:11] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 505066 (537168736, 5595999, 'Tier099', 4183733712L, 0, 2, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0) 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:08:11] DivisionProxy.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537168736, dbid=5595999, name='Tier099', shipId=4183733712L, teamId=0, state=2, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=0) 0 {} [S] [2017_11_11 21:08:11] playersToInvite {} [S] [2017_11_11 21:08:11] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 5595999 {'jid': '5595999@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Tier099', 'clanInfo': (430246, u'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:08:11] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 21:08:11] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 7], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 1], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:08:11] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 21:08:11] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 7], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 1], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:08:11] availableShipParts 59 [S] [2017_11_11 21:08:12] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_11 21:08:47] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 35853511 {'jid': '35853511@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'toshidzu', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:08:47] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {35853511: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}} [S] [2017_11_11 21:08:53] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 71811251 {'jid': '71811251@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Leogon_1', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:08:57] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {71811251: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}} [S] [2017_11_11 21:09:23] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {62222528: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 69416610: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 22453883: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 71811251: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 6896454: None, 35853511: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 30937387: None, 26288674: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'GUAPS', 'id': 430164, 'name': u'\u0413\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0434\u0435\u0439\u0446\u044b \u041f\u043e\u0441\u0435\u0439\u0434\u043e\u043d\u0430'}, 17915186: None, 31456527: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 58161041: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 69118514: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 310434: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 2557718: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 327255: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'ENYO', 'id': 415095, 'name': u'\u042d\u041d\u0418\u041e'}, 5471194: None, 73537307: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 2893852: None} [S] [2017_11_11 21:10:41] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 505066 (537307028, 62222528, 'HEGNI_1', None, 0, 1, False, True, False, 15, 134232416, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0) 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:10:41] DivisionProxy.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537307028, dbid=62222528, name='HEGNI_1', shipId=None, teamId=0, state=1, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134232416, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=0) 0 {} [S] [2017_11_11 21:10:41] playersToInvite {} [S] [2017_11_11 21:10:41] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 62222528 {'jid': '62222528@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'HEGNI_1', 'clanInfo': (430246, u'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:10:41] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 21:10:41] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 7], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 1], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:10:41] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 21:10:41] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 7], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 1], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [E] [2017_11_11 21:11:16] ServerConnection::onTimeOut(537168736): Disconnecting due to channel timing out. [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:16] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 6 NOT_SET [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:16] [LOGIN] Setting gIsConnected to False [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:18] connection problem!!! [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:18] clearAll 0 True [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:18] AccountLevelingProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:18] ShutDownProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:18] ShutDownProxy.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:18] StatsProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:18] StatsProxy.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:18] CampaignsProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:18] LootboxProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:18] LootboxProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:18] PVEScriptsProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:18] PVEDatahubUtils.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:18] PVEScriptsProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:19] IngamePortalProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:19] IngameNewsProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:19] UserDataGate.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:19] UserDataGate.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:19] ClanProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:19] ClanProxy.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:19] ClanDataHubUtils.__cleanClanPreBattles player is in division "505066" already with actual info [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:19] [LootboxProxyClient.destroy] [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:19] (, 51007757488877, 12): is out of context [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:19] (, 13182166089733, 190): fini [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:19] (, 51007922117933, 263): out of context [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:19] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Login, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:19] PreBattleInfoHolder.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:19] GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:19] DivisionProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:19] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:19] Exception TypeError: '65803291491612() takes exactly 2 arguments (1 given)' in > ignored [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:19] GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:23] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Login, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:46] (, 66259644693353, 191): H:; A:; C:http://csis.worldoftanks.ru/csis/wowsru/?periphery=login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020&periphery=login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020; M:['login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020', 'login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020'] [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:46] BaseLoginRequest.doLogin(): login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020 token2 ([BaseLoginCredentials] Tier099) [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:46] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:46] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:47] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 1 LOGGED_ON {"token2":"5595999:5600238760764888903:193746608576907797445994146744996593625","wgnr":"ru.wargaming.net"} [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:47] LOGGED_ON {u'token2': u'5595999:5600238760764888903:193746608576907797445994146744996593625', u'wgnr': u'ru.wargaming.net'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:47] [LOGIN] Positive, serverMsg: {u'token2': u'5595999:5600238760764888903:193746608576907797445994146744996593625', u'wgnr': u'ru.wargaming.net'}, status: LOGGED_ON [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:47] [LOGIN] Setting wgnr url to "https://ru.wargaming.net" [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:47] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 2 NOT_SET [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:48] Account.__init__() [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:48] [Account debuG]: __init__() Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:48] ClanProxy.setChatHandler [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:48] ClanProxy.setInteractiveMessageData [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:48] Exception BigWorld.EntityIsDestroyedException: 'Account 537168736 has been destroyed' in ignored [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:48] (, 571883079382, 162): init [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:48] (, 574705753692, 103): Url config for realm ru as string is ResMgr.DataSection at 0x564A33B0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:48] (, 51003525417967, 75): in context [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:48] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:48] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:48] onBecomePlayer() [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:48] UserDataGate.onGetConnection [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:48] UserDataGate.onGetConnection(): 5595999 [Entity: id:1625 ['accountSimple', 'accountName']] Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:48] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAccount [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:48] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() True 0 0 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:48] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:48] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:48] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4161159088 {('Default', 4283604912L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 7, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:48] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4162207664 {('Default', 4279410608L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 6, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:48] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q04 {('Default', 4271730608L, 0): 5, ('Default', 4269633456L, 0): 5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u041e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c \u043d\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u041e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c \u043d\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:48] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4163256240 {('Default', 4282556336L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 5, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:48] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22468_q03 {('Default', 4263440304L, 0): 5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:48] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q02 {('Resource', 19, 0): 1, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u041f\u0440\u0435\u043c\u0438\u0443\u043c \u0437\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0443'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u041f\u0440\u0435\u043c\u0438\u0443\u043c \u0437\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0443'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:48] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4156964784 {'desc': (), ('Resource', 0, 0): 100000} {'taskNumber': 11, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:48] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4154867632 {('Default', 4284313520L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 13, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:48] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4165353392 {('Default', 4287557552L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 3, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:48] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q01 {('ResourceCoeff', 21, 17): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 30): 6.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 9): 13.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 32): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 10): 3.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 5): 1.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 28): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 14): 6.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 16): 3.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 11): 1.5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'}, 0, 0)} {'type': 'challenge', 'titleText': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:48] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4141236144 {'desc': (), ('Resource', 16, 0): 500} {'taskNumber': 12, 'missionNumber': '10', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:48] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4167450544 {'desc': (), ('Resource', 16, 0): 500} {'taskNumber': 1, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:48] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4153819056 {('Default', 4279168944L, 0): 15, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 14, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:48] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4160110512 {('Resource', 0, 0): 100000, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 8, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:48] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 18 [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:48] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:48] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 18. Boxes contents: [{4288852912L: {(0, 4283622320L): 1}, 4284658608L: {(0, 4274185136L): 1}, 4283610032L: {(0, 4273136560L): 1}, 4289901488L: {(0, 4289913776L): 1}}] [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:48] setServerTime: serverTime=1510423909 time.time()=1510423908.32 gInitialClientTime=4305.38802475 [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:48] initBattleTypes called [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:48] Disabled maps: [] [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:48] getNationForTutorial() CanBeStarted: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:48] StatsProxy.receiveAbuseStatus(): {'battlesToClean': 0, 'statuses': {'tkill': 0}, 'warnings': ()} [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:48] _onChangeTimeOut 156 [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:50] __processDossierStats() client dossier: ['oper', 'pvp', 'oper_mm_tasks_diag', 'pve_diag', 'pvp_diag', 'oper_normal', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'pve', 'oper_mm', 'total', 'oper_normal_tasks_diag', 'max_pve', 'rank_diag', 'max_pvp', 'oper_diag', 'club_diag', 'club', 'max_club', 'clan', 'oper_hard', 'oper_hard_tasks_diag', 'max_clan'] [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:50] AccountLevelingProxy.onGetAccountStats(): (-1, -1) (15, 753304) [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:51] __updateTaskProgress start: {'22470_q01': {}, '22468_q04': {3: {'count': 26043}}} [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:51] __updateTaskProgress start: {'22468_q03': {'count': 1, 3: {'count': 10.0}}, '22468_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 3}}, '22469_q01': {'count': 0}, '21856_q00': {'count': 0}, '22468_q05': {'count': 0}, '22468_q02': {'count': 1, 3: {'count': 549416}}, '22470_q01': {'count': 32}, '22470_q02': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 5}}, '22470_q03': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 501984}, 3: {'count': 15080}, 4: {'count': 105934}}, '22470_q04': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 10}}, '22160_q01': {'count': 0}, '22468_q04': {'count': 0, 3: {'count': 26043}}} [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:51] onGetRankBattlesInfo currentSeason: 7, PlayerInfo: None [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:51] onGetRankDossier() seasonId = 7 Empty [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:51] ---- no data for seasonId: 7 [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:51] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onGetSeasonRules: config False, {'seasonId': 1, 'operations': {4291341232L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 3, 'unlockTime': 1500429600, 'caps': 3}, 4292389808L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1499824800, 'caps': 3}, 4290292656L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1501034400, 'caps': 3}, 4293438384L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1501639200, 'caps': 3}}, 'currentOperationIdx': 1, 'roster': [4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L, 4293438384L], 'startTime': 1499824800, 'seasons': {1: {'operations': [4293438384L, 4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}, 2: {'operations': [], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}}, 'currentRotationTime': 1510106400, 'nextRotationTime': 1510711200, 'stage': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:51] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onLoadProgress: config False, season False, {'operations': {'hard': [], 'normal': [(4287146928L, [1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 0]), (4288195504L, [1509007262, 1509007262, 1509007262, 0, 0, 0]), (4290292656L, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])]}, 'seasons': {'hard': [], 'normal': [(2, 1509007262)]}} [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:52] onClanResponse: response=(1, 0, (430246, (430246, u'FLY', u'FLY', 16777215, u'executive_officer', u'\u0417\u0434\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0443\u0439\u0442\u0435 \u0442\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0449\u0438, \u0443 \u043a\u043e\u0433\u043e \u0435\u0441\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0431\u043b\u0438 10-\u0433\u043e \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u043d\u044f, \u0438 \u0433\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0441\u043e\u0432\u0430\u044f \u0432\u0441\u044f\u0437\u044c \u043d\u0443\u0436\u043d\u043e \u0441\u044b\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d\u043e\u0432\u044b\u0435 \u0431\u043e\u0438 - \u0441\u0442\u0430\u0432\u0442\u0435 + \u043c\u043d\u0435 \u0432 \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443 \u043a\u0442\u043e \u0433\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432', {47518727: {'role': u'private'}, 162314: {'role': u'private'}, 33301518: {'role': u'private'}, 31456527: {'role': u'private'}, 58161041: {'role': u'private'}, 19410835: {'role': u'private'}, 2557718: {'role': u'private'}, 27883543: {'role': u'private'}, 73537307: {'role': u'private'}, 17222686: {'role': u'private'}, 310434: {'role': u'private'}, 11428651: {'role': u'private'}, 2445100: {'role': u'private'}, 7715120: {'role': u'private'}, 69118514: {'role': u'commander'}, 71811251: {'role': u'private'}, 59694238: {'role': u'private'}, 62222528: {'role': u'private'}, 47245249: {'role': u'private'}, 59103429: {'role': u'private'}, 35853511: {'role': u'private'}, 69416610: {'role': u'private'}, 65031124: {'role': u'private'}, 5595999: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 8706534: {'role': u'private'}, 37230: {'role': u'private'}, 1515506: {'role': u'private'}, 71303028: {'role': u'private'}, 5426549: {'role': u'private'}, 22453883: {'role': u'private'}}, {75100162: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3925161}, 75116563: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10679440}, 75116564: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5595999}, 75104791: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1901451}, 75104792: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12037438}, 75104793: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47518727}, 75100186: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4688253}, 75104795: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26571092}, 75100188: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 872384}, 75104797: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5326927}, 75104799: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2557718}, 75100217: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58161041}, 75100219: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36672236}, 75100220: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12445172}, 75100221: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11262324}, 75092406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86780640}, 75100940: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1550733}, 75088485: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11437327}, 75088488: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86912728}, 75115802: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19050869}, 75099931: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 64096589}, 75104796: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24059614}, 75100189: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 16896550}, 75100187: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26497012}, 75105224: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5163046}, 75115804: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3700101}, 75100858: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65353479}, 75100859: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4549361}, 75100860: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19163627}, 75100862: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 15486060}, 75100864: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24960589}, 75101403: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13829345}, 75101405: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2774140}, 75101406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19410835}, 75105005: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2514322}, 75105006: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 6071074}, 75105007: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21765943}, 75105008: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13351014}, 75105009: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10744094}, 75105010: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8213596}, 75105533: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 32758788}, 75105534: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35843415}, 75105535: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19416306}, 75099910: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 22471163}, 75099912: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47356661}, 75099913: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20821811}, 75099914: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 38322742}, 75099915: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 57543888}, 75099916: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5426549}, 75100941: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1431883}, 75100942: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 744012}, 75100943: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 69416610}, 75100944: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36933861}, 75100946: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4337469}, 75115800: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47245249}, 75115801: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2723422}, 75099930: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35480962}, 75115803: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65031124}, 75099932: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5239563}, 75099933: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5564244}, 75105068: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 27883543}, 75099952: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11428651}, 75115830: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 62222528}, 75115831: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8664152}, 75115833: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59103429}, 75115837: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4858560}, 75115840: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 7424262}, 75099461: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 33301518}, 75104134: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 225652}, 75101613: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 162314}, 75101614: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 75991473}, 75100081: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71303028}, 75100082: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79542157}, 75100083: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 76103}, 75100084: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80535214}, 75100085: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5965559}, 75100086: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71777625}, 75092407: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 72132668}, 75092409: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65107864}, 75092412: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58685850}, 75104707: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13658244}, 75104708: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 77607300}, 75104710: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79957325}, 75104712: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2809573}, 75105225: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 61831778}, 75105226: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 48512704}, 75105227: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82400346}, 75105229: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59694238}, 75105230: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24318025}, 75105232: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35446652}, 75100114: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21297715}, 75100115: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2636501}, 75100116: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 23508047}, 75100117: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4104445}, 75113468: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80938462}, 75100157: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82347121}, 75113470: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8706534}, 75113467: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1207353}, 75100156: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65362617}, 75113469: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 17222686}, 75100158: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20158906}, 75113471: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4261263}}, 30, 30, None))) [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:52] ClanProxy.onClanResponse(): 1 (430246, (430246, u'FLY', u'FLY', 16777215, u'executive_officer', u'\u0417\u0434\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0443\u0439\u0442\u0435 \u0442\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0449\u0438, \u0443 \u043a\u043e\u0433\u043e \u0435\u0441\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0431\u043b\u0438 10-\u0433\u043e \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u043d\u044f, \u0438 \u0433\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0441\u043e\u0432\u0430\u044f \u0432\u0441\u044f\u0437\u044c \u043d\u0443\u0436\u043d\u043e \u0441\u044b\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d\u043e\u0432\u044b\u0435 \u0431\u043e\u0438 - \u0441\u0442\u0430\u0432\u0442\u0435 + \u043c\u043d\u0435 \u0432 \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443 \u043a\u0442\u043e \u0433\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432', {47518727: {'role': u'private'}, 162314: {'role': u'private'}, 33301518: {'role': u'private'}, 31456527: {'role': u'private'}, 58161041: {'role': u'private'}, 19410835: {'role': u'private'}, 2557718: {'role': u'private'}, 27883543: {'role': u'private'}, 73537307: {'role': u'private'}, 17222686: {'role': u'private'}, 310434: {'role': u'private'}, 11428651: {'role': u'private'}, 2445100: {'role': u'private'}, 7715120: {'role': u'private'}, 69118514: {'role': u'commander'}, 71811251: {'role': u'private'}, 59694238: {'role': u'private'}, 62222528: {'role': u'private'}, 47245249: {'role': u'private'}, 59103429: {'role': u'private'}, 35853511: {'role': u'private'}, 69416610: {'role': u'private'}, 65031124: {'role': u'private'}, 5595999: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 8706534: {'role': u'private'}, 37230: {'role': u'private'}, 1515506: {'role': u'private'}, 71303028: {'role': u'private'}, 5426549: {'role': u'private'}, 22453883: {'role': u'private'}}, {75100162: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3925161}, 75116563: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10679440}, 75116564: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5595999}, 75104791: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1901451}, 75104792: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12037438}, 75104793: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47518727}, 75100186: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4688253}, 75104795: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26571092}, 75100188: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 872384}, 75104797: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5326927}, 75104799: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2557718}, 75100217: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58161041}, 75100219: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36672236}, 75100220: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12445172}, 75100221: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11262324}, 75092406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86780640}, 75100940: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1550733}, 75088485: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11437327}, 75088488: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86912728}, 75115802: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19050869}, 75099931: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 64096589}, 75104796: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24059614}, 75100189: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 16896550}, 75100187: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26497012}, 75105224: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5163046}, 75115804: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3700101}, 75100858: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65353479}, 75100859: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4549361}, 75100860: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19163627}, 75100862: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 15486060}, 75100864: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24960589}, 75101403: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13829345}, 75101405: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2774140}, 75101406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19410835}, 75105005: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2514322}, 75105006: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 6071074}, 75105007: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21765943}, 75105008: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13351014}, 75105009: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10744094}, 75105010: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8213596}, 75105533: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 32758788}, 75105534: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35843415}, 75105535: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19416306}, 75099910: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 22471163}, 75099912: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47356661}, 75099913: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20821811}, 75099914: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 38322742}, 75099915: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 57543888}, 75099916: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5426549}, 75100941: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1431883}, 75100942: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 744012}, 75100943: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 69416610}, 75100944: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36933861}, 75100946: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4337469}, 75115800: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47245249}, 75115801: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2723422}, 75099930: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35480962}, 75115803: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65031124}, 75099932: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5239563}, 75099933: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5564244}, 75105068: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 27883543}, 75099952: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11428651}, 75115830: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 62222528}, 75115831: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8664152}, 75115833: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59103429}, 75115837: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4858560}, 75115840: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 7424262}, 75099461: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 33301518}, 75104134: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 225652}, 75101613: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 162314}, 75101614: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 75991473}, 75100081: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71303028}, 75100082: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79542157}, 75100083: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 76103}, 75100084: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80535214}, 75100085: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5965559}, 75100086: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71777625}, 75092407: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 72132668}, 75092409: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65107864}, 75092412: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58685850}, 75104707: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13658244}, 75104708: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 77607300}, 75104710: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79957325}, 75104712: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2809573}, 75105225: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 61831778}, 75105226: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 48512704}, 75105227: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82400346}, 75105229: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59694238}, 75105230: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24318025}, 75105232: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35446652}, 75100114: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21297715}, 75100115: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2636501}, 75100116: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 23508047}, 75100117: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4104445}, 75113468: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80938462}, 75100157: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82347121}, 75113470: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8706534}, 75113467: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1207353}, 75100156: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65362617}, 75113469: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 17222686}, 75100158: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20158906}, 75113471: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4261263}}, 30, 30, None)) [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:52] ClanProxy.__onGetMyClan: False (430246, (430246, u'FLY', u'FLY', 16777215, u'executive_officer', u'\u0417\u0434\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0443\u0439\u0442\u0435 \u0442\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0449\u0438, \u0443 \u043a\u043e\u0433\u043e \u0435\u0441\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0431\u043b\u0438 10-\u0433\u043e \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u043d\u044f, \u0438 \u0433\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0441\u043e\u0432\u0430\u044f \u0432\u0441\u044f\u0437\u044c \u043d\u0443\u0436\u043d\u043e \u0441\u044b\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d\u043e\u0432\u044b\u0435 \u0431\u043e\u0438 - \u0441\u0442\u0430\u0432\u0442\u0435 + \u043c\u043d\u0435 \u0432 \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443 \u043a\u0442\u043e \u0433\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432', {47518727: {'role': u'private'}, 162314: {'role': u'private'}, 33301518: {'role': u'private'}, 31456527: {'role': u'private'}, 58161041: {'role': u'private'}, 19410835: {'role': u'private'}, 2557718: {'role': u'private'}, 27883543: {'role': u'private'}, 73537307: {'role': u'private'}, 17222686: {'role': u'private'}, 310434: {'role': u'private'}, 11428651: {'role': u'private'}, 2445100: {'role': u'private'}, 7715120: {'role': u'private'}, 69118514: {'role': u'commander'}, 71811251: {'role': u'private'}, 59694238: {'role': u'private'}, 62222528: {'role': u'private'}, 47245249: {'role': u'private'}, 59103429: {'role': u'private'}, 35853511: {'role': u'private'}, 69416610: {'role': u'private'}, 65031124: {'role': u'private'}, 5595999: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 8706534: {'role': u'private'}, 37230: {'role': u'private'}, 1515506: {'role': u'private'}, 71303028: {'role': u'private'}, 5426549: {'role': u'private'}, 22453883: {'role': u'private'}}, {75100162: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3925161}, 75116563: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10679440}, 75116564: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5595999}, 75104791: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1901451}, 75104792: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12037438}, 75104793: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47518727}, 75100186: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4688253}, 75104795: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26571092}, 75100188: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 872384}, 75104797: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5326927}, 75104799: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2557718}, 75100217: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58161041}, 75100219: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36672236}, 75100220: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12445172}, 75100221: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11262324}, 75092406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86780640}, 75100940: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1550733}, 75088485: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11437327}, 75088488: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86912728}, 75115802: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19050869}, 75099931: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 64096589}, 75104796: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24059614}, 75100189: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 16896550}, 75100187: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26497012}, 75105224: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5163046}, 75115804: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3700101}, 75100858: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65353479}, 75100859: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4549361}, 75100860: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19163627}, 75100862: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 15486060}, 75100864: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24960589}, 75101403: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13829345}, 75101405: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2774140}, 75101406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19410835}, 75105005: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2514322}, 75105006: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 6071074}, 75105007: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21765943}, 75105008: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13351014}, 75105009: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10744094}, 75105010: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8213596}, 75105533: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 32758788}, 75105534: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35843415}, 75105535: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19416306}, 75099910: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 22471163}, 75099912: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47356661}, 75099913: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20821811}, 75099914: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 38322742}, 75099915: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 57543888}, 75099916: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5426549}, 75100941: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1431883}, 75100942: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 744012}, 75100943: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 69416610}, 75100944: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36933861}, 75100946: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4337469}, 75115800: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47245249}, 75115801: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2723422}, 75099930: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35480962}, 75115803: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65031124}, 75099932: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5239563}, 75099933: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5564244}, 75105068: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 27883543}, 75099952: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11428651}, 75115830: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 62222528}, 75115831: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8664152}, 75115833: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59103429}, 75115837: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4858560}, 75115840: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 7424262}, 75099461: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 33301518}, 75104134: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 225652}, 75101613: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 162314}, 75101614: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 75991473}, 75100081: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71303028}, 75100082: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79542157}, 75100083: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 76103}, 75100084: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80535214}, 75100085: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5965559}, 75100086: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71777625}, 75092407: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 72132668}, 75092409: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65107864}, 75092412: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58685850}, 75104707: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13658244}, 75104708: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 77607300}, 75104710: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79957325}, 75104712: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2809573}, 75105225: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 61831778}, 75105226: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 48512704}, 75105227: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82400346}, 75105229: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59694238}, 75105230: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24318025}, 75105232: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35446652}, 75100114: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21297715}, 75100115: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2636501}, 75100116: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 23508047}, 75100117: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4104445}, 75113468: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80938462}, 75100157: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82347121}, 75113470: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8706534}, 75113467: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1207353}, 75100156: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65362617}, 75113469: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 17222686}, 75100158: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20158906}, 75113471: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4261263}}, 30, 30, None)) [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:52] [CampaignsCommon] onLoadedDump: loaded campaign params and player; countActiveTasks 3; data ({4290690992L: (False, True, False), 4293836720L: (True, 0, True), 4291739568L: (False, True, False), 4288593840L: (True, 0, True), 4289642416L: (False, True, False), 4292788144L: (True, 0, True)}, {4293836720L: [1, 1], 4289642416L: [1, 0], 4291739568L: [1, 0], 4288593840L: [1, 0], 4290690992L: [1, 0], 4292788144L: [1, 0]}, {4283023280L: [2, 0, 0], 4285120432L: [4, 15, 9], 4287217584L: [4, 12, 7], 4288266160L: [4, 10, 7], 4289314736L: [4, 10, 6], 4291411888L: [4, 7, 7], 4293509040L: [5, 5, 9], 4286169008L: [4, 15, 8], 4263100336L: [2, 0, 0], 4290363312L: [4, 10, 5], 4251566000L: [2, 0, 0], 4272537520L: [2, 0, 0], 4241080240L: [2, 0, 0], 4284071856L: [2, 2, 1], 4292460464L: [4, 6, 8]}, {4153819056L: (5, True, 0), 4190519216L: (1, False, 0), 4227219376L: (1, False, 0), 4133896112L: (1, False, 0), 4280696752L: (5, True, 0), 4150673328L: (1, False, 0), 4193664944L: (5, True, 0), 4187373488L: (1, False, 0), 4224073648L: (5, True, 0), 4164304816L: (1, False, 0), 4130750384L: (1, False, 0), 4167450544L: (5, True, 0), 4204150704L: (5, True, 0), 4240850864L: (1, False, 0), 4277551024L: (5, True, 0), 4147527600L: (1, False, 0), 4184227760L: (1, False, 0), 4220927920L: (5, True, 0), 4257628080L: (5, True, 0), 4198907824L: (5, True, 0), 4237705136L: (5, True, 0), 3904257968L: (1, False, 0), 4274405296L: (1, False, 0), 4144381872L: (1, False, 0), 3977658288L: (1, False, 0), 4181082032L: (5, True, 0), 4254482352L: (1, False, 0), 4291182512L: (5, True, 0), 4260773808L: (5, True, 0), 3897966512L: (1, False, 0), 4161159088L: (5, True, 0), 4197859248L: (1, False, 0), 3901112240L: (1, False, 0), 4141236144L: (1, True, 0), 3974512560L: (1, False, 0), 4177936304L: (1, False, 0), 4214636464L: (1, False, 0), 4251336624L: (5, True, 0), 4284891056L: (5, True, 0), 4211490736L: (1, False, 0), 4081467312L: (0, False, 0), 4158013360L: (1, False, 0), 4191567792L: (5, True, 0), 4252385200L: (5, True, 0), 4228267952L: (1, False, 0), 4134944688L: (1, False, 0), 4171644848L: (5, True, 0), 4208345008L: (1, False, 0), 4245045168L: (5, True, 0), 4281745328L: (5, True, 0), 4255530928L: (5, True, 0), 4151721904L: (1, False, 0), 4188422064L: (1, False, 0), 4225122224L: (1, False, 0), 4203102128L: (5, True, 0), 4261822384L: (1, False, 0), 4131798960L: (1, False, 0), 4205199280L: (5, True, 0), 4241899440L: (5, True, 0), 4278599600L: (5, True, 0), 4148576176L: (1, False, 0), 4221976496L: (5, True, 0), 4258676656L: (1, False, 0), 3902160816L: (1, False, 0), 4128653232L: (0, False, 0), 4165353392L: (5, True, 0), 4238753712L: (1, False, 0), 3905306544L: (1, False, 0), 4275453872L: (1, False, 0), 4145430448L: (2, False, 0), 3978706864L: (1, False, 0), 4182130608L: (5, True, 0), 4292231088L: (5, True, 0), 4154867632L: (5, True, 0), 4142284720L: (1, False, 0), 3975561136L: (1, False, 0), 4178984880L: (1, False, 0), 4215685040L: (5, True, 0), 4289085360L: (5, True, 0), 3971366832L: (1, False, 0), 4195762096L: (5, True, 0), 3899015088L: (1, False, 0), 4139138992L: (0, False, 0), 3972415408L: (1, False, 0), 4175839152L: (1, False, 0), 4212539312L: (1, False, 0), 4082515888L: (1, False, 0), 4285939632L: (5, True, 0), 4155916208L: (1, False, 0), 4192616368L: (5, True, 0), 4207296432L: (1, False, 0), 4229316528L: (5, True, 0), 3895869360L: (0, False, 0), 4135993264L: (1, False, 0), 4172693424L: (5, True, 0), 4209393584L: (5, True, 0), 4246093744L: (1, False, 0), 4282793904L: (5, True, 0), 4152770480L: (1, False, 0), 4160110512L: (5, True, 0), 4226170800L: (1, False, 0), 4174790576L: (5, True, 0), 4132847536L: (1, False, 0), 4189470640L: (1, False, 0), 4206247856L: (5, True, 0), 4242948016L: (1, False, 0), 4279648176L: (5, True, 0), 4149624752L: (2, False, 0), 4186324912L: (5, True, 0), 4223025072L: (1, False, 0), 4259725232L: (1, False, 0), 4159061936L: (1, False, 0), 4129701808L: (1, False, 0), 4166401968L: (1, False, 0), 4239802288L: (1, False, 0), 4276502448L: (5, True, 0), 4146479024L: (1, False, 0), 4183179184L: (1, False, 0), 4219879344L: (5, True, 0), 4256579504L: (5, True, 0), 4293279664L: (5, True, 0), 4243996592L: (1, False, 0), 4163256240L: (5, True, 0), 4288036784L: (5, True, 0), 4236656560L: (5, True, 0), 3903209392L: (1, False, 0), 4273356720L: (5, True, 0), 4143333296L: (2, False, 0), 3976609712L: (1, False, 0), 4180033456L: (5, True, 0), 4253433776L: (5, True, 0), 4290133936L: (5, True, 0), 4194713520L: (5, True, 0), 4196810672L: (1, False, 0), 3900063664L: (1, False, 0), 4140187568L: (1, False, 0), 3973463984L: (1, False, 0), 4176887728L: (5, True, 0), 4213587888L: (5, True, 0), 4083564464L: (1, False, 0), 4286988208L: (5, True, 0), 4156964784L: (5, True, 0), 4162207664L: (5, True, 0), 4230365104L: (5, True, 0), 4063641520L: (0, False, 0), 3896917936L: (1, False, 0), 3970318256L: (0, False, 0), 4173742000L: (5, True, 0), 4210442160L: (1, False, 0), 4247142320L: (5, True, 0)}) [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:52] ClanProxy.onGetClanBattles {'seasonId': 1, 'finishTime': 1513713600.0, 'primeTimes': {2: (57600, 68400), 3: (57600, 68400), 5: (57600, 68400), 6: (57600, 68400)}, 'shipLevelMax': 10, 'shipLevelMin': 10, 'startTime': 1508310000.0, 'promoTime': 1508310000.0, 'stage': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:54] >>> DockProxy.receiveState [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:54] Unlocks.receiveState [] [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:55] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 14330, 'boughtToday': 2, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1510444800.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:55] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 14330, 'boughtToday': 2, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1510444800.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:55] PVEScriptsProxyCommon.createPVEState() [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:55] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onGetSeasonRules: config True, {'seasonId': 1, 'operations': {4291341232L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 3, 'unlockTime': 1500429600, 'caps': 3}, 4292389808L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1499824800, 'caps': 3}, 4290292656L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1501034400, 'caps': 3}, 4293438384L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1501639200, 'caps': 3}}, 'currentOperationIdx': 1, 'roster': [4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L, 4293438384L], 'startTime': 1499824800, 'seasons': {1: {'operations': [4293438384L, 4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}, 2: {'operations': [], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}}, 'currentRotationTime': 1510106400, 'nextRotationTime': 1510711200, 'stage': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:55] [4181898160L, 4180849584L] [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:55] [4181898160L, 4180849584L] [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:55] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onLoadProgress: config True, season True, {'operations': {'hard': [], 'normal': [(4287146928L, [1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 0]), (4288195504L, [1509007262, 1509007262, 1509007262, 0, 0, 0]), (4290292656L, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])]}, 'seasons': {'hard': [], 'normal': [(2, 1509007262)]}} [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:55] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] _updateOperationCompleted: 4287146928 normal [1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 0] [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:55] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] _updateOperationCompleted: 4288195504 normal [1509007262, 1509007262, 1509007262, 0, 0, 0] [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:55] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] _updateOperationCompleted: 4290292656 normal [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:55] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] _updateSeasonCompleted: 2 normal 1509007262 [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:55] onClanResponse: response=(6, 0, {'league': 4, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 430246, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division_rating': 0, 'stage': 'league'}) [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:55] ClanProxy.onClanResponse(): 6 {'league': 4, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 430246, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division_rating': 0, 'stage': 'league'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:55] ClanDataHubUtils.addLadderInfo: {'league': 4, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 430246, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division_rating': 0, 'stage': 'league'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:55] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:55] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:56] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] chooseOperation: 4291341232 normal True [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:56] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onOperationChosen: 4291341232 normal True [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:56] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] chooseOperation: 0 normal False [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:56] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onOperationChosen: 0 normal False [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:56] (, 51003611475748, 141): is in context [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:56] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_end'}, interval: (1510416001.0, 1510426780.0)",) [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:56] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'end'}, interval: (1510426800.0, 1510426800.0)",) [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:56] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 2883 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510426800.0, 1510426800.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'end'}) [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:56] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}, interval: (1510498800.0, 1510502380.0)",) [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:56] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 2883 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510426800.0, 1510426800.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'end'}) [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:56] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'start'}, interval: (1510502400.0, 1510502400.0)",) [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:56] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 2883 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510426800.0, 1510426800.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'end'}) [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:56] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'end'}, interval: (1510513200.0, 1510513200.0)",) [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:56] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 2883 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510426800.0, 1510426800.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'end'}) [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:56] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:56] Sent FPS data [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:56] enterPreBattle() 1703686 [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:56] Account.enterPreBattle: (234) (1, 505066, (0, 0, 10, -1, 1, '', 0), 537168736, 62222528, u'', 1, None, 3, [(537168736, 5595999, 'Tier099', None, 0, 1, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0), (537307028, 62222528, 'HEGNI_1', None, 0, 1, False, True, False, 15, 134232416, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0), (537236500, 69118514, 'RenamedUser_69118514', None, 0, 1, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0)], [], (0, 0), False, 1510422303659L, 2, False, [], {'nonClanMembersCount': 0}) [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:56] [DivisionEntranceContext] __onEnterDivision: 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:56] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:56] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:56] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 1], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:56] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:56] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:56] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:56] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:56] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 1], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:56] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:56] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:56] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:56] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:56] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 1], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:56] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:56] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:56] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:56] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:56] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 1], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:56] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:56] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:56] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onEnterPreBattle: None [S] [2017_11_11 21:11:56] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:01] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:01] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:01] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:01] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:01] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:01] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:01] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:01] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:01] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:01] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:01] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:01] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:01] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:01] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:01] [Filters] saveFilters [] [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:01] [Filters] saveFilters [] [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:02] (, 66379459049956, 122): __sendCurrentMessage:, (IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510416001.0, 1510426780.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_end'}),) [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:02] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 118, 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'messageType': 'soon_end', 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_CLAN_BATTLE_PRIMETIME_CHANGED', 'groupId': 8} [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:02] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 2877 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510426800.0, 1510426800.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'end'}) [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:02] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': 0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:02] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': -1.0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:02] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:05] getModelPaths [] [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:06] ClanProxy.onChatInitialized [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:06] XmppChatHandler.joinClanChannel() 430246 [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:06] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived prebattle 3 [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:06] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: DIVISION channelsGroupsIds: [] [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:06] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel True self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:06] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 5595999 Tier099 2 2 (430246, u'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:06] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 69118514 RenamedUser_69118514 2 2 (430246, u'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:06] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 62222528 HEGNI_1 2 2 (430246, u'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:06] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 62222528@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:06] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: channelsGroupsIds: [] [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:06] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:06] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True UserDataGate.__onRosterUpdated [('17915186@wowsru.loc', 'egy5', False, 4, ()), ('22453883@wowsru.loc', 'vova1972ruzan', False, 4, ()), ('2557718@wowsru.loc', 'NSDRP', False, 4, ()), ('26288674@wowsru.loc', '_EmperoR_WOW_', False, 4, ()), ('2893852@wowsru.loc', 'klimstonn', False, 4, ()), ('30937387@wowsru.loc', 'monster__622', False, 4, ()), ('31456527@wowsru.loc', 'Yurautyug', False, 4, ()), ('327255@wowsru.loc', 'Migri', False, 4, ()), ('35853511@wowsru.loc', 'toshidzu', False, 4, ()), ('5471194@wowsru.loc', 'loki1982', False, 4, ()), ('58161041@wowsru.loc', 'Y_O_R_K_2015', False, 4, ()), ('62222528@wowsru.loc', 'HEGNI_1', False, 4, ()), ('6896454@wowsru.loc', 'Vie92', False, 4, ()), ('69118514@wowsru.loc', 'RenamedUser_69118514', False, 4, ()), ('69416610@wowsru.loc', 'Player_3185411451', False, 4, ()), ('71811251@wowsru.loc', 'Leogon_1', False, 4, ()), ('73537307@wowsru.loc', 'PZS_One', False, 4, ())] [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:06] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 2893852@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:06] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 59124891@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:06] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 11274288@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:06] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 21696974@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:06] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 14596986@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:06] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 58053848@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:06] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 310434@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:06] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 19410835@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:06] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 35853511@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:06] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 59103429@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:06] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 22453883@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:06] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 2557718@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:06] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 69118514@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:06] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 73537307@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:06] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:06] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:06] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: KARSAK_1968 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:06] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:06] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:06] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:06] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:06] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:06] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:06] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:06] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:06] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:06] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:06] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:06] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:06] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:06] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: toshidzu channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:06] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:06] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Samum1989_geroj channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:06] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:06] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:06] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:06] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: NSDRP channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:06] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:06] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: RenamedUser_69118514 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:06] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:06] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:06] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:06] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived clansearch@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:06] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived ids_chat_channel_offtop@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:06] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived ids_chat_channel_questions@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:06] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived wargamingfm@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:06] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_SEARCH_CLAN_DIV channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:06] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:06] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_OFFTOP channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:06] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:06] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_QUESTIONS channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:06] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:06] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: WargamingFM Корабли channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:06] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:07] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc 6 [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:07] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: channelsGroupsIds: [] [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:07] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:07] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 69118514 {'jid': '69118514@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:07] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {62222528: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 69416610: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 22453883: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 6896454: None, 35853511: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 30937387: None, 26288674: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'GUAPS', 'id': 430164, 'name': u'\u0413\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0434\u0435\u0439\u0446\u044b \u041f\u043e\u0441\u0435\u0439\u0434\u043e\u043d\u0430'}, 17915186: None, 31456527: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 58161041: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 69118514: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 71811251: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 2557718: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 327255: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'ENYO', 'id': 415095, 'name': u'\u042d\u041d\u0418\u041e'}, 5471194: None, 73537307: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 2893852: None} [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:07] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 71811251 {'jid': '71811251@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Leogon_1', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:07] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 310434 {'jid': '310434@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'mara77marakanec', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:07] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 35853511 {'jid': '35853511@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'toshidzu', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:07] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 62222528 {'jid': '62222528@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'HEGNI_1', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:07] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 5595999 {'jid': '5595999@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Tier099', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:07] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Tier099', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/5595999', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510394839L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd1\x80\xd0\xb5\xd0\xb1\xd1\x8f\xd1\x82 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb3\xd0\xbe \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xb2\xd1\x8b\xd0\xba\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb4\xd1\x8b\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82 \xd0\xb2\xd0\xbe \xd0\xb2\xd1\x80\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbc\xd1\x8f \xd0\xb1\xd0\xbe\xd1\x8f???', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:07] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Tier099', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/5595999', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510396421L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbf\xd1\x8f\xd1\x82\xd1\x8c \xd0\xb2\xd1\x8b\xd0\xba\xd0\xb8\xd0\xbd\xd1\x83\xd0\xbb\xd0\xbe 2 \xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb7\xd0\xb0 \xd0\xb7\xd0\xb0 1 \xd0\xb1\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb9', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:07] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/69118514', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510401726L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb1\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb8 \xd0\xba\xd0\xb5\xd1\x88', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:07] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'NSDRP', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/2557718', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510404247L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb5\xd1\x87\xd0\xb5\xd1\x80 \xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb1\xd1\x80\xd1\x8b\xd0\xb9. \xd0\xb5\xd1\x81\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb8 9 \xd0\xbe\xd1\x87\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2 \xd0\xbe\xd0\xbf\xd1\x8b\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0 \xd0\xba\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbf\xd0\xb8\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe 54 000 \xd0\xbe\xd0\xbf\xd1\x8b\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0 \xd1\x82\xd0\xbe \xd1\x81\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbb\xd1\x8c\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe \xd0\xb7\xd0\xb0 15 ?', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:07] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/69118514', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510408413L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0 13 \xd0\xbe\xd1\x87\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe 108 000', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:07] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Tier099', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/5595999', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510408924L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xba\xd1\x82\xd0\xbe \xd0\xb2 \xd0\xb2\xd0\xb7\xd0\xb2\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb4??? \xd0\x9f\xd0\xb8\xd1\x88\xd0\xb8\xd1\x82\xd0\xb5 \xd1\x81\xd0\xbc\xd1\x81 \xd0\xb2 \xd0\x9b\xd0\xa1', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:07] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'NSDRP', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/2557718', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510409220L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\x94\xd0\x90 \xd1\x83\xd0\xb6 . \xd0\xb0 \xd0\xbc\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe \xd0\xb4\xd0\xbb\xd1\x8f \xd0\xba\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb0 18 \xd0\xbe\xd1\x87\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2. \xd0\xb0 \xd1\x83 \xd0\xbc\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd1\x8f \xd1\x82\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbb\xd1\x8c\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe 9. \xd0\xbe\xd1\x85\xd0\xbe- \xd1\x85\xd0\xbe', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:07] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Tier099', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/5595999', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510409598L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xb8\xd0\xb3\xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd1\x82\xd1\x8c \xd1\x80\xd0\xb5\xd0\xb1\xd1\x8f\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0???', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:07] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'PZS_One', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/73537307', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510415291L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xb2\xd1\x81\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbc \xd0\xbf\xd1\x80\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:07] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'PZS_One', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/73537307', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510416198L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd1\x85\xd0\xbe\xd1\x87\xd1\x83 \xd0\xbf\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb3\xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd1\x82\xd1\x8c \xd1\x81\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbc\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb9', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:07] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'vova1972ruzan', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/22453883', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510416931L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\x92 \xd0\x9a\xd0\x90\xd0\x9b\xd0\x90\xd0\x9d\xd0\x9e\xd0\x92\xd0\xab\xd0\x99 \xd0\x91\xd0\x9e\xd0\x99 \xd0\x98\xd0\x93\xd0\xa0\xd0\x90\xd0\xa2\xd0\xac \xd0\x91\xd0\xa3\xd0\x94\xd0\x95\xd0\x9c \xd0\x98\xd0\x9b\xd0\x98 \xd0\x9a\xd0\x90\xd0\x9a?', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:07] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'vova1972ruzan', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/22453883', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510417063L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\x9a\xd0\x9e\xd0\x9c\xd0\x90\xd0\x9d\xd0\x94\xd0\x98\xd0\xa0\xd0\xab \xd0\x9f\xd0\xa0\xd0\x9e\xd0\xa1\xd0\x9d\xd0\x98\xd0\xa2\xd0\x95\xd0\xa1\xd0\xac', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:07] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/69118514', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510417186L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xb7\xd0\xb0\xd1\x85\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb8\xd1\x82\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xb2 \xd1\x80\xd0\xb5\xd0\xb4 \xd0\xba\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbb', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:07] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/69118514', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510418654L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\x95\xd0\xa9\xd0\x95 3 \xd0\x98\xd0\x93\xd0\xa0\xd0\x9e\xd0\x9a\xd0\x90 \xd0\x9f\xd0\x9e\xd0\xa8\xd0\x9b\xd0\x98 \xd0\x92 \xd0\x9a\xd0\x9b\xd0\x90\xd0\x9d\xd0\x9e\xd0\x92\xd0\xab', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:07] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/69118514', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510420956L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xba\xd1\x82\xd0\xbe \xd0\xbf\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb9\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82 \xd0\xb2 \xd0\xba\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2\xd1\x8b\xd0\xb9 \xd0\xb1\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb9?', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:07] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'toshidzu', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/35853511', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510421013L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd1\x8f', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:07] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/69118514', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510421051L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xaf \xd0\xa2\xd0\x95\xd0\x91\xd0\xaf \xd0\x97\xd0\x92\xd0\x90\xd0\x9b \xd0\x97\xd0\x92\xd0\x90\xd0\x9b 1-\xd0\x93\xd0\x9e \xd0\x9d\xd0\x95\xd0\xa5\xd0\x92\xd0\x90\xd0\xa2\xd0\x90\xd0\x9b\xd0\x90', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:08] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'toshidzu', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/35853511', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510422082L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd1\x8f \xd0\xb2 \xd0\xb1\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbd\xd1\x8e \xd1\x85\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb8\xd0\xbb \xd0\xb7\xd0\xb0 \xd0\xbc\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd1\x8f \xd0\xbf\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbc\xd1\x8f\xd1\x88 \xd0\xb8\xd0\xb3\xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbb', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:08] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Yurautyug', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/31456527', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510422172L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xb5\xd1\x89\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xb1\xd1\x8b \xd0\xbe\xd0\xb4\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb3\xd0\xbe \xd0\xb8 \xd0\xb2 \xd0\xb1\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb9', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:08] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'toshidzu', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/35853511', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510422189L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb0', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:08] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Yurautyug', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/31456527', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510422228L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xb1\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb8\xd0\xbd, 30 \xd1\x87\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbb\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb5\xd0\xba \xd0\xb8 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb5 \xd1\x85\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb0\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82 \xd0\xb8\xd0\xb3\xd1\x80\xd0\xbe\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:08] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'toshidzu', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/35853511', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510422288L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xbe\xd1\x81\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbb\xd1\x81\xd1\x8f 1 \xd1\x87\xd0\xb0\xd1\x81', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:08] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'toshidzu', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/35853511', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510422344L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd1\x81 \xd1\x81\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbc\xd0\xb5\xd1\x80\xd0\xbe \xd0\xb7\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb7\xd1\x8b\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb9\xd1\x82\xd0\xb5', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:08] (, 86904481544477, 21): joinChannel, ('already joined', 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc') [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:08] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 310434 mara77marakanec 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:08] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 35853511 toshidzu 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:08] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 5595999 Tier099 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:08] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 62222528 HEGNI_1 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:08] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 69118514 RenamedUser_69118514 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:08] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 71811251 Leogon_1 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:08] DivisionProxy.setReady: 4183733712 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:08] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4183733712 2 [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:09] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 505066 (537168736, 5595999, 'Tier099', 4183733712L, 0, 2, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0) 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:09] DivisionProxy.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537168736, dbid=5595999, name='Tier099', shipId=4183733712L, teamId=0, state=2, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=0) 0 {} [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:09] playersToInvite {} [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:09] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 5595999 {'jid': '5595999@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Tier099', 'clanInfo': (430246, u'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:09] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:09] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 7], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 1], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:09] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:09] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 7], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 1], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:09] availableShipParts 59 [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:09] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:15] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 35853511 {'jid': '35853511@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'toshidzu', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:18] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {35853511: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}} [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:18] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 505066 (537307028, 62222528, 'HEGNI_1', 4288624336L, 0, 2, False, True, False, 15, 134232416, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0) 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:18] DivisionProxy.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537307028, dbid=62222528, name='HEGNI_1', shipId=4288624336L, teamId=0, state=2, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134232416, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=0) 0 {} [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:18] playersToInvite {} [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:18] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 62222528 {'jid': '62222528@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'HEGNI_1', 'clanInfo': (430246, u'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:18] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:18] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 7], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 1], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:18] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:18] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 7], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 1], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:23] Account.enqueue(): 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:23] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 7], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 1], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:23] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:23] DivisionProxy.start 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:23] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 7], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 1], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:23] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:23] Account.onPreBattleCountdown() 1 1510423960 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:23] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 7], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 1], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:23] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ModalWindowDivisionNotReady, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:28] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {62222528: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 69416610: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 22453883: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 71811251: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 6896454: None, 35853511: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 30937387: None, 26288674: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'GUAPS', 'id': 430164, 'name': u'\u0413\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0434\u0435\u0439\u0446\u044b \u041f\u043e\u0441\u0435\u0439\u0434\u043e\u043d\u0430'}, 17915186: None, 31456527: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 58161041: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 69118514: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 310434: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 2557718: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 327255: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'ENYO', 'id': 415095, 'name': u'\u042d\u041d\u0418\u041e'}, 5471194: None, 73537307: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 2893852: None} [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:29] DivisionProxy.stop [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:29] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:29] Account.onPreBattleCountdown() 0 0 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:29] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:29] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 7], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 1], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:29] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:29] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 7], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 1], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:29] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 7], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 1], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:31] Account.enqueue(): 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:31] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 7], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 1], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:31] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:31] DivisionProxy.start 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:31] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 7], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 1], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:31] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:31] Account.onPreBattleCountdown() 1 1510423968 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:31] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 7], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 1], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:31] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ModalWindowDivisionNotReady, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:46] Account.onPreBattleCountdown() 2 1510423973 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:46] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 7], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 1], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:51] Account.onPreBattleCountdown() 0 0 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:51] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:51] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 7], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 1], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:51] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:51] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 7], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 1], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:51] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 7], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 1], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:51] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:51] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 505066 (537168736, 5595999, 'Tier099', 4183733712L, 0, 3, True, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0) 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:51] DivisionProxy.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537168736, dbid=5595999, name='Tier099', shipId=4183733712L, teamId=0, state=3, isInBattle=True, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=0) 0 {} [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:51] playersToInvite {} [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:51] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 5595999 {'jid': '5595999@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Tier099', 'clanInfo': (430246, u'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:51] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:51] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 7], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 1, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:51] some players in battle 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:51] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [53] [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:51] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 7], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 1, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:51] some players in battle 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:51] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [53] [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:51] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 7], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 1, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:51] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 505066 (537307028, 62222528, 'HEGNI_1', 4288624336L, 0, 3, True, True, False, 15, 134232416, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0) 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:51] DivisionProxy.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537307028, dbid=62222528, name='HEGNI_1', shipId=4288624336L, teamId=0, state=3, isInBattle=True, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134232416, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=0) 0 {} [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:51] playersToInvite {} [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:51] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 62222528 {'jid': '62222528@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'HEGNI_1', 'clanInfo': (430246, u'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:51] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:51] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 2, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:51] some players in battle 2 [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:51] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [53] [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:51] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 2, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:51] some players in battle 2 [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:51] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [53] [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:51] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 2, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:51] onEnqueued() QueueType: 1 ShipId: 4183733712 mmDescription: {'useBots': False, 'onlyFullBattles': False, 'maxWait': 300} [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:51] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4183733712 4 [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:51] onPrepareingForBattle() [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:52] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4183733712 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:53] onGameRoomStateInit mapIdx = 4 battleType = 80 gameMode = StandDom duration=1200 [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:53] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {35853511: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}} [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:55] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 5595999 {'jid': '5595999@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Tier099', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:55] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 62222528 {'jid': '62222528@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'HEGNI_1', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:59] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:59] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened False [isChatBoxOpened] __updateChannelInfo channel.isChatBoxOpened False False [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:59] (, 80999132267601, 73): handleChannelError, ('room destroyed', 'prebattle', 3) [S] [2017_11_11 21:12:59] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened False GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:00] [LootboxProxyClient.destroy] [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:01] Avatar.receiveAvatarInfo: {'evaluationsLeft': {0: 7, 1: 7}} [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:01] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAvatar [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:01] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() False 0 0 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:01] Avatar.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:01] name Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:01] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:01] Avatar onControlled False [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:01] onControlled->False: not implemented [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:01] onGeometryMapped() MapName: 05_Ring [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:01] teamBuildType: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:01] player: Id: 271659 Name: pikhurws TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASD014_Leader_1919 avatarId: 1415669 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:01] player: Id: 403465 Name: moor99 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSC106_Pr_94_Budeny avatarId: 1415671 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:01] player: Id: 329969 Name: Wulf1609 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSD106_Fubuki avatarId: 1415711 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:01] player: Id: 536940428 Name: shylcT3 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSC506_Molotov_1943 avatarId: 1415673 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:01] player: Id: 537307028 Name: HEGNI_1 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSB006_Fuso_1943 avatarId: 1415675 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:01] player: Id: 233115 Name: Launtershleger13 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSC106_La_Galissonniere avatarId: 1415677 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:01] player: Id: 537213735 Name: urogan84 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB006_New_York_1934 avatarId: 1415679 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:01] player: Id: 537199659 Name: Ky4erenko_83 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSC007_Aoba_1943 avatarId: 1415681 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:01] player: Id: 537250188 Name: rex4444 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSC007_Aoba_1943 avatarId: 1415683 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:01] player: Id: 537317563 Name: 82_khramtsov TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSC106_Nurnberg avatarId: 1415685 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:01] player: Id: 537260092 Name: _VARGUS_ TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSC106_Nurnberg avatarId: 1415687 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:01] player: Id: 322621 Name: Kar_273 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB006_New_York_1934 avatarId: 1415689 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:01] player: Id: 333889 Name: cep1978 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSC506_Admiral_Graf_Spee avatarId: 1415691 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:01] player: Id: 282307 Name: Fidel_RN TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSB106_Bayern avatarId: 1415693 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:01] player: Id: 270153 Name: DjMoon24 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSD105_T_22 avatarId: 1415695 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:01] player: Id: 325835 Name: _ITaTPuOT_ TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSD706_Shinonome avatarId: 1415697 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:01] player: Id: 537176657 Name: Vasissualiy_Lokhankin TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB034_New_Mexico_1941 avatarId: 1415699 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:01] player: Id: 429011 Name: serdoroda TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSD206_Pr_7 avatarId: 1415701 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:01] player: Id: 537331542 Name: Che_Guevara_23rus TeamId: 0 ShipName: PBSB002_Warspite_1941 avatarId: 1415703 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:01] player: Id: 537168736 Name: Tier099 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSC106_Pr_94_Budeny avatarId: 1415705 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:01] player: Id: 537148642 Name: Stasbeks TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSC506_Admiral_Graf_Spee avatarId: 1415707 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:01] player: Id: 219121 Name: albalashov TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASD005_Farragut_1944 avatarId: 1415709 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:01] player: Id: 537109235 Name: artemx13x13x TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSC106_Nurnberg avatarId: 1415713 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:01] player: Id: 406263 Name: gromopisec TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSC106_La_Galissonniere avatarId: 1415715 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:01] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (505066, 0, 1, 1415675, 1510423973381L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:01] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {505066: PreBattleInfo: id: 505066, occupied: 1, sign: 0, ownerId 1415675, creationTime 1510423973381, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:01] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (505066, 0, 1, 1415705, 1510423973381L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:01] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {505066: PreBattleInfo: id: 505066, occupied: 1, sign: 0, ownerId 1415705, creationTime 1510423973381, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:01] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (505066, 0, 1, 1415705, 1510423973381L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:01] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {505066: PreBattleInfo: id: 505066, occupied: 1, sign: 0, ownerId 1415705, creationTime 1510423973381, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:01] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (505066, 0, 1, 1415705, 1510423973381L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:01] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {505066: PreBattleInfo: id: 505066, occupied: 1, sign: 0, ownerId 1415705, creationTime 1510423973381, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:01] Avatar.enterPrebattle [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:01] (, 39965384947628, 149): 1415667; BattleLogic() [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:01] (, 39965384947628, 149): 1415667; onEnterWorld() State: {attentionMarkers: [], clientAnimations: None, controlPoints: [{position: [149.99990844726562, 149.9998016357422], radius: 111.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 5, timerName: '', teamId: 1, progress: [0.0, 180.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [-149.99990844726562, -149.99990844726562], radius: 111.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 5, timerName: '', teamId: 0, progress: [0.0, 180.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}], entityStates: [], expectedActions: None, interactiveZones: [], weather: {globalWeatherId: 1415668, localWeather: [], entityLogicParams: []}, keyObjects: [], missions: {hold: [{reward: 2, penalty: 0, cpIndices: [0, 1], period: 6}], capture: [{reward: 1000, penalty: 0, cpIndices: [0, 1]}], destroy: [], suppress: [], kill: [{reward: 30, penalty: 45, shipType: 'Destroyer'}, {reward: 35, penalty: 50, shipType: 'Cruiser'}, {reward: 40, penalty: 60, shipType: 'Battleship'}, {reward: 45, penalty: 65, shipType: 'AirCarrier'}], teamsScore: [300, 300], teamWinScore: 1000, teamLoseScore: 0}, resources: [], successStoryProgress: [], screenplayMessage: '', tasks: [], minefields: [], entities: [], effects: []} [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:01] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:01] BattleDataContext.__onEnterSpace [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:04] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:06] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:18] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:18] id 1415696 [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:18] name DjMoon24 [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:18] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:20] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:20] id 1415704 [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:20] name Che_Guevara_23rus [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:20] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:20] @ launchpadAppeared 1415704 [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:20] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:20] id 1415708 [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:20] name Stasbeks [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:20] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:20] @ launchpadAppeared 1415708 [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:21] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:21] id 1415674 [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:21] name shylcT3 [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:21] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:21] @ launchpadAppeared 1415674 [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:21] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:21] id 1415712 [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:21] name Wulf1609 [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:21] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:21] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:21] id 1415716 [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:21] name gromopisec [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:21] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:22] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:22] id 1415710 [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:22] name albalashov [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:22] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:22] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:22] id 1415706 [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:22] name Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:22] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:22] @ launchpadAppeared 1415706 [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:22] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:22] Avatar.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:22] ! A.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:22] BoardService.init [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:22] @ launchpadAppeared 1415706 [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:22] BattleDataContext.__onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:23] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:23] id 1415686 [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:23] name 82_khramtsov [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:23] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:23] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:23] id 1415676 [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:23] name HEGNI_1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:23] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:23] @ launchpadAppeared 1415676 [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:23] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:23] id 1415684 [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:23] name rex4444 [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:23] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:23] @ launchpadAppeared 1415684 [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:24] [Weather][6611] onEnterWorld (map spaces/05_Ring/weathers.xml, scheme 0, weather 0) [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:24] (, 86904481544477, 21): unable to read weather config spaces/05_Ring/weathers.xml [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:24] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:24] id 1415680 [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:24] name urogan84 [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:24] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:24] ! PM.refreshAirArmament [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:24] BoardService.restore [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:24] Avatar.onWorldStateReceived [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:24] BattleChatSystem IN Context [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:26] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:26] ('[ERROR] FeedbackController: empty config for event repair_finished',) [S] [2017_11_11 21:13:26] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 21:14:05] -= BATTLE STARTED =- [S] [2017_11_11 21:14:30] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 35853511 {'jid': '35853511@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'toshidzu', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:15:24] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:15:24] id 1415688 [S] [2017_11_11 21:15:24] name _VARGUS_ [S] [2017_11_11 21:15:24] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:15:24] @ launchpadAppeared 1415688 [S] [2017_11_11 21:15:27] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:15:27] id 1415692 [S] [2017_11_11 21:15:27] name cep1978 [S] [2017_11_11 21:15:27] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:15:27] @ launchpadAppeared 1415692 [S] [2017_11_11 21:15:33] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:15:33] id 1415682 [S] [2017_11_11 21:15:33] name Ky4erenko_83 [S] [2017_11_11 21:15:33] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:15:33] @ launchpadAppeared 1415682 [S] [2017_11_11 21:15:37] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:15:37] id 1415672 [S] [2017_11_11 21:15:37] name moor99 [S] [2017_11_11 21:15:37] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:15:37] @ launchpadAppeared 1415672 [S] [2017_11_11 21:15:38] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:15:38] id 1415688 [S] [2017_11_11 21:15:38] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:15:51] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:15:51] id 1415702 [S] [2017_11_11 21:15:51] name serdoroda [S] [2017_11_11 21:15:51] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:15:53] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:15:53] id 1415682 [S] [2017_11_11 21:15:53] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:15:53] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:15:53] id 1415688 [S] [2017_11_11 21:15:53] name _VARGUS_ [S] [2017_11_11 21:15:53] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:15:53] @ launchpadAppeared 1415688 [S] [2017_11_11 21:15:54] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:15:54] id 1415690 [S] [2017_11_11 21:15:54] name Kar_273 [S] [2017_11_11 21:15:54] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:15:54] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:15:54] id 1415702 [S] [2017_11_11 21:16:14] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:16:14] id 1415674 [S] [2017_11_11 21:16:14] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:16:17] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:16:17] id 1415698 [S] [2017_11_11 21:16:17] name _ITaTPuOT_ [S] [2017_11_11 21:16:17] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:16:22] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:16:22] id 1415690 [S] [2017_11_11 21:16:31] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:16:31] id 1415698 [S] [2017_11_11 21:16:32] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:16:32] id 1415698 [S] [2017_11_11 21:16:32] name _ITaTPuOT_ [S] [2017_11_11 21:16:32] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:16:33] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 21:16:34] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:16:34] id 1415698 [S] [2017_11_11 21:16:36] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:16:36] id 1415694 [S] [2017_11_11 21:16:36] name Fidel_RN [S] [2017_11_11 21:16:36] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:16:38] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:16:38] id 1415712 [S] [2017_11_11 21:16:39] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:16:39] id 1415714 [S] [2017_11_11 21:16:39] name artemx13x13x [S] [2017_11_11 21:16:39] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:16:43] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:16:43] id 1415716 [S] [2017_11_11 21:16:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:16:45] id 1415692 [S] [2017_11_11 21:16:45] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:16:46] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:16:46] id 1415692 [S] [2017_11_11 21:16:46] name cep1978 [S] [2017_11_11 21:16:46] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:16:46] @ launchpadAppeared 1415692 [S] [2017_11_11 21:16:56] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:16:56] id 1415704 [S] [2017_11_11 21:16:56] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:16:57] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:16:57] id 1415694 [S] [2017_11_11 21:17:04] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:17:04] id 1415670 [S] [2017_11_11 21:17:04] name pikhurws [S] [2017_11_11 21:17:04] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:17:04] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 35853511 {'jid': '35853511@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'toshidzu', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 21:17:07] DEBUG: onChatMessage args ('', '', {'avatarId': 1415685, 'achievementId': 4277330864L, 'type': -1}) [S] [2017_11_11 21:17:07] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:17:07] id 1415678 [S] [2017_11_11 21:17:07] name Launtershleger13 [S] [2017_11_11 21:17:07] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:17:17] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:17:17] id 1415682 [S] [2017_11_11 21:17:17] name Ky4erenko_83 [S] [2017_11_11 21:17:17] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:17:17] @ launchpadAppeared 1415682 [S] [2017_11_11 21:17:27] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 21:17:28] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:17:28] id 1415712 [S] [2017_11_11 21:17:28] name Wulf1609 [S] [2017_11_11 21:17:28] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:17:31] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:17:31] id 1415670 [S] [2017_11_11 21:17:35] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:17:35] id 1415682 [S] [2017_11_11 21:17:35] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:17:36] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:17:36] id 1415694 [S] [2017_11_11 21:17:36] name Fidel_RN [S] [2017_11_11 21:17:36] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:17:38] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 21:17:39] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:17:39] id 1415694 [S] [2017_11_11 21:17:42] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:17:42] id 1415694 [S] [2017_11_11 21:17:42] name Fidel_RN [S] [2017_11_11 21:17:42] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:17:46] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:17:46] id 1415692 [S] [2017_11_11 21:17:46] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:17:46] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:17:46] id 1415682 [S] [2017_11_11 21:17:46] name Ky4erenko_83 [S] [2017_11_11 21:17:46] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:17:46] @ launchpadAppeared 1415682 [S] [2017_11_11 21:17:49] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:17:49] id 1415692 [S] [2017_11_11 21:17:49] name cep1978 [S] [2017_11_11 21:17:49] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:17:49] @ launchpadAppeared 1415692 [S] [2017_11_11 21:17:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:17:50] id 1415682 [S] [2017_11_11 21:17:50] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:17:51] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:17:51] id 1415670 [S] [2017_11_11 21:17:51] name pikhurws [S] [2017_11_11 21:17:51] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:17:51] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:17:51] id 1415716 [S] [2017_11_11 21:17:51] name gromopisec [S] [2017_11_11 21:17:51] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:17:58] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:17:58] id 1415690 [S] [2017_11_11 21:17:58] name Kar_273 [S] [2017_11_11 21:17:58] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:17:58] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 21:18:02] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:18:02] id 1415682 [S] [2017_11_11 21:18:02] name Ky4erenko_83 [S] [2017_11_11 21:18:02] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:18:02] @ launchpadAppeared 1415682 [S] [2017_11_11 21:18:12] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:18:12] id 1415670 [S] [2017_11_11 21:18:13] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:18:13] id 1415692 [S] [2017_11_11 21:18:13] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:18:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:18:23] id 1415682 [S] [2017_11_11 21:18:23] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:18:29] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:18:29] id 1415670 [S] [2017_11_11 21:18:29] name pikhurws [S] [2017_11_11 21:18:29] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:18:29] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:18:29] id 1415682 [S] [2017_11_11 21:18:29] name Ky4erenko_83 [S] [2017_11_11 21:18:29] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:18:29] @ launchpadAppeared 1415682 [S] [2017_11_11 21:18:29] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:18:29] id 1415688 [S] [2017_11_11 21:18:29] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:18:32] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:18:32] id 1415692 [S] [2017_11_11 21:18:32] name cep1978 [S] [2017_11_11 21:18:32] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:18:32] @ launchpadAppeared 1415692 [S] [2017_11_11 21:18:36] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:18:36] id 1415702 [S] [2017_11_11 21:18:36] name serdoroda [S] [2017_11_11 21:18:36] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:18:37] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:18:37] id 1415688 [S] [2017_11_11 21:18:37] name _VARGUS_ [S] [2017_11_11 21:18:37] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:18:37] @ launchpadAppeared 1415688 [S] [2017_11_11 21:18:42] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:18:42] id 1415692 [S] [2017_11_11 21:18:42] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:18:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:18:50] id 1415692 [S] [2017_11_11 21:18:50] name cep1978 [S] [2017_11_11 21:18:50] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:18:50] @ launchpadAppeared 1415692 [S] [2017_11_11 21:18:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:18:51] id 1415682 [S] [2017_11_11 21:18:51] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:18:52] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:18:52] id 1415682 [S] [2017_11_11 21:18:52] name Ky4erenko_83 [S] [2017_11_11 21:18:52] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:18:52] @ launchpadAppeared 1415682 [S] [2017_11_11 21:19:01] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:19:01] id 1415704 [S] [2017_11_11 21:19:01] name Che_Guevara_23rus [S] [2017_11_11 21:19:01] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:19:01] @ launchpadAppeared 1415704 [S] [2017_11_11 21:19:07] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:19:07] id 1415670 [S] [2017_11_11 21:19:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:19:11] id 1415692 [S] [2017_11_11 21:19:11] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:19:11] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 21:19:11] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:19:13] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:19:13] id 1415682 [S] [2017_11_11 21:19:13] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:19:19] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:19:19] id 1415672 [S] [2017_11_11 21:19:19] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:19:20] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:19:20] id 1415714 [S] [2017_11_11 21:19:30] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:19:30] id 1415702 [S] [2017_11_11 21:19:32] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:19:32] id 1415702 [S] [2017_11_11 21:19:32] name serdoroda [S] [2017_11_11 21:19:32] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:19:35] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 21:19:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:19:35] id 1415670 [S] [2017_11_11 21:19:35] name pikhurws [S] [2017_11_11 21:19:35] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:19:37] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:19:37] id 1415674 [S] [2017_11_11 21:19:37] name shylcT3 [S] [2017_11_11 21:19:37] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:19:37] @ launchpadAppeared 1415674 [S] [2017_11_11 21:19:37] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:19:37] id 1415670 [S] [2017_11_11 21:19:41] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:19:41] id 1415682 [S] [2017_11_11 21:19:41] name Ky4erenko_83 [S] [2017_11_11 21:19:41] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:19:41] @ launchpadAppeared 1415682 [S] [2017_11_11 21:19:45] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:19:45] id 1415714 [S] [2017_11_11 21:19:45] name artemx13x13x [S] [2017_11_11 21:19:45] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:19:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:19:47] id 1415714 [S] [2017_11_11 21:19:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:19:52] id 1415702 [S] [2017_11_11 21:19:54] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:19:54] id 1415672 [S] [2017_11_11 21:19:54] name moor99 [S] [2017_11_11 21:19:54] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:19:54] @ launchpadAppeared 1415672 [S] [2017_11_11 21:19:55] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:19:55] id 1415688 [S] [2017_11_11 21:19:55] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:20:01] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:20:01] id 1415688 [S] [2017_11_11 21:20:01] name _VARGUS_ [S] [2017_11_11 21:20:01] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:20:01] @ launchpadAppeared 1415688 [S] [2017_11_11 21:20:05] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:20:05] id 1415714 [S] [2017_11_11 21:20:05] name artemx13x13x [S] [2017_11_11 21:20:05] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:20:13] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:20:13] id 1415688 [S] [2017_11_11 21:20:13] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:20:14] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:20:14] id 1415692 [S] [2017_11_11 21:20:14] name cep1978 [S] [2017_11_11 21:20:14] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:20:14] @ launchpadAppeared 1415692 [S] [2017_11_11 21:20:17] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:20:17] id 1415688 [S] [2017_11_11 21:20:17] name _VARGUS_ [S] [2017_11_11 21:20:17] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:20:17] @ launchpadAppeared 1415688 [S] [2017_11_11 21:20:18] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:20:18] id 1415670 [S] [2017_11_11 21:20:18] name pikhurws [S] [2017_11_11 21:20:18] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:20:28] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:20:28] id 1415704 [S] [2017_11_11 21:20:28] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:20:30] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 21:20:32] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:20:32] id 1415714 [S] [2017_11_11 21:20:32] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:20:32] id 1415700 [S] [2017_11_11 21:20:32] name Vasissualiy_Lokhankin [S] [2017_11_11 21:20:32] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:20:32] @ launchpadAppeared 1415700 [S] [2017_11_11 21:20:32] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 21:20:32] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 21:20:32] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 21:20:32] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 21:20:32] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 21:20:32] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 21:20:32] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 21:20:32] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 21:20:32] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 21:20:32] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 21:20:39] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:20:39] id 1415694 [S] [2017_11_11 21:20:41] ClientSquadron.outOfFuel [S] [2017_11_11 21:20:43] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:20:43] id 1415688 [S] [2017_11_11 21:20:43] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:20:43] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:20:43] id 1415672 [S] [2017_11_11 21:20:43] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:20:46] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:20:46] id 1415672 [S] [2017_11_11 21:20:46] name moor99 [S] [2017_11_11 21:20:46] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:20:46] @ launchpadAppeared 1415672 [S] [2017_11_11 21:20:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:20:48] id 1415686 [S] [2017_11_11 21:20:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:20:48] id 1415670 [S] [2017_11_11 21:20:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:20:50] id 1415698 [S] [2017_11_11 21:20:50] name _ITaTPuOT_ [S] [2017_11_11 21:20:50] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:20:53] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:20:53] id 1415690 [S] [2017_11_11 21:20:55] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:20:55] id 1415694 [S] [2017_11_11 21:20:55] name Fidel_RN [S] [2017_11_11 21:20:55] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:20:55] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 21:20:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:20:57] id 1415688 [S] [2017_11_11 21:20:57] name _VARGUS_ [S] [2017_11_11 21:20:57] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:20:57] @ launchpadAppeared 1415688 [S] [2017_11_11 21:20:58] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:20:58] id 1415694 [S] [2017_11_11 21:20:58] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:20:58] id 1415698 [S] [2017_11_11 21:20:59] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:20:59] id 1415702 [S] [2017_11_11 21:20:59] name serdoroda [S] [2017_11_11 21:20:59] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:21:09] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:21:09] id 1415694 [S] [2017_11_11 21:21:09] name Fidel_RN [S] [2017_11_11 21:21:09] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:21:09] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:21:09] id 1415714 [S] [2017_11_11 21:21:09] name artemx13x13x [S] [2017_11_11 21:21:09] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:21:09] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 21:21:12] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:21:12] id 1415670 [S] [2017_11_11 21:21:12] name pikhurws [S] [2017_11_11 21:21:12] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:21:14] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:21:14] id 1415694 [S] [2017_11_11 21:21:17] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:21:17] id 1415702 [S] [2017_11_11 21:21:18] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:21:18] id 1415702 [S] [2017_11_11 21:21:18] name serdoroda [S] [2017_11_11 21:21:18] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:21:22] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:21:22] id 1415688 [S] [2017_11_11 21:21:22] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:21:25] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:21:25] id 1415702 [S] [2017_11_11 21:21:27] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 21:21:27] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:21:27] id 1415688 [S] [2017_11_11 21:21:27] name _VARGUS_ [S] [2017_11_11 21:21:27] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:21:27] @ launchpadAppeared 1415688 [S] [2017_11_11 21:21:30] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:21:30] id 1415672 [S] [2017_11_11 21:21:30] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:21:32] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:21:32] id 1415702 [S] [2017_11_11 21:21:32] name serdoroda [S] [2017_11_11 21:21:32] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:21:32] DEBUG: onChatMessage args ('', '', {'avatarId': 1415687, 'achievementId': 4283622320L, 'type': -1}) [S] [2017_11_11 21:21:33] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:21:33] id 1415686 [S] [2017_11_11 21:21:33] name 82_khramtsov [S] [2017_11_11 21:21:33] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:21:35] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:21:35] id 1415714 [S] [2017_11_11 21:21:36] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:21:36] id 1415692 [S] [2017_11_11 21:21:36] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:22:02] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 310434 {'jid': '310434@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'mara77marakanec', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:22:11] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 21:22:15] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 21:22:15] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:22:17] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:22:17] id 1415694 [S] [2017_11_11 21:22:17] name Fidel_RN [S] [2017_11_11 21:22:17] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:22:17] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 21:22:25] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 21:22:27] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 21:22:36] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 21:22:36] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:22:36] DEBUG: onChatMessage args ('', '', {'avatarId': 1415697, 'achievementId': 4280476592L, 'type': -1}) [S] [2017_11_11 21:22:37] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:22:37] id 1415694 [S] [2017_11_11 21:22:43] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:22:43] id 1415672 [S] [2017_11_11 21:22:43] name moor99 [S] [2017_11_11 21:22:43] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:22:43] @ launchpadAppeared 1415672 [S] [2017_11_11 21:22:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:22:48] id 1415694 [S] [2017_11_11 21:22:48] name Fidel_RN [S] [2017_11_11 21:22:48] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:22:48] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 21:22:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:22:50] id 1415692 [S] [2017_11_11 21:22:50] name cep1978 [S] [2017_11_11 21:22:50] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:22:50] @ launchpadAppeared 1415692 [S] [2017_11_11 21:23:03] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 21:23:03] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:23:14] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:23:14] id 1415698 [S] [2017_11_11 21:23:14] name _ITaTPuOT_ [S] [2017_11_11 21:23:14] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:23:43] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 21:23:48] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 21:23:50] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 21:23:50] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:23:50] DEBUG: onChatMessage args ('', '', {'avatarId': 1415697, 'achievementId': 4282573744L, 'type': -1}) [S] [2017_11_11 21:23:51] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:23:51] id 1415714 [S] [2017_11_11 21:23:51] name artemx13x13x [S] [2017_11_11 21:23:51] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:23:51] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:23:51] id 1415690 [S] [2017_11_11 21:23:51] name Kar_273 [S] [2017_11_11 21:23:51] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:23:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:23:51] id 1415698 [S] [2017_11_11 21:23:52] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:23:52] id 1415704 [S] [2017_11_11 21:23:52] name Che_Guevara_23rus [S] [2017_11_11 21:23:52] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:23:52] @ launchpadAppeared 1415704 [S] [2017_11_11 21:23:52] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 21:23:54] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 21:23:59] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:23:59] id 1415694 [S] [2017_11_11 21:24:00] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 21:24:01] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 21:24:14] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:24:14] id 1415694 [S] [2017_11_11 21:24:14] name Fidel_RN [S] [2017_11_11 21:24:14] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:24:14] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 21:24:26] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 21:24:26] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:24:34] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 21:24:35] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 21:24:45] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 21:24:51] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 21:25:00] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 21:25:04] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 21:25:04] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:25:07] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 21:25:07] DEBUG: onChatMessage args ('', '', {'avatarId': 1415703, 'achievementId': 4282573744L, 'type': -1}) [S] [2017_11_11 21:25:13] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 21:25:14] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:25:14] id 1415698 [S] [2017_11_11 21:25:14] name _ITaTPuOT_ [S] [2017_11_11 21:25:14] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:25:16] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 21:25:19] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 21:25:20] ClientSquadron.outOfFuel [S] [2017_11_11 21:25:33] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 21:25:34] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:25:34] id 1415698 [S] [2017_11_11 21:25:35] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 21:25:35] DEBUG: onChatMessage args ('', '', {'avatarId': 1415707, 'achievementId': 4288865200L, 'type': -1}) [S] [2017_11_11 21:25:41] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:25:41] id 1415694 [S] [2017_11_11 21:26:15] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 310434 {'jid': '310434@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'mara77marakanec', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 21:26:15] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 21:26:20] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 21:26:29] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:18] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 59103429 {'jid': '59103429@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Samum1989_geroj', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:20] (, 86904481544477, 21): Arguments do not match string read by key '%s': %s, (('IDS_INFO_VP_ALLY_CAPTURED_BASEWITHPOINTS', ('A',)),) [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:20] battle finish - Victory [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:20] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOver [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:20] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOut [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:20] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: PostBattle, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:23] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: PostBattle, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:23] setFpsGathererActive(False) [E] [2017_11_11 21:28:23] Can only call base methods on the connected entity [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:23] (, 39965384947628, 149): 1415667; onLeaveWorld() [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:23] [Weather][6611] onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:23] id 1415670 [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:23] id 1415672 [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:23] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:23] id 1415674 [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:23] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:23] id 1415676 [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:23] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:23] id 1415678 [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:23] id 1415680 [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:23] id 1415682 [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:23] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:23] id 1415684 [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:23] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:23] id 1415686 [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:23] id 1415688 [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:23] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:23] id 1415690 [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:23] id 1415692 [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:23] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:23] id 1415696 [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:23] id 1415700 [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:23] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:23] id 1415702 [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:23] id 1415704 [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:23] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:23] Avatar.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:23] id 1415706 [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:24] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:24] id 1415708 [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:24] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:24] id 1415710 [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:24] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:24] id 1415712 [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:24] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:24] id 1415714 [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:24] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:24] id 1415716 [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:25] Account.__init__() [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:25] [Account debuG]: __init__() Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:25] ClanProxy.setChatHandler [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:25] XmppChatHandler.joinClanChannel() 430246 [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:25] ClanProxy.setInteractiveMessageData [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:25] Exception BigWorld.EntityIsDestroyedException: 'Account 537168736 has been destroyed' in ignored [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:25] onBecomePlayer() [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:25] UserDataGate.onGetConnection [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:25] UserDataGate.onGetConnection(): 5595999 [Entity: id:1625 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'teamKiller', 'accountLevel', 'clanman', 'accountSelf', 'incompleteAccount', 'accountRank', 'channelParticipant', 'accountStatus']] Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:25] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4183733712L: {'exp': 6164}}, 'changedCrews': {11: {'exp': 38345}}, 'moneyXP': 86, 'lootboxes': {'lootExp': 16034, 'boughtToday': 2, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1510444800.0, 'curBoxType': 0}} [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:25] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 16034, 'boughtToday': 2, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1510444800.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:25] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': 112653, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:25] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -26915, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:25] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4183733712 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:25] leaveBattleSession() Reason: 0 Info: None [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:25] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:25] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:25] Sent FPS data [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:26] updateActionsProgress: {0: [(4183733712L, 1)]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:26] __updateTaskProgress start: {} [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:26] updateActionsProgress: {'22470_q01': {'count': 33}, '22468_q04': {'count': 0, 3: {'count': 27747}}} [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:26] __updateTaskProgress start: {'22470_q01': {'count': 33}, '22468_q04': {'count': 0, 3: {'count': 27747}}} [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:26] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: changed tasks [4143333296L, 4145430448L, 4149624752L] [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:26] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4143333296 data (False, 0, None, None) [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:26] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4145430448 data (False, 0, None, None) [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:26] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4149624752 data (False, 0, None, None) [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:26] StatsProxy.receiveAbuseStatus(): {'battlesToClean': 0, 'statuses': {'tkill': 0}, 'warnings': ()} [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:26] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAccount [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:26] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() True 0 0 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:26] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 62222528 {'jid': '62222528@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'HEGNI_1', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:26] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:26] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:26] Sent FPS data [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:26] (, 20685599789093, 264): keys: ['dossier', 'accPoints'] [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:26] __processDossierStats() client dossier: ['oper', 'pvp', 'oper_mm_tasks_diag', 'pve_diag', 'pvp_diag', 'oper_normal', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'pve', 'oper_mm', 'total', 'oper_normal_tasks_diag', 'max_pve', 'rank_diag', 'max_pvp', 'oper_diag', 'club_diag', 'club', 'max_club', 'clan', 'oper_hard', 'oper_hard_tasks_diag', 'max_clan'] [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:26] AccountLevelingProxy.onGetAccountStats(): (15, 753304) (15, 755008) [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:26] enterPreBattle() 1703686 [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:26] Account.enterPreBattle: (234) (1, 505066, (0, 0, 10, -1, 1, '', 0), 537168736, 62222528, u'', 1, None, 3, [(537168736, 5595999, 'Tier099', None, 0, 1, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0), (537307028, 62222528, 'HEGNI_1', None, 0, 1, False, True, False, 15, 134232416, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0), (537236500, 69118514, 'RenamedUser_69118514', None, 0, 1, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0)], [], (0, 0), False, 1510423973381L, 2, False, [], {'nonClanMembersCount': 0}) [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:26] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived prebattle 3 [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:26] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: DIVISION channelsGroupsIds: [] [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:26] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel True self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:26] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 5595999 Tier099 2 2 (430246, u'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:26] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 69118514 RenamedUser_69118514 2 2 (430246, u'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:26] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 62222528 HEGNI_1 2 2 (430246, u'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:26] [DivisionEntranceContext] __onEnterDivision: 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:26] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:26] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:26] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 1], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:26] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:26] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:26] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:26] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:26] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 1], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:26] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:26] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:26] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onEnterPreBattle: None [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:26] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:26] BR: {'credits': 75102, 'credits_penalty': 0, 'exp_penalty': 0, 'exp': 757, 'credits_compensation': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:26] BR: {'elite_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'free_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'ship_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [['FIRST_WIN', 0.5, True, 0]], 'mod': []}, 'credits': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'crew_exp': {'sse': [['22470_q01', 0.5, True, 0]], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'acc_level': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}} [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:26] BR: {'auto_repair_list': [['IDS_SSE_REPAIR_DISCOUNT', 0.0, True, 0]], 'auto_exterior_list': [], 'auto_exterior_credits': 0, 'auto_camo_credits': 0, 'exp_enabled': True, 'abilities_applied': True, 'auto_repair_factor': 1.0, 'auto_load_credits': 3915, 'acc_points_enabled': True, 'free_exp_enabled': True, 'free_exp_factor': 0.05, 'ship_service_enabled': True, 'aogas_factor': 1.0, 'auto_exterior_gold': 0, 'premium_credits_factor': 1.5, 'premium_exp_factor': 1.5, 'auto_abilities_list': [], 'auto_camo_list': [], 'clan_supply_bonuses_enabled': True, 'camo_applied': True, 'auto_repair_credits': 23000, 'exterior_applied': True, 'serve_applied': True, 'auto_camo_gold': 0, 'crew_exp_enabled': True, 'auto_abilities_gold': 0, 'auto_load_list': [[261, 3915], [0, 0], [0, 0]], 'auto_abilities_credits': 0, 'credits_enabled': True, 'aogas_online': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:26] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:26] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:26] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:26] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:26] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:26] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:26] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_bomb default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:26] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_bomb default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:26] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:26] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:26] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:26] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:26] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:26] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:26] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:26] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:26] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:26] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:26] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:26] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:26] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:26] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:26] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:26] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:26] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:26] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:26] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:26] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:26] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:26] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:26] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ResultsScreen, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:26] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 5, 'dt': 1510424902, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'achievements': (), 'expPenalty': 0, 'tasks': {'22470_q01': {'count': (33, 1), 'progress': (1.0, 1.0), 2: {'count': (0, 1)}, 'name': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'}, '22468_q04': {'count': (0, 0), 'progress': (0.9249, 0.0568), 3: {'count': (27747, 1704)}, 'name': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'}}, 'shipsKilled': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 5761584173890981L, 'battleTypeId': 5, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'mapTypeId': 4, 'credits': 112653, 'result': 1, 'exp': 1704, 'shipId': 4183733712L, 'battleCreateTime': 1510423973, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 753304, 1704), 'aogasFactor': 1.0}} [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:26] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 5, 'exp': 1704, 'tasks': {'22470_q01': {2: {'count': (0, 1)}}, '22468_q04': {3: {'count': (27747, 1704)}}}, 'aogasFactor': 1.0, 'mapBGPath': '../maps_bg/05_Ring.png', 'operationName': '', 'rankStarsDeltaChange': 0, 'earnedAchievements': [], 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_BATTLE_RESULTS_1', 'result': 1, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'uiSpecial': False, 'mapTypeId': 4, 'shipId': 4183733712L, 'accountLeveling': {'expGained': 1704, 'currLevel': 15, 'prevLevel': 15, 'currLevelExp': 122000, 'expTotal': 755008, 'nextLevelExp': 122000}, 'curTasksCompleted': 0, 'mapName': 'IDS_SPACES/05_RING', 'battleTypeId': 5, 'shipLevelRome': 'VI', 'achievements': (), 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PRSC106', 'shipsKilled': 0, 'importance': 2, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_CRUISER', 'difficulty': '', 'prevTasksCompleted': 0, 'isElite': False, 'date': '11.11.2017 21:12', 'dt': 1510424902, 'groupId': 3, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 753304, 1704), 'expPenalty': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 5761584173890981L, 'credits': 112653, 'sourceId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'viaMM': False, 'rankBattlesSeasonId': 0, 'shipType': 'Cruiser', 'quests': [{'maxProgress': 100, 'day': 11, 'monthIDS': 'IDS_MONTH_11', 'battleProgress': 100.0, 'type': 'challenge', 'id': '22470_q01', 'titleText': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!', 'currentProgress': 100.0}, {'maxProgress': 100, 'day': 11, 'monthIDS': 'IDS_MONTH_11', 'battleProgress': 5.0, 'type': 'task', 'id': '22468_q04', 'titleText': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b', 'currentProgress': 78.0}], 'stypeIdent': 'Cruiser', 'postponed': False, 'battleCreateTime': 1510423973, 'rankDeltaChange': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:26] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:26] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:26] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:26] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:26] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_bomb default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:26] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_bomb default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:26] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:26] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:26] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:26] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:26] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:26] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:26] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:26] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:26] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:26] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:26] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:26] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:26] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:26] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:26] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:26] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:26] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:26] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:26] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:26] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:26] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:26] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:27] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:27] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:27] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:27] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4161159088 {('Default', 4283604912L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 7, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:27] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4162207664 {('Default', 4279410608L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 6, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:27] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q04 {('Default', 4271730608L, 0): 5, ('Default', 4269633456L, 0): 5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u041e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c \u043d\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u041e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c \u043d\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:27] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4163256240 {('Default', 4282556336L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 5, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:27] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22468_q03 {('Default', 4263440304L, 0): 5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:27] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q02 {('Resource', 19, 0): 1, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u041f\u0440\u0435\u043c\u0438\u0443\u043c \u0437\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0443'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u041f\u0440\u0435\u043c\u0438\u0443\u043c \u0437\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0443'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:27] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4156964784 {'desc': (), ('Resource', 0, 0): 100000} {'taskNumber': 11, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:27] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4154867632 {('Default', 4284313520L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 13, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:27] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4165353392 {('Default', 4287557552L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 3, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:27] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q01 {('ResourceCoeff', 21, 17): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 30): 6.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 9): 13.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 32): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 10): 3.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 5): 1.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 28): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 14): 6.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 16): 3.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 11): 3.0, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'}, 0, 0)} {'type': 'challenge', 'titleText': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:27] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4141236144 {'desc': (), ('Resource', 16, 0): 500} {'taskNumber': 12, 'missionNumber': '10', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:27] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4167450544 {'desc': (), ('Resource', 16, 0): 500} {'taskNumber': 1, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:27] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4153819056 {('Default', 4279168944L, 0): 15, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 14, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:27] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4160110512 {('Resource', 0, 0): 100000, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 8, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:27] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 18 [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:27] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:27] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 18. Boxes contents: [{4288852912L: {(0, 4283622320L): 1}, 4284658608L: {(0, 4274185136L): 1}, 4283610032L: {(0, 4273136560L): 1}, 4289901488L: {(0, 4289913776L): 1}}] [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:27] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {81003139: None, 1105800: None, 3382666: {'color': 10066329, 'league': None, 'tag': u'DN', 'id': 427593, 'name': u'\u0420\u0435\u0431\u044f\u0442\u0430 \u0438\u0437 \u0414\u043e\u043d\u0431\u0430\u0441\u0441\u0430.'}, 31456527: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 58161041: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 2557718: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 73537307: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 2893852: None, 62055069: {'color': 16763955, 'league': None, 'tag': u'ALERT', 'id': 428047, 'name': u'Combat Alert'}, 644254: None, 4945824: None, 69416610: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 5147177: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'YR174', 'id': 429127, 'name': u'Yral Region 174'}, 2657450: {'color': 16763955, 'league': None, 'tag': u'BARR_', 'id': 413691, 'name': u'BARRACUDA'}, 30937387: None, 17915186: None, 890781: None, 69118514: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 71811251: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 19780020: None, 861495: None, 130616: None, 79880766: {'color': 13395507, 'league': None, 'tag': u'-F-', 'id': 428695, 'name': u'FREE PLAY'}, 62222528: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 59103429: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 6896454: None, 35853511: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 6756171: None, 26288674: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'GUAPS', 'id': 430164, 'name': u'\u0413\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0434\u0435\u0439\u0446\u044b \u041f\u043e\u0441\u0435\u0439\u0434\u043e\u043d\u0430'}, 2804943: None, 75324242: None, 4932947: None, 327255: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'ENYO', 'id': 415095, 'name': u'\u042d\u041d\u0418\u041e'}, 1649752: None, 5471194: None, 4137828: None, 310434: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 7715821: None, 8752947: {'color': 13395507, 'league': None, 'tag': u'CCO', 'id': 427397, 'name': u'\u0421\u0438\u043b\u044b \u0421\u043f\u0435\u0446\u0438\u0430\u043b\u044c\u043d\u044b\u0445 \u041e\u043f\u0435\u0440\u0430\u0446\u0438\u0439'}, 22453883: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 11688234: None} [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:27] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 5595999 {'jid': '5595999@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Tier099', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:28] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 4, 'dt': 1510424902, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'costShell': 3915, 'shipId': 4183733712L, 'result': False, 'costRepair': 23000}} [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:28] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 4, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SHIP_SERVE', 'costShell': 3915, 'result': False, 'shipId': 4183733712L, 'uiSpecial': False, 'shipLevelRome': 'VI', 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PRSC106', 'shipType': 'Cruiser', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_CRUISER', 'isElite': False, 'dt': 1510424902, 'groupId': 5, 'costTotal': 26915, 'sourceId': 0, 'costRepair': 23000, 'stypeIdent': 'Cruiser', 'postponed': False} [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:28] (, 86904481544477, 21): joinChannel, ('already joined', 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc') [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:28] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 310434 mara77marakanec 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:28] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 5595999 Tier099 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:28] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 59103429 Samum1989_geroj 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:28] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 62222528 HEGNI_1 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:28] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 69118514 RenamedUser_69118514 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:28] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 71811251 Leogon_1 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:32] BattleChatSystem OUT OF Context [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:32] Exception BigWorld.EntityIsDestroyedException: 'Avatar 1415705 has been destroyed' in ignored [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:32] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:41] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:41] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:41] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:41] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:41] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:41] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:41] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:41] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:41] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:41] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:41] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:41] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:41] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:41] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:41] [Filters] saveFilters [] [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:41] [Filters] saveFilters [] [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:41] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:41] getModelPaths [] [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:42] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 59103429 {'jid': '59103429@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Samum1989_geroj', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:46] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': 0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:46] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': -1.0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:46] availableShipParts 59 [S] [2017_11_11 21:28:47] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:01] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:01] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:01] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:01] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:01] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:02] availableShipParts 63 [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:02] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:09] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:11] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:11] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:11] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:11] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:11] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:13] availableShipParts 63 [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:13] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:16] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:16] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:16] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:16] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:16] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:17] availableShipParts 63 [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:17] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:18] DivisionProxy.setReady: 4288624624 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:18] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4288624624 2 [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:18] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 505066 (537168736, 5595999, 'Tier099', 4288624624L, 0, 2, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0) 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:18] DivisionProxy.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537168736, dbid=5595999, name='Tier099', shipId=4288624624L, teamId=0, state=2, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=0) 0 {} [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:18] playersToInvite {} [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:18] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 5595999 {'jid': '5595999@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Tier099', 'clanInfo': (430246, u'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:18] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:18] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [4, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:18] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:18] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [4, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:19] availableShipParts 63 [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:19] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:21] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 505066 (537307028, 62222528, 'HEGNI_1', 4288624336L, 0, 2, False, True, False, 15, 134232416, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0) 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:21] DivisionProxy.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537307028, dbid=62222528, name='HEGNI_1', shipId=4288624336L, teamId=0, state=2, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134232416, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=0) 0 {} [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:21] playersToInvite {} [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:21] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 62222528 {'jid': '62222528@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'HEGNI_1', 'clanInfo': (430246, u'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:21] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:21] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 2]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:21] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:21] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 2]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:23] Account.enqueue(): 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:23] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 2]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:23] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:23] DivisionProxy.start 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:23] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 2]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:23] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:24] Account.onPreBattleCountdown() 1 1510424980 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:24] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 2]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:24] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ModalWindowDivisionNotReady, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:30] DivisionProxy.stop [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:30] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:30] Account.onPreBattleCountdown() 0 0 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:30] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:30] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 2]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:30] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:30] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 2]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:30] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 2]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:32] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 59103429 {'jid': '59103429@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Samum1989_geroj', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:36] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: SimpleModalWindow, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:37] DivisionProxy.kickPlayer 537236500.0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:37] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:37] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 505066 (537236500, 69118514, 'RenamedUser_69118514', None, -3, 1, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0) 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:37] DivisionProxy.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537236500, dbid=69118514, name='RenamedUser_69118514', shipId=None, teamId=-3, state=1, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=0) 0 {} [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:37] playersToInvite {} [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:37] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'eventId': 'PLAYER_KICKED_FROM_DIVISION', 'typeId': 3, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_UI_PLAYER_ACTION_IN_DIVISION_2_DIVISION', 'playerName': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'idInGroup': 3, 'divisionType': 'division', 'sourceId': 1, 'actionId': 2, 'groupId': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:37] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:37] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 2]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:37] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:37] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 2]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:39] Account.enqueue(): 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:39] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 2]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:39] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:39] DivisionProxy.start 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:39] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 2]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:39] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:39] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 505066 (537168736, 5595999, 'Tier099', 4288624624L, 0, 3, True, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0) 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:39] DivisionProxy.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537168736, dbid=5595999, name='Tier099', shipId=4288624624L, teamId=0, state=3, isInBattle=True, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=0) 0 {} [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:39] playersToInvite {} [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:39] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 5595999 {'jid': '5595999@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Tier099', 'clanInfo': (430246, u'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:39] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:39] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 7], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 1, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:39] some players in battle 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:39] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [53] [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:39] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 7], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 1, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:39] some players in battle 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:39] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [53] [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:39] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 7], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 1, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:39] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 505066 (537307028, 62222528, 'HEGNI_1', 4288624336L, 0, 3, True, True, False, 15, 134232416, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0) 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:39] DivisionProxy.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537307028, dbid=62222528, name='HEGNI_1', shipId=4288624336L, teamId=0, state=3, isInBattle=True, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134232416, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=0) 0 {} [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:39] playersToInvite {} [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:39] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 62222528 {'jid': '62222528@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'HEGNI_1', 'clanInfo': (430246, u'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:39] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:39] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 2, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:39] some players in battle 2 [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:39] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [53] [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:39] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 2, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:39] some players in battle 2 [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:39] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [53] [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:39] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 2, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:39] onEnqueued() QueueType: 1 ShipId: 4288624624 mmDescription: {'useBots': False, 'onlyFullBattles': False, 'maxWait': 300} [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:39] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4288624624 4 [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:42] onPrepareingForBattle() [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:42] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4288624624 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:42] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 5595999 {'jid': '5595999@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Tier099', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:42] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 62222528 {'jid': '62222528@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'HEGNI_1', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:42] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {62222528: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}} [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:46] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 59103429 {'jid': '59103429@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Samum1989_geroj', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:49] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 59103429 {'jid': '59103429@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Samum1989_geroj', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:51] onGameRoomStateInit mapIdx = 14 battleType = 71 gameMode = Domination duration=1200 [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:59] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:59] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened False [isChatBoxOpened] __updateChannelInfo channel.isChatBoxOpened False False [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:59] (, 80999132267601, 73): handleChannelError, ('room destroyed', 'prebattle', 3) [S] [2017_11_11 21:29:59] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened False GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:00] [LootboxProxyClient.destroy] [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:00] Avatar.receiveAvatarInfo: {'evaluationsLeft': {0: 7, 1: 7}} [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:00] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAvatar [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:00] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() False 0 0 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:00] Avatar.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:00] name Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:00] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:00] Avatar onControlled False [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:00] onControlled->False: not implemented [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:00] onGeometryMapped() MapName: 20_NE_two_brothers [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:00] teamBuildType: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:00] player: Id: 537252995 Name: TorukMakTo TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSC505_KrasniKrym avatarId: 1556876 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:00] player: Id: 537181572 Name: VUMO TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASC005_Omaha_1923 avatarId: 1556878 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:00] player: Id: 537260934 Name: spaice_army TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSD106_Fubuki avatarId: 1556880 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:00] player: Id: 295687 Name: Mirab07 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PBSC107_Fiji avatarId: 1556882 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:00] player: Id: 537307028 Name: HEGNI_1 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSB006_Fuso_1943 avatarId: 1556884 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:00] player: Id: 537175972 Name: Sintenza TeamId: 0 ShipName: PBSB105_Iron_Duke avatarId: 1556886 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:00] player: Id: 252969 Name: Heavy_Tank TeamId: 0 ShipName: PBSB105_Iron_Duke avatarId: 1556888 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:00] player: Id: 536889991 Name: IIIeHa_nupata TeamId: 1 ShipName: PBSC107_Fiji avatarId: 1556890 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:00] player: Id: 537319666 Name: Willi_King TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSD106_Ernst_Gaede avatarId: 1556892 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:00] player: Id: 395568 Name: Alex_7009 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSC005_Furutaka_1926 avatarId: 1556894 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:00] player: Id: 341810 Name: darya1992 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSC005_Furutaka_1926 avatarId: 1556896 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:00] player: Id: 537292599 Name: sherman_aydar TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSC105_Kirov avatarId: 1556898 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:00] player: Id: 536927673 Name: ZABUHATOR TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB506_Arizona_1941 avatarId: 1556900 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:00] player: Id: 537283648 Name: Steofan TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSD106_Fubuki avatarId: 1556902 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:00] player: Id: 537166035 Name: rustambestpost TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSB708_Hiei_Arpeggio avatarId: 1556904 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:00] player: Id: 537353183 Name: HybaiPa TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSC106_Nurnberg avatarId: 1556906 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:00] player: Id: 537168736 Name: Tier099 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB006_New_York_1934 avatarId: 1556908 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:00] player: Id: 537175154 Name: tanks_ABOT_ TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSD004_Minekadze_1920 avatarId: 1556910 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:00] player: Id: 345299 Name: privod71 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSD505_Okhotnik_1917 avatarId: 1556912 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:00] player: Id: 537147124 Name: butcher_626 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSC106_La_Galissonniere avatarId: 1556914 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:00] player: Id: 249461 Name: pasha13025 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSD106_Fubuki avatarId: 1556916 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:00] player: Id: 537243772 Name: San9rus76 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASC007_Cleveland_1945 avatarId: 1556918 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:00] player: Id: 537218174 Name: wolf79 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PBSB105_Iron_Duke avatarId: 1556920 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:00] player: Id: 301183 Name: Vitaly020578 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSC005_Furutaka_1926 avatarId: 1556922 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:00] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (525897, 0, 0, 1556902, 1510424983079L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:00] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {525897: PreBattleInfo: id: 525897, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1556902, creationTime 1510424983079, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:00] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (505066, 1, 0, 1556884, 1510424983079L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:00] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {525897: PreBattleInfo: id: 525897, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1556902, creationTime 1510424983079, hidden False, locked False , 505066: PreBattleInfo: id: 505066, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1556884, creationTime 1510424983079, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:00] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (444301, 1, 0, 1556900, 1510424983078L, False, 1) [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:00] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {525897: PreBattleInfo: id: 525897, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1556902, creationTime 1510424983079, hidden False, locked False , 505066: PreBattleInfo: id: 505066, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1556884, creationTime 1510424983079, hidden False, locked False , 444301: PreBattleInfo: id: 444301, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1556900, creationTime 1510424983078, hidden False, locked 1 } [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:00] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (533318, 0, 0, 1556886, 1510424983078L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:00] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {525897: PreBattleInfo: id: 525897, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1556902, creationTime 1510424983079, hidden False, locked False , 505066: PreBattleInfo: id: 505066, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1556884, creationTime 1510424983079, hidden False, locked False , 444301: PreBattleInfo: id: 444301, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1556900, creationTime 1510424983078, hidden False, locked 1 , 533318: PreBattleInfo: id: 533318, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1556886, creationTime 1510424983078, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:00] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (505066, 1, 0, 1556908, 1510424983079L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:00] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {525897: PreBattleInfo: id: 525897, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1556902, creationTime 1510424983079, hidden False, locked False , 505066: PreBattleInfo: id: 505066, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1556908, creationTime 1510424983079, hidden False, locked False , 444301: PreBattleInfo: id: 444301, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1556900, creationTime 1510424983078, hidden False, locked 1 , 533318: PreBattleInfo: id: 533318, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1556886, creationTime 1510424983078, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:00] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (505066, 1, 0, 1556908, 1510424983079L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:00] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {525897: PreBattleInfo: id: 525897, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1556902, creationTime 1510424983079, hidden False, locked False , 505066: PreBattleInfo: id: 505066, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1556908, creationTime 1510424983079, hidden False, locked False , 444301: PreBattleInfo: id: 444301, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1556900, creationTime 1510424983078, hidden False, locked 1 , 533318: PreBattleInfo: id: 533318, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1556886, creationTime 1510424983078, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:00] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (505066, 1, 0, 1556908, 1510424983079L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:00] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {525897: PreBattleInfo: id: 525897, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1556902, creationTime 1510424983079, hidden False, locked False , 505066: PreBattleInfo: id: 505066, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1556908, creationTime 1510424983079, hidden False, locked False , 444301: PreBattleInfo: id: 444301, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1556900, creationTime 1510424983078, hidden False, locked 1 , 533318: PreBattleInfo: id: 533318, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1556886, creationTime 1510424983078, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:00] Avatar.enterPrebattle [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:01] (, 39965384947628, 149): 1556874; BattleLogic() [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:01] (, 39965384947628, 149): 1556874; onEnterWorld() State: {attentionMarkers: [], clientAnimations: None, controlPoints: [{position: [-342.0, 0.0], radius: 140.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [0.0, 193.0], radius: 110.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: 0, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [0.0, -193.0], radius: 110.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: 1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [300.0, 0.0], radius: 140.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}], entityStates: [], expectedActions: None, interactiveZones: [], weather: {globalWeatherId: 1556875, localWeather: [], entityLogicParams: []}, keyObjects: [], missions: {hold: [{reward: 4, penalty: 0, cpIndices: [0, 1, 2, 3], period: 9}], capture: [], destroy: [], suppress: [], kill: [{reward: 30, penalty: 45, shipType: 'Destroyer'}, {reward: 35, penalty: 50, shipType: 'Cruiser'}, {reward: 40, penalty: 60, shipType: 'Battleship'}, {reward: 45, penalty: 65, shipType: 'AirCarrier'}], teamsScore: [300, 300], teamWinScore: 1000, teamLoseScore: 0}, resources: [], successStoryProgress: [], screenplayMessage: '', tasks: [], minefields: [], entities: [], effects: []} [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:01] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:01] BattleDataContext.__onEnterSpace [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:03] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:05] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:23] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:23] id 1556895 [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:23] name Alex_7009 [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:23] team id 1 [A] [2017_11_11 21:30:23] content/gameplay/japan/ship/cruiser/JSC005_Furutaka_1926/JSC005_Furutaka_1926_Bow_ports_JSC023_Furutaka_1941.model: can't load model prototype: file not found [A] [2017_11_11 21:30:23] content/gameplay/japan/ship/cruiser/JSC005_Furutaka_1926/JSC005_Furutaka_1926_Stern_ports_JSC023_Furutaka_1941.model: can't load model prototype: file not found [A] [2017_11_11 21:30:23] content/gameplay/japan/ship/cruiser/JSC005_Furutaka_1926/JSC005_Furutaka_1926_MidBack_ports_JSC023_Furutaka_1941.model: can't load model prototype: file not found [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:24] @ launchpadAppeared 1556895 [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:24] [Weather][7785] onEnterWorld (map spaces/20_NE_two_brothers/weathers.xml, scheme 1, weather 0) [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:25] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:25] id 1556879 [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:25] name VUMO [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:25] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:25] @ launchpadAppeared 1556879 [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:25] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:25] id 1556903 [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:25] name Steofan [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:25] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:26] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:26] id 1556909 [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:26] name Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:26] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:26] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:26] id 1556917 [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:26] name pasha13025 [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:26] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:26] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:26] Avatar.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:26] ! A.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:26] BattleDataContext.__onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:26] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:26] id 1556885 [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:26] name HEGNI_1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:26] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:27] @ launchpadAppeared 1556885 [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:27] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:27] id 1556907 [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:27] name HybaiPa [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:27] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:27] @ launchpadAppeared 1556907 [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:28] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:28] id 1556877 [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:28] name TorukMakTo [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:28] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:29] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:29] id 1556891 [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:29] name IIIeHa_nupata [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:29] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:29] @ launchpadAppeared 1556891 [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:29] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:29] id 1556913 [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:29] name privod71 [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:29] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:29] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:29] id 1556923 [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:29] name Vitaly020578 [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:29] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:29] @ launchpadAppeared 1556923 [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:29] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:29] id 1556921 [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:29] name wolf79 [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:29] team id 1 [E] [2017_11_11 21:30:35] ServerConnection::onTimeOut(1556908): Disconnecting due to channel timing out. [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:36] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 6 NOT_SET [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:36] [LOGIN] Setting gIsConnected to False [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:36] connection problem!!! [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:36] clearAll 0 True [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:36] AccountLevelingProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:36] StatsProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:36] StatsProxy.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:36] ShutDownProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:36] ShutDownProxy.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:36] LootboxProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:36] LootboxProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:36] CampaignsProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:36] PVEScriptsProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:36] PVEDatahubUtils.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:36] PVEScriptsProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:36] IngamePortalProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:36] IngameNewsProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:36] UserDataGate.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:36] UserDataGate.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:36] ClanProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:36] ClanProxy.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:36] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOver [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:36] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOut [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:36] (, 51007757488877, 12): is out of context [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:36] (, 13182166089733, 190): fini [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:36] (, 51007922117933, 263): out of context [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:36] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Login, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:36] PreBattleInfoHolder.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:36] DivisionProxyBattle.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:36] (, 39965384947628, 149): 1556874; onLeaveWorld() [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:36] [Weather][7785] onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:36] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:36] id 1556877 [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:36] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:36] id 1556879 [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:36] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:36] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:36] id 1556885 [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:36] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:36] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:36] id 1556891 [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:36] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:36] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:36] id 1556895 [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:36] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:36] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:36] id 1556903 [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:36] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:36] id 1556907 [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:36] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:37] Avatar.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:37] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:37] id 1556909 [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:37] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:37] id 1556913 [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:37] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:37] id 1556917 [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:37] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:37] id 1556921 [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:37] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:37] id 1556923 [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:38] Exception BigWorld.EntityIsDestroyedException: 'Avatar 1556908 has been destroyed' in ignored [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:40] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Login, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:43] (, 66259644693353, 191): H:; A:; C:http://csis.worldoftanks.ru/csis/wowsru/?periphery=login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020&periphery=login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020; M:['login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020', 'login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020'] [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:43] BaseLoginRequest.doLogin(): login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020 token2 ([BaseLoginCredentials] Tier099) [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:43] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:43] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:44] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 1 LOGGED_ON {"token2":"5595999:5600238760764888903:97885382896700369654472769137509954362","wgnr":"ru.wargaming.net"} [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:44] LOGGED_ON {u'token2': u'5595999:5600238760764888903:97885382896700369654472769137509954362', u'wgnr': u'ru.wargaming.net'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:44] [LOGIN] Positive, serverMsg: {u'token2': u'5595999:5600238760764888903:97885382896700369654472769137509954362', u'wgnr': u'ru.wargaming.net'}, status: LOGGED_ON [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:44] [LOGIN] Setting wgnr url to "https://ru.wargaming.net" [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:44] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 2 NOT_SET [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:44] Account.__init__() [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:44] [Account debuG]: __init__() Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:44] ClanProxy.setChatHandler [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:44] ClanProxy.setInteractiveMessageData [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:44] Exception BigWorld.EntityIsDestroyedException: 'Account 537168736 has been destroyed' in ignored [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:44] (, 571883079382, 162): init [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:44] (, 574705753692, 103): Url config for realm ru as string is ResMgr.DataSection at 0x55DEA8C0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:45] (, 51003525417967, 75): in context [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:45] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:45] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:45] onBecomePlayer() [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:45] UserDataGate.onGetConnection [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:45] UserDataGate.onGetConnection(): 5595999 [Entity: id:3716 ['accountSimple', 'accountName']] Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:45] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAccount [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:45] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() True 0 0 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:45] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:45] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:45] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4161159088 {('Default', 4283604912L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 7, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:45] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4162207664 {('Default', 4279410608L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 6, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:45] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q04 {('Default', 4271730608L, 0): 5, ('Default', 4269633456L, 0): 5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u041e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c \u043d\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u041e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c \u043d\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:45] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4163256240 {('Default', 4282556336L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 5, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:45] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22468_q03 {('Default', 4263440304L, 0): 5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:45] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q02 {('Resource', 19, 0): 1, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u041f\u0440\u0435\u043c\u0438\u0443\u043c \u0437\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0443'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u041f\u0440\u0435\u043c\u0438\u0443\u043c \u0437\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0443'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:45] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4156964784 {'desc': (), ('Resource', 0, 0): 100000} {'taskNumber': 11, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:45] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4154867632 {('Default', 4284313520L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 13, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:45] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4165353392 {('Default', 4287557552L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 3, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:45] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q01 {('ResourceCoeff', 21, 17): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 30): 6.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 9): 13.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 32): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 10): 3.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 5): 1.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 28): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 14): 6.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 16): 3.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 11): 3.0, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'}, 0, 0)} {'type': 'challenge', 'titleText': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:45] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4141236144 {'desc': (), ('Resource', 16, 0): 500} {'taskNumber': 12, 'missionNumber': '10', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:45] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4167450544 {'desc': (), ('Resource', 16, 0): 500} {'taskNumber': 1, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:45] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4153819056 {('Default', 4279168944L, 0): 15, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 14, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:45] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4160110512 {('Resource', 0, 0): 100000, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 8, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:45] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 18 [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:45] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:45] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 18. Boxes contents: [{4288852912L: {(0, 4283622320L): 1}, 4284658608L: {(0, 4274185136L): 1}, 4283610032L: {(0, 4273136560L): 1}, 4289901488L: {(0, 4289913776L): 1}}] [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:45] setServerTime: serverTime=1510425046 time.time()=1510425045.23 gInitialClientTime=5442.30502859 [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:45] initBattleTypes called [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:45] Disabled maps: [] [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:45] getNationForTutorial() CanBeStarted: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:45] StatsProxy.receiveAbuseStatus(): {'battlesToClean': 0, 'statuses': {'tkill': 0}, 'warnings': ()} [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:45] _onChangeTimeOut 156 [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:48] __processDossierStats() client dossier: ['oper', 'pvp', 'oper_mm_tasks_diag', 'pve_diag', 'pvp_diag', 'oper_normal', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'pve', 'oper_mm', 'total', 'oper_normal_tasks_diag', 'max_pve', 'rank_diag', 'max_pvp', 'oper_diag', 'club_diag', 'club', 'max_club', 'clan', 'oper_hard', 'oper_hard_tasks_diag', 'max_clan'] [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:48] AccountLevelingProxy.onGetAccountStats(): (-1, -1) (15, 755008) [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:48] __updateTaskProgress start: {'22470_q01': {}, '22468_q04': {3: {'count': 27747}}} [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:48] __updateTaskProgress start: {'22468_q03': {'count': 1, 3: {'count': 10.0}}, '22468_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 3}}, '22469_q01': {'count': 0}, '21856_q00': {'count': 0}, '22468_q05': {'count': 0}, '22468_q02': {'count': 1, 3: {'count': 549416}}, '22470_q01': {'count': 33}, '22470_q02': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 5}}, '22470_q03': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 513978}, 3: {'count': 15080}, 4: {'count': 109517}}, '22470_q04': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 10}}, '22160_q01': {'count': 0}, '22468_q04': {'count': 0, 3: {'count': 27747}}} [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:48] onGetRankBattlesInfo currentSeason: 7, PlayerInfo: None [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:48] onGetRankDossier() seasonId = 7 Empty [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:48] ---- no data for seasonId: 7 [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:48] ---- no data for seasonId: 7 [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:49] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onGetSeasonRules: config False, {'seasonId': 1, 'operations': {4291341232L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 3, 'unlockTime': 1500429600, 'caps': 3}, 4292389808L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1499824800, 'caps': 3}, 4290292656L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1501034400, 'caps': 3}, 4293438384L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1501639200, 'caps': 3}}, 'currentOperationIdx': 1, 'roster': [4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L, 4293438384L], 'startTime': 1499824800, 'seasons': {1: {'operations': [4293438384L, 4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}, 2: {'operations': [], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}}, 'currentRotationTime': 1510106400, 'nextRotationTime': 1510711200, 'stage': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:49] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onLoadProgress: config False, season False, {'operations': {'hard': [], 'normal': [(4287146928L, [1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 0]), (4288195504L, [1509007262, 1509007262, 1509007262, 0, 0, 0]), (4290292656L, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])]}, 'seasons': {'hard': [], 'normal': [(2, 1509007262)]}} [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:49] onClanResponse: response=(1, 0, (430246, (430246, u'FLY', u'FLY', 16777215, u'executive_officer', u'\u0417\u0434\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0443\u0439\u0442\u0435 \u0442\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0449\u0438, \u0443 \u043a\u043e\u0433\u043e \u0435\u0441\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0431\u043b\u0438 10-\u0433\u043e \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u043d\u044f, \u0438 \u0433\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0441\u043e\u0432\u0430\u044f \u0432\u0441\u044f\u0437\u044c \u043d\u0443\u0436\u043d\u043e \u0441\u044b\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d\u043e\u0432\u044b\u0435 \u0431\u043e\u0438 - \u0441\u0442\u0430\u0432\u0442\u0435 + \u043c\u043d\u0435 \u0432 \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443 \u043a\u0442\u043e \u0433\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432', {47518727: {'role': u'private'}, 162314: {'role': u'private'}, 33301518: {'role': u'private'}, 31456527: {'role': u'private'}, 58161041: {'role': u'private'}, 19410835: {'role': u'private'}, 2557718: {'role': u'private'}, 27883543: {'role': u'private'}, 73537307: {'role': u'private'}, 17222686: {'role': u'private'}, 310434: {'role': u'private'}, 11428651: {'role': u'private'}, 2445100: {'role': u'private'}, 7715120: {'role': u'private'}, 69118514: {'role': u'commander'}, 71811251: {'role': u'private'}, 59694238: {'role': u'private'}, 62222528: {'role': u'private'}, 47245249: {'role': u'private'}, 59103429: {'role': u'private'}, 35853511: {'role': u'private'}, 69416610: {'role': u'private'}, 65031124: {'role': u'private'}, 5595999: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 8706534: {'role': u'private'}, 37230: {'role': u'private'}, 1515506: {'role': u'private'}, 71303028: {'role': u'private'}, 5426549: {'role': u'private'}, 22453883: {'role': u'private'}}, {75100162: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3925161}, 75116563: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10679440}, 75116564: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5595999}, 75104791: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1901451}, 75104792: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12037438}, 75104793: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47518727}, 75100186: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4688253}, 75104795: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26571092}, 75100188: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 872384}, 75104797: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5326927}, 75104799: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2557718}, 75100217: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58161041}, 75100219: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36672236}, 75100220: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12445172}, 75100221: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11262324}, 75092406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86780640}, 75100940: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1550733}, 75088485: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11437327}, 75088488: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86912728}, 75115802: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19050869}, 75099931: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 64096589}, 75104796: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24059614}, 75100189: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 16896550}, 75100187: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26497012}, 75105224: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5163046}, 75115804: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3700101}, 75100858: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65353479}, 75100859: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4549361}, 75100860: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19163627}, 75100862: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 15486060}, 75100864: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24960589}, 75101403: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13829345}, 75101405: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2774140}, 75101406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19410835}, 75105005: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2514322}, 75105006: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 6071074}, 75105007: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21765943}, 75105008: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13351014}, 75105009: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10744094}, 75105010: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8213596}, 75105533: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 32758788}, 75105534: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35843415}, 75105535: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19416306}, 75099910: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 22471163}, 75099912: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47356661}, 75099913: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20821811}, 75099914: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 38322742}, 75099915: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 57543888}, 75099916: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5426549}, 75100941: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1431883}, 75100942: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 744012}, 75100943: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 69416610}, 75100944: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36933861}, 75100946: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4337469}, 75115800: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47245249}, 75115801: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2723422}, 75099930: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35480962}, 75115803: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65031124}, 75099932: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5239563}, 75099933: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5564244}, 75105068: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 27883543}, 75099952: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11428651}, 75115830: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 62222528}, 75115831: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8664152}, 75115833: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59103429}, 75115837: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4858560}, 75115840: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 7424262}, 75099461: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 33301518}, 75104134: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 225652}, 75101613: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 162314}, 75101614: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 75991473}, 75100081: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71303028}, 75100082: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79542157}, 75100083: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 76103}, 75100084: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80535214}, 75100085: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5965559}, 75100086: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71777625}, 75092407: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 72132668}, 75092409: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65107864}, 75092412: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58685850}, 75104707: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13658244}, 75104708: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 77607300}, 75104710: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79957325}, 75104712: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2809573}, 75105225: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 61831778}, 75105226: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 48512704}, 75105227: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82400346}, 75105229: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59694238}, 75105230: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24318025}, 75105232: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35446652}, 75100114: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21297715}, 75100115: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2636501}, 75100116: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 23508047}, 75100117: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4104445}, 75113468: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80938462}, 75100157: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82347121}, 75113470: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8706534}, 75113467: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1207353}, 75100156: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65362617}, 75113469: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 17222686}, 75100158: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20158906}, 75113471: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4261263}}, 30, 30, None))) [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:49] ClanProxy.onClanResponse(): 1 (430246, (430246, u'FLY', u'FLY', 16777215, u'executive_officer', u'\u0417\u0434\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0443\u0439\u0442\u0435 \u0442\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0449\u0438, \u0443 \u043a\u043e\u0433\u043e \u0435\u0441\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0431\u043b\u0438 10-\u0433\u043e \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u043d\u044f, \u0438 \u0433\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0441\u043e\u0432\u0430\u044f \u0432\u0441\u044f\u0437\u044c \u043d\u0443\u0436\u043d\u043e \u0441\u044b\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d\u043e\u0432\u044b\u0435 \u0431\u043e\u0438 - \u0441\u0442\u0430\u0432\u0442\u0435 + \u043c\u043d\u0435 \u0432 \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443 \u043a\u0442\u043e \u0433\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432', {47518727: {'role': u'private'}, 162314: {'role': u'private'}, 33301518: {'role': u'private'}, 31456527: {'role': u'private'}, 58161041: {'role': u'private'}, 19410835: {'role': u'private'}, 2557718: {'role': u'private'}, 27883543: {'role': u'private'}, 73537307: {'role': u'private'}, 17222686: {'role': u'private'}, 310434: {'role': u'private'}, 11428651: {'role': u'private'}, 2445100: {'role': u'private'}, 7715120: {'role': u'private'}, 69118514: {'role': u'commander'}, 71811251: {'role': u'private'}, 59694238: {'role': u'private'}, 62222528: {'role': u'private'}, 47245249: {'role': u'private'}, 59103429: {'role': u'private'}, 35853511: {'role': u'private'}, 69416610: {'role': u'private'}, 65031124: {'role': u'private'}, 5595999: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 8706534: {'role': u'private'}, 37230: {'role': u'private'}, 1515506: {'role': u'private'}, 71303028: {'role': u'private'}, 5426549: {'role': u'private'}, 22453883: {'role': u'private'}}, {75100162: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3925161}, 75116563: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10679440}, 75116564: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5595999}, 75104791: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1901451}, 75104792: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12037438}, 75104793: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47518727}, 75100186: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4688253}, 75104795: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26571092}, 75100188: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 872384}, 75104797: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5326927}, 75104799: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2557718}, 75100217: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58161041}, 75100219: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36672236}, 75100220: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12445172}, 75100221: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11262324}, 75092406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86780640}, 75100940: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1550733}, 75088485: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11437327}, 75088488: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86912728}, 75115802: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19050869}, 75099931: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 64096589}, 75104796: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24059614}, 75100189: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 16896550}, 75100187: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26497012}, 75105224: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5163046}, 75115804: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3700101}, 75100858: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65353479}, 75100859: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4549361}, 75100860: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19163627}, 75100862: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 15486060}, 75100864: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24960589}, 75101403: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13829345}, 75101405: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2774140}, 75101406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19410835}, 75105005: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2514322}, 75105006: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 6071074}, 75105007: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21765943}, 75105008: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13351014}, 75105009: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10744094}, 75105010: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8213596}, 75105533: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 32758788}, 75105534: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35843415}, 75105535: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19416306}, 75099910: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 22471163}, 75099912: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47356661}, 75099913: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20821811}, 75099914: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 38322742}, 75099915: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 57543888}, 75099916: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5426549}, 75100941: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1431883}, 75100942: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 744012}, 75100943: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 69416610}, 75100944: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36933861}, 75100946: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4337469}, 75115800: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47245249}, 75115801: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2723422}, 75099930: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35480962}, 75115803: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65031124}, 75099932: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5239563}, 75099933: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5564244}, 75105068: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 27883543}, 75099952: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11428651}, 75115830: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 62222528}, 75115831: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8664152}, 75115833: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59103429}, 75115837: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4858560}, 75115840: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 7424262}, 75099461: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 33301518}, 75104134: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 225652}, 75101613: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 162314}, 75101614: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 75991473}, 75100081: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71303028}, 75100082: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79542157}, 75100083: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 76103}, 75100084: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80535214}, 75100085: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5965559}, 75100086: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71777625}, 75092407: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 72132668}, 75092409: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65107864}, 75092412: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58685850}, 75104707: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13658244}, 75104708: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 77607300}, 75104710: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79957325}, 75104712: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2809573}, 75105225: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 61831778}, 75105226: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 48512704}, 75105227: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82400346}, 75105229: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59694238}, 75105230: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24318025}, 75105232: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35446652}, 75100114: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21297715}, 75100115: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2636501}, 75100116: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 23508047}, 75100117: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4104445}, 75113468: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80938462}, 75100157: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82347121}, 75113470: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8706534}, 75113467: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1207353}, 75100156: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65362617}, 75113469: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 17222686}, 75100158: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20158906}, 75113471: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4261263}}, 30, 30, None)) [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:49] ClanProxy.__onGetMyClan: False (430246, (430246, u'FLY', u'FLY', 16777215, u'executive_officer', u'\u0417\u0434\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0443\u0439\u0442\u0435 \u0442\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0449\u0438, \u0443 \u043a\u043e\u0433\u043e \u0435\u0441\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0431\u043b\u0438 10-\u0433\u043e \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u043d\u044f, \u0438 \u0433\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0441\u043e\u0432\u0430\u044f \u0432\u0441\u044f\u0437\u044c \u043d\u0443\u0436\u043d\u043e \u0441\u044b\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d\u043e\u0432\u044b\u0435 \u0431\u043e\u0438 - \u0441\u0442\u0430\u0432\u0442\u0435 + \u043c\u043d\u0435 \u0432 \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443 \u043a\u0442\u043e \u0433\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432', {47518727: {'role': u'private'}, 162314: {'role': u'private'}, 33301518: {'role': u'private'}, 31456527: {'role': u'private'}, 58161041: {'role': u'private'}, 19410835: {'role': u'private'}, 2557718: {'role': u'private'}, 27883543: {'role': u'private'}, 73537307: {'role': u'private'}, 17222686: {'role': u'private'}, 310434: {'role': u'private'}, 11428651: {'role': u'private'}, 2445100: {'role': u'private'}, 7715120: {'role': u'private'}, 69118514: {'role': u'commander'}, 71811251: {'role': u'private'}, 59694238: {'role': u'private'}, 62222528: {'role': u'private'}, 47245249: {'role': u'private'}, 59103429: {'role': u'private'}, 35853511: {'role': u'private'}, 69416610: {'role': u'private'}, 65031124: {'role': u'private'}, 5595999: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 8706534: {'role': u'private'}, 37230: {'role': u'private'}, 1515506: {'role': u'private'}, 71303028: {'role': u'private'}, 5426549: {'role': u'private'}, 22453883: {'role': u'private'}}, {75100162: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3925161}, 75116563: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10679440}, 75116564: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5595999}, 75104791: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1901451}, 75104792: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12037438}, 75104793: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47518727}, 75100186: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4688253}, 75104795: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26571092}, 75100188: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 872384}, 75104797: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5326927}, 75104799: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2557718}, 75100217: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58161041}, 75100219: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36672236}, 75100220: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12445172}, 75100221: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11262324}, 75092406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86780640}, 75100940: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1550733}, 75088485: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11437327}, 75088488: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86912728}, 75115802: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19050869}, 75099931: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 64096589}, 75104796: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24059614}, 75100189: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 16896550}, 75100187: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26497012}, 75105224: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5163046}, 75115804: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3700101}, 75100858: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65353479}, 75100859: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4549361}, 75100860: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19163627}, 75100862: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 15486060}, 75100864: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24960589}, 75101403: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13829345}, 75101405: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2774140}, 75101406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19410835}, 75105005: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2514322}, 75105006: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 6071074}, 75105007: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21765943}, 75105008: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13351014}, 75105009: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10744094}, 75105010: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8213596}, 75105533: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 32758788}, 75105534: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35843415}, 75105535: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19416306}, 75099910: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 22471163}, 75099912: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47356661}, 75099913: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20821811}, 75099914: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 38322742}, 75099915: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 57543888}, 75099916: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5426549}, 75100941: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1431883}, 75100942: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 744012}, 75100943: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 69416610}, 75100944: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36933861}, 75100946: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4337469}, 75115800: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47245249}, 75115801: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2723422}, 75099930: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35480962}, 75115803: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65031124}, 75099932: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5239563}, 75099933: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5564244}, 75105068: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 27883543}, 75099952: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11428651}, 75115830: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 62222528}, 75115831: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8664152}, 75115833: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59103429}, 75115837: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4858560}, 75115840: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 7424262}, 75099461: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 33301518}, 75104134: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 225652}, 75101613: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 162314}, 75101614: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 75991473}, 75100081: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71303028}, 75100082: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79542157}, 75100083: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 76103}, 75100084: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80535214}, 75100085: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5965559}, 75100086: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71777625}, 75092407: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 72132668}, 75092409: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65107864}, 75092412: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58685850}, 75104707: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13658244}, 75104708: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 77607300}, 75104710: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79957325}, 75104712: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2809573}, 75105225: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 61831778}, 75105226: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 48512704}, 75105227: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82400346}, 75105229: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59694238}, 75105230: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24318025}, 75105232: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35446652}, 75100114: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21297715}, 75100115: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2636501}, 75100116: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 23508047}, 75100117: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4104445}, 75113468: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80938462}, 75100157: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82347121}, 75113470: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8706534}, 75113467: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1207353}, 75100156: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65362617}, 75113469: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 17222686}, 75100158: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20158906}, 75113471: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4261263}}, 30, 30, None)) [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:50] [CampaignsCommon] onLoadedDump: loaded campaign params and player; countActiveTasks 3; data ({4290690992L: (False, True, False), 4293836720L: (True, 0, True), 4291739568L: (False, True, False), 4288593840L: (True, 0, True), 4289642416L: (False, True, False), 4292788144L: (True, 0, True)}, {4293836720L: [1, 1], 4289642416L: [1, 0], 4291739568L: [1, 0], 4288593840L: [1, 0], 4290690992L: [1, 0], 4292788144L: [1, 0]}, {4283023280L: [2, 0, 0], 4285120432L: [4, 15, 9], 4287217584L: [4, 12, 7], 4288266160L: [4, 10, 7], 4289314736L: [4, 10, 6], 4291411888L: [4, 7, 7], 4293509040L: [5, 5, 9], 4286169008L: [4, 15, 8], 4263100336L: [2, 0, 0], 4290363312L: [4, 10, 5], 4251566000L: [2, 0, 0], 4272537520L: [2, 0, 0], 4241080240L: [2, 0, 0], 4284071856L: [2, 2, 1], 4292460464L: [4, 6, 8]}, {4153819056L: (5, True, 0), 4190519216L: (1, False, 0), 4227219376L: (1, False, 0), 4133896112L: (1, False, 0), 4280696752L: (5, True, 0), 4150673328L: (1, False, 0), 4193664944L: (5, True, 0), 4187373488L: (1, False, 0), 4224073648L: (5, True, 0), 4164304816L: (1, False, 0), 4130750384L: (1, False, 0), 4167450544L: (5, True, 0), 4204150704L: (5, True, 0), 4240850864L: (1, False, 0), 4277551024L: (5, True, 0), 4147527600L: (1, False, 0), 4184227760L: (1, False, 0), 4220927920L: (5, True, 0), 4257628080L: (5, True, 0), 4198907824L: (5, True, 0), 4237705136L: (5, True, 0), 3904257968L: (1, False, 0), 4274405296L: (1, False, 0), 4144381872L: (1, False, 0), 3977658288L: (1, False, 0), 4181082032L: (5, True, 0), 4254482352L: (1, False, 0), 4291182512L: (5, True, 0), 4260773808L: (5, True, 0), 3897966512L: (1, False, 0), 4161159088L: (5, True, 0), 4197859248L: (1, False, 0), 3901112240L: (1, False, 0), 4141236144L: (1, True, 0), 3974512560L: (1, False, 0), 4177936304L: (1, False, 0), 4214636464L: (1, False, 0), 4251336624L: (5, True, 0), 4284891056L: (5, True, 0), 4211490736L: (1, False, 0), 4081467312L: (0, False, 0), 4158013360L: (1, False, 0), 4191567792L: (5, True, 0), 4252385200L: (5, True, 0), 4228267952L: (1, False, 0), 4134944688L: (1, False, 0), 4171644848L: (5, True, 0), 4208345008L: (1, False, 0), 4245045168L: (5, True, 0), 4281745328L: (5, True, 0), 4255530928L: (5, True, 0), 4151721904L: (1, False, 0), 4188422064L: (1, False, 0), 4225122224L: (1, False, 0), 4203102128L: (5, True, 0), 4261822384L: (1, False, 0), 4131798960L: (1, False, 0), 4205199280L: (5, True, 0), 4241899440L: (5, True, 0), 4278599600L: (5, True, 0), 4148576176L: (1, False, 0), 4221976496L: (5, True, 0), 4258676656L: (1, False, 0), 3902160816L: (1, False, 0), 4128653232L: (0, False, 0), 4165353392L: (5, True, 0), 4238753712L: (1, False, 0), 3905306544L: (1, False, 0), 4275453872L: (1, False, 0), 4145430448L: (2, False, 0), 3978706864L: (1, False, 0), 4182130608L: (5, True, 0), 4292231088L: (5, True, 0), 4154867632L: (5, True, 0), 4142284720L: (1, False, 0), 3975561136L: (1, False, 0), 4178984880L: (1, False, 0), 4215685040L: (5, True, 0), 4289085360L: (5, True, 0), 3971366832L: (1, False, 0), 4195762096L: (5, True, 0), 3899015088L: (1, False, 0), 4139138992L: (0, False, 0), 3972415408L: (1, False, 0), 4175839152L: (1, False, 0), 4212539312L: (1, False, 0), 4082515888L: (1, False, 0), 4285939632L: (5, True, 0), 4155916208L: (1, False, 0), 4192616368L: (5, True, 0), 4207296432L: (1, False, 0), 4229316528L: (5, True, 0), 3895869360L: (0, False, 0), 4135993264L: (1, False, 0), 4172693424L: (5, True, 0), 4209393584L: (5, True, 0), 4246093744L: (1, False, 0), 4282793904L: (5, True, 0), 4152770480L: (1, False, 0), 4160110512L: (5, True, 0), 4226170800L: (1, False, 0), 4174790576L: (5, True, 0), 4132847536L: (1, False, 0), 4189470640L: (1, False, 0), 4206247856L: (5, True, 0), 4242948016L: (1, False, 0), 4279648176L: (5, True, 0), 4149624752L: (2, False, 0), 4186324912L: (5, True, 0), 4223025072L: (1, False, 0), 4259725232L: (1, False, 0), 4159061936L: (1, False, 0), 4129701808L: (1, False, 0), 4166401968L: (1, False, 0), 4239802288L: (1, False, 0), 4276502448L: (5, True, 0), 4146479024L: (1, False, 0), 4183179184L: (1, False, 0), 4219879344L: (5, True, 0), 4256579504L: (5, True, 0), 4293279664L: (5, True, 0), 4243996592L: (1, False, 0), 4163256240L: (5, True, 0), 4288036784L: (5, True, 0), 4236656560L: (5, True, 0), 3903209392L: (1, False, 0), 4273356720L: (5, True, 0), 4143333296L: (2, False, 0), 3976609712L: (1, False, 0), 4180033456L: (5, True, 0), 4253433776L: (5, True, 0), 4290133936L: (5, True, 0), 4194713520L: (5, True, 0), 4196810672L: (1, False, 0), 3900063664L: (1, False, 0), 4140187568L: (1, False, 0), 3973463984L: (1, False, 0), 4176887728L: (5, True, 0), 4213587888L: (5, True, 0), 4083564464L: (1, False, 0), 4286988208L: (5, True, 0), 4156964784L: (5, True, 0), 4162207664L: (5, True, 0), 4230365104L: (5, True, 0), 4063641520L: (0, False, 0), 3896917936L: (1, False, 0), 3970318256L: (0, False, 0), 4173742000L: (5, True, 0), 4210442160L: (1, False, 0), 4247142320L: (5, True, 0)}) [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:50] ClanProxy.onGetClanBattles {'seasonId': 1, 'finishTime': 1513713600.0, 'primeTimes': {2: (57600, 68400), 3: (57600, 68400), 5: (57600, 68400), 6: (57600, 68400)}, 'shipLevelMax': 10, 'shipLevelMin': 10, 'startTime': 1508310000.0, 'promoTime': 1508310000.0, 'stage': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:51] >>> DockProxy.receiveState [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:51] Unlocks.receiveState [] [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:52] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 16034, 'boughtToday': 2, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1510444800.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:52] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 16034, 'boughtToday': 2, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1510444800.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:52] PVEScriptsProxyCommon.createPVEState() [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:52] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onGetSeasonRules: config True, {'seasonId': 1, 'operations': {4291341232L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 3, 'unlockTime': 1500429600, 'caps': 3}, 4292389808L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1499824800, 'caps': 3}, 4290292656L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1501034400, 'caps': 3}, 4293438384L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1501639200, 'caps': 3}}, 'currentOperationIdx': 1, 'roster': [4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L, 4293438384L], 'startTime': 1499824800, 'seasons': {1: {'operations': [4293438384L, 4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}, 2: {'operations': [], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}}, 'currentRotationTime': 1510106400, 'nextRotationTime': 1510711200, 'stage': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:52] [4181898160L, 4180849584L] [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:52] [4181898160L, 4180849584L] [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:52] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onLoadProgress: config True, season True, {'operations': {'hard': [], 'normal': [(4287146928L, [1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 0]), (4288195504L, [1509007262, 1509007262, 1509007262, 0, 0, 0]), (4290292656L, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])]}, 'seasons': {'hard': [], 'normal': [(2, 1509007262)]}} [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:52] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] _updateOperationCompleted: 4287146928 normal [1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 0] [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:52] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] _updateOperationCompleted: 4288195504 normal [1509007262, 1509007262, 1509007262, 0, 0, 0] [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:52] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] _updateOperationCompleted: 4290292656 normal [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:52] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] _updateSeasonCompleted: 2 normal 1509007262 [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:52] onClanResponse: response=(6, 0, {'league': 4, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 430246, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division_rating': 0, 'stage': 'league'}) [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:52] ClanProxy.onClanResponse(): 6 {'league': 4, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 430246, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division_rating': 0, 'stage': 'league'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:52] ClanDataHubUtils.addLadderInfo: {'league': 4, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 430246, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division_rating': 0, 'stage': 'league'} [E] [2017_11_11 21:30:52] Can only call base methods on the connected entity [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:52] onGameRoomStateInit mapIdx = 14 battleType = 71 gameMode = Domination duration=1200 [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:52] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:52] GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:53] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Login, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:53] Avatar.receiveAvatarInfo: {'evaluationsLeft': {0: 7, 1: 7}} [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:53] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAvatar [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:53] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() False 0 0 0 [E] [2017_11_11 21:30:53] Entity::enterWorld: Got entity 1556908 before carrying vehicle 1556909 (going into limbo) [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:53] Avatar.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:53] name Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:53] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:53] Avatar onControlled False [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:53] onControlled->False: not implemented [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:54] onGeometryMapped() MapName: 20_NE_two_brothers [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:54] teamBuildType: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:54] player: Id: 537252995 Name: TorukMakTo TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSC505_KrasniKrym avatarId: 1556876 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:54] player: Id: 537181572 Name: VUMO TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASC005_Omaha_1923 avatarId: 1556878 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:54] player: Id: 537260934 Name: spaice_army TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSD106_Fubuki avatarId: 1556880 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:54] player: Id: 295687 Name: Mirab07 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PBSC107_Fiji avatarId: 1556882 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:54] player: Id: 537307028 Name: HEGNI_1 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSB006_Fuso_1943 avatarId: 1556884 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:54] player: Id: 537175972 Name: Sintenza TeamId: 0 ShipName: PBSB105_Iron_Duke avatarId: 1556886 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:54] player: Id: 252969 Name: Heavy_Tank TeamId: 0 ShipName: PBSB105_Iron_Duke avatarId: 1556888 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:54] player: Id: 536889991 Name: IIIeHa_nupata TeamId: 1 ShipName: PBSC107_Fiji avatarId: 1556890 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:54] player: Id: 537319666 Name: Willi_King TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSD106_Ernst_Gaede avatarId: 1556892 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:54] player: Id: 395568 Name: Alex_7009 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSC005_Furutaka_1926 avatarId: 1556894 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:54] player: Id: 341810 Name: darya1992 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSC005_Furutaka_1926 avatarId: 1556896 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:54] player: Id: 537292599 Name: sherman_aydar TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSC105_Kirov avatarId: 1556898 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:54] player: Id: 536927673 Name: ZABUHATOR TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB506_Arizona_1941 avatarId: 1556900 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:54] player: Id: 537283648 Name: Steofan TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSD106_Fubuki avatarId: 1556902 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:54] player: Id: 537166035 Name: rustambestpost TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSB708_Hiei_Arpeggio avatarId: 1556904 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:54] player: Id: 537353183 Name: HybaiPa TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSC106_Nurnberg avatarId: 1556906 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:54] player: Id: 537168736 Name: Tier099 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB006_New_York_1934 avatarId: 1556908 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:54] player: Id: 537175154 Name: tanks_ABOT_ TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSD004_Minekadze_1920 avatarId: 1556910 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:54] player: Id: 345299 Name: privod71 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSD505_Okhotnik_1917 avatarId: 1556912 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:54] player: Id: 537147124 Name: butcher_626 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSC106_La_Galissonniere avatarId: 1556914 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:54] player: Id: 249461 Name: pasha13025 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSD106_Fubuki avatarId: 1556916 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:54] player: Id: 537243772 Name: San9rus76 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASC007_Cleveland_1945 avatarId: 1556918 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:54] player: Id: 537218174 Name: wolf79 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PBSB105_Iron_Duke avatarId: 1556920 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:54] player: Id: 301183 Name: Vitaly020578 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSC005_Furutaka_1926 avatarId: 1556922 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:54] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (525897, 0, 0, 1556902, 1510424983079L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:54] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {525897: PreBattleInfo: id: 525897, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1556902, creationTime 1510424983079, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:54] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (505066, 1, 0, 1556908, 1510424983079L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:54] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {525897: PreBattleInfo: id: 525897, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1556902, creationTime 1510424983079, hidden False, locked False , 505066: PreBattleInfo: id: 505066, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1556908, creationTime 1510424983079, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:54] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (444301, 1, 0, 1556900, 1510424983078L, False, 1) [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:54] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {525897: PreBattleInfo: id: 525897, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1556902, creationTime 1510424983079, hidden False, locked False , 505066: PreBattleInfo: id: 505066, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1556908, creationTime 1510424983079, hidden False, locked False , 444301: PreBattleInfo: id: 444301, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1556900, creationTime 1510424983078, hidden False, locked 1 } [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:54] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (533318, 0, 0, 1556886, 1510424983078L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:54] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {525897: PreBattleInfo: id: 525897, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1556902, creationTime 1510424983079, hidden False, locked False , 505066: PreBattleInfo: id: 505066, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1556908, creationTime 1510424983079, hidden False, locked False , 444301: PreBattleInfo: id: 444301, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1556900, creationTime 1510424983078, hidden False, locked 1 , 533318: PreBattleInfo: id: 533318, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1556886, creationTime 1510424983078, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:54] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (505066, 1, 0, 1556908, 1510424983079L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:54] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {525897: PreBattleInfo: id: 525897, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1556902, creationTime 1510424983079, hidden False, locked False , 505066: PreBattleInfo: id: 505066, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1556908, creationTime 1510424983079, hidden False, locked False , 444301: PreBattleInfo: id: 444301, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1556900, creationTime 1510424983078, hidden False, locked 1 , 533318: PreBattleInfo: id: 533318, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1556886, creationTime 1510424983078, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:54] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (505066, 1, 0, 1556908, 1510424983079L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:54] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {525897: PreBattleInfo: id: 525897, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1556902, creationTime 1510424983079, hidden False, locked False , 505066: PreBattleInfo: id: 505066, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1556908, creationTime 1510424983079, hidden False, locked False , 444301: PreBattleInfo: id: 444301, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1556900, creationTime 1510424983078, hidden False, locked 1 , 533318: PreBattleInfo: id: 533318, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1556886, creationTime 1510424983078, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:54] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (505066, 1, 0, 1556908, 1510424983079L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:54] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {525897: PreBattleInfo: id: 525897, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1556902, creationTime 1510424983079, hidden False, locked False , 505066: PreBattleInfo: id: 505066, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1556908, creationTime 1510424983079, hidden False, locked False , 444301: PreBattleInfo: id: 444301, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1556900, creationTime 1510424983078, hidden False, locked 1 , 533318: PreBattleInfo: id: 533318, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1556886, creationTime 1510424983078, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:54] Avatar.enterPrebattle [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:54] (, 39965384947628, 149): 1556874; BattleLogic() [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:54] (, 39965384947628, 149): 1556874; onEnterWorld() State: {attentionMarkers: [], clientAnimations: None, controlPoints: [{position: [-342.0, 0.0], radius: 140.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [0.0, 193.0], radius: 110.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: 0, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [0.0, -193.0], radius: 110.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: 1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [300.0, 0.0], radius: 140.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}], entityStates: [], expectedActions: None, interactiveZones: [], weather: {globalWeatherId: 1556875, localWeather: [], entityLogicParams: []}, keyObjects: [], missions: {hold: [{reward: 4, penalty: 0, cpIndices: [0, 1, 2, 3], period: 9}], capture: [], destroy: [], suppress: [], kill: [{reward: 30, penalty: 45, shipType: 'Destroyer'}, {reward: 35, penalty: 50, shipType: 'Cruiser'}, {reward: 40, penalty: 60, shipType: 'Battleship'}, {reward: 45, penalty: 65, shipType: 'AirCarrier'}], teamsScore: [300, 300], teamWinScore: 1000, teamLoseScore: 0}, resources: [], successStoryProgress: [], screenplayMessage: '', tasks: [], minefields: [], entities: [], effects: []} [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:54] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:54] BattleDataContext.__onEnterSpace [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:54] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:30:57] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:31:01] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:31:04] -= BATTLE STARTED =- [S] [2017_11_11 21:31:06] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (444301, 1, 0, 1556900, 1510424983078L, False, 1) [S] [2017_11_11 21:31:06] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {525897: PreBattleInfo: id: 525897, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1556902, creationTime 1510424983079, hidden False, locked False , 505066: PreBattleInfo: id: 505066, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1556908, creationTime 1510424983079, hidden False, locked False , 444301: PreBattleInfo: id: 444301, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1556900, creationTime 1510424983078, hidden False, locked 1 , 533318: PreBattleInfo: id: 533318, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1556886, creationTime 1510424983078, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 21:31:06] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (444301, 1, 0, 1556900, 1510424983078L, False, 1) [S] [2017_11_11 21:31:06] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {525897: PreBattleInfo: id: 525897, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1556902, creationTime 1510424983079, hidden False, locked False , 505066: PreBattleInfo: id: 505066, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1556908, creationTime 1510424983079, hidden False, locked False , 444301: PreBattleInfo: id: 444301, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1556900, creationTime 1510424983078, hidden False, locked 1 , 533318: PreBattleInfo: id: 533318, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1556886, creationTime 1510424983078, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 21:31:06] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (444301, 1, 0, 1556900, 1510424983078L, False, 1) [S] [2017_11_11 21:31:06] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {525897: PreBattleInfo: id: 525897, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1556902, creationTime 1510424983079, hidden False, locked False , 505066: PreBattleInfo: id: 505066, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1556908, creationTime 1510424983079, hidden False, locked False , 444301: PreBattleInfo: id: 444301, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1556900, creationTime 1510424983078, hidden False, locked 1 , 533318: PreBattleInfo: id: 533318, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1556886, creationTime 1510424983078, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 21:31:07] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (444301, 1, 0, 1556900, 1510424983078L, False, 1) [S] [2017_11_11 21:31:07] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {525897: PreBattleInfo: id: 525897, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1556902, creationTime 1510424983079, hidden False, locked False , 505066: PreBattleInfo: id: 505066, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1556908, creationTime 1510424983079, hidden False, locked False , 444301: PreBattleInfo: id: 444301, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1556900, creationTime 1510424983078, hidden False, locked 1 , 533318: PreBattleInfo: id: 533318, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1556886, creationTime 1510424983078, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 21:31:07] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (444301, 1, 0, 1556900, 1510424983078L, False, 1) [S] [2017_11_11 21:31:07] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {525897: PreBattleInfo: id: 525897, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1556902, creationTime 1510424983079, hidden False, locked False , 505066: PreBattleInfo: id: 505066, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1556908, creationTime 1510424983079, hidden False, locked False , 444301: PreBattleInfo: id: 444301, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1556900, creationTime 1510424983078, hidden False, locked 1 , 533318: PreBattleInfo: id: 533318, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1556886, creationTime 1510424983078, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 21:31:07] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (444301, 1, 0, 1556900, 1510424983078L, False, 1) [S] [2017_11_11 21:31:07] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {525897: PreBattleInfo: id: 525897, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1556902, creationTime 1510424983079, hidden False, locked False , 505066: PreBattleInfo: id: 505066, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1556908, creationTime 1510424983079, hidden False, locked False , 444301: PreBattleInfo: id: 444301, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1556900, creationTime 1510424983078, hidden False, locked 1 , 533318: PreBattleInfo: id: 533318, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1556886, creationTime 1510424983078, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 21:31:10] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:31:10] id 1556895 [S] [2017_11_11 21:31:10] name Alex_7009 [S] [2017_11_11 21:31:10] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:31:10] @ launchpadAppeared 1556895 [S] [2017_11_11 21:31:10] [Weather][7785] onEnterWorld (map spaces/20_NE_two_brothers/weathers.xml, scheme 1, weather 0) [S] [2017_11_11 21:31:10] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:31:10] id 1556879 [S] [2017_11_11 21:31:10] name VUMO [S] [2017_11_11 21:31:10] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:31:10] @ launchpadAppeared 1556879 [S] [2017_11_11 21:31:11] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:31:11] id 1556903 [S] [2017_11_11 21:31:11] name Steofan [S] [2017_11_11 21:31:11] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:31:11] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:31:11] id 1556909 [S] [2017_11_11 21:31:11] name Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 21:31:11] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:31:11] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:31:11] id 1556917 [S] [2017_11_11 21:31:11] name pasha13025 [S] [2017_11_11 21:31:11] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:31:11] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 21:31:11] Avatar.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 21:31:11] ! A.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 21:31:11] BattleDataContext.__onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 21:31:11] Avatar.onWorldStateReceived [S] [2017_11_11 21:31:11] BattleChatSystem IN Context [S] [2017_11_11 21:31:11] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 21:31:13] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:31:13] id 1556885 [S] [2017_11_11 21:31:13] name HEGNI_1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:31:13] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:31:13] @ launchpadAppeared 1556885 [S] [2017_11_11 21:31:13] ('[ERROR] FeedbackController: empty config for event repair_finished',) [S] [2017_11_11 21:31:13] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 21:31:13] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:31:13] id 1556907 [S] [2017_11_11 21:31:13] name HybaiPa [S] [2017_11_11 21:31:13] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:31:13] @ launchpadAppeared 1556907 [S] [2017_11_11 21:31:21] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:31:21] id 1556923 [S] [2017_11_11 21:31:21] name Vitaly020578 [S] [2017_11_11 21:31:21] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:31:21] @ launchpadAppeared 1556923 [S] [2017_11_11 21:31:21] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:31:21] id 1556877 [S] [2017_11_11 21:31:21] name TorukMakTo [S] [2017_11_11 21:31:21] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:31:21] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:31:21] id 1556891 [S] [2017_11_11 21:31:21] name IIIeHa_nupata [S] [2017_11_11 21:31:21] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:31:21] @ launchpadAppeared 1556891 [S] [2017_11_11 21:31:21] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:31:21] id 1556913 [S] [2017_11_11 21:31:21] name privod71 [S] [2017_11_11 21:31:21] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:31:21] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:31:21] id 1556921 [S] [2017_11_11 21:31:21] name wolf79 [S] [2017_11_11 21:31:21] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:33:18] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:33:18] id 1556915 [S] [2017_11_11 21:33:18] name butcher_626 [S] [2017_11_11 21:33:18] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:33:22] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:33:22] id 1556897 [S] [2017_11_11 21:33:22] name darya1992 [S] [2017_11_11 21:33:22] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:33:22] @ launchpadAppeared 1556897 [S] [2017_11_11 21:33:30] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:33:30] id 1556897 [S] [2017_11_11 21:33:30] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:33:30] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:33:30] id 1556915 [S] [2017_11_11 21:33:34] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:33:34] id 1556915 [S] [2017_11_11 21:33:34] name butcher_626 [S] [2017_11_11 21:33:34] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:33:38] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:33:38] id 1556897 [S] [2017_11_11 21:33:38] name darya1992 [S] [2017_11_11 21:33:38] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:33:38] @ launchpadAppeared 1556897 [S] [2017_11_11 21:33:43] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:33:43] id 1556897 [S] [2017_11_11 21:33:43] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:33:43] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:33:43] id 1556915 [S] [2017_11_11 21:33:46] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:33:46] id 1556897 [S] [2017_11_11 21:33:46] name darya1992 [S] [2017_11_11 21:33:46] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:33:46] @ launchpadAppeared 1556897 [S] [2017_11_11 21:33:56] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:33:56] id 1556915 [S] [2017_11_11 21:33:56] name butcher_626 [S] [2017_11_11 21:33:56] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:33:58] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:33:58] id 1556901 [S] [2017_11_11 21:33:58] name ZABUHATOR [S] [2017_11_11 21:33:58] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:33:58] @ launchpadAppeared 1556901 [S] [2017_11_11 21:34:01] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 21:34:06] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 21:34:08] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:34:08] id 1556897 [S] [2017_11_11 21:34:08] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:34:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:34:11] id 1556907 [S] [2017_11_11 21:34:11] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:34:12] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:34:12] id 1556919 [S] [2017_11_11 21:34:12] name San9rus76 [S] [2017_11_11 21:34:12] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:34:12] @ launchpadAppeared 1556919 [S] [2017_11_11 21:34:12] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:34:12] id 1556895 [S] [2017_11_11 21:34:12] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:34:14] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:34:14] id 1556915 [S] [2017_11_11 21:34:18] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:34:18] id 1556905 [S] [2017_11_11 21:34:18] name rustambestpost [S] [2017_11_11 21:34:18] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:34:18] @ launchpadAppeared 1556905 [S] [2017_11_11 21:34:21] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:34:21] id 1556905 [S] [2017_11_11 21:34:21] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:34:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:34:23] id 1556901 [S] [2017_11_11 21:34:23] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:34:34] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:34:34] id 1556905 [S] [2017_11_11 21:34:34] name rustambestpost [S] [2017_11_11 21:34:34] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:34:34] @ launchpadAppeared 1556905 [S] [2017_11_11 21:34:34] DEBUG: onChatMessage args ('', '', {'avatarId': 1556914, 'achievementId': 4277330864L, 'type': -1}) [S] [2017_11_11 21:34:34] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:34:34] id 1556901 [S] [2017_11_11 21:34:34] name ZABUHATOR [S] [2017_11_11 21:34:34] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:34:34] @ launchpadAppeared 1556901 [S] [2017_11_11 21:34:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:34:35] id 1556895 [S] [2017_11_11 21:34:35] name Alex_7009 [S] [2017_11_11 21:34:35] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:34:35] @ launchpadAppeared 1556895 [S] [2017_11_11 21:34:35] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 21:34:35] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 21:34:47] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 21:34:53] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 21:34:56] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:34:56] id 1556919 [S] [2017_11_11 21:34:56] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:34:57] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:34:57] id 1556905 [S] [2017_11_11 21:34:57] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:34:59] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:34:59] id 1556901 [S] [2017_11_11 21:34:59] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:35:07] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:35:07] id 1556905 [S] [2017_11_11 21:35:07] name rustambestpost [S] [2017_11_11 21:35:07] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:35:07] @ launchpadAppeared 1556905 [S] [2017_11_11 21:35:13] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:35:13] id 1556921 [S] [2017_11_11 21:35:29] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:35:29] id 1556905 [S] [2017_11_11 21:35:29] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:35:43] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:35:43] id 1556905 [S] [2017_11_11 21:35:43] name rustambestpost [S] [2017_11_11 21:35:43] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:35:43] @ launchpadAppeared 1556905 [S] [2017_11_11 21:35:47] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:35:47] id 1556901 [S] [2017_11_11 21:35:47] name ZABUHATOR [S] [2017_11_11 21:35:47] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:35:47] @ launchpadAppeared 1556901 [S] [2017_11_11 21:35:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:35:50] id 1556919 [S] [2017_11_11 21:35:50] name San9rus76 [S] [2017_11_11 21:35:50] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:35:50] @ launchpadAppeared 1556919 [S] [2017_11_11 21:35:50] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 21:35:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:35:50] id 1556917 [S] [2017_11_11 21:35:54] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:35:54] id 1556903 [S] [2017_11_11 21:35:56] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:35:56] id 1556881 [S] [2017_11_11 21:35:56] name spaice_army [S] [2017_11_11 21:35:56] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:36:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:36:01] id 1556905 [S] [2017_11_11 21:36:01] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:36:08] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:36:08] id 1556901 [S] [2017_11_11 21:36:08] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:36:09] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:36:09] id 1556881 [S] [2017_11_11 21:36:10] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:36:10] id 1556901 [S] [2017_11_11 21:36:10] name ZABUHATOR [S] [2017_11_11 21:36:10] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:36:10] @ launchpadAppeared 1556901 [S] [2017_11_11 21:36:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:36:23] id 1556901 [S] [2017_11_11 21:36:23] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:36:23] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:36:23] id 1556901 [S] [2017_11_11 21:36:23] name ZABUHATOR [S] [2017_11_11 21:36:23] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:36:23] @ launchpadAppeared 1556901 [S] [2017_11_11 21:36:28] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:36:28] id 1556923 [S] [2017_11_11 21:36:28] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:36:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:36:40] id 1556879 [S] [2017_11_11 21:36:40] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:36:51] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:36:51] id 1556881 [S] [2017_11_11 21:36:51] name spaice_army [S] [2017_11_11 21:36:51] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:36:53] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:36:53] id 1556919 [S] [2017_11_11 21:36:53] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:36:54] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:36:54] id 1556877 [S] [2017_11_11 21:37:15] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:37:15] id 1556893 [S] [2017_11_11 21:37:15] name Willi_King [S] [2017_11_11 21:37:15] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:37:18] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:37:18] id 1556905 [S] [2017_11_11 21:37:18] name rustambestpost [S] [2017_11_11 21:37:18] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:37:18] @ launchpadAppeared 1556905 [S] [2017_11_11 21:37:20] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:37:20] id 1556881 [S] [2017_11_11 21:37:20] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:37:20] id 1556905 [S] [2017_11_11 21:37:20] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:37:23] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:37:23] id 1556905 [S] [2017_11_11 21:37:23] name rustambestpost [S] [2017_11_11 21:37:23] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:37:23] @ launchpadAppeared 1556905 [S] [2017_11_11 21:37:23] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:37:23] id 1556881 [S] [2017_11_11 21:37:23] name spaice_army [S] [2017_11_11 21:37:23] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:37:48] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 21:37:48] DEBUG: onChatMessage args ('', '', {'avatarId': 1556900, 'achievementId': 4282573744L, 'type': -1}) [S] [2017_11_11 21:37:48] DEBUG: onChatMessage args ('', '', {'avatarId': 1556912, 'achievementId': 4274185136L, 'type': -1}) [S] [2017_11_11 21:37:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:37:51] id 1556881 [S] [2017_11_11 21:38:02] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:38:02] id 1556917 [S] [2017_11_11 21:38:02] name pasha13025 [S] [2017_11_11 21:38:02] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:38:02] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:38:02] id 1556897 [S] [2017_11_11 21:38:02] name darya1992 [S] [2017_11_11 21:38:02] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:38:02] @ launchpadAppeared 1556897 [S] [2017_11_11 21:38:06] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:38:06] id 1556919 [S] [2017_11_11 21:38:06] name San9rus76 [S] [2017_11_11 21:38:06] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:38:06] @ launchpadAppeared 1556919 [S] [2017_11_11 21:38:06] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 21:38:07] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:38:07] id 1556879 [S] [2017_11_11 21:38:07] name VUMO [S] [2017_11_11 21:38:07] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:38:07] @ launchpadAppeared 1556879 [S] [2017_11_11 21:38:13] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:38:13] id 1556877 [S] [2017_11_11 21:38:13] name TorukMakTo [S] [2017_11_11 21:38:13] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:38:13] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 21:38:36] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:38:36] id 1556903 [S] [2017_11_11 21:38:36] name Steofan [S] [2017_11_11 21:38:36] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:38:59] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (525897, 0, 0, 1556902, 1510424983079L, True, False) [S] [2017_11_11 21:38:59] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {525897: PreBattleInfo: id: 525897, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1556902, creationTime 1510424983079, hidden True, locked False , 505066: PreBattleInfo: id: 505066, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1556908, creationTime 1510424983079, hidden False, locked False , 444301: PreBattleInfo: id: 444301, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1556900, creationTime 1510424983078, hidden False, locked 1 , 533318: PreBattleInfo: id: 533318, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1556886, creationTime 1510424983078, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 21:39:03] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 21:39:03] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:39:04] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:39:04] id 1556901 [S] [2017_11_11 21:39:04] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:39:05] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:39:05] id 1556899 [S] [2017_11_11 21:39:05] name sherman_aydar [S] [2017_11_11 21:39:05] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:39:16] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:39:16] id 1556901 [S] [2017_11_11 21:39:16] name ZABUHATOR [S] [2017_11_11 21:39:16] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:39:16] @ launchpadAppeared 1556901 [S] [2017_11_11 21:39:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:39:18] id 1556879 [S] [2017_11_11 21:39:18] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:39:21] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:39:21] id 1556901 [S] [2017_11_11 21:39:21] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:39:53] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:39:53] id 1556911 [S] [2017_11_11 21:39:53] name tanks_ABOT_ [S] [2017_11_11 21:39:53] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:40:10] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:40:10] id 1556901 [S] [2017_11_11 21:40:10] name ZABUHATOR [S] [2017_11_11 21:40:10] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:40:10] @ launchpadAppeared 1556901 [S] [2017_11_11 21:40:12] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:40:12] id 1556891 [S] [2017_11_11 21:40:12] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:40:46] DEBUG: onChatMessage args ('', '', {'avatarId': 1556890, 'achievementId': 4282573744L, 'type': -1}) [S] [2017_11_11 21:40:47] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:40:47] id 1556883 [S] [2017_11_11 21:40:47] name Mirab07 [S] [2017_11_11 21:40:47] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:40:47] @ launchpadAppeared 1556883 [S] [2017_11_11 21:41:02] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:41:02] id 1556879 [S] [2017_11_11 21:41:02] name VUMO [S] [2017_11_11 21:41:02] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:41:02] @ launchpadAppeared 1556879 [S] [2017_11_11 21:41:38] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 21:41:39] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:41:39] id 1556923 [S] [2017_11_11 21:41:39] name Vitaly020578 [S] [2017_11_11 21:41:39] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:41:39] @ launchpadAppeared 1556923 [S] [2017_11_11 21:41:39] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:41:39] id 1556891 [S] [2017_11_11 21:41:39] name IIIeHa_nupata [S] [2017_11_11 21:41:39] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:41:39] @ launchpadAppeared 1556891 [S] [2017_11_11 21:41:39] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:41:39] id 1556887 [S] [2017_11_11 21:41:39] name Sintenza [S] [2017_11_11 21:41:39] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:41:39] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 21:41:39] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 21:41:39] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 21:41:39] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 21:41:40] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:41:40] id 1556889 [S] [2017_11_11 21:41:40] name Heavy_Tank [S] [2017_11_11 21:41:40] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:41:40] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:41:40] id 1556907 [S] [2017_11_11 21:41:40] name HybaiPa [S] [2017_11_11 21:41:40] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:41:40] @ launchpadAppeared 1556907 [S] [2017_11_11 21:41:40] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:41:40] id 1556921 [S] [2017_11_11 21:41:40] name wolf79 [S] [2017_11_11 21:41:40] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:41:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:41:40] id 1556901 [S] [2017_11_11 21:41:40] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:41:40] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 21:41:40] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 21:41:40] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 21:41:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:41:48] id 1556915 [S] [2017_11_11 21:41:48] name butcher_626 [S] [2017_11_11 21:41:48] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:41:50] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 21:41:52] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:00] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:00] id 1556905 [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:00] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:02] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:02] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:02] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:08] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:08] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:14] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:14] id 1556901 [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:14] name ZABUHATOR [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:14] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:14] @ launchpadAppeared 1556901 [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:16] id 1556901 [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:16] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:16] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:16] id 1556901 [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:16] name ZABUHATOR [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:16] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:16] @ launchpadAppeared 1556901 [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:19] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:19] id 1556901 [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:19] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:22] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:22] id 1556901 [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:22] name ZABUHATOR [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:22] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:22] @ launchpadAppeared 1556901 [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:28] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: GameMenu, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:29] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: GameMenu [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:29] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: GameMenu, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:31] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: SimpleModalWindow, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:34] setFpsGathererActive(False) [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:34] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:34] (, 39965384947628, 149): 1556874; onLeaveWorld() [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:34] [Weather][7785] onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:34] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:34] id 1556877 [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:34] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:34] id 1556879 [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:34] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:34] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:34] id 1556883 [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:34] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:34] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:34] id 1556885 [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:34] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:34] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:34] id 1556887 [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:34] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:34] id 1556889 [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:34] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:34] id 1556891 [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:34] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:34] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:34] id 1556893 [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:34] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:34] id 1556895 [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:34] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:34] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:34] id 1556897 [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:34] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:34] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:34] id 1556899 [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:34] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:34] id 1556901 [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:34] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:34] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:34] id 1556903 [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:34] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:34] id 1556907 [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:34] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:34] Avatar.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:34] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOver [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:34] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOut [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:34] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:34] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:34] id 1556909 [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:34] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:34] id 1556911 [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:34] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:34] id 1556913 [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:34] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:34] id 1556915 [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:34] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:34] id 1556917 [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:34] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:34] id 1556919 [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:34] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:34] id 1556921 [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:34] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:34] id 1556923 [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:35] Account.__init__() [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:35] [Account debuG]: __init__() Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:35] ClanProxy.setChatHandler [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:35] ClanProxy.setInteractiveMessageData [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:35] Exception BigWorld.EntityIsDestroyedException: 'Account 537168736 has been destroyed' in ignored [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:35] onBecomePlayer() [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:35] UserDataGate.onGetConnection [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:35] UserDataGate.onGetConnection(): 5595999 [Entity: id:3716 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'teamKiller', 'accountLevel', 'clanman']] Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:35] leaveBattleSession() Reason: 0 Info: {'survey_id': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:35] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:35] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:36] BattleChatSystem OUT OF Context [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:36] Exception BigWorld.EntityIsDestroyedException: 'Avatar 1556908 has been destroyed' in ignored [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:36] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] chooseOperation: 4291341232 normal True [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:36] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onOperationChosen: 4291341232 normal True [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:36] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] chooseOperation: 0 normal False [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:36] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onOperationChosen: 0 normal False [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:36] (, 51003611475748, 141): is in context [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:36] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_end'}, interval: (1510416001.0, 1510426780.0)",) [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:36] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'end'}, interval: (1510426800.0, 1510426800.0)",) [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:36] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 1043 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510426800.0, 1510426800.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'end'}) [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:36] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}, interval: (1510498800.0, 1510502380.0)",) [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:36] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 1043 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510426800.0, 1510426800.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'end'}) [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:36] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'start'}, interval: (1510502400.0, 1510502400.0)",) [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:36] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 1043 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510426800.0, 1510426800.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'end'}) [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:36] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'end'}, interval: (1510513200.0, 1510513200.0)",) [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:36] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 1043 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510426800.0, 1510426800.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'end'}) [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:36] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:37] Sent FPS data [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:37] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAccount [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:37] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() True 0 0 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:37] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:37] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:37] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4161159088 {('Default', 4283604912L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 7, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:37] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4162207664 {('Default', 4279410608L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 6, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:37] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q04 {('Default', 4271730608L, 0): 5, ('Default', 4269633456L, 0): 5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u041e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c \u043d\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u041e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c \u043d\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:37] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4163256240 {('Default', 4282556336L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 5, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:37] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22468_q03 {('Default', 4263440304L, 0): 5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:37] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q02 {('Resource', 19, 0): 1, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u041f\u0440\u0435\u043c\u0438\u0443\u043c \u0437\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0443'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u041f\u0440\u0435\u043c\u0438\u0443\u043c \u0437\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0443'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:37] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4156964784 {'desc': (), ('Resource', 0, 0): 100000} {'taskNumber': 11, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:37] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4154867632 {('Default', 4284313520L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 13, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:37] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4165353392 {('Default', 4287557552L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 3, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:37] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q01 {('ResourceCoeff', 21, 17): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 30): 6.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 9): 13.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 32): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 10): 3.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 5): 1.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 28): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 14): 6.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 16): 3.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 11): 3.0, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'}, 0, 0)} {'type': 'challenge', 'titleText': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:37] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4141236144 {'desc': (), ('Resource', 16, 0): 500} {'taskNumber': 12, 'missionNumber': '10', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:37] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4167450544 {'desc': (), ('Resource', 16, 0): 500} {'taskNumber': 1, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:37] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4153819056 {('Default', 4279168944L, 0): 15, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 14, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:37] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4160110512 {('Resource', 0, 0): 100000, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 8, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:37] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 18 [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:37] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:37] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 18. Boxes contents: [{4288852912L: {(0, 4283622320L): 1}, 4284658608L: {(0, 4274185136L): 1}, 4283610032L: {(0, 4273136560L): 1}, 4289901488L: {(0, 4289913776L): 1}}] [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:38] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:38] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:39] Sent FPS data [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:39] enterPreBattle() 1703686 [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:39] Account.enterPreBattle: (207) (1, 505066, (0, 0, 10, -1, 1, '', 0), 537168736, 62222528, u'', 1, None, 3, [(537168736, 5595999, 'Tier099', None, 0, 1, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0), (537307028, 62222528, 'HEGNI_1', 4288624336L, 0, 3, True, True, False, 15, 134232416, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0)], [], (0, 0), False, 1510424983079L, 2, False, [], {'nonClanMembersCount': 0}) [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:39] [DivisionEntranceContext] __onEnterDivision: 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:39] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 1, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:39] some players in battle 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:39] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [53] [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:39] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 1, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:39] some players in battle 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:39] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [53] [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:39] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 1, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:39] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 1, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:39] some players in battle 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:39] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [53] [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:39] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 1, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:39] some players in battle 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:39] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [53] [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:39] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 1, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:39] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 1, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:39] some players in battle 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:39] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [53] [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:39] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 1, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:39] some players in battle 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:39] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [53] [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:39] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 1, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:39] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 1, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:39] some players in battle 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:39] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [53] [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:39] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 1, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:39] some players in battle 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:39] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [53] [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:39] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 1, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:39] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onEnterPreBattle: None [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:39] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:45] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:45] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:45] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:45] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:45] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:45] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:45] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:45] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:45] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:45] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:45] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:45] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:46] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:46] (, 66379459049956, 122): __sendCurrentMessage:, (IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510416001.0, 1510426780.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_end'}),) [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:46] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 118, 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'messageType': 'soon_end', 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_CLAN_BATTLE_PRIMETIME_CHANGED', 'groupId': 8} [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:46] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:46] [Filters] saveFilters [] [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:46] [Filters] saveFilters [] [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:46] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:46] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:46] getModelPaths [] [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:47] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': 0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:47] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': -1.0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:47] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {58313239: None, 206363: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'10NGR', 'id': 426536, 'name': u'10 \u041d\u0415\u0413\u0420\u0418\u0422\u042f\u0422'}, 71294493: {'color': 13395507, 'league': None, 'tag': u'DN-G', 'id': 429894, 'name': u'Death Note / \u0422\u0435\u0442\u0440\u0430\u0434\u044c \u0421\u043c\u0435\u0440\u0442\u0438'}, 5169826: None, 54953: {'color': 13434828, 'league': None, 'tag': u'_RA_', 'id': 430699, 'name': u'Russian AlIiance'}, 6505402: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'PRO-M', 'id': 430469, 'name': u'\u041f\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0438\u0442\u0435\u043b\u0438 \u041c\u043e\u0440\u0435\u0439'}, 62222528: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 20074305: None, 22632012: None, 57479758: None, 2221655: None, 81172825: None, 1418589: None, 2181473: None, 5487330: {'color': 13434828, 'league': None, 'tag': u'W_WST', 'id': 411626, 'name': u'Walkure West'}, 20440037: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'WGFUN', 'id': 411745, 'name': u'War Games Fun'}, 39829354: None, 1745518: None, 47283439: None, 26001905: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'10NGR', 'id': 426536, 'name': u'10 \u041d\u0415\u0413\u0420\u0418\u0422\u042f\u0422'}, 2161269: None, 4501545: None, 2994553: None} [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:49] ClanProxy.onChatInitialized [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:49] XmppChatHandler.joinClanChannel() 430246 [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:49] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived prebattle 3 [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:49] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: DIVISION channelsGroupsIds: [] [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:49] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel True self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:49] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 5595999 Tier099 2 2 (430246, u'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:49] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 62222528 HEGNI_1 2 2 (430246, u'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:49] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 62222528@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:49] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: channelsGroupsIds: [] [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:49] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:49] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True UserDataGate.__onRosterUpdated [('17915186@wowsru.loc', 'egy5', False, 4, ()), ('22453883@wowsru.loc', 'vova1972ruzan', False, 4, ()), ('2557718@wowsru.loc', 'NSDRP', False, 4, ()), ('26288674@wowsru.loc', '_EmperoR_WOW_', False, 4, ()), ('2893852@wowsru.loc', 'klimstonn', False, 4, ()), ('30937387@wowsru.loc', 'monster__622', False, 4, ()), ('31456527@wowsru.loc', 'Yurautyug', False, 4, ()), ('327255@wowsru.loc', 'Migri', False, 4, ()), ('35853511@wowsru.loc', 'toshidzu', False, 4, ()), ('5471194@wowsru.loc', 'loki1982', False, 4, ()), ('58161041@wowsru.loc', 'Y_O_R_K_2015', False, 4, ()), ('62222528@wowsru.loc', 'HEGNI_1', False, 4, ()), ('6896454@wowsru.loc', 'Vie92', False, 4, ()), ('69118514@wowsru.loc', 'RenamedUser_69118514', False, 4, ()), ('69416610@wowsru.loc', 'Player_3185411451', False, 4, ()), ('71811251@wowsru.loc', 'Leogon_1', False, 4, ()), ('73537307@wowsru.loc', 'PZS_One', False, 4, ())] [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:49] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {62222528: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 69416610: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 22453883: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 6896454: None, 35853511: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 30937387: None, 26288674: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'GUAPS', 'id': 430164, 'name': u'\u0413\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0434\u0435\u0439\u0446\u044b \u041f\u043e\u0441\u0435\u0439\u0434\u043e\u043d\u0430'}, 17915186: None, 31456527: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 58161041: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 69118514: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 71811251: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 2557718: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 327255: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'ENYO', 'id': 415095, 'name': u'\u042d\u041d\u0418\u041e'}, 5471194: None, 73537307: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 2893852: None} [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:49] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 2893852@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:49] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 59124891@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:49] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 11274288@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:49] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 21696974@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:49] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 14596986@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:49] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 58053848@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:49] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 310434@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:49] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 19410835@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:49] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 35853511@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:49] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 59103429@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:49] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 22453883@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:49] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 2557718@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:49] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 69118514@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:49] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 73537307@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:49] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:49] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:49] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: KARSAK_1968 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:49] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:49] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:49] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:49] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:49] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:49] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:49] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:49] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:49] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:49] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:49] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:49] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:49] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:49] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: toshidzu channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:49] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:49] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Samum1989_geroj channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:49] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:49] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:49] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:49] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: NSDRP channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:49] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:49] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: RenamedUser_69118514 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:49] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:49] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:49] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:49] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived clansearch@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:49] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived ids_chat_channel_offtop@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:49] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived ids_chat_channel_questions@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:49] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived wargamingfm@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:49] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_SEARCH_CLAN_DIV channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:49] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:49] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_OFFTOP channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:49] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:49] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_QUESTIONS channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:49] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:49] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: WargamingFM Корабли channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:49] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:50] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc 6 [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:50] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: channelsGroupsIds: [] [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:50] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:50] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 69118514 {'jid': '69118514@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:50] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 62222528 {'jid': '62222528@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'HEGNI_1', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:50] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 71811251 {'jid': '71811251@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Leogon_1', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:50] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 35853511 {'jid': '35853511@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'toshidzu', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:50] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 58161041 {'jid': '58161041@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Y_O_R_K_2015', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:50] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 59103429 {'jid': '59103429@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Samum1989_geroj', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:50] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 310434 {'jid': '310434@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'mara77marakanec', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:50] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 5595999 {'jid': '5595999@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Tier099', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:50] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Tier099', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/5595999', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510394839L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd1\x80\xd0\xb5\xd0\xb1\xd1\x8f\xd1\x82 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb3\xd0\xbe \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xb2\xd1\x8b\xd0\xba\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb4\xd1\x8b\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82 \xd0\xb2\xd0\xbe \xd0\xb2\xd1\x80\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbc\xd1\x8f \xd0\xb1\xd0\xbe\xd1\x8f???', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:50] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Tier099', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/5595999', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510396421L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbf\xd1\x8f\xd1\x82\xd1\x8c \xd0\xb2\xd1\x8b\xd0\xba\xd0\xb8\xd0\xbd\xd1\x83\xd0\xbb\xd0\xbe 2 \xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb7\xd0\xb0 \xd0\xb7\xd0\xb0 1 \xd0\xb1\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb9', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:50] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/69118514', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510401726L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb1\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb8 \xd0\xba\xd0\xb5\xd1\x88', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:50] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'NSDRP', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/2557718', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510404247L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb5\xd1\x87\xd0\xb5\xd1\x80 \xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb1\xd1\x80\xd1\x8b\xd0\xb9. \xd0\xb5\xd1\x81\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb8 9 \xd0\xbe\xd1\x87\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2 \xd0\xbe\xd0\xbf\xd1\x8b\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0 \xd0\xba\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbf\xd0\xb8\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe 54 000 \xd0\xbe\xd0\xbf\xd1\x8b\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0 \xd1\x82\xd0\xbe \xd1\x81\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbb\xd1\x8c\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe \xd0\xb7\xd0\xb0 15 ?', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:50] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/69118514', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510408413L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0 13 \xd0\xbe\xd1\x87\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe 108 000', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:50] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Tier099', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/5595999', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510408924L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xba\xd1\x82\xd0\xbe \xd0\xb2 \xd0\xb2\xd0\xb7\xd0\xb2\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb4??? \xd0\x9f\xd0\xb8\xd1\x88\xd0\xb8\xd1\x82\xd0\xb5 \xd1\x81\xd0\xbc\xd1\x81 \xd0\xb2 \xd0\x9b\xd0\xa1', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:50] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'NSDRP', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/2557718', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510409220L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\x94\xd0\x90 \xd1\x83\xd0\xb6 . \xd0\xb0 \xd0\xbc\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe \xd0\xb4\xd0\xbb\xd1\x8f \xd0\xba\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb0 18 \xd0\xbe\xd1\x87\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2. \xd0\xb0 \xd1\x83 \xd0\xbc\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd1\x8f \xd1\x82\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbb\xd1\x8c\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe 9. \xd0\xbe\xd1\x85\xd0\xbe- \xd1\x85\xd0\xbe', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:50] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Tier099', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/5595999', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510409598L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xb8\xd0\xb3\xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd1\x82\xd1\x8c \xd1\x80\xd0\xb5\xd0\xb1\xd1\x8f\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0???', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:50] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'PZS_One', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/73537307', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510415291L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xb2\xd1\x81\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbc \xd0\xbf\xd1\x80\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:50] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'PZS_One', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/73537307', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510416198L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd1\x85\xd0\xbe\xd1\x87\xd1\x83 \xd0\xbf\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb3\xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd1\x82\xd1\x8c \xd1\x81\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbc\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb9', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:50] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'vova1972ruzan', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/22453883', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510416931L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\x92 \xd0\x9a\xd0\x90\xd0\x9b\xd0\x90\xd0\x9d\xd0\x9e\xd0\x92\xd0\xab\xd0\x99 \xd0\x91\xd0\x9e\xd0\x99 \xd0\x98\xd0\x93\xd0\xa0\xd0\x90\xd0\xa2\xd0\xac \xd0\x91\xd0\xa3\xd0\x94\xd0\x95\xd0\x9c \xd0\x98\xd0\x9b\xd0\x98 \xd0\x9a\xd0\x90\xd0\x9a?', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:50] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'vova1972ruzan', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/22453883', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510417063L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\x9a\xd0\x9e\xd0\x9c\xd0\x90\xd0\x9d\xd0\x94\xd0\x98\xd0\xa0\xd0\xab \xd0\x9f\xd0\xa0\xd0\x9e\xd0\xa1\xd0\x9d\xd0\x98\xd0\xa2\xd0\x95\xd0\xa1\xd0\xac', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:51] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/69118514', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510417186L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xb7\xd0\xb0\xd1\x85\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb8\xd1\x82\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xb2 \xd1\x80\xd0\xb5\xd0\xb4 \xd0\xba\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbb', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:51] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/69118514', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510418654L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\x95\xd0\xa9\xd0\x95 3 \xd0\x98\xd0\x93\xd0\xa0\xd0\x9e\xd0\x9a\xd0\x90 \xd0\x9f\xd0\x9e\xd0\xa8\xd0\x9b\xd0\x98 \xd0\x92 \xd0\x9a\xd0\x9b\xd0\x90\xd0\x9d\xd0\x9e\xd0\x92\xd0\xab', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:51] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/69118514', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510420956L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xba\xd1\x82\xd0\xbe \xd0\xbf\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb9\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82 \xd0\xb2 \xd0\xba\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2\xd1\x8b\xd0\xb9 \xd0\xb1\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb9?', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:51] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'toshidzu', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/35853511', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510421013L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd1\x8f', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:51] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/69118514', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510421051L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xaf \xd0\xa2\xd0\x95\xd0\x91\xd0\xaf \xd0\x97\xd0\x92\xd0\x90\xd0\x9b \xd0\x97\xd0\x92\xd0\x90\xd0\x9b 1-\xd0\x93\xd0\x9e \xd0\x9d\xd0\x95\xd0\xa5\xd0\x92\xd0\x90\xd0\xa2\xd0\x90\xd0\x9b\xd0\x90', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:51] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'toshidzu', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/35853511', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510422082L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd1\x8f \xd0\xb2 \xd0\xb1\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbd\xd1\x8e \xd1\x85\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb8\xd0\xbb \xd0\xb7\xd0\xb0 \xd0\xbc\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd1\x8f \xd0\xbf\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbc\xd1\x8f\xd1\x88 \xd0\xb8\xd0\xb3\xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbb', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:51] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Yurautyug', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/31456527', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510422172L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xb5\xd1\x89\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xb1\xd1\x8b \xd0\xbe\xd0\xb4\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb3\xd0\xbe \xd0\xb8 \xd0\xb2 \xd0\xb1\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb9', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:51] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'toshidzu', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/35853511', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510422189L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb0', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:51] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Yurautyug', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/31456527', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510422228L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xb1\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb8\xd0\xbd, 30 \xd1\x87\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbb\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb5\xd0\xba \xd0\xb8 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb5 \xd1\x85\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb0\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82 \xd0\xb8\xd0\xb3\xd1\x80\xd0\xbe\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:51] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'toshidzu', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/35853511', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510422288L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xbe\xd1\x81\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbb\xd1\x81\xd1\x8f 1 \xd1\x87\xd0\xb0\xd1\x81', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:51] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'toshidzu', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/35853511', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510422344L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd1\x81 \xd1\x81\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbc\xd0\xb5\xd1\x80\xd0\xbe \xd0\xb7\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb7\xd1\x8b\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb9\xd1\x82\xd0\xb5', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:51] (, 86904481544477, 21): joinChannel, ('already joined', 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc') [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:51] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 310434 mara77marakanec 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:51] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 35853511 toshidzu 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:51] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 5595999 Tier099 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:51] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 58161041 Y_O_R_K_2015 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:51] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 59103429 Samum1989_geroj 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:51] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 62222528 HEGNI_1 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:51] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 69118514 RenamedUser_69118514 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:51] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 71811251 Leogon_1 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:56] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 1, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:56] some players in battle 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:56] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [53] [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:56] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 1, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:56] some players in battle 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:56] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [53] [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:56] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 1, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:58] availableShipParts 63 [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:58] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:59] DivisionProxy.setReady: 4287575760 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:59] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4287575760 2 [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:59] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 505066 (537168736, 5595999, 'Tier099', 4287575760L, 0, 2, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0) 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:59] DivisionProxy.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537168736, dbid=5595999, name='Tier099', shipId=4287575760L, teamId=0, state=2, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=0) 0 {} [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:59] playersToInvite {} [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:59] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 5595999 {'jid': '5595999@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Tier099', 'clanInfo': (430246, u'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:59] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:59] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [4, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 1, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:59] some players in battle 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:59] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [53] [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:59] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [4, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 1, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:59] availableShipParts 63 [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:59] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {62222528: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 58161041: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 71811251: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 35853511: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}} [S] [2017_11_11 21:42:59] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_11 21:43:22] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 505066 (537307028, 62222528, 'HEGNI_1', None, 0, 1, False, True, False, 15, 134232416, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0) 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:43:22] DivisionProxy.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537307028, dbid=62222528, name='HEGNI_1', shipId=None, teamId=0, state=1, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134232416, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=0) 0 {} [S] [2017_11_11 21:43:22] playersToInvite {} [S] [2017_11_11 21:43:22] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 62222528 {'jid': '62222528@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'HEGNI_1', 'clanInfo': (430246, u'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:43:22] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 21:43:22] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [4, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:43:22] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 21:43:22] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [4, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:43:26] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 62222528 {'jid': '62222528@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'HEGNI_1', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:43:26] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {62222528: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}} [S] [2017_11_11 21:43:49] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 505066 (537307028, 62222528, 'HEGNI_1', 4182718256L, 0, 2, False, True, False, 15, 134232416, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0) 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:43:49] DivisionProxy.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537307028, dbid=62222528, name='HEGNI_1', shipId=4182718256L, teamId=0, state=2, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134232416, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=0) 0 {} [S] [2017_11_11 21:43:49] playersToInvite {} [S] [2017_11_11 21:43:49] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 62222528 {'jid': '62222528@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'HEGNI_1', 'clanInfo': (430246, u'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:43:49] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 21:43:49] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 7], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 2]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:43:49] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [59] [S] [2017_11_11 21:43:49] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 7], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 2]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:43:54] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 505066 (537307028, 62222528, 'HEGNI_1', None, 0, 1, False, True, False, 15, 134232416, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0) 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:43:54] DivisionProxy.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537307028, dbid=62222528, name='HEGNI_1', shipId=None, teamId=0, state=1, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134232416, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=0) 0 {} [S] [2017_11_11 21:43:54] playersToInvite {} [S] [2017_11_11 21:43:54] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 62222528 {'jid': '62222528@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'HEGNI_1', 'clanInfo': (430246, u'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:43:54] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 21:43:54] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [4, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:43:54] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 21:43:54] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [4, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:03] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 505066 (537307028, 62222528, 'HEGNI_1', 4286494416L, 0, 2, False, True, False, 15, 134232416, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0) 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:03] DivisionProxy.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537307028, dbid=62222528, name='HEGNI_1', shipId=4286494416L, teamId=0, state=2, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134232416, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=0) 0 {} [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:03] playersToInvite {} [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:03] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 62222528 {'jid': '62222528@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'HEGNI_1', 'clanInfo': (430246, u'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:03] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:03] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 7], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 1], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:03] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [59] [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:03] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [5, 7], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 1], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:24] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 505066 (537307028, 62222528, 'HEGNI_1', None, 0, 1, False, True, False, 15, 134232416, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0) 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:24] DivisionProxy.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537307028, dbid=62222528, name='HEGNI_1', shipId=None, teamId=0, state=1, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134232416, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=0) 0 {} [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:24] playersToInvite {} [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:24] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 62222528 {'jid': '62222528@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'HEGNI_1', 'clanInfo': (430246, u'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:24] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:24] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [4, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:24] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:24] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [4, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:26] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 505066 (537307028, 62222528, 'HEGNI_1', 4184782672L, 0, 2, False, True, False, 15, 134232416, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0) 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:26] DivisionProxy.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537307028, dbid=62222528, name='HEGNI_1', shipId=4184782672L, teamId=0, state=2, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134232416, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=0) 0 {} [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:26] playersToInvite {} [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:26] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 62222528 {'jid': '62222528@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'HEGNI_1', 'clanInfo': (430246, u'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:26] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:26] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [4, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 1], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:26] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:26] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [4, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 1], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:30] Account.enqueue(): 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:30] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [4, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 1], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:30] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:30] DivisionProxy.start 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:30] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [4, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 1], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:30] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:30] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 505066 (537168736, 5595999, 'Tier099', 4287575760L, 0, 3, True, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0) 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:30] DivisionProxy.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537168736, dbid=5595999, name='Tier099', shipId=4287575760L, teamId=0, state=3, isInBattle=True, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=0) 0 {} [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:30] playersToInvite {} [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:30] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 5595999 {'jid': '5595999@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Tier099', 'clanInfo': (430246, u'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:30] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:30] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [4, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 1, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 1], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:30] some players in battle 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:30] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [53] [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:30] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [4, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 1, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 1], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:30] some players in battle 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:30] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [53] [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:30] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [4, 6], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 1, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 1], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:30] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 505066 (537307028, 62222528, 'HEGNI_1', 4184782672L, 0, 3, True, True, False, 15, 134232416, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0) 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:30] DivisionProxy.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537307028, dbid=62222528, name='HEGNI_1', shipId=4184782672L, teamId=0, state=3, isInBattle=True, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134232416, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=0) 0 {} [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:30] playersToInvite {} [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:30] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 62222528 {'jid': '62222528@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'HEGNI_1', 'clanInfo': (430246, u'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:30] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:30] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 2, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:30] some players in battle 2 [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:30] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [53] [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:30] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 2, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:30] some players in battle 2 [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:30] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [53] [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:30] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 2, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:30] onEnqueued() QueueType: 1 ShipId: 4287575760 mmDescription: {'useBots': False, 'onlyFullBattles': False, 'maxWait': 300} [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:30] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4287575760 4 [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:33] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {62222528: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}} [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:33] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 5595999 {'jid': '5595999@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Tier099', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:34] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 62222528 {'jid': '62222528@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'HEGNI_1', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:34] onPrepareingForBattle() [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:34] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4287575760 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:45] onGameRoomStateInit mapIdx = 26 battleType = 80 gameMode = StandDom duration=1200 [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:52] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:52] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened False [isChatBoxOpened] __updateChannelInfo channel.isChatBoxOpened False False [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:52] (, 80999132267601, 73): handleChannelError, ('room destroyed', 'prebattle', 3) [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:52] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened False GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:53] [LootboxProxyClient.destroy] [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:54] Avatar.receiveAvatarInfo: {'evaluationsLeft': {0: 7, 1: 7}} [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:54] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAvatar [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:54] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() False 0 0 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:54] Avatar.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:54] name Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:54] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:54] Avatar onControlled False [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:54] onControlled->False: not implemented [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:54] onGeometryMapped() MapName: 42_Neighbors [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:54] teamBuildType: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:54] player: Id: 268560 Name: bola09 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSC005_Furutaka_1926 avatarId: 1463655 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:54] player: Id: 537353107 Name: farkhadlw TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSB010_Nagato_1944 avatarId: 1463657 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:54] player: Id: 537307028 Name: HEGNI_1 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSC105_Emile_Bertin avatarId: 1463659 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:54] player: Id: 537255959 Name: mameev89 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASD006_Mahan_1936 avatarId: 1463661 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:54] player: Id: 378654 Name: gudinion TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASD005_Farragut_1944 avatarId: 1463663 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:54] player: Id: 367963 Name: LanJeRoN76 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSC106_Nurnberg avatarId: 1463665 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:54] player: Id: 537319845 Name: ImperiaLHonor TeamId: 1 ShipName: PWSD501_Blyskawica avatarId: 1463667 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:54] player: Id: 352689 Name: interSte TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASC007_Cleveland_1945 avatarId: 1463669 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:54] player: Id: 537124404 Name: tan4er_evgesha75 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB034_New_Mexico_1941 avatarId: 1463671 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:54] player: Id: 537222974 Name: plemynik1 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASC007_Cleveland_1945 avatarId: 1463673 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:54] player: Id: 214465 Name: Faraon_61_17 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSB505_Oktyabrskaya_Revolutsiya avatarId: 1463675 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:54] player: Id: 537204425 Name: rock_jazz TeamId: 1 ShipName: PISB505_Giulio_Cesare avatarId: 1463677 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:54] player: Id: 537080269 Name: alexey___a TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASC012_Pensacola_1944 avatarId: 1463679 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:54] player: Id: 341841 Name: KSYULION TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSC107_Schors avatarId: 1463681 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:54] player: Id: 405459 Name: skuper007 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSC105_Emile_Bertin avatarId: 1463683 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:54] player: Id: 288468 Name: Veetoos1 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PBSB105_Iron_Duke avatarId: 1463685 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:54] player: Id: 537080155 Name: D3VOUR TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSB006_Fuso_1943 avatarId: 1463687 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:54] player: Id: 537270236 Name: alex28081976 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSD105_T_22 avatarId: 1463689 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:54] player: Id: 537168736 Name: Tier099 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSB007_Kongo_1942 avatarId: 1463691 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:54] player: Id: 537261794 Name: Olegxdd TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSD105_Mutsuki avatarId: 1463693 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:54] player: Id: 271208 Name: Kuzmanoid TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSB105_Koenig avatarId: 1463695 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:54] player: Id: 537343083 Name: HOPE_2015_ TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSD107_Akatsuki avatarId: 1463697 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:54] player: Id: 537206769 Name: ANGOLA2205 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSD107_Akatsuki avatarId: 1463699 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:54] player: Id: 315641 Name: Reirugan TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSB010_Nagato_1944 avatarId: 1463701 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:54] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (505066, 0, 0, 1463659, 1510425876223L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:54] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {505066: PreBattleInfo: id: 505066, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1463659, creationTime 1510425876223, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:54] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (505066, 0, 0, 1463691, 1510425876223L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:54] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {505066: PreBattleInfo: id: 505066, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1463691, creationTime 1510425876223, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:54] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (505066, 0, 0, 1463691, 1510425876223L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:54] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {505066: PreBattleInfo: id: 505066, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1463691, creationTime 1510425876223, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:54] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (505066, 0, 0, 1463691, 1510425876223L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:54] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {505066: PreBattleInfo: id: 505066, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1463691, creationTime 1510425876223, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:54] Avatar.enterPrebattle [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:54] (, 39965384947628, 149): 1463653; BattleLogic() [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:54] (, 39965384947628, 149): 1463653; onEnterWorld() State: {attentionMarkers: [], clientAnimations: None, controlPoints: [{position: [-305.3184814453125, 384.7937927246094], radius: 140.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 5, timerName: '', teamId: 0, progress: [0.0, 180.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [332.9254150390625, -361.380615234375], radius: 140.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 5, timerName: '', teamId: 1, progress: [0.0, 180.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}], entityStates: [], expectedActions: None, interactiveZones: [], weather: {globalWeatherId: 1463654, localWeather: [], entityLogicParams: []}, keyObjects: [], missions: {hold: [{reward: 2, penalty: 0, cpIndices: [0, 1], period: 6}], capture: [{reward: 1000, penalty: 0, cpIndices: [0, 1]}], destroy: [], suppress: [], kill: [{reward: 30, penalty: 45, shipType: 'Destroyer'}, {reward: 35, penalty: 50, shipType: 'Cruiser'}, {reward: 40, penalty: 60, shipType: 'Battleship'}, {reward: 45, penalty: 65, shipType: 'AirCarrier'}], teamsScore: [300, 300], teamWinScore: 1000, teamLoseScore: 0}, resources: [], successStoryProgress: [], screenplayMessage: '', tasks: [], minefields: [], entities: [], effects: []} [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:54] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:54] BattleDataContext.__onEnterSpace [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:57] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:44:59] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:22] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:22] id 1463672 [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:22] name tan4er_evgesha75 [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:22] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:22] @ launchpadAppeared 1463672 [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:22] [Weather][7192] onEnterWorld (map spaces/42_Neighbors/weathers.xml, scheme 0, weather 0) [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:23] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:23] id 1463682 [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:23] name KSYULION [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:23] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:23] @ launchpadAppeared 1463682 [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:24] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:24] id 1463690 [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:24] name alex28081976 [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:24] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:24] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:24] id 1463664 [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:24] name gudinion [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:24] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:25] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:25] id 1463698 [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:25] name HOPE_2015_ [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:25] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:27] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:27] id 1463674 [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:27] name plemynik1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:27] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:27] @ launchpadAppeared 1463674 [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:27] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:27] id 1463696 [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:27] name Kuzmanoid [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:27] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:27] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:27] id 1463660 [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:27] name HEGNI_1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:27] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:27] @ launchpadAppeared 1463660 [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:27] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:27] id 1463702 [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:27] name Reirugan [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:27] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:27] @ launchpadAppeared 1463702 [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:27] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:27] id 1463700 [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:27] name ANGOLA2205 [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:27] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:27] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:27] id 1463692 [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:27] name Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:27] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:27] @ launchpadAppeared 1463692 [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:27] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:27] Avatar.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:27] ! A.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:27] BoardService.init [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:27] @ launchpadAppeared 1463692 [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:27] BattleDataContext.__onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:28] ! PM.refreshAirArmament [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:28] BoardService.restore [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:28] Avatar.onWorldStateReceived [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:28] BattleChatSystem IN Context [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:29] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:29] id 1463676 [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:29] name Faraon_61_17 [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:29] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:31] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:31] ('[ERROR] FeedbackController: empty config for event repair_finished',) [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:31] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [E] [2017_11_11 21:45:45] ServerConnection::onTimeOut(1463691): Disconnecting due to channel timing out. [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:45] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 6 NOT_SET [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:45] [LOGIN] Setting gIsConnected to False [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:49] connection problem!!! [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:49] clearAll 0 True [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:49] AccountLevelingProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:49] StatsProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:49] StatsProxy.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:49] CampaignsProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:49] LootboxProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:49] LootboxProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:49] PVEScriptsProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:49] PVEDatahubUtils.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:49] PVEScriptsProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:49] IngamePortalProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:49] IngameNewsProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:49] UserDataGate.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:49] UserDataGate.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:50] ShutDownProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:50] ShutDownProxy.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:50] ClanProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:50] ClanProxy.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:50] BattleChatSystem OUT OF Context [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:50] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOver [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:50] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOut [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:50] (, 51007757488877, 12): is out of context [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:50] (, 13182166089733, 190): fini [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:50] (, 51007922117933, 263): out of context [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:50] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Login, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:50] PreBattleInfoHolder.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:50] DivisionProxyBattle.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:50] (, 39965384947628, 149): 1463653; onLeaveWorld() [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:50] [Weather][7192] onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:50] id 1463660 [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:50] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:50] id 1463664 [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:50] id 1463672 [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:50] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:50] id 1463674 [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:50] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:50] id 1463676 [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:50] id 1463682 [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:50] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:50] id 1463690 [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:50] Avatar.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:50] id 1463692 [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:50] id 1463696 [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:50] id 1463698 [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:50] id 1463700 [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:50] id 1463702 [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:52] Exception BigWorld.EntityIsDestroyedException: 'Avatar 1463691 has been destroyed' in ignored [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:54] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Login, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:57] (, 66259644693353, 191): H:; A:; C:http://csis.worldoftanks.ru/csis/wowsru/?periphery=login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020&periphery=login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020; M:['login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020', 'login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020'] [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:57] BaseLoginRequest.doLogin(): login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020 token2 ([BaseLoginCredentials] Tier099) [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:57] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:57] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:58] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 1 LOGGED_ON {"token2":"5595999:5600238760764888903:84851821274528224843504588120587726833","wgnr":"ru.wargaming.net"} [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:58] LOGGED_ON {u'token2': u'5595999:5600238760764888903:84851821274528224843504588120587726833', u'wgnr': u'ru.wargaming.net'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:58] [LOGIN] Positive, serverMsg: {u'token2': u'5595999:5600238760764888903:84851821274528224843504588120587726833', u'wgnr': u'ru.wargaming.net'}, status: LOGGED_ON [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:58] [LOGIN] Setting wgnr url to "https://ru.wargaming.net" [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:58] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 2 NOT_SET [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:59] Account.__init__() [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:59] [Account debuG]: __init__() Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:59] ClanProxy.setChatHandler [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:59] ClanProxy.setInteractiveMessageData [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:59] Exception BigWorld.EntityIsDestroyedException: 'Account 537168736 has been destroyed' in ignored [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:59] (, 571883079382, 162): init [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:59] (, 574705753692, 103): Url config for realm ru as string is ResMgr.DataSection at 0x54536DB0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:59] (, 51003525417967, 75): in context [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:59] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:59] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:59] onBecomePlayer() [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:59] UserDataGate.onGetConnection [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:59] UserDataGate.onGetConnection(): 5595999 [Entity: id:4413 ['accountSimple', 'accountName']] Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:59] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAccount [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:59] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() True 0 0 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:59] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:59] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:59] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4161159088 {('Default', 4283604912L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 7, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:59] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4162207664 {('Default', 4279410608L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 6, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:59] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q04 {('Default', 4271730608L, 0): 5, ('Default', 4269633456L, 0): 5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u041e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c \u043d\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u041e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c \u043d\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:59] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4163256240 {('Default', 4282556336L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 5, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:59] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22468_q03 {('Default', 4263440304L, 0): 5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:59] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q02 {('Resource', 19, 0): 1, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u041f\u0440\u0435\u043c\u0438\u0443\u043c \u0437\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0443'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u041f\u0440\u0435\u043c\u0438\u0443\u043c \u0437\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0443'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:59] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4156964784 {'desc': (), ('Resource', 0, 0): 100000} {'taskNumber': 11, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:59] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4154867632 {('Default', 4284313520L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 13, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:59] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4165353392 {('Default', 4287557552L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 3, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:59] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q01 {('ResourceCoeff', 21, 17): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 30): 6.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 9): 13.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 32): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 10): 3.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 5): 1.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 28): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 14): 6.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 16): 3.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 11): 3.0, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'}, 0, 0)} {'type': 'challenge', 'titleText': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:59] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4141236144 {'desc': (), ('Resource', 16, 0): 500} {'taskNumber': 12, 'missionNumber': '10', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:59] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4167450544 {'desc': (), ('Resource', 16, 0): 500} {'taskNumber': 1, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:59] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4153819056 {('Default', 4279168944L, 0): 15, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 14, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:59] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4160110512 {('Resource', 0, 0): 100000, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 8, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:59] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 18 [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:59] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:59] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 18. Boxes contents: [{4288852912L: {(0, 4283622320L): 1}, 4284658608L: {(0, 4274185136L): 1}, 4283610032L: {(0, 4273136560L): 1}, 4289901488L: {(0, 4289913776L): 1}}] [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:59] setServerTime: serverTime=1510425960 time.time()=1510425959.25 gInitialClientTime=6356.32203384 [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:59] initBattleTypes called [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:59] Disabled maps: [] [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:59] getNationForTutorial() CanBeStarted: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:59] StatsProxy.receiveAbuseStatus(): {'battlesToClean': 0, 'statuses': {'tkill': 0}, 'warnings': ()} [S] [2017_11_11 21:45:59] _onChangeTimeOut 156 [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:02] __processDossierStats() client dossier: ['oper', 'pvp', 'oper_mm_tasks_diag', 'pve_diag', 'pvp_diag', 'oper_normal', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'pve', 'oper_mm', 'total', 'oper_normal_tasks_diag', 'max_pve', 'rank_diag', 'max_pvp', 'oper_diag', 'club_diag', 'club', 'max_club', 'clan', 'oper_hard', 'oper_hard_tasks_diag', 'max_clan'] [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:02] AccountLevelingProxy.onGetAccountStats(): (-1, -1) (15, 755008) [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:02] __updateTaskProgress start: {'22468_q03': {3: {'count': 10.0}}, '22468_q01': {2: {'count': 3}}, '22469_q01': {}, '21856_q00': {}, '22468_q05': {}, '22468_q02': {3: {'count': 549416}}, '22470_q01': {}, '22470_q02': {2: {'count': 5}}, '22470_q03': {2: {'count': 513978}, 3: {'count': 15080}, 4: {'count': 109517}}, '22470_q04': {2: {'count': 10}}, '22160_q01': {}, '22468_q04': {3: {'count': 27747}}} [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:02] __updateTaskProgress start: {'22468_q03': {'count': 1, 3: {'count': 10.0}}, '22468_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 3}}, '22469_q01': {'count': 0}, '21856_q00': {'count': 0}, '22468_q05': {'count': 0}, '22468_q02': {'count': 1, 3: {'count': 549416}}, '22470_q01': {'count': 33}, '22470_q02': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 5}}, '22470_q03': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 513978}, 3: {'count': 15080}, 4: {'count': 109517}}, '22470_q04': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 10}}, '22160_q01': {'count': 0}, '22468_q04': {'count': 0, 3: {'count': 27747}}} [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:02] onGetRankBattlesInfo currentSeason: 7, PlayerInfo: None [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:02] onGetRankDossier() seasonId = 7 Empty [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:02] ---- no data for seasonId: 7 [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:03] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onGetSeasonRules: config False, {'seasonId': 1, 'operations': {4291341232L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 3, 'unlockTime': 1500429600, 'caps': 3}, 4292389808L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1499824800, 'caps': 3}, 4290292656L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1501034400, 'caps': 3}, 4293438384L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1501639200, 'caps': 3}}, 'currentOperationIdx': 1, 'roster': [4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L, 4293438384L], 'startTime': 1499824800, 'seasons': {1: {'operations': [4293438384L, 4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}, 2: {'operations': [], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}}, 'currentRotationTime': 1510106400, 'nextRotationTime': 1510711200, 'stage': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:03] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onLoadProgress: config False, season False, {'operations': {'hard': [], 'normal': [(4287146928L, [1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 0]), (4288195504L, [1509007262, 1509007262, 1509007262, 0, 0, 0]), (4290292656L, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])]}, 'seasons': {'hard': [], 'normal': [(2, 1509007262)]}} [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:03] onClanResponse: response=(1, 0, (430246, (430246, u'FLY', u'FLY', 16777215, u'executive_officer', u'\u0417\u0434\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0443\u0439\u0442\u0435 \u0442\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0449\u0438, \u0443 \u043a\u043e\u0433\u043e \u0435\u0441\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0431\u043b\u0438 10-\u0433\u043e \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u043d\u044f, \u0438 \u0433\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0441\u043e\u0432\u0430\u044f \u0432\u0441\u044f\u0437\u044c \u043d\u0443\u0436\u043d\u043e \u0441\u044b\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d\u043e\u0432\u044b\u0435 \u0431\u043e\u0438 - \u0441\u0442\u0430\u0432\u0442\u0435 + \u043c\u043d\u0435 \u0432 \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443 \u043a\u0442\u043e \u0433\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432', {47518727: {'role': u'private'}, 162314: {'role': u'private'}, 33301518: {'role': u'private'}, 31456527: {'role': u'private'}, 58161041: {'role': u'private'}, 19410835: {'role': u'private'}, 2557718: {'role': u'private'}, 27883543: {'role': u'private'}, 73537307: {'role': u'private'}, 17222686: {'role': u'private'}, 310434: {'role': u'private'}, 11428651: {'role': u'private'}, 2445100: {'role': u'private'}, 7715120: {'role': u'private'}, 69118514: {'role': u'commander'}, 71811251: {'role': u'private'}, 59694238: {'role': u'private'}, 62222528: {'role': u'private'}, 47245249: {'role': u'private'}, 59103429: {'role': u'private'}, 35853511: {'role': u'private'}, 69416610: {'role': u'private'}, 65031124: {'role': u'private'}, 5595999: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 8706534: {'role': u'private'}, 37230: {'role': u'private'}, 1515506: {'role': u'private'}, 71303028: {'role': u'private'}, 5426549: {'role': u'private'}, 22453883: {'role': u'private'}}, {75100162: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3925161}, 75116563: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10679440}, 75116564: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5595999}, 75104791: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1901451}, 75104792: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12037438}, 75104793: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47518727}, 75100186: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4688253}, 75104795: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26571092}, 75100188: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 872384}, 75104797: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5326927}, 75104799: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2557718}, 75100217: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58161041}, 75100219: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36672236}, 75100220: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12445172}, 75100221: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11262324}, 75092406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86780640}, 75100940: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1550733}, 75088485: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11437327}, 75088488: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86912728}, 75115802: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19050869}, 75099931: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 64096589}, 75104796: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24059614}, 75100189: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 16896550}, 75100187: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26497012}, 75105224: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5163046}, 75115804: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3700101}, 75100858: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65353479}, 75100859: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4549361}, 75100860: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19163627}, 75100862: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 15486060}, 75100864: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24960589}, 75101403: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13829345}, 75101405: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2774140}, 75101406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19410835}, 75105005: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2514322}, 75105006: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 6071074}, 75105007: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21765943}, 75105008: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13351014}, 75105009: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10744094}, 75105010: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8213596}, 75105533: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 32758788}, 75105534: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35843415}, 75105535: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19416306}, 75099910: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 22471163}, 75099912: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47356661}, 75099913: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20821811}, 75099914: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 38322742}, 75099915: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 57543888}, 75099916: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5426549}, 75100941: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1431883}, 75100942: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 744012}, 75100943: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 69416610}, 75100944: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36933861}, 75100946: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4337469}, 75115800: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47245249}, 75115801: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2723422}, 75099930: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35480962}, 75115803: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65031124}, 75099932: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5239563}, 75099933: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5564244}, 75105068: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 27883543}, 75099952: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11428651}, 75115830: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 62222528}, 75115831: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8664152}, 75115833: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59103429}, 75115837: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4858560}, 75115840: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 7424262}, 75099461: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 33301518}, 75104134: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 225652}, 75101613: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 162314}, 75101614: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 75991473}, 75100081: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71303028}, 75100082: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79542157}, 75100083: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 76103}, 75100084: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80535214}, 75100085: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5965559}, 75100086: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71777625}, 75092407: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 72132668}, 75092409: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65107864}, 75092412: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58685850}, 75104707: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13658244}, 75104708: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 77607300}, 75104710: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79957325}, 75104712: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2809573}, 75105225: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 61831778}, 75105226: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 48512704}, 75105227: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82400346}, 75105229: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59694238}, 75105230: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24318025}, 75105232: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35446652}, 75100114: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21297715}, 75100115: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2636501}, 75100116: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 23508047}, 75100117: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4104445}, 75113468: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80938462}, 75100157: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82347121}, 75113470: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8706534}, 75113467: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1207353}, 75100156: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65362617}, 75113469: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 17222686}, 75100158: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20158906}, 75113471: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4261263}}, 30, 30, None))) [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:03] ClanProxy.onClanResponse(): 1 (430246, (430246, u'FLY', u'FLY', 16777215, u'executive_officer', u'\u0417\u0434\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0443\u0439\u0442\u0435 \u0442\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0449\u0438, \u0443 \u043a\u043e\u0433\u043e \u0435\u0441\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0431\u043b\u0438 10-\u0433\u043e \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u043d\u044f, \u0438 \u0433\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0441\u043e\u0432\u0430\u044f \u0432\u0441\u044f\u0437\u044c \u043d\u0443\u0436\u043d\u043e \u0441\u044b\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d\u043e\u0432\u044b\u0435 \u0431\u043e\u0438 - \u0441\u0442\u0430\u0432\u0442\u0435 + \u043c\u043d\u0435 \u0432 \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443 \u043a\u0442\u043e \u0433\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432', {47518727: {'role': u'private'}, 162314: {'role': u'private'}, 33301518: {'role': u'private'}, 31456527: {'role': u'private'}, 58161041: {'role': u'private'}, 19410835: {'role': u'private'}, 2557718: {'role': u'private'}, 27883543: {'role': u'private'}, 73537307: {'role': u'private'}, 17222686: {'role': u'private'}, 310434: {'role': u'private'}, 11428651: {'role': u'private'}, 2445100: {'role': u'private'}, 7715120: {'role': u'private'}, 69118514: {'role': u'commander'}, 71811251: {'role': u'private'}, 59694238: {'role': u'private'}, 62222528: {'role': u'private'}, 47245249: {'role': u'private'}, 59103429: {'role': u'private'}, 35853511: {'role': u'private'}, 69416610: {'role': u'private'}, 65031124: {'role': u'private'}, 5595999: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 8706534: {'role': u'private'}, 37230: {'role': u'private'}, 1515506: {'role': u'private'}, 71303028: {'role': u'private'}, 5426549: {'role': u'private'}, 22453883: {'role': u'private'}}, {75100162: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3925161}, 75116563: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10679440}, 75116564: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5595999}, 75104791: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1901451}, 75104792: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12037438}, 75104793: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47518727}, 75100186: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4688253}, 75104795: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26571092}, 75100188: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 872384}, 75104797: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5326927}, 75104799: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2557718}, 75100217: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58161041}, 75100219: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36672236}, 75100220: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12445172}, 75100221: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11262324}, 75092406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86780640}, 75100940: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1550733}, 75088485: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11437327}, 75088488: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86912728}, 75115802: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19050869}, 75099931: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 64096589}, 75104796: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24059614}, 75100189: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 16896550}, 75100187: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26497012}, 75105224: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5163046}, 75115804: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3700101}, 75100858: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65353479}, 75100859: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4549361}, 75100860: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19163627}, 75100862: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 15486060}, 75100864: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24960589}, 75101403: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13829345}, 75101405: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2774140}, 75101406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19410835}, 75105005: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2514322}, 75105006: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 6071074}, 75105007: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21765943}, 75105008: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13351014}, 75105009: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10744094}, 75105010: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8213596}, 75105533: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 32758788}, 75105534: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35843415}, 75105535: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19416306}, 75099910: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 22471163}, 75099912: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47356661}, 75099913: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20821811}, 75099914: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 38322742}, 75099915: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 57543888}, 75099916: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5426549}, 75100941: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1431883}, 75100942: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 744012}, 75100943: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 69416610}, 75100944: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36933861}, 75100946: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4337469}, 75115800: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47245249}, 75115801: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2723422}, 75099930: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35480962}, 75115803: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65031124}, 75099932: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5239563}, 75099933: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5564244}, 75105068: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 27883543}, 75099952: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11428651}, 75115830: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 62222528}, 75115831: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8664152}, 75115833: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59103429}, 75115837: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4858560}, 75115840: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 7424262}, 75099461: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 33301518}, 75104134: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 225652}, 75101613: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 162314}, 75101614: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 75991473}, 75100081: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71303028}, 75100082: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79542157}, 75100083: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 76103}, 75100084: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80535214}, 75100085: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5965559}, 75100086: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71777625}, 75092407: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 72132668}, 75092409: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65107864}, 75092412: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58685850}, 75104707: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13658244}, 75104708: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 77607300}, 75104710: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79957325}, 75104712: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2809573}, 75105225: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 61831778}, 75105226: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 48512704}, 75105227: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82400346}, 75105229: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59694238}, 75105230: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24318025}, 75105232: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35446652}, 75100114: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21297715}, 75100115: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2636501}, 75100116: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 23508047}, 75100117: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4104445}, 75113468: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80938462}, 75100157: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82347121}, 75113470: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8706534}, 75113467: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1207353}, 75100156: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65362617}, 75113469: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 17222686}, 75100158: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20158906}, 75113471: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4261263}}, 30, 30, None)) [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:03] ClanProxy.__onGetMyClan: False (430246, (430246, u'FLY', u'FLY', 16777215, u'executive_officer', u'\u0417\u0434\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0443\u0439\u0442\u0435 \u0442\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0449\u0438, \u0443 \u043a\u043e\u0433\u043e \u0435\u0441\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0431\u043b\u0438 10-\u0433\u043e \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u043d\u044f, \u0438 \u0433\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0441\u043e\u0432\u0430\u044f \u0432\u0441\u044f\u0437\u044c \u043d\u0443\u0436\u043d\u043e \u0441\u044b\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d\u043e\u0432\u044b\u0435 \u0431\u043e\u0438 - \u0441\u0442\u0430\u0432\u0442\u0435 + \u043c\u043d\u0435 \u0432 \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443 \u043a\u0442\u043e \u0433\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432', {47518727: {'role': u'private'}, 162314: {'role': u'private'}, 33301518: {'role': u'private'}, 31456527: {'role': u'private'}, 58161041: {'role': u'private'}, 19410835: {'role': u'private'}, 2557718: {'role': u'private'}, 27883543: {'role': u'private'}, 73537307: {'role': u'private'}, 17222686: {'role': u'private'}, 310434: {'role': u'private'}, 11428651: {'role': u'private'}, 2445100: {'role': u'private'}, 7715120: {'role': u'private'}, 69118514: {'role': u'commander'}, 71811251: {'role': u'private'}, 59694238: {'role': u'private'}, 62222528: {'role': u'private'}, 47245249: {'role': u'private'}, 59103429: {'role': u'private'}, 35853511: {'role': u'private'}, 69416610: {'role': u'private'}, 65031124: {'role': u'private'}, 5595999: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 8706534: {'role': u'private'}, 37230: {'role': u'private'}, 1515506: {'role': u'private'}, 71303028: {'role': u'private'}, 5426549: {'role': u'private'}, 22453883: {'role': u'private'}}, {75100162: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3925161}, 75116563: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10679440}, 75116564: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5595999}, 75104791: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1901451}, 75104792: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12037438}, 75104793: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47518727}, 75100186: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4688253}, 75104795: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26571092}, 75100188: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 872384}, 75104797: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5326927}, 75104799: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2557718}, 75100217: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58161041}, 75100219: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36672236}, 75100220: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12445172}, 75100221: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11262324}, 75092406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86780640}, 75100940: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1550733}, 75088485: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11437327}, 75088488: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86912728}, 75115802: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19050869}, 75099931: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 64096589}, 75104796: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24059614}, 75100189: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 16896550}, 75100187: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26497012}, 75105224: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5163046}, 75115804: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3700101}, 75100858: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65353479}, 75100859: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4549361}, 75100860: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19163627}, 75100862: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 15486060}, 75100864: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24960589}, 75101403: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13829345}, 75101405: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2774140}, 75101406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19410835}, 75105005: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2514322}, 75105006: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 6071074}, 75105007: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21765943}, 75105008: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13351014}, 75105009: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10744094}, 75105010: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8213596}, 75105533: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 32758788}, 75105534: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35843415}, 75105535: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19416306}, 75099910: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 22471163}, 75099912: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47356661}, 75099913: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20821811}, 75099914: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 38322742}, 75099915: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 57543888}, 75099916: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5426549}, 75100941: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1431883}, 75100942: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 744012}, 75100943: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 69416610}, 75100944: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36933861}, 75100946: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4337469}, 75115800: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47245249}, 75115801: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2723422}, 75099930: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35480962}, 75115803: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65031124}, 75099932: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5239563}, 75099933: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5564244}, 75105068: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 27883543}, 75099952: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11428651}, 75115830: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 62222528}, 75115831: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8664152}, 75115833: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59103429}, 75115837: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4858560}, 75115840: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 7424262}, 75099461: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 33301518}, 75104134: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 225652}, 75101613: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 162314}, 75101614: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 75991473}, 75100081: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71303028}, 75100082: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79542157}, 75100083: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 76103}, 75100084: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80535214}, 75100085: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5965559}, 75100086: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71777625}, 75092407: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 72132668}, 75092409: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65107864}, 75092412: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58685850}, 75104707: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13658244}, 75104708: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 77607300}, 75104710: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79957325}, 75104712: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2809573}, 75105225: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 61831778}, 75105226: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 48512704}, 75105227: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82400346}, 75105229: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59694238}, 75105230: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24318025}, 75105232: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35446652}, 75100114: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21297715}, 75100115: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2636501}, 75100116: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 23508047}, 75100117: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4104445}, 75113468: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80938462}, 75100157: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82347121}, 75113470: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8706534}, 75113467: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1207353}, 75100156: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65362617}, 75113469: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 17222686}, 75100158: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20158906}, 75113471: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4261263}}, 30, 30, None)) [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:04] [CampaignsCommon] onLoadedDump: loaded campaign params and player; countActiveTasks 3; data ({4290690992L: (False, True, False), 4293836720L: (True, 0, True), 4291739568L: (False, True, False), 4288593840L: (True, 0, True), 4289642416L: (False, True, False), 4292788144L: (True, 0, True)}, {4293836720L: [1, 1], 4289642416L: [1, 0], 4291739568L: [1, 0], 4288593840L: [1, 0], 4290690992L: [1, 0], 4292788144L: [1, 0]}, {4283023280L: [2, 0, 0], 4285120432L: [4, 15, 9], 4287217584L: [4, 12, 7], 4288266160L: [4, 10, 7], 4289314736L: [4, 10, 6], 4291411888L: [4, 7, 7], 4293509040L: [5, 5, 9], 4286169008L: [4, 15, 8], 4263100336L: [2, 0, 0], 4290363312L: [4, 10, 5], 4251566000L: [2, 0, 0], 4272537520L: [2, 0, 0], 4241080240L: [2, 0, 0], 4284071856L: [2, 2, 1], 4292460464L: [4, 6, 8]}, {4153819056L: (5, True, 0), 4190519216L: (1, False, 0), 4227219376L: (1, False, 0), 4133896112L: (1, False, 0), 4280696752L: (5, True, 0), 4150673328L: (1, False, 0), 4193664944L: (5, True, 0), 4187373488L: (1, False, 0), 4224073648L: (5, True, 0), 4164304816L: (1, False, 0), 4130750384L: (1, False, 0), 4167450544L: (5, True, 0), 4204150704L: (5, True, 0), 4240850864L: (1, False, 0), 4277551024L: (5, True, 0), 4147527600L: (1, False, 0), 4184227760L: (1, False, 0), 4220927920L: (5, True, 0), 4257628080L: (5, True, 0), 4198907824L: (5, True, 0), 4237705136L: (5, True, 0), 3904257968L: (1, False, 0), 4274405296L: (1, False, 0), 4144381872L: (1, False, 0), 3977658288L: (1, False, 0), 4181082032L: (5, True, 0), 4254482352L: (1, False, 0), 4291182512L: (5, True, 0), 4260773808L: (5, True, 0), 3897966512L: (1, False, 0), 4161159088L: (5, True, 0), 4197859248L: (1, False, 0), 3901112240L: (1, False, 0), 4141236144L: (1, True, 0), 3974512560L: (1, False, 0), 4177936304L: (1, False, 0), 4214636464L: (1, False, 0), 4251336624L: (5, True, 0), 4284891056L: (5, True, 0), 4211490736L: (1, False, 0), 4081467312L: (0, False, 0), 4158013360L: (1, False, 0), 4191567792L: (5, True, 0), 4252385200L: (5, True, 0), 4228267952L: (1, False, 0), 4134944688L: (1, False, 0), 4171644848L: (5, True, 0), 4208345008L: (1, False, 0), 4245045168L: (5, True, 0), 4281745328L: (5, True, 0), 4255530928L: (5, True, 0), 4151721904L: (1, False, 0), 4188422064L: (1, False, 0), 4225122224L: (1, False, 0), 4203102128L: (5, True, 0), 4261822384L: (1, False, 0), 4131798960L: (1, False, 0), 4205199280L: (5, True, 0), 4241899440L: (5, True, 0), 4278599600L: (5, True, 0), 4148576176L: (1, False, 0), 4221976496L: (5, True, 0), 4258676656L: (1, False, 0), 3902160816L: (1, False, 0), 4128653232L: (0, False, 0), 4165353392L: (5, True, 0), 4238753712L: (1, False, 0), 3905306544L: (1, False, 0), 4275453872L: (1, False, 0), 4145430448L: (2, False, 0), 3978706864L: (1, False, 0), 4182130608L: (5, True, 0), 4292231088L: (5, True, 0), 4154867632L: (5, True, 0), 4142284720L: (1, False, 0), 3975561136L: (1, False, 0), 4178984880L: (1, False, 0), 4215685040L: (5, True, 0), 4289085360L: (5, True, 0), 3971366832L: (1, False, 0), 4195762096L: (5, True, 0), 3899015088L: (1, False, 0), 4139138992L: (0, False, 0), 3972415408L: (1, False, 0), 4175839152L: (1, False, 0), 4212539312L: (1, False, 0), 4082515888L: (1, False, 0), 4285939632L: (5, True, 0), 4155916208L: (1, False, 0), 4192616368L: (5, True, 0), 4207296432L: (1, False, 0), 4229316528L: (5, True, 0), 3895869360L: (0, False, 0), 4135993264L: (1, False, 0), 4172693424L: (5, True, 0), 4209393584L: (5, True, 0), 4246093744L: (1, False, 0), 4282793904L: (5, True, 0), 4152770480L: (1, False, 0), 4160110512L: (5, True, 0), 4226170800L: (1, False, 0), 4174790576L: (5, True, 0), 4132847536L: (1, False, 0), 4189470640L: (1, False, 0), 4206247856L: (5, True, 0), 4242948016L: (1, False, 0), 4279648176L: (5, True, 0), 4149624752L: (2, False, 0), 4186324912L: (5, True, 0), 4223025072L: (1, False, 0), 4259725232L: (1, False, 0), 4159061936L: (1, False, 0), 4129701808L: (1, False, 0), 4166401968L: (1, False, 0), 4239802288L: (1, False, 0), 4276502448L: (5, True, 0), 4146479024L: (1, False, 0), 4183179184L: (1, False, 0), 4219879344L: (5, True, 0), 4256579504L: (5, True, 0), 4293279664L: (5, True, 0), 4243996592L: (1, False, 0), 4163256240L: (5, True, 0), 4288036784L: (5, True, 0), 4236656560L: (5, True, 0), 3903209392L: (1, False, 0), 4273356720L: (5, True, 0), 4143333296L: (2, False, 0), 3976609712L: (1, False, 0), 4180033456L: (5, True, 0), 4253433776L: (5, True, 0), 4290133936L: (5, True, 0), 4194713520L: (5, True, 0), 4196810672L: (1, False, 0), 3900063664L: (1, False, 0), 4140187568L: (1, False, 0), 3973463984L: (1, False, 0), 4176887728L: (5, True, 0), 4213587888L: (5, True, 0), 4083564464L: (1, False, 0), 4286988208L: (5, True, 0), 4156964784L: (5, True, 0), 4162207664L: (5, True, 0), 4230365104L: (5, True, 0), 4063641520L: (0, False, 0), 3896917936L: (1, False, 0), 3970318256L: (0, False, 0), 4173742000L: (5, True, 0), 4210442160L: (1, False, 0), 4247142320L: (5, True, 0)}) [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:04] ClanProxy.onGetClanBattles {'seasonId': 1, 'finishTime': 1513713600.0, 'primeTimes': {2: (57600, 68400), 3: (57600, 68400), 5: (57600, 68400), 6: (57600, 68400)}, 'shipLevelMax': 10, 'shipLevelMin': 10, 'startTime': 1508310000.0, 'promoTime': 1508310000.0, 'stage': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:05] >>> DockProxy.receiveState [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:05] Unlocks.receiveState [] [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:06] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 16034, 'boughtToday': 2, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1510444800.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:06] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 16034, 'boughtToday': 2, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1510444800.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:06] PVEScriptsProxyCommon.createPVEState() [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:06] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onGetSeasonRules: config True, {'seasonId': 1, 'operations': {4291341232L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 3, 'unlockTime': 1500429600, 'caps': 3}, 4292389808L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1499824800, 'caps': 3}, 4290292656L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1501034400, 'caps': 3}, 4293438384L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1501639200, 'caps': 3}}, 'currentOperationIdx': 1, 'roster': [4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L, 4293438384L], 'startTime': 1499824800, 'seasons': {1: {'operations': [4293438384L, 4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}, 2: {'operations': [], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}}, 'currentRotationTime': 1510106400, 'nextRotationTime': 1510711200, 'stage': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:06] [4181898160L, 4180849584L] [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:06] [4181898160L, 4180849584L] [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:06] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onLoadProgress: config True, season True, {'operations': {'hard': [], 'normal': [(4287146928L, [1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 0]), (4288195504L, [1509007262, 1509007262, 1509007262, 0, 0, 0]), (4290292656L, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])]}, 'seasons': {'hard': [], 'normal': [(2, 1509007262)]}} [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:06] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] _updateOperationCompleted: 4287146928 normal [1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 0] [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:06] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] _updateOperationCompleted: 4288195504 normal [1509007262, 1509007262, 1509007262, 0, 0, 0] [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:06] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] _updateOperationCompleted: 4290292656 normal [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:06] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] _updateSeasonCompleted: 2 normal 1509007262 [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:06] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {71811251: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}} [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:06] onClanResponse: response=(6, 0, {'league': 4, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 430246, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division_rating': 0, 'stage': 'league'}) [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:06] ClanProxy.onClanResponse(): 6 {'league': 4, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 430246, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division_rating': 0, 'stage': 'league'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:06] ClanDataHubUtils.addLadderInfo: {'league': 4, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 430246, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division_rating': 0, 'stage': 'league'} [E] [2017_11_11 21:46:06] Can only call base methods on the connected entity [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:06] onGameRoomStateInit mapIdx = 26 battleType = 80 gameMode = StandDom duration=1200 [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:06] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:06] GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:07] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Login, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:07] Avatar.receiveAvatarInfo: {'evaluationsLeft': {0: 7, 1: 7}} [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:07] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAvatar [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:07] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() False 0 0 0 [E] [2017_11_11 21:46:07] Entity::enterWorld: Got entity 1463691 before carrying vehicle 1463692 (going into limbo) [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:07] Avatar.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:07] name Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:07] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:07] Avatar onControlled False [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:07] onControlled->False: not implemented [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:08] onGeometryMapped() MapName: 42_Neighbors [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:08] teamBuildType: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:08] player: Id: 268560 Name: bola09 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSC005_Furutaka_1926 avatarId: 1463655 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:08] player: Id: 537353107 Name: farkhadlw TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSB010_Nagato_1944 avatarId: 1463657 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:08] player: Id: 537307028 Name: HEGNI_1 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSC105_Emile_Bertin avatarId: 1463659 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:08] player: Id: 537255959 Name: mameev89 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASD006_Mahan_1936 avatarId: 1463661 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:08] player: Id: 378654 Name: gudinion TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASD005_Farragut_1944 avatarId: 1463663 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:08] player: Id: 367963 Name: LanJeRoN76 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSC106_Nurnberg avatarId: 1463665 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:08] player: Id: 537319845 Name: ImperiaLHonor TeamId: 1 ShipName: PWSD501_Blyskawica avatarId: 1463667 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:08] player: Id: 352689 Name: interSte TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASC007_Cleveland_1945 avatarId: 1463669 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:08] player: Id: 537124404 Name: tan4er_evgesha75 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB034_New_Mexico_1941 avatarId: 1463671 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:08] player: Id: 537222974 Name: plemynik1 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASC007_Cleveland_1945 avatarId: 1463673 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:08] player: Id: 214465 Name: Faraon_61_17 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSB505_Oktyabrskaya_Revolutsiya avatarId: 1463675 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:08] player: Id: 537204425 Name: rock_jazz TeamId: 1 ShipName: PISB505_Giulio_Cesare avatarId: 1463677 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:08] player: Id: 537080269 Name: alexey___a TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASC012_Pensacola_1944 avatarId: 1463679 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:08] player: Id: 341841 Name: KSYULION TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSC107_Schors avatarId: 1463681 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:08] player: Id: 405459 Name: skuper007 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSC105_Emile_Bertin avatarId: 1463683 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:08] player: Id: 288468 Name: Veetoos1 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PBSB105_Iron_Duke avatarId: 1463685 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:08] player: Id: 537080155 Name: D3VOUR TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSB006_Fuso_1943 avatarId: 1463687 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:08] player: Id: 537270236 Name: alex28081976 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSD105_T_22 avatarId: 1463689 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:08] player: Id: 537168736 Name: Tier099 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSB007_Kongo_1942 avatarId: 1463691 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:08] player: Id: 537261794 Name: Olegxdd TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSD105_Mutsuki avatarId: 1463693 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:08] player: Id: 271208 Name: Kuzmanoid TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSB105_Koenig avatarId: 1463695 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:08] player: Id: 537343083 Name: HOPE_2015_ TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSD107_Akatsuki avatarId: 1463697 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:08] player: Id: 537206769 Name: ANGOLA2205 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSD107_Akatsuki avatarId: 1463699 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:08] player: Id: 315641 Name: Reirugan TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSB010_Nagato_1944 avatarId: 1463701 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:08] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (505066, 0, 0, 1463691, 1510425876223L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:08] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {505066: PreBattleInfo: id: 505066, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1463691, creationTime 1510425876223, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:08] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (505066, 0, 0, 1463691, 1510425876223L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:08] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {505066: PreBattleInfo: id: 505066, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1463691, creationTime 1510425876223, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:08] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (505066, 0, 0, 1463691, 1510425876223L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:08] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {505066: PreBattleInfo: id: 505066, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1463691, creationTime 1510425876223, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:08] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (505066, 0, 0, 1463691, 1510425876223L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:08] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {505066: PreBattleInfo: id: 505066, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1463691, creationTime 1510425876223, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:08] Avatar.enterPrebattle [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:08] (, 39965384947628, 149): 1463653; BattleLogic() [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:08] (, 39965384947628, 149): 1463653; onEnterWorld() State: {attentionMarkers: [], clientAnimations: None, controlPoints: [{position: [-305.3184814453125, 384.7937927246094], radius: 140.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 5, timerName: '', teamId: 0, progress: [0.0, 180.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [332.9254150390625, -361.380615234375], radius: 140.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 5, timerName: '', teamId: 1, progress: [0.0, 180.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}], entityStates: [], expectedActions: None, interactiveZones: [], weather: {globalWeatherId: 1463654, localWeather: [], entityLogicParams: []}, keyObjects: [], missions: {hold: [{reward: 2, penalty: 0, cpIndices: [0, 1], period: 6}], capture: [{reward: 1000, penalty: 0, cpIndices: [0, 1]}], destroy: [], suppress: [], kill: [{reward: 30, penalty: 45, shipType: 'Destroyer'}, {reward: 35, penalty: 50, shipType: 'Cruiser'}, {reward: 40, penalty: 60, shipType: 'Battleship'}, {reward: 45, penalty: 65, shipType: 'AirCarrier'}], teamsScore: [302, 302], teamWinScore: 1000, teamLoseScore: 0}, resources: [], successStoryProgress: [], screenplayMessage: '', tasks: [], minefields: [], entities: [], effects: []} [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:08] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:08] BattleDataContext.__onEnterSpace [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:08] -= BATTLE STARTED =- [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:08] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:11] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:12] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:27] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:27] id 1463672 [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:27] name tan4er_evgesha75 [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:27] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:27] @ launchpadAppeared 1463672 [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:27] [Weather][7192] onEnterWorld (map spaces/42_Neighbors/weathers.xml, scheme 0, weather 0) [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:27] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:27] id 1463682 [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:27] name KSYULION [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:27] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:27] @ launchpadAppeared 1463682 [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:28] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:28] id 1463690 [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:28] name alex28081976 [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:28] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:29] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:29] id 1463664 [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:29] name gudinion [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:29] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:29] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:29] id 1463698 [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:29] name HOPE_2015_ [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:29] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:30] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:30] id 1463674 [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:30] name plemynik1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:30] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:30] @ launchpadAppeared 1463674 [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:30] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:30] id 1463696 [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:30] name Kuzmanoid [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:30] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:30] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:30] id 1463660 [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:30] name HEGNI_1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:30] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:30] @ launchpadAppeared 1463660 [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:30] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:30] id 1463702 [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:30] name Reirugan [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:30] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:30] @ launchpadAppeared 1463702 [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:30] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:30] id 1463700 [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:30] name ANGOLA2205 [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:30] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:30] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:30] id 1463692 [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:30] name Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:30] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:30] @ launchpadAppeared 1463692 [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:30] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:30] Avatar.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:30] ! A.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:30] BoardService.init [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:30] @ launchpadAppeared 1463692 [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:30] BattleDataContext.__onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:31] ! PM.refreshAirArmament [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:31] BoardService.restore [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:31] Avatar.onWorldStateReceived [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:31] BattleChatSystem IN Context [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:31] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:31] ('[ERROR] FeedbackController: empty config for event repair_finished',) [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:31] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:31] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:31] id 1463676 [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:31] name Faraon_61_17 [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:31] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:46:48] DEBUG: onChatMessage args ('', '', {'avatarId': 1463701, 'targetId': 1463663, 'type': -7}) [S] [2017_11_11 21:47:41] DEBUG: onChatMessage args ('', '', {'avatarId': 1463673, 'targetId': 1463663, 'type': -7}) [S] [2017_11_11 21:47:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:47:57] id 1463684 [S] [2017_11_11 21:47:57] name skuper007 [S] [2017_11_11 21:47:57] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:47:57] @ launchpadAppeared 1463684 [S] [2017_11_11 21:48:01] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:48:01] id 1463694 [S] [2017_11_11 21:48:01] name Olegxdd [S] [2017_11_11 21:48:01] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:48:03] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:48:03] id 1463656 [S] [2017_11_11 21:48:03] name bola09 [S] [2017_11_11 21:48:03] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:48:03] @ launchpadAppeared 1463656 [S] [2017_11_11 21:48:06] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:48:06] id 1463656 [S] [2017_11_11 21:48:06] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:48:06] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:48:06] id 1463666 [S] [2017_11_11 21:48:06] name LanJeRoN76 [S] [2017_11_11 21:48:06] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:48:08] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:48:08] id 1463666 [S] [2017_11_11 21:48:09] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:48:09] id 1463666 [S] [2017_11_11 21:48:09] name LanJeRoN76 [S] [2017_11_11 21:48:09] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:48:12] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:48:12] id 1463666 [S] [2017_11_11 21:48:13] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:48:13] id 1463680 [S] [2017_11_11 21:48:13] name alexey___a [S] [2017_11_11 21:48:13] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:48:13] @ launchpadAppeared 1463680 [S] [2017_11_11 21:48:14] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:48:14] id 1463666 [S] [2017_11_11 21:48:14] name LanJeRoN76 [S] [2017_11_11 21:48:14] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:48:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:48:16] id 1463666 [S] [2017_11_11 21:48:19] Avatar.receivePlayerData: (537168736, 5595999, 'Tier099', 4287575760L, 0, 3, True, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0) 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:48:19] DivisionProxyBattle.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537168736, dbid=5595999, name='Tier099', shipId=4287575760L, teamId=0, state=3, isInBattle=True, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=0) 0 {} [S] [2017_11_11 21:48:19] playersToInvite {} [S] [2017_11_11 21:48:19] Avatar.receivePlayerData: (537307028, 62222528, 'HEGNI_1', 4184782672L, 0, 3, True, True, False, 15, 134232416, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0) 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:48:19] DivisionProxyBattle.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537307028, dbid=62222528, name='HEGNI_1', shipId=4184782672L, teamId=0, state=3, isInBattle=True, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134232416, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=0) 0 {} [S] [2017_11_11 21:48:19] playersToInvite {} [S] [2017_11_11 21:48:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:48:26] id 1463694 [S] [2017_11_11 21:48:26] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:48:26] id 1463694 [S] [2017_11_11 21:48:26] name Olegxdd [S] [2017_11_11 21:48:26] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:48:36] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:48:36] id 1463668 [S] [2017_11_11 21:48:36] name ImperiaLHonor [S] [2017_11_11 21:48:36] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:48:36] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:48:36] id 1463694 [S] [2017_11_11 21:48:58] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:48:58] id 1463656 [S] [2017_11_11 21:48:58] name bola09 [S] [2017_11_11 21:48:58] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:48:58] @ launchpadAppeared 1463656 [S] [2017_11_11 21:49:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:49:02] id 1463656 [S] [2017_11_11 21:49:02] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:49:09] DEBUG: onChatMessage args ('', '', {'avatarId': 1463659, 'targetId': 1463697, 'type': -7}) [S] [2017_11_11 21:49:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:49:10] id 1463668 [S] [2017_11_11 21:49:30] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:49:30] id 1463658 [S] [2017_11_11 21:49:30] name farkhadlw [S] [2017_11_11 21:49:30] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:49:30] @ launchpadAppeared 1463658 [S] [2017_11_11 21:49:41] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:49:41] id 1463690 [S] [2017_11_11 21:49:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:49:50] id 1463666 [S] [2017_11_11 21:49:50] name LanJeRoN76 [S] [2017_11_11 21:49:50] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:49:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:49:51] id 1463658 [S] [2017_11_11 21:49:51] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:49:54] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 21:49:56] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:49:56] id 1463680 [S] [2017_11_11 21:49:56] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:49:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:49:57] id 1463656 [S] [2017_11_11 21:49:57] name bola09 [S] [2017_11_11 21:49:57] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:49:57] @ launchpadAppeared 1463656 [S] [2017_11_11 21:49:57] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:49:57] id 1463684 [S] [2017_11_11 21:49:57] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:50:03] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:50:03] id 1463658 [S] [2017_11_11 21:50:03] name farkhadlw [S] [2017_11_11 21:50:03] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:50:03] @ launchpadAppeared 1463658 [S] [2017_11_11 21:50:04] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:50:04] id 1463684 [S] [2017_11_11 21:50:04] name skuper007 [S] [2017_11_11 21:50:04] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:50:04] @ launchpadAppeared 1463684 [S] [2017_11_11 21:50:06] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:50:06] id 1463656 [S] [2017_11_11 21:50:06] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:50:10] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:50:10] id 1463670 [S] [2017_11_11 21:50:10] name interSte [S] [2017_11_11 21:50:10] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:50:10] @ launchpadAppeared 1463670 [S] [2017_11_11 21:50:20] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:50:20] id 1463686 [S] [2017_11_11 21:50:20] name Veetoos1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:50:20] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:50:22] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:50:22] id 1463678 [S] [2017_11_11 21:50:22] name rock_jazz [S] [2017_11_11 21:50:22] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:50:24] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:50:24] id 1463658 [S] [2017_11_11 21:50:24] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:50:27] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:50:27] id 1463686 [S] [2017_11_11 21:50:27] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:50:27] id 1463656 [S] [2017_11_11 21:50:27] name bola09 [S] [2017_11_11 21:50:27] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:50:27] @ launchpadAppeared 1463656 [S] [2017_11_11 21:50:35] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:50:35] id 1463676 [S] [2017_11_11 21:50:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:50:35] id 1463658 [S] [2017_11_11 21:50:35] name farkhadlw [S] [2017_11_11 21:50:35] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:50:35] @ launchpadAppeared 1463658 [S] [2017_11_11 21:50:38] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:50:38] id 1463658 [S] [2017_11_11 21:50:38] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:50:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:50:45] id 1463672 [S] [2017_11_11 21:50:45] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:50:47] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 21:50:47] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:50:48] DEBUG: onChatMessage args ('', '', {'avatarId': 1463689, 'achievementId': 4277330864L, 'type': -1}) [S] [2017_11_11 21:50:51] DEBUG: onChatMessage args ('', '', {'avatarId': 1463683, 'achievementId': 4283622320L, 'type': -1}) [S] [2017_11_11 21:50:51] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_11 21:50:52] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:50:52] id 1463676 [S] [2017_11_11 21:50:52] name Faraon_61_17 [S] [2017_11_11 21:50:52] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:50:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:50:52] id 1463678 [S] [2017_11_11 21:50:54] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:50:54] id 1463688 [S] [2017_11_11 21:50:54] name D3VOUR [S] [2017_11_11 21:50:54] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:50:54] @ launchpadAppeared 1463688 [S] [2017_11_11 21:51:04] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:51:04] id 1463662 [S] [2017_11_11 21:51:04] name mameev89 [S] [2017_11_11 21:51:04] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:51:04] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:51:04] id 1463670 [S] [2017_11_11 21:51:04] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:51:14] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:51:14] id 1463678 [S] [2017_11_11 21:51:14] name rock_jazz [S] [2017_11_11 21:51:14] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:51:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:51:16] id 1463688 [S] [2017_11_11 21:51:16] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:51:17] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:51:17] id 1463678 [S] [2017_11_11 21:51:22] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:51:22] id 1463688 [S] [2017_11_11 21:51:22] name D3VOUR [S] [2017_11_11 21:51:22] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:51:22] @ launchpadAppeared 1463688 [S] [2017_11_11 21:51:28] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:51:28] id 1463696 [S] [2017_11_11 21:51:29] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:51:29] id 1463678 [S] [2017_11_11 21:51:29] name rock_jazz [S] [2017_11_11 21:51:29] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:51:31] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:51:31] id 1463670 [S] [2017_11_11 21:51:31] name interSte [S] [2017_11_11 21:51:31] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:51:31] @ launchpadAppeared 1463670 [S] [2017_11_11 21:51:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:51:45] id 1463688 [S] [2017_11_11 21:51:45] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:51:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:51:51] id 1463678 [S] [2017_11_11 21:51:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:51:51] id 1463664 [S] [2017_11_11 21:51:53] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:51:53] id 1463670 [S] [2017_11_11 21:51:53] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:51:57] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:51:57] id 1463702 [S] [2017_11_11 21:51:57] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:52:08] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:52:08] id 1463662 [S] [2017_11_11 21:52:19] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:52:19] id 1463666 [S] [2017_11_11 21:52:24] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:52:24] id 1463662 [S] [2017_11_11 21:52:24] name mameev89 [S] [2017_11_11 21:52:24] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:52:26] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:52:26] id 1463670 [S] [2017_11_11 21:52:26] name interSte [S] [2017_11_11 21:52:26] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:52:26] @ launchpadAppeared 1463670 [S] [2017_11_11 21:52:26] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:52:26] id 1463678 [S] [2017_11_11 21:52:26] name rock_jazz [S] [2017_11_11 21:52:26] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:52:28] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 21:52:28] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:52:33] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:52:33] id 1463666 [S] [2017_11_11 21:52:33] name LanJeRoN76 [S] [2017_11_11 21:52:33] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:52:37] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:52:37] id 1463688 [S] [2017_11_11 21:52:37] name D3VOUR [S] [2017_11_11 21:52:37] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:52:37] @ launchpadAppeared 1463688 [S] [2017_11_11 21:52:37] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:52:37] id 1463662 [S] [2017_11_11 21:52:38] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:52:38] id 1463662 [S] [2017_11_11 21:52:38] name mameev89 [S] [2017_11_11 21:52:38] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:52:41] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:52:41] id 1463662 [S] [2017_11_11 21:52:42] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:52:42] id 1463662 [S] [2017_11_11 21:52:42] name mameev89 [S] [2017_11_11 21:52:42] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:52:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:52:45] id 1463662 [S] [2017_11_11 21:52:46] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:52:46] id 1463662 [S] [2017_11_11 21:52:46] name mameev89 [S] [2017_11_11 21:52:46] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:52:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:52:48] id 1463662 [S] [2017_11_11 21:52:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:52:50] id 1463662 [S] [2017_11_11 21:52:50] name mameev89 [S] [2017_11_11 21:52:50] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:52:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:52:52] id 1463662 [S] [2017_11_11 21:53:13] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:53:13] id 1463694 [S] [2017_11_11 21:53:13] name Olegxdd [S] [2017_11_11 21:53:13] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:53:14] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:53:14] id 1463688 [S] [2017_11_11 21:53:14] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:53:15] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:53:15] id 1463702 [S] [2017_11_11 21:53:15] name Reirugan [S] [2017_11_11 21:53:15] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:53:15] @ launchpadAppeared 1463702 [S] [2017_11_11 21:53:17] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:53:17] id 1463688 [S] [2017_11_11 21:53:17] name D3VOUR [S] [2017_11_11 21:53:17] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:53:17] @ launchpadAppeared 1463688 [S] [2017_11_11 21:53:30] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:53:30] id 1463694 [S] [2017_11_11 21:53:30] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:53:30] id 1463694 [S] [2017_11_11 21:53:30] name Olegxdd [S] [2017_11_11 21:53:30] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:53:33] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:53:33] id 1463694 [S] [2017_11_11 21:53:33] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:53:33] id 1463694 [S] [2017_11_11 21:53:33] name Olegxdd [S] [2017_11_11 21:53:33] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:53:36] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:53:36] id 1463688 [S] [2017_11_11 21:53:36] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:53:37] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:53:37] id 1463694 [S] [2017_11_11 21:53:37] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:53:37] id 1463694 [S] [2017_11_11 21:53:37] name Olegxdd [S] [2017_11_11 21:53:37] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:53:39] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:53:39] id 1463670 [S] [2017_11_11 21:53:39] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:53:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:53:40] id 1463694 [S] [2017_11_11 21:53:40] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:53:40] id 1463670 [S] [2017_11_11 21:53:40] name interSte [S] [2017_11_11 21:53:40] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:53:40] @ launchpadAppeared 1463670 [S] [2017_11_11 21:53:42] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:53:42] id 1463694 [S] [2017_11_11 21:53:42] name Olegxdd [S] [2017_11_11 21:53:42] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:53:48] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 21:53:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:53:51] id 1463678 [S] [2017_11_11 21:53:58] ClientSquadron.outOfFuel [S] [2017_11_11 21:53:59] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:53:59] id 1463678 [S] [2017_11_11 21:53:59] name rock_jazz [S] [2017_11_11 21:53:59] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:54:16] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:54:16] id 1463688 [S] [2017_11_11 21:54:16] name D3VOUR [S] [2017_11_11 21:54:16] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:54:16] @ launchpadAppeared 1463688 [S] [2017_11_11 21:54:19] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:54:19] id 1463678 [S] [2017_11_11 21:54:20] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:54:20] id 1463678 [S] [2017_11_11 21:54:20] name rock_jazz [S] [2017_11_11 21:54:20] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:54:32] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:54:32] id 1463670 [S] [2017_11_11 21:54:32] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:54:36] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:54:36] id 1463670 [S] [2017_11_11 21:54:36] name interSte [S] [2017_11_11 21:54:36] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:54:36] @ launchpadAppeared 1463670 [S] [2017_11_11 21:54:42] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:54:42] id 1463662 [S] [2017_11_11 21:54:42] name mameev89 [S] [2017_11_11 21:54:42] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:54:43] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 21:54:58] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 21:54:58] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:55:08] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:55:08] id 1463670 [S] [2017_11_11 21:55:08] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:55:08] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:55:08] id 1463662 [S] [2017_11_11 21:55:13] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:55:13] id 1463662 [S] [2017_11_11 21:55:13] name mameev89 [S] [2017_11_11 21:55:13] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:55:17] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:55:17] id 1463678 [S] [2017_11_11 21:55:23] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:55:23] id 1463678 [S] [2017_11_11 21:55:23] name rock_jazz [S] [2017_11_11 21:55:23] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:55:24] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:55:24] id 1463662 [S] [2017_11_11 21:55:24] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:55:24] id 1463700 [S] [2017_11_11 21:55:38] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:55:38] id 1463672 [S] [2017_11_11 21:55:38] name tan4er_evgesha75 [S] [2017_11_11 21:55:38] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:55:38] @ launchpadAppeared 1463672 [S] [2017_11_11 21:55:38] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 21:55:38] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 21:55:38] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 21:55:41] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 21:55:41] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:55:41] id 1463664 [S] [2017_11_11 21:55:41] name gudinion [S] [2017_11_11 21:55:41] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:55:46] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:55:46] id 1463670 [S] [2017_11_11 21:55:46] name interSte [S] [2017_11_11 21:55:46] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:55:46] @ launchpadAppeared 1463670 [S] [2017_11_11 21:55:49] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:55:49] id 1463672 [S] [2017_11_11 21:55:49] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:11] id 1463678 [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:17] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:17] id 1463678 [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:17] name rock_jazz [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:17] team id 1 [E] [2017_11_11 21:56:28] ServerConnection::onTimeOut(1463691): Disconnecting due to channel timing out. [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:28] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 6 NOT_SET [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:28] [LOGIN] Setting gIsConnected to False [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:32] connection problem!!! [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:32] clearAll 0 True [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:32] AccountLevelingProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:32] ShutDownProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:32] ShutDownProxy.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:32] StatsProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:32] StatsProxy.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:32] CampaignsProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:32] LootboxProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:32] LootboxProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:32] PVEScriptsProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:32] PVEDatahubUtils.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:32] PVEScriptsProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:32] IngamePortalProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:32] IngameNewsProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:32] UserDataGate.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:32] UserDataGate.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:32] ClanProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:32] ClanProxy.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:32] BattleChatSystem OUT OF Context [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:32] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOver [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:32] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOut [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:32] (, 13182166089733, 190): fini [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:33] (, 51007922117933, 263): out of context [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:33] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Login, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:33] PreBattleInfoHolder.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:33] DivisionProxyBattle.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:33] (, 39965384947628, 149): 1463653; onLeaveWorld() [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:33] [Weather][7192] onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:33] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:33] id 1463656 [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:33] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:33] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:33] id 1463660 [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:33] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:33] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:33] id 1463664 [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:33] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:33] id 1463666 [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:33] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:33] id 1463670 [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:33] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:33] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:33] id 1463674 [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:33] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:33] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:33] id 1463676 [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:33] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:33] id 1463678 [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:33] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:33] id 1463682 [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:33] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:33] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:33] id 1463684 [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:33] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:33] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:33] id 1463688 [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:33] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:33] Avatar.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:33] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:33] id 1463692 [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:33] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:33] id 1463694 [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:33] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:33] id 1463698 [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:33] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:33] id 1463702 [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:35] Exception BigWorld.EntityIsDestroyedException: 'Avatar 1463691 has been destroyed' in ignored [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:37] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Login, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:40] (, 66259644693353, 191): H:; A:; C:http://csis.worldoftanks.ru/csis/wowsru/?periphery=login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020&periphery=login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020; M:['login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020', 'login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020'] [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:41] BaseLoginRequest.doLogin(): login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020 token2 ([BaseLoginCredentials] Tier099) [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:41] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:41] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:41] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 1 LOGGED_ON {"token2":"5595999:5600238760764888903:243064147317244039354819121559438819994","wgnr":"ru.wargaming.net"} [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:41] LOGGED_ON {u'token2': u'5595999:5600238760764888903:243064147317244039354819121559438819994', u'wgnr': u'ru.wargaming.net'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:41] [LOGIN] Positive, serverMsg: {u'token2': u'5595999:5600238760764888903:243064147317244039354819121559438819994', u'wgnr': u'ru.wargaming.net'}, status: LOGGED_ON [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:41] [LOGIN] Setting wgnr url to "https://ru.wargaming.net" [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:41] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 2 NOT_SET [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:42] Account.__init__() [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:42] [Account debuG]: __init__() Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:42] ClanProxy.setChatHandler [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:42] ClanProxy.setInteractiveMessageData [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:42] Exception BigWorld.EntityIsDestroyedException: 'Account 537168736 has been destroyed' in ignored [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:42] (, 571883079382, 162): init [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:42] (, 574705753692, 103): Url config for realm ru as string is ResMgr.DataSection at 0x5E2C8680 [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:42] (, 51003525417967, 75): in context [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:42] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:42] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:42] onBecomePlayer() [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:42] UserDataGate.onGetConnection [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:42] UserDataGate.onGetConnection(): 5595999 [Entity: id:4153 ['accountSimple', 'accountName']] Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:42] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAccount [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:42] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() True 0 0 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:42] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:42] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:42] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4161159088 {('Default', 4283604912L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 7, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:42] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4162207664 {('Default', 4279410608L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 6, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:42] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q04 {('Default', 4271730608L, 0): 5, ('Default', 4269633456L, 0): 5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u041e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c \u043d\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u041e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c \u043d\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:42] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4163256240 {('Default', 4282556336L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 5, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:42] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22468_q03 {('Default', 4263440304L, 0): 5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:42] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q02 {('Resource', 19, 0): 1, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u041f\u0440\u0435\u043c\u0438\u0443\u043c \u0437\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0443'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u041f\u0440\u0435\u043c\u0438\u0443\u043c \u0437\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0443'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:42] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4156964784 {'desc': (), ('Resource', 0, 0): 100000} {'taskNumber': 11, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:42] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4154867632 {('Default', 4284313520L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 13, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:42] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4165353392 {('Default', 4287557552L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 3, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:42] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q01 {('ResourceCoeff', 21, 17): 6.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 30): 6.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 9): 13.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 32): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 10): 3.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 5): 1.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 28): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 14): 6.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 16): 3.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 11): 3.0, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'}, 0, 0)} {'type': 'challenge', 'titleText': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:42] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4141236144 {'desc': (), ('Resource', 16, 0): 500} {'taskNumber': 12, 'missionNumber': '10', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:42] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4167450544 {'desc': (), ('Resource', 16, 0): 500} {'taskNumber': 1, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:42] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4153819056 {('Default', 4279168944L, 0): 15, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 14, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:42] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4160110512 {('Resource', 0, 0): 100000, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 8, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:42] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 18 [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:42] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:42] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 18. Boxes contents: [{4288852912L: {(0, 4283622320L): 1}, 4284658608L: {(0, 4274185136L): 1}, 4283610032L: {(0, 4273136560L): 1}, 4289901488L: {(0, 4289913776L): 1}}] [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:42] setServerTime: serverTime=1510426604 time.time()=1510426602.67 gInitialClientTime=6999.74103799 [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:42] initBattleTypes called [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:42] Disabled maps: [] [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:42] getNationForTutorial() CanBeStarted: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:42] StatsProxy.receiveAbuseStatus(): {'battlesToClean': 0, 'statuses': {'tkill': 0}, 'warnings': ()} [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:42] _onChangeTimeOut 156 [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:45] __processDossierStats() client dossier: ['oper', 'pvp', 'oper_mm_tasks_diag', 'pve_diag', 'pvp_diag', 'oper_normal', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'pve', 'oper_mm', 'total', 'oper_normal_tasks_diag', 'max_pve', 'rank_diag', 'max_pvp', 'oper_diag', 'club_diag', 'club', 'max_club', 'clan', 'oper_hard', 'oper_hard_tasks_diag', 'max_clan'] [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:45] AccountLevelingProxy.onGetAccountStats(): (-1, -1) (15, 756079) [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:45] __updateTaskProgress start: {'22468_q03': {3: {'count': 10.0}}, '22468_q01': {2: {'count': 3}}, '22469_q01': {}, '21856_q00': {}, '22468_q05': {}, '22468_q02': {3: {'count': 549416}}, '22470_q01': {}, '22470_q02': {2: {'count': 5}}, '22470_q03': {2: {'count': 513978}, 3: {'count': 15080}, 4: {'count': 109517}}, '22470_q04': {2: {'count': 10}}, '22160_q01': {}, '22468_q04': {3: {'count': 27747}}} [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:45] __updateTaskProgress start: {'22468_q03': {'count': 1, 3: {'count': 10.0}}, '22468_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 3}}, '22469_q01': {'count': 0}, '21856_q00': {'count': 0}, '22468_q05': {'count': 0}, '22468_q02': {'count': 1, 3: {'count': 549416}}, '22470_q01': {'count': 34}, '22470_q02': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 5}}, '22470_q03': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 559613}, 3: {'count': 15080}, 4: {'count': 109517}}, '22470_q04': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 10}}, '22160_q01': {'count': 0}, '22468_q04': {'count': 0, 3: {'count': 28818}}} [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:45] onGetRankBattlesInfo currentSeason: 7, PlayerInfo: None [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:45] onGetRankDossier() seasonId = 7 Empty [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:46] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onGetSeasonRules: config False, {'seasonId': 1, 'operations': {4291341232L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 3, 'unlockTime': 1500429600, 'caps': 3}, 4292389808L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1499824800, 'caps': 3}, 4290292656L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1501034400, 'caps': 3}, 4293438384L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1501639200, 'caps': 3}}, 'currentOperationIdx': 1, 'roster': [4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L, 4293438384L], 'startTime': 1499824800, 'seasons': {1: {'operations': [4293438384L, 4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}, 2: {'operations': [], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}}, 'currentRotationTime': 1510106400, 'nextRotationTime': 1510711200, 'stage': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:46] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onLoadProgress: config False, season False, {'operations': {'hard': [], 'normal': [(4287146928L, [1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 0]), (4288195504L, [1509007262, 1509007262, 1509007262, 0, 0, 0]), (4290292656L, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])]}, 'seasons': {'hard': [], 'normal': [(2, 1509007262)]}} [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:46] onClanResponse: response=(1, 0, (430246, (430246, u'FLY', u'FLY', 16777215, u'executive_officer', u'\u0417\u0434\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0443\u0439\u0442\u0435 \u0442\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0449\u0438, \u0443 \u043a\u043e\u0433\u043e \u0435\u0441\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0431\u043b\u0438 10-\u0433\u043e \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u043d\u044f, \u0438 \u0433\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0441\u043e\u0432\u0430\u044f \u0432\u0441\u044f\u0437\u044c \u043d\u0443\u0436\u043d\u043e \u0441\u044b\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d\u043e\u0432\u044b\u0435 \u0431\u043e\u0438 - \u0441\u0442\u0430\u0432\u0442\u0435 + \u043c\u043d\u0435 \u0432 \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443 \u043a\u0442\u043e \u0433\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432', {47518727: {'role': u'private'}, 162314: {'role': u'private'}, 33301518: {'role': u'private'}, 31456527: {'role': u'private'}, 58161041: {'role': u'private'}, 19410835: {'role': u'private'}, 2557718: {'role': u'private'}, 27883543: {'role': u'private'}, 73537307: {'role': u'private'}, 17222686: {'role': u'private'}, 310434: {'role': u'private'}, 11428651: {'role': u'private'}, 2445100: {'role': u'private'}, 7715120: {'role': u'private'}, 69118514: {'role': u'commander'}, 71811251: {'role': u'private'}, 59694238: {'role': u'private'}, 62222528: {'role': u'private'}, 47245249: {'role': u'private'}, 59103429: {'role': u'private'}, 35853511: {'role': u'private'}, 69416610: {'role': u'private'}, 65031124: {'role': u'private'}, 5595999: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 8706534: {'role': u'private'}, 37230: {'role': u'private'}, 1515506: {'role': u'private'}, 71303028: {'role': u'private'}, 5426549: {'role': u'private'}, 22453883: {'role': u'private'}}, {75100162: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3925161}, 75116563: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10679440}, 75116564: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5595999}, 75104791: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1901451}, 75104792: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12037438}, 75104793: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47518727}, 75100186: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4688253}, 75104795: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26571092}, 75100188: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 872384}, 75104797: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5326927}, 75104799: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2557718}, 75100217: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58161041}, 75100219: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36672236}, 75100220: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12445172}, 75100221: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11262324}, 75092406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86780640}, 75100940: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1550733}, 75088485: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11437327}, 75088488: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86912728}, 75115802: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19050869}, 75099931: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 64096589}, 75104796: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24059614}, 75100189: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 16896550}, 75100187: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26497012}, 75105224: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5163046}, 75115804: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3700101}, 75100858: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65353479}, 75100859: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4549361}, 75100860: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19163627}, 75100862: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 15486060}, 75100864: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24960589}, 75101403: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13829345}, 75101405: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2774140}, 75101406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19410835}, 75105005: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2514322}, 75105006: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 6071074}, 75105007: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21765943}, 75105008: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13351014}, 75105009: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10744094}, 75105010: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8213596}, 75105533: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 32758788}, 75105534: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35843415}, 75105535: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19416306}, 75099910: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 22471163}, 75099912: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47356661}, 75099913: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20821811}, 75099914: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 38322742}, 75099915: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 57543888}, 75099916: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5426549}, 75100941: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1431883}, 75100942: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 744012}, 75100943: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 69416610}, 75100944: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36933861}, 75100946: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4337469}, 75115800: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47245249}, 75115801: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2723422}, 75099930: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35480962}, 75115803: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65031124}, 75099932: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5239563}, 75099933: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5564244}, 75105068: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 27883543}, 75099952: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11428651}, 75115830: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 62222528}, 75115831: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8664152}, 75115833: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59103429}, 75115837: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4858560}, 75115840: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 7424262}, 75099461: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 33301518}, 75104134: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 225652}, 75101613: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 162314}, 75101614: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 75991473}, 75100081: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71303028}, 75100082: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79542157}, 75100083: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 76103}, 75100084: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80535214}, 75100085: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5965559}, 75100086: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71777625}, 75092407: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 72132668}, 75092409: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65107864}, 75092412: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58685850}, 75104707: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13658244}, 75104708: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 77607300}, 75104710: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79957325}, 75104712: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2809573}, 75105225: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 61831778}, 75105226: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 48512704}, 75105227: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82400346}, 75105229: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59694238}, 75105230: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24318025}, 75105232: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35446652}, 75100114: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21297715}, 75100115: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2636501}, 75100116: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 23508047}, 75100117: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4104445}, 75113468: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80938462}, 75100157: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82347121}, 75113470: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8706534}, 75113467: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1207353}, 75100156: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65362617}, 75113469: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 17222686}, 75100158: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20158906}, 75113471: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4261263}}, 30, 30, None))) [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:46] ClanProxy.onClanResponse(): 1 (430246, (430246, u'FLY', u'FLY', 16777215, u'executive_officer', u'\u0417\u0434\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0443\u0439\u0442\u0435 \u0442\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0449\u0438, \u0443 \u043a\u043e\u0433\u043e \u0435\u0441\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0431\u043b\u0438 10-\u0433\u043e \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u043d\u044f, \u0438 \u0433\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0441\u043e\u0432\u0430\u044f \u0432\u0441\u044f\u0437\u044c \u043d\u0443\u0436\u043d\u043e \u0441\u044b\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d\u043e\u0432\u044b\u0435 \u0431\u043e\u0438 - \u0441\u0442\u0430\u0432\u0442\u0435 + \u043c\u043d\u0435 \u0432 \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443 \u043a\u0442\u043e \u0433\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432', {47518727: {'role': u'private'}, 162314: {'role': u'private'}, 33301518: {'role': u'private'}, 31456527: {'role': u'private'}, 58161041: {'role': u'private'}, 19410835: {'role': u'private'}, 2557718: {'role': u'private'}, 27883543: {'role': u'private'}, 73537307: {'role': u'private'}, 17222686: {'role': u'private'}, 310434: {'role': u'private'}, 11428651: {'role': u'private'}, 2445100: {'role': u'private'}, 7715120: {'role': u'private'}, 69118514: {'role': u'commander'}, 71811251: {'role': u'private'}, 59694238: {'role': u'private'}, 62222528: {'role': u'private'}, 47245249: {'role': u'private'}, 59103429: {'role': u'private'}, 35853511: {'role': u'private'}, 69416610: {'role': u'private'}, 65031124: {'role': u'private'}, 5595999: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 8706534: {'role': u'private'}, 37230: {'role': u'private'}, 1515506: {'role': u'private'}, 71303028: {'role': u'private'}, 5426549: {'role': u'private'}, 22453883: {'role': u'private'}}, {75100162: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3925161}, 75116563: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10679440}, 75116564: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5595999}, 75104791: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1901451}, 75104792: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12037438}, 75104793: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47518727}, 75100186: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4688253}, 75104795: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26571092}, 75100188: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 872384}, 75104797: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5326927}, 75104799: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2557718}, 75100217: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58161041}, 75100219: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36672236}, 75100220: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12445172}, 75100221: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11262324}, 75092406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86780640}, 75100940: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1550733}, 75088485: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11437327}, 75088488: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86912728}, 75115802: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19050869}, 75099931: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 64096589}, 75104796: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24059614}, 75100189: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 16896550}, 75100187: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26497012}, 75105224: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5163046}, 75115804: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3700101}, 75100858: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65353479}, 75100859: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4549361}, 75100860: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19163627}, 75100862: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 15486060}, 75100864: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24960589}, 75101403: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13829345}, 75101405: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2774140}, 75101406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19410835}, 75105005: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2514322}, 75105006: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 6071074}, 75105007: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21765943}, 75105008: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13351014}, 75105009: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10744094}, 75105010: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8213596}, 75105533: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 32758788}, 75105534: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35843415}, 75105535: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19416306}, 75099910: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 22471163}, 75099912: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47356661}, 75099913: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20821811}, 75099914: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 38322742}, 75099915: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 57543888}, 75099916: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5426549}, 75100941: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1431883}, 75100942: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 744012}, 75100943: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 69416610}, 75100944: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36933861}, 75100946: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4337469}, 75115800: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47245249}, 75115801: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2723422}, 75099930: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35480962}, 75115803: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65031124}, 75099932: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5239563}, 75099933: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5564244}, 75105068: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 27883543}, 75099952: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11428651}, 75115830: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 62222528}, 75115831: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8664152}, 75115833: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59103429}, 75115837: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4858560}, 75115840: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 7424262}, 75099461: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 33301518}, 75104134: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 225652}, 75101613: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 162314}, 75101614: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 75991473}, 75100081: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71303028}, 75100082: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79542157}, 75100083: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 76103}, 75100084: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80535214}, 75100085: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5965559}, 75100086: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71777625}, 75092407: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 72132668}, 75092409: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65107864}, 75092412: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58685850}, 75104707: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13658244}, 75104708: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 77607300}, 75104710: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79957325}, 75104712: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2809573}, 75105225: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 61831778}, 75105226: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 48512704}, 75105227: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82400346}, 75105229: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59694238}, 75105230: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24318025}, 75105232: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35446652}, 75100114: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21297715}, 75100115: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2636501}, 75100116: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 23508047}, 75100117: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4104445}, 75113468: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80938462}, 75100157: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82347121}, 75113470: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8706534}, 75113467: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1207353}, 75100156: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65362617}, 75113469: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 17222686}, 75100158: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20158906}, 75113471: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4261263}}, 30, 30, None)) [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:46] ClanProxy.__onGetMyClan: False (430246, (430246, u'FLY', u'FLY', 16777215, u'executive_officer', u'\u0417\u0434\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0443\u0439\u0442\u0435 \u0442\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0449\u0438, \u0443 \u043a\u043e\u0433\u043e \u0435\u0441\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0431\u043b\u0438 10-\u0433\u043e \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u043d\u044f, \u0438 \u0433\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0441\u043e\u0432\u0430\u044f \u0432\u0441\u044f\u0437\u044c \u043d\u0443\u0436\u043d\u043e \u0441\u044b\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d\u043e\u0432\u044b\u0435 \u0431\u043e\u0438 - \u0441\u0442\u0430\u0432\u0442\u0435 + \u043c\u043d\u0435 \u0432 \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443 \u043a\u0442\u043e \u0433\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432', {47518727: {'role': u'private'}, 162314: {'role': u'private'}, 33301518: {'role': u'private'}, 31456527: {'role': u'private'}, 58161041: {'role': u'private'}, 19410835: {'role': u'private'}, 2557718: {'role': u'private'}, 27883543: {'role': u'private'}, 73537307: {'role': u'private'}, 17222686: {'role': u'private'}, 310434: {'role': u'private'}, 11428651: {'role': u'private'}, 2445100: {'role': u'private'}, 7715120: {'role': u'private'}, 69118514: {'role': u'commander'}, 71811251: {'role': u'private'}, 59694238: {'role': u'private'}, 62222528: {'role': u'private'}, 47245249: {'role': u'private'}, 59103429: {'role': u'private'}, 35853511: {'role': u'private'}, 69416610: {'role': u'private'}, 65031124: {'role': u'private'}, 5595999: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 8706534: {'role': u'private'}, 37230: {'role': u'private'}, 1515506: {'role': u'private'}, 71303028: {'role': u'private'}, 5426549: {'role': u'private'}, 22453883: {'role': u'private'}}, {75100162: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3925161}, 75116563: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10679440}, 75116564: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5595999}, 75104791: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1901451}, 75104792: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12037438}, 75104793: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47518727}, 75100186: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4688253}, 75104795: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26571092}, 75100188: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 872384}, 75104797: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5326927}, 75104799: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2557718}, 75100217: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58161041}, 75100219: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36672236}, 75100220: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12445172}, 75100221: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11262324}, 75092406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86780640}, 75100940: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1550733}, 75088485: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11437327}, 75088488: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86912728}, 75115802: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19050869}, 75099931: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 64096589}, 75104796: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24059614}, 75100189: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 16896550}, 75100187: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26497012}, 75105224: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5163046}, 75115804: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3700101}, 75100858: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65353479}, 75100859: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4549361}, 75100860: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19163627}, 75100862: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 15486060}, 75100864: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24960589}, 75101403: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13829345}, 75101405: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2774140}, 75101406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19410835}, 75105005: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2514322}, 75105006: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 6071074}, 75105007: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21765943}, 75105008: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13351014}, 75105009: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10744094}, 75105010: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8213596}, 75105533: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 32758788}, 75105534: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35843415}, 75105535: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19416306}, 75099910: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 22471163}, 75099912: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47356661}, 75099913: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20821811}, 75099914: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 38322742}, 75099915: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 57543888}, 75099916: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5426549}, 75100941: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1431883}, 75100942: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 744012}, 75100943: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 69416610}, 75100944: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36933861}, 75100946: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4337469}, 75115800: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47245249}, 75115801: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2723422}, 75099930: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35480962}, 75115803: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65031124}, 75099932: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5239563}, 75099933: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5564244}, 75105068: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 27883543}, 75099952: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11428651}, 75115830: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 62222528}, 75115831: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8664152}, 75115833: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59103429}, 75115837: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4858560}, 75115840: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 7424262}, 75099461: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 33301518}, 75104134: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 225652}, 75101613: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 162314}, 75101614: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 75991473}, 75100081: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71303028}, 75100082: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79542157}, 75100083: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 76103}, 75100084: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80535214}, 75100085: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5965559}, 75100086: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71777625}, 75092407: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 72132668}, 75092409: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65107864}, 75092412: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58685850}, 75104707: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13658244}, 75104708: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 77607300}, 75104710: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79957325}, 75104712: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2809573}, 75105225: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 61831778}, 75105226: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 48512704}, 75105227: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82400346}, 75105229: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59694238}, 75105230: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24318025}, 75105232: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35446652}, 75100114: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21297715}, 75100115: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2636501}, 75100116: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 23508047}, 75100117: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4104445}, 75113468: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80938462}, 75100157: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82347121}, 75113470: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8706534}, 75113467: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1207353}, 75100156: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65362617}, 75113469: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 17222686}, 75100158: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20158906}, 75113471: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4261263}}, 30, 30, None)) [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:47] [CampaignsCommon] onLoadedDump: loaded campaign params and player; countActiveTasks 3; data ({4290690992L: (False, True, False), 4293836720L: (True, 0, True), 4291739568L: (False, True, False), 4288593840L: (True, 0, True), 4289642416L: (False, True, False), 4292788144L: (True, 0, True)}, {4293836720L: [1, 1], 4289642416L: [1, 0], 4291739568L: [1, 0], 4288593840L: [1, 0], 4290690992L: [1, 0], 4292788144L: [1, 0]}, {4283023280L: [2, 0, 0], 4285120432L: [4, 15, 9], 4287217584L: [4, 12, 7], 4288266160L: [4, 10, 7], 4289314736L: [4, 10, 6], 4291411888L: [4, 7, 7], 4293509040L: [5, 5, 9], 4286169008L: [4, 15, 8], 4263100336L: [2, 0, 0], 4290363312L: [4, 10, 5], 4251566000L: [2, 0, 0], 4272537520L: [2, 0, 0], 4241080240L: [2, 0, 0], 4284071856L: [2, 2, 1], 4292460464L: [4, 6, 8]}, {4153819056L: (5, True, 0), 4190519216L: (1, False, 0), 4227219376L: (1, False, 0), 4133896112L: (1, False, 0), 4280696752L: (5, True, 0), 4150673328L: (1, False, 0), 4193664944L: (5, True, 0), 4187373488L: (1, False, 0), 4224073648L: (5, True, 0), 4164304816L: (1, False, 0), 4130750384L: (1, False, 0), 4167450544L: (5, True, 0), 4204150704L: (5, True, 0), 4240850864L: (1, False, 0), 4277551024L: (5, True, 0), 4147527600L: (1, False, 0), 4184227760L: (1, False, 0), 4220927920L: (5, True, 0), 4257628080L: (5, True, 0), 4198907824L: (5, True, 0), 4237705136L: (5, True, 0), 3904257968L: (1, False, 0), 4274405296L: (1, False, 0), 4144381872L: (1, False, 0), 3977658288L: (1, False, 0), 4181082032L: (5, True, 0), 4254482352L: (1, False, 0), 4291182512L: (5, True, 0), 4260773808L: (5, True, 0), 3897966512L: (1, False, 0), 4161159088L: (5, True, 0), 4197859248L: (1, False, 0), 3901112240L: (1, False, 0), 4141236144L: (1, True, 0), 3974512560L: (1, False, 0), 4177936304L: (1, False, 0), 4214636464L: (1, False, 0), 4251336624L: (5, True, 0), 4284891056L: (5, True, 0), 4211490736L: (1, False, 0), 4081467312L: (0, False, 0), 4158013360L: (1, False, 0), 4191567792L: (5, True, 0), 4252385200L: (5, True, 0), 4228267952L: (1, False, 0), 4134944688L: (1, False, 0), 4171644848L: (5, True, 0), 4208345008L: (1, False, 0), 4245045168L: (5, True, 0), 4281745328L: (5, True, 0), 4255530928L: (5, True, 0), 4151721904L: (1, False, 0), 4188422064L: (1, False, 0), 4225122224L: (1, False, 0), 4203102128L: (5, True, 0), 4261822384L: (1, False, 0), 4131798960L: (1, False, 0), 4205199280L: (5, True, 0), 4241899440L: (5, True, 0), 4278599600L: (5, True, 0), 4148576176L: (1, False, 0), 4221976496L: (5, True, 0), 4258676656L: (1, False, 0), 3902160816L: (1, False, 0), 4128653232L: (0, False, 0), 4165353392L: (5, True, 0), 4238753712L: (1, False, 0), 3905306544L: (1, False, 0), 4275453872L: (1, False, 0), 4145430448L: (2, False, 0), 3978706864L: (1, False, 0), 4182130608L: (5, True, 0), 4292231088L: (5, True, 0), 4154867632L: (5, True, 0), 4142284720L: (1, False, 0), 3975561136L: (1, False, 0), 4178984880L: (1, False, 0), 4215685040L: (5, True, 0), 4289085360L: (5, True, 0), 3971366832L: (1, False, 0), 4195762096L: (5, True, 0), 3899015088L: (1, False, 0), 4139138992L: (0, False, 0), 3972415408L: (1, False, 0), 4175839152L: (1, False, 0), 4212539312L: (1, False, 0), 4082515888L: (1, False, 0), 4285939632L: (5, True, 0), 4155916208L: (1, False, 0), 4192616368L: (5, True, 0), 4207296432L: (1, False, 0), 4229316528L: (5, True, 0), 3895869360L: (0, False, 0), 4135993264L: (1, False, 0), 4172693424L: (5, True, 0), 4209393584L: (5, True, 0), 4246093744L: (1, False, 0), 4282793904L: (5, True, 0), 4152770480L: (1, False, 0), 4160110512L: (5, True, 0), 4226170800L: (1, False, 0), 4174790576L: (5, True, 0), 4132847536L: (1, False, 0), 4189470640L: (1, False, 0), 4206247856L: (5, True, 0), 4242948016L: (1, False, 0), 4279648176L: (5, True, 0), 4149624752L: (2, False, 0), 4186324912L: (5, True, 0), 4223025072L: (1, False, 0), 4259725232L: (1, False, 0), 4159061936L: (1, False, 0), 4129701808L: (1, False, 0), 4166401968L: (1, False, 0), 4239802288L: (1, False, 0), 4276502448L: (5, True, 0), 4146479024L: (1, False, 0), 4183179184L: (1, False, 0), 4219879344L: (5, True, 0), 4256579504L: (5, True, 0), 4293279664L: (5, True, 0), 4243996592L: (1, False, 0), 4163256240L: (5, True, 0), 4288036784L: (5, True, 0), 4236656560L: (5, True, 0), 3903209392L: (1, False, 0), 4273356720L: (5, True, 0), 4143333296L: (2, False, 0), 3976609712L: (1, False, 0), 4180033456L: (5, True, 0), 4253433776L: (5, True, 0), 4290133936L: (5, True, 0), 4194713520L: (5, True, 0), 4196810672L: (1, False, 0), 3900063664L: (1, False, 0), 4140187568L: (1, False, 0), 3973463984L: (1, False, 0), 4176887728L: (5, True, 0), 4213587888L: (5, True, 0), 4083564464L: (1, False, 0), 4286988208L: (5, True, 0), 4156964784L: (5, True, 0), 4162207664L: (5, True, 0), 4230365104L: (5, True, 0), 4063641520L: (0, False, 0), 3896917936L: (1, False, 0), 3970318256L: (0, False, 0), 4173742000L: (5, True, 0), 4210442160L: (1, False, 0), 4247142320L: (5, True, 0)}) [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:47] ClanProxy.onGetClanBattles {'seasonId': 1, 'finishTime': 1513713600.0, 'primeTimes': {2: (57600, 68400), 3: (57600, 68400), 5: (57600, 68400), 6: (57600, 68400)}, 'shipLevelMax': 10, 'shipLevelMin': 10, 'startTime': 1508310000.0, 'promoTime': 1508310000.0, 'stage': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:48] >>> DockProxy.receiveState [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:48] Unlocks.receiveState [] [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:49] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 17105, 'boughtToday': 2, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1510444800.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:49] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 5, 'dt': 1510426100, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'achievements': (), 'expPenalty': 0, 'tasks': {'22470_q01': {'count': (34, 1), 'progress': (1.0, 1.0), 2: {'count': (0, 1)}, 'name': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'}, '22468_q04': {'count': (0, 0), 'progress': (0.9606, 0.0357), 3: {'count': (28818, 1071)}, 'name': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'}}, 'shipsKilled': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 6686720129450400L, 'battleTypeId': 5, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'mapTypeId': 14, 'credits': 131723, 'result': 2, 'exp': 1071, 'shipId': 4288624624L, 'battleCreateTime': 1510424992, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 755008, 1071), 'aogasFactor': 1.0}} [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:49] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 5, 'exp': 1071, 'tasks': {'22470_q01': {2: {'count': (0, 1)}}, '22468_q04': {3: {'count': (28818, 1071)}}}, 'aogasFactor': 1.0, 'mapBGPath': '../maps_bg/20_NE_two_brothers.png', 'operationName': '', 'rankStarsDeltaChange': 0, 'earnedAchievements': [], 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_BATTLE_RESULTS_2', 'result': 2, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'uiSpecial': False, 'mapTypeId': 14, 'shipId': 4288624624L, 'accountLeveling': {'expGained': 1071, 'currLevel': 15, 'prevLevel': 15, 'currLevelExp': 122000, 'expTotal': 756079, 'nextLevelExp': 122000}, 'curTasksCompleted': 0, 'mapName': 'IDS_SPACES/20_NE_TWO_BROTHERS', 'battleTypeId': 5, 'shipLevelRome': 'V', 'achievements': (), 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASB006', 'shipsKilled': 0, 'importance': 2, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_BATTLESHIP', 'difficulty': '', 'prevTasksCompleted': 0, 'isElite': False, 'date': '11.11.2017 21:29', 'dt': 1510426100, 'groupId': 3, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 755008, 1071), 'expPenalty': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 6686720129450400L, 'credits': 131723, 'sourceId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'viaMM': False, 'rankBattlesSeasonId': 0, 'shipType': 'Battleship', 'quests': [{'maxProgress': 100, 'day': 11, 'monthIDS': 'IDS_MONTH_11', 'battleProgress': 100.0, 'type': 'challenge', 'id': '22470_q01', 'titleText': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!', 'currentProgress': 100.0}, {'maxProgress': 100, 'day': 11, 'monthIDS': 'IDS_MONTH_11', 'battleProgress': 3.0, 'type': 'task', 'id': '22468_q04', 'titleText': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b', 'currentProgress': 79.0}], 'stypeIdent': 'Battleship', 'postponed': False, 'battleCreateTime': 1510424992, 'rankDeltaChange': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:49] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 4, 'dt': 1510426100, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'costShell': 5400, 'shipId': 4288624624L, 'result': False, 'costRepair': 10350}} [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:49] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 4, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SHIP_SERVE', 'costShell': 5400, 'result': False, 'shipId': 4288624624L, 'uiSpecial': False, 'shipLevelRome': 'V', 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASB006', 'shipType': 'Battleship', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_BATTLESHIP', 'isElite': False, 'dt': 1510426100, 'groupId': 5, 'costTotal': 15750, 'sourceId': 0, 'costRepair': 10350, 'stypeIdent': 'Battleship', 'postponed': False} [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:49] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 17105, 'boughtToday': 2, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1510444800.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:49] PVEScriptsProxyCommon.createPVEState() [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:49] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onGetSeasonRules: config True, {'seasonId': 1, 'operations': {4291341232L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 3, 'unlockTime': 1500429600, 'caps': 3}, 4292389808L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1499824800, 'caps': 3}, 4290292656L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1501034400, 'caps': 3}, 4293438384L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1501639200, 'caps': 3}}, 'currentOperationIdx': 1, 'roster': [4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L, 4293438384L], 'startTime': 1499824800, 'seasons': {1: {'operations': [4293438384L, 4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}, 2: {'operations': [], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}}, 'currentRotationTime': 1510106400, 'nextRotationTime': 1510711200, 'stage': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:49] [4181898160L, 4180849584L] [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:49] [4181898160L, 4180849584L] [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:49] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onLoadProgress: config True, season True, {'operations': {'hard': [], 'normal': [(4287146928L, [1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 0]), (4288195504L, [1509007262, 1509007262, 1509007262, 0, 0, 0]), (4290292656L, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])]}, 'seasons': {'hard': [], 'normal': [(2, 1509007262)]}} [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:49] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] _updateOperationCompleted: 4287146928 normal [1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 0] [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:49] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] _updateOperationCompleted: 4288195504 normal [1509007262, 1509007262, 1509007262, 0, 0, 0] [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:49] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] _updateOperationCompleted: 4290292656 normal [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:49] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] _updateSeasonCompleted: 2 normal 1509007262 [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:49] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4288624624L: {'exp': 16839}}, 'changedCrews': {17: {'exp': 12345}}, 'moneyXP': 54, 'lootboxes': {'lootExp': 17105, 'boughtToday': 2, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1510444800.0, 'curBoxType': 0}} [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:49] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 17105, 'boughtToday': 2, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1510444800.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:49] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': 131723, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:49] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -15750, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:49] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4288624624 0 [E] [2017_11_11 21:56:49] Can only call base methods on the connected entity [E] [2017_11_11 21:56:49] Can only call base methods on the connected entity [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:49] onClanResponse: response=(6, 0, {'league': 4, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 430246, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division_rating': 0, 'stage': 'league'}) [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:49] ClanProxy.onClanResponse(): 6 {'league': 4, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 430246, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division_rating': 0, 'stage': 'league'} [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:49] ClanDataHubUtils.addLadderInfo: {'league': 4, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 430246, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division_rating': 0, 'stage': 'league'} [E] [2017_11_11 21:56:49] Can only call base methods on the connected entity [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:49] onGameRoomStateInit mapIdx = 26 battleType = 80 gameMode = StandDom duration=1200 [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:49] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:49] GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:50] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Login, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:50] Avatar.receiveAvatarInfo: {'evaluationsLeft': {0: 7, 1: 7}} [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:50] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAvatar [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:50] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() False 0 0 0 [E] [2017_11_11 21:56:50] Entity::enterWorld: Got entity 1463691 before carrying vehicle 1463692 (going into limbo) [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:50] Avatar.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:50] name Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:50] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:50] Avatar onControlled False [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:50] onControlled->False: not implemented [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:51] onGeometryMapped() MapName: 42_Neighbors [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:51] teamBuildType: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:51] player: Id: 268560 Name: bola09 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSC005_Furutaka_1926 avatarId: 1463655 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:51] player: Id: 537353107 Name: farkhadlw TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSB010_Nagato_1944 avatarId: 1463657 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:51] player: Id: 537307028 Name: HEGNI_1 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSC105_Emile_Bertin avatarId: 1463659 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:51] player: Id: 537255959 Name: mameev89 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASD006_Mahan_1936 avatarId: 1463661 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:51] player: Id: 378654 Name: gudinion TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASD005_Farragut_1944 avatarId: 1463663 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:51] player: Id: 367963 Name: LanJeRoN76 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSC106_Nurnberg avatarId: 1463665 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:51] player: Id: 537319845 Name: ImperiaLHonor TeamId: 1 ShipName: PWSD501_Blyskawica avatarId: 1463667 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:51] player: Id: 352689 Name: interSte TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASC007_Cleveland_1945 avatarId: 1463669 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:51] player: Id: 537124404 Name: tan4er_evgesha75 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB034_New_Mexico_1941 avatarId: 1463671 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:51] player: Id: 537222974 Name: plemynik1 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASC007_Cleveland_1945 avatarId: 1463673 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:51] player: Id: 214465 Name: Faraon_61_17 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSB505_Oktyabrskaya_Revolutsiya avatarId: 1463675 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:51] player: Id: 537204425 Name: rock_jazz TeamId: 1 ShipName: PISB505_Giulio_Cesare avatarId: 1463677 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:51] player: Id: 537080269 Name: alexey___a TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASC012_Pensacola_1944 avatarId: 1463679 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:51] player: Id: 341841 Name: KSYULION TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSC107_Schors avatarId: 1463681 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:51] player: Id: 405459 Name: skuper007 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSC105_Emile_Bertin avatarId: 1463683 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:51] player: Id: 288468 Name: Veetoos1 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PBSB105_Iron_Duke avatarId: 1463685 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:51] player: Id: 537080155 Name: D3VOUR TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSB006_Fuso_1943 avatarId: 1463687 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:51] player: Id: 537270236 Name: alex28081976 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSD105_T_22 avatarId: 1463689 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:51] player: Id: 537168736 Name: Tier099 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSB007_Kongo_1942 avatarId: 1463691 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:51] player: Id: 537261794 Name: Olegxdd TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSD105_Mutsuki avatarId: 1463693 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:51] player: Id: 271208 Name: Kuzmanoid TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSB105_Koenig avatarId: 1463695 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:51] player: Id: 537343083 Name: HOPE_2015_ TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSD107_Akatsuki avatarId: 1463697 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:51] player: Id: 537206769 Name: ANGOLA2205 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSD107_Akatsuki avatarId: 1463699 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:51] player: Id: 315641 Name: Reirugan TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSB010_Nagato_1944 avatarId: 1463701 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:51] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (505066, 0, 0, 1463691, 1510425876223L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:51] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {505066: PreBattleInfo: id: 505066, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1463691, creationTime 1510425876223, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:51] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (505066, 0, 0, 1463691, 1510425876223L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:51] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {505066: PreBattleInfo: id: 505066, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1463691, creationTime 1510425876223, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:51] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (505066, 0, 0, 1463691, 1510425876223L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:51] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {505066: PreBattleInfo: id: 505066, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1463691, creationTime 1510425876223, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:51] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (505066, 0, 0, 1463691, 1510425876223L, False, False) [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:51] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {505066: PreBattleInfo: id: 505066, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1463691, creationTime 1510425876223, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:51] Avatar.enterPrebattle [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:51] (, 39965384947628, 149): 1463653; BattleLogic() [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:51] (, 39965384947628, 149): 1463653; onEnterWorld() State: {attentionMarkers: [], clientAnimations: None, controlPoints: [{position: [-305.3184814453125, 384.7937927246094], radius: 140.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 5, timerName: '', teamId: 0, progress: [0.0, 180.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [332.9254150390625, -361.380615234375], radius: 140.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 5, timerName: '', teamId: 1, progress: [0.43888887763023376, 101.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: 0, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 1, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}], entityStates: [], expectedActions: None, interactiveZones: [], weather: {globalWeatherId: 1463654, localWeather: [], entityLogicParams: []}, keyObjects: [], missions: {hold: [{reward: 2, penalty: 0, cpIndices: [0, 1], period: 6}], capture: [{reward: 1000, penalty: 0, cpIndices: [0, 1]}], destroy: [], suppress: [], kill: [{reward: 30, penalty: 45, shipType: 'Destroyer'}, {reward: 35, penalty: 50, shipType: 'Cruiser'}, {reward: 40, penalty: 60, shipType: 'Battleship'}, {reward: 45, penalty: 65, shipType: 'AirCarrier'}], teamsScore: [496, 400], teamWinScore: 1000, teamLoseScore: 0}, resources: [], successStoryProgress: [], screenplayMessage: '', tasks: [], minefields: [], entities: [], effects: []} [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:51] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:51] BattleDataContext.__onEnterSpace [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:51] -= BATTLE STARTED =- [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:54] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:54] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:56:55] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 21:57:09] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:57:09] id 1463684 [S] [2017_11_11 21:57:09] name skuper007 [S] [2017_11_11 21:57:09] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:57:09] @ launchpadAppeared 1463684 [S] [2017_11_11 21:57:09] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:57:09] id 1463656 [S] [2017_11_11 21:57:09] name bola09 [S] [2017_11_11 21:57:09] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:57:09] @ launchpadAppeared 1463656 [S] [2017_11_11 21:57:10] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:57:10] id 1463682 [S] [2017_11_11 21:57:10] name KSYULION [S] [2017_11_11 21:57:10] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:57:10] @ launchpadAppeared 1463682 [S] [2017_11_11 21:57:10] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:57:10] id 1463664 [S] [2017_11_11 21:57:10] name gudinion [S] [2017_11_11 21:57:10] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:57:10] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:57:10] id 1463694 [S] [2017_11_11 21:57:10] name Olegxdd [S] [2017_11_11 21:57:10] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:57:10] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:57:10] id 1463666 [S] [2017_11_11 21:57:10] name LanJeRoN76 [S] [2017_11_11 21:57:10] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:57:10] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:57:10] id 1463678 [S] [2017_11_11 21:57:10] name rock_jazz [S] [2017_11_11 21:57:10] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:57:11] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:57:11] id 1463698 [S] [2017_11_11 21:57:11] name HOPE_2015_ [S] [2017_11_11 21:57:11] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:57:12] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:57:12] id 1463674 [S] [2017_11_11 21:57:12] name plemynik1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:57:12] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:57:12] @ launchpadAppeared 1463674 [S] [2017_11_11 21:57:12] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:57:12] id 1463676 [S] [2017_11_11 21:57:12] name Faraon_61_17 [S] [2017_11_11 21:57:12] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:57:12] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:57:12] id 1463702 [S] [2017_11_11 21:57:12] name Reirugan [S] [2017_11_11 21:57:12] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:57:12] @ launchpadAppeared 1463702 [S] [2017_11_11 21:57:12] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:57:12] id 1463660 [S] [2017_11_11 21:57:12] name HEGNI_1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:57:12] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:57:12] @ launchpadAppeared 1463660 [S] [2017_11_11 21:57:12] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:57:12] id 1463688 [S] [2017_11_11 21:57:12] name D3VOUR [S] [2017_11_11 21:57:12] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:57:12] @ launchpadAppeared 1463688 [S] [2017_11_11 21:57:12] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:57:12] id 1463700 [S] [2017_11_11 21:57:12] name ANGOLA2205 [S] [2017_11_11 21:57:12] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:57:12] [Weather][7192] onEnterWorld (map spaces/42_Neighbors/weathers.xml, scheme 0, weather 0) [S] [2017_11_11 21:57:12] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:57:12] id 1463692 [S] [2017_11_11 21:57:12] name Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 21:57:12] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:57:13] @ launchpadAppeared 1463692 [S] [2017_11_11 21:57:13] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 21:57:13] Avatar.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 21:57:13] ! A.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 21:57:13] BoardService.init [S] [2017_11_11 21:57:13] @ launchpadAppeared 1463692 [S] [2017_11_11 21:57:13] BattleDataContext.__onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 21:57:17] ! PM.refreshAirArmament [S] [2017_11_11 21:57:17] BoardService.restore [S] [2017_11_11 21:57:17] Avatar.onWorldStateReceived [S] [2017_11_11 21:57:17] BattleChatSystem IN Context [S] [2017_11_11 21:57:17] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 21:57:18] ('[ERROR] FeedbackController: empty config for event repair_finished',) [S] [2017_11_11 21:57:18] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 21:57:18] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:57:18] id 1463672 [S] [2017_11_11 21:57:18] name tan4er_evgesha75 [S] [2017_11_11 21:57:18] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 21:57:18] @ launchpadAppeared 1463672 [S] [2017_11_11 21:57:25] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 21:57:25] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 21:57:25] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 21:57:25] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 21:57:28] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:57:28] id 1463670 [S] [2017_11_11 21:57:28] name interSte [S] [2017_11_11 21:57:28] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:57:28] @ launchpadAppeared 1463670 [S] [2017_11_11 21:57:32] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:57:32] id 1463662 [S] [2017_11_11 21:57:32] name mameev89 [S] [2017_11_11 21:57:32] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:57:58] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:57:58] id 1463662 [S] [2017_11_11 21:58:20] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:58:20] id 1463662 [S] [2017_11_11 21:58:20] name mameev89 [S] [2017_11_11 21:58:20] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:58:47] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 21:58:47] DEBUG: onChatMessage args ('', '', {'avatarId': 1463699, 'achievementId': 4282573744L, 'type': -1}) [S] [2017_11_11 21:59:06] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:59:06] id 1463680 [S] [2017_11_11 21:59:06] name alexey___a [S] [2017_11_11 21:59:06] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:59:06] @ launchpadAppeared 1463680 [S] [2017_11_11 21:59:24] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 21:59:32] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 21:59:32] id 1463658 [S] [2017_11_11 21:59:32] name farkhadlw [S] [2017_11_11 21:59:32] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 21:59:32] @ launchpadAppeared 1463658 [S] [2017_11_11 21:59:51] ("[ERROR] FeedbackController: invalid key '9' for map {1: 'SCOUT', 3: 'SPEED_BOOSTER', 4: 'TA_BOOSTER', 5: 'MB_BOOSTER', 6: 'HANGAR_BOOSTER', 7: 'SMOKE_GENERATOR'} data - {'state': 2, 'type': 9}",) [S] [2017_11_11 22:00:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 22:00:47] id 1463670 [S] [2017_11_11 22:00:47] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 22:00:49] ("[ERROR] FeedbackController: invalid key '9' for map {1: 'SCOUT', 3: 'SPEED_BOOSTER', 4: 'TA_BOOSTER', 5: 'MB_BOOSTER', 6: 'HANGAR_BOOSTER', 7: 'SMOKE_GENERATOR'} data - {'state': 2, 'type': 9}",) [S] [2017_11_11 22:00:50] ("[ERROR] FeedbackController: invalid key '9' for map {1: 'SCOUT', 3: 'SPEED_BOOSTER', 4: 'TA_BOOSTER', 5: 'MB_BOOSTER', 6: 'HANGAR_BOOSTER', 7: 'SMOKE_GENERATOR'} data - {'state': 2, 'type': 9}",) [S] [2017_11_11 22:00:56] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 22:00:56] id 1463672 [S] [2017_11_11 22:00:56] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 22:01:03] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 22:01:03] id 1463670 [S] [2017_11_11 22:01:03] name interSte [S] [2017_11_11 22:01:03] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 22:01:03] @ launchpadAppeared 1463670 [S] [2017_11_11 22:01:05] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 22:01:05] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 22:01:06] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 22:01:06] id 1463672 [S] [2017_11_11 22:01:06] name tan4er_evgesha75 [S] [2017_11_11 22:01:06] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 22:01:06] @ launchpadAppeared 1463672 [S] [2017_11_11 22:01:06] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 22:01:06] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 22:01:06] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 22:01:06] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 22:01:07] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 22:01:07] id 1463690 [S] [2017_11_11 22:01:07] name alex28081976 [S] [2017_11_11 22:01:07] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 22:01:08] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 22:01:08] id 1463696 [S] [2017_11_11 22:01:08] name Kuzmanoid [S] [2017_11_11 22:01:08] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_11 22:01:10] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 22:01:10] id 1463686 [S] [2017_11_11 22:01:10] name Veetoos1 [S] [2017_11_11 22:01:10] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 22:01:17] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 22:01:20] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 22:01:22] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 22:01:22] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 22:01:25] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 22:01:27] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 22:01:29] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 22:01:29] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 22:01:32] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 22:01:32] id 1463686 [S] [2017_11_11 22:01:40] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 22:01:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 22:01:48] id 1463686 [S] [2017_11_11 22:01:48] name Veetoos1 [S] [2017_11_11 22:01:48] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 22:01:53] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 22:02:06] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 22:02:13] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 22:02:15] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 22:02:15] id 1463668 [S] [2017_11_11 22:02:15] name ImperiaLHonor [S] [2017_11_11 22:02:15] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 22:02:21] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 22:02:21] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 22:02:22] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 22:02:23] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 22:02:25] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 22:02:27] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 22:02:32] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 22:02:38] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 22:02:42] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 22:02:42] id 1463678 [S] [2017_11_11 22:02:44] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 22:02:49] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 22:02:49] id 1463678 [S] [2017_11_11 22:02:49] name rock_jazz [S] [2017_11_11 22:02:49] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 22:02:52] ClientSquadron.outOfFuel [S] [2017_11_11 22:02:57] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 22:02:57] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 22:02:57] DEBUG: onChatMessage args ('', '', {'avatarId': 1463667, 'achievementId': 4283622320L, 'type': -1}) [S] [2017_11_11 22:02:59] ClientSquadron.outOfFuel [S] [2017_11_11 22:03:53] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 22:03:53] id 1463688 [S] [2017_11_11 22:03:53] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 22:04:02] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 22:04:02] id 1463688 [S] [2017_11_11 22:04:02] name D3VOUR [S] [2017_11_11 22:04:02] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 22:04:02] @ launchpadAppeared 1463688 [S] [2017_11_11 22:04:04] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 22:04:04] id 1463688 [S] [2017_11_11 22:04:04] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 22:04:05] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 22:04:07] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 22:04:13] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 22:04:15] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 22:04:15] id 1463688 [S] [2017_11_11 22:04:15] name D3VOUR [S] [2017_11_11 22:04:15] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 22:04:15] @ launchpadAppeared 1463688 [S] [2017_11_11 22:04:16] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 22:04:20] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 22:04:24] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 22:04:33] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 22:04:33] id 1463688 [S] [2017_11_11 22:04:33] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 22:04:34] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 22:04:34] id 1463688 [S] [2017_11_11 22:04:34] name D3VOUR [S] [2017_11_11 22:04:34] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 22:04:34] @ launchpadAppeared 1463688 [S] [2017_11_11 22:04:37] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 22:04:37] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 22:04:37] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 22:04:37] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 22:04:37] id 1463688 [S] [2017_11_11 22:04:37] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 22:04:38] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 22:04:46] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_11 22:04:46] id 1463688 [S] [2017_11_11 22:04:46] name D3VOUR [S] [2017_11_11 22:04:46] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_11 22:04:46] @ launchpadAppeared 1463688 [S] [2017_11_11 22:04:59] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 22:05:07] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2017_11_11 22:05:08] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 22:05:16] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 22:05:20] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 22:05:20] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 22:05:23] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 22:05:29] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 22:05:31] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_11 22:05:40] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_11 22:05:40] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 22:05:43] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 22:05:43] id 1463678 [S] [2017_11_11 22:05:58] battle finish - Victory [S] [2017_11_11 22:05:58] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOver [S] [2017_11_11 22:05:58] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOut [S] [2017_11_11 22:05:58] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: PostBattle, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:01] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: PostBattle, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:01] setFpsGathererActive(False) [E] [2017_11_11 22:06:01] Can only call base methods on the connected entity [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:01] (, 39965384947628, 149): 1463653; onLeaveWorld() [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:01] [Weather][7192] onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:01] id 1463656 [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:01] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:01] id 1463658 [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:01] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:01] id 1463660 [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:01] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:01] id 1463662 [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:01] id 1463664 [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:01] id 1463666 [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:01] id 1463668 [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:01] id 1463670 [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:01] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:01] id 1463672 [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:01] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:01] id 1463674 [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:01] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:01] id 1463676 [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:01] id 1463680 [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:01] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:01] id 1463682 [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:01] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:01] id 1463684 [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:01] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:01] id 1463686 [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:01] id 1463688 [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:01] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:01] id 1463690 [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:01] Avatar.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:01] id 1463692 [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:01] id 1463694 [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:01] id 1463696 [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:01] id 1463698 [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:01] id 1463700 [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:01] id 1463702 [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:03] Account.__init__() [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:03] [Account debuG]: __init__() Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:03] ClanProxy.setChatHandler [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:03] ClanProxy.setInteractiveMessageData [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:03] Exception BigWorld.EntityIsDestroyedException: 'Account 537168736 has been destroyed' in ignored [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:03] onBecomePlayer() [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:03] UserDataGate.onGetConnection [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:03] UserDataGate.onGetConnection(): 5595999 [Entity: id:4153 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'teamKiller', 'accountLevel', 'clanman']] Tier099 [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:03] >>> receiveChanges {'freeShipSlots': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:03] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4287575760L: {'exp': 17383}}, 'changedCrews': {16: {'exp': 29792}}, 'moneyXP': 139, 'lootboxes': {'lootExp': 19871, 'boughtToday': 2, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1510444800.0, 'curBoxType': 0}} [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:03] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 19871, 'boughtToday': 2, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1510444800.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:03] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': 182466, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:03] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -18030, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:03] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4287575760 0 [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:03] leaveBattleSession() Reason: 0 Info: None [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:03] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:03] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:04] Sent FPS data [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:04] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] chooseOperation: 4291341232 normal True [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:04] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onOperationChosen: 4291341232 normal True [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:04] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] chooseOperation: 0 normal False [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:04] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onOperationChosen: 0 normal False [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:04] (, 51003611475748, 141): is in context [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:04] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}, interval: (1510498800.0, 1510502380.0)",) [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:04] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 71635 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510498800.0, 1510502380.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:04] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'start'}, interval: (1510502400.0, 1510502400.0)",) [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:04] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 71635 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510498800.0, 1510502380.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:04] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'end'}, interval: (1510513200.0, 1510513200.0)",) [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:04] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 71635 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510498800.0, 1510502380.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:04] updateActionsProgress: {0: [(4287575760L, 1)]} [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:04] __updateTaskProgress start: {} [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:04] updateActionsProgress: {'22470_q01': {'count': 35}, '22468_q04': {'count': 1, 3: {'count': 31584}}} [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:04] __updateTaskProgress start: {'22470_q01': {'count': 35}, '22468_q04': {'count': 1, 3: {'count': 31584}}} [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:04] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: changed tasks [4143333296L, 4145430448L, 4149624752L] [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:04] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4143333296 data (False, 0, None, None) [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:04] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4145430448 data (False, 0, None, None) [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:04] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4149624752 data (False, 0, None, None) [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:04] StatsProxy.receiveAbuseStatus(): {'battlesToClean': 0, 'statuses': {'tkill': 0}, 'warnings': ()} [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:04] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAccount [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:04] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() True 0 0 0 [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:04] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:04] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:04] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4161159088 {('Default', 4283604912L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 7, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:04] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4162207664 {('Default', 4279410608L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 6, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:04] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q04 {('Default', 4271730608L, 0): 5, ('Default', 4269633456L, 0): 5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u041e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c \u043d\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u041e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c \u043d\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'} [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:04] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4163256240 {('Default', 4282556336L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 5, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:04] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22468_q03 {('Default', 4263440304L, 0): 5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'} [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:04] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q02 {('Resource', 19, 0): 1, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u041f\u0440\u0435\u043c\u0438\u0443\u043c \u0437\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0443'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u041f\u0440\u0435\u043c\u0438\u0443\u043c \u0437\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0443'} [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:04] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4156964784 {'desc': (), ('Resource', 0, 0): 100000} {'taskNumber': 11, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:04] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4154867632 {('Default', 4284313520L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 13, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:04] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4165353392 {('Default', 4287557552L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 3, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:04] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q01 {('ResourceCoeff', 21, 17): 6.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 30): 6.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 9): 13.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 32): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 10): 3.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 5): 1.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 28): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 14): 6.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 16): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 11): 3.0, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'}, 0, 0)} {'type': 'challenge', 'titleText': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'} [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:04] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4141236144 {'desc': (), ('Resource', 16, 0): 500} {'taskNumber': 12, 'missionNumber': '10', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:04] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4167450544 {'desc': (), ('Resource', 16, 0): 500} {'taskNumber': 1, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:04] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22468_q04 {('Resource', 20, 0): 2, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'} [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:04] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4153819056 {('Default', 4279168944L, 0): 15, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 14, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:04] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4160110512 {('Resource', 0, 0): 100000, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 8, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:04] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 19 [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:04] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 1 [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:04] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 19. Boxes contents: [{4288852912L: {(0, 4283622320L): 1}, 4284658608L: {(0, 4274185136L): 1}, 4283610032L: {(0, 4273136560L): 1}, 4289901488L: {(0, 4289913776L): 1}}] [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:04] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:04] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] Sent FPS data [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] (, 20685599789093, 264): keys: ['dossier', 'accPoints'] [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] __processDossierStats() client dossier: ['oper', 'pvp', 'oper_mm_tasks_diag', 'pve_diag', 'pvp_diag', 'oper_normal', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'pve', 'oper_mm', 'total', 'oper_normal_tasks_diag', 'max_pve', 'rank_diag', 'max_pvp', 'oper_diag', 'club_diag', 'club', 'max_club', 'clan', 'oper_hard', 'oper_hard_tasks_diag', 'max_clan'] [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] AccountLevelingProxy.onGetAccountStats(): (15, 756079) (15, 758845) [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] enterPreBattle() 1703686 [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] Account.enterPreBattle: (191) (1, 505066, (0, 0, 10, -1, 1, '', 0), 537168736, 62222528, u'', 1, None, 3, [(537168736, 5595999, 'Tier099', None, 0, 1, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0), (537307028, 62222528, 'HEGNI_1', None, 0, 1, False, True, False, 15, 134232416, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0)], [], (0, 0), False, 1510425876223L, 2, False, [], {'nonClanMembersCount': 0}) [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] [DivisionEntranceContext] __onEnterDivision: 1 [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onEnterPreBattle: None [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] BR: {'credits': 121644, 'credits_penalty': 0, 'exp_penalty': 0, 'exp': 1229, 'credits_compensation': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] BR: {'elite_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'free_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'ship_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [['FIRST_WIN', 0.5, True, 0]], 'mod': []}, 'credits': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'crew_exp': {'sse': [['22470_q01', 0.5, True, 0]], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'acc_level': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}} [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] BR: {'auto_repair_list': [['IDS_SSE_REPAIR_DISCOUNT', 0.0, True, 0], ['IDS_CLAN_SUPPLY_REPAIR_DISCOUNT', -0.1, True, 0]], 'auto_exterior_list': [], 'auto_exterior_credits': 0, 'auto_camo_credits': 0, 'exp_enabled': True, 'abilities_applied': True, 'auto_repair_factor': 0.9, 'auto_load_credits': 7680, 'acc_points_enabled': True, 'free_exp_enabled': True, 'free_exp_factor': 0.05, 'ship_service_enabled': True, 'aogas_factor': 1.0, 'auto_exterior_gold': 0, 'premium_credits_factor': 1.5, 'premium_exp_factor': 1.5, 'auto_abilities_list': [], 'auto_camo_list': [], 'clan_supply_bonuses_enabled': True, 'camo_applied': True, 'auto_repair_credits': 10350, 'exterior_applied': True, 'serve_applied': True, 'auto_camo_gold': 0, 'crew_exp_enabled': True, 'auto_abilities_gold': 0, 'auto_load_list': [[128, 7680], [0, 0], [0, 0]], 'auto_abilities_credits': 0, 'credits_enabled': True, 'aogas_online': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tpd default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tpd default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_tpd default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_bomb default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_bomb default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ResultsScreen, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 5, 'dt': 1510427160, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'achievements': (), 'expPenalty': 0, 'tasks': {'22470_q01': {'count': (35, 1), 'progress': (1.0, 1.0), 2: {'count': (0, 1)}, 'name': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'}, '22468_q04': {'count': (1, 1), 'progress': (1.0, 0.0922), 3: {'count': (31584, 2766)}, 'name': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'}}, 'shipsKilled': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 6286338983150878L, 'battleTypeId': 5, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'mapTypeId': 26, 'credits': 182466, 'result': 1, 'exp': 2766, 'shipId': 4287575760L, 'battleCreateTime': 1510425886, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 756079, 2766), 'aogasFactor': 1.0}} [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 5, 'exp': 2766, 'tasks': {'22470_q01': {2: {'count': (0, 1)}}, '22468_q04': {3: {'count': (31584, 2766)}}}, 'aogasFactor': 1.0, 'mapBGPath': '../maps_bg/42_Neighbors.png', 'operationName': '', 'rankStarsDeltaChange': 0, 'earnedAchievements': [], 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_BATTLE_RESULTS_1', 'result': 1, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'uiSpecial': False, 'mapTypeId': 26, 'shipId': 4287575760L, 'accountLeveling': {'expGained': 2766, 'currLevel': 15, 'prevLevel': 15, 'currLevelExp': 122000, 'expTotal': 758845, 'nextLevelExp': 122000}, 'curTasksCompleted': 0, 'mapName': 'IDS_SPACES/42_NEIGHBORS', 'battleTypeId': 5, 'shipLevelRome': 'V', 'achievements': (), 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PJSB007', 'shipsKilled': 0, 'importance': 2, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_BATTLESHIP', 'difficulty': '', 'prevTasksCompleted': 0, 'isElite': False, 'date': '11.11.2017 21:44', 'dt': 1510427160, 'groupId': 3, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 756079, 2766), 'expPenalty': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 6286338983150878L, 'credits': 182466, 'sourceId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'viaMM': False, 'rankBattlesSeasonId': 0, 'shipType': 'Battleship', 'quests': [{'maxProgress': 100, 'day': 11, 'monthIDS': 'IDS_MONTH_11', 'battleProgress': 100.0, 'type': 'challenge', 'id': '22470_q01', 'titleText': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!', 'currentProgress': 100.0}, {'maxProgress': 100, 'day': 11, 'monthIDS': 'IDS_MONTH_11', 'battleProgress': 9.0, 'type': 'task', 'id': '22468_q04', 'titleText': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b', 'currentProgress': 80.0}], 'stypeIdent': 'Battleship', 'postponed': False, 'battleCreateTime': 1510425886, 'rankDeltaChange': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tpd default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tpd default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_tpd default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_bomb default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_bomb default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4161159088 {('Default', 4283604912L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 7, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4162207664 {('Default', 4279410608L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 6, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q04 {('Default', 4271730608L, 0): 5, ('Default', 4269633456L, 0): 5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u041e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c \u043d\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u041e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c \u043d\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'} [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4163256240 {('Default', 4282556336L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 5, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22468_q03 {('Default', 4263440304L, 0): 5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'} [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q02 {('Resource', 19, 0): 1, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u041f\u0440\u0435\u043c\u0438\u0443\u043c \u0437\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0443'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u041f\u0440\u0435\u043c\u0438\u0443\u043c \u0437\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0443'} [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4156964784 {'desc': (), ('Resource', 0, 0): 100000} {'taskNumber': 11, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4154867632 {('Default', 4284313520L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 13, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4165353392 {('Default', 4287557552L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 3, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q01 {('ResourceCoeff', 21, 17): 6.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 30): 6.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 9): 13.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 32): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 10): 3.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 5): 1.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 28): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 14): 6.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 16): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 11): 3.0, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'}, 0, 0)} {'type': 'challenge', 'titleText': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'} [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4141236144 {'desc': (), ('Resource', 16, 0): 500} {'taskNumber': 12, 'missionNumber': '10', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4167450544 {'desc': (), ('Resource', 16, 0): 500} {'taskNumber': 1, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22468_q04 {('Resource', 20, 0): 2, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'} [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4153819056 {('Default', 4279168944L, 0): 15, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 14, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4160110512 {('Resource', 0, 0): 100000, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 8, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 19 [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 1 [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:05] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 19. Boxes contents: [{4288852912L: {(0, 4283622320L): 1}, 4284658608L: {(0, 4274185136L): 1}, 4283610032L: {(0, 4273136560L): 1}, 4289901488L: {(0, 4289913776L): 1}}] [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:06] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 4, 'dt': 1510427160, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'costShell': 7680, 'shipId': 4287575760L, 'result': False, 'costRepair': 10350}} [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:06] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 4, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SHIP_SERVE', 'costShell': 7680, 'result': False, 'shipId': 4287575760L, 'uiSpecial': False, 'shipLevelRome': 'V', 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PJSB007', 'shipType': 'Battleship', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_BATTLESHIP', 'isElite': False, 'dt': 1510427160, 'groupId': 5, 'costTotal': 18030, 'sourceId': 0, 'costRepair': 10350, 'stypeIdent': 'Battleship', 'postponed': False} [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:07] ClanProxy.onChatInitialized [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:07] XmppChatHandler.joinClanChannel() 430246 [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:07] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived prebattle 3 [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:07] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: DIVISION channelsGroupsIds: [] [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:07] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel True self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:07] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 5595999 Tier099 2 2 (430246, u'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:07] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 62222528 HEGNI_1 2 2 (430246, u'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:07] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 62222528@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:07] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: channelsGroupsIds: [] [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:07] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:07] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True UserDataGate.__onRosterUpdated [('17915186@wowsru.loc', 'egy5', False, 4, ()), ('22453883@wowsru.loc', 'vova1972ruzan', False, 4, ()), ('2557718@wowsru.loc', 'NSDRP', False, 4, ()), ('26288674@wowsru.loc', '_EmperoR_WOW_', False, 4, ()), ('2893852@wowsru.loc', 'klimstonn', False, 4, ()), ('30937387@wowsru.loc', 'monster__622', False, 4, ()), ('31456527@wowsru.loc', 'Yurautyug', False, 4, ()), ('327255@wowsru.loc', 'Migri', False, 4, ()), ('35853511@wowsru.loc', 'toshidzu', False, 4, ()), ('5471194@wowsru.loc', 'loki1982', False, 4, ()), ('58161041@wowsru.loc', 'Y_O_R_K_2015', False, 4, ()), ('62222528@wowsru.loc', 'HEGNI_1', False, 4, ()), ('6896454@wowsru.loc', 'Vie92', False, 4, ()), ('69118514@wowsru.loc', 'RenamedUser_69118514', False, 4, ()), ('69416610@wowsru.loc', 'Player_3185411451', False, 4, ()), ('71811251@wowsru.loc', 'Leogon_1', False, 4, ()), ('73537307@wowsru.loc', 'PZS_One', False, 4, ())] [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:07] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 2893852@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:07] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 59124891@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:07] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 11274288@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:07] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 21696974@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:07] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 14596986@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:07] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 58053848@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:07] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 310434@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:07] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 19410835@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:07] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 35853511@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:07] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 59103429@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:07] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 22453883@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:07] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 2557718@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:07] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 69118514@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:07] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 73537307@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:07] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:07] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:07] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: KARSAK_1968 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:07] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:07] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:07] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:07] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:07] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:07] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:07] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:07] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:07] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:07] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:07] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:07] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:07] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:07] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: toshidzu channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:07] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:07] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Samum1989_geroj channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:07] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:07] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:07] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:07] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: NSDRP channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:07] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:07] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: RenamedUser_69118514 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:07] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:07] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:07] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:07] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived clansearch@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:07] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived ids_chat_channel_offtop@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:07] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived ids_chat_channel_questions@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:07] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived wargamingfm@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:07] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_SEARCH_CLAN_DIV channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:07] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:07] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_OFFTOP channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:07] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:07] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_QUESTIONS channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:07] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:07] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: WargamingFM Корабли channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:07] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:07] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc 6 [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:07] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: channelsGroupsIds: [] [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:07] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:07] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 69118514 {'jid': '69118514@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:07] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 62222528 {'jid': '62222528@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'HEGNI_1', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:07] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 58161041 {'jid': '58161041@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Y_O_R_K_2015', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:07] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 59103429 {'jid': '59103429@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Samum1989_geroj', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:07] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 5595999 {'jid': '5595999@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Tier099', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:07] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Tier099', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/5595999', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510394839L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd1\x80\xd0\xb5\xd0\xb1\xd1\x8f\xd1\x82 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb3\xd0\xbe \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xb2\xd1\x8b\xd0\xba\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb4\xd1\x8b\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82 \xd0\xb2\xd0\xbe \xd0\xb2\xd1\x80\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbc\xd1\x8f \xd0\xb1\xd0\xbe\xd1\x8f???', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:07] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Tier099', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/5595999', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510396421L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbf\xd1\x8f\xd1\x82\xd1\x8c \xd0\xb2\xd1\x8b\xd0\xba\xd0\xb8\xd0\xbd\xd1\x83\xd0\xbb\xd0\xbe 2 \xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb7\xd0\xb0 \xd0\xb7\xd0\xb0 1 \xd0\xb1\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb9', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:07] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/69118514', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510401726L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb1\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb8 \xd0\xba\xd0\xb5\xd1\x88', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:07] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'NSDRP', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/2557718', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510404247L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb5\xd1\x87\xd0\xb5\xd1\x80 \xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb1\xd1\x80\xd1\x8b\xd0\xb9. \xd0\xb5\xd1\x81\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb8 9 \xd0\xbe\xd1\x87\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2 \xd0\xbe\xd0\xbf\xd1\x8b\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0 \xd0\xba\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbf\xd0\xb8\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe 54 000 \xd0\xbe\xd0\xbf\xd1\x8b\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0 \xd1\x82\xd0\xbe \xd1\x81\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbb\xd1\x8c\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe \xd0\xb7\xd0\xb0 15 ?', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:07] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/69118514', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510408413L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0 13 \xd0\xbe\xd1\x87\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe 108 000', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:07] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Tier099', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/5595999', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510408924L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xba\xd1\x82\xd0\xbe \xd0\xb2 \xd0\xb2\xd0\xb7\xd0\xb2\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb4??? \xd0\x9f\xd0\xb8\xd1\x88\xd0\xb8\xd1\x82\xd0\xb5 \xd1\x81\xd0\xbc\xd1\x81 \xd0\xb2 \xd0\x9b\xd0\xa1', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:07] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'NSDRP', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/2557718', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510409220L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\x94\xd0\x90 \xd1\x83\xd0\xb6 . \xd0\xb0 \xd0\xbc\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe \xd0\xb4\xd0\xbb\xd1\x8f \xd0\xba\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb0 18 \xd0\xbe\xd1\x87\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2. \xd0\xb0 \xd1\x83 \xd0\xbc\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd1\x8f \xd1\x82\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbb\xd1\x8c\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe 9. \xd0\xbe\xd1\x85\xd0\xbe- \xd1\x85\xd0\xbe', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:07] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Tier099', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/5595999', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510409598L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xb8\xd0\xb3\xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd1\x82\xd1\x8c \xd1\x80\xd0\xb5\xd0\xb1\xd1\x8f\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0???', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:07] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'PZS_One', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/73537307', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510415291L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xb2\xd1\x81\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbc \xd0\xbf\xd1\x80\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:08] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'PZS_One', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/73537307', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510416198L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd1\x85\xd0\xbe\xd1\x87\xd1\x83 \xd0\xbf\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb3\xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd1\x82\xd1\x8c \xd1\x81\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbc\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb9', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:08] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'vova1972ruzan', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/22453883', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510416931L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\x92 \xd0\x9a\xd0\x90\xd0\x9b\xd0\x90\xd0\x9d\xd0\x9e\xd0\x92\xd0\xab\xd0\x99 \xd0\x91\xd0\x9e\xd0\x99 \xd0\x98\xd0\x93\xd0\xa0\xd0\x90\xd0\xa2\xd0\xac \xd0\x91\xd0\xa3\xd0\x94\xd0\x95\xd0\x9c \xd0\x98\xd0\x9b\xd0\x98 \xd0\x9a\xd0\x90\xd0\x9a?', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:08] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'vova1972ruzan', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/22453883', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510417063L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\x9a\xd0\x9e\xd0\x9c\xd0\x90\xd0\x9d\xd0\x94\xd0\x98\xd0\xa0\xd0\xab \xd0\x9f\xd0\xa0\xd0\x9e\xd0\xa1\xd0\x9d\xd0\x98\xd0\xa2\xd0\x95\xd0\xa1\xd0\xac', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:08] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/69118514', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510417186L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xb7\xd0\xb0\xd1\x85\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb8\xd1\x82\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xb2 \xd1\x80\xd0\xb5\xd0\xb4 \xd0\xba\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbb', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:08] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/69118514', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510418654L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\x95\xd0\xa9\xd0\x95 3 \xd0\x98\xd0\x93\xd0\xa0\xd0\x9e\xd0\x9a\xd0\x90 \xd0\x9f\xd0\x9e\xd0\xa8\xd0\x9b\xd0\x98 \xd0\x92 \xd0\x9a\xd0\x9b\xd0\x90\xd0\x9d\xd0\x9e\xd0\x92\xd0\xab', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:08] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/69118514', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510420956L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xba\xd1\x82\xd0\xbe \xd0\xbf\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb9\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82 \xd0\xb2 \xd0\xba\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2\xd1\x8b\xd0\xb9 \xd0\xb1\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb9?', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:08] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'toshidzu', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/35853511', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510421013L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd1\x8f', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:08] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/69118514', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510421051L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xaf \xd0\xa2\xd0\x95\xd0\x91\xd0\xaf \xd0\x97\xd0\x92\xd0\x90\xd0\x9b \xd0\x97\xd0\x92\xd0\x90\xd0\x9b 1-\xd0\x93\xd0\x9e \xd0\x9d\xd0\x95\xd0\xa5\xd0\x92\xd0\x90\xd0\xa2\xd0\x90\xd0\x9b\xd0\x90', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:08] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'toshidzu', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/35853511', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510422082L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd1\x8f \xd0\xb2 \xd0\xb1\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbd\xd1\x8e \xd1\x85\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb8\xd0\xbb \xd0\xb7\xd0\xb0 \xd0\xbc\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd1\x8f \xd0\xbf\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbc\xd1\x8f\xd1\x88 \xd0\xb8\xd0\xb3\xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbb', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:08] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Yurautyug', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/31456527', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510422172L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xb5\xd1\x89\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xb1\xd1\x8b \xd0\xbe\xd0\xb4\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb3\xd0\xbe \xd0\xb8 \xd0\xb2 \xd0\xb1\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb9', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:08] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'toshidzu', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/35853511', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510422189L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb0', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:08] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Yurautyug', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/31456527', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510422228L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xb1\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb8\xd0\xbd, 30 \xd1\x87\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbb\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb5\xd0\xba \xd0\xb8 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb5 \xd1\x85\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb0\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82 \xd0\xb8\xd0\xb3\xd1\x80\xd0\xbe\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:08] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'toshidzu', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/35853511', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510422288L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xbe\xd1\x81\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbb\xd1\x81\xd1\x8f 1 \xd1\x87\xd0\xb0\xd1\x81', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:08] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'toshidzu', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/35853511', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510422344L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd1\x81 \xd1\x81\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbc\xd0\xb5\xd1\x80\xd0\xbe \xd0\xb7\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb7\xd1\x8b\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb9\xd1\x82\xd0\xb5', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:09] (, 86904481544477, 21): joinChannel, ('already joined', 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc') [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:09] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 5595999 Tier099 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:09] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 58161041 Y_O_R_K_2015 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:09] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 59103429 Samum1989_geroj 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:09] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 62222528 HEGNI_1 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:09] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 69118514 RenamedUser_69118514 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:11] BattleChatSystem OUT OF Context [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:11] Exception BigWorld.EntityIsDestroyedException: 'Avatar 1463691 has been destroyed' in ignored [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:11] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:18] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:18] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:18] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:18] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:18] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:18] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:18] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:18] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:18] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:18] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:18] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:18] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:18] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:18] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:18] [Filters] saveFilters [] [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:18] [Filters] saveFilters [] [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:18] getModelPaths [] [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:19] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:22] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': 0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:22] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': -1.0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:22] [ERROR] Split currencies disabled; request skipped [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:22] availableShipParts 63 [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:22] [GiftBox] onAnimationDone [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:22] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:23] [DivisionEntranceContext] requestDivisionSeekerList: Account.requestPreBattleSeekerList(): [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:23] receivePreBattles() PreBattleType: 4 Num: 3 Free: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:23] [Seek] onReceivePreBattleSeekers [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:23] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u0434\u043e\u0431\u043e\u0440 \u0432 \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d 1 \u043c\u0435\u0441\u0442\u043e. \u0436\u0435\u043b\u0430\u043d\u0438\u0435 \u0438\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044c \u0432 \u041a\u0411 \u043f\u0440\u0438\u043d\u0438\u043c\u0430\u044e\u0442\u0441\u044f :) \u0435\u0441\u0442\u044c \u0444\u0438\u0448\u043a\u0438 \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d\u0430., \u0441\u043a\u043e\u0440\u043e \u0431\u0435\u0440\u0435\u043c 40 \u0447\u0435\u043b\u043e\u0432\u0435\u043a.', 'league': 0, 'name': 'asmogladus', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 13395507, 'dbid': 60751123, 'clanID': 425901, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'EVENT', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:23] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u0438\u0449\u0443 \u0430\u0432\u0438\u043a 4-5 \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u0435\u043d\u044c \u043a\u0430\u0442\u0430\u044e \u0422\u0435\u0445\u0430\u0441 \u0438 \u0420\u0435\u0432\u043e\u043b\u044e\u0446\u0438\u044e \u043c\u043e\u0439 \u043f\u0440\u043e\u0446 \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434 60% \u043f\u0440\u0438\u0433\u043b\u043e\u0441\u044b \u0432 \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443 \u043a\u043e\u043e\u043f\u0435\u0440\u0430\u0442\u0438\u0432 \u0438 \u043e\u043f\u0435\u0440\u0430\u0446\u0438\u0438 \u043d\u0435 \u0438\u043d\u0442\u0435\u0440\u0435\u0441\u0443\u044e\u0442', 'league': 0, 'name': 'Sergiksuper1', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 16777215, 'dbid': 7924640, 'clanID': 428411, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'TSUWR', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:23] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'', 'league': 0, 'name': 'nedashsan', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 13395507, 'dbid': 2378196, 'clanID': 427448, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'clanTag': u'FPC', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:35] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ExtendedSystemLogWindow, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:54] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 22:06:57] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ExtendedSystemLogWindow, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 22:07:03] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 22:07:06] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ExtendedSystemLogWindow, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 22:07:12] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 58161041 {'jid': '58161041@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Y_O_R_K_2015', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_11 22:07:39] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 22:07:45] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 22:07:45] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 22:07:45] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 22:07:45] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 22:07:45] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 22:07:46] availableShipParts 55 [S] [2017_11_11 22:07:47] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_11 22:08:15] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 22:08:15] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 22:08:15] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 22:08:15] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 22:08:15] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 22:08:16] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2017_11_11 22:08:33] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 22:08:33] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 22:08:33] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 1], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 22:08:33] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 22:08:33] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 22:08:35] availableShipParts 59 [S] [2017_11_11 22:08:49] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ModalWindowResearchModule, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 22:08:51] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 22:08:51] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4287543280L: {'exp': 4985}}, 'storage': {3768332272L: 0}} [S] [2017_11_11 22:08:52] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 7, 'data': {'shipId': 4287543280L, 'cost': 9800, 'ucId': 3768332272L}} [S] [2017_11_11 22:08:52] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 7, 'typeIDS': 'IDS_HULL', 'sourceId': 0, 'type': '_Hull', 'idInGroup': 6, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_USER_COMPONENT_EXPLORE', 'cost': 9800, 'nameIDS': 'IDS_PAUH502_CLEVELAND_1945', 'data': {'shipId': 4287543280L, 'cost': 9800, 'ucId': 3768332272L}, 'groupId': 5} [S] [2017_11_11 22:08:52] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ModalWindowPurchaseAndInstallModule, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 22:08:59] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 22:08:59] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -780000, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False, 'storage': {3769380848L: 1}, 'changedShips': {4287543280L: {'ucs': '\xf0\xaf\xaf\xe0\xf0\xaf\x96\xe0\xf0\xaf}\xe0\xf0/\x9c\xe0'}}} [S] [2017_11_11 22:09:00] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 2, 'data': {'cost': 780000, 'numItems': 1, 'ucId': 3768332272L}} [S] [2017_11_11 22:09:00] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 2, 'typeIDS': 'IDS_HULL', 'sourceId': 0, 'type': '_Hull', 'idInGroup': 2, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_USER_COMPONENT_BUY', 'cost': 780000, 'nameIDS': 'IDS_PAUH502_CLEVELAND_1945', 'data': {'cost': 780000, 'numItems': 1, 'ucId': 3768332272L}, 'groupId': 5} [S] [2017_11_11 22:09:01] availableShipParts 59 [S] [2017_11_11 22:09:21] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LobbyMenu, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 22:09:22] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 505066 (537307028, 62222528, 'HEGNI_1', None, -2, 1, False, True, False, 15, 134232416, 0, 430246, u'FLY', 16777215, 0) 0 [S] [2017_11_11 22:09:22] DivisionProxy.updatePlayer() PreBattlePlayerDump(id=537307028, dbid=62222528, name='HEGNI_1', shipId=None, teamId=-2, state=1, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134232416, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=430246, clanTag=u'FLY', clanColor=16777215, expirationTime=0) 0 {} [S] [2017_11_11 22:09:22] playersToInvite {} [S] [2017_11_11 22:09:22] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'eventId': 'PLAYER_LEFT_DIVISION', 'typeId': 3, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_UI_PLAYER_ACTION_IN_DIVISION_1_DIVISION', 'playerName': 'HEGNI_1', 'idInGroup': 3, 'divisionType': 'division', 'sourceId': 1, 'actionId': 1, 'groupId': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 22:09:22] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2017_11_11 22:09:22] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 22:09:22] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 22:09:22] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 1], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 22:09:22] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 22:09:22] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 22:09:23] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: GameMenu [S] [2017_11_11 22:09:23] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LobbyMenu, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 22:09:23] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 22:09:30] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 22:09:30] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 22:09:30] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 1], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['premium'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 22:09:30] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 22:09:30] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 22:09:32] availableShipParts 59 [S] [2017_11_11 22:09:52] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ModalWindowCrewFastTraining, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 22:10:00] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 22:10:06] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 22:10:06] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 22:10:06] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 1], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 22:10:06] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 22:10:06] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 22:10:09] availableShipParts 55 [S] [2017_11_11 22:10:22] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 22:10:22] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 22:10:22] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 22:10:22] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 22:10:22] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 22:10:23] availableShipParts 63 [S] [2017_11_11 22:10:44] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 22:10:44] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 22:10:44] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2017_11_11 22:10:44] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 22:10:44] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 22:10:45] availableShipParts 63 [S] [2017_11_11 22:11:01] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ModalWindowLearnSkill, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 22:11:03] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 22:11:26] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 22:11:26] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 22:11:26] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 22:11:26] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2017_11_11 22:11:26] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2017_11_11 22:11:27] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2017_11_11 22:11:49] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: CrewFile, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 22:11:56] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ModalWindowRetrainCrew, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 22:12:05] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: CrewFile, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 22:13:31] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ModalWindowLearnSkill, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 22:13:33] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: CrewFile, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 22:13:33] >>> receiveChanges {'changedCrews': {32: {'skills': (19, 20)}}} [S] [2017_11_11 22:13:33] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 30, 'data': {'crewId': 32, 'skillId': 20}} [S] [2017_11_11 22:13:33] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 30, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PGSD104', 'groupId': 0, 'isElite': False, 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 2, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_CREW_LEARN_SKILL', 'shipLevelRome': 'IV', 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'crewId': 13032, 'shipId': 4185798448L, 'data': {'crewId': 13032, 'skillId': 20}, 'uiSpecial': False, 'skillId': '32_20'} [S] [2017_11_11 22:13:45] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 22:13:48] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_11 22:13:52] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: SimpleModalWindow, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 22:13:53] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2017_11_11 22:13:53] leavePreBattle() Reason: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 22:13:53] [DivisionEntranceContext] __onLeaveDivision: 0 [S] [2017_11_11 22:13:53] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 22:13:53] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 22:13:53] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 22:13:53] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 22:13:53] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 22:13:53] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 22:13:53] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 22:13:53] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 22:13:53] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 22:13:53] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 22:13:53] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 22:13:53] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 22:13:53] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 2, 'sourceId': 1, 'idInGroup': 2, 'divisionType': 'division', 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_UI_YOUR_ACTION_IN_DIVISION_1_DIVISION', 'actionId': 1, 'groupId': 2} [S] [2017_11_11 22:13:53] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened False [isChatBoxOpened] __updateChannelInfo channel.isChatBoxOpened False False [S] [2017_11_11 22:13:53] (, 80999132267601, 73): handleChannelError, ('room destroyed', 'prebattle', 3) [S] [2017_11_11 22:14:00] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened False IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 22:14:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 22:14:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 22:14:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 22:14:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 22:14:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 22:14:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 22:14:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 22:14:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 22:14:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 22:14:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 22:14:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 22:14:01] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2017_11_11 22:14:01] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_11 22:14:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 22:14:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 22:14:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 22:14:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 22:14:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 22:14:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 22:14:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 22:14:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 22:14:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 22:14:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 22:14:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 22:14:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 22:14:04] availableShipParts 59 [S] [2017_11_11 22:14:05] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_11 22:14:07] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 22:14:07] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 22:14:07] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 22:14:07] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 22:14:07] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 22:14:07] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 22:14:07] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 22:14:07] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 22:14:07] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 22:14:07] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 22:14:07] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 22:14:07] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 22:14:18] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 22:14:18] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 22:14:18] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 22:14:18] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 22:14:18] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 22:14:18] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 22:14:18] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 22:14:18] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 22:14:18] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 22:14:18] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 22:14:18] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 22:14:18] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 22:14:19] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2017_11_11 22:14:39] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 22:14:39] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 22:14:39] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 22:14:39] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 22:14:39] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 22:14:39] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 22:14:39] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 22:14:39] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 22:14:39] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 22:14:39] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 22:14:39] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_11 22:14:39] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_11 22:14:41] availableShipParts 51 [E] [2017_11_11 22:15:59] ServerConnection::onTimeOut(537168736): Disconnecting due to channel timing out. [S] [2017_11_11 22:15:59] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 6 NOT_SET [S] [2017_11_11 22:15:59] [LOGIN] Setting gIsConnected to False [S] [2017_11_11 22:16:03] connection problem!!! [S] [2017_11_11 22:16:03] clearAll 0 True [S] [2017_11_11 22:16:03] AccountLevelingProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 22:16:03] ShutDownProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 22:16:03] ShutDownProxy.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 22:16:03] CampaignsProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 22:16:03] LootboxProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 22:16:03] LootboxProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 22:16:03] PVEScriptsProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 22:16:03] PVEDatahubUtils.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 22:16:03] PVEScriptsProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 22:16:03] IngamePortalProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 22:16:03] IngameNewsProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 22:16:03] UserDataGate.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 22:16:03] UserDataGate.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 22:16:03] StatsProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 22:16:03] StatsProxy.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 22:16:03] ClanProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 22:16:03] ClanProxy.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 22:16:03] [LootboxProxyClient.destroy] [S] [2017_11_11 22:16:03] (, 51007757488877, 12): is out of context [S] [2017_11_11 22:16:03] (, 13182166089733, 190): fini [S] [2017_11_11 22:16:03] (, 51007922117933, 263): out of context [S] [2017_11_11 22:16:03] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Login, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 22:16:03] PreBattleInfoHolder.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 22:16:03] GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 22:16:03] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2017_11_11 22:16:03] GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 22:16:07] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Login, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 22:16:31] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: SimpleModalWindow, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 22:16:33] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Login, final: False [S] [2017_11_11 22:16:34] clearAll 0 True [S] [2017_11_11 22:16:34] AccountLevelingProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 22:16:34] StatsProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 22:16:34] StatsProxy.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 22:16:34] ShutDownProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 22:16:34] ShutDownProxy.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 22:16:34] LootboxProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 22:16:34] LootboxProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_11 22:16:34] CampaignsProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_11 22:16:36] [DH] release() [S] [2017_11_11 22:16:36] [DH] fini() [S] [2017_11_11 22:16:36] Camera.fini [S] [2017_11_11 22:16:36] (, 13181751782563, 156): Removing tree nodes [S] [2017_11_11 22:16:36] PriceListClient.kill ======================================================================== ======================================================================== [S] [2017_11_12 11:14:14] 97654900083785: BWUtil.monkeyPatchOpen: Patching open() [S] [2017_11_12 11:14:15] Default encoding set to utf-8 [S] [2017_11_12 11:14:25] ClanProxy.__init__ None [S] [2017_11_12 11:14:25] AccountLevelingProxyClient.__init__ [S] [2017_11_12 11:14:25] AccountLevelingProxy.__init__ [S] [2017_11_12 11:14:33] [WWSD-73160] Debug: False [S] [2017_11_12 11:14:34] [INFO] realm_dependent_constants set CURRENT_REALM RU [S] [2017_11_12 11:14:34] (, 40417046671786, 275): GameParams: loading pack ... [S] [2017_11_12 11:14:37] (, 40417046671786, 226): GameParams: numof entries =, (6042,) [S] [2017_11_12 11:14:37] (, 74470294989, 248): Ships list: lookup ... [S] [2017_11_12 11:14:37] (, 74470294989, 132): Ships list: numof ships = , (326,) [S] [2017_11_12 11:14:37] (, 74470294989, 328): Ships list: numof buildings = , (42,) [S] [2017_11_12 11:14:41] ERROR: "PBPM001_SeaMine" has no "ground" parameter [S] [2017_11_12 11:14:46] GlobalClientPriceList.__init__: ['036c75afe3788a4b4f511cda3ed7beb7', '59d9cc3c8d40ba0f763e0113288c6dc6', '3f79dd6c0ee733ff3ad854b651474d09', '0316f25153d69187926e26db70c3ea23', '1f287d558a036de58812427e6990b128', '778ac799de45ab6f3451309ec35d7ca1'] [S] [2017_11_12 11:14:46] PriceListClient.init [S] [2017_11_12 11:14:46] CommonClientPersonalPriceList.__init__: [S] [2017_11_12 11:14:46] PriceListClient.__init__ [S] [2017_11_12 11:14:46] SSEProcessorClient.init [S] [2017_11_12 11:14:46] SSECommonProcessor __init__ [S] [2017_11_12 11:14:47] Camera.init [S] [2017_11_12 11:14:48] [DataHub] synchronize [S] [2017_11_12 11:14:50] self.__listUserFields ['window', 'notUnique', 'context', 'child', 'data', 'artillerGunsLocked', 'torpedoGunsLocked', 'squadronSelected', 'inputHandler'] [S] [2017_11_12 11:14:54] INIT RLD [S] [2017_11_12 11:14:54] [Prefs] prefsBattle.enableEars False [S] [2017_11_12 11:14:54] [Prefs] prefsBattle.evUpdate Event(0):[] [S] [2017_11_12 11:14:54] [Filters] loadFilters {} [S] [2017_11_12 11:14:54] [LOGIN] Setting wgnr url to "https://ru.wargaming.net" [S] [2017_11_12 11:14:54] allPrefs {'sseChallengesLayout': 0, 'curRowCountIndex': 0, 'operationsEnterMM': False, 'sseBattleTasksLayout': 0, 'crosshairIndexStatic': 12, 'uiPVEOperationsDifficulty': 'normal', 'commentWantTo_party': '', 'enableLanguageBar': True, 'crosshairIsDynamic': False, 'damageWidget': True, 'showPortClock': True, 'battleLoadingTabIndex': 1, 'operationsDifficulty': 'normal', 'commentWantTo_division': '', 'crosshairIndexDynamic': 0, 'extendedRibbons': True, 'operationsSelectedId': '0', 'IMPositionX': {'IM': 819.5999755859375}, 'IMPositionY': {'IM': 105.75}} [S] [2017_11_12 11:14:55] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Login, final: False [S] [2017_11_12 11:14:55] [ModsAPI] 'PnFModsLoader.py' was not found at './res_mods/' [S] [2017_11_12 11:14:55] Checking ./res_mods/: nothing was found [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:07] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: LoginWindow [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:07] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Login, final: False [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:07] __realRemoveExternalCallback: mainScene.progressOfInit [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:11] (, 66259644693353, 191): H:; A:; C:http://csis.worldoftanks.ru/csis/wowsru/?periphery=login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020&periphery=login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020; M:['login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020', 'login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020'] [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:11] BaseLoginRequest.doLogin(): login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020 token2 ([BaseLoginCredentials] Tier099) [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:11] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:12] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: WaitingDialog [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:12] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:12] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 1 LOGGED_ON {"token2":"5595999:5600238760764888903:185083880326910714666130608951183446183","wgnr":"ru.wargaming.net"} [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:12] LOGGED_ON {u'token2': u'5595999:5600238760764888903:185083880326910714666130608951183446183', u'wgnr': u'ru.wargaming.net'} [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:12] [LOGIN] Positive, serverMsg: {u'token2': u'5595999:5600238760764888903:185083880326910714666130608951183446183', u'wgnr': u'ru.wargaming.net'}, status: LOGGED_ON [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:12] [LOGIN] Setting wgnr url to "https://ru.wargaming.net" [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:12] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 2 NOT_SET [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:13] Account.__init__() [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:13] [Account debuG]: __init__() Tier099 [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:13] ClanProxy.setChatHandler [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:13] ClanProxy.setInteractiveMessageData [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:13] (, 571883079382, 162): init [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:13] (, 574705753692, 103): Url config for realm ru as string is ResMgr.DataSection at 0x3DD56420 [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:13] (, 51003525417967, 75): in context [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:13] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 0 [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:13] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 0 [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:13] onBecomePlayer() [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:13] UserDataGate.onGetConnection [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:13] UserDataGate.onGetConnection(): 5595999 [Entity: id:2044 ['accountSimple', 'accountName']] Tier099 [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:13] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAccount [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:13] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() True 0 0 0 [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:13] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:13] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:13] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4154867632 {('Default', 4284313520L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 13, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:13] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4162207664 {('Default', 4279410608L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 6, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:13] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q04 {('Default', 4271730608L, 0): 5, ('Default', 4269633456L, 0): 5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u041e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c \u043d\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u041e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c \u043d\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'} [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:13] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4163256240 {('Default', 4282556336L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 5, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:13] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22468_q03 {('Default', 4263440304L, 0): 5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'} [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:13] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q02 {('Resource', 19, 0): 1, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u041f\u0440\u0435\u043c\u0438\u0443\u043c \u0437\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0443'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u041f\u0440\u0435\u043c\u0438\u0443\u043c \u0437\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0443'} [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:13] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4160110512 {'desc': (), ('Resource', 0, 0): 100000} {'taskNumber': 8, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:13] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4161159088 {('Default', 4283604912L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 7, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:13] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4165353392 {('Default', 4287557552L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 3, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:13] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q01 {('ResourceCoeff', 21, 17): 6.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 30): 6.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 9): 13.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 32): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 10): 3.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 5): 1.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 28): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 14): 6.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 16): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 11): 3.0, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'}, 0, 0)} {'type': 'challenge', 'titleText': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'} [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:13] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4141236144 {('Resource', 16, 0): 500, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 12, 'missionNumber': '10', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:13] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4167450544 {('Resource', 16, 0): 500, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 1, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:13] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22468_q04 {('Resource', 20, 0): 2, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'} [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:13] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4153819056 {('Default', 4279168944L, 0): 15, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 14, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:13] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4156964784 {('Resource', 0, 0): 100000, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 11, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:13] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 19 [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:13] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 1 [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:13] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 19. Boxes contents: [{4288852912L: {(0, 4283622320L): 1}, 4284658608L: {(0, 4274185136L): 1}, 4283610032L: {(0, 4273136560L): 1}, 4289901488L: {(0, 4289913776L): 1}}] [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:13] setServerTime: serverTime=1510474515 time.time()=1510474513.82 gInitialClientTime=17.8310002768 [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:13] initBattleTypes called [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:13] Disabled maps: [] [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:13] getNationForTutorial() CanBeStarted: False [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:13] StatsProxy.receiveAbuseStatus(): {'battlesToClean': 0, 'statuses': {'tkill': 0}, 'warnings': ()} [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:14] _onChangeTimeOut 156 [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:23] _onChangeTimeOut 6 [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:25] __processDossierStats() client dossier: ['oper', 'pvp', 'oper_mm_tasks_diag', 'pve_diag', 'pvp_diag', 'oper_normal', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'pve', 'oper_mm', 'total', 'oper_normal_tasks_diag', 'max_pve', 'rank_diag', 'max_pvp', 'oper_diag', 'club_diag', 'club', 'max_club', 'clan', 'oper_hard', 'oper_hard_tasks_diag', 'max_clan'] [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:25] AccountLevelingProxy.onGetAccountStats(): (-1, -1) (15, 758845) [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:26] __updateTaskProgress start: {'22468_q03': {'count': 1, 3: {'count': 10.0}}, '22468_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 3}}, '22469_q01': {'count': 0}, '21856_q00': {'count': 0}, '22468_q05': {'count': 0}, '22468_q02': {'count': 1, 3: {'count': 549416}}, '22470_q01': {'count': 35}, '22470_q02': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 5}}, '22470_q03': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 639238}, 3: {'count': 15080}, 4: {'count': 109517}}, '22470_q04': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 10}}, '22160_q01': {'count': 0}, '22468_q04': {'count': 1, 3: {'count': 31584}}} [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:26] onGetRankBattlesInfo currentSeason: 7, PlayerInfo: None [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:26] onGetRankDossier() seasonId = 7 Empty [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:26] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onGetSeasonRules: config False, {'seasonId': 1, 'operations': {4291341232L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 3, 'unlockTime': 1500429600, 'caps': 3}, 4292389808L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1499824800, 'caps': 3}, 4290292656L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1501034400, 'caps': 3}, 4293438384L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1501639200, 'caps': 3}}, 'currentOperationIdx': 1, 'roster': [4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L, 4293438384L], 'startTime': 1499824800, 'seasons': {1: {'operations': [4293438384L, 4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}, 2: {'operations': [], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}}, 'currentRotationTime': 1510106400, 'nextRotationTime': 1510711200, 'stage': 2} [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:26] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onLoadProgress: config False, season False, {'operations': {'hard': [], 'normal': [(4287146928L, [1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 0]), (4288195504L, [1509007262, 1509007262, 1509007262, 0, 0, 0]), (4290292656L, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])]}, 'seasons': {'hard': [], 'normal': [(2, 1509007262)]}} [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:26] onClanResponse: response=(1, 0, (430246, (430246, u'FLY', u'FLY', 16777215, u'executive_officer', u'\u0417\u0434\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0443\u0439\u0442\u0435 \u0442\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0449\u0438, \u0443 \u043a\u043e\u0433\u043e \u0435\u0441\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0431\u043b\u0438 10-\u0433\u043e \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u043d\u044f, \u0438 \u0433\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0441\u043e\u0432\u0430\u044f \u0432\u0441\u044f\u0437\u044c \u043d\u0443\u0436\u043d\u043e \u0441\u044b\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d\u043e\u0432\u044b\u0435 \u0431\u043e\u0438 - \u0441\u0442\u0430\u0432\u0442\u0435 + \u043c\u043d\u0435 \u0432 \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443 \u043a\u0442\u043e \u0433\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432', {47518727: {'role': u'private'}, 162314: {'role': u'private'}, 33301518: {'role': u'private'}, 31456527: {'role': u'private'}, 58161041: {'role': u'private'}, 19410835: {'role': u'private'}, 2557718: {'role': u'private'}, 27883543: {'role': u'private'}, 73537307: {'role': u'private'}, 17222686: {'role': u'private'}, 310434: {'role': u'private'}, 11428651: {'role': u'private'}, 2445100: {'role': u'private'}, 7715120: {'role': u'private'}, 69118514: {'role': u'commander'}, 71811251: {'role': u'private'}, 59694238: {'role': u'private'}, 62222528: {'role': u'private'}, 47245249: {'role': u'private'}, 59103429: {'role': u'private'}, 35853511: {'role': u'private'}, 69416610: {'role': u'private'}, 65031124: {'role': u'private'}, 5595999: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 8706534: {'role': u'private'}, 37230: {'role': u'private'}, 1515506: {'role': u'private'}, 71303028: {'role': u'private'}, 5426549: {'role': u'private'}, 22453883: {'role': u'private'}}, {75100162: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3925161}, 75116563: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10679440}, 75116564: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5595999}, 75104791: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1901451}, 75104792: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12037438}, 75104793: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47518727}, 75100186: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4688253}, 75104795: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26571092}, 75100188: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 872384}, 75104797: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5326927}, 75104799: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2557718}, 75100217: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58161041}, 75100219: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36672236}, 75100220: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12445172}, 75100221: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11262324}, 75092406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86780640}, 75100940: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1550733}, 75088485: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11437327}, 75088488: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86912728}, 75115802: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19050869}, 75099931: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 64096589}, 75104796: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24059614}, 75100189: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 16896550}, 75100187: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26497012}, 75105224: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5163046}, 75115804: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3700101}, 75100858: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65353479}, 75100859: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4549361}, 75100860: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19163627}, 75100862: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 15486060}, 75100864: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24960589}, 75101403: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13829345}, 75101405: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2774140}, 75101406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19410835}, 75105005: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2514322}, 75105006: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 6071074}, 75105007: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21765943}, 75105008: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13351014}, 75105009: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10744094}, 75105010: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8213596}, 75105533: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 32758788}, 75105534: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35843415}, 75105535: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19416306}, 75099910: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 22471163}, 75099912: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47356661}, 75099913: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20821811}, 75099914: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 38322742}, 75099915: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 57543888}, 75099916: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5426549}, 75100941: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1431883}, 75100942: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 744012}, 75100943: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 69416610}, 75100944: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36933861}, 75100946: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4337469}, 75115800: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47245249}, 75115801: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2723422}, 75099930: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35480962}, 75115803: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65031124}, 75099932: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5239563}, 75099933: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5564244}, 75105068: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 27883543}, 75099952: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11428651}, 75115830: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 62222528}, 75115831: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8664152}, 75115833: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59103429}, 75115837: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4858560}, 75115840: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 7424262}, 75099461: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 33301518}, 75104134: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 225652}, 75101613: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 162314}, 75101614: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 75991473}, 75100081: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71303028}, 75100082: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79542157}, 75100083: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 76103}, 75100084: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80535214}, 75100085: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5965559}, 75100086: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71777625}, 75092407: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 72132668}, 75092409: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65107864}, 75092412: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58685850}, 75104707: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13658244}, 75104708: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 77607300}, 75104710: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79957325}, 75104712: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2809573}, 75105225: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 61831778}, 75105226: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 48512704}, 75105227: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82400346}, 75105229: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59694238}, 75105230: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24318025}, 75105232: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35446652}, 75100114: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21297715}, 75100115: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2636501}, 75100116: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 23508047}, 75100117: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4104445}, 75113468: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80938462}, 75100157: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82347121}, 75113470: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8706534}, 75113467: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1207353}, 75100156: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65362617}, 75113469: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 17222686}, 75100158: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20158906}, 75113471: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4261263}}, 30, 30, None))) [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:26] ClanProxy.onClanResponse(): 1 (430246, (430246, u'FLY', u'FLY', 16777215, u'executive_officer', u'\u0417\u0434\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0443\u0439\u0442\u0435 \u0442\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0449\u0438, \u0443 \u043a\u043e\u0433\u043e \u0435\u0441\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0431\u043b\u0438 10-\u0433\u043e \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u043d\u044f, \u0438 \u0433\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0441\u043e\u0432\u0430\u044f \u0432\u0441\u044f\u0437\u044c \u043d\u0443\u0436\u043d\u043e \u0441\u044b\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d\u043e\u0432\u044b\u0435 \u0431\u043e\u0438 - \u0441\u0442\u0430\u0432\u0442\u0435 + \u043c\u043d\u0435 \u0432 \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443 \u043a\u0442\u043e \u0433\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432', {47518727: {'role': u'private'}, 162314: {'role': u'private'}, 33301518: {'role': u'private'}, 31456527: {'role': u'private'}, 58161041: {'role': u'private'}, 19410835: {'role': u'private'}, 2557718: {'role': u'private'}, 27883543: {'role': u'private'}, 73537307: {'role': u'private'}, 17222686: {'role': u'private'}, 310434: {'role': u'private'}, 11428651: {'role': u'private'}, 2445100: {'role': u'private'}, 7715120: {'role': u'private'}, 69118514: {'role': u'commander'}, 71811251: {'role': u'private'}, 59694238: {'role': u'private'}, 62222528: {'role': u'private'}, 47245249: {'role': u'private'}, 59103429: {'role': u'private'}, 35853511: {'role': u'private'}, 69416610: {'role': u'private'}, 65031124: {'role': u'private'}, 5595999: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 8706534: {'role': u'private'}, 37230: {'role': u'private'}, 1515506: {'role': u'private'}, 71303028: {'role': u'private'}, 5426549: {'role': u'private'}, 22453883: {'role': u'private'}}, {75100162: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3925161}, 75116563: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10679440}, 75116564: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5595999}, 75104791: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1901451}, 75104792: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12037438}, 75104793: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47518727}, 75100186: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4688253}, 75104795: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26571092}, 75100188: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 872384}, 75104797: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5326927}, 75104799: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2557718}, 75100217: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58161041}, 75100219: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36672236}, 75100220: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12445172}, 75100221: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11262324}, 75092406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86780640}, 75100940: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1550733}, 75088485: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11437327}, 75088488: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86912728}, 75115802: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19050869}, 75099931: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 64096589}, 75104796: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24059614}, 75100189: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 16896550}, 75100187: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26497012}, 75105224: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5163046}, 75115804: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3700101}, 75100858: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65353479}, 75100859: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4549361}, 75100860: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19163627}, 75100862: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 15486060}, 75100864: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24960589}, 75101403: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13829345}, 75101405: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2774140}, 75101406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19410835}, 75105005: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2514322}, 75105006: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 6071074}, 75105007: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21765943}, 75105008: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13351014}, 75105009: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10744094}, 75105010: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8213596}, 75105533: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 32758788}, 75105534: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35843415}, 75105535: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19416306}, 75099910: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 22471163}, 75099912: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47356661}, 75099913: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20821811}, 75099914: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 38322742}, 75099915: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 57543888}, 75099916: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5426549}, 75100941: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1431883}, 75100942: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 744012}, 75100943: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 69416610}, 75100944: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36933861}, 75100946: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4337469}, 75115800: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47245249}, 75115801: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2723422}, 75099930: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35480962}, 75115803: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65031124}, 75099932: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5239563}, 75099933: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5564244}, 75105068: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 27883543}, 75099952: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11428651}, 75115830: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 62222528}, 75115831: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8664152}, 75115833: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59103429}, 75115837: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4858560}, 75115840: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 7424262}, 75099461: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 33301518}, 75104134: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 225652}, 75101613: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 162314}, 75101614: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 75991473}, 75100081: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71303028}, 75100082: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79542157}, 75100083: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 76103}, 75100084: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80535214}, 75100085: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5965559}, 75100086: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71777625}, 75092407: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 72132668}, 75092409: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65107864}, 75092412: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58685850}, 75104707: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13658244}, 75104708: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 77607300}, 75104710: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79957325}, 75104712: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2809573}, 75105225: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 61831778}, 75105226: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 48512704}, 75105227: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82400346}, 75105229: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59694238}, 75105230: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24318025}, 75105232: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35446652}, 75100114: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21297715}, 75100115: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2636501}, 75100116: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 23508047}, 75100117: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4104445}, 75113468: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80938462}, 75100157: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82347121}, 75113470: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8706534}, 75113467: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1207353}, 75100156: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65362617}, 75113469: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 17222686}, 75100158: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20158906}, 75113471: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4261263}}, 30, 30, None)) [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:26] ClanProxy.__onGetMyClan: False (430246, (430246, u'FLY', u'FLY', 16777215, u'executive_officer', u'\u0417\u0434\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0443\u0439\u0442\u0435 \u0442\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0449\u0438, \u0443 \u043a\u043e\u0433\u043e \u0435\u0441\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0431\u043b\u0438 10-\u0433\u043e \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u043d\u044f, \u0438 \u0433\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0441\u043e\u0432\u0430\u044f \u0432\u0441\u044f\u0437\u044c \u043d\u0443\u0436\u043d\u043e \u0441\u044b\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d\u043e\u0432\u044b\u0435 \u0431\u043e\u0438 - \u0441\u0442\u0430\u0432\u0442\u0435 + \u043c\u043d\u0435 \u0432 \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443 \u043a\u0442\u043e \u0433\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432', {47518727: {'role': u'private'}, 162314: {'role': u'private'}, 33301518: {'role': u'private'}, 31456527: {'role': u'private'}, 58161041: {'role': u'private'}, 19410835: {'role': u'private'}, 2557718: {'role': u'private'}, 27883543: {'role': u'private'}, 73537307: {'role': u'private'}, 17222686: {'role': u'private'}, 310434: {'role': u'private'}, 11428651: {'role': u'private'}, 2445100: {'role': u'private'}, 7715120: {'role': u'private'}, 69118514: {'role': u'commander'}, 71811251: {'role': u'private'}, 59694238: {'role': u'private'}, 62222528: {'role': u'private'}, 47245249: {'role': u'private'}, 59103429: {'role': u'private'}, 35853511: {'role': u'private'}, 69416610: {'role': u'private'}, 65031124: {'role': u'private'}, 5595999: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 8706534: {'role': u'private'}, 37230: {'role': u'private'}, 1515506: {'role': u'private'}, 71303028: {'role': u'private'}, 5426549: {'role': u'private'}, 22453883: {'role': u'private'}}, {75100162: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3925161}, 75116563: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10679440}, 75116564: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5595999}, 75104791: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1901451}, 75104792: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12037438}, 75104793: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47518727}, 75100186: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4688253}, 75104795: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26571092}, 75100188: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 872384}, 75104797: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5326927}, 75104799: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2557718}, 75100217: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58161041}, 75100219: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36672236}, 75100220: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12445172}, 75100221: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11262324}, 75092406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86780640}, 75100940: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1550733}, 75088485: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11437327}, 75088488: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86912728}, 75115802: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19050869}, 75099931: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 64096589}, 75104796: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24059614}, 75100189: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 16896550}, 75100187: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26497012}, 75105224: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5163046}, 75115804: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3700101}, 75100858: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65353479}, 75100859: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4549361}, 75100860: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19163627}, 75100862: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 15486060}, 75100864: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24960589}, 75101403: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13829345}, 75101405: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2774140}, 75101406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19410835}, 75105005: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2514322}, 75105006: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 6071074}, 75105007: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21765943}, 75105008: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13351014}, 75105009: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10744094}, 75105010: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8213596}, 75105533: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 32758788}, 75105534: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35843415}, 75105535: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19416306}, 75099910: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 22471163}, 75099912: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47356661}, 75099913: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20821811}, 75099914: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 38322742}, 75099915: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 57543888}, 75099916: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5426549}, 75100941: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1431883}, 75100942: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 744012}, 75100943: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 69416610}, 75100944: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36933861}, 75100946: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4337469}, 75115800: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47245249}, 75115801: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2723422}, 75099930: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35480962}, 75115803: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65031124}, 75099932: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5239563}, 75099933: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5564244}, 75105068: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 27883543}, 75099952: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11428651}, 75115830: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 62222528}, 75115831: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8664152}, 75115833: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59103429}, 75115837: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4858560}, 75115840: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 7424262}, 75099461: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 33301518}, 75104134: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 225652}, 75101613: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 162314}, 75101614: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 75991473}, 75100081: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71303028}, 75100082: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79542157}, 75100083: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 76103}, 75100084: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80535214}, 75100085: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5965559}, 75100086: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71777625}, 75092407: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 72132668}, 75092409: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65107864}, 75092412: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58685850}, 75104707: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13658244}, 75104708: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 77607300}, 75104710: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79957325}, 75104712: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2809573}, 75105225: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 61831778}, 75105226: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 48512704}, 75105227: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82400346}, 75105229: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59694238}, 75105230: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24318025}, 75105232: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35446652}, 75100114: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21297715}, 75100115: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2636501}, 75100116: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 23508047}, 75100117: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4104445}, 75113468: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80938462}, 75100157: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82347121}, 75113470: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8706534}, 75113467: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1207353}, 75100156: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65362617}, 75113469: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 17222686}, 75100158: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20158906}, 75113471: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4261263}}, 30, 30, None)) [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:27] [CampaignsCommon] onLoadedDump: loaded campaign params and player; countActiveTasks 3; data ({4290690992L: (False, True, False), 4293836720L: (True, 0, True), 4291739568L: (False, True, False), 4288593840L: (True, 0, True), 4289642416L: (False, True, False), 4292788144L: (True, 0, True)}, {4289642416L: [1, 0], 4291739568L: [1, 0], 4293836720L: [1, 1], 4288593840L: [1, 0], 4290690992L: [1, 0], 4292788144L: [1, 0]}, {4285120432L: [4, 15, 9], 4251566000L: [2, 0, 0], 4287217584L: [4, 12, 7], 4288266160L: [4, 10, 7], 4290363312L: [4, 10, 5], 4292460464L: [4, 6, 8], 4293509040L: [5, 5, 9], 4286169008L: [4, 15, 8], 4263100336L: [2, 0, 0], 4289314736L: [4, 10, 6], 4283023280L: [2, 0, 0], 4272537520L: [2, 0, 0], 4241080240L: [2, 0, 0], 4284071856L: [2, 2, 1], 4291411888L: [4, 7, 7]}, {4190519216L: (1, False, 0), 4280696752L: (5, True, 0), 4133896112L: (1, False, 0), 4207296432L: (1, False, 0), 4243996592L: (1, False, 0), 4193664944L: (5, True, 0), 4153819056L: (5, True, 0), 4187373488L: (1, False, 0), 4164304816L: (1, False, 0), 4130750384L: (1, False, 0), 4167450544L: (5, True, 0), 4204150704L: (5, True, 0), 4240850864L: (1, False, 0), 4147527600L: (1, False, 0), 4184227760L: (1, False, 0), 4220927920L: (5, True, 0), 4257628080L: (5, True, 0), 4198907824L: (5, True, 0), 4237705136L: (5, True, 0), 3904257968L: (1, False, 0), 4274405296L: (1, False, 0), 4144381872L: (1, False, 0), 3977658288L: (1, False, 0), 4181082032L: (5, True, 0), 4254482352L: (1, False, 0), 4291182512L: (5, True, 0), 3897966512L: (1, False, 0), 4161159088L: (5, True, 0), 4197859248L: (1, False, 0), 3901112240L: (1, False, 0), 4141236144L: (1, True, 0), 3974512560L: (1, False, 0), 4177936304L: (1, False, 0), 4214636464L: (1, False, 0), 4251336624L: (5, True, 0), 4288036784L: (5, True, 0), 4150673328L: (1, False, 0), 4194713520L: (5, True, 0), 4174790576L: (5, True, 0), 4081467312L: (0, False, 0), 4284891056L: (5, True, 0), 4255530928L: (5, True, 0), 4227219376L: (1, False, 0), 4252385200L: (5, True, 0), 4228267952L: (1, False, 0), 4134944688L: (1, False, 0), 4171644848L: (5, True, 0), 4208345008L: (1, False, 0), 4245045168L: (5, True, 0), 4281745328L: (5, True, 0), 4158013360L: (1, False, 0), 4151721904L: (1, False, 0), 4188422064L: (1, False, 0), 4225122224L: (1, False, 0), 4203102128L: (5, True, 0), 4261822384L: (1, False, 0), 4131798960L: (1, False, 0), 4205199280L: (5, True, 0), 4241899440L: (5, True, 0), 4278599600L: (5, True, 0), 4148576176L: (1, False, 0), 4192616368L: (5, True, 0), 4221976496L: (5, True, 0), 4258676656L: (1, False, 0), 3902160816L: (1, False, 0), 4128653232L: (0, False, 0), 4165353392L: (5, True, 0), 4238753712L: (1, False, 0), 3905306544L: (1, False, 0), 4275453872L: (1, False, 0), 4145430448L: (2, False, 0), 3978706864L: (1, False, 0), 4182130608L: (5, True, 0), 4154867632L: (5, True, 0), 4162207664L: (5, True, 0), 3975561136L: (1, False, 0), 4215685040L: (5, True, 0), 4289085360L: (5, True, 0), 4180033456L: (5, True, 0), 4159061936L: (1, False, 0), 3971366832L: (1, False, 0), 4195762096L: (5, True, 0), 3899015088L: (1, False, 0), 4139138992L: (0, False, 0), 4175839152L: (1, False, 0), 4212539312L: (1, False, 0), 4082515888L: (1, False, 0), 4285939632L: (5, True, 0), 4155916208L: (1, False, 0), 4260773808L: (5, True, 0), 4224073648L: (5, True, 0), 4229316528L: (5, True, 0), 3895869360L: (0, False, 0), 4135993264L: (1, False, 0), 4172693424L: (5, True, 0), 4209393584L: (5, True, 0), 4246093744L: (1, False, 0), 4282793904L: (5, True, 0), 4152770480L: (1, False, 0), 4160110512L: (5, True, 0), 4226170800L: (1, False, 0), 4292231088L: (5, True, 0), 4132847536L: (1, False, 0), 4189470640L: (1, False, 0), 4206247856L: (5, True, 0), 4242948016L: (1, False, 0), 4279648176L: (5, True, 0), 4149624752L: (2, False, 0), 4186324912L: (5, True, 0), 4223025072L: (1, False, 0), 4259725232L: (1, False, 0), 4142284720L: (1, False, 0), 4129701808L: (1, False, 0), 4166401968L: (1, False, 0), 4239802288L: (1, False, 0), 4276502448L: (5, True, 0), 4146479024L: (1, False, 0), 4183179184L: (1, False, 0), 4219879344L: (5, True, 0), 4256579504L: (5, True, 0), 4293279664L: (5, True, 0), 4277551024L: (5, True, 0), 4163256240L: (5, True, 0), 3972415408L: (1, False, 0), 4236656560L: (5, True, 0), 3903209392L: (1, False, 0), 4273356720L: (5, True, 0), 4143333296L: (2, False, 0), 3976609712L: (1, False, 0), 4191567792L: (5, True, 0), 4253433776L: (5, True, 0), 4290133936L: (5, True, 0), 4211490736L: (1, False, 0), 4196810672L: (1, False, 0), 3900063664L: (1, False, 0), 4140187568L: (1, False, 0), 3973463984L: (1, False, 0), 4176887728L: (5, True, 0), 4213587888L: (5, True, 0), 4083564464L: (1, False, 0), 4286988208L: (5, True, 0), 4156964784L: (5, True, 0), 4178984880L: (1, False, 0), 4230365104L: (5, True, 0), 4063641520L: (0, False, 0), 3896917936L: (1, False, 0), 3970318256L: (0, False, 0), 4173742000L: (5, True, 0), 4210442160L: (1, False, 0), 4247142320L: (5, True, 0)}) [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:27] ClanProxy.onGetClanBattles {'seasonId': 1, 'finishTime': 1513713600.0, 'primeTimes': {2: (57600, 68400), 3: (57600, 68400), 5: (57600, 68400), 6: (57600, 68400)}, 'shipLevelMax': 10, 'shipLevelMin': 10, 'startTime': 1508310000.0, 'promoTime': 1508310000.0, 'stage': 2} [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:29] >>> DockProxy.receiveState [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:29] Unlocks.receiveState [] [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:30] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 0, 'boughtToday': 0, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1510531200.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:30] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 0, 'boughtToday': 0, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1510531200.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:30] PVEScriptsProxyCommon.createPVEState() [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:30] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onGetSeasonRules: config True, {'seasonId': 1, 'operations': {4291341232L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 3, 'unlockTime': 1500429600, 'caps': 3}, 4292389808L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1499824800, 'caps': 3}, 4290292656L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1501034400, 'caps': 3}, 4293438384L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1501639200, 'caps': 3}}, 'currentOperationIdx': 1, 'roster': [4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L, 4293438384L], 'startTime': 1499824800, 'seasons': {1: {'operations': [4293438384L, 4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}, 2: {'operations': [], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}}, 'currentRotationTime': 1510106400, 'nextRotationTime': 1510711200, 'stage': 2} [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:30] [4181898160L, 4180849584L] [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:30] [4181898160L, 4180849584L] [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:30] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onLoadProgress: config True, season True, {'operations': {'hard': [], 'normal': [(4287146928L, [1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 0]), (4288195504L, [1509007262, 1509007262, 1509007262, 0, 0, 0]), (4290292656L, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])]}, 'seasons': {'hard': [], 'normal': [(2, 1509007262)]}} [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:30] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] _updateOperationCompleted: 4287146928 normal [1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 0] [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:30] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] _updateOperationCompleted: 4288195504 normal [1509007262, 1509007262, 1509007262, 0, 0, 0] [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:30] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] _updateOperationCompleted: 4290292656 normal [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:30] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] _updateSeasonCompleted: 2 normal 1509007262 [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:30] onClanResponse: response=(6, 0, {'league': 4, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 430246, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division_rating': 0, 'stage': 'league'}) [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:30] ClanProxy.onClanResponse(): 6 {'league': 4, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 430246, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division_rating': 0, 'stage': 'league'} [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:30] ClanDataHubUtils.addLadderInfo: {'league': 4, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 430246, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division_rating': 0, 'stage': 'league'} [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:30] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:30] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:31] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] chooseOperation: 4291341232 normal True [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:31] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onOperationChosen: 4291341232 normal True [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:31] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] chooseOperation: 0 normal False [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:31] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onOperationChosen: 0 normal False [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:31] (, 51003611475748, 141): is in context [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:31] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}, interval: (1510498800.0, 1510502380.0)",) [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:31] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 24268 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510498800.0, 1510502380.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:31] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'start'}, interval: (1510502400.0, 1510502400.0)",) [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:31] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 24268 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510498800.0, 1510502380.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:31] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'end'}, interval: (1510513200.0, 1510513200.0)",) [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:31] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 24268 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510498800.0, 1510502380.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:31] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}, interval: (1510758000.0, 1510761580.0)",) [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:31] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 24268 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510498800.0, 1510502380.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:31] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'start'}, interval: (1510761600.0, 1510761600.0)",) [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:31] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 24268 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510498800.0, 1510502380.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:31] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'end'}, interval: (1510772400.0, 1510772400.0)",) [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:31] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 24268 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510498800.0, 1510502380.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:31] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:31] Can't send FPS data: it's empty [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:32] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:37] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: Dock [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:37] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:37] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:37] [Filters] saveFilters [] [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:37] [Filters] saveFilters [] [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:37] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:37] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': 0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:37] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': -1.0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:41] ClanProxy.onChatInitialized [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:41] XmppChatHandler.joinClanChannel() 430246 [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:41] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 62222528@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:41] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: channelsGroupsIds: [] [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:41] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:41] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True UserDataGate.__onRosterUpdated [('17915186@wowsru.loc', 'egy5', False, 4, ()), ('22453883@wowsru.loc', 'vova1972ruzan', False, 4, ()), ('2557718@wowsru.loc', 'NSDRP', False, 4, ()), ('26288674@wowsru.loc', '_EmperoR_WOW_', False, 4, ()), ('2893852@wowsru.loc', 'klimstonn', False, 4, ()), ('30937387@wowsru.loc', 'monster__622', False, 4, ()), ('31456527@wowsru.loc', 'Yurautyug', False, 4, ()), ('327255@wowsru.loc', 'Migri', False, 4, ()), ('35853511@wowsru.loc', 'toshidzu', False, 4, ()), ('5471194@wowsru.loc', 'loki1982', False, 4, ()), ('58161041@wowsru.loc', 'Y_O_R_K_2015', False, 4, ()), ('62222528@wowsru.loc', 'HEGNI_1', False, 4, ()), ('6896454@wowsru.loc', 'Vie92', False, 4, ()), ('69118514@wowsru.loc', 'RenamedUser_69118514', False, 4, ()), ('69416610@wowsru.loc', 'Player_3185411451', False, 4, ()), ('71811251@wowsru.loc', 'Leogon_1', False, 4, ()), ('73537307@wowsru.loc', 'PZS_One', False, 4, ())] [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:41] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 2893852@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:41] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 59124891@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:41] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 11274288@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:41] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 21696974@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:41] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 14596986@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:41] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 58053848@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:41] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 310434@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:41] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 19410835@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:41] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 35853511@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:41] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 59103429@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:41] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 22453883@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:41] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 2557718@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:41] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 69118514@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:41] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 73537307@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:41] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:41] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:41] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: KARSAK_1968 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:41] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:41] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:41] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:41] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:41] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:41] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:41] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:41] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:41] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:41] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:41] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:41] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:41] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:41] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: toshidzu channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:41] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:41] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Samum1989_geroj channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:41] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:41] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:41] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:41] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: NSDRP channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:41] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:41] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: RenamedUser_69118514 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:41] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:41] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:41] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:41] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived clansearch@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:41] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived ids_chat_channel_offtop@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:41] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived ids_chat_channel_questions@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:41] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived wargamingfm@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:41] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_SEARCH_CLAN_DIV channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:41] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:41] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_OFFTOP channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:41] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:41] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_QUESTIONS channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:41] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:41] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: WargamingFM Корабли channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:41] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:41] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc 6 [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:41] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: channelsGroupsIds: [] [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:41] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:41] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 8706534 {'jid': '8706534@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'oMIKROn_UXUS', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:41] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 69416610 {'jid': '69416610@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Player_3185411451', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:41] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 17222686 {'jid': '17222686@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'bob7771', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:41] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 69118514 {'jid': '69118514@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:41] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 58161041 {'jid': '58161041@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Y_O_R_K_2015', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:41] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 59103429 {'jid': '59103429@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Samum1989_geroj', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:41] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 162314 {'jid': '162314@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'fps001ping999', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:41] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 73537307 {'jid': '73537307@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'PZS_One', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:41] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 5595999 {'jid': '5595999@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Tier099', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:42] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/69118514', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510472047L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb5\xd1\x87\xd0\xb5\xd1\x80\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbc \xd0\xb8\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbc \xd0\xb2 \xd0\xba\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2\xd1\x8b\xd0\xb9 \xd0\xb1\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb9?', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:42] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'PZS_One', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/73537307', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510473121L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xb2\xd1\x81\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbc \xd0\xbf\xd1\x80\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:42] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {62222528: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 69416610: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 22453883: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 6896454: None, 35853511: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 69118514: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 30937387: None, 26288674: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'GUAPS', 'id': 430164, 'name': u'\u0413\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0434\u0435\u0439\u0446\u044b \u041f\u043e\u0441\u0435\u0439\u0434\u043e\u043d\u0430'}, 31456527: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 58161041: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 17915186: None, 71811251: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 2557718: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 327255: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'ENYO', 'id': 415095, 'name': u'\u042d\u041d\u0418\u041e'}, 5471194: None, 73537307: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 2893852: None} [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:42] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/69118514', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510473730L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\x97\xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe\xd1\x80\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb0', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:43] (, 86904481544477, 21): joinChannel, ('already joined', 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc') [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:43] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 162314 fps001ping999 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:43] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 17222686 bob7771 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:43] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 5595999 Tier099 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:43] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 58161041 Y_O_R_K_2015 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:43] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 59103429 Samum1989_geroj 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:43] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 69118514 RenamedUser_69118514 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:43] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 69416610 Player_3185411451 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:43] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 73537307 PZS_One 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:43] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 8706534 oMIKROn_UXUS 2 2 ('430246', 'FLY') [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:47] getModelPaths [] [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:48] [Scaleform] Error: Unknown file format at URL "gui/flash/../nation_flags/big/flag_undefined.png" [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:49] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:49] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:49] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:49] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:49] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:49] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:49] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:49] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:49] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:49] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:49] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:49] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:55] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2017_11_12 11:15:55] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_12 11:16:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_12 11:16:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_12 11:16:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_12 11:16:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_12 11:16:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_12 11:16:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_12 11:16:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_12 11:16:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_12 11:16:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_12 11:16:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_12 11:16:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_12 11:16:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_12 11:16:00] Unable to find camera param -- camouNode [S] [2017_11_12 11:16:05] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 162314 {'jid': '162314@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'fps001ping999', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_12 11:16:08] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4185798448L: {'slots': {1: {'add_slots': (((), 4287557552L),)}}}}, 'storage': {4287557552L: 11}} [S] [2017_11_12 11:16:09] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 38, 'data': {'shipId': 4185798448L, 'result': 29, 'exteriorId': 4287557552L}} [S] [2017_11_12 11:16:09] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 38, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PGSD104', 'isElite': False, 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'exteriorType': 'Camouflage', 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SET_EXTERIOR_ACTIVITY_CAMOUFLAGE_29', 'shipLevelRome': 'IV', 'result': 29, 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'uiSpecial': False, 'data': {'shipId': 4185798448L, 'result': 29, 'exteriorId': 4287557552L}, 'groupId': 4} [S] [2017_11_12 11:16:09] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2017_11_12 11:16:10] Unable to find camera param -- camouNode [S] [2017_11_12 11:16:14] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_12 11:16:14] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_12 11:16:14] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_12 11:16:14] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_12 11:16:14] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_12 11:16:14] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_12 11:16:14] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_12 11:16:14] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_12 11:16:14] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_12 11:16:14] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_12 11:16:14] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_12 11:16:14] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_12 11:16:21] Account.enqueue(): 1 [S] [2017_11_12 11:16:21] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_12 11:16:22] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_12 11:16:22] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4185798448 4 [S] [2017_11_12 11:16:22] onEnqueued() QueueType: 1 ShipId: 4185798448 mmDescription: {'useBots': False, 'onlyFullBattles': False, 'maxWait': 300} [S] [2017_11_12 11:16:22] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_12 11:16:22] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_12 11:16:22] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_12 11:16:22] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_12 11:16:22] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_12 11:16:22] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_12 11:16:22] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_12 11:16:22] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_12 11:16:22] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_12 11:16:22] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_12 11:16:22] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_12 11:16:22] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_12 11:16:22] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_12 11:16:22] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2017_11_12 11:16:23] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 5595999 {'jid': '5595999@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Tier099', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_12 11:16:25] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: RandomBattle [S] [2017_11_12 11:16:25] onPrepareingForBattle() [S] [2017_11_12 11:16:25] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4185798448 1 [S] [2017_11_12 11:16:29] onGameRoomStateInit mapIdx = 4 battleType = 80 gameMode = StandDom duration=1200 [S] [2017_11_12 11:16:37] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2017_11_12 11:16:37] GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_12 11:16:38] [LootboxProxyClient.destroy] [S] [2017_11_12 11:16:38] Avatar.receiveAvatarInfo: {'evaluationsLeft': {0: 7, 1: 7}} [S] [2017_11_12 11:16:38] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAvatar [S] [2017_11_12 11:16:38] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() False 0 0 0 [S] [2017_11_12 11:16:38] Avatar.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_12 11:16:38] name Tier099 [S] [2017_11_12 11:16:38] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_12 11:16:38] Avatar onControlled False [S] [2017_11_12 11:16:38] onControlled->False: not implemented [S] [2017_11_12 11:16:39] onGeometryMapped() MapName: 05_Ring [S] [2017_11_12 11:16:39] teamBuildType: 0 [S] [2017_11_12 11:16:39] player: Id: 537364971 Name: Tier099 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSD104_V_170 avatarId: 642117 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_12 11:16:39] player: Id: 537402646 Name: bogzevs TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSA002_Hosho_1939 avatarId: 642087 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_12 11:16:39] player: Id: 537372426 Name: KiLLeR89NuR TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB004_Arkansas_1912 avatarId: 642081 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_12 11:16:39] player: Id: 521616 Name: NoRDiXx TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASC024_Phoenix_1917 avatarId: 642083 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_12 11:16:39] player: Id: 537309843 Name: DA_KZ16 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSD104_Izyaslav avatarId: 642085 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_12 11:16:39] player: Id: 549782 Name: zheka_strelok2 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSD103_Derzky avatarId: 642079 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_12 11:16:39] player: Id: 537461402 Name: Verbitskiy12 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASA004_Langley_1929 avatarId: 642089 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_12 11:16:39] player: Id: 537281437 Name: Parabalans TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSC104_Svetlana avatarId: 642091 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_12 11:16:39] player: Id: 577955 Name: LeshiyMeister TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSB104_Kaiser avatarId: 642093 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_12 11:16:39] player: Id: 537364916 Name: david_0030 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSD003_Isokaze_1917 avatarId: 642095 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_12 11:16:39] player: Id: 454841 Name: Cherepaha_23rus TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASA004_Langley_1929 avatarId: 642097 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_12 11:16:39] player: Id: 514493 Name: 7dimon3 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASA004_Langley_1929 avatarId: 642099 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_12 11:16:39] player: Id: 537322689 Name: kopral_sergej TeamId: 1 ShipName: PBSC104_Danae avatarId: 642101 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_12 11:16:39] player: Id: 419778 Name: inter74_2013 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSC104_Svetlana avatarId: 642103 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_12 11:16:39] player: Id: 537367110 Name: DISO_00 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSC013_Kuma_1938 avatarId: 642105 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_12 11:16:39] player: Id: 448084 Name: RmD1 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSC015_Tatsuta_1919 avatarId: 642107 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_12 11:16:39] player: Id: 431445 Name: vostok35 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PBSB104_Orion avatarId: 642109 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_12 11:16:39] player: Id: 537392997 Name: Mchciri TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSC104_Svetlana avatarId: 642111 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_12 11:16:39] player: Id: 537281126 Name: klin57 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSC104_Duguay_Trouin avatarId: 642113 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_12 11:16:39] player: Id: 417642 Name: Tarasenko76 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSC103_Bogatyr avatarId: 642115 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_12 11:16:39] player: Id: 537351275 Name: uzerr TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSC103_Kolberg avatarId: 642077 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_12 11:16:39] player: Id: 537359089 Name: ss194 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSB003_Myogi_1912 avatarId: 642119 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_12 11:16:39] player: Id: 537379442 Name: GOHIA82 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSD003_Isokaze_1917 avatarId: 642121 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_12 11:16:39] player: Id: 537439642 Name: marafon_33 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSC104_Svetlana avatarId: 642123 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_12 11:16:39] (, 39965384947628, 149): 642075; BattleLogic() [S] [2017_11_12 11:16:39] (, 39965384947628, 149): 642075; onEnterWorld() State: {attentionMarkers: [], clientAnimations: None, controlPoints: [{position: [149.99990844726562, 149.9998016357422], radius: 111.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 5, timerName: '', teamId: 1, progress: [0.0, 180.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [-149.99990844726562, -149.99990844726562], radius: 111.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 5, timerName: '', teamId: 0, progress: [0.0, 180.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}], entityStates: [], expectedActions: None, interactiveZones: [], weather: {globalWeatherId: 642076, localWeather: [], entityLogicParams: []}, keyObjects: [], missions: {hold: [{reward: 2, penalty: 0, cpIndices: [0, 1], period: 6}], capture: [{reward: 1000, penalty: 0, cpIndices: [0, 1]}], destroy: [], suppress: [], kill: [{reward: 30, penalty: 45, shipType: 'Destroyer'}, {reward: 35, penalty: 50, shipType: 'Cruiser'}, {reward: 40, penalty: 60, shipType: 'Battleship'}, {reward: 45, penalty: 65, shipType: 'AirCarrier'}], teamsScore: [300, 300], teamWinScore: 1000, teamLoseScore: 0}, resources: [], successStoryProgress: [], screenplayMessage: '', tasks: [], minefields: [], entities: [], effects: []} [S] [2017_11_12 11:16:39] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_12 11:16:39] BattleDataContext.__onEnterSpace [S] [2017_11_12 11:16:42] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2017_11_12 11:16:43] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: BattleLoading [S] [2017_11_12 11:16:43] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2017_11_12 11:16:57] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 59103429 {'jid': '59103429@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Samum1989_geroj', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_12 11:16:59] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_12 11:16:59] id 642106 [S] [2017_11_12 11:16:59] name DISO_00 [S] [2017_11_12 11:16:59] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_12 11:17:00] @ launchpadAppeared 642106 [S] [2017_11_12 11:17:00] [Weather][2215] onEnterWorld (map spaces/05_Ring/weathers.xml, scheme 0, weather 0) [S] [2017_11_12 11:17:00] (, 86904481544477, 21): unable to read weather config spaces/05_Ring/weathers.xml [S] [2017_11_12 11:17:00] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_12 11:17:00] id 642124 [S] [2017_11_12 11:17:00] name marafon_33 [S] [2017_11_12 11:17:00] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_12 11:17:01] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_12 11:17:01] id 642082 [S] [2017_11_12 11:17:01] name KiLLeR89NuR [S] [2017_11_12 11:17:01] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_12 11:17:01] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_12 11:17:01] id 642080 [S] [2017_11_12 11:17:01] name zheka_strelok2 [S] [2017_11_12 11:17:01] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_12 11:17:02] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_12 11:17:02] id 642102 [S] [2017_11_12 11:17:02] name kopral_sergej [S] [2017_11_12 11:17:02] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_12 11:17:03] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_12 11:17:03] id 642116 [S] [2017_11_12 11:17:03] name Tarasenko76 [S] [2017_11_12 11:17:03] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_12 11:17:05] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_12 11:17:05] id 642090 [S] [2017_11_12 11:17:05] name Verbitskiy12 [S] [2017_11_12 11:17:05] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_12 11:17:05] @ launchpadAppeared 642090 [S] [2017_11_12 11:17:05] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_12 11:17:05] id 642088 [S] [2017_11_12 11:17:05] name bogzevs [S] [2017_11_12 11:17:05] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_12 11:17:05] @ launchpadAppeared 642088 [S] [2017_11_12 11:17:05] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_12 11:17:05] id 642118 [S] [2017_11_12 11:17:05] name Tier099 [S] [2017_11_12 11:17:05] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_12 11:17:05] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_12 11:17:05] Avatar.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_12 11:17:05] ! A.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_12 11:17:05] BattleDataContext.__onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_12 11:17:05] Avatar.onWorldStateReceived [S] [2017_11_12 11:17:05] BattleChatSystem IN Context [S] [2017_11_12 11:17:10] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2017_11_12 11:17:10] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: Battle [S] [2017_11_12 11:17:10] ('[ERROR] FeedbackController: empty config for event repair_finished',) [S] [2017_11_12 11:17:10] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2017_11_12 11:17:43] -= BATTLE STARTED =- [S] [2017_11_12 11:18:20] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Samum1989_geroj', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/59103429', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510474700L, 'isDelayed': False, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xba\xd1\x83', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_12 11:18:42] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_12 11:18:42] id 642088 [S] [2017_11_12 11:18:42] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_12 11:18:52] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Samum1989_geroj', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/59103429', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510474732L, 'isDelayed': False, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xa9\xd0\xb0 \xd1\x81\xd1\x83\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb4\xd1\x83\xd0\xba \xd0\xbe\xd1\x82\xd0\xba\xd1\x80\xd1\x8b\xd0\xbb 50\xd0\xba \xd1\x87\xd0\xb8\xd1\x81\xd1\x82\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb3\xd0\xbe \xd0\xbe\xd0\xbf\xd1\x8b\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_12 11:18:56] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_12 11:19:01] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_12 11:19:04] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_12 11:19:09] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_12 11:19:10] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_12 11:19:10] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_12 11:19:10] id 642084 [S] [2017_11_12 11:19:10] name NoRDiXx [S] [2017_11_12 11:19:10] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_12 11:19:11] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_12 11:19:11] id 642114 [S] [2017_11_12 11:19:11] name klin57 [S] [2017_11_12 11:19:11] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_12 11:19:11] @ launchpadAppeared 642114 [S] [2017_11_12 11:19:11] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_12 11:19:12] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_12 11:19:14] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_12 11:19:19] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_12 11:19:22] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_12 11:19:22] id 642104 [S] [2017_11_12 11:19:22] name inter74_2013 [S] [2017_11_12 11:19:22] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_12 11:19:24] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_12 11:19:26] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_12 11:19:27] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 17222686 {'jid': '17222686@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'bob7771', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_12 11:19:29] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_12 11:19:29] id 642124 [S] [2017_11_12 11:19:32] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_12 11:19:32] id 642104 [S] [2017_11_12 11:19:32] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_12 11:19:32] id 642104 [S] [2017_11_12 11:19:32] name inter74_2013 [S] [2017_11_12 11:19:32] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_12 11:19:32] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_12 11:19:32] id 642082 [S] [2017_11_12 11:19:42] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_12 11:19:56] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_12 11:19:56] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_12 11:20:04] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_12 11:20:05] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_12 11:20:05] id 642082 [S] [2017_11_12 11:20:05] name KiLLeR89NuR [S] [2017_11_12 11:20:05] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_12 11:20:08] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_12 11:20:10] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_12 11:20:11] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_12 11:20:12] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_12 11:20:14] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_12 11:20:17] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_12 11:20:17] id 642078 [S] [2017_11_12 11:20:17] name uzerr [S] [2017_11_12 11:20:17] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_12 11:20:20] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_12 11:20:26] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_12 11:20:26] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_12 11:20:27] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_12 11:20:27] id 642078 [S] [2017_11_12 11:20:28] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_12 11:20:34] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_12 11:20:34] id 642078 [S] [2017_11_12 11:20:34] name uzerr [S] [2017_11_12 11:20:34] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_12 11:20:35] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 59103429 {'jid': '59103429@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Samum1989_geroj', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_12 11:20:40] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_12 11:20:40] id 642086 [S] [2017_11_12 11:20:40] name DA_KZ16 [S] [2017_11_12 11:20:40] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_12 11:20:47] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_12 11:20:50] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_12 11:21:02] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_12 11:21:02] DEBUG: onChatMessage args ('', '', {'avatarId': 642087, 'achievementId': 4277330864L, 'type': -1}) [S] [2017_11_12 11:21:04] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_12 11:21:05] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 17222686 {'jid': '17222686@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'bob7771', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_12 11:21:08] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_12 11:21:14] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_12 11:21:14] id 642086 [S] [2017_11_12 11:21:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_12 11:21:26] id 642084 [S] [2017_11_12 11:21:30] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_12 11:21:30] id 642086 [S] [2017_11_12 11:21:30] name DA_KZ16 [S] [2017_11_12 11:21:30] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_12 11:21:53] connection problem!!! [E] [2017_11_12 11:21:53] ServerConnection::onTimeOut(642117): Disconnecting due to channel timing out. [S] [2017_11_12 11:21:53] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 6 NOT_SET [S] [2017_11_12 11:21:53] [LOGIN] Setting gIsConnected to False [S] [2017_11_12 11:21:58] connection problem!!! [S] [2017_11_12 11:21:58] clearAll 0 True [S] [2017_11_12 11:21:58] ClanProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_12 11:21:58] ClanProxy.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_12 11:21:58] (, 80999132267601, 73): handleChannelError, ('room destroyed', 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 6) [S] [2017_11_12 11:21:58] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened False [isChatBoxOpened] __updateChannelInfo channel.isChatBoxOpened False False [S] [2017_11_12 11:21:58] AccountLevelingProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_12 11:21:58] PreBattleInfoHolder.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_12 11:21:58] ShutDownProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_12 11:21:58] ShutDownProxy.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_12 11:21:58] StatsProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_12 11:21:58] StatsProxy.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_12 11:21:58] CampaignsProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_12 11:21:58] IngamePortalProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_12 11:21:58] IngameNewsProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_12 11:21:58] LootboxProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_12 11:21:58] LootboxProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_12 11:21:58] PVEScriptsProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_12 11:21:58] PVEDatahubUtils.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_12 11:21:58] PVEScriptsProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_12 11:21:58] UserDataGate.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_12 11:21:58] UserDataGate.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_12 11:21:58] BattleChatSystem OUT OF Context [S] [2017_11_12 11:21:58] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOver [S] [2017_11_12 11:21:58] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOut [S] [2017_11_12 11:21:58] (, 51007757488877, 12): is out of context [S] [2017_11_12 11:21:58] (, 13182166089733, 190): fini [S] [2017_11_12 11:21:58] (, 51007922117933, 263): out of context [S] [2017_11_12 11:21:58] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Login, final: False [S] [2017_11_12 11:21:58] (, 39965384947628, 149): 642075; onLeaveWorld() [S] [2017_11_12 11:21:58] [Weather][2215] onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_12 11:21:58] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_12 11:21:58] id 642078 [S] [2017_11_12 11:21:58] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_12 11:21:58] id 642080 [S] [2017_11_12 11:21:58] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_12 11:21:58] id 642082 [S] [2017_11_12 11:21:58] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_12 11:21:58] id 642086 [S] [2017_11_12 11:21:58] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_12 11:21:58] id 642090 [S] [2017_11_12 11:21:58] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_12 11:21:58] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_12 11:21:58] id 642102 [S] [2017_11_12 11:21:58] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_12 11:21:58] id 642104 [S] [2017_11_12 11:21:58] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_12 11:21:58] id 642106 [S] [2017_11_12 11:21:58] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_12 11:21:58] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_12 11:21:58] id 642114 [S] [2017_11_12 11:21:58] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_12 11:21:58] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_12 11:21:58] id 642116 [S] [2017_11_12 11:21:58] Avatar.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_12 11:21:58] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_12 11:21:58] id 642118 [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:00] Exception BigWorld.EntityIsDestroyedException: 'Avatar 642117 has been destroyed' in ignored [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:02] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Login, final: False [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:05] (, 66259644693353, 191): H:; A:; C:http://csis.worldoftanks.ru/csis/wowsru/?periphery=login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020&periphery=login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020; M:['login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020', 'login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020'] [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:05] BaseLoginRequest.doLogin(): login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020 token2 ([BaseLoginCredentials] Tier099) [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:05] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:05] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:05] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 1 LOGGED_ON {"token2":"5595999:5600238760764888903:188348223544233041937730366744518602848","wgnr":"ru.wargaming.net"} [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:05] LOGGED_ON {u'token2': u'5595999:5600238760764888903:188348223544233041937730366744518602848', u'wgnr': u'ru.wargaming.net'} [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:05] [LOGIN] Positive, serverMsg: {u'token2': u'5595999:5600238760764888903:188348223544233041937730366744518602848', u'wgnr': u'ru.wargaming.net'}, status: LOGGED_ON [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:05] [LOGIN] Setting wgnr url to "https://ru.wargaming.net" [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:05] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 2 NOT_SET [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:06] Account.__init__() [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:06] [Account debuG]: __init__() Tier099 [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:06] ClanProxy.setChatHandler [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:06] ClanProxy.setInteractiveMessageData [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:06] Exception BigWorld.EntityIsDestroyedException: 'Account 537364971 has been destroyed' in ignored [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:06] (, 571883079382, 162): init [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:06] (, 574705753692, 103): Url config for realm ru as string is ResMgr.DataSection at 0x52C60B30 [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:06] (, 51003525417967, 75): in context [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:06] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 0 [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:06] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 0 [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:06] onBecomePlayer() [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:06] UserDataGate.onGetConnection [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:06] UserDataGate.onGetConnection(): 5595999 [Entity: id:2911 ['accountSimple', 'accountName']] Tier099 [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:06] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAccount [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:06] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() True 0 0 0 [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:06] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:06] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:06] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4154867632 {('Default', 4284313520L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 13, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:06] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4162207664 {('Default', 4279410608L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 6, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:06] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q04 {('Default', 4271730608L, 0): 5, ('Default', 4269633456L, 0): 5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u041e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c \u043d\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u041e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c \u043d\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'} [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:06] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4163256240 {('Default', 4282556336L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 5, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:06] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22468_q03 {('Default', 4263440304L, 0): 5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'} [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:06] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q02 {('Resource', 19, 0): 1, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u041f\u0440\u0435\u043c\u0438\u0443\u043c \u0437\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0443'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u041f\u0440\u0435\u043c\u0438\u0443\u043c \u0437\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0443'} [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:06] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4160110512 {'desc': (), ('Resource', 0, 0): 100000} {'taskNumber': 8, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:06] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4161159088 {('Default', 4283604912L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 7, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:06] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4165353392 {('Default', 4287557552L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 3, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:06] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q01 {('ResourceCoeff', 21, 17): 6.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 30): 6.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 9): 13.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 32): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 10): 3.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 5): 1.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 28): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 14): 6.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 16): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 11): 3.0, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'}, 0, 0)} {'type': 'challenge', 'titleText': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'} [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:06] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4141236144 {('Resource', 16, 0): 500, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 12, 'missionNumber': '10', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:06] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4167450544 {('Resource', 16, 0): 500, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 1, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:06] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22468_q04 {('Resource', 20, 0): 2, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'} [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:06] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4153819056 {('Default', 4279168944L, 0): 15, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 14, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:06] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4156964784 {('Resource', 0, 0): 100000, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 11, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:06] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 19 [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:06] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 1 [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:06] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 19. Boxes contents: [{4288852912L: {(0, 4283622320L): 1}, 4284658608L: {(0, 4274185136L): 1}, 4283610032L: {(0, 4273136560L): 1}, 4289901488L: {(0, 4289913776L): 1}}] [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:06] setServerTime: serverTime=1510474928 time.time()=1510474926.93 gInitialClientTime=430.937002964 [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:06] initBattleTypes called [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:06] Disabled maps: [] [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:06] getNationForTutorial() CanBeStarted: False [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:06] StatsProxy.receiveAbuseStatus(): {'battlesToClean': 0, 'statuses': {'tkill': 0}, 'warnings': ()} [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:07] _onChangeTimeOut 156 [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:09] __processDossierStats() client dossier: ['oper', 'pvp', 'oper_mm_tasks_diag', 'pve_diag', 'pvp_diag', 'oper_normal', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'pve', 'oper_mm', 'total', 'oper_normal_tasks_diag', 'max_pve', 'rank_diag', 'max_pvp', 'oper_diag', 'club_diag', 'club', 'max_club', 'clan', 'oper_hard', 'oper_hard_tasks_diag', 'max_clan'] [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:09] AccountLevelingProxy.onGetAccountStats(): (-1, -1) (15, 758845) [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:10] __updateTaskProgress start: {'22468_q03': {3: {'count': 10.0}}, '22468_q01': {2: {'count': 3}}, '22469_q01': {}, '21856_q00': {}, '22468_q05': {}, '22468_q02': {3: {'count': 549416}}, '22470_q01': {}, '22470_q02': {2: {'count': 5}}, '22470_q03': {2: {'count': 639238}, 3: {'count': 15080}, 4: {'count': 109517}}, '22470_q04': {2: {'count': 10}}, '22160_q01': {}, '22468_q04': {3: {'count': 31584}}} [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:10] __updateTaskProgress start: {'22468_q03': {'count': 1, 3: {'count': 10.0}}, '22468_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 3}}, '22469_q01': {'count': 0}, '21856_q00': {'count': 0}, '22468_q05': {'count': 0}, '22468_q02': {'count': 1, 3: {'count': 549416}}, '22470_q01': {'count': 35}, '22470_q02': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 5}}, '22470_q03': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 639238}, 3: {'count': 15080}, 4: {'count': 109517}}, '22470_q04': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 10}}, '22160_q01': {'count': 0}, '22468_q04': {'count': 1, 3: {'count': 31584}}} [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:10] onGetRankBattlesInfo currentSeason: 7, PlayerInfo: None [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:10] onGetRankDossier() seasonId = 7 Empty [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:10] ---- no data for seasonId: 7 [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:10] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onGetSeasonRules: config False, {'seasonId': 1, 'operations': {4291341232L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 3, 'unlockTime': 1500429600, 'caps': 3}, 4292389808L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1499824800, 'caps': 3}, 4290292656L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1501034400, 'caps': 3}, 4293438384L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1501639200, 'caps': 3}}, 'currentOperationIdx': 1, 'roster': [4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L, 4293438384L], 'startTime': 1499824800, 'seasons': {1: {'operations': [4293438384L, 4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}, 2: {'operations': [], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}}, 'currentRotationTime': 1510106400, 'nextRotationTime': 1510711200, 'stage': 2} [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:10] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onLoadProgress: config False, season False, {'operations': {'hard': [], 'normal': [(4287146928L, [1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 0]), (4288195504L, [1509007262, 1509007262, 1509007262, 0, 0, 0]), (4290292656L, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])]}, 'seasons': {'hard': [], 'normal': [(2, 1509007262)]}} [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:11] onClanResponse: response=(1, 0, (430246, (430246, u'FLY', u'FLY', 16777215, u'executive_officer', u'\u0417\u0434\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0443\u0439\u0442\u0435 \u0442\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0449\u0438, \u0443 \u043a\u043e\u0433\u043e \u0435\u0441\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0431\u043b\u0438 10-\u0433\u043e \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u043d\u044f, \u0438 \u0433\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0441\u043e\u0432\u0430\u044f \u0432\u0441\u044f\u0437\u044c \u043d\u0443\u0436\u043d\u043e \u0441\u044b\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d\u043e\u0432\u044b\u0435 \u0431\u043e\u0438 - \u0441\u0442\u0430\u0432\u0442\u0435 + \u043c\u043d\u0435 \u0432 \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443 \u043a\u0442\u043e \u0433\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432', {47518727: {'role': u'private'}, 162314: {'role': u'private'}, 33301518: {'role': u'private'}, 31456527: {'role': u'private'}, 58161041: {'role': u'private'}, 19410835: {'role': u'private'}, 2557718: {'role': u'private'}, 27883543: {'role': u'private'}, 73537307: {'role': u'private'}, 17222686: {'role': u'private'}, 310434: {'role': u'private'}, 11428651: {'role': u'private'}, 2445100: {'role': u'private'}, 7715120: {'role': u'private'}, 69118514: {'role': u'commander'}, 71811251: {'role': u'private'}, 59694238: {'role': u'private'}, 62222528: {'role': u'private'}, 47245249: {'role': u'private'}, 59103429: {'role': u'private'}, 35853511: {'role': u'private'}, 69416610: {'role': u'private'}, 65031124: {'role': u'private'}, 5595999: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 8706534: {'role': u'private'}, 37230: {'role': u'private'}, 1515506: {'role': u'private'}, 71303028: {'role': u'private'}, 5426549: {'role': u'private'}, 22453883: {'role': u'private'}}, {75100162: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3925161}, 75116563: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10679440}, 75116564: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5595999}, 75104791: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1901451}, 75104792: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12037438}, 75104793: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47518727}, 75100186: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4688253}, 75104795: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26571092}, 75100188: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 872384}, 75104797: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5326927}, 75104799: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2557718}, 75100217: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58161041}, 75100219: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36672236}, 75100220: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12445172}, 75100221: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11262324}, 75092406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86780640}, 75100940: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1550733}, 75088485: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11437327}, 75088488: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86912728}, 75115802: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19050869}, 75099931: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 64096589}, 75104796: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24059614}, 75100189: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 16896550}, 75100187: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26497012}, 75105224: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5163046}, 75115804: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3700101}, 75100858: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65353479}, 75100859: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4549361}, 75100860: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19163627}, 75100862: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 15486060}, 75100864: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24960589}, 75101403: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13829345}, 75101405: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2774140}, 75101406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19410835}, 75105005: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2514322}, 75105006: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 6071074}, 75105007: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21765943}, 75105008: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13351014}, 75105009: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10744094}, 75105010: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8213596}, 75105533: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 32758788}, 75105534: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35843415}, 75105535: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19416306}, 75099910: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 22471163}, 75099912: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47356661}, 75099913: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20821811}, 75099914: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 38322742}, 75099915: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 57543888}, 75099916: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5426549}, 75100941: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1431883}, 75100942: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 744012}, 75100943: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 69416610}, 75100944: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36933861}, 75100946: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4337469}, 75115800: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47245249}, 75115801: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2723422}, 75099930: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35480962}, 75115803: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65031124}, 75099932: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5239563}, 75099933: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5564244}, 75105068: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 27883543}, 75099952: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11428651}, 75115830: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 62222528}, 75115831: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8664152}, 75115833: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59103429}, 75115837: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4858560}, 75115840: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 7424262}, 75099461: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 33301518}, 75104134: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 225652}, 75101613: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 162314}, 75101614: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 75991473}, 75100081: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71303028}, 75100082: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79542157}, 75100083: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 76103}, 75100084: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80535214}, 75100085: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5965559}, 75100086: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71777625}, 75092407: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 72132668}, 75092409: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65107864}, 75092412: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58685850}, 75104707: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13658244}, 75104708: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 77607300}, 75104710: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79957325}, 75104712: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2809573}, 75105225: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 61831778}, 75105226: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 48512704}, 75105227: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82400346}, 75105229: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59694238}, 75105230: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24318025}, 75105232: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35446652}, 75100114: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21297715}, 75100115: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2636501}, 75100116: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 23508047}, 75100117: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4104445}, 75113468: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80938462}, 75100157: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82347121}, 75113470: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8706534}, 75113467: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1207353}, 75100156: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65362617}, 75113469: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 17222686}, 75100158: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20158906}, 75113471: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4261263}}, 30, 30, None))) [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:11] ClanProxy.onClanResponse(): 1 (430246, (430246, u'FLY', u'FLY', 16777215, u'executive_officer', u'\u0417\u0434\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0443\u0439\u0442\u0435 \u0442\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0449\u0438, \u0443 \u043a\u043e\u0433\u043e \u0435\u0441\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0431\u043b\u0438 10-\u0433\u043e \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u043d\u044f, \u0438 \u0433\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0441\u043e\u0432\u0430\u044f \u0432\u0441\u044f\u0437\u044c \u043d\u0443\u0436\u043d\u043e \u0441\u044b\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d\u043e\u0432\u044b\u0435 \u0431\u043e\u0438 - \u0441\u0442\u0430\u0432\u0442\u0435 + \u043c\u043d\u0435 \u0432 \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443 \u043a\u0442\u043e \u0433\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432', {47518727: {'role': u'private'}, 162314: {'role': u'private'}, 33301518: {'role': u'private'}, 31456527: {'role': u'private'}, 58161041: {'role': u'private'}, 19410835: {'role': u'private'}, 2557718: {'role': u'private'}, 27883543: {'role': u'private'}, 73537307: {'role': u'private'}, 17222686: {'role': u'private'}, 310434: {'role': u'private'}, 11428651: {'role': u'private'}, 2445100: {'role': u'private'}, 7715120: {'role': u'private'}, 69118514: {'role': u'commander'}, 71811251: {'role': u'private'}, 59694238: {'role': u'private'}, 62222528: {'role': u'private'}, 47245249: {'role': u'private'}, 59103429: {'role': u'private'}, 35853511: {'role': u'private'}, 69416610: {'role': u'private'}, 65031124: {'role': u'private'}, 5595999: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 8706534: {'role': u'private'}, 37230: {'role': u'private'}, 1515506: {'role': u'private'}, 71303028: {'role': u'private'}, 5426549: {'role': u'private'}, 22453883: {'role': u'private'}}, {75100162: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3925161}, 75116563: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10679440}, 75116564: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5595999}, 75104791: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1901451}, 75104792: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12037438}, 75104793: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47518727}, 75100186: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4688253}, 75104795: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26571092}, 75100188: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 872384}, 75104797: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5326927}, 75104799: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2557718}, 75100217: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58161041}, 75100219: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36672236}, 75100220: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12445172}, 75100221: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11262324}, 75092406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86780640}, 75100940: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1550733}, 75088485: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11437327}, 75088488: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86912728}, 75115802: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19050869}, 75099931: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 64096589}, 75104796: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24059614}, 75100189: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 16896550}, 75100187: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26497012}, 75105224: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5163046}, 75115804: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3700101}, 75100858: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65353479}, 75100859: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4549361}, 75100860: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19163627}, 75100862: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 15486060}, 75100864: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24960589}, 75101403: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13829345}, 75101405: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2774140}, 75101406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19410835}, 75105005: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2514322}, 75105006: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 6071074}, 75105007: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21765943}, 75105008: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13351014}, 75105009: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10744094}, 75105010: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8213596}, 75105533: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 32758788}, 75105534: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35843415}, 75105535: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19416306}, 75099910: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 22471163}, 75099912: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47356661}, 75099913: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20821811}, 75099914: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 38322742}, 75099915: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 57543888}, 75099916: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5426549}, 75100941: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1431883}, 75100942: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 744012}, 75100943: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 69416610}, 75100944: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36933861}, 75100946: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4337469}, 75115800: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47245249}, 75115801: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2723422}, 75099930: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35480962}, 75115803: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65031124}, 75099932: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5239563}, 75099933: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5564244}, 75105068: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 27883543}, 75099952: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11428651}, 75115830: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 62222528}, 75115831: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8664152}, 75115833: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59103429}, 75115837: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4858560}, 75115840: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 7424262}, 75099461: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 33301518}, 75104134: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 225652}, 75101613: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 162314}, 75101614: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 75991473}, 75100081: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71303028}, 75100082: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79542157}, 75100083: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 76103}, 75100084: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80535214}, 75100085: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5965559}, 75100086: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71777625}, 75092407: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 72132668}, 75092409: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65107864}, 75092412: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58685850}, 75104707: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13658244}, 75104708: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 77607300}, 75104710: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79957325}, 75104712: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2809573}, 75105225: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 61831778}, 75105226: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 48512704}, 75105227: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82400346}, 75105229: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59694238}, 75105230: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24318025}, 75105232: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35446652}, 75100114: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21297715}, 75100115: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2636501}, 75100116: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 23508047}, 75100117: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4104445}, 75113468: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80938462}, 75100157: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82347121}, 75113470: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8706534}, 75113467: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1207353}, 75100156: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65362617}, 75113469: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 17222686}, 75100158: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20158906}, 75113471: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4261263}}, 30, 30, None)) [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:11] ClanProxy.__onGetMyClan: False (430246, (430246, u'FLY', u'FLY', 16777215, u'executive_officer', u'\u0417\u0434\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0443\u0439\u0442\u0435 \u0442\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0449\u0438, \u0443 \u043a\u043e\u0433\u043e \u0435\u0441\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0431\u043b\u0438 10-\u0433\u043e \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u043d\u044f, \u0438 \u0433\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0441\u043e\u0432\u0430\u044f \u0432\u0441\u044f\u0437\u044c \u043d\u0443\u0436\u043d\u043e \u0441\u044b\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044c \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d\u043e\u0432\u044b\u0435 \u0431\u043e\u0438 - \u0441\u0442\u0430\u0432\u0442\u0435 + \u043c\u043d\u0435 \u0432 \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443 \u043a\u0442\u043e \u0433\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432', {47518727: {'role': u'private'}, 162314: {'role': u'private'}, 33301518: {'role': u'private'}, 31456527: {'role': u'private'}, 58161041: {'role': u'private'}, 19410835: {'role': u'private'}, 2557718: {'role': u'private'}, 27883543: {'role': u'private'}, 73537307: {'role': u'private'}, 17222686: {'role': u'private'}, 310434: {'role': u'private'}, 11428651: {'role': u'private'}, 2445100: {'role': u'private'}, 7715120: {'role': u'private'}, 69118514: {'role': u'commander'}, 71811251: {'role': u'private'}, 59694238: {'role': u'private'}, 62222528: {'role': u'private'}, 47245249: {'role': u'private'}, 59103429: {'role': u'private'}, 35853511: {'role': u'private'}, 69416610: {'role': u'private'}, 65031124: {'role': u'private'}, 5595999: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 8706534: {'role': u'private'}, 37230: {'role': u'private'}, 1515506: {'role': u'private'}, 71303028: {'role': u'private'}, 5426549: {'role': u'private'}, 22453883: {'role': u'private'}}, {75100162: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3925161}, 75116563: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10679440}, 75116564: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5595999}, 75104791: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1901451}, 75104792: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12037438}, 75104793: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47518727}, 75100186: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4688253}, 75104795: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26571092}, 75100188: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 872384}, 75104797: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5326927}, 75104799: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2557718}, 75100217: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58161041}, 75100219: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36672236}, 75100220: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 12445172}, 75100221: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11262324}, 75092406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86780640}, 75100940: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1550733}, 75088485: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11437327}, 75088488: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 86912728}, 75115802: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19050869}, 75099931: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 64096589}, 75104796: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24059614}, 75100189: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 16896550}, 75100187: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 26497012}, 75105224: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5163046}, 75115804: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 3700101}, 75100858: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65353479}, 75100859: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4549361}, 75100860: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19163627}, 75100862: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 15486060}, 75100864: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24960589}, 75101403: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13829345}, 75101405: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2774140}, 75101406: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19410835}, 75105005: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2514322}, 75105006: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 6071074}, 75105007: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21765943}, 75105008: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13351014}, 75105009: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 10744094}, 75105010: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8213596}, 75105533: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 32758788}, 75105534: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35843415}, 75105535: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 19416306}, 75099910: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 22471163}, 75099912: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47356661}, 75099913: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20821811}, 75099914: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 38322742}, 75099915: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 57543888}, 75099916: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5426549}, 75100941: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1431883}, 75100942: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 744012}, 75100943: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 69416610}, 75100944: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 36933861}, 75100946: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4337469}, 75115800: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 47245249}, 75115801: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2723422}, 75099930: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35480962}, 75115803: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65031124}, 75099932: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5239563}, 75099933: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5564244}, 75105068: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 27883543}, 75099952: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 11428651}, 75115830: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 62222528}, 75115831: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8664152}, 75115833: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59103429}, 75115837: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4858560}, 75115840: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 7424262}, 75099461: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 33301518}, 75104134: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 225652}, 75101613: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 162314}, 75101614: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 75991473}, 75100081: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71303028}, 75100082: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79542157}, 75100083: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 76103}, 75100084: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80535214}, 75100085: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 5965559}, 75100086: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 71777625}, 75092407: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 72132668}, 75092409: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65107864}, 75092412: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 58685850}, 75104707: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 13658244}, 75104708: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 77607300}, 75104710: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 79957325}, 75104712: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2809573}, 75105225: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 61831778}, 75105226: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 48512704}, 75105227: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82400346}, 75105229: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 59694238}, 75105230: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 24318025}, 75105232: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 35446652}, 75100114: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 21297715}, 75100115: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 2636501}, 75100116: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 23508047}, 75100117: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4104445}, 75113468: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 80938462}, 75100157: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 82347121}, 75113470: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 8706534}, 75113467: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 1207353}, 75100156: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 65362617}, 75113469: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 17222686}, 75100158: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 20158906}, 75113471: {'sender_id': 69118514, 'invitee_id': 4261263}}, 30, 30, None)) [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:11] [CampaignsCommon] onLoadedDump: loaded campaign params and player; countActiveTasks 3; data ({4290690992L: (False, True, False), 4293836720L: (True, 0, True), 4291739568L: (False, True, False), 4288593840L: (True, 0, True), 4289642416L: (False, True, False), 4292788144L: (True, 0, True)}, {4289642416L: [1, 0], 4291739568L: [1, 0], 4293836720L: [1, 1], 4288593840L: [1, 0], 4290690992L: [1, 0], 4292788144L: [1, 0]}, {4285120432L: [4, 15, 9], 4251566000L: [2, 0, 0], 4287217584L: [4, 12, 7], 4288266160L: [4, 10, 7], 4290363312L: [4, 10, 5], 4292460464L: [4, 6, 8], 4293509040L: [5, 5, 9], 4286169008L: [4, 15, 8], 4263100336L: [2, 0, 0], 4289314736L: [4, 10, 6], 4283023280L: [2, 0, 0], 4272537520L: [2, 0, 0], 4241080240L: [2, 0, 0], 4284071856L: [2, 2, 1], 4291411888L: [4, 7, 7]}, {4190519216L: (1, False, 0), 4280696752L: (5, True, 0), 4133896112L: (1, False, 0), 4207296432L: (1, False, 0), 4243996592L: (1, False, 0), 4193664944L: (5, True, 0), 4153819056L: (5, True, 0), 4187373488L: (1, False, 0), 4164304816L: (1, False, 0), 4130750384L: (1, False, 0), 4167450544L: (5, True, 0), 4204150704L: (5, True, 0), 4240850864L: (1, False, 0), 4147527600L: (1, False, 0), 4184227760L: (1, False, 0), 4220927920L: (5, True, 0), 4257628080L: (5, True, 0), 4198907824L: (5, True, 0), 4237705136L: (5, True, 0), 3904257968L: (1, False, 0), 4274405296L: (1, False, 0), 4144381872L: (1, False, 0), 3977658288L: (1, False, 0), 4181082032L: (5, True, 0), 4254482352L: (1, False, 0), 4291182512L: (5, True, 0), 3897966512L: (1, False, 0), 4161159088L: (5, True, 0), 4197859248L: (1, False, 0), 3901112240L: (1, False, 0), 4141236144L: (1, True, 0), 3974512560L: (1, False, 0), 4177936304L: (1, False, 0), 4214636464L: (1, False, 0), 4251336624L: (5, True, 0), 4288036784L: (5, True, 0), 4150673328L: (1, False, 0), 4194713520L: (5, True, 0), 4174790576L: (5, True, 0), 4081467312L: (0, False, 0), 4284891056L: (5, True, 0), 4255530928L: (5, True, 0), 4227219376L: (1, False, 0), 4252385200L: (5, True, 0), 4228267952L: (1, False, 0), 4134944688L: (1, False, 0), 4171644848L: (5, True, 0), 4208345008L: (1, False, 0), 4245045168L: (5, True, 0), 4281745328L: (5, True, 0), 4158013360L: (1, False, 0), 4151721904L: (1, False, 0), 4188422064L: (1, False, 0), 4225122224L: (1, False, 0), 4203102128L: (5, True, 0), 4261822384L: (1, False, 0), 4131798960L: (1, False, 0), 4205199280L: (5, True, 0), 4241899440L: (5, True, 0), 4278599600L: (5, True, 0), 4148576176L: (1, False, 0), 4192616368L: (5, True, 0), 4221976496L: (5, True, 0), 4258676656L: (1, False, 0), 3902160816L: (1, False, 0), 4128653232L: (0, False, 0), 4165353392L: (5, True, 0), 4238753712L: (1, False, 0), 3905306544L: (1, False, 0), 4275453872L: (1, False, 0), 4145430448L: (2, False, 0), 3978706864L: (1, False, 0), 4182130608L: (5, True, 0), 4154867632L: (5, True, 0), 4162207664L: (5, True, 0), 3975561136L: (1, False, 0), 4215685040L: (5, True, 0), 4289085360L: (5, True, 0), 4180033456L: (5, True, 0), 4159061936L: (1, False, 0), 3971366832L: (1, False, 0), 4195762096L: (5, True, 0), 3899015088L: (1, False, 0), 4139138992L: (0, False, 0), 4175839152L: (1, False, 0), 4212539312L: (1, False, 0), 4082515888L: (1, False, 0), 4285939632L: (5, True, 0), 4155916208L: (1, False, 0), 4260773808L: (5, True, 0), 4224073648L: (5, True, 0), 4229316528L: (5, True, 0), 3895869360L: (0, False, 0), 4135993264L: (1, False, 0), 4172693424L: (5, True, 0), 4209393584L: (5, True, 0), 4246093744L: (1, False, 0), 4282793904L: (5, True, 0), 4152770480L: (1, False, 0), 4160110512L: (5, True, 0), 4226170800L: (1, False, 0), 4292231088L: (5, True, 0), 4132847536L: (1, False, 0), 4189470640L: (1, False, 0), 4206247856L: (5, True, 0), 4242948016L: (1, False, 0), 4279648176L: (5, True, 0), 4149624752L: (2, False, 0), 4186324912L: (5, True, 0), 4223025072L: (1, False, 0), 4259725232L: (1, False, 0), 4142284720L: (1, False, 0), 4129701808L: (1, False, 0), 4166401968L: (1, False, 0), 4239802288L: (1, False, 0), 4276502448L: (5, True, 0), 4146479024L: (1, False, 0), 4183179184L: (1, False, 0), 4219879344L: (5, True, 0), 4256579504L: (5, True, 0), 4293279664L: (5, True, 0), 4277551024L: (5, True, 0), 4163256240L: (5, True, 0), 3972415408L: (1, False, 0), 4236656560L: (5, True, 0), 3903209392L: (1, False, 0), 4273356720L: (5, True, 0), 4143333296L: (2, False, 0), 3976609712L: (1, False, 0), 4191567792L: (5, True, 0), 4253433776L: (5, True, 0), 4290133936L: (5, True, 0), 4211490736L: (1, False, 0), 4196810672L: (1, False, 0), 3900063664L: (1, False, 0), 4140187568L: (1, False, 0), 3973463984L: (1, False, 0), 4176887728L: (5, True, 0), 4213587888L: (5, True, 0), 4083564464L: (1, False, 0), 4286988208L: (5, True, 0), 4156964784L: (5, True, 0), 4178984880L: (1, False, 0), 4230365104L: (5, True, 0), 4063641520L: (0, False, 0), 3896917936L: (1, False, 0), 3970318256L: (0, False, 0), 4173742000L: (5, True, 0), 4210442160L: (1, False, 0), 4247142320L: (5, True, 0)}) [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:11] ClanProxy.onGetClanBattles {'seasonId': 1, 'finishTime': 1513713600.0, 'primeTimes': {2: (57600, 68400), 3: (57600, 68400), 5: (57600, 68400), 6: (57600, 68400)}, 'shipLevelMax': 10, 'shipLevelMin': 10, 'startTime': 1508310000.0, 'promoTime': 1508310000.0, 'stage': 2} [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:13] >>> DockProxy.receiveState [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:13] Unlocks.receiveState [] [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:14] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 0, 'boughtToday': 0, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1510531200.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:14] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 0, 'boughtToday': 0, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1510531200.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:14] PVEScriptsProxyCommon.createPVEState() [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:14] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onGetSeasonRules: config True, {'seasonId': 1, 'operations': {4291341232L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 3, 'unlockTime': 1500429600, 'caps': 3}, 4292389808L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1499824800, 'caps': 3}, 4290292656L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1501034400, 'caps': 3}, 4293438384L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1501639200, 'caps': 3}}, 'currentOperationIdx': 1, 'roster': [4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L, 4293438384L], 'startTime': 1499824800, 'seasons': {1: {'operations': [4293438384L, 4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}, 2: {'operations': [], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}}, 'currentRotationTime': 1510106400, 'nextRotationTime': 1510711200, 'stage': 2} [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:14] [4181898160L, 4180849584L] [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:14] [4181898160L, 4180849584L] [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:14] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onLoadProgress: config True, season True, {'operations': {'hard': [], 'normal': [(4287146928L, [1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 0]), (4288195504L, [1509007262, 1509007262, 1509007262, 0, 0, 0]), (4290292656L, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])]}, 'seasons': {'hard': [], 'normal': [(2, 1509007262)]}} [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:14] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] _updateOperationCompleted: 4287146928 normal [1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 1508348850, 0] [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:14] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] _updateOperationCompleted: 4288195504 normal [1509007262, 1509007262, 1509007262, 0, 0, 0] [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:14] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] _updateOperationCompleted: 4290292656 normal [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:14] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] _updateSeasonCompleted: 2 normal 1509007262 [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:14] onClanResponse: response=(6, 0, {'league': 4, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 430246, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division_rating': 0, 'stage': 'league'}) [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:14] ClanProxy.onClanResponse(): 6 {'league': 4, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 430246, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division_rating': 0, 'stage': 'league'} [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:14] ClanDataHubUtils.addLadderInfo: {'league': 4, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 430246, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division_rating': 0, 'stage': 'league'} [E] [2017_11_12 11:22:14] Can only call base methods on the connected entity [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:14] onGameRoomStateInit mapIdx = 4 battleType = 80 gameMode = StandDom duration=1200 [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:14] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:14] GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:15] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Login, final: False [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:15] Avatar.receiveAvatarInfo: {'evaluationsLeft': {0: 7, 1: 7}} [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:15] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAvatar [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:15] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() False 0 0 0 [E] [2017_11_12 11:22:15] Entity::enterWorld: Got entity 642117 before carrying vehicle 642118 (going into limbo) [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:15] Avatar.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:15] name Tier099 [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:15] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:15] Avatar onControlled False [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:15] onControlled->False: not implemented [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:15] onGeometryMapped() MapName: 05_Ring [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:15] teamBuildType: 0 [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:15] player: Id: 537364971 Name: Tier099 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSD104_V_170 avatarId: 642117 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:15] player: Id: 537402646 Name: bogzevs TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSA002_Hosho_1939 avatarId: 642087 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:15] player: Id: 537372426 Name: KiLLeR89NuR TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB004_Arkansas_1912 avatarId: 642081 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:15] player: Id: 521616 Name: NoRDiXx TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASC024_Phoenix_1917 avatarId: 642083 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:15] player: Id: 537309843 Name: DA_KZ16 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSD104_Izyaslav avatarId: 642085 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:15] player: Id: 549782 Name: zheka_strelok2 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSD103_Derzky avatarId: 642079 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:15] player: Id: 537461402 Name: Verbitskiy12 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASA004_Langley_1929 avatarId: 642089 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:15] player: Id: 537281437 Name: Parabalans TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSC104_Svetlana avatarId: 642091 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:15] player: Id: 577955 Name: LeshiyMeister TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSB104_Kaiser avatarId: 642093 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:15] player: Id: 537364916 Name: david_0030 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSD003_Isokaze_1917 avatarId: 642095 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:15] player: Id: 454841 Name: Cherepaha_23rus TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASA004_Langley_1929 avatarId: 642097 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:15] player: Id: 514493 Name: 7dimon3 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASA004_Langley_1929 avatarId: 642099 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:15] player: Id: 537322689 Name: kopral_sergej TeamId: 1 ShipName: PBSC104_Danae avatarId: 642101 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:15] player: Id: 419778 Name: inter74_2013 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSC104_Svetlana avatarId: 642103 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:15] player: Id: 537367110 Name: DISO_00 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSC013_Kuma_1938 avatarId: 642105 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:15] player: Id: 448084 Name: RmD1 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSC015_Tatsuta_1919 avatarId: 642107 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:15] player: Id: 431445 Name: vostok35 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PBSB104_Orion avatarId: 642109 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:15] player: Id: 537392997 Name: Mchciri TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSC104_Svetlana avatarId: 642111 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:15] player: Id: 537281126 Name: klin57 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSC104_Duguay_Trouin avatarId: 642113 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:15] player: Id: 417642 Name: Tarasenko76 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSC103_Bogatyr avatarId: 642115 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:15] player: Id: 537351275 Name: uzerr TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSC103_Kolberg avatarId: 642077 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:15] player: Id: 537359089 Name: ss194 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSB003_Myogi_1912 avatarId: 642119 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:15] player: Id: 537379442 Name: GOHIA82 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSD003_Isokaze_1917 avatarId: 642121 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:15] player: Id: 537439642 Name: marafon_33 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSC104_Svetlana avatarId: 642123 isBot: False [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:15] (, 39965384947628, 149): 642075; BattleLogic() [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:15] (, 39965384947628, 149): 642075; onEnterWorld() State: {attentionMarkers: [], clientAnimations: None, controlPoints: [{position: [149.99990844726562, 149.9998016357422], radius: 111.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 5, timerName: '', teamId: 1, progress: [0.0, 180.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [-149.99990844726562, -149.99990844726562], radius: 111.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 5, timerName: '', teamId: 0, progress: [0.0, 180.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}], entityStates: [], expectedActions: None, interactiveZones: [], weather: {globalWeatherId: 642076, localWeather: [], entityLogicParams: []}, keyObjects: [], missions: {hold: [{reward: 2, penalty: 0, cpIndices: [0, 1], period: 6}], capture: [{reward: 1000, penalty: 0, cpIndices: [0, 1]}], destroy: [], suppress: [], kill: [{reward: 30, penalty: 45, shipType: 'Destroyer'}, {reward: 35, penalty: 50, shipType: 'Cruiser'}, {reward: 40, penalty: 60, shipType: 'Battleship'}, {reward: 45, penalty: 65, shipType: 'AirCarrier'}], teamsScore: [230, 475], teamWinScore: 1000, teamLoseScore: 0}, resources: [], successStoryProgress: [], screenplayMessage: '', tasks: [], minefields: [], entities: [], effects: []} [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:15] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:15] BattleDataContext.__onEnterSpace [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:15] -= BATTLE STARTED =- [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:15] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:35] id 642104 [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:35] name inter74_2013 [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:35] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:35] id 642086 [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:35] name DA_KZ16 [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:35] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:35] id 642090 [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:35] name Verbitskiy12 [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:35] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:35] @ launchpadAppeared 642090 [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:35] id 642112 [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:35] name Mchciri [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:35] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:35] [Weather][2215] onEnterWorld (map spaces/05_Ring/weathers.xml, scheme 0, weather 0) [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:35] id 642082 [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:35] name KiLLeR89NuR [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:35] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:35] id 642118 [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:35] name Tier099 [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:35] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:35] id 642116 [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:35] name Tarasenko76 [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:35] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:35] id 642114 [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:35] name klin57 [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:35] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:35] @ launchpadAppeared 642114 [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:35] id 642078 [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:35] name uzerr [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:35] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:35] id 642106 [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:35] name DISO_00 [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:35] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:35] @ launchpadAppeared 642106 [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:36] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:36] Avatar.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:36] ! A.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:36] BattleDataContext.__onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:36] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:36] id 642092 [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:36] name Parabalans [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:36] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:36] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:36] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:36] id 642102 [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:36] name kopral_sergej [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:36] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:36] Avatar.onWorldStateReceived [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:36] BattleChatSystem IN Context [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:36] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:40] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:41] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:41] id 642080 [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:41] name zheka_strelok2 [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:41] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:41] ('[ERROR] FeedbackController: empty config for event repair_finished',) [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:41] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:52] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:52] id 642122 [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:52] name GOHIA82 [S] [2017_11_12 11:22:52] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_12 11:23:25] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_12 11:24:30] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_12 11:24:39] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_12 11:24:39] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_12 11:24:39] id 642108 [S] [2017_11_12 11:24:39] name RmD1 [S] [2017_11_12 11:24:39] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_12 11:24:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_12 11:24:52] id 642090 [S] [2017_11_12 11:24:52] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_12 11:25:22] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_12 11:25:22] id 642098 [S] [2017_11_12 11:25:22] name Cherepaha_23rus [S] [2017_11_12 11:25:22] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_12 11:25:22] @ launchpadAppeared 642098 [S] [2017_11_12 11:25:34] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_12 11:25:34] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_12 11:25:57] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_12 11:26:06] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_12 11:26:06] id 642084 [S] [2017_11_12 11:26:06] name NoRDiXx [S] [2017_11_12 11:26:06] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_12 11:26:11] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_12 11:26:11] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_12 11:26:14] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_12 11:26:14] id 642100 [S] [2017_11_12 11:26:14] name 7dimon3 [S] [2017_11_12 11:26:14] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_12 11:26:14] @ launchpadAppeared 642100 [S] [2017_11_12 11:26:36] DEBUG: onChatMessage args ('', '', {'avatarId': 642109, 'achievementId': 4273136560L, 'type': -1}) [S] [2017_11_12 11:26:36] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_12 11:26:36] id 642096 [S] [2017_11_12 11:26:36] name david_0030 [S] [2017_11_12 11:26:36] team id 1 [S] [2017_11_12 11:26:55] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_12 11:26:55] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_12 11:27:17] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_12 11:27:17] id 642110 [S] [2017_11_12 11:27:17] name vostok35 [S] [2017_11_12 11:27:17] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_12 11:27:26] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2017_11_12 11:27:26] id 642120 [S] [2017_11_12 11:27:26] name ss194 [S] [2017_11_12 11:27:26] team id 0 [S] [2017_11_12 11:27:26] @ launchpadAppeared 642120 [S] [2017_11_12 11:27:42] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_12 11:27:44] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_12 11:27:55] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:15] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:22] Vehicle.kill [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:22] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:22] battle finish - Victory [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:22] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOver [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:22] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOut [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:22] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: PostBattle, final: False [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:24] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: PostBattleWindow [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:24] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: PostBattle, final: False [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:24] setFpsGathererActive(False) [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:25] (, 39965384947628, 149): 642075; onLeaveWorld() [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:25] [Weather][2215] onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:25] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:25] id 642078 [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:25] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:25] id 642080 [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:25] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:25] id 642082 [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:25] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:25] id 642084 [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:25] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:25] id 642086 [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:25] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:25] id 642092 [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:25] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:25] id 642096 [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:25] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:25] id 642098 [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:25] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:25] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:25] id 642100 [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:25] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:25] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:25] id 642102 [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:25] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:25] id 642104 [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:25] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:25] id 642106 [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:25] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:25] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:25] id 642108 [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:25] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:25] id 642110 [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:25] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:25] id 642112 [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:25] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:25] id 642114 [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:25] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:25] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:25] id 642116 [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:25] Avatar.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:25] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:25] id 642118 [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:25] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:25] id 642120 [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:25] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:25] id 642122 [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:26] Account.__init__() [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:26] [Account debuG]: __init__() Tier099 [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:26] ClanProxy.setChatHandler [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:26] ClanProxy.setInteractiveMessageData [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:26] Exception BigWorld.EntityIsDestroyedException: 'Account 537364971 has been destroyed' in ignored [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:26] onBecomePlayer() [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:26] UserDataGate.onGetConnection [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:26] UserDataGate.onGetConnection(): 5595999 [Entity: id:2911 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'teamKiller', 'accountLevel', 'clanman']] Tier099 [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:26] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4185798448L: {'exp': 5661}}, 'changedCrews': {32: {'exp': 3552}}, 'moneyXP': 50, 'lootboxes': {'lootExp': 993, 'boughtToday': 0, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1510531200.0, 'curBoxType': 0}} [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:26] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 993, 'boughtToday': 0, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1510531200.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:26] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': 48330, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:26] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -6076, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:26] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4185798448 0 [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:26] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4185798448L: {'slots': {1: {'del_slots': 1}}}}} [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:26] leaveBattleSession() Reason: 0 Info: None [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:26] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:26] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:27] Sent FPS data [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:27] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] chooseOperation: 4291341232 normal True [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:27] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onOperationChosen: 4291341232 normal True [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:27] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] chooseOperation: 0 normal False [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:27] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onOperationChosen: 0 normal False [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:27] (, 51003611475748, 141): is in context [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:27] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}, interval: (1510498800.0, 1510502380.0)",) [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:27] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 23492 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510498800.0, 1510502380.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:27] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'start'}, interval: (1510502400.0, 1510502400.0)",) [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:27] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 23492 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510498800.0, 1510502380.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:27] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'end'}, interval: (1510513200.0, 1510513200.0)",) [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:27] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 23492 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510498800.0, 1510502380.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:27] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}, interval: (1510758000.0, 1510761580.0)",) [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:27] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 23492 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510498800.0, 1510502380.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:27] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'start'}, interval: (1510761600.0, 1510761600.0)",) [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:27] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 23492 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510498800.0, 1510502380.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:27] (, 66358768740802, 387): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'end'}, interval: (1510772400.0, 1510772400.0)",) [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:27] (, 66384123174476, 15): next message in: 23492 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1510498800.0, 1510502380.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:27] updateActionsProgress: {0: [(4185798448L, 1)]} [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:27] __updateTaskProgress start: {} [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:27] updateActionsProgress: {'22470_q01': {'count': 36}} [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:27] __updateTaskProgress start: {'22470_q01': {'count': 36}} [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:27] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: changed tasks [4143333296L, 4145430448L, 4149624752L] [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:27] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4143333296 data (False, 0, None, None) [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:27] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4145430448 data (False, 0, None, None) [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:27] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4149624752 data (False, 0, None, None) [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:27] StatsProxy.receiveAbuseStatus(): {'battlesToClean': 0, 'statuses': {'tkill': 0}, 'warnings': ()} [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:27] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAccount [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:27] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() True 0 0 0 [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:27] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:27] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:28] Sent FPS data [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:28] (, 20685599789093, 264): keys: ['dossier', 'accPoints'] [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:28] __processDossierStats() client dossier: ['oper', 'pvp', 'oper_mm_tasks_diag', 'pve_diag', 'pvp_diag', 'oper_normal', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'pve', 'oper_mm', 'total', 'oper_normal_tasks_diag', 'max_pve', 'rank_diag', 'max_pvp', 'oper_diag', 'club_diag', 'club', 'max_club', 'clan', 'oper_hard', 'oper_hard_tasks_diag', 'max_clan'] [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:28] AccountLevelingProxy.onGetAccountStats(): (15, 758845) (15, 759838) [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:28] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:28] BR: {'credits': 32220, 'credits_penalty': 0, 'exp_penalty': 0, 'exp': 441, 'credits_compensation': 0} [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:28] BR: {'elite_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'free_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'ship_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [['FIRST_WIN', 0.5, True, 0]], 'mod': []}, 'credits': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'crew_exp': {'sse': [['22470_q01', 0.5, True, 0]], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'acc_level': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}} [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:28] BR: {'auto_repair_list': [['IDS_SSE_REPAIR_DISCOUNT', 0.0, True, 0]], 'auto_exterior_list': [], 'auto_exterior_credits': 0, 'auto_camo_credits': 0, 'exp_enabled': True, 'abilities_applied': True, 'auto_repair_factor': 1.0, 'auto_load_credits': 1076, 'acc_points_enabled': True, 'free_exp_enabled': True, 'free_exp_factor': 0.05, 'ship_service_enabled': True, 'aogas_factor': 1.0, 'auto_exterior_gold': 0, 'premium_credits_factor': 1.5, 'premium_exp_factor': 1.5, 'auto_abilities_list': [], 'auto_camo_list': [], 'clan_supply_bonuses_enabled': True, 'camo_applied': True, 'auto_repair_credits': 5000, 'exterior_applied': True, 'serve_applied': True, 'auto_camo_gold': 0, 'crew_exp_enabled': True, 'auto_abilities_gold': 0, 'auto_load_list': [[92, 276], [16, 800], [0, 0]], 'auto_abilities_credits': 0, 'credits_enabled': True, 'aogas_online': 0} [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:28] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:28] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:28] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:28] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:28] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:28] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:28] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:28] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:28] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_bomb default - N/A [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:28] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_bomb default - N/A [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:28] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:28] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:28] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:28] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:28] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:28] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:28] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:28] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:28] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:28] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:28] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:28] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:28] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:28] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:28] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:28] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:28] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:28] BuildData: Invalid path player.planes_lost default - N/A [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:28] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ResultsScreen, final: False [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:28] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 5, 'dt': 1510475304, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'achievements': (), 'expPenalty': 0, 'tasks': {'22470_q01': {'count': (36, 1), 'progress': (1.0, 1.0), 2: {'count': (0, 1)}, 'name': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'}}, 'shipsKilled': 1.0, 'arenaUniqueID': 2757688342086495L, 'battleTypeId': 5, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'mapTypeId': 4, 'credits': 48330, 'result': 1, 'exp': 993, 'shipId': 4185798448L, 'battleCreateTime': 1510474591, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 758845, 993), 'aogasFactor': 1.0}} [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:28] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 5, 'exp': 993, 'tasks': {'22470_q01': {2: {'count': (0, 1)}}}, 'aogasFactor': 1.0, 'mapBGPath': '../maps_bg/05_Ring.png', 'operationName': '', 'rankStarsDeltaChange': 0, 'earnedAchievements': [], 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_BATTLE_RESULTS_1', 'result': 1, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'uiSpecial': False, 'mapTypeId': 4, 'shipId': 4185798448L, 'accountLeveling': {'expGained': 993, 'currLevel': 15, 'prevLevel': 15, 'currLevelExp': 122000, 'expTotal': 759838, 'nextLevelExp': 122000}, 'curTasksCompleted': 0, 'mapName': 'IDS_SPACES/05_RING', 'battleTypeId': 5, 'shipLevelRome': 'IV', 'achievements': (), 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PGSD104', 'shipsKilled': 1.0, 'importance': 2, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'difficulty': '', 'prevTasksCompleted': 0, 'isElite': False, 'date': '12.11.2017 11:16', 'dt': 1510475304, 'groupId': 3, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 758845, 993), 'expPenalty': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 2757688342086495L, 'credits': 48330, 'sourceId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'viaMM': False, 'rankBattlesSeasonId': 0, 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'quests': [{'maxProgress': 100, 'day': 12, 'monthIDS': 'IDS_MONTH_11', 'battleProgress': 100.0, 'type': 'challenge', 'id': '22470_q01', 'titleText': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!', 'currentProgress': 100.0}], 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'postponed': False, 'battleCreateTime': 1510474591, 'rankDeltaChange': 0} [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:28] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:28] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:28] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:28] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:28] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:28] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:28] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_bomb default - N/A [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:28] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_bomb default - N/A [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:28] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:28] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:28] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:28] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:28] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:28] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:28] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:28] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:28] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:28] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:28] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:28] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:28] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:28] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:28] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:28] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:28] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:28] BuildData: Invalid path player.planes_lost default - N/A [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:28] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:28] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:28] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4154867632 {('Default', 4284313520L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 13, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:28] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4162207664 {('Default', 4279410608L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 6, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:28] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q04 {('Default', 4271730608L, 0): 5, ('Default', 4269633456L, 0): 5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u041e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c \u043d\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u041e\u0433\u043e\u043d\u044c \u043d\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435'} [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:28] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4163256240 {('Default', 4282556336L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 5, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:28] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22468_q03 {('Default', 4263440304L, 0): 5, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'} [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:28] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q02 {('Resource', 19, 0): 1, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u041f\u0440\u0435\u043c\u0438\u0443\u043c \u0437\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0443'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u041f\u0440\u0435\u043c\u0438\u0443\u043c \u0437\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0443'} [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:28] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4160110512 {'desc': (), ('Resource', 0, 0): 100000} {'taskNumber': 8, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:28] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4161159088 {('Default', 4283604912L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 7, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:28] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4165353392 {('Default', 4287557552L, 0): 10, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 3, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:28] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22470_q01 {('ResourceCoeff', 21, 17): 6.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 30): 6.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 9): 13.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 32): 6.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 10): 3.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 5): 1.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 28): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 14): 6.0, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 16): 4.5, ('ResourceCoeff', 21, 11): 3.0, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'}, 0, 0)} {'type': 'challenge', 'titleText': u'\u0413\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u043a \u0431\u043e\u044e!'} [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:28] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4141236144 {('Resource', 16, 0): 500, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 12, 'missionNumber': '10', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:28] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4167450544 {('Resource', 16, 0): 500, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 1, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:28] reason, taskId, data, taskData 3 22468_q04 {('Resource', 20, 0): 2, 'desc': ({'ru': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'}, 1, 0)} {'type': 'task', 'titleText': u'\u0411\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0413\u0443\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b'} [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:28] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4153819056 {('Default', 4279168944L, 0): 15, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 14, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:28] reason, taskId, data, taskData 6 4156964784 {('Resource', 0, 0): 100000, 'desc': ()} {'taskNumber': 11, 'missionNumber': '9', 'campaignName': 'PCQC001_Campaign1'} [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:28] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 19 [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:28] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 1 [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:28] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 19. Boxes contents: [{4288852912L: {(0, 4283622320L): 1}, 4284658608L: {(0, 4274185136L): 1}, 4283610032L: {(0, 4273136560L): 1}, 4289901488L: {(0, 4289913776L): 1}}] [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:28] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:28] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {73822340: None, 18502153: {'color': 16763955, 'league': None, 'tag': u'CHF', 'id': 415288, 'name': u'\u0427\u0435\u0440\u043d\u043e\u043c\u043e\u0440\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439 \u0444\u043b\u043e\u0442'}, 87748111: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'SIGA', 'id': 428220, 'name': u'\u0421\u0438\u0431\u0438\u0440\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439 \u0433\u0430\u0440\u043d\u0438\u0437\u043e\u043d'}, 28563477: None, 78927261: {'color': 13434828, 'league': None, 'tag': u'W_WS', 'id': 411630, 'name': u'Walkure:West Team'}, 39588766: None, 3992737: None, 22729257: {'color': 13395507, 'league': None, 'tag': u'W_O_G', 'id': 424279, 'name': u'\u041f\u0440\u044b\u0433 \u0421\u043a\u043e\u043a'}, 11524524: None, 87593911: None, 23289274: None, 6471101: None, 2426942: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'BUS', 'id': 429280, 'name': u'Busido'}, 2374719: None, 12922317: None, 2033232: None, 1736661: None, 75393751: None, 20412006: None, 87109995: None, 31222124: None, 35216702: None, 7814009: None} [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:29] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 4, 'dt': 1510475304, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'costShell': 1076, 'shipId': 4185798448L, 'result': False, 'costRepair': 5000}} [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:29] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 4, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SHIP_SERVE', 'costShell': 1076, 'result': False, 'shipId': 4185798448L, 'uiSpecial': False, 'shipLevelRome': 'IV', 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PGSD104', 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'isElite': False, 'dt': 1510475304, 'groupId': 5, 'costTotal': 6076, 'sourceId': 0, 'costRepair': 5000, 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'postponed': False} [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:30] ClanProxy.onChatInitialized [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:30] XmppChatHandler.joinClanChannel() 430246 [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:30] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 62222528@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:30] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: channelsGroupsIds: [] [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:30] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:30] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True UserDataGate.__onRosterUpdated [('17915186@wowsru.loc', 'egy5', False, 4, ()), ('22453883@wowsru.loc', 'vova1972ruzan', False, 4, ()), ('2557718@wowsru.loc', 'NSDRP', False, 4, ()), ('26288674@wowsru.loc', '_EmperoR_WOW_', False, 4, ()), ('2893852@wowsru.loc', 'klimstonn', False, 4, ()), ('30937387@wowsru.loc', 'monster__622', False, 4, ()), ('31456527@wowsru.loc', 'Yurautyug', False, 4, ()), ('327255@wowsru.loc', 'Migri', False, 4, ()), ('35853511@wowsru.loc', 'toshidzu', False, 4, ()), ('5471194@wowsru.loc', 'loki1982', False, 4, ()), ('58161041@wowsru.loc', 'Y_O_R_K_2015', False, 4, ()), ('62222528@wowsru.loc', 'HEGNI_1', False, 4, ()), ('6896454@wowsru.loc', 'Vie92', False, 4, ()), ('69118514@wowsru.loc', 'RenamedUser_69118514', False, 4, ()), ('69416610@wowsru.loc', 'Player_3185411451', False, 4, ()), ('71811251@wowsru.loc', 'Leogon_1', False, 4, ()), ('73537307@wowsru.loc', 'PZS_One', False, 4, ())] [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:30] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 2893852@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:30] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 59124891@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:30] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 11274288@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:30] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 21696974@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:30] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 14596986@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:30] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 58053848@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:30] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 310434@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:30] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 19410835@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:30] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 35853511@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:30] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 59103429@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:30] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 22453883@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:30] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 2557718@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:30] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 69118514@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:30] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 73537307@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:30] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:30] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:30] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: KARSAK_1968 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:30] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:30] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:30] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:30] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:30] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:30] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:30] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:30] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:30] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:30] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:30] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:30] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:30] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:30] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: toshidzu channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:30] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:30] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Samum1989_geroj channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:30] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:30] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:30] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:30] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: NSDRP channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:30] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:30] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: RenamedUser_69118514 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:30] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:30] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Tier099 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:30] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:30] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived clansearch@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:30] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived ids_chat_channel_offtop@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:30] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived ids_chat_channel_questions@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:30] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived wargamingfm@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:30] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_SEARCH_CLAN_DIV channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:30] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:30] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_OFFTOP channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:30] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:30] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_QUESTIONS channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:30] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:30] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: WargamingFM Корабли channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:30] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:32] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc 6 [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:32] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: channelsGroupsIds: [] [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:32] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored True [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:32] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 69416610 {'jid': '69416610@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Player_3185411451', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:32] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 8706534 {'jid': '8706534@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'oMIKROn_UXUS', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:32] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 17222686 {'jid': '17222686@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'bob7771', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:32] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 59103429 {'jid': '59103429@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Samum1989_geroj', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:32] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 69118514 {'jid': '69118514@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:32] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 162314 {'jid': '162314@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'fps001ping999', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:32] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 73537307 {'jid': '73537307@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'PZS_One', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:32] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 58161041 {'jid': '58161041@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Y_O_R_K_2015', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:32] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 5595999 {'jid': '5595999@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Tier099', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:32] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/69118514', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510472047L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb5\xd1\x87\xd0\xb5\xd1\x80\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbc \xd0\xb8\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbc \xd0\xb2 \xd0\xba\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2\xd1\x8b\xd0\xb9 \xd0\xb1\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb9?', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:32] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'PZS_One', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/73537307', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510473121L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xb2\xd1\x81\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbc \xd0\xbf\xd1\x80\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:32] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'RenamedUser_69118514', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/69118514', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510473730L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\x97\xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe\xd1\x80\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb0', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:32] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Samum1989_geroj', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/59103429', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510474702L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xba\xd1\x83', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:32] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Samum1989_geroj', 'fromJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/59103429', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'timeStamp': 1510474733L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-430246@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xa9\xd0\xb0 \xd1\x81\xd1\x83\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb4\xd1\x83\xd0\xba \xd0\xbe\xd1\x82\xd0\xba\xd1\x80\xd1\x8b\xd0\xbb 50\xd0\xba \xd1\x87\xd0\xb8\xd1\x81\xd1\x82\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb3\xd0\xbe \xd0\xbe\xd0\xbf\xd1\x8b\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:37] getModelPaths [] [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:37] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {62222528: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 69416610: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 22453883: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 6896454: None, 35853511: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 30937387: None, 26288674: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'GUAPS', 'id': 430164, 'name': u'\u0413\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0434\u0435\u0439\u0446\u044b \u041f\u043e\u0441\u0435\u0439\u0434\u043e\u043d\u0430'}, 17915186: None, 31456527: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 58161041: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 69118514: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 71811251: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 2557718: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 327255: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'ENYO', 'id': 415095, 'name': u'\u042d\u041d\u0418\u041e'}, 5471194: None, 73537307: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 2893852: None} [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:38] BattleChatSystem OUT OF Context [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:38] Exception BigWorld.EntityIsDestroyedException: 'Avatar 642117 has been destroyed' in ignored [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:38] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:39] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:44] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:44] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:44] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:44] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:44] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:44] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:44] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:44] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:44] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:44] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:44] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:44] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:45] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:45] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:45] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:45] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:45] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:45] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:45] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:45] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:45] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:45] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:45] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'IV'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:45] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:45] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:45] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:45] [Filters] saveFilters [] [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:45] [Filters] saveFilters [] [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:45] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:45] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:47] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': 0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:47] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': -1.0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:47] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ModalWindowConvertExp, final: False [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:52] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2017_11_12 11:28:56] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: QuestWindow, final: False [S] [2017_11_12 11:29:11] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 59103429 {'jid': '59103429@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Samum1989_geroj', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_12 11:29:40] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2017_11_12 11:31:28] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {62222528: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 69416610: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 22453883: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 59103429: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 6896454: None, 35853511: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 8706534: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 162314: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 30937387: None, 26288674: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'GUAPS', 'id': 430164, 'name': u'\u0413\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0434\u0435\u0439\u0446\u044b \u041f\u043e\u0441\u0435\u0439\u0434\u043e\u043d\u0430'}, 71811251: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 31456527: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 58161041: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 17915186: None, 69118514: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 2557718: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 327255: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'ENYO', 'id': 415095, 'name': u'\u042d\u041d\u0418\u041e'}, 5471194: None, 73537307: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}, 2893852: None, 17222686: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}} [S] [2017_11_12 11:32:48] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 59103429 {'jid': '59103429@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Samum1989_geroj', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_12 11:33:53] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 58161041 {'jid': '58161041@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Y_O_R_K_2015', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_12 11:33:53] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {58161041: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}} [S] [2017_11_12 11:34:02] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 58161041 {'jid': '58161041@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Y_O_R_K_2015', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2017_11_12 11:34:04] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {58161041: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}} [S] [2017_11_12 11:34:11] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 69416610 {'jid': '69416610@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Player_3185411451', 'clanInfo': ('430246', 'FLY'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2017_11_12 11:34:14] UserDataGate.__onGetUserlistClanData {69416610: {'color': 16777215, 'league': None, 'tag': u'FLY', 'id': 430246, 'name': u'FLY'}} [E] [2017_11_12 11:34:31] ServerConnection::onTimeOut(537364971): Disconnecting due to channel timing out. [S] [2017_11_12 11:34:31] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 6 NOT_SET [S] [2017_11_12 11:34:31] [LOGIN] Setting gIsConnected to False [S] [2017_11_12 11:34:33] connection problem!!! [S] [2017_11_12 11:34:33] clearAll 0 True [S] [2017_11_12 11:34:33] AccountLevelingProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_12 11:34:33] ShutDownProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_12 11:34:33] ShutDownProxy.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_12 11:34:33] StatsProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_12 11:34:33] StatsProxy.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_12 11:34:33] CampaignsProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_12 11:34:33] LootboxProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_12 11:34:33] LootboxProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_12 11:34:33] PVEScriptsProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_12 11:34:33] PVEDatahubUtils.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_12 11:34:33] PVEScriptsProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_12 11:34:33] IngamePortalProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2017_11_12 11:34:33] IngameNewsProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2017_11_12 11:34:33] UserDataGate.